#each time i walk home the stars are brighter. i hope you are brighter too. i hope i am brighter too. i am going to win
oatbugs · 9 months
shaking of leaves by into it over it is genuinely one of the top songs of all time
#the sun is setting later which is a shock because i was too bruised up to celebrate the winter solstice this year#i got lasik surgery just to start a staring contest with the sun. two of my names mispronounced in a row by the butchers. i can still see#arithmetic as construction in space and geometry as construction in time. follow two parallel lines until they meet.#piazza stairs in the sun drinking aloe lychee juice watching young and beautiful people talk about money. notice the small fine lines#forming at the corners of their lips between their brows the sides of their eyes. what is representable for you is necessarily what there#is. subjective necessity transfer to objective necessity. why is this compelling? why are you compelling? would you like to kiss#by the river? would you like to walk 30 minutes to broadway so we can kiss by the river? ar 3³#ive learned a lot about turner's watercolours but i havent said enough about the ways neurons dance together. about the way all of it is a#process without emotion and how that makes it beautiful. chipped nailpolish on his nails and dark circles under his eyes and a smile that#says i have learned to study the nature of the mind and how intuitions form reality and i no longer want to die. instead of taking#that horrible fall he reads kant to himself and he reads her to sleep and he reads my horrible jokes.#dont think like a psychologist and dont write like a philosopher. dont do maths like a physicist.#ironically read the science of logic. ironically a caffeine adict. ironically drink steriliser for its 74% alcohol solution.#ironically a 1:1 student. there are birds hanging in the archives. orions belt over the red glow of a very normal house.#each time i walk home the stars are brighter. i hope you are brighter too. i hope i am brighter too. i am going to win#that staring contest with the sun.#[i drafted this post on jan30 and forgot abt it]
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dokries · 1 month
your hoshi fic was the cutest fluffiest thing I’ve read in ages. It was so cute keep up the great work, and if your requests r open, could you write something fluffy for jeonghan too maybe? Loving your writing so far ⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝ ♡
midnight popsicles
pairing: yoon jeonghan x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff
word count: 553
warnings: mentions of food, jeonghan being a prick (in love, that is), reader is mentioned to be wearing sweatpants if that’s important
author note: HIII thank you so much anon <33 i really appreciate the support, and i’m so glad you like my hoshi fic! i hope you like this one as well ♡
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“hurry, the ice cream’s gonna melt by the time we get home!” you yell back at your boyfriend, waiting impatiently for jeonghan to catch up with you. though you loved him and his tendency to…do things slowly, to put it nicely, the ice cream stashed in the convenience store bags in his hands was going to melt soon, even if it was midnight.
he huffs as he gets closer, putting his head on your shoulder from behind you. “i’m literally a step behind you.”
you mock his tone before giggling when he nuzzles his face in your neck. he moves to walk beside you instead, and barely manages to pull out two plastic covered popsicles from the bag in his left hand and shoots you a mischievous look. “i’m sure the guys won’t notice if we steal a couple of them, right?”
you laugh before taking both of the sweet treats in your hands and opening them, stuffing the wrappers in your sweatpant pocket. you put one in jeonghan’s mouth, which is already open–you hear a garbled thank you from him, his mouth full–and then put the other in your own mouth, savouring the taste.
you stretch your arms out as you walk, looking up at the dark sky. thanks to the light pollution, you can’t see too many stars, so it was a good thing the full moon drew your attention instead. maybe it’s because you’re with jeonghan but you swear it seems much brighter than it ever has before.
amazed, you murmur to your boyfriend beside you. “the moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?”
he snorts, causing you to look over in time to see a smirk cross his face as he lazily takes a bite out of the almost finished popsicle. “i know. you tell me everyday to the point where i should set a limit for each day.”
you stop and pick at the tuft of hair escaping his loose ponytail, forcing it back to fit in with the rest of his hair before looking up at him “what?” you say, confused.
oh. he must’ve thought you meant the romantic phrase.
blinking too quickly, you stumble on your words, the popsicle in your hands almost slipping out. “i meant it literally! n-not like i don’t love you–you know i do, hannie–but i didn’t–” you get cut off by jeonghan placing his hand on the top of your head and giggling, both bags of ice cream now safely in his other hand.
“i know what you meant, i’m just teasing you!” he says with the insufferable smile he has when he pulls pranks on seungkwan, earning him an eye roll.
“i love you hannie,” you say with a smile, the forgotten popsicle in your hands dripping onto the pavement…and your pant leg.
he grins before looking at your legs in alarm, noticing the mess being created in front of him. “HEY YOUR POPSICLE–” he yells, making you look down and yelp, shoving what’s left of the popsicle in your mouth.
he can’t help but chuckle when you shoot him a thumbs up, your mouth full of the brightly coloured ice. he moves in with a cheeky smile, kissing the spot in the middle of your forehead.
“i think the moon is beautiful too when i’m with you,” jeonghan says softly.
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corynation · 7 months
Rumor has it
mark sloan x reader
tags: angst, thats about it tbh, im sorry in advanced
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She, she ain't real / She ain't gon' be able to love you like I will
You’ve observed her closely, bouncy walk, the smile thats brighter than the sun when it rises. You’ve memorized the notes of her perfume, studied the way her hair is always perfectly done, never out of place. Noticed how perfect she is, in every way possible. Of course he’d fall for her. Hell you’d began to think you were falling for her too. She was young and beautiful, smart and outgoing, innocent and naive. Everything you weren’t.
Nothing had been the same between you and Mark since Lexie Grey had come to Seattle Grace. At first you loved Lexie, admired her. You had been on the same service as her on multiple occasions, and each time she outshined everyone around her. She was diligent and ambitious, the perfect example of what a surgeon should be.
She is a stranger / You and I have history / Or don't you remember
You and Mark had been dating for a few years now, ever since he first came to Seattle Grace. Your relationship had been near to perfect. There wasn’t a time where the romance between you two felt off, from Sunday night dinner dates where you’d cook together, to finishing late night lab work at the hospital together. He was everything you dreamed of in a man, and you only hoped he felt the same about you.
Lately there had been less late night lab work together. Instead you’d get a call from Mark, him apologizing for the workload and telling you not to wait up for him at home. Sunday night dinners still happened. In fact it was one of the few things you held onto to believe in the fact that Mark was still in love with you. That you were the one he wanted for the rest of his life. You were the girl he’d be doing Sunday night dinners with until his last Sunday on earth.
There was this look to Mark, one that you could never mistake for anything but complete adorn. It wasn’t the Mark Sloan look he was known for, the one where his smile would crook and his eyes would gleam with mischief. This one made a softer man of him. His eyes would soften, his mouth would part just a smidge as his lips curled into the perfect gentle smile. That was the look he gave to you every time he saw you walk into a room. You’d recognize it from anywhere. It became your favorite part about Mark because it was owned by you. You were the only one who got that look from Mark.
That is until the day Lexie was paged into you and Marks surgery. The second the doors burst open and a smiley Lexie appeared you saw the tense of Mark dissolve, his eyes soften and glow, and you just knew that under his mask your favorite gentle smile had appeared.
That day you had to step out of your surgery to puke.
She is half your age / But I'm guessing that's the reason that you stayed
“I don’t know Callie it’s just the way he looks at her. Every time I see him look at her I physically feel ill.”
“You don’t think he’s cheating on you with her do you?”
“No, not at all. I know he wouldn’t do that. But I know he doesn’t know how to stop his feelings either, and I just-“ You groaned as your palms met your forehead. “I can feel him slipping away from me you know? Like he’s there with me physically, but emotionally he’s with her. And I get it, she’s shiny and new and I’m just,”
“Y/n no,” Callie began, her fingers wrapping around your wrist in an attempt to grab your attention.
“I’m just dull to him.” You turned to look at your best friend, her face riddled of pity. It was near the same look she gave families when there was nothing more she could do for a patient. As much as you wished there was a way to somehow extract all feelings Mark had towards Lexie and inject them into someone like Alex, there would never be enough shooting stars or candles to grant that. “I can feel the love fall from him Callie. Like there is this string connecting us and someone is slowly sawing at it with a god damn scalpel.”
“Ironic you say scalpel because-“ Callie started before you shot her a look that shut her right up. “yep too soon sorry.”
“What do I do here Callie? How do I keep going to bed at night with him knowing he’s in love with someone else?” The familiar burn of tears began as you wiped your face not prepared to embrace a whole breakdown this early in the morning. As upset about the situation as you were, you were not going to start crying over it in the middle of the hospital that you work at, let alone the hospital both Mark and Lexie work at.
“You need to talk to him y/n. It’ll ease your mind I promise.”
“Oh says the one who stayed with her husband when she knew he cheated.”
Callie snorted at your remark, starting a break out of laughter between the two of you. It felt nice to laugh during all of this. Made you feel lighter.
I heard you've been missing me / You've been telling people things you shouldn't be
Your eyes met Dereks. He was practically running to the nurses station where you had been sat with Callie. The two of you shared a glance, hinting to Callie it was best if she went on with her day. She smiled knowingly, patting your shoulder as a farewell and went off past Derek. By his furrow of a brow as Callie passed him you knew she’d given him a warning look, you giggled to yourself. If there was one thing about Callie you appreciated the most, it was her protective nature towards those she loved.
“I need to talk to you.” Derek grabbed your arm, leading you to an on call room. Your quick moment of glee dissolving in an instant.
“What is this about Derek?”
And suddenly you felt heavy again.
The sound of the door to the on call room closing ran through your ear. Drowning out any other noise. Your throat felt tight and your stomach empty. You definitely had to puke, or faint? Maybe both. Something. You had to do something to get out of this conversation.
