#chris evans charcter
Anti Bucktommy
Eddie deserves better than that raggedy storyline he was handed.
Don't read below the cut if you ship bucktommy because this is an ANTI-BUCKTOMMY ZONE!
Full Disclosure: Eddie is my favorite character and IMO the way he was charcterized in 7x4 was horrifically horrible.
It's been a few hours since the episode aired and I believe I'm finally at a place where I can articulate how damn angry I am about the way EDDIE DIAZ was treated throughout the episode.
Before it aired, I was still on the fence regarding if I should watch live because I didn't want Buck and Eddie to argue/fight but I sure as hell didn't want either of them to get injured. I really tried to keep an open mind about Buck’s storyline but I'm not sure how to process the fact that they made Eddie out to be the villain for the third time. First it was the lawsuit, then it was Buck's coma dream where he was charcterized as "Angry" and now this. He was the one injured but Tommy had to tell Buck to call Eddie and he was just like "ok" when pre-Tommy Buck would have taken Eddie to the hospital and stayed with him until he was better. But it appears everyone forgot how Buck dropped everything to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie’s breakdown since Buck finally kissed a guy.
So... first things first. Eddie FINALLY ADMITTED HE'S TAKEN but when did that happen because Marisol has been on screen for like 5.098 seconds in 4 episodes. Second, why didn't Eddie ask her to babysit Chris? I mean if they're in a committed relationship or whatever, then shouldn't he have asked her? That would have made more sense but if he had then he wouldn't have been able to ask Buck to do it. And finally, why was his actions towards Buck made to seem like he was intentionally being mean? The pre-7x4 Eddie Diaz wouldn't have done that because he knows how self-deprecating Buck can be. Reminder he called Buck Evan first and it wasn't like he was trying to put him in his place like Tommy was and will do. Tommy's actions towards Buck didn't show that he even liked him since he was dismissive but this isn't about that, it's about Eddie.
Now, I still can't tell if Eddie's actions were supposed to be funny or WTF but the way they had him acting like he was inconsiderate towards Buck’s feelings was just WRONG! Furthermore making it seem like he was using him and rubbing his nose in it since he had a new friend was NOT OK! FYI, the way everything played out validated some of those Facebook moms' thoughts because they've already posted that they believe Eddie uses Buck to babysit for him so he can go out and have fun 👀.
Additionally, Eddie was shown to be the one Buck’s affection... no fuck that, LOVE was directed towards only for Buck to literally injure him and ACT like he did it because he wanted to be with fucking Tommy Kinard? I call BULLSHIT and at this point I don't like Buck very much right now because of the way he acted in this episode.
Showing Eddie using Buck to babysit Chris and talking at him and ignoring him while he was hanging out with the guy who basically called Buck stupid and unbelievable to his face was just bad writing. Of course there will be those who say, "Let the story play out because it was just one episode" but the audience has been here before waiting for Buck to finally get it and nothing changed except he's dating a man now. None of this was ok and even though Maddie told him don't do it again, that was fine I guess but what in the actual fuck was this raggedy ass storyline? There was a better way to handle this without making Eddie the villian.
If all Tim Minear wanted to do was set Buck up with someone other than Eddie, then he could have picked a better character than Tommy. Also, there's an article that indicates he was planning to bring Lucy back for this storyline and it's ridiculous. She already put her lips on Buck without his permission and Tommy did the same thing and so did Taylor.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about Buck. But I do care about Eddie who was called "Angry" in Buck’s coma dream and who Buck actually fucking physically injured during a basketball game because he's jealous that Eddie was hanging out with Tommy.
I can't support a toxic relationship and that's what I saw happening between Buck and Tommy in 7x4.
IMO, The math ain't mathing and this is... not good storytelling.
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jadegrey711 · 3 years
Soft dark!Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
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A/N: Hello everyone! So recently I’ve become absolutely obsessed with both @navybrat817​ and @stargazingfangirl18​ who both write absolutely amazing stuff and I want to be them when I grow up. So when I found out Siri was doing a 5k writing challenge i figured i’d throw my hat in the ring and maybe get out of this depression writing slump. 
