#homeless cat kitten
sergle · 8 months
honestly? no collar + no chip = no owner fr fr. i like sometimes cats get out when they arent supposed to and their collars get ripped off. understandablw. but like. if u have an "outdoor cat". and it does not have a collar, and it does not have a chip. how the hell is ANYONE supposed to tell ur lil guy apart from a stray??? literally how??
for real!! sorry, no owner! this cat has no evidence of being someone's pet! no collar, no chip, no missing flyers, nothin!!! and there's nothing to differentiate a missing cat from an outdoor cat from a friendly stray from a dumped/abandoned cat. They Are The Same.
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trexalicious · 1 month
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seeminglydark · 1 year
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Just a couple of lost souls and a moment of hope.
John and Creaky are from my webcomic Seemingly Dark
(Edited to upload separate files so maybe the quality isn’t so garbage)
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theferalfelineposse · 11 months
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From this morning.
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rhysintherain · 1 year
My family, 900 kilometers away, have spotted a stray dog in their yard 2 times.
And my brain, instantly reverting back to 10 years old, is going 'we can keep it, right?? Somebody catch that dog, he's ours now!'
Anyway, here's hoping they can feed the poor boy and make friends. Grandma doesn't think she needs another dog, but I think it would be good for her.
(also he looks like a Shepard cross, and she needs a guard dog to keep the bears and mountain lions off her lawn)
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Looking for someone to adopt this little boy kitten, Boots, he's so cute, soft, and playful. If you live in Los Angeles hit me up!
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iamearthy · 1 year
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posting this here too bc i love her - baby earthstar!!
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fleastinger · 8 months
I pulled the 7 of cups in my last reading and wow I can rlly say tht last reading was so good
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miracleon63rdstreet · 4 months
I was just beaten, stabbed, and shot all in just the matter of a few days, each day a different incident or attack by an individual in my family and outside of my family by ppl around me, I had to get several stitches in my legs, arms, hands and even some in my face after being jumped and beaten and stabbed, I had a bullet pulled out my leg and my side, I was shot 8 times, 4 times in the legs and 2 times in my right lower abdomen and another 2 times in my left lower abdomen, I been in and out of the hospital including the mental hospital for suicide attempts as well as being harmed by transphobic ppl, I've been struggling paying for costs of a vet visit after my kitten was killed by my moms dog after she had her dog kill her, I've been raped, molested and abused by my family and ppl in my schools and neighborhood and I just get tired of being in this same situation surrounded by poverty, I live in a neighborhood where I'm constantly threatened for being a black trans woman and I have NO ONE TO TURN TO, I've tried getting help finding a new job but it's harder after constantly being fired for molestation at work and sexual harassment and constant work abuse I've been thru whether it was employees or managers targeting me with harassment and bullying within the workplace and it's been hard in general trying to get help with financial situations, paying for medical bills and get med assistance from the government and the city as well as mental health help for therapists, psychiatric help, and safe space havens or shelters, I've also been from mental health facility shelter to homeless shelters and been harassed, abused, raped and molested in EVERY SINGLE ONE, i am currently living in a rundown home surrounded by poverty and bad conditions, rusted bursted pipes, i have no plumbing, no water, no way to get anything to drink, to clean stuff with, i dont have water for dishes to be cleaned, laundry to be washed, or to bathe or shower in or to take a piss or shit in either and there are several dead cats in my basement as well as raccoons from all the holes in the walls, I had to freeze in the winter and was trying to get help from the city with some government assistance and I'VE YET TO GET ANY HELP, ANY THERAPISTS FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH I'M STILL ON A QUEUE, I HAVE NO HELP FOR MENTAL HEALTH MEDS, OR PSYCHIATRIC HELP, I can't seem to afford to get help with much even after succeeding my Gofundme goal because I had to use most of that money for food for me and my cats and keep cleaning products to get my home clean WHICH IS STILL A MESS. so what i need anyone to do for me if yall POSSIBLY CAN, is reblog this as much as you can and please share my links to donation help with pet food, water, meds, med help, mental health help, finding an apartment, getting a bed or mattress, and any daily needs and necessities IF YALL CAN.
My goal is to get at least $2500 to $3000, I know it's alot but rn I need as much as I can possibly get, yall can send anything, nothing is too small it's ALL APPRECIATED. IF PPL CAN SEND AT LEAST 25 OR 30$ EACH IT WOULD HELP OUT SO MUCH, BUT AGAIN ANY AMOUNT IS APPRECIATED. THIS is REALLY IMPORTANT!!....I'M TRYING MY BEST TO SURVIVE RIGHT NOW!
Cashapp: $Slasherstan91
Venmo: Negrophiliac (I know the name's wild 😭)
Chime: $MarsRayL
Paypal: paypal.me/MarsRayL
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deadghosy · 3 months
prompt: a sinner comes into the hotel not expecting to gain a friend so quickly because of their personality.
