#even after jumping off a building the bastard still has time for angst
~Premise: Beast universe; as Dazai lay dying in Chuuya's arms he starts to remember the other realties~
Dazai lay on the cold concrete, now warm with blood as memories of other lives start to seep into his mind. He had expected dying to hurt more but he couldn’t feel a thing. It was one last cruel mercy the universe granted. And then Chuuya was beside him. He might have been holding him, but he felt too cold to tell. He might have been talking ­­­— he probably should have been yelling— but Dazai wasn’t listening. There had been a reality where he made it out and joined the Agency. Found something close to happiness. Got something close to better. —what did it matter if Odasaku was gone— But, there was a reality where Chuuya joined instead. It suited him.
Chuuya watched his smile as he backed off the ledge and the world froze around him. Air dead in his lungs, and then a single beat of his heart and he was plummeting over the edge after him. His eyes stung with as the cold air rushing past ripping out tears as he shot like a fiery arrow towards the surface of the earth. He was next to Dazai’s body in an instant —somehow that bastard was still alive— He kneeled beside him in the growing pool of blood, trying to ignore how it seeped into his pants and coated his hands as he rolls the brunette gingerly to face him, head cradled in his lap. And for the first time since they met when Dazai spoke to him he was silent.
“…id you know there was a universe where you made it out instead of me?”
Chuuya gathers the broken man closer in his arms, supporting the mangled body to rest against his own as he reaches down with a shaking hand to brush some hair out of his rapidly dimming eyes.
“…i...is there one where we get a happy ending?”
—He doesn’t know why but he needs to see his eyes.
Where they get a softer beginning, a gentler middle, a kinder end? There wasn’t. If there was Dazai couldn’t see it. It wouldn’t be them then would it, if they were afforded something so tender as joy and so decent as a good goodbye. No, there were two universal constants in the realities; they never got out unmarred, and they always found each other. Always. He chose to tell him that instead.
He needs them to be the last thing he sees.—
Dazai reaches an equally shaky and bloody hand up to wipe away the only tear he’s seen Chuuya cry. He answers him honestly for once in his life.
“…no…but we’re together in every one.”
He can feel the warmth of Chuuya holding him.
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Port Mafia Black {Dazai}
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▪︎ Synopsis: Dazai prefers it when he is drunk because memories of all the people he cared about flood his brain
▪︎ Pairing: Dazai x fem!reader
▪︎ Genre: angst
▪︎ Trigger warnings: mentions of suicide, consumption of alcohol, mentions of vomiting, hallucinations
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As much as he thinks he has achieved self-awareness, Dazai Osamu is far from knowing himself. What he does know is that he can't bare thinking of the past sober even though that would clearly lead to him ending things. Wasn't that his goal after all?
And when Dazai drinks in order to think about his past, he drinks a lot. Bottles of beer, soju, whiskey, vodka, you name it. Anything to get him drunk.
It's like a ritual at this point. His own little séance of summoning the ghosts of the past. The balcony door closed, just like the bathroom door -the last time he vomited, he hadn't even got the chance to run to the bathroom so it was useless- and the only thing providing light there being a small kerosene lamp he had no idea how he had gotten.
And the ritual starts. Dazai will slowly open the bottles and then start drinking. One shot of whiskey, two shots of vodka, three shots of soju and the list went on. Given the fact that he hadn't eaten since his lunch break at ADA the alcohol would hit him harder than always expected.
So here he was, his right leg bent, his hands behind his head, laying down on his futon with the world spinning around him. And it felt nice. It felt nice not having to pretend to be that type of drunk who couldn't stop talking, or have others around him trying to give him coffee to sober up.
He didn't want to sober up.
He wanted to close his eyes and see Oda talking to him about... it didn't matter what Oda would talk to him about as long as he talked to him. He wanted to close his eyes and find himself sitting at the bar of Lupin even if that meant that he would have to go through everything he did in the Port Mafia again.
You see, Dazai Osamu deep inside him, has no regrets. He likes to believe that he does and for a few very superficial things, he actually does but for the most part? He doesn't give a shit. It has been so long since he felt like himself that at this point everything he has done seem like puzzle pieces that if he manages to connect then he'll find himself.
Don't get him wrong though, he likes ADA. It is better than the Port Mafia but...
His hallucinations in this drunken state always start the same. That's how he likes them. Him sitting with Oda and Ango at Lupin, talking about their day with the exception that he is not eighteen anymore. Suddenly he gets a phone call and as he looks at his phone, he sees that it's Chuuya. That bastard haunts him even when he is drunk but he wouldn't have it any other way. Chuuya completes the scenario after all.
He wants to believe it's about work and it partly is because Chuuya starts complaining to him about how he should have taken care of the paperwork and that the next time he catches him messing with his wine bottles he'll kill him as painfully as possible. And that is when the complains stop and Chuuya lowers his voice, almost to a whisper.
"She is back" He will say and the next thing Dazai knows is he is back in the Port Mafia building, heading to the terrace. Two heads will turn to look at him, waiting for him to take a seat next to them on the ledge.
There is always this... problem. You, much like Oda, are sitting in the middle. Dazai doesn't know what that means because you're very much alive, still working for the Port Mafia even though he hasn't seen you in years but he rolls with it because you are there.
Right when Chuuya starts complaining about him being slow and all that, Dazai takes a seat next to you and for the first time he doesn't think of jumping off the edge. He turns to look at you, a slightly troubled expression on your face and he reaches out to pat your head just like he used to do back then.
And that is when everything starts to feel off because Chuuya offers him a glass of wine but Dazai knows that he physically can't drink anymore because he will throw up and the hungover will be so bad that he won't be able to go to work tomorrow and Kunikida will start yelling.
But in his "dream" there is no Kunikida. He is not supposed to be working for the ADA, he is not even supposed to know them. In a moment of panic, Dazai takes the entire bottle out of Chuuya's hand and gulps it down in one go.
He can't seem to shut his brain down. All those little voices that tell him that what he is dreaming about is not real and he should wake up and sober himself up immediately... they won't shut up.
Slowly he starts hating himself for it. Because when all of this is done, the only thing he can think of is what Higuchi had told him back at that alley.
A part of him feels at peace when thinking about ADA. He knows he has done the right thing according to Oda. But deep inside him, deeper than he actually thinks, he knows his heart is Port Mafia black and he wants back what he once had.
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▪︎A/n: send angst requests please
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sabo-has-my-heart · 10 months
Just One More Dance
The last of the first set of 3 requests by 2 Part Anon, managed to keep this to 1 part (unless I do a sequel, who knows)
"3. Famous thief!Ace x police!fem!Reader. The famous thief is kinda like Kaito Kid from Cases Closed. So, Ace is the famous thief and reader is the police that is on his case. Ace likes to tease reader each time she didn't manage to catch him. He knows reader and has a crush on her since he owns a coffee shop where reader is a regular customer. However, Ace knows they can't be together knowing how their positions are against each other but he is content with their current relationship, that is until reader finds herself a boyfriend and takes him to Ace's coffee shop on a date. Ace is heartbroken so he decided to stop his career as a thief and say goodbye to reader without telling her his real identity (maybe a goodbye kiss as well)."
Part 2: To My Dance Partner
Warnings: Angst!, heartbreak,
Word Count: 1590
     You looked as beautiful as always as he led you on another rooftop chase, chuckling to himself. He loved it when you were the last one after him, the others too worn to continue. If only you could chase him in another manner, something less about him stealing and you putting him away. Looking down at the jewel in his hand, he sighed. He’d only done this to get your attention and he’d done just that. It was time for tonight to end.
     “Pick one, Officer, me or the rock.” he shouted before flinging the stone up into the air. A ‘priceless gemstone’, what did he care about it? Still, it distracted you as you watched it soar through the air, catching it and cradling it in your hands. Looking up, he was already on a far rooftop, too far to continue chasing, especially as worn as you were. 
     “Another wonderful night, milady! I hope to share another dance soon!” he shouted, giving you a bow before jumping off the edge of the roof and into an alleyway. Another dance, as if this were all some sort of party. Though with how it felt like he was toying with you, perhaps that’s how he saw it. At least you had the gemstone back, though. So tonight wasn’t a complete bust. Grabbing your radio, you pulled it close.
     “He got away but I’ve got the stolen jewel. I’m on main, near the bagel place. I’m gonna need a ride back.” you said, getting a simple ‘10-4’ back. Thankfully the building you were on was an apartment building with a fire escape, taking the stairs down was much easier than the various alternatives. It didn’t take long for your partner to arrive, giving you a sympathetic smile.
     “Need something for your pride?” he asked, leaning out the window.
     “Probably not as much as the others. I forced him to give up this in exchange for his capture. Knew he couldn’t get away without diverting my attention.” you said, holding up the shimmering gem. Still, it had been a blow to your ego, even if you wouldn’t admit it, “Bastard said he hoped to share another dance soon, though. It feels like he’s fucking taunting me.” you added, resting your head against the seat. It had been a long chase and you were tired, you were going to go home and get some sleep. 
     Walking into the coffee shop, you smiled, you really did enjoy this place. It had popped up a couple of years ago, a sweet, quaint little place that you’d immediately decided was your favorite. Walking up to the counter, you smiled at the barista and owner. 
     “Morning, Y/n! The usual?” Ace asked in his usual chipper voice, leaning against the counter.
     “You know me so well, Ace. Thanks.” you said with a small laugh. That laugh, it made his heart pound. 
     “This one’s on me today. Heard you had a pretty long night. All the papers say it was him again.” Ace said casually as he made your drink, though his attention was focused on you.
     “Ugh! Yes! It was such a pain! I mean, he didn’t successfully steal anything, but he still got away! It feels like he’s just toying with me!” you complained, running your hands down your face.
     “Well, maybe he just wants your attention.” Ace teased lightly. It was true, all he wanted was your attention. If he couldn’t get it one way, he’d get it another. 
     “Yeah right! He was a thief before me and he’ll be a thief until I catch him!” you said firmly, perking up a bit. 
     “You’ll get him one day. I believe in you.” he said softly before handing you your drink.
     “Thanks Ace, you make my mornings better.” you said, taking the drink before walking away. The words made his heart skip a beat as he watched you leave.
     “Hate seeing you go, love watching you leave.” Ace muttered to himself as he admired your body. All the running around the two of you did left you looking very, very good. Once you were out the door, Ace quickly returned to his customers. It wasn’t much, but Ace cherished each interaction; he only wished there could be more. More interactions, more of you coming in, more than just rooftops chases. You didn’t know it, but he was head over heels for you. 
     Sitting in the patrol car, you enjoyed your coffee, Ace always made the best coffee.
     “I’m tellin’ ya, that kid’s got something for you. Free coffee, always complimenting you and listening to you. He’s got it bad.” your partner said as you shook your head.
     “And I’m telling you, that it’s never going to happen! He’s sweet and kind, yes, but I really don’t think he likes me like that. Let’s face it, he’s not the first person to treat me well because of my work. I’ve gotten enough recognition to have people give me stuff.” you said, taking another drink.
     “Yeah, but usually they accept your money when you insist on still paying them. Not only did Ace refuse, but he gave you an even larger cup of coffee that morning. Kid likes you.” the man shot back. Rolling your eyes, you continued at your coffee, your partner was a good guy, but he could be stubborn. Even if Ace did like you, you weren’t entirely sure you would want to date him. Was he even your type? You hadn’t gotten to know him real well outside of the coffee shop. 
     It was weeks later that Ace’s heart fell, shattering against the floor tiles. You were with somebody today, a tall male, laughing and smiling at him. He’d never seen that look on your face and it simultaneously made his heart soar and shatter at the same time. You looked so beautiful with the happy, loving look in your eyes. The way you stared at him with adoration. But you weren’t giving him that look, it was directed towards someone else. Watching you walk up to the counter, he forced a smile on his face.
     “Y/n! Who’s this? A boyfriend?” Ace ‘teased’, looking at the man. Why? Why this man? Why this particular man?
     “Yes, he’s my boyfriend. Don’t sound so surprised. Believe it or not, I’ve got plenty of people who are attracted to me.” you said with one of your usual laughs. It was official, his heart had been ground into dust.
     “Oh I believe it. A woman like yourself? You must have guys falling over themselves! The usual?” he asked, still smiling, still forcing himself to smile. You nodded, Ace watching as your new boyfriend took out his card, paying for your drink. This… this couldn’t be happening. It felt like things were crumbling beneath him. 
     Waiting on the roof for him, your eyes narrowed. There! You were off like a bolt of lightning, chasing after him once again. It was just the two of you tonight, the others knew that you were the only one who could keep up. Ace gave a sad smile as you chased after him. He had to get you further away and he had to wear you out tonight. He needed to talk to you, it didn’t need to be long, but he couldn’t have you raring to go and catch him. The item he’d stolen this time was a little more symbolic tonight. A necklace, one made of gold with shimmering stones. Worn by an old Princess who’d supposedly died of heartbreak. It felt fitting. He felt almost as exhausted as you as the two of you stood face to face on the roof. You wouldn’t let it show, but he could see that you didn’t have a whole lot left.
     “It seems as if this will be our final dance, officer. You made such a wonderful partner.” He said sadly, confusing you.
     “What are you talking about this time?” you demanded, trying to control your breathing. You couldn’t let him know just how worn you were. The young man looked up at the moon.
     “I’ve decided to stop. Our little chases are over, our time together done. I’ll be gone for good this time. Just know, I’ve enjoyed each and every meeting.” he said, slowly walking towards you. He held out the necklace, “You should look into the history of that necklace, it’s… heartbreaking.” he said softly. Hesitantly, you reached out, taking it from him. Was this a trick? A trap? Pulling out your handcuffs, Ace smiled.
     “Sorry officer, I can’t let you do that.” he said, grabbing and snapping the cuffs around your own wrists before you had a chance to cuff him, “I’ll miss you.” he whispered, his lips pressing against yours. Your eyes widened in shock, unable to do or say anything as he pulled away and began to walk backwards.
     “I bid you adieu and good night.” he said before once more walking off the edge of the roof, disappearing into the night. For once, you didn’t feel like he’d been toying with you, nor did you think he’d been lying. He was gone, for good this time. Your chases over, your nighttime dances done, your little play had come to a close and it was time for the curtain to fall, leaving you alone on a dark rooftop, unsure of what to do or how to feel. One thing began to shine through, a thought, an aching in your chest. Part of you wanted just one more dance.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Perfect Imperfections.
Jeon Jungkook x OC 
Genre : Arranged Marriage AU! Angst! Explicit Sexual Content. 
Rating : 21+ 
Warnings : Ableism , Chronic disability. OC has limited use of her left leg, Emotional infidelity? Mild Cheating ( nothing very physical.. a kiss or so ) 
Summary : Marrying Jungkook is a mistake. Falling in love with him? Definitely the worst exercise in masochism . 
[ This is nothing but me indulging my love for writing bad cliches. That is it. Its literally a fest of cliche k drama tropes] 
Chapter 1
After the accident, my life had become something of a stagnant pond. 
Everyday began much the same. 
The alarm, mild but not jarring. Not very shrill but definitely insistent, sweeping away any lingering traces of sleep. I blinked awake, cobwebs of exhaustion still marring my vision but a few deep breaths, a few more blinks and I was awake .
And now came the harder part.
Getting my legs to work. 
It never got better, despite the many years that I’d spent in physiotherapy. All it really did was stop it from getting worse. Or maybe I’d just gotten used to the pain at this point. 
Deep breaths helped. Sometimes. 
But not today. 
“Mrs Jeon?” The familiar voice made me jump a little. 
“Sana...” I said, relieved. “ Could you come over? Seems like I’m going to need some help today.” I laughed nervously, gripping the sheets harder.” Could you help me sit up?” 
The girl moved closer, feet nimble and quick and sure and i felt my throat clench in envy. I swallowed it down though, just the way I swallowed every bad thing that came my way. 
It had been eight years ago.
 A fall from a fifty feet ravine. Cuts and scrapes all over my body, abrasions all over my torso. And legs that had absolutely shattered on impact. Multiple fractures. Motor Nerve Damage on my left leg. 
The skin stitched together. The bones grew back. 
But the nerve damage stayed. 
I wasn’t completely helpless. I could walk with the brace. Slowly and with a mildly awkward gait but I could walk. Even better if I was using crutches. 
But it wasn’t something I could hide. 
People looked at me and that was the first thing that they noticed. 
The girl who couldn’t walk. 
I sat still, gripping the edge of the bed as Sana carefully grabbed the brace and helped me put it on. I watched as she carefully set the loops in place, fixed the velcro and finally helped set my toes in place. 
“Thank you.” i whispered and she nodded.
“Mr. Jeon left early. He said that he won’t be home tonight.” 
I smiled a little. 
“I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to be caught between us. It must make you feel uncomfortable.” I said . 
She looked surprised but quickly ducked her head
“No, Mrs. Jeon.” 
I sighed.
“You may leave. I’ll come down soon.” I said quietly. 
How handsome he looked, in that beautiful dark suit. How strong and handsome and ...whole. 
Right next to a framed article about us from a magazine.
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Jungkook ran  marathons and trained as a boxer. He worked as the managing director at a steel manufacturing unit . Spent his days overseeing workers in the smelting units, and everyone knew that it wasn’t uncommon to see the Jeon heir, shirtless and sweaty and covered in dirt and getting down and dirty with all the other workers as the ore got delivered. 
Someone like that... Someone that perfect.... Deserved a woman who would be an equal. Beautiful and graceful and perfect. And he had had her. My sister. For three years, I’d watched my sister and Jungkook be the perfect couple . Deeply in love and so happy. 
I watched her leave, gently closing the door behind her, before shifting my gaze to the large  portrait on the opposite side of the wall. It was a picture of my husband and I taken on the day we got betrothed. 
What they hadn’t counted on was how greedy our parents could be. 
Jungkook was the younger son. And his father had long written him off as unreliable. He was wild and headstrong. Had his own ideals and morals. Wouldn’t really bend to his father’s will. So his brother was the one who would be set to inherit the company. 
And my father , with his billion dollar empire wasn’t going to give away his precious daughter and all of her inheritance to a paltry second son. 
Jungkook’s brother had married my sister. And Jungkook had been forced to marry me. A comedy of errors , except it wasn’t really funny and no one was laughing. 
I swallowed. That was seven months ago. The first few weeks had gone in stony silence and hushed whispers. I knew he was talking to my sister. Knew she was sobbing in despair on the other end. My sister and I had never gotten along. And now, she had a genuine reason to despise me. 
Three months into marriage he had a small accident at the Manufacturing Unit.A small fall, not that far. Ten feet or so, but he’d crashed into a steel structure on his way down. He had a dislocated shoulder and some flesh wounds. Not that bad. 
But my entire body had gone ice cold at the news, when i first heard it. 
It was a brutal sort of realization. 
That perhaps I wasn’t as indifferent to him as he was to me. Six weeks, with him had changed things. He didn’t talk much, other than the bare minimum but I didn’t hold it against him. I helped him anyway I could. Typed out emails for him. Helped him eat and change. 
Hands brushing and time spent together meant tension. And a shift in the way he looked at me, sometimes. I noticed, wasn’t sure if I could act on it. But he was still my husband. And I didn’t really want to spend the rest of my life celibate. 
So, even though it was so unlike me... I’d made the first move. Linked my fingers with his. Brushed my lips across his. A gesture that meant a hundred things. A touch that invited more. And he must’ve wanted it, at least physically. Because he indulged me. Gave me a glimpse of heaven on his bed. 
And yet, six weeks of being as close as two humans could be didn’t change much.  
We were strangers who slept together. Who appeared in public together. Who did everything our family expected of us. And I wasn’t sure how to bridge that awkward gap between us. Jungkook was a fiercely physical person. His free time was spent in the gym , or cycling or hiking. 
I couldn’t walk across the room without having to grip the walls for support every few minutes.                                                              
Could anyone blame him for being bitter? For being distant? For not knowing what to do with me? 
And in all this time , I’d only learnt a handful of things about my husband. How he felt on top of me. How he sounded when he came, how he looked eyebrows furrowed as he talked into his phone  and of course, how little he cared about me. 
Yes, we would have sex. Yes, he bought me a couple of gifts when he was overseas. But otherwise his heart belonged to my sister. It wasn’t something he hid. 
As the days passed, I realized that it was time to keep myself safe. That I couldn’t show him all of me anymore. He was careful with me, guarded and secretive because he was smart. He didn’t want me to know anything about him. 
There was a reason. There had to be. 
So the best thing to do would be to do the same. Build that distance between us. This was going to crash and burn someday and I had to 
And the past few weeks, he’d been busy with more deals. Some kind of MoU with some supplier had gone south and they were looking for different suppliers. Jungkook was busy. I hadn’t seen him in ten days. 
And now apparently he had come home and left without so much as seeing me. 
Sighing, I moved to the garden, walking slowly to the marble bench set under the large sweetgum tree. I settled down , sighing. I ran a palm over my belly, soft and hesitant. 
I was two and half months along. It didn’t show...thanks to the oversized clothes I wore. But it wasn’t the kind of thing you could hide forever. I wasn’t sure why I started hiding it in the first place. It was just that.... I knew that no one would be happy for me. My family would be ecstatic but for the wrong reasons.
I could already imagine .
 Finally. Now he can’t leave you. 
I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of it. At the thought of someone talking about my baby like some sort of handcuff to lock Jungkook in. 
I would have to tell him. Of course. But I didn’t know when or how . I didn’t want to hide it from him. There was no point. But ... I wasn’t quite sure i wanted to see that look of helpless disappointment in his face. 
The sound of his car drew me out of my reverie and I startled, glancing over at the wide driveway. I glanced at the time . It was a little past eleven in the morning. What was he doing here? 
“Leah! Get inside!” Jungkook’s voice rang out and I jumped. 
“Jungkook?” I stared as he all but jumped out of the car rushing to me. 
“Come on.. get up.”
“What’s going on..?” I asked, heart pounding as he gripped my elbow, drawing me into his arms. 
“Dad fucked up. Got mixed with some shady bastards and apparently, they’ve put a hit out on me and hyung.”
My heart dropped.
“What?!!” I choked out, stunned. “ Jungkook...” My fingers curled over his chest, clutching the 
“Don’t worry... we know who it is and we have guys of our own. They’ll take care of it. No one comes for a Jeon and lives to tell the tale. I just wanted to make sure you stayed in. Don’t go anywhere. there are guards all over the place. but i want you to stay home. Okay? Just till this blows over?” 
I flinched, legs aching fierce as he led me up the stairs and he stared at me, eyes dripping with worry. The look was so foreign....so unlike the indifference I was used to that I could only stare. 
“Are you alright?” He asked urgently and I nodded quickly, hands curving over my stomach instinctively. 
“You’ll stay here right? With me...?” I asked softly and Jungkook hesitated. 
“I... I need to go check on Lisa.” He said stiltedly and I froze at my sister’s name.
“She’s with her husband, right?” I asked sharply, anger building out of pure fear. “ Why do you-”
“Don’t question me. Go in. Now.” He said quickly and I frowned. 
“You don’t have to go there. She has a husband of her own.” I said quietly, voice shaking. 
“I have to. I... I have to just go make sure she’s alright.” He snapped angrily and I curled my fingers into fists. 
Apparently, even when there was a very real threat to our lives, he would rather risk my life and his than let go of his obsession for my sister. i wanted to vomit. My skin felt clammy and my heart raced. I imagined him doing this when we had a kid....risking our child because he can’t stop thinking of her.... And he would do it..... Of course he would. 
“Then go.” i snapped, tears filling my eyes .  I yanked my arm out of his, stumbling a bit.
Jungkook looked shocked. 
“Leah...” He reached for me but I pulled back and away. 
“Go to her and don’t you dare come back here.” I screamed. Jungkook stiffened. 
“Leah... enough.”
“You’re right. I’ve had enough . Of your dirty pining. Of you. She’s married for god’s sake. To your brother. They’re together. Its over and done with. Why can’t you just accept it and move on?!!” I choked out. My chest hurt. 
“You knew I loved her when you married me.” He snapped back and I laughed in disbelief.
“Yes. And you knew I’d break someday. That I’d someday have enough of you treating me like I was disposable. Isn’t that why you kept at it for so long? You wanted me to be the one break things off right? So you could get out of your father’s anger...unscathed. Well, guess what. You got your wish.... I’m done!! “ 
He didn’t reply.
“Go inside. I have to go.” He said softly. 
I watched as he turned on his heel and stalked back down the driveway. 
Was it supposed to hurt this bad? My heart felt a bit like it was cleaving in two. Had I really just told him I had enough? What did that mean? Was I going to leave him? I felt my head spin , worry and fear laced with disbelief.
 Someone was out to kill him? How could he be so flippant about it? 
I shook my head. The Jeon’s were  a weird bunch. Although they were one of the richest families in our society, they lacked any of the charming social graces that came with it. For years, everyone had kept them at arm’s length because while all other families had aristocratic roots and beginnings, the Jeon’s came from a background of mining iron ore and making steel : a rugged and dirty business.
The only reason my father had agreed to 
And was I really going to leave him? where did I even begin? I couldn’t leave. I had no home to go to. My parents would take one look at me and send me back to Jungkook. I felt like a prize fool. I was stuck here. For eternity. That was all there was to it. 
A decade ago, I’d had a future. But that evening on that mountain trail had changed my life forever. I was , for all intents and purposes disabled. I couldn’t just walk out of here and build a life for myself. I wouldn’t last a day. 
I dragged myself to the living space, stopping when i saw how deserted the place looked. 
There were usually people bustling about. Especially so close to lunch. 
“Sana!!!” I called out, only to be met with the echoing silence of my own voice. And then a few seconds later she appeared , 
“Mrs. Jeon.... Is Mr. Jeon here?”
“He just left... Is everything okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Where is everyone? Are all of you busy?” I asked nervously. 
She bowed. “ Yes, ma’am.... The rest of us are cleaning out the pantry and Cook’s in the kitchen. Seul and Leejin are out in the backyard cleaning the statues near the koi pond. Mr. Jeon’s asked all the footmen and guards to stay around the perimeter. Will you need anything else?
“No... I’ll just rest till lunch.” I said gently, waving her off.
She left. 
The eerie silence that followed told me there was nothing to do but embrace the loneliness and I hesitated, moving slowly to the window and peering out. I couldn’t see any of the guards either. 
My fingers shook a little as I moved slowly to the entryway that led into the dining space. It was dark in here, the light from outside only illuminating the west wall which had large windows set in. I moved to the windows and stared out into the Jeon estate. 
Although Jungkook was the younger brother, he had been taxed with maintaining and caring for the family estate. Not because his father trusted him but because the old man knew just how much Jungkook hated the place. 
I played with my wedding ring as i remembered the countless times I’d watched the two of them fight, Jungkook coldly still while his father hurled abuses at him. Jeon Jaesook considered his son to be incompetent and disobedient, which made little to no sense to me. 
As far as i knew Jungkook had helped increase production and had cut down operating costs significantly over the seven years that he’d been working as the managing Director at Jeon Steelworks.
But it was obvious the old man favored Jihyun, Jungkook’s older brother. Jihyun worked in the air conditioned offices located in Gangnam, the CEO taking care of all their sales and marketing while Jungkook , who had an actual degree in Business spent his days slaving away at the smelting Units, a job that was physically and mentally exhausting. 
And while it always made my stomach twist, this unfair treatment he got subjected to, there wasn’t much i could do. My father had made it clear that he wouldn’t agree to the investment, unless both his daughters married the Jeon brothers. And Jungkook’s father had made it clear that if Jungkook didn’t agree , he would be out on the streets without a penny to his name. 
My leg began aching and I turned back around ready to go settle into my workroom where I usually worked on my writing when I heard his footsteps. I glanced up, frowning. 
Jungkook stood in the doorway staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face. 
I stared at him for a few seconds, waiting for him to say something. 
When he didn’t, I sighed.
“Did you think I was going to leave?” I asked bitterly.
He sighed. 
“I’m not going to cheat on you. “
I nodded.
“I suppose you want me to thank you for that?” I shook my head. “ You don’t have to keep your worthless vows. Go sleep with her. Why would it make a difference to me?” 
He exhaled sharply. 
“I thought you understood.” He said sharply.
“I did. I do.” I said curtly “ I understand that my parents screwed the two of you over. I understand that you had to do something you absolutely did not want to. But there’s something you need to understand too. Just because I’ve accepted this, it doesn’t mean I enjoy it. It doesn’t mean I have to be happy about my husband being in love with another woman, much less my own sister.” 
Jungkook nodded. 
“Right. Got it. “ He said curtly and I flinched when another muscle twitch told me I’d been standing for too long. 
“I’m going to go lay down.”
“Do you need me to get you a heating pad? For the leg? Or send one of the girls to massage your legs?” He asked softly, stepping closer and lightly gripping my elbow when my knees buckled. 
I didn’t have much choice than to grip his forearm, because the pain was intensifying from pins and needles to proper muscle spasms. Sweat began to bead on my upper lip and i felt just a little faint. 
“Yes. “ I said , feeling pathetic. I should have used the crutches. It had been a bad day even when I woke up. I should have sensed it and taken the proper measures.
“Leah... Should I run a warm bath for you? “ Jungkook's lips brushed my ear when he leaned to hold my weight up and i stiffened. 
“That won’t be necessary. I just need help back up to the bed, thank you.” I said shortly. He looked uncertain and shook his head. 
“ okay, but I’ll get Sana to run you a warm bath and make you some willowbark Tea.” He said quietly, and when I stumbled a bit on the first step he swore. 
“This isn’t going to work.... Come here.” He said gruffly and before I could protest he bent low, gripping the back of my knees and pulling me up into his arms.
i swallowed, head spinning as I cradled the curve of my lower belly. 
 Tell him... Tell him... Tell him...
 I felt my head throb as I kept my arms wrapped tight around his shoulders. 
“I’m pregnant .” i blurted out. 
Jungkook stumbled , nearly sending the both of us tumbling down the flight of stairs and i clung to him in terror. Okay, maybe the timing could have been better.
“What?” He looked ashen. Like he’d seen an actual ghost. 
“Just thought you should know.” I muttered under my breath. 
We reached the landing and he didn’t say anything, looking away from me, his jaw taut and lips set in a  thin line. I felt my throat go sandpaper dry. He waited till we were safely in the confines of our bedroom, placing me down on the bed gently and moving to close the door and lock it. 
I stared up at the ceiling, refusing to look at his face. 
“ Leah-”
“Its fine. You don’t have to say anything. I didn’t know till a week ago myself.” 
“Have you told your parents?” 
I exhaled sharply.
“Then would you consider.... “ He trailed off and i finally stared at him. 
“No.” I said softly. 
He sighed. 
“Alright. Should  I book an appointment with Dr. Lee?” 
I laughed. 
“How very practical of you..” i said. 
“What else do you expect from me..”
“Not even an ounce of support, that’s for sure.” I snapped and he growled.
“You want me to lie? Fine.. I’m happy!! So fucking happy that we’re bringing an innocent kid into our fucked up family. ” He shouted.
 This was why I didn’t want to tell him, I thought bitterly. 
“You’re the only one who’s fucked up, Jungkook. I’m perfectly fine with myself and my choices. I can give my baby all the stability they might ever need.”
“ That’s not hat I'm talking about. do you know what its like to grow up with parents who can’t stand each other?” Jungkook shouted. 
I gaped at him. Can’t stand each other? Is that how he saw us? 
“As long as you don’t walk out on us, we’ll be fine.” I muttered despondently. 
