#like I’ll scroll a bit maybe post art and asks and then disappear
candyheartedchy · 7 months
Feeling disconnected again…
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
word count: 1,3k
warning: some mild nsfw
i might write part two of this if you’re interested in it! i wrote this in thirty minutes right before posting it so i’ll be honest i was a bit lazy to write everything, so just tell me if you’d be interested in a part two!
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Aelin Ashryver Galathynius knew she was a tease. She had been told so her entire life, and she took great pride in it.
She loved to make jokes about her family, to laugh of her friends whenever she could, and to annoy the shit out of everyone around her when she was in a mood.
But, she wasn’t only that way with people she loved dearly but also with the ones she hated with a passion.
Not a lot of people could fit in that category since she never considered herself a very hateful person, only Rowan Whitethorn could. It wasn’t exactly her fault, she just couldn’t ignore him when he was in the same room as her, she had to pick on him. And he returned the courtesy so she didn’t really feel bad about it.
But after two years of knowing each other, something changed. Aelin didn’t know how their banters went from snarky remarks to angrily making out in closets, but she was willing to admit she didn’t mind.
Not that she had stopped teasing him, but it was funnier now. For the past two months, she couldn’t count how many times her hand had accidentally brushed the top of his thigh, how many times her skirt rode up around him and she just didn’t notice or how many times she had to wipe the side of her mouth as she maintained eye contact with him.
They had made out for hours and they had also sometimes crossed a line, but they were both in silent agreement to never speak about it even when it was only the two of them. So, whenever she could she’d tease him about how bad he kissed (which is the biggest lie that ever came out of her mouth) but she’d never brought up that time they had drunk and he made her scream of pleasure just with two fingers.
And he would tease her on the way she always pulled his hair too roughly, but he’d never spoke about that time she took him so deep in her mouth he came down her throat, chanting her name as he fucked her mouth.
Never had they crossed that final line and Aelin wasn’t sure they would. She didn’t know whether to feel revealed or disappointed. Normal people don’t make out with people they hate, so they’d definitely wouldn’t have sex with them. Maybe she wasn’t normal, she liked the sound of this.
Aelin was having so much fun tonight.
They were all out in a bar to celebrate Fenrys’s birthday and instead of being by her best friend’s side, drinking and partying, she was in a dirty bathroom, her legs around the man she hated’s waist, her hands in his hair, and her tongue playing with his. He was pressing her against the wall, both hands gripping her ass.
“What about ‘never doing this again’?” Aelin asked, pulling back to take back her breath but she didn’t catch a break, Rowan’s lips assaulting her neck. Every time they kissed, one of them promised it was the last time, even if they both knew it was a goddamn lie.
“Shut up,” he groaned, taking back her lips. She just giggled, trying her best not to break the kiss. She was annoying him, she knew it, it’s exactly why she was doing this.
Aelin didn’t know how they ended up here tonight, they had been fighting over what sport was better between football and baseball, and the next second, she heard him lock the door and she was kissing him roughly.
“I’m still right.”
He groaned, pressing his body closer to hers in hopes it would shut her up, but if he really believed this he didn’t know her at all. He went to unbutton her shirt, but she stopped him right there, shaking her head.
He looked at her, a brow arched and Aelin hated how beautiful he looked right now, his long hair in a mess because of her, his lips swollen and eyes darker than his usual shade of green. “Tell me I’m right, then you can take off my clothes.”
Aelin smirked, taking her hands off his hair. “Hands off, then.” She smirked but Rowan didn’t let her go. “Come on, three little words. You are right.”
“I’m not going to lie.” He said, his hands massaging her butt. He really was shameless.
“But you’re going home with blue balls.” She winked and used all her strength to push him back, settling on her feet once again. She ignored the ache between her own legs and walked away from him, accentuating the sway of her hips because she knew it’s where he would look.
She sat back with her friends, ordering her second drink of the night as she laughed with Lysandra.
Five minutes later, Rowan sat at the same table, looking normal as if he hadn’t almost fucked someone in the bathroom. He ordered a new drink and spoke with Aedion who was sitting to his left, but not one single time did he look at her, which annoyed her.
She tried to attract his attention by laughing a little loudly, by interrupting his conversation with her cousin because she needed to ask Aedion something or because she was recalling a childhood memory, but nothing worked. Never once his gaze settled on her.
With a smirk on her face, Aelin pulled her phone out of her pocket and quickly found her message app. She took advantage of Lysandra wanting to dance with Fenrys to take the time to scroll into her picture to find what to send.
Happy with her choice, Aelin pressed the “send” button and put her phone on the table, her eyes focused on the silver-haired man at the other side of the table.
He opened his phone the moment he got the notification and she could see the moment he saw her text.
Rowan had just received a very explicit photo of hers truly, she was laying in bed, with lacy red lingerie on and one of her hands disappeared in her underwear, not letting what her fingers were doing to the imagination. She had been thinking of him when she took this, and had felt a little embarrassed about it when she came down from her high, but now she was glad she took the picture.
His knee, which had been shaking since he sat down, she didn't need to see it to know, he did it all the time, tapped the underside of the table, drawing everyone's attention.
His head snapped up toward her, his eyes hard. Aelin grinned like a fiend, proud of herself. She brought her glass to her lips but she before rose it toward him, mouthing “cheers”.
Her phone buzzed, showing a new message. Stop with this attitude before I fuck it out of you.
She bit her lip, fighting the blushing coming on her cheeks. When she looked up, Rowan seemed proud of him as if he knew what she was feeling right now. Maybe he did. They had never spoken about this so outrightly, this was dangerous territory.
Not sure you would be able to handle all of me.
His reply came in immediately. Willing to bet against it?
She was, but she didn’t want him to win her so easily even though she had fantasied about him fucking her for months now. You miss my mouth?
Yes. Oh, good gods help her. She didn’t dare to look up, feeling the weight of his gaze on her. Feeling the same about my fingers?
I don’t know. It wasn’t that memorable.
She looked up to see him frown and she internally smiled at it, finding the image funny. She looked quickly at her phone. Join me in my car in five minutes and allow me to refresh your memory.
Rowan didn’t wait for an answer before excusing himself for the night. She didn’t have to think about it twice, her mind was already made.
taglist: @sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @themoonthestarsthesuriel // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @loves-books // @fangirlprincess09 // @theysayitscrazy // @hellasblessed // @danibutterr // @endlessdaydream // @thegreyj // @gracie-rosee
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pastelsandpining · 3 years
Last Christmas (Broken Heart)
The fourth prompt in 12 Days of Christmas by @zelink-prompts​
Prompt List
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Cover Art: @neezlebums​ be sure to show some love to the original here! I cannot stress this enough guys, PLEASE go like and reblog his work. He spends hours upon hours on every single cover drawing and it’s super disheartening that he’s getting 8 notes max on things he’s working really hard on. So please give his post as much love as you give mine!
***This piece really has nothing to do with Christmas but is setting up for a future one that does.
Words: 1601
Summary: Zelda doesn’t quite know what to do and makes a decision she thought she wanted. 
Warnings: So, this is a breakup fic. If things like that negatively affect you, I suggest skipping this one <3
BotW Modern AU with a part two
Zelink-mas 2020  l  Masterlist 
There were cans of soda on the table, unopened but still cold to the touch, with a plate of cookies in between them. The TV was on, with the Hyflix selection screen up and ready. There were blankets and pillows piled on the couch, ready to be used for a fort or a nest, or whatever they decided to do with them. Everything looked perfect, and far too normal for the night she was planning. Part of her thought she’d actually never be able to go through with it, and she didn’t know if that comforted her or stressed her out further.
But she didn’t have time to sit around and think about it, contemplating it until she chickened out, because her phone lit up with a text message. Zelda bit her lip and considered texting him to go away, but her legs carried her to the door on instinct and his smile was so bright that she felt nauseated. 
“Hey,” she greeted away, and the smile that crossed her lips was too easy to be fake. 
“Hey,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her nose. She scrunched her face up in response and stepped aside to let him into the apartment. “I brought some ice cream.”
“You remembered! And you just picked it up! You didn’t need to make a special trip,” she scolded, following him into the kitchen. 
“Of course I did. It’s not a movie night without ice cream.” 
Goddesses, why did he have to be so sweet? Zelda tugged at the sleeves of her shirt, then adjusted her shorts, but nothing was helping soothe the anxiety slowly suffocating her. 
“Well, it’s your pick tonight, so, um, hurry it up,” she said, dropping onto the couch and grabbing a pillow.
“Alright, alright. I’m coming,” he called with a laugh. She sunk into the cushions and hugged the pillow to her chest, fighting to keep the smile off her lips. He could make her smile so easily. Usually, she loved that about him. 
He grabbed the remote from the table and dropped into the space besides her. She curled up against him almost immediately, tucking her feet underneath her, and watched as he scrolled through the movie titles. There were plenty left to watch since they kept adding to their list, but  Zelda almost wanted him to pick a random movie of questionable quality--a movie she wasn’t likely to watch again. But he chose an animated movie, something that looked adorable, and she didn’t say anything as she reached for a drink and popped it open. Link’s arms encircled her and held her close, and she closed her eyes for a moment just to drink it all in. 
All she wanted to do was stop time and stay right there. But she knew better than to believe that was possible and to make pointless wishes. She didn’t have to do this, not really. She liked to think she’d made up her mind, though. 
She tried not to focus on it yet.
Zelda leaned her head on his shoulder and played with his fingers just to give her something to do. His hands were soft and he gave her gentle squeezes every now and then, making her heart burst inside of her chest. 
“She reminds me of you,” Link said, pointing towards the TV. She lifted an eyebrow at him.
“Why’s that?”
“She’s crazy smart, and she’s a little badass.”
She laughed, bumping her shoulder against him and shaking her head.
“Then he reminds me of you because he’s an idiot.”
It was Link’s turn to laugh. She almost cut it off with a kiss before thinking better of it and instead going back to her original position. Hardly ten minutes had passed before he spoke again, and it seemed she wasn’t as subtle as she was trying to be because he paused the movie and took her hands.
“Zel, you’ve been really quiet. Are you okay?”
“No,” she admitted, without thinking much about it. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, bringing one of his hands up to cup her cheek. A simple gesture, one he’d done a thousand times over, was enough to break her into tears. “Zel..”
“I-I.. we need to break up,” she said quickly, wiping furiously at her eyes. Link paused, searching her eyes with a frown. His expression ripped her heart in pieces, but the words were out now and she couldn’t take them back.
“..why?” he asked, his voice so quiet she almost didn’t hear him. She’d planned this. She wanted it to go better than this. She had a speech planned and everything, a whole explanation of why, but all she could manage was a pathetic:
“I don’t know.”
Link cupped her face again, brushing gently at the never ending tears, and he didn’t say a word. Then, he nodded once. 
“Okay. Okay, take a breath, Zelda. I’m.. I’m gonna make some tea, and we’re gonna talk about this. Okay?”
Zelda nodded and once he’d disappeared into the kitchen, she took her pillow and buried her face in it. If she cried any harder, she’d suffocate. But that was fine with her. If she suffocated, she wouldn’t have to see the heartbreak on his face. 
Link didn’t return until he had two cups of warm tea in his hands. By then, she was able to breathe again. She took the mug from his hands but didn’t bother offering a smile. It wouldn’t help anything if she did, she was sure. He left a space between them when he sat too, which was fitting. But it still brought her heartache.
“Are you ready to talk about it?” he asked, extending a hand to her. She took it, and she didn’t know if she appreciated or hated how patient he was being.
“I just.. goddesses, this is a mess.”
“Take your time.”
Zelda shook her head and when he squeezed her hand she almost burst into tears again. 
“I’m scared, I guess. I mean, we’re starting college and we’re going to be so far apart and..”
“I’d call you every night and I’d drive out to see you any time you said the word.”
“I know you would--” that’s what made it worse, “but I can’t.. I mean, if we get busy.. I don’t know how to balance everything yet. I just thought maybe it’d be safer for us if we.. took a little break until we figured it all out. It wouldn’t be fair to you if we got halfway into the semester and.. and I couldn’t handle it.”
It sounded pathetic. It sounded like excuses. All of her genuine concerns that could’ve been handled in a conversation sounded like an easy way out and she hated it. She’d rehearsed this all week, all day, and she was so frustrated at how awful it’d come out. She dropped her face into her pillow again, because she couldn’t look at him. But his fingers, warm from the cup of tea, threaded through her hair.
“Zelda.. I respect you. Is this what you want?” he asked. 
“Yes. I don’t know,” she repeated, lifting her head from the pillow and wiping her eyes.
“Do you want to try, or do you think we should just.. take a break, see how the semester goes..?” 
He looked so upset. Goddesses, she felt sick. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. The tears were welling up again. He must’ve noticed, because he sighed softly and pulled her against his chest. Zelda held tightly onto his shirt, fighting to keep her breathing even. It was no use though, because his fingers were back in her hair, and she was soaking his shirt. 
“I love you,” he mumbled against her head. “And if you need a break, we can take one. I’m willing to wait for you to figure things out. And if you decide that it’s better for you, then I won’t try to, like, beg you to take me back or anything.”
Zelda giggled weakly, tilting her head so she could look up at him.
“I love you too,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“I’m gonna go,” he said with a tiny smile as he stood from the couch. “You look like you could use some sleep.”
She knew that wasn’t the reason, and it didn’t make her feel any better. But she nodded and said, “I’m sorry we didn’t get to finish the movie.”
“I’ll forgive you if I can get a kiss for the road.” 
She knew what he meant by that, too. She stood up anyway with a weak smile of her own and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He held her close, with his arms around her waist, and she didn’t want him to let go. But he did, and she tried not to reach for him when he stepped away.
“Text me when you’re home?” she asked.
And then he was gone. Zelda locked her apartment door behind him and leaned back against it, burying her face in her hands. She’d gotten what she thought she wanted. She should’ve felt relieved, but all she really felt was regret. 
Link had never been anything but kind and loving to her. He didn’t deserve this. It was why she didn’t go after him. He’d left her to cry in peace, and she owed it to him to do the same. 
Why did she do this? What did she gain but a broken heart, something she brought upon herself? 
Her phone lit up again. 
[I’m home. Keep the ice cream <3]
Continued in Day 10 - Missed Connections
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johnny-and-dora · 4 years
could never want for more (when you’re near)
65. “help me find my shirt.” “you know, as much as i want to...i don’t want to.” requested by anon or, shameless early relationship fluff counts as a healthy coping mechanism, right?
read on ao3 -
Amy blinks herself awake in the early morning light, coming to her senses slowly, head clouded by a slight hangover that seems to pair nicely with the foggy autumnal morning outside. She’s confused and honestly, a little disappointed to find she’s alone in her bed – she has to admit she treasures her boyfriend’s sleepy smile in the mornings, the way he’ll pull her closer to him before he’s even fully awake, mumble a muffled good morning that tickles, a low and warm hum in her ear. The days that start off that way always seem to go better.
The confusion only increases tenfold when her alarm clock reads 7:17am despite it being a rare, precious shared day off with said boyfriend, who is notably a) not a morning person and b) mysteriously absent, his phone missing from the extra charging cable she bought him.
She’s dragging him to one of her favourite art galleries today, knowing the exhibition they have on the art of movie posters will catch his attention. Then it’s lunch in a cute French-themed café she found and a walk in the park near her apartment. She’s been looking forward to spending this time with Jake all week. He even put a reminder on his phone so he wouldn’t forget, just one of many recent tiny gestures that speak a million words about how much effort he’s been putting into their relationship.
Amy’s about to launch a full investigation as to why he’s out of bed criminally early when he emerges from the hallway clad only in his boxers, phone in hand.
“Holt called.” He says while wriggling into his jeans, grimacing apologetically in a way she knows means all her plans are instantly out the window. “Apparently a witness came in with new info on the Abernathy murders.”
Amy nods, understanding at once – he’s been working this case for weeks, desperate for any kind of new lead. There’s been a lot of coffee drinking and teeth grinding and her offering sympathetic smiles over her monitor whenever he lifts his head from a long period slumped against his desk.
There’s also been a lot of letting him choose where they order from or what film to watch and her letting him be the big spoon. She even brought some Orangina for when he’s over, which she knows he appreciated even if it apparently wasn’t exactly right (She personally can’t tell the difference, but she’s not about to start that debate again).
And as much as she mourns her original plans to spend the day together, Amy understands how important this is, likely more than most other girlfriends would. Hell, if their roles were reversed, she’d probably be halfway out the door already.
That doesn’t necessarily mean she can’t mess with him a little, though. Or make the most of the time they have while he’s still here. In the name of maximum productivity, of course.
Amy Santiago is nothing but efficient.
She props herself up on her elbow to get a better look at him, purposefully letting the comforter drop to her lap so she instantly has the upper hand in any negotiations they might be making. He’s fully engrossed in the search for the rest of his clothes, strewn across her bedroom a little too enthusiastically last night in a post-Shaw’s haze. It could take him a while to notice her, but it’s worth the wait.
