#even for this minor role
doughguts-art · 6 months
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These two goofy guys, I love em'
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New Robin Tim: *Just sitting there happily watching the Incredibles with Dick and Bruce*
Dick and Bruce: *secretly watching Tim and glancing at each other every time Syndrome comes on screen*
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transuncletaylor · 7 months
I think we're sleeping on the idea of Sokka getting to be a stage mom during the summers when they take Izumi to Ember Island where she auditions for the Ember Island Players' summer show
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alphashley14 · 2 months
Fanfiction rec!
A Shot in the Dark by Silver_Pup
A time travel fix-it fic! Bilbo lives out his life only to be pulled back in time. And this time around, he is determined that not only will all of his companions survive their adventure, but his dear nephew Frodo will never ever set eyes on a certain ring.
Everybody lives, nobody dies, Bilbo is a badass, and his dwarves love him more than life itself. Especially their King!
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I started and finished reading this fic on the same day. I literally couldn’t stop reading it. I was awake until 4am because my brain wouldn’t shut up and let me sleep until I finished it. It was that good.
The dwarves and Bilbo were just one big happy family it was so cuuuute!!! 😭 Seriously Silver_pup put SO much love into every single character. It was so well done. This right here is a fic for the bookmarks!!!
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cringengl · 1 year
It would be so underwhelming and just generally awful if Will, who spent 2 seasons believing that he will never find love, is never going to be able to get a boyfriend and is just going to get rejected by the guy he is in love with, was just proven right in s5.
Like after this:
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And this
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And Will is just going to end up alone with Stranger Things being like:
"Yeah lol he was never going to get the guy he wanted, he was right all along"
"He might get some nameless, unimportant bf in the future tho🤷‍♂️"
And not subvert Will's (and the audience's) expectations!??!??
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pepperpixel · 1 month
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Some new art of a very very old oc of mine! From like, when I was an 8th grader in middle school to freshman in high school I think, I haven’t thought about this character or the world she’s from in like… years, but my brain suddenly remembered she existed! And so I drew some art of her!
Visually, she’s absolutely mostly the result of my child self sticking Toko Fukawa from Danganronpa and Peacock from Skullgirls in a blender and lettin it fuckin rip. Personality wise she’s a bit different tho… she’s into politics! As in,,, she’s in politics ghgh, she’s like the chief of the surveillance department for the country of (mostly) witches that the story takes place in. And one of the advisors to the head ruler witch,,, she sucks! Hardcore! she’s def a villain lol
#I made 2 videos for this story and she’s in 1 of them#the idgaf video. at the 30 second mark#but. even tho I specifically remember when I first designed her she had the eyeball braids!#or at least eyeball buns#16 year old me got rid of em!!! for no good reason!#they were fun and cool and fitting for her role and character!!! what the hell 16 year old me!#original#original art#original characters#my ocs#artists on tumblr#eyes#doodles#the other video from this story I made is the something’s not right meme lol#the difference in tone is fucking tremendous#that one tho is more… a lore tidbit… like… it’s background on a phenomena of the setting…#as a middle schooler I did not give a shit about major or minor or background characters tho. or even actually telling a cohesive story?#like. I started w a few characters. and then. went on to characters they were connected too. and then characters they were connected too#and then on an on and on it was just a web of vaguely interconnected dudes in a vaguely interconnected world#no. real narrative lol. but I had fun w it! it was cool. I wish I still had my sketchbooks w the stuff I made for it#I feel like it’d be a fun thing to look back on… sadly fire took them… damn u fire ghg#* ​shakes first at past horrible traumatic experience *#anyway yeah! enjoy art of evil eyeball lady w no name lmao#*fist not first… spellings hard#partial nudity#in the second pic. but also u can’t rlly see anything so. I think it’s fine?#I’ll still tag just in case tho
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fisheito · 4 months
squints suspiciously at the next event's silhouettes devs, if that really is yakumo... DON't make me tap the sign.....😒..........
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vampkomori · 22 days
Ratio might be a Candelagraphos scholar
*The Candelagraphos is a school of the Intelligentsia Guild. theyre the so-called "printing department" of the guild.
despite having known Ratio for (arguably) a while, we still dont know what he actually does! funny. hes overall mysterious and we dont actually know anything about him, but we might be able to find out what he does at the guild/ or what hes planning to do.
