#feeling bi af tonight
banditomojado · 2 months
🎶🎶My guy pretty like a girl and he got fight stories to tell 🎶🎶
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cassiebones · 9 months
Well. Taylor Tomlinson is bi-curious and afraid that she would be bad at going down on a woman. I can relate (to the second part; I am gay af). I am so happy I got to see her show tonight. She's my favorite comedian. I relate so much to her and I feel like that just got stronger knowing she's possible queer. I hope she gets a gf and realizes that she is so important and valid.
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bihansthot · 9 months
bi-han should give you cuddles tonight. you absolutely deserve them.
andddd... a nice throat stretching from his dick wouldn't hurt either with a good helping of soft fucking.
I need soft Bi-Han hours 🥺 sadly I don’t think I’ve really written a whole lot of soft Bi-Han hours stuff, everyone always expects horny, horny, horny from me and that’s usually what I deliver. I don’t think I’ve written anything soft and just for me, maybe I should? Maybe I should pause my asks and take a break and just write Bi-Han taking care of me, I’m just not really good at that type of thing. Contrary to popular myth, I’m not a very good writer as a whole, I’m a terrific smut writer but I’m not a good overall writer. So, I don’t even know where to begin writing something to comfort myself so I would probably just turn it into a blow job because my love language is acts of service for my partner. I’m absolutely going to imagine being snuggled up in Bi-Han’s arms though, it’s unseasonably warm tonight so I turned my air way down to feel cold to feel like Bi-Han is actually with me. Fuck. That’s actually maybe pathetic admitting that out loud… I don’t know. Does is bother you lovelies that I self ship with Bi-Han? I know I always try and tag those posts but I don’t know what people think.
All that aside thank you for the lovely ask, thinking about soft Bi-Han makes me happy 💙
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lowlights · 2 years
Dieter Bravo Thots
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Warnings: VERY explicit. Established relationship. PinV sex, lots of talk of toys, plugs, Dieter being a bi king, cumplay I guess, just....so much filth, ok? Don't look at me. Talk of praise and aftercare.
Apologies for attacking @flora-screeches, @tuskens-mando, and @ezrasbirdie (who helped me add to the story) with this.
I think being in a relationship with Dieter would be super fun. And by fun, I mean hot AF. 
-I think Dieter would love toys. Toys for you, toys for him- definitely toys to use together. He likes when you surprise him by bringing home something new. He strikes me as the kind of guy who would look at you with hearts in his eyes and suggest that you both wear your plugs today. Your plugs match; it’s very cute. 
-For someone that lives for instant gratification, Dieter sure does like edging an awful lot. That’s why he likes wearing the plug during the day- he likes to feel full and see how close he can get to the precipice without actually tumbling over. A few years ago, he had a series of private lessons with a tantric sex coach where he was a quick and eager student. They definitely fucked at the end of the week. It lasted hours. 
-Dieter loved finding out what toys you used before him. He still likes to use one of your dildos on you, the glass one with the ridges that make you feel fantastic. He likes to get up close and watch the dildo move in and out of you. He likes watching you stretch to accommodate it, and especially likes the little sounds you make while he does it. It’s a lot to take with your plug in, so he goes nice and slow. 
-Before he lets you come, he removes the dildo and finally gives you his cock. You babble about how good it is and about how you want more. Dieter likes to feel full, but Dieter LOVES to make you feel full. So he lets you suck on the dildo while he fucks you, a slow in and out with the occasional snap of his hips. He likes to thrust unhurriedly because it makes his own plug feel amazing. The sounds he makes are absolutely obscene as he comes apart piece by piece. 
-He likes to see how you take the dildo in your mouth. You were a little ashamed about the noise you made the first time you sucked on something covered in your own juices, worried it was too depraved. “If you like it, why feel bad about it?” he asked you one day. You never felt ashamed again. So sometimes you feel like sucking on just the tip of it, and other times, like now, you like to suck on it almost to the point of activating your gag reflex. Arousal and your own saliva drip down your chin. “I know you love coming with a mouth full of cock. So do I, babygirl,” he murmurs to you. 
-Dieter is a very attentive lover- you are coming before he does if that’s what you want. Tonight, you do, crying out around the dildo. But you really want him to come, and he wants to fill you up even more. He fucks into you as he comes, pulling out before he fully softens inside of you and immediately plugging you up with his fingers. You’re on birth control, there will be no baby. But he just wants to know that you are absolutely filled to the brim with him. 
-After, Dieter is king of aftercare. He likes to live luxuriously (even if he doesn’t always look it) and he’s removing all the toys, cleaning you, and wrapping you up with him in the softest blanket. He’s going to praise you and tell you how good you did taking all of him. You’re doing to ask if next time he wants the strap or the double-ended dildo. He says both, of course. 
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whiskyblu · 5 months
Nevertheless Ep 1: “This jerk talked to much for me to just blame myself”
All the spoilers. All of my feels.
Hoooooolyy shit, I forgot how bad this scene was. Han So-Hee is amazing. Understated, subtle, and very, very real.