“What’s going on between you two?” Derek questioned, his hands placed on his hips.
You were silent at first, your body still in fight or flight mode, though unfortunately for you that happened to also be shut down mode. Not much fighting or flighting.
“I’m sorry?” Was the only thing you’d managed to choke out without spilling your guts to the best friend of the man you’d been worrying about.
Derek sighed rubbing his forehead. “Mark thinks you’re cheating on him.”
“He thinks I am cheating on him.” You scoffed, in total disbelief at the stupidity of that man.
“I told him he was stupid for thinking that.”
“Damn right he is. What else did he say?” At first you were just angry, as you should be, but now you had just been curious. How could you possibly be the one cheating when you were the one trying to keep the relationship stable?
“I really don’t think this is a conversation for us, you should speak with Mark.”
“Derek tell me. Now.”
He bit his lip, trying to decide which choice would be the best. “Fine,” he began, his hand pointing towards you, “but you better talk with Mark after. You two can’t keep ignoring each-other and your issues.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever I will.”
“He said you’ve been distant with him. Short with words, not wanting to be around him. Apparently you’ve left his service before because you had long surgeries with him?”
“Oh I’ve been distant. Thats rich.” Despite your efforts to hold it in, you started giggling over the words that came from Derek. Laughing to the point of tears you made your way over to the door, stopping before opening it. “Thank you for telling me Derek. You might want to keep your phone on silent later, Mark is probably going to bug the hell out of you.” And with that you left to go find the reoccurring talk of the hour.
Like when we creep out and she ain't around / Haven't you heard the rumors / Bless your soul, you got your head in the clouds / You made a fool out of me / And, boy, you're bringing me down
“Mark!” You yelled, finally catching the man you had searched practically the whole hospital for. He stopped almost instantly, turning around and flashing you that look he used to.
“You’ve been ignoring me.” He smiled even saying that, his eyes were still soft and he grasped your shoulders with such care and love.
It almost made you mad how he greeted you. The whole action gave the same feeling it used to before you had ever even began to question his integrity.
“I know I’m sorry.” You smiled back at him, no matter what was going on in your mind you couldn’t help but embrace what love he had for you, what love you had for him. It was warm, familiar. Almost made you question yourself on if you had been going crazy this whole time. “Do you mind if we speak for a minute?”
“Yeah, I’ve got all the time for you.” There it was again. Mark being Mark. So charming and sweet, the man you fell in love with.
You led him to a nearby on call room, Mark instantly sitting against the desk as you shut the door.
“So, what is all this about?” The cheeky grin that spread across his face was almost enough to pull you into him. You knew what he thought, and to be quite honest the feelings you had bubbling in you weren’t beside that thought. But still there was a part of you that still knew you couldn’t give in. If anything happened between you and Mark in this moment you would never talk it out with him. Somehow this whole span of events with him today was almost enough to convince you he was only in love with you. And maybe he was, maybe you truly were just crazy and jealous of this poor girl. Though, the longing looks they’d exchange one another, and the hands that would stay by each other for unnecessarily long amounts of time told a different story.
“I just need to talk to you.” He pulled you into his arms the moment he was able to reach you, a small gasp escaping your lips at the suddenness.
“I think talking can wait a minute.” His words were whispered as he leaned into you, lips meeting yours. It was warm and comforting, your muscles relaxing at almost an instant. You were back into the harmony you knew so well, the one you’d been craving to feel for weeks now. Even if you had tried to pull away there was no chance you wouldn’t initiate a second kiss. The feeling that rushed through you was too addicting to want to back away. That was Marks Sloans specialty.
You both stayed like that for what felt like a life’s eternity in the best way imaginable. Really you wanted to stay like that forever. Safe and loved in his arms, the only one he was focused on.
Mark began to slowly back away, a soft smile stretching across his face. “That, was definitely worth waiting for.”
Simply nodding and smiling as a reply to him, you closed your eyes again, fully taking in the euphoria before the gates around your world would fall.
“Mark,” You began, taking a small step back from his embrace. If you wanted to get any of the conversation you had been planning in your head for days -figuring out every word you’d say, even practicing in the mirror a few times- out to him you were gonna have to ruin the moment. Rip off the bandaid.
“Y/n whats on your mind?” He was so sweet. So patient.
“You’re in love with her.” And there it was. Ripping off the bandaid. And god did the bandaid sting like nothing before. Watching his face fall felt like the world was slowly swallowing you, pulling you into the core. All oxygen leaving your body as you were pulled further, and further.
“Her?” His brows furrowed, eyes scanning your face for something, maybe a sign of who it was, maybe a sign that this was all a joke. To be honest you really couldn’t read his expression. It had been so blank yet so sorrowful, remorse and confusion settling together into one.
“Lexie.” And that was all you had to say before all confusion left him. It was as if you had flipped a light switch within him, Mark finally catching onto what was happening. “I’ve noticed Mark, I’ve noticed everything. You staying at the hospital late nights when she was on call, the lingering hands of you both. I’ve seen the way you look at her. It’s the same you used to look at me. You’ve favored her in surgeries, hell, you’ve favored her in meetings.”
“No Mark, listen to me. Maybe you haven’t realized this all yet, maybe you were oblivious to what was going on, but I wasn’t. God I wish I was Mark. I’ve spent so much of my life this past few weeks just thinking about you two, thinking about us. I haven’t stopped thinking about it all since I’ve first noticed you took an interest in her.” Hot tears started to trickle out your eyes, all emotions finally pouring. “I’ve torn myself to shreds over this. Thinking about what I could do to get you to notice me more, or even just less of her. Thinking of what I could do to get you to love me and only me again. Ive thought so low of myself these past weeks I could barely function as a surgeon. I’ve made myself a mess trying to fix yours.”
Mark studied you intently, trying his best to comprehend everything that was going on. He stood up coming back near you. His hands found your cheeks as he held you gentle as ever, cradling you like the most precious piece of gold known to man. “I’m in love with you y/n.”
“I know you are, I know Mark.” You sniffled, one of your hands matching his movement cradling his cheek. You tried to give him the best smile you could forcing every muscle in your face to follow suit, even if it was the last thing you wanted to show. “But you’re in love with her more.”
His face was one you’ve never seen before. Whether it was realization or just heartbreak, it tore you to shreds seeing him like that. But it tore you more to shreds being with him after everything, and you were down to your last bit of stability.
With a kiss to his cheek and a squeeze to the hand that was still on your cheek, you smiled at him once more, slowly backing away from him. “I love you Mark. I always will. But I can’t stand to see you love her too, and I don’t know if I’d ever forgive myself for staying with you any longer knowing you’re in love with someone else. You go get her, I’ll be okay. And you’ll be okay when she says yes to your first date. We’ll both be okay.” There was tears rolling down both of your cheeks. The room so thick of emotions it started to overwhelm you. Suffocate you further into heartache. You placed one last kiss to Marks lips, you both falling into it deeper than ever.
You slowly backed out of the kiss, wanting to let that be your last memory of you two. It was the rainbow after the storm, the calm after the chaos. With that as your farewell to the man you loved more than life itself, you walked out the room, closing the door behind you, feeling as if you had left your whole being in that room. Like a piece of your soul would forever be gone. Stuck inside that room with the piece of him that had broke.
Those two pieces though, would stay together. Pieced in harmony, placed in only the memories of you two. Something more than you could ever ask for.
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Hiiiii :DDD im so sorry this is my comeback lol. Anyway i know this isnt the best, i have not written for a year, and this is also my first reader insert pov ive made so be nice pls🙏🏻
hope you enjoyed (or like arent super sad) <33
also my grammar SUCKS and grammer is so hard so do not even think about how many commas i used wrong okay? okay
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veenxys · 2 years
「haikyuu: the ones you catch staring at you and the ones who catch you staring at them」
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the ones you catch staring at you;
BOKUTO: sometimes bokuto can’t help it, he’s so mesmerized and intrigued by every little detail of yours that he gets lost in that moment. his bright eyes follow your every move as he makes a mental note of all your mannerisms and quirks and how beautiful you are. and he just realizes he’s staring too hard when you points it out; he somehow looks more delighted at being caught than embarrassed. his eyes have nothing but warmth and love as you look at him across the table, and he instantly leans forward, his chin resting on his palm, letting out a dreamy sigh along with a simple smile, totally undramatic, ‘i think you’re the most beautiful person in the world’ and you might think he’s joking, but he really says it with his heart.
SAKUSA: he doesn’t understand why, but everything you do is charming to him. even the simplest and most mundane things became more beautiful and light to him after he saw you do them; it’s as if you’ve given a new meaning to his life. and when you turn to look at him after feeling the weight of his gaze on you, all you can do is smile; the way he looks at you with all the attention in the world, his eyes shining with love and compassion but also curiosity makes your heart flutter in your chest. he’s one of those who just pretends he hasn’t been caught looking at you like you hang the stars and moon in his sky. but if you look very closely, you will notice a slight flush in his cheeks; you tease him about it and he seriously denies it, avoiding eye contact, but one accidental look at you amidst the bickering, he’s a goner of course, with a fond little smile already tugging on his lips.
ATSUMU: even trying, he can’t stop looking at you. everyone can see how in love and enchanted by you he is just by the way he looks at you with so much love, affection and a beautiful glow of admiration in his eyes. and honestly he doesn’t care if you caught him staring at you or if someone make fun of him for it, he’ll simply keep looking at you the same way but this time with a lazy smile on his face. you try to maintain eye contact for a while, but his gaze is so deep it makes you feel embarrassed and fuzzy inside, and when you look away first, he laughs softly and walks over to you, kissing your forehead and calling you cute.
