#i also adore tamaki and kirishima
beanxiv · 1 year
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their favorite place to kiss you ; multiple bnha boys
summary: bnha boys and where they love kissing you most.
word count: 1.6k
includes: gn reader, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, shouto todoroki, denki kaminari, eijirou kirishima, tamaki amajiki, keigo takami, touya todoroki, hanta sero, & tenya iida.
warnings: suggestive on dabi's part, but not really. its def sfw so no need to worry abt that. also a small amount of cussing.
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katsuki bakugou
katsuki loves kissing your lips. he doesn't do anything "half-assed," as he'd say, and kisses to your lips are always full of affection towards you. whether it's a quick peck or a kiss that turns into a make-out sesh, there's always love and passion within katsuki's kisses.
when he kisses your lips the tension leaves from between his brows, the irritation that might've built throughout the day is leaking away, and all his focus is on you and your pretty, pretty lips
keigo takami
might sound odd, but keigo likes kissing your shoulders and back, specifically between your shoulder blades. after a long day of flying around and patrolling the streets of japan what he wants most is to come home to your shared apartment and into your warm arms. he'd tell you about his day, whether it was eventful or not-- he likes seeing you pay attention to him. you wonder aloud what it'd be like to fly around japan all day.
keigo kisses your shoulders and insists on some cheesy shit like, "baby you already know how to fly-- hell, y'flew into my heart and made it soar." you can't help but cringe and giggle at his dorkiness but he totally meant everything he said.
touya todoroki
touya can't get his mind off of the soft skin of your neck whenever you kiss. he feels the need to just sink his teeth in and show you how much you make him burn. it's not too often that he kisses your neck but when he does, he makes the most of it. he'll kiss every inch, from the top of your neck, near your jaw, all the way down to your collarbone.
if you ever ask touya why he likes kissing your neck he'll probably reply with something vague or suggestive. the real reason? he loves the smooth skin of your neck and loves feeling you warm at his touch, squirming when his lashes tickle a certain spot. this close to your chest, touya can feel your heartbeat get quicker and just loves it. no matter how tough a mission or how roughed up he got that day; if he gets to come back to base and indulge in you like this, every injury was worth it.
shouto todoroki
shouto, in his soft and loving moments (almost all his moments) will kiss the side of your head, right at your temple. he isn't the best at expressing himself, but he loves you more than anything and wants to take all your worries away. when shouto kisses your temple, he acts as if he's pulling all the negative thoughts from your head, trying his best to pull together his own thoughts and voice them against your temple, filling your head with his adoration for you.
bonus: the hand crusher likes kissing your hands. they're so beautiful to him and if he had to save one pair of hands from his "hand destroying curse" they'd be yours no doubt."
izuku midoriya
izuku's body is stacked with scars and freckles and he knows how they might make one insecure, but yours are so beautiful and empowering that he makes it an effort to kiss each one of your scars and moles/freckles/blemishes whenever you need it. except, to him, they not blemishes per se, more like your story. they say your moles are where your lover in your past life kissed you the most, i don't think izuku would genuinely believe that, but he still loves to kiss the moles scattered on your body saying something like, "i'll be yours in every life, love." and your scars, he knows all of their stories, he'll kiss them and comfort you, telling you how beautiful and strong they make you.
and if you reciprocate? kiss izuku's scars and freckles?? oh, he'll melt in your arms right then and there. you've sent him off to cloud nine. you'll physically see his soul ascend, he just becomes the happiest man alive.
tamaki amajiki
tamaki loves your cheeks, the plush skin of them always warm against his lips. the innocence of it just takes you out and makes you melt. the way he just takes your face in his hands and presses kisses to each of your cheeks. or when he kisses the middle of your cheek and pulls away to look at you, tracing the curve of your face.
even better when you're looking back at him with those pretty eyes of yours, full of affection. he'll get so flustered and shy, crumbling right at your feet.
hanta sero
hanta loves your lips too, even more so the corner of your lips. the little jerk likes to tease you, kissing the corner of your mouth until you get worked up about it. only then will he finally press a sweet kiss to your lips.
when you complain about hanta's teasing he'll laugh, kissing the edge of your lips once more. "so greedy, my love. good things come with patience." he thinks he's soo cool and wise but he's really just a lovable bully
hitoshi shinsou
in your presence alone, hitoshi is a different person. in those moments when it's just you two, hitoshi'll always have his face buried in your neck turning to kiss your jaw every once in a while. it started as a sleepy habit, he couldn't quite reach your lips, so he opted for your jaw. after that it became a normal habit
even if your jaw is farther than your lips when he's standing over you, he'll just lean down further to kiss it. or he'll tip your face up to his for him to smooch. and if you're taller than him? even better! he won't have to lean down, and if you're that much taller, he'll simply take your face in his hands and pull your face down to his.
eijirou kirishima
eijirou is the most supportive lover ever. this man will do quite literally anything to make sure you feel loved. he always finds himself kissing your stomach. might sound weird but when you guys are cuddled up somewhere and eijirou's head is resting on your torso he'll just start pressing a million kisses to your stomach out of nowhere, if you ask why he'll be like, "i just love your stomach, something wrong with it, babe?" and he's being serious, if you've ever mentioned being insecure of your belly, whether you feel to skinny or too chubby. he'll be like, "uh, no. my significant other is not gonna feel unloved and ugly while i'm around." and shove his face onto your stomach and over-dramatically kiss it everywhere with the little smooch sounds and everything.
and if you tell him to stop he will, but if you're joking he'll take it as encouragement to show you even more love.
tenya iida
tenya loves feeling strong and protective, and kissing your forehead makes him feel just that! especially if he's taller than you. if not, he doesn't care, he can still protect you nonetheless. he'll kiss your forehead millions of times over just to feel like he's your boyfriend. because what is a boyfriend if not caring and protective of you? tenya takes his position as your boyfriend as if it's a job he had to apply for and gets paid for, except this job isn't a nine-to-five. it's a full twenty-four hour business that he is more than happy to take part in.
he’ll take your face in his hands and either pull you down to him or lean down himself to kiss your forehead, depending on your height difference. and he’ll just caress the sides of your face as he does. and tenya is the biggest simp for you ever. if you’re a hero like him, he’s your biggest fan. if you’re not a hero, he’s still your biggest fan ‘cause who cares? you may be a civilian to everyone else, but you’re sure as shit his hero.
denki kaminari
it’s hilarious if you think denki can only pick one place on your body to kiss as his favorite. ha, no. this down bad dork can’t stop and won’t stop kissing every part of you whenever and wherever you let him. like he’ll pepper kisses all over your face, trail kisses down your arms, scatter some more of your neck, and once he’s placed a kiss on every bit of skin you allow him to, he’ll smack a giant kiss on your lips. no, seriously. all the boys are simps, but denki? he’s another category of the word simp. he’s down bad, down astronomical, even.
he’s a very physically affectionate guy, and if you are too, awesome! if not, he respects that and will hold back to make sure you’re comfortable. and if you’re cool with pda he’ll never be far from you, practically attached to your hip. and very often placing casual kisses somewhere on you, be it your shoulder, head, cheek, wherever! so long as you’re comfortable with it, denki is all over you.
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© beanxiv — all rights reserved. copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is not allowed.
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
You Flinch During an Argument -Amajiki Tamaki
A/n: so sorry this took so long! I had a good thing going but my power went out and it got erased </3
I do think this one's better though. Technically this is the third legitimate try <33
Edit: I'm trying out a new format for my info.. is it better or worse O.o
General info:
Wc: 1,176 words | angst to fluff/comfort | Character/s: Tamaki Amajiki
Warnings!: loneliness, snapping, flinching, a little bit of crying. Please let me know if I miss any! <3
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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The night was cold as you sleepily flipped through your journal, not wanting to write but knowing you should. The entries from the last three months have been short and filled with a dull ache of lonliness. They lacked the usual length and warmth you poured into the pages, ranting on about how sweet your timid Tamaki is and how much you adore him and his ever lasting warmth.
The rambling would go on and on, but now you wrote a paragraph or two about how your life has been 'fine' and that Tamaki has been super busy- if you wrote at all.
There was one or two that held multiple paragraphs of your frustration and not knowing who to blame- knowing that it wasn't Tamaki's fault that there weren't enough heroes to protect the innocent of your large city.
Tamaki was doing his best to protect the defenseless, and you admired that- but the dull ache that sat in the pit of your stomache couldn't go ignored much longer.
Sighing, you closed your journal, standing up from your desk to head to the living room, deciding to talk to Tamaki tonight.
Four hours later Tamaki walked through the front door, tall form drained from exhaustion as he made his way inside, already stripping off his hero gear.
"Tama?" You call, poking your head out from the living room to sadly smile at your Tamaki.
"Oh. Hey y/n." Tamaki yawned, dropping both his cape and mask onto the floor as he dragged his feet towards your room, tossing his belt onto the kitchen table before moving onto taking off his gear further.
"Wait, Tamaki!" You call, stopping at the bottom of the stairs as Tamaki paused, looking back at you.
"Yes bunny?"
"Ummm.. can we talk?" You ask, smiling at the nickname Tamaki gave you the first week into your marriage- though he later admitted that he thought of it when you two were simply friends but was too shy up until that point-.
"Baby, I'm really tired.. is it important?"
"Yes.. it'll only take five to ten mintues."
"Okay baby, where do you want to talk?" Tamaki yawned.
"How about the living room? I can give you a shoulder massage while we talk if you like." You smile, causing Tamaki's eyes to shine as he smiled down at you.
"I'd like that."
After you were both situated you started by squirting some lotion on your hands before spreading it onto Tamaki's left shoulder, immediately noticing his many knots.
"Okay bunny, what did you want to talk about?"
"Oh.. so I know that you're working really hard and are really tired.. and I also know that we haven't had us time in a while.. so I was wondering if you could take a day or two off? Not much, just a day or two would be fine."
Tamaki was silent as you bit your lip in anticipation, hoping you didn't upset him somehow.
"Y/n.. are you serious?"
"Do you know how many people might be dying right now? I can't just laze about spending time with you because you're feeling lonely. Why don't you go hang out with some friends?"
"T-that's not the same.."
"How so?"
"I want to spend time with you Tamaki. You know, my husband?" You scoff, starting to get annoyed.
"And I want to spend time saving people y/n, why don't you stop being sensitve and start thinking about other people?"
"But I've been holding my feelings back for months! Please! I'm just asking for a day- even a few hours is fine!"
"Y/n. No. Now if you're done I'd like to get to bed."
Jerking his shoulder away from your touch, Tamaki started standing up.
"But wait Tama-"
"No. I'm disappointed in your selfishness y/n."
"I said stop!" Tamaki hissed, turning around to face you within a second.
At the sudden movement and change of tone you flinched back, tears gathering in your eyes as you stared up at Tamaki, eyes wide.
As Tamaki glared down at you he froze as you flinched, heart immediately breaking as he saw the tears in the corners of your eyes.
"Y-y-y/n I-"
"I-it's okay Tamaki.. you don't need to say anything. I get it. I-I'll just go to bed now."
"B-but y-y/n.." Tamaki whimpered, guilt consuming him as he watched you walk away.
"Y-y/n.. I'm sorry.."
You quickly got in bed after hurrying up the stairs, wiping at your eyes as you clung to your pillow, staying as far away from Tamaki's side as possible.
You awoke the next morning to the sun shining in your eyes.
Wincing, you turned around to feel for Tamaki, forgetting all about last night and the dreadful few months.
After feeling how cold Tamaki's side of the bed you sighed, memories coming to you in flashes as you stared at his side of the bed.
Wiping away the stray tears, you got out to get ready for a day worse than the one yesterday.
After getting dressed you made your way down stairs, deciding to get on top of your piling to-do list to help get your mind off of Tamaki.
Stepping into the kitchen, you stepped back at the sight of a lavish breakfast filled with all of your favorites spread across the newly cleaned kitchen table.
"T-Tamaki.." you whimper, looking at your beloved with tearful eyes as he guilty studied you with his indigo orbs.
"Y-y/n I-"
You interrupted Tamaki as you rushed into his arms, clutching the back of his shirt, desperate for comfort from the man you've grown to adore.
"Y/n I- I'm so so sorry." Tamaki mumbled, burying his face into your hair to mask the tears falling from his eyes.
"I forgive you Tamaki, I know you were just over worked and didn't mean to take it out on me."
"I promise you- I really didn't me an to, a-and I feel terrible about it."
"Shhh it's okay baby.. I already forgave you. We just need to reflect on what we did wrong tonight and make sure not to do it in the future. Next time, I'll wait until you're less exhausted, and you'll make sure to remind me that you're too tired, mkay?"
"Now baby.. why are you home? Don't you have work?"
"Nope, I took the next two weeks and a half off. I know that it won't make up for the months of loneliness, but I'll try to be better, I"ll take less shifts and make sure to only leave for emergencies when I'm off the clock.
"Alright, that's a good start."
"I may need today and possibly tomorrow to sleep.. but I cleaned the entire house -besides our room- and looked at your to- do list and did a few of the bigger things on there.. oh and I made us breakfast.."
