#cc x reader angst
shadowdaddies ยท 3 months
Hello, could i request some angsty ruhn danaan x reader fic. Im thinking some big fight, Ruhn is an asshole and calls the reader some bad names and then has to beg for her forgiveness, it can end however you like. Hope you hava a lovely day
thank you my love, I hope you have/had a great day as well๐Ÿ’œ
The Morning After
Ruhn Danaan x Reader angst
warnings: alcohol use/drunkenness, mirthroot use
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Your blood boiled in your veins, tears stinging at the back of your eyes as you watched your boyfriend across the room. Arm draped across the back of the couch, Ruhn made no effort to push away the beautiful fawn leaning into his touch.
You werenโ€™t usually the jealous type, but party after party of Ruhn entertaining every female that looked his way began to grate on you. Knocking back the rest of your drink, you stumbled through the crowd as you sought the fresh air in the backyard.
A shoulder jostled against yours, Declanโ€™s amber eyes lit with concern as he reached out to steady you. โ€œAre you alright?โ€ his voice echoed above the thumping music.
Tears welled in your eyes, steadying yourself while you glanced to the open patio. โ€œIโ€™m fine,โ€ you choked out, gently brushing his hand from your shoulder to continue your path through the crowd.ย 
The backyard was quiet, a few couples scattered around who you easily avoided as you found a seat in the lush grass against the base of a large oak tree. Finally letting your emotions spring free, you looked to the stars, sobbing quietly as images of your boyfriend and the females constantly draped over him.
A sigh sounded from your side, the faint smell of leather and mirthroot interrupting your thoughts as Ruhn sat next to you. โ€œDec said you might need me,โ€ he drawled, so nonchalantly it made your skin crawl.
Your nails dug into the dirt, heat rising to your cheeks as you whipped your head towards Ruhn, eyes wide with fury. His violet eyes tracked you with the slightest hint of confusion, the prince slowly registering your ire. โ€œI might need you? Ruhn, I donโ€™t just need you, I want you. I want to be with you, but you couldnโ€™t care less about whether Iโ€™m even there.โ€
Mascara was running down your cheeks now, emotions spiraling further out of control at Ruhnโ€™s blank, assessing stare. โ€œRuhn, do you even care about me? Youโ€™re always on my mind, and I feel like Iโ€™m never on yours. Iโ€™m not even an afterthought. You only care if one of your friends says something because it makes you look bad.โ€
Your head was pounding at this point, the alcohol and tears shed draining the moisture from your body. You forced your bleary eyes to where Ruhn sat, his gaze turned angry and stiff.ย 
โ€œWell, say something!โ€ you shouted. โ€œOr go back to that fawn you were eyeing, Urd knows you care for her more than me.โ€ Sniffling, you lifted your drink to your lips, only for Ruhn to pull it away.
The cup crashed in the grass on the other side of him, Ruhnโ€™s posture rigid as he stood, towering over you. โ€œHow could you say those things about me? How could you even think that I donโ€™t care about you, after all I do?โ€
Hands flexing at his sides, Ruhn barely refrained from yelling as people took notice around the yard. โ€œYou are so clingy and insecure. Itโ€™s not my problem that you canโ€™t function on your own without a maleโ€™s constant attention.โ€
Your chest heaved, seething with rage as you prepared your retort, only to be cut off by Ruhnโ€™s dismissive hand. โ€œI could not care less what you have to say right now. Get your shit together, and we can talk tomorrow.โ€ He didnโ€™t turn back around before storming into the house.
Head falling to your knees, you tried to shut out the world and gather your thoughts. You knew you were being ridiculous, but Ruhnโ€™s dismissal of your feelings made you question if those thoughts might be valid. Stumbling to stand, you wiped the tears from your cheeks and started towards the house to head home.
โ€œHey, hey,โ€ a soft voice sounded, tender hand cupping your shoulder as Declan stopped you. โ€œWhat happened? I saw Ruhn come through here crying as well, but he wouldnโ€™t talk.โ€
Shaking your head, you pulled your friend in for a hug, mumbling against his shirt. โ€œI messed up, Dec. I said some hurtful things to Ruhn, but I just really feel like he doesnโ€™t care about me. I donโ€™t think he loves me like I love him,โ€ you admitted, heart cracking in your chest at the mere thought that might be true.
Decโ€™s arms wrapped around you, the comforting warmth youโ€™d been seeking instantly calming you. โ€œRuhn cares for you more than you know. I donโ€™t know what that idiot said, but donโ€™t let a drunk night with high emotions ruin what you two have.โ€
Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, Dec led you upstairs. Stopping at the door to his bedroom, he opened the door and nodded toward the bed. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you stay here tonight? Iโ€™m going home with Marc, and Iโ€™d feel better if you didnโ€™t leave in this state.โ€
โ€œAre you sure?โ€ you looked to Declan, though your tired legs were already carrying you toward his bed.
A small chuckle escaped him. โ€œYes, itโ€™s fine. Iโ€™ll bring you some water, too. Just get some sleep.โ€
You couldnโ€™t remember falling asleep, but when you awoke the next morning with the sun filtering in through the windows, you saw the glass of water Dec had left for you on his nightstand.
Memories of last night flooded through your mind, drowning you in doubt and worry while you threw on a spare shirt and dared to pad downstairs.
The scent of salty tears invaded your senses, and you took in the sight of Ruhn crying at the breakfast table, eyes puffy and long black hair a tangled mess. He looked up to where you stood, something like relief flashing over his features as he stared at you as though you were a ghost.
โ€œYouโ€™re awake,โ€ he whispered, hands held close to himself, body shrinking inward with insecurity. โ€œDec texted me that you were staying here. Iโ€™m - I thought you might not want to speak to me.โ€
Taking a tentative step forward, you felt the sharp rays of sun piercing your pounding head, as if to emphasize the many poor decisions from last night. โ€œI think that last night was a conversation to be had, but sober might be best,โ€ you breathed out the last bit with a laugh, wincing at the pain.
โ€œCome here,โ€ Ruhn waved, hand gesturing for you to sit in his lap. You curled into his side, taking a deep inhale before Ruhn scooted a cup of coffee in front of you.
โ€œI fucked up,โ€ he muttered. โ€œIโ€™ve felt like I am smothering you lately, and wanted to give you space last night. It didnโ€™t even cross my mind that you might feel like I could have interest in anyone else. I donโ€™t know, it felt like you were projecting onto me... I didnโ€™t know it was even possible to feel this way about anyone.โ€
He paused, hand wrapping around your neck as he held you close, breathing in your scent. โ€œI love you, and no matter how much we shouldnโ€™t have had that stupid argument, I shouldnโ€™t have left you.โ€ Violet eyes found yours, sincerity clear within them. โ€œI promise I will never leave you like that during an argument again.โ€
Your arms wound around his neck, buried in onyx hair as you felt peace for the first time that day. โ€œI love you too, Ruhn.โ€ย 
Another shot of pain rang through your head, groaning as you leaned against your boyfriendโ€™s shoulder. โ€œCan we just lay in bed today?โ€ย 
A low laugh rumbled through his chest, lips pressing to your temple. โ€œYou read my mind.โ€
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misc-obeyme ยท 7 months
You were the one who should have been scared, but the fear you see in Satan's eyes is deeper and more shattering than anything you could have felt in that moment. You want to kiss him, to ease that terror you see behind his anger. The shivering horror that struck through the rage when it came too close to you.
Whenever Satan is out of control, that fear lights up his eyes when he looks at you. You've seen it almost every time, the only one to inspire it in him. You know what it means. He's scared of himself. He's scared of hurting you.
And yet, you are not afraid. You never have been and you never will be. You know that he needs your touch, to hear your voice calling him back to himself. You know that when he's lost in the hurricane of his wrath, you are the one thing that can ground him again, keep him from leaving more destruction in his wake.
So you say his name. You tell him you love him. You watch that fear and anger drain away, the demon form retreat. And you catch him when he stumbles into your arms.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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lucysstoryworld ยท 3 months
The Veil Whisperer | Azriel x Reader (1)
Summary: The aftermath of Bryce Quinlan's arrival has stirred up some trouble for the Night Court. After weeks of trying to resolve the issues on their own, the inner circle of the Night Court are left having to consult a dangerous female to complete the job much to Azriel's dismay.
Themes: Love/hate relationship, enemies to lovers kinda.
Warnings: CC3 SPOILERS, NSFW from the get-go, canon-typical violence, angst.
No use of (y/n). I might have gotten some info wrong about acotar and can't double check bc I gave my friend my books so pls be aware of that. I would also massively appreciate any criticism! I'm trying something new and would definitely appreciate any pointers of any kind!
Words: 3620 | Part Two Here
Azriel stood before his High Lord and Lady, frustrated and exhausted. Irritation was rippling off him in waves, his shadows swirling as though there were snakes poised to strike. Azriel was poised as though he was going to strike. The fresh spring wind had melded into the sweltering summer breeze since he had last been in Velaris. Gods he wished he could sit on one of the many balconies of the River House, with a whiskey and book in his arsenal. The feeling of the sun on his wings, the sweet scent of Elainโ€™s garden being pushed around by the wind and the faint sound of Nyx cooing close by felt like a dreamscape away.
โ€œSo thereโ€™s nothing,โ€ Rhys stated, more than asked.
Azriel felt his muscles tighten and his fists close. More than anything, he felt the tiredness weighing on his eyes as he furrowed his brows. The actions were so slight that, to the normal eye, they would go unnoticed. But to Rhys and Feyre, the actions were as obvious as the sky being blue. โ€œNot even a trace,โ€ He started, reigning in his annoyance. โ€œMy spies have tried, their connections have tried, Iโ€™ve tried and I canโ€™t even pick up a hint of a track.โ€
Azriel wished he could go back in time and make Bryce undo whatever it is she did to the Prison during her impromptu visit. Azriel had spent the last number of weeks cleaning up after her. Or attempting to at least. Azriel watched as Rhys assessed the weight of his words, observed as he and Feyre spoke mind-to-mind.
Feyre lifted her chin. โ€œSo what we are faced with is that this is not something we can resolveโ€ฆโ€ she looked hesitantly toward Azriel, trying to lay the words delicately. Feyre very rarely saw Azriel so wound up. There had been glimpses in the war, like when Elain had been lured away by the cauldron. But this was a different ball game. Bryce had stirred up Prythian in her desperate attempt to save her world. Feyre could not fault the girl for that, no matter the swagger Bryce flaunted. But, they had been cleaning up, Azriel had been cleaning up the chaos she left behind. โ€œNot on our own at least,โ€ She finally finished.
Azriel struggled to move past the feelings of failure with his High Ladyโ€™s words. Though his bones were aching, his wings seemed heavier and heavier with each tick of the clock and his shadows now swirling lazily as if they were the embodiment of his exasperation, Azriel couldnโ€™t help like feeling he could have done more. Like he could dig that little bit deeper to give his brother and Feyre some semblance of information. Anything, if it meant they wouldnโ€™t have had that slightly disappointed look on their faces.
Azriel did not acknowledge Feyreโ€™s words, instead picking a spot on the wall behind both of them. A pawn, ready to be ordered to their next position. Rhys could see his brother recessing. He remembered the time he saw Azriel again after the first wars, that same demeanour being mirrored right before his eyes. โ€œWe will discuss what to do later. Youโ€™ve been gone awhile, brother. Rest for a bit,โ€ Rhys declared, and rested a hand on Azrielโ€™s shoulder. A sliver of guilt snaked up Rhysโ€™s spine when Azriel seemed to deflate slightly, as though he was prepared to go back into the field if he was ordered to. Azriel finally met the High Lordโ€™s eyes, a silent thank you and apology all twisted into the gentle nod. We are grateful, Az,he whispered into his mind.
With that, Azriel left Feyreโ€™s study. Walking the halls, Azriel debated saying hello to the members of his family that were in the River House. One would think that he would have been excited to see them. Typically, he would have. Though, this mission was particularly gruelling and with no result, the thought of disappointing anyone else on that day was the very last thing he wished to do. So, Azriel stopped in his tracks and winnowed to the House of Wind. Usually, he flew home so he could enjoy the sight of his home after a long mission like this but, it was an effort to keep his wings from dragging on the floor.
Steam billowed in the grand bathroom, so thick it was hard to determine where the steam began and Azriel's shadows ended. The aforementioned Illyrian warrior breathed a silent thanks to Nesta and her power for granting the House a consciousness. The bath was already drawn with various oils diffusing into the air by the time he left his knives down in his room. Slowly, Az began to peel his leathers from his aching body. Bit by bit, the articles fell away revealing the constellation of scars mixed with tattoos. Azriel stood bare before the mirror, studying the reflection before him. His eyes skimmed and paused a different points, though they were sure to keep clear of his hands. Scuffs of mud clung to Azriel's legs from the trenches he had to almost wade through, along with a few almost-healed scratches he acquired that morning. A few past battle wounds decorated his torso, the newest being from the arrow that had pierced his chest the day Nesta and Elain were Made. Averting his eyes, Azriel focused on his face instead. As if just taking his eyes away could take away from his failures of that day. Failing his High Lady and failing each of her two sisters was something that would take a few more years to be at peace with.
Azriel admittedly looked like shit. His hair was much longer than when he left, and he had done a few rough chops in the time that passed. Darkness underscored his eyes, and his skin looked like it had aged a few decades, if that was even possible. Azriel lowered himself into the almost blistering bath. A sigh loosed from deep within his chest, relief prickling across his skin like wildfire. Stretching his wings out in the water, his muscles relaxed from the weeks of pent of frustration. Azriel scrubbed gently, almost massaging his worn out body. The lavender and honey soap clung to the dips and bumps of his body. Gladness was all Azriel could feel. Finally, he felt like he was home. No disappointment or worry, just the pleasantness and serenity that Velaris promised. Azriel supposed the only thing that could possibly complete this scene would be a loving mate, massaging his scalp with her soft luscious legs wrapped around him from behind. Maybe she would kiss his neck, or whisper how much she loved him in his ear. The thought sent a rush of blood between his legs, arousal beginning to cloud Azriel's mind. Azriel gripped himself and began to pump slowly, thinking of how her body would push against his back. His head rolled back as he imagined her soft tits against his wings, her nipples grazing against the sensitive area close to the base. Suddenly, his hands were hers. Her fingers would be wrapped around his cock, stroking away his tough day as she kissed and nipped at his neck. Closer and closer, she would take him to the edge of ecstasy, running her thumb over the head of his cock. Shivers rippled through Azriel's body as he neared completion, his toes were curling as he felt his head became light. His mate would begin to lick at the spot on his neck that drove him wild, and her other hand would reach to lightly caress his wings. The thought of the sensation sent Azriel careening through his orgasm, spilling into the water around him.
With laboured breaths, Azriel got out of the bath. While he needed release, it seemed to highlight just how lonely he was feeling. How he wished the cauldron had blessed him with Elain that day, instead of matching her to Lucien. But alas, like always, he was not worthy of such a fate. Drying off, Azriel heard a slip of paper land on the vanity nearby. A letter from Rhys. Padding over to it, it read that there was a family dinner that evening to celebrate his return and have a discussion with everyone over what to do. Confirming his attendance, because with his dear brother it was always a choice, Azriel let the paper vanish into thin air. Until then, he was going to crawl into the mass of satin sheets and plush cushions that were seemingly screaming his name.
Rhysand or Feyre must have brought everyone else up to speed on Azriel's mission before he arrived because no one had asked about it and they were already three courses into dinner. He momentarily caught Feyre's eye, questioning her with a single glance. His High Lady merely winked and smiled, then returned her attention to the cooing babe in her arms. Trust Feyre to take care of their family in ways they didn't know they needed. Azriel allowed himself to sink in to the idle chatter, striking up a conversation with Nesta and Cassian, who looked as though they were about to have a domestic.
"I'm sure you'll be able to hold your own against me in a couple decades, Nes," Cassian teased and looked to Az for backup.
Nesta caught the bothers' exchange and directed her cutting glare to Azriel. "Well?" She calmly demanded, though like always, there was a cool fury ready to strike.
The Shadowsinger raised his arms, "Maybe when you can reanimate a skeleton and kill a Middengard Wrym with it, then perhaps you'd be able to hold your own against her," Azriel quipped, earning a satisfied humph from Nesta. Cassian chuckled, squeezing his mate's shoulder.
Mor, in true Morrigan fashion, used the allusion to recent events to bring up the topic that had been looming in the air since Azriel arrived. "So... how do you think we should tackle the escaped prisoner issue?" She asked everyone. Everyone halted their conversation, waiting to see what the others came up with. Azriel dipped his head slightly, embarrassed at his lack of answers.