Note: you can be like a humanoid cat or just a normal sinner with cat ears and tail.
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This man fell in love so fucking QUICKKK
He loves you as you first came or when he first met you in the hotel! Like literally this man after petting KeeKee, wanted to pet you next as your fluffy cat ears flicker at his dumb stare at you. You scoffed and went to husk to who gave you a shot a whiskey before hand.
Now after he started living in the hotel, you better be prepared to have this man clinging to you. It’s like if he is the cat instead of you being the cat in this troupe. Literally Lucifer will always be beside you smiling as he tries to pet you. You just use your hand to smack it away quickly with your reflexes.
How dare he even pet you like a cat and you purr uncontrollably on his lap. 😭💗
I can see you just literally clawing the ceiling because Lucifer tried to spray you with water and you were actually acting demonic as fuck😭 pure red eyes and loud raspy hissing.
If you are shorter than Lucifer, he is most definitely picking you up like a baby, doll, pet, you name it. He dead ass would try to flirt with you or just want you to praise his duck making and his building skills. Would wrap his arm(s) around your waist while you bear your teeth at him. Yeah you scratched him, but it’s definitely your love language! 😍 Lucifer had heart eyes as you were forced to tend to the scratches you gave him. Bros whipped, I mean he loves cat, you’re basically like a cat. You two are a match made in hell🤭.
If you are taller than Lucifer, you better pamper him. Cause you being taller makes him feel more attractive to you as he definitely has a thing for taller things. He probably will fly up to your face to get you’re attention, he’s like a love starving puppy wanting to get your longing attention as you are just a cat who has a bitch attitude towards love things. Literally one time you put your foot paw/foot to his damn face as he was trying to pet you. This man will never get tired of your attitude towards him. You probably do pick him up by his coat like a damn kitten with your hand as you stare tired from hearing his yapping.
Imagine how you literally run like a cat because you are faster on all fours so Lucifer will get on your back sometimes for fun and literally holds on tight cause you weren’t playing about being fast as fuck.
Headcannon on you shedding from your tail and Lucifer would happily clean it up so you won’t get scowled. He loves treating you like a baby, but he is the baby.
Back when you were alive, you were homeless. So that made you have a rough cattish look in hell, like a stray cat. But all you knew was how to street fight. Not a professional fighting way. So imagine you fighting some type of hotel guest and they were piss off at how you basically gave them a “dirty look.” They gave you a swing and BOOM BOOM BOOM! You gave that hoe a three piece combo to the face. Literally there was people screaming shocked and people hyping you up. You didn’t hit them as they hit the ground not getting up. But you most definitely dragged that person out by their shirt.
You had one time actually roundhouse kicked Lucifer on accident because it was dark in your room and he wanted to wake you up. Never in Lucifer’s life has he gotten his ass kicked by a sinner before.
I imagine Lucifer gifting you rubber ducks and you just smile a little liking how you are being loved but your heart closed as you think he is just playing with you.
You literally jumped and stretched around the rooftops as Lucifer flies above you finding you amazing. You are like hell hound but a feline as your body is easy to stretch and how you are so flexible.
I headcannon you actually curled your tail would Lucifer’s wrist or waist as Lucifer was going crazy in his head. Like bouncing around mentally as he just looks so calm outside
Imagine how Lucifer found it hot when you cornered him when he annoyed you to the point you pinned him to the wall with a scary expression.
I can see you sometimes just staying silent, scowling people as Lucifer just smiles.
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getcatcrazy · 1 year
It is great to see our pet enjoying the warmth and being cosy when you think of those cats that became unwanted and suffering like the homeless people in the cold it is not right in this day and age
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Dick becoming Robin at 10 is so interesting because hey, this is pretty much one of the world's youngest athletes who wanted to kill his parent's murderer with his bare hands.
He's also the same person who stays up too late watching cartoons and most likely falls asleep during fights.
The rogue gallery vs Robin but it's Harley carrying a sleeping Boy Wonder to her hyenas to watch over him in a cuddle nest, Ivy making a thorned protection shed around him, and Harvey covering him with his jacket while they wait for batman to come collect his boy
If he's running after Waylon in the sewers and trips, bruising his knees, Waylon will wait out Batman with him while offering him rat stew, " It's good for growth." Dick politely declines but appreciates the sentiment
Selina bribes him with late night milkshakes and sweet delights and takes him to animal shelters. She sends Bruce 10+ pics of Dick cuddling with homeless kittens,
She watches Batman toe the edge of insanity as his ward throws an Olympic tantrum because he was forbidden from adopting 20 cats and holy hell. This crime life is worth it.
Oswald teaches him to pick pocket and also educates him on bird care. Bruce asks him how his first solo mission's going,
" arrest him??"
