#like the effect it has on the brain the effects of being addicted etc etc
Hey! Sorry if this is weird or something you have answered before.
I’m a teenage girl, and I tend masterbate at least once a day, but I had accidentally fallen down a rabbit hole of porn addiction and that kinda stuff.
Now I’m really worried that my frequency in which I masterbate is bad for me. I haven’t felt and adverse affects in my personal life (still hanging with friends, still getting good grades etc) and masterbation has actually seem to have a positive effect on my mental health (the first time I used me rose toy the mental fog that had been covering my brain first months cleared lol)
Still, is this a dopamine hit that’s bad like doom scrolling? Or am I freaking out over nothing
hi anon,
I'm really glad you took the time to send this ask in! I've noticed a lot of folks younger than me are VERY worried about porn addiction or otherwise being too sexual lately, and I'm very happy to be able to help alleviate those fears.
I would recommend starting with the answers to both of these previous asks, which I hope will provide some comfort. if nothing else, please read this concluding paragraph from the latter:
is it possible to become overly reliant on sexual stimulation as a form of self-soothing? sure, of course. it’s possible to become overly reliant on anything; absolutely any positive behavior can become detrimental if it’s performed to extremity. again, read that ask I linked! but pivoting from a breakdown to jacking off isn’t a bad idea. it can help you calm down, can be a great transition into a nap or sleep, and pops off a little burst of dopamine and oxytocin that’s probably very badly needed if you’re on the verge of a breakdown. of course it’s ideal to have other healthy outlets for when you’re feeling bad - making art or doing something else with your hands, doing some enjoyable physical activity, talking with friends or family, keeping a journal - but as one part of a larger diet of support and coping mechanism, horny behavior is great, normal, and very healthy.
masturbating regularly, even once a day, is completely fine. it doesn't sound as if it's disrupting anything of importance in your life, which says to me that it's a nonissue, and it's a nice little treat for you. and if masturbating daily is wrong, then rest assured that you and I will be in horny jail together 🫡
it always bums me out when I see people, especially teenagers, voicing suspicion about sexuality specifically because of the feel-good reactions that sexual pleasure can trigger in your brain. you can get the same feeling by taking a walk, petting your cat, spending time with a friend, or getting a tattoo, but none of those are treated with the same kind of suspicion. it speaks to a deep fear and distrust of sexuality, which is completely normal and natural, that I fear will not serve anyone well in the long run, so it's a pleasure to help unravel that a little. I hope this has been helpful to read!
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sprinklethetangerine · 4 months
Turns out my stupid psych exam is tomorrow and I was just straight up fuckin lied to.
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ariadne-mouse · 23 days
This post discusses addiction & mentions related heavy topics.
The addiction comparison for what Laudna has going on with Delilah is certainly not 1:1. Most obviously, addictive substances & activities IRL are not sentient evil wizards who have found a way to cheat death (that we know of). Put more seriously: in-universe, warlocks exist all over and the relationships they have with their patrons don't necessarily evoke addiction; someone saying they are a warlock does not mean are an addict. But I've seen a couple takes thrown around for why Laudna's connection with Delilah isn't or can't be compared to addiction, and I'd like to examine those briefly.
Let's start with the origin of their entanglement - it's notable, for instance, that Laudna's fusion with Delilah's spirit was not something she chose or was necessarily even conscious of at first; however, equally notable is that not all IRL addiction begins with a person making bad choices to do the addictive thing, such as in the cases of forced drug use in trafficking, painkillers post-surgery, etc.
There is also the point that Laudna would die if Delilah were to be removed, whereas addicts can put aside the object of their addiction. But here there is also grey area: in some cases, unassisted withdrawal from serious substances can in fact kill you. And for another angle, even when it is quit the object of addiction will still exist in the world somewhere; it cannot be completely removed either, and it is the recovering addict's challenge not to engage.
Next is the way feeding Delilah gives Laudna new powers she can use to help the group - and certainly, IRL addiction doesn't give you magical combat abilities! But a substance being abused may indeed provide an effect that the user can leverage to their advantage (stimulants for work productivity, alcohol for relaxation or confidence, etc). Addiction happens because the mind and/or body are getting something in return that feels good, at least in the short term.
I mention these counterpoints not to say it's all a slam dunk, but rather to point out that addiction is a hugely complex issue, both mental and physical, taking many forms. If you want an addiction comparison to apply to Laudna, or not, you can probably find a manifestation of addiction out there that aligns with your argument. Marisha and others of the cast using addiction to describe Laudna's behavior just gives us one (1) possible lens to orient her experience and motivations, and, critically, to envision a way out for her: to fight Delilah with every ounce of willpower she has, to ask for the support of her friends in that effort, and to shove Delilah back into the sub-basement of her brain and keep her there for good. A common adage around addiction is that there is no "curing" it, just the lifelong work of recovery; and similarly, if Delilah can't be fully removed from Laudna, she has been successfully suppressed before and could be again. I think it would be incredibly powerful to see Laudna take that journey! She has agency in her circumstances and she can seize it. Also, she still has responsibility for her actions when they harm those around her; addiction, like trauma, explains but doesn't excuse.
The addiction comparison for Laudna and Delilah seems to have mixed reactions from fandom, and that's fine! If it truly just doesn't resonate with you, fair enough - there are plenty of other valid ways to describe Laudna's behavior and circumstances, and not mutually exclusive with the addiction angle either. We don't have to pick only one way of interpreting what characters do (in fact I advise against it), and as the story evolves our frameworks of interpretation may change too. A lens is just a tool for understanding. But for the handful of folks on the two sides of the polarized reaction coin at the moment - those either overly defensive about the comparison or conversely leaning into it in an ugly, mean way - if you think the word "addict" by itself irrevocably condemns Laudna or deprives her of compassion for her circumstances, perhaps consider mulling over how you view addicts IRL.
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girlbloggercher · 9 months
how to be 'that girl'
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first of all, what is 'that girl'? later.com says: " “that girl” is a social media lifestyle trend that refers to women who prioritize wellness, productivity, beauty and mindfulness. " this is true, to a degree; to be 'that girl', you shouldn't prioritize beauty. that is, unless you are prioritizing inner beauty. also, the website describes it as a trend, which isn't technically wrong, but being healthy and productive shouldn't stop for you when the trend dies down. it should be forever.
so, how can you become 'that girl'?
STEP 1: productivity
i know it can be hard to be motivated to clean your room, read, study, etc. but you don't need motivation, you need discipline. make yourself do it because you need to do it and you know it. keeping to-do lists can also be helpful.
STEP 2: exercise
please keep in mind that when i say exercise, i don't mean to lose weight, i mean for your mental and physical health. there are countless studies proving that exercise can increase dopamine. weightloss is just a side effect. you should get atleast 10 minutes of exercise daily. but 1 hour is also recommended.
STEP 3: self-care
the term 'self-care' is extremely vague. it can range from skincare to movie nights to general maintenance. whatever you do to please yourself and take care of yourself, do it.
STEP 4: knowledge
you don't have to be in school to learn. it can literally be as simple as searching up a new word everyday. you can also read nonfiction books. my favorite nonfiction book is 'the immortal life of henrietta lacks'. it's especially great if you love science.
STEP 5: screen time
i understand that being on your phone is literally addictive, but you have to cut back. tiktok has feature where you can set a screen time limit. but other apps probably have this too.
STEP 6: eating
like i said in step 2, this is not for weight-loss, but instead health and the effects of it on your brain. you can look up the nutrients that each meal should have to be considered healthy. you should drink 1-2L of water a day.
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mumblesplash · 4 months
What do you think about how Redstone exposure effects people other than red eyes, and if the redstone effects their eyes, does it affect how their brain functions?
Do people without redstone exposure notice a difference in the behaviours of people with redstone exposure?