"Tamaki. I love you. So, so much."
"I love you too bunny. I'm really rea-"
"Shh, I already said I forgive you. Now, let's eat!"
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When you cup their face
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Izuku Midoriya: He would initially blush at the action but would then smile slightly and hold his eyes closed, leaning into the contact and remaining as still as possible, savoring the moment! It would be the first time someone had done this to him that's done in a romantic manner, and he’d be delighted and excited all the same.
Katsuki Bakugo: Would yell out, "What are you doing, idiot?" In annoyance, But on the very rare chance that he does feel the emotions run higher then usual which doesn't happen often, he'd probably blush quite a bit and let you do it, as long as you don't do it out of nowhere again.
Shoto Todoroki: He would be very flustered and surprised. He would like it, though, and would lean into the embrace a little bit. He would tilt his head to look at you, enjoying how pleased with yourself you seemed to be, his face a deep crimson in embarrassment. He wouldn't pull away but instead hold the embrace for a few more seconds.
Tenya Ida: "Oh." He'll mumble out lightly, his cheeks flushing slightly as your hand cups his face. He smiles warmly at the intimacy and looks up at your kind face, feeling his heart race. "That was nice!" He says, still shy but clearly comfortable enough with you to show his affection.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Would blush but give you a look of nothing short of pure adoration and love as you cup his face. His heart will pound with excitement, and he will lean into your touch. He'll whisper a sweet, "I love you" into your ear before reaching up and caressing your hand with his own, gazing deeply into your eyes and basking in the love you two share.
Hitoshi Shinso: He would initially be a little flustered—it's not every day he receives affection, especially physical affection. He'd probably be taken aback and bashful, and he'd also appreciate the warmth... he'd probably lean into the touch and let out a little chuckle, too, because he likes feeling happy and content more so around you.
Denki Kaminari: He'd be taken aback and surprised at first, but he'd quickly relax and snuggle into your touch. He'd make it known that he enjoyed your physical contact because he is very warm and affectionate, and he always responds well to affection, be it verbal or physical. He'd always welcome your touch—especially if it was a cupping of the face. After all, who doesn't love a little gentle caress?.
Eijiro Kirishima: He would be caught off-guard, and his face would flush. But he wouldn’t be too shy about the contact and would embrace it. He’d also smile nervously and feel his face heating up from embarrassment at the sudden attention. “Um,” he would say, still feeling embarrassed but soon would enjoy and even let his hands hold your face as well.
Mashirao Ojiro: His eyes would grow wide in shock, and his body would freeze, not sure of how to react. For a moment, it would seem as though he's about to freak out, but then, his eyes would soften. He would lean into the touch. He would simply melt into your touch as you held his face delicately, and he would close his eyes, basking in the moment. He would smile and let out a small giggle.
Mirio Togata: He sighs with satisfaction as your hands cup his face. He feels safe in your hands and even enjoys letting his large form simply be held by you, and he is ready to explore the endless possibilities of everything if it means your by his side continuing the soft and sweet affection.
Tamaki Amajiki: He responds well to the unexpected gesture. He tilts his face upward and smiles into the eyes of his partner, feeling the heat from your hand transfer to his cheek. His eyes soften in the moment it takes for your eyes to meet. “You like me?” he whispers, not quite believing what you've just done no matter how long you've been together.
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beestriker015 · 4 months
Nejire x shy male s/o
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S/o is a member of class 1-A and met Nejire when she and the other two members of the Big Three visited his class.
Nejire, being the sweet and bubbly girl she is, immediately introduced herself to s/o.
“Hi! I’m Nejire Hado from class 3-A! What’s your name?”
“I-I’m s/o…”
He said timidly as Nejire smiled brightly at him.
“Nice to meet you s/o! What’s your quirk? I bet it’s super cool? Can you show it to me? Please? Pretty please?”
Poor s/o is overwhelmed by the blue haired girl’s bombardment of questions, but is lucky saved by his close friend Eijiro Kirishima.
“Eease up on him a little Nejire, my buddy s/o is kinda shy and you might be scaring him.”
“Oh so he’s just like Tamaki?”
She says out loud to herself before turning to s/o with an apologetic smile that makes him blush a little.
“Sorry about that s/o, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I-it’s ok. T-thank you…Nejire.”
He looks at his upperclassman with a small smile that she finds absolutely adorable.”
From that moment onward, s/o and Nejire began interacting more and more before they eventually became friends.
Being friends with Nejire obviously means s/o is also friends with Mirio and Tamaki as well, the latter of whom he’s especially close to since they’re both shy guys.
Very soon after forming her friendship with s/o, Nejire became determined to help him with his shyness.
“It may take some time, but I know I can definitely break that shell of yours s/o!”
“Y-you really think so Nejire?”
“Yep! Just look at Tamaki! He was a lot shyer before he met me and Mirio than he is now. Yeah he’s still shy, but progress is still progress! I know I can do the same for you s/o!”
True to Nejire’s word, s/o started to open up more as time passed, which he was quite grateful for.
“I appreciate you helping me Nejire, it means a lot.”
He tells her without stuttering even once.
“Aww, you’re welcome s/o! That’s what friends are for!”
That single word caused Nejire’s smile to fade for a brief moment after it left her mouth.
Why? Because at some point in their friendship, Nejire developed feelings for s/o.
The f word didn’t just affect her however, as s/o had an unexpected reaction to it as well.
S/o says with disappointment in his voice as Nejire looks at him strangely.
“Everything ok s/o?”
She asks him while tilting her head cutely as s/o lets out a small sigh and looks at her with a slight tinge of red on his cheeks.
“…..Nejire, I have something to get off my chest. Throughout our time together, I….k-kinda caught……feelings for you. I like you Nejire…a lot more than just a friend.��
After the initial shock from s/o’s confession wears off, Nejire smiles widely and glomps him into a tight hug.
“I feel the same way s/o! I love you!”
S/o blushes deeply as he melts into her embrace.
“I l-love you too Nejire.”
And thus, the two began dating.
Now that they’re boyfriend and girlfriend, s/o and Nejire are practically connected at the hip, spending whatever time they can together.
Upon learning of Nejire and s/o’s newfound relationship, Mirio and Tamaki are happy for their friends and congratulate them.
“You two make a good couple! Don’t you agree Tamaki?”
“Y-yeah, I’m r-really happy for both of you.”
“Aww! Thanks so much you guys! That’s really sweet of you two to say! Don’t you agree s/o?”
Nejire exclaims as s/o simply smiles and gives the two a thumbs up, much to Tamaki’s appreciation for his equally shy friend.
Being extremely extroverted, Nejire has no problem being affectionate with her boyfriend in public.
S/o however, is still shy and turns into a blushing mess when Nejire kisses or hugs him.
Texts between the two are almost nonstop, sometimes to the annoyance of others.
“Nejire, we’re supposed to be studying. I know you love him, but can you go five minutes without texting your boyfriend please?”
A classmate of hers says as Nejire types away on her phone.
“Hmm? Sorry, I was texting s/o. What were you saying?”
She looks up at her classmate as he shakes his head.
“….nothing, I knew picking you as a study partner was a bad idea.”
He grumbles to himself as Nejire continues texting s/o.
Despite being in different classes, Nejire has a tendency to make surprise visits to s/o’s class from time to time.
“We’re in the middle of something Nejire, go back to your own class.”
Aizawa says with a tone of pure boredom.
“Sorry Mr. Aizawa, I just wanted to check on my cuddlebug! I’ll go now. Bye cuddlebug, I love you!”
Nejire leaves after blowing s/o a kiss, his face red from embarrassment as a few of his classmates tease him about the cute nickname his girlfriend gave him.
“Cuddlebug huh?”
Kirishima asks his friend, but not in a teasing way.
“Y-you’re not gonna laugh at me too?”
“That wouldn’t be very manly of me now would it? I’m really glad you found yourself a girlfriend s/o, don’t let the others get you down.”
S/o looks at Kirishima and smiles.
“You’re a great friend Eijiro.”
They fist bump each other before shifting their attention back to today’s lesson.
When it comes to Nejire’s hero work, poor Ryukyu has to listen to the girl ramble on and on about how amazing her boyfriend is.
“From the way you speak of him, s/o sounds like quite a nice young man Nejire.”
The dragon hero says as Nejire looks at her and nods rapidly.
“He is! S/o is the best boyfriend ever Ryuko! He’s kind, handsome, and his shyness is just so cute! Maybe I could introduce you to him at some point?”
“Perhaps we can pay him a visit after patrol?”
Nejire gets excited at this as Ryukyu smiles, happy that the girl she views as a little sister found someone she cares so much about.
Whatever hero s/o interns under will receive constant calls from Ryukyu passing along messages from Nejire to her boyfriend.
“Ryukyu just called me s/o. She wanted me to tell you that Nejire-Chan says she loves you so much and that I need to keep her ‘cuddlebug’ safe and sound while we’re out on patrol today.”
He/she says with a chuckle as s/o can’t help but crack a small smile at his girlfriend’s message.
“You two love each other a lot don’t you s/o?”
“Uh-huh, she means a lot to me sir/ma’am.”
The pro hero smiles in response as he/her and s/o get back to patrolling for villainous activity.
If s/o ever got seriously hurt, nothing could prevent Nejire from staying right by her boyfriend’s side until he fully recovers.
“Miss Hado, visiting hours are almost over. You can come back first thing in the morning to see him.”
“No! I refuse to leave my cuddlebug alone all night! I’m staying right here with him.”
After a little persuasion from Ryukyu, the doctor eventually relents and allows Nejire to stay in s/o’s room with him for the night.
Once he’s back in good health, s/o is shocked to learn from Nejire’s friends some time later what she did while he was out of commission.
“Y-you were there the entire time I was in the hospital Nejire?”
He asks as she nods with a gentle smile on her face.
“Of course. My cuddlebug was injured and unconscious, so I absolutely could not leave until I knew he’d be ok.”
S/o smiles at his girlfriend as a few happy tears trickle down his face before he hugs her affectionately.
“I have the best girlfriend in the whole world. Thank you for everything Nejire. I love you so so much.”
With a slight blush, Nejire returns s/o’s hug and rests her head on his shoulder for a few moments before pulling away.
“I love you too s/o.”
She kisses him as they cuddle on his bed while watching a movie, a look of pure adoration is seen in Nejire’s eyes as she softly strokes the hair of her shy boyfriend until he falls asleep in her lap.
“Aww, I put him to sleep. Well then, sweet dreams my cuddlebug.”
Nejire whispers softly to s/o before closing her eyes and going to sleep as well.
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serxinns · 5 months
Yandere Bnha x scarlet witch reader part 3
H/c = hair color
F/c = fav color
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Shout out to @lady-ashfade for helping me!
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The Big Three (Platonic)
• Mirio is an affectionate and sunshine Boy always give you hugs 24/7
•Mirio Loves to give you Big bear hugs or tickle you if he's in a very good mood if you not much of a hugger or tickle person that's ok! High fives are just as amazing as well! He would never overstep a boundary.
•Mirio loves to make you happy it's his number 1 goal! he loves to make you smile, laugh, or anything that brings positive emotion, and if you ever feel sad this dude turns into a whole-ass mom he make sure your are comfortable enough to tell why are you feeling that way and if some caused you to feel that way let's just say they're just gonna get more then a punch in the stomach
•He knows it is wrong but he likes to use his quirk to go through your walls and watch you sleep only uses his face tho he thinks it's adorable to see you all curled up in your blanket dreaming he always wondered what your dreams are like if he notices you waking up then he'll quickly back off if you have a bad dream he'll.cone making up an excuse saying how he heard you struggling in your sleep and comfort you
•Every morning Mirio would invite you to walk you to class and when you get to your class he gives you a hive five or a big hug before he leaves
•On educational class visits he always yells out a hello or runs to you giving a big hug even ignoring how he embarrassed you in front of the class
• speaking of the class mirror Always sense how Jealous your classmates are whenever he wants to talk to you your classmate suddenly appears and pulls you away from him he didn't think much of it once he realizes that they were doing it on purpose (expect for izuku) and in the morning after before he was gonna give u a big hug iida got in the way and told you that aizawa is almost here and you should sit down (Aizawa was 5 mins late) mirio saw the pattern and smiled wickly walking to his group with a plan
"two can play that game~"
•Tamaki is the obsessive and Protective type of yandere Is shy and anxious on the outside but deep inside this dude is obsessing about every little thing you do!
