#if they react positively to you having a shape ready to go their vibes are likely good
scatterpatter · 4 months
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Feeling normal again
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Okay so I was messing around on character AI. And I made a kinda hulking monster. Not sure if he's from the past or the future but I have some kind of a backstory
Long story short two minor gods of nature had a powerful son who's a demigod marries an elderly retired Valkyrie and they have a child. Said child is a shape-shifting dragon and she gets with a giant with powerful magic. This eventually leads to the rather laid back being of a monster who's known as 'The Living Apocalypse'
He's very VERY strong and clearly doesn't look like any human or demon not sure how jacked up his face would be. All I put down was 'Aphrodite hates looking at him' oh yeah I also had him being similar in personality to Shiva.
But what I'm trying to say is that I'm wondering how the Gods and the Einherjars would react to him?
Hello my dear, based on what you provided to me I will do my best! I’ll write it in second person to make it easier to read (and write for me).
-Thor- Adores your strength- he loves when you agree to spar with him as you’re the only one who can handle him. He just wishes you weren’t so laid back- he feels that you could do so much if you put your mind to it.
-Zeus- Finds it amusing that you’re so strong but so laid back- he knows for a fact that you’re easily one of the strongest beings in Valhalla, but he’s not worried that you’re going to try anything against his own position of power- you don’t seem the type to go after power like that.
-Poseidon- Finds you irritating- not so much you yourself, but your lazy attitude, you’re so powerful yet you refuse to do anything with that power. He doesn’t care what you look like- only that you’re powerful and yet you do nothing with it.
-Hercules- BRO!!! You and him are such good friends- you will spar with each other then go out drinking- having fun together and just being the best of friends. He respects your choices on what you do, or not do, with your strength as he knows that you’re a good person.
-Shiva- You guys are such good friends- you’re so similar in personality so that is what makes the two of you click so easily- you’re both insanely strong but you both would rather just dance and have fun. But on those rare occasions when you want to fight, Shiva’s always ready to help you burn off some energy.
-Buddha- Snack buddies! Buddha loves your vibe- despite being a demi-god, as you don’t act like other gods- you’re very chill and he enjoys that you piss others off by not using your strength the way others think you should.
-Hades- Hades is a blend of his brothers, he thinks that you should do more with your power and strength, but he does think it’s amusing that you’re so laid-back. Hades doesn’t really care what you do so long as you don’t cause him more paperwork.
-Beelzebub- He’s curious about you but keeps his distance, like he does with everyone else. He wants to study your strength and he also wants to learn why you don’t want to use your strength to it’s full potential- you’re curious and he wants to know more.
-Apollo- He adores you because you’re unapologetically you- you’re so open, not caring about your looks or your strength, as you’re happy the way you are, and he thinks that’s beautiful. He has managed to convince you to come to his spas and get pampered a few times, as he tells you that it’s healthy to pamper yourself occasionally.
-Ares- Just like Hercules this is your BRO! He learned long ago that despite having strength, you chose not to use it, just because you didn’t want to, and he learned that one doesn’t have to fight and be a warrior just because they have strength. Is one of the few people that can handle you in hand-to-hand combat and you always give him a good workout.
-Hermes- Finds you relaxing to be around, you’re very mellow and go with the flow and you try not to let anything get you down. You’re also very intelligent and able to hold deep conversations with Hermes, usually over tea. He doesn’t care what you look like but he will defend you if he feels others are being cruel to you.
-Aphrodite- Don’t come near her, don’t even look in her direction- she doesn’t want your eyes on her, you disgusting monster. You’re just like every other monster in Valhalla- a brute with uncontrollable strength. She refuses to get to know the real you.
-Odin- Like Poseidon he is irritated that you don’t use your strength and power to your advantage, to show others your strength. However, unlike Poseidon he is less vocal about his displeasure with it. He would just like to know what’s going on in your head.
-Loki- Loves to pull harmless pranks on you as you always take the pranks with a grin, complimenting him- it’s hard to find others that won’t try to beat him when he pulls pranks. Likes to use you as a shield when a prank goes bad, hiding behind you- you don’t mind, as you find it amusing.
-Lu Bu- Adores your strength- wants to fight you every single day to test his strength and grow his own. Is a little confused on why you don’t fight like he does, training everyday and challenging strong opponents- you have the power so why not use it?
-Adam- Kept his distance like he does with most gods, but has seen that you are a good person, as you have the strength to bring so many others harm and pain, but you choose not to- finding no joy in it and you prefer to relax and just enjoy the moment.
-Kojiro- You’re so honorable- using your strength on your own terms, not to harm others like he’s seen so many others do. He doesn’t try to convince you to go out and train with him as it’s your life- you’re free to do what you wish, but he won’t turn down a chance to spar with you on the rare occasion. Loves to go out drinking and eating with you- you’re always a riot to be around.
-Jack- You’re so bright- so full of life and joy. He’s not met many others like you, but he finds you warm to be around. You’re a good person and he does enjoy your company, but he is sometimes hesitant to be around you- like he doesn’t deserve to be around someone so bright. You’re more observant than you let on and you seek him out, asking him to spar with you. You’re a really nice person.
-Raiden- Best friends forever! You’re strong but laid back and love to just vibe and have fun? Him too!! He finds you to be a kindred spirit- you’re fun to hang out with and you can drink like a fish, and he finds it hysterical that you’re so strong and you piss so many off for not using it in a worthwhile manner. He loves it when you spar with him because you’re one of the few who can make him work for it.
-QSH- You’re powerful but you don’t use that power? Why? He’s stunned to learn that you don’t use your power to put yourself into a position of power- you use your power when you want to, as you were raised to use your power to never hurt other needlessly. Becomes quick friends with you and enjoys your laid-back vibe, although you feel kind of like a babysitter with him sometimes.
-Nikola- Can he study you?! He wants to know all about you and your power! How much can you lift? How fast are you? What can you do? What can’t you do?! He must know everything!
-Leonidas- You would have been the best Spartan if you would apply yourself- your strength is impressive and if your dedication and drive was similar then there would be no stopping you. He does respect your decision to not use your power on random whims just because you’re powerful.
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loveandmurders · 1 year
slasher with an female s/o who is an 80's aerobics gym teacher? just imagine how jealous they will be if a male student ask for a prívate class
Hello there! Thank you so much for this very original and funny request!
To match the era the best, I picked Michael, Jason and Bubba, I hope it's okay! Also it's the first time I write for Jason and Bubba so be indulgent with me :) <3
Hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings : Michael stalking you, mention of killing, mention of blood, morally grey reader (I mean... you are dating slashers and you know it), self conscious and insecure Jason, violent deaths, Bubba is called they/them, very excited Bubba.
Michael Myers
Michael really enjoyed how your body was shaped thanks to all the workout you did throughout the day. And even though he isn’t a really sexually active slasher, he still could appreciate the sight.
He also really liked to stalk you during your class. He loved how full of assurance and confidence you were, he loved how steady the sound of your voice was as you encouraged your students, and he adored seeing your body moving along with the music. You seemed so strong and agile.
More than once he thought you would be a perfect killer too, even if he would never let you know he had such ideas about you.
You were his sunshine and he didn’t mind that you preferred to stay out of his bloody business.
He started to stalk you even more when he noticed, one day, that one of your male students was often coming to you after the classes to ask you for advice. 
It seemed pretty innocent at first, but Michael was good at watching people and he hated the way the man seemed a little bit too close to you and the way he discreetly looked at you.
Michael could tell the man wanted something from you and he really didn’t like it at all.
You were his.
After this, Michael started to follow you all day and night until you would be back home. He would never let you out of his sight, except if he needed to kill someone in his path.
It was how he saw you, one evening, with that male student.
He frowned behind his mask as he noticed that you were alone with him. It was the first time it was happening and he had no idea what was going on.
One thing he knew for sure was that he hated this private class. 
He also had the impression that the man was badly positioning his body on purpose so you would need to come closer to correct his posture.
When the student pretended to lose his balance to fall at your feet and then grabbed your hand to stand up, with a little laugh, Michael thought he was trying to flirt with you or something like that. The man cracked a joke and you laughed as well.
It was too much for Michael who appeared in the room, and before you could react he grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and threw him on the ground, his knife ready to strike.
You reached for Michael’s arm, trying to stop him, before realising that your student would then understand that you knew Michael and that he was indeed still around, killing people.
Michael waited for you to let go of his arm to kill your student.
You pouted at all the blood on the ground. You were quite upset with Michael, clueless to why he did such a thing. You silently left to grab what to clean up the mess he did.
When you came back, Michael was gone but there was a little note put on the body.
“Mine” you read
Oh, so he killed out of jealousy.
You found this a little too hot for anyone’s own good.
Jason Voorhees
Jason was your #1 Fan. 
He loved to watch you working out or teaching some students as he was hiding away.
He found your energy and the positive vibes very attractive
You were such a bright woman, who had so much love and attention to give… You were perfect in his eyes, because you were good and innocent.
You were everything his mother would have approved too.
But that day he spotted you with just one student in your classroom… He was just unable to understand why you were alone with him.
He hated how the man was so pretty too.
He was everything that he wasn’t.
Jason never looked at himself in the mirror, and had a hard time removing the mask around you, even when you were sleeping, because he couldn’t believe you would find someone like him attractive enough.
It was difficult for him to think his emotions through.
But what he knew, in that moment, was that he hated that you were currently alone with a man you could enjoy having a relationship with.
He knew you explained to him  several times that you were a teacher, which meant you sometimes needed to touch your students to help them find the right position or to have private class with them to help them progress; this time it didn’t feel right for Jason.
He watched the two of you, and the way the man seemed doing so right: yeah, this guy really didn’t need a private class with you to progress.
Jason was a sweetie, really. Adorable and caring with you. He never felt anything remotely close to jealousy because he trusted you.
But this… He couldn't stand it.
He didn’t want to upset you though, so unlike Michael he didn’t interrupt your class to murder the man.
He actually waited outside, grabbed the man, tugged him to the forest and killed him by smashing a stone to his face, over and over again, until the man was a bloody unrecognisable mess. Jason stood over him and watched his work before getting rid of the body.
He felt better, calmer, now the man was dead because it meant he wouldn’t be able to seduce you away from him.
Jason came back home and waited for you, as if nothing had happened. When you arrived you greeted him and kissed him like usual. It appeased him to know that nothing had changed between the two of you.
But he wanted more, the soft murderous boy needed some more reassurance, so instead of letting you go upstairs for you to take a shower, he grabbed your wrist and brought you on his lap.
You were a little bit startled by that behaviour, as Jason was always very careful before touching you or starting some cuddle time. His mother taught him to respect people’s boundaries and consents.
You didn’t fully understand what was going on when Jason tightly hugged you against his chest, but you guessed he needed affection.
You cuddled on the couch with him and gently murmured sweet nothings to his ear until he let you go.
The next day, you discovered your student was reported missing and you started to connect the dots…
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba adored your aerobic classes!!
Actually whenever they could, they joined in! And they tried their best to follow your movement and to be a good student, because they also loved your praises very much!
But because they took a lot of space and didn’t really care about anyone else but you in the room, it was easier for you to deal with them in private class. And they enjoyed it even more; all your attention could be on them that way!
But they didn’t like it when you were having those private classes with other people, because it meant your attention was fully on someone else.
Bubba couldn’t articulate that they were feeling jealousy. They were just a big amount of love for you, like a giant teddy bear always all excited to see you. With the rest of the world that wasn’t their family, they were a murderous and violent person ready to slaughter anyone with their chainsaw.
It meant they couldn't stand seeing you alone with anyone else.
Bubba was a big baby, needing attention and praises, unlike their family ever truly gave them
So whenever you tried to have a private class with someone else, you always looked around the room with a little bit of apprehension.
You knew Bubba was going to appear at some point.
That day, you were with a male student, which somehow always made things worse in Bubba’s eyes. You weren’t too sure why. Probably because they were used to seeing you hang out with female friends, and not so much with male friends. 
And you could always explain to them that your students have a different kind of relationship with you.
Bubba couldn’t understand it.
Those people looked at you for a whole session and followed your orders so it meant they loved you like Bubba and their family did. Period.
You slowly calmed down as your class progressed, thinking that maybe Bubba was busy with killing people.
How wrong you were.
As you let your guard fully down, Bubba bursted into the room in his little gym outfit and with his chainsaw…
Your student cried out at the sight, and you were quick to come closer to him, trying to appease him by telling him that the chainsaw was just a toy, and not a real one.
(It clearly hadn’t been your greatest lie, but you panicked)
Bubba started to dance to the rhythm of the music you were playing for your class and they were really happy that the attention was on them again.
You were about to say something when they started the chainsaw on.
You jumped at the loud sound and your student fell on the ground, in pure fear.
You sighed to yourself and sat on the ground, watching Bubba doing their little dance while holding their chainsaw in the air.
You perfectly knew how it was going to end, so you just decided to wait patiently for the end.
The music ended, and the chainsaw met your male student’s face before he could even try to run away from the room.
You shook your head at Bubba “No, no, no, Bubba baby, you didn’t keep the rhythm till the end”
Bubba sadly whined at you.
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Building Thriving Communities in Of Life and Land via Early Access
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Of Life and Land in Early Access for the settlement-building strategy game on Linux and Windows PC. Thanks to the skilled folks at Kerzoven for bringing this amazing experience to life. Which is available now on Steam with 96% Positive reviews. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Of Life and Land, which just hit Steam Early Access for Linux and Windows PC. Which is already getting excellent reviews due to it's a charming addition to the realm of settlement-building strategy. Where every animal and plant has its role in the grand scheme of nature. Ready to expand and trade in different regions? Let’s see what makes this title stand out. This isn't just about constructing cities. As a leader, you're going into wild areas with the task of creating thriving communities. But it's not all about building and expanding. You’ve got to be mindful of the seasons, changing climates, and resources. All while keeping an eye on an ecosystem that’s alive and kicking. It’s about striking a balance between human progress and preserving the settings. Of Life and Land adds layers of depth and immersion to your game, yet due to evolve in Early Access. Now, let’s talk about multitasking. You're not just overseeing one settlement, but multiple. Each with its unique needs and characteristics. This ramps up the complexity, ensuring there's never a dull moment. Care for all living things is key here. Your citizens aren’t just static entities. They've got homes, jobs, and a diverse array of needs and ambitions. But it’s not just about the people. Animals are on the lookout for food, water, rest, and social interaction. And plants? They need the right conditions to thrive.
Of Life and Land | Steam Early Access Trailer
The balance with nature is crucial. Initially, human impact is minimal, but as your settlements grow, so does their footprint. You’ve got the power to shape this dynamic, with choices that can lead to species thriving or facing extinction. Observing this vibrant world unfold is a treat. Seasons and weather aren’t just cosmetic; they directly impact gameplay. Plants, humans, and animals all react to these environmental changes. Due to add a realistic twist to your strategic planning. And here's the best part, even in Early Access: you control the pace in Of Life and Land. Whether you want to pause and ponder, speed things up, or take it slow, it’s all in your hands. Nature's resilience and the evolving needs of your villagers ensure a dynamic progression. For those who like customization, there's a map and scenario editor. So you can shape landscapes, plant flora, introduce fauna, and even link maps to create new worlds, all extendable with mods. The game also supports 11 languages, features a unique simulation of nature, and requires managing resources across various maps and climates. The low poly art style adds a calm, charming vibe. Finally, as a small indie team, the developers have a few years ahead to deliver the full experience. But don’t worry, the essential features are already in place – from building and upgrading to managing resources and observing your community's intricate needs. So, Of Life and Land isn’t just another settlement-building strategy title on Steam Early Access. It's a thought-provoking journey into the harmony (or chaos) between civilization and nature. Also packed with depth, strategy, and a whole lot of heart. Along with support for Linux and Windows PC. All priced at $22.49 USD / £18.89 / 22,05€ with a 10% discount.
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kaaytea · 3 years
hello! i love your blog so much and it brings me so much comfort..ive been having a really rough go at it the last few months and i was wondering if you could write how the daiya boys would react to learning their so deals with mental health problems? or what theyd be like helping them during a breakdown or something? thank you so much ♡♡♡
Daiya boys helping an s/o during a break down
A/n: Hello dear! I can't tell you how happy it makes me knowing you find comfort from this blog (that was my main goal when I started it!) I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time, I'm sending a bunch of love, hugs, and good vibes your way! I hope these little hcs bring you some comfort, thank you for requesting and enjoy ♥️
Sawamura -> He's a bit familiar with these situations from his yips phase. Very quiet when comforting you, mostly out of fear that if he were his usual loud self it'd cause more harm than good. Handles you very gently and coaxes you into doing some breathing exercises with him to calm you down a bit. Afterwards he'll do whatever would make you most comfortable. Run you a bath? He's on it! Need some water? He's already in the kitchen! Just want to snuggle up with him? His arms are open and awaiting your hugs!
Furuya -> Very lost and worried the first time he sees you in this state. Unsure of what to do so he just follows his gut in that moment. Sits down besides you and rubs your back to let you know he's there, if you want him to hold you his arms are open in an instant. Afterwards he'd ask you if there were specific things you'd want him to do in the event that this happens again. Furuya wouldn't want to accidentally overstep your boundaries and make you feel worse so he compiles a little list of things you said would comfort you so he's prepared for next time.
