#it’s not my usual thing but it was fun to do something different
idkwhatever580 · 2 days
Are you f****** kidding me?!
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n has very bad trauma with alcoholism in her family, so she never drinks. Natasha never pushes it and is always protective of her decisions but what happens when the boys play a little “prank”on y/n?
Warnings: trauma, ptsd in a way?, reader freaks out, getting drunk, spiked drinks, protective nat, swearing, mentions of sh, fake allergic reaction.
A/N: guys sometimes I’m not great at explaining things in the warnings. So I put a question mark lol. I hope y’all understand it though.
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Y/n’s pov
Once again I’m at one of Tony’s parties. I think his excuse this week is his mom’s business partner’s daughter is having a birthday soon.
Whatever. There’s no point in actually caring it’s just another ploy for him to get drunk.
I usually leave before that time.
I start off my night with a water. I plan to finish the night with the same. Then suddenly Pietro comes up to me with Sam and says
“Hey y/n!”
I smile at him and notice he’s holding two drinks.
“Hey Piet. What are you doing?”
He smiles and says
“Bringing a drink to my favorite person.”
I roll my eyes at him. We get along because we like to prank people a lot. And play video games.
I frown as he hands me a drink and I say
“Piet you know I don’t drink”
He curses under his breath and says
“Oh right yeah! Let me take that and I’ll get you a virgin drink yeah?”
I nod my head and thank him as they both walk away. I guess Sam is just trailing along.
After a few minutes they come back and hand me a different drink and I say
“What is this?”
He looks at it and says
“A drink doofus”
I roll my eyes at his antics and say
“No I mean what’s in this drink?”
He looks at Sam and says
“It’s like a celcius!”
Sam agrees quickly and I say
“Oh. So like an energy drink?”
They both nod their head in unison and I smirk and say
“Thanks guys. You know I have a hard time with these things. Especially since nat is on a mission right now.”
Sam wanders off and Piet stays by me as I drink a few sips. It’s pretty good.
We talk a bit and Piet says
“How is that flavor? I have something else and I was just wondering.”
I smile and say
“It’s orange I think. Not the best but it’s decent.”
His eyes have a fire in them and he says
“Here! Why don’t I get you a different flavor?”
I nod and say
“I’m sure two wouldn’t hurt right? It’s only energy drinks and they don’t really affect me”
He nods and says he’ll be right back so I finish off my drink and wait for him.
When he comes back he has a slightly pink tinted drink for me and i immediately try it.
“This one is good!”
He nods his head.
I have about three of those drinks and I’m starting to feel great. My stomach hurts a bit but I feel fine.
And this girl is talking to me and her jokes are literally so funny. Like I have the giggles or something.
We start dancing and then I somehow end up with Wanda. We’re best friends but we are not leaving any room for Jesus. I usually don’t have this much fun at these parties.
Then I end up on a couch with another girl by my side and I’m just talking her ear off. She looks interested.
All of a sudden I get a rush of heat over my face. I just zone out trying to pinpoint what’s going on.
By now the girl has left and I see a flash of red come in my view.
“Y/n? Y/n detka focus on me. Where are you baby?”
My beautiful girlfriend Natasha pulls me from my trance and I throw myself on her and say
She lets me hug her and I get another rush of that feeling again.
She notices and says
“Are you alright?”
I nod my head and then think, and shake my head.
“What’s wrong detka?”
I lean on her shoulder as she sits next to me and I say
“I don’t know. I feel weird.”
Natasha looks at the table and sees three glasses and says
“Are those yours?”
I nod and smile
“Piet got me these three flavors of energy drinks. I can’t remember what he said they were called though. But he said they were like celcius”
She nods and grabs one of the glasses. She picks it up to her nose and smells it and sets it back down.
“Y/n you said you liked these? And you wanted them?”
I nod me head and say
“They were really yummy but I think they’re hurting my tummy a bit”
I pout and she looks to the side as if she’s scanning the crowd for someone. I follow her eyes and they land on Pietro and Sam who are giggling like teen girls. I slur out
“What are they laughing at natty?”
She looks to the side unsure of what to say and my eyes widen and I sit up. This realization has my mind sobered up a bit and I look at her with tears in my eyes.
“Nat? Is that alcohol?”
She bites her lip unsure of what to do but she nods her head and I say
“Pietro and Sam told me it wasn’t. They said they got me a virgin kind.”
She shakes her head and says
“I’m so sorry baby”
I shake my head and push her away. I immediately get up and walk off. I almost bump into a few people and I trip up a bit but not bad. I go straight to our room and Natasha decided to stay back to handle the perpetrators.
She makes sure Friday alerts her if I end up anywhere other than our room.
Nobody’s pov
To say Natasha was angry was an understatement.
She was furious.
She had to watch you storm off to probably go and cry because of what they did to you.
She stands up and brushes herself off. And then she calmly walks over to Pietro and Sam.
They say
“Oh hey nat! You’re back!”
Natasha smiles at them and says
“You wouldn’t happen to know what was in those drinks that you gave y/n would you?”
They shrug their shoulders and say
“What drinks? What are you talking about?”
Natasha is pissed so her patience is gone and she grabs them both by the ear and pulls them to the side of the room.
The noise isn’t any less quiet, it’s just out of the way.
And she goes ballistic.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you know what you did to her?! Everybody knows that y/n doesn’t drink because of her fears that she will end up like her father. She’s probably in our room now panicking about how she’s an alcoholic from three drinks!! And you!”
She points to Pietro
“You know better than to do that! You know she has problems. And you still did that! I should have the both of you banned from stark parties forever! You both intentionally spiked her drink! You two are literally dead!”
By now the room is silent from how loud Natasha is screaming at them. All eyes are on them but she doesn’t care.
“She was your friend and you did this to her! That is the ultimate betrayal and I wouldn’t blame her if she never wants to see your faces again! Get out of here. I don’t want to see you at another party! And I expect there to be ample apologies tomorrow!”
They nod and scurry off. Wanda is behind natashw now and she gives her a look as if she’s asking if they really did that to you and Natasha nods her head.
Wanda’s eyes glow red and she walks off in Pietro direction.
After Natasha knows they’ll be handled she smooths out her shirt and looks around at everyone gawking at her.
She raises and eyebrow and says
“Would anybody like to go with them?”
They all shake their heads and go back to partying.
Natasha goes upstairs to find you in your room.
She slowly walks up to your ball of a self and says
“Y/n? Are you alright?”
Apparently she chose the wrong set of words because you shoot up and say
“No im not alright! How can I be alright?! I’m literally drunk because I’m a lightweight and I feel disgusting because I liked it. And that’s why I never drink because I’m just like my father and I’ll like that shit and I’ll probably get hooked on it now!”
You are pacing back and forth and your breathing is erratic so Natasha goes up and grabs you and says
“Woah woah woah. Detka please calm down. You need to hear me. You are not an alcoholic from getting drunk once. You know that you don’t drink and that you won’t drink. Just because you liked the alcohol does not mean you are hooked okay? You clearly don’t like being drunk at all because it is hurting you.”
You are now just standing in Natasha’s grasp as she speaks to you.