NISHINOYA: he loves to look at you, or rather, admire you. and you know that, but still, you always feel the same butterflies in your stomach every time you find him looking at you; despite the brief panic in your heart and the little flutter in your stomach when you smile at him, he hopes it’s not awkward as he reaches out to brush a strand of loose hair or thread on your sweater, his eyes meeting yours as he does. he smiles slightly before placing a soft kiss on your cheek which makes your heart race even more.
HINATA: he has wide eyes and red cheeks as he quickly looks away when he realizes he’s been caught staring at you for too long, and for a while, he looks anywhere in the room even when you try to get his attention playfully, but unfortunately, the boy in love can’t help but steal a few too many glances in your direction when he thinks you’ve looked away only to get caught again.
the ones who catch you staring at them;
KUROO: you can’t help but stare at him while he does something he loves; the way he becomes even brighter and more handsome makes your heart race and your eyes lock on him and, when you least expect it, you have a smile on your face. and when he notices you’ve been looking at him for a while now, he acts otherwise only to suddenly whip around and face you with the goofiest and most passionate grin. having caught off-guard, you turn away, flustered, and he coos lightly ‘aw come on don’t get all shy on me now’ and cups your face gently to make you look at him; so now you’re two smitten idiots, grinning at each other, utterly and hopelessly in love.
OSAMU: he quickly offers to cook dinner when you get home tired; you sit at the counter and tell him about your day or whatever comes to your mind as he cooks; he nods his head and encourages you to talk more. but the words stop in your throat when you really look at him; shirt sleeve rolled up, arms strong and fast as he chops tomatoes, his face in concentration, and a few strands of his hair falling in his forehead. and upon noticing your silence, he stops and looks at you over his shoulder before turning around, asking if something is wrong. you smirk and just deny it, he smiles as he wipes his hands on the cloth that was on his shoulder. he walks over to you and kisses your forehead before going back to cooking.
OIKAWA: noticing your gaze on him, he’d be shooting glances in your direction too, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips, and when you’re apparently unfazed, he’ll take it as a challenge, looking straight at you and maintaining eye contact until you look away first; just then, he flashes a gleeful smile, poking your cheek playfully but affectionately, saying ‘cute’.
KENMA: he blatantly looks back at you, his gaze on your face light and unwavering and so full of adoration and love it sends a shiver down your spine. and when he knowingly asks why you are looking at him, you tell him that you enjoy doing it because he’s so beautiful, to which he can only smile shyly and say, taking your hand in his, “i like looking at you too... you’re too pretty to be real”
SUNA: he accidentally catches you looking at him as you relax on the couch together; your feet are in his lap as he gently strokes your ankle. he feels the weight of your gaze and as he looks at you, he does this little thing where he tilts his head to the side, his eyes locked with yours. so he leans forward to playfully touch your foreheads and steals a quick kiss before continuing to watch tv, only with a much lighter heart for the rest of the day.
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osleeplessflowero · 3 months
Hi I hope your doing well. If it's ok can you do a Cross x reader with fluff and where he and the reader are dating in it. :3
hii thank you for your request! ooh, i haven't written cross before so this is a great opportunity to practice! i hope you enjoy! :) 🌸 (Reader is gender neutral!)
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🏠xx Home xx☕
Having a home to go back to had become a foreign concept to Cross, ever since his AU was lost. Being able to have one now was..honestly a strange, but not unwelcome experience. A home to come back to, and someone he loves to come back to..it almost feels like a dream.
Sheathing his blades, he turns to his much brighter sparring partner, shooting him a grin.
"Hey, I'm gonna head out for today. That okay?" "Of course! This was fun, I'll see you again tomorrow. I need to work on my aim.." Dream lowers his bow, putting it away with the use of magic. "See you later, Dream." Cross holds up his hand to wave goodbye, turning around to walk off. "Tell your partner I said "Hi"!" He calls out to him with a smug grin, causing the skeleton to flush a bright shade of purple. "Y-Yeah yeah, I will." He rubs his cheekbones with his hands, trying to calm himself down a bit.
With a whoosh, he finds himself dropping down into your living room, landing on the floor with his hands out to balance himself. Still not quite used to doing this after some time..
"Hey, handsome. I was wondering when you'd get back."
He rolls his eyelights, but finds himself grinning as he turns to see your smug smile. He walks over, plopping down right beside you on the couch before you lean over to press a kiss to his skull.
"What are you doing awake so late? I thought you'd be asleep by now." He looks over, leaning his skull on your shoulder. "My sleep schedule's messed up again. Plus, I was too excited to see you when you got back to sleep." You smile warmly, and Cross almost immediately feels as if Cupid's arrow had pierced through his heart again.
"I've..really wanted to see you too." His eyelights slowly shake until they shift into heart shapes, his cheekbones flushed with the beautiful shade of purple you fell in love with. You shift your position a little, holding his face in your hands. He grins, looking up into your eyes as he leans into your touch. Stars, he's adorable..
"Seems we can't get enough of each other, can we?" You grin, watching his movements. "..You're the person I love most in the world. Being able to see you is enough for me." He stares at you with adoring eyes, causing your face to heat up.
Averting your eyes, you stutter: "N-No fair, you're the one that's supposed to be all flustered." You pout playfully, only stopping when you feel his hand coming up to touch your cheek and leaning into it. He chuckles, replying with "You can't have all the fun."
Your eyes relax when they see his soften. In truth, you've never understood how he could always look at you like you're the entire world.. but you're not exactly complaining. You look at him the same way, after all.
His face flushes much more once he gets an idea, sitting up a bit more properly to face you directly.
"Can..Can I, um- ..well..you know?.." He mutters his words softly, and you fight every single urge in your body to squeeze him like a squeaky toy. "Of course you can, Cross." You reassure him, putting your arms over his shoulders.
He leans into you within seconds, pressing his teeth to your lips and losing himself. You smile into the kiss, holding onto him and savoring the moment as best you can. Feeling the way he relaxes in your hold, completely and utterly yours.. it makes your heart swell in your chest.
Your surroundings seem to melt away, the sound of your beating heart being the only thing you can hear. You could almost swear you can hear his as well, moving almost in sync with your own. You've been dating for a while, yet you still manage to leave each other breathless, even now..
After a few minutes, you break the kiss, needing to breathe. He puts his hand on the side of his skull, left a little bit dizzy. You chuckle at his reaction, squeezing him with a hug and pressing an overdramatic kiss to his cheek, making him chuckle.
"I love you." He speaks softly, holding you close. "No matter what happens..I always will. I want you to remember that, okay?" "Of course, Cross..I love you too. Always will, and always have."
You stay in each other's embrace for a little bit longer.
"Wanna watch a movie? It can be literally anything, I don't mind. Just to kinda chill and unwind to." "As long as there aren't cows, I don't have a preference-"
You snicker, standing up and looking through a selection of DVDs on one of your shelves, earning a frown from him.
"Don't laugh!" "I'm sorry-" "No, you're not!" He points at you, accusatory, as you put in one of your favorite films to watch. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that to you." You sit back down, leaning your head on his shoulder as the previews begin. He huffs, pulling a blanket over you both and moving his arm to be behind you, keeping you close to him.
"Oh yeah, by the way, Dream says Hi." You smile. "Well, tell him I said Hi too."
..You both fall asleep fifteen minutes into the movie.
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chillyfrys · 5 months
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ Hello
❥︎Can you do Sodapop x Male reader (where they were friends since grade School) (Soda has a lil crushy crush on the reader) (maybe or maybe not ask them for a hang out "date" and Soda confesses his feelings for the M! Reader?)
⭐ Take your time on it! Plz and Thank you!! ⭐
Sayin somethin’ stupid like “I love you”
Sodapop x Male!Reader
A good song to listen to while reading this: “somethin’ stupid” (Frank Sinatra) <3
(Ft Steve-)
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It was a crisp spring day, and it was sooo close to going home. The day had been long and Soda, Steve and Y/n were all exhausted.
“How much longerrr” Soda whined, leaning up against y/n. Soda always been more touchy towards him, but he didn’t question it just assuming Soda felt more comfortable with him. “Not much longer, few minutes” y/n said with a smile, he patted Soda’s lower back leaving his hand there.
“No PDA at the workplace Pal” Steve said with a snicker, Soda blushed and hit Steve with the rag he had. “We’re not- just shut up!-” Soda spoke up defensively, his face red so he buried his face into Y/n’s shoulder. He just laughed wrapping an arm around Soda’s shoulder.
God.. didn’t you know what you were doing to him
Steve cackled and disappeared into the break room, Y/n scoffed looking away he hoped his face wasn’t as red as it felt. “Hey- would you maybe wanna grab some grub with me..?” Soda said looking up at him with that famous movie star smile.
Y/n couldn’t resist not smiling back, or saying no (not that he wanted to-) “yeah! Of course” soda smiled and let go of him, running back in to grab his wallet and y/n’s keys.
-Small time skip~
The two boys were chatting together and eating, talking about whatever. Till soda cleared his throat, and chewed his Lower lip. “Hey- y/n? I gotta t-” Soda started but was cut off “Can I get you guys anything else!” The overly cheerful waitress said with a smile. “Uhmm we’ll split a vanilla milkshake? Please and thanks” Soda nodded to the idea “so what was you gonna say Soda?” Y/n said looking up at Soda with a grin that just about made him melt into a puddle.
“Oh!- uh nothin..” Soda muttered sipping the milkshake the waitress had brought out.