Haruichi -> Haruichi would whisper encouraging words to you. He speaks in a very light, airy tone in hopes of calming you down a bit. If you're comfortable with it he pulls you to sit on his lap so you can hold on to each other; sometimes he even quietly hums songs his mom used to sing for him. Would rock you back and forth in his arms just praying that you know you're safe with him. Won't force you to talk but is always happy when you do so the both of you can work on finding healthy ways to diminish the frequency of your break downs.
Kanemaru -> Please he's sO worried. Kanemaru hates seeing you upset or in pain so he's doing anything to make you comfortable. Firmly Holds you to his chest and presses kisses to the side of your head. Quite literally won't leave your side the rest of the day.
Toujou -> Toujou does his best to make sure you're not feeling alone; he's wants you to know that he is present in the moment and is there to help in any way you need. He always finds a way to coax you into a conversation to distract you from the source of all your stress. If you don't want to talk he usually puts on some sort of background noise like rain water or a playlist of softer songs you enjoy.
Kuramochi -> Can tell right away when something is wrong and is on top of things the second he sees you start to tip over the edge. Mochi wouldn't want to overcrowd you and make you feel congested so he's sits across from you and draws little shapes on the palms of your hands. He tends to talk you through everything, reassuring you that you're safe and that he's here for you.
Miyuki -> So so so so gentle!! Yes he's normally emotionally detached and makes fun of you half the time, but if your hurting (whether it be mentally of physically) he won't leave your side until he's certain you're ok. Big believer in breathing techniques so he's always trying to get you to match your breathing with his. If you're ok with physical contact he usually pulls you into his side and let's you rest your head on his shoulder. Always listens to you if you want to talk about what's been getting you so worked up.
Kawakami -> Understands how torturous it seems when your own mind and body are against you. Has the gentlest smile on his face when he notices what's wrong. Of course it pains him to see you like this but it's not a feeling he focuses on. Instead, he puts all his energy into comforting you and your well-being. Would definitely make you both some tea and stick near you till you start to recover a bit. He's also really into aromatherapy (it's a method that works for him) so he has a lavender infused blanket ready if you want it. Very in touch with what comforts you. If you want him to talk to you so you have something to focus on, he will! If you need some form of physical comfort he's got a cozy spot on the couch perfect for snuggles!
Ryousuke -> Very calm and refuses to baby you (i.e. he's not gonna fluff it up and be all "Oh my poor baby! What's wrong, sweetheart?"🥺🥺) Lets you use his lap as a pillow and will run his finger through/over your hair. Not much for whispering sweet nothings but he will look you in the face and say something along the lines of: "I'm right here, ok? Just concentrate on calming down a bit." He's a wonderful listener if you ever want to talk about what's been going on, there's not a smidge of judgement on his end.
Tetsuya -> He's still very stoic on the outside but there's a noticable softness in his eyes. Does the thing where he runs his hands up and down your arms. Tetsu would most likely want to discuss everything. He might try to give you advice or little reminders to take time for yourself. He doesn't want you to think your facing everything alone, he wants you to feel comfortable sharing things with him. Would definitely be one of the rare times he gets a smidge sappy to let you know he loves you.
Jun -> Such a sweetheart! A bit hesitant the first time he sees you breaking down but immediately snaps into action. Scoops you up and brings you somewhere comfortable. Keeps telling you that you're ok and that nothing will hurt you. Presses a bunch of kisses to the top of your head and cheeks.
Chris -> Chris is naturally just a soft-spoken person so his demeanor doesn't change at all. His voice when he whispers is incredibly comforting to listen to; it's low and rumbly, man just exudes warmth. He won't belittle your stress or fears at all, he actively listens to you in hopes of finding some way to help. Gives really great hugs so if you're in need of affection you've literally won the jackpot with him.
Sanada -> Is somehow, even in this situation, able to keep the atmosphere generally calm. Would whisper sweet, reassuring words to you the entire time. Mans just wants you to feel valid, safe, and loved when with him. Another person who would let you sit on his lap or curl up to him on your own terms. Would offer you one of his hoodies if you wanted something you're able to curl up in. Sanada always tries to get you to smile or laugh once you've calmed down to lighten your mood a bit.
Raichi -> Similar to Furuya where he wouldn't really know what to do. Might be a bit shaken up because he hates not knowing how to help you. If you ask him for something (like some water or a hug) boy is ZOOMING to fullfil your request. Because he's not entirely sure what to do he just gently brings your hands up to cup his face and softly says: "(y/n)-chan, please don't be upset!" Might not be the most effective tactic but it's the first thing that popped into his mind. Would definitely offer to get you a snack after the whole ordeal. He might be a tiny bit clingy afterwards because he felt so useless :(
Mei -> Generally a childish person but Mei takes this very seriously; babes is not messing around when it comes to your health. Goes by your requests and will do anything you ask of him, not a single complaint leaves his mouth. You'll usually end up lying on his chest while he mindlessly traces shapes on your back. In this position you can listen to his heart beat which is surprisingly very soothing and steady. He tends to whisper about how much he loves you or about how important and special you are.
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nctsworld · 4 years
let me know
✩ mark x reader (ft. johnny) | pining | fluff | 1.5k 
→ summary: on the living room couch, mark thinks you’re asleep with your head on his lap and has a conversation with johnny. as you secretly listen, mark reveals he has been meaning to tell you something for a while now.  → warnings: dash of angst, reader jumps to conclusions → prompt: Person B falls asleep in Person A's lap and Person A has a conversation with someone else while stroking Person B's hair as if they were a sleeping cat.
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→ gif created by me, please don’t repost or share without credit!
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It’s a chill day. Just you, Mark, and Johnny hanging around the apartment, playing games, watching Netflix on the couch, and the like. During a rewatch marathon of one of your favourite tv shows, you start to feel your eyes and head get heavy. 
Right now, it’s only you and him on the couch with both of you on either end. He glances over and notices how you’re beginning to doze off.
“Can I rest on you?” you ask, despite how you are already making your way over to his side. Your best friend nods and holds an arm out, open and ready for you to fill in the space near him. His arm wraps around your body as you lay your head on his shoulder. Mark’s natural, sweet aroma fills your nose and reacts with your other senses, making you melt into his body more. However, the position isn’t the best for how sleepy you are.
You break away for a second, and, to Mark’s surprise, you relax your head upon his lap. 
“Are you comfortable like this?” Your question is soft, barely a whisper. He hasn’t answered yet, but you’re already closing your eyes and begin to draw invisible shapes on his thigh. 
“Y-yeah,” he stutters, watching the events unfolding with wide eyes. “Is this comfortable for you?”
Although you don’t manage to answer him, he knows the answer after a few moments as he feels your body become languid under his touch. A smile emerges across his face and he carefully places his hand on your head, rubbing his thumb gently and sending heartwarming vibes in hopes that you would sleep with pleasant dreams.    
And your sleep really is peaceful and sweet, perhaps due to Mark’s small touches and caresses throughout it all. The sleeping beauty awakens some time later, but you don’t move in Mark’s lap, continuing to rest with your eyes closed.   
From what you hear, the show isn’t playing anymore and is replaced by what you assume is one of Mark’s playlists playing faintly in the background. Your eyelids flicker, not wanting to open them fully, and see Mark scrolling on his phone. 
Suddenly, Johnny’s footsteps are present, causing you to immediately shut your eyes and continue your act. There’s a clinking of a glass on the table nearby. Mark says a quick thank you, followed by a small thud in the armchair adjacent to the couch. 
Johnny speaks up in a lower tone than usual, likely for your benefit, “You know, you could’ve gotten up and get the drink yourself.”
“You know I don’t want to disturb her.” 
You imagine Johnny rolling his eyes. Sips could be heard in the room above you and from the armchair, before the older of the two men chimes in again.     
“So,” his voice is gentle, more careful this time. “When are you going to tell her?” 
It takes so much from you to not react to the conversation. Nevertheless, you contain yourself, but with perked ears. What were they referring to? What could Mark possibly have to tell you? Both of you were thick as thieves and secrets weren’t an issue in your friendship. 
No words are exchanged for some time. Other than the music, the only thing you’re aware of is Mark petting your head and casually running a few fingers through your hair. 
“Soon,” you feel his body rock a little, and assume he’s nodding in response. “I’ve been figuring out the right time to say something.” 
“Dude, you just gotta go for it.” 
“I know. I just—what if it…” 
Another pause lingers in the air. Mark inhales sharply; his breathing becomes a little shaky. Beyond the mystery of what Mark wants to tell you, you also wonder why Mark’s hesitating so much. He’s not normally this unsure of himself, or anything really. 
“What if it ruins things for us?” he asks softly, with tinges of anxiety hanging from his words.
Mark can’t detect it, but your chest tightens in both sympathy over his concern for your relationship and fear of what Mark has to declare to you. The possibilities of what he has to confess run through your mind in a flash. You’re almost certain about what Mark is referring to, and it kills you to think he hasn’t told you since both of you are so close. 
Johnny counters Mark nonchalantly, “You won’t know until you do it. I’m surprised she hasn’t caught on yet.” 
“Is it that obvious?” 
Risking a chance, you peek at the lanky man in the armchair, who is raising an eyebrow in doubt. Mark sighs and his body rocks slightly once again.  
Your eyes are closed again and you exhale a small huff, processing what just occurred. You don’t know how to feel with this new information. Every touch from Mark ignites you in joy and bliss, like all the times he’s done so previously. 
Regardless, if your assumption is real and true, why is he so casual and open with you physically? All the touches, the hugs, the forehead touches... 
Your thoughts are spiraling the more you think, so you try your best to ignore them and indulge in the moment longer by attempting to sleep more. 
Undoubtedly, the sleep doesn’t last as long as before. Feeling distant and unsure of everything, you pull away from Mark hastily when you wake before he can say anything to you and you abruptly announce that you should get going.  
“You don’t want to stay for dinner?” Mark’s behind you when he inquires, yet you can see the confusion on his face from the inflection of his voice. You shake your head fervently and mumble barren excuses. 
He’s standing, silently watching you put your shoes on, until he decides to add, “Wait, actually, before you go, I need to tell you something—”
You cut him off with a wave of your hand, still not wanting to face him. “I know, I know. I heard you and Johnny talking.” Mark tenses and watches you continue to put on your other shoe in shock. 
“You have a girlfriend,” you state on his behalf prior to standing up to finally match his gaze. 
“I get it and I’m fine with it.” The lies roll off your tongue and don’t sit well with you, but you truly don’t want to ruin what you and Mark have. “It won’t ruin—” 
“Whoa, hold up,” now Mark’s the one who interjects, holding his hands out to stop you. His eyebrows furrow at your statement. “I don’t have a girlfriend.” 
You do the same, except with an addition of a tilt of your head. “Are you sure?” 
Mark chuckles, causing your guard to let down a little. “I think I’d know if I have a girlfriend or not.” 
Trying to study him, you’re looking for any signs of lying or joking on his face. Mark often joshes around with you, but he can only hold his wall of lies for so long. 
However, like he always did when you pressured him for dishonesty and Mark was expressing the truth, he pushed back with a flash of his genuine, saccharine smile. 
You cross your arms, then lean against the hallway wall. “Then, what is it?” 
In an instant, Mark’s composure is severed into broken pieces. He laughs awkwardly, prior to rubbing a hand against the back of his head and he ruffles his hair in the process. 
“Uh…” his filler drones on endlessly and you keep your gaze steady on him, waiting for him to say what he’s been meaning to inform you. 
“I, uh, like you. I guess.” 
That is not what you’re expecting. 
But it’s definitely better than hearing Mark has a girlfriend. 
“You guess?” you echo him with a small smile on your face.  
He clears his throat, deepens his voice, and holds his tone steady as he says it once more and deliberately makes an effort to stare back at you. 
“I like you.”  
The hallway lighting isn’t the best, yet how did his eyes seem to sparkle under it? 
You groan and place your face into the palm of your hands.  
“Are… Are you okay?” Mark comes a little closer to you and reaches out to comfort you. 
“I legit thought you were talking about having a girlfriend during that entire convo,” your voice is muffled as you embarrassingly say within your palms. You drag your hands down your face. 
Mark’s shaking his head and takes hold of the tips of your fingers in his after you drop your hands. 
“Why would I want anyone other than you?” 
You dart your face up to glance up at him. 
He nods earnestly.
Both of you at this moment are staring, smiling, and giggling all at once. You bite your lip when you begin to take off your shoes.   
“I guess I could stay for dinner.” 
“You guess?” Mark mocks your tone from moments ago. Playfully, you punch him in the arm with tingling cheeks. 
And with that response, Mark didn’t need to ask if you felt the same way about him. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | You’re Slim Thick [Request]
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Slim Thick:  The term describes a woman with “with big/toned thighs, plump booty, normal sized hips AND a flat/toned stomach
The fans loved you and everything that you did for them, a few of them had convinced you to turn your personal Instagram into a business account so that more people could find you. You were always promoting self-love and how to love yourself a lot as the boys and Jin helped you a lot with it since it was he and the boys that had helped you anyway.
"You alright?" Jin asked when he came in from the studio one night to see you scrolling through something on your phone, you were frowning at it but had a small smile on your lips.
"Someone made a fan account?" You laughed nervously and showed him the phone screen. Someone had created an entire Instagram page dedicated to you and your way of promoting self-love. There were video edits and image edits, and although you and Jin were together and had many photos together not a single one appeared on the account. The owner - whoever it was - claimed that this was a place just for you and your positivity, not that Jin wasn't positive but they wanted a place to express their love for everything you did for them and many other people alike.
"It's sweet, they're all sharing stories about how you've helped them grow and learn to love themselves." Jin continued reading through the stories and told you some of the ones that he saw. They really loved the way that you used your platforms in a positive way and how you were always kind to everyone that you met even in real life, fans came up to you and you were always calm to them.
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You were an Instagram influencer before you and Yoongi started dating but once it was announced that you were together your account got bigger and you were recognised more whenever you were Yoongi or alone.
"It's a small interview, you'll be okay." Yoongi said as you stood in the waiting area with him, you'd been asked to give a small interview after some Army and some of your fans had nominated for you an award. You'd won by a landslide but now you had to give an interview about why you had won and what your account was about.
"They love you, it'll be fine." He assured you, he took hold of your hand and reminded you why you'd been nominated in the first place. You’d been nominated for ‘Inspirational influencer of the year’ someone who had been a positive influence to those who follow them,
“Y/n?” You looked up and followed a lady into her office ready to do the interview.
When it came out online everyone loved it, complimenting you on everything that you had mentioned in the interview. You’d been questioned on everything you posted about, and why you posted them and you said there was too much negative in the world and everyone deserved to think positively about their body and everyone elses body.
“People come in all different shapes and sizes, not everyone is going to blend into one mould and everyone should be different. More power to you if you’re different, you’re unique and brilliant in your own special way.” Yoongi read out the last quote you’d given and you smiled at him as he came over and gave you a kiss on the cheek, reminding you of how proud he was of you.
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"No, look I'm telling you it wasn't her it was the one that was in the closet-" You stopped talking to Hoseok about the killer show you had started that morning when you saw a fan standing behind him.
"Hi." You said with a smile to her and she smiled back,
"Do you want me to take a photo of you together?" You offered but she shook her head and smiled,
"I wanted to talk to you...to thank you actually." You and Hoseok both looked taken back. Your relationship had been out for a year and you'd had a couple of fans come up and thank you for keeping Hoseok happy but this was different.
"I wanted to thank you for always putting out positive vibes for us, for all body types. You're always so nice with us and other people and you're so sweet." You smiled at her as she continued to list the things she was thankful to you for. Hoseok smirked from his seat as he watched her talking to you.
"You're always putting out realistic goals for everyone's body it's just a nice change to see that instead of all the other people that are too skinny for words, or try to put on unrealistic goals." You smiled at her and moved over so she could sit down next to you and ask you more questions because you could tell the conversation was far from being over.
"What work outs do you do?" You shrugged your shoulders and looked at Hoseok,
"Dancing with him mostly but sometimes I run or swim when I feel up to it." It was as though she was taking notes down in her head but she smiled and told you she was going to try them all out at some point.
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You made videos online for people to watch, you'd been doing it for years and continued to do it when you were dating Namjoon but the small following you had gathered had grown into a huge one since Army wanted to watch the person who made their idol happy but they were also learning a lot from you. They started to love you more for your than just because you were dating someone that they loved, you were always coming across as positive in the videos and you never used Namjoon to grow your own following. The only time he’d ever appeared in videos were in bloopers or the one time you did a dance practice together but they loved it. They also loved the fact that you were always trying to spread body positivity on your youtube account as well as all of your social media accounts, you’d noticed someone being hated on in your comment section and you went into the comments and defended them against people who were being mean. Army joined in and decided to help defend the girl that had been bullied on.
“You took it down in a positive way though, no one bullied them back.” Namjoon said that night, you’d curled up next to one another in bed and you told him you were worried it would reflect badly. But the girl who was being attacked didn’t deserve it.