“And you are most definitely not your father. You know now to not trust them with drinks anymore. Listen. I’m so sorry they did that to you. But you need to know it is not your fault. At. All. They spiked your drink knowing that you don’t drink for a reason.”
Y/n’s pov
I nod my head taking in all this information. And I tear up a bit.
“Hey hey don’t cry baby. It’s okay. It’s not your fault”
I shake my head as some tears start to fall and I say
“No no. I’m not crying because of this. I’m crying because you’re so good to me. Nobody would have reassured me like this except you. I just love you so much.”
We both smile and kiss each other and then we pull away because there is a knock at the door and I softly say
“Come in”
Wanda steps in and says
“Hey. How are you?”
I smile and say
“Still drunk”
I laugh and Wanda says
“Do you want me to get you a water?”
Natasha shakes her head and says
“We keep bottles of water in our room. I’ll grab her one.”
Wanda nods and says
“Right well I just wanted to let you know that I just got onto both their asses again and they are on probation for two months”
I furrow my eyebrows and say
Wanda explains to me that probation is basically they don’t get any missions for two months. And she also added in there that they have to do my mission reports for that length of time too which is amazing since I hate mission reports.
“Wow Wands. That’s so sweet. Thank you”
She shakes her head and says
“No problem. Now I have one more question. They want to come in and apologize to you. Is that okay? I just want to check.”
I think about it and Natasha says
“You don’t have to agree detka. They can sulk in their rooms for now.”
I smile when I get a devious idea.
“What if you guys help me prank them back!”
They raise their eyebrows in concern and say
“What kind of prank?”
I think and say
“I can use my makeup skills and pretend I cut myself because of how bad my mind got!”
Their eyes widen and they say
“Woah there. That’s a little much.”
“Yeah Wanda’s right. Maybe a less intense prank?”
I sigh and nod my head. And then I completely forget about my idea when I say
“Wanda! You can use your powers to temporarily distort my face and body and we can prank them by saying I’m having an allergic reaction to the alcohol! Make them regret it even more!”
Wanda smiles and says
“I think that’s a good idea, but you’ve already had the alcohol in your system for a while. I think allergic reactions happen faster”
Natasha says
“They’re stupid. We can say it was a late onset reaction”
I nod my head aggressively. A little too aggressive though so I say
“Woah. Too much head shake there”
Natasha stabilizes me as Wanda says
“Alright. Why don’t you sit on the ground and I’ll work my magic?”
I sit down a little slowly so that I don’t get woozy or anything and while I’m waiting, Natasha gets me a water to help me sober up.
Wanda then distorts my face to look all red and blotchy and I get fake hives everywhere. I smile and say
“Nat. When were pranking them we can go in my bedside table and grab my old inhaler. I can use it to puff and it won’t do anything, and say I’m out!”
She nods her head. Anything to make me feel better.
And Wanda steps out and says
“I’ll be back with the boys.”
I giggle at my devious plan and Natasha says
“You’re gonna have to stop giggling if you want them to believe it”
I nod my head and get in serious mode. I lie myself in Natasha’s lap as she sits on her knees to pretend like she’s cradling me.
We here Wanda walking back and saying
“You better apologize and mean it”
They reply with a few “yes ma’am’s” and Natasha decided now is a good time.
She all but yells.
Thank goodness the party is still going so nobody else can hear.
Wanda runs in with Pietro and Sam hot on her tail and they see me.
Natasha puts on a facade that she’s freaking out and I make my breathing labored as if my lungs are closing up.
“Wanda! Help me out here! Y/n’s having an allergic reaction to the alcohol! I need her inhaler!”
Wanda jumps into action and says
“Where is it?!”
“In her bedside table”
Wanda runs to get it and only now can I see the boys. Their faces are ghostlike when they realize what they’ve done.
I fake puff the inhaler and shake my head. Natasha checks it and says
Pietro and Sam are now freaking out and saying
“Wait she can’t have an allergic reaction it’s been like forever!”
Natasha responds with
“It’s late onset and now her inhaler is empty! None of this would have happened if you didn’t spike her drinks!”
I gasp and say
“Epi… pen”
And Natasha remembers I have an epipen for if I get stung by a bee. And there’s a trainer in the bag so she grabs the trainer and they freak out.
She uses the trainer which does nothing but make a click sound and then she sighs as Wanda makes the reaction fade slightly.
They all sigh in relief and Sam and Pietro are the first to say something
“Y/n we’re so sorry. We had no idea this would happen!”
“Yeah we wouldn’t have done it if we knew!”
Natasha looks up and says
“But you would have done it even though you knew about her father?”
Their faces once again go like ghosts and I start laughing at them.
They’re confused and Wanda starts to giggle.
I hop up and say
“You idiots! We pranked you back!”
They stand there confused. Sam is the first to say
“But- but you used an epipen”
I shake my head and say
“That’s the trainer. It helps people know what to do in a real situation. The trainer doesn’t have a needle or medication in it”
He sighs and says
“What about your inhaler?”
I shrug and say
“Empty one. Doesn’t do anything anymore.”
Pietro is just silent and I say
“Aww Piet. Are you sad that I just pranked you?”
He shakes out of it and starts apologizing.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I know you didn’t have a reaction but I’m sorry because I didn’t think about why you don’t drink. I knew why but I ignored it.”
I sigh and say.
“I forgive you Piet. Just remember that we don’t do pranks that cause harm to someone.”
He nods and I turn to Sam
“And I forgive you too. Now both of you. I’d like to inform you that I have been letting my mission reports back up and I’m glad to tell you that you have until the end of the week to finish five of them”
They groan and say
“Yes ma’am”
I smile and they leave. I turn to Wanda and say
“Thanks fairy wand. You made me feel a lot better”
And I turn to Natasha and say
“Thank you too”
Wanda leaves and we get into bed (not without me putting up a fight) and Natasha makes me finish the bottle before I fall asleep.
“Thank you natty. You’re so good to me”
She smiles and says
“You’re a little devil when you’re drunk you know that?”
I smile and say
“Eh. I’ll be fine tomorrow”
She rolls her eyes and we fall asleep in each others eyes with Natasha knowing I’m gonna be worse when I’m hungover.
A/N: I hope y’all liked it! I kind of rushed it because I have a bunch of things lined up and this is just an extra tidbit I started before creating more lol
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 days
𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 | 𝘭𝘩43 ♔
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➪ summary: luke always knows when his girl is sad, and this time it's no exception
➪ warnings: depression, fighting parents, kind of bad family dynamics
➪ word count: 1.6k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: this is so weird because i'm listening to really hype music while editing the sad fics. oh well, i wrote this when i was sad so that's fun. also i reread this and i actually almost cried because i didn't realize how well i portrayed my own emotions in it so that was also fun
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There was something about that time of year that caused her depression to hit its highest level. There were a lot of reasons that could’ve caused it, but there was none that she could say was right. It wasn’t seasonal depression, she had been asked that a plethora of times. It wasn’t a feeling of not being enough, she had been told that by multiple therapists.
She could say it was her parents fighting, her parents’ financial struggles, her brothers' snarky comments about how he couldn’t wait to move out and not deal with their crap anymore. She could say it was her family going to her for every little thing that went wrong, the amount of shit she gets from everyone in the family, the comparison of her to her brothers. It could’ve been a lot of things, but she wasn’t about to pin her depression on her family members, it didn’t seem right. 
