#i will never stop being a thot over that man and I’m not sorry
cxhleel108 · 3 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: I love winning!
(Fusebox hasn’t proven me wrong often…damn near at all, but oh do I love when they do!)
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• Ok but his body kinda tea I’ll give him that.
• Also do I spy a Libra tattoo??? LIBRA GANG STAND TF UP!!!♎️♎️♎️
• Luna really just want every man in here except her own like damn bitch just give Jin to me since you so open to change😭😭😭
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• The spat being us disagreeing on one thing for maybe 30 seconds and then Oakley immediately apologizing to and worshipping me like ok girl, sure.
• Keep trying all y’all want I’m not turning on my man😑😑😑
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• We not doing this again uh uh.
• The fact I was finna deny speaking to Hari and then he brings up that he has intel on my man ugh they know how weak I am help💔
• The intel in question being that he was gonna ask us to go exclusive. WOW! WHAT A SHOCKER!
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• Theo what I have to say to you couldn’t take any more than 5 seconds. Stop wasting my time PLEASE!
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• Oh yes I love when a man acts “playerfully”…
• It was so obvious that the letter was from our partner can we stop being fucking dumb?
• We didn’t emote enough after reading that letter. I needed my bitch to break out into tears while screaming or something!
• They are arguing over the letter omfggg the day that this villa knows peace, pigs will be flying.
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• I busted out laughing at this cuz some of y’all were theorizing that Bea was his sister. Do you know how funny that would’ve been if she was😭
• Oh for christ’s sake can Luna shut the fuck UP? I’m so tired of her getting pressed at Jin being flirty with other bitches as if she don’t do the same exact shit. Ho mad cuz he says Bea might be hot but was just begging Hari to give her pussy a taper fade haircut, girl byeeeee!
• Theo finally manned up and admitted he wants me. Woohoo! Can we move on?
• Outfit time!
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• Ngl I thought this was gonna look a whole lot more stupid but thankfully it doesn’t. Now as to why they made accompanying shoes that we couldn’t even put on is beyond me.
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• Jin stfu😭😭😭
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• Yes use the good punani powers to distract him sis exactly!
• I’m seriously so glad I didn’t have to wait 20 episodes to see my bookie bear again like y’all don’t understandddd.
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• He just got back and he already being messy helpskdmsmasnd.
• I know they ain’t actually shocked that I dropped the rope during tug of war…I already told y’all I am a one dick woman!
• Figures that Bea is the one that’s actually with my man, yet Luna is the one that’s making me wanna smack the shit outta her.
• Outfit time again!
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• Say what you want but they are definitely killing the outfit game this season. Another bad bitch fit!
• The fact we can just tell Hari to shut the hell up so we can listen to the other date awww he really shoulda chose another girl to go after.
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• Ok I fucks with you Bea! We love real bitches here💯💯💯
• And the fact Oakley recognizes that we would NEVER play those games oh when I tell you we fucking him real good tonight!
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• God why am I so evil😭😭😭
• We actually get a private moment and they didn’t hoodwink us this time omg can we get fed like this more often?
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• Oooooo wait clock his tea bae! Cuz that actually don’t make no fucking sense like how you out of practice for 2 years and suddenly you pulling out romantic ass stories just cuz you meet one bad bitch on Love Island?
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• Oh lord someone duct tape Luna mouth shut before she start another yap fest.
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• To clarify, when I say “you both” I’m referring to Oakley and his donk. Sorry Hari!
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• Mind you the stuff that’s supposedly gonna change my mind about him is finna be some shit like “Instead of buying you a box of chocolates, he said he was gonna get you a giant teddy bear and a bouquet of roses and carnations.” Like can y’all cut this shit out it do not be gagging us anymore😕
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• Because of course as soon as y’all bring me my baby daddy back you take him away again…
• Welp, loyal girlies I guess it’s time for us to suffer for another 2+ weeks!
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
Congrats on the 500 followers, m’dear!!!
For the drabble request bingo, am I going to be totally predictable and ask for “please daddy?” with Jake? I think I am.
here's the thing
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pairing- hangman x female!reader (no y/n)
warnings- 18+ minors & glen you know the drill DNI, sexual content (daddy kink, public teasing / fingering), jake's perspective, man's always horny it’s cruel to leave the hotel room with him on vacation, my ridiculous habit of writing ending lines that make it seem like there's another scene coming
length- 1.2k because i apparently don't know what a drabble is and hangman’s so hot he deserves more words anyways
an- thank you so much lovely!!!! the fact that i basically sprinted to write this as soon as i saw your ask because i am also predictable 🤝 (great minds) sorry i got kind of carried away but your sugar daddy jake fic look away (everyone go read!) gave me lots of hangman + swimsuits + vacation + public indecency thots
also hangman's utter inability to keep his shit together when called daddy casually is inspired by this post from @sebsxphia
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Here’s the thing.
Jake is starting to think you don't fully understand the effect you have on him. That you honestly don't know what you look like every time his gaze inevitably slides over to you, reclining blissfully in a padded lounge chair, nose buried in a book. That you don't realize how many times he's had to adjust his swim trunks or go jump in the ocean because you look like absolute sin laid out next to him, soft skin on display and begging to be touched.
“Jake, do you mind getting me another drink?" You ask, turning onto your stomach and reaching back to release the neat little bow holding your swimsuit top together.
He can’t help it when a groan rumbles out of him at the clear indication you have no intention to leave anytime soon. Can't help the way his eyes flicker around the quiet beach, trying to calculate the likelihood of someone calling the cops on him for taking you right then and there.
“Honey, I just sat down, why didn’t you ask earlier when I went to the bar?” He thinks he might sound like a whiny child, but he doesn’t care much at this point. He's frustrated, because his hands are constantly flexing with the need to touch you. Because every hint to go back upstairs to your hotel room has been met with a breezy, okay babe I'll meet you up there later, want to finish this chapter.
A blonde eyebrow raises as he watches you smile guiltlessly. “I forgot, I’m sorry. Besides, you seem a little bored over there."
He shoots you a withering glare, but he's pretty sure the scornful effect is greatly diminished by the fact that his eyes can’t stop roaming over your bare back.
Obviously he’s going to get the drink for you. He just likes seeing you sweat a little bit. Serves you right, since you've been torturing him for hours down here.
(It's been 45 minutes)
You sigh and Jake can see the gears turning in your head. Your fingers wiggle around your book, like they're getting ready to reach behind and retie your bikini so you can get up to grab it yourself. He's about to laugh, about to say just kidding, of course I'll go get it for you, when you bite your lip.
The hair on his arms raises in anticipation, knowing what's coming from your mouth next is surely going to fuck with him.
“Please, daddy?”
Jake stills.
You think it’s cute, that you’re being sassy, just teasing him a little.
That’s the thing.
Sometimes, Jake thinks you don't realize how little effort it takes to have him aching for you. You don’t see that watching your pretty lips form those words sends electricity thrumming through his veins. That it makes him vibrate with the need to hold you down until that's the only word you're capable of forming.
His tongue flits out to wet his lips, eyes never leaving you. Takes a steadying breath.
"Sure, honey. I'll be right back."
When he returns with your Mai Tai he swears your bikini is riding a little higher, cheeky bottoms giving him a perfect view of your backside. He's practically salivating with the urge to lean down and put his mouth on you.
"Thanks, daddy." You're full-on smirking now, dropping any pretense of not taunting him.
Jake exhales audibly as a lightning bolt zaps through him. The hold he has on his phone tightens once with a fleeting thought about trying not to break the stupid thing, before he forces himself to let go and toss it onto your beach bag.
He reaches over to you, rubbing your shoulder affectionately, runs his large hand down your side. Your hardcover drops to the chair with an unceremonious thump when the pad of his thumb brushes right against the side of your breast, exposed by your untied top.
You eye him mock suspiciously, taking a dainty sip of your cocktail. "Jakey, whatcha doing?"
"Oh it's Jakey now, is it, princess?" He tuts, gaze focused on the shapes he's tracing on your skin. "No more daddy now that you've gotten what you wanted?"
He skims his hand across the edge of your bikini bottoms, dancing dangerously close to where he suspects you're already soaked for him.
"Daddy," you whisper, sunglasses sliding down your nose as you dip your head, giving him full view of your blown pupils.
“Wanna stop me, princess?” He asks, trailing fingers down your hot skin, playing with the ties holding your bottoms together. “Or are you gonna let daddy play with his pretty pussy right here, where anyone could see?”
There's no one within his eyesight, but he doesn't mention that part.
You bury your head in your arms, seemingly embarrassed, but Jake doesn’t miss the tilt of your hips, the subtle arch of your back, pushing your ass ever so slightly into his waiting hand.
"That's what I thought," he quips, trademark Hangman confidence dripping from every word.
With one last glance around and a squeeze to your cheek, he slips his fingers under, groaning quietly at the wetness he knew would be there. He pushes a finger in, quick and dirty, because there might not be anyone around right now, but you both know that could change at any second.
The breathy little whimper that escapes as you squirm around his finger is music to his ears. His cock throbs painfully in his swimsuit in response and he shakes his head to clear it, forcing himself not to get sidetracked. But the dirty look you send him when he pulls his finger out, using your arousal slicked on his finger to help stroke figure eights on your clit, is even better. He knows you can come like this, but a part of you will be disappointed having to come clenching around nothing.
Perfect, he muses, because the sooner you're begging for daddy's cock to fill you, the better.
He switches his onslaught on your center to pressing strong, decisive circles, your hips rutting against his hand that's trapped between you and the chair. It's one of the hottest things he's ever witnessed, you taking what you need, hips moving unprompted and a little wild as you get closer and closer to the edge.
Jake grins as your legs tense, watching your climax roll through you. You bite your arm to muffle your whimpers, ice cubes rattling in your cup as you shake, riding out the high.
He has to stifle a groan of his own when he raises his hand to his mouth to clean his fingers, the taste of you going straight to his aching cock.
Smiling happily at him, you look almost grateful, like you might thank him for making you come in broad daylight with waves crashing in the background. Like it wouldn’t occur to you that it should be the other way around, him worshipping at your feet for letting him run away with his dirty thoughts on a chaise lounge by the ocean.
That's the thing.
Jake knows you don't realize how much power you hold over him, how effortlessly you have him wrapped around your finger. You'll figure it out someday, but for right now he'll keep that secret to himself.
At the moment, he has much more pressing matters, like getting you alone so he can listen to your pretty voice moan please, daddy over and over again.
"Finish your drink, princess. We're going upstairs."
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still-with-koo · 7 months
Ok Lo 🥹 with teary eyes I am here to discuss Vincenzo.
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But I wanna read your thots first!
VINCENZO!!! yes let’s discuss!!! but first and foremost THANK YOU for recommending it. seriously i had given up mid-way thru the first ep a few months ago but no one can deny you have the best taste 😘😘
I LOVED IT!!! it’s actually now in my top 5 of all time. i binged the hell out of it, it was that good. (i even stayed up nights watching 😭)
(the rest under the cut with spoilers)
i think the standout for me was song joongki, mostly bc of how adorable he is 🥺 i wanted to squish his cheeks (and other things 🥴) and him and hanseo???! the softness! the lil face slaps! him finding hanseo cute! 🥺 and kwak dongyeon was perfection. i cant remember the last time i saw a redemption arc that massive 😳 oh, actually the only one i can think of to compare it to is steve from stranger things. he went from being kinda annoying to one of my absolute favourite characters. the fact that he tried to fit in with the trio was so adorable, i couldn’t stop saying ‘cute, aww cute’ pretty much everytime he came on screen after he switched to vincenzo’s side. remember when they quizzed him 🥺 he studied. he actually studied. pls he just wanted a head pat and someone to tell him he was doing a good job :((( he was actually such a sweetie pie, imagine if he didnt have the devil incarnate as a brother, he would have turned out so well. vincenzo was the brother he deserved 💔 and i just, i can’t get over how things ended for him (wait no they didn’t end, he’s definitely coming back in season 2!!) tbh i was actually pretty mad at vincenzo for not stepping in and doing something, anything, to stop what happened. to save him. 💔 he’s such a skilled fighter, i feel like he could have jumped in and maybe avoided… i can’t even say it 😭
ok, but on a happier note, vincenzo’s relationship with chayoung was also super adorable, that slow burn was everything! EVERYTHING!! their 10 second hug? her smacking him? 🤣
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(he’s so attractive 😭😭)
and chayoung was such a badass character, i wish i could be that brave and assertive. and man oh man, she is so strong! the way things ended with her dad, that scene was heartbreaking :(((
ok switching back to happy, can we talk about the male on male affection in this show?? i never get to see it and it’s just so disappointing bc yes! pls hug each other! kiss each other! tell each other you admire the other! it’s healthy! it’s freeing! i’m such a sucker for tiny displays of affection, and his interactions with everyone had me clutching my blanket on the verge of tears. ugh every single person in this kdrama was adorable. the intelligence agent especially, his awestruck admiration for vincenzo had me both soft and cackling 🤣
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(pls he’s so funny 🤣 also, perfect timing??)
but all the geumga plaza ppl were surprisingly cute with really interesting back stories. it’s funny, i was thinking to myself how weird it was that all of them had some special talent and then they said the same thing seconds later 🤣
the estranged mother side story was also heartbreaking. i wish they had more time together and that he could have called her mom, but i understand him and why he couldn’t say anything. at least they both knew it before she died, and i’m so grateful chayoung was there to bring them together 🥺💕 the scene where she hugged him, i bawled. and when she was talking about him as he was bawling. and then again when he read her letter 😭
ok last but not least, taecyeon!! i can’t believe i didn’t recognize him??! but he did such an amazing job. and the plot twist was perfection, i was in shock and that hardly ever happens for me (my stupid brain always anticipates plotlines 😭😭) i went from finding him adorable to being in love to hating him resolutely to feeling really sorry for him all in the span of a few eps. although i can never forgive him for how he treated hanseo 😔
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but he is an incredible actor! and the writers are also amazing. choi myunghee also did a fantastic job! i hated her but i guess i was supposed to 🤣 oh! that scene when vincenzo came to their hq and shot his mother’s killer gave me goosebumps, it was so well done 👏
i rambled on here oops… but there was sooo much to talk about! there’s a lot more but i should stop here haha. who were your favourite characters?! favourite moments?!
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sebsxphia · 2 years
it’s been a hot second so i think it’s time for a kiddo agenda thot!!!
jake had had an especially long and exhausting day of training and he wasn’t looking forward to going home because it was thursday which meant you had a late class and wouldn’t be home for another three hours. that being said, when jake pulled into the driveway and saw your car still there, he was worried. did you take a nap and oversleep? are you sick? did something happen?
jake comes barging into your apartment in high alert mode, prepared to wake you up, give you cough medicine, or offer a shoulder to cry on. what stops him in his tracks is the sight before him as he hears “slow ride” playing on your speaker mixed with you singing along while your back is turned to him from your spot cooking at the stove, wearing one of jake’s t-shirts and a pair of pajama shorts. a smile makes its way onto jake’s face when you start to unrhythmically move your body along to the beat of the song, singing a little louder as you get more into it.
“oh yeah, kiddo, where’d you learn those moves from?” jake almost yells over the music, finally making his presence known. you whip around at the sound of his voice and quickly switch the stove off before making your way to jake.
“jakey! you’re home!” you wrap your arms around his neck and press a kiss to his lips, his arms instantly wrapping around your waist and holding you to him.
“i am, and so are you? what happened with your class?” he lowers his head a bit to be completely level with you.
“eh, didn’t feel like going today.” you say with a small shrug of your shoulders.
jake rolls his eyes and sighs, a pleading look in his eyes, “kiddo, c’mon. it’s one thing when you skip class in undergrad but this is your masters program, you can’t just skip because you want to. we talked about this-“
you chuckle and cut off his well-intended lecture, “i know old man, i’m just kidding. my professor had a wedding to go to so class was cancelled tonight. thought, i’d surprise you and cook you your favorite meal. how’s that sound?”
jake’s body visibly relaxes and he smiles, “you’re gonna give me gray hairs, darling. you know that? then you really will be with an old man, you wouldn’t want that now would you?”
you press a soft kiss to his lips and then one to his jaw (a place you learned is a sweet spot for him) and you swear he shudders a bit from your lips gentle touch. “jake seresin, i want you any time of day, any place, and it doesn’t matter if your hair is purple, green, gray, or blond. i’ll always want you.” you say it so casually while looking into his eyes holding nothing short of adoration behind your gaze.
“oh kiddo, i think that dinner is gonna have to wait.” jake moves his hold from your waist to grasp behind your thighs and hoist you up, instinctively your legs wrap around his waist and you giggle as he begins to carry you back to your room.
“is that so lieutenant?” a knowing smile playing on your lips.
“mhmmm” he tosses you onto the bed and crawls to hover over top of you. “gonna have to show you how much i appreciated the little show i got when i came in. you look so damn good in this shirt kiddo, i never want to forget how you look in it.” he says as one hand dips beneath the hem, slowly dragging it up.
bestie idk i’m sorry what that was it felt all over the place i’m sorry i’ve been stuck and wanting to write something for you but my gears just aren’t turning ): i’ll send you something good as soon as i can
““is that so lieutenant?” a knowing smile playing on your lips.