Rhys sighed deeply, his brows knitting together. He kept his eyes trained on his hand, which was currently being toyed with by Nyx. He studied it for a moment, wishing he could be as innocent and oblivious as his son. "I was thinking that there might be one person left who would have the knowledge to track them," Rhys started. He was unsure, not enjoying the idea of what he was about to suggest.
Azriel seemed to catch on and he couldn't help the scoff and eyeroll. Elain looked between the two brothers, "What?" She asked, wariness prickling down her arms. Elain had never seen Az so tired and irritable than this evening. It had to be bad, for Azriel to act so animated compared to his usual demeanour.
"Nothing," Azriel nearly spat, "It's nothing because we are not going to see her."
A collective realisation occurred across the original members of the inner circle, and more confusion within the Archeron sisters. Everyone's reaction was different. Mor frowned, Amren remained unsurprisingly indifferent and Cassian puffed a breath out of his cheeks. "Amren, will you explain please?" Feyre asked, clearly not in the mood for dramatics.
"The 'her' they are referring to is a female gifted with a magic long since purged from this world," Amren explained. "She is known in this land as the Veil Whisperer. The Veil Whisperer has been known to exchange services in return for hefty bargains, some of which has left those who have availed worse off than before they struck the deal."
"This sounds like it is ill-advised," Elain replied, rubbing her hands over her arms.
"It is ill-advised," Azriel affirmed, sticking Rhys with a hard glare.
Squaring his shoulders, Rhys did not yield. "Does anyone have a better solution?" He asked everyone, though his eyes remained on Azriel's.
"I hate to say it, Az, but Rhys could be right. We are in under our heads here," Mor added. "I don't like it either, but what other options do we have?"
"Why don't we ask our friends in other courts? Maybe Helion could offer us something we don't have?" Nesta questioned.
"We didn't tell any of the other courts about Bryce's arrival or what she did when she was here. We would have to explain that in order to explain why we are in this predicament." Cassian's words breathed a sense of awareness across the table. Of course they couldn't ask for help. Not without creating tension and distrust with their friends and fraying what little lines they had with other courts.
"So we are on our own in this," Elain began tentatively. "If we do attempt to solicit this Veil Whisperer, who's to say she will accept the job?" Azriel felt gratitude towards the middle sister for the support.
"Rhysand has only had dealings with the Veil Whisperer on a very limited amount of issues. Each time, her price is different than what she is typically known for," Amren's voice was unforgiving.
"I have only heeded her services a handful of times, for very specific reasons," Rhys told the sisters, Nyx's eyes began to lull as he nestled into his mother's chest. "I asked her to hide my mother's ring in a place that would be hard to get it out of."
Feyre's lips straightened into a line, and she met Rhysand's eyes, and damn... if looks could kill, the High Lord would be dead five times over. "I thought you put the ring into the Weaver's cottage yourself," Feyre stated, a slight hiss in her tone as her jaw clenched.
Cassian had to conceal his grin as Rhys looked at Feyre apologetically. "Not exactly," his brother began, and a barely muffled snort erupted from the general. "You remember that my mother wanted it to be a challenge. The only person I thought could be creative enough to hide it would be her... and I was right," Rhys explained and shot his brother a glare, returned only by a smug Cheshire smile.
"So you let this Veil Whisperer do your dirty work then." Trust Nesta to not pass up the opportunity to gain the upper hand.
Cassian outright cackled at his mate's criticism, "Nes has got you there, brother!"
"No, Nesta," Rhys challenged. Things had not been completely amicable between Rhys and Nesta since she gave away the Mask to Bryce. "I do not let her do my dirty work. Let's not join in on discussions you couldn't possibly have any understanding on."
"Rhys," Feyre warned.
The warning went unheard, as Nesta tipped her chin -- a tell-tale sign that she was about to enter battle. "No, what understanding could I possibly have. Surely no one else in this room has superior knowledge to their High Lord," She spat. Tension began to thicken in the room, like a fine soup. "Well, unless that 'understanding' matches your own. Gods forbid anyone truly disagree with you... Rhys." Nesta's eyes narrowed and when she saw her words had hit their mark, a smirk tugged at her lips.
"Well, now that we're totally off topic," Mor drawled. "Anyone fancy another drink?"
"She's right," Feyre sighed. Rhysand broke his staring competition with Nesta, anger coiling in his gut. "We need to make a decision on if we are going to approach her or not."
"What price does she typically demand?" Elain questioned.
"For my mother's ring, she demanded a specific tea." Rhys looked at everyone but skipped over Nesta. "I thought she took mercy on me. But no, this tea comes from a particular plant that grows in the Bog of Oorid, and happens to be protected by the Kelpies." Everyone looked reasonably put-off, Nesta particularly whose mate pulled her hand into his own. "Not to mention that it is poisonous in its plant form so I had trek back to the Whisperer's dwelling feeling like death warmed up."
Elain frowned, her mind trickling through her knowledge to determine which plant could have possibly debilitated the High Lord of Night. "She didn't tell you that it would do that?" Elain already knew her answer.
"No," Azriel finally spoke. "The Veil Whisperer is a master of manipulation. Everything that leaves her mouth has an ulterior meaning. Lies hidden within lies. You won't know the truth unless she wants you to. Not telling Rhys about the tea was her way of showing that she can down him in ways he would never even think of, without even a touch of her magic. She is a snake and jumping into this with her is stupid," He finished with a grunt.
"Have you ever seen her magic?" Nesta asked the table.
To the sisters' surprise, everyone shook their head. Nesta raised a brow at Amren, thinking out of anyone she would have seen it. "I do not enter into bargains with the likes of her," Amren stated as though it was obvious. "And I have never been in her presence. She does not participate in war, under any circumstances. Though I have heard that she works with other... deities. A rumour, but a dangerous one to float in these lands." Everyone remained silent at that little bit of information, not entirely sure on how to digest it, let alone comment on it.
"All this being said... I don't see any other viable option," Mor declared. The lack of argument was agreement enough.
"So how should we go about this?" Feyre asked. She hated instances like these. As High Lady, she should be able to provide solutions for her friends and family but her overall lack of old age inhibited her in these niche situations.
"The Veil Whisperer lives in the Middle. Azriel and I will go there tomorrow and ask her if she wants the job."
Before Azriel could even protest his involvement, Amren cut in, "She will want this job. She will gain information that she can work to her advantage, and that says nothing of her asking price. Tread carefully, boy." The warning was not taken lightly. Rhys dipped his chin, though his mind seemed a million miles away.
Feeling his social battery wearing quicker than usual, Azriel declined any offer of further drinking and decided to return to the House of Wind. Though he gave the excuse of being tired, which he was, he caught the look in Elain's eyes. The look that screamed that she could see right through the excuse. Whether it was her seer abilities or that she had come to pick up on Azriel's subtle giveaways, he was unsure. Feeling the need to fly off some of his stress, Azriel made for one of the balconies. Though the aforementioned middle Archeron sister followed him to the terrace. "You don't have to go. You can stay and talk, if you wish." The kindness and observation rattled Azriel's chest. He had never experienced a female be so attentive and caring toward him before. Not one he also cared for anyways.
His shadows began reaching for Elain, slithering and weaving affectionately. "Thank you, Elain. I'm okay for now, I will sleep it off. But I appreciate the offer." Well, it meant something to him but that didn't mean her gesture was enough for him to emotionally offload onto her.
Frowning ever so slightly, Elain's shoes clicked on the polished marble as she shortened the gap between herself and the Shadowsinger. Gingerly, she reached for his gloved hand and squeezed gently. "I hope you know that I truly mean that. There is nothing so severe that it should be shouldered by you alone."
Azriel brushed her cheek with his free hand, unable to stop the smile that tugged on his lips. "And I truly appreciate that, thank you Elain. Your kindness is beautiful, I truly hope it never pales." He said by way of a goodbye and backed away from her blushing face, stretching his wings. He could tell she wanted to stop him but he launched himself from the balcony before she had the courage to respond. Azriel felt like an ass, pushing her away when she was trying. He often found himself slipping under Elain's spell of sweetness and beauty, yet something in the back of his mind always reeled him back to reality. He desperately wished it wouldn't, he ached for the companionship both his brothers had. Though it seemed the Mother had different plans for Azriel... if she has any at all Azriel often thought to himself.
Azriel pushed all thoughts from his head and soared higher and higher, testing his limits as the air thinned around him and became harder to fly through. Up and up, closer and closer. Then, his wings stilled and curled around him. The descent was vicious, the earth was pulling Azriel down with a fury. The air whipped past the Shadowsinger, and finally, his mind felt empty. In that moment, Azriel was nothing more than a drop of rain from a cloud, falling from grace. Opening his eyes, the lights that dusted Velaris like golden glitter inched nearer. And just as they went from specks of stardust on the ground to discernible buildings and faelights dotted along the river, Azriel finally opened his wings and levelled off. Adrenaline coursed through his blood and finally shook the cobwebs that felt adhered to his bones. Azriel soared across the sky, allowing his thoughts and feelings to ebb and flow through him.
And when he eventually touched down, Azriel felt prepared for tasks laid out before him. Felt prepared to come face-to-face with the Veil Whisperer.
Part Two Here
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kometqh ยท 2 months
Commander Fox x F!Reader Fox is a meticulous man. He doesnโ€™t do things for โ€˜the sake of itโ€™. So why couldnโ€™t you tell the meaning of his words now? Word Count: 2,133 Warnings: Mild swearing, angst, mean to sad Fox. A/N: This came to me an hour ago and I needed to write it or else I'd be biting my pillow :( I hope whoever reads this will enjoy it <33
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Fox is mean. Fox is rude. Heโ€™s rude, but in such a way that one canโ€™t counter. Fox is a meticulous man. He doesnโ€™t do things for โ€˜the sake of itโ€™. No. Each word and action has meaning to it. Usually you prided yourself on being able to read his mind, understand his tactics. So why couldnโ€™t you tell the meaning of his words now?
โ€œItโ€™s over. Donโ€™t try to contact me again.โ€ Were his words as he sipped on some whiskey neat. He looked so relaxed, so nonchalant as he destroyed a year-long relationship. But even as his words tore through you, he couldnโ€™t look you in the eye. He didnโ€™t respect you enough to even look at you as he ripped your love for him apart.
โ€œBut what about-โ€œ
โ€œIโ€™ll come by tomorrow to pick my things up,โ€ He quickly interrupted, intent on silencing you, โ€œItโ€™s about time I did this. I donโ€™t see this relationship working outโ€ฆ In the long-term. Youโ€™re fun, but you canโ€™t give me what I need.โ€ He continued, eyeing the golden liquid with a stern gaze and furrowed brows.
His words cut through like broken shards of glass. They dug into your skin, cutting and tearing with practised precision. He was aiming for where it hurt, straight for your heart.
โ€œYouโ€™ve got nothing to say?โ€ He asked, finally looking up from his glass. That meant something, but what? You couldnโ€™t tell. Not anymore. โ€œGood. Iโ€™ll see you there, two PM sharp.โ€
โ€œOkay.โ€ You uttered out, looking down at your lap as you reached for your handbag.
โ€œOkay? Thatโ€™s it?โ€ He prodded with a raised brow. Your reaction set off sparks in his brain, his neurons working hard to convey the confusion from a mental level to a physical one. He expected you to cry, to beg him to stay, to question why he was doing this. He almost felt betrayed by your lack of response.
His body was rigid, shoulders stiff as he remained glued to his seat. The movement of his glass had stopped, his hand resting flat against the table in between the two of you.
It took you a moment to collect your thoughts, to swallow down the flickering, burning pain of your heart shattering.
โ€œIโ€™mโ€ฆ Iโ€™m sure you have a reason,โ€ You spoke slowly, carefully, rising from your seat with wobbly legs, โ€œI just donโ€™t wanna hear it. See you later, Commander.โ€ Your words were quiet, meek, as you walked away without sparing another glance at him.
Fox was the one who broke up with you. He was the one who tossed you aside like a used tissue. So why, as you walked further and further away, did his chest hurt and his fingers itch to reach out for you?
Three precise knocks on your door interrupted your holofilm. You were currently laying on your sofa, mindlessly watching your favourite romcom. The events of last night replayed like a broken tape, Foxโ€™s voice replaying like a broken record, and your heart twisting and breaking like a broken toy.
You cried on your way home, you cried as you showered, you cried as you fell asleep. You were hoping it was all a dream, that your darling commander would reassure you, tell you it was โ€˜just a shitty nightmareโ€™, but deep down you knew it wasnโ€™t.
With a heavy sigh and a heavy heart, reluctantly, you abandoned the comfort of your sofa and made your way over to the front door.
The sooner you let him in, the sooner he would leave.
The soft โ€˜clickโ€™ of your door and the gentle breeze that pushed its way into your apartment had your heart racing and your gut twisting. Bile rose up into your throat as he came into view.
Your gaze remained trained just below his face, centred on his chest. He was wearing the hoodie you had gifted him with. What was the point? Was he doing this just to antagonise you? The sweet and caring Fox you knew was gone, replaced by this complete son of a bitch.
โ€œHi.โ€ His voice came out sweetly, softly as you opened the door far enough to let him in. You were very eager to slam the wooden structure in his perfectly awful face.
But instead, you turned away, making your way back to your sofa and fuzzy blanket.
โ€œCome in.โ€ You threw over your shoulder, settling into your makeshift comfort.
You retrieved your TV remote, and turned to him one last time.
โ€œFeel free to roam around and get anything of yours. If you need help, or canโ€™t find something, just ask.โ€ And with a soft click, the sound of your favourite holofilm filled the otherwise silent space of your apartment.
All Fox said in response was โ€˜Okayโ€™ before he got to work, carrying two empty cardboard boxes inside.
He headed into your bedroom first, much to your relief. You really did not want to see him.
Tears crept at the edges of your waterline, tickling and teasing as you attempted to focus solely on the film. But you couldnโ€™t help yourself, and soon after you tuned into the muffled shuffles of Fox moving around your room.
Just a mere day prior, you would have called it your shared bedroom. When not on duty, the Commander spent most of his days at your place. The only time he wouldnโ€™t sleep over was when he was working overnight, which wasnโ€™t often.
Tugging your blanket closer, you dabbed at your eyes, ridding them of any evidence of crying.
But you knew Fox, and Fox knew you. When you woke up, your eyes were red, puffy and swollen. You felt the way you looked; like shit. No amount of makeup or face cleanser could wipe away the evidence of your care for him.
Fox was an observant man. He knew when something was off, no matter how well you managed to mask it. And to know he was the cause of your pain, Fox couldnโ€™t help but cruelly indulge himself in the pain in his heart.
It was a simple fact; you were in love with the Commander of the Coruscant Guard, Commander Fox.
Commander Fox, of the Coruscant Guard, was in love with you. Enough so for his brothers to know of you. He had told them many stories, and even showed them pictures of you.
He had crept into your heart like a preying fox, stealing from your farm until all you were left with was your heart. And that, he stole too.
The sudden noise of your bedroom door opening and closing snapped you from your thoughts. Fox was awfully good at that.
He stood there, holding one of the boxes. It was filled with a few pieces of clothing you had gifted him. Clearly he wanted to hang onto those, and you wouldnโ€™t stop him from doing so. The Chancellor did not pay the clones, you had learned soon after the beginning of your relationship with Fox. The first time you had gifted him a hoodie and some matching socks, he went mute for a whole twenty minutes. He changed out of his blacks very quickly and soon after that before showering you with gentle kisses and words of appreciation.
And now he stood there, clinging onto those few belongings like a small child. He could keep them. You wanted him to have something that belonged to him and him only.
โ€œI think you left some things in the bathroom too, if you wanna grab those.โ€ You spoke softly, not even bothering to pause your movie or even glance at him.
โ€œT- Thank you.โ€ He stuttered out, his arrogant, nonchalant faรงade having faded away the night prior.
With that, he shuffled into your bathroom next, the sound of him knocking a few things over reaching your ears. Followed by a loud โ€˜Kriffโ€™ before the door clicked open and closed again. That was quick.
โ€œIโ€™ll get going now.โ€ He said, lifting both boxes up. With his back turned to you, you allowed yourself one glance at him.
He was wearing his favourite hoodie and a pair of black joggers. You remembered how he said they were his favourite, they allowed him to breathe easier.
The two boxes looked too large, and even though you knew he was perfectly capable of opening the door himself, you still stood up and went to aid him.
Your hand reached the doorknob just as his did, and you quickly retracted it. Your body took a screenshot, completely flinching away from him. The last thing you needed was for him to touch you, to give you a glimpse of what you loved and cherished, to take it all away and leave you wanting more.
โ€œSorry.โ€ He muttered, moving away from the door to let you open it.
