#he calls her alot of things actually just never gwen
vixenicks · 2 months
u get it u get it. the ending to murderdocks storyline felt lowkey corny as hell there was so much potential there for his and gwens dynamic like what if instead of blackmailing her she didnt know he was kingpin in the first place and thought he was helping her get her dad out of jail altruistically? slow manipulation to get close to her to convince spider woman to work for him of her own volition and then he rips the rug from under her in killing her father both isolating her and keeping her dependent on him and fulfilling his gwen stacy kin dreams, i dont think shes see him as a father figure but itd kinda be a echo and fisk dynamic “i trusted u and u killed my father i hate u and am still attached to u at the same time” kinda thing. anyway i think murderface should pee in his bed and his bed smells like cat pee forever and ever.
RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT YEAH. i think murdock would've gotten covid if gwen saw him as a father replacement, there's definitely the world's worst found family thing going on with them though and it makes me sick, she's like his emotional support teen intern
heavy on the maya and fisk vibes for sure like u said anon SOOOO MUCH COULD'VE BEEN DONE WITH HIM. WITH THEM. RAAAGGHHH the blackmail and coercion that occurred in the comics wasn't even like that good murdock had so many different opportunities to corner her into a predetermined decision and litchrally none of them were taken. Murdock already has the World's Worst Upbringing and i think alot could've been done with them forming their doomed bond to each other and him creating a false sense of security around her — specifically the way in which i view murdock's attachment to others is always something thats very consuming and unclear, his driving force is turning her into his successor and making her experience the same horrible fate he had and just UUGUGHGHH missed opportunities. also i think it would've been funny if murdock went to jail and they ended up being roomies when gwen got arrested she was fighting for her life in there imagine that fucking guy ontop of that she would've bit his arms off
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myloisarat · 3 months
Crush Culture -Gwourtney short fic-
It's the day before Valentine's and Courtney’s laying by her ex's side, in a bed, watching Legally Blonde.
And now she thinks of it, isn’t that just pathetic, she should be studying. Even id she's far surpassed most of her classes from sheer willpower alone and now is ahead in possibly every aspect you can be.
And yet sitting down to an exam still makes her stomach churn in a way she would never admit to anyone. She shuffles in the sheets lifting herself off her back to gauge Duncan’s reactions to whoever he’s texting on his phone, Gwen probably. He’s girlfriend.
Courtney sours at the thought of her, a lanky, pale goth girl who had done just what Courtney had been telling herself she would for years, and stole her boyfriend. It had bothered her alot at first but now, in hindsight, Duncan was totally dead weight. She bit her lip and turned to her side.
At least she had something on Duncan that could make his stomach churn and his face twist in anguish just as she had. Gwen had slid into her DM’s about five weeks ago. While she and Duncan were together, asking if they had broken up, asking if she had a shot. With Courtney.
Courtney was scared out of her wits at the mere idea had shut that down real fast, sliding out of instagram and blocking her. Which may have been an extreme reaction but it was to keep herself focused.
She was admittedly the tiniest bit acknowledging Gwen's attractiveness. One so much more appealing than Duncan’s brand of shitty jokes and just plain sexism. But she hadn’t trusted herself so she deserted that moment because it had the possibility of happening. Now she studied a picture of Gwen, Gwen who was a bit of a viral blogger in her own right who drew online for commerce beside college and had her own blog.
Logged into the incognito browser and admired her black nails and chunky platform boots that had straps and black streaks all across them, she bit her lip again.
Duncan let out a chuckle at something on screen and Courtney turned away from the fluorescent light of her phone, she focused on the movie.
“Uh hey Ms Class President.” a sardonic voice called out from across the hall. Courtney recognised that vice and so the tight grip on her bag straps began to loosen and she relaxed. Before she realised that, she recognised that voice and it was one of the ones she’d feared most. Still she obliged and turned around, she was after all ‘Ms Class President’.
“Gwen.” Courtney says, swivelling around.
Gwen smirks. Taking time to look Courtney over with a satisfied smirk on her face.
“Hey, Courtney, how's life?” She asks leaning against Courtney’s locker cornering against the masses of college students that continue to crowd around the highschool halls. She felt hot and squished.
“It's good, I’m on top of everything and shit so it's good, what about you?” Courtney asks, looking up at her, observing heavy eyeliner and dark red lipstick. ‘Different’ she thinks amusedly.
“I’m good, really good.” She leans closer to Courtney and then Courtney notices a small thing, something that she’s clutching between pale fingers.
“Actually I came here to give you something…” She hands Courtney a note, on graph paper.
“Thanks.” Courtney says take it cautiously.
Gwen gestures to it encouraging her to read it. Courtney does.
Wanna do shit behind the girls' dorms :)
Courtney hacked a bit at that, “Oh my god!"
Gwen smirks, “I don’t know if this was clear but I am actually totally into you, by shit I mean the fact that ‘Fried Green Tomatoes’ is playing outside on the field by the girls' dorms tonight, I heard it was pretty romantic.” She says.
“I would love to watch a movie about elderly lesbians in the 80’s, especially with you." Courtney says, she rubs the back of her neck and catches Gwen's grin.
"My intention was to set the mood, you know, to focus on us. Focus on whatever this is happening between us." Gwen says.
"I want flowers next time, but yeah I'd really like that."
+ Courtney redesign
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zainnbug · 6 months
so ….i’ve been rewatching “The Spectacular Spider-Man” and i just wanted to give my lukewarm takes on it (just my own personal opinions!) prepare for horrible analysis and alot of words!!!!!
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i say this with an open mind because Spectacular Spider-Man is a kids show… but the villains are not good. I feel like there is very little build up on these characters origin stories and why the way they act like they do. For example electro, an ordinary repair guy who is involved in a work accident while working on machinery next to genetically altered eels. for me i just couldn’t understand where all his hatred was coming from except for the fact that he is never able to go back to his life. Like this guy is traumatized and now has to adjust to a new life that harms everyone and then boom he’s evil and hates Spider-Man (Too much Spider-Man hate and not enough I-hate-the-world kind of hate! ). There just wasn’t more of a build up to it, like i wished he tried to be like a hero just like Spider-Man then completely fucks everything up while trying to do good. I know certain life altering changes completely changes someone but i still wish he tried to cling onto his human characteristics (like his morals he once had from who he used to be). It would’ve been cool if he tried to be himself again more mentally and then threw that out the window cuz it was never gonna work out)That’s also one thing i see recurring with the villains is that they just hate Spider-Man…. But I still try to keep an open mind as it is a really short show and apparently electricity is the main source for all evilness in this show (literally).