Do hybrids have different reactions? Are hybrids of mobs that are more commonly underground more resistant? Are neither and end hybrids less resistant/more susceptible?
Is there a difference in redstone quality and if there is, does that effect exposure?
Sorry for so many questions, I love world building! Also, may I steal the redstone stuff?
no need to apologize i love getting questions like this!!
i’d say redstone exposure effects vary based on individual biology, and the exact mental side effects are ambiguous on purpose, but different hybrids absolutely have different reactions to it!
(side note i did deliberately write those redstone exposure notes through a framework that doesn’t account for this, they’re comparing the hermits’ protocols to an implied universal safety standard)
but like tango for instance has ‘metabolic acceleration’ listed as one of his symptoms, the idea being that to a blaze hybrid redstone acts as a stimulant—he sleeps less, eats more, and burns hotter the more time he spends around it (to the point where he can even comfortably forego his usual heat-retaining overworld gear while working in an ice dungeon)
and then doc’s symptoms are a huge mystery, both due to his creeper hybrid status and the fact that he basically has redstone for blood at this point. the question is more what symptoms the redstone is experiencing from all this doc exposure
as for redstone quality, love the question bc i didn’t actually consider that yet! my gut instinct is to say no, there’s not a huge difference in redstone *quality* per se, but it does come in a lot of different forms, and i think it would make sense for some to be more ‘toxic’ than others
redstone dust would probably be the highest risk (easy to accidentally inhale/ingest and has nothing containing it), ore/redstone torches/redstone blocks are less messy but still high exposure, things like dispensers that are crafted with redstone are a little safer, etc. i think the most stable form it can be in is probably potions, where it’s encapsulated by xp
and yeah ofc you can use the idea! i feel like there’s a lot of directions you could potentially go with it, like are there acute symptoms? is it addictive? can you build a tolerance? what IS redstone exactly? (i know the education edition has its opinions but i have other ideas) <- all questions i deliberately leave unanswered for fun and profit
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I feel like this is likely a bat to a hornet's nest topic but I deeply respect your takes and thoughts overall a lot so here goes: I really appreciate that the show frankly goes out of its way to not pathologize its characters and lets the audience sit with them in the context of their own lives. So I'm kind of baffled that so much focus is given to "diagnosing" them in fan discussions, the vast brunt of which Kendall gets. I don't understand how you can watch this show and understand him as someone who's been heavily abused and had his reactions to being abused weaponized against him and come away being like "wow it's so cringe he acts like that, he must have a brain disease and is just too stupid to understand that. every action he takes is because he is manic/depressed/letting the disease manifest. if only he took the good moral Legal drugs that I do instead of the ontologically bad ones that are Illegal and for dirty addicts. hopefully one day he will Get Help and Receive Treatment so he will be more palatable (no whatever he's done up to this point doesn't count because it didn't work which must inherently be due to his own moral failings)." How did a show like this attract so many Reganites??
bat at a hornets' nest yes. yeah i've said before that i dislike diagnosing fictional characters as a general rule. it's tautological ("they do [x] because they have [y], and they have [y] because they do [x]") and abrogates further analysis of their motives or the meanings of their actions. and it's doubly irksome to me with succession, because unlike a lot of tv, i genuinely don't think that it's written within the weltanschauung of dsm neurobio determinism. ie, it's not a show where the answer to "why did he do that?" is ever supposed to be "his brain is just like that"—these actions are supposed to mean something about what the character wants and needs, and the effect of the capitalist milieu on those things. it's psychological, not psychiatric (& of course, psychoanalytic approaches are common in formal literary studies, whereas blunt psychiatric diagnosis is decidedly less so).
with kendall's drug use there are some particularly irritating ways this all plays out. i've been fiddling with my own reading emphasising the context of logan's demands on kendall and the construction of bourgeois masculinity, and have tried to place kendall's drug use as a response to neoliberal control mechanisms à la deleuze or foucault. i could certainly be challenged on elements of this reading, but what i see on this website is generally just an endless slog of very biomedicalised reads that seem to have no awareness of the particular historical and social baggage present in that model. i do agree there's an element of reactionary DARE-esque moralising going on here (stg if i have to read one more post written by someone who, like, has never so much as met a coke user and thinks all drugs instantaneously give you irreversible morally weighted heart damage, lmao), but it's honestly not just that.
i think most of the time when people do this they're not trying to be reactionary or regressive, and often they not only don't believe themselves to be moralising affective distress, but actually think the dsm diagnosis is the way to avoid that type of moralisation. this is essentially the "it's a discrete disease entity, so they have no control over it and can't help it, so it's not their fault" argument. in practice this fails on many levels. for one thing, it often implicitly assumes that 'ending the stigma' requires any kind of mental disability or affective distress to be treated analogously to physical disability or illness, as though those latter are not also consistently stigmatised and moralised—because ableism is actually more complex than that and has to do with the fact that capitalism values people on the basis of the 'use' it can make of them and their bodies, etc etc. it is also, again, a wildly decontextualised understanding of affective distress, the reasons why people use drugs—including in a manner that feels compulsive and out of control—and so forth.
i'll add also that wrt succession, i actually do see a LOT of pathologisation thrown at roman as well, and more than an incidental amount directed at connor, tom, shiv, and logan. which is to say, i don't think this is solely about people's discomfort with addicts. there's a broad tendency among fans, echoing the even broader social tendency, to see medical diagnosis as personally liberatory, and medicine and psychiatry as passing 'objective' judgments that are necessary in order for a person to 'get better.' this is essentially positivism and is very much a status that the medical profession has fought to obtain (in france you can trace certain 18th-century discourses on national decline, aristocratic luxury, and the corrupting influence of the city -> the birth of clinical medicine after the first revolution -> social hygiene and the pathologisation of the parisian urban poor -> the third republic's 'physician-legislators' and the general class status and professionalisation of medicine; i know less about the gory details of the american and british cases simply by dint of what i do professionally).
we tend to forget these histories when talking about science; it presents itself as a set of timeless, incontrovertible truths that are simply waiting to be uncovered, and we have entire industries of science communication and journalism that propagate this view. which is to say, circling back to succession, i don't believe that most people diagnosing and pathologising these characters are trying to be reactionary or are aware that there are reactionary and moralising elements inherently built into these discourses. i think they're largely people who have not been given the tools to see alternatives, like the perspectives dominant in the history and sociology of science, which are very much kept paywalled and inaccessible on purpose because this is profitable for the academe.
this type of popular literary analysis is simply not going to go anywhere as long as this is still the status and the moral resonance of medicine (and psychiatry by extension because it gained its professional independence without sacrificing the appeal to medico-scientific epistemological authority). i don't think succession viewers are any more or less prone to this type of thinking than the general population they exist amongst. i firmly disagree with this attitude, obviously, and like i said, i don't actually think succession is written 'psychiatrically,' which cannot be said for all tv lol. but i more or less expect to encounter this type of deference to medico-psychiatric judgments in 95% of social interactions and contexts, again because of a combination of institutional control of information, other forms of inaccessibility, and physicians' and psychiatrists' advocacy for their own class and professional interests, both historically and ongoing today.
