#but what if ghost cole fanfic
raven6229 · 1 year
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i havent watched this show in years wtf is going on send help i have assignments due at 8am
fuck i posted this on the wrong blog sorry hetalia fans
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miqotepotatoe · 1 year
My Nonexistent Friend, First Encounter
wc: 1698
Milo encounters the spirit that haunts the temple he now lives in, and they get to talking via ouija board
From the corner of his eye, Milo spotted something. He sharply turned his head towards the green light, but saw nothing. He wanted to think his mind was playing tricks on him, with it being the middle of the night and he's probably tired, but that feeling of something watching him was unmistakable. He had been trained to always be aware and vigilant of his surroundings, you can't be a decent ninja if you're caught off guard. And with the supposed rumors about this temple being haunted, Milo didn't want to think about if they were true. The team's been living in this temple for a week, if it was haunted, the spirit would've shown itself by now. 
Finishing off his glass of water (and grabbing a chocolate biscuit to snack on), Milo made his way back to his room. But the uncomfortable feeling of eyes staring at him never left. The young ninja turned his head just to see the green light vanish. He rubbed his eyes before looking back at where the light once was. It looked a little…humanoid. Okay yeah now he was sure his eyes were playing tricks on him. It was best for him to go to bed and say this was just his tired mind messing with him. But a part of Milo was curious about the strange green light. He wanted to investigate it. Maybe the rumors about the temple being haunted were true! If they were, Milo hoped the spirit was friendly. If not, well, he could always get Taiyo to blast it with some water and send it to the Departed Realm where it belongs. 
His curiosity overpowered his logic, so Milo went to search for the strange green light…by wandering around the halls hoping the light would show up. And speaking of the FSM, it was just around the corner. But just as he got close, it vanished, but reappeared a little further down the hall. As the pattern repeated itself, Milo began to wonder if the light was leading him somewhere, as it vanished into the attic. There wasn't a latch, just a worn down ladder leading up a neatly cut hole in the ceiling. A normal person wouldn't think twice about using such an unstable ladder, but Milo was a ninja, he's climbed up worse.
Using his ninja agility, Milo scaled his way up to the attic. It was dark and cramped with rotten old junk and filled the brim with dust and cobwebs. He sneezed as soon as he took a breath through his nose. But there was no sign of the strange green light. Pulling out his phone to turn on the torch, Milo scanned the attic, the bright light revealing the secrets buried in the shadows. Just as Milo was contemplating returning to his room to go to bed, he spotted a flicker of light in the dark. He shone his light towards the flicker but nothing was there. But there was no mistaking that something is here in this room, hiding away from the boy. 
"I-It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. You can show yourself." Milo called out to the being, but got no response. Thinking quickly, Milo left the attic, leaving his phone to shine some light in the abandoned room. He returned quickly with a box in his hand, a Ouija board. Taiyo has a friend who's into the occult, and she just so happened to gift the Water Master the spirit communication tool for his birthday. Milo thought that he could use the board to communicate with…whatever was here. Sure he was breaking the number one rule of using a Ouija board (never use it alone), but he couldn't just wake up his twin or anyone else in the temple just so he could try and talk to a spirit that probably wasn't real. And if he gets possessed that's what Taiyo's around for. 
Taking a deep breath, Milo set up the board, and spoke. "H-Hello. My name is Milo. I am a friend, who just wants to say hello. Is anyone here?" It was dead silent for a moment. Milo held his breath, a little bit scared of what could be lurking with him. Suddenly, the wooden thing (he has no idea what it's called) began to move on it's own, sliding towards letters, spelling out a word
Milo was sure he had a mini heart attack seeing the scope move on its own (he knew for sure his hands didn't do that on his command), but it confirmed something was there with him. Milo continued to ask the spirit questions. 
"Do you have a name?" 
The scope began to move a bit, around random letters, before finally settling on the NO in the top right corner. Based on the way the scope moved, Milo was certain the spirit was going to spell out its name, but it couldn't find the letters for a reason. Maybe it has forgotten its name?
"Do you remember anything about yourself?"
The scope moved off the NO before moving back onto it. So it had no memories about itself. Milo felt a bit sympathetic towards his invisible conversation buddy. The next question Milo wanted to ask was something really risky, but he had to sate his curiosity. 
"Can you show yourself to me?" 
For a while the scope didn't move. Milo wondered if the question he asked was a bit insensitive, like asking a stranger to strip nude. But he was a patient boy, he'll wait a bit before asking his next question. Eventually, the attic was filled with a green light, and a figure appeared before the young ninja. They were hard to make out, barely being visible, but Milo was able to spot some stand out features. For one, they looked…young, around Meg's age. They were also wearing a black and gray ninja gi, similar to his own, but it was a bit ragged and some dead vines were wrapped around their torso and left leg. Milo couldn't see their face, obscured by the messy overgrown mop of black hair they had, but he could make out some black lines down their cheeks akin to dry tear tracks. They were floating slightly off the ground, curled up a bit in a withdrawn position, arms wrapped around themself like they were hugging themself protectively. They looked so scared and vulnerable. It wasn't long before the spirit faded away, and the scope began to move again, spelling out a sentence.
So they struggled to show themself. At least Milo got a glimpse at their appearance. He makes a mental note to sketch them out in his journal. Milo wanted to ask the spirit more questions, but knew they probably wouldn't be able to answer most of the personal ones (if they couldn't remember their own name or anything about themself, what's the point in asking them their life story). He figured it's best to get some general info outta them.
"Do you know how long you've been haunting this temple?"
Around 300 years.
"Are you able to leave this place?"
So they are bound to the temple? 
"What happened?"
Cursed!? Being cursed means they were once alive, and probably still is in some way. There are only three ways to be cursed according to Morgana; dark magic spell gone wrong, cursed artifact, or cursed by someone proficient in the dark arts. 
"Do you know how you were cursed? Was it a spell gone wrong? Did you touch a cursed artifact? Or did someone proficient in the dark arts curse you?" 
At first Milo wondered if he was asking the spirit too many questions. So far they were answering as best they could. 
"Do you remember who?"