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2. He’s a hoe
heavy on this one cause pete cannot choose from liz, gwen, mj, black cat or that bugle secretary. He went from that shordy who worked at the bugle to mj to liz allan to black cat then to liz again then gwen then LIZ AGAIN then gwen again? it was like every 5 seconds he was switching sides …like oh man! liz is into me.. oh and gwen too!! and then he just wouldn’t make up his mind. This guy is a man whore I STILL REMEBER THE SCENE WHERE HE FINALLY DECIDED TO TALK TO GWEN AFTER THEIR KISS AND SHE BLEW HIM OFF SO HE STARTED THINKING ABT MJ WHILE SHE(MJ) WAS TALKING TO HIM. even she told him to get it together 😔 do better peterman
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3. Mjs incredible personality✨
this one’s not too much of a big deal and i can tolerate it but it still irks me. Throughout the entire time of Mjs screen time is her personality which kind of ruins her character in this show. From the way she talks to how she flirts with everyone in the show bothers me. She flirts with nearly every guy in the show and she’s just… too flirty LIKE IT DOESNT FIT HER CHARACTER. It’s not the Mj i know but i still do luv. It’s just not in her character to act this flirtatious. It’s like she has no real personality other than being hot.
-the villains in this show were still enjoyable like otto octavius and venom, which are my personal favs. Also seeing marko stick up for a child being bullied and saving innocent people really did it for me. I also thought he was just some mindless spider-man hater but there’s a little more to it.
- despite peter being a hoe….erm i actually cannot find something good to say abt his hoe side srry y’all….
-despite Mjs flirty side, Mj is like the number one supporter for most of the characters in this show. She’s the one constantly checking on gwen and peter while also giving them relationship advice or just advice in general. Also she’s the first person to notice something is wrong. I like to call her a girls girl cuz she really looks out for the girls in the show.
thanks for reading my horrible takes i will be posting more like follow and subscribe if y’all actually read me yapping away and stay tuned y’all 🙏
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rsquid2 · 7 months
Finished Olypian Affair, heres all my various thoughts, spoilers if yall care about such things
I feel like the book moved very fast, perhaps thats a side effect of me reading it in about 12 hours but to me it didnt feel like that next book in a longer series, more like the second in a duology. As I was reading, and after while I was thinking about it, it felt like Things just Happened.
I distincly remember thinking that at some point in the next few books Espiria was going to turn on Aurora, only for that to happen the literal next page.
Everything in this one felt like a massive escalation from the first book. Everything feels bigger and higher stakes, which is not a bad in of itself but it felt like 3 books worth of escalation crammed into one.
We get the whole story on the Perilous, which like, neat, I kinda wish he'd dragged that out for longer, like, maybe only releaved the strictly releavent part and kept us in the dark for a bit longer.
Characters fuck alot in this book, like it feels a little excessive, it almost feels like Meatsmith has got somethin going on between this and warriorborn, idk maybe this is how is writting always is ive never read his other stuff.
I am once again expressing my hatred of it being a post-apoclypic earth, albeit not ours cus crystals were still a thing before the fall or whatever you wanna call it. I hate it, I really dont think it has to be earth, you can even still do the thing with Tyranima, it just feels a little lazy imo
That last chapter was fuckin wild. An archangel just, shows up, and has a conversation with the spirearch and Maul. Which like, why is Maul there??? It doesn't seem like he'd care I guess he does tho.
I kinda hate they introduced those crystal zombies, cus they are zombies, explictly have to go for the head, made of dead people, its just zombies, I hate that they put them in so early, cus either we are never going to see them again, or they are going to become a regular enemy which our heros can dispatch with ease. Neither of these options are good.
I do like that he left Gwen on the surface, I kinda expected the epilouge to go "oh and gwen got rescued shes fine"
Ferus is fucking dead!!!! That's just sad.
I do think on the whole everyone is charactized pretty well, no one feels wildly out of character. Some characters have changed but it's been 2 years if they hadnt it be weird. There were a few times were it felt Gwen was uncharcteristly slow on the uptake just so things could be spelled out to the audiance.
We got a little more lore on how the crystals are made, they grow em like the fuckin crystal grow kits from the craft store.
Abigal, I like that she's a character, I like that she's like a spy, I think thats cool, I love Hamish and Tilde. I hate where the book left her and Bayard, which i'd imagine is the point
There was no mention of Rook, at all, which like, yea he's a dick and I hated him, but It feels like he got retconed out of the story. Even when recounted the Pererlous Incident, they dont mention him. So either the admiralty wrote him into the Incident for whatever reason, or he has actually be written out of the story as a whole.
Overall I did like the book, despite what this may make it appear, I did enjoy it, now I guess we'll wait another 8 years for the next one!
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callme-secret · 2 years
Part 1 : The Origin
A (TASM) DAD!Peter Parker x Daughter!Reader
Plot : (Y/N) May Parker has been Spiderman for a total of two years. She learned to expect the unexpected, but seeing her dead dad in another dimension? That's too much even for her.
Warnings : swearing, angst, teen angst like reader is litterly kind if a brat but I love her, character death
A/N : did I promise a uncle Regulus fic? Yes. Did I also say I was writing a soulmate au for Peter parker as well? Yeah. But this was finished first and its cute, so this is what you get. Also this a three parter, this is just the readers origin story, Peter doesn't even make an actual appearance until the way end.
: edited :
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(Y/n) May Parker had a good childhood for the most part. Honestly she had everything she could've ever needed, and more. Her parents and her lived in a tiny town house just on the outskirts of Brooklyn, and even though it was small every square inch was filled with happy memories. Even the street they lived on were filled with memories. Their neighbors luckily had a young boy around (Y/n)'s age, that quickly became her best friend. The two had created stories and worlds entirely from the steps of their homes. She couldn't walk two feet outside of her house without being reminded of something stupid and funny she had done at that same spot. How could she ask for anything more?
Her parents where top scientists at Oscorp. A job that kept them busy alot, but they still made time for (Y/N), making sure to take every Tuesday off to have a day with her. Both of them worked on biochemistry that could possibly change the medical field. If they succeeded people could regrow limbs, and expand the life expectancy. Her mom, Gwen Parker, worked with lizards, while her dad, Peter Parker, worked with spiders.
Apparently her grandad also worked with spiders before he went missing. Peter had picked off where he left off, continuing the experiments and research. Although he hadn't made nearly as much progress as he hoped. He still told his daughter about every improvemnt or revelation, and (Y/N) absorbed every word. She was utterly fascinated with her father's work.
She used to listen to him talk about it for hours. Dinners, mornings, during bed time stories, the two would always talk about his latest breakthrough. The young girl never even bored by the big words and long math problems, always listening with her full attention. She'd ask questions that would send Peter off into a tangent, before they where both shushed and sent of too bed.
It got to the point where her mother had given the two nicknames for their bug obsession. Originally it was meant to make fun of of the two, but of course they quickly grew attached to the names. Peter had been dubbed spiderman by the two Parker girls. Pretty quickly dad was forgotten form (y/n)'s vocabulary, spiderman quickly taking its place. Many a teachers where very confused when one of their students kepts drawing a man in a red mask and a lab cost instead of their dad. Peter, in turn, did the same thing, never once calling her by the name him and Gwen had spent hours picking out, but instead Spiderling. Pretty quickly everyone began calling her Spiderling, from her mom to Aunt May.
