Defenestration is defined as "the action of throwing someone out a window." A secondary, less formal definition is that of dismissing someone from a position of power.
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blackwood4stucky · 2 months
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maybe we’re just born with stardust in our blood | aspen blackwood
james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers | mcu
masterpost | 🅼 | word count: 4,330 | complete
tags: ws!witch!bucky, bucky barnes centric, ws!steve
synopsis: Team Cap search for the one thing that could send Bucky back to where he started.
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ch. 2: i'll use you as a focal point, so i don't lose sight of what i want
bingo fills + event prompts
@anyfandomgoesbingo | idiots to lovers
buckybarnesevents: babb 2023 | crackfic [nov monthly prompt]
@buckybarnesevents: bucky’s birthday bash
wakanda bucky + friends to lovers + steve rogers + blue
febuwhump | day 16: came back wrong
@julybreakbingo: post-july | “innocently” groping someone else
@killacharacterbingo | gunshot
halloween [5037] | screams like a little girl round 3 [3013] | flirting under fire taboo [6049] | culture: talking about sex
@seasonaldelightsbingo: types of love bingo | pressing their foreheads together
@slumberpartybingo | would you rather: live in the big city or quiet countryside
@stuckybingo [5080] | music + aquamarine [march prompt]
@stuckygeekevents: stucky geek bingo | cold stare, mourning
stucky smut menu | shy!bucky
sweetspicybingo: sweetheart bingo | just the tip
the-slumberparty: eight types of love | eros: dirty talk
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read: ao3 | ffn | sqwa
ch 1
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Bob keels over from a stroke.
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dogsarethebest312 · 2 months
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No Second Chances
Rating: Teen
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Empress of the Racnoss, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Ross Jenkins, UNIT
Warnings: MCD, drowning, accidental murder, non-graphic suicide
Summary: We’ve seen what happens when Donna isn’t there to stop The Doctor. But what if Rose had been there instead? More specially, what if Rose had been the one kidnapped from behind The Doctor’s back?
@killacharacterbingo: Drowning
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azalawa-scroggs · 5 months
In Which I Kill Miles Edgeworth Repeatedly
I really didn't need to be enabled, but who doesn't like to be enabled? So I signed up for @killacharacterbingo, in order to keep writing my little depresso shots and feel like I'm doing something productive with it. The challenge is to write several fics where the same character dies, and each fic crosses a box on the bingo card. I'm aiming for the black-out. I deeply apologise to all my followers.
More seriously, I know major character death is a big turn-off for many readers, which I fully respect. Feel free to block my tag for it, which will be #Miles Edgeworth Didn't Choose Death (even though in some of them, he will). There will also be specific content warnings where applicable. And MCD will obviously be warned for every time. If I ever miss a warning, feel free to tell me, of course.
Anyway, here is the first of those fics.
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These walls echo with your absence
Rating: G Major Character Death Gen Miles Edgeworth & Gregory Edgeworth Tags: Alternate DL-6, Miles Dies Instead, Unhappy Ending, Grief/Mourning, Gregory Edgeworth Needs A Hug, Child's Death
Gregory doesn't die in the DL-6 incident. Instead he has to learn to live with the worst fate that can befall a parent.
Ray drove him home after the funeral. Gregory himself was in no state to.
He sat silently during the ride, clutching at the urn in his hands. His eyes were dry, staring ahead at nothing, as they had been for the whole service. He remembered nothing of it.
“Thank you, Raymond,” he murmured when they arrived. “I appreciate it.”
“Do you have something to eat for tonight?” Ray asked. Gregory smiled at him, touched by his concern even through the fog that had fallen over him. The expression felt foreign, and the muscles of his face stretched painfully, like they had fallen out of use.
“Yes. Don't worry about me, please. I'll manage. Thank you for everything.”
Raymond hesitated, then gave in, biding him goodnight and telling him to take care of himself. Gregory gave another difficult smile and watched as his assistant drove away.
Truth was, he wasn't sure if he had something planned for dinner. He couldn't recall. But it didn't matter. Cooking, eating, it all sounded exhausting.
Gregory knew that this was a dangerous cycle to fall into. The temptation to waste away was great, and all it would achieve was make the people who cared worry about him. He had been so good about it this last week, going through his last check-ups after being discharged from the hospital, giving the police his testimony, organising the funeral. And tomorrow he would be good about it again. He owed it to the people he still had left, so he wouldn't put even more weight on their burden, already so heavy.
