#but my ass cant handle horror sometimes so
weaponsdrawn · 6 months
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hvstias · 9 months
Do you happen to have any Deadlock&Sova sibling shenanigan HCs
Asking for my dogs distantly related cousins twice removed great uncles friend
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well kudos to ur dogs distantly related cousins twice removed great uncle's friend bc they have a good taste!! here u go:
u know those duos that just click? yeah. that's them.
especially after sova investigated the place she lost her arm (from her cinematic but i cant remember the name blame it on my low b12 ok)
moving on so after some interrogation they just. clicked. call it trauma bonding or blond ppl telepathy they just did
they don't remember exactly who started it but now everytime they're standing together SOMEONE'S (bonus points if a dualist) always gotta make that sibling joke
they're both nature lovers but she thinks he's kinda insane for hiking for 4 miles at 7 am
okay including tremorbolt here because why not so do u remember that hc about deadlock and breach having movie nights? they also invited sova, deadlock nearly refused to watch the movie with them because she didn't want to third wheel those homos
BUT somehow breach ended up third wheeling them because they were going feral over the details of a fucking 90s horror movie while he tried not to die from too much laughing
her arm sometimes ache like an open wound, not that it's not healed wrong or something but phantom pain is a real pain in the ass and sova tries to help her w his grandmas home remedies and meds
ppl often confuse them as real siblings in public and its so hilarious to sova while deadlock just rolls her eyes but u can see a lil smile if u look closely thats her pocked sized himbo
sova is a good storyteller but he talks about gore so casually she's like ??? sometimes but still listens because this mf has interesting stories
like breach and viper, they also have their own bets but instead of winning they always end up losing bc they let everyone know what they bet on with their bickering lol
she thinks he uses too many hair products and he's just offended like?? do u think its easy to take care of this fabulous hair??
deadlock only cooks practical meals because she doesn't really have time to think about food (her words) and sova's horrified by her eating habits. like girl how are u even alive
sova can handle hot temperatures unless it's TOO hot but deadlock. oh boy. her nordic ass can't handle hot places unless there's an AC like she'd act like she's okay but you know how someone looks like when they're on the verge of dying from heat
they're both tea ppl but sova prefers black tea and deadlock finds those herbal teas relaxing after a long day at work
they smoked pot after a rough mission w breach once but that was the first and last time they listened him about his relaxing tactics because the headache in the morning? not worth it gals and guys and my nb children do not smoke pot if u wanna relax go take a shower or smth listen to me (definitely not speaking from experience)
ps: this is kinda short bc i've been busy these days BUT might make a part two soo i hope u enjoyed!
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cinnaminsvga · 7 months
When I flew to Korea. My biggest fear was starting my cycle right there on the plane🤣 cause it was due and a little late. Shout out to irregular cycles~ kidding kind of. Also mainly because the week before my flight I saw a video where the girl talked about how it suddenly happened mid flight the day she was traveling and it unlocked a new fear for me.
It waited til I entered my apartment in korea like within an hour I just was like oh no. Thank whoever was watching over me and was giving me good luck that day, and it also happened before the dinner I had to go to while I was still in the apartment. And also thankful @ myself that I packed like a 6 month supply for no reason other than just in case💀
Also sorry for the overshare I saw you got it in Japan while crouching to look at something lmao. And it activated that fear of it happening on a plane thought. I hope you got to handle that quickly or had something on you were close by so you didn’t have to tough it out. Also do you like pack let’s say your going somewhere for a week or two but you pack like 3 months of underwear you know incase you shit yourself 3 times a day every day for those two weeks and change your underwear 5 times a day for some unknown reason🤣 not that you would or that it’s ever happened but just incase that’s the one time it does. Or am I insane. It’ll be like 2 jeans 1 shorts and like 7 shirts. And pjs. But 3 months of undies and socks and period stuff)
[cont.] Can’t believe I talked about periods and shitting yourself hypothetically all in the same ask I’m so sorry🤣 My brain just caught up to that ask I just sent💀
period talk under the cut because we're bloody bitches 🌊🩸
whenever my cycle is coming up, i'll usually wear a panty liner at least two days before it's supposed to start... if the anxiety is bad (e.g. before a big flight or any event where i cant change undies) then i might even wear a whole ass pad a few days before it starts lol
lucky you that your period started before leaving your apartment HAKSDJKAS ive had experiences where im at lengthy dinner parties with no extra pads in my bag and just had to Suffer (hence why i wear dark pants most of the time... but have i started to bring pads in my bag? who can say...) but during my Squatting Incident™️, i was not close to my hotel so i was actually forced to Tough It Out for at least five more hours... it was pain, but i also got to buy an animal crossing cup for my troubles so i suppose it wasnt too bad... but the horrors... at least it didnt permanently stain my clothes 💀
i also do tend to pack a lot of pads when i travel around when my cycle starts because i do not trust international feminine products HKASDJKAS nothing against them but when youre at your lowest (i.e. your period), sometimes a little bit of home can help you a long way... I WILL SAY THO that my last period when i was in japan was unexpectedly stronger than usual... hence the whole squatting blood flood that triggered this entire conversation LMAO but yeah i ran out of pads and had to grab some from family mart... also i dont know japanese so i guess i grabbed the night time pads bc man those pads were like DIAPERS... covered my whole ass but it was thin enough that i didnt look like i was shitting my pants or smth lol
as for clothes... yes i do that thing too LMAOOO underwear is just touching WAY TOO MANY potentially disastrous areas that having extras is a necessity... i do admit though that in my past couple of travels, i have been packing more savvy than my usual anxious self... MINUS THE JAPAN TRIP BECAUSE AGAIN FOR SOME REASON I DECIDED TO PACK LIGHT??? so yeah i had to do my laundry once during the trip but that was my first time ever underpacking underwear (wow an assonance) and i had to google comprehensive steps on how to operate japanese washing machines because my social anxiety forbids me from Fumbling in Public because i think i'll be executed
anyway. i know none of you are reading all that. so tldr... ive been menstruating for years and yet somehow i am not an expert. what are the odds!!!
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cdmodule · 2 years
Who in goiky can handle horror movies the best and who can’t even get past the title screen?-🐕 anon
GELATIN AND NAILY LOVE HORROR MOVIES Naily comes over at gelatin's house to watch them sometimes I think Btw for these upcoming answers, Nate is answering them (Im just writing out what xes saying to me) cuz I am NOT a horror person at all nor do I really watch movies... but Nate on the other hand When It comes to horror movies Naily would like the more "obscure" ones, she has some kind of fascination w them cuz usually when it comes to those theyre either pure gold or very crude but that doesnt mean she doesnt like the more popular ones as well Gelatin loves sci fi horror and also stuff thats like, 80s-90s horror films that are just shitty slashers movies there for a cash grab lmao - anything thats "so bad theyre funny" Leafy and Gelatin usually like the same things but Leafy does Not like horror movies unless theyre also comedic because most of the time he just gets bored by them in the "Its not real anyway" type of way, hes that kinda person. Plus most of them r live action which shes not a fan of Cake prefers those horror movies that are I guess more "down to earth", think of those horror movies that r like "oh group of teen girls having a sleep over" and then someone gets their asses, he just likes the vibe of those. He likes older stuff a lot more (around80s to 2000s) and he doesnt rly like cheaply produced ones, he leans towards more popular stuff. The one thing he doesnt like about some movies is excessive gore, he has a high tolarance to it cuz he can tell its fake most of the time but sometimes Its just too much ykno NOW LOSER.. Loser is the complete opposite, he's like terrified by it even If she knows It knows real but It gets her anyway - as a kid she thought they were real though which is why he doesnt like em as an adult either. She still sits down to watch them with cake cuz he acts like he can handle it but give it about 10 minutes and Loser's like shaking and clinging onto cake. The gore and jumpscares get to him more, the former making him squeamish most of the time so he tends to just Look Away or Leave or Turn That Shit Off etc. Not a big fan of horror movies My addition was that I think cake would only pretend to be scared the first one or two times they watch horror movies so he can cling onto Loser HEHEH The death pact frat house occasionally has movie nights so horror movies are a thing that come up for sure. Bottle and Pie love watching them, Pillow as well but not as much. Bottle likes the more gorey shit because - to quote nate - "Shes quirky like that". Another thought by me (Certified Pie Enjoyer) but I feel like Pie doesnt actually like horror movies in the way you would expect but she LOVES picking them apart and making fun of them which can sometimes annoy others but half the time Its rly funny so Its okay. Its her way of enjoying things. After they watch movies Bottle and Pie would def discuss the movies afterwards n Bottle takes them WAY more serious than Pie does sometimes but mostly Its just for the funsies Pen acts like he can handle it but then cant fall asleep, Tree seems calm cuz he's quiet but when you look at him he's like clutching onto a pillow for dear life HAH. One of them probably sleeps with the other that night cuz theyre both scared. I COULD GO ON AND ON BUT ITS ALREADY SO LONG I HOPE U DONT MIND ANON
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bwinkbear · 2 years
my hcs r dumb but here we fuckin gO
-nor plays acoustic guitar as a hobby. when he and fin go camping, they sit in front of the fire under a blanket and nor quietly strums his guitar n hums to fin. fin’s got his head on his shoulder. private moment of softness n vulnerability.
-as kids theyd pretend to go fishing in tiny bodies of water that clearly had No Fish, like puddles n shit, w sticks from the backyard that had string tied to them, and theyd take themselves Very Seriously, like theyd hang out there for hours, and if one of their moms appeared behind them fin would b like “sTOP ITTTT ur scaring the fish :(((”
-also as kids theyd try to “ice skate” w no skates on frozen ponds. theyve both fallen in at least once.
-as adults. idk if i stole this from you i mightve, but fin cuts nor’s hair for him.
-just the idea of them takin care of iceland even when they rly dont necessarily have to. showing up at his house bc he seemed sad on the phone. bringing him snacks bc they heard on the news theres gonna be a snowstorm. just little things bc theyre thinking about him. (ofc this also leads to chaos sometimes. they try to cut his grass for him when hes away but they dont know how to use his lawnmower n they end up taking down an entire tree. shit like that.)
-nor clinging to fin when hes had a bad day. end hc.
-they sing dumb karaoke together. u can decide if theyre drunk or sober.
-thing that landed in my brainrot just now as im typing this but could u imagine them having a date at a roller rink
-they go to college together and theyre roommates and tjey have cats and theyre gay and and
no hcs are dumb unless theyre abt aph denmark.
norfincampingnorfincampingnorfincamping hnghnghhnghm. it's strange but i struggle to visualize nor playing that kind of instrument, though i still take him as the musical type... think it's because i usually pin den as the guitarist but ig thats by law a Dumb take so nor playin it is very nice 😌😌. v warm concept 10/10 u fuckin bet fin provoked him to start playing it right then.
they would be very dumb kids together,, i see nor knowing all abt the local fish n rlly wanting to find them n hyping the idea up to fin for extra help bcos he just wants to find them so so bad. nor with a fish fixation is the cutest thing to me and the concept is starting to grow on me AAA
god damnit youre just making me want more childhood norfin fics. o, to recreate fin Drowning from hetalian horror show into fanon... but yes they definitely got up to all kinds of shit like this, being children raised in an Expansive Nature. feel like at least one of them would always have a twisted ankle or some shit from getting caught up in their play.
yes fin cuts nors hair bECAUSE HE CUTS ICES HAIR AND ICE LOOKS JUST LIKE NOR SO UNLESS FINS DOING THIS ON PURPOSE TO BE A FUCKING PRICK (and i guess i will give benefit of the doubt) THEN THEYRE PROBABLY GOING TO THE SAME PERSON FOR THIS,,, ive been craving reading some soft ass fic of fin greeting his partner after a long day of work or them returning from a storm or something and like cleaning them up n cutting their hair n giving them the comfort they desperately needed after that long-ass day... that for norfin? HMG. might pocket this concept for norfin week dont @ me.
nor is already so protective and annoying to iceland, highkey he might worry about him more than himself because he doesnt want ice to go through the same hardships he has 😩. fin probably wouldnt get on the same level as him, not having that same brotherly instinct or anything, but thats not to say nors delusions dont rub off on him or anything. "we have to check on ice, he cant handle volcano eruptions well he gets bad anxiety." and they both fly up there quick as can be to see ice leaping over streams of lava with hong kong for fun. and suddenly, norfin are the ones with anxiety about it. :)
clingy nor clingy nor clingy nor he would never admit it but it is So obvious. they could even be standing next to each other at a meeting and nor just quietly leans into him when he feels shy or overwhelmed. hes in good hands.
lol oh no. i feel like nors the type to quietly sing to himself when hes busy and if fin happens to recognize what hes singing he'll join in and then its just a thing. 😭 though i can definitely see this being a thing with all the nordics (besides the kids ofc)... as for organized karaoke i can see this being more fins thing than nor, despite nor having the better voice for it 🙈 its always the ones that want to sing that cant lol
ok a roller rink date someone would definitely twist their ankle. fin. fin would. he has 2 left feet. nors like hmmmm its easyyyy and fins like hahahah right, holding onto the rails n shit. he lets go for 3 seconds and... rip in peace.
idk that last one sounds kinda gay idk if jesus would approve
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
listen. ok. in my mind, hisashi is the COOLEST DAD EVER. THE COOL ONE EVERYONE *WISHES* THEY HAD
-he has red hair and bright green eyes and freckles EVERYWHERE just like deku. except i hc that his firebreathing thing is partially a dragon thing!! so he has little horns on top of his head and a few patchy areas with scales. he looks COOL ASF until u get to the back n see his tiny ass wings that dont do nuthin
inko makes fun of his stubby wings so much n hes always like "BAAAABE STOP U KNOW I WAS BORN LIKE THIS 😭" but its ok bc he still luvs her
HE. DRESSES. HORRIBLY. Like im talkin stupid unbuttoned polos with band shirts underneath and ratty ass jeans. he wears socks and sandals and sometimes even jorts. hes always wearing like 30 unmatched pieces of jewelry bc hes a dragon and he HOARDS
most of the jewelry is handmade bracelets izuku sent him as a kid and he NEVER TAKES THEM OFF even if theyre literally falling apart
dekusquad jokingly is always like "ahh finding the male midoriyas in a crowd is always easy! just look for them big ass red shoes ✌"
all that aside tho. if u look past the disastrous fashion sense. hisashi midoriya is HOT hot.