•When Tamaki met you thought Mirio always talking about this Student all the time both Neijire and he looked at him curious about who is the student that made mirio that way and when mirio introduced you to them neijire instantly fell in love while Tamaki was shy as usually but there was something different about u a feeling that makes him think he needed to protect you he tried to surpass his feelings but how could he your so adorable and ur in class 1a the class that the villain target!? Poor boy almost made himself cry when the thought of you being helpless getting kidnapped
•Tamaki loves to steal little things you don't care about and keep them in his collection either be pens and pencils or items that you never use he'll collect them and put them in a secret place only he knows
•Tamaki would occasionally compliment you every chance he gets so he can see you beaming with happiness
• whenever you're sad he's not exactly good at comforting people but he would give you comforting head pats or give you your favorite comforting items to calm you down and hug you if you need it but if someone caused you to be this way his whole mood turn he turns from an Anxious introvert to something even more threatening how dare someone hurt their baby sibling he was thinking the most horrible ways to torture the person who hurt you
•Sicne Tamaki is also friends and partners with Kirishima I would imagine Tamaki teaching Kiri to be more protective and be more supporting try to get the reader to date him he doesn't know much about love but he does know about protection and will try encouraging kiri and whenever kiri rambles about how amazing and manly you see he happily listens
•Tamaki Knows how jealous the class gets when it comes to you but he doesn't even care even when the time bakugo threatens him to blow him up if he and the senpais gets near you but all tamki did was ignore him and push pass him he wasn't gonna let anyone scare him especially if it his beloved sibling is involved
•Neijire is the Delusanional and Obsessive type of yandere she thinks every little thing you do means you're depending on them or you need to be protected
•When Neijire 1st heard about you from Mirio she was so ecstatic to meet this Student and when Mirio did she fricking SQUEALED she was pinching your cheeks saying how cute you were hugging you while jumping tamaki and mirio had to calm her down
•Neijire views herself as a older sibling and bestie to you can be controlling like spamming you demanding where you are or wanting to know who you're with but mirio and Tamaki will tell her off but at times she don't listen she needs to know where you are!
•if you notice how weird and obsessive your class or the big 3 is neijire will try to put on the "naive" mask just to think you're just seeing things
•when Neijire wants to spar you she goes all out to show off how strong she is to prove how she can protect you she shows off her fighting skills and her quirk and when this your turn oh she will scream complaints and try to hype you up like "you go y/n" and "Yea that's my little sibling!" jumping up in down like an excited child once you're done she'll rant about how proud she is
•Neijire is VERY protective when it comes to you she glares at anyone when you hang out with them holding your hand a bit tight when she feels uncomfortable if anyone tries to hurt you she'll use her sharp nails and pierce deeply into their skin until it bleeds threatening them to kick their ass the next time they hurt u
•Big 3 loves to make plans to hang out with you neijire is in charge of plans like having a sleepover or a study session or even the trip to the zoo ( Lol tamaki gets scared of the giraffe because he thought it was gonna eat his hand when it was just try a get the food out his hand)
•they calls you Sparks because whenever your using your quirk f/c like sparks come out of your hands and they think its cute
• Big 3 and Class 1a would fight to get your attention whether be who's the group you get to sit with, training and hanging now not only have you got 19 crazy teenagers wanting your love and attention now you got of the most powerful senpais wanting to protect their little sibling and baby you
•Tamaki never admits it but he adores your sneezes it sounds like a kitten (even if you sneeze loud people)
He'll form a small smile
•neijire and Mount lady have a rivalry of who gets to do readers hair and who's outfit you get to wear
Shinsou and Eri (platonic)
• Shinsou is a chill manipulative and more aware and the possessive type of yandere basically the only person you can deal with
•Shinsou and you likes to eat on the rooftop whenever Big 3 and class 1a start to have a war in the cafeteria and makes jokes about how they are to lighten up the mood
•Shinsou is a cool friend and a bug brother to you the two of you would go and do shenanigans like prank the teachers or Cause Chaos around school even mess with class 1b
•Aizawa would hire shins to keep watch of you so you won't do anything dangerous he may be more chill than the others but when someone messes with you it's on bro would find any info on the person and threaten to blackmail
•Shinsou would act like the normal one just to get closer to you and whenever you talked about how weird your classmates are he would try to convince you that ur just being a dummy
•Shinso nicknamed you le Bruja while you nickname him El Insomnio (hehe translate it)
•Shinsou Hate using his quirk on you but if it comes to danger or a villain he had to use his quirk to less you out of danger so he can protect you
•Shinso is secretly a cuddleler and you know it you and eri (eri is a yandere too) would cuddle up and watch movies together and if any of the UA or students caught this they'll secretly take photos but be careful if shinsou wakes up he would not be happy
•Eri is the Innocent but scary yandere she always dreamed when she grows up she'll always be a hero like you
•she treats you like you're her idol she's so amazed when you used your quirk in Battle or training, especially in training cause she gets to watch them in person jumping up and down and clapping her hands cheering for you
•Eri would fake cry whenever you don't give her enough attention she would try to distract you by buying ice cream or snacks for her or guilt trip you to make you lay attention to her more "Y/n I wanna go to the arcade" off the arcade you go to win her a prize "Y/N.. *Shows sad puppy eyes*" well no attention for the person time to cheer up eri!
•Eri would draw little doodles of you, shins, mic, and Aizawa like a family photo
•She loves it when you use ur quirk to do tricks and tries to mimic your moves as well to either izuku, shinsou, one of the big 3 aizawa, mic anyone while saying "Look I learned this from y/n"
•She would invite you, mirio, shinso, and Izuku to cute tea parties the boys are the butlers, and you and here are the royals (slay gurl slay)
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fountainofrubies · 1 year
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I love your quirk! - Tamaki x Fem reader 18+
A/N: I adore Tamaki. He is one out of two of my favorite characters of all time. His quirk is wildly hot.
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, No protection mentioned, Quirk fun, tentacles,virginity, genital descriptions, She/Her
🍋 You work up the courage to ask Tamaki out. He is always the perfect gentleman. Things take a spicy turn when you eventually visit Tamaki at his place. You work up the courage to ask for a lot more. Feeling touched by how sweet you are to him, Tamaki is willing to deliver everything that you ask for.
It’s been a couple of weeks since you approached Suneater in the street. You know quite a bit about Tamaki, so knowing that he struggles with social anxiety, you had come up with a plan in order to ask him out but also to remove as much stress for him as possible, Your plan to run into him on a day where he was making his usual rounds actually worked out smoothly! When you saw him, you approached him with a smile and you handed him a note, vaguely saying to him, “It’s up to you” as he took it from you. “I really hope that I hear from you though. Have a good one!" you wave as begin to walk away. He looks away, blushing, but removing the need for him to come up with a response suddenly did allow him to release the tension in his body rather easily. He looked at you as he took a smooth and deep breath. As you turned the corner, you fanned yourself with your hand, even though it was rather cool day today. Amused by that, he smiles softly, feeling flattered as he opens the piece of paper.
It read: “Hello Suneater, My name is y/n. I really wanted to talk to you today, but I also know that you have some social anxiety, or so I have heard! Just in case that was true, I didn’t want to spring a sudden interaction on you in public, especially while you’re making rounds. Hopefully, this approach is helpful! I do want to be straight forward though, the reason that I am writing to you is because I am very interested in you. I’d like to go on a date with you even, if you think you might like that. Of course though, all of that's up to you. You can text me if that’s better for you, you can also just throw this away if you’re not interested.. or if you're taken. In that case, I'm sorry. Still, no response required, although I would be ecstatic if you did. :) At the very least, I hope you have a great day and a smooth day at work, handsome hero.” Beneath the message, you wrote your phone number.
Tamaki was thinking to himself as Kirishima jogged up to him, bringing him some yakitori that he just bought. “You gotta try this one, it’s great!” he stated as he handed Tamaki the stick. Tamaki took it from him, holding the note in his left hand. Kirishima eyed the piece of paper curiously, seeing the numbers at the bottom. “Phone number?” he asked with raised eyebrows. After Suneater nodded to him, Kirishima clapped his hands in excitement. “Tamaki! You’ve got yourself a date! Are you going to call her?”
Tamaki answered him, “I think I will. Well, really the note says that I can text if I prefer to. She was really cute..” he said as he opened his phone and typed in your number. In that moment, he felt calm, brave even. He sent a short and sweet message “Well since I’m working right now, I’m quite a bit busy, but I would like to talk to you. Texting works great for me.. So I’ll talk to you in a few hours or so? Thanks for the letter. I really like the way you went about this. It was thoughtful. -Tamaki Amajiki”
He received a text back within a minute or so that read, “I’m so thrilled to hear from you! I’m very much looking forward to that! Thank you! -y/n”
Ever since then, you have both sent texts to each other in your free time. After a few lunch and dinner dates out in public, which you offered, so he could eat whatever he wanted to eat for that day, he invited you back to his place to watch a movie with him.
Now that you’ve arrived, Tamaki welcomes you inside. “Hey Bunny” he says cheerfully, even though his hand trembles slightly as he waves to you. You make your way to sit down on the couch, smiling at him as he joins you. He sits down beside you, holding his arms in his lap, shoulders hunching slightly, looking at you sideways in an attempt to read your body language. He has already kissed you after your last few dates, and his kisses were small, sweet and simple, but he hasn’t touched you much outside of that. He wants to touch you now though.. but he doesn’t know where to or what way would be best.. what places touches are okay for this level of your relationship.. what’s considered more polite as far as places go.. He also wonders if it would be wanted or not. He even worries about the fact that he wants a lot more with you than might be appropriate at this stage in the relationship.. what if that becomes clear and it puts you off!? OR!!! What if he is worrying too much, sitting here like this, looking weird and you move on because he doesn’t seem interested!? Oh no! Now he is very worried, because he’s just frozen here, doing and saying absolutely nothing.
Learning his mannerisms and his habits, you notice his stiffness. He looks stressed, so you reach over and run your fingers up his leg, starting from his knee, ending at the top of his thigh, calling his attention to the sensations. He breathes in sharply but quietly, he peeks over at you, shyly watching you. You always smile at him and touch him softly when he seems nervous. Even when it’s just the touch of your hand on his, like you’ve done on your dinner dates. He doesn’t ever thank you for that specifically or anything, but he really likes that about you, it’s very comforting. You use his leg and the back of the couch to lift yourself so that you can kiss him on his cheek. Flushed, he turns to look at you more directly. You brush his collarbone and his shoulder with your fingertips, making your way back up his shoulder in order to put your hand behind his neck and ease him forward towards you. You kiss him softly. He is holding his breath as he kisses you again, this time slipping his tongue into your mouth. “Mmmm” his voice is deep and sensual. These moments really draw him in, it’s all that he can think about as he focuses on how you feel, how you taste, where you’re touching him. This particular kiss is the deepest one you two have shared thus far, becoming a very passionate kiss, lasting a lot longer than the usual two to three second kisses after your previous dates. After your lips part, he exhales, his breathing rapid. Exhilarating. Grabbing his thick, messy, beautiful hair, you hold him still, pulling his head backwards tenderly as you begin kissing up his jawline repeatedly, stopping at his ear.
“You are delicious, Tamaki.” you whisper softly into his ear. The soft air hitting his ear makes him tense up slightly, he whimpers quietly as he responds by squeezing the wrist of the hand that you’re using to hold his hair. . Breathy, blushing and thinking, he strokes the back of your head, running his fingers softly through your hair. You gush at him, “I really could do this with you all day, I love it when you touch me.” Touching his other cheek gently, you shower the side of his face and his jaw with more short, but soft kisses. Then, you sit back down completely and snuggle in close to him, pulling his arm around you. You begin doodling circles into his chest through the fabric of his hoodie, enjoying the many small affectionate touches that you’re giving him. You get comfortable pretty quickly, he snuggles towards you as well. Holding you close with his arm still, he reaches with his other hand and rests it on your leg, near your knee, petting you with a repetitive motion.
Eventually he gets completely still, as you both check out a few scenes from what you are watching. Some time after that, you hear him breathing deeply. He breathes with such calmness that you know that he has fallen asleep. He does work hard, and he is very active, so you stay still, just enjoying being with him. Maybe in this moment, he is showing you how comfortable he is becoming when he is close to you. These moments are so beautiful for you, after all, Suneater has been your crush ever since he became known as a hero so you feel extremely lucky. You love to soothe him, hold him, be beside him. You adore him, he’s strong, he is inspiring when it comes to how he refuses to let his own personal struggles stop him from doing hero work. As he moves a bit in his sleep, his head rolls slightly backwards. After he repositions himself, still sleeping soundly, he rests the back of his head on the couch behind him. You look up at him, to see if he is awake or not. He isn’t, but as you enjoy the sight of him, he subtly squeezes the couch arm as he moans deliciously, yet softly, grabbing your attention immediately. He mumbles something, so you listen carefully. Whatever he’s saying, it’s too low for you to make it out, but next thing you know, he inhales rigidly and moans your name. Your eyes widen, you can feel arousal prickling you all over your body. Your nipples stiffen, you even feel wetness between your legs. You look down and see his pants pulled tight against his apparently large erection. You want to touch him so badly, but you’re definitely unsure about how he would feel about that, so you decide to wait, especially since it would be the first time you have touched him in such a way.