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^ emotional support ratio
lets start chronologically, im going to build this up again slowly for context, but also because i want to compile what Ratio actually does, so into the post it goes.
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We know that he works with the Technology Department of the IPC as an outsourced science consultant. This is to be expected, because Yabuli, the head of the Technology Department, is also the controller of the Intelligentsia Guild.
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- File Repository: Ally — Interastral Peace Corporation Headquarters, at the Seat of Divine Foresight
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In the IPC trailer, you can see Ratio's bust in the bottom left corner-ish. The voiceover also says "Join us and team up with the Intelligentsia Guild!" So, its likely that the guild exclusively (or primarily) works with the Technology Department when the IPC requires aid.
Moving on to Ratio's qualifications/his 8 doctorates to establish what kind of fields he works in:
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He has 8 doctorates, namely: Medicine, Philosophy, Natural theology, Mathematics, Physics, Computer science, Engineering, and Biology. (7 of his 8 degrees are mentioned in his character story, but his 8th (computer science) is only mentioned in his trailer)
From this we can gather he regularly publishes books and papers, invents machines/medicine, and does regular ol' research.
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great job pookie. based on this, lets try figure out which of the guild's schools he would fit into:
Synesthesia School: Mostly known for its Synesthesia Beacon, the tool that lets you understand and speak languages. They mostly seem to focus on communiation-related things, as Herta says their next research focuses on "remote communication technology".
Ratio could probably thrive anywhere but he is not shown to have language-related interests or research, so this ones unlikely.
Astral Ecology School: Focus on Astrology/Cosmology, they study the void song whale, radiant jellyfish, and other organisms of the galaxy.
Highly unlikely. This one has nothing to do with his kind of science.
Armed Archaeologists: Very exploration-heavy. They do galactic exploration and archaeology. On the Interastral Peace Broadcast, its said that they discovered a miniature galaxy and recently unconvered the tomb of Rubert I.
Also highly unlikely. Ratio does science and is also a teacher, he doesnt go out into the universe to explore.
Quantum History School: This school is allegedly a bit of a scam. they used to try and "find the influences of disturbance and patterns of change hidden throughout history", but now they just scam you with calculation-based fortune telling.
No comment.
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Ill just add Hertas summary of it and marked the relevant passages.
Author✅ Ratio is a published author of multiple books and papers.
Programmer ✅ He has a doctorate in computer science and works with the Technology Department, so he likely knows how to programm.
Their altruistic philosophy ✅ literally matches Ratio's to a T.
"The science of the guild is gathered here" ✅ Ratio does science.
Naturally its possible that the guild has more schools than just these ones, but. well anyway lets keep going.
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In 2.1, Ratios goal in Penacony is specifically to get Stellaron Research Papers from the Family.
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"achieved what he desired" (to which he replies, "Thats true.") So, Ratio is doing research on Stellarons. interesting! this is a surprise tool that will help us later.
Anyway, Ratio was invited as a science consultant to Hertas space station, and its possible that it was during the events of Crown of the Mundane and Divine that the IPC allied with Herta
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- Interastral Peace Broadcast Radio
Herta is known for a lot of things, but shes also one of the only people whos been able to seal a Stellaron and keep it "dormant", to the point that the Stellaron Hunters specifically used her sealed Stellaron for the Trailblazer.
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Although Himeko later says that no one, not even Herta, has found a way to destroy a Stellaron.
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Its interesting that Herta is emphasized, likely meaning that shes basically the universe's Foremost Expert On Stellarons. Naturally, the IPC allying with her couldve been for other reasons too, though.
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In the same broadcast its said that the IPC has been doing research on Stellarons with the Intellgentsia Guild's support, and currently, their results are promising.
So, the IPC does research on Stellarons, recently allied with Herta who happens to be a bit of a specialist on Stellarons, has the guild's support, and recently Ratio acquired Stellaron Research papers, implying that hes the one doing research on it.
Fun bit: Stellarons are called "Cancer of all worlds" and technically what theyre doing could be considered "trying to cure cancer" which is funny because Ratio's a medical doctor and that absolutely sounds like something hed do.
But what school in the Intellgentsia Guild would do research on Stellarons? None of them seem to really have anything to do with them? how would you even classify Stellarons? biology????
