#deviantart tropes
gophergal · 18 days
Since it’s May, how about 3D for HeavyMedic? Only if you want to, ofc ☺️
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took me a while to get to, but here it is!
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james/allen E2 for the ship art meme? :0
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Thanks for the ask!!! James doesn't do super well in the cold, good thing Allen is very very warm : )
Ask game this is from here!
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decktech-vis · 3 months
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late night crises at my job
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moffie-moff · 11 months
I keep watching Helluva Boss because Vivziepop is constantly making the exact pacing and tone mistakes I’m terrified my own screenwriting has.
So I get to be like oh. Ok. At least my jokes don’t completely undermine the serious plot points I’m trying to convey with gravity and sensitivity.
I’m doing alright actually
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rookflower · 2 years
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stormfur redesign
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
Why are all the polls for writers specifically about AO3? I've been writing on and off since like 2011, but I only have 2 things up on AO3 so far
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schnuffel-danny · 30 days
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Drawing prompts based on popular/common ship art tropes I saw everywhere on DeviantArt back in 2012
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powdermelonkeg · 3 months
Holy moly I just beat all the shrines. PLEASE tell me you have theories cooking because I am losing my mind here 😭
Ancient Hero's Aspect theory time.
Look at this funky lil guy.
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See this man?
Not a Zonai
Biologically, cannot be a Zonai, or Zonai-Hylian hybrid. There's a major feature of the Ancient Hero that gives it away, but let's start with the basics.
This is Rauru:
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He has large ears covered in fur from the top of his head, golden horns, a third eye, and white hair with colored edges. His eyelashes are white, green, and gold, and the sclera of his eyes are white.
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Proportionally, he's built more like a Zora than a human. His hips are low, with his torso the same size as his legs.
Let's look at Mineru and compare, to account for variation in Zonai physiology (the sample size is bad, but there's not much we can do about that):
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Large, fur-covered ears, a third eye, white hair with colored edges. Her eyelashes are white, pink, and gold, so we can assume that some of these colors are from makeup, but her sclera are still white.
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(Model ripped by WhiteMageSunny on DeviantArt)
Like Rauru, she has those weirdly proportioned hips and torso. No horns, though, so that could be a male Zonai thing, or just a him thing.
Bonus evidence, in lack of sample size, the dragons:
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The three elemental dragons all have the same kind of hair as Rauru and Mineru, fluffy with spiked ends that have colored edges. And we know, from experience, that dragons keep the hair of their previous forms as their mane:
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Now for our little scamp.
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First off, his skin is gray-green. Not an indicator of itself, could just be a different fur color.
However, he also has:
Red, silky hair with no secondary color
Black sclera
No lashes
No horns
No third eye
Pointed ears on the sides of his head
We've established that the horns aren't a requirement, so that's also not a direct indicator. Maybe he's missing the third eye because that's a royalty-is-different trope. Maybe the red hair means he's half-Gerudo, and the ears are a byproduct of that. The black sclera is weird, but not entirely unforgivable. Zelda's done weirder (see Yeta and Yeto, or King Zora and Ruto).
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(Model ripped by WhiteMageSunny on DeviantArt)
And now we get to the proportions. There's no strangely cinched waist like Mineru and Rauru have. The legs are proportional to the torso in a way that's almost human.
Still could be half-Hylian or Gerudo, right?
Wrong. Look closer.
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That is a TAIL.
Neither Mineru nor Rauru have tails. But there's something even more damning here.
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Mineru. Five toes. Plantigrade (on the floor) feet. Big toe to little toe, like a human.
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Rauru. Five toes. Plantigrade feet. Big toe to little toe.
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Hero's Aspect! Four toes! Two large middle toes! Cat toes!
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Digitigrade (catlike, heel raised) feet! That spoke on the end of the sandal never touches the ground!
Where did the tail come from? The black sclera? The change in skeletal structure? The literal paws for feet?
This is not a Zonai. I'm calling it a Lomei, and I rest my case.
