#lion snake
the-phoenix-heart · 4 months
Sorting Hat Chats - A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Heeeey I'm back again. Hunger Games is one of my recent hyperfixations, so I'm doing a sorting of the latest book/film. I'll only be sorting Coriolanus Snow and Lucy-Gray Baird in this post. And Dr. Gaul oops.
An explanation of the system I am using can be found here. (Credit: @wisteria-lodge )
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LUCY-GRAY BAIRD is a thriving, healthy Snake secondary through and through. She loves performing, she loves playing coy, and she clearly relishes in getting one up on her enemies. This is a woman who turn her death sentence into a concert. Her plan to defeat Reaper, someone larger and deadlier than her, is to piss him off and give him the run around until he dies of exhaustion (or drinks from a poisoned puddle). To get one up on Mayfair when her name is called Lucy-Gray puts a snake in her dress to freak her out and subsequently humiliate her on live TV. No punches held back.
She's described by her actress as "a performer in a hunt," and she is. She always gives off the impression that she is always acting and always authentic in every moment. Snow certainly can never tell if she's lying or not and for all his faults he is smart.
CORIOLANUS SNOW meanwhile is a Bird secondary (I know, oh the irony) and the two secondaries slot in well together. In ABOSAS we see how he is always calculating in every interaction how he can leverage this for the most gain. He wears a carefully manufactured mask playing up whatever trait he has to to get what he wants from the person he is talking to. That's the Actor Bird in him, he can't just become someone like Lucy-Gray can. Which is why Snow works so well as a mentor for her. He can make all the plans he wants and give her every advantage to win, and she can immediately go along with it without skipping a beat.
We also see his Bird secondary on full display when he starts to come into power. He immediately starts making plans for the 11th Hunger Games when he comes back to the Capitol. His signature method for killing people is poison, and in sixty years that never changes. It's a risky plan that always works so why would he change it? And of course we know after he becomes president just how much effort he puts into controlling Katniss with more and more plans.
As for their primaries, well, that's why they constantly misunderstand each other. Coriolanus and Lucy-Gray look at each other and they both see a Snake primary, but those aren't their true sortings. Lucy-Gray is wearing a Snake primary model, and Coriolanus is wearing a Snake primary performance, not even a model.
Lucy-Gray loves the Covey, but at the end of the day when Mayor Lipp wants her dead Lucy-Gray doesn't need to think twice about running away. She knows they can take care of themselves, and she values her own freedom above anything else. It's apparent also in how she treats Billy-Taupe. She loved him once, but the moment he cheated on her she immediately cut him out of her life and doesn't seem to regret that decision. "Without trust you might as well be dead to me."
Lucy-Gray is a Lion primary, and like her secondary it's healthy. Her mantra is "Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping." She's another example of the Jack Sparrow style of Lion primary, the Fae lion. Freedom is good and control is bad. It's also why when she leaves Snow she makes it a whole production where she sings him "The Hanging Tree" and runs around him as a way to fuck with him. She knows that Corio isn't the man she thought he was and she wants to show him she knows.
Lucy-Gray is the Yin to Katniss's Yang. Katniss is a famous Snake Lion, and Lucy-Gray is the inverse of that, a Lion Snake. That quote about Lucy-Gray being a performer in a hunt is followed by Katniss being "a hunter in a performance." The revolution in a small way begins with Lucy-Gray and is ended by Katniss. Lucy-Gray loves freedom before all else, and that means she is never going to fight the Capitol like Katniss would, "it's too early for [K]atniss," she says. But Katniss is that Snake primary who loves so deeply and devastatingly that of COURSE she would end up fighting the Capitol.
But I think Lucy-Gray likes Snake primaries. I think she likes how much the value freedom, but also the way they value their people. That's what she sees when she sees Snow, a man who will do anything to protect the people he loves over himself. But that's just a performance Snow puts on, because he knows that looks much more nobler than what he actually is.
Snow actually primary matches Lucy-Gray. When we see him he's a young lion. The impression I get from Snow is entitlement. He thinks because of the way he was born that he just inherently deserves to have what is owed to him. But after it's found out that he cheated to help Lucy-Gray win, he is stripped of what little he had and sent to be a peacekeeper. He doesn't know what he wants anymore, because he can't have what he truly wants, so he convinces himself what he wants is Lucy-Gray. Except, the moment he realizes he can absolutely still get that power he turns on her immediately.