Worry no more, I have the answer:
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The Candelagraphos
Theyre requesting data on Stellarons for their experiments. I rest my case (bows)
that was kind of the conclusion. Ratio's department is absolutely the Candelagraphos, hes doing research on Stellarons with the IPC, and it is undoubtedly going to be very very relevant in the plot (soon? ish? eventually).
id love if we got more lore on him once that happens. He absolutely has ties to the Laurel Wreath Galaxy and the Philosophers Union. Maybe that wont be relevant in the Stellaron Chapter but. well, theres ample foreshadowing that Emperor Rubert is going to make a comeback and he was the reason said galaxy and philosophers even perished and Screwllum recently uncovered his tomb alongside a member of the guild? so??? pretty please. thank you 🙏
Ratio stonks will rise
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miicycle · 6 months
super upset that zhen gets to become dragon warrior. like why add her. we didnt need a new character before other than villains, but they all had references and the whole story was already written out when they made kung fu panda. at least make tigress or tai lung the next dragon warrior
either way actually why the FUCK is he passing the fucking title to someone?! thats not how it worked! he was prophecised! his journey is over! hes the dragon warrior, destined! He fought and won against Tai Lung and Kai (as well as found inner peace through shen) why the FUCK can he even pass the title on to someone else?! this shit aint real. im making tai lung help po whether dreamworks likes it or not
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seoafin · 7 months
List of some palestinian works that are on my to-read list (both fiction and nonfiction)
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli
On Palestine by Ilan Pappé and Noam Chomsky
Salt Houses by Hala Alyan
The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
In the Presence of Absence by Mahmoud Darwish
The Butterfly's Burden by Mahmoud Darwish
Wild Thorns by Sahar Khalifeh
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space-writes · 3 months
Happy WBW! 🦙 - What are the large animals like in your world?
happy WBW! what a wonderful excuse to talk about wyverns!
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Assumed to be ‘descended’ from dragons, wyverns range from the size of a pony to a little larger than an elephant. There are regional variants, but all of them have two powerful hind legs, wings with very mobile foreclaws, some kind of stinger, and the ability to smell/sense magic.
Like dragons—well, like Sirsassa, since she’s the only one still around that most people know about—they need to consume meat and magic to survive. Without magic, they’ll be weak and tired constantly, though they won’t starve to death. Feeding them can be as simple as making sure they drink magic-infused water regularly, or as involved as providing a steady stream of enchanted items (you can also feed them magic users, but that’s generally frowned upon). The stronger the magic they consume, the more powerful they are.
Their ability to sense magic means they’re often drawn to large concentrations of it, which can be a problem when they’re wild—fending them off from places of magical study requires a whole system of infrastructure. Out in the Wilds themselves, clusters of wyverns are sometimes used as a way to try and locate lost/forgotten artefacts—if there’s a huge amount of wyverns in a location, there must be a magical food source nearby.
Osevian (northern area of Valloroth, very cold and snowy, leading up into even arctic areas) wyverns are smaller, and usually white, blue, or grey. Wyverns in the Wilds are typically green, brown, or tan coloured, and much more aggressive than any other. Morandae (which is largely forest and jungle) has wyverns with camouflage style colouration that can shift patterns, and the alythiri elves there have domesticated some. In northern Mohaade (which is the main part I’ve developed) they’re russet brown/tan, and are more ambush desert predators. They have powerful venom stingers, but much smaller wings, and they live in little burrows!
Voi’xindiirin (draconic empire) wyverns are black, large and powerful, and have the most domesticated breeds. The Voi’xindiiri military breed very large ones, with oversized venom glands and large stingers, and there’s also a sort of ‘wyvern fancier’ scene among the wealthy elite, with smaller breeds bred to be delicate, and to have more unique appearance and a calmer temperment.
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Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @reininginthefirewriting @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade @viscerawrites (ask to be +/-)
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domoz · 1 year
Girl help i keep Hikaku posting instead of writing the fics I need to.
In this one, Tobirama takes a gamble:
No good sense has brought them here, just Madara's grief and rage.
Hikaku cant begrudge the man that after what's happened to his brother, but in this moment he wishes it had manifested another way. A battle with the Senju is nothing new, but in all of his perfect memory he can never quite remember things being this chaotic.
