#diy work
eikotheblue · 7 months
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having Complicated Feelings (concern, a small but nonzero amount of recognition of the self through the other, admiration, sexual desire,) about this one, lads
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
would people be interested in a post about DIY hrt from a harm reduction perspective
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stardew-bajablast · 1 month
if you haven’t at least tried sewing or crocheting or knitting your own clothes, you really should. even if it’s just one time and you never do it again, i really think everyone should do it at least once
learning how to crochet was what finally made me grasp the abject horror of the fast fashion industry and realize just how laborious and time consuming it is. i have to take a few days off a week so my back/wrists don’t get sore — and i get to do this as a leisure activity in the comfort of my own home, rather than in a sweatshop. it takes dozens of hours to produce a single item. there is just something about trying it yourself that makes you realize just how little the people making our clothes are being paid for retailers to be able to sell clothes at such obscenely low prices.
i understood in the abstract that people were earning literal slave wages to make my clothes, but that concept wasn’t real to me in a way i could understand until i spent 14 hours making something that i myself wouldn’t have even been willing to pay more than $10-20 for if i saw it in a store.
i have not bought any new clothes since learning how to crochet. every time i see clothes at a store (especially obviously handmade items like crochet), and i look at the price tag i feel genuinely sick to my stomach.
i’m not saying everyone needs to make their own clothes in order to be against fast fashion, but what i am saying is if hearing about the conditions and wages secondhand has not been enough to make you stop buying it, if you find yourself becoming desensitized to the suffering of the people who make your things, you should try making something yourself.
you need to see firsthand how physically and mentally demanding it can be and imagine how much worse it would be if you were forced to sit in a sweatshop for 16 hours a day doing it nonstop, earning pennies an hour to do so. you need to spend weeks laboring over something only for it to turn out looking like shit so you realize just how much wisdom and technical skill goes into these supposedly “unskilled” and undervalued jobs. if the abstract concept isn’t enough to get through to you, then you need to get hands on.
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hellenhighwater · 8 months
The hellsite is eating my posts again. We'll see what gets through.
Edit: this one made it! You've asked for a house tour, I hope this isn't boring. There's some rooms that I don't include because I'm working on stuff and don't want to show the mess. This is still not that tidy but it's... tolerable mess. The audio is just Clair de Lune, no narration. I can answer questions if you have them; I'm always happy to talk about my million hobbies and the house is...definitely one of them.
I could also do a photo post for anyone who doesn't want to watch the whole thing.
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 6 months
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i started another pair of patch pants
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lookninjas · 2 years
So yesterday was Spotify Wrapped, and that’s pretty cool.  You know what else is pretty cool?
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That’s right!  Tomorrow is Bandcamp Friday, the day that Bandcamp waives its revenue share to put even more money directly into the pockets of your favorite artists.  When you buy music from Bandcamp on Bandcamp Fridays, 93% of the money you spend goes to the artist/label (on average).  This means that tomorrow is a really great day to look at your Spotify Wrapped top 100 playlist and ask yourself if there’s any artists there you need to throw a little cash to.  Me personally, I’m thinking of getting into some more Ginger Root.  But whoever your faves are, whatever your genre personality, whichever -core suits you the best, remember:
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Because as useful as Spotify is for us as the listeners, the fact remains that artists don’t get shit.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
"Oh no, someone's attracted to the aesthetics of my -punk movement but doesn't know the praxis and history behind it like I do--"
OK. Tell them. Make it a teaching moment. Everyone who's in your movement learned the background from somewhere at some point, maybe this is that point for that person. Give them a jumping off point that they can dive into later.
"Oh but I shouldn't be responsible for teaching baby -punks about the history and the how-tos and--"
OK. Then don't tell them. You don't have to be responsible for teaching people with a budding interest in your group the ins and outs and how-tos. That's fair and valid! It can be a lot of work. Someone else will handle it
"But I'm annoyed that they would try to claim to be part of/be interested in my community without knowing all the details that I know after being in it for months/years/decades, they're dumb, they're posers, they're--"
OK. Then don't engage with them, if it's that bad. Maybe someone else will come around and tell them the history, maybe they'll pick it up on their own, maybe they'll just enjoy the fashion elements for awhile.