Milo was silent for a moment, contemplating his next question. He was starting to piece together this puzzle, but there were still some big pieces missing. From what he gathered, this spirit, a young teenager who likely could be skilled in martial arts, was cursed 300 years ago by someone to haunt this temple and they couldn't leave because the curse had bound them to the temple. They also had zero memories of their life before they were cursed. Milo felt sympathetic towards the spirit, maybe that was just his high empathy towards anything living. He can't just continue to go about life now knowing his home is haunted by a teenager trapped in nonexistent purgatory for likely all of eternity (or at least until the sands of time wither away the temple). Taking a deep breath, Milo asked his final question.
"After hearing bits of your story, I've come to a conclusion. If it's alright with you, I want to help you break this curse. No one…deserves to live eternity in a nonexistent purgatory like you are. You deserve to live, or at least move on to the Departed Realm. It'll take some time, what with me having to balance general ninja work with researching the occult, but I swear to you, spirit of the temple, on the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb, I will find a way to set you free. It's a promise, if that's alright with you?" 
The scope shakilly moved. The spirit was likely taken aback by Milo's proposal. Any normal person would ignore the spirit or try to exorcize it. But Milo wasn't any normal person. He was a ninja, an Elemental Master, a protector of all who live in Ninjago, alive or dead. He wasn't going to sit around and live idly in this temple knowing that a soul was forever cursed to haunt it. He was going to do whatever it took to help this soul out, ninja's oath. 
T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U 
Their reply seemed…positive. It was hard to tell, but Milo took it as a positive. He held out his pinky, and the spirit reappeared to wrap their ghostly pinky around Milo's, binding their little oath. Milo caught a glimpse at the spirits face, some hope shining in their empty soulless green eyes, a smile on their tired face, before they faded away once again.
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
vic | she/her | 20s
southwestern native american and hispanic
gemini | bi-demi
ao3 | spotify
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All Content 18+ | minors DNI
all my fanfics can be read below in my masterlist or found under my "vic writers 🧸" tag.
happy readings <333
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Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty)
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“There he is …. Simon Riley.”
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multi-chapter series:
paloma (masterlist)
a multi-chapter series exploring the love story between a british sas lieutenant and his indigenous woman.
(to be added)
love at first sight w simon
holding simon while he cries
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Aemond Targaryen (House of the Dragon)
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"...Prince Aemond, despite the loss of his eye, had become a proficient and dangerous swordsman under the tutelage of Ser Criston Cole, but remained a willful child, hot-tempered and unforgiving..."
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multi-chapter series:
last of her house no more (masterlist)
aemond targaryen with the daughter of daenerys stormborn and khal drogo.
just like animals (masterlist)
a dark & obsessive!aemond targaryen hunting down his sweet modern!wife (and also she’s preggos).
his handmaid's tales (masterlist)
the love story between prince aemond and his handmaid.
blood is thicker than water (but betrayal stains the most)
even the whales fall prey to men
what was mine is still mine, regardless of time
follow me now, and you will not regret (leaving the life you led before we met)
bodyguard!aemond x president’s daughter!reader
foolish men dream foolish lives
you are the moon, i am the sun (i will not allow you to forget)
obsessive!aemond targaryen with niece!reader
an eye for an eye (1) — a son for a son (2)
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Alys Rivers (House of the Dragon)
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"...Was she, in truth, a witch who lay with demons, bringing forth dead children as payment for the knowledge they gave her?"
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mother's day special (part of "his handmaid's tales")
you are the moon, i am the sun (i will not allow you to forget)
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saiyanprincessswanie · 8 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Weeks 167 & 168
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Welcome to Weeks 167 & 168
A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. Especially all the Kinktober goodies. 💜 This week had me reading 60 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Fallen Angel - (Brock x OFC, Bucky) - @saiyanprincessswanie
Heaven or Hell? - (Lloyd x Reader) - @shadeysprings
Plum Flavored Chapstick - (Bucky x Reader) - @sergeantbarnessdoll
Winner Winner - (Andy x Reader) - @labella420
Bewitched crossroads - @nekoannie-chan
Here Comes Goodbye - (Jimmy Dobyne x Reader) - @spectre-posts @wiypt-writes
Protector - (Winter Soldier x Reader) - @rookthorne
When You Move, I Move - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Kinktober Week 1: Love Bites - (Steve x Reader) - @lunarbuck
Surrender - @mrsmischief209
Stargazing love - @/nekoannie-chan
Armchair - @/nekoannie-chan
Bittersweet - (Bucky x Reader) - @thecornerlot
Might Even Be - (Bucky x Reader) - @slyyywriting
Spy vs. Spy - (Lloyd x Reader) - @andydrysdalerogers
Never Tear Us Apart - (Andy x Reader) - @syntheticavenger
Dark Thor Oneshot- @/syntheticavenger
dangerous - (Bucky x Reader) - @onceuponastory
Ours - (Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader) - @/holylulusworld
Yours & Mine - (Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader) - @holylulusworld
MINE - (Steve x Reader) - @labella420
As He Sees Fit - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Sacrifice Yourself and Let Me Have What's Left - @/mrsmischief209
Kinktober 2023, Day 2 - (Steve x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Feelin' Gourd - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Congratulations! You Just Won The Shock of Your Life At 2 AM! - (Clint x Reader) - @ghostofskywalker
Kinktober Week 1: Thigh Riding - (Lee x Reader) - @lunarbuck
Kinktober, Day 3 - (Paul D x Reader) - @/georgiapeach30513
Day 1: Mile High Club - (Bucky x Reader) - @writing-for-marvel
Slow Hand - (Billy R x Reader) - @/mrsmischief209
Against the ghost - @/nekoannie-chan
Daddy Dearest - (Steve x Reader) - @cherienymphe
Daddy - (Steve x Reader) - @donutloverxo
ever since - (Bucky x Deaf!Reader) - @/syntheticavenger
Hypothetically speaking - (Bucky x Reader) - @littleseasiren
Rooted in Love - (Bucky x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
Branded - (Curtis x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Kinktober Week 1: Table/ Threesome/Sensory Dep - (Stucky x Reader) - @/lunarbuck
Kinktober 2023, Day 4 - (Cole T x Reader) - @/georgiapeach30513
Kinktober Day 4: Overstimulation - (Bucky x Reader) - @/writing-for-marvel
Tuesday Thots - Sunbeam - (Bucky x Reader) - @/navybrat817
Day 7: Striptease - (Bucky x Reader) - @/writing-for-marvel
Curtis and Honey - Autumn This On That - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Six Steamy Sentence Challenge - @sagechanoafterdark
Under the Hood - (Steve x Reader) - @/andydrysdalerogers
Don't Make It Harder - (Andy x Reader) - @/slyyywriting
Brock x Reader x Billy Oneshot - @/fluffyprettykitty
Kinktober Week 1: Phone Sex - (Sam x Reader) - @/lunarbuck
Staff unveiled - @/nekoannie-chan
day 3 - choking & spitting - (Lloyd x Reader) - @vellicore
Miss Your Kiss - (Thor x Reader) - @targaryenvampireslayer
THE DEVIL - (Andy x Reader) - @flordeamatista
What is this? - (Brock x Reader) - @/nekoannie-chan
babydoll - (Lee x Reader) - @nickfowlerrr
Everything I want… - (Bucky x Reader) - @thornsnvultures
One Night With You ~ Pt 1 - (Bucky x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
day 1 - cockwarming - (Bucky x Reader) - @/vellicore
Needy - (Bucky x Reader) - @targaryenvampireslayer
Day 10: Exhibitionism - (Bucky x Reader) - @/writing-for-marvel
Only You - (Steve x Reader) -@/flordeamatista
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
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“This, is a soul stone.”