LIKE. ok. hes mostly lean w a bit of chub, from working as a successful barista in america, and hes also TALL AS HECK. hes like. maybe a few inches shorter than all might. bottomline is that hes REALLY ATTRACTIVE. ESPECIALLY WHEN INKO DRESSES HIM UP
and when deku introduces him to 1A and his teachers for the first time everyones looking at hisashi n blushing n they look at deku n theyre all like "....dude"
(and maybe because they notice the fact that deku actually looks pretty similar to his dad 1A starts to realize that deku isnt actually that plain when you stare at his face long enough and oh wow uh—"
ANYWAY katsuki 💯 had a crush on dekus dad when he was younger. mitsuki makes fun of her son like ALL THE TIME for having a crush on her best friend. hisashi demonstrated his quirk once in front of the bakugous to show off a bartending trick and that was literally the first time katsuki ever complimented a quirk aside from his own
hisashi and deku at the same time combining their adorable energy: kacchan!!
katsuki, furiously blushing: STOP
anyway aside from katsuki—uraraka, todoroki, and shinsou DEFINITELY also have a crush on dekus dad. NO ONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS. obvs everyone in UA thinks hisashi's cool and SMOKIN, but those four have it like BAD.
dekus oblivious to this. so is hisashi. he goes up to shouto once and ruffles his hair and calls him sport and todoroki sets his desk on fire.
uraraka keeps making things float accidentally because she gets sidetracked staring at deku and his dad side by side and "oh wow they both have a freckle on the back of their neck just a little below their left ears—"
shinsou just. goes up to deku n hands him a note that says "get ur dad out of my school"
all might has a crush on hisashi too.
LIKE HISASHI COMES BACK TO JAPAN N IS ALL LIKE "wow i miss being here! is all might still no. 1? hows my son doing? america was so stressful! im so glad to be back in sweet home musutafu :)"
n then he comes home and all mights eating ice cream on the couch cursing at the football game on TV
hisashi: ....all might-san?
toshinori: u-aH? uh? good evening er. uh. mr. midoriya?? welcome home! im going to gay—i mean go!!
hisashi: w—
toshinori, panicking and reverting to symbol of peace dealing with PR mode: ENJOY YOUR SON! HAVE A NICE STAY! DONT DO DRUGS *leaves house in sweatpants and slams the door shut*
toshinori, internally: oh my god what the fuck what the fuck is this a quirk am i dying
when it calms down tho toshinoris still a blushing stuttering mess buT AT LEAST YK WHAT?? they bond over talking about america and deku!!
they both go on long af rambles about american lifestyles n all the weird people theyve met while in there and then they start throwing around words like bucky's convenience store and bubba gump shrimps and everyone stops listening
izuku notices how weird his mentor is around his dad but doesnt rlly care bc two!!! two father figures!!!! and a mom figure!!!!! they all play (quirk powered) dodgeball every other sunday while 1A watches in a mix of horror, attraction, and unbridled joy.
toshinori: oh my god why did they both have to be hot. why couldnt it have just been inko? thats easier to deal with. i cant do both. i cant HANDLE both. who allowed this? why?
aizawa: how the fuck did you get into my office its 4 am yagi.
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cecilsstorycorner · 4 years
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Writerblr Indroduction - Actual Writer Version
Hallo! I’ve actually been on here for a couple weeks now, but never did an actual introduction of myself. Because I’m terrified of acknowledgement of the self beyond my work? Probably.
I’m Cecil, I make nonsense, and I’m here to make terrible puns and worse metaphors.
(I like and send asks from my main @dontdropthejam !)
Fun Facts (aka basic info):
they/them, gender is No
living in bc but very visably a german/english pale ass little shit whos still bitter they werent raised bilingual and with more traditions than just nikolaus and mahlzeit
ace as all hell, probably on the aro spectrum somewhere, still attempts to write romance subplots
i have two cats and that is VERY important information because my life revolves around them
their names are coco and pepita and they cause problems on purpose
My go to writing nonsense (aka the stuff I keep coming back to in every wip ever):
folklore babyyy! every single thing i write has SOMETHING folklore related/inspired, no matter the genre. mostly scottish, germanic, russian, and scandinavian as that’s what i had the most access to learning as a kiddo and find most personally interesting in the kind of stuff that shows up, but i dip into others sometimes!
love me some exploration of trauma. every single character of mine needs therapy and they are unaware they are mine
there are now multiple instances of tall nervous lad + short fighty lesbian duos across my stories so thats fun
apparently half my stories count as ‘urban fantasy’ but that just makes me think of uncomfortably hot werewolves, so a better description is ‘real world but with GHOSTS and CELTIC FOLKLORE and GAYS’. sometimes modern but i have a soft spot for the 1760’s ish uk for some reason
horror! but horror that will make you cry. my goal is to be the queer folklory mike flanagan
speaking of that, im the most character focused you can be. im the kind of person who cant watch most movies as they focus way too much on premise not character. unfortunately that means i can have trouble coming up with plots that work but ill get there
fav themes include: motherhood, grief, family, friendship, guilt, trauma, healing from said trauma
fav tropes and trope adjacent things: found family (duh), spooky towns with a Secret, magic but gone wrong, old journals, creeping horror
i dont stick to prose because im extra and pretentious. storytelling mediums i have attempted so far (with varying levels of success ) include: literal physical journal (every time ive used this its been for horror, no surprise there), webcomic/graphic novel, audio drama, item box ala mysterious package company, and yes, good old fashioned prose books
Current wips:
The Book of Broken Strings (main focus atm)
The Embassy of Peculiar Chronology
The Collectors
Current favourite wips/writers I’m following:
@teriwrites Beneath Alder Creek. Has that folklore fae element I love so much, as well as characters I would die for
@chayscribbles Andromeda Rogue. This cast owns my whole heart and Chay has done the impossible of making me genuinely invested in a scifi story which hasn’t happened since my middle school doctor who days so that’s a VERY good sign of how Top Quality this wip is
@ashen-crest’s The Stray Spirit. The whole concept of the story is just so fun and once again, the characters holy shit. Plus there’s LOTS of writing and art out for it so it’s super easy to get a handle on after a bit of blog lurking!
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penelopeshusband · 3 years
Distraction (p2) ((Spencer Reid x Reader))
Summery: Your concern for Reid’s recent trauma turns into a confrontation of a drug problem, into more than friendly bonding
Type: Smut
Spencer Reid (criminal minds) x Reader
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
Part Two of varies connected smut shots
Baton Rouge was a headache. The unsub was clearly organized and intelligent, only based on the fact that you had run in circles with Reid and Morgan and still come up flat. You paced inside your hotel room, searching through your memories for any conclusions you might have missed. But the killer had to be meticulous. The clean kill, almost no evidence. A spotless case. Only one thing has stuck to you, and it had nothing to do with the investigation.
Reid had been strange, the last few weeks, almost months, which was not out of the ordinary for someone going through a traumatic experience. Shaking, irritability, more than the usual reclusively. The way he now shied away from your touch...the dilated eyes...constant blush...
You couldn't take it anymore. Your worry felt like it was gnawing at your insides. You sighed, stopping your pacing and staring at your hotel room door.
Lucky for you, he was just right next to you. You could hear footsteps from inside. Up late, you guessed. You gently knocked on the door. "Spencer?" You said, barely loud enough for him to hear you. You heard him stop dead. "I just wanted to check on you, I cant sleep..."
There was silence, before the door clicked open. He swung the door slightly ajar. He peeked through.
"U-uh, (f/n), I'm not really..." he trailed off as he looked into your eyes, then looked at the ground in front of you.
It didn't take a profiler to see through him. Sweat beading at his temple, avoidance of eye contact, visibly shaking. His lip quivered as he searched for words.
"Reid, please let me in? " you frowned. He tried to close the door, but you placed your foot to keep it wedged open. "I know, I'm probably out of line here, but, I'm... worried."
He examined your face, eyes darting over you. He huffed, nodding and opening the door.
You walked in. "You weren't yourself today." The door shut behind Spencer. He was now in full view as he faced you.
Your eyes always  found themselves lingering on his slender figure, tall and lithe. His arms were crossed defensively against his chest, eyes on the floor, biting inside of his cheek.
"I just haven't been sleeping." He said with a straight face, too forced to be believable.
"Spence," you gently touched his arm. He jerked away violently, much to your surprise. "Okay, look, you can talk to me. Whatever's going on..."
"What, what, you'll understand? Listen?" He snapped, glaring at you through narrow eyes. You flinched, but stayed quiet. He scoffed. "Look, I don't care what Hotch, or-or Gideon, Morgan, or anyone says. I'm fine, I can do my job."
You watched as he ran his hands through his hair. It was not brushed, unkept. You could tell there was a build up of grease. It explained the build up of stubble, and the small amount of acne that was building up on his forehead though he was in his 20s.
He sat on the queen mattress, resting his face in his hands. He bounced his leg. He let out a shaky breath. You slowly approached the bed, sitting beside him.
"I don't need people treating me like I'm weak. Its nothing I cant handle."
"No one thinks your weak." You reached to put your hand on his shoulder, taping it lightly before resting your hand on it. "We care about you. I care about you."
He was silent. Your eyes skimmed to his bag, instantly finding something out of place. You stood, striding over. You squatted down, reaching in and grabbing a small bottle.
"Dilaudid, Spencer?" You stood, shaking it in his face. He went to snatch it away from you, and you pulled it away.
"I-I didn't- it's not- its from the hospital-" he tried to reach for it again, but you stepped back.
"Don't. Lie to me about this. This is serious." Your voice was deadpan, glaring straight into his eyes that refused to return it.
He continued to stutter, slipping over his words. "Please, (y/n), I can handle it, you don't need to worry. It's nothing." His voice was in a hushed tone. You could see tears in his eyes. He suddenly looked like a confused child, scared and alone.
"Spence..." You felt yourself soften. You watched as he tried to hold his face together, quivering as a tear fell down his cheek.
"It just gets so loud, sometimes, in my own head..." his voice cracked. his arms motioned as he spoke. "I hear his voice, I feel the pain and...the pain of everything and it just-I can't"
He turned away, a quiet sob escaping his lips.
You touched him, and when he didn't shy away, wrapped your arms around him. You rested your head on his back, feeling as he relaxed in your arms. You felt your eyes water as you held him. "We don't have to talk about it right now, okay?" you cooed. He let out a long, shaky breath. "You should take a warm shower. I'll leave if you want me to..."
"No, no. Please stay." He sniffled, turning. Though his face was streaked with tears, his usual mask was on again. "I would...Like company."
You blushed, smiling and nodding. He smiled back, but quickly went into the bathroom, clicking the lock shut. You let out a soft sigh of relief when you heard the shower water start.
You laid on the bed, a shaky breath escaping your lips. But... you had to admit that you weren't shocked. You tried to push it out of your mind for now, the feeling of guilt plaguing you. You couldn't have done anything, you told yourself, just help him now.
You wiped away your own guilty tears, sniffling. You stared at the bottle, as if it would whisper its secrets to you. You understood, somewhat. To erase the pain, to forget the horrors that plague you in your waking hours, even the sleeping ones. To hide behind you intellect just for it to be torn down by a tsunami of emotions. He was just in pain. In so much pain...
You wished you could stop it. But that was unrealistic, right? If you were good enough to make it better, make him happy. You stopped, scolding yourself for the line of thought. You had only slept together, once, almost a year ago. You had a silent agreement to not talk about it. You would most likely be fired, never find another job...All you had been reduced to were soft glances.
The shower hissed to a stop, drawing your attention away. You sat up quickly, watching as the door swung open. He must like his showers hot, you thought to yourself as steam rolled from the doorway. But you were immediately sidetracked by seeing Dr. Reid walk out, towel tied around his waist loosely.
You found your eyes wandering, over his chest and stomach. The obvious curvature of his hips on his thin body, the towel resting low enough that the trail of hair on his stomach turned into pubic hair. He moved his wet hair from his face and looked up at you. You fumbled over your words, covering your eyes. "I am so sorry. I can leave."
He chuckled, and you looked up to see a soft blush painted across his nose. "Its fine, (y/n), I was, uh, just grabbing some clothes."
You peaked through your fingers, watching as he crouched over his bag to dig for clothes. His back was strong, you had to be in the FBI, yet he still seemed like a toothpick. The curve of his spine was as obvious as his hips, and his ass...
You turned around fast as he stood. "Would you, uh. mind if I, uhm, changed?"
"No, no, not at all..." You buried your face in your hands, feeling the hotness of your face. You felt like screaming, and your mind was already running into walls as you tried to push your arousal into a small box. Your body burnt, fire from your face to your pelvis. Your growing (wetness/erection) betrayed your feelings.
You peeked up, watching as he pulled up his sweatpants. "Do you still want me here?" you muttered. He sighed, sitting next to you. He didn't bother putting on a shirt. For the first time, the injection marks on his arms were obvious. He must have noticed you staring.
"Yes." He struggled to say, gently touching your hand. You gently took it, as he slipped his fingers between yours and gripped tightly. He was still shaking, and it was as if he was holding onto you for all manor of stability. "You know...Through all of this, I keep thinking that this would be different if I was just stronger. If I didn't let it get to me like this-"
"You're not weak, you're human."
He looked up at you, moving a single strand of hair from his face. "You know, Its funny. The thing I'm most worried about is you thinking...I don't know. It's not relevant."
"Spence..." You caressed his cheek gently. He seemed to search for something to say, but instead met your eyes for a brief moment.
He leaned in, kissing you gently on the lips. You froze in place as his lips touched yours, waiting for you to close the gap. You kissed him back softly, closing your eyes. His face and hair were still wet, and his lips were soft. He pulled away slowly.
"I've, uh, kind of missed that..." he whispered breathlessly. He held your face in his hands. Kissing you again, you felt yourself melt into him. Your defenses found themselves lowering, completely relaxed. You scooted closer, leaning in and resting your hands on his thigh. You could have done this for hours, you thought to yourself.
You gripped onto his pantleg, letting out a soft moan. He took that as an invitation to continue his advances, running his hand through your hair and pressing his tongue between your lips. Your tongues pressed against each other, needing and wanting to taste the other.
"You know, you can actually taste if someone's genetically compatible through their saliva. If its sour, you're not, but if its sweet, it means that your children will have strong immune systems." He rested his forehead on yours, taking a breath. You glanced down at your hands. You saw why he had paused; he was overexcited.
"Oh, that is fascinating. I would love to hear more facts." You purred, a mischievous blush crawling on your face.
"Oh, Well," you began to kiss his jaw. "Did you know that orgasms reduce blood pressure?" His breathing became more labored as you made your way to his neck. "Did you know... that...fuck..."
He let out a loud moan as you bit his neck. He gripped onto you, grabbing you and pulling you on top of his lap.