Even her best friend, Miles Morales, called her Spiderling. Though the nickname was strictly reserved for family, he was the only exception. (despite Peter's arguments) Soon, (Y/N)'s true name was hardly ever spoken, and she couldn't be happier.
All in all her childhood was great, she didn't have one thing she would change.
Until Peter Parker was found shot in an alley.
The cops didn't have any awnsers. Nothing was stolen. He still had his wallet when he was found, so it wasn't a mugging. Any suspect they had, had an alibi, and there was no witness. No one knew what happened that night, and the police had no leads. There wasn't even a person who would speak bad about Peter B. Parker, let alone kill him. So they closed the case. Left it to rot in a folder, on a shelf, with the rest of the dead ends.
(Y/N) had never seen her mother cry until that day. Rarely if ever, had Gwen Parker cried in front of her daughter. It was a pride thing, she wanted her to think that she was strong, that she was unbeatable, but this? This was too much, she couldn't pretend with this. (Y/N) had never even see her mother flinch, and yet, there she was. Sobbing like her chest was about to cave in. It broke her heart to see her mom like that.
For a while the world felt a little grey, and the name spiderman was never spoken again in the Parker house.
Science fairs, spelling bees, decathlons, anything that would distance herself from the depressing idea of her dad. During this time, Miles and her had never been more close. Luckily the two had been given scholarships to the same school, and had spent nearly every day together. Where one was, the other wasn't far behind. Homework, school dances, first dates, they did everything together. His family became hers, and vice versa.
It took a while for things to get back to normal, but pretty soon (Y/N) started middle school. All wallowing and self pity left behind, so she could foucs on classes and school drama. She didn't want to be known as the girl with the dead dad, so she did everything she could to distract herself from it. Pretended like nothing had ever happened.
If her mom had to spend a late night at work, or go somewhere for business, (Y/N) was always entrusted to the care of the Morales Family. The families spent holidays together, and even had a designated night once a month to have dinner together. The two even had spare clothes at each others houses incase of an impromptu sleep over. Truly, if the dictionary had pictures, (Y/N) was sure Miles smiling face would be right beside the definition of Best friend.
She told him everything, and he did the same.
After her dad died, (Y/N) and her mom had unintentionally been avoiding May. She was just too much of a reminder. The way she laughed, the way she spoke, even how she would saw her name, it was all the exact way he used to. Even May's house was a reminder. All of her dads things had been hidden in the attic at her house, but May kept everything out. His highschool diploma, his wedding photo, even his briefcase sat by the door as if waiting for him to come back and take it to work.
On one of the rare times Miles family had plans out of town, and Gwen had a business trip to somewhere in Washington dc, (Y/N) was left with her great aunt May. Aunt May had always been a constant in her life, something she was sure her dad was glad for. May did everything her parents couldn't, she baked all of (Y/N)s birthday cakes, taught her to ride a bike, and spent hours teaching her how to sew. Truly she was the best grandmother anyone could ask for, even if she wasn't actually her grandma.
Which is why it hurt so much to see her.
Worst of all, (Y/N) had been given his old bed room to sleep in. A time capsule of Peter Parker from his highschool days, everything left untouched. It all hurt to look at, but she couldn't tell her aunt that. It would break the woman's heart to know she was hurting (Y/N), and that was the last thing she'd ever want to do.
So (Y/N) sucked it up. It was only three days anyways, she could handle three days. She could ignore it for that long. Atleast that's what she told herself.
Besides it was kind of interesting to see was her dad was into back then. Though it seemed all that he had left behind where Coldplay CDs, and forgotten science projects, she still found joy in the little things he's left behind. It was when she decided to go through his brief case that everything went to shit.
It was the basic stuff really, chemical equations, a calculator, his glasses. Glasses that she quickly slipped onto her face, they where slightly to big and kept slipping down the brige of her nose but she didnt mind. When she looked in the mirror, for a secound she could convince herself it wasn't her reflection, but her dad staring back at her.
The only other thing in the brief case was a live spider. It was stuck in a sealed vial, and it looked as if to be glaring at her. (Not that she minded, she would also be pissed to be left in a vial and forgotten.) Putting it to the side, (Y/N) decided to release it later.
She tried to read his notes, though it was hard. She was top of her class at one of the best school in New York, but even then she was still just a sixth grader. Words that where hard to understand where overshadowed by poorly drawn spiders scribbled in the margins of his notes, a fact that made her smile.
She was tracing her finger over one of her dads doodles when she felt a sharp pang on the back of her neck. Slapping the spot with out hesitation, (Y/N) was surprised to see the remains of the spider squished onto her palm. Somehow it had to of escaped when she had set it down, though how It manged to climb up to her neck so fast was beyond her.
"Dinner time!" May shouted, effectively distracting (Y/N) from her thoughts.
"Coming!" She yelled back, jumping from her spot and rushing out of her Dads old room, all question about the now dead spider quickly forgotten.
The next morning was a utter chaos. (Y/N) had woken up to her dads 50 year old alarm clock blaring unholy loud screams. When she went to shut it off, it smashed to pieces beneath her fingertips. Something she was quick to pass as old things break easy.
Only it countied to happen. She broke the closet door off its hinges when she went to steal one of Peter's old hoodies. The nob to the bathroom facet popped off it her hands, effectively spraying water everywhere until she manged to force it back on. It happened to often for her to act as if it was all a coincidence.
When May drove her to school, (Y/N) made it a point to sit as still as possible and touch everything with the lightest pressure. She wouldn't even breathe to heavy in fear of breaking something. As soon as May came to a stop, she hopped out, nothing but a "see you soon" slipping from her lips before she accidentally slammed the door. Apparently she was still using to much strength.
She made it nearly three steps before someone fell into place by her side. Miles grinned at her, rapping his arm around her shoulder with out even a thought. "Hey Parker, how's your morning going?" He asked, never once looking away from her.
She stared back at him, her eyes wide. "I'm pretty sure I'm on drugs."
"Wait what?"
"Either that or I became superman over night."
Not an ideal situation, (y/n) realized. Even without the fear of accidently lodging a dodge ball into the sun, (Y/N) hated gym class. The uniforms where old and itchy, the teacher slightly greasy, and worst of all Flash Thompson Jr. was in this class. His dad had tortured hers in highschool, and it seemed he wanted to keep up the tradition.
"What are you talking about?" Miles questioned, but before she could awnser the bell rang. Glaring at the disruption, he pointed a finger in her direction and said; "this conversation is not over with. You need to explain why you're being so weird. Werider than normal." And that was it. The two rushed off to their first class of the day, there conversation reserved for a later time.
Unfortunately, their first class of the day happened to be Gym.
"Hey Parker." He sneered at her, a foam ball bouncing between his two hands. "The game today is dodgeball, you know what that means."
