#kim seokjin x gender neutral reader
bangtanloverboys · 1 year
red roses // ksj
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summary - in which you attempt to ask your crush, kim seokjin, to be your valentine
pairing - seokjin x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff; high school au
word count - 2.1k
warnings - slight embarassment, feeling like you’re rejected, kissing, high school, mentions of medication
author’s note - inspired by ‘red roses’ by aj rafael. i never go to experience a cute high school valentine’s day so i’m making up for it in fanfiction abt a 30 year old korean man lmaooooo
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On paper, the idea of confessing to your crush on Valentine’s Day with a bouquet of roses seemed like it would be easy. In actual execution, that was a completely different story and you weren’t even sure if you could do it. 
You’ve had the biggest crush on your closest friend Kim Seokjin for years now, it was obvious to anyone around you since you’d both started high school. But the only one completely oblivious, was the man himself. How he was unable to see the heart eyes you gave him and the small bird songs that played any time he spoke to you, you wouldn’t know. But after years of secretly pinning, you had enough. On Valentine’s Day, you were finally going to confess and let your feelings be known.
The morning before school, you stopped by a local flower shop and bought a dozen red roses. You had to come up with some excuse for Seokjin, telling him some bullshit about grabbing your prescription from the pharmacy; as normally the two of you would drive to school together in his car. But upon buying the roses and rushing to get to school on time, you felt everyone’s eyes on you. You thought you would’ve blended right in, seeing as the school halls have been decorated floor to ceiling in red and pink hearts and various fake red flowers. But the fact that you were the only one actually carrying a bouquet of flowers, you were the center of everyone’s attention. 
Originally you had planned to give the roses to him first thing as he was in your very first class of the day. But feeling as if you were under a microscope, you decided against it, shoving the flowers into your locker, telling yourself you’d do it before lunch. Just tell him you left your food in your locker, walk there with him and boom. You’d pull out the flowers and confess. 
Okay, maybe you should’ve thought this through a bit more. 
“Gah!” You slammed the door to your locker shut. You cringed at yourself for such an overreaction, but upon seeing it was Seokjin who startled you, you felt relieved. 
He was laughing at you, smiling widely. “Did I scare you that badly?”
The tips of your ears felt like they were on fire as you shook your head. “No, sorry. Just a bit on edge,” you said, shouldering your bag as you started heading in the direction of your first period, Seokjin following you.
“Ah, you started your new meds today?” 
Your friend frowned at you. “You said you had to pick up a prescription today.”
“Right, right.” Idiot, forgetting your own cover story. “No, just crazy drivers. Almost got hit crossing the street.” Not a complete lie. You were almost hit by a car crossing the street, but that happened a few days back.
“Y/N!” Jin hissed at you. “Why didn’t you just let me take you?! You’ve been almost hit twice in one week! You can’t die on me!”
“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” you chuckled a bit flatly. Both of you had stopped right in front of your classroom, not saying anything, just looking at each other. You’ve always known that Seokjin was a beautiful person, but something about the fluorescent lighting at 8 in the morning, he looked even more handsome. He opened his mouth to speak but wherever he was going to say was drowned out by the peeling of the bell. “Sorry, you were gonna say something?”
He shook his head. “It’s fine, I forgot it. Let’s go to class.”
The next few hours until lunch felt like they took centuries. Normally the first classes of the day went by pretty quickly. But you kept finding yourself looking up at the clock, then to Seokjin who sat across the room from you, and silently hyped yourself up to give him the roses. Only as the clock struck closer and closer to noon, you found yourself dreading it. Your mouth felt dry, your body felt like it was sweating buckets, and your heartbeat was in your stomach. By the time lunch hour finally started, you felt like you were going to shit bricks. 
“Did you pack a lunch or getting hot lunch?” Seokjin asked you as you began packing up your backpack. 
This was your chance! You could give him the flowers now-!
“No, I’m getting hot lunch.” 
“Sweet, me too. Let’s go before the line gets too long,” he said as he shouldered his bag and headed towards the door. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” You muttered under your breath, hitting your forehead.
“Did you say something?” Seokjin turned to see you.
“Nope, didn’t say a word.” You shook your head. God, whilst you missed your chance (again), you didn’t feel as if your entire body was going to explode anymore. 
The two of you made your way towards the cafeteria, decorated in dozens of paper hearts and roses. Everyone seemed to be carrying on as usual, as if the decor didn’t change the fact it was still just another average school day. But as you two waited in line, you could see couples out of the corner of your eye. Exchanging chocolates and gifts and flowers, being sweet and romantic. Your heart fluttered at the sight of it, hoping that you could maybe have that with Seokjin (if today went well, that is).
“Hey are you doing okay?” Seokjin’s voice pierced through the noise of the cafeteria. Facing him, you could see concern written all over his face. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“You just don’t seem like you’re all there, that is.” His words were nonchalant as you continued down the line, but you could tell he wasn’t going to drop it. 
“Bad-bad day, I guess? I dunno. . .” You knew you didn’t sound very convincing, judging by Seokjin’s continuous staring, but as you approached the front of the line to pay, he stopped you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m paying for your lunch.”
“No, Jin, you don’t have to-”
“I want to.” His eyes met yours. “I’m not fighting you on this, if you say you’re having a bad day, it’s my job as your best friend to make it better.” You felt heat rush to your cheeks as he handed the student at the cash register a couple bills. “Besides, it’s Valentine’s Day. Figured I was gonna treat you anyways.”
If your face was warm before, it was on fire now. “What-what does that mean?”
He was quiet for a moment, as if he didn’t realize what he said. “I mean, you’re my best friend. And I love you. Valentine’s Day is a day of love, platonic love and all that jazz. You know?” His ears were pink, but you could barely process that, only focusing on his words. 
Platonic love. Is that all he saw you as? A friend?
“Right. . . thank you, Jin. Let’s-Let’s just go eat.” You tossed your head in the direction of the tables, blinking back tears. You felt stupid. If you confessed now, all it would do would make everything awkward. Just muscle though the rest of the day, walk home, and maybe give the flowers to your mom. Yeah, she’d like that. 
“Meet you after class?” He asked as the end of lunch bell rang. 
“Nah, I’ll walk. It’s fine.”
He furrowed his brows at you. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, I promise I won’t get hit by any cars,” you added, trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah, you better not. Or else I’ll come after your ass.” He pulled you into a hug before walking towards his next class. “Bye!”
“Later. . .” You called out after him. After lunch, the rest of the day went by in a blur, all while your heart laid heavy in your chest. You were almost glad that you didn’t have any more classes with Seokjin the rest of the day, leaving you alone and giving you time to be sad. 
Once the day was over, you waited back until most of the crowds had left school grounds (or more specifically, until you knew Seokjin wasn’t going to be waiting in the parking lot). You made your way out of the school, roses in hand, walking slow. It was going to be a long walk home.
The brisk February air kissed your cheeks, but you didn’t mind it. It was an oddly pleasant distraction from your own emotions. Unfortunately, your mind kept circling back to Seokjin, and his words. He’d friendzoned you (unintentionally), but as you took the time to collect your thoughts, you realized that even though you couldn’t be with him in a romantic sense, you knew you still wanted him in your life. You didn’t want to lose him, so perhaps after a healthy amount of distance and getting over him, you could go back to seeing him as only a friend. 
At long last, you were almost home. You were relieved, ready to get out of the cold and warm up (and maybe get these roses into a vase for your mother). You were about to cross the street to your house when you stopped dead in your tracks.
Seokjin was there waiting for you. You didn’t even have time to hide, as he noticed you right away. As he jogged over to you, you tried to hide the roses behind you. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.”
“And you couldn’t do that in a text?”
Ignoring your question, he focused on the flowers you were failing to hide from his view. “Where did you get the flowers?”
You could feel your heart begin to race again, as you brought the roses in front of you. “I, uh, got them at the flower shop a couple blocks away.”
“When did you have time to get them?” He questioned.
You watched as his eyes flickered down to the flowers, then back to you. All thoughts about getting over him and hiding your confession went out the window. Unable to think of any more lies on the spot, your shoulders dropped with a sigh. “This morning.”
“I thought you were at the pharmacy this morning?”
“That was. . .that was a lie. I lied to you.” You cringed at yourself, but might as well rip the whole bandaid off. You held the bouquet out for him to take. “They’re for you. I. . . I like you, Seokjin. I have for a while and while I realize you don’t like me back, that’s okay! You’re my friend and I care about you-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.!” Seokjin cut you off. “Back up, where did I say that I don’t like you back?”
You blinked at him. “Literally today? You said you love me platonically.”
Realization washed over Seokjin’s face. “Oh. . .”
“Yeah, oh.”
He was quiet for a moment, looking at the roses in his hands. “What if I said I lied about that?”
Your head snapped up. “What?”
“I like you, Y/N. Romantically,” he clarified, a shy smile playing on his lips. 
“You- you like me?”
“I didn’t get you roses to commemorate it, but yes, I do. I have since like the third grade.” In shock, you punched him in the shoulder. “Ow! What was that for?!”
“The third grade?!”
Seokjin’s ears turned pink again. “What was I supposed to do? Unless you wanted to go on dates sitting on my handlebars?”
You laughed at that, feeling lighter and more giddy with each passing second. “I don’t know, but I feel like we wasted so much time.”
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to make up for it.” His voice was softer now, and he was leaning down towards you. 
“Are you gonna kiss me?”
“If you’d let me.” You could feel his breath fanning across your lips, waiting patiently for your permission. 
With that, he pressed his lips to yours. Dropping the flowers, Seokjin wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in closer. Your hands wrapped around his shoulders, holding on to him as tight as you could, fearing you might float away. 
Both of you suddenly pulled away, heads snapping in the direction of your porch, where your mother stood, cup of tea in hand. “Whilst I’m glad you have finally stopped dancing around your feelings, get inside before you catch a cold please!”
You and Seokjin stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles, your mom vanished back inside as you straightened out your clothes. Crouching down, Seokjin picked up the fallen bouquet of roses (poor things have been through so much). Standing back up, he gestured to your front door. “Why don’t we put these in some water and watch a movie?”
“Would you like dinner too?” You questioned as you started towards the door. 
“Roses, dinner, and a movie? You’re spoiling me before we even go on our first date.”
“Well, like you said, we have a lot of time to make up for.”
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7ndipity · 2 years
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woncon · 7 months
06:05 am
❥ seokjin x gn!reader
➳ warnings: nudity
➳ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely ❣
➳ bts masterlist | main masterlist
"where are you off to in such a hurry?" the owner of the sleepy, dreamy voice encircles your wrist with his fingers, and you glance towards the man buried in the pillow with a soft smile.
"i'm in no hurry, i'm getting up. and it wouldn't hurt if you did as well." with your free hand you untangle the other's comforting fingertips from your skin.
as a response, seokjin merely yawns, creeping closer to you, his spouse, under the blanket as clear evidence that he won't take the advice.
he folds his arms around your bare waist, pulling you back onto the pillow with him, and you shake with gentle laughter and allow him to force you into the duvet of your bed.
"are you satisfied now?" you nudge his shoulder, a playful edge in your voice, as his soft lips touch yours.
"i couldn't be happier. you're lying in my bed completely naked, and i've even ringed you. life is good."
you laugh, bury yourself in his embrace, the nice, warm, flushed body heat, and close your eyes, stroking seokjin's side.
life is good indeed.
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kiestrokes · 8 months
Soft Hours: recovery edition | SFW
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The Vibe: cuddling with your partner as you recover from a minor surgery.
