#he was not the type to roll up his sleeves and wash dishes with the common folk
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Can we have ONE extended family Saturday dinner w/ no politics, religion, pride flag discourse PLEASE
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starglitterz · 5 months
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❝ tell me what you see when you look at me, 'cause i am a ten out of ten, honestly. ❞ // attractive things the genshin men do <3
✧ feat ; albedo, dainsleif, gorou, itto, kazuha, lyney, neuvillette, scaramouche, tighnari, zhongli x gn!reader
✧ warning(s) ; fluff, suggestive, (kinda???) modern au for itto, extremely suggestive for itto + neuvi
✧ a/n ; woahhh it's been like ten thousand years since the release of part one but here's part 2 finally ! i doubt anyone was actively waiting for this LOL but regardless i hope you enjoy it!
part one︱part two
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✦ as an alchemist, you’d expect ALBEDO to always be in a white lab coat stained with all manner of chemicals, but he’s the opposite – he’s always dressed to the nines in formalwear, with his trademark coat layered on top of it to keep him from freezing in dragonspine. he only ever removes it when he’s visiting you in mondstadt. in the quiet of your peaceful apartment, albedo will be busy preparing dinner, and you feel like a starving victorian man when you see him roll his sleeves up, exposing the rare sight of his pale wrists. his fingers are long and slender too, but there’s something about the way the white fabric of his dress shirts clings to his forearms, emphasising his lean muscle and making you wonder if you’re drooling. you’re pretty sure he’s caught you staring way too many times, but he always just gives you a soft smile – he can’t understand why you’d admire him like this when you’re the one he’s always believed to be a masterpiece.
✦ dating DAINSLEIF is a quiet affair. he’s not one for over-the-top gestures or grand proclamations of his love, but he never fails to make it known that he absolutely adores you with his whole heart. between the two of you, you’re the one who always talks more, always chattering away endlessly about your latest fancy. but no matter what you’re prattling on about, dainsleif will always tilt his head and gaze at you as if you’re giving a speech on the most interesting topic in the world. he’ll even have a small smile gracing his lips, his usually stern expression now softening into one far more gentle. he’ll even nod and ask all the right questions, proving that he was paying attention the entire time. and if you ever feel guilty for talking so much, he’ll instantly reassure you that your voice is music to his ears, and if he could he’d listen to it forever. 
✦ some days, it’s like GOROU can’t even believe he’s dating you. he’s just so adorable, getting incredibly flustered whenever you even breathe in his direction. his face turns bright red and he starts stumbling over his words, barely able to string together words into coherent sentences. or if by some miracle he manages to keep his composure, his tail is a dead giveaway – it’ll be wagging at the speed of light whenever you praise him. you could be doing the most mundane tasks like laundry or washing dishes, and he’d still look at you with heart eyes as if you hung the very stars in the sky. 
✦ without a doubt, ITTO has no clue how attractive he is. once you move in together, he’ll just always walk around shirtless, even though you squeal in surprise whenever you see him. i mean c’mon, who could blame you? the oni is ripped thanks to all the hours he spends at the gym, and when you see his muscles flexing, showing off the gleaming red tattoos illustrated across his back and torso, you have to excuse yourself because you swear you’re seriously about to start barking. to make things worse, he always pairs it with those stupid baggy grey sweatpants that make you actually want to pounce on him – it’s always a struggle to keep your eyes on his face. you’re beginning to think he knows the effect though, because you always end up in the bedroom together when he wears them. 
✦ KAZUHA is the type of boyfriend who adores casual skinship. wherever you are, he’ll always find some way to touch you – whether it’s an arm wrapped around your waist, his head leaning on your shoulder, his fingers intertwined with yours… the list is endless. but his absolute favourite has to be when you wear shorts. one of his hands somehow always ends up on your thigh, his thumb rubbing circles into your skin. it isn’t necessarily heated, it’s just comforting for him to know you’re there beside him. but you’re aware of his intentions whenever he starts doing it under the table in public, merely tilting his head to give you a playful smirk and a wink that’s imperceptible to anyone else. 
✦ the entirety of fontaine knows that LYNEY is a flirtatious rascal. yet with you, he thinks he’s met his match. the two of you are constantly bantering, attempting to outdo one another in gifts and pick-up lines and dates – lynette says you both are more like competitors than partners. however, it’s just the way the both of you show affection. but there’s one move that LYNEY knows will always guarantee him the win. you’ll be chattering away, planning out your next date, and suddenly his magician hands are at your waist, fingers slipping into your belt loops to tug you closer before pressing a mischievous kiss on your lips. your shocked and flustered expression always makes his day. 
✦ as the iudex of fontaine, it makes sense that NEUVILLETTE is not one for tomfoolery. but when it comes from you, he always seems to accept whatever pranks or teasing you throw his way. but sometimes, if you’re acting up too much in public, all it takes is one look from him to set you back in line. his dark blue eyes narrow as he glances at you, lifting one brow as if to ask if you’re really willing to keep going like this. that decision is up to you – will you continue misbehaving, crossing the line to see just what he’ll do? or will you be good and quiet down in the hopes that he’ll reward you? 
✦ everybody knows that SCARAMOUCHE is a brat. that doesn’t change when he somehow becomes your boyfriend. he likes pushing your buttons, always wondering when you’re going to tip over the edge. even just simple requests will prompt him to reply ‘“oh yeah?” “make me.” “mhmm.”’ and it drives you up the wall. not just because it’s annoying, but also because it’s strangely attractive to see the way he raises his eyebrow and leans back in his seat, a smug smirk playing about his lips. but fear not, the easiest way to get him to behave is just by grabbing his collar and pulling him into a kiss. he’ll be so surprised that he’ll instantly go do whatever you told him to just so that you don’t see his blushing face.
✦ it’s 100% a green flag when men are willing to explain things to you instead of assuming you wouldn’t be able to grasp the concept, and TIGHNARI is a shining example of this. as the chief of the forest rangers, he’s extremely well-versed on everything related to sumeru’s jungles, and this extends to skills outside of foraging, as he’s also talented at cooking and preparing medicines. if you’re curious or eager to learn, he’ll always explain it to you in a way that makes it easy for you to understand, and even if you don’t, he’s very patient, and will answer every single one of your questions no matter how dumb you may think they are until you get it. seeing the proud smile on his face once you successfully achieve whatever he taught you is more than enough incentive for you to rush to learn even more from your beloved boyfriend.
✦ ZHONGLI is the type of lover that comes once in a millenia (which is probably how long he’s been alive too). he’s the whole package; sweet, caring, smart, not to mention handsome! (the only problem is that he’s constantly broke…) you’re lucky to have him as your boyfriend, and the first time you realised this was when the two of you were walking through a busy crowd in liyue’s bustling harbour while trying to run some errands. upon sensing your discomfort at how the strangers were unintentionally jostling you and bumping into the two of you, ZHONGLI wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him to put more space between you and everyone else walking past. once the crowd thins out, he’ll guide you with his hand on the small of your back, the warmth a gentle reminder that he’ll always be there for you. 
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yeah sorry i deserve to be sent to horny jail for some of these 😭 HAHAHA js be glad cyno was in part one bc the things i want to do to that man... Unspeakable
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way – reblog / follow if you enjoyed !
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The Lonely Souls Club 6
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as stalking, loneliness, noncon, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Two lost souls cross, but not all those are lost, want to be found.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: we're almost through the week.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Bucky can smell her body soap as it wafts off her. Everything about her makes him giddy. Just walking beside her, getting to look at her, getting to talk to her!
And now, he’s taking her out to lunch. Almost like a real date.
He’s antsy to get to the restaurant. He tried to measure his patience as best he could as he fixed the lock. While she showered and dressed in the small bathroom, he paced her apartment, taking the chance to adjust a few of the cameras. Better, he can see the door.
He is mindful not to walk too fast for her. She seems to be moving a little better. If it’s the short nap she took or the shower, he’s not sure, but he’s happy for it.
She’s shy. He knows she’s often alone and keeps to herself but she sends him sheepish glances only to quickly look away each time their eyes meet. Her heart continues to race just as it did when she awoke to the intruder. 
He steps ahead of her and opens the door of the noodle shop. She looks up and her eyes scan the sign then the windows. She lifts her cane in ahead of her as she steps through, “this place is good.”
He smiles. He hasn’t been back since the first time he saw her. Now he’s with her and he can hardly believe it. He follows her in as Mrs. Zhao greets them. She shows her surprise with a clap and a squeal.
“You brought a friend,” she muses.
“Uh, yeah,” he answers as the woman leans on her cane, stuck in limbo between them.
“Let me get you seated,” Zhao speaks to her and ushers her along as Bucky trails behind. They sit in a booth as menus await them and Mrs. Zhao bows before she leaves them. 
She, his companion, his date, nestles her cane against the wall of the booth and her eyes flit around. She peeks at the menu then at him. She folds her hands in her lap, making no move to peruse the options further.
“You come here a lot? She knows you?” She glances towards the kitchen.
“Ah, yeah,” he answers with a nervous chuckle, “I don’t always have the energy to cook so…”
She nods and shifts on the seat. He sees how her cheek ticks and she grips the edge of the table to adjust her posture. He flutters his fingers over the laminated menu.
“Is it okay? Are you uncomfortable?” He leans forward.
“Fine,” she ekes out and brings her fingertips to the edge of the menu.
“Right, um, well, if you want a little padding you could sit on my jacket,” he offers.
Her lips curve softly and her brows raise, “that’s really nice but I’m okay.”
She looks down again at the menu. He sees how she chews her lip and slants her mouth. He knows exactly what she’s looking at. Not the dishes but the prices. It's a habit. He’s been there too. Pinching every penny, darning every sock and sleeve until it’s too frayed to mend, stretching broth with water, and washing with no soap. His bad days are over and he wants to help end hers too.
“How about we do the meal for two special,” he offers as he sees her fixate on the sides section. Three spring rolls isn’t going to stop the growling in her stomach that awoke the minute they stepped inside. “It’s a good deal. You can pick the type of noodle.”
“Oh, uh,” she taps her fingers, “I guess… if it makes sense.”
“Yeah, I don’t mind,” he insists. He knows the portions are generous. They’ll get enough for her to take a box home, especially with the rolls and salad on the side. “Do you like Udon or chow mein?”
“I like both,” she says, “udon, maybe, if you like it.”
“Sounds good to me. Broth? I don’t really like the beef, it hurts my stomach.”
“Pork’s good,” she suggests, “if you want.”
“Sure,” he agrees, heartened that she didn’t push back on his idea. She needs a good meal, not half a cup of oatmeal with six raisins on top. 
“Tea,” Mrs. Zhao interrupts, a tray in her hand. She sets it down, presenting a big slate gray pot and matching cups.
“Thanks,” he says as she echoes him in a small voice. He gives their order and Mrs. Zhao leaves them with a rosy smile, a definitive look sent from one to the other.
He pours tea into the cups and sets one in front of her. She looks at the contents then him. She thanks him and leans in to inhale the scent. Her stomach rumbles viciously and she winces.
“So, how long have you been in the city?” He asks, turning his own cup nervously.
“Um, since high school,” she answers, “so… a while. What about you?”
“Born and raised,” he says proudly. “Always happen to come back.”
She nods and blows across the tea but doesn’t drink as the steam puffs hotly. Her eyes flit over and her stomach grumbles again. She watches another table as they clink cutlery on their dishes. She’s fighting it but she’s starving.
“Uh, wow, didn’t even realise I’m so hungry,” he says, “I don’t even think I had dinner last night.”