Before she could even respond, Miles was right beside her. "Screw off Flash, why don't you go play soccor with your head again."
"Mind your business Miles, I wasn't talking to you." Flash shot back, stepping closer to get in Miles face.
Huffing out a sigh, (Y/N) shoved him, with what she thought was going to be a gentle shove, but ended up with Flash on the floor. Deciding not to acknowledge this, she barked out; "now is not the day to mess with me, so screw off."
"Morales! Thompson! Parker! Break it up and get to your teams!" The teacher shouted, blowing his whistle to enforce his statement.
If looks could kill, (Y/N) was sure she'd already have a plot next to her dad's, but they couldn't. Flash could do nothing but glare daggers at her, and throw as many high-speed foam balls at her as he could.
This time was no different. Making a point to send her a wink and a smile, Flash reared back and threw the red foam ball with a power that was scary to be found in a twelve year old boy. (Y/N) closed her eyes, and waited for the impact.
At the first sound of the whistle, her teammates started to drop like flies. Miles was out almost instantly, Flash having chucked a ball so hard into his stomache he kneeled over in pain. Another classmate had his glasses snap in half when a stray ball had smacked him right in the face. Someone else was already nursing what (Y/N) was sure to be a mild concussion.
Eventually she was the only one on her team left, a fact she was expecting. This was one of Flash's favorite ways to humiliate her, having the whole class watch as he threw ball after ball at the poor girl.
One that never came. When she finally opened her eyes the gym was quiet. She had caught the ball. She had moved without knowing, had snatched the ball with one hand without looking. This was new.
Flash didn't waste much time, staring to launch ball after ball.
(Y/N) dodged every one, ducking and swerving out of the way. When he sent one towards her legs she even manged to jump over it, tucking her legs to her chest and hopping over it like nothing. Finally, he only had one ball left.
"I don't know what's up with you Parker, but it won't last."
(Y/n) held her arms wide open. With a new sense of confidence, she smirked. "Come at me flash, I'm an open target."
He let out a frustrated groan, and with all his strength chucked his last ball.
The class fell silent. A hit from a ball like that would usually send a kid to the nurses office. It had before, but (y/n) was still standing. She was still standing with a yellow ball gripped harshly in her hands. She had caught it again, this time though she wasnt going to wait for him to attack again. Not an ounce of hesitation in her movement, (y/n) aimed the ball right back at Flash.
The room was so quiet that everyone heard the smack of the ball making contact with Flash Thompson Jr's face. A sickening sound that made (Y/N)s stomache turn. Everyone was frozen. The room eerily silent.
It wasn't tell Flash's nose started to bleed that people finally began to react. Two girls rushed to take him to the nurse, everyone else simply laughing at the way the boy stumbled. Eventually they all started to gather the balls for another round, quiet giggles still ringing out every once in awhile.
It didn't take long for Miles to find his right full spot by her side. "How did you do that."
Looking up at him she let out a short laugh. "I don't know, but it felt good."
The rest of the day passed in a blur, and before she knew it, her and Miles where walking home. It was a normal part of her daily routine, but normally their conversations where filled with video games and the latest oscorp inventions, not her sudden appearance of superpowers.
"So, so far we've noticed you have super strength, better agility, and have heighten senses anything else?" Miles asked, a mild disbelief in his voice.
Laughing at his face, (y/n) shook her head. "Not that I know of."
"Oh my god." Miles stared in awe. "this is by far the coolest thing you've ever done. Do you know what this means?"
"I'm a freak of nature?"
"No! You're a superhero!"
Shaking her head, (Y/N) was quick to deny this. "I'm not a superhero Miles, I'm a middle schooler."
"You could be! Do you know how many people you can help with these powers?" He explained. They had made their way to his house by now, and where quick to find their regular spots in his Kitchen, rummaging for food. "You could change New York! Who would want to commit crime when there was an ass kicking badass out there!"
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Did you really have to say ass twice."
"You're not listening!"
Stacking Tupperware container after another, (y/n) stepping away from Miles fridge with her hands full of leftovers. An unholy amount of food being placed on the contour. "I am listening, but be realistic, superheros aren't real. Plus how would I keep up with school, and be a vigilante?"
Miles watched as his friend kept pulling more food from the pantry. "Are you really that hungry?" When she nodded a little to enthusiastically he moved on. "I could help! Be your guy in the chair!"
"Miles the awnser is no. Now, are we going to play Dance Monster Dance, or are we going to talk about the logistics of my already failed hero career?"
"I'll set up my Xstation."
"That's what I thought."
Before either of them noticed four hours had already passed and it was 8 o'clock. Rio, Miles mom, offered for (Y/N) to stay for dinner, but her mom should have already been home by now so she politely declined. Miles made sure to follow her out.
"Make sure you call me if you figure anything else out." He said in a hushed wishper.
Letting out an amused giggle, (Y/N) agreed. "Alright Miles, you'll be the first and only person I call, as always." Her words seemed to appease him, as he finally let her leave.
Something was wrong. Majorly wrong.
(Y/N) knew something was worng before she even made it home. A tingle like sensation breaking out across the base of her skull warning her of upcoming danger. She tried to ignore it of course, until she notice every light in her house was on.
Her mom had always been a stickler for turning off the lights when you left the room, had engraved the rule into (y/n)s head since she was a kid. There was no way her mom would forget this. Even stranger, when she went to enter her home, she found the front door slightly ajar, her mother's keys still in the lock.
She would have went to call the police, wouldn't even had taught about entering a dangerous situation, until she head her mother whimper. Gwen Parker did not whimper, not even when Peter died. The sound made white hot rage fill (Y/N)s veins, and suddenly she was barging through the door.
Two men where standing in her living room, surrounding her mother who was blind foled and tied to a chair, a sock shoved into her mouth and headphones covering her ears. The men seemed to be shoving some of their valuables into duffel bags, and working fast.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The men turned at the sound of her voice, allowing her to get a better look. Of course they looked like cartoonish bak robbers, ski masks and all. Of course they had a gun aswell, to complete the look. "Are you that stupid? You need to rob homes to get by? You can't get a normal job?"
"Watch your mouth kid, or mommy gets it." One of them said, holding the gun to Gwen's head. "Now, just let us finish up here, and we'll be on our way."
(Y/N) laughed. "Yeah sure, I'll just let you rob my house, brilliant idea dumbass." Apparently her insults got to one of them, as he rushed at her without much thought. Just what she wanted. As soon as his arm was in distance of her, she latched onto it. Forcing his body forward, she twisted his arm up until he started to shout in pain. "Drop the gun or your buddy loses an arm."
The man didn't listen, instead also charging her. Pushing the one in her hands forward, the two crashed into each other, causing them to lose his grip on the pistol. When it hit the floor, (Y/N) kicked it across the room, far away from her and the two men.
One of the men managed to get behind her, trapping her in between his arms. Swinging her body upwards, she managed to flip around the man, causing him to fall to the floor. His buddy was right beside him, already throwing punches at the girl without much thoughts. (Y/N) dogdged almost all of them, only two making contact with her cheek and stomache.