A soft click and a shuffle later, he was making his way out. With his back turned once more, you allowed yourself one final glance. His curly, overgrown hair was your favourite. White streaks decorated the locks throughout, starting at his root and some ending at the tips.
You loved his hair.
Your fingers itched to reach out, to ruffle and tug at it one last time.
Slowly, he placed the boxes down and turned back around.
Unlike his appearance, his gaze pierced right through you. Fox was a meticulous man. He didnโ€™t do anything without a plan.
โ€œStill have nothing to say to me?โ€ He asked, half expectant, half wary.
Your eyebrows furrowed, and your grip on the doorknob tightened. He sure had a lot of attitude for being the one that broke up with you.
โ€œExcuse me?โ€
โ€œI know youโ€™ve got something to say,โ€ He paused, his gaze flickering down to the floor, โ€œYou always do.โ€ He whispered that last part, almost affectionately, as he looked back up at you.
He looked tired. His eyes were droopy, and his hand twitched at his side, fighting not to drag over his face tiredly. Did he get any sleep? Why did you care? He made sure that that couldnโ€™t be a concern of yours any longer.
โ€œNot really, no.โ€ You said, looking to the door.
โ€œOh, okay.โ€ He replied, pursing his lips.
The air between you had become cold, and yet somehow stuffy as the two of you stared at each other. โ€œI guess Iโ€™ll be going then.. See you around.โ€ He said, turning his back and bending over. You watched him, glued to your spot. There was one question nagging at the back of your head, threatening to spill over the tip of your tongue.
As he took a step away, you followed, until you could stand outside of your doorway.
He turned around, one eyebrow raised.
โ€œI have a question. Only one.โ€
โ€œAnd itโ€™s?โ€ He prodded. His heartbeat was loud in his ears, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he waited. Only you could have him feeling so desperate, so eager, to hear your voice, to listen to your line of thought and questions.
โ€œWasโ€ฆ Was it ever real? Us, I mean.โ€ You asked, hugging yourself. You finally did what you couldnโ€™t do since last night; look into his eyes.
His irises reminded you of warm honey. Soft and sweet, sticky and dense with secrets and cultivated thoughts.
He took a long pause, his eyes searching yours.
You couldnโ€™t rip your eyes from his, and bile rose in your throat once more as he took longer to reply. Maybe he wasnโ€™t even sure what to say. Maybe he wasnโ€™t prepared to answer this question. Maybe he never thought heโ€™d have to-
โ€œYes. I loved you from the very beginning, and I love you now. Iโ€™ll always love you,โ€ He paused, his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed harshly, โ€œBut I canโ€™t be with you.โ€ Not if I want to keep you safe, he thought.
โ€œI see.โ€ You replied, and with a heavy heart, you half turned, propping your door open.
โ€œGoodbye then, Commander.โ€ You uttered, leaning your head against the doorframe.
โ€œGoodbye, cyarโ€™ika.โ€
With that, you turned on your heel and shut the door behind you.
Fox stood there for a moment, watching the wooden structure as he listened to the sound of you locking the door. Followed by a thump, as you leaned on it and slid down.
Tears pricked at his waterline, salty and unforgiving as he listened to your mellow sobs and hiccups.
Fox was a meticulous man. He never did anything simply for โ€˜the sake of itโ€™. Thatโ€™s why he had to do this, to keep you safe.
But heโ€™d be back.
He would be back for you, he would keep you safe and earn your forgiveness, love and trust back.
He would be back for you, once this was all over.
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marinaas-world ยท 7 months
do i wanna know?
// wilbur x reader
part one (โ€œand i can still smell her perfume.โ€)
cw // use of swear words,ย angst (i'm so angsty)
summary // wilbur wants you back after you caught him cheating on you.
// pronouns - not mentioned.
!not proofread!
576 words
a/n // i still don't know how to do this. i wrote this really fast because i was bored LMAOOO
Tumblr media
it's been around 2 months since you kicked wilbur out. you threw his stuff on the ground outside your house, while he begged for you to stop. he even tried to bring his stuff back inside to put it back โ€œwhere it belongsโ€. despite the fact that he cheated on you, he was the one crying. what an asshole, so selfish that he couldnโ€™t even tell you he was sorry. just pitiful, how he sat crying at your feet as you gave him what he deserved. that night, he blew up your phone.
โ€œi swear thatโ€™s not what it was!โ€
โ€œiโ€™m a good guy!โ€
โ€œi would never cheat on you!โ€ย 
โ€œyouโ€™re being over dramatic.โ€
โ€œjust let me back in!โ€
โ€œanswer me!โ€
you ignored the texts, but your heart wasnโ€™t cruel enough to block his number. you were still in love with him anyway. eventually, they dialed down. the last text he sent you was โ€œi guess i just need to move on.โ€ as much as it hurt, you knew it was true. you both just need to move on from each other.
you decide to get out of the house when your guy friend invites you to a local cafรฉ. you werenโ€™t going to tell him it was wilbur and your favorite date spot, but the thought laid in the back of your mind as you sat down at the same table you and wilbur had your first date. as you begin to loosen up, of course, he had to walk in. his eyes immediately met yours, like that table was the first place he looked (it was). he gave you a little smile, like the one you do when you see someone you know, but not well enough to say hi. except this one had more of a sad look to it. like he was saying he was sorry. your friend notices and tells you that it wouldnโ€™t be an issue if you want to leave. as you begin to leave, someone grabs your arm.
โ€œi know you donโ€™t want to talk to me right now, or probably ever, but i need to tell you that i am so sorry. i didnโ€™t mean to hurt you, my love. do you wanna know that iโ€™ve dreamt of you every night since you kicked me out? and i know i kept so many secrets from you, but iโ€™m ready to tell you the truth. like how iโ€™ve played that song that reminds me of you over and over again until i fall asleep without you. and i know that i shouldnโ€™t come back to you, but after a few drinks, all i can think about you and whether i should call you or not. and maybe iโ€™m just too busy being in love with you to move on, but i canโ€™t think about anything else. all i can think about are those beautiful lips of yours, and how i need them on mine again. have you ever thought of calling, darling? do you want me crawling back to you?โ€
you stare as he blabbers about everything. you even start to feel a little bad. it took every drop of resentment in your body for you to turn around and walk away. you just wish that he would have stayed that day. then maybe you wouldnโ€™t have had to listen to him saying things he shouldโ€™ve said earlier. but now you have to listen to them another day.
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yanderetalk ยท 8 days
tw: discussion of the teacher x student dynamic, a brief mention of grooming (as part of a character backstory)
this isnโ€™t a proper discussion, but academics? academics that are mature? that try so hard to be ethical, but just seem to constantly be slipping out of the careful boundaries theyโ€™ve created for themselves?
now thatโ€™s a damn good character.
itโ€™s like with the teacher x student trope. you canโ€™t tell me that thatโ€™s not an intriguing idea, but so many people develop it poorly or only read/write it because itโ€™s a kink nowadays.
make the student smart, hell, maybe even smarter than the teacher! make the two connect on a level that they just simply havenโ€™t with others, whether it be opinions, interests, or the simple thirst for knowledge.
you remember what I said about academics that try to be ethical in the beginning? that comes into play now.
the teacher canโ€™t be with the student, and they feel guilt for even having such deep fondness for them, but the selfish part of them says otherwise.
add in a little bit of backstory that worsens the guilt the teacher feels (such as themselves being groomed as a child) and there you go. you have an acceptable character, grown from an intriguing dynamic.
conflict. it pushes so many of us to do dumb things, but without it, what would we really do?
+ bonus points for a love triangle. i love those.
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blackypanther9 ยท 7 months
Part 6 โ€“ Lizzy is back !
AN: This is the second to last Chapter, I hope so at least... This one is kinda long. *Cough, cough* I just finished it and kick it out, so if there are typos, I'm sorry I didn't check it over.
WARNING!: Semi public Sex, sex while having a phone call, pet names, degradation, cursing, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, slight physical neglect in sexual act, marking, blood, praise kink, Master/pet kink, Willy has a Daddy kink, breeding kink AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
After a few months of work, Henry and William tested out the very first Illusion Disk and it worked flawlessly. Henry rebuilt the prototype and then installed it into Circus Baby. Elizabeth turned it on and as she opened her eyes again, she was back to her small, child self.
โ€œI-Iโ€™m back !โ€, she yelled happily.
โ€œYes, you are. I need to find out a way, so the Illusion Disk isnโ€™t going to run out of battery, so you still have to wait a bit, but a few more days wonโ€™t kill anyone.โ€, Henry told her with a small smile.
โ€œOkay !โ€, she said happily.
Henry touched Elizabethโ€™s hair and smiled in relief. Her hair felt real. Like it was actually her. Then he went to her arms and looked if they also worked properly.
โ€œThe Disk works perfectly. Go play with Charlie, Lizzy. And tell me when the Disk died.โ€
โ€œOkay !โ€
With that Elizabeth rushed off, yelling for Charlie to play with her.
โ€˜First step, done.โ€™
Henry went to the phone and dialed Williamโ€™s number.
-In the Afton Household-
The phone rang and M/n growled as it did so.
โ€œBe quiet, Bunny~โ€, M/n purred.
William whimpered, but went quiet. M/n picked up and then thrusted his cock harshly back inside Williamโ€™s cunt, which was sopping wet. It wasnโ€™t the first time M/n made love to Williamโ€™s cunt, but to William it felt like a dream none the less.
M/n picked up the phone.
โ€œM/n L/n, how can I help you ?โ€, he asked.
โ€œHey M/n ! Just the person I wanted to talk to.โ€, Henry said happily.
โ€œHello to you too. What is it ?โ€
โ€œThe Disk works ! I just need to find a solution for the battery.โ€
โ€œThat is great news !โ€
M/n slammed his cock in and out of William, who had big trouble to stay silent. Exactly what M/n wanted. He wanted William to give himself away. He knew that his Bunny got even more aroused of the thought of being caught.
โ€œI know right ?! It shouldnโ€™t take too much time anymore !โ€, Henry said in excitement.
M/n angled his hips and changed his cockโ€™s position, then slammed back in and hit Williamโ€™s G โ€“ spot harshly.
โ€œAH~!โ€, William moaned out loudly.
โ€œSounds great, Henry !โ€, M/n said brightly.
William blushed a deep shade of red, while M/n gave a satisfied smirk.
-With Henry-
Henry was blushing deeply. Damn...he caught them in a bad time...
-With M/n and William-
โ€œOh Bunny, now you ruined our secret~โ€, M/n pouted playfully.
โ€œS-screw y-you ! AH~!โ€, William got out.
โ€œDid I disturb you two ?โ€, Henry asked with slight embarrassment.
โ€œNo, no, you didnโ€™t. I am still playing with my Bunny, so you arenโ€™t disturbing me.โ€, M/n replied kindly.
Before William could say anything, M/n slammed his cock against his G โ€“ spot again.
โ€œAH~! HA~!โ€
โ€œNow do you have anything else you wanna tell me, Henry ?โ€
โ€œUhm...I am looking how long the battery goes on the Disk right now and then I will go from there. I will call again later, to inform you further.โ€
โ€œOkay, Hen. Bye, bye~โ€
And Henry hung up. M/n chuckled, while William was beet red and moaning as M/n slammed into him without breaks.
โ€œAt this rate, you will carry soon again, Love~ I thought you wanted to wait for a few years~โ€
โ€œF-fuck you ! AH~! UGH~!โ€
โ€œIs my cock really that addicting, that you want a third pregnancy so quickly~?โ€, M/n purred.
โ€œNA~! AH~! Shut up ! UGH~!โ€
William got a lot of images in his head, that he shouldnโ€™t have. His pregnant belly, a third Baby. Why was he in such a Baby fever right now ?! Why did he want more ?! He just gave birth !
โ€œYou gonna cum, Pet~?โ€
โ€œHAH~! YES~! MMNN~!โ€
โ€œAlright, Bunny~โ€
M/n gave one last thrust and William came screaming all over his cock. M/n released his load inside William, moaning softly.
โ€œYou did take that pill I gave you a few hours ago, right, Honey ?โ€, M/n asked.
โ€œY-yes...what does that do ?โ€, William asked confused.
โ€œIt prevents you getting pregnant again. After all, you donโ€™t want a third Baby yet.โ€, M/n explained.
โ€œA-and you ?โ€
โ€œHoney, we live only once and I LOVE kids, but I am not forcing you to have more children, just because I want more. I donโ€™t CARE if Mike, Evan and Lizzy were mine. I love children in general. If I could, I would have every child that exists and raise them with you. We are getting old fast and with a certain age we canโ€™t have kids anymore, but that doesnโ€™t mean that you have to be a Baby Machine. I am happy with what I have, but I am always happy to produce more.โ€
William felt relieved that M/n made it very clear that he will NEVER force William to have another child, if he doesnโ€™t want to, but he was also surprised to hear that M/n loved children in general. So thatโ€™s why he didnโ€™t want William to abort, as he was afraid he will die.
โ€œSo you love children and you love me, thatโ€™s why you went such lengths to keep both, me and the kids.โ€, he concluded.
โ€œOf course. I have an undying Love for you, Honey. Children mean to me, that they are the result of the love, two people share and the more kids the more it shows how much they love one another. It is weird, I admit it, but that is me. And I am always weird.โ€
William gave M/n a smile. Yeah, M/n was VERY weird. But he loved his Lover weird.
โ€œSo...our little wedding...when do you think we should have it ? We planned everything out, I have the perfect people to prepare everything. All we need is a date and I can arrange everything.โ€, M/n explained.
Since William told him that at the birth of Alex and Penelope, he called M/n his Husband in his mind, M/n set heaven and hell into motion to get them married. M/n proposed 2 months after the birth of the two Babies, even made the Bedroom nice for it, decorated everything, while Mike and Evan helped their Father taking a bath.
Evan just sat on the lid of the toilet and chatted with William, while Michael washed his Fatherโ€™s parts, where William couldnโ€™t reach, because of the size of his belly and the pains he had from time to time. M/n dressed up the whole Bedroom into a romantic atmosphere and as William came back inside, with Evan and Michael by his side, M/n was on one knee and popped the question, which William instantly accepted. It was a beautiful moment... And his Sons supported him.
โ€œOh...uhm...maybe on...March ? Next year ?โ€
โ€œSo March 1984 ?โ€
โ€œYes ?โ€
โ€œHmmm...okay. Any day in mind, Love ?โ€
โ€œMaybe the 5th of March ? That was when we became a couple, remember ?โ€
โ€œGood idea, Honey !โ€, M/n said with a bright smile.
William smiled brightly at M/n. He planned everything with him, never without him. He was so much better than his wife was. She chose everything and all in all the wedding was a fucking nightmare. M/n chose everything with William and this time...it felt right.
โ€œI will do some calls then. Go to bed, Love, and rest. I will join you soon.โ€
โ€œOkay, honey.โ€
With that William carefully pulled his boxers back on and went to their shared Bedroom.
-Time skip-
A few days went by and Henry finally made a battery that never discharges. FINALLY !
He called M/n and told him the news, in which he rushed over and looked at his work. There she was, Elizabeth. No sign of CB left. But they all three knew that they had to tell William at the very beginning what happened to her and where she was.
โ€œWill will so kill us...โ€, Henry said slightly scared.
โ€œHe wonโ€™t, but he will yell.โ€, M/n assured.
โ€œWhen will we tell him ?โ€
โ€œTomorrow, I suppose. The sooner the better.โ€
โ€œWhere will we bring them to reunite ?โ€, Henry asked.
M/n hesitated.
โ€œWe bring her home. Will would want that. No beating around the bush, Hen. Willy needs his daughter.โ€
โ€œOkay then. I hope you know what you are doing...โ€
โ€œI do, but will he understand everything when we explain ? That is another thing.โ€
Henry sighed.
โ€œThis is not gonna be easy, is it ?โ€
โ€œNot in the slightest.โ€, M/n chuckled out dryly.
-Time skip-
M/n arrived at home and heard small whimpers coming from his and Williamโ€™s bedroom as he came close to their door. As he opened it he smirked. William was riding a dildo, while he had a plug in his ass. He seemed frustrated.
โ€œCanโ€™t cum without me, Bunny~?โ€, M/n asked.
William yelped and stopped everything, ripping his eyes wide open and staring at M/n, like a deer caught in headlights. Then he blushed furiously and sighed.
โ€œIt seems not...โ€, he answered sheepishly.
โ€œWhy would you use such awful toys, when you can just ask for the real deal, Pet ?โ€, M/n asked.
William whined and looked away in shame.
โ€œIโ€™m so needy all the time... I wanted to give you a break...โ€, William replied softly.
M/n tutted and undressed himself, in front of Williamโ€™s hungry, needy eyes.
โ€œGet that filthy dildo out of your sopping cunt. That is my place to claim and mine only.โ€, M/n commanded darkly.