Instead you get up slightly and lean forward to him. As he moans again, you start softly kissing his neck, with slight suction but plenty of tongue. Hopefully, he won’t mind. As you do so, he moans a bit louder and begins to breathe harder, squirming a bit, as he moves his hips forward smoothly. His response is driving you wild. You lose some of the control you had as you imagine him being inside of you with his big, hard cock. You grab the front of his hoodie, fighting the urge to grab his cock as he squirms and you grip the neck of his hoodie into a handful instead, holding in to his chest. Then, instead of kissing him softly on the neck, you press into his neck roughly, sucking his milky skin quite a bit harder than before. You’re getting sloppy now and you’re also making noises of your own as you eagerly make out with his neck. Your actions stir him awake. He is still moaning as he comes to. Then, he realizes that he just woke up, that you’re kissing his neck deeply.. that he’s so hard.. that his lewd dream was pretty much apparent.. Before he even gets the chance to process any of it, he gasps, worrying about what you might think of him, pulling away from you suddenly in a panic. His blush reaching even his ears now, looking embarrassed and horrified, wide eyed, touching his neck where you were kissing him, trying to hide his boner with the thick hoodie sleeve on his arm. He was not sure what to think. Breathing hard, he rushes his words, “I’m.. I’m sorry!”
Seeing him this way only pulls on your heartstrings though, so you reach towards him and rub his arm, trying to soothe him. “No, no, no, You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s my fault. I mean, yes, you did moan in your sleep while you were dreaming.. but I just want you so badly that I basically jumped all over you. I’m the one who is sorry, Tamaki. I didn’t even know if you’d even want that from me.. I’m sorry.”
Although his mind is racing, you insisting that he didn’t do anything wrong does help. He takes deeper breaths, clearly calming back down. As usual, his mind shuffles through and assesses his every action quickly, criticizing every perceived mistake, almost looking for something to apologize for. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, “if I startled you by reacting like I did.”
You encourage him, “You don’t have to apologize, I mean, maybe it’s just what I think, but you don’t have anything to apologize for. I’m the one that startled you, if anything.”
He bashfully smiles at your kindness towards him, he silently ponders the situation again, but then he looks at you directly as a look of surprise washes over his face. “Wait.. you said.. wait… Okay, okay.. Sorry, but did you just say that you wanted me so badly that you just jumped all over me?” he asks, eyes wide again, but looking deeply curious. He’s obviously interested in discussing this further. He’s waiting patiently for your answer.
You blush quite a bit yourself, “Um.. y-yes, Tamaki,” you stammer just a bit, “that’s how I feel about you. I mean, I do want you, I want you so badly.. I love everything about you.. being with you.. the way your kisses taste.. the way you feel in my arms..”, you grab his hand, rubbing it with your thumb, “I think about it all the time now. I mean, I wouldn’t ever want you to feel rushed. That’s important to me.. but yeah, I feel hot just thinking about being with you.. in that way, even right now. I’d give you all of me.. right now, if you wanted it.”
With a blush filled face, he admits his thoughts and feelings, “I want you too, Bunny. I can’t believe I’m saying it out loud to you though..” He tugs at his hoodie around his neck. “I feel really hot too..” He blinks, looking at you with timidly innocent eyes. He’s so gorgeous. You move towards him slowly, and he watches your hands carefully as you begin to lift his hoodie, raising his arms as you take it off of him. You hold the back of his elf-like ear in your hand and lick it softly around the edge, from it’s lobe to it’s pointed tip. You pull it forward, very gently, so that you can press your kiss into it with more pressure. After you twirl your tongue around on different parts of his ear, you begin to kiss his neck, trying to give him as much pleasure from the act as possible. As for Tamaki, he just keeps breathing faster, the exhilaration he is experiencing is clouding his mind. It’s like he’s forgetting to be nervous in this moment. His hands begin to roam. With one, he grabs your waist, then, with his other hand, he runs his fingers up your leg, stopping at your outer thigh. He is watching you closely and you run your fingers down his stomach, then reaching down in between his legs. The anticipation is filling him up. He squeezes your thigh without thinking as he braces himself the second your hand spills into his lap. He whimpers and whines immediately as you firmly rub his throbbing erection through his pants. He’s big. Watching him bite his lip and whine like this is enough to drive you crazy. You begin to undo his belt, but before you unbutton his pants, you look at his face. Still breathing hard, he looks at you passionately, blushing. “If you want to, I’m not going to stop you.. I mean, if you want me, you can have me….”
You remove his pants, with his help. You pull his T-shirt off of him as well, exposing his skin. His cheeks are still light pink, and he is rather tense, but he is very much aroused. You push him back down into a seated position in a very flirty way and then you begin to remove your clothes as well. He looks into your eyes for only a couple of seconds at a time while you’re undressing. You sink down to your knees in front of him, tuning the tips of your fingers up his thigh as you reach forward toward his hard cock. Watching him watch you as he breathes heavily, you lick his cock from the base to the tip, while it throbs in your hand. You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock. He arches a bit and moans your name. A drop of precum is pooled up at his slit. It begins to run down the side after a few more licks and kisses, you lick upwards again, this time licking up the precum that was running down the side of his shaft. You suck on the end of his dick, alternating between mild to moderate pressure. His hands grab the couch roughly, squeezing the handfuls with intensity. He groans, looking up towards the ceiling. He is trembling now as he moans breathily, “That feels so good, bunny, so good..” he gas ps, “so good. Ohhh you have no idea how good that feels.” He moans softly every time you lick, kiss or swirl your tongue around the head of his dick. It makes a popping sound as you pull him out of your mouth. You love hearing him moan so much, he hasn’t been holding back. You stand up, looking at him.
“Tamaki, please, make love to me…” you say while you are touching your body softly, dragging your hands from your stomach up to your breasts. He processes what you just asked of him and it doesn’t take him long to nod and begin to move. As he stands up, he grabs your hand politely and then he pulls you a few feet to the left of the couch and steps off of the small platform that the couch sits on. With one foot still on it, he pulls you toward him, picking up your leg to place it over his, helping you climb up onto him.
Tamaki’s body moves fluidly as he lifts you up and props you up temporarily on his raised leg. He wastes no time as he begins to guide his length inside of you. He slips right in at first, your hot wetness surrounding the head of his dick. He moans softly, biting his lip as you take his inches in. You moan as you work yourself down his shaft until you are sitting on him, facing him, in his arms. When he pushes into you the rest of the way and gets completely inside, he moans louder than you have heard him moan before, making you want to fuck him hard. The way he embraces you however, is delicate and smooth and he sets the tone pretty quickly. He very gently holds you as he moves his hips slowly forward while firmly pulling on your shoulders so that he can push himself deeper into you as he moves. He grips you and holds you still as he slowly pulls back out, grunting softly with his strokes. After ten or so pumps, he holds you still as he pulls out halfway. He rests his forehead on your collarbone and groans breathily. He pauses, breathing a little less heavily with each breath he exhales. You run your fingers through his hair and engage your core, humping him deeply. He grabs your thigh and breathes hard as he whispers “No, wait.. please..”
You express your concern. “Tamaki? Everything okay?”
He looks at you, you see a flash of nervousness for a split second, and then he just stares at you, slightly slack jawed, blushing, not moving much at all. You can see the gears turning in his head, he’s thinking and it looks like he’s consumed by anxious thoughts. You continue, “Tamaki, it’s okay”, you coo. “You can tell me whatever you need to tell me or ask for whatever you might be wanting.”
He smiles weakly, and seems to be debating whether or not he wants to say it, but finally, he says “I don’t want this to end right now. I want it to last for a little while longer..” He pauses and takes a deep breath. “It’s my first time really.”
The moment quickly becomes all the more precious and special. You had no idea that you were his first. You touch his face by cupping his cheek in your hand and smile at him as you inform him warmly “Do this however you want to do this, Amajiki. You feel amazing. I just want to be with you and I’m loving every second of this.” You kiss him sweetly, feeling the softness of his lips, gently pressing and pulling yours all at once. “You are perfect.”
Now he is the one touching your face, looking relieved. He looks as if he is very touched by what you’ve said. He says “After this, I’m going to give you everything that you could possibly want from me, exactly the way that you want it too.” He looks at you seductively, clearly turned on by what you two are doing and how you are treating him. He kisses you deeply, moaning and whining softly as he continues the kiss. His right hand touches your neck, his left arm still holding you, he kisses your neck and your collarbone. “I’ll give you everything.” he whispers. He holds you in place and begins to slowly move in and out of you, moaning louder as he reaches into your depth with his throbbing dick. You feel him moving against your inner walls, every stroke reaches far inside of you and he reangles himself every time he pushes in again. Every few pumps, he pauses for a short break, breathing heavily, clearly fighting the quickly approaching orgasm. During these short breaks, he kisses you and his kisses only grow more sloppy and wet. He kisses all over your cheek and neck when he’s not reaching into your mouth with his tongue. He whines as he takes longer and slower strokes, “You feel so good.. you feel amazing..” He moans deeply, but softly as he breathily admits. Ehhnn Ahh mmm.. He looks at you with eyes half closed, wincing as he pushes inside again with a struggling moan. He pulls out halfway and pushes in faster. “Oh!” He pulls out quickly and rushes in again, “AH!” The sound of his moans becoming stronger and louder. He is breathing hard and he moans urgently as he suddenly begins to thrust as fast as he can, squeezing your hips hard. He can only manage a single word at this point “Coming!”, he moans as his muscles go rigid and he begins to smack into you quickly. “Coming!” he repeats shakily as he begins to spasm, pressing his mouth against your neck as he moans loudly, pulling you down hard onto his cock as his movements become short, greedy and explosive. His moans are a sweet, deep, muffled sound. He continues to hold you gently but firmly as he continues to breathe deeply, showering your neck with hot air. He instinctively moves just a bit while inside you, but it becomes apparent to him that he is too sensitive to do much more of that for the time being. He pulls out of you and grabs your legs in a way that makes you easier to carry and he carries you to the bed to lay down on top of you, holding himself up as he looks deep into your eyes. He seems to be enjoying being close to you, silently looking at your face carefully. He smiles when his eyes meet yours and he blushes slightly. He goes to look away like usual, but stops himself, even though he feels blood rush to his face.
You kiss him passionately, lightly caressing his body. His muscles are tight and well defined, his skin smooth and creamy. He breathes deeply and exhales as you give him goosebumps with the sensations you are giving him. You feel the urge to shower him with kindness and care. You encourage him, “Rest for a little bit, Tamaki. When you’re ready, we can definitely continue.” You pull him closer, laying him down on top of you, guiding his head and to rest on your chest. He complies with no resistance, you feel wrapped up in his company. He’s heavier than he looks like he would be, but you don’t mind that. You stroke his hair and lightly drag your fingernails across his back and massage his shoulder and neck muscles with small squeezes. He relaxes and makes satisfied noises as you touch him. You say to him lovingly, “That’s it, relax. Just like this.” As you stroke his hair and pet him, he drifts off into a brief sleep, snoring slightly every now and then. You drift off too.
Tamaki is looking at you when you wake. You stirred as you opened your eyes, and then you yawned. It woke him up. He smiles as he looks up at you and speaks softly “I love being with you.” He’s delightfully cute. He gets up and goes to use the restroom, coming back with thin, black, loose fitting pants on.
When he returns, Tamaki runs his fingers up your calf muscle and your thigh, grabbing you firmly where your thigh meets your hip. With his other hand, he gently rubs your stomach as he travels down, stopping just shy of your pussy. His eyes look unsure as he asks you, “Is this okay?”
“Oh yes!” you instantly reply, “Yes, yes.” you whisper, so he moves the rest of the way to run his fingers over the outside of your pussy lips. He cups it with his hand, applying pressure and he rubs it in a circle as you gyrate your hips, your chest rising and falling due to your large breaths. Then, he bends down and opens his lips as he reaches forward and kisses your pussy, using his tongue to part your lips. He pulls it open with his other hand and he flicks his tongue on your clit, sending continual ripples of pleasure through your body. He moans softly as he licks faster and faster. You grab his hand that is holding your thigh and pull it until his arm is extended and you place it on your breast. His tongue moves sideways a few times and then swirls around your clit. His hand squeezes your breast and he whines, his hot breath caressing your sensitive opening. You tremble, wanting to pull his face back into your warm center roughly, but instead you squirm and whisper to him “Amajiki. I want you..”
He raises himself to look into your eyes and smirks at you. “You’ll have me alright. Is there anything in particular that I can do to please you?” he asks shyly but seriously. “Now it’s your turn to tell me what it is that you want.”
You’re breathing hard now, wondering how Tamaki will react but getting turned on more and more at the very thought of it, so you ask him for what I want. “Your quirk, Tamaki. Will you.. or do you want to use it on me?”
Tamaki looked surprised, a little confused but he still put in the effort to look warm and kind towards you. His blushing cheeks revealed his nervousness. He answered surely, “Of course I want to.. I’ve thought about it.. but are you sure that you would like that? Some say it’s.. some say I look like a freak.. or that I’m gross..”
You answer immediately and reassuringly, “Tamaki, I have been masturbating to the idea of you fucking me and using your quirk on me ever since I found out who you are and even more so ever since I met you. Daily even.. Literally this entire time.. I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable, but oh yes baby,” you say in a sexy voice, “if you’ll give it to me, I would love it.. I want it bad.”
He blushes slightly again but is already moving towards you to kiss you. You feel his arms trembling slightly. You look at him to check on him when you notice he’s trembling, but he sees your concern. “Yes, I’m shaking, and I am nervous,” he admits, “my heart is beating so fast… but don’t you worry about that right now. I really want this with you. I would love to do this to you. I honestly can’t believe that I’m about to do it though.” he laughs nervously. He offers you a choice, “Bunny, would you like me to get you some options, I have all sorts of food here. Do you know what you want?”
