#but uhh if you look past that it’s still cute?
evebestt · 2 years
Hi! alright? First I would like to say that I love reading all your fics. They're all amazing! Could you write some fic about a relationship between the reader and Farah where reader is a teacher and has a daughter and that daughter loves Farah's company and that makes the reader incredibly even more in love with Farah. Given this situation, she makes a surprise or something for Farah, I'm not sure... I don't know what else to say, sorry! I hope you understand hahahaha Thank you for your attention!
Hi hon! Thank you so so much for this prompt, I am absolutely enamored with it. I’ve always been such a sucker for kid fics, and then one with Farah too? Absolutely feral over it
I will say though, this one got long — as I haven’t done a kid fic for Farah yet I went a lot little overboard, both in length and the sheer amount of fluff in it. So if that’s right up your alley, then enjoy 🖤
Read here on AO3 or below. As always, send me an ask or a message to submit a prompt
Mothers and Daughter (1/3)
It had been love at first sight for Farah and Lucy.
You’d realized you needed a new job only weeks after your darling baby had been born, when your current job tried to wheedle you into cutting your maternity leave by almost half. After that particular meeting had ended, you called up your friend who worked at Alfea and asked (as she’d tried to recruit you before) if there were still any positions available.
Lucky for you, there were, and even luckier, you were hired on quickly by one Headmistress Dowling.
She’d been accommodating about your schedule once you told her you had a newborn, and so even though you were barely working part time (with an agreement to bump up to full time when your daughter was older), you were still given a faculty suite and full benefits, as well as free tuition for Lucy should you still be employed at Alfea at that time.
You got along nicely with the rest of the staff and quickly gained a good repertoire with your students, so when your three month review with Farah came around, you felt very confident it would go well.
Until the woman who was supposed to babysit Lucy that day called and canceled, leaving you with no other option than to bring her with you to your very important meeting with Farah Dowling.
Little did you know just how that would change everything.
You opted to carry her in your arms, knowing you could soothe her easier should she become fussy, and with one last silent plea that this go smoothly, you stepped up to Farah’s office.
“I’m sorry, Farah,” you said after you’d knocked quietly on her door jam. “Our meeting has been booked for weeks, but my friend who was supposed to babysit had something come up. I know it’s unprofessional of me to bring her with me, but—”
“Nonsense,” she interrupted, waving her hand to dismiss your apologies as she stood from her desk. “You’re a mother, I would never hold that against you.” 
Surprise and relief flowed through you at her nonchalance, leaving you a bit numb as you stepped into her office, Farah closing the door behind you. When she faced you again, she smiled softly down at Lucy, asleep in your arms. “May I see?”
You nodded, always happy to show off your girl. You slowly adjusted Lucy so that her face could be seen, and then watched in awe as Farah’s face relaxed into a brilliant smile, any lines or tension in her face draining away in a moment.
“She’s precious,” she murmured, and reached out almost on instinct to brush the back of her finger over Lucy’s cheek, lighter than a feather.
Lucy opened her eyes, despite the light touch, and you braced yourself for the cries of a baby cranky from being woken, but to your amazement she was quiet, staring up at Farah as she blinked somewhat owlishly.
Farah hadn’t asked, and yet you felt that it was right. You shifted her in your arms to hold her out to Farah, and she accepted without a word, carefully taking her into her arms and settling her onto her shoulder. 
She gave a low, cooing hum when Lucy continued to stare up at her. “Hello, little one,” she murmured, rubbing her fingertips in slow circles along Lucy’s back.
You watched them in awe for a minute, smiling to yourself when Farah began to gently sway. “She’s going through a phase where she gets a bit fussy when someone she doesn’t know holds her,” you told her, still staring in amazement. “She must be enamored with you.”
Farah chuckled lightly, still gazing at Lucy as though she was unable to take her eyes off her. “I do believe the feeling is mutual, little one.” She stared a moment longer, and then managed to glance up at you. “What is her name? I don’t think I know.”
“Lucy. Or, Lucille is her full name, but I mostly call her Lucy.”
“Lucille,” Farah murmured, reaching up to brush her finger over her cheek again. “A beautiful name for a sweet girl.”
She swayed and hummed for a few moments longer, and then shook her head a bit, chuckling. “As much as I believe I could stand here with her for the rest of the day, I suppose we should get to our meeting.”
You laughed and held your arms out for Lucy. “It is hard to get work done when there’s a baby around.”
“Oh, I do agree,” Farah said on a laugh before she handed Lucy back to you, but not before she cupped the back of her head one last time with such tenderness that it made your heart swell in sudden affection for her.
The meeting went well, though Lucy squirmed so much to get a look at Farah that you had to turn her to face Farah halfway through, something that made her laugh and lose her train of thought.
You both rose when it ended, and Farah came around her desk to shake your hand. Lucy still stared at her, so Farah ran her thumb down her cheek as a sort of goodbye before she looked back at you. “You said you had a sudden cancellation for your childcare today, yes?”
You gave a regretful nod. “Yes, unfortunately.”
“Does that happen often?”
You felt your heart jump into your throat, wondering if this would be the courteous yet firm request to make sure that didn’t happen again. “Uhm, no, I wouldn’t say often, but on occasion it does.”
She smiled kindly at you, shaking her head as she held out a comforting hand. “I don’t mean to worry you, no, I’m not upset that it does. Just…” an odd, sort of bashful look came over her features for a moment, and then she continued. “Just that I don’t want worry or stress about care for your little one to ever be a problem for you. So, should that happen again and you need a replacement, you’re always welcome to ask me.”
You nearly felt your jaw drop. “I—really?”
She nodded, and a bit of that bashful look came back again. “I wouldn’t mind watching her. I can’t always guarantee that I’ll be available, but if I am, I’m more than willing.”
You were still more than stunned by such a generous offer from the Headmistress of the school, but you managed to nod at her. “That’s—thank you, Farah, that’s a really wonderful offer. I might need that some day.”
Her features melted into a smile, and she gave you a nod. “Good. Don’t be afraid to ask.”
For the rest of the day, you thought about Farah. At first just about her offer, but soon your thoughts strayed into how good she’d been with Lucy, and then eventually (and more embarrassingly), they strayed into how good she looked, not just with Lucy but on her own, too, with her fine, regal structure and her small but gentle smile.
And by the end of the day, no matter what you did, your heart did a double beat every time you thought of Farah Dowling.
The next month went by as smoothly as it could when you worked with teenagers, and every day you found yourself more and more grateful that you’d decided to come to Alfea.
And then came the day when your babysitter had canceled two hours before you had to teach a class, your backup babysitter unable to make it, and none of your friends available for that hour.
Twenty minutes before the start, you finally started considering your option of Farah Dowling.
She had offered, and had seemed entirely sincere and willing. But that had been over a month ago, and you hadn’t really talked to her since, except for staff meetings and the occasional small talk in the hallway. Not to mention there was still a chance that she wouldn’t be able to, and there was still the little problem of the flutter your heart did every time you thought of her.
But it was either that or take Lucy to class with you, and while you weren’t against that in principle, you did have a fair number of fire fairies on your roster. Not that you didn’t trust them, but you had seen teenage magic in action before, and would rather not take the chance.
So with ten minutes to spare, you gathered up Lucy and her bag and started for Farah’s office.
Her door was open and she was at her desk — a good sign, so you stepped up and knocked on the door frame.
She looked up and smiled at you, which widened when she saw Lucy asleep in the carrier you held. “Someone’s tired — what can I help you with?”
“Ah, well,” you took a step into her office and gestured down to Lucy. “I have a class to teach in ten minutes and my babysitter canceled today. No one else has been able to cover, so if you’re not too busy, I was going to take you up on your offer. If you’re not, though, that’s alright—”
“I’m free,” Farah said simply, cutting off all of your placations. “I’m happy to watch her.”
The tension you hadn’t realized you’d been holding left you in a sigh, and you gave her a grateful smile. “Thank you so much, that’s such a huge help right now.”
She smiled, standing from her desk to come around and get a closer look at Lucy. “I have to admit I’m not entirely selfless in my offer — I think I could stare at her all day.”
You laughed. “And now you understand the plight of a working mother.”
You held the carrier out for Farah to take, and then set the bag down on her guest chair. “She’s been fed and changed, so she should just sleep through the hour, but if you need anything it’s in this bag. And as my boss you probably don’t want to hear this, but should anything happen I have no qualms about canceling my class in the middle if you need me here.”
Farah laughed and shook her head as she glanced between you and Lucy. “I would never hold that against you when it comes to your daughter. But we’ll be alright, and we’ll be right here when you’re done.”
You nodded, and swallowed past the familiar lump in your throat that came every time you had to leave her. “Okay, I’ll be back soon,” you said to Lucy as much to Farah, and then turned to leave, looking back one last time to see Farah staring fondly down at Lucy.
Your class went blissfully smooth, and though you knew Lucy was in good, safe hands, you couldn’t stop yourself from hurrying back to Farah’s office when the hour was up. And though you were going fast enough to nearly run straight inside, the sight you found had you stopping in your tracks.
Farah stood with her back to you in the middle of her office, Lucy fast asleep on her shoulder as she slowly rocked side to side, one hand cradling her close and the other holding the file she skimmed. You thought you heard her hum under her breath, a slow tune you could only catch snatches of, and that sent your heart fluttering in your chest, affection and warmth swelling in your chest until you thought it might burst.
You might have made a noise, for Farah turned suddenly, smiling reassuringly when she saw you at the door. “She’s alright, she was just a bit fussy in her seat. Just needed to be held, that’s all.”
You laughed, steadying yourself from another wave of affection with a hand on the door jam. “She’s quite happy right there.”
Farah chuckled too and looked down at Lucy, still asleep. “She is, isn’t she? I’ve never seen a baby so clearly just want to be held, nothing else. To wake up from sleep and not need food or a change, but just to have someone hold her while she falls back asleep.”
“She is a little cuddler.” You took one last moment to commit the scene before you to memory before you gently took Lucy from Farah, settling her comfortably into the carrier before you took the bag Farah handed you.
“I just wanted to thank you again for watching her.” When Farah tried to wave off your gratitude, you pushed on. “No, really. You’ve been so kind to me — to us, since the minute I arrived, and now with babysitting today, you’ve truly gone above and beyond what any other boss would do.”
The skin high on her cheekbones flushed lightly in pleasure, and the sight of it made you grin. “So as a thank you, can I make you dinner some night?”
You decided on that Friday, which luckily gave you some time to clean up your suite and go to the store. That didn’t mean you had to spend much of Friday after your class cleaning up the mess that had somehow accumulated between then and now, but you appreciated the theoretical head start.
Just before Farah was due to arrive, you did one last look through your suite, pleased that everything had managed to stay mostly tidy. With that, you picked up Lucy from her blanket on the floor and tucked the blanket away, then went about your sweep, murmuring to her along the way.
“I think we’re right on track here — the pasta’s almost done, and— oh, sweetie.” You looked down when you felt wetness on the front of your shirt to see Lucy spit up, staining your shirt and a bit of your hair. You cooed over her for a moment, reassuring yourself it was just a bit of upset stomach and not something worse, and then debated whether you should just use one of the kitchen towels to clean up or risk the time to go back and change.
And then came the knock at the door.
“Damn,” you muttered. Looked at the clock — six on the dot, of course she was punctual, and then down at Lucy. “I gotta hand it to you kid, you have impeccable timing.”
Resigned, you turned to the door and opened it to Farah, giving her a sheepish smile when her eyes first widened in surprise and then crinkled in sympathy at the sight. “Hi, Farah — I’m sorry, a bit of a situation came up just as you knocked. Uhm,” you looked behind you, took a step back, then looked back at her, flustered. “Come in, come in of course, I won’t make you wait out there.”
You waved her in as you shifted Lucy more securely in your arms. “Is everything alright?” she asked, looking concerned, and that same flutter you’d felt in her office rose up again.
“Yes, she’s alright, just unfortunate timing. Please, make yourself at home, there’s glasses and various drinks in the kitchen. I just need a few minutes to clean us both up.”
“If you’d like,” she said before you could turn away, “rather, if you’re alright with it, I can clean up Lucille so you can wash up.”
You paused, amazed that she’d offered. “I—really?”
She nodded, giving you a small smile. “I don’t mind. Just show me where the nursery is.”
Still a bit stunned, you showed her down the hall. “Her onesies are in here,” you said, opening the top drawer of a small, lilac dresser, “and wipes are over here by the table. I think that should be all you need? But if you can’t find anything just holler, my room’s right next door.”
“I think we’ll be alright,” she reassured, and held her arms out for Lucy when you shifted her. 
She held her so easily, like she’d been doing it since the minute she was born, that you had to stop and marvel at it, watching Farah smile when Lucy reached out to grab at her necklace. She looked at you then, smile still in place, and nodded towards the door. “Go change. We’ll be alright.”
So you did, as quickly as you could, first rinsing out your hair and restyling as best you could before stripping out of your blouse. You told yourself you chose your new shirt because it was the first one in your closet and not because it was a bit more low cut than the old one, but whatever the reason, it looked good when you pulled it on. You gave yourself one last once over, and satisfied, you went back to the nursery.
You found Farah bent over the changing table, Lucy — now in a giraffe onesie — on her back and babbling while Farah rubbed her belly. She spoke in a slightly higher pitch, what you figured was her baby voice, but she seemed to hold a complete conversation with Lucy, which made you bite back a laugh.
“She likes that,” you said after you’d watched them for a minute. “She’s very relaxed.”
Farah looked at you and smiled, then picked up Lucy and walked over to you. “When the children were this young, I know rubbing their bellies helped when they were sick.”
“It helps her, too,” you said nodding, and took Lucy from her arms when Farah shifted. “The children, do you mean…?”
“Sam, Terra, and Sky. I didn’t see much of Sam and Sky when they were this age, but when Terra was born,” an odd, melancholic look crossed her face, but she shook her head as though to clear it before you could study it. “Things changed, then. I ended up helping to take care of her much more than the others.”
You wondered what had changed, but didn’t want to push it, and instead said, “I knew you had to get your skills from somewhere. You’re amazing with her.”
She grinned then, a look you were realizing was rare for her, and gazed down at Lucy. “She’s also a very agreeable baby. I’ve rarely seen one happier than her.”
“Not with everyone,” you said before you could stop yourself. When Farah looked up at you curiously, you continued. “She’s happy, yeah, but not quite like this.” When Farah’s eyes softened and she looked back down at Lucy, your heart swelled. “I said it before, but it bears repeating: she’s enamored with you.”
Farah didn’t have to say anything — the gentle caress she gave to Lucy’s head said it all.
Before your eyes could well, you hoisted Lucy further into your arms. “Come on; if I haven’t completely ruined the pasta, dinner will be ready soon. Then I’ll feed her and put her down, and then we can open a bottle of wine.”
The pasta was only slightly overcooked and the chicken wasn’t burned, so you considered that a success, especially as you got to watch Farah bounce Lucy in her arms while you put dinner on the table. An even greater success was when Lucy ate easily and went down without a fuss, and when you came back to the kitchen, Farah had just piled the dishes in the sink, then turned and asked where your wine glasses were.
Your conversation flowed easily, even without a child at the center of it, and for that you were grateful. Lucy was your world, but sometimes it felt like people had to struggle to fit around what your life had become, and at times you felt guilty for that. But with Farah, it all just fit; everything from babysitting to the conversation you could hold over a glass of wine, it all felt perfect, and you realized that having her here left you feeling more content than you had in years.
“It’s nice having someone around,” you murmured at a lull in the conversation, then blinked, realizing you’d said that out loud. You hadn’t had wine in more than a year and it had gone straight to your head. “I mean, that is, it’s not that I don’t have anyone, I do.” 
You tried to backtrack while Farah looked amused, which almost made it worse. “But it’s different that just having a friend around — not to say that you’re not a friend, you are, at least I assume you are, but even when I’m here you still help with Lucy — not to say my friends don’t help with Lucy, they do, but it’s different—” 
You finally managed to shut your mouth before you said anything else embarrassing could come out, but you felt like the flush on your cheeks would be there permanently, especially when you thought you saw Farah stifle a laugh out of the corner of your eye. But then she reached out and covered your hand with hers, her thumb slowly stroking along the back of your wrist.
“I think I understand what you mean.”
Your head shot up at her words, and the look you saw in her eyes made your chest swell — there was affection, warmth, attraction, interest in her eyes, everything that you knew was mirrored in your own.
“I’m happy to be around, in whatever capacity you should need or want,” she murmured, her thumb still stroking your wrist. “Lucille is a darling, and I enjoy looking after her. And I’m rather fond of your company, too.”
Her words were light, but what she was offering, the sincerity of her feelings, made your heart melt. Before you could doubt yourself, you took her hand between both of yours and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles, lingering there for as long as you could. When you opened your eyes, her gaze was warm and soft, and something passed between you — a tentative wish, a tender hope, a promise, true and sincere.
And so Farah, slowly but surely, became a fixture in both of your lives. She hadn’t been there for Lucy’s first word, but had been there for her first steps, a wobbly walk towards you as she clung to Farah’s fingers while you’d both cheered and laughed. She’d been there through ear infections and fevers, helping to rock, soothe, and comfort, and the first time your little girl had uttered a jumbled “Farah”, you thought she just might cry.
Though you couldn’t deny your feelings for Farah, nor hers for you, you were reluctant to give into them fully. She’d become such an integral part of Lucy’s life, and should something go wrong between the two of you, what would happen? And what kind of mother would you be if you were nursing a broken heart? It all scared you too much to think about, and so you did your best to keep yours and Farah’s relationship platonic as the months went by.
And then one day, after a week of grading midterms and nursing Lucy through a nasty cold, you came home with plans to cook a small dinner for you, Lucy, and Farah (as she ate dinner with you more often than not), and then go straight to bed.
You hadn’t meant to fall asleep on the couch — just meant to sit and rest for a minute. But your eyelids were too heavy, and your body too sore, and within a minute, you were out.
But instead of waking to a burning stove and a crying child, you woke to dinner neatly wrapped in the fridge, Lucy bathed and tucked into bed, and the mountain of laundry, which you’d been ignoring for some time, clean on the ottoman in front of you, half of it folded by the woman who sat across from you.
You blinked blearily, trying to gauge the time while Farah folded another shirt. “You did laundry?” you said, and cleared your throat when it came out a rasp.
She smiled at you, placing the shirt on the pile before picking up another one. “You’ve had a stressful week. I figured it was the least I could do while I watched Lucille.”
This woman, you thought as you swallowed past the lump in your throat, this utterly perfect woman.
She’d come expecting dinner, and instead had stepped up and taken care of everything while she let you rest. Emotion swelled in your chest, but this time you couldn’t just ignore it, couldn’t just let it go by with nothing more than a meaningful look.
Standing from your spot, you skirted the ottoman to sit next to Farah, merely taking the shirt from her hands, and when she gave you a curious look, you cupped her cheek and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
She returned it just as softly, but when you parted your lips for her she deepened it suddenly, a warm hand coming to your waist and pulling you closer. You twined your arms around her neck, pouring everything you felt into the kiss, hoping she’d feel what you felt, that she’d understand a piece of your heart belonged to her, even if it had taken so long.
And she did. In what you thought may have been your own personal miracle, she did.
“Farah!” Lucy, two years old now, yelled as she toddled over to her desk. The woman in question looked up from her writing and smiled, standing to scoop her up into her arms.
“Hello sweetheart,” she said, her smile growing when Lucy threw her arms around her neck. “And hello to you, too.” She turned to you then, and you greeted her with a small kiss on the corner of her mouth.
“We’re a little early, but someone really wanted to see you.”
“Is that so?” Farah asked, and chuckled when Lucy nodded. “Well, how lucky am I, then?”
You grinned, then shouldered the bag you carried. “I have a couple classes back to back and then some meetings — you’re sure you’re alright to watch her for a few hours?”
She nodded. “Of course. I have a light day today.”
“Alright, then,” you leaned in and pressed a kiss to Lucy’s cheek, “bye, pumpkin.” You turned and pressed a kiss to Farah’s cheek, too. “I’ll see you later.”
Your classes went well, and while the meetings seemed to drag on, they were somewhat productive, and they’d given you the chance to talk to a few of your friends. But nevertheless, you were ready to get back to Lucy, and didn’t linger any longer than you needed to by the time they were done.
Farah was still writing at her desk by the time you returned, but the room seemed suspiciously absent of any signs of a toddler, making you frown and look around. “Where’s Lucy?”
She glanced up at you and nodded to the floor beside her, and you came around her desk to see Lucy sitting on the floor half underneath Farah’s desk, crayons and paper strewn all around her.
“Well, look at you!” you exclaimed, cocking one hip on the desk as she looked up at you, waving briefly before returning to her picture, and you smiled before turning your attention to Farah.
“Who knew Farah Dowling had crayons and paper in her office?”
“The children spent many hours here with their crafts when they were young, I had to be prepared.” she explained as though it was a tactical decision, but then she cracked a smile. “It’s almost a tradition at this point for a child to spend their afternoon coloring at my feet,” she said with a hint of pride, laying a hand affectionately on the top of Lucy’s head.
“Be as that may, and as sweet as that is, it’s been a long time since those kids were young,” you teased her gently, wanting to draw out what you suspected was the truth.
“Well, I may have replenished my stock of crayons and paper when you and I became closer.”
There it is, you thought, and had to stop yourself from swooning at the thought of Farah Dowling buying crayons for your daughter. “I ever tell you you’re perfect?”
“Never,” she said in a faux serious tone, making you laugh and lean down to press a quick kiss to her lips.
“Well, then, you’re pretty perfect,” you murmured, and you felt her smile against your lips.
Straightening, you looked down at Lucy. “Can you start cleaning up the crayons, kiddo?” you asked, and before you could say anything else, Lucy was turning to Farah with stars in her eyes, pulling on the hem of her skirt.
“Do magic, do magic! Please?”
You thought to stop her and insist she help clean up her mess, but the joy and excitement on her face was too infectious to stop, and she had Farah wrapped around her finger, anyway — there was nothing you could say to stop Farah from showing off.
With a barely contained smile, Farah’s eyes began to glow and she raised her hand in a graceful wave. The crayons scattered around the floor were sent floating into the air where they circled Lucy twice, much to her delight, before nearly settling themselves back into their box — organized perfectly by color.
Lucy giggled and clapped, making Farah chuckle, and you took another moment to admire the scene before you nodded at Lucy. “What do you say to Farah?”
“Thank you Farah.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” she responded warmly, and your heart fluttered the same way it had nearly two years ago.
You helped Lucy gather up her pictures before giving them to her to carry, then looked at Farah again. “I’ll see you tonight?”
She nodded. “I’ll be back by dinner.”
With that, you hoisted Lucy into your arms, and giving Farah one last kiss, started for home, Lucy waving bye the whole way out the door.
More nights than not, now, with Lucy’s third birthday just around the corner, you and Farah slept in the same bed. You admitted that you slept better with her around, and when you’d told her such, she’d simply smiled, then packed a bag and filled the drawer and closet you’d cleared out for her. So when you woke to find her side of the bed empty and the sheets nearly cool to the touch, you pulled on a robe and went in search of her.