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gophergal · 15 days
1C HeavyMedic? (Bonus points if Heavy wears Med's glasses as well, & does the stereotypical 'wow, you're eyesight is REALLY bad' joke)
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Given their size difference, there's no fucking way their clothes are fitting eachother
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loving-family-poll · 5 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 2
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Homestuck fanart by Timsel-kun on deviantart
Propaganda under the cut:
Hot lesbians both played by Rachel Weisz! And they're canon in the book it's based on, and like HEAVILY implied to be for realsies in love and fucking in the show. Great lesbianism, great incest
There's literally a scene where elliot is listening intently to beverly having sex in the next room, and she like moans listening to it ok
Beverly's gf breaks up with her cuz she's weirded out by the twins relationship
Beverly likes to attend a support group for ppl with dead siblings and pretend her sister is dead like the psychosexual issues here.....
beverly and elliot were literally trying to have a child together. Elliot (a gynecologist) artificially impregnated Beverly MULTIPLE TIMES
Daverose blondetwin sweep because they were codependent without ever meeting from growing up seeing each other in their dreams
What does it mean to be an abused teenage boy growing up alone and seeing a girl in your dreams every night who is also your best friend. and when you finally meet her you go on a suicide mission together even though nobody was asking you to die with her. and then you are the only two human beings left in the recognizable universe on a cold meteor surrounded by aliens but you’re glad it’s with her. and when you finally touch the girl from your childhood dreams she looks exactly like you. because she’s your sister
I don't have words for how good these snarky assholes are together. DaveRose is brain chemistry changing. They both put up so many fronts, and engage in so much snarky wordplay, and are constantly trying to get under each other's facade. They play off each other so well, witty and sharp, I need them to be together always
We all die & we all die alone are the two cold truths of the universe but dave and rose broke both simultaneously by ascending to godhood together
Their twincest wins because it is just so confusingly tragic? profound? dave leaving rose behind in a doomed world, dave following her to the bomb. they are both so closed & cut off & curt its hard to imagine the depth of these things. but that is their love language: giving up their lives for each other over and over, in a confusing and fumbling and heartfelt love song. i can’t say i love you but i know we’ll die together anyway. because we’re made of the exact same stuff. i’ll find you again at the last moment. that’s love.
Confirmed canon by the author, (something happened) between them. Parallels of dying by each other's sides in EVERY timeline. They are THE womb-to-tomb. There is nothing platonic about winking at your brother while talking about crushes, that shit is incestuous. Seer/Knight archetype. They will die protecting each other.
do you realize love someone if you don’t follow them on a suicide mission into the gaping maw of a literal fucking sun after they knock you out and psychoanalyze you in your dreams? the blueprint of the “ethereal androgynous blonde boygirl twins” trope. witch/knight dynamics. they find each other to die together in every timeline no matter what (but they’re still emotionally constipated teenagers who bicker and make fun of each other in pesterchum). kids with grown-up powers. perfect little freaks of nature. what if we looked exactly like each other’s eyes
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damnfandomproblems · 7 days
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Fandom Problem #4976:
I hate when people talk about "the writer/creator pushing their fetish (onto kids!!)" when like basically EVERYTHING is SOMEONE's fetish and could be construed as "fetish material" and a lot of them are just common cartoon tropes or situations.
Especially media that predates the internet (only takes one look at DeviantArt to see what an impact Ka's hypnosis scene in The Jungle Book had on people).
One example that comes up a lot is Totally Spies, while there's definitely some suspicious framing in the show at times, someone wrote out a list of all the supposed fetishes and, a lot of them are just, things? Like common normal things. "Curly hair" "braces" "glasses" "hippie outfit"
Point is you can't possibly predict everything that could turn out to give someone funny feelings. But it's sort of a "chicken or the egg" situation. People aren't putting fetishes into kids shows so much as rather, fetishes tend to develop early, much earlier than people think, usually before any interest in or know anything about sex, and right around the time where they're watching cartoons. It's not "grooming" it's just natural development taking place.