So I decided to make a vey very very! Soft!Dark Andy Barber x Fem!Reader. Seriously it’s like Dark Light lol. But I hope you all like it! I hope to do another one before the month is over but let’s see shall we? 
*NOT MY GIF. Credit in the TAGS*
Word Count:1484
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
This story is for 18+ ONLY. It contains sexual themes that are not suited for younger audiences so if you’re under 18 my blog and this story is not for you. Please make sure to read at your own discretion and remember that you are solely responsible for your content intake. 
WARNINGS: Sexual Situations (18+ ONLY), Overstimulation, possessive Andy, deeply jealous Andy, Oral sex (F Receiving), Vaginal sex. 
Other warnings include very mediocre writing. 
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He watched you from a distance as he continued talking with his fellow associates, making sure to keep a watchful eye on you as you chatted with the wives. He smirked to himself knowing you must be bored out of your mind, but you did it for him and he loved you for it. 
Suddenly though, Andy watched as Neil Logiudice approached you from behind, putting a hand on your arm. You seemed startled for a minute and then smiled, putting your hand on top of his and Andy saw red. 
He barely registered what the others in his group were talking about. Because his gaze was focused solely on you and Neil and how cozy you were in each other’s company. How you and the other women laughed at some joke he made and about how in the three minutes he had been standing there he hadn’t been able to keep his fucking hands off of you. He felt like breaking each one of those fingers, making sure he let Neil know that he was never to touch you again. He could feel his whole body vibrate with violence as he continued watching, knowing you were none the wiser. 
Neil was nice enough and he was an associate of Andy’s so when he put his hand on your arm to get your attention you let it slide, putting your hand on top of his and gave it a friendly pat fighting the urge to swat it away immediately. You were at a party full of Andy’s work friends and associates so making a scene over something small would not be a good impression on either your part or Andy’s; so you let it slide and you let the other four times he touched you slide as well. Even as you were mentally flinching each time he did it. After the fourth time you looked around the room for Andy, looking for an escape of some kind and immediately found him; across the room and boring holes into the back of Neil’s head with that dark gaze. 
You took that as your cue to quickly excuse yourself, saying that it was getting rather late and you should go and find Andy. Everyone waved you off as you departed from the group and over to where Andy was. 
“Hi honey.” You smiled, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers with his and while everyone else in the group was still talking you heard Andy sigh and grip your fingers back; turning his face towards your he gave you a small smile. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” He whispered in your ear.
“Definitely!” You whispered back. Before you plastered a smile on your face as Andy said goodbye to everyone and then put his hand on the small of your back and guided you out the exit. 
Later that night after you both had gotten home, gotten into bed and as Andy had your leg over his strong shoulder while he devoured your soul between your legs did he bring up Neil. 
You writhed on the bed, your fingers tangled in Andy’s hair as you felt your orgasm coming on fast with the pace he was eating you out at. When suddenly Andy surprised you. 
“You good friends with Neil now?” he asked nonchalantly against your folds, before he sucked harshly on your clit. Making you groan. 
“What?” you asked confused at what he was possibly asking you right now as he was sucking all rational thought out through your pussy. 
“Are you good friends with Neil?” He asked again, giving your clit another harsh suck. And you felt your legs convulse. 
“What the fuck Andy?” You asked but the sound of his name was more of a moan as he added two of his fingers and pumped your sweet pussy. 
Andy didn’t give for a minute as he continued to suck and lick at your folds until you finally came, but instead of gently working you through your orgrasm, his fingers kept their harsh pace as he looked up at you. 
“You seemed like real good friends when you let him put his fucking hands on you.” He growled as he placed an open mouth kiss on your pussy. His other hand pulling the hood of your clit back before placing another one of those kisses there and sucking it again. 
“Fuck! Andy! I’m gonna come again.” you cried out, feeling that the pleasure was starting to be too much for you. But the way that you started to pull on Andy’s hair to pull him off or the way your hips turned away from him his touches didn’t deter him one bit as he continued with his interrogation. 
He leaned up from you and watched his fingers stroke in and out of you before he added a third one, earning a low whine from you as you felt yourself building up to another orgasm.
