#jealousy tropes
cosmicanemoia · 7 months
There aren't enough jealousy fics in any platform known to mankind.
I'm a sucker for jealousy fics, and I can't be the only one. Right?
Like, where are the rests of fanfic where (romanoff/maximoff/weems/mills/schemmenti/etc...) going feral because they think someone wants to steal their lady (reader)???
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine both Leon and Luis offering you their jackets when you start shivering.
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“You cold?”
“A little bit, but nothing I can’t handle.”
You say this with your teeth chattering and it was clear on Leon’s unamused face that he wasn’t buying it. The blonde sighs, hiding a slight smirk before his lips return to his characteristic frown.
“Here,” he says, shrugging out of his thick, fur-lined jacket. In doing so, the strong definition of muscles on his arms and chest came into full display and you couldn’t help but note every sculpted line. Those years of secret government training did wonders for his physique and the tight navy shirt left little to the imagination. Your overactive thoughts nearly run wild when his arms flexed out of his sleeves.
Remembering yourself, you shake your head. “Thanks, but won’t you be freezing?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Leon says with a slight smile, his gentle tone echoing yours when you tried to save face in a surprisingly teasing manner. For as long as you’ve known the blond, he was rarely warm and gentle. His stern, straight-laced demeanor and dry sense of humor often overshadows his kinder, sociable qualities. So to see him so openly considerate was a rare treat. This unexpected side of him stirred feelings inside you that are not at all unwelcome, but you found yourself at a loss for words.
He takes his jacket by the collar and offers it to you with an encouraging look that said that he wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer. You breathe out an air of defeat, reaching towards him. Against your will, your eyes roamed over the thick veins of his strong forearm and bicep appreciatively, and you tried to recover by quickly looking up. That was a mistake. He was no longer wearing a grin, but the heat within his eyes intensifies when they meet yours. You felt your cheeks burning under his knowing gaze.
Your fingertips (unintentionally) brush against his as you grabbed hold of the faux fur and was about to accept the weight of the clothing in your hands until you felt something warm and heavy drop around your shoulders. It took you by surprise and you look over to your side to see Luis standing next to you- sans leather jacket.
The Spaniard had his signature lopsided smile on his handsome face as he adjusted the stitched leather around you, making sure that it would not fall. It gave you an opportunity to look him over as well. You knew he wore a white-buttoned shirt, but now that he wasn’t wearing his jacket, you can see how nicely the fabric fitted on his frame.
For a man who considers himself the brains of your group, he was impressively cut. While Luis wasn’t as strongly built as Leon, he had a lean, well-defined waist that would have otherwise been hidden from sight with his jacket on. The sleeves of the shirt hugs his long arms nicely and his broad frame tautly stretches the thin creases that ran across the fabric, accentuating the exposed portion of his scarred chest. It became apparent to you then that Luis left the few buttons undone for reasons beyond just visual appeal.
The dark-haired man chuckled beneath his breath as he caught you staring. “Take mine, my friend. I’ve kept it warm- just for you.”
“Luis,” you started, trying to keep a straight face, “aren’t you worried about getting sick?” Your consideration came from a genuine place of concern and it showed in your voice, but you couldn’t argue the relief you felt wrapped inside the warmth provided by his jacket. You thought the leather would do little against the chilly weather, but surprisingly, it felt wonderful on you- most certainly because Luis’ heat formerly occupied it and the thought of you surrounded in said heat made your already feverish blush deepen.
“Y no te preocupes por mí.” He assures confidently. “I grew up in these parts. This weather doesn’t affect me one bit, so I insist.”
The man doesn’t give you an opportunity to respond.
“Unless…” Luis pauses for a second, playfulness glinting in his grey eyes. He then steps closer to your front. The movement forces you to reflexively let go of Leon’s jacket, leaving it to hang in the other man’s hand to allow room for the Spaniard to step in between you. Now only Luis stands in your full view, his eyes locking yours, all while maintaining his charming grin. “We come in close. Like this.”
The devilish man wraps a daring arm around your shoulders, nudging you closer to him but not forceful enough where you couldn’t pull away if you wanted to. You subconsciously didn’t want to and allowed him to bring you in, stopping to where your chests are merely a hair’s breath away from pressing against one another.
“This way we can keep each other warm,” he continues with a wink. “A good idea, ¿sí?”
Your ears pick up an annoyed scoff and you look over Luis’ broad shoulder. Leon stood with arms crossed, his bored eyes casted to the side as if finding something interesting in the distance. He already had his jacket back on, much to your disappointment.
Before you, Luis wears an amused smirk, addressing the blond without looking at him with faux intrigue, his focused gaze still resting entirely on you. “Something funny, Sancho?”
Leon ignores the obvious jab, “Just making mental bets on how long you’ll last before you start running your mouth. So far, I’m leaning towards two minutes.”
This made the Spaniard take a step back to turn his body sideways, arm still resting around you. Luis hums thoughtfully.
“Such harsh words for a squire,” he dismisses the counter with a casual shrug, squeezing your shoulder. At the time, you thought it to be a warm gesture, not once detecting the possessive undertones blatantly on display at the action. “Never underestimate a knight’s resilience. Or his endurance.”
If you had paid attention, you would have noticed the two men glaring at one another. You would have caught Leon’s challenging snarl and Luis’ taunting gaze. But no, you were too busy settling into Luis’ jacket, slipping your arms into the sleeves and zipping it closed around your form.
