#but it’s funny to see them all turn on one another and the cops
batwynn · 1 month
Sooo I’m watching an entire facebook group full of trump and cop dick suckers lose their entire minds right now.
Everyone in my very red area just went from “blue lives matter” circle jerking to “maybe we should not have given the local police 7 billion dollars” veeeery quickly when it came out that one of them just straight up killed a guy everyone liked and almost got away with it. 🤔 Wild how fast the opinion changes when it’s them murdering a likable white guy who didn’t qualify for the “oh he’s just a druggie” apathy special. It sure feels like something.
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eyesxxyou · 6 months
❝ rough hands ❞ (rival bands!au)
。゚・ ¡ content. rival bands hobie x FTM!reader, conflicting emotions, a lot of sexual tension, a ton of mentions of hobie's hands, tw:pigs cops, being pinned down, fingering, handjob, a lot of bantering, generally just how I think sex withHobie would be, smut with a LOT of plot. the mary janes and the mutts have had a longstanding hatred for one another for years but you can't seem to resist the antics of hobie brown
wc: 4.3k
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“They’re good.” Your drummer nudged as you and the rest of your band watched The Mary Janes perform on stage. They were opening for your performance and fuck if they weren't good at it. So much energy, such an art, you couldn't believe how fucking amazing he was on stage. Hobie Brown, the lead singer and guitarist. He was a force to be reckoned with.
You shrugged. “They're alright. Not better than us.” Your eyes narrow as they finish out their final song and Hobie takes a breath, thanking everyone for coming out. The crowd cheers, screams for him and you’re positive you can make them scream louder.
You and your band, The Mutts, move to the side as Hobie and his Mary Janes walk off stage. You catch his gaze, his smile so confident, cool, and carefree. You hate it, hate him. He doesn't say anything to you but you can see it in his eyes and the way he turns from you like he’s better than you. “You and your Mutts try to beat tha’”, his demeanor says as he walks away with his bandmates and you hate him for it.
It was a tough act to follow up. You know it as soon as you walk out on stage after your introduction. The air is hot where Hobie once stood, you can feel his energy still resonating there. You know he’s watching somewhere and you know you have to show him up for the sake of it. Your lips kiss the microphone Hobie once pressed his lips to and you hate that you can taste him there.
The crowd screamed along with the lyrics, music to your ears. How beautiful. Fucking beat that Hobie Brown.
You see him in the crowd with a drink in his hand, sipping away with a smirk on his face like something's fucking funny. If only you could slap it off his beautiful, smug face. You would as soon as you got off stage.
You and your bad breezed through your set. The crowd was alive in a way you’ve never seen before and it broke your heart to have to leave them. You turned your bass around behind your back and took a bow before thanking everyone for being such an amazing crowd for you. You watched Hobie turn and wade his way past people who slapped him on the back and feebly asked for an autograph to make his way backstage. He was undoubtedly coming just to taunt you.
As you and The Mutts came into the backstage lounge area, you departed with. “I’m going to my dressing room. I’ll see you guys in a minute.” Your drummer hummed with approval while your guitarist sent you off with a wave.
You made your way down the back all towards the dressing rooms. You opened the door only to find that Hobie was already there with his drink in hand and an insult already waiting on the tip of his tongue. “Ya slipped up there at the end. Was it cause o’ me? How unprofessional.”
“Hobie, you wouldn' know professionalism if it kicked you in the balls and told you your mother died at the same time. Get outta my face.” You sighed and reached into the pocket of your jacket for a loose lighter and a joint. You placed the joint between your lips, lit it, and took a drag. “You know whoever the club owner gives more money to tonight, he wants them to come back.”
Hobie scoffed. He sat on the mangy, gross couch as the door swung closed and you made your way over to the vanity to fix up your makeup. “O’ course ya only care ‘bout money, ‘ow contraire.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Only if yer there to kiss my arse while I do i’.”
It was usually like this. Your bands never liked each other but between them it was just glares and rough shoulder checks as the other passed. No one went at each other's throats the way you and Hobie did. You two were vicious, brutal, insults that would make the common man cry. But everyone knew better. There was a sort of camaraderie in your hatred for one another. Only you were allowed to hate him. You’d defend him with your life against someone else and in the same breath tell him his music was shit and he needed to quit.
“Either way, I’m getting that money.” Hobie settles, turning away like that’s the end of the matter. Your tongue swipes at your bottom lip before you nip it. “Says the man who plays the guitar like he can't find the clit.” You murmur and take another drag of your joint.
“Oh really?” Hobie began slowly, placing his cup down on the sticky floor before standing to his full height. He made his way over to you at the vanity, his hands grabbing the back of your chair when what he really want was to grip your shoulders, to touch you. “Would’ja like a demonstration? ‘m very good wit’ ma fingers. You know i’.” He looked at you through the mirror, leaning down so his face is next to yours.
You stare at him, search his eyes for a hint of malice or something, anything, but there's nothing but a true and genuine offer. He’d be more than happy to show exactly where your clit is.
Your lips pull into a scowl. “You’re fucking disgusting.” You say it to hide the fact that all you want is his hands on your body and those fingers to play with you the way he plays that guitar of his.
It’s the truth. You hide your burning desire for him behind your hatred, both equally as real as the other. He’s smug, shitty, sly, and sexy. You want to fuck him as much as you want to punch him, some days one more than the other.
Hobie placed his hand on your shoulders, massaging so gently. He tilted his head, placed his lips beside your ear. “Lemme know if ya ever wanna take me up on tha’ offer, dove.”
You stare at him, not sure if you want to kiss him or kill him, maybe a little bit of both. “Suck my dick, Hobie.”
“Sure, bet I can do tha’ better than ya too.”
“Get your fuckin’ hands off me and get out.”
Hobie finally relented, his hand sliding from your shoulders and back to his sides. “Fine. I’m pissin’ off. Don' forge’ ‘bout tha’ party on Saturday. Would be a damn shame if I don’ get a chance t’show ya up ‘gain.” He grabbed his drink and made his way to the door.
You couldn't stand him.
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The party was already long going before you and The Mutts arrived. You were one to sniff out a good bottle of booze and went wandering to find it, your body in a perpetual state of compression by people on all sides. You wade through them with ease, leather jackets, spiked hair and all.
A proper punk party would be nothing without shitty beer and a stolen cop car to destroy.
You make your way to the center, all bats and spikes. Someone was on the hood of the car, bashing in the windshield until it completely fell through. You didn't realize it was Hobie until he hopped down from the hood and turned, grabbing the beer from your hand to take a sip. “Took ya long enough to join the party.” It seem he saw you far before you saw him.
“Can I have my shit back?” You snatched the bottle back from him. “Where the fuck did you guys get a cop car without the pigs getting on your asses?” It’s hard doing anything nowadays without the pigs sticking their ugly noses where they don't belong.
Hobie shrugged. “I ain' get i’. ‘m just here to fuck i’ up. Stop askin’ questions, are you joinin’ in or no’?”
Before either of you could do or say anything more, the car behind you was ablaze. Every window shattered, the very windshield wipers mashed through the back window, and now it was on fire. Someone had thrown a molotav cocktail inside of it and the entire thing caught on fire. Now it was a real punk party.
You figured the car would explode any time now, better to walk away before it blows and sears your eyebrows off. You take a swing from your bottle, grimacing at the bitter taste that's more akin to dog piss than anything else. Shitty bear. Proper punk.
You turn, ready to find your mates and maybe a stray joint floating around you can hog for yourself. Out in the distance you can hear the first ‘whoop’ of a police siren. You roll your eyes and finish out the rest of your beer in one gulp. “Are you fucking kidding me? I just got here.” You throw your bottle into the car fire.
The sirens come in blazing and a voice yells out that it's the cops. “Everybody scram!”
You look first for your bandmates but in a hoard like this, you’ll never find them. People are starting to run, yelling for everyone else to take off as well. They push past you while your eyes search frantically among their faces for your mates.
A hand grabs yours. You turn back to find Hobie there attempting to drag you away from where you stand in the mud. You thought he had already left, ran away with the rest of them. He was pulling you with him. “Wha’ the fuck are ya waitin’ for!?”
“My mates-”
You can see the suits approaching. They’re catching people, using batons to beat them down. They’re coming fast and you both know it. You’re panicking and Hobie’s still trying to get you to move your fucking legs.
He moves in front of you and holds your face between his large hands. “I need ya t'do me a favor and run. Ya can't help ya mates if yer dead or in a jail cell.” He pushed your shoulders, made you stumble back, snapped you out of your fixation.
You began to pick up your feet and run away. Your boots splattered in the mud, it stuck, made your feet heavier. You couldn't run as fast as normal. You’re stumbling, staggering, hands hitting the ground before pushing yourself back up. You know you’re going to get caught, it’s only a matter of time.
“I said get down!” That's all you hear before you’re tackled into the mud by an officer. He pins your arms to the Earth and you can hear the rattle of the handcuffs ready to clamp themselves down around your wrists. You try to fight but he holds just enough leverage over you that every elbow thrown was useless.
“Get the fuck off of me!” You fight because your very life depends on it. He’s smashing your face into the dirt rougher than necessary. “You’ve got nothing on me!” You writhed and kicked and screamed until suddenly the weight on you was gone and there was a thump and a grunt, a splatter in the mud.
Hobie was on top of the officer, fighting him, punching him, beating him into unconsciousness. You scrambled to your feet and watched him throw each punch with a grunt, teeth bared, eyes wild. You know if he keeps going he’ll kill the pig, not that you cared but he’d get into far more trouble than it's worth.
“Hobie, Hobie, come on.” You grabbed his hand before he could swing it down again, grabbed it besides all the blood and bruises. “They’re coming. We need to get outta here.” Your eyes plead for him to leave it alone. You couldn't care less about what happens to him, you tell yourself as much at least, but he saved you. It’s only fair and you don't like being indebted to people.
Hobie looked at you, then the cop on the ground, then back at you again. He stood and took your hand with his so gently. “Ma boat is on the dock up the way, come on.” He glanced back for a moment before the two of you began to run hand in hand. Hobie guides you out of the crowd in an entirely separate direction than everyone else. You run even though your feet ache, even though your heart is racing in your chest, even though you feel as though you can't breathe.
You only stop when you reach the dock where Hobie's boat is anchored. He leads you with bruised and battered hands to the canal boat at the end of the dock, a place where the two of you can call up your respective mates and make sure everyone is okay.
You’re covered in mud, wet, cold, shivering while you board Hobie’s boat. You wrap your arms around yourself and rock from heel to toe while Hobie shuffles about on his boat. He opens a door and looks back at you, “Ya comin’?” Your lips curled into a scowl as you let out a scoff. “I’m fine now, thanks. I can catch a cab back home.”
“Ya look like a wet dog. Come on.” 
With a reluctant sigh, you follow him into his boathouse. It’s warm inside, immediately ceasing your shivering. It’s small, cozy, a bit cluttered but it’s not like your flat is any better. You hate to say that you like it but you do, you think it’s great, with his bed in front of a window that overlooks the bay.
You watch Hobie rummage about for clothes and all you can do is stare at his hands, hands that protected you, hands that fought for you, that drew blood for you. He defended you and fuck if it wasn’t hot. “I don’t need your pity.” You cover up the fact that you can feel yourself growing a little weak in the knees. If you hate him a little harder maybe it will make the feeling between your legs go away.
“No’ pity, jus’ bein’ a decent human-fuckin’-bein’,” he corrects you. “Wha’? Ya tink ‘m no’ capable of no good? I saved ya arse and ya sill bein’ a fuckin’ right cunt.” He comes close, he pokes your shoulder so hard that you move back a little, space that he closes once again. 
The adrenaline is still running high. Your heart is still racing in your chest, slamming against your ribcage in a desperate attempt to claw its way out. You eat up the space between the two of you and shove him. “I only act like a cunt because you act like a dickhead!” You shove him again and he stumbles back before coming right back to you.
You breathe heavy, the both of you, staring. You keep glancing at his lips. Why do you keep glancing at his lips? Better question is why he keeps glancing at yours.
It was Hobie who leaned in and kissed you first. You could keep your dignity — keep your sanity — in knowing that you were not the one to make the first move. He kissed you hard and you kissed him back, kissed him harder. Your tongue found his lips and eagerly asked for permission for entrance. You needed him, needed his tongue against yours, need those hands that protected you against your skin.
Hobie parted his lips, let your tongue wander into his supple mouth and find his pierced tongue. It was hot, a little sloppy. You lick into his mouth and he licks into yours, your bodies pressing into the others while your slippery hands tug at each other's clothing. You swallow each breathless moan he sighs into your mouth, his hands sliding beneath your shirt. They’re cold, you shudder under his touch and he likes it. He smiled into the kiss. “Sum wrong?”
“Shut up.” You shudder out as his fingers breeze over you top surgery scars and brush your nipples that harden under his touch. His hands roam where they please, across your chest and down the curve of your back that arches with the tender touches of his fingertips. Your tongue lapped at his bottom lip, teeth nipping softly at the lip ring you spend hours staring at. “Just touch me.”
“Only touch ya?” Hobie teased with the idea. “Some heavy pettin’, yeah?”
“I’m still tryna decide if I wanna fuck you or not.”
Hobie kissed you again, tasting of piss poor beer and mint, a strange but delightful combination. “Dove, ya wanna fuck me. Ya wouldn' be here if ya didn't. Jus’ lemme treat ya good.” His hand pulled at the hem of your shirt and pulled it off of you in one swift motion. Those hands of his, they caressed your waists and hips while his lips traced a path down your neck. “Le's get rid of these clothes before ya make tha’ decision.”
You helped Hobie out of his clothes and he helped you out of yours, every piece of clothing leaving you a little hotter than the last. You trembled under his touch as he eased his hand over the band of your boxers. He slid his hand further south and cupped the mound of your pussy. “Ya ready to take me up on tha’ offer now?”
“I’ll punch you in the face.” You can’t stand his smugness but you can't say you don't like the way he pulls down your underwear then pulls down and pushes you back onto his bed. He pulls them off the rest of the way and tossed them to the side with the rest of your clothes. “Lemme give tha’ demonstration now.” 
Hobie climbed onto the bed with you, on top of you. His hands protected you, his hands now tenderly caress you. His long fingers soothe down your naval and his lips kiss the curves of your scars. His body is pressed between your legs, his cock tapping your clit in just the right way to make you let out a fluttering moan.
Those hands, those hands that defended you, cupped your pussy again and his lips were on yours once more. He wanted to taste it, taste the surprise on your sweet lips when he dipped his long fingers between your supple lips and felt how wet you were. Your love let out a nice, creamy sound as he ran his fingers up and down from your wanton cunt to your aching clit.
You gasped into his mouth and Hobie took it, held it, tasted it, and loved it all in a single breath. He can't help but smile, to kiss you harder while he eased his middle finger into your lovely little cunt while his thumb rubbed circles into your firm clit. “Found ‘im, the lil shit.”
You reached between your two warm bodies, skin against skin in the best way possible, your hand sliding down his chest, his diaphragm, his naval, down to his length which rested on your belly and oozed precum onto you. You gathered up the growing little pool on your fingers and spread it across his throbbing tip, your finger circling his slit the same way he circled your rosebud.
Hobie let out something of a strangled groan into your mouth, fingers pausing for just a moment before resuming their torturous massage. “Yer sum else, y’know tha’?” He slipped his index finger in swiftly, the soft stretch making you hum sweet melodies of pleasure for him. He thumbed at your clit, swollen and pretty and begging for more, while your finger-stuffed cunt takes his fingers like it was always meant to.
You keep playing with his tip, dragging your feathery fingertips across the underside of the head, another sensitive spot that makes him react with another moan, lighter this time.
“I don't wanna have sex with you, Hobie.” You whisper like anything louder would break this precious moment. “But this isn't sex.” Not in your book.
“Hmm? Wha’cha call i’ then?”
“Heavy, heavy petting.”
Hobie can't stop himself from offering you a friendly chuckle. His fingers gently search for that sweet spot where he can get the most out of you, rubbing at your soft, gummy walls in a way that makes you arch your back and shiver. And when he finds that beautiful little spot, that spot that makes you moan his name in his ear, that makes your torture of his cock pause, he abuses it. Every thrust of his fingers, every curl, every rub targets that little soft ridge where your pleasure centers itself.
Your eyes flutter a bit. “Fuck– Hobie~ right– right there.” You tilt your hips in a way that gives him better access and it’s much appreciated. What’s even more appreciated it the way you’re softly jerking off his cockhead. The underside gently rubbing against the soft palm of your hand while your calloused fingers brush against the topside.
His hips rut. He lets out a pant, fingers still pounding away at your eager cunt. You’re both moaning into one another, soft, panting, desperate moans that feed into one another.
