#escapist art
lupiclaws · 1 year
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Doodles of the kids!!
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croutoncretin · 1 month
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on all levels except physical i am the little old lady i play in animal crossing
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booknightouts · 4 months
when people ask, "why do i read fantasy? it's so unrealistic," THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. i don't like reality; i want dragons, magic, and the extraordinary. the fact that i'm just reading in my room, not actually chasing monsters riding on my dragon or being a badass assassin princess, stirs a deep longing within me that i can't ever explain to anyone. the fact that i can't ever be like them makes me horribly miserable and depressed.
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raintailed · 10 months
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some blorbos :]]]
a bunch of ghost voidspawn (including the souls of some void critters of mine) as part of an experiment to show how diverse these sillies can be
The Survivor (they/them), a salamander who got rotted at some point. Don't worry, they're ok - an iterator modified the rot to be harmless :] (Note: Survivor is part of a group of ocs that are all based on the in-game passages!)
Tetra (it/its, she/her), a noodlefly that Explorer voided (she wanted to see if she could do it). Explorer then had to run from an angry noodlefly lol
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bookfangeek · 8 months
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I've been working on a 3D model for an upcoming webcomic characters' dorm room and needed to make little figurines to place around her room.
This is totally not Tokyo Mew Mew they're uh... Kyoto Nya Nya.
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drewsaturday · 5 months
i've had such a weird relationship with making fanon things lately for a few diff reasons i think.
i haven't rly been inspired enough to take things beyond my thoughts and make an actual thing out of them. part of this is probs bc of my medication. the other part is that...
i don't have the time to dig too deeply into my favorite things rn. this means i don't dig up new parts to feel excited about, i don't feel Qualified to carry those ideas out bc my understanding of the source material is so limited and people expect waaaay too much quality from fanworks these days, and i feel like i'll never be able to finish what i start anyway.
lastly, i've been doing fandom so repetitively i'm just... tired? of the same thing over and over again. i work on a thing, i polish the thing, i post the thing, i wait for feedback that is either nice/mean/empty, rinse and repeat. the solution would be to just not post these things, but why go through all that effort to carry something up out of an idea stage then since that's what makes me most excited? and if i spend the time drafting, it feels like a waste of time since it's not going to go anywhere.
i do think a lot of this is medication, because it dulls Just how insane i am capable of getting about a thing. in the past i would have sooo much drive because i felt like if i didn't make a thing, i'd explode. i don't rly get that anymore, at least not in a big enough burst to keep me working on things very long.
i've instead been thinking a lot about diving into original content because... although i make everything for fun, i think original stuff has way less of the above issues attached.
there's no time limit. i'm not... "competing" for being able to get an idea done first, or trying to get a fanfic out while there's still hype over a show, or worrying about my work being ooc compared to someone else's, or worrying the fandom landscape i vibe with is going to change when people move on.
it's theoretically not as repetitive. i'm sure the things i'm interested in shows are similar to what i come up with from my brain, and i could just try to make different things for fandom than i'm used to. but i am kind of tired of my inability to do anything besides hurt/comfort oneshots for the same kind of pairing over and over again. this would force me to actually develop other shit too lmfao.
it's Technically something i could profit off of if i really wanted to, making it less of a waste of time. for fandom, it feels like a waste of time if i'm not putting a fanon thing out for other fans to see. it also feels like i put a ton of work into my own little understanding of a show--fleshing out backstories and worldbuilding etc. so if i move onto another fandom... it feels like it was all for nothing, esp if i don't make something from it all. ideally i would be doing it just for the fun but there needs to be some balance with what i consider pay-off. and since i usually don't stay motivated long enough to do these big huge projects, or people move on, or other people do the idea first because i work so slow, it's just gotten rly un-motivating.
there's like, layers of motivation imo. i like a thing and i get excitement about making stuff for it and exploring certain parts of it. and i can do that for myself, but to make it stand on its own enough to post for other people to see isn't something i currently get enough motivation for. and because of that, it makes the fun part feel like a waste of time i guess.