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
I have seen maybe half a season of TUA and didn’t read the comics so let me tell you seeing those panels where Vanya is yelling “We belong on that stage” (and in reference to herself and her taller blonde bass-playing brother) drawn in profile with literally Gerard’s haircut and outfit was a big shock to the system. I never even considered that he’d inserted elements of himself and his bandmates into TUA except for a bunch of weird edits people made comparing how much Aiden Gallagher looks like Frank but now I feel like I really need to read it.
im really looking forward to rereading all of the comics after this semester's over because i haven't done that since volume 3's run ended and i'll definitely make more coherent posts about it then but like. it's really really interesting to compare to all of gerard's other art because he is just...so distinctively him, even across different mediums and genres. tua and mcr and hesitant alien and kjna and his visual art etc etc etc like his artistic fingerprint is stamped so boldly and unapologetically all over them and that's something i really love about him. like his art, love it or hate it, is sooooo genuine always. even when he's purposely imitating other artists, he's very consciously doing it in his own voice, putting his own spin on it.
when i say tua and mcr are completely separate projects i mean it - i don't think one should only ever be discussed in relation to/in the context of the other - and, above all, tua is certainly not like...autobiographical, or a direct representation of real people/events. it's led by gerard but it has a different creative team than mcr does and that really shows as well - i definitely wanna talk ant this when i have more time but part of the reason im not sold on conweap as an album is because it's too umbrella academy - it's really evident that gerard was working on both of them at the same time, and letting one influence the other too directly. mcr's a band, not a Gerard Project, and umbrella academy is largely a duo (w gabriel bá), so they can't just be transplanted onto each other yk.
anyway I'm rambling but all this to say - tua isn't meant to be "about" mcr any more than bullets is "about" 9/11. but gerard's life was changed and shaped by his experiences in the music scene throughout his life, by dropping everything and living as a penniless artist, by becoming suddenly (in)famous, and that really shines through in tua. he says he drew inspiration from touring band life to write a dysfunctional family, and the dehumanising effects of fame and attention, and of being categorised and scrutinised on a private or public level, are huge themes - as is addiction, mental health, complicated grief.
like...i actually got into mcr through the tua comics lmaooo. i read volume 1 because of wonderful @blackmoldmp3 talking about it and immediately said oh. i need more from this dude's brain right now. and i was soooo not disappointed haha. i really am obsessed with quite a lot of the things gerard is also obsessed with as an artist. the particular themes and imagery and scenarios he's fixated on are really very consistent throughout everything he does - only the way they're discussed or portrayed does change over time. i don't rly subscribe to the idea of gleaning specifics abt artists' personal lives from their works because, beside all else, it just does them a huge disservice (that's my number one gripe with the popular talking pounts around hes alien and frank's solo work in particular; however "confessional" you wanna read art as, it's still art that was created with skill and intent.)
anyway that's way off topic dkfnfj. what i do love about this kind of thing is looking at distinct creations in the context of the rest of an artist's body of work. like...yeah, gerard's said there's a lot of mikey in klaus. has dressed similarly to vanya and the kraken and the seance at times etc etc. has compared himself to the rumor, because she's the one he relates to most. puts a lot of his familiar ideology surrounding music and performance into vanya. puts angry teenage vanya in a shitty punk band with her disillusioned teenage brother on bass, and puts a classical music prodigy in a punk band as an excellent guitarist, writing songs about killing the president etc etc. i could go on! because these things are just scattered everywhere through the comic, just like all of gerard thematic and aesthetic and ideologic fingerprints.
so what's reallyyy interesting to me is looking at umbrella academy as something gerard wrote on the road with mcr across multiple years. volume one was released while the tbp world tour was ongoing, and volume two only a few months after. the progression of parade -> tua -> conweap -> danger days is SOOOO fascinating to me, especially because one of the things that really works about danger days imo is the way it kind of shakes off some of the tua-style gritty cynicism and returns to mcr's defiant, extravagant theatricality. if you go through tua with a fine-tooth comb you'll definitely find the most direct comparisons to conweap, in terms of mcr. the way dd approaches the themes it has in common with tua is just.....so different, and so so mcr. and then you can see the at times self-referential development on those things in hesitant alien - AND THEN VOLUME 3 COMES AROUND AND LIKE. AUUUGGGGHHHHH the change and growth there is SO apparent. btw i don't mean "growth" "progression" etc in this post to mean "improving" - i just mean change and development in a neutral sense, bc it's so interesting to see it laid out there in an artist's body of work. but like. man it makes me crazeeee actually the way gerard picked tua back up....almost certainly around the same time mcr started discussing a potential reunion. and the way that foundations revisits and reconceptualises mcr's existing catalogue is paralleled in the way vol 3 of tua is, like...........like there's so much life lived there, between those things. gerard's even said he's changed his plan for the ending (if we ever see it 🥲) because he has more compassion for his own characters now and doesn't want to see them broken down for good. he says he's gotten better at listening to other people - for starters, he's a lot more conscious of his own subconscious racism/whiteness that came through at times in the original run and has expressed regret for that (namely, the entire main cast being white, with a couple of side characters being uncomfortably stereotyped).
but just like. augh. im not gonna lie man i have no idea what i've just typed im sorry it's probably so rambly bc I'm so dizzy rn and definitely am not gonna proofread it or whatever skdjfj but. I LOVE ART! I LOVE ARTISTS! I LOVE DIVING DEEP INTO AN ARTIST'S BODY OF WORK AND WATCHING THEM REINVENT THEMSELF AND/OR DOUBLE DOWN ON THEMSELF (SOMETIMES FOR BETTER, SOMETIMES FOR WORSE). obvs this fandom genuinely does have a big issue with invasive/un-self-aware parasocial behaviour but there's a difference between that and like. getting obsessed with a particular artist. that's so normal and in fact necessary to life imo. i think every artist literally has to have ppl like that i can't imagine any other way to live it's just a specific type of human connection at a distance baby. don't get me wrong tho i also wanna chew on his thigh. anyway.
my god. how did i get here what even was your question. tua. yes it's crazy. it's not for everyone for sure but it has enough of the shit that makes me crazzzzyyyyy that it got me into mcr which made me crazierrrr so. yes i can recommend. especially if ur like me and lovvvve stories that are a little bit fractured by design. that dance around big parts of the story, where there's as much significance in an absence or in a tiny background detail than there is in any dialogue or action scene. most of the criticism i see of tua is about the pacing but like. to my tastes it's a really great use of the comic medium yk? lmk if you want content warnings or something there are plenty skdjfj.
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monstrouscrew · 4 months
Aromantic Awareness Week: aro vs emo ???
back then, i liked that type of music, too. but i felt clearly not fitting into the subculture related to and built around it, because a shit ton of lyrics and imagery revolved around romantic love and heartbreak. and i found it ...boring, to say the least, although i experienced a few crushes (ofc unrequited, and dated a person only twice in my life, tried my best to use the stereotypes i knew about romance).
what i want to say to 2005-2008 me: hey dude, this is bullshit, there are a lot of strong emotions which let you both break and grow, in addition to your perfected self-hate, and instead of these attempts to get some warmth and safety from others you like aesthetically and physically only.
what i want to say to everyone now: not experiencing strong affection (romantic, platonic, simply emotional, whatever labels exist) to anything is normal (if you can do daily routine, otherwise better check your brain for depression at least). not experiencing romantic feelings and not having the slightest idea of what it is is normal, and it doesn't make you more or less worthy/human/whatever they call it and teach you to call it. enjoying or not romance in fiction, in song lyrics, games, etc - it's normal, regardless of how you feel about it irl.
as for me, the closest thing to romantic feelings i can experience is what i feel when i listen to my favourite music and when i dance, jump and scream my whole being out to it in the clubs. no human, eldritch horror or ancient deity can have this power over me, making this brain switch "self" off and becoming a damn conduit for these waves. singing... yes, it has similar effect on me.
no human, though. yet i have a few ones dear to me. and one of them is what i can call qpp, but labelling anyone but me irl feels uncomfortable and distorting their own truth. however, for me and me only, for (us) four, in our personal universe - fuck romance when it tries to grab me. fuck this addictive shit, and may others who don't suffer from it enjoy it irl.
and a drawing. because fuck at least a few stereotypes, too.