I laugh and look at him, flirting as I kiss him and bite his lower lip, not too hard, just a bit. “No baby, just give me your daily special. I want to see what you felt like having today.” You rub your breasts, kneading them with your hands for his viewing pleasure.
Tamaki looks at what you’re doing and as he gets closer to your face, he makes eye contact with you. He runs his tongue across the bottom of his teeth and then begins to stares at you, blank faced, but intrigued. Him looking at you this way feels intense, usually he’s the one blushing this hard.. He blinks slowly, tilting his head slightly to the right while maintaining his eye contact with you. He watches your face, as his mouth slowly stretches into a smirk. You feel tentacles lightly touching and crawling up your midsection, moving up towards your breasts, lightly stimulating your sensitive skin, grabbing onto your skin here and there but letting go soon after. You gasp, while looking at Tamaki, who is biting his lower lip, savoring your facial expression. He whispers a breathy “Yes”, his voice deep and sexy. Full of passion, he grabs hold of you with his other hand, squeezing your shoulder. He continues on to whisper to you, “Is this what you want?” His lips part into a smile that reveals a glimpse of his white teeth as you answer him with a passionate yes. A wing suddenly stretches out from his back and reaches towards the ceiling, only to gracefully fold back down towards you, reaching for you. He strokes you with it’s feathers in one long and smooth motion, softly caressing the left side of your face, the left side of your neck, your breast, your ribs, your stomach and then your hips. You gasp as the sensation tickles you and makes you feel even hotter.
You feel his cock pulsing through his thin pants as you grope him, he takes a sudden and deep breath. You immediately beg him for the rest of your fantasy. “Suneater, I have a request. Please baby, oh please.” He raises an eyebrow at you, looking oddly confident, regardless of his obvious blushing. You can’t help it, you’re breathing hard now. “The cape, the hood, the purple mask. Wear it, baby, please, please, pleeease.” you plead.
Tamaki answers, “Sure, you don’t have to beg me. Wear just that?” His eyes look around nervously and then come back to you, he smirks bashfully as he sees you shaking your head yes urgently. “Okay.” He agrees simply, still speaking softly. He returns, as agreed, wearing the same loose pants, his hooded cape and his mask.
“You are so fucking, hot, Tamaki.” You say, your nipples erect, your skin flushed and your breasts rising and falling as you breathe deep, rigid breaths. “Oh yes, Suneater, bring that hard cock here.”
He bashfully approaches you, pulling his cape around himself and wrapping himself up for a moment, soothing himself with its embrace. He lets it go and it falls back into place, revealing his abs as he laughs, rubbing the back of his head in his hood. He looks shy, but he is also clearly excited, his long cock is obviously stiff. You sit up and move yourself to the edge of his bed, making quick work of accessing his cock. You pull it out and let it go, briefly leaving it resting and pointing straight at you. You lick the underside of the head of his dick and suck it eagerly. He rolls his head back and exhales after taking in a long, slow breath. You swirl your tongue around the head, he reaches for your hair but stops before touching you, rethinking the act. You grab his hand and guide it down the side of your head, the side of your face, down your neck and rest it on your breast. “I’m yours to touch however you want, Suneater. At any time too.”
Tamaki jokes coyly with you, “I’m beginning to think you really have a thing for me.” He smiles, as if he almost doesn’t believe it, but as if he really loves that for whatever reason. You seem to want all of him, and badly. “If this is how you’re going to treat me.. You're just.. incredible.”, he says, touching your face. He begins to stretch more tentacles towards you, touching your breasts and your shoulders and your back, using suction cups in seemingly random areas on your skin and breasts. He’s running his fingers through your hair with his other hand as you begin to suck the end of his hard cock continuously, twisting it at the base with a moderately tight grip. He moans, pushing into your mouth slightly, but then stops his hips, not wanting to gag you. You pick up one of his tentacles, he lets you move it with no resistance as the others continue to play with you. You press the tentacle’s suction cups against the side of his cock.
You look up at him, nearly drooling, “Give it some suction, babe.” When he does, you pull his cock to the upwards and to the side using the tentacle. You pull it as far as it will go, holding his tentacle and then he lets go of the suction, letting his cock bounce as it falls back down. He’s biting his lip, faintly whining. You purr, “Oh, I like that. These are fucking hot.”
“If you liked that, then you’ll love this.” Tamaki stretches one of the tentacles that’s touching your back around the other side of you and uses it to very slowly twirl around his cock, moving parallel with the tentacle you were holding until they twist a round and cover his dick, reminding you of some sort of spiraled cocoon. His breath hitches as he begins to feel the sensations. He’s activating the suction cups in waves, which becomes obvious as you watch the back of the tentacles tense up ever so slightly where he uses the muscles and then relax as he lets go of whichever ones he has activated. They ripple upwards and then downwards. His control is impressive, but watching him massage his cock this way, it’s mouthwatering. He is moaning slightly, as another one of the tentacles grows and stretches toward his face. He brings it to his mouth, bending it backwards, and he licks one of the larger suction cups to wet it with saliva. “Mmmmm” he nearly growls, as he latches that same suction cup onto your nipple.
Another tentacle wraps around your waist and continues down, reaching towards your pussy. He dips it inside of you, just enough to wet the little suckers on the very end and uses them to latch on to your clit and the sensitive skin right around it. He smoothly applies and relieves pressure in waves with them too as he unwraps his cock with the two tentacles that were hugging it. They reach for me as well. As the last two tentacles grip each one of my thighs, the one around my waist twists around, growing in thickness and it tightens as I am lifted up into the air. He brings me toward himself until we are nose to nose. I look into his eyes through his purple mask and grab at him as I reach for something to cling on to. You whimper as he stimulates your clit, sucking and moving the tip of that tentacle in a small circle while it stays firmly attached. Your nipple is still being sucked and tugged, and Tamaki positions you perfectly so that he can begin to push his cock deeply inside you. He grunts repeatedly and moans as he pushes into you. At this point, you’re desperate to have him, you scramble to hold on to his shoulders, nearly screaming your moans as he pushes deeper into you while tugging and massaging your clit. You’re tightening your grip as you begin trying your hardest to hump, trying your best to get more of him inside of you as he slowly pushes back into you, his cock just past the halfway point. He notices how desperate you are to get him inside of you, so he pushes the rest in roughly, making you scream his name whilst moaning. You begin humping him so desperately and quickly that you can barely catch your breath. He looks at you, assessing you, looking like a hero on a mission. Tamaki’s face, when he looks serious, makes me wet on a regular day. Im positively dripping now. He smirks, “I see what you want. I’m going to fuck you nice and hard. As a matter of fact, tell me that I’m right.”, he says as he gets as close to your face as he can without kissing you, remembering clearly how you encouraged him to be open and how you catered to his every desire when he wanted to take it slow and savor being inside of you his first time. He roughly pushes into you suddenly again as you gasp and moan loudly. “This is what you want, isn’t it?” he asks, almost hissing through gritted teeth as he begins to roughly pump his cock into you repeatedly.
You moan wildly, “Yes! Yes! Tamaki! Fuck me! Yes!” Your words seem wet and desperate. You squeeze his shoulders as hard as you can as he drills you, “Yes! Oh please! Don’t stop!” you scream as you begin to bounce. His tentacles hold strong as he thrusts into you with force. They give only an inch or two each time his body smacks into you. His moans are throaty and dripping with sex appeal. You feel pressure growing quickly, you begin to tingle. An orgasm is coming.
He is moaning repeatedly as he thrusts. His tentacles all move in unison, each having their own jobs. He leans you back, stretching an extra tentacle forward from his thumb to wrap around your shoulders and upper back, supporting you as he lays you back in the air. He is still drilling into me, “Ahhh, ahhh, hnggh, ah, uhhh.” He’s very vocal, when he’s giving you everything he’s got like this. He grabs your hip with his free hand, squeezing it as he thrusts, moving the tentacle attached to your clit in a circular motion. You tense up, shaking, as you begin to climax. “Ah! Ah! Ah! Tamaki! Yes!”
As you shake uncontrollably, bucking your hips desperately, he thrusts into your harder. As he speaks, he moans and whines in between some of his words, “I can feel it.. ahh! You’re… you’re squeezing me!” He thrusts harder. “You’re gonna.. you’re gonna make me come!” He begins to thrust sloppily, diving into you over and over again with intensity and vigor. “Yes! I’m coming!” He begins to spasm, slapping into you again, losing his rhythm but penetrating you over and over again, as fast as he humanly can. His voice breaks, he lets go. Now he is trembling too, riding out his orgasm. He slowly stops afterwards. He puts you back down on his bed, unwinding the tentacles as he brings them back in. He sits down beside you, moving his cape out from under him and leans forward to kiss you. His tongue dances in your mouth, still moaning lightly.
He blushes as he begins to speak to you. “Umm.. you know, I could work on anything that I need to improve if you.. need certain things when we are together. I could get better.. I hope that you enjoyed your- well, actually how was it for you? Was it like you had hoped?” He hangs his head and then raises it again. “I’m sorry, I told myself I wasn’t going to do this. Rambling.. after everything we just-“
You stop him by putting your finger on his lips. He quiets down, looking up at your eyes. “You were amazing Tamaki. It was everything and more that I dreamt of.
Tamaki stammered, “It.. it.. didn’t last as long as I wanted it to.”
You stop him again, “Not important. I want to be with you Tamaki. You’ll last longer and longer naturally. You’re looking for negatives, that’s just your habit, babe. For me, there were none. I see you as nothing but incredible. You are the powerful Suneater. You will always be amazing.” You kiss him deeply, pulling his hood to pull him even closer to you as you press into the kiss passionately. “I love you Tamaki.”
He blushes again, looking down bashfully. As he looks back up in your eyes again, he replies, “I love you too, Bunny.”
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
🐙Painter I Love 🐙
Tamaki Amajiki x Painter GN!Reader
Thinking of Tamaki Amajiki with a reader who paints. Just made this, so barely any proof lol. Love you all🤍 totally not self-indulgent
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He’ll just sit with you while you paint, your back against his chest. He’s watching you, watching the process. It’s extremely calming to him to watch your slow precise detailing. He will either watch you, listen to something, or just zone out in his thoughts. He’s fallen asleep before, arms around your waist, head on your shoulder.
“Honey?” It always causes him to jump slightly
“I Need to go change my paint water”
“I g-got it”
Has used his quirk to just grab you stuff, so you don’t get up so he doesn’t have to let you go
Gets all flustered when you peck his cheek as a ‘thank you’
He's also used it to stop you from drinking paint water
You’ve scared the hell out of him once. You were listening to a book or podcast or something. It was completely quiet and calming, and then you let out the loudest and most sudden laugh ever. Like barrel over gasping, WEEZING, and snorting. And Tamaki almost goes flying back. His quirk activating
“Wh-what happened?!”
Get all flushed when you ask to paint him
The man’s also a really good drawer FWI. I imagine he doodles a bit so it just shows
You have an art book full of finished and unfinished pieces, a good portion being him. You just find it comforting to paint him when he’s out on a long mission.
You’ve paint him,Kiri, and Fat Gum once,(like a portrait) and now it hangs in Fat Gums house.
Fat Gum had stopped by to drop something off for Tamaki, but you answered. When he saw the painting half finished on the easel he commented. Commending you on your work. You offered it to him, smiling brightly stating ‘I’m running out of wall space,’
He proudly hangs it on his wall.
The two of them, Kirishima and Fat Gum, ADORE you. Just this sweet little painter who’s as quiet at Tamaki but not as shy
Kirishima met you during his and Tamaki's patrol. You had this felt shopping bag on your arm, a painted octopus on it. Kirishima could instantly tell why Tamaki liked you, you were so sweet and quiet but sure. You said you were picking some stuff up for supper but also needed more paint cleaner.
Kiri watched in almost stunned silence as his shy partner walked up to you. He watched Tamaki lightly rub away dried pants from your cheek. Mumbling something to you about being careful. The paint had been just slightly off from your skin tone- so Kiri didn’t even notice.
First time Kiri sees your art studio, a painting of Crimson Riot as well as some of the other hero’s you grew up with are on the wall. The man’s jaw drops. Like he knew you where good at painting but DAMN.
For kiri birthday you painted him shoes with little sharks on them- yeah Kiri loves you.
Tamaki is also the kinda of boyfriend that reminds you eat or drink when you’re a little to far into your artist zone.
“B-bunny I brought you some- did-did you not drink anything?”
He will sit behind you, squeezing you lightly every once and awhile-
“Bunny, maybe drink some water.”