“You didn’t answer my question sweetheart. Why did that fuck think he could put his hands on what is mine?” 
“Andy.” you moaned, trying to get away from his touch but he wasn’t having any of that as he placed his heavy bicep over your stomach, keeping you there at his mercy. 
You felt that sinful tongue run through your folds again, his thick beard scratching your thighs adding whatever sensations you were feeling to new heights. Then he pulled out his fingers so he could fuck you with his tongue now. Your third orgasm coming like a runaway freight train. You felt your toes curl as your third orgasm washed over you making you lift from the bed like Andy was performing an exorcism on you. 
You felt tears in your eyes as you tried again to pull away from Andy’s touches feeling your thighs tremble uncontrollably now but Andy wasn’t stopping not until he got what he wanted from you; not until he got an answer for why Neil thought he could put his hands on what didn’t belong to him. 
“Fuck Andy! Stop!” you sobbed. “He just came up to me. I didn’t want to make a scene about some guy putting his hand on my arm so I didn’t do anything  about it. I knew you were right there if I felt uncomfortable and I did; so I left.” you cried out, feeling the tears roll down your cheeks. “Please honey stop.” you sobbed. 
You watched in relief as Andy pulled his plump lips away from your aching pussy, and felt your pussy clench at the sight of his beard absolutely drenched in your juices. But your relief was short lived, as you saw the look in Andy’s eyes, the feral look they held in them. 
“He made you uncomfortable?” 
“Yes, but I came straight to you. Please Andy I can’t take it anymore baby please.” you whined. 
“I should break everyone of his fingers for laying a fucking hand on what’s mine.” He said softly, placing chaste kisses on your inner thighs and you let out a small cry. You watched in relief as he climbed up the length of your body, and ladened you with soft hungry kisses, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. 
“I love you.” he said softly, giving you another soft kiss. “I’m so glad that you felt that you could just come to me when you were feeling uncomfortable. I never want you to feel that way again so next time, you’ll just stay with me the whole time okay?” 
You quickly nodded and kissed Andy back. You both just stayed there like that for a minute, him hovering and stretched over your body, ladening you with soft kisses before he pulled away from you and gave you a wicked smile. 
“But I think you have one more in you baby.” he said and before you could even react. Andy grabbed the back of each of your legs, bringing you closer to him, before he swiftly impaled you with his achingly hard cock.
Andy set a brutal pace obviously trying to get you off one more time before he loses all control. You let out a high keen, and grabbed onto Andy, your nails raking down his back; a small revenge for him absolutely wrecking you tonight all because of some asshole touching you. 
“I’m gonna fill you up so nicely baby. No one will ever have any doubt that you are mine.” he let out a low grown. “And that I’m yours.” he growled leaning down to suck and place kisses on your neck. 
Without warning your orgasm crashed over you and you were sure that if Andy wasn’t there pressing down onto you, you would’ve snapped in half from the force of it. As Andy chased his own end, he kissed the tears that were flowing down your cheeks. 
“Nothing fucks with my baby.”
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tonkysexist · 3 years
Hi! Hope you're having a nice day! So I wanted to say that I wish there was an Iron Man 4 movie(eventhough I'm not even a fan of him) instead of RDJ constantly having cameos or MCU making the movies about him(like cap3 whoch turned out iron man 4) like cap is my fave and my blood literally boils that RDJ has more lines than Chris Evans in his OWN movie. We could have Steve's charcter more explored instead of Tony Stark angst...I just wamted to get kt off of my chest nsnsnjnansj sorry😳😅
RDJ wanted to milk the MCU for all it was worth and because he was there first he was treated like some sort of God to them. RDJ made 1 million dollars for every MINUTE he appeared in Homecoming. Tony didn’t need half the screentime he got and his appearance in Homecoming was a huge detriment to the film. Also do feel free to send in asks whenever you please I like answering them. 
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Characters I Write For
Requests :: l i n k
If you’d like to make a request, here’s a list of characters I write for/feel comfortable writing for(like, I think I would do a good job getting their personality down).
