coldraindropsss · 2 months
Eris, Hebe, Eleutheria
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Hephaestus , Ares, Aphrodite
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idyllhaze · 9 months
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wizard of undeath
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jane-d-ankh-veos · 11 months
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After MotR and latest FL, of course, I can't resist the nostalgic temptation to return to Sunless Skies, and now remembering how much I love Eleutheria…
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martagrimalt · 13 days
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El viernes 31 de mayo, a las 19h, presento Desierto en tu mente junto La Torre Magnética, en la librería Eleutheria (c/ Abades, 8, Lavapiés, Madrid) (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ Bienvenidos sois.
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thelivingsin · 2 months
There may not be snow where I live.
But I will always remember the way these cold embraces made me feel. The cool breeze that wraps me like a gift and warms my whole body, if not including my head. The way the air of low temperature condenses on the pane that barricades the balcony from the bedroom will never not make me feel at ease, at home. The mist that once prevented us to experience the joy of being a child in an amusement park still somehow gave me serenity—a feeling I would always feel when it rains. Yet this rainfall is different. It is weak yet showering, the sky's sadness falling on every strand of my hair like soft, comforting hands patting my head as praise.
And when Sol bids his temporary farewell—when it is Luna's turn to shine—the night gets even colder, and I am filled with more comfort. The crickets that surround me help in creating a safer space for myself, and the familiar songs from a distant party bring me enough delight. The city lights below me, the most beautiful sight of my life, tell me that there are other people who exist, some left to be forgotten, some as broken as me. The blinking lights from the Ferris wheel remind me of a better tomorrow, a hope that we can play at the park the next day, and the feeling of being a child once more. The people screaming on the rollercoaster reminding me that I have to let all my emotions out, somehow, someway, someday.
There may not be snow where I live, but the coldness of night and day will always speak loud of my frozen cold heart. Ironically, twenty-three degrees will warm it enough to shatter on its own to fragments, and after that, once more, its pieces emerge and shelter my broken heart only to prevent further pain.
There may not be snow where I live, but that isn't the case, and that isn't what makes life sad. It's that I will never get to experience the same thing the first time in life again.
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smute · 10 days
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Allegra Hyde, Eleutheria
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littledigest · 2 years
Asteroids indicating Activism and the Rebellious Spirit in your Birth Chart - PART 2
This will be separated into two parts since there are so many asteroids that have to do with the following:
Contributing to rebellion
Using your power to go against something bigger/tradition
Resilience as a stance
Drive and willpower
Intelligence and human advancement seen as a threat to others
Coming together as one group, power in numbers
Freedom, liberation
Sign of the times
Peace and Disharmony
PART 2 will focus on themes 6 - 10
905, 306, 1585, 202373, 8991, 6000, 214772, 274300, 1347, 5863,
567, 771, 269, 24, 5, 5145, 19521, 3696, 136199, 40, 58, 679, 3642
Keep in mind that, you do not have to agree or be fans of some of the people/groups listed. But it is the general or initial intention of those people and groups that are important.
These asteroids could also point to a more negative manifestation: zealotry, extremism, etc.
