#i actually started it when you gave me the prompt but then i never finished it
ivystoryweaver · 2 days
for tender prompts: dancing to a slow jazz song after a long day of work
I Don't Dance
"Miles Davis drifts into the kitchen, the smooth tones soothing you instantly, while making you ache for something romantic of your own."
Thanks for this @runa-falls! Ahhhhh love it! Not me back on my "Jake listens to Miles Davis" tangent again...
for @romanarose's Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024 for June 9th-15th: first time with the same sex, first kiss
1.4k words || Jake Lockley x m!reader* || flirting, roommates to lovers, slightly suggestive, vague mentions of food and drinking, language
*reader inclusivity notes: Reader wears glasses, is taller than Jake
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Life is good…enough.
Work can be a drag, but you look forward to coming home to your roommate Jake. Usually he's worked all night, slept all day, and the two of you meet up around dinner time. You're friendly roommates, always considerately cooking and making enough food for the other, keeping the dishes clean and playing video games together.
You have the most massive crush on the smaller man. He's gorgeous, with smoldering brown eyes and luscious dark curls, with a tinge of early gray...
You've never been with a man before. Just a few failed, awkward romances with women, a few years back.
But recently you've been realizing that you're not single because you're some sort of loser, or something equally upsetting. You're single because women actually just don't interest you, not as much emotionally, and not really at all sexually.
One time you heard Jake in his room with a partner, groaning and grunting in pleasure, his muffled voice telling his lover how to take him.
That was...eye-opening.
Now you think about him all the time, but you don't know how to tell him, and worse, if you even should tell him. He's way too cute for you...right? Cute doesn't begin to cover it - the man oozes confidence...experience...smolder.
He's really nice too.
He was gone for a few days, out of town "for work" (whatever that is). When he got back, he actually gave you a quick hug. "Missed you, man." You forgot to breathe for so long, it came out like a dramatic sigh once you did.
Jake wondered if you were annoyed, but instead, asked you to play video games. The sides of your arms touched the whole time, and you had to put a pillow over your lap because your obvious…attraction.
Jake senses the tension between you and wonders if you're mad that he finished the peanut butter and didn’t buy more.
You clear your throat awkwardly, your gaze flickering away. “No, I don't think I could ever be mad at you, Jake - especially not over peanut butter.”
He hums out an ambiguous response, dragging a hand over the sexy stubble on his chin. "You must've missed me then." His eyebrows shoot up playfully.
God you want him so bad.
As if your greeting hug and video-game-a-thon weren't enough, work the next day couldn't go worse. Sometimes you feel invisible to colleagues and especially to your boss, who seems to have completely ignored your inquiry about an open management position. After a day of being overlooked and passed over, you’re so done.
You finally make it home, drenched from a sudden shower that seemed to wait until you walked out of work to start, and decided to stop as soon as you made it through your front door. Shedding your wet jacket, you stamp your feet on the mat just inside the door, yanking off your fogged up glasses so you can wipe them clean.
Unfortunately, rain does not look good on you the way it does on Jake. If he comes home wet, he's something out of a noir film, removing his cap, pushing those long fingers through his perfectly damp, thick curls - droplets of water making his long lashes shine as they kiss his cheeks. Rivulets of rain snake down the corded thickness of his throat, disappearing into his deliciously drenched white shirt, which hugs the shape of his body temptingly.
Must be nice.
Maybe you can make it to your room before he sees you looking like a wet rat.
You shower and make yourself presentable enough, moving around your home quietly, afraid your pathetic-ness will somehow repel your roommate - secretly crushed that Jake doesn't interact with you for an hour or so. Maybe he doesn't notice how brutal your day was.
A delicious aroma wafts down the hall from the kitchen a while later and you realize Jake is cooking dinner. Deciding you'd rather be in his presence than mope in your room, you venture out to interact. Dinners with Jake are the highlight of your life after all - that is, when you're not sitting with him, touching him, playing games together.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you steady yourself, remembering to take things one day at a time. He might not even be into guys. Or you specifically.
Jake looks up as you enter the kitchen, dark eyes brightening, but somehow immediately softening at your apparent distress. Your shoulders sag in defeat even as you put on a brave face to greet him.
Usually he leaves you alone when you're quiet, assuming you prefer it that way, but after you sat together all last night, he thought maybe...
Setting down a wooden spoon and reducing the heat underneath a sizzling skillet, he turns to you, and your heart races as you realize he's giving you his full attention. It's not helping that he's wearing an apron - that sight alone might kill you.
"You okay?" Dark eyebrows arch curiously as he boldly inches forward.
Blowing out an exhale through your lips, you quickly nod, realizing that simple inquiry means more to you than anything.
Reaching out to grasp your forearm, he peers up at you earnestly. "Hey...talk to me."
You force a smile as your 'brave face' wavers. "Just a shit day. Nothing really."
He pulls a face of his own - a smirk curling the corner of his kissable lips. He's got to stop doing that or you're going to fall head over heels. (Too late).
"Okay, then," he relents, meandering over a few cabinets to where you keep the booze. Jake pours you a drink to settle your nerves, presenting it to you with a comedic flourish, as if you are his liege lord and he's your servant. Eh, probably just a fantasy of yours...
You chuckle, muttering, "thanks," as he brushes past you, disappearing into the living room to turn on the record player. Jake is a mystery, but his collection of albums might be the most sexy thing about him.
Miles Davis drifts into the kitchen, the smooth tones soothing you instantly, while making you ache for something romantic of your own.
You toss your drink back in a couple of long gulps, hoping to gain some proverbial liquid courage as Jake returns to his task, reaching for the wooden spoon to stir.
"Thanks for the drink," you say, bravely moving closer, bumping arms with him. "Need some help?"
Setting the spoon back down, he turns a smoldering gaze your way. "Dance with me."
You almost choke. "Wh-what?"
"You heard me." He roughly whispers. Tugging at the string of his apron, he pulls it loose and sets it on the countertop, leaving him in a tight, white t-shirt and joggers which rest on the swell of his hips. Offering his hand, he repeats, "Dance with me."
Your body responds, seemingly without permission from your brain as you take his waiting hand - the contact zinging up your arm, electrifying you. "I-I don't dance."
He hums out a knowing chuckle, eyes sparkling at the challenge. "Everybody can dance, here." Boldly gripping your hand, he eases your arm around his waist, giving you an out before going too far. "Stop me if I fuck this up." He pulls you closer than you expected, his breath ghosting your cheek.
"Am I getting this wrong?" He asks you seriously, sounding a bit nervous - his voice pinched even as he possessively cinches you closer. "I...want you and I feel like you want me too, but...fuck, if I'm wrong, please don't kick me out."
You can't believe this is truly happening. How is this man actually real - how is he touching you, saying these things? And moreover, why are you not responding?
Afraid you might cry or something humiliating, a breathless laugh rushes out of you, cutting the tension. "I'm not gonna kick you out."
Soulful jazz crescendos, soothing the surge of worries threatening to ruin this moment, and before you can overthink - as you do - you pull him closer. "Come here..."
Your heart stops when he lays his head on your chest, almost causing you to forget to dance, but you realize, in that moment, that you trust his lead. You believe his words - at least your body does, and you sway to the music, moving in synchrony with this man you adore.
And as you wonder if the stars have aligned and you might really have a chance with him, he tilts his head up and presses his mouth to yours.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Jake Lockley-Centric stories
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
updates blog - @ivystoryupdates
Have to include this gif - it inspired me, along with the request
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suplicyy · 19 hours
[Prompt Series pt.4]
Tanaka and you sucking helium
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— Summary: Tanaka and you sucking helium and talking in very high-pitched voices.
— Fluff, comedy
— Gn!Reader
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You had to do everything for your perfect plan to work. Everything was already going exactly as planned... until a distraction makes your whole plan go down the drain.
You got a part-time job at an amusement park, with the aim of selling balloons to the local children. But why were you doing this?
It had been 5 months since you had been in a relationship with Tanaka, and for this special date you wanted to buy him a perfect gift! You still didn't know exactly what you were going to buy for the boy, but to get gifts you obviously needed money.
So that's why right now you're selling balloons in the amusement park full of smiling families on a very hot Sunday, love requires some sacrifices after all. 'All for the present...!' You thought as a way to try to cheer you up, but that unbearable sun seemed to be trying to kill you. The amount of money you had earned in the last few days actually exceeded your expectations, so just a little more work and you would complete the goal of the amount of money you set and thus be able to buy the gift you dreamed of.
Your boss always gave you a certain amount of balloons that would last you a whole day to blow up, so there were almost never any balloons left at the end of the day. And you wanted to stay there until you sold the last balloon, which will probably make you leave a little later.
But it seems the universe has other plans for you.
"[NAME]!!!" You heard a very familiar voice calling you. But before you could turn around to see who was calling you, you felt someone hug you tightly.
"R-Ryu!? What are you doing here??" "I'm here to see you of course!! I couldn't let my goddess melt alone in this heat!!" he says dramatically.
Tanaka knew you were working, but he had no idea you were doing it to buy him a gift. So you knew that one time or another he would come to your workplace and keep you company.
"Well... it's almost time for my break, so why don't you buy us some snacks while I gather my things?" you say as you check the time on your phone, seeing that there are only 4 minutes left for you to have a little rest until you go back to work again. "Of course my dear, ALL FOR YOU!" and in the same second Tanaka runs towards a food stall.
You sigh at the boy's exaggerated reaction, but then you give a small smile.
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The two of you are now sitting in a place a little away from the entire amusement park crowd, as you finish eating your snack that Tanaka bought. But something was wrong.
Everything was quiet. Too quiet.
He is known for being a very noisy person, so if he is present in a room and the whole place is quiet, it means that something is not right.
Then you turn to look at your partner, but as you do so you can see him silently picking up a balloon and trying to reach the helium gas cylinder. "Ryu what do you think you're doing!?" When he hears your voice, he jumps in fright and quickly turns to you.
"I just wanted to test something! Let me do it please!!" And before you can respond, he has already taken the balloon and put it in the air outlet of the cylinder, filling the balloon with gas. After filling the balloon completely, he holds the tip of the balloon and places it in the mouth, sucking out some of the helium gas.
You watched the boy's actions in horror, wondering why he had these kinds of ideas. But the second he opened his mouth to speak, you knew his idiocy had paid off.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
His voice was high-pitched.Very high-pitched.
I don't think you've ever laughed as much as you do now. Anyone passing by would think a murder was taking place because your laughter was so scandalous at that time. And when Tanaka started laughing with you along with his stupidly thin voice, you laughed even harder – if this was really still possible – It got to be suffocating for you to keep laughing, but you couldn't stop when he opened his mouth to speak.
"L-Let me try too...!" You said, breathless from the incessant laughter. Taking another balloon, you repeat the same process that Tanaka did, filling the balloon with gas and then placing it in your mouth, sucking out some of the air.
"Do...Do you know why are snails slow...? B-Because they're carrying a house on their back!!"
You and Tanaka laughed even harder, but not because of the stupid joke you told, but because of your voice, which was now the same as his. And you continued doing this until almost the end of your break.
You turned to pick up another balloon, but all you could do was feel around the floor, which now had no more balloons.
Your only reaction was to alternate your gaze from the empty floor to Tanaka, who was also silent about the situation. Now you would have to explain to your boss why the balloons ran out and why you and your boyfriend had extremely high-pitched voices.
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A/N — My exams start next week, so I don't know if I'll be active here these days...😭
But when they are finished I will be sure to post everything here!!
— Prompt chosen for this post: Person A and Person B sucking helium and talking in very high-pitched voices.
[Prompt Series Masterlist]
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ruvviks · 9 months
trembling hands for vitali? 👀👀
TREMBLING HANDS [x] characters >> nick vossler (oc), vitali dobrynin (oc) context >> november 2067; it's the morning after this fic takes place, vitali is in college and in general not dealing with everything that's going on in his life well total >> 2.2k words warnings >> alcohol mention, drugs mention, nick being a bit of a dick in general, nsfw mention, portrayal of a toxic relationship (these men make each other worse)
The old and decrepit apartment building in the Glen was freezing cold. Not all that surprising for that time of the year; and stacking overdue electric bills had put an end to Vitali’s access to the place’s central heating, but he was not allowed to complain. If anything, he was lucky to still be able to call it his home at all to begin with.
He woke up with a throbbing headache and a heavy weight pressing down on his chest, and despite the good amount of sleep he had managed to get he still found himself struggling to properly wake up. His ailments were the result of mostly dehydration- though taking the amount of drugs and alcohol in his system the night before, it was safe to assume it was not the only problem at play.
Vitali rarely suffered terrible hangovers. Nothing a glass of water and an ibuprofen couldn’t fix; and whenever he had classes the next morning he still always showed up on time, wearing his best fake smile as always and a mood that was still of questionable quality but never worse than it usually was.
Though that morning was different.
The bleak sunlight that poured in from underneath the curtain of the single window in the living room barely raised the temperature inside his apartment. All it did was cast a single, bright ray of sunshine directly into Vitali’s eyes, an annoyance greater than his comfort on the twin size mattress on the floor to the point he found himself unable to fall back asleep.
He groaned and carefully rolled himself on his side, dragging the covers with him as he slowly attempted to get up. His entire body was sore; had not slept in the greatest position, but the sex he’d had with Nick the night before- pressed against the wall of the expensive nightclub’s hallway- had absolutely not helped either, and the moment he finally managed to stand up he nearly sank through his knees again from the pain in his upper right leg.
Consequences of his own actions.
Vitali knew better than to wallow in his misery, well aware he had caused it entirely himself, no one else to blame. It was not as if he would learn; next week he would make the same old mistakes all over again, a broken record doomed to play on repeat until his trembling hands would lose their grip entirely and he would spiral down into a freefall.
He managed to find his way to the kitchen, still wrapped in the covers as he opened one of the mismatched cupboards to look for a clean cup; could not find any and instead took a dirty one out of the sink, rinsing it a few times before pouring himself some apple juice.
His gaze caught his phone as he brought the glass to his lips, the cracked and dirty screen lighting up from the kitchen countertop beside his keys and wallet and showing- nineteen unread messages and eleven missed calls?
‘What the fuck?’ he mumbled under his breath, lowering the glass again and setting it back as he grabbed his phone instead, blanket over his shoulders dropping down on the floor.
Unsurprisingly so, all of it was Nick’s doing. It would not be the first time he had obsessively tried to get Vitali’s attention; far from it, in fact, a man desperate for validation as well as forgiveness each and every time he had done something wrong. Though as far as Vitali was concerned, nothing out of the ordinary had happened when they’d seen each other in the club- and his curiosity was winning over his exasperation.
Naturally, he did not hesitate when Nick’s name popped up in the middle of his screen again.
‘What do you fucking want?’ Vitali asked, voice possibly a little harsher than he had meant for as he quickly pulled his half-opened flannel back over his exposed shoulder when he heard loud knocking on the front door. Nick did not respond at first- and Vitali quickly figured out why, swinging the door open and instantly being met with the other man, holding up his own phone with an annoyed frown on his face.
‘Eleven fuckin’ times, V,’ he said, lowering his hand at the same time as Vitali did. ‘What’s wrong with you?’
‘Twelve, actually, counting this one,’ Vitali simply spat back, demonstratively hanging up and tossing his phone back on the kitchen counter from where he stood. ‘And you’re the one showing up at my place at fuck o’clock in morning.’
‘It’s two in the afternoon!’
‘Same thing.’
Nick cursed under his breath and stepped inside, tugging on Vitali’s flannel- drawing a protesting, somewhat startled scoff from his lips- to then button it all the way to the top.
‘You need to learn to put on some clothes,’ he muttered, brushing some of Vitali’s hair out of his face to prevent it from getting stuck between the buttons. A surprisingly gentle touch; Vitali sometimes forgot he was still capable of that, after everything that had happened.
‘I’m wearing clothes.’ Vitali paused, noticing Nick’s eyeroll and he punched his shoulder in response, not too hard but not being playful either. ‘Comfort of my own home! Get out if you don’t like it.’
‘More clothes,’ Nick sneered, gesturing at Vitali’s mostly naked legs. ‘And wear ‘em properly. I could see your tits.’
‘So? You’ve seen them before. Did not hear you complain yesterday.’
‘It’s freezing in here!’
‘What’s your fucking point, Nick?!’
Vitali’s voice nearly echoed through the whole hallway behind the other man and silence washed over the apartment, both of them taking a few steps back at the same time. Vitali watched as Nick clenched his jaw and briefly turned around to close the front door, then vaguely gestured around into the room.
‘Was worried,’ he said, and shrugged. ‘Didn’t hear anything from you when I texted if you got home safely. Jackie couldn’t tell me where you were. Jen has me blocked now, wasn’t of any fuckin’ use either- no idea what that’s all about. Where did you go?’
Vitali was not entirely sure how to answer him.
He could barely remember it, was the truth. Everything that had happened after he had walked away from Nicky in that sweaty and suffocating hallway was merely a blur to him now, though he did remember spending another good hour or two stumbling around before he had been able to find his way to the exit.
He vaguely remembered the rain; could vaguely recall getting soaked and taking a cab elsewhere, the air-conditioning inside freezing him down to the bone. He had not gone home yet- had needed more to be able to forget, to wash off the feeling of Nick’s hands on his body and to drown out the voice in his head screaming at him to stop and go home, get his act together while he still could.
‘Took the long way home, I guess,’ he finally managed to say, hesitance dripping from his lips with each and every word he spoke and Nick’s eyes narrowed a little.
‘Couldn’t find a moment to text me back?’ he asked.
‘Did not think you’d care.’
‘Oh, that’s foul.’
‘Usually you don’t. I don’t know what you want me to say.’
Another silence as a sharp, exasperated sigh left Nick’s lips and he averted his gaze to the ceiling. Acting annoyed, but on the losing end- Vitali was right and both parties knew that very well, Nick’s sudden concern entirely out of the blue considering he usually left his phone off for several days after an argument.
‘Why are you really here?’ Vitali asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest and taking another step back, keeping as much distance between himself and the other man as possible. Not out of fear; moreso disgust, unable to believe he’d let Nick do whatever he wanted to him, again, the money much needed but the aftermath and the memories of it embarrassing him to his core in a way he hadn’t even known was possible.
Maybe Jenny was right this time.
Not as if that mattered much. She hadn’t reached out to him at all anymore.
‘I just- wanted to apologize for yesterday,’ Nick mumbled in response. ‘Wasn’t all too nice to you, from what I remember.’
‘You weren’t, no.’ Vitali paused, licked his lips, and gestured at Nick. ‘Go ahead. Apologize.’
‘I just did.’
‘You didn’t.’
‘Fucking hell, Dobrynin-!’
‘What! Saying you want to apologize is not the same as apologizing-’
‘You’re so fucking pretentious, you know that?’
The sharp edge to Nick’s voice made Vitali scoff and he sucked in a shallow breath, adrenaline rushing through his system until the hairs on his arms stood up straight. His body was bracing itself; not expecting a physical blow- even Nick knew better than to sink that low- simply another mental one, a blow to his ego he would carry with him into the next week until his next mistake would come along and take its place.
‘Maybe you’re right,’ Nick bluntly said and threw up his hands in exasperation. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t’ve come. You’re not making it very easy to be worried about you, you know that? And then one day when you do need the help I won’t be here. No one will.’
‘Right, because every time before today when you weren’t there for me by your own fucking choice, that could not have happened, of course,’ Vitali mockingly replied and gestured at the door. ‘You are just trying to cover for yourself now. Get out if you don’t have anything nice to say.’
‘I love you.’
The statement caught Vitali a little off guard and he slowly lowered his hands, standing unmoving as Nick walked closer to him and cupped his face in both hands, strands of Vitali’s long, bleached hair getting caught between his fingers.
‘I love you,’ he quietly repeated himself, thumbs running in circles over Vitali’s cheeks, ‘and I just wish you’d let me.’
Vitali’s eyes slowly moved over Nick’s face- the little marks covering his cheekbones, the acne scarring roughening the skin of his cheeks and jaw, the little bump in his nose caused by a broken bone that had not healed all too well-
He reminded him of Mikhail, sometimes.
But they were not the same.
‘I’ve given you enough chances and you walk away every single fucking time,’ Vitali quietly replied, moving up his hand to place it over Nick’s and he softly kissed his palm. ‘What do I need to do to make you stay?’
Nick couldn’t answer. And Vitali knew that.
Both of them had fucked up more than enough times; both had walked away before, justified, sometimes not, in the heat of the moment or when things just got a little too boring for their liking. They got annoyed about everything they were and fought about everything they were not and instead of talking things out like normal people they would get drunk, get naked, and pretend like nothing had happened the next day.
‘You’re complicated,’ Nick finally said, gently brushing some of Vitali’s hair out of his face.
‘So are you,’ Vitali merely replied, making a biting motion at Nick’s hand who in response cupped his face and leaned in closer to kiss him, a somewhat metallic taste to his lips Vitali could not quite place.
‘I love you,’ he mumbled into the kiss, slowly draping his arms over Nick’s shoulders and pulling him closer until there was no space left between their bodies. He broke the kiss and buried his face in the crook of Nick’s neck- and the other man reciprocated the hug, one hand on Vitali’s back and the other in his hair.
‘Have somethin’ to eat, take it easy today,’ he quietly said, slowly pulling back and fixing the collar of Vitali’s flannel. ‘I’ll see you again tomorrow, okay?’
The silences that followed were always the worst.
Watching Nick walk away again, leave through that very same door he had only just arrived through and wishing he would stop, come back inside, stay just a little longer. Whether Vitali had fucked it up for himself this time or not, he was no longer sure; it was impossible to tell what Nick’s true intentions were. Vitali usually was nothing more than a stopover to him.
And of course he wished it was different. If he could have it his way, Nick wasn’t such an asshole all the time. Wouldn’t just be using him for his own pleasure, wouldn’t just come and go as he pleased without taking Vitali’s feelings into account. And in return, Vitali wouldn’t have to return the attitude.
Had Nick even started it all? He wasn’t all that sure anymore.
Vitali scoffed at nobody in particular and walked through the room to the window, sitting himself down on the windowsill to stare outside. He was still cold, but it did not do anything to him anymore- his head was elsewhere, and the shivers running up and down his spine were the least of his worries.
At least I’ll see him again tomorrow.
At least he would always come back.
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ellemj · 6 months
Letters to Santa, Part 2: 12 Days of Smut #11
Bucky Barnes x Reader 2-Part Fic
Request/prompt courtesy of @stuckysbike. Read part 1 here.
Warnings: profanity, dirty talk, teasing, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: There is a scene in this that was wholly inspired by one of @littlemiss-yeehaw's latest smutty sketches, check out her blog and comment on the sketch that you think I used! This is a continuation of the request submitted by @stuckysbike, thank you again for submitting it and trusting me to give it a go! I've decided that day 12 will simply be the gift that comes tomorrow (today technically, in less than 24 hours): Needs & Wants Bonus Chapter.
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            You can’t deny that you look a little bit like a Christmas gift all wrapped up in your short little burgundy bathrobe. You’ve just finished showering and doing your skincare, and you’re flipping off the bathroom light switch when you hear the softest knock at your door. You stand still for a moment, wondering if you actually heard what you think you heard. The only person who ever comes to your door is one of the girls, and even then, they never knock, they simply let themselves in. You hear the knocking sound a second time and your feet begin carrying you away from the bathroom, across your room, and straight to the door. When you pull it open, Bucky stands before you, looking like he has a million things to say but very few words to utilize.