His goals never change, in the end Snow does indeed land on top, as he achieves those goals. He becomes president, and then it becomes all about maintaining power and control. And that's the real crux of his Lion primary. Like Lucy-Gray he is a Fae Lion, but on the opposite end of the spectrum. Power and control are good, and he should have that over everyone else in the world. I also see his primary in his method of choice for killing people. He willingly poisons himself so no one catches on, that is some lion devotion to his cause of control.
But, despite him trying to appear completely composed at all times, you can see that very emotional Lion primary underneath it all. I mean, he's clearly obsessed with screwing over Katniss's life in particular because he sees both Lucy-Gray and Sejanus in her. Meanwhile everything he does that fucks with Peeta is to fuck with her, despite the fact that he was also part of that suicide threat. He doesn't like that emotional Lion I think. What he wants is to maintain control over everything, and the appear as though he has this carefully constructed worldview/ideology. He has these intelligent/convincing arguments on the power of hope and the purpose of the games. It can look very Bird to people, and I think it is. DR. GAUL is absolutely a Double Bird Mad Scientist, and I think Snow adopted a Bird primary model based off of hers.
Lucy-Gray Baird - Lion primary, Snake model/Snake secondary
Coriolanus Snow - Lion primary, Bird model and Snake performance/Bird secondary
Dr. Gaul - Bird primary/Bird secondary
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
un-burning lion primary (snake morality) + snake secondary
Hello, I could use some help figuring out my secondary. I'm a Snake primary, but I can't for the life of me figure out whether my true secondary is Snake or Lion. Sorry, this gets kind of trauma-dump-y. Please don't feel obligated to respond if it's too much.
For context, my father is a religious fanatic, the loudest and stubbornest Lion I've ever known, and the cause of most of my trauma. My mother is a Snake and self-appointed interpersonal damage control for my father.
Sounds like we've got the co-dependent/enabling thing going on. That's going to make you feel some sort of way about Lion AND Snake primaries.
Now because of the aforementioned trauma, I'm extremely conflict avoidant. I'm often too scared to even make reasonable requests, and arguing triggers my freeze and fawn response even when I'm just witnessing it and not directly involved.
Yep. That's a thing. And a recipe for Burning, in the terminology of this system.
On the surface, my secondary seems very Snake. In social situations, I read the people around me and adjust my performance accordingly without consciously thinking about it. When I feel backed into a corner, I just play along, lying as needed. As long as the other person or people involved aren't my People, the only guilt I feel about acting Snakish is just a distant-feeling residue from my religious upbringing. When those I'm interacting with are my People, I still don't feel too guilty about tailoring the way I act to them, so long as I'm not lying or being self-servingly manipulative.
So far this could just be a Snake secondary. I know that building Snake secondary models to survive unstable or unsafe situations is absolutely a thing, but you... seem to enjoy it?
When I catch myself lying to one of my People, it's either a defensive move relating to something I don't feel safe letting them know the whole truth of (e.g., letting my mother know the extent of my queerness or my rejection of the religion I was raised in) or a very minor lie that accidentally slipped out for no particular reason I can think of (usually saying I don't know/understand something that I actually do. This may be related to certain elements of my upbringing). In both cases, I feel guilty in a deeper, more personal way. However, the defensive lying seems like a difficult necessity, and the accidental lying seems harmless enough that I can get over it fairly easily.
Both of these examples I think are just... people things.
I'd say that not letting your mother (and then potentially your fanatical father) know that you're a queer atheist is just... smart? And lying to say "no please explain" "yes I've seen that show" just to... keep the conversation going, avoid conflict, build community. THAT'S a Human Thing, as well.
When I catch myself being manipulative toward my People though, I feel extremely guilty, sometimes to the point that it leads to a panic attack. However, I wasn't always nearly so careful to avoid manipulating my People. When I was a kid, I was an absolutely terrible friend. I was controlling and constantly fishing for compliments from my friends by self-deprecating, even though this clearly made them very uncomfortable. At the same time however, I was obsessed with fairness and terrified of being selfish, so I have no idea why I didn't realize sooner that acting this way toward my friends was unfair and selfish.