Some time passed, the day was coming to an end soon. The two boys were in the parking lot, walking in comfortable silence. Till Soda spoke up “so about what I was gonna say earlier..” this quickly grabbed y/n’s attention, he looked over and gazed into Soda’s eyes. Soda cleared his throat nervously “I.. think I’m in love with you” that’s it, he finally said it he’d been meaning to since grade school.. but now came the scary part
Your response. “I-I.. I think.. I love you too Soda” Soda couldn’t believe it.. you loved him too! He was ecstatic. Him and y/n pulled each other in for a hug, both smiling brighter than ever.
“Come on.. let’s get ya home, it’s freezin and I don’t feel like gettin an ear full from Darry if ya get sick” he said throwing his sweater to Soda, and putting an arm around him. “Yeah.. let’s go” Soda said looking at Y/n softly.
That night Darry had to hold soda down cuz he was so happy-
A/n: Thanks for the requests! they keep me busy ❤️. Reminder that I do Gender neutral readers! But I gots no issues with Male readers!
Hope you enjoyed<33
Love you all!💕
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chronicbeans · 10 months
Dreamcore/Weirdcore Wally x Reader
What a nice dream.
TW: Derealization, Scopophobia, Brief mention of Depression/Anxiety and Therapy
You remember this place... it didn't quite look like this, but you can still recognize it. The unnaturally bright grass, the various flowers, the strange insects and the sky that looks all too... blurry? You don't know how to describe it. Everything has an unnatural haze over it, so it might just be that and not the sky's fault. And the music! The cheerful music! It plays in the background, quiet, but still noticable, like you are in a show or videogame. It sounds so childish and filled with wonder!
You stand up from your place on a bench, brushing a few purple leaves off your clothes. The air is somehow both chilly and warm, with each gust that blows by having a different temperature than the last. You hear a familiar, sweet voice call out to you.
"Oh, (Y/N)? Is that you? Oh, sweetie, let me have a look at you!" A small plush bird skips over to you, looking up at you. She has no feathers, instead having a patchwork variety of bright colors to make up for it. You smile, picking her up and holding her at eye level. "Hello, Poppy! It's been a while, hasn't it?"
She flutters her felt wings, chirping "It really has! You've grown so much since we last saw you! Oh, how long ago was that...? You were just a small child, back then. Now look at you! You're all grown up! That might explain a few things..." She mumbles the last sentence, her button eyes blinking a few times, before she shakes her head and brightens up, again. "There's been a few changes around here! I guess you can say we've all matured a little while you were away. How about we go see Frank? He should be with Sally, setting up a play."
With that, you place Poppy on your shoulder and begin walking to Sally's house. The stage is right next to her lovely little home, so they should be around that area. As you walk through the dreamy neighborhood, you notice the eyes watching you. On the flowers, on the bricks that make up the path, on the trees, and on the house in the center of the neighborhood... There's eyes everywhere. You don't remember that being the case all those years ago...
Poppy let's out a chirping noise, before saying "Wally says that those eyes are that of somebody watching over us, making sure we are happy." Poppy kicks her legs, continuing "I think they are very pretty. They make the neighborhood more lively!" As you approach the house, you hear the sounds of a lady yelling out orders and an exasperated man replying to every sentence with disdain.
The stage comes into view, you see Sally dressed in her starry, purple overalls and blue moon shirt. Her head is made up by a ball of white light, which glows brighter while speaking. Due to having no face to make expressions, she waves her hands wildly whenever she speaks. Frank is a man with a multicolored flower for his own head. An eye is at the center, alongside a single eyebrow above it. He has always dressed in a very formal manner, with a black vest over a white dress shirt.
You wave to them, noticing how Sally glows a bit brighter than before. She speaks, her voice holding a dramatic tone of happiness "It's (Y/N), our lovely dreamer! I'm sure you remember me, the star called Sally Starlet?" You nod, giggling at her demeanor. Frank huffs, his petals perking up "Where have you been all this time?"
You shrug, looking to the side "Working. Growing up. I missed you all." Sally twirls, waving her arms excitedly "How has growing up been going? Some changes around here haven't been... the best..." Her arms slow down as she begins to slump slightly. "I hope things have been going better for you. Frankly does, too." You look between Sally, Frank, and Poppy...
You haven't been doing the greatest outside of this dream. In fact, this dream has started to feel more real than reality. Your therapist has mentioned that it could be your depression and anxiety that has been causing that feeling... How could you explain that to them?
You smile, laughing heartily as you say "Oh, it's been alright! Not much has been going on, really... I love my job and being independent. It's not as relaxing as visiting you all, though. I'm happy to have this time to take a break." Frankly nods, his eye crinkling to indicate a smile. "That's always great to hear. Be sure not to overwork yourself, alright? I'd be very upset if I hear that you've overdone it and hurt yourself one day." "I've been taking breaks. Don't worry." "Do you have any friends outside of our little neighborhood-?" Frank gets cut off by a noise.
You hear some footsteps behind you, causing you to turn around and see Wally walking over to you. His hair is a bright blue, a wide smile spread across his dandelion colored face. The large, blue, yellow, and red sweater is draped over his shoulders, and his red neck scarf is tied around his neck. Paint stains cover the sweater, making the smiley face embroidered on look like it's been painting, too!
The sleeves almost hit the floor as he walks over, covering his hands as he holds an ice scream cone in each hand. He holds out a cone to you, an ice scream of your favorite flavor, as he says "Welcome Home. I got you a treat!" He licks his own ice scream, which is a soft-serve apple flavor, causing it to let out an odd screaming noise. That's just what ice screams do, after all. You take the one he gave you, doing the same.
You grin, chirping "Thank you, Wally! How did you know I came to visit?" Wally tilts his head, saying "I saw you from the window of Home, walking over to Sally's." He then grins wider, continuing "You have a lot of catching up to do with the others. Not much has been going on in my life... I'm going to go back to Home. I just wanted to say hi and give you a treat." "Why don't you hang out with us?" "I'LL BE FINE ON MY OWN."
You flinch at the odd tone shift in his voice. You swear, he also seemed to change from a split second, almost like his body flickered to a different appearance. A flash of purple and black, followed by his normal self. Before you can ask about it, he's made a beeline to Home, leaving you and the rest of the group in the dust. You stand there for a second, staring at where Wally was in shock.
Poppy pats your head, before hopping off of your shoulder. "Wally has been like that for a while. It is nothing against you. He's been... he's changed the most out of all of us." Frank continues where Poppy left off "Frankly, he's been talking crazy. He's been talking about how none of this is real! I think he's lost his mind from isolating himself." Sally chuckles, adding "He'd make a great damsel in distress! Locked up in the great tower called HOME. The catch being that he's locked himself away! No witch, no dragon, and no curse! Just himself and his HOME."
You back away from the three of them. This dream is no longer comforting... it's uncomfortable. You quickly excuse yourself, saying that you want to go take a walk in the woods, on your own. Really, you just want to get away from them. What caused their sudden change in behavior? Why did they suddenly say all those things about Wally? Are they true?
Sitting on the edge of the forest, with the whispers from the woods acting as white noise. You try to figure out what to do. Really, you feel like you should've woken up by now. Usually, when you get this uncomfortable in a dream, you wake up.
Why haven't you woken up?
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superstar027 · 8 months
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I wish I could shine as bright as the moon. Sure, the sun is beautiful, but staring at it lovingly could burn. I wish I could be like the moon, admired despite its threatening shadow. I believe I am the moon. A moon in a constant state of eclipse. My sister burns like the sun; So shiny and bright I could barely compare. Meanwhile, I am the moon constantly in her shadow. Everything I did she could do better. She could be born with a healthy body, I couldn’t.
            The doctors said it was terminal; my parents told me they were lying. The hospital has been my home since I was 5 and there are no signs of that changing any time soon. To be honest, my biggest fear was dying here suffocated and alone. I wanted my life to end on a beach with the loud waves and wind crashing together to create a beautiful harmony only for me and my love to hear. I wanted the moon to shine brighter and stronger than before on that night. That’s how I want it to go. Want. Nothing interesting ever happened in these hollow halls. Maybe in the field or rooftop but I could only go there once in a while so it seemed very unlikely. That’s what I thought.
            A sudden loud bang of my door opening startled me from my sleep. There stood a man with hair that shone like stardust, and his eyes were like two big moons looking down on me. “I’m sorry I disturbed you from your sleep but could you please help me find my grandma’s room?!” His voice sounded of urgency. I knew then and there that I would give up everything if it meant he could shine. I hurriedly put on my slippers and my robe and we sped-walked all the way down to his grandma's room. Nothing could’ve prepared me for the sight of an old woman slowly struggling to breathe with her family surrounding her. She looked content. If I couldn’t die the way that I want, I hope it’ll still go like this. I closed the door after he went in hoping to give him some privacy while I sat on the bench near her door thinking about a more realistic way to go. The door suddenly creaked open revealing the same man with tears flowing down his eyes like an endless waterfall. He sat beside me holding his head in his hands in deep sorrow. In the spur of the moment, I embraced him. We sat like that for minutes, maybe even hours, before a nurse called me to return to my room. We locked eyes before I regretfully said goodbye.
            The next day, the same star boy came to visit me. He said he wanted to thank me for helping him find his grandma and that he was glad he could see her before she went. “I’m sure she was happy you were there before she went.” I said with a smile I could barely contain. He started visiting me more often after that. He said I was his ‘friend’ but were we ever really? With each frequent visit, we got closer and closer. I wanted him to be mine and mine only. I couldn’t share him, no. Please be mine, even if it’s a short amount of time, even if it’s childish and selfish! I’ve never wanted someone so strongly before! I couldn’t risk losing him!