“mhmmm” he tosses you onto the bed and crawls to hover over top of you. “gonna have to show you how much i appreciated the little show i got when i came in. you look so damn good in this shirt kiddo, i never want to forget how you look in it.” he says as one hand dips beneath the hem, slowly dragging it up.”
lemme tell you something!!! lemme tell you something!!!! teasing jake about being an old man and then about his grey hairs!!!! but jake realizing you would actually find him really hot with grey hairs flips a switch in him and the dynamic has him so shamelessly turned on. the moment you pull the lieutenant card he’s full on possessed.
for some reason the thing that gets me most about the kiddo agenda is the fact jake is a lot older a fucking lieutenant 😵‍💫😵‍💫
oh my goodness bestie, please do not apologise at all!! i absolutely adored this and i can’t stop blushing and reading it!! this was insane my love. i’m so grateful you send me these, thank you so much!! 💌🫶🏼💖
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michi-reads · 3 years
Okay okay okay
I know this is gonna be a big ramble - BUT This SONG gives me MAJOR Din vibes:
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
sorry but that gifset of dick in all black?? daddy?? sorry. daddy?? sorry. dADDY?????
i hate him bc he looks hot AND pretty, that's so unfair. Any thots you want to share?👀
Right?? rIGHT??? Just?? Yes sir?? Sorry sir. Whatever you want sir!! It’s a goddamn fucking oUTRAGE how good he looks. I’m drooling! Honest to god!! Drooling!!🤤🤤
The thots never stop in my godawful brain babyyy. I have many and here they arrreeeee -
I’m getting such big dom vibes from those gifs. Especially the last one!! The little up-down he gives with his eyes?? That quick smirk before he controls it, slips back behind that stern expression that just begs you to act up?? Oh man, I am deaadddd.
Thinking of being at a gala, wearing a beautiful dress with no underwear. Dick knows you’re not wearing anything underneath the dress, he knows because he’s got your pretty panties tucked in his pocket. Throughout the night he keeps you pressed against his side, arm secured around your waist so you can’t move away, fingers sweeping over your hip because he enjoys making you fidget.
Everyone around you thinks it's sweet, affectionate even, but you know the truth, he does it because he can duck his head ever so slightly and whisper all the most filthy, degrading things in your ear. He can press his mouth at your temple under the guise of a tender kiss but really be telling you that he thinks you’re a whore for getting wet at such a public event. That he knows that if he was to touch your pussy right now, you’d be dripping all over his hand.
Thinking of him leading you away from the prying eyes of those nearby to hike your dress up and smirk at the slick shine of your puffy cunt. Thinking of him making you hold the fabric up, keeping you fully exposed for anyone to see as he drops to his knees, mouthing at the swollen mess of your clit until you’re whining.
Thinking of him, mouth wet from your slick, kissing you long and deep so you can taste yourself on his tongue. Teasing you about how dirty you are for allowing him to suck your throbbing little clit into his mouth where anyone could see. Thinking of the mean little grin on his face as he threatens to make you come in front of everyone, threatens to tug your dress up just far enough that anyone could look over and see your desperate pussy crying for attention.
Thinking of him making you ride his thigh at the end of the night. He’s fully dressed, still in his all black suit and tie, leaning back on the sofa, eyes dragging over you from head to toe as you rub your cunt over his thigh, clit catching on the fabric and making it swell.
But also thinking of him using his tie to tie your hands behind your back while you grind on his leg, forcing you to rely on the strength in his arms to keep you upright, stop you from falling. Or maybe tying your hands to the headboard as he fucks you, makes you come until you’re so overstimulated you’re crying.
But he doesn’t stop because, “You’re not pushing me away baby, so clearly you wanna come again. If it gets too much, you’ve just got to push me away, okay?” Knowing that you physically can’t push him away so he just keeps wringing orgasm after orgasm from your exhausted body.
So overall??? Yes sir?? Sorry sir. Whatever you want sir?? That all black suit is doing things to me. Just lay me to rest, okay?? My time has come.
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buckmepapi · 2 years
Bunch of new agents looking at the Avenger!reader nastily (mainly out of jealousy for being with buck and being a hot ass skilled avenger) for hearing her screams and moans of pleasure last night. She then hears someone talking to each other, not knowing she’s right behind them. “She was so loud last night, I’m sure she’s just faking it so she could brag that she fucked the white wolf” says one, “I know right? I’m not sure why Bucky even likes her? And her sounds? It’s annoying, he must be tired of hearing that but fucks her cause she’s easy.”
Being the badass reader that she is, she goes “first of all, it’s Sergeant Barnes to any of you. Second of all, that’s just what happens when your lover is an insatiable super soldier. So, no he isn’t tired nor annoyed, in fact, he loves it. I’m sorry you never felt utterly loved by someone that you had to second guess ours. Lastly, I suggest you just enjoy the show from the sidelines or focus on your training, your evaluation shows you’re only good at bad mouthing”
I just thot abt this after watching some spicy vids. At first I was like god she’s so loud, but after, I realized, god, she’s being ✨railed✨ in the best way so I couldnt really blame her. Then bam. The hoe thots. So do what u want with it! Just dropping by hehe I hope ur healthy and safe 💗
Scream for me // part I
Summary: what happens when Bucky comes to defend your honour but a secret is almost revealed instead?
Word count: 6.8k (of pure porn with some plot at the end)
Pairings: feral!possessive!bucky x f!avenger!reader
(As with all my fics, reader is afab, but other than that she does not look a certain way in terms of race etc, I try to make my fics inclusive as possible and avoid certain words that are white centric, if I’ve missed anything do let me know and I’ll correct it. Much love. ❤️)
Warnings: smut smut smut smut gratuitous SMUT minors DNI 18+ ONLY. Daddy kink, breeding kink, a brief slap to the face, praise and degradation, brief glimpse of Bucky’s future wife kink, creampie, piv unprotected sex, feral!needy!possessive!bucky, dirty talk that’s so filthy I feel the need to repent, belly bulge, super soldier amounts of cum, d/s dynamics sub!reader and dom!bucky, squirting, mentions of ovulation and fertility, —angst like a lot of angst at the end, Bucky being violently protective of reader, threats of death, threats of torture, Steve, Sam, Nat and Tony make an appearance at the end. Cliffhanger ending to be continued in part 2. Straight into nsfw below the cut
A/N: Ooooh, spicey vids you say? 🥵
I love your brain! This is a great idea, I didn’t go with the direct dialogue in this, but went with the idea instead. However I decided to change it up where it’s not reader defending their relationship, but Bucky instead…for reasons. 🤫 Thank you sweet nonnie for such a lovely idea for a one shot— I have great ideas for part 2 so I hope I can further do your wonderful idea justice there as well!
In a separate unrelated story to this one shot I feel like he would go absolutely ape shit and almost kill them, then throw her over his shoulder and fuck her absolutely feral-like and possessed in the next room to the point where she’s unintentionally ten times louder than the night before and then he comes back into the room sweating and disheveled like “problem?” LMAO —
please stop bloody asking to be added to taglists.
main masterlist | b.b masterlist | about | navi | library
Part II / part I.I - the alternative version
“Come on, baby, come on” Bucky panted dripping with sweat, your small dainty hands finding purchase wherever they could along his broad shoulders and back as he relentlessly pounded into you “scream for me, babydoll, scream how good I fuck you so this whole damn compound knows who’s cock is tearing you o-open — fuck!” Bucky was growling and groaning above you as you struggled with all the strength and will power you had left in your limp fucked out body to keep your eyes open and focused on your man. You loved watching the faces he pulled when he was railing you into your mattress but the way he was destroying you right now had your eyes continuously rolling into the back of your skull and it was just taking too much effort to bring them back to focus on his flushed face and gaping mouth. The sweat from his brow line was slowly dripping onto your face as he pushed the back of your knees up to wrap over his thick forearms, he spread his arms out wide, the muscles in his shoulders bulging as he did so, and leant into you further so you were spread impossibly wide and had your tender slapped ass cheeks lifting off the bed.
You felt a further pool of slickness leak from your dripping cunt as you began to imagine what he looked like from behind as he plowed into you without mercy. You imagined the way his wide shoulders must look and how his body slowly narrowed into his hips in a triangle-esque shape, how his muscles must bulge and shift on his back, how his thick arms were at a wide stance must have forced his shoulder blades to be more prominent and push his surrounding upper back muscles out further. You imagined the way his soft perky ass must look as he gyrates his hips into yours with his knees bent, how it must tense into hard steel when you clench around him making him tense up too as he tries to stop himself from cumming too soon. You imagined how red and clawed up his back must be from your desperate pleas to cling onto him like a koala bear, your body so hot and distant from your mind that you felt you might float away if not clutched to his very person. All those sordid thoughts of how your man must look right now was making you wetter by the second which of course, Bucky being the sensitive man that he is, noticed instantly causing him to curse out into the low light of your sweat filled bedroom. You swore that if you looked up you’d probably notice that your bedroom windows were steamed to the nines from your heated breaths and steaming bodies.
By this point, you had been reduced to a fucked out soaking mess who was incapable of getting out even the most basic of sentences, the only thing that could be heard from your open drooling mouth was moaning whimpering pleas of mercy. You couldn’t even hear what Bucky was saying to you. Your ears were ringing and your vision had nearly all but disappeared as you felt like you were in one long continuous earth shattering orgasm as Bucky kept pounding into your g-spot perfectly. His toned abdomen kept striking your swollen and slick covered clit as his focused strokes consisted of hard deep pounding mixed with salacious sinful hip rolls equalling in the most perfect clit grinding that also brutally kissed your cervix. How this man managed to fuck like this continuously you’d never know. Even a man with super soldier stamina had to stop at some point, right?…right?
“I’m gonna fucking destroy your little cunt till it’s permanently left gaping and used” he suddenly said without warning in a gruff voice with a piercing thrust of his hips, his own words and thoughts they conjured up were making him rut into you at an alarming pace.
“When I’m done— ohhhh shit yes, babygirl, give me that fucking pussy” he cried interrupting himself when he felt you gush again at his earlier words ”when I’m done wi-with y-you you’ll be nothing but a mindless little fff-fuckdoll. And when I’m done, oh baby” he chuckled darkly making you break out in goosebumps all over “I’ll. just. Keep. Fucking. Going.” he growled with each devastating slam of his thick long veiny cock inside your battered hole. Your lips were soaking with your slick like an animal mewling in heat, drenched entirely, puffy red and swollen from the onslaught of his thrusts. Sex with Bucky always felt like he was trying his best to ram himself into your womb and you fucking loved it.
”MM you’re—mm, you’re just my little fleshlight, huh, sweetheart?” He asked but heard no response from you.
“Baby?” He whimpered as he felt you cum once more without prior warning, at this point he had lost count of just how many times you had squirted and creamed on his cock, you were throbbing and clenching so much so that it was hard for him to differentiate between pulsing grips and the sensation of you cumming, until he would feel a new squirt of delicious cream push its way out of you.
Bucky was still waiting to receive a response from you but you were lost to the world, barely there stuck somewhere between the dead and the land of the living. Floating. Floating and weightless until the awakening harsh sting of a palm striking your face sent an ice cold bucket of water over your brain and broke you from your reprieve.
“Look at me when I’m fucking talking to you, you dumb little baby” he said in rage as he grabbed your cheeks in his massive flesh hand causing your lips to pout together from the force “I asked you a fucking question” his hips slowed as he started to deliver strokes so devastatingly slow that each harsh thrust let out a little squirt of white cream to coat his entire rigid cock. “I asked if you were my little fleshlight, babygirl. So the question is'' he snarled as he brought his face to yours and pushed his forehead against your own harshly, he stared deeply into your eyes “are you or are you not my glorified little fleshlight? A little toy for me to pump my load into whenever I want wherever I want, my little cockdrunk whore who takes my cock so well, huh? C’mon, tell daddy that’s what you are, sweetheart”
You latched onto Bucky's hair as your back arched against his ministrations, you felt him press his large fleshy palm to your abdomen, captivated by the way your stomach bulged and wanting to stimulate your spot even further “yes! Yes, daddy! Yes, I’mmmmmmm oh fuck —I’m your little toy, love b-bein’ d-daddy’s fleshlight, love when he just uses me to c-cum!” You cried in ecstasy. Your pleasure caused you to be so impressionable that Bucky could probably have got you to repeat or do just about anything and you would have said or done it without hesitation so long as he kept viscously tearing you apart the way he was. If he stopped now, you felt as if you might simply die without his cock, you never wanted his girthy member to ever leave any of your tight holes. You’d take him any place you could have him so long as he stayed right there. Right. The. Fuck. There.
“Yes, fuck— baby, yes” snarling at your words “perfect…you’re perfect—” he rambled to himself in awe of you “m-m-my perfect little fucking who-r-re. Want to cum in you baby, wanna flood this cunt with cum. Need to nut in you, baby— wanna watch your pretty little face when you feel my thick load stick to your walls, my perfect little breeding slut —oh shit!”
The consistent brutal pounding and simultaneous stimulation of your drenched engorged clit had your next orgasm fast approaching. You could feel the familiar tingle radiate in your lower spine and in the pit of your stomach “Daddy im ‘bout to come again,‘bout to squirt!” you whimpered clutching onto his broad form tighter as you struggled to find purpose with your impending orgasm.
“Fuck yeah, babygirl” he moaned breathlessly unabashedly feeling this one to be a bit more powerful than the last due to the way he kept a steady rhythm of beating into your g-spot at the most perfect angle yet.
“I’m all the way in your fucking belly right now, baby, you feel that? D-don‘t —don’t know how you, shit, h-how you’re able to take everything I give you. You’re perfect baby, you always manage to take this huge fucking cock anyway I give it to you, a-anybody else w-would break in half, b-but you? You’re f-fucking made for me, honey, w-we’re l-like two puzzle pieces and we fit— oh my fucking goddddddd, ohhh~ ohh~, Jesus Christ, baby, you’re clenching so damn hard, I can hardly move out of this tight pussy” Bucky’s own sentence was abruptly cut short and the thought ripped from his brain in an instance when your cunt began to constrict so tightly around him that you were almost choking him, your pussy now so wontonly desperate to milk him for all he was worth.
Bucky began to feel the familiar thumping pulse of your heartbeat resonate and throb within your walls, the clenching few and far between each one, your orgasm was building and building and building by the seconds, ready to reach a crescendo that would drain you entirely leaving you dead to the world till the next morning.
Something about Bucky was particularly feral tonight. You wanted to ask him what was wrong, why it felt like he was trying to claim you from the inside out, not that you were complaining, you just wondered if he heard something said about you, usually Bucky gets particularly possessive if he catches someone looking at you for too long or hearing someone make a sexual remark about your body. You didn’t mind it most of the time and you certainly didn’t mind it when it resulted in Bucky spearing you open, but something about his desperate animalistic behaviour tonight paired with his most dirtiest of words yet had you concerned he had heard something particularly harsh. But from the moment he shoved his fat cock in you, your mind had gone to mush and you’d have to hope that only tomorrow your fucked out brain would remember to check up on him.
“Fuck yeah, baby, fucking cum for me, open up that pretty pussy for me, baby. Need to make room for my load, babydoll—wanna make sure all of it gets as deep as possible. Need to make sure it sticks, gonna keep you plugged up all night, I’m gonna keep my rock hard cock in you whilst we sleep and just keep dumping load after load of this cum in to you, by the time you wake up you’ll be so full and be bred so fucking much you won’t even be able to move. My little hole, my little fucking fleshlight, never wanna leave, never wanna leave this tight cunt. Mine. Mine. Mine.” A litany of possessions were whimpered into your neck as Bucky got lost to his own words of control, losing his dominant composure for a brief moment as he mewled into your neck and sucked at your sweet spot desperately wanting to own you even further than he already had and does.
“I-m -I-Im so c-close, keepgoingkeepgoingkeepgoing pleasekeepgoing” you repeated like a prayer to an icon at an alter, Bucky was your god, your Adonis, and your demon. Your fumbling hands clutched on to his pert ass cheeks as you forced him to drive into you deeper, Bucky groaned at the feeling of your desperation and before you knew it your orgasm began to approach closer and closer, the warm tingling feeling tickling your nerves all over your body was getting stronger and hotter as Bucky‘s sinful words and devilish movements continued without mercy.
“I’m gonna cum! Oh fuck oh fuck I’m gonna fucking fun — please please oh god please don’t stop please don’t ever stop!” You sobbed into Bucky's shoulder as you then threw your head back to the soft pillows below you, head tilted, eyes rolling back, mouth agape in a screaming sob. Your clit pulsing a few more times and cunt clenching tightly, one deep grind later and you suddenly went rigid and clenched unbelievably hard. All your muscles had turned to stone as you began to see visions of white blast before your eyes, your breath held as the most perfect feeling flew over your entire body, goosebumps and warm tingles all over every part of you. Still unable to move and breathe, the feeling finally descended as you suddenly went lax in Bucky’s arms, heaving in a massive breath of air to your lungs as you did. Your orgasm continuing as Bucky went slower and deeper than before to extend the delicious and addictive sensation for you as long as possible. Slowly the pulsing in your clit and the tight contractions of your walls began to slow down and grow further apart.