You were under-confident (and probably convinced/told that you could never be good enough - ie "terrified of being selfish") and had an unstable home base. So I'm not surprised at all that this translated into fishing for compliments from, and trying to control your friends. Give yourself a break. You were a kid. You're allowed to be kind of an asshole when you're a kid.
(I tend to think that it's your environment and not yourself to blame until you're at least 12 or so.)
Whatever the reason, I didn't make an effort to stop doing this until I was around twelve.
^^^ see above. Personally, I think you're free and clear.
To this day, the way I treated my childhood friends is one of my deepest regrets, and I worry that I might slip back into those old habits if I'm not careful.
I'm... not that worried. Although this focus on immutable personal identity is very much an Internal primary thing (Snake + Lion.)
Despite my fear of being manipulative, Snake secondary still seems like the best way to go about things. Bird and Badger seem to require too much effort that might not pay off for my taste, and Lion seems foolhardy.
Snake does seem to be in the lead here.
However. I'm secretly sort of obsessed with the idea of power. I constantly fantasize about being powerful enough to just plow through anything that stands in my way, and making people fear me enough that no one will ever try to hurt me or my People again. I feel vaguely guilty about these fantasies, especially because they involve not being bound to any sort of moral code and not needing to ever worry about the consequences of my actions. So even though I know that these fantasies are probably just a result of feeling completely powerless so often throughout my childhood, and that fantasies don't actually hurt anyone, I worry sometimes that they mean I'm a bad person.
They don't. You're fine. I'd even say that some healthy power fantasies at times when you're feeling powerless are *good* for you. And sure there's a Lion flavor here, but so many power fantasy characters are Lions that I don't think I can go and attribute a Lion secondary to you based on this. After all, there are lots of things that are fun to fantasize about that would be no fun at all if they actually happened.
Even outside of my fantasies, something about the Lion secondary way of doing things sounds satisfying in a way Snake secondary just isn't. At the same time though, putting all of myself out there for everyone to see sounds terrifying.
I'm not sure if I'm able to say if you just *like* the idea of a Lion secondary because it sounds powerful and strong. Or if you *are* a Lion secondary, and have a Snake secondary model that is very robust and you like quite a lot. Either way, I would definitely experiment with spending some time in... neutral. Not preforming for anyone, just existing.
Sometimes I feel like a coward for being too afraid to stand up for what I believe in like Lions do, but I'm also afraid of being like my father, the aforementioned extreme Lion.
This is primary stuff. And yeah, I *bet* you have some issues with putting your foot down and saying 'this feels right and this feels wrong.' But for what it's worth, I don't see any evidence of you being your father. If anything, the danger seems to be you over-correcting in the opposite direction.
Anyway, I think that's about it. It seems to come down to whether I'm a burned Lion with a Snake model, or just a traumatized Snake with religious guilt. Thanks for your time, and for any insight if you choose to answer this.
The good news is that you seem to like your Snake just fine. I really don't see any burning there, apart from some very mild, garden variety "Snake is the bad guy one."
Your primary though... if anything has taken burning it's that. There's a through line to this post where you're scared of wanting things - "too scared to even make reasonable requests" "too afraid to stand up for what I believe in"- or scared of wanting the *wrong* things - "I worry that I might slip back into those old habits," "I worry sometimes that they mean I'm a bad person."
Outside of any other context, these fears and these sentiments feel like Burnt Lion primary to me. I get that option feels unsafe because of your father, but it's something to at least think about. You might be a Snake who models Lion when their people are safe. You might be a Lion with a very Snake-looking morality. Either way, I think it's very likely that there's a Lion influence mixed in there, which you should look at when you're ready.
PS - I can't seem to hide my emotions. It might just be an autism thing, but for whatever reason, unless I'm consciously thinking about it super hard, I'm always nonverbally broadcasting how I'm really feeling, to the point that it can be a problem sometimes. And trying to hide it feels Wrong somehow, like I can't properly feel my emotions if I'm not physically expressing them.