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twistedastrology · 2 months
🪐 my take on the outer planets 🪐
saturn is constantly given a bad rap just because it does its job- saturn's placement in your chart isn't always a bad thing- it can signify difficulties in that area of your life, yes, but it can also tell you what you have unwavering resolve in (especially if you're saturn ruled or saturn is positively aspected)
for example, my saturn is in my 1st house in leo (cancer rising) and I've seen people say that saturn in the 1st house can indicate a fear of growing old or being lonely, whatever- my personal experience with this placement is, ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you i am fucking petrified of losing myself- losing my mind, losing who i am and dying early are my worst fears (dreams in which im dying are NOT the best ive ever had 😮‍💨)
but as a result of this, i know myself SO well. i do think saturn in the 1st house can indicate issues with finding yourself IF it's afflicted, which mine isn't (thank god 💔💔💔)
im also very scared of growing out of touch with the world around me- dont get me wrong, i love being a hermit, but if im ever that old man that can't understand trends or whatever and is overly cynical of younger generations... dawg- take me the fuck out 😕
uranus i LOOOOVEEEEE and i think it stands for so much more than just rebellion- my uranus has a LOT of power in my chart (so does my neptune but they're in mutual reception 😮‍💨) because my moon is cusped (1° pisces, but i feel both pisces and aquarius influence 💔), and it and my mercury im pretty sure are why i think backwards as fuck- (fun fact, my mercury is FIRMLY direct but it likes to act like it's in retrograde 💔💔💔💔)
but!! more interestingly, i have a very specific mental process where whenever im goin thru it, i cant stay goin thru it for a while- if my brain is fucked up for a little too long and i start getting pissed about it, my uranus takes over and legitimately propels me through the pain in almost an instant. i could be going through something for weeks and once i start getting pissed about it or legitimately bored of it, the next day it's like nothing ever happened BUT i still learned from it
ofc I have to do something to trigger that effect, which is where my mars in cancer comes in and i do a workout to tap into the physical catharsis and BOOM, go to bed and wake up the next day a new man 🙏🙏🙏 god bless 🙏🙏🙏
neptune Ok i am not entirely sure what made whoever said neptune is the higher octave of venus think that but I've never been able to see it. this might be controversial as hell but neptune is the higher octave of the moon to me and jupiter is the higher octave of venus. THAT BEING SAID-
neptune is an absolutely fascinating planet to me lately and im not sure why- i do have a couple transit aspects with it right now but ive wanted to write about it literally all day now- U KNOW i might love it so much bc it's in my 8th house actually that would make sense- ANYWAY-
neptune to me is the source of all the visions from god i get, especially my creative ones- (source: it came to me in a vision from god.) the moon is a very creative placement in my opinion (i have a WILDLY different idea of the moon that i can go over in another post), so neptune follows a similar current, but neptune is higher creativity, higher emotion, etc- it's the planet of spirituality and the absolute depths of our subconscious, like to the point of past lives, that's the kinda shit neptune fucks with
but because it's also the higher octave of the moon, to me it can absolutely represent addictions and vices, everything garbage- personally, my neptune isn't very afflicted at all but i also have a major lack of earth in my chart so i Do find myself experiencing classic neptune-based paranoia sometimes- fuck dude i went neurotic for a week at one point, that was some serious neptune delusion- But my uranus/saturn pulled me back from it, because like i said, saturn makes me petrified of losing myself, so those two joined forces like "ya this shit ain't cool actually take it out back and shoot it"
i might make a post on specifically neptune stuff soon and/or right after this bc the hyperfixation is hyperfixating 💔💔
pluto i FUCK with because it's such a soul searchy planet (my 8th house is very active so ofc i fuck with pluto) in the darkest ways and i love that shit- jonathan davis has his pluto in a fucking mastery degree (29° virgo) and i am to this day like 😦 over it- and it makes SO much sense for him to have PLUTO of all planets in a mastery degree- and i have mine in 26° sag so like im not that far behind... 💔
but dude that's mastery of some SERIOUS transformative powers- that's mastery of the wildly darker shit in life and that is so fucking tight to me- i value that kinda stuff more than anything dude- probably why korn is my fav band (been listening to them as i write this 😭😭)
one thing abt pluto that i DONT agree with tho, and this is more of a scorpio thing BUT i know everyone loves to say scorpios are the sexy signs but dawg... it's cancers... i swear 2 god it's cancers- i will write an entire fucking post on cancers and why i HATE everyone's interpretations of them bc everyone's like "cnanncers are cRYBbaueiis and tHyeyre the most emOtIknal siGnsns 💔💔💔" Bro. Bro. Bro dont do me like that for the love of god. that shit made me hate my rising sign for SO long and also not relate to it!!!! then i started doin my own research and found out "Oh fuck nvm im totally a cancer"
BUT if you look at pluto like the actual God- nowhere in his mythology (that I read anyway- i could be wrong i dont wanna act like i know everything) does it say anything abt him ruling over sex or sumn like that- but everyone says pluto rules over sex!!!!!! Where!!!!!!!!!!! dawg they said he was a god of abundance bc he ruled over the underworld and gems and stuff were found underground 😭😭😭
i do think pluto fucks with taboo shit though But back in the ye olden days when astrology was being developed, sex was not taboo at all, that's a new development that i think uranus fucks with more because uranus is a very future focused planet in my humble opinion
i could definitely keep writing but i think this is already a novel SO- to specify tho, this is all my opinion of the planets, ive read PLEEEEEENTY of books and stuff so by no means do i not know how this shit works, but my uranus makes me rip everything apart and make my own take so 💔
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lobotomizedlady · 4 months
Hey i am also anti psych as an institution but im also in therapy and on meds because I cant function.............. do you believe the meds can benefit me or am i just lining their pockets at my own detriment? im not about taking medical advice from tumblr but i have been looking for more opinions because im not knowledgeable on this and i want to read
I'm the first to admit that some people do in fact benefit from their meds, I'm one of those people to some extent. I am pretty happy with a few of my prescriptions. but on a larger scale, there are certain classes of medications that are widely prescribed that I believe do far more harm than good in the way they're currently being used.
the most harmful of these are antipsychotics. I used to be on one & I now refuse to take it, APs are just a chemical lobotomy, they literally shrink your brain over time + make you balloon up & give you diabetes, tardive dyskinesia, etc, thats just the tip of the iceberg. literally every single schizophrenic client I had who had been on APs for a long time had a million physical health issues bc of them & most were very lethargic to the point of falling asleep during group therapy.
while APs do have their uses in extremely severe cases, the big problem with them is that doctors aren't just prescribing them as a short term silver bullet to deal with severe psychotic episodes, as they ought to. they are handing them out like candy to anyone & everyone, from people with PTSD to curmudgeonly elderly patients to literal children, usually "difficult" ones in the foster care system, prison inmates with MH conditions-even people with nothing more than mild depression get given APs. and it's all bc big pharma sent their pill pushers out with bogus fraudulent studies exaggerating the positive effects & downplaying the negative ones so that they could make more money off meds that ought to be a very rare Rx.
this is also my primary issue with the second most harmful class of MH drugs, benzos. they work phenomenally when taken /as needed/ to stop panic attacks but psychs who prescribe them as a long term every day solution need to have their licenses taken away & I'm so serious about that. benzo withdrawal is the worst there is, you can literally die from it & it lasts YEARS with an insane amount of horrible side effects including rebound anxiety. I know people who trusted that their psychiatrist knew best & took xans for mild anxiety & now they literally cannot get off them, they are physically & mentally addicted & it's more difficult to kick than a heroin addiction (not exaggerating). well, guess who's a paying pharma patient for life now? how convenient.