Hobie helped you up with a surprising amount of strength. Before you know it, your’re on top of him, his two digits still fucking your eager hole. It’s your turn to rut your hips, your legs straddling his, your hand stroking his tip so softly he might just cum right then and there. 
Hobie let his free hand tenderly stroke over your soft throat, his knuckles still bruised and scabbing over. “Is this alrigh’?” The hand that nearly killed for you is so wonderfully soft for you. They rip at the guitar, they fight, they beat a man unconscious, but they’d never hurt you. You take his hand and settle it on your throat, nodding softly. You trust him, you trust him more than you like him. Punk camaraderie and all that jazz.
Hobie wraps his fingers around your neck, presses his palm against your throat gently, and kisses you again. “Ride ma fingers, yeah?” You nod again, too fucked up to come up with a witty response. You rock your hips, lifting and falling. Your hand holds his on your throat and you moan into his mouth.
Your thumb rubbed his slit and Hobie groaned. “Fuck– yeah~ jus’ like tha’. Ma good boy.” You don't even mind that he called you his because if this is what it felt like to belong to him then maybe you didn't mind it, you didn't mind it at all.
His thumb rubbed the side of your throat, his finger curled each time you fell on them, your creamy juices running down his knuckles and the defined tendons of his hands. “Fuck, messy lil ting.” His thumb rubbed your clit with vigor. You couldn't stand it. You were losing your mind.
“Please, please, please,” you babbled. “‘m gonna cum.” Your hand raced up and down the length of his cock. “You’re gonna cum with me, yeah?” You play with his tip, stroke just the head, and his cock twitches. He’s close too, you can tell.
Hobie chuckled breathlessly. “Cumming together…’ow romantic.” The baritone of his voice makes the feeling within you build. His voice, his hands, his beauty. You kissed him, suckled on his tongue before licking it. It was filthy, disgusting really and you both loved it more than either of you cared to admit.
Your body rolled with the beginnings of your climax, your pussy quivering around his lengthy digits. “Cum for me, cum for me, please.” You wanted it, needed it. Skin against skin, flesh for flesh, two pretty bodies finding the height of pleasure at the same time, together. Punk camaraderie.
Cumming at the same time was quite the intimate experience, something you’d never thought you’d share with the likes of Hobie Brown. But here he was, cumming ribbons against your chest and belly while the rest oozes down your knuckles. You're dripping down his knuckles too, only fair, just as good.
You’re seeing double, he’s seeing stars, you’re both delirious and in need of the other. Sloppy kisses and breezing sighs of relief. Wet fingers slip out of you and hold your waist while he tongues at your mouth.
Your mind felt hazy, you leaned into Hobie and let him embrace you when any other day you would have died before you let him touch you so softly. You’ve shoved each other, pinched, poked, even bit, but never embraced.
“Thank you for protecting me.” You whisper, sheepishly so. You roll off of him and onto his bed. He leaned over and laid down with you, an arm wrapped around you, his hips between your legs. “Couldn' have ya beaten or arrested now. Wha’ would tha’ make me?”
“A proper asshole.”
“A proper asshole.” He echoed. “Lemme get something to clean ya up wit’ then ya can call ya mates.” He turned your head and kissed you once again, tenderly, quickly before getting up and grabbing his underwear or was that yours? He put them on and opened a sliding door to a small bathroom.
Hobie came back, wiping his hand with a wet cloth. He used it to wipe his cum from your chest. He let you clean between your own legs, not wanting to overstep his already overstayed welcome.
“Hobie–” You began while he settled back into bed. You stood up to get whatever underwear was left and put it on. “If we’re doing…this. Let’s keep it between us. You know our mates will lose it.”
He shrugged. “Fine by me. Like ma relationships private anyway.”
“Not a relationship, dickhead.”
“Yeah yeah, whateva.” He sat up and grabbed your hand, pulling you back onto his bed with him. You land right in his hold, your flesh against his, your lips against his as well. You could do this forever.
“Stay the nigh’.” Hobie’s hand brushed your cheek. His gaze was persuasive and you were in no position to decline. You sighed, rolled away from him only to be rolled back.
“I still hate you.”
“‘m sure ya do, love. Sure ya do.”
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hardboiledleggs · 10 months
Hawkins High Prom, 1985
Howdy gang, it's been a minute. This is a quick little oneshot I whipped up for the lovely @imnotokayhru based on this post of theirs. TW for a tiny bit of internalized homophobia and bad teenage dancing lol
The Munson Doctrine does not allow for attending high school prom, especially without a date. Jeff had just begged so hard, and Eddie Munson was, at his core, a weak man. Secretly, he’d been hoping to see what prom was like, and it turned out that it sucked hard. So now he was here, surrounded by crepe paper and sweaty teenagers, and listening to Cyndi Lauper and Blondie.
Jeff’s date, a quiet girl from his biology class, had dragged him onto the dance floor almost an hour ago. Gareth had been too young to go to prom, and Grant had flat-out refused, so now Eddie was stuck here by himself watching the teenage population of Hawkins try to moonwalk. Hello, therapy.
A third glare from the chaperoning Mrs. Click forced Eddie to move from his hiding place near the wrestling mat. He had been slowly revolving around the room, doing his best to keep away from Higgins, but apparently his tactic of standing completely still and looking bored was suspicious to the teachers for some reason.
Just then, Mr. Mundy abandoned his post by the door to the boys’ locker room, yelling “Hands, Hagan! Let me see your hands!” as he went.
Spotting his chance, Eddie dodged a decidedly drunk Tammy Thompson and hurried into the locker room. He breathed out a sigh of relief as the door shut behind him and muffled the DJ.
He checked his watch. Still too early for the damn thing to be over. He debated trying to escape through the vents briefly before realizing that he wouldn’t know which direction to crawl in and might die up there. It would be really funny if his corpse fell out of the ceiling during O’Donnell’s class, though.
Eddie gazed at the lockers for another moment before inspiration struck. Hadn’t he sold to all these asshole jocks one hundred times? Surely, at least one of them kept their stash in their gym locker.
He hurried over to the first locker and pinched his nose, anticipating the smell of sweaty jock straps and unwashed ass to assault him. His senses were pleasantly surprised when the locker betrayed only a faint floral scent that vaguely reminded him of his mom.
Eddie rifled through the contents. Extra socks, a basketball uniform, and a pair of Adidas sat at the bottom. The top shelf had deodorant, hair gel, a tin of moisturizer, and a can of Farrah Fawcett hair spray. Eddie snorted. No weed, just the sports paraphernalia of a very fussy member of the basketball team.
“Uh, hey. That’s my locker you’re stealing from.”
Eddie swore loudly and straightened up, smacking his head against the shelf of the locker. Tears sprang to his eyes and he staggered backward, clutching the top of his head. His would-be thievery victim started to apologize, and that was when Eddie looked up and recognized the very famous head of hair.
“Is it still stealing if I was doing my civic duty and just planning on removing any illegal substances I found during my snooping?” Eddie muttered as he rubbed the spot where a bruise was already forming.
“Unless you became a cop and didn’t tell anyone, I’m pretty sure theft is still theft,” Harrington snorted.
“I’m no pig, Steve-O. Just a guy looking for weed.”
“In that case, let’s try Hagan’s locker,” Harrington said as he crossed to the other side of the locker room. He let out a little “Aha!” of triumph and tossed a bag across the room that Eddie caught with one hand.
He slumped down with his back against Harrington’s locker and stuck his feet out in front of him, trying to ignore the way the tiles looked. Harrington crossed the room, hesitating for only a second before he flopped down next to Eddie, not quite touching, but sitting close enough that it would be easy to pass the joint Eddie was carefully rolling between the two of them.
“I’m assuming you’re planning on sharing?” Harrington quirked an eyebrow at him. He didn’t seem to notice that his very nice black suit was in contact with the biohazard that was the Hawkins High boys’ locker room floor.
“Of course, my liege. I always share the spoils of war with my fellow countrymen,” Eddie quipped. He passed the joint to Steve for the first hit, digging in his pocket for his lighter.
His companion took a deep breath, letting the smoke sit in his lungs before breathing out and passing the joint to Eddie. Eddie tried not to notice the way the wisps of smoke curled from between his lips and took a drag.
“Would’ve thought you would have your own weed for this thing, Munson. Isn’t this kinda your territory?”
Eddie scoffed. “I may be repeating my senior year but I’m not an idiot. Higgins would lose his mind if he caught me dealing at prom.”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. His already-nice face was so much nicer when he laughed. It made him look younger, much less like the haggard boy who sometimes showed up to their shared history class with dark circles under his eyes.
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, swapping the joint back and forth. Eddie picked at a hole in the leg of the dress pants Wayne had lent him, wondering why Harrington was being so nice to him and if he could push his luck.
“So, Farrah Fawcett, huh?” he said with a wry grin. Steve’s cheeks flamed with color.
“Hey, I’m swearing you to secrecy here. All of this-” he gestured at his ridiculous poofy hair, “-is only achieved with a very specific routine, okay? This stuff is the real deal.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” Eddie grinned. “Speaking of secrets, why are you hiding in the locker room when you should be out there, in your element?”
Steve frowned. He actually looked uncomfortable.
“Well, my date started dancing with Hargrove when I went to piss, so…” he trailed off. “Guess I figured I’d wait out the dance in here while she had fun. This really isn’t my element anymore, anyway.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows. “How did you pick a girl stupid enough to ditch you, Harrington? Did you ask your cousin or something?”
Steve pressed his lips together, suppressing a smile.
“No, jackass. I think she just thought it would make her look cooler to come with a date and I was available. Whatever, it’s fine, I didn’t even like her that much. She wore this ridiculous dress that pushes her boobs together so hard it looks like they’re going to pop out.”
Eddie cackled at that. He could already feel the contented stupor from the weed seeping into his system.
“If it makes you feel better, I came alone. Or, I guess I came as the third wheel who can’t dance so he got left by the snack table,” he shrugged.
Steve glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.
“What do you mean, you can’t dance?” he asked. “Everyone can dance. You just have to sway around in a circle with your arms around somebody. Have you never slow-danced at a school dance before?”
Eddie shook his head. “C’mon, Harrington. Nobody wants to dance with the freak.”
Steve slapped his knee and stood up abruptly. He held his hand out to Eddie, who stared up at him from the ground.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
Eddie gaped up at him. Harrington actually looked nervous.
“Be serious. You don’t want to dance with me. What, is Hagan hiding in the showers, ready to punch me for agreeing to this like some queer?” Eddie snapped.
Steve’s face fell a bit, but he still grabbed Eddie’s hand and hauled him to his feet.
“I’m not even friends with Tommy Hagan anymore, Munson. Come on, I like this song.”
The intro to George Michael’s Careless Whisper filters through the door to the locker room. Eddie hesitantly wraps his hands around Steve’s neck and shivers when a large pair of hands settle at his waist.
They swayed together slowly. Eddie couldn’t bring himself to look Steve in the eyes, so he busied himself with counting the moles on his neck. George Michael crooned about his guilty feet as they revolved around the locker room.
“See. This isn’t so bad, is it?” Steve whispered into his hair. They had drifted unconsciously closer as they danced, and now they were only a few inches apart.
He pulled back a bit to force Eddie to make eye contact with him. Eddie forced the blush that was fighting to rise to his cheeks back down and smiled.
“I would say it’s the best dance I’ve ever had, but I don’t have anything to compare it to,” he admitted.
“Well, I do, and I agree,” Steve said. “Don’t sell yourself short, you’re a very good dancer.”
Eddie grinned.
“Don’t let me get too cocky, Stevie. I might think you actually like me.”
“And if I said I did?” Steve asked seriously.
“I-I’d tell you that you probably don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eddie stammered.
Their eyes met again. Steve had a worried little crease between his eyebrows that Eddie registered as very cute in the back of his mind. They continued to sway even as Eddie’s hands began to sweat. Steve’s expression cleared suddenly, as if he had made up his mind about something.
“Stop me if this is, I mean, if I’m doing the wrong thing, okay?” he murmured.
He lifted the hand that had been on Eddie’s waist and cupped his cheek. Eddie felt his heart fall out of his chest and settle somewhere near his stomach. Steve’s eyes fluttered shut and he started to lean forward.
Tonight the music seems so loud, I wish that we could lose this crowd.
Eddie’s lips parted in a hastily stifled gasp as Steve Harrington kissed him. His own eyes slid shut as their lips met. Everything melted away: the smell of the locker room, the harshness of the fluorescent overhead lights behind his eyelids, even his own nerves squirming in his stomach. There was nothing but the press of Steve’s soft lips against his own and the pressure of his hand against Eddie’s face.
Far too quickly, Steve pulled back. Eddie stared at him, wide-eyed with shock.
“That was okay, right? That I did that?” Steve asked softly.
“Uh, um, yes yeah definitely. Definitely okay.”
Steve grinned at him. It was so infectious that Eddie couldn’t help smiling back. He was still cradling Eddie’s face gently in his warm hand.
“Then would it be weird if I asked you if you wanted to sneak out of here with me and drive around for a bit? I don’t really feel like going back to prom,” Steve said.
“I’m all yours, big boy,” Eddie replied breathlessly.
Steve twined their fingers together and leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips. Then he tugged Eddie toward the door, laughing. It was the most beautiful thing Eddie had ever seen.
They're so cute I love them so much. After this they drove around Hawkins for hours, singing along to the radio and holding hands and other sappy things. Anywhosies as always let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my permanent Steddie tag list where I bother you anytime I write anything about these two boys <3
Steddie tag list
Tag list: @brassreign @inmoonywetrust @kyoxyukiforever @spectrum-spectre @vampireinthesun @awkwardgravity1 @obsessivlyme  @steddieassheg0es @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @sunflowers-and-knives @original-cypher @e0509 @estrellami-1 @scottiedoessknow @sweetwaterangel @novelnovella
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oepionie · 1 year
Synopsis: You have two tweels fighting for the ownership of your heart. When a fight breaks out between them, you're left to choose among the two.
Characters: Floyd Leech x GN! Reader x Jade Leech
Tags: Warning, it has mentions of violence and injuries. The tweels throw hands. Slight angst, Floyd accidentally hurts you. Jade Leech is a little shit. Floyd Leech is a little shit(2). Riddle plays doctor.
Wordcount: 1.7k+ | 💌Masterlist
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Jade and Floyd had always been extremely close from the start. Even as little guppies, they were glued to each another, fitting perfectly like a puzzle. The bond between these two brothers ran deep. Forged as they grew up in the Coral sea, facing the harsh environments of their habitat together.
The two were more similar than people thought. Often sharing the same morbid interest in the most esoteric and obscure of topics. Both eels had a talent for causing mischief, always acting with an ulterior motive in mind.
Still, disagreements and fights between them were unavoidable. Despite the fact that their opposite personalities tend to work in their favour (Floyd calls it their 'good cop, bad cop' scheme), they do occasionally clash and fight.
This fight was...different though.
Ramshackle's prefect, an awkward and odd yet endearing little human who crashed the dorm assignment orientation. Despite being devoid of magic, they somehow managed to get themselves enrolled into a magic academy with a funny little cat by their side. Like moths to a flame, the two eels were practically drawn to you and your intriguing, fairytale-like life.
Everyone and their mother could see that both tweels looked at you with hearts in their eyes. They were constantly glued to your side, trying to win you over and one-upping one other. Despite the constant barrage of courtship from both eels, you appeared to be completely unaware of anything.
That was fine by them, they would give you time to gradually figure it out on your own. For the time being, they were intent on getting rid of the competition and winning your favour.
A little sibling rivalry wouldn't hurt, now would it?
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Curse Crowley and his 18 foot-high kitchen cabinets. You glared up at the jar of candies perched atop the highest shelf. Now, you don't know why on earth there were candies in the home economics kitchen but you weren't against it.
You saw it and you wanted it. Now, if only you didn't have the height of a dwarf...
"I'm not giving up that easily..." You muttered, scanning around the room to look for someone, anyone, who was tall enough to reach those dreaded cabinets. You grinned wickedly as you caught sight of Jade chopping up some mushrooms. Perfect.
"Jade!" You called, pressing a hand against his shoulder. He seemed startled as he turned to face you though his eyes later softened. With a warm smile on your face, you bounced on the balls of your feet. "Are you busy?"
"Oya? Not at the moment. What seems to be the matter, prefect?" Smiling, he placed his hand over yours, tenderly stroking your skin. You intertwined your fingers with his, pulling the merman towards your station. Once you arrived, you sheepishly pointed to the jar atop the cabinet.
"I can't reach it but...I really want to have that candy." You spoke slowly, suddenly embarrassed at the somewhat childish-sounding request. Jade only chuckled, squeezing your hand in comfort. My, you really are so adorable.