If this isn't just an autism thing or some kind of coping mechanism, it sounds like a Lion secondary thing, right?
that is... much more of a Lion primary thing. Because the problem isn't that you're got an expressive face, it's that you sometimes have trouble feeling/identifying your emotions in your body, and that feels Wrong. And *that's* the basis of being a Lion primary.
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jewishregulus · 2 months
happy birthday james potter but unfortunately you will not be seeing this until the day after bc the birthday sex regulus is providing you is going to consume most of the next 24 hours . good for you though top that twink!
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batcrooks · 8 months
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the elevator pitch for this is "a Toy Story/Night at the Museum-style educational series that teaches kids about art history"
they probably wouldn't let me have the tits-out minoan snake woman but that's ok
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woolblossom-archive · 9 months
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bebs-art-gallery · 2 months
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The Lion’s Triumph Over the Python (1919)
— by Herbert Thomas Dicksee
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starsarestories · 9 months
When Regulus goes from thinking of James as "Potter" to "James" in his head and then accidentally calls him by his first name out loud >>>>
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artofmaquenda · 7 months
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Some recent artworks :D
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Salvador Viniegra (1862-1915) "The First kiss of Adam and Eve" (1891) Located in the Museo Del Prado, Madrid, Spain
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facts-i-just-made-up · 10 months
Snake Island has no snakes whatsoever, but is completely overrun by lions. It is named for the famous lion hunter Edwin Snake Jr, who was eaten there, by birds.
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wolfsteax · 12 days
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Not even getting started on the 5% to 6% of Americans who genuinely think they could take on a gorilla or a grizzly bear unarmed (So that many Americans are totally batshit insane!?)
But this many British people really shouldn’t be afraid to fight a goose.
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wisteria-lodge · 10 months
burnt lion primary (badger model) + snake secondary? (bird model) (badger performance)
Hi! First of all, I want to thank you for your numerous indispensable contributions to the SHC system. I really appreciate and admire your work here, and would love to have your insight on my own sorting, because I’ve been struggling with it (if you have the time and energy, of course :) ).
For my primary, I have considered everything: first I thought Bird
… I mean, you did include section headings in your submission.
then Badger for a long time, then I briefly considered Snake and then a thing happened in my life that I’ll explain later and that made me reconsider Loyalism as a whole, so I took the test and it gave me Lion. So, basically, I have no idea.
For my secondary, the only thing I know for certain is that it’s not Lion (or at least I don’t think so) and that there’s Bird somewhere, either as a model, a performance, or as my actual secondary. Other than that, there’s evidence for both Snake and Badger, so I’m lost.
Also, I just want to start by saying that English is not my first language, so if some parts of this sound kind of wonky, that’s why. Oh, and I’ll be using some of the questions you posted recently as a “SortMe submissions wish list”.
So far, your English is wonderful. :)
Basic information
To start, I think I need to clarify that I’m a huge perfectionist. I constantly feel like I have to be perfect all the time, and struggle with being vulnerable
I will say - I don’t think these things (while they do show up a lot) are tied to any particular sorting. They’re symptoms, and they can come from a lot of different places. 
and also struggle with showing “unclean” emotions (such as rage, sadness or fear) and accepting failure as a result. 
Okay, interesting. So this is either a rejection of Lion… perhaps by an intense Bird or Badger primary… or a Burned Lion that doesn’t trust itself. But Lion is going to be involved somewhere. 
It’s also quite important to me to be liked (or, at the very least, not disliked) by everyone I interact with, so I try to be polite and go out of my way to be nice and do people favors. This is probably important to understand a lot of the rest of this text.
This is sounding very Badger. And there’s some Badger secondary presentation, but the focus on ‘help the group’ is very Badger primary. 
I’m also very big on doing things fairly. 
Another classic Badger primary hallmark. 
I almost never cheat, and when I do, it’s always in situations where cheating does not give me an unfair advantage, basically if everyone else is / can easily be cheating in the exact same way and it’s not a true competition anyways (such as if an exam gets leaked to the whole class the day before we take it). In almost every other scenario, I always play by the rules, both because I value fairness a lot 
Still sounding very Badger primary. I like how your example of an acceptable cheating scenario is “if the whole group cheats, then obviously it’s fine.” :) 
and because I’m arrogant enough to believe I can get to wherever I want to get without cheating. 