Ashley’s voice calls out to the three of you, announcing that she found something. Without a second thought, you start stepping towards her direction, separating yourself from Luis’ heat. You missed the frown he wore at your absence and by the time you looked back at him, he had on his usual charming smirk.
“Thanks for the jacket, Luis. I’ll give it back, I promise.” You say graciously, causing his grin to widen to a genuine smile. You then stop before Leon, also offering him a grateful look as you patted his chest. It was meant to be an amicable touch but the contact sent jolts of electricity from your palm to your chest. His body exuded an inviting warmth that made you hesitant to withdraw as you spoke trying to keep your voice level. “And I appreciate the thought, Leon. You’re always so reliable.”
You missed the subtle redness in his cheeks then too, willing yourself to give space and continuing to move to Ashley’s location. Both men are left staring after you, longing evident in the pools of silver and blue. After what seemed like an eternity of tense silence, Luis is the first to speak up.
“Dos minutos, mi culo.” He grumbles, a hint of amused irritation in his thick accented voice.
Leon snorts in turn. “That was generous.”
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me-writes-prompts · 10 months
-:"Well...I didn't like that" Jealousy prompts:-
Requested by: Anonymous
By @me-writes-prompts
"So, what's going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden."
"Why haven't you still told them that we're together? They were all over you."
Burning with hatred when the new friend of their partner starts to be too touching and affectionate
"Look, I know we've been dating for like only two months but, I think it's time you tell [name] that you don't like them that way."
"Why are you so worked up?" "Because they wouldn't stop fucking staring at you like they wanted to eat you."
"They were clearly checking you out and you didn't do anything, that's why I'm mad!"
Person A's old friend has just come to meet them, but Person B isn't too happy when all Person C seems to do is flirt with Person A.
B is too borrowed up in their work to see just how close their friend is sitting with them, A doesn't like it one bit.
"Let's not forget that you have a partner who needs all your attention before any of your friends do."
"Darling, that isn't how you treat our guest." "If you didn't notice, they were basically asking you out on a date in front of me! How am I supposed to treat them other than with anger?"
"Wow, just wow. They had the audacity to ask you if you were single even though I had my hand wrapped around your waist." "You're jealous?" "Fuck yeah, I am."
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crazyoffher · 10 months
summary: jenna's jealousy gets the best of her.
warnings: smut (18+) — rough sex, strap-on referred to as "cock", fingering, slapping, slight dirty talk, jealousy, implied continuing sex, slight teasing, dom!jenna + sub!reader.
word amount: 2400+
a/n: hi.
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It took about one hour, three drinks, and unconsciously flirting with someone else for Jenna to dismiss you both, dragging you to the upstairs bathroom in the house and bending you over the sink to fuck you deep and hard with a strap-on.
The party was more of an afterparty, celebrating the premiere of Scream 7 that you had attended with your girlfriend, Jenna, not long ago. You both played characters in the movie that survived, Jenna’s being a recurring character while yours was new, finding love with the smaller girl during filming and leading you to the happiness that you never thought you’d find.
Ten minutes prior to finding yourself in a rather pleasurable position in the bathroom, you were sitting around an extended couch with the main Scream cast, talking and chatting as if you were all high school friends that hadn’t seen one another in years. The root of Jenna’s soon-to-come rage started with another new character’s actor, Jeremiah, that your character dated until the reveal of his character being one of the killers.
“(Y/N)!” He called from the other side of the couch, a disgruntled expression on his face that formed upon seeing you cuddled up with Jenna. Your head rested on her shoulder while her arm was wrapped around your shoulders, and he quickly covered up his expression and replaced it with a rather enthusiastic one, but Jenna caught it.
She caught every expression he gave you, seemingly only making it obvious to herself and nobody else that the boy had a crush on you. He hid it well, but not well enough to bypass Jenna’s hardening gaze she sent his way when she’d find him staring at you from afar. 
Or when he’d get a little too close for comfort, his arm brushing up against yours while he eyed you with a gaze filled with nothing but love when you rambled on about a topic.
Jenna fucking hated Jeremiah.
She trusted you with her life, knowing you’d never leave her, cheat on her, get mad at her for a stupid reason, nothing. You were the light that led her from the darkness, but God, did she wish that you weren’t so oblivious sometimes? She hoped day by day that you’d notice how Jeremiah acted toward you and immediately shut him down, but that day hadn’t come yet.
Instead, you unconsciously leaned into his flirtatious remarks as your conversation furthened, not seeing them as short-indirect advances and shooting back with words he took to heart. Jenna’s blood boiled. She knew you had no idea what flirtatious situations you found yourself in with him, but it didn’t help her urge to fuck you in front of everybody to show them all that you were hers. Hers only.
So instead, she did the next best thing and excused the two of you, her hand firmly digging into your wrist as she brought you upstairs and into the bathroom. “Jenna, are you alr-”
“Shhh.” She shushed you, closing the door behind you and locking it with a click before taking you into a bruising kiss. Your back met the door with force; Jenna’s hands were digging under your shirt and roaming your skin. Her fingers flicked over your breasts, and you let out a rather embarrassing groan at the simple touch, which only spurred her on. Her hands gripped the entirety of your breasts while she redirected her lips to your neck.
You pulled away in desperation for air, eyes blown as you stared wildly at your heaving girlfriend. “Baby, are you okay?”
“No time for me to answer that.” Her voice was husky, and her hands almost ripped your shirt off as she pushed it over your head. Jenna tossed the clothing item aside, her hands quickly sliding their way to your back to undo your bra, and your nipples hardened from exposure to the cold air when she slid the covering fabric off of you.