"Maybe you're more of a tactical learner..." he growled, kissing you roughly. There wasn't any hesitation now as his hands pulled up your shirt.  He attacked your chest and stomach with love bites, kisses and hickies, like an animal unable to control himself anymore.
"Spencer~" you moaned, running your hands through his hair and pulling. He moaned, looking up at you.
He ran his tongue over your nipple, before sucking on it. You gasped, grinding your hips against his erection. He reached down your pants , through the hem of your underwear, just to feel at you.
"You're so (wet/hard), just for me." He huffed, beginning to trail his fingers down to your entrance. "If I had known you were this... desperate, I would have bent you over and railed you every chance I had." he pressed a finger into you, leaning into t he crook of your neck. You let out a gasp as he fingered you. He nuzzled against you, kissing your neck tenderly.
"That would have been hot." You moaned breathlessly, pulling his hair more. He seemed to enjoy it, as it prompted him to harshly bite your jaw with a soft growl.
He dug his nails into your hips, groaning as he grinded against you. "Can we keep going?" He asked quietly. You nodded. "Perfect. I...would really like to taste you again." He blushed more than he was before, stumbling slightly as he tried to force the words out. It was cute, seeing him so flustered. You bit your lip as a smirk crawled onto you lips.
"Mmm, taste me?" You let out a bratty purr, running your fingers over the hem of his boxers that rested higher than his sweats. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Dr. Reid. You'll have  to be more specific." You reached your hands in, feeling his at his cock, only tracing around the tip at first. "Tell me, which part of me?"
He closed his eyes, tilting his head back and moaning as you began to stroke his cock. He throbbed in your hand, begging for release. He was already leaking precum. He seemed to forget what he was going to say, simply melting into the pleasure your grip gave him. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, panting. "Your (pussy/ass)." He groaned. "Why don't you sit on my face?"
He laid down, motioning for you. "God, you really do have an oral fixation, huh." You muttered. You obeyed his orders.
He pressed his tongue against your entrance, licking around it sensually. You moaned, shivering. He held you in place by your ass, which he massaged and pinched to his satisfaction. He pressed his tongue inside you at the same time he gave a slap to your ass.
You let out a pained moan, feeling a twang of pleasure volt throughout your body. "Oh, you're so dirty." You giggled. He simply looked up at you and winked before going back to feeling your insides with his warm, wet tongue.
It turned you on, thinking about how deviant Spencer was under it all. A sadomasochist who preferred giving over receiving.
"Spence, I wanna try something ."
He paused, looking up expectantly. You turned on top of him, making sure your (pussy/ass) was very much still accessible. You leaned down, teasing him as you licked around the tip of his cock before sucking on it gently.
"… that's a very good idea..." he moaned. He continued to eat you out, his stubble brushing against you as his tongue left no part of you unexplored. You did the same, taking him as deep as you could, just savoring the taste of his cock in your mouth. You ran your tongue over every vein, massaging his balls as you shafted his length into your throat. You gagged slightly, nesting yourself for just a moment into his pubic hair, savoring the taste of his cock and the smell of him.
You felt your body start shivering, getting close. "Spence... Spence... I'm close..." you moaned, drool trailing between your mouth and his cock. "Please...please can I cum?"
He didn't answer, simply groaning and continuing. You took that as a yes.
"Fuck, your tongue feels so good, Spencer. You're so good." You moaned, letting yourself unwind as you neared the edge. "I can't take it, I'm gonna..."
You let out a cry as your eyes rolled back, feeling the wave of release wash over you. You were still for almost a minute, brain completely blank from the orgasm. It took you a moment to return to reality, panting and looking down at Spencer. His face was a mess, covered in your (cum/fluids), but he couldn't seem happier. He was smiling like a dork, the spark of excitement still in his eyes.
"I didn't think i could do that with-with, you know, just my mouth." He stuttered, giggling slightly as he sat up. You tried to stand, but he playfully grabbed you and pulled you back into his lap. "What, you think I'm done with you? " he kissed the back of your neck. You giggled as he started to tickle you playfully. You fought against him.
"Reid! No! I'm ticklish!" You pleaded through your laughter as he tackled you to the ground, not letting up his torture. You found yourself wrestling him, rolling over to figure out who was the one in charge.
Inevitably, Reid ended up on top, your wrists pinned to the ground as the two of you came down from your playful mood. He stared down at you, looking at every part of your body with admiration.
"You still haven't cum, right?" You purred, pulling away your wrists and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I think about how you feel inside me all the time." You whispered. He kissed you, stroking his cock while he did before positioning it.
He pressed inside you, a sharp gasp escaping your lips. He looked down at you, his brown eyes that normally in the office avoided others staring right into you. You could practically see his intelligence, his kindness, his soul inside them.
"Your eyes are beautiful." you found yourself whisper, caressing his face with one hand. He blushed, breaking eye contact.
"Y-yours are dilated...I think that means you like me." He smiled shyly, despite the fact he was inside you.
This time was different than the first, more intimate. He wanted to feel as much of you on him as possible, kissing your lips and hugging you close to him. You wrapped your legs around him. His strokes immediately became faster, more demanding. He pulled away, grabbing your legs and holding them up to get deeper into you.
"Fuck. No one's ever made me feel this way. So...hungry..." he moaned, ramming into you. You didnt care if Morgan next door could hear your cries anymore. All you could focus on was his scent, his voice, his face still smeared with your mess, the feeling of his cock inside you. Nothing else mattered.
It was almost primal as you felt yourself degrade into nothing but a moaning mess subject to Spencer's will. Submitting to him physically, and mentally. He reached down, gently placing a hand over your throat.
"I-I can do it properly, if you, i mean... can i choke you?" He moaned. You simply nodded. He wrapped his hand across your throat, choking you as he made his final few thrusts.
He squeezed almost too tight as he hilted himself inside you, cum spilling into you. "I don't know if I should make a habit of that." He panted as he came down from his own orgasm, letting himself practically fall on top of you. He hadn't even bothered to pull out, just cuddling into you.
He suddenly seemed like a giant teddy bear, nuzzling you and clinging to you. His hair wasn't wet with water anymore, but sweat pooled on his forehead. You stroked his hair affectionately.
"I really can't understand why you would chose to have a sexual relationship with me. Of all people." He muttered. You could feel his eyelashes flutter against your neck.
"Do you...want a sexual relationship?"
He looked up at you, cocking his head in confusion. "I thought...this is what that is. "
You shrugged. "I guess so. We would get fired in a second."
"So, we don't get caught."
You kissed him, trying to forget about the consequences if you two did get caught.
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sams-sass · 4 years
The Others pt. 4
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Summary: You help Jenny though understanding what happened. You, Sam, Dean and Jenny explore the case even further. 
Read Part One, Two, Three and Five Here
Part One
Part Two 
Part Three
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Parings: Sam x Psychic!Reader
Warnings: Language, Descriptions of violence, Kissing (Yeah Boi) 
You opened the motel room door, Sam on your heels. Dean carried Jenny in after you two and laid her down on the couch. You were nervous and scared. You wanted to wrap her up in your arms and hold her till she was healed, but you didn’t know what would happen when you touched her. You bit down hard onto your lower lip, and ran your hand over your arm. Sam turned and saw how upset you were, he took your shoulders in his massive hands and smiled down at you.
“We got her, Y/N, we got her.” His hazel eyes were staring into yours, sending a pulse through your whole body.
“I’m scared to touch her. What if I see something I cant handle?” You wrapped your hands around his forearms, feeling the strength and heat from them.
“I’ll be right here.” He gave your shoulders a squeeze and let you go, walking over to where Dean was standing. You nodded and moved to stand over Jenny. You saw the blood, the dirt, the tear marks left down her face and your own eyes began to well. This was Jenny. Sure, you had visions of Jenny before. Sometimes her skin would brush yours and you would get a glimpse into her life. This was different. She wasn’t the same. She looked so broken, when she was always so incredibly strong. Jenny who told a guy off because he grabbed her ass as she walked by him. Jenny who made you pancakes and tea when you were scared you failed a test. Jenny who found light in all dark places. She was always ahead. Taking the lead and not looking back. Now it was your turn. Your turn to take the lead and fight. Your turn to be fearless and to see the light when it seemed they had all gone out. You balled your fists and knelt in front of her. Your fingers tentatively reached out and made contact with her forehead.
Jenny’s eyes opened to the dark cold of the basement. She panicked and looked around the disgusting and moldy room, her breathing becoming rapid. The door creaked as it opened, showing a small frame of light coming from the outside. A figure stood in the doorway, Brandon’s lurking body blocking all the light. Jenny cowered and squirmed away from him. He moved closer. She let out a strangled and terrified scream.
The vision suddenly stopped and light flashed through your mind. Scenes of fast and loud movement hurried through you.
Jenny was on a table, her wrists and ankles bound with rope. A knife ran across her skin. Her screams echoed along the walls. Her eyes frantically searched around the room for help. The boys all stood, their eyes black and faces dead. Jenny was pleading for her life as they continued to cut into her skin.
Your heart was pounding as your eyes fluttered back into the present. You took a loud gasp into your lungs and slapped your hand over your mouth and closed your eyes, your body bending into itself. You let out a shuttering and panicked breath, the tears rolled down your cheeks and onto your shirt. Sam and Dean raced to your side. Sam ran his hand down your hair and Dean took your hand in his, bringing it to his chest. Sam moved to sit next to you pulled you into him, his arms surrounding you completely.
“It’s ok. It’s ok, Y/N, it’s over. She’s safe now.” He whispered into your hair. You turned your head and pushed your face against his chest, inhaling his sent deeply into your bones. Sam’s fingers traced over the skin on your arm. Your heart rate dropped slightly and your breathing slowed. A feeling of calm gently ran over your muscles like the steady movement of a river.
“It’s not just Brandon, its all of them, they are all demons.” You sniffled and wiped your eyes while Dean moved and got you a tissue.
“What?” Sam asked as he moved so he could look into your eyes.
“The frat. They are all possessed. They were all standing with black eyes and cutting into Jenny.” Your lip trembled as a fresh wave of tears came over you again. Dean handed you the tissue and knelt back down in front of you. His eyes connected with his brothers. This wasn’t right. Everything about this was wrong. You moved out of Sam’s embrace to look back at Jenny.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” Sam whispered, his fingers still grazing your skin. You looked back at both brothers and nodded, sniffling slightly.
“I’m gonna clean her up.” You stood and got a bowl of water and a washcloth. You ran the warm cloth over her skin, watching the dirt and blood come off with each swipe.
“Sam, can I talk to you for a second?” Dean asked, standing up and walking toward the door. They walked outside and faced each other. “What the actual hell dude?” Dean spread his arms out and stared at his brother, eyebrows raised.
“I don’t know, it doesn’t make any sense to me either. They are all demons? I mean, its gotta be some kind of ritual or something, right?” Sam asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away in thought.
“I don’t know man, this whole thing is all sorts of wack. Getting Jenny? That was way too easy, it’s almost like they wanted her to be taken.” Dean was feeling overwhelmed. He shook his head and tried to think of anything that made sense.
“Did you test her?” Sam asked quickly, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yeah man, I gave her the full battery after I put her in the car. Holy water, silver, I even rubbed some salt on her. Nothing.” Dean
“Sam! Dean!” Your voice rang out from the room, you sounded scared. They ran back into the room and saw you holding a rag and looking at Jenny.
“What?” They both asked at the same time. You looked up at them and then back to Jenny, you flicked your head for them to come closer. You moved her shirt slightly, showing them the brand on her chest. They looked at it with confusion written all over their handsome faces. Just then Jenny’s eyes snapped open. Her hand closed around your wrist and a terrified and hysterical scream tore through her throat. Her fingernails dug into the skin of your wrist. Her breathing was fast and heavy. Her eyes wide with panic and horror. You didn’t pull away, you knelt down in front of her and tried to find her eyes.
“Hey, Jen. Jenny, it’s ok. Its me, it’s ok.” You watched as her face went through a few emotions at once, terror, agony, relief, and sadness. She looked right at you then, her breath catching in her throat before she jumped on top of you. Her arms coming around your neck as she buried her face in your shoulder.
“Y/N.” Her voice was horse and broken in her throat making you close your eyes against the sting of tears. You ran your hand up and down her back, trying to give her any sense of comfort.
“I know, Jenny. I know, you’re safe now.” You whispered, nodding your head slightly.
Sam watched as you hugged your best friend. She was crying into your shoulder, her hands twisted into your hair as the reality settled into her. You just kept holding her and telling her that it was ok, that she was safe. Sam didn’t think he could ever stop being amazed by you. His heart swelled watching you take care of her. You didn’t shy away from her even though it could hurt you. Sam was captivated by you and it was getting harder and harder to suppress his urges.
You pulled back slightly to look Jenny in the face, giving her a small and sad smile that she gave back. Her eyes then looked up to Sam and Dean, her body curled into itself and she backed as far as she could into the corner of the couch.
“Jenny, I know its scary. They saved you. They saved you.” You tentatively reached out your hand again, brushing her skin with your fingertips. She looked between them and you quickly. Her breathing returned to normal. Her hand coming up and grabbing yours, her head leaned down.
“Thank you.” She whispered.
“It was all Y/N, she figured the whole thing out.” Dean said, you looked over your shoulder at him. He gave you a small smile.
“How did you know where I was?” Her eyes shot up to yours, her eyebrows furrowing on her forehead. Your lips parted and held your breath for a moment. You looked away from her and bit your lip in apprehension.
“I promise to tell you everything, but for now lets get you cleaned up and fed. Do you want to borrow some of my clothes or do you want to go back to the apartment?” You sat down next to her on the couch.
“No, I wanna stay with you. I’ll just borrow something of yours.” She tried to stand and collapsed back into the couch. You reached your hands out and caught her against you.
“Why don’t you guys go get the food and I’ll help her.” You made eye contact with both brothers.
“What will you have?” Dean asked pulling his jacket over himself.
“Two bacon cheeseburgers with fries, please.” You stood up and walked over to Dean, putting your hand on his shoulder. “Get some whiskey, were gonna need it.” He nodded at you and looked over at Sam, flicking his head. You watched them walk out the door and then turned back to Jenny, giving her a reassuring smile and walking towards her. You hooked your hands under her arms and lifted her off the couch. The two of you moved into the bathroom and she let you lean her against the sink. This was not the first time that you had helped her clean up. You were in college and some nights you had a little too much to drink and needed your best friends help. She took her shirt off and looked over her chest with a sickened facial expression. You took her chin in between your thumb and forefinger, looking her in the eyes.