“Will you help me find my shirt?”
“You know, as much as I want to…” She says, slipping into that low sultry voice she knows he’s utterly powerless against, “I really don’t want to.”
Jake finally glances up at her and freezes midway through putting on his sock, eyes suddenly wide.
“Oh, that is so not fair.”
“What?” She says innocently. “You’re my extremely cute, very handsome charming boyfriend. I’m just trying to get a good look before you disappear and leave me alone all day.”
She’s expecting the usual bravado or blatant over-confidence that Jake usually exudes, some kind of snappy retort or playful engagement in their usual verbal sparring. What takes her aback is the way he goes quiet, wonder and maybe even shyness flooding his expression.
Jake is a lot of things. He has a wide and vivid emotional spectrum that she’s gotten to know pretty well over the past few years. He is rarely ever shy.
“You…you think I’m handsome?” He says – and there’s the dopiest, cutest disbelieving look on his face that melts away all her playfulness entirely.
“Of course I do.” She says, softer now. “I mean, I like you for lots of other reasons, but- “
He perches tentatively on the end of her bed, shirt clearly forgotten. “You like me for lots of reasons?”
“Oh my god, yes, you dork.” She laughs lightly, sitting up and tucking her hair behind both ears. “I thought…that was obvious?” Amy gestures back and forth between them, loosely symbolising the whole relationship thing that they’ve been doing for almost three months now, and is relieved to finally see him smile, brilliant and bright.
“I…yes. Yeah, of course. I like you too, for a million billion different reasons, obviously- “ He runs his hand through his already messy hair, face a little flushed. It’s a sight to behold, a flustered, half-naked Jake Peralta. She’s studied many revered and respected pieces of art in her time, but he might be her favourite.
“It’s just, uh. Sometimes it’s still kinda surreal to me. That you actually like me back. That we’re, um…that I’m…”
“My boyfriend?” She prompts, and the reverent look on his face could power the entire city in a blackout. He shifts closer, enough for the scent of his cologne to pleasantly flood her senses.
“Yes. That I’m Amy Santiago’s boyfriend. Man, I should get that on a t-shirt.”
“Please don’t.”
“Oh Ames, you know Charles is probably hand-stitching them as we speak.” Amy wrinkles her nose in disgust, pushing him away as he laughs, bright and loud and sweet. The world is fuller, better somehow when he laughs, even if it’s about Charles’s weird obsession with their romantic relationship. Suddenly things not going to plan is an opportunity to take stock of her stationary needs and to organise a date night rather than the onset of a full-on anxiety attack.
“Ugh, I’m sorry.” He sighs, intertwining their hands – Amy furrows her brow, confused.
“For what? Charles? He’s pretty intense, but his enthusiasm can be actually kinda-“
“No, no. I meant for ruining all the plans you had for us today.”
“Oh. You’re sweet, but it’s okay. It’s the job, you and I know that better than anyone.” She says softly, unable to resist the impulse to card her fingers through his soft curls. He takes her hand back, pressing a kiss to each of her knuckles.
“Still. It sucks. Now I have to leave my gorgeous, incredible girlfriend to go work a stupid case I don’t even care about.”
“Jake, this is all you’ve cared about for weeks.”
“That is so not true.” He says, pouting. “You’re what I care about.”
And well, there it is. If she wasn’t going to tempt him to stay a little longer before, now she barely has a choice. They easily slip from a sweet kiss into something hungrier, more passionate – painfully aware of her morning breath and general dedication to punctuality, Amy tries one last fruitless attempt to get Jake to work on time.
“You’re going to be late…” It comes out breathy and trembling and it’s poorly timed, really, because he’s just started trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone in that way she’ll never get enough of.  
“Don’t care.” He mumbles into her shoulder, warm and low in exactly the way she’s been craving. “Amy Santiago thinks I’m handsome.”
It’s quite a bit later when Amy finally manages to muster up the willpower to gently pry him off her, pupils blown and breathing heavy. She revels in the moment before laughing as he grumbles about having to put his jeans on again. Then she dedicates herself to studying his sleepy, blissed-out lopsided grin as he finally manages to find his shirt, partially hidden underneath her bed.
“You know I’m going to ride that high for weeks, right?” He grins at her as he buttons up his slightly rumpled flannel, smoothing it down as best he can.
“Yeah, yeah.” She waves him off. “Don’t tell anyone the reason why you’re so late. I have a reputation to maintain.”
She scrolls through Instagram as he laces up his sneakers, smiling at the message from Kylie asking about the guy in her most recent post. It’s a slightly blurry selfie of the two of them, a couple drinks in at the squad’s latest Shaw’s get-together, her head resting on his shoulder. It may not be the best photo ever taken, but the way Jake looks at her so tenderly, so happily, makes her incredibly fond of it, nonetheless.
And it’s not like he fills a missing part of her or anything equally as mushy. She’s always been whole, an entire living breathing person that doesn’t need a relationship to sustain her. But there’s something, there’s always been something about Jake that makes her feel lighter whenever he’s around. Less trapped in her own head, less worried about what other people think.
His sweet and open good-naturedness and his talent for making her laugh take care of that. And he always takes care of her. Just as she’ll always take care of him. That’s been an unspoken truth for much longer than either of them would easily admit.  
“I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay? And we’re doing a proper date night tonight. Fancy restaurant and a movie that isn’t Die Hard and everything.”
“I know. I am the king of romance.” He leans in closer, eyes wide, whispering fake-conspiratorially. “We might even get to second base.”
Amy snorts. “If you’re lucky.”
“Lucky enough to be with you.”
He kisses her once more, quick and sweet, before hurrying out the door; Amy dreamily ghosts her fingers over her lips, grinning. She’s never had something like this with anyone before, and though it scares her a little, she secretly revels in the quiet thrill of already caring so deeply about him.
With promises of many more mornings like these glimmering on the horizon, it’s all too easy for her to climb back under the covers and enjoy the sweetest of dreams.
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Chapter 10: A Real Guilty Feeling
Hey everybody, here's chapter 10! But, unfortunately, it'll be the last chapter you see for a while. I need to take a break from writing for a while, do something else and recharge a bit. Maybe also knock out some drawings too while I'm at it.
Current timeline is looking like this: Couple of weeks without writing, and then maybe build up a bit of a buffer of chapters for <i>Outside</i>. But first, I'll be working on episode 2 of <i>Happy Times at Handeemen HQ</i>. Y'all are starting to show an interest in that, and I wanna put something new out for it.
If you want to keep updated, or even just see what I'm drawing, you can follow my art Tumblr here. Also check out my YouTube, in case of livestreams or speedpaints!(Am I plugging my own stuff too much?)
Whenever I'm ready to start posting again, I'll make sure to leave an announcement on here.
I'll see y'all later.
When Will got home, he dumped Stacy's stuff and scout on the couch. He then pointed out his locked workroom, and told her that she was never to go in there no matter what. That done, he left her to her own devices, and went off to bed. He took off his shirt and jeans, then crawled under the sheets. The last thing he did before passing out was shoot off a message to the group chat about how DnD Night was canceled until further notice.
When he woke up, far too few hours later, it was to a light weight on his chest. He stared at Scout for a moment, then picked her up and dropped her on the floor, rolling onto his front. He grabbed his phone, squinting at the too bright screen. Several messages were in the chat, and he sighed as he opened it up and scrolled to the top.
Masonary: um, excuse me?! i asked for that day off u can't cancel!!! somebody better be dead! D:<
Blooming_Stitches: Mason, shut up. We don't know what could be going on.
drWEED420: ugh, stacy. I told you to call me.
Masonary: y would stacy need to call u sam?
Masonary: is it because she hacked ur account and changed ur name again?
 drWEED420 has changed their name to DrSamIAm
DrSamIAm: no but it is something we'll going to talk abaout.
Will_and_a_Way: Stace is in the hospital for infected surgery stitches
Blooming_Stitches: I'M SORRY WHAT
Masonry: dude i was joking about som1 being dead
DrSamIAm: goddamit stacy
 DrSamIAm has left the chat We're ALL Idiots Here
Masonry: ok first of all what happened to stacy
Masonry: second who changed the chat name again?
Blooming_Stitches: lol
Will sighed, the went into his phone and pulled up his drop box, where he'd sneaked the file into a while ago. He hesitated briefly, then sent it to the chat. Stacy could be mad at him later, but he was too tired to think up a cover story for her right now.
 Will_and_a_Way posted a file in We're ALL Idiots Here
Masonry: ?
Blooming_Stitches: !
Will_and_a_Way: read that if you guys want to know what happned.
Will_and_a_Way: I'm going back to sleep now try not to kill each other
He clicked his phone off, dropping it to his mattress and letting his head fall on his pillow. Within seconds he was back asleep, completely oblivious to Scout Jumping back on his bed and climbing onto his back. She curled around the small Kirby toy, using it as a pillow as she settled back into sleep herself.
When Will woke up again, it was to a light weight in the center of his back, right below his shoulder blades. He huffed, glaring at the wall. He took a deep breath, then heaved himself up with all his strength. As predicted, Scout was catapulted off, and he quickly got out of bed, heading to the kitchen.
He made himself some toast, checking his phone on the way. The group chat was mostly just full of the various reactions from Lisa and Mason. Sammy had come back at some point, going on a rant about what Stacy hadn't told him.
He read over the various comments as he  ate, able to tell where they were in the document. Unsurprisingly, Mason finished it first, and Lisa was intent on meeting Scout. Sammy had told her Scout was nothing special, which Will privately agreed with. He finished the back reading and, seeing as nobody was online at the moment, locked his phone again. He picked up his toast and moved into his work room for the time being, deciding to get something done.
It was easy, really, for Will to get lost in his work. Dissecting the "toys" he brought home, taking them apart and recording it in his notes. He was currently working on the body of the head he'd been looking at last night. The brown, fuzzy thing was strapped securely onto the table, the front having been sawed apart and spread open.
He shifted through the innards, making careful, detailed notes about what was in there. He would compare them to the stolen blueprints later, figure out what was supposed to be in there and what wasn't. For now, though, the intention was to make a catalogue of parts.
When his phone alarm finally went off, signalling it was lunch time, he straightened up with a sigh. He pulled off his rubber gloves and, making sure the straps on the table were tight, went out to the kitchen. He made himself a simple sandwich, eating it in the kitchen as he glanced through the group chat. Mason and Lisa were on and currently discussing things, but Sam hadn't been on again since his rant.
He lurked a bit longer after he finished his sandwich, then got up to go back to work. On the way through the living room, he paused when he saw Scout sitting on the couch. She was curled up in the corner, Kirby plush on her lap as she stared at it. Even as a Puppet, he recognized the look on her face as one Stacy had often worn in the first year after her mother had died.
'Why the hell do I feel so bad for that thing?' He sighed, rubbing at his face. Making a snap decision, he went over to his DVD shelf and pulled out The Iron Giant.  He turned on the TV and player, then loaded in the movie, skipping the previews. When he reached the main menu, he selected play and dropped the remote near Scout. He then left, heading back towards the basement and his work.
Scout watched go, staring silently after him as he once again disappeared behind the locked door. She didn't even try to follow him, instead settling in to watch the show he'd turned on. With any luck, it would be violent and/or funny enough to take her mind off of things.
'That is the saddest shit I have ever seen...' She sniffed, rubbing at her frustratingly dry eyes. 'I can't believe he let himself get blown up like that. What the fuck.' She rubbed at her eyes some more, then tried to figure out how to choose a different show. When she couldn't figure it out, she threw the remote down in frustration. 'Fuck it! Where's Will?'
She Jumped from the couch, heading over to the locked door. She peered in the crack between the door and the floor, but couldn't see anything. She could hear, however, and what she heard were power tools. The sound sent a shock through her system, dredging up unwanted memories of Riley's lab. She drew back, then jumped onto a nearby table when the noise stopped. Thinking quickly, she opened the drawer that was there and tried to pretend that she had been going through it.
Will came out of the room a minute later, wiping his hands with a dirty towel. He glared when he saw what she was "doing". "What the hell are you doing? Get out of there!" It wasn't quite yelling, but his voice was definitely louder than it needed to be. Scout suppressed her fear and scoffed.
"Fine. There wasn't anything but batteries in there anyways." She slammed the drawer closed, feeling a small, petty joy in how the contents rattled around when she did. She watched him cross to his bedroom and, when he'd closed his door, opened the drawer back up in order to snoop for real.
Batteries, keys, some weird plastic clips, and other odds and ends she didn't have words for had been organized neatly in the drawer. Working quickly, she shuffled everything around even more, then shoved a handful of what was sitting on the table into the drawer. She then closed it again and sat back as innocently as she could, tilting the shade of the lamp next to her. When Will came back out, now dressed in different clothes, he sighed and fixed the shade.
She watched as he gathered up a couple of things, then came over and grabbed up a set of keys she hadn't dumped into the drawer. There was a pause, or maybe more of a hesitation, and then he scooped her up and left the house, ignoring her protests.
"Hey! Hey lemme go! H-mmph?!" He easily covered her mouth with one hand as he locked the door. He made his way to his car, not letting her go into he'd climbed in and dumped her in the passenger seat. "What was that for?!"
"Okay, here's the deal." He told her, ignoring the question. "We're going to go see Stacy. To do that, we have to go through a whole hospital full of people. And you will be quiet and good the whole time, or you will be going out the nearest window."
"We're going to go see Stacy..." That was the one thing she had really comprehended. Her Host was alive, Scout knew she had to be. If she wasn't, then the Puppet wouldn't have long to-
It didn't matter. She didn't matter, not after what almost happened. Not after what she almost did, accidentally or not.
She was jolted out of her thoughts as Will started the car, realizing belatedly that he'd continued talking to her. She hoped he hadn't noticed she wasn't paying attention. Whatever he'd been doing behind that door, she did not want to become his next patient.
In the silence of the car ride, Scout easily lost herself in the thoughts swirling through her head. The most prominent were thoughts of guilt, knowing she was to blame for this and wondering where she had gone wrong. Maybe she hadn't tried as hard as she should've to subjugate her Host back in the Studio? Or maybe she shouldn't have stayed with her after they escaped. Maybe she should have left after making sure Stacy was okay.
'Maybe I should leave anyways.'
She missed it when Will parked, only noticing when he picked her up. She let herself stay limp, though not so much out of compliance than a desire to try and keep working on the plan that had come to mind.
Vaguely, she was aware of the clean white halls Will was taking her through, as well as a nauseating smell that reminded her of Riley. A few other unclaimed Hosts like Will, though wearing clothing that, again, reminded Scout of Riley. She watched  those ones carefully, just in case. She may not like Will, but Stacy did and she didn't want something to happen to him.
Will came up to a door, opening it and peeking inside. Scout tried to look, but could only see the very end of a weird looking bed. Whatever he saw he seemed to like, as he fully entered the room, kicking the door closed behind him and approaching the bed.
"Hey Stacy." He began quietly, and Scout felt her stuffing go cold at the sight of her Host in the bed. Her normally warm brown skin was several shades paler, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She was mostly upright, though leaning heavily against the pillows behind her. The scariest thing, though, were the several tubes connecting her to various machines by the bed.
Scout felt another cold rush of guilt when she saw how Stacy's eyes lit up when she spotted them. She waited for her to say something, anything, but the Host didn't speak, instead lifting her hands to use that weird hand language.
"She can't talk right now." Will translated. "She had to be intubated and her throat still hurts. But, for some reason, she's happy to see you." He sounded annoyed by that, and Scout couldn't help but be confused. Surely Stacy knew about what she did.
'Unless she doesn't.' The Puppet realized. 'She doesn't know shit about how it works. She had no idea what I almost did to her.' Somehow, that didn't make it any better.
Against her will, she was handed over to Stacy so Will could go set down the bags. Stacy hugged her tight, and Scout couldn't help but curl up in her hold, clutching at the weird shirt she was wearing.
She ignored the humans as they talked, or rather as Will talked and Stacy did one handed signing. Instead she stared at the tubing connected to Stacy's arm, watching the clear liquid slowly drip it's way into her body. She didn't know how long she stared for, but she must've dozed off at one point because she suddenly became aware of her hair being stroked.
It couldn't have been too long, as the room was still bright, though she couldn't hear Will anymore. Instead there was a quiet, steady beeping that matched up with Stacy's heartbeat. It was relaxing, and brought up memories of when Scout had first woken up, all those years ago. Before she'd been made to take part in Riley's "tests", or found that TV. Even before she'd met her siblings and learned who and what she really was. Those first few moments when it had just been her and Daisy, enjoying the gift of life.
She almost wished she could go back to that point. Things were so much better back then, when her world consisted of Daisy's sewing room and her siblings. When she didn't have a Host to worry about accidentally killing, or her own people coming after her.
But she wouldn't have to worry about that for long. If her plan ended up working, Stacy wouldn't be in danger ever again.
