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are you really besties if you can't share a joint
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jellicle-chants · 2 years
don't mind me, i'm just grumbling some more about how disappointing the international tour makeup designs are
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oldmemoria · 6 months
hate the ultimate guide. heres a few reasons why.
reused art: I understand how hard it is to make art, especially at that calliber of detail. I'm an artist, I get it. but the charm of the original ultimate guide was that we had these hand painted, unique pieces of art of these characters, it showed a little personality too.
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How stale and lifeless the art is: This is a complaint that I've had with the current western artist for years, the art is just... boring. the colors are pretty, yeah, like wow hyperrealistic cats. cool. but what else? can we see their personalities? what's the book gonna be like? the old covers had that charm, but not these ones. at all. (also is that even... i could not tell that was runningnose and littlecloud. i mean. runningnose has water in his snout, thats not what cat snot looks like but go off. he just looks a little soggy ig, not in a perpetual state of sick.)
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Lack of Personality: this is a different complaint I promise. I dont like how the art seems to take away the personality of every character so theyre staring stoicly at the camera. some of these characters arent all that stoic. I never liked the firestar art in the last hope because I deadass thought it was mapleshade until someone told me it was firestar. firestar isnt this scary, stalky cat in the shadows. not to normal people at least. if i can mistake your main character as one of the villains in your cover art that isnt fucking good. I don't want to see these cats staring bug eyed at the camera, I want to be able to tell what they're like JUST from a glance at the art. Who is that- harestar?? why doesnt he look nervous?? he looks almost noble here, which is the opposite of who he's supposed to be, he's a wuss and a loser and i love him for it. like girl that is NOT mudclaw thats some random cat i saw at the shelter once, WHERES HIS ANGER? WHERES HIS FUCKING RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
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the Characters are hard to recognize, even with the title cards: Who are these cats. who. who the fuck are they. I can recognize a few cats, sure, but thats if I can pick out a defining trait. Squirrelflights tail, Scourges Collar, Ravenpaw's white chest, those are things that are explicitly told to us that these characters have, but everyone else??? WHO??? Like that was supposed to be leafstar?? HUH?? Wait that's supposed to be Oakheart? I cant even tell if hes red, its so YELLOW OUT I CANT FUCKING TEL WHO HE IS. Sagewhisker is described with yellow eyes, yet she has blue ones in the ultimate guide (i dont usually get pissy about eye color but not only are these cats supposed to be distinct from each other but i really like sagewhisker and i would die for her, yes i will gatekeep her from the artist fucking fight me), Bluestar is barely recognizable, i didnt know who half of these cats were before i read their nameplate. thats not a good thing.
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Red mapleshade. Why she red. WHY SHE RED.
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Leafpool. I didn't even know that was you at first but man they did you dirty.
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sol. dude that is not sol no matter how much you stretch it- why is he a tabby?? hes supposed to be a tortie, why does he look like lionblaze?? and even then he doesnt look that lionlike, even though hollyleaf literally thought he was when she first saw him like what?? HUH???
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mothwing. why she anger. also why she not fluffy
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squirrelflight. i always hated her SE art but seeing the whole thing makes me angrier. like she isnt not accurate to canon or anything i just... hate it. i hate it withe very fibre of my being. ALSO WHERE IS HER PERSONALITY I WANT TO SEE HER BEING ENERGETIC NOT STARING 😐 AT THE CAMERA FUCKING HELL-
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yeah, so im not gonna buy this book. i dont even want to know how they wrorte any of the female characters to make them somehow evil or how they somehow make a completely irridemable male character a sweet uwu baby. and everyone has talked about the ableism to death so im not going to beat this clearly still living horse, im just gonna let you find it yourself.
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yennasun · 11 months
Do you think your MT can teach Purple how to fight?
Using this as an excuse to treat my writers' block.
Summary: the gang decided to have sparring day and bring purple along, who usually spars with weapons. When it doesn't end well, they enlist the help of mango.
Little warning here, folks. This one's a long one, probably the longest one I've written so far.
"Sparring day!" Green yelled
Yellow proceeded to punch green in the shoulder.
"Hey, you trying to get started already?" He said indignantly
Yellow cocked a brow
"No, but if you wanna go up against everyone else for waking them up at 7 in the morning, then be my guest. I'll be sure to see myself out of the room beforehand."
"Lucky for you, I'm usually up by this time." MT said as he walked in the kitchen.
"Oh lucky, huh?" Green teased
MT smiled
"Hey, I may be old but I still know how to hang with the young blood." He said with a snicker
MT waded into the kitchen, even though he was accustomed to waking up early that didn't mean he particularly enjoyed it.
It was mainly because of the nightmares that he had everyone convinced weren't a problem anymore. or maybe he was trying to convince himself, too. lie to yourself long enough, and you'll find yourself believing it.
He got a cold cup of water and tried to shake the cobwebs that slowed his brain.
Taking a deep breath, he finally felt the world return to full speed.
Turning towards the hallway leading back to the living room, he found red and blue accompanying the others.
It figured red would be up earlier, too. She usually had to feed the animals around this time.
Blue usually didn't get up until later due to his injuries, so him being up at this hour was a surprise.
"-I totally get it, you love sparring day...however, are you aware that it's SEVEN IN THE FREAKIN MORNING?!" It had been obvious now that blue hadn't been happy about being woken up.
"Keep that up and you're the one who's gonna wake up everyone, not me." Green replied with a smirk.
If looks could kill, green would he dead. Blue definitely couldn't wait to get a piece of green when the action started.
It'd taken awhile to wake everyone else up, disturbing second's slumber was like waking an angry bull.
MT volunteered to get purple. He knew how much they loved to spend time with the cg, and they especially liked sparring day because it was the rare instance that MT would join them.
He approached the door across from his at the end of the hall, and as he turned his hand over to knock, he heard something.
A child's laughter.
His vision flickered for a brief moment, and he heard a voice so faint that it could he mistaken for a window draft.
The voice echoed in his ear like a poltergeist, his vision flickered again. The familiar voice was shaking him.
"It's not real...it's not...real." he took deep breaths and silently breathed the words out.
And just as silently as the voice had come, it'd now gone.
He took one last deep breath and knocked on purples door.
"Huuuuh?" He heard a groggy voice answer back.
He opened the door slightly and saw purple squinting at the door from under their covers.
"'Morning, bud. It's sparring day today. Do you wanna come with?" He asked softly.
"Mmhmm, just gimme a sec." They drew out, shuffling under the covers.
He quietly shut the door and went back to the rest of the gang.
"They're getting ready." He said simply
Green fist pumped the air
"Fuck yeah!" He yelled
"Better hope alan doesn't hear you." Second said, holding a cup of coffee.
Once purple had finished getting ready, the bunch went to their usual spot by the river.
First, it was blue against green.
Blue went in with a vengeance, being an inside fighter. Green was good at all styles but great at none. He had to use all of his skills to keep blue where he wanted him.
At the end of it, the two embraced.
"No hard feelings." They said
Next up was yellow against MT.
MT had to shut down yellows speed by using his size and reach advantage. He worked his jab and straight but also made sure to get off of center line.
Once he had yellows combinations shut down, he was able to dart in and out to land his own combinations.
"Good work." He said at the end.
He watched everyone else go, then he saw purple.
They went in with yellow, usually purple sparred with weapons but yellow convinced them to work on hand-to-hand.
"Hey, don't you think they should go in against someone else?" MT asked
"Don't worry, I'll go easy!" Yellow assured
Purple refused to try and land anything, they just kept their hands up in a static position.
They couldn't let their hands go.
They had some moments, but it was mostly yellow picking at them with her quick strikes.
Thankfully, she kept her word and went easy, almost playfully so.
At the end of it, purple sat back down for the rest of the session.
They all began walking home, recounting what had happened and what they needed to work on. Purple remained silent, more so than usual.
Purple kept their head down slightly while the others talked amongst themselves, MT noticed this.
"It's okay kid, you didn't do bad." He said putting an arm around them.
"-Yeah, don't beat yourself up over it purp. It was your first time using hands instead of weapons!" Yellow remarked
Purple shifted uncomfortably.
"Y-yeah heh. I guess I thought I'd do better..." They said.
"You didn't do bad, it's sparring. There's no such thing as doing bad in sparring if you're learning something!" Yellow cheered.
"Yeah...heh, if you think about it, getting your ass kicked is kinda comes with the territory." Blue snickered.
The others continued talking amongst themselves. Meanwhile, MT began to see traces of doubt in purple's eyes. He knew exactly what it looked and felt like.
Purple dug into MT's arm a bit more. The gesture made MT smile a bit, but he was still getting used to this whole thing.
Man, I remember my first sparring sessions...
One could almost see the thought bubbles coming from MTs head as he remembered the ass kicking he received.
Heh, those were the days...
He thought with an audible snicker.
They'd approached the house, and MT took a deep breath.
Eh, it's their first time... probably just need to get some more experience. They did pretty good for it being their first time.
Purple had finally broken away from MT to go join green, he let an amused huff.
"Those two are great for each other." He said under his breath as he walked back to his room.
He took his normal clothes off and began to gear up for his new daily duties, as well as getting some exercise in. He'd be damned if he let his physique fade. He didn't give a rat's ass that he was in his 30s.
He first inspected the equipment to check for any rusting or decay in the parts, then wiped them all down with disinfectant. Blue taught him about something called MRSA, and he'd been paranoid ever since.
Once that was all over, he ran his eyes across the gym and let a smile.
Looks good to me. Time to go to work!
Months ago, the cg began the construction of a separate building occupying the space out back. After some brainstorming, they had decided on a gym.
Second had asked MT for advice on what to put inside it.
"So you're thinking, like, some treadmills or weights. Some resistance equipment, machines, and you'll probably want me to pave a jogging track, right?" He said, second shifted a bit.
"Eehm...that's not...not exactly what we're looking for..." second said, struggling to get his point across.
MT cocked an irritated brow.
"Well then, what ARE you looking for?"
"Ahh... maybe some punching bags, o-or some mats. Yknow, just to practice." MTs heart sank at the realization, it wasn't the idea of building a fighting gym that was cause for his concern, it was what would inevitably with it.
They'd want him to train them himself...
He wasn't confident enough in his own experiences with coaches, save for Rooney.
Even then, Rooney never made the final call on what his regiment would be and how intense it would be, which was usually very. With a bit creator's..."silliness" mixed in every now and then...
All he knew about coaching was what creator unintentionally taught him.
He knew the cg were a rough and tough bunch... That being said, he had no doubt creator would've found a way to break them...
Thankfully, his tension was eased.
"It won't be as much of a place to coach and more of a place to just practice, if some of the others wanna come join then they can." Yellow later told him, as she went over how the building should he layer out, what equipment would go where.
Now the building had all the odds and ends with the help of MT.
Heavy bags, speed bags, double-end bags, foam mats to wrestle on, a ring to practice striking, reflex bags, weights, jump ropes and everything in between.
Soon enough, MT grew attached to the place. He took it upon himself to be the caretaker of the gym, making sure everything is clean and functional.
He also acted as an impromptu referee for when the cg wanted to get really competitive in sparring. They'd go to the ring, instead of the arena by the river.
He also grew warm to the idea of training with them, too.
He very much loved sparring with them as well. He knew better than anyone that the best lessons are learned on the spot when it comes to fighting.
Not just that, but he also noticed the color gangs increase in combat effectiveness ever since he began warming up to them.
His mind wandered as his workrate ran on, he remembered a preacher on the streets of the dark web sermoning any who'd listen.
"-You there, would you bless me with a bit of your time to hear of the allmaker?" The bright colored older stick said, pointing right at MT.
He silently agreed, the preacher went on with words that seemed to tangle themselves in MTs head as he spaced out.
But then, he heard words that brought him a strange comfort.
"-every burden and hardship through life, be the allmaker's trials unto you! And to the strong, go the allmakers hardest and most painful trials."
He took a moment to absorb those words, the numbing peace he felt for just a second had both confused and terrified him.
He began listening more closely, until it was over.
"-and to you bypassers, scalding my words in your minds with hateful remarks, I present a question; is it bad to have too much faith...or none at all?" The preacher finished.
MT never found himself a deeply religious man, but now that he's gotten around more, there'd been many opportunities to speak to many who were. The preacher in the dark web was his first.
He found himself going back to where the preacher practiced, a community center that happened to have a chapel.
There, people prayed and followed along in sermons and confessed to their wrongdoings in hopes to atone through trial.
After what he'd been through so far, he needed to hear something that could give him some direction - ANYTHING would do!
Every day he was miserable, constantly fighting his own powers and, consequently, his own mind.
He searched for pain relief wherever he could find it, including at the bottom of a bottle.
He'd hurt people, killed even. Was there really redemption for such a tainted soul.
Or was it tainted from the start...
"Father, I-I would like to speak t'you." MTs uneducated use of his words were apparent.
"Come, child, somewhere private. I cannot allow your sins to fall on the ears of the feeble and the judgemental."
MT was taken to a silent part of the chapel, a booth sat near the corner with 2 doors and no windows.
The preacher gestured towards the booth.
MT went in and sat down.
"Speak freely, child. Do not fear the allmaker's judgment, for it is not your time to be judged, but to be forgiven." MT could not see the preacher, but heard his voice.
Wait, I didn't say anything about a confession! How did-
"How you know?" He asked
"I am blessed, child. Same as you." MT almost laughed at that. Instead opting to take a slightly harsher breath.