William whimpered submissively and did as M/n told him to. He groaned as he pulled it out and M/n scoffed.
โ€œThat small thing, you chose to ride ? I am disappointed, Bunny. Get the stupid plug out too.โ€
William did as told. Both items were pretty small. Was this man trying to torture himself on small things ? M/n locked the good stuff away from William, but did he really get that desperate, to buy himself such small toys ? M/n tsked.
He grabbed his belt and approached William, pushed him harsh enough to make him fall on his back and then he bound his wrists together and onto the bedpost. William whined at that, but was quickly shut up, by a slap on one of his thighs.
โ€œDid you take your pill, Bunny ?โ€, M/n asked.
โ€œYes, I did.โ€, William lied.
William didnโ€™t take his pill. He wanted another Baby and he knew he could have asked, but he was too afraid to. He thought that M/n would tell him no, until the Babies were a bit older, so he decided to lie instead. He wanted his Master to give him another Baby. The last time he was pregnant it was such a beautiful and magical time, he couldnโ€™t resist.
โ€œGood, because I will not use any condoms, nor mercy tonight~โ€, M/n purred out.
William whimpered softly and felt himself gush more.
โ€œIโ€™ll fill both of your holes up, beyond imagination and plug them up nicely all day long. I will fuck every hole you have and mark every part of your body, so you will remember who you belong to that you donโ€™t need silly sex toys to please you.โ€, M/n said darkly.
All William could do was blush and whine. With that M/n got off of William and left his side, making his Bunny confused. M/n got out a key and unlocked his drawer, pulling out the best toys they had. He took out a blind fold and wrapped it around Williamโ€™s head, tying it behind his head. With that he was blinded, which made him have higher senses.
โ€œOpen your mouth, Pet~โ€
William did as told and opened his mouth wide. M/n gave his hard cock a few strokes and then slid it into his mouth, William instantly started to suck and lick at his Loverโ€™s cock. He let a few small moans slip here and there too.
โ€œSuch a pathetic slut, fucking yourself on pathetic useless toys~ Iโ€™ll teach you to never use these disgusting things again~โ€
William relaxed completely, feeling that M/n will go rough soon. And he was proven correct. M/nโ€™s hands both gripped his head and he forced his cock down his Bunnyโ€™s throat. It made William gag slightly in surprise, but M/n made his head stay there, forcing him to keep his cock in his little throat. He trashed a bit around, trying to make M/n let go of his head, so he can bob it.
โ€œBe a good bitch and cock warm me~โ€, M/n ordered.
William stopped his slight trashing and just took it. Tears escaping his eyes at the sudden stretch, it stung, but he loved it. They both had a safe code, William just had to knock three times against the wall and M/n would stop, he didnโ€™t do it though, so M/n knew he was okay. His Petโ€™s tears soaked the blindfold, but that just made M/n coo.
โ€œAww, is my little Pet Bunny in slight discomfort~? Aww~ Did his Master stretch his little tight throat to quickly~?โ€, M/n teased with a purr.
William wanted to whine so badly, his legs quaked and he rubbed his thighs together for a bit of relief on his clit.
โ€œBelieve me, slutty Bunny, I will split you open like this in every hole you have tonight~โ€
His clit throbbed, his entrance twitched and his butthole twitched too. Good he was so turned on, he wanted it all. He could feel M/nโ€™s cock twitch, ready to cum deep into his throat.
โ€œYour tight little throat closes around me so nicely and squeezes so perfectly, Bunny~ Iโ€™ll cum down your throat~ Swallow every last drop of your milk, yes~? Donโ€™t disappoint your Master~โ€
William couldnโ€™t reply, but M/n knew that his Bunny would never refuse him. Not long later M/n did cum with a soft groan. William could feel his Loverโ€™s cum running down his throat, painting it white, claiming it as his. And fuck, William loved M/n claiming him as his own personal sex toy.
โ€œSuch a good slutty Bunny~ Good Pet, Willy~โ€, M/n praised.
Then he pulled out of his tight throat and panted. His cock was still rock hard, but he still needed a second to calm down enough for the second round. As he was calm enough he stroked Williamโ€™s hair.
โ€œBob your head, Bunny. Make Master cum yeah~? Make me feel really good~โ€
More he didnโ€™t need and he started to bob his head, taking M/n all the way down his throat and then back in his mouth, licking the head from time to time and then bobbing his head again. It didnโ€™t take long for M/n to shower William in praises again and at the same time to degrade him, but he didnโ€™t give his Bunny any sort of relief.
โ€œSuch a good Slut~ Good Bunny~ Thatโ€™s a good whore~โ€
William felt like he would cream himself by just the filthy words and praise at that point, but he knew he couldnโ€™t. He could never cum, without M/nโ€™s vocal permission. And M/n knew that.
William continued to suck M/n off, until he could feel his Loverโ€™s cock twitch. M/n grabbed his head and made him take him all the way down his throat again, then released with a deep groan. It made William proud, but also really horny.
M/n and William stayed like that for a while, then he pulled out of his mouth entirely.
โ€œSuch a good little Slut~โ€, M/n praised the panting Bunny underneath him.
He gave William a deep kiss and then he left his side again and, minutes later, was between Williamโ€™s feet. M/n kissed his lower legs and gave some harsh bites here and there too, making William whimper and moan in desperation and need. M/n could see his Bunnyโ€™s cunt sopping and crying from that angle and he found it absolutely delicious.
He was so wet, so needy and M/n didnโ€™t even touch him there yet.
โ€œSuch a needy little Bitch, arenโ€™t you, Bunny~?โ€, M/n said with a chuckle.
โ€œMmmm~! Master, please~!โ€, William begged.
โ€œPlease what, Bunny~?โ€
โ€œP-please fuck me~!โ€
M/n chuckled and shook his head.
โ€œNo Bunny. We will make slow and sensual, passionate Love tonight and I am going to take my sweet time to mark and claim every inch of you. So you have to suffer with that little sopping pussy of yours.โ€
William whined at that loudly and bucked his hips, but he couldnโ€™t get any friction.
M/n continued to create love bites and marks on William's lower legs, scratching his nails over them, making red angry lines appear, biting him, leaving pricked and slightly bleeding bruises on his lower legs and sucking purple and blue marks into them. William was sobbing as M/n finally was done with his lower legs, his cunt leaking so much arousal that the mattress was already having a small dark pool formed.
M/n moved to his Bunnyโ€™s thighs and did the same things there, not leaving any room unmarked. When he was done with his legs and thighs, he looked like a painting, covered in red nail lines, some small lines of blood and purple and blue sucked in bruises, like teeth marks.
โ€œGod, Bunny, you are such a Master piece~ Only my little slutty Rabbit~โ€, M/n purred.
William whined and bucked his hips, sobbing in pleasure and slight discomfort. His cunt HURT from all the neglect. M/n decided to have mercy on William and leaned down, opening his mouth, then he latched it onto his cunt, tongue parting his lips and going right for the swollen nub.
โ€œNAH~!โ€, William cried out, hips bucking up.
M/n put his hands on his Bunnyโ€™s hips and pressed them down, holding them there forcefully. Then he continued to ravish his Petโ€™s clit. He licked it, wrapped his lips around it and suckled it, making William moan and whine uncontrollably under him.
โ€œAH~! HAH~! M-Master~!โ€, William whined.
M/n stopped.
โ€œWhat is it Bunny~?โ€
โ€œM-may I come~?โ€, he asked.
โ€œCum all you want, Bunny.โ€, M/n said and went back to ravishing his Petโ€™s clit.
William didnโ€™t need more, he moaned louder and at one last flick of M/nโ€™s tongue, he came screaming, toes curled in pleasure. M/n opened his whole mouth and engulfed Williamโ€™s whole cunt in it as his love juices came flowing out. William could feel how his Master slurped it all up eagerly.
It made him whine and moan again, he wanted more, so much more. As M/n finished cleaning Williamโ€™s messy cunt, he pulled away, making his Bunny whine again.
โ€œYou smell breed able, you know that, Bunny~? I hope for your own sake, that you took that pill. Otherwise, I will not support abortion.โ€
โ€œI-I took it, Master~ I took it, I promise~โ€, William moaned out.
M/n then kissed Williamโ€™s sides and stomach, even his hips. He shakily moaned at all the attention, M/n gave his body. Then he let out a high pitched moan, as M/n bit down on Williamโ€™s left side, making him bleed slightly and have another new mark there.
โ€œD-Daddy~!โ€, William moaned out in need.
โ€œLet Daddy do, what he has to do, Bunny~โ€, M/n purred.
William whined, but didnโ€™t say anything anymore, besides let moans and whines slip past his lips. M/n took his sweet time, marking Williamโ€™s stomach, sides, hips and chest up in love bites and scratches. God, William loved this treatment, but he really needed more attention on his pussy. It was soaking again and ruined the bed sheets again and M/n still wasnโ€™t finished. He still needed the shoulders and arms marked up nicely.
โ€œDaddy~! P-please fill your slutty Bunny with your cock~ P-please~โ€, William begged.
โ€œAlmost done, Bunny~ Daddy, only needs a few more spots marked~ Be good for Daddy and stay patient~โ€, M/n soothed and bit his Petโ€™s left shoulder, making William scream in pleasure and need.
He nibbled and sucked on his right shoulder another mark, bit both sides of his neck, making big, obvious bruises there and then he took Williamโ€™s arms and marked every inch in bites and sucked in bruises. His Bunny was panting, whining and sobbing when M/n was done with his whole front.
โ€œSpread your legs, Bunny~โ€
โ€œY-yes, Daddy~โ€
William spread his legs and M/n was instantly adjusting Williamโ€™s position, lined his cock up and without warning, slammed all the way inside, kissing Williamโ€™s cervix.
โ€œAAAAAHHHHHH~! DADDYYYYYY~!โ€, William screamed in pleasure and slight relief.
โ€œYou like how Master split you open in one go~?โ€
โ€œMMMNNN~! YES~!โ€
M/n pulled his cock out and slammed it back inside harshly, making William moan loudly again.
โ€œThatโ€™s good, Bunny. I will fill your slutty pussy with my cum, cream inside your womb and make you have more Babies~ When Iโ€™m done with your womb, you will have a round little belly~โ€
M/n started to ram his cock in and out, angling his cock, so it will abuse his slutty Bunnyโ€™s G โ€“ Spot with brutal, precise and powerful thrusts. William was a begging, moaning mess as M/n continued to abuse his G โ€“ spot.
โ€œMASTER~! AH~! HAH~! Iโ€™M SO CLOSE~!โ€
โ€œThen cum for me, my little Cum dump~ Cream yourself all over my cock, make that cervix of yours open nicely for my cock to greet your empty womb~โ€
All that dirty breeding talk got to William and he came screaming, all over M/nโ€™s cock, who angled his cock anew and slammed through his Petโ€™s open cervix, into his womb and then groaned, releasing deep inside of it his love juices. He softly bumped Williamโ€™s wombโ€™s walls as he shot rope after rope inside him, riding out his orgasm.
His Bunny was panting and whimpering as M/n was balls deep inside him and practically filling his needy womb with what it needed.
โ€œFuck~ Your cervix is so tight, it wonโ€™t let me go~ You think we can both cum, while Iโ€™m stuck in your little baby creation area~?โ€, M/n asked.
โ€œYes~! Oh, please do it~โ€, William moaned out.
M/n started his pace, pulling a bit and then pushing back in, slamming Williamโ€™s wombโ€™s walls harshly, it made William groan loudly in pleasure. M/n set a fast and harsh, almost punishing, pace as he fucked into Williamโ€™s womb. It made William see starts, just as he did when his G โ€“ spot was getting abused.
โ€œC-CLOSE~!โ€, William moaned after a while.
โ€œMe too, Bunny~ Cum for me~โ€
William had a hard orgasm and screamed in ecstasy. His cervix opened a bit further, making M/n slip in a bit more, before it tightened again and all of Williamโ€™s love juices came flowing out. M/n in the meantime creamed into Williamโ€™s womb again.
โ€œGonna fill my slutty Bunny up, nicely~โ€, he groaned as he filled William with another load.
ย William came again as he felt M/n shoot his hot love juices into him. Fuck if his Lover continues this, he will get his wish to come true and get another child. He couldnโ€™t wait !
This whole filling continued for almost two whole hours, then the both of them were sure that William couldnโ€™t take anymore, so M/n pulled out and grabbed a big plug, he lined it up with his Bunnyโ€™s still soaking and happily twitching cunt, then shoved it inside, making his Pet whimper loudly. Now his seed was secured and stayed were it belonged. Until tomorrow that was...
He looked at his Petโ€™s belly. It was showing and nicely round. He pumped so much of his love inside him and he was proud of it. His Bunnyโ€™s cunt and womb ? Secured as his, marked as his, claimed as his and his cum wonโ€™t leave until tomorrow in the shower. He was more than happy with that.
M/n grabbed Williamโ€™s hips and made him turn around, knees bent, so he will be on them instead of his stomach, the left side of his face was in the pillows. William moaned and whimpered at the movement, still very sensitive from getting his womb railed for so long.
M/n looked at his Bunnyโ€™s twitching manhole and was eager to split him on his cock. His cock was wet enough from Williamโ€™s love covering it, so he lined it up and then pushed it inside, a bit slower than he did on his Bunnyโ€™s cunt, but it had the desired effect.
His Bunny was keening and moaning loudly, whimpering when it got deeper, pressing against his full womb.
โ€œI told you, I will claim all three holes of yours~โ€, M/n purred out.
William was in awe at how much stamina his Lover had. He started to moan and whimper as M/n started to move in and out at a normal pace. After his Bunny got used to it, M/n set a faster pace and aimed at his Petโ€™s prostate. After he slammed into it, William screamed in pleasure and M/n continued to slam into him.
โ€œCUMMING~! C-CUMING~!โ€, William screamed and felt himself gush, but it didnโ€™t drip out.
The plug was too big, it blocked everything, which made William whine. M/n suddenly shoved himself deeper inside and groaned loudly with a slight growl as he shot his love deep inside his Petโ€™s ass.
โ€œMINE. Only mine~ You hear me, Pet~? Mine~โ€, M/n growled out possessively.
โ€œYOURS~! YOURS~! ONLY YOURS~!โ€, William babbled, drunk on pleasure.
M/n started to smack Williamโ€™s ass, which made the male moan high pitched, in pleasure. M/n leaned over his Loverโ€™s back and started to mark whatever he could of his back, leaving the back of his neck alone for now. He scratched down his Loverโ€™s back, with his nails, making red angry lines appear on it. His Bunny enjoyed every little second of this.
Then M/n started to move again, another round of passionate love making and it made William lose all his focus. All he could think of, was the need to be bred, the need to be filled and the need to cum himself. Nothing else mattered.
M/n slapped Williamโ€™s bum from time to time, while he dove in and out of his Loverโ€™s hole, with his cock. It stung and William loved it, it made him feel a thrill, he didnโ€™t know existed. M/n and Will were reaching their climax pretty fast and M/n bit into the back of Williamโ€™s neck, making his Pet freeze up and he shoved his cock all the way inside again, filling him with his love juices, while William came himself, voice lost, mouth open in a loud fucked out moan.
โ€œT-tired...โ€, William rasped out softly.
M/n couldnโ€™t agree more with his Bunny. He was tired too. He pulled out and let William fall onto his left side, careful with his filled tummy. He plugged his hole up, which made William whimper and feel fuller than he was, then he cleaned himself and his Pet up, put a towel over the wet spot Williamโ€™s cunt made, laid down, pulled his Bunny into his arms and then pulled the blanket over them.
They went to sleep fairly quickly. And the both of them had no idea, that William had a fertilized egg cell yet again. They would find that out in a few weeks from now.
-The next day-
William was still in bed, as M/n woke up. He smiled at his Love and stroked his hair, which made him stir and wake up too.
โ€œMorning, Bunny.โ€, M/n said softly.
โ€œGood morning, Love.โ€
โ€œMe and Henry have a surprise for you today. But you have to let us explain a few things.โ€, M/n told him softly.
โ€œA surprise ? What do you have to explain by a surprise ?โ€, William asked confused.
โ€œYou will see, Bunny. Let us just say, Hen and me went through hell, to get this for you.โ€
He hummed and then moaned.
โ€œWhat is it, Baby ?โ€, M/n asked.
โ€œThe plug in my cunt...hit a good spot and my body aches everywhere...We should get up and shower then, if Henry will come over soon...โ€, William said softly and got up.
He looked at his full tummy and smiled, putting a hand on it, almost lovingly. M/n got up to and wrapped his arms around him, rubbing his tummy gently, kissing the back of his shoulder.
