#literally sa
starstrike · 4 months
Mithrun's desire as an SA analogue
TW discussion of SA and detailed breakdown of aesthetics evoking SA. The way I discuss this is vivid in a way that may be triggering, though there is no discussion of actual sexual assault. Just survivor's responses to it.
People relate to Mithrun and see his condition as an analogue for a few different things, like brain injury or depression. And I think all of them are there. But I also see Mithrun's story as an SA analogue, and Ryoko Kui intentionally evokes those aesthetics. I think it's a part of Mithrun's character that a lot of people miss, but I very much consider it text. This is partially inspired by @heird99's post on what makes this scene so disturbing; so check out their post, too :)
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So to start off with, the demon invades Mithrun's bed, specifically. There's even a canopy around it, which specifically evokes this idea of personal intrusion; the barrier is being pulled apart without consent or warning. The way the hand reaches towards Mithrun's body from outside of the panel division makes it almost look like the goat stroking over his body. It's an especially creepy visual detail; similarly, the goat's right hand parts into the side of the panel as well. It's literally like it's tearing the page apart; but gently. So gently.
Mithrun is in bed. It is his bed that the demon is intruding on. He's in a position of intimacy. The woman behind him is a facsimile of his "beloved" that he left behind; the woman who, in reality, chose Mithrun's brother. He is in bed with his fantasy lover, who is leaning over him. While this scene isn't explicitly sexual, it is intimate. And it is being invaded. The goat lifts Mithrun gently, who is confused, but not yet struggling.
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The erotics of consumption and violence in Ryoko Kui's work(remember that the word 'erotic' can have many different meanings, please) are a... notable part of some of her illustrations. I would say she blurs the lines between all forms of desire: personal, sexual, gustatory and carnal, in her illustrations in order to emphasize the pure desire she wants to work with and evoke to serve her themes. Kui deploys sexual imagery in a lot of places in Dungeon Meshi, and this is one of them.
In this case, horrifically. The goat's assault begins with drooling, licking, and nuzzling. The goat could be enjoying and "playing with" its food. But it can also be interpreted as it "preparing" Mithrun with its tongue as it begins to literally breach Mithrun's body. The goat also invades directly through his clothing; that adds another level of disturbing to me. There's nothing Mithrun can do in this moment of violation. Mithrun is fighting, but he is fighting weakly, trying to grip on and push away when he has no ability or option to. All he can do is beg the goat to stop. And it doesn't care. This all evokes sexual assault.
The sixth panel demonstrates a somewhat sexual position, with Mithrun's thighs spread around the goat's hunched over body. In the next, the goat pulls and holds apart Mithrun's thighs as he nuzzles into him. The way the clothing bunches up looks a bit as if it has been pushed up. It has pinned Mithrun down onto the bed, into Mithrun's soft furs and pillows. It takes a place made to be supernaturally warm and comfortable, and violates it. It's utterly and intimately horrifying. To me, this sequence of positions directly evokes a rape scene. I think Kui did this very explicitly. These references to sexual invasion are part of what makes this scene so disturbing; albeit, to many viewers, subconsciously. It makes my skin crawl.
This is also the moment the goat takes Mithrun's eye. Other than this, the goat seems exceptionally strong, but also... gentle. It holds Mithrun's body tightly, but moves it around slowly. It doesn't need to hurt Mithrun physically. But in that moment, it takes Mithrun's eye. Blood seeps from a wound while an orifice that should not be pierced is penetrated. This moment, the ooze of blood in one place specifically, also evokes rape. That single bit of physical gore is a very powerful bit of imagery to me.
Finally; it is Mithrun's desire that is eaten. After his assault, Mithrun can find no pleasure in things that he once did. He is fully disassociated from his emotions. This is a common response to trauma, especially in the case of SA. It's not uncommon for people to never, or take a long time to, enjoy sex in the same way again; or at all. They might feel like their rapist has robbed them of a desire and pleasure they once had. I think this makes Mithrun's lack of desire a partial analogue for the trauma of sexual assault.
Mithrun's desire for revenge was, supposedly, all that remained. Anger at his assaulter, anger at every being that was like it; though, perhaps not anger. Devotion, in a way. To his cause. I don't know. But the immediate desire to seek revenge is another response to SA. But on to Mithrun's true feelings on the matter.
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This is... So incredibly tragic. Mithrun feels used up. Like his best parts have been taken away. Like he's being... tossed aside. This certainly parallels the way assault victims can feel after being left by an abuser. Or the way assault victims feel they might be "ruined" forever for other partners. These are common sentiments for survivors to carry, and need to overcome. In the text, it's almost like Mithrun feels the only being who can desire him is a demon who might "finish devouring" him. That that's his only use. It's worth noting that Mithrun trusted the demon. Mithrun's world was built by the demon, and Mithrun, in that way, was cared for by the demon. I think this reinforces Mithrun's place as a victim.