In the hallway, you heard Farah’s low voice murmuring in the living room, and you crept over to the corner to peer in. 
And the love that swelled up at the sight was staggering.
She sat in the plush rocking chair you’d had since the day Lucy was born, the little girl curled up snugly on her lap. She rocked slowly, one hand gently running through Lucy’s curls, and though the girl’s voice was calm and quiet now, you could see the tear stains on her cheeks, her nose still red and runny from crying.
“It was scary,” you heard Lucy whisper, and Farah made a soft noise of sympathy.
“It sounds like it,” she murmured. “But do you know the thing about nightmares?” When Lucy shook her head against Farah’s shoulder, she continued. “They’re not real. They’re always scary in the moment, but when you wake up, you always see that they’re not real, and then you can think about all the nice things in the world—”
“Like horses and cupcakes?” Lucy interrupted, and Farah smiled down at her.
“Yes, like horses, and cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles, and how much your mama loves you, and how much I love you too.”
Tears pricked at your eyes but you blinked them away, not wanting to miss a moment. Lucy rubbed her face against Farah’s shoulder, burrowing closer, and Farah pulled her in, pressing a kiss to her head before her hand resumed its slow, gentle caress through her hair.
You lost yourself in just watching Farah rock, your little girl cradled safely in her arms. But even from there you could see her eyes getting heavy, her fingers losing their grip on the front of Farah’s robe, and she saw it too. Gathering her close, she slowly stood, murmuring something soft to Lucy when she stirred.
She saw you when she stepped towards the hallway, giving you a small smile over Lucy’s head. She murmured something to her again, and then Lucy opened her eyes, looking in the direction Farah nodded.
“Mama,” she cried, reaching out for you, and you took her into your arms, holding her close.
“Did you have a bad dream?” you asked her quietly, and she nodded into your shoulder. “Did Farah make you feel better?” She nodded again, and you pressed a kiss to the top of her head, rubbing her back. “Good.”
Lucy still clung tight to you, and so you took a moment to just hold her, swaying gently as you stepped closer to Farah, smiling when she reached out to rub her back with you.
“Are you ready to go back to your bed?”
Lucy made a noise that wasn’t quite agreement, but not quite refusal either, and you and Farah smiled at each other. “Well,” you started, and with an unspoken agreement you and Farah took a step towards her room. “Why don’t Farah and I tuck you in, and then you can decide?”
And so you did — Farah on one side, you on the other as you pulled the blankets up to her chin, murmuring words of love and wishes for sweet dreams. She was half asleep by the time you pressed a kiss to her forehead, and full asleep by the time Farah smoothed her hair back with a sweet smile, leaving you both to tiptoe towards her door, turning out all the lights except for the small lamp on her bedside. When you turned at the door to look back at her, you both paused just to stare at her, this little girl you both loved just so, and you were reminded for the millionth time just how lucky you were that Farah loved your girl, and that Lucy loved her too.
Wanting to memorize this woman beside you, you turned your attention to her, looking at her just in time to see her eyes fade from white back to dark, and you smiled, cocking your head in question. “What was that?”
It was hard to tell in the dim light, but you thought you saw her flush as she glanced from you back to Lucy. “I planted a good dream for her.”
Your smile widened, and you reached down to tangle your fingers with hers. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Though I can, I don’t make a habit of manipulating any part of a person’s mind. But… this seemed like a good exception.”
“I think so too.” You leaned into her and pressed a slow kiss to her cheek, nuzzling her with your nose. “You’re so good with her.”
She turned her head to bump her nose with yours affectionately. “I’m glad you think so.”
“I do, and I don’t just think, I know.” You wrapped your arms around her neck, resting your forehead on her shoulder. You’re as much her mama as I am, you thought.
And began to wonder just how you could show her that was true.
You woke to the quiet alarm you’d set, and quickly turned it off before it could wake Farah. When she didn’t stir, the excitement that had been brewing all week flooded through your chest, though it was tinged with a touch of nerves. It was hard to believe the plan you’d had ready for weeks was finally coming to fruition — and should it all come together, be one of the best decisions you’d ever made.
But Farah’s birthday was to start with you and Lucy making her breakfast, and that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t get out of bed.
It was still dark outside, the downside of the winter months, but you pulled yourself up to sit on the edge of the bed, grabbing your robe from the bedpost against the chill. But just as you’d tied the belt around your waist, you heard Farah stir behind you, and you turned to see her blink her eyes open.
It was astounding, sometimes, the love you felt for her — bleary eyed and bare faced, her hair long and loose, and she was the most beautiful woman you’d seen.
“Happy birthday, honey,” you murmured, and leaned down to press a kiss to her brow. “You should go back to sleep.”
She shook her head and stretched her arms above her head. “I can get up with you.”
Damn, you thought, and shook your head back at her. “No, just stay here.” 
She furrowed her brows in confusion at your insistence, and taking pity on her, you pressed another kiss to her forehead. “Don’t tell anyone, but we’re making you a birthday breakfast.”
Her face suddenly brightened with a smile. “Are you now?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, and couldn’t help smiling back at her. “And it’s a surprise, so pretend you’re asleep when we come and get you.”
“I think I can do that.” 
You gave her another kiss, but before you could stand, she grabbed your arm and pulled you back in, this time pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
Three simple words and you were undone. “I love you, too. Now go back to sleep.”
And grinning at each other, you crept out the door and towards Lucy’s room.
To your surprise, she was awake when you peeked in the door, and sat up bouncing when she saw you. “You said you’d get me when it was time but you were forever — are we gonna make b’eakfast?”
You stifled a laugh and nodded. “Yes, we are, for Farah’s birthday. But remember, we have to be quiet,” you said, putting a finger to your lips, and smiled when Lucy mimed you.
You were as quiet as you could be, which wasn’t terribly when a three year old was involved, but you couldn’t care less, not when you had your determined little helper — cracking eggs, dumping ingredients, and helping you to stir, she took her jobs very seriously.
Finally, when everything was ready and you’d set the table, you took Lucy’s hand and led her towards your bedroom. When you looked in, Farah was on her side facing you, and you bent down to whisper to Lucy. “Can you go wake her up?”
She nodded determinedly, and you watched her crawl up the bed, having to stifle a laugh at the way she draped herself over Farah, who made a valiant effort of pretending to be asleep.
“Farah,” Lucy whispered loudly, gently prodding at her cheek, and Farah cracked an eye, looking at Lucy before glancing over to you.
“There seems to be a possum on my shoulder.”
Lucy giggled, poking at her shoulder. “I’m not a poss’m!”
“No?” Farah asked, suddenly rolling as she scooped the girl up into her arms, her giggles only getting louder. “Then what’re you doing perched on me?”
“We made you b’eakfast!”
Farah gasped theatrically, and you thought your heart might burst. “You did? Why, how thoughtful! But what’s the occasion?”
“It’s your birthday!” she nearly shouted, throwing her arms in the air, and both you and Farah laughed.
“Well, it is indeed. Should we go have breakfast, then?”
Lucy cheered and scrambled off the bed, waiting impatiently as Farah rose. She’d barely tugged on a robe before Lucy grabbed her hand with both of hers, tugging her towards the kitchen. “Come on, come on!”
You were proud of the spread you’d made, but that pride only grew when you saw Farah’s face light up, studying it all with a look of awe. “All of this just for my birthday?”
“Only the best, darling,” you told her, and punctuated it with a kiss on her cheek.
You guided her to sit in her chair, where Lucy promptly crawled into her lap, pointing at the stack of pancakes you uncovered. “Mama cooked them, but I put the b’ueberries in, and, and I made the faces.”
“You did?” Lucy gave a proud nod of her head, and Farah smiled at her. “Well, you did a very good job, they look delicious. Will you share them with me?”
Breakfast was marvelous, not only for the food, but because it was the slow, lazy kind of morning with your family you rarely got to have, and you were going to relish it. Cups of tea sipped over a full plate of breakfast, your daughter and the woman you loved by your side, and nothing to worry about except for whether you should have another slice of toast or not. It was moments like these you knew you would cherish forever, and moments that told you the present you planned to give to Farah was absolutely right.
And you couldn’t wait any longer. As breakfast wound down, you reached out to wipe a bit of jam off of Lucy’s chin. “Why don’t you go get your present for Farah, pumpkin?”
“Okay!” She dashed off, and Farah gave you an amused look.
“I get presents?”
“Of course you do,” you told her, tapping her chin similarly as you had Lucy’s. “It’s your birthday, after all.”
The sound of little feet heralded Lucy’s return, and she crawled into Farah’s lap again before very seriously handing her a folded piece of paper. “I made you a picture.”
Farah melted as she unfolded it, giving Lucy an adoring look. “You did?”
Lucy nodded, then pointed to the figures she’d drawn one by one. “That’s you, that’s me, and that’s mama.”
You’d come to stand behind her chair as Lucy had given her the drawing, and now you bent down, wrapping your arms around her shoulders to give your present to her. “It’s a picture of her and her mamas.”
Farah snapped her head around to look at you, and after a moment her eyes widened in realization of what you were offering. “Really?”
You nodded, the same excitement and nerves from that morning bubbling up again. “If that’s something you would want,” you nodded again, unable to stop the smile spreading across your mouth, “I’m okay with it, and so is Lucy.”
“I…” she trailed off, at a loss for words, and then slowly she began to smile. “Really?”
You nodded again, sniffing as you felt a lump form in your throat, laughter of pure joy bubbling up next to it. “Will you be her mum with me?”
Farah let out a little laugh, her eyes bright with unshed tears as she nodded once, twice, then looked down at Lucy, who’d become preoccupied during all the talk. “Would it be alright if I was one of your mamas?”
“Yeah,” Lucy said, somewhat distractedly as she picked at the hem of her shirt, and then she looked up at Farah and grinned, suddenly wrapping her arms around her neck.
Farah let out a watery chuckle as she hugged her back, lingering a minute before she reached out a hand for you, pulling you closer, one arm still around Lucy. “This is… I—I can’t even begin to tell you.”
“I think I know what you mean,” you murmured, cupping her cheek, and realized she’d said those same words to you so long ago. “You’ve been her mama for a long time, Farah. You’ve been there for me and her since I first came here, and she’s been in love with you since the moment she met you — you’re our family, and you always will be. It was time we made that official.”
Tears fell over her eyelashes, and you tenderly wiped them away, feeling your own prick your eyes. It was more than just the title you knew, though that in and of itself was a momentous gift. It was the significance of it, though, of what it meant to your family, and what it meant for you and her. It was a promise, one guaranteed to last forever — it was an offering of life and love, thick and thin, good or bad, of unity and partnership and parentship.
It was a vow of ‘always’, of love and family for the rest of your days.
No matter what that might bring.
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
The Safeword is RadioApple (part 2)
This part doesn’t have the Alastor x Lucifer scene I previewed! I pushed it to the next part since this was already a big chunk of text. I hope you still enjoy it! 🥺 I can do a male reader, I just need a little time as I’ll need to rewrite quite a bit
Locked doors
「Luci was pining to return to your bed, even if he couldn’t fully understand why Alastor exists in it. Luckily for you both, You got a night alone with the King of Hell and before Alastor can implode the whole situation, he had a change of heart perspective.」
[warnings/promises: Lucifer x FemReader, smut, No AlastorxReader this part, Luci eats you out, Luci has a nose, Alastor thinks about gardening but in a jerk kind of way, s e x, Husker is reminded of his chains, Charlie is naive, Facesitting, Luci’s horns, sweet little kisses, aftercare at the before part, creampie is like nyquil, Luci is an entire daddy kink]
Part 1 ꒰აMaleReader✧FemaleReader໒꒱ Part 2 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱ Part 3 ꒰აAlastorxLucifer໒꒱ tidbit (cute, not smut) Part 4 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱✨NEW✨ ₊⊹⁀➴ Lucifer wins⟡Alastor Wins
minors DNI 🤌🏼
He didn’t want to be fully naked near Alastor, but the idea of bathing with you overpowered his hate. When he entered the bathroom, he found you reclining into Alastor, back to chest, as Alastor’s fingers massaged soap into your upper arms.
Your eyes, closed in comfort, popped open when you sensed his presence, “Luci!” Your legs folded, “Get in.”
Lucifer looked around the clawed foot porcelain tub. He didn’t want to admit he liked the style, obviously picked out by Alastor. With the same hesitancy as before, he stripped and lowered himself in the water opposite you and Alastor.
A wave of stress, again, watching you two intertwined in each other’s attention. But you pushed back against that feeling, hands slipping past his hooved feet until you found his calf. Lifting his leg up, Lucifer yelped as he slid down into the water. Your hands rubbed along the muscle of his leg, humming softly.
He watched you, Alastor disappearing from view entirely. “Thank you, Kitten.” Your smile widened. Eyes wandering down, he found your foot and pressed into the arches with strong fingers. You moaned, visibly relaxing into Alastor’s chest. “Feel good?”
You nodded, “Your hands only ever make me feel good, Luci.”
He nearly choked on his breath, cheeks brightening a scarlet red. How could you get so brutally fucked and still speak to sweetly? Was that really the same mouth?
A stupid grin spread across your face as you pressed into Alastor.
“Happy?” He asked, low and into your hair. 
“Happiest.”  Eyes closed, basking in the glory of your conquest. “What do you like to do after sex?”
It took Lucifer a second to realize you were talking to him, “Oh! Uhh,” a nervous scratch to his cheek, “Kiss? Cuddle. Normal things.” He hoped Alastor took the word normal as an insult but unfortunately he seemed to not be paying any attention. Without opening your eyes, you spread your arms and invited Lucifer to kiss.
He felt his knees graze Alastor’s legs as he shifted, leaning in to you he let his lips touch yours gently. Your arms came around his shoulders and pulled him in for more. He fell into your chest, pressing your body further into Alastor’s. You cooed into his mouth, opening to lick across his lips, finally looking at him. Staring into each other’s eyes, you hoped he could see it, hoped your absolute bliss was palpable to him. Sandwiched between your own personal rock and hard place, you struggled to keep a naughty giggle in your chest. What a lucky girl you were. 
Properly cleaned and doted on, you found yourself in Alastor’s large bed with the men. Alastor had no issues slipping under the blankets and into sleep, your body curled up against his. You were facing Lucifer, who looked exhausted. 
“Sorry for the shock.” You whispered, hand slipping from under the blanket to hold his own. Your mouth opened to say something else, but you stopped yourself. You felt like Lucifer needed space to process.
And he did, taking a moment to look over your face, large red and black deer ears peeking from the blankets behind you. 
“Why did he have to be here?” His fangs bared, “Why not just us?”
Your fingers twirled the wedding band on his left hand, “We have our own little set of rules for what is okay, and he’s always going to be there. That’s the only way this can work.”
Always? This? He wasn’t sure which to grab ahold of first. 
“I’ll never get you alone?” He thought he hid his sadness, but he was in fact pouting very noticeably. 
“Not unless Alastor says so.”
Neither noticed Alastor’s grin slipping through his fake sleep.
His pout deepened, “I hate him.”
“I know.” You laughed, because it was funny. There was really no reason for either of them to hate each other but it seemed neither of their egos could exist in the same room without causing the bad kind of friction. 
“But I -,” He laced his fingers with yours, stopping the reminder of his own vows and to some extent your own, “You. I don’t hate you.”
“Do you not-hate me enough?” said quieter than your other questions, as nervous for the answer as you were the first one of the night. 
“Enough?” Brow knit, Lucifer’s pout melted away. You squeezed his hand. Could he tolerate Alastor enough? Get enough of you for himself? His mind came to greed, to Mammon and his disgust for the sin incarnate. Lucifer had been greedy before, tried to take more than he was allowed, and it led to very terrible things. Some would argue the very worst of all things. 
His nod was barely perceivable. You wondered if you’d imagined it. Perhaps your heart was beating so fast, your eyes shook just enough to see what you wanted. 
Lucifer fell asleep, hand in yours. When he woke, he found himself turned around. At some point he must have rolled away from you, but before he could wake enough to correct the situation, he noticed your own sounds. 
“Allie~” You purred, a tone he had never heard you use before an– Allie?? He gagged.
He could feel the blankets shifting, bed dipping behind him. 
“You’re in odd form, beloved.” Alastor said it softly, not meant for anyone else to ever hear, “I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.”
A huff, a sigh, you made the smallest whimper, “Do you think Luci -?”
Alastor didn’t let you finish, “I don’t ever think about him, darling. So, no.”
Lucifer heard a smack of skin, you playfully hitting Alastor’s chest. “Be nice,” It was a warning, not a suggestion. “I didn’t want to wake him up yet…” The bed dipped again before he felt your hands slip under his arm and down his chest. He tensed, “Luci” you whispered a sing-song form of his name, “Wake up, please. I need your company before I start my day.”
He wanted to whip around but knew that’d be suspicious, he needed to play it cool. Be a man who was totally asleep this whole time. Lucifer closed his eyes, as if you could see his face at all, and forced out a yawn. “Hmm?” He hoped he sounded sleepy, as he was fully alert at this point. 
“Good morning, your majesty.” Your hand snaked down his stomach, “Can I have a moment of your time, sire? I’d like an audience with you.” 
He bit his bottom lip, loving the way you spoke about his position. “Sire” was now second to “Daddy” to his ears. His mind couldn’t play along, already overwhelmed. “I’m not busy at the moment…so…” 
Stupid. Terrible. 
Alastor agreed with the sentiment Lucifer didn’t vocalize. 
Your hand slipped immediately into his boxers, little blue shorts with bright yellow duckies. Taking long, gentle strokes you found him eager to wake up for you, too. 
Luci folded the pillow into his face, stifling a groan as he grew under your fingers. You let his foreskin slide up and down his shaft, rubbing along his head until he had grown too large to accommodate. Luckily for you and Luci, he was leaking like a faucet and providing you just the lubricant to keep your hand gliding over his length. 
He rolled over and began to kiss you, but you quickly pushed him onto his back, coming to straddle him. “May I?” You ground your hips down, wet lips sliding across his cock. Lucifer choked out a reply, something between “yes” and “please” fell from his mouth. You were already naked? Had he missed something?
His eyes flitted to Alastor, who was leaving the bed and going to his armoire. You brought his attention back to you, one hand on his stomach, the other lining him up. Still soft and sore from the night before, Luci much easier slipped into you as you sank down until he was fully sheathed. Taking a moment, you sat on his impossibly hard cock and tried to think of where to put your hands. You leaned back, finding the angle to press his length along your plush g-spot. Slowly, hands on his thighs behind you, you rose up and lowered yourself. 
Luci’s hands came to your hips, needing something to hold on to. Watching you bounce on his cock was making him sweat, not taking into account the feeling of your tight heat so early in the morning. His sweet angel, taking his cock so well. He fought the urge to push you down and let months of pent up affection pound you into the bed.
Soon enough, you were rising and just letting your full body weight drop onto his lap. When you tried to take a hand to touch yourself, Luci’s tail wound up your thigh. You were startled, slowing to see the spade tip pressing down and flicking across your needy clit.
“What the fuck, Luci?” a breathy rhetorical, hand going back to his thigh to regain the speed and force you lost. As you found yourself coming up to that edge, pleasure peaking, you began to moan out his name. Little “Luci”’s and Lucifer”’s chanted to the ceiling. 
Luci’s head pushed down into the pillow, mind unfurling. “Enough,” He whispered into the air, hips rutting up to meet your frenzied thrusts, his reply lost in the sounds of your bodies connecting. 
Lucifer tried to be normal around the hotel, but as hours turned to days he found it harder and harder to keep it together. While always aware of you, always looking for you, he was now noticing the dynamic between yourself and Alastor. The two of you were often in the same spaces, but rarely together. It baffled him. If you were his, he’d never take his hands off you. His fingers would always be in yours, hand on your back, arm linked in arm. How could Alastor exist around you in any other state than at your feet? 
He began to wonder what exactly you saw in the deer demon. Yes, his dick did work, much to Lucifer’s surprise. But surely that wasn’t it. Because Lucifer’s dick also worked. The math was not mathing.
His bed was suddenly too large. Silk sheets too cold. Room too quiet. Lucifer found himself pacing the halls at night, mind wandering to what you were doing. What you both may be doing. How he would, could, fit in.
Any time he could, he found a reason to touch you. Handing him a plate? Fingers gliding over yours. Entering the same room? Ah, his hand fit so perfectly on the small of your back as he let you go first. Look at this paper! Slide beside him, let his hand come to rest on your waist. Before, he avoided every chance to feel your skin under his own. Now, he was hungry for every little taste. He felt like lightning bit him with every connection to you. He wondered if you felt it, too. 
Alastor wasn’t blind. He saw Lucifer’s eyes watching you. How he followed you like a lost puppy. 
He nearly snapped his microphone in two one morning, seeing Lucifer’s hand around your waist. It was odd, the sex? No issue! Who cares? It’s just bodies. He knew you were satisfied with him regardless of if you ever fucked. You both were quite content to just lie in bed and read, kissing and cuddling under the blankets before bed. 
But something about this was getting under his skin. Maybe it was the public setting, almost an insult to him. Showing everyone how the King of Hell could have anything he wanted. Anyone.
Or maybe it was something messier. These weren’t lustful touches. His hands were always so gentle on you, tender. There was emotion behind the way Lucifer’s fingers grazed your body. He was fine with watching another soul lust after you. Your body was something he could share, just flesh. Your heart? His hair bristled. Would Lucifer undermine what he had?
Mint. His mother planted it once in the yard. Mint grows exceptionally well. Too well. If not properly contained, it will spread across the garden and become a weed and overtake the other plants.
He relished in uprooting the mint by the fistfuls. 
Seeing Lucifer laugh loudly, leaning into your ear to whisper something that made you giggle in return, Alastor thought about mint. Best when ripped from the ground and muddled with a ridged dowel. 
When you knocked on Lucifer’s studio door later that night, the place he had built specially for himself in the new and improved hotel, he frantically tried to clean up the space. You hadn’t been alone with him since that morning nearly a week prior now. 
Truth be told, you hadn’t actually planned on Lucifer agreeing to join Alastor and you in bed. You weren’t sure how to politely invite him back without sounding like you saw him as just a fuck buddy. When you voiced your concern to Alastor, he laughed. Then patted your head.
Not overly helpful.
“Hey there! Long time no see huh?” He laughed a little too hard.
“Luci, we saw each other at breakfast.” 
His hat seemed to wither on his head, “Right yeah haha that— time away from you feels so long! The heart —,” he stopped talking, “Inside?” Wide eyed, he gestured for you to enter. 
With a nod, you walked in. Just, so many ducks. An ungodly number of ducks. Too many, some could argue.
“What’s the latest creation?” You searched the room for anything obviously special.
Lucifer grabbed your hand as he walked past and pulled you to the desk. “Check this out.” He cupped his hands, holding up a duck with six wings and tiny horns. The wings flapped gently.
“Little Luci duck?” You tapped the beak. 
He hummed, “Do you like it? I thought maybe for your bath.” 
You genuinely didn’t know what to say. Your finger slid up the head and down the back. Bringing it to your lips, you kissed the tiny orange beak. “Now I can have you in my bath every night.” 
A smirk, squiggly and long spread across his face.  Shoulder to shoulder at his drawing table, he leaned over to kiss your cheek. Your finger tapped your lips, instructions for where to bring his lips next.