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knivestothroats · 4 years
Red Blood, Black Heart Part 1 - Dawn of the Red
Alright I’m finally writing/posting the story for the oc I keep talking about. Oh god oh god it’s happening. 
Not really any content warnings besides a Stranger Danger situation, presence of knives
Red’s gap year had come and gone, along with her insistence that she would totally go to college after the gap year, don’t even worry about it, mom.
The thought of going to school again after barely surviving high school… she couldn’t stomach it. The thought of getting a shitty day job was the lesser of evils. At least at the end of a bad day you got a paycheck instead of homework.
It might’ve been different if Red had something she wanted to do. A major she wanted to study, a career they wanted to pursue. A light at the end of the tunnel that she could head for.
Until the divine revelation of what she should do with her life came to her in a vision, or whatever, she got a job as a cashier at a grocery store.
Red got out late one night. The employees were supposed to park in the back of the lot. Red, being the rebel that she was, parked most of the way towards the back. A good two-thirds back, for sure. Unless it was raining, maybe.
This night, her car sat isolated, under a streetlight.
Are they called streetlights when they’re in a parking lot? Red wondered idly to herself as she unlocked her car, glancing through the windows before getting in. She pulled the door shut behind her and locked it before turning to throw her bag in the back seat. As she turned back, she saw a man sitting in the passenger seat.
Red’s heart beat so fast it made time feel slow. The man sat there, smiling pleasantly. Red’s first thought was to get out of the car. But if it turned into a chase, Red had to make it across the parking lot and into the store to get help. If she got the man out of the car, she could drive away. Red’s hand shot out to the center console, throwing back the lid and reaching inside, snaking through the CD cases and miscellaneous junk.
“I already took out the big wrench you keep in there,” the man said calmly. “I set it on the back seat so that you wouldn’t be worried about me using it against you.”
Red said nothing. She sat there, breathing heavily as her heart pounded in her chest. Her hand closed around something.
“I don’t want you to feel afraid right now,” the man said.
“Then why the fuck are you in my car?” Red spat, as venomously as possible, trying not to sound frightened.
“I thought it would be worse if I approached you while you were walking to your car. I also didn’t want to bother you while you were working, and…” the man glanced down. “Why is your hand still there?”
“For this.”
Red opened the knife and made a wild stab towards the man. The blade cut through the fabric of the seat.
The man was gone.
There was a knock against the driver’s side window. Red nearly jumped out of her seat as she spun around. The man waved from where he stood outside.
“Please don’t drive away,” he said, voice somewhat muffled through the glass.
The car keys were sitting in Reds lap. She silently apologized to every horror movie character who ever struggled to turn a car on as she switched the knife to her left hand and fumbled the keys into the ignition.
“Listen,” the man said from the passenger seat again. “I just want to talk to you.”
“Fuck!” Red screamed. “What the fuck are you? Are you a ghost?”
The man laughed. “No, I’m not a ghost. I’m just a person… who can teleport.”
He gave space for a reaction, but Red said nothing. One hand held the knife, the other rested on the gear shift. Neither moved.
“Pretty cool, right? So you keep a knife and a comically large wrench in your center console? The wrench is supposed to be a blunt force weapon, right? It doesn’t seem like it would have many other practical uses.”
“What…” Red took a steadying breath. “Just. What the fuck. Explain… all of it. You said you wanted to talk to me?”
“Yes. My name is Barnes,” the man said, holding out his hand.
“No,” was Red’s only response.
“Okay,” Barnes said, pulling his hand back. “I work for an organization called X-Caliber. We protect people from extra-dimensional threats. Teleportation is the easiest way to travel.”
Again, he left room for a response. When Red gave none, he prompted, “Any questions so far?”
“I want to say that that’s ridiculous and you’re absolutely fucking with me but I did see you disappear and reappear, so… I’ll go along with it. What the fuck are you doing in my car?”
“Well,” Barnes took a breath, folding his hands in his lap. “A few things. I knew I could talk to you alone here. I knew that you would look before you got in your car, so when I appeared you could be sure I wasn’t there before. It’s easier to prove the teleporting thing before explaining it. Secondly I wanted to see how you would react to a strange man appearing in your car at night.”
Before Red could spit out a “fuck you,” the man continued.
“But mainly I’m here to offer you a job.”
Red blinked. She watched the man for a moment, before saying, “I kind of thought you were going to say I was in extra-dimensional danger.”
The man smiled. “Ha, no. You don’t seem too caught up on the extra-dimensional part, I must say. That’s good, though; that’s what we’re looking for.”
“Why… me?” Red asked.
The man pulled a tablet seemingly out of nowhere. He tapped the screen a few times and pushed up his glasses as he read, scrolling through the text.
“Let’s see, background in martial arts. You didn’t pursue it for very long, but it does help to have the base. You certainly have the fighting spirit, as you did just try to stab me.”
Red didn’t apologize. Barnes continued reading.
“There’s some mumbo jumbo here about behavior. You’re not in college and you have, let’s say, a job that isn’t a career. Not a lot of personal ties…”
“What the fuck is this?” Red snapped. “This is… you – you’re fucking stalking me? No personal ties – you definitely sound like you’re about to murder me. Not even regular murder; something they’re going to make a documentary about in a few years.”
“Sorry,” Barnes said, lowering the tablet. “Those points are only relevant because… well, this job is a lifestyle choice. We wouldn’t be trying to recruit, say, a parent with a salary job. I’ll skip down to the big one. You’re a traveler, you just haven’t unlocked that part of you.”
“What does that mean?” Red asked.
“A traveler is someone who can jump between points on a DST, or dimension space timeline. It’s rare for someone from your world.”
Red said nothing. Just stared at the strange man in her car.
“Not one for words, huh?” Barnes remarked. “This is usually pretty mind-blowing stuff.”
“Well I’m waiting for you to elaborate but you’re being very cagey. Are you trying to tell me that I can teleport? Like you did? And, what time travel?” Red asked.
“I’m saying that you have the latent ability to teleport, but you just don’t know how to do it. Not exactly time travel, but… maybe a little time manipulation. We, at X-Caliber, can teach you. Among other things.”
“Among other things? Bro, get to the point.”
Barnes chuckled. “How to fight, how to protect people. That’s what we want you for. We think you’d make a good protection agent. Basically, we identify a potential threat, and you go in ahead of time and keep the would-be victim safe.”
Red nodded slowly, mulling this over. “And I can teleport.”
“And you would be able to teleport, yes.”
“And I’d be, like… fighting interdimensional monsters?”
Barnes made a noncommittal noise. “Sometimes they’re monsters. Sometimes they’re people with ill intent. If it helps, you can think of those people as monsters too.”
“What’s the catch?”
Barnes smiled slowly. “None of this seems like a catch to you?”
Red just shrugged.
“It can be dangerous. It’s difficult to juggle your personal life with the job. I want you to think about it, and then we can talk again in a bit. I know you’ve had a long day of work already,” Barnes said. He pulled a business card from his pocket and held it out to Red, who took it hesitantly. “I won’t sneak up on you next time, I promise.”
Red examined the card. She looked up to speak, but the man was gone. 
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anonymous-cy-666 · 4 years
Holy fuck, I’m in love!
This is something small that I did for my friend on our discord server. It’s inspired by a prompt and also by how we came to meet, a while back. It can be read as platonic or romantic LAMP! I hope you like it! Small disclaimer, there are some swear words in this so if this isn’t your thing... you won’t like most of what I write.
--------------------------------------------- For Virgil Dharke, it had all started a couple of months ago. He had been hanging out on Tumblr on a sleepless night, as he usually did when his roommates were in the apartment, and he didn’t want to bother them by turning on the TV in the living room when he had stumbled onto an ask blog. 
Ask blogs weren’t usually his things. He didn’t want to try to find questions that would further the plot without putting the author in a bad spot or risk sending boring questions that would only be answered out of pity. But, he liked the drawing of this particular author, so he decided to read what was currently out and forget about it after that. After all, it was only two AM and, he didn’t have anything to do the day after. He had checked at least 10 times earlier to be sure that he absolutely didn’t have anything to do tomorrow. And, in a couple of hours, he had read everything that the blog had to offer him.
But instead of closing the blog and going back to Youtube to see if anything new had come out since he had last stalked his favourite Youtubers, he got out his graphic tablet and started drawing one of the side characters that had been presented on the ask blog. His hand was itching with a familiar sensation. As soon as he had started being engaged within the plot, he hadn’t been able to help himself but wonder how he would personally draw certain characters. How he could think of other clothes that would fit them or how he could put them in other situations. He didn’t stop until he was sure it was perfect. Then, he went on his own account and published the picture, too tired to overthink it and fell back into his bed. The next day, when he woke up and immediately grabbed his phone, he was greeted by a notification. The author of the Tumblr blog had reblogged his picture and suddenly, he was bombarded by comments and notes. He, of course, immediately went over to Janus’ room to panic. Since then, he had become a known figure on the ask blog. Whenever there was an update, people knew that Virgil or, as he was known then, PanicAtTheAnxiety would soon be posting something too. This was something that Virgil had grown comfortable with. After all, if he fucked up monumentally, he only had to disappear from the internet in a couple of weeks, no one would remember him because anyway, he wasn’t that important after all. But then, the author had decided to create a Discord server for anyone who wanted to discuss the universe with other people and the author themselves! 
This, this had again, made Virgil race to Janus’ room. Of course, he wanted to talk about some of his favourite character with people other than Janus who was always critiquing the intelligence of some of the main character and Remus who always turned everything into a possible gory or horny scenario. But, what if people didn’t like him? What if they thought that he was boring? What if they saw the way that he typed when he wasn’t trying to be professional and, they didn’t want to talk to him anymore? What if they mocked him? What if it was all just a joke to make fun of him and there wasn’t even a discord server in the first place? Seeing the man going down in a spiral of anxiety, Janus just took the phone from his hands and made him join the server. That way, he would have no other choice than at least say hi to everyone before panicking again. Which he did and immediately got overwhelmed by comments on his fan art. Soon, Virgil had grown comfortable with the discord server. After getting to know them, he could now, almost, confidently say that most of the people within it weren’t so bad. He would even dare to say that he was considering some of them his friends. Now, instead of spending sleepless nights, scrolling through Tumblr, he would spend them talking with the people within the server. Well, mostly three people within it. First of them was Patton. He had been quickly nicknamed the dad of the server. He was always there to remind everyone to eat, sleep and drink enough water during their day. He also seemed to be easily offended at the use of ‘’potty language’’, so Virgil did his best to not swear too much when he knew that the man was connected. Talking to him was always like snuggling up a blanket. 
Second of them was Logan. When he wasn’t busy question the logic of the characters actions, he was always there to debate with Virgil about whatever subject he pleased. For Logan, the problem with the existence with Mothman wasn’t the fact that almost no one had ever seen him, but that he couldn’t understand how the DNA of a moth and a human could merge together to form a living breathing being. Talking to him was always a breath of fresh air. 
Third of them was Roman. He… He had been hard to get along with at the start. Even if they had similar passions, they never seemed to see eye to eye on anything. They were always arguing in the server, only stopping because they didn’t want to hurt their friends. Well, this had been until Virgil had discovered that Remus was Roman’s twin brother. Then, they had seen eye to eye on at least one thing; that Remus could be a such a pain sometimes. After that, their arguing match had somehow turned into friendly debating where they could say to one another if the other had gone too far. Talking to him was always like walking on embers without getting burned. 
So, when it had all gone downhill, he should have known that it would have been because of Remus. 
Virgil’s first mistake was that he had been sitting in the living room of his, Janus’ and Remus’ apartment with his wireless headphones on. 
His second mistake was that he had been listening to his music with the volume a little too high up, so he couldn’t hear Remus returning from his nightly shift at the small venue that he worked at. His third mistake was that he was grinning like an idiot while texting Roman, Logan and Patton. Well, Roman, Logan and Patton were talking in the vocal chat and, they were texting him at the same time. That had, on more than one occasion, told him that he was free to join them if he wanted to, but he had refused. He… didn’t want to break what they had established with each other. So, he had been texting them when a hand had suddenly grabbed his phone. He blinked and jerked his head up, squinting at Remus who was looking at him with a mischievous smile on his lips. He had barely time to notice that the music had stopped playing in his ears when a calm voice reached his ears: ‘’....Virgil?’’ The anxious man immediately squawked and jumped on Remus to try to reach his phone again. Remus, being the tallest out of the two of them, kept his phone out of reach while starting to laugh pretty loudly. The same voice that had spoken directly into his ears a couple of seconds ago spoke again, still in that calmed manner: ‘’Ah, it seems that Remus has decided to steal Virgil’s phone. Perhaps he hasn’t noticed that the vocal chat option has been turned on.’’ This comment only caused Virgil’s determination to grow bigger and bigger while another voice responded in a worried manner: ‘’Oh no, that’s terrible! I don’t want to hear my dark son’s voice if he doesn’t want us to hear it? Do you think we should leave the chat?’’ ‘’Don’t worry, padre! I’ll call Remus to tell him to knock it off!’’ Trying to not concentrate too much on guessing whose voice belonged to who, Virgil finally managed to grab his phone and ran off into his room. He knew Remus wouldn’t follow him there. They had established that no one could enter someone else’s room without being specifically told that they could at this exact moment and this was one of the rare rules that Remus wouldn’t break by respect for his other two roommates. Once safe, he sat on his bed and bit his lips. He could close the voice chat and confirm in the chat what had happened, or… He muted his microphone, still leaving his headphones working perfectly, before typing in the conversation: ‘’Sorry guys, Remus was being a dick again’’
A shocked gasp that clearly came from Patton resonated in his headphones. ‘’Virgil! You shouldn’t text such things!’’ ‘’Sorry, popstar, forgot’’
There was, again a small silence, before the same calm voice that spoke first was heard again: ‘’Are you sure that you want to stay in the Voice call? Not that I want to imply that I don’t want you here, because I do enjoy your company, but you seemed certain of your decision to not hearing us talk.’’
This was definitely Logan. There was a certain drawl to his voice that Virgil immediately associated with the way that Logan texted. Finally, the last voice spoke up in a loud manner that seemed to be a family thing with the Princes:
‘’Yeah, emo! I thought you were too scared to hear our voices and fall head over heels for us!’’ Virgil snorted a bit. ‘’I changed my mind.
Plus, y’all have really nice voices
Except Roman, who’s surprised?’’
There were some giggles and an immediate undignified squawk from Roman and suddenly, everything was back to normal. Except, maybe, for the fact that Virgil had now beautiful voices in his mind of each of his precious friend. It stayed like that for weeks. Virgil would come on the Voice chat, but would only respond by typing. Sure, sometimes, it could be inconvenient, but he didn’t want to speak out loud. After all, he still wasn’t a hundred percent sure if they would understand the way that he pronounced his vowels. Or how his th sometimes sounded like s or t. They all seemed to like him so much. He couldn’t ruin that by talking like an idiot.
He was sure that he had a pretty strong resolve, but slowly, small comments by small comments, his determination to stay quiet seemed to falter. Even if they didn’t seem to do that intentionally, but they would sometimes make comment about how they imagined what his voice sounded like from the very short sounds that they had heard him let out when Remus would sneak up on him, himself being in the voice chat to let them hear his voice. Patton had even once told him in private messages that if it was that he was uncomfortable because he didn’t want other people that he didn’t know that much to pop up while he was talking, they could always another server to help him feel safe. And after all that, and a lot of night rambling about it to Janus, he decided to talk in the VC. It wouldn’t kill him, right?
It was a pretty quiet night when he finally decided to put his plan in action. There weren’t a lot of people active on the server that night and Logan, Roman and Patton seemed to be the only one that were talking about something else than the blog, so no one would interrupt them. He took a bight breath, before pressing send on the message that had been waiting on his screen for about 30 minutes. ‘’I have made a decision guys. I’m gonna unmute tonight.’’
The few seconds before Roman finished saying what he was saying and, they went up to read what he had sent them felt like hours, but the excited squeals that Patton made after reading it suddenly made it feel like it was worth it. ‘’Are you sure, kiddo? We wouldn’t want to pressure you into anything that you don’t want.’’ ‘’Yeah, I’m sure’’ ‘’Well then…’’ There were a few seconds of silence before Patton, soon joined by Roman, started chanting: ‘’Unmute! Unmute! Unmute! Unmute!’’ ‘’Could you stop chanting this ridiculous thing? This is clearly stressful for Virgil, we wouldn’t want to put any more pressure on him.’’ The voices all went deadly silent as Virgil pressed a trembling finger on his screen to unmute his microphone. He bit his lips, not knowing what to say, after all those months of pure silence. ‘’Virgil, it is okay if you do not wish to speak. I understand that you are uncomfortable with that idea and if you wish for more time, we will gladly give it to you.’’ Virgil took a big breath before saying in a quiet voice: ‘’No, it’s okay.’’ There was a moment of quiet before a loud thump resonated from one of the boys’ microphone and, they heard Roman screaming, away from his mic but still very clearly: ‘’Holy fuck, I’m in love!’’ Patton laughed a bit. ‘’I wouldn’t have said it like this, kiddo, but I agree with you! You have such a pretty voice, Virgil!!’’ ‘’Ah yes, it is indeed, quite pleasing to hear your voice… Will you do us the honour of letting us hear it again?’’ And, it was with a face burning from embarrassment and a heart getting slowly bigger and bigger with joy and a feeling that he didn’t quite understand yet, that Virgil slowly created himself a new normal. 