Idol Casting: Kim Seokjin of BTS. Song Mingi of ATEEZ. Lee Taeyong of NCT. Lim Jaebeom of GOT7.
🗝️Note: a soft hour post means I don’t have to list all the typical shit: i.e. the warnings, the summary, the cross posting to ao3. It is a non-betaed post of just ✨ vibes ✨ @chans-room did read over this last night and @minisugakoobies influenced a bit of the Mingi one 💋
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🫧 Seokjin is already heavily asleep when you shuffle into the bedroom, freshly showered in your matching bad day pjs. He startles slightly when you burrow into him but he quickly melts you into his chest. Rumbling an ask if you finished your soup and if you need him to get anything before you fall asleep. You nuzzle his face, asking for some kisses. He obliges and pulls away when you try to heat things up. Patting your butt and telling you that you still have a week before any frisky business.
🧸 Mingi is in full teddy bear mode, you’re swaddled between him and a mound of blankets. His legs and arms wrapped around yours. Rubbing your back, arms, shoulders, your thighs, and some occasional booty squeezes. He graces your face and lips with delicate kisses and groans when you deepen them, getting a bit carried away himself. When you break apart you’re gasping for air and his eyes are hazy. He nuzzles his face into your neck and squeezes you tightly against him.
🐱 You and Taeyong are sprawled in a mix matched mess of pillows and blankets on the couch. He’s shirtless like always, complaining that he gets too hot between your cuddles and the blankets. Taeyong does not need to be begged for kisses. He’s peppering every inch of you with quick, firm little presses of his cute mouth. All more cute than sexy, to keep you from getting keyed up. But those eyes and his lingering gaze are nearly enough to have you begging for more, healing be damned.
☁️ Jaebeom is content being your personal body pillow. His face was scruffy and unshaven, too preoccupied with caring for you the last couple of days. There are two half empty bowls of ramen on the table from dinner. And you have to ask for a kiss, Jaebeom shyly complies. A shy smile flashed across his lips, his lashes fluttering shut as he reached down to give you a lingering kiss. The arm that’s wrapped around your back rolling you against him. Jaebeom’s fingertips drift up your spine, as he traces his tongue delicately against yours.
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© COPYRIGHT 2023 by kiestrokes All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the author. This includes translations.
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joonlaksme · 1 year
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-> Pair: Kim Seokjin x Reader
-> Type: Fluff
-> Genre: gn reader, Boyfriend au
-> Warning: Jin being cute
-> Word Count: 700+
A/N: I was going through the worst writer’s block for months so I figured I have to get something out. I hope this isn’t terrible :’)
Seokjin sitting on the dryer machine. He’s having fun, watching you toss clothes in the washing machine. His long legs swing to the beat of the newest batch of clothes that throws itself up and it feels warm against him. You can tell he’s thinking really hard.
He finds himself reaching towards you; arms curling around your hips because he so desperately wants your touch and he doesn’t know why. You laugh and make fun of his sudden clinging but of course you find it cute. The way he snuggles into your shirt to smell your soap and his senses are flooded with you. His legs pull your body close and you feel the warmth of the dryer press on your stomach.
“Mmph…” He hums on you, “Can you…imagine being more?”
You kiss his head and grin a hearty grin. “What do you mean?” And you want to pull the question out of him. Sure, you had some type of idea of what he was implying but every chance you had to tease him, you took it. You can tell he was nervous because he was hiding his face from you.
“You know.” His ears turn red. You attempt to nudge his face off your shoulder but he just whines for you to not let go. He mumbled your name, “Do you want to move in with me?”
If he were any farther away from you, you don’t think you would be able to hear him. You’re glad you do because you smile ear to ear and gingerly comb your fingers through his hair. “Do I? Let’s see…” You say out loud.
You would say yes immediately but you enjoy the way Jin squirms so obviously in anticipation. Maybe this has been on his mind for a while and that’s why he’s so nervous about what you’ll say. Maybe he’s thought about it ever since you had your first kiss after date number two (he was too nervous to kiss you day one. You were just too attractive!).
You raise his chin off your shoulder with little resistance and hold his face in your palms. He pouts cutely and you attempt to kiss it off.
“Of course I want to.”
He lets out the quietest gasp. Without any more words, he holds you tighter as a sign of how ecstatic he is.
The next few weeks are a blur. You had not moved ever since you were nineteen so you never realized how stressful it could be. You pack, organize, and have endless discussions about decoration. You talk about where most of your furniture will go since Jin’s things are bigger and more comfortable than yours anyways.
You discover many things that you never knew you had, lingering under your bed or in the corners of your room. Club clothes that were stuffed in your closet and forgotten about ever since you met your boyfriend.
Then the day arrives. You find yourself kissing Jin against the front door, right where all the neighbors can see. He pulls away, face completely flush and embarrassed. And you turn to the walkway that leads to the living room. You can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment and relief that everything was finally done. You will miss watching him walk around with his hair pulled back with pins and seeing his arms flex when he carried boxes.
As you sat on the living room couch later that evening, you were snuggled with your boyfriend. He watched your favorite show but you were busy looking at prettier things. Your fingers graze down his chest, setting goosebumps there.
He squirms in his position, “Babe, if you don’t stop, I’m gonna end up making you fall.” He laughs.
You laugh along with him because you find it so contagious. You take in the warm color of the lamp in the corner, arm leaning on the soft couch cushion, aware it will make lines on your skin due to its design. The faint smell of Jin’s cologne and the mixed flowers on the coffee table. It hits you that this is where you live now. Although some things here are yours, it’s a different environment that you’ll look forward to seeing every morning.
All likes, reblogs, and comment feedback are appreciated for stories like this. Friendly reminder that reblogs spread more than likes!
All rights are reserved © Joonlaksme
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 11 months
10th anniversary special : Lost & Found (ot7)
Summary : At the top of a quiet alley, somewhere in the town, an ordinary cafe had its legend. Once the clock ticked at midnight, the place took you to another dimension. 
What you lost always waited to be found.
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Inspo. photo : photo1 | photo 2 | photo 3 (pxfuel.com)
Inspo. ambience :   it's 12:04am, let's drive around the city with the radio blasting
Inspo. story : Dream on (TinyTan animation mv) | 5th muster magic shop vcr (sorry, I can’t find the official one🥲)  TW : Angst story
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Happy 10th anniversary for BTS and Army
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Author POV.
“I’m home.” 
A whisper left Y/n mouth as they unlocked the front door. The place was quiet as always. Ah well, they lived here alone. What could they expect after finishing all the work at their company? A bright room with someone waiting for them to return? 
All they could see was moonlight, a natural light source beaming into their room. The floor reflected some of it, thanked to their effort for waxing it last week. The room was alittle brighter at the edge to the balcony.
They had overworked themselves again. It was fortunate enough to buy this room before the other client or it would take another 3 hours to arrive their home. 
Who the hell build the city plan? They wondered. The city wasn’t that big, yet the road system was poorly manage. Building highways and undergrounds where there weren’t necessary resulted delaying hours of travel.
In their favourtie slipper, they walked to a fridge, searching for food. There was none in their sight, making them sighed in disappointment.
“Let’s take stroll today.”
The gentle rain made different ambiences here and there. A higher melody when it hit the metals while a lower one came from their umbrella and cement path. 
At this hours, there weren’t many place left open. Y/n could see locked shops mostly along her way. Well, it was their fault to not buy something before heading home. They forgot that here wasn’t a district for a night owl or an all nighter.
A strong breeze blew into Y/n face, stealing the umbrella out of her hand.
“Ahh...I’m broke right now. I don’t want to buy another one.”
Desperately, Y/n chased their umbrella, running up the hill. As if it was teasing them, the wind blew stronger. The umbrella flew higher and higher. 
Chasing with the eyes on the umbrella, their feets kept taking them up the hill until they met with tiny neon sign.
‘Special deal before midnight’
“Huh, nevermind. At least, I need something in my stomach.”
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The bell with a little whale mobile rang, catching everyone attention. 7 pairs of eyes looked at their new comer.
The two of them were wiping table.
The other three worked behind the counter. 
And the last two looked down from the second floor.
It was an ordinary cafe. 
A brick-wooden wall with the metal bars had some clothes hanging. 
The counter had some bakery displayed at the right. Fairy lights decorated the trim. 
The menu wrote nicely on all three pages of chalk board. Some photos pins on the cork frames at the bottom.
Lights hanged directly from the cieling, no fancy decoration. 
The place looked rustic and antique, yet it gave them a comfort. Y/n found this place cozy and warming.
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Y/n spoke to break the akward atmosphere. Suddenly, two men on the second floor ran down stairs and escorted them.
“Welcome. Sorry for making you wait. We didn’t think we will have any customer coming at this hour.” 
The tall man with his hair colored honey yellow, Namjoon, spoke.
“It’s closing?”
“Not at all. We just..didn’t expect anyone, despite opening till midnight everyday.”
They followed quietly behind the two who lead them to the bar. One of them pool a stool out and gestured Y/n to sit on it.
“Thank you.” 
They thanked them softly. Yoongi, the silver hair guy at their left, nodded and handed her a paper. Y/n looked puzzle at the white sheet in front of them.
“It’s our special deal. Write down what you want to eat, what song you want to listen, anything you want to do here...anything.” 
Hoseok explained and gave his heart-shape smile.
Y/n cocked her head to the side, still confused. However, daring to ask no question, they wrote down everything orderly. It took some minutes to finish. 
Jin, who dressed in his chef uniform, came and took an order himself. 
“You have such an easy request. A stire fried black noodle with soju.” 
Jin read the list. The others, after hearing the order, dispersed to their position and prepared for the next event.
“Ready guys?”
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Y/n was blind by the bright light for a moment. Opening their eyes again, everything changed.
This place...
A nostalgic feeling hit them hard. A familiar scene that surrounding them right now brought some tears to brim their eyes.
Sitting on the marble bench, they were in the middle of a garden. 
The orange-red bricks covered the ground nicely. To Y/n right side was a mini crystal clear stall for plants. There was a foundtain inside too, making the inside moisture and suitable for greenery.
‘My first home...where I born’ Y/n thought to themselves.
“Refreshing. It’s been long.” 
A little voice appeared behind Y/n, startled them from their seat. They looked behind and got surprise.
Little fairies were flying. Some of them looked awe with the scenery.
“V, you startle our guest.” 
“I did not. Look, Chim, they’re fine...right?” 
The little guy approached settled down on the round table and smiled at Y/n. The others soon follow him.
“Sorry for his behavior. He can get too excited sometimes.” 
Chim, must be him, spoke and gave a glared at V. 
One by one, the little fairies introduced themselves. 
Jhope and Koo started levitating again, telling Y/n they wanted to braided their hair. Suga, tired look fairy, borrowed your hand as a pillow and drifted back to sleep. 
V and Chim kept you busy by talking to you, trying their best to seek your attention. RM and Jinny, like parents, kept both of them from bickering each other. 
Y/n forgot everything inside her head. No questions needed to be ask. Nothing needed to be worry. Right now, all they want was enjoy this fantasy.
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“I hope they didn’t bother you that much, especially these two.”
A raven hair guy, Jimin, served Y/n her order before picking up V and Chim from the table.
“Hey...don’t touch me. I’ll tell papa.” 
V pouted and tried to wiggle out of Jimin’s finger tips.
“And here is your soju...Awe poor V, Jimin, you don’t need to be harsh with my baby.”
“Appa...Chim bully m-.”
“Did not.” Chim interreupter V before he spoke any further.
“Huh...like father, like son. Taehyungssi, you are interrupting our customer time.”
Koo, who was sitting on their head, flew toward the man. 
