#kirishima immediately bursts into happy tears
willowser · 27 days
once you and katsuki discover you're expecting, you agree to keep it to yourselves for a little while.
you can't hide forever, but you want the chance to bask in the excitement of what's to come, together, away from outside eyes prying in. and you do: there's an immediate difference in the way you touch each other, how often, with katsuki even shifting coverage for patrol just so he can cling to your side for an extra day or two. it's like a honeymoon, almost, and you take the time to enjoy it like one.
but of course he wants to tell his parents as soon as he can, though he doesn't outright admit it; as soon as you start pushing the boundary of your waistband, he finds time in his schedule to see his dad—and then mitsuki makes time for him to see her.
katsuki tells toshinori next, who becomes quite emotional at the sight of your ultrasound, which in turn makes katsuki surprisingly emotional, too. there's much that they say and even more that they don't, but it's all communicated, regardless.
and lastly—he has to tell his nerd-ass friends.
it happens on one of their bi-monthly outings—that katsuki has consecutively been skipping for a little while, for obvious reasons. and it's like the minute he sits down in his seat and orders his food and one beer, everything he'd planned to say dissolves in his head.
despite wanting to keep quiet, he's been trying to plot out his announcement to these exact shit heads since the moment you found out. it's just so personal, and even after everything, katsuki's still discovering how to share those parts of his life with others, still coming to terms with the fact that he wants to.
he'd considered doing it slowly, rather than all at once in front of all of them, but he very quickly realized how terrible of a plan that was; deku would not physically be able to contain such knowledge in his body for any period of time, kirishima is a notorious fucking gossip, and if shouto had given him some kind of shit ass, wrinkled-nose look, he would have had to howitzer him through a building.
so he just says it, because he's never really been one for subtlety.
right after everyone's received their food and started to take their first bites, denki makes a point to ask,
"how's things with your honeybun, kacchan?"
and normally he'd have a fit at the nickname, but instead he hears bun and feels his stomach flip like it does when he remembers, when silly little things remind him of what the two of you have made together, and into his food, he simply says,
"we're havin' a baby."
the expected silence falls over all of them, save for the scaping of utensils against katsuki's bowl. he's damn good at feigning nonchalance, but food is getting stuck in his throat and his heart is beating so hard that he can hear it deep in his eardrums. of course he knows, but it dawns on him again, how overrun he is with excitement.
across the table, denki takes his turn to speak again. "you're...what?"
and then the whole room is erupting into a mass of chaos, moving in pieces like a riot of unrefined children, and even though he's being hounded with a million questions and being shaken around by his shoulders and some of these assholes are crying—katsuki graces them all with a big, fat grin.
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animeniac-writings · 1 year
Child's Favorite Hero - BNHA Boys Preference
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
Gender Neutral! Can be biological or adopted child, it matters not! no names or gender for the child either.
Ask for anyone else, boys or girls if you'd like! I just thought of this at like 3am and went with it.
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Bakugo Katsuki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero:,, he is so preening. Of course he's their favorite, he's the best of the best. His kid of all would know that too.
If your child says some other extra hero is their favorite: ?? Bakugo is furious. Ready to throw hands. 100% has gone toe to toe with some of his old classmates friends for being their favorite. You try reminding him they change their mind every week but he's already challenging Tokoyami to a death match.
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Midoriya Izuku:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will cry. Even if they've been saying it for years, every time they tell him he's their favorite hero he WILL burst into tears. Over time it will be watery eyes instead of break-the-concrete-waterworks, but he will always be emotional and so happy they he can make them proud.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Absolutely agrees with them! He's supportive of all hero and his friends and has appreciated every kind of hero! He's not jealous at all and loves helping them collect merch and ask for autographs for their 'best little fan' (alongside one for him too) and they bond over it.
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Shouto Todoroki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will be very surprised, though he's a strong and popular hero, he never really thought of what his child might think of him. He loved All Might at their age and never put too much thought into who they might admire, but when he finds out it's him, that he makes them happy, he becomes so very soft and hugs them. Shows up every time they ask after bragging that Pro Hero Shouto (The Best Hero!) is their dad.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Diligently listens to all their rants about their favorite hero! He's happy to encourage their love of heroes like he was never allowed, and will ask Midoriya for recommendations on merch his child might like. Bluntly asks the hero (even if their favorite frequently changes) for an autograph and tells them their his child's favorite hero, becomes very worried that he just made this up and coming sidekick hero turn to a literal puddle of tears.
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Kirishima Eijirou:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Manly tears, Deku challenging tears, he is so emotional. Kirishima always worried that he wouldn't measure up to other heroes, he's not the flashiest, not the strongest on the field, he's happy and comfortable with what he's achieved! But to hear he's their favorite? He loves your kid with all his heart already but now he's about to burst. You find him on his knees crying while they pat his back. Proudly brags he's their favorite.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He takes them to meet their hero! Eiji loves listening to them go on about why they like them and tells them how manly their hero is from experience. Will definitely get them merch like posters and hoodies, especially if they're not as popular a hero! He worked so hard for his Crimson Riot merch.
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Kaminari Denki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Oh man he is so stoked, listen he is a popular hero, fun and flashy, a Present Mic protege, but the fact this HIS KID thinks he's the greatest? Now that's something to be proud of. He brags about it in groupchat immediately. Hugs them as soon as they say it. If he didn't have such a good handle on his quirk, he would have fried himself from happiness.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He doesn't really notice how that mean's He's Not the best to them, Kami joins in on their praising of them! He is all for lifting up his fellow heroes and will tell them his greatest stories involving them, even if they're not close or really the nicest hero, he wont dampen your kid's view of them. Definitely takes them along to a function they'll be at without telling his kid.
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Tokoyami Fumikage:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He is very flattered at the praise of his young one, even for his little ray of light in the darkness of his world he did not expect to be seen in such a way. He tells them stories of his heroics (greatly embellished by Dark Shadow) and is very happy each time he hears your child say something about it.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: His child, biological or not, who follows him like another little shadow, standing beside him with a schooled expression and invites Dark Shadow to all their tea parties, speaks in the same dramatic dark prose as their father, favors the retired washing machine. Tokoyami isn't really sure what to make of that. He's not really a jealous guy but that stung a little. You remind him that they're only three. But they keep talking about how 'cool 'dark and mysterious' the appliance is.
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Shinsou Hitoshi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Shinsou has never been open or good with his own emotions, but he needs to go take a moment to himself after he hears this. After so much of his life being told he'd be a villain, working so hard to become a hero, Shinsou never thought he'd be someone's favorite hero. Even to his own child. They're often around flashier popular heroes, friends and old classmates he will never shake, with a collection of action figures and hero toys, but somehow HE'S the best in their eyes. Tells Aizawa about it immediately even though he really isn't saying much in shock.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's very interested in who their favorite is and in their reasoning, part of his reason for adoring Eraserhead was what they had in common, curious if your child is the same in choosing. Not as outgoing with Hero Connections as some of the others but Midoriya will not let him down when he asks for your kid to get to meet them, even if Shinsou himself is very stressed about the meeting.
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Mirio Togata:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Proud Dad Moment. You and your kid(s) are always his top priority and he wants to make you both proud, as person and as a hero. But to be told he's their FAVORITE? Wraps them in a big hug and says they're his favorite too. You bring it up later to tease him about their gushing about "The best hero Lemillion" and he gets so flustered.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Loves asking why that's their favorite and encourages them to talk about it! If he's met or worked with the hero he tells them all about it! Buys them a nice merch hoodie of theirs right after, he's so proud if it's one of his friends too (if it's Tamaki he will never hear the end of it). He likes telling them about his favorites too (but has them pinky promise not to tell.)
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Tamaki Amajiki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Please give him a minute, he is babie. Even after he's gained a lot of confidence overtime he still gets overwhelmed and never stops being shocked at his own popularity. But when his child? his greatest joy? says he's "The coolest and bestes hero there is!"?? He can't take it and wants to hide in your arms like old times. Mirio got the whole thing on video and he listens to it again at times.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He may be surprised by their choice but definitely listens! There's so many neat and strong heroes and wondered who they might like. If they ask him to let them meet their hero,, he asks Mirio to do it. Unless it's one of the handful of heroes that show up at his house already (Fatgum, Kirishima, Mirio, Midoriya), that's just. A lot.
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Toshinori Yagi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He may be one of the most loved and popular heroes in the world but he is so surprised and happy hearing them say he's their favorite! You're a little confused he's so affected but Toshinori is a soft man who loves your child and hearing he makes them proud has made him so happy. "I AM HERE!" (said in All Might form, with many tears, before coughing blood.) Also breaks down when they still say he's the best hero even though he can no longer be All Might.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: A little sad but not butthurt. You will find him moping around the corner after hearing them. He loves his fellow heroes and supports their decision and takes them to meet them! But also tries to "subtly" buy them extra All Might merch too... It's okay Toshinori. Midoriya still loves you.
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Aizawa Shouta:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Somehow this man who has never cared about popularity, is a pretty unknown underground hero with a 'dull' quirk, eyebags for days, and doesn't even like children (lies), has become the favorite hero of his own three kids. He understood Shinsou's admiration from similarities, and Eri has other heroes she loves, but your kid thinks he's the best too? Honestly he's very shocked but adorably flattered by it. Let's Mic talk him into one (1) small merch deal because they wanted something of their #1 Dad and #1 Hero.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's not surprised but will 100% critique their favorites and possibly chastise why, he will give them his personal accounts of the hero and grumble his own opinions while they gush over their favorite, but wont discourage them. Is frankly concerned if it's Dynamight though.
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Yamada Hizashi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Pray that Shouta is around when they tell him this or you'll all have hearing loss. He is happy, he is SO happy that his favorite little listener thinks he's the greatest hero!! There's an extra skip in his step for days, tells his radio listeners he found his true #1 Fan and is extra flashy in some safely televised battles and asks if they saw.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He droops, pouts, whines to you, Shouta, the entire teacher staff. He's not mad but definitely tries to suggest mention that he's a pretty cool hero too... He is wounded for life and needs kisses. Your child even slightly mentions that he's 'kinda cool too' and he takes that as a WIN, he is kinda cool. The coolest.
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luvbugs-blog · 2 years
sneaking around - s. todoroki
Warnings - None! Just Fluff!
part two
*not proof-read*
Arranging your baking items on the counter of the shared kitchen of the Class 2-A dorms, you stand bake and take a deep breath in, hands on your hips. Today had been a particularly hard day at training, and although you worked your ass off fighting against your friends, sitting in your dorm made you feel unproductive. Your legs were sore as hell, and your arms burned when you moved them, but the smell of the brownie mix on the counter made you smile.
It was around 9:30 at night, so your best friends, the Bakusquad, would either be asleep right now (Bakugo), or trying to wake those who were asleep (Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Denki). You rolled your eyes with a smirk just thinking about how pissed Bakugo will be when he wakes up. As your mind wandered from your friends to someone else, you carefully placed the brownie mix into the oven. As you went to close the door, you heard a small greeting that made you jump, burning your hand.
"Shit!" You whirled around, holding your hand to see your handsome boyfriend, looking very sheepish. "Oh, hi Sho! You scared me."
"I apologize," he said, walking up to you, quickly taking your hand in his, cooling down the burn with his quirk. You quickly smile at him, before turning your head to hide the blush coming. Although the two of you had been dating for a year, Shoto's small intimate actions made your heart burst with happiness.
As the brownies baked in the oven, you and Shoto talked about your days, and future dates you wanted to go on, including one tonight, which included popcorn, Moulin Rouge, cuddling in Shoto's dorm, and of course, the brownies. There was only one problem. No one else knew about your relationship.
It's not that either of you were ashamed of each other, but it was the first relationship either of you had been in, and you didn't want to jinx anything by telling everyone right away. 6 months later, you guys didn't care if anyone found out, but it was fun to sneak around... like spies (which was weird considering you were both future heroes). Oh well, more practice for the future.
You jumped when you hear the timer on the oven, which shocked you out of memories of the past. You quickly removed yourself from Shoto's embrace, which issued a whine from his lips. You giggle when you look back to see his pouty face. Turning back around to give your attention to the brownies, you carefully set them on the counter, but were immediately attacked by your boyfriend, who wrapped his arms tightly around you back, nestling his face in your neck. You lean back into him.
"I love you Sho. So much." You hear mumbling back, and take that as an 'I love you' back. You hum in response.
"I can't wait to marry you," Shoto says, turning his head so he is comprehensible. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
You know how hard it is for Shoto to talk about his feelings, so this made you almost tear up. You turn around and smile. "I can't wait to grow old with you as well, baby."
Shoto gives you a smile, and leans forward, catching your lips. For a few minutes, you guys kiss, and giggle to each other, and kiss some more, before you hear the boisterous noises of the rest of the Bakusquad coming your way, probably to raid the cabinets. The two of you reluctantly part, but not before you hear another whine from Shoto.
"I'll see you later tonight!"
"Yes, tonight. I already can't wait to see you, love."
"You're so clingy, Sho." He blushes, so you're quick to add, "I love that about you."
By this point, Mina bounds in, and Denki makes a quick break for the brownies on the counter, but you manage to save them by slapping his hand away. You talk to Kirishima for a bit, asking if the Bakugo plan worked, and occasionally slapping Denki's AND Sero's hand away from the brownies that you planned to share with your lover tonight.
Speaking of your lover, you say, "Todoroki-san, did you need anythi-", but he wasn't there. The rest of the group starts mocking you, because they knew about your crush on Shoto for a while.
You start slapping at them to stop, trying to think of an excuse to finally slip away.
You finally slip away from your friends, and make your way to Shoto's room, trying not to be seen, and trying not to drop your brownies.
Finally! Finally you made it, and you carefully opened the door, you didn't see Shoto anywhere.
"Sho?" You set the brownies on his bed, and peek into the bathroom, whose light was on, but he wasn't in there either. Where was this guy?
You turn around and scream, which made Shoto laugh so hard. You put your hand on your chest, trying not to have a heart attack, but you can't help but to smile, because Shoto, in pajama pants and a toothbrush in his hand, is hunched over, still laughing hard.
"God, Sho," you say as you smack him.
"Hi baby," he responds, still chuckling. You huff and flop on the bed, hoping to relax, but quickly sit up again when you hear a knock on the door. Shoto points to his bathroom, and gives you a small wink before turning towards the door. Looking back once again, he sees you go into the bathroom, and shut the door. His attention is once again towards the door, as the knocking continues.
"Todoroki-san?" He opens the door to see Midoryia standing there. He grins at Shoto, before continuing. "I came to check on you. I thought I heard screaming."
Shoto clears his throat, before mentioning something about the television and promptly shuts the door before giving the observant green haired man any clues about who might actually be in the room.
After making sure the coast was clear, Shoto opens his bathroom door, allowing you to walk out into his arms. You give him a quick peck on the lips, and then drag him to the bed, where you guys watch movies for the rest of the night before falling asleep.
Mina was looking for you. She looked in the kitchen, your room, the common room. And you were no where to be found. So she got the entire class looking for you. All except for one man.
After 20 minutes of looking, they all arrived at Shoto's dorm. And upon slowly opening the door, they see the two of you all cuddled up, your leg thrown over his hips, and his face in your chest.
Oh, the amount of shit you're going to get when you wake up. But for now, it's best to let the two of you sleep.
Author's Note: Sorry about the ending... I kinda blanked. I'm thinking about doing a drabble with Izuku! If you like it, please send requests! I would love to write more! Have a great day everyone!