Hm. ‘Arrogant’ is a very negative word, kind of out of nowhere. I’ll keep an eye on it, but it’s also possible you meant ‘confident.’ 
In cases where life “makes me” cheat (such as if a professor giving me a higher grade than I deserve on the exam because I’m a good student), it feels dirty and unfair, and I don’t like it (even if I’m generally pragmatic enough to take the grade because I want to keep my average up).
I wonder if this is a conflict between your primary and your secondary. Like for example, maybe a Badger primary who says “this is unfair” and a Snake primary who says “hey, things worked out in my favor, what’s wrong with that?”
Finally, freedom and autonomy are the most important values to me. My worst nightmare would be to have to physically depend on another person in order to survive. 
… I mean, I think that’s a human thing. There’s a reason ‘teeth falling out’ is one of the classic nightmares. I could see basically every primary (and secondary) being freaked out by this, for different reasons. But “Autonomy and Freedom” is the Lion primary Thing.
I like knowing that I can do things on my own, and making my own decisions is capital to me. I choose where to be, I choose who to love, etc. If I didn’t choose something myself, then I don’t want it, even if it’s beneficial to me (for instance, I would hate it if someone were to pick me up at the airport after I told them not to, even if getting home by myself would take way longer).
Oh I am so on board with this. The INTENSE ‘oh hell no’ of someone SURPRISING you by picking you up at the airport.
But I’m starting to think… a major disconnect between Badger and Lion primaries is that Badgers *will* surprise you with extra help, which will feel like coddling, control, or distrust to a Lion. So I wonder if that might not be the case for you. A Burned Lion who modeled Badger until recently… or maybe a Lion with very Badger-looking values who until recently *thought* they were a Badger? A Badger paired with a Lion (or otherwise very independent) secondary? 
Me as a kid
I was the kind of kid who always got the best grades in the whole class but was a bit socially awkward and just really shy. I liked being regarded as “the smart one” and always tried to live up to that expectation of knowing things. I loved storytelling and playing make-believe, and was really good at making up fantasy scenarios or cool horror stories on the spot, and loved being able to share that with other kids and being that person in the group. I was also kind of a compulsive liar, to be honest.
Interesting. Leaning me in the direction of an Improvisational secondary, who likes being the “smart one” - which probably lead into you building a Bird secondary model. 
Low-stakes story about solving a problem
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the premise is that you’re the leader of an organization tasked with defeating a genocidal maniac with delusions of godhood. Your organization is new, and therefore kinda weak, and you’re trying to make it into something big. For that, you have the help of various friends an allies, one of which is a warrior named Blackwall. At some point, you [SPOILERS] find out that Blackwall has been lying to you, and is in a fact a criminal on the run from the law for murder. He finds out one of his former friends is going to be hanged in his stead, so he turns himself in, and is set to be executed. With your political ties, you can get him out of jail and “judge” him yourself, or otherwise he gets killed [END SPOILERS].
We love a good Valjean moment, or a… main character from Tale of Two Cities moment.
This decision was really hard to make for me, because on the one hand he was my friend an I really cared about him (and also needed him in my team for practical reasons), but on the other hand, using my power to go against the law, particularly in a case where the law is being applied fairly, felt wrong. It felt like abusing my power, which made me feel dirty, and like something that would make both me and my organization look (and technically be) corrupt, which felt selfish and wrong. In the end I went with the pragmatic gaming decision of not sacrificing my only tank, but if it were real life I really don’t think I would have saved Blackwall, even if I would have felt terrible about not saving a friend when I could have.
Hmm. You’re really taking into account that you’re building an organization here, and the decisions you make now will effect the kind of organization it turns out to be… and THAT is worth sacrificing this guy for. And that, I think. Is more of a Badger primary answer. 
Although this is the second time you’ve brought up a “practicality” that you’re kind of guilty about. You think you ought not to take the higher grade... but it’s practical, and so you do. Even here, even though it’s a game and you think you would have acted differently in real life... I can’t help but notice that you actually did save him. For practical reasons. 
