#hustle fanfiction
torithy · 11 months
Best Served Cold | A Hustle Fanfiction
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I know, retro, right? I haven't written a jot in what feels like forever, and I was casually rewatching this show and was totally taken by surprise by the urge to scribble something down. It turned into this...
“You didn’t all have to come, you know. Especially not in this weather.”
“Don’t be silly, Albie. We wanted to support you. Where else would we be?” Stacie Monroe chided gently, slipping her arm through the dapper older gentleman’s as they ambled through graveyard, well wrapped up against the bitter chill and with the rest of their crew in tow.
“I appreciate it, my dear,” Albert Stroller said, a heavy sigh escaping nonetheless. “Just seems like the goodbyes come ever more frequently these days. Perils of turning into an old man like me, I suppose.”
“Ridiculous,” Stacie scoffed, her fondness for her companion bolstering her need to lift his spirits, regardless of their sombre surroundings. “You’re not old. You’ll outlive us all.”
He humoured her with a smile of his own, but it died long before it could light his eyes, his heart clearly not in it.
“It was a travesty, you know. What happened to Wesley,” the American mused, almost more to himself than anything else.
“Wes Winters, the Ice Man,” Ash Morgan nodded, clapping a sympathetic hand on Albert’s shoulder as he fell into step with them. “I’ve heard all the old stories.”
“The Ice Man, because of the surname?” Stacie guessed.
“That and he had a thing for boosting diamonds,” Ash grinned. “Only crossed paths with him a few times, but like I said, I heard the stories. Couldn’t believe it when he got sent down like that.”
“Wesley was a true grifter,” Albert said, a rare sharpness to his tone. “One of us. He would never.”
“Hey, easy now, Albert,” Ash held his hands up in a swift sign he’d get no argument from him. “No one’s saying he did.”
“The police did. The courts did. Those bastards took him from his family, ruined his legacy, and made sure he spent his last years behind bars. And for what, I ask you?”
Stacie and Ash exchanged concerned glances at how upset their friend was becoming, especially as they knew he wasn’t getting any younger, no matter how much they all liked to try to deny the inevitable. But before they could turn to the rest of their crew to try to distract him, someone else seemed to do just that, stopping him in his tracks not far from the grave they had just circled back to while giving him a chance to stretch his legs and clear his head after the less than uplifting church service they had all just sat through.
Following his shrewd gaze, they spotted a lone woman stood by the as-yet unmarked mound of fresh soil, head bowed. A mane of wavy blonde hair tumbled from under a black baker boy cap, down the back of a long white overcoat worn over an all-black outfit of skintight trousers, sweater, scarf and suede boots that stretched over her knees. She cut the same solitary figure she had in the front pew of the church that had been dotted with only a few others beside themselves.
A poor show in Albert’s mind. One his old friend hadn’t deserved.
“Skylar Winters,” he said, with a nod in her direction for the benefit of the others. “Wesley’s youngest daughter. I remember her from when she was just a little girl.”
“Not so little these days,” Danny said, eyebrows raised as he tilted his admiring gaze, incorrigible as ever, no matter what the occasion. “Hey, I’m just saying. It’s a compliment.”
“Do you want to pay your respects, Albie?” Stacie asked, ignoring the interjection. “We can come with you, or give you space if you’d prefer…”
Albert considered for a moment before making up his mind and patting her hand gratefully. “Maybe you could all come with me, just for a few moments? Might bring the young lady some small comfort to know there were still some of us who believed in her father.”
“What was his story again?” Danny asked, sauntering along, hands in his pockets and shoulders hunched against the snow that was beginning to fall lightly again. “I know you said he ain’t guilty of whatever the hell it was that landed him in the clink, but not gonna lie, I do lose track of your many, many acquaintances, Albert. What can I say? You’re too popular for your own good.”
With another sigh, Albert spoke quickly as they drew closer to the graveside. “Wesley Winters earned his Ice Man monicker grifting diamonds from wealthy owners who were themselves of the less scrupulous kind. Those whose greed led them to purchase their jewels with ill-gotten gains, or who showered them on mistresses behind the backs of their unsuspecting wives, or ever bigger marks who dealt in blood diamonds and all manner of associated corruption. In all the years I knew him, he never even came close to getting caught. Not by the authorities anyway.”
“And still he ended up getting a life sentence,” Mickey supplied, the look on his face grave. It was after all his own worst fear, that one day the house of cards would spectacularly crash and burn, despite their meticulous best efforts.
He never revelled in the misfortunes of fellow grifters, but he did hope the others would take them for what he strongly felt they were – cautionary tales.
“Life?” Danny echoed. “Shit, musta been a helluva grift gone wrong.”
“It was a set-up, pure and simple,” Albert rounded on them, his usually calm face lit with anger and his voice stern. “Supposedly cold-blooded murder, the strangulation of an innocent woman over a diamond necklace – mark my words, Wesley lived by the grifters’ code. He. Would. Never!”
It was snowing harder now, large heavy flakes swirling from heavy grey clouds to the frost-baked ground as the cold air turned their breath to steam.
“All right, all right, simmer down, old man or you’ll do yourself a mischief,” Danny exclaimed, with a lightness that didn’t quite cover the genuine concern at the core of his words. They all looked to their veteran companion as a father-figure and afforded him the same love and respect they would have had he actually been blood. Moreso in some cases, given their less than conventional upbringings. “Come on, you can introduce us to the lovely lady…” ***
“Albert,” the blonde woman said, looking up at the mannerly intrusion on her solitude and managing a fond smile as she tried to discreetly wipe stray tears away with a gloved hand. “Thank you for coming. It means a lot, all things considered.”
“Your father deserved more, my dear. It pains me to have to say it. I had hoped more would remember the old days and see fit to honour one of their own.”
“I was never going to get my hopes up,” Skylar Winters shrugged, with a forced casualness she clearly didn’t feel as she glanced curiously at the rest of the small group huddled just a little off to one side and seeming unsure of whether or not they should be there. “Not even grifters want to associate themselves with a convicted killer.”
“You know how much truth and justice there was in that,” Albert said, adding in case it wasn’t clear. “Not an ounce. Not one.”
“Still,” she said, taking a deep breath after she seemed to consider that for a moment and looking round at them again. “Quality over quantity, eh? Sorry, I can’t quite place you all, but I know dad thought so highly of you, Albert, and he would have been chuffed to know the renowned Mickey Bricks showed up for him.”
“I’m only sorry I didn’t get to know your father better,” Mickey said, reaching out to shake her hand.
“Allow me to introduce you,” Albert said. “Everyone, Skylar Winters – Skylar, Michael Stone you’ve just met. This is Ashley Morgan--”
“Ash Morgan,” she mused like it was familiar. “Fixer extraordinaire?”
“Best in the business,” Albert nodded, seeing said fixer looked likely to shrug off such praise in the same casual way he always did. “And this is our good friend and colleague Stacie Monroe and--”
“Danny. Danny Blue,” came the interruption, almost before Stacie could make any acknowledgement, a hand gripping Skylar’s for a firm shake as piercing blue eyes locked on hers. “Don’t tell me what you’ve heard, darlin’, I’ll only blush.”
“He won’t,” Stacie said wryly. “He’d need a sense of shame for that.”
“Tell you what, my dear, we were just thinking of going for a quiet drink,” Albert said, seeing the young woman shivering despite the layers of clothing and realising she wasn’t the only one. He’d thought maybe it was just his old bones feeling the cold, but it seemed the weather was taking its toll on all of them. “We’ll give ourselves a chance to thaw out, reflect on old friends, raise a glass to better times. Why don’t you join us?”
She hesitated, considering. There was something both appealing and terrifying about the alternative prospect of returning alone to the empty house she had once called home and the remnants of his father’s shattered existence. The shrug came almost before she realised she’d made up her mind.
“Sure, why not.” ***
“I’ll get these,” Albert said, as the crew duly traipsed into their usual haunt, waving off the faint protests he got in response. “No, no, I insist. Skylar, my dear, you’ll join us in a small medicinal whiskey, or would you prefer something else?”
“Whiskey’s fine, thanks,” their guest agreed, following the others as they made their way to a booth, Ash and Danny slipping in on either side of the table.
Much to Danny’s disappointment, and despite his pointed looks, Skylar slid in beside Ash, while Stacie took a seat beside him with a little smirk and Mickey sat on her other side, leaving the final space beside Skylar for Albert.