“Thaaaaats it, baby” Bucky comforted when he first felt you begin to cum, stroking your hair out of your face and leaving his palm on your forehead rubbing his thumb softly over your sweaty head, gently tending to you when he felt you suck in a sharp breath and go rigid against him.
That was a powerful one, huh, baby? He thought and chuckled to himself.
“Make some room f’me. C'mon that’s it, there ya go, sweetheart, push it out c’mon, push” . Bucky moaned to you as he felt you squirt when you came, he started a dirty slow deep grind as if he was trying to dig his cock into the deepest depths of your soul, wanting to retrieve a precious treasure from within, his encouraging words meant that tonight had been the most you had ever came in your entire life, you didn’t think it was possible to release any more cum from your abused hole, but apparently it was and Bucky needed as much as he could get, his lower half was glistening in wetness and dripping onto the bedroom floor below as you never stopped dripping onto him.
“Daddy needs to make sure there’s enough room for you to take as much of this nut as possible. Don’t want any of his cum to go to waste, do you? Know how you love how much daddy cums and cums and fucking cums and just keeps filling you till you wanna burst. Love that about you, baby, always hungry for my loads. Gotta feed that pussy, doll, you gonna let daddy feed his special girl? Right? She looks hungry, sweetheart, we don’t want her to feel neglected now do we, huh?”
“Fuck—god, baby, there’s so much cream, never seen you cream so much before, what’s going on, baby? You just extra sensitive today or did daddy deprive you of his cock for too long an’ now you never want me to leave? Tell daddy, doll, tell him why this pussy is so hungry tonight”
“O-o-ov” your whimpering response turning into long drawn out moans when his sudden slow thrust made you feel every single vein, bump, and thickness of his cock against your rigid textured walls. “O-ov, I-I’m o-ovulating” you nearly whispered as you struggled to get out your words still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm leave small little twitches throughout your body and gradually further apart pulses of your cunt against his dick.
“Baby…” he cried into your neck like a wounded animal unbelieving of your perfect confession “f-fuck, really?”
You meekly nodded as your glassy unfocused eyes began to roll back into your head once more.
Bucky snarled and pulled out from you, you were about to object and cry out for him to continue to abuse your hole when he suddenly flipped you like a ragdoll as if you weighed nothing at all, he ripped your legs open and pressed harshly down on your lower back to arch your spine without care for your comfort, using his mental hand to fist your hair and keep your face pushed into the mattress. Bucky looked down to where you two would meet and growled at the jiggling of your supple ass cheeks hypnotised by the way the excess flesh would shake like a delicious mouth-watering, sweet, addictive jelly. Seeing his cock plunge beyond your ass cheeks had him rutting faster.
Bucky felt your back arch upwards towards him when he felt you struggling to deal with the overwhelming sensations of how devastatingly deep he was at this new angle.
“Get the fuck back down” he snapped when he felt you arching against his hold, he pushed back down on the base of your back to encourage your initial deep arch.
“Don’t you dare run from this fucking cock—get back here”
“Good fucking girl” was heared above the roaring in your ears as you painfully obeyed his command.
“You want my kids, baby?” He had asked seemingly out of nowhere.
“Oh god, yes yes!” You sobbed into the fabric of your bed overcome with the thought of actually being bred by your lover and having his children.
“Yeah? shit, yeah , when?? Huh? When?!” He said frantically as he began to spank your sensitive ass repeatedly in a frenzy.
“Now, daddy please, want…w-want that n-now”
“You wanna start trying now?huh? Did you plan this, sweetheart? Think you could tempt me with that fertile pussy knowing t-that you’re ovulating and extra creamy and think you could tempt me? Well you were goddamn right, baby”
“Fuck , you feel me all the way in your belly, babygirl? Huh? After today I’m gonna be planted right in there growing life in you. You want that? You wanna have daddy’s babies? Wanna make me a real daddy? S-shiiiiit, god, that pussy’s so tight— Jesus Christ!”
“You’re my fucking wife” Bucky growled to himself clearly lost in a fantasy tonight that had him acting like a glorified caveman. It was as if he was trying to convince himself that you were and actualise it into real life. He didn’t even realise your dumb little baby brain had registered his words until you mewled and involuntarily clenched around him.
“O-oh shit, you like that? Yeah, you like that shit? Want me to wife you up, baby? Yeah I want that so bad wanna have you barefoot and pregnant prancing about our house wearing nothing but a diamond ring —shiiiit, you’d make the perfect wife, so sexy, so smart and kind and beautiful and, shit, you’re gonna be such a good mommy, baby”
“Please, Bucky! I want that so bad… it’s a-all I-I’ve ever wanted w-with y-you, oh oh ohh~”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, gonna give that to you. My powerful sexy badass future little wife and baby mama, that’s what you’ll be, you’re so perfect, my perfect little fuckdoll”
Bucky was a goner, his thoughts had over taken his rational side and left him with nothing but a hindbrain in its place. “Fuck y/n, I can’t hold back anymore, picturing you with my ring on your finger with a swollen belly and huge leaking tits got me wanting to nut so deep in you. ShiT”
“Can i? Can I breed this tight little pussy? God please baby please say yes fuckfuckfuckfuck”
He took your hands once again clutching his ass cheeks and pushing him into you so he couldn’t leave as the only answer he needed.
“Oh god thank you thank you thank you thank you holy shit fuck!”
“fuck, daddy, you’re so fucking deep inside of me , it feels like you’re in my belly right now oh my god”
“Y-y-yeah?? Keep—k-keep talkin’, doll. Fuck, keep. fuckin’.goin’…please” he punctuated his words with hard slamming thrusts, now losing his momentum and whimpering into your neck like a wounded animal.
“Want your cum so fucking deep. Love how much you cum, how it never ends and how you can just keep going and going and going till I’m so fucking full. Want you to make my belly swell with all your cum.. oh my god —please daddy!”
“Shh-iiit, baby— so close, I’m so fucking close, oh god” as Bucky began to feel his lower spine tingle with warmth and his abdomen tense tighter and tighter he rutted into you with less and less rhythm, struggling with all his might to keep moving in and out of you as his arms buckled and his grunts and moans got louder and less controlled. You had no idea when you were moved back to face him but you levitated your hips nonetheless, your ass off the bed to meet his deranged manic thrusts with your own hypnotic grinds.
“Oh! Oh! Ohhh my ggggooooddd” he cried out, face completely smothered in your neck, his hair soaked in sweat from his pained effort to keep going through strained muscles and the light headed floaty dizziness he was currently experiencing as he felt ecstasy begin to take over his whole body. He was utterly lost in the warmth of your tight heat.
“Please, please, daddy, I want your cum! I want it! I want it! please! I want it so bad!” you begged into his ear as he whined into your neck at your desperate pleas, you were now clawing at his broad shoulders as his arms gave out from under him, causing him to collapse onto you, you both screaming out in pleasure at the way he suddenly hit a new angle even deeper.
“C-cum…c-cum with me, please,sweetheart, please” Bucky sounded so broken, so desperate and wanton, more so than he’s ever sounded before. Whatever had upset him earlier and caused him to be so possessive and primal like in the way he rutted into you had now completely evaded him as he got lost in the fantasy of breeding you deeply till he was sure there would be no mistake that you were well and truly his forever. Bucky sequestered all the willpower he had left in his slowly withering body to wedge his metal hand between your sweaty bodies inching it to your core to stimulate your hot bundle of nerves. At this point your clit was so engorged, so swollen, and covered in your own glistening wetness that the slightest of touches was enough to throw you over the edge. So utterly sensitive in fact that the gentlest of swirls from Bucky’s Vibranium fingers around your nub would have catapulted you into another gut wrenching orgasm, and it did. Your skin felt like it was on fire. You were still struggling with your core strength to meet Bucky's frantic thrusts with your own undulations, causing him to now go too deep having it border on being painful (but you didn’t care, you liked when it hurt so good like this), he was breaching your cervix kissing the very edges of it sharply, you were both fucking like wild feral beasts searching for that basic primal feeling of pleasure innate within you both. Grunts, growls, whimpers, mewls, and moans from your both in equal measure were sending a cacophony of sounds that were echoing throughout your home as your over stimulated clit had you feeling a slight tender burn from the overuse of how much you had cum tonight, you would surely feel this burning, and the core aching sensations, the following morning, but as of right now the pain was bearable due to the overwhelming feeling of intense pleasure that was almost within each of your grasps.
You once again catapulted into pleasure, this time without the usual prior warning as you screamed out Bucky’s name over and over again. Bucky’s hips stuttered at the unexpected feeling of you clenching around him so quickly.
Your brain was too far gone to warn him that you were cumming. Bucky could no longer hold on now, he allowed himself the undeniable consuming pleasure of getting lost in ecstasy as he cried into you.
“Oh fuck! I-I-m gonna cum I’m gonna cum I’m gonna f-fucking cum. Oh shit y/n I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cu—“ Bucky’s body went taught within you when he let out a pained stuttering whimper as his legs began to buckle and shake from the intense pleasure, falling into your slick skin even further. The force of the fountain of creamy sticky seed travelling at lightning speed from his huge painful looking balls and then making the treacherous and long journey of propelling through his creamy white shaft (courtesy of you) and bursting from his uncut head was so powerful that it was directly what had caused him to collapse on top of you. His ass cheeks clenched tightly as he felt a huge continuous load flow deep into your sensitive core.
Screams of “oh” and “ahh” and a litany of curses came from Bucky in rough growls and crying whimpers as he continued to pour his never ending stream into you, slowly rutting in and out only by an inch or so (as he was too desperate to stay close and pinned to you to come out any further) as he began to ride the waves of his earth shattering soul wrenching orgasm.
You were barely conscious, just within your own body enough to feel how powerful his spurts of seed were against your walls. So powerful and so thick in fact that you could actually feel how warm the liquid was as it shot into you at an incredible force.
You felt it stick inside you and cling to your walls as you laid there barely awake and let him breed you fully and deeply.
“Ooh fuck” he cried as he rested his metal palm against your bulging abdomen, feeling where his still rock hard strained cock was nudging your womb and where his continuous spurts of creamy cum were beginning to show as you subtly swelled. Bucky was a super soldier, the advanced serum paired along with his 70 years of involuntary abstinence and touch deprivation had not only meant that he was insatiable enough to meet your own hungry sexual appetite, but it also meant that he had an ungodly somewhat medically alarming amount of cum stored in those heavy balls of his.
That same serum also made sure that he could breed you so full that you’d be satiated enough to pass right out to sleep, hunger fed and womb filled.
Bucky was still sleepily rutting into you and rubbing circles on your abdomen as you too struggled to stay awake, desperate to feel the filling sensation strain your cervix before you would both ultimately pass out together.
“Sssshittt, am still cummin’” he drunkenly slurred in shock into your previously ravished neck, “sucha good girl takin’ all o’it inside, Shh shhh, fuck it’s almost done, little longer, baby” Bucky cooed, sloppily kissing your temple and the side of your face in an attempt to find comfort in his exhausted pussy drunk state.
After a few more minutes, the final spurts of Bucky’s potent seed and been reduced to slow dribbles. Bucky was now planted behind you, spooning your tired form, whispering sweet nothings in to your ear to placate you further.
“Shh, Shh. Did so fucking well for me, doll”
“Lookityou, all swollen and and sleepy and fucked out, this is exactly what it’ll be like when I get you pregnant, honey”
“My good girl, can’t believe how much of my load you took, Jesus, you must be so full right now, doll. No wonder you’re sleepy, that cock putting you right to bed, huh? Good, my future baby mama needs all the rest she can get because I’m no way near fuckiny done with you yet”
“Get some rest, lil mama. I love you so much” Bucky sighed dreamily as he buried his face on to your shoulder blades and continued to rub your abdomen as you sleepily replied that you loved him too, always.
When you woke up after that night, head lying on Bucky’s naked chest, your hand placed upon his peck, you noticed him staring down at you with such love and adoration in his eyes. You beamed up at him, raising your hand to stroke his jaw tenderly when you caught sight of the diamond engagement ring on your finger reflecting the warm rays of the early morning sun peaking through your curtains. You gasped as you took your hand away from his face, Bucky missing your warm touch already, you sat up straight, the covers falling from your naked chest as you brought the ringed had to your face and gazed at it with a mix of shock and awe, your heart beating and pounding in your chest as you slowly turned your head to look back at Bucky who was now full on his side leaning on his arm to watch you with a beaming smile.
No words were needed as you launched yourself at him, Bucky letting out a small “oof” when you fell onto him and launched him on to his back. You peppered his stubbled face with kisses and hugged him tightly as he brought his arms around you and squeezed you back.
“I’ll take that as a yes then?” He asked smugly
“It was always going to be ‘yes’ for you, James. I’m so happy right now”
Bucky’s eyes were glassy as he held back his tears, looking down at you and kissing the top of your head as he held you close.
“Me too, babydoll, me too”
Ever since the night that he made you his fiancé he had been more insatiable than ever. Obsessed with the way your diamond clad hand looks wrapped around his cock, plowing into you with a feral intensity that can only be described as a man desperate to see his future wife full with his children.
His new primal animalistic nature had meant that Bucky would take you anywhere and everywhere when he could no longer hold back his inhibitions, resulting in team members walking in on you both or Bucky just simply ripping you from a chat with natasha and wanda in the living room to fuck you full in the next room and then plonk you back on the sofa all flustered and flushed next to your friends, and stroll out the room with a cocky swagger like nothing had ever happened.
But because of that, it also meant that new recruits had heard you both too. You had started out as a recruit too once when you first met Bucky and fell in love, and now these new recruits unfortunately looked like they had been talking about you both for quite some time which was evident when you overheard their latest conversation as you walked into the gym.
You were a strong independent woman but you weren’t ashamed of the fact that you liked when Bucky took care of you or took charge in the bedroom, just like how Bucky was secure enough in his masculinity to adore how you also took care of him or when he found it undeniably sexy when you took charge in the bedroom. You didn’t really care what people thought about you and your relationship with him. However, it was one thing to assume what people thought of you and tell yourself that you didn’t care, and an entirely other thing to actually hear the words of criticism and hatred out loud. It played on your carefully constructed confidence and self worth, Bucky knew how hard you had worked to maintain a healthy mindset that both kept you positive and determined but also welcomed sadness and anger when it came. Toxic positivity was something you loathed, sadness and anger should be embraced, you should be allowed to cry and wallow for a little while, but it was important to know when to pull yourself back up so as to not get too consumed by it.
You hardly ever cried. You got emotional sometimes, sure, but crying was not something you did often and Bucky had been noticing it more and more. You normally would have given those recruits a piece of your mind so the fact that you started crying was making you cry even more in frustration at yourself.
When Bucky saw you rushing back to the living space you shared with him inside the compound, he went berserk. Bucky knew expressing even negative emotions at times was good for mental health, but it still didn’t mean that on the off chance he saw you cry that it didn’t make him absolutely furious with rage wanting to snap the neck of whatever or whomever reduced you to tears.
“Bucky, wait!” You said through your sniffles as you sobered up to the realisation that he might actually kill these people.
Your pleas fell on deaf ears as he swung the front door open, slamming it against the adjacent wall from the sheer strength he exuded and continued to march down the hall towards the gym.
When he reached the gym doors he launched them off their hinges to the middle of the room as he kicked them open with his black combat boots.
All eyes moved to the looming finger at the end of the gym as he began to approach them methodically.
“Bucky, stop! Please!” You screeched in horror at the chaos he was leaving in his wake.
“Yeah! Why don’t you listen to your slutty little girlfriend!” One of the male recruits shouted across to Bucky. Clearly he was under the impression that Bucky wouldn’t actually kill them or lay a finger on them because they were in the avengers tower surrounded by earths mightiest hero’s, clearly he was wrong.
Bucky’s head snapped in the direction of the idiotic man who insulted you in front of him “what did you just fucking say?” He asked lowly now towering over him to his full height and then crouching slightly to bring his face inches from his and glare into the depths of his soul.
The man gulped. Confident composure crumbling ever so slightly as he realised perhaps he may actually kill me because there is certainly no one coming to his rescue.
“I asked you a fucking question!” He roared as the statement echoed off the gymnasium walls. The other recruits flinched at the loud sound but didn’t move from their spots, rooted to the ground in fear.
In one alarmingly quick and swift mood you watched in fascinated horror as Bucky’s body pressed the man in to the wall, pinning him by his neck with his Vibranium arm.
“I warned you a long long fucking time ago” he sneered nostrils flaring as he fought with himself not to snap the recruits neck “that if you ever. And I mean ever talked about my girl like that again I would fucking skin you alive. So tell me right fucking now why my best girl has come back to our place crying her heart out over some worthless little runts in our gym. Hmm?”