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
To Meet You
Idol: Sooyoung (SNSD)
Prompt: maybe a sooyoung scenario where she and the reader meet while snsd is having promo in another country and sooyoung sees the reader in a coffee shop or something cliche like that and they hit it off even with the language barrier? i'm not sure if this prompt makes a lot of sense but anything similar to that would be fine. thanks for warning me early enough☺️
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I have a midterm due tomorrow but instead of studying for it I’m doing this... Oh well. Also Sooyoung can speak pretty great English but I didn’t want to specify one country so I didn’t mention what language it was. I did take a couple liberties with the prompt but I hope you all still enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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Getting to rest while in a foreign country was the best. Sooyoung had come to promote her new movie, but one of the interviews had been cancelled and moved to another day, leaving her with one day to just relax and explore. And she couldn’t be happier. After letting her manager and coworkers know she’d be going out for a while, she left with a skip in her step, enjoying the warm summer air as she walked through the streets, taking in the sights.
It didn’t take her long to realize that she was hungry, though, and she quickly pulled out her phone to look up nearby places to eat. Although she loved Korean food, she wanted to try something new, so she scrolled until she found a cafe that caught her eye. Colorful photos of the inside of the cafe caught her eye first, but then she saw the food and immediately, her mouth began to water. It was brunch, and she loved brunch. Even more, the unique coffees and teas on the menus looked great as well, and she didn’t hesitate: the address was in her GPS and she was on her way to eat some great brunch food.
The inside of the cafe was cute. A huge, light-up sign with the words “eat” was on the wall, and plenty of tables lined the inside, as well as a bar area. The light fixtures were metallic and blue balls, which matched the colorful blues on the walls. The green of the plants near the windows and behind the bar acted as another pop of color, while white bricks made the bar itself stand out. The tables and chairs were all made of a purposely-faded wood, and little vases with small sunflowers and daisies sat in the middle of each table. The windows let in enough natural light that it felt bright and alive, and Sooyoung couldn’t help but smile as she sat down at one of the tables and looked around, loving the decorations.
It was the perfect place for an Instagram photo or two, so she pulled out her phone to begin snapping a few photos before turning her eyes to the menu. Oh, right. Of course the menu wouldn’t be in Korean. She squinted at it, trying to read the best she could. Thankfully, the menu had photos beside the items, and she knew how to say “this one, please” so she should be able to survive with her limited vocabulary.
“Hello and good morning! My name is (Y/N) and I’ll be taking care of you today! What can I get started for you?” At the sound of a voice and a glass of water being sat on the table, Sooyoung quickly looked up. And her heart skipped a beat as her breath caught in her throat. Were all servers here so attractive? She hoped her face wasn’t heating up as she cleared her throat and turned back to the menu, trying to remember all the vocabulary that had just disappeared at the sight of you.
“U-um, this one, please.” She pointed at one of the brunch sandwiches before flipping the page and pointing at one of the espresso drinks. “And this one.” You smiled at her, and she felt a bit faint as she handed you the menu, trying to get a hold of herself.
“Alright, I’ll get that going for you!” You walked away and she watched you go for a moment, mouth dry until you disappeared into the kitchen and her breath finally came back to her. Surprised by her own reaction, she reached over to take a sip of her water to cool herself down. What was that?
You’ve never seen a server that attractive, her brain said, but she tried to dismiss the thought, too nervous to let it stay. How would a relationship like this even work? Shaking her head, she pulled up Instagram to distract herself, quickly editing and posting her photos before beginning to scroll through her feed.
As she was looking at her (secret) favorite Harry Potter fan page, you walked up with her coffee and laughed softly. “Oh, you like Harry Potter too?” You asked as you placed down her coffee, making her cheeks color slightly.
“Oh, um. Yeah! Harry Potter is cool!” She gave you a thumbs up for a lack of anything to say, but you didn’t seem to mind.
“Sorry to look over your shoulder! Um, I like that account.” You pulled out your own phone to show you that you were following it too, and she smiled, happy to at least understand half of what you said.
“I’d like to dress up one day, too,” she said, almost wistfully as she peered at one of the cosplay photos.
“Me too!” Smiling brightly (so bright that it made her heart jump around) you slipped the phone back into your pocket. “I’ll be right back with your food, okay?”
“Okay!” As you walked away, she quickly looked up Google translate and swallowed, putting in the phrases that she wanted to know how to say, heart beating a little faster than usual. What was she even doing? Did she really think this was going to lead anywhere? You were probably just being nice.
But it didn’t hurt to try, and she knew that. So when you came back, she tried out one of the phrases that she’d learned, hoping that Google translate hadn’t screwed her over.
“Here’s your sandwich,” you said, placing the plate on the table, and she gave you her prettiest smile.
“Thank you! Are there any other accounts you follow?”
Your eyes lit up a little bit and you glanced around to make sure your other table was okay before pulling out your phone again to show her. There were a few more you followed, some art accounts, and a few she followed herself, giving the two of you something to talk about. Even though the two of you communicated through a language barrier, she found that it wasn’t hard to talk to you. You knew a little bit of Korean, and although your pronunciation wasn’t perfect, it felt nice to see you try and communicate like she was trying to do with you. She asked if you were in school and if you liked serving, and you asked her in return what she did. Upon hearing that she was an actress, you gasped and asked to follow her on Instagram, making her laugh and follow you back.
The two of you ended up talking so much that it would have been bad if there was another customer there, but your other table had left, meaning that Sooyoung didn’t feel bad about monopolizing your time. It also seemed like you liked talking to her, too, so she was happy with how things were going. Time just flew by as she talked to you, and before she knew it, she was done and her manager was asking where she was.
With a sheepish smile, she looked up at you from her phone. “It looks like I’ve taken up a lot of your time.”
“No, no! It’s okay! I’m having fun talking to you. I’ll be right back with your check if you need to go.”
“Yes, please.” As you left, she wondered how she should go about getting your number.
It was only when she opened up her KakaoTalk to answer a friend that she remembered: it had a translation feature! Trying to hold in her excitement as you walked back over, she put on her best smile once again, thanking you for the check. Then, as she was about to leave, she took a deep breath and turned to you one more time.
“Do you have a KakaoTalk?” She raised up her phone, just in case you didn’t understand, showing the app. Your eyes widened a bit and you pulled out your phone, nodding your head.
“I do! My friend had me get it!”
“Good!” She smiled brightly. “If we add each other, it can translate!”
Your mouth dropped open and you looked down at the app curiously. “Wow, really? Let’s add each other, then!” You held out your phone to her, and she felt like her heart might jump out of her chest as she added you to her friends list, smiling when your name popped up.
“There, we’re friends now.”
“How exciting!” You laughed, and she felt giddy inside for the first time in a long time. “I can’t wait to text you, Sooyoung. If you can, stop by again, okay?” Your smile was still bright, but it was different than the customer service smile you’d given the other customers, and she knew this meant that she had a chance.
“I will. I promise!”
As she walked away, texting her manager to let them know she was still alive, she couldn’t help smiling like a weirdo, even humming to herself as she walked with a slight skip to her pace. Once again, she looked at your name in her contacts before slipping her phone into her pocket and looking up at the clear sky. This was a place that she might not have ever come if she wasn’t promoting, but here she was. Acting had led her to this place, and to you, with your bright smile and now-familiar laugh.
And she was so glad she’d decided to become an actress.
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Hello / Wonderwall
good fucking night I haven’t posted in like a bajillion years I’m so sorry jdklfldkfjs “anyways here’s wonderwall” (lol anyone remember that meme) anyways this is inspired by two things 
1) this request:  i just listened to adele and my heart is shattered and my angsty soul loves it so could i ask you to write ellie x reader where they're not dating but reader has a crush on ellie and she finds out but neither of them want to be in a relationship because 'feeling things sucks and i dont wanna' something like that because they're both really closed off tough people. and they love eachother and dont want to and its complicated and ugh ANGSTY. im really sorry i hope you're having a great day!!😀💞💞 [btw sorry if i didn’t fill this properly i did my best but my writers’ block is literally THE WORST and has been for a really long time(duh)]
2) This really cool mashup of Adele’s “Hello” and everyone’s favorite Oasis song, “Wonderwall.” It fucking slaps and TOTALLY suits this imagine. If there’s any way you could listen to it and read this at the same time, I recommend it. It’s what I listening to when I was writing it (that and Adele’s “Chasing Pavements.”)
Anyways, enjoy! Who knows when the next one’ll be out, amiright?
Ellie didn’t like love. Even platonic or familial love was shrugged off. It just… Wasn’t her thing. It was too dangerous for mutants, the world. Forget emotions.
You’re new here, at the school. Wade’s forced you to quit your previous line of work, saying that “you’re too damn young to be killin’ people for a living!” You’d rolled your eyes, but agreed that a break would be nice. So, now, you’re being shown around by a charmingly bitchy girl that’s around your age, maybe a smidge older.
“This is the art room, and, um, that about covers it. So, uh, just go away now.”
“Are you not going to show me where my room is?” You ask, letting your eyebrows arch skeptically.
“And how would I know where your room is?” She inquires in response. Where she was the rude kind of standoffish, you were the polite, distant type.
“It’s the same as yours, Negasonic,” you carefully inform her, gauging her reaction.
“It’s- It’s what?”
“Did no one tell you?” you wonder. “That’s weird.”
“Very. Whatever, come on. At least you’re not extra annoying,” she sighs, and you follow her down to the dorms, your suitcase rolling behind you.
“Thanks,” you chuckle a little, and she twitches, her eyes flickering to yours for a moment. The ghost of a smile phases across her lips, disappearing just as subtly as it appeared.
“Alright, now…” She looks at her phone. “Yeah, now, it’s time for training. Depending on your mentor, you’ll have different times. Who’s your mentor?”
“Oh, uh, Emma Frost?” You tell her looking at your schedule.
“You’ll be with me, then. Training with me. Piotr and Ms. Frost’s students train together, I guess because they both have weird skin. Emma’s is temporary, but still. Let’s move.”
“Okay,” you respond, walking with her to the gym.
“If you need any sort of protective gear, it’ll be in the closet by the entrance.”
“I think I’ll be alright,” you say, taking what she said more as a challenge than a helpful tip. She scoffs, rolling her eyes.
But when you catch a glimpse of the light smirk she’s wearing, electricity sparks through you. (Not literally, don’t worry. Your mutation is different and not embarrassing in that way.)
Two weeks later, you and Ellie are fast friends...And maybe more.
“Gaga okay?” she asks.
“Duh!” you respond, scrolling through your twitter feed. “So, whose stans are we trolling tonight?”
“What’s your mutation, anyway? You never did say.”
“Ah, it’s lame,” you brush her off.
“Wade doesn’t think it’s lame… But that’s not really saying much, is it? Damn, sorry,” Ellie chuckles. She smiles more around you than anyone else, but you’re not sure why. Not yet.
“I just… People tend to think less of me when they hear. It’s a bit destructive.”
“You did not just say that to me,” Ellie delivers a surprisingly good rebuttal.
“Well, uh… Basically, by coming into direct contact with it through touch, I can temporarily gain access to their abilities and sometimes even their knowledge. If I consume it, it lasts longer or can even be permanent. Kinda perfect for a kill-for-hire. Not so much for a normal high school girl, though,” you admit shyly. Ellie’s dead silent.
You look to your crush, nervously, and she looks awe-struck.
“That’s so fucking cool. I wish I could become stronger by giving someone a bloody nose. I’d do it all the time. No wonder you killed people for a living.”
“If only everyone saw it that way,” you tell her with a relieved smile. “I can’t believe the stoic Ellie Phimister just called me cool.” Don’t blush, Y/N, don’t blush, you beg yourself.
“Don’t let it get to your head. I once called Wilson cool.”
“He’s not so bad. He’s the reason I’m here.”
“He is?” Remind me to thank him, she thinks. “Hey, listen. I know we didn’t get off to the best start, and uh… I just wanted to say that… I think you’re really awesome.”
“Well, thank-”
“No, that’s not what I wanted to say. What I wanted to say is that, uh… I’m not really much of a romantic or anything, but I really like you. And I normally wouldn’t ever tell a girl that I liked I like her, because then she would stop talking to me and also hate me forever, I think. But you seem…  Different.”
Oh shit. You’re glad your crush likes you back, but...I know what I have to do. I just fucking hate it. “Listen, I’m sorry for giving you the wrong impression, but I don’t like you that way. At all. You’re just my roommate that I really like as a friend. We probably wouldn’t even be friends if we weren’t roommates.”
“But we are roommates.”
“Then I should probably change rooms.”
“Wow. I never thought I’d be the asshole who turns into a, well, a fucking asshole when I get rejected, but I guess I am that kind of asshole. Maybe it’s because I know you’re full of shit. Fuck you, Y/N.”
You sigh, and she turns the music off as you leave the room, making your way to the offices. It’s the early evening, so it’s likely either Jean Grey or Professor Xavier is still in their office.
An hour later, you return. Your efforts were fruitless.
*Guess it’s likely time to make with the apologies, see if she’ll at least treat me with civility after the stunt I pulled.*
“I tried to get a room change. It looks like there isn’t anywhere else for me to go.”
“Then just get out of the school, you murderous scum,” Ellie fires.
*Guess not.*
“Oh shit,” you say, trying not to let the hurt show. She knew how insecure you were, how you just knew that’s what everyone here really thought about you. You’d told her that. Foolishly opened up to her, knowing it’d end like this, or worse.
But in the end, you knew you deserved it for pushing her away. Shattering her blackened heart.
“You’re right. I’ll start packing my things now.”
*Wait,* Ellie thought, but her pride had its hand over her mouth. Don’t go. Don’t be like everyone else.
But, faster than she thought possible, you’re out the door. Guess you hadn’t taken root in this place as deeply as she’d fooled herself.
There’s a knock on the door about ten minutes later.
“Go away!” Ellie yells, throwing a random textbook at the door.
“Why did Y/N leave?” Wade asks through said door.
“Because she’s a stupid fucking liar! Go away!”
“Oh yeah? Well, that stupid fucking liar is gonna get us both in trouble if she we don’t retrieve her, so get the hell up, Negasonic Punkass Mean Teen Queen!”
Ellie begrudgingly gets off her ass and opens the door, hoping that Wade doesn’t notice the eyeliner that’s lightly stained her cheeks, or, at least, that he doesn’t point it out. He seems to have enough courtesy to do at least the latter.
“Tracked her phone to here,” He says, looking at his own phone and walking towards a door. Ellie follows, but stands off to the side when he opens the door.
“Go away.”
“That’s funny, that’s exactly what your little girlfriend said when I knocked on her door.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” you disagree.
“Then why are you running away? You only run away when you like someone, you’re always willing to stick around for a fight. It used to be a good quality, when you were doing a job no kid should be doing. I really should’ve pulled you outta that life sooner, but I knew you wouldn’t’ve listened to me,” Wade admits, unintentionally explaining a *lot* about you.
“She’s not like you, Wade. She can die. I’m not risking that for some cheesy teen romance that’ll probably last around two dates and then fizzle off into us being acquaintances,” you argue, peeking out the window to notice you ex-friend, ex-something, at least, outside. Shit. But you know the truth:
“If you really felt that way, kid, you wouldn’t bother running away.” He continues in a grave, lowered tone: “You wouldn’t have bothered hurting her. If you were anyone else, I’d’ve kicked your stupid ass. You’re lucky.”
“I wouldn’t consider myself lucky.”
“Ellie fucking Phimister told you that she liked you. Like, as a person. You’re luckier than anyone else I’ve ever met.”
You roll your eyes. “Just go away. And take Ellie fucking Phimister with you.”
“Can’t say I didn’t try, kid.”
“I wouldn’t bother telling anyone about this. Go,” you say, slamming the door in his face and sliding down it to the ground, hiding your face in your hands. Your life was so unbelievably fucked.
You let yourself cry, thinking no one’s there to listen. And then there’s a knock on the window. You look to find Ellie there.
“Let me in, asshole,” she says, her voice muffled by the glass. You open the door, too tired to say no. You were so tired, you realized. Tired of running. Tired of fighting. Tired of being so fucking alone.
“You fucking idiot,” she says, pulling you in for a hug, her head buried in your chest. “You fucking idiot.” She pulls away, telling you: “You keep forgetting that I’m just as tough as you are. What am I gonna have to, arm wrestle you?”
You laugh harder than you should, the laughter dissolving into tears.