If you don’t see a character you like on the list, just message me and I’ll try giving it a go at writing him. I’ve watched A LOT of movies and tv shows, not every single one is included in this list.
Updated : 6/23
(if an actor has 4 or more charcters I write for, he gets put under this list)
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Cillian Murphy’s Characters
- Jonathan Crane (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
- Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders, seasons 1-4 watched)
- Josef Gabcik (Anthropoid, 2016)
- Chris (Free Fire, 2016)
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Alexander Skarsgard’s Characters
- Eric Northman (True Blood, seasons 1-7 watched)
- Tarzan (Tarzan, 2016)
- Leo Briler (Mute, 2018)
- Terry Monroe (War On Everyone, 2016)
- Lukas Matsson(Sucession, only episodes with Alexander watched)
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Chris Evans’ Characters
- Steve Rogers (MCU)
- Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out, 2019)
- Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort, 2019)
- Jake Jensen (The Losers, 2010)
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Sebastain Stan’s Characters
- Bucky Barnes (MCU)
- Lee Bodecker (The Devil All The Time, 2020)
- Charles Blackwell (We Have Always Lived In The Castle, 2018)
- Jefferson (Once Upon A Time, season 1 & 2 watched)
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Henry Cavill’s Characters
- Clark Kent (DCEU)
- Napoleon Solo (The Man From UNCLE, 2015)
- August Walker (Mission Impossible Fallout, 2018)
- Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher, season 1 & 2 watched)
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Joel Kinnaman’s Characters
- Rick Flag (DCEU)
- Stephen Holder (The Killing, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Erik Heller (Hanna, season 1 watched)
- Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon, season 1 & 2 watched)
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Brad Pitt’s Characters
- Cliff Booth (Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood, 2019)
- Robert Charles ‘Rusty’ Ryan (Ocean’s Trilogy)
- Aldo Raine (Inglorious Basterds, 2009)
- Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview With A Vampire, 1994)
- Ladybug (Bullet Train, 2022)
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Charlie Hunnam’s Characters
- Jax Teller (Sons Of Anarchy, seasons 1-7 watched)
- William ‘Ironhead’ Miller (Triple Frontier, 2019)
- Raymond Smith (The Gentlemen, 2019)
- Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword, 2017)
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- Older/Adult Damian Wayne (Comics & Animated)
- Dick Greyson (Comics & Animated)
- Jason Todd (Comics & Animated)
- Conner Kent (Young Justice & 80′s/Animated Movie Universe)
- Ray Palmer (DC Legends Of Tomorrow, seasons 1-5 watched)
- John Constantine  (Comics, Animated, & DC Legends Of Tomorrow, seasons 1-5 watched )
- Nate Heywood  (DC Legends Of Tomorrow, seasons 1-5 watched )
- Behrad Tarazi  (DC Legends Of Tomorrow, seasons 1-5 watched )
- Oliver Queen (Comics & Animated)
- Jonah Hex  (Comics, Animated & DC Legends Of Tomorrow, seasons 1-5 watched)
- Arthur Curry (DCEU & Animated Movie Universe)
- Clark Kent (Cavill, Reeves, Wellings, Routh, Hoechlin, Animated &Comics)
- Rick Flag (DCEU)
- Jervis Tetch (Gotham, seasons 1-5 watched )
- Jonathan Crane (Dark Knight Trilogy & Gotham, seasons 1-5 watched )
- Terry McGinnis (Comics & Batman Beyond, seasons 1-3 watched)
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- Bucky Barnes (MCU)
- Steve Rogers (MCU)
- Gambit/Remy Etienne LaBeau (Comics & Animated)
- Alex Summers (Animated & X-Men Movies)
- Peitro Maximoff (MCU)
- Peter Maximoff (X-Men Movies)
- Peter Parker (Garfield & Holland)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spiderverse)
- Thor (MCU)
- Loki (MCU)
- Helmut Zemo (MCU)
- Sam Wilson (MCU)
- Ikaris (MCU)
- Druig (MCU)
- Kingo (MCU)
- Shang-Chi (MCU)
- Wenwu (MCU)
- Kraven (MCU)
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True Blood (seasons 1-7 watched)
- Eric Northman
- Sam Merlotte
- Jason Stackhouse
- Alcide Herveaux
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The Alienist (season 1 & 2 watched)
- Laszlo Kreizler
- John Moore
- Marcus Isaacson
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Supernatural (seasons 1-15 watched)
- Sam Winchester
- Dean Winchester
- Jack Kline
- Michael 