It was a tight enough squeeze for the six of them, but after the chill of outside, no one really minded the close quarters.
“Eddie, mate, crank the heating up, will ya?” Danny called to the landlord busy pouring their drinks. “It’s bleedin’ brass monkeys, innit!”
Eddie paused just long enough to roll his eyes, realising Albert had already ambled off without paying, leaving him to deliver their round to the table. “Won’t pay the bar tab, but still expect to add to the overheads,” he groused, although it didn’t stop him loading the glasses with their generous amber measures onto a tray and ferrying them to the booth.
“To absent friends,” Albert said, having eased himself into his seat and removed his hat and scarf before raising his glass solemnly. “To Wesley.”
“Absent friends,” the others echoed. “Wesley.”
“To dad,” Skylar murmured, ducking her head as tears pricked at her eyelids, yet somehow just a little heartened by the gentle clink of glasses against hers, and taking a small sip of her whiskey.
“That’s off the top shelf,” Ash noted, savouring his. “How’d you talk Eddie into that one, Albert?”
“I didn’t,” the older gentleman sounded surprised, but a glance towards the bar showed their sometimes reluctant host already back in his rightful place and tipping a glass of his own in their direction.
“To the Ice Man,” Eddie said simply.
“See, my dear, your father’s name still means something,” Albert said, with a sad smile. “To those who matter.” ***
The reminiscing had taken them down many a meandering path, one drink turning into two, then three. Ties had been loosened, Stacie had kicked off her heels below the table and Ash, having checked no one objected too much, had a lit cigarette idling between his fingers.
Given the place’s unofficial status as a grifter haunt and the various plots those walls had been party to over the years, from the elaborate and sublime to the frankly ludicrous, flouting smoking laws was hardly much of a concern.
“What?” Danny demanded suddenly, a mixture of “Who me” innocence and righteous indignation crossing his face under Ash’s enquiring stare. “Why ya looking at me like that?”
“If you’ve got something to say to me, Danny-boy, just say it,” Ash shrugged, the quirk of his lips suggesting he knew exactly what the blond across the table was trying to do. And to whom. “Instead of playing footsie with me all evening.”
Danny floundered, caught out as the others – including Skylar – laughed heartily. “Yeah, well… You wish, mate, you wish.”
“Danny, Danny, Danny,” Skylar grinned, a little of her old sparkle having returned to her green eyes in the face of good company and free-flowing alcohol. Even just a few hours spent with the crew had definitely revealed who the utterly shameless flirt was. “You and me, I’m just gonna say it – you and me? It’s a non-starter.”
“Hey, no, look, that’s not what… Um, why is that exactly? If I was curious. Which I’m not saying I am.”
“Come on,” she shrugged, gesturing between them as if it should be obvious. “This… I’d be…” she trailed off, already laughing as she thought about it. “I’d end up being Sky Blue!”
Snorting at the peals of laughter from everyone else around the table, Danny shook his head in disbelief. “Okay, first, your name’s Skylar, sweetheart. Skylar. And secondly, now who’s getting ahead of themselves? Cos I do not recall proposing. And trust me, I would. Recall, I mean. Not propose. No one’s proposing, so you can all just calm right down--”
“Steady, Dan, you’re sweating,” Ash teased, getting a dirty look in return.
“Poor Danny,” Stacie pouted, slinging her arm around his shoulders. “Are the grown-ups picking on you?”
“Would you comfort me if I said yes?” he shot back, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, even as she both laughed and tutted at him before turning her attention to gathering her coat and bag from where she’d stashed them in the corner of the booth behind him.
“Listen,” Stacey said. “I know you boys are dying to play poker or whatever it is you do to amuse yourselves until the next shiny thing distracts you, but I was going to call it a night. Skylar, do you have far to go? We could share a taxi if you like.”
“Thanks, Stacie,” the other woman smiled gratefully. “That’s probably a good idea. It’s been a long day and I can’t put off going home forever…”
“Well, now, forever’s… Forever’s a long time,” Danny mused carefully. “But I mean, in the meantime, you could certainly come home, you know, with me… I’m just saying.”
“Why do I feel like Stacie’s the safer bet?” Skylar smirked.
“Because you have the grifter gut instincts of your father,” Albert said.
“And they’d be correct,” Mickey added, already producing a pack of cards from seemingly out of nowhere. “Stace, if you’re sure you don’t want us to come with you, you’ll let us know when you’re home safe? You too, Skylar?”
“Of course,” Stacie said, dropping a little kiss on their leader’s temple before he eased himself up just long enough to let her slip gracefully out of the booth, back in her towering heels. “Goodnight, boys. Night, Albie, you take care.”
He smiled as she kissed his cheek and then also stood to let Skylar make a similar move out of the booth and pull her coat back on, tugging her long hair free of the collar. “Skylar, don’t be a stranger. And remember, if you need anything, there are places where your father’s name still carries the weight it’s due. Not least with us.”
“I’m so grateful, Albert, really,” she said quietly, giving him a little hug before glancing around at them all. “Under better circumstances, this would have been fun. As it was, you’ve made a tough day that little bit easier. Goodnight, guys.”
“Night, darlin’,” Ash said. “Good to meet you.”
“Night, Skylar,” Danny said, a little cheeky grin creeping over his face as he reached across the table, to press a phone into her hand. “Yours, I believe. May have some extra numbers now. Never know when you might need ‘em.”
“How did you…?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tapped the side of his nose. “We’d have to get a lot closer before I start spilling trade secrets. A lot… closer.”
“Really?” Ash said dryly. “Cos it ain’t ever stopped you before.” ***
“So you’re going back to your dad’s old place?” Stacie asked, as Skylar added an address to the instructions she’d already given the cabbie.
“Yeah,” the blonde sighed. “Someone has to sort the place out, go through his things.”
“You sure that’s something you want to be going back to tonight, straight after the funeral, on your own? I mean, I’m sure you could stay with us for a night or two. It’s a lot to take on, especially on your own.”
“I guess I feel like if I don’t face it now, I’ll bottle it completely,” Skylar confessed. “The house, it was comfortable once, but it’s been pretty much abandoned since dad went inside. I couldn’t bring myself to…”
“You don’t have to explain. Do you know what you’re going to do with it?”
“I haven’t really thought that far ahead. Ever since the prison called to tell me about dad, my head’s been all over the place.”
“Understandable,” Stacie sympathised. “Oh this is me. You’re sure you’re going to be ok? If you change your mind and want some company, just call – here, let me give you my number. To go with Danny’s.”
Skylar laughed at that in spite of herself, thanking her new friend as they parted ways and then sinking back into her seat again as the cab pulled away to continue the journey through the darkness, passing under pools of neon cast by the street lights.
The end-terrace townhouse, when they finally reached it, stood in shadows. Three gloomy stories towered over the quiet street, ivy stretching up the façade and the leaves of tall trees at the end gable brushed against upstairs windows.
Skylar paid the cabbie and stood in the street watching as he drove off. It felt for long moment like she’d been left entirely alone in the world and that alone was enough to make her heart sink and the warmth of the whiskey fade.
At least until a crash almost made her heart stop, only the yowl of a wronged neighbour cat causing her to curse her jumpiness and try to shake it off as she climbed the steps to the front door.
The brown envelope wedged in the letterbox caught her eye straight away and she tugged it free before unlocking the door and stepping inside to fumble for a light switch, finding only a small hall lamp on a table by the door. She probably would have discarded the mail right there until the morning, but she noticed it had been addressed by hand and bore no postal marks which struck her as slightly odd in the circumstances. And odder still, closer examination revealed that it was not actually, as she had so naturally assumed, for her father. Instead, her own name stared back at her.
Probably a sympathy card from someone who didn’t know her personally, but assumed she would show up at the house sometime.
Or not.
Ripped open envelope in one hand, contents in the other, Skylar sank down on the stairs, a past she thought she’d long-since buried racing up to meet her.
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oxenfreeao3 · 10 months
There aren't many hobbies out there that are free to do, inherently creative, and capable of bringing joy to people all across the globe.
But that's why I love writing fanfiction.
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nivasichakano · 29 days
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I did the Picrew thing to recreate the first kiss from Hustle, a Bloodweave YouTubers story
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Old doodle but it’s safe to assume Henry also got a wife at some point right-
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I’ve made like fifteen full fledged Transitus OCs at this point somebody tase me
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 2 months
Preview of my Aemond X Yi Ti OC one shot
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Well, what do yall think so far?
