#during it) and I felt a lot of admiration. The passion they put towards the creative process of their songs and choreographies is so cool
blisou · 1 month
Everyone... really... listen to Watch Me Woo! by PLAVE. It's so good, I've been having it on repeat. I really love their music.
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hanjisick · 1 year
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order #4 of the coffee shop series: a chai latte.
ingredients y/n x heartthrob!barista!artist!hyunjin. strangers to lovers.
allergies. contains: makeouts. lots of cheesy content.
size. 2k
special add ons. instead of passion for his looks, you had passion for his art. that’s what made him fall for you.
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“hey,” a girl shuffled her feet awkwardly, “do you see the girl in white over there?”
hyunjin’s lips pressed together, nodding.
“she wanted to ask for your number, but she’s shy, so i came instead.”
his response was almost engrained in his head at this point, looking straight into her nervous eyes. “tell your friend that she’s very gorgeous.”
her eyes lit up for a second, and he felt a pang of guilt in his chest, knowing that he’d have to put out that fire immediately. “but i don’t want a girlfriend at the moment.”
“oh, i understand. thank you anyways.”
hyunjin’s paintbrush dipped into the glass cup of water once again, brushing the girl off as he tried to seem heavily distracted by his work.
“how’s it coming?” jisung leaned over the counter, “do you need another tea?”
“i’d love a chai latte.”
“of course,” he stood close by as he turned on another machine, able to keep the conversation going as muscle memory kicked in, “where will you hang that painting?”
“i don’t like it all that much, to be honest. it might find a nice spot in the trash can.”
“i like it,” jisung poured the hot water into a cup, “trust the process. maybe you could hang it in the back.”
hyunjin nodded his attention back to his art. a few minutes later, jisung hands him his tea.
“those girls left, you can relax now.”
hyunjin dropped his shoulders, “it’s so uncomfortable.”
“oh,” jisung fake mocked, “poor pretty boy can’t get away from the girls.”
“it’s not as fun as you’d think,” he scowled at jisung’s antics, taking a sip of tea.
“i wish i had that problem.”
“jisung! stop getting distracted!” chan called out as the dark-haired boy flinched, scrambling to take another order.
hyunjin glanced between his reference photo and his artwork for the next few hours, the sounds of soft vinyl music and chatter drowning out his deep thoughts.
he watched his coworkers come and go through their shifts and soon enough, his own shift was only thirty minutes away.
the afternoon rush had slowed down, with only a few customers left in the shop during the evening hours. each was sitting in the back, earbuds in, focused on their studies.
hyunjin was focused as well, his eyes tired from staring for so long, almost thankful that he was getting a break from painting soon. but he was almost finished, and jisung was right— it was turning out wonderful.
his focus caused him to miss the tapping on his shoulder for a few seconds, turning to find another girl in front of him.
right as he opened his mouth, you began to talk first.
“i noticed your painting, and i was wondering how much you would charge for them?”
hyunjin’s eyebrows raised, staring for a long second, trying to process your words.
nobody had asked him to purchase one of his paintings before.
“i don’t sell them, i hang them around the shop,” he pointed towards the array of decorations, your gaze following them around the room.
“they’re beautiful,” you commented, “i noticed you working and i think that would look amazing in my living room, but i’m sorry for bothering you.”
“no, it’s fine, please, i’m flattered,” his smile only grew by the second, “i could give you this one, for free.”
his interactions with customers were rarely comfortable. but you looked at him with admiration, in a different way than most girls had— it made him feel as though you valued him for his talents instead of his looks. that made him feel euphoric.
“no,“ you turned down his offer. “at least one fifty. it looks like you’ve spent hours on it.”
before he could argue, he had only really spent five, you began shuffling through your bag.
one hundred and fifty dollars in cash. you shoved it into his hand. “that’s all i have on me right now, but if you want more that’s fine too—“
“this is more than enough,” he stopped you there, afraid that you would pay him every dollar you own.
“thank you so much,” you stared at the painting, tracing the lines of the flower stem, “it’s very well made.”
pride welled up in hyunjin’s chest as he signed the painting. “thank you for appreciating it.”
“hyunjin, clock in!” chan called out, grabbing both of your attention.
“got it!” he yelled back before turning to you once again.
“you work here?”
“i do,” he stood up, gathering his brushes from the wooden counter.
“that’s wonderful, because i stopped in for a drink, and i don’t know what to get.”
hyunjin smiled, “my favorite is an iced chai latte.”
you studied the man in front of you, his long black hair tied back, a soft gaze in his eye, the brown cardigan draped loosely over his shoulders. “looks like something you’d drink. i’ll take that.”
“you’d drink me?”
the stupid question slipped out of his mouth. hyunjin wasn’t one to flirt with somebody he had just met. especially something so dumb.
all he could do is study your face as you took in the question, the corners of your lips turning upwards. “i would.”
he cleared his throat. “i’ll ring you up then. what’s a good name for you?”
“do you want your receipt?”
his hands shook as he prepared your drink, feeling a nervousness that he hadn’t felt since middle school.
you took a seat next to one of his paintings, clutching the one that you now owned in your lap.
he kept meeting your gaze from across the room, only to shyly look away and pretend that he had always focused this hard on making tea.
“order for y/n!” hyunjin called out.
you sprung up from your seat to take your drink, “thank you.”
“thank you,” he grinned in his absolute best customer service voice, watching you bring the drink up to your mouth.
“it’s wonderful. just like your art, you’re a very talented person.”
perhaps he had found his soulmate.
“i hope you have a great day, hyunjin.”
his voice caught in his throat as you turned away. how did you know his name? his signature. right.
the next day you had come in during the evening hours, hoping to find hyunjin once again.
as always, he was in the same spot.
“i hung your art on my wall. it looks wonderful there.”
he couldn’t contain the grin that spread across his face. “you did?”
“i did,” you sat down by his side with your chai latte.
“the other barista doesn’t make these as well as you do.” hyunjin glanced up to see who was working at the bar. jisung again.
he let out a snicker, speaking loudly so that the boy could hear it over the groaning machines, “jisung is my sworn enemy, of course i make better chai lattes than him.”
“hey! you should see my latte art! it’s way better than his!” he yelled out, looking as though he was going to charge at him.
a muscular barista grabbed his arm almost out of instinct, “stop bickering!”
“he was totally about to fight you.”
“that’s the third time today that he’s tried.”
“that explains why that guy grabbed him so quickly.”
“changbin’s reliable like that,” hyunjin pointed out, continuing to sketch, “we’ve all been friends for years. then chan opened a coffee shop.”
“the one who’s always yelling at us to stay on task. he’s always working here, never sleeps. this shop is his most prized possession.” he nodded over to the curly-haired blonde at a table with headphones in his ears. papers were spread out around him as he bounced his leg, obviously stressed.
“don’t worry about him, he always looks like that.”
“you’re a true artist, paying attention to all the details,” you took a sip, “it’s cute.”
his sketching halted briefly as red dusted his cheeks. he had been called cute almost every day of his life, but it was different coming from you. you meant it in a way that others hadn’t.
he couldn’t put the gratitude you made him feel into words, so the only thing he could say came out of his mouth after a long pause— “thank you.”
“do you have a shift soon?”
“no, i’m actually off today.“
“but you come here anyways?”
“it’s just the same thing i’d be doing at home but in a pretty café with my friends instead.”
“but don’t you get bored of it?” you watched his hands grip the charcoal pencil, drawing lines of a building from a reference photo.
“not really. this is like my second home.”
you nodded in understanding, falling back into the chair.
the tension between the two of you grew as you both fell into silence.
hyunjin kept stealing glances at you through the corner of his eyes. it was obvious that he wanted to make a move. ask for a number, a date, or something.
right as he began to build up the confidence to speak, you spoke first.
“there’s an art museum nearby that i’ve been dying to check out. if you’re ever bored, we could go together.”
“what time does it close?”
“around ten, we could make it with an hour if we left right now,” you opened your phone to double-check the time.
“is this a date?”
“it could be.”
“it should be,” he corrected, gathering up his materials to put into his bag.
“i agree.”
deciding on his car for the spontaneous date, he opened the door for you like a giggly teenager.
he started the car, turning the radio on to softly play music to cut the once again building tension between the two of you. it didn’t work and instead felt as though he had been driving for hours.
you fiddled with your hands, glancing between him and the road. the sun was setting in the distance, ironically looking as if it were a painting itself. it went from hues of pink and yellow to deep blues and orange.
“you should paint the sky,” you commented.
“i love to paint the sky.”
“you should show me one of yo ur paintings of it sometime.”
after what felt like forever, hyunjin pulled into the parking lot, stopping the car.
he turned to you, illuminated by the little light still left by the day.
“you’re very pretty, y/n.”
“you seem like the type to stare at a girl's lips in a parking lot of an art museum during the sunset.”
“would i seem like the type to kiss you right afterward, too?” he replied, catching you off guard.
“i could only hope.” he leaned in, meeting your lips in a soft, gentle kiss.
after a few seconds, hyunjin tried to reluctantly pull away, only for you to pull him closer by the back of his head.
his hand met your jaw as he deepened the kiss. you could taste the spices of chai on his lips, causing a warmth to spread in your chest.
both of you pulled away for air, the kiss leaving you breathless.
“i think i’m going to fall for you.” you could see the hopeless romantic in his eyes as you opened the car door.
“wait until at least after the first date,” you quietly laughed, watching him try to put himself together.
“would a free chai latte make you fall for me too?��
“i already have, hyunjin.”
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clarksels · 1 year
While you were sleeping
(Part one)
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This is my first time writing a ffic so I hope you like it ☁️
for u anon 💙 here
In this fic Caitlin, Paige and y/n go to the same college.
You woke up restless and glanced at your phone. It was 3 am, and it had happened again. You dreamt about Caitlin Clark. Caitlin Clark, your roommate, the girl who broke your best friend's heart and the reason why you're no longer part of the basketball team. You have plenty of reasons to not even think about her, but in your dreams, Caitlin Clark is always present.
You were at your desk, finishing an essay when Caitlin opened the door to the room you unfortunately have to share with her. She flopped onto her bed and started scrolling through her phone. It bothered you so much to be in the same room as her that you just wanted to grab your laptop and leave, but you couldn't. Somewhere else, you couldn't concentrate well. Here, you had Caitlin nearby, and you could deal with that, even though it wasn't always like this. In fact, you admired her a lot. You loved seeing the passion she put into every game, how she gave her best. You enjoyed watching her play, but that changed, not because she practically asked for you to be removed from the team when you worked so hard to get in, but because of what she did to your best friend, Paige.
You remember that ever since you joined the team, Caitlin didn't like you. Her gaze towards you was always disapproving, no matter how much effort and training you put in. For her, you weren't worthy of being on the team. You thought that if you trained harder than the other girls, Caitlin would see the value and importance you placed on basketball. But it wasn't the case. Whenever she could turn the other girls against you, she did. She spoke ill of you behind your back, and sometimes she said it to your face, "You're not good enough for the team." Those words always echo in your mind. During your time on the team, you became her roommate. You knew she didn't like the idea, but neither of you had another option. By the time she managed to get you kicked off the team, you couldn't change rooms, and you ended up stuck in the same room as her.
Caitlin practically getting you kicked off the team didn't really bother you. You knew she was a perfectionist, and a part of you started to believe that maybe you weren't good enough. But Paige was always there to tell you otherwise, even though she was in love with Caitlin Clark. She always said, "She's wrong, you deserve to be on the team." Your anger and resentment towards Caitlin started when she rejected Paige in the worst possible way.
You knew Paige was in love with Caitlin Clark ever since they started college together. She was deeply attracted to Caitlin, but even though they were on the same team, Paige didn't dare to confess her feelings. She didn't know how Caitlin would react. Paige had been insecure about her sexuality in high school, but she promised you it wouldn't be the same in college. Still, she hid her feelings until one day she decided to speak up and told Caitlin how she felt. Caitlin didn't give her an answer, but a couple of days later, in front of the whole campus, Caitlin started saying, "I WOULD NEVER DATE A GIRL." You and Paige were there, and you heard it, just like everyone else. And as if that wasn't enough, Caitlin looked in Paige's direction and said, "You heard it, Paige, never." Laughter started echoing around as tears filled your best friend's face.
You would never forgive Caitlin for that, she may have taken you off the team but her humiliating Paige like that made you hate the girl you once admired.
You had come out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel when you saw Caitlin in front of you "you look so sexy with wet hair" she said biting her lower lip, you couldn't help but feel your cheeks burning at her comment, Caitlin walked towards you and kissed you passionately, she took you by the legs and carried you to put you on the desk that was near your bed, with her teeth she removed that little bow that held the towel to your body and when she saw you naked she licked her lips "shit" she said out loud and then joined her lips to yours in a kiss, Caitlin left your lips to trace a line of wet kisses from your lips to your breasts, feeling Caitlin's lips made you arch your sword and she seemed to love it, Caitlin's kisses went down until they reached between your legs "do you want me to continue?" Caitlin asked you as if she wasn't seeing that all you wanted and needed at that moment was her "yes" you said as you nodded your head, you felt Caitlin push her tongue into you as you grabbed her hair and kept moaning her name "Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin".
"CAITLIN" you woke up feeling like you were practically screaming her name, you got up quickly to go to the bathroom and wet your face, when you saw yourself in the mirror you said to yourself "enough!" "this can't keep happening" you opened the bathroom door slowly to see if Caitlin was still asleep or if she could hear you but you saw that she was still asleep, so you stayed in the bathroom for a while for your body to assimilate that it was all a dream.
When you came out of the bathroom you saw the light on Caitlin's side, you were surprised to see her awake, for a moment you thought that your "noises" had woken her up.
"I had a weird dream and saw that you were awake, are you okay? "Caitlin said from her bed, and you made a sound in response, you felt sorry for the fact that you had dreamt about her "lately it seems that you are not sleeping well" Caitlin said that and you thought she sounded worried "it's nothing" you just said, you turned off the bathroom light and closed the door, as you walked to your bed you heard Caitlin "I know you don't like me, but you would be surprised to know who I was dreaming about" your heart raced when you heard your roommate say that, is it possible that both of you have the same kind of dreams?
You were in bed looking at the ceiling because you couldn't sleep and apparently your roommate was having the same problem, you were sunk in your thoughts when you heard Caitlin speak "I'm sorry" you couldn't believe that had come out of Caitlin Clark's mouth, the arrogant star player, the shock made you sit up in bed and look in Caitlin's direction, but she was on her back, you waited for her to say something else but she didn't and neither did you, you didn't want to ask her why she was apologizing or if she had dreamt about you.
You didn't want to see Caitlin any other way, it was better that for you she was still the arrogant and hateful girl who thwarted one of your dreams and the cause of your friend's pain, you didn't want your dreams to turn into feelings for her, not after she had treated Paige badly, not after she had said she would never date a girl.
It doesn't matter, even if your dreams of Caitlin are of love and not war that won't change your opinion of her, let alone make you forget what she did, you were determined in the morning to ask and do whatever you could to change your dorm, you didn't want Caitlin Clark near you, you didn't want to desire her in your dreams again, you don't want to and you can't.
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
Hi!!! pretty girl. once again congrats on 1.5k followers!! Truly deserved my pretty little flower :) I love you and this idea <3 I know you'll be getting a few of these and they may take a while, so please absolutely no sweat
you already know what I look like buuuuut, im a pale asf gal with freckles, 5'6, mid lengthish blonde hair. I always say blue eyes but they really are a mix of green and blue. I also have adorable (hyping myself up) silver round glasses. I love comfy clothes I say either very tomboy, or like y2k, love shades of navy blue, emerald green and black.
I love listening to music - glued to my headphones, my cat (cats), writing, reading, doing my makeup and dressing up girly. Love a good slay. Also you know this but i'm an aries, have a lot of energy, extrovert as hell, and love never shutting up <3
I mean I know you can pick, but you know I want Mattheo twirls hair (romantic). But if you wanna throw in someone platonically i'll take anyone my love. you can decide the trope but I always feel we'd be like sunshine x grumpy, especially as I am a puffle. Muah <3
my little sunflower, thank you I love you so much 💕 I ended uo throwing some best friend!blaise in this as well, hope that's okay 💕
Romantic Match-Up: Mattheo Riddle
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mattheo finds your energy and enthusiasm impossible to ignore. he found himself instantly captivated by your outgoing nature and vibrant personality, drawn to the way you lit up the room with your presence.
your love for music and fashion stood out to him, your headphones seemingly glued to your ears as you moved through the corridors with confidence. though he admired your passion for expression, it was your connection with blaise that truly caught his attention and introduced you to him, sparking a curiosity within him that he couldn't ignore.
having been your best friend for years, blaise played a pivotal role in bringing you and mattheo together. He was the reason you started hanging out with the slytherin boys in the first place, making it almost impossible for mattheo to keep pining after you in peace, constantly having you around without telling you how he felt proving difficult.
even before you and mattheo officially started dating, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards you. he watched from afar as you navigated the complexities of hogwarts life, always ready to step in if he sensed any danger or discomfort.
your extroverted nature complemented mattheo's own personality, creating a dynamic and vibrant connection between you. he found himself drawn to your infectious laughter and unbridled enthusiasm, a constant source of inspiration and joy in his life.
it was during one of many parties held in the slytherin common room that mattheo finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings for you. with blaise's encouragement, who had seen right through his friend from the moment mattheo had first put his eye on you, he approached you with a nervous smile, his heart pounding in his chest as he poured out his heart.
as mattheo poured out his heart to you in the dimly lit common room, his words hung in the air between you, heavy with emotion and uncertainty. your heart raced in your chest as you listened to him, your mind struggling to process the confession you had longed to hear.
blaise, ever the perceptive friend, watched from a distance with a knowing smile, his eyes flickering between you and mattheo with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. he had seen the way mattheo looked at you, the longing in his gaze impossible to miss, and he knew that this moment had been a long time coming.
as mattheo finished speaking, there was a moment of silence as you both searched each other's eyes, the weight of his words sinking in. and then, without a second thought, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss.
the kiss was electrifying, a burst of passion and emotion that left you both breathless and exhilarated. when you finally pulled away, the room seemed to spin around you, the world tilting on its axis, and despite the commotion and cheers ringing out around you, mattheo’s eyes were fixed soley on yours.
Song: I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith
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rinbowaman · 1 year
My Roommates Ex - Chapter 6
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Chapter 6! And it's a good one! Last chapter for this arc, there's a third one i had started years ago but hadn't finished, so I will work on that to continue the series so you all can see how you and Heeseung are doing.
Pairings: Heeseung and you
Warnings: Bound/gagged against will, cursings, language, smut (lots of smut and it's very descriptive), unprotected sex, voyeurism, rough sex, intense sexual acts, demeaning acts, vengeful acts, MDI this is 18+ only. I think that's everything. MDNI
-Begin Read-
Heeseung walks away leaving behind a baffled Samuel, who attempts to break away from the chair, only to find that his efforts remained unachievable and draining. His jawline was still glazed with the blood from his injury, he was breathing heavily from exhausting a tiny bit of energy, which had done nothing for his intended goal, other than creating the noise of squeaks and creaks from the base of the chair, caused by his wiggle.