“I’m so sorry,” you tell her.”I just- I’m not used to people being safe around me. I’m so used to being the most dangerous person in the room, I- I’m sorry for forgetting that you’re- You’re a fucking force of nature, E. I’ll do anything for you to forgive me for being such a fucking scumbag.”
“Just shut up with the apologies, okay? You- Make it up to me by paying for our first date, yeah?”
“I really don’t think it’s a good idea-”
“Well, I do. And, listen: I’m sorry, too. I should’ve realized that just throwing my feelings on you wasn’t the best course of action. I’m not the only person in the world with people issues, and I seem to forget that sometimes. So, let’s have people issues together, okay?”
She fixes you with an impatient stare.
“Okay,” you sigh, smiling. “I paid for a night here, do you just want to stay?”
“Yeah. I’d like that, actually. I…”She hesitates, searching your expression for something. “I call big spoon.”
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jacktherph · 5 years
Hi Jack! We’re an 18+ Original Character Pacific Northwest Gothic RPG and were hoping you had time to give us an opinion please and thank you so much
hi there @thepinesrpg! i’m happy to give you an opinion. since you didn’t specify private, i will post this on my blog. feel free to ask me to take it down if that was a mistake.
NOTE: all opinions expressed here are mine, jack’s, belonging to jack. i make no claims to knowing what is best for every group – i only offer advice based on my experiences, what i’ve seen in the community, and my personal knowledge. no one person knows what is best for you or any group other than yourself; because you were the one who put all of this together in the first place. so take everything i say as a suggestion, and remember that you have accomplished so much!!
i want to point out before the opinion that this isn’t just a shoutout, it is a very big rec!! thepinesrpg is a great place to form a muse in a creative yet familiar supernatural environment
and if you have any questions, want feedback on something specific, or want elaborations on anything said in this opinion, don’t hesitate to message me!!
start: 13.15 | pause: none | end: 13.40TOTAL: 30 minutes to read all pages excluding skeleton bios, lore pages, informational pages, etc. (this isn’t an indicator of anything, I simply time myself)
So first impressions by the main are excellent. Your header image is minimalist but with that slight movement from the gif that it doesn’t draw attention to it repeatedly but also it’s not cluttered and an eyesore as some headers often can be. The contrast of the dark green with the white shades of the background create a good balance too. Personally I’m a BIG fan of sidebars that include a lot of worldbuilding information like the calendar, the weather forecast, etc. I will say though it IS a lot of scrolling. Ideally finding a theme with two sidebars would be perfect to kind of give a balance to what you’re looking to have included but I know they can be hard to find while still including everything you want out of the theme itself -- so that’s not a big issue.
The one thing that I’m against is the length of your sidebar description. It’s catchy, sure, but three paragraphs is a bit long compared to other rpgs. I’d recommend bringing it down to one paragraph with your favorite parts and then including a generic statement at the bottom. I actually ended up putting one together myself (which you’re free to use if you want to take my advice on condensing it, otherwise feel free to ignore it) below:
They say it’s the quiet ones that you have to watch out for ― that the most dangerous people wait in silence to strike. Places are like people in that way. With big cities it’s all noise… but towns―towns are quiet, aren’t they? And this town ― Blackwood Pines ― made quiet danger an art form. But you’ll never know about the accidents, the disappearances, the murders or cults or hauntings until you move here. That’s how we like it. So why not stay a while? Take in the sights, breathe in the mountain air. If you’re brave enough see what kind of trouble you find… or what kind of trouble finds you. 
I’m also wondering if it wouldn’t be more prudent to reduce your sidebar links to your primary focuses? I feel like Tasks and Events can be brought up to the Post Acceptance tab. In what I’ve seen the existence of Sidebar links is for those things that don’t really have a PLACE on a main link bar, or that would extend one subsection way too far. Reducing it to your mobile nav, trigger list, announcements, discord, and inspo blog might help you seem less cluttered in the long run.
I love love love your Plot. It’s well-written, well thought-out, and just overall cuts right to the chase and gives me the information I need while also encouraging me to keep reading to learn more. My recommendation would be to move the timeline of events to its own page. I get how it builds on the plot but thinking ahead it would be an excellent page to include RP Events and Plot Drops, but you don’t want the plot page to seem too long. I love the timeline idea but adding it to its own page highlights both the Plot and Timeline separately as their own informational pages.
Your Guidelines, not gonna lie, are HELLA long. Many of those points can either be condensed into one statement or brought together with other points. I’d say just go over them as admins and see what is redundant and what could be worked out with less words. The reason I say this is because a lot of times long rules pages -- while personally something I like, as it proves the RPG has structure behind it -- can be a huge turn-off for potential members. God knows why, but they just are. You can still say everything you have with less wordage!
Just so y’all know -- your FAQ link redirects back to the main. Don’t know if that’s on purpose yet or not.
So your Character Masterlist page theme… shows a LOT right off the bat. I can get why that’s appealing but have you considered down the line when you have tons of members keeping all of that information in line and constantly updated? It can be really time-consuming. Finding a page theme that has room for the FC, name, and species (and player, but that’s optional i.m.o.) would make it seem much neater and then you can link to pages with all of that additional info as well as character biographies. This is partially personal preference but also just what I see from groups like yours in the rpc, while also taking into consideration the amount of work you’ll have to do down the line.
As a whole your worldbuilding pages are great! I’m not gonna comment on your lore because, well, it's YOUR lore. But I am seeing a lot of different page theme codes and while it can be helpful in differentiating the different info… I’ll warn you that it can alienate potential members. There was a bit of discourse about this a while back in the rpc and while I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what people think so long as my info is presented well, as someone with attention issues it is a little hard for me to keep focus when there’s just so many different layouts changing; some unnecessarily. Some people just don’t like it -- which is silly -- but it can take away from people’s experience if they have attention and focus issues like I do.
I’m a big fan of how all your forms are on one page?? Hiatus, Connections, Application; having all of that in one place makes it very easy for members and newcomers and honestly can we make that the standard?? I’ll happily pitch it.
There is only one thing I’ll request y’all DO change, and this is something I’ve spoken to other rpgs about before. I’d like for you guys to go through your pages and take every instance of “MALE” and “FEMALE” and replace them with “MEN” and “WOMEN.” It’s a common language mistake but does wonders for showcasing the inclusive environment I know you admins are striving for here. Especially since you do have a Non-Binary section as well.
Overall I’m a HUGE fan of your rpg. It’s not my personal cup of tea but I’m a sucker for lore, worldbuilding, and tons of info and history to suck up before I’ve even started thinking about a character. Many RPGs with these types of in-depth info pages are limited only to skeletons and I think your choice to have open characters and apps is a great one. There’s a lot of long-lasting potential here as well as great and juicy Events and Plots. You guys should be very, very proud. And you should also know that there are groups of people who are NOT as excited about extensive lore as we are. It has the potential to alienate some just looking for a place to make a muse and write in a new setting--which is what you guys are at your core. Whether you’re fine with that or maybe want to go back and see if there’s anything redundant that can be erased or condensed -- that is completely up to you guys. I had my own lore-heavy RPG and know the pros and cons firsthand.
I can see you guys being around for a long time and I urge you to keep up the amazing dedication! There’s a great admin team here and that’s apparent from the first page. Good job guys!!
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April Weather (13)
@adrinetteapril 2018, Day 13: Group Project
Days: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | art | 6 | 7 | 8 | art 1 | art 2 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | art | 19 | art | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | art | 29 | 30 |
AO3 / fanfiction
I’m sorry. I really am.
‘Why didn’t you wake me?’ Adrien panted, running into schoolyard.  He was so, so late to their group project meeting. Everyone else was probably already in class and working.
‘What am I, an alarm clock?’ his pocket rebuked. ‘You should have slept like a normal person, instead of panicking over almost kissing your girlfriend half of the night.’
‘Oh yeah?’ the boy slowed down a bit. ‘Well, she is not my girlfriend!’
‘Ouch, you got me,’ the pocket snickered. ‘Besides, she likes you, you like her. As far as I’m concerned this is a mere formality.’
Adrien stopped dead in his tracks two steps from the class door.
‘You really think she likes me?’
Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien’s shirt. ‘Oh, for the love of brie! Are you seriously asking me that after those three weeks?’
Adrien was halfway to a dopey smile when a thought hit him with the force of a freight train. All blood drained from his face.
‘But… I… Ladybug...?’ he mumbled.
‘Ladybug what?’ Plagg already hid back between the fabrics.
The boy desperately clutched at his hair. ‘Ooooooh, I am the worst, despicable, awful person, Plagg!’ he moaned.
‘You are?’
‘I am,’ Adrien confirmed solemnly. ‘I love Ladybug, but…’ his voice dropped to mortified whisper, ‘I also want Marinette.’
Plagg opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment Adrien was grabbed by the collar and pulled into the classroom.
He blinked at the brown eyes hidden behind glasses, that were definitely too close to his face for comfort.
‘Tell me what you know!’ Alya growled at him.
‘Wha-?’ he squeaked.
‘Babe, let him go,’ that was Nino’s voice somewhere behind the bespectacled fury. ‘He just overslept.’
Adrien was released from the clutches of the crazed Ladyblogger, but she still scowled at him. ‘You didn’t see the akuma?’
His eyes widened in panic. ‘There’s an akuma?’
‘Was,’ the girl replied gravely. ‘And I got stuck in here with Monsieur Overprotective Boyfriend,’ she shot Nino a murderous glare.
‘You wouldn’t have gotten there on time anyway,’ the boy countered. ‘The notice came just before it was all over.’
‘So it’s already over?’ Adrien wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved that it was, or ashamed that he slept through it.
‘Yup, it was a quick one, but in another part of the city,’ Nino supplied. ‘Otherwise you’d have been awoken by the noise. It was something really loud and alarm clock themed.’
Adrien winced, ignoring the quiet chuckling in his pocket. He cast a quick look over the classroom. Most of his classmates were already there, just not the one he wanted to see the most. ‘Marinette’s not here yet?’
Panic reared her ugly head again. Could Marinette get caught up in the attack? Was she all right?
Alya snorted inelegantly. ‘Relax, sunshine. That girl oversleeps like a pro on a regular day. After last night I don’t expect her here for another half an hour.’
‘Which is actually very convenient,’ Nino interjected lowering his voice to a whisper, ‘because before she joins us I think we need to have-’
‘A war council!’ Alya growled eyeing Chloé.
Now Adrien noticed what he missed earlier - that most of people in class were reading newspapers and simultaneously scrolling through their phones or tablets, which in itself was a rare occurrence. Seeing his eyes on her, Chloé raised hers with a content smile. He glanced at the title and then skipped to a few others that he could see.
Suddenly he was out of air, and his knees buckled in warning. The words seemed to scream at him from various headlines in shades of red, black and yellow with a serious overuse of poor old exclamation mark.
He came closer to Kim, who was browsing something on his tablet. It was a collection of grainy photos, undoubtedly from last night at the pool, posted on instagram or some other platform. Poor in quality due to bad lighting, clearly taken with phone cameras from some distance. But all this wasn’t important. What was important was that on each of them behind the people “posing” for the picture, there was always him and Marinette in the background, only in their swimwear, sharing moments that he hoped would never be anyone’s business.
They almost kissed at that party, and the few shots of him leaning in were dubbed “A STEAMY MAKE-OUT SESSION!”
He hugged her after the akuma attack, and it was more than enough for “A MODEL SNOG!”
A few of their innocent touches earned a “FEEL ME UP AGRESTE!”
And so on, and so on.
‘W-what is that?’ he asked, his voice trembling.
‘This?’ Chloé waved her own tablet in front of him as if he could somehow miss it. ‘You like our little group project?’
‘Group project?’ Adrien echoed, totally at a loss.
‘Just a few people from the party who agree with me that Marinette doesn’t deserve you.’
‘You did that?’ he couldn’t believe his ears.
‘Someone had to,’ the girl shrugged. ‘Maybe this will open your eyes. This is not the girl for you, Adrikins.’
‘You deliberately gave those pictures to the gossip rags together with my name?’
‘Ah, you’ll thank me later,’ Chloé smiled sweetly, ‘You know it doesn’t really matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right. And I’ve made sure they did.’
Adrien had no idea what he would have done if it wasn’t for Nino’s hand on his shoulder and the pats of tiny paws on his chest, but he had the word cataclysm at the tip of his tongue. He closed his eyes to reign the tornado of thoughts currently storming through his head. He wouldn’t even know where to begin talking so he took a deep breath and turned around.
‘Adrien?’ Nino asked but he just waved a hand.
‘I need to get out. Now,’ he said quietly, not sure how much longer he would be able to keep the lid on his rage and despair.
His friend nodded. ‘If you need me-’
‘Not now. Thank you,’ Adrien replied and left.
He ran down to the bank hoping for a place to calm down his galloping thoughts and his racing heart. Feeling utterly helpless and weak he dropped onto a bench only to notice a large advertising screen right in front of him, on the other side of the river. It had an ad from one of the tabloids that published the article about him on a loop.
Adrien groaned and hid his head in his hands. He missed the good times when he had only his smiley face plastered everywhere next to a perfume bottle. What mess had he gotten Marinette into? How would he look into her eyes now? And her parents? Oh god, his father? How had this happened?
‘Hey, it’s Adrien, right?’ he heard a female voice next to him.
‘I know, you’ve seen my name right there,’ he growled still hiding behind his hands, ‘but please, just leave me alone.’
‘You look like you need company,’ the voice didn’t give up.
‘I said, please,’ he repeated raising his head, ‘leave me alo-’
She was standing in front of him. A compassionate smile adorned her lovely face. She frowned when she saw his. In any other circumstances he would thank the heavens for her presence but not now. Not when he was a mess, unable to sort out his own feelings towards two different girls. When he had caused chaos beyond words to one of them jeopardizing not only a potential relationship but also the existing friendship. When he was lost and didn’t know what to do.
Ladybug sat on the other end of the bench. He honestly didn’t have enough strength to say she wasn’t helping. She only made him more confused, just by sitting there. By reminding him of his failure to stay faithful to her. Now he could wallow in even more regrets. Thanks, partner.
‘So she’s more than your friend after all,’ the heroine whispered, taking in the screen.
If this was her way of comforting him, he thought bitterly, then he finally found the first thing she sucked at.
‘Please, just-’
She scooted a bit closer. ‘Do those pictures bother you more than last time?’
‘Because it was my stupid idea and I dragged her into it,’ he snapped. ‘She must hate me now.’
Oh, god. He thought about Marinette facing Chloé after being shown those pictures and the headlines. He hoped Alya and Nino would be there for her. He couldn’t. Not right now. He wasn’t sure what he was capable of doing with that anger and shame burning inside of him.
Ladybug bit her lip. ‘I’m sure she doesn’t hate you,’ she murmured after a while.
‘I’m sure she does,’ he snorted, throwing all pretense to the wind. He was too deep in his sinkhole to care what she thought of him at this moment.
‘Are you such a bad boyfriend that your girlfriend hates you?’
It must have been her attempt at lightening the mood, but it still sucked.
‘I am,’ he groaned, pressing his hands to his face again. ‘She’s just a friend, we were faking it,’ he droned in exasperation. Why wouldn’t she just leave him alone?
‘Oh,’ she gasped. ‘Then you were... very convincing.’
Adrien felt the tears coming up to his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat. ‘It was all a ruse,’ he started, ‘but now I-
‘So you didn’t lie to me yesterday,’ she hummed, as if detached from this forced conversation. ‘When everyone else was told a lie.’
‘I didn’t want to lie to you,’ he admitted, not sure where all this was coming from. ‘Ladybug, I-’
‘I need to go,’ she sprang to her feet, suddenly going ash-pale. She turned away from him. ‘Heroes business. I’m sure I’ll see you around,’ she added sourly, throwing her yoyo and disappearing in the distance.
Yeah, Adrien thought about the ads again, that was a given.
He sat by the bank for some time, to finally collect his belongings and head back to the street. He texted his bodyguard to pick him up. Facing anyone would be too much. Facing Marinette would be unbearable. Maybe that made him a coward, she definitely didn’t deserve any of this. But he felt he needed to sort out his feelings first, offer her solutions not more problems or indecision. He needed to gather his thoughts, maybe talk to his father. Right now, he was a disaster on two legs.
He stood on the pavement waiting for his ride when he felt someone tapping him over the shoulder.
‘Adrien?’ he heard Marinette’s small voice.
He turned around. She not only looked sadder but also smaller. Her pale face was twisted in a foul smile and she was avoiding his gaze. He didn’t need to ask if she knew what happened.
Then her eyes finally snapped to his and he jolted under the seriousness and determination he saw there.
‘We need to talk,’ she said.