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mattyknees · 8 months
saw a stupid fucking post about how auston doesn't deserve the attention he gets and he doesn't deserve consideration for the C because of how little time he spends with the rest of the team during the off season
would love to remind people white leafs fans how important family is to latinos and how little time he got to spend with his family in the year leading up to the 2016 draft and him moving to toronto
would love to remind y'all to shut the fuck up maybe and think before you speak about a healthy work-life balance and consider that maybe family is actually important to some people people and while his coworkers are definitely his found family, his blood family is important too and some of us actually have healthy and loving and beautiful relationships with the people we're related to
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 21- American Hustle Life Episode 4
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Chapter Summary: When the next challenge has to do with rapping, Jen is quick to let Suga know about her lack of skills. Suga however, reassures her and is finally asked by her for rapping lessons.
Words: 3,000+
Genre: Yoongi and Jen fluff! YoonJen! 
Since they were the losers, Jennie, Suga, Jungkook and V were on laundry duty as they made their way to the laundry mat. With the LA weather not letting up on the heat, Jennie decided to wear denim shorts and a white cold-shoulder top.
"It's hot as heck..." She grumbled, putting her hair up in a ponytail.
Jennie grabbed a bag as the four of them went inside, and headed over to the vending machine with laundry detergent. Jennie thought it was cute that the three boys were 'oohing' and 'Ahing' at the machine after they brought their laundry detergent.
While V and Suga get to work on their laundry, Jennie does her laundry next to Jungkook. Opening her washer, she dug into the brown bag. "Whoa!" She said in a surprised tone, dropping a few balls of underwear, that were not hers.
Turning to see his balls of underwear on the ground, Jungkook widened his eyes and shouted, "Ah! I'm sorry! Th-that's my bag. Th-this is yours." He quickly gave Jen her bag and hastily picked up his underwear.
"Jungkook, it's fine. Relax." She let out a giggle. "It's no big deal."
Jungkook (Aish...I cannot believe we accidentally swapped bags and she saw my underwear. I'm so embarrassed.)
Jennie (...I can't believe I accidentally touched his drawers. Hahaha. We're all a mess, today, haha.)
'Finally got their right clothes, the two teens wash their personal belongings'
Turning to see Jungkook pour in a lot of laundry soap, she grabbed the box. "U-um don't you think that's too much!? A little goes a long way, Kookie!"
"You sure? I feel like it should be more."
"No, it's way more than enough! All them bubbles!" She pointed at his laundry after he turned it on, putting in the coins.
"Wait I forgot to unball my underwear! Ah...I messed up my laundry." He groaned, looking at his laundry with disappointment.
"Kookie, you're good, they'll unroll."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. You're fine."
After putting in their laundry, Suga and Jungkook go outside. Suga had a handful of quarters in his hands, showing it off for Jungkook to film with his camera.
"Let's grab some dolls. I want to catch a doll for Jennie." He suggested while Jungkook filmed him. 
"Wonder if Suga hyung will be able to catch any dolls." Jungkook questioned as he put the coins into the machine.
"I'll try to catch a lion."
Suga danced to the cute tune of the game and ended up grabbing a tiger on the first try. "Suga hyung caught a doll! He caught a doll!" Jungkook exclaimed. "One shot, one kill!"
"Shall I catch another?" He suggested and went for another, grabbing it successfully.
"It can't be! He caught another!"
'Discovery of Suga's new talent.'
Grabbing one of the lions, Suga walked over to Jennie who was watching the TV. "Jennie, I got you something." He presented her the doll with a smile.
Gasping in surprise, she happily accepted it. "Wow! For me? Aw! Thank you! This is cute."
"Thanks for helping me with my dancing."
"Aw, you're welcome. Thanks, Suga. I love it." She stood to kiss him on the cheek.
While Jungkook and V play around with a ball that Jungkook won from one of the games, Jennie and Suga head over to the ice cream shop.
"I'll let you try to order this time," Jennie told him as he managed to order three separate ice creams and blueberry water ice for her. "Good job!"
"Though I can't speak English, I still think I can survive in America." He declared.
"I agree, you're doing well."
Grabbing her cherry water ice, she and Suga headed back to meet up with V and Jungkook who were still playing games, inside. 
"Kids, hyung brought ice cream for you guys!" Suga announced.
"Wah, daebak." Jungkook turned around. While the three guys ate their ice cream cones, Jennie happily ate spoonfuls of her water ice. "Jennie, can I try some of that?"
"Mm hm. Go ahead." She scooped up a spoonful and fed it to him. "Do you like it?"
Smiling, he nodded. "It's really good!"
"I want some!" V shouted, bumping Jungkook out of the way.
"Hyung!" He shouted.
"I want to taste it, too." Suga walked up to her.
"One at a time! Jeesh." She laughed and fed the both of them a spoonful. 
Agreeing with Jungkook, the cherry water ice was really tasty.
After the laundry was done, Jungkook realized that his balls of underwear had unrolled. "Wow, you were right!"
"Told ya! Jennie knows best." She patted him on the back and put her clothes in the dryer.
Hearing laughter, she turned her head to V and Suga. "Hahah! Jennie! Suga put the coins in the wrong dryer." V laughed.
"Suga you had one job." She chuckled softly and walked over to them with Jungkook.
"Don't you think Jungkook has changed a little?" V pointed out.
"He got a tan," Suga observed.
"I've put on weight! I've been eating a lot since we reached here so I got fat." Jungkook says on his camera. "I'll lose it later."
"Boy, where? Where's the fat?" Jennie looked around, trying to find what he was talking about, making him laugh.
After their laundry was dry, the four of them cheer. Carrying her bag of laundry, Jungkook approached her as he carried his own. "Jennie, I can carry that for you, if you want."
"You're such a gentleman, today. Thank you." She said with appreciation, handing him the bag. "Y'know, I feel like you want something. You're so nice, today."
Looking down, he stuttered, "N-no reason."
"Ha, I'm just teasing. I appreciate you carrying my bag for me. Your good deeds have not gone unnoticed."
Looking up at her, he smiled cockily. "Well of course, as expected by your awesome best friend."
"Yeah...don't push it." She deadpanned. Almost instantly, they both end up laughing.
Back at the dorm, Jennie watched Jin and J-Hope cook and heard Jin complain that his eyes were burning while cooking the onions. "Are the onions from overseas originally this strong?" He asked, trying to adjust his burning eyes.
"Yep, the onions over here will do that," Jennie replied. J-Hope called her and Rap Monster over to try out the cheese sticks that he made.
"Try it out!" He handed her a cheese stick. She took a big bite and so did Rap Monster. "It's not too bad, right?"
"Um...it's ight." She shrugged.
"It's nothing special." Rapmon bluntly replied and walked away, making J-Hope laugh out of embarrassment.
After Jin finished his cooking, he fed it to all the members. Grabbing another forkful, he blew on it and fed it to Jennie.
Rap Monster cringed. "What did you put in it?"
"Ham!" Jin replied, while Jimin and Jungkook ate the meal deliciously. Jin's statement makes Rap Monster and Suga walk away.
"Eh...it's okay. It's an interesting taste." She mentioned.
"You DARE insult my cooking!?" Jin playfully yelled at her.
"I'm sorry!"
"I was going to bake you cookies, but no more cookies for you."
"What the-JIN! Wow! I'll remember that when you want me to make my cupcakes!" She walked away to meet up with Suga and Rap Monster. "Hey, do you two want cupcakes?"
Jin widened his eyes. "C-cupcakes!? Your Valentine's Day cupcakes? Jennie! I'm sorry! Come back!"
The guys just laugh at his freak out. "Looks like more cupcakes for me~" Jimin grinned.
"NO. I'm getting my own batch!" Jungkook bragged.
"No, you're not! I am!"
Later on, that day, the eight of them were walking around Long Island Beach, when a limo showed up to reveal Warren G.
"Hey! What's up, man?" He greeted.
"Holy..." Jennie murmured, feeling her stomach drop.
"Oh, my God!" J-Hope looked on.
"It's Warren G." Suga exclaimed.
'The starters of G-funk and hip hop legend, Warren G'
'Dr Dre's younger brother'
Jin (I thought it was someone rich that was passing by and just greeting us.)