Admiring the shadow casting over his features, you watch as Heeseung turns and walks in your direction. Once he approaches, he stops and stands right in front of you, a hand raises and with his palm facing him, he extends two fingers towards you and gently signals for you to stand. Not saying a single word.
Standing in front of him, your dress torn and hanging by a single strap while your hair remains in a disheveled state, he takes the same hand that gave you the signal, and brings it to your face, cradling your injured cheek ever so softly.
“Are you going to be alright?” You nod in response, fully understanding what he was entailing. Looking at your injured cheek as he places his palm over it, covering it delicately to suppress the stinging, he continues to communicate to you.
“You gonna be able to hang in there?”  You nod yet again, only this time you admit a slight gulp but reassure him with a very subtle smile.
He leans in for a kiss.
Through the sentimental grace of his gentleness and passion, he kisses you seldomly, leaving his eyes to be barely open as he watches over you.
Remaining so focused on the ardor of his touch, your mind evolved to a state where you lacked any emotion, thought, or judgement on what was about to happen. The anger and frustration you felt before have subsided the moment Heeseung caressed your cheek, yet you remained steadfast in your decision to continue, for the sake of putting an end to this once and for all.
With Samuel being strapped onto the chair, seconds away from witnessing a phenomenon that only you and Heeseung have experienced. You vaguely watch as he forms a bitter expression, a contrast from his horrendous appearance after being man-handled by the one who stood before you.
Heeseungs reaches and takes both your hands into his, you look down and begin watching his thumbs stroking the back of each hand as he held them lightly. Watching him apply the airbrush strokes on your skin, he remained careful to put just enough pressure to promote skin to skin stimulation as his hand carries the weight of yours, keeping them elevated. It became symbolic to you. It reflected the birth of your relationship, when he came to you during a time, very much like tonight, and lifted you.
Lifting your gaze, your eyes are soft and filled with the utmost sincerity, they reflected pain and hope. Returning to the calm and relaxed tone that you have become so familiar with and built the foundation of your melody on, he showers his voice on to your lips as they maintained surface contact as he spoke.
“Ready?” You nod for the final time. Taking a deep breath, you ready yourself for his mark
“Say my name.”
“Not that one, pretty baby.”
Mr. Hyde. 
Out of the two faces in Heeseungs sexual nature, you got the pleasure and joy of experiencing Heeseung’s Jekyll side nearly all the time. The one side that allowed you to be his equal during sex, allowing you to explore, go fast, go slow, go shallow, or go as deep as you want to, and he gave you all the time in the world to enjoy it. It was the side that you are used to and are very familiar with when it comes to sex. Heeseung’s Jekyll.
Then, there was Hyde.
The tearing of your dress produced a sound that settled in your ears, as his hands rips it away your delicate and supple skin, your lace panties followed the same fate. You looked down at the silky materials that lay puddled on the floor, when he took his hand and grabbed your neck, strong hold style.
You felt the squeeze around your throat, it was strong and harder than any other moments where he squeezed your hands, your arms, waist, or hips. He applied pressure, slowly and steadily, just enough for you to gasp. He kisses your mouth as he pulls you in by the neck hold, and presses your body against, the material of his fully clothed frame, shaming you into cowardice as you stand completely nude before him and the bound Samuel.  
With that rush of force and strength that you are very familiar with, you feel your body being projected in fluid motion with the grip round your neck remaining, and the other around your waist. You felt a tingle beneath your feet as they lose contact with the ground and meet the air, and in a blink of an eye, your back side lands on the bed, his body falls dense on top of yours, just as it had on the first night.
Dipping his groin into you, the pressure of his region and the material of his pants shove into you, sinking you into the bed. With firm contact and pressure held, he repeatedly dips in, stimulating your senses as you feel the combination of relief and hard pressure, alternating pumps against your pelvis.
They started slow, but didn’t take long to speed up, all sparked by the moans you were beginning to discharge, all the while your mouth was sealed by Ethan’s.
His kisses are rough, harder, and deeper, and his tongue remains just as penetrable as his member. It pushes through the skin of your lips, the slight parting of your teeth, and begins to circulate every part of you. It swipes every corner as you feel it flicker and rub the roof of your mouth as the saliva begins to collect on the outer corners of your mouth, all thanks to his relentless performance in his kiss.
Once more, by the hold he has on your neck, he pushes your face away to break the kiss, to peer into your eyes as his face remains an inch away from yours. Looking up beneath his hat, you could see his features lurking in the shadow, leering down at you.
Noticing his hair appearing shaggier, his brows positioned closer to his lids, hovering, and casting a shadow above his black eyes, which had seemed less round and more narrowed due to the heaviness in his lids, the expression staring at you was baleful. The dark expression of Ethan Lee had fully taken over, not a trace of Heeseung’s shining spirt can be seen.
When it came to the exhibit of adulation, there are two signature traits used between the two sides, displaying the flavors of their affection to you.
While Heeseung always uses the tip of his nose…
“Say my name.”
Ethan uses his teeth...  
His teeth: they bite, they hiss, they clench, and they grit against each other whenever he looks at you with his signature grin, that radiates a rebellious, and naughty flare, opposite of the sophisticated and suave appeal it normally had.  
Ethan returns to his harsh kisses, delivering a burning desire in each one as he pushes deeper into your mouth. He takes his hand, and presses two fingers on the surface of the flesh in between your folds.
He pushes hard.
The kiss was nearly broken when you moaned out in desirable pain and pleasure, as he maintains the intensity of the pressure and rubs his fingers up and down. Pushing the plate of his chest deeper against your delicate breasts, until the soft fullness is shoved up against the hardened plate beneath them, you begin to develop shortened breathes that become in sync with the motions of his fingers.
His hold on your neck slightly loosens, he extends the length of his thumb and index finger upwards, cradling both sides of your jawline as his palm stays planted over your throat. The added pressure from the fingers guiding your face off to the side, he forces you to look over in the direction of an aggravated and panicking Samuel.
As your face remains off to the side, Ethan leans in and bites and licks the helix of your ear, enabling you to let out a sudden yelp, ranging in a high pitch. Through the painful squinting of your eyes, you watch as Samuel jolts from shock in the chair upon hearing your high tone piercing the room, similar in both volume and vibrancy of glass shattering. With the deepest tone you’ve heard from him yet, Ethan firmly demands on you to answer him, as you feel his thumb apply pressure, pinning your face in place and looking into Samuel’s direction.
“Tell him who fucks you.”
“Tell him who breaks you.”
“Tell him who you belong to.”
“Ethan Lee!”
In a bursting motion, he peels off your body the very second you cry out his name. Maintaining his hold on your neck, he pulls you up as you emerge and adopt a kneeling position on the edge of the bed, while he steps over and stands in front of you. He alters his hold, releasing your neck, only now he tightly grabs a handful of your silky strands and tilts your head back, projecting your face to be in full sight before him.
Administering another deep kiss, you feel the smooth thickness of his tongue reaching down your throat, traveling as far as it can go as you feel the calisthenic pressure of his facial muscles pressed against yours. Feeling the pull of your hair, your face recedes back as he looks down at you, making firm eye contact, he tells you…
“Open your mouth.”
The moisture immediately meeting the air causes the ball of spit to become cool and feeling extremely foreign as it lands on your tongue, riding down the flat surface of it, until it disappears in your swallow.
 As you remain propped on your knees, he takes the firm hold in your hair, and gently pulls you in until your foreheads press upon one another, your eyelashes give each other butterfly kisses as they flutter against each other. Looking directly into the iris of your eyes, he tells you to undress him.
Starting from the top, you take off the cap that hid his eyes. Fully exposing his sinisterly handsome features, you can clearly note how his hungry expression causes each facial trait to become sharper and defined, enhancing an ominous version of male attraction. The malevolent shape of his eyes that suited the matte black of his iris, his cheeks appearing slightly contoured from the stretch of his wicked smirk, initiated by his lips that would, normally appear slightly pouted and hold shape, yet have now been masked thin and wide as he displays the teeth that would clench on your neck.
The moment you finished pulling off both, the long unbutton sleeve and his white fitted tee, he tightens the hold on your hair and slowly pulls your face in, kisses your mouth as his vengeful grin lies an inch away from you face.
He directs you to face off to the side as he brings you in and presses your cheek against his chest. The coolness of his body against your skin pleasantly startles you as you begin to sense a subtle change in your demeanor. A boldness that you never carry, yet suddenly enumerates as Ethan conducts his performance. There was an urge, it was faint, but somehow you felt it slowly creeping and reaching out to you with a voice inside your brain that wasn’t entirely your own but similar. It communicates to you, screaming for you to reach up and place your hands over Ethan’s button and zipper.
Satisfied at your response, he slowly drags the side of your face downward, as it remains plastered on his skin. Watching your hair trail behind the drag and drape his muscles as the tiny hint of sweat starts to coat his body, causing some of the strands to stick to him. Feeling the softness of his skin on yours as your face maneuvers down closer to where you wanted to be, the urge is compelling you to act in a manner you are not accustomed to but are beginning to feel ease conducting it.
Your face continues to drag down as you shift your positing by sitting on the edge of the bed, legs extended and cradling Ethan in between as he stands in front of you.
Upon feeling the material of his pants meeting your face, you begin undoing the button and the zipper, you loosen the material and drag it down as far as you could until it begins to fall on its own and collects around his ankles. You feel the light massage as he runs his fingers slight run and spirals the strands of your hair around them. Inserting your fingers inside the band of his boxers, you pull them down to meet with his pants, and unleash the rest of him.
As soon as his skin is embraced by the stagnant air, his hands cup your face, along with strands of hair loosely cradled and framing your cheeks in between his hold on you. He brings you closer and guides you to his erection, specifically the tip. He rotates his hips to trace the lining of your lips. Displaying a tender side of his love in contrast to the roughness of his lust, Ethan is beginning to balance out the nature of sexual aggression, by inserting moments of softness, like the one he’s doing now.
The smooth tip gently rides along the corners of your mouth, until it he pauses the motions and rests the tip against the center of your lips. Your eyes look up and is directly met with his black stare, the thumb belonging to the hand that remains cradling your cheek begins to softly stroke your face, as you both maintain strict eye contact. Without breaking the gaze that you both share, you watch the shape of his eyes widen as you begin to feel him push himself in, the tip glides in between your lips, meeting the moist and warm shelter of your mouth and the slick bedding of your tongue.
His mouth widens slowly as you continue to stare into his eyes, watching them shift back at the subtle slant of his head, projecting them to appear narrower and half closed as he looks down at you and watches you take in every inch of him inside your mouth.
The sound of Samuel jerking upon watching you take Ethan’s shaft all the way in your oral cavity is heard amongst Ethan’s low growls. Forced to watch as you perform an act to another man that he never had the pleasure of receiving from you. The creeping urge speaks to you once more upon hearing Samuel’s wines, expressing satisfaction of Samuel’s growing torment and Ethan’s gasps of pleasure.
Your eyes become half shut at the slight discomfort of the stretch you feel in your mouth and locked jaw. You continue to watch Ethan’s face finding pleasure at the feeling of you sucking and massaging his skin with the soft flesh and smoothness of your tongue. He sets the pace, fully in control as you feel him cradling your face and keeping it in place, as he thrusts his hips. He starts off slowly, gently, and compassionately.
The more he growls, the louder you moan, the creeping urge pulses in your chest each time it hears Ethan, as if his low and steady roars was summoning it to come to him. Submitting tides of vibrations to dance along his lengthy muscle, your painful and desirable moans edge him to a peak of trembling pleasure as he picks up the pace and begins to go faster, fucking your mouth harder.
Your nose harshly taps the base of his groin repeatedly as his hips thrust towards you. The collected pools of saliva seep from the corners of your mouth, smearing all over your chin and dripping along your jawline, as you continue to coat the moisture on his skin. The stretch of your mouth is tight, your jaw is locked and sore, your eyes have barely become shut as you feel the tears building up and stream from the outer corners as Ethan fucks your face, going faster and harder the closer he comes to orgasm.
Once again blurred by the tears that collect in your eyes, your lids squint shut, squeezing them to escape and stream down your face as you feel the strain of soreness and exhaustion hitting every facial nerve. The throbbing tip reaches and punches the back of your throat, causing you to emit muffled yelps of pain that you oddly find satisfying.
Initiating your gag reflexes that you desperately try to control as he relentlessly thrusts, you’re breaching a level of desperation to find relief from the physical distress of relentlessly being thrust into. Succumbing to the extreme discomfort of the stretch in your facial muscles, you place your palm on top the back of his hand that is firmly latched on to the side of your face.
Despite the aches, your heart flutters at watching Ethan as he tilts his head far back, only the protruding Adams Apple and the soft underside of his jaw is in view as he faces the ceiling, releasing his groans through his wide-open mouth. The bobbing of his Adams Apple as he breaks from his gasps and swallows, motivates you to push through the pain as you tighten your grip on the back of his palm. Feeling the shift in your grip, he maneuvers his index and thumb, hinting for your fingers to weave through his, intertwining each extremity as you feel loose strands of your hair tangled in between each one of his fingers and knuckles, as you interlock them with yours.
The smothering of saliva, tears, and the foam caused by the friction of the moisture and continuous rubbing of the skin, fabricates the tacky and thick salivary strings of moisture, that bridges your mouth to various parts of his girth.
With one hand locked with his, you feel desperate to grab hold as the soreness in your face becomes too straining, you move your free hand, and grab hold onto his pelvic muscles, spreading the fingers over the skin over the subtle protrusion of bone. You dig your fingers in, hoping to find relief as you feel your face breaking, when not a moment too soon, you feel a rush of pleasure and satisfaction when Ethan’s gasped moans become harsh and graces your hearing. Upon hearing him, another pulse of the creeping urge beats inside you.
His final thrust goes deep and remains as you feel the rotation of his hips, the tip of your nose dragged against his skin as he remains pressed into you. The warm, salty, and bitter taste coats your throat as you feel the minor twitching of his muscle flick against the roof of your mouth. Your eyes slowly re-open, slightly blurry and swollen from the mass production of tears, you look down at the at the length that settles in your mouth and admire the subtleness of veins pumping a rush of blood as you swallow his essence.
Pulling your face away, watching the strings of thick, messy saliva linking between your tongue and his dick as he slowly pulls out and admires your face through heavy eyes.
The stain of fresh tears that left the glistening trail down passed your cheeks, while overproduction of squinting and wincing enhanced the swollen redness in your eyes. Your mouth struggles to close as the soreness overwhelms you.
Finally able to feel a sense of relief after experiencing the physical aggression of being completely fucked raw in the face, you gaze innocently at Ethan. The collected foamed moisture that coats your entire jaw glues small pieces of your hair to your face, constructing a look of pain and satisfaction, as the physical attributes of your features clearly reflect the disheveled strain of being ravaged, at the expense of his pleasure.
Pinning your arms to your side, feeling the grip of his fingers wrapping around your arms, he gently straightens your posture, bring your chest up just enough until his tip rests in between your breasts.
Feeling the creeping urge pulse within you yet again, you feel the immense joy and pleasure at the prospect of satisfying Ethan. Once again finding yourself feeling bold and stepping out of the norm of your behavior, you take it upon yourself to collect the head with your open mouth as your hands reach up to cradle Ethan’s forearms as he maintains pinning your arms to your sides.
Sucking, licking, and kissing it, showing your endearing appreciation for it, his fingers stroke your arms in notion that hints his gratification. Following his notion, you squeeze each mound together and allow him to poise a certain demeanor towards you, one that reflects his authority and your obedience to him. Something that Samuel never experienced as he witnesses the out of character trait you display of caressing Ethan’s cock with your breasts as you suckle on his tip.
Ethan hunches over and takes a massive inhale atop your head, the scent of roses and jasmine from your hair intoxicates him. The smoothness of the strands nuzzled against his face, as he sways his nose from left to right, enjoying the stimulation of his nerves reacting to the glaze of the silk threads that sit atop your head.
“Lay down.”
Ethan’s voice remained deep but had become soft upon releasing in your mouth. You lay yourself on the bed as he completely removes the remainder of his clothing. He crawls on top of you, the coolness of his skin becomes warm as it coats you. He grabs on to your breasts with both hands as he leans in and kisses you, passionately and less aggressive as he had done earlier. Recognizing the characteristics of this kiss, you realize who it was that was giving you this softness. Heeseung.
For a momentary pause, Heeseung returns, and gives you the gentle affections that soothe the harshness of Ethan’s fervor. His thumbs traces circles around your areola as his hands gently squeeze and massage the fullness that filles them. The gentle smacking of your lips against his as he continues to massage your mouth with his tongue, all the while he nuzzles the tip of his nose off to the side of your face.
He breaks from the kiss and observes your current state. You watch as his eyes, which have become less narrow and slightly reverted to the round almond shape they normally display, looks at you endearingly, proudly, and encouragingly. He releases the hold on your breasts, instead, he props himself up on his forearms to hover over you, gaining a better projected view of your appearance. He shifts majority of his wait on to one propped arm, while bringing a hand up to gently swipe the strands of hair that were plastered to your jaw, a typical habit of Heeseung. He gently smiles, noting the wrecked version of your beauty that he’s not accustomed to seeing.
“You gotta hang in there baby.”
You nod at his encouragement, feeling the air breeze through his nostrils as he chuckles, all the while stroking your face so gently with the back of his fingers, using his thumb to swipe any remaining streams of tears that haven’t dried up.
Through his illuminating passion, it coaxes Ethan’s raging one, taking a moment to calm and initiate a balance. It was as if he came out to tell his other face to play a little more nicely with you.
Heeseung leans in and kisses you. Just seconds after experiencing that warmth and tenderness, you feel the sudden twist in the aura of the room as the kiss transitions. You feel his skin, which had felt soft and relaxed, to grow tight against yours. His tongue that was gently massaging you, is now treading deeper as you feel his face go from feeling light as a feather to hard and heavy, once again shoving deep it the kiss, and leaving you feeling smothered.  
His hands return to your breasts, only this time they no longer lift and massage the fullness of their shape, instead, their grip is tight and admits harsh squeezes as his fingers bury into your skin.  
You moan in wincing pain at the arrival of Ethan once more, yet he remains no less dear to you than Heeseung. Through the extremities of Heeseung’s charitable sentimentality, and Ethan’s arduous vigor, the balance that coexist in one body, mind, and soul allows you to experience a diverse range of pleasure.
During all that had transpired, you had paid no mind to Samuel’s presence, nearly forgetting he was there. You were swimming in an ocean of Ethan’s raging waves and Heeseung’s playful splashes, feeling detached from the world and floating on cloud nine.
As much as they both loved that you were relishing in a moment, where only Heeseungs heaven and Ethan’s earth existed, the fact remained, Samuel needed to pay, and you are the key component to that harsh lesson he was about to receive.
Samuel needed to pay not solely because of his insults, that was only a small fraction of it. He needed to pay because with every beat of his confused but unchanged, and abusive heart, the words he spoke came straight from it. He meant it. All of it.
Whatever transpired during his time away from you had caused him to lose control of whatever good nature he had, and allowed himself to be impressionable, succumbing to the pressure of exaggerated ambition and egoism.
He lost all authenticity as the person that was molded by the good people that had surround him, the type that enabled him to better himself through hard work and perseverance. Instead, he opted for an easy way out, or tried to, which further hindered his outlook in life and people, especially women. All of which, Heeseung and Ethan wouldn’t have paid no mind to, yet the fact that Samuel wanted to drag you into it, putting you under the same classification of all the things that contributed to his artificial state of mind, became unforgiveable.