Lucifer flipped around, knocking up against the desk and causing ducks to cascade down, “CHARLIE! Haha! HEY!” 
Charlie was standing in the open doorway, eyes bouncing from you to Lucifer and back. “Sorry, are you… busy?”
If you stayed very very still maybe she wouldn’t see you. 
No? Yes? Which— which was the least suspicious?
“No?” Lucifer offered.
“I wanted to talk to you about some hotel stuff. I can come back later?”
You folded, sliding away from Lucifer, “I was just going, actually.” You nodded at Charlie, hands behind your back holding your duck. 
Alastor lied on your bed while you wallowed, your upset amusing to him. Where you saw an issue, he saw an opportunity. His wide smile seemed to shine under the dim light of your room, “Charlie is too innocent to make such a leap, dear. She’d need much more than that to suspect anything.” 
“I just don’t wanna cause him trouble. His life has enough strife. I didn’t start this to make things harder on him.” You buried your face into the pillow. 
His hand petted softly at your hair, “Why did you start this?”
You and Alastor weren’t a very sexual couple, and though your libido was stronger opposed to Alastor’s distinct lack of one, that was never an issue. But part of why he even allowed Lucifer to join your bed was to help round out your pleasure. Not that Luci was just a dick to you, literally. Alastor knew how badly you wanted to dote on the monarch, and when we you discussed your desires he was happy to oblige. As long as you didn’t stray from his side, Alastor was fine with holding the reins of this extension, of sorts, to your own relationship. 
But he was, at his core, a mortal soul. He was not impervious to feelings of envy.
“Well, yes, more sex with powerful people is quite nice.” Alastor nodded in agreement, the openness something he was fine with. “But I just wanna see him smile more. He’s so-,”
“Insignificantly small?”
You glared from over the pillow, “Cute.”
His fingers traced down your cheek to your chin, lifting your face to receive a kiss, “Do I still have the controlling share of your heart?”
Rarely, nearly never, did Alastor admit worry. You immediately sat up, the simple question sending off alarms. “Of course! Say the word, I’ll lock the door. Our doors only open as wide as we decide. Together.” Alastor hummed, content with the answer. 
“That’s all I need to hear! I will be back by midnight, don’t lock anything before then.” With a kiss to your forehead, he excused himself down to the bar.
Sure enough, within an hour Lucifer pulled himself into a bar stool and asked Husk for a soda water with lime. He notoriously avoided alcohol.
From his chair, Alastor watched the king of hell frown into the glass. If he could, he would drink that pitiful look by the bottle.
Alastor appeared beside Lucifer, flashing two fingers to Husk. 
“You look like the dog who got kicked.” Alastor’s grin, toothy and sharp, smiled at Lucifer. A laugh track faintly played in the background of his static voice.
“Hey here’s an idea! Go fuck yourself.”
War requires sacrifice. To truly get what you want will always cost you. Alastor knew this well, having paid many prices along his life and death to ultimately come out ahead. 
“She’s quite sad, you know. Poor thing is in her bed now, cradling a small duck.” Alastor tipped his glass into his mouth. Lucifer didn’t reply, frown pushing into a pout.
“She’ll be asleep by 11, normally when she starts to doze off. Unless, of course, she’s otherwise preoccupied.” The whiskey burned, he only drank it neat. Unadulterated.
“Are you bragging? Why are you telling me this, you haunted broomstick?”
The glass cracked in his hand as he set it down, “Because, you empty headed lawn ornament, I’m giving you my blessing to visit her.” Alastor’s bones seemed to snap as his head turned to look at Lucifer with an eerie jerking.
Immediately he perked up, “Oh. Together?” Suspicious.
“I’ll be there later.” Alastor’s head cocked to the side, “You can go ahead.”
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, “What’s the catch?”
“No catch! Why so suspicious?” Alastor’s eyes rolled, now with a smaller grin, “My darling just has such an appetite, whereas I don’t need quite as much, as often.” 
That made… sense. A lot of sense, actually. Lucifer let that bit of information blanket the past week of observations and everything lined up. 
“Oh!” Lucifer swivelled his chair, “Okay….does she..want me to see her?” He gripped his cane, a nervous reaction, “She hasn’t actually brought it up since.”
“How would I know? I was as shocked as you when she asked for you in the first place.” Husk watched Alastor’s smile twitch, hearing what sounded like pure annoyance in his voice as he said it. 
Lucifer opened his mouth to make a jab, but thought better of it and abandoned the drink and the bar to find you. 
Husk tried to sneak away, but felt the tug of his chains.
“What did you hear, Husker?” Husk’s fur stood on end as he slowly turned to face the fearsome radio demon. 
“Nothing, boss. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His hand had to set the bottle he carried down, shaking too much to be sure he wouldn’t drop it. 
“Good boy.” Alastor finished his whiskey, “I’d hate to have to find a new bartender. Another, please and thank you. I’ve got some time to kill.”
“Luci?” You looked around the hall, wondering if perhaps someone else had come with him, “What’s up?”
He opened his arms, “That piece of shit said I could see you. Alone.”
Your smile fell, “Why would he do that?” Lucifer laughed, shrugging it off. 
“Maybe he knows he is no match for our connection.” His brows rose up and down his face.
“That….definitely isn’t it, Luci.”
He looked wounded, “May I still come in? If you want me, that is. Want me TO! Want me, to enter. Inside the room. Your room. Bedroom. This-.,” You opened the door the rest of the way and moved aside. 
“What exactly did Alastor say?” You sat on the small bench at the foot of your bed.
 The worry was visible on your face.
“Something about different appetites. Aaand I could come up before he came to bed. Oh, and that you were sad.” Lucifer set his hat on the dresser, resting the cane to the side. 
Those were true things. 
Yes, you had been sad. Moping just before Alastor left, come to think of it….was this a little gift? Why wouldn’t Alastor tell you beforehand? You rarely did anything without discussing it first. 
“Did you not want to see me?” Luci misread your face. 
“Oh! No!” 
He winced.
“No, I mean– no, I did not …not want to see you.” Fuck, his nervous energy was spreading. How did you ever manage a private conversation with him before? “I am very happy you’re here. I felt so bad, about earlier. Did I cause you any trouble with Charlie?”
Luci plopped down beside you, “Don’t be silly! She thinks we’re run of the mill pals!” A laugh, “I think.”
Your eyes searched the room. Alone together, in a truly private place. But again, you wanted to show Lucifer more than just your lust for him. You wanted to see him smile, to feel appreciated and seen. That was harder to do when in a dick fog. 
“Are you okay with starting with a cuddle this time, Luci?” Standing, you lowered the lights with the dial on the wall. “We can move past it if you’re feeling it. Or just enjoy being in each other’s company.”
“I love cuddling! I’m a pro at cuddling! Haha, yes. Totally okay.” He paused, “Why are you laughing?”
You pulled back the covers, getting into bed, “You’re so cute, your majesty.” He felt that stupid grin creep across his face, “Come to bed.”
With a puff of red smoke, he was in his boxers and scrambling to you. You tried to stifle another laugh, what a silly person the Devil was. “You could have done that every time?” You asked. He just nodded, hands coming around your body and pulling you close to him. “You’re so warm.”  Your nose brushed against his.
“Fires of hell and all that.” He kissed the tip of your nose, before lightly pressing his lips to your own. Another peck, his hands roaming up your hips and then your arms, then coming to your cheek. He pulled you closer now, deepening his once chaste kisses. 
Was this cuddling? You thought you had wanted to dote on him. But now it seemed you were the one being showered in adoration. He sighed into your mouth, and your mind went blank. Yes this was cuddling. This was anything he said he wanted it to be. 
Lips soft, mouth warm, tongue forked. His head tilted, desperate to get himself deeper into your mouth. You tasted like heaven, something he was too scared to miss. Tongue rolling over yours, you moaned into the kiss. Luci’s hands slid from your face to your hip, hand gripping you as he groaned in response. Hips slowly rolling into nothing, he tried to calm down. He finally had you all to himself, and his body reacted with an eagerness he had forgotten. Your own hands pushed gently against his chest, not to make distance, but to feel his body pressing up against your own skin. 
His lips parted yours, he went to speak but instead returned to kissing you. Leaving your lips and travelling down your neck, he found the will to talk, “Tonight, let me take the lead?” You nodded, wondering what his lead would look like. 
Alastor was always chasing something in you, feeding off more than your body. The few times he would want to go beyond just caressing, he would wring pleasure from you like a deserted man to an empty canteen. His body quaking with every drop he could manage. 
And Lucifer? Your already wet cunt clenched around nothing but possibilities. You nodded, watching a fire light behind his eyes you hadn’t seen in the bedroom before.
“I’m going to spoil you rotten.” His face was bright, both hands pulling your hips onto him as he rolled onto his back. “You don’t need these.” Clawed hands tugging at your panties beneath your open robe. 
Oh. That was quick.
As you leaned back to remove them, Lucifer’s mind was on timing. He could eat you out for hours if afforded it, but he knew Alastor would be coming in eventually. Lucifer had no intentions of sharing you tonight. 
When you sat down, his hands hooked under your thighs and pulled you up. And up. 
“Let me show you how I ruined eden.” He opened his mouth, long tongue snaking out in a truely debauched display.  Your body was just near his chin now, and you were too stunned to move. His hands slapped your ass playfully, “Please take a seat, kitten. Your throne awaits.”
Would you suffocate him? Did he need breathe? Were you heavy? Shou-
“Pet.” His hands drummed on your thighs, “Just grab the headboard.”
Mortified. You placed your knees on either side of his head and gripped the headboard. You barely had a chance to lower yourself before he pulled you onto his mouth.
Hot breath. Luci had been dreaming of this for weeks, long before your initial invite. His tongue lapped up the slick from hole to clit, humming into your skin. Your thighs clenched and you had to focus to open them again. You apologized, but Luci just winked and made a show of taking two fingers and setting them on your thigh where he held you. 
You’d never done anything where you were the one on watch for the tap tap. It felt…. Good. Deep breath, relax into the system you made for each other.
His tongue dipped into your heat, you hadn’t considered the positive attributes of its length until now. Your hips rocked slowly, the feeling of his soft and determined tongue along you walls making your mind reel. How could something be so gentle but so ravaging? Had anyone’s tongue ever been so deep in you?
Resting your forehead on the headboard you watched Luci’s eyes close, his smile felt from thigh to thigh. Nowhere was Lucifer more in his element than mouth under a wet cunt. As your breath quickened so did your hips, grinding down more and more as you felt the pleasure spiking with every touch. 
Luci’s tongue left your now dripping hole to latch onto your clit. Sharp teeth pricked your skin as he began to suck, expert tongue intermittently lapping at your little bud of nerves. 
Your knuckles were turning white as you considered snapping the headboard in half in an attempt to chase the euphoria. It felt so good, but as the time was going forward you could tell it wasn’t enough to get you over that hurdle. 
Cold air rushed to your flushed skin, “What do you need, kitten?” Two large eyes, yellow and red, looked up from your lap.
“I want to feel you. Inside.” Your eyes flitted up as his mouth returned to his measured pace on your clit. Whimpering, you thought about reaching back and inserting your own fingers when you found your new friend beat you to it. His spaded tail folded in on itself and slipped past your twitching entrance.
You choked out a noise, the sensation something entirely foreign. Smooth and cold, he just needed to get the tip inside for you to start moaning in earnest. Your body was rocking between his tongue and his tail, shortening the intervals as you ramped up to your orgasm. 
His hands on your thighs tightened, clawed hands digging into your flesh. His moan made your feet cramp, legs now twitching. “Close— Luci!” Talking felt like losing your place, but the way he moaned in response egged you on, “Luci! Please don’t sto-,” your abdomen tight, body locked as it edged to that peak, your pleas to not stop devolved into whispered a, “no no no no god no” into the wooden bed frame.
Lucifer’s hands snaked up your sides, holding onto your waist he pulled your full weight down into his mouth, tail twisting as it thrust in and out of you. Just deep enough that the large edge of the spade was spreading your lips with every movement. 
Eyes closed, your body shook violently over his face as you finally broke through, orgasm flooding your system with endorphins. Feet, legs,  stomach, hands, everything loosened. Luci’s tongue stopped, tail slipping out. 
You didn’t make a move, needing a second to just bask in the feeling.
Before it fully waned, Luci’s arms came up and over your thighs before he pushed your body toward his chest. And then you felt yourself falling backwards.
He’d pushed himself off the bed and flipped you so quickly you hadn’t even seen it happen. Vision adjusting you saw his yellow eyes now red, red and black horns sprouted from his forehead.
“Open up for Daddy, kitten.” He was fully buried in your softened pussy before you could form a thought. Your body hadn’t forgotten his size, but you still felt a burning at your entrance where the skin struggled to stretch for him. Luci’s body fell onto yours, his hands bringing your legs up past his hips and behind his back. You hooked your feet together around his waist and held on with both arms, eyes rolling back with every thrust.
“You feel so good, you’re so tight,” he moaned directly into your ear. Bodies tightly pressed together, an embrace where only his hips would leave your skin and just long enough to piston back into you. Your legs were so far up that your hips weren’t on the bed anymore. The angle made your head fall back, muscles unable to receive signals from your bliss addled brain. His arms were under yours, resting beneath your back and on your shoulders, pulling you tighter into to him. You felt surrounded by him, every part of your body touching his. A tangle of flesh and whimpers. “You’re so beautiful, kitten. You take daddy’s cock so well. I’m melting.” His horns brushed against your head, the sound of them slipping across the comforter with every thrust reminding you of their presence.
Lucifer felt lost in you. He fought to keep his mind clear enough to ensure his embrace stayed gentle. You were a bundle of softness and heat under him. He felt his balls creeping up, tightening as he was ready to chase your own orgasm with his. For a second his eyes searched the immediate area for Alastor. The word “cum” ringing in his ears.
With a sigh, hot and heavy at your neck, he pressed into you as far as his body could enter. As you could feel the warmth of his cum filling you, your cunt began to spasm around him. Body instinctively hungry for him. His hands hooked under your shoulders held you still, your legs still tight around his waist.
You stayed there until you both were breathing normally. Your legs fell down, thighs falling open as you released your grip on him. Luci didn’t move for another minute, opting to rest his head in your chest. Silence, just the gently rolling waves of soft pleasure and contentment still coming.
Satiated, you suddenly felt so drowsy. “Luci.”
His head popped up, horns gone and sclera back to yellow, “Yes, kitten?”
“Blankets.” You let your eyes closed, feeling the comforter being pulled to you.
Alastor walked in to find you both asleep, Lucifer still on top of you, heads at the foot of the bed and feet on the pillows. The comforter half assed folded over your bodies.
He wasn’t surprised. Alastor peeled Luci off of you and tossed him onto the pillows. 
“Fuck you, hair cut,” Lucifer whispered, between awake and asleep.
“Yes yes, your majesty. Fuck you too.” Alastor picked you up and set you where you belonged. He pulled the blankets over you both, taking a beat to stare down at the scene.
Beloved, happily asleep. Obnoxious monarch, looking angelic beside you. Lucifer looked so much more tolerable when sleeping.
He considered for a moment returning to his own room, as he had planned all along. Looking from you to Lucifer, he felt something swell in his chest. 
Keeping you was a treasure. A treasure he trusted would always be his. But to have you and the king of hell? Not just influence by way of your ties to Lucifer? Well, that could bring power.
His mother always recommended containment for mint, Alastor pulling too many and not allowing for them to enjoy the benefits of their hard work for very long. Containment, he considered, locking the bedroom door and taking his place beside you.
When there was a knock in the morning all three of you popped up from the pillows.
“Who the hell is that? It’s so early…” your eyes struggled to focus on the clock.
“Fffuck,” Alastor held his face in his hands. “I forgot I-,”
“Hello?” Charlie said into the door.
You and Lucifer slowly turned to stare at Alastor, a thin smile from ear to ear on his face.
“Alastor asked me to wake you up. So you wouldn’t miss the planning meeting.”
“Can’t a demon be a little chaotic now and then?” Alastor mused, your eyes boring holes into his skull. 
The doorknob rattled, “Oh… He said it would be open. Well, okay… I guess I’ll let you sleep! Maybe next week!”
As Charlie made her way down the hall she just missed the sound of furniture moving and a thud as Lucifer tackled Alastor out of the bed and onto the floor, hands on his throat. 
This was going to be a problem.
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list): @cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum , @ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @fizzled-phoenix , @fjorjestertealeaf , @phobophobular , @surusurusuru , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @roxxie-wolf
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan
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feyascorner · 5 months
okay first of all i ADORE ur writing… wanna take a bite out of it..
anyway… uh… can i uhh… order a uhh…. astarion x tav.. and like..tav has a fucking insane pain tolerance and always has.. and like… uhh… one time she gets fucking TOTALED in a fight and like obvi it would hurt… and shes like crying subconsciously.. and when some1 points it out shes like “what???? why am i crying wtf???” and like looks down and is just fucking BLEEDING… n then.. astarion comfort…
only if u want thoo!!!!
a/n. Im like the exact opposite I'm very dramatic about the slightest pain but this is such a cute request so Ty!! ALSO PLS EXCUSE IF THIS IS A LITTLE CLUNKY I HAD TO TYPE THIS OUT W MY FINGERS🫠🫠
Astarion is grateful for your tolerance to pain.
Of course, he doesn't particularly enjoy watching you in pain, but he’s no fool. He knows the sting and the soreness that comes after he drinks from your neck. Well, at least, it should sting. However, it never seemed to bother you, and for that, he's forever grateful for it.
These strange sentiments expand past his thirst for blood, as the relief he feels when you’re battered up after a battle and you smile at him as if nothing’s wrong is incomparable to any other feeling he’s felt.
That relief does not come currently, however.
The battle was nearly hopeless. Overwhelmed in number, mages casting counterspell, fighters constantly aiming at you…he’s lost track of it all. By some miracle you and your companions stand victorious, and when he sees that you offer Karlach a lopsided smile, confirming that you're fine, he reaches to pick up one of his daggers.
“Tav—what in the hells, are you okay?”
It’s then that he spots the way your lip quivers and tears glisten threateningly at your eyes. And when you meet his own, they begin to drip down your cheeks like crystals and roll off your chin. He's seen you in tears before, but out of something more positive—not from pain. Before he can even tell what he's doing, he's rushing toward you.
“Why are you—” he sees the blood seeping from your stomach, and his face would've gone pale if he could.
You finally lift your hands to your face, eyes wide when your fingertips brush against the dampness of your cheeks. “Oh. Why am I?…”
Shadowheart scrambles to scrimmage around her bag. “Here, let me—gods, where did I—did we use all the healing potions?—”
“Oh for hells sake. Because you're bleeding!” Astarion hisses, his hand intertwining with yours as he drags you toward the nearest tree where he sits you down. He freezes when you flinch but you shake your head, wiping at your eyes. Your other companions are still searching the enemy corpses for anything that might relieve you of the pain, but they're taking far too long for his liking.
“I’m okay, it doesn't really hurt that much.”
“You’re crying.”
“I didn't even know I was-” you wince.
His eyes narrow. “Lay down.”
“What? No, I’m really fine!”
“Gods, love, please for once, listen to me. It’s quite straining to watch you clamber around with that ghastly wound on your stomach.”
You frown, but he guides you down anyway, careful to lay down your head against the grass. “Now wait patiently. Maybe if we’re lucky, our dear friends will find a potion before I start developing wrinkles.”
A momentary silence hangs in the air. It’s by no means uncomfortable, but there are words on the tip of his tongue he wishes to say. And when he notices you staring, he sighs.
“If you're hurt, tell us. I don't care how high your pain tolerance is—if you're hurt, call us. Call me. Don't be a fool and bleed out over a few enemies when we’ve been through so much worse.”
The sincerity in his voice is almost embarrassing. But with the way you're watching him so seriously, he can't bring himself to dwell on such irrelevant factors.
Then, you smile again, as if you've forgotten about the pain. “How minor can the pain be for me to call you?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Can I call you when I stub a toe?”
“Absolutely not.”
“I will.”
He stares at you with lidded eyes and you laugh. He feels the weight on his shoulders get a bit lighter.
“You may call for me whenever you wish.”
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shuawonie · 6 months
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pairing | yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
genre | fluff, angst, college au, hidden relationship au, non-idol au, comfort
word count | 7k
warnings | use of pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart), kissing, slight harrasment, mention of abusive behavior, alcohol consumption, jealousy, swearing, soft but also sometimes possesive jeonghan 😩 big angst bro-, THE SAINT LAURENT JEONGHAN???? (on my knees fr)
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summary: he decided to give you time, to let you feel comfortable with him and everything else. but you don’t want and need it anymore. you want to be visible. you want the two of you to be visible to the others. that you’re his and he’s yours.
a/n: oh my god.. my writer's block really hit me hard like a truck 😭 i’m so sorry for not posting anything for past few months.. </3 however ! here’s the small gift for you guys <3 hope u enjoy !
(i have already planned new jeonghan fanfiction and i’m SO proud of myself, watch me get the writer’s block again and post it after months again LMAOO)
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i got you, you got me,
when it's us, babe,
you make me feel complete.
you're all i need.
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Does Yoon Jeonghan have a girlfriend?
That was the question which was asked probably the most past days on your campus.
You could hear it everywhere. People were gossiping about in the hallways, in the bathroom, in the cafteria and even during the lectures, trying to get to the truth.
Is he single or not?
This whole situation began when someone from the campus took a photo of him, hanging out with a girl and holding her hand with a big smile on his lips. The face of the mysterious girl wasn’t shown in the picture, which is why they were wondering who it might be and if she’s his girlfriend.
Jeonghan was a 3rd year student and as far as everyone had known, he was staying single for a long time already. But now, nothing was sure.
People had mixed opinions on it. Some were happy for him that he found somebody to love, some were just really confused while not wanting to believe it's true, and the last group was really negative about it (thinking they even had a chance with Jeonghan, pfft).
However, it was obvious that everyone wanted to know the truth.
Does Yoon Jeonghan have a girlfriend?
However, only two people knew the answer to it.
Yoon Jeonghan himself, and you.
Jeonghan came out from the lecture class with his black messenger bag overhanged across his chest while being deeply immersed in his phone, when Seungkwan, campus’ sweet boy, joined him by his side.
“Hello Jeonghan!” he started enthusiastically, “How’s your day? Are you okay?” the boy blinked a few times and sent him a cute smile, while taking a sip of his beloved iced americano.
Jeonghan frowned, looking at him quite suspiciously.
“Hi,” he mumbled, letting out a sheepish chuckle, “Yea, I’m fine. Just finished my schedule, and I’m a bit tired. And you?” Jeonghan asked, continuing the conversation as the two of them slowly walked towards the entrance of the campus.
“Uhh.. I still have one lecture left, so I need to stay.” Seungkwan pouted, making the other boy smile, “Are you meeting someone? Or going home by yourself?” the sunshine boy asked, making Jeonghan stop mid-step, crossing his arms over his chest.
He looked at the younger boy with an amused expression as he snickered, “Seungkwanie, come on. Don’t tell me you’re also into this whole gossip trend on our campus.”