Suga (Someone that I've seen on the internet and getting to see him before my eyes.)
V (I was drooling)
Jimin (Was he really Warren G? A foreigner comes up to us and claims that he's Warren G, of course, I'd be a little suspicious.)
After getting into the limo, and greeting Warren G, they ride around LA.
"Hey, check this out. We're getting ready to go on a mission, we're gonna go around my neighborhood. Imma show y'all where I grew up at, where I came from. This is where a lot of it all started. Where, I'm gonna take you. Where the roots started. Me, Snoop, Nate Dogg." Warren G explained.
"I've known him as a legendary personality," Jimin added
"He is a legend." Rap Monster praised.
"A lot of people call me a legend. But I'm still a little bit young, maybe at 50, 60 years old, then I could say I'm a legend. But right now, I'm just doing what I do." Warren G mentioned.
"This is our first time meeting you so we'd like to greet you the Korean way," Rapmon said in English.
"Imma get my phone so that I can get this." Warren G took out his phone to record as they did their greeting. Once they arrived at VIP, he mentioned, "This is VIP. This is where a lot of things started, right here. A lot of good music, a lot of good people."
"Welcome to Long Beach." The cashier greeted them as soon as they walked inside.
Jennie looked around, in awe. "All these records...amazing."
Jennie (Man, my dad would love this.)
"You guys want a long beach hat?" Warren G asked
"Of course!" Jennie and Rap Monster happily accept his offer.
"Imma buy them a Long Beach hat. Y'all each get a Long Beach hat."
"Wow, he's buying us the hats." Rap Monster translated as the guys said whoa and freaked out.
Back in the limo, they continued to ride around as Rap Monster asked him some questions. "What songs did you record there?"
"We did a couple of demo songs. Before we were known. When I actually played it for Dr.Dre, which is my brother, he liked it so he invited us to the studio." Warren G answered.
"How did you, Snoop and Nate get together when you were young?"
"We went to elementary school together."
"They were friends in elementary school and they ended up becoming such legends?" Jimin exclaimed.
Warren G took them to 21st Lewis where they shot their album cover. 
"Yo....that's insane..." Jennie shook her head in disbelief.
Jennie (I still can't really speak because I'm so overwhelmed with amazement.)
"I used to stay down here, so I'll take y'all this way." Warren G walks around with them. Pointing to the house, he says, "This is where I lived at. See that house, right there? Right there, that's where I grew up. This is where we started. Right here, we used to get picked up and taken to all the rich areas and we'd sell candy, candy out the grocery store and stuff like that."
'Giving details about his past and growing up, right where it happened.'
'It's not easy to talk about one's life through music! It's a real experience! BTS, I'm jealous!' 
Walking to another area, Warren G pointed out that this was where they filmed Who Am I. "We shot that right in here. They put the wall up here, now. So, they blocked it off, all this used to be open. It was railroad tracks. We shot the video, right here. There was, one, two, three of us just standing here."
After their tour, they're dropped off. "We had a good time, today. You know, we had a lot of good fun. Check this out guys, I got a mission for you, guys."
"Please let it be easy." Suga murmured.
"I want you guys to write the lyrics to regulate. I want each one of you guys to tell your own life story. So, you do your own version to regulate. Good luck. Much love, baby!" He left.
Jennie (I can't wait to tell my dad that I met Warren G and got to get something from VIP.)
"He wants us to write our own lyrics to regulate." Rap Monster said
Jennie (I'm extremely nervous. I don't want to let Suga down. I feel bad, I'm nowhere near the rap line's level. What am I going to do?)
'In separate unit groups, challenge of writing regulate's lyrics'
Jennie and Suga walk around and decide to go to a local park. Luckily there were a lot of trees and they sat on the grass, under the shade.
"All right, let's get started." Suga took out his notebook. Jennie took out her phone and started listening to Warren G's Regulate, feeling more nervous about the beat of the song. "You all right? You look nervous."
"Sorry, I just don't want to let you down."
"What do you mean?"
"Well because of my lack of rapping skills."
Suga let out a chuckle. "I felt the same when we were dancing together, but look at how we soared. We'll be fine. What did you do in your old group in America?"
"Singing. I never rapped. My old friend, Angelina, she did that. Not me."
"Well now, we'll change that since you're in BTS."
"Easier said than done."
"Smartie, cut it out." He sighed as he grabbed onto her hand to squeeze it. "You're important to me. You're important to us all. Stop beating yourself up. You're going to be fine, so stop worrying. You're going to give me a headache." He placed a hand on top of her hand and then took out his headphones to pull up the song on his phone.
"Thank you." She nodded as a small smirk came across his lips.
"Let's get started."
They both begin to write down some lyrics. "How am I going to convert this into lyrics?" She turned her head to him.
"Continue writing it as an explanation about your life that you personally think of. I'll fix it around for you later."
"Okay, I'll do that."
After writing, Suga turned his attention to her and asked what she had come up with. Once she handed her the work, he nodded and worked his magic to put it into lyrics. Afterward, he put up the instrumental of Regulate and gave Jennie her lyrics back.
"Let me see how you rap." He gestured as she nodded and looked at her written lyrics.
15, scared and at the Big Hit audition
Just a little girl with a big ambition
"Make sure you increase your punctuation." He reminded her. She took his advice and tried again, and he nodded in approval. After rapping her verse five times, he gave her pointers every time and she kept his words of wisdom in mind as she tried again.
Suga (She learns quick. She's committed. She still has a long way to go, but she's getting the hang of it.)
"I was also going to research and listen to the female rappers I would listen to when I was younger. That should also help me." She told him.
Suga (Jennie doesn't give herself the credit she deserves. I'm confident that we'll win the challenge.)
After the practice, they decided to walk back to the dorm. "Great job, today. You're learning fast. You'll be fine for the challenge. Don't worry."
"Thanks. Um, I actually wanted to tell you something."
"I just wanted to say that I really admire you. Your rapping is just friggin awesome. I would love to be on your level one day."
Letting out a chuckle, he stopped and turned her around to face her. "Jennie, if you're serious about rapping, I'll give you lessons."
Taken aback by his sudden offer, she widened her eyes, stuttering, "H-how'd you know!?"
"I overheard you saying it a bunch of times. I was just waiting for you to ask me. So, ask me, properly." He grinned.
"I know but we're busy making songs and we're going to be promoting again, soon."
"I'll make time for you. We'll make it work." He reassured her.
"Yeah. We can start once we go back to Korea. Just prepare that we're going at a slow pace. You won't rap like Lil Kim or any of the other female rappers you like, overnight."
"Thank you!" She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him, tightly. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I would like to not get suffocated." He teased with a chuckle. "But before I teach you, I want you to ask me properly."
Releasing him, she beamed, "Suga, will you please give me rapping lessons, so that one day, maybe in a few years or so, I could rap with you and the rap line?"
Smiling, he nodded. "Yes. I'll teach you. Just know that I'm going to be blunt with you. I'm not going to go easy on you. And it's going to take a lot of time and dedication. I take this seriously. You know that."
Jennie (Woo hoo!)
Later, that day, back in the dorm, Jennie walked in, trying to find Suga. "Suga, I was thinking we could-" She stopped once she saw him asleep on the bed, that she sleeps in. "Ah, he's on my bed. I guess I'll just chill on the couch."
"...You talk too much. Get up here. I don't feel like moving. Let's take a nap, rejuvenate ourselves and we'll get back to work." He murmured.
"Oh, okay." She climbed up on her bed and got under the covers with him.
"Don't move so much...hurry up and get comfortable."
"Listen you! You are the one that's on MY bed. I can move if I want to."
"I won't hesitate to push you off."
"Rude, I swear..." she let out a laugh. Comfortable, rested on his chest. 
"Your hair smells, good." She could feel the vibration of his chest, making her snort.
"Wow, is that the best pickup line, you can think of? I just moisturized my hair," she replied with amusement. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah...it smells nice."
"Take a nap, Suga."
"You're one to talk."
The next day, the eight members head into Warren G's recording studio and greet him. "What's poppin?" Jimin greeted in English.
"What's poppin? So how are you guys feeling today?" Warren G asked.
"I'm nervous."
"It's all good. I gave you guys a challenge the other day to write your lyrics to regulate. I want to know what some of the challenges you guys face were in doing so."