"Heh heh. Of course, let me just-" Before he could finish, the eel suddenly toppled forward, his head narrowly missing the oven. Gasping, you ran to help him up but before you could, an arm wrapped itself around your torso. You turned to see Floyd holding you, lazily resting his head atop your own.
The eel grinned, all bright and sunny, acting as if he didn't just ram into his brother like a bull.
"Shrimpy~! Ya need help reaching for something? I can do it for you instead, y'know!" Floyd cheered. He sent Jade a cocky grin before turning his attention back to you. "I'm taller after all!"
"Only by a single centimetre." Jade spat out, getting up off the ground and dusting his clothes, all with a strained smile on his face. Floyd snarled at him, hugging you closer to his body. "I'm.Taller."
You were left captive in Floyd's iron grip as the two eels stared each other down. Groaning, you sunk into Floyd's embrace.
You...you just wanted candy.
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"That is indeed a foul sprain." Riddle muttered, compressing your leg with a handkerchief as a makeshift bandage. Once he finished tying it all together, he irritably turned to the students crowded around you.
"Didn't I tell you all not to crowd them?!" He yelled, and the mob that had gathered around you two instantly dispersed. Shaking his head, the dorm leader guided you to sit up. "I've already wrapped up your ankle. Though it's best if you go rest in the clinic. Can someone carry them there?"
"Goldfish! I'll do it~!"
"Allow me."
Both Jade and Floyd blinked, side-eyeing one another. Growling, Floyd ran forward and impulsively yanked you into his arms. In his rush, he accidentally made you jerk your foot causing pain to shoot up your leg.
"Ah-!" A strangled scream escaped your lips, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Floyd cursed under his breath and quickly loosened his hold on you. You shed a few tears, and he appeared to visibly deflate as the guilt set in.
"I-Im sorry, shrimpy!" He sputters out, awkwardly trying to comfort you as best as he could. Riddle moved quickly to inspect your ankle.
"You-Be careful!" Riddle scolded. Once he made sure no further damage was done to your foot, he turned to glare at Floyd.
"It would be preferable, in my opinion, if Jade carried them. I can't have you putting any more strain on their foot!" Riddle lamented, pinching the bridge of his nose. Floyd tried to sputter out excuses, but he was futile. Defeated, he handed you over to his brother.
"Not to worry, prefect. I'll make sure to take proper care of you." Jade stepped forward, tucking the long dark strand of his hair behind his ear. The older Leech brother held your body in a gentle yet firm bridal carry.
Once you both began to proceed in the direction of the nurse's office, you snuggled up against him. Jade turned to look back at Floyd, a devilish grin on his face as he mouthed. 'I win.'
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Over the previous weeks, the tweels have been in a constant push&pull battle for your attention. They've been passive-aggressive with one another, pulling all kinds of shady and underhanded tricks. It seemed that all that pent-up tension between them was just about to boil over. And it didn't look very pretty.
A phonograph set up on one of the display tables of the lounge was playing soothing oldies music; the melody echoing throughout the empty cafe.
Jade rolled the sleeves of his button-down shirt up. He reached for a cup, adding sugar, vanilla extract, and strawberry slices before dropping them into a blender.
Jade received a call from you earlier wondering whether Floyd was free since you were craving a strawberry smoothie. It seems that his brother had promised to prepare one for you.
Oh my.
How unfortunate that Floyd had club responsibilities to attend to! Not to fear, prefect, he assured you that he would gladly step in and make you one himself.
The door creaks open just as he was about to pour the strawberry smoothie into a couple of highball glasses. He lifts his head up, thinking it was you, a smile spreading across his face. Though, it disappears right away, being replaced with a grim expression. Floyd was fast approaching, stomping, his fists balled up at his sides and his jaw clenched tight.
"Oya? Floyd. I wasn't aware you were free. Shouldn't you be-" Jade gets cut off when Floyd slams his fist on the wall next to his face. Unfazed, Jade observes as the wall breaks apart, a chunk of concrete falling to the ground. With a smug smirk on his face, his gaze drifts to the club uniform Floyd was still dressed in.
He continues. "-at basketball practice?"
"Don't play coy with me." Floyd spat out.
"What's all this about shrimpy telling me you told them I was too busy to hang out?"
"Well, I didn't want to disturb you from practice. Especially with that big game coming up." Jade sneered, sending Floyd a condescending grin.
"You piece of shit."
Floyd grapples Jade, smashing the teen against the bar. The glasses shattered into bits when they tumbled from the counter and landed on the floor. Jade snarls and sharply kicks Floyd in the ribs. Once his brother doubled over, Jade took this chance to drag him to the floor. Having the upper hand, he smashed his fist down on his twin's face, beating Floyd into the floor. Hissing, Floyd retaliated and grabbed Jade by the arm. He flipped the two of them over, dropping his entire weight on Jade.
"This is getting interesting!" Floyd laughed hysterically, spitting a tooth out. He raised his fist, but the doors to the lounge opened before he could even strike. There you stood, mortified, hand shakily grasping the door handle. Both of the twins froze, sporting the same dumbfounded look on their faces.
The color from your face all but drained. Your legs shook tremendously and both the tweels quickly strode over to you, afraid that you were about to just keel over.
"What- What on earth are you two doing?!"
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Standing outside the nurse's office, you wring your hands together while keeping your head down. After yelling at them for getting in a fight, you dragged both of the eels by the ear to take them to the clinic. You've been waiting for a full hour now, worrying yourself sick over the two idiots.
The hanging bell above the door chimed as the nurse stepped out of the clinic. She beckoned you over, waving a clipboard in her hands.
"They've both been patched up. They'll be fine, a few broken bones and bruises but they'll heal." She spoke casually, flipping through the report on her clipboard. "I take it you want to see them?"
You hastily nodded, rushing to enter the clinic. However before you could enter, she put her palm on your chest and pushed you back.
"Hold on. I don't really think it's a good idea to visit both of them at the same time. So here's what we'll do, you choose who you want to go to first. Alright?" She spoke, raising a perfectly manicured finger at you. You hesitated for a split second before nodding. "Alright."
"Now, dear, which one of them would it be?"
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ddejay18 · 20 days
Batfam Reality TV show
Ugh FINE I'll tell you about my Batfam Reality TV show HC's okay? jeez... (nobody asked).
Before i yap, this idea has been swearving around in my brain like a wagon tied to a angry rhino for a while now. I can't remeber if i was inspired by other posts so if im accidentally stealing someones idea or someone has similar posts pls lmk so i can I'll tag them :). Also reminder that these are Head Cannons, if you don't agree then thats okay. These are just the senarios I play in MY head. (pls ignore all spelling mistakes, im lazy)
Okay, I feel like a reality TV show centred around the batfam would be so funny. Like, a bunch of self aware traumatized orphans hanging around in a mansion. The Kardashians but actually likeable, humble (well, it depends) and absoloute chaos, and not the "omg youre so chaotic lmao" but instead "Ah shit, someone is trying to break in to confess their love to Brucie again, someone call the cops" kind of chaos.
Bruce Wayne is the prince of Gotham. He has built Gotham from the ground up and he is loved by the majority of Gotham residents and even villains. In this cenario, Bruce's billionare playboy days are behind him, and works more like a tired dad who is just trying his best (good parent Bruce Wayne basically). He really has no idea how or when most of these people became a part of the family but is just happy they're there. Mabey Selena Kyle /or Clark Kent could be a side character and there could be a B-plot where Bruce is panicing about proposing or something. Is chronically reading the newspaper. Bruce is also the type of parent to really try to BOND with his family. Puzzles, games, trips, picknics, lgbtq+ merch ect.
Dick Grayson lives, and even has a key to the city of Bludhaven but still visits home regularly. There is an on-going gag where Dick always talks about longing for a relationship but when sees his ex'es while out and about and turns 180° and hides. (its my HC i can do what I want. Dick is a terrible long-time boyfriend, okay).
There is also a scene where Dick makes fun of Tim for being emo (he was just on his phone) and the rest of the Batfam in their one-on-one interviews show pictures and share horror stories from Dick's 'Hot topic, MCR, stealing dads car, eyeliner, youre not my real dad, ugh' phase from his teenage years and a screen shot of Bruce Wayne holding up a picture of Dick with a joint hanging out of his mouth becomes a meme format. Another clip that went viral is a home video where Alfred is scolding Dick for staying out late and he goes "UGH" and backflips out of the room. It cuts right back to Dick where he is smiling and hugging Damian being all ":D".
Jason Todd is thought to have been dead by the people of Gotham for years but as the season progresses, can be seen more and more often in the backround like walking into rooms while people are giving their one-on-one interviews and slowly backing out, or him just walking past a room, or as soon as the camera crew enters a room Jason makes eyecontact with the viewer and just turns around and leaves. There was an intstance that sparked a lot of controvercy online where Roy Harper came to the mansion looking for Jay and the batfam just stared at him, looked to the camera crew and then looked back at him. He swiftly left after rambiling about his terrible grief. (nobody bought it)
They all grew lazy nearing the end of the season and Jason just sits at the dinner table with everyone there, the camera never focuses on him and nobody mentions that he IS actually alive and is sitting RIGHT THERE. Jason just covers his face with his free hand while he eats and can just be seen in the backround while people talk. Jason says something and the camera turned to Bruce, and the editors, very poorly, tried to make it seem like Bruce was the one talking when it was obviously Jason.
In season two of "THE WAYNES" Jason finally joins the cast and admits in a one-on-one interview that he is, in fact alive and that its not a big deal (they make up an excuse and say that he just didnt like papparazzi/had a brain injury or something so he faked his death). This is never mentioned again.
Duke Thomas lives in the manor and was adopted by Bruce (again, its my HC i can do what I want). Duke is the moral compass and seemingly the only one that actually does their own chores. He is constantly just staring out into the madness that is the rest of his family since he is one of the newer member of the family. He, along with Tim are the only ones that can cuss out Bruce without reprocussion. Damian gets kind of jealous of Duke becasue Alfred the cat seems to like Duke a lot, and Dami is afraid of Alfred the cat choosing Duke as his new favorite person. Duke is extremely aware of this and shoo's Alfred the cat away and pretends to not like cats when Damian is around (to soothe his soul a bit).
Tim Drake is also one of the few members of the family that actually lives at home. Tim is a skater kid and Ipad kid at the same time somehow. He is also the ONLY person in the manor (Alfred excluded) that Bruce doesn't scold (it would be weird, since Tim basically babysat Bruce after Jason died).
Tim and Bernard Dowd start dating during the filming of S1 so there are a lot of scenes of Tim freaking out because Bernard is coming over and of the others making fun of him for looking into every detail of their interactions and overthinking them (was that a romantic gesture or not??). Bernard finally makes an appearence where he gives a short one-on-one where he introduces himself. Bernard quickly rose in ranks in terms of the internets white boy of the month (the TikTok edits went hard).
Cassandra Wayne was also legally adopted by Bruce and is his little princess (she is highly dangerous). She changed her last name from Cain to Wayne, bc i feel like she sees the Waynes as her real family. She looks nice enough but once the audience gets to know her they become aware of her insane competitiveness and how she has everyone in the manor wrapped around her pinkie. She dominates in board/video games and is the only one that can convince Alfred to get take out. Cass also practices ballet and is selectively mute and uses ASL most of the time (i just like the idea of her being SELECTIVELY mute, okay).
She is dating Steph (ITS CANON IN MY EYES). Cass, Tim, Bruce, Alfred, Damian and Duke are the only actual residents of the Wayne manor, the others just come and go like its an open buffet.
There is a scene where Cass, Steph, Tim and Bernard all sit on the couch and tell the camera crew that, "well yes Steph and Tim used to date and didn't get along for a while but now we're all friends". "Steph is tecnically dating her ex's sister but its not that complicated, REALLY". "Well yeah, Bruce conciders Steph a part of the family but its not weird or anything guys I PROMISE". "Well yeah actually, both Tim and I realized we weren't straight during our relationship. Why?" Cass and Bernard also get along really well but Bernard doesnt know any sign language and has to rely on others to translate/ Cass has to write thing down for him (they talk MAD shit).
Stephanie Brown. Damn, how the fuck does she keep get in? Sometimes Steph just sneakes into the manor to watch TV or to raid the fridge, while texting her girlfriend, Cass about how much they miss each other when Cass is litterally just upstairs and they're both too lazy to move. Bruce offered her a key to the mansion but she just responded by saying "nah its more fun this way". Steph is constantly accused of being a gold digger within the home and she doesnt deny the claims but its obvious that she does genuinely hang around because they have all become a family to her (found family basically, ugh im such a sucker).
Damian Wayne is still young so there is not a lot of scenes going into his personal life like at school and stuff but he is still there a lot. Anytime Damian says something socially strange or offputting, the others just chuck it up to Damian being a little weird sometimes teehee, or just tell people to not mind him because he is kind of new around there. Meanwhile, Damian speaks in a very professional and sophisticaded way which creates conspiricy theories among viewers about his upbringing, ESPECIALLY because Damian said something in passing about being raised in a secret mountain society.
The camera crew caught a glimpse of Damian in the yard casually accomplishing amazing feats with a giant sword and then immidietly stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed a wild rabbit in the garden. Keen viewers also noticed this strange phenomenon where Damian somehow wins every argument EXCEPT for when its with Alfred.
(I both love and hate the idea of Damian being a spawn of satan in everyones eyes. It can be funny sometimes but in my universe, Damian gets along well with everyone. Sure Damian is crude and weird but he's a kid, and i want him to have a supportive family that understands why he does and says the things he does. I basically just want Damian unapologetically being a kid.)
Alfred Pennyworth is an interesting person for newer fans of the Wayne family, since he is practically unknows to the public. Alfred introduces himself as the only butler in the Wayne manor and a long time friend of the Wayne family. Viewers quickly realize that Alfred is really the man of the house and it becomes previlant when he goes on a short weekend trip (with a secret girlfriend perhaps, Maggie Page perhaps) and everything falls apart. Bruce doesnt know where he is supposed to be at any given time, a hirearchy is established (Cass is a very unfair leader) and the only person making sure the others are fed is that mysterious figure in the backround (Jason).
Alfred makes it sound like he is only the butler but the rest of the batfam all talk to/about him as the essential part of the family that he is and how he is everyones badass, british, grand papa, dad, butler- babysitter-cook, friend thing.
Barbra Gordon is another unofficial member of the Wayne family. She is always over for game and movie nights and just in general. Barbra and Dick used to date but are on really good terms (suprisingly). Barbra is especially close with Jason, Cass and Dick, and is kind of a mentor/cool older sister figure to the others. Sometimes Jim Gordon visits as well, since he and Bruce are fellas.
In the opening scene of the first episode, the batfam are asked to make a family tree or list of sorts since there are so many of them and Barbra was the only person who remebered that Jason was supposed to be dead (nobody bought it).
This will do FOR NOW. I wasn't be able to fit everything here so ill prolly make a pt.2, where i tell yall abt some silly situations that would take place in a Wayne reality TV show. This is more like an introduction into the convoluted storyline that has been building up in my head (what else am i supposed to do at work?).
I also want to state that Leslie Thompkins is also concidered a family member to me since she is like a surrigate mother figure to Bruce but she won't be hanging around the manor as much as the others.
Ik i skipped a lot of characters that are concidered to be in the batfamily but even I dont know who IS concidered to be in the BatFam atp or I skipped characters that i just dont like/think about as much bc im shallow like that lol.
ALSO ALSO im not a huge BatCat or SuperBat shipper but i just felt like them being in the family dynamic would be interesting. Timid ol' Clark or the HBIC Selena Kyle. I also didnt include friends and stuff that would prob be at the manor all the time too like Roy, Wally, Jon, JLA, TT, YJ ect. blah-blah-blah you get it, I'll stop yapping now.
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sister-lucifer · 3 months
A Friend in the Alleyway 
Jeff The Killer solo fic 
Summary: After narrowly escaping an altercation with police, Jeff finds an unexpected critter companion 
Genre: Fluff 
Content/Warnings: None unless you count a little profanity on Jeff’s part and a singular, brief mention of blood. it’s a jeff the killer fic don’t be surprised when he. yk. jeff the kills 
Jeff’s ratty old sneakers skidded on the pavement as he stumbled into the alleyway, brain running at a million miles per hour as his body moved faster than he could ever make it go voluntarily. The ground was still wet from that morning’s rain, and the puddles soaked his shoes and socks and splashed up onto his jeans. The sudden sensation of cold water would have been shocking if he could feel anything but panic. He can hardly see anything with only the moon and a few broken street lamps to light the pavement, but he knows every crevice of this city.
He narrowly escaped the police after hastily climbing down the fire escape of an apartment building. His hoodie is splattered with blood and he dropped the knife somewhere on his way here, it doesn’t matter now. He’s a rat scrambling back into its hole in the wall, barely having escaped the clutches of the predator that stalks around the house he’s made a home. He hates this feeling. 