“Oh, hyung! But is that true? Are you seriously in a relationship?” Seungkwan questioned, tilting his head to the side, while wishing to get the answer everyone wanted to know. “Please! I won’t tell anyone.” he pouted.
Jeonghan let out a quiet snort, while looking to the side as he was kind of getting tired after hearing another person ask him that question.
Why was everyone suddenly so curious about it?
“I’m sorry Kwannie, but I won't tell you. Nice try though.” Jeonghan muttered, fixing his bag on his side, “See you tomorrow.”
Then, he turned around and walked out, leaving the younger boy and all of the gossip behind him in that building.
December's cold, evening breeze hit Jeonghan’s face, finally letting him breathe out in relief. The boy placed the hood over his head, tugging his hands into the pockets of his big hoodie.
He did it. He survived another day without getting caught.
Gosh.. it was so hard for him not to react every time he passed next to you in the hallways. To not stare at your beautiful face for too long, to not send you a soft smile, to not yield his food to you at the cafeteria or just hold your hand. He wanted to do it so badly, and many times he caught himself almost doing it.
But at the same time, Jeonghan was aware that even the smallest thing that could have been taken as ‘more than close friends’, might have caused suspicions from your or his friends. Which you two wanted to avoid at all cost. At least for now.
Your relationship had to stay invisible to people around you.
Even though the boy didn’t like that idea at first, after some time you two agreed that for now you won’t show your relationship in public, especially in college.
Jeonghan decided to give you time to get comfortable as it was your first relationship after being in a really harmful and traumatic one in the senior class at highschool. Your ex was a very cute and nice guy at the beggining who later turned into being really abusive towards you, especially verbally. And when you revealed at the beggining, that you two are dating, a lot of people abandoned you, leaving you behind with the problem that after a while you were forced to deal with all alone.
That’s mostly why you weren’t sure if you wanted to reveal your new relationship. And it’s not that you didn’t trust Jeonghan, because you did. You trusted him as no one else. But because of your past, you were not certain if you could go through that all over again.
Jeonghan couldn’t wait to finally see you, after this long and tiring day. He really wanted to hug you close and tell you how good you looked today. Because he missed you. Your voice, your smile, your smell, your warmth and your touch. He missed every single thing about you, and he hasn't interacted with you for only around 6 hours (not counting all of the texts that the two of you shared today).
Rushing towards your apartment with a bag of takeout food that he bought on the way, Jeonghan was already thinking what you two could do tonight. But the truth was that even if you two laid in your bed, cuddling, he was okay with it. Because what mattered to him was spending his time with you. Not the activity you did.
Right after only one ring to the door, you opened it with a tired smile visible on your face. You were already dressed in your kuromi pyjamas (to which Jeonghan had a matching, ‘my melody’ one), wearing fluffy socks.
Your boyfriend giggled, excited about seeing you and finally having you for himself only.
“Hi.” he said gently, with a bright smile shining on his face.
“Hi.” you replied softly, while connecting your hand with his, taking him into your apartment, and closing your door right behind him.
“I brought food!~" the boy cheered, taking his shoes off by his heels. You couldn’t help but melt, and a bright smile appeared on your lips.
The boy swung the bag in the air with a big smile, and you approached him, slowly kissing his cheek while thanking him sincerely. Then, he quickly placed the bag on the floor and wrapped his hands around your waist, hugging you tightly to his body.
Jeonghan laid his forehead on your shoulder, “I’m tired.” he murmured, closing his eyes while sighing, “I need to recharge.”
A smile creeped onto your lips as you slowly started to play with Jeonghan’s hair, him still being close to you.
“Don’t worry, baby. We have time.” you smiled, caressing his head. You let him ‘recharge’ as the boy didn’t move away from you for even a second.
“You’re doing a great job, Hannie.” finally, you broke the silence, feeling how he snuggled closer into the crook of your neck. The scent of your body has always had a calming effect on Jeonghan, and it wasn’t different now.
“I can’t believe that acting like a stranger with my girlfriend might be that tiring.” he murmured into your skin, immediately catching you off guard.
Your face saddened in the split of the second, with the feeling of guilt starting to take over you.
“No, it’s okay.” the boy looked up at you, with his shining, full of understanding eyes, “We both agreed on it after all. And I want you to feel comfortable when you’re with me. So I won’t pressure you into doing things you’re not okay with.” he added, and gently cupped your face with his hands, admiring your features.
“I’m sorry..” you mumbled, feeling the lump in your throat, “I’m sorry that because of me you have to pretend something you don’t want to, but.. please, believe me that I’m really.. really trying to somehow overcome this-”
Jeonghan quickly placed his lips on top of yours, connecting you in a gentle kiss, while stopping you from speaking more. At first your whole body stiffened, not expecting this. But the feeling of Jeonghan’s soft lips on top of yours started to overwhelm you, making you crave for more of him.
However, before you could even react and reciprocate his sweet action, Jeonghan already moved away from you, sending you a reassuring smile.
“Let’s eat, darling. I’m sure you’re hungry.” the boy suggested, and took the bag from the floor, making his way to your kitchen.
“And then I need to put my baby to sleep.” Jeonghan giggled, to which you quickly responded with a scoff, “I’m not a baby anymore.” you muttered, but the smirk was still present on your lips.
You quickly followed right after him, sitting by the kitchen island as you silently watched him take out the containers with food.
But the slight feeling of guilt hasn’t left you at all, making you stay up at night, tossing around in the bed, overthinking everything, while being tightly hugged from the back by Jeonghan.
Should you finally become visible to people?
Or should you let things stay as they’re now?
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“So..” Millie — your best friend, started and you looked at her suspiciously.
The two of you were coming back from the nearest coffee shop after buying a coffee to go for yourselves. This small break was good for you as you still had this one lecture to survive.
“I met a guy.” she said while covering her face as she already knew how you’re going to react.
You let out a sigh, closing your eyes whilw tilting your head to the side. “Millie, I swear to god..”
“But listen!” she interrupted, “He’s actually really nice and he cares for the others a lot! He’s the greatest gentleman I know! And you won’t believe me, but he’s actually close friends with Yoon Jeonghan.” after hearing that name, your eyes immediately widened.
You choked on your drink, immediately starting to cough, “Ooh..” you started trying to stabilize your voice, “What’s his name?” you asked, quickly realizing that you sounded too interested about that.
Even though you remembered a few of Jeonghan’s friends as he was sometimes going out or just talking about them with you, you were really curious which one stole Millie’s heart.
She grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly, “Hong Joshua! Can you believe he’s also half american half korean? Just like me!” the girl exclaimed while grinning.
“Yeah, I’m happy for you-” you mumbled while trying to get off her hand, that was slowly starting to make your palm feel numb.
“I think we can even go and meet him now! Joshie said he’ll wait for me by the entrance.” Millie giggled just at the thought of the boy, and already started walking faster, leaving you behind.
You looked at her with some pity written on your face as you shook your head and followed her steps.
A few minutes later, the two of you were already standing by the entrance, waiting for Joshua to join you. On the way, Millie already told you that you’ll have this lecture together.
“He texted me he’ll be here any second!” Millie cheered, showing you the text that he sent her a few seconds ago. And as Joshua said, several seconds later, you two noticed him going towards you. However, he wasn’t alone.
Yoon Jeonghan, who was smiling brightly while listening to Joshua, accompanied him. It made your breath immediately hitch in your lungs.
Oh shit. You haven’t thought about the fact that he might actually come right now with Joshua.
“Hi Joshie!” Millie shouted enthusiastically, waving to the boy to get his attention. As soon as Joshua noticed Millie, his face brightened up as his eyes turned into two small crescents and a cute smile adorned his lips.
But you had your eyes stuck on him. And so did he, with a slight smirk that creeped onto his lips.
“Hi y/n! Millie talked a lot about you, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Joshua greeted you, sending you one of his charming smiles to which you smiled back.
“This is my friend, Jeonghan.” he added, making you move your gaze at the mentioned boy, only to find him already staring at you.
There was a short silence before you decided to make the move.
“Hi.” you finally uttered, smiling gently.
“Hi.” Jeonghan replied, the same way as he had always greeted you.
It was your small tradition that only you two understood. Each of the smallest ‘hi’ you said, also meant ‘i missed you’ or ‘i love you’ at the same time.
“Oh, right, I almost forgot to tell you!” Millie said suddenly, making you twitch.
“Today, together with some other people from campus, we’re going to a barbeque restaurant! If you want to, you can join us. I think it’s going to be more fun and less uncomfortable if you’ll be there.” the girl remarked, and sent you a pleading look.
You looked at Jeonghan, searching for an answer on his face and he silently nodded, “Yeah, I can join you guys. And y/n too.” the boy answered, and shifted his eyes back to you.
“Perfect!” the girl cheered while hugging Joshua’s arm, “Then we see each other tonight at 6PM! I’ll send you the localisation later. But now let’s get going, the lecture is about to start!” she added, and then Millie pulled Joshua to the lecture hall, leaving you two behind.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asked, worried by the absent look in your eyes.
You smiled briefly, “Yeah.. I’m just a bit tired. I just need to survive this one last hour. But now let’s go, we don’t want them to get suspicious, do we?” sending a small wink to Jeonghan, you quickly followed your best friend’s steps to the hall, with Jeonghan going right behind you, not being able to hide the smirk on his lips.
When you sat down in the hall room, several students were already there. Millie sat next to Joshua, and Jeonghan decided that you'll sit in the row behind them.
As soon as the lecture started, you placed your arms on the desk and laid down. The feeling of tiredness after not getting enough sleep tonight was taking over you, making it really hard for you to survive this day.
However, it didn’t go unnoticed by Jeonghan that you looked exhausted. Gently, he removed your hair that got in the way, and stroked your back.
He leaned closer and whispered, “How about you rest a bit, hm? I’ll take the needed notes for us, so you don’t have to worry.”
You smiled gently, melting inside from the softness and care that the boy treated you with. Nodding softly, you whispered a small ‘thank you’ to Jeonghan.
Opening your eyes one last time, you saw Jeonghan’s focused face. He was playing with the pen in his hand as he always had to have something in his hand.
As you shifted your gaze to Millie, you immediately noticed that compared to your boyfriend, the girl wasn’t paying attention to the lecture at all. She probably wasn’t even planning on doing it, because Millie was busy studying the boy next to her. Smiling weakly at the mere sight, you closed your eyes, finally drifting off to sleep.
Little did you know, Jeonghan also decided to follow Millie’s steps after some time.
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“Hi angel, are you ready?”
Jeonghan peeked into your room as you were finishing getting ready for the night out. You looked up at him in the mirror, and the boy smoothly came closer to you with a smirk playing on his lips. He bent down to be on your eye level, and looked at you from the back by the mirror. The scent of his freshly applied perfume and shower gel hit your nose, showing that he just finished getting ready.
You two came back from the college around two hours ago. At the end of the lecture, the boy patted your arm gently, whispering your name to wake you up. He caught himself smiling at the sight of your sleeping figure, but quickly scolded himself for it, remembering that he has to take notes and act completely unaffected by you.
Not going to lie, it quickly became a big challenge for him.
The boy was wearing a black silk shirt with a deep neckline, paired with black loose pants. His hair was freshly styled, with his bangs resting right over his eyes. He looked incredibly attractive at that moment, making you rethink about how it is even possible that a man and an angel like him is actually your boyfriend.
You, on the other hand, did natural make-up, and wore a black dress that hugged your body perfectly, reaching around your calves area, with a deep cut that reached right above your knee. Your hair was left loose, and with a delicate gold necklace that Jeonghan gifted you on your birthday, your whole look was finished.
It was indeed intentional to choose an outfit that would match Jeonghan’s, and vice versa (but not too obvious). However, the more you thought about it, the more you were starting to doubt if you should go with that dress. Of course you wanted to look elegant and step out of your comfort zone a bit, but you quickly started to think if it was really worth it.
And just as if your boyfriend heard your thoughts, he whispered into your ear, “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” Jeonghan left a sweet peck on your cheek, “You don’t have to feel unsafe or uncomfortable. I promise I’ll be there to protect you everytime, at any cost.” he added, solving all of the problems that you could have been thinking at that moment.
The boy moved away a bit, finally allowing you to let out the breath that you didn’t even realize you’ve been holding the whole time. The scent of him was always really strong and just being by his side, you thought that you might go insane by any second.
Soon later, the two of you finally left your apartment, and sat comfortably in Jeonghan’s car that he parked in front of your house. Your way to the restaurant went actually really comfortably, and even when you didn’t say much, Jeonghan tightly held his hand intertwined with yours, whispering from time to time compliments to you.
When you entered the restaurant, Millie, Joshua and some other people that you didn’t really know were already sitting by the table. As soon as your best friend noticed you, she yelled your name and waved to you. The two of you joined the group, and you sat down next to Millie and a guy that you didn’t know. Jeonghan sat on the other side of the table, next to Joshua, and a girl who was really known in your college, Siyeon.
“I’m glad you guys actually made it!” Joshua cheered, and you smiled at him.
“Why did you two come together?” Siyeon asked, “Are you two dating or something?” she added, gaining everyone’s attention as everyone heard about the gossip.
She always knew how to get people to look at her. Siyeon was not only called the goddess of the campus, but also she made it with her attitude. And even now, she successfully gained everyone’s gaze by looking at her and at you two, while smirking lazily.
Her question made you immediately start to panic inside, but you were trying to not show it that much on the outside. Not knowing how to respond, you looked at Jeonghan, frightened. The boy immediately read from your facial expression what’s happening, and he decided to take action.
The boy laughed out loud, “Oh come on, guys! Does really everything have to be about dating? I just gave y/n a ride because it’s dark already, and she lives near me.”
Jeonghan looked at you, and sent you an apologetic look, “We’re just friends. We’re not in a relationship, guys.” he added, making the others start joking and laughing because of this situation.
Even though you knew that the boy did it to protect you, and your relationship, you still felt that stinging pain in your heart.
But actually, what did you expect? Jeonghan did what he had to do to keep your relationship a secret. Something that you two agreed to do, especially because of you.
So why did you feel that way? Maybe.. just maybe, you deeply hoped that he would admit it, and say that you’re his girlfriend.
“Hey, you okay?” you heard Millie’s whisper by your ear, bringing you back from your thoughts.
You nodded, chuckling from embarrassment, “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry.” she stroked your arm gently while sending you a reassuring smile, and you sent her a small smile, reaching for your glass of water to take a sip.
When all of you ordered, and the food together with alcohol was finally brought, your group started to eat, while telling stories, joking around, and slowly getting more drunk.
You weren’t really a fan of drinking as you had a light head, so you were always the responsible one for Millie as she always wanted to drink. But even now, when she had Joshua by her side, you still decided not to drink.
Jeonghan always reminded and assured you, that you shouldn’t worry about not drinking anymore. He insisted, that if you’d want to have some fun with friends then you shouldn’t stop yourself, because he’ll be there to protect you and take you home afterwards. But even when you knew he truly meant it, you still decided to stick by your glass of water.
Millie was already clinging to Joshua, already getting tipsy from the drinks she drank. People were laughing loudly at something and you were sitting silently, listening while finishing your portion of tteokbokki that you decided to have. A few minutes later, Jeonghan excused himself by the need to go to the toilet.
As soon as he disappeared by the corner, the boy next to you named Changmin, who also drank a few bottles of soju after the challenges the boys from your college made, turned around and suddenly shouted, “Oh y/n!” what made you immediately look at him, not knowing what was happening.
Then, the boy leaned closer to you, making you widen your eyes and he clumsily sweeped some of the sauce with his thumb, that was in the corner of your lips.
Unfortunately, while being already tipsy from the alcohol, he made even a bigger mess on your face as he not only smeared the sauce to your chin but also some of your lipstick.
“Oops!” he laughed goofily, and some of the boys that were there started to laugh with him.
You just hoped that someone would somehow help you. But Millie was already passed out on the chair, with Joshua being concerned about her. Other girls, including Siyeon, were busy gossiping and drinking more soju. So you were left alone with this situation.
Quickly, you reached for the napkin that was near your bowl, and turned slightly to the side, gently removing the sauce and leftovers from your lipstick. You felt embarrassed because of what happened, just as if that boy fully meant to do it.
But it wasn’t funny to you at all.
Changmin looked at you one more time before smacking your thigh with his palm and squeezing it slightly. You widened your eyes as you were flabbergasted what just happened. And in the split of the second, you pushed his hand away.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you asked angrily, as you immediately felt uncomfortable but also pissed by the boy’s sudden action.
“Aww, poor baby is not in the mood,” he chuckled and reached for his chopsticks to take another piece of the tteokbokki from your plate and put it in front of your mouth.
“We need to feed the baby, say aaaaah~”
You hit his hand away once again, and the boys around started to laugh even more, making you feel ashamed. The tears from helpless frustration started to sting your eyes, but you strongly resisted to open your mouth and eat the tteokbokki that Changmin put in front of you once again.
“Come on, y/n! Say a-”
“I’m sure y/n is not hungry anymore.”
You heard a voice from behind you, and the person quickly pushed Changmin’s arm away. You looked up, seeing Jeonghan’s serious face behind you. He took a quick glance at you, immediately noticing the tears that swelled in your eyes.
Your boyfriend grabbed your wrist and pulled you up, the chair squeaking by the sudden drag.
“Oh come one, dude!” one of the boys shouted, but he was totally ignored by Jeonghan.
He quickly hid your fragile body behind his silhouette, looking into your eyes which glistened with tears.
Jeonghan cupped your cheeks with his hands, “Talk to me, angel. Did he hurt you?” he whispered gently, looking at you intensively.
You didn’t respond to him, tears glistening in your eyes.
The boy cursed under his breath, quickly focusing on you once again, “I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry angel that I left you here alone..” he whispered, gently kissing your forehead, “I’ll take you home now.”
“Jeonghan, dude! Your friend is so damn pretty,” Changmin yelled, lazily getting up from the chair, stumbling over his own legs, “Can I have her number? You know that I like girls like her, especially in bed.”
You could see how Jeonghan’s face immediately darkened, and he let out a loud scoff after hearing the boy’s question. He took a deep breath and grasped your hand.
“Okay, then I’ll text you later!” Changmin shouted.
Not even glancing back anymore you two left the restaurant, immediately getting into Jeonghan’s car.
This time, the silence was really uncomfortable, compared to the time you drove here. The atmosphere between you not knowing why thickened.
During the whole way home, Jeonghan was silent. He focused on the road, still holding your hand, and only taking small glances at you from time to time. There were a few times when you wanted to say something, but as your mouth opened, nothing came out. You thought as if you’re going to explode from the nervousness you felt at that moment.
When you finally reached your apartment, you walked into it silently, taking off your coats and shoes.
You knew that the boy was trying to give you some time and space, but as you’ve already known Jeonghan well, you knew that something was bothering him as well.
The boy muttered something about getting a glass of water for himself, and you, feeling guilty about everything that had happened, decided to follow him to the kitchen like a puppy.
He took a glass for himself and also for you, and poured some water for you to drink before drinking from his glass. But you had other plans than drinking that stupid water.
You knew it was finally the time to destroy the wall between the two of you.
“Jeonghan-” you said, but in the blink of an eye his glass hit the hard surface of your kitchen island and he scooped you up, placing you on the countertop.
Jeonghan’s arms rested by the two of your sides, securing you, as he stood between your legs. He was silent, with his head lowered.
Your heart was beating like crazy and your breathing sped up. You had no idea what you should do in this situation.
“It’s so.. fucking frustrating.” the boy hissed, still not looking at you. You decided to give him time and you waited for him patiently.
Finally, after a while the boy raised his head, looking straight into your eyes. As he was slightly bent down, his eyes were on the same level as your, dangerously close to your face.
“It’s so fucking frustrating, that people can’t see that we are together. That you can’t call me yours, and I can’t call you mine. That I have to tell everyone that we’re just friends. That we can’t have any, even the smallest interactions..” he stopped for a second, being completely drowned in your eyes.
“Please.. y/n.” Jeonghan sighed painfully, “Can’t you see how hard I’m trying? Just give.. us a chance. I will show you that we can be together in the public, and that we can survive by being by each other’s side. Because I love you, y/n.”
And for the first time in your life, you saw Jeonghan's eyes fill with tears, making it really hard for you to also not tear up.
“A-and..” he stuttered, as his voice slowly started to break.
“Recently I’m not even sure anymore if you still love me the same way as I do.”
Just one sentence. Small like a needle, but painful like a knife.
You immediately cupped Jeonghan’s face, wiping his tears away with your thumb. The boy had stuck his eyes still to yours, desperately looking for an answer.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so so.. sorry, that I made you feel that way..” you uttered, “I was blind, mainly following my feelings and needs, while not focusing enough on yours, which you also had.” you stopped for a second, taking a big breath to not let your voice break.
“You’ve always been so patient with me, always honest and so soft with the way you treated me.. You protected me, and was with me when I needed you the most. And I..” your voice broke, and you let out a shaky sigh.
“I gave you nothing back but rules. I feel so stupid because of that..” your eyes shone with the tears that you couldn’t hold in anymore. Jeonghan was listening to you silently, with his eyes still watery, but now you could find hope in it.
“I’m so sorry, Hannie..” you whispered as you brought the boy closer, crossing your hands over his shoulders. He snuggled into the crook of your neck, while holding your waist tightly, and inhaling your scent.
You stayed in this position for a few good minutes, before you finally pulled away, resting your foreheads over yourselves. You had your eyes stuck on Jeonghan’s shining ones, and he had on yours. And at that point, when you were staring at your boyfriend, you'd made up your mind.
You were ready.
“Hannie..” you uttered.
The boy sent you a soft smile, “Yes, angel?” he murmured.
“I want us to be visible. I don’t want us to hide anymore.” you decided, immediately noticing how much you caught Jeonghan off guard by your sudden statement.
On the spur of the moment and Jeonghan’s confusion, you leaned down and placed your lips on top of his, connecting you in a soft kiss.
At first, Jeonghan didn’t react to your action. But then he melted into the kiss, turning it into a passionate and hungry kiss. He quickly cupped your cheeks with one of his hands, holding your face gently while not allowing you to pull away with his other hand that rested on your waist.
You ran your hands through his soft, dark hair. The boy lifted your body from the kitchen island, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as the boy made his way to your bedroom.
You were sure that you wanted to make you two visible.
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The sound of the messages blowing up your phone has been ringing for the past 15 minutes, echoing in your room. Irritated by another incoming call, you finally woke up, and it turned out that it was Millie, the same as all of the messages.
You answered the call and put it on the speaker, placing your phone next to your pillow as you layed back on the bed.
“Millie.. I swear to god, if it’s something unimportant and you woke me up on the day when the lectures start later-”
“Wait y/n! Have you checked my messages?” Millie’s loud voice made you squeeze your eyes from the loudness, as you were still half asleep.
A sigh left your mouth, “Girl be for real. You just woke me up, how could I check your messages?” you muttered while rubbing your eyes.
“Then check it! I think you need to see it!” Millie shouted, and lazily, you took your phone, unlocking it and going straight to messages.
Millie sent you a screenshot with an Instagram post, uploaded by Siyeon. She took a selfie with Jeonghan, who sat next to her (probably not even knowing she was taking photos).