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Peaky Blinders (seasons 1-4 watched)
- Thomas Shelby
- Michael Grey
- Luca Changretta
- Bonnie Gold
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Vikings (seasons 1-5 watched)
- Ragnar Lothbrok
- Rollo Lothbrok
- Bjorn Ironside
- Ivar The Boneless
- Harald Finehair
- Halfdan The Black
- King Alfred
- Prince Aethelred
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Game Of Thrones (seasons 1-8 watched)
- Jon Snow
- Jamie Lannister
- Rob Stark
- Oberyn Martell
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The Witcher (season 1 watched)
- Geralt of Rivia
- Jaskier
- Cahir 
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Merlin (seasons 1-5 watched)
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Gwaine
- Percival
OTHER SHOWS (fandoms with 2 or less characters I write) :
- Aidan Waite (Being Human US, seasons 1-4 watched)
- John Mitchell (Being Human UK, season 1 watched)
- Stefan Salvator (Vampire Diaries, seasons 1 & 2 watched)
- Damon Salvator  (Vampire Diaries, seasons 1 & 2 watched)
- Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Peter Rumaneck (Hemlock Grove, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Richie Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Seth Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Ezekiel ‘Ez’ Reyes (Mayans MC, seasons 1 & 2 watched)
- J Cody (Animal Kingdom, seasons 1-4 watched)
- Spencer Ried (Criminal Minds, seasons 1-15 watched)
- Will Graham (Hannibal, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Huck Finnigan (Ratched, season 1 watched)
- Billy Butcher (The Boys, season 1 & 2 watched)
- Kurt Wallander (Young Wallander, season 1 watched)
- Barry Berkman (Barry, season 1 & 2 watched)
- Richard Winters (Band Of Brothers, season 1 watched)
- Ronald Speirs (Band Of Brothers, season 1 watched)
- Djarin/Mandalorian (The Mandalorian, season 1 & 2 watched)
- Kit Walker (American Horror Story, seasons 1-8 watched)
- Michael Langdon (American Horror Story, seasons 1-8 watched)
- Bill Hickok (The Young Riders, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Buck Cross (The Young Riders, seasons 1-3 watched)
- Tom Hanson (Twenty One Jump Street, seasons 1-4 watched)
- Dennis Booker (Twenty One Jump Street, seasons 1-4 watched, & Booker, season 1 watched)
- Takeshi Kovacs (Anthony Mackie’s & Joel Kinnaman’s Portrayl : Altered Carbon, all seasons )
- Teddy Flood (Westworld, seasons 1 & 2)
- Hector Escaton (Westworld, seasons 1 & 2)
- Luke Roman (Surrealestate, season 1 watched)
- Michael Cutter (Law and Order, seasons 18, 19 & 20 watched)
- Cyrus Lupo (Law and Order, seasons 18, 19 & 20 watched)
- Angus MacGyver (MacGyver, 1985 & 2016 series completed)
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- Cliff Booth (Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood, 2019)
- Rick Dalton (Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood, 2019)
- Aldo Raine (Inglorious Basterds, 2009)
- Donny Donowitz (Inglorious Basterds, 2009)
- Hugo Stiglitz (Inglorious Basterds, 2009)
- Wilhelm Wicki (Inglorious Basterds, 2009)
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Kingsman Serise
- Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin
- Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels
- Tequila
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Twilight Saga
- Jasper Hale
- Caius Volturi
- Marcus Volturi
- Benjamin
- Seth Clearwater
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Ocean’s Trilogy
- Danny Ocean
- Robert Charles ‘Rusty’ Ryan
- Linus Caldwell
OTHER MOVIES (fandoms with 2 or less characters I write) :
- Jareth (Labyrinth, 1986)
- Kandomere (Bright, 2017)
- Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview With A Vampire, 1994)
- Prince Caspian (Narnia Serise)
- Tommy Lee (The Dirt, 2019)
- Dick Best (Midway, 2019)
- Ben Miller (Triple Frontier, 2019)
- Arvin Russell (The Devil All The Time, 2020)
- Miles Tuck (Tuck Everlasting, 2002)
- Jan Kubis (Anthropoid, 2016)
- Carlos ‘Cougar’ Alvarez (The Losers, 2010)
- Duncan Vizla (Polar, 2019)
- Samson Posey (Dirty Dozen, 1967)
- Sir Galahad (King Arthur, 2004)
- Sir Tristian (King Arthur, 2004)
- Tangerine (Bullet Train, 2022)
- Walt De Ville (The Invitation, 2022)
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vorepred223311 · 3 years
pred or prey-Chris evans
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like the charcter he plays he is an ass pred luring in prey to make his ass bigger and bigger!
