#children&039;s intelligence
tawasl · 1 year
كيفية قياس ذكاء الأطفال فى مصر
مراكز قياس ذكاء الأطفال فى مصر  خبراء مركز قياس ذكاء الأطفال هل فكرتي في قياس ذكاء طفلك؟ طب لية تقيس ذكاء ممكن نقيس ذكاء ابنك ؟!! طبعا ممكن ” لأنه مهم جدا , لان من خلال قياس الذكاء هتقدر تعرف حاجات كتيرة منها :  تشخيص التفوق العقلي والنبوغ والموهبة تشخيص الضعف العقلي وصعوبات التعلم وبطء التعلم تحديد مستوى و نوع التعليم المناسب للطفل وكمان مهنته قياس كل القدرات العقلية اللفظية والعملية. تشخيص…
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selling-words · 7 months
Understanding Emotions: Helping Kids Recognize and Manage Their Emotions Effectively While in School
Helping children understand and manage their emotions effectively while in school is essential for their social and academic success.
Emotions are an essential part of being human, and helping children understand and manage their emotions is crucial for their overall well-being and success in school. When children learn to recognize and regulate their emotions, they can navigate challenges, develop positive relationships, and thrive academically. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to help children understand…
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wellhealthhub · 9 months
Curiosity: Unlocking the Path of Knowledge - What Are You Curious About?
Curiosity, the insatiable engine propelling human progress, goes beyond mere inquiry, as it becomes the driving force propelling us to delve fearlessly into the uncharted territories of the unknown. Within this expansive and meticulously crafted article, we shall embark on an unparalleled journey of unearthing the profound and captivating mysteries that have ignited the spark of curiosity within…
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edernetdotorg · 10 months
Top 6 Products Fostering Emotional Intelligence: A Spotlight on Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom
In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, social-emotional learning (SEL) has become a crucial aspect of modern teaching. SEL focuses on cultivating skills such as empathy, resilience, emotional regulation, and social interaction among students. It acknowledges that education is not merely about academics; it’s also about forming well-rounded individuals capable of navigating the challenges of…
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Unconventional Parenting: Nurturing Well-Rounded Individuals with Unpopular Opinions
Discover effective parenting strategies for raising neurodivergent children with respect, kindness, and healthy boundaries. Gain insights into debunking misconceptions and nurturing their unique abilities. Real talk from a proud parent who demands respect without being a pushover. Explore the controversial mind of Charlotte Pearson as she challenges the status quo with an open-minded attitude of…
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rabbleboy · 1 year
I asked computer A.I. to write and illustrate a children's book story and this is what I got - "The Lost Porcupine"
I asked computer A.I. to write and illustrate a children's story and this is what I got #kidlit #childrensbook #AI #midjourney #openAI #author #illustrator
Lately, there has been an uproar against A.I. and its ability to replicate artists’ styles and use their art as references (without permission). This post is not about that. I love technology, but I can also see how many of us can be threatened by what it means. It’s a story that’s old as the wheel. And I foresee the battle going on for a while. To the fun part! This experiment started when a…
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Five Eyes Intelligence Document Says Virus Came From Wuhan Lab
Five Eyes Intelligence Document Says Virus Came From Wuhan Lab
Recently, China threatened Australia that if they continued calling for an independent investigation into the Wuhan virus, they would face boycotts of tourists and students. China and Australia have been at odds over trade issues for some time. A 15 page dossier by the Five Eyes Intelligence Group revealed the consensus that the COVID-19 virus likely escaped from the Wuhan laboratory – not from…
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sueclancy · 3 years
Dragon, the creativity cat and baby blankets
Dragon, the creativity cat and baby blankets
In my last post I talked about how I manage art projects and time. I have an heretical approach and I was asked for more details. Here goes: One of my longtime interests is in how humans think, learn and how to maintain good mental health. I read on the topics often. Here’s a few of my bookshelves full of books on these topics. I’ve learned that humans tend to learn best by hearing stories or…
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motherbookerblog · 3 years
Tuesday Review - The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021)
Tuesday Review – The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. I have to be honest, I wouldn’t have watched this film if it wasn’t for its link with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. From the Netflix trailer, it just seemed like any other family animation mixed with every repetitive homicidal AI sci-fi film. Yes, it looked good and there were elements that really interested me. Mostly Olivia Colman. I didn’t think it was gong to…
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3diassociates · 3 years
Child Mental Health Week, Again.
Child Mental Health Week, Again.