“Yeah,” she murmurs and turns her eyes to the table, “and you didn’t get much sleep. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. I’m a bit of an insomniac. Got a bit restless last night and good thing I did or I wouldn’t have been able to scare that guy off, huh,” he stills the cup and flicks his thumb around the curve of the rim.
“I guess,” she puts her hands to her neck and shivers, “that was really scary.”
“Well it’s a good thing I deal with scary people all the time,” he says, “lot of people say the same about me so I guess that helps.”
“Oh,” she bats her lashes and her eyes meet his, “I didn’t mean–”
“I know, I’m joking,” he assures her. She’s so jumpy, he wonders if that has anything to do with her limp. If maybe she’s afraid of everyone and everything for a reason. Well, she won’t have to be, not with him.
“Ah,” she forces a smile, “right.”
“Hey, you held your own,” he sits up straighter, “you swing that cane like a champ.”
“Yeah, ha,” she laughs, just a small one as he reaches for the tea cup again, “I… I hit that guy.”
He chuckles too, “you did. Honestly, I think after that, there’s no way he’ll be back.”
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You try to eat slowly and it doesn’t take much before you’re painfully full. You put the chopsticks down and take a napkin to wipe your mouth. Bucky smiles at you, a noodle hanging from his lips as he slurps it up.
“Sorry,” he covers his mouth, “caught me at a bad moment.”
“It’s good, I… I’m full,” you look at the noodles still left in your bowl.
“Oh, no worries, we’ll just ask for a container,” he says, “be good to have some leftovers in the fridge… just in case.”
“Uh, yeah,” you agree. You wonder if maybe he saw inside your empty fridge or he just means well.
“I’m getting there myself,” he stirs his bowl with his chopsticks.
She nods and he raises his hand as he sees Mrs. Zhao, the namesake for the restaurant, “excuse me, hi, sorry, whenever you have a chance.”
She acquiesces and rushes off. He sits back and smacks his stomach, “mm, did you like it?”
“Yeah, it’s very good,” you agree.
Mrs. Zhao returns and offers the bill to Bucky. You look away, embarrassed.
“I forgot to mention, can you add a box of tea,” he hands it back.
She agrees and whisks off again. You sit in silence, awkwardly searching the restaurant. You would offer to pay for your own but you can’t. You’re dirt poor. You can’t help but think he knows it too. No one is that nice. It only takes one look around your place to see it.
Zhao returns once more, sets a box of tea before him and some containers, then the bill. He pays in cash and tells her to keep the change. She chimes thankfully and wishes you both a good day. You pour your noodles into the container and seal the lid. Bucky does the same.
You grab your cane and turn on the bench, dragging yourself across to plant it on the floor. You brace the table and stand as he does so much easier than you. He takes his container and yours, stacking them atop each other, then the tea on the very top.
“Oh, thanks,” you utter as you get your feet set.
“No problem,” he grins.
He waits for you to go first. You make a slow, uneven advance to the door. You keep your eyes straight as you refuse to notice the glances sent in your direction. The lucky cat by the door waves in farewell as you approach.
Bucky reaches past you and opens the door before you can. You limp out into the street. Your hip burns from the thin cushion of the booth bench.
“That was nice,” he says as he walks beside you, again patiently keeping pace with you.
“It was,” you agree, “it’s really kind of you.”
“You act like having lunch with a pretty girl is a chore,” he jokes.
You scoff, “please.”
“Please what,” he tilts his head.
Your chest pinches and your face heats up, “you’re just being nice.”
“No,” he argues, “I don’t lie.”
A sudden flash glares to your left and your toe catches in the sidewalk. You stagger and land on one knee, the pavement dinging the bony cap harshly as you catch yourself with a hand. Your cane clatters beside you as you look around in confusion.
“Hey, what the hell?” Bucky barks, his voice deeper and scarier than before. “Don’t do that.”
You glance over at a man with a large camera. He blanches from behind the lens but takes another photo. Bucky shifts as if he might lunge at the photographer and he runs off.
Bucky sighs and reaches to grab your arm, gentle but firm.
“Hey, you alright?” He asks in concern, his other arm hugging the containers.
“Yeah, I didn’t see him. I’m sorry, I must’ve stepped on a crack–”
“That jack– guy should be apologising,” he sneers, “so rude.”
“Yeah, I…” you hiss as you grab your cane. He holds onto you, helping you rise, but not too quickly, “I… why would he…” you peer over your shoulder then back to him, “are you famous?”
He huffs and shrugs, “I guess to some people.”
You furrow your brow and let your shoulders sink, “oh.”
“I don’t really think about it, you know? I got a job and I do it. All the attention, I hate it,” his hand slips down your arm and reluctantly falls away. You swallow and turn back down the sidewalk. He walks with you, quiet for a moment before he speaks again, “does that mean you don’t wanna be friends?”
You think as your cane taps between your footsteps, “I didn’t… No, I just…” you take a breath, “I’ve never known anyone famous.”
“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” he sighs.
“Yeah, seems like.”
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byhees · 1 year
the intimacy of hands.
엔하이픈 ・ female reader + word count 1000 genre fluff established relationship warnings not proof-read kissing skinship petnames — more
a/n. revamped version ><
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hold | heeseung
would get a teeny bit pouty when you wind up getting distracted from a conversation, eyes fixated on another object by the background; “hey, look at me too, babe”, he’d start, and when that served fruitless, he’d raise his hands to gently cup your cheeks, fingers softly brushing against your skin. “as i was saying,” a little pout, “how do you like my hair?”; and you’d just gawk at him, needing a quick second to recollect yourself from the momentary fluster.
intertwine | jongseong
finds every excuse in the book to intertwine hands with you; can’t blame though— he simply adores the warmth and softness of it all; would suggest such out of pocket, and completely random things just to give himself the right opportunities to interlock fingers with you; for instance, when baking, he’d suddenly say, “how about we mix the batter together?”, leaving you in a confused state; without much explanation, he’d wrap his fingers around your free-hand, swinging your intertwined hands in the empty space. “there! and if you get tired, i’ll transfer some energy over to you!” that’s not exactly how it works, but you’ll let it slide.
win | jaeyun
him being your number one supporter; always present for significant moments in your life, like your graduation, or maybe a win in a competition; you could just scan the rows of attendees, and you’d spot his twinkling eyes, as well as his handmade banner spelling out your name in bold, cute stickers of balloons and animals pasted all over the empty space; would also be there for the smaller moments, such as your first successful batch of cookies, or your first time solving those ‘only 0.000001% of people can get this right!’ kind of quizzes; whenever you walk up to him, regardless of whether you’re holding a medal or your phone, he’d lovingly wish you congratulations, snaking a hand and resting it on the small of your back to pull you close, and pepper your face with celebratory kisses.
lay | sunghoon
would go stargazing together with him; laying a gingham picnic-mat in the midst of a grassy field located at a nearby park, and gazing at the pretty skies above; him actually being pretty good at pointing out constellations, often times filling you in on the identity of said patterns. you, on the other hand, simply enjoyed being in his company, making out random images from the stars; “that one looks like a pineapple, no?” he’d giggle softly at your revelation, replying with a soft “not quite, but whatever you say, angel”; would often outstretch his hand, resting it on your own and tracing little constellations on your palm.
squeeze | seonwoo
is always there to help you out, especially during stressful moments; making sure that you’re all prepped and ready for a big presentation; going through your lines with you, and giving little feedbacks afterwards; on the big day, he’d wrap his hand around your clammy ones to offer affirming squeezes. “hey, hey! don’t panic, love… just remember what you recited to me last night, and you’ll be fine. trust me”, cherry on top is that he’d give you a peck before you’d leave.
hug | jungwon
is honestly so, so clingy when it comes to you; you’d be minding your own business, say washing the dishes, when a pair of arms would suddenly wrap around your waist, embracing you in a back-hug; he’d rest his chin on your shoulder, hands resting on the dip of your hip. “you were gone from bed for too, too long… i miss you already”, and here you’d be, trying to roll up the sleeves of his shirt to prevent dish soap from staining them; “it’s okay, babe.. can we just stay like this for another minute?” he’d bury his face in the crook of your neck, fingers lightly fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
wipe | riki
the type to notice even the most minute of things; say, a tiny, almost minuscule, streak of frosting on the corner of your lips— that he’d notice as well; would lean forward, extending a hand to wipe off the little bit of icing on your face, unintentionally putting a stop to your train of thoughts; “this bakery makes such tasty cakes! we shou—“ and he’d casually lean back in his seat afterwards, propping his elbow on the table, and resting his chin in the dip of his palm. “you were saying, love?”, but you’d be so flustered with all these butterflies soaring around your stomach, that you’d just pause for a moment, a light pink hue dusting your cheeks.
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taglist open! @halcyoni-ki @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @vnsux @minhosify @haechansbbg @yeomha @stepout-09-15 @chansburgah @sona-verse01 @lilly-bubblelops @smouches @mrchweeee @luvistqrzzz @nwjws @ibsysbsfsunsbs @rikisly @amyysfics @mixtape-racha @berry-and-kkami @rikislady networks! @kflixnet @enhanet @k-labels
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bby-deerling · 7 months
Hello! Hope you’re doing good!
I have two request if it’s no problem with you (please please please write both only if you can 🙏����)
One is a Sanji x reader where in pre time skip reader would flirting with Sanji, everybody on the crew notices (even Zoro and Lucy) but Sanji never does (in this house we love oblivious Sanji) and it’s until the post time skip where everyone is together again where reader is like “I used to have a big crush on you, like flirted with you everyday type of crush” and Sanji being like “that’s not true” and the crew is like “nope, reader always flirted, you’re just oblivious” (and finish whoever you want, can be funny platonic or actually end up together)
And request two: Zoro x Reader where reader is a runaway prince/princess (who is with the strawhats because they wanted to sail and live adventures) and when some guards found them they took reader to their kingdom so reader marries someone else (basically Whole Cake arc but instead of Sanji is reader) and Zoro realizes his feelings for reader when the strawhats plans to rescue reader and go save them
If you only want to write one it’s okay! Choose you’re favorite one! This are some ideas I had on the weekend. Thanks for writing and sharing fics, all are damn good!
Have a nice day!
hello sweet anon! thank you so much for the requests! i may revisit that zoro request later, but the sanji one is really speaking to me right now!
dense (sanji x gn!reader fluff)
wc: 469 masterlist
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“You know,” Brook says, sipping on his cup of tea, “out of everyone I expected Sanji to end up in an arranged marriage with against his will, I would have thought it would be you!  YO-HO-HO-HO!”
Blood rushes to your cheeks as the rest of the crew, save for the cook, erupts into laughter, embarrassed at the skeleton bringing up your blatant and unrequited crush on Sanji.  After two years apart, you had finally been able to come to terms that your feelings weren’t returned, and had toned down your shameless flirting.   You don’t normally mind when your crewmates tease you for the way you used to throw yourself at the cook, after all it was equal parts funny and embarrassing, as long as the jokes weren’t made in front of him.
“What do you mean?” Sanji asks, sleeves rolled up as he washes dishes at the sink.
“How noble of you to protect their dignity.” the skeleton muses, leaning back in his chair.  Sanji simply looks puzzled, seemingly feigning surprise as to what he was talking about.
“Come on Sanji, you’re making it worse by acting like you don’t know!” Nami scolds, squeezing your shoulder in sympathy as she notices your eyes are fixed on the floor.
“I apologize, Nami, I’m really at loss—” he starts, only to be interrupted by Luffy.
“There’s no way you don’t know that they were in love with you!  Even I knew that!” he exclaims.  “Also, is there any meat—”
“They’re what?” Sanji spits out, jaw hanging on the floor.