“Jungkookssi...you’re here.” 
Koo landed on his shoulder.
The rest followed behind before all of them stood in horizontal line in front of Y/n. Y/n took a look one by one. They finally noticed the different of their uniform. 
Now all of them were dressing in white, like angels.
“Welcome to the memoir.”
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Y/n glanced back and forth between their order and the hosts. Jungkook then stepped up and started explaining.
“The memoir is a magical moment that comes every midnight. If the customer enters and orders something around this time before midnight, they will get a grant from the shop.”
“This place grants things accordingly to your deep wish or desire. And it seems like you want to walk through your favourite moment again, starting from here?”
Y/n looked down at the table. They was surprised to meet a hazy reflection of them...as a kid again.
“Ready to find your lost?” Namjoon approached you and offered his hands.
“The time only stops for an hour so we need to be hurry.” Yoongi added.
Without hesitation, they took an offer.
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The first award they got in their life. 
A kid who was an outcast found their existent in the competition. Despite with little talents, their deligent brought them ,a courage, a wonder birthday gift for that year. 
However, it also brought them into a storm. 
Shadow was lurking. The achievement made them being an alien more than what they had been.
Their first identity then shattered.
A new chapter after their storm. Restarting everything, they evolved into a more assertive person who ready to fought for their goals. A group of people soon formed around them and walked side by side.
Music had become a major part of their life. Discover that new world made them become stronger after the past pain.
Yet, another storm crashed everything down.
Their identity was even more shattered.
A new persona emerged after what had happened. Coldblood was what people used to refer to them. Loneliness somehow become their friend, the most loyal friend ever. 
A group of people drifted away, leaving them in guilty. However, it was their plan to enter the deepest part of their life and then destroyed them from the inside.
Pain was their familiar, always reminding them how hurt they were and pushing them to the top.
Slowly and slowly, it consumed everything. Their persona finally took over their identity, ruling everyone with fear.
They thought everything was fine now. Everything was working itself out. They finally got what they wanted. A peaceful life was what they always want.
Well, it seemed not what they would get.
When death knocked their door...
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“Huh...huh...huh...give me a break. Why do I have to go through this feeling again?” 
Their chest tighten at the reel in front of them. Seeing themselves smiled for a moment and then became upset afterward flickered a deep pain inside Y/n.
Y/n looked at them with teary eyes. The anger, sorrow, disappointment, every negative emotion that burried deep down overflow into their system.
“But...it was...” Hoeseok tried to explained.
“I don’t desrve this. Why do I deserve this?” Y/n asked quietly to themselves.
“It must have been hard for you, must it not?”
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A familiar voice appeared, instantly took Y/n’s attention. She turned around and met with another surprised.
“You...you come...how?”
“I’m your hyung. Of course, I’m going to know everything about you. Guesing your thoughts wasn’t that hard.”
A man walked toward Y/n and grabbed their hands into his.
“Thank you for bringing them here, I’ll do as I promise.” 
The man bowed at the seven men behind his beloved sister. They then left the siblings to have a talk.
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“How’s the other side? Is it good?” Y/n asked, trying to sound cheerful.
“I’m not used to it yet, but it was nice. Now I have time to travel everywhere without waiting ships or airplanes.”
Y/n nodded. They were happy that at least their brother was fine. 
“Hyung...I’m sorry.” 
“I know. I’m sorry that I left you there, but time was up for me. It was not...”
“No, if I knew, if I was there, I would definitely help you. You know I can do it.”
Tears finally left Y/n eyes. The day that their brother died still stuck it Y/n’s mind. It was like yesterday when they recieved a call from his office.
“...He’s gone...by himeself...”
That one sentence crashed their existence entirely. 
“But...I can help...why don’t you *hick*...” 
Y/n was too overwhelm with sadness that it comeplately sut their sentence. The brother sighed.
And for the first time, he hugged his sister.
“I know as a siblings we both failed to support each other. It wasn’t your fault that they taught you to be my rivals, like they did to me. They forced you to grow when you were just a child. They taught me things in life with violence. It wasn’t our fault, Y/n-ah.”
“But, I still sided with them. I didn’t choose you. In the end, I...”
“Shhh...it’s ok. Like I say, my time was up. We couldn’t change the rule of time no matter how hard we try. You know that well.”
“As a siblings, we only got to knew each other for 7 years. It wasn’ t fair.”
“But, at least, you get to talk with me now. Here I am, fine and safe. Worry nothing and live your life, let the problem dissolve within my body.”
Y/n shook their head. They couldn’t accept the fact that he would soon be gone...for real.
“A bless from me to you, live your life well and keep fighting for your dream. I know you can do it. What you did for me was enough. Living your life as mine won’t make me happy. I want you to live your life as ‘your’ life, understand buddy?”
Y/n nodded, hugging tight onto their brother.
“The time is up. Remember what I say. I’ll be watching you from somewhere always so smile a lot ok?”
His body slowly faded. A smile was the last thing that they saw from him.
His very final moment.
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“Did you find it?”
Y/n opened their eyes. They was back at the cafe.
“I don’t know, Seokjinssi.” Y/n answered.
“At least, he gave you a hint. What you lost wasn’t something big. It somehow was small yet precious. Mayber this noodle might answer your confusion.”
Namjoon pushed a bowl closer to Y/n. Taehyung gave you the chopsticks. They then started digging into their meal.
“That’s my milk.”
“Who get it first get it.”
“You can’t win me when it comes to the arcade.”
“Try me, bro.”
“How about getting a pasrtner? Oh,,,wait, do I need to act as a protective brother?”
“No need to. You know my vibe wasn’t match most human.”
What a familiar taste.
All the conversation between them and him flowed into their head. Despite getting to know each other kate, Y/n can only be themselve when they were around him.
The missing piece of their life was in this bowl. Something important, but was belittle by their surrounding.
A tiny core of Y/n, the ‘y/n’ identity. 
Y/n opened soju and pour a shot.
‘Till we meet again.’ 
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“Guys, take a seat and drink with me. Drinking alone is no fun, y’know?” 
The hosts looked hesitate. However, seeing the first genuine happy expression, they dared not to reject the offer.
“Let me make some more dishes.” 
Jin and Yoongi went behind counter.
“Aye, how about we have a battle?” Taehyung proposed the idea.
“Then, I’ll be the judge with Joonie.” Hoseok grabbed Namjoon with him.
“It’s the younger trio vs our 2 big brothers....I’m in.” 
Jungkook got Jimin and Taehyung behind another part of kitchen.
An atmosphere was getting warm and cozy. The room filled with laughter and bicker. 
A reset moment started here.
In this small cafe,
where Y/n finally found what they lost.
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A/n note : Hi. It’s been long since I got my free time. The schedule was so hectic that I had to take a break. I intended to post this last month on the 13th, but my schedule had another plan for me🥲
The idea of this story was from ‘into the magic shop’. Despite having it in us, sometimes we need a guide toward the shop. For me, it was BTS.
This story is a tribute from me to them.
This story was personal. Well, during my haitus, I had many unexpected events. I poured down most of it into this story. Through difficult times, BTS was my guide to reflect on myself, learn about myself again and search for the best of me in myself. 
A month passed for the band’s anniversary and a few days for the fandom. All I want to say was thank you, not only to them, but also the fans. In this community and other social medias, I found a lot of inspirations. The amount of support you guys showed toward each other and sent to BTS was incredible. Thank you.
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We all have a magic shop in our heart. What you lost can be found there. The best of you is waiting ahead. Don’t give up.
Once again, happy 10th anniversary.
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So, I've never written anything on Tumblr before. So, I'm gonna do requests so I can have ideas. 😀
I write BTS, Stranger Things, IT Chapter 1 & 2, and Harry Potter.
Fluff, angst, and I will try my best to write smut. And for smut, add what kinks you would like. At some point I will make a post of prompts, but I don't have enough time on my hand right now. 😅
Also tell me the pronouns you want in the story (she/he/they, etc.)
I will do ships of your choice unless the ship is an adult and minor.
One last thing, I will do oneshots, series, drabbles, etc.
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dambaepuff · 3 months
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☆Pairing: Single Parent!Seokjin x GN!Reader
☆Genre: Non!Idol AU, fluff, one-shot, tiny bit of angst if you squint, slice of life
☆Warnings: mentions of alcohol, smooching, maybe swear words(??), light age gap
☆Word count: 5k
☆Summary: You meet a handsome stranger and his two kids whilst walking your dog. His kids seem to take a liking to your dog, but he seems to have his eyes set on the other end of the leash.
☆A/N: Hi guys!! Sorry for not posting, I went on a month long bender and competently forgot to post this. I have no idea what this fic is an anymore ngl I literally don’t remember writing it and it’s been in my drafts for a while. Hope you enjoy i guess??
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You laid in bed, blissfully sleeping under your warm covers. A wet snout tickled your feet, small licks placed onto the sensitive skin. You startled awake, the feeling making you jolt up. Two black eyes looked up at you from the foot of your bed, your Samoyed barks at you, her tail beginning to wag when she realizes you’re awake. “It’s too early Bomi! Not yet.” You groan and pull your duvet up over your head. She jumps up onto your bed, grabbing your covers with her strong jaws and begins to tug at them. Successfully she gets them off of you, revealing her fluffy face staring down at your form.
“Okay fine. You wanna go for a walk?” You said, pitching your voice up at the end of the sentence. Her ears shot up at the mention of going outside, the movement of her tail wagging becoming more rapid. She let out a bark of joy and jumped down from the bed. “Okay, let’s go, c’mon.” You sleepily get up from bed, tugging on a jacket over your pajamas and putting on a beanie. She happily runs around you, only stopping when you put on her collar and leash. Grabbing your apartment keys and some treats for her, you make your way outside.
Bomi pulled lightly towards the direction of her favorite park, having no objection you let her lead the way. Once you entered the gated area you took off her leash, letting her run around freely whilst you slowly walked around the designated paths. As she trotted near you, a young boy ran up to you. He politely asked if he could pet your dog to which you agree with a smile. “What’s his name?” He asked, his small chubby hands patting her head as she patiently sits. “She’s a girl, her names Bomi.” You replied simply. “What’s your name?” You asked the young boy. “My name is Minho and I’m this old, but daddy says it’s my birthday soon.” He said as he held up five of his fingers.
“That’s great Minho! My name is (Y/N). Are your parents here with you?” You said, looking around at the empty park. “My daddy is here with me and, and also my sister is here.” He respondes, still looking at Bomi. “Where’s your daddy?” You questioned feeling slightly uncomfortable about the small child being unattended. He shrugged in response, still too preoccupied with your dog to even care. “Should we go find him?” Stuffing your hands into your pockets you started walking towards the direction he came from, hoping to find his father there. “Okay!” He affirmed, instinctively reaching an arm up at you to hold your hand. You put one of your palms into his much smaller one and let him lead the way.
“He’s over there!” He exclaimed after a bit of walking, pointing at a man whose back was turned towards you. You could make out his broad shoulders and black hair from the distance, a small child resting in his arms. “Excuse me sir! I believe I found something that belongs to you.” You yelled to which he immediately turned around. His face lit up when he saw Minho. “Oh goodness, there you are! Minho, how many times have I told you not to run off like that.” He scolded the child, quickly walking up to you. Minho looked down at his feet, “I’m sorry daddy, I only went to see the puppy.” he mumbled. That’s when the man looked away from his child, his eyes landing on you and your dog.