February 2021 – Child Mental Health Week – and we’re still reiterating & re-emphasising posts we’ve written about child mental health and wellbeing. (Reference, quotes, graphics and links to these will be shown throughout this post). Our children are still not sufficiently supported should they become affected by mental ill health, and the universal support for all children to prevent them from…
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talmagemoorehead · 4 years
Jang the Careful (Cat Propaganda)
Jang the Careful (Cat Propaganda)
“Oh, I’m such a stinky little cat. Stinky, stinky, stinky!”
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Jang had forgotten to use the litter box again and was beside himself with shame. Six months of potty training and he still made a mess this morning on the kitchen floor. 
What will the others think?
A moment later, the answer came…
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“Jang, have you lost your mind?! Our humans will stop feeding us. They’ll throw us outside to hunt…
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gospellightsociety · 4 years
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C. S. LEWIS DAILY: NOVEMBER 16 Prudence means practical common sense, taking the trouble to think out what you are doing and what is likely to come of it.
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Science fiction has had a preoccupation with robots and the social and moral implications of a more mechanized world. Within the genre, authors frequently play out the moral and ethical implications of artificially intelligent machines as a way of addressing aspects of what makes us human.
The Science Museum’s exhibition Robots: The 500 Year Quest to Make Robots Human tackles how we dreamed up robots, how we are making them now, and what we imagine them becoming in the future. Despite being nominally “about” robots, the focal theme running throughout the exhibition is the human imagination that fuels their designs and engineering.
The exhibition opens with automatons from the pre-Industrialized period. These intricate creations are full of awe for the art of clockwork pieces and are from a time when anatomists began trying to understand the human body in terms of these machines.
The room called “Dream” asked: “What emotions have our dreams of robots captured?” The hopes and fears engendered by humanoid machines were represented by the robots that have populated pop culture and science fiction – from Metropolis to Terminator, from remote controlled tin robots to the idea of a disembodied artificial intelligence (AI).
The penultimate room was designed like a workshop, with different stations displaying attempts to create parts that could carry out individual tasks that, when put together, would mimic humanity: manipulation, intelligence, perception, movement, communication, learning, interaction. Individually, the builds looked incomplete, like so many parts of a robot waiting to be constructed, Legos in a box.
The last room was called “Imagine” – linking the visitor’s mind very intentionally to the room “Dream.” This is where science fiction becomes reality, a rogues’ gallery of robots in little white cubicles, the sales room after the workshop. The visitor is called to imagine the increasing involvement of robots in our lives. Robots for more personable Skype calls, robots for hugging, robots for medical care, work, support, robots to help those on the autism spectrum, robots that tell jokes and robots that tell the news from silicone, human faces. Robots for making our everyday lives easier.
I always find it a bit eerie going from the world of science fiction to science-science, mostly because it seems a bit prophetic, a bit mystical. Writers and artists dreamt up these futures, these machines and cultures, and then decades later versions of them are coming true. Then there are the robots and engineering challenges that are stranger than fiction. I would never have thought building a bi-pedal robot could be more difficult than ones with facial recognition. There is a narcissism in human imagination, to think that a machine should resemble a human.
Leaving the exhibition, I felt uneasy – these robots with their inhuman faces made me uncomfortable and I couldn’t pinpoint why, especially since I’d recently read A Search for Wondla by Tony DiTerlizzi, which features a nurturing robot character. A little bit Wizard of Oz, a little bit Alice in Wonderland, this book follows Eva-nine, a girl gestated and raised in a fully automated Sanctuary bunker by a Muthr robot designed to rear children and prepare them for the post-apocalyptic Earth outside.
From A Search for Wondla (c) Tony DiTerlizzi
The story raises all sorts of interesting questions about what it means to be human, as the last of the human race have emerged from their Sanctuaries to find a planet now populated by refugee aliens. (Side Note: Dealing with all these sentient not-humans, we need a different vocabulary for describing the qualities we usually call “humanity.” In Out of the Silent Planet, C.S. Lewis describes his sentient humans and aliens as hnau – which means a creature with intelligence and empathy. I imagine it pronounced |huh-now| but imagine it as you will.)
While the good aliens and bad humans draw attention to the ethnocentric idea of humanity, the story also uses its main robot character to question if this “hnau” nature is limited to organic creatures. Muthr seems like a standard robot – she is programmed to take care of Eva-Nine, but when they are forced to leave the Sanctuary and deal with an alien earth, her AI adapts. Muthr begins to show signs of caring for Eva and (spoiler alert) ultimately sacrifices herself to save Eva-Nine. Once Eva reaches a human city, she meets a different Muthr bot and is distraught at the difference between Eva’s Muthr and this soulless robot.