“We-w-w-we’re sorry, man, we didn’t mean anything by it”
Bucky pressed his forearm harder against the man’s throat as he clawed at Bucky’s metal arm. Bucky sensed movement from the corner of his peripheral vision as another recruit moved to sneak up on Bucky and save his friend. Bucky wasted no time in punching the man straight in the face without taking his eyes off the recruit in front of him. He turned away from Bucky and watched in horror as his friend was catapulted across the room.
“Everytime one of your friends tries to interrupt our conversation I’m going to take a finger. It won’t be pretty, I didn’t bring my knife with me so I’ll just have to rip it from its socket with my Vibranium arm. And trust me, I’ve done it before so I know how to do it in the longest most torturous way possible” he growled into the paling man’s face.
Sounds of numerous people’s feet were heard running down the hall to get to the source of all the loud bangs and screaming. Steve slid to a halt at the scene in front of him feeling like he had entered the den of a hungry and feral lion. He could smell the fear in the air, the blood, the sweat, and hear the eerily steady beat of his best friends heart as he towered over the cowering man against the back wall.
Tony, Natasha, and Sam were the only other people in the compound this week so they all came bursting into the room after Steve.
“What the hell is going on in here?!” Tony said as he took sight of the damaged doors and the body of a recruit laying unconscious in the far corner
“Bucky?” Steve asked lowly as he slowly approached his friend, apprehension in his voice as he was worried somehow the winter soldier had returned.
His worries were momentarily erased when he heard his friend reply a “yes, Steven?” In a bored tone.
“Someone better tell me what’s going on right now before I lose my cool!” Tony scolded as he flicked his wrists tapping his arm and bringing his nanotech suit to his hands, arming himself.
“Ah” Bucky chuckled darkly. His back still to the group as the man pressed to the wall was pleading with the avengers over Bucky’s broad shoulders.
He grabbed the man by the back of his neck with his metal arm and twisted them around to face the group.
“We we’re just getting to the bottom of why….” He trailed off and shook the man by his nape
“Jacob” the recruit squeaked our understanding the que
“Why Jacob here didn’t heed my earlier warning to shut the fuck up, and then decided to make my girl over there cry” Bucky gestured to you with Jacob that was still in his harsh grip
The team turned their focus to you as they saw your red rimmed eyes and pale face.
“Y/n?” Natasha whispered “are you okay?” She approached you slowly as you shook your head no and let out a small sob, your shoulders shaking rapidly as you tried to keep in your tears and sadness to yourself. She wrapped you in a warm embrace as she cuddled you to her chest and stroked the back of your head. You curled your arms around her waist and sniffled quietly as she began to coo words of comfort at you.
“So, Jacob, the floor is yours” Bucky said as he threw him ti the ground causing him to let out pained yelp as he fell on to his wrists with s sickening crack.
Bucky crouched next to him as Jacob sobbed “ a few weeks ago Jakey boy here made the unfortunate mistake of saying some disgusting things about y/n when I was within earshot. Started talking about our sex life, calling my future wife a slut and a whore, because his virgin limp dick ass was jealous that a real man knows how to please his girl. Him and his little friends started to talk about how she was easy too”
Natasha looked down at you as she furrowed her brows. Usually you could handle something like that and fight back, probably knock them on their asses, but you didn’t.
“Come on, man” Sam groaned “that’s so stupid and unnecessary, you know white wolf over here has super hearing, not to mention talking about one of our own won’t go well for you”
“Well good luck to you, you’re own your own” Tony said as he let down his arms but continued to watch the free show in front of him
“I warned him. I told him if it wasn’t for my girl in the next room that I would skin him alive for what he said. But then I find my best girl crying in my arms and now I want to know what the FUCK he said to her to make her so upset”
“Friday, audio playback of recruit Jacob Athens and his friends from this room”
“Wait—no!” You shouted as your turned from Natasha’s arms causing Bucky to look at your with a raised brow in confusion
“Yes, sir. The time is currently fifteen hundred hours, what time would you like the audio to play from?” The automated voice rang out through the compounds integrated speakers.
“Tony, please don’t” you pleaded as he looked at your strangely.
“From whenever agent y/n l/n was within normal ear shot of the gym and then till she left the room”
“Very good sir”
A crackling noise was heard as the audio was located and began to play throughout the room.
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bokuroskitten · 2 years
𝔘𝔫𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔶
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𖤐 genre: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI
𖤐 pairing: Dom!Draken x Fem!Reader x Switch!Hanma
𖤐 word count: 4.8k
𖤐 warnings: Hanma is slimy at the beginning, drinking, reader is intoxicated but has wanted this for a hot minute, da/ddy dom Draken, nipple play, pantie sniffing, oral (f! and m! receiving), face fucking, rough sex, hair pulling, choking, finger sucking, one clit smack, implied squirting, Draken calls hanma a slut once, pet names like princess, little love, baby, etc., hanma is very much a switch
𖤐 authors notes: Listen we’re expanding on that little drabble because it’s left too many thots stacking up in my brain. The ending feels a little rushed if I'm being honest but that's okay, I plan on expanding this even further, making it into a series even cause well, I've become obsessed with the dynamic. This is the first night y'all hook up. Also, this is for @sinnerofthewalls the more the merrier collab! Thanks for letting me join! This was quickly edited just by me, apologies for any errors. Reblogs, comments, and feedback are greatly appreciated
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Truly believe that you were dating Draken first, but the more Hanma continued these antics, the more he teased and poked and prodded you couldn’t even help but develop some sort of crush, that’s what you’d call it for now, on the male. He was truly relentless, never gave up on his attempts to fluster you even when Draken would beat the ever-living shit out of him. If anything it only made him want you more, but not just you.
Because Draken’s attention made his dick just as hard.
Things started to solidify one night at a club….
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You were on the dance floor, Hina’s hand held in one while your sex on the beach was held in the other. The two of you had been dancing for what seemed like hours but you had no intention of stopping, not until the club lights turned on. Draken was seated at a table close to the dance floor, him and his boys laughing about who handled their alcohol the worst (it was currently between Takemichi and Mikey). Every so often his eyes would travel over to you, keeping an eye on his pretty girl, of course.
But the conversation at the table got heated, the boys taking up his attention just as you did a twirl on the dance floor. Had you been sober enough you would have found your way back to Hina but instead you stumbled right into a male chest, the impact making you giggle.
“Sorry, sorry–”
“Sweetheart, been looking for ya all evening~ ♡"
You didn’t even need to look up to know it was him, amber eyes piercing into you as you felt your face heat up. The blaring of the bass drowned out your little yelp as Hanma pulled you in closer, his hands resting dangerously low on the small of your back. Your palms were flat on his chest, and in your right mind, you would have pushed him away as you normally did.
But instead, you let him sway you to the beat of the song, eyes downcast to the floor as he brought his lips dangerously close to your ear. Goosebumps formed along the back of your neck as he whispered, his teeth grazing your earlobe.
“Let’s go fuck in the bathroom, hm~? Think Draken will wanna watch?”
Before you could even think of how to respond to such a bold sentence Hanma was ripped away from you, being replaced with your fuming boyfriend. Hanma’s laugh echoed in your head as Draken shoved him, fist ready to land against his cheek had the bouncer not stepped in.
“I look away for one god damn minute.” The growl in Draken’s voice has your thighs clenching under the tight dress you wear, and it seems to have an effect on Hanma too as he bites his lip, giving the bouncer a punch that sends the poor man flying. “Draken! C’mon, when are ya gunna cave and let me fuck your girl!”
“I’m gunna fuck you up, psycho–”
“Oh please, be my guest~”
More security was on them before any fists could really be thrown, and although both males could have taken them on, Draken didn’t want to give Hanma the satisfaction. So with a roll of his eyes, he snatched up your hand, dragging you outside of the club and out into the brisk evening.
“You alright princess?” Draken muttered, quickly draping his sweater over your shoulders as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You were still beyond flustered, Hanma’s sly remarks playing in your head on repeat as you looked up at your boyfriend with doe eyes, which he assumed was just the alcohol in your system.
“Mhm… m’fine Ken.”
Moments later both of your eyes were brought back to the exit of the club, where Hanma was forcefully being pushed out. His knuckles were swollen, eyes lit up in the way they usually were when he was in the middle of a fight. “Bunch of princesses~” He spat back to the security guard that actually wrestled him out the door, laughing even harder when they shut the door in his face. He didn’t waste a moment before he was lighting a cigarette, the stick dangling from his lips when he caught your gaze.
“Absolutely not.” Draken cut him off, brows furrowed to the point of wrinkles showing up on his forehead. “Fuck off, psycho”
“Cmon Kenny! Throw that punch you were gunna throw in the club, It gets your pretty little thing all excited watching us fight.”
How did he know that?
“Keep my girl’s name outta your mouth.” There was that snarl again, and you could have sworn steam was pooling from his ears as he wedged you behind him. The reaction had Hanma cooing, shamelessly blowing his smoke right into Draken’s face.
“Fine, fine~! Then she can just keep my cock in hers ♡" Had you not stepped between them, you knew Hanma’s ass would have been on the floor. But instead, Draken kept his eyes narrowed, fists clenched tightly at his sides when he saw you standing between them like a dear in headlights.
“Move baby, I’ve had enough of this sick fuck.”
“N-No.” That was the first time you had actually spoken up about all this, the first time you hadn’t let Draken do all the talking for you. Both males had their brows raised, Draken’s in shock, Hanma’s in amusement.
“No?” They both spoke it at the same time, making your heartbeat even faster up against your ribcage. Never once did you think you’d be here, stuck between your boyfriend and this menace of a man that made your knees weak.
And yet, here you were.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, ready to speak before Hanma was resting his chin on your shoulder. Smoke still puffed from his lips as he hummed, keeping his eyes locked on Draken and the way his jaw clenched up tightly. “What is it, pretty girl~? Finally gunna give me a chance huh? Sick of this big doofus–”
“Fucking watch it.”
“No!” You spoke again, voice a little more confident this time as you took a step away, the smell of Hanma’s earthy cologne and cigarette smoke making you dizzier than you already felt. You weren’t sure how to voice your thoughts, not with their eyes boring into you like this or with the alcohol flooding through your system. So, when it finally bubbled out of you, you were whining, lips pressed out in a pout.
“I just wanna fuck you both! Clearly, we’re all attracted to each other, lets just–”
“What the fuck”
“I’m down.”
Again the boys spoke at the same time but with completely different answers. The conflicting views made you pout more, arms crossing over your chest as Hanma burst out into a fit of giggles that made Draken’s eye twitch.
“As if I’d ever let this psycho in our bed, princess. He fucks with you to get under my skin.”
“Is it working? Cause I really wouldn’t mind being under you, Kenny~♡” Hanma was all but purring. And although Draken barked out line after line of crude comments back, you could see the subtle blush that started to rise on his pale skin.
You took matters back into your own hands, pressing up against Draken’s side. “Daddy…” You murmured up at him, giving him a look you knew he’d never say no to. He even slid his hand to rest on the swell of your ass, despite the way Hanma was babbling about “Shoulda known she’d call you daddy! With a cute little face like that!”
“Don’t gimme that face.” Draken was trying to be stern, trying to ignore how you pressed up against him a little closer, whined so pretty up at him through pouting lips. “We are not doing this, he literally harasses you.”
“What are you scared of, Kenny? Scared your pretty princess is gunna leave ya once she has a taste of my cock.”
“I’m gunna knock the daylights outta you, freak.” But another whine from you had Draken stilling, biting the inside of his cheek.
“Please Daddy… I think it’ll be fun…” Your gaze slowly drifted from Draken’s to Hanma’s and when he sent a wink your way it made that familiar heat rush through, biting down on your lip as you looked up to your boyfriend again. “Besides… don’t you wanna teach him a lesson?”
That made Draken cock a brow, eyes drifting to Hanma who was already lighting a second cigarette. “Yea, C’mon Kenny, you’re the real stern type, teach me a lesson or two.” Hanma licked at his lips when Draken’s eyes narrowed, an unamused sigh leaving his lips.
“Alright, fine. The moment I don’t like what I see, I’m shutting it down.”
“Yay~” You simply responded, pressing a kiss to your boyfriend’s cheek by getting on your tiptoes. Hanma copied the action, even emphasizing it with a little ‘yay’ of his own that got him a shove from Draken in return.
As soon as the door to your and Draken’s apartment opened up things got eerily quiet, which was odd, especially for Hanma who never seemed to shut up. You made yourself comfortable on the couch, kicking off your heels and letting them settle somewhere on the floor as you watched Draken eye Hanma up, who was currently eyeing up the apartment.
The silence only made Draken all the more frustrated, questioning himself as to why he ever agreed to something like this. Hanma’s little hums only made things worse, making Draken smooth a palm over his brow.
“Nice place ya got…”
“Enough with the pleasantries. You wanna have my girl? She’s right there, go on.” Hanma was a little taken back by Draken’s barked demand but composed himself quickly with a little smirk. It was the look that you were giving him over the couch that finally made him move.
Wide-eyed, curious, excited even as your legs kicked back and forth the closer Hanma got to you. When he got close enough he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, pleased with how you leaned into his palm.
“No rules?” Hanma’s question was directed at Draken, but he kept his eyes on you, letting his thumb trail over your cheekbone towards your bottom lip.
“I already said, as soon as I see something I don’t like, I’m shutting it down.” Draken’s words were calm despite the implications they had, making himself comfortable on the coffee table right in front of the couch just so he had a good view of everything going on. He could already feel himself tensing when you took Hanma’s thumb between your lips, gave it a few sucks just as you were taught to do.
Both males could feel their cocks twitch from it.
Hanma didn’t wanna waste another minute of precious time, so he reluctantly pulled his thumb free from your lips, gripping your jaw instead to pull you into a kiss. You whined into it softly, sitting up on your knees as you gripped the back of the couch, opened up your mouth to let Hanma’s tongue explore every inch of you. Draken rolled his eyes at just how sloppy the embrace was…
But he couldn’t help but stare at the way you subtly swayed your hips into the couch cushions, how with each mewl you made his cock get harder, how when Hanma’s hand slithered to the back of your neck to grip tightly at your skin, the sight of his punishment tattoo made Draken bite his lip.
“If you’re just gunna kiss her you’re wasting your time,” Draken said nonchalantly, smirking when Hanma pulled away quickly with drool snapping back against his lower lip. His pupils were already a bit blown out, easing himself over the back of the couch and plopping himself down beside you. Your whining was silenced when he used his punishment hand to grip your throat again, pressing your back into the armrest as he licked your leftover drool from his lip.
“No wonder Draken keeps you all to himself, you’re fucking addictive…” Hanma murmurs, leaning down to ghost his lips over yours just to hear your breathy little whines. Draken continues to watch with a clenched jaw, eyes narrowed when your legs lull open further to make space for Hanma, revealing the wet spot on your panties.
“Getting off from another man arent ya little love?” Draken’s voice has a bit of a bite, and the way you whine and gasp as Hanma leaves kisses down your throat is enough of an answer for him. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Hanma, her nipples are sensitive, suck on them.”
“Don’t gotta tell me twice~♡” Hanma pulls down the top of your dress with ease, letting him admire your chest only a second before Draken is clearing his throat, a silent command to ‘quit staring and hurry the hell up’ Hanma is greedy when he latches onto one of your nipples, moaning against your soft flesh when you arch your back for him, dig your fingers into his scalp and pull him in closer with little pleas. “A-Ah~! Not so rough H-Hanma~!”
You’re squeaking again when his free hand lands a swat to your other tit before grabbing a hand full of it. And although Draken should have hauled Hanma’s ass away from you as soon as he heard the skin-on-skin contact it only made him sit up a little more, watch a little closer as pretty tears started to swell up on your lash line.
“Are you wet princess? Daddy wants to hear an answer this time.” You almost cry when Hanma releases your nipple with an obscene pop, licking around the swollen bud and teeth marks he left behind on your skin. “Y-Yes daddy, m’wet…” Your answer is shaky, skin burning up as embarrassment suddenly washes over you.
What was making you hotter, the fact that Hanma was finally having his way with you? Or that fact that Draken watched, commanding his every move?
“Lemme see.” Hanma cooed, palms travelling to your thighs to pull them further apart, the moment you started to thrash Draken made a displeased noise, one that had you still despite the way you whimpered. Hanma greedily took in the sight of your soak panties, how your arousal darkened the pretty cherry red into a crimson. He eyed Draken, seeking approval to keep going. It made Draken grin, something like pride swelling within for having all the control here.
Hanma hooked two fingers into the crotch of your panties, tugging the material over your legs despite how they were squirming and kicking. He couldn't help himself when he brought the dampened material to his face, sucking in a greedy whiff of your arousal. He groaned, dramatically of course, which only made you whine even louder.
“Fucking pervert,” Draken spoke, the grin faltering on his face. Hanma thought it was because he had crossed some sort of line, ready to quickly hop away from your pretty body as soon as Draken stood from his spot. What he wasn’t expecting was Draken to grab a handful of his hair, shoving his nose into your cunt instead.