My fantasies
A lot of my fantasies relate to being loved, I suppose. I have friends, even good friends who I love and who love me back, but I don’t really have deep ride-or-die connections, and I’m terrible about showing actual vulnerability. I’ve never been in love (or had someone be in love with me) and I’m not sure I’m capable of either (in a “not emotionally equipped for this” way, not in an aromantic way, or at least I don’t think).
Love is funny. The ancient greeks knew what they were talking about, when they compared it to being hit by an arrow. 
So when you look at my wild fantasies, you get a lot of typical adventure stories where I get to help a lot of people and make the world a better place due to skills or powers that I definitely don’t have in real life while also having many friends (and the occasional romantic partner) who love me kind of unconditionally (I say kind of because I don’t believe in unconditional love, and also because in the fantasy I obviously don’t have many of the flaws that I have in real life). 
I promise you, people love you when you’re flawed. People love you because you’re flawed. Think of the people you love, or your favorite characters. Perfection is cold, and inhuman, and static. Leonard Cohen is one of my favorite songwriters, and I think he knows what the hell he’s talking about when he talks about love. And he says - “there is a crack, a crack in everything/that's how the light gets in.” 
And like... you can love someone unconditionally. But you cannot live with someone, unconditionally. That’s where the practicality comes in. 
I guess a big part of the fantasy is having a community of people who know me, who love me and to whom I matter both because of my actual skills and what I can bring to the table (like, I’m someone worth respecting and even admiring) and because of my actual personhood.
In short, I think my ultimate fantasy is being part of a heroic found family.
So this is a fantasy about community. The focus here is not on a romantic partner, or a ride-or-die friend, it’s all about group and found family. That’s a very Badger primary fantasy. But it’s also a fantasy about being *known.* And while that’s IS human thing that kind of identity angst... tends to hit idealists especially hard. 
Family dynamics
I’m pretty sure my father is a Double Bird. During his life, he has tried many different ideologies and “codes”, but ended up discarding them once he discovered parts of them that didn’t really work. Nowadays, he’s a pretty open-minded and curious man who always tried to foster my own intellectual curiosity (he literally bought me an Encyclopaedia when I was seven. I loved it).
On the secondary side, it’s a running gag in my family that he has a literal tool for everything (belt too big for you? He has a thingy that can punch holes into leather. Dirty car headlights? He has a product for that that he’s never used before today, but it’s still there). He’s also the kind of person who could hold a conversation about anything because he has baseline knowledge of almost every subject.
My guess is this is where your Bird secondary model comes from ( it’s possible you’ve got a Rapid-fire bird secondary that looks improvisational... but I’m leaning model. I honestly think that in such a Bird secondary environment, if you were actually just a Bird secondary... you’d feel a lot more comfortable problem solving than you do.) 
He’s also someone really chill who almost never gets worked up. The good part of this is that he’s a calming presence and someone you can always joke around. The bad part is that it’s hard to have deep emotional conversations with him, and that he’s non-confrontational to the point of never standing up for anyone and opting to tell people what they want to hear instead of what he actually thinks.
As for my mother, I have no idea what her primary is, but I’m pretty sure she’s a Lion Secondary with some sort of Badger Model. She’s very tough, larger-than-life, impulsive and perfectionistic. Hard work is (or used to be, anyway) almost a religion for her (mostly because she grew up seeing her own mother working her ass off to keep the family afloat while her father was kind of a lazy bum) and she always tried to make sure that I would never be lazy. When I was a kid I remember her always telling me that I could be whatever I wanted, as long as I was the best / worked really really hard for it. That kind of messed me up lmao. She’s also this really honest and sort of blunt person; she may be tough in her criticisms, but if she praises you, you know you deserve it.
To be fair, she is also an incredibly loving and inspiring woman who always tried her damndest to be a good mother, even if she wasn’t the best at it and was also dealing with really tough mental health issues for most of my childhood. She’s an inspiration for me in her toughness and ability to keep fighting no matter the odds. 
And her flaws make her lovable and human, right?