"Some blessing...if y'knew what this does t'me you'd say it was...uhh...uh b-bad.." he fumbled his words again, it was bad enough normally but now he's starting to feel tense.
"I understand you, poor education is unfortunately common in this area. Even moreso amongst the chained." The preachers voice lowered at the Last word?
"Chained...what's that."
"People who weren't given a fair chance from the start...one could say they were cursed at creation...now, child, speak to me your sins."
MT leaned forward in his chair slightly, bracing his elbows on the small table in front of him and putting his head in his hands for a bit.
"Only when you're ready." The preacher said quietly.
MT took longer than even he thought to make a decision.
But he did come to a decision.
Aaahhhh! Fuck it, if it's just some loon then what harm could it be?
He took a deep breath.
"Father...I did alot of bad things...I hurt people, I killed people...because I was told to...even now I'm working 3 jobs and still have to rob people to get by..."
"Child, we have all done bad things. Malfeasance spares none, and neither do scars. We are all born to the world innocent, but it's up to you to leave this world pure of heart, mind and soul." The preacher stopped for a bit, the silence in the air making way for the faux-echo of the preachers words.
Slightly above the tables height, a small window opened.
"Give me your hand, child." MT was hesitant at first, he was already anxious about this mysterious person.
"Be not afraid, I cannot harm another soul." MT felt that numbing sense of peace again, it was so inviting yet so sudden. Warm and cold at the same time.
It set off every alarm in MTs mind.
And against his judgement, he went through with it.
He put his hand through and felt the preachers palms clasp the top and bottom of his.
"Be still, please." He preachers said in almost a whisper.
A few moments of peaceful silence later, and the preacher released MT and took a deep breath.
"The blessing you bear, you see as a curse. Rightfully so...but you do not realize the potential you have...for this blessing in particular, is very difficult and troublesome to handle..."
"Then why, father, why me of everyone else!" His emotions were getting ahold of him more than the other way around, his voice broke with each syllable.
"...because someone has to... remember what I said before; every burden and hardship through life, be the allmaker's trials unto you... And to the strong, go the allmakers' hardest and most painful trials."
In that instant, his flaring emotions faded.
"Centuries ago, the allfather had bestowed great power to any who it deemed worthy at birth. there were 3 who possessed the blessing you do."
"Merqui, the final fate of the world. Her every word came true. She was hailed as a prophet but soon sewed her mouth after a mere whisper caused the death of her lover." The preacher slid 3 pictures through the small window.
One, which he was sure was merqui, was a faded pink stick figure. True to his words, her mouth had been stitched shut and black tears spilled down her features. The title of the picture read "The weeping oracle."
Next was a fierce looking stick, a darker red almost bloody-like.
"This one was named rodin. The fiercest and most capable warrior, legends say a great battle between rodin and valynx led to the creation of the mountains...which brings us to the last..."
MTs eyes wandered over to the picture and...
He stilled, and his blood ran cold. He felt the color drain from his face as his stomach felt as though it'd lost itself on the floor.
That smile...
He'd seen it everywhere, out of his peripheral vision, in mirrors, behind windows...always just out of reach, and always gone before he can get a good look at it.
"Valynx...the harbinger of destruction and chaos. The most powerful of the 3, and the most dangerous...his fanatic lust for death and conquest knew no bounds..." the preacher stopped, noticing MTs silence and even hearing a whimper come from the young stick.
"The 3 battled one another for ages, but eventually they both fell to valynx. The allmaker, seeing valynx's betrayal, struck him down and cast him into darkness where his rage would engulf him. He would bind his powers and cast them out, cursing another to take his place."
"That means it...it was a done deal from the start..." MT thought for a second that he'd break down.
The preacher put a gentle hand over his.
"Nothing is set in stone, the only constants are birth and death. What you do in between is what truly matters. Perhaps you did inherent the blessing, perhaps it is inherently more difficult to stay on the right path...but you don't have to be the harbinger of destruction."
"But...how..? I just...I-I don't get it."
"One day you will...but first you must master yourself, before you can master your blessing."
"I...I guess you're right but...but I just don't believe in nothing!" He said
"Some days...neither do i. But then something incredible happens, and everything makes sense again."
MT chuckled, for the first time he actually showed emotion in front of another.
"Ahh...you're too smart for me, heh...I guess I'm just...I'm not ready..." his voice broke slightly.
"No...you aren't...but you will be. Free will is the greatest gift the allmaker gave us, anyone is capable of great acts of bravery, or cowardice. Acts heroism, or acts of evil. Valnyx was an evil man, but that does not mean you have to be. Adversely, instead of being the harbinger of chaos and destruction, you can be the harbinger of justice and salvation!"
MT had felt a flare in himself, his vision went red and the world began go contort impossibly.
It's not true...it's not true it's not true it's not true it's not true!
He panicked, squirming in his seat. He was descending rapidly, and there was nothing he could do about it.
He hadn't even noticed the preacher reciting scriptures.
He lies! Kill him! Kill him Kill him Kill him Kill him Kill him!
The grotesque voice he'd almost grown accustomed to nagged at him, and he felt his muscles flare for action.
"-thy evil corruption I will now see back from whence you came...evil shade, I say it clear...!
A flash of blinding light filled the booth, MT shut his eyes and put his hands over his face but it didn't help.
Once he could finally see again, the world re-jointed itself so quickly MT felt nauseous. He looked around, blinking slowly to gather his bearings.
From the other side, he heard the preachers exhausted breaths.
"Are you okay?!" He asked
"I will be fine...it cannot influence you while you're here..."
The preacher sat, and his breathing became quieter and quieter.
"You're not ready...first, you must master yourself before mastering it..."
"And what is "it"?"
"That is not my place to tell you that...only you can uncover the truth before ascension."
"Ascension...what's that?" The preacher stayed silent a moment.
"I've told you too much, you believe yourself cursed and irreparable. Only good for one purpose. You must dispel these beliefs before you can truly take control of yourself."
Take control...take...control
MT bounced the words around as the two stepped out of the booth.
"Allow me to make it easier, the allmaker gave me my blessing, and with it I will use it to help and heal others. When you wake tomorrow, I want you to ask yourself; what will I use mine for?"
MT was plunged back onto reality by a horrific calf cramp.
"Awwwwh fuuuuuck!" He screamed aloud as he rolled over, gripping at the affected limb.
"Mmmmhhh this is what I get for spacing out during a workout! and not eating right...and not taking...care of my...self..." he was still a long ways away.
But he's happy with the improvement he's made so far. He's back to a healthy weight, his skin was now bright and vibrant instead of flushed and dull, even green said he saw MTs eyes stick out more.
His spats of paranoia and psychosis had become more and more uncommon, and that voice got more and more desperate.
Whatever *it* was, it knew MT was winning...and it was mad.
A horrible and sickening laugh filled his ears, it's raspy, crackly voice sounded like a fork gliding across a plate.
Hello again, hello again~
It said in that mocking tone.
Now it hovered right infront of him, doing everything it can to bring MT under its influence once again.
"Try something else. you'll never beat me in a battle of wills." MT told the shade, waving his hand dismissively.
The shade's grin intensified, and MT felt his skin crawl.
You, you think you know everything....but the allfather lies! You can not escape destiny! You believe yourself above me, but you're just as mad as i!
It vanished once again.
He hadn't realized how much his breath hitched in his throat.
He looked around nervously, letting his breath return.
"Hehe...shit! I need to get something to drink..." he chuckled in uncertainty.
He walked over to the water machine that he'd paid for himself after red fainted from heatstroke and poured a cup out to process what just transpired.
He drank, letting the cool liquid down as relief washed over him with the same fervor.
Finishing, he took a deep breath as a thought came through his mind that brought his energy reserves to full gear.
I can beat it...I CAN beat it...it's really possible!
He may not have gotten under its...skin...? But he still got it to leave him alone.
Just as that thought passed through, he heard the door open.
Instinctively shifting his gaze over to the door, he found the source of the sound.
"Hey...can I ask you something..?" Purple shifted their feet nervously.
"Ask away." He said with relative enthusiasm, but the pit in his stomach betrayed his tone.
I've got a bad feeling all of a sudden...
"Would you....would you teach me how to fight?" Purple pleaded.
MTs stomach sank, this was the question he'd been dreading.
"No." The word slipped past his filter and came out a lot more harsh than intended. Purple flinched a bit.
"Please pops, please! The kthers can't help me, yellow keeps trying to teach me how to fight her way, blue heavily overestimates my durability, green tries to drop me in the fire immediately a-and don't even get me started on second!" Purple drew closer, desperation apperant in their eyes. It pricked at MTs heart.
"Well I don't- I don't know what to tell you, purple....i-im not..." MT stopped in his tracks, the realization smashed into him like an overhand.
"Wait...what'd you just call me?" He turned to purple, who looked just as confused as he did.
"Pops...you don't know what that means?" Purple said with a perplexed look.
"No no no, i do know what it means its just..." Mango didn't wanna say it, purple had enough issues and he'd be damned if he dumped his own on them, he knew how they were.
"Well, you're uhh... Basically like a parent figure to me...I just assumed I'd call you pops since everyone else refers to you as a guy... you want me to call you momma?"
"No... actually, pops has a nice ring to it. Just caught me off guard is all but... don't you already have one?" Mango asked. He hadn't known if purple was born or created, but he'd heard them talk about some kind of parental figures.
"Ahh let's talk about something else." Mango took note, don't bring that up anymore.
He went silent at the question, he contemplated his next answer.
His mind circled, trying its best to come up with some kind of excuse and in doing so, his defense were lowered.
Brief images flashed through his head of his time with creator, the ruthlessness, the high demand, the blunt punishments and sharp words. The blood on the floor and creators sick grin, but instead of him and creator, it was him and purple...with him in his creators place.
He was grounded by a hand on his shoulder, he turned and purple pulled their trump-card.
Mangos eyes widened in horror and realization.
Ahh noo! Not the puppy eyes!
Purple looked at him with those beady eyes and he felt his irrational resolve wither away little by little.
"I...I'll think about it." The moment he finished he was gripped into a tight embrace by the smaller stick.
Nooooo dammit....
It was already in motion, whether he liked it or not his mind was already made up. That didn't mean his paranoia would make it easy.
Far from it, it was evident when the nightmares started.
Every night for the next 2 weeks had been plagued by dreams of him tormenting the poor stick.
Stop, father...please!
Purple begged on their knees, only for MT to involuntarily send his shin into purples face.
They fell to the ground, beaten and hopeless. They sobbed quietly.
Why are you doing this to me...
Mango almost lept into the ceiling for how violently he awoke. His solid form quivered as though he were liquidating.
His breaths came in short, ragged bursts and he swore his heart would turn to diamond from how tight his chest was.
He swung his arm behind him haphazardly, knocking his lamp over but succeeded in retrieving his cigarettes.
Throwing on his coat, he opened the door as quietly as his state of mind would allow.
"Least no one's up..." he mumbled
He walked outside on the porch and lit his cigarette with the tip of his finger.
The first drag was too long and nearly sent him into a coughing fit, but at least it grounded him even if only a bit.
Each drag made everything become more and more still until eventually his breath came back deep and controlled.
"Creator, allmaker, whatever the hells out there, help me..." he leaned against the rail and let his head droop down.
Just then, his vision went red. Laughter once again bounced in his head, mocking his perpetual suffering.
But the shade made one big blunder in letting mango know that it was behind the visions.
To master it, you must first master yourself
"I can change..." he said in a breathless whisper.
"I can change...I CAN change..." he kept repeating it in an almost cultist-like chant.
The next day, he knocked on purples door.
"Come in!" They said.
He opened the door, eyes serious and determined.
"Come with me." He said
Purples lower lip quivered a bit, but they reluctantly obeyed. Their mannerisms gave off that they felt they had no choice.
The two walked outside, and purple finally spoke up.
"Am I...in trouble..?" They asked in an uncharacteristically soft voice.
They stepped into the gym, and MT turned to face them.
"No...but I need you to see my intensity and match it. One thing you're gonna need if you're gonna train with me, is intensity." Purple gluped nervously.
He started with the basics, the first few days were for conditioning only.
Afraid of overdoing it, he had purple run 10 laps around the gym.
They looked at him, almost insulted.
"Is that all?" They tipped their head in confusion
After 10 easy laps, purple wasn't even winded.
Well...better safe than sorry
The next thing was basic movement, stepping in a stance while remaining in position.
"You can't learn how to punch without learning how to move first. If you can't move then you sure as hell won't be able to punch."
MT had noticed purple was naturally light on their feet. He guessed this most likely came from their experience using weapons. They never needed to plant down for power when they always used sharp weapons.
He then finally drilled punches, starting with the simple 1-2.
"This is your bread and butter for fighting at range, think of the jab like your shield and your right hand like your spear. Bash with the shield to distract from the killing thrust."
Purple didn't have much power, in fact they were quite feather-fisted. Weren't very fast either, or accurate...
Man, we've got a long way to go.
But drilling defense was where all the trouble was.
He started by simply having them slip the jab. He didn't throw it hard or fast. He telegraphed enough to where they could see the movements and hard wire the reaction into their brain.
And therein lied the problem, they were incredibly hyper-reactive.
Whenever mango would drill defense, purples reactions would he panicked and unsure, almost cowardly.
No matter how much they tried, they couldn't get purple to let go of their fear of being hit.
"You need to learn to let it go, loosen up and everything else will come naturally." He'd tried to instruct.