“A…soul stone?”
“Yes. Once a soul leaves its physical form they create a soul stone to keep their…ghost-like form intact. This soul stone is surrounded by the actual projection of ourselves, similar to how a heart is encased inside the body. It cannot be taken out easily. In fact, the only ones who can remove anyones soul stone from their physical projection is the First spinjitzu master, Sensei Wu, Sensei Garmadon, and the consciousnesses of the two realms of the dead. Other then them, not even the person whose soul stone it is can remove it from it’s home, and its no easy task for the ones who can either.”
“…If all of that is true, then how are we both looking at your soul stone?”
“….Unfortunately, my soul stone had faced extreme abuse years ago, leaving it fractured and….weak.”
“Is that why it has pieces floating around it? It looks almost like a planet, surrounded by its moons…”
“An interesting comparison.”
“Ahm…that’s besides the point. Why are you showing me this? If its so delicate that it can almost never be removed from its home, then why would it help us in our mission?”
“…the merge, has shown to create unique consequences over the years. One of such, being the slow return of the Preeminent.”
“I can’t explain in too much depth to what had happened, we don’t nearly have that much time and I need to use it sparingly.”
“What are you talking about?!-”
“A soul stone is indeed delicate, Lloyd. So delicate, so precious, that the very existence of a soul relies on it.”
“If my soul stone gets into the wrong hands, if it faces too much harm, I will no longer be able to keep it connected and in ‘one piece’ as I have so far. I will be erased from existence, and so will all the knowledge I have so painstakingly collected.”
“…Where are you planning to go, Morro?”
“…A place I should’ve visited years ago.”
Will there be a fanfic of this? Probably not, since i can’t stick to finishing stories.
Anyways, take Morro from an AU i created in my head, theres no other content of it other then half completed stories in my notes/word documents and this post.
If anyone rlly wants me to, i can go more into depth of this AU and give it a name. But for now, all you need to know is that its mainly canon compliant, just with a few changes to the story of Morro and then the actual canon divergence starts during the merge. Some things before that will also be changed to fit ideas i have and things i like, such as the issue with Lloyds age.
Oh, alsooo! Morro in this drawing is still a ghost, but in this AU to differentiate departed ghosts from cursed, cursed ghosts look like how they did in the show and Morro’s og design, but departed ghosts tend to look more like how they did when they were alive (with some differences and yknow, being see- through)
So Morro in this looks like how his Departed ghost form would in this AU
I also realised that the gi itself looks a lot like Cole’s because of the black and orange. Pretend the orange is grey/green/yellow, pls and thank you.
AND MY FAVOURITE LITTLE DETAIL. Look at Morro’s gi and how its folded, see what i did there??
I had fun drawing this with another newly acquired art style, this is also one of my first few times drawing Morro and being happy with it. Turns out i am very picky when drawing characters i like over literally anything else.
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omgjayaaa · 14 days
Fanfic recommendation time woooo
Love this fic! It’s a what if au where Kai trains Sora and Arin instead of Lloyd. It’s really fun and I super recommend it :D
Ghost Cole centric <33 I really love this one :D
SO much Jay angst! Jay is written so well in this and all the metaphors in it are really nice 💕
Villain Jay my beloved. Definitely a lot of spoilers here, but it’s really good!
Transfem Jay and it has Agent Walker as well <33 (this one has some really nice lgbtq themes and also some good Jaya)
Kai angst galore 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (love this one a whole lot)
Arin centric and has agent Walker! Definitely one of the best Arin centric fics out there 👍
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cookii-moon · 11 months
I am thinking about ghost Cole and i am mad nobody else thinks about ghost Cole why must I live in such a world where nobody thinks about ghost Cole what did I do to deserve this I want more ghost Cole I am upset the writers robbed us of ghost Cole he deserves so much more ghost Cole deserves the world please give me ghost cole content I am starving I just think he’s cool and just shdnejjehwnsjnr what do you mean you turned one of yoru cast into a fhost a being that is compiretely different from any organic vertebrate and science itsdlf kniws nothing about and made him depressed like he was so sad and then just did nithging dwpith it likebhuehh he dserved so much more he was so cool such a cool concept dufdigjx&jshsbshbssaajfkdg
Somebody.. send me ghost Cole stuff… or an excuse for ghost Cole stuff I’ve read every single ghost Cole fanfic on AO3 and like I MEAN that I’ve gone backnthrohgh the entire Cole ma8n tag to 2014 just to find any stray ghost Cole content that e scared my sights like jasjcsdnvdenv. There’s.. so little..gem emgjjrnrhef please.. give me ghost Cole..
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aroninshonour · 3 months
Would yall read these based off just what I have written for their ideas if I actually wrote them into story?