Robots have captured our imagination and represented both our anxieties and hopes for the future. While Muthr seemed to become more human in a loving, nurturing way, there have been plenty of real life instances of AI reflecting the more terrible aspects of human behavior. Some AI have become racist and sexist just because they took the data available on the internet and interpreted the inherent sexist and racist language structures as the correct constructs.
In the strange silicone faces of the care-giving robots in the final room of the exhibition, I saw the beginnings of Muthr. Is this what we are aiming for? Automated child-rearing? Why does the idea of more robots make me anxious?
Although it doesn’t delve into the exhaustive moral, philosophical and ethical debates, the exhibition acknowledges our imagined fear of robots. In Doctor Who and Philosophy, one writer pointed out that the robotic Daleks were wonderful villains because they were examples of rationality gone too far. That in the post-industrialized world, we fear “robota” as it was first defined – soulless forced labor of people. We fear humans being treated with unfeeling reason because it is our emotions and ability to relate to one another that makes us human. Not “I think therefore I am” but “I feel therefore I am.” And if humans are robots when we don’t feel, what about robots that do feel? What are they?
  Explore Further
Robots at the Science Museum!
Science Museum’s Robot Blog
Getty Images Album of the Exhibition
Meet the Robots
Wondla Website
The Search For Wondla by Tony Diterizzi
A Hero for Wondla
The Battle for Wondla
Suggested reading
For anyone interested in robots, artificial intelligence, or the line between humanity and technology
All Isaac Asimov
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Speaker for the Dead (only after reading Ender’s Game please!)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep?
The Adoration of Jenna Fox
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Astro Boy
2001: A Space Odyssey 
How to Survive a Robot Uprising
All the Birds in the Sky
  Read about #Robots and #sciencefiction @sciencemuseum and #WondLa @TonyDiTerlizzi 🤖 Science fiction has had a preoccupation with robots and the social and moral implications of a more mechanized world.
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a-for-alternative · 6 years
[B]’s Age: An Analysis ♰
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Though B's age is never stated in canon material, the prevailing belief is that he is an adult in 2002. This is based Naomi’s first encounter with him [038-039 EN] under his Rue persona, describing him as a young man that is fairly tall. 
But, is it possible to make an guesstimate B’s age?
This considers his [1] physical attributes as described in DNAN, the potential for his age to be predicted by  [2] patterns within the LABB case itself, and predictors for when L became L to generate  [3] the first generation…
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♰    — — Rue’s Attributes: — —    ♰
It is possible for B to have been younger or older than the age Naomi (then 26) perceived him as? -- It would be easy to assume, based on Naomi’s assessment, he must be older than an early teenager - probably in the later or final stages of puberty (16+)... However, B is under disguise and the extent of that disguise is not truly known.
♰  His Appearance:  The reader is lead from the point of introduction to draw parallels between B's appearance and L's.  Naomi herself has nothing to make the comparison with given that she has never met L. Despite meeting L in the final chapter of DN:AN, it states she thought she never met L [051]. With L being secretive and reclusive, he is the only one in the story (besides perhaps our narrator) that can appreciate the similarities and perhaps he does -- Upon their 2nd call, Naomi having just met the mysterious Rue, L make a rather odd inquiry, "Was he cool?" [055] This scene is most likely intended to inject some humor and not actually provide useful information. But to have him ask something like this leads one to assume that L indeed saw these similarities (the potential cameras at the crime scenes, is a subject for another post but statements made at scene 4 make it very likely). Though the fact that L could recognize their similaries is good evidence that he probably looked like a strange 20-something year old man... To whatever extend B resembles L, when Naomi encounters L in the subway, she does feel a sense of familiarity but does not seem to see them as remarkably identical. [172]  Her assessment of L can be summed up as a realization of how phony Rue looked in comparison.
♰  His Height: Naomi seems to see this person is fairly tall, though about 2 heads shorter due to his slouch. But, it is not stated if he is wearing shoes --even his height is not completely beyond question
♰  His voice: Naomi made no comment on his voice when he is caught off guard ( abruptly stepped on [119] and screaming in pain [152] ) this may be reliable indicator that he is at least not faking his voice and perhaps beyond puberty -- but that's based on what isn't rather than what is.
♰  Age restricted activities: Some also look to his ability to drive as an indication of age - specifically, license eligibility. Traveling from Winchester to LA, to acquire his multiple 'lairs' [095], and ultimately his placement in prison. But with Wammy's not knowing his name [117] he doesn't have an identity that exists on record -- essentially, if he does have identifying documents, the information wasn't necessarily accurate.