            “Bucky?” You say his name like you aren’t even sure it’s him, but obviously it is. His eyes are quick to coast down your figure, taking in the sight of you in that little burgundy robe with the tie around your waist fashioned into a bow. You look like a fucking gift. Someone to unwrap me like a Christmas present. The first wish from the list in your dirty letter to Santa flashes through Bucky’s mind as he memorizes every detail about the way you look right now.
            “How much did you have to drink tonight?” He asks, narrowing his eyes at you as he finally focuses his gaze on your face. You scrunch up your cheeks and nose in annoyance. You can’t believe he’d have the audacity to knock on your door and ask you something like that.
            “Why the hell are you here asking me that?”
            “Because if you had a lot to drink, then your letter to Santa ending up underneath my bedroom door might’ve just been a momentary lapse in judgement. But if you didn’t then…” Bucky lets his voice trail off as he studies your expression, looking for any answer to the countless questions he has swirling around in his head.
            “My letter? Under your door?” You ask incredulously. You immediately begin backtracking in your mind, remembering how you started cleaning up the kitchen and totally forgot about the letter you left sitting on the coffee table. One of the girls or Sam must’ve grabbed it and slid it under Bucky’s door as some stupid prank. Your face falls as you realize he very well could’ve opened it and read it. “Wait, you didn’t…” When your shocked eyes look into Bucky’s, he almost wishes he hadn’t read it.
            “So, you didn’t slide it under my door.” Bucky confirms. Why is there a hint of disappointment in his tone? Are you imagining it? Was he hoping that you had? Wait, why the fuck did he decide to knock on your door? Just to ask how much you had to drink and to find out if you gave him the letter yourself? What would he have done if it really had been you? By the time you pull yourself out of your whirlwind of thoughts, you see Bucky giving you one last look before turning on his heel to head back to his own room. All inhibitions flee as you start moving without thinking. There isn’t one thought left in your mind when you reach out and grab Bucky by the arm, stopping him in his tracks. He tenses up as soon as your hand meets the fabric of the sweatshirt that’s covering his flesh bicep, but he doesn’t pull away from you. Instead, he turns back to face you as your hand falls away from him.
            “You read it.” You say softly, not quite sure where your mouth is about to take this unexpected conversation. Bucky nods, his eyes scanning yours for any sort of reaction. “It was a joke letter, just a stupid game Nat wanted us to play.” Bucky nods again, maintaining eye contact with you as you fiddle with the bow at the front of your robe.
            “Right, I can’t imagine you’d actually want someone to cum down your chimney.” Your words written on a piece of paper were dirty, but somehow hearing them leave Bucky’s mouth makes them absolutely filthy. You can feel the blush creeping into your cheeks, turning them a soft shade of pink, as you stare up at the man with your lips slightly parted in surprise. A small smirk tugs on the corners of his lips. You don’t quite like how he’s enjoying your surprised reaction, so you decide to try and get a similar reaction out of him, just so you’ll be even.
            “Why not? It was on my list, wasn’t it? I also asked for three orgasms in one night, if I remember correctly.” Now Bucky’s the one with the parted lips and a raised eyebrow. He probably would’ve even blushed if all of the blood in his body hadn’t rushed straight to his cock. “What was the other thing I asked for?” You can’t remember what else you’d written in the letter, but now you’re sure that Bucky does. Bucky stares at you for a moment, taking in your pink cheeks, your playful gaze, and the way your arms are currently crossed over your chest as you toy with him. He decides to take the leap.
            Bucky slowly reaches out with his flesh hand, giving you every opportunity to either swat his hand away or step back and close the door on him, but you don’t. You follow his movement with your eyes, watching as his fingertips first brush over the fabric around the neck of your robe, and then begin to trail down the front of it lightly until he reaches the bow. He grabs one of the ends of the tie, his eyes flitting up to yours before he makes another move. You don’t say a word. You don’t move a muscle. You’re actually holding your breath. So, Bucky continues. He tugs on the end of the tie with just enough force to unravel the bow and loosen your bathrobe right there in the doorway of your bedroom. You’re still fully covered, but one move and the front of it may fall open and reveal your naked body to the man in front of you. Bucky reaches out with both hands now, as he takes one step forward, limiting the space between the two of you to just a few inches. He wraps his fingers around each side of the opening of your robe, holding them in place so nothing is bared to him, but wanting nothing more than to throw it open. His actions suddenly remind you of the forgotten wish on your list: someone to unwrap me like a Christmas present. Realization spreads across your face and Bucky gives you a soft smile as your eyes meet his.
            “Is this what you asked for?” He questions, rubbing his thumbs over where he holds the fabric of the robe in between his fingertips. You swallow hard and nod slowly. “I know you can use your words, just like you did in the letter.”
“This is one thing.” You answer softly. Bucky could stop here. He could let go of your robe and let you shut the door on him. But the way you’re looking up at him, letting your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you patiently wait for his next move, it makes it impossible for him to stop after only fulfilling one of your wishes. Besides, he hasn’t even fully unwrapped you. It wouldn’t be fair to you if he stopped now.
So, Bucky lets his instincts take over, throwing his rational mind out the window. He looks into your eyes one last time, and you can tell from the lilt in his brow and the serious expression painted on his face that he’s making sure he has your permission. The slight nod that you give him is all he needs. In one swift movement, he’s pulling you against his chest by the front of your robe. When you practically crash against him, he lets his vibranium hand rise to cup the side of your face. His eyes are the most mesmerizing blue, making it simultaneously hard to look into them yet hard to look away. Bucky can’t stop himself from placing his cool, vibranium thumb over your lips, and then dragging it down until it just barely sits between your parted lips. He wants to see how you’ll respond to his touch.
When you part your lips a little more, Bucky knows he’s done for. He won’t be going back to his room at all tonight, he fears. He watches you so closely as his thumb slides past your lips, slipping into your mouth and rubbing over the surface of your tongue as you wrap your lips around it and suck. Fuck. He wishes he’d done it with his flesh hand so he could feel your mouth. Or maybe it’s best that he used the vibranium hand, because if he felt what his vibranium thumb is experiencing right now, he might’ve ended up wanting you to suck him off, and he doesn’t remember seeing that on your Christmas list.
You let Bucky pull his finger out of your mouth with a soft pop of your lips, watching as lust floods into his gaze. In this exact moment, you just want to thank whoever it was that slipped your letter under his door. You have a feeling they did you the biggest favor.
Just a second after Bucky has removed his thumb from your mouth, you’re turning on your heel and heading back into your bedroom, trusting that he’ll follow you without a word. You hear the door click and then the sound of the lock turning just as you reach the foot of your bed. You’re just about to ask Bucky to finish unwrapping you when he’s suddenly right behind you, letting his hands slide over your hips to pull you against him as he leans down and presses his lips to the side of your neck. His mouth is so distracting that you don’t even notice what he’s doing until your robe begins falling off of your shoulders, coming to pool at your feet on the floor. In Bucky’s head, he’s mentally crossing off the first thing on your list.
“You’ll sit on my face.” Bucky says boldly, moving around you and climbing onto your bed like he’s done it a thousand times before. He positions himself on his back, with his head resting flat on your pillow, and his eyes flitting over to get a look at you. The way his gaze trails all over every inch of your naked body lights a fire inside of you, that you think may only be extinguished by riding an orgasm out on his face. So, you don’t question him or second-guess yourself. You do exactly as he wants, carefully positioning yourself to straddle his face. He was planning to take it slow, figure out what you like and what you don’t like, drag you up the hill to your first orgasm slowly. But as soon as he saw your glistening cunt, hovering mere inches above his face, he couldn’t keep himself from gripping your thighs and pulling you down hard. His tongue made contact with your entrance first, and he dove into it with a fiery passion, first dragging his tongue around it in circles, teasing you effortlessly. When you felt the first dip of his tongue inside you, your hands flew to the wooden headboard, holding onto it so tightly that you worried it might splinter.
“Bucky, oh my god.” You moan, letting your right hand float down to tangle in his hair as he licks a line from your entrance, through your folds, and straight to your clit. When he finally starts licking and sucking the sensitive bundle of nerves there, you know you won’t last long like this. Moans and whimpers start falling from your lips freely, spurring Bucky on and encouraging him to hold you in place as he works you closer and closer to the edge. “I’m going to cum.”
Bucky almost laughs against your clit, but he controls himself and continues sucking and swirling his tongue right where you need it most. He almost laughed because of how fucking easy it was to get you on the verge of cumming for him. He knew he was good at this, but he didn’t know you’d be so ready and willing for him to please you. When you go tumbling over the edge, waves of pleasure rock through you so hard that you nearly put all of your weight on Bucky’s face. Truthfully, he would’ve welcomed it, but he also has other plans that he wants to carry out.
As you hover above Bucky, catching your breath and trying to calm your trembling thighs, Bucky places a soft kiss against your clit before sliding his hands up to your waist and helping you move to lay on your back next to him.
“That was number one.” He whispers, crawling over you and pressing his lips against your jawline. He lets the tip of his tongue slide over your cheek teasingly, and when he nears your lips, you can nearly taste yourself on him. He uses his knee to nudge your legs apart while continuing his ministrations along your jaw and neck, drawing soft exhales from you with ease.
“Let me catch my breath first.” You laugh lightly. Bucky’s fingers are already diving between your legs, gently slipping back and forth over your folds as he gathers your wetness and spreads it around.
“That wasn’t something you put on the list, catching your breath after any of the three orgasms.” Bucky points out, focusing the pads of his middle and ring fingers over your already overly-sensitive clit and applying a light pressure. “I think you can handle this.” He coos. Fuck. Your back is already arching, causing your tits to press against his still-clothed chest. You start to wonder why the hell he still has his clothes on, but your train of thought is immediately derailed when you feel his middle finger slip inside of you without a warning. It’s been so long since anyone has done this to you, and even since you’ve taken the time to do it to yourself, so the stretch that you feel gives you a stinging pain that causes you to draw in a sharp breath and tighten around his fingertip. “Oh, you’re so fucking tight. How are you going to be able to take my cock, huh baby?” You aren’t sure what gets the loudest moan out of you, his finger plunging into you as far as he can send it or his words. He plans to fuck you.
“I’ll take it.” You promise, not even thinking about what you’re promising. Bucky chuckles lowly before pulling his finger out of you and shoving it back in, beginning to fuck you with it over and over again.
“You’ll take it.” Bucky agrees, adding a second finger as he looks down into your eyes and watches the way your teeth once again sink into your bottom lip. “You’ll take it if you want that last thing on your list.”
Bucky Barnes promising to cum inside of you is the very last thing you expected to get for Christmas. It’s only a couple of minutes later when he’s thrusting his two fingers in and out of you in such a coordinated manner that you’re seconds from another orgasm. Bucky curling his fingers inside of you is what sends you careening over the edge, your second orgasm crashing in so hard that you reach down and grasp Bucky’s hand, holding it still as you roll your hips, riding your high out on his fingers yourself. He’s in awe of you. He’s in awe of every little movement, every little sound, everything you do as you cum for him.
“That’s number two.” Bucky whispers against your neck, pressing a soft kiss to your smooth skin as you finally release his hand and let him slide his fingers out of you. As soon as your breathing begins to slow back to a normal rate, Bucky is pushing himself off of the bed and pulling his sweatshirt over his head. You prop yourself up on your elbows, taking in the curve of his shoulders, the soft scars where vibranium meets skin, and the heaving of his chest. When he pushes off his sweats and boxers, letting his cock spring free from its confines and finally stand fully on display for you, your mouth falls open. “Remember, you said you’d take it.” Bucky reminds you, wrapping his hand around the impressive length and stroking it slowly as he crawls back over you on the bed. “Turn over.”
Once he has you laying on your stomach, he leans down over you, letting his warm chest press against your bare back. You feel his hard cock resting against your ass as he inhales the sweet scent of your shampoo, closing his eyes and wondering to himself if you’ve always smelled this damn good. The next few seconds are both a blur and seemingly happening in slow motion as Bucky guides you to slide your knees underneath you and raise your ass up for him. Feeling the head of his cock brush against your entrance has you seeing stars, not even from pleasure, but from anticipation and pure adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Bucky, please.” You moan, pushing your ass against his length, begging for him to fuck you already. He chuckles lowly once again but obliges, rubbing the tip of his cock back and forth through the wetness coating your folds a few more times before finally slotting his cock into you. You feel every inch as it disappears inside you. You feel it move in the slightest every time Bucky so much as takes a breath. He buries himself to the hilt and then stills, his breath fanning across your neck as you bury your face in your pillow. The grunt that rumbles past his lips sends a rush of heat through your body, traveling straight to your cunt, which then flutters around his shaft.
“Oh, fuck, baby.” He groans out, squeezing his eyes shut and dragging his cock out of you slowly. When he thrusts it back in a second later, he can’t bear to stop again. He starts fucking you so hard that you can’t do a damn thing besides moaning out his name and gripping the bedsheets with both hands. It’s a sight Bucky vows never to forget. “This is what you wanted for Christmas, huh? Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes! God, yes, Bucky.” He loves the way you sound when you’re at his mercy like this. He picks up the pace of the snapping of his hips, watching as your knuckles turn nearly as white as the sheets he’s fucking you on.
“That’s it, take my fucking cock just like that.” Never in your wildest dreams could you have conjured up with a dirty talking Bucky Barnes. He’s filthy. He continues thrusting into you, over and over, relishing in the feeling of your pussy pulling him back in every time he tries to pull out. “You’re going to let me cum inside of you, aren’t you? That’s what you want for Christmas.”
“Yes, please. Fuck, don’t pull out.”
“Good girl, that’s it baby.”  Just a few more thrusts from Bucky have you fighting to hold back your orgasm, and he can tell. “Don’t fucking keep it from me, let it go.” He demands, gripping your hips and pounding you into the mattress. Your third orgasm of the night begins with his cock fully seated inside of you. He fucks you through it, chasing his own high as he listens to the dirtiest sounds fall from your parted lips. “Fuck, I’m cumming.” He says the words only half a second before he starts filling you up, fucking his cum in as deep as he possibly can.
A couple of minutes later, Bucky is still laying on top of you, pressing soft kisses to your shoulder and neck as you enjoy the warmth and closeness he offers.
“That was number three.” He whispers, letting his lips ghost over your skin.
“Thank you, Santa.”
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alessiasfreckles · 5 months
too in love to think straight
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Alessia always thought she was straight, until y/n joined the team. Y/n has a crush on Alessia, but is far too shy to do anything about it. Their meddling teammates decide to help them out.
warnings: none!
A/N: based off this prompt! longest fic yet at almost 4k words, so thank you for the prompt, it definitely helped the writer's block!
Alessia Russo was straight. Straight as a ruler. Sometimes her teammates joked about it, teasing her for being a heterosexual female footballer, one of a kind. She had never let the jokes they made get to her, always brushing them off, not even giving them a second thought. After all, she was straight, wasn’t she?
She watched you in training, sometimes. Not in a creepy way or anything, just in a… ‘wanting to know more about you’ way. Alessia was fascinated by you, even if she couldn’t quite explain why. You had joined the team a month ago and had already earned a reputation for being extremely shy and quiet. Sometimes your teammates would place bets on who could get you to say more than a single sentence that day, which you didn’t mind, really. You knew they weren’t doing it to be mean, and that they’d stop if you asked. Despite how shy you were, you’d already found your place in the team and felt comfortable there. The girls were your friends, even if you didn’t talk much. 
You were warming up in training, your hand on Steph’s shoulder as you swung your leg back and forth, when she said something that made you start giggling. The sound nearly made Alessia trip over her own feet, and when she looked up to see you grinning at Steph, she felt something flutter in her stomach.
That was normal, right? That was a thing that happened to straight people? She just really wanted to be friends with you, that was all. Right?
As the days went by, she started making an effort to talk to you more. She would coincidentally finish getting changed at the same time as you, meaning the two of you ended up walking together quite often. 
“So, um, how are you settling in?” she asked the first time it happened. 
“Good,” you said, smiling shyly. 
“That’s good! I settled in pretty quickly too, the girls are so nice and welcoming here, you know? I had been worried when I moved that it was going to take me ages to feel at home, but now it feels like I’ve been here forever!” she rambled, and then laughed awkwardly. “Oh, sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“No, it’s okay,” you glanced up at her and gave her another smile, blushing slightly, and she smiled back. 
From then on, she found herself thinking about your smile a lot. She would look for you during training, hoping to catch a glimpse of it. It was even better when it was directed at her. 
“So we can all agree that Lessi definitely has a thing for y/n, right?” Steph said in the changing room to the few teammates that were still getting ready after the two of you had (completely coincidentally, of course) left at the same time once again. 
“Wait, I thought she was straight?” Kyra asked.
“Nah, y/n’s gay,” Jen piped up. “I mean, she doesn’t really talk about it much, but she posts about pride month on instagram and stuff, and we talked about what going to pride for the first time was like a couple weeks ago.”
“No, I know y/n is gay,” Kyra said, exasperated. “I meant Lessi. She’s like, the token straight in the team.”
“Yeah, I have a feeling that our token straight isn’t as straight as we thought. Or as she thought, for that matter,” Steph grinned. “Have you seen the way she follows y/n around? Like a lovesick puppy.”
“Maybe someone should try and find out if y/n feels the same way,” Jen suggested, a sly look on her face. “Ky, you should do it.”
“What?! No way,” Steph laughed. “Ky can’t keep her mouth shut to save her life.”
“Hey!” the younger Australian protested. “Actually, yeah she’s right. I would definitely just ask her outright if she’s interested in Less. Kinda get the feeling that we might need subtlety to get that kind of info out of her.”
Just then, Viv walked back into the changing room. “What are you guys doing in here? Come on, we’re all waiting for you.”
“Viv!” Steph exclaimed. “You’d be perfect for our plan!”
“What plan?” she asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, so you’ve noticed how Less has a crush on y/n, too, right?” Jen said, grinning. “Well, we want to find out if the feeling is mutual. But, you know, since y/n’s so shy we figured that just asking outright isn’t the right approach. So…. that’s where you come in!”
“Really, guys?” Viv said, looking unimpressed. “That’s their business.”
“Oh, come on, Viv,” Steph pleaded. “Look, we all know there’s no way y/n would make any moves herself, and Less probably hasn’t even realised she likes her yet.”
Viv sighed. “I guess you have a point. But I’m not going to push her, okay? If she doesn’t want to tell me, that’s fine.”
“Oooh, this is so exciting!” Kyra squealed, clapping her hands. “Oh, but remember to be subtle!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Viv said, rolling her eyes. “Now come on, everyone’s waiting.”
“So, um, you’re very much straight, right?” Alessia asked Ella as they had one of their weekly facetime calls. 
“Ha, yeah, unfortunately,” Ella grinned. “Why, you interested?”
“Yeah, yeah, very funny,” the blonde rolled her eyes. “As, y’know, a straight person, would you say it’s normal to, um, think about another girl? A lot?”
“Right, tell me everything,” Ella said, getting comfy. “Who is it?”
Alessia groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Y/n. The newbie?”
“Aw, yeah, she’s cute!” 
“Okay, so you think she’s cute too! So, it’s a perfectly normal thing to think about someone, isn’t it?” 
“Well, that depends,” Ella said with a grin. “Do you think she’s cute in a completely platonic way or in a ‘she’s cute and i want to kiss her and have sex and get married and have babies’ way?”
“Oh my god, Ella!” Alessia groaned again.
Ella laughed. “Okay, so it’s the second one.”
“I don’t know, maybe?” the blonde blushed at the thought, but had to admit to herself that it wasn’t the first time she’d thought about kissing you. “So, it’s not something straight people think about?”
“Nope,” Ella smirked. 
Okay, so maybe Alessia was as straight as one of those bendy rulers the cool kids had in high school.
“Ugh, what do I do?” she asked.
“I mean, you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” Ella said gently. “Like, about maybe not being straight, or about y/n.”
“Okay but,” Alessia started, then sighed. “Yeah, I don’t know if I want to do anything about the maybe not being straight bit. But, the y/n bit, I just, I don’t know! She’s just really fucking cute and like, really shy but when she does talk you can tell that she’s really smart and observant, and she has the cutest laugh, oh my god, the first time I heard it I nearly fell over, and I just want to be the one to make her laugh, you know? And like, I want to get to know her better. I want to know what she does when she gets home from training, what her favourite TV show is, what her family is like.”
“Well,” her best friend said. “Kind of seems like you do know what you want to do about y/n. You want to get to know her and make her laugh. Those seem like very achievable goals!”
“Yeah, I suppose,” the blonde said, frowning. Those were pretty achievable goals, actually. And technically she wouldn’t even be doing anything about her… well, her crush. She would just be getting to know her teammate. “Yeah. Thanks, Ella.”
“Anytime!” Ella said with a wide grin. “But as soon as this goes anywhere, I want to be the first to know, okay?”
Alessia let out a laugh, feeling much better after having talked to the brunette. “Deal.”
A few days later, you were walking on the treadmill in the gym when Viv joined the treadmill next to you. You smiled at her, not thinking much of it, and when she gestured for you to take your headphones out you did. 
“Shit, sorry, I hate it when people try talking to me when I have headphones in,” she cringed, laughing sheepishly.
“It’s fine,” you said with a small smile. You liked Viv. She was quiet too, but more confident than you were. 
“I just wanted to check in, see how you were feeling. You’ve been here for what, 5, 6 weeks now?”
“5 weeks today,” you said, and she nodded. “I’m feeling good. I really like it here. Everyone has been really welcoming.”
She smiled, and it was genuine. She really did want to know if you were settling in okay. “That’s great! I’m happy to hear that. Beth will be too.”
“You two really are the mums of the team,” you teased softly.
“Ha, yeah, people say that a lot,” Viv said with a laugh. The two of you jogged quietly for a minute before she spoke up again. “So, I noticed you and Lessi have been hanging out a lot lately.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you said, blush quickly rising your cheeks. “She’s, um, really nice.”
“She’s pretty new here, too,” the older player said offhandedly, glancing over at you. “Maybe she can show you some good spots in the area?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” you said, feeling your cheeks burn as you looked down at the treadmill, not wanting to meet Viv’s eye.
“I’m glad you’re making friends here, y/n,” Viv said with a kind smile, and you nodded.
“Okay, yeah, she has a crush on Less,” Viv announced to the girls in the changing room. It was the same group as before, Kyra, Steph and Jen, plus Katie, Leah, and Beth, who had gotten involved now too. 
“Oh my god, that’s so cute!” Steph gushed. “Wait, did she tell you that? Just like that?”
“No, of course not,” Viv said, rolling her eyes. “But trust me, okay? She likes her.”
“Alright,” Steph said, happy to believe her. “So, what’s the next step?”
“Guys, come on, you can’t meddle in this!” Leah said, standing up. “They have to figure it out for themselves!” 
“Aw, come on, Lee,” Katie said with a grin. “Surely a little push is okay? After all, there’s no way y/n is gonna do anything about it. And we’re still not sure Less even knows she likes her.”
Leah stood there for a minute, arms crossed, before sighing. “Fine, a little meddling is okay. But nothing big, alright?”
The girls grinned excitedly and got to planning.
Jonas clapped his hands, getting everyone’s attention. 
“Okay, ladies, I want you to partner up for this next one!” 
The team was close enough that things like this didn’t make you feel the same dread that it did in P.E. in high school. Partnering up now meant partnering up with any of your friends, not waiting anxiously to see if you were chosen. Still, you waited to see if anyone did choose you. 
Alessia sidled up to you with a smile. “Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” you replied, smiling back.
Behind your back, Steph and Katie shot each other a knowing look and a grin. 
“I meant to tell you, you played really well on Sunday,” the blonde said with pink cheeks. You weren’t sure if it was from the cold air or if she was blushing. 
