#fandom elite
hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 months
Something that I think ppl who ship both sukka and zutara don't acknowledge enough is the fact that poor Hakoda met both his kids' future spouses on the same day, in the same place and that place just happened to be prison.
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kryomax · 5 months
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Drayton & Flygon - Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC
Commissions are currently: OPEN! (Just msg me: DM/Website)
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voidstilesplease · 1 year
"but this ship is not even canon" and "but this ship broke up" and "but these people are literally dead" lol. to YOU. they're making love under the stars to me (insp)
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sydsaint · 2 months
You're still champion of my heart baby <3
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Summary: Tyler faces his toughest fight yet against Chris Jericho with PLE implications. Luckily for him, Tyler's girlfriend isn't above getting her hands dirty in order to help her man win.
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You finish up your match against Emi Sakura, managing to earn a quick win against the Japanese legend. After celebrating in with a few fans on your way up the ramp, you head back to the locker room to see if Tyler's left yet.
"Ty? You in here?" You announce yourself as you come through the locker room door.
"Yeah." Tyler replies dryly from somewhere inside the locker room. "You beat, Emi?" He asks you as you shut the door behind you.
You snort and nod. "Course I did, look at who you're talking to." You laugh.
"Right." Tyler laughs with you.
You clean up some excess sweat from your body and throw on a shirt over your ring gear while Tyler idles on his phone like usual.
"Shouldn't you be headed out to the ring to talk with Jericho's annoying ass?" You ask Tyler after you're done changing.
"Yeah, unfortunately." Tyler nods. "I can't believe that he went and whined to my dad." He grumbles.
You snort and agree. "Look at who you're talking about, Ty." You remind him. "Jericho is a total snake. And he's ugly so,"
"You did warn me." Tyler nods. "I'm headed out. Wanna walk with me?" He asks you.
"Sure." You shrug and head over to the door.
Tyler pulls open the door for you and the two of you head down to the tunnel. You stop right at the tunnel entrance and watch Tyler head through it. You hang back since you know that he doesn't need you for this. Not with a shmuck like Chris Jericho.
You hang around backstage and watch the confrontation in the ring from the monitors set up in various places. You roll your eyes at Chris' arrogance, silently praying that Tyler just decks him.
"Oh what the fuck!?" You curse the air when Jericho decides to take a shot at Taz.
Tyler handles the situation, getting into Chris's face. But your worry for Taz gets the better of you. You head down to the ring from the back way so you don't take the spotlight away from Tyler.
"Taz!" You rush over to his side as he carefully rolls out of the ring. "Are you alright?" You help him down to the floor.
"Yeah, I'm alright, kid." Taz assures you, but you notice that his knee is obviously bothering him.
You set a cautious and gentle hand on Taz's shoulder and walk with him back over to the commentary table. Tyler takes a second to glance your way and you flash him a quick thumbs up. Ty nods at your assuring gesture and goes right back to getting in Jericho's face.
"You sure that you're okay, Taz?" You ask Taz again once he's at down.
"I'm good." Taz nods. "Come on, give me some credit, kid. I ain't quite that old yet." He chuckles. "But I appreciate the concern."
You nod and slink back around the tunnel to the backstage area to wait for Tyler to come back.
A few minutes later Tyler comes stomping through the tunnel with a foul air about him. You walk over to him and try your best to tame the beast before he thinks about doing something drastic.
"Tyler! Hey!" You rush over to Tyler's side.
"Is my dad alright?" Tyler asks you, venom in his tone.
You nod and put a hand on Tyler's arm. "Yeah, he said that he was okay." You assure him. "Come on, let's head back to the locker room and get our stuff so we can get out of here." You give his arm a small tug away from the tunnel since Chris is still out in the ring.
"Thanks for going out there and checking on him, YN." Tyler relaxes a little bit.
"Yeah, of course." You nod and begin pulling him along. "And hey, you'll get another shot at kicking Jericho's ass, okay? In the ring. Properly." You glance his way while you're walking with him.
Tyler's jaw clenches in frustration. "He's lucky that I didn't lay him out right then and there." He insists.
"I know, baby." You rub Tyler's arm, still making sure to put as much distance between him and anything Chris Jericho related as possible.
Sunday night rolls around and it's time for Dynasty. You're not scheduled for a match on the card so you opt to hang around backstage and provide Tyler with all the support that he needs tonight.