“ Don’t worry about that. I’m not going to run away from my responsibilities. ” He said quietly.
I finally turned to look at him, placing both my hands on my stomach.
“Do you want me to leave you?” I asked honestly.” Have you ever thought about it?” 
He didn’t say anything.
“So you have.” I smiled sadly. It wasn’t surprising but it did hurt. 
“Of course I have. You’re Lisa’s sister and Lisa is my... “ He paused, shaking his head, “ But, I know you can’t. I don’t expect you to either.” He said gruffly, grabbing the intercom.
I watched as he called the housekeeper, firing off instruction for Sana and then to the cook to send some tea for me. He hung up and turned to me again.
“Lisa and I are going to go to Japan for a week. She has a conference there and I’m going to scout for locations just in case we open up a distribution office there.” 
I turned away. 
“ You don’t have to tell me all that. You didn’t before, i don’t want you to start now.” I said firmly. 
He didn’t reply and i turned back to stare at the ceiling. 
Jungkook hovered for a few seconds before moving closer to the bed and grabbing the comforter and a couple of pillows. I felt a lump in my throat as he carefully picked my leg up, placing the pillows underneath. i was almost numb from the thigh down. 
i closed my eyes as he carefully pulled the comforter over my waist, folding it over my chest. 
“Rest well.” He said quietly before walking away. i heard the door opening and then closing. 
i waited till I heard his footsteps fades away before opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling. 
I should probably put some paintings up there, I thought. 
Author’s Note : This entire fic can be summed up as me not having any self control. 
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Whatever Katsuki Wants - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!Reader
Warnings: ANGST, violence, blood, cursing, lowkey little yandere Bakugou, smut, toxic relationship
Request: can I get Bakugou comes across a criminal on one of his bad days and he goes straight feral with an insane satisfied smile as he beats the shit out of them till they die. (Dark Ik, sorry😂) but as he beats the man, a video is taken of the scene and instead of posting it the anonymous person sent it to quirkless!FemaleReader. How would that play out?
“Fucking hell!”
Bakugou ran through the dark city chasing an annoying ass criminal. It wasn’t even a villain per say, more like a petty thief wanting to ruin someone’s day. His day. Now usually, the number 2 hero wouldn’t be pursuing this type of crime, but the damn prick ran into a bank, held hostages, and got away with over 5 grand.
The pro was already have a pissy day from the second he woke up. He couldn’t wake up next to his Teddy Bear because you had to visit your parents for something that started before even Katsuki had to wake up, then he burned his breakfast because a damn bird flew into the kitchen window, he was late to work and got put on night patrol, he probably wouldn’t get to see you when he got home before you knocked out because you also had a night shift, and now this.
Every second that passed caused his damn blood to boil. He was mad at....well, existence. Not his, just existence in general. For everything. He was so close to catching this damn bastard that when he finally pounced the guy, he didn’t realize there were footsteps coming his way.
Bakugou pinned the criminal to the ground in an alleyway and completely disregarded his quirk. He needed to take his anger out on something and this poor man happened to be in his grip. Bakugou threw punch after punch, kicked the man in his stomach until he coughed up blood, he stomped on the man’s head, threw him against a wall, etc. He ended it with a strong and fiery blast at the unconscious body. Finally, after 2 minutes of silence, Bakugou began to sinisterly laugh. A psychotic laugh with a crazed look in his eye. He was hunched over with his arms loose as he walked towards the dead man, picking him up by his skull.
“Sorry buddy, you caught me on a bad day,” he laughed out and whispered into the lifeless body’s ear. He threw the body into a pile of trash cans before walking out of the alleyway. When he turned the corner, he took notice of a trembling civilian, holding a camera at him. “The hell?! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT DAMN CAMERA?!”
Bakugou barked at the random person with devil eyes before sending a blast to the phone. The person ran away screaming, pissed at the hero for doing that. To be petty, the “extra” (as Bakugou would say) wanted this video to be exposed. Not to the media, this person wasn’t cruel enough to destroy someone else’s career, but he wanted to send it to someone to have the hero learn a lesson.
Now it was no secret that the pro was in a relationship. In an article, it was revealed that the two of you had been together for the past 4 years. With that in mind, the damn hacker found Dynamight’s longtime girlfriend’s number and sent the video her way.
At Bakugou’s nice home, his perfect little oblivious girlfriend hummed a tune to herself as she made some spicy curry for her precious Suki. Now it’s not that Y/N was dumb. She was actually very intelligent. But when it came to Katsuki, she was just a cute little “housewife” that loved him.
When Bakugou first met you in the grocery market, he couldn’t help but notice your tiny but voluptuous figure, you were struggling to reach a box of cereal until Katsuki came along and helped.
“Here you go, Short Stack. Maybe next time you should ask your mommy to help you reach the high shelves.” He teased with a wink to the nickname.
You looked at the handsome blonde with a blush at first sight but when he teased you, your blush grew more ferocious with a pout and pointed brows. “I don’t need my mom to help me in the grocery store. I’m 22 for God’s sake!” You said, reaching for the box that he now held over his head.
“Hm, woulda said 17.” He teased again. You ignored his jokes and jumped to reach the box and take it out of his hands. You failed multiple times and he still stood tall with a smirk as he looked down at you.
‘Now she’s fucking cute’ he thought to himself. His eyes traveled down to your busty hips and tiny waist, then taking notice of the way your chest bounced around when you jumped and reached for the cereal. ‘Pretty damn sexy too.’
“C’mon little bear. You can do it.” He said with a shit eating grin. You pouted some more and stomped your foot before coming to a realization and began smirking. You dropped to the floor and swooped your legs to kick at his ankles and made him drop to the floor. As he fell, he let go of the box and you caught it midway before turning your back to him. Usually, Bakugou would be a little pissed, but his anger died down at the sight of your juicy ass.
“Yes!” You cheered.
“Woah..” Bakugou said in a trance. You turned to him with a confused look before he quickly hid it with a scowl. You giggled at his place on the floor and stuck out your hand to help him up.
“Sorry, but maybe you should’ve just given me my cereal. Anyway, thanks for the ‘help’ I guess..uh..” you asked, hinting for his name.
“Bakugou.” He answered and you nodded and gave a soft smile before speaking.
“Bakugou.” You said, finishing your previous sentence. “Well, I’ll be off now,”
You began to walk away but felt Bakugou tug on your arm. You looked back at him with another confused look but was only met with a cute smirk.
“Hey, I helped you with that cereal, the least you could do is give me the pretty girl’s name.” He said. You blushed a bit more before giving him a dumb look.
“Who? Me?” You teased.
“Nooo, the old hag at the cash register,” he joked. You both laughed at his comment as you settled with his hold on you, not minding the contact at all.
“Y/N L/N.” You said.
“Alright Y/N L/N, was nice meeting you.” He said with his hands in his pockets while holding a smile. A real smile and not a smirk.
“I know.” You said with a cocky smile that he could only chuckle at. “Was nice meeting you too Bakugou. I’ll see you around,” you said walking away with a waving hand.
As you walked, Bakugou couldn’t help but admire your curvy body and drool at the sight. He didn’t know what it was but something was pulling him to you. He wanted you. He needed you. That little interaction was not enough. It’s not even that he wanted to fuck. Sure you had a banging body, but your playful self caught his interest. He wanted your mind, body, and soul. He wanted to make you his.
Through the help of technology and his access to police files and hero reports, he was able to find your name, address, where you worked, and all that. He worked hard to “coincidentally” run into you constantly, up until the point where you two became quite acquainted. You eventually asked him to hang out (as friends) and that’s where the relationship grew. A few months had passed before Bakugou successfully asked you on a date, and that’s when you both found love within each other. Or more so, you found love in him. He loved you at first sight and he knew it for a fact.
After a year of dating, Bakugou asked you to move in with him and you of course said yes. Once settled in, he worked even harder to constantly fuck you stupid, break you down but build you up at the same time. He made it clear he was in charge and you were his little toy. A toy he loved with his entire being, but still a toy.
You became his dumb little girl. You had a job but Katsuki encouraged you to not work so much. “I don’t want you to raise a finger pretty girl. Just let Daddy take care of you,” he would say as he bounced you on his cock.
You had a little dance hobby that Katsuki also encouraged you to take a break from. “You don’t need to put on a show for anybody else but me, Princess. Daddy’ll give you all the attention you want.” He’d say as he kissed your cheek and finger you in front of a mirror.
You used to have friends before Bakugou found out they were trying to warn you of his abrasive behavior. Growing pissed at that, he convinced you they were against you and were no good for you.
“Those little friends of yours could never make you feel as good as I do, baby. They’re no good for you. They just want us to be apart. They’re jealous. They want you to leave me, but you don’t want that, right princess?”
“N-No daddy!”
“That’s right princess. You definitely don’t wanna leave me. Because no would could take care of you like I do, right? No one could. Nobody but me,” he would say as he pounded into you and whispered in your ear.
Eventually, Katsuki became your whole life. You would work one day a week so that you had more time for Katsuki. You would wake up next to him and cuddle with him until he had to leave for work. You would clean the house and cook for him, and you would wait for him to come home during the late hours of the night so you could smother him with love. Often times, you guys would fuck. Matter of fact, the day you first moved in, you Christened every place and piece of furniture in his house. It was the same routine that you learned to love. Wake up, cuddle, clean, cook, love, fuck.
Being Katsuki’s precious dumb baby girl, he couldn’t let his baby bear see all the damage he does as a hero. Oh no, that would scare you way too much. Your precious little self wouldn’t be able to handle it. He would tell you he was a pro hero, the number 2 hero, saving lives, and he was satisfied every time he saw the sparkle in your eyes as you looked at your hero boyfriend with a proud look. He never told you about the dark side of hero work though. The bloodshed, the kills, the deaths. Horrid things your sweet baby mind wouldn’t be able to take. He would keep his princess oblivious to the terrible things he has to do as a hero and you being his dumb little bear listened when he said you wouldn’t be able to find any videos of him. Why bother to check if he was right? Your Katsuki would never lie to you. He would never do wrong by you. All and all, Katsuki can’t risk her getting scared and leaving.
That was until....
You were busy finishing up dinner when your phone went off. You looked down to the screen to see a random number had sent you a video. From the preview of the video on the banner, you took notice of that easily recognizable tuff of spiky blonde hair. You grew excited at the small sight of your boyfriend and swooned before you watched the video.
After you pressed play, your smile remained as you watched your boyfriend. However, as the video went on, your smile slowly dropped and became replaced with an open mouth. Your eyes became filled with fear as you watched your “sweet” boyfriend ruthlessly murder a man in an alleyway. You listened to his crazy laugh and felt your heart skip a few beats. Your mouth became dry and your palms grew sweaty as the video continued to install fear in you. Finally, your boyfriend threw the dead body into a pile of trash cans before you saw him look to the camera with those eyes. Those ruby gems that you used to love turned into blood drops as he gave the camera a scary glare. He barked at the man behind the camera before aiming a blast his way. The blast came at the camera and made you jump as it felt like the attack was going to hit you. You flinched and dropped your phone as the video finished and your breath grew heavy as you began to sweat and look around.
You immediately ran to your shared bedroom and pulled out your laptop. Katsuki always said you would never find anything about Dynamight online, but all you had to do was type in his name to find multiple videos of his deathly battles. You watched countless recordings of him mercilessly killing people left and right with his quirk and bare hands. Your body began to shake as your pupils dilated with fear. After a terribly gruesome fight video, you threw your device aside in fear and ran into the living room. You settled the slightest bit before growing nervous once more. All around the house were pictures of you and Katsuki. He was everywhere in the house. And those dangerously red eyes followed you everywhere. You began to hyperventilate until the sound of jingling keys invaded your ears.
You looked at the door in fear and after a few seconds, the main man walked in. Katsuki Bakugou. He seemed exhausted but once he took sight of you, he visibly became at ease.
Bakugou walked into the door, pissed off and tired as fuck. Luckily, that all changed when he noticed his precious Teddy Bear in the living room. He assumed you came to greet him again like you always did and he smiled at that.
“K-Katsuki! Hi..” you nervously said but Bakugou was too intoxicated with you to even notice. He walked to you with a smile and wrapped his arms around your waist before peppering your face in sweet kisses. You flinched due to his touch but Bakugou just assumed it was because of his stronger caramel scent. He did use his quirk a lot today after all.
“Hi baby,” he said. He didn’t stop his kisses as he spoke in between them. “Had such a bad day this mornin’.....was so upset......missed you a lot baby...did you miss me?”
“Mm..y-yes.” You once again said in fear. You definitely missed him throughout the day, but now with this new information, you wanted nothing more than to get away from him. Bakugou moved his kisses to your lips and placed a long, loving one on you. He had his eyes shut and so did you, but his were shut in content and yours were scrunched in fear. The entire time, you could feel your rapid heart rate pulse all throughout your body.
Bakugou started a heavy make out session with you as his hands traveled to the swell of your ass and gave it a grip and smack. He spoke to you throughout the kiss and kept his lips hovering when he spoke before diving right back into it. “Not my best day today......but you can make it better, right baby.....you wanna help Daddy feel better?”
“Mm!” You didn’t say yes but you couldn’t say no either. You didn’t know how to. Not when it came to Katsuki. At the cute little sound, Bakugou picked you up and placed you down on the couch, too eager to dive into you right away.
He placed you on the wide couch and began grabbing at your body. Your tiny waist, your curvy hips, your pretty titties. That was when he finally felt you tense up. A few nervous thoughts infiltrated his mind. Did you not want this? You never said no to him though. What was going on? He pushed those thoughts away as he continued. Maybe you were just extra sensitive today. Things were starting to change when he moved his hand down into your panties and you tried to squirm away from him.
“Baby?” He asked you as he separated from your lips and gave you a confused puppy look. He finally took notice of your nervousness and looked at you with worry. “You okay, princess?”
“Umm, yeah! I’m-..I’m okay it’s just, you don’t wanna take a shower before we do anything?” You asked as an excuse. Bakugou chuckled and a few of his nerves began to settle.
“C’mon princess, I know I just got off of work but it’s always just smoke and caramel with me. Besides you love it, I know you do.” He said and smirked as he began to lick at your neck. You nervously laugh and pushed on his chest to back him up.
“Aha, yeah, but don’t you wanna be a little more comfortable?” You asked again.
“I’m already comfortable right here. If anything, I’d be really comfortable if we were both bare already.” He said against your neck again. You pushed him off again and placed a soft hand on his cheek while giving him the sweetest smile as you spoke.
“Please love, for me?” You asked. You watched as Bakugou gave an exasperated sigh with a smile and roll of his eyes before leaning down and giving you a sweet peck.
“For you.” He said before pecking your cheek. “Everything for you, baby.” He said and finally got up to go wash up.
Once he was out of sight you released a relieved sigh. With him gone, you felt yourself began to shake again as you crowded into a corner on the couch and held yourself. You covered your mouth as you began to silently cry and sob. That-..that killer was so close to you. He was pressed against you. His once loving and comforting presence now became dangerous and scary. You didn’t know if you could take it.
As Katsuki walked up the stairs to the master bedroom, he couldn’t help but feel the nerves begin to bubble back up again. Why were you acting so...disobedient? It kind of irritated the blonde but he settled nonetheless. Maybe you were just having an off day. Bakugou walked right into the room and went straight for the shower after tossing his phone on the bed. The sooner he washed up, the sooner he could get to ravish you. He was quickly in and out of the shower and once he went back into the room, he threw on a pair of Gray sweats. Before leaving, Bakugou went to grab his phone but noticed your laptop opened. He looked to the screen in curiosity and felt his heart drop to his stomach once he saw what he did.
‘PRO-HERO DYNAMIGHT’S MOST LETHAL ATTACKS’ was the video you were watching. Bakugou took notice of the setting and remembered that battle. The battle where he grabbed a villain by their neck and blasted off into the sky before using an explosion to hurl them down to the ground again, killing them in the end.
Why the hell were you watching this? How the hell did you find this?! Why did you even think of looking for this video?! Bakugou felt his heart rate increase as his breath became huffs of frustration. His eyes grew fierce as he grabbed the laptop and ran downstairs. Once he walked in, he saw you cornered in the couch, hugging your knees with your head down. “Y/N!”
You immediately looked up when your boyfriend called your name. He finally saw your teary eyes and feared face when you looked to him. Then it finally clicked. This is why you were acting so off. You found him. You found the other side of him. The Katsuki you knew was sweet, teasing, loving, and a romantic. The Katsuki he hid from you was ruthless, violent, feral, and borderline insane. And you were acting off because you finally found out.
“Mind telling me what the fuck this is?!” He shouted. Now this wouldn’t be the first time Katsuki’s yelled at you. While he was in the process of breaking you down, he had to yell to let you know who was in charge. It’s not like he was heartless though, he hated it every time you forced his hand and made him yell at you. He felt so guilty and made sure to cater to your every need after he would freak out on you. Thankfully, you were a quick learner and it’s been years since you’ve gotten reprimanded by him.
You stood to your feet to try and defend yourself and get a grip. “K-Katsuki! I-..I swear it’s nothing! I wasn’t doing anything!”
“You’re gonna fucking lie to me now, Y/N?! Why the hell did you go and look for this video?” He fiercely asked. You remained silent as you were terrified and just trembled at you chewed at your lip. “ANSWER ME!”
“I-...Someone-..Somebody sent me a video...of you...and what you did tonight.” You hesitantly said. Bakugou slammed to your laptop shut and threw it to a wall, destroying it in the process.
“Show me the video.” He demanded. You were still shaking as you looked to him in fear and shock at what he just did. “NOW!”
You scrambled to get your phone and give it to Katsuki. He watched the video with a numb expression but his grip on the phone gave away all his emotions of anger and fury. Once the video was done, he looked at you with an insane smirk. You stared at him in fear as you watched his every move and right then and there he crushed your phone in his hand.
“K-Katsuki!” You shouted as you looked to your now destroyed devices. He dusted off his hands and walked to you. You tensed up at his approach and when he raised a hand to cup your cheek gently, he felt the way you shook in extreme terror.
“It’s okay, baby. You can tell me whatever you’re thinking right now. I won’t get mad.” He softly said with a smile. He was so close to you now. His hand was caressing your face oh so sweetly that it made you believe him the slightest bit. You don’t know if it was love or fear that caused you to tell him but you did.
“I-..I’m..I’m scared of you Katsuki.” You said with tears in your eyes. Katsuki just continued to softly stroke your face with his gentle smile as he nodded his head and encouraged you to go on. “You didn’t tell me..about anything of that. You told me you saved people..but you were..killing them.”
“It’s how I have to save people baby. People who become too dangerous need to be put down. It’s my job baby, you understand, don’t you?” He asked with his gentle tone. You shook your head as he still held it softly.
“No..I- I don’t.” You looked at Katsuki with hurt eyes and you took a small breath before you boldy said the next words. “I-..I think we should take a break.”
At that, Katsuki tensed up again. His eyes went wide for a second and his smile dropped before he shook his head and the kind eyes and warm smile returned. He stared at you for what felt like forever before his sweet face turned into a scary look and his hand quickly wrapped around your neck to put you into a small choke hold. Bakugou flipped you onto the couch and pinned you there. You began to scream and squirm but he covered your mouth and held you down with his legs to keep you steady.
“Careful Teddy Bear,” he said with a maniacal look, “shout and scream too much and you might just lose your breath,” he said and tightened his hold the slightest bit. “And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
You began to silently sob as his hand covered your mouth and you stopped moving under his hold. You nodded your head as tears began to spill down your face. Katsuki pouted at you before leaning down to lick away a tear. “Awe, don’t cry baby. There’s nothing to be scared off.”
At his words, your eyes grew angry and you bit his hand to remove it. He shouted at the bite and removed his hand as he looked down at you in anger. “You! That’s what I’m scared of Katsuki!” You said with anger and sadness.
Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to that and clenched his fist before he smacked your face. Your head turned to the side at the hard slap as you gasped at the contact. Bakugou grabbed your face with his large hand and made you face him.
“Dirty fucking bitch. You fucking love getting smacked by me don’t you?” He said with a crazed look. “Listen to me very carefully Y/N. I’ve loved you since I first laid my fucking eyes on you. So you’re not allowed to leave me. Understand?” He asked. You began to squirm again and he smacked you again to get you to stop. “ENOUGH OF THAT! You’re not leaving me Y/N. If you run, I’ll find you again the same way I did in the beginning. If you hit me, I’ll have to punish you. You remember all your punishments, don’t you? So stop fighting it. You love me and I love you. We’re not splitting up.”
You narrowed your eyes at Bakugou before spitting on his face. His eyes grew feral as his hold returned to your neck to give it a squeeze. You could still breath..but barely. “Answer me this baby. Answer wrong though and I’ll do what has to be done. Do you want to leave me?”
You looked at his eyes to find any hints of danger. Sadly, everything about this whole situation screamed danger. You still had love for Katsuki, you knew you did, but this was a whole different level. You didn’t know who this was. “.....Yes.”
“Wrong answer.”
With that, Bakugou began to rip your clothes off along with his own. You watched in fear as he did everything. The entire time, he had this excited grin on his face with insane eyes.
“K-Katsuki! What are yo-“ before you could finish, Bakugou had taken your panties and used them as a gag for you. He shoved them in your mouth and you made muffled sounds. You were both now completely bare on the couch, just like he wanted when he first came home.
“Relax baby,” he said before kissing your cheek softly as he pulled you to him. “I’m gonna make you feel so good..I’m gonna do something so nice that you’ll never want to leave.”
You shook your head with tears in your eyes. You tried push him away but he pulled your hands down. “Stop that. I’m not a heartless monster baby. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
He grabbed both your hands and pinned them above your head in the couch. Both your tiny hands were able to be held by his one giant palm as his other hand traveled to your lower region and began rubbing soft circles on your clit. You arched your back at the pleasant feeling. As much as you didn’t want this, as much as you wanted to run away and leave, your body couldn’t deny the pleasure he gave you. He knew you inside and out. He was able to break you from a single touch.
“Feel good?” He asked with a smirk. You shook your head in disagreement. His smirk fell into a determined frown. He knew you didn’t want this now but he would make sure you would soon enough. His movements picked up speed and your legs began to shake. Katsuki finally shoved two fingers in, causing you to shriek with the muffled sound.
His pumps gave no hesitation with their speed as they went in hard and fast. You were practically screaming behind the panties once he gave in another 2 fingers. His thumb played with your clit as he continued to whisper dirty things into your ear.
“My little slut really thought she could leave me? Huh? Cant you hear the sounds your pretty pussy is making. Your mouth may say you don’t want me but your mind and body says otherwise.” With that he slipped in his thumb and you’ve never felt so full. You had his entire fist pumping in and out of you as your felt your legs growing weak. “Fuck baby, look at you. Taking my fist so well. Feel good? Feel full? Hm?”
This time, you moaned in agreement. You couldn’t help it. This was going to be your last time with Katsuki, might as well make it last. However, that was never Bakugou’s plan, no. He loves you too much to let you go. You aren’t leaving him and he’s making sure of it.
As he continued, he felt you tighten around his fist. He smiled once again and sped up his movements. “C’mon baby, let me hear you.” He leaned down and pulled the panties out of your mouth with his teeth. He tossed them aside and allowed you to voice your thoughts.
“F-Fuck Katsuki! M-More! Please!” You begged. He only looked down at you with wide eyes and a grin.
“More? What more could I give you baby?” He said, leaving down to you. “Tell me what you want Y/N.”
“You- you- you what teddy bear? Tell me. Do you want..me to stop?” He teased.
“N-No!” You cried out.
“Do you want me to slow down?” He asked.
“Then? What do you want, baby?” He asked.
“Mm! I- I want you to fuck me Katsuki! Please! Fuck me with your cock!” You cried out and Bakugou’s fist came to a stop.
“Good girl.” He then pulled out his fist and quickly replaced it with his dick. You both cried out in euphoria. He wasted no time in ramming into you, using a quick speed. He held onto your hips as you velvet walls swallowed him in. “S-Shit baby! Fuck, after all that you’re still so- fuck! So fucking tight.”
His fingertips had a grip on your hips that was sure to leave bruises. The way he was pounding into you caused your breast to bounce and dance right in front of him. Not that it wasn’t anything Katsuki hasn’t seen before, but it’s the fact that he loves the scene so much. He licked his lips at the sight of your voluptuous mounds before taking one into his mouth. The feeling of his teeth sinking in had you gasping and your hands found way into his hair, pulling him in closer.
“K-Katsuki!” You cried out. He smirked at the sound and released you from his mouth.
“You don’t even know how good you look. How good you will look when I knock you up and fill you with my kids.” He said against your bare skin. This made your eyes pop as you looked at him in fear.
“W-what?! No! Katsuki! Please, I don’t want thi-“
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed over you. He placed his hand around your neck as his cock completely took over you. “Yes you do! Don’t you remember baby? You always talked about starting a family with me. Now you can have it!”
“K-Katsuki..please! Please stop, this is rape!” You urgently whimpered. Bakugou merely ignored your cry as he continued his motions.
“I said, SHUT THE FUCK UP! It’s not rape if you enjoy it baby.” He said in response. He continued to touch you in the dirtiest of ways, bringing quiet moans out of you no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
“No! I don’t want it anymore! I don’t want you Katsuki!” You cried. Tears now flowed down your face in fear. You’ve always wanted a family with him. But that was before you knew how he truly was. Your words only angered Katsuki and so he punished you with a harsh smack to the face. Your head turned to the side as you gasped at the stinging feeling that almost felt like pleasure in a way.
“I’m gonna give you brat, and you’re gonna stay. You’re gonna stay with me and we’re gonna be a happy family! Because I love you and I know you love me.” He said. Your legs were growing weak as his relentless thrusts never stopped.
“P-Please. Please, I’ll stay. But I don’t want this. Not now.” You whimpered. At your soft voice, Bakugou slowed down the pace but his hard thrusts continued.
“Sorry baby, but I want this. I’ve spoiled you for too long. I give you everything under the sun and you reward me by trying to leave. Especially over such a small instance? I don’t think so. The least you could do for me is give me the family I want with you. Don’t you agree?” He sweetly said with malice intent.
You only continued your whimpers as you allowed him to do as he pleased. You weren’t getting out of this. Katsuki gets whatever Katsuki wants. If he wanted to fuck his child into you, he was going to do so, one way or another. Katsuki allowed his moans to fill the room as the once sweet sound of skin slapping grew louder and louder, coming faster and faster. Eventually, you reached your release and even squirted all over Katsuki’s chest. He very much enjoyed that and it brought him closer to his climax. He kept to his word and filled you up to the brim. You both threw your head backs and cried out in ecstasy.
Once he was done, Katsuki remained inside of you as he laid on top of you. He peppered your face in kisses as you continued to make soft sounds. You both remained on the couch for some time before he pulled out and walked to the kitchen to get a rag and clean you and himself up. Once done, he picked you up and brought you to the bedroom where he placed you down under the sheets and joined you. He cuddled with you in bed feeling happy and joyous while your head was stuck in thought.
‘If his plan worked, I’ll be a mother soon. There’ll be a baby growing inside of me.’ You silently thought. Bakugou snapped you out of your thoughts with a kiss on your lips before he began speaking.
“..I know what you saw on the footage was scary, but that’s not the only part of me. I’ve shown you every other me. The me that loves you and wants to be with you forever, Y/N.” He said and picked up your hand to give your knuckles a kiss.
“....I understand that your job isn’t the purest. I understand that sometimes, a life will be lost. But the video that was sent to me, showed you killing a petty robber. You took it too far.” You argued quietly.
“Tch. Whatever. He deserved it anyway-“
“And it’s not only that, but you’re the reason why I have no friends, no job, no money, no family, no nothing. In the beginning, it was amazing because I thought I knew you. But now, I’m just scared of you Katsuki and I have no one else to go to.” You began to get choked up. This was the man you loved but you felt like you didn’t know him anymore. Right now, in your eyes, he was a killer. A scary monster.
“If you left me, who would you go to baby? You’re absolutely right. You have no friends. No job. No home. You have nobody but me. You need me. Say it.” He demanded. You remained quiet to rebel against his wishes until he took hold of your face and squeezed it tight. To stop the pain, you forced the words out.
“I-...I need you!” With that, he released his hold on you and his hand rested on your cheek. He stared into your eyes and you looked at him with the sad and confused look you had on ever since he came home.
“I love you Y/N. Do you still love me?” He asked.
“......I do.” You said. A smile grew on his face.
“Then we can make this work,” he said and pulled you into his chest, holding you tight. You whimpered into his chest but nonetheless held onto him tight as well. You did love him. You knew you did. But you didn’t love who he truly was. Or at least, what part of him was. A killer. A murderer.
He was right though. You had nowhere else to go. Katsuki really was your everything. And so, you were going to allow this relationship to go on. His child will come from you and you will start a family with him. Whether you want it to happen or not. As long as he wants it, it’ll happen.
Whatever Katsuki wants.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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tyongxnct · 4 years
𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 - 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝐽𝑎𝑒𝘩𝑦𝑢𝑛
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© tyongxnct on all platforms
summary: It was all about sex, but what happens when feelings grow and lust becomes love? What happens when you fall in love with your fuckbuddy?
genre: angst, smut, a little bit fluff // fwb!au, college!au
warnings: smut, a glass cut on (Y/n) foot, possible errors because I first wrote this stoy with Yeri (red velvet) as (Y/n) I tried to edit the story as much as possible
word count: 12k
It is finally happening. I finished my first story ever and posted it. Thank you for taking your time and reading this story I've came up with. I must admit, I'm a little scared, it's my first time publishing my own work. This is my first story and I'm so thankful for my friends, who helped me and supported me through this whole process of creating "Lovesick".
Thank you Jung Jaehyun for exisiting.
One last thing; I am probably going to write Taeyong and Seulgi's story as a spin-off, so If you are intersted, you can follow me and I'll keep you updated. :)
“We’re just friends. Friends who fuck. I don’t see the problem here? We both agreed on this, it’s just sex. No feelings, no emotions & nothing more than sex.”, he said.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why her? You could fuck anybody. Why does it have to be a friend? How did you two even start this whole thing?”, Johnny and Jaehyun were leaning agains Jaehyun’s car as you walked over to them. But you stopped and listened to them. You had to know what Jaehyun felt about it.
Jaehyun remembers the first time you slept together very well. It was awkward but a good awkward. It just felt right and both of you needed it at that moment, so why not?
“It’s different, I can’t explain it.”
“So you like her?”, Johnny asked.
“Of course not! As a friend? Yeah. And that’s it. Nothing more.”, he sounded disgusted. Was he disgusted?
3 months ago
“I know I suck sometimes, but I never thought I am that horrible as a girlfriend.”, Yuta had just broken up with you and there you are, drinking your problems away. “Are you out of your mind? Just because that asshole told you some stupid stuff, he’s right? You are great, the best.”, Wendy was ready to fight Yuta.
Yuta and you met in your first year of high school and you’ve been together nearly a year, until he decided to break up because you ‘sucked’ as a girlfriend or maybe because he liked other girls sucking his dick more. Yeah, that happened before. You had caught Yuta and a random girl at a party and because he told you that he was too drunk to think and that he was sorry, you forgave him. You liked him too much to let go, which has been a problem since you were little. Letting go was too painful.
The second time you caught him, was with your roommate. Both sober as hell, but after he told you, that it was your roommate who jumped on him, you forgave him. Again. And now, after he cheated on her two times (maybe even more times, you didn’t know), he was the one who breaks up with you?