“Tell me,” she started off, two of her fingers moving to roll your nipples, and you let out a large breath at the sensation. You’d always been sensitive when it came to your breasts, and Jenna never wasted the advantage she had to use that part of you whenever she’d overstimulate you.
“Who do you belong to?”
“¿Qué diablos?” You pulled your head back, creating space between you and Jenna, and her eyebrows furrowed at you. “Huh?”
You sighed, being the bilingual one out of the two of you, and craned your neck to the side slightly. “Why are you being possessive? I don-” Jenna's lips on yours again, her hands messing with the belt strapped to your pants, cut your rambling short. She slid the belt through the hooks on your jeans, bunching it up and tossing it where your shirt and bra sat, and your underwear soon joined the mess on the floor.
“You don’t understand how badly he wants you, don’t you?” Her lips moved from your lips to your neck, sucking directly over your pulse point. A jolt of what felt like electricity shot down to your core, the sensation too pleasurable, though you fought back, “Who is ‘he’?”
“Jeremiah.” Jenna’s reply was simple: her lips removing from your neck. She kneeled down before you, hands placed on your hips, while those big, brown, wide-gazed innocent eyes looked up at you. A small smirk tugged at her lips, and you could only let out a small huff at his name, words piling in your throat but sticking to come out.
One of her hands that sat on your hips slid their way to the outline of your core, teasingly sliding her fingers around your sensitive area. You bit your lip, fiercely trying to contain a whine from the teases. “Baby, I don’t think he likes me. We’ve been through this.”
“I know we have.” Jenna pressed a small kiss to the side of your stomach, using that as a movement to catch you off guard when she slid her thumb through your folds, pressing down against your clit. You sucked in a breath, releasing a disgruntled noise when she started to slowly rub the nub in circles. “But you’re just too oblivious to see that he wants you badly. Never as badly as I’ll ever need you, though.”
“But you just don’t listen, so I guess I’ll have to fuck the obliviousness out of you, yeah?” In quick maneuvers, Jenna stood up and grabbed your waist, giving you a dark look before forcefully turning you around to where your back was to her front. You gulped at the feeling of your ass brushing against something hard, realizing what was strapped to her hips inside her pants, and your mind filled with excitement.
Jenna pushed her index and middle fingers into your cunt with ease, her demanding words turning you on more than you knew and enabling her to fuck your tight, wet hole with ease. You let out a choked-out, breathy moan. In spite of knowing that she was making you feel wonderful, she went rough, the sound of your slick against her fingers making her own mind dizzy.
“Please.” You whined out, hands gripping the sink countertop, when Jenna bent your upper body over to dig her fingers deeper into you. Your head hung low, high-pitched whimpers filling the room with the mixture of Jenna’s fingers pumping in and out of you and the bulge in her pants purposefully rubbing around your core.
“Come on, baby.” Jenna’s body was bent over yours, whispering dirty nothings into your ear and taking pleasure in the way your face rapidly contorted into different expressions. “You gonna cum for me, honey?”
You couldn’t form words, already trying your hardest not to release the loudest moans known to mankind to alert your friend group downstairs, so you dumbly nodded. The feeling that you grew used to—the burning feeling in your stomach—burned hotter and hotter with each pump of Jenna’s fingers. 
“That’s too bad, honey.” Just as quickly as the pleasure came, it left, and you couldn’t hold back the whine that left your mouth at the feeling of your hole being empty. A harsh slap came to your ass a second later, causing your body to jolt from both the pain and pleasure, and you hung your head lower.
“Don’t whine at me.” Jenna spoke shortly, though firmly, and she sent another slap to your ass, the skin turning a bright red. “You should be grateful I don’t plan on leaving you edged.” One more slap was sent to your skin, but this time it was to your wet pussy. You let out a small whine at the action, and Jenna slapped the area once more. Veins popped out of your neck at the self-control you managed, keeping in your whines at that slap and instead releasing a harsh breath.
“Good girl,” Her voice purred, and you could’ve came from just her words; the way her tone was low and smooth sent an eerie spark to your spine. The tight grip you formerly had on the sink returned, and you felt the head of the silicone cock rubbing up against your entrance.
“Shit, shit.” The cock sank in deeper, stretching you out profusely from it’s girth, and you could feel every fake vein on the cock as it trapped itself in your velvet-colored walls. Soon enough, Jenna’s hip met your ass, and she halted her movements for one second, helping you adjust to the girth—and length—of the silicone deep inside of you.
She always chose her biggest, just for you.
Her movements were slow; she thrust slowly, almost unsure if you were comfortable due to the emptiness of your voice.
“Faster, please.” Her assurance was placed down, and the girl bit her lip in eagerness. The grip on your hips became more firm, with nails digging into your skin and creating crescent-shaped indents on the area. In one swift motion, she drew her hips back, leaving only the head of the cock in before thrusting it’s entire length back into you roughly.
You let out a moan that sounded as if it came out of a pornstar's mouth, too sure in your mind that somebody from downstairs had heard the noise. It’s not like you cared anymore; your mind and body were too occupied by the pace at which Jenna’s thrusts had grown.
She was giving you a deep, rough fuck while adoring the way your face appeared—eyes closed, mouth open, and emitting a mixture of moans and whines. “God,” Jenna bent herself over your back, taking a hand off from your hip to grip your face roughly.
