#i mentioned that gun (who she also adores as an actor) was gonna play an autistic character
airenyah · 1 month
oh btw i went home to my hometown yesterday and i finally showed my mom the heart killers pilot. her verdict?
"we're watching this"
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theflagscene · 2 years
BL ~ Drama Asks
I wasn’t tagged, I make my own fun ;P
( Totally nabbed from @absolutebl )
1) If you had to watch one drama forever what would it be?
My first instinct is to say one of the series I’ve watched a dozen times already, but they’re all pretty dramatic and emotional and I don’t know if I wanna live through that forever lol. So I’m gonna go with Cherry Blossom After Winter, I really adore this fluffy BL. It’s seriously my comfort series, it too sweet and I could easily watch it forever.
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2) If you could change the ending of a drama which one would it be?
Anyone who doesn’t answer HIStory3: Make Our Days Count has either never seen it or has no heart, seriously, that is the top of the list of BL endings that needs to be changed! 😭 Kissable Lips is one I would change the ending of as well, still a better love story than Twilight tho.
3) Name your favorite drama and tell who your favorite character was.
I have two favourite BLs that take number one on my list, Until We Meet Again and Not Me. My favourite characters in UWMA are Dean, Korn and Win. My favourite characters in Not Me are White, Black, Sean, Yok and Gumpa. Yeah, there’s no such thing as one favourite character in my world lol.
4) Name a drama you dropped within the first few episodes ~ we all have at least one!
Check Out, I really really tried to like it but the characters were all just terrible people. Like I get that cheating happens, but when that’s the entire show, it gets a little dull.
5) Name a popular drama you've never watched and why?
SOTUS… I know, I know! This is like the BL that launched Thai BLs into the international market. And to be fair to Singto, he is one hell of an actor, he just has amazing chemistry with whoever he works with. But I’ve heard/read some pretty not good things about Krist concerning homophobic things done during filming, and that kinda soured the show for me. I’m queer and have no issue with actors playing gay for pay, obviously. But when an actor is gay for pay but rude about it, then I have issues. I grew up doing theatre, working both in front of and behind the scenes, I’ve been trained as an actor and I know nothing makes a working environment hell like an acting partner that just does not wanna be there, it makes you have to work twice as hard. Which is why I think Singto’s acting stands out so damn much next to Krist, because he was working his ass off to sell that onscreen romance. Also LBC2: A Chance To Love, again, much like Krist, Mean has had some pretty damming rumours and stories come out about him being homophobic. Also I just really dislike TinCan as a couple lol.
6) Name a drama you regret watching.
TharnType, what even was the god damned mess!? And why in gods name did I watch TharnType 2!? Can we stop MAME from writing gay stories until she’s actually met gay people? Because from the storylines I’m thinking she’s never actually spoken to a gay man in her life 🙄
7) Name a drama you thought you’d never watch but did and did you end up liking it?
Fish Upon The Sky, it looked seriously stupid but I actually ended up liking MorkPi and DueanMeen as well as their actors, I’m actually looking forward to seeing PondPhuwin pair up again in Never Let Me Go and NeoLouis in The Eclipse.
8) Name a pairing you want to see?
I’ve mentioned before in passing about wanting to see Gun pair up with either Mond or Sing, so I’ll pick differently this time. I’d really like to see Saint work with First, I know First is already kinda branded with Toru, what with them being in War of Y together after their episodes of Y Destiny. But I think if Saint wants to stop being cast as the cute lil uke he needs to be paired with someone slighter than him but equally as pretty, which is where First comes in. I’d love to see Saint as a cold tsundere type, softened by a sweet lil character played by First. Plus I think they would both go pretty ham when it came to any romantic scenes, possibly farther than Saint went with Zee.
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9) Name a pairing you didn’t think had chemistry?
TinCan, I’ve mentioned them before and I swear it’s not just because I’m not a fan of Mean’s work lol. Seriously, I never found TinCan to have much chemistry at all. Also, I know BrightWin are some of GMMtv’s golden boys buuuutttt SarawatTine were lukewarm at best 🤷
10) Name a pairing you have seen in another drama that you like?
I really liked Na and Ja as a pairing in UWMA, Sorn and Sin were the only couple that didn’t have any awkwardness in their physicality, they existed within each other’s space, orbited around one another as a real couple would. So often in BLs I find couples have trouble with their physicality, both platonic and romantic touching as well as simply inhabiting another’s personal space. You can almost see them acting and that’s one thing you do not want your audience to be able to do, if an audience can feel/see that you’re acting then you’re doing your job wrong. Wise words from a director I once had, harsh words but wise lol. I would love to see them work together again but now that JaFirst have branded together since Don’t Say No, I doubt highly we’ll ever see NaJa work together again, at least not as a couple.
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storiesofsvu2-0 · 1 year
l & o thursday
Okay…. Happy Thursday. Y’all know the drill.
Also yay city tv for airing these in the wrong order as per usual… I don’t know how much of a 2 parter svu and oc are but we’re getting oc first here…
Ah. Yes. Okay. They are completely and totally related and im getting part 2 first. Love that. Why is citytv like this?
Are we just jumping into this without addressing the Kathy hallucination or whatever that was? Seriously?
Ah! Okay, here we go. Thank you.
Ugh god. Elliot just get over your manchild bullshit already. im sick of it
Elliot reacting like that over Oscar papa… homeboy clearly doesn’t know about William lewis…
k… I lowkey trust bell talking with the perp but like… her lawyer is there, she’s lawyered up… any ada on svu would be having a field day right now… like… these are two cops. They can’t be making deals. Just cause they say they wont press charges or whatever the da might still have to…
man… I adore Ayanna so fucking much. I also love how little she holds back facial expressions, like… same girl… same…
bruh… if you thought this was a JOKE why would you put down FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!
Bobby and his sandwich LOOOLL.
“it’s attempted murder not the express checkout line.” Yup. Bell has the best one liners.
This episode is giving major criminal minds vibes. And then amanda is going to be brought in as a “profiler” like… cmon… (also I don’t even wanna talk about that… like…her being a professor is already ridiculous. But to also be a profiler? Like… sure she’s smart and has a forensics degree but she aint that smart…she would be a terrible profiler…)
They’re STILL making fast and furious movies?! Jfc.
“carisi can’t keep his mouth shut” and “she left me a message” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Like, those two were BESTIES, and you’re telling me they wouldn’t actually keep in touch?! Esp over something like this? Like noah, billie and jessie had play dates all the time, they hungout together, carisi still works with liv. This is so fucking dumb. Like… yes I get it, if you leave a job you start another one and might not keep up with the people you used to from the previous ones, but the ones who really mean something keep in touch. This is something that drives me INSANE about tv shows cause a cast member will leave and it’s as if the characters will NEVER see each other again. I get it, sometimes the actors can’t come back or don’t want to, but like… a mention here or there, a sense of reality?? It’s no wonder Liv is always alone and mopey over shit. Life is a two way street ma’am, if you keep shutting out people who “leave” you then guess what? You’re not gonna have anyone left! (still don’t condone Elliot’s behaviour but like… we don’t’ care about him here)
“you’re bleeding.” “yeah… bullets’ll do that to you” *proceeds to collapse*
So naturally I was not paying that much attention, but why tf did they only charge him with one count of murder? He should have also been charged with attempted murder of the other girl and attempted murder/assault of a police officer?
Anyway. Now it’s svu time. Bring me my bebes.
Jesus that’s fucking terrifying. Could you imagine coming across that on a run?! Jesus.
Carisi was so friggin cute when he spilt the beans to liv, fucking adorable.
I got distracted making gifs. Oops.
Loving muncy and churlish partnered up, their banter and shit is good, I accept
Liv being all “doesn’t everyone in staten island know each other” and carisi pulling her chain is hilarious
Omg these girls are both like fucking 5 foot nothing and 90lbs and elias is a giant this is not gonna end well…
Thank god churlish kept the gun on him, smart girl.
Okay I think some of this is less intriguing to me because ive already seen OC
Oh god..joe is yelling… im turned on…
They literally put muncy in a plaid shirt that has the bisexual flag colours on it… COME ON.
HOLY SHIT. Christ. I KNEW SOMETHING LIKE THAT WAS COMING. Muncy needs a hug, and probably some therapy…
I absolutely do not want Velasco and muncy together. That being said. I would adore muncy and churlish or Velasco and churlish.. but I cant decide which one I like more…
Welp, that’s it for tonight. Maybe see you next week.
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Psycho Analysis: Suicide Squad Team A
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS! Seriously, as soon as you click that read more, you’re gonna be smacked with SPOILERS! Don’t say I didn’t give you ample warning this time!)
The world’s in danger yet again, and Amanda Waller is in need of some expendable forces to take on some dirty jobs in the name of preserving peace. Last time she did this, it seems like she hired the wrong people. Nice guy Will Smith Deadshot? Bland, boring Killer Croc? El Diablo, who became attached to a bunch of reprobates after spending a couple hours with them? The only one who was useful in that squad was Katana. She had their backs, could cut all of them in half with one sword stroke just like mowing the lawn, and her sword traps the souls of its victims. Unfortunately, she was decidedly not expendable, so what is a girlboss like Waller to do?
Easy: Assemble a brand new squad of criminals to do the dirty work. Harley and Boomerang are the only ones she brought back, because let’s be real, they’re the only ones we give a damn about. Filling out the rest of the squad are the stoic, craggy crackshot Savant; the handsome, German spear-thrower Javelin; the alien warrior Mongal; the frothing, psychotic animal Weasel; the confident and all-powerful TDK; and Blackguard, who is literally just a guy. Together, this team gets deployed to Corto Maltese to do what no one else can do, and with skills like theirs, they are absolutely unstoppable!
They all fucking die before the opening credits.
Motivation/Goals: Considering the goal of the squad is to shave time off their prison sentences by going on the mission, it’s ostensibly the reason every single one of these goons accepted the job. Savant and Weasel are pretty well established in this regard; we get to focus on Savant for much of the opening, so we can get a sense of him, and Weasel is stated to have murdered no less than 27 children. So, yeah, they need to do this mission.
The rest, though? Who knows! Why are Mongal, Javelin, and TDK in prison? How did they even get an alien like Mongal? What did they do to land in the position they’d need to go on a suicide mission? Why doesn’t this movie have flashy, intrusive cards explaining everything to us in a throwaway gag in a montage?!
Blackguard, at least, has some other motivation. He sold out the entire squad to the military of Corto Maltese, which is why they’re ambushed. Now, there’s actually some ambiguity here: Did he do this of his own volition, and was this a complete surprise, or is it, as it is heavily implied, all part of Waller’s plan and she let this happen as a diversion for the other team to get in unnoticed?
Honestly, though, it doesn’t matter what their goals are. They’re all dead within five minutes of the movie starting, with one exception.
Performance: So, the reason these guys are even worth talking about is because, despite their minuscule screentime, all of their actors manage to cram in enough humor and characterization that they’re all pretty fun and likable. Michael Rooker is as stony and stoic as ever as Savant (until he hilariously isn’t), Flula Borg’s Javelin is really sweet and charming in his interactions with Harley, and Pete Davidson’s Blackguard is just amazingly douchey and pathetic. Special mention goes to Nathan Fillion’s TDK, who has an utterly endearing and unwavering faith in his astoundingly crappy ability to… detach his arms. It’s honestly kind of beautiful. Then there’s Weasel as portrayed by Sean Gunn, who is just a hilarious crackhead of an animal man.
Final Fate: Literally every single one of them die horribly thanks to Blackguard’s betrayal. He’s the first to go, because as soon as he walks out saying “Hey guys, it’s me, the one who contacted you!” he literally has his face blasted clean off. The rest go soon after. Mongal, in one of the most astounding moments of idiocy I’ve ever seen, leaps on a helicopter despite Rick Flag telling her specifically not to. Her weight and strength send it careening out of control, which leads to it shredding Captain Boomerang to bits before exploding, burning her alive as she painfully screams and writhes in agony. TDK gets his arms shot into Swiss cheese, leading to him bleeding out since even detached they still are part of him. Javelin is also shot, but gets a dying moment with Harley where he passes her Checkov’s Javelin. Finally, after witnessing all of this carnage, Savant completely loses his shit and tries to swim away, leading to Waller blowing his head up.
You may be wondering what happened to Weasel. He appears to drown as soon as the Squad deploys, because despite being actually smart in this movie, Waller forgot to make sure everyone on the Squad could swim. Thankfully, this lovable child-murdering crackhead rodent was just sleeping, and wakes up in the first credit scene.
Best Scene: Obviously, it’s their one and only scene. It’s a magnificent slaughter that puts the X-Force scene from Deadpool 2 to shame.
Final Thoughts & Score: I’ve gotta hand it to James Gunn. Even though these losers are only onscreen for a few minutes, they all get to cram a lot of charm and personality into that time, to the point it’s actually kind of sad seeing them all die. It’s a beautiful mix of comedy and tragedy. Since their screentime is so limited, though, I’m mostly going to be grading them on style, performance, and so on rather than on villainy like normal. They are all bad guys, as they don’t really get a chance to redeem themselves like the other Squad, so I’m still counting them as villains, which means they could potentially score above an 8 (which is the highest score I’m willing to give heel-face turn villains, because they end up being better as characters in general than as villains).
I’m also not going to talk about Boomerang (I’ll talk about him when I review the original Squad) or Harley (because she not only lives, but deserves her own solo Psycho Analysis). Now here we go, from best to worst:
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If you thought anyone but TDK would get top marks, you’re sadly mistaken. Seeing Nathan Fillion proudly wield the insanely lame power to detach his arms to lightly tap soldiers on the head and gently grab their guns is a sight I never knew I needed to see until this movie. The fact he just seems so darn proud about this power that he doesn’t even bother to use in any way that would be remotely useful is honestly really endearing. Frankly, the sheer fact they adapted Arms-Fall-Off Boy in any way is enough for me to give him a 10/10.
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Weasel is just disgustingly delightful. He’s just a horrible, nasty, ugly little bastard… But he’s kind of adorable? He clearly has no idea where he is at any given time and is just so goddamn freaky that I can’t help but love him. The fact that, despite being a character who in the comics is noteworthy only for dying on his first mission with the Squad, he manages to survive the entire movie is pretty impressive. Hopefully he comes back in the future, but either way he gets an 8/10 from me.
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Honestly, aside from Boomerang, his death stung the most. He’s just so cute and charming, and he doesn’t even get to fling his javelin at anyone! Thankfully, he passes it on to Harley, and boy does she ever get to use it! He’s so cute, I have to give him an 8/10. I just wish we got more of him.