“Baby, I know you like him but you are worth so much more, right Jaehyun?!”, Wendy kicked Jaehyun’s leg under the table. Jaehyun who was sitting with his two friends couldn’t focus at the girls at that moment. He was thinking about his own broken heart. He didn’t talk about what had happened to him, you needed him, he tried to focus on you now, trying to forget his broken heart.
“Of course. You are too good for that fucking asshole. I’ve been telling you this since the day you introduced him as your boyfriend. I knew that he’s a bastard. And my offer to cut off his dick is still available, just saying.”, he finished his drink and saw their other friends coming in. “Let’s have fun tonight and forget about that stupid ass.”
“What about Dahyun? Isn’t she coming tonight?”, Wendy asked Jaehyun about his little crush, but little did she know that his little crush started dating someone. “No, she told me that she’ll be home for the weekend.”, and technically that wasn’t a complete lie. She was gone for the weekend, but not home.
Johnny, Joy, Mark and Doyoung came to your table and the mood got a little better. You stopped thinking of your broken heart and so did Jaehyun.
Later that night, they said their goodbyes and Jaehyun took you home. He always did. Not only because your apartment (in which you lived alone after that incident with your so called roommate) was not even 5 minutes away, it was because he wanted to keep his friend safe. He couldn’t sleep since you’ve known each other for so long, he needed to make sure your were home and safe.
You were infront of the building and you didn’t want to leave him. Youb felt alone and so did he. “Jae something’s wrong right?”, you turned to him. “What do you mean?”, he knew that you noticed that he was behaving different tonight.
“Do you want to come in and drink some cocoa with me?”, you knew that he would never say no to cocoa.
You were sitting on your balcony, with a glass of warm cocoa in your hands and a blanket around them. It’s not the first time that you were this close, but you were just friends, even though others didn’t believe that, but it was true. Just friends.
“Tell me what happened.”, you said after taking a sip. “It’s nothing- just- okay. Dahyun’s dating someone.”, saying this out loud hurt a little more and felt more real.
“Oh. I didn’t know, I’m sorry. I know you liked her.”
“It’s okay, I guess, maybe it’s my fault. I should have told her how I feel. But it doesn’t matter anymore.”, he looked up to the beautiful stars.
“No! It’s not your fault. She must’ve been blind. You are fucking great. There are so many girls who would do anything to be with you. You should wait a little, maybe it’s nothing serious. I don’t think that she’d start dating someone after spending so much time with you.”, you tried to cheer your friend up, nearly forgetting about your own heart.
You put your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. “Maybe love isn’t something for us.”
“Maybe you are right.”, he closed his eyes too, and pulled you a little closer. Suddenly you felt warmer under the blanket, both of you thinking it was the cocoa, although it was your heart. You fell asleep in that position and you felt safer than ever before.
It’s been two weeks since Yuta broke up with you and you didn’t know how to feel. Of course you were hurt, but now you and Jaehyun were the only singles in your friends group which is why you’ve been spending more time together than before. He made you forget about him and you made him forget about her.
“I bought some wine and chinese takeout.”, he put the bags on the kitchen counter. “Perfect.”, you took out two wine glasses and chopsticks. The couch was ready for you and the movie, too.
“What are we watching tonight?”, he asked you, sitting down on the couch next to you. “Since tonight I’m choosing, we’re gonna watch 'My best friends wedding’ !”, you loved romantic comedies and he knew that you loved it so he watched it with you.
“He fucking loves her, like, he should just marry Julia Roberts. Man, what an idiot.”, while Jaehyun was angry at he ending of the movie, you were crying your eyes out. “Everytime I watch this movie I feel my heart breaking.”
You snuggled up to Jaehyun and he smiled at you. “You look ugly when you cry.”
“Ass.”, you got up, a little to fast, and fell back on his lap, Jaehyun pushes you away, because he felt you on his, well, on his dick. “How much wine- three bottles?! When did we drink so much?”, you got back up, not noticing that you just sat on his dick and cleaned the table. “You drank non stop, you didn’t even share with me.”, he helped you, taking the glasses with him to the kitchen, trying to ignore that you just sat on his dick.
Both of you tipsy, maybe even a little drunk, fell back on the couch, you put her head on his thigh and Jaehyun thought you were about to do something else “God- what are you doing?”, he pushed you, a little to hard, and you fell on the floor. “What the fuck Jaehyun? I was just laying down?”
You didn’t get up from the floor, sitting kind of between his legs, looking up at him. You were too tipsy to get back up. He had a perfect view, if he was honest.
“I thought- well, you.. shut up.”, he looked away, a girl was between his legs, looking up to him like you were about to suck his dick. It was already past midnight and you were a little sleepy, you yawned and that was too much for him. You looked ready, as if you were doing this on purpose.
“Stop it.”, he was hard. “What?- J-Jaehyun are you.. uhm.. are you hard?”, you looked at the bulge in front of your eyes and then back at him. “N-No?”, his ears got a little red and he took a pillow to hide his hard dick. “Why would you- oh..”, you got up and sat down, next to him. “Sorry I didn’t want to.. uhm.. you know.”
“N-No it’s alright.. I know that I’m hot.”, you teased him. His head turned to you. “Come on, yo did that on purpose didn’t you?”
“Are you crazy? No? I’m drunk?”, your eyes going slowly down to his hand on the pillow. You tried to focus on him but you must admit, it made you horny. Thinking that Jaehyun was horny next to you, because of you, made you horny.
“When was the last time you did it with a girl?”, you asked.
“It’s been.. a while.”
You looked at each other.
“Does it.. uhm hurt? I mean it looks unconfortable in those jeans.”
“A little.. I guess..”
Awkward silence.
“When was your last time?”, he asked you he slowly put the pillow away.
“A.. a couple months ago..”, it was with Yuta a couple months ago, before he cheated on you the first time.
“Do you.. I mean. uhm, do you want to do something about it?”, you looked down and then back up. “Do you?”, he asked you back.
“W-what?”, you heared him but you thought it was your imagination. “I asked.. if you want to do something about it.”, maybe it was the wine, maybe the pain.
But right then and there it didn’t matter, nothing mattered.
You nodded slowly and he pulled you on his lap, hands on your butt, both still looking deep into your eyes. You felt him pull you down to his crotch, to feel how hard you made him. “It’s just sex.”, he said. “Just sex.”, you agreed and then your lips met. First it was slow and careful. Your hands on his strong chest, slowly going down. His hand on your thigh, holding you tight and then his hand got under your shirt, his hand meeting your breast. You gasped with his touch and he used the opportunity to put his tongue into your mouth.
With your hands you opened his belt and unzipped his jeans. Jaehyun pulled your shirt over your head, looking at your beautiful breasts. You felt shy, it was the first time, he saw so much of your skin. He looked back into your eyes and then he leaned in to suck on your breast, your nipples getting harder and more senitive, you let out a moan and your head fell back.
His other hand playing with your other nipple. He kissed you up and stopped on your neck, kissing and sucking your skin. You hands in his hair, pulling it softly.
“I want you to fuck me, Jaehyun.”, you said, while you slowly moved your hips. He was harder than before. “Okay, I’ll fuck you.”, his hands back on your ass, he got up and made his way to your bedroom. He put you on the bed, looked down with his eyes full of lust and undressed himself. He was standing infront of you, completly naked looking like a greek god.
You also removed your clothes and looked at him. It was just sex. Sex between two horny friends.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, (Y/n). You won’t forget who made you feel so good.”, he was at the edge of the bed and kissed his way up to your pussy. He looked at your pussy and then back to you, not breaking the eyecontact as he slowly kissed every inch of your pussy. He sucked you so good, you thought you’d faint and as he put two fingers at once in you, you were moaning louder than ever before. “Fuck Jaehyun-”
He was fast and deep, hitting your g-point with every push. “Jaehyun- I’m gonna come, god!”, and the he stopped. “What the fuck?”, you were about to hit your climax. “I want you to come when I’m inside of you.”, he said with his husky voice.
“Do you want me to suck you off- holy shit!”, he didn’t need to get sucked off. He was hard enough to fuck you like that. “Fuck.”, he hissed as he sucked on your skin.
“Oh my god, Jaehyun! Fuck!”, he was fast and deep, hitting your right spot. “So fucking tight.”, it was too much for both of you, you were clenching around his dick and he was so big. It didn’t take long for both of you to come.
“I’m- fuck- I’m coming, oh god.”
“Me too, fuck. Fuck.”, and you came together. Both of you breathed heavily and were sweating. “Fuck I came in you.”, Jaehyun said as he rolled over.
“I-It’s okay, I’m on the pill, fuck.”
He went to the bathroom and got a towel, to clean you up. “Thank you.”
Jaehyun und you were too exhausted to talk about what just happened so you fell asleep next to each other.
Next day
He was the first to wake up. Jaehyun rubbed his eyes and looked down on him. He was naked, but why? Like a flash everything that happened last night was infront of his eyes. How he fucked his friend, and how good it felt. He looked to the left, you were still asleep and naked. Jaehyun tried to look away but you looked beautiful.
He couldn’t leave. If he left, you would think he regretted it or something- but he didn’t. He dressed up and decided to make breakfast.
Half an hour later you woke up. Your face red and your right side cold. Did he leave? Was your friendship over now? When Jaehyun suddenly opened the door, you looked silently at each other, until you noticed that you were still naked.
“Uhm.. I made breakfast.”, he kind of looked away and you took the blanket to cover yourself. It was so awakward. “'Okay. J-Just give me a second.”, you  waited for him to leave but he didn’t get it.
You looked at each other for a couple seconds until he got it. “Oh, yeah, sorry.”,
“What the fuck, Jaehyun.”, he said to himself as he sat down at the dining table. You dressed up and went to the kitchen, you couldn’t walk properly. “Hi.”, you said as you sat down. “Hey.”
None of you talked. Youjust ate and looked down on your plate. After a couple minutes it was too much. “So we had sex.”, he said and looked at you.
You didn’t think he’d be so straight forward about it. “Uh, yeah.”
Awkward silence again.
“I can’t feel my legs.”, you said it to break the ice. He laughed at that “Sorry. Uhm.. You know it was just sex right? It’s not such a big deal. There are so many people who are friends and have sex, right?”, he asked as if he needed confirmation.
“Yeah of course. It’s like hanging out and watching a movie.”, did you just say sex is like watching a movie?
“You are absolutley right.”
Now it was just silence.
“W-would you do it again?”, you asked him, looking directly into his eyes. “Y-Yeah? I mean, we are friends, and sex is great? Why wouldn’t we do it again, right? No stupid feelings to confuse us. Just having a good time with a friend.”, it sounded so right, but was it?
“So we are like, friends with benefits now?”, you kind of liked the idea.
“If you want to.”
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
“Now??”, he was about to have a bite of his toast. “No, idiot, I mean let’s do the friends with benefits thing.”
“Oh, right. Give me your hand.”
You looked at him confused but still gave him your hand. He took your hand and looked into your eyes. “Sex, with no complicated feelings or stupid emotions, just sex. Two friends helping out each other.”
You nodded. “Just sex.”
And then you shook hands.
And that’s how the most complicated relationship started.
One month later
It’s been one month and nobody knew about the little thing between you and Jaehyun. When you hung out with your friends you were like how you were before the friends with benefits thing. Of course, you spent time together like before, watching movies and eating takeout food, but having sex whenever you felt like it. Sometimes you’d lie to your friends when you went to a party and would secretly fuck in the bathroom, or in his car, or sometimes in Johnny’s room when he was throwing another houseparty.
Just like right now.
“Fuck, (Y/n).”, you were on your knees sucking Jaehyun’s dick. The music at the party was too loud too hear his moans upstairs and the people too drunk to think of their two friends who were missing.
“You take my dick so well. I’m gonna fucking come inside of your pretty mouth.”, and so he did. You sucked him clean and were breathing heavily.
He softly pulled you up and kissed you. “I want to fuck you.”, he said as he placed kisses on your neck. “I want you to fuck me too-”, they were interrupted as someone tried to open the door. Luckily it was locked. “What the fuck?!”, Johnny yelled as he knocked on the door.
“Fuck.”, Jaehyun hissed and held your hand, he was so nervous and scared, he thought you’d get caught. “Jaehyun? What are you doing in my room?”, Johnny heared Jaehyun swearing. “John.. uhm I’m kinda busy in here.”
“Are you fucking jerking off in my bedroom?!”, Johnny yelled louder.
“No, you idiot.. I’m here with a girl.”, he yelled back. You looked down to your hands. “If you fucking make a mess on my bed I’m killing you.”, Johnny yelled before Joy could pull him to another room, well, to have sex, too.
Jaehyun didn’t notice how close he pulled you and how he held your hand. But as soon as he heared Johnny leaving he let go. “Woah that was fucking close.”
“Maybe we should leave.”, you said.
“Let’s stay a little longer, I don’t want them to notice anything. But fuck- let me make you come with my fingers now, and later I’ll fuck you so good. Is that alright for you?”, he was so gentle, even though he talked about fucking you, he always made sure you were okay with everything.
You smiled at him. “It’s alright, I can wait until we are home.” Even though it was unnecessary at that moment, he kissed you on the lips and opened the door. “Okay, baby, you can go out first, I’ll follow you a couple minutes later.”
You nodded and slowly looked outside, there was nobody and with that you ran out of the room.
Something felt strange. When he hold your hand and kissed you, you never kissed except while having sex. Weird.
Johnny’s house was big, he was a little rich, he’d say, the best college parties were at his house. You got yourself a drink and went to Mark and Doyoung. “Thought you went home.”, Mark said to you as you sat down next to him. “I was just getting some fresh air.”
A couple minutes later Jaehyun came back, he sat down, next to them and Mark and Doyoung wiggled their eyebrows at him. “Johnny texted us that you got some pussy.”, you chocked on her drink. They all looked at you “Sorry, too much vodka.”
“Johnny needs to shut the fuck up.”, Jaehyun said.
“Soo, who’s the lucky girl?”, they asked him, it was so awkward.
“None of your business.”, he took Doyoungs drink and finished it.
“She was that bad? Sorry man.”
“No she’s perfect.”, Jaehyun suddenly said. “I mean, it was great, now shut the fuck up or I’ll kick your asses.” Jaehyun looked away from the three. You were taken aback. He thought that you were perfect? How? Why? You?
As you looked away you noticed a familiar face coming to your direction.“Hey guys. Hey Jaehyun.”, Jaehyun looked to the owner of that voice. It’s been a while since he saw or talked to Dahyun.
“Yo Dahyun! Come sit with us.”, Mark invited her. “Sure, thanks.”, she was sitting next to Jaehyun and the two were sitting infront of you. It felt weird to look at them together. You didn’t like it.
Too caught up in your thoughts, you looked down on your legs, trying to ignore the hand on Jaehyun’s thigh which didn’t belong to you. It belonged to Dahyun, his crush. Did he like it? Did he want to have sex with her?
“Dahyun, babe. Let’s go.”, there he was, Dahyun’s boyfriend. Why would a girl with a boyfriend touch another man like that? You were angry.
“Sure baby. It was nice seeing you guys.”, she waved at you before she left with her boyfriend. Jaehyun didn’t know what to feel. Was he jealous? Did he even care? He didn’t know and he actually didn’t care.
“Do you want to go home, too?”, he softly asked you. “Yes, please.”
After saying goodbye to your friends, you left the party. None of you talked on your way home.
Back in your apartment, you took off your heels and went to your bedroom. You weren’t sure if you were going to have sex. Maybe he didn’t want to have sex with you. Maybe he wanted to have sex with Dahyun.
He closed her door and followed you to your bedroom. You were standing infront of your full body mirror and turned around to see the zipper on her back. Jaehyun saw you struggling with it and walked to you and turned you around. You looked at him through the mirror, how he slowly pulled the zipper down. He was looking at you now, right into your eyes. You could feel his breath on your skin and it gave you goosebumps.
He pushed one strap of your dress down and pressed little kisses on your skin, not breaking the eye contact. Then he pushed the other strap down and your dress fell down on the floor, exposing your body. You weren’t wearing a bra, just black lace panties. He looked up and down and his other hand found his way to your heat. Slowly playing with your clit and still kissing and sucking on her skin.
He pushed two fingers inside, faster and deeper than ever. You watched him fingering you and so did he. You could feel his hard member poking your ass and it became harder to stand as he fucked you so good with only two fingers. You closed her eyes and moaned. “Fuck.”
Jaehyun stopped fucking you with his fingers. “Open your eyes and watch me fucking you so well with my fingers, or I won’t make you come.”
You opened your eyes and looked at him. He was rough, you liked it.
He started fucking you harder with his fingers, It was hard to stand but he held you. He’d hold you and never let go.
“Fuck Jaehyun. I’m coming, oh god.”, with that you came on his fingers. He pulled his fingers out of your pussy and sucked on them, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I’m going to fuck you with my dick now, Can you stand a little longer for me, baby? Mhm? I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good, but you have to stand for me, is that okay for you?”, he was back to being gentle. “Yes. Please just fuck me.”
He took of his clothes and his dick was so fucking hard. Without a warning he pushed his complete length into you. “Oh fuck!”, his hands were holding you tight, he would leave bruises that was sure. Jaehyun fucked you from behind and you two looked at each other through the mirror.
“Fuck.”, he pushed in and out hitting your soft spot so hard. “Tell me, baby, who makes you feel so good?”
“You-! You Jaehyun. Fuck you are so big and deep inside of me, fuck.”
“Just like that baby, You take my dick so well in your tight pussy, (Y/n). Your pussy feels so good.”
One of his hands cupped your breast and played with it while the other still held you tight. “Fuck I’m gonna come.”
“Me too baby, come with me.” and with one last look at each other, you both came like never before. He filled you up with so much cum, as he pulled his dick out of you, it drippet down your legs.
“J-Jaehyun, I can’t feel my legs.”, you fell into his arms. “I’m sorry, baby. Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?”, He laid you on the bed and looked at you with concern in his eyes.
“N-No I liked it.. it’s just.. You were never this rough before.. Was it because.. Uhm.. Because of her?”, you asked him while he cleaned you up with a towel.
“I.. I don’t know. Maybe. I’m sorry that I let it out on you.”, he took the blanket and covered your naked bodies. “Do you still like her?”
He was silent for a moment. He thought about it. Did he still like her? He didn’t know to be honest.
“I don’t know. Let’s not talk about it now.”
You nodded and snuggled up to him, it was just sex but both of you liked to cuddle, just sex with a little cuddling.
Two months later
Everyone thought you were dating, even though nobody knew of your friends with benefits part. It was because of your relationship in general. You were touchy, not too touchy, even though you tried to leave space when you were with your friends. But you did everything together. You laughed together, cried together, even your little fights were cute. Joy knew that there was more than just being friends. friends didn’t act like that.
“So.. You and Jaehyun?”, one day Joy said, when you went shopping together.
“W-what do you mean?”, you hoped that they didn’t notice anything.
“So you guys are a couple right?”
“Uhm no? Why would you think that?”, you were driving to your aparment.
“The way yo two talk to each other or look at each other or just act towards each other in general. It’s so obvious that you guys like each other.”, Joy said casually.
“What are you talking about? You got it wrong, we don’t like like each other, we’re just friends with- I mean just friends. fuck..”, you were about to get out of the car, but Joy was faster and closed the doors.
“Stop right there.”, she said. “What the fuck were you about to say?!”
“I swear to god, If you don’t tell me what you were about to say. I’ll never talk to you again.”
“Fine! Bitch. We are something like friends with benefits. Are you happy now?”
“What the fuck are you saying?! You guys have sex?! Johnny said that it was possible but I thought it was just like dating, holy fuck. How is he?”, she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Oh fuck off! We promised not to tell anyone. Don’t you fucking tell Johnny!”
“I won’t tell him if you tell me how Jaehyun is in bed.”
“Fuck, fine! He’s like a fucking greek god. Sometimes he’s so fucking soft but the good soft and sweet and other times he fucks me I sometimes think I’m going to faint.”
“You mean like vanilla sex?”
“No like.. he says sweet things to me and is so gentle, kisses me everywhere, he makes sure i feel safe and good, like that kind of soft.”
“Baby, do you really think that sex is without emotions and feelings? Because it’s not. Sex is an emotion itself, I’d say. The soft sex you just described is to feel each other. He wants to make you to feel good because he cares. And you honey, you just talked about having sex with him like marrying him.”
Youu looked down, was Joy right? She couldn’t be. She shouldn’t be. You had a deal. It said just sex, but sex was an emotion. You felt feelings when you were with him, no matter while having sex or cooking.
“Oh hell no. Joy, I can’t let this happen. We made a deal, just sex!”, you were about to go mad.
“Baby, don’t worry, It’s not just You, I can feel it in my bones that Jaehyun’s feeling the same way. You’ll see tonight at the party. I’ll prove it to you. Now get out and get fucking dressed. You have to look hotter than ever before. Trust me.”
“Okay, I will.”
And you did, you wore a short silk red velvet dress. You never wore something like that before. It was Johnny’s birthday party so you were going alone because Jaehyun needed to help Johnny to get the house ready. It was a little after 8 when you arrived.
You got out of your car, pulling your dress a little down, then a little up to cover yourself a little better, but it was hard, the dress was too short. You got inside of the house and looked out for Joy. Your eyes met and Joy’s mouth fell open.
“Holy fuck. I said hot but this is beyond hot. God there’ll be so many dicks offered for you tonight.”, Joy winked at her. “Yo Joy- Holy shit, (Y/n), what in the world. Yo Doyoung look at her!”, Mark’s eyes were wide and now Doyoung’s too.
“Uhm, guys, it’s not my first time wearing a dress.”, you said, a little awkward.
“Yeah but, wow.”, Mark said eyes still wide. “Stop staring you pervert.”, Doyoung pulled mark with him. “Joy what’s taking you so long-”, Jaehyun came out of the kitchen, looking for Joy, but his eyes met yours. You in such a dress. Could you call that a dress? Your legs were nearly completely open and your neck, he scanned your body and saw that you tried to hide the hickeys he gave you. That was a mistake, he thought.
“Hi, Jaehyun.”, you said casually, well you tried to be.
“Uhm, hey. Joy, uh, Johnny’s looking for me. I mean for you, not me. You, his girlfriend.”, he couldn’t take his eyes off you, he saw you naked so many times, but everytime it felt like the first time.
“Thanks Jaehyun, I’ll see you guys later, and oh, (Y/n), there’s someone I’d like to introduce you to later.”
“What do you mean?”, Jaehyun asked before you could. “Oh just an old friend, who’s single, just like our (Y/n). I think it’s time for her to date again, don’t you think so Jaehyun?”, she tested him, but you were also curious of how he’d react.
“I don’t know. If she feels like it, why would I have to say something on that?”, he was awkward, and obvious, Joy could see through him.
“Yeah, right. I’ll see you guys later.”
Joy left you two standing there. You looked him and he looked at the floor. “Uhm, do you want to drink something?”, he asked you, still looking away.
“Sure.”, you tried to act calm, but you weren’t. Not only you looked amazing, he looked great, too. But for you, Jaehyun even looked great with just a hoodie. While you were still on your first drink, Jaehyun was already on his third. He tried to ignore the stares on your legs, or anywhere on your body. It made him angry, for whatever reason. He didn’t know why. But the worst is yet to come.
It was 11 when Joy pulled you away from her friends to introduce you to someone. Someone who wasn’t Jaehyun.
“So this is my friend I told you about, (Y/n), and this is an old friend of Johnny, Taeyong.”, Joy introduced you two. “Nice to meet you, you are prettier than Joy told me.”, he shook your hand slightly smiling at you.
“Nice to meet you, too. And thank you. Joy didn’t tell me anything about you, I’m sorry, right Joy?”, you glared at her. “Well now you guys can get to know each other, I’ll leave you alone, bye.”
Joy went back to your friends and saw Jaehyun staring at you and Taeyong. He was boiling, he didn’t know why, but he could punch a wall. Or Taeyong. Preferably Taeyong.
“They look good together, don’t you guys think so? He’s a really great guy, I think they could be a cute couple.”, Joy’s eyes wandered to Jaehyun who just finished his fourth drink, well he couldn’t remember, he lost count. “I think he looks like a fucking piece of shit.”, talking to himself, but Joy heard him.
Jaehyun looked back to you, you looked ethernal, but you smiled too often. Everytime Taeyong’s mouth moved you laughed. Why would you laugh? What was so funny?
“I think something is wrong with me.”, he said to Joy. “Yeah, it’s called jealousy.”, she said not so loud but he still heard it. He ignored her and got up to get another drink. He couldn’t stand looking at you having fun with someone else.
Thinking alcohol would stop that ache in his chest, he drank so much that night. As Taeyong put his hand on your knee, he had enough. He stood up, not caring if anybody was looking, went to you and took your wrist in his hand. “That’s enough for tonight. We are leaving.”
“Do you know that guy?”, Taeyong asked, hand still on your knee. You didn’t understand what was happening right now. “Uhm- I.. what?”
“Put your fucking hand away if you don’t want me to fucking break it.”, he pointed at Taeyong’s hand. “Who the fuck are you? Her boyfriend?”, Taeyong asked, while his hand got higher on your thigh. “Yes I fucking am you son of a bitch.”, Jaehyun let go of your and pushed Taeyong back.
Taeyong stood up and pushed him, too but Jaehyun was too drunk and If you didn’t hold him, he’d be on the floor. “If she’s your fucking girlfriend then act like her fucking boyfriend, you fucker. Sorry, (Y/n). I’ll see you around.”, Taeyong glanced at Joy and winked at her. Joy’s plan worked. She couldn’t hear anything because of the crowd and the music but the sign was enough.
“Let me take you home, okay?”, you looked up into Jaehyun’s eyes who was already looking at you.
He nodded and you brought him to her car, luckily you didn’t drink more than a little cup and were able to drive. None of you spoke, both of you confused as hell, Jaehyun kind of awake and asleep.
He called you his girlfriend. Did he mean it? You had so many thoughts and questions.
When they arrived you helped him out of the car and up to your apartment. You carried him to the couch and he fell on it. “I’ll make you some coffee.”
You left him in the living room and made him some coffee. You poured it into the cup but two hands stopped you. “I don’t need coffee.”, he whispered in your ear.
You wanted to turn around but you were trapped between his arms and his chest. “J-Jaehyun.”
“You shouldn’t have worn this dress, (Y/n).”, he said and gripped your waist, holding you tight.
“You shouldn’t have covered up those hickeys I gave you, (Y/n). They look so pretty on you.”, he turned you around and you felt so small infront of him. He looked down on youand she couldn’t look up to meet his eyes. His finger slightly stroked your neckline, where he placed the hickeys.
“They would show everyone that you aren’t fucking available. That you are fucking mine, (Y/n).”, he put his finger under your chin and slowly pushed your face up. “Are you mine, (Y/n)?”, you looked at each other. It was like music to your ears, to hear that he was jealous and that you were his.
“Yes I am.”
“Who do you belong to?”, he wanted, no, he needed to hear it.
“I belong to you, Jaehyun. Only you.”
You needed him. So much. “Good girl.”, he leaned in and kissed you. Like it was the last time. Like he would never taste you again.
That night it wasn’t just sex. It was loving each other, and feeling each other.
He kissed you, slowly and with so much passion. You wrapped your legs around his hips and he carried you to your bedroom. Jaehyun’s lips never left yours. The only light source in your room was the moonlight, shining brightly on you. He slowly undressed you and kissed every inch of your exposed neck, leaving little love bites.
You closed her eyes and let Jaehyun take control of your body. You were already wet enough, he couldn’t wait to be inside of you. Jaehyun needed you and you needed him. He was hovering above you and looked you in the eyes. Jaehyun slowly got inside of you, his eyes never leaving yours.
With one hand on your cheek, he stroked you and started kissing you again. You moaned into the kiss and opened your legs further to feel him closer. No words were exchanged, only heavy breathing and moaning could be heared.
The next morning when you woke up, you were alone. Jaehyun wasn’t in the bathroom nor in the kitchen, for the first time, he left. You were scared, a little, scared that he didn’t mean any of this. You loved him. You were so in love with him.
You wanted to give him a little time, you thought talking about last night with Joy would calm you a little down. Little did you know you weren’t the only one who thought it would be helpful to talk to someone.
“We’re just friends. Friends who fuck. I don’t see the problem here? We both agreed on this, it’s just sex. No feelings, no emotions & nothing more than sex.”, he said.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why her? You could fuck anybody. Why does it have to be a friend? How did you two even start this whole thing?”, Johnny and Jaehyun were leaning agains jaehyuns car as she walked over to them. But she stopped and listened to them. She needed to know what Jaehyun felt about it.
Jaehyun remembered the first time they slept together very well. It was awkward but a good awkward. It just felt right and both of them needed it at that moment, so why not?
“It’s different, I can’t explain it.”
“So you like her?”, Johnny asked.
“Of course not! As a friend? Yeah. And that’s it. Nothing more.”, he sounded disgusted. Was he disgusted?
“I don’t think that you are telling the truth. Did you see yourself last night? You were about to rip off Taeyong’s head, even though Joy planned the whole jealousy thing.”, Jaehyun remembered lats night pretty well. How he talked to you and what he said to you.
“You know, just because Yuta fucked her up I’m not the one who’s going to play her knight in a shining armor. I liked the sex, yeah. It helped me to forget about Dahyun she propably did the same with me because of him.”
“You used me to forget about her?”, Johnny and Jaehyun turned their heads and saw you looking at them. Hurt war written all over your face and tears were running down your cheeks. “I’ll leave you two alone.”, Johnny left you two, hoping that they would talk through everything.
“I uhm I didn’t know that you were listening..”, Jaehyun said. “What? If you knew would you call me your girlfriend again? Would you call me yours again?!”, you yelled at him.
“Stop yelling around. You are overreacting.”, Jaehyun tried to calm you down but he did the opposite. “Overreacting?! You fucking used me!”
“First of all, the things I said last night.. I only said that because I was drunk and horny. And second don’t act like you didnt use me too!”, you couldn’t believe your ears.
“I never used you like that. You were my friend. I wanted to be with you because I felt safe and loved! I didn’t even think once about Yuta, not even the first night! Y-You are so disgusting I can’t believe I fell in love with you!”, you yelled under tears.
“You- what? We made a fucking deal.”
“Go fuck you and fuck your damn deal!”, you pushed him away, even though you felt so weak. “I don’t want to see you ever again- you.. you- I can’t believe you. You destroyed this friendship or what the fuck this was all about. Just because that fucking bitch didn’t love you you didn’t have the right to use me!”
“Don’t call her that!”
“You are defending her now?! How can you be so blind?!”, Jaehyun glared at you, he was fucking furious.
“I am the blind one?! Your fucking boyfriend fucking cheated on you hundred times but you still went back to him! If I didn’t fuck you, you would go back to him, because your are so easy to fuck-”, you slapped him with the little power you had.
“Yeah I went back to him, not only once. But to you, I would never come back to you. I’d rather die.”, his hand was on his cheek, you just slapped him, he knew he desereved it, he really did.
You turned around and left him standing there, his hand on his cheek, all alone.
On your way home, you hoped that a car would run you over, to stop the pain. You always thoght that Yuta broke your heart, but this time, it really broke. It was the worst pain you have ever felt, your vision blurry, hands trembling, you opened the door to your home and fell on your knees and cried your heart out.
Jaehyun was scared. Scared to admit that he actually loved you, too. It didn’t make any sense to him. You were friends, nothing more nothing less. Well, that was once. Now he had lost not only his best friend but also the girl he actually loved. He was a real asshole, Jaehyun said things he shouldn’t have but it was too late now..