            “Is this your sister in the picture?” He said holding a picture frame kept on my bedside. Why did he have to be so observant? “You probably think she’ pretty huh?” I asked self-degradingly. “Sure. But honestly, I think you’re prettier.” He said still observing the picture. “I’m not saying personality-wise but physically. You’re prettier. You have this beautiful spark and power in your eyes I haven’t seen before; and your smile… You don’t know how much your smile drives me crazy!” He said in such a beautiful admiring tone. This was it. I had to confess. I didn’t have time to spare. “I love you. You don’t have to love me back; I know the burden of it! But please stay beside me, just a little while longer!” I said with my eyes shut so tight. He got closer. Put his forehead onto mine. I opened my eyes and met his. “I love you too, please don’t ever say you’re a burden because that is far from it.” We smiled. Slowly, over time I got better! I could go on more walks. Go to the courtyard on the rooftop. I could even go outside! It’s like being with him gave me the strength to go on!
            Until it didn’t. There we were, sat on the beach. It was just like how I had imagined. The wind and the waves were crashing together creating a beautiful harmony for me and him to listen and enjoy. The moon was shining brighter than ever before, it was calling out to me. “I’m sorry I loved you…” I mustered out slowly struggling to breathe despite all the air surrounding us. “I know you must be feeling tortured right now.” My words were met with silence. “Please don’t apologize. Our love is not something we should regret but something we should cherish. I love you, and although I’m sad to see you go; I’m happy you get the chance to be free. Please wait for me up there my love.” He said while I held his hands while my head laid on his shoulders. These were the words I was waiting for. I can go happily now. “Goodbye my star…”  
With that, I joined the moon and the stars. Dancing freely, shining happily. I go down to the beaches sometimes to meet with my love. I’m so glad he can look upon me without getting hurt. He knows that I’ll be waiting here patiently for the day our star-crossed souls can reunite once again.
Izuku Midoriya.
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goodstories08 · 2 years
Steve Randle X Male Reader
Request: Yes @shamelessloverhairdopainter
Description: Steve Randle, the God of war, chaos, and battle strategy was one of the elites. They were the most well known and powerful Gods, the Gods that were always surrounded by their followers and sex slaves. Having riches that no man could even fathom, But as time went on the gods slowly married off leaving Steve all alone. He had many options but none of them caught his eye, until he met Y/n. A kind, loving, and thoughtful person who Steve new would be his.
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“You may now kiss the bride,” The officiant yelled aloud, his left arm raising high above the crowed from the stage he stood on. Darry leaned down and sealed his lips with Skylar, the lucky lady who was now married to the God of leadership and strength. “Too bad you’ll never be able to “kiss the bride” Stevie,” Sodapop whispered earning a grunt from Steve, who rolled his eyes as Soda turned toward Sandy and kissed her sweetly. “Shut up, and get a room,” he muttered.
You see for the longest time the gods had never settled down, always “getting around” with different women and sometimes men, but after one of them found love it seemed all of them did. Steve was there the day Soda brought Sandy home, his best friend found true love and felt like he was stabbing him in the back. Eventually he realized he was just mad at himself, mad that he wasn’t the one up on the stage filled with flowers kissing his lover. He simply wanted to settle down after centuries of partying and doing dangerous things.
The sound of music played throughout the field, couples danced in each others arms, spinning around to the energetic music. Steve stood on the side watching with envy. If only he could be dancing with a person he loved. He had thought about what he wanted for a long time yet he still didn’t fully understand what exactly it was. He just hoped that the right person would help him realize that.
Lost in his train of though he accidentally bumped into someone, they fell toward the floor. Luckily Steve caught them, gazing into their eyes until the shorter male finally spoke, “Oh I’m so sorry, My name is Y/n.”
Steve felt something inside him, something different that he had never felt before. “Y-yea, and I’m Steve the…,” he paused, contemplating to either tell Y/n who he was or not. “The what?” He let out a little giggle causing Steve to blush, “The great.” He decided to wait and see how you liked him first before he told you how he was a God. “Cool, Steve the great,” Y/n smiled, Steve already pinning over the mortal, “Yea.” He starred into his eyes, “You wanna meet up some time?”
“Like a date,” The shorter male said while coming closer, Steve falling even more in love as he took in his sweet scent. “Y-yea I guess.” He mumbled feeling nervousness for the first time in a while. “Sure, you seem different,” he said before walking away, Steve’s eyes following Y/n’s but. Steve jumped at the sound of Darry’s voice, “Hey Stevie.” Steve turned and smiled and the groom. “Hey, and nice wedding. Just be prepared for mine soon.”
Darry chuckled a bit, “Why you found the lucky lady…….. or guy?” Steve’s cocky smile was brighter than ever, “No. I’m the lucky one here Dar.”
Y/n lay on the picnic blanket Steve staring at his beautiful face, “What?” Steve smiled and let out a small laugh, “Nothin just looking at my beautiful boyfriend.” Y/n rolled his eyes and snuggled up to Steve’s strong arms. The beautiful night sky was only illuminated by the moon, the stars twinkled, and the evening breeze sent a chill down Y/n’s spine causing Steve to pull him closer.
“Ahh, Steve I can’t be any closer to you,” Y/n said giggling as Steve kissed his forehead. “Oh but I can,” Steve said in a flirty tone, while cocking an eyebrow. “And what do you have I mind.” Y/n questioned as he straddled Steve’s hips.
He felt something like his but, “I-I didn’t mean that, but I’m not mad about it.” Y/n got off and Steve got on one knee, “Will you make me the luckiest guy ever and Marry Me.” Y/n’s eyes water and he opened his mouth to speak but stopped. “Steve, I need to tell you something. And I feel that this might not be real.”
Steve stood up slowly and looked into Y/n’s eyes, “What do you mean?” Y/n sighed, “I lied about who I was, My mom is Aphrodite. The god of Love and beauty, So I’m her next of kin and naturally I have an effect on people… A-and I feel like our Love might be fake or forced. Everyone that fell for me, I could never know if they really like me or it was just faked.”
Steve didn’t know what was happening at the moment, his boyfriend just confessed that he was practically a God as well. “Our Love could never be faked. I love you for you and I probably should tell you something too,” Steve paused allowing for Y/n to wipe his tears, “I’m a God too.”
Steve looked to the floor as the silence spoke for them. They had both been lying to each other for months now. “So… say something please,” Steve begged. Y/n grinned and held his hand out, “I would be happy to be your husband.” Steve’s serious face filled with excitement as he picked up Y/n by the waist and kissed him before sliding the ring on his finger. “I want you so bad right now,” Y/n moaned causing Steve to grow harder. “Oh really my love?”
The wedding bells rung aloud as Steve stood waiting at the alter, his smile enough to light up the room. Behind him stood Sodapop, of course as his best man.
The music played as Y/n stood at the other end of the isle. “Mom, what are you doing here?” Y/n turned as his goddess mother held her hand out. “To take my son on a little walk.” Y/n smiled as a tear formed in his eye, “Thank you mom.” The crowed watched as Y/n and Aphrodite, the god and goddess of beauty walked down the isle in beautiful outfits.
As they reached the end Y/n walked up the small stairs and reached Steve. “You look hot.” I chuckled a bit, “My moms here.” Steve gave a small wave to her before he turned back to me. “Stevie you look sexy, can’t wait for later tonight,” Y/n says causing Steve to straighten his posture, trying to remain normal looking. “Just wait.”
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
💝 Gifts To and From💤
Shōta Aizawa x Gender Neutral Reader Part 3 2 1
I really enjoy do these and this time it’s for Aizawa! I took a different approach this time. A more emotional one that I hope makes sense. Leave a comment or ask for which character would you like next! The numbers above should bring you to the past ones I’ve done! Thank you all for the support! 🤍🌸
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Aizawa is not a big fan of presents, like really not into materialist stuff. He has you, Eri, Shinso, his students, and his family- the staff.
If he does buy you stuff, it will probably be more so comfy stuff. Like a wool shawl(or sweeter) for your shoulders on those chilly mornings you go outside with Eri. Trying to help her escape from a nightmare. He’s caught you wrapping her up in it too, having Eri lean into your side while you both sit on the front steps. You calmly tell her about the stars and planets till she’s able to fall asleep peacefully.
Or maybe he’s buying you some sturdy, soft, warm boots for those morning/evening walks you’ll take with Shinso. Where he talks about random stuff in school since he can’t sleep but can’t stand staring at his ceiling anymore.
But he rarely buys you jewelry after the uh incident. Yeah, that ring got returned once he realized he has no real clue what to get you in terms of jewelry.
But Aizawa and your main focus on gifts is not a physical thing, it’s a concept. It’s time. Good quality time. His life is mostly hero work and his students. It’s a gift to have time with you. And you him. Even if it’s just the two of you reading. Or having your legs over his own, while you both do your own thing on the couch.
He’s also kinda sentimental: your presence in his life is his favorite gift.
He finds it to be a gift whenever you get an actual gift for Eri. That melts his heart more than anything. To watch you care so much for his daughter- for Eri. When you come home, holding a new doll or a candy for Eri. His heart damn near melts.
He loves to watch you sit down with Shinso and just chat. Or watch him play games. He knows you know a secret about some lould blonde his son- Shinso has told you.
His favorite memory is of you learning new braids for Eri. But you wanted it to be a surprise so you didn’t practice on her, instead, you practiced on him. He would sometimes come into school with very intricate braids. Strands of his black hair sticking out every which way. But damn was it worth it for you to just play with his hair.
His students call you the Weaver FWI. And they freaked the fuck out when they first heard of your existence.
