#either they'll be honest about everything and lay it all out there
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Noah saying, "I don't think Mike likes Will back" doesn’t equate to him not knowing about byler being endgame, and here's why.
Noah and a majority of the main cast have been given a rough idea of how the show will end, broadly in terms of the entire story, but also more specifically in terms of their personal character arcs.
Actors are out here acting. This is nothing new.
Any of the the main cast insisting they have no idea how the show ends at all, are lying. This is because their safest bet is playing dumb.
There's nothing safe about them revealing they know how the show ends, least of all to an audience that is dying for any spoiler they can get their hands on. It just puts them in a position to have to think very carefully about everything they say, which is something they already have to do regardless.
It's a lot easier to just say you don't know, because then you can give vague answers or even just flat out lie and get away with it, as opposed to saying you know and then having everyone take whatever you say as gospel since you admitted to knowing what's coming.
David is pretty much the only actor who goes around explicitly saying that he knows how the show ends, which is something he's been doing consistently since s2 premiered back in November of 2017.
Something David has also mentioned on a few occasions since then, is how much input the Duffer's let him put into his character. He's literally praised them for having a collaborative process, because it allows him to play Hopper more authentically.
And so yes, I do think it's safe to assume that the Duffer's extend this approach to their other cast-members as well, at least among the main cast-members. I do not at all think this is some exclusive treatment only David gets, because this seems like more just something the Duffer's do out of respect to the actors. How else can they expect them to portray their character accurately if they don't know what they're going through or what their motives are or what's right for them going forward?
We obviously won't know all the details about who knew what at what times or how long they've known certain things, until they themselves come out and reveal after the fact, if they even do it at all.
Still, I do think that when it comes to byler actually happening, it's going to be very satisfying for fans who saw it coming.
This is because we're dealing with something the Duffer's are predicting a good portion of the ga will be bitter about, with the main argument at the forefront being that Mike and Will came out of nowhere.
And so, how do you think they're going to combat that?
With the literal proof.
They have David, who has been used happily as their main scapegoat through the years, whose words are literal proof that things were planned for quite some time. We have him saying all the way back in 2017 that there are easter eggs in the first season which we won't understand until the end, how it's beautiful and surprising and it will explain why certain characters acted certain ways...
Not only that, but there's just no way people are going to be able to use the whole 'it came out of nowhere' argument (at least without looking like idiots), because we'll have the Duffer's themselves out here confirming shit like blue meets yellow in the west and other theories that were entirely intentional (as we predicted).
And because of this, I think I can guess roughly how things will go moving forward and it's honestly already panning out in some ways I expected.
Because while season 4 ends in a way that seems to be leading towards Mike and El ending up together from the perspective of the ga, there are numerous details in the subtext and just outright in the literal text that's trying to tell us this is not actually the case.
And so now the Duffers and everyone who knows are in this limbo of tricking their audience in plain sight, hoping to keep this act going for as long as they can, and that's obviously not easy to do.
What I think makes it most difficult is that they want to surprise fans, but they also want them to be satisfied and happy with the ending.
And that is why the whole Milkvan straight bait is indeed very near its end.
If they want ST to live on as a cult classic with rewatch value, they can't keep this straight bait going on into the last season.
They'll want Mike and El to definitively give off platonic elmike for s5, with byler being endgame and Willel being wonder twins.
This is why Mike and El's dynamic HAS to blatant in a way that will come across as platonic to the ga in s5. And the shift needs to be immediate, otherwise byler will not be satisfying.
I feel like a lot of bylers already predict this, which is why a lot of us assume that the milkvan breakup with happen (or be acknowledged as having already happened) as early as 5x01 or 5x02.
Honestly, I do think that Will's painting being plastered on merch recently was one of the big moments which is representative of a shift we're already seeing start to happen. We're going to continue to see milkvan be promoted as elmike, while byler is being promoted in a way that is, well byler.
What I think is most noteworthy in terms of how they're approaching this conflict going forward, is how the actors themselves have talked about it when asked.
For example, there was one Con specifically that I remember Noah attended right around when Vol 2 dropped, where he mentioned byler at least 3 times. Two times when asked and one other time unprompted.
And no one ever talks about this, but full serious you guys, it was dead silent at that con whenever he mentioned byler. There were maybe a few hoots and claps, with Noah literally looking kind of worried. It was obvious he noticed the silence the first time it got brought up, and so he felt the need to mention it a second time when asked about what he shipped and then AGAIN, with a note of defensiveness in his voice:
"Byler is just, at it's peak right now, okay, so definitely ship that--"
And while in the background, all you hear is maybe 2 bylers supporting him, otherwise, it's mostly crickets...
Let's try to remember that while Byler is a lot bigger now undoubtedly, unless you're active online, most of the ga does not see it coming. And so byler is by no means fan-service. If anything it's show-runner service.
This means Noah had literally no obligation that day to go all out with referring to byler in a positive hopeful light, nor does he still. And yet he did and he hasn't slowed down much since.
His approach makes sense. Because his character has been revealed in canon to be in love with the other, he can freely say he ships it and even take the opportunity to hype it up in an attempt to open peoples minds to it, who might not have considered it before. And he can also do this because in canon, Will assumes Mike doesn't love him back, so Noah can just co-opt Will & the ga's assumption that Mike doesn't feel the same, and get away with it, without anyone whose close-minded giving it a second glance as evidence.
If they wanted to avoid queer-bait and get people to not look at byler that way, they had the chance to. A majority of the ga didn't read byler romantically and so they could've just kept things casual by not bringing it up, nor humoring it at all.
The byler tag didn't even hit 30k followers until AFTER vol. 2 dropped! Most people were oblivious (including bylers).
Undoubtedly, Noah in particular around that time, was a big part of why people started to look deeper on their own and it's how a lot of people ended up here, now with 277k of us.
Like seriously, listen to me ya'll, Noah would NOT put himself in a position to broadcast his support for byler like this and the Duffers would probably be begging him not to, knowing he would be subject to a lot of criticism in doing so, if byler was not in fact where the story was going. Point blank, period.
His tweet "vol 2 got me shipping byler over everything' has to have been the most obvious stunt of all. He was not saying that to be quirky or to appease a few thousand people, he was saying it to wake up the hundreds of thousands that might be open to it, and who just need a push to see what's right in front of them.
Then we have Millie's approach. Her approach for a long time has been to say stuff that she thinks the audience wants to hear, that being anything pro-milkvan. And up until Vol 1, she was still mostly on board with referring to it in a super positive light.
She also insisted during s4's run that she has no clue how the show will end (lies, Millie is a good actress pls give her more credit), and this also explains why she's tended to feel somewhat comfortable lying about milkvan positively...
Though as Vol. 2 neared and ever since, a shift has started to happen, where in interviews Millie is getting a lot more into depth and real about El's personal arc. She mentioned right before Vol 2 dropped that El was insecure in her fight with Mike at the start of the season because she thought he only considered her a superhero and didn't see her as more than that.... Then more recently she has doubled down saying that she is her own superhero, having been shaped a little too much by the men in her life.
Honestly, even though I understand they are trying to trick people into thinking they're clueless and so I guess I'm happy for them that they've succeeded in that, I can't help but admit I feel a little disappointed upon hearing some bylers say that they are convinced Millie doesn't know, but that Finn does and even Noah does, but that she's entirely in the dark about it and that they're okay with this I guess?
First of all, why would anyone be okay with that? Why would we be okay with Millie not having insight into where her character is going. What, do you guys think they're just going to pull up on her at the last minute like, "yeah sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but this is where your character is going to end up. anyways back to byler!...."
I don't care, it would seriously be fucked up to keep her in the dark about this because El IS important to the story and Millie, just like everyone else, deserves that closure so that she can understand her character better and therefore perform to the best of her ability. She also deserves a say somewhat in where she feels her character should go, just like David has said the Duffer's afford them.
Now lastly, when it comes to Finn, I think most assume at least he is aware of byler, and I do agree he knows, so let's start there.
Again, we don't know when they found out and so for now I don't feel like going too far into guessing the exact point and so I won't. However, I do think that Finn also as of late has had an approach that manages to somehow be very different from both Noah and Millie's, and for reasons that also make a lot of sense.
Because Finn's character is assumed to not return Will's feelings, he has to be more careful than all of them. This is arguably why he goes to the least cons out of everyone (most recently everyone attended a con in person, with Millie present over zoom even, but no Finn or Noah... seems very intentional at this point).
Why I think they need to be more strict with Finn in particular is because he's in the exact opposite situation as Noah.
His character is assumed to not return Wll's feelings, and so he can't go very far with what he reveals. What we've got up to this point is actually quite revealing enough as it is, which is why that's all we're getting for now.
What I find interesting is that Finn's approach is quite similar to David's. I know Noah is known for spoiling things, but arguably Finn is just as bad, he's just a lot more sneaky about it. He has a harder time lying, which is why I think he actually looks uncomfortable when asked milkvan questions. Not necessarily because he doesn't ship it like lots of bylers assume, but because he's having to dance around and lie outright and he probably feels bad.
His most common approach though is that he likes to make jokes and say things that could be looked at from multiple perspectives, where it could be looked at now as milkvan evidence, while simultaneously being looked at from the future as byler evidence. Him saying 'I think everyone knows how Mike feels about Eleven' was him quite literally gaslighting the audience just like Mike did with El in s4:
'I care for you so much" "I say it" "You know how I feel about you--"
But do we? Do we really? Or does the audience THINK they know, and so Finn can get away with saying something cryptic and vague like that? When really, in the future, everyone will be laughing looking back because to Finn and all the cast, it was actually abundantly obvious Mike's feelings for El were platonic and his feelings for Will were romantic.
Same for his response when asked if El and Mike would be together and happy in season 5. He dances around it, doesn't deny it, but also doesn't confirm it. Instead of just being like yes they will (which is what we're being led to assume is inevitable at the end of s4, and so he has no reason to dance around it), he starts by deflecting, talking broadly in terms of the stories overall ending, only to say he hopes they find happiness... Again his answer fits with the ga's assumptions now, but it also fits with the surprise of byler in the end as well.
Also important to note that Finn and Noah are the ones to repost about the show most out of everyone from the main cast. A LOT. In fact, they were the only main cast-members (besides Brett LOL) out of everyone to repost about the episode title name for 5x01 being released on ST day...
And it's because THIS is their character's big revelation going into the final season and they had a say in it going this direction. Even if it's what the Duffer's wanted all along, they still gave them and everyone to an extent, a say in things. And now that it's all slowly happening, they are front and center standing by that decision, because they insisted they could do it and wanted to.
I can't say for certain that things will just be smooth sailing from here on out though, by no means is everything just going to shift completely.
There is still undoubtedly this element of the Duffer's and everyone wanting to have the pleasure of tricking the audience. In an industry where everything that happens is usually expected and predictable and therefore rarely exciting, and with an audience that is always figuring stuff out before their supposed to through leaks and stuff, byler is something they have finally been able to successfully trick most of the audience to think will never happen. And that is fucking impressive when considering the heaps of evidence.
And yet still, they don't want to be yet another show that is considered to have a bad ending.
So, going forward, I think things will continue the way that they are, but we'll slowly see them be more comfortable in this element of acknowledging endgame in a way that will be easy to look back on positively when everything is all said and done.
Because if byler is endgame, IF they want people to look back and go oh Oh OH during all those moments where they misread things, but now they can see the other side of it, there needs to be more of an approach that gives Byler equal playing field and allows the ga to actually start to appreciate it and even want it and root for it. Which means buh bye predictability and heteronormativity and hello surprises and gayness (but also be open ended about it so the homophobes will stay tuned until the last second).
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itsgxsly · 1 year
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Summary: Carlos is yours, you know it, but you don't know if you're ready for the rest of the world to know it.
Pairing: carlos sainz x reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1263
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You knew that falling in love with a famous Formula 1 driver came with its consequences. Let no one misunderstand you, you had no complaints about your relationship with Carlos, he was just the perfect man. Brown eyes that looked at you as if you were hanging the stars from the sky, his dark hair that gave him a princely air, his broad body well shaped by those daily hours of training... He was perfect from head to toe.
And clearly you weren't the only one noticing that.
You were warned that many fans praised Carlos all the time, in every instagram photo or on twitter or any other social media. You were used to that for a few years now and it didn't bother you. But even so, there were certain specific moments in which unfortunately, you could not avoid the slight pang of jealousy that was inevitable in you when one of those fans or some other woman got closer to your boyfriend more than what seemed appropriate to you.
You didn't distrust him, of course you didn't, but it was hard having to hide your insecurity seeing those girls so close to him and not being able to do anything. Because therein lay the problem. That you couldn't act or say anything about it. Because nobody knew anything about your relationship with Carlos Sainz.
It had been your idea and Carlos had respected it, you didn't want to be attacked like many of the WAGs were and he didn't want to see you in that situation either. So you were known to the public and the press and could be said to be close friends, but nothing more.
It was frustrating and if you were honest, it made you feel insecure at times. Like now. You had no reason to envy the group of women that surrounded Carlos in that nightclub during the party celebrating the first race of the season. He was yours, you wanted to convince yourself of it. But what if he preferred something else?
Maybe one of them was better than you. Maybe Carlos would enjoy be with her more the with you and she wouldn't be so reluctant to go out in public with him.
All those thoughts that flooded your head left you slightly dizzy along with the noise and lack of air with the crowd of people. You needed to get out of there for a while to clear your mind. You smiled briefly at Pierre and his girlfriend who were standing near the private booth, indicating that you were going out. In your rush you didn't even notice Carlos following you as soon as he saw you move. The Spaniard hadn't taken his eyes off you all night, the desire to get close to you filling his head, but he had to hold it, both of you had made it clear that you wanted privacy.
When you arrived at the entrance of the club, a blast of cold air greeted you at once. You appreciated it at the time. You took a few deep breaths to relax, but a pair of warm hands on your waist made you jump and turn around quickly. You sighed when you saw who he was, but your concern returned when you realized that Carlos was right there with you.
"You scared me" you reproached him.
"I'm sorry, cielo. It was not my intention” he replied, letting his hands fall from your body. You almost complained about the loss of touch from him.
"What are you doing here?" You didn't really think that Carlos had noticed that you had been out for a few minutes.
"That's what I wanted to ask you," the Spaniard told you. “I saw you leave in a hurry and I got worried. Everything is alright?" He raised a hand that went to your arm, stroking it with his thumb.
"Yes, yes, don't worry. Everything is alright. You can go back inside, they'll be waiting for you” it wasn't fair that you reproached him for that, after all he wasn't doing anything and you were the one who wanted to continue in private, but even so, jealousy made you act like that.
Contrary to what you expected -that Carlos would get angry and go back inside- your boyfriend just laughed. A low, almost wry laugh. You looked at him confused without knowing what the laugh was coming from.
"cariño, are you jealous?" He asked you and it almost seemed more like a statement. He knew you even more than you knew yourself. He knew you were jealous, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.
"No" was your resounding answer. You didn't say more, you just turned your face, hoping that by not seeing him you could put up with your lie. Clearly it didn't go very well for you at the moment when his hand grabbed your jaw to make you look at him.
"Don't ignore me" His tone, although it was soft, made it clear that you had no other choice. You swallowed and let him pull you closer to him placing his other hand on your waist. Now almost no space separated you.
"Listen to me, I don't know what you're thinking or what has made you jealous" you went to interrupt him again to deny that, but the look on his face told you not to. "As I was saying, I don't know what happened, but whatever you're thinking, get it out of your head, mi amor" throughout the speech, his thumb caressed your jaw, almost close to your lips.
You sighed before briefly explaining yourself.
"I'm sorry. I don't like being jealous. I was the one who wanted our relationship to be private and you agreed with me and yet I am getting angry with you” it was not fair that you blame Carlos for your jealousy and for your decision.
"No need to apologize, cariño. Those are normal things” he reassured you.
“I just can't help it. All those girls who are always around you. It makes me think that maybe one of them could be better for you than me” you made a childish pout and looked at the ground, too embarrassed to be able to look at Carlos.
Carlos raised your face again with the hand that was on your jaw and when you were looking at him, he gently kissed the pout of your lips. You went to continue the kiss, but you remembered that you were still in public.
"Carlos" you were alarmed. "someone could see us"
"Well, let them see. Let them see how I love my girl” it actually didn't sound so bad to let the whole world see you only if you could keep kissing Carlos.
"Look, let's go do something, okay?" You nodded listening to him. “We don't have to suddenly announce this, but we can make small strides. Soft launching. We could start with you coming to the next race by my side."
"Carlos, I go to almost all the races of the year" you laughed.