“Oh, thank you!” you ducked your head, blushing a little. “So did you.”
“Thanks,” she smiled. “So, um, did you have a nice weekend? Aside from the game, I mean.”
You nodded. “Yeah, it was good. I just stayed home and relaxed.”
“Yeah? What did you get up to?” she asked, eager to know more about you, but realised she might be pushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry-
“It’s okay,” you said, cutting her off and placing a hand on her arm, and she blushed at the gesture. “I didn’t really get up to much, to be honest. I watched some TV, read a bit, did some puzzles, baked a little. And the boring stuff, like doing some washing, cleaning. But I guess the other stuff is kind of boring too.” 
“No, it’s not! It’s interesting! I like learning about you,” she said quickly, then blushed deeper pink. “Um, what kind of puzzles? Like, jigsaw puzzles?”
You laughed gently. “Oh, no, like, um, puzzle books? Things like sudoku, crosswords, that kind of thing. It’s my guilty pleasure,” you admitted.
“Wow, so you’re smart, then,” she teased with a laugh. 
“Girls! Less chatting, more moving!” Jonas shouted across the field at the two of you.
“Oops,” Alessia said, grinning. “I guess he has a point.”
As you were walking back to the changing rooms after training, Jen came up from behind, clapping both of you on the back.
“Right girls, monthly movie night on Friday,” she said. “You in?”
You waited a beat to see Alessia’s reaction, before nodding.
“Great! Less, we good to do it at your place?” 
The blonde rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “Do I really have a choice?”
“Nope,” Jen said with a grin. “Thanks, Less!”
She ran off, yelling to Katie that movie night was good to go, and Alessia laughed. “I’m not sure why they’ve picked my place,” she said, shrugging. “Personally I think Beth and Viv’s place is the best for movie nights. Plus, any excuse to see Myle, right?”
You nodded, smiling. You’d gone to one movie night at Beth and Viv’s place, a couple weeks after you joined the club. You’d been in awe of how close knit the team was, wanting to be a part of it, but not sure how. You hadn’t really said much that time, opting to sit on the corner of the sofa, watching everyone else around you.
“You’ll come too, right?” Alessia asked, her voice hopeful, and you felt your heart skip when you realised she was hoping that you would come, hoping you’d be at her place. 
“Yeah!” you said, trying not to sound too eager. 
“Good!” she said, sounding relieved. 
For the next few days, you couldn’t stop thinking about the upcoming movie night. You knew it wasn’t a big deal, really. After all, it was a bigger group of the girls that were going to be there, not just the two of you. Still, that alone was a scary thought. You preferred your own company, or the company of just a few people rather than a big group. 
Despite knowing that the evening was in no way a special occasion, you decided to dress a little nicer than you normally would for a night in (meaning you wore the slightly nicer leggings rather than the stained jogging bottoms you used as pjs half the time), putting your favourite perfume on to give you a boost of confidence. As you got closer to Alessia’s house, though, your stomach started tying itself in knots. You forced yourself to keep going despite how nervous you felt about being at the other player’s home for the first time, and rang the doorbell. 
“Y/n, hi!” Alessia said, beaming when she opened the door. “Come in! Oh, you can leave your shoes and coat over there, if you want.”
She wouldn’t admit it, but she was nervous too. She’d spent far longer than usual tidying and preparing for the evening, and had swapped out the decorative cushions on her sofa three times before giving up. 
“Am I early?” you asked when you realised you were the only one there. 
“No, don’t worry! Some of the others just have a habit of being late. Half the time I tell Katie an earlier time than we’re actually planning, just so she shows up on time. Speak of the devil,” she said with a grin when another car pulled up outside.
20 minutes later, the others had all arrived as well. It was a smaller group than last time, just 9 of you, though you weren’t sure how many more than that would be able to fit into Alessia’s living room. You were a little disappointed when Katie arrived so soon after you had, enjoying the short-lived one on one time you were spending with her. 
Meanwhile, Alessia and Leah were in the kitchen, getting drinks for everyone.
“So, you and y/n have been spending a lot of time together,” Leah said casually. “What’s that about?”
Alessia blushed. “We’re… friends?”
“Is that right?” Leah said with a knowing grin.
“Okay, fine,” Alessia said, easily giving in to Leah’s knowing look. She glanced over her shoulder, checking that the kitchen door was closed before continuing. “I just think that she’s really cute, okay? And yeah, maybe I want to kiss her, so what?”
Suddenly she was being hugged tightly by Leah. “This is so exciting!” the older blonde squealed, making sure to keep her voice down. “You should tell her.”
“What?! No way,” Alessia laughed, shaking her head. “I have no idea if she feels the same way!”
“Oh, come on, she definitely does!” Leah insisted. “Haven’t you noticed that you’re, like, one of the only people y/n talks to on a daily basis? Full conversations, too!”
“Pfft, that doesn’t mean anything,” the younger player said, frowning. Did it mean something?
Leah sighed. “If you say so. Just remember, though: tonight is for your own good.” she said with a wink, and left the kitchen before Alessia could ask what the hell she was on about.
She started to get an idea about 15 minutes, when Steph, Kyra and Jen all got a text message and mysteriously had to leave. 5 minutes after that, Beth checked her phone and, not particularly convincingly, said, “Oh, the neighbour has just messaged me that she can hear Myle going crazy, we should head home and check on her.”.
Alessia raised an eyebrow. It didn’t take long for Leah and Katie to make up a similar excuse. The door swung closed behind them, and she turned to smile at you sheepishly. 
“And then there were two,” she said. “Sorry, I’m not sure what all that was about. This isn’t how movie nights usually go.”
“If I’m being honest, I’m kind of glad it’s just the two of us, rather than a big group,” you admitted shyly, internally cursing the blush you could already feel rising to your cheeks.
“Me too,” Alessia said with a smile. Before she could get another word out, however, the bluetooth speaker she kept in her training bag next to the door started blaring Love Story by Taylor Swift. The song was accompanied by a couple of car headlights flashing outside the window and some honks, and when the two of you looked out you could see Katie grinning from her car before she sped off, cutting off the music when she left the range of the speaker.
“Right, well, I feel like she didn’t quite think that through,” Alessia laughed, shaking her head at your teammates’ antics. 
Your cheeks were pink and thoughts were rushing through your mind. Did they know you liked her? Was that why they’d picked that song? And why they’d all left?
Alessia’s phone buzzed, and she checked it to find a message from Leah, saying ‘Just tell her! You’ve got this!! x’. She quickly turned her phone off again when you glanced over, and gestured towards the TV, where the film the girls had picked was still playing. 
“Want to keep watching?”
“Sure,” you nodded, though really you weren’t that interested. If it meant you got to hang out with Alessia longer though, you were all for it. You both sat down and started watching the film again, but it didn’t take long for the two of you to start chatting, the film playing in the background. 
“It’s good that your family were so supportive when you came out,” Alessia said.
“Yeah, they were really sweet, actually. To be honest, I kind of think they expected it, you know? Being a female footballer and all that,” you said, then quickly blushed, realising what you’d said. “Not that, um, all female footballers are gay, of course, I mean, I know you’re, um-”
She laughed gently, blushing a little. “It’s okay, I know what you mean. I think my family were actually surprised, really, when I never showed any interest in girls,” Up until now, she thought. “I’m just gonna, um, get a drink, do you want anything?”
“Oh, no, that’s okay, thank you,” you said quickly, not wanting to make extra work for her. 
Grinning, she picked up your empty glass anyway and took it to the kitchen with her. When she was in there, she pulled out her phone, quickly texting Leah, ‘I don’t know how to tell her!’. She anxiously bit her lip as she waited for a reply, not realising that the water was overflowing in the glass. She swore under her breath when she realised, but was quickly distracted when a reply came through. ‘Tell her how you feel! That’s all you have to do x’. Well. That wasn’t particularly helpful.
She went back into the living room and set the glasses down on the coffee table. 
“So, when did you know you liked girls?” she asked, taking a sip of water.
“I think I always knew, really. I was just never that interested in boys, and I had a huge crush on a girl in my P.E. class in high school.”
“Oh, is that your type then? Sporty girls?” she teased, and you blushed. “Has, um, anyone caught your eye here then?”
“I, uh, I-” you stammered, cheeks burning. 
She laughed nervously. “Sorry, I’m teasing. Um, actually, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
You could feel your heart pounding as you wondered where this was going. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, I- well, I don’t think I am, um, straight, after all. At least, there’s at least one girl that I am interested in,” she said, sucking in a breath and looking at you with bright eyes. “You.”
“Me?” you squeaked, brain struggling to process what she was telling you. 
“I’m so sorry if I’ve made this awkward, if you don’t feel the same way, I’ve never done this before with a girl, and I really didn’t mean to make things awkward, we can just stay friends if you want, I’m so so happy to just be your friend as well-” Alessia rambled, barely pausing to take a breath until you put a hand on her leg, making her stop.
“I’m, um, interested in you, too,” you said shyly, unable to meet her gaze. There was a part of you that was still wondering if this was all a big joke. When Alessia’s hand cupped your cheek, you started to feel pretty sure it wasn’t.
“Really?” she asked, lifting your head so she could look you in the eyes.
“Really,” you told her.
You both leant in, gravitating towards one another, and you could barely breathe. You’d thought about this moment, dreamt about it. Whenever the two of you exchanged glances at training, when she laughed at something you said, when your hands brushed as you walked next to each other, you’d think about what it would be like to kiss her.
Now you were finally going to find out.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Okay so @willowworkswithwords sent me this fucking perfect prompt about Steve casually mentioning how much of an asshole his dad is is during a movie night at the Munsons and Wayne immediately shifting into Concerned mode, and I almost finished the thing but then tumblr glitched and i lost it to the void forever. I learned my lesson to never save anything to tumblr without backup ever again, buuut here it finally is:
Wayne first met Steve Harrington long before Eddie officially started dating the boy. He figured out that his nephew was head over heels before Eddie himself did. He hadn't been too thrilled about it, at first. In his experience, boys like Steve Harrington, with his big car and neatly ironed polo shirts, could only want two things from boys like his Eddie: drugs and secret encounters in the dark before he'd finally follow the path that was perfectly mapped out for him by his parents. But it didn't take him too long before he admitted that he had misjudged the boy. He noticed it even before Eddie himself did: Steve Harrington had fallen like a brick for his nephew, and he was in it for the long run.
He mostly met the boy in passing, whenever he'd come home from his night shift while Steve was just leaving the trailer park, or when he'd be heading out to get to work at the same time as Steve came by to pick up Eddie for a date or to hang out with that group of freshmen that Eddie would never stop talking about. The boy was always perfectly polite to him, calling him things like Sir and Mister, apologizing for being in his space and thanking him for the most ridiculous little things. Wayne thought it was a bit much, but he supposed that it was just how the boy had been raised, all formal and uptight. There was something behind it, however, a certain guarded look in his eyes, that always gave Wayne this uncomfortable feeling in his gut. He didn't quite understand what that was all about – until the three of them were having a movie night in the trailer on one of Wayne's nights off.
The two boys were all over each other on the couch, their legs entangled and their fingers intertwined, with their heads as close together as if they'd die if they wouldn't be breathing the exact same air. It made Wayne wish he had a camera on him; instead, he tried to imprint the picture into his memory.
He didn't care too much for the movie, which was about some rich teenage girl trying to break free from the restrictive uptown life that was suffocating her by getting herself some no-good boyfriend in a leather jacket – who Steve and Eddie enthusiastically agreed was a “hot piece of ass.” The main bad guy was the girl's dad, a character who checked off all the rich asshole dad stereotypes: suit that made him look bigger than he actually was, wife who let herself be bossed around by him at all times, and that kind of undefinable charisma, which made everyone else feel like all the air had left the room whenever he'd walk in.
'He kinda reminds me of my dad,' said Steve while leaning forward to get himself a handful of popcorn. It was just an innocent, offhand remark, and sounded perfectly nonchalant – but as he said it, the camera zoomed in on the girl's face to convey one single emotion: fear.
Steve leaned back into the couch and stuffed his mouth full of popcorn, getting crumbs all over his shirt and seemingly not noticing how both Wayne and Eddie had frozen by his remark.
Wayne met his nephew's wide-eyed gaze over the top of Steve's big hair. Wayne wasn't exactly a talkative person, and over the years in which Eddie had been living with him, they had perfected the art of silent communication, not needing more than some looks and gestures to have complete conversations with each other.
Wayne raised an eyebrow at Eddie, which meant something along the lines of Did you know about this?
Eddie responded with a barely-visible nod.
Wayne made a sideways movement with his head. Why didn't you tell me?
Eddie shrugged. It wasn't my place to tell, that meant.
Wayne nodded at him and turned his gaze back to the screen, but he was too preoccupied with other thoughts to properly shift his attention back to the plot.
'You wanna stay over?' Eddie asked Steve when the movie was finished.
Steve's eyes immediately flashed to Wayne's corner, that familiar guarded look in them. 'Um... Would you – would it be okay if I stayed the night, sir?'
'You can stay whenever you like, son,' said Wayne. 'And stop calling me sir, alright?'
'Alright, yeah, okay, sorry sir,' Steve stammered, which made Eddie burst into loud laughter. Wayne merely shook his head and got up from his chair.
He never sat Steve down for some official talk about his asshole dad – that wasn't his style anyway. He preferred conveying the message by little gestures: calling him “son” whenever he had the chance, refusing to be called “sir” ever again, giving him a key to the trailer, inviting him over to watch basketball together, taking him fishing when they both had a day off work... After a while, that guarded look finally disappeared from the boy's face. But it returned a couple months later, when Steve accidentally called Wayne “dad” in a distracted moment. Wayne didn't say anything about it; he merely gave the boy a pat on his shoulder to let him know it was okay. He didn't mind getting called “dad” by Steve Harrington for one bit.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
requesting "don't test me" with lucifer (and then she does)
ty i luv u
Hello, anon!
Okay, so the prompt was "Don't tempt me," but I still had him tell MC not to test him, so we got a bit of both lol. Also I know you didn't necessarily indicate an AFAB reader, but that's what I ended up doing. Hopefully that's okay!
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AFAB!MC x Lucifer with prompt "Don't tempt me."
Warnings: cockwarming, penetration (reader receiving)
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Once again, Lucifer found himself sitting at his desk doing paperwork late into the night. Everyone else in the house was either asleep or quiet in their rooms. For once, he could focus on the pile of work he still had to get through.
And he did focus, even though you were sitting on his lap with his cock snugly inside you.
Lucifer would never admit it, but he had a tendency to indulge you. When you came into his office earlier that night to sit with him, he didn’t protest. Your presence made him feel content and he enjoyed having you near him. But it was clear rather quickly that you did not intend to simply sit idly while he worked. And when you finally asked, Lucifer gave in after only a little bit of prodding.
That was how he ended up with his lap full of you, his arms on either side of you as he continued to work, your head leaning back on his shoulder. Your hands were on the desk, holding papers still for him as he wrote. He occasionally moved your hands where he needed them.
You had been doing so well, actually managing to stay still while he worked. But he noticed when you began to shift your hips every so often, like you were unable to hold yourself back from seeking some kind of friction. Lucifer didn’t acknowledge your movements, his pen never stopping.
Lucifer couldn’t deny that he enjoyed having you like this. The way your body clenched on his cock, sending little jolts of pleasure through him, made the hours of sitting at his desk a little more bearable. He never indicated this to you, his expression and movements remaining stoic as though he was unbothered by the way you were leaking all over him.
This went on for some time and Lucifer was actually impressed that you were able to cockwarm him for so long, only occasionally moving against him.
He still had quite the pile of work when it became evident that you were struggling with staying still. Your movements became more frequent and more obvious. You even let out a little whine that both concerned him and made his cock twitch.
When this happened, he said, “Be still, MC. As you can see I still have a lot of work to get through.”
“I’ve been still this whole time,” you said. “Can’t you take a break?”
Lucifer wanted to give into you immediately, but the paperwork on his desk taunted him. “No,” he said firmly. “I told you that you would have to wait until I’m finished and I am nowhere near done.”
You turned your head toward him, nuzzling into him and kissing his neck. You took one of your hands off his desk to reach up and run your fingers down his cheek. “Please, Lucifer…”
Lucifer grabbed your hand and put it back on his desk. “Don’t tempt me,” he said. His tone was strict, not flirty, and you sighed against him.
Lucifer managed to get through only a small amount of work before you started up again, shifting on his lap. He attempted to ignore it, not wanting to give in to you.
At this point, though, you had had enough and you very deliberately braced your hands on the desk so you could raise yourself up. Once you reached the tip of his cock, you sat back down in one swift motion. The feeling of finally having some movement inside you made you moan.
Lucifer dropped his pen and grabbed your hips, keeping you pressed to him. “Do not test my patience, MC.”
You still squirmed in his grip. “What about my patience?” you asked, letting just a hint of a whine into your voice. “I’m running out.”
“You should have considered that before you proposed this idea,” Lucifer said.
You groaned, now actively struggling against him. “Can’t you ever give in? Just once?”
Lucifer’s irritation with you peaked and he realized there was no way he would be able to finish his work when you were like this. He secretly blamed himself for giving into you to begin with, but there was no way he would let you think that.
Lucifer lifted you easily as he stood up from his chair, pushing you down over his desk. There was still paperwork beneath you, but he didn’t bother to move it out of the way. In that moment, he no longer cared.
Lucifer leaned over you, pressing close to your ear. “I hope this is what you wanted, MC.”
Lucifer didn’t give you the chance to answer as he stood back up, keeping one hand on your hip.
He put his other hand on the small of your back, keeping you in place as he began to thrust. He was not gentle, he was far past that, and the sounds of your whimpers only made him go faster.
You squirmed under him, no doubt overwhelmed by how deep he was inside you, hitting hard with every thrust, your body bouncing as he ramped up the pace and intensity. He was lost in your heat, feeling only the sweetness of you around him, his own pleasure building as he moved in you. The sound and scent of your arousal made him a little dizzy.
Your noises became louder as your orgasm approached, your hands gripping the desk, moving the papers that were still beneath you.
You cried out as your climax hit, your cum coating his dick as he clenched your hip hard, the hand on your back pressing down roughly.
And then Lucifer stopped moving.
You stayed sprawled over the desk, your cheek pressed against some stray paper, breathing hard as you slowly came down from your high.
After a moment you looked back over your shoulder. Lucifer frowned at you, his cock still hard inside you.
“Will you be able to sit still now?” he asked.
Lucifer lifted you from his desk, sitting back down in his chair and settling you in his lap the way he had you before. He picked up one of your hands, his fingers gently rubbing against a smudge of ink there before he placed it on top of his papers again.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Lucifer wrapped his arms around your waist and gently kissed your neck.
“I only need you to hold on a little longer,” he said quietly into your ear. “Having you here like this makes it easier for me to get through all of this work. If you can hold me until I’m finished, I will be at your mercy for the rest of the night.”
Lucifer knew what saying this to you would do and he was pleased to feel you shudder slightly. You were likely imagining him carrying you to his room, catering to your every whim, giving into you entirely, letting you have whatever you wanted from him. It wasn’t something he did often. But every once in a while, he let himself be vulnerable with you.
You re-positioned yourself for a moment, then let out a soft sigh. You put your hands on the desk, settling them back on the papers for him. “How can I say no to that?”
Lucifer chuckled, repositioning your hands a little before picking up his pen. “I will endeavor to get through the remainder quickly so I can take care of you properly.”
You settled in, your body still tired and throbbing from the orgasm you had bent over his desk. You took the time to rest as well as you could with his cock still inside you, knowing you would need your energy for later.
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ctrlsht · 1 year
Don’t Blame Me | sugar daddy!jungkook one-shot au
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pairing: sd!jungkook x reader genre: one-shot & yandere au
summary: You can have everything you want and need as long as you have Jeon Jungkook by your side. You were enjoying everything that Jungkook gives you and as long as you’re with him. You’re sure to yourself that you will never fail him but he was the one who failed you. Everything is fine until he gets too much. 
content  & warnings: sugar daddy & ceo jk, college reader, toxic & manipulative behavior, unhealthy behavior, possessive & obsessive jk, yandere, bitchy reader, jk sabotaging reader’s career. word count: 12.9K
request prompt
disclaimer: This is pure fiction and I do not condone the acts of Jeon Jungkook in the story. All events and occurrences in here are all fictional and all are part of my imagination.
a/n: to the one who requested this, I hope you’ll like it! 
It happened again. You were so busy that you are starting to forget him again. Your reasons were always valid considering that you’re in your 3rd year college yet he can’t seem to accept it. He doesn’t know if he’s just overthinking but he can’t ignore the fact that something was off. 
He read your message once again before he closed his phone. 
Y/N: Can’t make it to dinner tonight, still have to finish my research paper. Sorry babeee
It was your third time using that excuse for you not to make it to dinner. He’s been inviting you for a week already to have dinner with him yet you always refuse and you’ve already used that excuse a lot of times. This happened before and it didn’t end well. He didn’t want it to happen again. 
He rubbed his palm on his face and he brushed his fingers on his hair before he loosened up his necktie. Anxiety of fear is penetrating his body.
He doesn’t know what went wrong because he gave everything to you. Everything you want and everything you need even though you didn’t ask for it. He wanted to make sure that you’ll stay with him and you’ll never leave him yet he got the feeling that you’re falling apart once again. 
He opened his phone as he looked for your location and his overthinking got worse. Your location said that you’re not in your apartment but in a cafe. His heart beats rapidly and his hands are starting to shake. 
Why are you there and who’s with you? 
Jungkook breathes heavily as he immediately stands up from his chair and grabs his coat beside him as he leaves his office.
The thing about you is that Jungkook couldn’t read you most of the time. He can’t predict what’s really inside the pretty head of yours and he can’t see what’s behind those smiles that you always show him. You’re always good with your words but he can’t seem to see the sincerity of it. You always made him doubt you. 
You always made him feel that you can leave him anytime you want and that’s the reality that he’s avoiding to happen. 
When the day you entered his life, he knew to himself that he will make sure you will never leave.
His heart was beating aggressively when he stopped at the cafe you’re in. He looked at the glass window if you’re visible but you’re not. He grabs his phone to check once again if you’re still inside and it’s clear that you are. You’re meters away from him. 
He got out of his black Chevrolet corvette and when he entered the cafe, a lot of eyes were on him. People, especially women, were too stunned to see him. It wasn’t surprising the fact that he has such a good appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. But he didn’t have time to think of how a lot of eyes were on him because his own eyes were looking around to spot you. However, the cafe was spacious and there were a lot of people. Majority of the customers were students or a group of people hanging out. The cafe was actually busy yet the surroundings were calm. It wasn't as rowdy as normal. 
The lights of the cafe were bright enough to finally spot you. Your back is facing him but he already knows that it’s you. And you’re with someone. A guy that he doesn’t know. 
He felt like a needle prick his heart and he can’t seem to control his emotion right now. 
His eyes were glued on you as he walked towards you. You have your laptop in front of you with a coffee on the side. You haven’t noticed him and the guy that is the one facing Jungkook is the first one to notice him. When he sees him looking at you, he slowly taps your hands to get your attention. 
“Y/N.” Jungkook calls you out. You remove your airpods on your right ear as you look at the person in front of you and when you see him looking at your side, you turn your head and you are surprised that Jungkook is standing in front of you. 
You stand up from your seat to level him and you swallow down when you realize that he doesn’t look pleased. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked him as he tilted his head and glanced at the guy sitting in front of you.
“I’m here to fetch you. Did you forget?” He responded as the side of his lips raised. 