Every one of her friends and family knew she had depression, it wasn’t a secret. She felt as if as soon as her parents were told about her diagnosis they couldn’t wait to tell every single soul they knew. She felt like she was a story waiting to be told. She often thought that if she had a kid who acted the same way she did, she would know how to raise them better. 
She hated critiquing her parents and her brothers, but they did it to her, didn’t they? She knew about the multitude of times her parents had gone to talk to her brothers about how she hadn’t been to class in a week, how she looked fine so there was no reason for her not to go. She felt like the little boy who cried wolf, however, for much different reasons. 
She always said she was sick when she felt this feeling looming over her so her parents wouldn’t get worried, and they would let her stay home from school. But then, she would actually get sick and no one would believe her. She was stuck in an endless cycle. 
Luke was worried. He had known about her tendencies to fall into this state of mind and not know what caused it. He knew about her family, the therapists, the psychologists, and the social workers. He knew about the multiple attempts everyone had made to get her to open up, about the amount of times she had screamed in her head at them that she didn’t know. He knew about everything.
It was easy for her to open up to Luke when they first met, he had this unmistakably calming and supportive aurora about him. He had bumped into her one day in freshman year, immediately apologizing for not looking where he was going. She had been on her way to the dining hall while he was on his way back, but he offered to take her there anyway. 
Ever since then, they had been each other’s rock. Luke asked her out two months later and the two were practically inseparable. However, this was the first time he had experienced this side of her. He could tell it was happening just slightly, her face said it all. He wasn’t entirely sure of what to do, she had always told him it was nothing to worry about and it should be better in a couple of days. But it wasn’t.
She wasn’t the best at answering her texts, not wanting to face the fact that she was not doing well. She had been cooped up in her room for almost a week now, usually occupying herself with reading or playing a game on her phone. She wanted to go to class, she wanted to do her work, she wanted to do better but she just couldn’t. 
She stared blankly at her phone as her podcast played through her earbuds. She had seen a text from Luke come through but she didn’t pay much attention to it. She felt bad for not answering, yet another part of her brain just accepted defeat and the fact that he might be mad at her. She had been able to get up and sit at her desk which was a step in the right direction, however she hadn’t done much since she got there. 
She heard a knock on the door, ignoring it at first. When the knocking became more persistent, she sighed and got up. Her, Luke’s, hoodie fell from its original bunched-up place in her lap as she walked over to the door. Her eyes had dark circles around them, her hair was tied messily in the back. She opened it and looked at the person standing on the opposite side of the door.
Usually, she would’ve been excited to see her boyfriend but at this point, that was what she dreaded most. Her face looked tired as she stared at Luke with blank eyes, “Hi.”
Luke nervously shifted his weight back and forth between his feet at the sound of her voice. It was hoarse from the lack of use, it had unfallen tears caught in it, and it had a hint of harshness laced in it. His mind flooded with thoughts as her voice reached his ears, he hadn’t been expecting it to sound that way.
She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something more but he didn’t. The lack of communication between the two caused them to stand in the doorway for three minutes. Luke’s nervousness and awkwardness were seeping into y/n’s body language as she toyed with her hair and stood with her left foot propped up behind her right leg. 
When they made eye contact, the tension in her body went away and her eyes softened, “You wanna come in?”
He nodded and she stepped back so he could walk in. Instead of going back to where she was previously sitting, she went back and climbed into her bed. The feeling of being able to be vulnerable in Luke’s presence made her want to curl into herself, she didn’t want to be vulnerable right now. She pulled her comforter up to her chin, creating heat around her.
Luke shivered from the moment he stepped into her room, goosebumps rising all over his arms. He sighed when he saw his girlfriend revert to her original space, moving to sit at the edge of her bed. He placed his hand on her calf, the sheets creating a barrier from them touching, “Hi baby.”
Those were the only words that both of them could muster, an awkward tension forming between the two of them for no reason. She just stayed staring at the wall in front of her. He let out a soft sigh at the lack of response and turned his head away from her to collect his thoughts. He wasn’t sure how to approach this, she had told him not to worry about her but he couldn’t help it. 
“What can I do to help?”
She shrugged in response, not giving him her full attention. Luke slowly moved his thumb to start rubbing her calf in circles as a form of comfort. Another moment of silence passed again, and the two slowly started to become more comfortable with each other once again. 
“Can you lay with me?”
Luke all but jumped onto the opportunity she gave him, slipping his shoes off and climbing in behind her. He wrapped his right arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. It was a mere five seconds before y/n was turning over and burying her head into his chest, “I’m sorry.”
“For what? You haven’t done anything wrong, baby.”
“For not responding, and for being like this.”
Before he had shown up she had hoped he wouldn’t even think about coming over. She hated when people had to see her like this. It wasn’t because of the way she looked but rather the thought that nobody would understand how she felt, that everyone would just complain about her problems.
But Luke was absolutely, positively in love with her. From the moment they met, the way he had been able to make her laugh within two minutes, the way she was able to ramble on about random things to a stranger amazed him. She had him wrapped around her finger since the moment they bumped into each other and there was nothing that would change that. 
He frowned at her words, “Don’t be sorry. You can’t control it.”
“I just wish it would stop sometimes. Move on from me.” He kissed her forehead and held her tighter, feeling angry at the world for doing this to his girl.
“I’m sorry this is happening to you.”
Her fingers went to tangle into his hair, her frowning at his apology. She played with one of the curls that had been sticking out amongst the rest due to its length. Luke calmed down at the feeling and gave her a small smile. It was hard for her to return the action, not having anything to smile about. 
Luke knew that was all he needed to do, just be there for her even if she said she didn’t want him there. Remind her that he would be there to support her through everything, even the parts she didn’t want him to know about. Reassure her that those feelings were common even if he didn’t know what it felt like. Love her as if the world was gonna end tomorrow.
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hi! 30. “You’re definitely your mother/father’s child.” with Matthew Tkachuk please
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far || Matthew Tkachuk
Prompt: 30. “You’re definitely your father’s child.”
WC: 1.2k
A/N: I told y’all I would work on my requests.
Warnings: children fighting (but it’s all in good fun. )
Summary: Off season meant that your husband was home every day, which provides a break for you and time with their dad for the kids. The same kids that idolize their father so in hindsight, perhaps you should have seen this coming. After all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
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It was no secret that the off-season was your favorite part of the year. You loved to watch your husband do something that he loved and enjoyed and ever since your children got old enough to bring to their father’s games, hockey had become special to everyone in the house. The off-season is special in a different way. Matthew was at home and even though he trained five days out of the week, he was still mostly at home spending time with you and your two kids.
It was nice to wake up in the morning and have Matthew beside you and every morning it felt like you were falling in love with your family all over again when your son and daughter would sneak into the room and cuddle against you and Matthew. You would always take a minute to watch fondly as your husband squeezed both of the kids to his chest before you left the comfort of your bed to make breakfast.
The afternoons were always spent outside. You soaked up the Summer sun as you sat on one of the patio chairs drinking sweet iced tea and watching as Matthew and your children ran around playing.