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kittykatanimelove22 · 6 years
Sonic/Equestria Girls Au Information and Lore
It's finally time to show you all something that I've had in my head for years and I promised myself that this year I would introduce it, AND TODAY IS THAT DAY. This crossover isn't like any other story where "sonic and his friends travel to the world of equestria girls because eggman messed up the timeline or mephiles miraculously came back and sent them there on a magic portal thingie for revenge" Nope, this is vastly different. Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that this takes place in a hybrid universe where the IDW/archie comics/games take place. I love the archie characters too much to NOT let them be a part of it. Basically, it's the IDW/game verse but with archie characters in them, along with a few events that happened and some cities that are in the old comics (i.e Knothole, Meropis etc.). Another note is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians.
Here's a list of the Archie characters: Sally Acorn and her family (Elias, Max etc.) Uncle Chuck (I'm a bit unsure if I want to add Sonic's parents since I'm still figuring things out) Scourge the hedgehog Fiona Fox The Freedom Fighters (Bunnie, Nicole, Antoine etc.) Mina Mongoose Shard the Metal Sonic Razor The Shark Coral the Betta Pearly the Manta Ray Honey the Cat Nack and his gang Hope Kintobor Rob O' the Hedge Some of the Echidna clan (which is honestly a huge maybe because I want Knuckles to have at least SOME of his people alive) Snively Robotnik (Also a huge maybe) ..and that's it so far! I'll update the list if I forgot a character. Some of the character's backstories are a mix of what Archie had and what the post-genesis wave had for them. For example, during the war with Eggman, King Max sent his wife Alicia and their son Elias to Angel Island to escape to safety when Sally was a baby. When they crash landed, and were presumed dead, Max groomed Sally to be the next heir for the Acorn kingdom until her father was banished in The Special Zone years later, he came back though. Alicia and Elias came back the same way they did in the Archie comics. Another thing to know is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians, they coexist with the equestrians. My OC's that exist in this au Isis Minorel Pacifica Catrine Jackson Somber and a few more that I haven't introduced yet! Jack and Isis are not energy vampires in this au but they still have their powers. NOW ONTO THE PLOT!! ~__________________________~ Basic Information: In this au, the Mane 7 are all sisters and Celestia is their mother, Isis is their adopted sister and Derpy is their first cousin, making her Luna's daughter. Celestia is queen of the equestrian humans, while Luna and Cadence are her royal advisors. Jack's father, Fredrick Somber is the monarch for all of the Novian species, he has a good friendship with Celestia. They reside in the kingdom of Equestria on Mobius, while the Seaquestrians live in the deep blue ocean not too far from where the kingdoms reside. They aren't from Mobius originally, they come from their own separate planet but it became uninhabitable. The equestrians are on peaceful terms with most of the species on the planet, especially the Mobians, and do whatever they can to help. Equestrian Human Species Info: Equestrian humans look the same in the original EG movie but the difference is that they have abilities based on their pony counterparts. Pegasi-based Equestrian humans can summon their wings at will, just like how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did in the first movie and so on. Magic-based (AKA unicorns) Equestrian humans can use their magical abilities to lift things or use them as a weapon for self defense, they DO NOT have horns. Earth-based Equestrian humans are just like regular humans but with a slight enhance of strength. Alicorn-based is just magic and pegasi mixed together. The Mane 7 and the Elements of Harmony: The Elements of Harmony were assigned to the 7 princesses at birth, much different to how the elements were assigned to their previous users. There are seven elements: Honesty Kindness Magic Laughter Loyalty Generosity Forgiveness There used to be six, but their late father had unleashed the element because of his forgiving nature and heart. Isis doesn't have an element but is still considered very powerful. ALL of the Mane 7's abilities in this au are the same powers they have in the fourth movie and mini series, the only difference is that they don’t transform unless they use their elements. They do have different transformation designs throughout the story, like how Sailor Moon does. I wanted Sunset's element to be forgiveness because she started out as an arrogant and cruel person when she was introduced. After her defeat, she had worked so hard to not only become a better person, but to also receive forgiveness from the people around her, including herself. Sunset is the literal reason why this au exists and I love her for that. An important fact about Sunset is that she has pyrokinetic powers in this au, which she inherited from her mother. It is dubbed, The Royal Flame. Pyrokinetic Abilities - Can control ANY kind of fire - Can breathe in fire - Can control her body temperature in cold weather - Her fire won't burn people she trusts, unless she commands it too - If she gets wet her powers won't work for a little while - When angry or frustrated, her body gets super hot - If she becomes emotionally unstable, she turns into her she-demon form, it happened once Mane 7 Ages and Birthdays (From oldest to youngest) (These birthdays are not canon to MLP, I made them up)
Sunset Shimmer: Age: 19 D.O.B: June 16th Species: Alicorn-based (yes she has wings sHHH-
Applejack: Age: 19 D.O.B: November 29th Species: Earth-based
(Isis would be here)
Rarity: Age: 18 D.O.B: February 14th Species: Magic-based
Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash: Age: Both 17 D.O.B: March 4th Species: Pegasai-based
Pinkie Pie: Age: 16 D.O.B: April 1st Species: Earth-based
Twilight Sparkle: Age: 15 D.O.B: December 3rd Species: Magic-based
((Before you ask, equestrian humans reproduce fast and the gestation period is at least 6-7 months)) Relationships this is what happens when the creator is a huge shipper-
Sunset Shimmer x Shadow the hedgehog (ShadowShimmer)
Sonic x Isis (Sonisis)
Pacifica x Jet the Hawk (Jetcifica)
Jack x Blaze the Cat (Jackaze)
Applejack x Elias Acorn (EliJack)
Rarity x Knuckles the Echidna (Knuxity)
Fluttershy x beret-wearing jackal from the Jackal Squad (Crimshy) 
((Crimson is my headcanon name for him))
Rainbow Dash x Gadget the Wolf (GadgetDash)
Pinkie Pie x Espio the Chameleon (EspioPie)
Twilight Sparkle x Silver the Hedgehog (SilverSparkle)
Celestia x Infinite (Celestifinte)
Derpy Hooves x Scourge the Hedgehog (Derpourge)
Princess Skystar x Razor the Shark (Skyzor) ((I haven't seen the movie yet so please no spoilers))
Zecora x Uncle Chuck?? and many more I have yet to introduce~ ~~~~~~~~~ History: Before they arrived on Mobius, the Equestrian humans weren't just one of Mobius' "inhabitants" and Equestria wasn't just a series of kingdoms. Oh no, it was once an entire planet bursting with life. The Equestrian race and the other inhabitants of the planet, Novians, coexisted together in peaceful tranquility. Throughout the years the two species would adapt and expand, turning villages into towns, towns to cities, cities to kingdoms. With the Novians vast knowledge of elements  and alternative fuel, and the Equestrians intelligent and superb skills in magic, it seemed that it would be perfect... but like all harmonious times, the destructive flames of war will soon come when unexpected and burn it all to the ground. There was another species among the Equestrians, Novians and Seaquestrians. They were the Centaurs. The Centaur race currently has a very rocky relationship with most of the other races from Equestria, the reason why is because of one single Centaur, Tirek. Many years ago, when he was just an organizer at a scroll store, Tirek had a huge dislike towards the Equestrian race, he hated them because the Centaurs didn't have much land nor much help at all. He thought they were selfish and greedy, hogging all the land for themselves and not leaving any for his people. He studied the arts of Dark Magic along with his brother Scorpan who also shared the same disdain for them as he did,  Once Tirek mastered it he had a battle to the death with the Centauran leader with him being the victor, after he disposed of him he took it upon himself to become the new leader of the Centaurs and wage war on the Equestrians and every other race that dared go against him. The Centaur War was the most brutal war ever, countless soldiers were killed, innocents were slaughtered, and kingdoms had fallen.Scorpan, now seeing the consequences of all of this tried reasoning with him. Feeling betrayed, Tirek murdered him out of anger and continued with his plans. For many, many years the Equestrians and Novians had fought long and hard but it seemed that they had reached a stalemate, they started to lose hope. It wasn''t until Galactus Centauri, a vigilante from the Crystal Empire had stepped in to help. Without knowing it, his kind heart and forgiving nature had revealed the lost element of harmony, Forgiveness. With the power of the 7th element, Galactus, Celestia and the other elements of Harmony had forced the Centaurs into submission. Most of them gave up and surrendered to the Equestrians, but not Tirek. Tirek, along with his minions and followers had disappeared. After they left for the time being, Galactus and Celestia married and had seven beautiful girls which would later on be eight when they adopt a 5 year old Novian orphan named Isis. Things seem to slowly get better for the Equestrians.....until Zecora had a horrifying vision. She had quickly told the king and queen that the planet was slowly dying and forming dangerous volcano's everywhere, the reason being all of the magic Tirek took during the war. She stated that in approximately 7 months the planet would become nothing more than a volcanic wasteland. With no time to lose they informed every citizen and species on Equestria that they will be evacuating the planet. Every spaceship was filled with Equestrians, Novians, the animals that were saved, and even some Centaurs. Galactus thought it would be okay, that they would finally be free from the war, and Tirek. Until he heard that his daughters Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were kidnapped by the centaur warlord. Galactus and a few soldiers went on a rescue mission to save them, unbeknownst to them that the volcano's were coming toward to where they were. In the end, Galactus, Sunset and Pinkie were the only ones who escaped Tirek. When they had reached their home castle the ships had already left because it turns out that planet's core was ready to burst early. After confronting, and defeating, Tirek once again in the castle, the three had reached to a magic teleportation chamber. There was another chamber on the ship that could teleport them back, but it required a lot of magic to do so. Galactus was heavily injured from his battle with Tirek, he didn't have time to heal because a volcano had formed under the castle and would burst any second. He had to act quick, he only had enough magic to teleport two people. So with every last bit of his magic and energy he teleported a heartbroken Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie back on the ship, leaving him to die as soon as they were gone. Equestria had mourned for it's lost king and their lost home, but soon they would find a new home, with new allies and new foes as well. They would rebuild, adapt, expand and help those in need, just like they did all those years ago.... ANNNND THAT'S MY AU FOLKS!! I HOPE TO DRAW IT REAL SOON! I didn't go into full detail on the history part because I want to keep some things secret for now ;3 I really hope you love it as much as I do!! I poured my heart and soul into this au, it's one of the best creations I've ever made ;v; it felt so good to pour out all of this after keeping it to myself for so many years, especially the ships TwT Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think! ^O^/
DA Link: Here
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the-chameleon-art · 6 years
Happy holidays, my dear @forever-is-my-promise-to-you. Here’s my @dwsecretsanta present for you! I hope you like it <3
The Last Week of School
Monday, 7:27 AM
That morning the staff room of Coal Hill School was so quiet you could hear a needle drop. Most of the teachers hadn’t arrived yet and the rest was peacefully getting the last minutes of sleep before the day started.
The loud bang of a bag hitting the table top didn’t even make some of them stir.
„Rose, dear, what have you got in there? Bricks?“ Jack peered intrigued at the bag trying to deduct its content. „Well, it definitely feels like it,“ Rose replied a little bit out of breath. „No, these are just a few holiday presents.“
„Presents? Oh Rosie, you shouldn’t have,“ Jack went to grab the bag only to have Rose snatch it back. „For everybody,“ Rose simply added as if Jack hadn’t even said something in the first place. „That’s good, seeing that I’m proudly part of everybody,“ Jack proclaimed with his signature smile. He seemed very pleased with himself as he held out his hand to receive a gift.
„Wait, does that mean that he’s also getting a present?“ Jack’s smile turned into a devious grin Rose didn’t like one bit. She groaned in response. „Yes. I couldn’t exact not give him one while giving everyone else something,“ With that she handed Jack a small, wrapped package which he practically ripped open the second it touched his palm.
„You know, I really don’t understand how you can’t like him. I mean have you seen his hair? Gorgeous. He’s a big, walking flirt. Everyone loves him. He always travels around the world during holiday breaks, did you know that? Always to places where people need help. I heard he once lead a caravan of camels loaded with litres of water to desolated villages in desperate need for it,“ Jack nibbled at the chocolate he’d found in the package.
Rose just shrugged „He’s infuriating. Everybody’s blue-eyed boy. Don’t you remember his first day?“
„Rose, you’re being overdramatic, honey.“ Jack finished his chocolate and went over to his desk. „Don’t forget that the Brig is going to make an announcement for tomorrow’s school excursion before the lessons starts,“ he looked up again and Rose noticed that his focus shifted to something besides her. And that bloody grin returned to his face.
„Hiya, Doc. You know one of these days I’m gonna get you show me what you put into your hair because even though you wear that helmet it still looks like you’ve styled it just a few seconds ago.“ Rose rolled her eyes. „He’s probably been here for hours curling his hair.“
„Ah, Tyler. Didn’t see you there,“ John Smith glanced at the bag still sitting on the table. „What’s this? You packing your stuff? Has a miracle happened?“
„Don’t worry, Smith. If I would leave, you’d be the first to know.“ Rose looked into his eyes defiantly. „Oh, I’m counting on that. See you later, Jack,“ Smith moved past them and disappeared into the growing crowd of teachers arriving.
Monday, 7:53 AM
„Also some additionally information; as some out you might know last night some sort of teacher ranking has been posted online. I know I don’t have to remind everybody, but just to make sure everyone’s getting this; Don’t let this interfere with your work ethic. It’s been posted by some students and we’re working to find out who did it. In the meantime just continue as normal. And now we move on to some basics for the school excursion…“ Headmaster Lethbridge-Stewart started talking about safety risks when Rose turned around to face Donna. „What teacher ranking?“ „You haven’t seen it yet? You’re in for a surprise,“ she pulled out her phone and with a few clicks opened a website.
„Here, take a look.“ Rose scrolled through the list of grades until she reached some typical American yearbook questions. Hottest teacher, most likely to, etc. When she finally found her name she had to make a double take. „Most likely to end up together? With John Smith? Are you kidding me?!“ She hissed at Donna. The only response she got back was a big smile.
„Ms Tyler. If you’d be so kind to pay attention seeing that it concerns you too.“ Rose could hear someone snicker near to her and she was pretty sure it was Smith. „Yes, sir,“ she shifted on her chair.
„As I was saying,“ Lethbridge-Stewart continued. „Sadly Mr. Sullivan has called in sick for at least three days which means there have to been made a small rearrangement for tomorrow’s excursion: Ms. Tyler takes over Sullivan’s spot and teams up with Mr. Smith. You two’ll have time to go over the details. That seems to be all for today. Success and please don’t cause any major incidents.“
Slowly the room emptied while Rose continued to glare at the table.
„Well, at least you didn’t really end up with him together.“ Donna tried to cheer her up. Looking up she saw John stare at her from across the room with an unreadable expression. Then he suddenly stood up and walked out of the staff room.
„Can’t change it now. Guess I just have to live with it. It’s going to be one day, right. What harm can it do?“ Rose shrugged and went to grab her sportswear. There were students waiting for her.
Monday, 8:16 AM
„You did this, didn’t you? Well, if you wanted to do something with me so desperately you should have said so.“ Smith leaned against her table. Rose had just given out nearly all of her presents. The only one left was for the person currently watching her like a cat that just ate a canary. „‘Scuse me? Are you implying something?“ She shot him a short glance.
„Not at all. What’s that?“ John pointed at the present she had been holding close to her chest. „Holiday gifts for the staff,“ She replied.
„A little small for the entire staff. Mind that the most important things in life turn out to be incredibly small. Are those Jelly babies?“ He proceeded to grab a handful out of Rose’s bag. With a small jump he almost was off again. „It’s for you.“ Rose simply said, still confused by his change of topic.
„For me?“ Rose shoved it into his hands.
„Don’t look so smug.“ She turned around quickly and left.
„Thank you, Rose,“ John said quietly to an empty space.
Monday, 3:41 PM
„Smith, we have to make plans.“
John looked up from his papers. „Look, if we’re going to make this work you might as well start calling me Doctor like everybody else,“ Rose just looked at him annoyed. „I’m being serious. Seeing that Sullivan and you already discussed the basics helps a bit but like the Brig said, we still need to talk about specifics. Like what we’re gonna do if students injure themselves?“
„Rose, we’re going to an art gallery. They might get dizzy because of an Escher or they’re legs turn jelly from looking at a Dali but they’re not going to get deadly injuries. Relax.“ He said it with so much confidence Rose almost felt at ease. John started to work on his papers again „Now, do you know if this is supposed to be a lambda or an h? And like I said, The Doctor will do.“
„Isn’t that name a bit pretentious?“
„P-pretentious?“ Ah, that got his attention. „I’ll have you know, Ms. Tyler, I worked very hard to get that title. I think. It’s all a bit hazy actually. I have to ask Romana about that. Which reminds me of a funny story which happened to me off the coast of Java.“ And there it was gone again. As John continued to talk about how he and a few rebels once boarded a ship in the Indian Ocean to save a small island Rose sighed. This was going to end badly.
Tuesday, 2:39 PM
It had in fact ended badly. Not as dramatic as Rose had thought but close.
„Oh, come on, Rose. I couldn’t have done anything about the art gallery paying thousands for a fake. So technically it’s not my fault.“ Smith tried to talk to her.