He grasps at his chest as he falls to his knees, collapsing against the wall of one of the buildings making up either side of the alley. His heavy breaths are pushed through yellowed, gritted teeth behind chapped lips that extend into telling scars. They ache when he opens his mouth too far, he’ll have to catch his breath as best he can without panting. 
He can feel his heart thumping behind his ribs through his sweatshirt, threatening to break free from its prison and throw itself to the ground of this filthy ally with a sickening splat and the iron smell of blood. His chest burns with agonizing exhaustion. 
He’s tired. He’s dirty. He’s a mess. He’s terrified.
But he’s alive. 
And he’s free. 
“Holy fuck,” Jeff chokes out, almost laughing to himself. He’s not sure what’s funny. He doesn’t know what else to do. 
Maybe it’s just the absurdity of all of this. Maybe the flood of relief he’s finally able to feel is making him a bit loopy. It doesn’t matter. He’s alive, and he’s free. That’s all he needs to go on another day. 
He allows himself to relax a bit, his legs stretching out only for him to wince as a stinging pain suddenly manifests in his ankle. Shit, did he bust it scaling down that fire escape? 
He silently prays as he rolls up the leg of his jeans, then sighs in relief. No, it’s not broken. Bruised, yes, but nothing that won’t heal on its own. 
Good. He doesn’t have it in him to coerce an urgent care employee tonight. 
He groans to himself in frustration. Frustration at what exactly he doesn’t know, but that’s the only name he can put to his feeling. Maybe it’s a bit of everything. 
He’s frustrated with himself for running like a frightened animal. 
He’s frustrated with those asshole cops for catching him off guard. 
He’s frustrated with all the people in that apartment who get to sleep in a warm bed that belongs to them tonight.  
Dammit, dammit, dammit. 
“Fucking stupid,” He mutters to himself, reaching up to grasp his arm where it hurts. He’s not sure why it hurts or when he injured it. It’s hard to think about what just happened with the adrenaline still clouding his mind. He’ll worry about that when he calms down. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Is all he can say, repeating it to himself for no real reason. It’s the only word rattling around his addled brain. 
He has to pull himself up eventually. He has to leave this alley at some point, he can’t stay here forever, and he’d rather turn himself in than go back to sleeping on the streets. Yet, the idea of even standing at this moment takes far too much energy. 
He groans again, rubbing his eyes. When he pulls his hands away again he blinks a few times, and he flinches back when he sees two glowing eyes watching him from the shadows dancing across the wall opposite to him. 
A surprised noise leaves his mouth before he can stop it, his back pressing hard against the wall of the alley. He squints in the dark, trying to make out what he’s seeing. 
Then the glowing orbs blink, and start to move. His eyes widen as the stalking creature comes forward, padded paws silent against the concrete. It lazily meanders out of the shadows, and he can see now the milky white fur that reflects the soft moonlight and the slit pupils bisecting those bright green irises. 
…A cat. 
It’s a fucking cat. 
He’s on such high alert he was almost scared shitless by a fucking cat.
He scoffs, crossing his arms and scowling at the animal. 
“You little— The hell do you want?” He asks with a roll of his eyes, though he’s not sure why. Not like the cat’s going to give him a response. 
The animal stops a few feet away from him. It sits down on its hind legs, curling its tail over its paws. It stares at him without a sound, as if it were staring right through him. Jeff raises a brow.
“…What? You think I got something for you? Because I don’t,” He hisses, “Fuck off.” 
He reaches down and grabs the first pebble he touches. He hurls it at the opposite wall, losing sight of it in the shadows but hearing it as it hits the bricks then clatters against the roof of a dumpster. It doesn’t even come close to hitting the cat. It wasn’t supposed to. He only wanted to scare it off. 
The cat doesn’t move. 
Its keen eyes follow the stone until it hits the ground, but then it turns back to Jeff. It blinks slowly, its tail now swaying side to side behind it. It meows softly and tilts its head as if asking a question. Too bad Jeff doesn’t understand. 
His expression softens just slightly as he looks the animal over. There’s no collar, no sign of any ownership at all. This cat just wandered out of the shadows of an alleyway. Is anyone taking care of it?
He sits up a bit, tapping the ground between his legs with his nails. 
“Pssst, c’mere,” He says softly, attempting to coax the animal over. It doesn’t move. 
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Yeah, he wouldn’t be super eager to approach him in this state either. 
“Look, I’m sorry for throwing things, will you just come here?” 
The cat considers the offer for a beat before ultimately deciding to accept. It closes the distance between itself and Jeff, sitting between his legs and gazing up at him with those big, green eyes. The reflections in them seem to go on forever, Jeff thinks. He just stares back down at the animal for a few moments, studying its face.
The cat blinks slowly. 
Jeff blinks back. 
The slightest hint of a smile crosses his tired face before melting away again. 
He reaches out towards the creature slowly, trying not to startle it now that it’s close, though the cat doesn’t seem to mind him all that much. He runs a hand down its spine, giving a little scratch to the base of its tail. The cat meows softly before a steady purr starts to rumble in its chest. Jeff chuckles under his breath. 
“Oh, you like that, huh?” He says with a lopsided grin. He moves to scratch under the cat’s chin, prompting it to flop over onto its back, paws in the air and fluffy belly on display. 
“I guess you like that more,” Jeff laughs, putting a hand on the cat’s stomach and playfully jostling it back and forth. His smile widens at the shaky meow it elicits from the creature. For once he doesn’t even think about the ache in his cheeks as his scars contort to accommodate his grin. 
“You’re just a baby, aren’t you?” He wonders aloud, “My hand’s nearly as big as your tummy…”
He moves to gently scoop the animal up, holding it under its front legs and letting gravity pull down its body. He moves it back and forth just to watch its legs swing, and the cat certainly doesn’t seem to mind.
His suspicions are confirmed:
“Oh yeah, yous a little one.” 
The cat meows back at him, its eyes crinkling as its mouth opens to release the sound. Jeff mimics the sound clumsily, his voice gruff but sincere. 
He sets the cat back on the ground, his hand returning to scratch at the base of its tail. The purring only gets louder. It’s like an engine in the little creature’s throat, running on steam and affection. Jeff loves that sound. 
“No collar, no identifying features, no sign of where you came from,” He whispers to himself, though he can tell from the way the cat’s ears perk up it’s certainly listening. It was only a matter of time before Jeff came to the only logical conclusion. 
“…How’d you like to sleep in a warm motel room with me tonight?” 
The cat chirps happily in reply, nuzzling into Jeff’s chest. He gladly accepts the gesture. 
“Good answer.”
The cat sniffs at his hoodie, its nose almost seeming to search for something. It finds it when it notices his hoodie pocket, curiously poking its head inside. Jeff stifles a laugh as the creature pushes itself into the pocket, its face poking out on one side and its tail on the other. It fits, though, and it doesn’t seem to have any intention of moving. Jeff is more than alright with that. 
He cradles the cat in his hoodie pocket as he stands up, looking down at it with one of the first sincere smiles he’s had in a long time. He sighs as he peeks out of the alleyway, making sure the coast is clear and pulling his hood over his head before taking the first steps towards the cheapest motel in the city.
“You know what, cat?” He says, and the animal looks up at him expectantly. 
“…I think we’re gonna get along just fine.”
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Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Wednesday Fandom :) We got a trailer! Some bits in is for our couple not a ton but I am intrigued what S6 will bring. This episode has me grinning the entire time. Just fluffy cuteness the entire time and I was so here for it. Kid talks and amazing moments. Good one. This ep Is comedy gold.
5x17 The Enemy Within.
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That theme I talked about last ep is how we start off. How adorable they are when they find each other at the station. Lucy speed walking to catch up to him. Tim with the biggest smile on his face. Like he didn’t just see her in roll call earlier. *heart clutch* Just happy to see his wifey at work. I love the effect this woman has on him. (Another theme in this ep). I just love S5 Tim in general. Happy and light seeing her come up to him. Making his day with her presence. Damnit I love them so much. Lucy starting off with him not hating her LMAO His smile dropping off asking what she’s done? Haha
Be more married you too my goodness. I do love how quickly they fall into step with each other as they speak. Seriously never had a couple with such good physical chemistry without even touching. The flirting here is amazing. We watch Tim not really be mad and fighting back a smile in the second gif. Once again the effect this woman has on him is incredible. She is beyond adorable with her retort of how he should reply. We all know Tim could never hate her. Angry, exasperated or annoyed. Yes ha But never hate.
We find out Lucy was playing the long game for getting back at Tim for something. Clearly before they were together since it was for a Tim Test few months back. He wants to know which one? She can't remember...It was bad enough to make her do this but not enough to remember which test. Oh Lucy. lol Angered her enough to do this then forget she'd done it ha Tim asks once again 'What did she do?' Lucy lets him know she signed him up to be a mentor... For make a dream.... Tim is exasperated af asking when she planned this? Lucy dreads the answer but tells him today….
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Lucy goes on that a 12 year old cancer patient named Jordy is on his way. Tim walks away from her and I LOVE her grabbing his arm. Making him stay put. Tries to put a good spin on it. Saying he would be lifting up a sick kid. What could be more important than that? Tim commends her for her answer. Telling her nice job boxing him in. Except he’s not going to let her get away with this. Did she really expect him to do this solo? LOL Sassy Tim has arrived and is throwing back her own words at her. Lucy doesn't have a leg to stand on. Just concedes and joins him. Fantastic start to a hilarious episode for them.
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Jordy arrives and Tim and Lucy couldn’t be cuter. The way they look at each other is precious. Also hello height difference I always welcome you to our screen. The way Lucy is looking at Tim while he talks to Jordy. Like she needed another reason to be in love with him. Getting glimpses into Tim as a dad. That instant ovary explosion. Don’t blame her one bit.
Tim couldn’t be cuter saying he heard he wants to be a cop. Jordy doesn’t seem as enthused as Tim and Lucy. Nonetheless Tim looks super cute saying they’re going to take him to processing. Lucy’s fully bodied shimmy is so adorable I cannot. She is very excited to play parents with Tim.
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They’re in processing and Lucy is trying to get Jordy to engage. Tim isn’t short on sarcasm in this episode. I’m dying it’s so funny. Telling him to look miserable LMFAO. Lucy’s face. Chiding her husband a little bit. But also realizing how unhappy this kid is. Love her walking up to him and sharing her worries as well. Tim noting he looks like he hates them. Lol Lucy doesn’t disagree….Saying maybe he hates his picture being taken? Or he’s miserable cause he’s tired from being sick?
Tim says they should just move onto the next thing then. They turn around and Jordy is gone. Had this kid for all of 20 minutes and they lost him already LOL This episode is so great. Had me rolling the entire time. I remember seeing a hilarious post after this premiered. Celina dealing with her sisters murder, Angela/Harper/Grey dealing with Elijah. And Tim and Lucy keep losing the same kid LMAO They are the comedic relief in this one for sure.
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Lucy is in a legit panic. It’s so funny. Saying she doesn’t know what she’s going to tell the foundation. Full on sarcasm saying she can’t wait to tell them they lost him. LOL Tim is so calm and chill. Saying they didn’t lose him... he’s just misplaced LMFAO. Oh my lord Timothy I’m crying I’m laughing so much. She is being the worried sick parent and he’s being the calm one.
I love them looking for Jordy whilst also talking about their future kids. Getting me all in my damn feels. Tim being so friggin chill about them finding him. Lucy saying when it’s ’OUR’ kids OUR. They’re so casual about it. I’m losing my damn mind. That when it is their kids he better take it seriously. Tim defending their future kids also making me feel things. Saying ‘Our’ kids would never pull a stunt like this.
Look at Lucy’s face when he makes that remark though. She is beaming watching him talk about their future kids. They’re trying to murder me in this ep and I’m very ok with it. I may need to go lie down but I’m ok haha Lucy gets caught up in the thought of them having kids. And is pulled back to the present with Tim’s sassy departure LOL Saying they’re doing great so far. Sarcasm king in this one and I love it so very much. Lucy's face when he leaves too funny.
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They run into Aaron and he has Jordy. Lucy looks so relieved. She asks what they talked about? Aaron says he kept asking him what his childhood pet was. Lucy looking confused as hell asks why? We see this kid stumble and get nervous for first time. Saying it’s for a report…Tim's face smelling BS but he isn't sure why. They’re trying figure what to do next. Tim suggests the war room? He doesn’t seem excited…Lucy mentions K-9 unit. Ask if he likes dogs?
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Tim is over this kid. Saying what kid doesn’t like dogs? (I mean he’s not wrong…) Lucy scolding him like only she can. Such a wifey scolding too it’s so funny. Tim makes the kid sit while they figure this out. Lucy says maybe the impound lot? This is where Uncle Tim comes in and I love it so much. Talking about his nephews and what they’re into right now. My heart. He seems very confused on what it actually is they like and it’s hysterical. Pop culture never been his strong suit and I love him for it. I'll be honest idk what ghosts on the toilet is either. LOL
Lucy is enjoying his explaining this stuff. Amused really. You can tell she’s cracking up as he goes on. Picturing him with his nephews and loving that mental image. They're so busy flirty they don’t see Jordy take off on them again. They turn around and he’s gone….They lost the kid again LMAO Back to being worried parents. They ask the most clueless guy in the building if he’s seen Jordy? Ha Of course he hasn’t…Nolan is lucky he knows what's going on in his own SL.
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They’re in Sally Port looking for Jordy. Legit looking under shops. Don’t hate the shot of Tim in this scene. Hello booty shot. His phone starts going off and he groans as he comes back up and says it’s a Grey. Lucy voices her irrational fear about Grey knowing they lost him twice. I’m rolling. Why would he know that Lucy? LOL Tim’s face is everything to this comment of hers. Loves his panicked wife and her ridiculousness.
Lucy is legit pacing back and forth while Tim is on the phone. Grey is asking him to run an OP for him. The last thing Tim needs on his plate right now. It is sexy how he coordinates it and says he’ll fold in later. Mmm. Then asks Lucy if she’s enjoying her revenge for his Tim Test? Lucy says she isn’t... Does a cute little love tap on his arm and has him follow. I love it.
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They find Jordy at a computer. Tim scares him and asks what the hell he’s doing? I love the in-sync head tilts. They see he is googling how to delete traffic tickets. Lucy goes off on a nerd rant about how those are processed in a different office. She catches herself and looks at Tim. He’s so used to her nerdy ways at this point doesn't phase him in the least.
Just backs what she’s saying. That even if he could do that here it’s a crime to do so. Poor kid folds. Says his dad told him to because they couldn’t afford the fines. Tim asks if he really has cancer? Lucy scolds him once again. I love this. He tells them yes that part is true. Lucy asks if he wants to be a cop? He says no they’re wack. Lmao The way the look at each other I cannot. The kid wanted a football game not this. HA
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Tim mentions if he’s googling this no way he’s a a hacker. Asks how he gained access to the computer? Jordy hands him the sticky note. Tim is so damn incensed I’m dying. Lucy asking did Smitty really need a sticky note? He couldn’t just remember this? I love the way Tim snatches the note and takes off. He is so very done with this day and this kid. Smitty's incompetence being the icing on the cake of his day. This episode is comedy gold I love it sfm.
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They bring Jordy’s father in. Telling him they could charge Jordy with a crime. That he had illegal access to a police computer. The dad starts to panic and says they can’t do that. He’s just a kid. He has cancer. Lucy says no one wants to charge Jordy. Him on the other hand… Mr. Yates starts to freak out more. Saying it was just couple tickets. Lucy mentions it’s 37....
Holy crap dude that’s a lot of tickets. That him using his son. A minor no less to help out makes it a felony. One that could send him to jail. The dad pleads with them. Saying his medical costs are crushing them. That if he doesn’t pay for the tickets he’ll lose his license and car. Saying he knows he messed up. He can’t go to jail his family needs him.
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Then we hit one of my favorite portions of this episode. Their silent communication has always been a glorious wonder. It hits new heights in this scene. Because the minute he looks at his girl he knows what that look means. It’s why he answers with a ‘Lucy really?’ He goes from you can’t be serious. To how am I supposed to say no to that? Lucy doesn’t have to say a damn word.
That’s the beauty of their connection. Says everything she needs to in that puppy dog look. Man is whipped and we all love it. Her empathy shining through and getting to Tim in this moment. I said it couple times in this episode. The effect this woman has on him is immense. It was continuously through out this one. In the best way possible.
That man has zero defense against that look she gives him. Absolutely zero. Can you imagine a little version of Lucy doing this to him? If they end up having a daughter. She’s gonna have this man wrapped around her finger. Just like his wife does. God help him haha All Lucy had to do was give him that glance and he was in shambles. As we all know Tim would do anything for that woman standing next to him.