SSRIs (as well as SNRIs) are another extremely commonly prescribed class that's come under fire recently due to the fact that the studies showing their efficacy were discovered to have been completely falsified. they literally don't do what the pharma companies claimed they do, the science is NOT there & on top of that they have some nasty side effects. what's particularly scary is what can happen when you try to come off them (withdrawal symptoms lasting years, anhedonia, also PSSD-there are people who haven't had an orgasm in years after coming off these drugs). I'm planning to take part in some of the lawsuits that are in the works due to this mass defrauding of mental health patients including myself.
the body count psychiatry has is a direct result of our for profit healthcare system that incentives overprescription, and the issue is so massive that I honestly think it totally dwarfs the opioid crisis prior to the overcorrection & fent & tranq being introduced. fuck, at least opioids /actually/ do what they're supposed to do, unlike most of these MH meds. it's insane & infuriating. I recommend reading Mental Health Inc if you want to know more about this, it gives you a sense of the scope of this issue.
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tricitymonsters · 1 year
Can we please have some nsfw facts about Amir's succubus powers and all the fun ways he can use them during sexy times 👀💗
So Amir's powers largely revolve around some degree of hypnotic suggestion. Its a lot more subtle when he's maintaining his human form and usually gives his victim a bigger chance to resist or push back. The goal here *is* subtlety, however, as Amir's suggestions could easily be masked as your own ideas or wants and that usually suits his needs very well.
However, hypnotic suggestion can kinda get cranked up to full blown mind control in Amir's monster form and a LOT of his powers revolve around altering your thoughts or perceptions.
Some of Amir's succubus tricks include:
Installing a trigger phrase in a victim to prompt a physiological reaction, ie getting hornier when the phrase is said, prompting premature climax or physical movements.
Making something mundane (like clothing) feel incredibly uncomfortable
Prompting intense feelings of stress or anxiety if the victim is not attending to the task set to them by Amir. It won't physically damage but the feeling is uncomfortable and usually prompts quick obedience. The pressure is relieved when Amir acknowledges the task done.
Installing an intense reaction in social settings that cause the victim to have a constant, barrage of thoughts that they are being watched lasciviously and that they're being universally perceived as a fucktoy. This can cause stress or intense horniness depending on the marks individual response to exhibitionism kinks.
Making it so that having cum inside/on erogenous zones makes the mark infinitely more sensitive. Orgasms can be strong enough to temporarily stun the victim.
Making it so the victim can sense the horny thoughts of those around them and it has a powerful 1:1 affect on their own arousal
Amir can give cum addictions easily, its one of his favorites. His victim can't get enough of the taste of cum and are physically compelled to get more. There's degrees of strength this can be applied with too that affect the addiction and withdrawal symptom strength.
Amir can also snap a victim into complete ferality, this is a higher tier compulsion, however, and would require more concentration/energy especially with willful targets.
One of Amir's favorite things to do is alter his victim's perception of him and to an extent, he even does this in human form to a lower degree. The victim, whether rational or not, can't help but see the target (typically Amir himself) as powerful, beautiful, and inevitably "victorious" and conversely feel very small, weak, and stupid next to him. With this firmly taking hold, the victim is also more open to a variety of other suggestions and this is an easy gateway to worship play.
You knew this was coming- While he can do it as just a hypnotic suggestion, succubus powers are intense and perfectly geared towards temporary, low impact physical transformations. Amir can give you tits and make them lactate.
Installing kinks is also relatively easy for him, though certain kinks tend to take hold easier than others and the will of the victim is also a big factor in the strength and longevity. Breeding kink, oral fixations, etc are usually the easiest. Sometimes he likes to randomly pick one for his victim and watch the results.
Making it so the victim must have cum in them to function.
Amir can cross wires in your brain making pain your pleasure and vice versa.
Keeping a victim on edge indefinitely. He's partial to pairing this with a trigger phrase so no matter how much the victim touches themselves there's no relief until Amir says the correct words.
Another mean dom trick Amir loves a lot is disconnecting the victim's libido so that orgasms don't sate horniness.
Making it so the victim's horniness has an effect on those around them even if they're unaware of the cause.
One of my personal favorites, Amir can give his victim a g-spot in their throat, making getting facefucked a completely new experience.
Ghost penetration (Amir can make his victim feel as though they're stuffed full)
or conversely make them acutely aware of how empty they are and how badly they need to remedy that.
For more subtlety, Amir can also prompt blood flow to head south in his victims, providing him with an easy way to create psychological associations.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
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Mulder is not an INFP. He is also not an INFJ. Shocker!
And just HOW did I reach this conclusion (especially since the MBTI system has been thoroughly discredited??) Fear not! All the answers are just below~ (and the typing system disclaimer is tucked away at the bottom of the post.) 
So, enough talk!! It’s time for a nerdy analysis! 
(Note: Credit to whoever edited these pics-- I don’t have the Tumblr handles anymore-- let me know if it’s yours and I’ll @ you.)  
An INTP brain is divided into four “sections”; but for today’s analysis it’s easier to stick to the main “functions” of Mulder’s Mind:
The Hero Function: This function is the most effortless of the stack of eight, the “superhero” if you will. For Mulder that is his Thinking Introverted (Ti for short) Function. It serves as the most distilled version of Logos-- “if this happened, then that will happen”-- it sorts through all the facts presented and finds the most verifiable Truth. It IS the truth; and serves to cut open an infected wound in order to clean out the rot and allow healing to take place. INTPs know the importance that pain provides, even if it does deep but temporary damage. 
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At their most immature, INTPs can be insanely prideful about what they know, and their pride is often misconstrued as arrogance; but when tempered with wisdom, they become humble bearers of the Truth, wishing to pass on their knowledge to improve the ethics of others. Credentials are worthless to INTPs. They realize truth or “right” is not tied to a degree; and know that the most educated individuals in one subject are completely idiotic in another. (Mulder’s general disdain for those individuals who “know everything” comes to mind.)  
The Parent Function: This function serves as the pessimistic but responsible parent for an INTP. Extroverted Intuition (Ne for short) sees all possible outcomes for everyone’s collective future to a near “spooky” prescient degree. Because they can “predict” the futures of those around them based on their past patterns of behavior, INTPs are easily bored. If they have no one to keep them on their toes, they become addicted to vices that attempt to distract them from their boredom (ex. the Chinga episode.) They are able to see patterns that most others miss; and when INTPs combine this with their Ti Hero they rarely ever fail at puzzling together clues and figuring out the great mysteries of life. 
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If underdeveloped, Ne Parent sounds like the ravings of a crazy chicken yelling that the sky is falling; if matured, they are able to temper their message for maximum effectiveness, reaching critically more people and laying the groundwork for others to carry out the plans they create. They are more of a brainstormer, uncovering new information and piecing together plans before handing them off to the footmen eager to rush off and get the job accomplished.
The Child Function: This function is the most idealistic of all the functions, and causes the deepest wounds if “bullied.” Sensing Introverted (Si for short) is past focused-- habit, security, experience-- and uses those memories to build the duties of the present and future. The miraculous sense of steadfastness, discipline, conviction, and endurance gives INTPs a truly staggering focus that is unparalleled. 
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In Mulder’s case, his strong memories of his sister, his strong loyalty, and his unrealistic but nostalgic childhood memories fueled his almost 30-year quest; and extended into adulthood with the lengths he would go to save Scully (and Skinner, etc.) time and again. “Child abuse” for an INTP is when others accuse them of being disloyal or prove that they are disloyal. INTPs will pour out their life’s blood if the person they loved needed just a drop. They are deeply wounded if their loyalty is exploited or disregarded (if that isn’t Mulder I don’t know what is….) They are also the MOST sensitive to bad experiences, causing almost irreparable wounds that cut deep and bleed internally. 