"But you have never come as my girlfriend"
“I don't think appearing directly as your girlfriend in the next race counts as soft launching” you laughed again. "But we can do that and see how things progress"
"I think it's a good idea" Carlos kissed you again and this time you didn't think of moving away from him. “And I don't want you to ever compare yourself to anyone again, mi vida. You are one in a million"
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Liked by charles_leclerc, reyesvdec, and 7,394 others
carlossainz55 time to recharge energy for the next race
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beabeemu · 1 year
Just Us
Sakusa kiyoomi X reader
MSBY! Player sakusa. CEO reader, RICH reader, Timeskip! sakusa. Warnings: Cursing, hints of jealousy. FLUFF. Sakusa being a cutie patootie
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It's been over 2months since you two got engaged, and to say that it was hard to plan a whole wedding by yourself was an understatement. But not wanting to disappoint him, you didn’t complain, despite being busier then ever, you knew not to make him worry during their game, especially when he was in the middle of this year’s season. 
It seems as though your laundry list of things you needed to do never ended, and it was harder when everyone just HAD to have allergies to certain foods/j 
So having to come up with a menu that applies to everyone was hard. Plus the flowers, the seating, the venue, and 99+ more were tiring you so much that you found yourself getting buried in paperwork at your office, managing your own company wasn’t that easy either. 
But alas, your angel of an assistant was there to suffer with you, having to contact a million numbers just for some specific thing is hard to keep track of. 
Despite your life– as of– now being a living hell, at least you get an hour of happiness every day. It was when you and kiyoomi would call each other. There wasn’t a specific time  for your calls since your timelines were different, and  with him going from one country to another because of his competitions, he would often call and see you in various situations, doing work, feeding your guys cat, eating dinner (and he would buy his own so that you can eat together<3) or organizing you a hell of a wedding :) 
“Are you busy? I can call later if you want” 
“No, no, it's fine I needed to talk to you anyway” 
It was nighttime now, and you were in your home office, looking at the ginormous list of names that were *luckily* invited 
“Since when did know this many people? This list just keeps on going” 
“I dont know, ask my mom, she’s probably responsible for it” 
“Well, her son who she never expected to get married IS getting married so…” 
“Oh yeah?” he said teasingly 
I laughed at his reaction, I continued checking the list, my phone was on a stand in front of me, and he was in his bed laying down, it was probably late in his timeline cus it seemed that he was the only one awake. 
Then just like every night before I go to bed, I replay everything that happened when he proposed.
It was 1 week before he went off to a different country, his games had already started and now that they’d won, they’re gonna advance to the next round in a different country. 
And THIS was the last thing I expected 
He was down on one knee, holding a velvet box with a beautiful diamond ring. 
I said, he quickly slipped the ring on my finger and immediately hugged me, my feet living the ground. 
His logical explanation on why he proposed NOW was:
“Because I want that, when I get back we would just get married and then we’ll be off to our honeymoon with no distractions” 
Which was a pretty thought-out plan, to be honest. 
which leads us back to now. 
"What else is on your list?" 
"Well, starting from 1, I need to figure out the menu, I don't know whether to have a buffet or just make it all the same" 
"How about the buffet, so that they'll have options" 
"Yeah but there's the allergy thing we need to consider" 
"How about we have the people ask the waiters what's included in the food so that they'll just avoid the ones they can't eat" 
"I guess" 
"Or how about we just avoid them altogether? Let's just use ingredients that they can have and find alternatives for the ones that they can't have" 
"Yeah, I guess that could work, but I'm worried about the chef though… I might give them a hard time" 
"Babe, that's their job, whether they like it or not, they still need to consider other people's needs and conditions, have you already hired a chef?" 
"No not yet but Emma (her assistant)did send me a list of 5-star chef's all over the world, she organized them from the ones who offered their service and those who were available, she even added their prices, most of them are private chefs for celebrities. "
"Good. Send me the list and I'll take care of it. And do you have a list of food that some of the guests can't have?"
"Yesh it's right here- wait, did you say that you'll handle it?" 
"Yeah, I have a weekend off here so don't worry about it"
"But what about your training? It's fine I can handle this, It's my day off tomorrow so I'll probably finish it by then-"
"No, that's final. I know you're tired and you can't always be just thinking about me, you should take care of yourself too. I don't want you to get sick, you don't want me to fly back to Japan would you?" 
"It wouldn't be so bad…" I whispered, silently hoping that he'll hear it
"But not for the right reasons" he glared at me, he's not dropping this is he?
"Fine I'll send you the 2 lists later" 
"Good" I guess he was satisfied. But hey, at least I've got two things off my plate 
"Also send me the kinds of food that you want to include, ok?" 
"OK, I'll send you them now" 
I took a picture of everything and forwarded it to him 
"Wow, this is a big list of names" 
"Yeah, she wanted it to be full of information about them as much as possible, she even added some reviews of past works" 
"And are you sure that they are ALL available? "
"Yeah, Emma confirmed with them all last week, and she has them on standby now"
He just hummed and then yawned. I took that as a sign to end the call
"Hey, let's continue talking tomorrow, you look tired, I don't want my soon-to-be-husband sick." 
"Well we'll be sick together"
I laughed and we said our goodbyes 
Today was the day, I was finally gonna buy my wedding dress, and kiyoomi was gonna come home in one week, which means our wedding is near, we set our wedding 2 weeks after kiyoomi's arrival in japan, which was more than enough time for kiyoomi to finish everything that he needed to do for the wedding. 
I was most excited about kiyoomi coming home. 
My mom, my sister, kiyoomi’s mom, and Emma were with me to buy a wedding dress. 
Kiyoomi had insisted on me using his card, – black card–  and after a few minor arguments, I caved in. Plus who was I to deny him? Right? 
Maybe I can get him to use my card for his suit, I'll mention that to him later hehe
I had asked omi if he had any specific style that he wanted or at least liked me in, but he just told me that I can buy whatever I want… which wasn't that helpful tbh 
"Now come on dear, what kind of dress do you want?" My mom asked her eyes wandering off as we walked into a room that had a sea of white dresses. 
I've never really put much thought into this… I always just put that thought aside thinking that I'll just buy something that I like, but I didn't know that there was THIS much to choose from, we're gonna be here for a while….
"FINALLY" I half screamed in the dressing room as I looked at the dress that I was fitting, it was more than perfect. Not too big, just the right size. 
( I can't describe clothes that well… you can imagine any dress you want) 
But not only does it look pretty, but its price is also pretty too, with a lot of zeros too. Hehehdhehehdhe
Today was the day, my omi was coming home today, and my excitement was on the same level as a child. 
I Drove to the airport, and I was now waiting at the front of the arrivals lane. 
The wedding was still not finished, I still had a cake tasting I needed to attend. Maybe omi and I can do that together <3 
he should be out of there by now…
I checked my phone in case he messaged me something. Nothing.
Then I saw a few more people walk through and every person that walked past that lane made me anxious, just imagining it, seeing his handsome face walking towards me, after 2 months, he was finally here. He won't be an ocean away, he’ll only be a moment away. (comment if you get the reference heh heh) 
As more people passed, I was starting to wonder how many people were fitted in that plane….
Then I finally saw some familiar faces. 
“Y/N!” I saw a familiar orange-headed midget. I waved at him as he ran towards me, soon followed by bokuto, who followed Hinata’s screaming, who was soon followed by atsumu. They all ran toward me, which made me wonder where was their other teammate. 
As they ran towards me all at once, I had trouble seeing the person I came for. When they neared, I finally saw him, the love of my life. 
With a woman in his arms. 
I went silent, I’m not the kind of person who was to get jealous easily. But seeing HER hugging MY MAN before ME????????!?!??!!?!??! 
Ohh, oHH she must have a death wish, My excitement getting drained out of me I focused on the ones who chose to come to ME FIRST rather than some fan, and don’t even tell me shit like “It might be a relative” NO, I KNOW ALL HIS RELATIVES AND SHE IS NOT ONE OF THEM. 
“HEY! HEY!HEY, Here’s the bride-to-be, HERE is a gift, it’s from France” Bokuto said as he handed me an expensive-looking bag, I took it from him and hugged him, He hugged me back. A little bit too tight. But so fucking what. 
“You didn’t have to you know”
“Yeah, yeah just take it” atsumu and Hinata then shoved a paper bag similar to bokuto’s. I just shrugged and it seemed that they wouldn’t leave me alone if I don’t accept.
“Long time no see Y/N” I heard a voice say in front of me, I looked up and was faced with a familiar face, more precisely a former shiratorizawa player. 
“Wakatoshi…Hi, I’m glad that you accepted my invitation” 
“Yeah, didn’t have a reason not to so…”  
“Your presence is appreciated” I smiled at him, and he nodded and then said his goodbyes. I watched him walk away, just like that day…( If you haven't already noticed, Ushijima is your ex)
I was lost in thought that I didn’t notice my fiance walk towards me until I felt him reach for my hand. I snapped out of it as he pulled me close to him. 
“Hi, love…” I heard the others bid their goodbyes, now it was just the two of us. 
Everything seemed to disappear, my jealousy earlier? Gone. The slight trance I was in after seeing wakatoshi? Gone, the myriad of people walking around us, gone. It was just the two of us, and that was something that I could get used to. 
I wrapped my arms around him, something that I’d missed doing. 
“Are you nervous?” she handed me my bouquet. It was here, the day that Ive been planning for ws finally here, it was only mere minutes away. And kiyyomi was acros the room waiting for me, as he had always been. 
“Ready?” I nodded, then they opened the double doors revealing the beautifully decorated church, flowers covered the ceiling, and hundreds of pairs of eyes were on me, but mine were only on one. 
He smiled, something that doesn’t happen often but was always rewarding when it did. That’s why he only let’s me see it. 
As I reached him, with my father and mother on both my sides, my father handed me too him. He pulled me close,his lips met my temple, he held my hand, not wanting to let go. 
We did the ceremony, we said our vows, and it was finally here. 
“You may kiss the bride” 
He pulled me in and cheers roared behind us, but everything seemed mute, there was no one else in that church, just us. 
And from then on, it would always and forever be, Just US. 
your likes and reblogs are always appreciated!!!
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truly-morgan · 7 months
[A|B|O, Ω!Saitama reacting to α!Genos]
GenoSai | One-Punch Man Omegaverse 06-01-2023
[some #genosai + A|B|O] I kinda prefer alpha Saitama
But I've been thinking about Omega!Saitama whose omega side has always been more muted and/or dormant.
if anyone looks at him just for a moment they'll probably assume he's a beta with the built he has.
His scent isn't very strong nor does he really release pheromones. He looks very out of place compared to most omegas.
Plus, he's never really struggled with his heat, they have all been mild at best and somewhat annoying too, but nothing like what he usually hears about.
He doesn't attract Alphas that much and doesn't really care about it to be honest, preferring to just do his hero work, read manga and watch tv.
And like everything else about his instinct, he doesn't necessarily retract or submit when alpha gets mad at him, he easily growls back to their faces and fights.
Then Genos appeared in his life.
Never before had he struggled with an alpha's scent and pheromones, yet here he is, being affected by Genos. And maybe it's similar for Genos.
While no one else really smells Saitama properly, Genos sure does so.
I imagine Saitama getting horny because of the pheromones Genos lets out, trying not to let it show so as to not make things awkward because its hard to do when Genos can smell him just as much or when he's starting his heat and suddenly he feels more sensitive and hot than he's ever felt before, hiding in his bathroom as he doesn't know what to do, Genos worried on the other side of the door.
Maybe Genos slowly tries to court Sensei because of course he already loves Saitama and wants to help him out. Maybe on the first heat that hits him so hard Saitama allows Genos to comfort him with his scent, just laying down with him doing nothing, cuddling.
I just love non-traditional omegaverse, and wonder how it would be for O!Saitama who lived his life so far without really caring about his dynamic, only for it to be harshly triggered by Genos for some reason.
The way he slowly warms up and opens up to Genos for things he's never needed before (and never thought either that an alpha would want him anyway)
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Also ALSO with the ask about player being massive:
I'd think it takes a LOT longer for the player to get hungry compared to them im talking days longer
And that also means that when they do the boys usually have had anough time to collect food/resources cause lets be honest they (deimos) probably has offered player grunts as food and player just went "alr then" and like the day you get hungry hank goes out along with player and has this smug 'signature look of superiority' face and kills like a whole AAHW building and just combusts at every word and compliment towards him
And that also goes with sleeping
When player slept for the first time in nevada the employers were like "OH GOD IS IT OK?!?!!?" And then rationalized "oh yeah sleep thats a thing that happens"
But imagine the boys
You just picked a spot and layed down and haven't gotten up for 2 days. They're going INSANE until doc calms himself AND the others down and explain about the good old "big things do stuff on larger scale"
This was a fat one sry 💀💀💀
You're probably right about this, though now that I think about it, it could also be because of a difference in Nevada's day/night cycle too. You could get a day-long mission done in like fifteen minutes to an hour in your reality, so wouldn't this mean that it'd take a very long time for you to get hungry or tired? Either way, the boys would have a lot of time to get food and water for you if this were the case.
As for what they bring, I also agree with how you've probably at least tried eating actual grunts before, just because it's the most available "food source" for you. Though it'd definitely puzzle you a bit as to why the boys were so unfazed about offering their kills for you, like don't they feel weird about this at all? You're literally eating members of their species right in front of them? But no, they actually don't dislike this arrangement at all, in fact you'd say they're almost enthusiastic about being able to "provide" for you this way. Being able to both take out your enemies, get you something to eat, and get some of those compliments and grateful words of approval in the process? Why wouldn't they feel comfortable with it?
Though, do expect this to make them a lot more competitive when they're out on missions (if that's even possible). It's now a contest about who can do the most for you, and surely if you see how they can cover all of your needs themselves, you won't think it's necessary to have anyone else as your vessel, right?
For sleeping, it's more startling to them because it's so unhealthy for people to be up or sleep for days on end. Startled is actually an understatement, it panics them. The first time you went to sleep like normal they expected you to be up the next morning, maybe a little later cause you needed your rest. But you didn't. Not for a whole day. Or the one after that. Or the next two, only awakening after almost four days of deep sleep. The boys were freaking out after the first twelve hours, worried that you'd somehow gotten sick from Nevada, or perhaps there was an injury they weren't aware of? God, what kind of vessels would they be if they let something happen to you? And even worse, it's not like they could exactly ask you if something was wrong. But then Doc realizes that "oh, they're the size of a building. Of course they'd need more energy". Which honestly only calms them down somewhat, because the other three were still rather skeptical of his reasoning. He didn't know anything about humans or their anatomy, what if he was wrong? But then you actually wake up and everything's fine lol.
When you're awake, they'll constantly watch you for any sign of exhaustion and try to persuade you to sleep at least a little bit when they see anything. You could just yawn out of boredom and you'd have the four of them trying to get you to lie down and take a nap. (Which is really funny when they're so small, ngl). They just want you to be okay, so you humor them sometimes. It's the least you could do after worrying them whenever you sleep in for a while longer.
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-Mika and Asriel's romantic displays aren't that extreme to be honest. They're happy being semi-vanilla in their relationship where they can just be passionate, romantic and loving instead of Full on Kinky, which if you ask me suits their relationship better. They'll make-out, tongue and all, but they still appreciate the finer details about one another. Their sensitive spots, their ticklish and needy parts.
-Mika's sensitive parts are their stomach, their neck, and their inner thighs. Asriel's claws tend to guide themselves there mostly, where his claws will play with either their stomach or their inner thighs, whilst pressing slow and edging kisses against their neck. "I love you, Butterscotch. It's just us tonight, just let me love you.." are samples of words that could be exchanged. Just holding them to his chest and keeping him pinned there to let him mark his teeth and lips into the skin.
-Asriel's sensitive spots are his ears, also his thighs, and his upper chest. Where the tattoo's of his 'heart' align with his middle chest. Mika will give Asriel attention there. Showing how devoted they are to him. Petting his ears, even nibbling them a bit whilst rubbing their hands against his chest and nipple area. "Azzy.. you're so special to me, I love you, baby. I don't want to let this night end.." Are something that he'll definitely say to Asriel. They just want to appreciate one another's company and touch.
-Asriel loves simplicity in everything. Mika doesn't mind it either. Asriel's your typical 'romantic scene' boy. Candles, flowers, acts of devotion and gifts. They'll even cuddle one another in the royal bathhouse all to themselves when it's quiet in the castle and everyone's gone to bed. Mika'll straddle against Asriel's lap and lay their head against his chest, listening to it beat. Sweat slowly setting into their pores, but they don't care. Mika loves the way Asriel's wet fur is against their skin. They'll just relax, let the sounds of the rushing water into the pool of marble around them. They'll stroke one anothers skin. Asriel's claws tenderly rubbing their back while Mika's cheek nuzzle's into their chest, their fingers tracing his 'tattoo's'. They feel like skin, even if it's tattooed into his fur. Strangely like ink. But, they're funnily enough more as markings then tattoo's I guess.