But tonight, just tonight, he wanted to give in. To stop fighting for a few hours. He had just laid his only child to rest. He didn't have much strength left to carry him.
He turned the key in the lock, entered the house, turned on the light. The corridor was too cold and too silent, as it had been for seven days. No one came to meet him, no one shouted a greeting to him. Neither did he call out to announce his return as he always used to do, before.
It was startling, how quickly he had lost the habit to say he was back to an empty house.
Miles's snuggly sweater, which he always wore over his pajamas in the winter, still lay discarded on the back of the couch, abandoned in haste. They had been running late for the trial, and Miles had promised to put it away when they came back. Gregory hadn't touched it since.
Suddenly he realised that he'd forgotten to decide where to put Miles's ashes for the few days before he took them to the cemetery. He froze in indecision.
All that was left of Miles was this little urn, and Gregory had completely forgotten to give it a place in the house. His breath stuttered in his throat, his lungs burning. The decision seemed impossible to make now, as his mind stuttered to a halt.
Not Miles's bedroom, the most logical choice. Its door was closed. Gregory wouldn't open it again.
Not Gregory's room. He wasn't strong enough to lay eyes on it every morning, every night.
Eventually he set it on the ground in the living room, just next to the bookshelf. Miles had often sat in that very spot to read, even though Gregory never failed to remind him that there were more comfortable couches barely a few feet farther. But Miles was too impatient. When he grabbed a book, the book grabbed him back, and he needed to start it immediately. At least now he wouldn't get a sore behind from sitting on the floorboards...
He rose up and stood for a long while, paralysed, staring at the urn that stood in his son's place. What was there still left to do? What was he supposed to do now? There was nothing left but this void in his chest. He couldn't bring himself to move, as if somehow his gaze burning into the urn would bring Miles back, or at least let him accept the reality of it all. As if by staying frozen here he could escape the pain tearing him apart.
This was all that remained of him. Just a few bones and ashes which didn't even fill half the urn. He had looked so small in his little coffin, when they had surrendered him to the flames...
He pushed a stuttering, difficult breath out of his lungs, forced himself to move. He had to keep going. There was no other choice. It was too early for bed, so he picked a book from the shelf, barely looking at its title. He sat, not on the floor, but on the couch. He opened the book, read the first page once, twice, ten times. He couldn't think of anything but Miles.
The doorbell rang. He frowned, wondering who it could be at this time of the night. Some well-wisher, perhaps. He wasn't sure he had the strength to deal with that.
For a second he considered staying here until they left. But the bell rang a second time, and he realised the visitor wouldn't let him ignore them. So he got up, closed the book, and went to answer the door.
“… Detective Badd?”
“Edgeworth... once again, all my condolences... for your loss,” he said. For once there was no lollipop in his mouth, and his face looked even more sombre than usual. “May I... come in...?”
Gregory mechanically moved back to let him in.
“Is there something you wanted to discuss?”
“Yes...” Badd took a few more steps, then turned back to face Gregory. “It's about... the trial.”
Gregory grew rigid.
“I already told you. I will not be testifying.”
“They are charging... Yogi. The case... goes to trial tomorrow... there is practically no evidence...”
Gregory pinched his nose. The fools. He couldn't even say he was surprised. “I fail to see how that is of any concern to me.”
Badd sighed. “Is there really nothing... you remember...?”
Gregory's throat tightened. Voices rang in his mind, the visceral fear as Yogi started losing his mind, knowing Miles was in the elevator with them. He couldn't recall a gun being involved. He knew it wouldn't matter to the prosecution. “No.”
“Without your testimony... he will certainly... walk free...”
“As he should, with how much reasonable doubt surrounds his guilt,” Gregory snapped. “The prosecution are fools to move to trial with so little proof. I have nothing to add.”
He would never understand this country's prosecutors' obsession with conviction, conviction, conviction. There was nothing decisive against Yogi. They needed to investigate further, instead of losing time and money indicting a man that was guaranteed to walk free. Gregory couldn't care less about his son's death becoming one more meaningless win on some uncaring attorney's record. He wasn't going to become a tool for that.
“There was... no one else,” Badd said. “This is why... they arrested Yogi. We need to find... the truth... to bring your son justice...”
“My son is dead, Detective,” Gregory retorted, teeth gritted. “Justice can't do anything for him.”
Yogi had no motive. He had just been panicking. There was no reason for him to pick up his gun, steadily point it at Miles's heart and shoot. It made no sense for him to be the culprit. Miles's death had been too purposeful.