i usually stay away from my own original stuff bc i honestly just don't feel the level of excitement with it as i have felt with fandom in the past, and... it's just harder lmao? but i think it would be good for me to at least fuck around with it.
fandom started as a vessel for creativity for me. i wanted to make videos, it gave me footage. i wanted to draw, it gave me designs for characters. i wanted to write, it gave me a sandbox to play in. and i still find those things fun, but i guess it just feels like i'm limiting myself by only playing with other people's dolls in a public park for all to see. like i'm just not as connected to the Making part as a hobby or to the parts of myself i would put into it.
idk, i am just rambling and i think honestly if i Did have more time it would help take a lot of the above pressures and risks away and balance me out so that making silly little fanfics sometimes would feel more worth it because i'd feel free to do other things as well.
i also do sort of get glued to the screen when i'm in mode of making and posting things and i'd like to uhhh. do other things with my life too sometimes lmfao. part of this boredom does probably stem from being chronically ill and therefore barely leaving my house. i haven't been able to do other things beyond fanon creations in years. so no wonder i'd feel less inspired and more bored.
i also think i've gotten tired of watching things feeling like a chore. oh shit i need to write down this scene so i can use it on a fanvid, or make sure i take note of this piece of dialogue for this character's backstory, etc. i know i bitch about how i don't hate the word "content creator" bc it is just an easier catch-all for me as someone who makes lots of diff things, and i still agree with that, but i do think because of my own levels of perfectionism, mixed with honestly how weirdly expectant of quality fandom has become, it's become a chore to engage with source material.
another thing is i've always felt like i've needed a purpose in what i've made and that purpose tends to be justified by the community interactions. it makes me feel less lonely and it helps me feel inspired and like... it doesn't hurt to know you'll get feedback on something because you've found so many supportive friends in it. i rly just haven't landed in any new communities i vibe with a ton for the things ive gotten into lately, so there's less motivation there. that's not to say anyone's Bad, just... discord servers are too big, tags are too dead or all over the place, i don't message people to become friends, and the communities and friends i do have from fandom are all kinda doing different things rn, etc.
the other form of purpose would be challenges--exchanges, bingos, etc. this fanwork isn't just a random thing for fun, it has a reason for me to work on it enough to let it see the light of day. and i think i've kinda broken my brain a bit using those for motivation so much, but the alternative would be to never get anything into a publishable state, but without it being a publishable state and interacting with communities through it there's no reason for me to really spend all that much time on it in the first place, which means i'm really not getting to Create.
i think the biggest issue these days if every part of the creative process now feels like it's "for show" and original stuff that has literally no audience is the only way to kinda undo the amount of rules that's put on me and my creativity.
tl;dr i'm just not feeling the same fulfillment from making fanon stuff as i used to so i guess i need to experiment with making other things so i can still do the Making part and see where that lands me, and see if it can help undo some of the toxic mentalities being an exclusively fandom girlie for so long has kinda instilled in me.
i'm sure i'll still make fanon shit every so often--i honestly have been so busy that output won't be noticeably different from my usual once every five months contributions. i just need to get back into the right blend of circumstances for it to feel worth it, and until then i guess i need to dig out the dolls from my own attic instead of someone else's so i can have a less complicated vessel for creative hobbies because i'm fairly certain i'd still like to create.