He doesn’t like the reaction that he’s seeing in you right now. You look so dense and it felt like he caught you red handed. The way your eyes move rapidly indicates that you don’t want him to be in here right now and as he realized that, he felt like his heart was crumbling. 
“Didn’t you receive my message? I messaged you like an hour ago.” You picked up your phone from the table to check whether you have sent the message and before you can even open the chat box, he caught your hand.
“I did not. But I’m now here, babe. We can go now.” He forced a smile and you narrowed your eyebrow in confusion. 
“Gguk I can’t—
He hates it. He hates it so much that you can instantly reject him in front of everyone. In front of a guy that he doesn’t even know. You never acted this way when both of you are together but right now, you act like you don’t wanna be with him and he can’t take it. 
“Look, I’ll finish this up in a min—
“I’ll be the one to finish that. Please let’s go.” He cuts you off once again as he caresses both of your hands.
The longer that he’s in here, the more suffocated he gets and the moment that you decline him again, he’ll lose it. 
You pressed your lips as you turned your gaze to Yuan—your research partner and after a few seconds, you sigh. You released your hands on his hold and you picked up your things. 
“Finish your parts and I’ll finish mine. Send it to me asap once you’re done. I have to go.” You said to Yuan and he just nodded while his mouth hung open. You walk through Jungkook and you already know that he’s following you. He keeps on calling your name and you ignore it until you reach his car. You put your things first as you hop in and you were about to close the door when he already did it for you. 
“Baby.” Is the first thing he said after a long silence between the two of you.
“A-are you… Mad?” He asked in his low and soft voice like he really sounded guilty from what he just did. 
“What was that, Jungkook?” You finally spoke and annoyance is evident in your voice. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I just want us to have our dinner because we haven’t done it for weeks already.” His voice was still low and soft just like a child that was scrolled by his mom. 
He doesn’t like it when you’re mad. It rarely happens but when you did, he felt like he did really something terrible for you to get this angry. 
“It was our due date this week, Jungkook and we’re not yet done with our paper. We still have a lot of things to do and I don’t understand why you can’t understand it.” 
He’s getting anxious with how your voice sounds. You’re so pissed and he immediately regrets the actions he just did. 
You sound like you hate him now and that you regret being with him. It’s like any minute, you would open your door and leave him alone. 
By just thinking about it makes him crazy. 
He held your hands and placed them on his lips and you can feel his hands shaking.
“Y/N baby I’m sorry! I’ll promise that I’ll be the one to finish all your works I swear. You already knew that those things are only a piece of cake for me and I can finish that in no time I promise!” He speaks so fast and you feel his anxiousness within his shaking voice and hands. 
“I acted without thinking. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He added as he intertwined his fingers with yours and his lips touched the back of your hand.
He’s too scared that he has to feel you right now in order to calm his nerves because when he doesn't, you might drift away from him. 
“But seriously, Jungkook. What was that?” You asked after a long silence. 
The more that you call him by his name, the more anxious he gets because you don’t call him only by his name. 
“When I read your message—
“I thought you didn’t read them?” He looked at you in your eyes and he bites his lips. 
“I lied. I’m sorry.” He admits and you become more confused with his actions. You don’t understand what’s with him. 
“Baby, I'm uneasy and I felt that something is not right and I saw your location and I saw the guy and I don’t know, I feel like my heart will explode! Babe, I can’t sit well because you’ve been declining my invites multiple times and I don’t know what’s happening and I’m overthinking things.”
Even though he talks too fast, you understand where he’s coming from. You’ve seen this before and you know the reason why this is happening.
“So you thought that I ditched you for Yuan?” You asked, trying to hide your smile. 
“Who’s Yuan?” When he asked that, you immediately cracked up.
“Baby, who’s Yuan?” He asked once again.
“The guy I’m with. Jungkook, what the heck!” You can’t take it as you laugh so hard. 
“Babe, why are you—
“You’re getting jealous of someone you forgot! Who’s not going to laugh at that?” You speak in between your laughs. 
Your laughs continued until you realized that he doesn’t find the situation funny. Your laugh slowly fades when you see how serious he is. 
“I was just kidding! Why so serious, Ggukie?” You spoke and you clung to his arm. You still find the situation funny and you tried your best not to laugh since he’s being serious.
After  a few moments, he spoke. 
“Did you really… Ditch me?” He asked in his low and soft voice and you instantly looked at him in horror while you shook your head.
“Of course not! Why would I do that?” You respond in defense. He looked at your eyes trying to see the sincerity of your words but he’s having a hard time finding it. He looked away as he looked down and you took a deep breath.
“Babe, look at me.” You caressed his face as you moved his head to look at you. His eyes glow in the dark and you love how pleading his eyes look. 
“I understand where you’re coming from but believe me when I say that whenever I decline your invites is because I really do have to finish something. Babe, you know how I value my academics and I am aiming for a latin honor. You know that right?” You brushed your thumb off his cheek and he closed his eyes to feel your touch. 
“And Yuan? He’s just a research partner and nothing else. And please, don’t be insecure because of him. He’s nothing compared to you. And I don’t like him either.” You lean forward to kiss his forehead. 
“Don’t you ever think that I would ever like him because it’s a fucking insult. I have a standard, babe and he didn’t even meet the 1% of my standard.” You spoke in a demeaning tone before you pushed your back at the backrest. 
It was absurd that the person that Jungkook chose to feel insecure about is that Hong Yuan guy who is a nobody. First of all, he’s the idiotic person you’ve ever met. If it was not about his idiotic self, you won’t have to be in that cafe and be with him. You have to pay attention to what he’s going to do with the paper because if you don’t, you will fail with him. You would never choose to do his part and give him all the credit that he doesn’t even deserve. And second, he’s ugly as fuck. You would never choose him over the greatest Jeon Jungkook. 
You smile as you enter the fine dining restaurant where Jungkook got a reservation. You felt bad that you declined him multiple times because of your school work. You were so occupied with your academics that you made Jungkook feel neglected. But what can you do? Before you even enter into this deal with him, you clear out to yourself that your academics will still be your top priority. 
The anxiousness that Jungkook had a while ago is now replaced with a smile on his face that reaches his ears. Other than his money, his smile is your favorite thing about him. If you ever feel unhappy, his smile will make it better. It’s like a contagious virus that can penetrate into your body. 
“Y/N, did you remember when we went to Singapore and you saw the bag you wanted but the color isn’t gray?” Jungkook asked you while you were eating. 
You pause on chewing as you recall the thing that he’s talking about. 
“The LV Nano Noé bag?” You asked and you got excited when he nodded. 
“Holy shit don’t tell me–
And before you even finish your sentence, he handed you a Louis Vuitton paper bag. Your jaw drops and you slowly take it from him. 
It was really the Nano Noé mini bag that you wanted. It was a cruise 2023 collection and one of the bags you’re eyeing out. 
You already expected that he might buy it for you but you didn’t expect that it was now since it’s a limited edition bag from that collection. 
One of the things that you love to collect are luxurious bags as you believe that luxury items like bags are a great investment. Other than that, you also thought that it added elegance in you to have a bag that suits you and you are already known for always owning one. 
You also love to kill your “friends” with jealousy and bitterness towards you. You find it amusing whenever they think that they can fool you whenever they are with you but the thing that they don’t know is you wrap them in the palms of your hands. It’s unfortunate that the people you call “friends” are all fake ass bitches who're always jealous of you but there are things that you’re out of control. As much as you wanted to leave them behind, your ego couldn’t stand to be alone and to be out of friends because you find it pathetic so the only thing that you can do is to endure their shitty attitude. Well, you don’t mind though since when you’re with them, you’re always the star and they are only there to justify your main-character personality because even if you turn the world upside down, you always outclass them. 
“I super love the bag but it’s better if it’s the classic brown color.” Rae Ya, one of your “friends”, stated as she touched your bag that’s on the top of the table.
“Oh girl, you just proved to me how basic you can be.” You responded as you sip your coffee. 
Your other friends burst out laughing with your responses towards Rae Ya and you smirk when you saw how embarrassed she got.
It was another week of meeting the girls so that they can keep up with your lavish life and to play plastic with them. The only thing that motivates you to meet them is you feel the satisfaction whenever you see how envy they can get especially with this bitch called Rae Ya. It’s fucking obvious how jealous she can be and you find it entertaining to see every reaction she makes. 
“Oh how I wish to have a boyfriend like yours, Y/N.” Mitzi— one of the girls said. 
“Didn’t you have Tae-moo with you? He’s rich isn’t he?” You responded and she only rolled her eyes.
“Did you forget? I already broke up with him ages ago!” of course you would forget. You don’t even give a shit about their lives and you always forget everything they talk about. You just simply don’t care, honestly. 
“Oh yeah I remember. Condolence. Did you break up because he cheated?” You try to guess.
“Yeah. Fucking hate him so much.”
“But Tae-moo guy is hella rich isn’t he? If I were you, I wouldn't break up with him and just consume all his money. At least you still got a rich boyfriend with you.” You cross your arms as you lean back. 
“Are you saying that because that’s how you treat your boyfriend?” Eunjae said— another friend of yours.
You were caught off guard with what she said. 
“You’re not serious with Jungkook, are you?” She added. 
You suddenly ask yourself; are you taking the relationship you have with him seriously?
You suddenly laugh mentally. 
Your relationship with him isn’t a boyfriend-girlfriend thing but a sugar baby-daddy thing. It was hilarious that you made your friends believe that your relationship with Jungkook is a normal thing but it was otherwise. You will never admit it to them that you’re a sugar baby of a 29 year-old CEO of the Power Construction Corporation. The leading Construction Company in Seoul. 
Ever since you agreed on being his sugar daddy 6 months ago, your life turned out to be what you wanted. You haven’t regretted agreeing with him. Not yet. But in the present time, it’s one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. 
It’s a powerful tool to deal with your “friends” on a daily basis. You know what you want and you only grab the opportunity to make it happen. 
Being a sugar baby of Jeon Jungkook is the greatest achievement that you’ve made. Better than having a scholarship in SNU because he can practically provide your education in the same university. 
No one will ever think that you’re a sugar baby of his because with how perfect you and him look, everyone will believe that you’re a perfect couple for each other. 
“I am serious with him. But if it happens that he cheated on me, I won’t just cry and pity myself. I will use every dollar he has before I leave him penniless.” You answered. 
But he can never do that to you. He can never find someone better than you because to him, you are beyond perfection. The day he saw you in his charity gala, is the day his life now depends on you. It may be clear to you the situation you have with him but he sees you more than that. You became his world that it’s perfectly fine for him if you use him to your advantage. Anything for you. He will provide everything for you to stay with him because he may not admit it to himself, you can leave him anytime considering the situation you only have and that’s the thing that he will avoid whatever it takes. 
Even if he has to give up an opportunity for his business just for you. 
Jungkook may be whipped for you but he’s excellent when it comes to his work. Everyone admires his capabilities and believes in his principles. Other people, especially in the business industry, desire to become as wise and successful as he is; however, behind closed doors, no one knows that the only thing that can shake his knees is you. 
“The materials that will be used in that project will be supplied by the Linyang Corp. Their materials are compatible with the construction of the project.”
 Jungkook discussed with Yoona—the marketing head of the upcoming project of PCC. 
“Great. But will it be better if the company that will supply this project is Trion Infrastructure?” Yoona responds as she stands up from her seat and proceeds on walking towards him. He remained in his seat as he tilted his head and narrowed his brows. Yoona leaned forward to come close to him while she placed a folder on his table. 
Jungkook raised his brows before he responded. “What do you even know, Ms. Lim Yoona?” 
Before Yoona can even respond, the door suddenly opens. 
Jungkook’s eyes grew wide as his body froze. 
You’re standing tall in between the double doors of his office. Your eyes darken and your lips were in a thin line. Behind you was Tina—his secretary. And suddenly, he was nervous. 
“Sir Jeon, I’m sorry I can’t stop her. She was—
“N-no no. It’s okay.” He immediately jumps on his swivel chair and walks towards you. 
“So this what it’s all about, huh?” You scoff as you glance at his secretary before you turn your head back. 
“Tina, can you accompany Ms. Yoona outside?” Jungkook looked at his secretary. 
“But Jungkook, we’re not yet done discussing the project?” Yoona responds in confusion. 
You looked at Yoona from head to toe as you crossed your arms. She’s wearing a low-neck  black sheath dress that perfectly hugs her body and the slit of her breast is insanely visible. You were also amused with her pair of silver stilettos and you already knew that she was up for something, especially the way she positioned herself in front of Jungkook. 
You’ve known her ever since you met Jungkook and you’re perfectly aware how she’s madly infatuated with him. 
“My bad. I didn’t mean to distract you with your ‘meeting’.” You said sarcastically and you even act the quotation mark with your two fingers. 
You’re about to walk away when he suddenly pulls you inside his office and he gestures to Tina to get Yoona out of the office. 
Yoona was saying a lot to Jungkook but he wasn’t listening and Tina was already leading her out of the office. Before she closed the door, she caught you looking at her and her blood raised when  she saw how satisfied you looked at her. 
Jungkook’s heart was pounding as he looked at you. No one’s around except the both of you and no one can see how he looked so vulnerable right now. 
“I didn’t know that you would come.” Jungkook started. 
You didn’t respond immediately as you checked out the books that’s on the shelf near his office table. He didn’t know what to do now that you’re not even responding. He walked towards you as he closed the space between the two of you. He placed his gentle hands on your tiny waist and he inhaled your scent from your neck. You smell so good that it’s so addicting. He should be the only one that can smell you like this and touch you like this. Just thinking that another man can do this to you makes him insane. No one can have you like this. 
“What’s your meeting with her all about?” You asked as you passed your fingers out of all the books on his shelf.
“About the materials to be used with the new project, baby.” He answered in his gentle tone. 
Materials huh? You utter a ‘tsk’ before you remove his arms around your waist and you push the inside of your cheeks with your tongue. 
“You’re discussing constructing materials with a marketing head and not an engineer?” You asked sarcastically. 
“We’re only talking about the project implementation, that's why she came to be the representative.” He responds as he sounds gentle to convince you. 
You walked towards his office table and sat on his swivel chair before you looked at him.
“Do you want me to tell you something about that girl?” You speak in an orotund voice.
You place both of your hands in the arm rest and you caught a picture of you place on the top of his table. You stare at it for a second before you stretch your arms to get them. You find it amusing that the picture that he chose to frame to his office table is a picture of you in your younger years. You were smiling genuinely in the camera wearing a dress and a reading glass. You used to wear them until you decided to wear contact lenses. You suddenly miss wearing the large glasses because the last time you remember wearing them is before you graduated in your senior high. 
“She likes you, Jungkook. So so much.” You added and you placed the frame back to where it was. You returned your gaze back to him and he’s still standing to where you left him looking like a little puppy who wants to be petted. “Are you aware of that?” 
“Why are you saying that?” He asked.
“Because I want to know if you know.”
“No and I don’t care. You know that I don’t give a fuck, baby.” He answered. 
“Really?” You raise the side of your lips. “Why?” 
“Because I have you, Y/N. Why are you even asking that?” 
“What do you mean by having me? We’re not even together, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Let me remind you of that.” You intertwined your hand and rested your elbow on the table.
Your words went straight to his heart. As the seconds went by, your words were slowly sinking in him until he finally realized what you just said. He took a step back as he couldn’t believe what you just said.
But it was true, wasn't it? You weren’t really together. He doesn’t have something to hold onto you and all of it is coming to him like a massive landslide. He already treated you like the love of his life but you? You’re questioning the thing that you have with him. But there’s nothing wrong with that because you were right. You were so damn right that he wishes that you’re not. 
You still know the reality of the two of you while he’s locked up in the fantasy that he owns you. 
“Why don’t you try to go out with her? I’m sure that she would love that.” You rest your chin on the back of your hands while your eyes are still focused on him. 
“Why are you even—
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Jungkook. You can still keep me even if she’s with you.” You smirked.
“Stop.” He turned back and pressed his fingers on his temple. 
“What? I’m just giving you an option. Besides, you seems to like the view of her breast—
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N!” You were taken aback with how his voice echoed at the four corners of the room. He’s now facing you once again and you are suddenly scared of how his eyes darkened. “I don’t fucking want her! I don’t even give a shit about her so don’t you ever push me to her!”
You weren’t able to respond. It was your first time seeing him this angry. You never see him get mad. Hell, you didn't even hear him scream once. And you know what’s crazy? You find him ten times attractive that you want to provoke him even more just to see how hot he is. 
It takes a long silence before he realizes what he just did. His darkened eyes suddenly turned soft as he bites his lower lip in guilt. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.” He spoke.
He was wrapped in fear. He immediately regrets losing his temper. He didn’t really mean it.
His fear intensifies when you suddenly stand up from your seat without breaking eye contact with him. He was holding his breath while you’re walking towards him and when you’re now standing inches away from him, you gently stroke the black tie that he’s wearing. 
“It’s not good to get her hopes up if you don’t really like her, babe. I don’t like that.” You finally spoke in your low and seductive voice. “It’s better to cut her off before you can even hurt her.”
One thing that you don’t know about him is that he can do anything that you say. He always listens to what you want even though it’s not the best decision. He was blinded by his love for you that he can risk anything just for you. He’s already drowned in you and he can’t get out of it. He even welcomed the feeling of it. 
He never tries to understand the reason why he’s been like this to you and the only thing he knows is to do what you want because he knows that it will make you happy. Your happiness is the only thing that matters to him. 
He will do anything you want. Whatever it takes. Just for you. 
“Jeon Jungkook, what did I just hear that you pull out the project that we have with the Linyang Corp? Is that true?” Namjoon, one of the directors of the company, asked after he stormed into Jungkook’s office. It was clear how his voice was steaming in anger. 
“Yeah.” Jungkook answered without looking at him and continued on reading the files that he’s holding. 
“For what reason?” Namjoon walked closer to him and when he reached his table, he placed both of his hands and leaned forward. Jungkook only gave him a glance before he returned his gaze down to the files. 
“I made that decision last 2 weeks. Why did you ask that now?” He asked without looking at Namjoon. 
“You made a decision without discussing it with us! Do you know how I found out? The company’s sales decreased significantly. You know how Linyang Corp is one of our biggest clients, Jeon.” The disappointment is evident in his voice yet Jungkook chose to still ignore him. 
Namjoon’s blood rose up. He knows that Jeon Jungkook won’t decide on something that will risk the company. One thing that he knew about him was he handled the company very well yet the results of his actions contradicted what he expected from him. Namjoon is the financial director of the company, the reason why he is affected in the situation. 
“I’m talking to you!” He stomped his feet as he walked aggressively to Jungkook and he pushed the backrest for Jungkook to face him. His eyes were burning with anger as he looked at Jungkook. 
Jungkook is getting annoyed already. He doesn’t want to deal with him but he can’t tell him straight in his face why he pulled the project out. It will make the situation even worse. 
He throws a look at Namjoon before placing down the documents that he’s reading and standing up from his seat. 
“You want to know why I pulled out?” He spoke in a gruff voice as he looked at Namjoon with intensity. “Their funds were illegal and I won’t allow that my company will be at risk just because of them.” He added. 
Namjoon raises his eyebrows as he scoffs. 
“What are you talking about?! They have been our client for years already! It’s impossible that their funds suddenly became illegal!” 
Jungkook was taken aback. It was true and his excuse was irrelevant. 
He pulled out the project because of you. You wanted it didn’t you? You told him things about Lim Yoona and he believed you. It was true, wasn't it? You were right about it all. He doesn’t like Yoona after all and he doesn’t want to get her hopes up and that’s what you keep on telling him. 
He doesn’t want you to misinterpret things between the both of you. He doesn’t want to do things that you don’t like. He’ll do everything just to avoid problems between the two of you. Everything he does is for you. 
“Jungkook, tell me the truth. Is it really because of illegal funds? People saw you with Ms. Yoona the day before you decided to pull out the project.” Namjoon spoke again but this time, his voice calmed down.
“And what does she have to do with it?” Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
“She’s one of the marketing heads of Linyang Corp and everyone is thinking that you have a thing with her. I know you, Gguk. You have the tendency to mix up your work and personal life.” Namjoon exhales as he rests his hand on the backrest of the couch placed in front of Jungkook’s office table. 
“Who spread that?” Jungkook clenched his jaw as he looked at Namjoon. He breathed rapidly when Namjoon didn’t answer him immediately. 
“Who fucking spread that?!” Namjoon got surprised when Jungkook suddenly punched the office table in anger. 
“Look how you lost your temper by just mentioning her!” Namjoon answered back.
“I don’t have a fucking thing with her!” 
“Then why are you acting like you have?” 
Jungkook curled his fist. rage flowed through him as he looked at Namjoon. He’s trying to control his emotions the moment Namjoon enters his office yet Namjoon is getting the best in him. 
“I don’t even feel the slightest thing with her and I never will. That’s the thing that you should mark to the head of yours and the fucking people around.” He responded emphasizing every word he said. 
“If it's not Yoona, then it’s probably someone. Someone that’s close to you and despised by Yoona.” Namjoon spoke—trying to provoke him. 
Jungkook didn’t speak but he didn’t avoid Namjoon’s eyes. 
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?” 
And when Namjoon saw how Jungkook clenched his jaw by just mentioning your name, he smirked. He looked around before he looked back at Jungkook. 
“Gotcha.” He said as he placed both of his hands in his pocket.
“What the fuck do you mean? She’s out of this!” Jungkook lashed out. 
“But with how I see you, she’s involved in this. The situation that you have with her is still ongoing. I know Y/N, I know you and I know Yoona so stop making me a fool out of it.”
Kim Namjoon is the financial director of PCC and a friend of Jungkook. He has known Jungkook ever since he’s still inside the tummy of his mother and he knows everything that’s going on with  his life. 
He’s a great friend actually. He will always take the side of his friends but when it comes to his work, he has no exemption.
“Yoona despises Y/N so much just like how Y/N also despises her. With the result of your decision, you have to eliminate one and you choose to eliminate Yoona.” Namjoon concluded with a satisfying smile. 
“Can you hear yourself? You’re being absurd!” Jungkook raised his voice as he breathed rapidly. 
“Oh yes, Jungkook! Yes! I can hear myself as clear as the window glass you have right now!”
Namjoon smirks as he looks at Jungkook with intensity. 
“Tell me, why did you do it? Is it because Y/N tell you to do it? That Y/N doesn’t like Yoona that’s why you pull out the project?” He added.
“Get out.” Jungkook’s lips grew thin and firm as he spoke in his low voice. 
“Jungkook, wake up! You’re not even together and you throw away Linyang Corp just for her?! She’s just using you and you should be aware of that!” 
“I said get out!” Jungkook loses his patience as he screams. He cannot hold his emotions anymore.
“Not until you realize how fucking stupid you are! Don’t risk your company just for her! She will leave you the moment she gets bored!”
Namjoon was taken aback when Jungkook suddenly went to him and grabbed his collar. Jungkook glared at him as he grasped Namjoon’s collar firmly.
“Who are you to fucking say that? Huh? You know nothing!” 
With how confident Namjoon was seconds ago, it was suddenly replaced with fear. In his whole existence, he never knew that Jungkook could be this mad. He never saw this side of him. 
He never expected that he could be like this. Mad and violent. 
He only knew Jungkook to be calm and serious at the same time in any situation. He can get mad but never like this.
“She will never leave me. You know nothing.” He spoke emphasizing every word before he threw Namjoon out of his office.
After the argument with Namjoon, Jungkook was anxious the whole day. He can’t focus on his work and he can't achieve anything. Namjoon’s words never leave his mind. He was trying to avoid thinking about it but he just can’t and it makes him insane because his overthinking got worse. 