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Savant is just an absolutely hilarious bait-and-switch. We follow him through the prologue, with everything seeming to point to him as our main character and the Squad leader. He’s stoic, he’s cranky, and he has impeccable aim… and then we get to the beach and he just freaks the hell out and starts screaming and crying and running away like a little bitch. Seeing Michael Rooker act like he’s shitting his pants after playing a badass like Yondu is just the sort of hilarious subversiveness that James Gunn loves to do when you let him loose. The fact that he looks like, to paraphrase the TVTropes YMMV page for the movie, a “cyberpunk Tommy Wiseau” is the icing on this 7/10 cake.
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I was prepared to hate this guy just based on how lame Pete Davidson’s costume was, and you know what? I do hate him. But I love to hate him. He’s just an utterly pathetic scoundrel and a coward, true to his name. The fact he is the first to die, as just about everyone predicted, and is killed absolutely gruesomely makes any annoyance he could provide moot, and his freeakout over being seated next to Weasel on the plane is actually kind of funny. I was originally going to give him a 6, but you know what? He can have a low 7/10. He’s like the only member of this particular Squad to actually do anything evil, so I gotta give him props for that.
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Let me make this perfectly clear: I do not blame James Gunn or actress Mayling Ng. I’m not actually mad at either of them for what they chose to do, because it is ultimately hilarious and sad. It suited the narrative of the film, and I’m not actually, genuinely mad.
With all that out of the way, Mongal is one hell of a stupid cunt. It is one thing to cause your own death with your stupidity, it is something else entirely to cause the death of a beloved character with your poorly planned attack. The fact she didn’t take into account how her weight and strength would effect an airborne helicopter makes one wonder if she is really supposed to be based on a character who can take on Superman and live to tell about it.
Let’s compare her to two similar characters to really show how bad she is. Like Blackguard, she is directly responsible for a death on the beach, Blackguard being responsible for everyone by selling them out and leading them into an ambush (and yes, I’m including him as well), and Mongal killing Boomerang with the chopper. The difference is, Blackguard’s betrayal was deliberate, he meant to sell the team out, he was actively doing something evil there, while Mongal killed Boomerang out of sheer idiocy.
Now, let’s compare her to Zeitgeist from the similar bloody massacre that occurred during X-Force’s deployment in Deadpool 2. Like Mongal, he accidentally kills a teammate. The difference is, in the case of Zeitgeist, he only accidentally melted Peter, it was a freak accident, and ultimately it does get undone by the end. Meanwhile, Mongal made a conscious, stupid decision and ended up killing her squadmate with her own idiocy. She sucks, hardcore. I don’t do this lightly, but I’m giving her a 1/10. Villains just don’t get much stupider than her.
I will giver her this, though: the makeup work on her is good. She’s lowkey kinda hot if I’m being honest. But being hot and having good makeup does not a good villain make.
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nthnstrky007 · 3 years
Unit Alias #1: “The Flow of Water Breaks the Dame!”
As the bullets whizzed passed my head, only one thought stood out from all the noise and panic around me: I know I should have eaten toast instead of that bagel this morning. It’s just, I get so tired of the same old whole wheat toast and almond butter; it’s not my fault the fabric of reality starts to fold in on itself everytime I choose something new for breakfast. After another twenty seconds of some mindless brutes trying to turn my apartment into a modern artist’s tribute to swiss cheese, a voice of remote reason finally speaks up:
“Leonardo Crews, please step away from the bean bag chair”.
I can’t help but roll my eyes. It’s her: Sharon Winstead. The woman who would surely be my handler if the US government had their way and I became a secret agent or lab rat or whatever the heck they’d want me to do with these powers. I stand up and make a couple steps to the right as I put my hands on my head. At least the government sent a nice pair of legs to yell at me.  
One of the armed boneheads she brought with her speaks up, ‘Why would you hide behind a froggy bean bag chair?”
“Cause who the hell would ever shoot a froggy bean bag chair?” I challenge him and the two other armored doofuses.
They all mumble and meet eyes until one of them sheepishly says: “he’s right…” 
Sharon, the not so love-able stick in the mud that she is, won’t let me have fun for too long. “Your work here is done unit Alias. Go downstairs and do the usual routine with the landlord; come back, as I planned, when you’re done”. 
A couple ‘yes ma’ams’ and military mumbo jumbo is thrown around as they leave. I can’t help but feel sorry for guys who would willingly join an organization that has the loyalty of a teenage boy after a positive pregnancy test. 
“Real smart fellas you have there.”
Sharon looks at me, I guess with a hint of disappointment. “You know as well as I that if they were going for the kill, you’d be dead”. 
“Along with a couple billion realtites and, knowing how much the universe seems to adore me, time itself. And what’s up with ‘your plan’ anyway? The military never came in guns blazing before. Don’t you geniuses know how important I am?” 
“Are you threatening us now Leonardo?”
I relax my arms at my side as I walk into the pantry. The universe is on my team, as always, when I see one of the only undamaged things is what I’m looking for. I walk out in a sufficiently better mood with my packet of poptarts. “I’m just asking questions that pertain to the continuation of existence itself”. 
Sharon scoffs and continues on: “Do you understand the magnitude of such threats, Leonardo?”
 I wave her off with my free hand after opening my second breakfast. “ What threats? And please, it’s Leo; I’m not an award winning actor, just a potential destroyer of the timestream” I see the red emerge in her face and can’t help but chuckle. It's a mystery to me how she was able to secure one of the most secretive and ‘important’ jobs in the world with such a short fuse. Despite the fact that she is totally unlikable, the babe has grown on me over the years so I give her restless mind a break: “Y’know I’m not gonna go awol, especially when you pay for all my streaming service. And, uh, time wouldn’t be destroyed, just altered in some terrible heinous way. Such as your occupation being changed to stripper.” 
She gives me one more uneasy look before moving on. “You have a place I can sit?” 
“You mean a place you geniuses haven’t shot up yet? Don’t make me say it.”
“The frog chair?” She groans.
“I do believe it's pronounced froggy bean bag chair.” 
She gives her eyes another roll as she sits down in the thing. “Can you sit with me?” 
Sharon likes to remind me that in some ways I’m still a normal human. An example of 
this being a woman with a face and a body like hers asking me to sit down with a voice like hers using a tone like that,  regardless of if she is a facist pig or not, I’m probably gonna sit with her. 
“What’s the prob Bob?” I sit criss-cross applesauce a yard or so across from her. 
To my disappointment, not exactly my surprise, she grows serious as soon as I sit down. 
“We can’t keep doing this dance Leonardo.” 
“Doing what dance?” I let out the question with a bit of playful innocence.
“That.” She takes a moment to think before she begins her spill. “The U.W.O is not going to remain patient. The fate of existence potentially depends on what you have for lunch and you refuse to follow the guidelines that we give you. You probably can’t count how many times you’ve been told this, but you’re an anomaly. The only thing we have to go off of is my father’s theories: the regular flow of time is completely dependent on you. Every decision you make can drastically change our world’s past and half the time we can’t even detect those changes. Not to mention, if certain parts of that theory are true, the effects you can be having on our future. Leo, history is a book that you can rip up on an unknowing whim and the future is more uncertain that it has any right to be”. 
“And yet we keep dancing…”
“Excuse me?” 
I look at her for a second thinking that she for sures knows where I’m going, but it becomes clear to me she doesn’t. “You’re coming here to warn me. The U.W.O  knows that you’re the only person I can stand getting yelled at by so they send you here every time I decide to live my life so you can flutter your eyes and tell me not to. How many times have you been here this month? I admit the whole shoot-em-up bit is new, but other than that this is the same old routine we’ve done for the past year. The  only difference is I’ve been doing it my whole goddamn life and you’ve been doing it for a fraction of yours”. 
The woman actually cracks a smile as she comprehends what I’m saying. I don’t know if it’s mocking or understanding me, but, seeing as I have nothing else to do, I let her spill. “You call this living Leo? I don’t know what you do to mess up the timestream, but, judging by the hours of footage that features you exclusively watching ‘He-man’ reruns, I sure as hell know it’s not living. What, you played a new video game? Flushed the toilet too fast? You’re not living; the life you’re leading is not worth risking history for”. The sarcasm and aggression starts to leave her eyes as she looks at my face. I begin to open my mouth in defense when she shushes me with a new, almost maternal, attitude. “But I didn’t come here to play our twisted game of house. I’ve been in contact with my father”.
The news strikes a rare chord of hope in me. Sharon’s father was the closest thing I had to a dad when I grew up in the compound. He was also the one who convinced the board of directors to let me out when I turned eighteen. “Let out” is an odd way of saying letting me live in a heavily guarded cell that just happens to be in an apartment building. He ended up deciding he didn’t want to be a mindless puppet and left the U.W.O along with all his research. Last I heard, which was a very long time ago, he was up to a more scholarly pursuit. “How is he?”
She smiles as she thinks of her father. “He’s getting philosophical in his old age. After he left, he started living like a hermit in some remote island in the Atlantic. A place they’d have trouble finding if they ever were to look; he’s getting into some rebellious stuff there Leo. He wants you to leave and come see him. He wants to end this dance.”
“By ‘rebellious’, do you mean some dooms-day shit?” the words come out as the hope comes out of me. “We don’t know what the reaction will be if I get in a boat or plane. We barely know what’s gonna happen if I leave this building again. Make fun of me all you want, but, you basically said it yourself, 80s tv is the only life I can safely lead”.
“He told me to trust him. If he’s wrong, the situation will be no worse than it was before”. I could easily read the doubt in her face. “Or at least to him.”
“So what? The world ending is the same as the world not ending? Existence is all a lie and it doesn’t matter anyway? Don’t tell me he’s become some quasi-intellectual pothead who posts on psychedelic-themed online forums.” 
She rolls her eyes in response to my joke. “He’s disillusioned with our current world authority. He lived his whole thinking a plantery world order would be a good thing, so much so he helped to achieve it. Apparently after all those years and work, he thinks their practices are going to end us all. The way he sees it, the world may just end tomorrow; it’s any day now to him. In a certain manner of words, he’s desperate.”   
“And you?” 
She gives me another genuine look. “I trust my father as a leader and I care about you. He believes it's the right thing to do and you can’t keep up like this. Some of the things I’ve had to do this past year is enough for me to give up on doing the right thing through the government. Your problem is a problem that we might be able to fix on our own and trying is a lot better than you just rotting here waiting to die. Any ‘director’ who doesn’t like that can screw off.”
I let my eyes widen. “No one’s in on this? Why’d you bring the unit with you? Surely the bigwigs wire you up before you take their dogs for a walk?” 
“Watch your words; dogs we are no more, unit Alias, at least, is on this. No wires or strings attached. The general consensus is the current plan of keeping the world safe from you is eventually going to collapse without change; I can’t say they have the personal stake that my father has with the way he views us as siblings”.   
“Can’t really blame them for being worried or not particularly liking me, but they’re not here because of  what happened because of my bagel?” 
“You came here to break me out, not to punish me for eating a bagel instead of toast?”
Sharon pulls a phone out of her pocket and scrolls through. “Oh…”
“The ephilfel tower was built in Germany”.  
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deanie1987 · 4 years
Okay, I have now watched the episode in full like 8 times and it has been absorbed into my bloodstream and I feel stable enough to finally comment on it. For the most part I loved it and it delivered nearly everything that I wanted, even if it was delivered differently than I hoped for/imagined. There were definitely some missed opportunities I thought, but there really was nothing that I outright hated and I was pleasantly surprised for the majority of the episode. Here are some random thoughts as I was watching:
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Lip chewing gum is hot as fuck
- I knew I was in for a special episode when Ian showed up in a towel followed shortly by Mickey in a towel. They have been hiding Mickey’s thicc sixpack all season and unveiled it here as wedding gift to the viewers.
- Cam’s line reading of “Mickey” when Liam asked who was going to wear white, sweet baby jesus. Why does it always sound so good coming out of his mouth?
- I love all the brother scenes. Carl clipping his toenails, Ian griping and then Carl wiping them on the floor was hilarious. Although considering it was his room, what does Ian care? But I love that he did. Very anal (no pun intended) big brother vibe there. Liam hightailing it out of the room the second Mickey walked in and headed toward Ian was a mood. The shit this poor boy has seen.
- I also loved everyone asking Ian about his meds, especially Carl. That really got to me for some reason, as did everyone giving the reason that it was going to be a stressful day. Like they weren’t asking to be assholes, they were just concerned and wanted him to have a good day. Little did they know how stressful. I liked that Ian didn’t get made, but you could still sense a tiny bit of annoyance.
- My second notice that this would be a different kind of episode was Mickey asking if Ian took his meds and then touching him gently under the chin and saying “good” in a very, very deep and low voice. Um....holy shit that was beyond sexy to me for some reason. Like I almost felt like I was intruding. The way Ian’s eyes were fixed seemingly on his chest/tattoo and then the way Mickey forced him to look up at him.  Wow. Ahem.
- Ian obviously thought it was sexy as fuck too because he yanked him by the hips and grunted and pulled him in for some more caresses. So yeah, this was a lot different than the “hey what’s up bro?” scenes we had been getting. I mean there wasn’t a tongue kiss, but I appreciated it. I also appreciated that Mickey and Ian had no problem not only seeing each other before the wedding but showering together and messing around too. Poor Carl, he needs to take not of Liam’s reaction. 
- Along these sexy lines, there is no way that anyone should find the violent biting/hitting scenes sexy. Like no way that Ian saying “you gonna make me hit you again?” and manhandling Mickey’s wrists to the ground and saying “you done?” in a softer voice while straddling him and then throwing the gun to Carl and telling him to get the cuffs, was sexy. And it definitely wasn’t sexy that Mickey finally calmed down and looked right into Ian’s eyes and nodded. Like, no way, we shouldn’t be romanticizing that shit. Okay? Ok. Ahem. Ha Ha 😅
- I could not survive Kev’s keg boot camp, but I will take his comment about Depeche Mode-loving Gen Xers” as a personal shout out because I put their song “Somebody” at the very top of my Gallavich playlist. It is the cheesiest, sappiest song known to man and my girlfriends and I would play it on repeat and get weepy in high school. And it fits Ian and Mickey perfectly and even out cheeses that Ed Sheeran song. See Gen X can do more than irony.