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He came into this conversation ready to put that man in jail. But then the love of his life looks his way and it’s over. I’ll never be over how amazing their silent communication is. We are so lucky to have a couple this amazing without even saying a word. There’s that country song ‘You say it best. When you say nothing at all.’ If that ain’t them. Tim folds and says he’s not sending Mr. Yates to jail. I love how he looks at Lucy before he tells him that. Knowing she is the reason behind him is doing this.
It’s so good. Man is so soft for his girl and this scene is proof of that. Ugh I love it. Melissa’s and Eric crushing it per usual. Tim says he can go to Daddy and me Traffic school. There’s an arcade that Jordy will love it. As if Lucy needed another reason to love this man next to her. Mr. Yates asks how he can make it up to them? ‘Be a better father to your son’. Hot damn you tell him Tim.*fans self* Mmm. Yum. Got to be soft but still little authoritative at the end. I’ll take it.
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We rejoin them in the station. Tim done with his OP for Grey. Lucy coming over mentioning his how Daddy and me traffic school sounds fun. Tim replying 'Yeah Jordy will get 5 dollars in tokens too.' Lucy letting him know it was a really nice gesture. I love her coming up to him and letting him know this. Making sure he knows what a wonderful thing he did for them. That it was so sweet. This scene makes me squee for so many reasons.
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Tim letting her know he wanted to throw that guy in jail. You could tell when he entered that room he was ready to throw down. It wasn't sitting well with him Yates putting his son in a position like that. Lucy replying ‘But?’ Tim bestowing the best compliment he could on her. Touching on the theme of this episode I think. The fact she’s a good influence on him. I mean it exudes out of him now a days. She already was before they got together. Now it’s increased ten fold the effect Lucy has on him.
Lucy and her view of the world. A thing that used to drive him absolutely bonkers. So much so he tried to show her the underbelly of L.A. to dampen it. That same light and view has now rubbed off on this man. Soaking him in that sunshine she gives off. I can’t with how many feels this is giving me. And he’s telling her as such. He’s known for a long long time what a good influence she is. But he’s telling her in person. With heart eyes galore to boot. Such love and admiration on his face for her. *internally screaming*
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Naturally he complimented her so she needs to do one right back. Telling him with just as much adoration and affection might I add. That he’s going to be a great dad someday. We know that’s true. Also we know Lucy is already picturing him as that great father to their kiddos. I just love how causally they talk about their future kids. It’s a thing that’s just an eventuality. The level of comfortability around the topic just shows us where they're at. How serious they both are.
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Tim needing to tease her now that they’ve been soft. It’s so damn funny. Look at his pleased smile when he does it. Look at that man in the final gif. Could power a city with that smile. He so loves to tease her. Lucy is exasperated with him but still smiling regardless. She loves this infuriating man in front of her so much.
They couldn’t be happier or more adorable. It blows my mind still we get to have them together. Not only that but this level of ship goodness. Straight flirting, complimenting and teasing. They’re so in love I might pass out from all my feelings haha Such a good ep for them.
Side notes-non Chenford
I do love Angela getting to be the one to take Elijah out. So fitting. Also that scene with Charlie and Wes holy hell.
Thank you to all you amazing readers. For all the likes, comments and reblogs. We only have 5 left episodes in this season. Unreal. Shall see you all in 5x18 :)
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Gaz being the only one capable of a normal relationship is kinda funny.
I also think he might get a kept pet but he didn't mean to, it was an accident he swears!! It started as a completely normal relationship, maybe they went on 1 or 2 dates and she tells him about her ex bc he's still hung up on her and might do something stupid when he finds put she's seeing Gaz.
And Gaz immediately feels this overwhelming protectiveness, at first he isn't bothered by it bc he's always been protective of the people he cares about. But then the ex does find out about them and starts harassing her, going as far as showing up at her flat a few times and she always calls Gaz to chase him away and the protectiveness increases and transforms into possessiveness.
And then one night she calls him crying, asking if he can pick her up from work bc her ex is in front of the door and won't leave and she's closing on her own, and she doesn't know what to do!!
So obviously Gaz is there, brings her to his home and soothes her until she falls asleep but he doesn't, bc he could keep her safe, could make sure no one hurts or scares her again. And he feels so guilty for thinking it but three of his friends seem to be more than happy with their kept pets and the kept girls seem content too so would it really be so bad???
Maybe he calls price and the captain helps him set up his very own safe house just in case...
this wasnt supposed to be so long, sorry for rambling, there's just many thoughts in my head about this au
- 🐻
Hi 🐻!!! Don’t apologize for such a brilliant Thought. I absolutely love it!!!!
I can l see him bringing it up as a Totally Casual Hypothetical and his stressed girlfriend being way more enthusiastic than he expects, even for a fantasy. When he mentions it to the rest of the team, he gets a resounding “do it” but he’d feel terrible to force her into anything.
All it takes is one close call when he’s not there to protect her - a call to the cops and her sobbing to him over the phone while he’s halfway across the world and useless.
He still asks. Frames it as a “vacation” while he deals with the ex. She jumps at the idea. Packs… way too much and lets him sweep her away to safe house. They’re only supposed to spend a week. But she actually begs him to extend it for a week, please, baby?
And how is he going to say no to her pleading little face? She’s been so relaxed!!
And then she asks for another few days…. Which turns into another week. And then before he realizes it, he’s suggesting they just finish out the month. And she happily accepts.
“I wish it could be like this forever,” she whispers one night, tucked in close and clinging. She’s been sleeping so well.
That’s what spurs him to make it happen for her. He gets tips about making a safe home for her. Mainly security and keeping others out - he never wants her to feel trapped.
He transfers them to the new house and explains the idea. She hesitates at first but he’s gentle and understanding.
“Look if it freaks you out, we don’t have to. We can go back to the flat and… everything, if you want,” he offers, so so nervous. “But I’d really like to take care of you. Could we just… try it for a bit? See how we like it?”
She considers but it’s really no question, is it? Kyle has been so perfect and kind and good to her.
“Yeah… yeah, babe. Let’s do it!”
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fantasylandbitch · 1 year
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Summary: After the events of the bodega you, Sam, and Tara are brought downtown to NYC’s 5th Precinct. Later meeting up with Mindy at the Blackmore University park to discuss a crash course in the Film Industry's Logic.
Warning: Long Story, Funny, Fluff, Cussing
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5  Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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At first, you didn’t think much about why you were in a holding cell before you slowly started pacing back and forth thinking 'Do the cops think I killed those people?' while waiting for someone to come talk to you before sitting down on a bench away from the other people in the cell. The whole waiting game causes you to play with the fidget ring on your finger for comfort, as you take a deep breath trying not to incriminate yourself."I'm okay, Y/n you did nothing wrong. You were protecting Sam and Tara" you say to yourself, calming down slowly when someone called your name.
“Y/n? What are you doing in a holding cell?” they asked you and you looked up before smiling.
“I’ve been asking myself that for the past few minutes. What are you doing here?” You asked them as you got up, walking to the bars that held you.
“I’m on a special assignment, are you here with anyone else?” they ask and you nodded.
“Yeah, I’m here with Sam and Tara” and they looked at you with surprise.
“I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
You scoffed “Go fuck yourself, Kirby,” you say jokingly and she laughed.
“I would but your sibling Cam is so good at it" and you gag at her statement "Keep practicing, anyway I’ll get started on the paperwork so they can let you out” before she looked down at your feet.
And you sigh “it's a long story,” you say and Kirby nods.
“I’ll get you shoes too,” she says doing as promised before going to the back to get Sam and Tara.
While you wait to be led out Sam and Tara are being interrogated. “I can vouch for my daughter so that's one less person to worry about. Do you guys know anyone who would want to target you?” Bailey asks.
And Tara says “Not anyone who’s still alive.”
Bailey’s response to that was “Yikes” when he was interrupted by one of his fellow officers saying that the FBI is claiming the case making the girls look at each other “Who are they?” Bailey says slightly annoyed as he gets up to find out who it is, leaving Sam and Tara by themselves.
“Tara, did you see Y/n on the way in here?” Sam asks her sister worried about you.
And Tara thinks about it with a sigh “I don’t think so but I know that I saw another police car behind the one we were in so it’s possible Y/n might be here.”
And not long after putting on the new shoes that Kirby requested for you, you hear a commotion down the hallway hearing someone say "We're going" when you spot Sam and Tara from your cell walking toward the exit. And just as you were going to call out to them Tara turns her head, and her eyes connected with your own.
"Y/n!" she yells, running to your cell.
"Tara!" you say happily hugging her from behind the bars.
"Tar-" Sam starts, getting ready to yell at her sister to stay close when she finds you hugging her sister, watching you with wide eyes as an officer lets you out and she notices the little cuts that littered your face as she approaches you against her will. As if her body had a mind of its own, she reaches out for your arm before pulling you into her shoulder she wraps her arms around you holding you firmly in place as she buries her face in your shoulder, and suddenly your vision is blurred by the tears that developed just by being in her warm embrace as you laughed momentarily before laying your head against her shoulder. No thought was going through Sam’s head that could have possibly consulted you for facing your first Ghost Face as you hug her tightly back, and the thing is she almost wishes you hadn’t met her sister in college, maybe after all of this mess had blown over or maybe she could have met you at a bar or a therapy session sure but not at a time like this. And while you and Sam are hugging each other Tara stands to the side and watches, wondering why she might be feeling threatened by you hugging her sister the way you are when she knows she should be happy despite saying that Sam was off limits to you but she can't bring herself to yell at you.
“Let's go meet up with Mindy, okay?” and you nod at that, wiping your tears, as you start following Sam and Tara out the door, soon seeing a bunch of reporters asking Tara and Sam invasive questions.
For instance, like “Tara do you feel safe at home with your sister?!” or “What do you have to say for yourself Samantha for all those killings?” before you see a woman in blue catch your eyes making you light up.
“Oh my god your Gale Weathers!” you say excitedly before looking at Tara who looked at you with a glare making you realize that the woman in front of you is sort of the reason for all of this “Oh my god your Gale Weathers” you repeated but unenthusiastically, looking at Sam before mouthing a sorry to Gale and she nods in understanding before you walked to the taxi, allowing them to hash it out as you asked for a wipe or two from the driver. While you clean yourself up, you turn around to check on the girls when you catch Tara right hooking Gale in the face causing you to cover your mouth in surprise "damn" you say to yourself before moving your hands to your neck and shoulders to message, the girls eventually walking over to you. "Did you seriously just hit Gale Weathers in front of the police station?" you ask and Tara nods as you get into the car getting the window seat.
"She evaded Sam's so I just surprised her with my own" Tara says sitting next you taking up the middle seat.
As Sam gets into the taxi you look at her and she gives you a "what?" before telling the taxi driver to go to the Blackmore University Campus.
When you, Sam, and Tara meet up with Mindy and the rest of your friends at the Blackmore Campus park, Anika offers you a seat next to her, and when you take a seat Sam invites herself to sit on your left closer to Chad and opposite to him Tara. Then Anika taps your shoulder causing you to lean to your right.
"Yeah what's up?'' you respond.
"I'm glad you girls are okay. We were pretty worried last night" she says before bringing her knuckle up to rub against your wounded cheek.
And you give Anika an apologetic smile "I'm sorry we made you guys worry, it wasn't our intent," you say as you see Anika smile like a mom would to her baby after getting hurt before she stopped, smirking to the person behind you. Unknowest to you Sam gave Anika a look before placing her leg near yours as your knees touched making you look down to your left before smiling and rubbing her leg with your hand stopping when Mindy started talking. The conversation allows Sam and Tara to take turns filling in the blanks.
"That's right, Heroes are now in college which means new suspicious characters brought in to round the suspect list and or body count check, check, check, and check" Mindy says pointing at Ethan, Quinn, Anika, and You.
"I don't like this" you hear Ethan say feeling offended while you took slight offense to it as you are a movie nerd yourself.
"But it's not about Stab 2 anymore" causing Tara to ask.
"Why not?" and Mindy smiles.
"Because we're in a franchise! And there are certain rules to continuing a franchise and that means everything is bigger than the last time, which means what happened last time expect the opposite, and No one in our group is safe, especially Sam, Tara, Kirby, and Gale."
The new information causes you to take a very deep breath as Sam and Tara look at each other, while you look at the floor worried, because Kirby is your sister in law and she was just starting to help you build a bridge to talk to your sibling again at her wedding two years ago before you noticed Ethan was talking. You noticed that Ethan was talking about if he was a part of the friend group and his own life but what he says next causes you to throw a rock at him.
"Does that mean me and Y/n are going to die as virgins?" he asks.
His question makes your eyes go wide as your face turns red as your friends look at him but Sam never took her eyes off of you, in fact, she watched you pick up a rock as your face morphed from shock to anger throwing the rock near Ethan's crotch as a threat making him jump.
"TMI you cunt! Nobody in the group needed to fucking know that" you say embarrassed, because you told him in confidence so he wouldn't feel bad, but now you wish you hadn't said anything to him before you shot Sam a glare not realizing how your actions are turning Sam on as she looked away.
"Your fine Y/n but weird fucking overshare Ethan," Mindy says standing up for you before she continues her onslaught of thoughts walking over to him. "But that brings us to our current suspects, Ethan. The shy dorky guy that no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky" she says
"Wait why? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?" and Mindy smiles.
"Roomie lotteries can be juked or fixed to get close to us" she says moving on to Quinn "Quinn. The slutty roommate, a horror movie classic" causing Quinn to sort of smile.
"Sex Positive but…thank you?" She questions as Mindy continues.
"How did you come by our friends Sam and Tara?" she asks and Quinn answers.
"I answered their ad-" when Mindy interrupts.
"Say no more! You've implicated yourself enough" and Tara interjects.
"It was anonymous and her dads a cop" as Mindy interrupts her.
"Keep adding to the suspensions list! Now Anika" she says sweetly.
And you smile as they both blew kisses at each other when Mindy drops a "Never trust the love interest" she says causing you and Anika to drop your smiles at the same time when Sam looks over with a perplexed look before Mindy makes eye contact with you.
"Finally Y/n" she says as everyone looks at you.
And you look down briefly to play with your fidget ring before looking back up at her "Yes, Professor Meeks?" you say nervously.
And Mindy takes a moment trying to think of how to properly implicate you before speaking "Just like Ethan-" she starts when you interrupt her.
"Don't lump me in with him" you say and she nods.
"Just like someone in the group, what are the chances of you going to college and leaving it as you befriended Tara and later the rest of us taking into account your personality your quiet, outgoing in intimate settings, and let's not forget to mention anger issues"
And now you take offense to that last part because you know that the only times you were mad was when those girls threw their drinks at Sam and when Ethan opened his mouth about not wanting to die a virgin. The heavy weight in the air causes Sam to think of what to say to the group as she doesn't believe you would do any harm to any one of them unless provoked. "Okay so we have our rules and our suspects" she starts when Ethan interrupts.
"Wait wait what about you guys?" he asks and you defend them.
"Well Ethan the four of them experienced the horrors in Woodsboro they're the survivors" you say as Quinn tries to debunk you.
"What if the trauma made one or more of you snap?"
And Sam looks at Quinn knowing what she might be insinuating before you look at Ethan studying him when he says "Yeah what if the fame made you guys thirsty for more. I mean let's me honest some of the things they say online about Sam-"
The last portion of his sentence causes Tara to defend her sister "Dont you fucking dare" as you and Tara are about ready to throw hands when Anika says something to defuse the situation.
"I mean let's face it we're all suspects, it's only fair that you guys are too."
She says as you watch Mindy, Sam, Tara, and Chad look at each other before you get up to take a walk and when Sam notices she gets up to walk with you to keep you company at first, when she notices that you're looking at the ground.
"Hey Y/n wait up" you hear Sam call you as you stop to look at her.
"Oh hey.." you say to her disenchanted as Tara watches you guys from the bench.
"I would like it if yo-" she starts when you interrupt her.
"Sam I don't think it's safe for either of us to be around each other"
You say before looking away from her when Sam notices the cut on your neck as she remembers seeing one like that in her dream.
"I don't believe you would do anything like that Y/n.." drawing your attention back.
"Yeah and what makes you say that?" you say annoyed.
"I just know and I would appreciate it if you come with us to our apartment."
She states causing you to put your head on her shoulder and with a muffled sound you say "Fiiiiine" making Sam relax with a light chuckle.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5  Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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Hey guys! I just thought I would try a new layout for this chapter. But if you want please leave a message and tell me how you feel about it, is it easier to read?
TMI: Too Much Information
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Scream 6 : A Love so Understanding Playlist
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
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Grey gave me a rock-star review. Yeah, well, he should. You're amazing. I'm excited. I'm excited. Let's go to dinner tonight and celebrate. T-- Tonight, I can't. I'm sorry. I really, really want to, but I can't. I promised my friend that I would help him with something. Tomorrow night. Okay. Do you need any help? No, no. It's something I got to do on my own. But tomorrow night, it is a date. We are gonna celebrate you. Congratulations. They're really lucky to have you. Thank you.