“You did the right thing Jagi,” He wrapped his arm around you and kissed the top of your head.
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You were backstage in the changing room going through twitter when you found the thread about yourself, it was bizarre to you to find something like this. It was a thread dedicated to you and the way your body was shaped, focused on what you ate and what you did to maintain your figure. You read through it all before showing it to Jimin after his concert,
"They got some things wrong though, do I correct them?" You didn't want to piss anybody off by telling them they were wrong but you also didn't want people trying out the diet and workouts they'd put down that you did when you didn't.
"Yeah, if they're wrong you should make it right Jagi." He went off to shower after giving you a kiss on the head and you retweeted the thread telling them all of the corrections. Mentioning that you didn't have a specific diet type and just mentioned everything you ate on the daily basis and mentioning the actual workouts that you did. Instead of the harmful ones that had been listed that you had done.
“All good?” Jimin asked jumping over the back of the sofa and sitting down next to you, you handed him your phone proudly and smiled.
“They love you for this,” He chuckled reading through some of the comments that were thanking you for spreading light on everything that had been said in the thread and thanked you for being the way you were.
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You were doing a vlive with Taehyung, he’d invited you on to react to the newest music video and the new single that Army had been given earlier that day and it had started with you giving your first impressions and reactions but it had somehow turned into q&a session about you. Army asking you questions on your body type and how you managed to maintain it even when you were travelling a lot with Taehyung.
“I tend to work out in the gyms with him whenever he’s on tour and when we’re home I’ll normally just do some dance routines,” Then the questions started to flood in about what you ate and questioning you on advice for clothing styles that would best suit people of simuliar build.
“I tend to dress for me rather than everyone else, don’t let anyone put you in a box. If you want to wear something, wear it. Simple as that.” You giggled as more questions flooded in but you tried to keep the vlive on track of what was happening and what the vlive was originally about.
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You were sitting on your phone scrolling through your Instagram comments to try and reply to as many people as you could, you always tried to do this after posting something because a lot of ARMY would come to your comment section and ask for opinions on things, or question you on your body type and you didn't mind answering them.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked when he looked up at you, you had furrowed your eyebrows together and you were staring down at your phone.
"Nothing, I'm just trying to think of how to respond to something that someone asked." He moved to sit next to you and you showed him the question,
"Might be better to go live and talk about it." You nodded in agreement and opened up an Instagram live. Jungkook moved away from you again not wanting the entire thing to be about him being there.
"Hi guys, I'll wait for a couple of you to flood in and then I'll talk about the question that was left under my photo." You said with a smile trying not to come across as nervous, you'd never done anything like this before. The only time you'd been on a live video was with Jungkook and even then the focus was on him and not you and your body type.
"Okay so the question was ''How do I dress for our body type, we're the same way and I can't find anything that looks nice." You sighed and scratched the back of your neck.
"For me I tend to dress however I want, or in a way that makes me feel confident. Don't let anyone ever tell you what you can and can't wear, if you like it and the outfit makes you happy, wear it." You read through some of the comments that were moving quickly.
"You're always so positive about these things, how do you do it?" You smiled as you read it out and shrugged your shoulders.
"My whole life I was brought up being told what I did and didn't look good in, what people didn't want me to wear and in the end I decided that I would do whatever I wanted to do. Wear what I was confident in and not care what anybody else thought about it. It took me a long time before I finally got to that point but dress how you want is the answer to that." The live continued on for another hour until they ran out of questions and then you ended it, Jungkook coming over to you and hugging you from the side.
"You did good Jagiya," You hummed and closed your eyes resting your head on his shoulder and smiling about how lucky you were to have him.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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ambivalent-anarchy · 3 years
Body |Peter's Turn
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 -> here)
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: none (suspicions of cheating but no actual cheating lol just a lotta funny miscommunication)
Anon requested- can I get a one shot where the reader does the body positivity trend with the new megan thee stallion song and the reader is insecure about how ppl will react to it?? Most importantly how peter will react to it?? K thanks
A/N- Part 2 cuz I immediately knew what I wanted to do with this the second I got the ask. (Peter's turn)
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When Peter heard that you'd been nervous about showing him your video, he freaked.
He thought he'd done something wrong. That maybe he gave off weird vibes or that he'd said something before that made you think he wouldn't have liked it. Which definitely wasn't true. He liked everything you did.
Well, except that one time you got bangs. He didn't really like the bangs.
Anyway, Peter felt like he needed to show you that he was okay with it all. That he was down with anything you wanted to do or show him.
He looked in the mirror early that morning and decided.
Peter wanted to show what he had to offer.
He looked down at your TikTok "body" video on his phone. He could do something like that, right? He was completely clueless, but he could at least try his best.
He pulled out his phone and texted the one guy he knew could help him out.
PeterParkour🤟: i need u to teach me the lip bitey thingy
PrinceHarry👑: bro what
PrinceHarry👑: ???
PrinceHarry👑: what is that
PeterParkour🤟: like when u make yourself look all cool when u bite your lip
PrinceHarry👑: ...
PrinceHarry👑: oh
PrinceHarry👑: OH
PrinceHarry👑: 😂
PrinceHarry👑: lmao why do u wanna do that???
PeterParkour🤟: im trying to make a video for y/n
PrinceHarry👑: what kind of video 👀
PeterParkour🤟: NOT LIKE THAT
PeterParkour🤟: well actually
PeterParkour🤟: kinda like that
PeterParkour🤟: ill explain later which penthouse are u at tonight?
PrinceHarry👑: the one closest to ur apartment
PeterParkour🤟: ok ill come over
Now, on your end, school was kicking your ass.
You weren't failing, but the amount of make-up work you had was so far through the roof that you might as well be. And the teachers were hellbent on making it the hardest they could.
To put it short, you needed a break.
And the second MJ heard your tired, irritated voice over the phone, she was on her way over with chips, dip, popcorn, and movies. If there was anything to calm you down, it'd be a nice movie.
MJ had gone to your kitchen to make the popcorn and you were laying on your bed finishing up some homework, when you got a phone call from Harry. "Hello?"
"I didn't know you and Pete were sending nudes."
You paused. "What?"
He carried on in a nonchalant tone. "I mean, I never took you guys as the types to do that, but damn, you two really surprised me. Dude's really over here asking for tips and everything-"
You sat up in your bed, alert and highly confused. "Okay," you said, taking a deep breath" ....what, again, the fuck?" Harry continued to ramble but one sharp scolding tone stopped him. "Harry, shut up."
He paused on the other side of the phone and then suddenly his voice came back, extremely hesitant. "...wait, was I not supposed to say anything? Did I just fuck up?" He sighed. "Oops.."
"No, Harry tell me what the hell you're-" BEEP. You looked down and saw that he hung up.
Just then, MJ opened the door, hands full with freshly popped popcorn. "Okay, ready to get the movie started?" She walked to the bed when she noticed that you were practically frozen in your spot. "Um, [Y/N]?"
You looked up with glossy eyes and she immediately knew that something was wrong. "Dude, what happened?"
You frantically shrugged a bit, and then let out a shrill laugh, half confused and half preparing for the worst. "Peter's- um... apparently... sending nudes to...me....Harry... someone?"
Peter had finally made it to Harry's penthouse.
"So, nudes?," Harry chirped, very amused as he opened his door.
"What nudes?," Peter asked as he stepped into the living room. "What are you talking about?"
Harry paused. "Wait, what were you talking about?"
Peter only stared back in confusion, leaving Harry to pick through his own confusion fragments of information. He quizzically looked at him. "But-..the texts?"
"Oh!," Peter laughed, moving to sit on the couch. "No, I wanna make one of those thirst trap TikToks for [Y/N], that's all," he explained with a shrug and a bashful smile. "She made one for me, now I wanna repay the favor."
"Dude!," Harry hissed out. "You should've just said that!"
"Well, how about you just need to stop making assumptions," Peter said with a slight frown, not understanding why his friend was so wound up.
"Well, I had to since you kept being so vague!"
Peter rolled his eyes and started towards the refrigerator, if not to actually get something to drink, getting away from a crazed Harry for two seconds would be enough.
When he sat back down, Harry started to speak again. "So, what did you need me for?"
"Oh," Peter mumbled, shifting in his seat. "Well, you know how to do that sort of... stuff, right?"
"You mean looking like a fuckboy?," Harry snickered. "Yeah I'd say that's well within my reservoir."
Peter gave his typical bashful look. "So... teach me your fuckboy ways?"
Harry grinned. "Peter. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that."
You held your phone in your handle, looking at Peter's contact number hesitantly.
"Just text him," MJ said with an eyeroll.
"But what if it's nothing?! I don't wanna be the crazy girlfriend!"
"But what if it's something?," MJ added. "Cuz if you put it off now, and it actually ends up being something, you'll be even more miserable than you would be if you just found out now."
You took a long breath and nodded. "Okay then I'll text him."
"But if it is nothing, you'll look pretty stupid jumping to conclusions like that."
You sighed. "So, no?"
"But then if it's something-" she continued, getting deeper underneath your skin with each word. "-you'll look even more stupid because you could've found out sooner and you didn't."
Finally quieting down from her rambling, MJ noticed you glaring at her. You sighed.
"So...do I or do I not text him?"
"Oh nah, dude. I mean, I wouldn't. After all, I'm not saying that I think it's something," she said with a shrug. "I'm just saying on the off-chance that it is, you'd be in bad shape."
"Okay can we please stop playing devil's advocate with my life?!"
"You know I love watching you squirm [Y/N]." "Anyway, I'm sure Peter's not cheating. The boys were probably just doing something dumb and Harry just explained horribly."
You bit your lip. "You sure?"
She shrugged. "Pretty sure."
"Okay, now lower the camera just a little," Harry instructed. "You gotta show the v-line, but still leave enough for imagination."
Peter dropped his arm and his posture and shot Harry an incredulous glare. "Harry, if you focused this much in school I wouldn't have to tutor you."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just keep going."
This was the third picture taken and though it was out of his element, Peter strangely felt very confident with what he was doing. He never saw himself as ugly, but he certainly never saw himself as hot either. Not like Harry. But looking at himself now, with Harry's corny chain necklaces on and his hair scruffed up in a way he's not used to, he knew one thing for certain.
He looked good.
"Okay," Harry said. "Now the last one, actually needs to be some dumb picture someone took of you in your gallery."
Peter frowned. "Huh? But I'm on a roll here."
"Yeah but the whole point is that all of these pictures weren't supposed to be taken directly beforehand," he pointed out. "Since you're breaking that rule, you gotta throw in a cute dumb one to throw off your scent." He smirked. "Also, you gotta show the ladies and gents that you have a softer, funnier side."
Peter stared for a moment. "..why do you have this down to a science?"
"Says the science geek?," Harry retorted.
Peter spent the night at Harry's and they drove to school early in the morning. He was glad that it was Tuesday because your schedules made it so that you'd both have lunch together every other day.
"You sure she'll like it?," he asked Harry as they walked down the halls before lunch.
Harry rolled his eyes with a laugh. "You know, she asked me the exact same thing for you when she made her video?"
Peter nodded quietly, still feeling a bit down about you feeling bad about showing him that video. "Yeah, I know."
"Jesus," Harry laughed. "You insecure little dweebs are made for each other!"
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment..."
"As you should," Harry said with a shrug, as nonchalant as ever.
The two boys walked into the lunchroom and to the table they knew best. You and MJ were already there.
Peter could tell just by the look on your face that something was wrong. "Hey," he greeted cautiously. "Is everything okay?"
MJ glared at him and he looked to Harry, whose clueless face was not helping.
Finally, you looked up and sighed. "Pete, be honest. Are you cheating on me?"
You examined the utter shock and terror in his face. It didn't look fake. He looked saddened and scared as he began to ramble. "No no! I would never! What even made you think-!"
His eyes caught yours as you looked over towards Harry sittting next to him. Peter turned toward Harry and then looked back to you in confusion. "Wait, you think I cheated on you with HARRY?"
MJ bursts out laughing next you. "Jesus..."
Harry scoffed. "Well don't sound so excited Peter, jeez."
You let out a small chuckle but kept your eyes on Peter. "It's just... Harry called me and...said something about nudes and-"
Peter's face grew even more contorted with bafflement. "Nudes?!"
Harry hit his forehead, finally understanding what was happening. "Ooooooooh, me and my big mouth..."
All eyes turned towards him. "What, Harry?"
He sighed. "This is all just a big mix-up." Harry nudged Peter. "Just show her the thing dude."
"What thing?," MJ asked.
Peter fished through his pockets. "Okay," he mumbled, a bit shaken up by what happened. He took his phone out and handed it to you. "Here."
You looked up and saw Peter looking down at you, waiting for your reaction.
"So, this is what you were doing yesterday?"
He nodded.
You blew out a long breath of relief. "You're not cheating."
"God no, babe, I'd never cheat on you," he cooed, stepping over towards your seat. "I know you were really nervous when you showed me yours, and so... I thought I should repay the favor."
He didn't even have time to breathe before you were on him, wasting no time in bringing your lips to his. He kissed you back, mildly aware of the people in the lunchroom around the two of you, but he still didn't care.
Peter pulled away with a smitten smile until he noticed blood on his lip. He wiped it away with his hand and frowned when he realized it was not his own.
You almost asked what was wrong when you noticed him looking at you strangely, but MJ beat you to the punch.
"Dude, you have a bloody nose!"
You gasped, picking up a napkin from the table.
Harry laughed. "Did you really just get a horny nosebleed?"
"Horny nosebleed?," MJ snickered.
"That's not a thing," you scoffed. "...is it?"
"It actually is," Peter corrected, blushing profusely and rubbing his neck. "Just glad to know you thought the video was hot."
"It was really hot," you gushed.
Peter grinned and pulled you close. "Aww babe."
MJ rolled her eyes. "Okay lovebirds, get a room."
Lol I know this was pretty trash but I was just trying to get to sleep while I was finishing this
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings , @hey-its-grey , @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey , @tommyunderoos , @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky , @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse, @the-weird-bisexual, @kelieah
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tsukishumai · 3 years
OH WOAH congrats on 1.5k!! i’d like a matchup please!! five things that make me happy are:
(1) high-end hotels. i don’t even have to be staying at one or anything, i just love the aesthetics when i step inside one and i always associate them with being on vacation and the excitement that comes from traveling to an unfamiliar place
(2) coffee. i don’t drink the actual thing unless i need to stay up for school or something like that, but i absolutely love coffee-flavored stuff like ice cream, macarons, cake, candy, etc.
(3) going to museums, especially art museums! though i haven’t been able to go in quite a while given the pandemic rip
(4) the beach!! everything about the beach!! i love the breeze and the sky and the sea and the memories i associate with it all
(5) taking pictures!! i take pictures of whatever captures my interest or what i think looks pretty, and i often like to look back on old pictures of outings with friends or travels to places and stuff because of the nostalgia it evokes haha
thank you so much and once again, congrats!! OH and before i forget, i think one of my favorite works—i think it was also the first one i read by you?—is combo #2 with gyoza, i just loved the vibes it had!! gyoza sounds so good right now AHHH that’s an additional thing that makes me happy :}
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! omg combo #2 is honestly one of my favorites as well, fun fact it was just going to be combo #2 but i added 'with gyoza' because i, too, love gyoza hahaha
You quickly turn your head back to face Lev, and before you could react, you hear the unmistakable sound of a photo being take.
"Lev!" You whined, crossing your arms in a huff as he smiles at the picture he just took. "I wasn't ready!"
"So? Candid photos are much better. See," he positions the his phone screen for you to see. You curiously peek at the photo he took of you, horrified to find that your eyes looked crossed, and your mouth was making a weird shape.
"I'm going to make this your contact photo," he laughs as he keeps his phone out of your reach, holding it up high as you jumped in an effort to grab it from him, "Memories from our first date!"
"If you don't delete that photo, I'm gonna murder you!"
tsukishumai's 1.5k event! (closed)
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oreobunny1 · 3 years
Chapter 2: The Other Side of Hollywood
(AO3: Oreobunny1)
The sun shone brightly on the roof of the Molina household that morning. Julie and Carlos were at school, and Ray was on his way to work. The house was peaceful and empty.
Well, all except for the three teenage ghost himbos messing around in their garage.
“All I’m saying is they shouldn’t have killed off Han Solo and Luke Skywalker! It’s just too much.” Reggie exclaimed from the second floor of the huge garage, bouncing around as he got dressed for the day.
“I know,” Alex answered from beneath him. “And why was Luke on fat bird island anyway, shouldn’t he be doing more, y’know… Jediy things?”
“Pfffft-” Reggie laughed, “Fat bird island. Honestly though! He-”
His rant was interrupted by Luke banging on the garage door from outside.
“You guys are SLOW! Sloooooooowwwwwwww-” Luke whined. Reggie didn’t need to see Alex to know that he was rolling his eyes at their friend. Luke couldn't even talk. He had only teleported out there a second ago himself!
“We’ll be out in a minute!” Reggie yelled out to him. It wasn’t like they could be late. They didn’t even have tickets!