- Obviously I loved Mickey’s handcuffed speech, but I wish that there had been a reference to that terrible cursed episode in season 3. Not the rape, but the fact that Terry forced Mickey to marry a woman and that it basically ruined their lives and set Ian and Mickey on a destructive course. Nearly everything that they went through started with that terrible day. It was definitely subtly reference and I definitely think that Ian was thinking of it, but I wish it had been stated more clearly.
- I love that Sandy was wiling to go to jail to get Mickey his wedding. I love that Debbie was possibly willing to marry Mickey to get him his wedding as well. I definitely loved all of the Gallaghers rallying around to help.
- The tie scene was beyond cute and this was the kind of scene we have been waiting for and both Cam and Noel delivered. I love how sincere Mickey was in this episode and how straightforward and reverent this conversation was. The kid conversation, Ian telling Mickey exactly what he wants and Mickey revising his statement in response. It was a perfect statement and this scene was so intimate. I truly didn’t think we would get this before the wedding so I’m thrilled that we did.
- Why does everyone keep referencing the combination of Mickey and Ian’s genes? Do they know where babies come from? Have they read too many Mpregs? 
- I loved the shot of them first arriving and the mention of the chairs. Mickey’s “I like how the gold captures the light” made me giddy. Then the long shot of them sort of taking in their surroundings and the impact of the day. The other shot I liked was them at the alter with a bit of the “deer in the headlights” look. You got me John Wells, you sneaky bastard.
- I loved everything about Kevin this episode even if it is beyond tacky to propose at someone else’s wedding.
- I had to mute the Gay Jesus crows singing “We Shall Overcome” because ugh and cringe, but Ian having a cult at his disposal may come in handy someday. I hope he thanked them and let them glory in his presence for a little bit. I also liked that Carl and Geneva were so familiar with one another. Lol.
- All of Ian’s interactions with his siblings were perfect. I wanted but didn’t get a scene of Ian asking Lip to be best man and also a best man speech (or any speech for that matter) but the “soft motherfucker” scene was adorable and very moving. I love that the only person besides Mickey that we have every seen Ian say ILY to was Lip.  That is pretty appropriate and the kisses were sweet too. I, too, am a soft motherfucker and that swell of music to At Last got me. 
- I liked how nervous Mickey was walking down the aisle, and I was happy that Sandy was there for him. But I sort of felt that him walking down the aisle on someone’s arm was a little too “bride” for me and I think I would have preferred to see him walk down the aisle by himself while grinning and walking his patented BDE Mickey walk. But his solemnity and serious was an unexpected choice and I appreciate them going with it.
- FRANK!!!!  Oh my god that’s where my tears started. I was really hoping for a Frank/Ian scene but his tears will have to do. Wow, I just wish that Ian could have seen them. The utter disdain the two have for one another usually makes me laugh, but it felt wrong to me in this episode, at least from Frank’s side, so I was glad that it seemed that Frank’s emotion got the better of him. I definitely think that the spectre of Monica had something to do with it, but it was there.
- SPEAKING OF MONICA...wahhhhh!  My favorite scene I think. It is no surprise that it comes when Ian is watching Frank and is sitting next to Debbie. I”ve already said this before but Debbie was the perfect person for Ian to talk to about this. I love how Ian still calls Monica “mom” and Debbie still called her Monica. And she was right, Monica would have loved everything about that day. Emma Kinney did a remarkable job in that scene, and she looked beautiful. The chemistry of the actors was palpable and it was just so nice to see. I also loved Ian’s slight laugh as he felt himself tearing up and then his choked voice as he said he should dance with his husband. Waahhh. Followed by Debbie’s sweet, sweet smile and then Ian finding Mickey, who had been dancing adorably and looking around for his boy. Then the way that Ian clung to him and collapsed into him, while the perfect and cheesy song played.  WAHHHHH!!!
- Also can we give it for Debbie yet again. Not only did she miss the ceremony in order to save the day, but she missed Franny walking down the aisle.  That is commitment and sacrifice and we appreciate it!
-I had hoped for personal vows, but I am at least glad that they recited them and didn’t just say “I do.” Once again, Mickey’s earnestness and seriousness surprised and delighted me, 
- I loved Ian grabbing Carl on his walk down the aisle. As I mentioned, every scene of Ian and his siblings was character appropriate and I loved this one too.
- Them having 120 people at the wedding was kind of dumb and ridiculous, but I did appreciate how true to life the variety of outfits was at such an event. From ripped jeans to gold lame dresses LOL. 
- That last scene of them was cute too. The hand holding, the nudity, the TATTOO again and Ian’s hand hovering near it. Mickey caressing and pinching Ian’s arm, their TWO rings, the hideous room and their tired, happy, sleepy voices. Perfection. I don’t love how Terry’s murderous rage is somewhat played for laughs, but I admit that I did kind of chuckle at their expressions when they heard the tires screech and then the last shot of them looking at one another while the jaunty music cut in. It was very, very, very much like a rom-com.
So there was a lot to absolutely love this episode, but there were a few missed opportunities as well.  I mentioned the lack of personal vows/family speeches and lack of any significant Frank/Ian interaction, but other than that the only thing that really bothered me was the lack of any Fiona or Mandy mention. That was actually a huge missed statement and it would have been easy to do. I find it more believable that Fiona would miss the wedding than Mandy, but to not mention either of them was a bad move, IMO. I liked Sandy and the role she played, but she doesn’t make me forget Mandy, show. And the lack of Fiona mention just makes me think JW was being petty toward ER.  But beyond that, THEY ARE MARRIED AND HAPPY AND SUPPORTED BY A LOT OF PEOPLE!!!  HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE GAY JESUS!!!
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I just got home from seeing Juno Steel and the Train From Nowhere Live, and I have SO MANY EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS AND THINGS I WANT TO TELL YOU GUYS 
so full reaction under the cut. Obviously, massive spoilers for the live show, so don’t read if you plan on buying the recording and want to experience it for the first time that way. 
Something you guys should know: AS I WROTE THIS, Alice Chuang (whom I met at the show) DM’ed me on Twitter and we have been chatting back and forth for a while now, I am LITERALLY TEXTING ALICE CHUANG AS I WRITE THIS. 
Okay. Holy cow. First of all, the obvious: the show was amazing, the actors were all crazy talented, the energy of the crowd was great, I had a fantastic time and am so happy I went. The music, sound, and lights were really cool, minimalist, but conveyed the show tone beautifully. 
And THE COSTUMES!! Not sure who picked them, but they were perfect. Joshua had the same trench coat/white shirt/jeans combo from the last liveshow, but for Dahlia Rose he wore a lacy white blazer that also had pink flowers on it. It looked very good on him and his face when Juno says “You bought me clothes?!” was hysterical. Engstrom and Valencia were elegant and totally creepy. M Sutherland had a red and grey suit and waistcoat; he also had eye makeup but it was a little more subtle. Valencia was in a gorgeous shiny red dress and lounge singer black gloves up to her elbows. Those were all cool, but nothing is EVER gonna top Noah’s Nureyev outfit, which was a pair of black pants, white shirt, black tie, and a black and white striped corset with the tie tucked into it. You may be thinking, “oh, HG, that just sounds like a waistcoat” nope!!!! It was like actually a corset! He also had killer eyeliner. For most of the show he wore a black blazer, but as Duke Rose he wore this crazy glittery golden blazer covered in sequins. It was gaudy and he rocked it, it suited Duke so perfectly! 
Those four made up the main cast, but there were two other actors - first of all, Kate Jones, obviously, as Miasma. She had ghostly white makeup and covered her face and head with a white shawl. That, plus the fact that the lights turned red whenever she stepped on stage, made the perfect creepy vibe. She had a lot more lines in this than the original - Juno would refer to her voice in his head a lot, and every time, she came out and said something creepy. She was on a little raised stage behind the rest of the cast so she was glaring down at him and it was just asdggkfj;fldj a it was so cool. 
Then there was another cast member I totally did not anticipate - Melissa DeJesus (Quanyii) played the Ruby7! She also worked props, so when Juno was talking about Nureyev’s coat, she held it up, when the bell rang during the card game she rang it, and she also played Miasma’s assistant pointing the gun at Nureyev (it was a cardboard rifle, they also used it when Juno had to shoot out of the car). For the Ruby7 she held a steering wheel and stood in front of Joshua and Noah making the car noises into a microphone or with a whistle. Also she had a necklace shaped like a license place that said “Ruby7″. It was such a cute way to show the car, which some of you may remember was something I was speculating wildly about when I first bought the ticket. Every time Nureyev mentioned how great the Ruby7 was she would vamp and at one point she blew him a kiss and he blew one back it was so adorable.
i’ve been typing for a half hour and I haven’t even gotten into the actual show yet
Before the show even started, there was amazing energy. I bought two posters from Kat Buckingham, who was working the merch stand, found a great seat, chatted with the people sitting near me, and just felt the excitement. There were so many amazing costumes, and like a third of people were wearing ear cuffs with chains in honor of Peter (I was among this number). Kevin Vibert made some announcements about emergency exits and whatnot, and then the lights dimmed. There were two curtains on opposite sides of the performance area, Joshua and Noah FLIPPED OPEN the curtains on different sides and just did this power walk to the mics in the middle while all of us audience members screamed and cheered for a solid minute, it was glorious. 
Almost immediately I noticed a change to the script - they added a subplot about an additional Martian artifact Miasma had stolen, called the Key of something I don’t know how to spell, which apparently locks away any concept, like locking away sound around a person (this was revisited during the assassin bit). When Nureyev mentioned the key Juno said something like, “Wait, I don’t think that’s how this is supposed to happen” which was a cute way to acknowledge the changes they were making. Then he started mentioning some Season 2 stuff (”I dreamed I only had one -” “We all  only have one life, detective!”) and Nureyev cut him off and then launched into a recap of the events of 2Murderous2Mask. He brought up audience members to reenact it, and it was really funny and I loved it a lot. 
One of my favorite changes was that a couple of times when Juno was internally monologuing, Nureyev would be there too. At one point Juno acknowledged it like, “I do this thing where I just talk, and usually it’s just me.” Nureyev was really energetic, Noah got super into those parts and would take the mic down from the stand and be gesturing and hopping around while Juno watched. They also went into a lot more detail about the Throne of Arkuthusis (I probably spelled that wrong) and Samantha Carthwright (now called Sammy), who was played by an audience member. Juno explained that anyone who sat in the chair could have infinite knowledge and people would ask them questions. Nureyev then asked the audience member a bunch of questions in different accents which A.) was really funny B.) was crazy because apparently Noah can do an insane range of accents C.) cute because Juno just let him do it for a while before cutting him off. It had a very “petulant married life” vibe when Nureyev shared Juno’s monologues, and I’m not sure if it was supposed to be some significant commentary that Nureyev was “in Juno’s head” or just fun staging. Either way, I loved it. 
For the card game, there were a few changes. Engstrom asked Juno if he knew how to play Rangian Street Poker and Nureyev-as-Duke said “Don’t say no!” through his teeth right as Juno said “nope.” and then an explanation followed. After a while Juno lost track and got annoyed and before Engstrom could get mad back or explain the whole thing again Nureyev-as-Duke covered Juno’s mouth with his hand and then when he pulled his hand away he fucking caressed Juno’s cheek with his knuckles while Juno glared at him and the audience went feral. 
Hey by the way Noah Simes? Is just fucking incredible like his mannerisms as Duke were so over-the-top but amazing, when he reverted back to Nureyev there was an IMMEDIATE shift just in the way he talked and the way he stood, like with Duke everything was all exaggerated and he drew out all the “you’s” (So in the phone call he basically went “See youuu SooooOOOOnN!!! :D”) but then for Nureyev he was a lot more reserved, and he had this smug little half smirk for most of it. Just like, what does it feel like to be that talented, wish I could relate. 
They didn’t actually play cards, but Noah did rip a piece of paper to be the dueling wargoats card. Even so, the tension was strong and you could feel the suspense even if (like me) you knew exactly what was coming next. Also, I forgot to mention, there were a lot of sound effects! When Juno heard someone’s thoughts (he heard Valencia’s and Nureyev’s a few times) that would be a voiceover, the train noises were all played, gunshots, etc. The assassin wasn’t actually shown, but you could hear the voiceover for that as well. 
You’re all probably wondering: THE DOODLES. They were actual crumpled balls of paper that Juno pulled out of Nureyev’s coat; later when they were back in the hotel room, Nureyev took off his jacket and said he was going to bed (Noah just kinda stood there with his eyes closed) and Juno threw one of the notes at his head and literally went “Nyeh” as he threw it. We all laughed for quite a while. 
Jupeter jumping through garbage chutes was great, Noah sort of pushed Joshua and then they pantomimed jumping down - but apparently I’m supposed to believe that Peter backflipped into the garbage chute, from the way Noah gestured, and I’m HERE FOR THAT, he’s just that much of an extra bitch. (Nureyev was very much an extra bitch throughout this entire show, as you know if you have ever listened to The Penumbra Podcast).
The whole getaway chase was awesome. Not sure if I mentioned this yet, but they had one mic that could be taken away from the stand and walked around, which is how they did the phone calls, the person on the other end of the line would stand off to the side with the wireless mic and perform like that. Once Juno, Nureyev, Valencia, and Engstrom got on the train they did all of those lines, but a nice new addition to the script was Valencia threatened Juno with a gun and Nureyev pushed Juno slightly behind him with a hand on his chest (actually I can’t remember if this scene happened here or in the casino, suffice it to say it happened and it was gay and wonderful) and said basically “if you even so much as warm his skin” and followed that up with a threat, I forget exactly what. Then when Nureyev pumped the brakes of the train he grabbed Juno and pulled him to one side, and Valencia and Engstrom’s actors left. 
For the tight room they ducked into to hide, Noah and Joshua sort of pressed together back to back and tilted the mic stands so they were still able to talk into the mic. There was a great line where Juno said something like, “Is there a reason why you keep shoving us into tight spaces together?” and then they got out and Noah took the wireless mic and went up to one of the curtains on the side of the stage, then he sort of fell through with a shout and Juno was locked in the room with Valencia. She took the other wireless mic and circled him, which was soooo creepy and really cool, especially with the moody lighting they had over the whole scene. When Juno pretended to faint Joshua just like,,,, threw up his arms and dropped to the floor in the most dramatic swoon possible it was great, and when Valencia died she fell through the curtain on the side of the stage and someone caught her. 
