#endocrine system
girl-please-study · 1 year
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Spending the last day of 2022 catching up on studies. I hope everyone is having a good time and are proud of themselves for making this far <3
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The Human Body
It comprises living cells and extracellular materials, organized into tissues, organs, and systems.
It is primarily composed of water and organic compounds, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
Water, making up about 60% (varies by age) of body weight, is crucial for life's chemical processes, found in both extracellular fluids and within cells, serving as a vital solvent.
The skin and related structures form the integumentary system, safeguarding the body from harmful invaders and chemicals while also preventing water loss.
Comprising skeletal muscles and bones (about 206 in adults), the musculoskeletal system facilitates body movement and shields internal organs.
Incorporating breathing passages, lungs, and respiratory muscles, the respiratory system acquires vital oxygen from the air for cellular metabolism and expels waste carbon dioxide.
The circulatory system, comprising the heart, blood, and vessels, circulates fluid throughout the body, furnishing cells with oxygen and nutrients while removing waste like carbon dioxide and toxic compounds.
The digestive system comprises the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines, breaks down food into usable nutrients, absorbing them into the bloodstream, and eliminates the remaining waste as feces.
Consisting of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, the excretory system filters toxins and waste from the blood for elimination.
The nervous system formed by sensory organs, brain, spinal cord, and nerves transmits sensory data, integrates it, and triggers appropriate muscular or glandular responses.
Composed of hormone-secreting glands and tissues, the endocrine system coordinates body processes via a chemical communication network.
The reproductive system, encompassing male or female sex organs, plays a crucial role in facilitating reproduction.
In males, this system includes structures such as the testes, which produce sperm, and in females, it comprises the ovaries, which produce eggs.
📹 (✏️) : SciePro
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er-cryptid · 1 year
Hormones Produced in the Pituitary Gland
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meinya-fan · 1 year
Make-up Toxicity
I, like many people of my generation, love makeup. 
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Growing up during the late 2000′s and 2010′s cosmetic influencers played a very important role. To this day there are many young Gen Z’ers and Gen Alphas that are coming into contact with make-up content, and generally love cosmetics.
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Cosmetics are not just make up, “ A "cosmetic" is any substance used to clean, improve or change the complexion, skin, hair, nails or teeth. Cosmetics include beauty preparations (make-up, perfume, skin cream, nail polish) and grooming aids (soap, shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant).”
We don’t discuss enough how absolutely dangerous some of these products  are on the market.
I’m not just talking about your cheap dollar store make-up.
I am 100% talking about your super popular favorite eye-shadow palettes, your $60+ foundation, and your most loved mascara.
I am talking about your body wash, lotion, and even your aluminum free deodorant. Your toothpaste, your hair creams, and your gel nail polish that you cure with a uv lamp.
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These chemicals are being placed on parts of your body that are supremely delicate, and your body is processing (or not) all of the materials within those products.
I feel completely psychotic writing this all down, and I doubt anyone will stop to read. You probably already think I’m crazy.
But when it comes to cancer, we shouldn’t play around, and although cancer related deaths have gone down due to medical advances in treatment and pharmaceuticals, we still need to have a discussion on why it is rates of cancer are going up so rapidly in the under 50 category. 
I am not for banning every single chemical that has a minute chance of causing cancer or endocrine disruption, but I am for smarter and longer studies of the chemicals being placed in our daily cosmetics. 
A lot of these cosmetic companies are given the go ahead to release their products to the public, as long as they do not cause any dramatic allergic reactions, but we need to be practical and make sure that the FDA is doing their due diligence.
Most of us grew up eating frozen dinners out of plastic microwaved trays, we had Johnson & Johnson baby powder placed on our bodies daily, we wore/wear chemical filled deodorant, and still continue to bathe ourselves in very unnatural but nice smelling soaps.
And as for POC, like myself, we grew up from a young age getting relaxers done on our hair and keratin treatments.
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It is not logical or rational to say that one item in your regimen is going to cause terminal cancer, but a life long interaction with a multitude of products that can raise your chances... you need to ask yourself these questions: “What is this? Where did it come from? Why am I doing this? And is it worth it?” 
I can talk about a million different things that we need to change in this world, like what is our furniture made up of, and are you sure your home was built with materials that are safe for you to live in, what about your mattress? 
Are you cooking with plastic utensils, eating off of plastic plates, and cooking on a scratched up non-stick pan? Cause I know I am. I have. And I’m learning that much of the things that are natural to me, in this world, are not safe. Much of the food and products we consume on the daily are putting our families at risk.
So please do your due diligence and take care of yourself in a way that your government won’t. 