“Imagine sniffing her panties when her pussy is right here, fucking idiot. It’s like your not even grateful for the time I’m giving you.” He sneered, the amusement in his tone very much evident as Hanma moaned into your damp folds, the intoxicating smell of your pussy making his lashes flutter.
Your whole body was on fire as you watched Draken manhandle another man into your cunt, moaning when Hanma nuzzled in further, locked his mouth around your puffy lips just to suckle at them. You squeaked, back arching as your nails dug into the couch cushions.
“Sweet isn't she…” Draken mused, his grip on Hanma’s hair getting tighter as he moaned against your folds, the obscene slurping making his dick strain against his jeans. Your cute little sounds only added to this unknown pleasure he didn’t know he could feel, looking up to watch the way your chest was currently heaving, a light layer of sweat starting to form on your skin.
“Baby girl, how’s it feel?”
“As good as Daddy?”
“N-No!” You cried that part out, legs about to snap shut around Hanma’s head, He didn’t allow for that of course, tattooed hands gripping your plush thighs as he poked his tongue into your fluttering hole. That response seemed to light a fire under his ass, making him all the more determined to have you seeing stars as he tongue fucked you.
“Of course not…” Draken could see though, just how fast you were reaching your high. He knew your signs well, could see the way tears were starting to swell in your lash line. Just as your tummy started to flex, he roughly pulled Hanm’s head back, uncaring of the little hiss he made from the stinging in his scalp.
“D-Daddy!” You cried through pouting lips, the sudden cold air on your drenched cunt making goosebumps rise on your skin. That, and your lost orgasm made you all the whinier, hips bucking for more attention as Draken inspected Hanma’s face.
He looked almost fucked out himself, amber eyes dilated, chin soaked in your arousal, lips puffing with deep breaths. Draken couldn’t help but let out a breathy sigh, shamelessly licking at Hanma’s lower lip to taste your familiar essence there.
“Oh yea, sweet as ever~” Draken murmured, grin getting wider when Hanma’s breath stuttered, faltering a bit as blush seemed to fan out over his cheeks.
He released Hanma’s hair finally, tending to you instead with a thumb pressed up against your lower lip. You sucked on it, of course, but still looked to him all teary-eyed, pouty from the lost orgasm and the tingling sensation it left all over your body. “Don’t pout at me little love, wanna come?”
You nodded, giving him your best doe eyes as you suckled his thumb tenderly, held onto his wrist as your hips continued to buck in search of any friction. That look always melted Draken’s heart, made him want to spoil you rotten.
But now there was an extra body involved, making the process of spoiling you all the more interesting as he looked back at Hanma, who was hungrily licking at his own lips, trying to saviour your taste and now, Draken’s.
“Oi, Hanma.” Draken snapped his attention back to him, his smirk a bit smug as he saw the way you obediently sucked Draken’s thumb, how you looked at him like he was the only man in the room.
It made his blood pump faster, desperation rising within him. He wanted you to look at him that way too–
“You wanna fuck her?”
“Yes, Fuck yes, obviously yes–”
“Alright, then I get to fuck your mouth.”
That made Hanma freeze up suddenly, thoughts spiralling wildly in his head as he swallowed a lump in his throat. His cock was aching at the mere suggestion, making his teeth grit.
“Hm, fine, I’ll fuck her then. Get to feel my pretty pussy clenching around me, isn't that right sweetheart?” His free fingers travelled to your heat, circling your fluttering hole and dipping in only for a few seconds as you whined into his digits, nodding desperately for more, anything.
“Wait–” Hanma hissed, running a hand through his already tousled hair. His cheeks were hot as he met Draken’s smug face. And as much as he wanted to punch him, he also wanted to kiss him more.
It was weird, it was hot as fuck.
“Fine.” Hanma succumbed to the throbbing of his cock, letting it do the thinking for him as he finally looked back down to you, focused on your pretty cunt and just how wet it already was. He couldn't help himself when he spat a wad of saliva onto it, finally catching your attention again as your pretty eyes looked at him. You whined when he smeared his spit onto your clit, legs wrapping around his waist as a way to pull him in closer.
“Want me to fuck you, pretty girl?” It was Hanma’s turn to hear you, a bit of his confidence coming back when you released Draken’s thumb just to respond to him. “Yes please, Hanma…”
“Maybe you should call me Shuji, princess.” His words are a bit softer now despite the grin on his face, his fingers focusing on your throbbing clit while his other hand worked his cock free. It slapped down against your weeping cunt, making your hips jolt a bit with the promise of being filled. Keeping a sturdy grip on your thigh Hanma pressed the leaking tip of his cock into your hole, groaning at how it already started to clench, suck him in inch by inch. He waited until he bullied himself all the way in, his balls laying flush against your ass before he grinned.
“Or call me daddy instead, whattya th–”
His voice was cut out by yet another hiss, face being wrenched up back the grip Draken had on his hair again. Although the amusement was still there behind Draken’s eyes, that comment seemed to irk him, lips being pulled into a scowl.
But that’s not what Hanma was focused on. He was focused on Draken’s cock, the way it stood tall and slightly curved towards his abdomen. How the mushroom head was red swollen and leaking pre, how the veins along the underside seemed to twitch.
How it looked much bigger than his own cock.
“Put that mouth to good use and shut the hell up,” Draken mutters, the annoyance in his tone evident as he yanks Hanma closer to his dick, the weight of it smacking up against his cheek. “And don’t forget to make my baby feel good, understand?”
Hanma responded by opening his mouth, an invitation Draken happily took as he pushed his cock in deep enough to have Hanma gagging. Draken couldn't help but chuckle a little at the narrowed eyes Hanma was sending up at him, the way drool already dribbled from his stretched mouth and down his chin.
Your whining brought Draken back to focus, his free hand giving your breast a tender squeeze. “My girls needy Hanma, better make her cum.”
Hanma already knew that just from the way your pussy was hugging him so tightly. Breathing in deeply through his nose his eyes were back on you, the way you watched them with trembling lips, the way your hips rutted into him, the way your fingers held so tightly to the fabric above your head.
He’d make you fall apart, better than Draken could.
His pace was steady, following the rhythmic clap of his balls against your supple skin. Each push of his cock was followed by a moan from you, back arching as Hanma’s fingers also kept steady pressure on your clit. Draken seemed to follow the same beat, his hips shallowly thrusting in and out of Hanma’s mouth.
“S-Shu~ Shuji!” You whimpered, a hand reaching down towards your clit only for Draken to snatch it up, place it back above your head with a stern grunt. “N-Need more~” You whine up at your boyfriend, your need getting the better of you as you pout at him.
Draken clicks his tongue. “Dicks so bad it's making my sweet girl act up, she never does that when I’m fucking her dumb.” His taunt is meant for Hanma, who gags once again as Draken thrusts roughly into the side of his cheek. “She’s gunna turn into a brat if you don’t get you’re shit together.” Draken muses, his grip moving from your wrist to your throat to keep you pinned. “I suggest you hurry the hell up.”
Hanma moans against Draken’s cock at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him. He didn’t question whether it was because of Draken’s domineering nature, or the fact that his own fingers sped up against your clit, either way, he wanted, needed to feel more.
He rutted his hips into you mercilessly, the steady clap becoming a sloppy smack of skin on skin as his tip searched for your sweet spot. Despite his own mouth being used for Draken’s pleasure, he kept his tear-filled eyes on you, needing to see just how pretty you looked when you fell apart because of him.
Or so he needed to believe.
Your moans were cut short by Draken’s hand, which still held tight to your throat. Your lips hung open in silent screams, body trembling as Hanma’s cock stretched your walls, hooked up into your sweet spot to finally make the tears spill from your eyes.
“R-Right there Shuji~! Please!” Your pleas were airy, lashes fluttering heavily as your vision became spotty. That orgasm you lost was building itself back up, making another layer of light sweat form on your skin. You were egging Hanma on, only making him groan louder around Draken as his sin hand left bruises along your thigh, eyes glued to the way your pussy swallowed up his cock and left a ring of arousal in its wake.
That's what was keeping Draken’s attention too, despite the way he let out his own low moan at the vibrations Hanma sent up his cock. He freed your neck finally, only so he could grab Hanma’s jaw with his free hand, his grip tightening in his locks as he smirked.
“She’s coming first, got that psycho?” He was still thrusting into Hanma’s mouth as he spoke, knowing that Hanma couldn't respond. Instead, he took the muffled grunt and the spit bubble forming around his lips as an answer. “Ya know, I like you better like this, just like my girl, your mouth looks better stuffed.”
That made Hanma’s cock twitch with absolute delight, his fingers pinching at your clit now to urge your orgasm further. His hips on the other hand were stuttering, cock head aimed into your sweet spot so you’d cry out again and again.
Just for him.
“M’coming!! Gunna cum Shuji, gunna cum daddy!” You sobbed out, hips being pressed into the couch to keep you from squirming by Draken’s free hand as Hanma brought you over the edge with a slap to your sopping clit. You gasped, eyes crossing before rolling into the back of your skull as your cunt clenched onto Hanma for dear life. “My pretty baby, gunna make a mess on another man’s cock? Go on, be good for daddy.” Draken encourages, knowing his praise is enough to get you fully off the edge, sobs of his name and Hanma’s flying freely off your lips as you gush your arousal.
It makes a mess of Hanma’a abdomen. One that he feels and one that makes his head absolutely reel. He goes to look down, to see your pussy spasming and swollen and leaking around his cock, but he doesn't get the chance. Instead, he’s roughly shoved backwards, his cock leaving your cunt with a squelch before Draken his rutting ruthlessly into his mouth.
“Not bad.” Draken grunts, eyes lit up as Hanma’s nails dig harshly into his thighs. Despite the blood that rises to his skin he doesn't stop, fucking down into Hanms’s throat until he's squirming, choking, the wet slap of Draken’s balls against his chin making him mewl. “Gunna make me cum now, slut.”
Hanma’s cock ached, covered in your arousal and bobbing with the impacts of Draken’s thrusts. Using his grip on Hanma’s hair Draken held his cock deep within the males’ throat before releasing his load, his smirk never faltering as he watched Hanma’s adam apple bob desperately to swallow the thick liquid down.
Hanma’s sight had started going black on the sides when Draken finally pulled out, the inhale he took large enough to make him sputter, drool dribbling past his lips. Blinking the remaining tears from his eyes he finally caught a glimpse of Draken gently petting your spent pussy, whispering what he could only assume was praise into your ear.
You were still twitching, velvety walls hugging Draken’s fingers when they pushed into your briefly, only to pull out and continue to pet your puffy lips. You whimpered at him, weakly, body craving his warmth just like it always did after you came down from a high.
“Did so good f’me, little love, that’s a good girl…” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your pouty lips before finally looking back to Hanma. He still looked a bit crazed, eyes wide and cock painfully hard. Despite the way his punishment hand squeezed at his base, he longed for the sweet squeeze of your pussy again to tip him over.
“D-Didn’t get to finish.” He rasped out, eyes narrowing a bit when Draken simply laughed.
“I know. Had to make sure you were even worth our time, psycho. You’ll get to finish next time♡.”
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Property of bokuroskitten. Please DO NOT REPOST on any other platform⁉️
Member of @tometpd @hanayanetwork @tokyoredlightdistrict
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misteria247 · 3 years
"Her name is (Y/N)....."
Who would of thought that one little sentence would cause such an emotional turmoil. Deuce and Ace could only stare at the small boy, unable to comprehend what they'd just heard. It was a name that they hadn't heard in six long years. A name that even to this day caused them to get a bit upset.
"Are.....are you sure that's your mom's name.....?"
Deuce asked a bit breathless by the sudden crash of emotions that was hitting him. Ace on the other hand was just stunned beyond belief, unable to really think of anything to say.
"Yeah I'm sure......why.....?"
Elliott asked with a small head tilt. Deuce sucked in a sharp breath at the movement, the head tilt being nearly identical to yours. Ace just shook his head still in shock.
"I can't believe it......(Y/N)'s a mom......holy-"
Ace muttered trying to wrap his head around it before realizing something.
"Wait......if you're here that means.....!"
Ace started to say trailing off before Deuce picked up on what he was saying.
"She's here.....she's back in Twisted Wonderland.....! She's got a kid too......!"
Deuce said in awe before his expression furrowed in confusion.
"But wait.....if (Y/N) is the mom then who's the dad....?"
Deuce asked puzzled. Ace took another look at Elliott before seeing exactly who the father was.
"I think I figured it out.....it's him....."
Ace said. Deuce first looked confused before it clicked.
"No way he's.....!"
Deuce gasped stunned.
"There's no doubt about it. He's practically a clone of him."
Ace nodded in confirmation. Deuce was about to reply when he was interrupted.
"Wait.....do.....do you two know my mama......?? And.....and my papa.......??"
Elliott asked not daring to get his hopes up with the last question. If Ace and Deuce knew you then from the sounds of it they knew his father too. If they knew who his father was.......maybe Elliott could finally see you be happy completely and finally get his answers that he'd been desperately wanting. Ace and Deuce froze at Elliott's questions, the boy's hurt elbow all but forgotten about as he tried to get information. The two men were at a loss. They had no idea if they should answer Elliott's question about his father, given that you might not want Elliott to know. Plus the last thing the boys wanted to do is be reunited with you and then piss you off with something like this.
"Uh.....we do know your mama. She was a very old friend of ours. As for your papa......"
Deuce trailed off not knowing what to say. Ace thankfully took over.
"We don't know him very well."
Ace finished. Elliott deflated at this, his green eyes dimming slightly.
He said softly, looking down at the ground. Ace and Deuce felt themselves fill with guilt for having somewhat lied to the small child.
"Hey we might not have the answers you're seeking, but we do know someone who has some of them. But first I think we should get your arm fixed up and try to find your mama okay?"
Deuce said keeping the child close to him. Elliott gave a small nod, wanting to fix his stinging elbow and find you. Ace just kept quiet, his thoughts racing. He never imagined that he'd ever see you again, especially as a parent and in a mess like this. And he knew that Deuce was thinking the same thing he was. With Elliott now in Deuce's arms the duo made their way towards the one person who could help them at the moment.
Elliott clung to Deuce, keeping an eye out for his mother and taking in the sights around him. He took notice of some of the people who were now slowly starting to fill the once abandoned campus. Standing under the shade of a large tree was a rather tall, nervous looking man who had long flowing blue hair that looked like flames. Next to him was what looked like a robot teenager, who happily chattered away at him. Elliott couldn't help but notice that they looked like the one statue he'd seen of the man with the flames for hair. Further along the growing crowd was another group of men who looked like their were business men. Two of them were incredibly tall and the third one was rather pretty in Elliott's opinion. The two tall men had teal hair and different colored eyes, almost like they were twins. While the shorter one had steel blue hues and wavy silver hair.
A few more groups caught the young boy's attention rather quickly. One of them was filled with beautiful people who looked like they belonged in a movie or a story book. The leader of the group was the fairest of them all, looking absolutely stunning. Elliott was spell bound for a moment before the other man who wore a funny hat turned towards them and caught Elliott's eye. The strange man gave a smile when he noticed the small child and waved at him. Elliott waved back hesitantly before curling up into Deuce's shoulders more. Another group had two men who looked like they came straight out of the stories his mama read to him with the genies and magic carpets. The shortest of the duo had white hair and was dressed in the finest clothes, a beaming smile on his face as he talked to the taller man next to him. The other man was more serious looking, his hair long and braided nicely as he just nodded along to whatever the other man was saying.
Elliott also noticed that they were holding hands, and standing rather close to one another. The child tilted his head in confusion, thinking about the Arabian princess and her prince for some reason. As the trio made their way further into the school they passed another group of men. These men had animal ears. One man looked like a hyena with blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes, snickering under his breath as his companion, a large man with unruly brown hair filled with braids listened. Bright green eyes just stared irritated at his snickering companion, a scar decorating his face.
"Oi what are you staring at?"
A growling voice came from the man with the scar. Elliott let out a gasp and hid into Deuce. Deuce meanwhile looked up and went wide eyed and Ace just bit back a groan.
"L-Leona Senpai-! It's been awhile!"
Deuce said giving a small bow in nervousness. Ace rolled his eyes at his companion, slightly jumpy with the sudden stop from their destination.
"Oh it's you.....Deuce and Ace. It has been awhile. Tell your cub to keep his eyes to himself."
Leona growled simply before leaving without even so much as a goodbye. It was quite obvious that he wasn't in the mood for chitchat. His companion gave them a somewhat amused yet apologetic look before giving a small salute and following behind him. The duo seemed to sag with relief.
"Oh thank Seven he didn't notice. Now we can finally get to the person who can help you-"
Deuce started to say only to nearly jump out of his skin at a terrifyingly familiar voice. Ace jumped as well at the voice going pale rather quickly.
"May I ask.....why do you have a child with you? You'd think that after graduation......you would have learned to follow the rules......"
The voice said sounding pleasant but at the same time it brought chills to the two men. Even after six years they still had a fight or flight response with this person.
"Ah you shouldn't be so harsh on them. They're grown men after all."
Another voice chimed in sounding much more relaxed.