Si Child is also the reason why INTPs are the most introverted out of all the types: they choose to avoid ALL experiences in the fear that even ONE might be painful. It’s doubly important for their loved ones to push them outside their comfort zones and tap into their adventurous “will try it at least once” side. This helps them to step outside of their warped “couch potato” existence. 
The Inferior Function: This function serves as a point of aspiration and vanity. Feeling Extroverted (Fe for short) makes INTPs afraid of being a burden, even going so far as to take the blame of others’ actions on their own shoulders. They fear they are a bad person, which leads them to being easily guilted. 
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This can be a good thing, however, since it can easily shake them from their lazy habits or self-destructive tendencies by shaming them out of it (ex. dream Scully’s tongue-lashing in Amor Fati). More mature INTPs forgo that fear of rejection to care for their friends by warning them of the bad futures (Ti Hero, Ne Parent) that will result from their poor decisions (and it gives them a great opening for an “I told you so” one liner.) This requires courage because most friends would rather walk away than be proven wrong.
The Nemesis Function: This function is an INTP’s greatest source of worry. Thinking Extroverted (Te for short) makes them doubt the intelligence of those around them-- 
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thereby amplifying those doubts of and in themselves. If they are mature, this spurs INTPs to intensely research all types of information, which in turn gives them a massive amount of knowledge on varying topics, depths, and scales which they rarely (if at all) forget. 
The Critic Function: This function serves as an INTP’s most cynical aspect or greatest possibility for wisdom. Introverted Intuition (Ni for short) is all about willpower and desire; but for INTPs, choice scares them. They see the constant disaster of the bad decisions of those around them, which makes them hesitant to make ANY decision because of their pessimistic predictions of their own outcomes (Ne Parent.) They are afraid to want.  Because of that, INTPs have “failure to launch” syndrome: stuck in inaction or at least not progressing despite feeling unfulfilled-- 
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but then they get hypocritically upset with others for wanting something greater and striving for it. The best examples of these points are Mulder’s blinders on any goal other than finding his sister, even to the near destruction of his personal life and mental health. His fear to step outside his quest and get his true aspirations destroyed-- “getting out of the car” with Scully like she wants and settling down like he mentioned in Home-- holds him back from changing “the status quo” and almost makes Scully walk away from him to greener pastures (Ed Jerse and Daniel Waterston.) Maturity helps the Critic to put pressure on themselves, painstakingly prying them out of their unfulfilling freeze states and into more active roles in their own destiny.
The Trickster Function: This function is an INTP’s weakest function. Sensing Extroverted (Se for short) makes them unaware of what is happening around them, or even how they are perceived by others. Reality is arbitrary; and because of that, INTPs spend more time in their head than out of it. This is a strength in that they can turn their vision into a tangible reality. The problem is that they have NO idea how they come across. 
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During conversation, they look everywhere else than at the speaker; but they absorb everything you are saying and doing given their insane attentiveness and focus. Even more so if they are loyal to you: using their Si Child, they can quote something you said offhand five years ago back to you now to prove that they care and are always listening. (They are deeply hurt if their actions are misconstrued as uncaring.) On top of that, initiating any relationships are ALWAYS a struggle; but it’s a near horrific experience for male INTPs to initiate a romantic relationship. Their Se Trickster handicaps them to social cues (asking a girl out minutes after she has a breakup), and this leads them to getting brutally rejected. They are also afraid to want (Ni Critic), which stops even advances that are guaranteed to succeed. Most of the time they end up being pursued, usually by more aggressive or go-getter females (Phoebe, Diana, and Rain King’s Sheila comes to mind.) 
The Demon Function:  And lastly, this function is INTP’s strongest function-- the propensity for destruction or salvation. Feeling Introverted (Fi for short) is about personal values and worth. At its worst, it leads INTPs to dismiss their own feelings and needs, and this leads them to become doormats to be exploited, guilted, and dismissed. 
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When they reach their limit, INTPs become depraved and debaucherous. If no one will recognize their sacrifices and humiliations they put up with in the name of loyalty and love, then they will make themselves feel good. They implode internally, nursing their wounded feeling in debaucherous pastimes that slowly eat away at them, leading to their willful self-destruction. The only way to save them from this cycle is for someone to save them from themselves by guilting them back into good behavior (the previous example of dream Scully’s speech in Amor Fati clicks right into place here as well.) When they are mature, an INTP will realize their own value and refuse to be treated horribly, secure in their self-worth and contributions to the world and those around them. 
Why Mulder is Neither an INFJ Nor an INFP 
Why Mulder Is Not an INFJ 
The biggest difference between an INFJ and an INTP is their respective N functions: Ni for INFJ and Ne for INTP. While both types are abstract and revolve on the same Ti/Fe Axis, they are completely different in their perspectives on and their focuses in life.
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Ni’s focus is on one’s OWN future, whereas Ne focuses on society’s as a COLLECTIVE whole. 
-For an INFJ, Ni is his Hero function: strongest and most effortless of all functions, it serves to hyper-focus INFJs on their OWN personal goals, map out a plan, and trailblaze it at the speed of light. For the INFJ that goal is implementing a better ethical system for humanity: their Fe parent strives for fairness and love in the hearts of all. The negative to that is forceful or authoritarian implementation of their own personal ethics: “in MY house we follow THESE RULES.” Mulder is not ethically focused: he rarely judges others on their morals, doesn’t even blink about the morally decayed lives of those he investigates, and even justifies some of the victims or perpetrators’ dubious actions. He certainly does not impose his own beliefs or values onto those around him, and even sneers at those who do (such as organized religions, for example... or Gogolak in Arcadia link here for analysis~.) 
-For an INTP, Ni is his Critic function: in its immature state, it can be extremely cynical with an INTPs own personal hopes or plans for their future. They fear to mark out their own path, observing the disastrous consequences of the bad choices of those around them and concluding that it’s better to not have personal aspirations rather than catastrophic failures. Because of that, INTPs have “failure to launch” syndrome: stuck in inaction or stuck in one locked position despite its failures at fulfillment. 
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-For an INFJ, Ne slots itself into the Nemesis/Worry Function: they worry about others’ intentions, constantly misconstruing them in a faulty attempt at shining a light on their motives or intent. Their fear of others’ inhibiting their personal freedom causes unnecessary paranoia, which leads INFJs to permanently cut people out of their lives (Si Demon) at the slightest hint of a slight or threat, even when there is no evidence to suggest such a drastic step. 
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This, I believe, is the nail in the coffin about Mulder’s type: Mulder trusts, and trusts, and trusts until he is led straight into betrayal; and even then he excuses the other person’s actions until there is no justification; and STILL he believes they can become better people and hear them out every time they ask for mercy (examples: the revolving door of ex-girlfriends, Deep Throat, Krycek, Skinner, even CSM and his Consortium fellows.) He constantly beats himself up for misplacing his belief again and again despite all the warnings to the contrary, a classic example of the manipulation INTPs are so easily susceptible to. 
-For an INTP, Ne slots into their Parent Function: it responsibly sees danger to society at a macro whole and does its best to warn of the impending danger. INTPs have no personal agenda to achieve other than to warn others and correct the ignorance of the willfully blind around them-- and their warnings are ALWAYS right. 
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This is Mulder to a T-- he is frustrated when bogged down with carrying out a system of change, but even more frustrated with a bloated, blinded bureaucracy while aliens are on everyone’s doorstep. His warnings are mostly unheeded; but he digs his heels in and continues to uncover the Conspiracy while sacrificing his “life” in the process. It’s not until The Unnatural that Dales teaches him to “look to the mystery of the heart”-- which helps him to, for the first time, focus on something HE loves to do, which is the antithesis to how higher levels of Fe functions.  