“Look at yourself, so needy and submissive, all for me.” You were greeted by Jenna's lust-filled, glaring eyes when you faced the mirror. “Taking all of my cock so well.” If it was even possible, she grunted as she pounded into you more forcefully so she could see the way your eyes closed, uttering long, drawn-out groans.
Her eyes trailed all over your body, noticing how your back twitched through every thrust, and a big grin drew itself over her face. “So close to cumming already, baby?” Her light laugh echoed in your ears; you could feel your ears turning pink in embarrassment, letting out a drawful whine when her hand snaked under your figure to circle your clit.
“Fuck.” Jenna groaned herself, only now noticing how her orgasm was building up through the strap hitting her clit with each thrust, and now she wanted nothing more than to chase it.
Her hands rejoiced on your hips, and you let out a squeal when you were effortlessly turned over and pushed up to sit on the sink, the silicone cock never leaving it’s place inside you. Two lips met in a searing kiss, your hands snaking through Jenna’s hair to bring her closer as her thrusts began once more.
“Oh my god,” she muttered, eyes trained on your body. Her eyes watched as, with every deep thrust, the cock's head poked through your stomach. A hand found itself on your skin, pushing into the bulge of your stomach. You let out a groan, finding more pain in that movement than pleasure. Seeing your discomfort, Jenna removed her hand, trailing it around your jaw and muttering an apology before taking you in for another kiss.
It wasn't long before Jenna felt the burning rage of an inner coil wanting to snap, her mouth wide open, as she fucked into you with even more angst. She rubbed your clit in circles with more force than her thrusts, trailing her thumb in a desperate effort to get you hotter. You let out a deep moan, your hands flying to Jenna’s shoulders to keep yourself from falling due to your failing limbs.
You whined. “Fuck, Jenna, I’m gonna cum.” The moment your orgasm finally came, you flung your head into Jenna's neck crook and bit down on the skin there, causing her to groan. She continued thrusting for another second before she felt her own legs start to tremble, her hand grabbing hold of the back of your head as her head fell on top of yours, and she moaned into your hair.
You both lingered there for a short while, savoring the pleasure's afterglow, before finally separating and taking a breath. Jenna gave you a soft kiss on the top of your head while gently running her hand through your hair. “Are you still oblivious, honey?”
Your head fell from her neck to her shoulder, muttering a small “no”, and Jenna laughed at your tired state.
“Oh, honey, you can’t be tired yet.” Your head lazily drew itself up, turning to face her with your eyebrows furrowed, foreshowing your confusion. “What do you mean?”
“He’s still downstairs, is he not? When we see him on our way out, you can only trust my words when I say that I plan on doing much more to you in the car.”
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @annalestern @rhythm-catsandwine @yara124 @daryldixonsw1fe @alexkolax @red1culous @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @n0vabug @idkwimdtbh @yolehiho
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kittanthalos · 2 years
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jealousy, jealousy 🥴
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shegetsburned · 7 months
დ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬. | 𝐦𝐝𝐧𝐢 {𝟏𝟖+}
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : you and Shiu Kong have been fuck buddies for a while, now. one day, when he calls to make sure you’re free for your usual wednesday session, you tell him you can’t see him anymore.
He always texts, before getting to your apartment, to make sure you’re not busy. He prefers it that way since he’s mainly busy with clients and doesn’t have time to call you, but tonight, he’s feeling extra needy and presses your number to hear your voice.
Shiu sounds exhausted, probably after a long day at work, but he still wants to do this, it’ll help his soul. You can never tell when he’s tired. His eyes always look so sleepy.
"I’m coming over, around nine." as usual, he invites himself whenever he wants to, but you get to fuck Shiu Kong so you often allow him to impose an hour. This time it’s different though.
"we can’t do this tonight, shiu."
His first thought is that you’re probably joking. You guys have been doing this for months and haven’t had any problems, keeping this low-key and on his terms. You both were in accord with those terms, so what could possibly be the problem?
Unfortunately, you have been seeing someone for a while and that man has invited you to his home, for the first time.
"what do you mean?" His tone is detached, he doesn’t want you to know it annoys him. It makes this more complicated than it has to be.
You start to explain why you guys won’t be able to do this on any other wednesdays, not anymore. You try not to linger on your explanations because you know a few words speak a lot for Shiu.
He literally doesn’t care, though, you’re his.
"It doesn’t matter. It’s wednesday, doll." You’re literally able to turn his brain off. He needs this. You can hear Shiu’s irritation through the phone, but he tries to stay calm. "you don’t get to cancel our nights. we agreed on those terms."
Trying to explain that everything is going to change, from now on, is useless. Shiu is set on having you for tonight, and whether you have this date or not doesn’t matter to him.
What does matter is that you’ve had time to meet someone and he’s just been busy working and thinking about fucking you.
Shiu has been non-stop thinking about your cute whines, when he presses his weight against you to enter you deeper. The sound you make when you moan his name, so he knows he’s doing you so well. The way he studies your curves with his hands and feels the shiver on your skin when he breathes against your neck.
Shiu misses it more than ever tonight, and it bothers him to know another man could have what he has. He’s probably rubbing his forehead, debating on whether or not he should listen to his impulse.
"I’m on my way." He’s stubborn, and you’re begging him to stop wasting his time, but he won’t give up so easily. "what are you gonna do? toss and turn in his bed while thinking of me instead?" Shiu thinks it’s ridiculous that you could believe another man can pleasure you as well as he does, and he’s probably right.