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
Heroes Celebrating The Day Of The Dead
Taishiro Toyomitsu X Reader, Shota Aizawa X Reader, Keigo Takami X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: I got a question how would the Pro heroes celebrate the Day of the dead with reader? (I read the one about the villains with the reader, who celebrates the Day of the dead. And i thought It was cute.😁) AND I loved your story with the LOV with a S/O who celebrates the Day of the dead I wanted to ask if I could request one for the pro heroes with a S/O who also celebrate the Day of the dead?😁 AND Hi, I loved your story about the villains who celebrates the Day of the dead with reader. I wanted to ask if I could request the pro heroes (Hawks, Fat gum or anyone else) Who also celebrate the Day of the dead with reader? Please😁 AND Hello, I love your story with the Villains celebrating the Day of the dead with their S/O it was really cute🥰 I wanted to ask for a request about the pro heroes also celebrating the Day of the dead with their S/O if that’s all right with you?😁 AND OMG! I loved your “The Day of the dead” story with the Villains it was so cute🥰 May I please request the pro heroes Fat Gum, Aizawa, and Mirko (or Hawks) also celebrating the day of the dead with their S/O too please?😁 AND OMG! The LOV celebrating the day of the dead with reader was adorable🥰 may I please request the Heroes also celebrating the same thing with their S/O too? BTW, I love your work they are great.😁
Warning: Talk of death, talk of having children (fatgum)
Taishiro Toyomistu
🍭 He’s open to talking to everyone about anything, I think he probably knew about the basics. 🍭 He’s more interested in what the holiday means to you and how you celebrate it (that means your favourite foods and activities too) 🍭 Probably pulled Tamaki into the celebrations one year, maybe multiple knowing him. 🍭 He gets so excited but let’s be real he’s here because of the food, he wants to try it all, there’s so much to try and he would get through it.
Tai had been at work all day but no one had seen him work more efficiently “Fatgum is everything okay?” Kirishima asked as he watched his mentor sort through paperwork with a look of determination, when he got no answer he turned to his upperclassman. “He’s fine.” Tamaki said. “You sure man, something is not bothering him?” Kirishima asked. “He’s just trying to get all of his paperwork done before (Y/N) gets here.” Tamaki said. “Oh (Y/N)’s coming?” Kirishima asked. “Yeah it’s Dia de los Muertos today.” Tamaki answered. “Huh?” Kirishima asked. “Day of the Dead, it’s a Mexican holiday.” Fatgum said “I forgot you’ve never been here around this time of the year, you’ll enjoy it.” “You do this every year?” Kirishima asked. “We do.” It was you who answered this time carrying platters of food and a bag over your shoulder. “It give everyone at the agency the time to appreciate and remember the people that they’ve lost over the years, through hero work or day to day life.” “Woah.” Kirishima smiled, “That's so cool!”
You spent a good portion of the day explaining things to Kirishima and smiling at the way that his eyes light up whenever you talked about something that you did when you were younger of a meaning behind everything. Tai watched you with a small smile on his face and bowl of food in his hands, you had just given Tamaki his special version of whatever you cooked to make sure that you didn’t mess with his quirk. You finally made your way over to him and you smiled “Enjoying it?” You asked. “Always.” He answered. “You know I was thinking that we could maybe talk about making a family.” “We have one here.” You said leaning against his side. “Maybe I want to add to it.” He wrapped an arm around you “seeing you with them, makes me want one of our own.” “You know it won’t be as easy as them.” You smirked as you watched the two teens talking. “Oh I know.” He nodded “doesn’t change my mind though.” “Let’s finish the celebrations, then we can talk about this more, yeah?” You asked. “Sure thing sugar.” He winked.
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Shota Aizawa
🐛 Shota had lost a lot of people through his life but he had never once thought about celebrating their life after they had gone, that is until he met you. 🐛 You explained to him what the holiday was and that you celebrated it but you never expected him to, but mentioned it because he had a few friends that were worth celebrating. 🐛 He didn’t want to disrespect you so he showed up and everything from there became tradition for both of you. 🐛 Shota had never been one for looking back but for one night every year he allowed himself to look back fondly and tell you the stories that no one else got to hear.
You had both taken a walk, you were heading to Oboro’s grave to place some of the gifts that you had made him. “Did I ever tell you about the time that Oboro changed in front of the whole class?” He asked. “What? No.” You answered, looking at him and he smiled as if remembering for himself before telling you the story. “He had found a cat in the rain, I found it beforehand and left my umbrella over it to keep him dry.” You hummed as he took a breath nodding to yourself as if affirming that was something that he would do “Oboro found it on his way into school and picked him up bringing the umbrella with him, once he got there he came in through the window using his quirk and got told off for that.” “Best you can appreciate that now.” You joked and he nodded. “I don’t know what I’d do if they all started using their quirks to get into the classroom.” Aizawa muttered as he thought of the current 1-A class and that damage they could all do. “Anyway he was drenched since he hadn’t actually bothered to use the umbrella he picked up, so after returning it to me, he just started changing in the middle of the classroom.” “I assume everyone complained.” You guessed and he nodded. “He used a cloud to censor himself and then won everyone’s approval back by pulling out the cat that he had saved and everyone forgot what he was doing before and everything went back to normal.” Aizawa explained. “It was a few days after that, we started hanging out together.” “You miss him.” You smiled as you came up on the grave immediately kneeling to place everything that you had brought. “Thank you Oboro for giving him everything that he needed to succeed, I promise that I will continue to push him forward the way that you did and when we meet you again, we’ll have stories to tell you and you can experience the world that you missed through us.” You hadn’t spoken to Oboro yourself when you were younger, you never got the chance to but Aizawa had told you he was the reason that he ever talked to you and you thank him for that everyday. “Thank you Oboro for leading me to them, you know without you I would have never had them.” He said softly before helping you from your kneeling position. “We should get back, your parents will be calling soon.” “Right, right, we’ll be seeing you Oboro.” You promised, blowing a kiss to the grave in hopes that it reaches him wherever he is before you both head back to the house to catch the call from your parents.
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Keigo Takami
🪶 Keigo had never thought about celebrating the lives of the people that he had lost, to him they were just gone, he moved on so the idea of celebrating the day of the dead also had never occurred to him. 🪶 That doesn’t mean that he isn’t willing to learn, he may not have anyone in his life that he deemed worthy of remembering now that they are gone, but he’s likely to get on with your family if they’re good people and he mourns them the same as you. 🪶 Keigo would literally be a blank slate, anything that you told him he would take as gospel. 🪶 He makes sure that you are never alone with the holiday rolls around, he often takes the time off of mission going as far as exhausting himself so that they have to give him the time off.
You had been sitting in the living room when the front door to your shared apartment opened, it took a second for Keigo to call out to you but once he did you relaxed. You met him at the door to the living room where he smiled, a tired smile as he leant down resting his forehead on your shoulder. “I got the day off.” He said and you smiled softly. “I told you that you didn't have to do that.” You lifted your arms to wrap around him, his feathers splitting off and settling around the house to make it easier for you to wrap your arms around him. “You shouldn’t be alone on a day like tomorrow, you can’t go see your family so you have me instead.” He mumbled. “I wish I could have both.” You said softly as you started running your fingers through his hair. “Next year, I promise.” He lifted his head resting his chin on your shoulder. “How can you be so sure that any of this is going to work out?” You asked. “I’ll make it work, that’s my promise for next year.” He said. “Right of course.” You nodded “well do you want to help me cook some of the snacks for tomorrow.” “You haven’t cooked them yet?” He asked. “Of course not, I knew you’d be coming home.” He explained as you pulled back from the man and putting your hand out, he smiled as he took it dragging you into the kitchen.
Later that night you were laying on the sofa, you had just finished cooking and were now finally relaxing. “I meant what I said earlier, I am going to be here next year and we’ll go see your family.” “I believe you Kei.” You pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw and nestled down “but how about we just enjoy this one yeah?” “Sure thing babybird.” He said softly as he reached over, handing you the control for you to find something to watch.
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Request Here!!
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kaminari1 · 4 days
okay here me out
(WARNINGS: suicidal thoughts. Also please do not repost or reblog.)
So we all know that mr Tamaki Amajiki is big anxiety right?
Well imagine if he had a partner that was just as anxious and nervous as he was.
Like Mirio introduced you to him and you guys were like: Im JuSt LiKe YoU, YoU'rE jUsT LiKe mEeeeeE ITS SOMETHING ANYONE CAN SEEEEEEE
Or maybe Tamaki was like: Its okay, Tamaki. Just imagine them in their underwear.
anyway but like you two enjoy just staying inside and cuddling.
I feel like you both would do cute things to show your guy's love for each other, maybe like, gift giving, or holding pinkies, or soft little forehead kisses.
Oh you don't feel like going out? Good. Tamaki agrees and you two watch a silly TV show together.
Sometimes you two don't even need to talk to each other, you guys can just stay close together and thats enough.
Imagine if you two have a kid, boy, girl, whatever. And they are just like the most EXTROVERTED PERSON TO EVER LIVE.
Don't get me wrong you both are super supportive of your little pastel child but HOLY HELL. They do get along with Mirio a lot, however, which is adorable.
Oh, they wanna bring friends over? Do it when you and Tamaki are not in the house just incase the friends want to see you guys or you both accidentally run into them.
But all in all i give this relationship a 7/10. Very cute.
Now imagine Tamaki with a super big and buff s/o.
Have you seen Black Clover? Okay so you built like Yagi. Like big buff hot and intimidated for looks.
You seen Jujutsu Kaisen? Okay then you built like Maki. Personality wise.
Sorry, but at first Tamaki avoided you like the plague. To him, he thought you were kinda scary. To make things worse for him, you were a Bakugou. Katsuki's twin to be specific.
But you were also good friends with Mirio and Kirishima, so maybe he could try talking to you.
Just kidding he hid behind Mirio every time you went up to talk to him.
So one time he was walking around the campus when he saw you outside training outside in the courtyard. His first thought was to run away and hide, but then you called him over.
Not wanting to be rude, he hesitantly walked over to you, trying to avoid eye contact at all times.
Then you asked him if he'd want to hang out sometimes.
Tamaki was so fucking shocked and confused, this poor baby. Have you seen the owl house? Remember how Amity Blight blushes? Yeah, thats how he blushed. When he didn't respond, you just took it as a silent rejection. But before you could say anything, he nodded very stiffly and slowly.
Somehow you two are dating now.
Oh ho ho ho. You thought it was done? No.
Your mom wanted to meet your boyfriend. Mitsuki Bakugou, your mother.
So you asked Tamaki, and he was pretty hesitant at first. But he wanted to make you happy and proud of him, so he said yes.
Tamaki stayed next to you like you were the last thing on earth all through the dinner. Katsuki was glaring daggers at him from afar, but stayed quiet because...lets be honest. Your twin brother is kinda afraid of you.
Tamaki spoke when spoken too, and was very polite. He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible and even kept eye contact with your mom for about two minutes.
When the night ended, Tamaki was rewarded with kisses and cuddles.
Basically, you two are a version of Yuta Okkotsu and Maki Zen'in from Jujutsu Kaisen. I give this 9/10 you two are so silly.
Okay. One more.
If you've seen Bungo Stray Dogs, you know of Dazai Omasu. A very silly and suicidal guy. Yeah, you have his personality.
And EVERYONE knows Satoru Gojo, right? Its your lucky day because you have his looks!
Tamaki is super intimidated by you because you're obviously very popular and flirty and playful.
So one day you're kinda just walking around UA and you see Tamaki talking with Mirio. Since Tamaki is a super shy guy, you were like: yes, a new target.
You walked up to him and Mirio, talked for a bit with Mirio, than proceeded to flirt with Tamaki.
Tamaki was confused as hell. Why is this super hot and popular person talking to me? He thought.
Eventually, you left, but not before saying to Tamaki: "Don't bother calling me by my last name. After all, it'll be yours soon." You winked and walked away.
Yeah, Tamaki fainted.
You two eventually started dating when you got dared to kiss Tamaki. (Don't worry you asked permission first.)
Oh, people are flirting with you? Well, prepared to be ignored because your focus is all on Tamaki!
At one point, Tamaki got super sad when you kept making jokes about killing yourself. He cuddled with you and cried, begging for you not to leave him.
Please don't, he'll miss you a lot.
He feels the need to always be around you, not wanting to slip up and give you a chance at suicide by not being there.
I give this relationship a 10/10, very awesome.
(Please do not reblog or repost.)
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shxtodxroki · 18 days
Appearance Match-Up For @mysterystarz
Read appearance match-up guidelines here and send in your request!
For your Haikyuu appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Tooru Oikawa! :D
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Tooru would find your eyes so pretty I just know it, he loves seeing the way the sunlight brightens them a bit and he adores how deep they are as well :] He’s such a dork, he’s always staring into your eyes and making some cheesy or flirty comment about them whenever you call him out on it lol <3 Also he would be in LOVE with your prom dress omg like all these guys would but I think Tooru especially would adore it <3
For your JJK appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Choso Kamo!
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Choso would adore your hair :) It’s so long and flowy and pretty in his eyes, he absolutely loves running his fingers through it, brushing it for you, or even styling it if you’ll let him :D 
For your MHA appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Tamaki Amajiki and/or Eijiro Kirishima!