“Is that what the tension was about?” Jinbe asks, and Brook nods in response.
The cook’s eyes are fixed on you, scrutinizing every aspect of your face in hopes that this was all a bit and that he truly wasn’t so clueless as to miss any sign of your affections for him.
“Don’t look so surprised, Sanji.  I practically threw myself at you for months.” you say, unwilling to meet his stare.
“Seriously, Sanji, they flirted with you every single day and you never reciprocated!  It was pathetic to watch!” Nami explains, making you flush even more red.
The cook redirects his attention to the sink, staring into the cool metal and focusing on the feeling of smoke filling his lungs.  Was he really that oblivious?  “Excuse me…” he mumbles, abandoning the rest of the dishes to slink out of the kitchen.
Luffy, Brook, and Nami explode into laughter as the door shuts and your face burns red.
“You gonna go after him?” Nami asks you with a sly smile after she catches her breath.  You shake your head, trying to keep some semblance of your pride intact.
"I’ve waited long enough, he can come to me.” you say, arms crossed but secretly pleased that perhaps your feelings weren’t as unrequited as they seemed.
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hoodharlow · 8 months
how does miriam feel about the mullet? 🫣
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Jack walked in the house nervously. He hadn't seen Miriam since this morning before he left to see his hairdresser. He was feeling adventurous and decided to get a mullet. He hadn't let Miriam know and he hoped that she was off her phone the last few hours.
"Miriam I'm home." He called from the foyer.
"Kitchen!" She yelled back.
Jack walked over to the kitchen and saw her in a cowgirl get up as she washed some dishes.
"This is a look." Jack commented.
"Thanks, I was in the middle of doing a lookbook when I remembered I left the pan soaking from when I made tortillas con huevo." She explained. She checked her phone. "Imma go back to the closet and finish. I promised Soni I'd have them edited by tomorrow."
She left to her room/closet without another word. Jack frowned; she hasn't said anything about his new hairdo. Knowing her, she would have made at least five jokes. But so far nothing. He went to their bedroom and changed into his pjs and tight long sleeve. He joined Miriam in her closet to keep her company. He sat on her green velvet couch. He caught her typing away on her phone with a mischievous grin. Her Bluetooth speaker made the connection sound and Billy Ray Cyrus began playing in the room.
"...Only one thing I miss more than that: I want my mullet back."
Jack rolled his eyes as Miriam tried to keep her composure.
"You're not funny." He deadpanned.
"You had me fighting for my life in the group chat. Now I know how Claudia felt when her brothers called Cal the long lost member of Los Bukis." Miriam giggled.
She noticed Jack didn't try to make a funny comment so she went to sit on his lap.
"I'm playing, you know that right?" She said, twisting the ends of his curls. "I actually like your new hair."
She nodded. "Honest." She mumbled against his lips. "You know what I'm gonna do?"
"What?" Jack groaned as Miriam swiveled her hips as she kissed his neck and jaw.
"I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more." She said in her best southern accent."
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minnieves · 2 years
I think we all should talk about yeonjun and his dollification kink he's heavy on seeing you dressed up so prettily for him. He'd flip your skirt up and bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you right then and there.
yes, we should. yeonjun will always have a soft spot for things he views as pretty.
warnings: creampie and slight exhibition.
summary: there's something about you being praised by everyone else makes yeonjun crave you more.
you went on a short out of town beach trip with your friends. yeonjun offered their beach house since it'd be 'cheaper' for everyone. frankly, you feel like he's boasting.
"i'll take care of these," you said. helping soobin pile up the tableware that the group used. you took a glance of the shore, seeing how everyone is outside enjoying the sun. you wanted to join them, but it's too hot for you. "really, bin. go outside."
"i don't mind helping a bit," he told you. feeling guilty that you're going to do the dishes. offering to wipe the table down and sweeping the floor.
you're busy placing some dishes inside the dishwasher when you felt someone's hand. the tips of their fingers gliding up your sundress. moving towards your inner thighs when you grabbed their wrist.
"soo-," you paused. staring at the man in front of you. you feel silly that you thought soobin could do such thing. rolling your eyes at him before whisking his hand away. "really? keep your hands to yourself, choi."
"i'm making sure that you won't ruin my mother's cutlery," he mocked. making you roll your eyes at his smugness. "this dress suits you."
"i know," you told him. placing the pod in the dishwasher as you turn it on. there's something about yeonjun that irks you. maybe the way he's so flirty with everyone? the way people is easily swoon by his antics? "you kept staring at me."
"oh? you're keeping track of me now? y/n-ssi?" he said. emphasising on your name. he held your chin from behind. making you lift your head to look out the windows. "is that why you dressed like this? all for me?" he cooed.
"you wish i did," you told him. grabbing the sponge so that you could start doing the pots and pans that were used. "yeonjun, if you're not going to help me, leave me be."
"anyone would wish to be in your position," he whispered. kissing down your exposed shoulder. pulling down at the sleeve so that he could access more of it. he took notice of how you're not pushing him away. like you're used to this, but he has never done this with you. that thought is making him jealous. "all pretty for your yeonjunnie."
"find another 'pretty'. i'm busy," you told him. nudging him lightly with your elbow. he's pleased by this. that you're putting on a fight, but barely fighting. "fuck off."
"fuck you?" he teased. nipping the flesh of your shoulder. his hands squeezing your waist. his eyes watching his friends enjoy the beach. "aww, y/n, i know you wanted me."
"yeonjun, i believe it's the other way around," you told him. turning the faucet on to rinse the sink. washing your hand and drying it off on your skirt. you turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck. "you want me."
your action made him smirk. he's so used to people bending and caving for his touch. he's also used to your teasing, but this? this type of teasing? it's driving him insane.
"say it," you whispered to his ear. your nose trailing down his neck. leaving a small kiss on his exposed collarbone. "tell me that you need me."
"you're too full of yourself," he said. shutting his eyes closed as he let you kiss his neck. letting you do as you please. he wrapped his hand around your chin. pulling your face towards him. "how about you tell me that instead?"
"yeonjun, darling," you started off. holding his wrist which was holding your face. eyes meeting his while you try to smile. your eyes giving him a dead look. "you're not the only one who wants me."
you grabbed his hand. letting his thumb graze your lips. you gave it a small kiss before guiding it down your body. holding his shoulder with your other hand. your eyes following your guiding hands.
"aren't i pretty, yeonjunnie?" you asked him with a smirk. making yeonjun gulp at your reaction. "do you want to fuck me pretty?"
"i want to ruin you," he answered quickly. brows furrowing as he bent down to kiss you. his kiss was hard, not entirely rough, but heavy. his hand holding your nape to pull you towards him more. "would you let me?"
"i didn't know you were an exhibitionist," you teased him. letting him turn you around. he moved your panties to one side. his fingers moving down your slit to wet them.
"i need words y/n," he told you. as if his fingers weren't poking at your entrance.
"do as you please," you said. trying to keep your voice monotonous, but failing when a soft moan left your lips. his fingers fucking themselves inside you. fast up and down movements. you felt like he could lift your entire body with how hard he was being.
his other arm sneaked to your front. groping your breast as he fucks you open. his mouth close on your ear as you meet his fingers. you bit your lip as you try not to make more sounds.
"fuck, wait," you called to him.
"what?" he asked. his movements slowing inside you.
"soobin is nearby," you moaned. suddenly remembering that he (soobin) asked to help you. you were about to turn your head when he held your face back to place. forcing you to look outside. his fingers moving back to it's previous pace.
"he already left, dummy," he said. feeling how you clench around his finger. he watched your expressions through your reflection on the mirror. "are you gonna cum?"
"yes," you moaned. clenching around his finger. you threw your head back as you cum undone. moaning beside his ear. not caring if someone might've heard you.
yeonjung pulled his fingers out. rubbing the tip of his cock on your slit. turning your head towards him before sliding it in. he watched your expression. despite your eyes closed, your euphoric state makes him feel like he would cum there and then.
he placed one hand around your mouth. thrusting harder behind you. letting your hips his the edge of the counter.
"i didn't know you can get this loud," he told you. hearing your moans through his hand. he pulled you back. sneaking his hand on your front to rub on your clit.
"fuck me harder and you'll see how loud i can be," you told him when his hand loosened. he took this as a challenge. raising your thigh on the counter top. his fingers rubbing on your clit.
he was fucking you fast and hard. you were about to place your hand on the windowsill. when yeonjun pulled you upper body back. making you lean your weight on him.
"i'm cuming," you warned him. hearing him breathe beside your ear.
"cum around me," he whispered. he kissed your temple as you cum around his cock. clenching around his cock as he fucks your orgasm through. "turn around."
you turned. wrapping your arms around his neck to stabilise yourself. he eased himself back inside you. thrusting inconsistently before kissing you.
"one more baby," he whispered. watching you play with your clit as he edged himself to wait for you. his eyes looking behind you as he kiss your shoulder. smirking when he felt you clench around his cock. "cum y/n."
you pulled him closer when you did. burying your face on the crook of his shoulder. yeonjun closed his eyes. his lips parted as he came inside you. guiding you to sit on the floor before pulling out of you.
"i didn't know you could be any more beautiful," he told you. watching his cum drip out from your cunt. his fingers gathering them to push them back inside. his lips attaching with your in a softer kiss. "would you allow me to see how much more beautiful my y/n could be? maybe later? properly on our bed?"
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leclercsredhelmet · 19 days
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Daylight 𖤓 Mick Schumacher
A/N: Hello gain! This is a blurb I just finished writing inspired by Daylight, which is one of my favorite Taylor songs and always reminds me of Mick. I hope you enjoy reading it!
“ I don’t want to look at anything else now that I saw you”
Early morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow around the room. Cold air hit your exposed skin and you turned seeking warmth as you pulled the covers tighter to your body. The spot next to you always occupied by your longtime boyfriend was empty, with a small frown you sat up and scanned the room. The dog beds were empty, you assumed Mick had taken Angie and Aero on a run with him but there was no handwritten note left.
Suddenly the smell of breakfast hit you and you grinned, faintly you could listen to Mick telling your dogs to be quiet. Suppressing a laugh you covered your mouth and decided to brush your teeth before heading out of the room. “Did someone cook? It smells great!” you exclaimed and Mick turned around with a smile. “I was supposed to bring this to you,” he said with a small frown and you couldn’t help but laugh at how cute he was.
“Amor, you are so wholesome,” you said as you kissed him sweetly, “How about I go back to bed, you can have a do-over,” you said and he grinned. Laughing you went back to bed and buried yourself under the covers. A few minutes later you felt the bed dip and someone was peeking under the heap of blankets. Ocean blue eyes met your yours, giggling you tapped his nose and sat up. Your back rested against the headboard and a tray with food was placed on your side.
“Good morning Chef Schumacher,” you said and Mick laughed. You kissed him sweetly, “What do we have here?” you asked. “French toast with fresh berries from the market,” he said proudly. “I woke up early and went to the market to pick out the best berries,” he added. “God you’re perfect, this is perfect. I love you so much” you said looking at him adoringly. “I love you the most” he replied and you giggled.
Sitting side by side you ate the food and talked about your plans for today, “Mick can we stay in?” you asked looking at him. Kissing the top of your head he nodded, “Of course, do you want to bake something? We can read, do puzzles, watch movies, make friendship bracelets!” he exclaimed and you laughed.