“Don’t worry sir, he’s alright.” You said and gave a polite bow in greeting. For a moment, he stood frozen in place, his eyes fixed on your face. “Uhm, uh thank you.” He mumbled, snapping out of it. “No problem?” You responded, a bit unsure of why he was staring you down. “You seem familiar, have we met before?” He asked, squinting at you as if he was trying to decipher something. “No, not that I know of. I think I’d remember a face like yours.” You responded, giving him a cheeky smile to which he chuckled. “Well, uhh, I guess I should get going now.” You said bowing again, turning on your heel you told Minho goodbye and started making your way towards the direction you came from. “Wait!” He called out to you. “Yes?” You stopped in your tracks, looking back at the man and his kids over your shoulder. “What’s your name?” He asked, almost too quiet for you to hear. “(Y/N), (L/N) (Y/N).” You said before turning back around. “Kim Seokjin.” He weakly said back, watching your back as you moved further away from him and his kids, your dog following closely behind you the same way it had been when you approached him with Minho.
For the rest of the day Seokjin couldn’t get the pretty stranger out of his head. “(L/N) (Y/N)” he played the memory of you saying your name over and over again, your voice echoing in his mind non stop. After he had put his kids to bed, Seokjin poured himself a glass of wine and sat down on his couch. Mindlessly flipping through the pages of a random magazine which had been laying on his coffee table for the past couple of weeks. It irked him that you were still on his mind, the interaction you shared probably being so short and meaningless to you that he had no doubt you’d forgotten all about it already. He sighed, bringing up the wine glass to his nose, he sniffed the drink, enjoying the smell he swished it around in his glass, finally bringing it to his lips to have a taste.
The park. That’s it, he should take the kids there again tomorrow morning and maybe he’ll see you. A bit desperate and pathetic? Maybe. But you wouldn’t know he’s back for you, right?
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“Eunji stop! Cmon baby I know you don’t like wearing socks, but your feet will be cold.” Seokjin grumbled, mostly to himself since the child couldn’t understand the majority of the words he was saying. Eunji kept on kicking her feet, giggling whenever she’d hit her father or manage to slip her leg out of his grasp. “Na na nooo!” She babbled, absolutely refusing to wear socks. “Minho, come help daddy put socks onto Eunji!” He called out for his son. Pattering of small bare feet could be heard coming from down the hallway. Minho appeared before him, still in his pajamas. “Hold her leg for me.” Seokjin instructed. Togehter they managed to finish up dressing the youngest member of their small family, now being Minho’s turn to change clothes.
Once everyone was finally ready to leave the house, Seokjin got the baby stroller and they were on their way. “Daddy where are we going?” Minho asked, happily skipping by his father’s side. “We’re going to the park again Minnie.” He responded, stopping at crosswalk red light. “The one where the puppy was?” The child asked curiously, tugging on the hem of his father’s shirt. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
“Come on girl, let’s go. Let’s go for a walk!” You said to your dog in a high pitched voice, her tail wagging at a hundred miles per hour from hearing her favorite phrase. She stretched out onto her front legs before quickly making her way over to you, eagerly waiting for you to put on her leash. Same as every day, she dragged you towards the nearby park. As you got closer to the park’s entrance you could hear a grown man’s voice and a child whining. When you rounded the corner Seokjin came into sight, little Minho sat on the side walk looking bored out of his mind while his father seemed to argue with the small child which was sitting in its stroller. Trying your hardest to hold in a laugh, you approached them. “Everything alright sir?” You asked Seokjin, raising and eyebrow. He nearly jumped out of his skin, turning around wide eyed. A small pink sock was gripped in his hand, his hair messy as if he’d been running his fingers through it. Your gaze shifted to the stroller, the little girl inside happily squealed as she tried to take off her other sock, one of her feet already bare.
“You scared me!” He exclaimed, trying to straighten out his clothes and fix his hair. “She doesn’t want to wear socks, it’s driving me crazy.” While he explained the source of his frustration, Minho had gotten up and started petting Bomi who patiently stood by your side. “Maybe just let her be barefoot and keep her lower half covered with a blanket? Always works with my nephew.” You responded, giving him a light shrug. He raised his eyebrows, his eyes lighting up as if you’d just revealed the secret of the universe. He quickly pulled out a small blanket from the storage pouch of the baby stroller, grabbing Eunji’s other sock which she had thrown to the ground by now and stuffing them where the blanket had been. He tucked her into the blanket without any issue.
“Works like a charm.” You said, staring to walk into the park. “Hey wait up, let’s walk together.” Seokjin said, undoing the brakes of the stroller and pushing it after you. “Sure, if that’s what you’d like sir.” Politely you responded, giving a small smile before unclipping Bomi’s leash. “Aish, stop calling me sir, it makes me feel old.” He grumbled, not actually seeming too upset. “You never know, maybe I’m younger than you!” You smiled again, this time genuinely. “Maybe, what year were you born?” You asked, stuffing your hands into your pockets. “You might not believe it, but 1992.” He said with a cocky grin. “Seriously? I would’ve though your birth year would only have three digits.” You said trying to suppress a laugh, causing him the deflate. “Hey! That’s so rude!” He feigned anger before releasing a chuckle against his will. “You are older than me though, I was born in 1995.”
The next day you and Bomi arrived at the front gates of the park at the same time as always. There stood Seokjin and Minho with Eunji in her stroller. “What is this? Am I going to have to put up with you every morning from now on?” You joked with a small smile. Little did you know your words would come true, it became a routine to walk together. Seokjin would always say he goes on the walks for his health, it’s not his fault you and your dog appear every time. You laughed it off with him, but you knew he always waited for you on purpose. It was nice having company, working from home and not having many friends meant you would often become lonely, enveloped in your own cocoon of isolation. Seokjin made mornings more bearable, it was easy to talk to him. It wasn’t only him you’d gotten close to, the kids seemed to love you. He’d tell you about how Eunji would ask where you were at random times of the day and how Minho would want to go to bed as early as possible every day so morning would come faster.
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“Hey (Y/N), could I get your phone number maybe?” Seokjin asked one morning out of the blue. “Sure.” You immediately gave it to him, not having any reason to not trust him with it. Later that day you took a chance and asked him to come over with the kids for dinner. You gave him your address and the time they should arrive, asking if any of them have allergies or dietary preferences. You prepared a nice meal, going out to buy apple juice for the kids and wine for the two of you. Tidying up the apartment the best you could, you looked at your wrist watch, in that moment the doorbell rang. You counted to ten, not wanting to open the door too quickly so it wouldn’t look like you had been awaiting their arrival the entire day. When you opened the door your eyes landed on Seokjin who had Eunji in his arms, he was wearing a casual outfit, his hair tidier than usual. Minho was sporting a Spider-Man T-shirt, his pants a neon green and his crocks on the wrong feet. “Wow Minho, you’re looking handsome!” You exclaimed, watching them as they came in and took their shoes off. You offered them slippers, the ones you gave Minho being a tad too large. The meal went smoothly, the young boy talked about his upcoming birthday which he invited you to. Of course you agreed to come, asking him what kind of present he wanted.
The conversation drifted to work, Seokjin told you all about the firm he worked at and the exhausting hours. He talked about not being able to afford a nanny to look after the kids when he had to take extra hours. “I can babysit for you.” You suggested. “Yeah daddy, (Y/N) can take care of us!” Minho exclaimed, seemingly very eager about spending more time with you. “Hm, I don’t know. I don’t think I could ask that of you.” Seokjin said reluctantly, taking a sip of his wine. “Nonsense, I love spending time with the kids. Plus I wouldn’t really feel comfortable with you paying me for it either way so money wouldn’t be an issue.” You argued, adjusting in your seat. “That’s all the more reason why I can’t let you do it.” He said with a stern expression on his face. “Oh come on you old fart, don’t tell me you’re stopping me from hanging out with my best friends!” You joked, pulling a dramatically angry face whilst crossing your arms causing Minho to giggle. “Okay fine, but don’t expect me to be happy about it.” He responded after a moment of consideration, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
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Due to your flexible work hours and working from home you were pretty much always available to take care of the kids. It became a regular thing for Seokjin to shoot you a text or tell you on your walks that he needed you to babysit, sometimes he’d have to stay at work extra late and on those days you’d stay at his place till he came. You’d usual put the kids to bed and watch tv in his living room when that happened, on more rare occasions you’d take them over to your apartment and they’d sleep over, Seokjin coming to pick them up in the morning. Today was one of those days when Seokjin had to stay at work late. You were cleaning up the dinner table after feeding the kids, the two of them watching cartoons. “Okay, let’s go and get showered, it’s almost bedtime.” You said, lifting up Eunji into your arms and walking to the bathroom, Minho following closely behind. You helped the two wash up, pulling pajamas onto a sleepy Eunji. Her small fist rubbed at her eyes, barely able to keep them open. “Is someone tired, huh?” Gently you picked her up, placing a soft kiss onto the top of her head.
“(Y/N) come tuck me in!” Minho yelled from their shared room. “I will, let me put your sister to bed first, okay?” You said as you walked into the room, you peppered kisses onto Eunji’s chubby cheek causing her to giggle. Placing her down into her crib you placed her favorite stuffed animal into her arms and tucked her in. “You guys want a bedtime story?” You asked quietly while pulling up Minho’s duvet. He slid into bed, nodding his head tiredly at your question. Pulling out a book from the bookshelf in their room you pulled a child sized chair to the spot between their beds. You sat down with a small huff, before you could start reading Minho mumbled something. “What’s that honey? I didn’t hear you.” You said, looking down at his drowsy face. “I said that I get what daddy says now. You really are pretty.” The child mumbled, this time a bit louder. “What? Your daddy calls me pretty?” You asked, taken aback by his statement. “Yeah, he talks about you a lot. My daddy really likes you (Y/N).” He said, finally looking away from you and up at the ceiling. Your stomach felt like it jumped up to your throat making you release a shaky breath. You stood still for a moment, the child clearly didn’t understand the weight of his words.
Trying to push his words to the back of your mind, you opened the book and started to softly read out loud. With each paragraph the two could feel their eyelids growing heavier, sleep took over them rather quickly. About five pages in you heard a soft snore coming from your side. Realizing they both fell asleep you turned off Minho’s bedside lamp and put the book away. Making your way to the living room you grabbed the tv remote and plopped down onto the couch. You watched some crappy sitcom on low volume, Minho’s words playing over and over again in your mind like a broken record.
Just as you felt yourself drifting off to sleep the sound of the apartment door opening startled you back into full consciousness. You sat up, watching from your spot as Seokjin walked inside. He took off his shoes and threw his work bag onto the floor with more force than needed. His shoulders sagged and his head was pointed to the floor, he clearly wasn’t in a good mood. “Jin, you okay?” You asked, he grumbled something and sat down onto the couch next to you. “Rough day?” You questioned. “Rough day.” He simply responded. “Wanna talk about it?” He leaned back into the couch, silent for a moment. “No, it’s not really all that serious, I’m just tired I guess.” He sighed, throwing his head back and looking up at the ceiling. “If you say so, just know I’ll listen whenever you need an ear to talk into.” You said, turning your attention back to the television. The two of you watched it in comfortable silence for a little while, until the interaction you had with Minho earlier made its way back into your thoughts. Without thinking much, you decided to bring it up.