After a particularly bad training session, one that frustrated mango very much, purple had a confession to make.
"I haven't been transparent with you." They said firmly.
"That's okay, everyone's got secrets." He'd understand as well as anyone could
"But... I think it's affecting my performance." Now mango was listening.
"I did have parents...mom was nice and dad...well not so much." Purple said downcast.
"...go on whenever you're ready." Mango lowered his voice, he knew how important this was to purple and how much courage it took.
"Everyday of my life at that point was lived in fear of him, he wanted me to fight too but...his methods were archaic to say the least...do you understand what that's like."
Yes he did, oh yes he understood all too well. Despite his demeanor he still lives most days in fear...
Purples story got him thinking...
Get outta your head, damnit! This isn't about you! He mentally scolded himself
"I do...I also know that if you don't let go of that fear, it'll follow you around for the rest of your life."
"How do I do that though, I don't have the courage to-"
"But you do have courage, telling me what you just told me... we'll just say I haven't been transparent with you either... you've got more courage than I do, that's for sure." Purple went silent, It wasn't the usual defening silence. This one was almost comforting.
"He left after awhile, then it was me and mom against the world...and then it became just me against the world...I think about her every day."
"She passed?" He knew the answer even before purple nodded.
"...it's good that you still think of her...just because someone dies doesn't mean their memories have to die with them."
I think of someone every day too...
Then, a flash of what Rooney had told him before came to him like the final piece of a puzzle.
"In order for a fighter to control himself in a fight with confidence and without fear, you must peel back the layers of the person to expose who they really are. See a spark and you feed it until it becomes a small flame, keep feeding it and it eventually becomes a roaring blaze. Keep going...then you really got a fire goin'"
MT tried a few different methods, but the one that worked the best was positive affirmations.
"Good, good! That's the stuff right there, I wanna see more of that!"
"Alright, I like your synergy, kid. I like it!"
"Fuckin' brilliant! Keep doing that!"
They were getting more confident and less stingy with their punches, but defense was still something they had to work one.
There'd been improvements but no major breakthroughs yet.
Until one of blues experiments exploded while the two were in the room.
"Fuck! Everyone alright?" Blue yelled
"Uhh yeah...but you forgot one thing." They turned to purple, who had their head tiled slightly, beside their head lie shards of glass in the wall.
"You should probably invest in some safety glasses." MT couldn't stop thinking south what happened that day.
Was it a fluke? Would the glass have missed anyways? He needed to know.
He found one of yellows pencils, saw purple spacing out, and took the shot.
"Heads up!" He yelled at the very last second.
Purple reacted quickly, looking in his direction before pulling back just enough to let the pencil fly harmlessly past them.
"-so why can't you do that with punches?" MT would later ask.
"It's, it's different. The pencil isn't trying to hurt me, the person who threw it was." Bingo!
"I want you to do something for me from now on...apply the same logic to fists, the fist isn't trying to hurt you, the person throwing it is." Purple looked confused for a second, before their eyes widened in realization.
"Oh my goodness...you're a damn genius!"
The improvement wasn't instant, but it was astronomical nonetheless.
A few more months of training, and MT developed purple into a slick-as-butter defensive counter puncher. They still had much to learn, but as of now, they were ready.
The next sparring day, purple went against yellow again.
And this time, yellow could land hardly anything on purple. Mango had turned purple into an accurate, defensive wizard.
Their fluid movement and counterpunching proved poison to yellows reckless, rapid-fire style.
Eventually yellow got frustrated and rushed in without a setup...
Only to rush right into purples counter right hand, wobbling her.
She stumbled back and put her hands up, but purple relented. Calling the sparring session off.
"Can I ask you something?" Everyone else had left, leaving the two of them sitting alone by the river.
"When you started training me, you always looked so nervous and unsure...why?"
That's the million dollar question isn't it...too bad I've been broke my whole life.
He kept it vague, not wanting purple to feel their own suffering insignificant compared to his.
"The way I was trained was very archaic too...just like you I had no escape, no reprieve...and I don't know anything else about training someone aside from what my master taught me...I could never put your through that, I was so afraid to that i-"
"I personally think you did a great job, yellow was just talking to me about how much of a magician you are when it comes to training...I know you might think you're too old to get over the past, but one thing green taught me was that it's never too late to change."
Those words made him think on everything, made him rethink his entire life.
He remembered how purple obeyed his every order to the letter, remembered how despite everything, they never hated him. He remembered their confession of their past to him, despite his own refusal to do the same.
"For what it's worth...I'm proud of you. For everything." Purples mouth went agape, still looking at the wild river.
"Y...you really mean that?" They asked hopefully
"I do." He said
Mango turned his gaze to the river, watching its wild yet pristine waters rush downwards.
He turned back to purple and saw a tear going down their face.
He put a hand on their shoulder, not wanting to over extend.
Purple responded by rushing in and holding mango tight, as though if they'd let go, they'd lose him the same as their mother.
"Ita alright kid, I'm not going nowhere. I'm here for you..." he comforted the now sobbing stick.
"And I'm here for you too...I couldn't imagine what you went through to where you're too afraid to tell even me. But I don't think you should take it with you to the grave." They said between trying to stifle sobs.
"If you're not ready to tell me now, that's okay. It doesn't have to be tomorrow, next week or even next year. But when you're ready, you can always come to me."
Now it was mangos turn to get emotional.
On the rare times he got emotional like this, his voice didn't break. It became a dead whisper.
"I love you, kid." He said in that breathless whisper.
"And I you pops...and I you"
Healing wasn't instant, it wasn't even efficient. But that didn't mean it wasn't possible.
It's been awhile since I posted something like this, as I said in a previous ask i just ended up getting super burnt out.
But as you can see, I have many new ideas to implement into the au (I'm overhauling it again)
I wanted to express some of these ideas in this bit and try out a new style of narration.
Yes, I understand that there are many christian/catholic themes surrounding the allmaker and the preacher. I'm not familiar with many other religions (I'm catholic) so I went with what I knew best and tried to keep it from sounding too stereotypical.
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nuclevi · 2 years
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yellow is the right color for you. [k. ryouta]
sypnosis: you bestfriend is tired of watching you forgive your shit bf again and again. he should get a chance too, right?
warnings: hurt/comfort, includes some aomine x reader, he is a shit bf, mentions of a kpop group, crying, veryyy slight suggestive themes
w. count: 742
notes: i had noted this idea months ago and it came up in my mind again so i finished this in like 1 hour and i kinda like it
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He finds you on the hill. Crying, again. 
Kise knew exactly where to find you after you ignored all of his 6 missed calls, 3 voice notes and 12 texts in the past hour alone. He also has a hunch on why you’re sobbing softly to yourself. With slow footsteps, quick breaths and a part of his heart breaking while listening to you cry, he slowly lowers himself beside you. 
You don’t turn. You don’t pause your cries. You know exactly who it is and so you only break down harder. “Fuck. Come here,” warm arms enclose your trembling body and bring your head close to his soft chest. “It’s him again, isn’t he?” Kise doesn’t know if he feels anger, sadness or frustration when you nod your head and confirm his suspicions. It’s always been like this since the start of your and aomine’s relationship. He fucks up, you cry. He gives a shitty apology, you comply. Except it never ended there, and this cycle continued. 
You didn’t know why you couldn’t leave him after all these months. Aomine was the dream of your life when you befriended him in college. After that, it just turned to a nightmare.Was it you? Maybe you weren’t doing good enough. You just didn’t make him happy enough. Maybe you’re clingy. Maybe you- “You’re the most marvelous person i’ve ever met. And I don't think anyone could replace that feeling.” You don’t even have to tell Kise how you feel. He just knows.
Maybe it was just attachment. Maybe, Aomine will change. For me. He would, right? “Aomine will not change, [name]. He’s never going to. Enough is enough.” You stare into yellow eyes as the night wind ruffles his blonde hair. Kise has your face in his hands. And you realize no one has ever held you as gently as him before. 
In any other scenario, this would’ve been a shot straight from a romance novel. Right now, your swollen eyes and Kise’s worrisome face ruins it all. His heart beats so loudly that he is afraid you might hear it, being so close. A frustrated part of him wants to stand up straight and bawl his eyes out on how much he loves you and you are blinded over blue hues to see it. Blue is not the right color for you. Yellow is. Another part of him wants to drag Aomine up through this very hill and bury him 6 ft deep. How could he make you cry like this? 
How could you let a man like him make you cry like this? 
Kise is tired of waiting and watching from the sidelines now. He wants to tell you how happy you make him. How he’s been head over heels for you ever since you bumped into him on this very hill and stepped on his toe. [his toe suffered swelling and redness that day but he won’t to tell you that.] How much he loves when you wear that blue cardigan in winters and he wishes winters never leave just so he could see you in that one piece of clothing forever. Even if it means he suffers from cold and sinus. 
“Stop forgiving him. I need a chance too.” 
Now he can’t hold back. His lips meet yours in a quick and feeling manner. Its all very new to you. You had never seen him as more than a friend before. But this day changed it all. And you notice how soft his lips are. How smooth his skin looks. How pretty his hands look on top of yours. How kissable his neck seems. The first two buttons of the shirt he’s wearing are undone and you can see his chest- 
“Are you listening? Leave him, [name]. Dont let him hold so much power over you. And i am here. I have always been and I always will be. I’ll be the romance novel boyfriend you want. I’ll even get us the concert tickets of that hyping group you like. I'm sure that broke ass aomine couldn’t buy it for you, right?” You chuckle and nod. And Kise’s heart never beat so loudly before. “It’s called enhypen, you idiot.” He makes a note in his mind to make mistakes like this often so you could laugh more. 
“So, is that a yes?” This time you press your lips against his, hoping to confirm all your thoughts from before. 
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releasemefromthevoid · 2 months
Alright guys, this is the end of it. Not gonna lie, I thought this was a little… underwhelming. They’re focusing a lot on the aftermath of a battle, which could be cool if done correctly. I wasn’t that into it.
At the very least, this episode, the visuals went crazy! We had the red color grading when Tui was captured, and the monochrome gray with the specific highlights when she was dead. La’s possession of the Avatar looked incredible as well. They sold it as a fairly awe-inspiring moment, but I think this moment was undermined a little in other ways.
I think there are a lot of little inconsistencies throughout the show that really culminated here. Some of my worries were resolved, but some of them really weren’t. 
In any case, I think this was fine for a season finale. It fit the tone of the show and went harder than the other episodes to end things off. 
I’ll write a full series review tomorrow, I’m trying to go to sleep.
Live reactions under the cut
well i do love seeing strategy sokka
disappointed by the lack of catapults on the ships so aang couldn’t creatively use them to destroy the ship
did iroh just tell zuko to swim in freezing waters? lol
wait we already did koh, so what’s up with tui and la? how are we gonna figure out where they are? are we even gonna see the spirit oasis? 
oh so. we’re introducing the war balloons now? early for the fire nation? with a vague reference to the mechanist? how’d they even get the plans? sure do wish we’d seen more about those before, besides just making them. maybe used one to take down the firebenders invading the northern air temple? maybe a fire nation soldier could’ve found the remains of a balloon. just a thought
the. ice moon?
so tui and la only take physical form once a year in this version? huh
and he’s gonna kill tui with KURUK’s spirit knife. interesting macguffin
okay so there is the spirit oasis. and they’re using it to bring back momo
sorry that was actually genuinely deeply upsetting. they just did something illegal i swear to god. don’t fuck with the animals
i am Not believing that katara is skilled enough to fight zuko. sorry but it’s not happening. she hasn’t even been trained. “you found a master haven’t you”. no zuko, she hasn’t. NO ONE HAS TRAINED HER. “yes, you’re looking at her.” katara, someone called you a master once, girl, that doesn’t mean you Are one
good lord that’s so red. i like that they kept that visual cue though
tui: dea. the color grading on this is still good too. the only colors we really see are the flashes of yellow and red with the fire balls being thrown around. theoretically, everything else should be grayscale/monotone, with the exception of yue’s blue eyes (which i don’t believe are blue in this adaptation). i don’t really have complaints about the look of things
okay la, your turn
do we need a “reality of war” moment again? tbh i feel nothing for these people. 
oh yue’s eyes ARE blue. chill
hey what do you mean “you’ll be lost forever”. something something killed in the avatar state killed forever can’t reincarnate
okay la possession looks cool as hell. obsessed with these visuals
though idk if it’s just me, but people are really trying to get the “avatar is gone”, “there’s no more avatar”, “you’ll be lost forever” thing across huh. i feel like that kind of undersells the moment when seemingly everyone knows what’s going on. 
zuko’s gonna fight zhao now why? purely so zhao can give zuko a moment of realization, got it
and then he tries to kill zhao. i still think zuko would never.
and now zhao is almost certainly dead, because iroh pushed him off. and zuko didn’t have that moment of offering mercy, and zhao didn’t have the moment of rejecting that mercy. this IS a downgrade
woahhh hahn dead confirmed. wish i could celebrate, but he’s nice now
so pakku is NOT becoming katara and sokka’s grandfather in this one. i bet we won’t even learn the significance of katara’s necklace
sorry are you relying on bumi for earthbending training? you haven’t even started waterbending. this bumi is barely reliable from your interactions with him
oop there goes omashu. weird that we’re seeing the takeover
okay. sozin’s comet. i thought you were taking that out? was that just a lie then? shouldn’t aang know about that? might actually make him learn waterbending. considering the series just ended. and he HASN’T EVEN LEARNED WATERBENDING YET
liked: the visuals went so hard, no kataang romance
worried about for potential season 2: zuko's arc
disliked: zuko and zhao's fight, katara "mastering" waterbending despite never having trained with a master, aang literally not even once showing that he was the avatar outside of the avatar state (not learning ANY waterbending)
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discodeviant · 1 year
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SURPRISE: Billy’s Favorite Hang-Out Spot
How Many Candles on the Birthday Cake: 30 years old
Specific Dialogue: “Did your wish come true?”