You’re thinking of how well he massages your clit with his thumb, how he explores exactly the right spots with his fingers between your legs, how his touch sends shivers down your entire being and how his hard cock fits so well into you.
Nobody knows how to satisfy you like Shiu, and you bet it won’t change with the arrival of this new guy. He reads into your thoughts. "honey, he’ll never give you what you need."
That same night, you end up under Shiu Kong just like all the other wednesdays, after declining the other man’s invitation. You’re not able to detach yourself from the pleasure Shui gives you. He’ll fuck you stupid, before leaving for work the next morning, this time leaving his jacket behind for you to know he won’t allow you to have this kind of relationship with anyone but him.
© shegetsburned 2023. Please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own.
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moon-song-and-star · 24 days
One of my favorite things about Charles is hes not a big jealousy guy. I love all the "he was jealous of monty" takes because they're Right, but I don't see anyone talking about how charles deals with those feelings. Hes a little sad when Monty and Edwin ignore him, but he deals and leaves. He tells Edwin that he's glad Edwin made a friend and is happy, but almost gently reminds him they want to go home. Obviously from our standpoint he's a little jelly, but there's NO anger is his demeanor. He only gets angry at the Cat King bc consent issues + kidnapping. I think when he finally does fall in love with Edwin (please please I want to watch him fall in love so badddd), I don't think he'll be super jealous. He's so confident in his and Edwin's relationship already.
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gwyns · 3 months
i've discussed it before but i really need gwyn to befriend balthazar and have a jealousy trope with gwynriel
like maybe at first az doesn't mind, he's happy for gwyn and proud of her for continuing to make new friends! but slowly, over the weeks, he notices how close they are, how engaged she is in their conversations, how easily he makes her laugh...
he'll come over and clap balthazar on the shoulder and laugh too, having caught the tail end of his joke. they stay like this for a few minutes, chatting and enjoying each other's company before gwyn excuses herself. once she's out of earshot az takes on his more cold demeanor, making his own jokes and not exactly being cruel to balthazar but there's always some underlying threat there. bal laughs it off but basically azriel is like this:
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writerbeemedina · 11 months
I’m begging, just ONCE can we have the boy and girl childhood best friend be genuinely happy for the other when one of them finds a significant other?? I’m so sick of these jealousy arcs and romantic crises that always involve being indecisive about who to choose like GOD just have a boy and girl be friends unquestioningly PLEASE.
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marinaradave · 3 months
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casparscunttt16 · 1 year
“I hate you”, “yeah well I hate you more”.
Colby Brock| Imagine| Enemies to lovers.
Summary: You and Colby have hated each other, deeply ever since a slight misunderstanding from the past. You and Tara go to a party and you and Colby end up hooking up and talk out the misunderstanding.
PART 2: 
Everyone 21+
Warnings: NSFW, Arguing, Cursing, Drinking Alcohol, Sex.
I sat at my vanity in me and Tara’s shared apartment, applying my lipliner and finishing off my makeup with setting spray. “Y/n/n are you ready?” Tara yell’s from her bedroom. “I am now!” I yell back. I walk out into the living room, then going into Tara’s room. “Hey Tar can you zip up my dress?”. I turn around and she zips it up and we’re ready to go. 
I grab my keys and me and Tara walk to my car, we get settled in and I give her aux. Within 20 minutes we arrive to the party and find our group. “Hey babe” Tara smiles, giving Jake a peck on the cheek. “Hi” He smiles back kissing her forehead, he then looks in my direction “Hey Y/n/n” He drags out pulling me into a hug “How are you tonight?”. “Good and you?” I ask back returning the politeness “Great I’m super surprised you and Tara are on time” He jokes, earning an eye roll from Tara. 
We all chat for a bit. “I’m gonna get a drink” I yell over the music, they nod and I leave. I walk into the kitchen and get a cup and fill it with fruit punch and vodka. I take a sip of my drink, I spot a tall cute blond haired boy with big green eyes walking toward me. I smile at him softly and he makes his way over to me. “You look gorgeous tonight” He smirks, looking down at me. “Thank you, do you wanna dance?” I ask with a smile plastered to my face. “Who would decline dancing with you” He laughs, as I leading him to the dance floor. 
“Oh my god, this is my song!” I yell practically dragging him. We get there and I start dancing him and he's feeling on my waist and kissing my neck. I smile and we’re dancing in unison, our bodies fusing together and really feeling the music.“If I knew she’d be here I would’ve stayed home” Colby complains to sam. Colby sat on the couch watching another man dance with Y/n touching and feeling on her body. He suddenly felt a wave of rage wash over him unsure why it made him so angry. “Dude why’re you such a dick to her?” Sam scoffs. “Me? No its her with an attitude” he snaps back. 
The guy Y/n is with suddenly slightly pulls her dress up, further feeling on her. Not knowing what came over him, Colby gets up and immediately walks over to Y/n and pulls her away from the guy. ,“Colby what the fuck!” I yell. “What the fuck is your problem? If this is another one of your attempts to fuck up my love life I swear to god I'll kill you Colb-” I’m suddenly cut off by him sharply turning around, looking down to face me.
 “Why the hell are you dancing with him? Actually no, why’re you dancing ON him” He asks making intense eye contact with me, I feel his breathe on my face. My brows furrow together “Why the fuck does that matter to you?” I yelled out of pure frustration, who the hell does he think he is? “It matters because I fucking care about you, and I can’t stand him” He hollers back. I roll my eyes “Fuck you”. “I can’t fucking stand you, you know that?”