You were far from anything that attributed to Samuel’s failures and stress. You were the light, not the black hole. You were the ease to the tormented conscious. You were the touch, hearing, taste, and sound in life. You were the warmth, comfort, and the kisses from mother to child. You were a great number of things. Many things.
But you were not, nor have you ever been or will ever be, the pitiful excuse of a boy who couldn’t handle the concepts of being a greater man, and Ethan, upon witnessing the offenses committed against you, craved blood, and vengeance.
Lifting himself off, he once again steps off and stands next to the bed. Admiring the beaty of your naked body laying shyly on the bed, he extends a hand to you, pulls you up, and guides you to follow him, towards Samuel.
Standing before the prince who never became king, Ethan stands you in front, as he holds you close from behind.
Peeking from over your shoulder, Ethan delicately moves your hair that draped over your breasts while having an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling, and keeping your backside close to him. So close.
He eyeballs Samuel, noticing the boy unable to control himself and commits to staring at your body, your face, and the essence of your femininity between your legs that has been left unbroken throughout the evening. Noting Samuel’s gaze on you, Ethan smirks and chuckles, wickedly.
“Mmm. I know, isn’t she the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? There’s nothing in this world like her, is there?” His voice was dangerously deep, and maintained the usual calm and relaxed form it typically is spoken in.
“I thought that ever since the first moment I laid eyes on her, back when you still had her.” Samuel breaks his stare and looks scornfully at Ethan muffling out yells and cursing’s through his gag.
You stood staring wide eyed, not in shock, just overly observant and calm. The trust you had in Ethan was beyond any measure of trust you had with Samuel in the past. Gazing down to the floor, Ethan takes notice. Using the same hand that moved the hair away from your breasts, he reaches up to lift your chin, turning your face towards your shoulder that he was hovering his face over. With both of your side profiles facing Samuel, Ethan initiates a passionate kiss, as he gently breaks it, he looks you in the eye.
 “Ready?”  You nod as Ethan gives you one more tender peck on your lips.
The major factor you noted about Ethan, when triggered such as tonight, was his ruthless brutality in eliminating whatever threat or enemy he senses. It ranges in various levels depending on how extreme he feels he needs to be. It was also prevalent in Heeseung although, not as ferocious and heavy as it was in Ethan. However, you’ve witnessed that side of Heeseung a few times in the past when he exhausted just a sliver of the extremity to cast the Gabe away from you during his approach.  
Knowing the dark side of Heeseung and Ethan’s quest for justice, you fully embrace the concept of being a part of it. Not just because you were directly involved, it was because you had a desire to be in it with Heeseung and Ethan. To be like them, and to be whole with them. Which was why the moment you felt Ethan’s hand press on your lower back, leaning you in forward and hovering over Samuel’s lap, your face merely inches away, you did not object.
Ethan’s arm around your waist supported your weight as you stood bent over, his thighs pressed up against the back of your legs and your rear was firm and tight, and you braced yourself for what was about to come.
Looking directly at Samuel, you stood nearly emotionless as he quivered in an ultimate state of discomfort, to the point where he reinitiated his attempts to break free, but failed and grew overly exhausted from the effects of the drugs, he sits motionless and defeated.
Ethan’s free hand grabs the shaft and guides it over in between your legs, he traces the tip in circular motion, slightly digging it in between the lips of your folds, yet refrained from penetration, until he gave his mark.
“Say my name, beautiful.”
Looking at Samuel, staring into his shivering and fearful eyes, your lids come halfway down as you reply.
What transpired immediately after was a harsh reminder of what you felt the first night, where you got to experience Heeseung, but traits of Ethan towards the end. Yet, unlike that night, the performance you surrendered to right now was split between the two, you were subjected to a session in the side that was entirely Ethan.
The thickness of his girth stretching, tearing, ripping, and splitting you open was beyond any other pain you’ve felt. The friction delaying the entry, prolongs the tortuous pain you were enduring as your body reacts and tries to relieve the trauma. The first night, Heeseung had initiated stimulation, allowing for your body to draw drops of pleasure, even though the pain you felt of his entry was still unbearable.
Ethan wanted the pain. You knew he did, and you allowed him to give it. Feeling the juts of his cock entering as he pushes it through the opening, the intense burning and tingling sensation that you recognized on the first night, appears. The tearing of your flesh was too much to bear as you yelled out in pain with your head hanging down, the strands of your hair fall forward and dangle above Samuel’s lap.
Finally, as he inserts the last inch of his shaft, you try to regain your breathing and as you breach the sensation of hyperventilating. When you suddenly felt Ethan’s free hand grip the indentation of your waistline and tightens it. Not granted with enough time to process the sense of his touch, Ethan starts to thrust.
Your body bounces and shifts forward, and you lose your breaths as he fucks all the air out of you. The hard impact of his groin popping and smacking into your rear in an increased pace caused you to feel the need to grab on to something. Instinctively reacting, you grab on to the arms of the chair to try and stabilize yourself as your body is jolting forward at a very high momentum as Ethan uses the grip on your waist to pull you in, only to slam you forward with his thrusts.
Your hair moves in motion from the jolting, Ethan watches, as the loose strands fly over and brushes against Samuel’s face as you get fucked right in front of him.
Feeling overwhelmed by the pain of Ethan’s large size splitting your walls, and digging deeper into you, you couldn’t help but start screaming, which in turn shocks Samuel nearly to tears as his eyes begin to shine from the glaze of moisture.
Unsure if you can take anymore, you begin to beg Ethan to bring Heeseung back, wanting a break with the gentle side before pursuing.
“Uh…you gotta h-hang in there baby..hang in there. Fuck. I wanna see…my pretty girls…face”
Replaying those words in your head, you did your best to try and distract yourself from the pain by digging your fingers in the arms of the chair, but the plastic cover prevented you from doing so. You weren’t thinking nor were you feeling anything else other than the pain that throbbed in between your legs, deep within your gut, you slam your hands on Samuel’s lap, allowing you to prop yourself a bit more stable as there was more space for you to grab on to.
You raised your head, ferociously panting for air and furrowing your brows trying to stabilize yourself, having not realize that, not only had you just forced Samuel to witness a side of you that he could never render, but to also feel it being done to you by Ethan, as your hands squeeze his thighs and your fingers dig in against the cloth of his jeans.
Your face reflected pain, excruciating pain. There were moments where your brows straightened as you tried to develop some level of composure, but as Ethan gained more distance going into you deeper, you went back into the destroyed state yet again.
The sound of skin slapping and the popping of your ass cheeks as he rams into you, encircles the entire room. It felt like an eternity before it hit you, but when it finally came, you felt that familiar sense you had five months ago, when you realized that sticking through the pain was worth it. The tingling and numbing sensation, though faint, begins to heighten an indescribable sense rising from your core, and you begin to scream less, and moan more.
Upon hearing the first moan since entering you, Ethan’s grip on your waist consoles the pain that remained lingering, by stroking the skin with his thumb as he thrusted.
“Shhh...that’s its baby, moan some more and breathe for me. You gotta breathe.”
He verbally guides you upon noticing your intense and relentless gasping was restricting your air intake, causing your moans to cut short and becoming breathless.
The heightened peak of the numbing and tingling sensation was emerging, it felt so good. Too good. The overstimulation of his thrusts caused your chest to become sore, and tears to recollect in your ducts.
Removing one hand from Samuel’s lap, you reach behind to plant it on Ethan’s groin, trying to push him back and delay his thrust as you felt your legs begin to tremble. Everything was feeling too damn good, and you found yourself in a contradiction of want more and wanting less.
Not at all mad by the placement of your hand, in fact, you just gave Ethan leverage. He takes your arm, grasping it above the elbow and pulls, drawing you to arch your back more than how you had it before, and lifting your chest upwards, fully exposing your bouncing breasts to Samuel as well as your entire throat as you throw your head back. Not only did he have a clear full view of Ethan wrecking your body, thrust by thrust, but he would hear the words that you spew out of your mouth, words that he never heard you say before.  
“E-Ethan..Ethan! To-too…too deep….too”
You start sputtering out to Ethan’s relentless motions as he continues to go deeper, breaking you. The mixed sensation of pain and pleasure has caused your walls to drool excessively and seep out, coating everything around it.
“I know…beautiful girl…I know.”
By now, you began panting like a rabid dog as Ethan draws near to the spot, he had reached the first night, even though Heeseung was the one that broke through the walls.
When it came to hitting that perfect spot, you learned that it could only be reached after enduring the sensations in the following order unfathomable pain, overstimulation, intense pleasure, discomfort, and then ecstasy.
“Uh! Ethan!”
You begin moaning out a combination of vocal gasps and prolonged whines, for after enduring and climbing the orderly ranks of the sensational hierarchy established, you have now reached the level of discomfort. Your pants grew more frequent, barely able to breathe, your heart feels like it’s going to explode out of your chest. Your mouth goes from dry to regaining moisture, drooling out from the corners of your lips. The creeping urge pulsates in your chest yet again.
“Yeah baby…come on. Come to me.” Ethan smirks as he whispers, relishing as it draws near, coming closer to him.
Feeling a rush of moisture flooding your entry and coating Ethan’s cock to a lustrous shine, you suddenly felt that creeping urge pulsate inside you, only this time, it wasn’t just a single beat, it remained and started to crawl out. The voice in your head telling you it wants more, that it felt so good, and it wants more. The more it kept telling you that Ethan’s cock felt good, your body became hypnotized and soon, you were at that stage where the pain had fully subsided and your walls begin clenching, pulsating, and throbbing against Ethan’s shaft.
 He was so close to that spot, you began to prepare yourself for the type of pleasure that was going to follow once it’s reached, which will be one out of two ways. Whenever Heeseung reached it, he kissed it.  With Ethan, he bites.
He gets closer and closer, the creeping urge is closer to bursting out, which was something that you only felt when getting fucked by Ethan, never present when you and Heeseung engaged in sexual intimacy.
The pulses of your walls grow intense, and fast. The throbbing and clenching sensation overwhelms you as you feel it swallowing Ethan’s cock and pulling him in deeper, causing your hips to gyrate. Feeling the vibrating motions of your body, Ethan goes faster, knowing you’re close, which means he will be too.
As he gains speed and intensity, you can no longer breathe, the pants and moans have stopped, and you remain bouncing fiercely with your mouth silently wide open and your eyes tightly shut.
Your walls vibrate at high velocity and Ethan feels the pleasurable rush of heated moisture and the vibrations pounding his dick, causing him to release inside you for the second time, shattering Samuel’s ego.
In that very moment, you lost yourself seconds before you begin to feel yourself cumming with Ethan, mixing your fluids together in perfect harmony. Right before you feel the orgasm, the creeping urge screams out of you, it rages in pants, containing a similar nature and energy that matches the vibe of Ethan. It flourishes out, with the extreme need to be with him, as you finally take a breath yo-……
“Samuel, you mentioned earlier that you prefer girls that smile, right? Let me introduce you to someone, she has a pretty name, I picked it out myself…
 Baby, don’t be rude, manners, remember? Introduce yourself and show him your beautiful smile.”
“Nice to meet you, my name is Eden.”
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slutforhaechan · 1 year
Pregnancy Sex with Johnny!!! Maybe during the third trimester and seeing his wife’s preggo belly with his own child in it just makes him emotional and horny so it ends in a passionate session?? I heard pregnancy sex is actually really healthy and feels awesome 🥰🥰
i'm ovulating right now PLEASEEEE
johnny loved to see you carrying his child and adores you knowing that he did that. while you were laying down on the bed johnny look up to you and get emotional as he saw you affectionate massage your bump while humming, he can't help but grinned on what he sees. he walks towards the bed and sat beside you. johnny caress your hair gently, "you're so pretty mylove, i missed you". he murmured, you melts on his touch knowing damn you miss him too, you stared at him and admire his facial features, tracing your little fingers on his nose, lips and eyes, he smiled. you pull him closer and hugged him so tightly, as you felt his body you couldn't stop sniffing his perfume through his t-shirt and it's your favorite perfume of him 'Versace Man Eau Fraiche', both of you hugged a little longer. you want to feel his body more pressing onto yours and hear his heart pulse beating for you only you, "i miss you too" you whisper on his ears. Even though johnny and you live with the same house, it really hits different when both of you had a little moments. it means a lot for him and you.
after the little moments, johnny break the silence "you know what i've been thinking about fucking you and it makes me sad that i can't bury my cock inside you because your carrying a human inside your tummy." he confessed, you laughed. god i love his filthy mouth. "my doctor said, it is okay to have sex the baby will not hurt". telling him happily made his body increase in anticipation. johnny abuses your lips with his, applying so much pressure because of the excitement, just now you felt this heat again and it's therapeutic, you really miss him. johnny breaks the kiss and glances at you "is this okay?". you nodded, he's so romantic asking concent. you took off your maternity clothe, and johnny started to knead your sentive swollen breast, and look down on it. "perfect breasts, swollen and tender all for me" you gasp as he suck your nipples, adding pleasure in your body, he ran his hands down to your soaked cunt and start to play with your clit, "oh johnny i..miss this". you moaned , body wilder on his touch. johnny is gentle touching you, he doesn't want to hurt you and doesn't want to rush. but your body is burning hot for him you want to feel him "johnny, i want you know please". as you said crying in desperation wanting him to so something. "so needy for me, you can't wait to stuffed my cock inside you". you whimpers, "ass up now baby, your gonna take me now". you did as he command, johnny leans forward to your ears while rubbing your soaked cunt, eager to feel him now "your gonna take all of me, gonna put my cum inside you all over again and your gonna TAKE.IT as i say". dominating voice expressed on you "yes johnny please, want to feel you now". crying out for him, "such a good mommy you are". johnny rubs his cock as he look at you side eyeing him "please don't tease". he chuckled and starts to grip his hard cock and slide it in your cunt, he groaned at the feeling your cunt squeezing him. "so wet and warm, i miss your tight cunt". johnny thrusted slow and steady, he can feel your cunt clenching around him "still tight even i didn't fuck you for a month, your pussy is made for me y/n. you made for me my wife". you just moaned high in pleasure, seizing the moment every thrust in you "johnny..i love you". as you said in high pitched moan "i know baby, i know. now cum with me". johnny shove his cock in and out of your cunt, slamming into you more rapidly. the room filled with your moans, skin slapping without caring who will hear. your body tense up and something builds in your stomach and it's your release coming "johnny i'm..i'm gonna cum" you beg him more than anything else. "me too baby, let's cum together". your body collapsed when your climax crashed like a truck, johnny's body jolts in high release, felling better. you turned around to face him and he's still catching his breath. he pressed kiss lips on your forehead and rubs your bump gently "sorry little human, mommy wants to feel good, are you not hurt?" he said in worried "c'mon he's not hurt, hello?? im the one who should care of". rolling your eyes on him, he laughs "alright mommy's turn" both you happily cuddled in the bed and talking about how excited johnny waiting for his child coming out.
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lilaccoffin · 4 months
I'd write about Vanilla's POV of everything but like...actually maybe I will. I got nothing else to do tonight.
This one I will try to keep brief to the best of my abilities.
He's completely over the moon infatuated with Chai. It comes across as romantic at times, but Vanilla is mostly infatuated in a platonic sense. Or he thinks he is. He doesn't really know what's going on with his feelings towards Chai. He just knows that he likes talking to him about music and is happy to have a friend who is so enthusiastic about something he's so passionate about.
Even if Chai is kinda bullshitting some things when he doesn't know what Vani is talking about, Vanilla doesn't notice and just focuses on Chai telling him how certain songs make him feel and how he wants to be a rockstar. Even though Vanilla puts Chai on a pedestal, he still has some moments where he raises a brow at Chai. Like one time when they were talking about why they wanted to be rockstars and Chai said for the fame. Vanilla thinks its a SUPER LAME response but when Chai goes into it a little more it clicks in his head that Chai's probably been lonely...being a rockstar feels like a nice way to get rid of that feeling. So he eases up on his previous judgement.
Let's see, what else. Vanilla feels less...well lesser when he's around Chai. For the longest time he kind of hated his ice powers because his are the weakest of his family and so he rarely ever used them except for menial things. He helped cool up a drink of Chai's during a hot day and Chai thought it was cool as fuck. Seeing him hype that up made Vani feel less bad about his weak powers. At least someone found them impressive! In general, Chai doesn't care about things being perfect and that also creates an energy that makes Vani feel calmer. Chai can laugh when something goes wrong, he doesn't sweat it. It's nice...sometimes! Not so nice when it comes to grades and important stuff, but it helps Vani feel grounded when he worries about being perfect thanks to his folks.
He also really admires Chai's ability to keep his cool in stressful situations. He wishes he could completely adopt Chai's laid back nature, but his anxiety over school does not let him slack too much....at least when Chai's around he can relax, though! He can kick back and laugh and joke around and be a little mischievous. However, he hates Chai's laziness...he doesn't yell at him about it the way Peppermint does in the future, but he does beg him to try a little more.
When Chai starts to act a little meaner around Vani, he doesn't take it too hard because he has this positive view of Chai and just chalks it up to him playing around (when he makes snide remarks) or being busy (when he ditches him). Still, even if Vani thinks the world of Chai and thinks he's a good person, he can definitely agree when it comes to saying he's hard-headed and stubborn. But Vani's also very patient with him so Chai gets some leeway with his flaws.
He's bitter with Chai after what happens between them on their snacking roof, but he still has that part of him that yearns to have been in a band together. He still wants to talk to him and go back to how things were some days...but he's also still pretty pissed about everything. He just wants to whip him around a bit...or a lot...
He's relieved in the end when Chai tells him the truth about everything...but he's also so sad that Chai felt that he was holding him back and that he wasn't good enough to be Vani's friend...when Vani thought the world of him. He always thought he was enough. He didn't care if Chai didn't know everything about music because the point was to have fun, be creative, and be free together! (cheeeesy) That and, well, he feels bad for how pushy he could be about Chai's grades and stuff...because even though Vani himself did well and got As and everything...he didn't get what he wanted in the end. Vanilla didn't get his own band, he didn't get to create with people he had fun with, he was just the guy who wrote songs and got some constructive feedback on them, but he was mostly alone when he wrote. Chai though? He was able to fulfill himself with friends and he's happy! He didn't need good grades to achieve that. It gives Vani hope again after they reconcile. Vani also apologizes for being so clingy and not standing up for Chai more. He should have supported him in sticking it to their professors and he should have done a better job of telling his friends to cool it, too. He definitely arranges a hang out with them and tells them how wrong they all were about Chai and they feel like assholes for it. At least the next time Chai sees them they'll be apologetic and kind to him.
So yeah, like, Vani was really upset during the events leading up to Chai telling him the truth about everything, but man! He's so glad after...and he accepts that maybe some of his feelings for Chai were/are more than platonic. Especially when Chai's been flirting with him so much...Some of their fights were hard to focus on because of that boy's flirty quips and his big brown eyes looking at him.
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gerudospiriit · 6 months
Ya know, Nabooru was one of the sages that threw Ganondorf into the Evil Realm. I wonder how she felt during all that shit?