“Most of it can be washed right off. I’m going to help you, Jenny.” She nodded and you saw some of the strength returning to her eyes. You helped her remove her pants and turned the water on, checking it for the perfect temperature. She stepped under the stream, holding the wall for support. You leaned against the sink and waited for her to ask for help. The scent of soap filled your nose as the bathroom steamed around you.
“Y/N, can you help me with my back?” She asked you, her voice small. You pushed the curtain back and took the washcloth from her hand and ran it across the skin of her back. The bottom of the shower was black with dirt, grime, and dust. You handed the cloth back to her and squeezed some shampoo into your hands, your fingers slid into her hair. You felt all the dirt stuck in her hair, the soap quickly turning grey in your hands. She turned and washed it all out, with clean skin she finally looked more like herself.
Sam sat next to Dean in the impala. The rumble of the engine the only sound in the car.
“Alright man, tell me what’s going on.” Dean looked over at him, one eyebrow cocked.
“I don’t know, this case is just really bothering me and-.” He cut himself off.
“And you are scared about how you feel about Y/N.” Dean finished for him. Sam looked over at him and let out a breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s confusing me too.” Sam licked his lips and readjusted in his seat.
“Is this about Jess?” Dean asked, pulling into the diner. Sam looked over at him and shook his head. He was nervous to tell Dean about this connection. Nervous how he would react.
“I don’t think so. I think it’s more that I barely know her and I already feel so strongly. I can’t explain it, but this connection with her is really intense. Its almost frightening.” Sam looked away, and dropped his head.
“I see that you two share something. I mean, she’s gorgeous and smart. The way she just ran into those buildings. I get it.” Dean nodded, his mouth turned into a smirk.
“Yeah. Yeah, we have to help her.” Sam agreed, not wanting to dive further into his feelings. Letting Dean think that he was just having a crush was good for now. He couldn’t tell him that every time he looked at you his blood ran a little faster in his veins. How when you touched him his heart stopped in his chest. How when you were in that room with Brandon he could think of nothing but tearing him limb from limb. They walked into the diner and got dinner. Climbing back into the impala and driving back to the motel.
You helped Jenny into your clothes and sat with her on the couch. Her hands picked at a thread, you knew she was going to ask. You knew you were going to have to tell her. Your heart was racing in your chest. You didn’t want to lose her. You didn’t want to drive her away. I mean you were psychic and talked to dead people. That’s a lot to swallow.
“So, when are you going to tell me?” Her eyes looked into yours with fierce intensity.
“I um. Well, I’m not really sure where to start.” You looked away from her and nervously twisted your hands together.
“Start at the beginning.” She looked confused. Her face scrunched slightly.
“I’m a psychic medium. I have visions and the dead find me to give messages for the living. When I was a child my grandfather came to see me at night. Jenny, he was dead. Had been for a while, I had never even met the man. I saw Michaela and all the other girls. They all came to me and told me to find them, I knew where you were because I had a vision. I had a vision of Brandon taking you from your room and that’s how I knew to look at the frat house.” You looked up at her again, fully expecting her to tell you that you were insane and run away from you. She was staring at you, her eyes were searching your face for answers.
“Visions?” She asked, her eyebrows coming up slightly.
“Yes, visions. The talking to the dead is crazier if you ask me.” You cocked one eyebrow and gave her a smirk. She stared at you with a stone face for a beat. Then her mouth opened and she laughed slightly.
“Yeah, that…that is much weirder. Why did Brandon want you?” Your hands wrapped around hers.
“I’m not sure, I think it has something to do with the psychic thing, but I don’t know.” You were just staring at her, happy she was still with you. “Why do you believe me?” You asked, genuine curiosity eating away at you.
“I was kidnapped by a guy with black eyes and then all his friends stood around with black eyes and cut me with knives. I’ll believe just about anything. Especially that you can predict the future, you always knew shit before it happened. Like when you told me not to break up with Mark in public…and then I did…and then we got asked to leave the park.” Jenny had a small smile on her face and you were chuckling under her breath.
“Thanks for understanding.” You whispered, afraid of your voice cracking. She nodded and gave you a wider smile.
“And these guys? What’s their deal?” Jenny scratched the back of her head, her eyes looking heavy.
“I am not totally sure. They are hunters. They go around the country and kill monsters, like Brandon.” Her eyebrows shot up, her face looking like she just sucked a lemon.
“Monsters? Brandon?” This was a lot of information and you could tell you were starting to lose her.
“Jenny, I am psychic and Brandon is possessed by a demon. I know this is all insane and way too much for someone to take in, but I have to ask you to. Brandon and the entire frat is possessed. We have no idea what their end game is, but right now girls are in danger and for some reason they want me.” You were getting upset again, your eyes watering and your breathing spiking.
“Ok, Y/N. Ok, were together again.” She moved toward you and wrapped you into her arms again, holding you close to her. You snuggled your face into her shoulder. She was back. Jenny was here with you. She was back.
The door opened, Sam and Dean walked in with food and alcohol. You all sat at the table and Jenny demolished her food in a matter of minutes. You pushed your food toward her and let her eat most of your fries as well.
“We were talking and we think we may need some help.” Sam spoke up, taking a sip of beer.
“Ok, where are we gonna get more help?” You asked, taking another bite of your burger.
“We know a guy. He has more research material than anyone we know. We’re going to head there tomorrow.” Dean took a long drag from his beer.
“You’re leaving?” Your heart sank in your chest.
“Well, we were hoping you would come with us.” Sam said. You looked right at him then. He wanted you to go with him. Sam’s eyes were melting you, your heart pounding in your chest. You were just staring at him. His everchanging eyes holding yours, not looking away. Your lips parted and you felt every inch of you crave him. You felt Jenny’s hand on your thigh, squeezing your flesh. You jumped back into the moment and cleared your throat, embarrassed. Not trusting your voice at the moment, you nodded your head and took a drink trying to look away from Sam. You could almost feel Jenny’s smirk sitting on her face.
After dinner the four of you sat down and Dean poured you all a glass of whiskey. Jenny chugged hers before the rest of you got your first sip down, Dean raised his eyebrows as he poured her another glass. You looked into the amber liquid and hoped that you could get through this. Hoped you could help the boys. You and Jenny shared a bed while Dean took the couch. Sam laying next to you in his own bed. You watched his back move under his shirt in the dark night. You rolled onto your back and prayed for sleep to come. You were exhausted, you could feel your body sinking into relaxation, but your brain wouldn’t stop. You huffed and got up, trying to be as quiet as possible. You opened the door and stood outside, your breath visible in the cool night. You heard the door open and Sam stepped out. You smiled and tried to hide how your skin began to tingle when you saw him.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He whispered, his breath mixing with yours.
“No, too much on my mind.” You crossed your arms over your chest. Feeling exposed. He took a step towards you and you swallowed, nerves lighting on fire. He placed his hand on your arm. His bare skin on yours, you shivered at the sensation. His fingertips brushed up the length of your arm, tangling into your hair. His thumb ran across your jaw and over your cheek. Your heart stopped and you felt dizzy in his presence. You rose to your tippy toes tilted your head and then it happened. His lips crashed against yours, breath caught in your throat and heart in your stomach. You had never felt this fuzzy yet connected at the same time. Your fingers twisted into his hair as his hands slid around your thighs. He effortlessly lifted you off the ground and pulled you tight against him. Your chest against his, he licked your bottom lip. You moaned and opened your mouth to him. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and all thoughts left your mind. He was everything you wanted and more. His fingers running over your skin and his lips tracing every inch of you. This was attraction like you had never experienced, like you didn’t know existed. He turned and pushed you against the wall, your back arching into him.
“Y/N.” Your name on his lips brought you back from your high. Your eyes fluttered open, finding his eyes right there looking at you.
“Sam.” You traced his lips with your fingertips and pulled him back to you. You could never get tired of kissing him. His lips on yours were like pouring gasoline on a fire. It ignited something in you that you didn’t even knew you had. You and Sam stayed outside for a while longer, exploring each other. You laid down then, to get a few hours of sleep and rest. The moment your body laid down and your eyes closed you fell into a deep sleep, feeling better than you had in days.
The sunlight woke you up. Jenny was draped across you, her arm around your waist. You chuckled and got up, stretching your muscles. You all got ready for the day. You felt Sam’s eyes on you more than once, you found yourself staring at him too. Dean got all of you coffee before you all climbed in the impala and took off, taking a pit stop at your apartment. You pulled into Singer’s Auto later that day. Where were you? Old cars and dust were everywhere you looked. Sam and Dean walked up the porch, you and Jenny behind them wearing the same confused facial expression. A man opened the door, he was wearing a flannel with a vest over it, dirty jeans, and an old baseball cap. He had a hard face with a beard. The boys both gave him a smile.
“Bobby, this is Y/N and Jenny.” Dean introduced you two, Jenny leaned against you.
“Come on in.” Bobby nodded and walked into the house, the four of you following. “So what’s going on?” He asked, facing you. Sam and Dean explained the case in full detail, allowing Jenny to hear a lot of it too.
“Then there’s this.” Dean said, nodding at Jenny. She moved her shirt and showed Bobby the brand on her chest. You saw the emotion cross her face, her eyes welling. You grabbed her hand and smiled at her, trying to reassure her. You moved toward her and brushed past Sam. His hand touched yours and your heart pounded in your chest. You took in a sharp inhale and saw Sam stiffen next to you. Bobby gave Dean a look. “Then there’s that.” Dean mumbled so only Bobby could hear, rolling his eyes and hiding his smile.
You were standing outside, on the porch. Jenny, Bobby, and Dean were looking through books for the brand on her chest. Sam came outside to join you, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders hunched.
“I’m scared, Sam.” You didn’t waste any time in telling him how you felt.
“I know. I am too.” He looked over at you, nodding his head.
“I don’t know anything about this life. I don’t want to become a burden.” Your face was squinted in the sunlight slightly, your hair blowing in the soft breeze. Sam nodded and kicked his foot into the dirt. His eyes looked into yours and the left side of his mouth turned up in a small smile. He pulled out a gun from the waist of his pants. In one motion he clicked it so the magazine fell out into his waiting hands. 
“I’ll teach you a few things.” He took your hand in his, placing the empty gun into it. “Let’s get started.” He said as your fingers curled around the gun, determination in your eyes as you accepted your new fate. 
Tags: @watermelonlipstick​ @virtualheaderssupernaturalnerd​ @wnchetrs​ @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish​ @lukawats​
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pazzodiamante · 4 years
Oldest, Middle, Or Youngest Child?
Haikyuu edition
Middle child
He just raidiates younger sibling vibes man
But the fact that he handles Bokuto so perfectly makes me think that he HAS to have a younger sibling
He has an older brother who’s away for college and a younger brother who he adores
He’s not that close to his older brother anymore but back when they were, you could always catch them play fighting and laughing till tears came out their eyes
His brother going away for college changed him a lot. He was never the type of person who was exited all the time and and he sure as hell didn’t have a kind smile on his face as often as others, but when his brother was around he often appeared to be in a good mood and much more open. He became more quiet and picked up a resting bitch face that made him look bored all the time a few months after his brother left, he slowly distanced himself from people and kept more quiet to and himself too
He’s really close to his younger brother though, he’s in junior high. They play video games together, ride bikes at the park, watch horror movies together, and a bunch of other stuff. Akaashi always makes time for him, always
If their mom happens to be working late, Akaashi picks up food for the three of them once he heads home so they can eat since she won’t be cooking for them and Akaashi can’t cook for shit. They eat their food in peace in the living room watching tv and enjoying each other’s company
Sometimes if they both happen to be up early in the morning on a weekend with no school and no work to do, they’ll make breakfast, chill on couch, put on some cartoons, and eat whatever they made in a comfortable silence
Middle child
His three older siblings already graduated high school and one passed college too, his two younger siblings are in high school and in elementary school
His oldest sibling is the only boy aside from himself, he’s 25. He doesn’t live with them but he comes home a lot since their house is pretty big and he has a room there. They get along fine, Kyou’s relationship with him is similar to his with Iwa’s but he’s much more closer to his brother and he has more fun with him since they grew up together
The second oldest is his eldest sister who is 23 and in law school. She’s usually very busy with trying to deal with school, work, family, and friends at the same time so they don’t interact that often but when they do it’s peaceful and fun. She’s the most mature of them all so she’s the one that stops the fights and takes responsibility when she has to
The other middle child, or the third oldest, is his older sister who is 19 and in college. She works at a restaurant near his school so sometimes after practice he’ll go there to eat and do his homework. Her girlfriend works there too so Kyoutani and her end up talking a lot and he knows a few other employees thanks to his sister and her girlfriend
His younger sister, who is a first year and one year younger than him, is his resident pain in the ass. He argues with her the most but he would never go as far as to actually hit her, he knows that he’s pretty strong and the only ones who could actually take it are his brother and older sister (19 year old one) since the three of them are the only ones who work out and have played sports before. They’re both pretty similar in a lot of ways so there are times where they get along and have the time of their lives
His youngest sibling and the baby of the family is Rika, she’s 7. She is literally the only sibling Seijou knows the name of, Kyoutani doesn’t talk about his personal life much but she’s the only one he’s actually called by name when talking about her, the rest get names like “My sister”, “Assjack 1”, “Assjack 2”, and “Assjack 3”
He gets along with sister 2 best but sister 3 least. He likes the other two just fine and Rika favors him, something he likes to rub in his brothers face
Fun fact: his eldest siblings actually share different fathers than the rest but the same between each other, none of them actually like him so they never bring him up. That’s also one of the reasons as to why they treat Kyou’s dad like their actual father
I’m working on some Kyoutani headcanons so I’ll write more about them there :)
Oldest child
He has a younger sister who’s not even in junior high yet, she’s babey
She’s also his human alarm clock
Matsukawa absolutely hates waking up early in the morning, he would sleep in until 12 everyday if he had the chance and he does on holidays
So since his actual phone alarms are useless (he just keeps pressing snooze and never actually stops them and get up), Hanamaki and Mattsun’s little sister have taken it up to themselves to wake him up
Hanamaki is up much earlier so by the time Mattsun’s alarms start ringing, Makki is eating breakfast peacefully. When he’s done he’ll just walk 5 minutes to Mattsun’s house, climb a tree that’s right next to Mattsun’s window so he can get in through there without waking anyone else up, and attack him with pillows until he wakes up and starts getting ready
When it’s not Hanamaki waking him up but his little sister instead, she’ll go in his room with two pans and start smashing them together while yelling “GET UP BIGFOOT!!!”. What a way to wake up amiright, instant panic and confusion the moment you process the sounds. She only does that when it’s only them two together though so she doesn’t wake anyone else up and the reason why she’s up so early is because she watches morning cartoons and eats whatever breakfast their mom left them
Mattsun loves tickling her to death, they play around so much you wouldn’t even think it’s actually Mattsun and not some secret twin of his who is much more happy and cheerful than he is
She’s so smol and loves having Mattsun lift her up with one hand and have her be taller than him by lifting his hand straight up, their cealing is pretty tall so he doesn’t have to worry about his arm touching the ceiling or his sister hitting her head while he’s lifting her up
Aside from “Bigfoot”, she likes to call him “Mountain man”, “Uvo’s son” (he’s from hxh and he’s tall as hell bruh), and “Cupcake” for some reason. Mattsun guesses that she calls him that because Makki calls him “My chocolate cupcake” jokingly sometimes and she’s been around a few times when he has
Mattsun would kill a man for her no question about it
Oldest child
He has an 13 year old little sister who he is very protective of
They argue so much though it’s unreal
She often kicks his knees when she’s mad at him since he’s too tall for her to reach his face
She gets most of her roasting material from him and Moniwa prays for the child whenever he remembers (he’s been to his house before so he knows)
Aone once told him “She’s a lot like you” and Futakuchi has never been so offended in his life, he couldn’t even find the right words for that he just made disgusted noises
He’s just like that, acts like a dick a lot but he would do anything for her except wash the damn dishes
She knows this and she’s the same
She’s so sarcastic Kamasaki almost lost his shit the first time he met her and realized that she’s even worse than Futa
“It’s fineeeee my dog won’t bite or anything, cant say the same for my sister though. She’ll have you reevaluating your life” -Futakuchi at Kamasaki
Youngest child
He has an older sister who is 22
They aren’t that close since they’re only related because of their dad and live separately (Kawanishi living with his mom and her living with her own) but they’re pretty chill around each other
She isn’t the energetic type, preferring peace and quiet over anything but she doesn’t mind making conversation either
She sometimes cooks for him when he’s home and not in the dorms, he won’t admit it but he loves it since she’s always cared for him and she has amazing cooking skills
Oldest child
He has two younger siblings, a younger sister who’s about to graduate junior high, and a brother who is 2 years younger than her
They call him “The Capitalist”
Seriously, they have plenty of normal names for him like “Hayahaya”, “Haya”, “Yaya”, “Yato”, and “Hayaaaaaa” if they want something from him, but that other name is the sole weird one and most used name they have for him
The reason behind that name is that he’s a killer in Monopoly and bullies them through it, there’s only two people who can beat him in the game and those two people are two of their cousins but they don’t see each other often
“Sorry I don’t speak broke”, “not my fault I’m filthy rich and you’re living the life of a New York rat”, “sorry can’t see you through all this CASH”, “maybe if you weren’t slow on the brain then you could’ve saved some money and actually stood a chance”, “what are you? My mother? No, pay up kid this ain’t a game” -Hayato Yamagata in Monopoly
Hayato and his sister practice volleyball sometimes since he taught her how to play once while their brother watches when he’s feeling down. Spending time with them just helps
They play all sorts of card games with a big tray of snacks next to them when she’s the one down, and they all binge watch cool series together when their little brother is the one who is down
They like to spend a lot of time together and they overall care a lot about each other
Both of them miss Hayato a lot too since he spent three years living in a high school dorm system and he plans on moving away for college too but they wouldn’t admit it
Hayato misses them too but instead of trying to deny it or anything, he just spends as much time with them as possible. He takes them to the mall, theme parks, restaurants, etc.