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hyuge · 5 months
Say Something
Chapter One
It has to be you, Kirishima.
Visions of hopeful, scarlet eyes smiling at Eijirou as they soared through the sky, filled his mind; only for that smile to immediately falter. Black goop burst forth from Bakugou’s mouth as he coughed and gagged. The hand that had reached for Eijirou’s slipped; fingertips brushed against his palm. Bakugou's cheeks flushed red, tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. He clawed at his throat as he fell out of the air towards the ground, out of Eijirou’s reach, until the black goop of the teleportation quirk consumed him. At the same time, the villains disappeared into the warp gate forced open by All for One on the ground. All hope for the future hero erased right before their eyes. Bakugou was gone, their rescue mission a failure, and Eijirou screamed.
His throat was hoarse as he was jolted awake from his slumber. The shout hadn’t just been something concocted from his imagination, it seemed. Eijirou reached for the glass of water on the nightstand, downing however much was left in a single gulp. He had the dream again. It was like a bad omen, meant to warn him of impending doom. Every time Eijirou had that dream, he had a run-in with the source of his nightmares, almost like a premonition, but his quirk wasn’t clairvoyance, it was hardening. And no matter how much he hardened his skin, it couldn’t ease the thoughts that plagued his mind. He could take a punch. He couldn’t take the psychological warfare that was his guilty conscience.
Eijirou swung his legs out of bed with a groan, scrubbing at his face with his hand in an attempt to wipe away the horrible nightmare. It had been years, and that day still haunted him – a permanent reminder of his greatest failure. Eijirou had strived to be better. He wouldn't lose anyone else the way they had lost Bakugou, and for the most part, he had accomplished that. Even through the war they had minimal casualties, but lives were still lost, and many were gravely injured. They had all been scarred over time.
Pale white lines wove against skin, disfiguring the ones who bore them. Years of therapy could never undo the trauma that had befallen Eijirou’s classmates. Some had it more difficult than others. Midoriya had taken things especially hard. He lost his childhood friend, his rival, his motivation to make himself stronger, but he also lost his mentor. Back then, no one knew the secret All Might and Midoriya shared, so they didn’t understand just how bad off he was. When Bakugou was taken away, so was All Might.
The number one hero’s attention had been pulled away from the fight. He had let his emotions get the best of him when his student was taken for a second time. Anger clouded his judgement, and his life was lost. All for One had been stopped, but at the cost of the Symbol of Peace. All Might held his fist up into the air, and he fell forward into the ground. Midoriya mourned the loss of his friend and teacher for months. Eijirou felt terrible, but he couldn't relate to Midoriya’s pain.
That small ball of green fluff went from the happy-go-lucky kid that he was, to one hell-bent on vengeance. Deku was no longer the name of a hero, but an antihero. Midoriya got the job done, but he was no longer the type to consider how another person felt. He was ruthless, and Eijirou blamed himself. If he had just done a better job at saving Bakugou, then he wouldn't have lost so many lives that night. If they had listened to the others and stayed put as instructed, then maybe the heroes could have saved his friend after all. The what ifs were endless.
Now, no one would ever know. Instead, he was forced to rise every morning, put on his hero costume, and pray no one else got hurt. He would not be the source of yet another tragedy. Eijirou ran his hand through his hair, feeling the greasy remnants of the last of the hair gel in his red locks that he hadn't washed out the night before. He would need to shower before work. Eijirou could only hope that the warm water would wash away the feelings of foreboding he found himself waking to.
He used to talk to the others about it—his sense of guilt and the dreams that plagued him—but after so many years, they had all moved on. They didn’t understand his pain, or his guilt. They would tell him it was the villains’ fault things ended up the way they did, and while that may have been true, Eijirou could never truly place the blame on the villains. He had been shouldering it himself for so long. It was his failure to grasp Bakugou’s outstretched hand that caused the destruction of the hero society they once knew. He could never take that back.
Soapy water swirled into the floor drain of his bathroom shower, spinning in circles like a whirlpool threatening to swallow him whole. Sometimes, Eijirou wished he could just disappear like the bathroom soap scum. It would be simple, effortless. He wouldn't have to risk his life fighting villains and he wouldn't feel as shitty as he did anymore. It would be someone else’s problem. Everything would be perfect, at least until the dreams started again. Or would they stop if he no longer put himself in a position to see the cause of his nightmares?
He stepped out of the shower, red hair hanging off his shoulders; water droplets falling off the tips, onto his skin, and down to the floor. Eijirou wrapped a towel around his waist, then grabbed a second one to dry his hair, ruffling the locks between the terrycloth. The shower cleansed him in body, but not mind. Eijirou stood there in the mirror, one hand holding the towel to his head, the other resting on his hip. He looked tired. The bags under his eyes were prominent and the shower did little to help energize him like he had hoped. It would make for a long day of work if he couldn't bring himself to perk up.
Eijirou knew he couldn't dwell on that day forever; years of therapy had instilled the fact that it was okay to move on, but every time he dreamt that dream, his smile would disappear. He spent so much time wondering what their lives would be like if they had succeeded. They had only known each other for a few months, he shouldn't have been so worked up about it, but they had grown close in that brief time—close enough for Bakugou to take Eijirou as his plus one on an exclusive island getaway. Like most things, it had been interrupted by villains, but they still had fun, given the circumstances.
He tossed the towel into the hamper and reached for a comb and his container of hair gel to make up his signature spiked look. Eijirou had been a pro long enough to know how to fake a positive attitude. He couldn’t let the citizens see him with such a sour disposition. When his hair was sufficiently spiked and his teeth were brushed, he slipped on a plain, black tank top and a pair of red jogging short. He would run to his agency. Some early morning fresh air could possibly be the thing he needed to help clear his mind. If not, then at least he would get his cardio in for the day.
Eijirou slipped his phone, wallet, and keys into his shorts pocket and kicked on his shoes, locking his apartment door as he left. He shivered slightly, goosebumps causing his skin to pucker, and he rubbed at his arms before starting his run. Spring mornings in Tokyo were always kind of chilly, but the cold never really bothered him too much. He would manage dressed as is, until he got to his agency. Eijirou had picked a medium-priced apartment complex only a few blocks from where he set up shop, so that he could quickly get to work in the event of an emergency. He was always on call, even with the others at his agency would yell at him to take a day off.
He couldn’t rest, not when lives were at stake. Eijirou waved to an old woman out walking her dog first thing in the morning. She was there every day. One morning, he had stopped and offered to walk the dog for her, but she said her walks were the only time she ever got out of her house anymore. Now when he has free time, he joins her. This morning however, he just gave her a small wave as he made his way to the brick building up the street. He was in no mood for small talk. She waved back with a gentle smile and the little white dog barked enthusiastically after him. So maybe the run was helping at least a little bit. Eijirou found himself chuckling at the dog’s excitement.
“Morning,” he greeted the young sidekick sitting behind the reception desk as he walked into the office.
“Mr. Red Riot, sir, I wasn’t expecting you here for another two hours!” The sidekick, Tatsuya, jumped to his feet.
Eijirou waved for him to return to his seat and the newbie sidekick obliged. He was a fresh recruit from Shiketsu Academy, and they were always so eager to please this early into their hero careers. Eijirou was reminded of his time with Fat Gum. Recruiting new sidekicks was always his favorite part about spring. The newly graduated students were always ready to take on the world and he was there to watch them grow. “I couldn’t sleep,” he simply told Tatsuya, patting the young hero on the head as he went. The fledgling hero nodded in reply.
Tatsuya was a diligent worker, and a strong young hero, with a highly sought after Quirk. Eijirou knew recruiting the kid was a battle. He had been given dozens of offers for agencies to join, but the Sturdy Hero held strong in the end.
Eijirou made his way to his office, shutting the door behind him as he walked in. He had a personal closet in his office where his hero costume was kept rather than using the communal locker room. His costume hadn’t changed much over the years, just some resizing for his increased stature. Eijirou secured the face mask around his head and slid the protective sleeves over his arms. As he laced up his boots, his stomach grumbled, and he regretted not stopping for breakfast on the way in.
He leaned over his desk, pressing the call button on his office phone to reach reception. Tatsuya picked up on the first ring. “Mr. Red Riot, sir?”
Eijirou shook his head with a smile, wondering when the kid would stop being so formal. “Hey Tatsuya, I’m getting hungry.”
“What can I get you sir? Do you want food from the bakery down the street? I can be there and back in fifteen minutes.”
He laughed. “No, no, no. I’ll go. I just wanted to see if you wanted anything while I was out.” Eijirou finished lacing the other boot and rose to his feet, scooping up the clothes he had worn to work and folding them to place in the closet.
“You can’t do that! I’m the sidekick. I should be getting you food.”
Eijirou rolled his eyes and pressed the red button on the phone, ending the call. He walked out of his office and leaned against the wall in the hall, arms crossed. “Kid, relax. I want to get you breakfast. You’ve been here all night.”
Tatsuya hesitated, but finally, green eyes looked up at Eijirou and he nodded. “Melon bread? And iced coffee?”
Eijirou smirked. “You got it.” He ruffled the boy’s sandy brown hair as he walked by, heading for the exit.
As Eijirou walked outside, he turned to stare at the giant red letters that read: Riot Agency. Even after two years of running his own agency, it still felt strange. Someone thought it would be okay to let him, Kirishima Eijirou, be in charge – mind boggling. Every time he looked at the logo, it reinvigorated him to do his best. Today would be no different. He would get breakfast for Tatsuya and himself, then send the kid home and route the agency calls to his cell phone so that he could go out on patrols. The other two sidekicks Eijirou employed would be in in the afternoon. Riot Agency was still small, but in the last two years, he had already climbed the hero ranks to secure the twenty-fourth spot.
His former classmates were all doing well in their respective careers as well. If only—he shook his head. Don’t think about it. Eijirou was trying to make his day better, not worse. He crossed the street and headed in the direction of the bakery. Eijirou could smell the scent of freshly baked bread coming from the shop before he even opened the door.
The baker was a kind old man that Eijirou had grown to know quite well over the last few years. His wife had passed some time ago, so his grandson helped out in the shop. It was too much work for one person, and try as he might, he could never figure out how to work the espresso machine. “Coffee shouldn’t be so complicated,” he would always grumble. It reminded Eijirou of someone else that had always insisted on only drinking black, drip coffee.
He wandered through the small aisles of the bakery and picked up a set of tongs. There was a tray by one of the displays and Eijirou set the melon bread Tatsuya requested on it. His crimson eyes roamed over all the sweet treats until he decided on a couple slices of cinnamon pound cake. With his tray of food in hand, Eijirou set the tongs in a wash bin and carried the bread to the counter. “Morning, Mr. Yagima,” he greeted with a smile.
Mr. Yagima turned around from his spot behind the counter and squinted his wrinkled eyes at Eijirou. “You should really wear a shirt, young man,” he chided, “you’ll catch cold.” That was routine with them. Mr. Yagima would always treat Eijirou like one of his own children, and Eijirou would laugh off whatever remark he made.
“I need a cappuccino and an iced coffee with extra cream today!”
Mr. Yagima grunted in reply. “I’ll get you rang up. Kenma is out back sorting the recycling. He should be back in a minute. He’ll get you your drinks.”
Eijirou smiled fondly and pulled his wallet out of the pants pocket of his costume. He rifled through for a thousand yen note and placed it in the weathered hand outstretched before him. “Things fairing okay? Those kids from the middle school not bothering you anymore?”
“I told you I could handle it on my own. Bunch of no-good punks,” Mr. Yagima muttered as he placed the money in the register.
“Grandpa, you would have literally started them on fire if it wasn't for Red Riot intervening.” Kenma appeared through a door behind the counter, carrying a tray of freshly baked loaves of bread in his arms. He was about the same age as Eijirou, but when he spoke, his voice held a wisdom that was beyond his years.
“It would have taught them a lesson!”
“It would have gotten you arrested,” Eijirou corrected with a chuckle. “Morning, Kenma.”
“Morning,” said Kenma. “Cappuccino and iced coffee?” he asked, knowing the drink order by heart.
“You got it!”
Kenma smiled, set the tray of bread down on a stainless-steel table, then made his way to the machine to begin the drinks. When they were done, he set them on the counter in front of Eijirou. “Be careful out there.”
“Always,” replied Eijirou fondly, then he took the drinks and the bag of food and headed out the door back to his agency.
Tatsuya was still behind the desk when Eijirou returned. He jumped to his feet and took the offered iced coffee when Eijirou handed it to him, then the melon bread. “Thank you, sir.”
Eijirou nodded. “No problem, kid. You can head home. I've got things covered until the others get here.”
“You sure?” asked Tatsuya tentatively.
“Mhm,” Eijirou hummed with a nod. “Go home. Get some rest. You’ve been on all night.”
“Thank you, sir.” Tatsuya gathered his things and made a beeline for the locker room.
Concurrently, Eijirou headed for his office to eat his breakfast. He would head out on patrol when he was done.
Patrols almost always started the same way. He would wander the streets with no real direction in mind, just making his presence known to all that were about. It was a deterrent for anyone considering causing trouble. It also gave the civilians peace of mind, which was something they needed after everything they had been through. The citizens of Japan arguably suffered worse than any of the heroes did from the war. The League of Villains might have been gone, but they left a permanent stain on the nation.
His quiet morning turned into an afternoon of chaos when Eijirou heard the all too familiar sound of explosions in the distance and his heart clenched. Much like his former classmates, he spent years chasing the sound of explosions only to come up empty every time. His attention was pulled to a cloud of smoke rising high above the buildings down the street. Those damn dreams really were bad omens. He knew the source of the destruction without even seeing it. The haunting image of angry red eyes, a smug grin, and fair blond hair plagued his thoughts every time he was out on patrol.
For years, the explosive villain eluded him and the other heroes, and Eijirou knew it was because they couldn’t bring themselves to lock him up. Try as they might, the moment they laid eyes on the villain known as C4, their attacks would falter. He was a constant reminder of Eijirou’s biggest failure. As he rounded the corner, a head of grimy blond hair came into view. Eijirou sucked in a breath. His heart thrummed wildly in his chest and his muscles tensed, body going rigid as he hardened his skin.
Sensing his approach, the villain turned to face him. “You gonna fight me, hero?” C4 spat, hands poised in front of his body defensively. There were shouts from other heroes on the scene and despite his loud antics, C4 had managed to escape his pursuers with ease.
Blood pounded in Eijirou’s ears, and he wasn’t sure what was louder, his heart or the shouts of injured citizens screaming for help. C4 needed to be stopped at all costs. They had let him get away with his terrorism for far too long. He faced the person he used to call a friend—the person he failed to save. The memory of Bakugou’s hand slipping through his as they were hundreds of feet in the air played on loop every time his eyes shut. Like a tattoo, the memory was etched into the forefront of his mind. The hope in those scarlet eyes disappeared before Eijirou’s as Bakugou coughed up the black goop that All for One used to teleport the league of Villains. He was gone, left to the mercy of the League, and brainwashed for years to come.
If only there was a way to stop him without having to fight. If he could reason with C4, that would be the best outcome. Bakugou was loud and abrasive, but he was not without reason. Eijirou had always hoped a part of him was still in there somewhere, but there was no life left in those red eyes, devoid of all emotion. Emptiness stared back at him. “I won’t fight you, Bakugou.” He had tried talking to him so many times, but Eijirou’s words always seemed to fall on deaf ears.