The joy these two exude every time they see each other, even if it's just in passing, is so pure… And the way neither of them can contain their excitement in this scene makes it that much more beautiful. Especially with how it parallels another moment, where Grey offered Tim a promotion. His reaction was so muted then, despite his obvious pride at his score, which served to highlight Lucy's enthusiasm. But now, he's just as ecstatic, like he's about to burst. This is so different, almost unTim like… And yet, it feels natural. Lucy is the only here, so he can fully be himself. There's no longer a need for pretense or walls. More than that : he knows that she will be just as happy and proud, so he doesn't have to hide his feelings.
I love how he doesn't immediately give her the news though, making her walk through the process instead… Which is so ironic, since she knows all about it. But in that moment, this was all about him for her. About his achievement. There's this second where her face falls a bit, after he corrects himself and explains that technically, there was an opening in Metro. It's something that tends to be overlooked but this is a good reminder that, while she may have orchestrated this five-player trade, she had no idea if it was going to work out, that he would be considered or offered the spot. That was completely out of her hands. She created an opening but he still had to get the job on merits. She was making a gamble with her career with no guarantee that it would pay off. That's how much she loves him. Of course Tim is unaware of her turmoil, all too happy to tell her the good news. And look at her being so enthusiastic, hitting him in the process - seriously, these two are making 'playful physical violence' a love language. It is so funny to see her suddenly remember where they are and check around her before dialling it down a notch, like she did in Follow-up Day, after catching Grey's and Tim's looks. And now, he is the one bouncing on the balls of his feet, almost bouncing. How the tables have turned!
And her words of affirmation, with the most loving look… the way the lighting is hitting her eyes, making them shinier… You can feel all the love. No words are needed here. And Tim being so over the moon… I don't think we have ever seen him that ecstatic before. The way he whispers the first 'I'm excited', just for them… They are in their own bubble, even though they are standing in the middle of the bull pen, with their colleagues in the vicinity. For two persons who used to avoid PDAs with their previous partners, it's quite telling.
The fact that he wants to take her out and celebrate this with her… this is a complete contrast from his prior reactions, including when he became a Sergeant. Lucy might be bummed that she can't celebrate with him that night, but Tim is not missing a beat. It doesn't matter when it happens. His big grin when she insists that they're going to celebrate him… The lower, and quite suggestive, tone of her voice… And again, those heart eyes and her words of affirmation… I love seeing this side of Lucy. Her choice of words are so significant as well : both in Follow-up Day and here, she makes sure to emphasise how 'lucky' the department is to have him. It really feels like a full-circle moment : back then, Tim gave up his promotion to finish her training and here, she played a part in securing him a new one. They're standing so close to each other, almost as if Tim is grabbing her belt to bring her closer to him… It even looks like they were about to kiss before Lucy catches herself and moves away, laughing. With a final lovetap on his shoulder. His big grin… The twinkles in his eyes… And his little nod at the end, as if he can't believe that this is truly his life… And you know what? I can't believe this is canon either.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 11 months
a part 2 of Absolutely Not! thanks
Absolutely Not! Prt II
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Demon Reader
A/N: Prt1 Really didn’t know what to do for another part so just a little catnip cop out. Hope you still enjoy it! Word Count: 1,436
Uzui couldn’t believe what buzzkills the other Hashiras were.
“Come on, it’ll be funny! Don’t you wanna see what’ll happen?”
It’s inappropriate, it’s in bad taste, that’s dumb, not worth my time, I’m an unflashy unfun loser blah blah blah. Not even Rengoku would join in, although that should not have been that surprising.
Well, Uzui would have fun on his own then. He wasn’t sure if it would work… but he was down for a little experiment. Kochou couldn’t be mad at him for a little joke if it was for science, right?
He smirked at the small potted plant in his hands. All he had to do was sneak this to the cat demon and watch the chaos unfold. How could no one else be curious if catnip would be effective on a cat demon?
Uzui silently navigated the halls, snooping around for the demon. The demonic presence she had was weak, so it was difficult to pinpoint exactly where she was. But he could feel that he was getting closer. He smiled, got ready to put on the charm, and turned the corner, running right into… Shinobu.
“Uzui-san,” she blinked, mildly surprised, “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, Kochou, hey!” He kind of wanted to avoid her if he could help it, but given that she kind of had a demonic aura about her at the moment, he never stood a chance, “Do you know that you’re giving off a demonic energy? Kinda weird.”
Shinobu sighed, “No, I didn’t know that, but given how many head bumps (Y/n) insists on giving me, I am not surprised. Now why are you here? You look perfectly healthy.”
“What? Can’t a Hashira pay a fellow Hashira a visit?”
“They can, but you never visit me unless you need something. What do you have behind your back?”
“Oh, what? This?” Uzui presented the plant as if it was the most unassuming thing in the world, “My wives picked it out. Just a little thank you for when you took care of Hinatsuru when she was sick. I told ‘em I thought it was kinda unflashy but they thought the little purple flowers were cute so, here you go! Put it somewhere everyone can enjoy, yeah?” He put the pot into Shinobu’s hands.
“Uzui-san,” Shinobu twirled the potted plant in her hands, “do you think I’m an idiot?”
“I know what you’re doing. This is nepetalactone, catnip.“ Shinobu was still all smiles, but an unmistakable shadow seemed to fall over her eyes. “Just what were you hoping to accomplish here?”
“H-hey— I didn’t know!” Uzui waved in hands defensively, “Like I said, my wives—“
“Your wives had already gifted me a lovely fruit basket a few days ago.”
“Well would you look at the time! I better go home, nice talking with you, Kochou!” And in a puff of smoke he was gone, leaving Shinobu alone with the catnip.
“He is much too old to be acting like such a child.” Shinobu shook her head in disbelief.
She looked back down at the plant and sighed. Now what was she going to do with this? Tea might be good, but she really didn’t want to risk exposing (Y/n) to the catnip in any form… no matter how curious she was about how she would react.
“To the woods with you then.” She decided, making her way through the mansion to the nearest door to the outside. As long as she didn’t run into (Y/n) along the way, all would be fi—
“Get out of Shinobu-sama’s house!” (Y/n) hissed as she skidded around the corner.
“Ah!” Shinobu hopped from one foot to the other as a chipmunk scurried between her legs and zoomed down the hall.
Having not seen Shinobu, (Y/n) ran into her before she could stop herself and they both fell to the ground. The pot upturned in the fall, covering them both in plant debris and soil.
“Oh no, Shinobu-sama, are you okay? I’m sorry! Someone left a door open somewhere and a chipmunk got in, but don’t worry I’ll… I’ll… oh, what is this?” She asked almost sluggishly rolling a leaf between her fingers. Shinobu snatched her wrist to make her stop.
“(Y/n), we must wash this off immediately, do you understand? Oof!”
(Y/n) face planted into Shinobu’s chest and the loudest purr Shinobu had ever heard from the demon began to rumble through her.
“(Y/n), are you okay? We should really get up.”
Slowly, (Y/n) rose her head and all Shinobu could see was a black abyss, her irises had been completely swallowed up by her pupils, something Shinobu had never seen to this severity. Sometimes when (Y/n) saw a bird through the window or she got the zoomies, her pupils would round out, but never to this extent.
“(Y/n)?” Shinobu tested again.
(Y/n) didn’t answer her, but her purring did get louder. She flopped back down and began rolling around nuzzling Shinobu every other roll across her body, further smushing the catnip as well.
Shinobu wanted to be serious, they were in the middle of the hall and covered in dirt, but she couldn’t help but chuckle as the cuddle attack persisted, (Y/n) leapt on top of her and attached to her back when she tried to get up.
Suddenly (Y/n) stiffened, alerting Shinobu to look ahead down the hall. The chipmunk was back.
“Kekekekeke!” (Y/n) clicked, bracing herself against Shinobu’s back in a hunting stance.
“Don’t you dare use me as a starting block. If you are going to act more cat than demon, then you had better shift before you cause any real damage.” Shinobu warned.
But (Y/n) wasn’t in a very rational state of mind to heed that warning. She sprung off of Shinobu’s back and chased after the chipmunk on all fours, slipping and tumbling multiple times because of the restrictiveness of her kimono.
“Oh no,” Shinobu got to her feet as well, mentally apologizing to whoever would have to clean the mess on her behalf, “(Y/n), come back! You better not eat it!”
With how hepped up she was in catnip, Shinobu was worried she’d hurt herself or someone else on accident so she couldn’t leave her alone. She ran after (Y/n) and it was thankfully not to hard to catch up to her. With her terrible coordination at the moment, she kept banging into walls and slipping on the floor. Shinobu tackled her and pinned her to the ground, trying to block the fleeing chipmunk from (Y/n)’s view. She really hoped someone else would take care of the little pest.
(Y/n) struggled and wiggled against Shinobu for a moment, but another hit of that sweet, sweet catnip had her docile as a lamb again before long and the purring started up again.
“There we go… just relax.” Shinobu lightly scratched behind (Y/n)’s ears, a known favorite spot, she smiled when (Y/n) snuggled into her hand and closed her eyes.
Then the cat demon began to shrink, but having seen the process on multiple occasions, Shinobu didn’t flinch. With an amused breath, she untangled the cat from the bundle of clothes and neatly folded said clothes before setting the cat on top of the pile and taking the whole thing in her arms.
“Let’s get you to bed so you’ll have a safe place to rest while this wears off.”
Shinobu placed (Y/n) on the bed and then got to work, placing all the contaminated clothes into the wash and putting on something fresh. She laid out a new kimono for (Y/n) as well to wear once she awoke. Then she took a moment to watch her sleep, all curled up in a ball.
Part of Shinobu really wanted to go to Uzui’s house and put laxatives in his afternoon tea, but in the other hand, a dusting of blush highlighted Shinobu’s cheeks, the over-excited cuddling had been rather sweet, pleasant even. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to grow a little catnip in the herb garden from now on. In smaller doses she could probably get the cuddly ratio she would like best.
Of course (Y/n) was rather cuddly normally, but Shinobu had felt a little jealous since Mitsuri came to visit a few days ago. Mitsuri was a cat whisperer and that extended to cat demons as well apparently. Shinobu would have liked more reassurance that (Y/n) liked her more, but of course she was too stubborn to tell the demon as much. The next time Mitsuri came to visit, Shinobu would have a secret weapon up her sleeve to keep the cuddles to herself.
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11queensupreme11 · 4 months
Another bit from Sally=Loki that might have to get the chop but I thought was too funny to not delete. Can you guess who Percy had just met? (It's Apollo, also to answer your earlier question Percy sounds more educated because 1) Loki is very educated and children learn to speak by mimicing parents so compared to Sally who is a high school dropout, nothing wrong with that, just Loki just has a broader vocabulary 2) Loki would accept nothing less then a fantastic education for his child so Percy does go to a good school and has Loki being very supportive at home, 3) Loki has a lot of run ins with the authorities and taught Percy specific phrases. After all mortal doctors could notice something was up with her if they looked so Percy was trained to deny care, if you asked her about some other topic she would not sound that good)
“Why have you returned?” Poseidon demanded “And where is your minder?”
Percy shrugged and replied, “Ares was trying to show me some statues and murals when a strange naked man appeared and started touching Ares all over the place and tried to chase me.”
Her uncle Zeus made a strange noise like a squeaky toy, he should probably see a doctor about that she thought. “Mom and my teachers and the school resource officers all said if I see a person not wearing all their clothes or exposing their privates I’m supposed to run away and find a trusted adult. Ares didn’t seem super available, and you were closest, and it is your day, but I guess I can go back to my grandpa’s house if you’re busy.”
For a moment everything was silent and then Uncle Hades suddenly lunged forward tackling her father who had started to rise back into his seat. “Oh my, that must have been very scary for you” replied her Uncle Hades voice rough and teeth gritted with exertion. Vaguely she could hear her father start to say something only to be quickly cut off by a hissed “Language!” from said Uncle.
Uncle Zeus laughed like someone who knew they were about to fail to negotiate their way out of being kneecapped by the mob and blabbered out, “You didn’t interrupt anything important, no siree, we were just finishing up, now if you will excuse me I just remembered I haven’t seen my children in an bit and must check in on them” all while he fled the room, carefully keeping the table between him and her father. Percy wondered why all the adults on this side of the family constantly acted like they were raised by baboons. With a sigh she turned back to her remaining “adults” and said “Public indecency is illegal, as is exposing yourself to a minor. I believe this is where you are supposed to call the authorities.”
Percy was very proud of herself for remembering all of that from the stranger danger talk at school (mom would have probably castrated the man rather than call the cops but as Percy had recently learned mom also had a history with the law here so she probably had to rely on her own conflict resolution skills… which would explain a lot actually. As the old man who ran the bodega had said, a criminal who calls the cops is a dead criminal). Admittedly she did not ever expect to need to need it as any adult who worked with children with any frequency at all seemed aware of this particular procedure, however she supposed she could give daddy a pass since he was one, very new to this and two, she was starting to doubt he or his siblings had been raised by sentient life at all. So, some ignorance was probably unavoidable on his part, she just hoped the rapid reddening of his face was not due to anger directed at her over being told what to do. Maybe he was embarrassed that he didn’t know already? Mom always said there was nothing embarrassing about learning. However, last time she corrected a boy in her class he cried, she hoped this was not another Joey Klingler situation because she really didn’t think she would be able to get daddy to stop yelling by distracting him by triple-dog-daring him to eat a fistful of sand.
i love how no matter the universe, percy's first interaction with ror!apollo always has to do with him being naked 💀
BUT I LOVE THIS!!! I hope you don't end up deleting it cuz it is a funny scene but if you do... i will treasure this post forever 😔😔😔
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ordinaryschmuck · 5 months
What I Quickly Thought about What If...? Season Two
For those who don’t know, I’m one of the few people who actually enjoyed What If…? Season One for what it was. Did it take advantage of telling interesting tales with the MCU, giving us intense glimpses of these universes that showed us what COULD HAVE been? Not all the time. Was it still good dumb fun? To me it was. And that’s pretty much what What If…?, as a concept, was, even in the comics. Yeah, you got interesting stuff like “What if Spider-Man never became a crime fighter?” or “What if Daredevil was raised by The Kingpin?” but it also had stuff like “What if the Original Marvel Bullpen Became the Fantastic Four?” or “What if Sargent Fury Fought World War Two in Outer Space?” The comics were less about high-concepts and more about writers doing whatever the hell they wanted with the Marvel Universe and being able to have fun with it because, well, none of it was canon. The same applied to the MCU’s What If…?, as it was a chance for the writers to do a murder mystery with the Avengers or make T’Challa fix the universe as Star-Lord. They can kill characters, make dumb(er) jokes, and play around with the heroes and villains in the MCU like they were action figures. And I’m into that. Don’t get me wrong, I would love more episodes like “What if…Doctor Strange lost his heart instead of his hands?” or “What if…Ultron won?” as they DO have a lot of great moments and show off what these characters are capable of than what the movies/shows proved. But at the same time, I didn’t mind watching the big buff lady that is Captain Carter kill Nazis or watch Spider-Man and a band of heroes try to survive a zombie apocalypse. It’s a show where everyone is meant to just sit back, turn their brain off, and have some fun while occasionally getting something interesting. Again, just like the comics.
So when Season Two got announced, I was genuinely excited. I like Season One and I wanted more of it. Then when the trailer came out with an episode list, I thought, “Okay, this could be the show embracing comic book wackiness.” Now, not a lot of people were into that…In fact, the majority said that a lot of these concepts weren’t even interesting and were, instead, kind of lame. I don’t get it, maybe because I’m in the exact mindset the MCU wants me to have with this series, but I was still looking forward to Season Two. The question is, was it worth it? Well, let’s quickly go over each episode to find out.
Spoilers Ahead
What If…Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?: Ooooooooh, what a great start. Watching Nebula act as a cop/detective, but with her cold, deadpan badassery still intact was a ton of fun in this dark, gritty setting made for this new version of her. I loved watching this new version of Nebula make her way through a darkened Xandar, with her never straying from this oath and acting as it should be intended, all while teaming up with Howard the Duck of all characters. Like, I kind of enjoy seeing Howard turn out to be this sleazy casino owner who treats Nebula as a true friend despite them working on opposite ends of the law. The concept itself is funny and execution is endearing with Seth Green giving much needed charm to the character. It’s part of the fun of What If…?: Showing characters who couldn’t interact in the movies or didn’t have much screen time and allowing them another chance to shine…Unfortunately, that’s not always a good thing. Because while I love seeing a character like Howard make a surprisingly good comeback, watching Yon-Rog, one of the more boring MCU villains, show up and lack any intrigue or fun is just…no. And then there’s Nova Prime who decided to betray the entire Corp by taking down the force field…Something that was HER idea to do and, given the pull she had, could have done at any point. Why string Nebula along when Nova Prime could have just made the ruling herself that the force field needed to be taken down? A friend of mine tried explaining how it could make sense, but I don’t know. It doesn’t change this weird got while watching. But while flawed, it was pretty cool to see this new setting in the MCU, carried by Nebula as the Super Nova (Love that name, by the way. It’s perfect). The plot has a big ol’ hole, not every character return works, but it gave me a half-hour of fun so I’m not complaining (Get used to that thought process, by the way).