โ€œYou look good in my marks, honey.โ€, M/n mumbled.
William looked at his arms and chest, scoffing. He looked worse than when someone beat him up.
โ€œI look horrible.โ€
โ€œYou donโ€™t. Those are my marks and I am proud of every single one of them, that I gave you.โ€, M/n said.
William looked at him and then smiled gently. Then they went to the bathroom and into the shower. William moaned as he bent over and let M/n pull out both plugs. But William needed help to get all the cum out and flowing.
โ€œHold still, Baby.โ€, M/n said gently.
M/n wettened his fingers on his right hand and then stuffed them inside Williamโ€™s cunt first, as deep as he could. It made William moan softly and clench down on his fingers. M/n curled them up and as he felt some of his sticky liquid, he fingered around there more and then pulled a bit of it out, with that a flow started and all the cum dripped out of William, making his Bunny moan and pant in arousal.
The next was Williamโ€™s ass and there M/n did just the same, until a small flow started. William was panting and excited again, but M/n insisted on waiting for everything to flow out of his body, then he wanted to wash him and himself.
His Pet had to agree with distaste. They quickly washed each other and then M/n took William against the shower walls again, ramming his cock in and a out of his sopping wet cunt, making his Bunny scream in pleasure and ecstasy, until he creamed all over his Masterโ€™s cock again and M/n coated Williamโ€™s walls white. They washed him down there again and then got out of the shower.
As soon as they were dressed and ready for the day, the doorbell rang.
โ€œThat must be Henry.โ€, M/n stated.
They went down the stairs and saw that Mike already let Henry inside and...no way...William couldnโ€™t believe his eyes.
โ€œE-Elizabeth ?โ€, William asked softly, tears near.
At the mention of her name, she looked around and her face split into a huge smile as she spotted William. She ran over to him.
โ€œDaddy ! I'm back ! Iโ€™m home ! Daddy !โ€, she yelled happily.
William fell onto his knees and opened his arms, the little girl running right into them and hugging him tightly. William hugged her back just as tight.
โ€œMy Babygirl. My sweet little girl. Where have you been ? What happened ? Are you alright ?โ€, he asked, voice breaking and tears falling.
โ€œI am now, because I am back home.โ€, she replied with a big smile.
He looked at Henry.
โ€œHow did you find her ? Where was she all this time, Hen ?โ€, William asked.
Henry shook his head.
โ€œI didnโ€™t find her Will. M/n did.โ€, Henry answered.
William looked at M/n, who decided to stand next to Henry. He looked at Michael.
โ€œMike, go get Evan. Living room. We will tell William what happened and where Lizzy was. He will need all the support he can get.โ€, M/n stated softly.
โ€œWhat about Penelope and Alex ?โ€, Mike asked.
โ€œGet them too, if you want to.โ€
Elizabeth parted from her Daddy and looked at her Papa.
โ€œWho are Penelope and Alex ?โ€, she asked.
โ€œYour new siblings. I bet you saw how different your Daddy looks. Let us just say he gave birth to two more siblings. You missed a few things after you went missing, Lizzy.โ€, M/n answered.
She made an o shaped mouth and her eyes lit up with understanding.
โ€œSo, Iโ€™m a big Sister now ?โ€, she asked.
โ€œYou are, Lizzy.โ€
โ€œCool ! Can I meet them ?โ€
โ€œAfter we explained everything to Daddy, yes.โ€
โ€œOkay !โ€
With that she gave her Daddy another squeeze and rushed into the Living room. William got up and stared at the two men.
โ€œWhat is going on here ? Why are you making this such a big deal ? Just tell me who took her and got jailed.โ€, William said irritated.
M/n and Henry looked at him with guilt written faces.
โ€œWilly, Baby Bunny, this is so much more complicated and complex, than you think. Believe me...it will all make sense when we explained everything to you, but right now, trust us, it is not going to be easy to understand, Love.โ€, M/n said gently.
โ€œWhat do you mean ?โ€, William asked worried.
Henry looked at William and hugged him tightly, then led him to the Living room.
โ€œWe will explain everything, old friend. Just...try to relax and prepare to get your mind blown.โ€, Henry said softly.
Then they sat William down on the couch, while the others stood, besides M/n, he sat in the armchair across the couch. He looked at them all in confusion and worry. What is so complicated about Elizabethโ€™s return ?
โ€œSo you understand the whole thing first...Evan, can you PLEASE tell your Dad what you saw on the day, Lizzy went missing ?โ€, M/n asked the boy softly.
Evan held his plush Fredbear tightly to his chest and looked at his Dad, uncomfortable, while Lizzy looked at the floor in shame. William didnโ€™t understand anything. Evan saw something and didnโ€™t speak up ?
โ€œA-at Circus B-babyโ€™s...L-Lizzy went n-near B-Baby, D-Dad.โ€, Evan stuttered out.
Williamโ€™s eyes widened and he stared at his daughter, who looked even more ashamed.
โ€œYou didnโ€™t listen to me ?โ€, he asked her in shock.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry Daddy, she was just so pretty and shiny ! You said you made her just for me, but you never let me go to her, while the other children were allowed to play with her.โ€, she said in sadness.
โ€œThat is not all of it, Will. Evan, continue please, take your time explaining, no one is angry.โ€, M/n said with a soft voice.
Evan had tears in his eyes and looked at his Dad.
โ€œI-It ate L-Lizzy. Th-The C-Clown a-ate L-Lizzy, Dad !โ€, Evan got out sobbing.
M/n opened his arms and Evan ran into them. M/n pulled the boy in his lap and gently ran his fingers through his hair, while he cried.
โ€œItโ€™s okay. Shhh...โ€, he tried to soothe Evan.
M/n looked at William, who was in utter shock and disbelief.
โ€œBaby ate Lizzy ? But how is she still here then ? How did she survive that ? Baby is a machine, not an empty costume, the gears would have killed her.โ€, William said out loud.
โ€œNot like that Will. Baby offered her Ice Cream and Lizzy went to grab it, Baby malfunctioned and tore her inside her stomach hatch.โ€, M/n explained.
William stared at his daughter in horror.
โ€œWHAT ?!โ€
He stared at M/n.
โ€œWhy didnโ€™t Evan say anything ?!โ€
โ€œHe was scared to say anything. Mike was there too, but forgot his medication, he thought he just hallucinated, while Evan saw it happen. He was afraid no one would believe him, so he stayed quiet. He told me a few months ago, after you gave birth. After you finally fully recovered, I went to Circus Babyโ€™s again and went to CB. I opened the hatch and found Lizzy. But...โ€, M/n hesitated.
William grew impatient.
โ€œBut WHAT ?!โ€, he pressed.
โ€œWill, just know that it was for me and Henry also hard to believe that it was possible...โ€, M/n said softly.
โ€œWhat are you on about ?!โ€
Henry sighed.
โ€œDo you remember the day were M/n didnโ€™t say where he went and you got worried ?โ€
William nodded.
โ€œThat was the day he went to Circus Babyโ€™s and he came back with...something. He sought me out for help. And at the same day, I presented to you the Illusion Disks, you remember ?โ€, Henry asked.
William nodded, confused what all this had to do with Lizzy. M/n took a deep breath. William looked at him and just then he realized that all of his kids had a saddened mood. It scared him.
โ€œWilliam, when I found Lizzy inside CB...she was a rotting dead body.โ€, M/n revealed.
His world stopped turning and he stared at Lizzy...or at least what he thought until now, was Lizzy. He let tears run down his face as he glared at M/n and Henry.
โ€œSo you thought it a good idea to replace my daughter with a robotic version ?!โ€, he accursedly yelled.
โ€œNo, that is not what we did.โ€, M/n and Henry said at the same time.
M/n took the lead again.
โ€œI was mourning her and already thinking of how to break the news to you, as Circus Baby moved. I didnโ€™t turn her on or anything and I remember that her eyes used to be blue, right Will ? They were blue. NOT green, like Lizzyโ€™s.โ€
William looked at M/n in confusion and slight anger.
โ€œThey were blue, yes. Wait...they were green then and there ?โ€, he asked after he processed the whole info.
M/n nodded.
โ€œYes, they turned green. But that wasnโ€™t the weirdest part, Circus Baby talked and moved more like a human. Not robotic anymore, nor did it talk with pauses, like the coding made them out to be. And she begged me to bring her home to her Daddy. She recognized me, Will. She knew her name, Elizabeth Afton, her Family Michael, Evan and you. She was scared and confused and all she wanted was to get back home. She knew a lot about you and as I brought her to Henry, he was just as convinced that this was Lizzy, POSSESSING Baby.โ€
William stared at M/n in shock. M/n looked away and at Lizzy, who gave him a wobbly smile.
โ€œI decided to take the risk and believe it was really Lizzy, for you, Will. With the time, she proved more and more, that Elizabeth was in fact, possessing your Animatronic, but we didnโ€™t want to frighten you, so I asked for Henryโ€™s help, to cover the Machine up and give Lizzy her body back. Thatโ€™s where the Illusion Disks came in, that you helped to perfect. One is installed into Circus Baby and that is why Lizzy looks normal. She can turn it on and off by will. Until we find out how to free her soul from the machine and get her to stay around still, she will have to wear it.โ€, M/n explained.
William covered his mouth in horror and looked at his daughter, tears were leaving his eyes. He did kill his own daughter by his own creation, without meaning to, nor knowing about it. Now she is stuck in a Circus Clown.
โ€œP-prove it.โ€, William demanded and looked at his daughter.
He hoped they were pulling a cruel joke on him, that Lizzy wasnโ€™t dead and that she couldnโ€™t transform into a giant piece of scrap metal, but he was proven wrong.
Elizabeth closed her eyes and in a flash, she was gone and Circus Baby stood there instead, with her vibrant green eyes, the same ones, Elizabeth had. He let out a choked sob, covering his mouth again with his hands, tears running down his face in horror, disbelief, denial and grief. Elizabeth transformed back and went over to her Father. She got on the couch and onto his lap, hugging him tightly, while he broke down in tears.
โ€œItโ€™s okay Daddy. I didnโ€™t listen and she malfunctioned. It was a stupid accident and Iโ€™m not mad. Iโ€™m still here after all.โ€, she tried to cheer him up.
William hugged his daughter tightly and let out loud and ugly sobs, that shook his whole body.
โ€œMy Baby, Iโ€™m so sorry ! I should have had my eyes on you better ! Now look at you ! Iโ€™m so sorry ! I let you down !โ€, He cried out.
Elizabeth got tears of her own into her eyes and sobbed.
โ€œNo, Daddy. You didnโ€™t let me down. I let YOU down. I didnโ€™t listen. You knew that she was not done yet and I refused to listen. Iโ€™m so sorry, Daddy.โ€, she sobbed out softly, hugging him tighter.
Michael stepped near his Father and knelt down, so he can make direct eye contact with his Dad. William looked at him, with teary eyes.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry too, Father. I was supposed to watch her that day and I didnโ€™t do a good job. I fucked up and now...Lizzy is...sheโ€™s possessing a machine...โ€, Michael sobbed out.
William was shocked into silence, only hiccups leaving him. He remembered that day so well... The day, he as a Father...FAILED to be a Father.
โ€œFather Iโ€™m sorry ! I didnโ€™t mean to-!โ€, Mike got interrupted.
โ€œYou canโ€™t do anything right ! I told you to watch your Siblings ! I asked you for one thing ! Only one, Michael ! And even that simple task you fuck up !โ€
โ€œDad Iโ€™m sorry !โ€
Michael stared to his right, a red angry handprint already forming. They were dead silent, William death glared his Son.
โ€œI hope you are happy with yourself, Michael. I ask one little thing of you and you have nothing better to do, than to hang out with your friends ! You can do that almost every other day, but noooo, you had to do this today, when I needed you !โ€
Michael was still silent, just listening to his Father, still just sobbing and hiccupping. William turned away from him in anger, offering no apology for his outburst, nor comfort.
โ€œI wish you were never born.โ€, William said and then left, never seeing his Son break down into shattered pieces.
Never seeing, that M/n picked up all the pieces and put Mike back together, bit by bit.
-End of Flashback-
William let another ugly sob rake through him and he pulled his Son onto the couch and hugged him tightly to his left side too, kissing his cheek.
โ€œNo, no, no, Mikey. You didnโ€™t fuck anything up, donโ€™t apologize, okay ? I-I was an idiot that day and Iโ€™m so sorry for my outburst and the things I said to you. Donโ€™t think these things, okay ? Itโ€™s my fault. I couldnโ€™t see that you were suffering and in trouble and then I made your life even harder when I blamed you for Lizzyโ€™s disappearance. I am the adult, I should have watched over her, but I didnโ€™t and now...โ€
William was sobbing again, squeezing his two children into a tight embrace, muttering apologies over apologies. Evan got up and off of M/nโ€™s lap too, joining his siblings and Father, hugging him tightly.
M/n looked at Henry, who was just as sad and heartbroken, as M/n was at the moment. The kids told their Father, that it wasnโ€™t his fault, not all of it and that they forgave him for hours, while he apologized to them for hours. M/n and Henry took care of Penelope and Alex in the meantime, leaving the four be, to sort everything out.
โ€œDo you think it was the right choice to tell Will ?โ€, Henry asked M/n with worry.
โ€œI donโ€™t know if it was right, but he had a right to know. Letting him live a lie, wouldnโ€™t have been good either and one day he would have figured out that something was wrong with Lizzy. Hen, she wouldnโ€™t have aged at all. He would have known one day anyways that she was dead.โ€, M/n replied softly.
They stayed in the Baby room with the two infants for a few more hours, giving the rest of the Family time, to recover from the whole rollercoaster.
After a while, M/n went downstairs and saw that a Movie was running. He looked at the kids and William, they seemed to have made up. They were all asleep on the couch and M/n had a small smile on his face.
โ€˜Hopefully they will get better soon.โ€™
M/n left again for Henry and he saw him sleeping too. He sighed, but understood why they were all exhausted.
Too many emotions at once, stress, adrenaline and then the nervousness of how it all would end. M/n looked at Alex, who was slightly awake.
โ€œWelp, Mommy was a bit on an emotional trip, eh, Alex ?โ€, M/n said softly.
Alex held his hands out and made noises. M/n chuckled and held his small hands, making the Baby smile and giggle.
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mysticalsoot ยท 1 year
he said he'd cure your ills (but he did and he always will)
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A/N; i wrote this in like an hour which is entirely a record for me lmao. there will be an alt vers posted tomorrow!! iโ€™ll also post an intro and masterlist later!!
TW// manipulation, cheating, swearing, Wilbur is a bitch, it gets worse before it gets better sorry, fluff at the end I promise, partial derealization??, most of it is a nightmare.
Words; 2,004
Pairings; cc!Wilbur x Reader
Pronouns; Not mentioned, one use of y/n
Inspired by;ย  The Smiths โ€“ This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Bittersweet angst version here
"Wilbur," You begin, voice trembling and caked in uncertainty, "Don't go. You can't."
"Why can't I? I have free will," Wilbur's tone is sharp like claws that slowly pick at the flesh around your heart, begging to rip it from your chest. And you're sure it will. His arms are flayed out, stretched out on either side of him. The same way they always are when he's angry. "Who's to stop me from leaving your pathetic excuse of a person?"
"You don't mean that.." Your voice gives out at the end, and you back up from him and into the wall. You want to run.
You want to scream.
You want to call him names.
Yell at him the way he's been doing to you.
Threaten him in the same ways, only worse and more tortuous than he could ever come up with.
But he's right.
You're pathetic, and so you curl up inside yourself, you freeze, and you die inside. You're rotting from the outside in. You're rotting, and isn't it his fault?
"I mean every word." His words come out slowly, it's calculated, the way he says it. It's like he really does mean to hurt you, that every word is a swing of the sword he's wielded for months. Slowly getting duller as each swing cuts deeper.
First, it was the distance; he stopped being as affectionate in public or at home. He no longer asked for it either, he just let you initiate it as if it was a chore he'd rather forget about for months on end. But you let it go, he was probably just tired!
And then it was the phone calls; his phone would ring and he would leave the room. He always said it was "work" stuff, but you knew the people he worked with and you were even friends with his manager, let alone his bandmates. But you let that slide too. Who knows, maybe it was a secret project! It's not that concerning..
The last straw was your friends. They were his as well, but they were just as much yours as they were his.
They were the ones that caught him. Up until this point you had been willingly oblivious, always pushing the gut feelings and the second thoughts as far away from you as possible and burying them six feet in the ground.
Wilbur was out during the day, he had gone to the beach that day (although he told you he went to the studio), to meet up with them. James was walking past the boardwalk that afternoon and he saw the tall man over by the water, out of the corner of his eye. He thought it was odd given the fact that Wil almost never went to the beach without you. So, he moved to a closer spot and hid far enough away that he wouldn't be noticed by his friend but close enough he could still see. It was deceptive and over the top, yes, but James was always one for theatrics.