“You know, I had a pretty interesting conversation with Minho earlier today.” You spoke up, a smirk starting to form on your lips. “Wanna know what he told me?” Seokjin turned his head towards you, humming as an encouragement to continue talking. “He said you talk about me often and call me pretty.” The moment he registered what you said his saliva caught in his throat causing him to start coughing. You patted his back, the smirk dropping from your face. “You okay?” You asked, putting your hand back into your lap. “Yeah uhm, I just uhh well… I don’t know where he got that from.” He said avoiding eye contact, the tips of his ears turning pink. “So you don’t think I’m pretty?” Tilting your head to the side you pouted. “No! I mean yes! I think you’re pretty.” He stammered. “Really? Well, I think you’re quite handsome yourself Jinnie.” You said, a smile making its way back onto your face. “Ah, don’t say that.” He mumbled, looking down at his hands. “Why not?” You quirked an eyebrow. "You'll give me hope, having hope is the worst thing a man can do to himself.” He said through gritted teeth, shaking his head. “Hope? What are you hoping for Seokjin?” Your words made him sigh, his shoulders slumping further. “Nothing, forget it.” He grumbled. “You should go home (Y/N.”
With that said you silently got up and left. Seokjin’s cold demeanor had made a pang of hurt stab through your chest, the worst of it being the confusion he left you with. Not knowing what to make of it you tried going to sleep. Staring up at the ceiling while laying in bed, you thought about Seokjin (against your will of course). ‘He’s tired and stressed from work, sure, but that doesn’t give him the right to be a dick! I guess it wasn’t that mean, but still that shit hurt. I help take care of his kids for free, he’s basically my best friend for Christ’s sake, and still, the idiot comes home and acts like a total douche.’ You thought as you flipped over in bed. Bomi laid by your side, her black eyes barely open. “At least you can never make me mad Bomi. My sweet girl.” Your hand reached up to scratch behind her floppy white ear causing her to let out a low whine. “I know! That’s what I’ve been saying.”
Seokjin had been distant the past couple of days and quite frankly it pissed you off. He stopped texting and calling, reducing your interactions to the bare minimum. You were currently sat in his living room while he ironed out clothes. Deciding to bring it up you ask him why he’s been acting like a prick. “I’m so stressed, you have no idea.” With a sigh he turned off the iron and made his way over to the couch you were sitting on. “Wanna talk about it?” You said as you patted the space in front of you. He sad down and leaned onto the back of your legs. Slowly your hands made their way up to his shoulders starting to massage the tense muscles. “I don’t know, it’s from work I guess.” He mumbled and looked up at you from over his shoulder, your faces incredibly close. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, his face close enough to make out each of his lashes. For a moment both of you were silent, your hands stopped their movements as you looked into his eyes. His gaze conveyed a million words he didn’t have to say out loud, one’s of frustration and exhaustion. The moment was interrupted by Minho running into the room with a plate demanding more snacks. Seokjin got up and took the plate, starting to cut up more fruit for the child.
Once he was done and Minho returned to his room, you watched him lean against the counter and rub his temples. You got up from the couch and walked over to him. The dim kitchen light seemed to make the dark circles around his eyes more prominent, his skin more pale than usual and his dark eyes lacking their spark, overall making him look tired and dull. “C’mere.” You mumbled, pulling him into an embrace by the collar of his shirt. He instantly melted into the hug, his arms wrapping around your waist while he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. After a moment of silence you slowly pulled away, his eyes were trained onto the collar of your sweater, the whacky pattern seemingly more interesting than holding eye contact. Tentatively you reached up and brushed his bangs away from his face, “Look at me.” you softly said, caressing the side of his face with your palm. His gaze slowly traveled up to meet your eyes. Your thumb slowly stroked his cheek bone, your eye contact never wavering. For a split second he looked down at your lips, which of course didn’t go unnoticed. Hesitantly you leaned forward a bit, testing the waters. Just as you were about to connect your lips he stopped you with a hand on your chest. “Let me take you out on a proper date first, please? I want the first time I kiss you to be special.” He murmured to which you let a tender smile slip, nodding your head silently.
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Seokjin had an exact idea of how he wanted your first date to go. He was going to drop the kids off at his mothers house and then make your dinner after which he would take you out for a walk and confess all of his feelings. However, one thing he didn’t take into account was the traffic jam he got stuck in on his was home which put him in a time crunch. He started rushing whilst cooking, only half way through with making the meal he heard the doorbell ring. Cursing under his breath he opened the door to reveal you standing in front of it. “Ah, are you early? I haven’t finished dinner yet.” He said as you came in. “Nope, I’m right on time, but I could help you finish up cooking.” You suggested. The two of you spent the rest of the evening cooking together while music played in the background. He grabbed your waist and swayed to the soft melodies as if you were in a romance movie. The dinner tasted amazing, partly because it was crafted by his hands. After chatting a bit he asked to go on a walk. His hand slipped into yours, making you smile to yourself as you walked in silence through the nearly empty streets. “Where are we going?” You asked quietly, as if you were trying not to disturb the stillness of the air. “The park.” Seokjin simply responded, looking straight ahead.
He led you to the park where you first met, you were used to walking through it while the sun was up in the sky, when life was blossoming and moving around you and the city was awake. now it was just the two of you, the only sounds being your footsteps and the occasional echoing of traffic nearby. You sat down on a bench, watching ducks float in a lake, the moons shine reflecting on the still water. Jin grabbed both of your hands and put them into his lap.
“I think it’s time I got this off my chest.” He said, avoiding eye contact. “I like you, like a lot. You know that already, but I don’t think you know how long I’ve liked you for. I remember the day we first met, you didn’t seem all too interested, but the fact that you helped Minho find me kind of stuck with me I guess? I don’t know I mean most people would help a seemingly lost child find their parent, sure, but to me when you did that, it just sort of triggered something inside of me. Are you following?” “Yeah.” You smiled softly, he finally looked up to find your eyes already on his face. “For some reason I just couldn’t get you off my mind, I thought you were so cute. I remember thinking ‘wow, just my type’ when I first took in your appearance.” That made you giggle. “The point I’m trying to make is: I’ve liked you since I first met you and every day I grow more fond of you. I can’t just keep watching you from afar anymore, it hurts to suppress my feeling when they’re so strong. I just want to be with you (Y/N) and the fact that you help me out so much, not just with Minho and Eunji makes me adore you so much more. I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore, so uhh, will you be mine?” He asked sincerely, looking deeply into your eyes. “Yes Jin, I want nothing more than to be yours.”
Seokjin abruptly stood up and pulled you into a hug. Shocked for a moment you stayed still, your arms floating just above his back before your melted into the embrace, softly dragging your palms down his back. You only slightly pulled away, your arms still around each other. Jin brought up a hand, gently cupping your cheek and looking at you with hooded eyes and pupils blown wide. He was the first to lean in, his nose brushing against yours with the softness of a feather. You stood still for a moment with your eyes closed before he finally joined your lips together. The kiss was so soft and slow it had you melting into it. After a moment you tried pulling away, but Seokjin only tightened his grip on your waist. He deepened the kiss, bringing one of his hands up to the back of your head. He placed one last peck on your lips before finally pulling away. Realizing what he’d done, he quickly let go of you, awkwardly shoving his hands into his jackets pockets. He cleared his throat, “uhm sorry, been waiting to do that for so long I couldn’t help myself.” He mumbled. You only laughed and pecked his cheek, reassuring him it was more that fine.
Seokjin walked you back home, kissing you goodnight as the two of you stood in front of your apartment complex. He tried pulling away, but you gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him back in, this kiss being more sloppy. Jin couldn’t get enough, the feeling of your lips finally on his making his heart thump in his chest with vigor. “Okay, okay you have to go.” You mumbled against his lips. “Do I really?” He whined making you chuckle. “I don’t know, do you?” You asked, tilting your head to the side with a mischievous glint in your eyes. He looked up in thought, feigning debating it. “Hmm i don’t know, wouldn’t hurt to spend a little more time together right?” “Kim Seokjin you’re and idiot.” You said, lightly hitting his chest.
“Your idiot… right?” He rose an eyebrow. With a small giggle you nodded, placing a peck onto the tip of his nose. “My idiot.” You mumbled, nuzzling your noses together. “Well, I’m really glad I’m your idiot, but I would prefer the term boyfriend.” He said as he lightly pulled away, looking into your eyes with a teasing grin. “Boyfriend? Yeah, I’d like that.” With that said he leaned in for one last kiss.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Jungkook Masterlist
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LAST UPDATES: Paradise Chapter 15 posted 2/3/24
Timezones - one-shot; fluff; hurt/comfort; established relationship; non-Idol!AU
Only thing that keeps us apart / Is a different timezone
The Hook Up - smut (18+); crack; non-Idol!AU; also starring Jung Hoseok
You’re at a house party hosted by your crush Hoseok and you’re ready to make your move… if only Jungkook would stop blocking you at every turn!
Divine Intervention - one-shot; smut (18+); hurt/comfort if you squint; Goddess!AU
“Tell me, Jungkook. Will you worship me tonight with all of you?”
Closer: A Trilogy - limited series (ongoing); smut (18+); friends to lovers; Reunion!AU; also starring Kim Namjoon
During your college reunion weekend, one unbelievably hot evening brings you and your old friends Namjoon and Jungkook together, in ways you’ve only dreamed of. Weeks later, you can’t let the memory of that night go. Can the three of you get closer?
New Year, New You - one-shot; smut (18+); angst; romance; age gap; non-Idol!AU
New year, new you. Except here you are, minutes after midnight, already falling back into old habits. You just can’t resist.
Covert Affairs - one-shot; smut (18+); angst; enemies to lovers; Spies!AU
The five times you cross paths with legendary spy Jeon Jungkook.
Joyride - one-shot; smut (18+); strangers to lovers; College!AU; also starring Kim Taehyung
Written for the Spring Break-ing the Rules collab:
Senior year spring break sucks, thanks to the annoying spoiled little rich boy who won’t stop trying to get your attention. When a scenic drive in his ridiculously expensive sports car goes wrong, you meet two sexy mechanics who decide to teach him a lesson - and show you the real meaning of “joyride.”
All Wound Up (Unbound): A Trilogy - limited series (ongoing); smut (18+); porn with the barest of plots; strangers to lovers; Rock Star!AU
As the owner of body jewelry shop Dark & Wild, you’re given the opportunity to drape the hottest rock stars around, Dead Leaves, in your custom chains. You can’t wait to get your hands all over them.
Paradise - series (ongoing - UPDATED 2/3/24); smut (18+); Stripper!AU
That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?!
Mugs & Kisses - one-shot; fluff; Barista!AU
Written for the Ficscafe au pairing event:
Jungkook has something he’d like to tell you, but he can’t find the words. So he’s thought of another way.
12 Lays of Kinkmas: 12 holiday fics based on Kinkmas prompts
Walkie Talkie Men - Seokjin x Jungkook; one-shot; smut (18+); fluff; crack; established relationship; non-Idol!AU
Jungkook has an idea for a fun new game that he and his boyfriend Jin can play. Three words: walkie talkie sex.
Keep It Down - smut (18+), gender neutral reader, also starring Kim Seokjin
Sorry I Motorboated You - smut (18+), gender neutral reader
Be Mine - fluff, gender neutral reader
The Prettiest Sound - smut (18+)
By the Light of the Moon - smut (18+)
Ask My Muse 1 and Ask My Muse 2: A collection of asks answered by my characters
Main Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2021-22-23 sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakookies. Please do not copy or repost.
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bangtanloverboys · 1 year
class transfer // ksj
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summary - looking to further advance in your secondary school, you transfer over to krokotopia. there you meet your handsome houser, seokjin
pairing - ta!seokjin x transfer student!reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 3.3k
warnings - dip’s made up lore, nothing but sweet friendship building
guide - sorcery = balance magic; conjoury = myth magic; divination = storm magic; marleybonians = british dog people; kroks = crocodile people; manders = salamander people
author’s note - welcome to the first of my wizard 101 aus!! i’m so excited to finally post these, i hope you guys enjoy! this does have a lot of lore and bits i’ve made up in order for it to translate nicely into words. enjoy! (yes everyone has a last name i made up to fit within the world)
the seven schools of ravenwood masterlist
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It was finally time. After months and months of working with Arthur Wethersfield on practicing and perfecting your sorcery skills, he finally told you it was time to advance further in your studies. You’ve already become a Grand Master Conjurer (thank the Spiral for that, Professor Cyrus Drake was a nightmare), and whilst you were far from done with your primary school, you could at least focus more on your secondary school: Balance. 