Having enough with his games, she socked him right in the nose like her dad had taught her too. Both men had crumpled to the floor, bloody and out of it. (Y/N) made sure to zip tie their hands together, before she released her mom.
"Mom? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked, quickly checking for any damage.
Her mom just shook, eyes wide. "Did you- did you do this?"
Watching the fear in Gwen's face caused (y/N)'s heart to break. Her mom couldn't know, she would die if she knew her daughter could do this. So she shook her head. "No, they where like this when I got here. I'll call the police."
The police showed up not twenty minutes later. They took the two men and asked both her and her mom questions. "Who captured them?" and "is anything missing?" Being the most common two. When they got everything they needed they left.
Gwen had gone to bed. The adrenaline had finally drained from her body, and she needed to crash so (Y/N) was left to her own devices. Miles number was dialed before she even properly thought it through.
"Miles? You where right. Let's do the hero thing."
And spiderling was born.
Well not over night. It took them nearly three months to perfect the web fluid formula, and a total of seven costumes before they found one that both allowed (Y/N) as much movement that she needed and was durable. Eventually she had sewed together a red and white suit that quickly became New Yorks greatest hero.
She started with small crimes initially. Muggers, car theifs, petty fights, but as time went on she had to up the ante. Bank robbers, home invasions, even gang related crimes. As the years went on the crime just got worse. To the point where she was now fighting super powered bad guys on the daily.
She was an eighth grader now, and had taken on a lizard man, a shapshifing bank robber, and best of all an alien from outer space that was eating people. Not what she had expected from her middle school career.
Miles had kept his promise, and was in fact her guy in the chair. He listened to the police radio and told her of any place she needed to be. He even made regular updates to her suit, adding in a ear piece, extra webbing space, and best of all he had wired her mask to adjust to her vision.
Truthfully, (Y/N) didn't know if she could do it without him.
It helped knowing atleast someone knew her secret. If things ever went bad, she could trust Miles to explain everything to her mom and May, and that's all she needed.
(Y/N) was almost bored with everything. It had all become so predictable, and then she was sucked into another dimension. Another world where Spiderling didn't exist and Spiderman did.
Admittingly she should have been more worried. One moment she's fighting Black Cat, the next she's in an alley, somewhere in Queens. Why the hell was she in Queens? But none of that really bothered her.
Gathering her bearings, (Y/N) was glad she atleast had her backpack. She had food, a change of clothes, even a few cartridges of extra web fluid, but no way home.
She was the daughter of two brilliant scientists, string theory and multi dimensional ideals weren't beyond her. What was odd, was the question of why she was transported. Dimensional jumps wouldn't even be a thought for atleast another three decades, yet here she was. It couldn't be possible she was the only one taken, there had to be others, right?
Any attempts to call Miles where met with static. For a secound, she worried about how scared he would he when she didn't awnser his calls, or how he would explain it to her mom when she didn't show up for dinner thay night. Shaking the thoughts from her head, (Y/N) made her way onto the street. She couldn't think about that right now, she needed to focus on getting home.
Thankfully it was night, it would have been heard to explain why a spandex clad teenager was walking around New York to a pedestrian. She was somewhere near Aunt May's place. Did this world have an Aunt May? Or even a (Y/N)?
That didn't matter, she had to remind herself. It wasn't like she was planning on staying here, she just needed a way out. Making sure her mask was on, and her backpack was secure to her shoulders, (Y/N) shot a web at the first building she saw, and she was off.
It didn't take long for her body to fall into its normal rhythm, taking her to her favorite place purely on muscle memory. The Queens Plaza Park loomed over the city like a Titan. It was one of those buildings that (Y/N) had made her own. She would often find herself there when she was in Queens visitng May, or if she had needed a place to hide. It was a relief to find something that she was used to, and pretty soon she found herself at the top.
"Is this your world, or are you lost to?" She finally asked, never once taking her eyes off of him. She trusted her senses, but one could never be to careful.
She wasn't alone. Of course she wasnt alone, that would he too easy.
Someone else was up there, in a suit similar to hers. His however was blue and red, and the symbol on his chest slightly alerted form hers. He had his mask off and his back turned to her when she landed, so the only real distinguishable feature she could see was brown hair that's stuck out of his head like a pineapple.
He had to have sensed her, she knew it. Her spider senses went off every time she looked at him, tingling in the base of her head warning her. Not warning her in the way they would when she was in danger, but in a way that told her he was important in some way. That he was just like her.
He laughed at the question. "I guess you could say I'm lost, but this has to be the-" the world went silent when he turned around, despite the fact that (Y/N) could still see his lips moving.
He looked exactly as she remembered, brown unruly hair that she used to braid and style with cheap butterfly clips, brown eyes that used to grin at her when she told a chessy joke, and a smile that used to make her burnt scrambled eggs when her mom couldn't cook.
Tears had started to fall down her cheeks, emotions she had buried years ago suddenly emerging from deep in her subconscious. She hadn't even processed she was rushing to him until she had caught him in a hug.
: end :
Of course she would see her dad here. After all Peter Parker was known for making the worst entrances.
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zoey-fucked-my-wife · 4 years
Hehe headcannons me and a friend made go brrrrr
Ella actually doesn't like Gwen (going with the cousins thing.) Shes still low-key pissed off that Gwen tried to tick her off alot when they were young. Gwen thought it was fun, Ella for sure didnt. (Like what happened in Dramarama but not ya know.)
Zoey doesn't vent, instead she represses everything until it bubbles over and she snaps. She has terrible repressed anger issues and it explains why she just went feral after the medallion snapped.
The reason Jo is like that is because her dad really wanted a son, but only had daughters. So he raised Jo to be masculine and competitive. But Jo does want to be pretty, and enjoy feminine things too, but she doesn't want her dad to be mad at her. Jos dad sucks.
Jo is a lesbian sorry I don't make the rules.
The real reason Mal hates Mike is because Mike keeps making fun of Mals stupidly edgy fursona.
Going off All Stars being fake and everyone was just a paid actor doing a script Chris wrote himself, Mal wasn't actually acting as himself. He refused to do it, so Mike had to pretend to be him. Mal wants to skin Mike alive because Mike exaggerated him so much.
Mal was never gone, he was there even during ROTI. He just refused to front because he hated the idea of doing Total Drama the most. And because he hates Chris. Alot.
Mal listens to 100 Gecs. Maybe ill post the chart of what Mikes alters think of 100 Gecs who knows.
Zoeys guilty pleasure artist is Nicki Minaj and she would rather die then admit it.
Svetlana plays Roblox.
Jo is lactose intolerant but that won't stop her from eating a whole cheesecake.
Mal is a catboy when he fronts he wears cat ears.
Vito makes those thirst trap Tik Toks.
Mike dips his cookies in water, because he hates milk but loves damp cookie.