C4 furrowed his brows, unamused by Eijirou’s refusal to battle. Fighting was the only thing the villain liked to do. It was the only thing he knew how to do. That part of Bakugou was unchanged after all these years. “What kind of fucking hero won’t fight a villain?” He spat at the ground, digging the front of his boot into the dirt, and letting off a small warning pop from his hand. “Guess I’ll have to kill you then.” C4 lunged forward.
Fighting the villain never seemed to work. He always flew away as soon as it looked like he might be at a disadvantage. Eijirou needed a tactical advantage in which he could suppress the villain so that he couldn’t escape. He was so tired of fighting his former friend. Every time they encountered one another, another tiny piece of him died inside. Eijirou bit his lip and sighed, taking a step forward. “Okay,” he said. He relaxed his arms, spreading them wide, and shut his eyes.
C4 stopped in his tracks, palms heated to attack. “What do you mean, okay? Is this some kind of shitty fucking trick?”
Eijirou cracked open one eye and gulped. He needed to go for broke. He only hoped that a bit of sincerity could break through the villain’s hardened shell. “No. No trick. If I’m going to die in a villain attack, I’d rather it be from you, for failing to save you. I’m sorry.”
C4 stared at him—sizing up Eijirou. “What the fuck are you apologizing for?”
He opened his other eye, looking the villain straight in the eye. Eijirou pressed his lips together into a sad smile. “For failing to be the hero you needed all those years ago. Midoriya was wrong. It shouldn’t have been me. It was never me.”
A blond brow ticked up and C4 twisted his face into a snarl. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Kamino,” Eijirou breathed.
Unrecognizable red eyes stared back at him, as if trying to put splinters of broken glass back together. There were pieces scattered about, but too small and shattered to reattach in the puzzle of C4’s mind. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.
Eijirou swallowed, his chest tight and his breathing labored. “You remember, don’t you? You have to remember. We came to save you that night, your friends—I came to save you. The League of Villains kidnapped you.”
“I was never kidnapped.” C4 cut in. “I joined the League of Villains of my own volition. They were recruiting people with strong Quirks, and I have a strong Quirk.” The lines coming from his mouth sounded prerecorded, as if they had been recited a thousand times.
Eijirou curled his hands into fists, nails digging half-moons into his palms. His knuckles were turning white, but he fought the urge to grab C4 by the shoulders and shake him until he remembered. “No,” Eijirou corrected. “You weren’t recruited. They kidnapped you. They brainwashed you. That bastard Aoyama told them where we would be—where you would be.” When the news came out that Aoyama was the mole, their entire class had been shaken. Midoriya beat the man bloody. It wasn’t until the teachers stopped him that he relented. Aoyama betrayed their class, their friendship, and got Bakugou kidnapped.
“I don’t know anyone by that name. You’re making shit up.” The villain’s hands began to crackle as he set up small explosions in warning.
“What about Midoriya? You have to remember him!” Eijirou was desperate to make a connection. Anything. If there was even the slightest flicker of hope that the old Bakugou was still in there somewhere, maybe he could still be saved.
“Midoriya.” C4 looked as if he was mulling the name over, still trying to fit those splinters together. “Deku.”
“Yes!” Eijirou clapped his hands together. “Deku! That’s his hero name now.”
“Deku is the wielder of One for All. The hero Deku is at the top of the kill list.” The small explosions coming from C4’s hands grew in size. They were no longer a warning, but the start of an attack.
No! No, no, no! That’s not what Eijirou wanted. All he had done was remind the villain of his mission. “Bakugou, please! You have to remember. They couldn’t have taken everything from you. You’re too strong for that. You wanted to be the number one hero more than anyone else.”
“That was a fantasy. Being a villain is reality. It’s what I’m most suited for.”
Eijirou shook his head in dismay. “You can’t believe that! We fought villains together, side by side. The two of us.” C4 grimaced and Eijirou decided to give it one last push. He could hear the sirens wailing. Police would be on them soon and he would never get through to the villain once that happened. His voice was much softer now, barely audible with the sounds of destruction going on around them. “Did the I-Expo mean nothing?”
They never talked about what happened between them. As soon as they returned to Japan, they had to pack their bags for the training camp. It all went by so fast. But there was a moment before the villains attacked the island and they were wrenched into another battle, when it was just the two of them, alone in an elevator ascending the floors of the tower to a botanical garden Eijirou had read about on the plane. Time seemed to stand still in that small box, and they shared a moment that was never spoken of again.
“Did that kiss mean nothing?” he asked, a little louder.
The heat radiating off the villain’s hands dissipated, and he furrowed his brows. His lips were pursed in frustration as he tried to understand the question. Slowly, Eijirou could see the gears beginning to turn behind those dark, scarlet eyes. “It… it wasn’t… it didn’t—”
Before C4 could get out whatever it was he was trying to say, a squad of police officers came marching down the street, guns aimed on the villain. “Freeze! Put your hands up.”
C4 spun around, facing them, and shook his head. He pointed his palms down so that they were facing the pavement, and a large blast propelled him into the air. He was gone in a flash; just like always. Eijirou fell to his knees and a hardened fist slammed into the ground, cracking the asphalt. Son of a bitch! He had finally said something to get through to his old friend, and it was gone in the blink of an eye. Eijirou doubted the villain would allow him another chance like that again.
“You let him go.”
Eijirou slammed his fist down on the interrogation table, staring across the metal surface at Detective Tsukauchi. “I did not let him go! I connected with him. It’s the first time anyone has managed to do that in years!”
Detective Tsukauchi rubbed at his eyes between pinched brows. “Red Riot, please calm down. I understand how difficult this must be for you, but apprehending the villain is the fastest way we can go about helping him.”
“You mean locking him up in Tartarus for the rest of his life.”
The detective sighed, shaking his head. “Brainwashed or not, Bakugou Katsuki is responsible for the loss of hundreds of lives and countless destruction. There’s no guarantee the effects of the brainwashing can be reversed after such a long time. He needs to be detained. Only then can we attempt to help him, but he still has to pay for the crimes he has committed.”
Eijirou’s mouth felt dry, his tongue too thick to form words. He felt sick, like he might vomit at any second. He covered his mouth with his hand, breathing slowly through his nostrils. “Can I get you some water?” asked Detective Tsukauchi. Eijirou shook his head.
“Is there anything else that you need? Or can I head back to my agency?”
The detective grimaced but nodded in the direction of the security camera overhead and the door to the interrogation room opened from the outside. “You’re free to go. But please, Kirishima, remember that this villain is not the same person you knew almost a decade ago.”
Eijirou locked eyes with Detective Tsukauchi and nodded once before rising to his feet. “I know.” He knew better than anyone that Bakugou wasn’t the same person anymore. The others had run into him a number of times over the years, but no one more than Eijirou. He walked out the door of the interrogation room and followed an officer that escorted him to the exit. Eijirou gave the officer a small wave before leaving the police station and heading back in the direction of the Riot Agency.
He was sure to find his young sidekicks in a frenzy when he returned, but Eijirou decided to take the long way back. He needed a breather after the day’s events. Today’s encounter had been unlike any before and there was a lot to process. He made progress, small as it may have been, it was still progress. That meant there was the potential for him to get through to Bakugou. How many tries would it take? Could he even manage to convince the blond to listen to him a second time? Eijirou was lucky enough to breakthrough once. Twice would be a miracle.
Eijirou walked past a small park and took a seat on an isolated bench. He rested his head in his hands, propping his elbows on his knees. He had to think about what he could do differently in the future. If only they could figure out where C4 was hiding. The rest of the League had been done away with during the war. Only C4 remained. His friend was a puppet without a master. He acted on instinct and programming, nothing more. C4 was like a feral dog, abandoned by its owner.
Nobody knew how the villain got by on a day-to-day basis. Did he have an apartment? Pay bills? Go grocery shopping? C4 always looked filthy whenever Eijirou encountered him, but he wasn’t sure if that was from a lack of hygiene or just the throws of battle. “I wish I could follow him,” he said out loud, leaning back against the park bench. If only I had some sort of mobility quirk.
You can read it in full on AO3 or stay tuned for chapter updates every Friday until caught up to where it is at present.
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fantasies2paper · 2 years
Being a pro hero was no joke. It had always been a dream of mine but when you had a pro hero husband and four kids at home it was a lot more time consuming. However looking back i wouldn't change a thing.
With that being said I was currently hiding in the bathroom of my hero agency clutching a pregnancy test in my hand. Eijiro Kirishima was the best husband and father I could've hoped for but this was number five if I was willing to open my eyes and see what the result was.
'C'mon...you can't stay in here all day!' I'd said this to myself 42 times before I finally opened my eyes. Two lines stared back at me, the test line darker than the control. Tears welled up in my eyes and a slow goofy grin spread across my cheeks. We were pregnant!
My mood went south as I remembered Eijiro had been home for about a month after being badly injured in a fight. What if this wasn't the right time? What if he wasn't excited? I beat down my panic with an iron fist. One step at a time.
I discarded the test and left the stall as I made a plan to tell him, effectively freaking myself out. "You can do this, y/n" I mumbled quietly to myself while I manifested my leathery purple wings and took off for home.
Moments later I landed on the front stoop of the home I shared with Eijiro. Opening the door I immediately noticed something was off. It was quiet. We have four children under the age of 6 and Eijiro is one of the loudest people I know, well aside from his best friend.
"Hello?" I closed the door behind me. No response came. A smell of cooking vegetables wafted from the kitchen making my belly grumble. I followed the smell and what I saw warmed my heart.
Eijiro was standing in the kitchen making dinner. The rice cooker dinged, signalling it was done and being kept warm. He had a variety of vegetables steaming, they looked like a lot of my favorites. Eijiro was in the center of it all fileting a salmon. I could see his earbuds were in so he was probably listening to something far too loud. I stood against the door frame and just admired him. 
The sleeves of his tee shirt pulled tight over his arms. His sharp jaw would flex as he tasted every bit of what he was cooking. His hands gracefully fileting salmon and handling the knife with ease. My boulder was a pretty good cook and I could watch this all day but he finally spotted me and gave me a big sharp toothed grin.
"Hey, pebble!" He took his earbuds out and walked around the counter to sweep me into his arms, kissing me deeply. "This was supposed to be a surprise. Like kids at my mom's surprise."
"Oh really?"I laughed softly, "what's the special occasion?"
"Well," He set me back on my feet and made sure everything was at a low setting so it wouldn't burn. "I've been cleared to come back to the agency!"
"That's fantastic, boulder!" I exclaimed. It really was and I really wanted to be happy but then I remembered the test and all of my anxiety came flooding back. Was it too soon to be emotional because I could feel the irrational sadness welling up.
"Hey, hey, y/n, what's wrong?" The concern in his voice was the tip of the iceberg. He held my face in his hands trying to console my ugly crying. "Pebble, I can't understand you. You have to calm down and look at me." 
We sat down at the kitchen table and I sobbed for a few more moments, trying desperately to calm myself down. My e/c eyes looked deep into his red ones and I took a shuddering breath.
 "Don't...be...upset." I sniffed between each word. "I'm pregnant.."
His eyes lit up and he smiled as big as he had when our other four children were born. I was ridiculous to think he would be anything but overjoyed. My heart almost burst seeing him like this.
"Pebble, come here."
I got up from my seat and straddled his lap. "Before you say anything, I realize now I was being ridiculous."
"I love you, y/n and I think I need to remind you of that." He said softly while his hand cupped my cheek and pulled me into a gentle kiss. I sighed against his lips, lazily running my fingers through his vibrant red hair.
He stood up and I wrapped my legs around him, instinctively. His hands slid down to cup my ass for added security but his lips never left mine and his pace stayed slow as he carried me to our bedroom. The low quiet moans coming from him only turned me on more.
He laid me gently on the bed before standing stripping off his own clothes. I watched the muscles in his torso stretch and contract, biting my lip at the sight. He pulled off his boxers and I was reminded how thick he was as his cock bobbed slightly from his movements. I went to take off my hero suit I'd forgotten I was wearing but he slapped my hands away.
"Let me, pebble."
He grabbed my zipper on the front of my suit and slowly pulled it down, careful not to touch my skin at all. I bit my lip to stifle my moan as I watched him. The love and adoration on his face as he slowly revealed my body to himself left me speechless. It was like watching a kid open that one gift he'd wanted for christmas.
He slid my suit off over my arms and down my legs until i was completely bare for him, the coolness in the room tightening my nipples. He placed soft kisses and licks all over my neck and worked his way down, slowly. He was loving every single inch of me. I mewled softly under his ministrations when he stopped as he got to my belly.
"Y/n, you are the love of my life and you should never be nervous to tell me anything. I love both of you so much" He showered my lower belly with kisses. Adorning every scar with a kiss or a lick of its own. I almost didn't notice his hands holding my thighs open. "Five is my lucky number."
He grinned at me before kissing the top of my mound making me shudder. The anticipation was driving me crazy. His tongue darted out to lick each of my lips slowly, missing the mark intentionally and  couldn't help my gasp and slid my fingers in his hair. His tongue finally licked my slit from bottom to top and he growled softly from my wetness, my whimpers almost drowning him out. I felt his fingers circling my entrance before they slid in, my slickness making it easy.
He pumped his fingers in and out slowly, while spoiling my clit with slow languid licks and gentle sucking. His other arm was holding me down easily as I squirmed underneath him. His moans and groans added extra stimulation to my core and i was absolutely positive he was going to break me.
"Eijiro, please...I'm going to cum," my voice was breathless and my mouth went dry when he sucked on my clit. I arched my back and I clenched around his fingers and came hard, spasms running down the length of my body.
He kissed his way back up my body and took my lips with his. I moaned at the taste of myself and wrapped my hand around him. I pumped my hand slowly, his moans lighting my fire all over again."My turn."
Before he could stop me I rubbed my thumb over the head stopping his protests. I slid down his hard body and stopped at his length. I dragged my tongue from base to tip, smiling inwardly at his sharp intake of breath. I slid my tongue over the tip before I sucked him into my mouth letting him feel the vibrations from my moans, his hands fisting the bed sheets.
I slowly lowered my mouth down his shaft while using my hand to fondle his balls, feeling him twitch against my tongue sent a tingle straight to my core. His moans and growls were driving me crazy and I needed more.  I evened out my breathing through my nose and took him in my throat, moaning steadily.
"Fuck, y/n!" He cried out bucking his hips, and I slid him out and then in right back in my throat and swallowed around him.
He lifted me off and flipped me on my back, covering my body was his quickly. He nestled between my legs nudged my entrance with his tip effectively quieting any protests from me. We locked eyes and I knew the love I saw in his red ones were reflected in my e/c ones, then he slid deep into me.
"Eijiro…,"I moaned long and low at his pace. His arms were on either side of my head, flexing with the effort to keep up his slow and steady pace. My hands slid down his back to grip his ass, making him go deeper.
The way he moved inside of me, stroking my walls, was heavenly. "You feel amazing, pebble. Like my body was made to fit you so perfectly." 
His face was buried in my neck, his declarations of love and his moans were mumbled against my skin. He slid one hand down my side to grip my hip as his slow pace turned into a grinding. I threw my head back and mewled as my hips mirrored his.
Our bodies were slick with a thin sheen of sweet and our passionate moans filled the bedroom. I could feel that ball of tension building in my belly getting so tight I thought it would break me before it snapped and I came, coating his cock in my juices. He came soon after his lips meeting mine in a slow, loving kiss.
He slid out of me and I whimpered at the loss of him before pulling me close to his body. " I love you, Eijiro."