Tyler's been in a foul mood since Wednesday, and if you weren't a hater then you'd be fearing for Chris Jericho's well being right now.
"You want me out there with you?" You ask Tyler while he's getting ready for his match.
"Nah." Tyler shakes his head. "I can do this by myself." He assures you. "Can you maybe hang with my dad on commentary though?" He asks you.
You nod, surprised that Ty seems worried about his dad. "Yeah, sure." You pull your shoes back on while Tyler finishes getting ready.
The time comes for Tyler's match and the two of you head out. You let Tyler do his entrance by himself and go the back way down to the commentary table. Taz pulls up a chair for you to sit next to him in, but you decline his offer of a headset.
Chris saunters out to the ring after Tyler with his usual smug aura. You roll your eyes at the challenger as he passes the commentary desk but remain in your seat.
The bell rings and the match gets underway, and just like you suspected. It doesn't take long for the bout to get violent. You sit in silence next to Taz while Tyler and Chris go at it beating the crap out of one-another. You wince each time Chris uses a dirty tactic to try and get the upper hand and your anger grows with each second.
"Oh no." Taz slips his headset off his head once Chris retrieves his metal bat from where he was stashing it under the ring.
Tyler barely managed to kick-out of Jericho's last pinning attempt. So you know if Chris lands this than it's over for your boyfriend.
"Oh, fuck no!" You jump out of your seat and slip past Taz.
You rush around the ring and shove Jericho to the floor while's he's got his back turned away from you. Chris's bat goes flying out of his hands and you pick it up.
"Ty might be to proud to be a cheater, Chris." You stare down Jericho as he gets to his feet slowly. "But I'm not like my boyfriend."
You swing the bat at Jericho and it collides with his head. The blow instantly crumples Chris to his knees and you drop the bat. Tyler finally stirs in the ring so you haul Jericho's fat ass up and roll him into the ring before calmly walking back over to the commentary table.
You are met by Taz who looks at you with adoration like you've never seen on the man's face before.
In the ring, Tyler gets to his feet and locks in REDRUM on Chris, not that it's need after your handwork. Aubrey calls a stop to the match after checking on Chris and the bell rings. You pluck the FTW championship from it's perch at the timekeepers area and make your way into the ring.
Tyler lifts himself back to his feet again and you hand his championship back to him. "I knew you could do it." You smile at him and lift his hand in the air in victory.
"Thanks for the help, babe." Tyler whispers to you, secretly proud that you didn't let any of Chris's bullshit slide.
The crowd cheers for Tyler and you hear Taz mention you back at the commentary table proudly. Chris Jericho has been silenced and all is right in the world again.
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firehydrant00 · 3 months
straying from the wonders of dbz to see the world of transformers
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aliferousdreamer · 4 months
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here's a screencap dump of (some of) my favourite traitors uk season 2 moments to celebrate tonight's finale
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serendippertyy · 7 months
proof that dogs do look like their owners 🐶🔪
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kiekiecarrera · 8 months
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multifandom meme > [8/15] ships - omar x ander (elite)
Me suena tu cara. Andrés, no? Román.
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melonthesprigatito · 3 months
Pokémon Legends: Z-A is really out there making me dive back into certain character hyperfixations from my earliest Pokémon fandom days. I haven't thought about these people in nearly a decade
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The vintage blorbos are resurfacing
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boxdstars · 4 months
are you the “i love my oc/mc and will give them the entire universe should they ask” or are you the “im putting them in the torture machine for 1000 years” type of hphl fan
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kryomax · 2 months
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Dragon Drayton - Commission for @ 1120_cecille (Instagram)
Commissions are currently: OPEN! (Just msg me: DM/Website)
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730bliss · 11 months
hook headcanons
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romantic/platonic hook hc’s. reader gender neutral. requests open <3
* sexual acts warning! * 
bags upon bags upon bags of chips stuffed into your kitchen cabinet.