He’s biting his nails as he looks at the photo frame of you placed on his table. He’s been thinking of you a lot more than usual. He extends his hand as he brushes his fingers on your photo frame. 
‘She’s just using you and you should be aware of that!’
‘She will leave you the moment she gets bored!’
No, you wouldn’t do that. You won’t leave him. You need him. You can’t leave him.
He pushed his hair back as he sat on the horns of his dilemma. 
He grabbed his phone to dial your number and he rocked his legs back and forth while waiting for you to pick up. 
But your phone’s been ringing and you won’t pick up.
He felt that something was blocking his chest to prevent him from breathing properly. The longer the phone keeps ringing the harder he can’t breathe. He wanted you to pick up because you are the only thing that he needs. He knew that the moment he hears your voice, he will be calmed. 
“Baby, pick up. I need you so much.”
And with that, you picked up greeting him with your softest and sweetest voice. 
“Hey, daddy. How are you?” There was a tease in your voice and just like that, he felt like a lump in his chest was removed.
“Babe! What took you so long to pick up?” He responded as he pushed his hair back and slightly pulled it. 
“Hey. I was in my last class, okay? What’s up?” 
Your voice is the softest and sweetest voice he has ever heard and he will never get tired of listening to it. It was the only thing that he needed to hear. You are the only thing he needed.
“How’s your last class?” He asked as he played with his bottom lips.
“The usual. Boring. Who would like to listen in a history class?” You spoke in a high tone and he immediately smiled at that. 
You’re being cheeky again and he loves it. He loves everything about you. 
“Baby, I miss you.” the longing in his voice is evident. He touched your photo frame once again. 
“Aw. We saw each other the other day and you already missed me? Poor Ggukie.” He smiles as he imagines you pouting on the other line. “Oh babe, by the way, I’m wearing the heels you’ve bought me! I super love it! I’ll be sending a photo!” 
“You do?” He can’t stop smiling and before he can utter another word, his phone chimes and he already saw the photo that you sent. “They were perfect, baby.” 
“I know right! Hey, I gotta go. I’ll be hanging out with the girls.” 
“Wait, Y/N!”
“Stay with me tonight.” He said as he bit his lower lips. “Let’s have dinner at home. I’ll be cooking your favorite pasta, baby.” He sounded like he was begging and he really is. 
He will lose it when you decline him. 
“Uhh, I’ll see.”
“Baby please. I missed you so much. I want you so bad.” He’s begging already. You may not say it directly to his face but he knows that you’re declining him. He has to beg because if he doesn't, he’ll lose it. 
There’s a long silence between the two of you. He was waiting for your response while you didn’t expect that he’s pleading to you. 
Actually, you don’t understand why you didn’t expect that because he’s begging you all the time. You knew that it’s a normal thing he does yet you were still confused. Maybe because he does really missed you or he wanna fuck. Either way, you have to be there for him, after all, that’s your job.
But you have to admit to yourself that you like it when Jungkook is acting like that. Whenever he begs, he acts possessive and obsessive towards you because you felt like you own him even though the situation of the both of you says otherwise. You needed him more than he needed you. You can have his wealth but not him because if the time comes that he gets bored of you, you’re now worthless. But that’s not yet happening so you should enjoy his company and his money. 
“Okay, Ggukie. I’ll be there.”
Jungkook is too much but he doesn’t know that and if he ever knew, he will not admit it to himself. He doesn’t know what boundary is as long as he has you. When the day you appeared to him, he knew that you were all he needed. 
You’re different from others. So different that he can’t have you like his past girlfriends. You know what you want and being in love isn’t part of it therefore, he offers you something that you would like and at the same time, he will benefit from it. 
But that’s not what he wanted from the start. He can give you anything you like, anything you need. Everything. He can give you the world that you wanted even though you didn’t ask for it. You don’t have to be his sugar baby because he can give you the world without asking in return. You just have to be present to him and that’s it. 
He loves you so much. 
That night, you come home to him. You may be late but it doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re now with him. That’s all he needs.
But he still can’t stop thinking about what Namjoon has said earlier. His words were coming back to his head and it’s killing him. 
He was bothered by the thought that Namjoon was right. He can’t admit it to himself because he was scared that it was the reality of you and him. 
You have nothing to hold onto because you weren’t committed to him. He will go insane the moment you decide to stop everything with what you have between the both of you. 
He was at the comfort of his bed while you were beside him. You’re already asleep but he’s wide awake as he stares at your stunning face. You were so beautiful that it scares him. What if other men can have you like this? Touch you like this? There are a lot of possibilities and it terrifies him because he doesn’t own you. You’re so young and beautiful. He wanted to own you so bad. 
He caressed your cheek as you were in your deep sleep. It was so soft and smooth. So Beautiful as ever. 
“I want you to be mine, baby. So bad.” He whispered.
He brushes his fingers down to your neck, to your shoulders until it reaches your palms. He slowly lifts your palms and kisses the back of it. 
“You will never leave me, right? You will stay by my side, right? You have no idea how I love you so much baby. I can die for you.” He slowly places the back of your hand to his cheeks and pecks it. He smiles because you didn’t even move an inch with his touch. You were obviously in your deep sleep. 
This is the only thing he needs. You, beside him in the comfort of the bed. 
He slowly placed a peck on your forehead before he lowered down his body and wrapped his arms to your waist and decided to close his eyes. 
He was suddenly awakened in his sleep and when he tries to feel your body, he can’t feel anything. 
His eyes grew wide as he suddenly felt a shortness in his breath when he didn’t see your body beside him. He’s trembling when he gets up. 
He was screaming your name in fear. He ran towards the comfort room to check and he got more panicked when he didn’t see you. 
‘She will leave you the moment she gets bored!’
Namjoon’s words repeated in his head. 
Baby, did you leave me now? Did you get tired of me already? You can’t leave me alone! 
He immediately got out of the bedroom and when he found you in front of him while holding a glass of water, he was immediately all over you. 
“Jungkook, what’s wrong? I got scared by your scream!” You said as you tried to calm him down. 
“You weren’t beside me, baby!” He said as he suddenly sobs. 
“Wait wait. What happened?” You were trying to let go to see his face but he squeezed himself even more to you. 
“I got scared when I didn’t see you beside me. I thought you left me in my sleep, baby.” He said as he buried his face into your neck. 
“Why would I leave you? I just got thirsty so I got up to get a glass of water.” You respond in your soft voice. This time, Jungkook loosened his hug and he allowed you to face him. 
You were weakened when you saw how fragile Jungkook looked. His eyes were watery while his face and lips were pale. He grabs your hand and places it on his cheeks. 
“Y/N, please don’t leave me. I’m scared to be left alone by you. I don’t know what to do if you decided to leave me, baby. I’ll go insane.” He said as he hugged you again.
One thing you love to do is to not give a fuck of what others will say. That’s the fact that you always mark it in your head. You always remember to enjoy your life to the fullest even if there are circumstances that hinder it. For you to be able to do all those things, you always need a lot of money so you have Jeon Jungkook. 
Having him is always the best because with him, you do and get all the things you want. Travel, shopping, name it. He can provide it to you in a snap of a finger. 
And now, you are with him in Italy as he does his business trip while you enjoy shopping. His money was limitless and you were always amazed by how he did it.
There are other things that you like about him other than his money. It’s given that he has the looks. He’s so damn handsome that sometimes, you cannot believe that you have him. He gives you everything you want and he treats you right. So right that sometimes, you tend to believe that you’re not just a regular sugar baby of his. He’s too good to be true. 
Of course there are things about him that are unusual for someone like him. You feel like he’s dependent on you, like he can’t function well if he doesn't see you for a day. He gets jealous easily and tends to be obsessive towards you. The fun part is, you seem to like it. 
You don’t really mind his actions towards you but this time, you notice that it’s too much.
“You went out wearing that?” His eyebrows were narrowed as he pointed out your outfit. You were back at the hotel you stayed in with him and you were surprised that he’s back as well. 
“Yeah. And?” You respond as you shrug while the paper bags are still in your hand. You walk towards the bed as you place the paper bags beside it and remove your heels. 
“Your breast is literally sticking out! And you show too much skin!” You rolled your eyes at his explanation as you sat down on the side of the bed. 
“Jungkook, this is what I wear on a daily basis and you just noticed it now? What the hell?” 
“Yes but you are alone without any bodyguards. What if there are men out there who disrespect you?! Harassed you?! Baby, we’re in another country and you’re alone.” He walked back and forth as he pushed back his hair aggressively.
“What do you think of me? Weak? You know damn well that I can fight back!” You answered back. 
One of the things that you hate the most is when people think that you can’t handle yourself. You may be young but you are smart and strong enough to handle things. Yes, you are young but you are independent and you know how to control a situation that you’re in. 
“I know! But you are alone! There are things that can happen. Just please don’t wear clothes like that.” He rubs his temple as he looks at you with his pleading eyes. 
You raise your left eyebrow as you glare at him. His words get on your nerves. You walk towards him while you keep your eye contact with him and when you’re now in front of him, you speak. 
“I will wear what I want and I won’t adjust for others.” You said emphasizing every word.
“I know that you’re strong and you can fight back but that’s not always the situation, Y/N. I don’t want to risk it.” He slowly gets your hand for him to hold. 
“Don’t worry, Gguk. I can handle myself.” You pull your hands in his hold and you turn your back but before you can even walk out, he caresses both of your shoulders and rests his head on your neck.
“Please tell me that you won’t wear that kind of clothes again when you’re not with me.” He begs in his gentle and low voice. 
“I can handle myself even without you. You don’t have to worry.” You remove his hands on your shoulder and walk away but before you can even take a step, he suddenly hugs you from your back.
“N-no no. Just please tell me, baby please. I don’t want others to look at the way I look at you.” He hugs you tightly and you can feel his lips from your neck. 
He sounds like a child that’s begging. Your heartbeat increased rapidly. 
“I can’t stand the thought that other men can see the things I see in you, babe. I just can’t.”
You slowly understand where he’s coming from. He’s possessing you again. He wasn’t like this before. He let you wear whatever you want and now, you don’t understand what got into him and you’re not liking it. 
“Just imagining it makes me want to kill them.” He adds as he slowly brushes his lips on your nape.
It’s almost a year since your situation with Jungkook happened and everything is fine. You wanted to believe that everything is fine but it’s far from that. You were trying to ignore the red flags that he’s showing you but it’s getting too much already. He’s too much.
You’re with him in his penthouse while drinking a glass of champagne. You weren’t fond of wine but you learned how to appreciate them when you met him. Moscato is your favorite out of all the wines you’ve tasted. With its unique bouquet of floral sweet aroma, you would love to consume multiple glasses of it. 
You’re swirling your wine glass as you observe the bubbles inside while Jungkook is in front of you. You’re resting your back at the gigantic window of his penthouse while he stands meters away from you. 
“I’ve thought about this a lot of times, Y/N. Why don’t you live with me?” You didn’t expect what he just said and you were waiting for him to say that it’s a joke but he was dead serious while he looked at you. 
“What? Why?” You asked and you prevent yourself from raising your left eyebrow. 
He walked towards you and held your left hand before he spoke.
“There are a lot of reasons but the top of them all is your life would be better if you lived with me.” He looked at you like your answer will change his life. You are hesitating to respond and you keep on staring at both of his eyes. You’re anxious about his reaction with whatever you’re going to answer but you don’t want to get his hopes up. And with that, you take a deep breath before you answer.
“I don’t need to live with you to have a better life. I’m fine with living on my own, Jungkook.” You answer in a low and soft voice afraid to offend him.
But he’s getting persistent. He squeezed your hand before he kissed it.
“Baby, you don’t have to pay your rent if you live with me and it’s better that you have someone with you.” He spoke, still convincing you.
“My mom’s paying my rent and bills, Gguk and my university is near my apartment. It’s–
“I’ll drive and fetch you. It’s just 20 minutes away from here. It won’t take much time.” He cut you off. He’s getting desperate and it shows in his big and doe eyes. 
You don’t understand why he suddenly wants you to live with him. You’re not in a relationship with him to begin with. His actions and decisions are getting out of hand and he’s starting to scare you. Both of you discussed the boundary between the two of you before you even agreed with this but now, he seems to forget everything about it. 
You know what you want and you don’t want to have a serious relationship with anyone even with him and most especially, you don’t want to live with him. 
That’s totally fucked up. 
You remove your hand to his hold and you step away to take a deep breath. “Jungkook, that’s unnecessary. I’m fine and I can handle myself.” You responded before you looked at him and sipped your wine. 
“Babe, I’m thinking about your safety–
You cut him off. 
“Jungkook, I’ve said I’m fine.” You can’t help but to have a strong tone of voice. He’s getting persistent and you’re not liking it. 
He was taken aback with your response. He didn’t move an inch and after his long silence, he finally spoke. 
“Don’t you want to live here?” He asked like he’s guilt-tripping you.
The thing about you is, you can easily distinguish the people who're trying to manipulate you and you don’t like that. 
You slowly walked towards him without breaking an eye-contact and when you’re now in front of him, you take a sip of your wine before you speak.
“I don’t. I can live on my own, Jungkook.” You said emphasizing every word. 
Jungkook is slowly losing his mind and his own thoughts are consuming him alive. 
Anxiety of fear is filling him because he knows for sure that you’re slowly slipping away from his hands. With the way you think and the actions you’ve made, he knows that there is something wrong with you. He’s getting scared by the thought that maybe one day, he’ll wake up and you’re already gone. 
He knows that he doesn’t have the right to keep you and that scares him the most because you can leave him without a notice. 
He doesn’t know what to do anymore and the only thing he knows is that he wants to keep you for him even though he knows that you will hate him for that. 
But that’s okay as long as you’re with him. He can endure anything for you.
Just when he thinks that everything is already messed up, you’ve told him something that he never expected. 
You’re leaving.
“I got accepted to the internship I applied to in Switzerland!” You said with enthusiasm as you jumped in your excitement. You’re giggling and you can’t stop yourself from smiling. 
You were so occupied in your celebration that you didn’t notice Jungkook sitting in his swivel chair of his office looking like the world fell into him. He can’t speak and he can’t even think of saying something. 
“I can’t imagine that I’ll be working in the most luxurious hotel for 5 months! I can't wait!” You add and you sit on the couch as you take a deep breath. You look at him and you tilt your head when he doesn’t say anything. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” You asked. 
“I didn’t know that you continued to submit an application?” Jungkook responded with an answer.
You narrowed your eyebrow in confusion. “Huh? I did. You even motivate me to apply. Duh.”
It was true, though. During the time that you’re planning to apply for an internship months ago, he was the one that pushed you to go. 
“You’re… Going?” He bites the inside of his lower lips.
“Of course! Why would I not go? That’s literally a good opportunity.” 
You’ve been dreaming of having your internship in another country as it will be a great record for you once you’ve graduated college. You’ve been establishing your future ever-since because you wanted to have a bright future ahead of you. 
All your life, you’ve been living in a life where you don’t have the means to enjoy it because you weren’t born in a wealthy family. You may enjoy your life right now because you have him but you wanted to taste a success that you’re the one who made. 
You have your dreams and you will do anything in order to achieve it. 
“You’re… You’re away for 5 months?” Jungkook slowly stands up from his seat as he walks towards where you are.
“Yeah, Gguk.” You answered and you rested your elbow on the top of the backrest of the couch as you looked at him.
“But isn’t it too long for you to be away?” He sat beside you.
“That’s just 5 months. It’s not that long, honestly.”
“Why don’t you have your internship here, baby? There are also five-star hotels here?”
Here he goes again. He’s opposing what you want again and you’re already getting tired of it.
“I know but that’s literally Switzerland, Jungkook. That’s a big opportunity.” You stand up and cross your arms as you look at him.
“Won't you have a hard time there? You’re far away and you have to live for yourself.” 
He doesn’t want you to leave the country, to leave him. Even if it only takes months. He doesn’t want you to be away even for a week. He doesn’t want it. 
“I’ve been living on my own for years already, Jungkook. Being away and having an internship in Switzerland is just a piece of cake for me.” You answered. 
“Y/N, that’s not a piece of cake. That's a thousand miles away and Switzerland is different from here.” You rolled your eyes. He’s starting to annoy you once again.
“Jungkook, I’m literally 22 years old. I can handle myself like I always did.” You said, stating  a fact. You then walk towards him and sit next to him before you lightly brush your fingers to his side hair.
“You sound like you don’t want me to go because you’re gonna miss me.” You said as you smirk.
“Baby, that’s not just it—
You cut him off, once again. “I get it. You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.” You place your arm on the top of his shoulder and face him as you slowly play with his right ear.  
“You can pay me a visit if you want. You got the money and resources, daddy.” Your smirk didn't disappear as you kept brushing his hair.
“Y/N, I’m serious. Switzerland is far away. I can offer you more than that. I can speak with luxurious hotel owners here in Seoul and give you an offer. I can even give you a bigger opportunity—
“Jungkook, stop.” You cut him off with your stone voice and after a few seconds of silence, you distance yourself from him before you stand up.
“Nothing is bigger than an offer in Switzerland. I know that you can provide me with everything but I don’t want you to interfere with my future.” You spoke in a somber tone. 
“I know that you’re concerned but you have nothing to do with this. If you ever interfere with my plans, then I’ll be forced to stop whatever we have.” You added before you walked towards the door and opened it. You turned your head to give him a last glance.
“I’ll go now.” And with that, you step out of his office and you leave him dumbfounded.
His chest tightens and he tries to breath heavily but he still feels suffocated. His mouth runs dry and he starts to sweat buckets. He wanted you back but he can’t move his body to run after you. 
You’re going to leave him and you’re already sure of that. He doesn’t know what to do anymore because you’re already unstoppable. 
He doesn’t understand you because he’s willing to give you everything he has just for you to stay but you can’t do it for him. You are leaving him and you plan it like it’s the most natural thing to do. 
You can’t leave him. Not in this state. He’s already so sure of you and he’s determined to ask you one day to be his but he hasn't done it yet and you are already planning to leave him. From the day he first saw you, he knew that you’re something else and he’s determined to find out everything about you. His time is important to him but he can waste it for you. He can drop everything just for you. 
He already established everything for you and he opted to continue it that way. He can provide you with anything and you can get and do everything you want except for leaving him. He loves you so much that he can’t allow you to slip away. 
Everything that you want, you get and Jungkook is making sure of that but this time, he can’t grant it for you because he can’t fucking take it if you are going to leave him. 
He knew how important your future is to you. You always tell him about your plans and before the thing with the both of you happened, you’ve already made it clear to him that everything that you’re doing is for your future. Maybe one reason why he’s so crazy over you is because you know what you want and you know how to reach them. You’re so certain with your plans and you will do everything for it. 
The thing that you don’t know is that you can establish your plans in a snap of a finger. You can reach your dreams without doing anything as long as you’re with him. He can do everything for you and just like what he said, anything for you. 
You don’t have to go to another country and exhaust yourself for the dreams that you want to reach. He can provide it to you just like how he provides you the basic things you need. You don’t have to suffer because you have him. 
And do you think that he will let you suffer in another country? Do you think that he wants to see you being consumed? You’re too precious that he can’t allow you to do all those things. He treats you like a princess and he won’t allow you to just be a servant in another country. He knows your worth but he doesn’t know why you don’t. 
You are again in his office. Beautiful as ever. Stunning as always. But the difference is, you don’t wear your smile that captivates him the most. The smile that will spin his head round and round. Instead, you were stiff and your eyes looked like it was aiming for its target. You look so serious. Almost mad. You weren’t like that. 
But he didn’t overthink it. 
“The company where I applied for my internship pulled me out.” You’re standing in front of him as you said in your stern voice. “They said, my profile was mixed up with the profile of the people who’s qualified.” You added.
“So you’re saying that you’re not qualified?” Jungkook asked you while he’s still seated in his swivel chair.
“I don’t know. They just called me this morning.” You said as your voice is getting suspicious.
“I’m sorry to hear that—
“But they said something. They offered me an internship but it was only in the Four Season Hotel.” 
“Then it’s a good opportunity as well, babe. That’s one of the top luxurious hotels in Seoul. Don’t you know?” Jungkook is starting to understand why you came. He stood up and took a step in front of you. 
“But the thing is, how come that my profile will be mixed with the others if I am not qualified? And it was sudden now that my flight is next week. That’s so impossible.” You said as you were trying to prove a point. 
Jungkook brushes his thumb on your cheek and if it was the most normal day for you, you would like his touch. However, it wasn’t. 
“Baby, that’s possible especially since there are a lot of applicants. You're not just the only one who applied.” He sounds so gentle but you caught the sarcasm in it. 
You step away from him and you cross your arms. 
“That’s so fucked up, Gguk. I already have my tickets and everything is already planned. The only thing that I have to do is wait until next week comes so I can go.” Your tone is rising and you’re starting to get annoyed.
“Everything is so skeptical, like something is wrong. It was obvious.” You said incredulously and you continued to look him in the eyes. 
“So you know  what I did? I did my research, Jungkook. Everything that I have to know. And you know  what I found? JCC is one of the investors in Bürgenstock Hotel, Gguk. The hotel where I am going to work.” You walk slowly towards him as you still keep your composure. 
“What’s your point?” He asked as he leaned his buttocks on the front of his office table and crossed his arms.
“Do you have something to do with it?” You asked straight to his face. 
When Jungkook used his power to pull you out in that internship, he already knew that you’re going to confront him with it but he didn’t know that you'd blatantly ask about it. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, pretending to be clueless about it. 
You curled your lips before you spoke. “I am going to ask you again, do you have something to do as the reason why Bürgenstock pulled me out?” You asked as you emphasized every word. 
“Babe, why would I do that? I’m not going to do that to you!” He was about to caress your cheek but you moved your face away.
“Jungkook, tell me the truth.” You haven’t raised your voice but it’s evident that you’re starting to get furious.
“Baby? Why are you blaming me?” You scoff at how he plays the victim card.
“Because that’s how I see it! You’re basically an investor in Bürgenstock and you are capable of doing that knowing that it’s obvious that you don't want me to go!” you Indignantly said, unable to control your emotion. 
“That’s ridiculous, Y/N! I am not going to ruin your plans—
“Then why did they pull me out? Huh?!”
He can’t tell you the truth because you will despise him. He knows how important your internship is to you but he can still provide it to you. He can give you a better life and opportunity and the only thing you will do is to stay with him.
“Maybe because you’re not competent enough, Y/N.”
He was stupid for not preparing an excuse for you. He was so occupied with planning how you’re going to not leave him that he forgot to even think on what to say when you confronted him. He thought that you won’t give it a big deal but when you suddenly got stunned to speak, he instantly regretted what he just said.
“Y/N, what I meant is—
“The last person who I expect that to say is you.” You said resentfully as you cut him off. You turned your back at him and started to walk away.
“Baby, wait! That’s not what I meant! Where are you going?” Jungkook rushed to get your hand but before he could even hold your wrist, you pulled it out.
“I’m done with you.” You glared at him before you walked away once again but he pulled you in your wrist.
“Y/N, I swear, I didn’t do anything! Believe me! I won’t do anything to hurt you, babe. I swear.” Jungkook raised your wrist as he kissed the back of your hand trying to convince you.
But you’re incredulous. You’re in this game for years already and you know to yourself that everything happens for a reason. You’re sure of it. 
“You blatantly lied straight to my fucking face, Jungkook! You know how I value my passion and you fucking ruined it!” You said as anger flooded his veins.
“Please believe me because I didn’t do it! Where are you going?! Y/N, please!”