"Ahhhhh-!!! Look at this cutie!!! I definitely need a photo of his cute little face!!!"
Another voice chirped before a pair of hands gripped Elliott's cheeks in a gentle manner. Standing in front of him and the A-Deuce duo were three men that Elliott had never seen before. However........they seemed to know Deuce and Ace rather well.
Something told Elliott that this might take awhile before he finally got to see his mama again.
*Oh my God I'm alive hello! First I wanna apologize for the long hiatus, things have been extremely hectic and I haven't had a lot of time to write. But I finally managed to get something done for y'all so I consider that a win!!! Also let's play the game of guess who was mentioned here in Elliott's observations and who are the mystery trio at the end of the beloved cliffhanger! Sorry if this sucks shdhdhfhh. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!! And onwards to our tagging list!!!!! @genshin-idiot @ditsy-anime-thot @ctannth @reaperfeels @thatjessawall @simpformangas!!!!*
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geminixevans-stan · 3 years
The Ghost
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Black Reader
Words: 2,254
Summary: Reader is on a business date when a blast from a toxic filled past shows up
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit language, smut(Fingering, squirting if you squint, voyeurism)
A/N: I have just been on a disrespectful kick and who can do disrespect like our man Ransom. This came to me just out of nowhere and I wanted to write it because Ransom is just nasty and petty as hell. I hope you all like it! Reblog, Like, and Comment. Happy reading thots!
I do not consent to my work being copied, plagiarized, or translated in any way >:P
The mellow murmurs of the other guests could be heard as you sat across from the man you have been with for three years. You could see the nervousness in his demeanor as he checked his watch, adjusted his tie, and kept looking over his shoulder. His eyes were nowhere on you and it was getting annoying. You had to remind yourself that this wasn’t a date, something he hasn’t taken you on in months. This was only to meet with his boss who he wanted you to meet for whatever reason.
Getting tired of his fidgeting, you tried to give some type of reassurance, “Case, you look fine, babe. I’m sure your boss won’t be checking you out. Just relax,” you said reaching out to squeeze his hand.
He gave a smile that didn’t reach his eyes as he slipped his hand from under yours causing a small sting in your heart, “You just don’t get it, sweetness, my boss is very well dressed and I just want to make a good impression.” You didn’t understand just why he needed to make a fashion impression but there was part of you that didn’t care.
You looked out at the look of the restaurant admiring the ambiance of it. The restaurant was upscale, dimly lit, and decorated just right. There were couples on dates, groups who looked like they just got off of work, and a ghost that you thought that you would never see in a million years. His facial features were more chiseled, but the face, god that face, remained the exact same. But no one was with him.
His clothing choices had gotten better since your college days and it only added to how good he looked. Shifting in your seat, you looked over at Case as he stood up. Curiosity then confusion set upon your face as the ghost appeared to be inching closer to your table. No, no. He couldn’t be.
But as Case shook the hands of your college sweetheart, you knew that you were definitely in the twilight zone. He turned to you, full set of teeth on display as he began the introductions, “Mr. Drysdale, meet my lovely girlfriend, baby meet Mr. Drysdale. Oh, you knew that motherfucker. Ransom took off his shades, looking down at you as you could see the faintest smirk on his face.
Sticking his hand out over the table, he grasps yours in his, pressing his lips to your knuckles, “It’s very nice to finally meet you,” his voice still sounded like pure velvet and you couldn’t deny the electricity from feeling his lips on your skin again.
Your mouth suddenly became dry as you stared back at the man that once or still held your heart. Snapping out of your trance, you decided to respond, “I could say the same, Mr. Drysdale. Case couldn’t stop talking about you.”
He never broke eye contact with you as he spoke, “Well I am always on the tongue in more ways than one,” he smirked again knowing just what to say.
Smug bastard
With all the formalities out of the way, everyone took their seats. If seeing Ransom wasn’t enough, he had to sit right next to you. He threw you a smug look, his cologne lingering under your nose as he turned to Case who began having a conversation with him.
During the talk, Case decided to go to the bathroom, leaving both of you sitting at the table. Ransom felt like he just won the lottery and he was definitely going to make the best of it. He knew he had to get you back and that was exactly what he was going to do.
Ransom turns to you when you both are now alone, “That’s who you decided to be with? Why you with that asshat anyway?”
You shot him a look of disbelief as if he didn’t know or was too oblivious to the fact, “Well I wouldn’t be with him if you know, you would have taken us seriously. Instead, you wanted to fuck everything walking,” crossing your arms as his jaw clenched. It was no secret that he missed you. He wondered where he would be if he would have just been all about you. But young Ransom was a whore who cared only about himself.
But seeing the only girl that had his heart with someone else was just something he didn’t agree with, “Still doesn’t answer my question kitten,” that name. That fucking name. He knew what that name did to you and you let out a low whimper, hoping he didn’t hear it. But he definitely did because as soon as it was heard, he placed his finger under your chin, “Looks like some things don’t change. Still my kitten, baby?”
How bad you wanted to say “yes” was on the tip of your tongue. He was looking damn good and the ache in your core made you want him to ruin you. But the hurt in you wouldn’t let that happen. Moving slowly away from him, you dropped your head a little, “I would have been whatever you wanted me to be,” you didn’t expect all the hurt to come rushing back. But Ransom treated you as if he could have better. So, why on earth would he want you now?
“You still can be kitten, dump this fuck wad.” He placed his large calloused hand on the exposed skin of your thigh, rubbing small circles in one spot.
His touch, any touch really was something that you missed. Case hasn’t touched or even been affectionate with you in months. To have Ransom touching you was becoming more than you could bear. You tried to move his hand but you were no match for his strength, “Ransom, let go!” you spoke through clenched teeth.
Inching higher up, he dipped his hand under your dress, placing his lips to the shell of your ear, “Let’s play a game kitten,” he breathed as he pressed his lips to the spot behind your ear. He still knew your spots and it was maddening, “If my pussy isn’t soaked, then I’ll move. If she is, daddy isn’t moving any damn where.” Before you could retort, Case was coming back to the table, smiling at the both of you.
He sat down, fixing his suit jacket one more time, “I see you two are getting acquainted! Anything I missed?” He said raising his hand to signal the waiter to the table.
Ransom chuckled deeply, sliding his hands further up your dress, “Just getting to know your beautiful girlfriend over here. Quite the smart girl you have here,” But he knew you better than Case ever would. He knew you weren’t getting properly fucked let alone having orgasms. He could just tell by how responsive you’ve been without him even touching you.
Case beamed at the impression that you were giving Ransom. If only he really knew what was going on, “She’s amazing,” it took everything in you not to roll your eyes. That fucker didn’t know a damn thing and barely paid attention to you. As the waitress came to the table, you felt Ransom prod at your clothed mound, his fingers tracing over the wet material. Your body had betrayed you and he looked at you like he just won the grand prize.
You all had ordered drinks as Ransom rubbed soft circles on the soft fabric. He hated panties and would make sure you never wore them in college. He would soon rectify that after Case was out of the picture.
He pushed the soaked material to the side, playing with your exposed skin as you tried your hardest to sip your drink. Extracting his hand slightly, he tapped your inner thigh two times making you spread your legs wider. He slid back to your exposed lips, rubbing his fingers over your folds as you let out an inaudible sigh.
The conversation was taking way, ransom mindlessly playing with the wetness leaking from your aching hole. He was teasing you to no end and you were growing needier by the second. You wanted to feel him knuckle deep and all he wanted to do was toy with you.
You were barely paying attention to the conversation when you felt your entrance stretch and suck in his thick digit, inviting him back home. He stilled his finger inside of you, relishing in the warmth and wetness of you. He raised the cold glass to his lips and you clenched around him at the same time he took a sip.
He choked a little bit on the cold liquid as a small smirk formed on your lips. Case looked at him in concern, “You okay Mr. Drysdale?” Pressing into your seat, your hips rolled slowly letting his finger slide in deeper.
Ransom waved Case off to ease his worry, “All good, just the drink went down the wrong,” he pushed a second in your tight canal, you gripping your napkin tightly at the added intrusion, “pipe. Now where were we?” He wanted to let you know that he could play your game better than you and he always won.
He began to slide his fingers in and out of your sopping wet hole, sliding in deeper with each stroke. You tried keep a straight face through him playing your body like his favorite instrument and you were doing good until… He found the right spot. Only he knew how to find it and once he did. Oh, you were fucked. Curling his fingers at the spongy surface, he rubbed over that spot over and over, the heat dissipating all over your body as you tried your best to keep calm.
But your juices leaking over his fingers caused him to piston his fingers in with not give and he was taking all the advantage of it. You tried to clench your thighs, but he shot you an inconspicuous look that urged you not to fuck with him. Rocking secretly against his fingers, you could see him smirking while listening to whatever the fuck Case was talking about.
You grabbed your drink, bringing it back to your lips, preparing to take a sip when Ransom pressed his thumb to your overly sensitive clit, pressing into the center, “Oh fuck…” They both shot a look at you, amusement in Ransom’s face as Case was full of annoyance.
He looked at you like you just embarrassed him and you had to make a quick excuse, “I’m… so sorry. Babe this drink is so good.” Case clenched his fist still staring at you as Ransom let out a small chuckle.
“This place does have the best drinks. I’ve caught myself saying Oh fuck once or twice,” he said, strumming his thumb over your bundle of nerves, you downed the entire drink as Case resumed back to the conversation, looking completely ticked off. You bucked against the sensation making him withdraw from you as you already missed clenching around him. Squeezing your thigh tightly to stop your movements, he dove back in with the same movements.
Pulling your lip between the tightness of your teeth, you gripped the napkin once more, letting Ransom bring you closer to a well-deserved orgasm. Your juices leaking down his hand and you knew that this chair was about to be ruined. Your chest heaved up and down as his strokes and circles grew faster as you heard Case ask a question.
“So what do you think about that Mr. Drysdale?” Honestly, Ransom didn’t give a fuck about this conversation. The moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew he was going to take you home tonight and Case was far from his worries. He doubled down on his strokes as he drew quick circles, feeling you flutter around his fingers. He knew his kitten’s body after all this time and it was time to give her exactly what she needed.
Ransom placed the hand that hovered over the top of his lip on the table as he smirked deviously at Case, “Well, I only have one thing to say really,” he looked him dead in his eyes as the next words sent you over to an earth-shattering release, “Come kitten,” The tightness in your core finally snapped and you threw your head back as a silent cry erupted from your lips as you soaked His fingers and the seat beneath you.
He never stopped moving as your walls fluttered and clenched his thick digits, coating them in spurting cream. Case looked over at your blissfully fucked out face, then back and Ransom in complete shock. Ransom kept that same smirk, still staring at Case, “Good girl…” You began to come down from your high and before Case could say anything, the waitress showed up.
She smiled at the group as she placed the empty glasses on her tray, “Would you all like entrees or desserts?” Ransom pulled his fingers from your tight hole, not wanting to let him go as he withdrew with an audible squelching pop.
He put his fingers in the light as your creamy juices glistened against his skin, “Actually, I have my dessert right here,” darting his tongue out he slowly lick your sweet nectar from his fingers, placing them in his mouth to suck the rest completely off. Moaning at your taste, he pulled them from his mouth, directing his gaze to yours.
“Just as sweet as I remember kitten,”
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cxhleel108 · 2 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: OAKELY SAVE ME!!!
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• Girl…
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• Yeah you CLEARLY do!
• “Moangate” is crazy😭
• Outfit time uno!
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• I don’t understand what the vision was here.
• Luna obviously me and Bea have gotten close cuz she’s not annoying??? You the only bitch here I don’t like!
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• Girl he just poured his heart out to you was this necessary😭😭😭 (It was)
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• Gag her.
• Having the “Mr. & Mrs. Challenge” during Casa Amor is so….chile ok.
• Outfit time dos!
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• Ok y’all had me scared with whatever that bikini was but this is cute!
• Oh I need that black top Bea’s wearing right fucking now!
• I don’t want everyone to think Shawn’s my man now but I’m also not finna play stupid as if I don’t know the answer to all these questions. See the problem they’ve caused me?
• Claudia being an RnB girl oh exactly mother!
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• Get his nasty ass Bea!
• I’m crying Max did all that work just for Luna to pick another nigga my god she’s such a shrew.
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• Well I think the fact that I don’t fucking care helps!
• Oh my god I don’t want any of you niggas LEAVE ME ALOOOONEEEE!!!!
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• “Which boy are you most into?” Where is the “No” option?
• Outfit time tres!
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• This is so cute if only bae could see me in it💔
• Oh so NOW Luna is sorry for everything? She so lucky I’m a nice person🙄🙄🙄
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• Wow…that’s never been done before!
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• Imagine doing all this just for the girl to be like “Lol Imma still sleep alone tho, good night!”😭😭😭
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• We…we just…we just did that????????
• Claudia asking me which boy I’m most compatible with as if she don’t know the answer stop fucking playing with me.
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• Mind you I already had all of that in Oakley before they started trying to fuck with me.
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• Anyone with half a brain could see that…like what?
• Can we just do all that stick or twist shit now like FUCK I’m over it!
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donutloverxo · 3 years
How big do you think Steve is....? 👀☕
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
I've got like a lot of feelings and thots about this but I'll just summarize them with this... smut, Steve has bde and a big🍆🍆, cumplay, this is like really filthy.
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"Yes... um, Captain," Stacey bit her lip, she couldn't help herself. She knew she shouldn't be checking out her friends man but she was sure you'd forgive her. This was Captain freaking America. It would be an injustice to not appreciate his beauty. "What brings you to our little corner today?"
"Um... I'm here to see L/N," blushing a deep shade of pink and rubbing the back of his neck. The bouquet of lillies in his hand, and one of chocolates in another only making him stand out more so.
Stacy chuckled at his misery. "You call her by her last name? Hm... I actually think she'd like it better if it was the other way around."
Steve quirked a brow because he didn't understand what she meant by that. Smiling when he saw you return to your seat. "What're you doing here?" with a sweet smile on your face. Leaning up on your tippy toes to give him a small peck on his lips. "It's a nice surprise."
"Just wanted to give you these," he said as he handed the flowers and the chocolates over to you, "And to ask you to maybe have dinner at my place tonight?"
You giggled as you opened the lid of the box, mouth watering at the variety of sweets to select from, "Stevie, we're in a relationship now. You don't have to ask me out every single time." As you plopped a mint one in your mouth.
"It still feels nice to," He said before kissing you goodbye to return to his floor.
You offered some of your chocolates to Stacey, who seemed to be giving you the side eye for some reason.
"Is it true?" She asked.
"Is what true?"
"Does he have a fifteen inch long cock?"
Which made you choke on the coconut that was in your third chocolate. "What the hell?!"
"You gotta tell me. I promise I'll cover any of your shifts for you while you go on getaways with him to like Europe or something. I'll do your boring paper work. Alright, I understand you wanna keep his privacy," she nodded, bringing her hands together, "Just say when," She said as her palms started drifting apart.
"Stop that!" you swatted at her palms. "I don't know how big he is. We're taking it slow." You huffed. Going slow was his idea. He was old school in that way. You had no idea how you had resisted from climbing him like a tree for so many months.
"Listen, girl, it's just that he has major BDE. When he gives those speeches, and those clips of him fighting bad guys, you just know he has a big dick."
You did believe he had big dick energy as well. At a low moment you told him your supervisor was being an ass to you, even calling you a slut once for dating Captain America. You didn't want to burden him with your problems, which seemed to insignificant in front of his, and you didn't want him to do anything brash.
The very next day he paid your boss a visit. He didn't flaunt the fact that he was Captain America or a very powerful man. He didn't need to. He naturally had a very commanding presence. He just gave a long lecture to your boss on how to respect women, after which they never bothered you again.
You'd never admit this to Steve but you literally wanted to jump his bones them. He looked so fucking hot defending your honor like that. He was your knight in shining armor and you'd let him to anything to you.
Not to mention, you could see the outline of his probably long and thick dick in his jogging pants. That one unfortunate morning you agreed to go running with him. The only good thing that came out of it was that you got to oggle his ass and his dick.
You could feel his hands squeezing your breasts over your dress, you broke the kiss to take a look at him. Glassy eyes and cheeks flushed red, his chest heaving because you took his breath away.
"I wanna go all the way, Stevie." You demanded. "I've waited long enough for you."
"You know I could never say no to you, doll. I promise I'll make it worth your while."
Which he most definitely did. He must've spent like an hour between your legs, using his mouth and his fingers, worshipping evey inch of your body. You felt him rutting against the mattress but chose not to say anything.
"Wait, stop..." you pushed his head away, your pussy too sensitive after the third orgasm to be touch again as he pouted up at you. You sat up on your butt, "I wanna suck your cock," you said, making grabby hands for it.
"Um... you sure, doll? You don't have to," he was too shy to be naked in front of you. He still had his pants and underwear on. You were going to insist that he take it all off but you could barely handle a shirtless Steve, a completely naked one would probably turn your brain to mush.
"Yes I want it! Do you not want me?" your voice quivering just a little. You knew he wanted you, of course he did. But why can't he be vulnerable with you like you are with him?