“You know that I don't care right?” He pushes me against the wall, our lips just inches away from each others. “I hate you” He breathes out lightly “Yeah? Well I hate you more”  I say back looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He places his hand on my cheek gently, I drag my hand to the back of his neck, he pulls me into a pure kiss which soon becomes filled with the desire for each other. My fingers get tangled into his messy brown hair, meanwhile he’s feeling on my body gripping and squeezing as he pleases.  He breaks the kiss to pull me in the closet bedroom he could find. 
This time I pull him into a kiss. In a swift moment he unzips my dress and it falls to the floor. I take off his shirt, and unbutton his pants and he does the rest. His mouth detached from mine for a split second “What happened to you hating me Y/n/n?” He smirks, I rolled my eyes. “Shut the fuck up” he laughs kissing me again. He unclasps my bra and takes off my panties. He goes from my mouth to my neck, leaving hickies down my body as he kisses all the way down my stomach to my inner thighs. Taking a second to look up and admire me. 
He comes back to my lips. His hands wonder down to my vagina as he rubs my clit with his thumb earning soft moans from me, as he slides in his middle and ring finger slowly. “Is this okay?” I nod. He pumps them in and out of me at a steady pace making me moan out, the pleasure taking over. I quiver at his touch, he's unaware of the effect he has on me. He removes his fingers, sucking them before then lining himself up with my entrance. He pushes himself in me softly. I moan in his ear lightly, the sound of skin on skin and moaning from the both of us throughout the room.
He speeds up his pace. His strokes hitting my g-spot, I start getting louder, letting out pornographic moans. “Am I hurting you?” He asks looking down at me. “No, Colby don't stop” I manage to get out. A knot begins forming in my stomach. “You feel so good baby” He moans. “Fuck” I whimper out. He places his hand on my waist. “Colby I’m gonna cum” I breathe out. “Then do it” without hesitation, I cum all over his dick. He pulls out and finishes on my stomach. 
We lay there for about 10 minutes in pure silence intaking what just happened. He breaks the silence. “Hey Y/n?” He asks looking over at me, “Yes Colby?” I look back making eye contact. “What did I do for you to hate me so much? From what I remember we were super close”. “You seriously don't know? It started after your girlfriend at the time threatened me and you took her side” I scoff, turning away from him. “Y/n what are you talking about? She told me you were talking bad about me and I went to ask you about it and you ignored me” He says pulling me into his arms. 
“What? Colby I’d never speak badly about you, is that really what you think of me?” I ask a bit irritated, “No thats why I went to ask, I guess the way I reacted was because I was hurt” He truthfully admitted to me. “Mhm and why's that?” I ask staring into his eyes. “Because truth be told, I was in love with you junior and senior year. I started dating her because I was too scared to tell you” He smiles. “I felt the same way too.” I smile back with the same amount of joy. 
“Y/n let me take you on a date next Friday” He kisses my forehead. “Be ready by 7 and I’ll come pick you up” He speaks sternly. He gets up and grabs a rag to clean me off. I put my clothes back on and we go back out to the party. “Y/n I’m gonna find Sam and I’ll come right back to you okay?” He yells over the music. “Alright bye! I’ll go find Jake and Tara” we both part way.
“Oh my god Y/n” Tara runs over to me and pulls me into a hug “There you are I thought something happened to you. “No, no I’m okay, I’m sorry” I speak out then hugging her back. “I texted you like a million times” I pull out my phone to check and know and behold 270+ texts from Tara. “I’m so sorryyyy” I apologize. “Starbucks on me tomorrow” I say holding out my pinkie finger, earning a smile from my gorgeous best friend. “Wait wait why's your hair so messy? Not oh I've been partying messy but like freshly fucked, Y/n, WHO?” she smirks. “Well I sure can take a guess” Jake says pointing to Colby with his hair just as messed up as mine. Tara’s jaw dropped “No fucking way, Y/n, you didn’t” I stood there with a dorky grin. 
Colby spots the three of us and walks over to us with Sam and Kat. “You two have explaining to do” Tara says pointing at Colby and I. 
A/n: Pt2?
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Oh, Honey - Jamie Tartt x Fem!Reader
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Jamie Tartt x Fem!Reader
Content : jealousy, friends to lovers, a bit of violence, flirting, kissing
Word Count : 1.6k
Plot Summary : Jamie doesn’t know how to react when he sees you flirting with a West Ham player. 
A/N : More of my love, Jamie, there's a criminally low amount of Jamie fanfic---as always pls like and reblog if you enjoy <3
“Well don’t you look gorgeous?” You hear the voice before you see its owner, and you roll your eyes before picking your drink up from the bar and turning around. 
“And you are?” You deadpan. 
“Westley Smythe. But I’m better known as the star player of West Ham.” He quirks a smile at you and you try hard not to laugh right in his face. 
“You do know who I am?” You ask him, and he raises an eyebrow, looking you up and down as if there was no way he could know. 
“I’m Richmond’s athletic trainer. ” You watch the wheels turn in his mind, and you smooth your dress on yourself, flashing him your own brilliant smile. “I don’t really associate with West Ham.” 
He shrugs. “No one has to know.” He says, and this time, you do laugh out loud, actually tickled that this man was being so bold. 
But your laugh alerts your own star player, a certain number 9. Jamie’s jaw clenches when he sees you laughing with Smythe, and the grip on his beer bottle (a rare treat Roy allowed him) tightens. He feels Roy lean over, and he rolls his eyes in anticipation for whatever Roy has to say. 