The showdown with Engstrom was tense and great. M Sutherland has a great presence and because he’s really fucking tall he seemed very menacing next to Jupeter (especially earlier when they were in their crazy suits and he was just all polished). With his suit and beard and eyeliner he sort of looked like a younger president Snow ala The Hunger Games, perfect villain vibes. Nureyev did the whole pin-him-by-the-arms thing as Juno described it in his monologue and oh god Noah did the most PERFECT fox smile throughout the whole thing, but what’s weird is I can’t actually remember how Engstrom’s death went?? I assume he fell through the curtain but I just,,, genuinely can’t remember?
Right after that they seemed to have a technical issue with the train sound effects so Joshua and Noah adlibbed it for a few seconds, then it started working again and they grabbed each other’s arms and did the whole jump-off-the-train thing. When Juno asked where the Ruby7 was, Melissa DeJesus came out with her arms tied in ropes, I guess to show the car had been captured and then BOOM KATE JONES AS MIASMA. She’s so scary and intimidating, and her voice sounds even cooler live than on the show. 
Then!!! The gun is pointed at Nureyev!!! and oh god Noah’s face in this scene first he looked a little panicked, but then resigned, and the lights went BACK AND FORTH BACK AND FORTH from regular to Juno’s monologue, and this super scary layered clip of Miasma saying “I will have what I want” played and oh god it was just so totally incredible and I loved it and by that point I was aware the show was about to end but I never wanted it to, I wanted to sit there and watch this forever, and I knew I couldn’t which made me a little sad. 
and oh wow wow wow...
then we got to the part where they got in the car, and Juno had his monologue, and Nureyev was watching him for the whole thing with the sweetest loving smile on his face, and then he told Juno not to give up on him yet and then Noah and Joshua reached into the space between the microphones and took each other’s hands, so they were holding hands and the crowd went WILD. Obviously this episode didn’t have a kiss, but the ROMANCE of that moment was just PEAK it was so freaking phenomenal, and when Miasma said the whole “There it is, your final resting place,” they didn’t even look at it, for a while they were just looking at each other for a few long seconds, and then they both turned to look at the tomb and they just stood there holding hands looking ahead all resigned and determined, and then the lights went down and it was over. 
(the cutest thing about the whole hand holding though was Noah kept glancing over like either he was trying to show Peter’s intense desire to hold Juno’s hand or else he wasn’t sure when he was supposed to grab Joshua’s hand and he was trying to make sure they did it at the same time. Either way it was sweet and looked really good.) 
They did the curtain call, I screamed so loudly for each actor, and then anyone who wanted to meet the cast went and lined up in the hallway outside the theater. The staircase by this hallway was also the staircase into the bar, so all the bar and restaurant, so all the restaurant patrons were very baffled to see the Penumbra-goers in our cosplays, (and me wearing the pride flag around my shoulders.) While I waited to meet with the cast I got to chat with Kat Buckingham! I also talked to her when I bought merch, and I told her I thought she was talented - she said “I bet YOU’RE really talented!” and I almost cried, then she told me I was free to DM her, also encouraged me when I told her about my podcast, and was all around just the sweetest. 
The cast were at a table, sort of like a convention, and we just went down the line and got our stuff signed. I got to talk to all of the actors and they were SO! VERY! SWEET! I hadn’t thought at all about what I was gonna say, so I just kind of mentioned whatever. I told Noah that I write Jupeter fanfiction and said, “So that means I have your voice in my head a lot”, and he said like “That’s... somewhat unusual to hear, as I’m sure you can imagine.” I told him he was really talented and he signed my poster and was very friendly, thanked me for coming even though literally I was thanking him because HOLY FUCK HE WAS SO AMAZING. Also, Kate Jones asked me what my shirt said (it said “I am too emotionally attached to fictional characters” and thought that was cool. 
I told Joshua, Sophie, and Kevin that this podcast inspired me to start my own podcast, and they were so incredibly encouraging and supportive about that! Joshua asked if I had fun (as if I could have not had fun!) and thanked me for coming - like both of these amazingly talented stars of this hit show are thanking me for coming to see them, that’s so humble and kind and ugh I just stan this cast so much. @rudzik-art made some amazing artwork, which I turned into prints to give to Sophie and Kevin, and they really loved it! Sophie even signed both my poster and the one I got for Robin, even though their rule said only one item per person. Then they both thanked me for coming, and I headed out to catch my train home.
Overall, this show was phenomenal. There was only one thing in the whole production that I disliked: they took out the “It’s not polite to tell someone his gift means nothing to you” line, and I’m not really sure why, because that line forms a lot about the characters? But artists’ choice, of course. Personally, I would have loved to see it, but the pacing was just as good without it. 
I’ve been looking forward to this for so long, and now that’s it’s over I’m experiencing some pretty strong post-show depression, not gonna lie. I just want to come back and see it again every night for the rest of my life, even though that would not be good for the cast. I want to go out and make art and share my work and maybe someday inspire someone anywhere near as much as this inspired me. 
If you weren’t able to make it to either live show and you have some questions about it, feel free to send them to my inbox!
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spellmanmortuary · 5 years
What do u think of the season in general?
what i thought of the season ?? sweet baby jesus lemme TELL U
     i loved it sooo much. i really really love that the season had an even theme and i loved every single episode ( except for doctor cerebrus’ house of horror, that i only liked bc it was like an hour of hypothetics yknow ). i wish that they had focused a little more on sabrina’s feelings for nick because it felt a little one sided at times, and i wish that they would have given a little more depth to roz and harvey’s relationship. 
     i especially adored episodes that focused on sabrina’s relationships, mainly lupercalia. it was so nice to see more of the witch lore, see development for nick, and see her relationship to roz and nick deepen and gain more texture, that was super nice. then on blackwood,,, blackwood was a Trip, but seeing the Spellmans in conflict was super interesting. we were so used to seeing them always working as a unit, or at times ambrose and sabrina’s aunties being a unit on raising sabrina, it was interesting to see these other sides of him where sabrina is the voice of reason, zelda is the stubborn one that doesn’t want to listen, ambrose being moody and hilda trying to keep the house functioning. that was super interesting and i just wish it had been resolved before leviathan’s untimely death :/
about lupercalia, i adored the costumes and i loooved nick and sabrina in it from the start. they just have such great chemistry and they look so good together and their characters just compliment each other SO well. plus, gavin is an amazing actor and i loved watching him shine during this episode.
     another episode i really really loved was the mandrake. godd kiernan was SO good in that episode ! she was so great playing mandrake!sabrina and i loved that they put old wardrobe pieces on her, while the og sabrina had her new black and red leathery wardrobe on. i loved nick’s role in it and i love that he was a key point in her discovering the truth about miss wardwell. another thing i really loved was theo and mandrake!sabrina’s scene -- theo SCHOOLED her ok ?? and i loved the formation of the fright club ( well, the mortal side of the fright club ) when theo woke up on the mandrake first and freed them, then roz explained what was really going on and harvey was,, there. 
     speaking of harvey, they reeeally need to give him something to do bc he is literally the only powerless character on the show. doctor cee is possessed, dorian grey is dorian goddamn grey, roz has her cunning, theo can communicate with his aunt dorothea ( and perhaps more spirits ? ), ambrose is an amazing warlock TA, hilda and zelda are powerful and super smart witches whose personalities compliment each other, the weird sisters are The Weird Sisters, nick is the greatest conjurer since edward spellman aka one of the strongest warlocks ever, sabrina was given her powers by LILITH HERSELF and she is also part SATANS DAUGHTER as well as part EDWARD SPELLMAN’S daughter so she is literally the most powerful witch Ever, and heavens, even mortal!wardwell has more play than harvey because she is the unofficial town historian, so she knows all about the witches in greendale and can at least help the fright club with research. meanwhile what does harvey have going for him ? his gun and the mine maps he steals from his dad ? give the boy something to do !! you’re wasting a perfectly good ross lynch !!
     and now let’s talk about nick. i know that there’s really no valid reason for him to betray sabrina like he did, but i understand why he did what the dark lord asked. he is an orphan and his only parental figures were a werewolf and blackwood. blackwood also had a hand in raising the weird sisters, and look at how deep and non-faltering their faith in the dark lord is. they’d do anything for him, even if he doesn’t directly ask them to ( see feast of feasts -- the three of them would love to be queen of the feast to honor him ) and that is what nick grew up with/around. so when he gets access to edward spellman’s texts, it sends him and his faith for a loop. there’s this new figure that is just so opposed to what he has been taught, of course he becomes a big fan. he starts believing in his word and it changes him, but what does he do when the dark lord himself shows up and simply asks him to keep sabrina en route to the path of night, it’s obviously hard for him to refuse because opposing to an ideal is one thing, but opposing to such a powerful and dark force face to face is something else entirely. however, he never asked him to fall in love with her, nor did he ask him to spend so much time with her, and mainly, he didn’t ask him to break so many rules and traditions for her. plus, the fact that nick went against witch law and against every tradition in the book for her despite knowing he was being watched by the dark lord only heightens how much he knew he was risking. i just don’t think nick had any idea of how far that simple request really went, i think he just pushed it to the back of his mind after he fell in love with her. 
ambrose and prudence have soooo much potential and it will be very interesting to see how the weird sisters act when they are separated, as well as seeing the church of lilith rise with our queen zelda as high priestess and the queen of hell lilith as their main deity. 
now on to the ending,,, god oh GOD. i can’t. first of all, everyone looked SO good and i can’t BELIEVE harvey deigned himself to cast a spell on someone. the musical number was gorgeous and i love everyone’s voices, i also love luke cook’s face and i think he did a great job in the role he was given. i wanted nick and sabrina to make it out of the season safe and sound SO bad but alas,,, that had to happen. it really goes to show how much he truly is willing to risk for the girl he loves. plus that shot of madam satan carrying him into hell was STUNNING ok 
i squealed when i heard sabrina say “let’s go to hell and get my boyfriend back”. i really love that her friends ( mainly roz and theo ) are willing to support her in all of these crazy supernatural missions and i realy appreciate that harvey is beginning to dip his toes into all of this magic stuff with the three of them. 
i would really, really love it if they are able to get back nick because he is such an amazing love interest for sabrina and he is a very fun character, not to mention a male character that i need to see more of ! ( also, i want gavin to stay on because he kills the role and he deserves all the notoriety !! ) also, i want to see lucifer wreak more havoc because who else is gonna be the villian, then ?
overall, i really liked this season and i liked it better than the last one. i wish they would’ve focused more on sabrina’s side of her relationship with nick and that they had used that cerebrus’ episode better, and i really really want to see sabrina and the weird sisters become real friends, and maybe they could include roz in their friendship. i can’t WAIT for part three.
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taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Captain America: Civil War
Time for a bunch of in-fighting!
Was there any significance to those code words?
Howard and Maria. :(
Freaking Runlow.
I read something about how they’re all being very bad at undercover, sitting around in sunglasses and hats. They’re being like actors undercover from paparazzi, not low-profile spies. Whoops.
Runlow’s team is kinda lucky the rubble from that crash didn’t block their entrance.
This is some top notch fighting from both Cap and Sam. Sam’s wings are super versatile.
Whee, Steve getting a telekinetic boost from Wanda!
Ohh, it’s Nat who used the motorcycle as a projectile in this one. Okay. I thought it happened at least twice.
Heeeey Cap’s shield is half covered in soot. Symbolism.
That blast was either going to kill everyone in the square or the people in that building. If it had been the former, it wouldn’t have been a big international crisis.
Aged-down Tony is easily the best of that kind of special effect we’ve ever seen. *suppresses memories of CG Leia*
I think that seminar was the first we've seen of the "philanthropist" part of billionaire genius playboy philanthropist. (Donating a collection of modern art to the Boy Scouts is too weird to count.)
Hi Dean Pelton.
Awkward actress recycling! But it was worth it. She’s so good as Mariah.
Vision’s social graces are so funny.
Uggggggh General Ross. Who is now Secretary of State.
Man that footage would’ve made Bruce so sad.
“For the last four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision.” Wait does that mean it’s been four years since Winter Soldier? This timeline is a freaking mess.
I know where Thor and Banner are!
Okay, Zimo talks about painstakingly decrypting the Hydra files Nat leaked on the internet, but did he start doing that before Ultron or after? How long has it been since Ultron?
Tony’s face.
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What makes this movie so good is that both Tony and Steve have very good points and multiple movies of backstory that brought them to those positions. The Tony of IM1 would’ve been anti-Accords, and the Steve from the ‘40s would’ve been pro-Accords, but here they are now. And the Accords were very inevitable after Ultron.
Noooo Peggy.
Headcanon: the non-Steve pall-bearers were Peggy’s son and grandsons.
“Plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say ‘No. You move.’”
I love that Nat’s priority is sticking together as a team, but she does get Steve’s position. (I mean obviously; she defects to his team halfway through.) Steve’s friendships with Nat and Sam are so wonderful.
Hey T’Challa!
Does the actor who plays T’Chaka have a glass eye? *internet research* Holy crap, he does. This is from John Kani’s IMDB page: Kani lost his left eye during a beating by South African police after returning home from a Broadway production of "Sizwe Banzi Is Dead", which was critical of Apartheid. He survived after being left for dead and subsequently won a 1975 Tony Award for his performance.
They did a really good job introducing T’Challa, and his arc in this movie is excellent.
Dangit Steve and Sharon would’ve kissed if Sam hadn’t interrupted.
More hats and sunglasses. You guys look real suspicious wearing hats and sunglasses INDOORS, especially when you start passing files around.
Man, Bucky just wants to buy some plums. Also, so cool that Seb got to go home to Romania and speak his native language for this bit.
Isn’t it easier to shoot out the lock than all three sets of hinges?
Bucky just came here to buy some plums and honestly he’s feeling so attacked right now.
So much multi-storey falling! I know these guys are all tougher than normal people but it’s still very stressful to watch!
These movies are always doing ridiculously cool things with motorcycles.
Rhodey makes a pretty good enforcer.
Vis and Wanda are adorable. But the conversation about the Mind Stone is really painful now.
The heck?! Tony thinks Wanda is unstable enough to cause another “incident” just by going to the store? Do Tony and Wanda still dislike each other or something? I guess they never reconciled over the whole thing where his tech killed her parents and she used her powers against him.
A fancy pen is not a convincing argument, Tony.
Steve was so ready to be thrilled for Tony if he and Pepper were gonna have a baby!
Tony just called Wanda a weapon of mass destruction. Either he’s playing devil’s advocate or he’s being really unsympathetic right now.
Bucky! Plug your ears and go LALALALALA!