"No no," he cupped your face, kissing your forehead, "Of course I want you. I want you more than anything else in the world. It's just that... I'm big. Before the serum it was pretty average and now... women get surprised a little."
"How big?" you sniffled.
"I guess you'll see," he said, pulling his briefs and his pants down at the same time.
You let out a loud gasp when you saw it. A literal monster cock. "Oh my god...." you breathed out, "I don't think that's gonna fit in me, Stevie.."
It was the biggest you've ever seen. Pink, long and thick, you could even make out a few veins on it, standing tall and proud against his hard abs, some blonde hair at the base of it. Pearly pre ejaculate oozing out of him, which made you salivate.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, angel," he stroked your hair, "That's for me to figure out. You just have to sit there and make good on your promise. Now come on, open up," he tapped his tip on your lips and you opened as wide as you could.
He wasn't even halfway in when he hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him. He softly fucked into your mouth, which some sucking and help from you. Holding onto your head lovingly as he spoke about how good you made him feel.
"You gonna swallow it for me?" he asked, to which you eagerly nodded.
'I wouldn't let a drop escape.' You wanted to say but it came out all jumbled since your mouth was stuffed full.
Finally you felt ropes of his spend hit the back of your throat. You were naive to think you'd swallow it all. You could barely get half of it no matter how hard you tried, most of it spilled out of your mouth and onto your chest.
He finally pulled out, looking at his girl so proudly, so eager to please him.
"I'm sorry," you said, as you tried to gather as much of his cummies off your body as you could. It tasted salty, the aftertaste being just a little bit sweet. You wondered if that was because of the serum too. "I promise I'll get it all next time. I'll be more prepared."
"'is not your fault, doll. There's... a lot of it."
"I like that though," you whined up at him as you licked your fingers, "I like it. It means you love me so much you made like tons of goodies for me."
He chuckled at that, pecking your lips, "I do love you a lot."
He made you lie back to make sure you were comfortable, wrapping your legs around his hips, "You tell me if it hurts okay, baby?" he asked to which you gave him a meek nod.
Bracing yourself for the pain. Despite how wet and ready and relaxed you were, it still hurt initially. But you asked him to keep going because you wanted to make him feel good and take all of him.
After a few moments you asked him to move.
"Your dick is so beautiful, Stevie." You beamed up at him.
"Not as beautiful as you, doll." He groaned as he pulled his hips back before rutting back into you.
"Nooo," you whined. This man needed to learn how to take a compliment! "No, your dick is so pretty. It's yours, and I'm in love with it."
"I'll promise you one thing, honey. You'll be the only one who gets to see it again from now on. It's for your eyes only now."
"Forever?" you pouted.
"Yes, forever."
You looked down at where both your sexes were joined together, "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, Captain," you said as you clenched around him, making him bite the crook of your neck.
"Did you just give my dick a petname?"
"Yes, do you like it?" you asked, hopefully.
Steve would rather have you call him Captain. But you seemed so excited, "Yes, of course. You can call it whatever you like, baby."
He was trying to pull out of you to come, of course you wouldn't have that so you pulled him closer to you by wrapping your legs around him.
"I'm good..." you rasped, "got an implant and everything." Which would protect you from having any super soldier babies. "Please come in me."
"How can I say no that," his thrusts became a little more rushed and erratic. You could feel his warm cum fill you up and then ooze out of you as he pulled out.
He tched as he looked at your swollen pussy, "That won't do..." he said as he tried to push his cum inside of you but it was too much for your small cute pussy.
"I've got plugs at my home we can use to keep it in..." you moaned, extra sensitive to his touch then. "Can I have some more of it, please?"
You asked as he scoped your combined juices up with his fingers before feeding it to you.
"Just for now, doll. Next time we'll try that plug idea of yours," he said as he made sure you thoroughly sucked his fingers clean.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where one of Pedro's characters goes to the club that domanatrix!reader works at, and begs to be her new client 😈💅
Okay so. I ran with this. If there's enough of a response then I'll make this into something bigger.
Hope you all enjoy todays horny thots.
Pairing: Dave York x f-(soft/dom)!reader
Warnings: light humiliation, teasing, pussy eating, dirty talk, established sub/dom relationship.
Smut under the cut
He was leaking onto himself. Fat pearly beads of precum as he knelt there at your feet.
“Please?” He was looking up at you on your plush chair in the low light of the room, eyes glassy and lust-blown; patient.
“Why should I let you? You don’t deserve it.” Your tone was scathing, your face a mask of disgust.
“Please, I want it so bad. I want to see, taste it.” He was looking at your thighs, his tongue running over his bottom lip at the thought that after so long, you might finally let him.
“Tell me what you want, use your words like a big boy.” You pulled his hair back slightly and he groaned deep in his belly, you saw his cock twitch and you let go, sitting back in the chair.
“Please, I want to see it. Please show me your pretty pussy.” He had a light sheen of sweat on his chest, his muscles straining as he held his arms behind his back. You gave him the barest hint of a smile as you sat there.
His name was David, that’s all you knew about him. He’d come in about a month ago and he was turning out to be your favourite client. He had been surprisingly clear about what he wanted from you, had been so eager for you to control him; tease and deny him.
“You think you deserve to see it? You’re disgusting.” You shoved his face away and he moaned, recovering quickly and getting back into position. His cock was bobbing in front of him, strings of his arousal leaking down - making your mouth water if you were honest with yourself. “You gonna cry big boy? Making my pussy dry just looking at you.” You grabbed his neck with your hand, ever mindful of the pressure. He moaned, staring at your mouth as you sneered at him.
“I’m sorry, I don’t deserve it, but I’m being good right? Aren’t I being good for you?” You licked at his lip slowly, giving him the chance to act out but he was on his best behaviour and didn’t take the bait.
“Hmm, yes you are baby boy, being so good. Maybe you do deserve to see it.” You smiled as you reached down to rub the thick head of his dick with the tip of your finger, the velvet skin of it slippery with his fluids. You cherished the way his brow furrowed, the way his mouth hung open in exquisite agony. You could see the way he was suspended in bliss, your touch simply wasn’t enough for him to cum. “Do you deserve to see it baby?” You asked him as you wrapped your palm loosely around just the head of him. He moaned, his breaths coming faster and faster. His eyes were shut tight, trying to stop himself and focus.
“Yes yes, I - fuck - I deserve it.” he gritted the words out and you stopped. He let out a breath of relief and you sat back, waiting until he looked back at you to lick him off your palm.
“Since you’ve been so good.” You pulled the short little sundress you wore up, so he could see your panties, they were wet and he bit his lip. “You’ve been so good, I think you deserve a good long look.” You stood up in front of him, your belly level with his face and pulled them down, shoving them into his mouth before sitting in front of him.
His eyes were closed and you could tell he was tasting you. You sat in the chair, and once his eyes were open you spread your legs draping one over the arm of the chair, and bracing the other against his chest. His gaze was focused on your pussy and you spread it open for him to see it all.
He groaned into the fabric in his mouth and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Isn’t it pretty? You can take my panties out of your mouth.” You lifted the end of the dress over your belly.
“Yes, it’s so fucking pretty, so wet - I wanna taste it - please let me. Please let me make you cum - I can make it so good for you.” He was leaning in as he spoke, trying to smell your arousal. You’d never let him touch you before but he was so handsome, and despite the claims of all the men who paid for your company - you believed it when he said he could make it good.
“Fine - come and lick it, but if you don’t make me cum you’ll never see it again.” You beckoned him closer and for a moment he thought it was a test, hesitating momentarily. “Don’t make me ask you again David.”
He wasted no time, he practically lunged at you - his big warm hands wrapping around your thighs as he kissed your belly. His nose skimming along your mound, nudging at your clit.
“Gonna make it so good - want you to cum all over my face.” He slid his hands under your ass to push you up into his face and he dove in like a starving man, drunk on your arousal. His tongue coaxing your slick out and he moaned as he brought it up to swirl against your clit.
He was good. He was really good and your hands came up to thread through his hair.
He sucked your clit into his mouth and he groaned with every drop of arousal that drooled out of you. You could feel the coil in your belly winding tighter and tighter, he was going to make you cum, and fast.
“Oh baby - yes, God David that’s really good, you’re doing so good, touch yourself.” You ground your hips into his face as he groaned, one of his hands dropping to fuck himself with it. Knowing he was so aroused, that he was going to cum while eating your cunt pushed you over the edge and you seized up. He sucked harder, pulling a scream out of you before you heard him, he groaned deep moaning into your pussy as he came all over himself.
You had to wear this dress more often.
tagging all of you because it's the suburban murder daddy
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @librariantothejedi @studythoreauly @missswriter @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @giizhkens-cedar @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @anaaaispunk @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @quica-quica-quica @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @mandosmistress @deadhumourist @felicisimor @tuskens-mando @no-droids-on-sunday @sophiefatale2495 @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @gothicxbarbie @tkolemba @localddreamer @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @ajeff855 @recklessworry @soltassbruxa @heyitmelexie @liviiii98 @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
i. Initiation
Stirring Sensations Masterlist
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2325
Warning: lots of really inapropro thots all because of that.fucking.chain.
A/N: I’ve had a really bad week and it only got worse last night and I almost had to go to the ER but crisis averted everyone and I’m about to fuck up this presentation but I needed to write this because wow we’re all so horny for this man and that chain he wore during the D23 Expo 2019. Also, this tiktok didn’t help. There might be a second, more NSFW part. Depends on if yall like this :)
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You couldn't stop staring at it. Lord knows you tried your hardest to be aware of the conversation going on but it was impossible.  It wasn't even anything special, just a shiny little chain, and yet you were absolutely hypnotized by the way it hung around his neck. Why you found it absolutely mesmerizing with that shirt you would never know but there was something about the way he carried himself around, especially today, that had you wishing you were bold enough to say something. But no, he was a friend. And he was kind enough to invite you to an after-party with his colleagues whom you still tried your hardest to act naturally around. 
But fucking hell this was hard. It kept on swinging around with every little movement he took, whether he was motioning dramatically with his hand as he explained something about one of the scenes or was simply leaning over and laughing over something Jon said. It was just...there. Taunting you. Begging for your attention. Any kind of attention. 
You kept on staring at it as you drank your wine, occasionally nodding along to pretend you weren’t imagining biting down on the chain and tasting his sweat on it as he fucked you into the mattress. It was getting difficult with every passing moment though, especially when he had to nudge you a few times to ask your opinion on something and furrowed his eyebrows when you apologized and told him to repeat his question. 
You thought you were being subtle enough but then Pedro leaned over and whispered something in your ear and you all but lost control, the sharp intake of breath making him lean away and ask if he’d done something wrong.
“N-no sorry I- god, I think I drank too much. I just need...some fresh air. Be back in a minute.” Pedro stared at you as he nodded, and you watched as his hand slipped under his shirt to scratch at his clavicle, the action forcing your eyes to the chain yet again. Before you could stop yourself, your tongue was peaking out and licking your lower lip, wishing it could lick across the shiny necklace if only for a second. Once you realized what you’d just done, you raised your eyes and met his, finding the usually umber brown eyes dilated and unforgiving in their gaze.
And then he mirrored your actions and licked his lips and you knew you needed to get away from him before you made a fool out of yourself. 
“Excuse me,” you smiled at everyone and walked to the balcony of the restaurant, finding a quiet and private spot in the corner overlooking the awfully busy street. Taking a deep breath, you shut your eyes and leaned against the wall, finally allowing your mind to give into the pathetically filthy thoughts involving Pedro’s fucking chain of all things. You thought of what it would feel like to pull on it as he kissed the air out of your lungs. Wished you could twirl it around your fingers as he licked and nipped down your neck before slipping his hands beneath your pants. Fuck, what you would give to just bite down on it, maybe lick it and his skin as he used you to get his cock off. Would he let you suck on his neck, that glorious fucking neck that was somehow always glistening and smooth and so fucking inciting? Would he moan when you tell him how sexy you found it, especially with that floral shirt? Goddamn that shirt. It was so loud and yet he pulled it off. And with those light brown pants that were positively tight and almost left nothing to the imagination...
But none of that compared to how captivating he looked with that chain. It was very rare for Pedro to look unattractive in whatever clothes his stylist picked out for him. Actually, that wasn’t true. Pedro never looked bad in anything, even if it was a worn down sweatshirt or jeans. He just always looked nice and you weren’t sure if it was because you’ve had these feelings for him for so long or if it was because he was an honest-to-god sex symbol. 
You rubbed at the base of your throat, thinking of worshiping him and kissing down his neck before he forced you down on your knees and fucked your face. And to hear that voice, that beautiful, deep, hoarse voice as he moaned and swore and growled at you as you pleasured him. What a sight he would be. 
When you took longer than he anticipated, Pedro excused himself and walked past the balcony doors, surveying the large open area and almost walking back in when he didn’t find you anywhere. But then he noticed you in the corner near the edge of the railing, tilting his head to the side when he saw how hard you were breathing. He approached you carefully, his eyes taking in the way you were rubbing at your neck and harshly you were biting down on your lower lip. 
So busy imagining the touch of his hand on your heated skin, you didn’t notice Pedro’s presence until he broke you from your haze with a concerned question.
“Are you okay?”
You jumped and grabbed at your chests when you heard Pedro, rolling your eyes when he started laughing and apologized before rubbing your arms to calm you down. 
“Jesus Christ you scared the fuck out of me. God, how many times did I tell you not to do that?” You gulped before turning to the railing, trying to calm your heart rate so he didn’t suspect anything.
“Not my fault you’re so jumpy.” You shook your head at his teasing comment, taking in a deep breath to try and forget what you were just thinking about before he interrupted you. “You were gone for a while...is everything okay? Did something happen and you don’t want to tell me?”
“W-what? No no nothing...nothing happened I promise. I just needed some air. It was getting a little intense back there. Sorry I’m just not used to being around so many, you know-” You trailed off and hoped Pedro wasn’t offended by your words because the last thing you wanted him to think was that he was bringing you to anxiety-inducing gatherings. 
Your smile faltered when you finally glanced at him, finding it near impossible to not shift your attention to the unbuttoned collar and the godforsaken inanimate object hanging around his neck. Pedro was taking in your changing expressions, trying his hardest to figure out what was going through your mind and hoping it mirrored what was going through his.
But he didn’t have to wonder for too long because all of a sudden, you were reaching up and pushing his shirt apart, and he felt his heart skip a beat when your fingers lightly trailed across the chain he was wearing. He didn’t dare to say anything, afraid you’d break out of whatever trance you were in. He hoped to whatever higher power existing out there that he wasn’t misreading the situation because he wasn’t sure how much more he needed to control himself. You continued to stare at him as you traced the outline of the cold metal, slipping your hand beneath it to touch his skin. Pedro shivered when one of your nails scratched at the hollow juncture just below his Adam’s apple and he all but lost it when feather-light touches skimmed over the cartilage moving down his throat. Your fingers descended down his throat again, and he ceased to breathe when you twirled his chain around your index finger before tilting your head to the side in interest. When you licked your lower lip and began to lean forward, Pedro couldn’t hold back anymore. 
“Fuck…” The growled expletive snapped you out of your haze and you snatched your hands away, about to start apologizing to him and begging him to pretend that you weren’t just pretty much assaulting the man in public.
Pedro regretted the way he responded to you when he saw sheer panic and fear etched on your beautiful features. He didn’t think of what he was doing as he pushed you further into the wall and cornered you between his arms. Pedro wanted to make sure you weren’t about to run away from him because now that he had you here, with a pretty good idea of what you were thinking of, he wasn’t about to let you go. 
You watched as his jaw muscles clenched tightly, unable to look away from his dark eyes as he stared down at you.
“I thought I was imagining things...the entire day. You’ve been...you kept on looking at me like...like you were- like I was-” Pedro gulped to try and contain his thoughts, not wanting to scare you by what he’s been thinking of when he caught you looking at him like you wanted to devour him. “Every time I looked at you, you would either look away or pretend you were talking to someone else. But fuck baby I didn’t think- didn’t think you’d ever...fuck. I can’t stop thinking about you sweetheart, and if I’d known that it would take me wearing this fucking chain...goddamn, I would have worn it a long time ago if it meant you’d look at me like you were imagining...that I- that we- Please...I- I...shit, are we on the same page here baby or am I completely misreading this entire situation?” Pedro stuttered through his admission and you weren’t sure if you found it cute or sexy that he was trying to hold back from telling you what he’s been thinking about. 
He wasn’t sure who leaned in first, and he couldn’t care less if he was being honest, because you were in his arms, devouring his lips and fisting your hands in his shirt as he snuck his tongue into your mouth and kissed you with every ounce of his being. You sighed into him as you felt his hand slip into your hair at the nape of your neck and pull on it. You were thankful that he had his other arm wrapped around you because you felt faint with every little moan he whispered into your mouth. Nothing could have prepared you for the intensity of his kiss. You would never tell him but watching his on-screen kisses did something to you and you always thought he would be generous with whoever he was with but this, this was something else. It was a cliché but this must have been what it felt like to watch a shooting star fly through the sky. It had to be. It was magical, intimate, and absolutely breathtaking. 