Zoey got a cardboard cutout of herself as a joke gift from her dad. Its in her closet gathering dust.
Mal bit Zoey the first time he met her.
The only time Dawn and Chester ever interacted included Dawn boiling Gatorade and claiming it as tea, and Chester calling her a fae and telling her he wouldn't fall for her "fae tricks" then telling her his life story.
When Dawn gets older people start calling her Dusk and shes 👌 close to going feral.
@flameshell is the real Cody Total Drama.
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ojerasgigantes · 4 years
Since we are in quarentine and because of that I’ve reverted to my 2014 tumblr self and have started indulging in fanfics again, and since I’ve read ALOT of them, I decided to make a list and compile the best fanfiction I have ever read. This list is not in any type of ranking or affiliated to one specific fandom, so it’s a bit of a mess. (I will also direct you to the author’s AO3 page, and tumblr if I can find it).
Why do I think this fics are the BEST of the BEST? Well, either, they could be turned into a book and become a best seller by simply changing names, or I think the author has a HUGE potential in becoming a published author. 
Also if you guys think there are fics that are on the level of this ones please PLEASE rec them to me, I don’t care what fandom they are from.
Fandom: One Direction Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Zayn Malik Genre/tags: Future fic, end of the world AU Rating: Mature Words: 49k   Summary:  When a solar flare is announced to end the world in twelve days, Harry reunites with the people that he used to know better than the back of his own hand.
Notes: I no longer read fanfiction involving real people, but this still remains on being one of the best fics I’ve ever read so I had to put it here. So, first of all, I LOVE this author, I used to follow her on tumblr and read everything she published. If I’m not mistaken her tumblr is deserted and she hasn0t posted anything in a long time, but I sincerily hope that she decided to move to writing and publish original works. Second of all, this fic is phenomenal, she somehow manges to portray a sense of despair under the whole romance plot. I cried in the end.
IRREPARABLE by aslightstep (WIP, abandoned?)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Pairings: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers Genre/tags: Fix it Fic, Canon compliant Rating: General Audiences Words: 131k Summary: Forgiveness is a journey, or so Tony was maybe told a long time ago. He doesn't know about any of that and doesn't particularly care to. In the wake of civil war, the Avengers remain, as do their enemies. And Tony Stark rebuilds, as always.He destroys the phone, he burns the letter. But he can't (he won't) eliminate Steve Rogers from his mind.
Notes: Ok, I know I shouldn’t be recommending any abandonded works, but I am recommending this one anyway because the characters depiction are on point!! Tony’s stuborness really shows and it’s all so... realistic? Like it could have actually happened in the comics or in the MCU. It’s a beautiful slow burn, like extremely slow burn, and I just wish the author didn’t left it behind.
Fandom: The Amazing Spiderman, Deadpool Pairings: Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (barely)  Genre/tags: Drama, Canon compliant, Grief Recovery Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Words: 80k Summary: Peter deals with a loss that immobilizes him and permeates through every drawn breath. In which his grief is a visceral abstraction that he can touch, that he can feel. And in which, with a little help, with time, with acceptance, with anger, with sadness, with Wade, he learns how to live in a world without her.
Notes: The way this author describes and deals with the subject of grief is so real. It’s amazing the way she portrays Peter way of coping with his guilt, her death, and everything in his life. It is incomparable to any other fic or BOOK I have ever read. Also this is the first part of a series, so I’d definitely read it if you are into really good slowburn Spideypool.
Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Pairings: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Genre/tags: A/B/O Dynamics, case fic Rating: Explicit Words: 484k Summary: In a world where omegas are little more than trophies to be bought and sold, Will Graham has done the unthinkable by escaping a forced bonding. Already in high demand as a profiler, Will's determined to find freedom on his own terms. For Hannibal Lecter the outlook is far more straightforward: a slow, systematic seduction of the most uniquely captivating omega he's ever encountered. As the shadow of a new and terrifying serial killer falls over Baltimore, the stage is set to redefine all accepted meanings of passion, temptation, horror and beauty – and to discover the ecstasy of a genuine love crime.
Notes: Yes, this fic is half a million words, no I don’t regret staying awake two days in a row just to finish it. Also, yes, I know it’s ABO. I usually don’t read ABO because I don’t like mpreg, but I made an exception for this one because it’s just that good. The way this author writes is so in sync with the series vibe. The descriptions, the way Hannibal speaks and acts, the way Will goes about the situation, this is just amazing.
TWIST AND SHOUT by gabriel and standbyme (@chubbyhawke)
Fandom: Supernatural Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester Genre/tags: 60′s AU, War Rating: Explicit Words: 97k Summary: What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Notes: Obviously you don’t need an introduction to this one being that it’s the 2nd most kudosed work in AO3 and the most famous fanfiction in the Supernatural fandom. This fic BROKE me, like, actually full on sobbing BROKE me (my dad thought I was about to have a panic attack). It’s an understatement to say I recommend it. I don’t know where this authors are but I sincerly hope they become published one day.
MURDER WITH THE DEVIL AND FRIENDS by MindfulWrath (@mindfulwrath)
Fandom: Achievement Hunter, Rooster Teeth Pairings: Micheal Jones/Ryan Haywood Genre/tags: Western AU, Fake AH crew AU, Murder Mystery, horror Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Words: 205k Summary: Deputy Michael's been working in the little shithole town of Achievement City for a little over a year now. Things have been pretty decent so far (apart from that one creepy coworker), but they're about to get a lot more interesting, and a lot more dangerous.
Notes: Remember when I said i no longer read fanfics about real people? Well, this is, yet again, the exception. This fic just kept popping on my dashboard and after the 8th time I saw it I decided “fuck it”, and opened the link.  Also, remember when I said this ranking isn’t in any specific order? I lied because this is my favorite fanfiction of all time, and I think it’s the best one out there. This fic just get’s under your skin. You feel that somethings wrong from the begining, the mood it sets in just the first paragraph pulls you in and doens’t let you go until it’s done. I have NEVER got so much into any book or fanfic like I have gotten lost in this one. How is it possible that I manage to hate and love Ryan so much in this depiction of him?  This is also the first part of a trilogy called Devil’s Clockwork, and the rest is just as good as this one. Mindfulwrath, I hope you are reading this, and I hope you know how good of a writer you are, and I hope you publish some day, I’ll be the first one to buy anything you publish.