-Their kissing is methodical. Guided. Desiring. Their faces both flustering at this point in a dark pink heat. Eyes closing to just let passion guide them. No words needed to be said. About this point, you could say the souls are starting to come out to play above them. Their souls are linked together. A feeling that comes out tingly and makes their body shiver. But, it's a moment of trust and security. They didn't have to worry about anything hurting them. They love and just want each other. Their lips pull apart, glancing above to see Mika's dark blue soul and Asriel's dark grey soul. Mika giggles.
-"I guess they love each other too." Mika points out, with a amused laugh following Asriel. "They do, they're our truest selves. Look how connected they are. They share a space together. Not of danger or battle. But of our love, hm?" Mika nodded. "I always like looking at my soul. It's.. so pretty of a shade of blue. Though, my favorite color is purple and orange." Asriel laughs again. "Is that why you specifically requested your robes to be those colors?" Mika giggles. "Why? It's like a sunset. It's.. pretty." Asriel purrs. "Not as pretty as you, Butterscotch." Cue Mika being more of a flustering mess. "Azzzyyy.."
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Leaving Havenspoint
Pairings: none
Warnings ⚠️: Homophobic Parents & town
Word Count: 1,341
A/N: Havenspoint is basically a wild west town with no phones or TV!!
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Y/N's Pov:
I always wanted to know what the outside world was like from this fucked up town called Havenspoint. I've been living here my entire life and if I'm being honest it's the most boring place ever. The only fun thing about it is my four horses Stardust, Moon & their two fouls Dusty & Sugar. I was sitting in the barn leaning against Moon while, she was laying down next to Stardust. Dusty and Sugar where laying down on either side of me with their heads on my lap.
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The thing about this town is if the towns people find out someone is part of the LGBTQ community they'll immediately kick them out. I lost my best friend because of it and she was bi. I was reading a book to the little fouls about spirit who was a horse. They seemed to love it because they kept on nudging me. "Y/N dear there you are" I heard my father and I looked up to see him walking over. "What are you doing in here" he asked with a frown. "I'm just reading papa" I said and he folded his arms. "Well dinner will be ready so you should go and clean up" he said before leaving.
I sighed before moving Dusty & Sugar. I stood up and kissed each of their foreheads before walking out of the stall as I grabbed my hat.
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"I'll see you later my darlings" I said as I turned around and they all neighed making me smile. I walked out of the barn and started making my way back to my house. I was turning 18 today and I was finally gonna leave this place tomorrow night. I already had my train ticket & boarding passes for my horses so they didn't have to live here anymore. I met a nice elderly couple a week ago on a trail I go on everyday to get away from the town. They had asked me what I was doing out there all by myself and I told them everything. They said that they were sorry and told me I could come live with them on the outskirts of New York and I thanked them.
I walked into my house to see my parents and a few of the townspeople standing in front of me smiling. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART" my parents shouted and I just looked at everyone confused. "Happy birthday beautiful" I heard Jacks say and I rolled my eyes. I ignored him before looking at my parents. I opened my mouth but I heard someone shout my name. I looked up at the top of the stairs to see my two little siblings running down the stairs in their horse onesies I had gotten them for their fourth birthday. God I'm going to really miss their faces. They came running down the stairs before throwing their little arms around me. I felt like I was gonna tear up but I held it in. "Can we go have some cake" they both asked and I nodded as we walked past everyone. I had cut them both a small slice of cake and I watched as they walked over to the table and sat down before eating their slices of cake. "Y/N when are you going to tell momma and daddy about you know what" Belle said and I looked at both of them to see them looking at me. "I don't know, you know how our parents are and the town" I said and they both frowned before going back to eating their cake. I wasn't going to tell them I was leaving tomorrow night because I didn't want to see them break down and beg me to stay.
It was the next evening and I was in the barn getting my horses ready to leave when I heard someone cough behind me. I turned around to see my parents looking at me with questioning looks. "Where do you think you're going with all this stuff" my mother said and I just turned back around and fastened the saddle on Stardust. "I'm leaving" I said and I heard my mother yell. "You're not going anywhere this is your home" she shouted and I rested my hands on Stardust. "Damn it look at me" she shouted and I just ignored her as I lifted myself up onto Stardust. "Sissy where are you going" I heard Arlo's voice and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I just ignored him before I patted Stardust signaling for him to run. I heard him crying out after me as Moon, Dusty & Sugar started following us.
We stopped halfway to the train station to take a break. I fed them each an apple before pouring water into their mouths. I got back on Stardust a couple minutes later and hugged him as I buried my head in his mane.
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It was night when we reached the train station and I saw the train come to a stop. "Just in time" I said before hopping off of Stardust. I grabbed the reins of the bridle and walked towards the horse cart. The conductor smiled before opening the cart up. "You must be Y/N" he asked and I looked at him shocked. "How'd you know my name" I said and he chuckled. "Otto & Evelyn told me who to look out for" he said and I smiled before jumping down from the cart.
The train started moving when everyone got on board. I was looking out the window with my chin resting against my palm when I heard someone shout my name. My head snapped towards the voice and my eyes widened in shock. I stood up "Belle Arlo what the hell are you two do-" before I could finish my sentence they both rushed over crying as they crashed into me. "We didn't want you to leave so we followed you here" Belle cried out and I knelt down hugging them back. "How the hell did you follow me" I said and they pulled away. "We rode on here on chestnut" Arlo said happily and my eyes widened in shock. "You rose Chestnut" I said and they both nodded before I heard someone speak up.
"They didn't ride him without me" I heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Ryder standing there with his hands in his back pockets. "Ryder" I said and he smiled. "You think you were gonna leave without saying goodbye to your second best friend" he questioned while raising his eyebrow. "Maybe maybe not" I said and he rolled his eyes before walking over and helping me up. "Plus these two begged me when I entered the barn after your parents left" he said motioning towards the two four year olds. Ryder was my second best friend and he was gay. Me and Queenie were the only ones who knew about him being gay.
We all sat down in the booths. Belle was sitting on my lap with her head resting against my shoulder as she started falling asleep. Arlo was playing with his stuffed bear Ryder who had got him for his fourth birthday as he sat next to Ryder. Belle was holding her stuffed bear as well.
I woke up when I felt the train stop. I stood up with Belle in my arms before shaking Ryder and Arlo awake. "What's going on" Ryder rasped out and I chuckled. "We're here" I said and he looked out the window with his eyes wide. After Arlo woke up we got off the train and saw our horses already out of the cart. Dusty and Sugar rushed over nudging my legs making me laugh. "Come on let's get going" I said before walking over to Stardust. Ryder took Belle so I could get on before handing her back over since she was still sleeping. Ryder and Arlo got on Chestnut before we headed off in the direction of Otto's and Evelyn's place.
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Taglist 🏷️: @blckwidowsbf @inluvwithfictionalwomen @gaydreamersstuff
If anyone else wants to be on the taglist just ask me or comment!!!!
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aloudplace · 16 days
Fidelity won 2
Stunned silence filled the room. Loki could see the woman over Natasha's shoulder, her amber eyes trained on Fury's face.
"Just who the hell are you?" Fury demanded.
She shrugged. "That's a complicated question."
Suddenly Thor pushed forward. "Tell us who you are, woman. Your cooperation may garner you some sympathy."
"Oh, well, in that case." She bared her teeth at him—a grin completely without humor.
Fury put a suppressing hand on Thor's shoulder. "You can talk to us or not, but you won't get out of that cell until we know what the hell is going on here."
She gave a deep, martyred sigh. "Look, I promised I would try not to kill anyone, but I'm not particularly good at negotiation, and I really am in a hurry. Also, I'm getting really damned tired of people hurting my friend, and although I don't particularly want to kill you, I won't lose any sleep over it either."
Loki felt a surge of admiration. If she was bluffing, she was really damned good at it. If she wasn't...
Fury's broad shoulders tightened in outrage. "So you attack us without warning, threaten to kill us, and you expect us to just hand her over, no questions asked?"
"Not really. But don't say I didn't try."
And then something extraordinary happened.
To a human, it would seem that the electricity in the building simply went out. But Loki sensed the shift—felt the woman in the opposite cell call out to the power that raced through the walls—saw it jump to her in its pure elemental form, invisible to the untrained eye.
And then, for just a moment, all hell broke loose.
By the time the emergency system sputtered into life, the door to her cell was halfway open. She hit them with a burst of energy so dense it threw everyone back against the front wall of Loki's cell. Fury, Natasha, even Thor—simply crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
Red lights flashed along the walls, and the air filled with the dull bleating of an alarm.
The woman stepped lightly out of her cell and over the body of Nick Fury. She met Loki's gaze in the blinking red light.
Loki wanted to laugh. "You could have escaped at any time."
She slapped her hand on the door to his cell and it immediately slid open.
"What's this?" he said, surprised.
"I believe you were about to offer me your services," she replied, holding out her hand as he approached the opening. "Call me Sig."
Cautiously, he clasped her arm and repeated, "Sig."
"You were about to offer me your service, yes? In exchange for my assistance in your escape, naturally."
"I..." he blinked in surprise. "Yes. Naturally."
"You know where they're keeping Mad?"
Who the hell is Mad? "Not exactly. I know the layout of the building, however."
"Excellent. They'll have her in a lab, most likely. She's hooked up to some sort of suspension module. They're keeping her unconscious, otherwise, she'd have found me by now."
"There will be more of them," he gestured to the bodies at their feet, gaze falling on his brother. "He should not be unconscious right now—not from a little bump like that."
Sig was already striding towards the outer door. Loki followed.
"It wasn't just a bump," she said, "More like a—I dunno—a mind-stun? Straight to the brain," she tapped the side of her head. "Also, I shut down the cameras and everything, so the peons upstairs will be confused for at least a couple minutes. We have that long to make a head start."
She reached for the door and Loki grabbed her arm. "Hold on."
Her eyes widened as he cast an illusion to make them look like a pair of Fury's so-called peons. With the face of a human man, Sig looked down at herself. "That's a neat trick."
Smiling, he pulled the door open. "After you."
The prison level hallway was empty but for a single guard, who lay unconscious just outside the door.
"Did you do that?" Loki asked.
Sig nodded. "I saw him when I tapped into the electrical grid. He was standing right next to the power panel so it was easy to zap him."
Loki felt a surge of honest admiration. "Impressive."
"Thanks," she replied absently, gazing down the hall first one direction, and then the other. "Which way?"
He pointed, and they jogged down the corridor to the elevator. Sig slapped her hand on the panel and the door popped open with a telltale ding! as the light above it flicked on.
"It'll be suspicious that we're riding the elevator when the power's out," Loki warned.
"Better to be quick," was her only answer as they stepped inside.
They rode up six floors with Sig channeling electricity directly into the elevator system. Loki led her hurriedly along the maze of halls towards the science division.
Miraculously, no one seemed to take note of them amongst the myriad workers scurrying up and down the halls on their way to figuring out whatever had gone wrong.
"She's in here. I can feel her," Sig stopped outside the door to the main lab, reaching for the panel.
"Wait, there likely will be people in there."
"I know."
The door popped open and Loki had a flash of small, thin woman stretched out on a table with two men standing over her.
"Wait, not Banner—!" Loki cried, and grabbed Sig's arm.
His vision flashed white as power crackled up his arm, exploding directly into his head.
He came to a moment later with Sig leaning over him, her hand resting gently on his forehead. Her skin was incredibly soft. "You shouldn't touch me when I'm doing that," she said. "Are you okay?"
"I've been better." His head was pounding.
"Can you get up?"
He nodded and she turned away, towards the table.
"Bruce," Loki said, coming to his feet.
The other man was standing off in the corner of the room. He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Yeah. Hi. Don't mind me. Just...you know, standing by."
Loki looked at Sig, leaning over the woman on the bed. "You didn't hit him."
The other man—an unnamed tech in a white lab-coat—lay unconscious at Bruce's feet, where he had clearly been dragged.
"Of course not," Sig said, without looking at him. "He's chock full of gamma radiation."
Loki gave Bruce a speculative look.
"I promised not to interfere," the man said nervously. "I never thought we should mess with this—" he gestured at the woman on the table, "whatever this is."
"You believe she's a wanted criminal," Sig accused quietly, glancing at the graying scientist. "You're draining her life force."
"No, no!" Bruce denied emphatically—a little desperately. "We recovered her from the people who did that to her. An underground crime syndicate in Britain. We thought it was a life support system at first. And then it came back she was this mass-murderer—" Sig gave him a sharp look and he swallowed audibly. "We left her like that because we didn't know what she would do if we woke her up, or even if she would survive."
Loki approached the table. The woman lying there was hardly larger than a child and thin as a rail, dressed in a shapeless white gown. Her skin was extremely pale, with a strange, lavender cast to it, face thin and bones sharp. Her shoulder-length hair was very fine, and green—the color of living pine needles.
There was a thin metal band circling her head, attached at the temples with fine silver wires extending from it like little antennae. Beside the bed stood a narrow white metal cylinder and a five-foot structure that looked like a larger version of the antennae on the headband.
"Her vitals have been steadily dropping over the last week–since we brought her in," Bruce went on, almost apologetically. "We tried to take the crown off and she almost went into a seizure."
Loki looked down at Sig. Her face was stiff and expressionless. "What is this?" he asked quietly.
"It's a memory trap. It keeps her consciousness disconnected from her body, suspended in her own memories. That—" she pointed to the cylinder, "—is draining and storing her life energy, so whoever did this to her can use for it something. Probably to power a time device. That's usually the way of it."
"We don't have any time devices," Bruce said quietly. "I swear."
"I believe you." She met Loki's gaze and he was stunned to see light there—magic swirling in her eyes. Magic, and rage. "I need you to stand guard until I can get her out of this. Then we're gone."
"Can you shield us?" she asked.
"Yes. I can make it look like nothing is wrong in here," he glanced at Banner. "And I can keep it quiet."
The human swallowed again, loudly.
"Good. I don't know how long it will take." She met his gaze again and said, very quietly. "Thank you."
Loki wasn't used to gratitude. Certainly not accompanied by such sincerity. Unable to muster words, he simply nodded.
Sig climbed onto the table and sat cross-legged beside her friend while he cast an illusion over the room. To passers-by, it would look like Banner was working normally with his little underling. Meanwhile, he tied Banner to a chair and gagged him with medical tape, then pushed him into a closet, along with the unconscious tech. When he turned, Sig had gone into a trance, energy swirling gently around her, making her hair drift lightly against her cheeks.
And while he waited, he had plenty of time wonder about her. To replay her conversation with Fury in his mind. Just how powerful was she? How much of what she'd said was true?
And how could he best use her to his own advantage?
... ... ...
Sig found Mad in a memory of her childhood—a tiny, delicate girl in a lavender robe that matched her skin, sitting at a long stone table in a vast library with vaulted stone ceilings. Barefoot, alone, poring over an enormous book, her green hair tied in three neat little braids.
"Of course this is where I'd find you."
"It's peaceful," Mad replied, without looking up.
"How long have you been here?"
"I don't know. Memory has no time."
"Of course." Sig sighed. "We have to go, though."
She didn't respond.
"Mad. You're dying."
At last, Mad looked up, violet eyes enormous in her tiny, angular face. "Maybe I should."
Sig scowled. "Don't start with that."
"You don't think so? It's been so long..." she gazed lovingly down at the broad pages of the open book. "It would be nice to rest."
"I'm not leaving you here to die."
The little-girl-Mad stroked the markings on the page before her; glyphs of some ancient language long since lost. Except to Mad. Nothing was ever truly lost to Mad. Well, nothing but her people.
The silence stretched, expanded. Sig's urgency solidified into a knot somewhere in the vicinity of her Adam's apple. She knew from experience that one of Mad's silences could easily go on for days. Weeks. Even months. Hurry was an inaccessible concept for a Tolok.
"You promised." The words echoed crisply against the walls, repeating themselves again and again into the distant stacks.
Mad sighed. "I did." She looked up and smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. "I will stay with you, my Sigyn. Let's go, then."
She held out her small, slender hand, the fingers unusually long, palms narrow and colorless. Sig took it with such relief that her eyes began to burn.
"Hold on to me," Sig said. "I don't want to lose you on the way back."
Mad smiled up at her again, and Sid let go of the memory-library, hurtling them in a rush of energy and color back to the lab and to her own body.