"Happy birthday, sunshine! You're 56 today. Remember thirty? Course you do, you're not geriatric yet. Best day of your life, huh? One of them. Mine's when you proposed. Maybe our wedding. The day we met. Our first kiss. First time. You've still got it, by the way, but you know that. Come downstairs and get your cake. I love you, Steve Bambi Prett whatever just come downstairs."
Read on AO3 @harringroveweek
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Billy proposed on New Year’s Day.
They were on the balcony of their San Diego apartment, listening to the celebration on the radio and waiting for the countdown, for the fireworks to start. Billy’s hand was safely in Steve’s, the other arm on Steve’s shoulder with a hand on his waist, and they danced, sort of. It was a slow, tip-toe of a waltz. They smiled with their heads dipped into each other’s necks, hearts in tune with the breeze.
“Surprised you’re still not sick of me.”
“You say that like I’m ever gonna be.”
Steve’s eyes sparkled in the city lights. Billy shrugged and said, “I don’t know. You might.”
“You’ve said that every year, and it’s still not true.”
With a sigh, he held Steve tightly to his chest, keeping their clasped hands down and to the side. “Why don’t I get to kiss you before midnight again?” he asked, grinning wide when Steve chuckled in his ear.
“Because then there’s no point! We might as well go to bed if you’re gonna kiss me anyway.”
“Mmm…” He scratched Steve’s back ever so lightly, rocking to the music, still waiting for the countdown.
“Just wait, babe, and then my lips are all yours.”
“For how long?”
“Until next year. I’ll make you wait even longer.”
So they laughed, and they swayed, and they kept close. Refilled their champagne flutes a few times before the radio cut out to start the charade before the clock would strike twelve. Billy’s heart was in his throat and stomach at the same time, furiously bouncing between the two like it would stop if it sat still for too long. Really, Billy felt like that too, which was why he never stopped moving his feet and kept his toes right by Steve’s to remember they were still there.
The radio announcer went on for far too long, and then there was another music performance. “Jesus Christ, be midnight already!” Billy yelled behind them, anxious to get this over with, to leave enough time to pick up the pieces of his heart if it were to break.
“Patience, baby,” Steve said, cheek pressed to Billy’s, teasing and promising something impossibly warm.
And then it began.
“Ten”—they counted together—“nine, eight, seven”—looked deeply into each other’s eyes, their lips, and held on tight—“six, five”—touched their noses together, which may have been cheating—“four, three, two”—but if it was, they didn’t care. “One!”
Finally, finally their lips met in the middle somewhere. Steve held Billy by the sides of his head, along his jaw, in his hair. “Happy New Year, baby.” Steve was so tender with his mouth, Billy couldn’t have gotten more lucky.
“Hey, hey,” he said, taking his hand away. “Steve.” He reached into his back pocket for the silver band he’d purchased over a month ago. “Marry me. Please.” Steve backed away then, hand still on Billy’s waist as he looked at the ring with shell-shocked doe eyes.
“Please. I love you so much, Stevie. I don’t know what I’d do without you or where I’d be. You’re everything to me.” Fireworks sparked in the distance and looked over them in faded color. Red, pink, yellow, blue, white, green, gold—every color Billy was feeling, they gleamed in Steve’s eyes. “I’ve never loved anybody like I love you. I’ve—I’ve never known anybody like you, and I—“
“Baby, you’re shaking.” Steve whispered and held his hands, foreheads together, both focused on the ring as a rainbow reflected off of it too.
Billy chuckled airily. “Of course I’m fucking shaking. I’m nervous as shit, Steve.”
“Hey.” It was his turn to hold a trembling hand out, offering a part of himself that he’d given Billy a long time ago. Their eyes met for the briefest of moments, a flicker in time before Billy was sliding the ring onto Steve’s finger, and they were both overcome with fervent emotion. Steve hugged so hard that he almost went numb, and Billy’s arms found their way back around his waist. “Yes,” he said, and he laughed. “Yes.” Again, right into Billy’s ear, pressing kisses to his cheek and his jaw and temple. “Yes, yes, of course I’ll marry you, Billy,” he said, not because the answer was unclear, but he knew Billy would want to hear it anyway. “I love you so much. So much. So, so fucking much.”
Words failed Billy miserably, but the clutch he had on Steve’s back said it all for him. It sent his love in waves through a rapid pulse and shuddering breaths.
“Now you’re really never getting rid of me,” he said once he settled down.
And Steve told him, “Good, ‘cause I don’t want to.”
They went to bed as one.
For Billy’s birthday, after the small gathering with a few of their friends at his favorite restaurant, Steve took him out for some time alone. It wasn’t far from home. A pier that Billy went to as a kid that held more good memories than bad. A place he wanted to share with Steve the moment they set foot in California, and it was a place he loved dearly. Even more now with his fiancé, his one and only Steve Harrington, holding his hand down by the shore like they were in a movie.
After three months, they still hadn’t gotten Billy a ring. Not really, anyway, because money was tight, and he didn’t like Steve spending any on him regardless. So they’d picked out something nice together, barely one-hundred dollars: a slim metal band with leafy engravings that meant more to him than he knew how to say. Steve had been bursting at the seams, though not because he was particularly excited about the ring. Not that ring, anyway.
So he and Billy walked along with their fingers tied, carrying their shoes in the other hands, pressed up close in each other’s heat as shelter from the midnight frost. No champagne that night, but they didn’t need any.
“Kinda wish the moon was out,” Steve said. “I like when it, like, makes you glow. I don’t know.”
Billy laughed. “Shut up.” Before he knew it, Steve was stepping in front of him with a wider grin than he’d seen in a while. “Steve, come on, we’re almost at the end—“
“I know, but I don’t wanna wait.” Steve dropped his shoes and pulled Billy’s from his fingertips to drop right beside them. His free hand went to push the hair from Billy’s face, comb through it over his head as if it would stay in place. “Oh, you’ve still got some glow there, see? No, you can’t see…”
Years ago, he learned to let Steve do his thing of looking at whatever detail of Billy he’d picked out, and he still never quite knew what it was. His left eye, maybe, or the freckles on his cheek. Maybe Steve found a new shape in them and wanted to watch it morph into a hundred others. “What do you see this time?”
Steve smiled. “That little heart right there,” he said, poking his thumb over the spot on the height of Billy’s cheekbone.
“Oh, the heart, huh?” Steve nodded. “That’s been there a while.”
“Mmm, I wonder why,” he said and pressed a kiss to Billy’s freckle-heart, which he leaned into with ease. “Oh, look, there’s another one right here.” Kiss. “Aaand…” Kiss, kiss, kiss, all the way across Billy’s nose and to the other cheek before he got impatient and stole one for his lips.
“You’re such a dork.”
“And I will be for the rest of my days, so buckle up.”
They stood for a while longer, lost in each other’s eyes and hair and mouths as they kissed with the ocean to guide them. It pushed sand between their toes and tickled them all the way up to their heads. The longer they remained still, the harder Steve’s pulse rattled in his chest. He’d practiced the very words he was about to say, but it was so silly now. It felt silly, anyway. He didn’t have anything to be nervous about.
“How’s thirty treating you so far?”
“It’s okay,” Billy said with a loving smile.
“Did your wish come true?”
“What makes you think I wished for anything?”
“I mean… cake, candles… you’re supposed to make a wish on your birthday.”
“Mmm… I’ve never followed rules very well.”
“Like I don’t know that.” Something about this was familiar; they’d done it before, swaying against each other in the dark with stars twinkling overhead. This time, however, they had more room for Steve to pull away and lead Billy into a clumsy dip. They kissed over the water, then again when Billy was back upright. No music, no fireworks to break the silence of Billy’s favorite lifetime. “I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I dreamed about you in high school.”
“Yeah, you have. I did too.”
“No, but I didn’t tell you about the first one.”
“You remember it?”
“Of course I do.” There was a beat, and Billy nuzzled in with him closer. “It was after basketball. We were the only ones left in the locker room. You were dressed, but I wasn’t, and you looked right into my eyes. I didn’t know if I was dying or what, ‘cause after that you were all I thought about. My chest hurt so good. I wanted you to look at me like that again, and I kept trying get that dream back, but your eyes were closed in all the others. You always made me so nervous. Shit, you still do.” He laughed, and so did Billy, and he loved how Billy’s back moved under his hand.
“Good nervous now?”
“It was always good nervous. Must’ve been, or I wouldn’t have chased it so hard.” Billy breathed in deep and turned his head the other way, nose in Steve’s neck and arms around his shoulders, pulling him in as tight as he could. It gave them both goosebumps. “You make me so happy, Billy.”
It was muffled by skin and hair: “You make me happy, Stevie.”
“And it is officially no longer your birthday, so you can’t get annoyed at me for this.” He pulled away, looked down into Billy’s drowsy, confused eyes, and grinned.
“What? Annoyed about what?”
And it was mostly the way Steve had always dreamed of, getting down on one knee and holding Billy’s hand—with his little hundred-dollar ring—pretending that this was their first go-around. “Annoyed about me wanting to propose to you… put this little number on your finger.” The ring he pulled from his pocket was thick and dark, engraved on the inside (which he would show Billy later), and plain enough that Billy might just have accepted it. “Because, even though we’ve said a million times that marriage is for chumps and always sucks, and we’re practically married anyway, and blah blah blah—I saw you on that cruise with your hair trying to stay in place, and your shirt blowing in the wind so your little hip tattoo finally got some damn sun, I wanted to be able to call you my husband so fucking bad, Billy.”
“And I know we’ve been over this. I know. But I’ve had this night on my mind for so, so long, and I have always wanted to say this stupid fucking line to someone and know it’d last. So just… I don’t know. Humor me, okay?” He held up the ring. “Billy Hargrove… light of my life… will you marry me?”
By then, Billy’s face was red hot and ruined with tears that started falling the moment Steve’s knee hit the sand and still rolled with no end in sight. “Dammit, get the fuck up, Steve,” he said, blubbering, fake-angry the way he got when he didn’t want to be seen. Steve laughed and let Billy pull him up by the collar of his shirt, kiss him with more fervor than their mouths were even capable of. “Yes. Yes, I’ll—fucking marry you—you sappy fucking dork. God.” It was even wetter with Billy’s tears in the way, so sweet that the salt didn’t stand a chance.
“Here, here, hold on.” Steve pulled away to slide the ring onto Billy’s finger, right up against the other one that maybe he’d keep, maybe he wouldn’t. That didn’t matter so much now.
“When did you even get this, what the hell—“
“… November.”
“I had to get Robin to keep it for me after New Year’s, or I’d have scuffed this whole thing, and—“
“You really had this all figured out, didn’t you?” he asked, wiping tears and snot away with the rolled-down sleeve of his shirt.
“Yeah,” Steve told him softly, love in his eyes, relief on his back.
“God, you are something else, Harrington.”
“Not gettin’ rid of me now,” Steve said and, just before Billy got his word out, picked him up from under the ass and held him high.
“Steve!” He spun Billy around like it was nothing, kissed his cheek and chin and protesting lips. He laughed and said, “Steve, if you don’t put me down—“
“What are you gonna do? Not marry me?”
“No, but I’ll think of something.”
“Mhmm… whatever, I love you.”
Billy wrapped his legs around Steve’s waist, committed just as much as he was then. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too.”
And they sealed such love under the covers that night, where they could feel each other’s heat and never let it go. For Steve, going to bed sticky was a small price to pay if it meant his dreams of Billy would come true for the rest of his life.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
You mentioned in one of your Ron and Chris posts that they dressed up Jake as a chickie when he was young. So I had this idea that after the mission that Jake and Bradley dress up as a chickie and rooster respectively for Halloween. Maybe they show up to a costume party or even to Ron and Chris’s house to trick or treat in these costumes.
Oh my god. Love this so much.
When Bradley first saw the picture of Jake as a baby dressed as a chicken he fell even more in love if that was possible.
That first Halloween Bradley was planning things. About two weeks before their dads throw the Halloween party Bradley brings it up.
They’re in bed, Jake is laying on Bradley’s chest. No time like now. “So I had an idea for our costumes.”
Jake puts his chin on Bradley chest so he can look at him. “Go ahead.” Bradley smiles, “you go as a chicken I go as a rooster.”
There’s a beat where Jake just stares at him.
“You want to essentially announce to our parents that you fuck me.”
Bradley slaps Jake’s ass. “You’re such a dick Jesus Christ.” Jake let’s out a laugh he reaches up and holds Bradley’s head from where he’s thrown it back. Bradley is burning red. “No no I’m sorry it’s a really cute idea. Let’s do it.”
Bradley looks at Jake, “if you don’t want to we really don’t have to.” Jake smiles, he kisses Bradley, “baby of course I want to. I just wanted to fuck with you for a second.”
Two weeks later Jake is in a fluffy light yellow sweater, he’s got white pants and feathers artfully placed in his hair. He’s finishing the yellow eyeliner he got when Bradley comes up behind him.