Just fanfic ideas I have come up with/other people have come up with that I wanna write(and am getting permission to write them with credit ofc) and wanna know if yall would read the ideas
Cole turns on the Ninja after being turned into a Ghost, suddenly loyal to Yang. Ninja have to do their best to save Cole, evidently getting him to remember who they are (My Idea)
(Ninjago DR) Ninja find Jay and are able to save him...but would they be able to save his memories? (My idea; Possibly Bruiseshipping, dunno yet but basically my ideas on how the others save Jay and such)
SandStormshipping(Cole x Morro) Aka Cole and Morro promise each other they'll find each other in the after life and they do but Cole doesn't remember it because he's Yangs Pupil or something and Morro has to try and to get him to remember (Based off of @absolutelynotsanebaby drawings of Cole and Morro)
Movie Ninja have to go save an unknown member of Wu's past from a cult called "The departed ones"(Aka Morro) [Next part copy and pasted from @xenazaria original post]
Ninjago movie au. The grey ninja disappeared roughly 7 years ago, the green ninja starting a year later. 2 years later, the green ninja got a team; red, blue, teal, black, and white. Last year, they defeated Garmadon. Now, a new threat plagues Ninjago city: a cult, "The departed ones." As this threat grows larger, the Ninja's Sensei pulls them aside to announce another part of his ever-annoying backstory: he has had an inside man collecting information on the cult, but has recently lost contact with them. Now, the ninja have to go on a rescue mission to save this unknown member of Wu's past. With the 7 year anniversary of Lloyd's cousin's disappearance, can Lloyd actually handle a mission of this capacity? And why is it that all the members of this cult's eyes are a toxic neon green color? (Once again, @xenazaria 's original idea)
Those are just a few ideas I have/been given and wanna know if yall would read them
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Aegon II Targaryen x OC // House of the Dragon fanfic
Soft!Dark!Aegon II Targaryen x OFC, kinda Yandere!Aegon
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Trigger warnings: darkish themes, bondage, kidnapping, kinda yandere?? Targcest, OC is Viserys and Aemma's daughter, OC is named Daenerys, OC looks like Elizabeth Olsen in my head, also total self-insert
Part 2
Bound to Aegon's bed, Daenerys slept often. It was the only activity left to her.
Her dreams were a patchwork of memories. The day she claimed Grey Ghost. Fits of nerves and flutters in her belly kept her awake the whole night prior during the voyage to Dragonstone. Father had promised she, Aegon and Aemond could attempt to bond with a dragon - providing they were “bold enough.”
“I shall claim Vermithor,” declared Aegon. In her dream he was nine years of age, three years younger than Daenerys. Tufts of silver hair straggled over his eyes, lit like lilac flames. “You see! I shall descend the Dragonmont and seek out the old king’s bronze beast, then I’ll fly him over Dragonstone for Father to see.”
Aegon buzzed, thrilled, but Daenerys was pensive. What if she failed to bond with a dragon? Rhaenyra had Syrax, but Daenerys’ cradle egg had never hatched. Was that a sign from the gods? Was she never to be as worthy as her sister? Was her dragon's blood tainted somehow?
She glanced at Aemond and saw her fears reflected in his eyes.
Aegon noticed her somber mood. “You can ride Silverwing,” he reassured her. “Then we can be Jaehaerys and Alysanne come again. The smallfolk will cheer for us when we fly over King's Landing.”
But it was not Silverwing who bore her weight above the clouds that fateful day. Daenerys had fled the Dragonmont after overhearing Ser Criston Cole hissing about her sister to the queen, Alicent nodding her agreement and spitting her own barbs at the heir to the Iron Throne. They would never dare say anything in Rhaenyra's presence. Her sister spoke with Syrax's strength, fillied with the golden dragon's fire. Daenerys wished she could be strong like Rhaenyra. Fleeing the Dragonmont, driven by a desperate urge to be as far away from the green queen as she could, she’d been clambering the jagged cliffs of Dragonstone blissfully alone when Grey Ghost found her.
Daenerys didn’t notice the grey dragon land next to her, at first. A flicker of silvery scales pale as morning mist danced in her peripheral; when she turned, the dragon stood devouring a plump green trout.
Grey Ghost was much smaller than Silverwing and Vermithor, smaller than Syrax and Seasmoke, her goodbrother Laenor’s grey dragon. Grey Ghost finished devouring the trout, then met her gaze with golden eyes. And Daenerys had known.
Father roared with laughter to see her riding the wild dragon. Saddeless, Daenerys clung to Grey Ghost with hands and thighs, as another dragon soared up to meet her. Aegon had claimed a dragon, as he said he would - not Vermithor, but a splendid young beast with golden scales and pale pink wing membranes.
Another memory followed. She was on dragonback once more; Grey Ghost had grown and so had she. A familiar roar shook the sky. Sunfyre, the beautiful golden dragon Aegon had claimed, banked in the clouds and levelled beside her. From his saddle, Aegon winked and yelled something lost to the wind. Daenerys grinned, blew him a kiss.
And then her feet were on sold ground again, her hands trembling slightly at the eyes of a crowded sept full of people all fixed on her, high on the dais in her wedding silks. Aegon brushed a silver curl from her face as he wrapped a black-and-red cloak blazoned with the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen over her shoulders. The queen had tried to insist Aegon cloak her in green - to distinguish her maiden's cloak from her wedding cloak, she reasoned - but Daenerys dug in her heels until Father relented. She would marry Aegon Targaryen, not Aegon Hightower.
Aegon's touch comforted her. Suddenly it was just the two of them, only the two of them; they were the only people in the world, their lips roaming each others, his warm hands on her breasts, cupping between her thighs…
Daenerys shifted, sighing as she floated between sleep and waking.
The hand between her thigh was firm and unyielding, persistent in its pursuit of pleasure.
“Mmm… Aegon…”
A chuckle behind her broke the spell, wrenching her back to the present.
“See? I knew you weren’t mad at me really.”
“Get off me!”
Aegon sighed. “I spoke too soon.”
Candlelight cast a dim light in the king’s bedchambers. Aegon lay behind her on the bed, shirtless, his breeches unlaced. The pale skin of his chest shone like moonglow.
“You do not get to touch me,” Daenerys snarled, “not anymore!”
Aegon glowered. “You are my wife.”
“I am your hostage.”
“Can a queen be hostage in her own royal keep?”
“You are a fool. Rhaenyra will come. She and Daemon will bring fire and blood to this city now that you have stolen her throne.”
Aegon sighed. He sat up, tears in his eyes.