“Bloody fucking hell, Tartt. Just tell the girl you like her.” Jamie can’t help but steal glances at you, where you’re chatting away with the West Ham player. And…are you enjoying his company? He thinks about you, how you move when a song you like comes on, the smell of your honey scented perfume. 
“I can’t.”
“Yes you fucking can.” Roy grunts, and with that he puts another beer in front of Jamie and wanders off to mingle with Ted and Beard. 
This leaves Jamie with admittedly, a lot to think about, even though Roy hadn’t said much. 
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You keep a tight smile on your face, and you glance to the boys, noticing Jamie was watching you. Your face flushes and you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. Even though Westley was definitely not your type, you decide you could maybe use him to make Jamie a bit jealous. 
For the past few months, it always seems like Jamie is on the edge of asking you something. There’s stolen glances, smiles that linger a bit too long. You even find yourself checking over him after games more often than other players. You and Jamie were friendly, even friends, but you couldn’t deny the extremely large crush you held on the Mancunian. 
You reach out and brush a light hand on Smythe’s arm, causing him to step a bit closer to you. You glanced again at Jamie, the muscles in his perfect jaw jumping at the sight of you and Smythe. You grin to yourself, angling your body so you’re facing away from Jamie. You felt maybe a little evil, but maybe it would push him to talk to you a bit more. Of course, you could talk to him, but it seemed like anytime you tried to flirt, Jamie was completely oblivious to what you were trying to do. 
You roll your eyes as Westley continues to drone on, casting a peek over your shoulder. Jamie was still watching you, but he was standing now. He sets his bottle on the table and skulks out of the bar, and you can’t help but smirk. 
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The next day, you’re up in the box with Keeley and Rebecca, who you inform of your jealous-Jamie plan. 
Keeley grins. “I love it babes.” And Rebecca nods.
“Maybe it showed him what he was missing.” She suggests, and you point a finger at her, settling into your seat. You cross your arms and gaze down at the field but the huge monitor over the stands shows closeups of the team. You can’t keep your eyes off of Jamie, and Keeley leans in. 
“He looks grumpy, I think your little plan worked, yeah?” She grins, nudging you. You shrug, but secretly you were pleased. If he was jealous over you, surely that meant he liked you. 
The game starts, the usual fast paced back and forth making your head spin. You notice that Smythe has the ball, about to score, when suddenly -
“Oh my god!” You exclaim, standing straight up out of your seat. Jamie had slide-tackled the other player, knocking him down, causing Smythe to roll a little bit. Westley Smythe stands up and charges towards Jamie, who didn’t seem like he was going to back down, in fact, he was smirking, walking to meet Smythe. Jamie pushes Smythe hard, but before a real fight can break out, the referee interferes, gesticulating to Jamie. 
Finally, the referee pulls out a red card. 
Keeley and Rebecca sit next to you, stunned. 
You look up at the monitor and catch Jamie smirking, tongue out, cocky expression on display as he walks back towards the dugout. You sit down, slightly stunned. But also, slightly into it. You watch Roy shake his head at Jamie and send him into the locker room. You quickly stand up, making your way out of the box.
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Your tennis shoes make a soft tap, tap, tap on the floor as you walk down the long, bright hallway to the locker room. You round the doorway and stop, right as Jamie looks up at you. 
“What the hell, Jamie? A red card? Not to mention, you could have hurt yourself and then work on your ankle would have had to start over.” You put your hands on your hips, moving forward towards him. 
“Oh sorry, are you worried about your little West Ham boyfriend?” He says, scoffing as he stands up, turning to face his locker. 
“Boyfriend? I don’t care about Westley.” 
“On a first name basis, huh?” 
You clench your teeth. He was going to be difficult about this. “Why do you even care?” 
Jamie shrugs, still facing away from you. “I don’t.” 
“So why’d you tackle him, then?” 
At this, you can see Jamie’s body tense. “He’s a bloody wanker, that’s why.” 
At this, you scoff. He was really going to stand in front of you and pretend as if you didn’t know what this was about. At the sound of your noise of indignation he turns around to face you. There’s a glint in his eyes and he steps closer to you. Very close. Noses almost touching close. He’s slightly taller than you, so he looks down at you. 
“Maybe I don’t like the way he was looking at you last night, yeah? Like you were a piece of fucking meat.” 
“I can take care of myself.” You assure him, biting back a smirk. You can’t help it though, a devilish smirk was playing on the corners of your lips. “Are you jealous, Tartt?” 
You expected him to smirk. You even expected him to maybe laugh, that beautiful smile on display. Instead, he licks his lips, quirking an eyebrow at you. “I think you know the answer to that.” 
“Then say it.” You challenge. 
At this, Jamie smirks. “Yes. I was jealous. You are smart, funny, and kind, and seeing Westley Smythe all over you made me want to tackle him on the pitch.” 
You’re a bit taken aback. You didn’t expect him to pile compliments on you, and your eyes soften. “Oh..” you breathe out. 
Jamie continues to gaze down at you, leaning in even closer than he was before, his lips hovering centimeters above yours. You watch, mesmerized, drunk in his presence. 
“Seems you might like having me jealous over you, yeah?” Jamie teases. “But that’s okay, as long as I get you all to myself.” 
You swallow, your eyes trailing to his lips. “You’ve always had me all to yourself.” You whisper, glancing up to meet his gaze again. But the look on his face is different. Where before it was smirking, sexy, teasing, now it was surprised and anguished. 