Hashirama is tearing up the landscape just to match Madara, who in his fury is trying to break past his usual opponent to go after Tobirama.
Tobirama, who without Izuna there to stop him, is currently beating Hikaku to a pulp.
This guy is on another level, he thinks breathlessly. He'd always known that, in theory. Izuna had been one of the best, after all and Tobirama had always matched him (until he surpassed him).
In practice, the only thing keeping Hikaku alive is the sharigan's ability to predict movements and whatever it is that's stopping the Senju from using whatever technique it was that injured Izuna.
He stopped trying to block the water dragons after the first and has gone from disrupting their paths with boulders to trying to shred them apart with pebbles as he's grown more exhausted. It hardly slows them, but it's kept him from being completely swept away so far, and if that keeps him alive than that's what he'll do.
That's what he's just done (ending up soaked, but still on his feet) when Tobirama pauses, landing on a high branch a decent enough distance away that even Hikaku might have a chance to avoid whatever he throws at him.
From his perch, Tobirama tilts his head, looking over Hikaku with a considering gaze.
"You have excellent chakra control." He says after a moment, "Even better than Izuna's."
Hikaku blinks, but he does not un-tense, remembering Izuna's many rants about how Tobirama liked to play games with his opponents -- to let them think they’ve won, until they haven't.
Hikaku does not think himself anywhere close to winning, but every moment they aren't actively fighting is another moment he hasn't died.
"It's hardly worth comparing us." Hikaku frowns, "And pointless. He still lives."
"For how long? Days? If that." Tobirama purses his lips, a tiny thing that Hikaku would have missed from this distance if his sharingan weren't still activated, "No, I don't think there's much time left at all."
Hikaku has no idea how he knows that, but he isn't wrong. The gut wound he'd left Izuna with has been festering. He wouldn't be surprised to return to the compound to find him dead already. What kind of sick taunt is this?
As he talks, Tobirama starts making hand signs -- a long string of them, and not a jutsu Hikaku recognizes. His breath catches and he readies himself, prepared to run from whatever devastation this is going to bring -- but when he finishes the only result he can see is a pale green glow coating the Senju's palm.
Tobirama raises his hand, touches it to a cut on his cheek where a bit of rubble had caught him. When he draws it away, the wound is gone.
A technique that can heal injuries with chakra. When he realizes what he's just been allowed to see -- what he's just been allowed to copy with his sharingan -- Hikaku nearly staggers under the weight of it.
His next thought is 'I'm going to die'. Because surely, surely, there's no way Tobirama Senju is going to allow him to walk away with the knowledge he's just been given.
There's a piercing two toned whistle, a bright white flare high in the sky. Retreat called, on both sides. And contrary to everything, to all rational thought, Tobirama does not leap forward, does not cut his throat or snap his spine, but turns, gives Hikaku a long glance, and follows the rest of the Senju in their retreat.
It takes Hikaku a long moment to unfreeze. To go regroup with his clan, mind whirling.
It must be a trap, but what use is there to lay one for a man already as good as dead? If this was some ploy to give false hope, then why pick him, when he could just keep what had happened to himself?
His clansmen are all silent as they return from the battlefield, Hikaku most of all.
I don't think there's much time left at all. That's what Tobirama had said. But time for what?
Hikaku is not a fool -- he does not try to use what he's learned on Izuna, or even on himself and the many cuts and bruises he's come home with. When everyone else goes off to see their own hurts treated, to see their loved ones, when Madara goes straight from the battlefield to go sit by his brother, Hikaku slips away from them all.
The main house has a koi pond, and though the landscaping leaves much to be desired after years of Madara and Izuna using it for their sibling rivalries, it still holds fish. Hikaku mentally apologizes to the late Lady Uchiha as he grabs a koi by the tail and yanks it out of the water, but he thinks, if this works, he will be forgiven.
He waits for the fish to stop thrashing before he makes a cut down it's side; nothing too deep, nothing it couldn't survive on it's own. He lets his sharingan spin, calls up the memory of the hand signs, the way Tobirama's chakra had been stripped of its element, how it had condensed thicker than he'd ever seen.
It only takes him a few moments to understand why Tobirama had made a comment on his chakra control. It's difficult -- more than any technique he's ever tried. But… Not impossible.