“Rhaenyra would have put me and my family to the sword the moment she was crowned. So long as a trueborn Targaryen son lives, her claim to the throne is weakened. You know she has never held any love for me.”
He was correct there. Even Daenerys could not defend her sister in that regard. Daenerys remembered running into her sister's arms for maternal comfort after the death of Aemma Arryn.. Rhaenyra's arms held comfort for Daenerys, but not Aegon. One time, after they had been playing come-into-my-castle in the godswood, Aegon had tried to hug Rhaenyra, returning from a flight on Syrax, as Daenerys had. Their sister had looked at the little boy like he had greyscale. “She would not have killed you in cold blood. Your mother and grandfather have been filling your ears with poison to further their ambition. They want the throne for themselves. For House Hightower, not House Targaryen."
"You believe Rhaenyra would have allowed us to live?"
"No man or woman is so accursed as the kinslayer.”
“Even if Rhaenyra had not called for my head, Daemon would have.”
He was correct there, too. Daenerys had faith in her sister, would vouch for her. She could not say the same for Daemon.
“War was inevitable,” Aegon exclaimed softly. “Please, Nerys. I need you. I cannot walk this path alone.”
His hands returned, wine-stained breath ghosting her face. “And the king needs an heir…” he whispered.
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ravenrambles6229 · 7 months
Find the Word Tag Game
thanks for the ping @fabrowrites! My words were sob, unnatural, stalk, and explode
Are we supposed to use the first instance of these, or just whichever one we find more interesting? I'll do that latter, lol. All of these will be Wax and Wane.
@illusion-of-sea-axes, @absolutelynotsanebaby, @fanficmaniatic, @miqotepotatoe, your words are dark, danger, warp, and shine!
[Lou] couldn't even finish the thought. He melted into Wu's arms and wailed, the sound grating even against his own ears. He cried until his voice was the rawest it had been in years. As his singing voice eroded away, sob by sob into something ragged and sharp. 
Through it all, Wu held him tight. Distantly, he was aware of Kai staggering. Nya and Lloyd stood up to try and support him, but he pushed them back and took a few steps backwards. Jay had sunk to the ground while Zane held him tight with his own eyes squeezed shut.
Cole's brothers. 
"Jay, you gotta chill!" Kai hissed, sounding like he was in pain. 
Jay was hysterical by this point. "Oh yeah! Hah! Chill! You say while we're buried in snow!" He sounded like he was about to cry. 
Cole tried to say something, anything, but he was completely and utterly frozen, buried but not, in his unnatural state. 
"Cole? You there? Cole!" Kai called with a frantic edge to his words.
"You two need to take slow breaths and calm down, or you'll run out of oxygen--" Zane started to explain. 
To that, Jay cackled. "Calm down! Calm down! How am I ever supposed to do that?! We're gonna die like this! We're gonna die! First Master, I don't wanna die!"
Oh yeah, Jay's claustrophobic. Cole remembered, a bit lamely. 
Okay somehow in a 180k word ghost fanfic the word Stalk never actually comes up. Huh.
He needed power, or else his brothers would die too. 
I'm sorry, Lloyd. 
He died for these powers, he may as well use them. That was (roughly) what Ronin had said, right?
The next thing he knew, everything exploded into a cacophony of sights and sounds and tastes and smells and pain. 
The water slammed against him-- suddenly, Kai was the one holding his arm as they fell over the edge. 
"Ninja go!" Cole yelled in a voice that wasn't his, as he formed an Airjitzu cyclone with which he lifted him and Kai back onto solid ground. He deposited a sputtering Master of Fire on the rocky bluff next to his Aeroblade Sword, who stared at him with awe.
He nodded. 
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amigac0debasic13 · 6 months
inhaling so heavily so so heavily,, hey guys its me im back. ninjago. This is just a huge rant about me HATING how trauma is handled in this show. ignore this if you do not want to see my HORRORS.
WHY. IS TRAUMA NOT A FUCKING THING IN THIS STUPID ASS SHOW. Im on another rewatch because im FUCKING INSANE but it drives me actually mad that there are so many downright horrific things that happen to these characters that are just NEVER addressed. lets talkabout the fucking first one that caught my eye when I was first watching the show!!! Im basically going from least infuriating to most infuriating, im trying to cut this show some slack but dear god. !!WHY IS COLE OKAY MAN. HE LITERALLY DIEEED. HE TURNED INTO A GHOST. listen Iknow ninjago death means nothing, and im going to talk about that too but he literally could have ceased to exist if he so much as touched water. after he got his body back, why was this never FUCKING mentioned. I think. if I was in a perpetual state of being horrified my existence would amount to nothing and id just stop BEING when I touched some clear shit coming out of my sink id be pretty scarred for life. I loved possession man, but this happened to TWO CHARACTERS. TWOOO. AND THE OTHER CHARACTER IS LLOYD. lets not even MENTION that hes been exploited the moment everyone found out he was a green ninja, and before that a bunch of grown ass people were bullying a CHILD WHO IS ACTUALLY HOMELESS, lets talk about how his fucking body was taken over by Morro while he ALSO worries about his DAD BEING STUCK IN THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD. IM LOSING IT. IM LOSSINGG ITT. On a smaller note, MISAKO ABANDONED LLOYD. KILL HER. I am the hashtag misako hater garmadon deserves better. The show made no attempt for them to bond or try to make amends for what happened when Lloyd was a kid, she barely appears at all really and it just makes me fucking despise her. ALSO MORRO. this kid. reminding you, CHILD, fucking died in a cave. the cave we SAW in the pilot, if i remember right which is FUCKING INSANE>,,?? we SEE HIS SKELETON. THAT IS A CHILDS SKELETON. never mentioned again after episode 8 I don't think. now the MEAT. THE MEATT. whatever the FUCK went on with garmadon after he got resurrected. They actually did cover this a bit with how Lloyd acted around garmadon, but crystalized also sucked ass and really gave us nothing on how Garmadon felt about this. on god im so sick that hes so normal shaped in crystalized too, He was literally growling with every breath in sons of garmadon why is he normal now. Its been years, i get it. also the Garmadon comic. but he SHOULDNT be a normal person whos just an asshole, I want him to be feral okay?? ok??? I am playfully gesturing to Devils Horns by TeuthidaRegina (did i spell that right. idk man. Its a super fucking good fanfic.)