"I love you too, y/n." He kissed my forehead. "And we will probably have to find something else for dinner."
I laughed and nuzzled into his chest. Yeah i definitely wouldn't change anything about my life.
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redbirb · 1 year
Omegakiriweek 2021 | Day 7
Fandom: BNHA | MHA Pairing: implied FatKiri & RappaKiri | implied Fatgum/Kirishima & Rappa/Kirishima Rated M: Mature, omegaverse, omega!kiri, kiri w/ a pussy, beta!fatgum, alpha!rappa, sexual harassment, mention of violence, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, implied underage
D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6
Day 7: Free Day! (Solo angst with a happy ending / implied FatKiri & RappaKiri)
He wakes in a hospital and his first thought is, I’m not dead?
Everything aches, he’s bandaged from head to toe, and incredibly hungry.
Vague blurs of memory start to resurface: desperation to help his mentor, pain ricocheting through each limb, a hardened resolve pushing them to victory.
He feels elation for five seconds and then crushing self-doubt. Had he done enough? He’d taken more damage than he should for someone claiming to be a ‘sturdy hero’.
He expected to face villains that were mean, big and scary. Rappa was more than big, very scary and a little mean. An alpha that towered over him with a grin that held a dark promise. He didn’t hold back punches even if Kirishima was an omega and barely came up to his waist.
‘Pretty thing can fight.’ Rappa had laughed, rows of pearly whites set in a grin. ‘I like that in an omega.’
He shivers remembering it. Every hit had him sweating, pushing himself harder and harder. Rappa’s mix of praise and harassment got his blood pumping hot, the need to prove himself. Fatgum had been right there all the way, both of them trying hard not to think of Suneater hanging back to give them this chance.
Struggling to sit up, a large and warm hand stops him by the shoulder, gently urging him back.
“Easy, Riot. You need to rest,” a tired voice instructs.
Crimson eyes blink and look up into a familiar face. Fatgum is in his skinny form, something that still makes his mind reel. The warm hand moves to sweep red locks out of his face in a soft caress. It’s that care that breaks the final wall down, crumbling into sobs.
“M’sorry, I was tryin' t'be strong—”
Shame felt hot on his cheeks, tears falling down quick. This terrible feeling has wormed its way into his chest, something ugly and cold with clawed hands that squeeze his heart painfully.
Rappa’s deep rasp had made him slick. The adrenaline and presence of a powerful alpha, scent unbearably thick and dominant in the room, had been enough to make him dizzy. His scent blockers were soaked, sliding off in the middle of the fight to add to the cocktail. Worse yet had been his arousal, watching Fatgum protect him with an unwavering smile.
Rappa had laughed, tongue licking over his teeth in hunger. ‘Little omega likes the show.’
'Eyes on me, pal!' Fatgum had snapped, the first true sign of anger Ei had ever seen out of the giant beta. He'd stood in Red Riot's path immediately after, blocking the hulking alpha's view. 'He ain't yours to toy with.'
The alpha's smile had only grown bigger. 'S'that so? Does that make him yours?'
He should've felt humiliated, beaten into a corner, pussy leaking from all the conflicting scents. He was supposed to be stronger.
But when the beta dug his heels in the floor and yelled 'he's mine to protect!' the omega felt joy burst like a bubble inside him. It splattered inside his chest and down into his belly, honey-sweet and sticky. Something bloomed there, something suspiciously like hope and determination.
And in seconds he was back on his feet giving it his all, forcing himself to go harder, harder, harder.
His fists clench, knuckles bruised and aching. Was any of it enough?
A finger pokes his forehead, gently applying pressure until his head is laid back on a soft pillow. His gaze tilts up, blinking to see clearer past the drying tears.
"Ya did real good out there, Riot. Don't be thinkin' any different, ya hear?" A finger crooks, taking care to wipe away any errant tears. “I’m proud of ya, real proud.”
His lip wobbles, but he refuses to cry again. “But I—”
“No buts, pup,” a soft admonish, fondly by a soft boop to his nose. “I know ya thinkin’ all these thoughts, drivin’ yerself crazy. And I’m tellin’ ya it’s okay, you did good, real good out there.”
He opens his mouth to say something, a raised brow stopping him. Eijiro’s pout turns into a huff, fighting a smile as Fatgum laughs at his little defiance.
“Being a ‘Mega doesn’t make you weak.” The Pro Hero sinks back in the uncomfortable plastic chair he’s occupied for the last four hours. “Ya proved yerself today tenfold. I knew you had it in you.”
The pain in his chest starts to ease, caused by the kind comfort of his mentor or the dose of medicine running through the IV, he isn’t sure. He truly sinks back into the hospital bed, trying to get comfortable.
“I want to get stronger,” he whispers, eyes drooping.
“Ya will get there,” is promised back.
He falls into a strange dream, one filled with big smiles and hands, soft touches to his cheek. Happiness mixed with longing, the smell of fresh baked bread and dumplings invading every little crevice of his mind.
He doesn’t wake when Fatgum gets up again an hour later, pressing the sweetest kiss to his forehead.
0 notes
saeyoungs-angel · 2 years
Idk if your requests are open (it says so in your rules but sometimes ppl can forget to edit that) but if they are, could I possibly request a kiri x reader who is on their period? Its fine if not and please don't feel forced to do this request!
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⨳​ elevating emotions — mha
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starring. kirishima & you
plot. you’re on your period and kirishima knows just how to make you feel better—or maybe you just love him.
genre. bit of comfort, fluff
cw. female reader, crying loll
notes. they are indeed open! i hope this is good enough, im not too happy with the way i write him but my other fic seems pretty liked so i hope this one is good aswell!! its kinda short and im sorry for taking awhile to write it, life been shitty recently but here it is finally! <3
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! <3
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“i got your text! i’ve got strawberries, almonds, advil, and your favorite movie. oh, and a fluffy blanket!” kirishima bursts through your door as gently as he can, considering he seems quite panicked.
amidst your unmade bed, you lay curled up as you offer him your best smile.
“thanks, kiri. you’re the best.”
he smiles proudly, stationing the bags by your head. “aren’t i just?”
kirishima hops over to your dorm-room tv, swiftly inputting the disk before rushing back to you. he offers you a bottle of water and the advil, swinging his arm around your shoulder as you gratefully accept them.
as the movie progresses, you perceive a certain scene to be more upsetting than it was the previous time you watched it—your eyes begin tearing up unwillingly.
kirishima glances over to you as he cracks a joke, searching for your smile only to find the opposite. his eyes dilate as he encases you in his arms, rubbing your shoulder gently.
“hey, are you alright? i’m really sorry, (y/n). i had no idea you’d be upset when i got the movie.” he juts out his bottom lip, beginning to wish he’d never rented it in the first place.
you wave him off, laughing through the tears as they pour harder at his efforts. you ball your hands up and wipe your eyes harshly.
“no worries, my emotions are just heightened.”
he hums, acknowledging your explanation as you glance up to find his eyes shut peacefully.
“are you tired, kiri?” you stretch out a hand, trailing your fingers through his vermillion tinted tresses—he hums once again.
you smile faintly, reaching for the remote to halt the tv’s ambience. “okay, well, before we take a nap,—”
you lightly lean up to place a chaste kiss to his forehead. “i want you to know that you’re awesome and i love you.”
kirishima’s eyes shoot wide open, his face stained red with a blush. “you expect me to nap after that!”
you can’t help but chortle at his words, and the smile gracing your face never falters. before you can begin to get comfortable for sleep, he leans above you, trapping you in with his arms.
he bends down, returning your earlier gesture with a infinitesimal kiss to your nose. he gains the same reaction, a blush streaking across your cheeks immediately.
he plops back down beside you, taking his previous position once more.
“i love you too, by the way. though i think that goes without saying, it’d be unmanly of me to not say it back to such a pretty girl.”
feedback is extremely meaningful!
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pairings: mirio togata, tenya iida, katsuki bakugo, aizawa shota, tomura shigaraki, dabi, hawks, mashirao ojiro, tamaki amajiki
warnings: hinting anxiety/anxiety attacks, reverse comfort, also tamaki’s made me cry so have fun lmao 
part one with mezo shoji, tokoyami fumikage, hanta sero, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou here!
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there was no way that mirio was completely fine after everything that had happened to him
he had lost his quirk, experienced a battle that could result in permanent trauma, and he lost nighteye-- the leader and hero that he had looked up to for so long
but when you told him that it was okay to be strong all the time, mirio had broken
he broke for the first time in what felt like years
“don’t worry a-ahbout me!” 
the saddest part about it?
he was smiling through his tears not even a few moments after his grin broke
his lips were trembling, his eyes were red and his entire body was shaking with suppressed sobs, but he had an unwavering smile.
and that... that was heartwrenching to look at.
his smile fell, his body trembled and he let out a strangled sobbut for some reason, this-- none of it had shown a single trace of weakness. it was a way of him to express very human emotions and reactions as everyone else could.
he wasn’t disappointing nighteye in anyway-- more of showing respect by letting it all out to be able to show genuine smiles in public
how come such human emotions were labeled as good or bad?
“i let him down,” mirio gasped, “i let him down, i hurt him, i could have saved him, and-”
“hey, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay. it’s just me baby, it’s just me,” you cooed as you wrapped your arms around him. “shhh, it’s just me. you’re okay.”
mirio’s hands trembled as he gripped tight onto you
his chest was getting tighter as he burst into struggled breaths. he was just so... tired.
a million thoughts zipped through his head at once, but he just had to calm the storm for a while in your arms
it was right after the accident in hosu city, and everything, everything had gone wrong
even though he didn’t show it at first, he felt used as an advertisement for hatsume, and then losing in a battle with todoroki and felt like he was thriving on dumb luck
he just wanted to make his brother proud, that was-
-if he could, anymore. 
he felt so weak for letting himself feel this way, his head racing and chest heaving as he struggled to breathe
letting your guard down will just make things worse. tensei wouldn’t want this.
tenya’s body visibly trembled as he let out a shaky breath in his dorm room, thinking everything over in the darkness
“iida?” you asked, knocking on the door.
immediately, his demeanor changed as he shifted over to a braver face. 
“hello, y/n!”
just breathe. they’ll be gone sooner or later. breathe.
“why are you up this late at night?” he asked.
“i was just checking in on you, but i should be asking you the same question, sonic boy,” you grinned, until you noticed his hands trembling.
and for some reason, that hurt you. his face was.. so put together with a brave smile, confident eyes, and his head held up high and posture straight and firm
but when you saw his hands trembling and an odd shifting in his chest, you knew something was up
“are you okay?” you tested the words. 
tenya tried. he tried so, so hard to smile and affirm with a confident, “yes!”
but he couldn’t.
“i-i’m not- i’m not sure-,” his voice broke into a whisper. 
“i don’t know.”
you melted into a hug next to him as you took a seat. “hey, you can tell me anything, okay? it’s okay not to have your guard up all the time, it’s not weak to show emotion. just- if you want, can you tell me what’s been going on?”
tenya took a shaky breath and pushed up his glasses. “of course, thank you for asking, i will.”
after his fight with deku, all of the willpower left in him to hold himself together disappeared 
katsuki had been exhausted after a long day of fighting, not just physically, but emotionally
he had tried to keep his head high for as long as he could, but the moment he went to his dorm room, he just... broke.
angry tears released and he choked out heavy, strangled sobs as he pounded his fist to the ground in frustration
katsuki cursed towards whoever was there, until he found you standing behind him
he was too tired to argue.
“the fuck are you doing here,” he grumbled.
“is something wrong, 'suki?” you whispered. “i was just coming by to drop off your water bottle, you left it during hero training,” you examined his face. “are you- are you okay?”
he loved you, he really did-- but today just wasn’t a good day. “mn-no,” he managed to say.
his chest was heaving and his eyes seemed to be searching the room, as if looking for an exit.
you noticed the dark circles around his eyes and the way his lips trembled. had he been crying?
you slowly cupped his face in your hands, noses touching as you two shared breaths, inhaling and exhaling together
katsuki was too tired to pull away. 
he felt so weak.
you could hear katsuki’s breath shaking but slowly dying in volume as he held him tighter
“hey,” you said softly, brushing your thumb across his cheek. “you’re gonna be okay ‘suki. you’re gonna be okay.”
they’re pitying me.
“this?” you said, holding his bruised hand up and motioning towards his trembling figure. “this isn’t weak.” you said, as if reading his mind. “this is strong. this is brave. being emotionally vulnerable is one of the most courageous things anyone can ever do, and you are so much more than that, m’kay?”
he nodded in response. even though he didn’t express it that well, he thought of it 
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everyone shut up i love him
all that he’s ever wanted and asked for in life was for someone to notice him for who he genuinely was, to be free to do whatever he pleased
it was late at night and you two were outside, the moon illuminating in the darkness as you slid against the wall of the city in the back of the building
“anything interesting happen?” you asked, staring up into the moon
the night was young and it had been a rough, terrible day at work for both of you, even though you had separate jobs and shfits-- the only thing that pushed you forward everyday was being able to meet with dabi right after, at exatly 11pm. 
sure, you did it every day, and it shouldn’t have been that impactful-- but for some reason, somehow, everything about talking to him was so... exhilerating. 
he didn’t reply.
“uhhm,” you shuffled nervously toward him. “dabi, you good?”
he let out a shaky exhale, which was odd.
hold the phone.
no, really, someone hold the phone because it was ringing
“oh, sorry, one sec,” you rushed, hurrying to answer. it was one of your co-workers. “hello!”
“uhuh. yeah. oh, cool... got it, mhm, be right ther-”
you noticed how dabi’s body language immediately changed as he turned around and crossed his arms gently over his chest and stared into the sky.
this really, really wasn’t like him. 
something had to be wrong.
“uhm, on second thought,” you said. “does tomorrow at... noon work for you? i have plans. yeah. mhm, sorry not tonight. yep, bye!”
dabi’s eyebrows furrowed, but he didn’t look at you. “who was that?”
“one of my coworker buddies or whatever. they wanted to have a drink with me, but i said no.”
“why’d you say no?” he deadpanned.
“uhhhm, well, you certainly don’t seem very... how should i say this, at your fullest?”
“but why?” dabi said. “you meet with me every day, and going with your friends is probably a lot easier than this. what’s so different about it..?”
you thought carefully as you shrugged casually, gently leaning your head against his shoulder. “if one of my closest pals were down, i couldn’t just... leave them like that. and even though i know you won’t tell me what’s wrong, i just.. i just don’t want you to feel alone, you know? like everyone in your life has left? and i- i don’t want to do that to you.”
even though dabi stayed relatively quiet for the rest of the night, 
just know that was the day he fell in love with you.
nightmares were the worst. 
for the record, he didn’t get them often, but when he did, and actually reacted to it... they ended up terrible
he gasped, grasping at the air for his mother’s embrace only to be met with nothingness
he clawed at his skin as his breath hitched, trying to control himself
“tomura?” you asked. “...are- are you okay?”
“get away from me,” he trembled. “i’m a... i’m a monster.”
you furrowed your eyebrows in concern. “hey, hey, c’mon. what’s going on-”
“leave me alone.”
his sudden change in tone made you jump as you stepped back and you watched his figure tremble. 
“if something’s wrong, don’t sugarcoat it. if something’s wrong, please, for the love of the world, tell me, okay? i just- i just want to see you... maybe..”
“what?” shigaraki deadpanned. “happy? satisfied? content? joyful? you people all want the same thing.”
shigaraki looked up. 