„Not your fault? Smith, you still managed to get us into a holding cell. Did you have to call the curator a moron for not noticing?“ Rose retorted. „Let’s be honest, it really was very obvious.“ John shot back.
„And can you explain to me why you had to try to prove it was fake by tearing the painting? I don’t even want to start about what you said to the police officer in front of the students.“ She let her head fall against the wall. „You always manage to get others into trouble for things you did. I can’t understand how everyone seems to trust you so quickly. Do you’re always wrap them around your little fingers with your charms and looks. Like seriously, do you sleep with curlers? What’s up with your hair, Smith?“
„Doctor“ John interjected.
„What?“ Rose snapped.
„Doctor,“ Smith repeated. „Could you please call me Doctor instead of Smith?“
„Why? I think you’re full of yourself when you call yourself that.“ She kicked a pebble across the room.
„I never liked it. Smith. Always felt wrong. Also I think we’re passed the phase of addressing ourselves with surnames.“ Rose stayed silent after that.
„Why do you hate me, Rose?“ The Doctor asked out off the blue.
Rose looked into his eyes and noticed for the first time how bright they were. „I don’t really think I hate you. To be honest, I don’t even remember what started us fighting half of the time. It just kind of happened.“
„Do you think, that maybe we could start over? We could go on one of my adventures,“ His eyes sparked hopefully.
Rose thought it over for a second. „Tell you what, when you get us out of this cell I’ll consider it.“
„Nothing simpler than that.“ The Doctor jumped up and went over to the door.
Rose blinked. „Why didn’t you do that from the start then?“ She shouted after him.
Friday, 3:24 PM
The rest of the week proceeded like nothing had ever happened. The rumors that something indecent happened in that holding cell circulated in the school so much that even fellow teacher started to speculate as well. Rose just tried to ignore it. Donna had been on her back for days and Jack simply gave a knowing grin.
She hadn’t talked to The Doctor. The last time she’d seen him was when Lethbridge-Stewart reprimanded them for the scene they made in the art gallery. „I hope he didn’t get fired,“ She had told Jack and could have kicked herself at the exact moment those words left her mouth. ‘Yes,‘ she admitted to herself. ‘You started to care about him.‘
„I hope you got all that down. I know it’s the last day of school before the Christmas holidays start but I can assure you that this is going to be important for the exam,“ The school bell rang and Rose started to clear the blackboard. „Happy holidays!“
Some girls started to giggle as they passed her on the way outside and Rose turned to the door. There he was. The Doctor stood there dressed completely in motorcycle gear.
„Hey,“ He smiled. Rose smiled back. „Where have you been?“ She stepped closer and studied his face. „And what have you done to your hair?“ He had cut it. It was shorter and less curly. „I had to make some preparations. Don’t you like the hair? I needed it shorter for the holiday break,“ His smile widened. „Rose Tyler, how do feel about a little adventure?“
Rose looked at him incredulous. „I-I need to pack.“
„That’s a yes, then?“ He chuckled. Rose agreed. „Yeah, let’s do it.“
The Doctor grabbed her hand and pulled her along.
„We’ll take the Tardis. That’s my motorcycle. Trusty old thing. Never let me down. Funny story how I got her actually. It all started in a little junkyard actually not that far from here….“
The End
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ellayuki · 7 years
a thousand years and a thousand more
yuri!!! on ice, yuuri pov
yuuri doesn’t get to see victor’s new programs until the evening before they’re set to move to russia, and they’re nothing like he expected.
he only sees bits and pieces of victor’s new programs while they’re separated post-grand prix final, short clips sent by yuri, by mila, by victor himself, but never a full run-through of either of them. it makes yuuri curious, and maybe a tiny bit frustrated, too.
he’s not jealous, not really, of yurio and the others seeing victor crafting pieces of art again while he can do nothing but refine his own, try not to lose his edge and his mind.
he tells himself it’s probably harder for victor, having to rush, not even having the comfort of his beloved dog in the hours in between training sessions, and it makes something in his chest twist and release and twist again.
he’s not able to watch the russian national live, because of his own competition and because he can’t seem to find a working stream to save his life, so he busies himself however he can, tries to keep himself in the headspace needed to win, and to not become a jittery mess after he does.
when victor lands in fukuoka a day after winning his first silver medal in over half a decade, yuuri is there to pick him up, makkachin in toe, all the while trying not to wonder if this, this wriggling, restless thing cursing through his veins, is what victor felt when he’d waited for yuuri after rostelecom.
they relax for a few days, celebrating victor’s birthday and their nationals’ medals and enjoying a bit of the general winter festivities and cheer. victor and makkachin are more or less glued together, much to yuuri’s fond amusement. neither of them skates too much during those few days, preferring to relax for as long as they can before intensive training is set to start upon their moving to st. petersburg.
victor is not being secretive per se, about his programs, but yuuri is kind of buzzing under his skin with the need to see them. he doesn’t want to search for them online, they never really to victor’s beautiful skating any justice.
it’s not until the night before their flight out that yuuri finally gets his burning wish.
victor’s been restless the entire day, packing and repacking the luggage he hasn’t already sent ahead along with yuuri’s, helping around the onsen and talking as much as he can with yuuri’s family, fluttering here and there like he can’t sit still. yuuri wonders if it’s because, starting tomorrow, it’s just going to be the two of them (and makkachin) and it’s making victor nervous some way or another.
at around seven in the evening, just as the sky is starting to turn shades, victor takes yuuri’s hand and asks if they can go to ice castle. the look on his face, not quite nervous, but not quite the normal confidence, has yuuri melting a tiny bit, and rushing to get his skates.
the sun is already halfway set when they’re stepping onto the fresh ice, skating a few laps to warm up and unwind. yuuri is surprised that he’s managed to go so many days without stepping foot in the rink, he’s surprised either of them managed it, really.
he’s finishing another lap when he spots victor by the sound system at the edge of the rink, scrolling through his phone like he’s searching for something specific.
he slides to a stop next to him, curious, but doesn’t ask anything. victor will tell him what he has planned on his own.
when victor finally looks up at him, there’s a touch of pink over the bridge of his nose and at the tips of his ears.
‘yuuri,’ he starts, ‘you said you haven’t seen my programs yet, right?’
yuuri tilts his head to the side, his heart picking up its pace in his chest. ‘yeah, that’s right. i couldn’t watch your nationals live and, well…’ he takes a breath, a bit embarrassed, ‘videos of national competitions are hard to come by and not the best quality.’
victor nods, and takes a deep breath. ‘want to see them now?’
there’s a drumbeat in yuuri’s ears, in his veins. ‘yes,’ he says without missing so much as a beat. ‘yes. please.’
victor nods again, and turns back to where his phone is plugged in to the sound system. yuuri steps out off the ice, takes a drink of water, and settles in to watch. he’s never been quite so excited to see victor’s new creations in all the years he’s been a fan of the man.
‘i’ll start with the short,’ victor says, tapping on his phone one last time before setting it down and taking center ice.
the song that starts is soft, a bit lonely at first, and yuuri is hit with a wave of emotion that almost chokes him.
victor starts moving slowly, like he’s being weighed down, like he’s having to drag himself through the motions, every move delicate, deliberate, bittersweet. yuuri wonders if this represents a loneliness in victor that yuuri has never seen, never known. it wouldn’t surprise him.
halfway through, though, something happens, bells tinkling like a magic spell being cast or something out of a fairy tale appearing, and victor’s movements change, from lonely, to curious, to excited, life coming into his step. yuuri forgets to breathe.
when the melody ends, on a high note, speaking of something new and adventurous and hopeful, victor ends it with his arms wrapped around himself, one hand low on his hip, the other gentle on his cheek, eyes closed, a tender smile on his lips.
yuuri’s applauding before he’s even aware of it, almost entranced.
victor skates to the edge, takes a deep drink from his water bottle, tries to catch his breath. he looks at yuuri with something like nervousness in his eyes.
‘how was it?’ he asks, and he sounds almost shy. yuuri wants to kiss him.
‘amazing,’ is what he says instead. ‘i couldn’t take my eyes away.’
the red on victor’s face intensifies, and he takes another drink, looking pleased.
after a few more moments, he turns back to his phone and scrolls again.
‘shouldn’t your rest a bit?’ yuuri asks. ‘you shouldn’t strain your body.’
victor smiles at him, the one that says that he thinks yuuri’s being cute. the sun has set outside, the only light the one from the moonlight and from the couple of street lamps by the building. victor looks almost ethereal. yuuri wants very much to kiss him, to drown in him.
victor takes center ice once more after a few moments, one hand on his hip, the other extended towards yuuri, palm open like an invitation. yuuri’s breath catches on a sense of déjà vu.
victor moves with something like longing and frustration, like he wants something, desperately, and it’s there within his grasp, but he can’t have it. yuuri recognizes the story unfolding, mostly because he’s lived it, but it’s weird, and humbling and awe-inducing, to see it from victor’s perspective.
at the half way mark, victor lands a perfect quad flip, and the story takes on a different note, hopeful, joyful, still a touch frustrating at times, but with the kind of giddiness to it that speaks of a future that’s about to unfold that has long been dreamed of.
tears streams down yuuri’s cheeks, crystalline and happy. he wonders if this is what victor felt like then yuuri skated his free at the grand prix final, this overwhelming sense of love and happiness.
when victor finishes, it’s down on one knee, one hand cradled in the other and brought close to his mouth, lips almost touching his ring. his eyes are closed, and he looks peaceful and happy, for all that his chest is heaving from the effort of skating two consecutive programs.
after a beat, he stands back up, shoulders squared, and looks at yuuri, a question in his eyes.
yuuri’s out on the ice before he’s even aware that he’s started moving, desperate to reach victor as quickly as possible, desperate to touch him, to…
victor lets out a startled huff when yuuri barrels into him, but yuuri swallows it, mouth finding victor’s, arms wrapping tight around him. they don’t fall to the ice, but it’s a close thing.
when they finally pull apart (a hair’s breadth only, because yuuri can’t bear being separated from him more than that), victor chuckles.
‘i take it you like it,’ he stays, voice husky and yuuri kisses him again.
‘i loved it. i love you.’ the words are whispered and slow, like a secret, and feel like honey on his tongue. ‘thank you, victor.’
victor hugs him closer, kisses him again, and it’s like the world just… disappears around them. the ice under their feet could melt, the sky outside could catch fire, and yuuri wouldn’t notice, wouldn’t care.
‘let’s get married,’ he says, and he’s never been surer about anything in his life. ‘after the season ends, let’s get married.’
victor’s breath hitches, and then he melts into yuuri. his voice, when he says ‘yes, yuuri, yes,’ is nothing like yuuri’s ever heard from him before.
when they kiss again, something like peace and something like giddiness settle in his chest, and yuuri is incredibly, unimaginably happy.
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builtinadaygames · 7 years
Scratch the itch: what I played last month #2
Hi, I'm Kevin Beissel and I make games under the name Built In A Day. I also lurk on Twitter @builtinadayKB and have a space shooter on itch.  This is the second itch game post I've done, you can read the first here.  I'm including this preamble from the first post since it lays out the ground rules:
The purpose of this post is to cover some of the free games on itch.io, from a developer and fan perspective.  I'd like to make it a recurring series, maybe a monthly breakdown but who knows.  Like Douglas Adams said, the best part of deadlines is the great WHOOSHING sound they make while flying by.
Before we get to the games, I just want to clarify why I'm doing this and what I hope it accomplishes.  So here's the what, why and how:
Discuss free games available on itch.io
I've got a list of profiles to check out, but please send along any recommendations.
There are no restrictions on genres.  The whole point of this is to be curious and ask questions.  So no dumb rules like "No walking sims" or "No puzzle platformers", which would prolly eliminate half of the available games anyways.
I want to become a better developer and playing experimental/small/art/trash games could help.
Getting an audience is hard and getting constructive feedback is even harder.  I can't help the devs covered in these posts with the former but maybe I can with the latter.
There is no rating system.
There is no alter ego here, these are not 'angry' reviews.
These aren't even really reviews.
The goal is to focus on the design choices that were made and discuss the reasoning behind them.
I don't really care about being right, I don't really care about sounding smart ("Yeah, no shit" the reader grumbles), I don't really care about agreeing with you.  I'm more interested in looking at the hierarchy of ideas (to borrow a phrase) that form game design.  By working at the ends and working in the middle we can find out more about it, right?
Enough with the formalities, let's get started.
Profile: Bedstuck (@bedstuck)
Game: White
Genre/Style: action, wave-based brawler, melee combat
I've been seeking out lots of action games lately and 'White' has a lot of the things I'm looking for in this genre.  You play through waves of enemies, with a black-and-white art style and fast-paced melee combat.
The visuals are immediately appealing, with great character design choices and fluid animations.  The art style manages to be simple but expressive (it was made for a jam in less than 17 hrs).  Looks like a cool ink based style, like a comic book.  One of my all time favorite movie fight scenes is from 'Book of Eli'.  The opening fight scene is under a bridge and shown only in silhouette, much like the style here.
Spoilers for 'Book of Eli' real quick, so skip to the next paragraph if you haven't seen it:  I saw that movie opening night and took a lady friend to it.  It was our first date together (sadly it was also the last) and she had wanted to see 'the Lovely Bones', that godawful looking Peter Jackson snoozefest, but I'm occasionally charming and persuasive so we saw 'Book of Eli' instead.  After the movie we're walking out to the car and I ask her: "Pretty crazy how his character was blind for the whole movie, huh?" and she goes "What do you mean?"  In her defense, she thought it was weird and boring, but it's still made explicitly clear at the end that the main character is blind, yet she somehow missed that.  None of this pertains to the game 'White', but that's what happens, man.
The combat is intuitive but challenging.  It is melee-based, so you have to get good at timing your jumps and slashing in the correct direction to get the airborne enemies.  There's a dash ability that is crucial for getting to wave spawners and taking them out quickly.  Using the jump and dash abilities in concert has so much potential, both offensively and defensively.
The enemy behavior is nicely varied between melee and ranged types.  There's some square enemies that shoot smaller squares.  At first I thought they might be targeting the player, but after watching them for awhile my guess is that they are based on some randomized pattern.  If they all targeted the player with each shot then even a small amount on screen would be deadly.  Not sure I'm right about this, but my first instinct would have been to target the player; based on what I'm seeing here, the random pattern is a better choice.
I was able to beat the easiest difficulty setting (health regens), but only got to wave five on normal (no health regen) and wave four on original (one hit kills you).  Of course balancing difficulty is a notoriously hard task and, while I hate a challenge in real life, a challenge in a video game is actually appealing.  The tiers of difficulty make sense here and ramp up nicely.  But don't get me started on the "tears" of difficulty, we've all been there.
Profile: Hempuli (@ESAdevlog, hempuli.com)
Game: Baba Is You
Genre/Style: Puzzle
If you grew up reading Roger Ebert movie reviews (you know, the ones that were scrawled across the cave walls), you're prolly familiar with the kind of review where he refused to talk about any plot points after the first act, so as not to spoil the joy of seeing it unfold for yourself.  He would go on about the atmosphere, the performances, latent/manifest content and other such things, but would not spoil the mechanics of it.  I'll have to use that format for 'Baba Is You', because you're better off finding out for yourself.
Each level has a set of obstacles and hazards that block the goal.  There are three-word phrases placed in the level as well, and the phrases can be rearranged to create new types of interaction.  For example, "wall is stop" could be changed to several things.  That's all I'll say, because the solutions and the mechanics of it all are so much fun that any more would spoil it.
If you enjoyed something like 'Stephen's Sausage Roll' or if you're a fan of NES/pre-NES visual styles then you should find something to like here.  Just a great concept, superb puzzle design, fun aesthetics, wonderful "eureka!" moments, a must play for puzzle fans.  Hmmm, can I do some more 'pull quotes' or is that enough?  It's a white-knuckle thriller, like nothing you've ever seen, if you play one puzzle game this year make it this one, a non-stop thrill ride, edge of your seat entertainment, breathtaking, gripping, an ending you won't see coming, Harrison Ford has never been better.
I guess you could describe this writing style as "talking to yourself", since this is clearly not written for an actual audience.  But it's important to differentiate between "talking WITH yourself" and "talking TO yourself".  There's a pretty big difference.  Who else am I supposed to talk to?  I'm the only one here, right?  Maybe this writing style is better known as "non-sequitur internet bullshit".  Hey, if Mark Prindle is retired, who else will keep the spirit alive other than yours truly?  Who else?  Maybe this giant peach over here, this giant peach that is wearing a top hat and a monocle, perhaps he can.
But yeah, please do check out 'Baba Is You'.  It communicates its ideas clearly, introduces new elements in a fair manner and controls easily (thank you for the 'undo' button).  I'm usually pretty harsh on puzzle games, put this is great work.