It starts with Na-bi walking into an art show.  She approaches an absolutely beautiful, very sexual sculpture.  It’s obviously her, and equally obviously a complete shock, done entirely without her knowledge or consent.
And the motherfucker named it Na-bi, so when he calls her name across the room EVERYONE FUCKING KNOWS the life size sculpture of the girl bent over a table obviously being fucked is her. 
OOOOH I’m so mad.
There’s a bunch of scenes of him being a predictably pretentious, exploitative, controlling twat,  including him being a manipulative little bitch about a condom.
“Whether or not this one layer comes between us tonight will confirm the sincerity of our relationship”
Flames. Flames on the side of my face. 
Its very satisfying when she dumps him.
Na-bi’s friends:
Bit-Na-the delightful ho friend, Kim Cattrall, but 21 yr old korean <3
Yoon Sol: Gives masc queer vibes, stupidly hot and is a sort of “big sister friend” to
Seo Ji Wan: basic bitch, dumb as a stump, annoying
There’s a great little side plot of Yoon Sol and Seo Ji Wan getting together, which is great to see in a kdrama, but it’s also cliche "lesbian falls for straight girl, OPE not straight after all!" and uninteresting, esp since I hate Ji Wan so much
Na-bi has a random encounter with Jae-eon in a pub-he mistakes her for his tinder hook up. He’s hot af, she's instantly smitten, and she’s cute and fumbly, first love vibes
He’s smooth AF, and a little slimy in a way I hadn’t caught before. Like, he mentions wanting to travel and she’s like “with who?” and he gets all weird and quiet and just says “with anyone.” Strange moment.
Anyway, they hang out for a minute, and at one point she hears him talking on the phone to someone who could be a gf. She dips without saying good bye, or getting his name. Eventually she’s finds out he’s her junior at school and gets a surprise intro
Girl is DOWN BAD. Can barely talk around him. And this is the bit that made me think, oh he’s perfect.
She’s obviously RADIATING “I have a crush on you,” like literally all of their friends can see it to the point of openly teasing her. 
And he is so gentle.  Like he reads her like a book, and approaches her like she's a skittish stray cat. Gives her space. He’s friendly, approachable, kind. Makes his interest known, but he doesn’t push. Very soft dom vibes.
If that’s what fuckboy means these days, damn. Send them all my way.
Na-bi gets on my fuckin nerves. Like. He literally gives her a bunch of opportunities to flatly reject him. His approach is seriously perfect. And she’s just fuckin WEIRD about it?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone literally give mixed signals before. SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT, BITCH, YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE FUCKIN LINE.
To be fair, she’s like 21 and traumatized by the Elderly Fuckboy. But like. Come on. 
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
I can't promise it won't happen again (But I'll still love you no matter what)
Thank you @mahinathebing for this idea which was: 'Bingle but with google angst'
!WARNING!: Please be aware there will be some android controlling, and some choking! If you come across this part of the story feel free to skip it! Apologies in advance but if you wish to proceed then again please be aware. Thank you!
You may now start reading ^^
Bing came back in the manor one night after visiting Chase and the other septics. He was fairly tired and wanted to do only 2 things: Sleep and see Google.
So he greets the other ipliers goodnight while passing the dining area and walks to his shared bedroom with Google. To his surprise, Google was already there sitting by the desk. Bing could hear Google mutter all sorts of coding under its breath and got concerned but shrugged it off. "Hey Googs! Not busy tonight?" He asked as he turned to their closet to change into a jacket. When he heard no response from his lover, his concerns grew. "Google?" He asked again as he turned back. Google again did not respond and kept muttering.
Bing walked up to Google and turned to see his face, its eyes were glowing blue and words were quickly passing by through the blue light. Its muttering starting to get louder as the words suddenly stop letting Bing read it as a bunch of 1 and 0s. Was someone hacking into Google's system?
Bing got worried right away and shook the other android. "Google hey babe wake up, somethings trying to hack into your system dude-" they try to warn their lover but Google quickly turns its head to bing and roughly grabs their arm and removes it from its shoulder and grabs their neck.
Google stared at Bing, eyes now glowing red as Bing can feel their system start to shatter from whoever was controlling Google, try to control him as well.
"Googs- Google please- don't- Bing chokes out as he feels his fans start to slow slightly from the dangerously painful grip. The orange android proceeds to fight back thr codes that try to enter his system while physically trying to shake Google away.
And suddenly, Google's grip fades ever so quickly and backs away. Bing coughs and massages their neck while looking up at Google, its eyes now back to normal with absolute horror on its face. "Googs? Googs are you okay?" Bing asks as he quickly recovers from his state to check his lover. But as Bing brings a hand to Google's cheek the other steps away.
"I-i hu-urt y-you.." Google says, his glitching was worse then before as it almost hugs itself away from Bing. Bing could feel their mechanical core slightly break from the state of Google but slowly took a few steps. "It's ok.. Wasn't your fault Google.. It never was.." He mutters and slowly brings his hands to Google's face, this time the other allowing him.