There was a moment of disorientation when they arrived—a strange sensation of crowding as both Sig and Mad attempted to enter Sig's body. Quickly, Sig opened her eyes, grabbed Mad's hand and said, "Right here!" and Mad popped out again, settling into her own flesh with a telepathic sigh.
Her violet eyes popped open just as Sig looked up at Loki, standing near the door with a look of warning on his face. She cried, "Mad, wait—!" but the Tolok had already pulled them out of the room and into the time aether.
Go back! Sig cried. We have to take the Asgardian!
Asgardian? Mad replied, with palpable curiosity.
Through the green mists of the ether, Sig could still see the lab, and if she focused she could hear Loki's voice, muffled as he backed away from the door and the big blonde Asgardian who burst through it.
Abruptly, Mad opened the aether just far enough for Sig to reach through and grab hold of Loki's hand. She saw him look down in surprise, caught a flash of the other Asgardian's shock, and then Mad pulled him through with a soundless psychic pop!
WHAT IN THE NAME OF—? Loki bellowed, spinning around. WHAT IS THIS?
Don't let go of my hand, Sig snapped. And you don't have to yell. This is the ether. A sort of middle place, between space-time and the void.
What? That's impossible. He was frowning down at her, then at Mad beside her. Sig didn't look, but she felt sure by the expression on Loki's face that the little Tolok was smiling at him in her typical beatific way.
He can't reach us in the aether. Sid said, watching him look around at the mist-shrouded lab and the bewildered Asgardian who was currently calling, Brother! Show yourself!
Loki looked at her again in consternation. Your mouth isn't moving.
We don't have voices here, Sig replied impatiently. Bodies, either. Well, not in the traditional sense. These are just projections. I don't really understand it myself, to be honest.
It requires no understanding, Mad said pleasantly.
Loki glared at her as though she'd insulted his ancestors.
She's trying to comfort you, Sig explained. And then felt silly when he regarded her as though she'd sprouted a second head.
No one comforts me, he said, then blinked as if the words had surprised him.
Sig felt an unwelcome pang of empathy. It was this way in the aether. Somehow, without mouths to get in the way, you ended up saying more than you meant to.
Feeling it, too.
Mad, the ship, Sig prompted.
The Tolok had been watching the blonde Asgardian. She turned to look at Loki curiously. He calls you 'Brother,' but you are Jotun.
Loki's face went blank with shock.
Oops. Mad, it's time to go.
There is no hurry, my Sigyn, Mad soothed.
Sigyn? Loki looked at her sharply. That's an Asgardian name.
Mad, please, Sig begged.
There is no problem. Mad said pleasantly. I need to recharge my form before traveling. We must stay here a while.
How long?
In Earth time...Mad seemed to calculate. Perhaps thirty-six hours.
Thirty-six—! Loki blurted.
Just take from me, you ridiculous Tolok! Sig cried. I want to get out of here!
Mad smiled up at her, young-old face crinkled with pleasure. Thank you, my Sigyn. You are kind.
Sig poured the remainder of the electrical energy she'd taken from the compound into Mad, watching the Tolok's aura grow vibrantly green as her little face shone with joy. When the energy was gone and Mad still depleted, Sig gave deeply of her own essence.
When at last the Tolok could take no more, the aether grew thick as smoke around them, seeming to gather in on itself in preparation for the jump.
Loki's hand tightened on hers just before the mists began to rush past, and the sensation of his fingers and his shoulder against hers was...strangely welcome.
It's been too long since I touched someone, she thought with a twinge of longing.
When the mist retreated, they were standing inside the ship—it was still half-buried in the earth just in front of the compound, surrounded by two dozen SHIELD agents and guards.
They really can't see us, Loki said.
Since it wasn't a question, Sig didn't bother to answer. Ok, Mad, bring us back through.
With another psychic pop! They came out of the aether and into the cockpit. Sig threw herself into the pilot's chair and gestured Loki towards the other. He was blinking vacantly at their surroundings. "Where did the little one go?"
"Still in the aether. She doesn't much like being physical."
He frowned.
"She's here, just like we were in that lab, only we can't see her. She'll ride along with us through the aether."
The engines surged to life, making the humans outside burst into frenzied action.
"They're about to shoot at us," Loki growled, buckling himself in. "You may wish to make evasive maneuvers."
Sig leaned forward, slapped a button on the console and said over the speaker. "Hey guys, you really don't want to do that."
The humans froze, and then looked at each other over their guns. The man with the bullhorn yelled, "FIRE!" just as Sig brought the ship up off the ground, clumps of dirt and grass flinging in every direction.
A barrage of shots pinged off the shields and sent the humans diving for cover.
"Told you!" Sig called as she spun the ship and took them up over the compound fence and into the sky.
She flashed Loki a grin and saw Mad's head pop into view behind him, aether swirling around it. "The other one is coming."
"The other what?" said Loki, just as the ship bleeped in warning.
Sig felt the fission of energy, saw a flash on the ship's sensor screen, and then something stuck the shields with incredible force, making them dip sharply to the left. Brilliant arcs of electrical energy lit the window, crackling along the shields like—
"Is that lightning?"
"It's my brother." Loki was leaning forward, craning his neck to see—
Suddenly the big Asgardian was there in front of the ship, clinging spread-eagle to the outer shield, lighting racing along his body and lighting his left eye.
"Oh, creepy!" Sig cried. She pulled up—hard—then banked sharply right. The Asgardian slipped off and she hit the throttle to full, taking them up at nearly a ninety-degree angle.
"How high can he—?" she started to ask, and then they were hit again, and the shields crashed almost instantly. "Shit!"
"The guns!" Loki yelled over the shriek of the ship's warning system.
"You want me to shoot your brother?!"
"Yes, by Valhalla, shoot him! If he hits us again we'll—"
But it was too late. She felt it coming—the buzz and crackle gathering at the edge of her senses like a bomb about to go off—and threw herself wide to it. The energy came straight in, passing obediently through the hull in its purest form to fill her aura in a searing blast.
Sig screamed.
The Asgardian hit the hull a second later and the ship spun almost 180 degrees. The big blonde bastard was there, sliding across the window again, yelling something inaudible.
She caught his look of bewilderment just before she flung everything—all that raw energy—right back at him. It struck him square in the chest—a crackling blast so bright it blinded her for a moment and made her ears ring. When her vision finally cleared the guy was gone, the shields were already re-booting, and they were fast approaching the Earth's outer atmosphere.
Beside her, Loki's voice was blank with awe. "Did you just...?"
"I think I killed your brother," she said weakly.
And then she promptly lost consciousness.
0 notes
lightpost · 10 months
Goodnight, man whose voice is the center of my universe and I have no other choice but him for my heart and soul to live in life.
I hope your day was better and more productive than mine I hope you got your peace you needed and I hope you even got a took a nap if not at least got to lay in the sun and feel safe in life
I hope your meals where everything you've ever wanted for today and today made you feel special and wanted I hope you found your place in the world and belong to a project, your relationships and you really listen to your heart
I hope today for you the man whose voice is the center of my focus 24/7 I hope that it gave you all that you ever truly made you happy
I hope your wife surprised you with another baby and I hope you get to sleep with a real smile in your heart.
I hope, wish, want and will die just to give you the best.
the bruise on my thigh got darker and more painful today sitting here getting really sick like I might throw up
I really don't feel good maybe I am dying who knew a bruise like this would make me feel like throwing up
I'm scared of going to the doctors they'll just brush me off like I mean nothing to them eyes will roll at me I'll be told just to go home and commit suicide anyways or wait best one I'll be told to be in porn thanks Dr. Thomas from woodbury really in my head about that one I don't feel safe around doctors my health is failing because of that I am told over and over and over again to either commit suicide or eyes will roll I'm dismissed and under valued my life has value and I certainly don't need more evil in my life I got that enough from my x he abused me and beat me I'm ruined for anything good he made sure of that I know Goddess and God and all that is Divine I am here because I felt and know what a man's voice down to the soul saved my life he's the lesson he's the shadow, he's my devil and my god and my hell and my heaven no matter what earth or what time line, this bruise, nutcracker isn't going to defeat me on never finding him in any cause it makes me want him that much more, this closed off flow of blood wants me to find love that much deeper, realer honest,
I'm scared
I'm close
I can feel something happening.
I know something isn't right
A dark cloud lingers over and for the first night in over 26 days in rained so maybe by Tuesday there will be a bit of hope for me to make through summer and find a way to survive winter.
10 years 7 months 4 days since I was alive
Goodnight man whose voice is the center of my heart I'm sorry it's a lot of say I have a lot going on in my life and I have no one to talk really
I got to see my uncle probably for the last time today even though he had no idea I was even there it's becoming hard on the whole family I won't be sleeping tonight and this won't be my last post tonight but I just really need to vent this out and let it all go like they told me too so I am
Maybe I should slit my wrists in the bathtub and write my goodbye letter saying a doctor told me too how would that make them feel? because they told me to let it go. let my health go let it all just go so let me go too maybe my x was right, I know he was going to kill me if I stayed but maybe that would of best thing for me he kill me, kill himself make sure his kid is out of the picture cause that's what was already happening but now maybe I should just because a doctor told me or really be in porn because a doctor told me do I extra money because a doctor told me and recommended me for the job?
Now I got a closed off vein and I'm letting it go and letting my body fade I got bruises and light headed I'm dizzy and out of focus maybe the beating my x did is taking a toll I don't know but it's all consuming and I don't know how to let go in all the wrong ways they don't me too cause of course I'm going to go against everything they say I don't trust or believe any doctor nowadays
I just need help in saying goodbye to a man I don't know but whose voice is the center of my world and maybe it makes it easier to say goodbye that way so he will never really get hurt and feel the pain of me dying this way just letting my body really fade so maybe I am really am committing suicide in a whole different way by letting this vein just take me isn't that the same? no one seems to care anyways and so why not right.. doctor told me to let it go
maybe I should let go
0 notes
romanoffsbish · 2 years
Everything Has Changed
AU, MobWives! Wandanat x Reader, MobWives! KateYelena x Reader (Platonic), SecretRivalMob! Carol x Reader (brief)
CoffeeShopOwner! Reader /
TrustFundBaby! reader
Chapter 1 | Masterlist | Chapter 3
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I had fallen for them far before this whole ordeal, so actually having them so intimately has really fucked with my head.
I'd had always accepted that the limits of our relationship was bound to friendship, so my mistake was ever letting the first get together take place.
It's not all bad, some nights they're so far from aggressive with me. Like last night, I found them curled up on the couch watching a movie together, and I saw a take out container left for me. I sat down in the kitchen to eat it, but Wanda called for me to come watch whatever they were watching with them. For the first time in like seven months since we'd started hooking up it felt like I was more than just a quick fuck to them.
One thing led to another, and we found our way to the bedroom. They were gentle with me, and at one point when Wanda was knuckle deep in me, she lowly whispered an 'I love you' into my neck.
So now, all the lines have been crossed, and all boundaries were unset, leaving me in a constant state of confusion.
No matter what I feel for them, last night was the end for me. Now I just have to tell them that, and move on.
I make my way to leave the apartment, and I slightly heard the women yelling, leading me to assume Yelena called them with mob related business. Great, they'll be in a shit mood when I get back...
Wanda's POV
"Nat! Why'd you do that?" I shout at my wife, upset that she once again threw Y/N out of the bed as if she was just some random lay.
"Wanda, that was a set rule, and she keeps breaking it." My wife asserts
"It's a bullshit rule and you know it! She used to sleep with us all the time, and for your information I had her in a death grip. She stayed because she was exhausted, and also because I wanted her to stay. You're being too hard on her, and if you don't stop it she's going to fucking leave us."
The room falls silent as Natasha seems to really be processing what I'm saying.
"Do you really think she'd leave us?" She quietly asks me, suddenly sounding so small.
"Nat, this isn't anything close to what I assumed she imagined it to be like with us. To be honest, it's not what I expected either."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I feel like we've lost touch with what actually matters here, and just keep falling under the sheets with her. She's just so addicting, it's hard to focus on anything but worshiping her body... But, she looked so defeated when she left this morning. Do you think that's because of us? Did we really make her go from a happy, vibrant woman to this sad shell of one?" Nat asks me, sounding like she's on the verge of tears.
"Yeah, I think we did.." I whisper back, crying tears of my own at the thought that we possibly broke her.
"How did we even get here Wands? This was never in our plan."
"I don't know lyubov, I just know we have to fix it. I don't want to lose her..."
"Natty, are we ever going to address the obvious elephant in the room?" I ask my wife as we are getting ready for bed.
"What would that elephant be ?" She questions me, with an amused face.
"The obvious feelings we have for Y/N." I say, getting straight to the point.
"Well, how do you suggest we go about doing that?"
I just look at her, trying my best to consider how to broach the subject. We've wanted this girl for about two years now, and just it's never felt like the right time.
"We could maybe use the art of seduction?!" I attempt to find a way to bring Y/N into our relationship.
"Sounds perfect lyubov, we could practice now if you'd like." Natasha says, as her eyes are swimming with lust, and she pulls me down leaving no room for rebuttal.
I just hope it's not too late to fix all of this with her. I love her so much, and I know Nat does too, she's just not as good at the expression.
Saturday's are usually slow in the mornings, so my shop is open from 10-6. My morning shifters usually work 9-3, and my closer works 12-7. With what's going on right now, I find myself working the 9-3, and staying until 4 to make sure my closer has everything under control. I'm only ten minutes away though, so they could easily just call me in.
It's 11AM right now, and I've only had about three customers in the span of the hour. This left me to stew in my thoughts, and all I'm considering is how to end everything at home. I love them both so much, and don't want to lose them, but I'm also exhausted. I'm not sure I could ever go back to just being their friend, but I also can't go on feeling like this either.
"Oy! Can a girl get a coffee or are you just going to stare into the distance like you're under some sort of mind control."
"Hello to you too, what do you want?"
"Ah, she does speak. Can I get mine and the wifey's regular please?"
"Mhm" I reply, immediately going to make the drinks.
"Wait! Where was my snarky response? I literally said 'wifey.' Where's the real Y/N? I've seen those movies where aliens replace people with decoys. There's no way you're my Y/N."
"Sad to say but I am indeed you're Y/N, trust, I'd much rather be able to explain this away as an alien abduction." I chuckle out, spinning to hand her the drinks.
She stares into my eyes, placing her hands over mine on the cups locking me in place.
"Y/N/N... What is it?" She genuinely questions me, concern lacing her tone.
"Don't worry about it Lena, I'll be all good, I always figure it out." I try to steer away from this awkward conversation.
"It's my sister isn't it?" She deadpans.
"How do you do that? You sure you're not a spy?" I question her, shocked that just by staring at me she seems to figure it all out.
"Mob boss, spy, two sides of the same coin." She states, smirking up at me, and receiving a small smile in return.
"There she is." She beams.
"I told them not to touch you, now I assume they ignored my warnings. They're so stupid, I don't even know how they got together. My sister has the emotional maturity of a fruit fly." She starts to ramble, and I look up to see a customer heading towards the entrance.
"I promise you Lena, I'm going to handle it tonight. Also, you're seven months late on finding out, even Kate's known for awhile. I have to go now, tell the wifey I said hello." I cut her rambling off, quickly kissing her forehead over the counter and walking away.
She smiles, clearly content with my gesture, and heads across the street towards their office building.
Nat's POV
Baby Sister👯‍♀️🤪
*  "Cyka!"
"Ha! You and Kate can dream.
Also, we're aware we would deserve it.
We plan to fix this, I promise."
"You better... She looked so different, I'm actually upset I've been too preoccupied with work to see it." *
"Yelena knows" I shout to my wife, as if the situation wasn't already complicated enough.
Wands and I are currently brainstorming ways we can fix this, hoping we didn't go too far in the opposite direction.
One things for sure, I can't lose her, and I need her to know that.
Soon after Yelena left, the flow of traffic began to pick up. Just in time for my closer Lily to enter the shop. We worked in sync, I'd take the orders, and she'd make the coffee. When the counter slowed, I'd begin to clean up.
The consistent flow slowed again at around 2PM, giving me a chance to go out and clean the shop up while Lily handled the counter.
As I finished cleaning I looked up to see a beautiful blonde walk into the shop. I'd never met this woman, but she seemed so familiar looking to me. She caught me shamelessly staring, and waved in my direction with a bright smile on her face, leading me to blush and rush to look away.
I returned to behind the counter, and began to make the drinks. I began to call names out left and right.
Not her
Definitely not her.
I saw her approaching the counter, and before I could walk away she shouted "Wait."
I stood there, and as she reached for her drink she smiled shyly at me.
"I couldn't help but to see you staring earlier, and normally I'd let it go, but you're too pretty for me to pass up a chance with. I'm Carol." She says, extending her hand out for mine.