Your Home Screen is of him and Eri with matching braids. Her bright smile seemed to be brighter than the sun. In the background is Shinso, holding one of the cats up to the camera with a lazy happy smile.
You get him books, and pens and you help patch him up and take care of the bruises he comes home with. You look for tea to help with his stress and pain when you can.
You two don’t look for random stuff, just stuff that can help each other life better in your crazy world. Sometimes gifts can be books and other times just essential items.
You both have gotten each other bandaids- for the sole purpose of being used on other people.
And you both love that fact.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Chicago | Renji Abarai x Reader |
part two
author's note: the song in this fic is called Chicago by Highly Suspect! very good song and very good band that i recommend 🫶 also, this is that other au i had thought of the other day haha
pairing: renji abarai x fem!reader
warnings: au, angst, lost love, renji-centric
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A ring of smoke is pushed from Renji's lips as he leans against the balcony railing. He's home for once, and he remembered almost instantly why he hates it so much— too big, too empty, too quiet. It's the near polar opposite of his usual daily shenanigans, and the twinkle of one particular star, the one that shines brighter than all the rest, has his chest clutching a fierce vice over his heart.
"Baby, I met you in downtown Chicago." He sings quietly; he can't count the amount of times he lost a song this way, neglecting to write down what comes to his mind when inspiration surges. But this one has always been different, with each lyric stuck and a melody he's never cared to write branded ever since his downtrodden feelings and regrets guided his creativity to it in the first place.
He glances over his shoulder to his mansion, and he takes another puff from his smoke as he heads back inside from the cool, airy night. The piano in the foyer calls him, and who has he ever been but at the mercy of the music? There's an ashtray on the piano that he doesn't remember leaving behind, but it's convenient and he doesn't question it as he sets his cigarette down and ties his red hair up.
Renji's never been much of a social media user, usually leaving it to the band's team of publicists to make the majority of his posts— but he can't help but start a live video after setting his phone atop the piano, silently hoping you'll be watching.
Would you be? Do you even follow him, after all the years and the way he broke your heart?
"Why am I fucking up so bad?" He says to himself, staring blankly at the piano keys. "What am I even doing?"
She's not watching.
"When am I ever gonna learn what it is she already knows?"
And he hates the lump in his throat, despises the way his eyes blur for just a moment. He's on camera, self-imposed at that, and yet he wants to cry his eyes out for a love he lost through his own actions. It's all his fault, always was. It was never over the money or fame— no, those he could do without. But he had to follow the music, and it was just something you could never understand.
Before the pause gets too long and his agent could send a SWAT team to his house and intervene, Renji's fingers begin to move over the piano keys. It's not entirely confident and he's certainly playing with the melody for the first time, but he's able to find a stride in mere seconds. It's in his natural born talent and the skill of being a musician for so long, and he manages to find a sliver of pride for himself in all of this.
"Baby, I met you in downtown Chicago. But I, I had to drive away the very next day. So I flew your pretty ass to New York City. Then I… I left you in L.A."
The song isn't much more than him plainly spilling his truth and regrets, perhaps from the lack of actually writing it down and trying. And if that alone isn't an allegory for how he treated your relationship, then at the very least the irony isn't lost on him. He could've tried harder, could've walked away…
He said he'd lose himself if he didn't keep going. You said you'd lose yourself if you went with him. Maybe you were both selfish. Or maybe you were just smarter than him.
Yeah, you definitely are that.
Renji feels it but he can't brush away the tear on his face, and fuck he's gonna get some shit for this one. Unrehearsed song and it's clear, it's late at night and there's no way in hell you'd be watching, for fuck's sake it's about two a.m. in your time— if you're still in Chicago, anyway. And now he's crying on camera, his smoke has fizzled out and he's as sober as ever, no blaming any drugs on this one. It's too raw and it's too much and it's too fucking bad that nobody will ever understand his reasons.
He should've stayed in Chicago.
"So it's another late night out here in California. And I'm, I'm burying my pain into somebody else. And now you're back at home living with your mama, got my first record sitting on your shelf."
The somebody else left him sometime ago too, and he can't find it in him to blame her or even miss her. She knew as well as he did that she wasn't much of a replacement that could fill his heart. And all he did was laugh when he'd come home from a tour and the house had been wiped out of the pretty things. God, he's an asshole.
When the song's finally done and he can stop making a fool of himself, he picks his phone up and swiftly ends the live, chucking his phone into some direction and heading upstairs to bed with all the lights left on.
Renji's in Chicago again a few months later, on another tour and the band's genius, asshole agent whipped his vulnerability into a positive and now it's a single that he performs every goddamn night. Might as well go ahead and commercialize this pain too, he thinks to himself before each performance. Maybe one day it'll make it hurt less, and he'll be numb to it.
There's no fault in hoping, but he knows better than to truly believe that.
He's doing his best to be incognito as he walks around the city, with a hood up over his fiercely colored hair and sunglasses on his face despite the dreary, cloudy sky above him. There's a café with outdoor seating nearby, and he nearly breaks his expensive sunglasses when he sees the waitress tending to an elderly couple on the patio.
You're still here, and you're a waitress again.
His heart's in his throat and he wants to scream, to run for you and hold you again. His eyes burn with sudden tears and then fuck, you see him too. His legs are moving and then he's jogging, and you're tentative but you're moving towards him too—
"Baby!" His voice cracks and he reaches out his hand to you.
"Renji…" Oh he could cum right now at how sweet your voice sounds his name out.
There's so much to say and he wants to say it all… But there's those telltale screams again, the ones he tried to avoid. And you know them just as well as he does, and with that the moment's lost. You shake your head despite his drowned pleadings of "No, no, no!" and walk away as he's surrounded by adoring fans that are ecstatic he's come to their hometown, asking relentlessly for autographs and if he's performing Chicago tonight—
You spare him a merciful glance over your shoulder before you go back inside, and when you blow him that kiss…
Renji realizes you were watching him make a fool of himself on that night after all. And for just a second, he'd made you a hopeful fool again. But nothing about reality has changed.
He's gonna keep following the music, and his manager's gonna keep spinning the fruit of that painful decision into profit.
And you'll still be in Chicago, failing to forget him.
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I'm Nobody, who are you?
stars guys i really wanted to have a thing done for this because ;-; its my tiana prompt
but life decided to fricking kill me
so here
enjoy this
whatever tf it is
Just the basic plot to some sort of fic i'll never write in all its entirety, ig ;-;
Tam Song is a love at first sight kind of guy. He sees Biana, and it's over for him. He's a fool, he's never not been a fool, and it's so odd, in his head, how his cheeks burn and his mind starts screaming.
Biana isn't the type to fall in love instantly. She'll love, instantly, because she's a person who thinks that you can love everyone, if you try, and she wants to show everyone that Vackers can be kind, not just beautiful.
But the thing is, Tam figures Biana out pretty quickly. She's the invisible child, and he gets it. Stars, does he get it. His parent's eyes always slipped past him and his sister, like they were one person, interchangeable, purposeless. So he sees a girl who fights to be seen and his mind instantly thinks, She's just like me.
And it's kind of dumb, he knows, but Biana doesn't care. She smiles at him brighter, and he makes a choice to hang out with her, to overcome the nerves that blister in his chest, to fight for the both of them, to love as much as he can.
They start dating in secret.
Of course they do, because neither of them want the consequences of dating out in the open.
Biana's parents would throw a fit, she whispers, one night, as they walk around Lothlorien, the forest city, hand in hand, hoping no one will recognize them. Tam answers that his dad would never let it go, make him break up with Biana on principle.
So they don't tell anyone. Why would they? They're happy, content, and fine as they are.
They sneak off to different places, but no one in their group is the wiser. After all, Sophie's sure that Tam's got a massive crush on Biana, but is too embarrassed to act on it.
Keefe knows they're dating. You can't lie to an empath, and he's insanely good at picking up cues.
And it's good. There's a safety in it, a gentleness.
They're kids, you know, so it's not super serious. They're taking it super seriously, though, as all teenagers do, with their most important relationships.
Biana lies, constantly, to her family, keeping people in the dark.
Tam tells Linh the truth. Someone needs to know, and Linh smiles, softly. She tells him they make a good pair.
The years pass by, war wages on, and they stay together. Through scars, through kidnappings. They hold each other's hands when they get the chance, in battle, and pretend like it doesn't destroy them to have to let go.
The first time they kiss is when Biana pulls Tam's hood back from his face and holds his face until she's sure he's alive, and as soon as he wakes up, she kisses him like there's no tomorrow.
Tam holds her like he's scared to let go.
"Don't do that to me," she wept, pulling back, "Don't you ever die on me, Tam!"
"I'm sorry," he answers, softly. "Didn't mean to scare you."
She kisses him again, and it's all a blur, on the burning battlefield.
"Uhm," said a voice, from behind them, "You two ready to get out of here?"
Shocked, the two turn and see the entire crew staring at them.
And there's a sort of terror that settles in their bones. Because behind their grinning and laughing friends, dusted with smoke and kissed with blood that didn't belong to them, Alden's behind them, and Quan is somewhere, and it's going to be so hard to explain this, and it's never going to be the same as it was.
They get up, quietly, holding hands, tight as they possibly can, their grips so tight they shake.
And they go home.
They let go at the last possible moment, clinging to the hope that they won't have to say goodbye.
Alden sets his hand on his daughter's shoulder, and they leave, first.
He gives her a talking to about matches, one that echoes in her head, richochets through her mind, about how she can never ever be someone other than what he wants her to be, and when she sits on her bed, her hands shaking, she wonders if she'll ever be free of who she is.