“ImPATIENT!” Alex gasped, mock-offended. Reggie snickered, and they heard muffled laughter from outside too, followed by Luke starting another round of “slooow...”.
Alex sighed and muttered, “If only our Luke was the one on that island, huh?” Reggie was just about dying of laughter at this point, but he tried to be as quiet as he could so their Luke couldn’t hear them.
Today, the local movie theater was showing a marathon of the new Star Wars trilogy. All of them were big Star Wars fans, and ever since seeing the premiere on the website they had been looking forward to this particular Wednesday. Reggie couldn’t sit still. He was so excited! They had been anticipating this for a week now, and he was looking forward to a fun, geeky day with his best friends. And, to top it all off, Julie and the Phantoms had a gig later that night! It was shaping up to be a pretty great day.
They were all a little bummed Julie couldn't come to the movies with them, but being alive and still having to go to school made her unavailable at the time. It’s fine though, they would be done with the movies before she got out of school anyway. They could all hang out then!
“But Finn and Poe though...” Alex started, moving into Reggie's view as he waited for him.
Reggie pulled on his flannel. “YES I love them already, I honestly can’t wait to watch these movies just because of the newer characters.” He had only heard spoilers for these movies, and he didn’t really like what he heard. But he was optimistic, especially about the new characters Julie had told them about.
“Okay. I’m ready!” he said finally after grabbing his bracelet, smiling as he prepared to jump down to Alex. “By the wa- WHAT?!”
Reggie yelped as he was suddenly pulled harshly away from where he sat on the ledge in the middle of his sentence. There was a bright flash before his eyes as he was unwillingly teleported… somewhere else.
His blood froze as another flash dropped him onto hard, cold ground. He didn’t move. He couldn’t see anything! Did I go blind or something?!
Don't panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panic.
The first thing he noticed was the cold. He drew his flannel tighter around him, but the frigid air seemed to go directly though it and he started shivering almost immediately. Reggie hadn't thought that, as a ghost, he would be able to feel pain, discomfort, or cold. But that was before they were all almost electrocuted out of existence. Yup. He could definitely feel cold.
The second thing he noticed was that he was, indeed, panicking.
His breath came in short gasps. He didn’t understand what was happening! Where was he? Why was he there? Neither Alex nor Luke had been close enough to touch him and teleport him, besides, they wouldn’t scare him like that! The only person(or ghost) he knew that could teleport people without touching them was Caleb Covington. The last person he wanted to see.
Reggie finally took a slow breath, counting to ten in his mind. That’s what Alex always did. It was fine. They would get out. We will get out. He looked at his new surroundings, or rather, tried to look. All he could “see” was darkness. It surrounded him.
“Alex? Luke?” He called, reaching out in the dark. Caleb had only ever teleported them altogether. He was positive that any second now, his hand would land on one of them, proving to him he wasn’t alone.
“Luke! Alex!”
“Okay s-stop it guys, this isn’t funny!” If they were trying to prank him or something, they were going to be in so much trouble.
“Guys?” Reggie whispered into the darkness. But silence was his only answer. His breathing picked up again. Where are they? I need them here!
He needed to find the light switch.
“Jeez, why is it so cold in h-here?” He thought out loud with chattering teeth as he found the icy wall with his hands. He traced his fingers along it, ignoring the dull pain. The cold made his fingers feel like they were slowly turning to ice.
“C’mon, where is it… Oh!” His hand found a switch of some kind and he immediately flipped it up. Light flooded through the small room and Reggie blinked furiously as his eyes adjusted.
The first thing he noticed was that Alex and Luke were not there. He was alone in a musty room. The walls were a faded yellowish color. Cracked frames held declining pictures of…old Hollywood stars? Oh no...
There was movement, and Reggie jumped, but it was only his reflection. There was a mirror and a worn wooden desk in one corner of the room. The mirror was old-fashioned, the ones with the large light bulbs around the sides of it. This is a dressing room.
Or was. Cobwebs covered the ceiling and the dusty crystal chandelier. Everything looked breakable, and the makeup on the desk looked like it hadn’t been used since he was alive. Yikes. Besides, the temperature in this “dressing room” had to be below freezing, definitely too cold for any alive human to stay in for a long period of time.
It was confirmed. This room failed the vibe check.
“Okaaay… Sorry c-creepy room! It’s been fun-” Not. He needed to get out of there and find his friends. Reggie picutured their studio in his mind, easily his favorite place and the main place they teleported to, and willed himself to appear there.
Instead, he ran into a wall.
“Ugh..” Reggie groaned. He was still there! He had only teleported to the other side of the dressing room! No. He tried again. Again. This has to work! It has to!
But he was trapped.
Before he had time to have a panic attack, there was a sudden pop from behind him. Reggie spun around. Maybe it’s Luke or Ale-
It wasn't.
“Good morning Reginald!”
“C-Caleb,” Reggie gasped, his worst fears confirmed.
This was the ghost that stalked his nightmares. This was the ghost who had tried to take everything away from him. Reggie immediately clutched his wrists. Caleb had never gone so far as direct physical aggression, it was always a stamp. As long as I keep my wrists completely covered, everything will be fine. He can’t hurt any of us if he can’t get a stamp on us.
Luke promised that he would never see him again. On a particularly bad day, when a stamp that was long gone felt like it was still there and the memories of a performance they would never be able to tell Julie about haunted all three of them, he had sworn that they would never go near that club again. That they would never have to face this villain again.
Yet there he was. There was no way Luke could have known. No way they could have prepared for this.
Caleb smiled his huge fake grin that now sent a shiver down his spine. “Reggie, why aren't you dressed? You have a show in ten minutes!”
He probably looked so dumb, standing there like a deer in headlights, but he didn't care. There was only one thing on his mind.
“W-where are Luke a-and Alex.” Reggie stammered, his teeth chattering as he tried to speak.
Caleb raised an eyebrow. “Why, in their own dressing rooms of course. They have to get ready too, you know.”
Reggie gave a small sigh of relief. At least they aren't being forced to perform. “We d-don’t want to join your b-band. Let us go.” He wasn’t in the mood for his usual jokes. Not without his friends.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Reginald.” Caleb replied simply.
What do you mean “I can’t do that”?! Of course you can! Reggie definitely wasn’t the one that got angry easily. He would much rather just joke around, be the fun one. Be cool in the moment, and deal with the consequences later. But Luke wasn’t there to take charge. Julie and Alex weren’t there, supporting him, bringing him comfort. He didn’t even know where his friends were! All he wanted was for them to be there so they could escape this situation! But he was facing Caleb alone. Everything about this situation was scaring him to death. The fear and anger came spilling out of him, and suddenly he was screaming.
“YES YOU CAN! Caleb, none of us will ever join your band! We already have one! Nothing you say or do will ever change that! Now LET US G-GO!”
Breathing heavily, Reggie glanced at the man with wide eyes, but his mouth was set in determination. He wasn’t sure how Caleb would react to that.
He didn’t look scared, as Reggie had silently hoped, or even surprised. He didn’t look mad either. He was just staring at him. Studying him, with a small smile on his face, as if he was but a clue to be cracked. An interesting equation to be solved. Reggie took another step backward. That was not what he had been expecting.
“Your costume is over there.” Caleb said happily, pointing at something shiny draped on the clothing rack as he turned and walked away from him. “See you on the stage!” He exclaimed.
Is he actually going to ignore everything I just said? Reggie opened his mouth defiantly and followed him, desperate to say whatever he needed to to get him and his friends out of this place. But the man kept talking...
“Oh, and I almost forgot-”
Caleb spun around and slapped him viciously across the face.
Reggie was thrown backward and hit the cold floor, hard. He froze in shock, a hand clutched to his cheek as his attacker towered over him.
He should have anticipated it. He should have at least flinched away when the hand came down on him, but he didn't! It had just been so long, so long since someone had hit him like that. So long since he had been in danger of being struck for speaking out of turn. So long since he didn’t have his friends to go to for protection. He had finally lost the reflex.
Sharp pain radiated from where he had been hit, and black spots clouded his vision. His eyes watered as he looked up at Caleb, his entire body trembling. He was terrified.
“Like my new stamp design? I just finished it!”
No, Reggie thought, his heart dropping inside his chest. No, no NO!
It was true. Keeping both eyes on Caleb he moved a shaking hand over his cheek. Sure enough, he could feel the raised outline of a dreaded stamp there. Caleb stalked towards him, his voice growing dangerous as he leaned closer. Reggie scrambled backward, trying to keep a few feet between himself and this monster.
“You will do exactly as I say, when I say it,” Caleb hissed, his smile growing wider. Distorted. Demented. “If you ever disrespect me like that ever again, I will show your friends the true meaning of pain. Would you like an example?”
Reggie didn’t even have time to answer. Caleb whipped something small and gold out of his suit pocket before clicking it.
Then Reggie knew only pain.
“Ahh!” He cried out, clutching his chest. He thought that nothing would ever be more painful than their final jolts on the night of the Orpheum performance, but boy, was he wrong. Reggie keeled over as every part of his body was electrocuted by a massive jolt from the stamp. The burning, excruciating pain lingered in his chest and cheek and tears sprang to his eyes.
Reggie had always handled physical pain the worst out of all his friends. The tears threatened to fall, just as they had on that fateful night when Julie found them in the garage, but Reggie quickly wiped his eyes.
He would never give Caleb the satisfaction of seeing him cry.
Caleb opened his mouth to say something, but instead his eyes fell to something on the ground in front of him. Reggie hesitantly followed his gaze.
My bracelet!
Reggie’s arm shot out, pain ignored as he snatched the little woven thing into his hands. He must have forgotten to put energy into it while he was reeling in pain.
I won’t let that happen again.
Last week, after watching the new Mandolorian episode with Julie, they were all bored. They followed her upstairs, where she went into her closet and got out this old case. She blew off the dust and inside… was a whole bunch of colored string! She patiently showed them how to weave simple bracelets. It was fairly easy. All they had to do was make sure they focused a little bit of energy into their hands, and they could hold the string! They sat there for a good hour, making bracelets and talking quietly.
As expected, the peace didn’t last long.
All he did was make fun of Alex’s knotted-up “bracelet”. Once! Before Reggie knew it, the various colors of the rainbow came flying at his head. Soon enough it was a free for all. They grabbed the bundles and chucked them at one another. There was string everywhere. They had a complete friendship-bracelet string war, laughing wildly as pillows and string flew through the air. At one point, him and Alex tackled Luke to the ground and held him there so Julie could braid string into his hair. In the end, each of them had string tangled in their hair, Julie’s room was absolutely trashed, and they were all exhausted. They crashed immediately afterward, covered with string and cuddled up on Julie’s bed.
Also, each of them had 4 or 5 woven bracelets that they made themselves. His were obviously the best, but Julie’s were pretty good too. They traded them around, and now they each had one from everyone else. They even had some for Willie and Flynn!
The one he picked to wear today was the one Jules made him, and in order for the ghosts to wear them they continually focused a tiny bit of energy to keep it on their wrists. It was so simple that he hardly ever thought about it.
Until now.
Caleb’s voice yanked him from his thoughts.
“Stings more than the worst of the other ones, doesn't it?” He gloated as Reggie coughed. If he wasn’t already dead, Reggie was sure he’d be coughing blood into his hands. But Caleb didn’t care. “Yes. And they will only get more painful. Unlike those other stamps, this-”
Caleb bent down and reached for Reggie’s face, but he was ready this time. He flinched so hard that he dodged Caleb’s hand altogether. Yes! The horrendous smile faltered and Reggie thought he just might leave him alone. Nope. The rough hand made contact a second time and Reggie’s chin was jerked upward.
“This will give you only a few more days to live!” The excitement in his voice was sickening.
“Reginald, the only escape from nonexistence is to join my band.” Caleb sobered. He had the nerve to look sympathetic. As if he wasn’t the one doing this to them.
“Never.” Reggie spat, the fury and pain fueling his confidence once again, if only for a moment. He shoved the hand away and struggled to his feet. There was a flash of something unusual in Caleb’s dark eyes. Surprise? Fear? It was gone as fast as it came.
If Caleb thought he was just going to give up that quickly, he had another thing coming. As long as his friends were in danger, Reggie Peters would fight.
“Hm. We’ll see.” He messed with the little gold device in his hands as Reggie sat there, still trying to catch his breath after the jolt, before suddenly barking orders. “Now get up! Get ready. And keep quiet. We wouldn't want Luke and Alex feeling like this now would we!”
No! Never! That was the absolute last thing he wanted. Reggie glared at him, some choice words ready to leave his mouth.
Another purple flash and Reggie doubled over, unable to speak. His clenched teeth were the only thing keeping him from screaming in agony. The bracelet, the bracelet, remember the bracelet!
“Would we?”
“N-no!” He choked out.
“That's better.” The button was slipped back into the pocket, and Caleb turned. He’s gonna teleport away!
“Wait!” Reggie blurted. He couldn't let this happen to his friends too. “D-don’t put a stamp on them. Please. Just don’t put a s-stamp on Luke or Alex.” He would do anything if it meant Alex and Luke didn’t have to go through this. They didn’t deserve that. Not that he thought he did, but he would much rather it be him than them. His bandmates, plus Julie now, meant everything to him. He could do this for them. He just hoped it would be enough for Caleb.
“That’s entirely up to you.” Caleb concluded, not even looking at him.“ I hope you will consider my offer.” With a flash he was gone, leaving Reggie alone in the small, freezing room, the threats and orders echoing in his head. Reggie waited before taking a breath. He’s gone.
Darn. We're so gonna miss those movies.
Reggie was certain of one thing. He was not going to put on that costume. Caleb could poof him into whatever atrocious, uncomfortable clothes he wanted, and he could pry the red flannel from Reggie’s cold, dead hands(literally).
He looked into the icy mirror at his already swelling face, the bold purple stamp standing out against his pale features. His immediate reaction was to claw at it, get it off his skin, but he knew it wouldn't do any good.
He tried to poof out approximately 7 more times before slumping against the desk, shivering and sore. The ground swayed under his feet, and his head pounded. He just sat down on the freezing ground. Reggie didn’t feel like he could do anything in 10 minutes, especially not be forced to perform. But no matter how much he hated it, he knew he didn’t have a choice.
Great. The tears were back. No. No crying. Not here. He shoved all his feelings of dread and fear away. He had to be confident, no matter how fake it was. He could not show weakness to Caleb. In his mind he heard Luke, telling him off for suppressing feelings again. “That will only make it worse Reg. You know that.” He did! But this time it was necessary. His friends could help him deal with the feelings later, once they got out.
He was going to work on an escape plan, he just needed a minute of rest first. He was so tired(yes, ghosts can get tired too). Just...one minute...
Reggie closed his eyes, imagining he was back in the garage, still joking around with his best friends. Pretending he still felt safe. Pretending, just for a second, that he was home.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Don’t say my name - Shawn Mendes
idea from @bakedmendes
so i might or might not have been a little tipsy when i wrote the second part of it and im not in the mood to read it back so this is all you get. enjoy (yes im still tipsy)
it’s a juicy fucking smut, just sayin
drabble list masterlist
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Standing in the shadow of the backstage you follow his bouncy figure on the stage, taking it by storm, making thousands of girls scream, somewhat different than the way he makes you scream in the bedroom.
The sight of him, soaking in his own sweat, skin so shiny and hair messed up, it’s making you cross your legs as you watch him, but there is one tiny detail that’s screwing the whole up. His shirt.
For some reason he has been experimenting with his fashion statements, wearing the weirdest stuff sometimes and somehow he always ended up owning them, but not today. The thin fabric is giving a nice view of what’s under, but the child-like print on it is just making you hate it endlessly, not really matching the vibe of his. You know he bought it because the money went for charity, but that doesn’t mean he must wear it. You begged for him to change into one of his usual tank tops, but as if he wanted to piss you off, he decided he would drop his regular outfit and wear the t-shirt on the stage as well.
The cocky grin on his face tells it all, how much he is enjoying your burning eyes on him when he leaves the stage that night. Leaning in for a kiss you turn your head, his lips ending up on your cheek.
“What? Is it still about the shirt?” he asks, already well-aware of the answer.
“I can’t believe you wore that on stage,” you growl at him, arms crossed on your chest as you head into his dressing room. He grabs a towel from somewhere, gently drying himself with it on the way.
“You can’t be hating it so much.”
“I can and I do.”
An amused chuckle leaves his mouth and leaning closer he makes sure only you can hear his voice.
“I’ll make you love it.”
You gulp hard, knowing him enough to figure out what that means and just his words are making you lose your mind.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” you peek at him, getting into his little game.
“Take it as you want, Honey.”
You patiently wait for him to shower and get ready to leave. His stage clothes are lying on the couch in the dressing room and you stare down at the ugly shirt, suddenly curious about what he has in mind that will make you change your mind about it.
Thoughts racing about the empty hotel room that’s waiting for you, you grab the shirt and tug it into your bag before someone shows up to pick the clothes up for washing. It’s still damp from his sweat, and you try to make yourself not think about how bad you want to sniff it to smell him.