If he had more time, he thinks he'd be able to get it to work. As it is…
Hikaku is not optimistic. But he will try.
He lets the koi back into the pool as, for the first two hours he focuses only on the chakra -- cleaning it, folding it in on itself over and over and over again. He gets his hands to glow green once before he pulls the koi out of the water again.
There's a delicate balance, he learns. He very nearly overloads the fish's chakra coils before he understands what he's meant to be doing. The information the jutsu gives him is nearly incomprehensible, but there's a feeling to it. The cut feels like metal in the back of his mouth -- and it wants to heal, its already trying to, all he has to do is help it along. To hold his chakra on the bits that make his ears ring (and nowhere else, or the chakra will burn healthy flesh) until they've knitted themselves together again.
He thinks he's starting to get the idea when he released the koi back into the water -- cut gone but side covered in chakra burns. The chakra is giving a place for the scar tissue to form sooner than it should, or something like it. Hikaku shakes his head. It's interesting, but the theory will come later when he's got less important things to think about.
A chill has fallen as the sun has gone down, but Hikaku finds himself wiping his brow from the exertion of it all. If he could, he would rest, would at least find another animal to test on, but… Time.
He's not ready for Izuna quite yet, though. Hikaku goes home, throws together the most nourishing food he can in as short a time as he can manage, and tries to heal himself.
It's easier and harder than the fish; humans being the more complicated animal. Hikaku ends up getting a lot more feedback he has no idea what to do with -- but he can tell when he's coming close to hurting himself, too. That probably won't be true, when he tries this on another person. To avoid that he needs more control, and more than anything else, a hell of a lot more practice.
By midnight, Hikaku has managed to heal a bruise that had been starting to bloom on his thigh. Nothing, compared to the wound Izuna has, but he did it.
He feels dizzy when he tries to stand up, to walk over to the main house. Hikaku curses, but it seems like his body has made up its mind for him. Sleep is the best thing for stamina, after all, and he's not certain how much longer his control will hold out without rest. If he's too late, he still knows he's tried his hardest.
He's asleep nearly as fast as his head touches the futon, for all of four hours before anxiety has him rising right before the sun.
Well, he's a shinobi, he's done more on less. He eats old rice, drinks tea that's hardly had time to steep, and walks across the compound in the pre-dawn twilight to try and perform a miracle.
Madara is awake when he steps inside -- hunched over, face in his hands, looking like he's aged about ten years since Hikaku saw him last. For a heart-stopping moment, Hikaku fears that he was too late after all.
"He asked me to take his eyes." Madara says in lieu of a greeting, voice muffled.
Hikaku grimaces. The mangekyo is as horrifying as it is powerful, but if Izuna is asking that, it means…
He's given up. He's conceded that he's going to die. Hikaku has even less time than he'd thought.
"…Is he awake right now?" Hikaku feels breathless, like he's walking on a wire.
"He was when I left him." Replies Madara, voice rough. For him to have left Izuna's side while his brother was still awake, they must have argued. Probably about the eyes.
Hikaku nods, turns to walk to the room where Izuna's sickbed is without asking any more. He won't explain, not yet, won't give false hope. Explanations can come after, right now he's just got to try.
Izuna doesn't react to his entrance -- he's still breathing, but asleep or unconscious. Just as well, Hikaku thinks wryly, pulling the chair he knows Madara has spent hours in to give him better access to the wound on Izuna's side, He'll be less distracting like this.
He's changed this wound before, and when Hikaku pulls the bandages off its still as ugly as it was the day Izuna got it, the blood clotted and dark. It doesn't smell, at least. Hikaku has no idea how this jutsu handles infections.
One bracing breath is all he allows himself before making the handsigns, pulling the chakra to his hands. It's easier after rest, but harder, for the nerves.
Izuna twitches as Hikaku places his hands over the wound, as the back of his throat fills with the taste of copper. His entire attention focuses down to his hands, to the skin and muscle under them, to threading his chakra back and forth and pulling things back to how they should be.
"H'kaku?" He hears after a while. Izuna's voice, but he doesn't look, even as the man goes tense beneath him. He seems to understand that whatever Hikaku is doing, it needs concentration.
It could only have been minutes, or it could have been days by the time Hikaku's chakra starts to waver. He dismisses the technique, not wanting to undo his work. He hasn't done nearly as much as he'd wanted to but he thinks… He thinks he might have stopped the downward spiral, at least.