"But they shouldn't claim to be part of the -punk community if they don't know the--"
I feel like we have a few options here. People can either talk to them, share the history, share the values, share the praxis. Or they can just chase off anyone who even thinks about dipping a toe in their community, and then wonder why it's dying off later down the line.
I dunno, maybe I'm too naive and patient or whatever. But if people are entering your -punk spaces without knowing The Rundown of what you feel they need to know, maybe being nice about it and informing people instead of immediately assuming stupidity and malicious intent could help you make a new friend. Even the loudest voices in a space had to learn from somewhere, and not everyone has the luxury of being in the space as the History was Happening--whether it's an age thing or a not being aware of the space thing. Or maybe I just don't see what the big deal is behind people hating people who like the aesthetic of something and don't know the behind the scenes history about it yet.
Because I believe in the word 'yet.' No one comes into this world knowing everything about everything, and we're all constantly learning new things. I'm not gonna degrade someone and call them a poser for not knowing what I know. Because if it were me, interested in a scene but getting chased out and called a poser? I wouldn't hit the books and study up, I'd go 'that fuckin sucks, those people sucked' and then avoid anyone and anything having to do with it.
So chase people off and call them posers if you want. But if your community starts dwindling, don't be fucking shocked.
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 2 months
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battle jacket reveal
im also taking name suggestions because i think she deserves one
Edit: her name is now Florence 💥💥
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wizardnuke · 1 year
can't stop thinking about a shadowgast "i'm not looking to fuck do you have a screwdriver my bathroom is flooding" grindr au
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dinodaniel · 3 months
hello everyone!!
@clownpalette came over to my house and I made a t-shirt for them!! 🤩😍
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Don't mind the dinosaur betsheets pls :DD
Yepeee I like how it turned out
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hookedatweiss · 5 months
Sharing my 2023 wellness project, please, and wishing a Happy New Year, All! 🧶🎉
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Wonky as it be, this stashghan helped me manage some fairly blah times. ❤
The project was inspired by a notoriously uncredited pinterest pic (below left*) which - somehow - led me to recall a long ago dream project (right) and was then encouraged by my precious friend @shesanearthgirl 🦋
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I found some crochet charts and tutorials to lead me with making a granny square ripple. Next, I sorted yarn stash color groups to have five shades in each: four colors for a mix of 3-round squares; and a fifth color to use for a fourth jayg (join-as-you-go) round connecting the squares point-to-point.
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Each 'diamond' band of squares was edged on either side with a row of white granny stitch ripple followed by a couple random colors from the squares, and then finished with a black row.**
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I made a couple color bands and then tested my plan to connect them with a black-edged white diamond. THIS (above right) was my pure happy moment for sure! 😁🧶
Next step was making 3-round granny squares in white and connecting them with a fourth row in black jayg.
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The real beauty of this overall project turned out being the ability to lay the color bands and adjust with a visual before committing to the stitched sequence.
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Ideally, I would have made six color bands. As it happened with five bands, the throw ended a bit short so I needed to add white diamond bands to either end. It's not awful, but I think it would have been better to cap the ends in the larger color blocks.
The End... and happy forever! 🎉🧶🍻
* if you are able to track the rightful maker of this crochet, please share so I can credit as due
** I realized in hindsight that it was better to make the color bands WITHOUT the final row of black, and rather make that final black row of the color bands in jayg connecting to the black row of the white diamond bands.
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things-from-strings · 6 months
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deargodholdme · 6 months
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So I made my guinea pig out of polymer clay and she is the most precious little poop (in real life as well as in clay form)
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aropride · 8 months
i do not trust people who shop at shein i'm sorry like there's no excuse for it. i can understand amazon, i can understand a lot of fast fashion, but shein is uniquely awful. and their clothes fall apart in a week so you can't even keep them and mend them. "but i'm poor" okay and you don't need to buy from shein about it. "they sell shirts for $3" so does michael's check ur local craft store and make a design urself if u want. you cannot seriously tell me that you had no other option other than shein
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grokebaby · 8 months
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I felt that this meat / flesh themed bracelet would be appreciated here on Tumblr. 90% of the beads, including that meat slab charm, are made by me.
[Liha Is finnish For Meat]
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lithyena · 1 month
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I made a belt pouch from old jeans and scrap fabric today c: very much inspired by @coveredinredpaint bc the second I saw their pouch (in this post) I was so motivated to make my own 🦇
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