Mornings like these with Mick were your favorite, you liked to go out on hikes, spend a day at the market, go out at night, and things like that but you loved to stay in with him and put on a good playlist while having a slow day in your pajamas. Kissing you on the cheek he left to wash the dishes and you decided to take a quick shower and change into your daytime pajamas, which was just what you called one of his sweaters and a pair of shorts. Emerging out of the bathroom you found Mick in bed, he turned on his side to look at you before reaching out and pulling you into the bed by your hips, and you giggled. “Mick that tickles!” you exclaimed and he took the opportunity to keep tickling you.
Combined laughter filled the room, Angie and Aero came running in and hopped on the bed settling at your feet. “I love that it’s you, me, and our dogs for the next months,” Mick said softly as he ran his hands through your hair. Humming in agreement you looked at him with a smile, “Yeah, our little family unit” you replied. His lips placed another one of those gentle kisses on your forehead.
Hours had passed, and still, in your pajamas, you both stood in the kitchen. “Are we baking too much?” Mick asked concerned. “No, I think we’re fine!” you replied. “Liebchen, I think we went a little overboard,” he said with a laugh. Both ovens were full, one was full with four loaves of sourdough, and the second oven had three different types of muffins. “Well, yeah maybe we did make too much,” you said with a laugh. “But hey, it’s fine!” you said rolling up the sleeves of his grey sweater. “We can just make a basket and bring some to your parents,” you said with a smile. Mick grinned and hugged you, swaying you from side to side, “Yeah, we can go by tonight,” he said. “Or we could invite them over for dinner?” you asked. “I will call them later, they’d love to come over” he replied smiling.
Sunlight streamed through the open living room windows and patio door illuminating the space with natural light. Mick was sitting Indian-style across from you, boxes of various beads of shapes colors, and sizes sat between you along with other necessary supplies needed to make friendship bracelets. Mimicking his position you were looking for a new set of colors to make a bracelet while Mick was finishing one. “Give me your arm, please,” he said and you stuck your arm, he measured the elastic carefully holding the unfished bracelet as he added some more beads before getting ready to tie it. Deciding to just observe him you smiled at how his focus was trained on evenly holding the strings together, comparing the length before making the knot.
With great care he knotted the bracelet, making sure it was tight before cutting the excess string and putting it away from the dogs’s reach. “I made you this,” he said showing you the bracelet, `looking at it you kissed him, he had made a bracelet with both of your favorite colors and your initials. Extending your arm out he slid the bracelet on and kissed your hand. Your day was spent, sharing kisses, singing along to Taylor Swift, and making bracelets. By mid-afternoon, you had started to cook dinner and watched as the light danced around making his blue eyes and blonde hair brighter. Despite having spent three years dating you were still amazed at how the sunlight always made his features stand out.
Laughter filled the table and you felt that summer breeze you loved so much as you ate dessert out on the patio table where you’d had the meal. Setting your glass down you looked at Mick before resting your head on his shoulder, his arm was around you as you talked with Corinna about the recipe you’d followed for the apricot pie. Warmth was felt today and you realized that these days were the most precious because loved ones were around, memories were created, bonds were strengthened and you had your favorite person next to you. This took you back to when you believed love was meant to be black and white but after loving Mick you realized it was golden like daylight.
(all photo credits belong to their owners)
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madameaug · 9 months
Hrs n Hrs || JJK x OC
Pairing: Jungkook x Jennette
WC: 1.1k >
Context: Jungkook showing up for Jennette in her times of need. Super-duper sweet Jungkook
A/N: I may add more in the morning, but I wanted to publish something (it's been a minute)
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Jennette sighed, rubbing her forehead with the rubber gloves she used to wash dishes. Last night, Jennette and Jungkook hosted a birthday dinner party for her little sister Asia. She was officially an adult, stepping into her identity as a young woman. Jennette didn't realize how many dishes had stacked up after the five-person dinner party.
Jungkook didn't linger in bed long. He was naturally morning and enjoyed starting his day with a brief cardio session. Typically, that was with a half-mile jog to the park and back to the apartment. He laced up his tennis shoes, getting ready to head out but stopped in his tracks.
Jennette in her all of her morning glow, scrubbed the plate in her hand with the scrub daddy in her hand. Her braids slightly swayed above her butt crack, showing the force she was putting into her scrubbing. Placing his water bottle down, Jungkook stalked over to Jennette.
"Morning." He applied a quick peck to her cheek. His hands rested on her hips.
"Hey." Jennette pulled away, noticing Jungkook was in his running clothes. His hair was slightly up in a fluffy ponytail. "Going on a run?"
"Yeah, after this." Jungkook rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a drying rag, and wiped down the damp plates. Jennette smiled, grateful for the assistance.
"Alexa play 'How Many Drinks' by Miguel ft. Kendrick Lamar." Jungkook spoke out the robotic device. Jennette immediately perked up, dancing to the song. She and Jungkook harmonized with Miguel, clearing the entire sink of dirty dishes.
Soon enough, the cleaning expanded past the sink, kitchen, and living room. Brooms were brought out, warm water ran for the mops, and the swifter collected the dust mites. It was two hours before Jungkook and Jennette finished cleaning their entire place.
Jennette lifted Jungkook's arm, placing it over her shoulder. Sitting down on the couch. Heads connected, Jennette watched Jungkook's stomach inflate and deflate. Her hand rested on his abdomen, rubbing it softly. The pair dozed of in the warmth of each other.
<3 <3
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Procrastination was a nasty habit Jennette developed in her undergraduate years. Waiting until the eleventh hour to turn in assignments created just enough stress to allow her fingers to type fast enough to turn in the assignment before the 11:59 deadline. Now that she was a professional in her career, such habits have lingered into her day-to-day life.
The Atlanta Child Protective Services (ACPS) was preparing for their annual audit in November. The audit was always near the Thanksgiving holiday, and it was a time in which Jennette was on her last leg. As much as she enjoyed the winter months, the fellowship and quality time with family. She just needed to get to the Wednesday and she would be done til December first.
Her head lay in the center of her crossed arms. The blank report glared right back at her. Five o'clock was approaching, and she wanted to log out of her computer. But the workload for tomorrow would just become too unbearable. She needed to do half of the tasks tonight.
Her head shot up when she heard Jungkook's keys twist, opening the door. Fuck! It was her night to make dinner, and she hadn't started anything. Dragging herself out of her office, she rattled off apologies, taking out random pots and frying pans.
"Jeanie, calm down." Jungkook sipped his Sonics slushie.
"I texted you earlier to let you know I was craving Sonics. I picked you up something, too." Jungkook pointed to the fast food bag sitting at her designated spot on the table.
"Thank you bug."
"What's got you all worked up?" Jennette explained the pickle she got herself into. Jungkook nodded attentively. He always found a way to resolve issues timely. He was an action-oriented person. If he needed to do something, he did it. Right then and there, he never allowed for thoughts in the back of his mind to convince him to put if off for 'later'.
"Well, you can't work on an empty stomach. Let's eat and then we can go back to the audit stuff."
Jungkook kept Jennette completely distracted from her looming task. As he recalled his training session tonight at the gym. He was preparing for a fight this weekend. He would be going against his dear friend Mingyu. The pair would be sparing to raise money for a charitable cause. The money would be going to fans battling a terminal illness. Jennette gushed hearing Jungkook talk about the charity in such a light. It made her heart warm, knowing that he genuinely cared about the wellbeing of the fans who watched him.
"Chop chop, Jeanie." Jungkook pointed at his naked wrist. "We got work to do." Jennette groaned.
"Let's have dessert, then I'll do work."
"I'll give you dessert after you finish your work." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows. His tongue sticking out to lick his lips.
"I was thinking strawberries and whipped cream." Jungkook helped Jennette out of the chair, escorting her to her office. The computer screen was now black.
" I'm not feeling the strawberries, but I make you and the whipped cream work." A lightbulb went off in Jungkook's head.
"Sit here." He looked down at Jennette before exiting her office. Jennette cracked her knuckles before typing a few procedural sentences on her document. She pulled up a list of the cases of children she had over the past year. 231 kids. 231 reports she would need to review and place into the folder for the audit.
Jungkook came back into the room with a can of whipped cream. A devious smirk on his face.
"For every ten minutes, you work diligently, equates to one squirt of whipped cream and a kiss."
"What if I just want the whipped cream." Jennette teased just to flatten out the smirk on his lips. She rolled her eyes, hearing his reply.
"Too bad, they're a packaged deal."
"Fine." Jennette pulled up a timer before reviewing the first case she handled.
<3 <3 <3
A/N: Also, Hrs & Hrs by Muni Long has been on repeat so much for this like the song just makes me feel so good. Same for How Many Drinks.
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levmada · 2 years
at last, i have the time to send you multiple of these because i cream whenever i read something you write. anyway…
could i ask for levi… college au and call from this list? but levi is the one in distress? it’s usually common that the reader is crying, but it would be nice to see levi getting comforted too :’)
(from more hurt/comfort, if the link doesn’t work :s)
ik i just posted a long oneshot yesterday but my drafts are clogged. i fucking love comforting levi so this is the first of ur requests i worked on suki :3 i hope u like it
content/warnings: Kenny is actually not that bad?, negative self-talk, HURT/COMFORT SO MUCH COMFORT, death of a parent, taking care of Levi, college au, specific descriptions/themes of severe depression
wc: 2.5k
One muse calls sender late at night in tears and the other comes over to comfort them. 
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Levi knows, in a vague, peripheral way, that he is being shitty to you with no intention to. Not a day ever goes by where you two don’t talk, but he hasn't responded to Erwin or Hange’s texts, either. Emails from professors, too. Even Mikasa has been blowing up his phone since she heard from her mom what happened, but.
He has spent the better part of the past two days in bed since leaving class early on Thursday.
That’s fucking unheard of for him, especially answering his uncle of all people, but five silent, missed calls later Levi picked up, and down the line, Kenny’s voice was urgent.
Kenny. Urgent.
It’s the weekend, Levi rationalized to himself on Friday. Grades would be okay. His social life would suffer, but he would text you Saturday morning after he got his mental shit together.
The worst part is he fucking knew he was in denial—again, in the vague, peripheral way.
Now, with Sunday night’s moon glaring in through his bedroom window, he realizes he doesn’t give a shit about any of it.
A mishmash of tasks, far removed from any coherent list, bothers him from time to time—most often after he blinks from his perpetual frozen stupor to his phone ringing; besides Mikasa, you’ve called the most.
He needs to...
He realizes he’s been stroking his oily hair without realizing, all in the dark for however long, and stops. It felt soothing.
A shower. Dishes. He hasn't eaten much lately, but all the same. Homework... unless he emails his professors for extensions.
He has no doubt in his mind that he would get them, but just typing the words makes his train of thought derail into hell. Despite how vague he could be—“I need to attend a funeral.”; “There has been a death in my family.”; “I am experiencing a loss.”—heavy nausea twists his stomach in knots just to put the words together in his head.
He hasn’t changed out of your woolen sweater since Friday, the one with the panda bear. It’s also soothing.
But changing clothes is also on that list.
And he needs to call you, at the very least so you don’t lose your mind, or jump to the worst conclusions…
He’s being shitty to you by ignoring you, but the idea of reaching for his phone where it sits charging on the bedside table, the idea of rolling over, the idea of rubbing his eyes… It all feels as possible as flipping over gravity.
Laying in dead darkness isn’t going to make him feel any better, he knows. The quiet is piercing. The way he lays curled up under blankets isn’t unlike a corpse, either, but this deep in the hole, he’s struggling to get himself out.
He is not... in a good... place.
Bright white light washes over the ceiling as another call from you—that's your picture flashing, a candid photo he took of you almost tumbling out of your kayak from last summer—lights up his phone.
Move, he commands himself. It’s a foot away. Quit being pathetic and just. MOVE!