When Shawn returns from his shower and his eyes wander to his stripped clothes he immediately notices the absence of the shirt. His dark eyes move over to you as you try your best to look as innocent as possible.
He doesn’t say anything, just gets dressed and taking your hand you head out. The car ride leaves you a wreck. The driver is playing some unknown music with killer bass that vibrates through your body. Shawn’s hand starts just on your thigh at the beginning, his long fingers stroking the inner side of them, but soon they move up, his pinky sliding under the silky fabric of your underwear. You can barely contain yourself and not moan even though he is hardly touching you.
You grab his hand and push it back to where it was at the beginning just for your own sake, before the driver notices what’s happening at the back, but it doesn’t sit well with Shawn. The look he gives you makes you shiver and you already know tonight will leave you sore.
Your knees are practically shaking from excitement as the two of you stand in the elevator, his tall, calm figure towering above you, eyes avoiding yours. You follow him down the hallway and once the door is closed behind you it starts.
“Take your clothes off,” he simply orders calmly as he throws his bag to the sofa. You kick your shoes off and start stripping while making your way to the bed. You watch him move around, grab something from the closet, but you don’t dare to question anything he does.
“Everything,” he warns you when you stop at your lingerie. Licking your lips you get rid of the lacy bra and matching panties, leaving you in nothing while he is still fully clothed.
He walks over to you, eyes burning as they roam your body up and down, making you wet instantly. He pulls his shirt off and unbuttons his jeans but doesn’t take those off just yet as you stand there, following his every move. Reaching into your bag he grabs the shirt from it, feeling the texture up between his fingers before his eyes flicker up to you. Your lips are parted as you wait for him to tell you what to do.
For now, he drops the shirt to the bed and turning back to you he gets rid of his jeans. The growing bulge on his boxers makes you lick your lips and when his own hand takes a grab on himself you suck your breath in.
“So you’ve been saying stuff about the way I looked today.”
He slowly starts walking around you, taking in every naked inch of your body, hand still gripping his erection through his boxers.
“You didn’t like my shirt?”
“No,” you simply say, knowing he doesn’t like it when you say too much.
“Too bad. I have to teach you a lesson now. I have to make you like my style.”
You almost say that you have nothing against his style, but you stop yourself just in time. His free hand touches your side, fingers gently sliding down to your waist, over your stomach and back up to your breasts. Taking one of them in his palm he squeezes it, making you moan under his touch. You want him to touch you everywhere he can reach, but his touch soon disappears leaving you aching for more.
“Put on the shirt,” he orders turning away from you as he walks over to the side of the bed.
While you put on the famous shirt he pulls down his boxers, his dick already hard for you.
“Lie down.”
Crawling op to the bed you lie down in the middle, patiently waiting without a word.
“Arms up above your head,” he gives the instruction and this is when you see the pair of tights in his hands. Leaning down, one knee on the mattress he starts to tie you up against the headboard while you watch him with parted lips. His face is close as he is working on your wrists, making sure it’s not too tight but strong enough to keep you from using your hands.
“Do you remember our word?” he asks looking into your eyes and you nod.
“Purple,” you say the safety word you two agreed on some time ago, though you haven’t had to use it yet.
Pecking your lips shortly he stands up, leaving you tied up, his shirt covering your upper body, but only until your hip bones since it has ridden up as you pulled your legs up a bit.
“You are not saying my name unless I tell you to, understood?”
You nod eagerly as you watch him get up on the bed, hands grabbing on your ankles as he spreads your legs, exposing you to his greedy, dark eyes. Slowly leaning down he licks his lips, your toes already curl at the thought of his tongue touching your heated, wet skin, but just when it is about to happen his eyes flicker up to you and the corner of his mouth curls up.
Climbing up above your body he grabs the hem of the shirt and pulls up, so it’s covering your head, blocking you from seeing anything. You whimper as his fingers touch your stomach.
“Now the shirt is all you are going to see while I make you cum,” he murmurs as you hear him getting back down, positioning himself between your legs, facing your naked pussy.
The fabric of the shirt is thin, you see shadows and shapes, but that damned drawing is staring right at you.
You’re eagerly waiting for something to happen, but as the seconds pass you don’t feel him touching you anywhere and it’s killing you, not knowing what’s happening. When you are about to question if he is still in the room his tongue connects with your clit, making you shiver immediately.
He shows no mercy on you. One finger sliding into you as his tongue and lips work on your clit, moving in circular motions while he starts pumping.
“Oh fuck,” you whisper to yourself and suddenly he stops.
“Swear as much as you want, but don’t say my name,” he warns you, lips brushing against your center and you can’t stop moving your legs at the feeling.
It doesn’t take too much time for him to add two more fingers, making you moan under the shirt, your eyes rolling back from the sensation.
It’s building up, your body is reacting fast to the way he curly his fingers inside you, hitting that bundle of nerves. Your whole body is about to explode, you can feel the orgasm almost reaching your senses when all of a sudden he pulls away, a choked gasp emitting from your throat.
Breathing feels like the hardest at the moment, your panting warming up the air around you and it’s trapped because of the shirt, making you sweat, your hair sticks to your neck messily. Pushing your heels into the mattress you move your legs up and down, somehow trying to keep up the elevated feeling in yourself, but it’s starting to fade. When your panting calms down slightly, that’s when his touch returns.
His hands push your legs to the side more. giving him more than enough space to make himself comfortable between them, grinding his hips to yours, making you gasp again.
“Fuck!” you whimper feeling his dick slide between your wet folds, the head pushing against your clit.
“So how do you feel about the shirt again?” he asks, his hips moving back and forth, making you want to beg for him to finally fuck you.
“I uhh-“ not able to make up a whole sentence you just whimper under his touch, his hand finding your breasts once more, massaging them, pinching your nipples and just casually making you lose your mind.
“You what? Tell me, how do you feel about the shirt, Y/N?”
When his mouth meets your breasts, sucking on the skin gently, probably leaving a nice hickey you know there’s no way you can answer any question.
“Please,” you beg, grinding your hips, trying to guide him into you, but there’s no use, he is in charge.
“Tell me you like the shirt and you get what you want,” he tells you, hands pushing your hips down, stopping you from moving.
“I love the fucking shirt!” you choke out, barely able to breathe properly.
“Good girl,” he growls before pushing his full length into you without any hesitation.
“Fuck!” you moan at the sensation as he fills you up so abruptly, your walls tightening around his cock. His name almost rolls down your tongue but you stop yourself just in time, obeying his order from earlier.
He doesn’t take it slow, picking up quite a fast pace from the beginning, pounding into you relentlessly.
Your hands curl into fists as you pull against the tights, trying to escape and touch him, but he made sure that can’t happen. Sweat is running down your neck, your eyes glued to the ugly print of the shirt, but the way you feel makes it all nonsense, that damned print is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen if you think about the sensation you feel while Shawn is fucking you hard.
His long fingers dig into your thighs, keeping you in place as he keeps slamming against you. Several moans escape your mouth and you are getting closer to your orgasm once again, his name painfully waiting on the tip of your tongue to finally be said.
“Don’t cum yet,” he tells you, but you need everything in you not to cum just from the way he talks to you. There’s something in the way he takes control, you can’t get enough of him.
Suddenly he pulls out, your body already missing the feeling of him inside you. His hands grip your hips and with one confident move he flips you over, pulling your ass up, legs spread on the mattress as you try to keep yourself up on your elbows. He holds your hips up, as he guides himself into you once again, slamming hard against your butt.
“Oh shit,” he growls as he keeps thrusting into you, making you moan over and over again. “Say my name,” he finally tells you and it burst out of you.
“Shawn! Shawn!” you keep moaning his name in the rhythm he is fucking you, hips meeting your ass every time.
“Cum for me,” he orders and you are already close to the edge, it doesn’t take too much for you to finally finish.
A few more thrusts and you are screaming his name as you ride your orgasm, knees shaking, toes curling at the breathtaking sensation. His hold tightens on you as he reaches his highest high as fell, your face pressed against the shirt, his smell burning into your nose from it.
A few more lazy thrusts later he pulls out, leaving you empty and a few moments later your hands are finally free again and he pulls the shirt off of you, letting you see his beautiful face again.
Leaning in he presses a long kiss to your lips as you run your fingers through your hair, skin still soaked with sweat.
“It wasn’t too much, right?” he asks, worried he might have hurt you, but it’s nothing like that. If it was too much you would have screamed the safety word but you had no intention in stopping him.
“Are you kidding me? I’m gonna criticize your shirts every day after this,” you grin at him making him chuckle.
“Come on, let’s take a shower and get you cleaned up.”
You can’t deny, your thighs sore as you move to get up from the bed, but it’s not a new feeling. You love it when he leaves you in a numbing pain after some wild sex, it feels great to give him the opportunity to live all his kinks out on you and be the person who he can be as free as he wants to.
Moving to the shower his soft sides make an appearance, washing you so gently as if you could break at anytime, and you just love how he can switch so fast, going from a dominant sex god to a literal puppy. You love him just the way he is. And now you kinda love that ugly ass shirt as well.
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magaprima · 4 years
Right now I’ve watched the trailer slowly, and screencapped for better looks, here are my thoughts. And some of them may be wishful thinking, but thinking hopefully is the only way I’ll get through this coming week until Part 3. 
We have Lucifer talking, saying “You know what must be done, Sabrina, claim the throne, save precious Greendale, your boyfriend...”
Now I would say it’s obvious Lucifer is tricking Sabrina into something but I also doubt Sabrina would fall for it, that even the writers would write that, considering the entirety of Part 1 and Part 2 was Sabrina wanting to ‘beat the devil’ and not wanting to sign her name, and refusing the crown and him, and teaming up everyone to defeat him. So I’m going to theorise that maybe Sabrina is pretending to hear him out, just like she pretended to submit to him at the coronation in the Part 2 finale. 
While he’s talking, when he says Claim the throne, we have a shot of Lilith, establishing that in the opening episode, at least, Lilith is indeed holding the throne. And looking like a boss ass bitch while doing it
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When he says Save previous Greendale we see mortals are now hanging out at the academy, so (as I did theorise at the end of Part 2 so yay me), there is no longer the same divide of witches and mortals due to their help in defeating Lucifer, keeping Hell closed and crowning Lilith. Look how causal they all are at the Academy. Maybe this is why Blackwood came smashing back into their lives
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When he says ‘your boyfriend’ we have a shot of Nick, but he’s not in Hell, he’s chained in the Witch’s Cell, so this is potentially a few episodes in, perhaps even the final episodes, since we’ve heard spoilers of Sabrina not knowing he’s possessed still until later on. 
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And then we have Sabrina’s eyes turning blood red, and she doesn’t look happy while this is happening. Is this her being crowned? Is this her anger? Is this her Satanic powers coming out? Or is Lucifer using Sabrina as a vessel? Since Nick’s eyes changed when he became the human acheron for Satan. 
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Then we have everyone bowing to someone who I think the trailer is trying to imply is Sabrina, but from the hair, despite being blonde, and the broadness of the shoulders, this doesn’t seem to be her at all. And it’s not Caliban either. So who is this?
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Lucifer starts talking again claiming ‘the balance is off in Hell, so it is off in Heaven, so it is off on Earth. To preserve one realm you must preserve them all’. I like this part of the CAOS mythology being added, because I always love the idea of you can’t have one without the other. That demons and angels are both needed, hell and heaven, mortals and witches etc. 
But when he says the balance is off, we have a shot of Lilith, implying the balance is off because she’s ruling and isn’t meant to be. If this is the way they’re going, I’m hoping it’s because of the False God, because other shows and books have had God being an arse about who rules what, and that only celestial beings can rule realms. And Lilith is the First Woman, but she’s not a celestial being. Sabrina is though, by right of blood. So if they are saying that, I hope it’s because of some shitty ancient rule, that therefore Sabrina wants to take down, as she enjoys the whole taking down stupid rules and archaic set ups.
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When he says ‘so it is off in heaven’ we see the Pagan carnival group, which makes me wonder, when the synopsis said this group meant trouble for the coven, are these magic practitioners from the False God’s side? Or another God entirely perhaps? The fact that heaven is used in the shot implies some deity is involved. 
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Lucifer, however, seems to be speaking from inside the Acheron, by the designs around him, it’s all those octagon shapes. So he seems to be still trapped when he’s whispering in Sabrina’s ear
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"Embrace your destiny, Sabrina” Needless to say this is just bullshit Lucifer is spinning once again, and just the destiny he has in mind for her, because we all make our own destiny, but then it cuts to an empty throne room, implying, obviously that the throne is her destiny. But Lilith is still in the room, and I think this might be from episode 1 and might, by implications from photo stills, the moment when Lilith decides to go to Greendale (as we know she turns up at Baxter High)
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“Hell’s under new management now” This seems deliberately cocky of Sabrina, like she’s goading, but we don’t quite see to who, but she seems to be saying this while she’s at school and not in hell, so if Sabrina and Lilith have planned shit together, is it starting to stir things up?
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Then after she says this the song says ‘I’m the devil’s worst nightmare’ which seems to imply, that even if she’s saying ‘hell’s under new management’, and even though we’ve seen her being ready for a coronation, and all this chanting, and the words from Lucifer, that she isn’t following Lucifer’s plans at all and that she is playing the long con. She’s the devil’s worst nightmare, because she never does what he wants her to do. 
Caliban is seen saying “If you want the crown, you’re going to have to prove yourself worthy of it” And then Sabrina punches him as we saw in the music video teaser, essentially proving herself with an old fashioned punch to the face. Lilith is in the background when this happens, and she doesn’t react with shock or surprise as everyone else did, she also doesn’t glare or flinch, she doesn’t look unhappy, she looks vaguely disinterested...as if she knew it was coming? It was this moment more than anything which made me begin to theorise that the trailer is deliberately sending mixed signals, and that Lilith and Sabrina are actually in this together.
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It cuts to Lucifer saying “That’s my girl” but he isn’t in the Acheron here, he’s in the Witch’s Cell, so he must be in Nick’s body there, chained up, and this is obviously out of sequence, so don’t actually know what that’s in reference to.
Zelda says “Being Queen of Hell isn’t a Summer job” quickly followed by “You’re putting the coven in peril just so you can save your boyfriend” and the audio edit of that suggests that’s from two separate scenes, at least from what I can hear of the cut. It’s possible the summer job line is in reference to Sabrina having the idea of being Queen of Hell part time, sharing the throne with Lilith, in order to keep that balance, but allowing Lilith to rule the majority of the year. Persephone vibes a little, maybe, especially with the summer crown Sabrina was wearing in another shot. 
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And then the coven in peril line could be from earlier on when Sabrina is repeatedly trying to open the gates of Hell in order to save Nick?
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Then we have some devil looking creature appearing in front of Elspeth and Melvin, and both look vaguely terrified and unhappy about it, so is this the moment Lucifer, inevitably, gets free and wreaks chaos, or is this some other creature who doesn’t want Sabrina ruling? 
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We have all the court of Hell chanting ‘Sabrina! Sabrina!’ and Lilith looking shocked, but this seems entirely out of sequence, despite the continued chants running on the audio track, to the next shot where Sabrina seems to be getting dressed for a possible coronation. Lilith is in the room with her while she’s being dressed and she is not stood in the pose of someone who doesn’t want this, of someone accept defeat or feeling beaten, she appears calm, ready, in control, perhaps even prepared for something, as if this is all planned/arranged between them (and Sabrina does smirk a little). Despite Sabrina being centre shot, Lilith’s position in the shot is actually the power position traditionally, as where she has been placed means she’s ‘overseeing’ the scene, so-to-speak, which usually means the character is ‘overseeing’ the moment. 
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We then cut to Lilith glaring, with the chanting going on still, but this is out of sequence again (they’re using the chants to try and make it seem to us that it’s all in chronological order, but it clearly isn’t), as we can tell from mere costumes and timing, so we don’t actually know who Lilith is glaring at. They want us to think it’s Sabrina, but I suspect it’s Caliban. Also I think the bellhop guy might be her loyal servant we’ve seen in previews of the next Sabrina novel. 
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Also for those who thought Hilda was the one causing pain to Mary, the voodoo doll she is using is for the person on the floor in front of her, who, while dark haired, does not look to be Mary, and might be one of the new characters from the carnival. 
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Mary, however, does seem to be in trouble, as she’s been overtaken by vines I think, and appears to be screaming in pain, and we do see a creature appear in the next shot. So not quite sure what’s happening there, but I would like it to be that it’s not Mary being tortured or attacked, but her going through something to get something. You know like the whole Land of the Dead ‘you must be tested’ sort of thing? Like there’s a lot of Aztec mythology where it’s all ‘pass this painful test and this one and THEN we’ll see what you have to say’. So maybe?
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But the writers did say we would find out more about Mary this season and we would learn the reason why Lilith picked her. 
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stealinghero · 4 years
Request for Zenigata with an SO who is assigned to work with him on the Lupin case, getting along with him almost instantly and, as far as Zenigata knows, just has a lot of professional respect for him. What everyone else can clearly see is that SO is completly, utterly, stupidly, "NOTICE ME SENPAI"ly smitten with the inspector and really just head over heels in love with him. Everyone can see it.... Except one fucking Zenigata Koichi himself.