"That we had no time?" Suga added
"I can understand that."
"My challenge is that it's regulate." Rap Monster mentioned. "It's like Warren G's life song, so there was some burden to us. Like this is regulate, it's like this song."
"Yeah, but once you tell your story over, it becomes you. That's real cool, man. Time for the good stuff. It's time to see what you guys came up with. And the first group that we're going to roll with is Jungkook and V."
Jennie nodded once she heard V rap.
"Living each and every day tiresomely, we're Peter Pans who grew. Even if time passes by like this, we won't become adults."
Jennie (Okay V...I see you...)
"All right, Suga and Miss Jennifer. Y'all ready?" Warren G asked as they head into the studio.
Jennie took out her phone to look at her lyrics.
Jennie (I'm freaking out...I hope I successfully rap my verse and things go smoothly. It's all or nothing. Let's do this thing.)
Putting the headphones on, she exhaled and started to listen to the beat. 
Suga squeezed her hand. "You got this." He reassured and she nodded.
All nervousness aside, she got serious and began to rap in a strong voice, just like Suga advised her.
15, scared and at the Big Hit audition
Just a little girl with a big ambition
Flew to Seoul
And met my goal
I was a trainee for the shortest amount of time
Critics thought I wasn't ready and wasn't at my prime
I took a lot of Ls lemme add some wins
Day and night, 24 hours, every day
Our work is never done, this ain't child's play
Sleep deprived, but the future is always on my mind
No matter what they say, I'll always be on my grind
My curly hair is a mess
But I'm never stressed
And let me just address that I'm here to stay
You want me on my way
But not today!
I'm still the Bangtan Girl
So I'm sorry bae!
Suga smiled to himself as he listened to her. She did well, as he started his rap. Meanwhile with the guys, watching in surprise, Rap Monster widened his eyes at the roughness in her voice and the attitude she had at the end of her verse. What happened? She looked so serious.
Rap Monster (I...I'm astonished at how Suga turned her into a different person in just a day. ONE day. Wow. If she wants to learn how to rap and maybe be a part of the rap line, let her go for it. I'm looking forward to seeing how she does in a year.)
"The dream I had during my 10s that was definite at a young age. Because I fell for that, the door of my future was unclear." Suga continued to rap his verse.
"That's a wrap!" Warren G said as they walked out.
Jennie (Huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I feel good.)
"Uh, Rap Monster, you okay?" Jennie nervously chuckled because he kept staring at her.
"Suga, what did you do to her?" He exclaimed while Suga laughed.
"I did what I had to do so we can try to win this. Haha." Suga explained. "Because I really had no time, I was in the bathroom this morning." He tells a bit too much information about how he was writing his lyrics in the bathroom.
"You didn't need to tell everyone that." She laughed
"Yeah, you don't need to be so descriptive." Rap Monster sighed
"I was really quite tight on time."
'Suga who is explaining his restless situation due to worrying'
"It sounds like you guys are nailing it. It sounds good to me. I'm looking at the lyrics and seeing how you two delivered. For such a short time, that was nice." Warren G praised.
"Thank you so much." Jennie grinned and high fived Suga.
"I told you that you could do it." He revealed his gummy smile.
After the rest of them went and were praised by Warren G, he finally made his decision on who won the challenge. "It's time for me to pick the winner. Like I said, it's so hard because I like all of you, guys. Very talented. This is going to be my gift for all of you guys. But what I want to do is do a beat for you guys to do a song to. Whatever album y'all doing or whatever you guys are doing, I wanna do some music for you guys."
Jennie (NO WAY! Honored!)
"Oh, my god, thank you!" J-Hope said and clapped with everyone.
"But as far as this picking goes, I like all of y'all man. So, it's really hard for me to pick. But once again, I gotta go with Suga and Jennie."
"YAY!" Suga started jumping up and down, dancing around while Jennie fist pumped the air.
'Team Fierce wins'
"I couldn't have done it without you, Suga. Thank you." She hugged him.
"Congratulations. And you know, like I said, it was good working with all of you guys." Warren G said and signed two of his Regulate albums for them.
Jennie (I didn't know we were going to get signed albums! I wanted to keep it for myself, but then I was thinking about my dad and I know how much he loves hip hop, way more to me, that's for sure. He loves everyone, Warren G, Snoop Dogg, and all the rappers. And I know it'll make his day if I give this to him. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can't wait to see his face when I give him this.)
"Thank you, I'm giving it to my dad. He loves his hip hop, he's so passionate about it. And when I give him this, he's going to flip out. Thank you so much, Warren G. Can we take a picture together and send a video to my dad?" she asked.
"Yeah, of course."
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glorified-graduate · 7 months
You are saying there is no season 3😰?? WTF‼️How expectantly I looked for some post credit scene😔 I was soo sure there will be one. I have to live with this??? I have to go to work and live my life normally after this?? Like nothing happened??? Hell nah.. I need something.. anything.. A line saying 'Loki will return' would have been enough. Marvel didn't even give us that. Why so cruel😢
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junos-office-drama · 2 years
From fanfic to paycheck: Finding gigs as a freelance copywriter
All right, you've decided you want to be a copywriter. You know the pros and the cons of the job, and you've decided you're not interested in a corporate gig. Instead, you're determined to earn money your way: as a freelancer.
Let's talk about what it means to be a freelancer, the ups and the downs of the freelancer lifestyle, and how to find work as a freelancing copywriter.
Overall, there are four main types of freelancing, and we'll work through them from easiest to hardest.
Part-time contract freelancer
If you're looking to dip your toes into any type of freelancing, copywriting or other, this is one of the easiest routes to take.
You'll start by selecting a staffing agency to work with. There are a ton out there! Well-known creative services staffing agencies include Aquent, Creative Circle, Vitamin Talent, Artisan Talent, iCreatives, Sparks Group, etc. Do some research -- consider not just the large, national agencies, but any smaller regional agencies that might be in your area. If you're just starting out, smaller agencies may be more willing to take on junior copywriters and help you grow in your career.
How should you pick your agency? Start by reading reviews (Glassdoor and Google reviews can be helpful), browsing their websites to learn about their policies and processes, and seeing what kind of roles they are looking to fill.
If you want to know more about an agency, look them up on LinkedIn. See if you can find someone who works for them with the title like recruiter, talent acquisition, sourcing, etc. Then send a message expressing your interest or asking a question! Keep it short and professional, but these people are always looking for new talent. They will likely respond to your inquiry, especially if you have a nice LinkedIn profile that showcases your abilities (use the same resume tips from my last post to build your LinkedIn profile).
Once you've picked an agency (or agencies), there are typically two routes to finding work:
Some agencies will simply let you register as available talent, upload your resume, and fill out a survey about your skills, interests, and availability. As with corporate copywriting roles, it's best if you have a portfolio you can share (better still if you have a professional website to host your portfolio). Then, if they have any jobs that look like a match, they'll reach out and contact you.
Other agencies will have a website listing all the jobs they currently have open, and you can apply to any openings you find interesting. In general, even if you don't get the job you applied for, they will keep your resume in their database and contact you if they have any similar roles open up in the future.
Note that certain agencies will ask you to sign an exclusivity contract, meaning that you will only accept jobs through that agency; other agencies will allow you to be on the books of multiple agencies simultaneously.
The nicest part about a staffing agency is that they will find clients for you, handle invoicing, taxes, etc. Many will even take care of scheduling interviews for you; all you need to do is show up and shine! Depending on how many hours you work, your agency might also provide benefits like health care, dental care, paid time off, etc.
Another benefit of agency work is that you can get work not available to independent freelancers. Several large companies (like the Fortune 500 I work for) will not hire independent freelancers for any projects; all their freelance work goes through staffing agencies. In my role, I actually have three freelancers contracted through my preferred agency who handle various projects for me. The projects they work on were never publicly posted -- I just went to my preferred agency, told them what I needed, and the agency connected me with matching freelancers.
The downside is that your staffing agency will take a cut of your hourly rate, so you might not take home as much money per hour as you would if you were an independent freelancer. However, most agency roles still pay very well (for example, the agency might charge $45 for an hour of your time; you might get paid $35 per hour -- that's still about $70,000 per year if you're working 40-hour weeks).