When Pedro pulled away and looked down at you, he couldn’t help but push himself flush against your heaving chest, once again swearing when he felt your shivering hands slip beneath his shirt and pull on the chain. He followed your lead and molded his lips with yours, this time more carefully and with less desperation. You smiled against him, and let out a deep breath when you felt him smile into the kiss. Pulling away from him, you rested your head on his chest and let go of his shirt, trailing your hands across his back to try and somehow pull him closer to you.
“I- I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” His voice was soft, exuding calmness and joy. But you could hear his heartbeat and you knew he was just as nervous as you.
“Me too.” 
Pedro grabbed your shoulders and pushed you away so he could take a look at you.
“This isn’t a- I’m not...I’m all in baby. I’m all in, if- if you want to give us a shot. Please.” Silence enveloped the air around you and you looked into Pedro’s eyes, finding nothing but love and hope and happiness in them. You’d always wanted to make him happy, he deserved the world. And now that you knew you could, it was indescribable. 
“I’m yours Pedro.” 
You smiled when you noticed the familiar dimples take over his expression, sighing in relief when he pulled you against him once more and tightened his hold on you.
“Let’s get out of here.” He grabbed your hand and moved towards the restaurant. 
“What? No wait Pedro this is your day. I’m not- we could figure this out after tonight. I’m not about to ruin your night. It can wait.” Your eyes widened in surprise when he stepped towards you and grabbed your cheeks so you could look at him.
“Baby...I waited to hear you say those words for too damn long. I need to have you all to myself tonight. Please. I’m- I’m begging here. They won’t mind I promise. I just- I want you in my arms. I want to touch you and kiss every inch of you and hold you until you get tired of me. I want to whisper sweet things in your ears and show you how much I lo- how much I care about you. I want you. And I can’t wait anymore. Please hermosa.” Pedro noticed the small gasp emanating from your lips at the last nickname, and he raised an eyebrow when you turned away from him to look at something else.
“Oh, good to know.” He laughed when you narrowed your eyes at him in annoyance.
“Come home with me hermosa. Please.” He knew he had your undivided attention when you looked up at him, barely holding back from smiling because you could never refuse anything when he used that tone with you. 
Pedro leaned in one last time and kissed your forehead before taking your hand and walking back inside. Well this was going to be interesting. 
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sukirichi · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing okay. So I just had a thot. And idk what to do with it. So Imma just put it here cause your blog is my new favourite. I'm not even joking. I literally devoured everything related to Tokyo Rev on your blog. So here's my theory. Do correct me if you think I'm wrong Sensei!
Bouten husbands and where they liked to be kissed the most/ or is their weakness. (Ps: it's just my opinion. I mean no offense to anyone.)
Mikey~ Kiss him on his shoulders and he'll cry. Cause he's been bearing all the burden of his dark and decaying world for so long that he doesn't even know that he needs to take a minute for himself and rely on others around him. Especially since most ppl around him are willing to give their life and limbs for Mikey. He just can't seem to keep that in mind. So you've taken it upon yourself to remind him frm time to time. Just a little peck on his strong and broad-ish shoulders to remind him that he's not alone. That if nothing, he has you. He always will.
Rindou~ Something about being kissed on his cheeks, especially by his lover, does things to him. Like his cardiovascular muscles do a little somersault in his chest or something. Because yes, it doesn't matter if he's one of the big, scary and irreplaceable executive of Bouten, he still has an unconscious inferiority complex. Sometimes it just skips his mind that despite everything, he too deserves the world. And every once in a while you need to remind him about it. That he doesn't have to be flashy and snarky like his brother. He just needs to be himself and that he is undeniably worthy of love.
Ran~ Not many people are taller than him, you are no exception. So it makes sense that in order to kiss him you need to be on your tippy toes. And still you're only able to reach his neck. So yeah, just kiss him there. Right on his Adam's apple and he's a goner. It doesn't even have to be sexual. Ran is always the one to take charge. It's kind of in his nature and you happily oblige him. But every now and then, you also need to remind him to take a breather That he can just let go and get dotted over for a change. You're more than happy to take care of him, that he needs to be taken care off.
Koko~ This man not only, brings in the big dough for Bouten, but also beats up people while at it. To say that he's always overworked is an understatement. His hands are always doing something, illegal things most of the time. He knows he's no saint. That there's no coming back into the light. He's painfully aware. But once e intertwine your hands together and kiss him on top of his knuckles, he swears that it's his redemption. You're the only light in his dark and dangerous world.
Kaku-chan~ Please. Just kiss this man on his forehead. Please. He's literally out there, ready to give his life for the things he wants to protect. He's always doing that. Protecting the people that have gone astray, who have no more hope left. He's ready to die for them, if it means they'll keep going. So please, just once, just protect him instead. Protect him from the demons he skillfully hided in his head. Protect him from the nightmares that torment him every night. Just protect him for a change. He needs it more than he's willing to admit.
Sanzu~ Okay. Hear me out. He's deranged and he knows it. He knows he's won't bat an eye before painfully torturing someone to death. Heck he'll even do it with a smile plastered on his face. He knows that he's stained in blood almost all the time.(sometimes his own, most of the other times, not his own). He'll even relish it. He knows that he's been tainted with burden of death. He knows that he lives in the shadows. He's not sane. He's not good. He's bad. He's ugly. You can tell that these awful thoughts keep him awake at night. So when they do and he has this almost painful look on his face. Just pull him close and kiss him on his face, over and over. Kiss his scars, kiss his lips, kiss his nose, his eyes. Just don't stop until he's got your point across. That yes, it's true that he's despicable. But you still love him nonetheless.
Ps: Sorry that was too long and kinds got out of hand. But these are just my "thots". Thank you for hearing me out!~ Thot anon
hi i’m doing okay, thanks for asking n i hope you are too !! also aaah i’m glad to know my blog is your new fave, i hope you enjoy more of my future tokrev content 🥺 ALSO YES ITS HEADCANON TIME LETS GO LETS GO
mikey n shoulder kisses 🥺 i hc that mikey is stiff and rigid all the time without knowing. like you said, he has a lot on his mind and draken even said mikey had a heavy ass cross to bear, so imagine the weight and burdens he has to shoulder 🥺 so if you lean into him for a hug then kiss his shoulders, mikey deflates. to him, its like a reminder he doesn’t have to carry it all by himself all the time and poor bb forgets that often
cheek kisses for rindou 🥺 the idea of this big, bad executive infamous for breaking limbs but is actually a sucker for cheek kisses and turns into a soft lil bean when you cup his face and just smother him with love n affection? bless. rindou probably unknowingly exerts too much effort sometimes to prove something - may it be his strength, his power, or how he’s perfectly capable of fighting by himself - he’ll have that voice at the back of his head that he needs to do something. giving him cheek kisses grounds him and elicits butterflies in his stomach bcos he realizes that, “oh, i don’t have to try so hard. silly me...now more cheek kisses, please.”
ran and neck kisses !! ON THE FLOOR RN, TELL ME MORE. but yes omg i also hc that ran is such a giver and grown up to look for others the way he does for rindou, so in his head, he’s kind of drilled it into himself that he has to be the one in the lead - not necessarily in a mikey way - but in a “he needs to take charge and take his responsibilities seriously” kind of thing. like mikey, ran is probably often deep in thought as well despite his teasing mannerisms, that when you kiss his neck he can’t help but soften. he enjoys being doted on. loves to be the one on the receiving side. has the sweetest smile on his face when he gets a lil ticklish and he just feels like he’s on cloud nine <33
knuckle kisses for koko 😫 everything you said was on point !! his hands are probably so tired from fighting and counting bills all day, not to mention the amount of paperwork he has to do bcos who else will do them ?? no one knows the inner system of koko and how it works as well as koko does, and he wants to do his job right. he gets a little too absorbed in his work, however, that koko gets a little confused when you take his hands away from whatever he’s working on to leave little kisses at the pads of his knuckles, maybe even massaging his hands or playing with his fingers to help him relax a bit. and you know how koko is so good at what he does bcos its all he knows, but at the same he probably hates how he treads on this dark path ?? so when you kiss his knuckles, he feels relieved. like everything will be okay and second chances are real n something he’s worthy of
omg now this is my favorite - kakucho + foreahead kisses. forehead kisses are always so intimate and soothing in a sense. like come here so you can kiss him on the forehead, watch the way his eyes flutter close and a smile tugs at his lips when your lips trail down to his scar, all the while your hands are cupping his face with such tenderness he never really knew of. kakucho is so used to being the tough guy with his rough childhood that it almost feels surreal. surreal that he’s in bed, with you, safe and sound and you’re kissing his forehead so comfortingly he doesn’t have to worry about putting his walls down for a second. he feels safe. he feels at home. but most of all, he knows he’s not alone and he has you - his family
kissing sanzu’s scars 🥺 everything you said was beautiful n i can totally see it happening !! as much as we all know sanzu takes great pleasure and finds entertainment in what he does, it sinks down a little too late. when he’s not high, that’s when he feels the lows. when the blood on his hands are dried, that’s when he realizes it gets harder to wash them off until it stains deep all the way into his soul. then his scars. he sees his scars and remembers how he has to hide them at some point. he stays awake at night and oddly enough, silent and unmoving. and what better way to ease his worries than to pull him close and just to kiss his scars that he thinks are only one of the ways the darkness - the ugliness - of his soul shows through. keep him close and kiss his scars. sanzu may not always be in the right mind to understand your words, but the simple gesture of showing love and acceptance to a part of him that makes him a whole will engrave deep into his heart. leave him butterfly kisses. kiss him from everywhere to his eyes until they flutter close to sleep. kiss his nose adoringly until they scrunch so cutely. kiss his lips until its your taste that overwhelms him. and kiss his scars to remind him his imperfections are accepted and loved
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absurdthirst · 3 years
You know what it is. This is another early in the relationship thot for Modern!Pero. Their first kiss. So sweetheart is relaxing for the night and is about to watch a movie she’s been itching to see. Pero is about to go to his room but she stops him and asks him to join her. He eventually agrees (he’s still grappling with his feelings for her) he sits down with her albeit a bit further than what either of them want. Sweetheart begins the movie but almost immediately pauses it, I’m sorry Pero I didn’t ask if you wanted a drink or snack! Did you want anything, I’ll grab it for you from the kitchen. He hesitantly asks for a soda and she smiles and makes a beeline for the fridge. Coming back she hands him the drink and sits down, noticeably closer and restarts the movie. The movie isn’t bad, Pero thinks, but it’s just not up is alley but he sees the intense focus on sweethearts face so he stays to watch. The next thing Pero knows he’s waking up with his head on her lap. Coming more into consciousness he feels her fingers running through his hair. He’s happy that’s he can’t see him blushing slightly. He sits up and sees that the movie is still going and he apologizes, I’m sorry hermosa, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you and through the movie that you were eager to watch. She gives him a sweet smile and tells him it’s no problem and she doesn’t mind. I actually like watching you sleep, you look so peaceful. Though that last part wasn’t meant to be out loud because she looks down bashfully. Pero’s heart does a strange little flip and the next thing he knows, he’s kissing her. It’s chaste, an exploratory kiss. But neither of them can help the butterflies that they have. After a handful of seconds they break apart and sweetheart says: Wow, that was nice. You’re…nice. And she gets another embarrassed look on her face for the lameness of the statement. Pero can only look at her in admiration and a little mirth and continues to kiss her if only to appease her embarrassment.
(I’m a addict for soft things like this!)
*** Part of The Client Series 
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The Sweetest Kiss
You were a strange client to figure out. Pero had never had one like you and there were thoughts that he never would again. No one was like you.
You were rich. Your home and the understated elegance in which you dressed and moved screamed trust fund, but your attitude was the thing that really puzzled him. You were kind and sweet to those that most rich people overlooked. You chatted with your landscaper over more than just roses, often asking him about his kids when you made him take a break during the hottest part of the day and brought out refreshments for him and the teenage kid he had brought with him.
The weekly grocery order that you insisted that you shop for yourself now included things that you knew Tovar liked. Him, the man who was supposed to be a background fixture. Instead you had managed to find out that he preferred plums over peaches and secretly loved a dash of cinnamon in his coffee. Brussel sprouts were a form of torture for him, but that he would probably sell his soul for perfectly grill asparagus.
He was used to being overlooked, ignored or just looked down on, but this - this rattled him. It rattled him because he still hadn’t fully accepted that he had started falling for a woman that was far beyond his reach. Even when you looked at him like he was the only man in the world or ducked your head when he couldn’t help but moan over the newest cookie you had baked. If you didn’t stop feeding him, he wasn’t going to be able to protect you, unless it was waddling in front of your body as a large shield. He was having to take you up on your offer of using the gym that was just a few doors down from his, every day.
Pero had just finished checking the doors and making sure that the security system was armed. The windows beyond the house were dark, the hour is late enough that he can retire to his room and try to figure out how to get a grip on himself. You were a client and you wouldn’t be interested in your bodyguard.
“Pero!” It always amazes him that you smile like you are happy to see him. Finding you in the living room in front of the tv was surprising. You look up and smile when you see him, motioning him over. “Come, sit, watch this movie with me!”
He could refuse, he should refuse. But the joy on your face at the prospect of him joining you is just too sweet to have fade away if he denies you. He nods, walking over and sitting awkwardly on the couch that made him want to groan at how comfortable it was. Most clients had furniture that was for slow, stiff and hard pieces that didn’t ease the ache in a back or make you want to take a nap. You didn’t. Your furniture was tasteful and comfortable at the same time, a perfect match for yourself.
“Oh!” His head snaps towards you as you spring up. “I’m so sorry Pero, what- I didn’t offer you anything.” His brow furrows, not understanding. “Do you want a drink? A snack for the movie?”
His heart thumps in his chest that you are just so kind and considerate. Unlike most who grew up in obvious wealth, you were humble. “A soda, please.” He offers, not really caring about the drink but he knows you won’t relax until you think he has what he wants.
A few minutes later, the movie is playing. His drink is in his hand and you are sitting much closer to him, abandoning your original spot to move over towards him. He tries to watch the movie, he really does, if only because you wanted to see it. He leans forward and sets his drink down on the coffee table, settling back into the cushions with a small grunt and tries to follow along.
It’s not a bad movie. He’s definitely seen worse, it’s just not his particular cup of tea. What is however, is the way you are totally engrossed in the storyline. He watches out of the corner of his eye as your emotions play over your beautiful face. It makes him smile while he relaxes even more, feeling more comfortable that he could last remember.
His eyes open, slowly and the fog of sleep makes him wonder where he is for a split second before he realizes he is in your lap. Mierda. Not only did he fall asleep while he was watching the movie with you, but he had somehow ended up with his head cradled by your thighs.
Not that you seemed to mind. Your fingers feel like combs in his hair, scratching through slowly before pulling out of his hair and starting at his brow to card through the strands again. If felt so good that he wishes you would never stop, even though he is flushed red with embarrassment.
He’s thankful for the darkness that hides his flushed face. Sitting up and glances back at the tv and sighs, the movie is still playing but it’s obvious he’s slept through most of it. “I’m sorry hermosa.” His voice is a little rougher with sleep. “I did not- falling asleep on you, you have my apologies.”
While he didn’t think you were angry, he couldn’t quite meet your eyes. It was unprofessional and didn’t help those errant thoughts of his that you had played with his hair while he had slept.
“Your movie, I’m so sorry I fell asleep during it.” He tries again, hoping that you weren’t insulted by his falling asleep.
“No- I, uh, it’s okay.” It makes him look at you, hearing you fluster. “I liked watching you sleep, you looked - uh, so relaxed.” He would chuckle at your embarrassment but he’s too busy moving.
His lips meet yours before he knows what he’s done. The soft, fruity taste of your lips, your favorite chapstick seeping into his mouth. It’s not aggressive like he has kissed others, how most prefer that he kiss them.
It’s gentle, softer than he’s ever even imagined that he was capable of being. His hands cup your cheeks, your hands on tops of his and your eyes fluttering behind closed lids. Even though it’s not anything more than a chaste pressing of your lips together, he can’t help the butterflies that are swimming in his stomach and making his entire body hum in delight.
He pulls back, inhaling softly and watching as your lips curve and your eyes open slowly. “That was...nice.” You whisper, as if speaking in a normal tone was beyond you at the moment. Wrapped up in the quiet, yet passionate moment. “You’re….nice.”
Pero could never say that he had been referred to as nice. He had never had someone look at him with the slight adoration he prays is not his imagination like you seem to be doing right now. Even as your cheeks start to burn in his hands, eyes widen slightly when you realize what you just said and embarrassment starts to flood your system.
He wants to chuckle at that. How cute and innocent you seem. Instead, he leans in again and kisses you, pecking your lips again again until your body relaxes, softens against him once more. Kissing away your embarrassment and reveling in the fact that you seemed to be enjoying kissing him and thought he was nice. Each one more confident than the last, he knows that the sweetest kiss was the first one.
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