His sister also has a crush on Semi and Hayato absolutely does not let her live it down, she knew she was done for the moment Hayato realized
Middle child
He comes from a family of A LOT of siblings and always feels outshined by them, two older ones and three younger ones to be exact
The oldest is a girl who’s 25 and currently lives with her best friend, second oldest is a boy who’s 19 and the one person who can absolutely get under Goshiki’s skin in less than 2 minutes, then there’s Goshiki, after him is his junior high brother who proves to be amazingly intelligent and great at volleyball himself and is only one year younger than him, and after him are “The Terror Twins” which are his two younger brothers that are three years younger than Goshiki
His older brother used to play basketball but stopped once graduated, that’s why he’s taller than Goshiki and a bit stronger. He always uses his height & strength to his advantage and a weapon to make Goshiki’s life a living hell and Goshiki hates him for it. Does anyone know why exactly he’s such a dick to Goshiki? Nope, it’s only a guess that he has some sort of hatred for him due to the fact that Goshiki shares a different mom than the rest of them
He and his younger brother have a complicated relationship too. They don’t physically fight like Goshiki and their older brother do but he constantly acts like he’ll always be better than him and like he’s worthless to him, that messes with Goshiki sometimes and they always end up arguing
There are a few times where those two pain in the asses actually like him and they get along though
The twins aren’t really bad, they just have a lot of energy in them and like causing trouble so Goshiki doesn’t really mind them unless they direct their mischief towards him
He gets along with his older sister the most, she’s really nice to him and often offers to go out with him. The volleyball team has also met her twice and they seem to like her too
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mined-and-crafted · 5 years
(if ur still taking asks) hcs for a lovely queen symmetry? 👀
Ah, sorry this took too long, I fell asleep after yesterdays uhm... things
Falsy had a robotic right arm back before she got into hermitcraft, she was an active pvp player after all, so there's a lot of things that could happen to you
False loves baking just as much as she loves doing pvp
False is the most paranoid of the hermit girls, but also the bravest
False does not handle horror very well
False can't sing for shit. (Im sorry Falsy, but thats my hc)
For some reason she loves to just chill at an ocean monument and let the guardians aim at her. She likes the feel of their aim cause its like a massage, but ofc she moves out the way before she gets shot, although sometimes she forgets to do that
Back during s5 False and Cub were the two main trouble causing people in the server, so I would like to believe she is an honorary member of Concorp
PrankSymmetry is another one of her names (thank you recap bois) and she has a shit eating grin when she got plans involved
But PrankSymmetry also has no braincells, she just goes ham on pranks (ex: the roller coaster prank on ren)
She developed an entirely new fighting technique over the years that has the use of ender pearls, so during pvp she would stack upon stacks of this bad boys. She's like a teleporting ninja
People get scared of her when she has a sword on her hand and an ender pearl on the other bc that means she's pissed enough that she will come get your ass from every direction
She absolutely will not hesitate, bitch.
During the A77 arc False would sometimes break into the facility when none of the two people who work there are there
She found Tango there, they're fine
She still has some flashes of that time Doc and Scar shot her with the memory earaser, but its too fuzzy for her to fully grasp it
Her space ship is an actual space ship and thats what she used when she first got into hermitcraft
False loves flowers so she and Cleo would sometimes make flowercrowns for each other and for the other hermits
Her hands aren't exactly smooth, but its always the right temp for hand holding (LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND DEMMIT)
Sometimes, when she's sad and doesn't want to bother others, she stays at the mirror room in her base and talks to her reflection
She could've sworn it talked back to her
Was her reflection smiling back? Or is that the tears in her eyes making it blurry? No one knows
She has a really big ego and loves to rub it on other peoples faces, but at the same time, she's really humble and only shows what needs to be shown
So she's always on a dilemma when she wants to show off sometimes
But when she does, she's extremely smug about it
The hermit gals go on monthly meet up and they just do what they want to do
They have played multiple games together (some of which gets a little too out of hand)
You know how I said she has a robotic arm? She does arm jokes like crazy, Doc and other cyborg peeps just groan
Doc has definitely thrown her into the ocean one time because of it
"False, if I hear one more arn jokes I swear Ill throw you into the ocean" "awh, well thats... al-arm-ing..."
She still does it out of spite.
She and Biffa are really good friends, but when it comes to pvp and theyre on the opposing team? Friends is not in their vocabulary
I've had too many on this already cndddnxjxxj can yall tell False is my favorite hermit? Lmao, thank you for the questions! Keep em coming :Do
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dxmagedrose · 4 years
Tagged by: my lover @hammurabicomplex​ I’m tagging: anyone and everyone who wants to pick this one up! share with the class if you feel like it! tag me in it!!
FIRST NAME Good fucking question… It’s (sort-of) currently Dylann! I was Kieran before that, though; it’s still used as one of my first names and I’m not used to Dylann quite yet bc I’ve just started using it. 
Indigo is one of my middle names though, and I’ve used it as an online handle elsewhere forever so I use it here now!  [ Fun etymology facts: Dylan(n) is a mythology name generally meaning “born of the wave” (aspiring diver & a water witch at heart). Kieran means “little dark one” bc of my love for horror, && I chose Indigo bc as a kid to be it was neither boy (blue) or purple (girl) and was both and neither as well as my absolute favorite color as this vibrant ass mystical color. ]
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF hmmmmm…. I’m a horror lover at heart, so as a child (I wanna say 12), I was walking through an antique store (I have a few cool finds, I considered putting my other one as the fact tbh) and I turned the corner and I saw these two dolls staring back at me at the foot of the stairs of this antique building. my blood froze, and i felt my stomach drop. i got actual, physical goosebumps stumbling across these two creepy dolls staring back at me in the corner, and i couldn’t leave the store without them. perhaps the little painted porcelain boy would be somewhat spooky by himself if it wasn’t for the terrifying lidded gaze of the porcelain girl with the hairline fractures and slightly open lips. i cant look at her. i dont really find dolls scary, I like to find the spookier ones ones, and she makes me paranoid as hell. i keep her face covered and her up in my closet except for when i bring her out to show her off proudly as the spookiest thing I have but……. i dont really collect dolls anymore.  even thinking about her brings a fearful tear to my eye.  i don’t like to think about her for very long, but that’s why I’m so fucking proud to own her. ( YES — I’m THAT white person in the horror film )
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON hhhhh a beardy jawline, high cheekbones, crooked canine teeth >:3c
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF b.l.t.’s with avocado. ahhhh. my mouth is watering just thinking about it, oh my god. just a bit of salt and pepper???
A FOOD YOU HATE barbecue anything, i hate the taste of bbq sauce, you keep your nasty black goo to yourselves at the grill. twice in my life i have presented with barbecue pizza and both times i cried literal tears. why would you do such a horrible thing to a person? what kind of a monster are you? how do you sleep at night?!
GUILTY PLEASURE the sims. constantly. always. i’ve sunk thousands of hours into my households. oh also uhhhhhh i run two 80s horror blogs, one being a shitpost blog with occasional art of mine and one gremlin fanfic ship blog for horrible, terrible self indulgent fanfics i’ll get the courage to finish writing & post so i can be cancelled on tumblr for at some point. NO, i won’t link them. as i pretend they’re even all that hard to find, within a day i was found on both by someone i admire here a lot :’) ilu bby thnk u eternally for supporting ur local horrifying dumbass wtf
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN the same clothes i’ve been wearing all day usually, my sweats & long sleeve raglans or my hoodies. i like being cozy day & and out. and ugh. efoort. just throw me in a blanket in a cool room and im out.
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS serious relationships with some openness or poly. i wish i could fling! just not exactly easy for demisexual autistics lmao.
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE I think I would be adopted by my grandma as a kid. It would save me some trauma but mostly I think it would get my autism diagnosed way earlier and save me angsting all these years of wondering why & thinking it’s my fault I’m struggling so much and so loud and affectionate and different in a world that i didnt fit in the same way. 
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON when i get drunk i text people how much they mean to me in my life. does that answer your question? ahhh. i’m sometimes a cuddle monster with friends, i message people with long texts about how much they mean to me, but I sometimes really don’t like to be touched at all. 
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN FLYPAPER.  F L Y P A P E R.  FLYPAPER.  FLY, and, I can’t stress this enough, fucking PAPER. ( Though also Whole Nine Yards and both Re-Animator & Bride ). I have watched Flypaper already like, 5 times this week and I’m still not done, and the other movies have been on repeat for days in this household within the last year. In the past it has also been Donnie Darko & the new Nightmare on Elm Street.  roast me.
FAVORITE BOOK White Fang by Jack London. Have I actually ever finished it? No. Do I still own a copy I’ve had since childhood thru multiple dogs eating it, taking it to and from school, and highlighting and circling all the best parts of chapter one ever since I was a kid and it was too hard of a book for me to read? You bet your ass. If I ever need inspiration I just reread chapter 1. Although one of my other favorites was Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. But White Fang is like, a weirdly personal text. We stan London’s writing in this household.
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE FENNEC FOX!! I used to daydream about having my own named Shiloh when I was a lil kid. they’re adorable little things and i am obsessed. i mean, gimme any fox and im happy, marble foxes, red foxes… but I was obsessed with fennec foxes. Also tbh ferrets. I want a ferret.
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] Rosa & @ninetyscnds‘s Luke, Rosa & @iimpulsivity is already screaming my name, Rosa & Constantine, Jesse & Andrea from Breaking Bad, and the joker and harley of 80s sci-fi Dan & Herbert from Re-Ani.  I am but a simple opossum. 
PIE OR CAKE Pie! I’ll take both pumpkin & melty apple over cake. also, cheesecake is more pie than cake soooo, pie wins.
FAVORITE SCENT my dogs / my blanket. :’)  It’s the most grounding smell in the world. 
CELEBRITY CRUSH oliver jackson-cohen, i’m fucking GAY and im angry about it. there i was, minding my own business, and i saw that asshole in a certain SHIRTLESS GIF and it AWOKE SOMETHING IN ME. dont talk to me about it, holy shit im obsessed with beardy men now god fuckkdafjaask i hate him why did he make me this gay i was perfectly fine being into girls but NOOOOOO him and his dumb hairy chest and sweet rugged face and I——  I also am obsessed with the archaeologist & television personality Josh Gates and may or may not be considering making a fan blog for him bc idk if my anthropology docuseries host is Dad or Daddy but i love him lots
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO I would go on a dive with anthropologists and archaeologists doing fieldwork research in the ancient cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula. My actual dream job, catch me crying & fantasizing about being underwater documenting Mayan skulls given as offerings. Fuckkkk, I love anthropology so much!!  take me anywhere in the world to immerse myself into culture & archaeology.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Introvert. I have a real life friend I see roughly once a month, and that’s it. Plenty of online relationships, I’m chatty, message me all day every day. but i dont do people well.
DO YOU SCARE EASILY I used to! Really bad. I don’t as much anymore. I do get paranoia a lot still. Having therapists telling you that the FBI could be outside your house watching you through your windows will kind of nervous. ( no google results for: yes hello fbi i am a writer please dont put me on watchlists i just have research i need to do for this idea im working on, would you like to try again? ) I have nightmares nightly but not they never make me afraid, they just make me feel like crap. jumpscares and loud noises and seeing people reaching into their pockets dont set off as many brain alarms anymore tho!! progress haha.