“i want to see you hopeful, m’kay? so just... please. you don’t need to tell me word-for-word, but-- if you need something, i’m here.”
he was not going to cry. nuhuh. no way. no way was he going to start crying. 
you wrapped your arms around him before he cautiously hugged back, letting himself slowly melt into your embrace, his satin gloves against your clothes
“hey. i promise you, i’m never going to be leaving. no matter how much you mess up, no matter how terrible you may feel-- you mean the world to me. please hold on just a little longer.”
it wasn’t supposed to happen until later, when he was actually able to get home and prepare himself for anxious feeling in his stomach to finally settle
but noooo, his mental state really just said yolo
so here he was, reliving his entire childhood with memories that he’d pushed down for so long, about to snap in a matter of seconds
your familiar voice rang through his head. 
he just wanted to be held by you.
the most beautiful part about being with hawks his that he genuinely didn’t care about his pride around you. he wasn’t insecure of what you thought of him. he didn’t freak out or try to act like he was fine when you were with him, because... why would he need to? 
so instead of putting on a brave face and getting scared of your voice as if being anxious was a crime, he melted into it.
“hey angel, i got you some food at the-”
“y/...y/n,” his breath hitched. your voice, that you often said you were insecure about-- was his safe haven. he felt safe when he heard your voice and let himself crumple. he didn’t have to worry about putting his walls up, because it was just you.
beautiful, loving, kind you. 
his love was something special that he gave to no one else.
even though you were far from him, your bags in hand and everything, you immediately dropped them and ran to your boyfriend
“hey, hey, baby, what’s going on?” 
he stood directly in front of you, his head down and not saying a word.
you let your breathing sync with his as you reached out to hold his hand, when he threw his arms around you before his trembling body was held in your embrace
“-hey,” you said, shocked by the sudden embrace, before you hugged back, slowly, rocking him back and forth. “you’re going to be okay.”
“you don’t have to tell me anything, just-- focus on me,”
“i’m never leaving you, okay? no matter what you do, you’re still going to be my hero.”
and hawks decided on that day that out of anything else in the world, you meant the most to him. 
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useless. useless. useless.
why wouldn’t his stupid quirk activate before? why couldn’t he be more optimistic? why was he always thinking about something else? why couldn’t he ever stay positive and cheery like everyone else?
how was everyone else so strong?
but laying in a hospital bed, in complete silence and vulnerability...
that scared him.
tamaki blinked back the sudden tears that prickled against his eyes-- nuhuh, no way was he about to cry when so many other people had it worse, no way he was going to break down when nighteye was dead, he was not about to cry if mirio could be strong and so many other people had it worse, and-
“tamaki, snap out if it!”
your cold hands cupped his face, as you stared him directly in the eyes. “what are you doing?”
tamaki jumped back at your sudden question. but for some reason, the way you said it wasn’t angrily, more like... a statement? a question? as if you were asking are you okay?
tamaki shook his head. “i don’t... i don’t kn-know..”
get away, get away, get away.
your hands brushed back a hair from his face as you crouched down in front of him, your hands still helping him cool down. they rested gently on his scalp and along his face as you felt his breathing grow uneasy.
“listen,” you began slowly. “i’m not saying you need to tell me what’s going on, but... i just- i have a feeling that you’re not doing okay. and i know that because no one was ever really there for me back then, so if you want to say anything--”
“--i’m here for you.”
tamaki crumpled then as he let the tears fall.
his entire mask shattered as his breath hitched, trying to hold back the sobs but only came out as strangled breaths. 
“hey, hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re okay.” 
you held up his chin and rocked him back and forth, slowly. “just because other people seem to be going through bigger things doesn’t mean that you should invalidate your problems. if something’s hurting you, that’s enough of a problem to take care of it.”
tamaki began to shake as he suddenly clutched onto you, his body trembling as he nodded. 
what would mirio, nejire, nighteye, fatgum-- what would they think of him now?
“whatever is going around in your head right now will all quiet soon, i promise you, ‘mkay?”
“it’s okay. it’s okay. you’re okay.” 
“you didn’t eat,” you said, staring at the takeout that was left in its packaging. 
you heard shota mumble under his sleeping bag. “i’ll eat after.”
“after what?” you said back from the kitchen. 
you weren’t exactly mad at him, you could say-- it was more of disappointment, maybe? concern? he had always been so concerned about his students that he forgot to take care of himself-- no wonder why he was so angry lately. 
(and no, it wasn’t his resting face, he was genuinely burnt-out the last couple of days and it wasn’t getting better.)
“shota, come on,” you said softly. “or else i’m taking your sleeping bag away from you.”
aizawa’s head emerged from the bag, the light from the laptop giving a lovely display of his eyebags. “oh?”
he smirked, even though he seemed so drained.
“yes,” you said, pointing your nose up in the air and crossing your arms. “and you better go eat before i take it away.”
aizawa raised an eyebrow, but obliged.
you watched him eat, but he kept his laptop on the table the whole time.
he was looking through the profiles of all his students, and that was-- insane
despite how much had happened to him, he always thought of someone else first, putting everyone else above him.
“you’re going to overwork yourself,” you finally said. 
“amazing,” aizawa sighed back. “had no clue.”
“oh, c’mon,” you egged. “you matter too, ya know.”
you noticed how tense his shoulders were, how his gaze was fixated to the screen and the way his veins were protruding from lack of sleep, and how red his eyes were.
sure, most of the time, this was normal-- but you just had this gut feeling that something was wrong.
“i suppose you’re not wrong,” aizawa ventured. “but sometimes, you realize that students make up most of the world. i want them to grow..”
his gaze on the screen broke.
“and for them to know a world of love and kindess, not-- whatever this is.”
you looked at him before wrapping your arms around him and kissing his forehead. “but they have a teacher who works so hard already, and you-- you deserve a break. you’re always working so hard, and you have to remember that you matter, too, okay?”
you smiled sadly. “i need to go to work, but please finish the takeout for me, hmm?”
he never told you this, of course-- but yeah, he thought of your voice every time he wanted to take a break. he never forgot the words you said. 
being forgotten was something that came way too easily for him.
everyone in class 1a was so good at everything-- they all either had good looks, a nice voice, talents, a cool quirk, technique, charisma, and he?
ojiro felt like he didn’t have anything.
but what did it matter, right? being the forgotten one was fine to him, at least. he was able to take time for himself. 
...kind of.
he was heading back from ua into the dorms, walking alone when he realized it started to rain.
picking up his bags, he ran, putting them under his shoulders so that they didn’t get wet-- it wasn’t a long walk, but it was a lot to have to run back and make sure everything stayed dry
ojiro turned around to find you, carrying your backpack in the air and waving your arms. “slow-” you panted, “down! god, where’d all the rain come from??”
he chuckled slightly, until he noticed your bag getting soaked, and before he knew it, ojiro called you over and said he could carry your bag
“are you sure?” you asked, in-between breaths. “i doubt you can carry both-”
ojiro laughed and waved his tail like a hand. “i can carry it.”
your face lit up. “thanks! okay, now let’s run back, c’mon.”
you two ran as fast as you could, trying not to slip as the rain began to pour even harder against your backs. 
but when you opened the doors to the dorms and your bag was completely dry, ojiro smiled.
(also y’all he’s an underrated king DO Y’ALL KNOW HOW PRECIOUS HIS SMILE IS?? PLS-)
“thanks,” you grinned. “your quirk is actually really cool. not just for keeping stuff dry, but uh, thanks. i appreciate it.”
something inside of him made his heart swell. 
“really?” ojiro asked. “do you really- is that true?”
he didn’t want to get his hopes up too quickly, but the way you nodded proudly and affirmed it was something he could never forget.
“yeah!” you said. “just because you’re not flashy as other people doesn’t mean that you’re a plain, boring person, you know that? you’re actually really cool!”
“huh. thanks,” he noted-- and don’t worry, he walked back into his dorm room with a grin on his face the whole time.
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hey bbys! reminder to go take a break and drink some water if you’re reading this! y’all are so amazing and beautiful, and please remember that you’re valid as well. what you did today was more than enough, please remember that!! i’m very proud of you for getting through today. ily <3
qotd, what song reminds you of a fictional character 👀
join my family! 
list of family members: @kirishimuhhhhh​, @xuxisushi-1​, @kirishima-my-beloved​, @msminsuga​, @farfetchedparanoia​, @satis-mangata​, @moonhere​, @renegadedeca​, @viridevi​​, @cherriiirose​​ <3
☂ requests are open for mha + hq!! ☂
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ao3-deviance · 2 years
Pity Party
"God fucking dammit!"
Bakugou clenched his eyes shut, trying to breathe. Inexplicably, he felt a burning behind his eyelids as water seemed to want to spill over. He exhaled slowly, holding the tears at bay.
I will not throw a temper tantrum. I'm a grown-ass man. Shitty things happen. Today has been a shitty day. I will not let this set me back. 
(Therapy had been good for him.)
"Hey, babe! I'm home!" 
Bakugou found it a little easier to relax, tension dropping off his shoulders as Kirishima poked his head around the corner. The redhead immediately looked concerned though.
"What's wrong?" 
"Nothing," Bakugou denied. 
"No, something is," Kirishima argued. "You're tense. And you look sad. Talk to me, sweetheart. What happened?"
Bakugou opened his mouth to deny it again, only for his voice to crack. He paused, hating that he felt the water returning to his eyes, this time stronger.
"'T's stupid," he mumbled, sight blurring. 
"Talk to me," Kirishima said again, pulling him into a hug.
Bakugou sniffled. "I overslept and was three minutes late to work this morning. I didn't have time to make lunch, so I had to go to the cafeteria. They were out of mapo tofu and I had to eat a quick ramen. Since Deku was on time this morning, he got to go out on patrol and I had to stay in and do paperwork all afternoon. And I got a text that the hoodie I ordered came in and I was looking forward to it, but I just opened it and they sent me the wrong one and I just–I–It's pathetic, nothing bad happened, I just–"
"Hey, hey, shhhh," Kirishima soothed, rocking him back and forth slowly. "It's okay to be upset. You had a bad day. I'm so sorry, baby."
"But nothing happened!" Bakugou cried. "I'm being stupid!"
"You know what I think? I think it doesn't matter what happened, you're upset and that's the important part." 
"I don't need a pity party," Bakugou denied, pulling away and wiping at his face furiously. "Let's just forget it. How was your day?"
"It was alright, better now that I'm with you." Kirishima smiled, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. "Go pick out a movie, okay? I'll order some food to be delivered and we can cuddle."
Bakugou squeezed his wrist once before letting go, not arguing as he made his way to the living room. He dropped the hoodie on the table to deal with a return later, turning on the TV.
"Order's in!" Kirishima sat beside him, snuggling close. His smile softened when he saw the romantic-comedy queued up on the screen, and he urged Bakugou to sit in his lap so they could start it. 
Bakugou hid any chuckles that wanted to escape against Kirishima's shoulder, already feeling better with the other's warm hand brushing up and down his back. He felt silly for his reaction earlier. Today hadn't been awful, just maybe not like he'd wanted it to be. 
There was a knock at the door and they paused the movie, Kirishima rushing to get it. He came back with their food and Bakugou felt something warm squeeze his chest as the smell hit him.  
"Mapo tofu?" 
"Yep! From the place you said is the best," Kirishima confirmed, getting out the utensils for them to eat. "I also got you an extra serving so you could take some for lunch tomorrow."
Bakugou immediately burst into laughter that soon broke into hitching breaths, tears finally spilling over. 
"Fuck, I love you," he gasped, not sure if he was crying or laughing or smiling or what exactly. He was just feeling Too Much. 
Kirishima leaned over to kiss him softly, brushing his hair behind his ear gently. "Love you too, Katsuki."
They ate quickly, their feet curled together under the table, occasionally catching each other's eyes and giggling. Bakugou felt like a kid again, even if they'd been together for over ten years and were nearing thirty at this point. Kirishima just had that ability, to always make him feel safe and loved and happy. 
"Next time you want a pity party, I'm spoiling the fuck out of you," Bakugou teased him, after they'd finished eating and he was curled back up in Kirishima's lap. Kirishima chuckled.
"So your pity party was a success?" 
Bakugou hummed, any remaining tension melting as he smiled softly, watching the protagonist of the movie finally kiss the guy she'd been wanting the whole movie. Kirishima nuzzled his hair and Bakugou was surrounded by him, heartbeat in his ear, arms around him, warmth and scent enveloping him. 
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skywalkerstyles · 3 years
Hi. I’m not sure if your requests are still open or not, but I’ve been having a bit of a rough day. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing for Kirishima, Midoriya and Todoroki, (if you don’t write any of the characters, that’s fine), where the reader is a really happy-go-lucky person and they tend to get loud without realizing it. A bully or someone tells the reader that they are being too loud and they close up, like stop talking. The boys, (separately), comfort the reader. Just overall fluff. If your requests aren’t open anymore or you don’t want to write this, that’s totally fine. Just thought I’d ask. I hope you are having a good day/night.
This is sweet. Absolutely
Warnings: 18+, mentions of smut, angst, fluff
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He would notice your change in demeanor IMMEDIATELY
He’ll wrap his arms around you and start kissing on you
“Baby just tell me what’s wrong? What happened?”
When you start to cry it breaks his heart and he just holds you closer
You start telling him what happened and though he doesn’t show it he is very angry at the person who yelled at you
He’ll grab your face and wipe your cheeks and the end of your nose with his shirt
You can tell him snot is gross he doesn’t care
It’s manly to care for the person you love
“I love you the way you are baby. It’s very manly to be yourself, and seeing you happy and bubbly and loud makes me happy too. It’s infectious. Don’t listen to them
Definitely beats the shit out of the person the next time they end up training together. Does not hold back.
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Our baby thinks it’s his fault
He’s literally sick with worry over it
He asks you to meet him after work one night
You’re surprised when he’s crying and asking you if you want to break up with him
“You’re so quiet now. I don’t understand. What did I do wrong? Don’t you love me anymore?”
You hug him and tell him it’s not him and then you pour your heart out
He instantly feels guilty and apologizes for being selfish
You apologize to him for not telling him
He kisses you softly and tells you he loves you how you are and doesn’t want you to change
He thinks you’re perfect and your smile lights up his world
Soft cuddly and sweet Deku all night
Also makes sure to boost your confidence even more, every chance he gets
He just is so in love with you and never wants you to doubt yourself again
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Doesn’t realize there’s a problem (our boy is dense)
It isn’t until date night he realizes something is wrong
You’re too quiet
Usually you fill the space between the two of you with excited chatter and jokes
So when you settle in to watch a movie he asks you what’s wrong
“Nothing?” “Well that’s not true. You’re quiet tonight. Did something happen?”
You tell him quietly and shyly that someone had told you you were too loud and civilized people weren’t loud and brash
Shoto cannot believe his ears
Who the fuck would say that to you. YOU.
Perfect wonderful you, who always has a smile and is so enthusiastic it’s easy to get sucked into your schemes
Shoto is serious and he takes your hands in his and looks you in the eyes
He tells you in no uncertain terms to never doubt yourself
“Maybe other ‘civilized’ people act like that. But my baby is fiery and passionate”
He makes love gently that night, praising you. It’s filled with soft touches and giggles
It takes some time but he does help coax you back into the person you always were
He prefers you at your bubbly silly self and he’ll be damned if anyone makes you feel unworthy again
(Haha I can’t leave my baby out)
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He knows somethings up and it’s fucking irritating
He doesn’t say anything at first
He will try to be patient and wait for you to tell him
But no, he’s done, he’s tired of tip toeing
When you speak to him softly and with doubt on your face he kinda loses all patience
“What the hell is up with you? Why are you acting like that?” “Like what?” “All quiet and shit? What the fuck is your deal?”