I like how every time someone does the sleeper activation codes, he walks around Bucky in a circle. Is that part of it or just a cool filming thing?
Aaaaargh that elevator shaft fall.
Tony’s face when Bucky fires his gun into his glove.
Nat’s signature move is useless against Bucky.
RECOGNIZE YOU FROM WHEN?! The mission he foiled, or something else? I must know. Please answer this question, Black Widow movie.
Okay. The helicopter thing. It does not make sense. It should’ve just lifted Steve right off the ground. It is capable of carrying several passengers. One dude hanging onto it when there’s only a single occupant would not weigh it down. The part where he holds onto the railing and keeps it from flying away does work, though.
Heeeeey the scene with Bucky’s arm in the clamp is the exact midpoint of the movie. I don’t know why I find that interesting, but suddenly I very much want to analyze the significance of these moments. This one is a major turning point. The revelation of other Winter Soldiers. Team Cap now has an urgent mission.
Tony has an arc reactor scar!
HI PETER! *hug attacks him*
I love every single second of Peter’s intro scene.
“It’s a long story. I was—” “Lordy! Can you even see in these!” Bahaha, Tony cut off even a conversation of origin story.
Okay, the moment Tony leaned forward while Peter was talking obliquely about great power and responsibility. That was when he became emotionally invested in this kid. They’re both motivated by a sense of guilt and obligation.
Wanda and Clint’s methods for getting past Vision makes their team lose a bit of high ground.
Steve and Sharon’s kiss could’ve been handled less like an afterthought, but the reason I’m still cool with it is Sam and Bucky’s reactions.
How’d these three big dudes end up in a little VW Beetle anyway?
Hahaha, each team has a fanboy on it. Scott on Team Cap and Peter on Team Iron Man.
“Thinks for thanking of me!”
Yessss. Airport fight.
Um, why did Tony not even pause when Cap mentioned the other five Winter Soldiers?
Oh Peter I love you so much. And I love that Tom has this rivalry with Anthony and Seb in all the behind the scenes stuff.
“He also said I should go for your legs.” Man this is almost a vine reference.
Scott in Tony’s suit is hilarious.
Scott’s reaction to becoming Giant-Man is probably the single greatest two seconds in the movie.
Man, Clint just wants to make new friends, but T’Challa isn’t interested in this Avenger nonsense.
More tasing!
100%, Peter is trolling these geezers by pretending he’s not a gigantic Star Wars nerd.
It took me several watches to realize that when Scott says “Does anyone have any orange slices,” he’s making a reference to little league sports, and how the moms bring orange slices for after the games.
Tony went to check on Peter even though they hadn’t caught Steve and Bucky yet!
Rhodey’s fall is horrific. And the way they frame it so that you only see the ground when he hits it. Agonizing.
Part of me thinks Rhodey should’ve died right there, but there is rather a lot of precedent for falls not being fatal if you’re in an Iron Man suit. And if he’d died, I don’t think they ever would’ve been able to get past this split. Getting kinda paralyzed is an acceptable compromise.
“Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?” Okay that is a really interesting line. Tony is being pretty egotistical about the concept of surrendering accountability to the UN. He has been rather bad at considering alternatives. Admittedly, he’s on the clock, and then worse people will go after his friends, but he’s allowing for zero nuance here. He knows these people. He knows they don’t do things without good reasons. Steve was right that you can’t let accidents stop you from doing the right thing. Tony is letting it cripple him.
Tony is practically on Team Cap at this point, with the secretly flying after him and all.
Hahaha, Nat has a labeled gun rack. And Bucky is using her guns!
I’m freaking pissed at the trailer for this movie. It would have been a very good twist that instead of going to Siberia to fight five more Winter Soldiers, they were walking into a trap where the in-fighting was about to become far more personal. But I didn’t get to experience that twist, because the trailer includes shots of Tony fighting Bucky and Steve in this location. That trailer made me stop watching trailers entirely for over a year. I do think trailers can be good so you know at least the type of movie you’re about to see, but they should not give away stuff like this. I think Marvel has gotten better at that since then.
Okay, so it’s been over a year since Ultron.
Green is not a flaw in blue eyes, jerk. It’s cool.
Surveillance cameras don’t usually have sound. But oh boy this is devastating.
This moment. Tony coming apart and attacking Bucky. This is exactly the same thing that Peter Quill does to Thanos. This is the reason Tony figures out what Peter’s about to do before he does it and tries to get him to stop and think. But he knows pretty well that there’s no stopping and thinking in a situation like this.
Zimo is a lot like Frank Castle, except that his family died as accidental collateral damage, not a targeted setup.
“The living are not done with you yet.” Such a great line.
“I could do this all day.” Tony has taken the role of the bully from the first one now.
I think for a second, Tony was legit afraid Steve was going to kill him. But Steve was never the one driven to that point. This still does not count as Steve having a dark side.
Okay, Steve dropping the shield was pretty much a concession. You don’t want me using the shield your dad made if my best friend killed him? Fair enough.
Tony trolling Secretary Ross will never stop being funny.
Okay, on the whole, while I sympathize more with Cap, I think I’m actually on Team Iron Man when it comes to the Accords. The Accords are an overcorrection of long-running problem. There should have been oversight this entire time, and I think the idea is that SHIELD was that oversight until Winter Soldier. Steve didn’t want to be the dupe of a corrupt system again, so he no longer tolerated oversight, but that really can’t be his call. How transparent are the Avengers being about their missions? He doesn’t run around saving people from street thugs, he does military-style operations all around the world. That’s not the kind of thing anyone should be able to make unilateral decisions about. He’s doing what Tony used to do in his solo films. But now that the PR has gotten bad enough and the novelty of superheroes has worn off, suddenly everyone realizes it’s not a great plan to let them run around unsupervised.
But Cap’s side of the argument is valid too. Superheroes save the world. Collateral damage is a much better outcome than what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been there. Obadiah would’ve continued supplying both sides of conflicts in the Middle East, stoking the fires of war for his own gain. Red Skull would’ve blown up most of the major cities in the US and taken over. Killian would’ve had the world on its knees with his scam. Malekith would’ve destroyed all the nine realms. Loki would’ve taken Earth. Hydra would’ve wiped out anyone who could challenge their reign of terror with Project Insight. Etc. Some of the villains rose up as consequences of the heroes (Ivan, Ultron, and Zimo, for instance), but most of the threats exist independent of the heroes’ actions, which is why we need heroes.
After how much I’ve loved Tony in all the movies so far (though he was a bit iffy in Ultron), I was really surprised by how many moments he has of being kind of a jerk in Civil War. But it doesn’t make me dislike him. This is his guilt complex on overdrive. And losing it over finding out about how his parents died is heartbreaking. But the most redeeming thing for him in the movie is Peter Parker. He recognized a similar guilt-based motivation in Peter while they talked, and in that moment, he became extremely protective of this kid. He brings him in because he knows he’s got a really handy method of incapacitating people without harming them. He’s not recklessly endangering a child, because he knows none of the Avengers will use lethal force. And his concern for Peter’s well-being is actually what costs him victory in the airport fight. He could’ve apprehended Steve and Bucky, but instead he had to make sure Peter was okay.
So...if Thor and Bruce had been in this. Thor wouldn’t be cool with being beholden to Midgardian governments. He cooperates as a courtesy, but he doesn’t actually answer to Earth authority. And I’m pretty sure he’d be very sympathetic to Steve about Bucky, given that it’s a rather similar situation to him and Loki. Bruce, on the other hand, has never felt confident about his ability to stay in control, and he was a major source of collateral damage in multiple countries in Ultron, not to mention the extra footage Ross showed the team. He’d probably think Bucky needs to be under guard for the same reason. I think he’d not only side with Tony but be relieved that Tony was on the side of the Accords. However, you really can’t have two powerhouses like Thor and Hulk in this fight. On their own, they could demolish the entire opposing team. The only option would be to keep them fighting each other the whole time, which would be kind of lame. Much better for them to have a gladiator battle on trash planet where no on else can steal their thunder. (I am not sorry.)
My mind is pretty much blown by how well the MCU has traveled the path from the first few movies to here, and from here to Infinity War. The Avengers have pretty much been getting broken down since Ultron. This was where they fell apart. Infinity War is the consequences of falling apart.
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theskyexists · 3 years
Revolution of the Daleks
im actually really happy with this, Yaz not being able to let go. Ryan and Graham having practice. i could wish a million things had happened with Ryan (!) and Graham before but this is as good as it’s gonna get from this point
i like the way they’re trying to imitate the Doctor explicitly
‘this is hard, innit?”
‘have you had work done?’ ‘you can talk!’ (that sounded so Nine and Jack!!! hahahaa) edit: it was litearlly Ten and Jack
DOCTOR AND JACK HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leo......is a very cynical representation of an amoral scientist.
How the hell is Trump-analogue the sane one here lolololol. but he’s dumb enough to leave incinerating the thing to Leo.
what an idiot - opening the casing. im not really into how the narrative is basically like: trump is right about stupid scientists! hah...
the banter between jack and the doctor is so good? imitation of the original product clearly but still GOOD
love how the Doctor instantly goes - i need to go see the fam
she was in space jail for decades (she doesn’t mention the decades)
noooooooooooooooo OUCH - ouch! YAZ!
‘im sorreh’
my god Doctor. give them some perspective PLEASE
Jack’s ‘whoops’ is hilarious if you consider his history with teh Doctor
Ryan - god i love Ryan.
Actually didn’t like Graham’s response to Jack. narratively, homophobic
absolutely despise the orange lettering
this episode really goes to show that Chibnall thinks structurally extremely slowly. he picks threads up from ages ago. and then he does do something decent with it. does this mean that the longer he keeps on the better it will get?
i think it’s pretty fuckin hilariously sad though that the companions are once again relegated to couriers - they note that they can’t do stuff on their own (even though the season finale last time gave them ‘Doctor-like’ sequences even if they never managed to impact the story of the Doctor herself - so i guess we’ve gone backwards in this arc) and then they CAN’T do stuff on their own and the Doctor comes in
it’s not the Doctor OR the companions Chibs. and if these companions are just incapable - make that a point! that would be a wonderful contrast to Clara
Woah Jack fuckin infodump
i do love Yaz’s response. this seems to build up to some final DESERVED - i need to know MORE doctor - now.
‘oh she’s good’ - that’s such a RTD thing to say. chibs just directly copy-pasting a lot here. this is acceptable if he can give it new meaning. inverse meaning
why even drop two people off - whats the Doctor gonna do - nothing?
i actually like the new dalek design very much. oh confront Robertsen? i still can’t get used to the explicit task division set-up - even if this time it was used for characterisation
i - adore. this talk between Jack and Yaz. because it’s Yaz accessing so much shit from the Doctor’s past suddenly. and then it becomes extra clear that Jack’s and the Doctor’s connection was kinda romantic in whatever way - and it’s directly paralleled with Yaz. that romantic tragic attachment - doomed to hurt. (i.e. my fav)
god mandip gill is yeeting this out of the park. I LOVE IT. i love these lines. ‘we’re the lucky ones yaz’ - graham also told her something like this in demons of the punjab.
‘the joy, is worth the pain’ - is it? Jack thinks so - still! my god.that’s so tragic - so beautiful. so much rtd feel here.
jezus chibnall - fuckin sonic gun even???? ‘thanks, that’s it??’ hahahahaha. ok you did good. nobody’s ever impressed at it. LOL DAMN YAZ
‘they’re growing daleks’ - this secondary reveal doesn’t matter bc no reveal would have been a genuine reveal anyway
the new prime minister givin her speech and the doctor explaining daleks should have had snappier editing - specifically the music should not have gone back to simple british empire horns or whatever- but should have had an undertone of dalek in there
really! ALIEN REFERENCES! MY GOD CHIBNALL!!! everybody was thinking it but you did it.... i guess it’s done now. sexual politics wise i’d say Robertsen might have been a much better choice.
guns and explosives will solve everything!!!!!! oh chibnall
i love this lil talk between Ryan and teh Doctor - because it goes to show that the Doctor actually really cared. it would be fitting if they all left now actually lol - that would be nice and dramatic. Jodie is doing great on the acting here - i can FEEL the warning messages in her brains going AAAAAAAAAAA im losing this one!!!!
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ryan - oh finally - finally this is coming out. calling her out, ‘how do you feel about that’‘  - the counsellor
‘things change, all the time, and they should, cos they have to’ - oh ffffff and ryan inverts things on her. oh i would have loved that if they’d done the extensive groundwork for it. now it just feels like a final death knell - the Doctor paternalised in classic Doctor words by her pseudo-son (but not really bc we never got it for real). couldn’t chibnall have left that for a dude actor ....
i love Jodie’s acting here my GOD. the mouth, the thin lips. The Doctor’s thinking - ah ive lost him - he doesn’t need me at all. ‘always’ this is Ryan’s motif actually. Yaz said the same thing about him.
LOL and Leo reveals himself only when the bombs have been planted and the Doctor’s arrived
lol ok that’s a pretty grisly reveal chibs, BUT would have been cooler if Yaz somehow found out herself and not through villain exposition. Robertsen really is VERY good comic relief here ‘this is a pr disaster’
that was actually a GOOD use of the Doctor going hmmm what’s wrong here and Yaz going well maybe this
ok but because chibnall has such dumb and obvious twists all the time it makes the Doctor always look dumb for slowly stumbling through a self-deprecating  explanation. the least authoritative doctor ever my god.... like she could feel the shock to her system coming and that’s why she was born so un-self-assured. hate that shit. not what i wanted
the recon dalek used ultra viiolet light to teleport. lol. but then the Doctor is too late to stop it. hmm a bit uh..........idk conflicted about all the poc getting exterminated at the border...is this irony???
so how is the Dalek electrocuting Leo with nothing but a shitty slime body? also don’t like that. especially because Robertsen is getting away scot free again probably
‘no weapons’ (what about the bombs - couldn’t jack have interjected with knowledge on that shit - before the daleks teleported mysteriously????) ‘no time to think’ - Doctor i thought it was established that you could think at 3000 miles per fraction of a second.
forget it. forget it forget it forget it. chibnall and I will never agree on this. if the Doctor hits rock bottom here - then it better be a companion that picks her back up. nope, she gets back up herself. best job they’ve done so far on that i admit but then they cut immediately to a leisurely discussion as people are getting gunned the fuck down in the streets.
ah, shes inviting the original fleet to destroy these daleks which are ‘corrupted’
why..................did they explain the whole plan before it happened. WHY. OH WHY! is Chibnall so structurally BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!
this would have WORKED as a GOOD twist if he’d made it an actual fucking TWIST. please chibs....let me at the scripts....please....
the stakes are also not well-established because none of the companions said: oh shit but we could barely get rid of ONE, now there’s thousands!