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As I'm sure everyone has figured out, I play Nabooru with a lot more complexity than canon gives her. In other words, her position on standing against Ganondorf at all was a lot more complicated than "He's a bad guy and I want treasure!" (that last part is def not part of her ACTUAL motivation for my Nabooru). It wasn't something she always felt she might do. In fact, up until basically that point, she WAS loyal to Ganondorf. Outside of his mission for the Triforce, she BELIEVED in him and was fully on board with his mission to improve the lives of their people. She believed in his passion and ambition for their people, and wanted to help him wherever she could. Or, where he would ALLOW when his mission became more geared toward the Triforce and he began shutting himself off from her and the Gerudo more. For their protection back then(so he claimed), but then...he sort of forgot about them because absolute power blah blah gotta find that damn princess blah but that's a little further down the line.
Romantic relationship they totally had aside, it was probably months if not YEARS of her fighting with him and herself before she finally gave him an ultimatum (likely when she found out the REAL extent he was going to the get what he wanted) out of fear of his actions FURTHER endangering the Gerudo: she basically said if you keep this up, I'm going to have to stop you because she considered his mission dangerous to him and ther Gerudo as a whole. And well we can all see how well that went.
Thus, her "plan" was just that: defy his orders to stay away from the Spirit Temple and her own self exile to stop him...somehow (she didn't really have a solid plan; words? fight him? shake him until he saw reason? she didn't really know!). She didn't WANT to, but she felt her hand had been forced. So, being brainwashed, losing seven years of her life, and the coming out of that stupor and being awakened as a sage meant to help Hyrule? It's...not a role she wanted.
But she barely had time to consider her role because next thing she knew, Link was fighting Ganondorf and it became REAL. However this ended up, she was going to have to be part of it. And probably during that first fight? She probably wasn't sure she would be able to do it. Whatever IT was. But...she could also see how he changed. She knew all the things he had done to others, to HER, and she understood his motives had shifted to ones that no longer aligned with what was best for the Gerudo. They were selfish and all for the sake of power. And then when she saw him transform into a beast...she knew, or maybe hoped, that the Ganondorf she knew, that she loved and ADMIRED, was gone. That understanding overall hurt worse than anything, but it didn't make it easier for her to lend her power to seal Ganondorf away.
Still...she hesitated. And I HC that her hesitation and uncertainty was why he broke out later ehehehehe.
So tl;dr: she wasn't really happy with her role in sealing Ganondorf away. She wasn't happy that one decision to try and save her people--not necessarily Hyrule--got her put in the position of a sage expected to help protect a country that, to that point, had no interest in helping her people. She didn't want to basically kill Ganondorf at all. She just wanted to protect her people and keep Ganondorf from getting himself and the Gerudo into more trouble than they could handle.]
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
Just read your side note about writing for SNSD and since I'm a SONE I would gladly ask for a reaction (ofc if it's okay with you) where the s/o hurt themselves and SNSD gets worried
Thank you for requesting this, I've been wanting to write for them for ages. I hope you enjoy, and sorry it took a while.
SNSD x GN!Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Injuries, Fainting, Abusive Behaviour, Slapping, Punching
Word Count: 2.0k
Buy me a coffee :)
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As a rookie idol yourself, performing with Taeyeon wasn’t something to take lightly. So you’d practised and practised until your body physically couldn’t, pushing yourself to have every detail perfect. You fiddled anxiously backstage, breaths shallow as you made sure your mic was secure.
Taeyeon looked at you concerned, watched the way you couldn’t seem to stand still for a moment. Patting your shoulder, she gave you a look of encouragement, trying to ease your nerves. You looked at her, eyes wide, a scared look reflecting in them, you seemed so vulnerable. Your gaze had her wanting to help you, but before she could speak, you two were ushered on stage.
During the whole performance you executed every move flawlessly, and Taeyeon couldn’t help but admire your passion when given the chance. Because your your close proximity she started to notice the way your hands subtly shook at your sides, eyes blinking rapidly during the ending pose. When the lights cut out, your body slumped against hers, eyes barely opened.
She wasted no time calling her medics, following closely behind them as you were carried backstage. “She's okay, just exhausted, when she wakes up make sure she drinks lots of fluids and gets some food in her system.” Taeyeon nodded along to everything they said, hand holding yours tightly. She refused to leave your side, even when you woke, she made sure you ate,even if it meant feeding you herself.
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Soonkyu stepped into your shared apartment, quietly slipping off her shoes in hopes of surprising you. She’d finally gotten off work early for the first time in months, and she was so excited to spend time with you. So, as carefully as she could, your girlfriend tiptoed through the house, expecting to find you splayed out on the couch.
Much to her surprise, you were nowhere to be seen, making Soonkyu look around in confusion. A loud thump, soon followed by a groan, had her head snapping in the direction of your bedroom. She quickly sped towards the source of the sound, rushing to see what all the commotion was about.
Once she arrived in the doorway, her lips parted in shock, eyes widening at the sight of you lying on the hard floor. “What happened?!” She yelled, startling you, making you place your hand over your heart. When you didn’t respond, she looked around the room, spotting a fallen chair right next to a shelf. Putting two and two together, Soonkyu made her way over to you, crouching down beside you.
“What are you doing home so early?” You asked innocently, smiling to your girlfriend. “Doesn’t matter. Can you move?” She asked, worry laced in her tone. Moving to sit up, you sucked a sharp breath at the surge of pain you felt shoot through your spine. “Stay put, I’ll call the doctor,” she said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. She tried to give you a reassuring smile, but you didn’t fail to notice the way her eyebrows furrowed in concern.
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“Jesus can’t you get a single thing right?” Your manager sighed exasperatedly, eyes lingering on your hunched over figure. He’d make you repeat the dance for hours on end, every time he seemed to spot some kind of mistake. Your limbs were aching, begging you to give them a break, but your manager seemed to disagree.
“I don’t even know why they debuted you, you’re a useless waste of time,” he shouted in annoyance. However, what he failed to notice was the sound of the door creeping open, an incredibly enraged look on your girlfriend's face. She stepped into the room wordlessly, slamming the door shut behind her.
Your manager turned around, eyes widening when he caught sight of her. “I suggest you get out of here before I call security, and I’m sure the company would love to hear about your dealings with one of their most popular idols.” She threatened him, and he cowered immediately, running out the door in record time, probably going to beg to keep his job.
When Miyoung looked at you, her burning gaze softened, rushing over to you immediately. “Are you okay baby?” She asked, pulling you into a bone crushing hug, supporting your exhausted body. You nodded tiredly, feeling yourself melt in her arms. She was furious that someone had dared to hurt you, but for now she could only focus on how small you looked in her arms. She rubbed you back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you sniffled.
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You watched as Hyoyeon’s body moved effortlessly in time with the music, your full focus on her. Mesmerised by her, you failed to notice that she had in fact stopped dancing, looking at you in amusement. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer, she teased, bring you out of your trance. A faint blush coated your cheeks at her words, looking down in embarrassment, you refused to meet her eyes.
“Here, I’ll help you,” she offered to teach you, moving to stand behind you. She placed her hands on your hips, grip firm as she looked at you through the mirror. She guided you slowly, whispering instructions over your shoulder. Flustered by everything she was doing, you found yourself unable to focus on the dance, but rather on a certain someone.
One missed step had your ankle tweaking to the left, rolling, then completely giving out underneath you. Letting out a pained whimper as you collapse to the ground, you scrunch your face up in discomfort. Hyoyeon did her best to ease your fall, immediately looking at your ankle in concern.She was composed, but you could see the cracks in her calm facade, worrying for you breaking through.
“Does this hurt?” She asked, pressing lightly on your foot. The pressure had you holding your breath, trying to smile through it, but you couldn’t fool her. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, not able to look you in the eye. “It's not your fault,” you smiled, grasping her chin, forcing her to look at you. “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be hurt,” she huffed out in frustration. You quickly pressed your lips to hers, distracting her from blaming herself. She was still wary of you, being extra careful when kissing back, afraid to hurt you.
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The two of you were in the kitchen together, messing around while trying to salvage what was left of your attempted dish. “Could you watch the stove?” Yuri asked, rushing over to the other side of the kitchen to fix things before they got worse. You followed her instructions carefully, stirring the foot in the pot.
Yuri was so focused on what she was doing, she almost failed to hear the faint gasp come from you. Whipping her head around at the speed of light, your girlfriend rushed over to you in a flash. “What happened? Are you okay?” She bombarded you with a flurry of questions. “I’m okay Yuri-ah, just a small burn,” you assured, trying to discreetly hide your hand behind your back.
She was having none of it, turning the stove and glaring at you. “Show me,” she demanded, looking at you expectantly. Caving under her stern gaze, you revealed your injured hand. “Jesus Y/n, you said it was a small burn,” she cursed, pulling you over to the sink with her. Gently placing your hand under the stream of cold water, Yuri looked to you in concern.
“We should get you to the hospital,” she muttered, eyes scanning over your reddening skin. “But the food-” You were cut off abruptly. “I don’t care about the food Y/n,” she raised her voice slightly. Sighing, you nodded your head, letting her fuss over you, knowing she was just worried about you.
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“I can’t believe you!” Sooyoung screamed, anger present on her face. “How dare you think you can speak to me that way!” She yelled once more, looking at you with disgust. “I-I’m sorry,” you tried to apologise. Next thing you knew, your head was whipped to the side, cheek stinging. You looked up with watery eyes, only to be met with her cold gaze.
“Cut!” The director called, Sooyoung's face immediately morphing into a look of concern as she rushed towards you. “I’m sorry baby,” she bit her lip, cupping your face to get a better look at the reddening mark. “Someone get some ice,” she demanded, gaze held firmly on you.
“I’m fine Sooyoung, it was just a part of the script,” you smiled, her eyes softening. “I know you’d never really hurt me,” you spoke sincerely. “I hate that I had to,” she whispered, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. “I know,” you spoke softly, pulling her other hand down, interlacing your fingers together.
“Where is the goddamn ice?!” She yelled, not wanting your precious face to swell. One of the staff members quickly handed her an ice pack, bowing as you thanked them. She couldn’t focus on anyone but you, gently placing it on your cheek. She ushered you into a private room, so she could tend to you without the prying eyes of those around, whispering apologies over and over again.
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Yoona slept soundlessly, deep in her slumber. You admired her natural beauty, and how she always looked gorgeous no matter the circumstances. She smiled unconsciously when you began to trace your fingers across her collarbone. Snuggling into your neck, she whined sleepy, still in a dreamland.
You took one last look at her face, sighing before you rolled over to get up. Miscalculating, you were too distracted by your girlfriend to notice how near to the edge of the bed you were. You landed on the floor with a loud thump, groaning in pain as you rubbed your head. “Jagiya,” her sweet voice called out, eyes barely open as she searched for you.
“Down here,” you spoke groggily, squeezing your eyes shut, hoping that it would make the pain fade. A laugh echoed around the room as your girlfriend spotted you, the angelic sound being almost enough to sooth the pain. Once her laughter died down, she took a moment to fully assess the situation, eyes lingering on you.
Her eyes widened when your shirt lifted up, catching a glimpse of an already forming bruise on your side. Yoona rushed to your side, carefully examining you, a pout forming on her lips when she realised you were actually hurt. Her eyes became slightly watery, frown etched on her face. “I’m sorry I laughed,” she apologised, massaging your head in hopes of making you feel better.
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Your girlfriend watched you perform your scene, eyes shining as she admired the way you worked. You were filming a fight scene for your newest drama and you’d been practising endlessly for the stunts, talking about it at any chance you got. Joohyun was glad that you invited her to watch, happy to see you so in your element.
Although, one particularly realistic looking hit you’d taken made you groan out in pain, Joohyun’s eyes narrowing sceptically. As an actress herself, she was able to recognise the difference between what was real and fake, and that punch looked a little too real for her liking. She watched the rest of the scene with sharp eyes, gaze boring into you.
When the director called cut, you walked to her slowly, trying to hide the pain you felt in your abdomen, knowing it would only worry her. Once you were close enough to her, she reached out to you, examining your body. When her eyes landed on the way you held your abdomen in pain, you knew you’d been caught.
You smiled up at her innocently, only to be met by her harsh glare. “Medic!” She called out, pulling you towards the nearest one site doctor she could find by your wrist. Her gaze slightly softened as you squirmed in pain when the doctor treated you, she hated seeing you hurting. “You made me worried,” she whispered to you once you were alone, letting her facade break.
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ch9mpions · 2 years
Hi!! are you still doing requests? could you do an tasm peter smut? y/n is friends with (tom holland) this would be during nwh, peter parker, mj, ned and y/n is there while mj and ned open the first portal. When they open the first portal she sees tasm peter parker and they feel attracted to each other? and have like a heavy make out sesh and they are obsessed with each other during sex, if that makes sense lol
( I did my best, I haven’t written fan-fiction in a couple months. )
Connection ┊͙
pairing ↣ andrew!peter x fem!reader
! warnings !
smut, p in v, heavy make out session, nudity, fingering, oral (male receiving), gagging kink?
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Ned was continually waving his fingers around. We were trying to find Peter. I stood behind Mj waiting for something to happen.
Sparks started to form in the air. Mj turned her head from Ned to the sparks. I walked to her side. Ned continued waving his fingers around yelling, “find Peter Parker!!”
A portal finally opened. There stood spiderman himself.. I think? It was hard to see. “Is that him?” Mj turned to Ned. “I don’t know.” He replied squinting his eyes. “Peter is that you?” I yelled. Mj yelled too asking if it was him.
Suddenly, the figure ran towards us. All three of us backed up a bit. Mj grabbed a roll from the center of the table. I put my hands in the air ready to defend myself. But…it was spider-man !! Ned’s grandma screamed when the figure ran out of the portal. The portal closed instantly when Ned put his fingers down.
“No it’s okay, it’s okay i’m nice!” The man under the mask yelled.
She ended up throwing a pillow at him though. The man pulled his mask down, not revealing Peter, but a different one? I put my hands down looking at him. He looked around wondering where he ended up. His eyes fell onto mine. He just grinned nervously.
I don’t know who he is, but he sure is cute.
Time flew quickly after that. Ned opened another portal trying to find Peter Parker but wasn’t successful. He found another Peter…not the right one though. A fake, is what Mj said. Ned, Peter..(2), and Mj went out to go find our Peter themselves. I stayed back with the one that was wearing a suit.
The first time we made eye contact I felt something…something powerful in my gut. Like i’ve known him forever.
We went upstairs and made small talk. I learned all about his past in his world. And he found out about mine. He made me forget the fact he’s from a different universe. He also made me feel…nervous?? Yet comfortable.
After an hour of talking he spoke up.
“Can I kiss you?” He stared at my lips and then my eyes. “What?” I chuckled looking into his eyes while intertwining my hands. “I’m so-so sorry.” He apologized while standing up. He looked away from my gaze ashamed at what he just said.
“You want to kiss me?” At that point I was confused. “Why?”
“I just think your really pretty. I haven’t gotten a lot of chances with people ever since the incident. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
By “the incident” I knew what he meant. A couple years back his girlfriend passed away. He told me everything, and that he still blames himself for it.
“Don’t apologize.” I smiled at him. He made eye contact with me. I stood up and walked over to him.
“You can kiss me.”
Although he was nervous, we shared a passionate kiss. We kept diving in for more. It was just so pleasurable. He put his hands on my waist trying to position my body over his lap. I tucked my hands in the crook of his neck not breaking the kiss. Drool covered our chins but we didn’t care.
He broke the kiss and directly said to me, “Do you want to-” I immediately cut him off by kissing his neck. “Yes” He felt my mouth hot against his neck. Moans and the sound of kissing were the only things being heard.
“Hold on.” I stood up and ran to the guest bedroom door. I looked outside then locked it making sure nobody knew what we were doing.
He started taking off his suit revealing his abs. I stood there admiring his muscular figure. “Wow” I chuckled. Peter opened up his arms and pulled me down on top of him. He started taking off my clothes while I was kissing him. Peter then slid two of his fingers against my wet folds.
“Your so wet.” He chuckled breaking the kiss. I bit my lip taking off my remaining clothes. He started in awe. I got off of him and slid down, hovering over his crotch.
Peter took off his underwear, letting his member hit my face. I grabbed his cock while rubbing his precum with my thumb against his tip. He flung his head back sighing deeply. I took him into my mouth going slow at first. He grabbed my hair making me gag around his thick cock. He giggled slamming my head down to where my nose was met with his pubic hairs. He started flinching and squeezing his eyes shut.
Peter released in my throat. I sat back up seeing him panting with his eyes close. He put his right arm over his face. “I think I love you.” He slowly breathed the words out. “I think I love you too.” I kissed him on the cheek.
When Peter caught his breath he sat up flipping me over. “Do you have a condom?” He asked. “No,” I replied. “Just pull out, okay?” I reassured him that this was going to be amazing.
He smiled and slowly slid his member in, making sure not to hurt me. When I adjusted he asked permission to move. I nodded only because if I opened my mouth I’d moan. He held onto my shoulders from above making sure to hit all the right angles.
“So-Tight !!” He squinted his eyes feeling me clench around him. I held onto his waist pulling him close until our noses were touching. We made eye contact, and for that split second..I fell in love.
Neither of us lasted long. I came first, and then he pulled out. He released on my stomach.
“That’s was amazing, Peter.” I smiled looking up at him. He was still trying to catch his breath. He looked at me and smiled, “yeah, yeah it was.” :)
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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A not so Cinderella story
“I’m the only one in this room that knows you don’t have panties underneath this beautiful dress”
Pairing: football play! Jeno Lee x female cheerleader! reader
Genre: SMUT, FLUFF, enemies to lovers
WC: 4,507k
Warnings: mentions of food, as requested the reader here is a cheerleader so the character is fit. Please dont come at me. Public oral sex (female receiving) (inside school classroom), swearing, unprotected sex, mentions of rough sex, the sex was just inspired by Diggity Jeno hahaha, a lot of cliché moments here, mentions of bruises and dislocated bones (bc athletes) NOTHING DESCRIPTIVE IT WAS JUST MENTIONED
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I get my internet connection back. Part of Request Party. Also Jeno has been wrecking me lately.
Peanut butter and jelly. That’s the perfect way to describe you and Lee Jeno.
The famous sandwich is known with its unbalancing tastes of flavors where the tastes of peanut butter and jam always fights in your mouth, but that’s what makes it so delicious. Something so unfit, unbalanced, contradicts, but still they’re better together. And just like the sandwich, you and Jeno are two different mixing flavors.
As the captain of the football team, and you as the captain of the squad, people around you expect that you ‘mix’ well with each other to the point that they expect you to be dating by this time.
“Nope. Not gonna happen. I hate him, he hates me. Let’s just accept that,” you whine to your friends as they ask you to take Jeno as your date for the dance this weekend. “It’s an exciting masquerade party, please let me enjoy my night without that dick ruining it,”
“And speaking of Jeno’s dick. Look at the size of that... Mmm,” one of your friends said and pointed to the side of the field where the football team are practicing and Lee Jeno’s shorts are just... so thin that his big dick is obvious.
“RIP to that pussy he’s fucking after dance...” another one comments.
“Okay, continue your drooling after practice. I need your full attention now. Let’s go! Move your asses!”