“Wh..what?” He manages to get out, and you kick yourself, believing you said the wrong thing. “Just how long have you been trying to make me jealous?” He asks, reaching up to gently push a strand of hair behind your ear. 
You shrug, suddenly bashful, cheeks burning red hot as he brushed his hand there briefly. You feel a gentle hand under your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his. He searches your face, a small, pleased smile playing on his lips. 
“Only since last night. I couldn’t take the tension anymore.” You whisper, and Jamie laughs softly. He slides his hand to the side of your face, lifting his other hand to mirror it. Cradling your face gently, he leans in. 
Before anything happens, his eyes travel from your lips to your eyes. “Can I kiss you?” He whispers. Your mouth feels dry, but you nod, and he leans in, gently connecting his lips to yours. 
You kiss him back, feeling as if you were melting, and you slide your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer to him. His hands leave your face and snake around your waist, holding you as close as he can. “You are as sweet as honey.” He breathes into your ear, and you shiver. 
“Oi!” You hear a booming voice yell from the doorway and you instinctively look over, still tangled in each other’s arms. There stood Roy, an eyebrow raised. “Not that I don’t think it’s about time the two of you kissed, but Ted wants to see you, Tartt.” 
Jamie looks at you, stealing another kiss before winking at you, following Roy out of the locker room door. You stood there, smiling and blushing to yourself. You guessed Jamie just needed a little push, is all. You couldn’t wait to continue what you started.
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sasukeless · 19 days
sasuke being painted as The possessive one of the relationship when that’s not shown in canon and people mostly use panels out of context (i saw “my one and only” or “i know your heart and you mine” being used to prove him being possessive which is ???) but somehow naruto that actually has moments he shows to be possessive are not counted. but like even without them, if you analyzed their relationship you would realize it does make the most sense for naruto to be like that unlike sasuke. because naruto has abandonment issues already with sasuke, sasuke did left him and cut him off once and left naruto really traumatized (even if it’s not sasuke’s fault, it’s still one of the biggest sources of naruto’s pain) so him being scared sasuke could leave him again and the urge to keep him makes complete sense. on the other hand, sasuke has never felt that loss, naruto has constantly chased and picked him over everyone including his own goals over and over. and his fears about love turning into grief if he lost naruto are quite literally shattered by naruto himself in vote2.
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
The reason I go on about hating unwarranted jealousy so much is because it's one of the tropes that tricked me. I won't fall for "I can fix him with love" but jealousy is often given as a trait to male characters who are otherwise a green flag. They are unhealthily jealous and it's not treated as a bad thing.
I went into my first serious relationship expecting jealousy to be normal and kind of surprised when my partner was never jealous. But why would he have been? I never gave him a reason to be jealous or to not trust me. I hadn't been in a serious relationship before and I thought it was standard.
When I actually examined my life and what would make a movie character jealous, I realized it was stupid because my situation would have been the most jealousy inducing thing on TV. I lived in a five bedroom student house with 4 guys (Am I New Girl?). My best friend was a guy whom I lived with and cooked for. I worked with engineers and my team was all men except for me, my floor at work had 4 women on it out of at least 50 employees. I'm sure a TV version of me would have had my boyfriend showing up at work to "mark his territory" or some B.S. or wanting me to move out of my house. But as Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey points out:
"Would he thank you, either on his own account or Miss Thorpe’s, for supposing that her affection, or at least her good behaviour, is only to be secured by her seeing nothing of Captain Tilney? Is he safe only in solitude? Or is her heart constant to him only when unsolicited by anyone else?"
You are always going to have people around you that you might be able to date, that is life. The important part is how you act. It didn't matter who I lived with because I treated them like roommates. It didn't matter who I worked with because I treated them as colleagues. It didn't matter who my best friend was because he was a friend. What mattered is that I considered myself taken. That is the best assurance of faithfulness.
I don't mind Jealousy that Reveals Feelings in media, but I do mind things that border on or are straight up abusive, controlling behaviour that is portrayed as sexy. It can be a delicate balance, if what you need is for the female lead to realize the male lead likes her, then him showing some overt jealousy may be necessary. but it shouldn't go too far into control. I've seen it used well where a character overreacts jealously but then apologizes, so you get the passion and the healthy relationship. It makes sense to see jealousy if one side of a partnership isn't setting boundaries in public or seems to not mind that someone is hitting on them. But jealousy without cause is just toxic.
I hope I've explained myself well. This post is ignoring poly relationships because I know nothing about them.
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mhathotfic · 7 months
You know the jealous gf trope? The “you’re the most jealous girl I know”/“… You know other girls?” thing. Yeah Todoroki’s your jealous gf in this case.
Goes from bringing your favorite drink and snacks and calling you my love to side eyeing you because you sounded a little too sweet and happy when saying hi back to Kaminari real quick.
It’s fine. He’s just not used to being in a relationship yet, he’ll get the hang of it. Probably.
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comatosebunny09 · 2 months
Leon doesn’t ask if you’re okay. He knows you can care for yourself, so he doesn’t fret much if you fall or have a few bumps and bruises. Besides, he knows that you’ll probably kick his ass for treating you like something fragile, so he relies on you to hold your own.
He doesn’t consider you feeling some type of way when he shows “princess treatment” towards other women. Ladies you’re sent to rescue, women caught up in the crossfire of your missions, and other miscellaneous innocents.
Especially one beautifully unpredictable Ada Wong.
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