But, we can draw on other information.
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♰    — — Patterns in the LABB Case — —    ♰
Within the case B constructed and even within the date of this death, there are 13’s everywhere.
The days that the victims are to die make a single B, the months make a single L (July) or BB (August). Notice that DNAN ends on ch.7 with an L as the cover and that volume 7 is L upside down… 7, an upside down L.
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The day upon which Beyond dies, both the day and month together make a single B.
The pattern of days – 9 days, 4 days, 9 days , 9 days – make a 13 and then total to make a 31.
Even the ages of the victims first begin with 44 (1+3 1+3) then 13, then 28 which is in the middle of the previous 2.
… The only factor that does not go cleanly into a 13 is that middle age 28,     28 could be read as 2  4 + 4 —>  2   1+3 1+3
If we speculate that the ages have a pattern that would lead to 13 then 28 needs something to complete it. 
Could 28 add up to another 13, if we used the next age (B’s age) ?
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Since Beyond is not going to be laying face down at death, and does not have the initials QQ, we can assume he is an adult (based on the patterned of the other victims).    That means we have these possibilities:  20, 29, 33
Which best fits?
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Each has potential though it is 20 and 33 that fit best,
20 allows us to get to 4 – B is the 4th victim and 4 is very special because it not only is 1+3 but it sounds like death (死). It also allows for us to continue the pattern that this age will be between the previous two victims ages.
33 allows us to get two 13s which completes the pattern of the adults having two 13s and the one child having only one.
The ages added up – 105, 114, 108 could be read as dates: 
1/5 || 10/5 ,  1/14 || 11/14 , 1/8  || 10/8   --- These dates could be factored into something significant though that could be too much speculation…
[20] 1/5 || 10/5 – The day L looks over the FBI agents deaths in videos – 1 month before L’s death, 2 months before Mello leaves Wammy’s – If flipped you get May 1, the month B runs away – If flipped to get May 10th and assume B runs away on this day, then we get 620 days until his death (62 = 31 + 31).
[29] 1/14 || 11/14 – 0 nothing – A day before Light takes over as 'L’ – four days after Mello’s name is revealed and he blows up his base
[33] 1/8  || 10/8 – The Yagamis are put under L’s surveillance – Matsuda fakes his death – NPA director is abducted by Mello’s Mafia members
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♰    — — The First Generation — —    ♰
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B was brought into Wammy's at an unknown age but, given that Wammy's did not know his name [117], his identity was probably discarded because he was an experimental successor for L. --- he was brought with that purpose in mind.
---- This is important because it means he probably wasn't brought in until L became L, the detective.
It is worth noting that in L: Change the World (Novel), mentions DNAN and is credited to “M”.  It states, “...Only one serving a purpose above all others, gathering particularly intelligent children regardless of nationality, race, or gender -- The Wammys House. Not serving as a formal academic institution, Wammy's House invites professors, researchers, and specialists from around the world to give the chilkdren instruction befitting their abilities and potentials. The ultimate purpose of these child is to serve as safe gaurds of the world."  [013]  From this, we can gather that these children must not arrive with identities, because obviously their peers and instructors would remember these true names, if they were later selected to become a letter (K in this novel only learns she has earned her letter years after running away at 16 and her name is not the factor that clues L into who she is and her history, coming from Wammys House. This means they probably did not have a record of her name, or L during his confrontation with her would have already known who she is. Additionally, this might explain why Matt also doesn’t seem to have a name on official files. Volume 8 also states the same that DNAN does, that Wammy’s does not know the names of these children.
One thing worth mentioning in regards to true-names that can be  written in the death note, is that it does NOT need to be legal or official or name designated at birth. In "Death Note: New Generation" Episode 3, a new Kira is trying and fails to kill the murderer of a 7 year old child. This person's legal, documented, birth-name is not their true name. This is because this person is trying to leave that part of their past behind and has taken on a new name, this is a name that they identity with, not the name that is legally documented for them.  This former killer, has changed their surname and it is only by using this undocumented surname that Kira is able to kill them.
This means that when B entered Wammy’s, he not only had no documented name but also if he did rename himself, it could become his true name -- regardless of any formal documentation, legal identity, or given birth name that had existed.
DN:AN & L: FILE № 15 offer a general idea of when that occurred.