Purposeful. Gregory's hands started shaking, his throat burning. Somehow, someone had stepped into that elevator. They had looked at his son, his little nine-year-old son, and they had coldly shot him in the heart. A life full of promise, a thousand possible bright futures, cut short with the press of a finger. Just like that.
It was unimaginable. It was unthinkable. It was monstrous. Who could look at a child and want him dead? Who could see such a harmless, beautiful little being and decide they no longer deserved to live? Why would anyone ever desire to do that?
Did Gregory really want to know? To face that person, in court or otherwise, look them in the eye, and know that they took everything from him for no reason at all? For there could be no reason, no reason at all for anyone to want to kill Miles, innocent and precious Miles, the joy and pride of his heart, who had never hurt anyone in his life...
Gregory took a trembling breath, balled his hands into fists. Badd was looking at him with pity.
“Please leave.” He couldn't do this. Couldn't stand here and discuss it any longer.
Badd reluctantly moved towards the exit.
“If there is... anything... I can do...”
“Thank you, Detective,” Gregory said, forcing one of those painful smiles.
There is nothing anyone can do. Miles is gone. And I have to keep living.
Detective Badd respectfully bowed to him, then with a last sorrowful glance, walked out. Gregory closed the door behind him.
He closed his eyes, forced himself to breathe. The air felt solid around him, with how difficult it was to expand his chest, with how much the simple movement hurt. For a moment he tried to think of nothing but breathing.
Miles was gone. He would never sit on the floor again, engrossed in a book too serious for his age. He wouldn't hug Gregory, wouldn't laugh as he babbled about Phoenix and Larry and the Signal Samurai, ever again.
Aimless steps brought him back to the living room. His gaze fell on Miles's discarded sweater once more. In a surge of courage, he picked it up to put it away.
Miles was gone. Gregory had to move on.
The piece of clothing was so soft. He understood why his son had loved it so much, barely ever allowing Gregory to put it in the wash for how often he wore it. It still faintly smelled like him...
He fell to his knees and buried his face into the fabric.
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ddringo · 5 months
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Dream it possible
He knows from the moment he agrees to take the kid on the mission that it’s a bad idea. Peter had a Spidey sense, and Tony had a dad sense. Developed it during a time when everything seemed lost, and it was just him and Pepper and their beautiful baby girl Morgan.
Tony couldn’t predict dangers before they happened. Couldn’t stop a bullet in midair, folding fingers around it and stopping it with enhanced strength. But he knew how to see the tiredness under a kid's eyes and see how his shoulders had slumped as his energy had slowly drained. It should have been a warning sign of what was to come, but he’d missed it. And now, Peter was dying all over again.
Five times Peter Parker was visitors during his coma.
Prompt: Pulling the plug @killacharacterbingo
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pijulle · 5 months
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"He was like fire, pooling in the battle and setting aflame the heart of the men. He shone like a golden star, leading the men to victory in the grimness of the battle, inspiring bravery and loyalty. "Father, I can kill him." "
My first entry for the @killacharacterbingo’s challenge 😈
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stripedscribe · 4 months
Thank you @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for coming up with this!
And thank you @42donotpanic for the tag!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Words and Fics
38,518 words published in 2023
17 completed fics
Top 3 Pairings
Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson [11]
Matt Murdock&Foggy Nelson [2]
Matt Murdock&Foggy Nelson&Karen Page [2]
Top 5 by Comments
Sticking It To The Man(Round Robin Collab) 15
Of All The Good In The World - 10
ART for Romantic's Pizza Package -
Let me spin myself into yarn - 8
A Vessel- 7
Top 5 by Kudos
Sticking It To The Man - 242
A Cut String Of Fate - 39
ART for Romantic's Pizza Package - 146
A Vessel - 36
Of All The Good In The World - 26
Top 5 by Hits
Sticking It To The Man - 1,235
The Way We Say Goodbye- 559
A Cut String Of Fate - 486
ART for Romantic's Pizza Package - 393
If Forever Leaves Too Soon- 256
Fandom Events in 2023
At the start of the year the Avocados took part in a round robin challenge for Sticking It To The Man, in which 6 of us wrote a fic together! I would love to do this again.
The @daredevilexchange held a prompt fest in February, in which I posted 3 fics/art! One of these also started a collab with @udekai for our BADminton series!
In March the Avocados had our Secret Satan exchange in which I wrote Let me spin myself into yarn for @feenyxblue!
Through the year I wrote a few shorter prompted things - from our no prompt left behind challenge on the server, and also from Tumblr requests!