No one is fully expected to master their secondary school, especially when two of them are not always readily available: Death and Balance. The School of Death now only accessible to the Death students after being torn away from its place in Ravenwood. And then the School of Balance resides in Krokotopia, another realm where one must be granted permission to visit.
Permission you now have!
You all but ran back to your dormitory to pack your things, Arthur telling you to leave early tomorrow morning to meet your houser. Krokotopia being a desert world, you packed all your lightest colored robes, not wanting to overheat in your usual thick school uniform. You barely slept at all, excitement running through your veins. By the time the first rays of sunshine started to bleed through your window, you leaped out of your bed, grabbing your essential filled pack (wands, spell deck, robes, rings, and toiletries), and ran out the door towards Bartleby, the World Tree.
“Good luck in Krokotopia, young wizard!” Arthur Wethersfield called out to you as you passed him.
“Thank you!” You called back as you entered into the World Tree, and immediately, your breath was stolen away.
You’d heard stories from other students about how beautiful the inside of the World Tree was, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in person. Sunlight bled through the leaves overhead, giving the Spiral Chamber a natural soft glow. You could hear birds singing and flying through the tree. Then there in the center of it all was the Doorway. Through that door, you could go anywhere in the Spiral: Grizzleheim, Marleybone, Wysteria! Then your destination, of course, Krokotopia. 
Taking a deep breath, you walked straight forward towards the door. You could feel your heart beating wildly against your chest as you reached forward, grasping the doorknob in hand. Clearly in your mind, you pictured Krokotopia. The floating desert islands, tethered together with rope bridges. The pyramids and temples.��
Keeping that image in your mind, you opened the door, pushing through. 
The Spiral Chamber in Krokotopia was different from the inside of the World Tree. Stone walls surrounded you, small piles of sand in the corners, and large carved statues on either side of a tall staircase. At the bottom of the stairs was a man, smiling brightly at you. He was pretty handsome; tall, dark haired, and dressed in tan and white robes, fitting more the Krokotopian style than the stuff you’ve seen in Wizard City.
“Welcome to Krokotopia!” He said, “Are you the new transfer student, Y/N Owltalon?”
You nodded, beaming at the man. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Awesome, I’m Seokjin Duneheart. I’m gonna be your houser.” He held out his hand for you, which you eagerly shook. “Excited?”
“Very! Could hardly sleep last night.”
Seokjin laughed at that. “Sorry, just been a while since I’ve seen someone so excited to see Krokotopia,” he explained. “Anyways, I’ll show you around. Give you the Grand Tour of the Oasis. I’ll show you the school tomorrow, if that’s alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Alright then, just follow me.” He gestured up the stairs. You easily fell in step with him as you climbed up the tall stairwell. At the top, you were met with a pair of faded blue doors. Seokjin looked at you. “After you.”
With his permission, you pushed the doors open and were immediately blinded by the sudden brightness. Blinking your eyes furiously, you adjusted and the sight before you was incredible. Dozens of Marleybonians, Wizards, and Manders alike all roaming between the floating islands, and at the foot of a giant pyramid. 
“This is the Oasis, our safe haven whilst the Marleybonians excavate the temples. Up in front of you, is the Pyramid of the Sun. Built to serve as the Family Tomb of the Djeserit, and given the name sake due to their strong line of pyromancers,” Seokjin said as he pointed to the large sight before you. “Then over to our left, is the Tomb of Storms, built to serve as the Ahnic Family Tomb, and yes, had a strongline of diviners,” he said with a smile.
You chuckled at that. “And over there is the excavation camp?” You pointed over towards another small island, a bunch of tents all raised up around another small building, Marleybonians walking in and out of the area. 
“Yes, and as a precaution: stay out of their way. They’ve been working really hard and since some of the Kroks woke up, they’ve all been a bit irritated,” Seokjin warned.
“All the other buildings are all a part of the bazaar. Got your robe shop, rings, boots, hats, amulets, etcetera. All of which, you are free to roam, and accept any currency.”
“What’s over there?” You pointed over to a nearby island, floating off, too far to be connected by a rope bridge.
His grin widened a bit. “Right up there is the Krokosphinx! And the gem of it all, in my personal opinion, the School of Balance.”
You stared at your houser with wide eyes. “The School of Balance is in the Krokosphinx?!”
“Not in, next to. And underground. Marleybonians discovered it some years ago, once it was fully excavated, they allowed the Manders to bring the study of sorcery back, taking all kinds of students. Including Arthur Wethersfield.”
“That is- I- He didn’t tell me that’s where the school was! I’m- Wow!”
Seokjin chuckled at your speechlessness. “Guess he wanted you to be surprised I guess. But come on, time for you to get settled down, yeah? My place is an island not far from here, we can take the ferry if you want?”
“Yeah, the ferry is alright with me.”
“Right this way then.” 
Seokjin led you over to a small deck near the edge of an island where a heavily decorated flying boat was collecting passengers. You listened intently as Seokjin pointed out various people on the boat, telling you who was who, where they were from, what they were doing here. You were still buzzing with excitement when Seokjin said that his place was the next stop.
It was a quaint little island. A beautiful sandstone house, similar style to the houses at the bazaar, large walls surrounding the main building to protect from sandstorms. You’ve never had a house of your own, sure some of your friends back in Wizard City had houses and castles of their own. But you were content with your place in the dormitories. Maybe one day you’ll save up for a house, but not anytime soon. 
You followed Seokjin through the front door, eyeing all his various plants and artifacts and paintings that lined the inside of his house. “Sorry there’s so much stuff, I was a bit of a quester a few years ago. Don’t have the heart to sell any of this stuff yet,” he chuckled nervously.
“Don’t be, it’s all really cool!”
He smiled shyly at that before he continued. “You’re welcome to anything in the kitchen, so long as it doesn’t have a label claim on it. I do ask that you keep any loud noise to a minimum after sunset, and please remember to clean after yourself. Especially with the sand.”
You nodded along with each thing he told you, figuring there would be a handful of rules and specifications. You didn’t mind though, this was Seokjin’s house and he was kind enough to house you. You could at least follow his house rules. 
“Now, your room is upstairs, please follow me.” He gestured over to the stairwell that was up against the far side of the house. Climbing up the stairs, there were two doors. Seokjin walked over to the one closest to the stairs and opened it. “This is your room, I’m right next door. You’re free to decorate the space however you want.”
The room was plain; a simple bed, desk, and chest in the room. It was certainly a bit smaller than your dorm back at Ravenwood, but it was alright for you. You didn’t bring much of your things anyways. 
“Thank you.”
Seokjin waved his hand. “Don’t mention it. Anyways, I’ll let you unpack and get settled in. Welcome to Krokotopia.” He winked as he shut the door behind him, leaving you alone in your room. With a sigh, you toss your bag onto the desk and let yourself flop onto the bed. 
You were here.
You flailed about on the bed, silently celebrating the beginning of the end of your studies. Not a lot of people you knew wanted to finish their secondary school, or took their time with their primary. Like one of your Myth classmates, he’s been at Ravenwood longer than you, yet he was still years behind you. But that was due to him focusing more on training pets and helping out in the Pet Pavillion more than anything. 
For the next hour or so, you work on organizing the room to best suit you. Placing the desk under the window, your bed against the wall and your chest at the foot of it. You put all your extra robes and necessities in the trunk, saving your wands to decorate the walls with. You had a handful of wands with you, each one having a special reasoning for keeping it. But if you were being honest, the wand you loved the most was your first ever wand. You’d bought it in the Shopping District when you’d first arrived at Ravenwood, excitedly pulling your parents along with you to gather your new things. It was a simple sleek black rod with a white tip at the end. The starter wand for all novice conjurers. 
By the time you’d finished, the sun was already beginning to disappear off into the distance. Deciding yourself to be finished, you went back downstairs, a bit hungry after all the excitement. 
Seokjin was sitting off to one side of his house, in a little makeshift library; mixes of scrolls and books on the shelves. At the sound of you coming down the stairs, he glanced up from what he was reading. 
“Finally hungry?”
“Yeah,” you answered a bit sheepishly as you walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an apple from a fruit bowl. “So excited, couldn’t think of eating. Finally got to me, I guess.”
“I understand that, I remember when Arthur finally said I could transfer my studies here. Learn here at the birthplace of sorcery.”
“That’s right, your primary school is Balance.”
Seokjin nodded. “Yeah. Before the school was discovered, that was the end of that. We knew everything that was kept alive up until then. But since they found the school, we’ve rediscovered so many spells that were once lost to us.”
“That’s incredible! I remember when they announced they found it, I knew immediately I wanted to continue my studies there. Once I learned everything from Arthur, of course.”
“I’ll be honest, it was quite a shock to learn that someone wanted to continue their studies here for their secondary school,” Seokjin admitted. “Most people just learn the basics and don’t bother trying for more advanced stuff.”
You gave a shrug. “I’m a completionist, I guess.”
“Well, I’m glad then. Because now we get a new student and maybe you’ll be the first of many to also want to finish their sorcery studies.”
“Fingers crossed!”
Seokjin was quiet for a moment, furrowing his brows together in thought. “If I may ask, why did you choose Balance? It isn’t very popular because of the whole, no school building reason. Especially with Ravenwood students.”
You scratched at the back of your neck. “I’ll be honest, it was mainly because I found the topic interesting. I mean, it incorporates all types of magic, elemental and spiritual. Sure, the Krokotopians mainly focused on the elemental, but through that they found the spiritual and then what connects them all: sorcery.”
“I- wow.” Seokjin blinked at you a few times. “Never heard anyone talk about it like that.”
You flushed a bit. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s refreshing. Especially to hear someone talk so passionately about it. I hope the actual teachings don’t diminish that passion in any way.”
“I had Professor Cyrus Drake these past few years; needless to say, I’m good with staying passionate.”
He laughed at that. “Yeah, I’ve heard Cryus was a bit of a pain to learn from. Very by the book and no nonsense.”
“You could say that again!” You smiled as you pointed to your apple. “Anyways, I’m gonna eat this and then go to bed. Need to get up bright and early!”
“Sleep well!” He called after you.
Once again, you did not sleep again. Each time you felt sleep come upon you, you jerked awake with excitement as you remembered where you were. In the morning, you probably looked dreadful. But nothing could damper your mood, not even the odd stares you may receive. 
“Ready?” Seokjin asked as he walked with you out the door towards the deck where the ferry would pick you up, taking you both to the Krokosphinx island. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be!” You exclaimed, your voice a bit exhausted though. This morning, you were dressed in lighter robes, it didn’t do much to keep you 100% cool, but it certainly helped keep the heat off. Glancing over to Seokjin who stood next to you, he didn’t even seem to be sweating in his robes; probably designed to keep the wearer cool. Perhaps you should stop by the robe shop later today. While sure, your robes were fine, but you were sweltering. Factoring in your lack of sleep, you only hoped you didn’t faint on the way to school. 
“Glad to hear it,” he smiled. 