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jessyka-fitness · 1 year
Which Is Better for Hormone Balance: Hormone Therapy or Glandular Therapy
Hormone therapy vs. glandular therapy: this is what you need to know. DATA: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/organotherapy 0:00 Introduction: Hormone therapy vs. glandular therapy 0:10 What is organotherapy? 0:25 Hormone therapy 1:05 The endocrine system explained 3:03 Hormone therapy side effects 6:40 Glandular therapy vs. hormone therapy 11:08 Learn more about what to…
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studywithraye · 2 years
Teas body system notes (4/10): Endocrine + hormones to know
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Sunday 09/10/22
I didn't really like doing anything yesterday so I only studied for 3h - and that's justbbecauseni promised myself I would be done with re-writing my notes 😅
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lemonteas-stuff · 2 years
Skincare dan embel embelnya
Hai! kali ini aku mau bercerita soal skincare, iyaa rasa rasanya life style per skincare an mulai marak aku rasain setelah masuk usia 17 an. Seketika itu jajanan temen temen langsung berubah jadi serum, moisturizer, sunscreen dan kawan kawannya. Jelas aja itu asing buat aku selain karena sebelumnya gak pernah pake  paling pol face wash sama body lotion, aku juga mengira itu bakal ribet banget karena harus setiap saat di pake dan mindset ku saat itu tuh kayak gini, “buat apa sii skincare2 an, lagi juga kulit gw sehat sehat aja” wkwkwk.
Tapi akhirnya perlahan aku mulai mencoba pake pelembab dan diawal pemakaian tuh nyebelin banget karena pelembabnya ninggalin white cast dan itu bikin aku males buat pake pelembab itu lagi, ditambah bikin muka jadi berminyak. Emang itu semua terjadi disebabkan karena aku belum memahami jenis kulit ku dan bahan produk apa aja yang cocok untuk jenis kulit ku. Dan disitu akhirnya aku tauk kalo ternyata jenis kulit orang itu berbeza beza wkwk.
oke oke jadi disini aku gak akan menceritakan lebih lanjut soal perjalanan aku memakai skincare, karena itu gak penting banget wkwk, tapi aku akan mencoba membagikan sedikit informasi mengenai per skincare an terkhusus dampak yang ditimbulkan. Yang kita semua tau penggunaan skincare itu gak hanya berlaku untuk kaum perempuan tapi juga laki laki. Penggunaan skincare sendiri sangat diperlukan manusia untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit dan tiap produk skincare pasti punya jenis yang berbeda beda menyesuaikan manfaat dan tujuan penggunaannya. Namun gak sedikit konsumen yang kurang memperhatikan kandungan bahan dari produk skincare yang mereka gunakan apakah itu mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya atau tidak, dan gak sedikit juga produsen produsen nakal yang menggunakan bahan kimia berbahaya dalam produk mereka.
Tentunya permasalahan ini menimbulkan kecemasan para konsumen dan kemudian gak sedikit bermunculan kasus-kasus konsumen yang menderita kanker kulit, infeksi, kecacatan dan efek buruk lainnya yg disebabkan bahan kimia berbahaya dalam produk skincare. Karena banyaknya kasus seperti ini juga yang akhirnya buat aku was was bahkan menghindari penggunaan skincare, walaupun begitu kita masih bisa menghindari efek buruk penggunaan skincare yaitu dengan cermat memperhatikan bahan yang terkandung dalam produk.
Nah aku sendiri punya pengalaman menarik soal memilah kandungan bahan pada skincare. Ceritanya waktu itu aku lagi nyari produk pelembab alami yg multifungsi, dan akhirnya aku ketemu sama sebuah produk pelembab yang berbahan dasar alami buah-buahan dan ratingnya pun terbilang tinggi dilihat dari harganya pun memang agak mahal, aku sendiri gak tau kenapa dia bisa semahal itu mungkin karena kandungan bahan nya alami jadi lebih mahal kali ya wkwk. So, tanpa berpikir panjang aku langsung beli produk itu. Pas barang nya udah aku terima ada sesuatu yang ganjil apa itu? Produk itu gak ada logo halalnya! Seketika rasanya kayak Taraaa makjreng! Uang ku lenyap hanya untuk membeli produk yg belum jelas halal nya. Awalnya aku gak panik aku coba search di website halal MUI tapi, nothing! Gak ada hasil. Aku coba nontonin review nya pun sama aja bahkan para seleb itu seperti tidak peduli apakah produk itu ada halalnya atau nggak. Entah apa karena emang kandungan bahannya 100% alami jadi gak perlu ada logo halal atau karena memang produk ini sebelumnya gak di cek oleh halal mui? Padahal nih produk udah banyak pengguna nya dan dia juga ada di pasaran di marketplace besar yang pasti masyarakat udah gak asing banget lah, namanya terkenal jadi gudangnya skincare n body care ciwi ciwi. Dan sampe sekarang itu pelembab masih murni tersegel belum gw coba sama sekali 😶. Dan ini juga yang perlu diperhatiin tiap beli sesuatu, apapun pastikan ada keterangan halalnya titik.