Today was no different. You relaxed as you watched Matthew run around the backyard with the kids. You couldn’t make out what game it was and suspected that it was one that the kids had made up. It didn’t matter much to you, just as long as no one was getting hurt and they got their energy out. At the ages of six and four, your daughter and son, respectively, had more energy in them than anyone else you knew.
You laughed as you watched your son, Link, screech as Matthew threw him over his shoulder and took off running. The screeching quickly turned into loud laughter not just from your son but your husband too. Your daughter, Maxie, giggled hysterically as she chased her father and brother.
It didn’t take long for her to catch up to them, after all, Matthew was running slower than usual so she had a chance.
“Run!” Matthew called out loudly as he set Link down. “Save yourself!”
Maxie who had wrapped herself around her dad’s legs looked at her younger brother's small frame as he ran in the other direction. You winced, already knowing what was likely to happen. Your daughter was highly competitive, a trait she likely inherited from her father, and she wasn’t one to go easy on anyone if she wanted to win. Not even her brother. Especially not her brother.
You fought the urge to get up from your set and get involved before things got out of hand. You reminded yourself that Matthew was home and that you could take a step back from being the disciplinary one.
It was just last week that you were talking to Matthew’s mom when she told stories about Matthew and his siblings when they were younger. When you mentioned your worries about your own kids fighting she eased your thoughts, assuring you that siblings fight, especially when their last name happens to be Tkachuk.
It was as you were thinking back on the conversation that you heard a thud followed by a cry. Your eyes landed on your children tangled together on the grass. You didn’t see what had happened but with the way Maxie was nearly sitting on top of her brother, you realized that she probably tackled Link to the ground. Your daughter still had a hard time understanding how rough she could be with her brother, not yet understanding how even though they were two years apart, four and six was still a significant difference.
You were about to get up when Matthew came walking up to the kids. You bit your lip to hold back the laugh that wanted to escape. You couldn’t remember the last time that Matthew looked so serious or when that look was directed at his kids, the same kids that he claimed were “perfect little angels.”
He plucked Maxie off of her brother as if it was nothing and set her on her feet and with a disappointed frown said, “I know you want to play but you need to realize that your brother is still a lot smaller than you and you shouldn’t be so rough with him.”
“Daddy-“ Maxie tried, looking up at Matthew with round eyes that were his exact replica. You could see it in the way she was behaving. She had no idea what to do or say because her dad was never the one to scold her. If it was you you would be on the receiving end of her sassy attitude that she reserved just for you.
“Your brother deserves an apology,” Matthew said as he helped Link stand up. Your son was still sniffling and his face was red. He wasn’t seriously hurt and was likely crying from the shock of being hit so hard.
Your daughter crossed her arms and looked at her brother. It was like looking at a smaller version of your husband as she frowned and shook her head. “If he didn’t want to get hit he shouldn’t have been in my way.”
This time you couldn't hold back the snort that left you at her words. You could have sworn you heard Matthew say something just like that before. Neither your daughter nor Maxie looked at you but your son did. His red tear-stained broke your heart and you leaned forward and opened your arms for him. He wasted no time in running into your arms.
You wrapped your arms around him and ignored the snot and tears he got on your shoulder.
“It’s time for you to cool down,” Matthew said.
“Go to your room until you figure out how to apologize,” Matthew said, his voice stern.
Maxie huffed in frustration but didn’t argue. Matthew followed behind her and when she walked through the back door, ignoring both you and Link, Matthew stopped. He watched from beside you as she disappeared into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom.
Finally turning to you he let out an exasperated sigh, “What do I do now?”
You were combing your fingers through your son’s curls when you shrugged, “Wait for her to come out and apologize. It won’t take her long, she’ll get hungry soon.”
Matthew groaned, sitting in the seat across from you. He raked his own fingers through his short hair. Now that everything had finally calmed down and Link was no longer crying you finally let yourself appreciate just how amusing this whole thing was.
“What’s so funny?” Matthew asked, looking confused and exhausted, as if dealing with his troublesome daughter was going to take years off of his life.
“You do realize that she’s exactly like you, right?” You said in between giggles.
Matthew rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, flashing the gap between his teeth and making your heart beat a little bit faster than normal.
“In that case, we’re in trouble for the rest of our lives.” He chuckled.
Link finally pulled back from you to look at Matthew and then at you. His face had gone back to its normal color and you wiped away the tears and snot from his face. His curls were everywhere and his wide eyes met yours as he asked softly, “What about me?”
You flicked your eyes over to your husband briefly before looking back down at your son. He wasn’t like Matthew when it came to his mannerisms but your little boy loved fiercely, and as much as a four-year-old could. He was Matthew’s twin in everything but roughness.
You pushed his curls to the side and kissed his forehead, “you’re definitely your father’s child.”
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spookberry · 3 days
I know you’re doing Monster High lines, but I was wondering, how do you think Danny would look as a skullector doll
I've thought about this before actually, cuz it totally depends on the line yeah. There's Haunt Couture and Haunt Couture Midnight Runways, but also you also have like the classic skullectors that arent MH characters at all but more iconic horror films. There's also the Howliday dolls, SDCC, Fang Vote, and the Fang Club too. Plus all the misc designer dolls.
Classic Skullector: It'd have to be a two pack I think, not that its unheard of to have a singular dolls(Dracula, Black Lagoon, Pennywise, Greta etc) I just think it'd be an interesting avenue to include Vlad. The thing with these is they tend to be genderbends. there's only two male skullector dolls to date, Jack Skellington and Frankensteins monster.... Fem Vlad in the older sister body mold would be sick as hell imo. technically you could then put like, Danielle with him instead of Danny but knowing mattel they'd probably just say its a genderbent danny regardless. would be funny if they put him in the little sister body mold on top of that so theres this big height difference lol
Haunt Couture is meant to take inspiration from the original dolls but elevated in a modern way as well as bridging the gap a bit between g1 and g3. Also the HC dolls are the ghouls as seniors rather than sophomores. So for Danny I'd think about how I'd imagine him to be like at 17/18 and how I could elevate his casual looks to something a little more designed. (Midnight Runways I'd have to think more on)
Howliday Doll: personally I'd prefer this as like, a halloween take on Howliday. Give him an outfit that references the Fright Knight, it's gotta be more glammed up cuz howliday dolls tend to be like fancy dresses. But like a little suit with a purple cape and like the fright knights sword as a tie or something, it could be sick.
another Howliday option would probably be a valentines date 2pack but i hate thinking about this cuz I know it'd be him and sam :( (Him and Valerie two pack though ?????? Oh i'd lose my MIND)
OBVIOUSLY an SDCC doll would have to be about the ultimate enemy. There's no way around that. Either it would Be buff future phantom or some sort of decked out fusion state. Where its like a base Danny doll but the fits super overdetailed.
arguably a cool sdcc two pack would be a regular danny and also tua. I could also see them make a Super and Fun two pack for SDCC! SDCC skullectors tend to play around more. They made a ghostbuster Frankie in 2016.
Fang Vote, Fang Club, and other misc designer dolls could be whatever, they're usually themed. A fun Fang Vote one could be like a ghost king themed danny where the different accessory choices lean into different headcanons.... this would actually be pretty fun to do just on tumblr I should try that out.