The two of you stood in silence as you waited for the ferry to arrive. It wasn’t at all awkward, comfortable and friendly. It was only a few minutes of it until the ferry appeared in your vision, nearly half full with about a dozen other folks. Dozens of Manders, Marleybonians, fellow wizards, and even a couple Kroks; all headed towards the Oasis for their daily activities. 
By the time you arrived at the Krokosphinx, the boat was packed. Only you, Seokjin, and a handful of other passengers got off at this stop. You couldn’t help but feel slightly relieved at the small number, meaning it probably wouldn’t feel as crowded. Seokjin made small talk with a few of the other people that got off, before they started climbing down into a hole. You were about to follow after them when Seokjin stopped you.
“Hang on, there’s someone you gotta meet.” Gently, he led you over towards a large, smiling palm tree. “I would like you to meet Niles, the Balance tree.”
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your skulls. “Oh my- Yes. Hello, it’s wonderful to meet you!”
Niles simply smiled at you, slowly blinking at you in acknowledgment. 
“That’s as best as we’re going to get, but come on. Let’s go, don’t wanna be late on your first day.” He winked.
Seokjin allowed you to climb down the ladder first, and you welcomed the sudden coolness of the school. The stone walls providing shade from the harsh desert sun. The first chamber was full of scaffolding and boxes, not much to look at. But the classroom. . . oh the classroom. 
Torches lined the sides of the walls, giving the chamber a soft warm light. Carved stone desks that were low to the ground lined either side of the room. Much like the classrooms at Ravenwood, there was a raised platform, with two blackboards on the far wall. Then front and center of it all, an old aged Krok stood. 
“Welcome, class.” His voice was low and gravely, speaking slowly. “Duneheart, where are you, boy?”
“Here, Alhazred,” the wizard next to you answered. “I have our new student with us today, Y/N.” 
The Krok, that you now knew as Alhazred, turned his head towards you. Squinting his white eyes at you, as if he was trying to get his old eyes to work. “Why yes, I see. . . take a seat.” He gestured off to the desks, most of which were now occupied. “Seokjin, you said you wanted to teach the lesson today, correct?”
Your head snapped to him, just in time to watch the tips of his ears turning a bright red. He never mentioned anything about teaching to you! Granted you’d only met him only the other day, but surely that’s something he would’ve mentioned.
“Yes, sir. If you don’t mind.”
“Carry on then,” the professor said as he hobbled off to a chair, set off in the corner of the room. 
“Right, excuse me,” Seokjin said, gently pushing past you to go to the raised platform. Leaving you to quickly move yourself over to the nearest free desk, which was just your luck in the front row. 
Lowing yourself down to your knees, you listened carefully as Seokjin began. Behind him, on one of the blackboards, chalk flew up, writing down the lesson for the day. Probably as a mercy for you, he mentioned a quick review over what they learned last class. But unfortunately, it was still a few levels above you. It was something you expected though, being a bit behind at the start, so you paid extra close attention to his words, writing down each sentence with vigor. Seokjin kept glancing at you, slowing down and giving you enough time to catch up.
By the end of class, your wrist was sore and covered in ink smudges. 
“How did you enjoy the class?” Seokjin asked once he dismissed everyone.
“I did, you didn’t tell me you were the teacher’s assistant though.”
He smiled shyly, looking down to his feet. “I’m sorry, it slipped my mind. Honest.”
“Do you want to be a teacher?” You asked as you both headed up towards the ladder, already feeling the heat from the square of sunlight coming down from above. 
“Yes, and considering the lack of a proper Balance professor-”
“Ahem,” Alhazred coughed from behind.
“-At Ravenwood!” He shouted back as you climbed up the rope ladder towards the surface.
You waited at the top for him as he climbed up after you. “You plan on replacing Arthur?”
“Replace?” He shook his head as he stood up straight next to you. “No, help. And if he chooses to retire, then maybe take his place. But there’s also a lack of secondary Death tutors.”
“That’s your secondary school?”
“I have a glutton for punishment apparently, teaching myself both subjects.”
You burst out a laugh at that. “You kinda dug your own hole there. But it’s definitely something Ravenwood needs. I’m sure both Arthur and Malron would be grateful for the help,” you said as the two of you walked over towards the Krokosphinx, hoping to find the shade beneath the age-old stone carving before the ferry came.
“That’s why I’m still here. Alhazred would like me to teach some classes here for another few months. Get used to handling a class. But my hopes are to one day help build an actual classroom, no more informal study groups in the library and commons.”
“That sounds like a brilliant plan, Seokjin. I hope one day it happens.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He smiled at you, meeting your eyes. 
Heat rushed to your cheeks, leaving you unsure if it was the heat or not. “We should- the ferry-”
“Oh yeah, right. It’s almost here, come on!” Seokjin started back over towards the dock, while you strayed behind for a moment, watching him as he walked. You already knew you were excited to be here, to learn more and advance in your studies, but now you for sure had a bit more to look forward to. 
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kimkaelyn · 2 years
Hello!!! Can you write a drabble with Jin from BTS and the prompt number 33? I love you, your blog and your works sooo much!! 💕
Prompt 33. "You can't handle my beauty."
→pairing - kim seokjin x gender neutral reader
→genre - fluff, crack
→word count - 517
→author's note - This was so much fun to write! Thank you, anon, for sending it in!
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You grinned as a child's laughter erupted from down the hall of your and Seokjin's apartment. You were in the kitchen stirring the broth for dinner while your husband and daughter played in her bedroom. Shortly after the first burst of laughter, your husband's windshield wiper laugh followed. Hearing his laugh, you couldn't contain your own and you softly laughed to yourself.
I wonder what they are getting up to, you wonder to yourself as your turn off the burner. You wash your hands before making your way down the hall toward your daughter's bedroom. Pictures line the hallway, each one capturing a happy moment of your life with Seokjin. From high school selfies when you guys first met, to your first kiss in college, to photos of your extensive travels around the world, and to him proposing on the side of a beautiful mountainside in Peru. Then it moves to your wedding, and to pictures that were taken on your honeymoon to your favorite vacation spot, and then to the first images of your and Seokjin's love embodied; your daughter.
I have a beautiful family, you think to yourself. The home you and Seokjin have built is full of love and happiness, and there is nothing else you could ask for.
You reach the end of the hall and turn to peer into an open doorway. Inside sits your husband and daughter. She is doing your husband's makeup with the play makeup kit she got for her birthday a couple of weeks prior. Your heart melts as you watch them talk and play. Your husband has the patience of a saint as he allows her to cake his face in…purple blush. It takes everything in you not to burst out laughing when you catch a glimpse of your husband in the small handheld mirror your daughter has set on the ground.
"All done!" She squeals out in delight as she takes a step back to admire her handiwork.
"How do I look?" Jin asks.
"Like," She giggles as she trails off. "Like a troll!" She hands him the small mirror so he can look at his reflection.
"What are you talking about, sweetie? I look gorgeous!" Seokjin explains as he examines his reflection. Bright purple blush covers his entire face, and liquid eyeliner drips down from his ears (nowhere near his eyes). His eyebrows are enhanced with brown eyeshadow and your daughter had drawn bright red circles around his eyes. For the final touch, Seokjin is sporting bright orange lipstick. It takes every ounce of your self-control not to burst out into uncontrollable laughter and roll around on the floor.
"Daddy, I think you are delusional." She laughs.
"If anyone is delusional it is you, sweetheart." He wraps his arms around her. She laughs as he starts to tickle her. "I think you just can't handle my beauty."
Your daughter stops laughing and meets your husband's gaze with unflinching eyes. "What beauty?"
You lost the battle against your self-control and shortly after those words left your daughter's mouth, you were laying on the ground in hysterics.
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copyright @ kimkaelyn 2022. All rights reserved.
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longstoryoongi · 1 year
lost in paradise? ✧・゚:*
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welcome to romy’s bts fanfiction reading blog.
below you’ll find my chaotic library. feel free to browse through fics by member, pairing, reader type, genre, alternate universes and tropes. after you’ve read a fic, make sure to reblog it in order to support the writer. happy browsing, dear visitor!
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© longstoryoongi / romy, 2023. — last updated: april 3rd, 2023
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woncon · 7 months
Flufftober Day 26
🎃 seokjin x gn!reader
🎃 special thanks to @honeytwo for helping me translate this into english, correcting my grammar and other mistakes. thank you for everything! °♡̷•.
🎃 flufftober masterlist | main masterlist
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"Why are we sitting on the carpet?"
"It's freshly vacuumed and washed. Soft."
"And if I spill wine on it by accident?"
"You'll die."
"Oh." You decide instead to place your drink on the floor, far away from the snowy carpet. Then you stare into the fire of the fireplace, drumming on your knees.
"Just kidding. Feel free to pour it down. I'll take it to the washer again."
You look towards him uncertainly, yet he sips his own drink. Looking at the fire with a mysterious half-smile, Seokjin sits on the floor in a suit, yet not a wrinkle or a speck. His tie is tight, exactly centered, his hair is styled as if it had been cut out of a popular magazine and his watch shines on his wrist.
The perfection he exudes is intimidating. You still have trouble adjusting to him, even though you've been dating for a while. You believe that love is when you can hold someone in your heart with all their flaws.
If someone doesn't reveal their flaws to you, they either don't trust you enough or they don't really love you. Maybe the two mean the same thing.
"Can I ruin you?"
"What?" His Adam's apple jumps in surprise, but he doesn't spit out his drink like most people would. "I was planning to feed you, but if you want to do something else, that's fine with me."
"No, I don't mean your bed. I want to see your flaws and your imperfections. I want us to see each other even when you're falling apart. When you're sipping beer on the couch in a food-stained cardigan and your slippers are kicked somewhere across the room. When your carpet is wrinkled, your hair is tangled and there's nothing in the fridge but water. Can I ruin you like this?"
"Are you sure you want that?"
"Of course. Isn't that the basis of a well-functioning relationship? To know each other's weaknesses? The side that you hide from the public?"
"I don't know exactly. I want you, that's all I know for sure. So ruin me."
Smiling, you crawl closer to him. The carpet tickles your palm, which you then guide to the man's chest. Your fingers wrap gently around the tie, loosening it with deft movements. The knot unties.
You sigh. The sight is simply...
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flufftober taglist (send an ask! <3)
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bangtan-oasis · 2 years
November Critique Project
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Hello Traders! It’s finally here! We’re quite pleased to announce that the November Critique Project has begun, and we hope that it is both an interesting and rewarding project that you all get to take on with us!
If you haven’t read about the Critique Project, check out this post here or head over the the project channel on our Discord. 
Thank you for taking part in this new adventure for us! 
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Author: @apotatomashedbybts
Title: A Snowfall To Remember
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Warning(s): mention of heights
Word Count: 4.3k+
Summary: Spending his birthday night with you was all Seokjin could want and think about but you have something more in store for him and that doesn’t include just spending time together.
Anonymous Feedback?: No
Intentions & Goals:
I wanted to present a lighthearted couple's story with feel goods and I wanted people to see that they are very much in comfortable love. I also wanted the proposal to be grand and beautiful.
Most Proud Of:
The beginning of the story and the place where Jin's birthday is celebrated.
I think the middle of the story where they get into the car- that scene could have been written better. Also I don't know if the part where reader tells Jin that she'll provide for him was good or proper enough.
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Author: @herecomesjoon
Title: Just Between Us
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Gender Neutral Reader
Warning(s): Underage Drinking (with trusted friends/family)
Word Count: 2873
Summary: You’ve always been your brother’s younger sibling, but when you go to college, you become more.
