#comics are for everyone
dark-nimbus · 7 months
A Rant on Representation in Media (mostly comics)
CW: ableism, disability erasure, mentions of fat phobia, mentions of fetishization, lmk if there’s anything I missed
I can’t believe that here in 2023 we still have to say this, but fuck it this year has already been hell enough so why not add another thing
Representation, whether it be for disabilities or culture, race or religion, any marginalized group— ALWAYS MATTERS
I spent the majority of the other night dealing with people trying to downplay the impact of Barbara Gordon’s paralysis being retconned. Wanna see how that went?
“Oh, but it’s okay if Barbara Gordon still has some mobility because there’s paralyzed people that regain their ability to walk”
Her spinal cord was completely severed, she was left fully paralyzed from the waist down
“There’s a 60yo fighting in a Kevlar bat suit and shifting clay people, but Barbara getting her legs back again is a problem?”
Okay, can clay people restore a spinal injury? Can Batman punch a nervous system into fully functioning? What relation does that have?
Aside from the fact there’s zero connection between the two, paralysis actually fucking exists. Batman and clay shifters, believe it or not, don’t. Lemme know if you find an irl Batman or Clayface that needs representation. Go on, I’ll wait
“Barbara being able to walk again isn’t disability erasure, there’s other paralyzed characters”
The definition of disability erasure is literally terminating someone’s disability under the belief it makes a person less than. The fuck you mean it’s not?
And how many paralyzed comic characters can you name? I’m willing to bet it doesn’t come to 50. Every character belonging to an underrepresented group matters. Whether their representation is taken away completely with that one character’s erasure or not isn’t the fucking point. You’re still fueling the already negative stigma around disabilities and sweeping disabled people further under the rug
“Her disability erasure doesn’t matter, DC will just paralyze her again in later issues”
I’m sorry, are you completely paralyzed from the waist down? Do you embody each and every paralyzed person and their experiences? No? What makes you think that you get to determine whether the erasure of something you don’t even have matters?
As for DC re-paralyzing Barbara, it’s been retconned since 2011. Even if they do plan on undoing whatever whack job microchip magic they’ve got going, they sure as hell are taking their sweet-ass time
I can’t believe people were actually arguing in favor of Barbara’s disability erasure, but here we are. Representation has always mattered and always will, and yet media loves grossly misrepresenting everything. Barbara was such a strong character as Batgirl, and flourished in her character development even more as Oracle. Her struggles, overcoming them, and learning to love herself and value her abilities beyond the mantle made her a well-loved inspiration for many. To have all of that stripped away and undone with a microchip was just as insulting as it was a destroyed opportunity for character growth
And unfortunately that’s not the first conversation I’ve had regarding the representation of characters
Oh, you thought I was done? Ha! I wish. How about Spiderverse?
“Oh but Sun-Spider can’t be a superhero, she’s wheelchair-bound!”
Professor X. The Chief. Oracle.
And just to cover all my bases: Bucky Barnes, Daredevil, Hawkeye, Doctor Mid-Nite, Hornet, Jericho, Cyborg. And that’s not even going into characters with much more hidden disabilities. Disabilities never stopped anyone from being able to achieve anything, nor should it ever
“Fat spider-people? Really? That’s just unrealistic”
Yes, really. What’s the problem with that? Surely it’s not the webbing, which have been proven to be durable enough to support buildings. No way it’s how they’re shaped when there’s a car, a horse, and a whole ass T-Rex spider variant
Some people really forgot the whole concept behind the first Spiderverse movie. How Stan Lee made it clear that “anyone can wear the mask.” It doesn’t matter your body type, whatever disorders or disabilities you have, your ethnicity or your upbringing. Being a hero is so much more than that, and the diversity of each spider-variant only reinforces how Spider-Man represents everyone
But let’s go even further with voice acting
“So what if Sunspot is being voiced by a white person instead of an Afro-Brazilian voice actor? It’s animated”
Oh wow I wasn’t aware that representation stops at the sound machine. Yes, Sunspot’s newest voice actor is Brazilian, but with a character whose ethnicity plays an integral part in his story, you’d think Marvel would figure casting an Afro-Brazilian VA would be more authentic for the role than the fourth white dude in a row, but no. Of course not
And with each VA they cast, Marvel pushes Afro-Brazilian VAs out of this role they’d intimately understand and be passionate in representing. VAs that Sunspot fans would love to see knowing that their favorite character (or even themselves) would be understood, rather than being hollowly voiced with characteristics that don’t match the person
“If Sunspot should be voiced by an Afro-Brazilian voice actor does that mean Magneto should be voiced by exclusively German Jewish voice actors? It’s not a monolith”
And neither are Brazilians. Hell, neither is any religion or race. That’s why we want an Afro-Brazilian VA. There’s so many nuances that can only be breathed into the character by someone who understands because they themselves have lived that life. It may be small but those nuances are what make the character feel alive to their audience, and the closer a VA is to the experiences of their character, the more genuine the character feels