Bing lets their foreheads touch and their eyes falling shut with both of them catching their breath. "I-i am not s-s-afe Bi-ng. I never w-was.." Google muttered. Bing caressed Google's cheek and only shushed him. "Shh.. It wasn't you, you didn't do that okay? Not your fault and it never will be.." Google let their hands fall onto Bing's back and both got into a hug. "B-but w-what happe-ens if it hap-pens ag-gain?-" Bing looked at Google through his shades, moving a few strands of hair away from Google's glasses. "I'll still be here no matter what Googs..." Google would never let emotions out. But after what just happened, it couldn't help but squeeze Bing for comfort. Bing only kissed its hair and hugged back, giving the comfort that Google needed.
Whatever happens, they'll always try to get through it together. No matter what.
The end ^^
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virgoes · 6 years
hi i’m here to talk about boy problems again
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
Hey! I love the headcanon of Will having an older sister who is friends with the seven + reyna, thalia, and nico. May I have a headcanon with just will and his older half-sister and their reactions to one another?
you may have that, you're so polite i love it also welcome to 6am i haven't slept tonight
i feel like will is a family oriented guy
so he adores all his siblings
but you are his favourite
you took him under your wing when he first arrived at the camp
he was shy and a little scared because who wouldn't be
but you showed him the apollo cabin and the archery range and the campfire and the medical tent
you sat with him at dinner and showed him how to use his food as an offering
he makes a habit of telling you what happened at the end of every day
does it less as he gets older but still sits down with you at least once a week to discuss the drama and the gossip
you were the first person to know he was bi
he was super nervous
but you reassured him that you loved him and supported him no matter what
he could defect to the titans' side and you'd still love him
and he realised he was worried for nothing
is kinda anxious introducing nico to you as his boyfriend
because nico is so the opposite of him
doesn't help that nico is also super nervous and a little shaky
but you are just thrilled to finally meet the kid your baby brother has been talking about for weeks
and again
will realises he had nothing to worry about
of course you loved nico
nico made him happy
and you loved when will was happy
you adored seeing your lil bro happy with his boyfriend
you only introduced your partner when you were sure you weren't gonna break up any time soon
you didn't want will to get attached and then they leave
you still kinda think of him as the shy kid who latched onto you like a koala
will teases you relentlessly any time you mention that you like someone
jokes on him you tease him back and he gets flustered easier
just the whole sibling dynamic you've got going on is precious
cute af yes i hope you enjoyed
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
Headcanons for that strip club AU: (NSFW)
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Owns the place (Obvs)
Rich AF
Addresses everyone as either "Darling", "Sweetie", "Sweetheart", or "B*tch". Unless it is Aguni. He is an exception
*Grips Aguni's arms* "See these guns? I own these guns!"
Calls the club, Wonderland/Borderland or something
Calls group meetings when he wants to, sometimes for no reason
Walks around in that that kimono all the time like a fab human being that he is
"Aguni, can I speak with you for a second...?" We all know what that means...
Has an office with pictures of the entire team, doing stuff like getting drunk, making out and occasionally having someone who is just trying to eat in the background
Treats everyone like family... But also like a cult
Ain't gonna judge your preferences. If you want a man you'll get them. If you want a woman you can also have one.
One of the main rules is consent
Has an entire complex building above the place and gives everyone 28383728 keys so everyone can go up there and sleep like in a hotel
Doesn't smile
Beats the hell out of everyone who deserves it
That guy who stands behind you when you are doing something wrong, until you notice
Physically picks up the people who are being an annoying piece of sh-
Cries when Chishiya is performing cause damn he is so proud of his son
Gotta keep an eye on Niragi to, make sure he doesn't cause a mess/fight or both
Has a load of money and no one knows where it comes from
Licks (Or tries to) everyone there
Always tried to get up on the stage to hug the performer. Is so drunk/careless he falls of stage
Only shows up JUST to see Chishiya most of the time cause he is obsessed.
Yells all over the place
Doesn't care if it is a woman or not. If he wants it, he will screw it. But never gets to
Last Boss
Creepy as hell to everyone
Everyone thinks he has a leg problem because of the way he walks
Pretty much the same as Niragi. Has no preference.
Always has the prettiest and most girly drinks but why not break gender norms while you are there?
Someone: "What are you supposed to be? A dragon?"
The Last Boss: *Judges silently*
Silent the entire visit
Creepy af waitress
Smiles creepily at everyone
"Welcome, I'm gonna be the Queen of Hearts in your nightmares tonight..."