Arms go around his waist and he pulls the pencil away from his eye. “Stay still or I’ll lose an eye Bradshaw.” Bradley kisses Jake’s neck. “You look adorable your dads are going to lose it.”
Jake finishes his eyeliner, “Pa is going to die that photo is like one of his favorites ever.”
Jake spins in Bradley’s arms taking in the red and blue sweater with feathers less artfully in his hair. Jake laughs. He adjusts the one that looks like it’s about to fly out. “Ready?”
Bradley kisses him, “with you by my side? Always.”
Jake lightly smacks his chest. “Sap.”
When Ron sees Jake walk in, he sees the yellow first. “Jake Seresin you didn’t.”
Chris leans out from behind him “oh my god baby he did.”
Jake spins in place so both of his dads can see the full outfit, tiny fake tail and everything. “Oh Chickie you’re adorable.” Ron looks like he might cry. “Pa oh god don’t cry this was supposed to make you happy!”
Jake goes into his dads arms, he gets crushed by Ron, “I’m not crying I just love you.” Chris laughs, “he’s crying.” “Okay fuck you.” Chris smacks Ron and catches sight of Bradley.
“Oh. My. God.”
Bradley blushes. “Surprise?” Chris let’s put a laugh. “Tommy! Mav! Come here!”
Tom makes it first, “oh Jesus.” He’s smiling, Mav slides into the room “Bradley wha-? Oh my god you two.”
Jake slips out of Ron’s arms and goes back to Bradley, he wraps an arm around Bradley’s waist, “tada!”
Tom and Ron look at each other, they both start talking in rapid polish. Jake goes bright red, “Jesus Christ fuck you both I hate it here. Come on baby I want a drink if I’m supposed to deal with them.”
Chris smacks both of them “cut it out leave them alone the four of us aren’t any better.” He slides into Ron’s arms as he says it.
Ron looks down at Chris where they’re wearing a Dracula and his bride matching costume.
Tom shrugs and spins Mav in his rabbit costume, it matches how Tom’s dressed at a magician.
Jake smiles at them, “yeah fuck you four y’all are sappy as hell.” Bradley laughs and tucks his face into Jake’s neck. “They’re worse then we are.”
Jake pats his head “guess we’ll have to really go for it next year then huh baby.”
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just-somedude · 9 months
Huh. I guess it would make sense that he couldn’t always wear a lead suit; I imagine it wouldn’t look good.
If Krypton had a yellow Sun would it have been enough or would the Kryptonite kinda make it irrelevant?
Anyway, I actually have gone through weird phases of loving Superman and kinda hating him. When I was a kid, I loved watching the 1978 movie. Mostly I thought it was pretty. I loved that Superman was just a good person. As a teen, I think I struggled with feeling like a good person so I hated Superman as a reminder of that. How could he always be good? How was it so (seemingly) effortless for him? Then came Man of Steel and… well. Eh. Is it me or is the movie really blue?
Other thoughts: Why am I constantly told that everyone hates the T’au empire? Let me paint in peace! Though I’m considering painting a little Tyranid army because… cute.
As if the long post about Superman didn’t give it away… Same anon as last time. Stopping myself from traversing through all the random little things that come into my pretty little head. - EGBQDYMZ
Krypton's sun is red because it's MUCH older than ours, so at one time it was actually red. Krypton was an extremely technologically advanced civilizations, thousands of years ahead of Earth, which is why most of Superman's tech is so crazy (his Fortress of Solitude for example)
I definitely had a bunch of years where I watched/cared about Superman less, so I get what you mean
Warhammer 40k is actually something I know shockingly little about because I have no clue where the fuck to start learning about it
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
My, this is quite the turn of events.
What the hell happened in the past two weeks while we were gone, Donbrothers? We've got a funny red man, a blue monkey and a yellow oni who're a pair of losers, a pink bird wife guy turned epic divorce man, a jailhouse black dog, and a bunch of autistic kids hanging out in the void by themselves! ...also a Tiger/Dragon system apparently just off to the side, which is quite unusual for a Sixth Ranger.
Also, uh... yesterday morning, Kohei Murakami, who played Kusaka in Faiz and Bud in Zyuohger, after asking if his followers saw episode 36 of Donbrothers, shared a picture of Inoue captioned "Toshiki Kabedon", which is uh... exactly what you might imagine it'd be. I know I don't usually show pictures, but I find this deeply compelling. Look at his goddamn face. Look at it. That is a man who knows.
Anyways, Spoilers I guess beneath the cut~!
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-Aw how cute, they're napping together :)
-Ah, yep, Kijino's in a real bad state.
-Damn. Railing against your boss like that? In a Japanese corporate setting?
-Haruka with the phonecall!
-...suddenly I'm very thankful that Crane Lady didn't see that he was getting phone calls from a teenage girl.
-Oh shit, a party?
-Of fuckin' course it's a party, have I seen this consistently festival-themed show before?
-Ah fuck, the preview has an inferno. This ain't good.
-Oh shit, GolDon Zyuoh Eagle. Hell yeah, really lean into that bird.
-Friendship :)
-Parfait time!
Haruka: Tell Mister Kijino how much he means to you, Tarou :) Tarou: Kijino, you are worth as much to me as- Shinichi: Y'know on second thought let's not do that!
-He is... The wife guy.
-Oh goddammit-
-Goddamn, he couldn't even get a man sent to jail hjkl
-Inuzuka Tsubasa...!
-Chase him!
-Damn, these Juto are violent violent!
-Me when no food.
-Ah, I see he's still a Master Shef.
-Ohhhhh, sirens. ...did that guy say "Kyuukyuu" earlier? ...GoGoFive man?
-"Damn dude, I didn't know going sicko mode made you a shit cook. 0/10, would not eat again."
-Oh shit, Sononi-san!
-Crane Lady!
-Oh goddammit Haruka, do you have an interest in her too? ...I mean fair, but c'mon.
-Canned movie! ...oh shit, I still haven't seen that. Battle Familia either. Damn.
-Shake's pier.
-Prince, magic, true love, back normal!
-Hell yeah.
-Ohhhh, she wants to be a beast.
-"Wanna play fancy actress for a bit? :3"
-Ah, so this IS Natsumi mode!
-A rich fan!
-Oh shit, Jirou's back! I see Rumi-chan's still here too.
-Ah, the boys are fightin'.
-"Dude what, you suddenly grew a tiger kimono."
-He suddenly became a giga chad right before your eyes.
-Remember the sunset.
-"Yeeeeeah, I guess that makes sense!"
-Guess Haruka is a dedicated Natsumi stan now.
-Here they are! The condor lady and the shadow man!
-Ohhhhh, this is a bit intense.
-God dang it, Haruka!
Sononi: Geez, what's up with there? Sonoza: She's a
-Poor Emergency Guy.
-Momoi Tarou.
-Miho is Natsumi's dream?
-Get the real Tsubasa back, get rid of this sussy baka imposter.
-Ohhhhhh, I love Crane Lady's monster form.
-Oi, Tarou, don't say "Two on one works for me!", people might get the wrong idea.
-"Dammit, I must be slipping if I got saved by Sonoza!"
-Where the boyfriend at?
-Even wrote a notecard for you, huh?
-"Fuck it, who cares! Kage Time!"
-Oh god, this is gonna be how Tsubasa has his internal reveal
-Born from a peach! Don Momotaro! Yooooo! Nippon Ichi!
-Bidding farewell to the transient world... SaruBrother! Yo! Muki muki!
-The manga master, OniSister! Yo! Oni no kanabo!
-Jirou, let's go!
-God, this is such chaos, and I woudln't have it any other way.
-Save the Earth! Save a Life!
-Oh yeah, Jirou wasn't there.
-Goooold Avatar Change! Honnou Kakusei! Monarch of the Open Skies! Zyuoh Eagle!
-...that seemed a little anticlimactic. I mean, he probably could've cleared the fire on his own, but I guess a bit of Zyuoh love isn't remiss!
-There it is! The big fuck-off fully combined robot of this season!
-"Shut up arm, I own you!"
-Donbros Fantasia Supreme!
-A supreme win for the ages!
-Hey there emergency guy!
-Well done, report back to HQ.
-Goooooo Tsubasa!
-Hell yeah, you got him!
-Good job, Tsubasa!
-Only one. Ore koso.
-Did the creepy origami cats free him? Or did he rip out of there on his own?
-Well, I guess... they're a bit more even now. This man came waltzing in, so I guess he's here now. See you on Monday, I guess.
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avalonlights · 2 years
5 and 11 for the ask thing?
Thanks for the ask 💖💖💖
5. Favorite outfit?
Ooh! I loved Steve's soft yellow shirt. And Steve's lack of shirt. LMAO at Max snatching the binoculars. Speaking of Max, I love the way they used clothing to show how she was feeling. Big, baggy dark stuff in the beginning of the season to show she was closed off and hiding (Billy's clothes? 🤔) and then back to her normal colorful, blocky, interesting stuff when she reconnected with the group.
Heh. Anybody want my probably very stupid, unedited Notes-App-on-my-phone thought dump from right after I finished watching Friday night? No? Here it is anyway. xD
I still love mike (come at me lol), god that actor tries
NGL i cheered when eleven clotheslined angela lmao
What like… new happened... this season…… um
So billy wasn’t the blue-eyed monster. I'm...relieved? Maybe?
Was this like. A trailer for st4? Anybody?
Dear Billy was SO good. Like, they were so close. The emotional heart of this show resurfaced in this ep. for sure. On that hill at the cemetery. With the OG characters hugging. Wish it had stayed.
Max, holy shit. Carrying this season like her bro.
Also hell yeah Lucas, you gem. Lumax back again.
And Dustin. He is like. Main Character 2 in ST4? I don't object.
So Eddie is literally just billy 2.0. Like what the fuck??? I liked him but just couldn't help but think THIS COULD HAVE BEEN BILLY
Where the fuck is Neil??? He couldn’t live there without billy?? Hahaha. Also I could have sworn we all saw Will Chase at a reading for this season but maybe that was the Russian guard who knows.
Stop trying to make fetch Stancy happen. Fetch Stancy is not going to happen. Also Steve or Nancy is so going to die. That's my bet. Shit. Poor character assassinated Jonathan. Sorry bud.
This didn’t need… most of the new characters for this same plot. Um.
I finally understand why MBB and Noah in that at interview were like they should just start killing ppl Red Wedding style lol
Go Murray and Joyce I guess? Like even Joyce got sidelined lol
They're still just doing what they were doing last season haha
Billy in the upside down and 2yr time travel we’re RIGHT THERE. I have zero trust this will be touched on in pt. 2. 🤷‍♂️
lol watergate ilu dustin
Incredibly not a single spoiler for ST4 could have even phased me; I feel like literally nothing happened lol? Huh. Confusing.
Enjoyable I guess. Don't know what I was expecting?
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
I'm new to tumblr so is this how you do request? May I request the brothers forgetting mc's birthday and later remembering it. How would they react? Maybe they were busy or something. Your choice if you wanna do the dateables too.
Trigger warning
Mentions of Angst/sad/slight comfort
Busy almost all the time, the first-born barely spent time with our dear Mc. He would try to finish the work only for more to be slammed on his desk.
Never would his brothers acknowledge his efforts or the sacrifices he made for them. Instead they'd mock him. Mock him for being absent at all family times. Mock him for doing what he does.
It was once again such a time, such a day. They didn't bother to care what the day has held for his beloved. It was their birth.
The birth of the one who truly changed his life along with his brothers. It was such a blessing yet he forgot about it. Entirely.
The Avatar of pride was strong, Lucifer wasn't. He was weak. Vulnerable. Especially against his brothers whom he adored with his entire being.
And the mocking words had stabbed him deeply, which made his current state as to how it was. Drunk. Wounded. Crying.
Rubbing his eyes, he awoke to a mess of his office which screamed the need for cleanliness.
During the process, he found the calender. A sweet calender gifted him by his doll.
A smile had crept on his face as he lifted it for what? Perhaps to calm the unsettling feeling in his bones that told him to run but where he didn't know?
While their lover was, Mc wilted much like a delicate flower would if the sun stopped shinning, they were laying curled on the floor of his room. Mc needed him.
How could he forget his own lover's birthday?! even after he promised... it hurts.. so much...
Yesterday. The poor human cut the cake wished themselves a happy birthday when he didn't...crying...in pain...
The realization hit hard. He ran to Mc's room as fast as he could. A shiver ran his spine and the horror in his stomach grew as each and every step was taken.
Yet could not find them, so he went over to his office expecting a fuming Mc.
He was once again not right, for his beloved was breaking down as he took them into his arms. Consoling.
He apologised and comforted them. Reassuring them over and over again. Reminding them his heart still is with them and no-could ever take it away.
He later threw a party, just like how you wanted. You. Him. And the growing fragrance of the candles surrounding you both.
Though late as it may have been, it was the best birthday the innocent human had. Smiling while he kissed your knuckles, he asked for your hand in marriage.
Never had you expected this...
"I Found the reason for my smile, the day I found you. Will you let me be the reason for your smile and marry me, my love?"
As most had expected, he forgot your birthday due to witches or the modeling gig, he did not.
Instead he forgot about preparing your birthday gifts. His excitement had always gotten the best of him.
The Avatar of greed did not have enough budget to prepare the gift you dearly wished for, therefore multiple part-time jobs and skipping RAD became more often.