“Shit,” he croaks.
You’re worrying the shit out of them, you asshole!
After whipping the loose sleeve across his eyes, he lurches up and snatches his phone.
He forgot. The charging cable is yanked from the outlet and clatters on hardwood.
Shit. That couldn’t make the top fifteen on his list of priorities right now.
He tugs the cord from his phone and actually sets it on the floor at least. With his back killing him (from how long he has rotted in this fucking bed), he flops back and sluggishly rolls onto his side.
But as soon as he goes to press the green call button, it rings its last.
For a few unbelieving moments, he stares at his dark screen, not processing. The wider darkness turns blurry.
“Okay,” he whispers at last, and clears his voice of its rough edges in preparation.
It’s just like you to be up this late on a Sunday night; catching up on homework, probably. But he’s worrying himself sick over taking up the rest of your night. He doesn’t plan to go to class tomorrow.
He taps your contact through his stinging eyes, brimming with unshed tears.
And he’s worried about what he’ll say. He has practiced, wracked his mind for the right words, but he just can’t.
But it’s better you hear from him first. Eventually, you would find out anyway—Mikasa will tell Eren who will tell you in class tomorrow, he bets—and he can’t think of anyone else to talk to. No one that wouldn’t drain the life out of him, and-or make him feel somehow worse, and-or someone he can talk to when he’s like this.
The call rings once—no, less than once.
“Levi?” your breathy voice, full of exasperation hits his ear. His throat instantly lurches. “Are... Are you there? Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you since Friday. I thought maybe your phone broke, but—”
But you haven’t seen him in that class you have together, and no one else has heard from him either, he knows, but he lets you speak. He needs time to collect himself. And he can bathe in the sound of your voice for the first time in two hellish days.
"Levi? Baby?"
“I’m.” He cringes at the crack in his voice that already threatens to shatter. “I’m here.”
Your tone shifts into absolute concern. “There you are. I missed you.”
It shows how well you know him, you not asking what’s wrong directly.
His adam’s apple hiccups as he swallows, but the knot in his throat won’t give, and so a soft sob escapes instead.
“Shh...” He can practically see the surprise on your face. “Lev’ I’m here, I’m here...”
Eyes shut tight, he shoves his fist in his mouth in order to stop. The last thing he should be crying about is hearing your voice, you comforting him without even asking for an explanation.
“I’m here, sweetie.”
“…You’re n-not here,” he grinds out. He doesn’t know where this sudden flux of anger is coming from. “S-Something,” he gasps, crying, “Something happened.”
Your voice leaves. Quiet feels endless, until, “Okay, I’m coming over. And don’t you dare say no, if you were going to.” He hears a laptop slamming shut and the creak of your mattress when he strains his ears. “I’m on my way right now, so it’ll just be a few minutes, okay?”
It takes ten to get from your dorm to his apartment. “Don’t fucking speed,” he whispers.
“I won’t,” you tell him gently. He’s glad you don’t take that as a joke right now. “Promise.”
He shudders a tearful breath and smears his sleeve down his cheeks, which are wet.
The conversation is nearing its end: he hears the thump of a car door closing.
No part of him would have had the energy to turn you down. In fact, spending another ten minutes the same way he has spent the entire weekend looms over him now, encompassing.
“Could you...” Now he’s not only whimpering pathetically, but congested. “…Not hang up?”
“I was just about to say that,” you say. Your engine hums to life. “I can tell you about my weekend while we wait?”
He won’t have to talk, and not about himself. “Yeah,” he rasps. “Sure.”
The rest of the world fades out as you search for topics to ramble about, from your misadventures grocery-shopping on Saturday, to how shrimp-flavored Ramen is actually sinfully underrated, the flood in the laundry room...
He’s much calmer by the time your engine shuts off, but that only makes room for the numbness.
“I’m here,” you say down the other line. “Can I let myself in?”
Instead of getting ready, he forgot to move from his current spot—cuddled up to a fat pillow on his side with your voice set on top—since you got on the road.
“Yeah.” His absent voice is something between a grunt and a whisper. “But it’s… messy.”
Just as your keychain jingles down the other line, his front door down the hallway, in front of the living room, clicks open.
“Are you in bed?” you ask. He can hear you both ways.
Answering that question makes him feel like shit for some reason. “Sorry about the mess,”he murmurs, feeling shittier still, and hangs up.
And his place isn’t the only mess. His hair is a greasy nest of some kind, he can feel his eyes are swollen, and he got snot all over your fucking sweater.
Suddenly, he would rather rot away under these blankets the rest of the night than have you be subjected to him like this.
His bedroom isn’t your first stop. Maybe it’s because he didn’t answer your obvious question, so you’re giving him time to collect himself before he comes out.
Then in the kitchen, the sink starts running. Something clatters.
Are you doing his dishes?
His brow knits. He ghosted you all weekend, and now on a Sunday night he has you doing his dishes. Guilt like a fucking tsunami drags him under.
Yet, it’s still impossible to stand.
His eyes sting, pricked by fresh, unshed tears.
Compared to his usual habits, he has slept ages this weekend. He feels himself drift and doze to the tune of the dishes making small racket, even through the faint whistle of the kettle. It feels unimportant, like background noise.
He stirs though, as the mattress sags by his head. His phone makes a soft thunk as it’s placed back on the nightstand. Something clicks back into the wall.
Those tears from before make their appearance, so he turns his head so his face is in the pillow. His first breath has him struggling; he cried so much he can’t physically breathe through his nose.
Your warm voice chimes through the darkness. “I made some tea. Can I turn on the light so you can drink it?”
His nails dig into his palm. “The,” a breath through his mouth, “lamp.”
Beyond the pillow’s gentle realms, he hears a click before a faint glow invades the dark. A hand floats down to his shoulder, and rubs, but he doesn’t make himself move.
You must have at least some idea of the kind of state he’s in now, yet you still haven't asked the obvious.
You knew Mom’s health was getting worse, unexplainable symptoms for an unknown illness, but not... Not what happened on Friday. Not that he didn’t even get a chance to hear her voice one last time. Not Kenny’s call.
“I’m right here,” you tell him. “Everything’s gonna be alright, sweetie.”
Are you an angel? Your hand cards his wet bangs off his face, and he cringes. He knows the grease doesn’t matter to you, but it does to him.
“I didn't ask you to do all that,” he protests weakly, unmoving. By the shift in the mattress, he can tell you’re reaching for tissues.
They’re precariously balanced on top of the pillow. “Do you want a change of clothes?”
He shudders a sigh without really meaning to, he’s so mentally exhausted. Clearly he won’t be getting anywhere in terms of complaining, so he does the bare minimum of pushing himself up on one arm. Without looking at you, he takes a tissue.
Your free hand is right there, though. He reaches, and shyly takes that, too. When you squeeze, he squeezes back a little too quickly.
A fresh cup of steaming tea waits on the nightstand for him.
“Thanks,” he mutters, head still downturned.
“Always.” You pet his hair down. “I’ll start the shower.”
“Okay.” His voice breaks. “Thanks.”
Properly sat up, he finishes the incredible cup of tea you brewed before you even get back. For one thing, he can’t remember the last time he had anything to drink, and he’s been losing a lot of water. Plus, you’re the only one who knows how he likes it, and… it comforts him in a way little else can.
Once he’s done washing up under the hot water, having stood there long enough for his hands to prune, he changes into the navy pullover, briefs, and sweatpants you brought for him.
Now he idles in the doorway, still not quite believing you’re not an angel. Another steaming cup waits on his nightstand, and you’ve been cleaning up more. His made bed has clean sheets, and the rest of his dirty laundry is gone. You even re-organized his desk.
You look up from your seat at the foot of the bed as the bathroom door peeks open.
Usually, you get onto him for his cleaning habits. Then again, he never, ever cries in front of you.
“Hi.” You smile faintly. “It’s okay. You don't have to talk about it.”
He looks down and away.
“But… can I stay the night?”
But he won’t be going to class tomorrow, and he can’t say that a shower and some tea will be enough to shake him out of this. It won’t be. He doesn’t want support like this while you don’t even know why—to him it feels unfair.
You scoot back on the bed, the springs whining under your weight, and untuck the sheets. For how impossible everything felt earlier, nothing could have stopped him from climbing into bed and crawling into your arms.
You both settle down. The blankets are pulled up to his shoulders, which you wrap your arms around.
“I like that shampoo.” You kiss the top of his head.
He blinks mildly. Mostly, he just listens to your heart. “Thank you.”
In the mirror, it looked like he had applied red eyeshadow, the bags under his eyes dark beyond belief. The swelling is a little better after a hot shower.
“I don’t wanna keep you in the dark,” he explains. Those must be the most words he's spoken all weekend.
You wait while carding your fingers through his damp hair.
“It’s Mom.”
“Oh.” The word leaves you like a punch. Your soothing hand stutters, but doesn’t stop. “Is she getting worse…?”
He hesitates. He doesn’t know how to say it. “No. Not anymore.”
“Oh, Levi.” You take him further into your warm caress until he’s all but curled up on top of you. Your hand strokes his back up and down.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” you whisper, a touch heavy. “I’m so sorry.”
He squeezes you tight, trying to burrow into your arms, and shuts his eyes even tighter. The feeling that sits in his chest, begging him to cry even more, returns at full-force.
He doesn’t know what to say to that, because it will never be okay.
You offer to email his professors, maybe tell them in person, so he can have some much-needed time to grieve. Even his homework you say you can do, but he turns you down on that one. It’s enough that you just...
“…stay. Here.”
“You have me,” you reassure into his hair. “I got you.”
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taglist: @ackermandick | @midtwenties-angst | @sckerman | @halloweenmedic | @katty | @jayteacups | @notgoodforlife | @peace-for-levi | @chaotic-nick | @b-o-n-e-daddy | @levisbrat25 | + link to sign up
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draiochtnamara · 5 months
posting original fiction work is insane and scary
kelly parents, exploring their relationship to understand kat and forest better
sad domestic bliss, mentions of death/dying/unnamed disease. preemptive mourning.
“Come take a bath with me?”
He isn’t quite sure he hears her correctly, he’s finishing up cleaning the kitchen, closing the dishwasher with his foot and drying his hands on the dish towel. It gets thrown into the corner, missing the open laundry room and ending up somewhere on the floor. Close enough. He doesn’t want to raise his voice, it’s hard enough getting the kids to stay in bed as it is so he stays quiet, turning around and heading out of the kitchen.
It’s not a question she typically asks.
It’s not a question he expects, either.
Just three days ago she was complaining about the size of the tub again. What was her complaint again? Oh. “Forest is almost too big for it at this rate.” Something like that. That had to be an exaggeration. Surely, it was. Forest wasn’t even five yet. He was smaller than Kat was at that age. He wishes he could renovate the bathroom before they had no time left. But they were saving for other things now. Can’t get your wife a garden tub when you’ve got to buy her a coffin.
She’s standing there, foot of the stairs. Towel wrapped around her body. Smaller than she was before. They’ve both agreed not to mention it. One of a few subjects that were now deemed forever off topic. Water was left running in the tub above. She was serious. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed.
“Oh in the tub that’s too small for Forest?”
They only had one full bath. So he knew that was the only one she was talking about. She scrunched her nose, “maaaaybe I was exaggerating?” He laughs and she doesn’t. But not in a bad way. She has something else up her sleeve. “So that’s a no..?”
She drops the towel slowly, already (obviously) naked below it. She makes a sound that’s a cross between a sigh and a hmph, and turns to head back up the stairs.