You immediately noticed that this photo was taken at the meeting that you attended a few days ago. Siyeon was wearing the same, short burgundy dress she wore that day, and Jeonghan had the same black shirt on.
But the most disturbing thing was the description she wrote under the post.
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SolLaSiyeon: finally breaking the radio silence 😘
“Can you believe that Lim Siyeon is in a relationship with Yoon Jeonghan?!” Millie squealed on the other side, and she started talking about something, but her voice began to gradually mute. You didn’t respond, being completely stunned by what you just saw.
“Wait. How do you know they’re together?” you asked, wanting to deny Millie’s assumption, “She didn’t say anything about it.”
“Oh y/n.. the title holds the whole meaning!” your best friend was quick to answer you, “She breaks the radio silence while posting a photo with Yoon Jeonghan. And in the description she writes ‘breaking the radio silence’ which refers to the gossip about Jeonghan’s girlfriend!”
Now it actually made sense, what made you feel even more terrified.
That one scene kept playing in your mind.
“Why did you two come together? Are you two dating or something?”
The girl was planning it from the beginning, making sure that her plan would work out.
Your best friend was still talking about something, but you didn’t really have the time to listen about how Joshua did this and that, so unfortunately you had to cut her off, “Sorry, Millie, but I really have to go. I’ll see you at the lectures later.” and you hung up, quickly getting up from the bed to get ready.
You couldn’t just leave it like that, you had to do something.
But what exactly..?
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Your heart was racing and you felt like throwing up. You were waiting by one of the lecture halls, pacing back and forth while trying to calm yourself down. From what you’ve heard from some people on the campus, Siyeon was supposed to finish her lecture now, making it easier for you to catch her and talk with her.
And just as you were coming by the door again, it opened widely and people started to flood out of the room. You waited, standing on the side by the wall, while nervously biting your lower lip. You kept observing when the girl would come out from the lecture hall.
Finally, after some seconds you noticed the familiar face, immediately feeling how your insides start to roll from the stress. Siyeon was talking with one of her friends, not even sparing one glance at you, being deeply immersed in her conversation.
You took one deep breath before following them, and finally calling Siyeon’s name. The girl stopped her movements and turned around to face you, immediately putting the fake ‘shit i have to look friendly’ smile on her face.
“Hi y/n, what’s up?” she asked, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she could. You gulped, feeling how hot your whole body started to feel.
“Hi,” you mumbled, “Could I ask you a favor?” the girl looked at you questioningly.
“Could you delete the post with Jeonghan that you recently posted?”
Siyeon’s eyes grew bigger as her smile turned into a grimace. “Huh why? Is something wrong with that, sweetie?”
“I don’t want you to create confusion and another round of gossip about my boyfriend.”
There you go. You finally said that.
However, the girl pressed her lips tightly, and looked at her friend, bursting out laughing. The wave of coldness ran through your body. That wasn’t something you expected.
“Okay, o-okay,” Siyeon stuttered, trying to calm down from laughing, “You got us. That was a nice one, y/n. Now if you excuse us-”
“I’m not finished.”
Suddenly, your hand gripped onto her wrist, stopping her mid-step from walking away. Siyeon glanced at your hand that was tightened around her forearm. She rolled her eyes, letting out a scoff as she turned around to face you.
Then you finally noticed how people started to circle you, observing what’s happening, some even recording. Your mouth immediately felt dry but you knew you couldn’t give up now.
“I don’t want you to post any more photos that include my boyfriend, while trying to make an impression as if he is your boyfriend. Yes! We might have been secret about our relationship, but it’s not as if we didn’t have the right to. It’s actually none of anyone’s business who Jeonghan is dating, because it shouldn’t be anyone’s main concern. But, when you post a photo with a description that says ‘breaking the radio silence’ as if you’re proposing to everyone, that you two are dating, then nothing else is left for me than to finally reveal the main secret, that everyone has been dying to find out the truth.” you smirked, while letting out a quiet snark.
“Yoon Jeonghan is dating me. I am his girlfriend, and Jeonghan is mine.”
Everyone and everything around you fell silent. The only thing you could hear at that moment was your rapidly beating heart, and your own breathing.
After some seconds, you finally looked at Siyeon, only to find she wasn’t looking at you. The girl had her eyes set on something behind your figure. You frowned, and slowly turned around.
At that moment, you felt as if your heart dropped. Your whole body froze, the feeling of embarrassment and shame striking you right at that specific moment.
Because no one else than Yoon Jeonghan himself was standing a few meters from you, in front of the whole crowd. He had his hands stuck in the pockets of his jeans, head tilted a little to the side while a proud smirk was stuck to his lips.
When Siyeon finally came out of her daze, she hit your stiff figure with her shoulder as she ran up to Jeonghan, pouting. “Jeonghanie! Did you hear what that crazy chick was saying? Isn’t she stupid? How could she even say such insane things! You’re not her boyfrie-”
“Oh, but I am.” he cut her off, with that lazy smirk he always loved to wear.
If your speech made an impact on people who stood around you, Jeonghan’s approval surely caught the whole crowd off guard. Everyone started to whisper, gossip and murmur about something.
“W-what?” Siyeon’s lips started to tremble, “But oppa..” she whined, trying to argue with him, but Jeonghan simply ignored her.
He slowly approached your shaking figure, sending you a warm grin. Gently, he took your hand and connected it with his, intertwining your fingers. The boy left a butterfly kiss on your knuckles, immediately getting sounds of adorations and approval from around.
Your eyes met his, and the boy whispered, “Trust me.”
Jeonghan slowly walked out of the crowd, pulling you out from that corridor. The two of you left the building silently, and finally when you were in the campus’ park, you had to break the silence.
“Hannie..” you removed your hand from his, gaining a questioning look from your boyfriend, “Listen, I’m sorry.. I know I should have stopped myself from doing it, from getting jealous, from confronting Siyeon, and from letting out the secret, but believe me I didn’t do it on purpose.. I-I.. ah..” you stuttered, being lost in your words, “I couldn’t just leave it like that when everyone started to gossip about you being in a relationship with her and-”
“y/n, stop.” Jeonghan’s firm voice ran through your whole body, shutting you up right away.
The boy chuckled, gently cupping your cheeks with his palms, and looking deeply into your eyes with his shining ones.
“Did you really think I would get mad at you for any of these? Angel.. why would I even do that..? You can’t imagine how happy I felt when you finally gave us a green light. But still, I wanted you specifically to tell us about us and our relationship.” he caressed your cheeks with his knuckles, smiling at your pouting face.
“And that moment when you claimed that you’re my girlfriend and I’m only yours? Damn, sweetheart, that was so hot-”
“Yoon Jeonghan!” he immediately got rewarded with a slap on his shoulder as the boy bursted out laughing at your shyness.
“Okay, I’m sorry!” he giggled, and you finally broke the grimace, sending him a soft smile.
“But seriously, you can’t even believe how happy you just have made me right there.” Jeonghan added, and left a sweet kiss on your forehead before conecting your hands once again.
“Hot chocolate?” he asked charmingly.
“Hot chocolate.” you nodded.
Walking down the main sidewalk of your campus, many people looked at you, and specifically at your intertwined hands. With your cheeks burning red, you took your phone out of your pocket, only to find lots of calls and messages from people from the campus. And one of them was Millie.
how dare you not tell me anything!!!! >:(
you have LOTS to tell me
and i won’t let you go
oh nononononooooo
so better prepare yourself
cuz i need to know
As you think of it now, while laying peacefully in your bed and having Jeonghan snuggled into the crook of your neck, even if you liked the way you two functioned while being ‘invisible’, you had to agree.
Being visible with Jeonghan was much better.
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© shuawonie | 2023, all rights reserved.
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fairyhaos · 6 months
❖ take care of me anyway // yoon jeonghan
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jeonghan x gn!reader, 1.7k+ words
tags: office worker!jeonghan not rlly relevant to the plot tho, sick fic, fluff, established relationship
warnings: brief fever-induced hallucinations ig?? but theyre rlly cute, pet names, reader has a cold
notes: im sick. like, 'i have a cold' sick. and i also have another sick fic planned so uhh yeah im a little Unwell in the head too
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There are ten minutes left of Jeonghan’s lunch break when you finally call him.
“Hello, my darling,” he says, his tone both parts dry and amused. “How are you?”
“Sick,” you reply, and even just that word sounds horribly bunged up. “But you knew that already, didn’t you? You called in sick for me.”
Jeonghan just hums, smiling a little as he adjusts the phone against his ear, walking down the street back to his company building. “Maybe I did.”
You don’t say anything for a moment, and he can almost hear you pouting on the other end of the line. There’s a rustling sound as you adjust yourself in bed, and he sighs.
“How sick are you?”
“Very,” you say, miserably, and then give a series of harsh, wet coughs that has him wincing. “Very sick. I only just woke up, but my head is just…” You don’t finish your sentence. Just make a very pained sound like a wounded puppy.
Jeonghan chuckles. “Gee, I wonder how you managed to get so sick. It’s not like walking home in the pouring rain without a coat makes you ill, isn’t it?”
You whine at that, upset. “Han, I told you, I was gonna call you but my phone was dead. I had no choice! Wanted to get home fast to see you,” you add in a mumble, sounding dejected.
He smiles at that. “It wasn’t like I was going anywhere, though,” he points out. “I was all comfortably squished on the couch. I wasn’t gonna disappear any time soon. You could’ve taken your time. Waited for the rain to pass.”
“Yeah, but still,” you huff petulantly, then sniff. “Can you make soup when you get back home?” you ask after a beat, and sniffle again. “And also buy some tissues? And meds? And give me cuddles?”
Jeonghan chuckles at how pitiful you sound, resisting the urge to coo. “No.”
“What?” You’re whining again, and you sound all bunged up but Jeonghan just smiles, amused. “But your darling Y/N is currently suffering the worst cold in the entire world.”
“But alas, I think my darling Y/N is the sole person to blame for this cold,” Jeonghan says, lips twitching upwards. “Don't you think so?”
“Come take care of me anyway.”
You make a noise of discontent, sheets rustling as you shift around in bed again. “Hmph. Worst boyfriend ever. I’m breaking up with you.”
That makes him laugh, the stunned sound being pulled out of him by your deadpan tone, and he grins to himself out on the street, rounding the corner until his company building is in sight. “Whatever you say,” he singsongs. “I’ll see later, okay?”
“Whatever. Bye.” A pause. “Have a nice day.”
Jeonghan smiles as you hang up, looking fondly down at your contact name. He’s standing in front of the company entrance, now, and he has three minutes of his break left. Just enough time to get into the elevator and up to his office.
He pockets his phone, turns on his heel and traipses off to find the nearest pharmacy.
───────────── 🧂
You’ve been drifting in and out of sleep the entire day, constantly stuck in that drowsy, so-sick-that-nothing-feels-real state, and you’ve hallucinated Jeonghan coming home a total of thirteen times in the past five hours.
At least, you think it’s been five hours.
Maybe it’s been less than that.
Whatever. Time is weird.
The point is, your mind is all fuzzy and everything feels like it’s floating, so when someone who looks an awful lot like Jeonghan comes into the room, you just groan. Hallucination Jeonghan #14 has come to pay you a visit, it seems, so you just frown and give him the response that you’ve given all his other clones.
“Go away. Stop trying to sell me fish.”
Hallucination Jeonghan #14 makes a confused noise at that, walking closer to your bed, leaning over to adjust your pillows and pull you up into a more upright position.
“I don’t want your fish,” you say, just in case he didn’t hear you the first time. “Stop it.”
That makes the hallucination chuckle, and his hand comes up to your forehead. 
Cold. Huh. None of the other hallucinations touched you before.
His hand drops from your forehead, swiping at the soft skin under your eyes gently, and his fingers are blessedly cool against your skin. You hadn’t realised how much you were burning up before.
“You’re really, really sick,” Hallucination Jeonghan #14 murmurs, and he sounds so concerned, before pulling out a bottle of water from one of the plastic bags he’s holding. Woah, you hadn’t even realised he was holding them. “Here, darling. Drink.”
You obediently take a sip once he uncaps the lid for you, before making small noises of distress when some of it spills down your shirt. Hallucination Jeonghan #14 (wow was it a mouthful to say, even in your head) just hushes you gently, dabbing at it with tissues that he’d procured from the plastic bags. 
“It’s okay,” he says softly, and his hands take yours, clasping them around the bottle. Once you’re holding it, he gets up, and for a horrible moment, you think this hallucination is going to leave again. You kind of like this one.
“Where’re you going?” you ask, but it comes out as more of a slur of vowels. You’re not sure he understood a word.
 “Drink up,” is all he says. He fishes out a packet of pills from the bag (it’s like a magic bag, you think blearily. It seems to have everything inside it). “Have these as well, okay? I’ll go make that soup you wanted.”
You nod, blinking. Dutifully, you sip the water that the hallucination has left you, because really this was one of the most gentle, doting, Jeonghan-like Hallucination Jeonghan and it kind of feels like he really does have your best interests at heart. 
Unlike the other Hallucination Jeonghans, who just wanted to sell you fish. This one really seemed to care about your well-being. 
You blink again, slowly. 
By the time Jeonghan comes back with a gently steaming bowl of chicken soup on a tray with a mug of tea, you're more lucid than before, pouting at him as he comes closer, having remembered his last words before you’d hung up the phone.
“You said you weren’t going to take care of me.”
Jeonghan doesn’t say anything, setting the tray on the bedside table, before sitting down on the edge of your bed, wordlessly picking up the bowl and spoonfeeding you some soup. You open your mouth easily, and he hums in approval with a smile.
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my darling be sick all alone, hm?” he says. “I can’t do that. Especially if you’re also seeing hallucinations of me who are trying to sell you fish.”
He continues feeding you soup in tiny sips, and the entire situation feels weirdly vulnerable, with you propped up on pillows and Jeonghan making small noises of approval every time you successfully swallow a spoonful. Like you’re a little baby bird, or something.
But he smiles so lovingly at you the entire time, so it’s kind of hard to feel too embarrassed.
“Well done,” Jeonghan murmurs, once you’ve finished half of the bowl. Your boyfriend is affectionate, almost overbearingly so at times, always poking you in the side or pinching your cheeks or tweaking your nose, but the softness with which he treats you right now is a whole other level of affection entirely.
Jeonghan cares deeply for you. You know that. You’ve never doubted how much he loves you, and he never gives you reason to doubt it. But still, when he smooths down your hair and strokes the back of your hand and gazes at you so gently, it makes you realise yet again that oh God, he loves you.
“We’re going to get you to finish the rest of the soup in a minute,” he says, reaching down towards the plastic bag at his feet, “but first. I wanted you to have this.”
Out of the bag, he pulls out…
A fluffy bunny plushie.
You blink, tilting your head, sniffing in confusion and also to try and unblock your bunged up nose. “What?”
“Say hi to Jjongie,” Jeonghan says. “He came up to me when I was buying your soup, and I couldn’t not bring him home.” The bunny’s pink ears flop adorably into its eyes as he holds out the soft toy to you. It even has a cream coloured ribbon around its neck. “He’s gonna keep you company whenever I can’t be here for you.”
“Oh,” you say softly, taking Jjongie from him with a smile. You rub your thumb over the soft fur of the bunny’s cheek. “He’s adorable.”
Jeonghan beams, proud. “Of course he is. He’s a me-substitute.”
You look up at him, smiling. “Han, I—” You can’t finish your sentence, too choked up. Literally. You suddenly start coughing, hand coming up to cover your mouth, and Jeonghan rushes forward with the mug of tea and an opened box of tissues that he suddenly procured out of nowhere.
“Hey, it’s okay, no need to cry over it,” he says teasingly as you glare at him, eyes tearing up from how hard you’re coughing. You accept the tissues and, when he pushes the tea insistently in you direction, you take the mug too.
“Yeah, yeah.” You blow your nose with one hand and then drink the tea, noting with a smile the subtle notes of honey in it. “Thank you,” you add, softly, looking down at Jjongie in your lap. Jeonghan really has gone out of his way for you.
Jeonghan just shakes his head, picking up the soup bowl again. “Thank me once you get better,” he says. “You can take care of me after. I’ll probably be catching your illness from looking after you.”
You grin, blowing your nose again, and even you can’t miss the way that Jeonghan watches you, eyes devastatingly fond.
“Yeah, but you’re gonna look after me anyways, aren’t you?”
Jeonghan grins, unashamedly bright. He taps the spoon against your lips, smiling wider when you sip the soup, the mug of tea in your hands, Jjongie the bunny in your lap. 
“Duh. I love you too much not to.”
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @thedensworld @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu @sakufilms @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @raevyng @isabellah29
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keen-li · 4 months
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Non idol jk x fem reader
Warnings: a little public indecency, a little honesty, and a little person.
You allow the summer sun to sink into your skin as you have your head leaned back and eyes closed. The man sat next to you on the picnic blanket he got from his grandma can't help but find the sight of your relax face and exposed neck pleasing. If he wasn't your man you'd call the cops on him for being a creep.
"I can literally feel you staring kook" you say breaking away from your previous position to look at him.
"Good" he says simply. He's still eyeing you like it's the first time he's seeing you.
You switch your legs to get into a more comfortable position for your legs. Your skirt hikes up a bit and like a bunny he's fast to get another little blanket to cover your legs. You chuckle at that little action.
You embrace the little blanket and pull it to where you're comfortable.
"It's nice to be out with you" he says softly moving closer to you like he wasn't close enough already.
"Yeah it's nice to be out and just chill together" you lean into his embrace. You and jungkook try your best to keep your interactions in public spaces PG, so only minimal touching and little kisses float between the two of you. But jungkook could only hold himself for so long, until he was tickling your neck with kisses and licks.
"Jungkook" you call put warning him. "In public remember?"
The little place where you were sat was a little enclosed cause of the large trees but it still didn't mean you weren't in public and the group of school goers weren't in your direct contact if you tilted your head to see past the tree. Plus they could probably hear your giggles that jungkook didn't want to stop hearing.
He still had his mouth on your neck not heeding your warnings.
"Jungkook" you call out and he hums against your neck making you feel like letting out the moan you've been holding.
"A baby jungkook" you say like you've just seen godzilla, you place your hands on his chest to maybe let him know he should wait for home but he takes it as encouragement instead. He kissed you more.
"Jungkook a baby"
He chuckles.
"Y/n, darling. I thought you were the one who didn't do PDA"  he smiles. "And you want me to put a baby in you here? new hair colour, new era?" He mocks your little statement from when you showed him your new hair colour.
You literally want to smack him right now.
"But are you serious about the baby thing? Cause I can-"
"That's not what I mea-"
"Oppa" jungkook quickly pulls away from you and snaps his head when he hears the little sweet voice coo from behind him. When he turns, his eyes widen when he sees the little baby girl, who's probably half a quarter of his height or shorter. She's in a little cute red dress with her little cute back pack and a packet of snacks in her hands.
Jungkook pleads with everything in him that she didn't see what he was just doing and scarred her for life. This was probably the baby you were meaning. 
He turns his head to ask you with his eyes.
"I told you there was a baby"
"You could've been more specific"
Yeah you could've been but seeing the embarrassed and panicked look on his face you're glad you didn't.
"Oppa can you open this for me" she asked and your heart could melt form her cuteness. You smile at her cute chubby cheeks you just want to pinch them, she seems a little nervous though switching her gaze from jungkook to you. She looks like she was having a little trouble choosing who to ask but she landed with jungkook who was closer. Her voice stammered a bit speaking to him but you dont blame her, jungkook looked intimidating with his tattoos and piercing but he's the cutest and softest person when you speak to him.
And you watch him grow even softer as he speaks to her.
"Uhh yeah sure" he grabs the packet she handed him.
"What's your name" you ask her leaning forward from were you were, trying to find a place in the conversation.
"Si-eun imnida" she speaks proud of her name and seemingly growing comfortable.
"Awwww, a pretty name for a pretty girl" you coo back.
"Isn't she cute jungkook" you turn to face the man who was struggling a but but finally got it.
"Yeah she is" he hands her back her snack "Where's eomma si-eun" he asks as she clasps the bags with her tiny hands.
"Eomma?" She starts to look around and you both follow her gaze not able to find or seeing anyone.
"Convenience store, she's in the Convenience store"
You hum knowing there is a Convenience store near by.
"We should take you to eomma" he coos at her.
"She's so cute" you say moving closer to her to fix her falling bag strap "this bag is big for you si-eun" you say trying to adjust the straps and she allows you to, she watches your hands move.
"Eomma said this bag is for big girls" she releases a little giggle after. You chuckle back.
"Eomma is right, it is for big girl and you are one."
"Especially if you came here by yourself" jungkook adds.
"Yeah" you and jungkook laugh.
Jungkook watches you handle the little straps and straighten her clothes and he can't help but think about when you both do decide to have a child and how you'd be a good mom. But little does he know that you're thinking about how he'd be good dad too.
You watch her assuming her mom is getting some errands done and so you keep her company.
"Oppa what are those?" She points with her snack dust covered fingers to jungkook's arm "appa has them too" she informs.
"Oh these?" He moves his already short sleeve upwards "these are tattoos si-eun" he says her name with so much care and softness.
"But you oppa have more than appa" she informs once more "appa only has three" she lifts up her three fingers.
"Ohh is that so?" He smiles at her.
"But appa doesn't look good in them"
You and jungkook let out a cackle as si-eun talks about her dad.
While still laughing he speaks "how about me do I look good in them?" It's funny how he's seeking validation from a little girl, but everyone knows that little kids are always honest so her answer is vital.
She tilts her head a bit analysing jungkook's arm and face. He flexes his arm and brings his arm into her focus so she can get a clear view.
You laugh at jungkook's obvious need of validation from her.
"Uhhh" she thinks "you look nice" she says simply but he doesn't seem satisfied.
"Only nice?" He tries to bargain a better answer. "Mm?" He bargains.
"Actually oppa you look handsome with them" jungkook finally gets the answer he wanted.
"Ah you see baby even she agrees" you roll your eyes, he's saying it like you've ever told him he doesn't look hot with the tattoos.
"I should get you some sweets for that si-eun" he chuckles.
"But oppa-" She interjects his blushing.
"But oppa I don't like that" she stretches her hand pointing to his lip where he's lip ring sat.
"This?" He plays with it with his tongue. She nods.
"Si-eun you don't think oppa looks cute with the lip ring?" You ask almost in a laugh.
She shakes her head showing her detest for the silver. You turn to jungkook and laugh. You thought he looked hot with that lip ring, you liked it a lot especially when you kissed.
"You hear that oppa?" You say chuckling and calling him oppa to mock him.
"She's a kid she probably doesn't understand.  She'll end up getting one when  she's older" he tries to save some of his proud.
You laugh and he knows you're gonna be making fun of him later, so he needs he's own ammo.
"How about unnie si-eun? what do you think of her hair?"
Si-eun turns to face you and you cuss jungkook in your head, cause if she says anything to make you regret getting yiur her coloured you're gonna have to call your hairstylist. It's funny how her opinions matter to the both of you.
You watch her analyse and think of an answer and you're so nervous for her answer.
"Unnie looks very pretty with her hair"
You rejoice at her answer and jungkook scoffs, he did think you looked great but he needed ammo too.