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ramble about your favourite fic?
oh! that’s a wild ride i have so many. im reading like 2 long form fics atm, 1 is currently being updates and one is already finished. they are so well written and just wow!! but if i have to say my ultimate favourite fic at the moment then it would be The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle on AO3 and its sequel which is just INCREDIBLY GOOD. like??? ahhhh!!! the writing is great, the description is amazing, the characterization is done so well and the OCs are awesome characters, and ITS A SLOW BURN. The plot is super interesting and its brilliant. so if i had to choose then that would be my current absolute favourite fic. (Okay so this is a really long post so... well this a warning i guess)
There’s a bunch of other ones that are great so i’ll talk about those as well. did i mention CaffeinatedFlumadiddle??? their fics are just SO GOOD. like??? Salt of the Forsaken?? that was hilarious!! Exceptionally Exceptional??? that was a brilliant fic and i love that they focused on hunith because we didnt really see her that much on the show and this fic just makes up for that perfectly. Hunting For Dignity?? Cheers and Spirits??? YES. OH i cant forget Fool Me Once which is actually a really cool concept to explore imo. basically Uther isn’t a huge asshole in this one?? i mean he still kinda is but like its just chaotic and the relationship between uther and merlin is kinda odd because he keeps trying to find out ways to kill him and merlin is just done because he cant die and is immortal. i guess they sort of bond over that and wanting to keep arthur safe and like its a strange relationship but im living for it.
Usually uther is awful in practically all the fics ive read but there are some which sort of like make him kinda good?? like?? i mean hes still an asshole just less of it. like in About Merlin... (by LadyAuroraPendragon on AO3) Uther is still an asshole and hes against magic but like??? he ships them??? ahahhaha and everyone does too. its such a great fic. we got a wingman uther in there. A WINGMAN UTHER. uthers all like “why are so bad at flirting/courting? just tell him that you love him already JEEZ” and the funniest thing is that he thinks they’re together because of that scene in the black knight episode where merlin says that they have a bond and then he assumes that they are together and LITERALLY nothing can convince him that they are not together and its great lmao. 
Okay so ive been rambling for a veryyyy long time so I’ll just say two last things and finish off ahahha. On AO3 there’s another fic writer that I absolutely ADORE. their name is AeonTheDimensionalGirl and my goddd their fics are BEAUTFUL. LIKE??? THE WAY THEY USE THE WORD CARIAD?? OH MY GOD ITS JUST PERFECT. Their whumptober series is excellent and they use the word “cariad” which means love in welsh and its just SO amazing and heartfelt and ahhhhh. Some of my favourites include Watch you breathe in, watch you breathe out which is a fic based on the ep “servant of two masters” and how it would have switched, like instead of merlin being possessed or bewitched by the nathair, it was arthur who was trying to kill him and its just so good. super angsty but it has a happy ending that makes my heart melt.
The fic?? Off the record??? is just??? PERFECT? i absolutely love that it was from Leon’s pov that was a really interesting way of viewing it and i LOVED the hc that arthur sorta has some kind of magic (bc he was born out of magic) but it ONLY appears when merlin is fatally injured/dying and hsajdbjsbhudhbedb i thought it was great omg. Another fic written by them called Looking After You had such a good enemies to friends to lovers arc like *chefs kiss*. I also really enjoyed To Worship the Powerful (and destroy the weak), Uther’s Bane, and Et Tu, Merlin? because they were such good whumptober fics. 
did i say two last things??? okay i lied, it was three. anyways, last but not least (because i gotta stop rambling or this post will extremely long) the fics Chains Of Secrets and I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) are some of favourites because in chains of secrets its what would have happened if uther said that merlin had magic (if he wasnt cut off or IF ARTHUR ACTUALLY HEARD WHAT HE SAID AND DEDUCED IT FROM THAT) anyways i think its a great magic reveal fic, set in one of my favourite episodes “the death song of uther pendragon” so i think its just neat. 
hilariously, the fic  I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) is also based on that episode. i have a fondness for it okay? Its basically where Arthur blows the horn of cathbdhah again but gets transported to another world where Ygraine never died and ITS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL. LIKE THE DESCRIPTIONS??? THE CHARACTERS?? its amazing and i reread it alot. anyways arthur goes into that world and he has to find a way back to his own. in the fic balinor lives, lancelot and gwen had a KID. oh and merlin was a ROYAL which was just awesome. all in all its a great fic :D
So that is the end, or i will literally go on forever. sorry this is such a long answer ahaha, i really tried to make it shorter but just gave up in the end. I hope you enjoyed that?? i did and i thank you anon, for letting me ramble! If anyone wants to read the fics ive mentioned, then you can find the links below! enjoy :D
The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Salt Of The Forsaken by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Exceptionally Exceptional by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Hunting For Dignity by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Cheers and Spirits by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Fool Me Once by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
About Merlin... by LadyAuroraPendragon
Watch You Breathe In, Watch You Breathe Out by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Off the Record by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Looking After You by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
To Worship the Powerful (And Destroy the Weak) by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Uther’s Bane by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Et Tu, Merlin? by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Merlin’s Knight by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Chains Of Secrets by magicdoses
I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) by WingedWolf121
For Want Of A Nail by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf                      
(I didn’t manage to talk about For Want Of A Nail or Merlin’s Knight but i think that they are both amazingly well written fics so im recommending it anyways.)
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vcdbtch · 3 years
Saying goodbye
Pairing: Merlin x Arthur
Merlin couldn't take his eyes of the top of Arthur's head as he drifted farther away. He felt like if he blinked Arthur would disappear, so he continued to stare until his eyes watered and tears blurred his vision. It wasn't until Arthur finally drifted out of his view that he blinked, sending the hot tears streaming down his cheeks, dripping off his nose and onto the leaves below him.
His boots sunk heavily into the shallow, sandy water beneath him as he contemplated on his next move. He wondered if he should go back to Camelot and face everybody or if he should just leave, leave and start a new life. Merlin knew though, that he owed Gwen an explanation, he knew he couldn't just leave her alone right now.
His entire destiny was based on him keeping this from happening, he was supposed to protect Arthur so he could be the future king, but he failed. He failed his one job and now Arthur was gone forever, well until he was needed again, but that could be thousands and thousands of years, if ever.
Finally, he tore is glossy eyes away from the lake and took a step back onto land. It was eerily quiet, cold almost. No birds sang, no trees rustled, no wild animals ran, nothing at all. As he stepped backwards again he spotted Arthur's red cape that he had left in the dirt. He slowly bent down and picked it up with trembling hands. He closed his eyes and bunched it into a ball before bringing it up to his nose and breathing in the calming scent, trying to get what little he had left of the man.
He folded the cape neatly and laid it across his arms. He looked back at the lake once more before he started to walk.
After struggling for days on foot, the energy being drained out of him from crying so long, he finally saw Camelot's caste in the distance. His heart thumped harder and harder with every step he took, his stomach churning as the guards out the front of the castle came into view.
Merlin dragged his feet as he walked, a desperate attempt to drag it out as long as possible. Not wanting to take in the reality of what had just happened, not wanting to see Gwen's disappointed face, not wanting to see the castle where every inch reminded him of Arthur.
He finally arrived at Camelot's gates, Arthur's cape still in a neat fold over his arms. The blood on the cape had now dried but left a big red stain, just another reminder of his death. Tears pooled in his eyes again as his chest constricted with every step he took inside the castle. Merlin peered up at the castles window and saw Gwen staring back at him. He looked back down in front of him and began to walk towards her, trying to think of something to say, how was he supposed to explain this?