Walks super slowly with her fingers pressed together like in the show
Plays card games with Chishiya in the dressing room
"Don't talk to me I'm on my dinner break"
Walks around in super loud high heels
Drinks wine and reads feminist novels during break times
Fans herself with dollar bills (Or whatever the Japanese currency is)
The prettiest woman there
Wears a LOT of lipstick
Falls asleep on the dressing room floor
Dressed like the white queen
Wears a LOT of pearls
Can have a deep convo with anyone
Actually has strong legs and can hang off that pole like a damn bat on a cave ceiling
"Class sl*t"
Wears cat ears
"No, Arisu you are doing it wrong..." *Proceeds to do the sexiest thing in existence*
Gets a lot of male attention. Does he dislike it? No, he does not
"Don't talk to me, I'm going on a milk and smoke break"
Plays cards games in the dressing room with Mira and Ann
Will grind and lick you cause he is good at it and why not
Walks around and judges everyone... And their outfits with Kuina
Reports back who comes the most often for Hatter to list down
Walks around. Hoodie round his elbows, shirtless
Wears a collar
Really friendly with the locals
Actually Hatter's favourite... Chishiya comes a close second
Wears a ton of glitter around his eyes
Is actually really good friends with Karube... But everyone loves him
Sometimes falls of the pole
Really clumsy and floppy
Really popular with the young women
Sometimes wears makeup... Sometimes...
Always concerned about the new people who don't know their way around
Wears that weird scarf made from feathers (Edit: Boa)
Never gets drunk. Never smokes
Everyone calls him Alice because they are either too drunk, too deaf or too ignorant to realize that is not his name So, he pretty much just goes by Alice by everyone
Is called a caterpillar
Smokes with you. If you are friendly enough
Will protect her fellow women
Sometimes her and Chishiya will perform as a duo. (Cause you never know there might be bi people in the audience 🤷‍♀️)
Smiles a lot, so people find her very approachable
"You should get the ribs. They are really good!"
Always keeping Karube company cause he works hard too!!
Flicks her braids at you when she is trying to send the message that she doesn't like you
Women approach her too
Bunny waitress
Will kick your *ss if you harass people
Always looking out for Arisu
Gets super hot dressed in that tight bunny outfit, so she is stepping outside a lot
Cooks really good from time to time
Coughs a lot cause of people smoking in there
Her and Kuina come as an *ss kicking duo
She can't walk in high heels... She just can't...
That lovely, bubbly, friendly bartender who everyone loves
If you are being an *ss hole. He WILL tell you
Gotta respect those women
Actually really good at making drinks
Gets super flattered and flustered when men are flirting with him
"These people have terrible music taste..."
Super sweaty from running around
"Do you want an olive with that? Or maybe a peanut?"
"Of course, they steal my hawaiian shirts to perform!" *Throws arms up in frustration*
Really talkative and when you are feeling alone he WILL start a convo about the government with you
Tatta: "I'm only here for the drinks and the food"
Person: "Don't you want a private performance, while you are here, at least?! "
Tatta, while chewing on that rib: "What"
Gets peered pressured to go there by his "friends"
Always forgets where the exit is.
Actually makes friends with the people who work there and whenever he is around, everyone is chill
Vibing to the songs
Actually enjoying himself
Gets pressured to go there by his work "Friends". Ya'll see a pattern here?
V*rgin who gets super excited unexpectedly
Meets Shibuki and they actually just talk
Spends most of the time going there because Karube and Arisu actually understand his problems and don't ignore or pretend to like him
Karube is then like "We should all make a run for it" they then go for a huge bike ride around the city
Only goes there to see Shibuki, Arisu and Karube at this point. But on his own free will
Actually enjoys himself and for once in his life doesn't feel lonely
Goes a bit mental and promises to take Shibuki away with him using all his money and they will live together and buy a house and have three kids and have cat and three dogs-
Wears those big silk fluffy gowns. But it's open, so all her underwear is exposed for all you out there watching
Smokes a lot
Drinks martinis cause she is elegant like that
Really caring of everyone's issues
Always asks for her man's consent
Women get flustered when she talks to them. Even if it is just normally
Actually really intelligent
Her nickname is "Buki"
Asahi + Momoka
Whenever someone talks to them, Aguni is like: "Don't talk to my daughters!"
Do everyone's looks/hair
Always stick together
Waitress A LOT
Don't dress up. Just stick a shell necklace, some shorts, a t shirt and they r ready to work
The youngest there
Always get asked what they are doing there since they are so young
Absolutely TERRIFIED of Mira. She is like there boss specifically
Reblog. Can't wait to see those fanfics/oneshots! Love u guys
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kirishwima · 2 years
probs not gonna liveblog the finals tonight since we're having a watch party w friends but ill definitely be memeing the place up before that ✌🏻
for now here's my top 5 for tonight:
1. Norway, even though i know they wont win bc of the stupid judge system, their songs funny af AND catchy
2. Czech Republic its such a bop, and reeks of bi energy
3. Spain, does it feel like Fuegolite? yes BUT its good catchy and spanish is such a hot language so idc
4. Romanias is SUCH a bop and the language is gorgeous 😍
5. honestly idc much about the rest djdjdj can i just uhh vote for maneskin to win again idc if theyre not competing
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raymondvelez · 2 years
Mother's Day Celebration
“Los can you please turn the game off and get ready? My parents are an hour away.” Candace shouted from the bathroom.
“But Suzuki is up to bat.” I insisted while keeping my focus on the television set.
“Unless he hits a 7-run homer your precious cubbies are going to lose. So can you please get dressed?” Candace said while applying more eye shadow as she stepped into the living-room to block my view of the tv.
“That’s why the Reds suck.” I replied.