You didn’t show up to class. You didn’t even go to classes you didn’t share. You also kind of ignored your other friends, sometimes Joy called you but you weren’t in the mood. It’s been a week since your fight with Jaehyun and the only thing your’ve done so far was getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. You hated your apartment, everything reminded you of him.
Jaehyun noticed your absence. You never skipped classes, what if something had happened to you? No, Johnny would have told him.
“Hey Jaehyun, uhm, are you free tonight?”, it was Dahyun. He was sitting in class, minding his own business as she approached him. “Yeah, sure.”, why did she ask him if he was free? “Cool, I thought that we could go out and I don’t know, have dinner together?”, she smiled at him.
“You mean, uhm, like a date?”, he asked her and she nodded, her face slightly red. “But, what about-” “It’s over, well, it wasn’t a serious relationship in the first place, but whatever we can talk tonight about that, if you want to.”
“I’d love that.”
Jaehyun has a date tonight, he felt excited.. right?
A week later they were officially dating.
Nobody told you, too scared to hurt you more. Joy visited you sometimes and tried to get you out of the bed, but it was hard. “Come on, let’s go eat something. You have nothing here, aren’t you starving?”, Joy looked through your kitchen.
“I’m not feeling well. We can go to the supermarket If you want to make food, my last offer.”, and that was enough for Joy, she’d finally got you out of your apartment.
With sweatpants and a hoodie (which belonged to Jaehyun but you didn’t care) you went to the nearest supermarket. “I’ll look for some fruits for you, alright? Be right back.”, Joy thought that you needed some vitamins. And you really did. “Yeah, sure why not.”
While going through the supermarket with the shopping cart, you looked on the floor, not noticing that you hit something, well a someone, someone too familiar. “Oh sorry-”, you looked up and saw Jaehyun after so much time, it felt like forever. He stopped his movements and looked back at you. You looked, well, your eyes were red and you looked much thinner. But there were no emotions on your face. Of course he was here, the supermarket was in the middle of your homes and destiny hated you.
“Baby did you find the- oh hey (Y/n). It’s been so long.”, Dahyun came from behind, held Jaehyun’s hand and leaned against him. “H-Hi, yeah.”, your eyes wandered to their hands, Dahyun was holding tight, marking her territory.
“Are you alright? You look so, uhm, I don’t want to be rude, but you know what I mean, right? Were you sick? You weren’t in class either.”, did she just call you ugly? “Yeah, uhm, I was- am, still, sick.-”
“I got you some apples and strawberries and also- oh, uh, hi?”, Joy came with her hands full.
“You know you can come and have dinner with us two, right baby?”, Dahyun was fucking doing it on purpose.
“What? I don’t think that-”, he started but you interrupted him. “You know, we are really sorry but we are going on a doubledate tonight, sorry, right Joy?”, you said through your gritted teeth. “Yeah, right.”
A doubledate? You and who? Who would you go on a date with? Is it yuta again? Jaehyun asked himself- but why did he care?
“We’ll see you guys around, then. Have fun.”, you were about to throw punches at her. Fake bitch, you thought. Without saying anything back you walked away, not looking at Jaehyun, completely ignoring him.
“I’ll never go out, I fucking knew that it was a bad idea to leave my bed.”, as soon as you entered your home, you left the bags on the floor and went back to your room to get into your bed. “Why in the world were they shopping together? He got back to her so fast? Fucking asshole.”
“Uhm, about that.. They are dating.”, Joy told you as she layed beside her friend. “We thought it would be better not to tell you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, just, I can’t believe he just broke my heart like that and is now dating her? Didn’t he like me even a tiny bit?”, you covered your face, trying to stop yourself from crying.
“Honey, I really don’t know, like, one time he looks like he’d fight against the world for you and then he tells you that bullshit. Johnny told me that he doesn’t talk about what happened between you guys at all.”
After a little while Joy spoke up again “You know, maybe we should really go on a doubledate tonight.”
“I look like shit, even that bitch Dahyun tolt me that. I don’t feel like going out..”
“Oh shut up, I’m calling Taeyong.”, Joy ignored her friend and called him. “Hey are you free tonight? Great, what do you think of a doubledate? With (Y/n)? Yeah, it’s her. No they are not.. Perfect, I’ll send you the adress. See you later.”, she hung up and grinned at her friend. “He sounded excited.”
“How much time do we have?”
“2 and a half hours.”, Yeri jumped out of her bed. “Fuck.”
While you were showering, Joy called her boyfriend, Johnny. Tonight was going to be amazing.
After the two of you got ready, Joy borrowed a dress from you, you waited for your dates to arrive. “This is going to be so awkward after what happened the last time I met him.”, you  thought about going back to your bed.
“Oh shut up, he is great you are great, trust me, it’s gonna be great.”
And after five minutes their dates were waiting outside your apartment. You were nervous, really nervous but as soon as you saw Taeyong smiling at you, she relaxed.
“You two look amazing.”, Johnny and Taeyong said at the same time. “Thank you, you too.”, the girls said. Joy got into Johnny’s car. “We’ll see you guys at the restaurant.”, she winked at you.
You didn’t say anything, you were a little awkward next to him, he looked so good and you felt, well you felt ugly.
Taeyong opened your door, to help you get in and you thanked him as you got in. After he got inside of the car you started talking to him again. “I’m sorry that Joy called you so spontaneous, you probably had better things to do..”, you looked down to your hands on your lap.
“No, I’m happy that she called me. I wanted to see you again anyway.”
“Yeah, I liked talking to you. I’d like to get to know you more.”, he smiled at you and looked back on the street again.
“Thanks.. me too.”, for the first time in weeks you smiled.
Johnny and Joy were the first to arrive, well not the first but, nobody thought that this was supposed to be tripledate. “What the fuck Johnny?”, Seulgi whispered to her boyfriend as she saw Jaehyun and Dahyun at the restaurant.
“I was talking to him when you called and I don’t know he insisted and then she heared about the doubledate and wanted to come, too. I’m sorry.”, Johnny tried to smile to his girlfriend as he explained himself.
“Hey Joy! Look it’s a tripledate, isn’t that lovely?”, Dahyun hugged her, Joy saw a long night coming.
“Yeah and I thought I was the only one who loved his music-”, (Y/n) who was talking to Taeyong stopped on her way to the table. Why in the world would he be here?
“It’s uhm, a tripledate! Isn’t that cool?”, Dahyun saw you and hugged you, too. What the actual fuck?
Taeyong took your hand, knowing the situation was complicated.
Johnny sat infront of Joy who was sitting next to you and next to you Taeyong. Jaehyun right infront of you and on his right was Dahyun. Awkward combination.
“You know, we can leave if you feel uncomfortable.”, Taeyong whispered into your ear, leaning a little to you, still holding your hand. Jaehyun tried to focus on his own date, his girlfriend, but he felt something he couldn’t explain as he saw you being so close to that guy.
“No, I’m fine thank you.”, you smiled at him.
After a little awkward silence, you ordered your food and the silence was back again.
Johnny couldn’t stand it. “So uhm, how did you two met?”, he asked Taeyong and you.
“Babe that was on your birthday, you were there.”, Joy told her boyfriend. ’“Right..”
Taeyong didn’t care about the others actually, he wanted to talk to you and that is what he did. He slightly turned to you and started asking you about your favourite music and movies.
“'Really? I love him, I think post malone is great. What do you think of The Weeknd?”, he asked you. “Sexy music, I love him.”, was all you said. “Taste.”, he said and was so excited to talk to you about your favourites.
Jaehyun was tense, Johnny, well everyone except Taeyong and you noticed. “Baby, do you want some salad?”, Dahyun, who was just eating a salad, asked Jaehyun. He hated salad. How could someone just eat salad? He looked over to your plate. You ordered pasta, he knew that you loved it.
“I don’t like salad.”, he said and focused on his steak.
You felt bad, Dahyun was eating a salad and here you were eating pasta, you felt ugly and now you felt fat. Suddenly feeling full, you asked Taeyong if he wanted to have some pasta.
“I’ll try one but you have to eat up okay? You look thinner than the last time we met.”, he said with a smile, he was concerned.
Did you really look thinner? You didn’t feel like it, even though you didn’t eat anything proper for a while now. You nodded with a smile and suddenly Jaehyun stood up.
“Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”, he went inside of the restaurant, to the restroom.
“What the fuck is wrong with you Jung Jaehyun?”, he asked himself as he looked to the mirror, suddenly remembering the night he had sex with you infront of the mirror.
You ignored him the whole dinner, as if he didn’t excist and that made him fucking angry. As he got back to the table, he noticed Taeyong’s arm around your backrest.
Too close.
“Welcome back baby, I ordered us some wine.”, Dahyun smiled at her boyfriend who didn’t look pleased. “I’d prefere something stronger.”, and then he ordered something stronger, something to help him ignore that feeling in his chest, whenever he heard you laughing or talking to Taeyong.
You were eating their dessert as Jaehyun was finishing his third drink. Dahyun pushed her cake to Jaehyun, she only took a little piece. “That’s enough for me tonight, can you finish it for me?”
“Why do you order it when you’re not going to eat it in the first place? Just eat that stupid cake.”, you would eat the cake all alone, he thought, but he looked over to you and saw you sharing the cake with Taeyong.
“I can’t eat so many carbohydrates at this hour, you know that, baby.”, she tried to act ladylike. God how he hated her when she did that. Who cares?! It’s just cake.
“Why would you fucking order it then?”, now he was a little louder. “Jaehyun, calm down. It’s just cake. Let me finish it, if you two don’t want it.”, Johnny tried to calm his friend.
Taeyong and you noticed the tension and decided it’s time to go. “Thank you for tonight, but it’s time for us to leave.”, Taeyong stood up and helped you, too.
“You guys are leaving already?”, Dahyun said. Jaehyun looked down to his drink. From the corner of his eyes he saw Taeyong holding your hand.
“Uh, yeah, we want to spent a little time alone.”, he didn’t say it to make Jaehyun angrier, but it did make him angry.
“Good night, and thank you Joy, I’ll see you.”, you said goodbye and went with Taeyong to his car. The whole night you tried to ignore Jaehyun, which was hard, because you could feel his feet under the table. You tried to focus on Taeyong and Joy and Johnny and most of the time it worked.
“I’m sorry, for that. I didn’t know he’d be here too.”, you told Taeyong. “It’s alright, I know it must be hard.”
“You made it easier.”, you genuinely smiled at him as he helped you into the car. “You want to go back home or can I have you for myself just a little longer. Don’t worry, no bad intentions.”
You laughed at his comment “I’d love to.”
And then he took you to the Han river.
“You know, that night Joy asked me to help you out with that guy, you, uhm, you actually helped me out, too.”, Taeyong sighed as he confessed.
“What do you mean?”, you were confused. “Well, there’s a girl..”, he blushed.
“Lee Taeyong did you use me to make a girl jealous? Now I don’t feel that guilty anymore.”, you smiled at him. You weren’t mad, why should you?
“Kind of. I don’t know. I don’t even like her- I hate her.”, he looked up to the sky, a little smile on his lips. “Or maybe I want to hate her.”
“Now I’m curious, who’s that girl?”
“Her name is Seulgi. I’ve known her for years now and the thing between us.. I don’t know.. We were cruel to each other in all those years. I said some ugly things, but she hurt me, too. I thought after high school, I’d never see her again but we applied to the same college. Even now we are fighting like there’s no tomorrow..”, Taeyong’s mind drifted to his time in high school.
“Are you sure that there’s no reason for your fights?”
He thought going through everything in his head once again. “Maybe it was becaus I rejected her 2 times.”
“You- what?!”
“Yeah she confessed to me in middle school and in high school but I rejected her everytime and I don’t even know why. Next thing I knew she started dating a friend of mine and I hated her for that, I didn’t want her to date him.”
“You are an idiot. You didn’t want to be with her and you didn’t want her to be with someon else. You broke her heart and she decided to move on. She probably didn’t even love that guy.”
“I don’t even know what to do. She stopped talking to me after Johnny’s birthday. I think I went to far..”, you facepalmed yourself.
“I’m sorry, but it is so obvious that you guys love each other. Don’t waste more time. You are a great guy and you should tell her what you feel and how much you actually love her.”, you smiled at him while staring at the sunset.
“You are right. Ugh, I wish I could beat my 15 years old self up- and my 18 years old self. I broke her hearts so many times, I want to be happy with her now. I want to make her smile and I want her to know that I love her, always have and always will.”
You applauded, “Congratulations, now go get that girl or I will throw you into the han river, idiot.”
“I will. I will get my girl but first I’ll take you home.”
After his car stopped infront of your apartment, Taeyong the gentleman he is, helped you out of the car. He accompanied you to your door and hugged you tightly.
“Thank you for opening my fucking eyes, lifesaver.”, he was the happiest.
“Thank you for saving me from that idiot today, too. Keep me updated!”
Little did you know, that there was a certain someone watching you hug and smile. After the hug, Taeyong jumped back into his car and drove away, to confess his love.
You smiled, you were happy for him. Happy that he found his love.
As you were about to open the door, you heard someone talking.
“(Y/n)..”, the smell of alcohol was so intense, you felt drunk all of a sudden.
You tried to get into your apartment but the grip on your wrist stopped you. You tried to get out of his grip but he was strong, too strong.
“Will you let me in, (Y/n)?”, he got a little closer.
“Did you miss me, (Y/n)?”, you could feel his chest against your back, his breath on your exposed neck. You closed your eyes, yes you missed him but that didn’t change anything. You missed the old Jaehyun, your friend, before anything happened between you.
With all the energy left in your body, you stepped on his foot and rushed inside but before you could close the door, his hand stopped you. He was much stronger than you and he probably didn’t even feel that you stepped on his foot.
You glared at him, trying not to cry or punch him. “Talk to me. Tell me to leave. Tell me to get out.”, as he got inside, you felt getting smaller and smaller next to him.
Jaehyun slammed the door shut and made you flinch. There was nothing you could do, except for ignoring him. You turned around, you removed your heels and went to the kitchen. You needed water.
Of course he followed you. As you poured water into you glass, he stood next to you and watched you. “You are behaving like a fucking kid. Do you think ignoring me is funny?”, you still ignored him, as you were about to take another sip, Jaehyun suddenly took the glass away from your hand and threw it on the floor, breaking it into many pieces.
“Fucking talk to me! Scream or yell I don’t fucking care! But don’t ignore me for fuck’s sake!”
He is drunk, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, you tried to calm yourself down. But Jaehyun was always like this, drunk or not, he liked destroying things, breaking them apart.
He took another glass that was on the counter and threw it on the floor. “You make me so fucking mad! SAY SOMETHING!”, it scared you when Jaehyun was angry but you wouldn’t give in. Not this time.
You backed away, accidentally stepping on a piece of the broken glass. “Fuck.”, you whispered to yourself, trying to move away from the other pieces. Blood dripping on the floor, Jaehyun’s eyes focused on your movements, not noticing that you were in pain.
You took a step, but the pain was too much. Before you could fall, Jaehyun held you by your waist as you winced in pain. Jaehyun saw the blood dropping, his heart clenched.
“Don’t look down. Close your eyes.”, he knew that you couldn’t look at blood.
You did what he said and fell into his arms, the smell of blood was too much for your.
Jaehyun carried you to the couch in the living room, softly putting you down. “I-I’ll be back, don’t open your eyes.” Jaehyun was in her bathroom, looking for stuff to clean your wound. Jaehyun tried to ignore the voice in his head that insulted him.
He came back with some cotton, disinfectant and bandage.
The piece of glass wasn’t that big and deep inside, after sterelizing the material he used, he tried to take it out of your foot with a pair of tweezers. “T-This could hurt a little.”
Jaehyun tried his best to stay calm and do it as softly as possible, not wanting to hurt you more than he already did. He placed the piece on a tissue and cleaned your wound with the cotton. You hissed, the pain was too much and now it burned like hell.
“I-I’m sorry.”
He blowed at the wound, trying to erase the pain. Jaehyun bandaged your foot and looked up to your face. You cried. Was it because your foot hurt or because of him? It didn’t matter, everything was his fault.
Jaehyun carried you to your bed, suddenly remembering the great time he had here. Not just the sex- it was everything. The deep talks, the movie nights- he missed it.
You were asleep in his arms, he looked down at your perfect face. He tugged you in your bad, carfully.
He can’t remember that he fell asleep in her living room, but he did, which suprised you the next morning.
As you woke up, you tried to walk but remembered your foot, feeling the pain once again. “Fuck!”, you screamed angrily, waking Jaehyun up. He opened his eyes slowly and saw you trying to walk out of her room.
What am I doing here? What is going on? How did I end up sleeping on her couch? Why was she limping?
Ignoring him, you made your way to the kitchen, it was a mess. You couldn’t walk properly, how were you supposed to clean this mess? You leaned against the counter, trying to steady yourself without stepping on glass, again.
Jaehyun stood up and hovered behind you. He looked down to your foot, a bandage and on the kitchen floor was blood and glass.
“D-Did I do that?”, he stuttered. Guilty, he felt so guilty and angry at himself. How could he hurt you? How could he do that to you?
You didn’t answer.
“Of course it was m-me. Y(Y/n) listen I-”, he tried to hold you, he saw that it was hard to stand.
“No! You listen! You want me to talk to you?! To scream and yell at you?! Huh?! Okay! If that is what you want! Stop fucking saying my name! Stop talking to me! Stop being near me and stop fucking looking at me! What do you want from me? What did I do to deserve all this?! All I did was to love you! Why the fuck are you infront of my house at midnight even though you have a girlfriend?! When I said I won’t come back to you, I meant it!”, you cried and yelled at the same time.
“D-Don’t date him.”, was everything he said.
“Are you even fucking listening to me?!”
“Yes! But I have no answer to your questions! I don’t know what I want! I don’t fucking know why I am here and why I can’t fucking stop thinking about you, or missing you! I don’t know why I am so fucking jealous when I see you with someone who isn’t me! I don’t know why I think about you when I am next to Dahyun I don’t know why I wish that she was you.. I-I don’t know.. what this feeling is.. I’m s-so scared it is eating me alive.”
“I-I think you should leave.”, you looked away, tears falling down. He couldn’t just tell you those things and don’t know what it meant. Jaehyun has a girlfriend, Jaehyun made it fucking clear when he told Johnny that he didn’t like you in that way and that he isn’t a replacement for Yuta.
He never was. You loved Jaehyun in a way you never thought was possible. Why was it so hard for everyone to love you? Were you that terrible?
“Go to your girlfriend, Jaehyun.”
You didn’t tell Taeyong or Joy or any of your other friends what happened between you and Jaehyun that night- and morning. You tried to forget about it, but the pain in your foot reminded you always, or maybe it was the pain in your heart.
After Jaehyun left your apartment he went to Dahyun and broke up with her. Yes he wanted to date her for so long, yes he liked her. But that was in the past. It wasn’t a bad breakup, Dahyun saw it even coming and didn’t really care, she knew that there was someone else on his mind all the time. It seemed like everyone knew except Jaehyun.
“Yeah they’re talking, man I can’t believe it, I really thought it would be the last time.”, someone said as Jaehyun was drinking his water in the cafeteria with his friends.
“Yeah right, seems like (Y/n) loves Yuta’s dick.”, some girl said now behind Jaehyun. What was going on?
“Can I get my 5 bucks, I told you they’d start dating again. (Y/n) has a thing for that guy, well, after I fucked him I can tell why.”, another girl said, which made Jaehyun jump from his seat.
“What the fuck are you talking about?!”, he screamed at her. “What the fuck?”, she said. “What do you mean Yuta’s back with (Y/n)?!”, he screamed again, and slammed his hands on the table.
“They are outside talking, you asshole. What the fuck’s wrong with him.”, the girls hissed as he slammed his hand again. “If you fucking bitches ever say anything about her again, I won’t be this nice again.”
Without looking back at his friends Jaehyun ran out of the cafeteria, his eyes looking everywhere.
“Where the fuck are you, (Y/n)?”, he mumbled.
Jaehyun stepped outside the building and saw you on a bench. He rushed there but stopped walking as he heard your words.
“Am I a horrible person?”, you asked Yuta.
“Are you crazy? You are way too good for guys like us. You deserve someone way better than me and Jaehyun, we are stupid and blind. (Y/n), I was too selfish to love you like you deserved it.”
“Thank you.. I-I wasn’t sure If I really should talk to you but now I’m glad I did. Everyone I loved in my life, left me. Maybe It’s just not meant to be for me to be loved.”
“Can you leave us alone, Yuta?”, Yuta and you turned your heads and saw Jaehyun with teary eyes standing close behind you.
“Do you want me to leave, (Y/n)?”, you sighed and nodded.
“Remember what I told you.”, Yuta smiled lightly at you and left afterwards.
“Can I sit down?”, Jaehyun asked now. You shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah..”
“Yuta’s right.. I mean, I still hate him, but he is right. You are too good for guys like us. When we started hanging out, just the two of us, I was scared that it would lead to more. I was scared to lose you and scared to hurt you. And guess what? Both happened. I lost you because I hurt you because I fell in love with you.”
Now you looked at him, hearing these words for the first time.
“I swear to god I didn’t know it was possible to love someone as much as I love you, and I never thought it was possible to hate someone as much as I hate myself. I hated Yuta -still do, but I hate myself more because this time I was the one who hurt you and broke your heart, your beautiful heart which only loves and I know that I don’t deserve your love but I still love you. I hate myself for taking so long, I hate myself for letting you suffer, but I promise you, If you let me, I’ll give you the world.”, tears falling down his cheeks, he didn’t care if anybody saw him crying like a little boy who lost his favourite toy car.
“I said things I didn’t mean. Not now, not back then. I’ll regret them forever but I’ll never regret telling you how much I love you.”
Your brain stopped working. Did he just confess? Did he just tell you all of that?
“J-Jaehyun-”, you didn’t even notice that you were sobbing.
“I- I know you said you’d never come back to me, but please come back to me because I can’t breathe without you. Come back to me and let me love you the way you deserve.”, his hands hand on your cheeks, slighlty stroking your tears away.
“Jaehyun I-I don’t know what to s-say, please never break my heart again.”
“I won’t, I promise you. I love you.”, he pulled you closer, looking into your beautiful eyes.
“I love you, too.”
That was what he needed to hear. He kissed your tears away, then your forehead, then your cute nose and finally your lips. You kissed so many times already, but this time it was different, it was with so much passion and love. A kiss both of you will never forget.
You laid in your bed, no sex just cuddling and kissing. “Wait- what about Dahyun?”, you broke the kiss. “I’m kissing you and you are asking me about my ex?”, he laughed as you laid your head on his chest.
“After that one night I came here, the night I, uhm, hurt you.”, he’ll never forget the look on your face as he made a mess of your kitchen and how he hurt you.
Your hand on his chest now cupped his cheek. “It’s okay, Jaehyun. Don’t say it like you stabbed me with it yourself or something. It was an accident.”
“N-No, If I didn’t act all crazy and broke the glasses, you’d never get hurt. I’m sorry.”, his voice got smaller as he apologized.
You looked up, your eyes meeting his. “I love you. Please don’t do this to yourself.”, you placed a kiss on his lips. “Tell me how you broke up.”, you tried to distract him.
“Well, we fought, I knew that you are the only one I need in my life. She wasn’t my type anyway. Remember the restaurant? Who the fuck orders a salad?”, that made you giggle.
“What is your type?”
“You.”, he stroked your hair.
“Why? Why do you love me?”, you asked.
“Because you are you. You are my best friend, my better half- my soulmate. You laugh at my stupid ass jokes- not even I think that they’re funny. Everytime I look into your eyes, I feel peaceful and happy, I can breathe next to you and be a little kid, the way you eat- it’s crazy i know, but you look so adorable. I love how you eat anything you want and how you cry or laugh at any movie we watch. A comedy? You cry. A romance? You cry and laugh and a horror movie? You cry, laugh and hold me tight because you get scared so easily.”
“Why.. why are you so.. are you even real?”, you hid your face into his neck and cried.
“Baby, do you remember our first night? We watched 'my best friends wedding’ and I swear to god he loved her so much but I know he was scared. I watched it a couple times when we were.. apart, and I knew that I couldn’t live without you. I couldn’t imagine losing you- the thought of you marrying someone else, I don’t even want to talk about it, because I’m the only one marrying you.”
“A-Are you asking me to be your wife right now?”, you couldn’t believe your ears.
“Yeah, don’t worry baby, I already have a ring.”
“J-Jaehyun are you serious?”, you got up and looked at him with wide eyes. “I’m kidding baby. Still got no ring, but I’ll promise you that I’ll marry you.”
“I love you so much, oh god.”, you hugged him tightly and tangled your legs with his and placed kisses on his jaw and neck.
“You know baby.. I love having sex with you, too.”
“Of course you do..”, you looked each other deep into the eyes and kissed, nothing mattered anymore, you  loved each other so much, sometimes it felt unreal.
Spending the rest of your lives together was everything you wanted, together forever.
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jd-loves-fiction · 3 years
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➤”I’d like one order of Mando adventure angst with a side of fluff and a dash of spicy bickering. Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers flavor (whatever’s on the house) and a nice hot bowl of ‘there was only one bed’
Give my compliments to the chef”
➤ genre: Fluff, Adventure, Comedy(?), Enemies to Partners, Angst
➤ wc: 4.9k (holy shit might be my longest request🥴)
➤ 🌙 Requested: @batarella ❤
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"Listen, buddy, I got here first." You attempt to reason with the wall of beskar currently pointing his blaster directly at you.
Maybe not the smartest thing to say when first meeting someone of his reputation, but he can only be doing this for one reason. 
He's after the bounty squirming nervously at your feet. And you're in the way.
Why else would he be out here, in the middle of a rocky desert on some faraway planet?
"Step away from him." The voice you hear startles you with its modulated dept. It's more surprising that he even spoke at all, given what you'd heard of the Mandalorian. Although his stature and the silent tension he brings with him is no doubt intimidating, you will not give up so easily after following this bounty so far out from the nearest town. “No.”
His visor tilts to the side, like a frustrated twitch, at your answer. “Maybe.” You rectify, which makes him raise his head in interest. “Do you have a fob?”
“No, I don’t.”
Not that it matters anymore considering yours is broken, but at least now you know he can't follow you if you make a break for it with the bounty. 
“How did you find us?”
“I have my ways.” You nearly roll your eyes at his cryptic response, not like you expected anything else from a Mandalorian.
“Do you know why they sent you?” Knowing your employers, you had a clue on what the reason was. They got impatient.
They’d been pretty determined to get a maximum time needed out of you. You’re almost sure you overstepped it.
But to send a Mandalorian? Seems like a bit much.
“They were afraid you’d run off. That you gave the bounty away to the Resistance.” Of course, those bastards can barely trust themselves, let alone a foreigner.
“Well I didn't, and I won't. So you can lower your blaster and we can do this together.” You offer amicably, not yet loosening your grip on your weapon upon his lack of movement.
“You’re out of time. Your deal is off.”
“That’s just-!” You're cut off by a shot buzzing past you.
"Last warning."
Your jaw drops. How can someone be so damn cold?
You raise your finger assertively, about to give him a piece of your mind, when you notice something move by his hip.
And it's green. With gigantic ears. And huge dark eyes that blink at you curiously.
Your head tilts, mirroring the creature. The Mandalorian follows your eyes to find you looking at the child he’s supposed to be caring for.
“Huh. And who is that cutie?” The blaster already pointed at you raises from where it had begun to slouch, alert and cautious. Noticing this, you readjust your grip on your own weapon.
You and the creature continue to study each other, until the Mandalorian pushes the brown bag to where it rests behind his body protectively.
“Are they yours? I mean, doesn't look like the ears would fit.” You speak just to make conversation, stepping closer with miniscule steps. His gloved hand tightens around his blaster, hoping to remind you that he can still shoot you point-blank.
But he hasn't.
"Can you really do much in front of a kid?" You challenge smugly, still advancing slowly. 
"He's seen me do worse."
"That right?" Another step. "You planning to shoot me today or would tomorrow work better?"
"Are you always this difficult? Just put the gun down-"
You jump towards him, hooking your foot around the back of his knee which makes him fall to the rocky ground immediately, dropping his blaster. Unfortunately, taking down a Mandalorian is no easy task, so he takes you down with him.
He throws his satchel to the side in the nick of time, it lands on a sand pile. His other arm grabs hold of you to pull you down with him.
You point your blaster at him as he lays beneath you, except it is no longer in your hand. Shit. He punches you in the face hard enough that something will turn black soon enough.
As you fall to the ground he gets on top of you, or tries, as you place your feet against his firm chest to keep some distance. You kick him in the helmet, silently thanking the stars your shoes are steel toed.
Your hand only scrapes against dry, red, sand covered rock as you search for a blaster, either would serve. Despite your momentary advantage in light of the Mandalorian’s confusion after being kicked, his hands quickly come down to cover your throat. You feel the creases in the leather as they’re pressed against your skin, and the beskar over the back of his hands against your chin.
But you still attempt to reach a weapon, a rock would do at this point.
Your arms flail wildly with no real direction, only the need to stay conscious, as if movement would help it. You do, however, notice that he’s purposely avoiding your traquia.
He still does not want to kill you. How sweet. Probably just wants to take you back to the bastards who hired you. They’d surely kill you, and much faster too.
Just as the spots in your vision start becoming overpowering, his grip loosens. You inhale greedily, desperately, gasping and coughing at the released pressure. 
You can see his visor move to and fro, searching for something. Once you look to the side, you the child safe in its pile of sand, so it can't be that. 
"Dank farrik! He's gone." The bounty. Right. Shit. 
"Now," you pause, heaving as your lungs struggle to fill up again, "what?"
He places his hands on his hips, thinking for a moment, before turning his visor to where you lay clutching your sore - but not yet bruised - neck. "I'm going after him."
"I'm sorry-?!" You cut yourself off with a cough as you sit up, feeling grains of sand make their way inside your boots and other places. "You're going after him? This is my bounty! I had him, and I would've been fine if you hadn't shown up."
He keeps his stance, probably glaring disapprovingly beneath his helmet. You huff at his unyielding silence, getting up in his personal space and jabbing a finger into his chest plate.
"I'm about to give you a piece of my mind, so you better listen very carefully. I had it! It was my catch. And from what I can tell, it still is. So you better back off, Mando." Venom drips from your lips as you glare at the tin can on his head as if you could put a hole straight through it.
He relaxes, raising his hands again peacefully, palms up, "Alright, I get it. But do you think they'd take him from you now? Let alone later when you actually catch him? They seem pretty vindictive."
"Well, what do you suggest? You're not going on your own."
"And why not?" He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans towards you.
"You don't have a tracking fob." You retort, leaning towards him as well with your hands on your hips.
The Mandalorian pats himself down where he believes to have stored the small device, only to find all those pockets empty. "You little thief!"
"And you're a liar! Plus, you think I'd just let you take my credits? Come on, with your reputation, you should know better than that." You shrug and suddenly Din is acutely aware that the beeping now comes from your hip instead of his.
"Alright, fine, let's do it this way. We'll look for him together and once we catch him, I'll hand him in and we'll split the reward." He explains slowly, carefully, afraid to set you off. 
"Seems good to me." You speak resolutely, thrusting your hand forward firmly, expecting a handshake. 
His helmet tilts down slightly as he looks down at your hand, before he reaches out with his own. Just as the leather meets your skin - in a now less life-threatening way - a coo sounds from somewhere at your feet, making you both look down to see the little green creature looking between the two of you curiously.