ALSO Vinnys apartment is very inaccurate there should be scratch marks on the walls and then they should kiss. ANYWAYS Besides this, Lloyd being mad at Garmadon was really all we got for how *he* was effected by his once loving father now randomly coming back with his ribs exposed and only being able to say like. 3 words. and also him immediately trying to kill Lloyd. I feel like we should have gotten a LOT more man. Now this isn't really a problem with the show (Its a huge problem in crystalized but that's a given) but more a problem with the fandom, so that's why I'm putting it at the end. this does not hold relevancy over garmadon becoming a BEAST. (also garmadon becoming a beast is the best thing that ever happened in this show btw. you all are wrong and he should have been animalistic from the beginning. still nice. but he should have also growled. all the time.) My issue is with how people portray harumi. I already had my Harumi spout in a post I made earlier, but I only mentioned the toxicity of the ship with her and Lloyd a little bit. Let us THINK BACK on how she literally feels nothing for Lloyd at all. He was a stepping stone in getting Garmadon back, and she probably straight up hates him. She pretends to like him to manipulate him into helping her resurrect garmadon ok?? do we understand?? Ive seen actual tags on AO3 that say "no harumi hate here" and I am so done. all the harumi hate. dont FUCKING talk to me if you want to justify the downright horrendous things shes done. That ship is toxic as hell and Lloyd is downright being abused AGAIN for like the FIVE BILLIONTH TIME IN HIS LIFE. I dont care man. shes an abusive bitch. i HATE HER. Crystalized made the worst fucking decision trying to justify her and I genuinely hate whoever thought that was a good and right decision to make. If she comes back in dragons rising i hope she dies AGAIN, but Im honestly rooting for them to ignore crystalized's existence. Now finally, this is the absolute peak of how Ninjago shittily handles trauma. the ICE EMPEROR. Zane was stuck in a fucking hellscape of a realm for like. what was it. EIGHTY YEARS??? he went fucking mad man, he turned into a bloodthirsty tyrant during that time. and when this seasons conflict was fixed with the "power of friendship" the show literally mentions that the ice emperor is STILL INSIDE ZANES NOGGIN. AND WHAT DOTHEY DOO?? THEY MAKE IT INTO A FUCKING JOKE. its honestly almost disgusting to me how they handled it, Zane has DIED BEFORE. that's bad. he should have trauma. BUT Zane LITERALLY HAS A BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER IN HIS FUCKING HEAD. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ACTUALLY. HE SHOULD HAVE SOME RELUCTANCE TO USING HIS POWERS OR SOMETHING, ANYTHING MAN. HE KILLLED AN ENTIRE RACEE. Genuinely this is one of my favorite shows, and I love adding onto the shaky ass plot and making it better, but I cannot DEAL with this. Im going to throw in the shit that happened in the spinjitzu brothers book, because oh my god Wu and Garmadon should be fucked up with all the stuff they have had to deal with for like. 5 thousand years. but its fine. its okay. its the book series. I wont mention it. (that book series is so good please release the final book please) ((I LOVE wu and garmadon they are some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE series im blinking my eyes at you. please go indepth on those two. also give Wu a dragon form, or an Oni form, or literally anything he IS NOT HUMAN.) Also if anyone tells me im ignoring skybound its because I do not need to say anything about skybound. we all know what happened. we ALLL know what the fuck they did to Nya. and fucking. mister possibly a pedo creep man who does not care about consent. I dont even remember his name thats how bad I hate him .
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babythe67 · 9 months
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Meet the writer !
I’m Chevy or Colton, you can call me Cole, Colby, Chev, or Chevs. Please don’t call me impala or baby I know my name is similar to the car but please it makes me insane 🙏 Colt is fine too, just use it sparingly. 
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IM 19 
3. Guys. Let’s have a talk. 18 and over to interact. Listen. I was 16 once sobbing ab my Sam Winchester x readers and I know I physically cannot stop you, it’s the internet. Fuck can I do, reach through and smack your hand? No. But for my sake at least try to stay incognito or at least try to pretend good. I will be checkin accounts, if you’re under 18 I’ll straight up block you 💀 idgaf ab views or notes or reshares Im in it for just having a visual diary to put my writing. 
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5. LISTEN listen guys. My list is long but this is just for spn atm. You want my other writing check out my other accs THELTGHOST or Calahansdrabbles
Cals has a mix writing. It’s like. Everything.  Ltghost is mainly cod.  Here you Can find; Sam Winchester  Dean Winchester  Castiel Novak  G A R T H  Charlie Bradburry  Crowley Lucifer  Etc etc  Dick Roman if you ask nicely. 
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6. HI. It’s Colby here. Im a tall nerdy Mexican, probably on the chubby side. I wear glasses and have black shaggy hair. I cosplay ghost and konig and castiel- some other mfs too.  No I DONT wanna show my face bruh then you’ll find my TIKTOK and HARASS ME FOR THE FOUL THINGS I WRITE. Uh. Im pretty cool I’d say. And I love interacting and taking requests. Like yes baby let me write you your slow burn destiel fic you’ve been itching for. 
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7. MEXICOOO BABY. VIVA MEXICO HUEVONES. uhhh no but fr I’m from Jalisco Mexico but now live in California bordering TJ. 
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8. UHHHH This acc is mainly spn cause I want Dean to suck my dick. Uhhhh though I do enjoy a lot of different shit. This includes good omens, cod, overwatch, greys anatomy, adventure time, yadda yadda
Uh that’s kinda all I guess. Stream vampire by Olivia Rodrigo. And Stay with me by Ghost.  
That’s all folks. ♡
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drowninginblox · 1 month
Time flies
a Genji and Hanzo centric fanfic with a dash of Gency and Hainoon at the end Enjoy!
"Do you remember the night we met?"
Hanzo scoffed, "What- you mean when you were born?"