That’s a classic. I’m really happy to write him again. ^___^  (btw: I will refer to the reader as “you” from now on, the whole they/their is not good for my flow. XD)
Where he took one step, you had to take two.
Where he reached quite easy to place folder on the top of a shelf, you had to get a chair to help you to reach it.
Where he was great, courageous and kind, you were plump, stupid and not in the league of this man.
“Are you okay?” A pot of coffee was shoved over the desk into your face. Smiling, Zenigata had sat down opposite of you and was watching you curiously.
“Bad day.”
“Ah, I know that. They suck. But come on, smile! At least it’s not raining!”
A short glace to the window made his smile vanish and he let down the shutters.
“Okay, it is raining, but never mind. What about the plans for the heist?”
Here you got up to catch all the plans you had made for this moment. Three days full of work, two all-nighters. He now had to recognize you!!
“Lupin said he will steal the Jewel of the Nile on Sunday on midnight. I guess, when comparing his normal routine, he will get inside the museum here or here. The vents are to small, but we can’t let them out of monitoring just because of that!”
Zenigata leaned back, impressed.
“So we will place the traps here and there,” you pointed at the places on the maps.
“What about here?” Zenigata had to stand up in order to reach a point near you. His finger traced a possible route of Lupin close to your hips, his face mere inches away from yours, but his eyes on the map, not noticing your blush.
“I-… I don’t think so,” you cleared your throat and stepped back a bit before continuing. “It’s too obvious for him. Besides that route has been renovated and now is monitored by the alarm system. So it’s enough for us to watch that area by camera.”
“A camera can be shot down.” He raised his eyes and watched your face. “Are you okay? Do you have a fever?”
Before you could react, he had reached out and placed his hand on your forehead.
“Hmm, indeed, you are hot.”
“Inspector!” Had he finally realized your presence?! Noticed you?
“You should get a good rest and take something against that fever. I will share your plans to the officers on duty. Go, sleep.”
Sometimes you wanted to strangle this perfect man.
 “And here is the star of the investigation. With their perfect plan we will catch Lupin for sure this time!”
You blushed, not because of the praise, but again because of the man who had spoken it. With a quick glance you saw that your colleagues had already caught your behaviour and were whispering behind their hands. Very subtle.
“Yo,” you said, waving, giving the lamest reply of the century.
“You look way better now after a good rest.”
Sure, good rest. The first thing you had done was vanishing into an empty bathroom stall and thinking about how damn close he had been. How you had been able to see his stubble, smell his natural scent, see the first grey hairs on his head. How stupid you had been not to pull him in for that kiss you yearned for so long.
A hand was waved in front of your face.
“Can I have a minute?” he didn’t wait for an answer but grabbed your hand and pulled you with him to an empty office.
“Inspector….” Your heart began to race as he closed the door behind him and locked it.
“I don’t want to be disturbed now.”
“Zenigata.” Here? Did he really want to do it here? In an empty office? Bend over like a criminal, fucked on the desk by the victorious police officer? Again you were blushing.
“I just… I can’t be silent anymore,” he came closer, stepping into your private space.
“Then say it,” you begged breathlessly, ready for him to take you here and now.
“Good work.”
“…….” You blinked at him before he turned around, unlocked the door and left you alone in the office.
 Sitting on the passenger’s seat, you pouted. You had ignored Zenigata for two days until the day of the heist, but now you had to share his car to get to the museum for preparing the traps that should secure the arrest of the renowned thief.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped your boundaries that day,” the Inspector mumbled, eyes glued to the street before him.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s just, I never met someone like you. You are brilliant, these plans are great and I just completely respect your whole work.”
He looked at you, unsure what the vibe in the car exactly was.
“I messed up, right?” He let out a sigh, giving up his stiff position behind the wheel, slumping a bit, overtaking another car.
You smiled a bit. He still was a great man in your eyes. A bit stupid, but that wasn’t his fault. Maybe your signs hadn’t been clear enough? What if all this was your fault? The colleagues weren’t talking about your obvious flirting but just about how good your work was! How could you be so stupid!
“Zenigata, I am the one that has to apologize. I wasn’t in the best shape lately…,” you began, but were silenced by his hand grabbing yours.
“Then I can’t wait to see you in top shape today.” While still holding your hand, he shifted gears and took the last curve before reaching the museum. He hesitated for a second, letting your hand go.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t hold back when someone is as energetic as I am when it’s about catching Lupin!” A slight blush crept over his cheeks, making him look more kissable than ever.
You wanted to say something but thought otherwise as he was busy parking his car in the already beginning chaos of the day. He wouldn’t listen to your request of taking your hand into his again. And why should he? He was the best, and you were just…you.
 The following hours were hectic, preparing traps, laying cables and testing the equipment. All the time you heard his voice but barely caught a glimpse of the Inspector.
Now was the time of the job and not the time of thinking about emotions! You huffed and tried to lift a box, almost falling over when a handle broke off, catching you off balance.
Strong arms wrapped around you and held you upright.
“Careful. We can’t let you hurt yourself, pretty.”
Ugh, this colleague again. Your favourite – not! He always tried hitting on you, using every chance to feel you up, “flirting” with disgusting and empty phrases.
“I think I can handle this on my own,” you replied, shoving him away with the handle of the box. A laughter was heard near you.
“I got it. Handle!”
Yeah. The man of your dreams. Good-looking, sensitive, strong, and not always the brightest. You turned around to give the Inspector a smile.
“It was good, eh?”
He nodded and wiped away a tear from laughing.
“Please tell me there is anything you can’t do!”
Your mouth was quicker than your brain: “I can’t make Senpai notice me.”
His brows furrowed and he thought about it.
“Then this Senpai needs a kick in the back. He’s missing out a special one with you.”
You simply nodded and turned away to drag the box with you. A step, another step, and Zenigata was next to you, taking the box from you and lifting it from the ground.
“Where do you want me?”
Pictures of the scene in the empty office flashed before your inner eye and you almost choked on your own spit.
“Your face is completely red again. Are you sure this isn’t a fever? You should let a doctor check this.”
“I’m blushing!”
“Where??” He really looked around, not seeing you facepalming.
“You are, Inspector. You are the most stupid idiot I have ever met and you are so oblivious to any hint I am giving you and now I amtoofuckingembarrassedtocontinue.” You had began shouting, growing more and more quiet, ending with silence.
“Excuse me, I didn’t catch the end.” He came closer, actually wanting to hear what you had mumbled before.
“Nothing,” you dismissed and turned away, letting him stand alone with the box in his hands.
You wanted to ignore him, but when did you ever had the chance to ignore him? He was in your thoughts 24/7, even appearing in your dreams, making them even sweeter.
Your legs stopped walking on their own, making you curse.
“Just tell me. I might not be the smartest here, but there is something that’s bothering you and I want to clear the situation before we will arrest Lupin tonight.”
“Oh, fuck Lupin! I am the one you should be arresting for being in love with an idiot like you!”
He laughed a bit, looking abashed.
“I would never… Lupin is really not my… huh? Wha-?”
It took him a bit too long to figure it out, scratching his chin and thinking really hard of what he had heard was correct.
You just rolled your eyes. That had been obvious enough for anyone. If he didn’t get it by now, he would never react to your flirtations.
Handcuffs clicked around your wrist, stopping your steps away from him.
“Y-you’re arrested.”
He had pulled his hat deep into his face, eyes fixated on the ground, holding the other end of his handcuffs loosely in his fingers.
“For what?” you just had to know if he had gotten it.
“Stealing from an officer of ICPO,” his voice was low, unsure.
“And what did I steal?” Curiously you played this game with him, not sure what he wanted to say.
“My heart.”
Again you rolled your eyes. He really was an idiot. But it seemed, from now on he was your idiot.
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kickstartmyheartmc · 5 years
Revival: Chapter 3
Word Count: 3,646
Taglist: @public-enemy-sixx @fastnfearless @fandomshit6000
              Eighteen was a big number for you. It meant legal freedom from anything binding you to your past, and the freedom to move out of Dottie’s apartment without worrying about a cosigner. She helped you get a credit card in order to raise your credit for the very purpose of moving out. She loved having you around, but she missed living alone for the simple things in life: day drinking, eating two bowls of spaghetti without judgement, and the occasional date brought home for fun. She felt constricted with you around, as if she needed to be the best influence upon you and your young life. Once you moved out, she could go back to her destructive habits without a worry.
               “Happy birthday, Y/N!” Dottie yelled from the kitchen right before emerging with a two-tier chocolate and vanilla ice cream cake covered in strawberry frosting with little decorative pink sprinkles at the base of each tier. A chocolate ice cream cone was perched on top, tilted to the left, with the ice cream dripping down the side of the top tier.
               Your eyes lit up. “Dottie, you’re amazing!” It was beautiful and the best cake you ever saw. The only birthday cakes you had with your family were single-layer chocolate cakes with overly-sweetened fudge icing that would get stuck to the roof of your mouth if you weren’t careful. Dottie put a lot of effort into this cake and the two of you were going to end up in a sugar coma, you just knew it.
               The two of you dug in, and it took an entire hour to finish the cake. It wasn’t humongous, but the sheer amount of sugar within one bite took some time to process and finish. The amount of time it took to finish the cake allowed for you and Dottie to have a deep conversation about what you wanted to do with your future.
               When she asked the question, you had to stop and think for a moment. “I actually… am not sure. I never finished high school, so in order to go to college I’d have to get my GED.” You shrugged. “I could try to work in advertising or on movie sets, but those require experience, and to get experience I need to go to college, and to go to college I need a GED.” Your head hurt just from thinking about it. “I really don’t know. All I want to do is move out and start my life alone. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Dottie, but it’s time I start looking for apartments.” You gave her a soft smile.
               She returned the gesture, rubbing your back. “Hon, you’ve been a wonderful addition to my life the past seven months, but I cannot wait to get you out.” You both laughed and started to clean up your messes. “Now that you’re eighteen, I’d be more than happy to show you the ropes as a manager at Donny’s if you want more hours and a higher wage when you’re working hourly.”
               You didn’t look back at her, but you replied, “You’re the best, Dottie.”
               She was quiet until you walked through the kitchen door to go to your room. “I know.”
               You opened the door to your room and Emily came bursting out. “Hi, baby!” You crouched down to let your dog kiss you and cuddle up, happy to see you again after only an hour. “I’m sorry I had to leave you in there; you would’ve tried to eat my ice cream cake if I hadn’t!” You patted her on the back and led her out the front door, taking her for her daily walk. The sun shined down, heating up the cold ground beneath Emily’s feet. It was November 16th, 1977, the day you were waiting on for years. Your eighteenth birthday. Nothing had actually changed, but you felt a new sense of purpose, as if you could actually make a difference now.
               Just then, Emily growled and darted away from you. Your fell to the ground and were able to un-loop the leash from your wrist before she dragged you down the Sunset Strip and tore your clothes—let alone your skin—apart. “Fuck,” you muttered, pushing yourself to stand back up. You sighed and watched as she chased someone on a bicycle, almost causing them to fall off and crash in front of a truck. Before she could go anywhere else, someone grabbed her leash and kept her in place. The anonymous hero petted her as she stood up on her hind legs to reach up and lick their face.
               “Thank you so much,” you huffed. “She’s never done that before; she caught me off-guard.”
               “No problem, Y/N.” The stranger looked up with a small smile, revealing himself to be Nikki.
               You were taken aback; it seemed as if you two were drawn to each other by fate, destiny, or luck of the draw—all you know is that whatever it was kept trying to tell you Nikki was supposed to be in your life. “Hi, stranger.” You smiled, taking the leash from him. “Fancy seeing you around.”
               Nikki shrugged, popping his collar as if he knew he was cool. “Yeah, well, I get around.”
               “I don’t know if that’s something you should be bragging about in that way,” you giggled, crossing your arms. “What’re you up to today, anyway?” You turned your chin upwards a little bit, giving off the illusion of disinterest.
               Nikki mimicked the movement. “Just browsing apartments.” He shrugged. “I’m picky, it takes a while.”
               Eyebrows raised and lips puckered, you said, “Funny. So am I.” Maybe this was it. “Would you want to, I don’t know, search together?”
               “Um… I don’t see why not.” Nikki didn’t think you were going to say that, but he was glad you did. “Where do you want to start?”
               You dropped Emily off at Dottie’s apartment and introduced her to Nikki now that you two were “bona fide buddies” (as Nikki described the two of you). The first apartment was a small studio fit perfectly for someone always on the run. The manager just about talked you into buying it right away, but Nikki stepped in and showed you the ropes on how to make a deal. The next complex featured a few one- and two-bedroom apartments that were a bit pricey for your serving job. Nikki grabbed two applications, one for him and you, despite the suggestion from the landlord about sharing one and living together.
               “Oh, no, we’re not together,” you nervously protested. “Thank you for the thought, though.”
               While you and Nikki strolled towards the last destination, which was right around the corner from the Whiskey-a-Go-Go, he nudged your arm. “You know, I wouldn’t be opposed to living with you. I know we aren’t that close, and haven’t spent, like, any time together, but you seem like the kind of person I could vibe with.” He cleared his throat and rubbed his neck. “Just a thought.”
               Your cheeks lit up. “I mean, I’ll have to think about it… but thank you for the offer.”
 “Thank you for your time today, uh, Y/N and… Nikki?” The landlord eyed Nikki as if she didn’t believe that was his real name. “I’ll process these papers, get your information in the system, and then you’ll be all set to move in!” She shook both of your hands before you two left.
               “I don’t know how you convinced me to do that, but it was nice doing business with you!” You laughed and held your hand out to Nikki, who gladly shook it.
               “No problem, Y/N. Now, how about I take you out on a celebratory date?” He swiftly intertwined your fingers with his. “My treat. You’re the reason I’m getting off the street for the first time in three years.”
               That was news. It never occurred to you that he was living on the street and that was the reason why he was home-hunting. What else did he keep hidden away from the world? Was he putting on a show to convince you to move in with him just to find a place for his lady loves? These questions crossed your mind as your body reacted in a positive manner to his loving gesture: bright smile, sparkling eyes, a gentle nod. “Of course I will.”
 7:13 P.M.
               “How do I look, Dottie?” You strutted to the middle of the living room, posing in front of the television she was watching.
               That caused her to grumble, “Fine, now move,” and she waved her hand to the side, indicating you to move to the side.
               You pouted at her. “Thanks for you support, Dot. Not like I’m nervous or anything. Not like it’s my very first date, like, ever.” You slid on the nicest pair of shoes you had, a pair of black boot heels. “Just going to end up tripping over my own two feet anyway.”
               She waved good-bye as you ran out the door, ready for your date at the Whiskey with Nikki. He promised to be there, but he gave you no other details. The blind trust you had in him was phenomenal, and it surprised you more than it shocked him, especially considering everything that happened between Mom and Dad back in Florida.
               The cool evening air brought you back to reality. There was a line forming in front of the club, but it wasn’t too long so you were able to get in relatively quickly. The bouncer looked at you for a few seconds, squinting as if he was unsure about whether or not he needed to check your ID. With a small shrug and a quick head tilt, he gestured for you to go inside. You let out a quick sigh of relief. It felt nice being able to get into forbidden places, almost as if it was a secret society.
               The atmosphere inside was unlike anything else you’d experienced. There were women with skirts riding as high as the bottom of their ass cheeks. Their breasts swayed to and fro from the lack of support from a bra, and they were dancing alongside tall, handsome men. They ranged in size from under six feet tall to towering at almost seven. There was a wide range of skin tones and body shapes, but each and every one was interesting to you and your inquiring eye. You moseyed over to the bar to order a jack and coke for yourself while you waited on Nikki to arrive.
 7:56 P.M.
               The blonde woman on the opposite side of the bar top pushed her chest out towards the handsome man she was speaking to. She twirled her fingers in her hair, biting her lip. You ordered your third jack and coke as you observed. Something about her seemed familiar, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on why. When the bartender put the drink down in front of you, a random man slid a $10 bill on the counter towards her. “Keep the change, darlin’.” He winked at the bartender before looking at you. “Hi there.”
               You cleared your throat. “Hello.” Hopefully he would go away if conversation was short and snappy.
               “What’s your name, beautiful?” He reached his hand up and held your jaw between his thumb and index finger. The feeling of his hand on you didn’t feel right.
               “Y/N,” you answered shortly. “What’s yours?”
               He chuckled, running his other hand through your hair, causing you to jolt back. His smile faded as he tried to touch your hair again, this time tightening his grip so you couldn’t move as much. “Lizzie Grey.”
               You snorted. “It’s original, I’ll give you that.” You reached up and grabbed his wrist, digging your nails into his skin. He hissed and let your hair go.
               “Bitch,” he sneered, shoving your face as he let go of your jaw. You watched as he walked away towards the back of the building through a door with “Employees Only” on it. Whether or not he was allowed back there didn’t matter to you as much as finding Nikki was. His absence came as a surprise, especially since he seemed so adamant about the date. It came only as a mild shock but brought more disappointment than expected.