There's also something to be said about Mithrun as a victim of his own possessive romantic and sexual desire. The mirror shows him his beloved just dining with his brother, and it infuriates him. He doesn't know if the vision is real, nor if she has really chosen his brother as a romantic partner. The goat then creates a whole fantasy world where she loves him. As Mithrun's dungeon deteriorates, she is the only person that continues to exist. Mithrun continues to have control over her. And that is the strongest desire the demon is eating, isn't it? There's something interesting there, but I don't know what to say about it.
In conclusion, I think Mithrun's story is an explicit analogue for sexual assault-- though, certainly, among other things! The way the scene plays out and is composed explicitly references sexual violation and invasion of the body. His condition mirrors common trauma responses to sexual violence. And, at the end, he finally realizes he can recover.
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Let's end on a happy Mithrun, after taking the first step on his journey to recovery :) You aren't vegetable scraps Mithrun. But even if you were-- every single thing in this world has value. Even vegetable scraps.
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bl0w-m3 · 5 months
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amongusmaker · 5 months
Vivzipop: UGH! My cartoon is super deep and I really care about SA victims guys! Anyone who criticizes me is disgusting and I hope they rot on their moral high ground!
ALSO VIV: I like these pins of Angel Dust being held on a leash by his rapist selling for thirty dollars.
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"the way they killed medusa was stupid" "using the hat to kill medusa was dumb" that's because this show isn't written for action and blood and gore its written for STORYTELLERS ofc the "fight with medusa" wasn't epic and bloody that would defeat the whole point INSTEAD it was symbolic and set up narrative arcs. it was annabeth passing on the invisibility her mother cursed her with to a woman who was cursed never to be seen. it was paralleling the original perseus myth where he uses the helm of darkness alongside his shield and shoes from athena and hermes. it was setting up the conflict between percy and annabeth about giving up the hat and making annabeth suffer an emotional loss to go on with the quest versus imposing the consequences of medusa's story and tragedy on the gods themselves.
imagine watching a scene where annabeth increasingly gets defensive and 12-year-old lashing out with "but my mother is always just" "that isn't how the story goes" and "you're a LIAR" imagine watching the air go out of the room as "i'm a survivor" "i was you" "i would have been content to worship her for a lifetime... in silence" medusa breaks her calm demeanor at having her story erased once more imagine watching annabeth appear out of nowhere and make medusa disappear with the powers that athena granted her so that a son of poseidon can murder her and your main thought being "awwwww but i wanted it to be more epicccccc i wanted blood and gore and decapitationnnnnn" imagine missing the whole point of the entire percy jackson series that bad
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chelsiegeorgia · 2 months
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The guy of all time
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oh-snapperss · 3 months
i really thought we'd hit rock bottom with how shit wilbur's response was but george has somehow already managed to be worse. can't say i'm shocked though.
support caiti.
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crismakesstuff · 2 months
this fandom makes me sick sometimes ngl
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dootznbootz · 2 months
You can horny post and thirst for Circe and Calypso without making fun of Odysseus, a victim of both, btw. 👍
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 days
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If this video thumbmail isn't the perfect summay of Lily Orchard: whenever she's being called out and exposed for being a shitty person and a predeator whose into incest and has sexually abused their sibling, she still tries to find a way to make herself into the victim of it all, portraying herself here as some poor innocent victim whose been hurt by all these people, when we know in reality its the opposite.
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petricorah · 3 months
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got these little cards made to put in as freebies for my shop (that im hopefully opening this weekend) but...........i messed them up so this is what they look like if you're not holding them directly in the sun,,,,,,,,,,,🙃🙃
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😭😭😭and the colors are super weird 😭😭 but they were too expensive to rebuy after shipping
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
thinking about kusuke being a "leave me alone, get out of my room" preteen and kusuo being just a kid, still with that hopeful sparkle in his eye and not fully aware of his burdens yet, just wanting to have a brother..
i just. really want to know more about the transitional period between when kusuo was happily participating in their silly little games -> when kusukes resentment got to be too much for either of them to handle and kusuo came to the mindset he has now about being almost fearful of him..
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mushroom-person · 5 months
hello metroid fandom, i have been watching a lot of adventure time recently, this is what i got from it so far.
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version without text + sketch under cut
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saspitite · 5 months
(make sure to read info on both contenders before voting! some information may be hidden under "read more"!!)