‘they shouldn’t know im here’ *materialises TARDIS right in front of hundreds of Daleks*
this whole scene between the two sets of Daleks would have been great if we hadn’t been spoiled
is................Robertsen gonna pay for his arrogance - ignoring the Doctor? or is the Doctor’s ineffective ‘get back here’ going to be the last we see of this. Betraying the Doctor?
Chibs if you dont make this guy pay i will give up
Ryan stepping up to save Earth. hmmhm.
Jack: w-wait are you okay with this?
Jack she’s been sending these idiots in without supervision for no reason for ages. she just did it with Yaz?? but its a nice era-contrast - even if the meaning is muddled
So i guess Jack’s just got hundreds of bombs on him? at all times?
who the fuck doctors the script
why............did Chibnall regress Graham’s and Ryan’s relationship into awkwardness in their final episode. that’s just plain sad.
inversely, NOW would have been good to know the second plan because then we would have known why the Daleks knowing about the Doctor is bad SPECIFICALLY
‘even if we blow up the ship, theres still SAS daleks marauding through earth’s skies’ she says, like she wasn’t supposed to have a plan to stop them ??????
‘right’ she said, walked off, and then didn’t think of a plan
‘orrr.... you’re gonna have to trust me on this one Yaz’
this is such a TERRIBLE and unsubtle and stupid way to segue into discussing the Doctor’s problems with disappearing
wow - that’s really shit of the Doctor - just telling a TARDIS to destroy itself completely......
really chibnall.....really you’re gonna let this man get away LIKE THIS. I’m done. i’m done. im sorry but this is not something to just PLAY with. letting a Trump guy get the better of the female Doctor not once, but twice? this makes me so sad. and im done. it’s just insult after insult. he just doesn’t GET it. this is too close to my heart. this is not a GAME. this is supposed to be a  fucking POWER FANTASY - and he can’t even fucking make it that. he can’t discuss the problems with power because he can’t even FATHOM the Doctor as a power fantasy in this form. fuck. this.
‘can you believe that’ - ‘yeah i can’
thanks - thanks for this political hopelessness on top of the real shit Chibnall. that’s not what Doctor Who is about - that’s the starting point - not the fucking end state
i know it’s supposed to be related to Ryan and how it’s quite subtly about making the world a better place politically bc it’s going to hell - and Robertsen is definitely coming back because chibnall just does that shit
if he wanted to do that he should have had Ryan and Robertsen have a confrontation this episode
a hug. a HUG. my god. so what was the absence of hugs all about then? now im grumpy about THAT. fck
this is good acting, good lines, good normal ending to Graham’s time in the TARDIS, it ties in just a little bit with his family arc. but it’s not particularly coherent - guess that;s life ?
‘it’s ok to be sad’ - cut to black. that was good
so the conclusion is that all they needed to be like the Doctor is a little gadget. this is deeply incoherent but it appeals to me anyway. and i dont really understand how Robertsen features into protecting the planet from aliens then
what is this weird Ryan speech lol. Tosin did incredibly good on making that seem halfway organic.
ok so Grace appearing made me tear up lol
0 notes
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general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life | I’ve never been this so hard in love with a fictional character help me
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | 11/10 would ride him like an untamed stallion
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: I actually played the game in the recommended order, so Zen was my first route. And I wasn’t excited at all the first few days. But the more time passed, the better parts of his character were revealed. I think the turning points for me were: The VN that showed him as a child with his brother and the VN where he’s showing you the stars on his rooftop and telling you about his family. And I haven’t been able to let go since
I’ve known a lot of narcissistic characters in anime and games. But the way Zen was written made me see him as not the usual “narcissist wearing a mask.” Because the narcissism is still a part of who Zen is, it’s not a lie. He knows he’s hot and he’s not ashamed of it. Yes, it may be overexaggerated as a result of his circumstances with his family and to also ease his own insecurities. But the narcissistic side of Zen is as real as the insecure Zen. He’s not like Seven who hides behind a happy facade. Does that make sense?      
I think the thing that drew me to Zen the most is how he kept persevering down the path of life that HE wanted even though there were so many circumstances against him. Because that’s how much he loves what he does and also wants to prove himself to the world.
He has zero support from his family, he had to resort to doing “bad things” when he was part of the gang in order to survive, he had to work jobs to support himself when he was just starting out as an actor, and often his looks are put above his actual skills (which does bother him.) I also had the impression that Zen was really lonely before he met Rika and V.     
But despite all that he kept on going, and even during the game (when his circumstances have improved) he still continues to work hard. 
AND Zen doesn’t let his past experiences influence his behavior. He may have insecurities and flaws, but he’s not a 100% bitter or negative person who is constantly angsting. He doesn’t demonize his family either. For the most part, Zen is the type of guy who will tell you what he thinks and feels straight up, regardless how cheesy or how petty it may seem. Maybe too straight up. Zen will make sure you know how single he is.
And that’s the kind of person I would prefer to be around in real life. Someone who isn’t constantly reveling in their bad past and is instead moving forward. Someone who is honest and will tell you what they’re thinking. And especially someone who is shameless and proud of who they are and how they feel. 
And oh god I can write even more about how much he seems to really love MC in every route (except Jaehee’s) and how that ending in the Apirl Fools DLC broke me more than anything I’ve ever played because of how well written it was and how much Zen just loves you.  
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worst quality: He’s perfect whatchu talkin bout!? 
The worst thing about Zen is that he can be extremely petty about things and is quick to jump to certain conclusions. When he doesn’t like someone, he comes off as the kind of guy who will make up like 50 different kinds of assumptions about that someone in order to justify why he doesn’t like them. Even when he barely got the chance to know them well. Remember in the Christmas DLC when he was bitter about the couples and even wanted to give such an amazing performance that will cause all the couples to break up??? All because he didn’t have a lover on Christmas. Zenny that was all adorable, but even I was close to saying “Dude, omg chill.”  
And regarding the matter of “jumping to conclusions”: if you tell him you’re spending alone time with either Jumin or Seven in their respective routes, “THEY’RE GOANNA BANG” is pretty much the first thing Zen thinks of. And not gonna lie, I thought he was a bit insensitive to Jumin in Jumin’s route. 
Not to mention he seems to get offended (even slightly) when you or the other RFA members aren’t on his side. Like the easiest way to break his heart is to simply stay on Jumin’s side of things, whether it be on simple opinions or actual arguments. He also has a terrible habit of trying to make normal conversations in the chat about him.
I think his bad ends also exemplify a dark side of his loyalty and love. He’s so desperate for your affection, that he’ll take all your crap and still find a reason to love you. This man won’t leave you, even if you treat him like a toy.
On the side of less serious (but still very notable and hurtful) flaws, he gets disheartened very easily and is quick to give up on hope or blame himself when something goes wrong (he treats spraining his ankle like some sort of punishment.) He’ll jump back onto his feet for sure, but when he gets into a slump, he gets into a slump.Not a characteristic worth picking on, but it’s definitely one of his more definite flaws. 
ship them with: MC, in-game there’s no one else Zen can love as deeply. 
brotp them with: Pretty much the entire RFA. I just want him to be loved.
I don’t ship them at all (borders on NOTP for me), but I do love Zen and Jaehee as supportive buddies. Their interactions in Jaehee’s route were sweet and Zen (along with MC of course) can provide Jaehee with the encouragement she desperately needs. 
I actually like seeing Zen as the wanna-be big bro to both Seven and Yoosung, more so with the latter. He brought cookies for Seven when he went to stay at his house, and he’s not quiet about how much he worries about Yoosung and his issues with both the gaming addiction and love. 
And while he and Jumin don’t get along past Zen’s route, the civil and friendly conversation they had was really sweet. I still think they’d be great as "love-hate” friends. 
needs to stay away from: He desperately wants to reconnect with his family, but I wouldn’t blame him if he never wanted to see them again. Also, hey there Echo Girl.
misc. thoughts: I knew I was too deep into Zen after I got that ending in the April Fools DLC. I didn’t sob sob (though I was pretty close to crying), but I didn’t feel...Okay. It’s hard to describe, but it was like I lost someone important and suddenly I was cold. It’s a flipping dating sim!! Cheritz, why do you hurt me this way????
Another fun fact: I went into MM gunning for 707 because his personality resembled the guy I was in love with during the time the game came out. Turns out what I really needed was a guy like Zen in my life. Whoops.
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choisgirls · 7 years
Hey dear nice Works...!!!!! Please Do a RFA (V+Saeran) Celebrating Birthday of MC how will they celebrate Mc's Birthday and what will they Do to make it special??
A/N: I’d invite them all to my birthday party hell yeah it’d be greAT ~Admin 404I love them all *sobs* ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG:-HE LOVES BIRTHDAYS-HE’S SUCH A LITTLE KID AT HEART (and i mean in general come on now)-Goes FULL. OUT. Does not take it lightly at all-Sets up a day with your friends so you’re out of the house and busy-And he decorates the house completely!! Streamers, balloons, he even has homemade party hats for the two of you-He isn’t a master baker or anything but he attempted at making a box cake for you!!! He decorated it with so many colourful sprinkles!-Remember how he gets a discount from the pizza place? He bought like three larges and the two of you were eating it for DAYS-SO MANY BOARD GAMES STRUNG ALL AROUND THE HOUSE BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE GONNA PLAY ALL. DAY. LONG.-He either has homemade presents for you, or he’s saved up a lot to splurge on pre-ordering that new video game you’ve been eyeing for months-The two of you watch all the movies!! Whatever movie you wanna watch, he’ll sit through. Scary ones? He might cry but he’ll DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
*JUMIN:-More of a classy approach to birthdays-He did attempt to put a party hat on Elizabeth though MC SHE’S ADORABLE LOOK, HURRY, BEFORE SHE TAKES IT OFF-SO MANY GIFTS. WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL OF THESE-But he always makes sure to give you one super special one. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry he had custom made because it reminded him of you, or it’s something you’ve had your eye on for a while, you’ve got it-He’s also super extra, like y’all know how wedding cakes are super big and beautiful and usually really intricate? Yeah so is your birthday cake. EVERY YEAR. but i mean are you really complaining?? It’s cAKE-Takes you to the fanciest restaurant for dinner, and the two of you dress up for it-(Yes, MC, you’re wearing the new dress/suit he got you)-He’ll also try taking you to new and exotic places as a day trip to see all the sights and watch the gleam in your eyes as you learn the history of the place-Always has the best wine, but on your birthday he pulls out the rare ones, just for you! (Or if you don’t do wine, he finds the best of whatever you like to drink)-Not to mention you wake up with like 14 dozen rose bouquets strung around the house that morning, all holding a little note card expressing his love for you because he can be cute too, mc
*SAEYOUNG:-We all know he’d wake you up by jumping on the bed and blowing that stupid little party blower in your ear until you chase him out of the room-But chasing him is worth it because when you get to the living room there are so many loose balloons that you can’t see the floor-Same goes with the ceiling, completely covered in balloons-Saeran’s just sitting in a chair, in a party hat, looking completely uninterested, but still plays the party blower when you walk in. Saeyoung tries to hide behind him to avoid your wrath you arent a morning person, are you mc?-The two of you spend a good while just throwing the loose balloons at each other over Saeran’s head who was not impressed, might i add-HE MADE Y’ALL PLAY PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY IT WAS SO CUTE-Did you know you can get custom images printed onto your cakes? Because he made a collage of the STUPIDEST pictures he has of you and had it put on top-PLUS IT WAS AN ICE CREAM CAKE. IT WAS AMAZING.-Anything you want, he’ll get you. Just name it. You want a pet elephant? He’ll dO IT DON’T DOUBT HIM MC-He’d probably take you out for a drive, too. You could feel the fresh air and just talk about anything and everything. It’s just really relaxing and he wants you to have a stress-free time
*SAERAN:-What’s the point of celebrating another year of life in this shitty world now is NOT THE TIME MR. EDGELORD-But for you…he could manage it-He doesn’t go very hard at it though because he doesn’t see the real point-He’ll get a small gift for you- something he saw and immediately thought of you-He does get a small cake for you, but a freaking tub of ice cream- ICE CREAM IS BETTER MC DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK-Cuddles cuddles cuddles! He doesn’t hide his affection today! It’s all about you, he’ll put his insecurities away for a while-He’ll moan and groan at the stupid Disney movies you put in, but suffer through them because the fact that you sing along is the CUTEST thing he’s ever seen are you sure it isn’t his birthday-CUTIE ALERT: he cooks your favourite meal for you! He might have spent a few days trying to find the perfect way to make it, but HE MAKES IT-He’s also spent all day pushing Saeyoung out of the room because he’s not about to let him ruin your relaxing birthday by bringing in some stupid little party games hes also smacked a party blower into the back of his throat at one point and you felt TERRIBLE but you couldnt help but laugh???