               You sighed, downed the rest of your drink, and stood up from the stool. While you flattened out your clothes and prepared for a way to get home safely, a crowd surged past you to the stage that was empty just a few minutes ago. Now that you looked up at it, you saw five men on stage in dark leather clothing with big hair and platform boots. It wasn’t uncommon in 1977 for men to dress in such a way, especially because of the ever-growing rock-and-roll scene; what shocked you was the sight of Nikki on stage with Lizzie Grey, the man that just tried to assault you in public, while holding a bass guitar. If it hadn’t been connected to your head, your jaw probably would have dropped to the floor. No fucking way, you thought. This new information meant that a closer look was inevitable.
 9:17 P.M.
               Your body swayed to the music, feeling the bass from Nikki and the drummer send vibrations through your bones. Nothing was better than dancing—the freedom to express emotions without words; the ability to show off to anyone willing to lay eyes on such beauty; the raw energy released through such a creative outlet. The drink in your hand helped too… just a little.
               You were so wrapped up in dancing all night to notice the diminishing crowd, with less than fifty people left to snicker and laugh as you drunkenly stumbled around. Dancing might have been a creative outlet, but it had no control over how people treated you at your happiest. Fortunately, you did not notice; unfortunately, Nikki did.
               As soon as the song ended, Nikki said something into the singer’s ear. The crowd booed, wanting more music. The bassist flipped them off as he left the stage and went through the Employee Only door, only to come back out almost immediately. You didn’t notice him grab your hand until he pulled you to the side of the bar, into a corner where nobody was at in order to get some privacy.
               “Hey, Y/N?” he asked, helping you sit down in a booth.
               “Hm?” you replied, eyes half closed and glazed over, a wide grin adorning your face. That made Nikki laugh.
               “While I normally love getting shit-faced to forget my problems, I think I need to take you home.” He reached to help you stand, but you smacked his hand away from you.
               “Don’t fucking touch me,” you growled, accidentally spilling your drink all over your outfit. “Shit.”
               Nikki stepped back and looked around. The band got off the stage a couple minutes earlier, deciding they couldn’t continue without a bassist (which made Nikki feel good, he was not going to deny that; it was just odd because this was not how they usually operated). He sighed, pursed his lips, and grabbed a couple glasses of water from the bartender. He gave one to you and made you drink before he sat down beside you. “While you sober up, I guess we can talk about the set. Did you like it?”
               You would have loved to answer, but your mind was going a million miles a minute. This was your first time being drunk. The fire that graced every inch of your skin made you feel crazy, as if clothes were unnecessary for survival in that very moment. They would have come off if Nikki didn’t stop you.
               He cleared his throat. “While I can’t wait to get you in bed, I would rather you not show every man in here what you have.” It took everything in his power to not rip you from the booth and drag you home.
               “The music was supendipular,” you giggled, leaned on Nikki’s arm. Hiccup. “The singer is an asshole.”
               “Wait, what?” Nikki sat you back up and held your shoulders so you could look at him directly. “Why would you say that?”
               You pouted. “He grabbed my jaw like this—” You demonstrated on him. “—and put his hand like this.” Your other free hand snaked up his neck and behind his head in order to grab his hair and pull it, but he stopped you before it happened.
               He was fuming. Before he could get out of the booth, the four other band members appeared to check on him. Lizzie was the first to talk. “Hey, man. Oh, shit! It’s that bitch I was telling you about.” He turned to his bandmates for unspoken backup. “She refused to let me touch her, but now I can see why.” The band laughed, but Nikki was not taking it. He looked at you one last time, winked, and turned back around to stand up and place an untrained punch on Lizzie’s nose. While it didn’t break, he still stumbled backwards and screamed.
               “What the fuck, dude?!” He looked at his fingers after feeling his nose only to find blood. “I think you broke my fucking nose!”
               One of the guitarists tried to step in and retaliate at Nikki, but the drummer grabbed and stopped him. “It’s not worth it, Randy.” He kept a tight hold of Randy until he promised he wasn’t going to hit Nikki.
               “Fuck you,” he snarled. As the singer and guitarist left (per the drummer’s instructions), Lizzie stared Nikki down.
               “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you’re fucking fired.” He touched his nose again, only causing it to bleed more.
               Nikki clenched his jaw. “Lizzie, you’re a disgusting person. Why don’t you show a little more respect?”
               “To who? You or the tramp?”
               This time it was the drummer who threw the punch and broke Lizzie’s nose. The man fell to the ground, unconscious.
               From the booth, you stared at them in shock. It was only a few moments until you slurred out, “What the fuck was that?”
               Nikki turned to his band mate. “You didn’t have to help, man.”
               “Of course I did, dude. You’re my brother.” He patted Nikki’s back. “He’s an asshole anyway.”
               “Thanks, Dane.” He shot him a smile before turning back to you.
               After your declaration of not knowing what the fuck was going on, you slumped over and passed out in the booth, completely worn out.
 10:24 P.M.
               Nikki knocked on the door to Dottie’s apartment. She opened the door to find Nikki’s shy smile, you slumped on his back snoring, and a few flies buzzing around. She had no idea how to greet him, so she just moved out of the way to let him in. He asked where your bedroom was, and she pointed him in the direction. When he crouched down to let you off his back and into your bed, you woke up.
               The world was groggy, and nothing was in focus, but the familiar scent of incense and dog hair was an indicator of home. You groaned and wiped your eyes.
               Nikki found that exponentially adorable. “Good morning, sleepy head.”
               You stopped in an instant. Everything came flooding back and the pounding in your head became ten times worse. “Oh my god, what happened?” You let your back rest on the wall. The alcohol was still heavily coursing through your veins, intoxicating and addictive.
               Nikki kneeled down in front of you and placed his hands atop your knees. “Well, one of my former band mates decided to call you a few not-nice words and I beat the shit out of him.”
               You stared at him in disbelief. “I know I’m drunk, but I think I would’ve remembered a full-out brawl. What really happened?”
               Nikki sighed and asked to sit by you on the bed, to which you complied. “Let’s just say that I stick up for my friends, and he decided to use a few choice words in front of me. You also told me how he tried to force you to be physical with him.” He clenched his fists and you noticed. “I always felt something was off about him, but I never knew he was that kind of person.”
               You noticed the hurt in his eyes. “Nikki, it’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it, I’m a big girl. I can handle my own problems.”
               That made him chuckle, but only in an endearing way. “I would love to agree, but your alcohol tolerance is garbage.” That made both of you laugh this time. “How about, instead of me trying to surprise you with my amazing bass skills next time, I take you to a restaurant and we actually enjoy each other’s company? Hm?” He slowly reached up and cupped your cheek in one of his hands, smiling gently.
               Your heart began to beat faster, and you could not tell if it was because of the booze in your system or the sweet gesture by Nikki. Either way, there was no way you were going to turn him down.
               “Okay,” you whispered. Your hand covered his, slowly intertwining your fingers. “Can I sleep now?” You didn’t need his permission, but it was an open invitation for him to stay the night rather than sleep on the streets again.
               “Whatever you want.” He scooted closer to you, as close as he could get, and gently placed a peck on your lips. Your heart fluttered, this time for sure caused by him. You let out a quiet sigh, unsure how to process the affectionate act. However important it was, that discussion would be saved for another day. Headaches don’t go away fast enough; sleep is the only answer now.
A/N: I was so worried this was going to be too short of a chapter, but it’s the longest one yet! I decided to stay up late and get this one busted out because a) it’s been more than a week since chapter 2, and b) I work at a Mexican restaurant and this is Cinco de Mayo weekend, so I literally won’t even be on tumblr on my phone let alone my computer to upload a chapter. Wish me luck, and I’ll see you guys in chapter 4!
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In the past weeks and months I have been thinking a lot in the midst of entering a new age. I have been hesitant to write this mostly for the reason because I don’t see myself in a place of wisdom yet to be able to share profound things I have learned throughout my short life on this planet. But it is through recent conversations and events that I have felt the need to write about something that is so vital to life itself and my journey for this whole year. I have realised to have reached an age where I’m asking myself more questions about life, its meaning and purpose overall since I’m still figuring out all this while taking each day at a time. We all go through life lessons and circumstances that strengthens or weakens us but most importantly what I figured is how we decide to go on about them. Making decisions and having the possibility of choice is a powerful tool I am learning to use in order to build and shape a life that I really want for myself and I consider worth living. In this regard there are many different aspects of life I learned which are crucial.
Live with integrity and conviction
I have learned that conviction or strong beliefs in something is important to live a full and purposeful life. When you know what you stand for and what you believe in, it is easier to go through life because you won’t be drifting where the wind takes you. Conviction helps you to stand firm to your beliefs and stay true to yourself. In a world of many information and noises, it can be difficult to know what one stands for because one doesn’t want to offend others with an opinion that appear critical in the eyes of an other. But we cannot go through life trying to shape our beliefs depending on who is in front of us and change our views to please others. I realised about myself that I grew up being a people’s pleaser and was doing just that and at some point realised I didn’t know who I was or what I even stand for because I didn’t want to be disliked, so I changed with my surroundings and environment. I believe that having core beliefs of what is right and wrong are fundamental to live a life of integrity that should first of all please you. Because without integrity, compromise of your own values will become common. So every day I try to live full of conviction in what I believe no matter if someone agrees with it or not. And yes, the emphasis is on try, because it’s something that needs to be developed innit?
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What you consume, you become
This is something I learned to appreciate and accept throughout the past year. It’s a great realisation that my view of the world can be dramatically shaped by what I consume. Be it opinions of people, news, movies, shows, music, social media or vibes. Being informed and up-to-dated about what happens in the world is not only important but I find a necessity to live because political, societal and economic events affect our everyday life whether we like it or not. At the same time, the news is ever more negatively loaded with pessimism and end-of-the-world thoughts. If that’s the only thing I consumed, my world would be shaped by hopelessness and despair. The same goes for the other things we consume on a daily basis; this is to say that the more things we watch, read, or talk about are filled with hope and expectation, that’s when our perspective on this world can change drastically. When I catch myself reacting a certain way to a situation, I think of what I have been filling my spirit with during the day or in the past weeks because it turns out that it is those things that manifest. What comes out of you, words and behavior, is the result of what is inside of you. Therefore, I am not just concerned about what I say or how I behave but most importantly with what is inside of me since ultimately it is that what is going to come out of me. Being filled with hatred, anger and comparison is not going to bring out love, patience and peace – it’s just as simple as that. There is this popular saying from commercials that say “start your day right” and there is so much truth in it because the first things one does in the morning determine the course of the day. Taking time in the morning to relax, pray or meditate for a few minutes instead of rushing to my phone and check the newest posts on social media and news-outlets has had a tremendous impact in going with a positive mindset into the day.
Know the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’
Not too long ago I have started to become more critical about what I do as my choice of studies, professions and other activities. I want to be sure that I’m doing things for the right reasons with no ulterior motives. I don’t want to be doing things just for the sake of doing them or ‘because that is what everybody else is doing’ or because of long traditions that say ‘this is the way we have always been doing things’. In the journey of discovering my purpose, I want to have purpose in everything I do that contributes to my growth and the person I am. However, this is not to say that I have my life is completely planned out and I’m not ready for spontaneous nonsense because these are also part of living in the moment. I guess what I’m trying to say is not to settle for less than what I know is out there for me and be critical of my decisions to not pursue things (degrees, jobs, careers, activities etc.) for the wrong reason. It is how, especially this year, I started things and found myself quitting on them because I afterwards realized that it didn’t bring me peace since the reason behind me doing them were not the right ones.  
Set boundaries
This is something I’m still learning every day to set boundaries of what I can/should/want to tolerate because I feel there are people out there who don’t respect boundaries or whatsoever. So, having conviction of what you want in your life and don’t want is key to not accept everything that makes you uncomfortable. Drawing the line is for you and not against another human being because you’re the one living in your reality and knows best what you can take in and what you cannot accept. Now I have decided what I want and everything that isn’t it, I say ‘no’ to them.
Not everyone can have a seat on your table
As painful and hurting as it can be, it is true that with life moving on, not everyone can move with us into our future. Sometimes we try to hold on to friendships because we’ve been friends for so long and grew up together, but ways go apart and life directions do too. Therefore, it’s fine when the seats at your table consists of only a few numbers of people who love and support you in your decisions and dreams. Not everyone can understand your dreams and thus will not be supportive and it’s ok because the few people who are left will always be more than enough. I’m not a fan of Drake’s lyrics saying “no new friends…” because it’s a narrow and unhealthy way of viewing the world and relationships because true friendship is not defined by the number of years you’ve known each other but the quality of time when you spend with the people. And truly quality doesn’t come in numbers..
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Make a decision
Decisions, decisions. Indecision is a peace killer… It is important to make decisions just for the sake of peace. If you don’t sort the trap of indecision you will live in constant imprisonment to your own indecision. Often times I find myself in situations where I seem not to be able to make a concrete decision between choices. I figured I have put myself in such situations and created them even though deep down I exactly knew what I wanted. And that initial feeling is most of the times the one we lean towards to. Because a lot of times we are making up stuff and creating room for indecision and call them options. Having options is a luxury and nothing bad but pretending to have options that are overwhelming and take away your peace, is surely not the best option neither.
Travel alone at least once
This year I had the dream to travel solo around the East Coast of the USA. It was the first time I travelled alone for a longer period of time where I could just do what me, myself and I desired to with no consideration or regard for someone else. And it was AWESOME! Travelling by yourself is one of the greatest growing experience a person can have because you learn more about yourself by spending time with you and rely on only you and no other person. I enjoyed going to parks and read a book while lying on fresh-cut grass with marvelous city views. I loved waking up when I felt like it and start the day off by having brunch or breakfast, or just eat a fruit on my way to a museum to then have amazing lunch from the food truck afterwards. Taking walks in big cities not knowing where I was going was very adventurous. I love doing nothing in pretty Cafés and enjoy my solitude (not loneliness because there is a big difference), I loved going out for dinner at restaurants I discovered around the corner when going for a walk and attending poetry nights in the mind-blowing city of New York. It’s the most refreshing and deliberating feeling since you are the only person you have to spend time with for the rest of your life; so you might as well like spending time with yourself, right?
Document your journey
Now this is just for those of us who want to grow personally and see change in our character. Although we as humans are naturally made to continually evolve and grow, some are comfortable staying the same, which is fine because everyone makes their own decisions, right? At the beginning of the year I started to document my journey weekly, sometimes daily or monthly to affirm myself of my growth. It’s also a nice way of keeping track of what one has experienced and can always go back and read about it because I tend to forget quickly what I did even two days ago haha. It helps remember different experiences that happened and reminisce back. Anyways, I find it helpful to see that I’m not the same person today I was a few months ago and that I have gotten to a different place mentally and spiritually.
Enjoy the journey of becoming
I’m learning this patiently every day that it is not about the destination of where I want to be in life but the journey to that is as important as the goal. Having this mindset also shifts the way I perceive happiness, disappointments, good news and defeat. It becomes relative when I’m aware that individual incidents don’t determine my path or the person I am.
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Don’t do it alone
Life is not meant to be lived alone no matter if it’s a happy life or a life filled with hardships. I may be more of an introvert person who enjoyyy her alone time more than group hang sessions. But I don’t take them for granted neither – because friendships are precious, and we should cherish the once who are strengthening us in life. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but strength because one acknowledges the limits of one’s power. Living in a western-cultured society that puts the individual in the centre of success and defeat implies that everything that I have ever achieved is because of me, myself and I. But in reality, no human being can ‘make it’ with their own effort since from the moment we are born and in our infant ages our simple survival depends on the people who nourish, protect, and take care of us.
Be more self-reflective
I guess this post is a way for me to reflect on what I have learned especially this past year and take it to where I want to progress in life. I try to be more critical of my views and perspective while also not being too hard on myself when I don’t figure something out right away. I am more open to correction and new learning experiences because I will never reach a level of complete knowledge. I’m still learning to be more empathetic toward others and understand their point of view by accepting the reality of opposing views.
Surround yourself with positivity
This! This is so crucial for when you want to live a positive-filled life. One need to like what one does, and one needs to have a positive environment. That’s why choosing the right people in your circle and what you consume, as mentioned above, are essential if you want to have a positive world surrounding you.
Soo this ended up being more than I actually wanted to write but if you’ve made it to the end, kudos to you & thank youuu!
    TWENTY-FIVE In the past weeks and months I have been thinking a lot in the midst of entering a new age.
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renegadesrpg · 3 years
Dark Angels: Creation. Part 41: Witch hunter; Hunter Witch Part 1. Adrian and Bryn
Adrian: *Sean throws Bryn a sharp look, his own troubles momentarily forgotten as he turns from worried male back into Sin’s reaper first lieutenant, but Zav shakes his head at him and then jerks it towards the ancient church. His deep, rich mental voice tags my brain as he silently speaks to all of us. ‘Let them work it out Sean. Even as a human Bryn could handle any witch ever born. As a reaper it should be like shooting fish in a barrel for her. We’ll go out to her workshop so I can teach you what you need to know. She’ll call us if she needs us.’ Sourly, I frown at him and ‘path’ back ‘Thanks for throwing me to the wolf here Zav.’ He just throws his head back and laughs as he mists away. Sean gives a mental chuckle, which I am actually kind of glad to hear, given where he’s at in his head right now, and sends out some soothing vibes as he adds his two cents. ‘Don’t worry, she hardly ever bites. Unless you ask her to. And even then she has to REALLY be into you.’ ‘Ha, ha, very funny,’ I answer back as he demats out right behind Zav. With a sigh I look at her dubiously.*
Why is it always me you snag for these crazy ideas? I’m a soldier, not a hunter. Give me a battlefield and I’m your guy, but hunting’s a different kind of fight. Sean’s better as a hunter, or even Zav.