In addition, contract freelance work can be quite unstable. Sometimes I have no work for my contractors, or as little as 15 minutes of work for the whole week; sometimes I have 45+ hours of work in one week for a single contractor. Now, all of my contractors have multiple clients, so if I don't have work for them, it doesn't mean they're not working at all. I've even had my contractors turn down projects because they had so much other work from other clients. So, although these contracts are "part-time" for me, they are mostly working "full-time" when they consider all their projects from all their different clients.
Full-time contract freelancer
This is almost identical to the "part-time contract freelancer" role, except this freelancer works for only one company at a time. All the work is still routed through a staffing agency, but you only have one client who provides you with a steady stream of work (typically 35 or 40 hours per week). Often contracts with clients are for specified periods of time, with 6 months and 1 year being the most common.
Part-time independent freelancer
If you already have a full- or part-time job and don't want to make the career change to being a full-time copywriter, then the part-time independent freelancer can be a great way to build your skills, reputation, and portfolio without making your finances entirely dependent on your ability to secure work as a copywriter.
Many part-time freelancers take on freelancing as a "side hustle" in addition to a full-time job, schooling, stay-at-home parenting, or other full-time occupation. This can be a way to boost your regular income, or to save up for a special project, trip, or purchase.
If you do have a full-time job and want to freelance as a part-time copywriter, make sure your current job allows you to have a second job. Some companies have zero restrictions about freelancing on the side. Some companies will allow it, but only if you are not freelancing with competitors or other companies in the same industry. Some companies do not allow it at all and will discipline (or even fire) you for violating policy.
As an independent freelancer, you will be responsible for finding your own clients -- and negotiating your rates, tracking hours, creating and sending invoices, managing projects and timelines, chasing after unpaid invoices, etc. Note that you only get to charge clients for the hours you spend working on their projects. All those other tasks? That's "unpaid" administrative work that eats your time and doesn't make you any money. Plus you'll have to pay self-employment taxes on any income you do make from your copywriting projects.
The toughest part about this role will be finding work, especially if you want steady work. Unfortunately, I don't have a magical solution for this dilemma.
Here are some tips for finding clients:
If you're already working, you can casually mention to colleagues that you freelance. Do not try to sell your services in your workplace; this will likely violate your company's policies. This is more like, if someone asks what you're up to this weekend, you can mention that you're planning to work on your freelancing gig. The idea here is that if your colleagues move onto other companies that need freelancers, they might remember your name and recommend you (this is how I've gotten the majority of my clients).
Be sure to list that you freelance and are accepting clients on your LinkedIn. Another option is to make posts to your network advertising what services you're offering.
You can also look into listing your services on an online talent marketplace, like Fiverr, Upwork, FreeUp, Freelancer.com, etc. Truthfully, I've never used any of these websites to advertise my own work (I get almost all my clients through word of mouth), but they are options for beginning freelancers.
Network with other freelancers. For example, I don't do graphic design, but I know several freelancers who do. When I have a client who asks for graphic design services, I will recommend one of the freelancers in my network. Frequently, when those graphic designers get requests for writing services, they'll recommend me and I get a new client! I also know several other writing freelancers. When I'm too busy to take on a new client or a new project, I'll recommend another writer, and they will often recommend me in return when they're too swamped.
Another option is to reach out to creative service agencies and/or businesses you're interested in working with. Creative agencies often take on more work than they can actually complete, and they use freelancers to manage the excess. Look on LinkedIn to see if you can figure out who might be in charge of hiring, and see if you're able to connect and send them a brief message outlining your services. However, don't be surprised if you get very few replies, as you are essentially cold calling. (I get LinkedIn messages like this all the time; I ignore most of them, but occasionally I do respond.)
How much you earn as a part-time independent freelancer will depend on how much you work. For example, I cap my freelancer work to 10 hours per month, since I already have a full-time job, and I don't want to spend all my time working. This puts a limit on my freelance income, but helps me maintain my sanity.
Especially for your first few jobs, it can be really hard to figure out what rate you should charge -- or how you should set up your "rate card."
What's a rate card? It's a document that shows how much you charge for different services. For example, on my rate card, I have a flat hourly fee. This is what I charge for consultations and ad hoc work. Some clients also prefer to pay by the hour for my writing, in which case this is the hourly rate I charge.
However, my rate card also has per-project based pricing. I have a flat price for a medium blog post (between 600-1,200 words), for a long blog post (1,200-2,000), for a one-sided advertising flier, for a double-sided advertising flier, and for a basic campaign landing page. Some clients to prefer to pay by the project, because then they know exactly what their costs will be.
How much you charge is going to depend a lot on your specific skills, experience, and overall demand for your services. When you're setting your rates, don't think about how much you "should" charge. Think about how much your time is worth. If you get the project, but earn less than minimum wage completing the project, was it really worth it? You likely could have made more picking up a shift at your local fast-food joint.
Remember, as you grow as a freelancer, you will be able to increase your rates over time (I typically revise my rates every 1-2 years). The rates you set now don't have to be your rates forever.
Full-time independent freelancer
This is your classic, self-employed small business owner where their primary source of income comes from their freelance work. Full-time independent freelancers are often one-person businesses, where that one person has to do all their own marketing, accounting, project management, etc. Most individuals who choose this route have prior experience copywriting in a corporate role, either as part of a in-house team or in an agency, and have an extensive network of existing clients.
Working as a full-time independent freelancer is essentially the same as working as a part-time independent freelancer, except freelance becomes your sole source of income.
If you have never worked as a copywriter before, it will be exceptionally hard to jump straight to being a full-time independent freelancer.
One of the biggest risks that comes with being a full-time independent freelancer is that your income is not stable or guaranteed. You could have a ton of work, or you could go months without a client. Some years you could make a lot of money, and some years you might barely make any.
However, the biggest reward is that you're in complete control of your work. Want to take two weeks for a lengthy vacation? Don't feel like working today because you have a headache? Prefer to work in the wee hours of the night, rather than during the standard 8 to 5? No worries: You are your own boss, and you get to decide what you do, when you do it, and how you do it.
After reading all of this, if you're convinced that freelance work is what you want to do, you might still have one question -- what type of work do you want to do? What type of work can you do?
The reality is that most clients are not looking for fiction writers.
Luckily, there is one type of copywriting that's in high demand and that most fanfic writers should be able to pick up easily: SEO copywriting.
Previously: Getting a job as a copywriter
Next: How to apply your fanfic writing skills to SEO copywriting
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lordisitmine · 4 months
Sorry it's so late ;_;
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torithy · 10 months
Best Served Cold | A Hustle Fanfic: Part 2
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mothwriter · 2 years
I think I’m going to do it*
*ʷʳᶦᵗᵉ ᵃ ˢᵗᵉᵃᵐʸ ʳᵒᵐᵃⁿᶜᵉ ⁿᵒᵛᵉˡ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵃ ᵖᵉⁿ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ’ˢ ʷᵃʸ ˡᵉˢˢ ᵐᵒⁿᵉʸ ᶦⁿ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃʳʸ ᶠᶦᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ 
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hyrtwynwrites · 5 months
Chapters 12 and 13 are now live to read! The party begins its descent into the Seagrove, and amidst its wonders arises one very alarming revelation...
Catch the new chapters here!
Also, I wanted to give fair warning that tomorrow's chapters may be posted late. I have been uploading my handwritten changes to my online master document, and from there to AO3, but I haven't been able to find the time/energy to work ahead of the release schedule. Today, I'm going to be in Chicago for some name-change stuff (very excited for that!), but it also means I will probably not find my way to a PC until it is quite late...
I'm hoping to knock out all the changes required by early tomorrow morning, and have the new chapters up sometime before noon! Sorry for the wait, all...
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catsandcatci · 9 months
the mcu fandom really was just putting darcy in situations huh
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bridoesotherjunk · 10 months
nah i don't write fanfic. no pay no write simple as that boy girl whatever you got between your legs 🤣
I've been sitting on this ask for a few days, mainly because the random comment about my genitals was super weird and out of nowhere,, but I seriously hope you have some sort of hobby that you do just for fun and not for money, anon.
I genuinely hope you're doing something just to do it and enjoy it, not for the hustle or the grind.
That's a miserable way to live.
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 18- American Hustle Life Episode 1
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Chapter Summary: Jennie can't keep her mouth shut when BTS are suddenly kidnapped in LA. She gushes over Tony and BTS meet Coolio
Words: 3,000+
'What is hip hop to Jennie?'