IPHONE OR ANDROID I like my android better bc of capabilities but meh
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES My mom, her husband & I play COD for family game night, and Silent Hill is my life’s blood. I’ve sunken hours into Sims & Skyrim, and Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain is my #1 fictional character in existence, why do i love the druggie babies
DREAM JOB Oh… You’re asking me to pick? I’d love to be an anthropologist doing work out in the field. Underwater archaeology is peak, but I’m also heavily considering being a body recovery diver or police diver. I’d love to see myself in uniform someday, if possible. Just the thought makes me teary eyed & proud.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS fund my person creative & educational endeavors. get myself a spooky ass abandoned house to make my own home to create in, and travel to the world’s best dive sites. just live a mild life of education, creation & exploration. that’s the dream TM.
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE dr. hill is a gross and whiny lil bitch this post brought to u by the miskatonic crew, how is everyone here an even worse bad guy than herbert west precious dan excluded talk shit get hit tho john winchester from spn and both walter white & todd from breaking bad are all in my crew of hated characters. i jusT…   the reani novel is difficult to read because i have to deal with this old sack of shit.
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The voice of my heart, lately sounds like you.
"Ah, I'll kill you"
"Not if I kill you first"
"Damn you, Wei WuXian this is not even your fight. Why are you being so aggressive?"
"You pick up a fight with my bro and expect me to sit back and watch, you shit hole for a brain"
"Damn right..... Ah..... Wei WuXian get your lame ass here."
"How coward can you be Jin ZiXun bringing your 5 cowards against the 2 of us!."
"Wei WuXian you once said you can singlehandedly take care even if there were 10 of us, what happened to that? Don't feel so motivated now?"
Jiang Cheng gave Wei WuXian a deadly glare. Wei WuXian wanted to kick that Jin ZiXun so hard that he could feel pain in every breath he takes.Idea struck him. Wei WuXian suddenly starts to kick and punch whoever is in his vicinity. Since the boys knew that Wei WuXian was more difficult to handle among the two, they were ganging up against him. Jiang Cheng saw this as an opportunity and punched hard the boy who was holding him. Jin ZiXun saw this and thought that the tables might turn and they might have to run away from a fight they could've easily won. In desperation he moves in direction to punch Wei WuXian.
It was an easy day at school. No boys from class had made any fuss over anything and so in a light mood he was riding back to home, leisurely on his bicycle. The distant noise of boys struggling was the only misfit to his perfectly easy day. Those voices increased as he slowly cycled towards his home. Several boys were fighting on the streets. Five of the boys bullying two others. He suddenly felt a pang in his heart as he recognized the boys who were struggling to break free. He saw Wei WuXian was about to get hit in the face as his brother Jiang Cheng hit a boy of other group. Before he could understand his own actions he running towards Wei WuXian. He shoved Wei WuXian from where he was to behind him. Since Wei WuXian was about to get punched now the punch landed on Lan WangJi's face!
Everyone is silent. With horror.
Jin ZiXun can see his death in Lan WangJi's eye as he recovered from punch to face the culprit. Jin ZiXun took a few steps back, his hands in defensive position. In shear fear he says 'I'm.. I'm sor.... Please don't kill m!." Everyone was just stunned but Wei WuXian had to laugh at that.
"Hahahaha. He's so afraid of you, Lan Zhan! Come on Lan Zhan do me a favor and kill him!" Wei WuXian said with a bit of sarcasm and something very evil.
The boys immediately went pale. It was Jin ZiXun was first gathered courage or rather enough cowardice and ran away and the others followed. Lan WangJi turned to help Wei WuXian get up from the streets. Wei WuXian smiled at him so bright that Lan WangJi thought he might be blinded by the light that smile radiates. Wei WuXian thanked him and said "you really made him piss in his pants Lan Zhan! You are so cool and strong!!" And then Wei WuXian had to smile harder than before. Lan WangJi swallowed and blinked twice before nodding a few times. Jiang Cheng was facing them and said "guys, the trouble is not over yet." And he gestured for them to look behind. The both turned in a flash and saw a tall, huge boy looking at them with such a disgusted look on his face it became difficult for them to know if he was in their side or otherwise.
"Big bro Nie" Lan WangJi said "can you help?" It was Nie MingJue the senior Head boy also he was Lan XiChen’s best friend. So obviously he had good relations with the head boy and Lan WangJi knew he was here to help. “Who were those cowards?’Nie MingJue asked looking at Jiang Cheng. “They were Jin ZiXun’s cowards” Jiang Cheng said with disgust.
“So you are rivals? I often watch you both getting into trouble with them.”
“Not rivals we just simply don’t agree with their mere existence.”
Nie MingJue smiled at Jiang Chen at such a disgust. He almost looked proud to know someone talk with such disgust. He offered Jiang Cheng his hand and pulled him up. “WangJi, I’ll take this boy to his home and you take him” he said pointing at Wei WuXian. “You must know where they live, right?” to which Lan WangJi only nodded. At that Nie MingJue started paddling his cycle and moved in the direction of Jiang Cheng’s home. 
Lan WangJi carefully seated Wei WuXian on the back seat and started to paddle. “Lan Zhan thanks for saving our asses! You know we owe you one. Next time if you get into trouble just call me and I’ll come to save your ass.” Wei WuXian said with a wide grin. Although Lan WangJi was looking forward he knew the person behind was smiling. Lan WangJi did not say anything. He only nodded at thanks. Wei WuXian continued with his chatter. “ Lan Zhan do you know where I live? Of course you should know, uncle Jiang lives in a very huge house plus he is very good and famous so you must know him, right?” At that also Lan WangJi nodded. “Lan Zhan you are not saying anything!!” there was a little whine in his voice which ended in a pout. After a few moments of silence Lan WangJi asked “What do you want me to say?” He sounded genuine. He might really not know what to say. Wei WuXian chuckled and said “I can give you classes on ‘how to talk’ and ‘what to say’ if you want to” Lan WangJi didn't say anything. Being silent was his strong point not talking like this boy sitting on the back seat of his cycle. Wei WuXian talked pretty much all the way to his home and Lan WangJi listened patiently.
Soon they reached the destination and Lan WangJi was stressing over should he escort Wei WuXian till he reaches inside his home or should he just say farewell from the gate of his home. He was still confused when Wei WuXian grabbed his hand and was dragged him inside the gate and in his house.
The moment he stepped inside the house he was greeted with some worrying faces and some angry faces. Wei WuXian was immediately taken into warm embrace of a girl who was elder than him, probably his Shijie. Wei WuXian was still holding Lan WangJi’s hand. Before he could ask Wei WuXian to let go of his hand Wei WuXian said “ I’m okay shijie! Don’t worry those cowards cant hurt me.” He smiled at his shijie and all the tension was vanished. Jiang Cheng was already home, since the head boy might have paddled fast to deliver him home. 
Since Wei WuXian assured he was okay the attention shifted to the boy who was holding his hand. Suddenly feeling all the eyes on him Lan WangJi tensed up a bit. Wei WuXian turned with that bright smile and introduced him as “ this is my new best friend, Lan Zhan!” He smiled even more looking admiringly at his proclaimed ‘new best friend’
 Lan WangJi swallowed. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to react. He felt like running away and never looking back. But all he could do was to stand there, feeling like out of the place and try to look away from the staring faces. 
“Don’t stare, you are scaring the boy.” said a stern and dominating voice. Everyone obeyed and looked in different direction. That voice made Lan WangJi think of his uncle. He many a times talk with such authority. Hence the voice did not scare him but relaxed him in a way. He looked towards the direction of the voice but the woman had turned away and so he could only see the frame of that woman and not her face. 
The girl, Wei WuXian called his shijie, took Lan WangJi’s hand in her hand and said with the warmest expression “ I thank you very much for saving A-Xian” Lan WangJi melted at the love she showed just for thanking him for saving her brother. He was about to smile but Wei WuXian was first to talk. “Shijie could you make us something, we are hungry. Lan Zhan took so much trouble to save us and bring me home. We cant send him home hungry right?” His shijie smiled at him and said “ first attend to his injury and in the meanwhile I’ll cook you something.”
Wei WuXian had almost forgotten about that injury on Lan WangJi’s left cheek.He suddenly looked at his face and caressed the surrounding skin, carefully not to further hurt him. Lan WangJi froze at this gesture. He never liked anyone touching him even the slightest. He even wouldn't let his brother touch him unnecessarily.  And there was this boy, his classmate since kindergarten, who was the most naughty boy in their class and so Lan WangJi kept his distance. But right now he was so close to his face, his hands on his cheek, caressing the hurt away. Lan WangJi started to turn red in the ears. Wei WuXian then dragged him to his and Jiang Cheng’s shared room, completely oblivious of the effect of such gestures on the other boy. 
Once in the room Wei WuXian asked Lan WangJi to sit on his bed and he started looking for first aid. He found it soon and attended to the wound on Lan WangJi’s face. Lan WangJi sat completely still during the whole process. Maybe he was still not sure how to react. Wei WuXian kept slipping him sweet smiles and Lan WangJi kept looking away from those blinding smiles. 
In no time did the shijie returned and asked them to join for her special soup. Wei WuXian talked non stop even when soup was in his mouth. Lan WangJi listened to everything he had to say, nodding sometimes. After finishing the soup Lan WangJi asked for their leave to go home. Wei WuXian hugged him as farewell and walked him to his cycle. “ see you tomorrow at school, Lan Zhan!” with that Wei WuXian waved at him and he took off on his cycle.
On his way home Lan WangJi was filled with warmth and light. As he remembered what his old classmate but new friend said his face was lifted with joy and a smile spread across his face without his knowledge, ‘my new best friend.’
"Come to hospital with me today, WangJi." Lan XiChen said suddenly turning to his younger brother with the same smile but warmer and filled with something like love, "I want you to meet someone there." Lan WangJi was surprised at his brother's sudden request and then arrangement. "'Someone' Jin GuangYao! I've met him before brother." Said Lan WangJi who did not like to go anywhere but to where he is absolutely required.
Lan XiChen was founder and president of 'Lan hospitals and research facilities', along with Jin GuangYao and Nie MingJue. Lan XiChen founded the facility and later did Jin GuangYao and Nie MingJue joined hands to help benefit more people from the sects, and hence the name. Since Nie MingJue passed away quiet a long time ago it was his younger brother Nie HuaiSang sharing the responsibility now. They were very close to Lan XiChen, so of course Lan WangJi knew them all well too. Even so Lan WangJi would not meet with them unless its important and/or his brother was busy with other things.
Lan XiChen hardly made any requests to Lan WangJi but whenever he did his younger brother was sure to grant them. He was reluctant but Lan WangJi agreed to go with his brother. Lan XiChen was happier at that. They quickly but safely drove to the hospital and he asked Lan WangJi to wait for some time since his 'someone' was busy at the moment. Lan XiChen decided to go seek his 'someone' first and bring him to Lan WangJi to officially tell him 'something'.
Lan WangJi sat in the visitor's room even though he was offered to wait at Lan XiChen's office. He started going through the magazines, flipping pages, gathering information in any available material. He heard commotion from outside. It was as if the sounds came from far off but still somewhere near by. He did not pay much attention at first. Then the sounds of struggle started to grow louder. He had to get out of the room to check if everything was alright. When he got out of the room he could hear the commotion but can't see where it came from. Before he know it he started to move towards the direction of sound.
He heard someone laugh and he stopped in his tracks. His heart beating wildly. He doesn't know why but there was something that made him impatient. He moved faster towards the sound.
In no time he was in a long Hall with rooms on both the sides. The noises were the loudest there. He started to move, again, towards the voice but it was a restricted section. Without the written permission from the president not even president himself was allowed to enter.
Lan WangJi heard the laugh again. That same laugh. He knew for sure who was in there still wished it wasn't him. Lan WangJi knew very well what the restriction section was for. Not research exactly but if someone guessed it was for experimentation they won't be entirely wrong. The restriction section was guarded by two iron gates sealed with multiple seals and locks. The design complex, almost making it look unbreachable but Lan WangJi knew the truth. Lan WangJi demanded the gatekeeper to let him through. Since he lacked the permission she couldn't. He sternly ordered her to go find his brother and get him the permission. It wasn't her job to do so but she was so scared of the look on Lan WangJi's face that she ran to find Lan XiChen.
"XiChen, as much as I'd like to come to your place, you know I can't. I have to attend the conference tomorrow and get the scientist you couldn't last time." Jin GuangYao said hugging Lan XiChen. "Anyone else you want me to bring?" Lan XiChen only smiled at the tease and replied, " The one I want doesn't, see if you could do anything about that " Jin GuangYao melted at that and kissed him deeply, " I can't go if say things like these, you know." Lan XiChen smiled brightly at the idea but before he could speak they heard desperate knocks at the office door. Jin GuangYao walked over and allowed himself to unlock the door. It was the gatekeeper and she looked scared. Jin GuangYao's phone vibrated and he fetched it out of his pocket to see who it was, he glanced at Lan XiChen and excused himself out and away from office.
She was breathless and so Lan WangJi asked her if everything was alright. It was unlikely of the gatekeeper to knock at his doors. "President Lan, your brother demands the permission to enter the restriction section." She paused a minute to catch her breath and then added " He looked like he would kill someone if he couldn't enter." Tears were welling up her eyes. It gave Lan XiChen an odd sense of loss and worry. He immediately looked for blank sheet of paper in his drawer and wrote an simple permission and signed it. He walked towards the restriction section in long, worried strides towards restriction with the requested- oh no- demanded permission.
Lan WangJi was now holding on yo the iron gates. Only his figures could reach to the other side. Without his permission a name slipped his mouth, "Wei Ying". The echos of his own voice made him realize what he just did. As if a reply to his plea he heard a faint, frail voice calling his name. " Lan Zhan " Lan WangJi wanted to know for sure he was not hallucinating and so he raised his voice and called that name with all the love and all the longing he felt. "Wei Ying" As soon as those syllables we're out of his mouth, he heard the sound of metal falling on floor and commotion from within the restricted section. Some footsteps running towards him and some voices shouting 'don't let him go' 'we can't let anyone find out' 'hold him quick'.
Lan WangJi was now more worried than ever for he knew for sure it was Wei WuXian, and given he was in the restricted section the thought of experiments being performed on him made him frown. So he called again, the name to which he had set his heart, "Wei Ying! Wei Ying!"