#txt#this is just a v long ramble that im not sure makes much sense honestly or will be readable to anyone but myself at this point but eh#just needed to word it all out#...also just remembered another reason that causes that imbalance of fun#is chronic pain making certain art forms like drawing quite painful so although i've been wanting to learn art techniques#and practice generally in non-fandomy ways#i'm stopped by how it's more worth it to sketch a blorbo every so often#but idk i want to try figuring out better ways of going about that for myself and#since i can't have both fandom and original without pushing myself too far i kinda have to Choose art advancement#over stupid blorbo drawings#same with if i spend too much time typing etc#and that plus time constraints are why im making it out to be such a one or the other thing#but it also... is...#because i rly don't think i can keep doing fanon stuff without at least mixing things up somehow#if not moving to original stuff altogether#i do think that once im out of school and i have a more stable schedule#i'll be able to set aside specific free time each day as opposed to being all over the place#and that will help as well so i don't feel Guilty over creating things#when i should/could be doing something more productive bc i also do want to move my life forward rather than being SO escapist#and the guilt aspect gets in the way a lot more than it when i had more passion to beat it back with#that rly is my own fault tho for being in charge of my own schedule and being so bad at it lol#one last little note for myself is i think a lot abt non-fandomy hobbies i have like music#where yeah ive made some filks but for the most part idk what im doing#im just there to have fun and enjoy myself bc it's just... the entire reason i do it#and i dont rly get that from the things i also can use for fanon creations these days more readily
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h0ney-bee · 9 months
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Unfinished Regi
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xberylliumoxide · 2 months
slowly rewriting deja who existed in fanfiction.net stories i wrote back in the day
she's trans now and also been to prison but the question is what got her there
shes enough of a wild card that i dont question at all THAT shes there but an actual storyline leading up to it would be nice
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esc1910 · 4 months
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Self-portrait. Stanford Hawke, Captain of the Millport Dingoes.
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lupiclaws · 1 year
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Some Beta AU doodles
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gromlyn · 2 months
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pros of being a bastard: getting to be gay
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mazeofthemartyr · 6 months
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pic by hazed on Twitter
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gardenpansy · 7 months
i don't want to feel angry viewing and reading and consuming fellow artists' work. it's been a long time since I consistently consumed and was inspired to create my own work through looking at other people's art.
i'm finally moving back home to chicago after a year of declining mental health in new orleans, and today i felt a spark of familiarity, remembering the joy i felt in looking at something strange or beautiful or confusing and wanting to consult myself to make something confusing or beautiful or strange in my own art. all of the weight of feeling like a failure and a loser in a new city is off of my chest as i get closer to moving.
and i no longer feel shitty about looking at art. i used to think all of these younger artists needed to get a grip about their numerous "my sketchbook is so ugly" videos (and honestly everyone needs to get a grip about that).
but really i needed to realize that I don't want to monetize my art the way that everyone thinks that i should, that I never really wanted to but thought it could be the only way to escape the mainstream workforce. it just isn't what will fuel me to keep creating. "create only if i can get money from it"?! what am i? my dad from 2010 shaming me out of studying art in college?
there's still a lot of work to do to set a seat at the table for me to create freely and more intuitively, and cast aside this escapist desire to only create things that are "just pretty" when there is so much turmoil residing in me that continues to stay trapped.
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bookfangeek · 8 months
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More figurines for my magical girl comic backgrounds!
This is totally not W.I.T.C.H. this is... uh... M.A.G.I.C.
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jmlascar · 8 months
hi!! i was wondering if you are planning to continue your fic 'the reliever '? i love it so much and i would love to see how it goes!
Hii, I am! I'm really sorry for how long the whole thing has taken — I've been working on my novel, so what little writing time I've had has been spent on that. I'm not gonna give a time frame of when the last chapter will be out because I honestly have no clue haha, but eventually i will finish it!!
Thank you for your support and patience ❤️
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silhouettecrow · 8 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 273
Adjective: Sleepy
Noun: Bear
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Sleepy: needing or ready for sleep; showing the effects of sleep; inducing sleep, or soporific; (of a place) without much activity; (of a business, organization, or industry) lacking the ability or will to respond to change, or not dynamic
Bear: a large, heavy mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, having thick fur and a very short tail, and bears are related to the dog family but most species are omnivorous; (informal) a name for Russia; the constellation Ursa Major or Ursa Minor; a large, heavy, cumbersome man; (informal) a gay or bisexual man with a burly physique and a large amount of body hair; (dated) (informal) a rough, bad-mannered, or uncouth person; (informal) (US) something that is very difficult or unpleasant to deal with; (stock market) a person who forecasts that prices of stocks or commodities will fall, especially a person who sells shares hoping to buy them back later at a lower price
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