MAGNIFICENT ANEMONE SHRIMP (Ancylomenes magnificus)
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like many cleaner shrimp, magnificent anemone shrimp are well known for their symbiotic relationship with other sea animals such as sponges, mollusks, fish, and others of the like! on top of that, they also rely on other organisms to live safely due to being quite vulnerable, and are often found residing within sea anemones and stony corals, making the symbiotic relationships come full circle. another unique feature of this shrimp is their patterning- their bodies being mostly transparent, yet contrasted with opaque white stripes and patterns, giving these shrimps quite the interesting appearance!
HARLEQUIN SHRIMP (Hymenocera picta)
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these bizarre shrimp are well known for their alien, nearly plant-like appearance, making them one of the most visually unique shrimp species out there! depending on where they're from, harlequin shrimp may have different color spots, which can range from all sorts of reds, blues, and purples. these fierce little guys mainly feast on starfish, and many will travel in pairs to ambush and gang up on their prey. they are masters at flipping over these starfish and do so with ease to gain access to their soft tissues. they'll also (begrudgingly) go for sea urchins if there's no available starfish in the area.
weird shrimps poll!! reblog for more shrimp frying rice! this is part of an ongoing bracket tournament known as the Sas Shrimp Tournament, which will finally decide which shrimp is the absolute coolest of them all!
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mayvaava · 2 years
Small rant about Allison’s Characterization
Aight so, been seeing a lot of “they ruined Allison’s character development”, and “this was super ooc” and “why did they do that? It doesn’t make sense”.
YES Allison doing that to Luther was fucked up and pretty unforgivable but it wasn’t entirely out of character so idk what y’all are on about.
Regardless of comic knowledge (in which she also does this), they hinted at this side of her and her powers in season 1. With Allison losing everything that made her want to not use her powers and be a good person, I’m not entirely surprised she regressed so hard.
Allison, on some level, has always been a little selfish, I mean she’s literally a rich and famous movie star this isn’t shocking. When we meet her in season one she isn’t at her worst behavior like some of the other characters and I think for that reason it was easy to forget what lies underneath but, “I heard a rumor that you love me” lives in my head rent free.
Let’s also not forget that she wasn’t allowed to see Claire because she was constantly rumoring her, taking away her agency and ability to be her own individual person at such a young age too, instead of actually properly parenting her. And then in season 2 they hint at it again by showing how she can get carried away or overtaken by her powers. Not that the bitches she hurt didn’t have it coming but, Rays reaction was supposed to signal that she was going too far or something. (Personally it’s whatever but the musical queue’s and such gave the vibe, to me anyway, that she enjoyed the power trip)
All I’m saying is, fucked up as it was, it was fairly in character. This side of her has always existed and has been pushed down but always there. But now with all the trauma and hopelessness she’s regressed back to how she was and is being extra self destructive on top of it. And I hope they will address the Luther stuff, but everything else she did was just as bad as the rest of the characters, so it’s pretty silly to come at her for that.
But yea I hope she has a redemption arc (?) or gets called for the SA, but everything else she did? Idk she was in her dark arc, they’ve all been there.
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With the way Walt wasted no time to start abusing Jesse as soon as they partnered up, and considering Walt treats Jesse like he's his son AND his wife... Do you think this means Walt had been bursting at the seams to abuse his real son and real wife this whole time, and only with Jesse did he have a chance to do so?
*Pushes glasses up on nose as though I am a respected scholar in a legitimate field of study* Ok so I hate to answer a compelling question with a kind of roundabout, not at all concrete answer but here goes: Walter wants to do whatever Walter wants to do, in the moment, without having to concern himself with that pesky, pedestrian little irritant known as ye olde consequences. He’s your basic old white fart who, because he grew up with the oxymoron of the white man as a vehicle for both exceptionalism and the Everyman, believes that consequences should not apply to him, and feels that he has been hard done by because, shocker, his stagnancy prior to the beginning of the series hasn’t resulted in everything he ever wanted falling into his lap! He does abuse both Skyler and Flynn over the course of the series, the assault on Skyler in season two being the most overtly violent of these instances, though it is heavily implied in season five that this isn’t even a one time occurrence; “I can’t even keep you out of my bed!” It’s also in season two that he peer pressures his teenage son into drinking to excess to gain the upper hand in his one-sided pissing contest with Hank, and this mirrors the ways in which he flexes his control over Jesse in front of Gus and Mike. Walter is dangerous precisely because he doesn’t view himself as an abuser, it’s not like he wistfully daydreams about slouching around the house in a wifebeater, terrorizing his wife and kids until they walk on eggshells around him. In fact, he’s shown throughout the series to act like a little pissbaby throwing a little pissbaby tantrum whenever he’s treated by his family like the monster he is. He wants to be able to act on his anger, to rape his wife and bully his son, without being subject to any of the organic repercussions these actions would inevitably induce. He doesn’t want to play the part of the mild-mannered family man anymore, or put in any of the work required to keep up that front, but he still wants to be seen as the provider and benevolent patriarch. He wants to have his fucking cake and eat it to.