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splatarsenal · 2 days
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spn au thing! I took this from my notes app
Less or more I'm unsure if I can cw this with anything? I don't think anything in it is triggering and if it is I am terribly sorry
destiel as hell and it kind it starts to read like a fanfic.
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A spn au but instead of the "world ending" and them saving the day. it ends. dean accepts Micheals offer from day one. Unlike Sam who doesn't accept Lucifer's offer and never does. this creates tension and micheal gets impatient, the war does happen in fact its hell. Armageddon happens, cas is the only hope for sam and bobby. He is powerless though until..He comfirms something he is in fact god. this causes.. Massive tension because why was he doing this? He had a lot to explain but sam nor bobby wasn't gonna listen to a word he said. if he was god why couldn't he stop it? Wasn't god their father? What the fuck (hes a demi god but he is GOD. just a different one not THE THE god.) he is a human now hes useless as he could ever fucking be. he goes into a depression and still has hope that maybe dean is alive or at least his soul. hes unsure though for many reasons snd who wouldn't be? He was partially used as micheals shield. he'd be lucky if he had made it out with all of his fingers and toes. cas hunts everywhere, he cant teleport so this looking turns into a hunt for years. too many to count he experiences the horrors of humanity and realises how truly fucked this planet was. it disgusted him but he was once again powerless. He was also loosing hope because it was months and years he had been looking for dean for hope that maybe he was alive. just when he was about to give up, he finds himself in a bar a small one and notices a man.. Who seems familiar this was only added on to when the name "dean" was called. It echoed through his ears and rang in his head like a bell. there he was, alive and in the flesh; dean fucking Winchester. He had evidently aged a bit more he was before havibg almost a head of grey hairs but he wasnt that old, he was surely older then castiel had come to remember but he was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He didn't seem to remember cas and castiel was wrecked because he had come so far just to be brought back to square fucking one. he was basically a stranger to dean now... dean took off his sunglasses and he was...blind ? God castiel felt sorry for him.
dean was blind. It was evident the whiteness covering his irises, castiel couldnt help but stare and he knew he was getting weird looks they probably thought he was some weirdo. dean would drink down his beer and speak up, asking the man (castiel) if he was having fun looking at him and if he had never seen a blind man. castiel felt embarrassed he apologized, dean shrugged it off not taking offense to it. But cas...he kind of just gave up. Because what was he to do? he left the bar, he felt emptier then usual maybe it was because he lost two of his best friends. one to His ignorance and the other to just being powerless because he nearly killed himself to help the Winchesters. he shouldve been pissed, mad even. Why wasn't he? why wasn't he mad at them? for making him suffer. it had to be a deeper reason to why, right? He leaned against the wall of the alley way as a figure caught his eye and deans voice once again echoed through his ears. Like fine wine made his ears tingle at the rasp in his voice. he called out castiels name. cas was unsure if he was referring to him. someone else must've had that name too, right? Cas noticed deans slight limp and the... cane dean had, god maybe dean was older then he thought. cas looked around nervously not talking because well he was blind. not to be mean or anything... "castiel novak" 'dean' called out. that wasn't even castiels last fucking name. It was his vessels last name. Jimmy novak, poor guy...But that wasn't important, taking a closer look at "dean" he had a uhhh...fake leg?..what were those things called...God that, battle must've taken a tool on him. But how was he even breathing? he was supposed to be dead, that was the plan that was the fucking mission not to kill dean but kill Lucifer and Sam was meant to be his vessel but Adam took that role soon after they figured out that Adam was Winchester blood he was the closest thing to Sam. Micheal was an angel he obviously had to have a vessel. god forbid. castiel began to feel a migraine form, he rubbed his temple. he would never get used to being a human. he missed being who he was. being able to help, defend. do something, He could barely hold a gun properly. what use was he? "stop thinking that way, hun" dean said. the words made his throat sore cas turned almost red. maybe it was because dean was blind. hopefully dean didn't.. mean to talk to castiel like that, right? fuck. (This turning into a fanfic lol HELP.) cas shook his head and groaned out the pain he was feeling. His head was throbbing like it had a heart beat of its own. "There's something, they..wanted me to give..or back yeah. give back" dean uddered as he hastily walked over to cas. pressing his pointer finger and middle finger against castiels temble. rubbing and sliding them down with a slight touch to it a beam of white light emerged the alley way he had been standing in. it gave the night a light. it was like a beam. the same ring that dean heard when castiel first tried to communicate rang through castiels ears... his own voice
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nanaminokanojo · 21 hours
-meet cute? a cheesy musical number? forget it! love makes itself known to you through a minor car accident, a broken arm, and a treacherously charming temporary chauffeur
CHARACTERS: sukuna x you/reader | jjk characters
GENRE: full-length smau + prose | bad boy x good girl | college au | a lot of firsts | aged-up characters | strangers to lovers | smut | fluff | angst | ooc depictions - soft sukuna ftw
TW/CW: strong/mature language | adult content so mdni on some parts | mentions of alcohol and/or smoking | mentions of injury, promiscuity and bullying | pet names because they're cute with 2D men | toxic behavior | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 48 next>>
A/N: Contains prose with panels in between. Mind the order.
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"Don't you have anything to review for?" you asked Sukuna who was walking beside you on your way to the library. You were surprised to see him after your class, leaning against the wall and pushing himself off it the moment he saw you. He was sporting that usual smirk as he threw his jacket over his shoulder.
“I do my reading at my own time.” He walked beside you. “Mind if I tag along with you?”
“I’m going to the library. Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll go anywhere with you.”
“Your call.”
Your exams were coming and you had every plan to get in as much studying as you could on your breaks when you weren't hanging out with him and his friends. It was unexpected how your schedules seemed to have shifted from just minding your studies and your engagements with charities to adding socializing and actually investing time to be with them. You didn't regret a single thing about it, thankful that you've met them and they wanted you around just for the very purpose of having fun. It was good to have friends for once.
He glanced at you. "Getting sick of me now?"
"That's not what I meant." Your steps faltered, panicking for a second, but you calmed down when you saw how he was suppressing a snicker. You pouted at him. "I should be asking you that. You're the one being inconvenienced."
"No and no. Not in a million years." He slung an arm over your shoulder. "I wouldn't even be here if I didn't want to be."
Just as quickly as he had put his arm around you, he let go when this crowd of girls suddenly flocked around him like crows to a piece of meat. You immediately stood aside, immediately reading into whom they were after, smirking at his direction when you saw the helpless look on his face. 
"Sukuna, you haven't been showing up at parties," one of the girls said, latching onto his arm while the others agreed, asking him one question after the other.
It got you thinking how many of them he had kissed like he kissed you, how many of them received his undivided attention which, although offered at a limited time, still counted in the same manner as yours did in that it was genuine human interaction. You may not be sleeping with him like all those other girls were but you were no different from them where your bond with Sukuna was concerned. 
Almost the whole time since you got injured, his attention remained on you. You’d like to think he was paying special attention to you, but then he wasn't yours, and he may leave when you've recovered. So, why were you suddenly feeling strangely upset over the fact that these other females were surrounding him, treating him like they knew him better than you did? 