“That means nothing to me. Your blazer is hanging in my closet and you might need to iron your shirt because I’m running out of time.”
Candace abandoned me for the bathroom, and I stood curled up on the sofa still in my Calvin Kleins. I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed by the idea of having to socialize with middled aged affluence. That’s what work was for. I just wanted to call my therapist and ask her a question I forgot to ask during our last session. In case you can’t tell, I’m a fucking loser. It’s crazy nobody in my life seems to realize that I can barely function as an adult, let alone be a boyfriend, friend or son. Well Jacky ended up figuring that out. And through her discovery, I lost the only person in the world who knew how to handle me.
I eventually peeled my lazy, anxious ass off the couch and headed to Candace’s closet that was hardly a closet and more of area where cheap heels from Forever 21 and cut-off tops exploded onto the hardwood floors. She didn’t own a single pair of quality heels and I was turned off by it. Not a single Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin in sight. Oh well. Not my problem. I somehow spotted my blazer, grabbed it and carelessly threw it onto the bed. She was right. My shirt was wrinkled af and needed to be pressed. I debated wearing a Lacoste polo I might have had laying around under her bed from past nights sleeping over because I was just not in the mood to do anything; let alone press a collared shirt I didn’t care for anyway.
Candance looked really pretty. I often forgot how attractive my girlfriend was when she dressed like an adult. The way her dress outlined her curves made me regret not ironing my shirt and opting for my navy blue, Lacoste polo that had never steered me wrong.
“Where’s the shirt I picked?” Candace grilled me all disappointed.
“I didn’t feel like ironing it. I’m going business casual tonight. Baby, it’s Saturday. I still look like a gentleman, damn.”
“Los. You’re being such a brat like always. Where’s your watch? You have to wear a watch. My dad notices things like that and he’s going to think you’re unmotivated if you’re not wearing a decent watch.” Candace lectured.
“I didn’t bring it. I forgot it at home.” I said looking down at the floor.
“Of course, you did. Tuck your chains in and take off your earring, please. My parents are Republican af and I’m trying to give us a fighting chance before we break the news.”
I tucked my Cuban and Figaro in my shirt like I was walking though the wrong hood, removed the stud from my ear and dropped it in my inner pocket. I was too depressed and anxious to argue with Candace.
“Baby, can you please pull the lasagna from the stove for me? It’s almost done.” She assured me while checking her apple watch.
“Yes.” I replied annoyed.
“Why the attitude? I’ve done nothing for you to be giving me so much pushback today. Can you pretend to care about me for just a couple hours until my folks leave?”
“Baby, I’m sorry. I just don’t feel very well. I think I’m going to kill myself unless me and my therapist figure out what type of medicine I need. I might be bi-polar.”
“Los! You’re not bi-polar! You’re just a tortured artist. And you relish living up to that reputation. Your Novel better be good if you’re planning on killing yourself and leaving me alone with this baby. Did you write today?” Candace monologued.
“Yeah. Fifteen hundred words. Not including journal entries.” I replied.
“Good. I’ll check the stove. Just pour yourself a small glass of wine and watch some baseball. There’s still some more coke left from last night. Let me finish getting ready and we’ll do a couple lines because that Trazodone makes you too somber. I can always tell you’re on it when you frown like that.”
The Cubs had just lost and I was fighting taking my third nap of the day when Candace returned to me with the mirror she always checked her makeup on, decorated with four lines of the cocaine she gets from a weirdo who frequents the bar she works at. I didn’t want any lines because my therapist said it was in my best interest to lay off coke and booze while we figure out my next medication prescription. But tonight, was an important night. I had to be present. My trazadone calmed my anxiety down but it always came at the price of me feeling exhausted and unmotivated to complete any normal tasks.
Candace snorted her share of the rails from a rolled up ten-dollar bill twice before handing the fiat currency to me in hopes I would replicate her same actions.
I did. I snorted each line slower than the last and rubbed the residue on my gums. I handed her back the ten-dollar bill and went to see if I could iron the collared shirt she had picked for me before her parents came up my girlfriend’s apartment to eat burnt lasagna with us.
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vogueinnie · 3 years
ahh tyyy that one was hot af lmao. I hope u dont mind me doing another one 🥺🥺 btw the roomate messy felix link doesn't work. anYwAyS another Felix one where ur just a savage and badass lgbtq+ activist and feminist ?
i'm gonna fix this as soon as possible, thanks for telling me sweetie!!
ignorant!felix when we all know he’s the bi king
“fuck ! why are you playing like a pussy ?!” you furrowed your eyebrows hearing your boyfriend swear on the microphone with his friends while he was playing some war game on the TV. “maaaaan, i bet a girl is even better than you !” he laughs but you didn’t.
“lix, can you come and give me some help with the cooking ?” you asked him from the open kitchen you were in. he nods, saying goodbye to his friends while joining you. he pecks softly your neck, asking you what you’re were cooking tonight. “oh just some good pastas. you know, i’m just cooking like a girl cause after all that’s what i am, hm?” he looks at you with confusion, setting the table for the both of you.
after the dish have been served you sit in front of him and he asked about your day “i had a good day! i mean, you know, i’m a girl.” he was way more confused than before.