And just like that the captain in you is out in no time, earning respect from your friends and even impressing the guys from the football team. Of course everyone admired your leadership, skills and well... hot body. That’s why Jeno’s focus is nowhere to found the moment he heard you shouting from across the field and seeing your nice ass and-
“You can always say that you like her,” Jaemin disturbs Jeno’s thoughts with heavy breathing, sweating handsomely and waving at the students who calls him.
“Yeah, It’s not that simple,” Jeno said.
“Psh. Of course it is. HEY Y/N!!!! JENO SAYS YOU’RE SEXY!”
Jeno’s eyes went big and tried stopping Jaemin but its too late. You heard him already. Everyone, heard him.
“Stop staring at my ass Jeno, go back to practice” you said sternly and rolled your eyes at him. That was hot, Jeno thought.
You see, just like peanut butter and Jelly, you’re two different amazing beings. Each has unique personalities and charm, but you can’t see the good things in Jeno because you’re always blinded by his cocky attitude. But for Jeno, whenever you’re mad at him, annoyed to the core or whenever you talk back at him, he always finds it sexy. Until one day he fell for you, by just looking at you long and hard one perfect afternoon at the cafeteria while you’re busy reading something.
As the school dance commence and everyone had unique masks on their faces tonight, to be honest you quite enjoy it because somehow you feel invisible. You don’t feel popular and people are just so comfortable with talking to you, not knowing that you’re Y/n. And the only people who knew it was you was of course your friends, and you are having a great time.
“She’s the one wearing a white ball gown,” Jaemin whispers to Jeno under the loud party music and howling teenagers, “you owe me captain, it’s not that easy to make her friends talk,”
“Psh. Of course it is, you’re Na Jaemin,” Jeno pats his friend’s shoulder as a thanks and walked towards you with a smile in his face. Confident that you won’t shoo him away because you don’t know that he’s Jeno.
“Looks like I found my princess,” he said with all his might. Looking so handsome and perfect even with his mask on. You can’t help but accept the compliment and flirt back. So you turned towards him, flashing a big and excited smile and so thrilled that someone finally had the guts to call you princess.
“I thought you’d never show up! Now, dance with me!” you reached for his hand and the masked prince immediately twirled you.
Everything was suddenly beyond perfect that you felt like every second was a beautiful well written scene in a fairytale book.
It’s the way he holds you while dancing, telling you the right words that goes straight to your heart and immediately give you a smile. A kind of smile that only the right person can give you. But of course, you don’t know that yet.
As the night became even more perfect for the two of you, not knowing each other’s names just makes everything more thrilling and interesting but you promised to each other to stay true to each other when the clock strikes midnight and everyone has to take off their masks.
And to maximize the fun, you and Jeno ended up making out in one of the empty classrooms while everyone is busy dancing and enjoying the program. And by the way, it was a passionate kiss, not like those innocent kissing-a-stranger type of kiss that you see in movies. You both didn’t care at that moment whether you know each other or not.
“Fuck- I have to go back before midnight, I kind of... have an important duty during the event,” you said. Careful not to tell him that the captain of the cheerleading squad is needed to crown the voted prom queen.
“Understood,” Jeno says because he is the one crowning the voted prom king. “Does your lips always tastes sweet?” he asked with a very sexy tone, lifting you effortlessly with his incredible strength and making you sit on the desk. He reaches dow to your dress and went under it, completely startling you with the way he holds your thighs and kiss your knee, inner thighs, until he reaches your clothed pussy. Kissing the wet center and drownig with the feeling of his tongue shamelessly ruining your panties.
Bravely, Jeno removed your panties without breaking the soft kisses he’s giving you, putting your panties straight in his pocket for safe keeping and to make sure that you have no choice but to go back to him after midnight.
“Oh fuck-“ you moaned softly, covering your own mouth while the man in between your legs is giving you kitten licks on your pussy but intensifying everything when he spread your folds and focused on your clit. Licking it fast and kissing it like it it was your lips. It was unbearable, and this time two hands are covering your mouth to muffle you moans because you knew that what you’re doing right now can jeopardize your cheerleading career.
“Close- ooh, fuck. Right there please, faster. Ahh!”
You don’t know but Jeno is smiling right now, happy and contented that he get to do this with you. And in a matter of seconds, your legs are shaking and wanting to be closed so bad, but Jeno is giving you oral like he had never licked a pussy in a year and stopped your legs from closing to torture you further with his tongue.
Then suddenly, you heard your name being called and you made Jeno stop and quickly went down from the desks with weak legs, not having any other choice but to face everyone even after having a nice orgasm just a few minutes earlier.
You feel sorry for your prince of course because you literally kicked him and bolted away without any other words, not even a smile.
“Sorry I’m late, I was in the comfort room handling my tummy ache,” you cleared your throat and did what you had to do. A few minutes later, Jeno is now crowing the voted prom king and you didn’t bother looking at him because you knew he will look so handsome tonight. So you just stood there in the corner of the stage focusing on your weak legs, and feel Jeno stood beside you afterwards. Watching the the prom king and queen dance at the corner, both with tired smile and hearts yearning to be with each other again, suddenly Jeno spoke to you.
“I’m the only one in this room that knows you don’t have panties underneath this beautiful dress” he whispered beside you with a small smirk that only you can notice.
And the moment you lift your head to face him, you see you le prince.
Jeno is your prince. The prince who just gave you a mind blowing orgasm just a few minutes back.
“Lee Jeno- what the fuck. What have you done,” you said quietly, trying to control your reactions in front of the entire school.
“Date me and I’ll give it back to you”
“No thanks, you can keep it- just please dont tell anyone what happened to us.”
And just like that both of your happy endings are cancelled for the night. He felt broken, you felt guilty. But he can’t just finish this night without a fight.
“Fine. At least let me drive you home” he said bitterly.
The drive was quiet as expected. No one saw you get inside Jeno’s car, you made sure of it. To be honest you wanted to apologize to him for the kick earlier, but you figured it will make everything even more awkward. So forget it.
When he had finally pulled in front of your house, neither of you started moving as if you didn’t want this night to end badly than it already is.
“I had a great time...” you started, hoping that it’s okay to even say ‘thank you’
“Can’t you see that I’m trying my best here?” he said and it turned quiet again, “I like you Y/n,”
“Are you sure?” Are the only words that came out from you.
“A hundred percent sure. If you don’t let me date you even just for a short period of time to prove my feelings to you... I might cry while driving home,”
“And that’s fucking dangerous. Okay okay,” you were panicking at this moment “I accept your offer. Please, just drive safe. You’re making me nervous,”
Jeno smiled from ear to ear upon hearing your decision. Even though you didn’t actually accepted his offer because you wanted to date him too,it’s fine. Jeno is willing to work hard for you.
Day after day Jeno ask you if you’re free for the most awaited date but you try so hard to avoid him. It was not easy to hide your ‘relationship’ and to be honest it’s starting to annoy you.
One awful day after practice, it was the weekend and only the squad and the football team is in campus for practice. It was a tough and ugly day, so you decided to wait for everyone to finish showering before you start cleaning yourself.
The water was nice and the warm feeling of the showers just relaxes you to the max and enjoy the running water. You take this opportunity to sort out your thoughts...but someone disturbed your peace again.
You feel him hold you by the waist and encircle his arms around it, head rests by the crook of your neck and even by just feeling his embrace, you knew that Jeno is tired too. That he had a bad day too and you didn’t want to make things worst for the both of you.
“The door was open, I locked it for you” he said quietly. The tiredness was even obvious through the way he speaks.
And knowing that Jeno is using you to comfort himself, you just let him do what he wants as a way to give back to the comfort and company that he’s giving you now.
Wet kisses were place on your shoulder and neck, his strong arms kept you close to him until your ass is so close to his cock that it’s poking your ass cheeks but you just let it be. To be honest you love the feeling of what’s happening now, you feel so close to Jeno just like the night during the dance.
You turned around to face him, only to find his face full of dirt from practice, exhausted expression and silence. He was never silent when he’s around you, and that’s how you confirmed that it was indeed a bad day.
“Want to talk about it?” You offered and Jeno just rests his forehead on yours, letting the water run through your naked bodies. Hands all over each other, no funny business just providing comfort. You took initiative to clean his face with your soap and pour shampoo on his hair, washing it gently as he lets you do what you want.
And finally, you see a hint of smile from his face and you cant help but to smile back.
You didn’t do anything stupid in the showers with Jeno, you just literally had shower with him while he keeps you close but it felt that you did something so intimate together. Like a couple who passionately had sex in bed.
After cleaning yourselves Jeno reached for your towel and wrapped you nicely, looking at your boobs without feeling ashamed because you’re looking at his cock too. If it was a normal day, you’d have sex right then and there, but you both don’t want it as of the moment.
“Wait here don’t get dressed yet,” he said when you’re back in the locker rooms.
And when he came back still wearing a towel wrapped around his waist, he dropped on bended knee as if he’s going to propose. But instead of reaching for your hand he reached for your leg, and made you wear the underwear that he took from you during the dance. “I washed it myself,” he said and placed a quick soft kiss on your waist before he gets up.
It was a sweet gesture. Not normal, but it was sweet and you liked it. He got up, turned his back and left you to finish putting your clothes. You wonder if he’ll wait for you outside because truth be told you don’t want this to end yet.
After you finish drying your hair and making yourself decent again, hoping that someone is waiting for you outside already. You saw Jeno waiting for you outside the school beside his car, looking so handsome on fresh new clothes with the cutest smile. Of course he waited.
“How was your day?” he finally asked you.
“Bad,” you answered and took a big bite on your hotdog sandwich. “I pushed my team so hard today that everyone just hated me during practice,”
“Same thing happened to me, me and Haechan almost got into a fight in the middle of practice earlier. I guess this what happens when we don’t practice at the same place,” he joked but his intentions were cute. “I’m not sure if were going to win this season. If we don’t, I would have to wave goodbye to my dream college”
“Jeno, we’re aiming at the same college, and knowing what they look for an athlete, it’s impossible that you won’t get scouted. I mean, you’re the reason why we keep winning. College football is no joke, so hang in there just do your best”
“College cheerleading is no joke either, you have to get in for me. I’m not taking cheers from a stranger it had to be you,” he made you giggle and let out small laughs that echoes around his car. You just nod at him and wiped the ketchup from his lips.
“Thank you and I’m sorry I’m always an asshole when it comes to you,” you said perfectly ruining the mood but Jeno did not let that happen.
“And for someone who used to hate each other, we sure are better when we work together,” he said, leaning closer to you for a kiss that you didn’t avoid. “Watch me win you fair and square,”
You smiled at what he said and returned the kiss to shut him up. And the next thing you know, you’re making out with Lee Jeno in his car in the middle of an empty fast food parking lot.
“You’re the first boy I ever kissed, Jeno, and I want you to be the last.... I mean you’re the first sincere kiss-“
“I get it, I get it,” he said and continue kissing you again.
After that fateful day, you’ve been each other’s rocks and support system. Meeting under the bleachers, showering last so you could shower in peace together after every weekend practice, and have secret dates whenever you want to. It was a beautiful time even though you’re not yet officially together. And that proper date he was meaning to give you, finally happened and you feel bad for avoiding this amazing moment to happen.
“Okay, I think we should stop” Jeno cut the kiss when you’re both getting too carried away. Knowing that his parents are away and you have the house all for yourselves just makes everything even more dangerous now. But instead of stopping you pushed him on his bed and went on top of him. Putting both of your legs on each of his sides and earning a cute giggle from him. “Alright, if this is what you wanted”
Jeno then traded places with you, putting you beneath him effortlessly and kissing every exposed skin he sees while slowly lifting your shirt and unclasping your bra effortlessly. Cupping your boobs and kneading them gently while he makes you crazy with his touch and the way his tongue swipes on your lips and dominates the kiss with that powerful tongue.
When he removed his shirt, you expected to see a very hot body, a perfectly sculpted abs, and his strong arms. You were prepared to see that. What you didn’t expect to see were the scars and bruises he got from practice and from his past games.
“Hey, don’t mind the scars. They don’t hurt anymore,” he reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Even though his body was all ruined like this, he looks so happy in life and this current moment. You then realized that Jeno is more than football and his cocky attitude. He’s a man who loves the game and is willing to do everything for his dream.
And that.... fucking turned you on that you attacked him with kisses and quickly removed your pants, Jeno did the same with quick movements until you’re both wearing only your underwear and ready to do it for the first time. He was the first one to remove his boxers briefs and thats the time when you remember how your friends drooled over Jeno’s big dick. It was true.
And that’s going inside you. Every inch of that veiny, thick cock of Jeno.
He removed your panties next, kissing your legs as he swiftly pull it down you thighs and expose your pussy to him. Whispering sweet words, comforting and filthy ones to balance this beautiful moment. You smiled when he pulled away from kissing you and finally lining his cock to your entrance.
Pumping his cock in between your opened legs and in front of your wet pussy, he started to tease you with the tip of his thick cock. Up and down, Jeno made you feel how raw he’s going to fuck you tonight. He started kissing and touching your body, slowly pushing in your tight hole and stealing your breath away, making you breath so heavily and grip his strong shoulders as he oh so slowly put his entire cock inside you.
“Does it feel nice?” You struggled talking but you managed to let out decent words. He nodded and rolled his hips, making you both moan and hold each other tightly. That’s how nice Jeno feels around you.
He gave you a few gentle thrust, stretching you good so won’t get hurt when he starts fucking you hard. You watch his cock go in and out of your pussy, and you can’t help but feel proud that it fits perfectly. “I love seeing your smile,” he said when he caught you smiling. He kisses the top of your breast, softly and just making you feel crazy with his soft lips around your nipples. Suck it good and twirling his hot tongue around it until your nipples are hard and swollen.
You didn’t notice that he has been fucking and giving you harder and faster thrust that his bed is starting to creak so bad and your bodies are slightly bouncing from the mattress. The pleasure was so nice especially its you that he’s fucking now, that his mind just went blank and started kissing your breast wildly which made you part your lips and furrow your brows. You then reached for him because you can’t take the pleasure anymore and made him kiss your lips instead.
But just as you thought that the he will go slow, no. When his chest hit your breast, and you’re now bodies to bodies that he’s putting his entire weight on top of you, Jeno became wild again and pinned your legs on the mattress and started fucking you hard.
Thrust and thrust you feel the impact on every inch of your body, and feeling the sting and hurt on your cunt as he continues to fuck you so good and the pleasure did not stopped from there. He lifted your left leg, using your flexibility wisely and placing your leg on his shoulders, earning a kiss on your leg when he saw that you got excited with the new position.
Jeno went back to fucking you again, putting his left thumb on your clit to draw small circles while his other hand is holding your leg safely as he fucks you good again.
“Jeno- ahh! Fuck, not on the pill” you informed him with heavy breaths and delicious groans. Gripping his sheets tightly as you slowly feel your orgasm build up and made your toes curl. Pushing Jeno away and closing your legs immediately so could curl in a ball and enjoy your orgasm. You didn’t noticed that he came on your body the moment he pulled out, painting your skin with his hot and thick cum.
Suddenly it was quiet and only your heavy breaths can be heard.
“Sorry about that,” he apologized immediately and placed soft kisses on your shoulders while you still curl and shiver.
“No it’s perfectly fine,” you reached to him for a kiss and then Jeno proceeded to cleaning up his mess. Kissing your sensitive body while he wipes it and putting you both in the mood again for a second round, but stopped yourselves and just enjoy the night while you talk naked in his bed.
“Can you please play more safely? I see you go to the nurse’s wing every after game, but I never understood why until now. I though it’s just simple bruises.... and not, dislocated bones and-“ He cut you off with a soft giggle and caught him blushing like crazy. Who is this man? Is this really Lee Jeno? “What?” You added.
“Nothing. You’re just so cute when you worry for me. I remember back then you told me you wish I break my ankles during one of our morning practice because we had the field that day first,”
“Yeah... I’m sorry about that. You’re just so, annoying sometimes and I just hate you so much,” you gave him a hug as a sorry for what you said back then, which he gladly accepted and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“How about now? Do you still hate me now?” He squeezed you butt cheek to remind you of what happened earlier and how you loved every second of it.
“I most definitely, still hate you Jeno Lee” but of course, Jeno did not buy it and started kissing you again. Touching all the right places and whispering the right words. Until you two fucked again that night and he had to drive you home a little later that usual. This was the first night that you realized, you never wanted to be apart from Jeno.
“Y/n,” he called you just before you enter your house. You turned around to face him and gave him a sweet smile.
“Jeno Lee?”
“I love you,”
“I love you too,”
And just like that he made your heart jump again without any warning. Leaving you safely and driving away from you with both happy hearts.
When Jeno’s most awaited game finally came, by this time around you’re both still seeing each other secretly.
“There’s my favorite cheerleader,” he grabs you by the waist and admire you in your cheer uniform. You rolled your eyes at him and raked his long hair away from his face. Reminding him to play safely tonight.
“Win for this pussy,” you said with a smirk. You haven’t had sex with Jeno for some time now because he was so focused with practice and you think, tonight is just perfect.
But the handsome guy has something more in mind, “uh uh, Im winning for something else, this game is big I need a motivation,”
“Well, name it lover boy and I’m happy to give it,”
“Your heart. If we win this game we will be officially together and of course, the sex is just a bonus. What do you say? My place?” he’s waiting for an answer that will give him the energy that he will need all throughout the game.
You kissed him on the lips and encircled your arms around him and said, “Deal” then placed another one, “Now go win because I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else”
“You just had to set the bar high right before a game, huh?” He smirked and asked for another kiss. Completely transferring your balm to his soft, addicting lips.
Of course you and Jeno were excited and all for the thrill that night. The game wasn’t easy to win, but he worked hard inside the field while you worked hard outside the field, making sure that the people will have faith to Jeno until the end of the game, win or lose.
And speaking of win or lose, of course you’ll still make him your boyfriend after tonight. You just couldn’t let his heart break two times in one night.
But no worries, because as you wave your pompoms and screamed for Jeno’s name to take the winning shot, everyone celebrated with you.
“THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!!” You shamelessly shouted and came running towards to Jeno together with the others and Jeno caught you in his strong arms and lifted you off the ground. Kissing you in front of everyone which made their jaws drop.
That night, you have never been so flirty around Jeno, and he had never been this sweet to you. Maybe, you two were just holding it in and now that nothing is stopping you, you’re ready to love each other with everything you got.
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violettelueur · 3 years
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| featuring : fushiguro megumi ft. kugisaki nobara + todo aoi + zenin mai from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, she/her pronouns and spoilers from anime (if you haven’t watched ep 8)
| form : imagine
| word count : 2179
| published : 03 january
| synopsis : taking a short break from their training for the kyoto sister-school goodwill event, fushiguro and kugisaki are sent for fetch some drinks for everyone. however, it seemed like they were suddenly ambushed by a few students from kyoto tech leading for a question to be asked to fushiguro ‘what kind of woman is your type?’
| barista’s notes : well well well i think of a lot of fushiguro imagines don’t i? ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ but yeah this imagine idea has been in my mind for quite some time but i didn’t know when i could right it since it was during school when i first thought of it but here it is! right now, i am watching akudama drive and i am really enjoying it right now! other than that, i hope that you all enjoy this ‘on the house’ cup of classic black coffee and please come again soon!
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“What kind of woman is your type?”