"I'll be at the library," you told him, as you walked ahead. You didn't like what you were seeing, and although you couldn't do anything about how you felt, you had the choice and will not to act on it. 
You've already found a seat at the farthest corner of the library you could find, your notes spread on the table in the organized manner you always do when he finally showed up. His arrival wasn't something you expected at all, but he was there anyway, pouting at you as he pulled out the chair beside you, trying hard not to make a noise. But his presence has always been loud, something that made itself known with the least effort, enough to fill your apartment with life whenever he was around. 
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"Why did you leave me out there, bunny?" he whispered. His lower lip jutted out, his chin on the heel of his palm. 
Pretending to be busy with sorting your stuff out, you didn’t even look at him. “Sukuna, you’re whining.” You glanced at him when he didn’t say anything before turning your book to the next page. "You looked busy there. I didn't want to be a party pooper." 
"That was hardly a party," he complained. 
"It looked like it."
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He just looked at you as if he sensed something off, but you pretended not to notice and continued reading. But then he asked, "Do you disapprove of my…uh…habits?" 
You shook your head, glad that your opinion mattered enough for him to ask. "I'm not in any position to say anything…” 
Your words hung in the air, promoting him to say, “But?”
“I can't say I'm for it either." 
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Sukun arched a brow at you, fighting a smile yet cautiously asking, "Why not?" 
"Well, they're bound to haunt you someday, especially when they get in the way of things you want to achieve in the future."
You shrugged, setting you book down. “What if you genuinely like somebody but they don’t agree with what you do? Or it gets in the way of you making connections you need for certain purposes.” 
Sukuna grinned cheekily at you. "So, you worry about my future?" 
Detecting his teasing tone, you brought your book down, meeting his gaze squarely. "Yes."
It was his turn to be speechless at your honest response, so you felt the need to explain yourself.
"I don't need reason just to wish you well even if you were a stranger. It's the same as not having any reason to wish you ill."
"How are you a real person? The world doesn't deserve you." 
You just chuckled at his sentiment. "I'm hardly perfect, Sukuna, but I consider you my friend after all, the first one I made on my own," you lifted your injured arm, "although it needed a little push."
He pulled away slowly, confusion drawing itself across his handsome features. “Just a friend?” he asked, sounding disappointed, but you immediately saw through his ploy to mess with you. 
“You’re really good at this,” you told him, shaking your head as you returned your attention to the book.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You didn’t satisfy that with a response, grinning to yourself instead.
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TAG LIST: @catobsessedlady @kyo-kyo1 @junehasnotbeenfound @lavender-hvze @guacam011y @eyered @hellomeow12 @its-princessmara @light-yagami-l @domainofmarie @mythoscalliope @noble-17 @pheonix-eclipses @weebbuscuit @sukunasbudussy @lu-c1na @vinnieswife @the-haitani-baton @iaminyourfloors @needtoloveoutloud @r-ryuko09 @somestardeww @swirlingcurses @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @bronze-metal @iluv-ace @kidd3ath @multifandomloner @ichorstainedskin @ti-mame @hellyyy06
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Woah... something different?
What if. And hear me out. Lions had Tumblr...
#do you see the vision.?? #got a bit tired of clanblr #shall return to it shortly once I get this out of my system #also #i really just feel like i need to remind myself that i'm allowed to make shorter dash sims #y'know?? #ive been pushing myself to use all available space when like... #i don't have to do that. lmao #forgot i was doing this for fun
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🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
I love my big lesbian pride... we are 7 lionesses and we are happy <3
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Everyone who said "wait aren't you technically just a big polycule since you aren't an official pride without a male and aren't having cubs" stfu we call ourselves a pride.
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Also yes we are a big polycule but we are ALSO a pride. We reeeally need to change everyone's opinion on what "technically" constitutes a pride. Yes 1 male, 3+ females and their cubs is the typical pride structure, but it isn't the only valid one (and the idea that it is can be very harmful to gay & trans lions).
There are endless ways to have a pride and thinking the typical structure is the only "correct" one is trying to label others' relationships for them.
☀️ sunnfire Follow
Yeah! As long as you have more than 3 lions (gender neutral) total and at least one lioness it's a pride!
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Did you even read my post 😐
It's a pride because the lions in it say it's a pride... not because they checked some imaginary boxes such as "correct number of lionesses" or "having cubs" or "having at least one male" (all examples of things I have been told are required for a pride). Prides don't even have to have romance or sex at all, and I feel like lions forget that...
#relationship anarchy #pride anarchy #all prides are valid #prides ≠ romance #queerplatonic prides are valid
3,057 notes
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💛 0trad-lioness0 Follow
The bond of sisterhood I feel with the other lionesses in my pride is unmatched. It truly disturbs me that there are some lionesses who are attracted to the others in their pride...
#a pride is a male and his lionesses #trad lioness #traditional pride #traditional beliefs #anti-woke
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☁️ clouu-maned Follow
I think we need to be normal about trans lionesses who like their manes please.
If you're a trans lioness you are allowed to love having a mane. You are allowed to love the way it makes you feel. You do not have to go through the process of removing your mane to make others more comfortable with your existence.
Sincerely, a maned trans lioness <3
#trans #transgender #trans lioness #transfem #maned lioness #maned trans lioness
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🔆 these-posts-arent-real
Hope you enjoy the slight change from usual content. Warriors sim will be back shortly!
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emcapi-gaming · 2 days
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"So you're here to try and save the world?" She gives a single, bitter laugh. "Bit late for that. I mean, I appreciate the thought, but it's not worth it. This place is too far gone. You're just gonna get yourself killed - or worse."
"I've come this far, haven't I? I have to try."
"…Just what this place needs, another stubborn heroic dumbass." She shakes her head. "There's no arguing with you, is there."
"You've got that much right."
"Well. If you don't mind the extra company, I might as well follow you around and yell at you when you're about to do something particularly stupid. Sure could have used that, myself. Besides, it sounds more interesting than moping my way across every square ilm of Norvrandt like I've been doing."
Ardbert chuckles. "I've seen some pretty strange things, but I think being yelled at by a ghost would be a new one. Sure. Why not? Although I'll have to try and explain you to my friends, lest they assume I've started talking to myself."
(fun facts/notes/lore under cut as usual!)
Originally this was supposed to be part of a poly week prompt (combination of role/outfit swap + alternate universe) but I never got around to the other part with Zero. Ah well! I'm still happy with how this turned out.
I think the most interesting part of this shot + bonus drabble was thinking about some of the ways they're different! They have, frankly, an absurd amount of things in common - most of which were unintentional! - but I like exploring how they differ as individuals also.
In this case: Ardbert is way more of a (justifiably) grumpy little shit here in canon, lol. Between the two of them, he definitely has more of a temper and is more likely to default to anger as a reaction. Ardwin will absolutely snap if pushed, but outside of battle, she is, by comparison, a little more patient and willing to laugh things off or pretend they don't bother her. (Although her tendency to bottle things up comes with its own issues.)
Some of that difference is just down to different hormonal systems. (I have it on good authority from my husband that going on T shifted his default emotional response when upset from being sad/crying to getting angry.) However, some of it is just that: a personal difference!