Gak cuma itu, ciwi ciwi harus tau kalau kita ini makhluk yang memiliki banyak hormon. Oleh karena itu gunakanlah produk yang memang aman untuk di konsumsi atau di gunakan dalam hal ini yaitu bahan yang terkandung dalam skincare dan make up. Karena ada beberapa zat yg terkandung dalam produk skincare yang bersifat endocrine disruptors, dari nama nya aja udah jelas yaa kalo bahan tersebut bisa mengganggu endokrin. Di kutip dari Wikipedia, Endocrine disruptors adalah bahan kimia yang dapat mengganggu sistem endokrin (atau hormonal). Gangguan ini dapat menyebabkan tumor kanker, cacat lahir, dan gangguan perkembangan lainnya. Ngeri ya..
Dari sini aku mengajak teman-teman untuk lebih selektif dalam mengkonsumsi makanan, obat atau penggunaan skincare dan lebih peka terhadap kesehatan dan keselamatan diri, karena perbuatan kita saat ini pastinya akan berdampak di masa mendatang maka jangan sampai anak cucu kita menanggung dampak buruk akibat pola hidup kita yang semena mena dan berantakan. Tentunya sebagai perempuan aku sangat ingin melahirkan generasi yang sehat dan cerdas begitu pun dengan perempuan lainnya so, sekali lagi aku minta kepada teman-teman untuk menjaga kesehatan diri, keluarga dan lingkungan sekitar dengan memperhatikan penggunaan bahan kimia dalam produk apapun dan selalu jaga pola hidup yang bersih dan sehat.
Wallahualam bissawab
Saudaramu, Fathimah Azzahra
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The Endocrine System
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The endocrine system is a complex network containing a symphony of hormonal interactions crucial for maintaining physiological equilibrium. Comprising glands, organs, and tissues dispersed throughout the body, its influence allows various bodily functions, spanning from metabolism to reproduction and beyond. This topic endeavors to provide an in-depth exploration of the endocrine system, encompassing its anatomy, physiological functions, associated conditions, and strategies for proactive care. By indulging into this indispensable regulatory system, we aim to equip readers with a comprehensive understanding to prioritize their hormonal health effectively.
Anatomy of the Endocrine System
 The anatomy of the endocrine system is contained by an array of specialized glands, organs, and tissues, each endowed with the capacity to synthesize and dispatch hormones into the bloodstream. Principal among these are:
Endocrine Glands: These specialized tissues, including the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands, secrete hormones directly into circulation, exerting systemic effects.
Endocrine Organs: Organs such as the hypothalamus, pancreas, and reproductive glands contribute to hormonal regulation, interfacing closely with the nervous system to modulate physiological responses.
Endocrine-Related Tissues: Adjunct to traditional endocrine structures, adipose tissue, kidneys, and even the heart harbor the capability to produce hormones, further augmenting the system’s complexity and regulatory capacity.
Functions of the Endocrine System
 The cardinal function of the endocrine system is hormone secretion, holding up varied network of intercellular communication. Hormones, acting as molecular messengers, traverse the bloodstream to target cells, eliciting diverse physiological responses. 
Key functions include:
Metabolism Regulation: Hormonal content govern metabolic processes, dictating energy expenditure, glucose homeostasis, and lipid metabolism.
Homeostatic Control: Endocrine signaling regulates internal threshold, modulating blood pressure, fluid balance, and body temperature.
Development and Growth: Hormonal interplay underpins growth trajectories and developmental milestones, steering embryonic stages and pubertal maturation.
Sexual Function and Reproduction: Hormonal modulation governs reproductive physiology, controlling fertility, libido, and secondary sexual characteristics.
Neuroendocrine Integration: The endocrine system reveals intimately with the nervous system, harmonizing behavioral and physiological responses, including mood regulation and sleep-wake cycles.
Conditions and Disorders
A spectrum of endocrine-related ailments afflicts individuals, stemming from hormonal imbalances, glandular dysfunctions, or neoplastic proliferations. Noteworthy conditions encompass:
Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders: Spanning type 1 and type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity, these conditions disrupt glucose homeostasis and metabolic equilibrium.
