#learn a language
peistudies · 1 year
Why learn a foreign language, you ask?
Understanding and speaking the language will at some point inevitably make you feel like a spy/important person... - Bonus points for when you can eavesdrop on public conversations.
Have those fun little moments when you catch mistakes in your target language on signs, merchandise and in media. (Especially if it’s Japanese or Chinese... People love to butcher those). 
Imagine what your crush would think if they suddenly realize you speak a different language 3 months after meeting you. They may gasp, exclaim that you’re full of surprises, and go weak in the knees from your oh-so-mysterious demeanor (bonus points if it’s French or Italian). 
Fulfill your study aesthetic dreams, because you finally have something to theme a new blog around. Time to splurge on a pretty notebook and nice pens and work on that handwriting. Get the desk set up nice and cute, grab yourself the most beautiful coffee mug you can find. You’ve just become that girl. And you love it. Can’t forget to mention the messy buns, glasses (don’t have to be prescription), cat ownership and plants. 
Increase your chances of escaping eternal loneliness TEN FOLD because learning a language just opened doors to millions of people who couldn’t speak yours. 
Your personality may shift depending on which language you’re speaking, due to cultural and linguistic differences. So, by learning a new language, you will not only become more knowledgable about the world around you, but about yourself and people in general. 
Accurately understand books, shows, and all sorts of media in your target language. (No more relying on suspicious subtitles).
Feel satisfied in knowing that you’ve picked up quite a fun and rewarding hobby that can and will expand your life in every possible way.
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nkeigbo · 2 years
How to Learn an African Language: Resources
I have been working on a database of resources for learners of African languages. You do not to search manually to find the best resources anymore—this site does it for you.
It includes material for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners.
Already has a wide variety of languages for you to explore—from major languages such as Amharic, Igbo and Swahili to smaller languages such as Basaa, Coptic and Moba.
You can filter by language, type of resource, rating and level.
Continually updated with more resources every day.
Honest and unbiased ratings and reviews; no affiliate links.
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bigaldevlin · 2 months
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Noswaith dda, Alastair dw I, a dw i'n mwynhau dysgu cymraeg. Dw i'n carru Lauren a hefyd dw i'n carru Arlo, ci mae en.
Ond dw i'n wedi blino a dw i eisiau cysgu, felly nos da!
Top of the Diamond league so far! Just two more days to hold onto my lead! #duolingo #cymraeg #cymru #welsh #learnwelsh #learningWelsh #dysgucymraeg
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Soooooo I had the day off of work and i decided to spend as much time as possible studying languages! 
I tried to study German and Italian all day and this is how it went 👀
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ace3899 · 1 year
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Fun Ways to Learn a New Language | How to Learn a New Language, Part 2📜 | Save this for later!
Learn through music: Listen to music in the language you're learning and try to sing along. This will help you improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, while also making the learning process more enjoyable.
2. Learn through gaming: Play video games in the language you're learning to practice reading, listening, and speaking skills in a fun and interactive way.
3. Learn through cooking: Try cooking a recipe in the language you're learning while following along with a video or recipe in that language. This will help you learn new vocabulary related to cooking, as well as practice listening and reading comprehension.
4. Learn through travelling: Plan a trip to a place where the language you're learning is spoken and immerse yourself in the culture and language. This will give you a chance to practice your language skills in real-life situations and gain confidence in your abilities.
5. Learn through humour: Watch comedies or stand-up comedy shows in the language you're learning to improve your understanding of the language while also having fun. Humour can help make the learning process more engaging and memorable.
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kelseythelinguist · 2 years
It’s been a while since I’ve written about linguistics and language learning together.
So here’s a brief overview of style, what that can mean in different language contexts, and how intermediate learners can benefit by moving beyond standard dialogues and textbook-oriented vocabulary. 
Also some reading recs for in-depth discussions on diglossias and code-switching. 
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Not my usual thing but I wanted to boost this. 