He watched as Wilbur had gotten closer to the person he was with, holding their face the same way he watched him hold yours. He smiled at them the same way he smiled at you. But this person, they were the complete opposite of you and it made James' blood boil. He knew that you had no knowledge of this person because if you had known, he would have known. And he was in the dark, so you must be too.
And unfortunately, he was right. He went to the others first, the band, Alex, Tommy, Niki.. He covered all the bases for your closest friends and gathered them all together for dinner and game night at his place. And so, James told them everything, everything he saw or heard; the fact you probably didn't know.
They hatched a plan that night, after discussing all of the details, and their own suspicions. The plan was simple, they would stage an intervention. When worded like that, it sounds as if they pushed you into it. They didn't, the words they used were this; we found something out and we think you should know, but we have to tell you in person; and don't bring Wilbur.
It caught you off guard for sure and it filled your body with buzzing worry and nausea. But it subsided when you had gotten to the agreed apartment (Niki's), only to build again when you saw the expressions on their faces. Ones of grief, guilt, and pain.
They told you everything.
And then you went home (after plenty of comforting until you were semi-stable again), and you told Wilbur. You knew. There was no getting past you anymore. The secret was out.
And now you're here. He's making it out to be your fault and you so desperately want to believe it's not, but his arguments are more compelling and convincing than you thought.
"You, Y/N, have always been a nuisance. You're clingy, and possessive, you talk too much and you never know when to stop. It's always Wilbur this and Wilbur that. You never give me a break. You're overbearing, you're controlling. And I hate every fucking bit of your shit existence!" It hurts so bad to hear every word he says and know that he means it. The ache in your chest feels like a throbbing and if you didn't know better you would've assumed your heart had been ripped out and shredded over and over and over again, the hole in your chest then gushing blood from the half-assed job of heart surgery. All done by the sharpness of Wilbur's words.
God, you wished this was just a dream.
"If I'm such a nuisance, why have you stayed?" You ask, tears burning the skin of your red cheeks. The bags under your eyes are more prominent now than ever, it's the exhaustion from life combined with the stress of...this.
"Because I pitied you," He pauses, eyes narrowing before stepping forward, closer to you, "I never loved you."
You wish this was a dream, it has to be. He's not this cruel, it can't be him.
"What about the promises you made? Did those mean nothing to you?" You're begging him to spare your heart now, to not rip into it in the same way he ripped it from your chest. Your tone simply begs; please spare me, Wilbur, please.
"I never meant a word."
You feel yourself fade from reality, the sight of his anger-ridden red face fades into darkness, your surroundings going with it.
And then your body is frozen. Everything is black and you're crying, you can feel the wetness on your skin, somehow chilling you whilst burning you at the same time.
"Hey, hey, hey.." A soft voice speaks, it's muffled and you can barely make it out, but it's familiar; comforting.
You want to say something but your throat is locked, it's just as frozen as the rest of you, and you can't speak.
"It's okay, it's just a dream." The voice speaks again, and your brain subsides the fog previously inhabiting it and you remember. It's Wil.
Your eyes shoot open, his arms are wrapped around you, your head resting on his shoulder with his chin resting on the top of your head.
You shake your head, "No, no," you sniffle, grabbing onto the t-shirt he slept in, a simple white Los Campesinos! shirt, "it's not okay, it's not okay." The fabric entirely muffles your words on his shoulder but he can hear, he can make it out.
He pulls you closer to him, arms holding you in a tighter grasp. The feeling is warm, fuzzy, and good.
"Love, you're okay. I promise it's not real. This is real, I'm real, you're real." Wilbur rests his cheek against yours, the warmth of his touch enveloping you in a care you'd almost forgotten could exist.
You open your mouth to argue, but find yourself without words yet again, you simply whimper as you cry into his shoulder, soaking it in tears. He traces circles on your back as he whispers to you all of the things you didn't know you needed. He's warm, he's loving, and he's nothing like the nightmare Wilbur.
Moments pass until you've cried all the tears you could, and you pull away from his shoulder to look at him, adjusting yourself to sit in his lap facing him, rather than laying across his lap like before. The circles under his eyes are darker, and his hair, albeit longer than usual, is fluffed up and sticking up in every direction. He looks tired and worn, but his eyes hold the same concern and worry he has whenever you're upset.
He reaches his hands out to you, palms up and hovering in front of you. You take his hands in yours, holding on tightly, hoping and praying this isn't a dream either and you can stay. You desperately hope this is real. You want it to be real.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, head dipping slightly to meet your eye level, he's still taller than you even when sitting.
You weigh the options, if you told him, he would console you most likely. Or something would click and he would act in the same way he did in the nightmare, irritable and cold. Cut off from you. Was the risk worth it?
On the other hand, if you lied or perhaps omitted details, he may move on and the risk of him mimicking that same behavior is tremendously less likely.
You choose to tell him, there's a risk to it but what could it hurt?
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, "You cheated on me." You open your right eye a bit, just enough to gauge his reaction.
He looks to you expectantly, knowing there's more and so he waits patiently. You let go of his hands and move forward towards him again, wrapping your arms around his middle and your face pressing up against his chest. You can hear Wilbur's heartbeat, a pitter-patter against his ribcage.
"It was a long dream. James caught you and he told our friends and then they told me. Everyone else suspected it but didn't want to believe it until they had gotten proof. I didn't know until then. I went home and I told you that I knew and you-" You pause, voice wavering in fear. "You blew up on me. You told me you never loved me and told me all the things you hated about me." A single tear runs down your cheek, and you nuzzle further into him, your hands gripping the back of his shirt. "You said you never meant the promise we made. You didn't mean it."
After you finish, you stay silent, and so does he. His breathing becomes uneven and before you know it, he's crying too. You lift your head up to face him again, your hands rest on his cheeks and you wipe away the tears on his face with your thumbs.
"I would never, ever, do something like that." He mutters, his arms tightening their grip on you, pulling you closer.
You nod, "I know. But it was still scary."
He nods back, and then places a kiss on your forehead, "I'm sorry, Wil." You whisper, your arms leaving his back to wrap around his neck.
"It's not your fault, my love. We all have fucked up nightmares like that from time to time. I promise."
It's a simple promise, a promise that you're not alone and that he too has dealt with similar things. And despite the turmoil of the dream, you're glad you're awake and no longer in that hellish world.
You're home, and home is him.
Wilbur said he'd cure all of your ills, but he did and he always will.
Wilbur is yours and you are his. And you couldn't be happier.
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lady-of-tearshed ยท 21 days
A melody through hell
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Ruhn Danaan x OC!Lyrie
Ruhn Danaan week 2024
@cadiawrites @ruhnweek
Day four: Inspired by
Summary: This fic takes place in Ruhn's early life, when his father first starts to torture him. Ruhn troubled soul encounters a sweet and bubbly creature, who happens to know just how to ease his pain.
Inspired by: Seven, by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Mention of parental abuse, mention of scars, mention of burnt skin, mental distress
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Ruhn ran, and ran. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his bare feet hit the streets of Lunathion. He had crossed the river gate already, his heart thumping so hard in his chest that it numbed his troubled mind. He halted at the edge of Istros river, kneeling at the edge of the canal, the shadow of the bridge above it giving him some sort of privacy. Not that this part of the city was very crowded, especially not at this time of the night. His shadows wrapped around his scorched arms, as if trying to comfort him. His Fae healing was struggling to restore his burnt skin. It wouldโ€™ve been healed by now, if he had made the drop. But he hadnโ€™t, yet. Maybe his father would stop torturing him once heโ€™ll make the drop. Maybeโ€ฆ Maybe he would be proud of him once heโ€™ll make the drop.
His tears caused his reflection to ripple, distorting his face like a mirror of how troubled and distressed his soul looked like from within. His shoulder quivered as he sobbed and hiccuped. He hated himself for crumbling down the way he did. He was weak. So very weak. The words his father used to describe him as he bruised the skin of his arms echoed through the crowned prince. He wasnโ€™t worthy of this title. He would never be. โ€œYou should sink them in the water.โ€ A breezy voice reached his pointy ears, almost falling face first into the river, but long fingers quickly pushed his shoulder back, making him fall back on his butt. He stared, wide-eyed, at the red-haired head peeking from the water.
She chuckled, placing a hand on her chest as she did so. She took a deep breath, then moved closer to the edge of the canal. She placed her hands on the platform Ruhn was standing on, her big blue eyes sinking into his. โ€œYou should sink them in the water,โ€ She repeated, โ€œYour arms, I mean.โ€. Ruhn breath hitched as she carefully took his hands in hers, her eyes scanning him for any sign of rejection. He didn't. He nodded slowly, letting the Mer sink his arms in the canal, his chest leaned just above the surface.
He hissed at the feeling of the cold water on his arms, but he forced himself to keep them there. The Mer was lovingly caressing his hands under the water, her lips in a tight line with compassion. โ€œI'm Lyrie.โ€ Her voice was light, soft, comfortingโ€ฆ Lyrieโ€ฆ The name fitted her well, her voice sounded like a melody to his ear, just like a soft lullaby played by a lyre. โ€œRuhn.โ€ He sniffled, the tears on his cheeks had now dried. The female had seemed to heal his aching heart already, only by her kindness and tender eyes.
Their friendship bloomed with the passing time, it grew stronger with each visit of the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae. Lyrie had been an anchor for Ruhn whenever his father tortured him. The thought of her sweet presence whenever he needed it made it easier for him to endure it all. Now, he has a friend. A friendโ€ฆ The thought of it made his heart flutter. โ€œRuhn? Is something wrong?โ€ Ruhn hadnโ€™t realized his hands had stopped braiding the Mer ginger hair, his thought had consumed him once more. He smiled softly at his friend, her head had peaked over her shoulder slightly, her eyes staring at him in concern. He chuckled, pushing her chin back to straighten her head. โ€œNo. Everything is right whenever Iโ€™m with you.โ€
Ruhn couldโ€™ve sworn he noticed the Mer ears turn pink, his were too, probably. He kept his fingers moving through her hair, carefully braiding her long hair. He was himself surprised by his sudden confession, but everything he said was true. Every moment passed with Lyrie feltโ€ฆ right. He felt like he belonged here, like they belonged together. She was the solace in the mess of his life. โ€œYou know,โ€ She whispered, โ€œI think your house is haunted. Maybe thatโ€™s why your dad is always madโ€ฆ Maybe heโ€™s possessed or something.โ€ Ruhn couldnโ€™t help the snort that came from him. She spun around, waves splashing all around her. Ruhn tried to keep hold of the strand of hair he was braiding, but it fell into the river. He tsked his tongue, but the female kept talking. โ€œYou know, I think you should come live with me,โ€ Her hands gesture beneath the water, sending droplets with each movement, โ€Iโ€™m sure thereโ€™s enough space for the both of us in my cave.โ€.
Ruhn sighed, raising the edge of his pants to dip his feet in the water. His eyes were shining with adoration for Lyrie, he grinned, keeping silent as she kept going excitedly. โ€œAnd we could be pirates! Well, you could be, and Iโ€™d protect your boat- our boat from the undersea creatures!โ€ He swishes his feet in the water, before nodding slowly. โ€œYeah. Maybe.โ€ She smiled, swimming closer to the edge of the canal, resting her wet chin on Ruhnโ€™s knee, her braid half done floating on the water surface. She took his hand in hers, placing a cold shell in his palm. โ€œHere. This gives me strength. Itโ€™s yours now.โ€ Ruhnโ€™s eyes filled with water as he nodded, smiling. His throat was too tight to thank her, but she understood his silence more than anyone could. He clung the shiny shell in the palm of his hand, he wouldnโ€™t be sad anymore, he wouldnโ€™t be scared. Because whatever he would have to face, Lyrie would always be waiting for him in the Istros river, and she would make everything okay.
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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ador3him ยท 2 years
Hello! How are you? I've had a request in mind and since they're barely any streamer!reader fics...
If you could write dynamic between quackity and streamer!reader. And they have best friends to lovers energy. I don't know if it's enough but i would appreciate if you could write it.
pairing: quackity x gn!reader
requested: yes by @klaire-jinx
warnings: maybe swearing?? not proofread (yes thats a warning lol)
word count: 824
a/n: finally wrote this ah!!! imma start posting daily maybe?? send some requests !
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โ€œChat!โ€ Quackity sings whilst tapping his index finger with his hand on y/nโ€™s knee which is out of the camerasโ€™ sight.
โ€œChat!โ€ y/n sings along with him. They grab Quackityโ€™s hand trying to keep him relaxed knowing he is a bit nervous and sad for this stream. It is their final stream in their โ€œmeetup eraโ€ as they like to call it. They have been together for the past month after being online best friends for 2 years. y/n is also a streamer who met Quackity the day he joined the DreamSMP, of course they knew who he was before that, but they never talked to him until he officially joined. So, from the day he joined 2 years ago y/n made sure to talk to him everyday and they did which led to them becoming inseparable despite their clear physical distance.
They were about to announce that this was going to be the final stream as y/n must leave the next day to go back home. Both are devastated but they know they canโ€™t stay together forever, even with the lingering feelings between them.
โ€œWe have an announcement,โ€ Quackity sighs, hesitating to tell the fans whatโ€™s happening. Chat start assuming that they are announcing they are going to move in together or that they are dating. This makes him smile, knowing that chat would be okay with them living together or them dating. Obviously, that wasnโ€™t the announcement, but he so wished it was.
โ€œThis is the final meetup era stream,โ€ y/n says for him, they rest their head on his shoulder still holding this hand discretely under his desk. Chat goes wild, most of them are sad begging for more streams but there is the random โ€˜yes!โ€™ or โ€˜finallyโ€™ making y/n frown slightly.
They straighten their back and let go of Quackityโ€™s hand and start responding to chat making small talk. Quackity just sits there silent, admiring them in their element. Streaming is one of the only things keeping y/n happy about them leaving knowing that they can go home and stream with Quackity via discord. Although it wonโ€™t be the same.
Quackity doesnโ€™t talk much through the stream, he occasionally gets up to get drinks or snacks knowing the stream will last a couple hours. They play a couple games like FNAF and Minecraft, but it all forced happiness, every joke he makes feel so fake and y/n notices this. They also notice the lingering touches and glances. He constantly has his hand on their mid-thigh sometimes lightly but when a dono comes in saying something bad about their friendship he tightens his grip. This is different through the last however many streams they have done together Quackity has never been this protective nor touchy usually he pushes them away if y/n so much as lays their head on his shoulder.
The stream starts to wrap up at 2am 3 hours before y/nsโ€™ flight home is scheduled. Quackity and y/n want some time alone together to really say their goodbyes properly. So, when he clicks โ€˜End Streamโ€™ he drags y/n to his couch and opens Netflix playing some random romcom he knows y/n will like. Quackity opens his arms and pulls y/n into his grasp spooning them, their back pressing against his chest and their legs entangled. This foreign position sets y/n off slightly. Yes, they were leaving but not for good, they have already planned a holiday for Quackity to visit them at their house in 2 months, so this was completely deeper than them leaving.
โ€œWhat is your problem, Alex? Youโ€™re so touchy today, Iโ€™m not leaving forever!โ€ they groan turning themselves around, so they were face to face on the couch. Quackity is stunned by the sudden voice raise.
โ€œI am going to miss you, I am sorry geez,โ€ he mumbles sitting up and climbing over y/nsโ€™ body.
โ€œYeah, obviously I will miss you as well but this is a bit extra, bro,โ€
โ€œShut up this is about you and your clinginess,โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t tell you why I am so clingy after you call me bro, bro,โ€
y/n freezes. Shit. This is totally what they think it is, Quackity has feelings for them. It makes sense, complete sense but honestly y/n was to blind to notice it and to notice themselves starting to like him as well.
โ€œPlease donโ€™t just stare at me like that, y/n.โ€ Quackity drags his hand over his face embarrassed.
โ€œYou like-โ€œ y/n gets cut off.
โ€œ-Donโ€™t say it,โ€
โ€œBut itโ€™s true?โ€
He just nods hiding his face in his hands. He takes a seat on the couch and y/n gets off.
โ€œLook at me please, Alex,โ€ their soft voice is too irresistible to ignore.
โ€œI am sorry,โ€ He says looking up at them, they cup his cheeks with their hands and place a kiss on his forehead, then nose, then finally a soft lingering kiss on his lips.