Is completely surprised when you burst into tears
“I’m too loud. I’m too much right? I need to quiet down and stop jumping around all over the place. That’s what they said.”
At first he’s stunned. Who would say that to you?
Then he’s pissed
Very, very pissed
He grabs your face as gently as he can and looks you right in the eye
“Listen here you shitty woman. I may not be good at this shit but...I love you. YOU. The way you are. Annoying and loud and happy go lucky. That’s the person I fell in love with. Don’t listen to stupid extras. The only opinion that matters is yours. And you should like yourself. Because I fucking love you.”
Definitely goes out of his way to find the person and scares the shit out of them with his quirk
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
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     ⇴ male reader [18, aizawa’s son]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18+]
request: Hi, I really love your work! This might not be your usual cup of tea but I was wondering if you could write for Aizawa or Present Mic where their son moves back home after leaving for college and ending up in a really shitty housing situation. I just really need something to comfort me right now. I've been living with the same roommates for about a year now and they're both hoarders so the place is super messy and there's mice and leaks but I can't afford to live on my own. Today they told me they're leaving and I only have a few weeks to find new roommates before I have to move back with my parents who live 16 hours away.
↣ rating: teen and up audiences ↣ warnings: modern au/college au, mullet kiri, ldr relationship
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The sound of your phone ringing sent a stream of mixed emotions through your body – distress, anxiety, sadness. It was Kirishima’s ringtone. Something you had set to make you happy and excited whenever he would call, now you were nervous.
“Heeeyy!”, he smiled brightly at you when you finally grabbed your phone to answer the video call.
“Hey, Eiji.”, you forced a small smile. You were tired and at your wits’ end.
Immediately, Kirishima knew something was not right.
“Babe, is everything okay on your end?”, he asked, his smile never fading.
“Ah? Yeah, it’s… it’s fine, Baby, don’t worry about me. Just a little stressful, you know? Nothing new!”
He knew you tried your best to lie, he could just… feel it. The way you talked and avoided eye-contact.
“And with your roommates? Everything okay there?”
When you winced, Eijirou knew he had hit the nail on the head. But you still tried to smile.
“No, yeah, it’s… fine. Don’t worry. We get along great!”
It was hard to utter those words. You tried to fight back tears and keep smiling. You didn’t want to worry your boyfriend.
“So, uhm, is there something you want from me, Baby? I really am stressed and need to get back to work.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, [Your.name]. Didn’t mean to disturb you. Uh, I just wanted to tell you that I’ll come over in two weeks! I can’t wait to finally see you again. It’s only for a weekend, but-“
“You can’t!”, you suddenly burst out.
It hurt.
“I… why?”, Kirishima chuckled because he was uncomfortable.
“Aren’t you happy about it? We haven’t seen each other in three months due to college, I thought you would be… happier? Hearing I’d come over…”
You heard it instantly in his voice. Even though Kirishima’s face didn’t really tell you much because he was very good at hiding how hurt he was, you heard it very well. God! If this would have been you, you would have been hurt deeply as well. For fuck’s sake you had a long distance relationship and you just told him he shouldn’t come over.
“I-I know, Baby. I’m sorry, it’s just… I am in such a stressful situation right now and I’d love to see you, no questions asked but right now it’s just… not good.”, tears welled up in your eyes but you tried to suppress them.
He knew you weren’t okay. Why didn’t you talk to him about it? Didn’t you trust him?
“It’s okay.. I understand, [Your.name]. Hey, it’s summer break soon in like two months so we can hang out then, okay?”, Kirishima tried his best to smile at you with his usually toothy grin.
It was almost too much for you.
“Thank you, Eiji. I-I have to go now, okay? I will call you, okay?”, with the last bit of strength, you smiled and waved.
“Okay, bye [Your.name]! I love you!”
“I love you, too!”, when you finished the video call, you just sobbed.
Hastily wiping your tears you breathed deeply for a few moments to calm down. This was hell.
In need for a drink, you went outside your room, just to see two mice running around, making you turn around immediately to slam your door shut. Slipping down the door, you sat on the ground, before you banged your fist against it.
“Aizawa-san?”, Kirishima had called your father.
“Hm? Is something wrong with [Your.name]?”, he asked immediately.
It was unusual for your boyfriend to just casually call him, hence why he could imagine it would have something to do with you. Though, to be honest, he didn’t want to hear anything if you had fought. Aizawa was not the type of Dad to give very productive advice when it came to relationships. He was someone who just listened and grumbled here and there.
But, his string of thought was cut when Kirishima sounded much more serious than usual.
“Mh, I think [Your.name] is very unhappy. He even declined meeting up…”
And that sentence alone was all Aizawa had to know. He knew how much you missed your boyfriend; you and your father had quite a good relationship after all. Even if he wasn’t into giving advice, you appreciated your Dad just for listening when you needed to rant, despite him always saying he weren’t interested. And he had always been supportive of your relationship.
Nonetheless, it was weird, hearing you didn’t want to meet up with Kirishima, especially after it ended in both of you having a long-distance relationship due to college. Hence, he just grumbled a little again.
“So, what are you going to do?”
“I’ll come despite him saying no and I’ll surprise him! Something’s wrong and I need to check myself. It’s weird he doesn’t want to tell me and I’m worried.”,
A small smile inevitably flitted across his lips.
“Thank you, Kirishima. I’m counting on you.”, then, your father ended the call, leaving Eijirou a little red and giggly.
He was a good boyfriend. And knowing your father trusted him was such a nice feeling. Now, all he had to do was to get his plane ticket ready and keep it a secret for the next two weeks.
The last two weeks were literally hell on earth for you. While Kirishima kept on bugging you – you knew he meant well and he was just worried – and your father ALSO started to make more weird comments; such as “[Your.name], you can always come back if you need help, right?” and “Is everything okay? College treating you well?”
With all of your already existing problems regarding your messy roommates, having your boyfriend and your father be so persistent was an extra thing on your mind that tortured you every day.
“Today… I could have met with Eiji…”, you mumbled to yourself when you caught a glimpse of the calendar near your door.
You were preparing yourself mentally to get out of your clean room into the stinking, gross living room.
“I am an idiot! Why can’t I just be honest? Even Dad seems worried… I wonder if he and Eiji talked…”
Though your thoughts were interrupted when someone rang the doorbell. Hence, with a last deep breath, you held it and quickly got outside, through the living room and to the front door. However, when you opened it, you were NOT prepared to see someone so familiar in front of you.
“Eiji…”, was all you could mutter, completely speechless.
“Yo, Handsome.”, his sheepish smile with the rosy hue on his cheeks. Too cute.
Then, it all just came crashing down on you. You hadn’t seen him since you both took off to college, then the messy housing situation and the stress from studying and keeping up with everything. It was all just too much.
“Ah, [Your.name]-“, though before Kirishima could say anything more, you already clung to him and sniffled.
“Are you mad I’m here now?”, he hugged you tightly.
“Nhn.”, you shook your head, then looked up with a small smile, “I’m glad you’re here, Baby.”
Cupping his cheek, you pulled him closer to connect your lips. Your hand traveling further and burying inside his fluffy, long hair. With your lips melting against his, Kirishima’s nerves had finally calmed down. The past hours and during the flight, he was nervous and wondered if it was wrong to go against your will. But he missed you so much. And he also worried about you.
Breaking away, he leaned his forehead against your own, just relishing that moment for few seconds. Knowing you were finally together again.
“So… I know, you have been really stressed and anxious lately. And I know I’ve been annoying you, but please, [Your.name]… I want to help you. Let me help you.”, he said, softly caressing your cheek and a smile on his lips.
With a small sigh, you leaned against the soft touches and closed your [eye.color] eyes for a moment.
“Okay…”, you took his hand, kissed the back of it and then pulled him with you to the front door you had closed behind you.
“This is… what I’ve been dealing with.”, the moment the door opened wide enough, a foul, disgusting smell entered your and Kirishima’s nostrils.
“If you can hold your breath, we can manage to get to my room.”
You didn’t even wait much as you pulled him quickly with you. Already knowing which path to take between all the junk and piles of trash. It was a big relief when you opened your door and slammed it shut again.
“Oh my God.”, his eyes were watering and Eijirou had to cough.
“How?! I mean… Is this why…?”
“Why I didn’t want you to come.”, you sighed and then sat down onto your clean bed.
“It’s just… embarrassing. To live with people like that. It stinks. There are mice and other pests. I don’t know what to do anymore, but I can’t go back home.”
“But why?”, he suddenly kneeled down in front of you, his strong hands on your thighs squeezing them gently.
“You can always go back, [Your.name]. Aizawa-san would never let you stay in this… junkyard. You just need to be honest with him. Hey…”, Kirishima then stood back up and sat down beside you to hug you.
“You need to stop dealing with it all on your own, Babe. I’m here, you know? Use me!”
His choice of words made you giggle a little as you wiped your tears.
“You really think I should tell him?”, snuggling your head against his shoulder, it was so calming and nice to have Eijirou besides you.
“Yes. I’m sure he understands when you explain it.”
“But I just… don’t want to bother him, you know? Like, it was my idea to go to a college far away and live alone with roommates. I would hate to come back crying…”
Kirishima took both of your hands and gently squeezed them.
“Listen… I know you feel defeated and you’re as stubborn as always-“, you chuckled lightly, “-but this is a serious issue. Heck, think about your health, too, Sweet Stuff. This trash and the pests could make you seriously sick if you keep on living like that.”
You didn’t say anything for a while, just a small sigh escaped your lips. Still holding hands and your fingers softly caressing each other.
“You’re right, Baby. I need to tell him. Thank you.”, you leaned to the site for a small smooch he happily returned.
“I’ll be here.”, Kirishima said and immediately a hug followed as he snuggled his head against your shoulder.
It was so soothing and more than welcomed as you started to play with the long, dyed strands of hair. The purring that erupted from his throat only making you giggle a little, before the situation got serious when you dialed your father’s number. Finally, it was time to tell the truth.
“And… that’s how I’ve been living.”, you ended the explanation with small tears in your eyes. Just saying it out loud was embarrassing, but it wasn’t your fault.
“[Your.name]…”, a deep sigh was heard on the other end.
Aizawa rubbed his tired eyes for a moment before he continued, “Why didn’t you talk to me sooner? I want you to get ready, I’ll be there in 6 hours.”
“Huh?”, was the only confused noise you could choke out.
“Is Kirishima with you?”
“Ah yo!”, your boyfriend happily cheered into the phone.
“Good. He’s gonna help you, right?”
“Leave it to me, Aizawa-san!”,
“Dad, I…”
“[Your.name], stop crying and start packing, okay?”, it sounded rougher than it was meant and you knew that, hence a small smile flitted across your lips.
Then, he ended the call.
Aizawa was instantly calling the landlord and settling things. In the end, he agreed to pay a fine for canceling the contract earlier, but also told them about the mess in their house. But, he didn’t care. Even if he wasn’t the best at expressing it all the time, you were his only son and he was always going to be there for you. So, after preparing himself for a long drive through multiple prefectures to get to you, he hopped into his car and left home.
“See, I told you, everything’s going to be alright!”, Eijirou beamed, before reaching out his hand and wiping away a tear. They were happy tears though.
“I know… Thank you for coming over and encouraging me and… I’m sorry I was such an ass the last weeks. I know you were just worried, but I…”, you sighed and then cupped his face to pull him in for a long, loving kiss. Kirishima just humming happily and wrapping his arms around you.
“I love you, Sweetkins.”, you whispered.
“I love you, too, Handsome. You can always count on me!”,
With that, Kirishima got his hair into a ponytail, which was very hot, so you tried not to stare, and he helped you pack your stuff. Getting all the two suitcases and different backpacks you had first used when you moved in. It was a nerve-wrecking ordeal, especially because some of the pests had managed to get into your room and in some corners already. God, you wished you would have had the courage sooner to rely on your boyfriend and father to help you out of this mess.
Thankfully, you didn’t have any classes where attendance was a must, yet at least; so you could easily get by, by just using the materials provided online for the time being. At least until you found another place to live. If it would have been in your second year, you would have been screwed even more.
However, when, in the middle of the night, your father finally came, it was all okay. This place was like a nightmare you finally woke up from. Now, with the help of your Dad and Kirishima you got everything into the car, leaving that dirty house behind.
“Thank you, Dad.”, you hugged him tightly.
Now, everything was going to be okay again. You were going to enjoy the weekend with your boyfriend until you had to say goodbye again on Sunday, but for now, all that mattered was that you were out of that filthy place and going home.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: tried something new with a gif now? do we like it? anways, this is my first kiri fic! i love this best boii, he is so precious! and all the fanart? amazing. mullet kiri, short haired kiri, undercut kiri, pink hairED KIRI!? god, this fandom has such amazing ideas hurhur so yes, i enjoyed myself and wanted to write about mullet kiri cuz i love the fanart of it a TON. anon, if you read this, i hope your situatino gets much much better! stay strong 💙
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uravichii · 3 years
If you're willing to do anymore of those amazing mannerisms and habits thing, could you consider Iida? It's 100% okay if not, and I'm excited for anything you post in the future!!