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gojira007 · 9 days
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"I don't know if you can hear me right now...part of me almost hopes you can't, just so you don't have to worry. But I want you to know...I'm going to get you out of this. I'm going to get you home safe. And I am going to make them pay for hurting you."
Part of a series of Shipping Challenge Prompts for @robotnik-mun, this time featuring Sonic and Sally for D2 ("Protective Hurt/Comfort"). Not that I need prompting to do SonSal stuff, especially in one of my personal favorite scenarios for them, but still! XD
Got any Shipping Prompt ideas of your own? Feel free to send them my way!
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redmelawashere · 3 months
Alright I got woken up at like 3 AM with FORBIDDEN MEMORIES™️ and remember that MelloNear literally had a fandom video game. What other fucking fandom has SHIPPING VIDEO GAMES.
I think it just hit me since recently I've been thinking a lot about how fandom spaces shift over time (especially as we have re-boots, live-actions, or other media that helps reinvigorate fandoms like currently with A:TLA) and honestly, MelloNear has had so many ups and downs and like…as someone who was in this fandom WAY too young and grew up with it I want to see how many people on tumblr, who were there in ye olden wild west days, remember the stuff I do and also for those of you who weren’t around back then but are big now, here’s the insane history that I remember:
1 - LiveJournal (LJ) and the LOST FICS LJ was initially one of the better places to find fics – but a lot of authors jumped ship when FF.NET started to take over and for other reasons that were before my time. Finding fics on LJ that haven’t been deleted was/is hard and their UI is trash I never could get a grasp on it. (The irony of FF.NET now being dead and people jumping ship to AO3 and Tumblr lol.) Astyzia_ii used to write really fucking good MelloNear stuff there. She was one of the first people I ever read that had insanely good Near characterization. Unfortunately, her account no longer exists. But some of the things she wrote were things like:
Near being a total brat (at the time, no one else was really writing Near like that. Including Near lying to Mello about being assaulted by other children at Whammy's, just generally putting him in his place, etc.)
Mello painting Near’s nails black (then this trope just went off on FF.NET and everyone was writing fics like that - I really like when stuff like this comes out of fandom)
Mello finding out that Near, despite being in love with him, thought Mello was so unapproachable he had sex with someone else (implied Giovanni) and Mello is basically confronting Near about it at a time when Near was treated as a prudish virgin in fandom
Finding each other in the apocalypse AU
Mello and Near being like high school sweethearts (salthearts?) and Mello wanting to go to a University in the BIG CITY but would ignore the offer if it meant staying with Near (and super tragic fic too. They pull over on a freeway after an argument about it and then Near just straight up gets hit by a car after pushing Mello out of the way 💀 and you don't know if Near survived)
And obviously, many more really creative AUs
2 - KurosakiAkane and VIDEO GAMES Akane, as Spanish artist and the original “cursed moons” drew some of the most viral and prolific MelloXNear doujinshis and EVEN MADE FANDOM VIDEO GAMES. Like I can’t believe I forgot about this. Akane literally made fandom yaoi video games and they were SO GOOD. What other fandom has shipping video games you’d think it’d be the norm I can barley wrap my head around it
Pretty sure her website (www.cursedmoons.com) is down so you can’t download them directly from there or see her full doujinshis anymore
Her DeviantArt account is still live so you can see some stills and teasers from her doujinshis.
Her LJ account is also still live but more so as an archive.
Her first game “D.nD Poisoned” can be downloaded here if you scroll to the bottom (but I haven’t checked the link so be wary…) but it was basically taking place during Whammy’s days, and yes, Mello has a knife cause he’s unhinged since those were just the times ig.
“D.nD Infection” was her second, unfinished game, which would have been when they were mid-Kira investigation post Mello blowing up the base. I found a website that hosts the short demo she released.
Her games literally inspired a new wave of AUs for the fandom in the fic department and she was just a titan who kept everyone together on all corners of the internet. When she decided to leave the fandom in like 2011 after 2010’s great FF.NET purge of M rated fics it kind of felt like the beginning of the end.  