You look back at it, mirroring it once more, before it smiles wide revealing its tiny little teeth and, oh, your heart might just actually melt. 
It's large eyes move down from your face, towards your hands.
You suddenly realize neither you nor the Mandalorian had let go of each other's hand and that a large grin has formed on your face due to the adorable baby. It is promptly wiped off as you pull your hand back just as he does. He looks away while you shrug at the child's inquisitive stare, unaware that the bounty hunter had been watching you and marveling at the bond you'd both formed already.
And so you set out together to look for your target, back towards town, where you had begun your chase.
He can't have gone far or in any other direction, not with the unbearable heat and certainly not while handcuffed. He'd die for sure, you just have to hope he's smart enough to know that. 
You walk through town with the fob in your hand, just out of sight. No need for unnecessary attention. The town is tightly crowded, much to your chagrin, so you move slow and are barely able to see over the moving bodies. There’s just too much going on, too many people moving back and forth, shoving past you rudely. If it’d been anyone else - not an experienced bounty hunter - you would have probably been knocked down by the last two men that had scurried past you in a rush.
Without warning, you feel a hand grip your bicep. You immediately ready yourself for a fight, before you realize it belongs to your associate. Once he has your attention, Mando nods towards the edge to the street, against red stone buildings, urging you to follow him. You do, nudging anyone out of the way as you walked against the crowd’s stream.
You’re about to shout over the noise to ask just what the hell he pulled you aside for, considering you’re running out of time, before you follow his visor. Right to a wanted poster of a very familiar scoundrel. From the Resistance? Wanted alive for 8,000 credits?
“That’s one big fish, huh?" You continue to shout in order to be heard over the crowd, which you immediately regret, looking around, paranoid. "Must be important." You comment to yourself. 
You look up to see the Mandalorian's back disappear behind the corner. You quickly follow, catching up to his long strides, "What are you thinking?"
He ignores your inquiry, continuing to practically stomp his way through town. "Hey. Hey!" You call out to no avail. Well, you asked for it.
You reach out, grabbing the man by the back of his cape, tightening it around his neck and making it so he had to lean back to follow your hand in order to keep breathing. Your heart beats faster at the rush of power you feel for a moment. "You better tell me what you're thinking, or this is not gonna work."
He taps your hand repeatedly until you let go, rising to his full height and you're back to feeling slightly intimidated as he stares you down, silently.
"I'm thinking that with a price that high you might actually take the bounty yourself."
The tracking fob. The small object suddenly burned a whole in your pocket. 
"Oh come on! You were trying to kill me!"
Your voice raises, arms flailing about. You know you're making a scene, considering this street is so much emptier and therefore quieter than the main one, but for the moment, you don't care. Right now, all you want is to put Mando in his place. Something you know is foolish given that he nearly killed you before and could actually do it this time.
"Yes, but it's still stealing." He spoke with that know-it-all, I'm-better-than-you, tone that just gets on your nerves. Bastard.
You raise a finger in the man's direction, fully intending to continue this conversation and clear your name in his eyes - the reason why is unknown even to you - when a shrill giggle cuts through the air. You look to Mando's hip, where the creature (who's name you have yet to learn) sits, pointing ahead to the entrance to the cantina. 
Right at the man of the hour.
What? How?!
The man looks back at you and Mando for a moment, eyes widening as he recognizes you and the fact that this might be it.
Before he takes off running. 
You start running before Mando does, easily catching up to the stout man, who's no longer in cuffs. As you get too close to his liking, he takes out a blaster (that you know isn't his) and tries to shoot you in the head. Only to miss and hit your forearm instead. 
Hurts like a bitch, but it's better than death. 
Out of the corner of your eye you see a steel rope of some kind shoot out and wrap around the fugitive's leg, sending him stumbling face first onto the ground. 
Mando walks over to him, barely winded, standing over the panting man and blocking the sun with his body. You can only imagine the man's terrified expression. 
You quickly take care of your wound as Mando ties the man up enough that he can't move, wincing as you look at the damage made on your skin. The burning nearly stops the bleeding and it hurts so bad you can barely process it, so you don't think about it, you simply level your breathing while wrapping a cloth around the wound and hope for the best considering it's not too big. 
You clutch it to your chest as Mando approaches, pointing at your arm, intending to ask you if you're alright, but you move it to your side before he can. "Are you-"
"We should give him to the Resistance." You speak resolutely, holding back from wincing as your injury rubbed against your pants. It hurt even from beneath a (barely) protective cloth.
“I said ‘we’, so don't you start giving me shit, alright?” You tell him sternly after he crosses his arms, probably getting ready to call you a thief again. “You can't give him to the Resistance because they’ll arrest you, correct?” He nods.
“Well you know bounty hunting isn't exactly legal.”
“You don't have to tell me that, Mando.” You remind him firmly. “So, if we give him to them, we can ask for them to clear your name! And we’ll get double the reward. Two birds with one stone!”
“Do you really think they’d just do that?”
“If someone’s paying 8,000 credits for one guy and specifying they want him alive, then I’d bet they’d do anything to get him, even something as seemingly insignificant as clearing your name.” You explain, gesturing avidly as you do.
A long moment of silence passes before a modulated sigh crackles through Mando’s helmet. “Fine. I’ll go get the Crest.”
“Wait, woah woah woah. Why are you going? How do I know you wont leave me out here?”
“How do I know you wouldn't?” You take a moment to consider his words. He did lie to you, but you did steal from him in a way.
You look down in contemplation, eyes meeting the creature’s. Right, Mando has the kid, who probably isn't fit to be out in this heat for as long as it has.
“He got a name?” You point to the child, who smiles and giggles gleefully.
“Grogu.” You nod, sighing and rubbing your temples. Stars, it’s so hot it feels as if your brain is melting and you can feel a headache coming on.
“You can go. But I want you to swear on your,” You pause for a second, searching for the right word, “honorable code. Swear you’ll come back.”
“You-” The Mandalorian starts, before giving up on protesting at your determined stand, crossed arms and raised chin. “OK, alright. I swear that I’ll come back for you and the bounty. That we need.” He whispers the last part.
“Get to it then. I’m sweating bullets in this heat!”
You sit, back against a nearby rock, searching for as much shade as possible. You don't want to move the bounty back into town for a multitude of reasons, so now you’re stuck just outside of town. Sweat making your clothes stick and it gathers while the headache gets worse and more blood soaks your makeshift bandage, but at least it's silent. That's what you thought about 20 minutes ago, now, you’ve changed your mind.
“The hell did you do to get 8,000 credits on your head?” You ask suddenly, seemingly startling the man who seems to have accepted his fate already.
He sighs, probably just as bored as you, “I have some information they want. That's why they want me alive.” You purse your lips in interest, humming in understanding, before silence falls over you two once more.
Stars, it's hot.
You could cry from relief once you hear the sound of a loud engine getting closer and closer. The 'Crest', as Mando had called it. 
You grab the bounty by the shirt, hauling him to his feet rather roughly and shoving him towards the flying hunk of metal that had just landed. 
The ship. Mando doesn't come out to greet you. 
As the ramp closes and the air is blanketed in a sheet of silence, your mind starts to wander without your permission. You know he has to be handsome under there, what with his broad shoulders and slim waist, deliciously thick thighs and a wonderfully smooth and deep voice that seems to caress your very soul as you hear it. You caught a glimpse of his skin when you pulled at his collar, delightfully tan just begging for you to sink your teeth into it. 
Must be the heat. Surely that is the sole reason why you're fantasizing so vividly about a man whose real name you don't know, whose face you've never seen and oh, a man who tried to kill you. But didn't. 
Sick of your own thoughts and the loud snores of the bounty, you rise to your feet, climbing the ladder that leads to the cockpit. You wince as you put part of your weight on your injured arm, deciding to climb the rest of the ladder one handed instead.
“Are you decent?”  You shout through the thick metal door, hoping Mando can hear you inside the cockpit. When the heavy doors hiss and open, you’re sure he must be.
You sit down in the passenger seat silently, looking up at the stars above for a long moment. The mesmerizing, endlessly dark sky is all that you see at first, from being partially blinded by the fluorescent lights inside the Crest, before the stars come to you, bright speckles that dust the planetary systems all around you. Breathtaking. 
You look back in front of yourself to find Grogu already staring at you, head tilted with a smile that shows the slightest hint of tiny teeth. You smile, leaning forward with a raised brow. He leans closer to you, eyes lingering in the side of your face, the one already darkening from Mando’s blow, before dipping down to the arm you hold close to your chest. You let go of it immediately as he does, wanting to shield him from seeing the blood you know can be seen through the cloth.
The child steps closer, as far as he can while up on the dashboard. Mando has to be avoiding you, before he would've seen that movement otherwise.
It reaches out his small hand, squeezing his eyes as tightly as possible while the green limb twitches. You furrow your brows in confusion, what?
The ache on your skin lessens gradually, as if the wound was being lifted from your skin. You can feel it on your arm, it tickles as your skin connects itself around the wound while the burn disappears as if you’d just placed ice over it.
At some point, your eyes close, lulled nearly to sleep by the lifting of the pain, the feeling left behind makes your skin tingle with energy just beneath, your head feels light for a second, as if the blood moved from there down to heal the wounds.
When you open your eyes, you’re met with Mando’s visor trained on your face, silent in a way you can tell he’s speechless. “Eyes on the road, Mando.” You tell him cheekily, voice cracking unexpectedly.
He turns back forward, pausing his steering to pull Grogu forward and away from the edge, before his hands return to the commands. “So, is it far still?”
“No, just a few more hours. The closest Resistance base is just on the next planet.” His fingers flick switches and pull levers, before he seemingly puts the vehicle on autopilot and turns to you. “You can take the cot, you must be tired.”
You blink at him, “And what about you?”
“I’ll be fine.” He answers gruffly, not sparing you a glance.
“No, it’s gonna be a few hours, and you’ve been awake for about as much as me so if anyone is taking the cot, it’s you.” You argue back firmly.
He sighs, loosening the cape around his neck as a way to calm himself down, you and your selflessness.
“Alright. No promises that I’ll sleep though.” He acts like it’s a huge burden, as if it pains him deeply.
He takes Grogu in his arms and towards his sleeping nook. The small child smiles at you from over his guardian’s shoulder, and you smile back.
Once he’s safely put away and the bounty checked on, Mando leads you to a space just off the main hull space, where a bed - with the thinnest mattress you’ve ever seen - is pulled from the wall. Oh boy, you can already feel your back aching, but it’s better than sitting in the cockpit on those hard chairs.
So you lay down your weapons while he takes off the bulkiest of his armour. You lay down, curled on your side and away from him, knowing he’ll have to cuddle close to fit. You feel his warmth against your back, but you don't feel his touch quite yet, only the ghost of it. Your gut tightens with pity as you know he can’t take his helmet off. That has to be very uncomfortable.
The lights are dim enough that there is no shadow from your bodies on the wall. You can tell by the space he’s put between you, that he’s about to fall off.
“Are you scared of me, Mando? Can I call you Mando?”
“Sure and no.”
“Which one?” You ask mischievously, smirking to yourself while knowing full well what he meant.
He sighs in exasperation, so you let him be. For only a moment before you're back to being snarky. "Surely you've been this close to another human before, perhaps in a more compromising context."
"Yes and it's usually quieter." You think he might not realize what he just said.
You snort, "Must mean you're doing something wrong."
"That's not-! Just, get some sleep." He says tiredly, giving up on the banter you're pushing. You do as he asks, closing your eyes as you feel the heat of his body move closer to you.
You wake up to a rough whisper of your name and a shaking of your shoulder. Eyes open slowly, squinting against the light shining right at them, before something blocks it and eases your discomfort. The large hand on your shoulder doesn't yet move from its place, gently perched and waiting for you to wake up fully. 
You look up to see Mando's helmet over you, seemingly way too close (not that you're complaining), as you can clearly hear him breathe through his modulator. "We're here and we need to talk before you go in."
You follow him to the hull without question, stopping just before the door that leads to it. You rub the sleep from your eyes before blinking up at the bounty hunter, trying to nonchalantly fix your messy hair. 
And though he'd never tell you, he thought you looked adorable in that moment. Rosy cheeks, a faraway gaze, lips pursed to hold back a yawn as you brushed down your hair. He was certainly thankful for his helmet in that moment, considering the heat he felt crawling up his neck and settling on his cheeks. 
You clear your throat before speaking, "Right. So, it's easy." You raise a hand to his face when Mando sighs deeply. "Simple, really. I go in, tell them I have the bounty and ask for a little something as compensation along with the credits. See? Easy and simple!"
"Do you think they'll take it?" It doesn't sound as skeptical as you would've expected from him. It's sort of hopeful. Even Mando has to admit to himself that getting chased around and having to avoid and run from x-wings at every turn, got pretty exhausting. 
"Let's try it before we start getting doubts." You tell him, determined. "Besides, nothing to lose if you stay hidden, right?"
The planet you landed on is small and green - perfect cover for a Resistance base. You walk along the dirt path leading to it and away from the Crest, coming up to a clearing where you can see the humongous metal doors of the base which seemed to have been dug into a small mountain. 
"Stop! State your business." A voice says through a speaker once you get close enough. 
"I've come to deliver a bounty!" You keep it simple, no use even attempting to be charming with these folks.
Not long after, the doors part to let someone through, who you presume is a general or something of the sort given their intimidating presence and the flock of guards with their weapons trained on you that follow them. 
"We have your credits. Thank you for bringing him to us." You keep your face neutral even as it urges to tremble beneath the pressure of their gaze. You feel the man in question squirm against the arm that grips his bicep. Must really not be a fan. 
"That is not all I want." The supposed general, no need to try and figure that out considering you don't want them to remember you more than necessary, raises a delicate brow. "I would like for you to clear someone's name."
"That is not what we agreed on."
"Yes, well, I didn't agree to it myself, so." You shrug, impressed that the general's face remains stone cold, especially considering how much they probably would like to dispose of you given you're dragging out this exchange for longer than what's really necessary. 
"You are in no place to make demands." One soldier tells you, pulling out his blaster and pointing it at you, getting more of a reaction from the bounty than from yourself as he flinches. 
"Oh, I am in the perfect place to be making demands." You tell him venomously, grip tightening on the man's arm.
"We have you surrounded."
"Just the way I like it." You respond with a wink just to hear the person's stuttering over the modulator on their helmet.
"Very well." The general calls out in order to gain their minions' attention, "Just tell me what name they might be under in our system."
"The Mandalorian. Mando for friends."
"Fuck! Shit, fuck! What was I thinking?!" You yell out in frustration, standing before what remains of your ship, the rest most likely taken by Jawas, who must be long gone by now. "Of course someone would take it apart, why not?! Oh, stars." You wail miserably, crouching into a ball in search of some comfort. 
"Hey, it'll be alright. Don't panic." Mando tells you gently after pulling you to your feet and grabbing your shoulders tightly to ground you. "There's two ways we can do this: we go after those Jawas, get your pieces and fix the ship or," Mando hesitates for a moment, fingers drumming along your skin as he turns the words over and over in his tongue until he feels as if he'll get them right once he says them. "you can come with me until you get enough credits for a new one. 4,000 might not be enough yet, but it's a pretty solid start."
His rare optimism brings a small smile out of you and makes your anger settle down almost completely. You'll no doubt have an even deeper hatred for the little shits, but you don't feel as if you'll punch the next living thing you see.
"I guess catching a ride with you can't be so bad, huh, Mando?"
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gusu-emilu · 3 years
Whumptober No.2
Ship: Xue Yang / Xiao Xingchen Rating: T Wordcount: 1421 Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Choking, Whump, Angst with a Bit of Fluff, Xue Yang POV Summary: One time Xiao Xingchen healed Xue Yang, and one time he healed Chengmei.
He sinks back into the feeling of Xiao Xingchen pressed against him. Even after living with him for so long, Xue Yang still finds himself startled at the comfort the daozhang’s presence brings.
Comfort from a man who would have seen him murdered.
Seen Xue Yang murdered, that is.
The fuckers had been too cowardly to kill Xue Yang in one clean blow.
Instead, they’d left him on the ground, arms and legs bound, leashed to a tree to slowly choke. The rope binding him is thin but strong, charmed to gradually cut into the skin and to suppress spiritual power, designed to slowly kill.
But the cultivators who captured him are just from some no-name sect. The charm they cast on the rope is mediocre. Potentially breakable.
Not that Xue Yang would be able to do much with his spiritual power given how much blood he’s lost. Otherwise, even his piecemeal cultivation abilities, scraped together for survival over the years, would be strong enough to break these binds—and then rip out the spines of the cultivators who dared touch him, vertebra by vertebra.
As he squirms against his restraints, he thinks about how those bastards will turn him in to the meathead leader of the Nie Clan once he’s dead, and have a little celebration praising themselves for their righteousness.
But where’s their righteousness now, while Xue Yang chokes and bleeds out on the forest floor? Where are their clan values? Xue Yang knows they aren’t stuffy inner disciples of a major sect—just some backwoods lowlifes—but they could at least kill him cleanly and quietly with the integrity that every hypocrite clan sings about.
And if they can’t kill Xue Yang with integrity, they can at least kill him right—by getting some fun out of it.
Instead, Xue Yang’s murderers are too cowardly to look him in the eye while he dies. They’ll come back for him when he’s fully choked out.
And he might be choked out soon. The coarse rope constricts tighter around his neck each time he struggles, closing in on each breath that claws its way down to his lungs.
Tighter, until it squeezes out all thought.
Until Xue Yang’s entire world is one strip of rope cut into his skin and one shrinking column of air.
Primal fear smothers him like a rancid stench as the leash crushes his throat.
He knows struggling will only constrict the rope more. But he can’t fight the instinct to trash against his restraints, desperate for air.
He’s going to die here.
The rope loosens.
Xue Yang coughs and gasps for breath, folding forward as his stomach lurches. But he forces himself to look up immediately, to prepare to fight tooth and nail against this new threat—
“Who did this to you?” asks a man in flowing white robes, gleaming sword in hand. The man’s face is in shadow, only a few smooth contours rimmed by moonlight.
But it’s enough for Xue Yang to recognize him.
“Xiao Xingchen,” he hisses, voice hoarse, barely able to speak. Blood trickles out the corner of his mouth as he smirks.
“Who did this to you?” Xiao Xingchen repeats, firmer.
Xue Yang cocks an eyebrow. “What?” He coughs blood. “Not going to untie the rest of me? Or would you rather leave me to slither from now on?”
Xiao Xingchen doesn’t answer. Instead, he squats down next to Xue Yang and sends a stream of spiritual energy into him, healing him, a rush of cool sweetness like pilfered candy.
Xue Yang recoils, then jerks, trying to knock Xiao Xingchen away. But the stubborn daozhang only dodges and grabs him by the shoulder, holding him steady while forcing spiritual energy in through the battered skin on his back.
“Let go of me,” Xue Yang growls. “I don’t want your useless qi inside me.”
“You will die of blood loss without immediate healing.”
“Isn’t that what you want?”
“No,” Xiao Xingchen answers, sounding distressed. Sounding surprised that Xue Yang asked such a question.
“No?” Xue Yang echoes, throat still sore. “Liar!”
Xue Yang stops struggling and accepts the spiritual energy, using the strength from it to devote all his focus to forcing Xiao Xingchen to acknowledge his hypocrisy.
“You think you’re any better than the bastards who did this to me? What are you planning to do with me after you so graciously heal me?”
“Turn you in for your crimes.”
“And that’s justice?”
“It’s what must be done.”
“‘It’s what must be done,’“ Xue Yang mimics. “You know good and well they’ll murder me the moment you hand me over. Why bother helping now? Is it only right for me to be murdered if you decide when?”
“It is not my decision—”
With spiritual energy the daozhang so kindly gifted him, Xue Yang diverts his new qi from healing his wounds to create a blast of energy. The binds snap off. He slams his body into Xiao Xingchen, knocking him to the ground.
Every sinew in Xue Yang’s body protests movement as light-headedness overtakes him. His injuries could've used the spiritual energy he spent on escaping.
But he still manages to jump out of reach before Xiao Xingchen reacts. After all, physical weakness had never held him back.
People like Xiao Xingchen had held him back.
“Here’s a lesson for you, daozhang!” Xue Yang calls as he slips deeper into the darkness of the forest. “Unlike you, I can show mercy and spare your life. You can never be righteous by killing me now!”
* * *
“Chengmei,” Xiao Xingchen croons fondly in his ear. “You can’t keep doing this.”
"Can't keep what? Being irresistible? You're the one deciding to touch me."
"I'm not—" Xiao Xingchen huffs and lifts his hand from Xue Yang's back, still so easy to fluster. "You know what I mean."
Xue Yang shakes his head, a crooked smile playing on his lips. Xiao Xingchen is treating an injury he'd gotten by falling and gouging a wound in his back while changing the roofing.
“The Coffin House needs renovations,” Xue Yang says. “Unless you manage to anger a spirit who gets revenge by a feng shui makeover of the nearest building, you’re going to have to rely on me to fix things around here.”
Xiao Xingchen chuckles and leans forward, wrapping himself around Xue Yang from behind, chin resting on his bare shoulder. With one hand he rubs soothing circles of spiritual energy into Xue Yang’s back.
Xue Yang soaks in the pleasant sensation. Absorbs the warmth from Xiao Xingchen’s body and the way the heat intertwines with the coolness of spiritual energy. Relaxes into the satisfaction of the daozhang healing him.
Then, like blood splattered on white stone, the long-buried memory of Xiao Xingchen’s hand pressed against his back rushes back into his mind. Drowns him in that unbearable moment of vulnerability that he’s tried so hard to forget—the feeling of being on the brink of death, his life in his enemy’s hands, healed by someone who only intends to kill him again.
The unbearable vulnerability still eats at Xue Yang, making him restless with the memory flaring up in his mind. Instinctively, he draws as much air into his lungs as he can, just to reassure himself that he still can.
He sinks back into the feeling of Xiao Xingchen pressed against him. Even after living with him for so long, Xue Yang still finds himself startled at the comfort the daozhang’s presence brings.
Comfort from a man who would have seen him murdered.
Seen Xue Yang murdered, that is.
The daozhang has already found Chengmei on the brink of death, and never once tried to harm him. Instead, he healed Chengmei and has asked for nothing in return but stories and companionship. And the occasional stint babysitting A-Qing or buying groceries.
Xue Yang tells himself that makes Xiao Xingchen more of a hypocrite than ever—that Chengmei gets everything for free but Xue Yang doesn’t—but somehow can’t fully convince himself.
“You can’t keep injuring yourself while working,” Xiao Xingchen says, “You even aggravated your old leg injury last time you—”
“I’m fine, daozhang. I think you’re inventing these injuries so you can steal me from my work and make me take my shirt off.”
Xiao Xingchen laughs again, a soft, comforting rumble against Xue Yang’s back, and slips an arm around Xue Yang. Xue Yang leans back, melting into the daozhang’s embrace.
Xiao Xingchen may think it’s right for Xue Yang to die for his crimes. But surely he would never think it’s right to kill Chengmei.
Chengmei can receive the daozhang’s spiritual energy with no cost, no conditions, no consequences except the attention of a stupid, gullible, beautiful man.
Chengmei will only die if Xue Yang kills him himself.
 * * *
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this fic, come visit me on AO3!
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aknosde · 3 years
Omnes Una Manet Nox
The chronologically first installment of my Reyna Swap AU, Alea Iacta Est // Reyna Avilla Ramírez-Arellano // Fluff & Angst, but minor on the angst // the night before Reyna disappears //  tw: mentions past minor character death // light swearing // 4.4k
“That went well, didn’t it?” Jason asks with that familiar, absently intense energy. They’ve just descended the steps of the Senate after their monthly meeting with the consuls.
The two consuls, in their late thirties, oversee all of Camp Jupiter. Of course, the legion manages their own grounds and budget, under Jason and Reyna’s command, but the little oversight they do get is from the consuls.
Johnson was one of New Rome’s praetors, a few years back. He doesn’t care much about the legion, being from a legacy family and largely skirting his training and service, and he never ceases to make that known. Malhill is the one that always gets under Jason’s defenses. He’s good on policy, good on veterans, good on kids, everything that they could want. But he was the legion’s champion only ten years ago. A direct son of Apollo, a talented archer but an even better bender of light, a legion praetor, and he’s had his eyes on Jason’s career since day one. Reyna’s seen the way he eyes Jason whenever she and Jason are in New Rome, already pegging him for a consul position once Jason’s old enough.
“It went well, Jace,” she says. “Your mission plan is flawless, the only thing that could make them happier is if you’d go on it.” She regrets the words as soon as they’re out of her mouth.
Her remorse is tangible, visible in the line of his spine, the way he taps the place in his pocket where Ivlivs would sit if they were not inside the Pomerian Line, the subtle flick of his wrist.
Not for the first time, she thinks about Mount Othrys. Everything it took from her. Sometimes when she sleeps–not often, but enough–it plays over in her head. But something is always wrong.
She’s leading the charge, but suddenly it’s Jason next to her instead of Michelle. Or Jason and Michelle run into the throne room, but when she closes the door behind them it locks. She makes it into the throne room, slaying all of the Dracaena, but when she enters Atlas is holding Jason over his head, instead of fighting him hand to hand. On the good nights, Michelle isn’t dead when she bursts through the door, on the bad, she watches Michelle die. The one constant is Jason, gold ichor dripping down his face in a horrific mask. When she and Jason land the killing blow, together, she can always see it.
He doesn’t talk about it, of course. Not about Michelle, not about his election, not about the mountain. But she can see it weighing on him through the big things, like how he hasn’t been out of camp borders since the battle, and the small things, like how he glances up at the stars, as if one will come down and crush him any moment.
She rolls her right shoulder, feeling the ligaments shift, as if it will rid her of the thoughts, prepare her for a topic of conversation that often hits a little too close to home.
“Did you hear how Johnson pronounced my name? He’s even worse than you.” Maybe the small huff of a laugh Jason expels is worth it. “‘Miss Ramírez-Arellano,’” she continues, in a nasally imitation of the consul.
“I don’t say it that badly.”
“You say it like a white boy who didn’t know Spanish was a language until two seconds ago.”
“Ramírez-Arellano,” he says, better than consul Johnson, but she still hates hearing it. That girl is long gone, the only thing connecting her to Reyna is Hylla, and although Reyna loves her sister, she’s grateful for the distance that keeps Hylla from being a constant reminder.
“‘We were– were very, erm, dazzled, by your most recent proposition.’” She continues the impression until they are walking through the Praetorian Gate, Jason half hanging off her shoulder and giggling like they’re thirteen again.
He has a nice laugh. A friendly one. It seems to feed off of her volume, her effort, fluctuating the longer he goes. He shouts at her to stop several times, but he’s doubled over in armor, snorting, and all she wants to do is make him laugh like this forever.
It only gets worse on the steps of the Principa, when he decides a good revenge plan is to trip her. The building is dark like the rest of the legion. Two lamps, invisible under the light of day, flank the double doors, but the light is faint and barely makes its way to the stairs, washing everything in a pale yellow. She side steps his foot–his sneakers have reflective decals on them for the sake of the gods, he’s an idiot–but he’s shifted his weight so much that he ends up tripping himself.
They stumble through the doors, still chuckling, and make their way across the great hall as quickly as possible. They must have gotten a new tender for the Principa, because the lights are off like they forgot that people actually live here. Only two people, but still. The darkness makes the place unsettling, and now she’s counting on Jason to keep her occupied. A job he seems all too willing to fulfill as he runs through the next set of doors, still in full armor, clashing against the wood.
Upstairs is worse, she decides. The abandoned lounge reminds her of her childhood living room. Any moment her father could rise from one of the low couches, ready to scoop her up and throw her in her room, that crazed look in his eye.
Something clangs and she jumps.
“What the heck is this?” Jason’s whisper-shouting when she catches up with him in the hallway outside their rooms. He’s partially on the floor–hands keeping him from being face flat–and something is crinkling under his knee.
For some reason all Reyna can say is: “Did you just say ‘heck?’”
“Shut up,” he whines, and she wishes the lights were on just so she could see his ears turning red.
“Of course, farm-boy.”
He’s sitting back on his heels now, she can see the object’s dark outline as he holds it up, rustling in his hands.
“Seriously, what is this thing?” he asks, looking up at her.
“A bag with my old clothes,” she says, squinting. “I was going to see if any legionnaires need some.”
“And you have it by your door so you don’t forget,” he says, explaining for her. In the stress of running for office, of war, she forgot the ways in which they are attuned to each other. She forgot that she doesn’t have to explain and defend her every little action to him. It’s sad that it’s taken her almost two months to remember.
He sets the bag back down, nudging it into almost its exact spot, and hefts himself to his feet with a sigh. His brow furrows once he’s standing, looking out into the middle distance, but he sees the quirk of her brow and quickly explains himself, “We have that meeting with the centurions tomorrow after breakfast.”
Jason is a social person. A true extrovert. He hates being alone, working alone, and the quiet that comes with both. So what he’s really saying is that he has work left to do and wants some company. And who is she to deny him that? “Do you want to work in the main hall, office, or my room?”
He grins, clapping his hands and then raises his palms to the sky. “Bedroom, praise Fortuna.”
“Five minutes, Sparkplug,” she says, bumping her shoulder into his own as she sidesteps him into her room. His eyes follow her as she goes, like she’s his North Star, and damn him for making her heart skip a beat, because in the empty space Venus’ words always echo. She stomps them down, before her face can fall, before the hollow silence can fill the hallway, and in their place she jams a smirk. “If you’re lucky I’ll even edit your speech.”
As her door clicks behind her she can hear him groan, “I just prayed to Fortuna.”
She stands with her hands on her hips, briefly surveying her room to decide what to do first.
Being praetor has its perks, like private bath and bedrooms across the hall from her best friend and king sized beds, but it also means she is no longer in the practice of keeping her space ready for inspections. Her comforter is pulled up, but her bed isn’t made, files are scattered across her desk and on her dresser, and her wardrobe is wide open.
She decides on doing everything at once, which involves a crooked path across her room as she shucks off armor, not bothering with her armor stand, and changes out of the nice clothes she wore to meet the consuls. All the while she turns on lights, puts on sweats, makes her bed, and tucks away files.
Jason knocks on her door five minutes later, that ever punctual bastard, just as she’s zipping her hoodie over her tank top.
“Help me, Reyna,” he says, holding a typed copy of his speech out to her in both hands like some sort of trophy. “You’re my only hope.”
She snorts, snatching the pages out of his hands. “Nice reference.”
He cocks his head to the side, brow furrowed, and she bets if he were actually a wolf one of his ears would be turned as well.
“You just made a Star Wars reference,” she says, but he looks just as confused.
“What’s Star Wars?” He asks warily.
She swears to herself in Spanish, because otherwise he’ll tease her about the legion’s anti-swearing policies, collapsing dramatically back on her bed, and sighs. “It’s a movie trilogy, wolf boy.”
Another thing she forgot, apparently, is how little Jason knows about basically anything outside of camp. He says he arrived when he was three, and wasn’t even allowed into the city until he was eight, which apparently means he’s never been to a movie theater.
By now he seems used to her telling him about the more innocent aspects of the mortal world, and at the very least takes his lack of knowledge in stride. If only he would watch the movies and shows she’s downloaded on his laptop for him.
When she looks up after reading his introduction he is sitting at her desk, picking at some invisible blemish while subtly putting highlighters away, and looking around her room.