Despite the scolding, he didn't bother and worked on, just imagining the smile you'd make once you saw what he got you.
''I'll make Mc smile. Just one more hour extra and the budget would be*chef's kiss* '' he thought as his co-workers packed their belongings up.
It was late night and the moons shined brightly over the streets of devildom however he wasn't much worried because it was not like your birthday the next day. (it was)
Stretching his arms, he woke up around 1:35 pm due to his fucked up sleep schedule, only to be greeted by your excited figure cuddling him.
Grey-haired demon thought it was the Delirium before the day itself. He was wrong.
At first he acted totally oblivious to the fact any special day was just around the corner. He knew that surprises even more better!!
And then your great mammon ignored you for a while to rid of the risk of you following him to the destination.
Though his plan was to get your hopes down, he ended up making you cry. It hurts a lot especially when the love of your life forgets your birthday afterall you gave him everything he wanted on his.
The visit was successful. He even had extras left to treat you!!!
The was big achievement for someone who hated working to the slightest, to work for 3 weeks and multiple jobs!!!
But before he left, the seller mocked him about being a damned day late for this gift could have been sold at a better price if not booked.
That is when it all clicked and he panicked. Today was your birthday! Oh shit!!
He rushed home back to you. As he ran, he planned how to ask for your forgiveness.
" Oi Mc I'm sorry!--Oh hell no!!" "Mc I fucked I am sorry, please forgive afterall I'm your first man.--fuck this shit imma just play smooth."
Panting, he paused right before the door of your room and knocked lightly. Seeking your permission to enter.
You lazily opened the door for him, tired after shedding many tears for him.
Mammon instantly knew what to do. "Oi Mc I'm sorry for not wishing ya' a happy birthday earlier but I was busy buyin you somethin', here darlin' close your eyes."
Hearing his apology, you felt oddly happy and followed his request. Soon you felt a soft cold metal cling to your wrist. A bracelet, huh.?
"Open y'er eyes, human." On your wrist was bracelet that said 'His human' and another matching one was on his wrist which said 'Their stupid' . (Now isn't that adorable?)
"I was savin' up for this, so ya' better appreciate it. Hmph!" Giggling you yelled 'I love you' at him making him blush immediately.
However, when he spoke, he spoke genuinely and not in tsundere.
"Ya' make my life worth living. You bring smiles to my face, and y'er touch shows me how much you love me and care for me. Y'er my friend and my lover. Happy Birthday!"
With envy filled to the brim, Leviathan was very focused upon you and having your attention only for himself. To not let anyone snatch you away for they could better be than him, he'd make notes to treat you like royalty and improve his guilt-tripping habits.
Guilt, regret, shame. His heart screamed within the confines of his chest, as he rubbed your back assuring you that he still loved and will continue to do so.
It was his envy. It had always been his envy. Who always held him captive like a bird in a cage, he struggled to break free. He just couldn't.
The fault was his for if he hadn't given in to the jealousy named poison, you would be happily celebrating your birthday rather than crying in his embrace.
The fault was his for if he hadn't screamed at your friends who just came to congratulate you about getting in a relationship with the demon you very much loved and to wish you a birthday.
They left because of him. Not because he humiliated them but he forgot his own lover's birthday and called them a pathetic cheater, as they didn't feel like reminding of what the day was. They had left off with their friends, returning at HOL at night only to get yelled at.
Caring friends as they were, they tried convincing Mc to leave which his love refused. So, they left pitying the poor human.
No-matter how much Mc begged her companions to stay, they didn't.
Oh the suffering for His Normie, they ran upto him vulnerable-ly and started hitting him weakly, breaking down. Why was he? Why was he like this?! Why must he always leave you crying due to his envy?!
"Hey easy...calm down please, I'm sorry. I really am sorry, please forgive me and I promise I will make everything right. Please." "How..?" "Please trust me. My love." "Are you sure..?" "Yes...yes...I love you..."
Could you really trust his statement? You wondered. He could forget his word much like how he forgot your birthday.
The great admiral of hell's navy was true to his word, and successfully united you again with those who almost abandoned you or it seemed like--but no they were just disappointed. They were never going to do such a thing.
The meet went smoothly, and soon the the sun was setting casting shadows along with dying light, it was a dreamy sight for anyone.
Leviathan had known that he still had to make upto you properly and therefore, he took you to the cosmos of frodane.
Red, blue, yellow, any colour you could possibly think of was there, shining as brightly you were.
Taking in a shaky breath, the Avatar of envy gave you a bouquet, each flower consisting different scent which complimented the other.
The shimmer in your eyes gave you away and he gave you a sweetly addicting kiss while mumuring...
"I always cause some mess. It is never your fault. I’m sorry for making you feel unhappy. I cannot believe that I cause hurt to you. You are my only hope for my life. I promise you that I will do my best to make a better version of myself for you, my 3rd waifu~"
And here we go... the pain and the suffering. Lol
Hope you like it and stay safe everyone. ♡♡♡
Have a good day!
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Beautiful as an angel.....but sure as hell ain't one
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Yondu Udonta x reader
Requested by: @theycallmequeenie @ezras-channel-rat @oblivionzchilde thanks for your request ❤️❤️❤️....here's three cookies for your troubles 🍪🍪🍪
Warnings: Violence, swearing, fluff.
A/n:......did you enjoy your cookies?.......good 😊......🥛🥛🥛 ENJOY THE STORY!!!!
Y/n jumped out of one of the trees, landing next to Rocket. She clocked one of the men in the face with her fist, and stabbed the other in the shin.
They both fell to the ground, one wailing in pain and the other was knocked the fuck out.
Y/n looked around for more, when she turned to Rocket in fear. A whistle had sounded from the darkness of the woods, and before they knew it an arrow with red in it's trail of flight came barreling out of the forest, and stopped just centimeters from Rockets face.
A dry chuckle could be heard as a blue man, and about thirty of his crew came slowly walking out of the woods.
"Son of a bitch." Y/n cursed. "Yondu....why are you here?"
"Well hello gorgeous." He said as he walked up to her.
Y/n looked around at his crew, they were stealing glances at her. She felt disgusted especially when she saw one ugly mother fucker, he looked like he had a burnt face and yellow eyes.
"Jesus Christ! What happened to you?" She asked.
He was taken aback by her remark, he turned to the rest of the crew behind him and let out a loud obnoxious laugh.
"Damn girly....your lookin good." Yondu circled her and called his arrow back.
Two of his men grabbed Y/n by the arms and went to tug her away, but she wrapped her legs around theirs and pushed them to the ground.
"Hold on there, Y/n. Don't be so aggressive. Your coming with us to answer a few.... questions." Udonta explained.
Y/n was shoved into a cell with rocket, the burnt face dude fallowed them, along with kraglin and Yondu.
"Now, where were we?" Kraglin asked.
Y/n turned to the burnt fucker....
"Who are you?"
"They call me, taserface."
Rocket and Y/n turned their heads away trying not to laugh.
"Ehem.....alright....taser...ehem...taserface." She said.
Yondu turned to the woman and her fury friend....
"Where is Quill?"
Rocket and Y/n looked at each other, then back at Yondu.
"He went off with his old man." The raccoon said.
"Ego?" Udonta asked.
Y/n nodded and crossed her arms.
"Yep...I guess it's a day for dumbass names, huh?"
Yondu and Kraglin chuckled and glanced at Taserface. He sneered at her and clenched his fists.
Yondu sat in the captains chair on the deserted bridge, Y/n just happened to walk in and look at a computer console.
"You're human right, Beautiful?" He asked.
Y/n nodded and smiled, she slowly walked up to him while looking around.
"Yep, I'm from Springfield Illinois." She replied.
"Is that near where Quill was from?"
"Missouri is literally the state next to Illinois."
Yondu nodded and faced the front window again, Y/n picked up one of the figures on his control panel and examined it. It was glass, pretty blue and clear.
"Where did you get this, Yondu?"
He turned and gently took it from her, Udonta smiled and held her hand.
"Pretty, ain't it? I got this lil thing on Xandar."
Y/n rested her arm on his shoulder as he set the little doodad back. Yondu gently rubbed her hand and planted a kiss on her wrists as he looked out the front.
She leaned her head on his and smiled, Yondu watched the stars pass by thinking about Y/n and all they've been through. They both had feelings for each other they could sense that, but they didn't know how to say it.
"I love you, Y/n." He whispered.
She knelt down in front of I'm and rested her head on his knee.
"I love you too, Yondu."
"How long?" He asked.
"Since you saved my ass from that big dragon looking fucker in that ice volcano on Raliax 7."
Yondu laughed and ran his fingers through her hair.
"I did save you didn't I?" He asked.
"Mmm, yeah you did. I wanted to kill Kraglin after he threw me in the little jail cell."
"You took out eight of my men, I ordered him to do it!"
"Well they got to close, and I didn't see you at first."
She stood up and sat on Udonta's lap, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, pressing his lips to hers.
"When I see Ego." He said. "I'm gonna kill him."
Y/n giggled. "We'll kill him together."
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reuinx · 3 years
Jealousy (Yelena Belova x Reader)
Summary: Yelena has wanted to keep your relationship a secret, especially from Natasha. A party is a perfect opportunity for you to taunt her using Wanda Maximoff.
Word Count: ​2,468
Translations:  Printsessa (Princess), Krasivaya (Beautiful)
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Yelena has kept you a secret for a while now, and she prefers it that way. As she suspected Natasha was becoming suspicious of your relationship, she instructed you both to cool it. Well, if you could even call it that. With her, you never knew where you stood. Many things with Yelena weren't clear to you. There was no way of knowing how she felt about you, what she was thinking, or what she would do next. You knew, however, that you were hopelessly in love with her.
Yelena had asked you to keep your distance from her, but that did not mean you couldn't have some fun, right? If she wasn't willing to commit, then why should you? You found yourself at an outdoor party during the summer heat. It was the usual thing for people to show off their cars. The speakers in the truck of an expensive vehicle blared music. You were beckoned by Natasha, who was sitting on the bonnet of her blue BMW X3 SUV as the cars were parked in a circle. You approached her without much caution. If you become nervous, it would be more evident that something was going on between you and Yelena if you avoided her.
"Mommy and Daddy let you bring the car, huh?" You called out playfully as Natasha shot you a look of disapproval, patting the bonnet beside her. As you climbed up beside her, you stared out at the familiar faces drinking, chatting, and dancing.
"Very funny. I see you didn't bring my sister" Natasha reached for a Budweiser, biting the cap with her teeth as she twisted it open while looking straight ahead. 
"Why would I bring Yelena?" Your voice was laced with nervousness as you asked. You and Yelena have always been friends before all of that happened!
"Why wouldn’t you?" Natasha responded. During your attempts to assemble your thoughts, everything always went back to Yelena. What did she mean by that?
"A peace offering," Natasha offered as she handed you the Budweiser. Yelena wasn't going to like you drinking, she established how you were a lightweight, but there are no rules anymore; you might as well break them all. Fuck it. Without hesitation, you raised the beer bottle to your lips and took a sip of the crisp as she smiled at you, interrupting your chance to speak.
"For what?" What was she talking about?
"Fucking my sister," She said nonchalantly as you choked on your beer as you were in the middle of drinking. She gently slapped your back while leaning across to help you breathe again.
"I..I don't know what you're talking about."
"You don't?"
"Huh, that's funny."
"What is?"
"The walls are paper thin. I can hear everything, and I mean everything. Especially your name being moaned-"
"I get it, I get it!"
"I'm guessing El didn't want me to know?"
"She doesn't want anyone to know."
"I've known. I see how she looks at you. She always looks at you like you're the only one in the room. It's cute but she is my little sister so I will be teasing her about it in the near future."
"That obvious?"
"She's just keeping me as a little secret for now, I guess."
"You'll have to change that now, won't you?" As the familiar engine rumbled in the distance, Natasha teased you. When Yelena's car was brought to your attention, you and Natasha both drank simultaneously.
"Speaking of the devil," Natasha commented against her drink. As Yelena's arm hung out the window, the yellow Mustang made its grand entrance. Her car stood out like a sore thumb, attracting everyone's attention. Especially yours.
"The one and only" As you shook your head, you climbed off the bonnet slowly, feeling eyes on you already, but they weren't just Yelena's. The eyes of a stranger caught your attention - a girl with auburn hair and green eyes.
"Oh hey! The beer trick with the teeth? Don't try that. You'll probably smash your teeth considering you can barely walk and chew gum at the same time." Natasha grins widely as she calls after you.
"Noted!" Your voice filled with laughter as you acknowledged your clumsiness. As you lifted the beer to your lips, you took a sip. As you watched from the corner of your eye, Yelena had climbed out of the Mustang. Her blonde hair was perfectly straightened between her shoulder blades. Her makeup was applied perfectly. She had a red dress that looked like it belonged in a Lana Del Rey music video. It clung firmly to every curve of her body. There was no doubt in her mind that she was sexy. Dressed up for your attention and your attention only. Without hesitation, Yelena made her way to you and yearned for your gaze, but you declined her. 
That didn't sit well with her at all. To get a reaction from her, you would do anything you could to get her to want you. While you walked past her, you tipped your head back and continued to drink. While walking, she looked over her shoulder to see where you were going. To sulk beside Natasha, of course. When you approached the auburn-haired girl, she gave you a look of surprise. As she slowly tilted her head at you, she adjusted her red leather jacket.