Portraying animated characters doesn’t fall completely on the writers and artists. Artists may take control visually, and writers may be responsible for plot and voice lines, but it’s the VAs that are in the spotlight. VAs are the ones that gives these characters character. And those characters can’t be fully and properly represented for viewers if it’s not all there
Representation always matters. Its significance doesn’t go away with erasure, and it definitely isn’t less important because other people who aren’t among that marginalized group refuse understand. Disabilities don’t define who someone can be, nor does body type, or culture, or religion or any other background. It doesn’t stop at the sound machine. Anyone who says otherwise are just adding to the ignorance most media uses to excuse the already shit representation of the entertainment industry
Every marginalized group is valid. Every minority deserves to be portrayed as they are and not feel like they’re being fetishized, infantilized, or inaccurately represented for the sake of plot
Little me, the queer adopted Asian kid with raging ADHD, severe anxiety, and shit communication skills deserved more than the fetishization from anime characters and shouldn’t have needed to wait until they discovered Cassandra Cain, the first character to show that superheroes could look like them too
And people that never struggled to find themselves represented in media sure as hell don’t have an excuse to encourage lacking representation and feign ignorance when common decency and basic human empathy is free
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roshambo05 · 3 months
Gonna start carrying around Punisher comics and throwing them at people who use his logo to support blue lives matter. Read a single comic. Seriously. Fuck off with your bullshit.
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randimason · 1 year
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There’s a lovely article about Neil Gaiman by Tara Brady in the Irish Times which covers so many topics including the broadcast adaptions of Sandman, American Gods & Dead Boy Detectives; the stage adaption of Ocean at the End of the Lane; and the roots of the novel of Ocean at the End of the Lane.
Even with all that career retrospective, the screengrab is my very biased choice of pull quote.
Well worth the read.
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yancystreetpodcast · 1 year
Someone catch me up with the Lazarus Planet stuff they’ve been setting up at DC
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Knowledge Revenge.
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stil-lindigo · 1 month
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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Happy FNAF movie day!
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
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"i've just been working on a... celebrity impression. it's for a sting operation of sorts i've been putting together. yes as a matter of fact it WILL keep me busy tonight—"
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ninjasmudge · 2 months
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thats a red flag narinder, get that crown back while you still can
+ top panel without text below the cut
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arrowmaker15 · 6 months
(Red Hood and Red Robin sitting on a rooftop while on patrol)
Red Hood: Wanna fake a fight to make B think I'm turning back into a supervillain?
Red Robin: Oh, definitely.
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appaeve · 1 month
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dark-nimbus · 8 months
Hi! Yes I’m aware that I have been consistently starting up then leaving this page which is also the only thing I’ve been consistent with :P
However, this post is rather important.
Jay, a content creator who talks comics and is better known as ThePandaRedd, his partner Scarlett, TheActorBat, and their friend were sideswiped last night on their way to Rose City Comic Con.
BEFORE PEOPLE START FREAKING OUT, EVERYONE IS OKAY. Jay has confirmed that on their TikTok.
But while Panda & Co. are fine, his car unfortunately is not. In fact, it’s actually likely the thing’s been totaled. He and Scarlett have set up a GoFundMe to help pay for all the mega fuckery that’s occurred in the past 24 hours. If you can, please donate. If you’re like me and Jay where money is fucking nonexistent because the government and capitalism as a whole is a bitch, even something as simple as a reblog or a posted link on your other socials would help. Anything y’all can do is greatly appreciated.
Donate if you can. Spread the word. Help a comic nerd out so they can go back to being, well, a nerd.
Stay safe, stay geeky, and C.A.F.E
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reebmiester · 8 months
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apparently “and yet you're bi yourself” is not an appropriate response
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and-corn · 7 months
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just like riding a bike
(part 3 of this comic)
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akanemnon · 2 months
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Deus ex Chara
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 21 days
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Dog Meshi.
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