"Wow, you don't mince words." I giggle out in response.
"I'm Y/N, and yes, I was definitely looking at you because you're really pretty, but also because I feel like I've seen you before..." I continue on, connecting our hands.
"Well, not to sound like a stalker, but I'm pretty sure we live in the same building."
She sheepishly lets on.
"Okay, that would explain the familiarity."
"Yeah... So, are you free tonight? I'd really love to get a chance to get to know you. Maybe I can take you to dinner and then we can go out for drinks?"
I'm a little uneasy accepting a date, but this might be exactly what I need to move on. It will also be an easy way to cut things off back at home.
"Or not, sorry to put you on the spot." She awkwardly adds on, clearly thrown by my silence.
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just not every day that a beautiful woman tries to pick me up at my shop." I laugh out, trying to cut the awkward tension I created.
"Yes, I would love to go out with you tonight."
"Good, how about you meet me in the lobby of our building at 7?" She questions me hopefully.
"It's a date." I reply, sending her away with my best smile.
I turn around to see Lily staring at me with an amused expression. I glare back at her.
"Shouldn't you be working?!"
"Shop's empty, and I was enjoying the show." She laughs out.
"Well, then it seems as if you don't need me, and since I'm the boss I'm going to be heading out early. As you heard, I have a date." I reply with a wink as I take my apron off, and leave her to handle the rest of the slow day on her own.
I walk out of the shop, and conveniently up the street to a clothing shop, desperate to find the perfect outfit for tonight.
Katie Babieeee 👩🏻❤️
** Help me decide 🤞🏼
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I, by the grace of some deity, have a date tonight. 🙏🏼🙌🏼
—What's the plans??—
Dinner, and then the club... 👀
—I like the floral suit.—
Of course you do... 😂
—Yeah, because I have taste. 🤪—
—Also, don't forget to send me your location, and photos of your date for safety reasons. I love you Y/N/N and am happy you're putting yourself out there. I miss my happy girl.— **
Lena 👯‍♀️❤️
**—Why didn't you text me first?—
—I'm your best friend...—
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Wow, word travels fast...
Well, she is your wIfEy, so I guess that makes sense lol.
Anywho, bestie, she's the one I trust with fashion. I trust you with all things chaos. ❤️
So stop pouting...
—Keep your location on, have fun, I love you. Also... I threatened my sister. BYEEE 👋🏼—
Lena.. 🤦‍♀️ *
Welp, I guess it's time to go home...
2024 words
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥺
295 notes · View notes
angloie · 3 years
Beach Trips and I'm Falling in Love 1/2
When Annabeth meets a strange boy on vacation, she doesn't expect for their relationship to grow much. He's... terribly sarcastic. Cocky. A not-so great match for her witty self. But after learning he visits the same beach every year she does, their strange friendship blooms into something more.
Their realtionship isn't the only thing that blooms over the yearsー that meaning a certain raven-haired boy.
genre ; childhood friends to lovers, fluff, strangers(?) to lovers, exchanging letters au, percabeth mortal au, 6.5k words.
warnings ; swearing, suggestive(?) themes.
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Annabeth first falls in love with the beach at age seven during a vacation.
The airport was a little scary truth be told; new people and big security dogs. Though, the dogs are the things she likes most of the whole expirience. The plane there was much, much worseー she had never liked being so high up for so long. That's why Annabeth slept for most of it. (more like passed out.)
But now that she's woken up in a whole new setting, (that being her parent's cabin) her heart beats fastly with excitement. The unfamiliar aroma of saltwater and sand wafts into the bedroom, making her sniff deepy. The patched quilt that once layed on her is tossed to the wooden planked floors. Everything here is unfamiliar, whether it's the bedroom or the whole place itself.
Annabeth kicks her feet off the bed, rushing to the hallway. She practically bounces off the walls like a rubber ball. New, sights, new place, new people... She'll get the hang of it sooner or later.
Annabeth skids to a halt. "Can I go out?" She asks excitedly to the emptiness of the cabin, her voice echoing off the sparsely decorated walls. There's a pause. Then:
A voice pipes from somewhereー maybe the kitchen? "I dunno about that honey, we just-" Dad!
"Please! Just for a while!" Annabeth cuts him off and begs.
She can hear a sigh emit from him "Well, arlright..." There's a pause; most likely Helen shaking her head and laughing lightly. "But don't go too far! We don't know this place that well."
"Thank you!"
It only takes a second before Annabeth is already sliding her sandals on when she gets the ok to go, grabbing her sand castle building bucket and lathering on her sunscreen.
She beams brightly.
A vast blue sky, yellow sun, and glimmering sand. It's all so beautiful. Gorgeous. Alluring- though the seven year old doesn't quite understand what the new word means. She dashes somewhere, anywhere, excited to go see more. Meet more people! Collect sea shells! And it's fun. Fun with peeking under shells looking for crabs, getting her shorts wet from the water, getting tanned in the beating sun.
Annabeth loses track of time at one point or another. All she knows that the collection of shells in her bright red bucket are just so pretty, so why not collect some more?
'Don't go too far,' She can clearly recall her father's voice, 'We don't know this place all that well.'
That was maybe... three hours ago.
Now, the sun isn't hung that high in the sky. It's starting to dip beneath the ocean, red and orange staining the sky. The pale moon isn't visibleー but Annabeth knows that it might come out sooner or later.
Just a few more shells, she thinks, touge sticking from her lips as she struggles to carry the full bucket, Until I go back.
Where is 'back', anyways?
Annabeth doesn't know where she is right now. At all. Save for the patch of palm trees she had rested under for a while, far behind her.
Oh well. Right now, she tries to focus on collecting more shells. Now, where did that blue shell-
"Uh... What're you doing?"
The question comes as a shock to her, making Annabeth jolt slightly. She whips around.
To her left, there's, well... the ocean. To her right: A cluster of palm tress nestled in the sand. She does a full turn. Than another.
"What-" Annabeth starts in confusion, "Who's there?"
"Up here," The voice (slightly extageratted she might add) chides. It comes straight from the-
-The palm trees?
She comes face to face with blinking sea green eyes. Raven hair splays across the kids' forehead, hiding the tips of his eyes. The kids' legs swinging back and forth on one of the branches, palm leaves shaking slightly with him. Annabeth blinks owlishly in response.
"What're you doing up there?" Is all she can blurt out.
"Sitting," He says matter-of-factly. As if Annabeth couldn't already see that. "What are you doing?" The boy parrots, climbing down the wide trunk.
She steps back when he stands in front of her. He looks about her age, if she's correct. "Collecting shells?" Annabeth burries her sandal-clad heel in the sand. She picks up the blue sea shell she's had her eye on.
"Look, this ones-"
"That's mine!" The boy springs forward suddenly, taking the object from her hands. His eyes are wide like saucers. "You found my lucky shell!"
Annabeth falters. "A lucky shell? What's that?" She tilts her head in confusion. To be honest, that's one of the most ridiculous things that she has ever heard. Not that Annabeth would tell that to the person's face. That would be pretty rude.
When he doesn't respond from being too enveloped in the shine of the shell's blue coat, she grumbles.
"That isn't yours!" She says more loudly. It can't be, it can't! Shells don't belong to people; they're natural things! Aren't they? Plus, what even is a lucky shell?
He scoffs. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah!" Annabeth stares fully at the shell. "If it's yours, then prove it."
The boy huffs as he flips the shell over, shoving it right in her face. She has to take another step back to see it properly. More like to see the small letters properly. It's small, black, and messy, but Annabeth can make out the nearly unreadable scribbles.
"You're Percy?" She looks back at him.
"Mhm!" The boyー Percyー beams. "So yeah. That's my lucky shell. I was looking for it for a while."
Her eyebrow twitches. "Oh..." Annabeth trails off, dissapointed. She wanted that shell. Dang it. "Are you sure?" He nods affirmatively, making her face droop. They both stay silent for a second, letting the sound of crashing against the shore take over.
Percy turns around. "I'm gonna go back to my cabin now."
Annabeth, as if breaking out from a trance, grabs his wrist. "Wait!" She yelps, pouting.
He turns back around quickly with a grumble. "What?
"D-do you..." She lets go of his wrist once she see's the judging look on the boy's face. "Do you know where the cabins are, by any chance?"
It's a weird question out of context, really, and Annabeth isn't sure why she asks him of all people. He probably doesn't know his way around either, not to mention that she doesn't expect him to answer.
It's comes as a surprise to her when he asks: "Which ones?"
Annabeth's lips tug upwards in a hopeful smile. "Uh..." She tries to remember where it is. "The ones with the really tall palm trees beside the shore?"
Percy pauses; his eyes look up into space as if he's looking for an answer from the gods. "Oh!" He looks over behind him, "Where there's this weird blue-roofed cabin to the right?"
"Yeah! That's The one!" She exclaims. Her face lights up with memory, thinking of the exact location.
"Oh," He looks directly at her now, "That's where I'm staying, too."
"Oh." Annabeth repeats.
The Walk back is... Normal. They bicker back and forth, throwing subtle insults. At one point Annabeth bargains to take the blue sea shell back for three of the pink ones, but Percy refuses. She huffs.
"Where'd you get your lucky shell anyways?" Annabeth asks as her feet pads onto the slightly damp sand.
"My mom," He grins, holding it high above his head. "We found it here last year, and I just kept it! She said that it would be a nice souvenir." Percy says proudly.
She wants to ask more, prod more, but it seems like they're already at their detination. The tall palm trees. The weird blue-roofed cabin. Annabeth looks over to him, as it seems like the last time they'll ever see each other. Percy, however, looks surprised.
"You're my-" He freezes, looking back and forth at the two cabins in front of them. One is Annabeth's. And the other is...
"What?" Annabeth asks. "Something wrong?"
"You're my neighbor!?" Percy gasps, horror striking his face. He takes a disgusted shudder and steps away from the blonde.
"Don't act that disgusted!" She jokingly pushes his shoulderー with a little less than just 'jokingly' in the shove. "But this actually sucks. I don't really like you," Annabeth admits.
"Me neither!" Percy rolls his eyes. "Im going inside!"
She crosses her arms as she looks away. "Me too!"
Annabeth doesn't know howー or whenー it happens, but their friendship blooms sometime along with way.
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Scratch that. Friendship is too much of a strong word. For now, the two can settle on frenemies.
Plus, their frenemieship doesn't exactly happen umpormpted; it takes the parents to force them together. Aparently, Percy had told his mom about the whole scenario. Whispers come to talk, and there they are, sitting on the steps of Percy's cabin while the two's parents talk inside. Annabeth can hear the laughs coming from inside. It makes her seethe.
"Why'd you tell?" Is all she can mutter.
"My mom asked me where I was," Percy simply says, "So I did!"
"I had to thank you ten times because of that, and now look where we are!" Annabeth glared pointedly. "They're all buddies now. Ew."
He reels. "Shut up."
"Shut up!"
"I said no!"
The door creaks open, and they both freeze.
"Annabeth!" Frederick calls out, stepping onto the wooden deck. "Oh, it looks like you two have already bonded! How nice," He smiles, looking at the two of them who sit side to side. It looks like they had just had a deep convorsationー except not the one you'd expect. Percy's mom, who Annabeth heard her name was Sally, steps beside him with her own smile.
It's weird. This nice-looking, kind woman who is related to such a loser like Percy? Even being his mom? She can't see the resemblance.
"Aw, you two look like best buds!" Sally pats the two of them on the shoulder, warm smile etched across her face. Annabeth smilies in response, despite her thoughts: She has got to ditch Percy as soon as possible.
"Why don't you two go visit downtown?" She looks over to Percy. His scowl is wiped away once she does it, replaced with a forced grin. "It'd be nice for you two to hang out, wouldn't it?"
No, it would not, Annabeth wants to say. I dislike this dude very much.
But as her life goes, she never gets what she wants.
"Okay!" Percy smiles, standing up. He makes an attempt to leave Annabeth in the dust by walking as fast as he can, his actions being immediately noticed by her. All Sally and Frederick do is confuse it with excitement.
Downtown is a sunshiney place with colourful chalk on the shop walls that line the roadsides. There's a white marble fountain in the middle of the square, and a small grass filed where people play frisbee. Ice cream, pizza, ramen, you name it. The smells make both of their mouths water with hunger. Annabeth looks over to the hotdog stand with wantful eyes.
Percy's stomach grumbles.
"What?" He asks, embarassed, when Annabeth looks over at him. She looks away, rummaging through the pockets of her jean jacket. After pulling out a few green bills, she shuffles her feet.
"Here." Annabeth stuffs two of them in Percy's hands. "Let's go buy something."
He falters. "Wha- Thanks, but why?"
"My dad always tells me to be polite," She says formaly, head held high. "And I'm trying to do it. What? You think I actually like you? Please." Annabeth won't admit it, but she doesn't actually mean it.
Percy frowns. "Whatever."
It's bland as they eat, quietness shared between the two children. Annabeth chews dryly. Percy swallows thickly. They find a spot to sit; a colorful bench in the heart of all the comotion.
"No!" Annabeth groans when her half-eaten ice popsicle falls to the concrete ground. She pouts. "Aw, come on." The biker (the reason she accidentally let it fall) is long gone without as much of a glance.
Percy, on the other hand, eyes the red popsicle. He hasn't eaten his own yetー it being still wrapped up in it's yellow wrapper.
He offers it to her.
"Huh?" She takes it suddenly, eyes slightly shocked. Her mouth waters with hunger. "I-is this for me?" Annabeth asks. She peels the wrapper off begrudgingly, the sticky texture on her fingertips. It's blueberry flavoured. One of her favourites.
"Who else?" Percy rolls his eyes.
Annabeth scoffs. "I thought you were hungry."
"Yeah, but you seem pretty hungry too."
There's two sticks in the treat, meaning that they can split it. She does so, splitting it apart with a crack, and hands it back to him while looking away. "Here. Take this."
"Aw, you like me after all!" He nudges her, smiling widely and instantly popping it in his mouth.
"Its politeness!" Annabeth can manage for the word.
Percy isn't such a loser. And neither is she.
The stars twinkle brightly by the time they head back, cicadas and crickets back again to sing their songs. Percy looks at Annabeth while she enters her cabin. Her stares at her from his own doorway.
"Goodnight." Is all he says.
Annabeth doesn't know howー or whenー it happens, but their friendship blooms sometime along with way.
This time, Annabeth replies properly. "Goodnight."
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The next week goes a lot like this: Percy comes over to her room, (Frederick and Helen has already taken a liking to him) beach ball in hand and sunscreen slathered on.
"Let's go swim!" He yanks the blanket from her half-asleep figure with a snicker.
"Leave me alone, doofus!"
She always complains, but goes with him anyways.
Some days it was Annabeth who woke him up. Some days she works up at the crack of dawn just to haul him to the beach where they swam for hours. Those days, she never complains.
But today, Percy accompanies Annabeth at the airport.
"You better write back to me," He crosses his arms and huffs as she gives a lopsided smirk. Her luggage, decorated with patches she had collected, stands at her side. Her Parents chat with Percy's with hugs exchanged and sad smiles. "Or else I'm not your friend anymore."
That's the first time Percy says she's a friend.
Despite that, she remains a steady face. Her heart is racing. "You can write?" Annabeth gasps, a fake look of shock on her face. When the boy gives her a dirty look, she chuckles. "Don't worry. I'm coming back here soon."
"When?" He asks instantly.
"Next year. Maybe longer." She replies, rocking back and forth on her heels. Her feet are replaced with her green sneakers, a change from a week of wearing nothing but sandals. There's a certain sadness lacing her tone.
"That's too long."
"I know."
They seem to be acting tough, possibly for their own sakes, but it all crumbles to the ground when they both tear up. They hug each other, tightly, as if they won't be seeing each other for an eternity. Maybe they will.
"I'll write to you everyday!" Annabeth promises, pulling away. Her eyes are puffy and her nose is running.
"You better!" Percy wipes his nose on his shirt. "And I will too!"
Annabeth can't quite keep the promise of sending letters every day, that being the reason of school and other things, but she and Percy can settle on every week.
It takes both their parents to pull them away from each other when the time finally comes.
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Percy's letters always has his signature blue envelope. It's bright in her hands when she opens her mailbox a week after seeing him as she reads the front. Her name is misspelled three times, and the envelope is clumsily sealed. It's exactly what she had imagined. His mom must've written it for him, because the writing is ten times more neater. The words make her smile.
That night, she reads it again.
Annabeth sends her own letters, envelope and papers with owl prints drawn on. Like Percy, her own hand writing is messy. So she has Helen write most of it for her.