"Ahhh si-eun you're the best, I'll ask your eomma if you can colour you hair like mine too. Do you want hair like me si-eun"
She nods "eomma said I can get my hair coloured one day"
"Oh? Then I'll take you to unnie sana so she can do your hair like mine too"
"Ahhh unnie you're the best" she squeals happy at your offer. You smile at  this little 5-year old girl who you just met and are making plans with.
"We'll have a girls day with your eomma too"
You hear Jungkook scoff and you can't help but laugh.
"You're so salty"
"I'm not" Oh but he is "lets go find your eomma, si-eun" jungkook says.
You've spent quite some time talking to her and you bet her mom is probably worried.
Before jungkook can stand her little hand stretches out to hand him a lollipop.
"Oh is this for me" he says touched.
"No, open it" She says with so much attitude that you can't help but laugh at jungkook.
"Oh okay" he says laughing at himself too and opens the lollipop for her "here you go si-eun" she takes it.
You and jungkook stare at each, smiling at each over the situation.
"Oppa here"
She says in her cute voice and stretches her hand and hands him a lollipop.
"Do you want me to open this too" he asks to be sure and protect his feelings.
"It's yours"
"Thank you"
"And this one's for you unnie"  she hands you your own lollipop and you take it.
"Baby, do we have some chocolates?" you ask jungkook.
"Yeah in the bag"
So you reach and search in the bag and pull out a chocolate bar.
"Babe that's a rum flavoured one get the tiny ones" he warns.
"Oh my bad" you laugh you didn't even notice. So you grab the little ones you found and gave her two.
"Thank you" she says with a cute smile.
"You're welcome"
"Si-eun-ah" you hear a woman's voice announce and you watch as a middle aged woman comes to where you're sat.
"Si-eun-ah why did you go so far? I told you to stand by the tree" the woman picks her up and puts her on her hip.
"Eomma! Unnie and oppa gave me a chocolate" she exclaims to her now relaxed mom who notices the chocolates.
"Oh really did you say thank you" si-eun nods. "Did she?"
Her mother turns to you.
"Yes she did" you give her a smile which she returns.
"Thank you for staying with her, I got a bit worried when she wasn't were I told her to be."
"Ahhh,  it wasn't a problem. We enjoyed staying with her" jungkook says
"Hope she didn't say anything weird"
"No she didn't" you smile.
"Eomma" she calls to her mom "I told oppa I don't like his lip earring" she says amused and jungkook lowers his head laughing at the situation and name.
"Omo, si-eun-ah" she exclaims feeling embarrassed for her daughter's forwardness and turns to jungkook "I'm so sorry for that"
Jungkook waves his hands "no need to apologise its alright."
Her mother nods appreciating his understanding.
"Lets go si-eun and meet appa" she turns to you guys now. "Thank you, it was nice meeting you hope you have a good day."
You guys say your goodbyes.
"Bye bye" si-eun yells and from a distance you can hear her tell her mom about jungkook's tattoos.
"Lets go home now..." jungkook pulls you out of your thoughts.
"...and go make our own si-eun"
You chuckle at that.
"You can't be serious" you start packing the things.
"Oh I'm serious" you've talked about having kids someday but you both know it wasn't anytime soon.
"But first we have to get rid of that lip ring, advice from si-eun" you joke
"She's a kid she doesn't know what she's talking about" you laugh at him and how he's still clearly wounded.
"You're so wounded"
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ugotcooneycrossed · 6 months
fluff request! maya trying to flirt with you but just turning into an absolute awkward mess every time she does
a/n: just a little blurb for mlt my baby
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• maya le tissier •
“you’re staring.”
mary singsongs- coming up to maya from behind and swinging an arm around her shoulders, ruffling her hair.
maya flushes red- looking around frantically to make sure no one heard her- as she tries in vain to shove the older woman off her.
“go away mary! i was not staring.”
“awwee it’s okay though maya baby- you’ve got a little crush, it’s okay to be staring, it’s cute.”
mary pinches the defenders cheek- moving to the side when maya tries to shove her back.
she stumbles past the keeper- and before she can find her footing to round back and complain to mary- she falls into another body.
“hi there maya.”
you smile down at her- your hands holding her arms gently so she doesn’t fall any further.
maya doesn’t respond- and you frown a little.
"you okay?"
"uhhh mmmhhh yep perfect!"
maya squeaks out- bewildered eyes looking anywhere but you.
"...you sure?"
you question, and maya nods frantically at your question- standing up properly and saluting you.
"uhh... yep thanks so much captain?"
she takes off running- and you smile at her retreating form.
"i saluted her mary- saluted! like some idiot!"
maya slumps onto the ground- hands over her face.
"just leave me here- maybe i'll melt into the ground and i wont ever have to talk her again."
"damn maya- you've got it bad."
"mary! you're meant to help me."
"you just need to talk to her maya- like actually talk, not run away after three words."
"but thats the hardest part!"
"hey maya- wanna be my partner for warmups?"
you slide easily up to the brunette at training- your hand gently touching her arm. you try to catch her eye but still- she avoids looking into yours.
maya nodds her head regardless- and a smile spreads across your face.
you try to make conversations with her through warmups, but every time you try to talk- maya seems like she could care less about the conversation. you frown- about to ask her what was wrong when she interrupts you.
"i think you're pretty... great- wait no, sorry not no, yes i do think you're pretty, but i meant you are pretty great but like also just pretty you know? like you're a good- great! person but also a pretty person- but i- i like you so much and you make me so stressed and nervous and im just going to shut up now."
"maya- i like you too."
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
winter wonderland
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader 
Prompt: Strip Club
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, piv, unprotected sex (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 2.9k
A/N: uhh idk i kinda feel like i have to have an author's note? Idk what to say tho (not proofread) and um. ily guys <3 
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Bucky walks around his club, admiring his dancers- not sexually, never in that way. He admires them for their discipline, strength, and determination, he couldn’t do half the things they do on the pole, all with a smile and trying to look appealing to the hungry gaze of the men in the audience. He makes sure everything is ready for tonight, he just expanded to a new area and this is his grand opening. He hired some new talent, a new bartender, and spared no expense on alcohol, lights, and outfits for his girls.
He walks past the practice room and hears music blaring inside, a slow sultry, rock-esk song. He turns to see a group of girls standing by the window, watching whatever’s happening inside the room. “Psst.” He gets the attention of one of the girls, Fawn. “What’s happening in there?” He keeps his voice low, a hushed whisper to not distract the other girls and Fawn’s face lights up in excitement. “Oh my god, Winter. You haven’t met her?!” Her New York accent is thick with shock. 
He feels a bit embarrassed at her reaction and she’s right, he should’ve met her by now but he’s been too busy. His expansion took him away from being hands-on more than he had accounted for, he had to outsource hiring to Cheetah. He gives her a shrug and prompts her to keep talking. “Well, she’s new to the scene, a cute little thing, nice little schtick she’s got going on.” He nods as she speaks, taking in her little pieces of information. “She- You know what? No. Go meet her! You were there for my audition, the poor girl hasn’t even seen you yet.”
He looks at her with his eyes wide, surprised at how she’s commending him, someone who’s technically her boss. “Okay, Fawn. Tone down the spice.” He scoffs at her with a smirk before opening the door, her cackle-like laugh fading out as he enters the room. Your music takes over his ears, a harsh beat, mechanical type of song. When he looks up you’re nothing like he expected. You have baby pink lingerie on, bunny ears sprouting from your head, soft white cuffs on your wrists and ankles with jewels littering your body. Your eyes are closed, your bottom lip tucked beneath your teeth, your brows furrowed in concentration as you spin, flip your body, and slide down the pole, showing off the little tuft, your bunny tail, at the base of your spine. 
Your eyes are still shut lightly as you flip again, your feet planted on the ground as you walk around the pole slowly. There’s an irresistible arch in your back and you keep your toes pointed as they touch down on the ground. You spin yourself around, a ballerina spin before unhooking your leg and repositioning your hand for a carousel spin, showing yourself off. The song ends and you slowly drop yourself to the ground, sitting pretty with your hands still on the pole while the music dies out. You flop back onto the floor, panting from exertion with a smile on your face and your eyes still closed. 
He just stares at you for a moment, your skin glistening with sweat, your chest heaving, and his dick pressing desperately against the fabric of his pants. 
He never reacts to his dancers like this, it’s always purely appreciative, of their art and the work they put in. He knows the business inside out, he’s seen the struggle his dancers go through to keep their bodies appealing, to master certain moves. He’s never been able to see the arousal of it since seeing the inner workings, it’s like watching a workout video to him. Your dance though, the way you move, your outfit, the stark contrast between your aesthetic and the song, something about it all seemed to be a perfect storm for him. He’s buzzing with want. He wants you. 
You’re still panting on the ground, your breaths beginning to even out some more when he speaks up. “That was impressive.” You shoot up into a seated position, your breaths quickening again in fear. Your eyes land on him and you stand up, covering your body slightly as you back up, standing behind the pole like it could help you, the action brings a soft smile to his face. “Who are you?”
He walks towards you, taking his hands from his pockets and holding them up in surrender. You back up even further and notice the window in the practice room, and how many girls are giggling on the other side. You jump and look back at him frantically- seemingly surprised at how many people had been watching you. “Calm down, honey. I’m Winter, this is my club.” Your back straightens and your hands drop to your sides before settling behind your back and you half bow to him before standing up straight and shaking your head at yourself.”Oh-! Hell- Hi, sir. I- My name is B- well, I go by Bunny.” 
You have a soft, nervous smile and your eyes keep darting to the girls in the window, gawking at the interaction. “Nice to meet you, Bunny. Would you like to come to my office?” You breathe out a sigh of relief and nod at him desperately before rushing to his side, following him out of the practice room and into his office.
He gives you a large coat he had on a rack in the corner of his office with a chuckle before walking around to sit on his side of the desk. “Sorry, I don’t have something nicer for you. I usually have these really nice bath towel type things? But I uh- I left them at my other location so…” He trails off awkwardly and smooths his hands over his desk. He looks up at you and you’re just staring at him with a little amused smirk on your face. “What?”
You giggle at him, leaning forward as you laugh and he tries not to stare at your cleavage. “You’re- You seem awfully nervous for like- a strip club owner.” He actually belly laughs at that, it shoots from his chest, shocking to his own ears when he hears him. His laughs die down before your giggles and his chest warms at the sound, along with his cock as the rest of his blood rushes south. “To be honest, Bunny. I think that’s just you.” You laugh even more at that and it stabs his ego for a moment. 
“I’m the only one who thinks that? I mean- It could be just how I’m seeing the situation but-” He tries not to laugh at your misunderstanding. “No, Bunny.” He cuts you off. “You’re the only one who makes me nervous.” Your rambling stops short, your back straightens again and his jacket begins to fall off your shoulders, exposing a bit more of your outfit. His eyes can’t help but dart down to take the sight in. It stabs him with arousal, he takes a sharp breath and leans back in his chair, spreading his legs to give his cock more room to grow, filling and fattening up for you. 
“M-me? Cus- Is it like- because you- because we haven’t met before or..?” Your eyes dart around the room and your breathing is picking up. He can see your hips wiggling in the seat, either grinding into it or pressing your legs together- his new position takes his view from your lower half. His eyes trail up your body before meeting yours. “That’s not why, sweetheart.” You shake your head lightly with a little breath of disbelief. You have a questioning look in your eyes, like you truly believe that he’s lying or you’re completely misreading the situation. 
“I mean-” You gain a cocky smirk, like you’ve finally figured out what’s really happening. “I’m a stripper, it’s kinda my jo-ob” You have a little tune in your voice, sing-songy, like it’s a joke. His face is straight when you look back up to him, not finding one hint of amusement in his eyes. 
“Actually.” He sits back up in his chair, clasping his hands over his desk and leaning into you. “I find it harder to understand the- the more erotic side of stripping. Your work is artistic to me, I’m generally indifferent to all my dancers but-” His breathing shudders as he recalls your dance. “Something about your-” His mouth gapes as he tries to pinpoint what it is exactly that’s affecting him so much but he can’t think of just one. “You. Something about you is- seems to be affecting me.”
His eyes trail up your body and stop on yours as he finishes his sentence. There’s something so penetrating about his gaze, you can feel yourself heating up under it, a tingle growing between your legs and your panties beginning to dampen. You’re still cautious though, for all you know he could do this with every dancer. “You don’t usually—?” He cuts you off before you can even finish your question. “Never.”
You look him over, taking in his features and deciding whether he’s lying or not. You look in his eyes and they look… truthful. So you lunge for him, crashing his lips into yours, earning a shocked moan from his lips as his large hand comes up to hold your head in place. You lean closer to him, trying to get as close as possible until the desk begins to dig into your ribcage. You separate from him with a moan, a dissatisfied whine falling from his lips until he sees you rushing to his side of the desk, immediately seating yourself in his lap and connecting your lips back to his. 
His hands are on your hips with a groan as he instantly grinds up into you, pressing his hot bulge against your clothed clit. You moan into his mouth, detaching your lips to watch the way his hips move against you, how his hands dig into your hips and grind you onto his cock. His head is thrown back and he’s moaning a bit louder than you would’ve expected, you’re drinking them up. You look back at him and arch your back, leaning to him and changing the angle of your hips over his cock. You kiss at his chin, whining against his bottom lip as he assaults your clit. 
The fabric of the lingerie is creating so much friction against your clit, it feels good until it borders on painful, almost rubbing you raw with the rough material until he sticks his hand through the side of your panties, gathers all your nectar that’s been resting at the entrance of your hole and spread it all over your pussy, bringing that perfect slickness back to your clit and winning himself a moan of “Winter” against his neck. 
He grunts at your outburst and brings his hands back to your hips. “Bucky, sweetheart. Call- shit. Call me, Bucky, baby.” You whine louder into his neck, insanely turned on by the fact that he trusts you with his real name and wants you to moan it for him. You’re too in your head though, mulling over your own thoughts, in the clouds to comply with his wishes. He thinks it’s because he’s not giving you enough so he backs your hips up. 
Your head is buried in his neck and you whine at the loss of movement. You peek your head back to see what he’s doing and watch him fumble with his underwear, jeans already undone and unzipped, his hand now down his pants, jerking himself quickly before pulling it out. Your hips tilt to him subconsciously once his cock is out, red, leaking, and throbbing for you. You can already imagine how deep he’ll go, how sore you’ll be after, and how you won’t be able to think of anything but him while you dance for other men. 
You lunge for his lips again as your hand reaches down for his cock, your fingers overlapping with his as you wrap your hand around his tip, forcing his out of the way as you slide down his shaft. He moans into your lips and brings his hand to the back of your head, holding your face to his lips more aggressively as his hips begin to thrust into your hand rhythmically. You pull back and consider letting him cum like this. The sight is something to behold, his shirt slightly lifted, showing off his happy trail to his unzipped jeans, his cock, big, pink, and pulsing in your hand with his eyes squeezed shut and moans spilling from his lips. You almost let him cum like that. 
But then his thrusts change into a swivel, fucking himself into your hand languid and passionately and you’re suddenly jealous of your fist. So you let go, pull your panties aside, and seat yourself on his cock before he can even process what’s happening. His eyes shoot open with a yelp and one hand comes to grip your hip painfully while the other slams down on the desk before running over his face and through his hair. “D- hmmm.” He breathes out a frustrated breath of air that sounds like a groan. “I’m trying to last for you, Bunny. I don’t do this.” His hand loosely gestures between the two of you.
You’re nodding at him, half understanding what he’s saying but most of your strength is trying to stop your pussy from fluttering around him due to the intense stare he’d holding you with as he reprimands you. You breathe a sigh of relief and immediately start bouncing on his cock once he’s done talking. His eyes roll back and his hands grip your hips, trying to keep them down but not having enough strength to stop the overwhelming pleasure you’re pummeling him with. “Bunny-” He says your name like a warning and his hand tenses over your hip, you would listen if you weren't so far gone. 
His cock has been pressed against your G-Spot since you dropped yourself on him. Your legs are too weak to push yourself off his cock far enough to rearrange him so you’ve just been fucking him into that spot again and again, unable to escape the pleasure. Your eyes are permanently on the ceiling, almost rolled back and your mouth open, letting ruined moans fall from your lips like a siren song. You’re calling to him, begging him with your sounds to take over and thrust himself into you, asking for him to fill your tight pussy. 
His hands tighten over your waist and grind you onto him as his hips begin to jump in his chair, fucking into you with a force that’s making you see stars. “Bucky! Th- there! Don’t stop, Bucky.” You wrap your arms around him and his hand comes to the arch of your back, holding your body against him. “Fuck. What’re you doin’ to me, doll? Gonna make me cum so hard.” His hand slides to your upper back as your head lifts from his neck, your dazed eyes fixated on his lips. “M’gonna cum so hard for you.” His hand pushes you into his lips with a moan, you’re able to catch the way his eyes roll back when your lips meet before yours slip shut. He whines into your lips as his thrusts become weaker, more frantic, and lose their pace. 
You pull away from him to moan into his mouth, unable to contain any sounds as he shoves you over the edge. Your body convulses, folding into his as you become a vice around him, choking his cock and forcing his orgasm to spew from his tip. It tears through him like a hurricane, every muscle tensing, his arms almost crushing you in their embrace as a painful groan shakes out of him and devolves into a whimper as your pussy coaxes more cum from his pulsing cock. 
Your hips are grinding into him mindlessly, overstimulating the both of you as your orgasms die down. Bucky is whining pathetically under you, begging you to stop, slow down, and calm down all with his hands still on your hips. Instead of stopping you though, he’s just resting them there, letting you take whatever you need from him with no resistance. 
Your hips eventually calm down, slowing to a stop over him, resting your head on his shoulder and basking in the silence of the room, in how his hand rubs over your back before pausing to draw random shapes. You’re drifting to sleep in his hold, humming contentedly when he presses kisses to the top of your head.
Someone knocks and opens his door without waiting got an answer. He spins in his chair around to hide your body from view. “What is the point of knocking if you’re not going to wait for an answer?” He speaks to the person in a sharp whisper. “Oh. My. God. I didn’t mean for you to get to know her like this! Jeez, boss.” Fawn. He turns slightly, only enough to see her and so she can see the serious look on his face. “Not a word to anyone.” She rolls her eyes and pulls his door shut with a snort. 
You start to writhe in his lap, groaning, and your brows furrow. He coos at you until you fall back into your deep sleep, a soft smile on his face when you bury your face in his neck and breathe out a soft exhale. He whispers soft words in your ear, rubbing over your skin to keep you warm until showtime. 
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works, and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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konigsluvr · 2 months
SWEET 『cigarettes after sex』
popular girl x quiet nerd simon
warnings: kissing, horny and simp simon, cuming untouched. And sweetness ♡
cute little series I'm starting. I hope you like this as much as I do. Enjoy and leave any comments on where I can improve, but please be nice, I'm sensitive 💋 this isn't proofread as its currently just past midnight and I'm sleepy and don't want to overthink about posting this. xxx
Simon thought you didn't notice him staring at you all year. You're popular and he's... a nerd. The amount of picking on you would endure if you did anything with him... you didn't want to think about it.
Yet you couldn't help but smile at your Math teacher as he assigned Simon - the top of the class - to help you with your studies.
Here's the catch, you act dumb and stupid to fit in with your friend group when in reality, whenever there's a test, you never fail to achieve the A+.
"You won't be disappointed," you respond, heading out of class to see it empty.
None of your friends waited for you after class but you brush that aside, looking around for Simon. A minute later, you find him by his locker, taking all of his books and transferring them into his bag.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. "Hi Simon," your sweet voice rang out.
He jumps, dropping his bag, his books scattering on a pile at your feet. He stumbles over his words, eyes wondering over your gorgeous face. His mind was reeling at the fact you knew his name?!
"I... uhh..." he clears his throat, gathering himself. His crush, his godamn crush since forever, is talking to him. Him. "Everything okay?" His voice steadies out, playing it cool.
Your lips quirk, not realising his voice was so deep. You have to look up, yourself standing at 5'5 and him standing at 6'2. You're both 17, so there's still growing to occur.
"Yes, everything's good," you speak, unable to stop your gaze to trailing to his arms. Its so obvious he works hard at the gym. "Mr Barnes assigned you as my study partner."
His eyes widen slightly, taken aback. "Me and... you. Study partners?" He speaks slowly.
He sees your eyebrows furrow. Fuck sake, idiot, he curses in his mind, being an asshole isn't the way to go.
"Um, yeah, for Maths. My grades have dropped so..." You trail off. Does he not like you? You were so sure. He's always glancing at you.
His pause makes you reinforce the idea he's never liked you. "I'll get a new partner," you speak, beginning to step away.
He grabs your wrist, and your eyes snap to his. God, your eyes and politeness... is he still grabbing you? He is! Fuck! Think, think, think!
"Tomorrow after school?" He questions, way too nervous. He bets you can feel his hand shaking. "Your place?" Too bold, Simon.
But you smile, warm, lovely. "Sure, meet here after the last period?" Your unable to tear your gaze from his stunning chocolate eyes, so attentive and aware.
He finally let's go of your hand, relief filling him. He nods, feeling much too shy to speak.
You return the smile and walk by him. As you walk to the main doors, you turn and wave goodbye, and he is already looking at you. You see his lips form a small grin and wave back subtly.
"Today was so boring," you huff out to Simom as he sits in the passenger. He sits too still, scared to make the wrong move in case you would call off this whole thing.
You find it funny he didn't respond. So you ask a question as you turn out of the car park and drive to your house, which is fifteen minutes away. "How was your day?"
He takes a few moments to reply, "good," his deep voice speaks. You wait for him to elaborate but he doesn't. The truth his, his day has been terrible but his mood is ecstatic (on the inside) about being with you.
Fifteen whole minutes, he had to sit there and pretend he didn't care. Staying silent like a complete douchbag. The smell of your perfume, your pretty outfit - a black jumper, faded blue jeans, Converse, pretty earrings, hair, and makeup. Just you simply being next to him made him hard, his mind running wild.
No, no, no, no. He needs to respect you. He's 17, not a little boy. He is a virgin after all, you definitely were not. The amount of stupid boys that took your attention will never deserve you in all the lifetimes. He's stronger, more respectful, just so, so much better for you. He noticed your smile was strained and he wanted to punch every asshole that made you like that. He covers his crotch with his hands, hoping you don't notice his hand placement.
He's so wrapped up in his own thoughts that you opening your car door and exiting snaps him out of it. He ushers out, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he takes in your families property. A simple, modern but classy home. Adorable. His gaze quickly returns to you, pausing as he sees your looking at him already.
"You work out?" You question, noticing he's wearing a black sleeved long sleeved gym shirt. He wore it just for you. It shows off his muscles perfectly.
"Six days a week," he speaks, trying to show off a little. Douche, again. But you smile and he smiles back.
"I do pilates sometimes," you reply, walking up to your front door. Pilates, Simon thinks of you doing the workout, so feminine and simple.
You both enter and you close the door behind you both. "Would you like a drink?" You ask innocently, looking up at him. You knew you were standing too close.
He swallows thickly, his gaze glancing down to your lips for a sweet second. He got even harder. For fuck sake, Simon. Answer the damned question! "Water would be nice, thanks."