Jennie (I feel like hip hop is how you express yourself. It's real. It's deep. It's not about money, sex, and drugs. But, not a lot of people understand that. I grew up listening to a lot of hip hop because of my father. He would always blast the music around the house. Almost every single day. He made me want to learn more about it. I'm eager to learn more about hip hop.)
In the practice room, while the guys were practicing, Bang PD and the manager walked in and they bowed and greeted them. Asking where Jennie was, Rap Monster informed him that she was taking a quick bathroom break. Bang PD decided to tell them that they would be going to America to work on their new album, making them excited.
"Jungkook bragged so much." Jimin pointed out.
"Since he stepped on American land," V added.
"And that the smell is different."
Rap Monster grinned feeling excited. "Oh, wait until Jennie finds out."
"Find out about what?" She walked in, immediately bowing and greeting Bang PD and the manager.
"You all are headed to America to work on the new album." Bang PD let her know as she looked around. "How do you feel?"
"C-come again?" She stammered. "A-America?"
"Jennie, are you okay?" Namjoon chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder. The guys watched on in amusement as she tried to pull herself together.
"She's shook." Jimin chuckled, watching her eyes get glossy while putting her hands together.
"This isn't happening, we're actually going to America?" The excitement of her voice made Bang PD smile and nod as she jumped up and down. After settling down, Bang PD continued to give them instructions.
"This is not an opportunity that is just given to anyone, any day. And as you know...you're not going to play, right? Of course, it'd be good to get excited but go there prepared, right? You're not going there to play. Jennie, I'm counting on you to be a helpful guide for them when you land."
"Yes, sir." She bowed.
"You all can do well, right?"
The members respond with a contented, "Yes."
"Because I want you all to do well. I prepared something really special. A special present. This is probably going to be the first and last time you're receiving something like this as a singer under me. Don't think things like, 'Oh, there'll be another one.' Right?" He revealed a gold envelope, making Jennie and the guys grin and clap. 
"It's gold!" Jimin pointed out.
"It's hip-hop." J-Hope added.
"Isn't it great?" Bang PD smiled
"We'll work hard." Rap Monster reassured
"I'm going to give it to your manager so when you land in America and tell him to give it to you, quickly." Bang PD informed them. "Like it?"
'Smiles they cannot hide'
Jennie (I'm trying not to tear up right now like this is friggin' awesome! I'm going home! We're going to America! I can't wait to show them around!)
"Work hard and record well with the producers, too."
'What do you want to do when you go back to America?'
Jennie (See my family if they allow me! I want to go back to the beach and swim around. I also want to eat my favorite food and walk around the neighborhood.)
'The long hoped for departure to America day has come'
Arriving at the airport, Jen chuckled at the guys shouting. "Amerika!" in excitement while fans film them getting out of the car. On the plane, Jennie sat in front of Jungkook, Rap Monster and J-Hope while sitting with Jimin and Suga.
Playing games on her phone throughout the ride, J-Hope vlogged and turned his attention to Jennie.
"Munchkin~, you'll show us around, right?"
Turning around in her seat, she waved at the camera. "You betcha!"
"How do you feel going to LA?" He interviewed her. "What's it like going back home?"
"I can't even think of coherent thoughts at the moment. I still cannot believe this. But you guys will love LA."
'Finally, They Arrived'
As soon as they land and walk into the airport, they are met by loud, screaming fans, filming, taking pictures, videos, waving and holding up fan signs.
"JENNIE!" Someone screamed, startling her as she turned her head to the group of fans awaiting BTS' arrival. Surprised, she watched in awe as they wave and hold up fan signs of her.
"Welcome home!"
"We missed you!"
Cracking a smile, she started laughing to herself and waved back. "Can I please see them, really quick? Please? I'll be quick, I promise." She pleaded to the manager. Sighing, he decided to let her go just this time and came with her to keep a close eye.
The fans' screams got louder as she approached them with a big grin on her face. Their cheers were almost deafening as they were eagerly awaiting her to approach them.
"Hi!" She waved at them and started tagging some hands and giving out high fives.
"Can I take a picture with you!?"
"Me too!"
"Can you sign this!?"
Jennie nodded. "Yeah, yeah, sure. I gotta be quick, I don't have that much time, but I just wanted to thank you all for waiting for us to arrive." She beamed, earning a chorus of you're welcomes.
Making quick work, she tried to take as many photos as she could and autographs.
Suddenly, she sees one teen girl tearing up with tears of joy. "Oh dear, don't cry! Come here." She decided to engulf her in a warm hug, while other fans tried to join in the hug and touch her.
"I love you, so much. Please continue doing what you're doing in BTS." The girl muffled in the hug, holding her tightly. "I can't believe I finally got to meet you, thank you so much."
Feeling her eyes sting, Jennie murmured in a brittle voice, "Thank you..."
Meanwhile Rap Monster was watching on with a smile on his face.
Rap Monster (I don't think Jennie really understands how much she's cherished. It made me happy to see her with the fans, engaging with them)
Jennie (I'm mind boggled that I get fans emotional like this. It shocks me, that people give me so much love and support with BTS. I never noticed how beloved we are until now. It's great to be home.)
"Jennie! You do not know how much I have friggin' missed you! Good luck in K-Pop!" Another fan told her.
"Thank you! I will work hard. Look forward to our next album."
"Jennie! Can you tell J-Hope I said hi!?"
"Sure, what's your name?"
After the fan tells her, Jennie made a mental note to let Hobi know.
"Jennie, I brought you smarties!" A fanboy presents her with a big bag.
"This is all MINE!?" She happily accepted the bag. "Oh, I gotta give you a kiss for you, get over here."
"A kiss from Miss Bangtan? Yes, please!" He happily said as she pressed her soft lips against his cheek.
"Thank you for the Smarties, I'll eat them as soon as I leave."
"You are so beautiful! Do you think I can take you out on a date?" He shot her a flirty look.
"Oh wow, w-we just met!" She covered her cheeks, feeling flustered while the girls giggled at her.
"Jimin was right! She is easy to tease!" A girl giggled.
"Jennie, we gotta go!" The manager called out in Korean as she let out a sigh. She really wanted to stay but she has a job to do with BTS. And she didn't want to get another scolding for staying too long with the fans since they were on a time limit.
"I gotta go, but please continue to support BTS. Listen to our music and look forward to our next album! Love you guys, thank you so much." She waved and met up with the manager.
Jennie (The support is overwhelming. As soon as I got into the van, I just broke down into tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. This. This moment. Being here with BTS, what we've accomplished so far. Tears of joy. Thank you, ARMY.)
In the van, Jennie sniffed and tried to control her tears of joy, while Rap Monster let out a laugh and wrapped an arm around her. 
"It's okay." He murmured in a soothing tone.
After pulling herself together, they all ride around LA and receive the golden envelope that Bang PD presented to them back in South Korea. Their first stop was heading to the LA Dodgers Stadium to watch the baseball game. After walking around, watching street performances, they're back in the van, while the guys are jamming out to Drake's 'Started from the bottom' while Jennie giggles at their goofiness.
Still feeling a bit jet lagged, she napped throughout the whole car ride. When it turned to night, she was still napping while the manager pulled over to check out the complications with his visa. When the manager leaves the car, a group of black men appear in front of the car and hijack it. J-Hope turned around and finched, leaning up against Rap Monster in fear while Jennie stirred in her sleep, hearing loud movement.
"What the hell!?" She blurted out, feeling her stomach drop as she opened her eyes to find unexpected guests in the car. The guys were frozen in fear, trying to comprehend what was going on.
"Relax! Relax!" One of the black men shout.
"Relax!? I'm not about to relax! What the hell are you doing!?" She shouted in nervousness.
Jennie (I know I shouldn't even be talking, right now, because I could get killed just like that. I dunno if they're carrying a weapon! I just woke up, what the heck is going on!?)
After the men took their phones and told them they were taking them to their hotel, Jennie closed her eyes and started to feel the tears coming. Shaking her legs, she started to feel anger pent up inside of her.
"No! No! No!" Jungkook exclaimed in English.
Jennie (I'm so...angry. I'm more angry than I am scared! I just got back home! And now I'm getting kidnapped? All I could think about was my mom, my dad, my sisters...my life was flashing before my eyes. Am I going to die tonight?)
In a shaky voice, she murmured in Korean, "Guys, just stay calm. Just do what they say. We'll figure out."