Anonymous Feedback?: No
Intentions & Goals:
This work is heavily inspired by a dream that I had that was more of a series of intense feelings than anything narrative or visual. I wanted to figure out what would actually cause these feelings. Like sharing a secret with a friend without saying aloud what the secret was to each other. It's almost magical, the way that every little gesture and touch can cause such a cascade of emotions. 
I also REALLY wanted to show a different side of the siblings best friend trope (Which I love). One where the sibling is supportive, happy even, that two people that they love have fallen in love with each other.
Most Proud Of: 
I really love the scene of YN and Yoongi in the hallway. Even though they are able to be seen by everyone, it still feels really private and intimate, sharing a bag of YNs favorite snacks.
I feel like my dialogue could be better. Since I've written this, I've been making an effort to make the characters speaking to each other more natural, but with this, it feels too quiet almost.
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joonlaksme · 2 years
October 10th
Kim Seokjin - Biting (GN)
“Seokjin, stopp, I’m trying to work!” You laughed, trying to push your best friend away from you. You couldn’t help the way you reacted to his antics while he was determined to stop you from writing anything down.
“Answer my question and I’ll leave you alone.” He attempts to hide his grin at the sight of your struggle and fails just as easily.
Whenever your hands get close to the keyboard, he moves them away as far as he can and hugs you from your chair. It was annoying at first but you can’t help but smile and laugh when he does things like this. He, of all people, should know how important your work is to you and maybe he’s trying to take off some stress. You aren’t sure if it’s working or not.
“What do you want?” You lift your hands up to display that you won’t be getting anything more done until you take care of what he wants.
“What are you dressing up for on Halloween?” He inquires, rolling you back on your chair and spinning you around.
You get dizzy quickly and your mind goes blank as you look at him. You’ve been coworkers with him for a long time and good friends for just as long. It was hard to curb your feelings for him but every once in a while, you see the way he treats you and think of what could have been. You wish. Because what fool would say this man was anything but gorgeous?? His eyes with so many smiles in them. His nose that just looks great on him, and his lips that you had thought about guiltily. Longer than you wanted to, you were looking at them and wondering if in your past, you could change something and just kiss him when you had so many chances.
“Why are we thinking about Halloween when October barely started?” You reply, looking down to his shoes rather than exactly at his face.
What you hadn’t expected was for him to direct your chin back to his eyes and smile. “It’s October 10th, babe.” You blush, “You’re so into your work you don’t even realize the dates.”
“I…” He interrupts before you can continue. Hands so close to your lips as if to signal that he was going to continue. You shuffle in your chair, “wanted to be a vampire and was hoping maybe you’d like to have a joined outfit?”
“Of course!” You say almost immediately. You and him have only had matching outfits about twice in your lives and those were only coincidences. “So we’ll both be vampires, hm-?”
A gasp follows the end of your sentence, as he leans closer and tilts his head. He trails his teeth on your neck and seeing as you’re not showing any sign of discomfort, he continues and sinks his teeth on a spot that makes goosebumps rise on your body. An unexpected sound follows and has him pulling away just as quickly.
“…”, He’s at a loss for words.
He puts one arm behind your back and another under your legs. He lifts you up almost effortlessly and takes you to finish your business and coax more sounds like that out of you.
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sope-and-shine · 3 years
Do You Have The Receipt For That?
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-> Pairing: Jin x Gender Neutral!Reader -> SFW // Domestic!AU  // Fluff // Comedy -> Word Count: 1.9k -> Summary: “Get married,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said. You thought the honeymoon stage was supposed to last a few months. Yours didn’t even last 48 hours. -> Warning(s): Chaotic Jin, Jin gets drunk, Adam Sandler grade humor and innuendos, a healthy dose of blackmail
a/n: Jin deserves all the love in the world  
When Jin asked you to marry him, you honestly thought he was joking at first. He’d said it so casually over a glass of wine that when he actually dropped to his knee in the restaurant and pulled out the ring you were left completely speechless. He’d teased you about him being so handsome that he rendered you speechless, but you knew he was just trying to soothe his own worries over you possibly saying no. But he didn’t have anything to worry about.
All he had to do was get the ring on your finger.
Getting married to the love of your life was the biggest dream come true for you. Walking down the aisle dressed to the 9’s, your fiancé in a tux and looking as handsome as ever, your closest friends and families gathered along both sides to celebrate and enjoy your happiness. There was nothing more that you could have asked for, and you wouldn’t have changed anything about the day at all!
Over the course of your engagement, he did his very best to help you with every decision. He tried to be involved as much as he could to ensure that this wedding was something you both would be able to look back on and remember just how lucky you both are. Every venue search, every cake testing, every question over the smallest flower, he was by your side giving his opinion and reassuring you that whatever decision you made would be good.
Waking up in your honeymoon suite next to the love of your life felt like waking up on your birthday, knowing the day was going to be good. Seeing his recently dyed locks sprawled across his pillow with his cheek lightly smushed against his hand has your heart a flutter. The way his skin glows under the light peeking through the hotel window making you want to look at his forever. He’s always joked about being worldwide handsome, but why stop at just this world when he looks so ethereal?
You reach out - unable to stop yourself - and thread your fingers through his bleached tresses. For the amount of times that he changed his hair color, it was still so silky and smooth. If he’d let you, you’d run your hands through it all day and refuse to ever let him leave. Even as he stirs underneath your touch, you continue to play with the hair on his head.
“Didn’t you get enough of me at the reception?” He teases, a slight hoarseness to his morning voice.
You chuckle and sigh, “I don’t think I could ever get enough of you.”
“Is that because of my looks or my talents?” He asks, winking playfully. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his suggestion. 
You lean in and place a kiss on his forehead, “Your cooking is one of my favorite things about you.” 
You ruffle his hair and he lets out an annoyed groan, “Now I’ll have to fix that.”
“You had to fix it anyway. It didn’t survive last night.” You remind him, slightly proud of your accomplishment.
A hand reaches out to lay across your bare stomach and pull you closer to him, “I didn’t think you’d survive last night…” He says, his lips next to your ear.
You laugh as you squirm in his grasp, “Stop it! I’ve had enough to last me a week!”
“I thought you said you couldn’t get enough of me!” His other arm slides under your back to cage you into his chest. His fingers dance across your sides until he’s finally in a good position to attack you with well-deserved tickles for your treason, “Have you lied to me? How dare you! I’m your husband!”
“Ah! I’m sorry!” You cry out in a fit of laughter, moving every which way to try and get away from his relentless attack. He doesn’t let up, tickling every part of you that your position allows him too. 
He manages to work his way on top, effectively straddling you as he continues his relentless torture, “How could you lie to your husband like this?! We just got married! Oh, who is this person I’ve married?”
“I didn’t mean it! I didn’t mean it!” You laugh, hands flailing as they try to grab at his own. Tear cling to your eyes, “Please, Jin! No more! I can’t! I’m gonna pee!”
“Oh, wow, isn’t that sexy?” He teases. He ends his attack and replaces it with soothing caresses, running his hands up and down your sides as you calm down from the excitement. He watches you from above with a soft, genuine smile as he wonders just how lucky he is himself to have you.
You take notice of his content smile and give him one of your own, “What are you looking at?” 
“My amazing best friend.” He leans down and places a soft kiss against your lips, a much different pace from the activity before. You both enjoy the intimacy of just being together, loving the simplicity that comes with just a simple press of your lips together.
When he pulls away, he sighs, “We have a long day today. We should get ready soon.”
“We should.” You nod in agreement. You can’t help the playful smile that reaches your face, “But we should probably try to save some water by showering together. You know, for the environment.”
Jin can’t stop the blush that rises to his cheeks at your suggestion and laughs, “Oh, you’re cheeky!”
Your shower took longer than the two of you had planned for. The two of you had gotten carried away throwing suds back and forth and wasted the complimentary soap in one go. If Jin hadn’t tried to steal it out of your hands to try and squeeze it over your head, then he probably wouldn’t have slipped and taken you down with him. You could barely hear him whine over how heavy you were and how bad his back hurt for how young he is over the sound of the shower and your own laughter. 
Needless to say, he got his revenge by tickling you again.
Though, with him hurting himself in the morning, the both of you had to change up your plans for the day. What was supposed to be a day out on the town and sightseeing turned into a relaxing spa visit for you both to recover from the morning. 
The spa itself was very lovely, with an amazing atmosphere. Very calm and serene, and it felt so refreshing just to walk through the front door. With Jin, you explored all of the spa options they had to offer, walking through various rooms and relaxing hand in hand. Occasionally, Jin would lean over and whisper a joke or something completely random into your ear.
“I have indigestion.” or “What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.”
He followed both up with his contagious laughter, always doing his best to muffle the sound but failing miserably. You had to drag him out of one room before he disturbed the other patrons, and you thought for sure an employee would hunt you down and force you to leave. But that looming concern didn’t stop you from enjoying the time you got to spend with your husband. You both spent all day enjoying the spa, and it wasn’t until dinner time came around that you began to realize that it was a bad idea.
As lovely as the spa was, there was on downside to what they offered.
Seokjin isn’t a lightweight, but when he’s relaxing he has the tendency to drink just a bit too much. Not in a sense that he became completely reckless or abrasive, but in a chaotic drunk sort of way. He was himself, but more eccentric.
When you returned to the hotel fully relaxed and ready to crash on your bed to cuddle and watch movies, Jin seemed to be a bit more out of it than his usual self. You initially thought this had to do with the alcohol, and you were already planning on getting him some more water and maybe a painkiller or two. But what you had thought was a crash from the alcohol turns out to be your drunk, chaotic husband contemplating and overthinking.
“You love me, right?” He asks, sitting on your hotel room bed while you get him a bottle of water.
You chuckle, “Of course I love you silly!” You walk over from the mini-fridge - water bottle in hand - and sit down next to him on the soft sheets. You cup his cheek with one hand and smile, “I wouldn’t marry you if I didn’t love you, Jin.”
The blonde takes a moment to fully comprehend your reassurance before he nods, “That’s right.”
You try to hand him the water bottle, but he stands before you get the chance. You watch him walk over to the bedside table and pull something out of the drawer, hiding it in the palm of hand. He then walks over to his laptop bag on the table by the window and pulls out a manila folder.
The manila folder with your marriage license in it.
You watch him pull the document out and set the folder back down before he walks past you to the bathroom. Concerned, you follow him, worried about why he would possibly need to bring your marriage license to the bathroom. You’re sent for a loop when you see what he’s doing.
In the sink is your marriage license, and in his hand is a lighter. He holds the light to the edge of the paper and waits for it to set before he closes the lighter and turns to you with the biggest shit eating grin, “Ha! Good luck trying to return me without the receipt!”
You say nothing. You only stand in the doorway, mouth agape looking between your drunk husband and the singular piece of paper you overpaid for to tie yourself to his dumb ass. You honestly want to believe that you can’t believe he just did that, but a part of you really isn’t shocked at all.
He takes your silence as a victory and goes to leave the bathroom, but not without leaving you with a kiss to the cheek and a few words of wisdom: “Close your mouth before you let a fly in.”
When you get over your shock enough to try and salvage what’s left of your burnt marriage license - there isn’t anything to save - you return to the main room. On your bed, Jin is already lying on the bed and passed out with a half empty water bottle on his bedside table. He looks so peaceful lying in bed that you don’t have it in you to wake him up.
So instead, you pull out your phone and record what’s left of the incident. You recount what happened during the day, what happened when you returned home, and you end it by showing yourself tucking in the “man of your dreams” and kissing his head.
“I can’t wait to show this on our 10 year wedding anniversary.” You chuckle, smoothing back the hair that falls over his forehead. You turn to the camera in your hand and smile, “You’re lucky I love you, Kim Seokjin.
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