*ZEN- you know his hoe ass is gonna try to go all out for you- like he knows you you prefer lowkey but???- the world needs to know his love for you- but after the RFA members managed to talk him down from performing a flash mob, he realized he should respect your wishes- so he struggles and struggles to come up with something that has a bit of flare but is still something you’d want- and then he remember you one time mentioning you’d never really been on a trampoline before???- hE KNOWS WHAT TO DO NOW- on your birthday (exactly at midnight), he sings “happy birthday” and then hands you a cupcake up with a candle on it - he had you fooled, you thought this was gonna be it for your birthday- boy buddy ur in for a treat!- when you wake up he immediately blindfolds- you’re just like *sigh* “well at least he didn’t jump out of the cake this year”- omfg when he takes off the blindfold though, you find yourself at a trampoline park??? And he invited your friends (including the RFA ofc) and family!!!- He roped Jumin into getting the place to rent out the entire area to then!- aND IT’S SO MUCH FUN???- WHO KNEW JUMPING COULD BE THIS MUCH FUN- wAIT THERE’S A ROCK CLIMBING? DODGEBALL? IS THAT A SLAM DUNK ARENA- Zen didn’t think you’d love it this much but oh my god he’s so happy because you look so happy!!!- and he finds that you and Saeyoung both love to push into the pit with all the foam cubes anD YOU TWO START TAG TEAMING- maybe this was a bad idea after all- but hearing your laugh was all he needed - after that, you all head to a dessert place and you spend the rest of your birthday talking and laughing with the people most important to you with the love of your life right by your side
*JAEHEE- you only really expected dinner at a restaurant and maybe cake because that’s just how you and jaehee are- other people might think it’s underwhelming but honestly, what’s better than snuggling up to your s/o and feeling warm and cuddley on your birthday???- but you’re surprised when you come home to a note that directs you to Seven’s house?- and when you get there, there’s another note attached to a nerf gun- “Happy Birthday, MC! The game starts as soon as you enter the house, every man for himself ~ Jaehee”- yOU’RE SO EXCITED OMG YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO HAVE A NERF WAR YYAAASSS- it is all out WAR when you enter- Zen is playing a defensive strategy, he may have shitty aim but hE CAN DODGE ANYTHING WITH HIS DANCER GRACE- Jumin is already out, he lasted like three seconds he’s disappointed because he thought he’d win with his cat like reflexes- Yoosung’s out too, he lasted much longer than Jumin but Saeyoung managed to trick him into thinking they were team and then Saeyoung shOT HIM EXECUTION STYLE- V’S BLIND ASS TAKES OUT SAERAN LMAO- Saeran is lowkey bitter; he steals V’s portion of birthday cake- eventually it’s just down to you, Jaehee, and Saeyoung,,,- aND YOU SACRIFICE YOURSELF- IF YOU WEREN’T GONNA WIN, YOU SURE AS HELL WEREN’T GONNA LET SAEYOUNG WIN- you run out in front of him and when he’s distracted by you, Jaehee shoots him!- you laugh so hard when you see the look on his face bc he wasn’t expecting you to sacrifice yourself- and then you give ya hot gf a kiss because hello, she’s a winner, she deserves all the kisses- after that, you all head down to Saeyoung’s entertainment room and watch your favorite movies and eat cake - everyone slowly falls asleep, and you’re cuddled up to jaehee and wondering what you did to get someone as amazing her in your life
*V- honestly he’s such a hipster, he throws a birthday for u every year and it always has a theme???- who does that smh- this year???- murder mYSTERY TRAIN THEME OMMMGG (A/N: 626 doesn’t know what she’s doing here, it’s probably all gonna be wrong)- what’s new scooby doo wE’RE COMING AFTER YOU WE’RE GONNA SOLVE THAT MYSTERYYY- V gets you a beautiful evening gown and hE MATCHES U  - he makes sure the gang is ready too, there’s no way theyre gonna ruin it for u (we’re looking at u saran wrap, das right i’m calling u out)- he takes sooo many pictures, you guys have to confiscate his camera cause hE WON’T STOP- when you guys get there, it’s sooo much more interactive than you thought it was gonna be???- you actually can’t tell who’s an actor and who isn’t?? They’re that good- aND THEN THE OLD LADY WHO’S SITTING NEAR YOU DIES WTF- you all have your own theories about who did it- V think it was her husband because hello, it’s always someone the victim knew- Jumin agrees but he’s also suspicious of the daughter- Yoosung doesn’t know what to think he’s still traumatized from seeing a dead lady even if it was fake- bUT IT’S ACTUALLY THE 20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT SHE’S THE MISTRESS OF OLD LADY’S HUSBAND- Surprisingly only Zen got it right???- but he graciously gave you and V the prize since it a weekend getaway - Pretty sure V threatened him but whatever- After, you guys head back to yours and V’s place for cake and chilling - you guys end up on the floor in one weird big cuddled mess but it’s so warm (saran wrap says he hates u guys but he’s a little close to Zen so) (okay in 626’s world the RFA is a bunch of cuddlers youguyscantstopme)- u eventually get up tho and drag V to ur bedroom bc you wanna cuddle with him
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hamilkilo · 7 years
Café Rendez-vous
Prompt: Reader meets up the boys at the coffee shop, and Alexander is in a heated argument with Jefferson. Also, fluff? Pairing: Poly!Hamilsquad ft Jefferson X Burr (X Madison, but he’s MIA) 
 TW: Cursing, alluding to getting beaten up in a fight, black eye, sassy ham arguing with jeff, fluff??? Mention of drinking?
 A/N thank you so much for all of the positive encouragement and love! I didn’t know y'all liked Brawl in the Streets that much, so I’m pleasantly surprised! Thank you for everything! If you want me to tag anything, let me know! I want you to feel safe! Don’t be afraid to send in some requests! Please enjoy! 
 Word Count: 2456
 It was embarrassing to show up to work on Monday with a black eye, but after explaining what had happened to your boss, Mariah, she sent you home on a paid vacation. You didn’t think it was necessary, but she insisted. She said that it was just a token of thanks to her gallant knight in shining armor. You did recall her mentioning her girlfriend at some point… what was her name again? Betsy? Betty? Elizabeth? Whatever. It wasn’t really your business anyways. 
You returned to work on Tuesday, extra refreshed but fairly behind, and the week passed in a blur as you struggled to keep up. The only sign to you that time had passed was the fading of your war wounds. 
Throughout the week, you’d received the occasional text from one of the boys, asking how you were and if the bruises were fading. It was simple and distant, like mere acquaintances. However, today was Friday, and the boys were well known for how they spent their Fridays. You giggled to yourself as you recalled how bitter that thought would make Aaron. 
You were walking to your car at the end of work when you’d gotten the text from Herc. “Hey, Y/N, wanna join your favorite fight club for coffee tonight at seven? Xoxo Herc.” You smiled at the ground. He was such a teddy bear. You still couldn’t believe the ruckus you had caused by running away. 
You quickly shot him back a text as you got into your car. “That depends, is there going to be another fight?”
You couldn’t keep that silly smile off your face as you turned the engine over and backed out of your parking space. You began to drive, ignoring your burning desire to check your phone. The radio played quietly in the back ground, but you paid it no mind. You’d forgotten to plug your phone into the aux chord, so you weren’t interested in whatever was playing. 
When you got home, you quickly parked and checked your phone. “It’s up to you, sweetheart. Whatever you choose, we’re there… and besides, you know how Alex can be! Xoxo, Herc.”
You glanced at the clock. It was already past six. You got out of your car and went into your apartment. You lived up on the third floor. It was nothing fancy, but it was quaint, and it was yours. You quickly went into your closet and changed out of your work clothes. You knew you were going out, but it was to the Mudhouse Cafe, not to meet the Queen of England. The boys wouldn’t care how you looked. Besides, you were fairly certain they were all gay for each other. So instead of dressing to the nines, you pulled on a loose pair of leggings, an oversized hoodie, and a pair of slip-ons. You scraped your hair into a messy bun, then smiled in appreciation of yourself. You were so cute! You went into the kitchen area of your place and quickly fixed yourself a quick snack. You figured you wouldn’t be eating for a bit, and you didn’t want the boys to see your hangry side yet.
By the time you’d finished, it was already time for you to leave, so you grabbed your purse and hopped in the car. You plugged your aux chord in this time and sang along to Colors. You were in that kind of mood today. 
When you went into the coffee shop, you immediately spotted the boys in their usual spot. However, this time, Alex was arguing with another man. You rolled your eyes before you carefully approached. You wanted a front row seat the the drama, but you didn’t want to get involved.
 Alex was stretching up as tall as he could to go toe to toe with Jefferson. “-maybe next time you should consider thinking in that scientifically astoundingly small brain of yours before you open your fat mouth you useless f-" 
"Y/N!” Jefferson quickly exclaimed, looking over a furious Alex-much to his dismay. You blushed, swearing in your head that you had gotten dragged into this. 
“Hey, guys! Did you start the fight without me?” You joked as you stood on the edge of the group awkwardly. 
“I was just explaining to Jefferson how grossly incompetent he was-”
“I only suggested that you add another sex scene to keep the readers hooked-”
“Im not selling porn, I’m selling art-”
“Porn is art, and art is porn!" 
They had both started arguing again, and you bit your lip. You slowly tried to slip away so you could go order your drink. Hopefully, when you came back, they’d be calmer. However, as you walked off, someone came up beside you and threw an arm over your shoulder. You cringed away on instinct before you looked up and saw John beaming down at you.
"I’m so glad you decided to come! Sorry you had to see them squabble like that… We didn’t know Jefferson would be here tonight,” John gave you a timid smile as he apologized, and you laughed. He was so adorable.
“What was it even about anyways?” You inquired, your curiosity getting the best of you. You were both now waiting in line, John’s arm still resting over your shoulders. You blushed, but you leaned in to take in more of his warmth. This felt nice. Then you scolded yourself. You had to remember that he was already taken!
“Alex writes on the side, and as much as he hates to admit it, Thomas is a good editor, so he sends his work to him when he’s thinking about publishing. I mean, it’s always ugly, but it’s usually through passive aggressive emails and explicit comments on Google Docs. This time, Thomas suggested the addition of a sex scene, but because the advice is coming from his rival, Alex is going to argue… Even if we all know Thomas is right,” John muttered the last part under his breath, then sent a sly wink your way, which caused you to giggle. 
“So you’ve read it?” You inquired, eyebrows raising, and John grinned, showing his dimples. 
“Of course,” he almost boasted, and you could tell he was proud of Alex. 
“What’s it about?” You stared at his face as his eyes lit up, and he smirked at you. 
“Well, there’s this guy who moves to New York City with the aspiration to become this great actor, and he meets another guy from his acting club he joined while he worked a side job and searched for his dream role. And he’s really into this guy, but this other guy is taken… and he almost gives up when he and the guy share a kiss in a scene on stage, and he realizes that he can’t let this guy go. So he goes to profess his undying love or whatever, as cliche as Shakespeare could comprehend, and he was going to beg the guy to give him a chance, when he discovers that the guy is in not one relationship, but two! And he’s polyamorous! And the guy admits he loves the other one too! And it’s really a beautiful story about self discovery, but Jefferson is trying to get Alex to make it smutty. I do think a sex scene would be nice, but-”
“Y/N! Fancy meeting you here!” You looked away from John, who had been passionately explaining the glorious work of Alex, and saw Aaron grinning at you. “Don’t tell me you’re hanging around with this rambunctious bunch!”
You glanced at John, who nodded to Aaron. You turned to your favorite barista and grinned at him, “Don’t you recall the fight I started last week? If anyone’s rambunctious, it’s me!”
Aaron laughed and leaned on the counter, waiting for you and John to order. You cleared your throat, “Can I get the Mudpuddle?”
Aaron nodded, and wrote on a cup, then glanced at John, who shook his head. “I already got a drink.”
You fumbled in your purse for your wallet, but before you could fish it out, John had already paid. You narrowed your eyes at him, and he held his hands up with a sheepish grin. “Um, payback for defending my honor from the mob?”
You scowled at him, then gave him a smile. He was too cute to even be mock angry at. His arm was still around you, after all. And you hated that you liked it so much. 
“So anyways,” John leaned against the counter as you both waited on your drink, “as nice as a sex scene would be, Jefferson recommended there be one as the resolution of the whole plot, a kind of bring it all together and end it with a bang…” he winked at you to make sure you got his pun, “but Alex thinks, and I agree, that if he adds smut there, then he’s sexualizing the entire sexuality as a whole. Like, this is an identity, not a kink. The focus is about finding your sexuality, and hot sex would take away from the final statement of the book as a whole.”
He finally took a breath and glanced at you, waiting for you to say something. “I see where you’re coming from. I think Alex should stick to his guns on this one, but maybe he could satiate Jefferson’s desire by moving the sex scene to an earlier part in the book? I don’t know, I haven’t read it, but I’m sure Alex knows what he’s doing-”
“Y/N!” You took the drink from the worker at the counter and walked with John back to the group. Jefferson and Alex were still arguing. Hercules and Laf were completely ignoring them and appeared to be playing Go Fish on the love seat. 
“-I’d say stick to being a doctor, but you’d probably kill all of your patients-”
“You won’t be saying that when you wind up on my table after shooting your mouth off to the wrong person-”
“I’m gonna put you on your own damn table in a hot sec-”
You had gotten annoyed listening to them both argue, and for some reason, these boys brought out your more impulsive side. You moved quickly. Their faces were inches apart, and if they didn’t look so pissed, you’d have thought they were about to kiss. You quickly snatched both of their ears and pulled them down to face level so that they were both looking at you. Alex let out a string of curse words as he reached up for his ear that was in your grasp. 
“Stop squabbling; you sound like children! It’s annoying! You don’t have to agree with each other, but you also don’t have to scream insults in the middle of a coffee shop. If a sex scene is really that big of a deal, then I question if it’s about artistic integrity or more so about your lack of sexual activity in the past few months!” You heard a few of the boys snickering behind you while you scolded these two like the children they were. You took a deep breath and let go of their ears. Alex rubbed at his ear and huffed while Jefferson fixed his hair.
“It’s good to see you, too, Y/N,” he grumbled to you, and you gave him a wide grin. 
“Go hit on your boyfriend; I’m sure that’ll cheer you up!” You suggested, and he sighed before he ruffled your hair and went to go talk to Aaron.
“What in the hell was that, Y/N? I had him!” Alex raged to you, and you rolled your eyes, sipping at your coffee. 
“Did you?” You stared matter of factly. “There’s a difference between resolving an issue and quipping like kids.”
“It was my business to resolve-”
“Then resolve it in private; don’t insult the man in the middle of a coffee shop, Alex!” You scolded him, but then you noticed the bags under his eyes. He was being grouchy. He probably hadn’t been sleeping much lately. “Come on, Alex. Sit down and relax. You can deal with Jefferson later.”
He stared at you for a minute, calculating how much you’d annoyed him, before he nodded and sat down beside you on the couch. John sat on his other side, and Alex leaned his head on him. They were so cute… it made you bitter. You wished you had that. 
You crossed your legs and sipped at your coffee, but you were quickly startled when Herc started whooping from the love seat. 
“Aw, come on, ‘Erc! I know you saw my cards!” Laf poured as Herc pumped his fist. Herc was quick to give Laf a quick peck on the cheek, and you smiled to yourself. These boys were just so cute!
"So what’ve you been up to lately?” John suddenly asked you, and you quickly focused on him. 
You shrugged. “Not much… just work really. I haven’t been out much this week. How about you?”
“Work, mostly. I dunno, I took Alex to a fancy restaurant on Tuesday… that was nice. He needed a break from his all nighters and heart stopping amount of coffee,” John rubbed Alex’s back. Alex snuggled into John’s neck, and you shared a smile with John. 
“We were kinda disappointed when you didn’t text us at three in morning this week inviting us to drink with you,” Herc teased, and you blushed. 