"Where are you taking us?" She asked in English.
"To your hotel room." One of the men responded.
"You're not gonna kill us...are you?"
"No, we're not gonna kill you."
Jennie (I think my adrenaline kicked in. Because I would be scared to even speak but my heart was racing, I had to keep talking. Rebelling isn't a good idea. I don't know what to do! I feel responsible for all of our lives but I dunno what to do. I felt helpless.)
After the scary car ride, they arrive at Skid Row. The men shout at them to leave the car and they all head inside a hideout.
They all sit on the couch. Jennie sat in between Rap Monster and Jin. "S-so are you going to tell us what we're doing here?" She muttered, looking up at the men with butterflies in her stomach.
"Just look straight ahead." One of them ordered.
"They want us to look straight at the screen," Jennie told the guys in Korean.
"I ain't playing around, man!" One of the men shouted at Jungkook for looking around. The sudden shout made him flinch. "Look straight, fool!"
"Hey! He didn't do anything, wrong. Just leave him alone, all right? He's scared and so are the rest of us." Jennie spoke up in aggravation, narrowing her eyes at the man. "Just calm down."
"Jennie." Rap Monster hissed, trying to make her stop talking.
Turning her head to him, she protested. "I wasn't going to just-"
"Little girl! Look at the screen!" The man yelled at her and she flinched in fear at his booming voice.
After seeing her flinch, the BTS members glance up at the man who yelled at her. Jin grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it while Rap Monster ended up gritting his teeth.
Rap Monster (I just wanted her to stop talking, just in case anything else bad happens. I couldn't take it if anything happened to her. Or any of the members. But my blood just boiled a bit after he yelled at her.)
Jennie (If they had any weapons or anything, like a gun or something, I'd probably get shot for opening up my mouth. Honestly. I get hard headed and get stubborn sometimes.)
"Okay. I'll look at the screen. You don't have to tell me, twice. I already heard you the first time." She responded.
Jennie (I dunno if I was about to get hit, or killed, I dunno why I kept talking. It was stupid, I know, but I couldn't sit there and let them talk to Jungkook like that. He didn't deserve to get yelled at. I just got so protective. I feel like I have a huge responsibility for us as a group while here in America since this is my home. I know where things are at, but this is not what I wanted to happen.)
The men order the guys to take off their hats and also their shoes. "Take one sock off." The men order.
"Are you kiddin' me...?" She muttered.
Jennie (My damn nail polish is chipped. I didn't put new nail polish on. Now I gotta take off my socks? This is great. Very great. What's next? My death? Just let me go peacefully. That's all I ask.)
"BTS!" The screen said. "Welcome to the American Hustle Life hip hop school. beginning tomorrow for training provided by the greatest legends of hip hop, and the best tutors around, you will be born again as a true hip hop artist. See you tomorrow."
Jennie (You mean to tell me...this was ALL SET UP!? They couldn't have done it in a more CIVIL way?! Unbelievable! Big Hit count your days!)
"We goin' be back here tomorrow. So ya'll can stay here. Peace!" One guy said as the men left.
Jennie and the guys sit in silence while they leave. She sighed loudly and stood up, pacing around.
"I'll check the door..." She murmured and looked to see if they left. "Yeah, no one's there. They left."
"What is this...while I was sleeping..." Suga groaned.
Walking up to Jungkook, she kneeled in front of him. Seeing him so shaken up broke her heart as she grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay?" She whispered. He nodded in response and she made him stand up, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.
Jennie (He was so shaken up. I'm just as scared as he is but I just really wanted to stay cool and calm. For him. For all the guys. I dunno how I managed.)
"J-Hope, are you good?" She tried to calm him down.
'In the middle of picking up their mental states and shoes'
"Hey, let's sleep. Just sleep." Suga advised as the guys made their way to the bunk beds.
"Hey, you going to sleep?" Rap Monster turned to Jennie who remained on the couch.
"I will in a bit. I can't sleep after what just happened." She replied.
"I'll stay up with you." Jungkook offered.
"No, no, it's fine. Get your rest. I know you're tired. I'll be okay." She smiled in reassurance.
Jennie (I'm sorry but I can't just sleep after what just went down. I can't do it. I'm going to be up for a while. I'm glad they're concerned. But I need to have my heart rate down and my emotions in check because I am still in a state of shock and fear. I'm blessed I get to live another day.)
The next morning, BTS and Jennie are awakened by loud shouting and clapping. As three of their tutors get them all awake and ready for the day.
"What ya'll come to LA for?" The tall guy asked as Rap Monster answered him that they were here to make music.
'Their tutors that decided to stay together with them for BTS' hip hop overseas studies'
'Their hip hop school, American Hustle Life, where they'll be together 24 hours with their tutors has started.'
"Let's start with the introductions, we're gonna introduce ourselves and we'll go down the line and ya'll can tell us your names and a little bit about yourselves," Tony announced.
"Well, I'm Zaire, man! I'm a rapper and I'm a producer." He introduced.
'Newcomer rapper who works really hard aka Zaire.'
'Dante Evans'
'Dante who is skilled with a lot of passion'
"Nate Walka. I'm a writer, and a rapper and a producer."
'Pro composer, Nate Walka. A pro composer who shines from Grammy Awards. The hidden treasure of the hip hop industry, the genius writer, Nate.'
"I'm Tony and I'm from Texas."
'Rapper and lyricist, Tony Jones. Used to be a basketball player and is a rapper while being a lyricist.'
'The giant good looking rapper who exceeds 2 meters, Tony.'
'Your first meeting with the tutors'
Jennie (I wake up to loud yelling, and see three guys. And Tony, I just couldn't stop staring. Tony is fine as hell! Oh, mah God...why is he so hot? It's been so long since I've gushed over guys. I can get used to waking up early to that. HAHAHA! Let me stop, cut this okay? Don't let it air! Hahaha! Oh God, what if he sees this? I may have a tiny crush on him. I'm looking forward to working with him...and the others. Yeah, the others. He saw me all bare faced and everything. He's so cute. My goodness. Why are the guys that I have crushes on, older than me? It isn't fair! I was born the wrong year hahaha)
"We have you guys for two weeks," Tony informed. "You can't go home. We work. No play. Not too much sleeping."
Jennie (Oh...great...not much sleeping...thank you. Sleep isn't my best friend.)
"Rule number two. We're gonna have competitions." Tony added. "We're gonna have a winner and we're gonna have a loser."
"The winners are gonna get a prize. Some type of reward." Nate mentioned
"The losers, bad. Rule number three you're gonna listen to us." Tony continued.
Jennie (Oh I can listen to you all~ day Tony. I'll be a good noodle for you. Let me stop, cut this out too! Hahah! Why am I so giddy!? Ah...let me stop embarrassin' myself.)
"We're gonna help you guys. So BTS, we have a very, very special guest. A legend in the rap game. He's known internationally. He's gonna come in and speak to you, guys. Make sure you guys pay attention. Okay?" Tony and the guys leave the room.
Jennie (It can be anybody. I have no idea who.)
After they come back, they reveal Coolio walking in as Jennie widens her eyes. 
"Coolio, right?" Rap Monster called out.
"Coolio! Holy crap!" Jennie stood up in surprise.
Jennie (What the-what the hell?! I'm in the same room as COOLIO!? Do you know how HUGE that is!? Gangster's paradise~)
BTS and Jennie applauded and he sat down. "So all ya'll speak English?" Coolio asked, sitting in a chair.
"I do. Rap Monster can speak it, too. The rest, not so much." Jennie answered.
"How did Hip Hop start? Where'd it start?" Coolio turned his attention to Suga who sat there dumbfounded. Turning to Jin, he asked, "What was the first rap single to go platinum?"
Jin just stood there baffled, while Coolio stood up and continued to ask questions but the guys didn't answer.
"Hello!" V greeted.
"What's up?" Coolio shook his hand.
"What's up." V cutely greeted in English. "Turn up!"
His sudden words made the guys laugh, while Jennie remained silent, feeling nervous at Coolio's serious expression.
Jennie (Oh no. Not good.)
"What does turn up mean?" Coolio questioned him.
"Let's go party? Turn up!" V jumped up and down in his seat.
Coolio was not amused and V apologized. "Give me 25 push ups." He said out of nowhere while Jennie dropped her jaw in shock.
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