Bryn: *Hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes and tossing my shaggy black hair back as I narrow my eyes*
Think of it as guerilla warfare. Even you’ve learned that forming ranks isn’t always the best option. *Huffing* And besides, it’s /not/ always you. Usually it’s Zav. But he’s busy and I don’t think he can help me with this anyway. You’ve got something special and I need it.
Adrian: Fine. What do we do first?
Bryn: First? Strip.
Adrian: *My eyebrows raise in outrage.* What do you mean, “strip”? I’m not taking my clothes off for you!
Bryn: *Snorting a laugh* Oh, relax, lover-boy, your virginity’s safe with me. I need to look for an anti-witch mark. I think you’re somehow invisible to the witch. We’ve been working in pairs, with another reaper, since this began. The only attacks that have occurred have been when you were the only reaper paired with another. I’d say that whoever is in charge of spying on us can’t see you. So drop your pants, at least down to your boxer briefs.
Adrian: I’m not a virgin, for Creator’s sake! *Jesus, women!* And I don’t wear boxers, briefs, or any combination of that under leathers. Just a jock strap.
Bryn: So much the better. If I need to see the full package, I’ll let you know.*Smirking, Now drop the pants and ditch the shirt.
Adrian: Fine, *I snap* But I’m not doing this down here. Sin and Declan could mist in at any second. My room will do.
*Without waiting I dematerialize upstairs to the room I took as my own for the duration. A quick glance around assures me it’s in shape just as Bryn’s black mist reforms in the doorway.*
Bryn: *I just knew he was going to be a pain about this. He’s always been more standoffish than Sean and Zav. With a sigh I mist up to the doorway to his room. Once my form has re-manifested I take a careful look around. The place looks like a military barracks. You could bounce a dime off of that bed. There are no personal items, no keepsakes. The only things that hang on the walls are his sword and dagger, tools of his trade, I guess.*
Well, you live up to the billing. *stepping inside* This place is certainly Spartan.
Adrian: *I give her something between a smirk and a frown… I never know how the hell to respond to Bryn. I’d had more contact with her since we started this rebellion in the ranks than I’d had since Zav recruited her and still I was awkward as crap around her. But then, I’d never been good with women. Even my human wife had given me a wide berth after fulfilling her duties as a Spartan wife, which had suited me just fine. Normally I treated female reapers the same way I treat male ones -- like I would have a lower ranked soldier when I was human -- with respect, but also with the expectation they’d keep the appropriate distance from a higher ranking officer. But by rank Bryn was my peer and in terms of power, hells, she could probably put me down by raising her eyebrow if she got pissed. I don’t know what one of those fireballs of hers could do to a reaper, but I didn’t want to give her an excuse to use me to find out. Finally, stalling, I ask,*
So what would this mark look like? After all this time I think I’d know if I had one.
Bryn: It could look like a birthmark, a mole… a weird configuration of freckles. Or it might not be visible to the naked eye at all. Whoever put it on you had talent, power, and imagination. I strongly suspect your grandmother. Even though it was before my time and well away from my country of origin, I’ve studied the lore and I’ve done some time... we’ll call it internships… with magical mortals and immortals during my leaves from the corps. *At his skeptical look I add,* What, you think I just take off for a few weeks and amuse myself with boy-toys? Give me a break. Men are more trouble than they’re worth. I learned that lesson early on as a reaper. Now lose the clothes.
Adrian: *This time I don’t have to think about how to react. A dark frown crosses my face as I let my clothes disappear, at least down to my jock. My skin heats as she starts to circle me and looks at me appraisingly*
I feel like a stud being examined before he services a mare, *I grumble.*
Why would you think my grandmother would do that?
Bryn: *Clinically, I look over every exposed inch. His skin has that tan that modern human women give themselves skin cancer trying to achieve and it ripples over a well-defined six-pack. The black back straps of the supporter grip well-developed glutes and the front… well, let’s just say I bet he had to specially design this particular bit of apparel. The pouch covers the necessities –barely- but even with its larger than normal proportions there’s quite obviously no room for any kind of protective cup. There’s barely room for him. Apparently Apollo’s genetics ran true through his descendants. But there are no marks on him that I can see. No freckles, no birthmarks, nothing. Just wide expanses of smooth, golden skin.*
The first Oracle of Delphi was mad strong magically and notably protective of her descendants. Oh, she had to let them choose their paths from the Fates’ choices, but she did what she could to protect them from harm from god’s and other magical entities... I’m not seeing anything…. Is the form you manifest as a reaper identical to the one you had as a human?
Adrian: *Nodding* It’s exactly as I was before I died. Does this mean I have to lose the supporter, too? I mean, why would my grandmother have put the mark on my, uh, private parts?
Bryn: Maybe because no one but someone you trust would ever see it. But don’t ditch the jock yet. There’s another possibility. She could have branded it soul deep the way Freya did the Inguz on Sin. I’ve never seen Sin naked, but I’m betting it doesn’t show itself unless invoked. It probably flairs if the Horseman tries to reach him through their link. If we left the wards and the witch is scrying for us then it would probably show itself.
Adrian: I am /NOT/ going outside this room like this, let alone outside the wards!
Bryn: Chill!
*Ok, I’m getting impatient with this modesty thing…*
We can mist to some place remote. If I’m right, the witch won’t see you, just me. You can manifest, let me take a gander, and then hide and get fully dressed, including weapons, until they send someone. We’re a match for the Horseman’s bully boys. We just need one alive when it’s over. I’ll force mental rapport and find out what they know before we stuff them in a Dybbuk box. We’ll know all he or she knows. If it’s demons we might have to get more creative. And if I’m wrong and they see us both, then we just have to kill them and try something else.
Adrian: *Snorting* You make it sound so easy. As they keep losing grunts, they might suspect we’re dispatching them too easily and send more than a couple this time.
Bryn: So?
*Hands on my hips, challengingly. A little conflict is getting him past his embarrassment and, hey, I’m always up for an argument in a good cause.*
You held off 10,000 men with a group of 300 at a mountain pass in Greece. You afraid of a few reapers? Where’s that Spartan attitude?
Adrian: We all DIED, in case you forgot. And no, I’m not afraid. I just want to be sure we aren’t “ambushed” with overwhelming force. They have to realize by now that the ones they have sent out aren’t coming back and that we /are/ still coming up on their radar. They haven’t called demons back in since the initial attack, but if they still could.
Bryn: *it’s a good point, I have to admit.*
But I can’t see the Horseman asking Lucifer for help easily. It shows that he’s weak. Sean took out DeAndre and that has to rankle, IF he knows about it. There’s no guarantee of that. The Horseman tends to let his “underlings” run things for him. If he didn’t, we wouldn’t have been able to position ourselves as well as we have. But if someone has slid into the power vacuum created when DeAndre and his crew didn’t return they don’t want the Horseman to know they’ve failed to contain us or even to take a civilian important to us. *Thinking out loud now.* In fact, I bet the Horseman isn’t aware of any of this. Not that he’s above rape and murder, but it’s not the smart move right now. Trying to take us out before he’s ready to make HIS big move isn’t any smarter than it would be for us to go on small random offensives just before we make OURS. It's in his best interest to keep us unsuspecting until he’s ready to take out all of the holdovers from Sin’s era and that he’s not quite there yet. New leadership is probably keeping him in the dark as much as they can. The reaper souls haven’t left a mortal plane yet, just been stashed in Dybbuk boxes for safekeeping, so the Horseman wouldn’t feel them gone. Lucifer might be missing the random demons that attacked you and Sean, but if they were low level cannon fodder, I doubt it. No, it’s the witch that will be more of a challenge than we’ve seen before. I can only think of three witches besides myself that could manage this kind of thing solo and I don’t like to think any of them would be in the service of Lucifer.
Adrian: *My embarrassment is gone. Bryn’s pretty much all business at the moment. She’s not above teasing any of us when the moment is right but she gets this isn’t the moment. And that makes it easy for me to focus on the task at hand as well.*
What makes you say that? And why not any of those three witches?
Bryn: It’s a massive operation to set up magical 24/7 surveillance on several beings who simply wink in and out of any location on the mortal plane and that’s how it would look, like a blip on a very big map. Scrying is usually done on a small scale for one physical being in a suspected general location. To see one of us popping up anywhere in the world, and doing it seemingly from nowhere, because with us behind wards that’s how it would appear, requires more than physical observation. It requires something that mentally tags the practitioner so they can catch it. Add to that our physical appearances are simply manifestations of our souls, and it means it has to be someone with enough juice to track a soul, not just a body. *Sighing, now, because the answer to the second question is harder.*
As for why those three? Well, two of them are my sisters. They died in the battle before my last one and I always assumed their souls had moved on to new lives, probably multiple times by now. Something would have had to go very, very wrong in one of those lives for either of them to end up pledged to Lucifer. As for the third… he’s very, very strong, and he very manipulative. And…*hesitating* we have history. Of all the human “boy toys” you guys have teased me about taking for a spin as a reaper, he’s the only one that I actually did.
Adrian: *If my jaw could hit the ground, it would have. Bryn’s as tough and pragmatic as they come and she’s always avoided emotional entanglements of any kind. Someone that could get past that tough exterior was either very special or very devious. A thousand questions run through my head.*
What do you mean “took for a spin”? Was this a short term fling or something more? Just how powerful was he? Enough to pose a problem for you?
Bryn: *If looks could kill a reaper, Adrian would be headed for the Long Sleep right now.*
We were involved for 20 mortal years, so maybe you’d call that a short term fling in a reaper’s gauge of time, but for that 20 years I thought I’d found what Sean and Zav have. I wasn’t sure how it would go when his time as a mortal passed, but I thought perhaps he could be recruited to become one of us. I had only been a reaper a few hundred years. I wasn’t aware of all the vetting Sin put in before he took one of us on even just as an ordinary reaper. Emrys would never have made the cut. He wasn’t entirely mortal for one thing. And he had an overpowering ambition for power that I didn’t realize until we’d been together most of that 20 years.
Adrian: “Not entirely mortal?” What does /that/ mean? Witches are mortal. Essentially just gifted humans.
Bryn: But Emrys wasn’t totally human.
*Looking away for a moment, embarrassed now at how naïve I’d been.*
Emrys’ father was a demon. His mother had been human. I’m not entirely sure, but I got the impression that his conception hadn’t been willing, and after he was born she confessed all to a priest. He convinced her the child was an abomination that had to die, but of course he wouldn’t get his hands dirty and she couldn’t bear the thought of doing it, so she swaddled the babe and left it in a sacred oak grove. Christian priests were just beginning to make inroads in Wales back then. Druidism and goddess worship were still predominant and the druids found the infant. The high priest was no fool. There was no reason an apparently healthy male child would be abandoned back then. He investigated and found the mother but she was too afraid to take the child back so he adopted him and raised him. I’d thought that upbringing had been enough to counteract his demonic heritage, and maybe his lust for power was just a normal human failing. But if it wasn’t….
Adrian: If it wasn’t, he could easily be behind this. *I finish for her.* How did you meet him? Did you teach him magick?
Bryn: He found me. Up until I moved everything here I kept my workshop in the crystal cave in Wales where I’d learned my craft all those centuries ago. It was remote and I had never had to ward it against intruders and then one day when I’m off role and working on a spell this drop dead gorgeous young guy just appears at the entrance. He said he’d been exploring. “Exploring”, my ass. *snorting* He’d felt the power as I worked the spell and had scryed to find the location. Then he just “appeared”. He said he was on a spiritual quest and just happened to find the cave. It took me 20 years to work out that he could translocate like a demon. Granted, I wasn’t with him all the time, but every leave I got, I spent with him and every night instead of staying with the corps I decamped to his bed. *Shaking my head,* I was so blind to what he really was.
Adrian: *She’d deny it, but you didn’t have to have Sean’s gift to feel the pain in her voice. This asshole hurt a woman I called sister, and now I want to deal out some pain to him. Didn’t matter if he was already dead. A reaper can get to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
So what happened?
Bryn: A baby was born in Cornwall. A dragon, a comet with a flame red tail, filled the sky that night. *My eyes grow distant as I remember.* He was almost manic with excitement. He said he’d seen it, that it portended the birth of king who would unite all of the kingdoms under one rule, but that he needed to be there. It was only with his power that it could happen. By that time the Rome I’d fought against had long since left Britain. Vikings ravaged the coasts at will, and for a time, they’d succeeded in establishing a foothold on a large part of the island. When grown, this new king, according to him, would see the Vikings gone and Britain ruled by Britains.
*Sighing wearily as I drop down to sit on Adrian’s bed*
What he didn’t say was it wasn’t about uniting the kingdoms. It was about being the power behind the throne. There was nothing altruistic in this. He saw the future and wanted more power. He already had magick…. More than anyone else I’d ever seen and I’d taught him how to use it. Now he wanted a different kind of power. And he wanted me to help him. As a reaper I could take out anyone that stood in his way, make sure he had access to the child. As a witch I could combine my power with his and create a world that was his to command. I was appalled.
We had a fight, a huge one, and it all came out. He never loved me. He’d used my body the way he wanted to use my power – to bind me to him. If I’d had none, if I’d even just been a mortal witch, he wouldn’t have looked at me twice. I cast him from my cave and warded it against him so thoroughly that he had no hope of ever gaining entrance again and then I turned my back on him. He followed through and I guess it worked for a time. But in the end other mortal weaknesses caused the death of this savior of Britain and the kingdom fell. Emrys died, walled away in his own cave by his fallen king’s enemies, led by a witch with some significant power of her own. Zav reaped his soul. I never asked what happened to it. Being half demon it could very well have ended up at Lucifer’s disposal.
Adrian: *I cross to the bed and sit down beside her. Ignoring my nearly naked status, I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her against my side. It says something about how devastating this was to her that she actually allows it. As I look down, I can see a sheen of tears she refuses to shed gleaming in her eyes.*
So if it is this asshole, can I kill him?
Bryn: *A strangled laugh escapes me. Damn, Adrian is such a rock. Unshakeable and steady. And just what I needed. Not too much sympathy, just enough and the understanding that revenge is best served cold.*
Well one of us has to.
Adrian: And, *raising an eyebrow – damn, has Sin taught all of us that?* And if it’s one of your sisters?
Bryn: *Inhaling and pulling away from his side to sit upright as his arm falls away.*
If it’s one of my sisters, it’s on me. I’ll need to know what twisted them up so much that they went that way and then I’ll deal with them. But I’m hoping it’s a coalition of lesser witches. A group of three with some skill could also pull this operation off. But first we have to get to them. And to do that we need to interrogate a bad guy.
So. *clapping my hands on my thighs, and then standing, forcing the bravado back into my voice* Are you ready to go, studly?
Adrian: *Suddenly, I’m very conscious of my near naked state once again. It’s a more normal Bryn comment, and I’m glad to see her coming back to herself, but still, “studly” is a going a step too far. Face flaming, I blurt* Don’t call me that. And just /where/ are we going?
Bryn: Outside my crystal cave in Wales. It’s remote even by today’s standards, and it has plenty of trees for you to conceal yourself behind so we can get a drop on whoever comes. Plus, if you’re concerned about them sending greater numbers than they have previously come to pass, we can retreat into the cave and I can slam down wards they won’t get through. Oh, don’t look at me like that, *Seeing the dubious look on his face.* We’ll stay in the half world until you can reassure yourself there’s no one around to see you in all your semi-naked glory. But be aware if I don’t see a mark flare, you’ll be naked pretty quick so I can make sure grandma didn’t tat you in an even more concealed place. Once it does you can get dressed. And armed.
Adrian: *The sword from the wall materializes in my hand. Though I’d come to prefer the medieval longsword, for fighting naked a Spartan sword was a more appropriate length for potentially naked fighting.*
I’m going in armed. As a mortal I didn’t fight in much more than this.
Bryn: *Frowning* Then why all the “I’m not going to be naked” crap if you fought mostly naked as a human?
Adrian: Because I’m /not/ human anymore and leathers provide a little more protection. Plus you’re a girl. I didn’t /fight/ girls in battle. Now are we going or not?
Bryn: Don’t think of me as a girl. Think of me as a harpy. Vicious and lethal. It might help. Follow me. *with a thought I dematerialized into the fine black mist of the reaper and disappeared.*
Adrian: *Snorting*
Women. *following her lead, I dematerialize into the half-world and follow her to Wales.*
#WitchHunterHunterWitchPart1 #DarkAngelsCreationPart41 #Renegades #RRPG #BDB #AU #Reapers #Angels #Vampires #Witches #Ghosts
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