In a motion that’s too quick for her to comprehend, he scoops her and the towel up, and carries her up the stairs. She’s giggling, like they’ve got all the time in the world. He sets her down on the soft rug in the bathroom, shutting the door behind them. Because. Well. The kids. Anything and everything wakes them up. He strips his clothes off and looks at her. She pretends to check him out and whistles.
“Woooow,” she draws it out. Slowly. Like they’ve never been naked together before and like they wouldn’t again. “My lucky day.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
He laughs and gets into the tub first. The thing about it too, is that she’s right. It's too small. He can’t lie. He can’t fully stretch his legs in it. Part of the reason why they’ve never done this before. The other part is that, normally, he doesn’t think he’d agree to this. They were both the type to consider bathing a personal solace for a few moments of uninterrupted thought. Once or twice when she first got sick he washed her hair for her. Back before she got used to being tired. Back when they thought maybe they’d get over this. But at this point, borrowed time is borrowed time and he doesn’t know how much longer he’s got to agree to his wife’s schemes. So he goes with it, rolls with the punches, and agrees to shared bathing time. Who wouldn’t in his position?
He holds his hand out to her and she gets in the tub with him. Water already too high. Pouring out over the sides. Whatever. It’s fine. They can dry it later. She sits with her back to his chest. He wraps his arms around her. Once again he can’t help but notice how small she was. People who didn’t know she was dying congratulated her on the weight loss recently. She didn’t need to lose anything. And Mark would’ve liked her at any size versus knowing he wasn’t going to have her at all. She wasn’t ever big to begin with.
On top of that, she doesn’t have much of an appetite these days. Which makes it hard when there’s a four year old who doesn’t want to eat and keeps getting pickier as the days go by and an eight year old who wants nothing but treats for all meals.
What’s the easiest way to say sorry kids, mommy is dying, so she’s allowed to have two spoonfuls of peanut butter for dinner. You have to eat that meal you don’t want? This advice wasn’t in any parenting book.
They’ve both agreed to not mention how much they will miss each other. Juliet said it’s a given. He still wants to say it, though. Because he will. He already does. He doesn’t think he wants to live life without her. She seems to think he’s gonna be able to move on. She’s encouraged it, actually. Says: I hope you find someone nice once I’m not here. The thought makes him sick. But he entertains the idea, for her. If it makes her happy to think he won’t be miserable forever without her, then sure.
The bubble bath she must’ve poured in smells fruity and he assumes it’s one she got for the kids. If they can afford one thing of bubble bath, it’ll be one that everyone can use. Her hair smells like artificial watermelon, and he knows that’s the kids shampoo. They all shared one bathroom so there’s no doubt she accidentally grabbed and used it. He takes a deep breath of it, and then for a second regrets it. Reminds him of Forest and Kat, and then it’ll just be yet another reminder of her once she’s gone. He sighs. As if the kids wouldn’t be reminder enough.
She turns to face him, water sloshing again. She peers up at him. Biiiiig brown eyes peering at him. Brow furrowed. Nose scrunched.
“I know you’re thinking about it.”
He wants to slip down below the water's surface and is embarrassed that he can’t. Because the tub’s too fucking small. Just like she complained about. It just sucks that she was right. In more ways than one.
He was. He was thinking about how much he would miss her. Was thinking about how even if he had no reminders of her he’d miss her. He thought they had forever.
“How can I not, Jay?”
She adjusts as he tries to sink further into the bathtub. She’s slightly hovering over him now, her face so close to his. Her hair creates a curtain around them. In a world that, at this point, is all their own. And she expects him to, what, just not think about missing her?
“It just makes it harder,” she eventually stutters out, and he just frowns. Easy for her to say. She wasn’t going to have to live with this.
“I’m just gonna fucking miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too.”
He laughs a little. Because how could she? She’d be dead. Even if it turns out there’s a Heaven, she’d be up there probably so entertained she wouldn’t think about him back there on earth. If she got around to missing anyone, surely it’d be the kids. Then maybe.
“I promise, Mark. Even if I’m the first person to accomplish missing someone from the afterlife. I’m gonna miss you, too.”
He cups her face in his hand, and she presses against it, before turning her face to kiss against his palm. His eyes sting, and he’s typically not a crier but this just isn’t fair. This is enough to make him want to fully break down and sob every day but he feels he will have plenty of time for that later. Now he’s got to enjoy. And not take it for granted. Or try.
They sit there together a little bit longer. They don’t talk much, they kiss here and there but eventually she’s feeling tired and so he takes her to bed. For the hell of it, he bridal carries her through their bedroom doorway. He thinks—but does not say—that even if he knew ten years ago that this wouldn’t last forever due to her untimely demise, that he would have still married her. Maybe would have done it sooner. He lays her gently on the bed and helps her change into pajamas and kisses her a few more times. He tries not to think about how he doesn’t know what kiss will be the last.
She lays her head on his chest and he wraps his arm around her and pulls her close. She says all the things she loves him more than until eventually, somewhere between I love you more than sneaking tastes of brownie batter and I love you more than orgasming, she falls asleep.
He kisses the top of her head, gently. “Love you,” he whispers. He lays there and thinks of all the things he loves her more than until he falls asleep too.
He dreams that they are able to finally cure her.
And when he wakes up, it only hurts a bit.
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erudianokabe · 1 year
idk but reiner just strikes me as the type to sing whilst doing the washing up. like he isnt beyonce or anything but every time, he would pick one of the many folk songs he heard/learned growing up and because his voice is so deep, it'd sound so beautiful in a dorian or mixolydian scale T.T
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If by doing the washing up, you mean chores where he's getting his hands wet. The dishes, the laundry, maybe even washing the car, etc. I think you're onto something there. Like, in my honest opinion, Reiner's the type to be gung-ho about doing something, but tends to get easily shy or embarrassed. Specially if he feels that it's something a little closer to his heart.
So I do think that when it comes to singing, if there's too many people around and he's doing the washing up, he's gonna be keeping his lips shut. Maybe if he can't hold it in, he'll hum it out a bit in his head, and start tapping his foot to this internal song. However, if you leave him alone to his end of the chores, you may just find him singing a little tune. Hums reverberating from his throat, until it turns into a full on song. He'll probably start with something that he knows. From a folk song that he remembers his mother singing, to something a little more recent that he's heard on the radio just a couple of times to remember bits and pieces of the lyrics, but never the title.
"I'm gonna take you on a trip so far from here— dum dara da—" Sleeves all rolled up, as he bobs his head up and down, eyes closed losing himself in the song. He's just finished washing the last of the plates and was simply wiping them dry. "I've got two tickets to paradise, won't you pack your bags, dum dara dum dum—" And with that, the last set of dishes were done: spotless and resting neatly upon its rack. Reiner would snap his fingers to the tune of his own beat, enjoying the moment which he thought was solely his.
Unbeknownst to him, you were there, leaning on the door frame and just watching silently. You were in charge of putting out the trash today, so you did. Never did you imagine, however, that you'd be treated to this kind of show. It was as if he didn't have any inhibitions, enjoying himself and even looking pretty smug (yet content) about it.
Sadly, all that came to a stop when your uncooperative throat decided it wanted some attention. So, you begrudgingly cleared it, causing Reiner to stop, his glance thrown over his shoulder only to see you there. Instantly he gets flustered; the red on his cheeks weren't too prominent but he did scratch the back of his neck, showing that he was quite embarrassed. For a moment, his eyes darted to the side, not very willing to look in your direction. "How long have you been there?" He pressed his indexes together in hopes that you had a favorable answer.
"I'm gonna take you on a trip—"
"Not a word to anyone, do you hear me?" You were cut off by the guy who was now marching towards your location. "You're not going to say anything to anyone about this, right?"
And to put his mind at ease, you just moved as if you were zipping your mouth shut.
Not a word to any soul.
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delicatenightfury · 2 years
"Do you ever just really want to kiss someone?"
2021 Month of Writing: Day 9
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x OC
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Word Count: 1,522
Author's Note: please don't steal my work. you can choose to respond to the prompt as well, but don't steal my work
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Ariel brought her shawl closer around her body as she typed away on her computer. The cold weather had her not wanting to do anything other than relax. She was so happy to be done with work for the week and had decided to try and read. A small bowl of popcorn was nearby for her to snack on as her fingers lightly ran over the pages of her book. 
Normally, she’d be at the Avengers’ compound for the holidays, spending it with her close friends. However, things were a little different this year. Clint had invited her over to his farm. Ariel had been reluctant to accept; she didn’t want to intrude on their Christmas, but apparently Clint’s wife had insisted.
She wasn’t the only one to have been invited though. Both of the Maximoffs tagged along, as well as Natasha. So far, the trip was enjoyable. Ariel had spent a lot of time hanging out with Lila, who was incredibly excited that she shared the name with a Disney princess. The two spent at least an hour outside in the snow, making snow angel-mermaids and snowmen. When Cooper eventually came outside with Clint and Pietro in tow, a large snowball fight broke out. They came inside to find hot chocolate waiting for them. It was then that Ariel offered to spend time with Nathaniel, letting Laura get some rest.
Now, the house was relatively quiet. The kids had gone up to bed about an hour ago and the adults settled into the living room. Ariel could hear the brief bits of conversation around her. She knew they probably wouldn’t bother her. She was exhausted and simply wanted to unwind. Being in the presence of her friends was more than enough to wind down from the exciting day.
Every now and then she would tune in briefly to what was happening around her. Wanda was sitting with Laura and Natasha, sharing recipes she remembered from her childhood. Pietro and Clint were sitting slightly nearby, talking quietly with one another. 
Ariel dropped her hand into her bowl, glancing down when she noticed it was now empty. She huffed a small laugh. She marked her place in her book and stood up.
“Everything all right?” Laura asked.
“Yep! Just going to put my bowl in the kitchen,” Ariel said. “Can I take anyone else's?”
“Ariel, you don’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense. You just stay there, Laura.”
She winked at Laura as she collected the other empty bowls from the various snacks people had had. She moved into the kitchen and carefully put the bowls on the counter. She discarded her shawl and rolled up her sleeves as she turned on the water.
“I don’t want to hear it, Laura,” she said, glancing back at her. Laura had gotten up and was starting to approach the kitchen. “Go sit back down. I’ve got this. Really.”
“You must be tired after having played with the kids all day.”
“And you do the same thing every day. By yourself most of the time.” She smiled. “Laura, please let me do this. It’s the least I can do after you invited us into your home.”
After another minute, Laura relented.
“All right,” she said. “But no chores for you tomorrow.”
Clint laughed from the other room.
“Good luck keeping her out of the kitchen the day before Christmas,” he commented.
“Ariel loves cooking,” Natasha added.
Laura finally went to rejoin the other women, leaving Ariel to do the dishes. As she washed and rinsed, Clint’s voice caught her attention again.
“What are you looking at there, speedy?” he said.
“It’s nothing,” Pietro responded.
“Nice try. I have eyes, I can see perfectly well. I’ve got all night.”
Pietro sighed.
“Have you… ever just really wanted to kiss someone but you can’t?”
Those words really caught Ariel’s attention. She moved a little slower.
“Considering I’m married, I don’t really have that problem. But what’s stopping you?” Pietro was quiet. “Listen. In this life, some things are out of our reach, out of our control. But one thing we can control is the choices we make. And… I’ll tell you this - she wouldn’t mind.”
Ariel stiffened.
Did he just-
Ariel set the last dish into the drying rack and dried her hands. She put on a smile as she approached the others.
“I’m going to head up to bed,” she said. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
She quickly headed for the stairs, calls of good night followed her as well as a muttered, “Crap.”