A figure appeared from the far end of Hall. He was clad in hospital clothes and a badge with a number was pinned on his chest. At the sight of the man he set his heart on he couldn't help but call him again, only this time Lan WangJi sounded more desperate than ever. "Wei Ying! Wei Ying come to me." At that the said man ran towards him, dodging all the doctors and scientists and who so ever came in his way. As the man was approaching close Lan WangJi could now look at his features, running like a lunatic, his face dark clad with pain and wounds. Eyes swollen and red, clearly deprived of sleep. His hair disheveled. He was not the man Lan WangJi knew, he was am abused version of the man he loved.
The running man finally came to a pause and a frail smile broke on his face. Lan WangJi's world crumbled all over again at that smile. He had seen that smile in all its glory and now to have received that smile like a dying flame, just stabbed his poor heart. He suddenly felt warmth around the tips of his fingers that had found its way through the gates. Tears welling up his eyes as he called the man again, softly "Wei Ying" Love dripping off every gesture Lan WangJi made towards him. The other man teared his gaze from Lan WangJi's fingers and looked him in the eyes and smiled. The smiled that melted mountains was now only given to Lan WangJi. "Lan Zhan! You found me, Lan Zhan." Tears streamed down Lan WangJi's cheeks at the sound he yearned to hear for years.
Lan WangJi could see conspiracy behind Wei WuXian. The doctors and helpers stepping towards Wei WuXian with different medical instruments in their hands. Fear struck Lan WangJi as he shouted for his brother. Thankfully Lan XiChen was not far behind and hearing his brother shout he ran towards him.
He came to a pause as he saw his brother's back and the man in front of him. He quickly recognized him. His steps stumbled half in confusion and half in disbelief. Lan WangJi looked over his shoulder and saw his brother. Lan XiChen handed the gatekeeper the written permission and she got a single key from her pocket and moved to open the gates. But before she could open the gates a doctor shoved an injection into Wei WuXian's neck. Everyone was stunned. Lan WangJi pushed aside the gatekeeper opened the gates wide and punched the doctor unconscious. Wei WuXian still smiling said " I knew you'd find me, Lan Zhan." Lan WangJi caught the fainting Wei WuXian and said "Always. I'll always find you, Wei Ying." Hearing that Wei WuXian fainted in Lan WangJi's arms.
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zuxnon · 5 years
CEO SVT | Seungkwan - Incompatible
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authors note: i know everyone who knows me already KNOWS this BuuuuTTTT i wanna warn yall,,, absolutely a whole ass 0% percent proofreading went into this and since it took me so long to write it i dont know if its coherent,... does it make sense FHGSDUJKA ill find out at some point but yknow~ nshfksghk i am SORRY its also rlly short rip
summary: anyone would’ve said you were incompatible, even seungkwan himself. but he was interesting, he was real, he was sassy and entertaining, and he was drop dead gorgeous. therefore, you didn’t care what any of them had to say. you would pursue him until you got bored of doing so. that was just who you were.  
boo seungkwan hated the elevator ride down from his apartment every morning. not because he was tired, because it was six in the morning and he wanted to sleep in. not because he hated the elevator- nothing that simple. it was his luck. his horrible, damned awful luck. it was never good- for some goddamned reason every morning, that horrible downstairs neighbor took it upon herself to wake whenever he did, leave whenever he did, and confront him about his day or night, telling him she heard him up at 3am getting a glass of water and he should learn to walk quieter. he made the mistake of bringing a girl home once, when he was insanely drunk and horny, and god had he heard it from her that next morning. it wasn't as if she was silent either. it definitely wasn't as if she hadn't had her fair share of rather loud one night stands- but arguing with her was of no use and he found it a hassle to talk to her in the first place, so he rarely complained.
he tried putting earbuds in one morning, tried to block her out, but she plucked one from his ear and turned him to face her. he tried ignoring her, but no matter where he turned she would always follow, standing right in his face and talking louder so he couldn't possibly pretend she wasn't screaming in his ear. when he got home late from helping seokmin clean up the aftermath of the party, he knew he'd be getting an earful in the morning. why did she have to be such a damn light sleeper?
sure enough, he had the same thought when the elevator stopped at her floor on the way down. and sure enough, when the elevator doors opened, she was the only one waiting. her eyes were shielded by sunglasses, a mask covering her mouth and nose, a bright, sunflower colored windbreaker and black yoga pants clothing her body. the jacket was zipped all the way up and the hood was hiding her dyed red hair. she usually looked like this in the mornings, sometmes prettier, sometimes less pretty, but usually well hidden. at least, until she stepped in the elevator. as soon as she stepped foot in the elevator, she pulled the mask down. the hood was tugged off her head and the sunglasses pushed upwards to rest on her hair. her arms crossed over her chest- she looked like she was ready for a showdown.
seungkwan didn't waste time pretending, he immediately let his head roll back, dropping against the wall of the elevator and groaned in exasperation. she felt her heart beat faster, nerves and frustration rushing through her. it was his fault, anyways. why did he act so angry? why didn't he just like her in the first place?
"why were you out so late last night?" she barked, puffing her chest out and pointing her nose up as she went to stand beside him. from an outside perspective it would've looked almost comical, the way she stood as if a pole had pierced all the way up through her, contrasting the way he leaned against the wall like he wanted to sink back into it. the difference between the long, fashionable dark blue coat and dark jeans and burnt orange sweater he wore and the workout clothes she wore. the way both of them refused to look at each other, bodies facing straight ahead but they stood so close that if she swayed even slightly to the side her shoulder would brush against his arm.
"it's none of your business."
she scowled, her arms visibly tightening. "it's automatically my business when your carelessness is interrupting my sleep. if i don't sleep well, my skin doesn't glow like it should. i gain weight. i get dark circles and red eyes. i can't afford to lose sleep every time you stay out getting drunk somewhere." she grumbled, leaning slightly sideways to elbow him in the side.
he shot her a glare from the corner of his eyes, trying to squeeze himself tighter into the corner, further away from her. alas, it didn't work. thankfully, though, they were nearing the bottom floor by then.
"invest in some earplugs." he hissed, carefully maneuvering himself further away from her, closer to the doors. "then you won't hear me."
he could practically hear the wheels in her head turning, the steam coming out of her ears as she dropped her arms, both fists clenched at her sides and her lips parted in furious thought.
"why should i have to-" she was cut off by the ding of the elevator, the squeak of the doors opening and seungkwan's footsteps as he hurriedly escaped before she could explode.
for about half of the day, work was particularly slow. your angry manager shouting at everyone who came near as you looked through offers for your next show or movie- whatever you thought she could play best. a victim in a horror film. a low-budget rom-com missing a plot. a romance/mystery show. there was even offer for you to be in a thriller film with a warning of multiple graphic sex scenes. they were crazy if they thought you'd accept that. you hardly liked scary films anyways. your 'no' pile was stacking up, your 'yes' pile was nonexistent and your maybe pile was thin. only the mystery and a superhero movie. as much as you would love to see yourself playing a superhero, as proud as you would be, you didn't know if you could handle the strain it would put on your body. sure, you would consider it, though. there were far too many offers to go through, you were starting to get tired of it. you were sore from sitting in the uncomfortable chair in that stuffy office all day,  hungry from not eating lunch, you had three different papercuts on your hands from flipping through so many envelopes.
you were so, so close to giving up, fingers twitching with a desire to throw the whole pile and storm out. maybe you would have, had the sky-blue of the pretty letter next in your hands not caught your attention. a name that sounded vaguely familiar. boo broadcasting. (forgive me i cant name things for shit) you thumbed at the corners for a few moments, trying to think of where you'd heard it before, why it seemed more familiar than just the company. trying to find the bell the name had rung in your mind.  after a few moments, instead of giving in and ignoring the question in your mind, you decided to pull out your phone and look it up. to your surprise, your most pleasant surprise, the first face you see is that of your upstairs neighbor.
'CEO of Boo Broadcasting, Boo Seungkwan seen leaving unknown woman's apartment late at night.' it read, with a blurry, dark picture of the the boy, with his recently dyed blue hair and his trademark long, dark coats, slipping out of an apartment you didn't recognize. curiously, you decided to click it, setting the letter down in your lap as you quickly scrolled to the bottom. you didn't bother reading the article, only the comments. oftentimes, those were more accurate than the dramatic, disgusting articles written by slimy, slithering liars. she had seen too many kind people be taken down by the words they shamelessly spoke.
'the woman in the picture is his mother. she was in the pictures for his graduation.' 'that's his mom, how can you post such blatant lies? really shameless' that was all she needed to see. the comparison pictures in the first comment proved it to her. good. less competition, right?
she let her phone fall back in her lap, one hand grabbing the envelope and tearing the side open to pull the letter out and read it. a variety show with various a-list celebrities- and a special guest. the handsome ceo of the company broadcasting the show as none other than the host.
somewhat of a roleplay show, it seems, where you'll be surprised with the theme of each episode you film, pick a role from a hat and act it as well as you can. you should be filming for just over a month. it sounded perfect- like exactly something you'd enjoy working on. sounded like a perfect chance to hopefully seduce your upstairs neighbor at the same time as you worked. entertaining in more than one way. so, with a smile on your face, you brought it to your manager.
lots of nagging and purposeless early morning elevator rides later, your awakening at 5 in the morning had a real reason- not that you didn't consider nagging your upstairs neighbor a real reason. if you didn't, you likely wouldn't be in the elevator at 5 every morning just to talk to him.  to your surprise, he wasn't dressed up when you entered the elevator- didn't groan or bother to even look at you. he kept his eyes closed, head back as he leaned against the elevator wall. you walked over beside him in silence, stood for a few sweet seconds wordlessly before you tilted your head slightly to the side, posture slouched as your eyes trailed over to his makeup-less face. there were a few small blemishes, his skin was a tiny bit more red than you would expect, but he looked... pretty. beautiful maybe, without makeup on. you lolled your head and stared up at the ceiling instead.
"you were quiet last night... what got into you? didn't wake me up once."
he sent you a quick glance from the corner of his eye, but didn't  say anything in response. his eyes didn't even linger on you-  they quickly turned back to the elevator ceiling and closed, his body relaxing against the wall.
you pouted to yourself, bit your lip for a moment before turning to face him again.
"where are you going today?"
this time he completely ignored you, didnt even give you a look. that was fine, you could think of something else to attract his attention if need be. it took you a few seconds to think, a few sweet seconds that he enjoyed like nothing else that morning, but soon enough (or, rather, too soon,) you were granted with an idea. a genius idea, for more than one reason. the main being that if he said yes, you wouldn't have to wait for your manager to drive down here and get you in an hour.
"can i ride with you?" you asked, grinning to yourself in pride at your own genius. should he choose not to allow you, it would be a fault of his own. what harm did you ever do to him anyways?
"you already are," came a low, deep voiced grumble from the corner of the elevator. "you do every morning."
bouncing happily on the balls of your heels, you move over to stand in front of him and look up towards him, arms crossed over your chest casually. "no, i mean in your car. can you drive me? we're going to the same place and i can't drive." you explain, and instantly, as soon as the word 'car' slips out of your mouth his head snaps down, eyes scanning yours as if to see if you were kidding. you weren't. that didn't take him long to realize.
"what do you mean, 'we're going to the same place'?" he asked, looking surprised- maybe even afraid. of course, he had no reason to be afraid, he was the CEO of not only the company broadcasting  company, but the company which was literally producing the show. if he very well wanted to, he could absolutely get you kicked off the show. so you knew you had to be on your best behavior. the elevator bell dinged a few times, signaling that you would soon be coming to a stop in the lobby. he slipped around you to stand by the door, you turning on your heels to follow him, stand shoulder to shoulder against him, both staring at the silver doors.
"we're filming together." you state matter-of-factly, smiling in triumph as you fought to hide the smugness in your tone. of course, you knew there was a 50-50 chance that he'd tell the producers that like hell would he work with you, but still this was closer to him than you'd been before. the door slid open, and for once he waited for you to get out first. he seemed a bit sulky when you turned to glance at him, watch him walk out after you, but he followed anyways, soon stepping ahead to lead, you assumed, you to his car, as he occasionally glanced to make sure you were following.
"they didn't tell me any of the people i'd be filming with, it was supposed to be a surprise i guess so i wouldn't go into it with a bias." he shot a glare at you from the corner of his pretty brown eyes, and you smiled in return. "glad i got a warning."
it was hard to stifle the giggle pulling at your lips at his grumbled words, quite obviously not intended for you to hear but you heard anyways. he was adorable. whether he hated you or not, he was so cute, you loved talking to him. and, if it came down to it, listening to him insult you. he was funny. quirky. adorable, and rather entertaining. you liked how he spoke his mind.
"so can i ride with you, sir?" you asked, practically bouncing happily as he led you into the private parking garage, unlocked his car (clicked twice, ensuring all doors would be unlocked, you noticed) and turned to glance at you. he sighed.
"don't call me that... get in."
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missjackil · 5 years
Miss Jacki’s Top 30 Favorite Episodes
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All Hell Breaks Loose pts 1&2
I believe these are landmark episodes for every SPN fan. Im going to treat this like one episode because it really seems like one single episode. 
A little back history, I came to this show late, it was already in S11 when I started binging fron the beginning. It was by the request of my friend, who had tod me a few times that she thought Id love the show, and I didnt believe her. fanatasy/horror/super hero shows are not my genre. I like dramas like NCIS and House MD but this? This is kid stuff.... not my thing. But I took her advice and watched. She made me promise to watch the first 2 seasons and if I still didnt like it by the end of S2, we could move on. So I did.  I didnt think seasons 1 and 2 sucked, I liked Sam Dean and John a lot but, the monsters, acting, and overall story was meh IMO. S2 was better, at least one or two more episodes from then made it to my top 30, but this one sealed my fate. I had heard a lot about this amazing, unmatchable chemistry these two had, but I wasnt really feeling the love. They fought constantly, Dean seemed too clingy and Sam seemed to not want to be with him much at all. and I wasnt really seeing this epic bromance I had been told about. And then All Hell Broke Loose! Sam mysteriosuly gets zapped away to demon camp, and Dean is desperate to find him. Sam’s side of the episode is very interesting, we are really seeing his leadership skills in action, and how he can be totally freaked out and not let it show. Jake, was such a good character, Im still upset he didnt stay around for a while, even as a bad guy. 
Of course, the most important part of these episodes is that Sam is killed, and Dean’s brokeness and despiration. Im very shocked at first that Sam actually dies. I had thought since the show was in its 11th season at the time, that Sam and Dean cant/don’t die ever, so I never really had much concern for their well being. I learned they could be beat to hell and next episode they’re shiney and pretty as new, and if they’re still on the air, they obviously cant die right? And in a sense its true that they cant die, or stay dead, they still somehow manage to make their deaths very traumatizing. I learned here, that its not so much that one brother died, its more about the reaction of the other. Sam and Dean never know its not final. We may know, but they dont. 