โ€œDonโ€™t be sorry, love,โ€
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shadowdaddies ยท 2 months
I am a sucker for angst so can I please request a Ruhn danaan x reader. Where she and ruhn have been together for a while, and she overhears ruhn saying something about her being a bet or a dare. A lot of angst and maybe some fluffy ending
thanks for the request, love๐Ÿ’œ
Just a Bet
Ruhn x Reader angst to fluff
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Smoothing your hair, you stepped out of your car in the driveway as you strode towards Ruhnโ€™s house. You were already regretting the heels youโ€™d donned for your anniversary, feet aching in opposition to the excitement you felt to celebrate one year since Ruhn had asked you out.
Cheeks burning from smiling so hard, you turned the door handle and entered the busy frat house. It wasnโ€™t unusual for many guests to be over, so you paid them no mind as you shouldered your way through the crowd toward the game room where Ruhn usually spent evenings like this.
Juniper caught your eye from across the room, and you waved to her and Fury as you approached the doorway where Ruhnโ€™s voice echoed in a comforting rumble - until you heard Flynnโ€™s voice.
โ€œOne year ago, I bet you that you wouldnโ€™t ask her out,โ€ he laughed, the sound of clinking beer bottles and jeers following.
Your heart leapt in your throat when you heard Ruhnโ€™s voice, time standing still as you awaited his response. Your boyfriend scoffed, โ€œI didnโ€™t think I could either.โ€
Dec chimed in at that point - your kindest friend in the group - his tone teasing as he drawled, โ€œI still canโ€™t believe she took you seriously.โ€
Your pulse pounded in your ears, eyes pricking with tears as the conversation came together in your head. You were nothing more than a bet to Flynn, a joke that Declan couldnโ€™t take serious, and apparently Ruhn felt the same.
Ripping the painful heels off your feet, you sprinted down the stairs and out of the house. Tossing the shoes in your passenger seat, you wiped the tears from your eyes and started the engine before heading back to your apartment.
The dress felt ridiculous, hair a mess and makeup ruined from crying as you stumbled into your home. Why would Ruhn have stayed with you for this long from a stupid bet? Were you nothing more than a joke, for him and his friendsโ€™ amusement?
The thought made tears well up once more, this time pouring over your cheeks as you sobbed. Practically ripping the dress from your body, you ignored the buzzing of your phone in favor of your welcoming shower.
Stepping under the steaming hot water, you scrubbed the memory of tonight as best you could from your skin before stepping out. Wrapping a fluffy towel around your body, you sighed with a hint of relief.ย 
Realizing how dried out you were from your tears, you padded towards the kitchen for some water when you were stopped in your tracks. Bryce lay on your couch, lazily flipping through the tv channels as amber eyes flicked to yours.ย 
With a dramatic sigh, she set down the remote, turning fully to face you. She took in your disheveled state, expression softening at the redness in your eyes, your puffy cheeks.
Shutting off the TV, Bryce sat up and patted the open space on the sofa next to her.
โ€œI need water,โ€ you whispered through a sniffle, voice raspy from dehydration.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll get it for you. Sit,โ€ Bryce directed, her voice gentle as she sprung gracefully from the couch and headed toward the kitchen.
You settled into the cushions, picking a pillow from behind you to hold against your chest. Nodding a silent thanks, you took the water from Bryce and drank it down, the cold liquid cooling your heated cheeks.
โ€œFury texted me. She and Juniper saw you running out of Ruhnโ€™s house before he came downstairs asking if theyโ€™d seen you. Heโ€™s been blowing up everyoneโ€™s phones, worried about you.โ€
A bitter laugh escaped your lips, but you found yourself unable to make eye contact with your friend as you muttered, โ€œYeah, Iโ€™m sure heโ€™s heartbroken.โ€
Before you could react, the pillow was ripped from your arms, Bryceโ€™s manicured nails practically digging holes into its fabric as her eyes simmered with barely contained rage.
โ€œYou may be my friend, but Ruhn is my brother. Explain to me why you think his heartbreak is amusing to you.โ€ Your lower lip wobbled at her harsh words, the dam of your emotions about to break again.
Bryce loosed a breath, gently setting the pillow between you on the sofa as she spoke again, her voice softer this time. โ€œI donโ€™t know what happened, but heโ€™s hurting too. Talk to me.โ€
The patterns on the pillow suddenly became much more interesting, your fingers tracing the stitching in the fabric while you found the courage to voice what you had heard at the house. โ€œI was going to meet Ruhn for our anniversary dinner... but I heard them talking. I heard Flynn say that I was a bet. Even Dec-โ€œ
Shifting to rest on your elbows, you hid your face in your hands as the memory flashed too vividly through your mind. โ€œDec said he couldnโ€™t believe I thought Ruhn was serious when he asked me out.โ€
You looked up to see Bryceโ€™s own eyes lined with tears, her jaw set in anger as she processed everything you said.
โ€œIโ€™m a joke to them, Bryce. I was just a bet that heโ€™s decided to string along for whatever reason. Maybe he does like me now, but...โ€
You couldnโ€™t find the words, tongue twisted in knots like your stomach as thoughts eddied deeper and darker as you reflected on the past year of your life.ย 
Bryceโ€™s hand gently reached for your own, holding them softly as she spoke. โ€œI am going to speak with Ruhn and figure out what is going on. If he was such a dumbass to do something like that to you, Iโ€™ll kick his ass. But I feel like there has to be something more to it. Theyโ€™re good males - stupid alphaholes - but theyโ€™re good males.โ€
You nodded, a flicker of hope sparking in your chest at the thought. They had always been kind to you... Surely that couldnโ€™t all be fake?
โ€œWhy donโ€™t you get dressed? Iโ€™m going to see Ruhn and Iโ€™ll pick you up some food,โ€ Bryce promised, pulling you in for a warm hug before turning and heading out the door, phone already in hand as she fired off messages.
You returned to your room, feeling numb from the pendulum of emotions youโ€™d swung on all evening. You vaguely remembered slipping on a t shirt and shorts, returning to the couch to find the channel on Fangs and Bangs before you fell asleep.
You bolted upright at the sound of a soft knock at your door, rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes to look at your phone. Not much time had passed, but the bombardment of earlier messages from Ruhn and your friends filled the screen.ย 
โ€œAre you there? Bryce told me what happened, and itโ€™s not what you think.โ€ A tense beat of silence passed between you. โ€œPlease just hear me out. If youโ€™d rather talk to Bryce, sheโ€™s downstairs... But I brought food.โ€
As if on cue, your stomach growled, drawing attention to the hunger gnawing in your gut. Stomping towards the door, you flung it open to grab the food from Ruhnโ€™s hands when his appearance shocked you still.
His violet eyes were rimmed red and swollen like yours, his hair a mess. He was dressed in an all-black suit, the shirt unbuttoned and tie loose. You hated how it tugged on your heartstrings to see him this way, how there was a part of you that could never hate him, even if what Flynn had said was true.
โ€œFine,โ€ you snapped, snatching the bag of food before returning to the couch without a second glance. โ€œYou have one shot to explain.โ€
Ruhn sighed, the sound slightly drowned out by the soft click of the door closing behind him. You spared him a glance as he took a seat on the couch, careful to keep his distance.
The chipped black paint of his nails blended into his onyx hair as he ran a hand through it, his muscular leg shaking anxiously before he turned to you. Wholly still, Ruhnโ€™s voice emanated with earnest when he finally spoke.
โ€œBryce told me what you heard, back at my house. I understand how it would sound, but thatโ€™s not at all what happened, and I first and foremost need you to know that you are not a joke. You have never been a joke - to Flynn, to Dec, and especially not to me. I was the joke in that room. They were teasing me, because, yes, asking you out was a dare of sorts.โ€
You felt the rage build in your chest at that, setting down your food on the table as you prepared for what he would say next - or so you thought you were prepared.ย 
โ€œI remember the first time I saw you, when you came into the White Raven with Bryce. It felt like my world tilted on its axis,โ€ he paused, shaky breath leaving his lips as his eyes went hazy, lost in the memory.ย 
โ€œYou were the most beautiful person Iโ€™d ever seen, and when you smiled at me I forgot how to breathe. The entire room was staring at you, and you somehow didnโ€™t notice.โ€
He loosed a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he fought back a smile. โ€œDec and Marc were teasing me. They saw how I reacted to you, how drawn to you I was. But you were so beautiful and charming, and could have had any male or female you wanted.โ€
Drawing your legs to your chest, you settled into the couch and fought back the tears in your eyes at his story.
โ€œFlynnโ€™s โ€˜betโ€™ was just that I wouldnโ€™t have the guts to ask someone like you out. And I didnโ€™t at first,โ€ Ruhn laughed, toying with his lip ring before those violet eyes flicked up to meet yours.ย 
โ€œBut then Flynn said that if I didnโ€™t ask you out, he would. And thatโ€™s when I jumped up from our table so fast I knocked Decโ€™s beer on me, and made a fool of myself asking you out like that.โ€
Ruhn looked down at your hands, his own twitching as though barely holding back from reaching for you. So you reached for him. The cold silver of his rings was a familiar comfort, and you felt yourself relax as his fingers twined tightly with your own.
โ€œDec didnโ€™t think youโ€™d take me seriously because I was a dumbass, asking out the most incredible female Iโ€™ve ever met while covered in beer and stumbling through my words.โ€ You laughed then, and Ruhnโ€™s entire presence seemed to brighten in response.ย 
โ€œI remember. I thought it was cute. You werenโ€™t the snobby fae royalty I would have expected, and I found it very charming,โ€ you teased, a smile spreading across your face as you then relived the memory of the striking yet goofy male first approaching you.
โ€œI am so sorry that I didnโ€™t tell you that. Itโ€™s not exactly something that Iโ€™m proud of, that I was so nervous to ask you out. Flynn never lets me live it down.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ you murmured, feeling embarrassed at how you had jumped to conclusions so quickly. โ€œI feel like I ruined our anniversary. I should have stayed and listened to you.โ€
Ruhnโ€™s eyes glittered like stars, his hands finding your waist to lift you into his lap. Hooking your arms around his neck, you straddled your boyfriendโ€™s hips. Ruhn exhaled sharply through his teeth, causing you to lean back in alarm.
โ€œItโ€™s just a bruise, curtesy of Bryce.โ€ You blushed, biting back laughter over your friendโ€™s protectiveness. โ€œYou did not ruin anything. Flynn, on the other hand, got it worse than me,โ€ he chuckled, nodding to his wounded side.
โ€œYou have a lot of people in your life who would do anything for you, including Bryce and myself. All I want is to spend the rest of our night together so I can show you just how much I love you,โ€ he murmured, eyed lidded with desire as you settled further into his lap.
โ€œI think I could arrange that,โ€ you purred, leaning down to kiss Ruhnโ€™s full lips before trailing his jaw, down his neck, his exposed chest.ย 
He picked you up, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom where you spent the night exchanging soft touches and sweet nothings until the sun rose the next morning.
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misc-obeyme ยท 3 months
Angsty Thoughts about what would satan think if he went all wrath murdery and almost killed mc? How whould he and the brothers react?
Hi Isabella!
Sooooo sorry for the delay on my response to this, but I got a little idea and I wanted to write it out. Generally, I think Satan would react very badly to this situation in that his guilt would overcome him. I think the other brothers would be most focused on MC. They would want to make sure that MC is okay. Though things might be awkward between all of them for a little while.
Anyway, I wrote this little scene to depict kinda what I was thinking. I left it open ended so that you can decide if it ends angsty or fluffy.
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GN!MC x Satan
Warnings: Angst! This is the aftermath of Satan almost killing MC.
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You opened your eyes slowly, taking in the bleary darkness of the ceiling in your room. The tree's branches spread above you, the leaves still in the silence.
Your head hurt a little, but otherwise you were all right. You shifted in bed, trying to remember what had happened.
A memory suddenly flashed through your mind - Satan in demon form, enraged, eyes blazing green, tail whipping through the air. Your hand reaching out toward him, your voice soft and pleading. A blast of magic light. The heavy pain that spread through your chest. Your body lifting, feeling yourself splayed across the floor. Hearing the voices of the brothers as your eyes closed, feeling Lucifer lifting you.
And that was all you needed. You sat up in bed, remembering exactly what had happened. You looked around and saw Mammon sitting on your floor, head propped up against the side of your mattress, asleep. Belphie was slumped against him, also dozing. Across the room you saw Beel, Levi, and Asmo all breathing softly against each other, also in a state of slumber.
It was so cute, you couldn't help but smile.
A hand on your shoulder nearly made you jump, but you looked up to see that it was Lucifer. The only brother still awake, it seemed.
You slipped out of your bed and followed him into the hallway.
"Are you feeling all right, MC?" he asked the second you closed your bedroom door.
"I'm fine," you said. You shook your arms out, tested your legs, stretched out your back. "I was expecting to be in pain, but I feel fine."
"You can thank Asmo for that," Lucifer said. "He used a spell at the last second to lessen the impact when you hit the ground."
You looked around the hallway. "How long have I been asleep? Where's Satan?"
Lucifer frowned. "It's only been a few hours. Satan has locked himself in his room. I carried you here and the others refused to leave, so no one has spoken to him yet."
"I need to talk to him," you said.
Lucifer shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea," he said. "That magic he hit you with almost killed you. Do you realize that?"
"I don't care about that," you said. "It's not like I haven't almost died several times here by now. And I'm not dead, am I? I'm going to talk to him."
"MC-" Lucifer began to protest as you started off down the hall, reaching out to grab your wrist.
You pulled your wrist out of his hand. "Don't try to stop me."
Lucifer frowned after you as you made your way to Satan's door.
You knocked.
No response.
"Satan?" you called. "It's me. Please let me in."
"What are you doing here?"
His voice was strained and hoarse. It came from directly behind the door, as if he was leaning against the other side.
"I want to talk to you," you said. "Don't you think you owe me that?"
There was a long silence. And then you heard movement. A click and the door opened.
You couldn't see Satan, as he stepped back into the shadows.
You went inside and closed his door behind you. He was lingering by a stack of books, unable to look at you. He was still in demon form, like he hadn't been able to calm himself enough to shift back.
"Satan," you said quietly.
He flinched and turned even further away. "You shouldn't be here, MC. You shouldn't be near me."
You could hear the tears in his voice and you knew he had been crying.
"I'm not afraid of you," you said.
"I nearly killed you," he said. "If Asmo hadn't-"
The words broke off in a choked sob.
You could tell that words were getting you nowhere fast. You came closer to his huddled form and put a hand on his back. He stilled beneath your touch and the fear that was radiating from him nearly broke your heart.
You didn't say anything. What could you say at this point? He wasn't in a place to hear you.
Instead you slowly pressed yourself against him, leaning your cheek on his back and wrapping your arms around his waist.
Satan was like stone in your embrace. It made you want to cry, too, but you could hold yourself still. You needed to be strong for him.
You squeezed him a little and said, "I love you."
For a moment, everything was silent. And then Satan shuddered. His body relaxed as his demon form retreated. He turned around and you saw his face clearly for the first time since you'd arrived - distraught and streaked with tears.
"How could you ever love a monster like me?" he asked in a broken whisper. The pain in every word shot through your veins like ice. "I don't deserve your love."
You saw the confusion in his eyes. Part of him wanted to give in, to accept your love and your heart. But a larger part of him believed what he had just said - that he didn't deserve it.
You pressed your forehead against his and waited. There was a question in your silence, a challenge. Would he push you away? Or would he let you love him?
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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abowlofhunny ยท 8 months
A/N You'll need context from the ending of CC2 for the beginning of the fic, but if you don't plan on reading that series it will (mostly) make sense. But hardcore spoilers for CC2 ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
But lmk if you guys would like more Azriel x Cadre!Reader! I've loved this concept forever and am finally ready to start sharing it ๐Ÿฅฐ You'll meet reader in the next part and get her pov ๐Ÿฅฐ
ACOTAR X TOG crossover
Pairing: Azriel X Cadre!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, eventual smut, angst, trauma, CPTSD, war (to be updated โค๏ธ)
The Blade of Doranelle
part 0.5
Rhysand was going to go mad.
He paces behind his desk with furrowed brows, trying to get any sense of something rational in his life. Since Bryce Quinlan fell into his court months ago his brain has been close to bursting. Feyre is no better. They've each had dozens of reports of tears in their world, in the very air itself, with shifting light marking every last one of them. Even when the female made her way back to her world, the rifts didn't close behind her. Both high lord and lady had gone together to the closest one, just outside of Velaris, and tried to close it themselves. When that proved impossible for the two most powerful high fae to have walked Prythian, tensions rose considerably.
Rhys takes a deep breath and turns to his mate who has been watching him quietly from her perch on the couch. She had Rhea, Madja's assistant, watching Nyx while his parents were occupied throughout their busy afternoons, and this was no exception.
"Thought for a thought?" She murmurs gently.