Ikenna’s been making extremely helpful language learning resources for years now and became disabled in 2020 while working on an amazing language learning app. Through it all, he’s finished the app and will be launching the Kickstarter in late fall or winter. 
Where Duolingo is a gamified course, Fluyo looks to be a game and social platform first, with language learning layered in. I’m really excited for it. 
If you’re interested in getting on the waitlist and getting updates, you can sign up here. Signing up through that link also helps me out as there are small in game rewards for inviting other people but mostly I just want folks to know about what looks to be an amazing resource by a very knowledgeable, passionate, disabled creator. 
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theuniversalscat · 15 days
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If you are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese, this app is pretty great! 👍😊
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Are you learning French or any other language through TV? Here is how to get the most out of it 👇
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Lesson 4
Today let's look at the German school system! I'm gonna tell you a bit about how it's built up.
Kindergarten (3-5/6/7 years):
First of, before going to school, children visit Kindergarten (yay to that name you use too xD). There they play, learn basics of social life... Pretty much the same as your Kindergarten I think.
Grundschule (5/6/7-11/12 years):
I guess it's similar to your primary school. Children learn the first school subjects. The subjects are teaching the basic stuff. Mathematics, German, sports, art, Sachkunde (it's basically biology, physics, geography... all in one), music... In 3rd grade English starts and the children learn their first different language.
Moving on there are two school forms:
Oberschule or Gymnasium (11/12 years-17/18 years):
The Oberschule only goes to 9th or 10th grade. Back in my school days they were two different forms (Hauptschule (9th grade) and Realschule (10th grade)), but there was a fusion and now they are one. I was in Realschule and when I finished with a good enough certificate, I could go to Gymnasium.
The Gymnasium has the highest expectations of their students. If you want to study at a university in Germany, you have to visit Gymnasium and get your Abitur.
Both school forms basically teach the same subjects, but the level is different. And you learn/ can learn a third language (mostly it's French, Spanish or Latin).
After school, you can either make an apprenticeship somewhere or you can go to university...
Universität (as long as you need/want to):
At the university you can study different subjects and make your Bachelor or Master. Guess that's pretty similar to your universities, right?
So... that's it for today~
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altaparaunhobbit · 1 year
Palabra del día
Determination (dih-tuhr-mih-ney--shihn)
NOUN (resolve)
a. la determinación��¿Tienes la determinación necesaria para alcanzar tu objetivo mensual?
b. la decisión Sabía que tenías la decisión para recibirte de médica y que nada te detendría.
c. la resolución Tiene la resolución que se requiere para mantener una actitud positiva.
Translation provided by: SpanishDict
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i’m attempting to learn polish and how the actual fuck does one teach themselves a launguage because i have no idea what im doing
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helpmewithmyspanish · 2 years
Anyone have learning material recommendations for Spanish? Would really love some workbook/book recommendations!
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The Official Lingoda Sprint Review
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Hello folks ! I tried the Lingoda Sprint and these are my thoughts about it. If you are curious about the platform or what the classes are like in this program, then this is the video for you. 
I discuss
what Lingoda is
how it differs from different platforms like Duolingo and iTalki
the pros and cons
the challenges
would I recommend this to others
So without further ado, here you go !
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ace3899 · 1 year
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How to Learn a New Language 📜 | Save this for later!
1. Immerse yourself in the language by listening to native speakers, watching movies and TV shows, and reading books or articles in the language to become more familiar with it and improve your comprehension.
2. Practice regularly by setting aside time each day or week to practice your new language through speaking, writing, or listening exercises to build your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
3. Use technology such as language learning apps, websites, and online resources like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone to supplement your language learning or to practice on the go.
4. Find a language partner who is a native speaker or also learning the language to practice speaking skills and receive feedback on pronunciation and grammar.
5. Be patient and persistent, set realistic goals, celebrate small victories, and don't get discouraged by setbacks or mistakes in your language learning journey. With consistent effort, progress will come.
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