Dick sends him a snap chat of a bird eating seeds from his hand like, " I can't the little guys are eating"
Mr. Freeze helps Dick with his physics homework while Bruce is quite literally on ice. He gets sick and can't patrol because it'd be irresponsible, but Dick is just having fun with the sirens
" Fun" means tying the Joker up like a pinata and beating the hell out of him while wearing a peach and mint facemask
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shirecorn · 2 years
GOD I wish the minimum wage was a living wage.
I'm not flipping burgers, I'm cleaning litterboxes and doing basic vet care like checking weights, administering medicine, bathing, using IVs, keeping records, making lists, doing photography, and way way more. But the point is even if I was just cleaning litterboxes... I love the work. I wish I could pay rent. Shouldn't I be able to clean litterboxes and feed cats who were rescued from the streets and do that fulfilling wonderful work without wondering where I'm going to live?
Shouldn't someone be able to flip burgers, make art, clean up trash, care for the oceans, teach your children, or rescue animals without being forced to choose between their job and their bills?
What if I don't WANT to climb the ladder and use my degree and search for high stress high pay jobs in order to live? What if I want the high stress job of seeing a kitten crashing below survivable temperature and bringing them back from the brink of death, knowing that I'm the only thing standing between this homeless, unwanted kitten and an early grave?
Shouldn't that be enough? Shouldn't I be able to afford food and rent by doing that?
I don't want to work at a vet office that can give me steady pay increases. I want to work here, with cats who have no owners, nursing them back to health and helping pick their forever home. I want the infrastructure to support me in doing that. I want the laws to say I can and have programs in place to make it so my shelter CAN support me. I want rent to reflect wages. I want wages to reflect rent.
I want to help the world and be able to survive doing it. I want to thrive doing it. I want that for everyone.
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Jon Kent Sr knows what the newborn Kittens their cat had sound like, and whatever-whoever-is crying in his barn is not one of them.
He goes to check it out, as he does, and lo and behold; there's another alien child.
Or he assumes she's an alien child, what with the green blood.
The second she notices him, the crying stops, and her form goes from white hair and green eyes and a strange outfit to black hair and blue eyes and the ragged clothes of a homeless tween.
Because that's what she is. This is clearly a lanky-limbed tween, injured and hiding in his barn loft.
More importantly, regardless of what form she just switched to, she needs help.
"Well, looks like you've gotten yourself into a right mess," he says, keeping his hands where her wary eyes can see them, "You're gonna need to clean up a bit, to make sure that doesn't get infected. Why don't you come on down and we'll see about gettin' you bandaged up, maybe get a little pie in ya as well."
It takes thirty more minutes of coaxing, but he manages to get her in the house and sets Martha on her for wound treatment.
He busies himself with getting the girl a plate of leftover dinner that hadn't gone cold yet, when Martha comes back in and nods at him, before opening the kitchen window.
"Clark, sweetie, I think we've just found you a little sister," the air shifts as their son appears between one blink and the next, his eyes wide as he stares at Martha, "But she says her older brother stayed behind so she could escape. Could you get your Justice League friends and go pick up your little brother?"
Jon picks up the plate to take to their new daughter; Clark'll find his new little brother, he's absolutely certain of that. In the meantime, he needs to make sure the little miss gets some food in her.
And, well, Clark could use some more family, and he and Martha had always considered having more kids.
Or, after running from the GIW and Danny staying behind to give her time to escape, Ellie Phantom hides in a random barn in Kansas and accidentally gets herself and Danny adopted by the Kents, who think they're aliens. Clark, upon realizing his parents are very serious about this adoption thing and that his new little brother was probably being subjected to inhumane experimentation from Ellie's description of the situation, does in fact hunt down and retrieve said little brother. He also destroys the base said little brother was being held in.
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jimflanigan · 2 years
Op/Ed Piece on ... Am I a Bad Guy?
Op/Ed Piece on … Am I a Bad Guy?
It was probably easy for readers to shout “Yes!” the last time I asked the question “Am I a bad guy?” I get it. I wanted my wife to not take in 3 week old homeless kittens found abandoned in a cardboard box in a parking lot so that I wouldn’t have to wipe down the shower after taking one. And the gif I used for the post was disturbing at best. Well, just to put your minds at ease, here’s a quick…
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sailor-moon-rei · 17 days
helping stray animals
Please reblog!
Firstly, thank you all for your help!
Secondly, the puppies found their homes! This is such happiness! 🥰But we still have kittens that were simply thrown out into the street together with their mother. There are also many more adult stray cats that I feed. And there are some stray dogs you've seen before. We still need your help, because there are many animals, and we also need a lot of food.
I don't take pictures of everything I buy, because I often buy and immediately go feed the cats.
Please, do not ignore this post! Please, donate if you can:
Or just reblog (it helps also)! Thank you so much for your endless support❤️
p.s. We have returned to the schedule of emergency power outages due to constant russian attacks. The war is not over. russians are still exterminating us.
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