Everything is happening all at once and Jungkook is starting to get anxious about what's happening. He panics even more when he sees that you’re about to leave. He didn’t expect this. He didn’t expect the reaction that you made and most importantly, he didn’t expect that it’s easy for you to just leave him just like that by just saying that you’re done.
You faced him once again. “You know what I hate the most? Liars. I hate liars, Jeon Jungkook. So much.” You said emphasizing every word with disgust.
His lips twitched as his jaw trembled in fear. It was like an ice cold water splash onto him.
“Y/N baby, Don’t leave! Let me explain!” He pulled your palms once again and you gave him a look. Like you just caught him.
“So you did it, didn’t you?”
“I’m just thinking about your safety! I fucking swear! I did it to protect you!” He speaks so fast without even thinking—afraid of you leaving him.
“So you really did it.” You stated and that’s how he realized that he just spit to you the truth of his wrongdoings. 
“Y/N, let me—
And before he can even finish his sentence, your palms meet his face. You slapped him so hard and he didn’t immediately recover.
“Who are you to do that?! Huh?! Who the fuck are you?!” You breathe heavily as you tremble with rage. 
“Y/N, let me speak.” He responded in a low voice but he received another slap from you.
“Who are you to sabotage my plans?! You don’t have the right, Jungkook! You don’t!” You screamed in anger. Your hands are shaking and you didn’t notice that a tear escaped your eyes already. It was messed up. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm—
“Oh shut the fuck up, Jeon Jungkook! What?! You only did it to protect me? Did I even ask you to do that in the first place, huh?! I don’t fucking need your protection! Fuck you!” 
The only reason why you chose to live is because of money and your dreams. You may be a mess as an individual but you have a dream just like an ordinary person. It was the only thing that you hold onto and yet, he ruined it. The least person you expect it to do is him and you can’t even put into words how disappointed you are. It was beyond fucked up.
“You know how I value my dreams, Jungkook. It was the only thing that I held into.”
You tighten your throat as you take a short breath. A great sob escaped you as you covered your face with shaking hands. A pang of guilt immediately rushed to him. He never saw you cry in eleven months that he met you. You’re always confident and strong like no one can ever hurt you. But unfortunately, he was the one who put tears in your eyes. 
He slowly walked towards you and was about to hug you but you immediately pushed him back. His heart crumbled when you pushed him but he was the one to blame. 
“Don’t you fucking touch me!”
“Y/N, Four Seasons hotel isn’t bad. It’s a better option—
“Better? Are you seriously fucking kidding me?! Not because you used your fucking power to sabotage me by letting me in that god forsaken hotel doesn’t mean it’s a fucking better option! And even if you offer me the best opportunity, I will not give you the right to do so because who are you?!” You said as you harshly pointed out an index finger to his face.
“And not because you’re qualified for your Switzerland internship doesn’t mean your life will go any better! Y/N, I am giving you a life where you don’t have to experience hardship!” He argues without knowing that he is just fueling the fire.
“I don’t fucking need your help! Stop making the things you did to me as an excuse to ruin me! And also, not because you’re giving me everything doesn’t mean you have the right to control my life! You don’t have the audacity!”
“And what? You will suffer there and expect that after you suffer, you will eventually succeed?! Y/N, I am making your life easier! Why don’t you understand that?!”
His words made you stunned to speak. You didn’t know what to say nor to act because you’re speechless. He was beyond fucked up and you never imagine that he is like this. You never imagine that he can be this messed up. You just couldn’t believe it. 
You threw him with a disgusting stare before you spoke. “You’re unbelievable. You did great on disappointing me, Jungkook. I don’t even know you anymore.” You said and disappointment is evident in you. “Or do I even know you?” You added.
“You don’t have the right to look down on me just because you have everything. And do you know what’s wrong with you? You’ve been fed with a silver spoon all your life that you don’t even know what the reality of life is.” You said aggrievedly and you gave him a hostile glare. 
“I don’t fucking want to see you again.” You finally said before you turned around to leave the room but before you even got to hold the doorknob, he caught your hand. 
“You’re not going to leave.” he demanded in his baritone voice.
“You don’t have the right to tell me what to do so put your hands off me.” You glared before you pulled your hand in him but you were surprised when he suddenly hugged you so tight that you could hear his heartbeat.
His heart thundered in his chest as he started to shake. He was suddenly panicking and he himself couldn’t even control his emotions.
His nightmare came to get him and he is scared. 
He’s losing you already. 
“Y/N, no no no. Please, you can’t leave me, baby.” A tear suddenly raced down to his cheeks and he’s already losing his mind. He pulled you for an embrace but you immediately pushed him away.
“Fuck off!” Is the last thing before you leave the room.
He was blinded by love for you that it was already consuming the both of you. He loves you so much that he can’t allow himself to let you leave him even for your own dreams. You’re like the air that he breathes and without you, he will die. 
He was blinded by love for you that he didn’t notice that he was also the one who made you leave him. 
You made him like this. Your love for him made him the person he is and you can’t blame him for loving you too much that it already suffocates you. 
You can’t blame him.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
Pls do more Clarisse!!!! I love the way you write her!! Maybe something with reader being a child of Aphrodite. Here are some ideas you’re free to choose from! Or none at all
• Reader is told that she’s “not pretty enough to be a child of Aphrodite” and Clarisse finds her crying softly and she comforts her
•Reader tells Clarisse how much she likes to bake and Clarisse makes her bake stuff with her
•Clarisse gets her hair and nails and stuff done bye reader
Thank you!
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- colors of your eyes -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Daughter of Aphrodite! Reader
An - I loved these prompts sm UGH 😭😭 so I decided to use them all but I’m twisted some to make more sense
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“Stop im serious!” You laughed as clarisse flicked some flour at you. It was your one year anniversary, so the entire day clarisse had been letting you plan out multiple dates for one another thus explaining why her hair was braided back some with flowers in it and her makeup done.
Currently you had made arrangements with Chiron to use the kitchen to bake for a few hours. — Clarisse smiled as you started to playfully wrestle with her having a small flour fight. “Ok ok truce” She chuckled dusting some of the powder off of her. Decided to have the final say however you stood close to clarisse under the assumption that you were going to kiss her. Before your lips connected you placed your thumb on clarisses nose dragging the flour down.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at your actions. “Really? No now you owe me a kiss”
“I don’t owe you anything actually” you laughed trying to playfully fight again clarisse as she tried to kiss you. After a few moments though you gave in letting her have what she wanted.
Placing your arms around her neck you leaned back some letting her have more control over the kiss. Giggling you started to speak teasing remarks against the girls lips “mm, who knew clarisse was such a hopeless romantic”
Clarisse jokingly pushed you away. “Gods your such a pain in my ass”
“Awww your so cute when your mad” you continued to tease her. The timer for the cookies went off, peeling away from clarisse you went to the oven pulling out the chocolate chip cookies.
Taking them off the tray you set them aside onto a cup. Clarisse walked towards you hugging you from behind. Leaning back into your girlfriend you smiled just enjoying the peace of it all.
Being a demigod you were never allowed to have a normal life let alone have a normal relationship. Finding clarisse you believe was the best thing to happen to you. But being a demigod especially a daughter of Aphrodite didn’t come without its own set of critiques.
“What’s wrong” clarisse questioned squeezing your waist softly. Being brought back to reality you turned around to face her, softly smiling at clarisse you leaned kissing her cheek. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it” clarisse looked suspicious but eventually let it go just trusting you.
The bondfire continued to be your favorite time of night day after day. Finishing a sing along you kissed clarisses cheek before getting up— heading towards the dining hall for a drink.
Once there you spoke into the goblet saying you wanted your favorite soda, taking a sip you over heard a few girls near by talking.
“I know she’s such a fucking bitch”
“Honestly, like why does clarisse date her, there’s no way that she isn’t desperate, she probably just using her to get to silena”
“Honestly and if I was Aphrodite I would of never claimed such an ugly girl, she doesn’t even deserve to be her daughter”
Your grip on the cup tightened. ForWeeks now you’ve heard the same group of girls talking shit about you. Normally what other people said didn’t matter but them saying you shouldn’t of been claimed by Aphrodite…. That broke the final straw.
Hot tears fell down your face. Holding your head down you silently prayed to stop crying. The emptiness of the dining hall felt even more alone than normal. Maybe they were right. Maybe Aphrodite shouldn’t of claimed you, maybe clarisse really was desperate maybe everything everyone had said really had been true.
“Damn there you are, common the Apollo kids started arguing with the Athena cabin” Clarisse laughed as she walked over. Her hands finding themselves around your waist while she grabbed you from behind.
After a moment she felt your broken yet silent cries. Almost immediately she turned you around, looking down at you with a critical look. “Who.”
“No one, just forget it please” you sniffed. Clarisse however shook her head. “No who made you cry “
You knew she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted but in reality all you wanted right now was for her to comfort you. “Please.. just drop it” practically begging her you leaned into Clarisses warm presence.
Without a second thought clarisse Held you close to her. Gently running a hand up and down your back, she squeezed you ever so slightly. “Common, let’s go to my cabin” she muttered.
Laying in clarisses bed you silently faced her. Playing with one of her curls you had a soft smile while clarisse Held you close.
Kissing your forehead she pulled back some. “Can you tell me what happened at least.” She asked.
You stayed quiet. You wanted to be honest with her but what if she agreed with what they all said. “Look whatever it is it won’t change a thing about us.. ok” she lifted your head slowly while giving you a gentle look.
“Some girls. They’ve been saying this for weeks but I over heard them talking about how I’m a bitch or something dumb, they said that you were only dating me because you were desperate and wanting to get closer to silena and.. that I should of never been claimed as Aphrodites daughter”
Clarisse Just leaned down placing a kiss on your lips with a soft giggle. “What’s so funny” you muttered against the girl. Pulling away she continued to laugh. “Nothing nothing it’s just.. that? That’s what they decided to run with”
Confused you shrugged your shoulders. The curly haired girl looked over with a sarcastic smile. “Ok first of all, your not a bitch if anything you to nice, then I had to practically beg silena to help me actually start talking to you, then lastly their just mad that one of the most stunning girls in the camp who is also the daughter of Love is dating me and is in a happy relationship. Everything they said just sounds like bullshit” she continued to laugh.
“Your a jerk” you chuckled gently hitting her. “Yeah but your the one dating me so what does that really say about you” she grinned. Moving to sit on her waist playfully wrestling with the girl. You leaned down giving her a soft kiss. Once it broke you heard clarisse start talking. “Don’t let people like those girls ruin nights for you… you have me, and that’s all that should matter not what they have to say.”
Giving you another kiss clarisse patted your thigh. “All right get lost I’m sick of you”
“I hate you”
“No you don’t”
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383 notes · View notes
owliellder · 9 months
The Finer Details
Post DI! Leon Kennedy x f! Painter Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, The Reveal)
Description: Leon realizes that retirement is in his best interest now that he's getting older. All of his accomplishments as an agent mean he's truly earned a painting to commemorate..
Warnings: Not Proofread, Age gap! (reader is anywhere between mid-late 20's and Leon is 40), Porn w/ Plot, Use of she/her pronouns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcoholism, mentions of trauma/PTSD/depression, P in V smut (wrap it NEOW), Leon cries during sex 💔
Tags: Older Leon Kennedy, Younger afab!Reader, Leon is SAD but he is your muse, Crying, mentions of Leon masturbating, starts off with Dom! Leon and Sub! Reader, falls into switch territory because that man needs some serious TLC, Praise kink, Hickeys, Handjob, Nipple play, Oral sex (m! and f! receiving), and a heavy dose of Aftercare
Author's Note: I write these at work and I work nightshift all alone in a little gatehouse, right? I kid you not 3 coyotes were staring at me through the door and I didn't even notice. I saw them running by on the cameras but I honestly thought it was just a group of feral cats cause they were so small.
Anyways, thank you for 300 followers!! I'm geekin' out over that! And Friday morning the last chapter will be out 😈🙏
Cross-posted on AO3
Session 5: Finishing Touches
The word excited was a vast understatement when it came to seeing you again.
Leon's heart was thrumming against his chest as he stood silently in front of your apartment door. His hand was raised up halfway, ready to knock, but a sudden wave of anxiety was holding him back. He was at your apartment. Your apartment.
The drive over was relatively short, it was closer than your workspace, yet he felt confident the entire way here. Now here he was, frozen in place, worried his knock would be too loud or make him seem desperate, even. A ridiculous thought, obviously the man knew that, but it gripped his mind nonetheless.
You must've had a sixth sense, having opened the door before he'd built up the courage to actually knock, when all reality you just recognized the sound of his motorcycle at this point. The sweet smile you gave Leon was enough to draw him into your apartment. He was quick to take his jacket off since he was sweating bullets, hanging it up on the coat rack next to your front door.
You could tell he was nervous just by how jittery he was, it was endearing yet worrisome at the same time. Seeing how worked up you made him was adorable, but at the same time you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable around you.
"Sit wherever, Mr. Kennedy. My house is yours." You placed a hand on his bicep to try and ease him, smile still remaining as you watched him survey the living room. A quiet laugh fell from his lips as he trained his eyes on you. "It's Leon, please. Making me feel real old over here..." You rolled your eyes with a playful groan. It was just a formality you'd trained yourself to respond with when it came to clients. A hard habit to break since you'd never really dated any of them before now.
With a gentle pat, you slowly turned and walked off into your admittedly small kitchen where the faint sound of boiling water could be heard. It took a few seconds before Leon decided to follow you, not totally convinced to take a seat just yet. You glanced over your shoulder at him before turning back to reach up into one of your cabinets, pulling out a couple mismatched mugs. "You like chai?" He nodded, licking his lips at the idea of something to drink.
The man could only stand awkwardly a few feet behind you and watch as you grabbed a couple tea bags from another cabinet, setting reach bag in their respective mug. An electric kettle sitting atop your counter beeped once it reached the selected temperature, prompting you to grab the handle and pour the water into the mugs.
You covered the mugs to let them steep, turning around to lean back against the edge of your counter so you could look at Leon. He looked like a lost puppy, hands in the pockets of his jeans as he took in your kitchen. With a sympathetic sigh, you pushed yourself from the counter and looped your right arm through his, leading him out of the kitchen back towards your living room. "Get comfortable, I'll bring the tea over here, okay?"
He just let you lead him over to the couch, sitting down at your request with a meek nod. He really should be more confident than this, but he was far out of practice when it came to women. The idea of messing this up for himself was terrifying.
Leon's head followed you as you walked around to the front of the couch, watching as you set the mugs on the coffee table before sitting down next to him. He rested his hands on top of his thighs, eyes now stuck to the tea placed in front of him.
"Are you feeling alright? You look like you're gonna throw up." You meant this in a joking manner, even giggling a bit as you spoke, but Leon's head jerked away from the tea to look at you, eyebrows furrowed with worry as he shook his head. "No-.. No, I'm okay, just... Can I be honest?"
That kind of question never failed to make you nervous, and he was quick to pick up on that, clearing his throat after stumbling over his words. "It's... It's been a long time since I've done anything like this. Seeing someone."
Your mouth formed a small 'o' shape at his confession before falling back to that same sweet smile that you welcomed him in with. "You're right to be nervous, Leon. But hey," you paused to scoot closer to him, ".. I've had the privilege to learn a bit of backstory from you already, and after working with a few other agents before you, I have a general idea on just how taxing that kind of job can be."
Leon tightened his lips as he listened to you, worry still plain on his face. You were right and maybe that's why he grew to like you so easily. He didn't have to explain anything since you already knew the basic gist of it all, holding a level of understanding that most other potential partners wouldn't have.
You reached in front of him to grab the mug, carefully placing it in one of his hands before reaching further to grab the other, now having him hold the mug with both hands. He kept fidgeting with his jeans, clearly needing something to hold onto.
"I won't pry, the details of your job seem pretty intense, but I want you to know that I'll never turn you away, relationship or not." You'd grabbed your own mug now, looking down as you pinched your index and thumb on the paper end to the tea bag to jostle it a bit. "You've more than earned the time you have now to just be yourself."
Leon swallowed dryly, turning his attention down to where he was holding the mug in his lap. He didn't even know he needed to hear those words, but dammit were they definitely hitting home.
"Thank you." He managed to say, voice meek and slightly scratchy from just how dry his mouth had become. "You... have a way with words?" He breathed out a chuckle to which you followed up with a laugh of your own. Despite feeling so vulnerable and awkward, he still managed to make a joke.
You closed your eyes as you brought the mug up to your lips, taking a sip of the now perfectly warm tea before opening them again to give the man next to you a smirk. "What a charmer you are, huh?"
And just like every other time the two of you had been around each other, Leon started to relax by the hour; talking more, joking more, getting closer to you, and once you both finished up the tea, he held onto your hand with his own.
He followed you around your apartment when you excitedly asked to give him a tour. It was small, a very humble one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, but to Leon it was probably the most comfortable place he'd ever been. So similar to your workplace in terms of decor, but now it was full of your more personal items.
The smell of the tea from earlier was beginning to fade, making way for the smell of just you, such a pleasant and intoxicating smell to the man.
Your bedroom was the biggest culprit so far, the two of you winding up sitting on the edge of your bed. Shamefully, he'd zoned out as you rambled on about whatever, just soaking in the feel of your comforter beneath his hands. It was soft, but definitely not as soft as your lips were.
While Leon was zoned out, his eyes had gotten stuck again, this time on your lips as they moved. You were focused somewhere else, looking forwards, not really paying attention to where he was staring. He so badly wanted to kiss you again, the last kiss didn't last nearly as long as he would've liked it to.
Leon knew his words would fail him and he wanted to act before his nerves got the better of him, leading him to moving his eyes up to yours, his hand reaching to gently hold under chin so he could turn your head to face him.
The feel of his hand caused you to pause your ramble, letting him turn your head to face him. He looked so handsome with that wanting look, his eyes flittering from your own and back down to your lips.
He seemed to know what he wanted, so you opted to just let him slowly pull you closer into a kiss, eyes closing as your lips touched his. It was a little longer than the kiss you shared the night before, but after pulling away and seeing the shy smile you had, he couldn't help but pull you right back in.
His eyebrows furrowed, hands finding their way to your back to pull you closer, one between your shoulder blades while the other on the small of your back. You arched against his touch, letting him angle you the way he wanted. Leon's hands moved to make way for his arms, biceps flexing as he tightly wrapped them around you. He had to hold on tight, fearing he would lose his little slice of heaven if he didn't.
Your lips felt amazing against his, so soft and pillowy. And god, the way your skin felt when he shifted one of his rough hands up under your shirt. He needed more, all of you.
He let out a low groan, almost a growl as he nibbled on your bottom lip before moving down to your neck. He leaned back a bit so his shoulders were resting against the head of the bed frame, managing to pull you even closer so your chest was pressed up a little higher than his, his head buried into the crook of your neck.
You breathed out a shaky breath as his hands began to wander again, still underneath your shirt. They went up and down your back, moving down to occasionally squeeze your waist. You made the prettiest sounds when he did.
Leon felt so needy, holding onto you like this, for dear life. He couldn't help it. You were his lifeline right now.
His lips trailed along the underside of your jaw and down the front of your throat, making sure to leave a trail of hickeys in their wake. He could feel you swallow and the vibrations from your moans, loving how alive you felt in his grasp.
You ran your fingers through his hair before gently tugging him away from your neck, tilting his head back ever so slightly so he was looking up at you. He was panting, breath cold against your spit-covered neck. You gave him the most endearing look, one hand trailing down to cup the side of his face. You didn't want him to worry even for a second.
"I'm not going anywhere." You whispered, running your thumb along his bottom lip before bringing him into another kiss. His grip on you loosened enough for you to carefully slide down and settle your upper half into his lap.
Leon's lip quivered as he watched you, hands trembling once you'd slid out of his grasp. Your words were comforting, but he couldn't hold onto you the way he wanted when you were down there. Though, with the way you rested your cheek against the bulge straining in his jeans, he wasn't all that worried anymore.
You watched your hand with a lazy smile as you stroked him over his jeans, both arms resting on his thighs to keep them spread apart. Leon needed love and care and you were more than willing to help him make up for the lost time.
After unbuckling his belt and pulling it off, you unzipped his jeans, sitting up to pull them down in the front. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, silently asking for permission to which he eagerly nodded his head. He even reached his hands down to help, but you swatted them away.
"Let me take care of you..." Carefully, you pulled the front end of his boxers down far enough for his cock to spring out and then up against his stomach, already leaking precum. Leon groaned as the cool air hit it, causing his hips to jerk up a bit.
You didn't want to tease the poor man, so you reached your hand up and gripped the base, pulling it upright and to the side slightly. You stroked him languidly before placing a gentle kiss against the shaft. He whined, his legs now starting to shiver from the adrenaline.
Leon never could've imagined he'd get this far with you tonight, let alone get to watch you stroke his dick while giving it kisses and little kitten licks. A pitiful moan was pulled from him when you wrapped your lips around the tip to suck, your hand now stroking him faster.
You were so careful with him, focusing on his pleasure, having even stopped a couple times to make sure he was feeling good and also just to tell him how good he was doing.
With his cock now deep in your throat, tears were streaming down his face, small sobs falling from his lips as you bobbed your head up and down. It was all so much; the smell of your bedding, the feeling your mouth wrapped around him, the sound of his own weak little cries hitting his ears.
"I'm-.. God I'm sorry- I-" He spoke breathlessly through the moans and sobs, hands fisted into your comforter as he began to worry he'd chase you away. You pulled your mouth off of him, hand moving from holding the base to stroking him again. "You're doing such a good job, Leon. Just let go for me.." With your hushed words, you quickly put your mouth back around him, going right back to deepthroating him.
His orgasm surfaced fast, throwing his head back with a high pitched whine as he all so suddenly came down your throat. After pulling away, you gave the tip of his cock a gentle kiss before tucking it back into his boxers for him, staring up at him while running your hand along his thigh.
It was hard for him to look down at you, his head feeling heavy. A few small tears fell here and there, but now he was able to give you a tired smile. "Was that alright?" You asked him again, voice raspy from deepthroating the man.
Leon huffed out through his nose, smile widening as he quickly sat up, reached down, and pulled you up so your chest was pressed against his again. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly once more before burying his face into your neck.
It would've taken years for him to open up like that with anyone else, but it was different with you. You already knew, you understood, you were patient with him.
You made him feel weak in the best way possible. For once in his life he didn't need to be that strong, stone-cold agent who didn't bat an eye at death. With you, he could be soft.
It only took a few more sessions for Leon's portrait to be finished. All that needed to get done was some finishing touches since little things tend to get smudged along the way. All a part of the process.
Unfortunately for Leon, you didn't let him see the final product, blocking his every attempt to see it while saying something about "You don't get to see the bride before the wedding!" Whatever that meant.
When you told him it would take about two months to dry, he turned into the biggest man-child you've ever seen. Leon was just as bad as Chris in that sense, only difference being Claire was there to help contain Chris when he tried to see their portrait. Now you were left to deal with Leon's shenanigans all on your own.
No matter how much he begged and pleaded, you didn't relent. Hell, you even chased him out of the building with a dirty paintbrush. Two months was too long to wait for something like that. You were basically torturing him.
Luckily for you and him, it was easy to distract the man with the promise of a comfortable night at your apartment with some takeout. Afterwards, he really only ever asked about the portrait when he saw you working on something else. By now you'd hidden the painting away from his prying mind to give it time to dry. Out of sight, out of mind.
In the meantime, you would sketch him at random; while he was sitting on your couch, with his glasses on, naked on the bed posing for you "like one of your french girls", which was pretty funny yet surprisingly helpful. It had been a long time since you had the chance to draw a nude model, and what better than the ex-agent you'd grown so fond of?