"Hikaku." Izuna's voice again. When he looks up, Hikaku's vision goes white with spots. He's sweating with exertion, he realizes, and now that he's dropped the jutsu his hands are shaking so badly he doesn't think he'll be able to form the hand signs again.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder. When his vision finally stops spinning Madara and Izuna are both staring at him with wide eyes.
This is the most lucid he's seen Izuna in over a week.
"Hikaku." Madara is the one who speaks this time, sounding breathless, "What was that?"
 "I think…" Hikaku gasps, "That was Tobirama Senju's way of asking for peace."
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decoloraa · 10 months
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It’s finally time for another character spotlight!
This time: Silas
He/him, pan, asexual, trans
Silas joins the story when he meets Casther during their military academy. Back then Silas has troubles fitting in with the other cadets: He's always in disagreement with others and starts arguments quite often. Most cadets joined the military for patriotism and to aid in the conflicts Amestris has with other countries. Silas on the other hand almost takes pacifist point of views and despises the glorification of war some of the other students spread.
When an argument starts to heat up and ends in a physical fight, Casther (who surprisingly stopped by) goes in between them and manages to scare the attacking students away. Grateful for his aid and aware that Casther has as little friends in the academy as him, Silas offers to become his friend.
They get close close friends quickly: Silas matches Casther's witt and humor perfectly, he's just a bit more calm and collected than him. Before their graduation, Casther offers Silas to join him to Briggs, which he eventually accepts.
Personality and role at Briggs
Silas is a kind soul who cares a lot about the people around him. He always has an open ear for anyone at the Fort and is always happy to help. Because of this and because of his skills, he's highly respected and gets along with everyone, from staff to Sergeants and even commanders.
At Briggs he plays some important roles: On the field Silas often accompanies Casther on missions, acting as his right hand man. Meanwhile in the Fort he acts as an advisor for Briggs' strategies and missions, moments where he often works close with Olivier and Miles. Silas is more of a pacifist, which is odd as a soldier and a strategist. However it serves as his motivation to avoid violence as mich as possible. To him, the best strategy is the one that risks as little lifes as possible, both from Briggs and from the Drachman side. And that's why Olivier respects his plans so much.
The biggest mistake one can make with Silas is to mistake his kindness and reluctance for violence as weakness. Silas is a badass and part of Casther's squad for a reason. His top priority is to protect his team and he WILL kick ass if necessary. In addition to that, he's incredibly smart both emotionally, strategically and when it comes to common sense.
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alchemiclee · 7 months
I hate that whenever there's a gay ship, people immediately het-ify it. people are so obsessed with making one the "man" and one the "woman" when that's completely unnecessary, because they are both the man or the woman. It's extremely annoying. these people will completely mischaracterize a character to fit into their stupid little het roles they force on them.
for example, you don't need to make one man the "wife" and feminized him to the extreme and fit him in a traditional "woman" role so the other man can be the big strong masculine manly man. they can both be masculine or both be feminine or both be both at the same time! they do NOT need to be gendered opposites to fit het roles. crazy, I know! it's like no one considers it a possibility! or sees how good it can be to have them be equals without gendered nonsense.
when there's a gay relationship, you have the perfect opportunity for the couple to stand on equal ground. they get to be equals who are just as strong and just as soft as each other. there's no faulty power dynamics where one is above the other (because let's face it, society unfortunately deems masculinity > femininity). one doesn't need to protect the other. they can protect themsleves, fight aide by side as equals. one doesn't do all the housework. they share that duty equally. one isn't weak and pretty, while they other strong and manly. they both are strong and pretty, or masculine and weak at the same time.
equal relationships are amazing and need to be explored more and appreciated. there can be more understanding and working together. i'm bad at explaining what I mean, but I prefer these equal relationships over forcing them into opposite roles to mirror het relationships, which are usually extremely unbalanced and unequal. especially because these not het relationships! so why must they look like one? they can and should look different! so why does literally every shipper and writer out there make them so het coded?
I don't understand why people do this. do they actually believe all romantic relationships must mimic het ones to exist and thrive and purposely force that on them? or have they genuinely just not fathamed that they can be different and dont need to follow the expected het standards?