But here’s what I’m hearing. You’ve got a very intense mom who has a way of saying ‘this way is the way it has to be.” She just also seems to have... really committed to Badger, and maybe that’s coming from a primary or a secondary model, but the culture in your house sounds Badger. And your Dad is chill, and a Double Bird who built his system around that, so it works for him okay. But reading between the lines... (and also with an aside like “that kind of messed me up”) ... it works a lot less well for you. 
My current feeling that fits all the facts is that you’re a Burned Lion primary, with a *really* loud Badger model. Because here’s the thing... your angst is not the Badger angst of vanishing, having no boundaries, working yourself into the ground. It’s the Lion angst of being disconnected from your emotions... and not being okay with that. You talk multiple times about your struggles with being “vulnerable,” your struggle with showing “unclean” emotions, you get pretty fiery about making your own decisions - even if the other person is trying to help, even if they are helping, and now that I know you have this intensely Badger mom, that makes a lot of sense. “Selfish” and “arrogant” are two words Badgers often use to describe Lions, and they’re words you use to describe yourself. 
And well, you do talk about the extreme importance of freedom, autonomy, personal choice “I didn’t choose something myself, then I don’t want it, even if it’s beneficial.” I think you’re a Lion.
An anecdote
The “probably-not-a-loyalist-after-this” event I alluded to earlier happened after a string of thefts in my college. Essentially, there’s this guy in my class who is kind of “weird” (and by that I mean probably neurodivergent and not all that friendly, which means he’s not really liked by most people). Since he’s often seen pacing in random places and he’s “weird”, people began to suspect *him* of the thefts.
This enraged me a fair amount, and when an accusation was made in my program’s group chat (about 15 people total who I want to like me because we are going to spend a lot of time together these next few years), I snapped. I was upset and disappointed people who were studying Law of all things would make such baseless accusations. I wrote out this whole rant chewing them out, which I sent after toning it down a bit so as not to seem too preachy.
Boom. There it is. You don’t know this guy, but you care about what he *represents.* Heck you’re studying Law, this is what you DO. Protect the the weird, the unfriendly, uncharming... but harmless. That’s what you’re FOR. No wonder you snapped, and went against an entire community that you were part of. 
This was an action that in retrospect was kind of puzzling, as I’m usually much less confrontational than that. From a logical standpoint, it makes no sense to defend someone I’m not even friends with and who wasn’t even in the group chat, especially when that could make the actual people in the group chat dislike me for being a wet blanket goodie-two-shoes or something.  I know why I did it: I was furious because they were objectively being assholes, and also I related to the guy because I used to be kind of weird as a kid and at some point even got baselessly accused of theft. But it still felt weird in a “yes, this may be the person I want to be but not necessarily the person I’ve been in the past” way. But it felt good, righteous even; in a way, I made myself proud. I don’t know if this is relevant, but yeah.
Couldn’t be more relevant. Sometimes a Lion primary hits you like that, and it feels *good.* And it’s necessary. 
I would like to thank you one last time for taking the time to read this very long submission, and sorting me. I understand that you have a lot of these and that you also work full-time and have a private life, and it really does mean a lot to me that you would put in the effort to help other people in the SHC community like this. Truly, I thank you.
(Also, sorry for the length of this submission, I’m known to be overly verbose in writing lmao).
I wish I couldn’t have been more helpful with your secondary. I suspect Improvisational secondary, Bird model... and of the two... hm. On one hand, if you’re a Lion that would explain why you sort of seem to *get* your mother. But on the other hand... Lion secondaries don’t really focus on /practicality./ And you do, and that’s more a Snake thing. You also seem perfectly happy performing politeness... I don’t have much to go on, but I guess I’m picking Snake secondary as the most likely
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jewishregulus · 2 months
love how james potter is little shirt big pants and regulus black is big shirt little pants. i love how we have all agreed on this. james is crop tops and baggy jeans where regulus is baggy tees and booty shorts …….. as g-d intended
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sentypurr · 11 months
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Bi Robyn: All 4 pictures
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snackugaki · 8 months
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i CAN draw shit that isn't turtles i say knowing this is related to a goddamn centaur AU of them that someone's haunting me with h elp
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