Now it was just a matter of playing the waiting game. Leon's portrait was made to be extra special, secretly working on it while he was sleeping or off at the gym. Sure it prolonged the drying process, but you can't rush perfection in the end.
tags!: @greywardensaywhat @xkittiecatx @httpsuguru @k-fallingstar @lysa1201 @bobastayhigh @pocketstoriesstore @agent-dessis-posts @klee-iii @missjoenowhere @bbjposay @lazuliglace @bigtiddiesimp @finsternisle @sweets3rial @sodacolablast (there's a few of you that tumblr wouldn't let me tag for some reason 😭)
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convito · 3 months
Blasting Off To The Past: Chapter 1: The Customers Are Used To This By Now
Finished chapter 1 of my fanfic based on @yamujiburo's Jessie/Delia Pokemon comics. The fact that it's just the first chapter is a development that materialized roughly 5 minutes ago when I realized this thing is getting way too long to write all at once. It's just a fun little day-in-the-life story because I wanted an excuse to write these characters.
Here's the AO3 link.
Below is the full chapter text. Enjoy!
“Meowth, I demand to know why you just kicked me!” James yelled dramatically.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I wouldn’t waste my time kicking you!” Meowth
The lunch rush took its toll on everyone in different ways. For Delia, the strain kept her too busy to notice anything outside the restaurant. For Jessie, it meant Delia wasn’t looking at her.
In the case of James and Meowth, it was dealer’s choice. Today, that meant each blaming the other for the table leg they each routinely tripped over. Meowth’s thimble-sized temper had reached a boiling point. James was mad by association.
Delia had been holding down the kitchen until the commotion piqued her attention, prompting a peek around the corner into the dining area. She saw Meowth seething as his serving tray clattered to the ground, trading leers with James whose serving tray remained pristinely perched atop his fingers.
Then time stood still as she saw Jessie burst in with a face that gave her conflicting feelings, making a Beedrill-line for the bickering duo. How she heard the noise from across town would remain a mystery. The love of Delia’s life was a lit fuse heading straight for a flamboyantly colored powder keg. The focus now needed to be heading off the stormfront before it turned the restaurant into a restauNOT (she took a second to chuckle at that).
“Jessie. Babe. Sweetie.”
The red menace continued undeterred. Delia raised her voice.
“Jessie, stop! Jessie! Honey!”
Still nothing. Delia was desperate.
Jessie screeched to a halt, bringing the universe with her. She and her two partners in something or other all turned their heads toward Delia, three identical faces of exaggerated shock. Though Jessie’s sported a tinge of crimson.
“I… buh…” she attempted.
“Delia made a swear,” Meowth whispered.
James simply covered his ears.
But whether through shock or sheer force of Delia’s long-bided power, the situation was defused for now. The residual fallout kept things together until the restaurant finally slowed down. James and Meowth lost their abrasion around each other, more or less back to their regular selves give or take the occasional shared look towards Delia. Granted, not unlike their usual behavior.
Jessie, meanwhile, had stuck around to help however she could. At the moment, she was employing her puppy dog eye technique to try and soften Delia’s mood every time her wife looked her way. Despite coming across more like bewildered Magikarp eyes, which had Delia desperately suppressing a snort laugh at every turn, it probably would have worked even if she actually had been angry.
Eventually, closing time arrived. Jessie had finally released Delia from her fishy look and was taking a break from cleaning to watch James and Meowth. The other two former Rockets were Taurosing around with each other as they took the garbage out back. Delia noticed a wistful look in her wife’s eye. It was one she’d been seeing a lot of lately.
“You miss the adventure, don’t you?” Delia asked warmly.
Jessie gave a slight start at this before nodding. They’d grown to know each other well enough that it was no surprise Delia could read her so intimately.
“I know we weren’t the good guys going after the twe- eh, Ash and Pikachu like that,” Jessie seemed just a bit embarrassed, “but getting out there and traveling around really got my juices moving.”
“Even more than our little battling vacations?”
“W-well, I wouldn’t say…” Jessie hesitated, but she knew she never needed to hide anything from Delia, especially after all this time. “Kinda, yeah.”
Jessie’s regular trips out into the region with Delia to explore and battle gym leaders had very quickly begun to rank among the highlights of her life, and she wouldn’t trade them for anything, no matter how shiny. But…
“I just miss the camaraderie with James and Meowth,” she found herself gushing. “I miss the cartoon-level plans we came up with together, I miss the big Meowth balloon, I miss James’ camp cooking and Meowth’s snoring, not to mention-”
“I’m sorry, what was that about Meowth?”
“Oh, right, you never heard his outdoor snoring. Only happens when he’s camping. Real conker of a wavelength he could belch out, which you wouldn’t expect from a little fart like him. I think he developed it as a defense to make predators think a Snorlax is sleeping nearby or someth-”
“What?” Delia had trouble getting a word in edgewise sometimes, a trait of their relationship she oddly treasured. She liked seeing Jessie excited. “No, why would I ask to hear about…? Never mind, I meant the balloon thing.”
“Ok, yeah, that makes more sense,” Jessie admitted. “It was a thing of genuine beauty. A huge hot air balloon in the shape of Meowth. We even used official Team Rocket funds to commission it. They seemed cool with it.”
“I’d like to point out that they did very much fire you.”
“Oh yeah,” Jessie said with a guttural giggle. “Wow, things are definitely starting to make some more sense now that I say them out loud. But anyway, we used to go everywhere in that balloon. It was our own little home where we never had to deal with property tax. We’d sleep up there, have some fun by spitting off the sides, do… other things off the sides…”
“Honey, I love you but oh my god.”
“Hey, if you can think of other ways to handle being up in the air for days at a time…” Jessie’s old smug nature crept in, which she caught before going any further. “Th-the point is I just miss the balloon. It was sort of a symbol of that complete freedom we used to have. Nothing tying us down, literally. No rules. No responsibilities. No bosses or authori-” she paused, her expression that of a system reboot. “How did we not get fired sooner?”
“I didn’t realize how much you thought about that time,” Delia started to feel just a touch of guilt. Or was it jealousy?
“Not 'all the time' or anything. Some things just remind me of that past life. Like how James and Meowth have been sniping at each other a lot lately,” Jessie said with a look of dawning realization. “They must be feeling homesick too. Or, I mean ‘homesick’ I guess,” she made some halfhearted quotes with her fingers. A glance over at Delia dropped the fingers immediately as Jessie read her wife’s expression, as subtle as it was.
Jessie wordlessly walked over to Delia, not rushing, not holding back, simply going. She took her hands in her own and clasped them.
“I am happier now than I’ve ever been,” Jessie answered a wordless question. There was no need to explore the topic further. This is the most she’d talked about the old days since, she realized, that awkward time when she, James, and Meowth had shown up on Delia’s doorstep completely out of options. It was enough that she got it out.
Delia just smiled. It was a genuine smile, but one that obscured hidden depths. Depths that ironically flew right over Jessie’s head.
Once they finished closing, Jessie and Delia stepped out of the restaurant hand in hand, following James and Meowth who had apparently regained their passion for griping. Jessie paid little attention as they fired quips back and forth, sounding to her like synthesized speech from a Nintendo 64 game. She was content where she was, blissfully strolling home with the love of her life. No thoughts, just vibes.
If she’d only opened her eyes, she’d have seen the poorly-hidden look of sneaky determination emblazoned on Delia’s face.
-the next morning-
“Ash!” Delia burst into her son’s room. “We’re making a balloon!”
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paddockbunny · 1 year
list A, #38, toto wolff?
The Arrangement
Summary: Toto and Susie have a rock solid relationship built around pure love, honesty and most importantly trust. So, what happens when you start working as Susie's assistant and a shocking revelation comes to light? Are you willing to be much more trusting and open than you ever thought possible? Rating: 18+. Pairing : Toto Wolff x Reader (+ a little bit of Susie) Word Count : 1,724 (part one of 2) Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, adult material, adult language, discussion of open marriages, polyamory (I think), discussion around sex but nothing too heavy 💞Authors Note : This is a work of pure fiction and is intended to be taken as such. I never usually write about IRL WAG's but there is only a small hint about Susie in this and mainly focuses on Toto. *Please tell me if this comes across as super cheesy? Part 2 is better, promise. I couldn't work out how to get the line in.
Prompt : List A #38 : "Is there a reason you're in my bed?"
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“Shit!” You sigh trying to change the ink on the printer but only making your fingers more stained from the cartridge you had just removed. You groaned as you tried to get the new one into place and hear a click to signify your trial had come to an end and you could tell your boss Susie to try hitting print again.  “Come on….” You moaned as you desperately tried to get the damn click. You were new. One singular month under your belt as Susie’s assistant. And while she was lovely you didn’t want to disappoint her. You needed this job. Not for any financial reasons but because it got your parents off your back about wasting your business degree. Working for the Wolff’s (the most powerful couple in motorsport) would look good on your CV, that was for sure. You rattled the cartridge back and forth waiting for it to…*click* “YES!” You cry out gleefully as your task was done. Inky fingers were the product of your hard work.  “Try it now!” You yell out of the stunning masculine office which you hadn’t quite taken in till now. 
You were standing in Toto Wolff’s home office. Alone. It felt strange. Illegal almost. The room was undoubtably manly with its dark royal blue walls, sleek chrome finishings and black and white photography adoring the walls. It was unmistakably Toto (the trophies on the built in shelves really gave it away) even if you barely knew him. You were around almost constantly. 8am till 8pm were your official hours but you were here, in their home so often you became like a permanent feature along with their sons nanny and the housekeepers. Which was why it was a little odd you didn’t actually see more of the famous Toto Wolff. Actually, thinking about it you were sort of glad he worked so hard and was away so much. It would have been awkward with him around. Having a silly school girl crush on your employers husband couldn’t be a good thing could it? He wouldn’t ever stray (that much was very true) but it wouldn’t be good for your mind if you thought too much about what your life would look like if he did. 
“Hey, is it working?” Susie appeared in the doorway smiling as usual. You glanced across at the desk with the printer on it and it was indeed working just perfectly. Only thing was, she had caught you staring at some of her husbands things. You had to try cover it up. “Sorry, I was just admiring some of these uh…keepsakes.”  “Pretty cool huh?” She came fully into the room and eyed up some of the items herself before pointing a few out and giving you the backstory.  “And this…this belonged to Niki. Niki Lauda.” She pointed at the red cap in a clear glass box. “Niki was a very close friend. He was a sort of mentor to Toto. He was Jack’s Godfather.” She explained and although you of course knew this (being a motorsport fan) you couldn’t help but find it touching she was so open to talk about something so personal with you. "He would have liked you. He had a thing for beautiful women." You felt your cheeks begin to blush at her words. You felt so at ease in her presence this news you would have been the type of a racing giant was nothing more than super flattering. So you when you found yourself turning away to stifle a yawn you couldn’t believe how bad it must have looked. 
“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed as she looked at her watch after your rather obvious omission of tiredness. “It’s after eleven. You’ve been here since seven thirty this morning. I’m so sorry.” She kept apologising and although you felt like you were going to drop any minute you kept telling her you were fine. “Listen, why don’t you take a rest. Toto can drive you home when he gets back. I can’t believe I lost track of time like that.” 
You were hesitant at first to accept her offer. It was a little strange to catch forty winks in someone else’s home. But she practically ushered you straight toward a bedroom and you felt your body relaxing at the sight of the luxurious looking cotton sheets on the big bed.  “I can’t, I feel so bad…”
“Don’t. Honestly. Toto will drive you home when he gets back.” She smiled and slowly closed the door behind her. The room was illuminated only by the moonlight streaming in through the open window. The room was light coloured, you could tell that much. It had a vibe of an upmarket hotel and smelled absolutely incredible. It reminded you of something. A man’s cologne or something. It was woody, musky, but with an airy lightness you simply loved. You kicked off your plain white trainers and lay down on top of the bed as if it was a welcoming bear hug. You didn’t waste time looking around. Your body shivered out of tiredness so badly you would have dove head first into the big inviting bed if you could have, but instead you lay down on top of it carefully as not to disturb the sheets too much. 
Sound asleep was what you were when you heard the faint clearing of a throat. You barely even stirred as the noise was made again. You were dreaming of being on a tropical island being served a blue cocktail by a cabana boy as he fanned you with one of those old fashioned fans you only ever saw in movies. Your eyes slowly adjusted as you “came too” and immediately wished you hadn’t woken from your slumber at all. Standing there, leaning over you like some big, dark shadow was the figure of Mr Wolff - and not like the one in the fairytale. You were just about to swear when he spoke first. 
“Is there a reason you’re in my bed?” His accent was thick. His voice was low and rough. In different circumstances it would have made your stomach flip. Frantically you wracked your brain for a good reason as to how you came to be in his bed, of all places. You were tired seemed like the surest way to get you fired. But as you’re brain worked overtime suddenly you saw the expression on Toto’s face change as he took in the sight of you still lying on top of the covers. It dawns on you that he’s now smirking at you and you couldn’t put into words how nervous you had become. It was most certainly nerves down to who he was, in motorsport and business, but also because you found him so undeniably hot. There was something about him that you couldn’t help but find sort of irresistible - even though you were literally employed by this man’s wife and that was enough of the lusty talk about him to last a lifetime. Toto just had this presence and aura that commanded a space and right now it was commanding this (his) bedroom. 
Then right in front of your eyes his features start to soften and he began to smirk at you at you. The action makes you nervous.  “Please forgive me…” you rush to get up and be suddenly sits down beside you, so close it was as if he was holding you in place. You went to explain to him his wife had offered me a chance to lay down and rest after I had overworked but he silenced you.  “You don’t need to explain or ask forgiveness.” His voice had lowered and was now so thick with a tone you couldn’t work out. The whole scene must would have looked completely bonkers and bizzare. It would have been even stranger at the fact you didn't even move. Toto took a deep inhale of breath and on the exhale said “fuck it”. 
“You’ve worked for us for….a month now?” He asked and you couldn’t do anything but nervously nod. He was so close to you his body was touching your leg. You tried not to think about it as he continued; “I’m going to tell you something, it’s private and a part of the confidentiality clause we had you sign.” Oh God, what was he going to say? What were you going to have to pretend you had never heard? How would you cope if you were asked about this? He was so confident in his posture you deduced it couldn’t possibly be something bad, illegal or dangerous. 
“My wife and I...” he paused and cast his eyes up and down your face as if he were trying to get a read on you before continuing “We have an open marriage.” OH FUCK! He gave you zero time to process again because he was already following it up with; “Do you know what that means?” Before you could stop yourself from getting whiplash. This was absolutely not what you thought Toto would have come out with when he was stood over you only moments ago. You snapped back to his question and although you sort of did know what that meant you still shook your head as a “no” which he seemed to delight in 
“We get to fuck other people.” That was when you realised Toto’s hand had come to sitting on your thigh. You didn’t say or do anything.  “She’s had a few drivers, none I would worry about, but me? I’ve not really indulge.” Your brain suddenly went completely and utterly blank, trying not to zone in on the word "indulge" as if fucking other women was like a tasty slice of chocolate cake. But your brain swirled as all you could think of was how warm his hand felt on your thigh (even through your smart but tight trousers). You were sure you weren’t reading this right and he actually meant he wanted you to help find him someone one appropriate for him to do, well, whatever he wanted with. 
As you felt the temperature rise a few notches at the X-Rated confession (and revelation) that your employers were in an open relationship was continuing to blow your mind you began to wonder why he was suddenly telling you this all now. Why did you even need to know this in the first place? Besides you figured they were rock solid, as solid as they came in fact. Surely they weren’t “seeing other people”? But then you weren’t stupid, you knew about open relationships, usually that was totally based on love and trust not at all like they were in the break-up sphere. 
“Mr Wolff, I don’t know if I’m reading this right…” you whipped back to your earlier stream of thought so fast it almost gave you whiplash considering you we’re all kinds of stressed now you were being pulled so quickly into their inner sanctum. But Toto was still smirking - somewhat arrogantly now - at you. In that moment, Toto’s eyes flickered down to your lips and back up. It was becoming more obvious to you as to his motives.  
“How are you reading it?” His voice changed and was darker than before but the amusement still remained . “That I want to fuck you?” He asked. You weren’t quite so bold enough to answer him that yes, that was your assumption. 
“Because I do." He said directly "I want to fuck you."
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damned-punk · 4 months
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Situations (Kidd x Reader x Killer)
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Content Warning: none ♡
Content Description: gn!reader is in an implied poly relationship with Kidd & Killer who are feeling clingy
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You’d been sleeping peacefully in your cabin when you heard the door open and close. It was still night as indicated by the lack of sun in your port window and you couldn’t even begin to guess the time. As you turned to face the intruder, you heard the door open and close again. Much to your surprise, both Kidd and Killer were awkwardly standing over you. The scene was very amusing, they both wore only pajama pants and Kidd was munching on something rather loudly.
“Can I help either of you?”, you laughed a bit, pretty confident in knowing what they wanted.
“Sorry for waking you, Kidd couldn’t sleep and then we missed you.”, Killer spoke as Kidd finished off whatever he was eating.
“Actually, Killer missed you. I was fine in the kitchen until he found me.”, Kidd playfully nudged Killer with his shoulder while he gave you a grin.
“Alright then, you go away so Killer and I can have some peace.”, you bickered back with him, causing his grin to fall.
“What the hell? That’s not how this works.”, he stepped forward and climbed over you to occupy the space on your right side while Killer filled the space on your left.
Just like that, your suspicions were confirmed. This had happened many times before, you weren’t even sure how it had started in the first place. This little situationship was like an unspoken agreement between the three of you, a shared affection that didn’t need to be defined. You shifted underneath them in order to accommodate their size. Kidd positioned himself with his head on your chest while Killer shared in the comfort of your pillow, intertwining his legs with your own.
Light conversation ensued but ended quickly as Kidd’s snores filled the room. He was usually the first to fall asleep, always gripping or pinning you in place so you could act as his personal pillow. You glanced at Killer who was already admiring you. You couldn’t see it, but his face had grown a bit red at being caught. It was such an interesting contrast to see them being so affectionate as it was in stark comparison to how they usually behaved.
The more you reflected, the clearer it became that a lot of the crew was the same way. They were caring and devoted to their friends but were so ruthless in the face of others. It was one of the Kidd Pirate’s most endearing qualities, their unwavering love for one another. Of all the rumors and stories that you’d heard prior to joining the crew, nothing could’ve prepared you for how genuine these people were. A found family, through and through.
“Get some rest.”, Killer interrupted your thoughts as he pressed a light kiss to your forehead, prompting you to close your eyes.
The following morning, loud banging on the door woke the three of you. Heat and Wire popped their heads in and apparently, you’d slept in and the crew was hungrily awaiting Killer to make breakfast. He groaned and reluctantly slipped from the warm bed in search of his mask but just as you went to follow, Kidd tightened his grip around you.
“Just come get us when it’s done… and shut the damn door.”, Kidd sleepily stated as he chucked a pillow directly at Wire.
“What if I wanted to get up?”, you teased, running your fingers through his hair as he drifted back off.
“Don’t care.”, he nuzzled himself into your warmth further.
As Killer headed to the kitchen to tend to his duties, you pondered on how secure you felt with them. Even as Kidd fell asleep in your arms, you couldn’t fathom just how lucky you were. Whatever this was, you hoped it would never end.
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superhaught · 3 months
Breaking Down
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(GIF by jamie-hayter)
Pairing(s): Leighton x Tatum, Leighton & Reader
Warnings: anxiety attack, slight angst
Word Count: 1900, Part 1/?
Part 2 / Part 3
Anonymous asked: Can you write about Leighton having a panic attack just after coming out to her dad in front of Tatum and Tatum's father ? Hurt comfort ?
Leighton was quiet for the remainder of the dinner. She smiled when she had to and answered politely when prompted to. Tatum kept glancing her way, brows knit together in concern. Leighton met her eyes and mouthed “I’m fine,” feigning a pleasant demeanor.
But she wasn’t fine. Far from it, actually. She didn’t want to come out. She didn’t want the fallout. She didn’t even realize she was saying it until it was too late and the words were already vomited out. 
I’m gay. 
The look on her dads face was seared into her mind. He wasn’t disgusted or anything that horrible, he was just… shocked. But what did she have to complain about? Him needing to take a few moments to process on the bench outside of the restaurant was hardly a traumatizing reaction. When she had gone out there to check on him, he was so quick to assure her that he loved and supported her. So why did she still feel like her insides were boiling?
Leighton was the last to stand up from the table, not realizing right away that the bill had long since been paid and they were starting to say their goodbyes. Tatum’s dad shook Leighton’s hand and gave her a polite pat on her back, saying something like, “I’m happy to have met you, Leighton. I think you’ll be very good for my daughter.” She smiled and nodded while repeatedly counting to twenty in her head. 
Tatum gave Leighton’s upper arm a slight squeeze and whispered, “can I borrow you over here for a sec?”
Leighton nodded blankly, Tatum pulled her away to quiet a corner of the restaurant lobby while their dads continued to chat happily about the good old days. 
“Hey, are you alright?”
“What?” Leighton asked, taking too long to process Tatum’s words, “oh, yeah. I’m fine, really.”
“You don’t seem fine…”
“Well, I am.” Leighton snapped. She didn’t mean to come across as harsh. She just… didn’t want to get into it. “Sorry… I am fine. That went as well as I could’ve hoped, so… it’s all good.”
Tatum raised an eyebrow, “Okay, but whatever you’re feeling is valid, you know? A neutral, or even a positive reaction doesn’t always make coming out any easier.”
Leighton inhaled through her nose and sandwiched Tatum’s hand in hers, “I’m feeling fine, Tatum. Really. I’m glad my dad knows, and I’m sure I’ll talk to my mom and brother soon. This is good.”
Leighton wasn’t lying, exactly. But that was far from the whole truth. She just didn’t know right now. She didn’t know how she was really feeling. She didn’t know why she didn’t want to be honest with Tatum about that. She didn’t know why she felt like all of the air was being sucked out of the room. 
“Alright,” Tatum conceded, “well, just call me if you need anything, okay? I’m gonna go back with my dad to his hotel for another drink. See you later, babe.” Tatum gave a quick, chaste kiss that landed on the corner of Leighton’s mouth.
Leighton nodded. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen.
She said goodbye to her dad as he climbed into the back of his ride back to his hotel. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. 
Leighton started walking back to campus on her own. One. Two. Three. Four.
She was nearly back at her dorm but she felt like her ribs were being compressed. The tips of her fingers were all pins and needles. She couldn’t get a full breath anymore. 
Leighton sat down on a bench and gripped the edge of the seat with white knuckles. 
You were on your way to your dorm from the library, finally finishing a study session for your upcoming chem exam. You usually never run into anyone on the path that you take but not this night. 
Sat upon a bench next to the sidewalk was a blonde, hunched over with her head in her hands. You quickly recognized her; Leighton Murray was shaking and hyperventilating. 
You look around quickly and then rush over to the bench, tossing your bag onto the ground and kneeling down in front of her.
“Leighton? Hey, Leighton… are you okay?” you ask softly. 
The blonde gasped and sniffled, quickly sitting up and wiping her cheeks on the sleeve of her shirt. She muttered under her breath, “shit…”
“Are you hurt? Sick?”
She shook her head. She still wasn’t breathing normally. You felt like you recognized what might be happening, “Leighton, could you be having a panic attack?”
She nodded at this. 
You didn’t know Leighton, well. You had been to some of the same events and parties. Run in some of the same circles. But you knew panic attacks. You knew what you would want someone to do for you. 
You sat down on the bench next to her, “is it okay if I touch you?”