“yeah, babe... i know you’re a girl. what’s wrong?”
“nothing sweetie! i mean, being a girl isn’t an insult, right?” he shakes his head, it was an evidence to him that being a girl wasn’t an insult at all. your eyes darkened and you suddenly drop your cutlery. “then explain to me why do you keep telling your friends they were playing like a girl. do you mean we are weaker? do you really mean it as something bad? why do you put them down and includes the possibility of them being bad because they’re like girls? felix, don’t you dare dodge my gaze! explain yourself.”
he realized at that moment the real problem. being a girl wasn’t a problem, but using it as something bad to mock someone was why you were angry. he opens his mouth and swallowed with difficulty. “that’s not what i meant, it was realley awkward, i shouldn’t have... “
“right. you shouldn’t have tell them that. girls, gays, non-binary or whoever who doesn’t identify as a boy shouldn’t be put down just for a laughing.”
“i understand my mistake. i’m sorry if i’ve made you feel uncomfortable babe, it wasn’t my intention and i wouldn’t do it again.” he nods slowly, processing to start eating again. you smile, stroking his hand with your thumb.
“thank you my baby, i know you’re not like that. and how’s the pastas ?! i’ve tried a new recipe, do you like it ?!”
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may-shepard · 4 years
Supernatural and Me, Painting With What I Hope Will Be Gradually Increasing Skill 1x02: Wendigo
I feel like I didn’t apologise sufficiently in my previous post to anyone associated with petrykivka as an art form. I am but a humble aspirer to painting cute flowers on my cupboards, and may creep back off into the cowardly stencil option if this proves fruitless, har har, that’s a joke because a lot of petrykivka features fruit:
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via Unknown Ukraine
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2m: Hey there’s Cory Monteith! I didn’t know he was in this episode!
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Also I have to admit, at this time of posting this I’ve watched ahead to Dead in the Water (1x03) and I know that there is a Bathtub Incident in that episode, and here we have Dude Peeing and Things Not Going Well, I seriously think there’s a theme here.
It’s either Basic Bodily Functions and Self-Care Are Potentially Deadly or Don’t Read Joseph Campbell in the Woods:
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I know myself well enough to know that I’m going to end up finding Sam and Dean’s relationship endearing, so I’m giving myself full permission to be all in because Dean asks Sam if he wants to drive the car which means he’s really worried about him. Believe me when I say I’m fully prepared to believe that these are the facial expressions of two dudes who really care about each other:
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After last time, I decided to ditch the chalk paint and go direct to the acrylics, because yikes. Tonight’s palette is purple, blue, and pink, with a skootch of yellow, which hahaha I am howling because when I chose them I did not take in the fact that these are the colours of bi pride (plus yellow, idk man, sunshine?). I’m so bi it just leaches out through my aesthetics 24/7, hey, that’s what Dean said amirite?
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I’m practicing putting together the techniques I was practicing last time into some kind of vague flower shape which is maybe supposed to look like this, ish (also LOL even this tutorial is bi af, what the hell):
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15m Ayyyyy Callum Keith Rennie is in this episode! Nvm Battlestar Galactica have you seen Hard Core Logo?
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There are some good thoughts about Callum Keith Rennie here. 
28m okay but I love it as a horror trope when the Thing that’s Out There emulates the voice of a human who’s scared or in pain or is screaming for help, so this is awesome. (If you’re into that trope too, there’s a very good version of it in Annihilation, one of the best horror movies of the past decade, which pairs beautifully with Midsommar for being pastel-coloured but still dreadful in all the best ways.) 
This flower is turning out better than any of my others so far:
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How do we feel about native monsters being used in mainstream, non-Native-made horror? It gives me a yikes-y feeling, especially when the interpretation of the monster is essentially a nosferatu crossed with a grizzly bear, but wendigo’s interesting if you dig a bit. The most terrifying read on it I’m aware of is Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism by Jack D. Forbes, who wrote:
CANNIBALS is focused upon my use of the Native American concept of the “Wetiko” psychosis, the disease of cannibalism. I believe that the exploitative consumption of the earth, the living creatures of the earth, and, above all, other human beings and their homelands, constitute actual, real, unmitigated cannibalism. Tragically, the cannibalism of which I write has become more and more an acceptable part of modern economic and personal exploitation, with those who do the consuming giving little or no thought to the diminishing or even elimination of the lives of those at the receiving end of their quest for profit and super-sustenance.
More here if you’re interested. 
33m Dean as damsel in distress, I like it! Does this happen a lot?
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Extremely toxic material much like life under imperialist capitalism, yeah? “Do Not Enter” I mean, if only we could exit!
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37m “Check it out: flareguns.” 
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“Those will work.”
Use the flaregun of your passion for justice and / or literal flareguns, either will do against the cannibalistic impulse that drives capitalism, I guess.
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All of a sudden I’m liking this episode. Also make your own joke here about failing to hydrate or w/e.