^ you don’t even like chips that much. they’re for him. 
he isn’t a friend who talks, he’s a friend who listens. whether it’s about silly memes or your worst life experiences. he’s always there to listen. 
secretly a big cuddle-bug. 😳
^ his fav position is laying on your chest. your skin is soft and it also gives you free range to play with his hair. 
likes to watch anime with you. he recently let you pick a new series to start. you guys finished madoka magica in one sitting, and you swear he was about to cry!
doesn’t trust people with J names. (unless it’s you) 
his music taste clashes with yours, but he added some of your favorite songs to his playlist because they remind him of you. 
bought you a bracelet that matches his chain when he got it. 
he likes to tie you up in bed. 
makes a point to leave big and noticeable hickeys. 
hope u enjoyed ! <3
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sydsaint · 2 months
Oh my jealous baby boy <3
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Summary: After a rough breakup with Tyler, the reader finds herself spending more and more time with Daniel. Tyler acts like he doesn't care, but seeing reader with Daniel awakens something inside of him.
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AEW is in the idyllic Pacific North West for the month. Rain pours down onto the bay city of Seattle as Tyler finally arrives to his hotel after a long flight from the East coast. He trudges into the cozy lobby of the hotel, grumbling to himself about the seemingly unrelenting downpour of rain outside.
Tyler stops in the lobby and gives himself a second to peel off his damp jacket as well as pull out his phone. He is busy getting his jacket off when a sweet voice catches his attention. Tyler's gaze flits up and over to the front door of the lobby as you step inside with a casual smile plastered on your face and Daniel Garcia at your side.
"Umbrella's are for losers, Danny." You giggle at Garcia and pull off your beanie from your head. "Didn't you notice that no one around here is using one?" You ask him playfully.
"Alright, alright." Daniel chuckles and wipes some excess water from his face. "I get it. Umbrella are for tourists and losers. And I ain't no loser."
Tyler doesn't take it eyes off you as you make your way across the lobby floor with Daniel trailing you. The two of you head up to the front desk and check into your respective rooms.
"We're on the same floor!" You turn to Daniel once you're checked-in. "Nice!"
Daniel matches your smile, and the two of you head off to the elevator at the side of the lobby. Tyler waits until the elevator closes and begins its accent before he moves again. His teeth grind in his mouth, his jaw clenched in anger.
Later into the night, you and Daniel are headed into the arena for Dynanite together when you spot Tyler also coming into the building.
"Hey, Ty!" You offer your ex a friendly wave from Daniel's side.
"Hey, YN." Tyler stops in his tracks and nods at you though his gaze is fixed on Daniel. "New travel partner?" He switches his attention back to you.
You glance at Daniel for a second before nodding at Tyler. "Yeah. Danny and I have been hanging out." You confirm. "How are you? I saw you hanging out with Jericho these past few weeks. How's that going?" You ask him.
"It's been fine." Tyler shrugs, being his usual nonchalant and stoic self.
"Right...well, we should get going." You bounce on your heels awkwardly. "Nice running into you, Ty." You flash another friendly smile before you and Daniel walk off.
Tyler nods and watches you walk off with Daniel. His jaw twitches as he watches Daniel linger near you just a bit too close for comfort.
Once Daniel is sure that Tyler is no longer within hearing distance he glances down at you. "Didn't he break up with you?" He asks you.
"Tyler? No. Well...it was a mutual split. Why?" You shake your head.
"I don't know. Bro just seemed kind of hostile, that's all." Daniel shrugs. "He was mean-mugging me while you weren't looking." He huffs out a breath.
Your eyebrows bounce in slight surprise. "i don't think that's what he was doing, Daniel." You assure him. "Tyler's face just looks like that most of the time is all."
"If you say so." Daniel shrugs it off.
The time comes around in the show when you've got a match scheduled against Mariah May.
"You sure that you don't want me to go out there with you?" Daniel asks you playfully as you're getting ready to head out.
"Sorry, Danny. But no pretty boys out for my matches." You tease him with a laugh. "You can walk me down to the curtain though."
Daniel flashes an excited grin and rushes to open the door for you. You giggle at his antics and step out into the hall with him. The two of you head down to the curtain and Daniel leaves you at the tunnel entrance.
"I'll wait up for you after the show." Daniel in forms you. "We can grab dinner after, yeah?" He asks. "My treat?"
"Daniel Garcia!" You muse. "Are you asking me out on a date?" You ask him.
Daniel chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, I figured that it was about time I asked you out." He laughs.
"I'd love dinner later, Danny." You agree to his offer of dinner. "Shoot me a text later and we can make plans, yeah?" You ask him.
"Yeah, got it. Go kick some ass out there, YN!" He encourages you before sending you on your way through the tunnel.