Ariel closed the door to her room, resting her head against the wood as she tried to deal with her racing thoughts. Most people forgot that her hearing was enhanced. It was one of the few results that came from experimentation when she was young. Her mother had been working on a new serum, potentially some version of the super soldier serum, but she was only able to do small doses. Ariel had been told they were medical shots to keep her healthy and to not tell her father.
Long story short, one day her hearing and eyesight became much more enhanced. Her father realized what had happened and took her away after calling the police. The effects never went away, but they had been helpful when she started training for SHIELD. At the compound, Tony had even made her room soundproof so she didn’t get too overwhelmed when she was trying to sleep.
Now, she questioned how useful they were.
When Pietro was recovering after being shot in Sokovia, Ariel spent a lot of time with him due to also being in the infirmary. They grew close, often joking with one another. It wasn’t until a month or two later that she told Clint her feelings for the speedster. She hadn’t dated much before, so she didn’t truly know if her feelings were genuine. Over time, she realized that she felt a bit more than friendship toward Pietro.
Suddenly, she heard someone walking toward her room. She could tell who it was just based on the way they walked. She stayed in place, nervous about what was going to happen. A moment later, a soft knock came from under her hands. Ariel waited a moment before gently pulling the door open.
Pietro offered her a small smile.
“Hi,” he said softly.
“Hey,” she replied, giving her own small smile in response.
“Could we talk?” She couldn’t quite tell if he was being quiet for her benefit or for the sleeping kids, or if he was nervous.
She nodded and opened the door wider to let him in. When the door was closed, she turned to face him.
“I’m sorry if our conversation bothered you,” he said. “I forgot about your powers, and I wasn’t thinking.”
Ariel brought her arms around herself, realizing for a moment that she left her shawl downstairs in the kitchen.
“Can I ask why?” she asked.
“Why not? Wait- sorry, poor choice of wording. I meant it as how could I not. You are kind and patient. You never grew annoyed by my constant talking and bothering while we were in the infirmary together. You always seem to be happy and you always want to help others, even if it isn’t a convenience for you.” He smiled, looking down. “And today… seeing you interact with Clint’s family… I don’t know. I guess it just showed me how good you truly are in everything you do.”
“So… what’s stopping you now?”
Pietro looked at her, eyes wide at her words. Ariel was surprised herself. She looked down as her cheeks heated. She was about to utter an apology when Pietro quickly stepped forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. When he started to pull away, Ariel wrapped her arms around his waist. She stood higher and kissed him again. The kiss was more passionate than the last, both of them pouring their feelings into their actions. Ariel’s smirk grew a little wider when she pulled away slightly.
“You didn’t see that coming?” she asked.
Pietro couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Did you just steal my line?”
“What, me? Never.”
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Clint waved to Natasha and Wanda as they headed off to bed. As he walked down the hall to his own bedroom where Laura was, his eyes drifted to one of the closed doors. He slowly approached the door, turning the knob as quietly as he could. Clint stuck his head through the small opening he allowed himself. His eyes scanned the room quickly and settled on the bed. Pietro and Ariel were cuddled close together, covered with a throw blanket. Neither had bothered to change out of their clothes from the day, but they didn’t seem to mind. Ariel shifted just slightly, allowing Clint to catch a glimpse of the earmuffs that were designed to decrease sounds when sleeping.
With a proud smile, Clint gently shut the door. He went to his bedroom, meeting Laura’s curious eye as he got ready for bed.
“Stark owes me twenty bucks,” he said. “He bet those two wouldn’t get together before Christmas.”
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hexpea · 2 years
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Ch. 8 - Just a Dinner
"Do you mind if I use the microwave?" You asked as you stood behind Gojo at the stove. He was busy making you the amazing tilapia dinner he was talking about at the grocer. You, on the other hand, wanted to make Geto a "get well soon" offering after giving him your cold - and...breaking his ribs those days ago. 
"Oh, sure," Gojo answered without turning around, simply leaning out of the way as you opened the over-the-range to place a bowl of soup inside. He didn't even think to ask why you were making soup as he was making your dinner. 
Unfortunately, the hotel didn't provide a tray like Geto did for you. Once you retrieved the soup, making Gojo lean over again, you paused for a moment to shove a sleeve of crackers between your breasts - the only thing available to help transport as you held a hot bowl of soup with one hand and a glass of orange juice in the other.  You used your forehead to knock on Geto's bedroom door. After hearing some brief shuffling, the door carefully opened. Geto peeked around the corner before walking in front of the door to accept your offer.
"To what do I owe the pleasure," he grinned, making short eye contact with you before looking down toward the crackers firmly planted between your breasts. It didn't take him long to refocus, eyes fluttering to meet yours again.
"No hands," you blushed, meeting his own pink face. You noticed his Adam's apple bob with a heavy swallow as he took the bowl from your hands. "But I wanted to make up for giving you my cold...and for breaking your ribs," you then moved into a whisper, "and for helping me get closer to you know who."
"Oh, well it'll take more than just soup to make it up to me," he kept his grin, face returning to a normal color after regaining his confidence. 
You rolled your eyes. "What could you possibly want from me?"
He thought for a moment, hands touching the hot soup bowl without any type of reaction. "I'll think about it." He then tilted his chin upward, jaw slack, as he held the soup and juice. "Put the crackers between my teeth."
You did as he asked. As soon as he had everything, he quickly turned around and used his foot to shut the door.  You felt like an idiot for not having thought of using your teeth in the first place. 
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"And voila!" Gojo exclaimed as soon as you turned around from having the door shut in your face. He had a full display on the small, round table in the kitchen area of your hotel room: plates full of steaming food and two sets of silverware set across from one another, complete with a small bouquet at the center. When did he have time to get that?
"Wow, I'm thoroughly impressed," you smiled wide as you slowly walked toward the table, admiring the juicy looking fish on the plate in front of you. It looked as though it had been seasoned to perfection. 
"I told you!" Gojo placed his proud hands on his hips before taking a seat with you.
"Never called you a liar," you placed your hands together and gave a light bow before cutting into the fish.
The two of you dug in and...as he mentioned many times throughout the meal, he did a great job. But something else was tugging in your chest. That feeling you used to get when being around Gojo hadn't come through in some time. You felt completely at ease, and somehow slightly more interested in what Geto thought of your soup. Your real thoughts were elsewhere. You thought about the dirty dishes in Geto's room and what he possibly could have meant by he'll think about it?
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It eventually got to a point where you had finished eating with nothing left to talk about. Gojo immediately crashed on the Murphy bed as soon as you offered to clean up the dishes, which you washed fairly quickly.  With the sound of Gojo's light snores, you snuck back into Geto's bedroom - without knocking in order to be as quiet as possible.
You turned around after gently placing the door back in its place only to find Geto sitting up in bed, waist under the covers but shirtless and startled. 
"Uh...hello?" He greeted with a small laugh and crooked grin. Your face, pink again, gave a pathetic smile in return.
"He's sleeping," you motioned with your head toward the door, "didn't want to wake him."
"Got it," Geto nodded and repeated his earlier phrase, "to what do I owe the pleasure?" 
"I came to get your dishes," you mumbled, eyeing them on the nightstand beside the bed. There was a pile of tissues on the floor in front of it, missing the trash can in the corner. 
"Ah, and I can't assume you and Gojo also had chicken noodle," his grin was devilish, but you could see his sickness through his reddened nose and puffy eyes. 
"No, no," you shook your head and gave a bashful smile. He then patted the bed next to him to which you went and gently sat down. "He ended up making us tilapia of all things, it was actually really nice."
"I'm glad," Geto's voice was soft as his smile turned from something devilish to thankful, "I'm glad my sickness is to your advantage."
"Once again, you're the best," you gave an awkward laugh and avoided eye contact, something you had been doing since entering. 
"You said it, not me," he shrugged. You resisted the urge to punch him. 
"Anyway, I was just thinking...graduation's coming up and..." you started hesitantly.
"And you got your placement," Geto finished for you.
"Yeah," you sighed defeatedly.
"And it's not Tokyo," he chuckled. You shook your head. "They never are. Tokyo is a desirable place to be and everyone wants to stay here. Gojo and I just got lucky. The other parts of Japan need saving, too. That's why the placement thing exists. You've gotta' do your time, then you can come back."
"Sure, but...what about Gojo," you bit your bottom lip nervously, "if I leave now, I'll lose all of the progress I've made. Though there's not much of it..."
"Don't worry about it," Geto reassured you, "I'll make sure to keep you in our conversations. Plus you have his number now, so I'm sure he won't mind a text now and then."
"Thanks..." you mumbled, staring at your hands folded in your lap. 
"So, tomorrow's the first mission," Geto changed the subject, trying to keep the mood light, "I'm obviously out of commission, so that means it'll just be you and Gojo. Do you think you can make some progress then?"
"If I don't get killed doing so," you chuckled, "these are 'special' grade curses after all," you mocked Gojo's voice. Geto rolled his eyes.
"You're perfectly capable. You've got a great technique and you're one of the most skilled martial artists I've met."
"But I'm only a second grade sorcerer," your voice went small again, your lack of confidence shining through as it so often did.
"So? It's just a label. The minute Geto or I recommends you to be a first grade, they'll make it so." You blushed with Geto's words. Ever since the two of you began this escapade, he'd been so supportive. None of your classmates were ever so kind, and you made note of that. (Not that they never were supportive, but Geto put things on another level.) "You can't measure strength so literally."
You stood up silently and grabbed his dishes. "Thanks, Suguru," you gave a kind smile and headed back to the door. 
"You've got this, Y/N," he smiled as you cautiously opened the door while balancing the dishes. In response, you gave a small nod and shut the door behind you.
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steele-soulmate · 6 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 529, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1202
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I was withdrawing a toothpick from the two freshly baked loaves of bread when I felt the vibrations of the garage door opening underneath my feet. I glanced over at the digital clock over the stove and wrinkled my nose at the early time- 12:19 AM. Peter and the girls wouldn’t be back until around 2:30, or so I was led to believe- what on earth had happened to make them return so soon?
“What in the name of Saint Barnabas are they doing back so soon?” I muttered as the heavy thumps flying up the stairs told me that Peter was rushing up. My eyebrows scrunched together as the door flew open, Peter coming into the dining room with a hysterically sobbing Elizabeth tucked away in his arms. Katie bought up the rear, toting Elle and Jing in her arms as she trailed closely behind.
“Sweetheart,” Peter froze at the sight of me out of the master bedroom and on my two feet as little girl and Baby Tommy chewed on freshly washed blueberries from where they were sitting on the kitchen counter. Baby Eve was nestled in a laundry basket, full with freshly washed towels, rending her into a Moses like situation.
“My love?” I asked him, concerned as Isabelle helped the younger members of the Ratajczyk family down and I waddled over to investigate the source of the unhappy sounds.
“Bitty had an emotional breakdown right in the middle of the 9/11 museum,” Peter translated for me as he rubbed calming circles into her back. “I’ll be back in a minute, I’m going to go tuck her into her bed really quickly, okay?”
I turned to whipping up grilled cheese and pepperoni sandwiches and garlic seasoned French fries, which Elizabeth had revealed to me was her favorite things that I would make to eat. I took those simple to make foods to be her comfort foods and I knew that one way to stop tears and unhappy thoughts was with food made with love from the heart.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing out of bed?”
I didn’t turn as I pieced together one pan with slices of bread and cheese and another pan with more bread. I slid everything into the oven to broil for four minutes while I got the pizza sauce and Elizabeth’s favorite vegetable toppings at the ready and got a third pan, this one with plain, unseasoned French fries ready and slid it in as well.