He stopped walking when Gwen appeared at the top of the stairs. He could see the tears pooling in her eyes as the two simply started back at each other, neither making a move toward the other. His heart started to thump in his chest again as Gwen started to run down the stairs, picking up her red dress as she did so.
She wrapped him up in a hug and immediately he started sobbing. He could feel her tears dripping onto his shoulders, it made it all so real.
After hugging for a while Gwen pulled apart. She kept her hands on his shoulders as she looked back at him, searching him for any kind of explanation, tears running down her soft cheeks. "what happened?"
"he's gone" Was all Merlin could bring himself to say.
"what happened, Merlin?" she said as she looked down at his cape and saw the blood stain. He pulled her back into a hug and rubbed her back as he spoke in her ear.
"Could we go somewhere else?"
They arrived inside the throne room. As soon as the doors opened, Merlin felt more tears stream down his face. He looked over at the two big chairs, he half expected Arthur to be sitting on them, a smile on his face and shoulders high like he always did.
"Wheres Arthur?" Gwen managed to say as her voice cracked.
"I wasn't fast enough, we were so close. so close-" Merlin started but was interrupted with more tears flowing down his face. "he was wounded, I tried to het him to the lake but I wasn't fast enough and-"
"Merlin, I know" Gwen spoke softly, despite the tears flowing down her cheeks.
Merlin stayed quiet, unsure of his next move. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say, he let the one person he loved down and now he had to face the love of his life.
"I'm sorry" Merlin breathed out as he looked down at the cape he was still holding.
"it's okay" Gwen assured him as she pulled him into another hug. "I know you loved him, merlin"
Merlin pulled away, eyes widened. He had been in love with Arthur for a long time but made a vow to himself to never tell Gwen or Arthur, he didn't want to ruin their love.
"w-what? how?"
"Merlin I'm not blind, I see the way you look at him, I see the way you fuss over him when he's hurt" she smiled. "and I also happen to know Arthur loved you back"
Merlin's breath hitched in his throat. "no, he loved you Gwen"
"I know he did, but not like he loved you. Just a few days ago he called off the engagement. He said you were the one he loved and it took him forever to realise it, he was planning on telling you when the engagement was fully over"
Merlin couldn't help but smile a little, I mean he's wanted Arthur to love him for so many years.
Arthur was declared dead a few days later. All of Camelot was effected. Servants, knights, citizens no longer smiled at Merlin as he walked past. Now they scowled at him, whispered behind his back, saying it was all Merlins fault.
As he walked down the halls of Camelot, heading back to Gaius' chambers, everything felt so empty. Every inch of Camelot feels empty and useless without Arthur, every inch reminding him of the man he loved, the man he failed.
Merlin reached his room and collapsed on his bed, sobbing into his pillow. Merlin grabbed Arthur's cape off his desk and bunched it into a ball, clutching it into his trembling hands as he buries his face in it.
He can still smell Arthur on the cape, the scent wafting through the air. It seemed to be everywhere he went, no matter where he was, he could smell Arthur.
The first month was the hardest. Every morning seemed like a challenge, Merlin wouldn't even bother getting out of bed. He lie on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he clutched Arthur's cape in his hands.
It got to the point Gaius had to actually force food down Merlins throat otherwise he'd die of starvation. He was already extremely dehydrated from crying and lack of water, if he didnt eat soon his body would shut down.
He didn't speak for weeks either, he couldn't gather the right words, couldn't find the strength to open his eyes.
A couple of the knights would come and visit him, simply sit by his bedside in silence as Merlin stared up at the ceiling, clutching the cape. They would occasionally try and get him out of bed but with no avail, they soon gave up.
All merlin could do was think. Killgrah said he would rise again when he was needed the most, but how long would that be? years? months? decades? centuries?.
Merlin isn't sure how long he can wait. How can he spend centuries of his life without Arthur if he couldn't even get out of bed?. Every memory of Arthur swam around his head. He repeated every word he ever said to himself, imagined him yelling or swatting him upside the head.
After a month Merlin decided to get up. He realised Gwen and the others were also hurting and they needed him, they also needed protection. Even though he felt so useless and weak without Arthur, his other half. his destiny, he managed to get himself up and out of bed.
The first few days all he would do is take short walks around the castle, watching as the people went about their everyday lives like nothing had happened. Eventually though, he began going to his friends and finding comfort in the fact he wasn't alone.
He began offering to clean the knights armour, despite their protests. He insisted though, he needed something to keep his mind off everything, he needed to get his life back on track.
Merlin would sit in silence for hours on end, scrubbing the knights armour. Sometimes, if he focused on the brush long enough, he would forget about what was happening around him and the only worries he would have are getting the metal clean enough.
The days went faster than expected. After a few months, Gwen made Merlin court sorcerer and started on making magic legal. It was a long process but after a few more weeks it finally happened and Merlin was starting to become his normal self again.
He found himself wondering if Arthur would be proud. Would he be proud of Gwen for making magic legal? would he be proud of Merlin for becoming court sorcerer and embracing that part of himself like had always told him?.
Gaius helped alot, as did the knights and Gwen. They helped him stand on his own two feet, they helped him on the days he felt like nothing mattered anymore and all he wanted to do was sleep. They gave him things to do to get his mind off it, they did whatever they could.
Nothing was the same though. Merlin's smile never reached his eyes, his laugh never reached the back of his throat, it was more of a forced chuckle. Arthur would probably smack him upside the head if he saw his manservant in this state.
Sometimes, he would walk in Arthurs room. He would trail his fingers along the dusty furniture, he would sit down on his bed and smell his pillow, he would run his fingers over all Arthur's clothing. He would do anything that he could to be in the presence of his king, his love.
On the very day that marked a year since the Kings death, something dreadful happened. Gaius died.
The new Physician said the older man had died peacefully in his sleep from old age, but none of that made it any easier. None of that made Merlin's heart stop aching.
The day he found Gaius, he wouldn't let anyone take him away. He clutched the man's hand and sobbed. He would scream at anyone who tried to tell him to let go, he felt bad but he couldn't help it. In the end, they had to slip him a sleeping potion just so they could get Gaius's body out of his grasp.
After that day, he finally decided it was time to visit Avalon again.
The ride was longer than he remembered. The weeds were a lot longer than before, the trees had grown more too and flowered more leaves.
Nothing had really changed. Except maybe the grass was longer, the birds were singing and wild animals ran though the forest without a care.
Merlin walked over to the shore line. He kneeled down in the water, not caring his pants were becoming soaked. He let out a strangled scream, his magic helping him along the way. Trees swayed as the wind picked up, birds scattered from the trees until finally he needed to breathe.
He let out a sob as he clenched the sand underneath him. He needed Arthur more than ever now, he needed his reassurance and he needed to be in his embrace.
I didn’t edit these next few fan fics when I posted them so forgive the year old writing and possible spelling mistakes
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