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almostshadydelusion · 3 years
How I think Endgame and Steve’s charcter should have been handled:
Steve should have gone back in time, put back the stones. He should have danced with Peggy giving both her and himself closure with that promised dance. He should not have stayed. Especially when it would have messed with Peggy and changed her life off the course it was on. He talked to older Peggy, he knew she had a husband, family and good life. Why would Steve ‘Selfless idiot’ Rogers ever do anything to jeopardise that?
He should have spent some time enjoying some of his old life but realising that it’s not his future to live. But what he does realise is that he’s done being Captain America, he just wants to be Steve Rogers. And this realisation is the catalyst for him to go back to the present and retire immediately.
He gives the role to Sam who’s earned it. He stays with Bucky and they work on both their trauma. I don’t care if the relationship is platonic or romantic but his whole damn charcter arc in multiple films was to be with him. Bucky means the world to Steve and vice versa. I truely believe that he never would have stayed unless the technology for him to time travel breaks. In which case if Chris Evans wanted to they could do a small mini series or an animated mini series where he has to figure how to get to the future (whether that be shenanigans with Howard Stark, seeking out the Doctor Strange people or trying to send messages in time).
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Do you have a full list of the characters you’re considering for monster fucking month?
So I'm happy to write just about any Marvel charcter, Sebastian Stan character, or Chris Evans charcter.
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tell-mi · 4 years
One Day, Maybe
Part 1 - Beat of my heart
Chris Evans x Anastasia Hofmann (25 year old actress and mother of 5 year old Nathalie)
Warnings: whole lotta fluff and language
"Nathi, beany, come on you've gotta stay at the kindergarden. Mommy will pick you up at evening. Okay?" you smooched your little bean goodby. That's how you called your five year old daughter Nathalie. Every morning since a week your heart broke into tiny pieces, when you saw her little face turn sad. You moved from LA to New York for a new TV series a year ago but Nathalie still wasn't getting used to it. Especially after your filming break of two months. It wasn't the first move with Nathalie. The last years have been incredible for you and your acting career. You broke up the theater school in Berlin five years ago, as you knew you had been pregnant. Marco, your boyfriend and the father of Nathalie just broke up your relationship and left you. Never have you heard of him again. You knew that it wouldn't ever be possible to go on with acting and raise a girl as a single mom, so you took the hard decision. As Nathalie turned three you two moved to LA due to a surprisingly acting chance for a sitcom which just came up. You accepted the possibility to get a contract at your dream job and it pushed your carreer to the top. Within a few month you became one of Hollywood's most demanded actresses on TV shows.
Nevertheless you always decided in favour of Nathalie. She was always your number one and no job in the world was worth leaving her to some Nanny's for weeks without seeing her. So you only accepted job offers if there was the possibility to take her with you and a kindergarden nearby.
The last movement was a hard one for Nathalie. Growing up in Germany she went into a german kindergarden and only spoke this language. In LA you have found a german kindergaren for her as well. You wanted her to continue speaking her mother tongue and in the afternoon you started to learn english with her. She was really good in it now with her five years. But now in New York there was only the possibility to bring her to an english kindergarden, which turned out to be a bit difficult for Nathalie. Maybe that's why she made you a hard time every morning while leaving her behind with a nursery teacher.