3 - Doujinshis (fandom comics) Most doujinshi artists had their own websites and MANY were Japanese / Chinese translated into English (pretty sure Akane was the first one to create them exclusively in English...). There are so many archived on YouTube that I used to watch all the time. You can even still find some of Akane’s doujinshi’s on Youtube like:
Lost Innocence
The Last Birthday
Game Over
Chocolate Kiss
One of the ones that was most impactful on me was this one that I cannot remember the name of, and it wasn't by Akane, but basically Mello, freshly 16 trying to stay alive, resorts to prostitution, and the big revealer at the end is he’s just kind of left there, alone, opens up his hand and there’s a little white puzzle piece he stole from Near and pretty sure the last line was something along the lines of “no one else” and I just 😭
4 - Lost Art and the Famous Water Colours
A lot of that water-colour MN art you see floating around was from, if I'm not mistaken, a Chinese MelloNear artist and their website I think was just "w" or something and she had created 100s of MN art.
5 - ForbiddenSoul562 and FF.NET Beef and Fan Fic Rap Battles
Soul was one of the BIGGEST creators on FF.NET (and luckily, she’s still active both on FF.Net and here on tumblr!) I remember when she had like a fic battle with another creator FragilePuzzle (who is also on tumblr and active – but they post M-ll-M-tt stuff now and pretty sure they deleted all their MelloNear fics... Their active handle on tumblr is mizzmellos I think? Anyways, they’ve also switched from writing to art and its really good!) And there was like a whole “vote who you think wrote the better fic” and it was like Clash of the Titans. Shame that Fragile, as they used to go by, doesn’t like MN anymore since they also wrote a lot of really good stuff. When Fragile stopped posting and Soul went on an extended hiatus that also felt like another beginning of the end loooooool (pretty sure Soul and Mzz had an interaction here on tumblr reminding each other of each other and I had so much social anxiety I was like headbanging watching this interaction go down and if I'm remembering correctly it started cordial but didn't really end well but I could be 100% misremembering the tone of the interaction but if you dig through Soul's tumblr you can probably find it or mzzs for that matter.) 6 - Kids Writing Dark Tropes
I feel like I should make another post and just…describe how Mello and Near were portrayed individually and in a relationship during that time since it was honestly insane. Very toxic, very star-crossed lovers who revolve around each other but are devastating together and are healthier a part, and so much more. I’m much happier with where their characterization and how the fandom has evolved currently from those times lol. But I think over the years I’ve also realized how fucking young all of us were (I was literally like…13 consuming all this media which retroactively, I’m like YIKES 18+ is 18+ for a reason and I even realized some of my favourite authors / creators who I thought were way older than me or like “cool teenagers” were also close to my age and not that much older so no wonder we were all writing crazy unstable relationship shit like that - which can be fun! - but this was literally all. the. time.).
Honestly that’s all I can remember for now but what a wild ride. I know FF.NET is like, a super hard platform to use now (and just gets worse every day 🙃) but if anyone wants some MN fic recs from the vault lmk and I’ll make a post about it.
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I love AO3. I really, truly do. But at the same time, it reminds me that fanfic had a very different feel back in the day… in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
We didn't so much promote our stories as we traded them like literary contraband, handing them out in the back alleys of newsboards and forums and LiveJournal to be gobbled up by the desperate, starving masses. Sometimes you wouldn't post them, you would simply mention that you had written them; and when someone asked to see your story you would send them an email with the creation copy-pasted within. Those of us who had our own Geocities or Angelfire websites would make elaborate pages for each story, setting the background and font color to match what we felt the fic evoked, and of course adding pictures that we had slapped together in Photoshop for flavor.
When FFnet came along, we eagerly thrust our creations into its algorithm, like birds shoving their babies out of the nest; then we held our breath and waited to see if anyone cared enough to make a comment before our stories slipped into the depths of the pit, never to be seen or read again. And the tingle we felt in our chests when someone did finally comment left us on a high for hours or even days.