Back and forth through the four seasons. They both start to send little trinkets to the other, too: dried up flowers, favourite pens, even some of Percy's favourite candiesー blue Jolly Ranchers, but they seem to taste better when he sends it.
I seriously hate school, Percy writes in a letter one week, Everyone here sucks.
Well, not a few people, but a lot of people do. They're all rude. And suck ups. Even the teachers are like that! They all just act all better than me, just because. I don't really know why.
The next part is written in his own handwriting.
But of course, they're not! I beat them in dodgeball today, but i got a bruise on my cheek when I fell flat on my face. Nothing I can't handle!
Annabeth rolls her eyes at that, pen in hand while she reads the remians of it. She notes that there's a picture attached at the bottom with a obnoxious green paperclip. Taking it off, she stares at it.
Percy beams at her; er, the camera, a noticeable bruise square on his left cheek. A band-aid is stuck onto his forehead. Annabeth can only assume where it's from. For some reason the boy is smiling toothily. He looks exactly like he had been only a while ago, tanned skin and scrawny arms. His uncureable case of bedhead has also somehow stayed intact.
She sends her own picture: A amuture snap taken by her dad, standing in the sun at the park near her house. Her lips pull upwards into a wide, bright smile.
"Say cheese!" Frederick points the lenses to her.
Annabeth beams. "Cheeeese!" She giggles.
Percy doesn't want to admit it, but he'd spent more time than he liked staring at the picture.
Annabeth and Percy are right when they next meet again; though Annabeth likes to say that she's eight and three quarters.
The girl had arrived in the middle of the night while she was still snoring. Like last time, she had woken up in a bedー the same one as of today. Though she can't quite notice. Her body still radiates tiredness, mucsles sore and limbs unmoving.
"Annabeth!" Percy shakes the blonde awake, her hair messy hair shaking back and forth. She groans through her lips.
"Wha-" She flips over, looking at him. "Its- Percy!?" Annabeth jolts upwards, eyes wide and fully awake.
He smirks at her. "Hey." Percy stands up straight now, taking a step back. "Its been a while-"
Annabeth pulls him in for a hug. "i missed you!" She says, hugging him even more tightly. "So much!" Percy, after a second, hugs back with just as much happiness. His face burries in her shoulder.
"Me too," Percy replies, voice muffled. "So much."
It might be a long minute when they finally pull away.
"I-I was just being polite," Annabeth turns away with embarassment. "Don't think too much about it."
"Y-yeah, same."
They both know that they're lying.
After a while, it almost becomes routine. They spend a blissful week together playing on the beach. Both Percy and Annabeth cry their eyeballs out when they have to leave. The rest of the year is spent exchanging letters.
Summer of when they're twelve, Annabeth says something that makes Percy frown immediately.
"We won't be able to come back here for a while," She says, laying on the sand.
"Oh." Percy says. "That's what you always say. "So... You'll be here next year."
She sighs, looking at the waves lapping across the sandy shores. People swim happily in the cool waters, unlike them, who sit under the shade of a tall palm tree.
"...Right?" He repeats slowly, carefully, when she doesn't respond.
"No." Annabeth burries her face in her hands. "We won't be coming next year. Or the year after that."
"What!?" Percy''s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "And why not?"
"Helen, she... You know that the twins will be born soon. And my dad wants to take a break from vacations for a while." She grumbles.
"And that means-"
"We won't be coming back for a very, very long time."
Dread dawns onto Percy like a spotlight.
Then it truly settles in.
"Oh, no."
The next night is what Percy assumes to be the last night spent with Annabeth in a few years. That sentence makes him sick to the stomach, so he avoids thinking about it.
If he stops thinking about it, will it never happen? If he somehow begs Annabeth's parents, will she come again next year? If Percy, someway, hopes hard enough, will she be here next year, and the next?
His thoughts gnaw at him like rats. Laying awake in his messy bed, chapped lips and ruffled hair.
There's really only one thing that can help him now.
"Hey." Percy manages to sneak into Annabeth's room via window. Her room is chilly. He feels like scolding her for keeping her window unlocked, but then Percy would just sound like his mom. He nudges her softly. "Wake up."
Annabeth, groggy and sleep deprived, opens one of her eyes. "Hm? Oh..." Hse tries to keep her eyes open. "Percy?"
It's a small whisper. Her mouth is dry and her limbs are sore. Annabeth's pillow is dampened; she had just cried only hours prior before she passed out fron exhaustion. Its a bleak memory that A Annabeth cringes upon. She chews her lip.
"C'mon," Percy says, "Let's go to our spot."
Annabeth doesn't put up a arguement. She knows that he wants to spend the most time together as possible, and the feeling is mutual. She feels her own sort of sadness: An icky feeling that leaves her feeling all scummy when she remembers she wont see Percy for a very long time.
So she goes with him, cotton sweater flimsy flip-flops hastily threwn on. Their footsteps make the old wood creak, but thankfully, no one wakes from the noises.
Their 'Spot' is a hill, high above the rising tides. Its where they go every year. Its where they made memories. Its a place that they can't imagine ever staying away from.
The nightly wind is gone this particular night. It only leaves comfortable silence.
"So how long will you be away for?" Percy asks, pulling his knees to his chest. Hus eyes droop down.
Annabeth fiddles with a stick she found on the grassy ground. "I don't wanna say it. Its too long."
But after she hesitates, Annabeth gives in. "...Six years."
"Six years," She repeats, more strongly this time, "That's my estimate."
Percy's breath hitches in his throat. Six years? Six years without her?
"That's forever." Percy comes to the horrible conclusion. No, no- there must be somesort of mistake! Annabethwill be here next year, and that's that. "Are you sure?"
Annabeth nods grimly. Her eyes are screwed shut, as if she cant see it, it won't happen. If she cant see, then maybe it'll all be a bad dream.
She's just like him.
They both know its futile to do anything else. To do something, one last thing, one last visit down, one more. Its bitterly cold. Saltwater invades their senses, and to be honestー they're both exhausted. From a week of long playing in the sun. From a lot of things.
For now, each others company is enough. To know that they're there, in person, is enough. Being together is enough.
So they lay there.
Hand in hand, shoulders pressed up together. The moonlight is the only thing helping Annabeth see in the dark, while Percy grips her hand tighter. The stars above... They're bright. Tiny, miniscule, but they're bright and shining. Like yesterday. Today. And forever. He sniffs. The sky is incoming and unchanging. That's how both Percy and Annabeth want it to beー unchanging between them.
The next morning is bland. Annabeth wakes up with a large amount of dread looming over her, like a heavy cloud of muck. From the clock on her nightstand she can read 5:02 AM; a time in which Percy is most likely fast asleep.
That doesn't really matter. They're goodbyes are said, long done, and that's that. Annabeth already had a bittersweet moment with Percy. Why ruin with a tearful goodbye?
It hurts to not say one last goodbye to him.
The airport. Even at such a early time, it still hums with livelyness and people's chattering. Well, you know what they say. The airport never really does stop working. Not for anyone.
If Percy was here now, what would he say? Give a last cocky smirk and throw a snarky insult? Annabeth would just laugh it off and hug him, as per usual, as per every year. It's a shame.
her parents have already entered the airport, leaving Annabeth standing in front of the huge terminal. She lets out a sigh and clutches her luggage closer. Well. this is it for-
Is that- No. It can't be. Annabeth grips the metal handle of her luggage harder. It makes her knuckles turn into a sickly shade of pale, resembling a sheet of paper. He's not here. He's asleep, gone, and I'm imagining things. He can't possibly be-
When the voice calls out again, Annabeth knows for sure that it's him.
The boy instantly engulfs her in a hug. It's warm, soft, familiar. All the qualities Annabeth likes most about him.
Great, she's tearing up.
"Don't forget me." Percy mumbles into her shoulder. "Please don't forget me." His voice is watery and wavering: He's crying. She can feel is tears dampening her sweater-clad shoulder, and all she can think is how she's doing the same.
"Never," Annabeth says, squeezing her eyes shut. "I promise."
Percy wants to say so much. How he woke up through his tiredness. How he biked here, all one hour of it, to find her, and how he couldn't sleep because he needed to hear her voice. Childish or immature as it be, its true.
He pulls away slowly and rummages through his pockets as he sniffs. "Here. Take this."
Annabeth's eyes widen. "You're" She grips it, mouth going dry. His shell, still blue as ever and pristine, tilts in her hands. "You're gonna give me this?"
She knows it's his favourite thing in the world, save for blue cookies and his small whale plushie. He never leaves it unattended, never dirties it, either. Annabeth knows that Percy never lends it to anyone, and keeps it like it's his life's worth. So why is he giving it to her? His eyes are teary and foggy as tears spill from his eyes, but she can't see any regret or remorse on his face. That's means he's giving it to her with no qualms, whatsoeverー But why?
"You better make sure to return it!" Percy sniffles again, wiping his runny nose on his shirt. "I'll be waiting!"
"I will."
Annabeth thinks that's the most she's cried ever.
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The years pass like clockwork, because really, it is.
It's happens like any other year. She goes to school, gets good grades and live like any other day. She sends letters to Percy consistently. They're all sent with souvenirs, trinkets, little notes and scraps. It helps in a theraputic way.
Annabeth doesn't really blame her parents for taking a break. She tries to understand. And it's hard. The twins are lovely. Lovely as newborns can get, at least, they're smiley and bright. Matthew and Bobby, that's their names. They don't cry much. Annabeth likes that. They throw food at her sometimes. Annabeth doesn't like that.
Summer thirteen passes slowly. She tries to pass it with friends, but none of them can really compare to Percy.
Summer fourteen Annabeth enters Highschool. She keeps Percy's lucky she'll on her bedside table, stacked upon a cluster of books. She spends that summer inside, reading books about architecture. They can distact her from the dread of missing him.
Summer fifteen and she sends a package to Percy. There's the usual letter, one of her favourite books, and notes for the new math curriculum that they both happen to be on. She knows that he seriously hates reading, but Annabeth doesn't really expect him to read it.
(He spends all night reading it.)
Summer sixteen, and Percy sends the recipe for his mom's famous blue cookies. That makes her smile uncontrollably. Percy never trusts anyone that much to send one of his favorite recipes; much less the one for his most prized blue cookies. Annabeth is sure to send a recipe of her own for her favorite apple pie.
(Percy can't really stop eating it. Somehow, it reminds him if her.)
Summer seventeen Annabeth makes new friends. They make her mind forget about Percy more, but when she's laying awake at night, she can't really stop thinking about him. He's grown. His smile is as warm and bright as ever, and his hair which was once ruffles in a messy way had become endearing. Annabeth thinks it suits him.
She sends her own pictures. Annabeth thinks that she hasn't grown very much compared to Percy, but she's grown in height. Her hair reaches a length's past her shoulders, and her curls have become more tameable. It's easier to style.
Percy can write much better now, too. His writing is somewhat readable. His letters are still cocky and sarcastic as ever, but his words can clearly shows that he misses her. Annabeth does too. He's learned how to surf. Percy promises to teach her when she visits again. Not to mention he got a dogー a huge, massive ball of black fluff named Mrs. O'Leary. Apparently she's a rescue from one of his neighbours. Annabeth has her own dog as well; a lanky Doberman that she calls cerberus. She swears to introduce him to Mrs. o'leary.
(He looks forward to that.)
Still summer seventeen, and Annabeth learns that Percy has gotten close with someone.
She's supportive of him, of course, but Annabeth can't really say that when she frowns at the news. Rachel. That's her name. Rich, red-haired and pretty, she's probably a good fit for him. Annabeth sees her in the pictures he sends. Beach trips together, days spent in each other's company. She tries as hard as she can not to say something about it.
Rachel is pretty. Rachel is kind. She donates to homeless shelters and fundraises to help the rainforest, Rachel is the daughter of some rich buisness owner.
Rachel is everything Annabeth is not.
Laying on her bed that night, she comes to a horrible realization.
Those feelings of jealousy... They’re more than that, aren't they? It's more, so much more, it's the feeling of desire. Wanting. Because after years, Annabeth learns that she likes Percy.
And Percy likes someone else.
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Summer eighteen and Annabeth is on the plane to her family’s cabin. She's eighteen years old now; it's been six years.
Six, long years of waiting, six summers spent wasting, six years of exchanging letters. Six years of waiting and longing.
Her leg bounces up and down erratically as the plane nears it's destination, the window passing blinding white clouds. The airport was just as busy as Annabeth remembered. The sights, smells, sounds... It's been a while since she's experienced this. It makes her mind race.
"You excited?" Helen gives a small smile towards her. The twins snore loudly beside her. "I bet you are. It's been a while since you've seen him, right?"
"Mhm," Annabeth hums, grinning to herself. Somehow, she already knows who Helen is talking about. "Six years."
"Its been six years," She says, leaning her cheek on her palm. "Six years since I've last seen him."
Annabeth is eighteen when she falls in love with the beach for the second time.
The cabin looks just like it was before. Dark brown wood, potted plants littering the windowsills, metal and glass chimes hanging from the ceilings. Nostalgia runs through Annabeth's mind.
So, with her hair flying behind her and parents chuckling behind her from the car, she bursts open the doors with laboured breaths. The humidity is at a level so high it gets Annabeth's hair all frizzyー but she doesn't mind one bit. She takes a deep inhale.
Fresh saltwater. Driftwood, the sweet smell of vanilla, the alluring scent of coral.
"Can I go out?" Annabeth practically jumps the whole way to the living room, parents unpacking. She runs her hands on the walls; she knows the place like a book from all the previous years spent there.
Annabeth's heart drops when they shake their heads. "Sorry, sweetie," Frederick sighs. "Could you wait until dinner? The twins would probably follow you everywhere; they're pretty energetic right now."
She frowns. "But-" Annabeth exhales, and her shoulders slump. "...Alright."
As the blonde walks back to her room, she can't help but think: Where even is Percy? At the beach? In his room? It's been a while since she last sent a letterー but Annabeth thought he would be expecting her. Maybe not. Maybe, he's busy spending time with Rachel. Not that she really blames him.
So she lays there, staring at the white ceiling. It's smooth unlike her popcorned ceilings back at her house. Annabeth can imagine what Percy's doing right now; most likely teaching Rachel how to surf, like he wrote in his most previous letter. That was... A month ago, right? She's learned how to surf, too.
Annabeth eats dinner with a small frown on her face.
What's the point? She thinks to herself, shoving the plate of noodles in her mouth. She slurps it up. What's the point in seeing him, anyways?
Well, let's see. One: I haven't seen him in six years. That's true. Annabeth's heart aches to see him again, but she can't really bring up the courage to see him.
Two: I have to return his lucky sea shell. She thinks of the shell that stands on her bedside table. It's coat is blue and chipped at that point from all the years.
Three: I really, really want to see him again. Annabeth agrees to herself to that, but there's something lacking. Something that's stopping her from seeing him.
What if Percy doesn't want to see me?
It's stupid, sure, after everything they went through, why would Percy not want to see her? The airport visit from six years ago was enough to proove her wrong, but... The doubt still lingers on Annabeth's head. Rachel was probably fine. She doesn't even know the girl for goodness sakeー why would Annabeth ever hate her in any way?
So, stepping out of the cabin with a determined look, she starts off to find Percy.
The cabin next to hers has no occupants. There's people living in there of course, the light inside gives it away. But there's none inside.
Okay. Next, the beach. The sure is setting, so only a few last minute stragglers are there. The waves are just as beautiful as Annabeth imagined. She chews on her bottom lip, where could he be? Downtown. The ice cream shop. Even the boardwalk. Annabeth has no luck in finding the raven haired boy.
Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.
She walks up to their spot.
It's like a walk to memory lane, really, the trees stretch even farther and the grass is way outgrown. The old log that she and Percy used to sit on is now covered with moss and growing mushrooms. Annabeth smiles to herself. It's been a while.
Have those bags always been here? She thinks to herself. She eyes the bags: Two of them, one black and one a vibrant splash of colors. They must belong to someone else.
When Annabeth sees a familiar figure, she practically beams, because holy shit, it's Percy!
His shoulders are broader than she remembered. His hair is gorgeously fluffy and volumous, and his voice is more richer than Annabeth thought. But, wait- why is he talking to himself?
"Seaweed br-"
That when Annabeth sees her.
A head of red hair sits beside him, laughing to spend joke of his. Or at least that's what Annabeth thinks is happening. Oh, her face falls. That must be Rachel. She fit the description she has had in her head for a while now: Pretty. Laid back.
Annabeth thought their spot was a spot for themー a spot where their memories were made, a spot where Percy introduced her to, a spot where only Annabeth knew.
Her arm slowly drops to her side when Rachel pecks him on the cheek.