“If you start cleaning I’m throwing you out.”
He grumbles to himself, but she makes out a yes ma’am somewhere in the mix, so she decides to throw him a bone.
“If you want to occupy yourself I have a speech about legion veterans you can fact check,” she says, faux casual, not that he can tell. He needs to do something before he starts picking at his nails instead of the wood.
“It’s in one of the red folders.”
“Would that be the one on the floor under your desk or the one on your dresser,” he says, sounding far too cheeky.
“The one on my dresser, and stop pretending you’re better than me, asshole.”
He clutches his chest dramatically, walking to her dresser. “Better than the best? How could I be?”
“Mmmhmm,” she responds, half ignoring him in favor of his speech, aware of the ticking clock.
It’s truly impossible for him to stay awake past ten, a fact that is only proven the next time she looks up and he’s asleep at her desk, pen still in hand and a research paper opened on her laptop. No matter how often she reminds him that the regimented lights out of the legion no longer applies to them, he just can’t seem to break the habit.
“Jason.” She nudges his shoulder, extracting the pen at the same moment so he can’t smudge her speech.
His head jerks, eyes alert, but voice groggy when he says, “What’s going on?” All legionnaires wake up in a similar manner, but for some reason it only strikes her as amusing when he does it.
She hadn’t thought of what she was waking him up for, besides a need to do it, and her mind wanders to the Forum, wondering if her favorite café would still be open at this hour. She’s starving, she realizes. Their meeting with the consuls had been pushed back and they had had to skip dinner to make it.
She grins. “Are you hungry?”
“Uh, yeah. How did you know?”
“Roof s’mores?”
“Reyna,” he drags out the last syllable, fading it into a sigh. “That takes energy.”
“Okay, but–” She holds her hands out, weighing them. “Would you rather spend the energy to just walk across the hall and go to sleep, or climb up to the roof with me and roast us a couple marshmallows?”
Jason looks at her like is that a real question? which had been her intention. She folds her hands into a pleading gesture and pouts emphatically–he’s always more flexible when she acts a little silly. “Please, Jace. I got that cheap chocolate you like. I’ll even get the stuff myself, you can go straight up.”
“Fine.” He rolls his eyes and she smiles, satisfied, and already on her way out the door.
The praetorian kitchen reminds her of office break rooms on television, besides the fact that it looks perpetually unnatural, mostly due to the fact that only three people go inside–her, Jason, and the Principa tender–and it’s always pristine. The only things actually kept in there are coffee, tea, and of course: her and Jason’s secret stash of s’more supplies, buried in the back of the cabinet with the untouched bowls.
By the time she’s through the roof access door, conveniently placed to hide it from the view of anyone on the ground, Jason is already sitting by the dark spot of ash that signifies their pastime. Because, yes, they started coming up here long before either of them were elected Praetor.
He’s a dark outline against the night sky, sitting criss-crossed and looking down at the façades of the other legion buildings, and briefly she has the thought that somebody could make a painting out of this. She slides her old Camp Jupiter ID back between the lock and door jamb, willing the thought to disappear with the potential of the fire alarm going off.
She shivers as she sits next to him, nose wrinkling with the cold now that she’s fully vulnerable to the elements. Without a word Jason removes his sweatshirt and passes it to her.
“I’m already wearing one.”
“Mine is thicker, trade me.”
And because he’s Jason, she does.
It’s slightly big on her, his shoulders just a few inches broader than her own, and a forest green. On the back is a printed vine of purple flowers and a date. She recognizes it as one of the prizes of the Ludi Florae, or Games of Flora, from Floralia last year. The festival sits right between April and May, and last year’s was the grandest of all. Or so Jason says. Everyone had been anxious about Mount Othrys, and apparently all of that energy had been funnelled into the events.
Reyna herself had been busy running for praetor. All she remembers from the festival is campaigning. And Jason, running up to her looking flushed, this sweatshirt thrown over one shoulder.
“Remember when I told you that you were the best, Jace,” she says sweetly once she is safely swaddled in his hoodie. He’s right–it is thicker.
Jason grins up at her, wrapping his hands around two marshmallows. “I may recall something along those lines having been said a long, long time ago.”
“Well, I just want to inform you that I retract that statement, because this sweatshirt is ugly and the cuffs are burnt.”
The electricity that had been slowly coursing over the ridges of his fingers flares for a second, and his hands fly open as if he was handed metal straight from the forges. “Oops.” Both of the marshmallows are burnt, but his lips are turned up in a poorly concealed smirk.
“I forget you’re a heathen,” she says primly, sticking her nose in the air instead of saying any of the less wholesome options at the back of her throat.
“Does liking burnt marshmallows make me a heathen?”
She pretends to mull it over for a second, extracting the rest of their supplies. “Yes. You have to buy the next bag because you’re mean and I say so.”
She takes the burnt marshmallow regardless, sandwiching it between her own chocolate and graham crackers. Jason takes three squares of the Hershey bar he likes for absolutely no good reason, and does the same. She shakes her head. He’s the fucking all American boy who sticks with the classics even when he doesn’t know they’re the classics. She has no idea how he does it.
They don’t talk while they eat, regrettably the silence reminding her of her childhood, no matter how hard she pushes against it. She looks up at the stars, trying to forget the cold kitchen, cold house, even in hundred degree heat. It’s times like this when the ring, and the chain she wears it on, weigh heavy on her neck.
It feels like a noose right now, just as much as it feels like freedom, like power, every other second of her life. Like a sentence, compelling her to pay for her crimes, to confess to them, to wreck her world so terribly that she would lose up from down and die. A fair punishment.
“What are you thinking about,” Jason asks a while after they’ve finished. She looks at him, sitting back on his hands, looking at her, not the sky. It’s dark on the roof, but the light from the street lamps seems to center around him. It glints off his hair, visibly blond even in the night, and pours into his eyes. They’re always so blue. So blue it looks fake. But they never cease to pull Reyna in. Sometimes she swears she can see lightning arc across his irises.
He’s always asking her questions like this. Innocent and curious, no ulterior motives, no goals. He genuinely wants to know. And if she doesn’t answer, he’ll drop it, because he always does. It’s not something she’s used to, even after all these years; this place she has in his mind, if not his heart. A place of utter respect. He doesn’t question her because he knows what she is thinking, and when he doesn’t, he accepts her. Would he still, if he knew what she did to her father?
She breaks his gaze with that thought. It’s too much. “My sister,” she says instead, and it doesn’t feel right to look back. Under oath, Reyna would say that Jason is the most important person in her life. Her best friend; the person she sees every day, talks to every day, eats with and works with. He is the closest thing she has to a family here. And she– And she loves him. Maybe as a little more than a friend. But talking about her sister while looking him in the eye feels too intimate, too intense. “She would like you.”
It is something to say, simply to say something, but maybe she isn’t wrong. There is something in Jason that reminds her of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, and not in the way that haunts her nightmares and twists her sheets around her until they become bonds she can’t quite break free of. Being on Blackbeard’s crew, that’s how Reyna learned hard work, in a way she never had before. It had instilled a drive in her, to change everything, to rewrite systems, to make something so beautiful it was unrecognizable. And perhaps Jason doesn’t have that same drive, but he knows the work. He goes out of his way to do it dirty and hard and long. He refuses to take the thousands of shortcuts he’s offered. And Hylla would admire that, she thinks.
“I had a sister,” he whispers.
For a second–just a second–she’s stuck. “What?”
“I had a sister.” He picks at a loose thread on his jeans for a moment, and that’s how she knows he’s serious, because he hates ripping his jeans more than almost anything else. He’s refusing to meet her gaze. “Thalia Grace.”
He says her name soft and tender. She can imagine him, standing over a hearth, cradling the name between his palms and looking at it the same way he first looked when he was gifted Ivlivs. Big, round eyes.
“That’s really nice, Jace,” she says, because he rarely surprises her, and for once she doesn’t know what to say.
He looks up at her, smiling tightly. His eyes are sad. Is that how she looks when she thinks about Hylla?
“You can tell me about her, if you want,” Reyna says when the moment becomes two, and then three, because Jason doesn’t bring up things he doesn’t want to talk about. But Jason also has his own ideas about debt, about worthiness, and it is clear to her that he told her about his sister in exchange for Reyna talking about her own.
He smiles at her. A real smile, if small. She feels warm, and it’s not from his extra thick sweatshirt.
“I don’t remember a lot about her, but… She had black hair. So dark, like the night. And her eyes, they were amazing. Bright blue, like a perfect sky. Sometimes I can see them, in this half-memory half-dream, and they’re so strong they look like how an electric shock feels.”
“Like yours,” she whispers, and Jason hums in a way that makes it frustratingly unclear if he heard her or not. She hopes not.
“When I was little,” he continues, after another moment of staring wistfully over the Twelfth Legion, “I used to imagine she was looking for me. That one day she would find me, here, be proud of me for– I don’t know what. Love me, or something. All that stupid shit.” He trails off again, picking at his nails, but she can’t bring herself to chide him.
There are things that she knows about Jason, true as the sun rising in the east and the pull of the moon on the tides and the sound of imperial gold on whetstone. She knows that he works hard, works with the public, flushes under the compliments of people older than him because he has never had a concrete parental figure. Not even one to hate, to fear, to mourn. She knows that he never trusts praise from these people because he knows his parentage, knows they know, knows that he is connected to his father in the eyes of these people in a way he doesn’t feel himself, and never will.
Truths of Jason that are pillars in her understanding of him, that were pivotal in their relationship. But like so many supports, they were never acknowledged. Truth has no need to be stated, and she has no compellence to state that which is unnecessary. He talks of Thalia, telling Reyna that he wants his sister to want him, to find him, and to love him not because he is a son of Jupiter, but because he’s him.
She doesn’t say, I don’t care about you because you’re the son of Jupiter, I care about you because you are my best friend. And she doesn’t say, I care about you because you listen to people, because you care about them and what happens to them so instinctively that I cannot understand it. She doesn’t say, I’m proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself.
She doesn’t say those things because he knows them, because they are truths, and truths do not need to be said.
But still, something must be done.
She– She’s always been bad at the physical things. She can do a handshake, a fist bump, but she has never been a hugger, no matter that Jason is. She’s never managed a hip-check, or a shoulder pat, or ruffled his hair in any way that wasn’t rough and meant to hurt.
But that doesn’t mean she can’t try.
She goes slow, leaning over slightly, feels the cool breeze breaking on her knuckles. Gently, perhaps more gently than she has done anything in her life, she takes his hands, detangles them, presses her finger pads against the bleeding bits where he’s torn his skin away. She closes her hands around his own, cups them in her palms.
He looks up at her, tears welled on his water line but nothing has spilled, and she feels his hands move in her own, feels him latch on, like when they were young and late for assignments, running across the grounds and refusing to leave each other behind. She looks into his eyes, wide. Electrifying. Just like she knew they were.
She waits for the moment to stretch and break, like moments oft do. Her last move is to give his hands a squeeze, hopefully reassuring, and he gives her another small smile and moves to wipe his eyes with the sleeves of her sweatshirt, the one he’s still wearing.
“We should probably be going to bed,” she says, because she doesn’t have anything else to say. He laughs, wetly, but in that way everybody laughs when they’re told something they already know. It makes her smile; it’s special when he does it.
Everybody isn’t wrong, she thinks as she and Jason part ways outside their rooms, Jason Grace is special. But not because he is the son of Jupiter. He’s special because Reyna had never wanted friends, and here he is, her best. He’s special because he does things, normal things, and they make her smile. He’s special because he does everything in his power to ensure he deserves the love he receives. And gods, she thinks, does he deserve it.
She slips off her necklace and gets under her duvet cover, curling up and fiddling with the cuffs of his sweatshirt. Chunks of the polyester-wool fabric are hard and melted from undoubtedly unfortunate rendezvous with electricity. She finds one, right where his thumb would rest, and rubs it between her own thumb and index finger as she falls asleep.
When she wakes up, she’s on a school bus.
Others in this series: Amicus Certus in re Incerta Cernitur
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Bound By Blood - Geralt of Rivia x (f)reader - Part 2
Summary: Geralt has learned of a mysterious witch and her supposed vicious familiar, now he must hunt to bring them down for their crimes.
Warning: blood & gore, angst, bit o fluff, things getting chaotic
Masterlist if yall are interested - you’ll find part 1 there
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After an admittedly pleasant couple hours of greatly appreciated morning sex, the two of you are finally up and dressed for the days new adventure into the closest village which is about four miles southeast. Luckily for you, your man has a horse which is very fortunate when trekking through snow.
It only takes an hour or so to finally reach the small village of Thurn that’s located just below huge towering mountains that practically touch the sky. Snow covers the land just as expected though the market place is mussed up with mud and dirt from busy travelers and townsfolk alike.
Considering this place is surrounded by a great thick forest and there’s only one trail leading into it, and it’s not part of the main road, you can’t help but still feel apprehensive about who you may meet even with your Witcher by your side. No one knows who or what you are, and it appears that no one seems to care either, although you do notice how some glare in your direction. It’s not you, calm down, you try and convince yourself.
Geralt reassures you it’s only him that they’re keeping a wary eye on, and by the way he gives you a warm smile you believe him and do your best to forget the strange looks here and there. You’re safe with him, this place is away from the main road and there’s no way a single soldier would be here.
Standing on a building corner while facing the marketplace, you watch as Geralt pays for some dried fish and a fluffy loaf of warm bread. So far your nerves have calmed, though you keep a keen gaze on every opening into the great marketplace in case something or someone was to try and harm him or even you for that matter. You have killed many soldiers after all, not to mention the bear.
Suddenly a hand lays itself onto your shoulder when you’re not paying attention causing you to jump back and just about knock Geralt out with your fist. He barely manages to dodge it when you quickly reel back in shock, not expecting it to be him.
He chuckles lightly, “Just me.”
Rolling your eyes you smile fondly up at him, “Sorry...um, reflexes eh.” You mutter with a breathy laugh.
“Guess you were right about being dangerous after all.” He muses, making light of your slight embarrassment.
Taking the bread from his hand you playfully scoff, “Well then again, maybe not touch a woman before she knows who you are? Next time I might accidentally rip your throat out and you’d never see it coming.” You add while tearing off a piece of bread and popping it into your mouth.
Taking a small chunk himself, Geralt hums, “Wise words, I’ll keep that in mind next time.” Before biting into the bread, as you study his face you can’t help but notice how he appears to be fully enjoying your little makeshift breakfast. 
Suddenly a flash of sunlight rickashays off of something metal catching your sight in the morning light, just about blinding you for a small moment. You blink, eyes darting to a market stall that’s filled with meats. Where two soldiers dressed in black are speaking with the butcher, you freeze, taking Geralt off guard with your new fearful state.
“Y/N what is it?” He whispers as you begin to breath heavily, eyes wide as you watch the Nilfgaardians every move. His grey brows furrow in puzzlement before he turns around to follow your line of sight, only to be met with the backs of two soldiers minding their business.
He can hear how loud your heartbeat has become as it thunders in your chest with rage and building adrenaline, he knows exactly what you want to do next but this is not the place for it. Turing back towards you he sets a cautious hand upon your shoulder, “Not here.” He warns softly.
You keep unflinching, nostrils flared as your fists clench in anger, his hand presses firmer now, “Y/N, not here.” He warns again, with more gumption this time, really meaning it.
Breaking out of your self inflicted trance your eyes shift back up to his golden ones, “It’s too late.” You whisper regretfully, “He’s coming for them.”
“Who is?” Inquires Geralt, unsure of what that could possibly mean.
Letting out a frustrated sigh you look to the slushy hard ground almost in shame, “My companion.......my bear.” You mumble, “I didn’t mean to but he can sense when I need him and now...I can’t...I can’t stop him Geralt.”
The Witcher’s eyes widen in realization, “What will the bear do?”
Bringing your worrisome gaze back up to him you shake your head nervously, “Whatever he wants.”
“Gods, Y/N.”
You cringe, this isn’t going to play out very well for you and Geralt knows it, “I know, fuck I should never have come here! We should have just stayed in bed and starved, let’s just hope he only goes for the soldiers and is satisfied with them.” You exclaim in a hushed tone, pulling Geralt behind a corner and away from any unwanted attention, “No one here will die unless they try and hurt him or me, you understand. We have to lure those fuckers away from the village. Now!”
“Alright then, do you have a plan?” He wonders, not so sure if you’ll be able to get these men away from the village in time.
“Yes.” You sigh begrudgingly, “Though it’s not to late to leave me and ride off into the sunset.”
He gives you a small smile at your attempt to make light of the situation, “I’m not leaving you, though it’s tempting.” He teases before turning serious again.
“My plan is for you to do nothing and I’ll harass those bastards into following me out of here and into the woods before my companion has a chance to find them in town.”
“I’m not just doing nothing.” He protests.
“Yes, yes I know. You’ll be my back up, okay? Now we don’t have time for this just keep close but not too close.” Before he’s able to argue back you’re already gone and halfway across the muddy street with a new fire in your heart that he’s willing to protect with his very life.
Fists clenched in anger you grab a frozen tomato from the stall next to you and without a second thought chuck it right into the back of one of the soldiers helmets with a loud thud. He grunts, whipping around with eyes full of confused aggression, “Now wha?”
Another tomato right into his big ugly face causing him to choke on his words as he stumbles into the guy next to him. Dazed and frustrated he gets to his feet, unsheathing his jagged sword while his friend does the same. “You bitch! I’ll have your head for that you fuckin’ slut!” He cries angrily much to your sick satisfaction.
“Ma’m you have to pay for those.” Mutters the vegetable farmer fearfully, interrupting your sweet moment of anger.
“Shut up.” You snap, turning to glare daggers at the two soldiers. “Call me a slut again and I’ll shove his innards down your throat.”
Glancing at one another they smirk wickedly before charging at you, darting to the right, you sprint for the village entrance and out the giant overhang as they chase you towards the forest where a small group of tired travelers are coming from on a small wagon.
Fuck! Not these people now!
Your feet carry you almost to the safety of the thick evergreens before a thunderous roar is heard huffing and puffing from out of the pines. You fall to the snow just as the great brown bear blunders into the opening, immediately mauling down the closest soldier who gets pummeled into the wet cold earth. He screams in agony as his innards are indeed ripped out, though his cries are muffled when the bear clamps down onto his face, ending anymore unpleasant sounds coming from him.
The family next to you freezes in terror, their horse kicking and rearing at the wagon desperately trying to vacate the situation as her owner tugs on her reigns for dear life. The bear growls at the horse from across the clearing, face dripping crimson as the other soldier slashes the beast across the face with all that he can, still it does little but make a small scar of red on its furry cheek.
You gasp in pain at a stinging sensation on your cheek, however your mind doesn’t have time to weigh on it as the bear tears the man’s throat out with teeth the size of butter knives, claws digging into the soldier’s black armor as he feasts. Soon your companions furry head raises to meet eye to eye with Geralt who’s found his way onto the messy scene.
Your heart beats rapidly as you shake with adrenaline as your Witcher’s golden eyes dance from the large beast in front of him to you who’s behind both of them. Suddenly the bear takes a step forward causing Geralt to step backwards cautiously. Shit!
You move quickly to the creatures side, “Don’t.” You warn firmly, “He’s mine.” The enchanting ember eyes of the familiar meets your stern gaze as he snorts, giving a distinctive nod in understanding just as an arrow thrusts itself into the beasts shoulder.
“No!” You scream in unison with the bears roar of pain as a sharp stinging races it’s way up your arm when he knocks you to the ground, now standing protectively in front of you like a shield of steel. Geralt quickly turns around to find half a dozen more Nilfgaardian soldiers racing out from the village, one drawing another arrow as they ready a charge.
From behind the bears legs you can see what terror awaits, “Geralt!” You cry desperately as his eyes find yours, “Don’t let them hurt him!”
Heeding to your command, your brave Witcher jumps into action, taking out two soldiers before launching himself at the bowman who’s ready to fire. Your companion moves just as a last arrow plunges into the snowy blood spattered earth right in front of your face. You gasp in shock, staggering to your feet as the men that Geralt couldn’t stop attempt to take down your bear with their swords and shields.
Failing miserably they fall to the beasts paw one by one as you watch in relief, then to your great annoyance and admittedly slight fear does a lone man charge for you. One who’s been able to slip past the defenses, you reach down and take a fistful of snow before throwing it into his face, taking him off guard as you race for the wagon.
“Hand me a weapon!” You shout, “Quickly now if you want your children to live!” The terrified father keeps stiff and silent as his wife throws you a shovel of all things. Turning around you clash wood with steel, the soldier grunts as you kick his feet from out under him. Falling to the earth you quickly swing the rusted shovel around before harshly cutting right through his exposed neck in one clean motion.
His eyes gloss over as you pull the makeshift weapon from his bleeding neck, grimacing in disgust as you drop the shovel to the ground. Not feeling keen on witnessing the reactions of the family from behind you, instead your head stays forward as you walk away towards Geralt.
“Y/N! Are you hurt.” Rushes Geralt worriedly as he jogs over to your disheveled side, eyes all over you in case you really are wounded.
You nod, waving him off, “I’m fine, fine...I promise.”
He smiles, grateful to know you’re alright and uninjured, “Good. We need to leave.”
“I know, come on let’s find your hors..arh ahh fuck...” You scream in pain falling to your knees in the wet snow, Geralt catches you as your eyes darken in anger, two black pupils glaring furiously away from him. “No!” You shout, “Don’t hurt him!”
Turning his head to follow your pained gaze, he’s surprised to find some idiotic villagers as they throw rocks and other shitty weaponry at the roaring beast, “Stop it he’ll kill you!” You shout even louder now as he holds you back. Your familiar grunts and growls in protest as the men push him back farther into the woods, though they don’t stop, idiotically they follow. 
“Let me go!” You snap at Geralt angrily as he holds you tight, “Geralt!”
“Y/N he’s a bear what are we supposed to do now, he cut through those trained soldiers like they were nothing, I’m not having you get anymore roughed up then you already are.” Pleads Geralt. No you idiot they cannot kill him!
Eyes darkening in rage you break from his tight grasp and shove him to the ground before grabbing his fallen sword and racing towards the stupid villagers who are disappearing into the forest, the roars of your companion sounding painfully throughout the woods.
“Y/N!” He shouts after you, still you ignore him, to focused on tearing into the woods with determination clear in your heart. Soon enough you find the men in a snowy meadow among the great timber, makeshift weapons pointing dangerously at the bear who’s now standing his ground. 
“Get back!” You shout as they shove their sticks into the bears face that’s not even ten feet from them. “Don’t!”
The bear growls a fearsome roar of protest and pain as it backs up closer to the tree line while the villagers press closer and closer with their steel and wood, shouting insults as they go.
“Stop it he could rip your throats out you fools! Stop-ah..ouch fuck.” You seethe through clenched teeth as one of them knocks you to the ground with his garden hoe. He chuckles maliciously, eyeing you grossly as he holds up the tool readying for another hit.
“This your beasty, huh?” Taunts the dirty man with a smug grin just as your fearsome bear races to your aid with a new found purpose. He throws men that stand in his way before slashing open the mans stomach, entrails slipping out right before your vary eyes.
“Fuck.” You mutter before all hell breaks loose, more of the village men try and take down the bear but it’s no use, he slashes and tears at them, causing most to flee in terror back through the woods and eventually into the village.
“Stop! You’ve done enough for me! It’s time to go now, leave!” Is lost on the wind as the beast mauls down another man. Soon warm arms pull you from the ground and into a strong chest as your Witcher pleads for you to fall back. “Geralt no! I have to make him leave this place, he’ll kill all who try and harm him!”
“Y/N your bear is murdering innocents, this has to end now!” He exclaims while holding you close though he’s just making you more frustrated. No one is innocent.
“What are you implying?” You snap at him, dreading what he’s about to say next as you hold his arms against your chest.
“Y/N.” He whispers almost regretfully, face pressed against your cheek, “We have to kill him, it’s the only way to stop this slaughter from continuing.”
Elbowing him in the stomach you shove him from your side, face a mask of anguish and fear, “I can’t Geralt!” You exclaim loudly, “Fuck, there are just some things you don’t know about me yet! Dammit this is all wrong!”
He gives you a deep frown as he studies your face, confusion clear on his handsome features, “Y/N we have no choice.”
“There is always a choice!” Your voice is strong as you shout at him, he huffs in frustration at your outburst, clearly he doesn’t know why the bear cannot die. Y/N just tell him, he trusts you. Eyes softening you swallow thickly while touching your sore shoulder, “You don’t understand.”
Staring at you desperately, his face and hair undoubtedly a mess of dirt and blood, he looks to you now with deep confusion, “What do you mean?”
Breathing a heavy sigh you look down at the palm of your hand that’s still covered in bandages, “You can’t kill it, that creature is bound to me by an unbreakable link..”
“What?” He wonders, grey brows furrowing in puzzlement at your strange half explanation, “What does that mean Y/N?”
Your gaze falls to the snow covered earth then over to the beast that’s now decided to head for the woods, leaving a trail of bloody paw prints in the snow, no men left alive in it’s wake.
You frown deeply, your features conflicted and almost lost as you find his lingering gaze once more, “It’s complicated.” You begrudgingly mutter, Y/N he trusts you. “Let’s get out of here and I’ll explain everything.”
“Fine, come on.” Urges Geralt as the two of you make haste for the woods where Roach is waiting patiently.
The ride back is deathly silent, a new tension filling the small atmosphere around the two of you as you sit quietly in front of him. He doesn’t further press you for anything until he’s made it back to the secluded old cabin where he clicks his tongue to stop Roach. Boots hit the snow as Geralt looks up to you now, you nod lowly and let him help you down though you don’t truly need it, he ties off Roach before following you into the warmth of the small house.
As soon as you stand in front of the dying fire do your eyes fill with unshed tears while you bite your lip anxiously. Geralt’s gentle gaze falls onto your form as he steps closely in front of you, reaching his hands up to carefully clasp his hands with yours, “Tell me why this bear is so special to you, please Y/N?” He quietly asks.
Blinking the tears away you rest a hand onto your wounded shoulder that’s left a red mark through your shirt, though still letting him hold the other one. “That beast is my twin brother Geralt.” His brows raise in surprise still he keeps silent as you continue, “I don’t understand it myself, and neither does he. But ever since we came into this world something has linked our very souls and vessels together so that if one of us is hurt, the other feels it too.”
Blinking hard, the Witcher’s brows furrow even deeper now, “That’s your brother.” He repeats, trying to wrap his head around the whole thing as he starts to connect the dots, “Is this why your hand is hurt and your shoulder is wounded?”
You sigh, tilting your head up to fully look at him, “Yes. When you cut his paw it cut me too, then earlier when that damn archer shot him in the shoulder I felt everything.”
“I could tell you looked in pain, and your cheek.” He brings a hand up to gently caress your cheek, “A fresh scar. I did wonder how that happened.”
“It’s a quick pain, still hurts of course. But it’s something I have always lived with, and it’s something mages would be very inclined to study so you mustn’t tell a soul.” You affirmed through pleading eyes as you suddenly pull apart from his grasp when a jolting pain hits you on the temple unexpectedly. “Fuck, what the hell?”
Geralt’s at your side in an instant, “Y/N you’re bleeding.” Worries your Witcher as he grabs a spare cloth and applies it to your head. “Will you be okay?”
“Yes, it’s a simple cut. My brothers thick skull is to thank for that. Dammit if I could only find him.”
“Couldn’t you through some twin bond like you said, maybe that would work?” He suggests.
“Ah shit, fuck...okay yes there is another way...but please don’t look at me differently when I tell you. This is the last secret I promise.”
“Nothing is stranger then this twin link, tell me Y/N I trust you.”
Giving him a kind apprehensive smile do you nod, “My brother isn’t the only one who can change form, I can too. Difference is....I’m a wolf.”
Your heart beats with fear as Geralt begins to chuckle much to your confusion, “A wolf huh? Of course you’re a wolf, I’ve heard this could be destiny of some kind. Do you believe in that horseshit?”
You let out a humorous breath, “Well, I’m a skin-changer and if my twin gets hurt so do I. So...uh....I’m not exactly one to not question what weird shit destiny has in store for me, I mean look, I’m with a Witcher and he hasn’t killed me yet.”
Geralt’s hums, golden eyes shinning bright down at you, “And I don’t ever plan on it.” Oh, Geralt.
He smiles fondly at you though you begin to frown, “Well that’s just it huh, my brother has taken bear form for a while now, he won’t want to come back. And those villagers saw me with him, they’ll know...they’ll hunt for us. Geralt I can’t have him hurt anyone else...but what can I do? There’s only one way to truly reason with him....but I’m afraid.”
“Why? What would happen?” Worries your Witcher.
Your eyes briefly drop to the floor before they shift back up to Geralt, “I must take my beast form to speak with him, he understands me as I am now...it’s just, well I can’t really understand him as a bear.”
“Then we’ll find him.” Mutters Geralt reassuringly, causing a tiny smile to appear on your face, “Together.”
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madpanda75 · 3 years
“Taking Chances Part 12: The Aftermath”
See how everyone reacts to Theo’s attack on the reader. Feelings get hurt, relationships are exposed, people shout. This chapter is ALL ANGST and FEELS! 😭
Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions assault and rape.
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One thing at a time. That was all you could only focus on. Otherwise the reality of what had just happened would overwhelm you. Just one step at a time as you walked into the precinct with your family, Fin, and Amanda.
“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Amanda asked.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, having barely spoken since Theo ran out of the gallery that morning. The metallic taste of blood still lingered on your tongue from where he had smacked you. 
Liv walked out of her office to greet you and your family, but before she could say anything, your father spoke up. “Please tell me you’re gonna get this bastard.” 
“Dom!” your mom scolded 
“No! Don’t ‘Dom’ me. That monster assaulted my baby. I could go out there right now and take care of it.”
“Dad! Please!” Bella interjected. “Let the cops do their job!”
“Ok, everyone lets calm down,” Olivia said over the bickering.
Your eyes darted between your sister and parents, arguing over what was best for you in this situation. You felt like a child, small and helpless. You also felt partly responsible for the unnecessary stress and worry your family was feeling right now. 
Mustering as much strength as you could, you reached into the darkest depths and found your voice. “I should’ve fought harder!” Your words reverberated around the room. Everyone halted and turned their attention to you. “I should’ve followed Phoebe to the front door. I know how she forgets to lock the door.” 
Olivia gently squeezed your shoulder. “You did exactly what you had to do. You survived.”
“She’s right,” Bella chimed in and wrapped her arm around you.
Your mom nodded and ran her fingers through your hair. “I’m just so grateful to God that you’re ok.” She sniffled and kissed you on the cheek. “My patatina.”
Just then a slightly sweaty and out of breath Rafael burst into the precinct. It looked as if he had run all the way from his office. “Y/N!” He pulled you into a tight embrace before realizing that bum rushing you after you had just been assaulted was not the best idea. Wanting to respect your personal space, he immediately jumped back. His eyes scanned your body for any injuries. “Are you ok?”
Tears welled in your eyes. “As well as can be expected.” 
With a tentative hand, he reached out and cupped your cheek. You trembled under his touch and wrapped your arms around him. Rafael enveloped you, silently praying to God, the Devil, or whatever Deity existed that kept you safe.
The squad looked at each other in total shock while witnessing the public display of affection between you and Rafael. 
Fin subtly turned towards Amanda. “Did you know these two were--”
“Nope,” she murmured. “And from the looks of it neither did Liv.”