There were annual fanfiction awards for some fandoms, and if you won any category at all you would wear that award proudly... a badge of honor to be displayed in your forum signature or FFnet profile. But really, the ultimate honor was when someone did fan art of your stories and posted it on DeviantArt or LJ, and you would hold on to that picture like a child clinging to a favorite teddy bear.
More often than not, the people you knew in real life weren't aware of what you did with your spare time, and you would have died of embarrassment if they ever found out. In general, you stayed in your lane, keeping other fandoms out of your business, except for the occasional crossover (which came with the added complication of having to choose which fandom to post them under on FFnet). We didn't have beta readers... hell, sometimes we didn't edit at all. Grammar and spelling mattered less than your passion for the subject, and research was conducted somewhat haphazardly, to the point where any anachronisms were shrugged off. Still, OOC characters were raked thoroughly across the coals; questioned and poked until the author explained why they had written them that way.
The tropes and cliches that people now cringe at were created then, embraced wholeheartedly. Mary Sues and self-inserts and songfics were everywhere… and we loved it. Authors would interrupt their own stories in the middle to add notes, sometimes presented as the characters themselves giving you information about what was going on in the story or what led the author to add this or that small detail.
We were afraid of being copyright claimed, we were afraid of being ridiculed, we were afraid of being sued by Anne Rice (even if we didn't write anything that took place in her universe). We felt rebellious, accomplished, and maybe a little guilty about what we wrote; but we wrote it because we loved it, and that was enough.
As I said, I really do love AO3… but there was just such a culture surrounding fanfic back then… a kinship and a sisterhood. I wish that those who have never gotten to experience it could have the chance to go back for a while, feel the way it felt… same as I wish my own kids could have experienced the freedom of summer vacation back when summer vacation meant freedom.
The world is just too fast now, the internet too loud; you have to run to catch up, scream to be heard... when sometimes all you want to do is whisper, "Hey… I wrote something… does anyone want to take a look?" and to have someone whisper back, "Yes! Send it to me and I'll print it out to read in bed tonight!"
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allgremlinart · 2 months
oh you want me dead
NO SHIP WARS 👍 idc if you ship zutara, like, I get it. I don't think it's "problematic," considering half of those kinds of arguments could apply to literally all Zuko ships where its not a Fire Nation character 💀 ("colonized x colonizer" trope isnt exactly unique to zutara guys sdhsgs)
I'm not like. a "zutara anti." My thing is its just so painfully mid that the hype around it alone can catapult it to excruciatingly unbearable levels, if that makes sense.
Like look I was on Deviantart I've read zutara fanfic and seen the fanart. There's a lot of it it'd kind of be hard to avoid. But I just don't get the hype. I don't really have any solid arguments against it besides "its just kind of there and idk why people are so obsessed with how it should be canon or whatever when there's barely any actual material there" etc etc
I think its easy to ship in the same way zukka is easy to ship, honestly. Like its the obvious non-canon het pairing people would go for, and I get it, but. Eh.
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ao3sbatfamily · 1 month
Hello! This blog is dedicated to recommending Batfamily fics.
I will link the author's Tumblr if I can find it. If I make a mistake, call me out, I will fix it. Same thing with trigger/content warnings. Call me out if I mess up.
Ask me: a fic you lost, a trope/dynamic you're looking for, or something you think I should read
This blog is SFW. I will not pass judgment on controversial or NSFW fics, but some topics I'm not comfortable reading (Including explicit sexual content, as well as, shipping Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Cass with each other.) I will occasionally recommend fics with DamiJon in the background, but in general, it's a dynamic I'm not enthused by.
I am limiting the suicidal content. I will not take asks centered around suicidal ideation.
I will link the author's Tumblr if I can find it. If I make a mistake, call me out, I will fix it. Same thing with trigger/content warnings. Call me out if I mess up.
Personal Blog - Inactive Daredevil Blog - Collection On Ao3 - Fics I'm Looking For
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