She didn’t respond immediately but she eventually nodded. You took off your jacket and draped it around her, and then wrapped your arms around her shoulders and started to give her a squeezing hug. At the contact, she quickly melted into you and started to sob. You weren’t surprised by this, you would’ve done the same. 
“I want you to try breathing with me, okay? Just try to slow down, and breathe deeper…” you whispered. You made the pattern of your breathing obvious so that she could try to follow you, “try to match me, you’re doing great.” 
You seemed to be helping. It took some time but she was able to focus on matching her breathing to yours. 
Leighton coughed. You reached for your bag without pulling too far away from her and got your water bottle out, “do you want some water? It’ll help.”
She nodded and reached for it. You unscrewed the cap for her and she took it and poured water into her mouth. 
She was quiet for another minute or so and took another drink before handing the bottle back to you. Her voice was shaky but her breathing seemed to have settled.
“Thank you…”
You nod, “Course, are you feeling better?”
“Mhmm…” she paused and wiped her face again, “why did you help me? You don’t even know me…”
You shrug, “I wasn’t just going to walk by.”
“How did you know what to do?”
“I’ve had panic attacks before. In my experience, they’re a lot scarier when you’re alone.”
She nodded and sat up a little straighter, “I must look like a fucking mess… I don’t like to let anyone see me like this.”
You can’t help but chuckle a little, “like what?”
She scoffed, “crying, my makeup running down my face…”
“Ohhh, you mean you don’t like people seeing you look human?” you tease, nudging her arm slightly. 
Leighton laughed and wiped under her eyes with her thumbs. 
“Here, if you’re so worried about it, I think I can help with that, too.” You rummage through your bag once more and produce a travel size pack of face wipes, handing them over to her. 
She raised an eyebrow at you, “what are you? Some kind of genie for people having breakdowns?” Leighton took the wipes from your hand and cleaned her face. 
You laugh, “No, nothing so glamorous. I just like being able to help when I can.”
She sighed, “well, it’s appreciated. Thank you, really. I kind of thought I was dying for a minute, is that stupid?”
“No, not at all. Panic attacks are mean like that. Have you had one before?”
“I guess so, now that I think about it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, they’re no fun.”
“Yeah…” she took a deep breath, “I’m so sorry, I feel like an asshole, I don’t even know your name.”
You tell her not to worry about it and introduce yourself.
“What dorm are you heading to? Can I walk you back? Make sure you get there okay?”
She looks a little taken aback by your offer but she nods, “that would be really nice, actually, yeah.”
You stand and start walking. Leighton immediately groans, “god why am I wearing heels? Gimme a sec…” You stop as Leighton bends down to take her shoes off and resigns herself to finishing the walk barefoot. 
“Oh gosh, no way you’re walking across a college campus barefoot, you’re taking my sneakers.” 
Before she has a chance to protest, you’re already taking off your Adidas and passing them to her. 
“What? Then you’re barefoot, that’s stupid!”
“I’m wearing socks, and this isn’t up for discussion. Just take them, please? I’ll carry your heels.”
Leighton stares at you like you’re an alien. To you, this doesn’t even seem like a big deal, but it clearly means something to her. 
She shakes her head incredulously and slides your sneakers on her feet as you take her heels from her. You then continue the walk to her dorm building in silence for a bit. 
“You’re… strange…” Leighton finally says. 
“I am?”
“Yes. You’re not like most other people here. I feel like… you’re one of the only people I’ve met who isn’t completely self-interested.”
“Huh. Maybe you’re right. Maybe you’re just meeting shitty people, though.”
“Maybe… My roommates are pretty good, but they might’ve only given me a chance after I bought them all iPads.”
“I’m sorry, you did what?”
“Oh, I bought their forgiveness with iPads. I think… I think I might be the most self-interested person here, actually.”
You shake your head, “no. No way.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Eh, I have a hunch. For one, I don’t think you’d still be talking to me if you were really as self-absorbed as you say. Also, I find that people who are completely self-interested, usually lack the self-awareness required for panic attacks to happen.”
She thinks about your words for a while and then shrugs, “I still think you’re strange. I’d rather believe that you’re the anomaly in the system and continue to pretend that I fit in just fine with the student body here.”
You smile, “you’re lucky that I take that as a compliment, Leighton Murray.”
You reach her building and she turns to face you, handing you her phone, “put your number in.”
“Yeah… honestly, there’s no one else I’d rather go to if I find myself in that kind of situation again. Is… is that okay?”
She looks vulnerable then. You get the sense that you’ve seen a side of Leighton Murray that no one else is privy to. 
“Sure, Leighton. That’s totally okay. You can come to me for other stuff, too, though. If you just want to talk, or hang out. I can be a strange friend as well as a strange emotional breakdown genie.”
She laughs. You take note of how light and sweet her laugh is. It makes your stomach float a little. 
You put your contact information into her phone while she takes your sneakers off of her feet and then you trade belongings back, returning her phone and heels to her, “I hope you have a good night, Leighton. Try to get some good sleep, you’ll feel better for it.”
She smiles softly, “Thanks, genie. You too.” You watch her go inside the building before you walk away. You let out a sigh and think to yourself a sentiment that you don’t realize you share with a majority of the sapphic community at Essex: goddamn Leighton Murray.
Next Chapter
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peakyltd · 10 months
New Endings
Part 1 | Tommy x Reader
A/N: I wrote this for @dearshelby 's 2K celebration. (Sorry that it took me so long to finish this Lora!) It was supposed to be just a one shot but it became so long that I decided to split it in two parts. It was also supposed to be fluffy but I completely lost track of that. I used the prompt: What you need me to say's gonna hurt you.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse (not inflicted by Tommy and not described in detail), swearing.
Words: 3.4k
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Papers were sprawled over the big desk, the fountain pen in his hand was resting inches above one of them. The crackling of the fire was the only sound filling his office. He needed to finish this but his thoughts didn’t let him, still busy with processing the events of today.
He had left a meeting in the Midland hotel when he immediately recognized her from afar in the lobby. He still felt his heart drop at the sight of her. The mesmerizing smile she gave one of the receptionists filled his heart with the warmth he had been missing for so long.
He still remembered the day he let her walk out of his life, taking his heart with her.
After deciding to approach her, a man walked up and took her hand. Jealousy had taken the place of warmth in just a second. The ring on her finger told him enough. She replaced him with someone else, just like he did with her.
When the couple turned around, her eyes met his own. He could've sworn he saw her eyes lit up for a moment until her expression turned into a shocked one. Her soft beautiful voice called out his name and a small, formal “Hi.” And “How are you.” were exchanged until she told him they had an important meeting and that they had to go.
She never introduced him to the man on her arm. Although he wasn't sure if he actually wanted to be introduced.
“Dad? I can’t sleep.” A small voice shook him out of his thoughts. His eyes focused on the paper in front of him again, realizing the ink from his fountain pen dripped down on it, turning the letters into a big stain. A sigh escaped his lips before looking up at the little boy standing in his office, holding a blanket and a plush horse to his chest. “And why’s that, Charlie?” He asked his son. He took his pocket watch, wondering what time it was.
“Can I stay with you?” Charlie asked as he made his way over to his dad’s desk. “It’s 2 am, you can’t stay here.” Tommy remarked.
“I can sleep on your sofa.” The boy mentioned as he climbed on it. “Charlie, you should be sleeping. In your own room.” Tommy sighed as he got up.
“You should be sleeping too, you’re always here.” He argued as he laid down on the sofa. Tommy moved over to him, covering him with the blanket. “Why aren’t you sleeping, dad?” Charlie tried again.
“Because sometimes people have a bit trouble sleeping.” He explained as he sat down next to him. “Just like me?” Charlie’s question made his lips turn into a small smile. “Yes Charlie, just like you.”
“What’s letting you sleep better, daddy?” Charlie looked curiously at him as he hugged his horse.
Opium, booze, her.
“Thinking about the horses.” He answered as he stroked the boys hair. “I always dream about them.” Charlie smiled at him. “Do you too?”
“Yes, I do too.”
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A knock on his office door got his attention. "Yes." The door opened, revealing Arthur and John. "Good morning Tom." The oldest brother greeted him as he sat down in the chair in front of his desk. John closed the door and started to pour himself a whiskey. "Indeed a good morning." He stated as he raised his glass before making his way to his brothers.
"You look tired." Arthur noticed the dark circles under Tommy's eyes. "He always does." John replied as he leaned against the desk, earning a glare from him.
"I'll keep it short. I got the deal, now I want you to keep an eye on the shipment.” He pointed at Arthur before moving his attention to John, a stern look in his eyes. “And I want you to deliver that package at the right address, today. Is it ready yet?”
“Of course it is. I worked really hard on it.” John smirked before taking a sip of his whiskey. “Good.” Tommy leaned back in his chair. “That’s it.” He sighed as he clasped his hands together.
Arthur’s eyes lingered a bit longer on Tommy as he stood up. It was worrying him to see him turn into ghost of himself more and more everyday. "Try to relax, yeah?" Arthur mumbled, knowing very well his words would fall on deaf ears. Tommy's straight face and the silence that followed confirmed it all.
“Oh, Tom. You never guess who I bumped into this morning.” John broke the silence as he stood up straight. “Well?” Tommy's toneless voice filled the room as he shifted his attention to the letters in front him.
“(Y/N), I accidentally bumped into her.” He answered as he finished his drink, placing the now empty glass on his brothers' desk. Tommy looked up at him, alerted by the mention of her name. “It was nice to see her again. Still stunning as ever.” John added, a small grin growing on the corner of his lips.
“Where did you see her?” Tommy asked him as John barely finished his sentence. "She left Greenwoods, told me she had breakfast there." John replied, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Tommy. "Was she alone?"
"Her fiancé joined her later." John responded. "Before you ask, I don't know who it is but I wonder if he really makes her happy. Our conversation changed in a weird way when he joined and she left pretty quickly after." He put a new toothpick in his mouth. "Why?"
“What else did she say?” Tommy asked. "I asked you something first." John simply stated, chewing on his toothpick. "John, what else did she say to you." Tommy snapped at him, irritated by the fact that he didn't get an answer right away.
John clenched his jaw as he glared at his older brother. "For fucks sake, I-"
"John, just tell him, eh?" He was cut off by Arthur who had put a hand on his shoulder. "Just tell 'im." He mumbled again, hoping to calm the tension between the temperamental brothers.
John sighed as he felt Tommy's eyes almost burn into his skin. "She's here for business. Told me she was doing well and just had a quick chat. That's it." He recalled the conversation. "Fucking business, eh? For how long is she staying?" Tommy questioned.
"Do I look like a fucking calendar to you?" John sneered as he felt himself getting angry by his brothers' interrogation. Tommy opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by John. "I have to go. I have to deliver a package."
"John." Tommy warned. "Fuck off Tom." He strided out of the office, slamming the door behind him and leaving Tommy and Arthur alone. "Maybe you should try to speak to her." Arthur carefully suggested.
Silence followed as Tommy glanced at him. "Go to the yard and talk to Charlie about the shipment that is coming our way."
A sigh fell off Arthur's lips as he shook his head slightly. "Yes Tommy." His voice a soft murmur as he turned around to leave the office. Tommy leaned back into his chair, his eyes staring at the door and his mind running.
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"What's wrong with you now?" Tommy turned around to the direction the voice came from as he adjusted his coat. Ready to leave the office as his eyes met Polly's. Her body leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed.
"Not much more than yesterday." He stated as he put on his cap. "That's why John left your office like that this afternoon?" She wondered, not quite forgotten the contrast between his entrance and exit of the building.
"You know how he can be." Tommy replied, making his way to the door. "Yes, I do know how he can be when you press the wrong buttons. Just like I know how Arthur can be and how you can be. Now tell me what's going on." Polly blocked the door, looking up at Tommy.
"Pol, please." Tommy looked at her, an unfazed expression marking his features. She simply raised her eyebrow, her eyes never leaving his.
Tommy sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. “I have to go.” His eyes held her gaze. Polly didn't move. He laid his hand on her shoulder and gently guided her out of his way. "Tommy, be honest to yourself for once." She retorded as she tried to stop him.
"I am, Pol. I am." Tommy mumbled, more to himself than to his aunt. Before Polly had the chance to stop him, he had already left the office. On his way to be honest to someone other than himself.
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He stopped his car in front of a cottage on the countryside while looking for any sign of life. It seemed quiet and he hoped he didn't make the long drive for nothing. He excited the car and walked up to the front door, the sound of his knuckles hitting the wooden door disturbed the peaceful whistling of the birds.
Tommy waited but there was no one answering the door, he knocked again while glancing inside trough the closest window but it seemed like there was nobody at home.
As he contemplated on what to do next, the door opened. He looked up and was met with the person he was desperate to see. "Tommy? What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked him while the color drained from her face, startled by his sudden presence.
"I want to talk." He admitted while he took in her appearance. His heart dropped in the same way when he had seen her in the hotel. She barely changed in those years although there was something different about her.
"How did you even know that I'm staying here?" She questioned him as she looked around to see if they were alone. Before Tommy could speak up she cut him off. "You know what, I don't even want to know. You can't be here." She blurted out, her eyes darting from him to the road.
Tommy noticed her strange behavior, it gave him a weird feeling. "It won't be long." He assured her as he stepped a bit closer to the door. "No, Tommy." She gasped slightly as she looked up at him. "Please, go."
"I'll go if you tell me that we can meet somewhere. Tonight." He countered although he didn't wait until tonight. Her gaze left his and found distraction on the floor. She bit softly on the inside of her cheek as she thought. A sigh escaped her lips. "Fine."
"Where?" She mumbled softly. "Midland hotel, 9 pm." Tommy offered but saw (Y/N) shaking her head. "No, not the hotel." She looked up at him. "The Garrison."
"The Garrison, 9 pm then." He confirmed as he watched her taking in her surroundings once again. Her gaze fell on him once more. "I'll promise I'll be there tonight." She assured before closing the door on him. Tommy swallowed harshly before returning back to his car.
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As he leaned against the bar, Tommy's attention switched between the guests and the door, a whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. It was 9.30 by now and she still hadn't arrived. Maybe she didn't dare to tell him that she didn't want to come and was this just a trick to get rid of him. Maybe it was stupid to still trust her after all this time.
A lot of maybe's and what if's had been going trough his mind for years now, all without any kind of answer.
The door opened again and revealed the gorgeous woman he was waiting for. Her eyes scanned the place as she wrapped the fur coat tightly around her body. "(Y/N)." Tommy walked up to her. "Tommy." She gave him a small, shy smile as she looked him up and down.
"This way." He let his hand rest slightly on her back and lead her into the snug. He put his drink on the table and turned back to her. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked her while she took off her coat. "Gin with tonic water, please."
As Tommy got her the drink she looked around. The bar looked different from the last time she was here. Thinking back of the many memories that were made inside the building, made her feel at home.
Tommy's voice shook her out of her thoughts. "Like the decorations?" He asked as he closed the door, making his way to the table and put her drink on the table as well. "I- Yes. It's different. More gold." She replied, turning her attention back to the man in front of her.
"You're allowed to say that you don't like it." He assured as he watched her cheeks turn into a light shade of red. "I do like it."
"Just saying." He pointed at the the seats. "Please, sit down." He told her as he sat down across from her, taking a sip of his whiskey. Silence fell over them until their eyes met. "How have you been doing?" Tommy was the first one to break the silence with his question.
"I'm doing fine." She kept her reply short. "How are you?"
"I'm doing well." He answered. She didn't quite believe it, he looked different from what she had remembered. Something she thought she had already noticed it at the hotel but wasn't too sure of.
"John said you're here for business." He said while lighting another cigarette. She narrowed her eyes and her jaw tightened. "The Blinders are still keeping an eye on me here?" She scolded in annoyance. "Did they ever stop?"
Tommy sighed, blowing out some smoke. "You know it was for your own safety." (Y/N) sat up straight. "Was it really? Or was it because you wanted to control everything single thing?"
She remembered that it got worse with the day. At some point there was always someone with or around her to watch her, or taking care of as Tommy would like to call it. She knew that he meant well and he wanted to protect her but it was suffocating.
He took a sip of his whiskey. "You know the answer to that question." She shook her head as she looked away. "Listen, I'm only here for a few days, after that I'll leave."
"Is it for your fiancée's business?" He asked, moving the conversation back to his inital goal while taking another drag of his cigarette. Her eyes snapped back to his, a glare replaced her kind looking eyes. "Tommy, please. Is this why I'm here? To talk about business or rather about my fiancé?"
"We can discuss business later." He remained motionless. "I need to go." She said as she stood up, making her way to the coat rack. "John wondered if he really makes you happy."
She froze as she heard his words. "Does he?" Tommy questioned. She turned around to look at him. "John this, John that. Why aren't you talking to him instead?" She scoffed, her breath quickening.
"Does he?" Tommy asked again. She looked at him, her arms crossing as her fingers played with the fabric of her dress, not being able to answer his question.
He held her gaze a little longer before breaking it. "I guess I have my answer." He stated as he stomped out his cigarette in the ash tray. She took a deep breath, feeling a kind of sadness washing over her. "Why did you even want to talk to me?" Her voice was smaller than before.
"Because I knew I had to when I saw you again. That ring on your finger was supposed to be mine." Tommy explained.
"Supposed to be yours? I can't believe you!" She shook her head before meeting his eyes again. "You're the one who told me I was better off without you because your life was too dangerous. You know I didn't want to break up because of that but you insisted." Tears welled up into her eyes.
"Listen (Y/N) I-" He was cut off by her raised voice. "No let me finish."
"You were the one who just vanished after everything we've been trough. On top of that I found out you were together with someone else not even months later." She took a deep breath to try and remain calm. "And now you're saying that ring was supposed to be yours?!" Her voice betrayed her anger.
"I made a mistake by breaking up with you." Tommy admitted as he stood up. She let out a snort. "Only for breaking up with me?! I heard you were married and had a child!"
"That was years after you, not months. You know I tried to find you but you didn't want to be found, you wrote it meself." He defended as he slowly closed the gap between them. "I have the letter still."
"Don't you understand that you've hurt me?! I wanted to hate you but I knew the moment I would see you again I would forget all about that because I loved you. Something you failed to show many times." She yelled at him, finally able to put the anger and pain into words.
"Don't fucking tell me that I never showed you how much I loved you." Tommy's voice raised, it startled her but she quickly gathered herself together again. "I made that decision because I wanted to protect you!"
"Oh, please!" She scoffed, her body felt tense and her chest moved rapidly from the heavy breathing. "If you loved me you'd fucking fight for me!"
"I always did, (Y/N)! Always!" He yelled back at her as he watched her shake her head again. "Oh fuck off! There's no point into this conversation. You should go back to your fucking wife!"
"My fucking wife is dead." His harsh words hit her harder than she expected, no words were able to leave her mouth as her eyes softened.
"I didn't know." She breathed out. "I'm sorry."
"I tried to protect her like I tried to protect you but I failed. A fate I wanted to spare you." He explained on a calmer tone.
Tommy's gaze softened, his hand touched her cheek carefully. She flinched slightly at his action. "I am sorry." His voice was almost a whisper. Her eyes stared into his, they seemed so close to something safe and familiar but at the same time it was all so far away from that.
He moved his face closer to hers until their lips met. They both melted slowly into the soft feeling of having each other so close. His other hand found it's way to her waist as her hands rested on his chest.
Tommy gently deepened the kiss as he pulled her closer. (Y/N) melted right into him until realization struck her. If her fiancé would find out where she was or what she was doing right now, he would be furious.
She pushed Tommy away, the sound of the harsh contact from her hand on his cheek echoed trough the space. A gasp escaped her mouth, afraid of what his reaction would be.
The stinging feeling of his cheek made Tommy instantly snap out of the moment. He looked at her as he clenched his jaw, confused by what just happened.
"I"m so sorry. I- I didn't want to... I'm engaged Tommy." She stammered while reaching for her coat. "David will kill me if he finds out that I was with you."
"(Y/N)..." Tommy started as he watched her put on her coat. "Does he hurt you?"
She gulped, avoiding his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous."
"I saw how you flinched (Y/N) and don't even get me started on the anxious behavior when I stood in front of your home." This was the last thing she wanted to talk about. "It's not our home. We only use it for holidays." She tried to change the subject as she walked to the door.
"(Y/N)." Tommy called out her name. "What?" She snapped as she turned back to face Tommy. "I care about you."
Her eyes lingered a bit longer on him. "I'm sorry Tommy. What you need me to say's gonna hurt you." She decided to walk out of the door, leaving him on his own.
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To be continued
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teddy-yandere · 2 months
Hi can i request hawks x reader 📣🔥💋 (im not sure if you write for bnha hawks if not then its fine)
Prompts 📣🔥💋
“Gosh, you smell so good when we cuddle like this!”
“You think I’m jealous? Believe me, you haven’t seen me jealous yet.”
“I desire any physical touch with you so please hit me more.”
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
A / N = Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I did not proofread this. Please read my bio before requesting, and make sure that my requests are open or else your request will be deleted. Enjoy <3
«★»———- Yandere Prompt List
«★»———- MHA Hero’s Masterlist
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★ You had just arrived home from a night out in the city with Hawks. In fact , this was the “ first time “ that you had been out in public since Hawks had kidnapped you. Hawks made sure to take you to a LOWKEY bar a couple of cities away from where he originally took you . That way you would have a less chance of being identified , and taken from Hawks
★ You angrily sat the bouquet of flowers that Hawks gave you on the counter. Honestly , Hawks didn’t know why you were so mad at him. The only thing that he did was “ protect “ you against the creepy people at the bar. Yeah sure , he might if broke a couple of jaws , but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Hawks didn’t know why you were acting so dramatic over such a small thing that he did in your honor. ( technically )
★ Suddenly , Hawks snapped out of his deep thoughts when he noticed that you were glaring at him from the other side of the counter. “ What is bothering you my little feather ?” Hawks asked in the nonchalant voice that he always seemed to have. “ I can’t believe you acted like that IN PUBLIC “ , you said with a sharp tone to your voice. “ Maybe if you weren’t so jealous , I would actually enjoy being with you “ you added to your statement. You knew that this would set Hawks off , but you didn’t seem to care one bit.
★ Hawks sighed as he tried to explain why he broke that man’s jaw. Just as he was in the middle of explaining why his actions were justifiable, you interrupted by saying = “ There is no reason for you to act like this you jealous freak “. Before you could even finish your sentence, Hawks walked very close to you , before finally saying “You think I’m jealous? Believe me, you haven’t seen me jealous yet.”
★ Hawks stared at you for a moment longer , before finally saying “ I am going to go finish off that person from the bar “. No matter how hard you tried to pull him back , or change his mind , you found that it was like talking to a wall. That being said , Hawks flew over to the bar , and luckily the person who was hitting on you was still there. Let’s just say they had a funeral planned the next weekend….
★ When Hawks returned home , you could tell what he had done by just looking at him. You immediately started crying when Hawks started to make his way towards you. Once he was in front of you , he slowly picked you up , and took you to the couch where he attempted to snuggle into your arms. You tried to push him off of you by insulting him , but you found that it was no use. Every single time you hit him , he would always respond with the same thing = “I desire any physical touch with you so please hit me more.”
★ Eventually you gave up on trying to fight him. You had also just come to the realization that Hawks would probably never let you leave the house again. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was Hawks softly whispering “Gosh, you smell so good when we cuddle like this!” You knew that you were stuck with him whether you liked it or not .
★ Maybe you should’ve flirted , and danced with the other person at the bar …? Like that would make any difference to a delusional Hawks..
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Thanks for reading , Darling !! <3
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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