Walking back, she thinks she's a fool. How could she be the only person who knew of that place? Such an idiot! Of course Percy would find someone else, like someone else, kiss someone else. Annabeth can't blame him. She can't blame Rachel, or anyone else, because how could she?
That night, Annabeth can't fall asleep.
(Percy can't either, because he can't stop thinking about Annabeth and how he thinks he saw her back there.)
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
please these gifs *starts cry about them friendship* and YEAH PLEASE GIVE TO US HEADCANONS ABOUT THEM. Is so precious the way Frank just practically adopted Billy like his brother!
Frank and Billy friendship headcanons? Yes please 😈
Please keep in mind this is my version of the boys. It's more like pre show. I've set canon on fire and thrown it in the dumpster. Come at me, bro.
The bond these two share knows no bounds. There isn't a single thing they wouldn't do for each other. Being in the marines together, enduring the shit they have, it formed a bond forged in steel. They're brothers and not being blood doesn't change that.
When the two get together and are in a good mood, they're a fucking riot. The witty banter swapped back and forth and the teasing is more than amusing and they seem to bounce off each other. When they're drunk, it's game over. The pair are ridiculous and loud and sometimes downright annoying to others.
They love to prank each other. It's been a running thing since the days of the marines. It carried on at home and sometimes they get together to prank other people. The pair are worse when they put their heads together.
Frank is insistent on bringing Billy into his family. Always inviting him for family dinners, coming over for special occasions. Frank hates Billy's upbringing. Hates what he's been through. He wants his brother to feel loved and cared for and know he has a place in his family.
They know each other inside out. There's nothing they haven't shared with each other. Sometimes it's like they share the same brain, only needing a simple look to convey what they need to say. They're always on the same wavelength.
They love sparring with each other. In the marines, they'd make a competition out of it and during PT. They're both highly competitive and the winner would win the care package sent by Maria. Billy would always take great pleasure in rubbing it in Frank's face if he won. And he's an incredibly sore loser.
If one or both of them are dealing with a lot of negative emotions, mainly anger, they'll have brutal fights to let off steam. They have no mercy as they pour all of their pain and rage into it, merciless and savage as they beat each other black and blue. When Billy's spiralling, Frank's been known to goad him, push him around and say shit until he snaps and throws a punch. It always makes him feel better. Fights with Frank makes Billy's blood set ablaze and there's no better feeling... Well maybe except for sex.
They're not embarrassed to cry in front of each other. Of course if the tears are over something silly then the other will tease them for it. But if they're real tears for a legitimate reason, there's no judgement or teasing. It's a comforting arm around the shoulder as they murmur that everything's okay. It's a tight hug where they cling to each other, hands gripping the others neck. They take great comfort in each other.
Frank has Maria but she has no idea of the horrors he's endured and he doesn't want her to know. Billy gets it. He lived it. So it's easy for them both to be raw and open and honest with each other about everything.
They've seen each other naked. There's no place for shame in the marines of course so it happened often. They often had arguments over who has the bigger dick and at one point, Billy offered to grab a measuring tape to prove he was bigger. Frank of course declined.
There was also an incident at a barbecue at the Castle's where Frank had made an offhand remark about being bigger while he and Billy were with Maria. Not to be outdone or have his dick size called into question, Billy kindly offered for Maria to be the judge. Naturally the pair ended up scrapping in the backyard of the Castle family home.
They often have deep meaningful conversations. Things like the future, the meaning of life, what happens when you die. It started overseas as a way to pass the time. Either laying on their bunks in their downtime or when they were out on a misson and waiting for orders.
Frank's the one who brings up the future. He's a happily married family man and he wants Bill to settle down. His best friends antics amuse him but he wants Billy to find true happiness like he has. Billy's more of a live in the moment kinda guy so he always scoffs and rolls his eyes at his friend. Sometimes though he admits he'd like that one day.
Billy is the deep thinker of the two. He overthinks far too much, analysing everything. His brain asking questions he'll never have the answers to and one's that don't matter even if he did have the answers. They've spent many a night just talking about deep things and having serious conversations.
They're pretty affectionate with one another. Ultimate bros who give no shits. Arms slung around the other shoulders, plenty of hugs. It's even been known for firm and manly forehead kisses to happen.
They have each others backs no matter what. They would kill for one another, die for one another. They both have tempers although they can reign it in unless something makes them snap. But if the other is in danger or even just someone's mouthing off in the bar, they pop off. Billy is more hot tempered of the two when it comes to this and he's not afraid to break some bones if someone's messing with his brother.
When they're both at their peak of maximum rage, it’s hard to bring them back from it. Anyone that gets in their way is as good as dead when they're that far gone. But they can bring each other back from the brink of darkness. They're the only ones able to get away with getting close enough in that state. Gripping shoulders as they murmur carefully that they need to calm down. Soft and soothing words helping calm the flames burning inside of them.
Billy absolutely adores his niece and nephew. Lisa was already born by the time he and Frank met but he knew the Castle’s at the time of Frank Jrs birth. They had been overseas when he was born and didn't get back until he was walking, but he loved him the second he got to meet him.  He loves his role as uncle Billy and he enjoys spending time with the kids and making them laugh and spoiling them. Frank loves it, loves seeing his brother-in-arms be part of his family.
Billy delights in taking the piss out of Frank for his lack of tech knowledge. He loves calling him an old man as he struggles to work out his old piece of shit phone or how he stares at a computer like its an alien object. Frank takes great pleasure in teasing Billy about all of his suits, his color coordinated closet and his deep need for things to be neat and tidy. Frank will purposely leave a mess at the penthouse just to get under Billy’s skin.
There's no secrets between the two. No matter what, it's complete transparency. If there was a secret, the other would be pissed. It'd have to be something big. They'd be offended they didn't go to them about it. Billy would take this harder than Frank with all of his trust issues. He'd take it very personally. He's likely to start a physical fight about it. Even still, they will always make up.
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dearcat1 · 2 years
(Too young)
Part 46 of Sofia
That woman makes Sofia uncomfortable. It's nothing against Nana Sawada, it's just… she reminds Sofia of everything her tutors wanted her to be and some of what she had to either learn to reclaim or unlearn entirely. Perhaps it's a little cruel but it made it easier to simply follow her pup up the stairs instead of staying to interact with the older omega. Nana, Sofia thinks, is desperately lonely and just as desperately trapped inside her training. Everything inside her house is picture-perfect, following what they were taught to an obsessive degree. Iemitsu is a cruel man; and what's worse, Sofia is pretty sure he doesn't realize it. This is cruelty born out of ignorance: From all the punishments Sofia had to endure during her own training, the one that left the most scars is isolation. Omegas aren't meant to be left alone, it does a number on their instincts.
"I don't need a babysitter," the kid sulks, walking around the room and fixing it up around her.
Sofia is mostly sure he's an alpha, Vongola Skies usually are. She didn't wear scent blockers today for that reason, Sofia smells like herself, like her alpha and maybe with a hint of anxiety added in for fun. It's likely why despite the aggressiveness of his sulking, Tsunayoshi is leaning more towards soothing than outright distaste. Sofia thinks it's charming that he's trying to be protective and yet it's a worrying trend, he did it to his mother too and she deferred to him, expecting him to be in charge. The training again, very likely, or the isolation. Either way, it's unhealthy, this is a pup and Sofia doesn't want him to be under the impression that he's responsible for her; he doesn't need the stress and she doesn't need the gesture. Still, it's better to be honest here, she doesn't know how Hyper Intuition works but that's a factor with this one. "Your mom makes me uncomfortable and your cousin wants me to get to know you anyway."
"My cousin?" He visibly decides to ignore the part about his mother, pushing her gently towards his bed so she can lay down. "Your alpha."
"Xanxus." Sofia turns around, settling to make an easy nest, maybe he can be tempted to stop running around. "He's a worrywart," Xanxus wouldn't appreciate the teasing but she's trying to make him less scary to a pup that came down the stairs and found the home he feels he needs to protect filled with terrifying looking people. "He thinks you're sick."
"I'm not sick," Tsunayoshi groans, almost resigned. "I'm just bad at everything." He hesitates for a moment before he starts rummaging through his closet for more blankets. "I'm fine."
"Then there's no harm in letting the doctor take a look at you, is it?" Sofia includes his offerings to the nest and sits down, patting the spot next to her in invitation. "With your dad being stubborn, Federico charged Xanxus with making sure you are alright. Xan is just trying to make sure."
"And my mom?"
Nana Sawada is desperately lonely and Sofia knows the statistics, understands enough of what must be going inside her head to make an educated conclusion of what Nana is walking to with or without her son around. The decision needs to be made on whether or not she will be folded into their pack or if they'll just let things progress as they are. Sofia isn't even sure there's enough left of Nana to try and rescue but.. how do you tell that to a child? "I don't know," Sofia hesitates, rubbing the kid's back when he slumps. "I'll talk to Xanxus and let him know what I think but… at the end of the day, Nana is your father's omega. We can take over your care because you're blood but Nana…" As far as Vongola is concerned, it doesn't matter how Xanxus treats her, Sofia is more property than mate and the same applies to Nana, without the added protection of her own alpha.
Sofia has more liberties because Xanxus gives them to her, she's treated like a mate because Xanxus demands it and Timoteo follows along because he doesn't want more fights with his sons. Any of them. But Nana doesn't have that and grabbing her from Iemitsu is both an insult and invites retaliation, maybe even a complaint filed with the Vindice. It's a problem. Tsunayoshi grabs her attention when he growls, with less anger and more pain. "I thought he was dead." 
He's only ten years old, Sofia thinks. He should not look like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. The soothing purr comes more out of instinct than rational thought but the way he leans on her tells her it's the right move. "He's not. He's in Italy." Fuck him, too. Ignorance or not, he's hurting his family.
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
"I'm not feeling well right now and I'm scared to go on a full conversation with someone about my feelings because I feel like I might make a mistake and they'll begin thinking poorly of me further. I'm scared of talking to my mother because she might be furious when she hears about it and I'm sort of terrified of my mother in a way."
Hi it's me one of your mutuals, I'm still stunned that you're following me back and if it would be alright could I request a comfort fic with Bam? ^^
Accidental vent, no need to read this. Feel free to use what I mention above also something to add in the story and you see, I've missed out sending a project and had missing assignments plus sent something super late right on date with the teachers' deadlines for grading. So now I'm really thinking that I'm gonna fail and I'm so scared that I will, but I'm struggling to cry, I wanna cry, feel my chest become heavy but it's hard. It's as if I'm empty, some tears are finally spilling out right now but it feels so,, i don't know weird. I want a release but my body refuses,, I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say right now bur yeah. Im so sorry,
I’m here for you if you want to talk. 
I hope this makes you feel a bit better. 
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No Warning
Word Count: 952
Your depression would come to you like a wave. A small wave of sadness would make you sad but would only last for a small amount of time. A big wave of sadness would hit you like a tsunami, you're head and body feeling like they were drowning from the level of despair you were feeling. It was always either one or the other.
Everyone around you had heap loads of talent and were able to hold a conversation without it looking forced. Even with Bam's kind and caring personality, he was sometimes difficult to talk to. It wasn't because of how friendly he was. It was just how you were.
The others were formidable, while you felt like you were just useless and weak. Like you were the one holding everyone back. You felt like you were nothing but a failure.
You were lying on your side on your bed, looking at the door as the time passed by slowly.
The sounds of chattering could be heard. They were all kind of close, so it was to be expected. Everyone would be better off without you in the group, in the way and probably messing everything off.
No one needed to know if you left you weren't important to them. At least, that's what you felt.
Bam's smiles at you felt fake, even if they were genuine.
"I wonder what's taking (Y/N) so long," Endorsi's voice says.
A bit weird for anyone to take notice now.
There were footsteps you knew someone was coming to get you. Sometimes everything made you depressed. Other times nothing made you depressed. But both of them would cause tears every time you felt the need to release your emotions.
Why would nothing get to you and make you cry so much? Because it was how you thought of yourself.
"Is everything okay (Y/N)?" Bam's voice says. A stream of tears lightly falling from your eyes. You tried not to sob. You were desperate for him not to hear the sound of you crying. "We're all worried about you."
Of course, they were. Not like it mattered.
There was no sound from you. You knew he would stay beside your door for a while, listening in for any indication that you were okay and that he didn't need to worry. But he was worried because it was so quiet. There was no reason for you to be still asleep, it was nearly midday, and you had spent the entire day in your room.
There was a sigh coming from outside your room. "I'm coming in,"
"No, don't," you protested, curling yourself into a ball on your bed.
He walks in and sees you on your bed, the sound of soft sobs coming from you as you lay there. Why did he have to be so damn persistent?
The bed shifts a little as Bam's weight presses onto it.
"Why have you been hiding here all day?"
You don't answer again. Your sobs were more than enough.
"Do you need someone to talk to?"
"No", you answer quickly, his eyes widening at your response.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?"
"No," that response was softer than the last one.
You wanted him there, but you also didn't. It was like a tug of war battle was going on inside your head.
"Okay, then," Bam says, lying down beside you on your bed.
He catches a glimpse of your red face. Your sobs were obvious now that he was closer to you.
"Why are you so upset?" Bam asks softly, his hand stroking your arm.
You say nothing, continuing to sob profusely.
"Please let me in. Tell me what's making you so sad. I care about you."
His hand moves away from your arm. His arms wrap around you, bringing you closer to him.
"You don't have to answer me straight away. I don't want to make you feel like I'm putting pressure on you."
"Do you think I'm a disappointment?" You ask softly.
"No, you're not a disappointment."
"How do you know that? How do you know what everyone thinks of me?"
It was breaking his heart to see you like this. It made him sad.
"I've never heard anyone say anything bad about you. When people do say something about you, it's always because you've been helpful and kind to them."
That whole sentence felt like it was a lie.
You sigh, moving your arms away from your face a little to see his face. There was no indication that he was lying. Bam was being genuine with you.
"I don't know if I can believe that." You say, tugging a little at his top.
"You don't have to," Bam says, his fingers brushing your hair softly. "I think you're amazing as you are. You don't need to prove anything to me. We'd all be lost without you."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better,"
"I wish you didn't push us away. I'm being honest with you. I'm always here for you. Please don't hide away from me."
"Bam, thanks for finding me."
"I want you to be happy and safe."
A soft smile shines on his face, his gold eyes lighting up like a fire.
"Can I come to you if I feel like this again?" You ask.
"If you need me to listen, I'm always here."
He held you for a while, making sure you were okay before doing anything else. He didn't want you to do anything stupid.
There would always be a part of you that felt useless. But Bam was the type of person to always hear you out, and tell you that you're worth the world.
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gotreactions · 4 years
Got7 Reaction: Their Actress/Actor S/O Has to Film a Sex Scene
Warnings; light NSFW, Fluff, maybe slight angst depending on how you view things but I don't wanna get yelled at so I'm putting it in 'warnings' anyways!
Backstory: You're an actress/actor staring in a new movie/tv series and your next scene is a sex scene that will be fairly visual and detailed
He knows acting is your job, so he would try to be supportive and understanding even though he felt extremely jealous under the surface. He would ask to read the scrip just to see HOW visual the scene would be. Upon realising how long the scene would be lasting he felt his skin heat up, he doesn't like the thought of anyone else seeing you in a way that only he should.
After reading the script he would sit down on the sofa and call you out so he could discuss this with you. He would pull you in his lap and hug you from behind, pulling you closer so your back was against his chest and he could easily whisper in your ear, asking a billion questions quite seductively oddly enough. "Are you excited to film this scene? Wanna have sex with another man on camera?" Questions along those lines as he spread your legs open even as you insisted you wouldn't actually be having sex with him and telling JB that if he really wasn't okay with this you would talk to the director and see if there was a way out of it. Your reassurance made him feel better, and deep down he knows that no-one could satisfy you like he does. That doesn't mean he won't use this to his advantage however. He would have enough of your blabbering and he'd tell you to get up and strip for him, smacking your ass as soon as you stood up. He would lean back and enjoy his little show that would lead to a long night for you two.
The next morning you wake up in his arms, covered from neck to toe in hickeys and love bites. Jaebeom would rub your waist as he spoons you from behind and kisses along your shoulders before speaking up about how he feels finally.
"I'm happy for you getting a big role and I understand apart of your job may mean doing jobs like this sometimes. If you want to do the scene, go for it. I support you fully my love. If you don't want to film the scene and if you feel uncomfortable with it, I'll go down there myself and talk to the director so you won't take the heat for it alright?"
In the end he would leave it up to you. However if you do choose to film the scene, he would get kinda cocky to a degree. Asking things such as, 'I wonder if they'll leave the hickeys showing. I hope they do so everyone can see just how much daddy pleasures you.' And every day up until the filming of the scene would be full of these cocky retorts and him kissing all over your body cause he still feels a little jealous.