“Let’s talk in here,” Olivia said, gently leading you away from Rafael and towards an empty interrogation room.
“Why don’t I get everyone a real cup of coffee other than that sludge they have here,” Rafael offered.
Your mother smiled. “Thank you. That would be nice.”
“I’ll take a latte,” Fin teased only to receive a deadpan stare from Rafael.
While everyone went their separate ways, Amanda and Fin got to work on getting an arrest warrant. “Wow. Barba and Carisi’s younger sister.” Fin shook his head in disbelief. 
“That explains why Carisi’s been acting the way he has,” Amanda said while searching on her laptop for Theo’s office building.
“Think Barba gave him the shiner?”
“I don’t know.” Amanda glanced up and saw a frantic Sonny bounding into the precinct. “But here’s your chance to ask him.”
“Where is she? Where’s my sister?” Sonny demanded.
“She’s in there talking to Olivia,” Amanda said. Sonny looked to where his partner was pointing. It was the interrogation room used to talk to victims. Victim. His sister was a victim. He couldn’t even wrap his mind around the concept. Through the window, he could see you sitting in between your mom and Bella while your dad paced back and forth in the background. 
He barged into the room without even knocking. “Son, why don’t you wait outside,” your father said, trying to lead Sonny out of the room. 
But he side swept him and knelt down in front of you. Tears were streaming down your cheeks. “Y/N, I’m so---”
You pushed Sonny away before he could finish. “I’m going to be sick,” you whimpered and ran to the bathroom. Your sister and mom trailed after you, each giving him a severe look.
Sonny stepped out of the interrogation room and plopped down in his chair, slamming his fist down on the desk so hard the metal rattled beneath his quivering hand. 
“Hey,” Fin said. “Don’t sweat it, Carisi. We’re gonna get this creep.”
“Yeah,” he mumbled and reached into his drawer for the Pepto Bismol. The Carisi nerves reared its ugly head. He felt green. His stomach churned with guilt, grief, and whatever was leftover from breakfast. 
Rafael stepped back into the bullpen with coffee and bagels from your favorite deli, knowing you probably hadn’t eaten a thing all day. Unfortunately for him, it was another Carisi he found. He brushed past Sonny towards Fin and Amanda. “Where are we with Theo?” 
“Just finishing up this arrest warrant. Although it’s gonna be hard to get a judge to sign off on it with so little evidence,” Fin said. Rafael shuddered at the thought of you undergoing a rape kit. Having a SANE nurse poke, scrape, and prod you, searching for DNA, fingerprints, skin, and semen.
“That’s SVU for ya’.” Amanda sighed. “A victim’s word is never good enough.”
Rafael whipped out his cell phone. “I’ll call in some favors at the office. Give them a heads up about the warrant. And for the record, I’m glad there wasn’t a lot of evidence.” He glared at the back of Sonny’s head. “This could’ve been a lot worse.”
Feeling Rafael’s eyes on him, Sonny turned. “What?” he snapped. “Ya’ got somethin’ to say. So just say it.”
“You just couldn’t leave us alone could you?” Rafael shook his head in disgust and started towards the interrogation room to dole out coffee and bagels when Sonny’s voice stopped him.
“What the hell does that mean?” he sneered
Rafael scoffed. “Don’t play naive now. Grow up and realize your actions have consequences.”
Fin watched as the two men provoked each other. “Hey, fellas. Chill.”
Sonny ignored Fin and walked over to Rafael, getting right in his face. “If you think for one second—”
“Guys c’mon,” Amanda chimed in. “ Don’t do this.”
Rafael held his ground. “I think that when you invited Theo you were stupid enough to believe that she would crawl back to him. And because of you that monster almost raped her.”
Sonny’s blood boiled. “How dare you! I love my sister more than anythin’ in this world.”
Rafael let out a mirthless laugh. “Got some way of showing it!” 
Everyone stopped their work and began inching closer towards the two men to get a prime view of the potential fight. Some of the junior officers had their phones out ready to capture the action. All eyes of the precinct were on Rafael and Sonny. 
Sensing this was seconds away from coming to blows, Fin stepped in. “Barba, that’s enough!”
Rafael eluded Fin’s attempt to keep the peace and continued, “I don’t care if she is your sister. I love that woman more than anything in this world and I will do anything to protect her. Especially since her brother doesn’t know how to.”
“Stop it! Both of you!” Your voice pierced the air, causing everything and everyone to come to a screeching stop. 
Rafael took a step toward you. “Y/N, I’m--”
“No!” you interrupted. “I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take this fighting. If you can’t behave like civilized human beings then get out!” You pushed past the small crowd that had formed and went back into the interrogation room with your mom and sister. 
Amanda clapped her hands. “Alright, guys. Show’s over.” As the crowd dispersed she went back to her desk, raising her brow in a manner that said, ‘Serves you boys right.’
Rafael cleared his throat and sat in an empty chair while Sonny went over to his desk. The two men were silent with Rafael staring at his phone and Sonny chugging more Pepto Bismol. Being scolded in front of the entire precinct was enough humiliation to suffer through for one day.
One hour later and the interrogation room door opened. “Is she ok?” Sonny asked Bella.
 “She was just assaulted by her ex. How do ya’ think she is?” Bella snapped.
“Bella!” your mom reprimanded before turning to her son. “Give your sister some time. She’ll come around.” She kissed his cheek and left.
The minute you came out Rafael popped up out of his chair. He had been acting like an expectant father, pacing the floor and waiting. “Do you need anything? How’d it go?”
“Ok,” you said with a shrug. “I’m gonna go home with my folks. I’ll call you later.”
Rafael nodded. A cocktail of terror, relief, and anger etched into his face. You gave him a half smile. It was the most emotion you could muster. As you walked away, both of you knew that after today your relationship would never be the same.
The hours may have ticked by, but for Sonny time stood still. While Rafael and the others had left, he hadn’t moved from his desk.
“What are you still doing here?” Olivia asked when she stepped out of her office, surprised to see him alone and staring off into space rather than at home.
“My family hates me,” he softly said.
Olivia sighed and pulled up a chair. “No they don’t.”
“I didn’t...I mean when I invited Theo...I never thought…” He couldn’t finish his train of thought, a lump rising in his throat which he bitterly swallowed back down. The words that Rafael spit at him earlier still stung. Although it was nothing compared to the guilt and shame he felt. 
“Hey, this is not your fault,” Olivia sternly said. “You can’t think like that.”
Sonny studied his scuffed shoes and nodded his head when he heard Theo’s voice. “Watch it will ya’! That’s police brutality!” 
“Keep moving,” Fin said, leading your ex-fiance into the precinct with Amanda following behind. 
In an instant Sonny lunged at Theo, gripping him by the collar and shoving him against the wall. “You sonofabitch!” he growled. “You attacked my little sister!” 
Fin tried to separate the two men, but he was no match for Sonny, who’s anger gave him almost superhuman strength.
“Hey! Get off me, man!” Theo exclaimed and tried to wrench free from the vice-like grip his friend had on him. 
Sonny slammed Theo’s head into the wall again, so hard that it practically vibrated around the room. “I trusted you with her!” 
“Someone help!” Theo shouted. It took several officers to get Sonny off him.
“Ya’ know, I could sue the NYPD for this,” Theo said as he was led to the cage.
Amanda rolled her eyes. “Yeah, go ahead and try that after you’re found guilty of assault and attempted rape.”
Before Olivia or anyone else could reprimand Sonny for his behavior, he grabbed his jacket and left, unable to stand being in the same room as your attempted rapist. 
Not wanting to be alone in your apartment, you ended up spending the night at your parents’ house. As you laid in bed in your childhood bedroom, staring up at old boyband posters, you thought of Theo. How many memories you had shared in this room. From endless games of Bop-It when you were kids to sneaky makeout sessions during your teen years, always ready to split apart in case your mom came barging in. 
It was amazing how much life had changed since then. How much Theo had changed. From the sweet innocent boy next door to a conniving monster. Perhaps that evil streak was always in him, kept well hidden in the darkest corners of his being, but over time became more difficult to conceal. Until today when that mask he wore so well, fell and revealed his true self.
As hard as it was, you tried not to waste too much energy thinking about the happenings of today, especially when you had Rafael. You tried to call him several times that night, but every attempt ended with your thumb hovering over the call button before eventually giving up. 
You didn’t know what to say, and in reality you didn’t want to say anything. You wanted to go back to when life was simpler. To when life was easy. But there was no going back, so instead you shoved your phone under the pillow and tried to sleep.
Since you had never called Rafael, you weren’t too surprised to find him standing outside your apartment building the next morning when Teresa dropped you off. “Want me to go in with you?” she asked.
“No, that’s ok. I need to speak to Rafael in private.” 
As you stepped out of the car, Teresa smiled and waved at your boyfriend. “Poor bastard,” she muttered to herself.
“Hi,” Rafael said,
“Hi,” you replied. “What are you doing here?” 
“You didn’t call last night so I came to check on you.” He followed you inside and into the elevator. You wanted to scream at him to stop being so damn nice, to stop making this harder than it had to be, but instead you were silent. 
When you got to your door, you hesitated. What if Theo was in there. Of course, you knew that was nonsensical. Fin and Amanda had arrested him last night; however, that did nothing to quell your fear.
Noticing your reluctance, Rafael spoke up, “Do you want me to check?”
“No,” you said before sighing in defeat. “Yes, please.” You waited outside for several minutes before he came out and gave you the all clear.
Rafael had intended to spend the day doing whatever you wanted to do whether that was to sit and talk or just to hold you while you cried. Instead, he followed you into your bedroom and watched you pull out a suitcase and begin to pack.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Packing,” you replied. Rafael crossed his arms and arched his brow, not in the mood for your sarcasm, especially since he was up all night worried sick. “I’m taking off work for a while so I’m going over to my sister’s place. I can’t stay here alone right now.”
Rafael followed you around the bedroom like a lost puppy as you moved from the dresser to the bathroom and back. “You can stay at my place if you want.”
“You have work,” you said.
“I know, but I can easily work from home right now if you need me.” He sauntered up behind you and started to massage your shoulders only to have you jump a mile high and flinch away from his touch.
“I’m sorry,” he said and immediately stepped away from you. As you continued to stuff your suitcase, Rafael began to get a funny feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. A premonition that something was coming. “Are you ok?”
You began to shake and it was only after a moment that Rafael realized it was because you were laughing. “Am I ok?” Your laugh grew stronger until it was maniacal. “I was just assaulted!  My family is falling apart! My life is falling apart! I am not ok!” 
You grabbed a photo of your family from your nightstand and threw it as hard as you could, watching it hit the wall and fall to the ground, the glass shattering. It felt good to unleash your anger, addicting almost. Your hand trembled from the adrenaline. Soon you were tearing apart your bedroom: throwing clothes, tugging the curtains off their rods, knocking a vase and art books off your dresser. Rafael stood there in silence while you had your tantrum, figuring you needed to release your pent up emotions after such a harrowing experience.
Once you had exhausted yourself, you collapsed on the bed out of breath. “I think we should take a break.”
At your admission, Rafael’s heart stopped. “Excuse me?”
“I think we should take a break,” you repeated. 
Rafael felt completely blindsided. He had expected there would be some tough times ahead given Theo and the assault, but he was not prepared for this. “Why?”
You let out a breath and hoped Rafael would understand. “I need to be on my own right now,” you explained. “I need space to clear my head and battle my demons. I need to learn how to take care of this myself.”
“We take care of each other. That’s what a relationship is.”
“What about work? I saw the looks of the squad’s faces when they realized we were together.”
Your words sliced through Rafael, exposing his deepest insecurities. “I thought you didn’t care what people thought about us,” he quietly said.
Unable to face him and see the pain in his eyes, you focused on tugging a hangnail instead. “I don’t, but I don't want to ruin your career and if we’re together that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
There was silence between you both as Rafael tried to process your words. He ran a hand over his face and braced himself against the wall before kneeling down in front of you. “This is just temporary, right? Things will calm down and then we’ll be back together.”
You shrugged. “Maybe. I’m not sure. To be honest I’m not sure of anything right now.”
Rafael scoffed. “Let me guess, this is one of those ‘Don’t call me, I’ll call you’ kind of things, right?”
“That’s not fair,” you mumbled.
“I’m sorry. I just...I was willing to fight for us. To fight for you. I thought you felt the same way. But I was very very wrong.” Having nothing more to say, Rafael stood up and left.
You remained sitting on the bed, listening to his footsteps move down the hall, farther and farther away. It was only when you heard the door close that you gave yourself permission to cry. 
Not wanting to be in this place another minute, you grabbed your suitcase and left, leaving your bedroom a disaster. Teresa was waiting for you outside. You stuffed your suitcase in the back of her car and hopped into the passenger seat. “Wanna talk about it?” she asked when she noticed you crying.
You shook your head and looked out the side view mirror as she drove away. Through your tears you could’ve sworn you saw Rafael walking down the street, his figure getting smaller and smaller until he blended in with the crowd and then there was nothing.
Tag List:
@glimmerglittergirl @southern-magnolia @sweetcannolicarisi @dreamlover31 @obfuscateyummy @sass-and-suspenders​ @eclecticminded @thatesqcrush @katmstanton @amirightcounsellor @beltzboys2015-blog​ @letty-o @sonnysdoll @lyssa1385 @sweetsummertime99 @burningsorr0ws @gibbs274 @izzythefanfreak @babypink224221 @livxrafa @esparza-army @obsessionprofessional @ottosuricato @mgarner1227 @dreila03 @tropes-and-tales @thecraziestcrayon @goodluckfindingone @scarletsoldierrr @youreverycolor @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii @imagine-all-the-imagines @imjustreallynosy @graniairish @ashley-chi @lolacolaempath @cocomel0613 @mysterioustrashadventures @that-girl-named-alex @scapricciatello @mrsrafaelbarba @zizzlekwum @katierpblogg @crowleysqueenofhell @garturbo @rachelxwayne @averyhotchner @sarcastically-defensive17 @permanentlydizzy @beccabarba @infiniteoddball @ritajammer21
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slutsofren · 3 years
Danger Days Chapter 6: Look Alive, Sunshine
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summary: the three of you find more questions than answers and the start of a whole new fuckin' problem im so so so sorry
warnings: tw for gore, bloodshed, hurt/little comfort, angst, gunfight, etc
word count: 4,166 she’s a big bitch lol
read on ao3 here / masterlist
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“Let’s look around,” Ellie said dejectedly.
Joel walked off on his own, giving the three of you some space. Ellie went through a door and walked down the hall to her right, following it.
The halls and rooms here were void of your previous allies, not a single soul seemed to be here but you could still make out traces of equipment and feel a semblance of sentimentality from your memories. Damned memories tickling at the edge of your mind.
You picked up some papers and read them quickly, hearing Ellie somewhere in another room asking if anybody is there and Joel off to your right in some other room shuffling around. There was still quite a bit of medical paperwork on the hopes of a cure, of somebody like Ellie coming by.
Unfortunately the research was only bits and pieces but you could catch an idea of a project involving infected monkeys. Suddenly you were startled as Ellie shouted, “Yoo-hoo! Fireflies! Cure for mankind over here! Anyone?”
Before you could tell her to stop, Joel reprimanded her. “Let’s keep it down until we figure out what’s going on.”
You looked over your shoulder and saw him savenging around, picking up remnants of med kits, gears, even forgotten bullets and tools. Idly you think hJoel has the right idea and go off searching around too, pocketing the rest of the papers to finish reading them later.
The three of you continue looking quietly until coming to the conclusion there’s not much here.
“You sure this is where they’d be,” Joel asks you.
“Positive. That room over there was my uncle’s office,” you pointed towards an open door. “They must have pushed back further into the building.”
Ellie was the first to walk down a hall, finding it leading across to a landing with elevators and stairs. The man stayed behind for a beat, eyeing you. Likely second-guessing your motioves. Eventually he turned and walked away, following the teen. At the center of it all were large black containers and she kneeled in front of an open one and began to read, Joel joining her in flipping through the papers.
“Nothing useful,” Ellie states, throwing the papers down a bit more harshly than necessary.
“Ain’t nothin’ here but a bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo.”
You reach for some of the books and a binder and flip through them quickly too, noting some words about failed specimens and subjects not surviving an experiment until ultimately being harvested. Whatever they were doing wasn’t going well and they seemed to be feeling the weight of morality on their shoulders. There was an entry logged by some Doctor Anderson about feeling conflicted about torturing humans and questioning if it was worth it.
Shutting the binder quickly and throwing it in your backpack to finish reading it later, your mental dialog cut short as Ellie sighed heavily, “I don’t get it.”
“Looks like they all just packed up and left in a hurry, unless you got a better idea?”
Before you could answer, a loud metallic bang hit from the floor above the three of you. Ellie and Joel looked at each other before she said a bit grimly, “Maybe not all of ‘em left.”
“Stay close,” Joel commanded.
The stairs up to the third floor was behind Ellie and she went up first as you finished zipping up your backpack and tossing it on.
The floor above was more or less the same, open to the central garden in the middle of the building, objects in disarray, out of use vending machines that you’re pretty positive you used to pry open to steal sodas from. All this, but no Fireflies.
Joel went through a door on the left, probably scavenging for more things to find whereas you and Ellie went the scenic route on the outside corridor.
“What do you think happened?”
“Considering they had enough time to pack up research,” you pointed at some boxes, “they must have left willingly.” You shuffled through some more papers, looking for a clue. “But the question is, why leave?”
Ellie walked inside a door and followed the path of some wires that lead to an old flood light, “There are no bodies. That’s good, right?”
“If we find out where they went,” came Joel’s voice from behind you two.
You followed Ellie down the hall, peering into rooms and broken windows to your left. Suddenly there was another noise coming from behind and when the three of you turned, the very same flood light you’d all passed knocked over, lying prone on the ground.
“Shit,” Joel whispered.
“Um… So it’s probably clickers, right?”
You flashed Ellie a look, “Not the time.”
You all held your breath for a few moments, trying to listen until Joel broke the silence, answering Ellie. “No. Clickers don’t hide.”
He looked at you, giving you a once-over, likely weighing the possibility of you betraying him. You responded in kind expression, silently telling him to give whatever plot he has in mind a try.
Wary old bastard, you thought. As if you’d pull a stunt this far into your mission together, even after he began to act lukewarm to your presence.
You took the lead down a tarp covered hall, not really remembering this area much. They probably did push up to these higher levels judging by all the lab equipment left behind.
Digging in your memory, you recalled everybody keeping to the first and second floors in this building to make bailouts quicker. The militia men were on the rooftops to keep an eye out for any stray hunters or other unfriendlies.
Whatever happened on these floors were not from when you kept around.
Your trio came to a corner room that looked as if it were being used as an x-ray exam area, there were large black television-like screens on the wall that had some mangled imagery on them. Whatever it was put a shudder through you. Along the back wall, Joel found an x-ray abandoned on the counter and picked it up, when you and Ellie looked over his shoulder it looked like a skull with fungal growth on it. Like somebody who was infected for quite some time.
“Gross.” Ellie pretended to gag when she saw the photo.
Joel tucked the x-ray away and went on to look around, you followed by looking in the cabinets for alcohol disinfectant. “They had to have left something behind,” you mumbled to yourself as you began to feel the inklings of irritation slip into your bones.
Joel went to another door, this time leading to some room to the right but as he opened it, a screech came and he jumped, “Jesus!”
You drew your pistol from your hip and pointed it outwards, pushing Ellie behind you until you could hear chittering.
Fuckin’ monkeys , you think as you put your weapon down, faintly seeing three monkeys jump out a window on the opposite side of the room.
Ellie walks next to Joel, peeking into the lab he was stepping into and he leans towards her, “Well, at least it aint clickers.”
“Yeah. No Fireflies either,” she steps into the room. She throws her arms open wide, “Well, maybe in all that research they turned into fucking monkeys.”
You try to stifle a laugh but fail, a light giggle leaves your lips. “At least they’re not flying monkeys.”
“Just keep searching, we'll find something,” Joel says, shooting you a pointed look about your banter with Ellie.
The room looked like it used to be a science lab, naturally. The left and back side of the room were lined with metal cages, likely the ones that originally held the monkeys. Otherwise, there were large black countertop tables around, probably where students listened to their lecture and did hands-on assignments. Joel approached one of the tables in the middle, picking up what looked to be a recorder and pressed play.
A male voice clicked on. There were sounds of shuffling and screeches from the monkeys in the background. “That’s four palettes of lab equipment all packed up and ready to go. Now - big question is what do we do with all you guys. They say the tainted batch needs to be put down. You know what I say? I say screw that. Who made a bigger sacrifice than you, right? If anyone deserves to run free out there it’s-. Hey, easy! Agh. Shit. Oh, no. It bit me. Oh my god,” his breath gets heavy and the recorder stops abruptly.
Holy fuck, they were purposefully infecting animals , you think in horror.
“I’m sure glad we didn’t mess with them monkeys,” Joel says. “Did you know?”
You look at him wide-eyed and slack jawed. “Not a fuckin’ clue. I know my uncle was running blood tests and cell regrowth experiments but nothing like that.”
“He didn’t say where they went,” Ellie said, eyeing the two of you. The tension was minorly palpable, whatever small victory you gained in the camradiery field was now likely gone between Joel and you.
“I know, let’s keep looking,” Joel responded.
You fixed your composure and tried to reassure her, “We’ll find them.”
Your small trio followed the room into another, searching that one but finding nothing of interest in the drawers or on the tables. Not even another research binder. There was another door to the right and Joel approached it, trying to push his way in but there was a green metal object keeping it closed. He looked to you, “Hey, come help me.”
Stepping beside him, the two of you pushed against the door, throwing yourselves against it repeatedly to open it until it gave way. Joel gave you a tense nod, a silent thanks as he walked in first, Ellie close on his heels.
It wasn’t until you entered the room did you see it- the body. It looked to have been dead for quite a while, the bones were very obvious but still held together by the clothes wrapped around them. The person was sitting at a desk, facing the window, where Joel loomed over it as if it didn’t bother him and he picked up what looked to be another recorder.
Click. “If you’re looking for the Fireflies, they’ve all left,” a voice said grimly. You recognized it as the same one from earlier.
Ellie looked up from a binder she was flipping through, “Yeah, no shit.”
“I’m dead,” the man continued, “Or I will be soon. Got me some time to reflect.” Joel fast forwards through the tape, “...been years that felt like we were…”
He fast forwards again, “...fucking thing was a giant waste of ti-...”
And again, “...not gonna do this anymore…”
Ellie sighs while you pace, wishing to listen to the tape in more detail later. “Come on,” Joel grumbles as he fast forwards it yet again.
“...looking for the others, they’ve all returned to Saint Mary’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. You’ll find them there. Still trying to save the world. Good luck with that.”
Ellie sounding mildly hopeful looks to both of you, “Do either of you know where that is?”
“I know the city,” he nods before turning to catch you chewing on your fingernails in thought. “You?”
“I- I remember Marlene mentioning it to Regan on occasion but they talked about it like it was abandoned. I’ve never been there.”
“Is it far,” Ellie asked.
“It ain’t close. I mean on horseback-,” he stops abruptly, something catching his attention out the window.
Out of the corner of your eye you see it too. Flashlights peeking through the windows. Just as Ellie asked if they were Fireflies, the light shines on them as they stood by the window and Joel pushed her down, ordering her and you to hit the deck just as whoever was on the other end of that light took a shot at you all, shattering the window.
“Shit,” you shout, ducking down to avoid the coming onslaught of gunfire.
Ellie looked at you, “Who the fuck are these guys?”
He looked at you angrily, “Did you lure them here? Is this some kind of trap?”
“Fuck you, Joel Miller! I didn’t.”
He stared you down. “Fine, It don’t matter,” Joel argued, “We know where to go. Let’s get the hell outta here.” He jerked his chin at you and spit, “Lead the way.”
You wiped the initial shock from your system and went into mission-mode, keeping yourself calm and alert. They followed you out of the room, the three of you crouching to avoid being spotted by the new threat through the windows.
Making your way through the anteroom to the office then through the lab as silently and rapidly as possible while crouching. It wasn’t until you reached the x-ray exam room when you were hit in the chin with something hard, knocking you down, dizzy.
Your mind and vision were in a haze but you managed to catch the vague shape of Joel rush somebody, likely the person who knocked you over, through the newly forming tears in your eyes. Fuck , you thought, your face hurting like a bitch.
Ellie yelled something as she went to help Joel, apparently getting the bright idea to take Joel’s machete from his backpack and swinging it wildly at the stranger.
As they fought the man, you shook your head and rose on your haunches, still dizzy. You could make out the faint shape of a second man running up to attack but through your shifting vision, saw three of him. It didn’t stop you from raising one of your dual guns from your thigh holster, taking aim. Breathing in, slowly breathing out, you took the shot when the three men formed a single one.
The loud bang reverberated through the halls, momentarily distracting you from the brawl happening somewhere to your right but soon that silenced.
“What the fuck was that,” you asked nobody in paricular.
“Don’t look like Fireflies to me,” Joel mumbled in reply, hinting you must have been telling the truth.
Together, you all walked down the tarp covered hall from earlier but saw four shapes run past some red smoke on the only way out of the building, likely trying to cut you all off. “Stay back,” Joel said as he flung one of his makeshift bombs at the intruders. After a moment, it went off and sickly screams were either cut short or continued onto a deadly moan.
Each of you hid behind random turned over tables, guns drawn.
Although six of these strangers were down, it seemed there were more as another came in through the right side, taking a shot at Ellie. Joel responded in kind and shot him square in the neck, the blood splattering a nearby wall.
You followed suit and took aim at somebody ducking below a desk much like you. Your aim was a little off because of that damned kick to the head but you got the guy nonetheless. It was messier than you’d like, the newly forming headache was making things much more difficult.
Together with Joel, you took two more men down until you reached the small lobby where the stairs were only to find another flare emitting red smoke. “What the hell,” you wondered aloud.
“Probably to tell the others how to get to where we were, building is like a maze.”
With that, you and Joel look off, making sure to keep Ellie behind you as your group traversed down the steps, finding another flare. Joel heard them before you and raised his gun. You followed as two more men rounded the corner, both being taken down by the bullets you both expelled into their bodies.
Your heartbeat pounded in your ears at the adrenaline rushing through your veins, no matter how much you remained focused at the task at hand. You took a breath in an attempt to ground yourself, following Joel closely behind as he was about to round the same corner, stepping over the two dead bodies when you grabbed Joel, pulling him back as a bullet whizzed by. “Fuckin’ hell,” he gasped.
Taking to the wall you peered out and quickly aimed, letting another bullet rain free. It clashed into the wall behind your target, narrowly missing as the man ducked behind the poor choice of the glass railing. Joel put his hand on your waist, pulling you close as he leaned back around taking his chance on the guy. He must have made it count because soon you heard a soft thud of the body collapsing.
If you weren’t so preoccupied trying to stay alive, you might have noticed Joel kept his large hand on you for a few moments longer than necessary.
Joel left the relative safety of the second floor lobby, nearly running to the exit. You grabbed onto Ellie’s hand as you shoved your nearly empty gun into it’s holster on your thigh, following him. He came to the closed door that led to the next area of classrooms to get you all down to the ground floor but just as he went to open it, it banged open from the inside starling all of you. The force was so strong that it pushed Joel to the glass railing behind him, his body teetering over the edge.
You dropped Ellie’s hand as you ran to him, trying to get the other man off of him as he choked your companion. By the force and chaos, the rail gave way underneath Joel. As he fell, he pulled the stranger with him.
A scream surely left you as you watched in horror as the two men fell to the ground but it grew louder when you noticed a sickening metal bar poking it’s way through Joel’s stomach, staining red in the sunlight. Beside him, the attacker lay dead in a mangled heap of limbs, his neck at an unnatural angle.
You began to shuffle onto your stomach to drop the distance from the balcony walkway to the ground floor, Ellie close behind you copying your maneuver. Together, you both landed on the ground awkwardly and unbalanced. It was so unbelievably impossible to stay focused as you watched Joel writhe in pain from the impalement as loud banging seemed to invade your senses.
Ellie jumped straight to Joel asking in a rushed panic, “What do you want me to do?”
You couldn’t hear what he said when the double doors burst open, two men with a baseball bat and machete appearing. You grabbed both of your guns, unleashing lead into them with a little more force than necessary.
When you turned back around, you saw Ellie trying to lift Joel. “Don’t!”
You ran to him and dropped to your knees, removing your backpack and began to scrounge around for clean gauze. “You’re only going to create more damage, you old bastard. Stay still.”
With the gauze in hand, you motioned for Ellie to put as much pressure as she could on the frontside of the wound. You tried your best not to jolt him around so much as you tried to assess the entry wound on his back, only to find it was buried in cement beneath him. He groaned, calling out a string of curse words.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’, Joel.”
“Wouldn’t need to if you had good bedside manners. Goddamned brat.”
His small jab at you could have made you cry if you weren’t so invested in keeping the old man alive and with no other alternative to removing the rebar safely from him, you had no choice but to lift him away from it.
You reached into your backpack once more and grabbed a strap of leather you usually kept close by, mostly to fiddle with, and shoved it into his mouth. “To keep you from biting off your own tongue,” you explained while adjusting your position to be directly behind his upper body to prepare and stanche the blood flow from his back. “Although I think we could all use the peace and quiet.”
Whatever comeback he had was cut off as he yelled, muted by the bit. While he was distracted by your words, you had nodded to Ellie to lift Joel straight up. He quickly fell to his knees as he tried to stand, probably ready to pass out from the pain and you padded the entry wound with gauze, holding it tightly.
His words came out weak as he told Ellie, “Just get to the damn horses.”
She looked at you and you nodded, removing one hand to give her a gun. “Do whatever it takes, kiddo.”
She walked in front of you both, her arms held high with the gun in her hand, ready to take on anybody else. She led you both to a classroom and knocked over some wood panels that barely covered a broken window.
“Do you think you can handle it,” you asked him.
He didn’t answer, instead choosing to throw his body over the edge, finding himself on his back once more. “Come on, move,” Ellie demanded of him as you jumped through the window after them. Just as she got him sitting up against a table, another man burst through the door across the classroom, gun ready to fire.
Seeing as you were getting rather low on your own bullets, you reached for Joel’s revolver and threw yourself out from behind the lab table, firing two shots and hitting him in the torso.
“Come on, we gotta get you outta here,” you told him. One look at Ellie and you saw her hands and sweater covered in Joel’s blood, you likely looked the same. Brushing those thoughts away, you and her flanked him on either side, trying to walk him out.
“No, I’m okay,” he moaned. Trying to push you both off him.
“Like shit,” Ellie threw back, “You’re not okay, Joel. Now come on! Fucking walk!”
You kept your free hand up, gun drawn, and Ellie matched your pose to his left. “Down this hall,” you directed, “To the left is the main entrance, we can leave through there.”
Don’t die on me now, Joel Miller , you silently wished, hoped, prayed.
Joel began to sway between you two, his feet were failing beneath him. His body in your arms grew heavier and sluggish with each step making it harder to walk straight. You really tried to keep the gauze at his back secure against the wound but it was hard to do that while also trying to keep him balanced. As you were distracted by assessing the man, he moaned out, “Up.”
You and Ellie looked up the stairs that were against the wall in the lobby and saw two men coming towards you all, “There!”
Ellie raised her gun first, taking shots at random and you did too. It was difficult to do while doing everything possible to not drop Joel but somehow, they too, fell dead along the stairs. On his other side, the teen poked at him out of breath, “I swear to god, I get you out of this, you’re so singing for me.”