Perplexed, Fushiguro as well as Kugisaki, shifted their heads to the side trying to convey their confusion to the two students that were right in front of them.
From the beginning, since this absurd question was asked, the two first-year sorcerers were buying drinks for themselves and the second years as an errand due to them taking a short break from training since all of them were preparing for the annual Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event that was coming up in a few weeks.
However, unexpectedly it seemed like two of the Jujutsu Tech students from the Kyoto side decided to come to pay an uninformed visit to the Tokyo side to see what they were up against for this year since the usual third-years - who would have participated - were suspended for the time being as well as the main competition: Okkotsu Yuta being aboard right now for educational reasons.
“Depending on your answer, I’ll beat you half to death right here and drag Okkotsu, or at least the third-years, out to the exchange event,” the large Kyoto student threatened to Fushiguro as he then suddenly violently ripped his purple shirt, showcasing his large muscular body before positioning himself in his usual fighting stance as he then suddenly announced, “by the way, my type is a tall woman with a big ass!”.
“Why do I have to talk about my taste in women with a guy I just met?” Fushiguro annoyingly asked as he began to express an irritated expression on his face with the situation that was in hand.
“He’s right. That’s a tall hurdle for an antisocial guy,” Kugisaki unintentionally comedically commented as she pointed at her stoic classmate, leading Fushiguro to express a more vexed expression as he then stated, “you be quiet. This is confusing enough already. You’ll just make it more complicated,”.
“Kyoto, third-year, Todo Aoi,” the male sorcerer introduced himself. “Introduction over,” Todo then announced as he then continued by saying, “now we’re friends. Hurry up and answer, if you prefer men, that’s fine too,”.
“A person’s fetishes reflect everything about them,” Todo explained as he described the reasons why he was asking his question in the first place. “People with boring taste in women are boring people themselves,” Todo passionately expressed as if he was presenting a school project that he was extremely proud of as he then exclaimed, “I hate boring men.”
“The exchange event is where my soul can be free as blood boils and flesh clashes, who knows what I might do if my last exchange event ends up boring me?” Todo rhetorically questions himself as he stays in his fighting posture as if he was ready to pounce at any second with a confident smile on his face.
“Hey, aren’t the Jujutsu Tech schools four-year schools?” Kugisaki asked in a questionable tone since she was perplexed at the fact why Todo mentioned that it was his last exchange event when he was a third-year student.
“Only third-years and under can join the exchange event,” Fushiguro quickly answered Kugisaki’s question as she then let out an understandable ‘Hmm’ to inform her classmate that she acknowledged what he had just told her.
“As a show of kindness, I’ll let you off only half-dead right now,” Todo once again threatened before repeating the question that started this whole situation, “answer me, Fushiguro. What kind of woman is your type?”
“Is this some kind of comedy routine?” the shikigami user angrily asked, as he increasingly got annoyed at what was happening and was confused on why he was picked.
However, it seemed as if Kugisaki was more observant of the other student besides Todo as she started the other sorcerer’s uniform - who she quickly learned was named Zenin Mai and that she was also Zenin Maki’s twin sister. “Is that your summer uniform?” Kugisaki asked in a light tone, as she admired the outfit before continuing with “ticks me off, but it’s nice”.
Looking to the side, Fushiguro looked at his classmate as he began to analyse the situation that was currently going on. From what he could gather, Kugisaki was unarmed and didn’t have her usual hammer with her like she normally did meaning he was wanting to avoid any confrontation that could happen at this moment in time.
‘Not forgiving people isn’t a bad thing. That’s just part of your kindness, isn’t it?’
Well, that’s what his sister said to him one time.
However, before Fushiguro could finally give his answer to the third-year sorcerer, Kugisaki suddenly lifted her hand and pointed with her index finger to the Kyoto students causing expression of confusion to appear on Todo and Zenin’s faces as they didn’t know the reason for this action of hers.
“Fushiguro’s type of woman is behind you,” Kugisaki suddenly commented.
Unfortunately, before the Kyoto Jujutsu Tech students could even turn around to see what Kugisaki was pointing at, Todo suddenly felt something extremely quick and strong being swung across his face as he fell from the unexpected impact leading to Zenin to look at the scene in extreme shock before sighting a black trainer being placed on his cheek leading to her dark coloured eyes to look up to see who the assaulter was.
“Sorry, you were taking too long to move even though I tried to inform you that I was behind. But you continued chatting rubbish about woman type and fighting and whatever came after,” you commented as you looked down upon the fallen student.
In front of her was a female who was wearing a simple outfit which consisted of a pair of black trainers with the paring on the same coloured high-waisted track pants and crop-top, which Zenin wasn’t sure if it was long or short-sleeved since the female also had a bright red track top on to make sure she wasn’t completed covered in the midnight colour. 
Quickly, Zenin pulled out her gun she had hidden in her uniform out of instinct only for it to be suddenly snatched from her grasp, leading to her weapon to be intimidatingly being pointed at her - the complete opposite of what was supposed to be played out. “Too slow,” you quietly commented as you then turned to look at the second-year with a nonchalant expression on your face causing Zenin's face to twist into a fuming expression.
“L/N! Don’t worry, I got your water!” Kugisaki suddenly shouted, as her eyes shined at the scene that had unfolded right in front of her. There was no secret that Kugisaki admired you, even though you were in the same year as her. Since the day you arrived at Tokyo, Kugisaki immediately noticed how strong and knowledgeable you were as a sorcerer and was especially surprised at the fact when you told her you were a grade two sorcerer rather than the higher grade she thought you were. On the other hand, Kugisaki knew a person that admired you more than she ever could, causing her eyes to shift to the person next to her, only to find him looking at you with a shocked expression but also with bright sparkles in his eyes.
Turning to look at your two classmates, you gave them a small smile as you gave Zenin her gun back before you walked on top of Todo’s body to make your way towards them. “Don’t shoot me in the back,” you mentioned to the female Kyoto sorcerer, as you raised your hand up to wave her off before you grabbed the bottle of water Kugisaki had extended to you.
“Thanks,” you said with gratitude as you took a quick sip of the hydrating liquid, before turning back around to find Todo steadily putting himself back up on his feet as he wiped away the dust from your shoe off his cheek.
“What a roundhouse kick that was?” Todo groaned as he clicked his neck before looking at you with a smug look on his face. “So this is your type of woman Fushiguro?” Todo asked, causing you to look at the third-year sorcerer with a perplexed face before quickly turning to your friend, only to see him with his head turned to the side away from your gaze, viewing the nature scene that was in the open. Although, that didn’t hide the deep blush that coloured upon his cheeks.
“Even though your type disappoints me based on her physical appearance,” Todo stated, causing you to have an irked expression on your face, which was truly evidenced with the clear creases on your forehead before the grade-one sorcerer saved himself from your wrath by commenting, “but she is my type on the way she fights, it is very interesting,”.
This comment of his caused you to instantly prepare yourself for an attack due to the statement sounding menacing leading to your curse energy to flow down to your arms and hands as you were ready to cast any spell that was needed to defend both you and your classmates.
“Are you perhaps L/N Y/N?” Todo questioned as he pointed at you, leading you to look at the sorcerer with a surprised look before nodding slowly at his question as your answer. “So you’re the new famous sorcerer that nearly took down Sukuna at that mission ha? The one that uses her curse energy for casting spells as well as creating curse weapons, no wonder why you took me down with a kick!” Todo exclaimed in glee as he picked up his jacket from the ground before turning his back on you.
“Looks like I won’t be bored the whole time,” Todo fondly mentioned as he turned his head back to look at you before starting to make his way to the exit with Zenin right behind, leaving you, Fushiguro and Kugisaki in confusion on what just happened.
“Since when was I your type Megumi?” you quickly asked Fushiguro, once you saw the Kyoto students disappear from your sights leading to the shikigami user to give Kugisaki the side glare since she was the one that revealed his whole secret crush on you.
“Since the day he met you L/N,” Kugisaki teasing answered for him before she started to make her way back to the track field, leaving you and Fushiguro by yourselves in an awkward situation for the dark-haired boy.
Kugisaki wasn’t wrong. Fushiguro really did like you the second you arrived at Tokyo when you had finally enrolled to Toyko Metropolitan Curse Technical College and quickly admire you as a sorcerer when you were to pass Gojo’s field test extremely quickly, surprising the other first-years since you were the last one to arrive. His admiration and love for you only continued to grow when you were fighting with Sukuna back at Eishu Juvenile Detention Center and somehow managed to go toe to toe with the King of Curses like you and him were on the same level.
“Don’t blush now Megumi,” you cutely commented as you poked his pale pink cheek leading him to give you an offended look before relaxing his express once he saw your smile. “So I’m your type ha?” you asked again in a playful tone causing Fushiguro’s blush to deepen before he began to rub the back of his neck in nervousness.
“Come on, come on,” you pressed on as you desperately tried to get an answer from Fushiguro while a glimmer of hope shone through your eyes hoping what you heard from both Kugisaki and Todo was true.
“Yeah...you are my type,” Fushiguro quietly mentioned as he shyly looked at you in the eye leading you to clearly see his handsome face. You couldn’t help but smile brightly at the sight, even though he was gazing at you like he was confident, you acknowledged it was the opposite and really appreciated how he was coming out of his shell to tell you how he really felt about you. 
Wanting to calm the dark-haired sorcerer, you flicked your finger in the middle of his forehead leading to Fushiguro looking at you in surprise at the sudden action, before you softly mentioned, “you’re my type too Megumi. Come on, the others are probably waiting for us.” 
Gently taking his hand in yours, you began dragging him the same way Kugisaki left you both since you both needed to make it back to the track field. “Also, thank you for buying me the bottle of water,” you suddenly mentioned, which once again, led Fushiguro to look towards you in surprise since it was Kugisaki that told you that she had got it for you.
“I know Kugisaki is a bit too stingy to buy me anything except when it comes to our girl shopping trips, so I already knew it was you that bought me the bottle,” you explained, as you turned to look at him showing the water bottle in your other hand, causing the shikigami user to uncharacteristically smiles at you back.
Yeah, his type of woman was you.
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parkseonghwadata · 2 years
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220601 ATEEZ Fancafe Update
[SEONGHWA] Containing precious stars in my two eyes
Hello ATINY~~ It's Seonghwa
I'm coming to find you through a FROM in a really long time. Although the Europe tour has ended but I feel that the lingering feelings still remain. I feel that the sound of ATINYs cheers still are ringing/echoing by my ears.
It was an in-person show that we did in a really long time, and facing each other's' faces like this for a long time really felt like a dream I was so so happy because I was able to previously contain/hold those pretty eyes of each (and every) person with my own two eyes.
Because there were a lot of things that I wanted to show you and a lot of songs too that I wanted to let you listen to, I did a lot of preparation and since it seems like TINYs liked it, there is a great (sense of) pride? ㅎ hehe
I have the thought that (to wait for) a time that you don't know when it will come is something that is quite difficult to bear/endure. Waiting for someone, waiting for the us of that day is for (the sake of) being happy, but hugging/holding onto that hope and waiting, how difficult/not easy of a thing wouldn't get be…
When the curtains (at the concert) goes up and I faced ATINYs with my two eyes, really a lot of emotions came and went How TINY believed in us and with the thought that our efforts that we put in for/during this time weren't in vain, at the same time I was really thankful and (found ATINYs) admirable and was overwhelmed with emotion and so I wanted to make sure to say to you that within that time of waiting, that you weren't ever alone. I'm saying that the times where you were lonely, in between (those times) we were always together, that my heart has always been in the direction of ATINY.
Actually 2 years ago, my condition wasn't good and it was difficult for me to do a show properly. I'm saying it now but since it was kept in my mind/heart even up until now, I feel that I wasn't able to feel at peace. However, as the time where we prepared for an even cooler show passed by, and through the tour this time that was wrapped up well (and) cooly, I have come to believe in our ATINY more and only now I feel that my heart/mind has be some a little (more) at peace.
Although my apologetic heart was great/big too but because I'm so thankful to our ATINY who still waited for us even so/even despite of that, I think (that's why) I always had tears forming.
Emptying out the past times that remained in my heart by ones and twos/one by one, I am more curious about our future where we go our forward even more cooly ㅎ
Although there really were a lot of times where we are together, but still I think that now is also a new start. We overcame those fever like times, and since our youth is right now. Now that I don't hesitate, I will always be hot (passionate), and my two eyes will always be (facing) towards you guys so I hope that you shine prettily just like you are now. I feel that memories make it so that I can overcome the hard future well.
Even if i'm having a hard time, i endure/hold on through whilst thinking of that time (in the past), and even if i'm exhausted, shall I say that it is one of the hopes that makes me able to wait for that day that will come back? And so for me, I will hold/hug onto these memories where we were happy and diligently run (forward)!!!
If our ATINY also have the same heart/sentiment as me that would be great ㅎㅎ
Then I'll stop here now! Thank you for reading the long letter ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Trans cr: ateez_updates
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kimthwariru · 3 years
Namjoon reaction—calling him a ‘friend’ when he clearly has a thing for you
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❀genre: smut, a bit of fluff
❀collage au
(This was originally supposed to be a quick reaction but something happened to me and I couldn’t stop writing)
“Look, Jisoo, I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong” you flash a cheeky smile at your best friend. She’s being going on and on about how this Kim Namjoon guy had a thing for you.
You can’t lie, you’ve seen him around in campus and sometimes you’d wish he would suffocate you with these thighs of his. Ugh. The perfect combo, lean yet masculine physique with a brain that actually functions for a change. You’ve seen the way these collage girls were circling him around and you can’t blame them, the guy was a catch.
But he was not your crowd of people. He was outgoing, social and had loads of what you like to call “the lad friends”. You guessed his main activities were partying and getting shitfaced every night.
You’ve talked to him a couple of times. He uses the same bench as you to read now and then. You would eventually take sneak peeks at the books he was reading, check if he had any taste or not, and the result was always better than what you expected. This guy knew books. He was not just reading what was on the best seller’s that week to look sophisticated in front of others.
When he caught you peaking he’d started having small talk with you. You swear you’ve never experienced a better conversation flow with another human being. This guy screamed comfort. He seemed genuinely curious about the things you were saying. None of that painful act of pretending to be interested just because he wanted to get laid. You had been talking with him for a month straight and aside from a few moments of some what flirty looks his actions never suggested something more.
His aura was welcoming and he always paid attention to the little things. Unlike some other shallow guys out there, he felt…different.
But how different could he really be? You’ve seen the people he hangs out with. Kim Taehyung? He had a relationship with three girls at the same time. Didn’t even apologize for being the biggest jerk in history. You’ve heard Jung Hoseok’s body count was reaching a 3 digit number AND Jeon Jungkook once fucked 4 different girls at the same night.
Just thinking about it makes you sick. It pains you to admit but there’s only one truth to this. Even if Kim Namjoon was interesting, he was definitely a person you needed to stay away from. All the data point to a big fuckboy alert!
“Come on y/n…. If he wasn’t even in the slightest interested in you then why did he tell me explicitly that he wanted you to attend the party??”
“An invitation to a party doesn’t mean anything. Besides, I’m sure I’m not his style. Have you seen the type of girls he hangs out with? Yikes.”
Jisoo smirked at you “Oh, I see you’re stalking him now?”
You shake your head “Don’t be ridiculous! We take Econ together, that’s all. What? Am I supposed to cover my eyes every time I see him?”
“Maybe you should” Jisoo came closer to you “Y/n, we’re going to that party”
“This is a big mistake, I’ll get bored within the hour” You scream at Jisoo over the loud music.
“Don’t be a whiney ass and enjoy yourself for once” she handed you a drink.
Enjoy yourself for once. You and Jisoo’s definition of enjoying one self were clearly very different. You scan the room to look for any familiar faces you could talk to. Unfortunately, not a lot of your acquaintances attended frat parties.
Your head motion immediately pauses when you meet eyes with Namjoon across the garden. Was he looking at you this whole time? You feel your cheeks burn.
Initially, you don’t know how to react but eventually you flash him a small smile and focus back on Jisoo
“Kim Namjoon just gave me the biggest stare of all time” you say as you down your drink
“What!?” Jisoo’s eyes widened “This is the time where I say I told you so.”
You think for a second that maybe Jisoo was right all along. But that just makes the whole thing more dangerous for you. You can’t lie, Namjoon is attractive, but you knew he was trouble. Maybe he liked you today and then liked another girl tomorrow.
Suddenly, you feel a hand touch your shoulder “Hey y/n, Jisoo. Glad you guys made it” Namjoon’s low voice pierced your ears.
Jisoo gave you a look before replying to him “Hey!! We couldn’t miss such a night!” She smiled “right y/n??”
“Yeah!! Totally” you cheer kind of awkwardly.
Namjoon’s eyes fixed on you. You felt his stare eat you up. His whole presence felt angelic yet overwhelming. “Do you guys maybe want to join us? We’re sitting right by the pool”
“Oh! Sure, why not!” Jisoo answered almost immediately
You were walking towards the pool, Namjoon was pacing right next to you, he was so close to the point where you could sort of smell his cologne. You swear you could get drunk off his scent.
“I have to be honest, I didn’t think you’d actually come” He chuckled
“Are you disappointed?” You teased and raised an eyebrow.
You see a dimple smile making its appearance, how can this dude be so incredibly hot and cute at the same time? “I think pleasantly surprised would be the right way to put it”
Why do you feel like you can not breath? He hasn’t said much, yet you feel yourself burn up all of a sudden. “Good to know” you smile back.
“Joon! You have to see this” was the first thing Taehyung yelled when you arrived to the place where the guys were sitting “12 o’clock, Hobi making out with Mina from 3rd year. Can you believe it? After two years of trying to get it, he finally succeeds”
Of course the main talk is girls. No surprise there.
“Jungkook bitch, you owe me 20 bucks” Taehyung eyed Jungkook
Your expression screamed disgust. Apparently, Namjoon noticed “They are not as bad as they seem” he elbowed you.
You give him and awkward laugh “I’ll take your word for it” You lie.
“Guys, this is Jisoo and y/n. Can you stop trying to head lock each other and say hello? You’re embarrassing me” Namjoon introduced the pair of you to the boys who were still arguing about the bet. 
“Oh, hey girls.” Taehyung paused to inspect Jisoo’s face. “Hey, business and shipping? Ain’t it?”
“Oh, yeah, right!” Jisoo smiled
“Hyung aren’t you taking that class for like the third time? How many times can you fail you recon?” Jungkook teased him and Taehyung answered by giving him a slap on the shoulder.
“Hey y/n, do you want to go grab a drink? I think you’ll need it if you are to tolerate these guys” Namjoon offered.
“I trust you know best” you smile and quickly follow behind him. His shoulders wide and his muscles very visible even through his airy shirt. This guy was a whole statue.
“By the way, I’ve never seen you at parties before. I think I saw you once at the December ball but that’s about it. Not really a big fan of these kind of things, are you?” He suddenly said. You can’t really decode his words. How did Kim Namjoon know you even went to the December ball? You’re pretty sure you didn’t even talk to him that night.
“Interested in me much?” You give him a cheeky smile but he was just looking at you, a couple of seconds passed without him responding “I’m only joking! It’s true I don’t really attend these sort sort of things.”
“And what do you do for fun miss y/n?” He laughs and you swear if you could bottle the sound and get drunk on it you would.