“I’ve been too busy with work to drink…” you admitted. How long had it been since you’d had a drink anyways?
“Too busy to drink?” John asked incredulously. “'Ow you say? Nonsense!” Lafayette shouted, and you laughed. 
“Come on, you’re coming back to our place for some drinks!” Herc stood abruptly, and you blanched. It had been a while since you’d drank, and you usually drank alone on a quiet Friday night. You were a child away from being a wine mom. These boys were rowdy as it is… get a few drinks in them and you had no idea if you’d be able to manage them. 
John stood and put his arm around Alex, who was groggy and adorably codependent at the moment. Herc linked his arm with yours, and Laf did the same on the other side. 
“I don’t wanna impose…” you lamely mumbled, and Laf looked down at you, almost offended. 
“You could never impose on us, mon cher!” And you were quickly dragged out of the cafe. 
You trusted these boys, sure. But you had no idea what to expect once they were drunk. And you were even more concerned as to whether they’d still like you after seeing what you were like when you were wasted. 
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sarazanmai · 7 years
Thoughts on the MP100 English dub. Episode 12.
I can’t believe we’re DONE what?
before getting to the episode I can finally cite so many voices
Shou is voiced by Casey Mongillo and she is a co founder of the website GTAGaming and has been in games like “Star Trek Online″ and “Red Dead Redemption”
she is also transgendered and has posted some youtube videos about her experience
Koyama’s voice actor is Kieth Silverstein who voices Hisoka in the HXH dub, Speedwagon from Jojo, and Vector from the Sonic franchise
Ishiguro with the mask on is played by Cristina Vee who is the current voice for Sailor Mars and plays Killua in HXH
Sakurai is played by Xander Mobus who was the narrator and voice for Master Hand in Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3DS
I have no fucking idea why it took so long for this info to be on MP100 wiki, but I’m glad I can finally give them credit
also I thought I had mentioned this before, but Reigen’s voice actor Chris Niosi has a tumblr account @kirbopher if you’re interested
anyway its time for the final episode (at least until we get a season two)
Teru really does look like Naruto with this hair
at some point we’ve all said it, but the foreshadowing in this intro is overwhelming
I mean Mob doesn’t even get the broccoli seeds in this arc
“Honestly I really don’t wanna hurt people.” I like how Sakurai seems surprised by this, like he can’t fathom pacifism
Reigen’s just like “bitch you THOUGHT”
I feel like I’ve made this clear, but Reigen is just adorable to me
“listen, REAL adults don’t have time to play with toy swords. its time to grow up!” OOOOOHHH
“that’s it? what a weak ass punch, are you a plushie?”
meanwhile Ritsu is in the corner pondering reality
“wow I’m in great shape today”
the “Mob had successfully run away” part is one of my favorites
something I like about this episode is how much blue they chose for the palette
Ishiguro you are not ambitious, if you were then you wouldn’t be subservient to a man who doesn’t even grant you access to his name
for real what is Touichirou doing this whole time?
“get up, nobody wants to hear you monologue”
oh my God here it comes, tragic backstory time
I do like the paint on glass animation for young Sakurai
“back when I was in grade school, it was around fourth grade, I forgot to tell my parents that it was sports day at school. so I was the only one with nothing to eat”
beautiful, marvelous, spectacular, I wept
this is one of my favorite moments in the series, its so perfect
jokes aside I do think about how there’s probably more to Reigen’s past than we’re aware of, especially knowing his childhood ambition was “to be somebody”
again I like the constant reminder that these Claw people are fundamentally being childish
God I love that our big climax is a sweaty man in a cheap suit roasting the bad guys
“look I’m a commoner! and I’m much more powerful than any of you will ever be! so tell me, what the hell does that make you!?”
“he dragged them out of their illusions and back into reality, shattering their dreams and putting them in their place.” when will your faves?
“I actually thought he was a girl this whole time” I’m not gonna lie I kinda wish Ishiguro really was a ten year old girl
 okay unmasked Ishiguro sounds familiar and the only voices that are listed for him in both languages are his voice with the mask on, of coarse
“wrong. having psychic powers doesn’t make you popular” Mob just summed up the whole show
“see? there you have it. you’ll never be popular, so give it up.”
I’m just realizing....what was Shou doing this whole time?
Shou’s voice really has grown on me, I like how youthful it is, its a shame the bulk of his screen time is after the events of this arc 
generally speaking when it comes to the esper kids in this series both languages did a great job at making sure they still sound like kids and I appreciate that because I am really bored of adults trying and failing at playing teenagers
not just in anime, in general
“and as for you, listen up. I’m disappointed in you, you coward.” whatever Shou you’re like twelve
ah yes, the famous Shouritsu look
I never understood what Shou was doing with his hand when he teleported away, it looks dirty
congrats Reigen you can now see Dimple!
and...that’s about it
I like this “return to moderate normality” sequence, its soothing
I love Mob’s surprised reaction when he’s looking at Tsubomi, someone broke it down frame by frame and they put a lot into it
“you are such a spaz” do kids still say this?
I still hate Shinji, but I guess he learned his lesson
why is Ritsu still hanging out with him though? and outside of school too
I still feel bad for Tenga, but at least he found a place in the Body Improvement Club
I like how Ritsu’s having his nice brother speech and then Mob legit passes out
again Teru REALLY looks like Naruto with this hair
I love the animation on Reigen rolling up the newspaper, its these small character animation moments that really give these characters personality
“did I do something he thought was lame?” yeah but he’ll get over it in a few arcs
I still don’t like the Kageyama parents, they really bother me
aaaaand there he is, the next great Asshole Anime Dad
he doesn’t sound like I imagined
then again I imagined him sounding perpetually unimpressed
“yes, I’ll return very soon” COUGH COUGH
this omake just makes me so happy, I’m really thankful that Bones didn’t see ONE’s art as inferior or not good enough
in fact this really drives home that ultimately the anime took his style and cleaned it up a little, softened the edges, they didn’t flat out change it like what happened with OPM (again not to knock Murata’s illustrations because when I read OPM I do read the version with his art)
I love the way they drew the forest
“its hUGE!”
for real this is such a nice omake
and with this we are finished
overall I went into this dub not expecting much, but I love MP100 so much that I figured I’d try it out and I’m impressed. I like that Funimation didn’t fill the cast with their bigger name actors, not to knock them but its nice that they gave these opportunities to voice actors who aren’t as established and I really do hope we get season two. when we do I definitely will watch the Japanese and English versions. everybody did good and I’m even willing to say that its on par with the Japanese. I’m impressed that they pulled through and I’m definitely going to keep my eyes peeled for when they release the Blu-Ray set in America. I really want to be able to watch it on my TV in glorious HD at my own convenience. 
I had fun doing posts like this and I kind of want to do this for other dubs of anime I love, I’m thinking I should give the OPM and BNHA dubs a try. as far as which one I’ll do first I’ll think about it but stay tuned for that
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Rita Moreno Is Playing a Dream Role 70 Years into Her Career (Exclusive)
After West Side Story won her a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for her lead role as Anita in the 1961 musical, Rita Moreno was sure she'd end up in film after film, thwarting Latin stereotypes in Hollywood. But even as the first Hispanic woman to earn an Oscar, the work offered to her was scarce and conventional, leaving the legendary actress crushed when the promising rush of stardom proved not so promising anymore.
Now, at 86, Moreno is having the last laugh, as the adored and very funny abuelita Lydia on Netflix's multicam family comedy One Day at a Time. The timely Latina-led update of the classic sitcom, which premiered in 1975 on CBS, is helmed by Gloria Calderon Kellett and Mike Royce, while the series' original creator, the now-94-year-old Norman Lear, executive produces.
The show is centered on a Cuban-American family living in Los Angeles, the Riera-Alvarez clan, including Lydia's daughter, Penelope, played by Six Feet Under alum Justina Machado, and her grandchildren, Alex (Marcel Ruiz) and Elena (Isabella Gomez) – as they work through a variety of hot-button issues relevant to today's gender paradigm and sociopolitical climate. Penelope is a divorced single mom and Iraq war veteran with PTSD, for one. But with plotlines including Elena's coming out, depression, gender stereotypes, immigration and religion -- and that's just season one -- One Day at a Time isn't afraid to speak its mind with ample heart and humor. Season two furthers its topical commentary by broaching gun control, nonbinary queerness, racism and Lydia's lack of U.S. citizenship.
One of only 12 performers with a coveted EGOT (an Emmy, GRAMMY, Oscar and Tony), Moreno recently opened up to ET about playing the kind of authentic Latina role she could only dream of after West Side Story. During the conversation, Moreno also reflected on how the beginning of her career left her "heartbroken," the current state of Latinx representation on screen, and how One Day at a Time is helping to break ground for Latinx actors.
ET: Why does a Latina-led One Day at a Time feel particularly important right now?
Rita Moreno: Norman Lear seems to have a clock in his head or something. It just seemed the right time. And it’s interesting, because there have been some other Latino-based shows, but there have also been some not-so-good Latino-based shows. Obviously, I'm not gonna mention anyone, because everyone needs their job.
What makes one Latinx show better than another?
Ours is authentic, ours is so respectful of the culture. We don't mess around. And my character could very easily be a Looney Tune and, in fact, we're always very, very mindful of that -- I'm certainly very mindful of that. And she can be theatrical and she can be dramatic, but Looney Tunes is definitely not a part of this series. I think it's extremely important to stick to what Latinos as Latinos recognize and laugh at.
The other great part of this show is that a lot of people who are not Latino are loving it. It's so universal -- that's the word that Norman keeps using. It's a family. And though some problems are strictly related to being Latino, many other issues are not. I mean, in the first season, we had a marvelous show about the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. It really took the VA to task without pointing fingers in any way, and it was hilarious. It was also very serious -- [Penelope] had her shoulder injury from the war and she couldn't get anybody on the phone. I thought it was a tour de force for Justina.
How did this season's racism-centric first episode resonate with you?
Oh, are you kidding? We loved it. One of the most wonderful touches that nobody has ever addressed in these kinds of shows is the fact that Alex is getting picked on because his skin is darker than his sister's, and their mom points out the difference in hue. I don't think anyone has ever even touched that.
The second episode addresses gender neutrality both in terms of the Latinx community and the LGBTQ community. I imagine that's been a lesson for a lot of people the way it was for Lydia.
Oh, absolutely. And you know, I love that there's just a bit of racist in Lydia. When she says, "Oh, no, no -- we're Spanish," and her granddaughter says, "Mom, we are all colors." But I say, "We're mostly a Spanish." Which to her means white. So, I love that she has this prejudice, because it makes her very real.
What are some of the hot topics covered on the show that have been personally important to you?
Last year, we talked about Lydia’s citizenship and her lack of citizenship, and the whole family was absolutely shocked that she was not a citizen. This time, not only does Lydia become a citizen, but also Schneider [the family’s Canadian landlord, played by Todd Grinnell] has become a citizen, which I thought was kind of neat. And, oh, God -- there are so many hot topics and I can't remember half of them because I'm 86.
The show challenges many stereotypes. After West Side Story, you were seeking to do the same, but studios were offering you a lot of stereotypical Latina roles.
Actually, I wasn't offered a lot of them -- I was offered some. There was such a dearth of roles. After winning those two awards, I was absolutely heartbroken. I couldn't believe it. I really thought, "Wow, an Oscar and a Golden Globe, what could be bad? My career is made."
The lack of roles -- what do you chalk that up to?
Oh, the same usual kind of thinking: "She's Latina, she played a Latina, and here are some gang movies if you want to do that." And I said, "No, I do not." Nothing came. It was just really, really absolutely devastating. It was hard to believe. I mean, how naive of me, but who knew?
So how did being cast on One Day at a Time feel?
Oh, my goodness, I can't even find the words for it. I'm so proud to be a part of it. I feel privileged to be working with Norman, whom I dearly love. He and I have a creative love affair going on, in the sense that he just thinks I'm the bee's knees and I thinks he's the cat's meow. We're the two old farts on the show, and I call myself the "fartette."
I wanna be a fartette when I'm 86.
No -- a fartette is a girl.
Oh, I don't care. We're all about gender-nonconformity here now, aren't we?
[Laughs] That's great. You've learned from the show!
This season's finale was really emotional. Was it a difficult day for you on set?
Not at all. No! It wasn't difficult. I did nothing but lay down!
Emotionally, though?
It was very hard to listen to some of the monologues -- it was hard to listen to Justina. But you know, she always kills me under any circumstances. She's just one hell of an actress and probably the best acting partner I've ever had. She's just sensational. And the granddaughter, Isabella Gomez -- her thing was very sweet and sad and moving.
Do you think this show will hopefully open the doors for more Latinx actors?
I think it will, it absolutely will. Gloria Calderon is doing her own show for a network [the upcoming History of Them on CBS with On Your Feet! star Ana Villafañe]. And you know, we can use two on the air! That would be nice.
We could use Rita Moreno on both, too.
I'll be sure to tell her that! [Laughs] So, it's terrific. Whenever we can we use Hispanic actors -- not just Hispanic, but black actors, East Indian actors, every kind of nationality, whoever is good for something gets the part, no matter what the nationality.
What are your thoughts on the diversity reflected in this year's Oscar nominations?
Viola Davis put it so succinctly when she said as long as there aren't roles for us -- meaning all nationalities -- there will be no awards possible for us. A lot of people say, "Well, why aren't you getting awards?" Well, you have to have the roles first. It's not just one-sided. You have to get the roles. And now I think the Hispanic community has to really start pushing and taking some very much-needed lessons from the black community. They really did it up. They did it up just fine. We have to start doing it, too. We have to unite more and we have to pull for each other more. Did you happen to read the very angry piece that John Leguizamo [creator and star of Latin History for Morons currently on Broadway] wrote for Billboard? He's one angry Puerto Rican. He was talking to his own people, [saying that it's] nice to say, “Well, I’m lucky to get this part,” but you’ve gotta do more than that as a Hispanic person. So I'm hoping that's gonna start to happen very, very soon.
At the SAG Awards in January, when you presented Morgan Freeman with the Lifetime Achievement honor, you were given a standing ovation.
That was so moving; I started to cry. That was astonishing -- who would expect something like that?
What's it like to be acknowledged in that way by your peers 70 years into your career?
Oh, that's why I started to cry, because they are my peers. And it was also my peers who helped vote for me when Morgan presented the award to me [in 2014]. It's just fantastic. What went around came around.
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