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The two of you were sitting together watching a movie and cuddling when you randomly brought the scene up. At first Mark would scrunch his brows together and slowly turn his head away from the tv, moving it to look down at you instead. He would ask what you said, while looking half between the movie half between you. When you would repeat yourself 'I'm filming a sex scene for work next week' he would nod a bit before grabbing the remote and pausing the movie. He'd move around on the sofa/bed a bit to get more comfortable before facing you and asking all about it. 'How long have you known? What's the context of the scene? Are you excited?' He would want to hear everything about it while he processes all of this. In the end he would put on his normal happy smile and rub your waist. "I'm happy for you." Would slip out of his mouth before he kissed you and pulled you to lay against his chest. He'd suggest getting back to your movie that y'all had been watching, pressing play.
The rest of the night all he could invision was you naked, covered with only a white sheet and a random guy on top of you. He felt uncomfortable and protective as he rubbed your back while he finished watching the movie with you.
When you guys went to bed that night, Mark felt to weird to hold you in his sleep. Though he will admit he didn't even sleep that night. Images of you with another guy, even if just for a movie, seemed too weird and wrong to him. You should be with him and him only. His mind ended up wandering and he starting to get a little insecure wondering if you would enjoy your fake sex scene on camera with a guy you barely know outside of work more than real sex with Mark whom you've been with for ages now. He felt weirdest about himself, cause he isn't normally the super insecure jealous type but right now he wants to punch the guy in the face and fuck you himself - and he doesn't even know the guy.
A few days before you had to film the scene, you would confront Mark on his weird behavior - him not holding you in your sleep, how he's spent more time at the studio and coming home later, how he doesn't talk to you as much. He would be open and admit he feels weird and overly jealous about thinking of you with another - even if it is purely an on camera for a movie thing. You would laugh a little and reassure him that nothing would actually happen with you and this guy and how even in the scene, you guys wouldn't actually be touching. You told him you would be wearing clothes under the sheets and that if Mark wanted he could come to the set, meet the guy, and watch the scene as you film. You promised him if he showed up to the set, you would stare in his (Marks) eyes the entire time you were filming so he would know for sure he's the only one for you.
Mark felt better after opening up to you about his worries and jealousy. After you talked him through everything he would scoop you up in his arms and carry you to bed bridal style, kissing you gently yet passionately. All night he would whisper 'I love you's in your ear while you make love and feel all of his love, reassuring him of your love in an intimate way.
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Anger, jealousy, immaturity. It would start off with innocent discusing back and worth, him getting jealous and asking why you would want to do that kind of scene and you wanting to be independent and to be able to film this cause you really enjoy being in this show/movie plus 'its not that racey' so 'whats the big problem?'
Eventually Jackson would get up and start walking off as you continue talking to him, trying to explain what's going on to him. Trying to tell him about the scene and movie. He would throw his hands up in defensive shouting a 'I don't wanna hear it, go do whatever you want!' As he storms off, leaving the house and slamming the door on his way out. At first you would chase after him, feeling slightly bad but he would ignore you as you climbed in his car and drove off.
You must have shouted his name 100 times, called his phone a dozen and a half more. He was ignoring you and acting childish so you gave up. You went inside, watched some tv/read a book. Cooked, ate, did the dishes. You watched the clock tick and called his phone every 10-20 minutes feeling so annoyed and worried. It was around 2am that he finally came home. He smelt of alcohol as he walked right past you, both of you silent as he went to the bathroom.
Knowing what to do by now you went to the kitchen to make him some tea and a light snack in attempt to sober him up before bed but he never came back out that night, not like he usually would.
The next morning as you were making breakfast you felt a set of arms wrap around you as Jackson whispered "I'm sorry" over and over again, hiding his face in your neck and squeezing you like a teddy bear. You would be stern and tell him you're still filming that scene. Jackson would be more understanding this time around after talking to his friends about it the night before, he realises he has to trust you and that he really does trust you. You guys would sit down to eat that morning and this time as you told Jackson about the scene, he listened to you and you were able to have a mature and civilized discussion.
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He was very understanding and happy for you. He knows how much you love acting and how much you like your job. Knowing you inside and out he would know that if you didn't want to do this scene, you'd say something at least to him. Meaning, this scene isn't something he needs to worry about if you feel comfortable with it. There is no-one in the world JR trusts more than you. He loves you, values your relationship, and he's confident in you two. Confident in your sex life that nothing is lacking. Confident in your romance and your love that nobody could split you guys apart - especially not a coworker of yours on a single movie.
He would offer to help you run lines, he'd be bluntly honest on if your moans seemed too fake and he would help you perfect them. Using a teddy bear and pulling out his camera he would help you place your hands in the most flattering way on camera to make you look the best, so you would know where to place your hands on the guy/girl in the scene. Overall, he'd be very supportive.
However, he would also joke and tease a lot. 'i wonder if I should go to the studio and teach (act. name) how to pleasure you.' He loves teasing you about this. Even after the movie comes out, he will comment about everything to do with that scene and openly tell you your hands look better on his back (JR's). He would tell you you sound better gasping and moaning in his ear compared to on camera and he would do everything in his power to turn you red and get you squirming in your seat beside him.
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He wasn't really jealous, but he wasn't exactly the biggest ray of sunshine either. In the back of his mind he couldn't figure out how this kind of scene fit into the kind of movie you were filming. He also had a few inner questions about if this would be a reoccurring thing or not. Like, if there's going to be a sequel would you have to film another one of these scenes? Really, he was just trying to wrap his head around all of this.
After a day or two he would be more relaxed and totally let it go, acting as if this was just like any other scene you've ever filmed. He would continue askikg about work, how your day was. He would take you dates like usual, may be even more dates just to give you extra proof on how much he loves you for just in case whatever reason. Every day/night leading up til the filming date he would take you out on a date and continue being himself.
Once the movie was released, you guys went to the showing together and he got to meet the cast and crew which was exciting and nerve wracking to him - he definetely clung to you all night at the event. By the end of the evening, once he met the actor whom you filmed with, he felt much better and more relieved - even though he didn't realise he was stressing about this to begin with. When he saw how you looked at him compared to this actor, he knew there was nothing going on between you and any other man (or woman). Your love was all his and it made him feel confident and really happy inside. In the end, the scene meant nothing to him but a career success and boost for you.
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Three words: Rough jealousy sex.
He was so jealous! Yes, he's met this actor before as y'all have filmed together before. No, there was never a spark between you two nor will there ever be one. To say your fellow actor was a friend would be a bit much - you work together and that's it. This scene honestly means nothing but a new experience to you. But BamBam? Oof!
He felt insecure thinking of you with another person in bed. He felt so gross at the fake scene that hasn't even happened yet that he doesn't even wanna be with you in a bed. He felt so jealous of a guy who can't even compare to him that he felt jealousy and few tears of confusion and shock swell up inside him. The night you told him about the scene, he would make a lot of jokes asking if you were alright filming a sex scene with a shrimp. Making jokes on how he is 'big' BamBam who can give you better bam bam than anyone. He would laugh a lot and hug you tight, ruffling up your hair and teasing you in general.
As the filming date got closer however, BamBam wasn't able to hold in his jealpusy anymore. He ended up snapping one night. Yelling, crying a bit, shoved some glass vases off the dresser into the floor. He begged you for reassurance asking if he's able to pleasure you or if your reactions in bed with him were all acting skills if yours. (He knew they were real reactions but he just needed you to tell him and to prove it to him.) As you cried a bit and broke down in honesty about how much you love him Bambam would push you against a wall and kiss you with more passion than ever before. Tonight has something to prove to you and to himself. He would 'bam bam' bang you against every iteam of furniture in your apartment aside from the bed that he felt to disgusted to go near at that moment in time. You had so many orgasms that night you spent the next 24 hours recuperating and relaxing as you and BamBam cuddled and lazed around in bed together.
After this, after seeing how you shake in pleasure beneath him and after feeling your body heat against his BamBam didn't feel as jealous though he was ready for the scene to just happen and get done with so he could stop thinking about it and so he could forget it ever happened.
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Well, he definetely pouted a bit at first. Contemplated everything leading up to this moment. Replayed images of all your moments throughout the years. He felt like he should be more jealous than he actually was but for some reason he felt nothing? I mean previously when you'd tell him about a job such as getting to ride a horse across a beach or having a sword fighting scene he would feel really excited and kind of wish it was him instead. When you would tell him about all the animals and kids you get to work with, his heart would swell up feeling happy that so many people get to see your beautiful smile every day. But when you told him about this actor, about this scene? He felt nothing. Not jealousy nor happiness. He felt empty and no reaction. It was like, he doesn't love this gig but he loves you so they weight each other out.
As to try and feel something he would discuss it with you more, ask about it every day, talk work with you every chance he got. He asked his Hyungs if how he was feeling was normal or not but he was never able to come to a solid conclusion.
He was supportive, but at the same time he just wanted to spend time with you. After asking and hearing about your work that day for5-10 minutes nightly he would spend the next 3-4 hours just holding you, playing games, talking, giving you his undivided attention and not thinking about this other person whom you'd be filming with. As a matter of fact, in these moments, you aren't even an actress to him. You're his Queen/King and that's it.
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itsyourbby · 4 years
Hello! Can I get headcanons for Tokoyami accidentally overhearing his crush practicing how they'll ask him out late one night in the common room? Thank you in advance! ♡
Sure thing babycakes! ☺️
You took a deep breath and went through the words in your head again. You couldn’t believe what you were going to do tomorrow but you knew you had to do it. Ever since you met him you couldn’t get him out of your head , which really means something.
At first you thought that it was normal to think about a person a lot. Heck you thought about your idol a lot and you wouldn’t say you were obsessed. But when it comes to tokoyami and the thoughts that go through your head 24/7 then yeah... your obsessed with him.
From asking yourself how it would feel to cuddle with him to how his feathers would feel. You couldn’t get a single ounce of sleep after realizing you had a fat crush on him.
“Tokoyami fumikage since the first time I layed my eyes on you I couldn’t get you out of my head, you’re like a fever that hit me like a truck.your on my head 24/7 and I can never get an ounce of sleep because you’re always in my head. What I’m trying to say is that I...I...like you..”
You cursed at yourself mentally for stuttering at the end. You didn’t want him to think that you were a pathetic loser for being obsessed with him!
“What am I thinking...he’s going to turn me down..” your hand tighted at the glass cup you were holding. You weren’t going to lie , you were afraid of rejection. Simply getting humiliated by a simple no seemed to make your mood worse.
Shaking your head you quickly got a glass of water and chugged it down trying to get the idea of rejection out of your head..
‘Even if I did get rejected that won’t affect me in any way!’
Once you realized you finished your water your eyes went to the corner of your eye hearing a thud.
‘Shit...is someone here?!’
You would of thought that no one would be awake around this ungodly time.you made sure no one was awake!
You slowly turned your head to the sound you heard. And didn’t see anything , well you thought. You wouldn’t say your eyesight was 20/20 so you can’t really rely on them when it comes to the darkness.
Letting out a small sigh you made up the fact that maybe something was misplaced by kaminari or mineta and it fell.
You stood there for a good 5 minutes to make sure it wasn’t a person who was actually there, you didn’t want to get made fun of for practicing your confession in the middle o the night! It would harm your reputation. And it might make you look weird in the eyes of tokoyami.
Getting suddenly tired you Slowly tip toed to your dorm trying not to make to much noice for your classmates or teacher to hear you.
Once you were inside you let out a tired yawn and fell to total darkness.
The next day soon came and the only word that can describe how you were feeling right now was nervous.
You still can’t believe that you were going to confess to him!
And nervousness was not a word to describe you, so when you came to class with a timid face and shaking hands your friends soon noticed your change in behavior.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?! You look so nervous, Was there a spider in the bathroom again?!”
Shaking your head you soon explained to them what you were going to do at the end of the day, they let out a sigh of relief and giggled at you for being nervous.
Class soon started which eased your nervousness a bit. You stole a few glances twords your crush and admired him for being so...perfect.
The way he graciasly moves along with his polite attitude just makes you want to tackle him with all of the love you have for him. Oh how much you just adore that boy.
Tokoyami eyes soon landed on you , his crimson eyes piercing right through yours made you shiver and quickly look away.
‘How embarrassing’
You felt yourself heat up at the fact that you just embarrassed yourself. You didn’t mean to stare at him for a long time! You just wanted to go through the reasons why you like him so much.
The end of the day soon came quickly. As you noticed the clock slowly ticking to the hour in which classes ended, your nervousness came jumbling up.
Flinching to the loud sound of the bell , you let out a cold sweat and collected your stuff from your desk. You had to hurry up before tokoyami left! You didn’t want all of this to backfire.
Once you were done with that you hurriedly walked towards the dark feathered boy.
Your hand shakingly lifting up to poke his shoulder very gently, you cursed at yourself for being so damn nervous.
“Oh (y/n)..” Tokoyami turned around and looked at you with his red eyes.
Eyes were soon on both of you as you couldn’t get your words straight out.
“I....can I...Ugh I lost my train of thought. Uhm...” your eyes went all over the place, as much as you wanted to stare into his beautiful eyes you just couldn’t. Even if you knew it was rude to not give eye contact while trying to confess you just couldn’t.
“T-Tokoyami fumikage since the first time I laid my eyes on you I couldn’t get you out of my head,”
You glanced up to him for a few seconds and realized that he slowly started to blush.
“you’re like a fever that hit me like a truck.your on my head 24/7 and I can never get an ounce of sleep because you’re always in my head. “
You holded both of your hands together to try and calm yourself down, you knew you were to deep into your confession to back out now. Oh god what if he doesn’t like you?! What if he accepts your confession just because you look like such a loser?? What if he takes pity on you..?
“What I-I’m trying to say is that I...like you..”
“So you were the one saying that last night..”
Your eyes widened at what he just said. You would of thought that the sound you heard last night was a stupid cup falling from the counter! But instead it was him?! he was there when you were practicing??!!
“I...you were the one listening in?! “You questioned with a face of worry. Now you just knew he was going to reject you.
“I wouldn’t have thought it was you (y/n)..I-I find it hard to believe that it was you..since you always go to bed early and since you don’t seem to be interested in no one...”
Your hands went to both sides of your face, your face felt cold as your realization soon went through your thick skull.
“I....um..well.....you see-“tokoyami soon got cut off by a voice you recognized.
“What this emo is trying to say is that he likes you too.”
Everything got quiet as your face suddenly faced him.
“I..you-you like me?!”
“dark shadow what the hell !! “
Your eyes laid on his face once again and both of you blushed even more.
The guy you’ve been admiring from afar likes you?! He likes you?! It’s impossible! He never seems to make it obvious that he has feelings for you! Instead your clown self made it so damn obvious that you did! almost everyone in the class knew!!
“Ahem...I like you too (y/n). And to be very honest your confession last night was very adorable in my opinion.”
“I can’t get the idea of you out of my head either, I’d always try to convince myself that maybe it’s because I look up to you but realization soon struck me and I simply accepted the fact that I...like you..”
His crimson eyes glanced to the corner of his eyes to try and hide the huge fat blush he was trying to hide from you.
‘How embarrassing!’he said through his head , to have thought that he would act like this while trying to confess to the person he’s been head over heels for is crazy! He’d always thought that he’d be the one to confess to you and that you might reject him but oh how deeply wrong he was.
You embraced him with a hug.
Not even thinking about what would happen if you hugged him went through your head. Just the words “hug him” came to you and you did it like a reflex.
You felt him tensen up but the tension soon melted away as he hugged you back.
“I thought you were going to reject me for how pathetic I am...” your cheek was on his shoulder which made your sentence come out muffled . ‘He smells like Raspberries!’
You just couldn’t help it but melt into the hug.
“Ha, i thought you were going to reject me! I was worried that you wouldn’t see me the same if I did”
His grip around you tightened, his face was on your shoulder taking in your scent, he couldn’t believe that this was happening! He just wanted to jump in joy that he finally had to courage to confess to you...although you were the one with the courage to confess first...
A smile was plastered on your face , does this mean that...you guys are.....dating?
“I could never! I adore you to much to reject you.”
“D-does this mean that we’re.....” that question came out of your mouth too quickly, geez you didn’t want to sound desperate or something but the question was slowly but desperately killing you.
“I guess we are...” his face came off of your shoulder to look at you face to face. His hand went to your chin to face him.
Your eyes widened at his soft move.
He stayed like that for a few minutes before opening his mouth.
“Have I ever told you that I get lost into your gorgeous eyes?”
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