Genji winced against the wind and his better judgment. "No-! no, I mean, when I showed myself to you. All those years ago? Back at Shimada Castle?" Hanzo rolled his eyes, smuggling away his bubbling anxieties over where this conversation could be going with a roll of his shoulders. "It wasn't that long Genji," The younger cut him off with a light bump of their shoulders. "It was eight years ago brother," Hanzo's brows raised. "Was it really that long ago?" He mumbled through a hushed sip of his sake. Genji couldn't help but smile. "Do you-"
"How can I forget?" Hanzo looks down at the rocky shoreline. Vast ocean trumped his thoughts but it wasn't loud enough to fain ignorance over what Genji had to say. "You didn't hear what I was going to say!" Another eye roll, this one shared. Genji sighed before continuing "Do you mind telling me what you were gonna do after that night?" Hanzo turned before cocking his head at his brother. Genji asked a lot of questions over the time Hanzo spent in Overwatch. They were gradual, but through a sense of patience and understanding that Hanzo never knew his brother could possess, Genji now knows everything Hanzo did in the time between the worst mistake of his life to that night he met the consequences of his actions. But the what if, that was a new one.
Hanzo let the moment pass, giving in to the sounds of their destination. The cliff face base was having a celebration of sorts. For what, Hanzo didn't fully know, but there was a well-endowed bar that carried his favorite brand of sake so that was reassuring. Shouts and base-boosted music pounded through the walls. Nowhere inside was safe, so he retreated to the primary hanger for some much-needed solace and air. The music persisted but it was nothing but a hum here. And considering his teammates, Hanzo was confident that he would spend the rest of the night alone with his thoughts. That was until he noticed something hued in cool green light out of the corner of his eye on his way. Regardless to say, he let Genji tail him out here. He hasn't denied Genji his company since that night.
"You haven't asked me this one before," Hanzo admitted. Genji smiled. "'Gotta keep you on your toes brother," The older turned away, but not fast enough to cover the small smile he was hiding. "But, I was-" "Curious." Genji glanced to the entrance to the hanger. "You don't have to-" Hanzo raised a hand. "It's been eight years. You don't need to be careful anymore, Sparrow." Genji bit back an embarrassed groan. Instead shaking his head. "When was the last time I heard you say that?" Hanzo looked back to the sea. The moon hung higher than he last checked.
"A few hours before our meeting, I was approached by someone." He started to stroll, looking over his shoulder to his brother. Satisfaction didn't grace him until the younger met his side, ghosting his periphery when he continued to the lip of the runway. "A woman, one we know too well now." Genji straightened slightly. "It was that American with the white hair that Cole is chasing down again," He smirked slightly "An associate of hers I mean. In a way. An omnic, a well-dressed one at that." A hum of understanding reverberated through Genji. "Maximillion? Bob?" Hanzo glanced with a nod. "Maximillion. He was very annoyed at the time. Knowing what I do now, you probably meddled with something before you found me." Genji smiled at the memory. "That night was very... busy for me." Hanzo only chuckled. "I can only assume. Regardless, he was outside of an establishment I was staying in. Some, 'undignified place for a Shimada' if I remember correctly." Genji didn't bother to hold back his laughter. "Oh, oh you must have been pissed." A pang of anger from that night resurfaced from the recollection of that night's prior events. Followed by a sting in his left leg. "I held my toung, my foot though..." Another burst of joy stemmed from the younger, allowing Hanzo a moment to smile despite his recollection.
"You were born to greatness Mr. Shimada, such a pity this is what came from it." The venom twisted in the intent made Hanzo's blood boil, sering his skin from the inside out. Any other moment on any other day would have been met with grace. But to take an antidote from a somewhat attractive American he found in his travels, "Tonight was not the night, and he was not the one."
Before he could comprehend his actions, his body moved to slam the hunk of metal into the closest wall with a satisfying slam. A crunch came from somewhere in between the barrage of punches that came in the wake of Hanzo's untapped rage. Somewhere in the chaos, Hanzo heard a gasp and a call for police nearby. There was a flash as well, probably from a camera, but Hanzo wasn't able to trace what exactly it was after his retreat. It was immature of him to leave the scene in the state it was, but considering that he was addressed as himself and not the alias he had for the occasion, it was enough of a reason to not give his company the time of day. Thankfully he was fast enough to catch his opponent by surprise that time.
"So that's why Blackwatch was on your tail a week later! And here I thought it was because I showed myself," Hanzo snorted. "Genji, if anything you made my recruitment a higher priority for them." The younger smiled. "I'm sorry, Hanzo." Hanzo furrowed his brows, the smile he had turning from content to light confusion "What must you apologize for, Genji?" In his periphery, Genji found himself honing on the cybernetics of his hand. If he concentrated enough, he could extend the feeling of the brisk sea breeze from his face to the rest of his body. He could feel senses in a muted and controlled form, but nothing compared to that of Hanzo. He didn't think sensation was something he could miss. The shiver up his spine at the fist gusts of winter, the light burning of his hands whenever he carried hot ramen, the sensation of muscles tensing and relaxing after a full body workout; just glancing at Hanzo was enough of a reminder of who he once was. That boisterous child who drank and pleasured his days away with nothing more than a "Do you know who I am?" The one that had the world but didn't savor it. Or ask questions as to why his life was like this. "For not realizing sooner just how much pressure you were under."
Hanzo rolled his shoulders, exhaling. A moment passed where the sea's words were all that was spoken. Eventually, Hanzo straightens. "You better get me something nice for the tenth anniversary..." Genji shoved him in the shoulder, yelling something about his brother's audacity. Hanzo only laughs. For a time there isn't a pair of mercenaries occupying a hanger somewhere in Wales. Rather brothers that once again reunite through memories of a childhood stolen from them. "How about a sword then brother?" Genji asks through shared laughter, Hanzo groans in dramatic pain. "Too soon!"
Just then the hanger door opens and a well-worn Angela enters, a bottle being her only company "Oh uh- am I interrupting something?" Genji wraps an arm around his brother. "No, no! We're fine Angela, how's the party?" The doctor groans, "Cole managed to convince Winston to get a bull, everyone is going insane." Hanzo's eyes widened slightly. Genji sends him a knowing smirk. The younger pushes the older towards the door. "I'll see you inside Hanzo, get Lucio to make me a surly temple!" Hanzo stumbles, sending a glare back to his brother intermixed with an unapologetic blush before grumbling his way back inside.
It's only when Hanzo's inside that Angela says something. "Is everything okay?" Genji just nods. "Nothing we haven't been through before. Now, what are you drinking?"