Tam hails her, later, and laughing, a little hysterically, tells her that his dad was actually super excited about the two of them together, because maybe it meant that he'd be going places, and doing something legit with his life.
And it's just a bit much. Everything's a bit much. Biana cries, and Tam asks if she's okay.
"My dad reacted exactly how I'd expected," she whispers, into the imparter. "There's no way this can end well."
Tam is quiet, on the other end. After a long moment, he asks, "Do you want to... break up?"
If you listened, quietly, you might have been able to hear Biana's heart shattering.
"I mean," Tam says, "If you can't date me, and you don't want to like," his voice shakes, a tiny bit, "deal with it, and you want to break up, that's..." he trails off, painfully, "I don't mind."
"You don't mind?" Biana's voice is a whisper.
Tam is probably crying. But Biana isn't sure. "If it's for the best," he says. "If it's for the best, and it's what you want, I'll be... I'll make myself be okay with it."
Biana is quiet, for a long, long, long moment.
Tam waits. He always waits. He never makes her fill the silence, never makes her be more than what she already is. She loves him, she loves everything about him.
It's that stupid, naïve thought, that makes her say, quietly, "I don't want to break up with you."
He exhales, sharp and hot, and his voice is trembling, slightly, when he says, "Really?"
She nods. "Yeah. I want to love you for as long as I can. Maybe forever. I don't know. But I can't stop loving you yet."
"But, your dad---"
"He'll have to deal with it. Since when does he---" she exhaled, sharply. "He doesn't care about me until I do something wrong, anyhow. I'd much rather love you than care about what he thinks about me."
Tam chuckled, a little bit. "Here me out," he said, then. "We keep dating in secret?"
"Tell them we broke up. And just. Keep doing what we were doing?"
Biana blinked. "That.... that could work."
Tam snorted. "I'd like to be able to shout that I love you from the tops of the roofs, but if you want to avoid it. I'll sacrifice shouting to the world if it will make you happy."
Biana sighed. "You're too good to me," she said.
"Hey," he said, "I definitely am not. You deserve much more than I can give you."
"But I don't want to be loved by anyone but you," she said, softly.
Tam exhaled, slightly. "I don't know whether to be flattered or concerned."
"Both is good," she said. "And I don't want to date in secret. It's only gonna get worse from here on out."
"So," she said, softly, "You're my boyfriend. We're dating. Let the whole world know."
"Okay," Tam said, softly. "Okay," and then he leaned close to the microphone. "I'm dating Biana Vacker," he told her, very seriously.
"That's not very effective," she said, "You haven't---"
"You're my whole world," he said, a stupid grin on his face, and her cheeks lit up.
"You're silly," she said.
He grinned, "Because I love you." He kissed the camera lens, on his phone, and then glanced at his door. "I think that's my father. I've got to go. I love you," he whispered, again.
"I love you," she said, louder than he did. His whole face lit up.
He hung up, and the world was quiet.
Biana went to bed, and stared at her ceiling, knowing that everything would be okay, as long as Tam was on her side.
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highcourts · 2 years
well my name is star, your highness! i'm still so honored to be here and learn of your lands. i look forward to hearing not only the accounts of this lands' history, but what greatness awaits it as you continue to rule. what is it like to live in the diamond plains, or in the ornamented castle? what is it like to serve in such an prestigious and respected court?
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"star... as in starlight, i assume. " he left no room for argument, for if he thought your name was derived from the term starlight — then you should too. a smug look adorns his face from the amount of praises you sang in your short time of talking. what a good human you are, knowing your place.
below him.
"living in the diamante palace is not as eventful as you think, little mortal. although it is indescribably beautiful, it's equally boring. i am constantly swamped by duties – you. wouldn't. believe. " he complained, smoothening his hair. "the same goes for that court of mine, such pretty faces yet such austerity. they forget their place." unlike you my jewel.
"living in the diamond plains is different for each citizen. i will be speaking as the prince of this nation, a prince soon to ascend to the throne & receive more power than i have ever had before. therefore, a privileged perspective." he continued. "to live here means to live in luxury. it's rare to see homeless people in these parts as most of them are housed by nobles in exchange for their service, but it's even rarer to see orphanages – as most children are taken in by nobles. they all love children you know." his tone faltered at the mention of orphanages, but he picked himself back up —
he had.. he had always loved the little ones.
his children, more so. but still, he had always loved the little ones.
as he babbled on more and more about his kingdom, there was a sparkle in his eyes that got brighter as he talked about the shine of the icicles hanging from each home, and how almost each home had residents yowling with laughter -
to be able to better his kingdom, even as a prince , not a king.. to be able to see his kingdom improve and grow , to be able to see the smiles on the children running through the grass. to hear their laughs, to hear them playing.
to be able to have given them somewhere safe to play.
that was his biggest accomplishment.
sooner or later, jesse went silent – resorting to simply walking with you through the kingdom. yet no one could miss the relaxed smile on his face.
it was then he spoke up.
"the children here should be given a life in which they are safe & happy. i have taken it upon myself to ensure that."
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hi star ! hope you don't mind i used this to give jesse some more character -- he's such a softie for children, no joke.
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enochoxide · 1 year
This is a bit of an old work but whatever im posting it anyways to revive this account, Foxnoch is a ship (?) of ocs between me and my friend @minbomoment (GO CHECK OUT HER WORK ITS SO GOOD) which Enoch belonging to me and Fox belonging to her, they are the light of our lives frfr, anyways enjoy ig ???
🏷tags: Fluff, oc
Feelings, they were always such a strange and confusing concept to Enoch, something he never really considered as important or necessary for him to experience, he did spend most of his time either digging graves or experimenting with the corpses that he found within, so in his mind, who out there could ever feel something for someone like him? and could he ever feel the same way?
And so he sat on that hill, the wind whirling wistfully around him as it swirled in his hair, his dark eyes watching the streets below, the few people he could see were retreating to their homes for the evening, the sun was quickly setting, birds happily singing their songs to signal the end of another day, as Enoch briefly looked around in the dim light, he soon saw a figure approaching from the distance, squinting his eyes for a better look it was soon clear who was there,
Her vibrant blue hair and gleeful walking brought relief to his mind, even with the low light of the moon he could see her bright smiling eyes looking to him, he wouldn't admit it but he did love her smile, along with the way she laughed, the way she closely watched him whilst he studied, he found it all so endearing, so cute-
“There you are! I hope I didn't keep you waiting!”
Her cheery voice rang out to him, halting his train of thought and breaking him out of his dissociation, Enochs scarred lips vaguely curled into a smile as he looked up to her,
“Not at all, don't worry, Im just glad you're here”
His hand reached to softly pat the grass besides him, beckoning her to sit with him, taking a seat besides him and setting down her bag, Foxtail joined him in watching the quiet streets below, although it seemed strange to sit in silence with one another at first, they soon found it comforting to simply be besides each other, they found that their company was enough to fill the need for conversation,
Enoch’s thoughts had soon begun to spiral again upon watching her with tired eyes, to him she was just a friend, wasn't she? It was something he had been questioning for a while, it occasionally got in the way of his experiments as it drew him to wonder what it was he had been feeling, he could gather that it wasn't a bad feeling at all, nothing like a sickness or anything of the sort, rather it made him feel warm? Well perhaps not physically since he was incapable of it instead it felt like a warmth deep inside of his chest, it seemed to ring out whenever she got close, whether it be when he was carelessly reading over his alchemy notes with her or if she was peering over his shoulders as he was testing potions,
What was this feeling? He could never tell for sure nor was he sure he ever would be able to, asking her might not be the right choice either, taking the risk of scaring her away was not something he intended on doing, does she feel this strange warmth too? He could only ponder the thought for a moment before daring to test his theory, raising his hand besides her and placing it softly onto her hand, he was maintaining limited eye contact with her to spare himself some embarrassment, but to his surprise, instead of retracting her hand or protesting, she took it in hers quietly and giggled softly, content with holding his hand as they both turned their attentions to the stars shining above,
The night sky glistening in the reflections of her eyes as Enoch looked to her, the stars effortlessly highlighting their depth and loveliness, he couldn't help but simply stare in awe at how enchanting she looked, that warmth from within his chest burning brighter as she turned to face him, unaware of his wavering smile Foxtail brightly exclaimed about her lovely the stars looked, he tried to pull himself together as he nodded in agreement, though all he could think about was that he liked her more than them,
“So, you still planning on pickling me some day?”
He humorously asked, watching her eyes squint as she burst into laughter, taking a moment to gather herself Fox playfully punched his arm,
“Who knows, we'll have to wait and see”
She teased as Enoch scoffed jokingly and squeezed her hand, neither of them had seem to notice how long they'd been holding hands for but nor did they seem to mind, that was until Fox slyly smiled in Enoch’s direction, swiftly taking both of his cold hands in hers, fox pulled him up and began to spin, cheerfully giggling watching him stumble around as he was helplessly made to dance with her, he soon found his footing and raised her arm to twirl her in a circle, she resembled a ballerina from a music box in his eyes, her beauty surely reminded him of such,
There it was again, he thought, that feeling, it was stronger now than it had been before, seeing her gleefully dancing was enchanting in its own way, he soon found himself watching her as she moved with such energy, of course looping her arms with his, with the exchange of a warm smile Enoch then threw his arms around her with a brief chuckle, spinning the pair of them around in loops, their dizziness soon caught up with them as they then collapsed to the ground with one another, Enoch hastily throwing out his arms to catch Fox as she fell besides him, the both of them now laying underneath the starlight sky as their laughter filled the night,
Enoch was no longer unsure of this feeling that he felt when he was around her, and now he knew for certain that he wouldn't want to trade it for the world, in his rotted heart nothing would ever replace seeing her smile, hearing her laugh or dancing with her beneath the moon and stars, nothing.