What If…Peter Quill Attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?: And this one’s a little rough around the edges. It’s fun to see this alternate version of the Avengers form to fight a Peter Quill who has Ego’s powers, but it feels like the entire episode is on fast-forward, almost like this is what would happen if the first Avengers movie needed to be made thirty-minutes long. It’s sort of the downside of What If having a half-hour runtime, where it has to both tell a story and introduce us to this new universe in under thirty minutes. It’s the same with the comics that had less than thirty pages to do the exact same thing, only to feel longer because comic writers in the seventies and eighties don’t know how to shut the hell up. The end result is a story that’s fine ENOUGH, but it would have benefited with more time to slow down and let us appreciate this new team of old heroes. I mean, we have the original Captain Mar-Vel, T’Challa’s father, and even Goliath, which would have been AWESOME to see them play a big role. But instead, the episode focuses on Hank Pym, Bucky, and THOR, somehow, making these other heroes valued members but also a bit of an afterthought. Also, despite this being a different version of the Avengers, they somehow make MORE quips than the original team, with few of it feeling like it’s in character. It has the same problem as Age of Ultron where everyone is cracking jokes at every second as much as they can, and it HIGHLY depends on your willingness to stomach that kind of  thing if you’re willing to watch this episode. That and if you’re willing to forgive a character doing this STUPID AND RISKY thing that worked out for the better but doesn’t change how stupid and risky it is. Overall, this whole episode is a very interesting idea mixed with some very FLAWED execution that spoils the fun to be had.
What If…Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?: Now this? All kinds of fun to be had with this one. The return of Justin Hammer of all villains isn’t something I thought I needed, but I heavily enjoyed watching what’s basically the anti-Tony Stark show up and be his most despicably charming self. It was a blast to watch this scrawny little twink TRY and act intimidating as he dances all over the place. It makes him feel more and more like a cartoon villain, which is appropriate for yuletide fun. You don’t NEED a menacing presence for Christmas, you need a GOOF. And Hammer’s the goofiest with his lame catchphrases and very STUPID dancing, I couldn’t get enough of it. But the real star is Happy, who gets juiced up for an adaptation I NEVER would have expected from the MCU. The Freak is one of the sides to Happy that not many fans would know about unless they’ve immersed themselves with Iron Man lore (Or read a shit load of comics for the past two years like me), but it really is cool to see that side of him brought to life. The way Happy looks and moves like more of a manic Hulk on crack does great at setting him apart from the Jolly Green Monster we know and love, but also makes The Freak feel more unique from how he was in the comics. It was a blast of a holiday special with the only downside is that Darcy’s OCCASIONALLY annoying. Not much other than that, though, as this is the best Christmas present I could ask from Marvel.
What If…Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?: Fun fact, this was originally meant to be in Season One but was cut due to time constraints. Yeah, remember how weird it was that the Watcher plucked a version of Gamora we didn’t know? Well, now we finally know…through a story that’s primarily about Tony Stark that makes me wonder why the hell The Watcher didn’t take him.
But facts and jokes aside, I loved the shit out of this episode. There are probably going to be some cynics out there saying that the cars and the race is an excuse to sell toys or LEGO sets or some shit, but I don’t care because everything about it was AWESOME!. Not to mention that it lit up a special place in my heart and brain to watch Tony Stark be a hero again, not hesitating to save lives, putting everything on the line, and helping bring Gamora into the light, all while still being his snarky, Starky self. And huge props to Mick Wingert voicing him, who doesn’t sound like Robert Downy Jr at ALL, but still nails the energy and mannerisms. I can picture RDJ saying all of these lines and it helps make this feel like one last Iron Man story for the fans. Seeing the Grandmaster again was ALSO a plus, as he was his same goofy-self. As for the real hook of this episode, Gamora, she’s…fine. I don’t love that it’s Tony that helped her redemption arc since I always preferred how turning against Thanos was something Gamora decided for herself instead of this thing that someone brought out. It’s not a BAD idea, but it’s something that might have worked better with NEBULA, a character that could actually USE convincing, instead of Gamora, a character who would likely go to Stark to help kill Thanos. Still, I don’t HATE it, nor do I hate the episode. It was an adrenaline thrill-ride that gave us a return of Tony where he DOESN’T die in the end. I couldn’t have asked for more if I heard this episode’s title, and I’m glad it’s what we’ve got.
What If…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?: I…KIND OF understand the reception towards Captain Carter. I don’t get why Marvel keeps pushing her more than their actual Captain America replacement, Sam Wilson. I mean, Captain Carter showed up in three projects (two seasons of television and a movie), where Sam made his official appearance as Captain America once…and hasn’t even cameoed in any other movie or show. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like the big buff lady and it’s awesome seeing her fight the giant robot. It’s cool, I love it. I also heavily enjoyed this episode, getting into the drama, action, and seeing Peggy make a surprisingly believable friendship with Black Widow. Heck, I’d go so far as to say that this is a better Black Widow story than her actual movie gave us. So I like it, I like seeing Captain Carter and some of her adventures. I especially like that this story isn’t a direct rehash of Winter Soldier like how the first episode is a rehash of First Avenger. The writers actually set out to make something more unique and it makes me like Captain Carter a little more. I just wish we could get that same love and appreciation towards Sam Wilson, whose movie got pushed back to 2025 and will count as the only time this character has been relevant since his mini-series. If this is our new leader of the Avengers and the man who will fight to save the multiverse, we’re probably going to need more than one appearance from the guy. I don’t think people would complain about more Captain Carter if Sam Wilson’s Captain America wasn’t so blatantly shoved too far to the side.
What If…Kahhori Reshaped the World?: One of the few rare times the MCU made an ORIGINAL superhero. There is no previous comic, movie, or show that Kahhori is based on. She’s a completely original character made up for this franchise, much like Miles Morales in the Ultimate universe or X-23 in X-Men Evolution (Check that show out, by the way. It’s pretty damn good). And just like those two, I REALLY hope Kahhori manages to become such a hit with audiences that she spawns more content, because Kahhori and her world is something I would love to revisit. Her personality is fun, her motivation is inspiring, and her powers are unique enough to make her stand out more to the other heroes in the MCU. As for her story, it’s your bare-bones origin story. The whole episode is about explaining her powers, the world she lives in, and the people she loves and fights for. It does all this while proving her heroics through fighting a supervillain set out to do some damage. Only, instead of some generic supervillain that matches her powers it’s this Spanish Conquistador who…honestly still looks like a supervillain, which is kind of funny. And it works for Kahhori, proving that while she’s currently the most powerful person in the world, she’s willing to fight against oppression and the monarchy, advocating for peace instead of a continuous war for who gains the most control. Like I said, that’s inspiring and it’s why I want to see more of this character and how far she can go when fighting bigger, more evil threats than the Queen of Spain. Whether it’s a spin-off TV show/movie, a comic mini-series, or even introducing Kahhori into the 616 comics (somehow), I wouldn’t mind seeing this new, wonderful hero more in the future.
What If…Hela Found the Ten Rings?: I…did not expect to like this one as much as I did. I wasn’t the BIGGEST fan of Hela, because aside from seeing her actress having a blast to go full ham, there wasn’t much to her. Yeah, she was this conqueror alongside Odin, which is an interesting backstory for HIM, but for Hela, it’s not enough. Instead of telling me WHO she is, Thor: Ragnarok kept telling me WHAT she was. Then here comes an episode of What If…? that not only gives me that answer, but a lot more. Sure, the first half is a bit wonky, but when we get to the second, we finally get an idea of who Hela is. Simply put, Hela doesn’t know who she is beyond a conqueror, and that’s because Odin never trained nor raised her to be anything more. This episode forces Hela to face that and discover answers she never knew she was seeking, having a surprisingly decent redemption, becoming a goddess of life instead of death. I…love that. I love that WAY MORE than I could have expected to love it. It makes me appreciate Hela a lot more and maybe see that there’s a tragedy to her in Thor: Ragnarok. Hela could have changed for the better if she met someone that could bring her good side out, but because she was banished into isolation by Odin, it caused Hela to be both spiteful and vengeful, making her refuse any alternative beyond being a conqueror or a goddess of death, with her final acts of life being someone who destroyed her home because destruction was all she knew. This episode has a better, more unique story to tell than Hela and Wenwu fighting over the Ten Rings to see who can cause more destruction. Speaking of, if there’s one thing to complain about the episode, it’s how underutilized Wenwu is to the story. He’s actually one of MY favorite MCU villains and it feels weird that he’s just…kind of there? Most of the meat to the story goes to Hela, and I do appreciate it, but Wenwu could have done more than wanting to bone Hela or assisting her in fighting Odin. But aside from that, I’d still say that this is a fantastic episode that surpassed my expectations.
What If…The Avengers Assembled in 1602?: Of all the episodes, this is the one I was looking forward to the most. I’m a sucker for seeing characters in a different setting. They’re very much the same in terms of personality but their differences vary from positions in life or the skills they’re capable of. It’s no different here, as so much of this feels like a period piece fanfic where the writers seemed to have so much fun making the Avengers be in 1602. And I don’t give a shit if people hate her, I LOVE that Captain Carter refuses to leave this world until she saves it from complete collapse. It would have been the same if it was Steve Rogers, I get that, but how do you expect me to hate a hero who’s willing to fight with her last breath to save the world? Those are my favorite kind of superheroes! You want me to give up what I love most about superheroes just because you don’t like that the big buff lady fights King Thor and his vibranium thunder sword? F**k you.
Also, this comes with the added benefit of watching big buff Steve and big buff Peggy constantly being on the VERGE of wanting to rip their clothes off and f**k each other whenever they’re on screen together. And, honestly, I can't blame them. They’re both gorgeous. LET THEM F**K!
Overall, I had fun, even if there are problems. Sure, the reveal that Steve is indirectly the cause of this universe’s collapse is way too predictable, no thanks in large part to the trailers SPOILING IT! And it’s pretty weird that Scott can still shrink and grow. Like…How can he do that in this setting? Also, this universe has a merry band of misfits that’s similar to Robin Hood, and there’s not even a SINGLE Hawkeye in it? Not even Kate Bishop? COME ON NOW! Come on now…
But, yeah, this episode is the perfect epitome of what makes What If…? enjoyable to me. It can offer you a fun concept of having the Avengers be in 1602 and just ask you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Not everyone’s going to be into that, but I am and I could take ten more seasons of this if I could.
What If…Strange Supreme Intervened?: You want me to hate the big buff lady and new MCU character Kahhori fighting Strange Supreme and a whole gaggle of universe killers just because *checks notes* Captain Carter is a Mary Sue? F**k you. I don’t care if you feel like Captain Carter is forced upon you, she punched a demonic Doctor Strange in the face with the power of INFINITY. That is awesome no matter WHO the character is and if you can’t appreciate it, then I guess this show really isn’t for you. As for the finale, the whole thing is awesome as this big fireworks show to close out the season, added with Strange Supreme going back to the dark side for the sake of reviving his universe. I’ll admit that Strange Supreme had a bit of a forced redemption last season, so it is great for this finale to prove that he is, in fact, still twisted inside while allowing him to earn a more true redemption in making up for his actions. It makes his tragedy STILL feel like a tragedy, giving everyone but him a happy ending. And, again, he got punched in the face with the power of infinity. F**k all you haters, this show’s great.
Season Two is a definite improvement to Season One. Sure, the pacing is wonky, the jokes are trying too hard, and animation can look gorgeous at times but ugly at others. But the writing’s stronger, the concepts are bigger, the fun’s funner, and I got to see a woman punch a demon in the face with the power of infinity–I keep bringing that up because it is so damn awesome. And it’s the same with this show! It just fuels that part of my brain that wants to see cool, comic book shit happening. It’s not for everyone, I know that. It’s neither good nor bad, it’s just…subjectively fun. It’ll either light up your world or leave you wanting more substance than dumb fun. I enjoyed the hell out of this season, but others won’t for their own reasons (some of them being that they just hate Captain Carter). They can feel that way all they want. Still won’t change how I enjoyed the hell out of this season and look forward to more.
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foxy-llama-mama · 1 year
for anyone wondering, i saw the les mis us tour last night in DC and it. was. CRAZY. i’ve seen the tour a few times in my life and i noticed some new things so here we go:
~~ spoilers ~~
- petit gervais was actually shown in the prologue when JVJ gets out of jail, he has some line like “but monsieur!” before being shooed away
- batambois actually hits fantine with his cane, knocks her down, and kicks her multiple times before she reaches up and scratches his face (i feel like i usually see him grab her arm or something instead of actually hitting her?)
- the other lovely ladies whores are all freaking out and trying to protect fantine from batambois and the pimp men people are actively holding them back and letting him hit her
- JVJ and javert have the gayest little moment of holding a handshake before “forgive me sir i would not dare” for a solid 30 seconds
- fantine shoots up and hugs JVJ in the line before she dies and stays there until he lays her dead body back down
- mme. thenardier was just so wonderful. i loved her
- gavroche has this entire moment with javert after the robbery, yelling “yeah! clear the streets! that means you too!” (said to a cop), and when the only two people left on stage are him and javert, he completely squares up to him and then salutes and it’s a really sweet moment. it also makes little people so much more impactful because they actually recognize each other then
- enjolras has a visceral reaction to eponine and marius speaking and he hasn’t even met cosette yet. enj turns to speak to marius and sees him talking to ep and throws his hands up in the air like, SO frustrated because MARIUS THE REVOLUTION IS COMING.
- red and black is BEAUTIFUL. the entire ensemble respects enjolras so much and it’s very obvious. “marius, you’re late” is not sung and so deadpan and so enjolras.
- R gives gav his bottle after javert’s arrival and it’s really funny
- grantaire does not take his eyes off of enjolras until drink with me. at all.
-when eponine dies, gavroche turns suddenly and sees her dying and grantaire SHOOTS up and grabs him and sits in the corner with him. it’s beautiful
- R does not touch a gun at all for the entire show. whenever anyone starts shooting, he hides behind the barricade or he grabs javert in custody but he never fights at all
- when gav dies, R throws a goddamn fit and does not leave his body until enjolras is about to be shot.
- when enj dies, he climbs up the barricade and is backlit and R is sitting at the bottom of the barricade reaching upwards, and when enj is shot, he falls backwards off of the barricade and out of sight. when this happens, R climbs the barricade with no gun, just enough so his head is exposed, and gets shot and slides down the barricade. it’s very “no one loves the light like a blind man”
- when javert is picking through the bodies looking for JVJ, another officer is wheeling a cart for dead bodies, and it ONLY has enjolras in it, hanging upside down just like aaronjolras in the window. javert heaves gav’s body on top of his and wheels them both off. (i heard multiple audible gasps during this, assumedly from the other enjolras girlies like myself)
- enj and R are beside each other for empty chairs until they cross and they’re directly facing each other instead
-during the wedding song, the line “this one’s a queer, but what can you do” is changed to “this one’s a queer, i might try it too” before thenardier waltzes with a male ensemble member for like 4 bars before finishing the song
- there is a lot of rich people laughing as a bit and thenardier cues to the conductor and counts them off like 3 separate times
- the finale is beautiful as always, JVJ and the dead bishop hug before everyone just lines up in formation (R and enj are both holding one of gav’s hands on either side)
- in conclusion: i cried
If anyone else has seen the tour and would like to add little things they noticed, please do in the tags!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Part 3 of: @justweirddino sending in funny and accurate asks.
As always I have put transcripts in the alt image descriptions.
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The Gold and Silver twins probs have a massive list of enemies and vengances they want resolve, but they're so absent-minded that they frequently forget just why they dont like that person/what they did. They def find their own names among their "black book" of enemies and are just puzzled.
They haven't unlocked his friendship events yet. Gotta feed and talk to Macaque everyday like a Stardew Valley npc before he unloads his trauma.
MK is willing to use the Staff if it means conflict resolution. He will use it to threaten others to be nice.