I would be remiss to address one of the most important differences between INFJs and INTPs: their fashion sense. Se Inferior/Aspirational/Vanity (in good and bad ways) makes INFJs very aware of how they appear to others. This gives them the impressive ability to polish their self-expression through peak performance and impeccable fashion. Se Trickster (however) makes INTPs tragically unaware of what is happening around them and how they are coming across to others-- making them incredibly clumsy and horrible at fashion and always forgetful of small things like car keys. 
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Mulder’s weird hairstyles (for all but S4-5) and his weird obsessions and his weird behaviors since his Star Trek-obsessed childhood and his clutzy accidents (in Small Potatoes/Monday/etc.) and the “constant, touchstone” behavior of always losing his gun are just some small examples that come to mind. (On a bright side: all those fanfics with Mulder as a professor are canonically accurate as INTPs are the stereotype for the “absent-minded professor” trope.) 
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Why Mulder Is Not an INFP
INTPs and INFPs look very similar but are actually even more dissimilar than INFJs, since INTPs run on the Ti/Fe Axis and INFPs run on the Fi/Te Axis. These Axis (whatever the plural is) are pivotal to the major differences in their personal philosophies, moralities, and ethics.
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-For an INFP, Fi slots into his Hero Function: they are driven by PERSONAL beliefs, specifically personal morals and principles rather than Fe/Ti social ethics. INFPs’ core values define them as a person and are stronger than any data or facts or the Truth itself. This type believes that believing-- or “manifesting”-- is enough, which is pretty self-explanatory to why Mulder is not an INFP. His core belief is “I WANT to believe”, letting one infer that he naturally disbelieves; and this is proved by his quote in the Pilot: “I’m not crazy, Scully. I have the same doubts...”, and his admonishment in Beyond the Sea: “Dana, open yourself up to extreme possibilities only when they are the truth.”  
-For an INTP, Fi slots into his Demon Function: INTPs are often overlooked and overworked, driven by taskmasters who find them useful and easily guilted into carrying the burdens of others’ scutwork. When they have had enough-- which can take years because they are naturally patient--  and realize the hoops they’ve jumped through to make others feel good are for naught, they become depraved and sink into debauchery in a harmful self-soothing attempt to make themselves feel good, leading straight into willful self-destruction. Perfect examples of these times in Mulder’s life are: early S2 (with further degrading during Scully’s abduction and coma), One Son (when he gave up briefly), and even Three Words (feeling like life had left him behind and willing to get himself killed in order to find meaning.) 
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-For an INFP, Te slots into their Inferior/Aspirational/Vanity Function: they are afraid of what others think of their reputation. INFPs NEED others to believe good things about them, even if those beliefs are not grounded in any form of reality. This can be a powerful force for good, as it inspires them to read hard-hitting literature to constantly develop their own personal moral code; and at their best they cannot be out-academic-ed and become insanely popular by doing so. However, their focus is not on knowledge so much as the boost their reputation gets with the acquisition of knowledge. Mulder is not focused on his reputation at all, even recklessly tossing it aside in pursuit of the truth and stirring up hornets’ nests that would serve better advantage to keep undisturbed. If he’s known as “Spooky” or the crazy man howling at the moon, it will not shake his surety of self (that is what GUILT does, not reputation hits.) 
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-For an INTP, Te fits into his Worry/Nemesis Function: INTPs are worried that others are factually incorrect, because that will affect everyone else’s futures (Ne Parent) to disastrous degrees. If an INTP is mature, he will take new information with a grain of salt and prove his own credibility by verifying it. Once proven correct, he will then defend these ideas to his grave, and mentor others out of their faulty logic to become better at reasoning and therefore more intelligent. Mulder typifies this to its fullest from the beginning and spends the rest of the series wading through the weeds of Scully’s acquired facts to find the most accurate conclusion--which is why he needs her Te data and she needs his Ti hero. A truly symbiotic relationship (+ another analysis in future~.) 
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Thank you for reading this long review! If you have other types that you think or thought Mulder is or was, I love feedback and would be intrigued to add your thoughts in a future update.  
Disclaimers: This is a self-assessed analysis. This information is not based on the abominable MBTI system (which has been butchered from its original Jungian typology since ~WWII); instead, it’s a combination between the works of Jung’s type psychology, Dr. Linda Berens’ Communication styles, Dr. Dario Nardi’s EEG brain scan compiled research, and others’ data and practices as compiled and simplified by CSJoseph. This system is based only on the Nature side of Nature/Nurture; and each “type” is not a “box” to fit everyone into-- simply a tool to help understand the basics of the human mind that science has only begun to fathom in its limited scope.
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elicathebunny · 6 months
Hii could you make a post on controlling bad habits ( po*n, mastur*ation,smoking ,etc ) and then completely stopping them by the time ? If you're uncomfortable then it's completely okay to ignore my request 🙂 .
Loads of love 🌷🩷🌷
Hey love! Breaking from habits that have been kept for long periods will be difficult, and the majority of the time you will find yourself backsliding. But since you are already aware of the problem, that's step one complete (being willing to change).
Here are some questions you can ask yourself: 1) When did it start and do you know why? 2) When do you feel the urge to watch/do that thing? 3) What do you get out of it that makes you keep going back? What makes it tempting?
For po*nography, I suggest downloading a web blocker or an app timer. You can select the websites you usually go on and block them, or set a timer for that certain app and set it to 0 minutes every single day. This means you will not be able to go on it at all unless you mess around with the time or delete the app. With these sort of apps or web blockers, I think there are options to block it until a certain time of the day. You can set it to a time you know you wouldn't really be active, like very early in the morning (for example 2am, or 3am). With that on you can be certain that you cannot bypass the blocker or timer. Mastur*bation is very much self-control and might be more difficult. For this, I think keeping yourself busy is very important in controlling yourself. As soon as you think about doing it, go do something else immediately. Do something that would really take your mind off somewhere else, for example exercising. Go for a walk or talk to someone on the phone, just something that would stop your brain from thinking about it or pushing yourself into a social situation which would obviously stop you from doing it. I'm not quite sure how to advise smoking habits. Since this is also a very self-control and mental battle, it will also be kind of difficult to refrain from. Breaking smoking is also determined by how addicted you are. But I think limiting and reducing the amount you would usually smoke slowly until it's a significantly smaller amount than what you would usually have, then completely irradicating it would be a good option. Again, I also think keeping yourself busy would be a good thing to do like going on walks instead of having a smoking break. I believe that people's environments are a big factor in breaking habits. It may be slightly easier to stay away from smoking if not many people around you are doing it. So if your friends are smoking/vaping and it has become like a social hangout thing, then self-control around them will be hard. Also just being aware of the dangers of smoking and the effect it can have on your body and life might bring you a reality shock into trying to stop it. I think the key to breaking bad habits is self-control, substitution and rewards. Download an app specifically for timing how long it's been since you've done the bad habit. Once you have reached a milestone. You can give yourself a small reward like throwing yourself a mini celebration. Replacing bad habits with good ones is also a thing to consider. Maybe you like the outdoors, so instead of doing that bad habit, you can go outside for how ever long you feel like it and associate that urge with going for a walk to the park or wherever else.