Universitas 905
Named after the Latin word for the whole, total, the universe, the world
Can also be used as an education asteroid (university)
Unitas 306
Named after Angelo Secchi, an Italian astronomer
Means oneness, unity, undivided
Union 1585
Named after the Union Observatory
Can be read as union, meaning joining together or a group of people with a common purpose (think workers union)
Also used as a synastry marriage asteroid
Ubuntu 202373
Named after the Nguni Bantu word for humanity to others
Solidarity 8991
Re-named in response to the September 11 attacks along with two other asteroids: Magnanimity 8992 and Compassion 8990
Solidarity means unity and mutual support
United Nations 6000, UNICEF 214772, UNESCO 274300
Named after their respective organizations
United Nations is an international intergovernmental organization with the goal of maintaining peace and security among nations
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) is an organization dedicated to protecting disadvantaged children and their rights
UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) is an organization dedicated to promoting world peace through education, arts, sciences, and culture
Could be taken literally; if you're interested in working for these places
Patria 1347
Named after the Latin word for fatherland, motherland, homeland
Patriotism; pride and loyalty to your ethnic origins or where you live
Tara 5863
Named after female bodhisattva, Tara, who is the mother of liberation
Savior who liberates souls from suffering
Eleutheria 567
The ancient Greek word for liberty; personification of liberty
Libera 771
Latin word for free
Justitia 269, Themis 24
Justitia is the personification of justice; Lady Justice
Themis is the Greek goddess and personification of justice, divine order, fairness, law, and custom; Scales of Justice
May also be prominent in charts of lawyers, judges, lawyers-to-be, or at the very least someone who takes fairness very seriously
Astraea 5
Named after Astraea, the Greek goddess of justice, purity, and precision
Abandoned Earth due to the wickedness of humanity
When she returns, she will bring a utopian Golden Age
Pholus 5145
Named after Pholus, a centaur who was civilized like Chiron
Pholus opens a jug of wine for Heracles. The wine creates a frenzy amongst the wild centaurs and Heracles kills many of the centaurs in retaliation. Pholus then decides to bury the dead centaurs but after looking at one of the poisoned arrows and wondering how something so small could kill a centaur, he drops it on his foot. The poison kills him.
Small and/or innocent actions have big consequences
Chaos 19521
Named after chaos, the primordial darkness before the universe was created
Means emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss
Chaos needs a demiurge/fashioner in order to form a new order
Can also refer to the modern usage of the word meaning disorder and confusion
Herald 3696
Named after David Herald, an Australian astronomer
Can be read as the term herald, meaning a person or thing that is seen as a sign that something is about to happen (think ‘heralding the new year’)
Eris 136199, Harmonia 40, Concordia 58
Named after Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord
Named after Harmonia, the Greek goddess of harmony and agreement
Named after Concordia, the Roman goddess of agreement in marriage and society
Pax 679, Frieden 3642
Pax means peace in Latin
Frieden means peace, peacetime, and peace treaty in German
Read PART 1 here
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
Fave Five: LGBTQ Cli-Fi Novels
Eleutheria by Allegra Hyde Depart, Depart! by Sim Kern The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang Blackfish City by Sam J. Miller Bonus: These are all Adult, but in YA, check out Want and Ruse by Cindy Pon.
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ketamoon · 11 months
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gocagames · 1 year
Jelly n.57 - ✨ Constelanius ✨
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● It doesn't move and it camouflages itself with the stars. It is difficult to detect it without looking closely.
● The pattern of lights it have can vary but is usually always the same.
● It changes the position once a year. This way it don't waste energy and it doesn't need to eat so much.
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moonmultimuse · 2 years
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The reader gets to experience two sides of the climate spectrum here. First, we start with Willa’s childhood. Parents, who I would say are far-right conspiracy theorists, who only view the negative that nothing can be done to stop the apocalypse and that you should only focus on yourself and your small family, when the time of the end of the world comes. In most literature that I have read, we always see things from a leftist perspective, now I may not agree with a far-right point of view, but I do want to read from all standpoints and see people who have different beliefs than my own. Later on, in Willa’s life, we see her meet Roy Adams and his local of Camp Hope, Adams is an optimist, he is trying to prevent climate change or make it easier for the people who will go through it. To Willa, this is the complete opposite of what she has known, and it intrigues her, gives her hope in the world.
Willa is a character who grew up in isolation. She seeks out other people to compensate for the lack of relationships with other people in her childhood and teenage years. Rather this be, following her cousins, with their crazy schemes throughout the city, stalking a Harvard professor until she becomes her closest companion, or flying to the Caribbean to join a somewhat cult to stop climate change. Very unique character work.