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mannerisms/habits pt 2 ~
- yours and his -
character/s: iida tenya
genre: fluff, crack
notes: amazing? 👁👁 thank you so much!!
ngl, i'm still a bit unfamiliar w/ iida, so i apologize in advance if i didn't do him justice :( still, i hope u like this :)))
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• racing to help you •
and by racing, i mean literally.
before you even get to touch the door knob, tenya's already behind you like 👓🏃‍♂️💨 so he could open it for you!
and he uses his quirk for it 😟 unless you're indoors or in a cramped space,,
that's how serious tenya is!
if your shoelaces are ever undone, you should already expect that loud engine nearby 💀
and you don't even notice they were untied, he's just kneeling in front of you and tying them already
like the gentleman that he is :))
"thank you, tenya." you gently brush your hand against his hair while he's knelt down in front of you.
you flustered this boy so much, he jolted upwards, and he's now standing stiff like 🧍‍♂️
"N-NO PROBLEM, Y/N. ✋✋✋" then he realizes he hasn't finished tying them so he gets on his knee again 💀
you couldn't get open a jar once, and kirishima offered to help,, (bc it's manly, this isn't a kirishima x y/n fic)
and tenya dashed across the room so fast it scared both of you like 😨
"kirishima-kun, i appreciate the assistance, but as y/n's boyfriend the class president, i believe i should be doing these favors for y/n because-"
"tenya, calm down-"
he doesn't do these every single time though!
because tenya thinks very highly of you! he thinks you're very strong, intelligent, and capable :))
when in battle, of course he watches over you, but he doesn't take over your fight
especially when he knows you're strong enough to handle it!
eventually though, tenya will have to tone these down :')
he'll still happily do many favors for you,,
he'll pick up things you dropped, carry your bag, and he'll even tidy up your hair or clothes if they got a little messy :))
he secretly enjoys your flustered reaction from it
he just won't use his quirk to rush over to you anymore
because of some minor accidents it caused :')
tenya thinks pda is inappropriate,, you've just agreed (probably thru a contract and everything💀) on head or shoulder pats every now and then
so doing these little things for you is how he shows his love for you :)) and he loves you a lot 💘
• stifled laughters •
in general, tenya just adores your laugh.
even if it's just a little chuckle, his heart races for them,, especially if he made you laugh :))
if you're laughing too much until you're tearing up and gasping for air, tenya will be very concerned
"Y/N?! BREATHE, Y/N. BREATHE WITH ME." while doing those aggressive hand gestures. ✋✋✋
he's concerned, and he's handing you a tissue paper and a water bottle
but he loves that you're happy, and he gets to see that!
tenya thinks you look absolutely beautiful when you're genuinely happy like that :))
one thing he gets very amused by though,,
is that one laugh of yours when you're not supposed to laugh 💀
he loves how your hand lands immediately to your mouth the moment you feel the corner of your lips curl,,
and how your delicate laughter sounds so lovely to him, that the sound of it dances inside his head for the rest of the day.
he first saw this when he was explaining something to you, midoriya, uraraka, and tsuyu.
for some reason, tenya was extra agitated at the time.
so the hand gestures were a lot more aggressive
you couldn't help but think of the words "windshield" "chopping" and "traffic enforcer"
and ofc his iconic robot dance in the cultural festival
so you couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
but you immediately covered it with your hand and tried to be as quiet as possible
you really tried to hide it but tenya noticed :')
and soon, everyone in the group bursted out laughing too.
he'll get a little embarassed and go completely stiff and red
you apologize and let him finish, he was explaining something rather important after all
"sorry, iida." you say, still trying to stifle your laugh. "could you explain it again? or maybe calm down a little first? sorry :))"
he feels a lot more embarassed now, but this time it wasn't because he was laughed at,,
but because of you and your genuine kind and carefree nature towards him
he'll fumble in attempt to adjust his glasses, "t-that's quite alright, y/n." 🧍‍♂️✋
he admires how you were able to spread joy around you in a matter of seconds
and he loves how you're able to calm him down in the simplest ways like that :)
tenya loves the expression on your face when you're focused. he's reminded of how strong and capable you are!
tenya loves when you're stern when you need to be. at times when you know the jokes and the banter need to be stopped, you remind your classmates to focus and get serious— all while being gentle and not rude at all. it's when tenya knows he can rely on you :))
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞" (𝐛. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; bakugou and you had been dating for so long, but always had to hide it. he hates hiding you, he hates seeing you sad, and you don’t know how much more you can take.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; a little bit of angst at first, but then fluff.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; bc… him.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.0k
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it had been a long day at your agency, longer than usual at least. a lot of little incidents in your patrol areas, meetings, reports waiting for you to give them a final look. you checked the watch on your desk, almost midnight. by then, only the guards must have been in the building. a long, heavy sigh left your lips. you still had work to do, but the urge to go home was bigger, so after taking your things, you drove home, eager to see your boyfriend. bakugou mananged to get himself the title of number one hero four years after graduation, surpassing even all might himself. seeing him achieve his dreams filled your heart with love and pride, though it still hurt not being able to share those feelings with the world.
on your second year at u.a., katsuki asked you on a date after months of notorious flirting, no one was really surprised, in fact, among your class, everyone was happy because of your influence in the boy. your honey moon period was interrupted a few months later, on what was class a’s last sports festival. as third years already, all the attention was laid on you and your classmates. hundreds of pro heroes expecting to catch the most promising graduates, and your last chance to show you worthy. on every phase, you and bakugou would share knowing glances, secret winks at each other, little reassuring smiles from you and calming head nods from him. with all those cameras making you the center of attention, it wasn’t too hard for people to figure out what was going on between both of you. you ended sixth, only surpassed by uraraka, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya and bakugou, and were really happy with your performance. that same night, after a celebration with all your friends at the dorm, you went into your boyfriend’s room.
he was laying in bed, reading a book, but still reached out to pull you into bed. “mind if i use your computer?” you asked, him humming in agreement, too focused to pay you more attention. first you checked your personal account, when nothing entertainment surge there, you opened your official hero account. as you expected, the festival just endign a few hours ago, the tags were exploding. your face completely change when you started to read.
“so, are we just ignoring the fact that Y/N of all people was making eyes at bakugou the ENTIRE TIME?? keep it in your pants geez”.
“i’m sorry but if you think that bakuy/n thing wasn’t a stunt, you’re wrong”.
“guys. it’s as simple as looking at y/n, and then looking at ✨bakugou✨”.
“yeah it’s a no for me, like ok they’re friends but don’t make it fucking disgusting”.
and you could keep going. most of them were about how someone as great as katsuki could never lay his eyes on you, fewer were about how he was too aggressive and violent for you, and some were just people hating on both of you. tears gather in your eyes, was this what everyone thought? you knew from the beginning the difference between bakugou katsuki and you, who was lucky to even had made it that far, but you didn’t realise just how big the difference was. katsuki immediately felt something was off, so he left his book aside and grabbed your hand.
“i…” was all you managed to say before bursting in tears. bakugou hugged you as fast as he could, whispering softly calming words and leaving small kisses in your head. slowly, he took away the computer to see what made you so upset. blood starting to boil in his veins, his whole self shaking in pure rage. he got up, leaving you in the bed, still a little teary.
“i’m going to kick those losers to the moon, who the fuck are they to say those things? fucking bastards, i’ll shove their words so up thei–” he was walking back and forward in the small space of his room, stopped only when he saw you crying even harder.
“am i really th–that unworthy of you?” the voice crack made his heart break “i know i’m not perfect but i really thought that… that…” bakugou kneeled before you, looking at you dead in the eye. his hands gently reached your wet cheeks.
“don’t say dumb shit, dumbass. you are the most perfect person on this fucking planet, no one, not even youself, can say shit about that, ya’ hear me?” he did his best to calm himself down, knowing that you needed his comfort more than ever.
he took away the laptop before going into bed with you, holding you tightly in his arms. you were still crying, completely unable to get those words out of your mind. you loved katsuki, that you were sure, and he made clear several times that he loved you too, why didn’t people understand that? why it wasn’t enough?.
the next day, aizawa told both of you that in order to keep your mental health, at least until you graduate, to not make it official. he explained how sometimes, pro heroes had to keep their private life in check just to make things a little easier, as unfair as it sounds. so you waited, you graduate and held the impulse of kissing your boyfriend, hugging him, even look at him. it’s okay, only a few more days. katsuki sign a contract for two years with best jeanist, the number three hero at the time. you, on the other hand, had been offered to work with the lurkers, a team conformed by edgeshot, their leader, kamui woods and mt. lady, signing a similar contract to your boyfriend’s. you were overflowed with happiness, your dream had come true, finally you could call yourself a pro hero. you weren’t an intern, you were their equal.
“look, you are a great hero, but you are just starting” edgeshot had call you into his office, the manager of public interactions was next to him, talking to you “i did my research, and i’m going to have to ask you to keep this relationship of yours with ground zero a secret. you have so much potential, you need to leave a good impression or your hardwork would be for nothing.” you looked at your boss, seeing the uncomfortable look on his face. no one liked to ask those things, but sometimes there were sacrifices to be made.
“i have to talk with him first” was all you could say.
it killed you. not being able to love katsuki, to live a secret. most of the time all you wanted to do was scream in the middle of the street, where everyone could hear you. you loved bakugou katsuki, and he loved you, you wanted to spend you whole life with him, without hiding, without lies, without wondering if you were good enough for him. but it couldn’t be. now, four years later, both of you with your own agencies and a steady career, it still couldn’t be. again and again, no matter how many advisors you hired, everyone reached the same conclusion.
katsuki was waiting for you in the couch, watching a movie. instantly, you crawled to his arms, searching for reassurance. at least he was still the same.
“oi, are you okay?” even if his voice came out harshly, you knew he worried.
“i’m tired” you hid your face in his neck, intertwining your legs with his. you didn’t want to cry, but it was impossible to keep all the tears from falling.
“look at me” he said, lifting your face from your chin “what is it?” his eyes creeped inside yours, you hated making him worry, he lived the exact same things you did, but there you were the only one crying.
“i’m tired of this, bakugou” to hear his last name coming from you froze him in his place, what? tired of what? of him? you wanted to break up? “i can’t do it anymore” the way you grabbed his hand gave him confusing signs. “i want to go out with you, to hold your hand in public, i wanna kiss you and hug you whenever i want to, fuck, i want a normal relationship”
oh. it was that. bakugou sighed, a bit relieved. he understood, it was hard on him too, but at the same time, was all both of you knew. your relationship never had a normal phase, he couldn’t even remember the last date you had. how could he miss something he never had? of course, you were different. for some reason, the media had always been harsher on you. if it wasn’t your love life, it was your hero costume, or the way you did your job, how you didn’t have children, that forever tired face you got, they’d always find a new thing to complain. but you had your own fanbase, a lot of people who supported you, not for nothing you were the number four hero. being honest, katsuki didn’t know what to say. he hated seeing you like that, after all those years.
“let’s go out” he talked while getting up from the couch, lifting you with him “put on something comfy, hurry” when he saw you staring blankly at him, he took you from your legs as a bag of potatos “dammit, woman”.
once you got out of your surprise, you did as you were told after your boyfriend left you on the bed. his eyes glowed with a different shine, one that had disappeared a long time ago.
you got in his car, him driving. katsuki seemed happy, and that eased your anxiety. after a while, he parked in the middle of town. despite of the hour, there was a lot of people there, just as he expected.
“we can’t do this” you said, still a bit doubtful.
“of course we can, i’m going out with my girlfriend, i’m going to hold her hand, and i’m going to kiss her whenever the fuck i want, because she’s the baddest bitch out there and doesn’t deserves to be hidden from anyone”.
he said that. your heart raced, your cheeks heated up, what was going on? your belly had a thousand butterflies trying to escape. he said that. for the first time in five years, you kissed him without double thinking. a kiss filled with loved, confidence, feelings you couldn’t even describe.
he got out of the car first and opened your door, reaching out a hand. you were together in this, whatever happened wouldn’t be as bad, because you had him. there wasn’t anything else you needed but bakugou katsuki.
he explained what he planned while driving, you were going to go to every store you wanted, holding hands, sharing kisses. you were going to take pictures and share them with the world. you wanted an ice cream? then both of you would walk the entire tokyo to get you one, not minding the looks, the whispering. this was you and him.
and you did, you spent the most awesome night together, phones exploding with calls of both of you agencies. it didn’t matter.
you ended in a viewpoint, sitting in the back of your car watching the sun rise. a blanket provided the warm lacking from you bodies, even though you were cuddling. every time bakugou was at peace with you, unconsciously started to sing under his breath, in a really low voice. feeling his chest under your skin, his fingers tangled in your head, hearing his deep melodic voice. that’s how you wanted to spend your life.
“marry me” he said, his heart didn’t even race its pace. he was so calm, because he knew that your love was mutual. “c'mon, dumbass, marry me”.
“i love you” was all that left your mouth. he took it as a yes, and he was right. a soft smile curved in his lips, you were his, and he was entirely yours.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
I'm so sorry if I've already asked you this (I can't remember which blog I asked) but what would Kiri, Denki & Baku do after cheating? Like how would they feel, how would they tell the reader (if at all) and the aftermath of it
angst? angst. 
good request btw!
A/N: I’m currently drunk and sad so let’s see how well I can rip y’all’s hearts out. Thank goodness you didn’t ask for a good ending. I have such a strict rule for cheaters. I personally got cheated on (can’t believe i let a man play me like that...smh) and had to learn the lesson the hard way. Never take them back. It subconsciously affirms that you will take them back even if they do it again. Even if the person loves you, it doesn’t matter. Love and respect are two different things and, obviously, they didn’t have the latter for you. 
So, what I’m trying to say is…there’s no romantically happy ending for this one :/
Of course, everyone and every relationship are different. Girls and gays, do what is best for your heart. That is all the advice I can give. Men…y’all can perish.
Sidenote: Please stay safe and well, both physically and mentally. Wash your hands and fucking take Corona seriously.  
With love, always 🖤
Warnings: Sad tingz :(
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
it was just a kiss
just one
his childhood friend was going through a rough time
their father just died and their ex dumped them bc they needed time away
they were always such good friend
kirishima remembered all the times in middle school they’d support him when he didn’t believe in himself
so when he was holding them, while they were crying, he just couldn’t pull away when they leaned in
before he knew what happened, they were kissing 
he kissed them back and he didn’t break away until you called his phone
it eats him up
every day
he immediately says they can’t see each other anymore
Kirishima literally wants to die
every time you and him are together, he feels the weight of his guilt grow
every time you two kiss, all he can think about is how dirty he feels
you are so in love with him
you’re oblivious to his guilt-ridden face
all the extra gifts and affection he gives you makes you so happy, you don’t realize that he’s doing it bc he’s so ashamed of himself
he keeps it in for 2 weeks
then, as you two are in bed, watching a movie, he just blurts it out
you just stare at him and he’s spilling everything to you
he’s sobbing, swearing that he wasn’t thinking and that he loves you 
he swears he loves you
“shut up”  you keep saying
he tries to hold you, but you rip his hands off you
you’re screaming at him, asking him how he could ever do that to you
“i never did anything to make you do this! how could you, you lying asshole?”
you know you were good to him 
all he does is look away, unable to face you 
you just leave to stay at your friend’s house
you break down to them
you didn’t come back
you never came back 
kirishima was never really the same afterward
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Kaminari Denki:
you two were fighting a lot
ever since you moved in together, it was harder to be around one another
it was fun at first, but then it got annoying
you two would catch each other at bad times and just grate on each other’s nerves
one particular screaming match ended with denki leaving the apartment
he didn’t come back for the rest of the night
you were on the phone with your friend talking it out
you realized you were being too hard on him and decided to do your best to be better in the future
he comes home, drunk, and you help him to bed
when he wakes up, you’re at his side, nursing his hangover
when he’s coherent, you burst out in tears and apologize for acting crazy
your apology brings him to tears and he apologizes as well
you two make up and the future is bright
you two work on yourselves and your relationship couldn’t be better
but denki has a dark secret that eats him up
on the night of your fight, he slept with some random person from the bar he went to
he was drunk, but not that drunk to not remember it 
he thought you two would break up and didn’t think it was a big deal at the time
now he regrets it so much
you were the best thing to ever happen to him
maybe you two butt heads, but you were his soulmate
he was sure of it
and now…
he loved you too much to tell you
so he swore he would just love you with his entire being to make up for it
but when you two went out for Mina’s birthday, to the same bar
the person comes up to him and tells him the night they spent together was amazing
you immediately ask what they means and it confirms your fears
he cheated on you
kaminari is chasing after you 
“y/n, wait! i can explain–”
“is that why you changed? bc you felt bad for fucking another person?”
“no baby. i mean yes, but please–”
“fuck you, kaminari. we’re done.”