Oh gosh, I love the idea of Huntsman having legit rizz, but it completely flies over Sandy's head. FIshman is sweet but damn he bad at responding to obvious romantic signs. X3
Wukong saw glowsticks become a thing and would spend ages trying to figure out How. Why stick glow when cracked/bended? Why no heat? Why did people scream when he tried drinking the yucky liquid inside at the discotech? He did't have his Staff handy for their introduction, so the second the Staff is no longer sealing DBK, Wukong tries cracking the Staff to see if it glows. He breaks his knee instead. Macaque laughed while MK was just puzzled Why.
The second Macaque is gone; Wukong turns into a mega-bachelor again. Hyper impulsive, binge-watching Monkey Cop, eating nothing but peaches and takeout. The second Mac gets back from the moon, its like walking into a house after a frat party. He def yells at Wukong to clean up his mess.
Nudity is canon. Wukong busted out the furnace naked cus it burned his clothes off.
DEFINETELY. Wukong is gotdang short already (apparently less than 1.3m/4.26 ft in the book), and Macaque being just a little taller would get so on his nerves! XD Even if both monkeys (unglamoured) reach about the height of a teenager, Wukong is def wearing lifted shoes. Macaque taunts him about it endlessly.
Oh gosh, I have an idea for TMKATI-au in Chapter 3; where Pigsy and Tang are "whisper-arguing" in the kitchen while Shadowpeach are in the restaurant sheltering from the rain.
Pigsy: "I'm not about to harbor a pair of shady demons just cus they look pathetic in the rain!" Tang, the one who brought them there: "Aww, c'mon Piggy!" *whispers* "They're having a kid and it looks like they got kicked out or something..." Pigsy: *annoyed snort* Macaque, hearing the convo cus ears: "...Wukong do you honestly believe this place is safe?" Wukong: "Uh yeah - I order from here all the time!" Macaque: *judgemental glare* Wukong, laughes nervously: "Haha...Ok. I'm not 100% sure. Honestly I was thinking about how we're gonna get some food... You're in a... vunerable condition and I want to make sure we're at atleast fed and warm before deciding anything major. You know... future-wise." Macaque: *sighs tiredly* Pigsy & Tang, eavesdropping via kitchen counter: *looks at one another* Tang: *gives puppy-dog eyes* Pigsy, conflicted growling: "Grr... OK FINE! They can stay for some dinner and maybe crash on the futon for a bit. But once the rain clears off, I'm kicking them out!"
(Pigsy procedes to not kick them out, and instead over the course of the late-evening meal decides to hire Wukong/let the two monkeys stay in the empty top floor of the building. He's bad at saying no to Tang and bad at turning away sad-looking rain-soaked monkeys.)
I always love these ask-ins, even if I ramble a little off-topic with the ideas they gave me! As always ty @justweirddino !
I put the slightly rauchier ones under read more.
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This one is 100% a line Tang has said aloud and in front of polite company without batting an eye. He has no shame.
Macaque and Wukong too. Gotta make sure anyone within striking distance knows that you're both taken. By eachother. Macaque says it to tease, Wukong says it as a warning.
And finally, an ask @justweirddino actually messaged me about ahead of time due to it being about a rather... spicy topic revovling around the immortal monkeys not understanding modern slang terms. Had to put it in two screenshot to fit.
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Nezha has most modern slang downloaded into his brain by the time he gets to earth. Not to use, but to decipher.
Wukong is def the person to remember a random detail from a movie trailer from years ago and take what the trailer says at face value. Also the thought of him randomly declaring that a movie mom is a MILF, serious-faced as the others look at him like he grew three heads (again), is sending me XD
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sl-newsie · 7 days
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 17: Old Wounds and New Beginnings
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It’s getting late. I should be heading back now. The park is no place for a lady at night, no matter what manner of weaponry I’m carrying. It’s funny- I haven’t seen many Peaky Blinders posted around. Was there another meeting?
Back at the Shelby home I see no one is home. Obviously they went somewhere and no one has broken in. I suppose I’ll just make a quick supper and turn in-
“Someone get the door!” Polly shouts from up front.
What in Heaven? I rush over and open the door to see Polly’s wide eyes. “Hello Polly, where- Oh my God!”
Outside stands Polly, a mystery woman, and Ada, who looks like a tick about to pop. Her red face and heavy breathing cause my womanly instincts to kick in. She’s in labor.
“Make way, make way! We need to get her to the bed,” the Polly makes way for the other woman to help Ada inside her bedroom.
“I’ll get towels!” I call and sprint to the storage cupboard. 
When I reach Ada’s room she’s crying out in pain. Water soaks the floor and in the dim light I see streaks of blood. It looks just like what the other women in Brooklyn go through back at home.
“Here, love!” Polly grabs the towels from my hands and tries to sooth Ada. “Keep going, that’s right. Push.”
“I think it might be the other way around,” the stranger observes, examining between Ada’s legs 
Who is this woman? “Are you the midwife?” I ask with stern suspicion.
“Verena, we can trust her,” Polly instructs. “Please go get more hot water.”
I ask no further questions. Polly’s judgment is what brought me here, it’s safe to trust when it comes to Ada’s health. That’s my priority now. I rush to the kitchen and pour heated water into hot water bottles. Hopefully it will ease the pain. Back in the bedroom Ada continues to let out harbored breaths.
“One more push!” the woman instructs.
“Aaahhh!” Ada cries.
I kneel next to the bed and grab her hand- almost getting my own crushed by her forceful grip. As she pushes once more her crying gets drowned out by the whimpering of a newborn babe. I keep a distance to provide privacy and don’t see the child’s face until the woman holds it up.
“It’s a boy!” She announces with a joyful smile.
“A boy…” Ada breathes with relief, no longer in pain.
The cord is cut and the child is brought to its tired but happy mother. The process unwinding before me is a whole new kind of love, the love of a parent.
“He’s adorable! And healthy-looking too.”
“He’s sturdy, just like his father,” Ada sighs as the newborn begins nursing.
I hand her a towel to wrap around him. “And just as spirited as his mother. God bless you both!”
Fate must be aligned because another noise from the hallway catches my attention and we see Freddie walk in. When he sees the child his face melts into a big smile and he sits down gently next to his wife to marvel at the strong lad. Both Polly and I take that as our cue to leave the room, joining the new woman in the kitchen.
“Sorry, in the haste of the moment I didn’t get to meet you properly.” I extend a hand and we shake. “I’m Verena. What’s your name?”
The petite dark-haired woman offers a kind smile. “Esme. I’m also sorry about the rushed introduction. It must be strange to have me here now.”
A frown makes its way onto my face. “Here? What do you-?”
Bang bang!
“Open up! Police!”
Suddenly the front door is busted open and coppers swarm the house, headed straight for Ada’s room.
“You can’t come in here, there’s a baby just been born-!” Esme tries to tug them away, protecting the mother and child.
The cops drag Freddie out by his shirt and all but shove him out the door.
“Don’t hurt him! Please, leave him alone!” Ada cries from her room.
“Leave him be, you bastards!” I give a stiff punch to an officer’s face. This gets their attention and they all try to decide if they should lay a hand on me too. “How do you have the nerve to do this? To part a father from his newborn son?” I point a scolding finger at each of them. “Shame on all of you!”
My words practically dissolve and they give no mind to them, dragging poor Freddie down the dark streets. Meanwhile Polly and Esme are trying to soothe Ada.
“They took him! They took him!” She sobs, causing her son to join her.
“Steady, Ada,” I squeeze her hand. “I’ll go tell Thomas. And when I do I’m going to kill him!”
I storm out and head straight for the first place Thomas might be at this time of night: the Garrison. Sure enough the leader of the Peaky Blinders is heading out the door with a fresh cigarette.
“Thomas Shelby!” I grunt and grab hold of his coat. “You need to get your arse home right now! Them coppers took Freddie ‘nd Ada’s have’n a meltdown!”
“Whoa whoa, slow down. Now, tell me without the Brooklyn accent.”
“Somehow the coppers knew where to find Freddie. They arrested him mere minutes after the birth of his son.”
Thomas’ face shifts to a serious one and he quickens his pace back to the house, where Polly approaches to discuss the matter with Thomas. This is a family matter so I shouldn’t interfere despite the urge to input. Now I understand why Ada’s been distant from the Blinder business. Why would you bring a child into this? After what happened with Finn it’s no secret that this is no place for a youth.
“She’s steady now,” Thomas walks back to me.
“Good. How was the family occasion?” 
Thomas recollects tonight’s events by lighting another cigarette. Somewhere in his muttering I hear ‘lovely wedding.’
My spirits lift. “A wedding? Who’s the lucky couple?”
“John, and his new wife Esme.”
So that’s why she’s here! “I thought John was going to marry Lizzie?”
He shakes his head. “Backed out. So to make an alliance with the Lees I offered John. John needed a wife, the Lee family had a woman who needed a husband.”
My face falls as quick as it lifts. “Oh no, Thomas Shelby you did not! How could you? How could you just spring that on someone, your own brother?”
Is it all a power struggle for him? I was right. His tendency to ignore love is what’s distancing him from what’s really important.
“He’s not complaining,” Thomas sounds optimistic. “He loves her already. Now we have to worry about getting Freddie back.”
John’s new bride almost makes me forget about Freddie. “So you didn’t tip off Campbell?”
Thomas’ face clouds over. “No.”
“Then who did?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”
The Peaky Blinder looks down at me, almost seeming to size me up for anything suspicious. Do you think that I know something you don't know? If I don't always promise you the answers, do you see me differently?
The next morning brings little efficiency about Ada’s current standing with Thomas. 
“She’s gone?”
Polly nods and finishes chewing her apple. “Left without a word. She’s furious with all of us. Thinks one of us sold out Freddie. She’s locked herself in her apartment and won’t let me in. I just took her some fresh bread, but there’s a slim chance she’ll accept it.” 
Poor Ada. Only been a mother since last night and she’s already facing trouble. Speaking of trouble-
“Polly, I need to tell you something. Yesterday I went to the Garrison for a drink. Grace mentioned that she has a fear of breaking Thomas’ heart. Maybe it’s just me, but that does not seem like something a normal person would say. Is it wrong of me to be so apprehensive?”
The more I say the more her expression darkens. “It is never wrong to doubt someone, Verena. Faith in the Lord is one thing. Faith in humanity, that’s something else. Have you told Thomas?” 
“No. I don’t want to ruin his chance at a good life.”
“Good or not, I’m going to keep a close eye on this Grace character.” Her face turns to me and she tries to show a smile. “You alright, love? Need something to eat?”
“Actually I am feeling a tad peckish, yes. It’ll do me some good to do some baking later once I have breakfast. Do you have any tasks for me today, Polly? Anything I can do to help?”
The tired woman shakes her head and puffs on a cigarette. “I wish I could say no but we’ve got some catching up to do with the records. I’ll need some help in the office-”
The door opens and reveals Thomas. If he has any opinion about the current predicament he’s doing a good job of hiding it.
“Did you talk to her?”
Polly’s eyes burn into him with silent fury. “She didn’t talk back.”
Thomas looks between her and me and tries to calm the storm. “I’ll only say this one more time. It wasn’t me.”
Thud. Thud. Thud. Polly’s heels echo as she storms across the room and goes to poke a finger at Thomas. 
“Tommy, I’d ask you to swear on the Bible. But you can’t swear on that, can you? Nothing you hold sacred.”
She huffs in frustration and stomps off to her room. Thomas looks to me for sympathy but I’m torn on giving any to him. It’s not the first time he would have lied for what he considers good intentions. Still… He really does want Ada to be happy. When he sees my hesitation Thomas just grunts and pulls out another cigarette before walking away to the door again.
“Going to repent on your thoughts?”
“Going to run through some things with Grace,” he mutters. “I’ll be back later.”
Back to Grace. Wonderful. I’m back to being alone-
Or not. Solitude will have to wait.
“Morning, Finn! Here for another lesson, I imagine?”
The young Shelby grabs a roll and nods eagerly. “A quick one. Then I’m playing ball in the park.”
His ambition is just the refreshing drive I need. “Of course. We can walk around the block.”
With my pistol safely in my skirt pocket, we exit the back door and begin strolling into the damp streets. It’s cloudy today, almost copying the dreary mood everyone’s been in.
“How about… Insanity?”
His face scrunches. “Insanity? Why do we need to talk about that?”
“Because you cannot bury the obvious. Back home our asylums lock people away for their safety but do little to help the patients’ mental needs. Perhaps that it’s our world that is insane, and the ones we call mad are actually of sound mind.”
Finn snickers. “Tommy can go pretty mad sometimes.”
“Possibly. It may be possible to have fleeting episodes of insanity. Certain elements in the human brain that twerk now and then. Have you been reading any of the authors I assigned?” He nods. “Good. In Narcotics Anonymous, a guide book for addicts, Albert Einstein states that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Our conversation is drawing the attention of a few pedestrians. Their judgeful stares seep through me but Finn reacts differently.
“Verena, I don’t think this topic is widely popular.”
“Popular or not, it’s still important. Take a moment to enjoy your peace of mind, Finn. In whatever world we live in, God has graced us with the ability to comprehend our surroundings.” We reach the front of the house and I hold the door open for him. “A little food for thought.”
“Thanks, Verena.” Finn’s still stewing over my words but doesn’t reject them. “Maybe someday- Huh?”
We both halt at the end of the hall and peer inside the kitchen. At the table sits an unfamiliar man, who’s being watched by Polly and John like a vulture stalking its prey. Arthur lounges in a nearby chair with a much-less stern demeanor.
“Finish your sandwich and sling your hook,” Polly orders.
“Now who’s this?” I ask, bewildered.
Finn doesn’t answer and wanders over to stand close to the man. He ruffles Finn’s hair and Polly looks as if she could stab his eyes out. John sees me hiding around the corner.
“Steenstra, meet our father. Arthur Shelby Senior.”
Their father? Thomas never mentioned-
“Hello, darling,” the Shelby Senior grins. “Who might you be?”
I take a breath of courage and step into the room. “I’m Finn’s tutor.”
His eyes light up at my accent. “Ah, an American! Where’d you lot pick her up? Girl like you looks too fine to be a tutor. Are you sure you ain’t helping out my boys with other prospects?”
What?! Polly hisses and John moves to grab my arm. Not threateningly, just to quietly ask me to not make a scene. He, Polly, and I are thinking the same thing.
“Sir, I am a proper woman and will not be talked to like that! Excuse me.”
I pull away from John’s grasp and pivot back to the door. The church will provide sanctuary from this outrageous conspiracy-!
“Oh!” Thomas meets me at the door and my pulse startles, but only for a split second. “Thomas, there’s someone in there I will not tolerate.”
His eyes narrow when he sees my disgust and he brushes past. I follow quietly and peek out from behind. The instant Thomas sees his father he doesn’t hesitate. “Get out.”
“Come on, son. I’m a changed man.” How was he before?
“This family needed you ten years ago, and you walked out on us. Get out of this house.”
The man still doesn’t budge. “Tommy, it’s-”
“Shut up!” Thomas seethes. 
I remove the pistol from my skirt and hold it firmly at my side. I don’t care who this man is. Thomas’ judgment of him is good enough for me. The man gathers that our hostility is not receding and finally stands up.
“Well, I shall take my leave then.” He walks past Finn and pats his head. “Goodbye, son.”
I can tell Finn’s disappointed to see his father leave but John pulls him back to erase those thoughts. The man passes me but not before I give him another one of mother’s murderous glares. Once he’s shut the door Polly immediately relaxes.
“He’s our dad,” Arthur tries to lighten the mood.
Thomas sighs. “He’s a selfish bastard.”
“You calling him a selfish bastard? That’s rich, coming from you. Thanks to you we’re already down one bloody sister.”
“You want to see him, Arthur? You go with him.”
And Arthur does just that. He stands up and gives Thomas one last disappointed look, then takes off out the door. Lord, I know my family has its quarrels but never have I seen such mayhem in family matters.
“Sorry about that, love,” Thomas mutters and looks down at the gun in my hand. He knows I don’t pull it out for nothing. “You won’t need that now. What did he do to her, John?”
“Basically called her an American whore,” John growls with hatred.
Thomas stiffens and abruptly walks over to me with a tight jaw. “Verena, if that man ever speaks to you again you have my full permission to shoot his balls off. I- We’re sorry you had to see that. ‘S just… not every part of the Shelby clan is respectable.”
The pistol is returned to its place and I put a hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “You don’t need to apologize for your family, Thomas. Neither of you do. I know none of you think I’m… that. One person’s scatterbrained belief doesn’t define everyone’s.” It’s time for me to go. Their family matters are private and I shouldn’t be here-
“You’re more our family than that traitor, Verena.”
I pause at John’s words before I reach my room. Family. With all the hardship this family’s seen, how can they trust me so easily? See me as one of their own? According to Uncle Colon it’s a high honor to be accepted as an outsider into a mob business, especially one as brutal as the Peaky Blinders.
“Thank you very much, all of you. That means a great deal.”
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