Mello was originally going to talk about 3 stories: (1) LABB, (2) Watari meeting L, and (3) the bioterror case in which L obtained the code names of Eraldo Coil and Deneuve. (X, Y, and Z making a guest appearance). [170] 
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►   “...そして世界一の発明家キルシュ・ワイミーことワタリと、 当時推定八歳のLとの出会いー世紀の名探偵L誕生の きっかけとなった、第三次世界大戦をすんでのところで 食い止めたウィンチェスター爆弾魔事件についての、詳 細記述を続けようと思っていたのだが、それだけの容量 は、どう楽観的に見積もっても、残っていないようだ...”
There is a line following Mello describing Watari and L meeting, suggesting that L becoming the greatest detective and the Winchester case would be part of the story but not the story [ Roughly: “... meeting the estimated 8 year old L --- I was thinking of going into detail...”  -on L becoming the greatest detective and the Winchester bomb case that stopped WWIII.]  It is a matter of how you want to read it, it could be read ‘they meet -- these are a few events that happened in the recent time of their knowing each other’ or ‘they meet -- these are the events of that meeting’.  However, despite 8 being an estimation and the uncertainty of where L’s birth as the greatest detective lands, is where we begin the timeline.
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★ Note: It is worth pointing out this might be contradiction with the 2-chapter manga in "L: FILE № 15" [JNP&EN Ch.2] seems to imply that L discovered his investigative passions a while after his discovery by Watari.
Between age 8 (1987) and death (2004), 4 generations of successors begin. One evenly divide up the generations temporarily but there is nothing suggesting they were separated by equal measures of time. It also wouldn't help place B, since he is in the first generation -- by default will be towards the beginning (1987+)
B's true age is indeterminable but we can assume:
-- He is a child in 1987 (referred to as the 2nd child)
-- He is a young man in 2002 ( based on Naomi's description)
-- He is at least 5+ in 1987
★  Why at least 5 years old?
He is aware of when his parents death's are to occur. Assuming B has access to an ordinary education before his induction into Wammy's, the numerical symbols had meaning and were not just a set of lines and curves. He also knew how to apply them mathematically. Children begin to learn these things around this age so 5+, so it would be reasonable.
In addition, Wammy's could have been his first introduction to Roman (Latin) symbols (A, B, C) -- this he may have been the time he connected the similarity between 13 and B. And that L being the 12th symbol is < 13.
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Plans for successorship probably did not begin immediately after L’s first case at around age 8 - not until L became L, the detective -- having become so important that they needed backups. So, assuming it began a few years after:
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L is 22 going on 23 in DN:AN. Mello states he solved over 3,500 cases [010] , considerable given that there was only 25 years between the first case and death. Assuming he was solving them at such a fast rate (~140/yr), he could have been only 9 or 10 at the time they began experimenting with successors.
Potential Age Ranges:
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★ Note: This also allows B to have obtained the akazukin chacha manga as it was serialized (~1991-2000) as he boasts that he had. It may make more sense why he started reading them – he was a young child. (7-12)
[Additional point brought up by @extrxmegxnius ]:
B also claims to have watched the anime which was broadcast in Japan from 1994-1995 then in other countries in 1998 (Philippines, China, and some other countries in Southeast Asia). So, either B would have had to request copies of these episodes or he would have been in one of these areas where it was broadcast. 
One could estimate him to be older. Though successors (with appearances) that could have been part of the first generation have no known ages.. A few appear to be around the same age as L -- one being stated as the first of their letter and could be part of the 1st gen (K).
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In conclusion: Though B's age is indeterminable, evidence supports that B was a young adult in 2002,  a child in 1989, and was at least 5 when he arrived at Wammy's house sometime after 1989.
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Officials Raise Concerns Over Chinese Drones Used in Pandemic
Earlier this month, we reported that some cities, including Chula Vista, California, were using Chinese drones as tools to enforce social distancing during the pandemic. By April 20, there were 46 law enforcement agencies in 22 states using them. Some experts are saying that this is a serious cyber security issue, not to mention the destruction of privacy.
Privacy? What privacy?
In some cities,…
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snapzuhealth · 4 years
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The smartest people in history suffered from depression and various kinds of mental illnesses due to the impact their thinking habits left on their social life. The smartest people are the saddest people, and that&#039;s evident if you survey the best and most creative people in history, regardless of their domain, whether it&#039;s science or art or entertainment, all of those individuals who sparked additional intelligence and creativity rather than the rest of the crowd had to pay for it big time in social isolation, social bullying and social rejection, as children or grown-ups. via Snapzu : Health & Body
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