I wonder, it feels like no one actually knows how non-het relationships are meant to be and how they could work, since het ones are always forced down our throats since birth. it becomes The Standard that everyone thinks they must follow. maybe it's all people know since they don't see any other possibilities. their preferred dynamics for their ships are what we are taught and nothing different, because they don't know it can be different. i also think people might be obsessed with that whole "opposites attract" trope. but that opposite doesn't have to be the traditional het-fueld feminine vs masculine or wife vs husband characteristics. it can be other personality things like one is loud and one is quiet, one is dumb and one is overly smart, one is rich and one poor, etc. it doesn't have to be masculine vs feminine!
(disclaimer, not saying masculine vs feminine ships are all bad/shouldn't be done ever. but it doesn't need to be 100% of the time either 😅 can't think of one ship people dont do this with lol)
#cant even say its only het shippers because lgbt shippers do it too#i enjoy the ships i see more as equals. like cynonari and xingyue for example#first ones that came to mine lol#everyone feminizes the shit out of nari calling him cynos wide constantly but they're both strong leader types with a soft side#wife*#THEYRE SO EQUAL???? AND THAT MAKES THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO STRONG????#then xingyue is funny because ive seen people frame BOTH yingxing and dan feng as the “wife” at different times. proof theyre equals!#maybe not proof lmao but you cant say the arrogant craftsman and proud dragon arent equals who get along super well#they arent het opposites at all imo. not even close#i just really enjoy balanced equals over unbalanced opposites. because the feminine is always seen as lesser and weaker than the masculine#and that always bothers me a lot lmao#im probably the minority here. im giving benefit of the doubt that people just never thought about it and do what theyre taught#but if everyone actually orefers this and its on purpose.......please reconsider 🤣#prefers*#lee text#lee rambles#gay#lgbtq#gay ships#one relationship i felt was presented as equals (from best of my memory) was korrasami#they balance each other out and i see them as equals. one doesn't lead over the other. they're both leaders in their own ways. and carers#one reason i dont date is because most people are ovsessed with this unbalance opposite gender roles thing and i cant stand it lmao#obsessed* am tired of tag typos i miss until after i hit enter hfhfhdhdjdjsjs#this was long and rambly but i suddenly had many feelings and needed to say them#*
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mariocki · 10 months
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A young Christopher Lee guest stars as dastardly Larry Spence - a rising star in the world of journalism, turned blackmailer and then murderer - in The Vise: The Final Column (1.16, ABC, 1955); the episode wasn't seen in the UK until 1963, as part of ITV drama anthology Tension
#fave spotting#christopher lee#the vise#tension#1955#the final column#for more information on the complicated origins of The Vise (a US production entirely made in the UK) see my prev fave spotting post for#Jacqueline Hill's appearance on the series#Lee was hardly a newcomer when he made this ep; he'd been acting professionally since being demobbed a couple of years after ww2 and#was something of a stock player in british cinemas‚ usually in minor bit parts as caddish gentlemen or authority figures and military men#one of his first really significant roles would be later in '55 as a submarine commander in The Cockleshell Heroes#he was also making semi regular appearances on tv in small guest spots‚ albeit sometimes uncredited (as in ITV's The Adventures of the#Scarlet Pimpernel also around this time). a jobbing actor‚ basically‚ and not yet the cinematic icon he would begin (that journey starting#at the end of the decade and the beginning of his association with Hammer studios and horror immortality). he's very good here tho#host and narrator Ron Randell even describes him near the start of the ep as (something like) 'young‚ handsome‚ but sinister' which#may as well have been printed on business cards for the kind of work Lee would find himself doing for the next decade or so#yes he's a real rotter‚ a strangler of ladies and a blackmailer of tycoons‚ and in true Vise fashion he gets his just desserts and the mora#status quo is maintained (this is a very moral series and takes pains to inform us via Randell exactly what kind of punishment the villains#received after the events depicted)#Lee made two more Vise episodes but as Network (rip beloved) seemingly took a random approach to which episodes to include in their#first volume of the series (and obviously as it turned out only volume) i have no idea if either of those are on the set#one can hope! and i do bc it's lovely seeing him so young but with such a meaty role
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crazy-walls · 5 months
character: shows up for 1,5 pages
me, already foaming at the mouth: oh god oh no oh please not another one with barely any content
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