Rhysand stops pacing, and despite the exhaustion weighing on his soul he smiles. Despite his 500 years being alive, nothing could have prepared him for something this absurd.
"I'm thinkingโ€ฆ that I want to throw something out of that window," Rhys grumbles. He turns to Feyre who can practically see the instincts in him roaring to protect and slaughter any who threatens what's his. But that now unsealed letter at the top of dozens of reports? It rattled him.
Azriel had brought it in, after his spies witnessed a village go into an uproar after a blonde fae male in silver armor stepped through a rift and politely requested a letter be delivered to their leader. But when Az had gotten there the male was long gone, stepping back through the rift.
As soon as Rhys finished reading the male's letter; he silently handed it to his mate and his eyes glazed over, immediately contacting everyone in his inner circle for an emergency meeting. Feyre's eyes had darted across the page before immediately turning back to Azriel, her face grave. "We need Amren here."
Although its contents itself were as pleasant as it could be, all things considered. Azriel's face had been dark since he brought in the damned thing, and now that the second in command was getting involved? As he winnowed away, Azriel was sure this was nothing but a bad omen.
He returned within a heartbeat with Amren. The small female was still intimidating despite her loss of power. Especially now seeing her delicate face contorted with rage as she's handed the offending paper by her high lady. Azriel's face was still dark as he moved to stand in front of the fireplace and a cunning eyed Amren now read the letter.
Feyre twists towards her mate once more and leans forward, "What is the political side of you thinking, Rhysand?"
Despite her young age, her eyes were sharp and clear. This was her court and her family potentially in danger, no matter how important these rifts may be, to be sent a letter from something on the other side was a security risk, no matter their intentions.
Rhys takes a deep breath in and considers. Just as he opens his mouth the door bursts open- "What the fuck do you mean a queen from across the rift requested an audience?"
"Hello cousin," Rhys grumbles before pinching his brows.
"There's no way in Hel that you're considering it," hisses Mor again, with Cassian and Nesta on her heels looking inclined to agree. She likely had winnowed them to the river house upon getting her own summons and brief explanation from Rhys mind to mind.
"As I was going to say," he rubs his face, "this meeting is risky."
"But so is leaving unattended rifts across our court." Amren says. She had been silent since she finished reading, the letter dangling haphazardly from her pinched fingers.
"We can handle the rifts across our court. We shouldn't be interacting with what is on the other side," says Azriel as he stalks forward towards Rhys, "It has to be a trap."
"What if it's genuine? Look at your orrery Rhys, you already thought other worlds existed. It was confirmed with Bryce. It wouldn't hurt to at least reply to the letter," Nesta says before she catches Azriel's eye, "You're a spymaster, shouldn't you be halfway through that rift to seek your own answers from whoever delivered the letter?" Azriel's eyes narrow in response.
"That is not a risk even I am willing to take. The rift itself could likely kill us-"
"It won't. I already have eyewitness reports of townsfolk stepping through a rift with rope tied around their waists and returning of their own accord," Feyre interrupts as she presses her fingers into her temples.
"Rhys and I entered their minds and they weren't altered at all, Madja looked at several as well and no bodily harm came to them either. And its been well over two months since the first rift opened, if something was going to happen to those people I think it would have already."
"Mother's tits Rhys. First the queens, Koschei, Bryce, rifts opening across all of Prythian and now finding something on the other side of one?" Cassian sighed before grumbling, "I need to make sure the Illyrians are ready to fly again."
Mor's skirt hissed against the wooden flooring as she swept forward to snatch the letter from Amren, who surprisingly allowed her with no more than a sideways glance. She refolds the paper to align the broken seal once more and traces the dark green wax.
"This seal is unfamiliarโ€ฆ" she muses before skimming the letter and promptly dropping it back onto the once organized desk of Rhysand's office. The paper now seemingly mocking the rest of the reports that were deemed unimportant.
"Do the initials A.A.G. ring any bells?"
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sardonic-the-writer ยท 1 year
โ€”the flood
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SUMMARY | an alert on your phone reminds you just how short life can be
PAIRING | cc!quackity x reader
WARNINGS | death, angst, no happy ending, a bit unrealistic
AUTHORS NOTES | an old idea i had scrapped for over a year. might be a bit choppy so bear with me
๐Ÿ“œ Masterlist ๐Ÿ“œ Navigation ๐Ÿ“œ Rules ๐Ÿ“œ
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A bright light blinded (Y/n).
Grumbling incoherently, they rubbed at their eyes sleepily. A wave that resembled nausea swept over them, their bed way too comfy to be getting out of right now. Besides, there was no way it could even be close to morning yet.
It took them a few moments before scraping up the strength to open their eyelids.
Their half asleep body fumbled around for a moment before eventually finding the source of the light that was currently burning through their retinas. Picking up their phone with a sigh, the first thing they saw was the ungodly hour.
"Who the fuck texts at four in the moring." They hissed, pissed off at the unknown notification.
(Y/n) scratched away at some of the crust that had gathered around the edges of their eyes as they pulled up the screen with a flick of their thumb. They sighed while starting to read the message.
Then their heart stopped.
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The soft noise of bare feet on carpet emitted from the living room. (Y/n) had found their way into that part of the beach house where their boyfriend lay. Dead asleep on the top of the couch; where he always went when he was having trouble sleeping.
He was wrapped in a mountain of blankets, beanie astrayโ€”probably halfway across the room somewhere. Normally (Y/n) would take the moment to admire him, maybe even laugh for a moment or two about the drool trickling down his chin. But all they could focus on right now was staying up right and putting one foot in front of the other.
"Alex." They whispered softly, though a tremor or two could be detected. "Alex, wake up. It's important."
The males arm sluggishly shot out and he grabbed their wrist. He pulled them into a warm embrace, smiling faintly with mischief. Even in his sleep he still found time for jokes.
"M' sleepy." He sighed out, tickling (Y/n)'s face with his warm breath.
"Alex." They raised their voice to the edge of panic, now resorting to violent shakes as a way to jump start his body into gear. "Get up. It's an emergency."
His eyes fluttered open lazily.
"Don't tell me the cat got out again." He joked with a slur. He was clearly drunk on sleep.
"Alex please."
His eyebrows furrowed slowly. Begrudgingly the couch cushions beneath the both of them dipped with his shifting weight. Quackitys hands went to rub at his eyes. Trying to show his partner that he was being serious now.
"S goin on amor?" He managed through a yawn. (Y/n)'s heart seemed to stop working at the question.
Not knowing what else to do, they reached shakily for the phone in their back pocket, turning it on and opening it to show him the same notification they had been sent not but ten minutes ago.
Quackitys face dropped.
"There's a tsunami coming Alex. And we can't get out of here."
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The couple had been sitting at the rentals kitchen for about an hour now.
Two piping hot cups of coffee laid untouched in front of them. The beverage seemed about as apatizing as their situations right now. Neither of them had really wanted anything of the sorts, but nonetheless the coffee machine had been booted up. Maybe out of routine, maybe to find comfort. But whatever it is they were searching for, they wouldn't have to look much longer.
It had been Quackitys idea to go on this little vacation. The streamer life had been catching up to the both of them, and they agreed that a break was long overdue. It had been the perfect plan. A week long vacation at a beach just a few hours away together. A rental house, plenty of sun, and some decent restaurants nearby to get drunk at and sweetly kiss each other after one too many glasses of wine.
All of that seemed so far away now. Like it was for nothing.
"What do we do now." Talking to (Y/n) felt like trying to swallow a mouthful of dry cotten.
"We can't take the evacuation roads. Their all backed up." Quackity answered them with about as much emotion they had put into their own question. Which is to say none.
Throughout their entire relationship with him, (Y/n) had rarely seen Quackity this beaten up about anything before. This whole situation felt like a fever dream at first, but just seeing the look on their boyfriends face when they realized neither of them were gonna make it out alive really sealed the deal.
"I mean." Quackity sat up straighter, reaching out across the table to shakily grab (Y/n)s hand. "We could just enjoy the time we have left."
"Oh yeah? An hour left of our lives to do what. Watch t.v?" Their half-hearted attempt at a joke landed poorly, though he didn't seem to mind.
"No." He shook his head. "I mean, maybe tweet out a goodbye and turn our phones off. Then just, talk. Be with each other for the last bit."
(Y/n)s hand went limp in his own for a second before tightly squeezing back. A silent agreement to what he was proposing.
"This has definitely been a good last week to end things on. Just me and you. I don't think either of us have thought about anything other than how much fun we're having ever since we got here. And I wouldn't want to ruin that now." His adams apple bobbed as he swallowed down whatever emotions he was feeling at the moment. (Y/n) watched it, feeling their own eyes sting with a new set of tears.
"I don't think anything could've ruined you for me Alex. Not even this stupid fucking tsunami." (Y/n) smiled. They wanted to stop the water works, but once they saw Quackity trying to do the same thing it was over.
The pair slowly walked over to the couch Quackity had been peacefully snoring on not so long ago. Wrapping each other in the others embrace instead of blankets this time, they waited for anything to happen as they talked about anything and everything under the sun. Quackitys first stupidly edited video. How they met at a Chipotle of all places. Going to England the first time together to visit friends. Him learning he got into lawyer school. (Y/n) finally reaching 1 million subs. How Techno would be proud of them both, and also probably calling them nerds. It was as if a strange calm had washed over them. Nestling into their hearts as they sat contently on the couch.
And that's how they sat as the wave of water crashed over the pair, ending the tether of their lives with a quick snip.
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alastxrs ยท 9 hours
could you maybe do a whitebeard and tall husband who's been with each other for years and when marine ford happens and edward is about to get shot by blackbeards crew his husband sacrifices his life
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My Darling Captain, I'll Die for You Always!
๐„๐๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ "๐–๐ก๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐›๐ž๐š๐ซ๐" ๐๐ž๐ฐ๐ ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฑ ๐Œ๐š๐ฅ๐ž!๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ
๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‡๐ฎ๐ฌ๐›๐š๐ง๐ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐†๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ ๐–๐ก๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐›๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ ๐ก๐š๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐งโ€ฆ
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โ๐ˆ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐๐ข๐ž, ๐ˆ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐ข๐ฌ๐ž.โž
Those were the words Captain Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate had promised his husband, Y/N Newgate when they arrived at Marineford.
They had been together through everything.
When the Whitebeard pirates thought of their Captain and Y/N, they thought about how happy the two men had been and how they wouldn't die unless it was to die with each other.
Yet, the fates were not on their side now.
"Teach!! Don't do it!!"
They had already lost Ace, they couldn't lose their captain too.
Marshell D. Teach stood in front of an injured Edward with his crew and guns in their hands.
The giant man was breathing slowly as he stared at his old crewmate.
He had already fought Akainu and that hit him hard.
Whitebeard didn't understand why had betrayed them and killed Hatch, knowing his old son was going to kill him didn't bring him the satisfaction.
Edward closed his eyes as he thought about his husband and their wedding.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the serene beachfront where Edward Newgate and Y/N were about to exchange their vows. The gentle sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to the joyous occasion. Edward, towering and imposing as always, stood with a rare softness in his eyes. Today, the mighty Whitebeard looked almost serene, his usual aura of power tempered by the tender emotions of the moment.
Y/N, just an inch shorter than Edward, stood by his side, a mixture of excitement and nervousness evident in his expression. The two men were surrounded by their closest friends and crewmates, all gathered to witness this monumental moment. Despite the rough and tumble nature of their lives, today was about love and unity, and it was clear that everyone present was deeply moved by the occasion.
As the officiant began the ceremony, Edward reached out and took Y/N's hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "From the moment we met, I knew you were someone special," Edward began, his deep voice filled with emotion. "Youโ€™ve stood by my side through thick and thin, and I promise to stand by yours for the rest of our days." The sincerity in his words brought tears to many eyes, including Y/N's.
Y/N, with a voice steady but full of feeling, replied, "Edward, you are my anchor, my strength, and my heart. I promise to love you fiercely, to support you always, and to cherish every moment we have together." The two men exchanged rings, simple bands that symbolized their deep commitment to one another.
"Edward Newgate, do you take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Do you, Y/N L/N, take Edward Newgate to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
When the officiant pronounced them married, Edward pulled Y/N into a strong embrace, lifting him off his feet slightly. The cheers from their friends and family were deafening, the joy palpable in the air. The two shared a passionate kiss, sealing their vows with a promise of forever.
A sigh escaped the captain's lips as he looked at the man he had once trusted with his life.
At least, Y/N would be safe.
Or so he would think.
"You'll never be my son, Teach."
And that was when Blackbeard pointed his gun at him, he heard the order to shoot him yet he couldn't process the words.
He was ready to die now.
"Y/N NO!!!"
"DAD NO!!"
He assumed Y/N was trying to fight against the other men to get to him.
He couldn't hear footsteps.
The gunshots went off and yet he never felt a single bullet pierce his skin from the shots, there was no way these pirates were missing the shots on him when he was standing right in front of them.
Suddenly, the gunshots stopped after awhile.
Edward opened his eyes so he could see yet his heart stopped and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.
Even Teach was surprised at the sight in front of him.
His beloved, Y/N was in front of him.
His body was covered with blood and the slightly smaller husband of his was shaking trying to keep a grasp on living for a little longer.
Though, a smile formed on his lover's lips.
"If you think I'm going to allow you to die without me, you must be insane Edward.." His husband whispered as he turned his head to look at him. "I know you aren't going to escape alive so I might as well die with you."
He couldn't deny that and he couldn't help himself but to chuckle one last time while Y/N moved next to him slowly.
"Til death do us part, you are taking that too literal."
"Well of course, I told you I didn't want to live in a world without you when we were in our prime no?"
"I'm still in my prime, dear."
"Darling, we are old, these young kids are reaching their prime but ours has ended."
The two laughed as their hands intertwined, Edward squeezed his husband's hands.
The Whitebeard pirates cried louder because this would be the final time they would hear their fathers talk. The Marines were quiet while watching the two lovers, some were crying.
While Teach, he looked angry because he didn't understand what the two men said.
Gasps were heard around and everyone around couldn't believe what had been said, a lot of people didn't believe that the treasure of Gold D Roger was real.
Before anything else, the two men let out their final breaths.
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lacedqll ยท 2 months
could i request a ranboo x reader where Ranboo walks in on the reader trying to overdose on painkillers? maybe they dont overdose because Ranboo stops them, or they do get a couple pills down
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ย  โ› rather overdose on pills than love ! - โœ
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I STARED down at the bottle, pain killers written on the front of the white wrap around of the orange colored bottle, the cap open with a few pills missing, now digested into my body. in me and Ranboos shared bathroom wasnt the best place to overdose, but what other places were there to hide? it didnt matter anyways. "It'll be over soon." i whispered to myself, letting a hitched breath leave my mouth as i grabbed a fistful of pills from the orange bottle, bringing it to my lips and i shakily opened my mouth. my death wish had seem to run out as Ranboo waltzed into the bathroom, hearing them take the loudest gasp they possibly couldve managed as they pretty much slapped my hand, making the pills compile onto the tiled bathroom floor and some under the sink. that was gonna be a hell to clean up.. "Ow! Ranboo what the hell!" i had exclaimed, yanking my hand to my chest. "What do you mean 'what the hell'?! You're digesting pills!" he had quickly said, grabbing the pill bottle out of my other hand. i guess that was understandable...
i refused eye contact. "So what? Its only,,, maybe four I have taken so far!" i insisted. "That doesnt change the fact you're eating unprescribed pills in unhealthy amounts! four pain killers, or just pills in general, isnt healthy!" they practically yelled, grabbing at my wrist surprisingly gently, grabbing at my shoulder afterwards, "What were you thinking?! How idiotic-- sorry, but listen. Do. Not. Overdose. On. Those. Pills." he said firmly, making sure i kept eye contact with their hooded, more dark then usual, eyes.
i just slightly nodded at his words, though turning my head away, pushing Ranboo slightly away, though trying not to be impolite. "It doesnt matter-" "It does matter." they corrected me quickly, seeing his eyes narrow deeply from the corner of my eyes. "Im fine, dont worry." i reassured, turning my hesd towards him. "No matter how many times you insist you're alright, it isnt helping your case." he sighed.
"We are going to the hospital. You cannot fight over this."
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ย  ย  ย  ty for the request ehdkshfb (โŠƒ๏ฝกโ€ขฬโ€ฟโ€ขฬ€๏ฝก)โŠƒ im very eepy and this will probably be bad but nrghhhdhsos no motivation but i dont want to leave people waiting on requests as a smaller account! (แ—’แ—ฃแ—•)ีž have a good day ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿซถ idk how pain killers may affect you (mentally, physically ++) so im just writing it off how i think it would work! if any information is wrongly said, interpreted, written, etc., im sorry ^_^!! /gen
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