#dnd diaries
ithinkdogshouldvote · 20 days
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2015 minecraft roleplay save me…
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gmajortom · 1 month
It's a damn shame Maomao exists in a world without magic. Girl would LOVE necromancy
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whatsupbeanie · 1 year
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Do any of you play DnD? I just started to play with some friends recently :>. I'm very new at it but my group is super great and we have a very patient and nice GM! I'm thinking about making some comics about our adventures in the campaign, we shall see. I play a rogue with a mysterious past hehe. 
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On today's episode of I Work In A Comic Shop:
So on Sundays, I run D&D games for kids (ages ranging about 6-16). It's fun, we goof around a lot and I let them get away with most things in-game as long as they can semi-reasonably justify how it'd happen.
And something I do often, when the kids start looking for every single detail about NPC #4534 because they've decided he's Very Very Important™️, is to just stick in a reference to some random movie. (For example: "This townsperson's name is Billiam S. Preston Esquire, and his buddy Teddy Bear Logan is missing! If he doesn't return soon, then Wyld Stallyns will lose their concert gig at the local tavern!") If the kids get it, it's a fun easter egg, and if they don't, then at least I didn't have to come up with a fantasy name on the spot.
My latest adventure involved a battle with a gang of skeletons, after which their scattered bones start wriggling towards the source of the dark magic that animated them in the first place.
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And I'm struck with what I consider to be a bit of brilliance.
So, we're playing, and we reach the end of the battle. I explain that the bones are all moving eastwards, and then I add:
"You're reminded of the legend of old, of the great adventurer Hiro and his mighty companion Baymax, who tracked a pack of magical nanobots to their evil master using a single hostage bot."
Now the table erupts in laughter, and I'm feeling pretty good. But then we realize that the youngest of our party (an 8-year-old) looks confused at what's so funny. He doesn't get the reference.
I'm naturally surprised - this is a well-known Disney movie, I figure pretty much all the kids know it. But apparently he hasn't seen it. And so I quickly google the release date of Big Hero Six.
It is 2014. Nine years ago. In other words, the movie is older than this kid. And I am immediately hit by the passage of time like a truck.
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bunnysnared · 23 days
storing more wips here to yell in to the void.. im cooking absolute HEAT with my d&d au 141 [long story how that came abt] but tiefling soap. oh gods. YEAH! him most of all (ꈍ◡ꈍ)♥
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aye.. i have Feelings for him ‼️‼️ DKNJBHVDKS
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Hello Minecraft Diaries community. Do YOU like dnd? Do you like the divine warriors? If not. You will. We (me n my players) are going to make a Divine Warriors DnD (short [hopefully]) campaign that we will post about on your Divine Twelve, Tumblr blog using diary entries and actual recounts of the event (maybe even art!) :3 The plot itself is regarding the group of 6 behind the Divine Warrior's ascendancy. I think it is swagged out and when we drop it you should totally check it out :3
If it does is there anything you'd wanna know.. :3
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juniperdugong · 3 days
Honestly thinking about getting back into writing fanfics. I just don't know which fandoms... and what I would write about. It's been so long since I've connected my writing to any community that it feels so foreign. On one hand, I made this account to promote my original content and interact with the horror and writing communities. On the other hand, branching out would broaden my audience and allow me to interact with fandoms I'm in already.
*sigh* idk man *cutely tags the fandoms I'm in while sobbing*
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grumpyypumpkin · 1 month
Finally made it to Act 3 in BG3 with my little ranger half elf. Trying to play a cute little hero playthrough this round but I'm missing some pale elf vampire action.
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ace-avian · 5 months
It’s all fun and games to homebrew a DnD campaign in the Diaries universe until you gotta get schedules and peoples sheets and backstories done
Borderline tho I’m so proud of myself. I cooked with some of the divine warrior subclasses and the races of Shadow Knight and Werewolf
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spooky-peachtea · 4 months
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art wip!
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doodles-with-noodles · 3 months
Writing my dnd character’s backstory but writing it like a YouTube essayist analyzing the original media is so spiritually healing to me
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 19 days
i love your recent post including the dnd classifications for the mcd guys. HOWEVER. i know nothing about dnd. mainly i’m curious about your thoughts behind the strike through over “champion” for laurance? i’m super interested in the lore
Yeah! So, Laurances class is fighter, and champion and eldritch knight are both different fighter subclasses. Laurance USED to be a champion when he was head guard of meteli but his subclass was changed to an eldritch knight when he was turned into a shadow knight
(My original idea was for Laurence to be a paladin who became an oathbreaker after turning, but that's Gene. Also, being a paladin would imply that there's any honor there. Laurance fights with the desperate tenacity of an animal that refuses to die.)
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caintooth · 10 months
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whatsupbeanie · 1 year
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The most important thing you can do. More dnd comics featuring my friends 4amshower (DM), dorkydeer (Goomi) , bytwistwood (Finch), chibirdart (Winona) and tubbynugget  (Solri and Ishtali). 
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snekverse · 3 months
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Campaign!Zane is the second son of Okhasis and the Head Magistrate of Avon's Council, he is a looming figure in the socioeconomic sphere of Ru'an. He preaches of his divine-given role in Avon's grand plan, although he seems to be playing his part in strange, mysterious ways...
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starsailorjannystan · 2 months
i love you making shit up i love you basing character interpretation on nothing i love inconsequential background characters you can get irrationally attached to i love you standalone novels i love you self-contained plots i love you authors who don't use social media i hate you multiverse i hate you doing 30 years worth of homework before being allowed to enjoy the newest installment of a series i hate you mcu and your bastard spin-off series i hate you canon-compliant stories i hate you rifling through wiki pages to make contradictions coexist
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