“I baked some bread this morning- blueberry oatmeal bread and cinnamon bread,” I explained as I waddled about the kitchen, smiling as the babies began to sweep using a little dust brush and dust pan that I had hidden away under the kitchen sink. “Thank you both- oh, such helpful babies!”
Isabelle slid the trash open for little girl to carefully dump the now full dust pan into, not dropping even a crumb.
“Thank you both sweet babies for keeping an eye on mommy while I was out with your big sisters,” Peter acknowledged their hard work at keeping their beloved mommy and unborn siblings out of trouble as he rolled up his sleeves and got to work washing the dishes in the sink for me. “Hey Isabelle? How are classes going for you?”
“Pretty good,” she answered in a happy tone of voice. “I just had a meeting with my guidance counselor last week, and they told me that I’m set to graduate in like about three years, if everything goes as according to plan, that is. They are going to mail me a copy of my class plan that we both worked on together. I’m currently enrolled in getting my bachelor’s degree, but I’m hoping to get my master’s at some point.”
“Well, if you ever need to take a semester off to take care of your mental health, you can do that and Peter and I won’t mind any,” I told her, taking a step backwards and using my hands to lift up my pregnancy stretched tummy. Peter got down onto his knees behind me and offered his assistance in supporting my uncomfortable stomach.
“I saw something on Pinterest about using tape to help with a bulging stomach during pregnancy,” Isabelle revealed. “Do you want to try it?”
“Isabelle, remember that I’m carrying triplets, and K-tape is mostly designed for mothers who are pregnant with one baby,” I told her. “But it’s worth a shot!”
Fifteen minutes later, Peter was wrapping me with dark green duct tape, a hasty substitute for kinesiology tape.
“Oh my god, Peter-” I suddenly called out. “Getting this stuff off of me is going to be murder.”
“Papa Pete?” little girl meeped as she toddled closer to him. “Me and Baa bee Tom Tom want some tapesies pleases?”
He took a short pause from taping me up to gift her with two short little strippies of dark green duct tape.
Katie and Jing both kept an eye on the babies while Isabelle helped me hold the weight of my tummy up so that my handsome older soulmate’s ‘wonder tape’ could be applied.
Mittens and Primrose wandered into the room, the skunklet’s fluffy tale high up in the air as she gave chase to her not a skunk mother. The motherly cat came and stood directly below me, letting out a concerned meow.
MEOW Mittens asked me, doing a Michael Myers head tilt as she supervised her human daddy, making certain that he wasn’t hurting her unborn kittens. MEOW
“Alright now sweetheart, that should do it,” Peter announced, him and Isabelle taking a step backwards as I broke out into a pleased smile.
“Well, the discomfort is still there, but it’s not quite as bad!” I announced with a happy smile.
“YAY YAY!” cheered Baby Tommy, little girl heading their happy dance.
“Yay yay is indeed right,” I giggled. “Yay yay.”
Gramercy, thank you, old French?
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Silent Treatment - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: slight angst, slice of life, crack(ish?), fluff, cursing
Summary: Bakugou is very much....an asshole. A shithead. A professional dick if you will. And Y/N, being his girlfriend is very much aware of that. So when he takes it too far, she has to make sure he learns his lesson.
A/N: just a quick lil cute thing, totally not spelled check
“Hey babe!” Bakugou said as he walked into the living room to find his girlfriend reading a book. He plopped down next to her and just relaxed in the feeling of the soft cushion. The little shit felt like messing with his girlfriend today.
Y/N had already been having a pissy day. After arguing with her boss, forgetting a few items back at the grocery store, and losing her new pair of headphones, she just wanted some peace with her cup of tea and a good book. Now, she has her loving boyfriend to comfort her as well. This day was surely taking a turn...right?
“Hi love, need something?” You asked calmly with the most melodic voice. Your voice. His favorite sound in the world. The sound of you just put a smile on his face which is a huge oxymoron to what this motherfucker is about to say.
“Nah, just wanted to talk to my princess,” he said while resting his head on your stomach, resting in between your legs and wrapping his arms around your waist. You awed at him but didn’t notice his little devil smile. “I had the best dream last night.”
“About what Suki?” You asked while petting his soft hair.
“Yeahhh. You went mute for the day. Fucking paradise.” Once the words left his mouth you stilled your actions and felt your eye twitch in annoyance. Your hand on his head stilled and slightly tugged at it. In any other circumstance, Bakugou would’ve groaned at the tug (kinky bastard) but he was too busy chuckling into your tummy.
You exhaled roughly through your nose and pushed Bakugou off of you in a very polite way. He rolled onto his back onto the actual couch and watched as you crossed your legs, close your book, and pick up your tea mug.
“Hmph!” Was all that you “said” as you tilted your nose to the air and walked away. Bakugou just snickered as you left. He thought it was adorable when you were mad over tiny inconveniences and thought it was hot as fuck when you were yelling at him, but today, you won’t be doing neither.
About 30 minutes had passed and Bakugou had awoken from his nap on the couch. He fell asleep after you walked away but now missed your touch. He sat up, stretched, and went to find you. He walked around the house until he spotted you relaxing in the jacuzzi in the backyard. He grinned at your relaxed look and went to change.
A few minutes later Bakugou had came out to join you in the hot tub. Your eyes were shut as you relaxed in the bubbling water, and so Bakugou was able to get in without being seen. He relaxed into the water as he scooted closer to you, eventually grabbing a hold of your waist.
“Hi baby,” he said as he attempted to place you in his lap but you looked at him with an unimpressed look as you scooted away. “Y/N?”
You grabbed your towel and stepped out of the tub. You wrapped yourself in the cloth as you walked back into the house, completely ignoring Bakugou as he spoke to you.
“Wha- you’re just gonna leave? I just got in with you,” he pouted. He opted to stay in the nice warm water for a bit but once you closed the door he groaned and sunk deeper into the water. He let the water go just above his mouth and right below his nose as he blew bubbles into the tub out of annoyance.
‘The fuck is up with her?’ He thought to himself.
Time passed and Bakugou came out the tub. He went back to his room to change into some gray sweats and a black long sleeve (and yes he pulled the sleeves up a bit because he knew you found it attractive and if y’all don’t, well I do).
He walked into the kitchen and spotted you seemingly eating dinner. He noticed a plate for him but kind of frowned at the fact that you didn’t wait for him. He saw you placed the plate on the other side of the island, far away from you, and so he pulled the plate over and took the seat next to you.
“Hey, princess? You gonna tell me what’s wrong?” He asked but you said nothing as you just ate in silence. “Silent treatment huh?” No words.
“Baby, is this about what I said? I was only kidding Y/N,” he said as he tried to wrap his arm around your waist but you pushed it off and he groaned. “Fine. Be that way, you’ll get over it. Come talk to me when you’re done acting like a brat.”
Bakugou just grunted as he ate his dinner in silence right next to you. You finished before him and walked away after you washed your dish and this time it was Bakugou who snubbed his nose in the air at you. If it was the silent treatment that you were gonna give then it was the silent treatment that you were gonna get....sorta.
“BABYYYY PLEASSEEEEE!!” He whined while poking at your leg. You were currently in your home office typing away at your computer doing work when Bakugou came in about 25 minutes after he finished his dinner. He couldn’t help himself. He missed you.
You continued to ignore Bakugou as he poked and shook you for attention. You gave him nothing all day and he was getting close to his limit. Please believe he wasn’t getting shit after that brat comment.
“Princessss, c’mon! It was a joke baby, let’s go to sleep, yeah?” He begged. You looked at him with a bored expression and saw his smile as you finally gave him something. You turned back to face your computer and his smile dropped again and was replaced with a scowl. “Y/N, I was just messing with you. I love the sound of your voice and I love you. So quit ignoring me and come give me love!” He demanded.
When he noticed you weren’t budging, he stood from his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose as he mentally counted.
He gave in and forcefully turned your chair and threw you over his shoulder. You didn’t speak to him but you squirmed and shook trying to get out of his grasp.
“Aye, aye,” he smacked your ass to get you to stop, “quit it. I’m tired, and I want sleep, and we both know I don’t sleep unless my teddy bear is with me, so shush.”
You looked at him when he told you to “shush.” As if you hadn’t been doing that all day. He just squinted his eyes as he knew what you were thinking. “You know what I mean shitty woman!”
Bakugou stormed into your shared bedroom and dropped you onto the mattress. You didn’t even try to run away. You had decided that, yes, you are indeed tired but you refused to give a certain blonde any attention. You stretched on the bed and Bakugou was in awe of your cute state but quickly snapped out of his trance when you turned on your side and gave him your back.
Bakugou got into bed along side you and scooted closer. He pressed himself against your back but once he made contact, you scooted farther away. And so, he scooted himself closer again but just like before, you scooted away. This went on about 2 more times before you scooted and fell off the bed.
“Y/N? You okay, love?” He asked as he looked down at you. You popped up from the floor, on your knees and grumbled to yourself as you vented quietly. You stood up and continued ranting as you tried to walk away to sleep on the couch but before you could get away from the king sized bed, Bakugou grabbed your wrist and pulled you on top of him. “Ignore me all you want but I’m not sleeping without my cuddles.”
You sighed as you gave in. You allowed him to hold you but you refused to speak. Bakugou rubbed circles onto your back as he inhaled your scent but he missed the sound of your voice. The sweet sound that was something similar to honey.
“Baby...I’m sorry.”
You looked at him when he apologized and raised your brow. A verbal, genuine, apology from Katsuki Bakugou? This you’ve gotta see.
“I know I shouldn’t have said that to you and even if I was only kidding......it was pretty fucking mean. ..But I hope you know I love the sound of your damn voice. I love you, dumbass. And I would never ask you to stay silent because....*sigh* ‘cuz your voice, you talking to me, you being with me, and just you in general keeps me sane. So I’m sorry. Okay? And I love you..” he said with a growing blush as he stared at you with a flustered face.
You smiled and went up to peck his lips and then give him a loving kiss. He jumped at the sudden contact but quickly melted into the kiss. He smiled as he finally got to revel in the sweet intimate moments like this. The sweet moments he’s been missing all day.
“I love you too Suki.” Oh how he craved to hear your voice. He loved the sweet sound and missed your loving tone. He pulled you in closer and just held you tight. He doesn’t plan on letting go.
“I’m so sorry. I will never make you upset like that ever again.” He bargained but you only shook your head.
“Katsuki, I was just messing with you today. I had an annoying day and that little joke just sent me over the edge but you know I never take your mean quips to heart. You’re rough around the edges but that’s just who you are and I don’t mind it. I love everything about you, even if you’re a jerk sometimes,” you teased and flicked at his nose. You giggled as he whined and tried to soothe the spot you hit. “You don’t have to censor yourself around me. Okay?”
Bakugou smiled even more. He loves you so damn much. Not only did you know he was just a little abrasive, but you accepted him for all his brunt behavior. You truly did love him. “Thanks princess,”
He sealed the deal with a sweet kiss to your temple as you giggled at the warm feeling of his soft lips. He pulled you down to his chest as you both cuddled up for the night. You sleeping is the only time Bakugou will ever be okay with you being silent. But never again will he ever allow himself to get the silent treatment.
A/N: Guys, I’m so sorry. I’ve been in such a slump and I feel like im reaching a writers block. It’s not even like I don’t have any ideas, I do! And I even have multiple unfinished pieces in my drafts but I just don’t have any motivation to finish :( sorry Cubs, don’t worry, I’ll try my best to finish them as quick as I can. Idk, should I take a break?
I’m already in the middle of a story and I don’t wanna leave those who are reading on a cliffhanger.
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