In October we had the @daredevilexchange where I wrote 2 fics, The City That Never (Always) Sleeps, and You know it breaks my heart in half, in half.
Upcoming Plans
I've just started the @killacharacterbingo, 4 fics in, and I hope to finish that next year! I've got a few longterm wips I want to bring back out and actually get finished, and not burnout with constant event pressures.
Writing Reflection
This year has felt quieter. I wrote about half what I did last year, and nothing can compare to 2021. It's been busy IRL, and I've felt like I've been in and out of burnout, but we're getting there!
Having a community online has been a lifesend, and even if I haven't been posting it, we've had plenty of brainrot opportunities, which I'm glad for! I also started to dabble in original fic, and that's slow going, but I'm also writing a bit more through starting DnD, and having text-based rp sessions in between, which are amazing!
Community is everything, and I'm so glad to have met everyone I did, you all hold a special place in my heart. Where else are you going to be able to cry about Matt and Foggy at 2 in the morning and there be someone to listen?
Tagging: @udekai, @blissful-thinker, @feenyxblue, @missmoochy and the rest of the Avocados discord, you know who you are!
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arrow-of-ravenclaw · 2 months
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@badthingshappenbingo - strangulation
@killacharacterbingo - near death experiences
There's Writing All Over the Walls
rating: mature
fandom: red white and royal blue
Miguel wanted Alex to be his, whether Alex wanted him or not.
make sure to read the tags
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Dream it possible
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51837199 by Dorthea He knows from the moment he agrees to take the kid on the mission that it’s a bad idea. Peter had a Spidey sense, and Tony had a dad sense. Developed it during a time when everything seemed lost, and it was just him and Pepper and their beautiful baby girl Morgan. Tony couldn’t predict dangers before they happened. Couldn’t stop a bullet in midair, folding fingers around it and stopping it with enhanced strength. But he knew how to see the tiredness under a kid's eyes and see how his shoulders had slumped as his energy had slowly drained. It should have been a warning sign of what was to come, but he’d missed it. And now, Peter was dying all over again. *** Five times Peter Parker was visitors during his coma. Words: 4220, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Kill-a-character BINGO (Peter Parker, 2024) Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Helen Cho (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker Additional Tags: killacharacter, ¨kill a character, kill a character bingo, killacharacterbingo, Kill-a-character Bingo, Coma, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Whump, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dead Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective Tony Stark, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Feels, Good Parent Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Worried Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Aunt May Parker is a Good Aunt (Marvel), Supportive Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Aunt May Parker Needs a Hug (Marvel), POV Alternating, 5 Times, 5+1 Things, 5 Things read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51837199
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killacharacterbingo · 1 month
Fatal Weakness
A fatal weakness is described as a critical debility in an otherwise remarkably strong, or perhaps invincible, character. A character who is, in all other aspects, invulnerable or nearing it, has a weakness which, if exploited, can lead to their death.
A common example of this would be the fictional mineral kryptonite to the DC superhero Superman. Kryptonite is one of the very few things which can harm the otherwise invincible man, and is often regarded as the most effective strategy in taking him down. In Greek mythology, the character Achilles was invincible due to his mother having bathed him in the river Styx. However, since she held him by the heel to dip him in the water, his heel wasn't touched by the water and ergo vulnerable. Consequently, his fatal weakness was his heel (hence the common phrase "Achilles' heel.")
As such, this prompt refers to strong characters, maybe nearing invincibility, who have one flaw, one point of fragility, capable of leading to their deaths.
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blackwood4stucky · 2 months
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something in the way | aspen blackwood
series: the call of darkness
james "bucky" barnes x steve rogers | mcu
🆃 | word count: 1777 | complete
tags: alternate universe, bucky barnes centric, creature, blood
synopsis: Bucky realizes that something is amiss.
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bingo fills + event prompts
@anyfandomangstbingo | psychotic behavior
@anyfandomdarkbingo | eating disorder 
a year in review by tainted souls server
danse macabre: the dance of death | creature feature
@buckybarnesevents: connect 4 - into an alternate june-iverse [c4013] | c2: vampire
@fandom-free-bingo: flight edition | free use
@killacharacterbingo | revenge
@multifandom-flash: round 1 [1088] | free space
@stuckybingo [5080] | deja vu all over again [feb adoptable]
snippet: "They say that idle minds are the devil’s playground. That idle hands are his workshop and idle lips, his mouthpiece. Whoever coined such a saying was correct. Bucky’s mind is the devil’s playground, for all he hears are whispers about his true self. Bucky’s hands are his workshop, for all they do is kill and kill and kill. Bucky’s lips are his mouthpiece, for all they crave is the feeling of human flesh against them. A mouthpiece that holds a tongue that desires the taste of human blood, the strongest muscle in the body that leads to a throat that thirsts for the life essence of so many. But why? Why is he like this?"