That’s where Jesse comes in.
Walter loves Jesse, he does. The problem was never that he didn’t love Jesse, it was why he loved Jesse. Walter loves Jesse more than Flynn, that much was confirmed by Vince in a quote I can’t find anymore for the fucking life of me so you’ll just have to take my word for it ig. Walter might even love Jesse more than Skyler. But he doesn’t love Jesse as a person so much as a conduit, as an indispensable resource. It’s pretty vital, actually, that the person Walter projects all his shit onto isn’t a part of his immediate family, because then Jesse can be whatever he wants him to be. It’s great for Walter that Jesse’s a junkie, because then, according to societal norms, he doesn’t have to see Jesse as human when he’s taking out all of his anger on him. When Jesse isn’t being malleable enough for his liking, or even if Walt’s mad about something else entirely, then Jesse’s just a junkie, a nobody, an ungrateful, petulant fuck-up. When Walter is being rightfully shut out by his family or needs Jesse for some material task, then Jesse is practically family to him. They’re partners. It’s a terrible burden to put on an impressionable 24-year-old, a pretty fucking shitty thing to do to someone who trusts you, more than they should, and an impossible exception to live up to, to be someone’s everything.
So when Jesse inevitably fails at it, inevitably falls short of this perfectly imperfect idealization of himself, he is punished, horribly.
Walter never would have done the things he did to Jesse to Flynn, or to Skyler.
He doesn’t love them as much.
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jaylaraye47 · 2 months
don’t ever tell a male SA survivor; “You’re supposed to enjoy it”
don’t ever tell a male SA survivor; “You’re a boy, you can’t get raped.”
don’t ever tell a male SA survivor; “that doesn’t count.”
don’t ever tell an SA survivor; “What were you wearing?”
don’t ever tell an SA survivor; “Did you close your legs?”
don’t ever tell an SA survivor; “They’re family, they wouldn’t do that.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “I don’t believe you.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “I know them, they wouldn’t do that.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “You’re supposed to enjoy it.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “We’re you leading them on?”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “We’re you rude?”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “You’re an adult, toughen up.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “it doesn’t count.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “it’s your fault.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “but you don’t act like it.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “But they seem so nice.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “They’d never do that.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “She’s a girl, girl’s don’t abuse.”
don’t ever tell a male DA/GA survivor; “Boys can’t be abused.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “But you have no scars.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “You’re just making things up for attention.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “you should’ve just fought/yelled back.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “It’s your fault.”
don’t ever tell an attempt survivor; “that’s selfish of you.”
don’t ever tell an attempt survivor; “I’ve had it worse/i know someone who has it worse.”
don’t ever tell an attempt survivor; “that doesn’t sound like an attempt.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “you’d be way prettier with lighter skin.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “but you don’t look american?”
don’t ever tell a POC; “you should try skin bleaching.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “oh, are you in a gang or something?”
don’t ever tell a POC; “but your skin is so light, you can’t be colored.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “can you give me the N word pass?”
don’t ever tell a POC; “your hair is distracting”
don’t ever tell a POC; “go back to where you came from.” [whoever says this, i live in your walls]
don’t ever tell an albino; “you’re white, not black.”
don’t ever tell an albino; “so are one of your parent white or something?”
don’t ever tell an albino; “you’d be prettier if you were normal.”
don’t ever tell an albino; “oh has anyone tired talking you limbs or something” [i will hunt whoever says this]
don’t ever tell a child; “you should take care of your siblings.”
don’t ever tell a child; “he hits you/is being rude because he likes you”
don’t ever tell a child; “you have to hug them!”
don’t ever tell a child; “it’s your fault we’re divorcing”
don’t ever tell a child; “you’re too old to be doing this.”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “it’s your fault”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “pick a side”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “did you ever consider that you should’ve stepped in?”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “well if they never got together in the first place, they wouldn’t have had you”
you never know what a person is going through and don’t you dare shame a person for something they can’t control.
if you say any of these things you’re disgusting and you need to not only get educated but stop being a dick.
keep in mind that i am aware that these prompts don’t apply to everyone of a certain minority. But this is me teaching to simply be kind and pay respect and mind to a person’s experiences, minority, etc. there are multiple prompts that can be added but I will refrain to using those out of respect, and also due to censorship.
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