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Bakugo Katsuki:
everything was fine
that day, you and your husband had kissed each other goodbye
you had to stay home and catch up on some paperwork
you forced him to go celebrate kirishima’s birthday for the both of you
he didn’t really drink so he was prepared to have a bad time
but his friends convinced him to drink
mans cannot hold his liquor
all of sudden, he’s in a separate room with another person
you two hadn’t had sex in so long bc of the kids and well…
he’s fucking them and he remembers wondering if the gasp he heard from the other side of the door was real
maybe it was true that midoriya liked you a little too much considering you were his friend’s (?) spouse
but this didn’t have anything to do with his feelings
even if he did get the slightest bit of satisfaction knowing he was right that katsuki didn’t deserve you when he recorded the sounds of the moans
sends it to you
katsuki was cheating on you and izuku refused keep it to himself 
izuku: y/n, i’m so sorry. this might not be the way to tell you, but i had to. you deserve to know the truth. 
you must have listened to the recording at least 700 times trying to convince yourself it was the wrong person
but you heard your husband and the other person moan your husband’s name each time
you take the kids to your mom’s house for an indefinite amount of time
you had business to tend to 
you: thank you for sending me this
izuku: y/n…are you okay? do you need me to do anything for you?
you: i’m fine, i just need some space. thank you for being a real friend. i appreciate you
izuku: anything for you…i’m so sorry again
bakugo somehow makes it home and passes out
he wakes up to you breaking your wedding photos
“what the fuck, y/n–”
“i gave you everything! and you wanna go fuck other bitches!?”
he’s confused and you play the recording
all the color drains from his face as bits and pieces of it come back to him
he’s trying to get you to calm you down
you’re throwing things and cussing him in and out
he grabs your arms but immediately stumbles back at the bloody look in your eyes
“fuck with me, bakugo, and i swear i’ll ruin your life”, you hiss
he’s begging you to forgive him
you throw your ring at him and grab your car keys
“when the kids ask why we’re not together, you can give them the reason”
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sugawara-sweetheart · 3 years
you’re in hospital for something silly headcanons | denki, kirishima, mina & sero
❣︎anon: Bakusquad (Denki, Sero, Mina, Kirishima) reactions to finding out you're in the hospital? For something stupid like a training accident, but they don't know that yet.
❥denki kaminari:
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☽ it takes him a moment to process you’re in the hospital but once he does, he’s worried sick and tries to get there as soon as possible
☽ he’ll probably spam your phone with messages asking you if you’re okay until it occurs to him you’re probably not checking it whilst you’re with the doctor
☽ “what happened to you?!” he’ll cry when he rushes into the room, stunned to find you pouting at the huge cast around your leg
☽ “i tried to do a fancy kick at practise but it went wrong and something happened to my leg! and now it’s broken.” you whine
☽ kaminari doesn’t even bother trying to hide his laughter- he’ll be doubled over, lying as he wheezes about how silly you are
☽ he’ll keep teasing you about how clumsy you are and will tell all your mutual friends the ‘hilarious’ story of how you tried to show off and hurt yourself
☽ but he’ll also take excellent care of you- helping you bathe and use your crutches and dressing you and making sure to make you all your meals
☽ and he doodles stupid little smiley faces and cat faces on your cast and signs his name
☽ he’ll always smile with amusement, giggling as he nuzzzles his face into the crook of your neck. “hey, remember when you tried to show off and busted your leg?”
☽ “are you ever going to stop teasing me about that?” you pout, but your lips twitch in a hint of a smile as he shakes his head with a huge grin
☽ “nope, never! but if it makes you feel better, i always hurt myself too. i can’t even use my quirk too much without going dumb.”
❥kirishima eijiro:
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☽ kirishima will panic- he’ll drop whatever he’s doing right then to rush to the hospital and be by your side
☽ the entire time his mind is racing with anxious thoughts and wild scenarios of what could’ve possibly happened to you, each growing more and more irrational
☽ he’ll feel so guilty about not being there for you to protect you from whatever hurt you and by the time he’s bursting into the room there’s tears in his eyes
☽ “hey, what’s wrong?” he’s so surprised to see you looking worried for him instead but relief floods him as he realises you’re absolutely fine- except for the little stitches you’re getting done in your head
☽ “never mind me! what happened to you? are you okay?” he’ll be so worried as he cups your face, the nurse holding back her laughs as he surveys the little wound on your forehead
☽ your cheeks will burn with embarrassment as you laugh sheepishly. “yeah, i just...tripped...over my hello kitty slippers. and banged my head a little.”
☽ kirishima will be so puzzled as to how you could’ve hurt yourself over something so little
☽ but he’ll be happy it was nothing worse as he sighs heavily with relief, shaking his head at you whilst a smile tugs at his lips
☽ “i’ve always told you it’s a hazard to not put your slippers away properly.” he chastises you but he hugs you tight and kisses your forehead
☽ he’ll pamper you a little bit when you get back from the hospital, cooking your favourite food and letting you choose the movie to watch
☽ and he keeps kissing the plaster on your forehead over where your stitches are
☽ but from then, he always makes sure to remove any hazards that may be in your way and warns you to be careful with a teasing smile that always makes you blush
❥mina ashido: 
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☽ the moment she receives a call or message telling her you’re in the hospital she is rushing over immediately
☽ she’ll be panicked and worried, her face drawn with concern as she rushes into the emergency room where you’re getting bandaged
☽ “y/n! what happened, are you okay?” she’ll rush to your side, gasping at the sight of your bandages
☽ “it’s okay,” you tell her with a gentle smile as the nurse laughs. “i fell over during training. it’s just a little sprain.”
☽ she’ll still be worried as she pouts, tenderly inspecting your bandaged wrist until you tell her sheepishly the reason why you fell was because you didn’t tie your laces properly
☽ mina’s face will become completely straight as she stares at you as if to say ‘excuse me? the fuck?’
☽ before she starts laughing, shaking her head with a huge grin on her face as she pulls you into a hug
☽ “y/n, you’re so clumsy!” she cries. “that’s it, i’m teaching you how to tie your laces properly or else it’s back to the velcro trainers for you.”
☽ but as much as she teases you for your injury, she’ll be really relieved your injury isn’t worse
❥sero hanta:
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☽ he’ll be the only one that isn’t a panicking mess and thinks logically when he finds out you’re at the hospital
☽ he’ll be worried nonetheless but understands you probably feel worse, so he’s calm and sensitive when he comes into the emergency room to find you getting bandaged
☽ “y/n,” he’ll say sweetly. “what’s wrong? what happened? are you okay?”
☽ he seems relieved to see that you greet him a smile, even when the nurse is wrapping up your fingers with a bandage
☽ “it’s just silly stuff, sero. i picked up a pot off the stove and ended up burning my fingers.” you tell him with an embarrassed look on your face, wiggling your bandaged fingers for emphasis
☽ he looks a bit stunned at first, wondering how you could do something silly
☽ “y/n, you need to be careful.” he tells you with an air of seriousness, narrowing his eyes at your bandages whilst you nod. “but i’m just glad it’s nothing too serious.”
☽ he’ll warn you to be careful from then on, reminding you not to touch hot things and to think before you do something
☽ but he still finds it funny and you catch him laughing at you, even if he denies he is
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monst · 5 years
The Silence after sex
This is an answer to that one anon who legit sent me a blank ask it’s right here. (Apparently it didn’t let me answer it directly) But, Seriously -.-‘ I’m not sure if you did it on purpose or if it was an accident. How am I supposed to answer silence???? You know what since ya like trolling me so much I’ll indulge ya. So I looked at this ask and, thought okay silence hmm-
The silence after sex
All characters 18+
Shigaraki Tomura, Dabi, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou,  Shinsou Hitoshi,  Hawks (Takami Keigo), Fatgum (Toyomitsu Taishiro) Twice (Bubaigawara Jin) x reader (They are in that order if you wanna skip around)
Shigaraki Tomura
              After he cums inside you, you’re both a panting mess of sweat and saliva. He takes his time to pull out and, immediately demands cuddles. It’s a peacefully silence; His arms wrapped around your waist as yours cradle his head running your fingers through his greasy hair. It’s soothing. It’s safe. When you pull him up, he can’t help but feel emotional, What with you pressing soft kisses on his forehead your fingers tracing the wrinkles around his eyes. He feels loved. It’s a new and odd feeling but he doesn’t hate it. And, when you feel him grinding into you again you can only roll your eyes with a smile. Because if this rat boy only knows how to show how much you mean to him by fucking the shit out of you then by all means you were going to let him.
How the silence broke:
“I Love you Tomura.”
“I don’t hate you.”
(I love this crusty man!!)
After your well and fucked your out like a light. And, once your eyes close the smirk that was on his face drops and, he’s looking at your abused body. He’s burning with turmoil angry that he does this to you and, angry that you let him do it. He’s thinking of how beautiful you are and, how you deserve better than some street rat. Any other person wouldn’t call you defaming things or get off at making you cry. They wouldn’t spit in your mouth and use you like a urinal. He was bad for you. But the moment leaving you enters his mind he’s pissed because he’ll be damned if anyone else got to see you like this. You were his and as he dressed in silence his eyes never left your form. So long as you were willing to shed tears for him and, beg for his return he’d always be back. But in the meantime he was going to snap a picture of you and leave. He’ll wait for one of two things. For you to wake and call him or for you to text him that you never wanted to see him again.
How the silence breaks:
“D-dabi where are you? Why’d you leave?”
“That’s none of your damn business dollface.”
“….Okay be careful…and…..remember I love you Dabi. I’ll be waiting for you to come back so…. don’t die…Please”
(Kaz is a Dabi fucker……)
Bakugou Katsuki
He breathed in the scent of your hair as he held you flush against his hard body. His arms cocooning you protectively.  He was in awe. He was always left in awe after he made love to you. You and, Bakugou never just fucked even when he was rough with you it was never mindless. You were the only person he’d every be vulnerable and open enough to have sex with. You were the only person in this world who carried a gold band on your finger given to you by the hero himself. He always thought of how lucky he was when ever you guys were snuggling in silence after sex. Today he was in a daze. After two years of marriage you were allowing him another part of your body. Your womb. His arms went down to caress your stomach the same stomach that will one day hold another little Bakugou. He pressed a gentle kiss to your head and, untangled his limbs from yours to get a rag to clean you up. You were already drifting when he came back a snort escaping his lips as he wiped off your drool. His lips coming into kiss you as he whispered-
How the silence broke:
“I love you so damn much.”
(He’d be soft with his s/o afterwards and no one can tell me otherwise.)
Kirishima Eijirou
It was a silent morning. He woke up before you, wincing at the pounding of his head. It really felt like his brain was training to be an MMA fighter. He cast a look to your slumbering form a sad smile on his lips. You were undeniably gorgeous. You would also wake up with a hangover and, how he wished he could stay and tend to you when you awoke. But life didn’t work that way. He was just a booty call. A friend you called over to smash because another lover had broken your heart. Why couldn’t you give your heart to him? Why was he always reduced to a rebound? He let out a heartbreaking sigh as he pulled up his jeans. Once dressed he walked into your bathroom to pull out some asprin. His red eyes were shot tears threatening to spill over. Sex with someone you loved was supposed to leave you feeling happy and complete. But, whenever he and, you had sex he felt hallow, sad and regretful. Putting a glass of water by your bedside with the pills he ran his fingers through his hair. He knew the drill leave before you get up and come back when you called in tears….. But, he was done the post-it on the glass should be enough of an explanation. He was done with the vicious cycle and, next time you called he wasn’t going to be back.
How the silence broke:
Your sobs could be heard from outside of your apartment as you clutched the note to your chest. You had realized to late how wonderful Kirishima really was.
(Whoops…. This happened)
Shinsou Hitoshi
The smile on his face afterwards could only be compared to the sun. Bright and shining as your fingers traced shapes on his bare chest. You made him completely happy and, whether he was topping or not he was always left with a feeling of connection to you. You completed him and, thoughts like those ran wild in his head. Thoughts of how you’d raise little gremlins and, grow to be rocking chair raisins. His fingers came to stroke your cheek his lips parting in a soliloquy-
How the silence broke:
“Last night I dreamt of the sun….. it was bright, it was warm, and it was wonderful….. Her light shone upon me granting me warmth from the cold. Her luscious heat making me smile. She illuminated the grey filling up my heart. She brought warmth to my sheets, a fire to my soul, joy to my life and with that she took my heart. When she captured it, I thought for a moment why is it that sun chooses to shine for me? Isn’t the sun so breathtaking? Radiant?! Blinding?! Why…the sun?.. It brings life, it brings hope for a new tomorrow…. She brings me life, she is my hope for tomorrow….And I? I am her earth the one she fills with creations, with hopes and dreams. I am her earth that will never cease to spin around her. Even when I’m blue and dizzy my dance will be for her. But then I woke up…..I wasn’t dismayed because when I turned to the side she there was the sun right beside me.
(Shinsou is a poetic romantic! Change my mind!)
Takami Keigo (Hawks)
He was content with the silence. After years of unspoken attraction, it finally happened and if he was much happier than he was at that moment he’d burst. That’s why his face was buried in your stomach as he laid upon your legs. Your arms came down to caress his wings. Your fingers felt like heaven on his soft feathers that he could feel his arousal begin to rise again. However, it was a tender moment that and, he felt so comfortable. It was as if your arms were made to hold him and the thought had him drawing circles into your lower back. From your seated position you looked down missing his blissed-out expression as his sandy locks blocked your view. You didn’t stop threading your finger through his feathers and he wasn’t going to ask you to stop either. You stroked the red plumage until you felt him shudder. You paused. It didn’t look like it harmed him, so you repeated the action receiving the same trembles from the man. It was then that he made a sound and you couldn’t help but look down at him incuriously.
How the silence broke:
“Keigo? Are you cooing?”
(If keigo cooing isn’t a thing it is now!)
Toyomitsu Taishiro (Fatgum)
              Toyomitsu was scared. He wasn’t speaking and neither were you. Were you dead? Did he drown you in his cum? Oh Lord please don’t let that be the case. He could see it now ‘Pro-Hero Fatgum kills his girlfriend via oral!’ He was relived when he heard the audiable sound of you swallowing. Streams of his essence slipping past your lips as you were unable to swallow it all. Hell Fatgum didn’t mind he was more impressed with the fact that you could even take him in your mouth. When your eyes finally met his, he gave you a sheepish grin making you roll your eyes with a smile. You felt like a turkey on thanksgiving with how stuffed you were. Fatgum stretched your cunt beyond what you thought possible and, had filled you up so well that it was still flowing out. That wasn’t anything compared to how sore your jaw was and how full your belly was. He really took being a whole ‘meal’ to a whole ‘nother level. Toyomitsu knew he was a big man even without his quirk so he was quick to make sure you were okay.
How the silence broke:
“Ya scared me darlin’ thought ya died for a second there.”
“Ha. Ha….. Ugh I’m so damn full. Wipe that grin off your face!”
(He has so much lewd potential that I can’t even!)
Bubaigawara Jin (Twice)
              He had pulled out a while ago a bashful look on his face as he looked down at you in your afterglow. His eyes took in everything from your frazzled hair to the light sheen of sweat that made your skin glow. He didn’t waste a single second and immediately took you into his strong arms cuddling you. You smiled brushing your nose upon his in a cute bunny kiss his stubble brushing against your chin. You ignored the scratchy feeling in favor of running your fingers down the scar of his forehead leaning up to press your lips upon it lovingly. Twice didn’t say a word. Although he ached to tell you how much he loved you and how happy you’ve made him he refused to open his mouth. He was afraid that after he said something to melt your heart, he’d ruin it by saying something rude. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you. You who had completed his life. He had finally found a place with the league, comrades a family and, then you came in to complete the picture. You came in to love him all! Damn he loved you! So much. Maybe he should just say it.
How the silence broke:
“I love you (Name), That’s right my fucking bitch.”
“This fucking bitch loves you too Jin.”
(Love him!!! Love him please!!!)
(There you got 8 characters happy??!! Lmaoo you can totally tell who I follow with these scenarios that and there so damn self-indulgent but hey can you blame me? The ask was to make something out of nothing right? Right?!?!)
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