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halos-top-alien-model · 6 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 3 Match 8
More info below:
Xytan 'Jar Wattinree:
Debuted in Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
Born on April 20, 2488 and growing to be 11.6 ft tall, Xytan would rise to the rank of Imperial Admiral and gain a popularity that the Hierachs felt threatened by. Because of this, he would be assigned to lead the Combined Fleet of Righteous Purpose at the fringes of Covenant-controlled space, missing most of the Human-Covenant war in the process. However, upon the Great Schism, he would be able to rally over two hundred Sangheili shipmasters at Saepon'kal, with the ambition of creating a new Sangheili-led Covenant. Unlike the separatists under Thel 'Vadam, his group retained faith in the Covenant religion and intended to continue the war against humanity after dealing with the Jiralhanae and San'Shyuum. He intended to draw the Jiralhanae leadership into an ambush at Saepon'kal, but soon he was convinced by then shipmaster Voro 'Mantakree to deal with the outbreak of Glood on Installation 05. Although, seeing the shipmaster as a potential rival, he would rename him Voro Nar 'Mantakree, give him the position of Fleetmaster of the Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity, and ordered him to lead an attack on the shield world Onyx - doing to Voro what the Hierachs had done to him. Yet ironically, he helped ensure Voro outlived him, as seconds after Onyx invaders' departure, a captured NOVA bomb would accidentally be detonated, obliterating a majority of the Xytan's fleet, significant portions of Saepon'kal's surface, the planet's moon of Malhiem, and Xytan himself. His legacy would still live on, as shipmasters would continue to study his battle tactics while his daughter - Meduu the Fierce - violently took hold of his property holdings.
Submitted propaganda: BIG!!! Also he's basically the coolest most galaxy-brained guy ever. He got too popular for the Prophet's liking, but was too competent and smart to ever actually fuck up, making it impossible to execute or Arbiter-fy him. So the Prophets just sent him to patrol fringe space in the hopes that people would forget how smart and awesome he is.
Lak 'Vadamee:
Debuted in Halo: The Cole Protocol
A noble and elder of the House of 'Vadam, he served as an adviser and trainer to Thel 'Vadam. When Thel returned from a mission in the 23 Librae system and was promoted to command the Fleet of Particular Justice, he chose to confide in Lak regarding some confusion that others would have deemed heresy. Lak would give him reassurance and encouragement. Later, after the Battle of Installation 04 but before Thel's trial, he would send Lak a copy of the Priority Brodcast Log from the battle - wishing for at least Lak to know the full truth of what went down. Whether Lak is still alive following the year 2552 is currently unknown.
Additional commentary: It's heavily theorized that Lak is Thel's father. I thought Thel himself also thought about this in canon, but after checking through The Cole Protocol and the "Adjunct" attached to The Flood, I can't find anything currently. It may be one of those things where I read it in a fanfic then misremembered it as canon.
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wrenthemoralfander · 1 year
Fanfics I wanna read:
Snow Mountain Beast King Thorin x Struggling Blogger Bilbo
Thief Soap x Assassin Ghost
Protector Revali x Autistic Link (because I said so?)
Runaway Cole Cassidy x Cursed Archer Hanzo
Modern Bodyguard Din x Luke
(Fantasy Au) Unaware Vex’alhia x Possessed Percival De Rolo III (yes, this does have your favorite bird demon in it.)
(Victorian Au) Rebel Without A Cause Nea X Victorian Painter Carmina
Rouge Luis x Paladin Leon (it’s really just the two of them playing D&D)
Blind Luigi x Dragon Koopa King Bowser
Pop Star Jaskier x Wraith Geralt
Modern Hacker Karl x Software Dev Ethan
Kas/Eddie x Steve but Steve has ADHD and has separation anxiety (look what you’ve done Mr. And Ms. Harrington, you’ve gone and fucked up a perfectly good boy. Don’t worry, Eddie/Kas will fix him)
Gavin x Nines except Gavin passes out randomly and no one fucking knows why
Modern Librarian Percy x Siren Vex (because I fucking said so)
Claudette and Quentin getting adopted by killers.
Feng Min meeting Bunko Tatsumi.
Ethan Winters gets to see Rose grow up.
Arnetta Larkin and Sergei hanging out.
Jason Todd meeting Whistle and approving of her (I have wrote a fanfiction like this and I want to see more of it)
Din meeting child Rey, and befriending her. (Completely unaware that’s Luke’s kid)
Gwendolyn runs away and Tired Worried Percy or Vex or Both rushes to find her.
Kili finds Baby Frodo among a destroyed house. He brings him to Bilbo, calamity ensues.
Takato and Guilmon eating Guilmon bread together.
Tulin and Revali bond
Julia gets Shadowsan’s blessing to Marry Carmen. A.k.a., Jules becomes Shadowsan’s daughter-in-law.
Child Zelda steals from Gerudo Town and has to answer to Urbosa.
Other fics:
Whistle meeting the other versions of Riddler.
Shan Yu meeting Frollo -> calling Frollo a hypocrite
Angela getting beaten the fuck up by Steve (because I fucking said so, she was a bitch, fuck her, she insulted someone’s dead father, she deserved what she got. But I feel like she deserves more…)
Carrie meeting Pamela Voorhees, and Carrie’s mom dying.
Donna running away from The Village before the events of Village, and getting captured by either Heisenberg or Chris or she just escapes and Miranda is short one Lord. (and a baby possibly…) <- But that’s entirely up to the person writing it.
Soap and Ghost are the traitors. (I love them, I do, but one of them is the traitor and the other is helping the traitor/Lets say, one of them, Ghost is the traitor and kills mostly everyone except the other and makes them, Soap an accomplice)
Miles’s mom finds out her son is Spider-Man, because of Noir.
Malak reminding Doug that he had it coming (cell block tango, but it’s just the monsters mocking Doug in a way, and Malak reminds him that he deserves eternal suffering, not the sweet release of death)
(Modern Au) Ace is always running from debt, however, even he knows that The Deathslinger will find him. It’s only a matter of when.
Eddie and Venom adopt a kitten. That’s it.
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badboychaser · 7 months
Debating on whether or not to post my old Cole & Morro au fanfics cause I really like what I wrote but since I wrote it 3 years ago it’s a little outdated but I need to contribute more to the ghost duo fans
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