Thinking about it a little more, maybe Ardwin would be a bit more expressive in this AU. I think that Heavensward, in particular, amplified her pre-existing tendency to repress her shit and Not Talk About It, because Alphinaud and Tataru were really relying on her to be their anchor. She absolutely did not wanna burden them with her own problems. (Let alone the whole, uh, "a smile better suits a hero" bit, which, come to think of it, also absolutely did not help.)
In this AU, though, Ardwin would have been running around with Ardbert's friends. This means she no longer would have been the only Warrior of Light, or the only one being relied on to be The Strong One (given that between Branden, Cylva, and Ard___, the First WoLs have 3 tanks lmao). She definitely would still feel like she should be the stoic leader, but they would probably successfully (lovingly) bully her into talking about her feelings every so often, so she doesn't end up with the Pit of Emotional Repression in the same way.
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not-poignant · 2 days
Hi Pia! I’m trying my hand at writing and wanted to ask for some advice if you have the time and energy! I’ve been struggling to make my characters diverse in their opinions, introspections and worldviews without them seeming cliched. I find they read like superficially deviated iterations of myself and carry my own voice. How do you create believable characters that are very different from each other? (This is something I think you do very well). Do you have any advice or inspirations for authentically stepping into their shoes so to say? Much love
Hi anon!
I've written about characterisation before!
Check out this advice I've written on how to write and differentiate dialogue post, and start here. A lot of the things you need to differentiate dialogue also help build your character, but character voice is the most immediate way to have characters sounding different and therefore also feeling different as an experience to write and read. There's exercises here, and things to consider when building a dialogue reference for a character!
Then read this post I wrote on the Cafe Game and do this exercise with characters you're struggling most to develop. The Cafe Game gives you a breakdown of body language, social responses, motivations, comfort in public, food preferences, dialogue, etc. all from a single written exercise. This will help you go deeper and make sure you're choosing things different to you (if you want to!) It can sometimes help to do the Cafe Game for yourself first so you've got a sheet to compare other character sheets to and be like 'oh shit we're doing 90% of the same things, time to change some things up.' (Self insert isn't bad, but it's good to know a) when you're doing it and b) make sure not every character is a self insert).
These two things combined will help give you enough tools to really make great headway with character differentiation! And also help you really get stuck into your characters, even minor ones.
A final piece of advice is to remember that all of your characters have different motivations from each other. They will all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some of those things might be shared, but ultimately, when 6 people join together in a crew for example, they usually have slightly or hugely different reasons and motivations for doing so. Keeping that in mind can also help, but I find that dialogue work is an area most folks need practice, simply because they've never thought much about it before! It's also - and I'm biased - one of the most fun things to think about, so start with the first two posts I've linked anon!
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
This was meant to be a 200 word thing in case I don’t get my bigger fic for today finished but it ended up a little longer! I’m still hoping to get my longer fic finished as well but at least there’s this
Set during Steve and Eddie’s joint senior year; pre-slash and I guess it could be interpreted as bullying (not between Steve and Eddie)
605 words / rated T / for day three of @steddie-week hurt/comfort
Eddie hopes whoever invented dodgeball is burning in a hell he doesn’t believe in.
It’s not like he can’t—and doesn’t—give as good as he gets, throwing the balls as hard as he can back at the jock assholes who target him and the few other freaks in their grade. But all it takes is one second not paying attention and Eddie ends up with the beginnings of a black eye and an ache in his jaw.
Hagan high-fives one of his dickhead friends and Eddie flips them all the bird, grinning, hoping there’s blood on his teeth. There’s a metallic taste in his mouth, anyway.
He’s told to walk it off—“Walk off my face?”—which he does, right out of the gym, and out to sit on a bench until he figures it’s safe to go back to the locker room for his shit.
At least no one comes to drag him back in and, when he sees everyone else file out, he slinks back so he can change and grab his bag. He’s sitting on the bench, tying up his shoes, when a pair of sneakered feet appear in front of him.
“Here.” A hand thrusts something wrapped in a dishcloth under his nose.
He looks up to see Steve Harrington standing there, holding whatever it is out for Eddie to take. Eddie’s eyes narrow.
“It’s just ice.” Harrington waggles his hand. “Figured you could use some.”
Eddie stares a moment longer, then he takes the proffered wrapped ice. He’s pretty sure there’s no ulterior motive here and, anyway, Harrington’s never targeted him. Or anyone really. He mostly ignores Eddie, and Eddie mostly ignores him. “Where’d you even get this?”
“I have my ways.”
“That’s mysterious.” Eddie holds the ice to his face, hissing at the touch. There’s going to be a gnarly bruise later. When Harrington just stands there, Eddie adds, “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“Oh, yeah, don’t want to keep all my friends waiting,” Steve mutters, crossing his arms.
Eddie’s brow furrows. It’s been a while since he’s seen Harrington with his usual crew, not that Eddie pays that much attention. He thinks he’s still on the prom committee or yearbook or both. Whatever popular kids do. But, if Eddie thinks about it, he’s pretty sure he’s usually alone otherwise. It’s weird, but Eddie’s whole face hurts, and he just wants to go home.
Still, he’s got manners, so he says, “Thanks for the ice.”
Harrington shrugs one shoulder. “It’s cool.”
“Very. Frozen in fact.”
Harrington snorts, then he bites his lip. “Hey, uh… Don’t let those guys get to you. Tommy’s an asshole.”
“I know. And I don’t.”
A strange silence hangs over the locker room and Eddie’s not entirely sure what’s happening.
And then Harrington says, “Anyway, just… “ looking at Eddie. He picks up his bag, slinging it over one shoulder. “Remember to dodge next time.”
Eddie gives a little salute, which gets the ghost of a smile from Harrington and watches him walk out the locker room. He sits there a while longer, holding the melting ice to his face, before he finally grabs his bag and heads out to his van.
The parking lot is pretty much empty, except for a few teachers’ cars, so Harrington has obviously gone home. If it wasn’t for the wet dishcloth on the passenger seat, Eddie could easily believe it was some kind of concussed daydream. But it wasn’t. It was real.
Eddie shakes his head, shoving the key into the ignition. Steve Harrington bringing him ice is definitely the weirdest thing that’s happened to him.
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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But tonight, I’ll need you to stay
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moeblob · 1 month
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(throws them into a modern AU)
So since Ymber wouldn't be a deity there are some things he lacks physically - such as no pointed ears and no bright blue undertones to his hair. Just the basic blue. (does he dye it in a modern AU ? who knows) Also while he doesn't have a collar to symbolize his servitude to humans I still think he should have a choker.
I had some help a while back brainstorming how there would be some form of "superior" dynamic could still exist and I really liked the idea given that he's a famous architect. (he does design all constructs for his city as a deity so it checks out - he likes buildings) And Deacon just admires all the guy's works and never expects to run into him but of course they do! Gotta have a very awkward "oh it's you I'm going to melt into the earth" and "I have no idea who you are but we should hang out".
Sooo Deacon still just really admires Ymber and feels like they're on totally different levels and doesn't understand why Ymber would want to associate with him since he's just a "boring human".