Profile: Managore (@Managore, daniellinssen.net)
Game: Walkie Talkie
Genre/Style: side-scroller, level-builder, chat room
Every once and awhile you find something that really comes "off the top rope", so to speak, and conceptually 'Walkie Talkie' does just that.  It is side-scrolling level-building platformer presented as a chat room.  The levels are messages that users type in and most keyboard characters have preset behaviors.
So using the right set of symbols a user can create a solid platformer level, with ramps, moving platforms, turrets, bouncing boulders, disappearing platforms and other hazards.
The game's creator has gone through and marked some levels with a heart, and those are worth checking out for sure. But it's also fun to scroll through and look for random goodness, and some users are good at pointing out fun levels.
I'd recommended plugging in your X360 controller, since keyboard input was a bit tricky.  Even with a controller the movement gets a bit wonky, but two things: this was made for a jam and I'm unbelievably picky about platformer controls, so perhaps I'm overstating this.  And even if I'm not, this game is still worth playing for its conceptually audacity alone.
I was a day one fan of 'Mario Maker' and still enjoy it to this day.  But some of those levels are prone to cutesy bullshit, especially levels using names that scream "Hey, play this because its Pokemon themed!" and pointless levels based on Rube Goldberg-meets-auto-runner non-gameplay.  While 'Walkie Talkie' has plenty of useless entries, that's the result of having user generated content and not the result of authorial missteps.
And like David Mamet once said: "Everyone makes their own fun.  If you don't make it yourself, it isn't fun.  It's entertainment."  Of course, David Mamet has said a lot of things, many of which suck.  'Walkie Talkie' doesn't suck tho, far from it.  Unless you mean it sucks in all the praise, which is true, just really poorly worded.  
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takokola · 7 years
Plot: Canyon Conquest - Part 1
((On that one faithful day, the Great Zapfish went missing for a week. And Callie was nowhere to be found in Inkoplis. Will the entire city's power run out? Or will they find a solution to bring it back? The answers will suprise you.))
((WARNING: This story contains spoilers to Splatoon 2. For those who haven't owned the game or completed story mode, please keep scrolling ahead. Thank you and enjoy.))
Agent 7 belongs to @agent-7-at-your-service
Eimie (mentioned) belongs to @marchant-girls
It's been a week since the disappearance of the Great Zapfish and also, Callie and Fynn were also missing. The new idols from Inkopolis Square, Off The Hook broadcast the breaking news to the citizens of Inkopolis. In other news, someone spotted a shadowy figure, stealing the power supply and hauling them on an unknown aircraft. Everyone was worrying about the blackout like the one, 2 years ago when the Great Zapfish disappeared.
Fynn's mentor, Tundra was sitting alone at the bar, having her third glass of beer. The Mimic Octoling was a tad drunk, worrying about Fynn even more. Last week, she told Eimie the bad news and she's been feeling awful for a whole week. And then, there's Angie. The enitre team continued searching for Fynn but to no avail. Tonight has been a huge mess.
"Pardon me, but are you the one who met Eimie?" A forest green Inkling approached to Tundra. He looks he came straight from a 1940's movie just by looking at his attire.
"Oh, yeah? Who's askin'?" She began to hiccup, mid-sentence. Tundra was having a hard time, focusing on the inkling. Whoever he is, must be a friend of hers or Fynn's.
"Agent 7, at your service." He tipped his hat to Tundra and sat down. He noticed a few empty glasses of alcohol and then, stared at Tundra. "Are you feeling alright? You're not looking too good."
Tundra groaned as she slumped onto the counter top. Three glasses are her limit for the night. "I'll be fine.. But for losing Fynn, I'm far from fine... All of this happened because of me... She was talking about the day when her former allies kidnapped Fynn for a purpose. If it was Tundra taking the plunge, Fynn wouldn't be in this fix.
Agent 7 placed a hand on her shoulder. "Miss Tundra.. This isn't your fault. Fynn must've did this to protect you.. How about I take you home and explain to me what happened." He has her arm around the shoulder as he escorted her out of the bar.
After a bit of struggling, Tundra made it home at last. She gave him a noogie before heading inside. Once they settled down, Tundra explained the whole story about her past. How she became a wanted criminal for leaving the force. This story, surprised 7 to no end. "So, there you have it.. I'm a rogue elite who just wants to have some peace and quiet.. Now that my girls have captured him, there's nothing I could do to save him.." She rubbed her temples together from the minor migrane, she's having.
"..And you chose not to tell him during his training?" He asked sitting next to her on the sofa. Sometimes, it's best to keep it quiet until it's necessary.
"I'm planning on revealing my Octoling self until his training is complete, but... yeah.." Tundra lowered her gaze to the floor for a few seconds until she stared up into 7's eyes. "I'm not use to asking for help, but please... bring him back to Inkopolis.." She pleaded.
Agent 7 shook his head in response. "I'm sorry, ma'am.. I'd love to help find Fynn. I really do, but I've got some other things I need to take care of.. Marie is still searching for a new agent to rescue Callie. I'll give you my advice, before I go. Go out to Octo Canyon and try to reason with them, yourself." Agent 7 got up from the sofa and was ready to leave.
("Lady Marie...") Tundra knew about Marie after her departure. Marie was the one who taught her how to use to Splat Charger. After alot of thinking, Tundra slowly nods. She got into this mess, she can get out of this. As Agent 7 left her apartment, she fell onto the couch and rested her head against her pillow. She's too buzzed to think about her decision. Her eyes were getting heavy and heavy until they close for now...
On the next day, Cheryl sent Dawn out to play some Turf Wars. Of course, she has to drag her out of bed, because Dawn has been watching too many ghost documentaries. "Dawn, for the last time.. You can't be laying around in bed, watching paranormal shows all day. I know, you're not use to being in Inkopolis Square but you have to make some friends while you're here." It was almost noon and she's dropping her daughter off at the entrance. "Sweetie, you'll be fine. I promise you. Make sure to call me, once you're done." And with that, Cheryl dropped her off near the entrance to the Square.
Dawn stood out there, where her mother drove off into the streets. "Yep.. This pretty much blows.. Thanks, mom..." She sighed, deeply. She stood in front of the entrance where all squids and kids, hanging. If only Azalea and Hanzo were there with her. She made her way to the center of the square and it's fairly busy than Inkopolis Plaza.
She looked around to see the Galleria on her left. She was still in her recent gear that she had purchased from the Booyah Base. ("Hm.. I need some new clothes..") She continued looking around until she noticed a women near the Ammo Knights store, holding her umbrella down to hide her face. She appears to be in a yukata. Dawn could've sworn it was someone she recognize. Not caring about the situation, Dawn continued her approached to the Deca Tower to start battling.
Once she entered the tower, Dawn is waiting for a new lobby to join. As for her weapon of choice, she's using the Splatling for now. Unfornately for the Splatling Deco, Sheldon already locked up all the custom weapons for the time being. After a few seconds of waiting, she found a lobby to join. Today's matches for Turf Wars are Inkblot Art Academy and The Reef. For a Splatling user like herself, she'll keep her distance from enemies.
The 8 players emerged from each spawn points. Dawn gazed into the buildings of the academy. This place is where most artists graduate from this academy. Just another art stage like Museum D'Alfonsino.
Meanwhile on the other side of the map, a lime green Inkling emerged from his spawn. He was wearing a Squiddor Polo from the sketchy company, Grizzco. Also, he's well equipped with the Enperry Splat Duelies. It was a gift from his older brother before that incident, a few days ago... He's still in the hospital after a beating from an unknown figure.
The battle got started as the 8 Inklings charged torwards the middle. Like the veteran players like Dawn, she placed a Sprinkler to cover the entire spawn point. It did consume her ink tank, it'll recover shortly. Dawn kept her distance and reved up her six barrels. And then, she released a barrage of purple ink on the battlefield. ("Alright.. I should start moving before..") Her thinking was interrupted when an intruder appeared in front of her. She recognized this person.. Sage, was it? This is the same neighbor who won't stop talking about boring stuff. Dawn quickly charged up her weapon and fired at him.
Sage performed a dodge roll, making Dawn miss her shot. He wastes no time in splating her into a puddle of lime green ink. He proceed to infiltrate their base.
Dawn respawned after 4 seconds, thanks to Quick Respawn. Dawn's eye twitched as she got up. "UGH... I really don't wanna deal with HIM of all places..." The matchmaking system is still and always will be unfortunate. The rest of her team are struggling back there. She charged into the battlefield. One splat after another, Dawn couldn't get him because of Sage's obsessive dodge rolling. The match ended, before she tried to claim back her turf.
Once the match ended, there's a stage rotation and breaking news from the new stars in Inkopolis Square, Pearl and Marina from Off The Hook. "That's a wrap for today's stages. Now, onto the next rotation!" The idol on the left, Pearl spoke first.
"Before we move on to the next stages, we got an important news update" The Octoling on the right, Marina was standing in front of the DJ booth. The screen showed a picture of the missing Zapfish, along with Callie missing.
"It's been a week since the Great Zapfish is still missing. And there's no sign of Callie anywhere.. What do we do, Pearlie? Without the power supply, battling could get dangerous. We might have to cancel Splatfest if this continues.." Marina asked, looking worried.
"I'm sure, they'll come back in one peace. But, what about that mysterious figure in the footage? It's givin' me the shivers, yo." And then, they showed a footage on the shadowy figure who was leaping from building to building. It appears to be carrying something small in his hands.
"Could he be the culprit of the missing power supply? I totally doubt it." Marina responds, getting a closer look at the figure.
"We'll keep you posted if something unusual happens. But for now, here are the next stages. Check it!" After the stages were revealed, Pearl and Marina did their new slogan and pose before they went off-air.
Dawn stood outside the lobby, staring at the stores. It appears that her skills were getting stale for a while. She hasn't playing Turf Wars much in the Plaza. She was too hooked on ghost investigation shows. "I'm not sure if I have enough money to shop in one of the stores.. Maybe, moving here was a bad idea anyway.." Sometimes, she wished she stayed indoors but couldn't. Most of all, she wished Fynn was here to cheer her up. Right now, she's on her own.
"Pssst.. Hey you, young squid.. Over here." The woman in a yukata spoke to her in a quiet and calm tone. Something was fishy here. And Dawn was not referring to her breath.
Dawn noticed the squid from earlier who was standing on the grates. She slowly walked up to the woman with a look of uneasiness on her face. "Are you... talking to me..?" She pointed to herself and watched the woman nod, slowly.
"It's been a while, since I've seen a skilled battler like you. You may be aware of what's going on in Inkopolis, right..?" The woman kept her umbrella down, not letting anyone see her appearance.
"Yeah.. The Great Zapfish is missing and worst of all, Callie is missing as well. If we don't do something, there won't be a Turf War or Splatfest for that matter." Suddenly, Dawn realized something. "Wait a minute... You look vaguely familiar..." Dawn's not use to talking to strangers in yukatas, but someone about her seems very suspicious.
The woman said nothing, until she cleared her throat. "So, you know.." She responds with a smile. If only Dawn could see her smile under the umbrella. "If you wanna know the truth, follow me through the grates.. There's no time to explain.." She submerged through the grates, leaving a splash of green ink before Dawn's eyes.
"Hey, wait..!" She silently, called out to her. She looked around to see anyone was watching. Actually, not one squid or jellyfish seem to care about her and the stranger in a yukata. Without warning, she morphed into a squid and went down the drain. Who knows, where Dawn is heading to. Once Dawn left the Square, Sage saw the whole thing from afar. He looks curious in where Dawn was going. And so, he followed her.
A couple of minutes later, she arrived at a deserted area with a shack right next to her. She spotted the stranger and approached to her with caution.
"The Octarians..." The woman spoke, calmly. Then for a split second, she turned around to face Dawn. The stranger was none other than Marie of the Squid Sisters. "Hey.. Glad, you can make it.. Say no more, you probably know who I am.. I've seen you before.." Marie bowed, politely to Dawn.
"I knew it was you, all along. Just what are you doing here in Inkopolis Square, Marie?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Well, you see... I've been searching for the right turf battler for this task.. And you seem to fit the bill. Just by looking at you, you seem to have the spinning image of Agent 3. You're the same age and everything." Getting back on topic, she walked closer to Dawn. "Getting back on track, the power supply was stolen by the Octarians again. 2 years ago, they've stolen our Great Zapfish. And now, they're at it again.. This is where you come in, kid. As Agent 2 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, I hearby recruit you t-" Marie cut off, when an Inkling popped out of the grates with a soft landing. "...And you are?" She was fixated on the boy.
Dawn turned around to face Sage. She looked disgusted when she saw him. "You..!! What are you going here..?! Were you spying on me..?!" Dawn cried.
"Heheh.. I'm sorry.. I was wondering what was that about.. So, I followed you through this grate. As for my name, I'm Sage Evergreene. I'm Dawn's next-door neighbor!" He happily greeted the woman. He was not aware of who Marie is or the Squid Sisters.
"Well, a friend of Dawn is a friend of mine.. I'm Marie. Y'know, as in THE Marie of the Squid Sisters. You've heard of me?" She asked, doing the traditional Squid Sisters pose. If only Callie was here with her.
Sage raised an eyebrow at her. "The what now? I've never heard of that group. Are you guys new?" Once he answered, both Marie and Dawn fell silent.
"....You can't be serious.." She stared, blankly at him. She forgot that most of the squid haven't listened to the Squid Sisters's music. Now that Inkopolis Square is the new and hip culture.
"..For eel?" Marie was taken aback at this, but she cleared her throat. "Whatever.. I was about to recruit this brave squid to help get back the Zapfish. Now that you're here, you want to join? Having 2 new agents is helpful enough."
"Wait, Marie. You can't be serious in asked him for help, are you..? This task might be dangerous for him. Why not send him home?" Dawn looked to see Sage. She may not like him, but she doesn't want him to get hurt out there.
"Y'know, I would leave you two but... I want to analyze on the different gadgets that the Octarians are using. I've read a book about all the weapons and gadgets in Octo Valley and Canyon. I want to see them up close!" Sage's indigo eyes were sparkling like diamonds.
"You kinda remind me of Sheldon when it comes to machinery... I guess, I'll have to recruit you too. But, please don't get too close or you'll be grilled."
"Yesss!! Thank you, Marie! I won't let you down!" Sage would jump up in the air for joy, but contained his cool. Dawn on the other hand, groaned from his approval.
"Alright, you too. From now on, you're Agents... er.." Marie remembered when her grandfather named the inkling, Agent 3. She wanted to step it up a notch. She examined the little ghost symbol on Dawn's Backwards Cap. She continued thinking of a better codename for Sage, until she remembered how Callie freaked out when a praying mantis leapt onto her hair when they were kids.
"Agent Phantom and Agent Mantis..." Marie had finally come with the two codenames. "Yes! Your names are Agents Phantom and Mantis of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Welcome aboard!" Marie walked over to her shack and presents them with a pair of Hero Suits for this task. "Put these on. The Hero Suits will protect you from the Octarian ink."
Phantom decides to change first, before Mantis. After she was done, Dawn checked herself out. This new suit is a bit hot, because of the summer weather. Mantis changed his gear, as well. He came out of the shack, looking good in his new suit.
"Perfect fit. Next up are the Hero Headphones and your standard weapons, the Hero Shots. It's dangerous to go alone without weaponry. So, take these." Marie could've sworn, she heard it from somewhere.
They both equipped their headphones and weapons. Now, they're both prepared for battle. "All set, Marie. Now what?" Phantom glances over to see the first area of the Canyon.
"Shoot ink to reveal the Octarian lair. That's where the Zapfish are kept. I'll be giving the both of you some instructions, along the way. Now, get going! The fate of Inkopolis lies in your hands." Marie ordered them as she pointed her umbrella towards the entrance to Tentakeel Outpost.
"Let's rock n' roll, Da- I mean, Phantom!" He said, as he took off into the 1st area. He's very excited to research on octarian machinary. As long as he's safe from harm.
"We'll rescue the Zapfish, ma'am. We won't let you down." Phantom took off to catch up to Mantis. She regretted teaming up with her neighbor, but she'll make sure that he's okay. Even if it splats her.
As Marie watched them leave the shack, Marie sighed, deeply. "You can come out now, Agent Freeze.." Marie peeked over to see a Mimic Octoling from the distance. The agent was known as Tundra, Fynn's teacher. She made her decision by helping the New Squidbeak Splatoon. And search for Fynn and Callie's whereabouts.
"They seem pretty young, don't ya think?" Freeze asked, keeping an eye on the two from afar. "They don't seem to get along, those. Huh,.. Kinda reminds me of a certain Splatfest."
"Yeah.. I'm worried about them.. I just hope, they'll make it through.."
Freeze placed a hand of Marie's shoulder, giving her grin. "If that'll make you feel better, I'll keep a close eye on the two. I'll contact you once they finish their first mission, m'kay?" She said, patting her shoulder.
"Make sure, they're both unharmed.. I have a bad feeling that someone might be out to get them." She just hoped to Cod that they'll complete this mission. ("Hang in there, Callie.. Help is on the way...")
End of Part 1
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