You decide to jump in on the joke, trying to lighten the mood, “I think you mean ‘for us’, Ellie.”
Joel coughed a laugh, “You wish.”
Slowly the front entrance inched closer. Ellie left to pry it open and let you two through and Joel let go of you, shoving his body and burst through the secondary doors. He lost his balance and fell down the steps only to see as some other hooded figure with his hands on Whiskey and Callus’ reigns.
Before the straggler could even draw a weapon, you and Ellie took shots at him. Joel’s revolver clicked, notifying it was out, just as the man let go of the horses.
You ran to Joel, lifting him up to his feet. He groaned in pain, “I know, I’m sorry. Just a little longer, alright, cowboy?”
He gave you an odd look as Ellie appeared and she asked him, “Can you get on?”
Whether or not he can is entirely different than if he will, you thought. You were proven right as he jumped up on Whiskey, not even noticing he was getting on the wrong horse.
“Ellie, get on Callus,” you told her as you also swung your leg over Whiskey, saddling in front of Joel. “As for you, don’t bleed all over my goddamn horse. Hold tight.”
A part of you was worried that he didn’t even bother to jab, you kicked Whiskey’s underbelly and Joel’s body slouched against your back, passing out. The fact the warmth that seeped through your body was likely his blood was gnawing against the corners of your mind but you shooed the thoughts away. Together with Ellie, you filed out of the university as fast as you could, not looking back.
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7demonhoes · 3 years
hi! based on your fic, could you write something about how mc would spend time with the brothers after the transformation? like they're with levi watching anime and suddenly their wings pop out causing a little chaos because they don't know how to control themselves properly. i guess a little fluff after all the angst would be nice!! i really liked your fic and i hope you'll write more of it!!
Demon MC with the brothers after their transition
-The two argue constantly and it's never over anything important
-The most domestic shit you've ever seen
-"MC the recipe called for ½ teaspoon of salt, not 1 teaspoon. Don't be so careless next time"
-The rest of the brothers watch as MC and Lucifer bust through a wall, both in their demon forms
-This is not the first time this has happened. There is now a closet filled exclusively with supplies to repair walls.
-MC is still the only person Luci ever truly has time for, even if each time they talk usually turns into a brawl
-Still calls MC his human. Everybody except for MC hates it
-Doesn't like how prepared MC is to give into their temptations. "MC let's rob a bank"
-"Hell yeah dude let's go"
-Mammon has accidentally become the responsible one out of the two and he does not know how to feel about it
-The rest of the brothers soon learn just how much MC hates it when they tease Mammon
-Every time someone says something mean to him, horns practically jump out of their skull
-Mammon appreciates this very much
-Levi is constantly flustered that MC still wants to hang out with him
-The first time that the two of them play videogames together is…. Difficult
-They weren't thinking about MC's newfound rage when they were figuring out which game to play, and we're blissfully unaware of the consequences of choosing an online shooter game that MC was not very good at yet
-Combine MC constantly getting their ass kicked, Levi's professional level at the game, and his teasing…
-MC splits Levi's computer in half
-Levi is cradling it like the body of a dead lover. There are tears and cries of "MC, you monster!"
-MC resists the urge to simply agree with him and walk away. Instead, they pull out their DDD and text their boss at the local coffee shop they work at to see if they can pick up a couple extra shifts to pay for the damage
-Satan might joke around about how much he wants to go do demonic things with MC, but in reality he's only interested in their book club and mystery tv show nights
-He does enjoy how easily MC gets angry, though. He knows that MC and Lucifer brawl a lot, and even though no one ever gets (super) hurt, he does think it's funny to find new ways to annoy Lucifer and watch MC grow stronger
-"Hey MC, wanna prank Lucifer in cooler ways now that you're a demon?"
-Satan enjoys setting the prank up in such a way that MC gets caught by Lucifer. They square up immediately.
-MC had not figured this out yet. Satan is trying not to think about what will happen once they learn what he's up to
-Takes MC out clubbing as soon as he gets the chance, because now MC can finally keep up with him, if you know what I mean ;)
-He makes a big deal out of the entire day, taking MC out shopping
-MC still can't control their claws that well so if they touch some clothing they'll accidentally rip it to shreds
-MC had to buy a lot of tatters, to say the least
-When they finally went to the club a couple of demons went up to Asmo and MC and said some creepy things
-The Fall is gone now. The club will now be under construction until further notice due to one new demon
-Asmo is beside himself
-"Maybe we'll just stick to self care nights for a bit, okay honey?"
-MC is used to hanging out with Beel while he works out to keep him company (and stare at his abs) more than actually exercise, but the first time the two went to the gym together after MC became a demon they decided to test how strong they could be
-Beel doesn’t notice MC sauntering off to go grab some weights, he’s too busy thinking about the dinner he will have after his workout
-MC picks up the heaviest weight they can find and tries to lift it up over their head and crashes to the ground
-Beel runs over to see MC on their back, blinking away the surprise
-”MC, you know you still have to build up muscle as a demon, right? Of course you’re stronger now, but you still have to start slow if you want to lift that” *points to the 4,000 pound weight*
-MC tries to pass it off as if they wanted to crash into the floor
- Beel isn't buying it
-Turning into a demon doesn’t make much of a difference for how Belphie wants to spend time with MC
-He might start throwing things heavier than pillows to get their attention tho
-"Hey bastard it's nap time" *chucks a refrigerator at MC*
-Cue Beel crying over potentially lost food in the background
-Belphie is definitely tied with Lucifer for the amount of times they make MC jump into a demon form
-"You're an idiot, Belphie"
-"Yeah well at least I don't smell bad"
-* Demonic roaring*
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fairymadnessyeah · 3 years
Roman’s Nightmare
Summary: Roman could never have imagined that leaving Remus with Logan would lead to THIS.
Notes: This is a Modern Setting AU, where I will put all happy, funny one-shots. No angst.
AO3 Link
"Thanks for letting me stay here, dear brother. We are going to have loads of fun~," with the way his twin brother was smiling, Roman doubted it.
"Just... try not to disgust my roommates," Roman sighs. "You are only staying until you finish moving into your new home. So don't get too comfortable," he reminds the other.
Remus and Roman might have been brothers, but neither one of them liked the other very much. They looked the same, but the two couldn't be any more different. From childhood to adulthood, the two were always at each other's throats. Roman had been glad the day he was able to afford to leave Remus' side. And now, he had to house his thot of a twin brother for a few days until his stuff arrived. Great.
Why couldn't his roommates say no? His father would have left it alone if the others weren't okay with it. But noooo, Patton had to be his dad-self and house the STD rat bastard Remus. And Logan thought it was a 'logical solution', so he saw no problem with it. And Virgil had accepted, just not to contradict the other two. No matter what Roman told them about Remus, they had accepted.
Even if he told them about the knife collection, the serial-killers trading cards, the time he pushed a man off a window, or his taxidermy hobby. They thought he was inventing it all. Too bad, he wasn't. Remus did all of that and more. And he couldn't wait for the other to realize their mistake after a night of him staying with them.
The two brothers finally arrive at Roman's flat, and they carry Remus' suitcase to the apartment. Their living space was simple. Just a kitchen and living room that had two hallways on each side. At the end of each hallway was a bathroom, and two rooms on each side. Roman and Patton had the right, and Virgil and Logan had the left. Remus would sleep on the living room. Roman didn't want him anywhere near his awards, not after he melted the others when they were six.
The two going inside, and find Logan sitting on the couch reading. When he notices the two come in, he stands up and fixes his necktie and glasses before coming to them and introducing himself.
"Good evening. I am Logan Logika. I believe you are Roman's brother. I hope our accommodations are to your liking," he stretches his hand towards the new guy.
Remus stares for a few seconds, and then licks his hand with a grin, and shakes Logan's hand. "Remus Nazione!" he exclaims.
Logan stares at his now wet hand, and then at Remus judgingly. He quickly shakes it off with a shrug, and steps into the kitchen for a minute. Roman, however, had just saw a golden opportunity with which he could get rid of Remus. If Logan, who was the rational one out of them, saw how irrational Remus was, then he wouldn't want him in their apartment, and he would kick him out. And achieving that would be easy. The only thing he had to do was let Logan spend more than an hour with Remus.
With the idea on his mind, the red wearing man takes out his phone and makes it look as if he just got a message. "Oh, no! This is horrible! Outrageous!" he exclaims dramatically.
"Roman, is there a problem?" Logan asks, carrying the plate of cookies Patton had done to welcome Remus.
"Did dad finally tell you he found you in a dumpster and feeding off a racoon with rabies?" Remus grins at the unpleasant image.
"No. It's the director of the play. There has been a wardrove malfunction, and they need me there ASAP," he lies, and watches as Logan nods and Remus squints at him suspiciously. "But I can't possibly leave. Remus is my brother and my responsibility. I can't abandon him to his luck," he says, performing his damned best.
Remus murmurs something (not like you haven't before), and then Logan falls right in his trap. "Well, if it is important, then I believe I can keep Remus company for you, Roman. It will be no problem for me," he will be regretting that statement later.
"Really, Logan? You are a saviour, A hero. Call me if you need anything," he is out of the door in an instant.
Was it rude to use Logan as his space goat? Maybe. Was it necessary? Absolutely. Remus and his unfiltered no-shame persona would scare the crap out of Virgil, and it would taint Patton's innocence. No, this was for the good of their house-hold and sanity. Now, he just had to find a place to hide and wait for Logan's desperate call for help.
But where to?
Oh, he knew just the place.
So, Virgil laughed in his face at his plan. It made Roman want to think twice when choosing a place to hide. Virgil had his own art studio, separate from the apartment. It was at the attic of an old building, where the haunted house was held every year on Halloween. He never understood why Virgil didn't simply live here since it was one of the edgiest places on earth. Virgil fitted right in there. But then again, the emo was a strange man in on itself.
At the end of the day, the two went back to their home and Roman still hadn't received the awaited call from Logan. As they reach the entrance of the building, they find Patton there. The three go up to the flat, and find Logan sitting on the couch with a book, wearing his pyjamas.
"Oh, Hello, everybody. I hope you had an efficient day at work today," he says, separating his eyes from the pages for just a second.
"Hey, Logan. Where's Remus?" Roman asks, worried the lunatic of his brother is not within stopping range.
"Oh, do not worry, Roman. Your brother is alright. He is sleeping in my room, he was tired," Logan explains.
"Oh. Alright. He didn't give you any trouble?" Roman asks.
"No, he didn't. I am actually quite fond of him. His knowledge is quite interesting, though a bit unusual. But I am not one judge on the interests of others," Logan says and turns to the next page.
"Great," Roman says through his teeth. He can't believe his plan didn't work out.
Virgil grins at him, in an 'I-told-you-so' way, and Patton, getting things ready to cook dinner. He is about to start cooking, when he notices something on Logan's neck.
"Oh, Logan did something happen? You have a bruise on your neck," he says and gets closer to look at it, before going to get the first aid kit.
"There is no need to worry, Patton. I am fine, it is not a bruise," Logan tries to calm him down.
"Yeah, Pat, that's not a bruise, that is a hickey," Virgil adds when he takes a closer look.
"A hickey!?" Roman exclaims.
"Yes, Roman. A hickey is a red-mark in the skin, usually left behind after the said place has been bitten and sucked on," Logan explains.
"Why- what- who-," Roman stammers.
"I'm sorry, Roman, but you need to finish your sentences, if you want me to answer them," Logan says.
"Wait," the actor suddenly stops, as the reality dawns on him. "No. No no no no no no no no no..." he chants with a disgusted face, as he moves around the apartment. He goes around the living room and then goes to his room.
"Should we check on him- oh, wait, he is coming back," Patton says, as he watches the show next to Virgil.
"... no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, no. No. NO! Logan! Did you- did you sleep with Remus?" Roman asks, fearing the answer.
"No, Roman, I did not sleep with your brother, nor did I have intercourse with him," Roman sighs relieved. "However, we did have an intense kissing," Princey feels nauseous again. "Your brother appears to be interested in me. So, if I could have your permission, I would like to-"
"No! I am not giving you permission to have sex with my brother! Find someone else if you need d*ck that much!" Roman interrupts.
"Roman, language!" Patton exclaims.
"You misunderstand me, Roman. I only wish to treat your brother with the utmost respect, and take him out to dinner before we move further with the relationship..."
Roman didn't hear any more as he melted onto the floor in confusion. How did it come to this? How could such a flawless plan become such a mess? As he stays in the floor, he can hear Patton move to cook dinner and a door opening. As he looks up, he sees his brother jump up to Logan and ask him about the next D-appointment. That makes him moan in pain again. Virgil is the only one who takes pity of him, and starts patting his head.
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babyboy-cody · 3 years
What about jealous Duncan 😳 over reader cause she is spending too much time with Micheal and cockwarming him while using his laptop so you hear her whimpering and Duncan is extremely jealous that she doesn’t want to spend time with him and if you want to add angst you can :-)
oh.. oh yes. this. this right here. this is art.
It was a very late night. The snow outside wasn’t letting up and sent a chill throughout the house. The sun had begun setting during 5 in the evening. It would always create beautiful warm colors in the sky; hues of orange, pink, sometimes purple. Winter was your absolute favorite season of all due to reasons like these. You adored how bright the atmosphere would get when the sun reflects from the blankets of snow. On some days, you could've sworn that the snow was sparkling. Winter also gave Michael an excuse to use the newly installed fireplace, which you both used almost every night. It also gave you an excuse to make passionate love with him. If only Duncan was home to experience it as well.
Tonight was like no other. Duncan had been away on yet another business meeting while you and Michael stayed home. You deeply missed Duncan in more ways than one; the way his scruff felt against your skin, the way his cologne overwhelmed your nostrils, the way his lips would turn into a smug grin when he was able to get you to blush, the way he would let out a loud groan when he did that type of stretch, and more. Michael and Duncan were so different from each other that you all completed one another and connected as if you've been long lost soulmates for centuries. Because of the polar opposites, your relationship has been incredibly strong and just the definition of perfection. However, you can feel it slowly come apart.
With Duncan away the entire day on his business trip, you had become so needy to the point of almost bursting into tears. You loved Michael so dearly. You looked at him as if he hung the moon and the stars. If he asked you to jump, you'd ask how high. But you missed Duncan, so very much. Michael could tell instantly. He can sense your emotions and it's incredibly overwhelming. He can almost feel your heartache and your devastation. He's not sure why, but he's beginning to come to a realization that the polyamorous relationship is slowly coming apart.
"Sweetheart?" Michael knocks lightly on your door and pushes it open gently when you call back in a small, barely there voice. When he steps inside, his heart nearly breaks at the sight. You’re sat on the ground with your back pressed against the front of your bed. You're holding a scrapbook you made for your three year anniversary on your lap with Duncan's old college sweater engulfing your body.
"Hi," you softly said and looked up at him with red rimmed eyes, glasses placed sloppily on your nose. "I thought you were working on a project."
"I was," he told you and sat down beside you, looking down at the open scrapbook. "But I missed my girl and decided to check up on her."
You blushed and let out a small chuckle as you ducked your head down to brush your thumb across the corner of the book. You stared at the picture of you, Michael, and Duncan at an office party of the brunettes during the first few months of your relationship. You had worn a deep red dress with a black shawl and black heels that made your head come up an inch over their shoulders. Duncan was wearing his signature dark and mysterious outfit, which consisted of dark slacks, a black shirt, and his favorite black leather jacket. Michael wore one of his gorgeous and expensive dark velvet suits and both men looked absolutely handsome and rich. To say the least, every single man and woman was jealous of you three.
"Remember how shit-faced drunk you were at the end of the night," Michael chuckled and pointed at the picture. "We both had to carry you out."
"Oh God," you groaned and covered your face with embarrassment. "Don't remind me. That was the worst night of my life."
You both laughed as you turned the page again. It was quiet for a few long seconds. You shuffled closer to Michael and leaned your head against his shoulder. He turned and pressed a gentle kiss to your head. You closed your eyes and let out a tired, broken sigh.
"I miss how things used to be," you whispered.
"Me too," he whispered back, feeling that ache in his heart increase when he heard your small sniffle. “We’re gonna be okay.” But will you?
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
It’s been approximately three weeks since yours and Michael’s interaction. Since that night, your relationship has sprouted into something stronger. Your happiness has been something you haven’t felt in a while. You’re not crying every night any more. Although he works from home because of the pandemic, he still gives you endless affection and attention. It makes you feel like the first month of when you started dating. But because Michael works from home, that means Duncan works from home as well. It’s only the start of the pandemic, so you’re not sure when it’s safe to go to work again. 
Duncan hasn’t noticed how your attitude changed towards him. He seemed oblivious as always. What he did notice was how your affection grew for Michael. You were always attached to him, whether it’s when you’re cooking in the kitchen with Michael, cuddling on the sofa during a movie, or even when you’re making love. You always gravitated towards Michael, regardless of whatever situation you’re in. He was confused because everything was okay. You still spoke to him and kissed him, even if the kisses you gave him were shorter. That aching feeling in his gut intensified when he heard you whimpering in Michael’s office. The door was cracked open just a few inches; enough for Duncan to see the entirety of Michael’s desk and both you and him on the chair.
He can tell the difference between your pleasure whimpers and emotional whimpers, and these were definitely pleasure whimpers. He shuffled a little closer, and sees Michael’s head barely turn, as if his senses can locate Duncan’s spot. The blonde man knows he’s watching. Duncan can see your house dress bunched around your hips and the absence of your underwear. He can also see Michael’s trousers unbuttoned as you sit upon his lap, your face buried in his neck as he continues to type away at his laptop.
“Almost done, little one,” Michael whispers in your ear, kissing your warm cheek gently as he lightly strokes the outer part of your thigh.
“That rhymed,” you giggled and shifted your hips a little, moaning softly and leaning up to look into his warm blue eyes.
“It did, didn’t it?” He lightly chuckles and and moves closer to his desk, briefly pressing your back against the edge, as well as causing his hips to buck up into yours in the process, eliciting a sweet gasp from your lips. “My apologies,” he grins like the cocky bastard he is.
Duncan can no longer hold in this building rage that was bubbling inside of him. After days of zero attention from you and Michael, he decided it was enough to dance around the unresolved issue. He pushed the door open all the way with such force, it slammed into the wall adjacent to it. The loud noise jarred you and caused you to jump in Michael’s lap, whimpering softly from suddenly being knocked out of your soft headspace. Angry Duncan was something you always hated. Michael sat emotionless as he ignored Duncan and hushed you softy.
“When you two are done engaging in your rendezvous activities, I’d like to speak to Y/N alone,” he tells the both of you, his voice low and filled with anger and jealousy. “And don’t make me wait.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
You left Michael’s office a flustered mess. Your cheeks held a lively, rosy color in them. Your lips were a darker shade than usual. Your hair was a bit tousled, but still neatly kept because you’re that kind of person after having a fun time. And your panties? Oh boy, were they damp to the point of sticking to your achingly sensitive core. Michael assured you that everything was going to be alright, and that if you needed him during your talk with Duncan, he’d know. And so with a nervous pep in your step, you hesitatingly knocked on the door of Duncan’s bedroom, twiddling your thumbs to ease the frantic thumping of your heart in your ribcage. You looked behind your shoulder and at the closed door of Michael’s office just as Duncan’s bedroom door opened. Your head immediately shot ahead, and you briefly stared at his chest before lifting your head up to look at him.
You couldn’t read the expression on his face, but you could make out the sudden softness in his eyes when he sees you up close for the first time in a long time - but then it goes away in an instant. He steps aside and holds a long arm out to motion for you to come in. You do so without hesitation. He doesn’t close the door all the way, only leaving it open just a crack. You’re almost thankful for that. He sits in one of the cushioned chairs in the corner of his room, the one closest to the window. You remember how often you’d barge in and catch him with a book in his hand and a glass of scotch in the other, the sunlight pouring in and creating a halo of orange and yellow around him. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling a little bit. It goes away soon after when Duncan clears his throat. He rubs his scruffy jaw and sighs deeply, looking far off into the distance.
“I don’t know how to put this,” he begins to say. “Do you still love me, Y/N? Does Michael still love me?”
“Of course we do,” you say in a shocked tone as you went to go towards him, but he raised his hand to stop you in your tracks. “Why would you say such a thing, Duncan?”
He laughs humorlessly. “You know, when I was a little boy, I was often ignored by the people closest to me. I was thrown into a corner like a used toy that someone got bored of. When I was twelve years old - twelve - my mother said not one, but two words to me the entire month. I didn’t even get a fucking happy birthday. But you know what’s funny, Y/N? I still pulled through.”
You stood in silence, arms crossed over your stomach for comfort. Your mouth opened and closed to say at least something to him, but nothing came out. You were rendered speechless. Duncan took notice and let out an emotionless chuckle.
“You know, I never expected you and Michael to do the same.” He sounded so heartbroken that it nearly broke yours. “I feel like that same fucking twelve year old boy all over again.”
You cleared your throat and licked your dry lips. “The only reason I’ve gravitated towards Michael more than before is because you were barely here, Duncan. You were always away and that broke me. Michael noticed it too and he helped me feel good again. It wasn’t the same as when it was all three of us, but it was something. I was happy.”
“So you weren’t happy with me?” He asks you gruffly, not meeting your eye as he stares at his empty and neatly made bed. “I’m here now and you’re still not happy.”
“You know I don’t mean it like that, Dunc,” you whispered helplessly and shook your head. “Michael has been here the entire time, even when he does have work. He made me feel loved and wanted. I just wanted you to do the same.”
“I tried,” he snapped, eyes filling with a dark rage which caught you off guard. “And you didn’t fucking let me, Y/N. You were so caught up with whatever shit you were doing with Michael to realize.”
“You were never fucking here!” You snapped back, your voice cracking as your emotions spewed from within. “It wasn’t the fucking same, Duncan. I needed you and you weren’t here.”
He laughs. It doesn’t reach his eyes. And that’s what scared you the most. Sensing your erratic fear, Michael hurriedly exits his office and makes his way to Duncan’s bedroom. In there, he feels the tension piling onto his shoulders and it’s overwhelming. Duncan barely casts him a glance from the corner of his eyes.
“Look who joined the party,” he sarcastically replies. “The man of the hour, Michael fucking Langdon.”
“Calm down before you do something stupid and that you’ll regret,” Michael warned him, slowly stepping closer to you while keeping his eyes trained on the man in front of him, whom was slowly coming apart by the minute.
“No! Fuck you, Michael. You took her from me. You took everything from me. God, I should really hate you - both of you. But I can’t!” Duncan shouted and slammed his hand against the wall beside it, causing you to jump and gasp softly at the loud and sudden noise. “I keep trying, but nothing’s working. I’m a good fucking person. I help provide for us. Nothing is ever enough, even when I am here.”
You stood silently beside Michael, the blonde man not uttering a single word as he allows Duncan to vent and spew out these withheld emotions. He needed to do this. His unspoken demons would chew him out, and most days it would be Michael’s duty to bring him back down to earth again. You were casted out of moments like these specifically because of Duncan lashing out. His brain works faster than his mouth, so whatever he says, he won’t even realize it until after.
“I-I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” his voice cracked. He looks at you and Michael with such heartbroken eyes, rimmed red and filled with unshed tears. His face contorts into one of pain and he presses the heels of his hands into his hands. “I’m sorry I made you feel unhappy. But you have to understand that I do these things to make you happy too. And it clearly didn’t work.” Then, the tears fall. He swallows down a choked hiccup, his shoulders and chest twitching painfully to catch a breath.
A lonesome tear rolls down your flushed cheeks. You take a step towards Duncan while Michael stays motionless in the spot you left him in. When you’re standing directly in front of the broken man, you reach a hand out slowly as if he were a panicked kitten hiding in a corner and lightly touched his cheek. The feeling of your skin against his is what made him officially breakdown. He couldn’t keep his cries inside anymore. Seeing your pained eyes, feeling your warm touch, smelling your sweet scent, hearing your gentle voice whisper his name - it was enough to make him fall to his knees in defeat. You followed him and desperately pulled him into your arms, allowing his head to bury itself in your neck and shoulder. Your arms soon wrapped themselves around his trembling body as he let out gut wrenching cries.
“Please don’t leave me,” he weeped helplessly, trying to catch a breath as he heavily pants and hiccups. “I can’t lose you and Michael. I can’t be alone again.”
You hush him softly and rock him gently from side to side, all the while kissing his warm and clammy forehead. Michael quietly walked towards you both and got down on his knees as well. His arm wrapped around you from behind as his hand held the nape of Duncan’s neck. Both of yours and Michael’s touch was enough to calm the hysterical man down.
“I love you, Duncan,” you whispered in his ear, making sure not to speak louder. “We love you. And we’re not going anywhere, neither are you. We’ll fix it, okay? We always do.”
“Promise?” Duncan sniffled and leaned up to look at you in the eyes, suddenly feeling that warm sensation in his chest again like the first time he laid eyes on you. He looked at Michael and felt at ease when the blonde man gave him a look of adoration. “Do you promise, Michael?”
“I promise,” you both spoke in unison, and that was enough to make Duncan feel like everything will be back to the way it was before.
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tarithenurse · 3 years
Spark - 15
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Hints of smutty thoughts, angst, lack of proofing, suppressed emotions, assholes, fighting, sarcasm. Not necessarily in this order. A/N: Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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15. Choking
…   Reader   …
The dust clings to your sweaty skin as you force your way through Benimaru’s powered offence. Even if the flames he produce don’t hurt you, the heat steals your breath and the pressure of the air still feels like walking through a storm. Clenching the jaw to hold back curses, the best option is to somehow dodge the blasts of fire and come in low, aiming for his ankles in an attempt to knock him off balance.
Easier said than done. And sure enough, when your legs swing around, he simply jumps and somersaults over to land right behind you. One hand grabs one of your arms, fingers tangle into your hair, pulling your back into an arch against the knee he has you pinned with.
“Now what?” he drawls and your subconscious projects lewd images into your mind – most scenarios where he is pulling your hair for “slightly other” reasons.
Your own hand is small around his wrist but the grip is strong and he doesn’t fight as hard against you as a real attack would which means you can pull him along into a tumble that lands you splayed over him on the ground. The hard panes of his muscles cushions your back a bit while the air is knocked out of him. The only problem now is that he somehow has the wits to change the grip, locking your arms by the elbows – the tangle of limbs is angling you awkwardly and pressing you chest out and shoulders back. A slight tilt of the head brings his bored expression into view.
I can grind into his groin, catching him by surprise and -
“Waka! WAKA!” Mamoru and a few of the other men burst out into the sunlit back yard.
Fists clenched, chests heaving, and eyes filled with nervousness, it’s obvious even to you that something’s wrong. Benimaru must have realized to, because he releases you and pulls you to your feet as he urges the men for an explanation.
“Civilian cops -” Mamoru doesn’t get further for the others.
“- they’re everywhere -”
“We heard it’s the same in Sumida and Taito!”
The panicked voice glide into the background and you grab the oversized clothes you had discarded before the sparring, pulling on socks and shoes without bothering to wipe the sand off your feet.
“Other places too, but the worst thing is -”
Mamoru finally manages to overpower his team mates, “- everywhere Company Three is conveniently there too.”
Shinmon’s voice calms your galloping heart though the words are lost on you – they are not meant for you anyways, but the men who set out to track and delay the unwanted search units in their progress as according to the Worst Case Scenario Plan.
“[Y/N].” Like conjured out of nowhere, Benimaru stands before you, his hot hands wrapping tenderly but sternly around your upper arms. “Keep your head clear. You know what to do?”
You could drown in the calm fire of his mix-match eyes. “Yes.”
“Don’t come out until I come for you...” It almost seems like he wants to say something more, his gaze flicking across your face, but his mouth closes and he turns you with a slight push to get you moving.
And move you do.
For once, you don’t bother about removing your shoes as you speed inside, feet beating a scrambling tattoo as you rush down the hallways and into the men’s bathroom (keeping you gaze fixed on the window and ranting apologies to the startled guy who is unaware of anything going on outside). It’s a stretch for you to get up and through the half-sized window, only pausing to check if the little back street is clear.
As you spill out onto the ground ungracefully, a little thought in the back of you head says you’ll be bruised from this. Thankfully, adrenaline is coursing through your veins and forces the body to move on its own.
Over the wall into the neighbour’s garden.
Spot the little outhouse in the north-west corner...and onto the roof while keeping low.
The thoughts have warped into Benimaru’s voice instead of your own, keeping the objective clear just like he would have wanted. Dirty hands reach for the second floor window in the next house, sliding the loose glass pane sideways without the slightest tremble. Are those my hands? They must be, because they do as you want, reaching in and unlocking the window.
It’s a storage room, you realize after entering and closing the unorthodox entry. Technically, some bored-looking wise ass had revealed that days ago but it only really becomes relevant enough to understand now as you clock the futon in the corner. Under there, there’s a couple of altered floorboards to create a hiding space.
Pushing up the cover, you glare at the cramped spot, a hand sliding across your stomach that has gotten softer thanks to Konro’s amazing cooking granting you regular meals. It’ll be tight. Very tight.
...   Benimaru   ...
Cops. Benimaru can’t recall the last time they had set foot in Asakusa – the district has been more or less self-governing for as long as anyone can remember and institutions like police and firefighters had been a part of the neighbourhood watch roles. Still is, but a fraction of them (the ones best at handling combustions) had been selected by Konro and formed the Seventh’s Special Fire Force. The people of Asakasu protect their own...but it had still taken too long to round up the unwelcome “visitors” and even longer to find the sleazy bastard from Company Three who had managed to sneak into the headquarters.
It had taken all of Benimaru’s willpower to keep from reducing the man to ashes. The taste of blood seeped into his mouth, while Doctor Giovanni spoke of the so-called righteous need to study and use (abuse) the young woman. Fiery rage simmered beneath the captain’s skin at the outsider’s obvious lack of compassion, the refusal to see [Y/N] as a human with rights.
Thankfully, Konro had been able to think. His voice could cut stone as he calmly stated what the accepted channels for cross-jurisdiction work were and in particular how they had been violated during this “unauthorized operation”.
That’s when they were handed the official documentation overruling anyone in Asakusa. I could take them on and win. But Konro took the option away by accepting the order from the higher-ups and telling Company Seven to stand aside.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” Konro grated out.
No. The twins had been fast, grabbing the few belongings that could betray [Y/N]’s existence and stashing them in the storage together with other goodwill things.
“The intel was...incomplete,” Giovanni conceded, goosebump-inducing sweetness slathered onto every word. “I’m thankful for your help. It’s a relief to know we can trust our colleagues across all of Tokyo to be true to the law and the interest of the nation. Imagine if someone had indeed kept vital information Haijima and the Holy Sol...”
Benimaru nearly cracked his teeth at that, but managed to keep a stoic facade despite the inner rage.
“Yes, where would we be without the government?” Konro reiterated rhetorically. “Humanity would be vulnerable, and we’re here to protect the people, after all.”
The words hung for a moment heavy in the room until the sound of departing vehicles rumbled by the building. Police is leaving.
“...indeed. Yes.” A few fingers touched the brim of the hat, tipping it lightly in salute. “At least today was...fruitful.”
What? The two men in charge of Company Seven didn’t dare move until the door had closed behind Giovanni. [Y/N]. I have to...she has to...if she’s not -
“Beni.” Konro’s hand was heavy on the younger man’s shoulder, his eyes darker than normal with worry. “You have to wait ‘til they are gone.”
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