"Maximoff.. Wanda Maximoff" She introduced herself to you, her eyes fluttering as she did so. Her smile was soft but loving, and her eyes were friendly but held a wicked streak behind them.
"I know who you are, beautiful. I've been paying attention, especially to your little blonde girlfriend. The Belova girl, Yelena right?" Wanda commented as her eyes flickered towards Yelena, who was sitting beside Natasha on the bonnet, observing every move you made. You glanced over your shoulder at Yelena, who was mouthing something to Natasha: "What's she looking at?" referring to Wanda.
"That would be her."
"It seems she doesn't like me that much now?" The corner of Wanda's lips curled into a smirk; she didn't seem to mind.
"She'll get over it."
"Me and Natasha go way back. She's already given me the run down on Belova. She's just hung up on you that she realizes I'm not a threat… unless I want to be," Wanda teased you as you raised your eyebrow at her.
"Is that so?"
"Mhm. Want me to put on a show for you?"
"Come on then" Wanda extended her hand for you to take, and you put your hand into hers. It did not feel right when it wasn't Yelena's hand, but it was worth it to see her reaction. To be closer to the music, you followed her into the clearing. As you giggled, she spun you on the spot, holding the bottle to your lips as you finished it. They seemed to be enjoying themselves to the fullest, with Wanda in on it with Natasha. 
Playfully, you wrapped your arm around Wanda's neck as your eyes fluttered to Yelena. Uncomfortably, she had now shifted on the bonnet. While watching the scene play out before her, she tightened her lips. She began to bite the inside of her mouth impatiently. She hated the idea of anyone touching you. Anyone that wasn't her. Yelena's face showed an expression you had never seen before, she was openly jealous of what was happening in front of her eyes.
"I'll give her three seconds before she comes over….one…two…." As Wanda leaned in slowly, she whispered to you, pulling you closer to her. Her breath was close to your lips, too close. From behind, you felt arms wrap around your stomach, tugging you back from the girl with the Auburn hair. You knew who it was by her gentle touch. Yelena. Your Yelena.
"I've got it from here, Maximoff" In response, Yelena snapped at Wanda, who clapped in surrender, bursting out in laughter.
"I was only teasing, Belova. Play nice now," Wanda playfully spoke as she made her way over to Natasha. They high-fived one another as Wanda climbed up on the bonnet beside her.
"You can look but you can't touch, Maximoff." 
"Who said I was only going to look, Belova?" Playfully sticking her tongue out, Wanda added fuel to the fire. 
"I did." Yelena explained each word laced with her accent before turning her attention to you. Now you're in for it.
"Drinking and chatting up Maximoff now? Haven't I taught you any better?" Yelena's question was directed at you now.
"Seems you haven't."
"Have you forgotten who you belong to, Printsessa?"
"I don't belong to anyone."
"Is that so?"
"According to you, "I don't belong to anyone," You replied bubbly; Your eyes peered up at the green-eyed girl whose lips parted. Observing her tense face, you could tell she was not happy with what you did. Your body was equipped with enough alcohol to make you brave.
"What are you going to do about it, Yelena Belova?" As she scowled at your sudden words, taken aback by your approach, you taunted her. Yelena didn't respond; she remained silent.
"Nothing, you'll do nothing" You rolled your eyes at her, turning on the heels of your shoes as you walked away from her once again.
"I'll show you what I'm going to do about it." Yelena finally spoke, snapping out at you as she quickly caught up to you. Now she was high on adrenaline. When she grabbed your arm, she spun you around so that you faced her. Alcohol could not save you from the intimidation you felt. She leaned in quickly, shoving her lips against yours, grasping your cheek with her hand. 
As your body pressed up against hers in need, you swooned at her sudden movement. Lips moving in perfect sync. You craved her; you craved this. It caught you by surprise when Wanda and Natasha started cheering. Your face turned red as you pulled away from Yelena's lips. She whispered in your ear quietly with her lipstick now smudged.
"Lets go somewhere else. I want you to myself tonight. All mine." Her voice was alluring as you nodded at her. She grabbed your hand, tugging you over to her car. As you looked at Natasha, who gave you a thumbs up, you smiled widely. Once you reached the Mustang, Yelena put you in the passenger side, ensuring you secure your seatbelt. Before closing the door and climbing into the driver's seat, she made sure you were safe.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see" While starting the car, she spoke in a calm and collected manner. The rumbling of the engine begins to soothe you. As you both left the party, you rested your head against the window and gazed out.
"Natasha knows by the way," You muttered.
"I know. I told her before the party but she already had an idea because she could hear us through-"
"The thin walls, she said." Laughing, you finished her sentence as your face turned red with embarrassment. As the world around you began to fade into darkness, you both sat in comfortable silence.
"I forgot to tell you… well.. not that I forgot to tell you but you're beautiful."
"I'm glad you noticed."
"Of course, I noticed. I always notice."
"I was too busy looking at you, Krasivaya." She explained to you as you suddenly turned to face her, your eyes studying her face as she smiled at you. The sight of her filled your heart with joy. As you quickly glanced out the window, you frowned at the sight of where she had taken you. She took the keys out, climbed out, and opened the door as she made her way to you. Suddenly, you felt breathless and scrambled out. You were both alone, just you and her. Her parking spot was elevated so that you could see the night sky from a greater height. You joined her on the bonnet of her car, leaning back as you stared up at the stars in delight.
"Jealous of Wanda then?" You called out to Yelena, who was getting comfortable on the bonnet; she suddenly darted her eyes at you with the sudden mention.
"Me? Jealous? Please."
"So you won't mind if I go back and just happen to dance with her again then?"
"Don't." The tone of her voice was stern and direct, but you took it as a challenge.
"Why not?"
"Jealous doesn't even describe what I felt. You got lucky."
"I got lucky?"
"If you continued your little act you were going to be put in the backseat of my car and I was going to show you who you belong to infront of everyone."
"Maybe that's exactly what I wanted"
"Maybe I should have made that a reality then but you would've enjoyed it too much," She explained as she broke out in a chuckle; the way she laughed made you fall in love with her all over again. She slowly climbed off the bonnet as you gulped, your eyes studying her every movement. She made her way to the front of the car, pressing her knees against the registration plate. 
She grabbed your legs, pulling you forward as she stood between them. Her green eyes were wild as they gazed at you; you leaned back ever so slightly so she could tower over you. She liked being in control, and you gave it up so quickly for her. She studied your face; what was she thinking about? You could tell she was lost in thought. Maybe this was your time to ask her? 
"Huh?" You caught her by surprise as she rapidly blinked; she carefully rested her hands on your thighs as she waited for you question. How you approached it made her nervous, you could tell. The lines on her face had become apart as she frowned at you. For once, she didn't know what you were going to say.
"Why did you keep "us" a secret?" Her entire face changed the moment you asked. As if relief had suddenly overtaken her. As she had difficulty managing her words, she shut her eyes and tried to manage her frown.
"I don't know..I guess.."
"You guess?"
"I guess I was afraid."
"Yelena Belova afraid? I doubt that."
"I'm being serious." Her voice wasn't as bubbly as usual, but it had a sincere tone to it.
“Afraid of what?"
"To fall in love with you." Her hands were adjusted off your thighs so that she could play with the rings. When she played with her rings, you knew she was nervous. She twirled her rings around her fingers.  Since making things official made them real to her, she was afraid that the end result of all this would be hurting you.
"And now?" While you traced your eyes across the beautiful blonde nearby, you questioned nervously. As you watched her slowly turn toward you, you suddenly gulped. She was nervous; it was nice that it was the other way around.
"It's too late I've already fallen." 
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
With You Always
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***So I really really really love this idea, but I'm going to tweak it just a little bit so rather than only seeing them in mirrors, MC can just always see them when the brothers aren't around. This one is going to take place after they return to the human realm. I'm also going to be using he/him pronouns for the crush that'll be mentioned. I figured since all the dateables in the game identify as male, it'd be a safe bet. Thank you so so much for this creative request @gender-less-lemon (also I freaking love your profile picture. Monster Camp/Prom is hilarious)***
Summary: An average day of high school with MC...and the seven pact manifestations that haunt their vision.
TW: Bullying You were awoken not by an alarm, or your guardian, or even some random noise from outside, but rather a phantom gnawing on your arm. With a groan, you blinked open your eyes and saw just your regular old room, with one minor difference; a spectral red bear was happily teething on your elbow. You chuckled and pet the manifestation, noting the brightly glowing symbol of gluttony resting in its stomach. "Okay, Beel," you mumbled to yourself as you dragged yourself out of bed, pushing the purple translucent calf sleeping on your stomach, in the process. "I hear you." Ever since you had returned to the human realm, you had been followed around by spectral manifestations of the seven pacts that you owned. By the looks of things, no one else could see them, and they only appeared when the connected sin was active or needed, but it helped you feel less alone. You missed the brothers more than you had anticipated. It was more than a little bit of a culture shock to go from being loved and spoiled every day to being the misfit in your high school. Speaking of which, you needed to get going if you weren't going to be late. As you rushed around our room frantically grabbing the things you needed to get ready, the calf-like manifestation of sloth sat on your bed mooing in complaint. You sent a glare over to it as you finished collecting your belongings. "Trust me, I rather stay home and sleep too, buddy. But I have to go." Grabbing some fruit on your way out the door, you just managed to make it to school on time. Now it was simply a matter of surviving the day.
In all honesty, you preferred RAD to high school. In RAD, the subjects were interesting and grasped your attention without any problems at all. You had friends, even outside of the brothers. Sure there were always demons that would talk down about the kid human that clung to the demon lords, but you had the brothers to protect you. It was nice.
Now that you were back in the human world, you had none of that. In fact, you were even more of a misfit than when you were before. The teenager that vanished for a year and came back weirder than before; that was you. At first, you couldn't get people to leave you alone, but once they realized you weren't going to give them answers they backed off. You would occasionally laugh or whisper to the manifestations, which would earn you some more than weird looks, but you didn't care. These weird little ghost-like creatures were one of the only things you had connecting you to the Devildom. They meant more to you than anything else. As you entered your classroom, you had to bite back a laugh at the sight of one of your classmates looking around in confusion as, unknown to them, a golden yellow crow flapped around their head and pecked at the shiny earrings they were wearing. You took your seat in the back of the classroom and watch in amusement as the crow continued pecking at the various belongings of students, causing subtle chaos and confusion. Leave it to Mammon to make your day even when he wasn't actually there. Your teacher walked in and sat down in his chair. "Alright, class. Today we're going to continue with our history presentations. Remember these were subjects of your choice, so I do hope that you can at least pretend to be interested," he sighed and pulled out a clipboard. "Looks like the next person presenting is...MC." You winced and looked down at your notes. The topic was definitely one you were confident in, but to present it in front of your class. What if no one liked it? What if people laughed? What if- You felt a nudge on your arm. You glanced over to see a dazzling blue peacock, straightening its long neck out high as it puffed out its chest. The pride manifestation gestured forward with its head and almost seemed to smile at you. You smiled gently as you felt warmth grow from his pact mark on your inner wrist and stood up beside the peacock. It cawed and began to strut forward, leading the way to the front of the class. The mental image of Lucifer doing the same almost caused you to burst out laughing. You finally turned to the class and held your head up proudly as you began to speak. "My presentation today will be on biblical demonology and the way it has evolved throughout the eons of its existence." It was the best presentation you had ever given in your life. Riding off of the high from history class, the day seemed to fly by. Before you knew it was time for lunch. The bear was back, this time just softly moaning it continued butting your back with its head in an attempt to get you to go to the cafeteria faster. With one particularly heard shove, you were sent stumbling forward, directly into the chest of someone. "I'm so sorry! I'm a total clutz. I just tripped, I hadn't meant to-" you cut yourself off as you looked up and noticed you were looking at your crush. Your jaw snapped shut as you felt your face suddenly become uncomfortably hot. He smiled and waved off the apology. "It's alright. Just an accident right?" Your face became even hotter as you noticed a bright pink rabbit jumping up and down happily behind him. "I- Uh...Ehm...Y-Yeah! Yeah, t-totally an accident. I'm seat so I should go find my hungry. I-I mean!" He chuckled and nodded. "No worries, I get what you're trying to say. Enjoy your seat, MC," he gave you a wink, causing you to squeak as he walked off. You glared down at the rabbit running happy circles around your feet and the red bear that was sulking guiltily in a corner. "I blame you two for this." With an embarrassed huff, you entered the cafeteria and found yourself instantly wanting to walk back out. Everyone was laughing and talking with one another in their friend groups at their tables. Some gossiped eagerly over a magazine. Others sat silently with one another while they gamed or read books. There was even a table where a group of theatre kids were drumming out a soundtrack beat on the table while singing their favourite
songs. You ducked your head down and grabbed a tray of food before moving to the lonely table in the back, doing your best to ignore the giant orange snake that slithered between the tables, occasionally hissing and tripping students. You tried not to think of how you could be just like those groups of laughing friends, if only you were still at RAD. Your heart ached as you thought about the brothers. Maybe you could call them tonight. You let out a heavy sigh as you stood up and went to leave. You had almost made it to the door when a familiar face stopped you. Standing just a couple inches taller than you, surrounded by their groupies, was your tormentor, Taylor. You weren't entirely sure why they hated you so much. You just knew that they did, and that it got even worse when you came back from the Devildom. Taylor smirked with their arms crossed over their chest. "Where do you think your going? You haven't come to say hello yet." You scoffed and tried to walk past them. "Leave me alone, Taylor. I'm not in the mood for this today," before you could get very far, you were harshly onto the floor, stealing the breath from your lungs. You gasped and glared up at them. "What the fuck?!" The bully just sneered down at you. "You may not be in the mood for this, but I am. You know I heard about your weirdo presentation. Demons? Really? What are you, a satanist?" Their word choice was really ironic, for at that moment you noticed the large, white unicorn with flaming green hair and eyes appear behind them. The beast stomped its hooves and whinnied dangerously. You gulped nervously and looked up at Taylor. "Even if I was, it's not your business. I just find the topic interesting is all." You went to stand up, and therefore force the angry horse with a horn away from Taylor, but were stopped as they placed their foot on top of your chest. "I bet that's why you have all those weird tattoos, huh? What did you run away and join a cult for a year? Freak!" You could feel Satan's pact mark on the back of your neck grow hotter and hotter to the point that you were concerned the manifestation may be trying to summon him. Your eyes widen as you noticed it back up a few steps and point its horn at Taylor. You knew that the creatures normally could do small interactions with others, such as tripping or pushing, but you had never seen them attempt anything so violent. You couldn't just let it kill someone. "STOP!" The cafeteria fell quiet, but you weren't looking at them or even Taylor, you were looking at the unicorn. The manifestation neighed in frustration and jumped around, but obeyed your command. You slumped in relief. Looking back over to Taylor, you found them glaring down at you like you were nothing but a bug. They opened their mouth to degrade you even further when a teacher finally stepped forward. "What is happening here?" You walked over to the unicorn while Taylor fed the teacher a handful of lies. You leaned over to the manifestation and whispered under your breath. "Thank you for trying to protect me, but you can't hurt people. Just leave it be." The creature snorted and nuzzled your shoulder. In comparison to the hectic lunch hour, the rest of the day passed by with ease. In no time at all, you were back home in your room. You had just plopped onto your bed, when you heard a familiar ringtone. You smiled brightly and quickly grabbed your D.D.D. before immediately answering the phone. "Hello?" "Oh, you answered that quite quickly," you grinned at the surprise in Satan's tone. "I was just calling to-" "IS THAT MC?! GIMME!!!" You laughed as the sounds of Satan yelling and running from Mammon came through the other end. There was a yelp, a bang, and a victorious whoop before you could hear the device get picked up by someone. "'Hey MC! How was your day? I hope you didn't miss the great Mammon too badly. N-Not that I've missed you or anything just wanted to know how you're doin' is all." Belphie's purple calf climbed its way into your lap once more as you gently patted its head.