Jake and Sam have this big fight. Jake  is strong af but Sam manages to hold his own. This solidifies the notion I had, that even though Dean is the agressive one, and much faster to punch or kill, Sam Winchester is NOT a wimp. not a “damsel”. He is also strong af, a damn good fighter and has a very high pain threshold. He knocks the super charged “benched 800 lbs stone cold calm” Jake out cold. Almost kills him, but decides against it.... he wont make that mistake again eh? Walking away with apparently a broken shoulder, or arm, he hears Dean and sees him in the distance. DEAN!!! Sam smiles and releif washes over him, Dean isnt dead!! But right in front of Dean, Jake comes in from behind and stabs Sam in the back, and slices.... and severs Sams spinal cord WTF?? This scene is etched in every fans mind forever. Jensens acting here is nothing short of oscar worthy, but lets take a minute to appreciate Jared’s also. He doesnt have a speaking part right here, but he is truly portraying someone with a severed spinal cord. He falls to his knees to be imediately caught by Dean. He cant hold his head up, lift his arms, or even keep his eyes straight.He cant talk or even gasp for breath. Dean knows but is in complete denial. He’s gonna fix it, thats his job!! Take care of his pain in the ass little brother!! Deans shock and denial, along with his honest helpless greif, destroys me! The way he holds Sam and screams his name... and then burries his face in Sams hair and cries. I just cant! Next, we see that Dean has carried Sam’s body to an abandoned shack, and laid him on a mattress. Dean has laid Sams hands on his stomach like he’s resting. For a day or more, Im not sure, Dean stands there and stares at his dead little brother. He refuses to bury or burn him. Bobby doesnt want to leave him alone, he obviously cant handle this situation, but Dean has no shits to give. The person he loves most in the world is gone. Screw everything else.  Dean starts talking to dead Sam and this is heart wrenching. These 2 episodes change everything as far as their brotherly relationship goes. Its no longer just close, and deep its psychotic, irrational, dangerous, and the most beautiful thing ever! Dean doesnt know what to do. This is the absolute worst part of losing someone you love. The next step, what do you do? How can you even begin to try to continue to live?  Dean is beyond desperate. He goes and sells his soul to bring Sam back. And he doesnt get 10 years or even 5, he gets 1 year. 1 year and then he’s damned to eternal torment in hell. They cant try to break the contract or Sam dies again. A terrible trade off, but Dean takes it. When he sees Sam standing there in the room, alive, he gives him such a great hug!! This begins my obsession for brohugs!! Fast forward to the cemetery scene. A lot is going on here, Azazel is griefing them, Jake opens the hell gates (though the boys are blamed for this forever) Azazel asks Dean is Sam is REALLY the same old Sam?? We all wonder if Sam is ok when he stone cold shoots Jake repeatedly, with that one little blood drop on his face. Overall, Sam seems like Sam, but we at least know hes a little more killy now lol.  We get a bonus reunion with John, he touches Deans shoulder, gives him a tearfilled smile, and looks at Sam. For a long time, I was a little bit bitter that John didnt show any affection to Sam, but then I realized, or maybe its just a head canon, but John may have known that Dean sold his soul for Sam, and Joh was silently telling Dean he understood. John sold his soul for Dean, so he was like “The things we’ll do for love, right son?” John did some crappy things, but no one will ever convince me that he didnt love those boys with all his heart.  Sam figures out that Dean sold his soul for him, and hes pissed. But he finally comes out with what I needed to know for 2 seasons “Youre my brother... theres NOTHING I wouldnt do for you”. Yes... Sam is just as irrational, psychotic, and dangerously in love with Dean.And with that.... I was sold on SPN. I dont regularly go back to watch these episodes, but when I do, it still tears me up. Even moreso now that so much has happened because of it.  Sometimes, something big happens on the show and the negative people say that it makes this, or Deans trip to Hell, or Swan Song lose meaning, and it truly doesnt. It makes those things have more meaning. Everything that unfolded after those events up till now makes them more critical and adds the question “if they had known, would they still?” And knowing the answer would be “yes” just makes it all that much more brutally wonderful,  Now, go watch these episodes again, keeping in mind everything that transpired from it, and when Dean sobs at losing his little bro for the first time, allow your heart to break more for the big picture. 
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everydayanth · 5 years
The Liam Neeson Thing...
Okay guys, this is gonna get complex and personal right quick. But it’s been bothering me and I’m working on posting more without thinking about it for two weeks until nobody cares anymore.
So here goes.
Context matters. Context is important and it can be complicated, but it freakin’ matters. 
In my opinion, Liam Neeson’s flaw was that he thought a rapist would be the kind of person to also attack him. 
Here’s the thing guys, if you’ve never heard someone you love confess to you that they have been irrevocably hurt by a person, you need to take a step back for a minute. 
That moment, talking about it, it’s extremely vulnerable, so this is a bit hard for me, but in a moment of chaos and torment, a person you love and care deeply for is breaking apart in front of you and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. There’s not a damn thing you can do but hold them and cry with them and hurt for them and try to help and figure out the right thing to say. 
And when they’re tucked safe in bed and you’re researching what you can do for them or laying awake thinking about what you could possibly say, the amount of guilt and hurt and anger hits you in the chest, it fills you so wholly that you just need to find a way to let it out. It’s a dangerous rage, it’s immature and unhealthy and so so so painful. 
We don’t talk about emotions in America. We just don’t. So of course we want to put this emotion into a context we discuss, and idea we understand. 
But it’s not an -ism, it’s an emotion. 
If you don’t think when my sister told me about our cousin assaulting her that I didn’t wander around my ghetto ass neighborhood waiting for some big white guy to try to hurt me, well, you’d be wrong. Our brain makes patterns, my cousin didn’t live in our city, but I knew he was a big white guy with a shitty pencil beard, my brain classified that as a pattern. Every time I talked to a big white guy, I had to check myself, yeah. But when my brain registered a human who looked like my cousin, my heart rate ran up and I would will them to attack me. I wanted to fight because I didn’t know what else to do with all that pain, all that helpless emotion. But I could wander around places where someone was bound to get hurt anyway and invite the fight to me. 
Neeson was wandering around areas inviting a fight. INVITING, not instigating. It is a common reaction of revenge and feeling hurt, and we’re shoving this idea into something familiar - outrage, racism, etc., anything so we don’t have to actually talk about emotions. 
He was looking for a “black bastard,” poor choice of words, I agree, but he was hoping that guy, the one who hurt his friend, would challenge him, and it would just happen to be the same guy and he could get his anger out. It’s not healthy, but if they man who hurt his friend had been white and he’d wandered around lower class white neighborhoods inviting a fight, would it have been racism? 
This had an opportunity to be a conversation about what the fuck you do around a friend who confesses they were raped and hurt to you. After all the #MeToo (or in the midst of it), how do you be a friend to your loved ones who feel ready to confess to you? What do you do to manage that amount of disgust you feel at the world, that rage and hate and hurt and horror that there’s not a single damn thing you can do? 
This could have been a conversation about grief and friendship and growth and complex emotions. But we made it about the race of a rapist instead. 
That’s how much we don’t want to talk about feelings. 
We would focus on a man talking for the first time about the anger of helplessness in the face of a friend’s pain and come out in outrage. 
Here’s the reality guys, racism is forming a series of patterns based on skin color that aren’t true. They can be based off stereotypes or influenced by false representation in sensational news. Racism is NOT fighting your brain’s reality in order to form a more balanced understanding of the world. I was assaulted by a bunch of black kids at a playground when I was 14, it was terrifying and it’s a long and complex story but the short of it is very simple: I lived in a black neighborhood and this was not my only experience with black kids. I went to school with middle class black kids and I hung out with other black kids, this was NOT my only experience, and therefore, my brain was capable of nixing the pattern before it was created. Black kids weren’t dangerous, those kids were just assholes. 
Racism is if Neeson went to those places and started fights. I can’t know whether he did or not, but it’s if he went around and accused every black man of being a rapist, in his head or otherwise. I didn’t have a lot of experience with big white guys, so it took me much longer not to feel nervous around them than it did to write off my brain’s pattern about the black kids. Emotions and how our brains work are important details for us to know, and it’s the real reason diversity matters, it keeps our patterns in context. Neeson coming out of the situation horrified at himself shows growth of emotion, the dismissal of the pattern, recognizing that it is false without acting on it, understanding the power of agency is an illusion because he would never find that particular man. 
Comparing this to the policing issues isn’t the same, because of their place in society, their home culture society, and the results of their opinions. A police officer has a responsibility to the public to understand their emotions and their racial biases, an actor is responsible for displaying emotion. We can’t hold these people to the same accountability, that would be ridiculous, for a police officer, emotions need to be stable and understood and should involve a LOT more psychology training. For an actor... they entertain us with their emotions. They need to be self aware and reflective in order to project our experiences in stories. We still expect race car drivers to follow the speed limits and we understand that doctors have to call in sick sometimes, the world isn’t fair and occupation doesn’t dismiss personal biases or professional demeanor, but context matters. A doctor calling in sick after handling small pox in a lab requires observation and questions, an actor talking about rage and looking for a fight when he was younger and confessing horror at that version of himself while promoting a film about revenge kind of seems like part of the job, of doing the job well.  
And it’s not racist because it was not instigated by the color of skin as perceived by an individual to be less or more - he was inviting a fight with a black man on the word of his friend. That was wrong, and so was me doing it with large white men (also because I am not that large of a white woman, so that wasn’t going to end well for me), but he even said in a follow up interview that they could have killed him. The interviewer says she thinks of the innocent black man that could have been killed and Neeson responds “Or he could have killed me.” BUT HE WASN’T INSTIGATING FIGHTS, he was INVITING them! He wasn’t looking for an innocent man, he was waiting for someone to try to hurt him so he could release the extreme emotions. These are different. These are SO different. 
This conversation can go back to what it could have been. Race of the rapist aside, what do you do when a person you love confides in you that they have been hurt and scared and they are breaking apart in front of you? How do you process your emotions and heartbreak? What can you do or say? How can you feel like you’re helping? Is that selfish? Why do we need to feel like we’re helping? How do you manage your own trauma so you don’t loop theirs in with yours? How do you self reflect so that you stop your brain forming false patterns when you’re filled with so much hurt and pain? How do you not become a villain of the world, hating everyone for always telling you you are helpless? How do you find control in yourself when you’re imploding and be responsible and mature with emotions? How do you talk about it in a society that wants to be angry? How do you not hate them for focusing on your reaction to a rapist rather than being angry with an individual for being an asshole and RAPING your friend?
How do we return to a conversation about emotions and how, unchecked, they can lead to pain and anger and rage, and eventually, if we don’t have a moment of clarity and rationality, if we are not balanced in the world, they can become biases that develop into ignorance and racism? How do we focus on context so that we don’t become arrogant and disconnected, classists by nature because we interact with such a small and similar world? How do we connect and talk about the human experience when society turns away from us in favor of what is familiar? How do we have a logical discussion about emotion when we can’t even talk about meaning and intent? How do we accuse someone of racism when, had the rapist been white, the conversation might have focused on the context of emotion and pain and hurt and the process of healing - it was the outraged audience that pointed at the race as important, as the meaningful factor, how do we look at that hypocrisy and not feel utterly defeated?
How do we scream at the world that we need help, we all need help, without crucifying ourselves? I have no idea, this post is terrifying and I have no idea what to expect. Maybe nothing would be good? To return to not a single note or like or comment, to be unheard and dismissed and navigated around might be good because I want to talk about this reality but it. Is. Terrifying. 
And maybe it’s all a projection. Maybe I’m the racist and I want to defend someone I relate to. But it feels more right that we as a society don’t talk about emotions, we lock them up like these secret things we’re terrified other people will discover. I’m working on vulnerability lately, and what better place to talk about all the shit that’s ever happened to me than the freakin’ internet! I’m just a person and from my experiences, I think I understand what Neeson meant. But that could equally be a self-aggrandizing reality that doesn’t exist. Perhaps he’s just a racist, a professional actor with a successful career who took this exact moment to reveal his true colors, what a sneaky man! 
But more probably, the logic says, he’s a professional actor with a successful career who took this moment to discuss the emotions he’s had to reflect on and relive for the past year or so in order to play a role in a film that he hopes will entertain and reflect something of the human experience. He more probably took the moment to discuss a human experience and we did not listen because it’s more popular not to listen or because we could not relate or because we just want to be angry and sometimes pulling weeds is so exhausting we raze the whole garden instead. We did not talk about the moment he was horrified with himself because we don’t want to talk about growth or greys, we want the world to stabilize so we can see the bad guys clearly. 
We really ought to know by now that there are no clear bad guys. 
And we know Neeson likes to play in those lines. What is good? What is bad? They aren’t a duality, they are a false dichotomy, created by whatever world you grew up in, whatever experiences you had, whatever your society or culture told you, whatever education you discovered, and whatever philosophy you’ve come to believe. But in a moment of vulnerable confession, in all that grey reality, your friend tells you about a bad guy and they become singularly bad. They don’t exist beyond that. And that’s what is horrifying. That you stop seeing humanity as grey and suddenly it becomes good or bad, that’s the scary part about revenge and inviting fights, it encourages a black-and-white view of the world that says the rapist is ONLY bad and your friend is ONLY good. 
A bit ironic that, in trying to talk about that tunnel-vision-rage, Neeson found himself the target of it.
It’s raw, that anger. It’s part of all the hurt that has happened to you and then you couldn’t even protect your friend or family. Why did you go through all that pain if you couldn’t grow enough to save them? That guilt is a liar, you didn’t hurt them, the asshole did, and you need that to be true or else you were also the cause of all your own pain as well. So you look for the assholes because then at least you could be useful, you could protect them from one asshole by taking the hit. We need to talk about that kind of hurt, about sacrificing the self for revenge because you can’t find worth anymore. We need to talk about existential nihilism that hides inside outrage because you can’t find meaning anymore. We need to talk about emotions and how to talk about them so we can be better friends, better people, so when we look for guidance on talking to friends about their hurt, we find advice on how to not be overwhelmed by rage and guilt and disgust and anger and violence. 
That’s the conversation we could have had. That’s the world we could have started to create. But outrage culture is racist and racism gets attention and we all just want to be heard because we don’t know how to talk about our emotions. Interesting how it keeps going around like that. 
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