If we think back to Willa’s childhood, growing up in a secluded cabin, in the middle of nowhere New Hampshire; that makes me want a book with that atmosphere. Yes, we do get bits and pieces in flashbacks but that would play into a really cool story in itself. Boston, it was like you would expect it to be. The Bahamas, Camp Hope, very intriguing, especially as someone who had been to the Bahamas, and not for vacation purposes. It was very easy to picture and just overall fascinating at the thought of someone making a camp or compound like Camp Hope.
The writing is what I marked the most of in my experience annotating ‘Eleutheria’. There are positives and negatives. At first, I had no idea how this writing would be for me, I knew that I was either going to love it or hate it, well, I fell in the middle of that. The quotes lack actual quotation marks, but I never had a hard time telling who was speaking. This is the first time a book that I have read has been successful with that. Another thing, at the start, the author seemed so focused on making the writing sound poetic or metaphoric. I could not help but roll my eyes at some of the comparisons. However, as the book progressed, it became easier and easier to read and I started underlining more and more quotes. That being said, some of the paragraphs were beautiful and had great commentary on the society we live in and are going towards.
That leads us into the plot. The first plot point that I will focus on is how Americans view climate change and really anything in the world that is not at our front door. A lot of us, Americans, don’t seem to care what is happening in other parts of the world. We just scroll on by and say something like “Oh, that sucks.” and just go on to the next post but no, most really don't care unless it is right in their backyard threatening their actual way of life. This can be said for a lot of first world countries in the Western Hemisphere. It was just great to see this brought up and how no matter the number of protests and petitions are done, most of the time nothing is actually done to fix the issue. Hyde, the author, just goes to show the morals, or lack thereof, that go behind so many campaigns on making the world a better place or just social movements in general. Just great, great commentary on the political climate around us and how it is truly all messed up. I highly recommend picking this book up for the ideas and themes that are presented.
The reader gets to experience two sides of the climate spectrum here. Very unique character work. If we think back to Willa’s childhood, growing up in a secluded cabin, in the middle of nowhere New Hampshire; that makes me want a book with that atmosphere. The setting was very easy to picture and just overall fascinating at the thought of someone making a camp or compound like Camp Hope. The writing is what I marked the most of in my experience annotating ‘Eleutheria’. That being said, some of the paragraphs were beautiful and had great commentary on the society we live in and are going towards. I highly recommend picking this book up for the ideas and themes that are presented.
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littlemicucci · 1 year
What if, I said, you had hypothetically spent your whole life trying to outrun a despair you learned as a little girl? A bad feeling that ran so deep it threatened to split you open? A feeling that there was nothing a person could do with her life except wait for the world’s end, that the only proactive act was to meet that end earlier?
- Eleutheria by Allegra Hyde
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idyllhaze · 7 days
Redraw of a 3 year old sketch of one of Eleutheria’s backstory NPCs, Azalea! She was Clover’s gf and stole Ellie’s spellbook. I was never really happy with how the sketch looked at the time compared to my other art, but the redraw was also very low effort so I say the improvement still counts!
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mautdesigns · 2 years
An exploration of Liberty personified. A portion of the proceeds on the sale of these designs will be donated to further the cause of liberty for all.
Liberty Stained Glass Liberty Stained Glass A depiction of Liberty personified. Shop Liberty Stained Glass A portion of the proceeds on the sale of this design will be donated to Black Lives Matter. This piece is clearly inspired by the Statue of Liberty, though reflective of the frustration I feel in the United States missing the mark to fulfil that promise of liberty for all. The Statue…
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lazyydaisyyy · 2 years
In the cascading spill of history, the future looks no different from the past.
Allegra Hyde, Eleutheria
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thelivingsin · 1 month
It's silent here. And although you feel like there is no one, there is someone watching you from afar, as silent as they can be. You'd think that no soul would care to check on yours, but there certainly is; except that this soul is too tired to do so. Except that this soul is too hurt to do so. And this soul wishes for you to understand—but this soul doesn't want you to, for this soul has too many yet nothing to tell you.
If you think you are alone, you are not. If you think you are tired, so am I.
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