He thought to himself, before placing a brisk kiss on her forehead, and continuing to watch the stars for the blissful hours that followed.
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mauannacreates · 8 months
Flufftober Day 4: Cinderella Moment
Hi everyone...! So far, I am on a roll with flufftober (but also a bit late from usual time, because I did it a bit late and got a bit too invested into this.) So this event is by @flufftober and I had so much fun writing this. So, I hope you enjoy this!
Today, the inside of Alalingamor Kingdom is has lots of people talking… People partying. Some drinking, some talking… Most of them are occupied. I go and tap on the side of Braedon’s shoulder. 
“Hey, follow me.” I whispered, and he’s glanced around at the other people, before he gives a nod, and I grasp my hand onto his as he walks outside of the corridor with me. And we walk through the sandy stone walls that is void of people, as our steps are the only one that eches within the corridors.
That is… Until we make it outside. It’s sand trails throughout the light flowy night, as Braedon stares at me with a quizzical look. And I grasp my hand onto his. 
“Brae Brae, don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with going outside in the middle of a desert night.” And his cerulean eyes stares at me. Like really stares at me. And his head gives just the slightest nod as I lead him through the sandy walls, with pointy and prickly agaves standing at a distance every so often. Then, aha… I twist to the side of the castle, where there’s the frequent columns coming through us. 
“Jules, where are you…?” Braedon started to say, when I twist towards him.  
“Trust me, it’s nice.” I said. And he gives a slow nod as I keep on leading him. “I wouldn’t say it’s a full on paradise, but it’s a lot calmer than in the castle.” 
“Even with the cold?” He said.
“Yes, even with the cold.” We keep on going until we are at the back of the castle… And the cactus’ spreads across the deserted field, almost as if it’s waving to us, and the moon, glimmering as bright, if not brighter than the starts that sparkles in and out of the dark blue sky. 
I glance towards him. It’s dark, but with his eyes looking down towards me, I couldn’t help but give a smile. 
“How does it look?” And he glanced ahead to the view, the tuft of his hair waving with the air, before he faces towards me. 
“It’s nice.” The sand shrivels through as I peek a glance at him. Now really looking at him, with the bare creases striking his face, He looks around the same age as me. And I twitched myself a smile. 
“Hey, I hear at Pyrocast, they make you do all the best dances.” and I fling my hand towards him. “Do you want to dance with me?” And his brows raises. This has totally caught him off guard. But there’s the slightest of flutter tremoring within… Almost as if it’s fluttering against me. And with how his smile twitches to a grin. He gives a breathy laugh. 
“Why shall I dance with you of all people?”
“Because you look as beautiful as the stars glimmering upon thine sky…” and his eyes widens, as he steps back. And I take a step towards him. “Or, shall it be ours for the night?” And his eyes are searching throughout me, as if he’s trying to read what I’m doing. But I grip my hands against his, “Dance with me, Braedon.” 
The night stands long as the bugs chirps throughout the night. And Braedon, he… He grips my hand onto his, our hands slowly intertwining our hands together. My heart aches against his dark as we start to move around together. Like the sort where we’re clinging onto each other and it’s like somehow, we’re the only ones within this sandy place. Twirling, and a smile starts to grow on his face… But from the flutter and shaky tremors shaking upon my heart, I bet my smile is at least three times as wide as his. Even if his smile is somehow catching me into a cage and really just wants me to admire it from afar. And his eyes… God, his eyes are like deep blue seas, I really wonder where it’ll take me… maybe within the depths of it, it’ll eventually show his home, and what it’s like to be actually living there. 
And then, we eventually come to a stop. And Braedon… He’s… He’s gracing the side of my face. His hands, I thought despite it being big, it’d be hard. But it’s actually so soft. And his eyes flickers down around me as I feel his body lean closer towards mine… And then, his face… He’s leaning forward towards me slightly… But then… He’s pausing half way…? I give a chuckle. 
“Braedon, this is how you do it.” I said, even though I have no clue on how it’d work. I lean towards him, and I meet my lips with his… And it’s as if my stomach jolts and flutters all at the same time to his touch. My lips, pressing against his, to the flowers of it all jostling together into one. I distance myself from him as I started to laugh. 
“Jules, you really find this funny.” Braedon said, “You really find it funny!?” And he ends up going to a spiral of laughter too. One that echoes within the starry night. And gosh…! Who would think that I would feel this happy with someone as princely as him? And come on, just hold a deep breath… Smile.
“Yes,” Don’t stifle…! “It’s very…! Hahahaha!” And I really couldn’t help myself, the laughs beating against the side of my waist. And the humor in seeing his ears twitch back, but still holding a smile as he goes and shakes his head side to side. 
“Talamor…! Stop it!” Braedon says, “Dad’s still at the otherside, and–”
“He’s not going to know.” I say, and the bafflement on his face. That is, until the corner of his lips edges up. 
“Oh, shall I kiss you in front of him, and then, he’ll know.” And my face, is starting to heat up. Kissing Braedon… Infront of all of those people…? And he gives a laugh as his arm hoists to the side of me. “Let’s go, Jules. We don’t want to cause too much suspicion.” And I give a brief nod. 
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If you guys are interested in looking into some of the other prompts that I have done from the previous months, check it out here:
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wondernus · 2 years
hello!! I'd like to request a junhui fic cause I need to settle my brainrot :>
yn keeps getting gifts (whatever choice) sent to them at work with no note or anything attached so they are determined to find out who it is, and without any lead yn starts to send themself gifts to see if that will rile anyone up, and low and behold a certain moon junhui starts acting a little weird
(I hope that was descriptive enough I wanted to leave a lot of room for your own imput!!)
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a/n: bestie...have you seen his gym selfie? like please sir 🤲 one chance 🤲 please give me one chance 🤲
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little flowers. the tiny clover flowers that grow in the grass. you'll never see their different colors and variations if you don't take some time to stop and bend down to look at them. but you don't need to because every day there's already a tiny clover flower placed on your desk. most days it's white, but some days there's a purple clover flower. some days it's a white one with the prettiest pink petals dispersed around the bud. you like the way the flower feels when you run your pointer finger over its tiny petals, how there's the faintest smell when you bring it close to your nose.
as much as you appreciate whoever is placing the little flowers on your desk every day, it irks you to not know who is giving you the flowers. the flowers are much too small for your other coworkers to notice you're receiving them at all. therefore, you think it would be much too obvious if you send large gifts to yourself so you do the same thing. when you go home one night, you rush to your supply closet to find the long strips of papers with the origami paper you've abandoned years ago and write tiny messages on the back of them.
when jun places his draft on your desk, he notices a tiny folded paper star on the top of your monitor. you're currently away so he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny pink flower and places it right next to the star. he's sad it's a little wilted but he likes how comforting it is to see them after he lays on the field next to the track after doing his morning jog. he’s not that great at expressing his feelings, sometimes too shy to even talk to you. he thinks if you see them, they’ll make your day a little brighter.
however, a few days pass and you still don't know who keeps giving you the clovers. jun is also starting to become more and more stressed because he saw how surprised you were when you opened the stars. he saw a few open strips on your desk - love notes. they were confessions from somebody else.
you notice him staring a couple of times. you're not sure if jun is staring at you or if he's deep in thought or even simply staring off into space. one thing you know for sure is that he's quieter than usual. the two of you barely talk to each other, but it seems like he doesn't even want to have anything to do with you. instead of giving you an awkward greeting before handing you his files, he quietly sets it on your desk and walks away. and it sucks bc you think he's super interesting/sweet and you really want to get to know him better (+ he's totally your type). so when you drop off his corrected files on his desk while he's away from the office, you notice a ton of tiny cat drawings doodled on his scratch paper. there are also some tiny cat figurines placed around his desk area. you come up with an idea.
although jun looks completely calm and collected on the outside, jun is fumbling with the small (probably crumpled) clover flower in the front pocket of his hoodie. you came to work early today and you haven't left your desk. this means he has no way to give you your flower. he hears you talk to your co-worker about having to work overtime tonight and he practically gives up, slumping onto his desk. he's silently screaming, but in the corner of his eye he sees a tiny origami cat hiding behind one of his gachapon cats. it piques his interest, and he sits up and holds the tiny folded paper in his hands.
you've been watching him ever since you heard him practically slam his head onto his desk. you see him holding and studying your origami cat, a tiny smile on his face but he's still visibly stressed. you see how the cat has a positive effect him so you quickly fold another one using one of your sticky notes before you return his files to him. you think sacrificing your origami cat secret identity is worth it if it means you can make jun's day a little better.
when you finally approach his desk with his files, you clear your throat to catch his attention. you hand him his files and he receives them and gives you a nod as if to say thanks. he places the files down and immediately goes back to working on his computer. he notices that you're still standing there and raises his head to look at you. you reach into your pocket and pull out a tiny yellow cat with a little smile drawn on its face and place it next to his mouse. you don't say anything else and walk back to your desk.
now it's your turn to slump onto your desk. giving him another cat didn't evoke any new reaction out of him and you basically ruined your secret for nothing. it was an utter failure of an attempt. but a soft voice calls out your name and you look up to see jun. he places a note on your desk with a clover flower attached to it:
sorry it's missing a bit of its petals today. if you're having a hard day, I hope thinking about the flowers can cheer you up.
it's signed off with one of his tiny cat doodles. he sees your cheeks flush red and he smiles to himself. his cheeks begin to blush too.
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