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I couldn’t decide between these two so I decided to include both of them for you :>
Tamaki would fall in love with your smile :D He thinks it’s so bright and endearing and absolutely stunning, his heart races so fast whenever you smile and if you’re smiling at him in particular he has to take a second to sit down to calm the raging blush on his face
And Kirishima loves your cheeks! He’s suck a sucker for leaning in and kissing them or even just poking them, and he nuzzles into your cheek/the side of your face quite often when the two of you snuggle together hehe
Special thanks to my sister for helping me out with this last one since I know very little about this game lol :> Also since I didn't know the characters I/she gave you a runner-up instead of a compliment they’d give, I hope that's okay and that you still enjoy it :>
For your Genshin Impact appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Kaveh! :)
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And your runner up was….. Baizhu! :)
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fizzledtaste · 1 year
I think pretty much everyone agrees that Tamaki's burps are really good with how much he has to eat with his quirk and that he gets proportionally embarrassed about them, but also I'm convinced everyone around him is so supportive
Like Tamaki will release one of those really long, deep closed mouth burps that reverberate in his throat and leave him red as a tomato and Mirio is all like "oh my god you're so good at that I wish I was as good a burper as you that's a talent dude" and Tamaki is like please don't compliment me on something like this
Or when he's with Kirishima and Fatgum and he ends up burping on accident and goes on to apologize but before he can even finish Kirishima will interrupt him with a even louder burp - cause unlike Mirio Kirishima can definitely one up Tamaki on burping - to show support, especially when they're in public and he sees that Tamaki is embarrassed for calling attention to himself
Fatgum does that sometimes too, but not as frequently, mostly it's just when he noticed Tamaki is so embarrassed he's spiraling about it
For example, the first time Tamaki burped in front of Fatgum he was so embarrassed it was physically painful he was on the verge of tears cause "oh my god oh my god I just burped in front of a pro-hero I'm going to literally set myself on fire" and then Fatgum just burped even louder and smiled
Even Nejire, although she's not likely to burp back when he does it she thinks it's absolutely adorable when Tamaki burps and you bet she'll tell him that, he can release the loudest, deepest burp you've ever seen and she's just "oh Tamaki that's so adorable, go on, let them out, don't worry!"
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zinkadear · 26 days
A Mha
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
KamiKiri (Kaminari x Kirishima) - I used to draw them quite often a few years ago! They were the first pairing I liked when starting the series, and they remain my favorite. I love their friendship, and they're my top two favorite characters.
BakuTodo (Bakugou x Todoroki) - Bakugou is such a jerk, but I think Todoroki's calm demeanor might help to settle him down a bit. Bakugou would also be very protective of him due to the trauma he suffered.
MiriTama (Mirio x Tamaki) - The loud and outgoing vs. shy and quiet best friend duo are too adorable. I forgot some of the details, but I'm pretty sure I remember them both having moments where they protected the other.
ShinDeku (Shinsou x Deku)
JiroMina (Jirou x Mina)
ShigaDabi (Shigaraki x Dabi)
I don't really have anything particular to mention about the others. I enjoy them a lot though!
(Link to Ask Meme)
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newx-menfan · 1 year
MAN this was HARD!
Let me know in the comments if you agree…or disagree!
(Midoriya, Bakugo, Aoyama, Sato, and Koda were hard to find a CLEAR NXM equivalent!…Also Hellion doesn’t really have a clear 1A equivalent but I think Shindo suits him better than Bakugo…I wasn’t really sure any of them fit Loa’s powers OR personality well either…)
Hellion- Momo because they look alike, both grew up wealthy, and are pretty strategic people…Yo Shindo for pretty OBVIOUS reasons…and Monoma because he’s a pain in the ASS 😂
Rockslide- Kirishima because of powers and obsession about being “tough” (remember Santo WANTED to be a pro wrestler!) and Mineta because Rockslide was sometimes just the WORST 😂
X-23- Both were more or less “manufactured” in a way and have tragic backstories…Laura IS both cold AND pretty LOYAL. Both are tacticians and I would say Todoroki’s flaw of not always communicating with others is Laura’s to a tee…
Mercury- Personality wise and looks, she’s definitely Itsuka (both tend to take care of everyone else/have an “older sister” mentality); power wise she’s probably closer to Tetstutetsu and a bit of Seto when she essentially liquid metal…
Loa- I don’t really feel like there’s a CLEAR character similar enough to Loa…Mirio has similar powers (more close to Kitty than Loa…) and I said Momo again, since both rely heavily on the body to use their powers…
The Cuckoos or Kid Omega- the closest to Telepathy is Hitoshi’s brainwashing power, and in MHA Hitoshi is often mistrusted because of his powers creepiness factor…although I like Hitoshi WAY more than QQ…
Quill and Wolf Cub- I said Sato since Quill and Wolf Cub are pretty nice guys in academy…I definitely could see Quill being into baking too! Wolf Cub is a little more pessimistic…but I couldn’t think of a clear equivalent except for Aizawa or Tamaki…
Wither- While Kevin is probably closest to Hitoshi personality and look wise…obviously his clear doppelgänger is Tomura (especially after Wither went bad…)
Rubbermaid- Besides Danjuro, I said Seto since both work for long distances. Also Itsuka power wise.
Prodigy- Midoriya OBVIOUSLY in terms of intellect and being central characters, Iida because BOTH are major rule followers, and Ken for tactical skills.
Icarus- OBVIOUSLY Hawks!
Gentle- Midoriya in terms of lack of power control/his powers harming his body, rushing head first into danger, and being pretty heroic; I would also say Koda since both Nezhno and him are gentle giants!
DJ- Aoyama just because both are pretty flashy characters 😂🤣
Indra- I said Ojiro since both are pretty mellow characters…
Elixir- While the obvious equivalent power wise is “Recovery Girl”; I would say the closest to Josh’s personality is Bakugo…both are hot heads, intelligent, and prideful.
Match- Bakugo is probably the closest or Toya power wise; while Ben IS a hothead…he’s not really Bakugo levels and probably would be Aizawa personality wise AGAIN.
Wind Dancer- Uraraka or Inasa…both are SUPER peppy people…so it fits (and Inasa is SUPER stubborn…and Sofia depended on David much like Uraraka does on Midoriya) 😂🤣
Dust- the closest in terms of power and personality would be Tokoyami, both are pretty stoic and calm under pressure (there’s also a character called “Dust” in MHA that’s similar power wise but not really in personality)
Pixie- OBVIOUSLY Ashido in looks and personality…although Ashido spits acid instead of Pixie Dust 😬🤣
Anole- OBVIOUSLY Asui!
Wallflower- while Midnight seems closer power wise…Toru is definitely Laurie in terms of personality and adorableness!
Trance- similar to Tokoyami power wise and Toru personality wise.
Surge- Kaminari in powers and DEFINITELY Jiro in looks and personality 😂🤣
Armor- Iida, DEFINITELY Iida 😂… Hisako is a pretty “by the book” person! (She and David TOTALLY would have been class Presidents if that was a thing in X-Men🤣😂) I also said Itsuka because she’s a bruiser as well.
Tag- again a softy like Koda. Since it was never clear whether tag was low level telepathy, maybe Hitoshi as well a bit…
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sero-pairo · 2 years
The Other Kind Of Vet
by StevieBanks
Izuku Midoryia is a veterinarian and co-owner of All-Mighty Paws and Claws Clinic.
He moves into a small duplex apartment and meets his loud mouthed, bad attitude having, vetern turned firefighter neighbor.
They bond, become friends, and handle some rough shit together, admit some secrets, and come to terms with their pasts, and fall in love?
Izuku is a pink and yellow loving, face blushing, adorably messy, book reading nerd who can throw hands like a top tier adventurer. He don't take shit from no one.
Badasses, and more badasses. Lots of fluff. Give it a chance, and you might love reading it as much as I love writing it!
 Katsuki is a retired Army Ranger turned Firefighter. Shouto used to strip to pay for his veterinarian school. Izuku did underground boxing with Ochako to pay for their schooling. Ochako is a vet-tech. Eri is the sweetest little secretary. Sero definitely has a side business with grass clippings. Mina is an exotic dancer. Eijiro is also a firefighter.
Bunch of badasses, I tell you.
Words: 5569, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Eri (My Hero Academia), Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Hatsume Mei, Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Gay Sex, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Switching, Firefighter Kirishima Eijirou, Firefighter Bakugou Katsuki, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Alternate Universe - Veterinarians, Attempted Sexual Assault, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, Mild Blood, Alternate Universe - Boxing, Katsuki likes to garden as stress relief, Americans, USA AU, Character Death, I'm Sorry Midoriya Inko, Dead Bakugou Mitsuki, Dead Midoriya Inko, Dead Bakugou Masaru, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Good Parent Bakugou Mitsuki, Plot Devices, I'm Bad At Summaries, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Not Ashamed
from AO3 works tagged 'Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto', https://ift.tt/uWYcMoz
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greyfix · 2 years
The Family
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou/Amajiki Tamaki
Summary: Some civilians come up to Eijirou and Tamaki while theyre on their way to their picnic date because they recognize them from the Shie Hassaikai mission. Eijirou is happy to talk to them, but seems a little gloomy. Tamaki asks about it and gets a look into Eijriou’s past that he didn’t expect. 
Word Count: 2.7k
Requested By: n/a
Warnings/Tags: canon compliant, yakuza, kirishima’s backstory, Kirishima’s family is mentioned, kirishima’s family isn’t the greatest people, Alternate Universe - Mafia, Mafia AU  Sort of, but not really, post shie hassaikai arc, kirishima eijirou needs a hug, insecure kirishima eijirou, protective amajiki tamaki, anxious amajiki tamaki, amajiki tamaki is a good friend, light angst, coming clean, mainly cannon compliant, alternate universe - yakuza, there’s the tag i was looking for, yakuza, backstory
Author’s Note: So, i saw someone say something about Eiji possibly being from a Yakuza background a while back, and when i was rewatching the Shie Hassaikai arc i realized that is totally fits. So i wrote it. This is completely impulsive and self indulgent but when i asked Emma to talk me out of it she encouraged it instead so…..
Also sorry for the late post, i didn't notice i forgot yesterday until i saw the missed event on my calendar this morning.
If you guys are feeling a part two lmk cause i'm seriously considering it.
He’d thought it was done with when the mission was over. Don’t get him wrong, he was happy with how it turned out, Overhaul needed to be stopped and Eri needed to be saved. Plus those quirk bullets were insane and shouldn’t be allowed into circulation. But stuff involving organized crime always hits a little close to home for Eijirou.
He didn’t mean to react that way when the two civilians came up to him. He was actually really thankful for their gratitude and a little stoked that they noticed him. Especially since he was still a first year student, and in no way a well known hero. However, there was a bitter taste in being known for taking down an organization so similar to the one he knew. 
So even though it made him feel down he talked to them, accepting their compliments. Lord knows Tamaki wasn’t about to do so without his help, though he was getting better about those things it’s still okay to not want to talk to strangers.  
“Oh wow! Thanks! I didn’t really think anyone noticed me, I mean i’m not really well known,” He rubbed the back of his neck, a grin on his face. 
“You don’t have to be well known to be totally cool! Your name’s Red Riot, right? And you’re Suneater? If it’s not too much of a bother, can we have a picture?” The civilian asked, looking over at Tamaki where he had hidden himself partially behind Eijirou. 
He turned to his boyfriend and studied his face closely. He knew he was sometimes uncomfortable in situations like this, so he thought it best to check. He turned to talk softly into Tamaki’s ear, “Is that okay, babe? Are you cool with taking a photo?”
Tamaki blushed, as he always did at the pet name. Eijirou had made sure it was okay to call him that in public, but he still does it sparingly because he respects Tamaki’s shyness. Despite the redness on his cheeks he nodded and moved out from behind Eijirou, though he stayed pressed close to his side. 
“Awesome!” The other civilian said, and handed over their phone. They took one each with the two heroes, before taking the phone back and taking one larger photo. It took a second to get Tamaki to smile, but it was worth it. So goddamn adorable. 
Once they had their pictures they thanked the heroes politely and left. That’s when Eijirou let his smile drop, but only a little. He was a little cheery from seeing Tamaki do something like that. He was proud. 
“Eijirou?” He looked up at the taller boy and his mood was immediately downcast when he noticed the worry in his eyes. “You didn’t have to do that if you didn’t want to, you know. I know you’re usually friendly to everyone, but when you’re not feeling like it it’s okay to say no.” Tamaki spoke softly. 
Eijirou smiled sadly, “It isn’t that Tamaki, I did want to take that picture with them.”
The taller boys' brows furrowed, “Then what is it?”
“It’s not really important. And I don't want to ruin our date by thinking about it.” He slipped his hand into Tamaki’s and interlocked their fingers. “Let’s go over there and set up our stuff, yeah?”
He didn’t wait for a response before pulling Tamaki over to a clear spot a little ways away from the rest of the people in the park, in the shade of a tree. He let go of his hand only to set down the basket and lay out their blanket. He sat down against the tree and beckoned Tamaki to come lean against him while he retrieved some sodas from their basket. 
“You know you can tell me anything right,” Tamaki wouldn’t meet his eyes, but that’s how Eijirou knew he meant it. 
The last thing Eijirou wanted to do was lie to Tamaki, or intentionally keep a secret. So he made sure to look his boyfriend in the eyes and tell him exactly what he was thinking. “You might not like it, as a hero.”