You nod. "My room is upstairs, down the hall to the right," you speak, turning and walking to the kitchen.
He stands there silent for a few moments, watching your body sway. He shakes his head. Stop it now, he thinks. He walks up the stairs as he takes in everything about his small journey. At the end of the hallway, there's a picture of younger you.
He always knew you were an only child, makes sense how much you're put together with your parents attention focused on one child. He can't help but smile, seeing how cute you are. You must've been around 5 or 6 he's guessing, your eyes still the same sweetness.
He enters your room and sits on the edge of your bed, looking around once again. Clean, tidy, and... pink. Lots of light pink and white everywhere. Now he knows what your favourite colours are. Bingo.
He hears your soft footsteps coming up. He takes a quick breath, needing to calm his nerves desperately. Just your presence has him all giddy. You enter the room and close the door behind you.
"Here you are," you talk softly, handing him his water. You sit further up on your bed so you're in the middle of it. He thinks for a moment, copying you timidly. You face him. "I hope you like popcorn."
He nods, looking down, noticing you have a bowl of popcorn. Now he knows your favourite snack. Bingo, again!
You relax for a little while, scrolling on your phone as you chew on some popcorn while Simon takes sips of his drink here and there.
You come off your phone and hear your mother coming into your room. You have no time to prepare yourself or to even warn Simon, but he's already looking at her.
"Hi sweet girl!" Your mother exclaims happily, entering the room, hands on her hips. "How was school-" she cuts herself off, finally noticing Simon. She grins. "And who is this handsome boy?"
"Mom!" You scold, stepping off your bed, ready to usher her out, but she pulls you into a hug, kissing your cheek. You turn back at Simon, and he's gazing with a gentle expression, happy to see you and your mother's bond. "His name is Simon," you respond, pulling out of the hug.
Simon feels a slight blush form on his cheeks, shy once more. Your mom stops gazing at him too fondly for your liking and whispers in your ear, "he's a sweet one, I can tell."
You smile at her and glance back at Simon. "He's helping me with Math," you reveal.
Your mother's face brightens. "That's amazing, honey! Anyways, I'll leave you two to it, don't forget to lock the door-"
"Mom," you scold firmly this time. You love her dearly and you know she can tell that you like Simon.
She winks at you and leaves. You close the door and lock it. Simons muscles tense. You locked it? He doesn't want to think any further but he can see a blush on your face too.
Two hours. Two whole hours, Simon has spent one on one, simply inches away from each other. He easily covers his straining cock by having the popcorn bowl in front of it. He holds back jolts when you reach your hand for a snack.
You spent half the time looking at him and the other half wondering how his voice is so matured and dreamy. You did all the questions from your homework book and you played dumb on a few so he could lean in and explain it.
Simon grew comfortable in your presence. You are warm, soft and gentle. Everything he loves is you.
The thing he didn't expect at all was when you kissed him. You fucking kissed him. You and him! Kissing! He was explaining the most boring equation of all, leaning in more close, taking the pencil from your hand, your hands brushing together. He talks and continues talking when you catch gazes, noses nearly touching.
He wasn't sure whether Math turned you on? Or having someone tell you what to do? He was completely at loss, but once your lips touched his, the gates of heaven opened. You tasted of strawberries, sweet and addictive.
It was such a brief kiss, lasting a few seconds at most. His jaw goes slack afterwards. It was just a kiss, you don't want anything else. Maybe your thanking him for helping you? Both your hands stayed down at your lap, same with his. He's afraid if he touched you, he would never let go.
Should he confess? You've been staring dumbly at each other for about 30 seconds now.
"You're getting the hang of everything," he whispered smoothly. You sigh, feeling yourself growing wet. He was so good-looking and kind, too kind. He was huge, height and muscle wise, but his hands were so gentle.
In the moment, you place the popcorn on your beside table and climb on his lap. His eyes blow wide open as you take his face and lock your lips together once more. He moans into the kiss, making you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer.
He opens his legs, hands hesitantly holding onto your waist. Should he push you away or hold you closer? You deserved so much better than him. He's never kissed anyone before, and he's probably doing horrible. But he picks option two, he pulls you closer, fingertips pawing at your waist. He was right, warm, and soft.
You tilt your head, deepening the kiss, poking your tongue into his mouth, and he let's you, opening his lips, getting drunk off your taste. You sigh into the kiss. He's really good. You wonder how many girls he's been with, jealousy plaguing your mind.
You grind down on him, hips moving back and forth, needy to calm down your pulsing clit. He was rock solid. You swallow up his strangled moan, hips bucking up into yours like a pathetic mess.
Your hands move behind you, taking his hands and placing them on your asscheeks. He squeezes, becoming lost in everything you're doing. He wants to be in your mind, what are you thinking right now?
He pulls away and you look at him confused. His expression was pure pleasure. "Shit, no- fuck-" he groans, pressing his forehead against your shoulder.
"What's wrong?" You speak softly, stroking his hair. Due to you leaning more down, your clothed pussy was right against him. He felt his stomach tighten, pleasure rippling through his body. Don't cum, don't you fucking dare, Simon. If you speak once more with that honey voice of yours he's done for.
"Simon?" You whisper, hearing his breathing come out in quick pants. He whines into your shoulder, and you stare at your wall, completely confused. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you down onto him as he jerks his hips up a few times, riding out his pleasure.
"Are you..." you pause, thinking about the situation. You saw he was hard, it was obvious with the grey sweatpants he was wearing. But did he seriously just cum under a minute of kissing?
You wait until his breathing goes normal, his body relaxing. You try to get up off him, but he holds onto you tightly.
"I'm sorry," he speaks, the most embarrassed he's ever been. He's made you uncomfortable. He knows it. A disgusting pervert, that's what he is. He pulls his head from your neck, missing the smell of you. He looks up at you half-lidded.
Your hands stroke his cheeks. You grin. "Did you cum?" You speak gently.
He swallows, wanting to look away, blushing furiously. "...yes."
"Don't think you weren't so sneaky with the popcorn bowl," you respond, laughing as you watch his reaction to you catching him out.
He groans, resting his head against yours. He's dreading at the thought of letting you go. The prettiest, sweetest girl ever. So soft and warm, he thinks, sighing.
You laugh, making his head snap up at the sound. "Thank you."
He wants to throw himself off a cliff. He said that out loud. For the love of-
"I take care if my skin," you respond, cupping his face, "all over."
He feels himself grow hard again and that's when he can't be close to you anymore. Crossing boundaries is something he doesn't do, especially around you.
You yelp as he lifts you off him, not a muscle straining, carrying you like your as light as a feather. He places you on the bed and he stands up, covering the dark patch on the crotch of his sweatpants.
You giggle, covering your mouth. "I can give you a t-shirt of mine to cover up."
He nods. "Thanks."
You get up, grabbing a random t-shirt and handing it to him. You gaze up at him, tilting your head. He didn't understand how you were looking at him so happily, he was an asshole to you and was disrespectful-
"Would you like a ride?" You question.
He allows his eyes to admire you for a while before responding. "It's okay, my house is just five minutes away."
"It is?" You question, your smile widening.
He swallows. Damn you, you're teasing him. "See you tomorrow," he grumbles, walking to your door.
"Wait!" You exclaim, grabbing his book bag and handing it to him. You lean up, holding the back of his neck, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
His right hand itches forward to hold you, but he stops himself. No, you've already taken enough from her. What have you given her? The fucking creeps.
He simply nods, keeping his feelings to himself and walks down the hall. It takes every cell in his body to not look back at your face. He can feel your gaze trailing on him.
"Thanks for letting me stay," he thanks your mother, giving her a nod. But she squeals, hugging him close.
"My little love likes you, I can tell," she speaks hushed, not wanting you to hear. Don't give him hope, don't. His mind still races, even your mom can see it, your gaze with more shine as you look at Simon.
He nods again, brain running a million miles an hour to even form a sentence. He walks away from the kitchen and leaves through the door. He closes it behind him and walks down the drive.
He waits until he's completely off the property before grinning and laughing, all while holding your t-shirt to his crotch. The street is quiet, not a soul around. He walks away, an extra leap in his step, happiness fulfilling him.
All in one day, you met up with him, you drove him to your house, you studied in your room, you kissed and he... he cringed hard, not wanting to think about it. You had him wrapped around your finger. He keeps smiling, though. Next Thursday, he'll be with you again.
Guys, Simon is NOT a perv!! I just wanted to include his conflicted thoughts because he loves her so much and doesn't want to make her uncomfortable 🤧. I'm not sure how many parts I'm hoping on doing, mayyyyybe 4... or 5... 😙. For you smut girlies, yes, there WILL be smut in upcoming parts and I hope my writing will be up to your expectations. Have a lovely day💗
Also!! Please note I am not trying to sexualise the characters at all, they will be turning 18 soon and it isn't a shock to anyone that they are doing these kinds of this at 17🤭
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hello!! i love your writing and i was wondering if i could request a yandere luffy x reader, where he really really wants to get reader pregnant and start a family even if it isn’t exactly what she wants? feel free to make it as dark as you’d like! thank you 💖
All Mine~..
The sky was sunny and bright as you casually hummed a song while doing one of your tasks on the ship. While you were working though Luffy, your captain was sitting down on the floor..just staring at you..or more specifically..your stomach.
You could already feel his stare from a mile away but tried your best to ignore it as his eyes followed your every single move.
Finally, he spoke up. His head tilted while wide eyes stared intently at you and your body.
“Hey Y/N? Where’s your big stomach at?!”
Blinking and slowly turning to your captain, you paused for a bit as an uncomfortable feeling started to grow.
“W-What do you mean Luffy?..”
You said softly while genuinely being confused.
Something then popped in your head and sighed. “..wait do you mean baby bump?..what pregnant woman have?..” You then asked while raising an eyebrow.
Only a week ago, Robin had made a joke about you and Luffy being a cute couple and how she guaranteed they you would have the cutest babies.It seemed like Luffy was getting a bit obsessed with the idea because he wouldn’t stop staring at your stomach, or just hugging your waist possessively in general.
Now that you think about it…genuinely for the past week he’s been acting very..persistent about it…
The cheery captain seemed to smile widely at just the mention of ‘baby’ while nodding enthusiastically and glanced at your stomach again.
“Yeah! Shshi!! When’s that gonna come? I want us to be family soon!”
Giving him a puzzled look you slowly looked away and sighed.
“Uhh that’s not how it works luff…” you said, your voice low with a undertone of annoyance and a bit of uncomfortableness as you finally finished your task and leaned against the wall.
It was now Luffy’s turn to be confused as he tilted his head. “Huh?..what do you mean?..I want you to have babies so why can’t you?!”
He asked now with a little annoyance, a dangerous glint hiding behind a pout. There was something about the way his smile quickly dropped when you mentioned you were having a baby yet..You gulped and quickly look away.
“Well luffy we have to go through a certain…process..and I dont think I’m ready to have kids yet y’know?..why don’t we wait until we finally reach our goal until we start thinking about stuff like that hah..” you said with a nervous laugh while slowly trying to hide the fact that your heart was beating very quickly.
Something just didn’t feel right about the way he seemed to react whenever you brought up the way you weren’t really ready for a child. But now..you were actually questioning your choices on if you got on the right ship..
Turning your head back at luffy since you’d been avoiding eye contact the whole conversation, you saw his expression went dark, a shadow covered his eyes while a frown was almost permanently placed on his lips.
Sitting up from his spot you were surprised by how he seemed to look over you and give off a aura you’d never seen or felt before.
All it took was a silent glare from him, his eyes piercing into yours, pinning you in place. He didn’t even have to move In this state to have your feet practically glued to the floor and your mouth running dry.
“Y/N..we’re having a big happy family. It’s a captain’s order..you can’t disobey that you know…we’re saving it sooner or later and there’s no doubt about it.”
Still staring up at him you couldn’t even piece together words together to reply, he slowly got closer to you as he kept his eyes on you the whole time.
He said, it wasn’t a question..more like a statement with a bit of a warning to what you would say next.
How could you possibly forget how scary your captain could be..? And how persistent he is to get whatever he wants..
Voice shaking and having no idea what to say you could only just stand there like a deer in head lights. His look was almost expectant as he slowly inched even closer to you..
“Dinners ready everyone!!!”
A voice then shouted from lower deck, you slowly breathed a sigh of relief while you saw the darkness in luffy’s eyes disappear. He looked at you for a few moments, crap! He was still waiting for you to…respond to his statement.
Slowly nodding your head you said nothing. Your head felt dazed and you honestly just needed some space and food to break the tension..
Delicious food was set all around the table as everyone in the crew all gathered around, seeming happy and definitely chatty per usual, Though you couldn’t help but stay silent while getting your plate and the food you desired.
Thoughts were just scrambling through your mind about this mess and luffy’s thoughts..
What was he going to do?
Why did he care so much of having a baby?..
What would he do to make you be apart of his ‘big happy family..?’
Taking a deep breath you say down in one of the chairs at the table and started to eat silently while staring at your plate. You then felt a hand on your shoulder, the hand was graceful and very gentle.
Slowly turning your head to saw it was Nami, she had a somewhat worried look on her face. Blinking a few times you assured her that things were fine and she nodded.
After that for a few minutes you and her engaged in a conversation, everything was going good and finally felt at ease after the whole ordeal with Luffy…
Could you possibly fix things?..yeah! You definitely could! Yea sure he was a bit hard headed sometimes but maybe if you just tell him how you feel then everything would be fine right?
For the last few minutes you talked to Nami and Robin since they were both women of crew also about luffy and his..infatuation. They both agreed with your thoughts and told you to just talk to him, that he just needed a little guidance sometimes because their one and only captain could be an idiot sometimes..
Feeling a new sense of confidence wash over you while you put your dish away you walking out of the dining area on the ship and towards the deck, finally ready to talk to Luffy about this little mishap.
Matching up to him with an almost proud smile, he grinned at you. Wrapping his stretchy arms around you with a grin.
“Hey Y/N! Zoro and Sanji told me how to make babies! You ready?!”
Slowly narrowing your eyes to the green haired swordsman and the cook you glared at then and they seemed to catch it. They looked surprised at your glare that was clearly saying: why did you tell him you idiots?!?!
Sighing as you looked back up at Luffy you frowned.
“Uh yeah about that Luffy….I don’t want kids..I’ve already made up my mind and I know you really want them but I just want you to understand that I’m not ready..at least right now..we can just wait! It’s cute…in a way that you wanna have kids so soon but..it’s just not gonna happen..”
Silence..he went silent and stared at you blankly.
Slowly he got back to moving and let out an exaggerated sigh, running a hand across his face.
“Y/N..come onnn..this isn’t funny anymore..hurry up and let’s just make babies already!!” He Said rather loudly, causing you to get a little fed up.
“Ugh! No Luffy! Please just get it through your head that I DONT want kids right now!! Please stop asking!!”
A frown appeared on his face again as he went silent.
Rolling your eyes you were about to say more, until he grabbed your hands forcefully and pulled you away from the deck.
Eyes widening at his tight grip and the sudden action you tried to pull away but that of course was rendered useless since this was the future pirate king we’re talking about.
Bringing you to his captains quarters he threw you on the bed, slamming the door and locking it with a soft and quiet sigh.
Slowly stepping closer and standing over the bed he hovered over you with an almost blank expression as he grabbed the both of your hands and put them up forcefully with his strength.
“Luffy! Stop this!! I-It isn’t funny!!! I’m being serious!”
Saying nothing he got the bed and quickly started to undress you. Slowly, he ran his hands across your body. Down to touch and rub every shape and size of it..
Your eyes widened at what was about to happen as you slowly looked up at him fearfully. He looked up at your face finally….and smiled cheerfully. The smile you thought was sweet..pure and charming..
“Don’t worry Y/N! This won’t hurt..by the end of this..we’ll be a big happy family! After all..you’re All Mine..”
Hiiii i know I’m writing this SO late and I’m so sorry!! I had a lot of homework and practice but I got it by midnight!!…I think..thank you so much to @flowercrowns-goodvibes for this request and I LOVED the idea! Thank you darling! I honestly and genuinely hope you like this because I worked hard on it and I tried to make his character accurate but scary y’know? I honestly hope it’s not too short but if it is I’ll add to it! <33Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you all loved this!! Bye my flowers petals!! 🌸🌸❤️❤️🌺🌺
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yohibmbi · 10 months
hii i love ur work sm🫶🫶
i was wondering if you could do ellie praising reader-? like fluffy smut kinda? nothing toooooo crazy 😭
my dolly ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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(ellie williams x fem!reader)
a/n | so… you said nothing too crazy and i may have strayed off course, anon uhh… this is definitely loser!gf ellie… she likes to dirty talk and praise you but she does it in a whiney/desperate way, and you eat that shit upp lmao… but the ending is so so cute so pls don’t be mad!
warnings | smut, strap on (r receiving), praise, daddy mention. (18+)
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“i never imagined you’d take me so good, baby.” ellie’s heavy breath floats around the room between her whines as she leans over your arched back.
her hips push slowly to meet your ass, her purple strap buried deep inside you.
this had been going on for the past … you don’t know how many hours… ellie fucking you relentlessly from behind.
she had gotten back from patrol in a good mood. apparently she had a really good shift and beat her high score of infected killed in a single day.
instead of going out to celebrate with the team, what she wanted to do was come home to her darling girlfriend and fuck you so good until your brain was empty.
you could practically feel the desperation rolling off of her as soon as she stepped through the door, wasting not much time on greetings before she had you against the wall, her tongue down your throat.
she loves getting you to this state, where you solely rely on her and she can do whatever she wants to you. she calls it making you her “little fuckdoll.”
“you look so pretty, baby, fuck-”
whereas you’re so fucked dumb you can’t speak, ellie gets all vocal and whiney… constantly telling you how pretty you look for her, how tight you are even though she splits you open almost every single day, how good you feel around her cock… as if she could actually feel you.
she mumbles. ellie’s a mumbler… and still, she’s so fucking hot.
you whine incoherently into the pillow, the tiniest amount of drool sliding down on to the material, and ellie’s hand moves from your hips to your hair, pulling your limp body up.
“what was that, baby?” she grunts into your ear and you almost cum on the spot, her thrusts slowing to a gentle halt as she begins to grind the strap into your ass instead.
she’s so desperate and so so close to cumming she can’t help but whimper into your neck as she waits for your response, her wet lips dragging over your hot skin.
“i can’t- baby, fuck-” her grip on your hair tightens as she grinds quicker against you, “can’t hold on much longer!”
her confession kicks your brain into gear and with little energy you have left, you start bouncing back against her dick, filling you up so deep as you try to apply pressure on her clit.
“ellie please! wan’ u to cum inside me!” you moan loudly and soon her pace accelerates, knocking you forward towards your headboard, your arms give up on you as fall headfirst into the drool- soaked pillow.
“aw you’re such a good girl huh?” ellie coos as she watches you swallow her thick strap, her last ounce of dominance as she feels herself closer to the edge. “gonna fucking cum inside you, doll, you ready?”
“yes! fill me u-up, daddy, please!” you hiccup, tears brimming in your eyelashes as you sob openly for els to hear.
her hips stutter, her pace faltering for a second before her iron grip on your hips drags you back to meet her harsh thrusts, your ass bruised from the force exerted.
her cute, pathetic whines growing in volume tells you she’s so close, “babyy, cum with me!” she demands, and yet no dominance left in her voice as she fucks feverently into your soaked pussy.
you cry out loudly, uncaring if your neighbours can hear how good els is making you feel. intense pleasure rolls through you in waves and you collapse fully onto the bed, ellie following suit. despite the pressure of her body on yours, you feel numb, your body occasionally twitching from the overstimulation of being fucked ruthlessly for the past hour, but your mind was empty as you drift high into the clouds.
you feel so fucking good!
with more wetness against your ass and el’s thighs, you notice your girlfriend’s hips still subtly grinding back into you. the pressure just dancing along the line of pleasure to pain.
gazing back, you notice ellie’s dark bangs stuck to her forward, the rest of her - amazingly- still up in her messy, half up bun. her eyes are squeezed shut, cheeks tinted red, as she rides out the after waves of her orgasm.
she looks so pretty! you love her so much!
you call out her name, grabbing her attention as she lifts her head towards you. that beautiful smile of hers across swollen lips when she looks at you and the messed up state she’s put you in, makeup ruined and hair all crazy.
slowly, she gets off of you, guiding the strap out of you, and discards it across your room somewhere… you don’t care. you wanna hold your girlfriend.
she guides you onto your back, and you lift your arms up signalling for her to come lay on your chest. she wastes no time as she buries her head into your neck.
you feel her breasts brush against yours as she moves and your hips involuntarily buck into hers, she groans and places chaste kisses under your ear. ellie loves how comfortable your naked body feels against hers, she could just fall asleep.
“kiss?” you ask so fucking cutely and ellie can’t resist. she lifts her head to find you waiting with a pout. she presses her lips to yours, teeth occasionally hitting each other as y’all can’t stop smiling.
she drags her kisses all over your face, and you giggle as you surrender to her attack, and her heart swoons before she goes back to kissing your lips.
it doesn’t take long before the kiss becomes sloppy, ellie being the horny girl she is, can’t resist shoving her tongue down your throat. she loves when y’all make out so sloppy, mixed spit runs down your chest. however, she loves it more when you suck on her tongue, your head bobbing ever so slightly as you put on a show for your loser girlfriend.
she’s so fucking in love with you.
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shugar0cone · 4 months
I saw that you said it was somewhat hard for you to write for Rosie romantically, so could you do a platonic Rosie x reader where Rosie & the reader are having a picnic?? It would be fun to gossip with Rosie tbh
rosie darling
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Living in a cannibal town was probably the best decision of your life! Clean and friendly definitely an upgrade from the rest of the pentagram, AND on top of that you were best friends with the overlord that owned the place, roise. A delightful…young…old? Lady. She was definitely a gossiper.
I sat sipping the rose tea rosie made for us for the picnic. Her presence was always welcomed and when I offered her a day off of the emporium she of course said yes. “Thanks for not bringing uhh.” I thought for a second, the only down part of living in a cannibal town was cannibalism, i did not eat people nor kill. I'm just pappi in the wind. (That's the white stuff on a dandelion you blow, JUst learned this.) I made bad decisions in life like blackmailing and definitely some suggestive intake of medication. I listened to all gossip in the pentagram from velvets biggest insecurity to the radio demon and vox having a past together, it is quite interesting, “Our food taste?'' Rosie said her smile never disappeared. “Yes, I love the angel food cake you made.” I say. “No problem my dear, so tell me any news on stuff?” she smiled while taking a sip of her tea. Man she was pretty, I loved the way she always dressed so elegantly. She wore no hat today but she did wear a new dress, a simple sun one. “Well.” I thought. “Alastors back and with the princess.” She was shocked. “I thought he was an ace?” I paused. “No, NO like as in working with her.” I say putting my hands up. “I know darling just messing with ya.” she winked at me, i loved rosies playful nature. Reminded me of when I was alive. “Yep and they're running a hotel together to redeem sinners.” I laughed at this idea. It's the end of the line, hell is gonna be forever. “My dear, I wonder what Alastor is doing there because we both know he aint looking to redeem.” She laughed. “Yep, interesting.” I took a bite of the angel food cake she made. “Hey have you seen susan today she hasn't been well… herself by now she would have gotten in our way insulting you.” I covered my mouth while still chewing. I laughed. “Yeah she fucking hates me huh?” Just then I got the idea. “Do you think she's been eaten!” I got excited. Just then I found her and became mad that she was alive. “I AIN'T GOING NOWHERE YOU DAMN BITCH.” She flipped us [mainly me.]