“Oh you’ll think I’m lame”
“Try me” he said in a serious tone while starring right through your eyes. Suddenly, your body felt too heavy for your legs to bear. How can he get to you like that?
“Okay…” You start, him looking at you like that didn’t help control your train of thought, but you manage to get a hold of yourself “So you know that little corner cafe on willow street? Every Friday they have these comedy music nights. A guy-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar, yeah! I used to go there every Friday during my freshman years! Do they still do that old thing? I swear the pun with the atom never failed to make my day.” He started laughing again.
“Whoah what? You’re telling me you’ve been to the shrieking shack?” That place was a little treasure you’d found earlier this year. It was an amazingly cozy place, perfect during the cold winter time. The staff were all so kind and wore these big oversized colorful ties. But the people going there were all much older than you. You’ve never heard someone your age talk about that place. Let alone a person like Namjoon.
“Careful how you talk to a veteran y/n. I’ve basically helped to build the place” he chuckled.
“Y/n is that you?” A familiar voice greeted you.
“Jimin! Oh my god, hey! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” You hug him.
Jimin was a great soul, he majored in contemporary dance and ballet. He had been traveling for the past couple of years enrolling in some extra ballet classes in the magical city of Paris. You envied him for his talent and admired him for his passion.
“Girl, you have to come visit me. You’ll love Europe!”
“I would also LOVE to have some money in my wallet” you laugh “Oh Jimin, this is my friend, Namjoon. We go to collage together”
Namjoon gave you a look and soon after shook Jimin’s hand “What’s up. Nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too! But y/n, I’m so so sorry, I have to go. I was actually on my way out just now. I sort of uhm, have a thing-you know” he coughed “I’m leaving in two weeks, can we please meet before that?”
You knew Jimin was probably off to his ex boyfriends house. They broke up before Jimin left for Paris but every time he got back he’d have a couple of hookups with him. “Oh yeah! I bet you’ve got something very important right now, you better go quickly” you teased him “I’ll text you tomorrow, ok?”
Jimin laughed so much his eyes were barely visible “definitely! text me! I’ll be off then! Bye mister Kim Namjoon” he playfully said and was out of your sight a second later.
“You two seem…close” Namjoon suddenly commented
“Yeah! We were! But he has been studying abroad for like two years now.”
Namjoon’s facial expression was quite enigmatic “Did you guys ever… you know”
“Oh no no no.” You pause to make a small chuckle “Jimin isn’t exactly interested in, well, girls like me, or to be exact, girls in general”
Namjoon’s eyes widened and he immediately bursted into laughter “oh… I see” he made a pause “So tell me then, how come the old soul that never goes to parties finally attends one?”
You feel your cheeks burn red. Partly because the reason you went was him. You don’t know why, but the past month you and Namjoon hit it off very well and you wanted to test Jisoo’s crazy theory, you wanted to make sure for yourself if Namjoon was interested in you or not. Now the problem was, even if it turned out he did like you, you didn’t know what you’d do exactly. Namjoon was a really nice guy, but he didn’t come without his red flags.
“Just wanted to try something different, I guess”
“And how’s that 'different' treating you so far?”
What could you possibly tell him? That you have enjoyed every minute you guys have been talking? That you think that just by staring at you he could make you feel things no other guy could? You barely can admit all of that to yourself. “I think pleasantly surprised is the right way to put it” you repeat his words from before.
You see him smile at that. “You know what y/n? I’m really happy you came”
How can he make your heart beat so fast with just one sentence? “Oh really? And why is that?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I just like talking to you, you know? Whenever I’m around you I feel at ease, like I can tell you anything. I feel different when I’m with you, but in a good way”
“Wow” that sound escaped your lips without your consent
Namjoon laughed “Why? Is it too weird?”
“No! Definitely not weird, more like, I don’t know, surprising?”
“In what way?”
“Well you’re… Kim Namjoon, you’re the 2021 class president and you’re like the most popular guy in the whole campus right now.” You made a pause “And I’m just..-“
“The most interesting girl I’ve ever met” he cuts you off
The way he was looking down at you made butterflies grow in your stomach “You really think so?”
He gently grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him “I know so” he leaned down, you swear his eyes had the whole galaxy painted inside of them. You couldn’t even breath properly at this point. Kim Namjoon was too close and the only thing you were thinking about was how well his kiss would feel “God, you’re so beautiful” he said and pulled you in for a soft, gentle kiss.
You couldn’t believe your senses. Kim Namjoon was kissing you and you really thought the earth had stopped spinning right then and there. You could feel his big palms traveling up and down your back.
His kiss was breathless, jubilant, filled with the joy of life, and you should stop him, he is no good to you, you know that, but his scent is delightful and his lips are so warm.
Unconsciously, your hands reach the inside of his shirt. His skin hot and soft at the touch.
"y/n" he practically moans your name, and just the sound makes your knees go week "Don't do that, I don't think I'll be able to stop"
"Who said anything about stopping?" You say and go back to kiss him even more passionately this time.
“There’s a lot of people here, my room is upstairs, would you perhaps want to-“
“Yes.” You immediately say. You don’t care about anything anymore, you’d let your future self deal with the consequences of today’s actions. The only thing that has been lingering in your mind is how good he’d feel inside of you.
The moment you’re finally alone in his room, he lifts you up, swinging you around and kissing you. It was like a dream. Namjoon was everything you wanted. Your reluctance about getting with him didn’t matter any more, the tingly feeling in your stomach overtook every single bit of hesitation you had. You needed him.
“God, you’re lovely” he exhaled
He looks at you as he sinks you down on the bed. Planting a soft kiss before his hands quickly begun to peel away clothes, yanking his belt loose, fumbling hurriedly at his trousers.
You look at his lips tracing your skin and the faint moisture left behind, you look at his muscly arms as he lifts you up and sinks you down again, you look at him looking at you, with eyes brighter than the sun itself. Was this all a dream?
When your dress was finally off he undoes your bra clasp on the way down. Slowly planting kisses on your collarbone, the tops of your breasts, your sternum, and you arched you back as you were needy for more.
His lips finally reach your nipples .Your boobs smooth under his hands, your nipple firm under his tongue, and there, that makes you squirm again, a little more insistently this time.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking wet right now, I feel it” You moan
You see him raise an eyebrow. A vivid smirk painted on his face “Let’s check, shall we?”
He splays his hand low across your belly, and the first brush of his thumb over your clit makes you breathe in sharply and him forget to breathe at all.
“I’m your friend?” He breaths in, his voice dangerously low
“Oh come on” You manage to say in between moans “what was I supposed to tell Jimin?”
His strokes and flicks are light and teasing, his thumb carefully circling around your clit. He gives you a slow, constant, unyielding pressure that makes your breath come up short, makes your toes curl in the effort not to move.
“I’m gonna fuck the word ‘friend’ right out of your pretty little mouth” he covers your mouth with an intense kiss before slipping two fingers of his free hand inside of you, and you makes a noise like triumph and want all wrapped up together. If his fingers felt like this, you can’t imagine how his dick felt like.
“Hmm?” He doesn’t look up, he keeps his eyes on his hands, on you, spread out beneath him “You like that baby?”
God, just the way the word 'baby' sounded coming from his mouth could make you come right this second. You look at him, his eyes look as hungry as his voice sounded. This dude was out of this world.
“Please Namjoon, I want it, I want you inside of me right now”
Namjoon lowered his underwear, and simply pressed his hard member on your slit. You could feel his balls softly caressing your clit as he made subtle movements while kissing you. “Such a needy little thing” he teases “Tell me how bad you want my cock inside of you”
“Oh..” you moan “I’d do anything, please…give it to me… fuck me like you own me” you whined as you used your pussy to caress his length up and down. He seemed to enjoy they way you touched him.
“Fuck y/n… that feels so good” he rests his forehead on yours.
“Imagine what my inside will feel then” you whisper in his ear “I’m such a tight good girl” you move your mouth in front of his, bitting his bottom lip as he growled when he felt your movement grow faster
“Fucking hell” he immobilized your body with his hands and pressed you down to the bed. He immediately shoves his dick inside you, filing you up to the brim before staying there for a couple of seconds and then pulling out completely. That movement made your vagina crave to be filled all the way up again.
“More” you whine, a dopey expression all over your face. You were so needy of him, but you didn’t care.
He lowered his left hand towards your thigh and gave it a big squeeze, kissing you aggressively while doing so. He quickly braced himself back into you, you felt your walls completely wrap around his member. It felt magical.
His strokes long and steady in the beginning. Every time he went in and out completely you felt the pit of your stomach burn in pleasure. Namjoon was doing everything right, you can’t lie to yourself, this is the best sex you’ve ever had. Normally with other guys you don’t even come close to coming, but now, you feel yourself trying not to do so.
“You like my dick being inside of you baby?” He plants a small kiss on your neck and goosebumps run down your spine.
‘Like’ was nowhere near good enough of a word to explain how much the sensation of him thrusting his hard member in and out of you made you feel. “I love it Namjoon… I just love it…”
Your words must’ve turned Namjoon even more on, because his pace immediately started becoming faster and sloppier. Every time your skin touched a loud sound could be heard. Namjoon was thrusting deeper and deeper into you, and every time he’d fill you up completely you’d cry out his name.
“Ah, I like my name so much better when you fucking moan it like that” he says and started shoving his dick inside of you like crazy. You could tell he was close to coming, and so were you.
It wasn’t long until you felt your walls clenching and your toes curling. The sensation overtook all of your body, it was mad… your heart beat uncontrollable. Namjoon made you feel a completely new range of emotions.
“Ah y/n, I can feel you cumming all over my dick” his voice cracky, You could see how turned on he was by all of this, by you. “Fuck” he shoved harder “You’re so” harder “fucking hot”
Namjoon stopped and pulled out immediately spreading his cum all over your tummy. The sight was breathtaking, you’ve never found a man so attractive while coming before, but then, Namjoon is no ordinary man.
He quickly grabs a couple of tissues and wipes you clean before laying on top of you again, placing another soft kiss this time. His hand playing with your hair. You were both naked and sweaty and a mess but it felt so magical. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulders, pulling him even closer to you. You didn’t want even a centimeter of distance between you and him.
He suddenly stopped kissing you and simply stared at your eyes. After a minute or two, or maybe three, you're not really sure, time didn't exist right now, he tacked a string of hair behind your left ear.
“Y/n, let me take you on a date. Please. I know you don’t normally go out with guys like me, but I swear I’ll make it worth your while-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar. How does that sound? Or are you too good for the shrieking shack now?” You chuckled
“I’d love that” he smiled, making your heart melt a little.
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comfortbucky · 3 years
requests? did someone say requests??😌
fluffy headcanon, mafia boss!bucky comes home after being away for a week or so and it’s just a cute ass reunion between the reader & him with lots of kisses & hugs n shit
or(take your pick) :)
one shot, where john walker is really rude to reader(insults her & shit), but she stands up for herself. they(her & john) get into a fight & bucky finds out by surprisingly swinging by her apartment. of course bucky is pissed, but he tends to her wounds. then for some stupid reason, john shows up at readers apartment & bucky loses it. but it ends in bucky admitting his feelings to reader n some fluff 😩
hope you find motivation for at least one of these:😚
hi yes hehe i did say requests🙈
i’m a sucker for tfatws!bucky so- (and john walker is a rat bastard🤣 so lemme go off)
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆
pairing: tfatws!bucky x fem!avenger!reader
warnings: john walker (grr), violence! and descriptions of bloody injuries
A/N: also! i sort of changed the prompt i hope u don’t mind too much🥺 // this oneshot will not be taking place during the canon timeline btw but inspired by the events/themes of tfatws
word count: 1.5 k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
Y/N sighed, as she plopped onto the couch after a long day. She, Bucky, and Sam had spent the whole day researching the Flagsmashers to try and track them down. It took all day, partially because Bucky needed a little extra help with learning how to use his laptop. She chuckled at the memory, grabbing the remote to turn her TV on. Suddenly, a loud, aggressive, knock interrupted her thoughts. She sighed and leaned her head on the back of her couch, taking a moment to debate leaving her very comfortable spot, before getting up to answer the door. Y/N knew that she probably should have peeked through her peephole before answering, but she wanted to return to the comfort of her couch as soon as possible. She opened it to see none other than John Walker, greeting her with a smirk. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“What are you doing here, John? How the hell did you even get my address?”
“All government property has GPS tracking in it," he said, pointing to her laptop on the kitchen table behind her. She turned and frowned as he continued. "Look, you need us, me and Battlestar, to take down Karli.” She looked back at John, laughing at Lemar’s alias.
“No way I’m letting someone who goes by Battlestar help me out.” He glared at her comment. “Or you, a Captain America wannabe.”
John took an aggressive step closer, way too close for Y/N’s comfort, as he replied. “I am Captain America, whether you like it or not.”
"You'll never be Captain America," she snapped back. "You don't have what it takes." He glared at her and put his face right in front of hers.
"How would you know? You're a pathetic excuse for a soldier," he spat and Y/N grimaced at John's spit landing on her cheeks. He looked at her, his eyes examining her body. She hated every second of it, his stare making her feel grimy all over, like she immediately needed a shower. “Who’d you fuck to get into the Avengers anyways? Bet it was Steve.”
John’s comment was immediately followed by Y/N’s fist connecting with his cheek, forcing him to stagger back into the hall. She’d heard concerns about her abilities as an Avenger before, calling her weak, fragile, a bitch, etc. But she knew they almost always came from misogynistic men, and was able to shrug their comments off because she knew that she could easily beat all of them to a pulp, no problem. But thinking that she would sleep her way into becoming an Avenger crossed a line. Especially someone she respected and had admired as much as Steve.
John held his hand to his cheek, where he’d been hit, and looked up to make eye contact with Y/N. He smiled and before stating in a condescending tone, “That was cute.” John kicked her in the stomach, launching her onto the floor of her apartment. As she groaned and started to get up, John chuckled and kicked her down before she got to her knees. He went to kick her again when she rolled away, dodging his kick and standing up quickly, panting as she responded.
“God, do you ever shut the fuck up?”
She kicked her leg up to deliver a roundhouse kick to John’s face, spinning around to punch his nose. He stumbled a couple steps back, regaining his balance before swinging a punch towards Y/N. She caught his fist before it hit her and John took the opportunity to use his free hand to grab his shoulder and knee her in the stomach. She gasped, getting the wind knocked out of her. He then threw her into a shelf, shattering several photo frames on the ground. She landed on her stomach, attempting to get up by pushing her self up on her forearms. Y/N felt a warm liquid on her cheek and touched it, pulling it away from her face to see her fingertips covered in blood.
“Asshole,” she mumbled, before standing up to continue fighting.
Several moments ago, Bucky had made the decision to show up at Y/N’s apartment. He pressed some random keys on his computer, and now there was an error message that wouldn’t go away on his screen. Stubbornly, he tried to fix it on his own but ended up making it worse. He sighed in defeat, closing his laptop shut and tucking it under his arm before heading over towards her apartment. Bucky was just down the hall when he heard the sound of glass shattering, his leisurely stroll turning into a sprint to Y/N’s door.
Bucky arrived to see you pinned up against a wall with John’s hand around ur throat. Your hands were desperately clawing at John’s, attempting to free yourself from his grasp. Fear and terror consumed him before a wave of fury took over. Immediately, Bucky launched into action, dropping his laptop in the process. He ripped John away from you, tossing him on the ground. Bucky moved to hover over John, punching him repeatedly in the face. Y/N finally caught her breath and crawled over to Bucky, placing a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop. He kept his eyes on John’s bloody and bruised face, lowering his fist.
“Touch her again, and I’ll kill you,” he snarled, releasing John from his grasp.
John rolled over, took a moment to catch his breath. Bucky was standing, fists still clenched by his sides, as he watched John get up and exit Y/N’s apartment without another word.
He closed the door behind him and immediately spun around to see Y/N struggling to get up, attempting to push up from one of her knees. Bucky instantly rushed to her side, helping her to her feet. He grabbed one of her hands in his own and placed his other hand on the small of her back, as he guided her to the couch. He examined her and felt a pain in his chest, looking at her black eye, cut cheek, and her bruised neck outlined with John’s handprint. Without saying a word, he stood up and returned with a first-aid kit from her bathroom. He sat back down and immediately started to tend to her wounds. As Bucky started to disinfect the cut on her cheek, he spoke.
“That was stupid of you,” he mumbled, gently dabbing antiseptic ointment on her cut. It was a drastic contrast from his behavior only minutes ago, nearly ready to murder John. He took a bandaid from the kit and delicately placed it on her cheek. Bucky then moved his hand to assess her black eye, his thumb softly grazing a soft patch of skin under her eye. She frowned and lightly pushed his hand away.
“I would’ve been fine on my own, you know.”
“Sit still so I can take a look at your bruise.” He responded gruffly, lifting his hand and attempting to look at her bruised eye again. She shoved his hand away, this time more aggressively, and tried to stand up.
“Just leave me alone,” Y/N said, wincing and clutching her abdomen in pain, causing Bucky to grab her waist and slowly lower her back down onto the couch. Fucking John Walker.
She pulled his hands off her and reluctantly sat down to face him.
“You don’t need to defend me, Bucky,” she spoke, Bucky sensing anger in her voice. “I’m not some weak, helpless civilian. I’m a god damn Avenger for christ sake!” As Y/N shouted, her voice wavered and her eyes started to well up with tears.
Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and Bucky sat with his hands resting on his lap. Although she was speaking to Bucky, she felt like she was more-so trying to convince herself of what she was saying.
“I know,” he said calmly, but with a stern tone, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“Okay, so leave me alone.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not!”
“Because I fuckin’ care about you!” Bucky shouted, causing Y/N’s face to immediately soften.
Her arms dropped to rest in her lap and she froze as Bucky softly raised his hand to cup her cheek, captivated by his touch. He cautiously moved, worried she would push his hand away again, but she didn’t. His thumb gently caressed her non-cut cheek and he pulled her face close to his. She felt his breaths fan her face as he spoke.
“I know you’re one of the strongest Avengers,” he started. “And I know you could kick John’s ass any day of the week. But I care so much about you and I need you to be okay.” Bucky’s lips hovered over Y/N’s, lightly brushing against hers.
“I need you, Y/N.”
She responded by crashing her lips onto his, moving her hands to hold his face closer to hers. The kiss was full of passion, love, and unspoken feelings. When they broke apart, gasping for air, Y/N smiled at him and ran a hand through his hair.
“I care about you too, Buck.”
Bucky had never seen such a bright light in his 106 years of living.
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edna-skiffens · 3 years
The Best Medicine
Summary: You are in the hospital, but you can never sleep in hospitals. Good thing you have a very attractive night shift nurse who is willing to help out.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: hospitals, light med talk, bad medical writing, fluff
A/N: Please ignore the plot holes or the fact that this isn’t the most realistic and also I know this isn’t how discharge works at the hospital.. It’s called fiction for a reason, darling. Also, I left the reason the reader is in the hospital open ended bc some of us may have medical conditions/reasons that we can attach to this, but if not I tried to keep it vague enough on purpose so that you can imagine whatever. Also if you like Nurse!Tom and have requests for him lmk bc i’m happy to write for him.
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Toss and turn. Toss and turn. The routine was getting old. This was your third night in the hospital and sleep just wasn’t coming to you.