Sorry if I'm not much help 😭 🤍🤍🤍
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brunchbitch · 21 days
Why is L worried about you smoking weed daily? Do you think it's stigma around pot specifically, because of things that happened in the past with your substance use, or is it creating problems in your life in someway? Something else?
she's concerned about the long term effects of smoking weed daily. she said there's an increased risk for cardiovascular complications. she also has noticed that when her regular weed smoking clients stop, it's like a dimmer switch is turned back up to 100% in terms of personality, motivation, etc. it's interesting bc weed is so different for me from alcohol. i don't really ever want to use behaviors when i'm high (except maybe binging/purging but haven't acted on that in years) and i'm just happier than i am when i'm drinking.
i do think the weed has had a slight cognitive effect where, even when i'm not high, i feel a little slower and cloudier, more forgetful, lose my train of thought easier, and often have a harder time thinking of the exact word(s) i'm looking for. which can sometimes get in the way of work, though not in any significant way so far and is not noticeable to others, as far as i can tell. i think it's probably more my perfectionistic brain wanting to be perfect and never make any mistakes and basically to not be a human being. it's also tough bc i still feel pretty new at my job so sometimes not being at 100% cognitively just increases my anxiety that i'm not doing a good job.
in terms of the dimmer switch, i have also noticed that i'm less thoughtful and passionate about things... like i meant to send my mom flowers on mother's day and i just never got around to it. or i'll forget to wish someone happy birthday. i'll cancel social things much more often. i forget to respond to emails and texts. when i smoke weed, i'm most likely not gonna go for a walk and appreciate the day - i usually just sit on the couch and play video games. it's hard bc on the one hand, i sort of feel like don't i deserve to feel happy, even if it's artificial, after so so so many years of wanting to be dead? but i recognize that there are other ways i could increase my happiness in ways that don't deplete my dopamine/serotonin.
it's really fucking tough. at this point i feel like i am genuinely addicted to weed (even though i think most people say that's not possible?) so i recognize that's not great obviously. it feels very difficult to think about stopping completely, and honestly, i would need A to cut down drastically or stop with me bc it's too hard to be around it and not partake in it. but he doesn't have any interest in cutting down or stopping right now, and i can't force him. (he will be thoughtful if i am trying not to smoke that day - like he'll wait until i go to bed to smoke, but i can still smell it if i come downstairs for a glass of water or something)
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divinequo · 9 months
It's not about assembling a healthy relationship it's about what you think would be interesting to watch and boy when I tell you it would be interesting to watch Glam and Ches fail at homosexuality I mean that. Their gay divorce would have a bodycount. Lacho vibes. Disaster ensues.
That absolutely is a fair point, I can see what you mean by disaster, I feel like they both would be incredibly awkward towards each other and fail at trying to do basically romantic stuff lmao
What I meant was a bit more serious though
(TW for Dr*g mentioned and ab*$3 implied)
From what we've seen both are extremely mentally unstable, especially glam in what is shown from his side of the story, I deeply apologize to all chesglam enjoyers (that includes myself as well) but truth is that ches is ignorant, selfish, reckless, and distraction driven, while glam is manipulative, controlling, unpredictable with his emotions, anger issues, etc, both of them are horrible to others at times (I'm not sure who is worse considering I don't have all their 'moral crimes' on a list ofc) but to be brutally honest, they're both bad people, everyone in this show is almost, (with the exception of heavy and lif) but we love them all BECAUSE its realistic, that's apart of the appeal, but with those two and their personalities at play, along with their dynamic, while at surface level seems like a pure dream, if we imagine chesglam from a realistic point of view
its quite horrifying to actually think about
With ches's substance ab*se problems he'd be unattainable, swift with his actions, and as we've seen, forgetful and careless, (ofc most of these issues are merely due to the actual substances effecting his body but still) while glam is controlling of smaller and bigger aspects, it's admirable when it's on more casual things like schedules and meal plans but pin that over to ches and their relationship and you can see where the problems would start to settle in, yelling at him during relapses as ches throws up in the bathroom, and insulting him (again mostly canon) but it being almost all the time?? Not to mention how when he has an idea of plan he literally doesn't pay attention or care about anything else, plus the lack of understanding towards how addictions work and how it effects the brain chemistry in the process would seriously lead to some loud and incredibly stressful nights for ches, but ofc he'd probably be high during it or just knocked out completely, also the way when ches lost his temper glam just immediately smacked him?? And slapping him across the face, over an emotional outburst, (yes i understand ches was insulting Victoria but like.. he didn't even know her??) and I'd prefer not to think about what exactly Glam would do to him if he actually did something wrong that was more important than what he said, in theory its ofc ok to ship them, suffer all they've had a lot of cute moments together and their friendship was genuinely healthy and more valuable when they were younger, it's just in my opinion, the combination of one guy being incredibly controlling and guilt tripping those he cares about to get what he wants and another guy who is addicted to seriously harmful substances and is emotionally unstable due to his mothers lack of attention and sudden absence and therefore being vulnerable as a result, is very... Interesting yet... You know... Not desirable to me to see or watch
All non illegal ships are valid, ship whatever you want, I ship chesglam too because the idea is cute, I apologize for the rant it's just I've been thinking this for a long while since we saw the new episode snd got more insight into their characters, would love to hear your opinions though and thoughts, stay safe everyone xoxo~☆
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bisquuet · 1 year
This takes place at afterward at night of the same day of the Revvar putting Devlin's hair up comic! Read left to right unless specified Blue: Eden Yellow: RevvarThis comic is mostly a snippet of lore about a different method that some clan members might use to handle their bloodline, etc. Please read afterward for a better explanation of what they are talking about!
(hope it is readable in terms of the speech bubbles being in order and my handwritng!) Enjoy!
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ALRIGHT THANK YOU FOR READING! Now to explain. What are antis?:
Antis is a method for the clan to suppress their emotions/bloodline. It is mostly used if they have: - have too much mana -depresssion (from ability or outside of it) -aggressive evil cycle -stress/panic attacks/PTSD - not very well control Just anything along the lines of these! Think of anti-depressants as something to compare it to. They come in three ways that you can use it. --- Patches: -Recommended for kids and works best for them or demons with weak mana -Best for meltdowns or bursts of ability for kids (since lack of control) - A square cold patch that should be placed on either the lower back or the forehead of the kid demon. Can only be used once per patch. It will cool down the kid at the moment.
Stitches: -Can be used for teens and adults but recommended for older demons/adults, to be more... socially acceptable. -Best for stress, panic attacks, PTSD, and depressive episodes -Looks like a cigarette but has the properties of an inhaler. (kinda) They come with 12 in each pack. Once used, it will taste like really cold air that is supposed to help regulate the blood pressure and the mana of the demon. It will emit a golden fume/smoke. It does not smell like smoke. The effect will last at the moment and at the last intake, thirty minutes afterward. (Usually, the demon is calmed down by then) This is the most commonly used method within the clan. Supplements: -Can be used for any age, recommended for demons that, REALLY need it. -Best for aggressive evil cycle, depressive episodes -Pills that come in a pack of three in a small box. Best to be used sparingly as too much at once or too much consecutively can be fatal. Once used, it will take a lot of the mana of the demon for it to be efficient. Usually, the pill will last for the amount of mana that the demon has. Ex: if the demon has lots of leftover mana, then the longer the effect lasts. Which is why it's best used as stated above. When using it, the demon will get a sensation of bliss and calm, almost like numbness. However, after it fades, they will get a "crash" and that is usually where the fatal part comes into play. Can Antis be addictive?: Patches: No. Stitches: Yes. Supplements: Yes. Both are recoverable! It becomes addictive when the demon is not able to use its ability because of the constant usage of the antis, it wires the brain and body to be afraid of the bloodline. Ex: When the ability is used, the body will react negatively, like withdraw, and will need the stitch/supplement to soothe and to stop the pain. What happens if someone outside of the clan uses the antis?: Nothing! Well not entirely. Patches: No effect at all, it'll just be like a regular cold patch. Stitches: It'll taste like actual smoke to them! Supplements: They will get really REALLY sick but not fatally sick.
THANK YOU IF YOU READ ALL OF THIS, sorry if some things dont make sense ah- AND if you guys have questions about any of this, feel free to ask! but i also want to apologize for not answering asks in a while, i have been on focusing on the COTS comic! >.> anyways, this is an explanation of what antis are!! Even tho they both compromised in the end, whose side would you have been on? (hard question since its very vague but hey! still answerable imo >:D )
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