You arrived on set a few minutes to late again. Almost sprinting to the hair and makeup trailer you just finished in time with the dressers. The series was something between suits and billions. Some intrigue filled lawseries. It was a good storyline and your charcters development during the season was great. Which was one reason every single fan hyped the series. Not to say, Chris Evans being your costars made all female fans love the series.
You've just started to film the second season the past week and got very excited about the twists and turns. While going through the Skript at the table read you saw that there will be a few steamy scenes between Chris and you. Your characters didn't like each other very much, as they were concurrents, but it may turn out that after a few drinks they will land in each others bedrooms very soon.
You always appreciated the friendship of Chris and you. He was a sweet and handsome person. A good raised one too. He was a true gentleman with that extra scoop of smut written across his face while he flirts. You always enjoyed flirting with Chris but never took it too seriously, as you thought it was just his thing. His own character is some kind of the flirty one. It wasn't something he does exceptional for you. At least this was your perception of him. The chemistry between the two of you was kind of special since the first day you've met. It felt like you knew each other for a lifetime. It was so easy going with Chris. Talking about your life's, your family, your dreams. You two had the chemistry, everyone saw during interviews. Your fans shipped you thatfore.
But whatsoever, it was a hard time for Nathalie at the moment and you don't want to bother her with new strangers she has to get used to. That's why you didn't want to see someone, even if you could have a lot of men who crushed over you. You tried a few dating apps here and there but never really got into it. And additionally, you haven't brought one single man home since Nathis birth which made you into a dating analphabeth.
The moment after you went throughout the sex scenes at the table read, Louanne, the director, called it a day. It was earlier than normal, a few minutes past three. You normally picked up your little Bean at seven. The earliest time they allow the pickup, due to pedagogical reasons, was five. You decided to rush to a cafe and let yourself enjoy the few spare time you've had for months. Sitting at the table with your double-chocolate-doughnut and a large coffee infront of you, you checked your phone and found the dating app, which showed you, which user was nearby to meet up. 'Hmh, maybe I should give it a try and have a nice coffee date until I pickup Nathi' You scrolled through your phone until a deep but familiar voice raised you out of your swiping routine.
"You don't really use this, do ya?" You looked up into his beautiful piercing green-blue eyes. The same eyes which glared at you an hour ago with a smirk, as you finished reading the sex scene. Why was your heart pumping so badly by the thought of being near to him all of sudden?
"Nah, I..I wanted to uninstall it. Tried it once, but just some creeps there."
"Good, heard some weird stories about it. May I?" Chris gestured to the seat infront of you, one hand holding a coffee, the other one holding a sandwich.
"Sure, sure. I just grabbed some stuff until I pick up my little Bean" you cannot help but smile of the thought of your daughter finally happy again to see you.
Chris lips also rose up by the sight of you being happy.
"You cannot deny, you truly love her."
"I do!" You sipped on your, still too hot, coffee. "I mean, sometimes the little princess can truly be a pain in the ass."
"What!?" Chris almost chocked his coffee.
"Yeah, yesterday she managed to lock herself up in the bathroom. Can't tell you how this girl was even able to do that. But I ended up asking Mister Smith to help me break the door. You know the Smith's? My neighbor from downstairs." Chris not making an expression as if he could remember. "The older couple which was sitting in the frontyard as you dropped me off the other night after our season one wrapping drinks with the crew."
"Oh yeah, yeah, that really nice couple. The lady sitted Nathalie, wasn't she?"
"Yeah right. By the way, Betty really liked you." You bit a huge bite from your doughnut, almost spilling out the cream to your pullover.
"Does she?" Chris smiled amused while observing your eating skills.
"Yeah, she told me you are the most handsome young man she saw since Walter. And I cannot proof her wrong, though" You smiled at him, your cheeks slightly turning red at what you just said.
You heard his chuckle. It was really precious, as if he was the kind of shy guy, which he surely wasn't. He waved you off with one hand. "Come on, there must be one hundred men who are way better than this old house here."
"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it Evans." You tried to manage the doighnut into your mouth but ended up with the chocolate cream all over the plate and a bit on your chin. You had to shake your head at yourself for this clumsyness. Now it was your turn to chuckle which slowly raised into a soft laugh.