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hella1975 · 10 months
all hate to tiktok for taking 'having a space to more openly and actively talk about different cultures' to mean 'cultures are NOT to be shared and we must be vigilantly defensive of our cultures for fear of appropriation, a word that can be applied to any multicultural interaction'. like of course cultural appropriation is a very real problem but ive seen with the access to global multicultural conversation that tiktok provides it's made people TERRIFIED to even interact with cultures other than their own for fear of 'doing it wrong'. like at some point you have to acknowledge that in the real world of the great outdoors, the majority of people are eager to SHARE their cultures. yes there are ignorant questions and biases but also... how do you think those things get unlearnt? i dont understand how deciding that multiculturalism is an elephant in the room instead of a normal thing that should just be talked about and lived with is supposed to benefit anyone? and kids on tiktok are CONVINCED that it's a time bomb of a conversation to have and therefore must be avoided at all costs but like. people generally LOVE their home and their culture and are PROUD of it and want to share it. how have we made it so that showing genuine interest and a desire to understand something so integral to a person's identity is now feared and borderline demonised?
#thinking about this a lot lately. thinking about how fun it was comparing cultural differences in america#thinking of how when i was homesick one thing i found a great comfort in was talking about my home#and how it differed and i really loved and appreciated it when people would ask me about england#in a way that they genuinely just wanted to learn about it and not to take the piss#thinking about how the kitchen at work has chefs from all over europe. we have an irish chef and a spanish chef and an italian chef#and one of the kps is from eastern europe (i havent actually been able to find out where yet) etc and the way they banter with each other#like usually chefs are Problematic bc their humour is VERY abrasive and usually offensive#but this is one instance where it's actually to their benefit bc they're so unafraid to ADDRESS THE FACT THEY HAVE DIFFERENT CULTURES#i feel like the tiktok gen are so petrified of even acknowledging other cultures let alone discussing them#that it's actually sending the conversation backwards. like how does hoarding your culture and pretending it's not there benefit anyone#LET ALONE YOU AND THE CULTURE IN QUESTION. idk it just baffles me a bit that something that started as people on tiktok#genuinely spreading information and talking about the BAD side of this where people DO culturally appropriate or invade spaces that arent#theirs has now become 'for fear of speaking bad about it we will not speak about it at all'. and they'll crucify you if you do. like what#even at uni my best mate is indian and she's too scared to join the sikh society on her own so i regularly go to the events with her#and im typically one of the handful (or the only) white non-sikh there and i get SO welcomed each time#like there's such a genuine excitement to share the culture with someone who is effectively a blank slate#and like yeah ill ask 'dumb' questions or i'll have different experiences (tried a samosa for the first time at one of these events#and the moment that info got out i had like five STRANGERS trying to give me different samosas to try and it was genuinely such#a laugh bc yes they were TEASING me bc 'how have you never had one' but they were also really eager to share MORE as a result)#ugh idk what im saying. i just think it's a shame to watch this happen in real time on the internet#when if people would just go outside and actually TALK to people from other cultures they'd realise 9 times out of 10 the interactions#are actually really really nice for BOTH parties. and actually refusing to talk about this stuff is long-term pretty fucking detrimental#and it also goes the other way!!! like imagine if i - citizen of colonisation motherland herself - didn't interact with other cultures#and didnt ask questions or hear their opinions on whatever shared history we have from THEIR POINT OF VIEW#imagine the kind of shit id be internalising bc i only hung out with other white british people. it wouldnt matter if i was doing it#to be woke or 'respect their culture'. it would still be fucking ignorant. like half my interactions with other cultures#see me as the butt of the joke bc of this like aforementioned irish chef at work VOCALLY slates the english all the time#but it's done in an environment where we're FRIENDS and it's poking fun at each other while still addressing a very serious history. like??#idk if any of this is worded in a way that makes sense but yeah. i have thoughts#cant believe i got inspired to make an actually serious post bc of the CHEFS AT WORK. embarrassing. no one let them see this
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janamensch · 4 months
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Oh Clever Toad, why have you forsaken us :(
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dreadeves · 2 months
qpr riz ppl are so funny. like riz does not want a relationship. his fear is that his friends will leave him because of partners, and he knows he doesn’t want a relationship like that. what do u think a qpr is btw.
#like whatever u want to explore in fanon is whatever. but like… canonically????????? mr all my friends r gonna pair off & leave & ill never?#like babe. it’s a relationship. it’s a ‘we sat down and defined our relationship & qpr fits us as a term’ kinda thing.#this is a shit explanation bc u can be poly or open w u relationship even in a qpr but like. it’s *exclusive*. *defined*.#it’s *different* than being friends/in a friend group. bc of the exclusivity#it’s like a ‘since we have a label for it it’s different’ kinda thing. like u can have multiple qprs/relationships/be friends/etc#but by having applying a specific label ur changing ur relationship into something different. and usually more exclusive#and that’s like. exactly what riz does not want/is afraid of bc he knows he doesn’t want that#it doesn’t make him less aro & u can do whatever u want in fanon#but like. you need to be able to recognize what is *canon* and what is fun to explore & think abt in fanon#like those ‘but what if qpr fabriz canon!!’ ppl. like girl we do not have evidence that riz wants a relationship like that#and in fact that kinda thing is exactly what he’s afraid of in his friends/afraid of bc he knows he doesn’t want it#the steady combining of fanon and canon is an absolute travesty. fanon is for doing whatever the fuck u want. *canon* is what is canon.#like ohhhh my god. is it canon or is it an idea/concept/hc u like and want to discuss/explore#like it’s not like u have to STICK to canon or anything. do whatever the fuck u find fun! but jfc at least know to urself what is canon/not#fantasy high#riz fantasy high#like tbh. to me it doesn’t matter if someone wants to put him into a qpr or even a romantic relationship in fanon.#it’s being able to recognize when u r just playing in fanon vs what is canon to me
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reopening the ask box is like... just finishing vacuuming shed cat hair, and then immediately going and petting said cat vigorously & watching with delight as So Much Fur sheds right back onto the floor
#knocked it down from 96 asks to 53 lets gooooo#i was gonna keep it closed for much longer but like. that was past me's opinion when they were way more stressed than usual#current me misses Conversing with the Masses! or something like that!#is it a smart decision? probably not!#between packing & comms i dont have much time#but keeping it closed felt so wrong... i dont like keep out signs....#absolutely unprompted#i forgot how time-consuming and difficult packing is#im too out of practice....#ive got all my sketchbooks and notebooks and paper and comics boxed up#Except my wof collection. im waiting for book 15 to be shipped before i box em all up. gotta keep things Together#but yes anyway sorry the box is Open for whatever your little heart desires#which is.... bad timing bc im gonna be chronically Offline tomorrow and probably a decent chunk of the next day#now if yall will excuse me im going to Attempt To Write Fanfic.#we'll see if i manage more than one sentence#i am doing. so much usps research for this shit its hilarious#like yes! i will read reddit threads! watch yt 'day in the life' videos! job listings! etc!#but hey now i know about casing and relays/loops and dps and flats and the difference between city and rural-#its fun to learn new things for writing!#i will be taking Liberties anyway! but at least they'll be a conscious decision yk yk#and if i ever post i can say 'hey i know this is inaccurate But its for the sake of the fic. im doing it on purpose! not outta ignorance!'#also i feel so so bad for cca's like... the work 'ethic' is so fucking inhumane are they ok-
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