Potential deep veins for later on: the idea that Sam and Dean’s family is totally screwed, but they can help these orphans have a happy ending, so sweet? I like it as a motivation. Also do all the guest star women kiss Dean on the lips at the end of each episode? Hm.
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I didn’t go much further with this flower, since I felt as though some of the detail work was beyond me and the potential to fuck it up was high, but I did use the last of my rapidly drying paint to do a pic of the monster from this episode. I didn’t want to blow him up all over and I wasn’t sure the colours I had to work with would make a good splosion, so I gave him a weird flower instead that magically made him super happy. (Picture him exploding with joy in a moment, if you’d still like him blown up, or idk gleefully embracing a better standard of behaviour than compulsive people-eating.)
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For good or for ill this post is part of a series:
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trulymadlysydney · 3 years
Bestie I have so much to say! First of all I cannot tell you how much I hate Jeremy. Like blatantly lying and saying that he didn’t call Aimee his best friend to florita and telling florita he doesn’t know where she got that from? He’s such a dick I hate him. I feel like every new girl that comes in he’s interested in. It happened with Aimee and it happened again with florita. I want him out! And honestly I’m kind upset with florita for kissing Jeremy too. Like obviously it makes it better that she told korey after the fact but it just still feels… disrespectful to me.
What did you think about what javonny said about Isaiah being sketch? In my opinion I kinda agree with him. Especially when he was talking to cash after her date. He seems like the type of guy who gets jealous really easily either that or he does just suck at communicating. I don’t know if I like him honestly. There’s just something off about him that I can’t figure quite out.
When will talked about the boys needing to pee sitting down I was laughing so hard. And then he was like it protects your prostate like I’ve never heard that before what is this man going on about lmao. I love watching the interactions between the boys bc what’s better than this? Guys bein dudes.
Let’s talk about the new boys! Slade kinda surprised me tbh. He seems very down to earth and chill. Looking at him and Olivia together it makes sense and they do look good together but I love javonny so much and if he got dumped I think I would lose my mind. I have a sneaking feeling she will pick slade at the next recoupling so I’m kinda :( about it ya know.
Dude let me just say… Wes is so hot. Like I know I said I liked him more bc he was from denver but bro he’s so handsome and his smile is dangerous. And obviously Aimee and cash are my two favorite girls and I hate that they’re both interested in the same guy but I think Aimee and Wes are a better match. I mean Wes with either girl would be great but I’m leaning towards Aimee more. They would be an absolute power couple I think. They’re both so good looking my bi ass would lose it lol.
And who do you think is going to be single at the next recoupling? I hate to say it but it might be javonny and I hope to god it’s Jeremy single too but florita is being a little weird tbh. I hope we get to vote between the single guys after the recoupling to save one bc if Jeremy is single I would vote for the other person no matter who it is. Anyway fuck Jeremy all my friends hate Jeremy- E
Why is this season way more dramatic than the last two? Holy shit everyone is talking shit behind everyone's back, everyone's into everyone else's partner like ?!?! this is insane?
I'm SO over Jeremy and Florita. Florita is snakey af and so is Jeremy. I feel SO sad for Korey dude... like the ONE person he's been into, she goes and does this. And fuck Jeremy for doing this also?
I don't remember if this is from last nights episode or from the one on Paramount+ (so if this is spoilery I apologize) but I wish Aimee wasn't so into Jeremy. Like I get it and I've definitely been in that position and I feel so bad for her but its like GIRL is that really the kind of guy you want to be with? Aimee is slowly becoming my new favorite tbh she deserves to much better. I want Aimee with Wes more than anything in this whole entire world.
(Also can I say something that you're lowkey going to hate me for.... I'm kind of over Cash thinking she's the main character dklfjdskj like I get it and she's still my number one favorite girl but like.... I feel like she thinks that literally everything is a personal attack and that she's the only person who's good at communicating. Which like, she is one of the best communicators but like... idk hopefully you'll know what I mean.)
That being said though, I AGREE, I don't think I trust Isaiah all that much. Trina even said she wasn't a fan of him and I agree. I feel like he's just playing the game, trying to go for the first person that gives him attention. Something is DEFINITELY off. And part of what I think annoyed me with Cash was her conversation with Isaiah when he was like "that's not what I meant" and she was like "but that's what you said" like YALL. This is why two Capricorns should never date.
I LOVE THE NEW BOYS SO MUCH (and I want to say something that was only on the exclusive episode SO bad but I have to save it if you haven't seen it and UGH!)
WILL IS SO CUTE SHUT UP I LOVE HIM SO MUCH and like I know he and Kyra are so predictable and like... safe but like DUDE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
I honestly.... really see Olivia and Javonny sticking it out at this point, and hopefully you get to see the Paramount + episode because you'll see what I mean. Like, they crack each other up. It's a slow burn but it's adorable to watch and I really like their energies together.
Random question, and idk if you'll have the answer, but do you know if we're getting Casa Amor this season?? Cause I think that would be insane to throw into the mix lolol
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duskholland · 4 years
hey I need to vent about love dilemmas of my life to a stranger because there's no one in my life i can tell this to so here you go. also i feel like someone should write this fanfic. i have this friend, my absolute best friend, and i feel like sometimes we have chemistry that goes a little beyond being just friends and beyond just friends who sometimes get drunk and flirt harmlessly you know?