Endocrine Cancers and Tumors: Malignancies affecting endocrine tissues, including adrenal tumors, pituitary adenomas, and thyroid malignancies, necessitate specialized oncological management.
Thyroid Dysfunction: Hypo- and hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, and autoimmune thyroiditis typify prevalent thyroid disorders, precipitating diverse clinical manifestations.
Reproductive and Sexual Health Disorders: From polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to erectile dysfunction, disruptions in reproductive hormone signaling manifest as infertility, menstrual irregularities, and sexual dysfunction.
Proactive Care and Health Maintenance
 In fostering endocrine wellness, a holistic approach integrating lifestyle modifications and environmental awareness is imperative. Strategies for promoting endocrine health encompass:
Lifestyle Optimization: Embracing a balanced diet, regular exercise regimen, and adequate sleep hygiene fosters metabolic resilience and hormonal equilibrium.
Environmental Vigilance: Mitigating exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals pervasive in everyday products, such as plastics, pesticides, and personal care items, reduces the risk of hormonal perturbations.
Health Surveillance: Individuals with familial predispositions to endocrine disorders benefit from proactive screening and vigilant symptom monitoring, facilitating early intervention and optimal disease management.
 The endocrine entails physiological regulation, producing hormonal interactions essential for vitality and well-being. By looking at anatomy, physiological functions, associated conditions, and avenues for proactive care, this discourse endeavors to foster a comprehensive understanding of the endocrine system Empowered with knowledge, individuals can prioritize their hormonal health, embracing proactive measures to optimize their overall well-being and quality of life.
For medical students navigating the study of endocrinology and seeking guidance and academic support during their study period, Expert Academic Assignment Help offers invaluable assistance. With our expertise and resources, we provide tailored solutions to aid in comprehension, research, and academic success. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for personalized assistance and elevate your understanding of this vital field. Your academic journey awaits, and we’re here to help you excel.
Contact us at [email protected] for professional assistance,
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sakethospital01 · 1 month
Who Are the Top Endocrinologists in Jaipur and How Can They Help You?
Discover the leading fre in Jaipur at Saket Hospital and explore how their expertise can transform your hormonal health journey. Our specialists at Saket Hospital are dedicated to providing unparalleled care for various endocrine disorders, including diabetes, thyroid issues, adrenal disorders, and more. Learn about their advanced treatments, personalized approach, and commitment to patient well-being. Whether you're seeking diagnosis, management, or preventive care, our top endocrinologists in Jaipur are here to guide you towards optimal health and vitality.
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er-cryptid · 1 year
Excess and Deficiency of Neurotransmitters
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It's a natural treatment for uncomfortable acne and pimples. Its antimicrobial powers kill germs trapped in the acne pus and cleanse the region. It clears acne, eliminates acne-causing germs, and prevents recurrence. It also eliminates dirt and pollutants from the skin. Pure Marjoram Essential Oil contains anti-oxidants that attach to free radicals, promoting premature skin and body aging. It also inhibits oxidation, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and darkening around the lips. It also helps faster healing of facial wounds and bruises while reducing scars and blemishes. It is a natural tonic with a good impact on the endocrine system, which is in charge of hormone synthesis in humans.
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Endocrinology meaning is that it is a study of hormonal systems and their medical implications, and encompasses diagnosing and treating disorders related to hormone-producing glands. Endocrinologists, specialized physicians in this field, offer comprehensive treatment options for hormonal conditions. 
To pursue endocrinology, students typically complete their M.B.B.S. and then opt for postgraduate or doctoral studies. The coursework involves extensive knowledge of clinical chemistry and biochemistry. The Master's program spans three years, while the Doctorate program lasts two years. 
Endocrinology courses delve into the intricacies of hormonal diseases, providing students with the expertise to address various endocrine disorders effectively.ReadMore
You can find endocrinology courses in the top colleges in India on Docthub.
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jaiminiofficial · 4 months
What is the endocrine system | Function | Diagram | Disease
What is the endocrine system | Function | Diagram | Disease Endocrine System – This Is A System Of Ductless And Ductless Glands, In Which The Hormones Secreted By Different Glands Control The Activities Of The Body. Endocrine System – Endocrine Glands Are Ductless Glands Which Are Studied Under Endocrine Science Of Biology . Endocrine System – Scientist Edison Is Considered To Be The Father Of…
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howdoesone · 5 months
How does one identify the location of the pituitary gland in the brain?
The pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a small, pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain. It is often referred to as the “master gland” because it controls the function of other endocrine glands in the body. Despite its small size, the pituitary gland plays a critical role in maintaining a wide range of bodily functions, including growth and development, metabolism, and…
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