You head out to the ring and join Mariah for your match. The two of you go at it for a while, but Toni Storm keeps on distracting you. Mariah keeps the upper hand the whole match which causes you to grow more desperate for a win by the second. You take a chance near the end of the match when Mariah is lying on the mat and climbs up to the top rope. You attempt to hit Mariah with a 450 splash but Toni grabs Mariah's ankle at the last moment and pulls her out of the way. You try and alter your trajectory but end up coming down on your ankle hard.
"Shit!" You curse and grab at your ankle.
Mariah sees your injury and is quick to capitalize on it. She grabs ahold of your ankle and forces you to submit to her. The bell rings and Mariah slips out of the ring to celebrate with Toni, leaving you to your injured ankle.
"YN, are you okay?" Aubrey, the referee for the match comes over to check on you.
"I don't know." You wince. "I came down on my ankle pretty hard." You frown and try to get to your feet.
Pain shoots up you ankle and you wince again, barely able to put pressure on it. Aubrey goes to call for some help, but someone else beats her to it. You sit down on the edge of the apron just as Tyler comes sprinting down to the ring from backstage.
"YN!" Tyler rushes to check on you. "Are you okay?" He stops at your side to console you.
"Tyler?" You are a little surprised to find your ex coming out to aid you. "What are you doing out here? Where you watching my match?" You ask him.
Tyler nods, not one bit concerned with the implications of his confirmation that he was watching your match from backstage. "Come on, let me help you backstage" He offers his arm to you.
"Yeah, okay." You nod and slip down to the floor.
Tyler helps you up the ramp and back through the tunnel. When the two of you come through the tunnel to the backstage area you find Daniel there waiting for you.
"YN!" Daniel rushes over to you. "I was just hanging out with Matt when I heard that you got hurt! Are you okay?" He asks on you.
You nod and lean on Garcia now that he's standing next to you. Tyler grinds his teeth as you step away from him and glares at Daniel.
"I came down on my ankle pretty hard." You frown. "I should probably go get it looked at. Just to be safe." You add.
"Yeah, of course." Daniel nods and holds his arm out to guide you. "Come on, I'll walk you down there." He offers.
You nod and take Daniel's arm. Before the two of you walk off, you turn back to a waiting Tyler. "Thanks for helping me out of the ring, Ty." You thank him. "But seriously, Tyler. We broke up three months ago. You don't have to keep checking up on me. Or watching my matches."
"Right." Tyler nods and switches the weight of his feet. "Are you sure that you're going to be okay?" He asks you. "I know we aren't together anymore. But that doesn't mean I don't still care about you." He insists.
"I'll be fine, I'm sure." You insist with a nod. "Daniel and I should get going." You dismiss yourself.
Tyler nods and watches Daniel help you out of the room. You stick close to Garcia, leaning on him for support as you go. Seeing you so close to Garcia ignites a fire within Tyler that he hasn't felt in a long time. Jealousy. Does he have any right to be feeling this way? No. But that doesn't change the fact that seeing you with Daniel makes Tyler want to put his fist through a wall.
Later in the night, Tyler is getting ready to head back to the hotel when he spots you out in the parking lot. You've got a pair of crutches with you, and medical tape on your lower leg near your ankle. Daniel trails at your side carrying your bags out to the rental car for you.
"Thanks, Danny." You thank Garcia for his help.
"Yeah, I got you, boo." Daniel nods. "You still in the mood to go out for dinner?" He asks you. "We could always order some takeout and chill at the hotel if you're not feeling it." He suggests.
You nod and lean against the car so you're not putting pressure on your now-injured ankle. "Yeah, takeout sounds nice. There's this new movie streaming that I've been wanting to watch." You remember suddenly.
"Sounds like a date then." Daniel beams and comes around to the passenger side of the car to get the door for you.
On the other side of the parking lot, Tyler curses the air and shakes his head. "Fuck!" He growls to himself. "She's gone, isn't she? And it's all my fucking fault. God, I'm such an idiot!" He runs a hand through his hair.
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queerly-done · 24 days
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Rika my love! I’m turning her into a keychain for myself because I love her and I will keep her.
Oh I tried a new/ different art style I hope you like it.
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Keyan Carlisle needs to drop another video essay or something we need a lab rats fandom resurgence
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