+ we’ve known each other for four years and we’re really close. And weirdly similar. We have similar passions in life, equally competitive and ambitious, we think the same and we even have the same taste in women (yes I am bi). Also we have same kinks and favorite sex positions and other sex-related interests. And we both have so much bro respect for each other.
+ Sometimes, pretty rarely, I think I have feelings for him?? Like as I’m writing this I have zero romantic feelings for him and am a little disgusted by the thought of being with him this way. Other times, I get a little confused and have had sex dreams about him??? Like why am I like this
+ It makes it harder to explore and understand these feelings because he’s been in a relationship for like almost 7 years and I’m in a 2-year relationship and we’re both happy with the persons we’re with. And we’re both really good friends with each other’s partners. He’s dating long distance btw his girlfriend lives in another country rn.
+ But last night. LAST NIGHT. Me and the guys cause I only have guy friends for some reason we all decided to go downtown and get shit faced. My boyfriend came too and so did my best friend. And I was looking hot as fuck ngl. I set between my friend and my boyfriend and at some point in the night someone in the table said that blondes are generally hotter than brunettes (I am brunette) and I was like “I am offended in this quarantine tonight”
+ Everyone was agreeing that blondes are generally hotter. Even my boyfriend which ugh really? He tends to put me down like that when we’re in a group. And then my friend who’s sitting next to me is defending brunettes and telling me I’m beautiful and that’s kind of normal for us so I didn’t think any of it. Anyways it’s like 10pm and we decide to walk back home (we all live in the same building).
+ We get home, drink more, I’m definitely drunk af. And at some point my friend and I we’re in the kitchen and I’m beating myself up for not getting a job, not feeling pretty, and other things in a sarcastic way. And he starts saying it’s not true and talks me up. Next thing I know I’m crying with him in the bathroom and I’m crying about everything in my life but the main topic is about how I’m not really feeling loved in my relationship and honestly can’t tell if I’m in an abusive relationship
+ And he’s holding my hands and just really upset and worried about me, he’s telling me how strong I am, how much he loves me, how much he respects me and how I’m the most amazing person he’s ever met. And then. He says “c’mon, you know I think you’re so beautiful. You know that if I wasn’t dating-“. And like he said that as he was holding my face with both of his warm hands and he LEANED IN he definitely leaned in and I think I did too?
+ But we didn’t kiss and as we sobered up we put distance between ourselves and yeah just talked about some hard stuff I’ve been through these past few years and cried for hours. And today I texted him saying thanks for being my emotional support and everything seems normal between us but also a little weird idk and yeah that’s it
oooooft okay this was a rollercoaster and a half. I know you said you sent it to vent but I’m just gonna chime in with some thoughts on this. without wanting to overstep, your boyfriend sounds like a bit of a twat. I think if you ever have to question whether or not you are in an abusive relationship then that in itself is an indication that something is askew. if he’s putting you down in front of his friends and acting like a lad, then that behaviour too is ugly. I hope so much that you can work out what’s going on, but please don’t be scared to leave him. you deserve to be loved and feel happy within your relationship. 
your best friend sounds lovely, truly, and this certainly situation is very messy, but I wish you all the best working through it (and feel free to keep me updated ! I feel invested in this now) !
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ambrosiagfe · 5 years
Oh I’m bi bi 🤷🏽‍♀️
I went freestlying tonight as I got a cancellation and since I was already made up and feeling sexy af I went out. I went to a hotel not too far from me, I kept the lingerie on and put on a red dress. A black girl with blonde hair, red dress and red lips will always get stares.
Anyway, I’m feeling super sexy and just ready to flirt my ass off, make some money and make a man feel like he’s the center of my world. There was a woman at the bar when I got there and she was probably in her late 30s, blonde, big boobs and she wore glasses. My type really. She had a Chanel bag on the stool next to her and her glasses were Gucci so I thought what the hell I’ll tak to her for now.
We’re talking and she keeps looking at my lips and boobs and asking what I’m doing here. I tell her I just got cancelled on that I’m an escort so I came her for a drink. She asks me to tell her about my job so I tell her about a duo booking I had last. I can tell she’s into it so I’m whispering half of it in her ear and making sure my lips brush her ears etc. I tell her that if she’s as riled up as I am that maybe we can go something a little more private. She says I bet you’re expecting to be paid though and I said yes I do but don’t let that small factor get in the way for what I feel could be an orgasmic evening. She said I’m right and that she could feel a connection between us. There was a cash point not too far from the hotel so we walked to it and I kept giving her little pecks and squeezing her bum, just so the sex haze didn’t wear off and she got cold feet or something haha 😆
We get back to her hotel and go to straight to her bedroom and let’s just say I like a woman who keeps her strap-on in the bedside table 😂 She gave me her number and asked if I can see her again on Friday.
Moral of the story If you’re bi, try freestlying for wealthy women too.
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