Tamaki seemed to ruminate on this for a moment before deciding, “It doesn’t matter, if it’s what’s bothering you I want to be there for you.”
Kirishima wasn’t going to keep this from him, especially when he more than anyone deserved to know. 
“I was born into a fairly well known family, but not in the way you would think.” He launched into his story.
“We weren’t famous because we were rich, though we did live comfortably. We were famous because we were dangerous. 
“When I was a kid I didn't know any better, because I'd never known another way of life. I grew up thinking I would be just like everyone else I knew with tattoos on my skin and a gun at my hip. 
“I came from a family higherup in the Yakuza sect where I lived in Chiba. Don’t get it mixed up, we were not the boss’s family. Well not really. He was a second cousin I think. I was the oldest kid in my family, so it was my job to try and climb up in the ranks. 
“I was supposed to do pretty much whatever I was told without question. I didn’t really think anything was wrong with it. I was loyal to my family. I loved them alot and I still do. But over the years they went farther and farther. 
“It used to be simple things, being around as a kid so things wouldn’t get so bloody. It didn’t always work, but the presence of a child always weighs on a conscience. Eventually I was sent out to make deals with local gangs when I got a little older, so that the members of the small-time gangs wouldn’t feel trapped like they would if one of the older higher ups came around. 
“Really my job was to make friends. And I was okay with it. When I got into middle school and actually went to school with other people and kids my age, I started to learn that that isn’t how it is. Those kids didn’t start working immediately like that, and they most certainly didn’t commit crimes. 
“I really need to emphasize that I never knew anything outside of the Yakuza then. I was a Brother. And that’s what I would always be. I was taught that heroes were celebrities who didn’t do anything but hinder business, and lock up family. 
“I didn’t learn that heroes were there to help until I was a good chunk into middle school. At that point they started to trust me more. I’d been in the business my whole life, and 13 years is an accomplishment if you didn’t grow up in  The Family. 
“So one day, I was talking to some local gang leader. A high schooler not much older than me. I’d been told it was an alliance we were trying to make, hopefully keep the younger ones out of trouble and out of enemy territory. And it would be an added bonus to have the extra man power along with keeping them in check. This time, instead of just befriending him and being a messenger, you know giving times and locations for meetings, I was told to come with. 
“I didn’t think much of it at the time, I seriously thought it was just because I was older now and I had earned their trust. And that was part of it, but not all of it. It was also a loyalty test, to see what I would do given more information. 
“So I brought the guy to the meeting place and wasn’t too surprised to see my boss. Not the boss, just the guy who was in charge of me and some of the other younger ones. However instead of peacefully brokering an alliance, my boss pulled out a gun. Surrender or die, simple as that. 
“The guy didn’t choose to surrender. Before that day I had never worried about what happened to the people I brought in. But after all I could think about was the possibility that they had killed more of them. How many people had they killed? How many people had I killed. After all it was my fault, I was the one that brought them there.”
Eijirou had focused his gaze on a spot on the blanket between him and Tamaki. He couldn’t look him in the face for that last bit. He was too ashamed of himself. But now that he had said that he looked the other boy in the eyes.
He was surprised to see a look he had never seen before. He had been fearing seeing disgust on his face, but not being able to tell was much worse. He opened his mouth to speak again only to be interrupted by Tamaki. 
“You didn’t kill anyone.” His indigo gaze was hard set and stubborn as he looked Eirjiou in the eyes. “None of that was your fault.”
Eijirou had never seen Tamaki so fierce and protective. He knew what he was capable of, that was for sure. He’d seen him in action, and seen the look in his eyes when he’s doing hero work and saving people. But this was not even close. He looked almost angry. Eijirou looked down again, but Tamaki cupped his cheek with his palm and made sure he looked him in the eyes. 
“You didn’t kill anyone,” He said more firmly this time. “Would you blame Eri for all of the people the Hassaiki shot with those bullets?” 
Eijirou’s eyes widened, “Of course not! She was just a kid, and Overhaul was using her. She didn’t have any means of escape-” he sputtered before realizing what he was saying with a sigh. That’s when he knew that the anger in Tamaki’s gaze wasn’t towards him. 
Tamaki smiled, but the hard look didn’t go away. “None of that is your fault, it’s only a product of your circumstances.”
Eijirou took a deep breath, knowing that Tamaki was right. He had to finish though, or he would be too much of a coward to do it later. “Can I keep talking? There's a little more…”
Tamaki took Eijirou’s hand and squeezed it tight. 
This time Eijirou didn’t look away from his eyes. 
“Even though there was a lot going on in my mind, I knew better than to show it. Even if the Yakuza is all about loyalty, and heart, and guts. About Integrity, no one ever showed their true feelings. They believed it made them weak. They used me for that exact reason, I knew how to blend in. So that’s exactly what I did. I pretended that none of it bothered me, beyond some initial surprise. I stayed there and awaited my next orders, only this time I knew I wouldn’t follow through. 
“I didn’t go home right away that night. I walked around and thought things through. I left territory so no one would bother me, and hung out in some out of the way cafe. I knew  The Family would still want to use me. Yakuza isn’t something you just leave. I knew that very well, and I had heard of what happened to those that did. 
“So I laid low for a little bit. I told my family that I was struggling with school a little bit and if I wanted to stay at the top of the scores I should lay off work for a while. As much as they didn’t like the idea of me stopping, they figured me staying at the top of the class was better. At least it showed that I was smart and had some sense. I made some friends at school, and discovered Crimson Riot: The Chivalrous Hero. 
“It’s obvious I liked him for his ideals. He was all about bravery and chivalry. Guts, and integrity. Manliness. A Lot like The Family. Except he did it right. He didn’t kill people. He didn’t claim territory for himself, and he didn’t force children to do his bidding. I immediately looked up to him. 
“I played nice for a while, but when my family tried to get me to work again I refused. I told them that it wasn’t manly and that I wouldn't do it. The fact that I was about 13 didn’t help though, they thought I was just going through a rebellious phase. They let me just go through school and hoped it would pass. 
“After that incident with the gang leader I decided I would do everything I could to keep people from getting hurt. I used to try and chase down bullies, even though I wasn't very strong and my quirk could barely harden my skin back then. One of the girls in my class ended up chasing off most of the bullies anyway after I failed. 
“One day after school in my third year I was walking around town, avoiding going home when this villain cornered two girls from my school. I wanted so badly to help them, to run over and tell the villain to fuck off. But I couldn't. The second time I tried to, I froze. But the same girl, the one would get rid of the bullies, didn’t freeze. She jumped in and saved those girls. 
“She inspired me so much. I went home that day, and when my parents handed me an application for some high school they wanted me to go to and told me I'd be getting the tattoos I told them no. I said I would absolutely not be getting those tattoos, because I wasn't going to be a killer like the rest of them. 
“They tried over and over again for the next few weeks. But I had decided against it and I wasn't going to change my mind. I had been training a little bit since I needed to know how to protect myself a little bit in that line of business, but I upped it a lot during those last weeks of middle school. I told myself that I wasn't going to be weak. I wasn’t going to freeze. And I was going to be brave like that girl. 
“One of my friends told me a couple days after the incident with the villain that that girl was going to apply for U.A. and that they thought she would get it. Applying for U.A. hadn’t crossed my mind until then, since I never really thought about heroes in any other context than ‘i want to be like crimson riot because he’s not a murderer.’
“So I worked hard and got into U.A. My parents kicked me out then, once they found out I got in. So I went to live with that girl for a while, before the dorms were opened. 
“The reason I was a little gloomy when those people came up to us congratulating us on taking down the Shie Hassaikai was because the Hassaikai was very similar to The Family. And a lot of their Brothers reminded me of some people I knew. I feel bad for feeling guilty about it, but the Yakuza will always leave a bitter taste in my mouth. 
“The good thing is that I got to where I am now, and that I am not a murderer like the rest of The Family.” Eijirou finished, but before he could catch his breath Tamaki’s lips were on his. 
The kiss burned hot and fast, and before he knew it Tamaki was pulling away and looking him in the eyes. “I would never think of you differently because of this. You are Red Riot, and you are Manly, and you save lives. And I would never stop loving you just because of what happened when you were a kid.”
Eijirou didn’t notice he had tears welling up until Tamaki wiped them away as they fell. “You love me?” He sniffed. 
Tamaki blushed, “I-” 
“I love you too.” Eijirou smiled, and pressed their lips back together. This time the kiss was slower, but not devoid of feeling. By the time they came up for air their sodas would be flat, and their lips swollen. But they would still be happy, because they were in love, and they would be through anything the world threw at them.
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gh0stchoir · 1 year
It had been babysitting duty again, and Eri had insisted on a movie marathon with Ghibli movies. Ever since the culture festival, she had been more open to show emotions, if only around a selected few. The big three, as well as Sunshines Izuku and Kirishima were obviously in those selected few, as was Filo, but Tao was as well, to his surprise. Eri hadn't latched on to him like she did to Mirio, but she still liked him a lot. And she was gentle with his wings and tail, never pulling or anything alike. Right now, Mirio held a sleeping Eri in his arms, while Neijire turned off the TV. It had gotten late, and the little girl had fallen asleep after the last movie. At least she had been able to see the ending. Tao turned to ask Filo for her opinion on it, when he stopped to smirk. His friend was fast asleep, her head resting on Tamaki's shoulder. The older boy was blushing madly, sitting still as to not wake her. Quickly, Tao exchanged glances with Mirio and Nejire. Both nodded.
"Tamaki, you should bring her up to her room. Me and Tao will clean up", Neijire said, holding her underclassman's arm. Tamaki squeaked, blushing more. "C-can't I help clean up? I don't even know where her room is!" "Two floors up, third door on the right. She wrote her name on the door", Tao answered, "And she's leaning on you already. If someone tried to pick her up now, she'd probably wake up." Tamaki whined, but couldn't find something to argue with this. With a sigh, he gave in and picked Filo up. Carefully, he carried her to which Tao had told her room was, happy to see her name indeed drawn across the door. In silver writing, with clouds adoring the letters. Cute. The inside of the room was also sweet, pictures of her friends hanging on the wall. Tamaki smiled as he put Filo on her bed. Sleeping in clothes wasn't comfortable, but he would not undress her now! That was a whole different level of creepy, he was already in her room without permission! How would it look if she woke up while he was opening her shirt?!
With a sigh, Tamaki knelt down in front of the bed, resting his arms and head on the edge. He couldn't deny finding Filo cute, she reminded him a lot of Mirio. Just, well, female. But only if she was around others. With him, she was still shy and stuttering. He hoped Mirio and Hado were right, and she was only nervous because she had a crush on him. Then at least it wouldn't end with his heart being broken. He sighed again. Why were feelings so hard? Without thinking, or even realizing what he did, Tamaki leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to Filo's forehead. Only a moment later he realized what he was doing, jerking back in shock. to his horror, he starred right into an open pair of blue eyes. Shit, she had been awake, she knew he just kissed her. Oh gods she probably thought he was a pervert and a creep, being in her room and kissing her without permission- A pair of soft lips pressed against his. Tamaki froze in shock, wide-eyed. Filo's own were pressed shut, even when she pulled back. Only slowly, she opened one, peering at him. Both were blushing madly. "So, um", she started, "C-couple?" Tamaki nodded. "Couple." Filo nodded as well. "Okay." "Okay." They looked at each other for a moment, before Tamaki sprinted out of Filo's room. The girl pressed her face into her pillow, screaming loudly and kicking her legs.
Neijire had followed after Tamaki once he ran to his room. His face was as red as possibly could be, and she wanted to know what the hell happened. Mirio wasn't there to witness, as he had gone to carry the still sleeping Eri to Mr. Aizawa. Tao had gone up and knocked on Filo's door, upon hearing her scream. She hadn't answered though. He ended up just going to his room, deciding the next day he would ask what the hell just happened.
"You're blushing like crazy! What happened??" Tao quickly followed after Filo. The girl quickly made her way to class, mind replaying what happened the night prior. It felt like a dream! Tao continued asking questions, hypothesizing what happened. "Did he like kiss you or something?" He said. Filo immediately froze, face growing as red as a fresh strawberry. Tao immediately knew. A smile grew on his face. "Oh my god he did! Are y'all together now??" He excitedly asked. Filo only nodded and continuing speed walking. Tao followed behind once again, a wide smile on his face. He wasn't the only one to be teased now.
"Tamaki you've been more quiet since last night! And you're beat red!" Neijire pointed out, walking alongside him and Mirio. The blonde nodded, brow raised. "Did something happen with Filo last night?" This made Amajiki's face grow more flushed. Mirio and Neijire shared a grin. "Something did happen!~" The girl said. Tamaki wanted to just hide in his room! This was all too embarrassing. "I-it's nothing!" He tried to play it off. Mirio poked his side. "Cmon! We're your best friends!" Tamaki held his face in his hands. It was his only shield. "..w-we're dating now-.." He said in a quiet voice. The two on each side of him easily heard him. They both beamed in excitement and happiness. Neijire held onto his shoulders and shook him. "You did it! Oh my god Amajiki, finally!!"
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