Chris couldn't hold back but laugh at you as well. "I would bet your five year old has more grace than you." he sighed in between his laughter.
"Ah, come on! You don't even know how hard it is to eat a dougnut with so much cream on, Mister superhealty sandwich!" you moaned at him.
"It isn't that hard, Stacey!"
"Uh huh!" You scratches a bit of cream from your plate to your finger and tipped it on Chris' nose. Now you were the one who had to grin. Biting your tongue you tried to suppress your laughter. Chris took the cream from his nose liking it from his finger.
"You are one mean young lady, Anastasia. But thank you, I wanted to taste your dougnut since I had to look at you biting in it. It was either this way or I had to lick it from your face." he smirked. It was those kind of flirtings which made the butterflies in your tummy wake up again. You was used to his flirts, but the two of you never had been alone somewhere. Everytime it was at the bar or a restraunt with your other colleague's. It was easy and not to intimate. You've always got the feeling that it might go deeper when the two of you would have been all alone but never imagined it would happen.
"That would have been interesting, though" was your only answer at Chris' point.
Now you could say it was him, who turned slightly red. Quickly he raised his coffee to take a huge gulp. You've watched the clock, it was slowly turning five and you wanted to pickup Nathalie earlier to go walking in the park with her.
"Look, I have to go, pick up my little one." You stood up from your chair, Chris was doing the same. He pulled you into a hug. It was something you often did. No unusual thing for you. But this time you would have sworn the hug was tighter than every hug before. And it lastet a little bit to long to just be a friendly kind of hug. Nevertheless, you enjoyed it. You really loved his cologne. And you kinda liked it that Chris was nearly a head taller than you. You could swear, you always had a thing for tall, bearded man.
"See you tomorrow Stacey, have a nice evening with your daughter!" his lips were rally near your ear, you could feel his beard tickle your cheek. He left a quick kiss on your left cheek before pulling back.
Grinning like a little schoolgirl you also pulled away but let your hands slide to the side of his chest and holding on to it a little bit longer while staring in his gorgeous eyes. You didn't say anything before letting him go and leave. Your facial expressions said everything.
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magdeleinas · 6 years
These are part 1 of the character banners I’ve made for @fvckingbuchanan masterlist! Her writing is incredible!
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Hey you! do you like Jim Kirk and writing?
if you do then you should check out @princejamestkirk ‘s writing competition. its super easy. All you have to do is chose a celebrity and turn them into your very own original character and help them to win the heart of our very own Prince James T. Kirk! once you have your OC chosen, and created their entire background story and personality, you wait for @princejamestkirk to release the information you will need to put into your stories for your OC. And there are only 3 spots left so if you would like to participate in this competition then you better hurry and contact our host. also, the competition is going to start on May 23rd, so you still have time! and its elimination! sort of like the bachelor or American idol. In which case, if you do not want to write but would love to contribute in another way, great! we need readers too! as many of you  as we can get, so tell your friends. @princejamestkirk is putting together a tag list for those of you who would like to read the stories, and once you have read the stories for everyone involved in the competition, you then get to place a vote for your favourite OC! those who get the most votes get to stay on to the next round and hopefully, win the heart of Prince Jim! some of the competitors have already released their charcters info for the competition, so check those out here! and this is my character for the competition, August Maine, represented by our very own Chris Evans, check him out here! hope to see you all involved and having fun :D
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werewritersiswear · 6 years
Hi. I was wondering if you could give me some REALLY generic boys names (Colin, Timothy, John, Ect.) I just can't find one that is really funny. If you want some context, a charcter has just got a female cat and is name it a really generic funny boys name. Cheers, ta
John, Ben, Benjamen, Tim, Timothy, Luis, Evan, Issac, Chris, Christian, Lucas, Dustin, Andrew, Drew, Brock, Cooper, Henry, Logan, Billy, William, Will, Bill, Caleb, Matt, Mathew, Max, Maxwell, Charles, Chuck, Author, Cameron, and Hayden. That is all the boy names I can think of at the moment.
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