"I miss you too, Mammon. And today wasn't bad. I'd say it was pretty average overall." You could hear Satan growl in the background before there was a loud thud followed by a scream from Mammon. Satan took the phone back. "Just average you say? Nothing special?" You frowned and narrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "No, why?" To your right, the unicorn neighed softly and plopped down beside your bed. "Well, I could've sworn I felt our pact become triggered at some point today and...Well in all honesty I was concerned. We worry about you getting hurt without us there with you, MC." You couldn't help but smile softly as one by one each of the manifestations of your pacts made their way to your bed and laid down. "I know," you replied affectionately. "Though I'm never completely alone. So long as I have my pacts, you guys will always be with me." ***This was such an interesting concept to toy around with. I hope this wasn't too confusing and actually makes sense 😅😅 Thanks again for the amazing request @gender-less-lemon!***
Taglist @thegrimgrinningghost
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for chuuya having a crush on someone who's dense? like he could ask them out in the most straightforward way possible and it would still go over their head?
yes, yes of course you may!
sorry this took so long! my computer was out of commission for abt a week (or two..??)
but this is also my birthday writing piece for chuuya!! (4/29/21) i even added a small drabble thingy in addition to the hcs for the occasion hehe
from where i am, it is about fifteen minutes past midnight so it’s officially chuuya day here!!
happy birthday chuuya i love you! you deserve the whole world and everyone is willing to fight tooth and nail to ensure your happiness! we love you! 💗💗
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! i kinda had some writer’s block but it was still a lot of fun to write! there might be some mistakes, but i’ll scan over it again later. reader is gender neutral! have fun!
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chuuya having a crush on a dense! reader
nakahara chuuya x gn! reader
im cackling somebody help him
he’s frustrated bc you can’t take a hint or a thousand but he can’t even be mad bc he’s whipped
“look at you all dressed up today, wanna go out later? my treat?”
“oh really? thanks chuuya-san! you’re such a nice friend. i’ll go invite the others right now, i’ll see you later!”
fast forward to later in the evening and he finds himself at a little restaurant with the black lizard + higuchi and akutagawa
in unison all of them go, “thank you for the meal chuuya-san!” (except aku and hirotsu are quieter & and gin just a nods hehe)
“no problem” (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
gin only pats him on the back in sympathy
he spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make it absolutely and undeniably clear that he has feelings for you
he always fails
“(y/n) i like you”
“i like you too chuuya-san”
“t-then will you—”
“you’re a really great friend! and superior too”
“oh were you saying something?”
“nah, just forget about it”
tachihara is laughing in the corner of the corridor
dont worry, chuuya made sure to get back at him
chuuya’s been pinning after you for years and frankly, his failed attempts to woo you has lead everyone to the breaking point
and i mean everyone
yes, even aku
hell even dazai
but dazai also thinks it’s funny, so he doesn’t mind all that much
okay bye bye dazai-san this headcanon set isn’t abt you rn
they knew even if he kissed you, you still might not get it
so they decided to help him
super secret mission get chuuya and (y/n) together is a go!
they’re still working on a proper mission name, don’t mind them
they had a super secret strategy meeting!
you can bet your ass that they nearly got nothing done
akutagawa & kaiji weren’t much help, neither was higuchi, mori, or elise
tachihara nearly got killed for a thoughtless comment
“just tell them chuuya-san!”
“i already fucking did you ass!”
gin, hirotsu, and kouyou were the most helpful !!
hirotsu and kouyou both agreed on the idea that chuuya should try courting with bouquets of flowers instead of flat out asking you bc they knew you found them pretty
(even if you don’t identify as a female, flowers are for everyone no matter gender or sexuality! so let’s normalize giving flowers to everyone <33 )
gin didn’t speak but she used cards to communicate
everyone knew that you weren’t stupid (you wouldn’t have survived in the mafia if you were) but they did know that you were only stupid when it came to all this lovey dovey stuff
i mean, if chuuya gave you flowers every so often, there’s no way that you wouldn’t piece it together at some point
but kouyou assured him that even though you wouldn’t get it right away, you’d appreciate the gestures and that he’ll stand out more
she even said that if someone gave her flowers, she would appreciate it, whether or not she reciprocated their feelings
it takes guts to be so up front with your feelings after all
gin and hirotsu only nodded with her explanation
once again, this only provoked a reaction out of tachihara
“what do you know gin? i get the old man and kouyou-san, they’re grown, but you? what do you know abt courting? or flowers? what are you a girl?”
akutagawa choked on his cough, higuchi on air, and on the other side of yokohoma at the ada, dazai is cackling
yes, dazai somehow placed a listening device onto chuuya’s hat and was listening in
don’t ask how, it’s dazai
the next day, chuuya did what was barely discussed and for once, things actually started to look up
until they started look to down again
at first, it actually looked like you understood his intentions after he gave you a bouquet of flowers
literally everyone was leaning against the opposite hallway you two were in and then they got excited !!
especially chuuya !
but then your expression sort of changed...??
and then in their heads they simultaneously went, “oh no”
they knew that expression
it was very familiar when you tended to friend zone chuuya
but boy let me tell you what you said next made them facepalm and or make their jaws drop
“ah, so you really are friend zoning me huh chuuya-san; what a shame, i really did like you”
you liked him??
him of all people??
he wasn’t complaining, no of course not, but he still couldn’t believe it
but that wasn’t what he was really focusing on right now
what in any form or language did it say he was friend zoning you?!
flower language apparently
chuuya chose to buy the bouquet of yellow roses, pink carnations, and yellow carnations bc he thought you would appreciate the brighter colors, and so that you’d remember them better (because remembering them, meant remembering him)
but ooh boy
altogether, they meant the exact opposite message he wanted to send
someone help him pls
“you see chuuya-san, yellow roses mean friendship, pink carnations mean gratitude, and yellow carnations mean rejection; sooo in a nutshell, these pretty much say ‘thank you for being my friend, but im rejecting you”
no one can tell if tachihara is crying or wheezing
and dazai is having the time of his life
yes, he started listening in on him again
and chuuya is just stunned
like speechless and unmoving stunned
is he just bad at this whole courting/dating thing?? it’s only been one day and of it and somehow he was the one doing the rejecting??
“thank you for the flowers chuuya-san, i’ll be going now; i’ll make sure to let this affect our friendship. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you passed by the not so subtle group of people
“tachihara-kun..?? are you alright?”
just for context, he was leaning his forehead against the wall using his forearm
again, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or wheezing
“i-im okay (y/n)-san...i think c-chuuya-san has it worse than me”
he’s still frozen poor baby
but it’s okay bc after like 5 more seconds he’s chasing you down the hallway you were walking in
kouyou, with a knowing smile on her face, ushers everyone away towards the opposite direction
she received some whines (ahem, tachihara and mori) but silenced them by summoning golden demon
but it’s okay
if they run fast enough, they can see what happens through the security cameras
chuuya caught up with you and tried to explain everything but he was exhausted
emotionally, physically (bc since when did you walk that fast??), and generally just tired with the whole situation
he just wanted to call you his; was that too much to ask??
as explosive as he can be, he can be calm and collected too
and he really did try to be that way as he talked with you but it was very difficult at the moment
the dumbfounded and confused look on your face his face twitch with annoyance and his heart started beating faster bc god you were cute
thank goodness after what seemed like years, you finally somewhat understood what happened
you didn’t understand completely but it was something
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The two of you stood in the middle of the unusually empty hallway facing each other, you with the bouquet still in hand. It was quiet as you and Chuuya assessed the situation.
You looked at him skeptically and he stared right back you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“...So you do like me Chuuya-san??”
“And you were trying to court me just now, not friend zone me??”
You got most of your questions out of the way, but there was something that you’ve been wondering about for quite a while.
“...So you’re not gay for Dazai-san??”
“Yes, im not wait—GAY FOR DAZAI?? THAT MACKEREL??”
Chuuya did a double take. What in heavens name made it seem like he liked that suicidal maniac?? Why would he choose him if he had you?
Like he would choose him anyways; or ever consider him as a possible romantic partner.
“Oh, so you are?”
“Well yeah, but I thought you liked Dazai-san too. As annoying as he is, he can be quite charming—”
He was out of patience at this point (nope definitely not because you were talking about Dazai who told you that?) and just decided to kiss you.
You immediately melted into the kiss and kissed him back with the same amount of love and feeling.
Letting the bouquet fall to the ground, you wrapped you arms around his neck and his put his on your lower back and brought you closer to him. After a few more moments, the two of you broke apart for air.
The two of you, slightly out of breath, leaned your foreheads against each other and just basked in each others presence.
Chuuya looked into your (e/c) eyes and asked you just a little bit above a whisper, “Now do you get my intentions and feeling?”
You blinked at him before breaking out into a grin, “Hmm I’m not sure; do you wanna do that again Chuuya?”
The red head only blinked back at you before rolling his eyes, a smile present on his handsome features, his heart fluttering at you using his name with the honorific.
Smiling cheekily at him, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and started dragging him towards the lobby to take a walk around the building perimeter, knowing that the two of you can’t be too far from work.
The way down to the lobby was mostly in comfortable silence until you said something that made Chuuya want to bash his head against the wall.
“You know, you could’ve just told me you liked me Chuuya. It’s not like I would’ve said no.”
Once again, as the rest of the more power mafia members watch from security cameras, it is hard to tell whether Tachihara is crying or wheezing of laughter.
omake !!
The two of you just started making your way around the building when suddenly a very familiar voice came from Chuuya’s prized hat.
“Chuuyaaaa!! It was about time you stopped being a chicken, Chibi!”
Removing his hat from his head, he started yelling at it not knowing exactly where the listening device was planted.
“And (y/n)! I would congratulate you, but I think I would rather offer you my condolences. Why him?! He’s just a slimy slug. OOH OOH how would you like to join me in a double suicide?! A shame it won’t be a lover’s suicide but it’ll annoy Chuuya so I think it’ll be worth it! ”
“And please don’t kiss while I’m listening in. You made me lose my appetite! And it was such a shame! I was eating crab using Kunikida-kun’s money! Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”
“Ah! Kunikida-kun is here! I have to go!”
You can hear something is the background that vaguely sounds like, “DAZAI YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES STOP USING MY MONEY”
The click sound from the hat revealed that Dazai disconnected.
Chuuya twitched and glared furiously at his signature hat hating that the voice he hated the most came out of it.
“Aww, I didn’t get to talk to Dazai-san”
Chuuya whipped his head towards you, a look of mock (or real) betrayal showing on his features.
You laughed at him before taking the hat out of his hands and placing it on his head.
He shyly looked away before muttering a thanks making you smile wider. Just as the two of you were about to start walking, a small explosion erupted from his hat; it was likely that Dazai made the listening device self destruct.
At the Armed Detective Agency, a certain suicidal maniac hid from the wrath of his current partner as he thought about the wrath his old one.
“Hmmm I wonder if Chuuya would finally stop wearing his ugly hats if I blow all of them up...”
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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