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read: ao3 | ffn | sqwa
mini playlist
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Bob's appendix picks a really bad time to act up.
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dogsarethebest312 · 1 month
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The Curse of the Time Lords
Rating: Teen
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: The Doctor/Rose Tyler
Characters: Fourteenth Doctor, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler (mentioned), other Doctors and companions
Warnings: past MCD, past loss of spouse, past loss of children, brief suicidal thoughts
When Donna found The Doctor for the third time, she had forgotten everything about him. But once she’d remembered and the day had been saved, she had to ask him. She had to know.
Where was Rose Tyler?
@killacharacterbingo: Sometimes Death is Better
@doctorrosebingo: Regeneration
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42donotpanic · 6 months
Current Events and Challenges - Masterlist
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Any Fandom Angst Bingo : Masterlist / @anyfandomangstbingo
Any Fandom AU Bingo : Masterlist / @anyfandomaubingo
Any Fandom Bad Bitches Bingo : Masterlist / @badbitchesbingo
Any Fandom Dark Bingo : Masterlist / @anyfandomdarkbingo
Any Fandom Fluff Bingo : Masterlist / @anyfandomfluffbingo
Any Fandom Kink Bingo : Masterlist / @anyfandomkinkbingo
LGBTQ Bingo : Masterlist / @lgbtqbingo
Any Fandom Omegaverse Bingo : Masterlist / @afgomegaversebingo
Any Fandom Goes Bingo : Masterlist / @anyfandomgoesbingo
Bad Things Happen Bingo : Masterlist / @badthingshappenbingo
Bingo of Our Own : Masterlist / @thebo3bingo
Build-A-Bucky Bingo : Masterlist / @buckybarnesevents
Fandom Free Bingo Frosty Edition : Masterlist / @fandom-free-bingo
Fandom Free Bingo Flight Edition : Masterlist / @fandom-free-bingo
Hurt and Comfort Bingo : Masterlist / @hurtcomfort-bingo
Post July Break Bingo : Masterlist / @julybreakbingo
Kill-a-Character Bingo (Clint) : Masterlist / @killacharacterbingo
Kill-a-Character Bingo (Jack) : Masterlist / @killacharacterbingo
Lyrical Escape Bingo : Masterlist / @lyricalescape
Winter Break Advent : Masterlist / @winterbreakadvent
Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 3 : Masterlist / @marvelrarepairbingo
MCU Kink Bingo : Masterlist / @mcukinkbingo
Multi Fandom Bingo : Masterlist / @mfbingo
Red, White and Royal Blue Bingo : Masterlist / @sh-rwrb-bingo
Winter Wonderland Bingo : Masterlist / @seasonaldelightsbingo
Slumber Party Bingo : Masterlist / @slumberpartybingo
Flash Slumber Party Bingos : Masterlist / @slumberpartybingo
Sweet and Spicy Bingo - Holiday Edition : Masterlist / @sweetspicybingo
Sweet and Spicy Bingo - Sweetheart Edition : Masterlist / @sweetspicybingo
WinterHawk Bingo : Masterlist / @winterhawkbingo
Big Thanks to @foxywrites for the Challenges Bingo cards 💜
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ddringo · 2 months
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Happiness can exist only in acceptance
“Do you ever regret becoming a Hero?” Tony asks again. “You’re seventeen, Pete. Normal kids your age are sneaking alcohol, getting drunk, and worrying about high school crushes.”
“You didn’t.” Peter comments, carefully pulling on a hoodie. Almost in slow motion.
Tony can’t argue with that statement. It was true. At seventeen, Tony had already finished MIT. Drank too much because his parents didn’t care. And had more one-night stands than she cared to remember. But at least he’d been alive.
“You could die out there,” Tony says. Not for the first time. But it’s the first time he says it directly. Meeting Peter’s earnest and innocent eyes with a stern gaze. “You know that, right?” Peter fiddles with the edge of his hoodie sleeves. Something he’d done a million times before. The right sleeve was so worn, that it would soon fall apart completely. Just a string of memories. After a long moment, Peter gives a stiff nod. Confirming that he knew. That he went out there despite knowing, that tomorrow he might not come home.
Fills the prompt Even Heroes Die @killacharacterbingo
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