Maybe it was the medicine they had you on. Maybe it was the constant symphony of sounds and people passing in the hallway. Maybe it was because you weren’t at home in your own bed.
Maybe it was just because you were in the hospital.
You couldn’t be sure. What you were sure of is that you weren’t falling asleep anytime soon.
Feeling another presence in the room, you looked from the ceiling to the doorway where you saw Tom, one of the night shift nurses, standing cautiously.
“I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked as he eased his way inside.
“So no sleep again, huh?”
“Sorry darling. Let’s go ahead and get these vitals over with.” He took your blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and wrote it down in your chart. Putting the clipboard back on its hook at the end of the bed, he looked up at your tired face. “Okay. So now about that sleep. What do you think will help?”
“Not being in the hospital.”
He chuckled lightly while walking back towards your bedside.
“I know. You hate it here. You’ve made that very clear and I try not to take too much offense to it.” You let out a slight laugh and held back the fact that he was the best part of this whole experience. He almost made it worth it. “I’m sorry we can’t give you any sleeping medication. Do you think it’ll help if I talk to you?”
“You mean tell me bedtime stories?” You couldn’t help but tease him at the adorable suggestion, though it sent a swarm of butterflies off in your stomach.
“I was thinking more like bore you ‘till you fell asleep. But whatever works.”
“You’re the nurse. If you think it’ll help.” You both sat there smirking at each other for a moment. Something unspoken floating in the air between you two.
“Well, I need to finish my round of vitals first. I’ll come check on you when I’m done and if you’re still up we’ll see about those stories.”
“I’ll be here.”
About fifteen or twenty minutes later you heard a light tap on your door followed by “Still awake?”
“You up for a chat?” Tom asked as he made his way to the stool then rolled slightly closer to your bed.
“Got nothing better to do.” You teased again.
“Okay. Well you should probably lay down.”
“Oh. It’s going to be that kind of story, huh?” His laugh was so beautiful and you were happy you were the cause of it.
“No.” He corrected in between laughs “The goal is to get you to sleep. So sitting up won’t help.”
“Right. Right.”
“Well.. anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”
“Why did you choose to become a nurse?”
“Ahhh. Good question. So I actually went to an art school.” You couldn’t help the brief expression of surprise that crossed your face. “I know. Shocking. I did training specifically in dance and gymnastics and I loved it.”
“Wait, so what happened?” You asked, turning on your side to face him more comfortably.
“Well one day we were rehearsing for a show and I fell. Ruined my knee. Had to do physical therapy for months. I tried to get back into it, but it just wasn’t the same. However, through that process I learned a lot about medicine and the health side of things. It really turned me on to it. And when my Plan A got a bit messed up I thought ‘hey, this could work’. So far it’s treated me pretty well.”
You smiled at Tom, admiring his passion for his career and the determination he had to keep pushing after his accident. You enjoyed hearing him talk about it too. If you didn’t know any better you would say it was helping you relax.
“My story that boring?”
“Your sarcasm has no end.”
“Oh… goodness.. you thought that was sarcasm?”
Tom only laughed and shook his head the way he often did with you.
You may just have been his patient and he may have just been your nurse, but you both bonded. He kept you company and gave you comfort. In return, you kept him entertained during the quiet night shifts.
“I’m not going to sleep. I'm just resting my eyes. But still listening.” You told him as you nestled further into the hospital bed, trying to find a position that would make it comfortable.
“Okay, darling.” He grinned at you.
“Tell me more. What kind of-” You had to stop to yawn, “What kind of art stuff did you do?”
“Oh. Well, I was in a few musicals. I really enjoyed dancing. I did ballet ever since I was young and I love the control I have over my body. The tricks I can do with gymnastics or the turns and leaps. I mean I can’t do them to that level anymore, but I try to stay active.” He glanced up and noticed you hadn’t moved, “Are you still with me?”
“Mhm.” You barely respond.
“Okay. Well it was a performing arts school so we really were trained in many areas. We had classes in acting, singing, dancing, all of it. It was a lot of fun and I met my best friends there.”
Tom began telling stories about his time at school. Before he knew it, he lost himself and track of time. He looked back at you, quiet and still.
“Y/N?” You were finally asleep. “Goodnight, darling.” He whispered as he gently made his exit.
Because Tom worked the night shift, you never saw him when you woke in the morning. Instead, Tanya, a sweet nurse that felt like a big sister, or Linda, Nurse Ratched in the flesh, came in for morning vitals and meds.
You counted down the days until your release. Life in the hospital was pretty uneventful with the limit on visitors and limited activity. There’s only so many sitcoms one can take in a given timespan. The only thing that you really looked forward to each night was when Tom clocked in.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Hi Tom.” You would smile at each other.
“How are we feeling today?”
“Better. Ready to get out of here.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear you are feeling better and still ready to jailbreak.” He smiled while writing something down on your chart. “They should be bringing up your dinner tray soon and then I’ll bring by your evening meds after that.”
“If you need me you know what to do.” He called to you before walking out the door.
You were disappointed when Shelley brought your evening meds by later. She was a nice enough nurse. She just wasn’t Tom.
You’d grown accustomed to mainly having him as your nurse during the evening shift. At first you weren’t sure if it was coincidence or on purpose, but after a few nights of staying up and talking, you grew closer to him. You saw less of the other nursing staff and more of Tom.
You tried not to build anything up in your head. You were sure everything he was doing was in his job description and a part of being a good nurse.
He would sneak you extra pudding cups from the cafeteria and bring you an extra heated blanket because you could never stay warm. If you needed a new IV, he held your hand to ease the anxiety. He kept you company and made you feel less alone in such a sterile and intimidating place. And when he noticed you had trouble sleeping he chose to sit with you to help you fall asleep. You couldn’t help the butterflies that built in your stomach.
It became a sort of routine. He checked on you during evening vitals, even if someone else was doing them, and you were always still awake. He would then come and sit with you and chat for a bit, telling you different stories until you eventually fell asleep.
Some nights when you were extra restless he would help you walk the halls.
“The doctors have to see you’re stable enough before you can be discharged. Plus, maybe it’ll tire you out.” He suggested.
He would help get your IV pole ready so you could walk with it. He helped you into your slippers and eased you out of bed after passing you your robe.
Walking the hall slowly, Tom knew he had to remain professional, yet he found a few excuses to graze his hand across your back to ‘steady you’ when you turned corners or he thought you were looking tired.
“It might take me a while to get back to my usual jogs in the park, huh?” You laughed in spite of yourself.
“You’ll get there. Baby steps.” He encouraged, as you turned around the Nurse’s Station. You missed the faces the other night shift nurses were giving you both, but Tom was sure to subtly flick them off. “So, do you like running?” He asked as you headed back towards your room.
Throughout your late nights together, he told you of his three younger brothers and his dog named Tessa. You spoke about what you would do when you were out of hospital. He talked about his friends and flatmates and the adventures they had. He told you many stories, but each morning when you woke up he was clocked out and the day shift nurses were there.
Tonight was your last night. You’re set to be discharged tomorrow and while you are ecstatic to go home, you’re going to miss one thing about this place.
“I bet you’re too excited to sleep tonight. I don’t know if my stories will even help.” Tom said as he sat down next to you.
You smiled up to him sweetly.
“What are you looking forward to the most once you get out of here?”
“Sleeping in my own bed.”
“Well that’s no surprise.” Tom laughed, a contagious sound making you giggle as well. “Isn’t there anything you’ll miss about this place?”
“Yeah.” He smiled “There’s one thing.”
“What’s that?” He asks.
“The pudding cups.”
“Ahh the pudding cups of course.” You giggled while fiddling with the IV line.
“They just don’t taste the same in the outside world.”
His smile grew wider as you giggled.
“No, but really. As much as I give this place grief and say I’m ready to get out of here - which I am,” You gave him a pointed look to which he held his hands up in mock surrender, fully believing you, “it hasn’t been too terribly awful I guess.”
“Oh, well, I’m glad we could make your stay not too terribly awful.. I guess.” He teased. “Do you have anything exciting to look forward to once you’re a free woman?”
“Nothing huge planned, really. The doctors did say to take it easy.”
“That’d be wise.”
“Yeah. I’ll just lay low for a while. My sister said she may try to come visit me though so that would be nice.”
“Oh that would be nice. She’s your older sister right?”
“Right. She moved away last year to be closer to her boyfriend.”
“Ah. Do you like him?”
“This boyfriend. Do you like him?”
“He’s alright, I suppose. He makes her happy.” Tom nodded along.
“And do you have a boyfriend that makes you happy?”
“N-No. No I don’t. Not at the moment.” You began fiddling with the IV cord again.
“No boyfriend or not a boyfriend that makes you happy?” He asked.
“Well that’s a shame.” If the heart monitor was connected you would’ve been screwed. “I just mean someone needs to look after you once you get home. I hope this sister comes through for a visit. You’ve got to take it easy.”
“Oh I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure you will be.” He smiled.
“How has your shift been tonight? Busy?” You asked, fighting back a yawn.
“A bit busier than usual. There was a slight emergency earlier which is why Shelley handed out meds tonight. Sorry I didn’t come around.”
“It’s alright. I know you have other patients.”
“Yeah, but none like you.” You were sure he said that to all of his patients. After all, you’ve heard similar lines ever since you went to the pediatrician as a child. But it still gave you butterflies.
“Are you getting sleepy?”
“A little. But it’s okay.” He gave you a pointed look but continued to talk anyway. “It’s the last night. One final request for storytime. Make it a good one.”
You thought for a moment before asking your question.
“Do you ever wish that life turned out differently? That you never had your accident and you could’ve followed your dreams to be a dancer?” You asked while turning on your side and getting more comfortable.
“Sometimes. At least, I used to. But I think I’ve accepted it now. And I really can’t see myself doing anything but this.” You nodded taking in his answer “I look at it this way. If it wasn’t for my injury then I never would’ve changed my career path and found my love for medicine. I never would have made so many of the friends I’ve made or the memories I’ve made. I never would have met you.” He finishes with a sweet smile.
“That’s a very positive way of looking at it.” You told him. “Be honest, are you a therapist during the day?” He laughed out loud.
“No. I’m not. I guess I’m a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’.” You nodded while covering a yawn.
“So I’ve been curious to ask you,” He began, “Do you usually have this much trouble sleeping? Because you can get help for that you know?” You smiled at him.
“What? I thought a night nurse talking to you was the cure?” Tom smirked and shook his head. “I’m kidding. No, I normally don’t. It’s just the stiff sheets and hospital sounds I think.”
“Darn hospital.” He rolled his eyes and joked. “So this time tomorrow you’ll be sound asleep in your own bed then?”
You knew it was meant to be a happy statement, but you were a little sad at the thought of not having any more late night chats with Tom.
“Yes. Thank God.” You forced a smile.
You felt another yawn coming and tried to hold it back. It was already past the usual time that you fell asleep.
Tom could tell you were exhausted so he launched into a story from nursing school, hoping to lull you to sleep.
You yawned your way through listening, trying to soak up every last moment with Tom. In the morning he wouldn’t be here. You’d leave and likely never see him again.
When he finished, your eyes were half open and he wondered how you were still awake. Or maybe why.
“Why are you fighting it? The point is to sleep. Give in.” He told you gently after another yawn.
You looked up at him, half asleep and rubbing your eyes, not finding the confidence to tell him the true reason you were trying to stay awake.
“I’m happy right now.”
He smiled down at you.
“I am too. But you need your sleep, darling.” You weren’t sure what to say and you didn’t have much energy left in you anyway. “How about this. I’ve probably been in here too long as it is. Let me go check in at the Nurse’s Station and then I’ll come back and check on you soon and see if you’re still awake okay?”
The thought that he was leaving gave you a sad feeling in your stomach. You tried to remind yourself that he was just your nurse. Nothing more.
“Okay.” You smiled at him, sleepily, while settling further into the bed.
He stood up and instead of walking towards the door he walked closer to you. He grabbed the thin, white hospital blanket and pulled it closer around your shoulders.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered before he walked to the door.
“Tom?” You called out just before he opened it. He turned around with an expectant look, “Thanks for everything.”
Even though the room was dim you could see his smile.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Get some sleep.”
You don’t remember much after that. You don’t know if Tom came back to check on you. You just remember falling asleep with a smile on your face.
When you woke up the following morning it felt like any other morning in the hospital.
The hallways were much louder. Beeps, chatter, and phones were constant. The lights were brighter.
But you were quickly reminded that it wasn’t any other morning. You were going home today.
The door creaked open and Tanya, one of your regular daytime nurses, poked her head in.
“Oh good you’re up.” She made her way inside and over to the gloves. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good. Thanks.” She gave you a smile, something hidden behind it.
“I’m sure.” She said quietly to herself. You gave her a questioning look. “Oh I just mean I’m sure you’re excited to get out of here.”
You nodded as she took your vitals one last time.
“Everything looks good. What do you say about getting this IV out?”
“I say that sounds amazing.”
She took it out and bandaged up your arm while informing you of how the morning would go.
“Dr. McCoy is making rounds now then he’ll be by soon to go over your discharge. You can get dressed whenever you’re ready. If you need help, buzz me. You’ll still have a breakfast tray come, but you don’t have to eat it.” She gave you a wink while taking off her gloves.
“Thanks Tanya.”
“Of course, sweetie. And in case I don’t see you before you go, you’ve been a wonderful patient. Take care of yourself.” You smiled at her as she left you to change into some leggings and a sweatshirt.
You were packing your remaining things into your bag when your doctor walked in.
“Y/N! How are we doing today?”
“We’re doing great because we’re going home.” You smiled while taking a seat to rest for a few minutes.
“I know you’re excited.” He laughed before explaining the conditions of your discharge. You had medicines to take, a follow up appointment, and strict instructions to rest for the next few weeks. After signing some forms he left you with a stack of papers. “Is someone coming to pick you up?”
“Yeah my neighbor should be here within an hour.”
“Sounds good. Don’t hesitate to call us or come back in if you have any trouble or questions.”
“Will do. Thanks.”
A few minutes after he left a nurse brought in your breakfast tray. There wasn’t much of a point for it but since your discharge wasn’t technically until 10:30 am you were still a patient during breakfast.
You took the pudding cup that you requested with every meal off the tray before sliding it away. Smiling to yourself, you tucked it away in your bag. All you had left to do was wait for 10:30.
Tanya came in to check on you again and told you to buzz the Nurse’s Station when you knew your ride was here. At 10:27 you had a text from your neighbor that they were out front in the pickup zone. So you hit the call button.
“Yes?” Linda, the scariest dayshift nurse, answered.
“Um hi. Tanya told me to buzz in when my ride was here so I could go down.”
“Okay we’ll be right in.”
Not even a minute later you heard your door open. Expecting to see Tanya or maybe even Linda you looked up.
An audible gasp left your lips when Tom stood in your doorway with a wheelchair.
“I hear someone needs a ride?” He smiled as he made his way closer to the bed.
“Tom. What are you still doing here?”
“I pulled a double.” You wanted to ask why, but decided against it. You were still in a little bit of shock from seeing him again. “If you’d rather I can go get Linda to walk you down?” He pointed back towards your door.
“No! No.. I’m just surprised s’all.”
“Well come on. I thought you’d be running out of this place once the clock hit 10:30.” Glancing up you saw it was now 10:34. Your neighbor is probably tired of waiting already.
You grabbed your discharge papers and reached for your bag when you heard, “I got it.” Smiling at him, you sat down in the wheelchair. Tom placed the bag around his shoulder and kicked the brakes off the chair. “Ready?” You nodded up at him.
He rolled you out of the room that felt so small for a final time. You passed the Nurse’s Station and waved bye to the staff. He turned by the elevators and when you looked up at him in question, he read your mind. Looked down at you he said, “We’re taking the staff elevators.”
When you made it there he hit the button, turning you around and backing you in once the doors opened. He hit the button for the Lobby and leaned up against the wall of the elevator, briefly glancing at you, as you rode down together.
“Well you made it. You’re a free woman.” He smiled shyly.
“Yippee.” He met your eyes for a moment before looking back to the floor. The dynamics felt different. It wasn’t like your late night talks together.
“Listen, Y/N.” Tom began as he stood up from the wall and faced you. He was about to continue when the elevator ding cut him off, signaling you had reached your destination.
Maybe that was what was different. You had reached your destination.
You had a fun time talking with Tom and entertaining each other when you were both up late at night. He was fun to get to know and you enjoyed having someone care for you. He was easy to banter with and certainly easy on the eyes. But your time at the hospital was up. You knew it would be eventually. You wanted it to be.
Tom was a nurse. He was just doing his job. He was helping take care of you. He was being nice. He was trying to make your stay more comfortable. There was nothing to read into.
Your time being his patient was up and your time with him was up.
You tried to remain realistic, but the sadness still crept up as he rolled you closer to the door.
Once outside, you saw your neighbor exit the car and wave you over. Tom steered in the direction and slowed before rolling to a stop and hitting the brake locks on the wheels.
“Hi, I’m Taylor.”
“Tom.” They shook hands as Tom passed off your bag for Taylor to put in the backseat.
“I’m sorry for the circumstances, but it really has been a pleasure having you as a patient and getting to know you, Y/N.” Tom admitted as he walked around to face you. He grabbed the papers from your lap. “Take care of yourself, okay?” You had shared many smiles with Tom, but this one felt sadder.
“I will. Thank you for everything, Tom. I mean it.” You reached up and squeezed his hand. He gave you a light squeeze back while smiling down at you. Taylor returned from the backseat of the car and Tom turned to them.
“These are her important papers about follow up appointments, medications, what to do at home, all of that so please make sure she doesn’t lose any of them.” He emphasized the point.
“Got it. Thanks.” Taylor held onto the stack while Tom turned back to you.
“If I can’t handle a few papers on my own, then maybe I shouldn’t be going home yet, Tom.” You laughed.
“I know, I just wanted to make sure they made it home with you.” He walked closer. “You ready to get in?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. He helped you up, supporting you just as a precaution. Once seated, you took a moment to catch your breath as you pulled the seatbelt down. He met your hand, taking it from you to buckle you in.
“You good?”
You nodded with a smile, “Just a little tired. No biggie.”
He looked you over before returning your smile, though his didn’t quite reach his eyes, “If you need us, call us. Otherwise go home and rest.”
This was it. This was goodbye.
“Thanks, Tom.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
He shut the door. He walked back to the wheelchair, released the brake locks and headed inside. He looked back only when your car was driving away.
“Here’s those papers that are so important.” Taylor handed you the stack after they got in.
“So how are you feeling?”
“Better. Thanks.” You felt them looking at you as they joined traffic.
“You sure? You sound like you feel awful.”
You try to remind yourself to forget the sweet and attractive nurse and start moving forward.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay.” You decide to distract yourself by reading through your discharge paperwork, when something caught your eye. On top was a sticky note with the hospital’s letterhead. You were sure it wasn’t there before. Looking closer it read,
In case you need someone to talk to when you can’t sleep.
P. S. I have a connection to some pretty good pudding cups too.
The smile that grew on your face was undeniable. All the feelings you suppressed came flooding in. He wasn’t just being nice. He actually liked you.
One thing you knew for sure was that even though you would be in your own bed tonight, you still would be up, talking to a very special nurse.
Lmk if you want to be on my tag list
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