First rosie fan fiction omg i adore her she is so lovely, like ahhh, and cannibal town is so pretty definitely a change in scenery. (Also the kids are so cute!)
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toppersjeep · 8 months
Part 2- Where Do We Go Now - Lando Norris X Reader
[tag list: @aundercover @landologg ]
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Your POV
“Y/N I can’t give you the answer that you want to hear” Max said. “Seriously Max” I said. “What to you want me to do lie to you” Max said. “For once in your life just be honest with me” I said getting up off the couch. “Are you seriously gonna fight me over this” Max said.
“You don’t get it I want a future with you I’m asking you if you want the same” I said. His phone then rang. It was Christian calling him. “I gotta answer that babe we can talk after” Max said.
“I won’t be here when you do that” I said. “Seriously your leaving” Max said. “I don’t know Max what’s more important me or Red Bull” I said looking him in the eyes. The phone still rang. He looked at me and at the phone.
“Yeah hello” Max said answering the phone. “Exactly my point” I said. I then went into our room and put some pants on and a hoodie. I grabbed a small bag of stuff. I walked out. He was still on the phone with Christian.
I walked past him grabbing the keys to my car. I then grabbed my purse too and laptop bag.
“Y/N give me a minute okay.. sorry Chris she’s trying to get my attention” Max said. “I’m leaving” I said walking out the door slamming it shut. I then went to my car putting my bags in the trunk. I drove to Landos place. I’d hope he’d let me stay.
If not the next best option was Kika or Lily. But I knew that going to Lando first would be a good idea. I parked my car in his driveway and walked up with my bags.
I knocked on the door. Not realizing what time it was. I’d hopped he’d be awake. He then opened the door rubbing his eyes.
“Y/N … it’s 2 in the morning what’s up” Lando said. “I got into a fight with Max can I stay” I asked. “Of course come in” Lando said I went in to his house. “I should’ve called or something” I said. “No it’s okay” Lando said. “He’s just so” I said.
“Annoying yeah” Lando said. “I don’t know what to do about him anymore” I said. “I’ll set you up in the guest room” Lando said taking my bags. “Thanks” I said following him.
“Well you know where everything is.. so my home is your home I guess” Lando said showing me to the guest room. “Thanks Lan” I said. “Ignore the uhh pictures everywhere of me” Lando said. “Your race wins its cute” I said looking at the pictures on the wall.
“There’s extra towels in the bathroom closet… umm yeah that’s about it” Lando said. “Oh and my room is next door so don’t be loud” Lando said. “Me loud do you still snore” I said. “Guess we find out huh” Lando said.
“Thanks Lan” I said. “Yeah and please take that Red Bull hoodie off” Lando said. “Right sorry” I said. “I’m kidding but uhh there’s ,cool quadrant hoodies in the closet so steal one” Lando said. “Thanks again” I said.
“Yeah no problem good night” Lando said shutting the door.
The next day
I woke up and got ready for the day. Lando was in the kitchen making breakfast. I then saw flowers on the counter.
“Those are for you I guess” Lando said. “From who” I asked. “I’m assuming Max there’s a card on them” Lando said. “He must know he messed up badly” I said. “Yeah probably” Lando said.
I opened up the card. And read it.
It said:
Y/N, I wish you could see yourself in my eyes. I hear how you always doubt yourself and compare yourself to other people. There is nobody in this world quite like you. The way you laugh the way you smile. Every time I look at you I fall more in love with you.
I really love you. And you deserve so much. I just love the way your eyes sparkle when you are happy. But I hate when you are sad. All I want to do is pull you closer to me and tell you how much I love and care for you. So this is my way of showing it. This is one of many gifts you’ll be receiving.
“That’s so sweet” I said. “Here’s breakfast” Lando said handing me a plate. “Max must’ve done this” I said smiling. “Did he write you the letter or did he have his assistant do it” Lando said. “Lando it’s definitely handwritten” I said.
“Well I was just curious you I know I don’t seem Max as romantic” Lando said. “That’s because you don’t like love” I said. “It’s not that I don’t like it” Lando said. “You’ll find someone maybe even as sassy as you are Lando” I said.
“I don’t know if I will I mean there was someone” Lando said. “Yeah” I said. “But who am I kidding anyway” Lando said setting his plate in the sink. “You don’t know unless you try” I said. He looked out the window.
“She’s just way out of my league you know I’ve always thought that” Lando said. “That’s now I felt about Max and now look at us” I said. “But this is different Y/N way different” Lando said. “You know you can talk to me about this stuff” I said.
“The problem is that I doubt she’ll ever feel the same way I do” Lando said. “Then show her maybe this girl is blinded Lando” I said. “Maybe she is your right” Lando said.
We made it back to the track for the next race. I walked in with Lando. I then found Max and went over to talk to him.
“Y/N hey” Max said I kissed him. “What was all that for love thought we were fighting” Max said. “The flowers and the note it was so sweet” I said hugging him. “Yeah I felt bad after the fight last night” Max said. “Well thank you I loved it” I said.
“So you’ll come home later” Max said. “Of course I will” I said he kissed me. “Y/N we have meetings let’s go” Lando said. “So yeah I’ll see you later I love you” I said. “Love you too” Max said.
We then went into the McLaren paddock for a meeting. I sat beside Lando.
“So yesterdays qualifying was great but today we gotta do the same” Zak said. “I think Lando performed great we can go for P1” I said. “Yeah he did but still P2 gets us good points” Zak said.
“For once we have a car that can beat Red Bull you saw how fast we were” Lando said. “I did Lando but some laps weren’t as good as the last couple” he added. “So what he’s right we can best RB” I said.
“Y/N you had great strategies yesterday we know that” Zak said. “Are you even listening to her she knows we can beat them so let’s at least try” Lando said. “Zak have some faith in your drivers and me” I said. “I do have faith in you both I do” Zak said.
After the meeting got out Lando and I were both heated. Zak wasn’t even listening to us about how we could beat them.
“He shouldn’t talk to you like that” Lando said. “Uhh thank you for sticking up for me” I said. “Of course I got your back always” Lando said placing a hand oh my shoulder.
“I mean I knew getting into this sport I’d have issues” I said. “You still are way better than half the men and that’s coming from a man” Lando said I laughed. “You are just saying that” I said.
“No I’m serious you are amazing Y/N on the track and off the track..there’s nobody in this world quite like you” Lando said. “That means a lot Lando” I said. “Well it’s true you know” Lando said. “I heard the food is better here” Kika said walking through the door.
“Kika oh my goodness I’m so happy your here” I said hugging her. “I had to come visit my favorite gasly of course” Kika said. “Oh I’m not my brother though Ki” I said she smiled.
“Can I steal her for lunch” Kika said. “Yeah go on have fun” Lando said. “Thank you now come on you have to fill me in” Kika said. “I absolutely will” I said.
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tan1shere · 5 months
Bitter Sweet
Ellie williams x fem reader !
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Summary: you're the sweetest soul around Jackson, perfect girlfriend, perfect friends. Everything seems to be perfect but it isn't. You get bullied, but no one sees it. You hide your feelings until one day it gets really bad
A/n: just thought of this in bed, I'm feeling a lil insecure myself so i hope you girlies get warm fuzzies at this cute lil fic (I haven't proof read this yet so- if there's any mistakes pretend I'm an amazing speller 🥰)
Warnings: none just fluff really. Reader is insecure about body, so maybe if it triggers you or you don't want to cry or I dunno, just thought I'd mention :) kinda angst??? But also not-? Body shaming-? (Do not condone whatsoever. But I relate a tiny bit- sadly- anyways)
You enjoyed days like these, the sunshine kisses your beautiful bronze skin, the slight tan arising from the beautiful summer air. You were currently attending to your garden, listening to all the critters making their pretty musical songs. When you get a tap on your shoulder startling you. You stand up and look to find your girlfriend, Ellie looming over you. You get up fanning out your skirt from any dirt. "Sorry angel. Didn't mean to give you a fright." You smile at her. "No no it's alright." You speak softly going to kiss her. "What have you got planned for today?" She swipes a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"Just picking out some flowers for my new vase." You smile brightly at her. She returns that smile, looking around at your garden. "How about you Els." You ask going to grab some of the flowers and heading inside. "Me, Dina, Jesse, and a few others were going to go out later and ofcourse I'm asking you to tag along." You weren't a very outgoing person, you kept to yourself. You knew Jesse and Dina, although you aren't one hundred percent comfortable around them. You stuck close to Ellie, always. She was your rock. "Uhhh maybe." You go over to your sink, her following close behind. "You'll be with me baby I'll make sure everything's ok."
You contemplate. "Maybe Els. I dunno I'm not use to New people." She goes closer to you. "I know I know, but I really want you there. Please?" You think more, really not sure. "I guess it couldn't hurt." You smile slightly. She smiles more. "Awesome I'll come pick you up later." She kisses your cheek, leaving you to your thoughts as she leaves out the door. You didn't have a good feeling about this.
Few hours had passed and it was almost the time Ellie was suppose to pick you up. You were just looking in the mirror you constantly wore skirts and cute blouses. You examined your body, your stomach, thighs, arms. Even if you aren't big or anything you still feel awful about your body. Stretch marks, your pale skin. You wanted to cry. If you were completely honest you just wanted to stay home. But seeing Ellie so happy made you happy. You get up to a knock on the door, going and opening it. "You look beautiful." She says smiling at you. Lies. You knew she was just being kind. You never really believed her when she'd compliment you. You just couldn't.
"Where are we going?" She leads you out. "Dinas, she's having it at hers." "And how many people will be there?" You ask nervous. "Uhh maybe like 10 at most." You sigh. She was so outgoing, so enthusiastic, knew everyone and anyone. You don't know what she even saw in you. You were so different. "We don't have to be there for long." She nods with a tiny smile. You nod back. Still not even wanting to leave in the first place. Your bed sounds so much more comfortable right now.
Once you're at Dinas, she greets you by the door. "Hey you two, come in." You both step inside hearing some music and voices. You stay close behind Ellies tall figure like a puppy dog. "Thanks Dee." She smiles at Dina, going into the kitchen to get a drink. You kept on following, when some giggling girls walking past, caught your attention. One looked you up and down. And definitely not in a good way. They all walk on by grabbing their own drinks. You felt queasy. "So we could just chill in here, maybe dance." You just nod along to her words. This was going to be a long night.
You had just told Ellie you needed to use the bathroom, heading down a hallway, full of drunk teens. The smell was putrid, some even making out. Once you approached the bathroom you notice the same girl from earlier and her little group. You decide on whether or not you should speak up, or hold this unbearable pee until you get home. "U-uhm.. excuse me.." Your voice was weak, frightened of these strangers. "Oh I'm sorry, did you say something?" The main one spat. One of her friends snickering. "I need to use the bathroom.." You didn't want to make eye contact. You couldn't.
"Sorry but you might want to speak up. Can't quite hear you when you talk like a toddler." You go silent. "Still can't hear you." She smirks. You really don't know what to do. Should you leave? "Well come on, spit it out. And this time, try not to speak like a my little pony character." Its the way you caught onto what she was saying right away. That made you want to run, but you felt glued, like you couldn't. "Aren't you Ellie Williams girlfriend?" You look at the blonde infront of you. "U-uh yeah." You stutter. "Pft, I have no idea what she sees in you. She could do way, better." Her friends laugh yet again. "I mean come on, you follow her around like a lost dog. Think that lil bit you did just then was the first time I've heard you speak." You go to leave, just wanting to go home.
But she grabs your wrist. "Oh look girls, she's even the size of a toddler." She fake pouts as they giggle. You hated how tiny your wrists were. You hated it. You hated how small your hands were. You never held Ellies hand, you were afraid she'd view you differently. "Damn, do you even eat." You blink at her. You ate perfectly fine. You don't even know why you look like this. "I- i-" She let's go. "Y-you." She mocks with a snicker. "Go back to being a lil follower to your girlfriend. You pathetic twig." You felt tears threatening to spill at any moment now. And all you could do was run. "Careful you might break something!" She calls out, turning to laugh with her friends. Bitches.
You ran out of that horrid house, tears streaming down your face, sprinting to yours. Feeling your eyes blur as you slam your door and sink to the floor. You let it all out now. How can someone be so cruel. But oh they were so incredibly right. That's why it hurt so much. They saw what you saw. The truth. Suddenly there was a banging on the door to be found with Ellies worried voice. "Babe, open up please." You sniffle. "J-just go home Ellie.." There was a pause. "You know damn well I'm not doing that, please let me in." Your shakey frame moves out of the way to let her in.
"Hey hey whats going on with you-" She goes to reach for your arms but you immediately make sure that doesn't happen. She feels her heart break. "Y-you don't wanna touch that.." She furrows her brows in utter confusion. "Baby what are you on about." If she wasn't worried before she really fucking is now. "No.. you- you don't wanna be with some twig wh-who can't even talk to people properly." You sob out feeling your body ache. "Babe where is this coming fro-" You look at her. "My brain. Everyone, you-" She shakes her head. "Woah woah woah. Calm down, I don't know what's going on but you need to breathe." You cry more. "I- I can't.. my brain won't shut up, I'm ugly Ellie i- I am.. and everyone sees that."
She was shocked but that slowly turns into a tiny giggle. She moves closer to you grabbing your face gently. "Do you have any idea how naturally gorgeous you are." You look at her still feeling tears. You know she's caught on. "Whoever said these things are clearly big fucking cunts." You were shocked by the language she used, but you let out a tiny dry laugh, feeling your throat and eyes hurt from the crying. "And if it's who I think it is, there's one thing they need that you don't." You listen, wondering what that was. "They need makeup. You don't. And that is something you should be truly proud of." You melt at her lovely words. She rubs her thumb under your eye gently. Wiping away those pesky tears.
"Your natural beauty is my favorite thing in this whole world, so please. Never change. And it's not like you're unhealthy. You eat often and good. When they're over there, eating crap, getting sick. If anything they're the ones who should be vividly insecure. And they are, jealousy." She looks at every inch of your face admiringly. "Bitches." You blurt out making her smile so big. "Yeah, bitches." She kisses your nose. "Please never change because I fell inlove with my natural sweet baby. You're beautiful just the way you are angel. And I will remind you every single day. I'll kiss everything you don't like. And I'll do that everyday." You lean up on your tiptoes to kiss her. She kisses back sweetly.
"Why don't we get into bed and watch a movie, sound good?" You nod at her. "I love you Els." "I love you too my precious girl."
A/n: If you are struggling with your insecurities please know you're never alone in that and I hope this made you realize how everyone's perfect in their own way. I may not see that all the time in myself. But I do know my worth <3 (also not saying that makeups horrible I literally wear it often, but no one needs it to truly feel pretty. I enjoy doing it because it's fun!)
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marvelfanfics1 · 1 year
For Little Troublemakers -
While coming back from Peter's and Strange 's house, the Little!Reader can't help but take one of Little! Peters hoodie because he smells so good 🥹
Daddy Tony is very disappointed that she stole something and when he tries to return it to peter, he tells that it's okay for Little Reader to have it because she gave him her bracelet 👉👈
And the bigs can't help but see how cute their littles are 🥹
Little Lovers
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Little Troublemakers Au
Pairing: daddy!Ironstrange x little!reader x little!Peter
Warnings: Age Regression, flufffff
Tony was just casually walking past your playroom and had to make a double-take of you. You were sitting on your fluffy carpet with various toys laying around, but what actually got his attention was the big sweater you were wearing.
He did not recognize that one!
Tony knows exactly what's in your closet because he dresses you mostly every day, there's also a drawer with some of his t-shirts and a few hoodies because he knows you love how they smell like him.
The thing is he can't remember a pastel blue one where little paws were splattered on the back.
That was not one of his and neither yours.
"Baby?" he knocked softly on the door frame to get your attention.
You turned your upper half a little and waved at him with a smile.
"Hi, daddy! Look, I got my bunny dressed!" you said and showed him your bunny proudly that was wearing a purple dress.
"She looks great, but can you tell me where you got that hoodie from sweetheart?" he asked while walking over to you, hands in his pockets.
You looked down and fiddled with the end of it. You were afraid that he would get sad that you were wearing a hoodie from someone else and you don't want to hurt his feelings. You love your daddy's clothes but Peter's have such a different texture and smell so good as well, you always think of him when wearing them.
"Uhh...from Peter," you mumbled but Tony heard what you said with how shocked he looked.
"Did you take it with you last time we were visiting?" he asked.
"Yes, but-"
"No buts, that's not good baby, you can't just take something that's not yours. You will give it back to Peter at the weekend, okay?" he raised his eyebrow and you pout a little, nodding your head anyway not intending on making a scene.
"Yes daddy." you sighed and made grabby hands for him. "Up, please?"
Tony gave you a small smile and picked you up, kissing the side of your head, not pushing the subject any further.
The weekend came quickly and you were knocking excitedly on the front door. It opened a second later and when you saw it was Peter you practically jumped in his arms, giving him a bear hug.
"I missed you lots! We have so many games to play, come!" Peter told you and grabbed your hand, wanting to drag you behind him but a cough from behind you made you stop in your tracks.
"Didn't you forget something, sweets?" Your daddy said, nodding his head to the bag that he was holding.
"Oh...right." you let go of Peter's hand and took your bag, opening it you pulled the baby blue hoodie and Peter's face fell a bit.
Did he do something wrong for you to give it back to him?
"I wanted to give dis back to you." You said and wanted to hand it over to him.
"Why?" he asked, clearly confused. He thought you liked it, don't you like him anymore?
"Hello, little one" Stephen greeted you with a pat on your head and went to hug your daddy, longer than usual, then turned back to you and Peter. "What's going on here?"
"She took one of Peter's hoodies and I'm-" Before Tony could say anything more Peter interrupted him.
"She can have it! Look, she gave me one of her bracelets!" he said proudly and showed his wrist to them where he was wearing one of your self-made bracelets. Peter brought his attention back to you when you hung your head low, the hoodie still in your hands.
Tony and Stephen looked at each other and could've melted on the spot, both their littles were getting along so well and they couldn't be more happy. They watched Peter, who was helping you putting on the blue hoodie, giving you a kiss on your cheek.
He took your hand again and made you twirl around one time. "It looks gweat on you!"
You giggled and Peter now took the chance to take you to his room to finally play all the games he had in mind.
"You know, your little Casanova here is the reason she's a giggling and blushing mess every time I say his name," Tony said while crossing his arms.
"They're faster than us..." Stephen said and turned on his heel, making his way to the kitchen with Tony not far behind.
"Then I guess we have to catch up on them." Tony winked at him.
Since that day they have to keep an eye on you and Peter because Stephen noticed that a lot of Peter's clothes went missing more often and he put two and two together when he found a box full of colorful bracelets. He figured out that probably every time you gift the boy something he exchanges his clothes to return the favor.
It took Tony and Stephen 2 hours to explain to you both that Peter just can't give you all his clothes.
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight
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Behind The Screen
[TWST AU]: Self-Aware AU, but with logical takes.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu/[Y/N] was playing TWST one day and then something off-putting happens.
[TW]: Mild cursing
[(A/N)]: I know. This AU has been done multiple times with most of them being…possessive. I decided to try the concept, but with my own take on it. Also MC/Yuu/[Y/N] is around 16-18 years old in this AU.
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MC/Yuu/[Y/N] is just your ordinary gamer who loves the game, Disney: Twisted Wonderland.
They played that game almost everyday ever since it was first released.
They get to experience everything from leveling up the characters (especially their favorites who may or may not be bias towards) to collecting items.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N] fell in love with the storyline and laugh at the humor whenever something ironic and sarcastic happens.
All fun and literal games until one day something happens.
As MC/Yuu/[Y/N] logs into TWST and expected a character greeting them with a gift each day, there wasn’t anybody on the screen.
They thought it’s probably a glitch. It happens.
Shrugging off the weird occurrence, they continue the game as usual, leveling up the characters and winning in battles.
As they were reading through a chapter, something slips up.
Ace Trappola, everyone’s favorite little bastard accidentally mentioned how MC/Yuu/[Y/N] look stupidly cute today with their new haircut.
They freaked out a little.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Okay. I may need more sleep or did I hear Ace right about my looks for today?
Ace: *Sweatdrops*
Deuce: *Whispers* Ace, say your line. You’ll blow our cover.
Ace: *Whispers back* You too, Dunce-face. You’ll get us in trouble.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: …I’m not dealing with this shit.
Ace: No wait-
They exit out of the game and starts texting to a friend of theirs asking advice on what to do with a possibly possessed app game operated by the Japanese branch of the huge corporation.
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[MC/Yuu/[Y/N]’s Bedroom]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Okay, that’s it. I’m reporting this to the development team and possibly FBI because what kind of sick game is this?
Riddle: No wait! Prefect!
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Don’t “Prefect” me! I know how this shit goes, and it ends badly.
Lilia: Oh dear. You read too many Yandere fics, haven’t you.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: …How do you know that?
Ace: Duh! It’s obvious. We’re in your phone. We sometimes sneak into your search history.
Jack: I’m afraid to ask questions about your…free time.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: You don’t have to know, Jack.
Vil: You need a better wallpaper, honestly. Who edited this abomination?
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Uhh…I did the wallpaper.
Vil: …You need to work on your photoshop skills.
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[MC/Yuu/[Y/N]’s Bedroom]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: You’re telling me you listened to everything I spoke about this past year?
Riddle: Unfortunately, yes.
Leona: You cursed at us for being “too handsome” and “how stubborn” we can be.
Azul: Let’s not forget you spilled some secrets nobody else would know. You still sleep with a stuffed dolphin after 4.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Luckily nobody ask for my phone.
Kalim: Your world sounds a lot of fun to learn about. I always wonder what it’s like outside with no magic involved.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Believe my words, it’s not pretty.
Vil: I heard you talked about some fashion brands. Louis Vuitton?
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Yeah…That and other brands are expensive as Hell here.
Idia: I was wondering about your Otaku culture…
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Oh! There is enough to talk about with new anime and manga coming out everyday.
Malleus: *Peeks into images of Gargoyles*
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Tsunotarou? What are you doing on Google Images?
Malleus: Oh. Forgive me, Child of Man. I was curious about your device.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Nah, it’s fine. Just be careful when you’re searching for something.
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[MC/Yuu/[Y/N]’s Bedroom]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: *Fanning over a character* Jesus Christ! I can’t with this guy!
[Insert an image of Yoru from Valorant.]
[(A/N): I couldn’t help myself.]
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Deuce: Huh? Hey, isn’t he from-
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Oh, yeah. I sometimes dabble into Valorant and he’s one of my mains.
Ace: So your type is the edgy bad boy type~?
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Don’t even try, Ace.
Ace: *Threw his hands up in defense* What? It’s not like I can leave here.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Touché.
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