#lockdown or covid-19
dreamly · 8 months
i agree with a lot of music fans and journalists/critics/artists that “lockdown”/“pandemic”/“quarantine” albums usually aren’t great and also don’t do very well, but i do think there is one truly incredible (at least in quality i haven’t looked at numbers and tbh i don’t really care) and maybe not the most obvious exception (well maybe it is obvious but i don’t see this album talked about a lot since like the month it came out and i don’t think i’ve seen it talked about in the conversations about art inspired by covid-19/lockdowns). anyway can we play a little game where you guys guess what album it is (this might help me find more good music or at least music you think i’d like as well as be [hopefully] fun!)
#i would also exclude folklore/evermore and unreal unearth from that statement not just bc i think they’re great but mostly bc i wouldn’t#call them ‘pandemic’ albums#like obviously folklore and evermore were made during that time but only two songs on folklore reference the pandemic/lockdown/isolation and#it’s sort of referenced in the sound in that both of those albums are generally quieter for taylor and that might reflect the actual#emotions of isolation and loneliness but i don’t think the sound necessarily reflects/refers to the actual material conditions of#lockdown or covid-19#rather folklore/evermore contain just a few lyrical and sonic references to the emotions caused by that situation but again. not as many as#there were initially perceived to be#side note i think actually the most ‘lockdown’ song on folklore or evermore is mirrorball#and i think the reason mirrorball works so well is that despite the fact that both the overall concept of the song and the lyrical content#seem to directly reference covid-19 lockdowns and closures#it (mirrorball) is still extremely relatable#and i think what’s absolutely true about the album i’m referring to in the actual text of the post#is that it is at least mostly very relatable for most people (although probably for women in particular)#and actually i would say that the album im talking about has very similar themes and concepts to mirrorball but translates and expands upon#them into the form of an entire album#ok very long side note over. in terms of unreal unearth not being a lockdown album it’s true that andrew has literally said it’s not one#but also there aren’t even any small lyrical sonic or conceptual references to the pandemic like i mentioned there are a few on folklore#and evermore.#i did watch an interview where andrew says there /might/ be one lyrical reference but i can’t find it (message me if you know what he meant)#i would call unreal unearth something that i think andrew is understandably hesitant to refer to it as#and that is a breakup album#and i think the reasons he’s hesitant to call it that is that sometimes when people say a piece of media is about a breakup they use that to#reduce both the emotions and experiences covered in the work and the quality of the work#but i also think that in music specifically breakup albums are often (not always. often) a seminal important and iconic moment in a career#and are in many cases considered by many to be the best or at least the most iconic albums by an artist#examples of that include Rumours and even Red#congrats if you read all these tags you’re a real champ#i have so much to say about this topic and topics related to it sorry!#love ya and please take a guess
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
Hello!! I've been trying to find a fic i read some years ago. It's a human au, where either crowley or Aziraphale is renting/owns a cottage, and the other is out and about on a journey when the covid restrictions hit and they have to quarantine together. They didn't know each other up until that point, and then they slowly fell for each other.
Thank you in advance, and thank you for all of your hard work!
This has to be...
Waking Up Slow by the_moonmoth (E)
“Then you’ll just have to come back with me," Aziraphale said. “You what?” “You’ll have to come and isolate with me, at my cottage.” The thing about messing with people, Crowley thought, was that sometimes, they genuinely surprised you. After both being exposed to coronavirus, total strangers Crowley and Aziraphale are forced to wait out their isolation together. A tale of soft winter romance by the sea.
- Mod D
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i-amusemyself · 2 years
PSA: Covid Effects and Complications
Alright fekkers this is how we’re doing public health announcements now that society is collapsing :))
This isn’t a post to tell you to avoid it, but to ask you to read the headings and make sure you make an informed decision if you wanna go out and get infected. If you do take risks, remember to avoid very young/old/pregnant/unwell/vulnerable people, test regularly and wear a mask (yes, they work).
Covid is Not Just A Respiratory Illness
COVID-19 routinely affects organs throughout the body, not just the respiratory system, including the brain, heart, liver, GI tract, endocrine system and skin (Gupta et al., 2020)
Covid can be seen as a blood clotting disorder masquerading as a respiratory illness. (Janardhan et al., 2020)
Covid Causes Brain Damage
Mild Covid infection shows significant orbitofrontal cortical atrophy (shrinking of parts of the brain) and cognitive decline (Crunfli et al., 2022)
Mild COVID-19 infection can cause impaired neurogenesis (nervous tissue growth), myelin and oligodendrocyte (nerve insulation) loss and increased neurotoxic molecules around the central nervous system (Fernández-Castañeda et al., 2022 *preprint)
MRIs of 401 patients done before and after Covid infection showed reduction in global brain size, grey matter loss (orbitofrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus) and cognitive decline. (Douaud et al., 2022)
COVID increases the risk of neurodegenerative disorders- Alzheimer’s disease risk is 3.5x increased; Parkinson’s disease risk is 2.6x increased; ischaemic stroke risk is 2.7x increased and intracerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) risk is 4.8x increased. (Zarifkar et al., 2022)
Risks of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures are increased for at least 2 years following Covid infection. (Taquet et al., 2022)
In 25% of mild Covid cases, visuocontructive cognitive deficits are seen, associated with changes in brain structure and metabolism. (de Paula et al., 2022)
Hospitalised Covid patients cognitive loss is similar on average to that sustained with 20 years ageing, and equivalent to losing 10 IQ points. (Hampshire et al., 2022)
People reportedly recovered from Covid show decreased intelligence and significant cognitive deficits. (Hampshire et al., 2021)
Covid Causes Alzheimer’s-like Pathology and Accelerates Existing Alzheimer’s Disease
Covid invades cognitive centers of the brain and induces Alzheimer’s-like neuropathology (Shen et al., 2022)
Covid is associated with accelerated progression of Alzheimer’s disease (aaic.alz.org) 
Covid produces proteins that form cytotoxic aggregates which damage neuronal cells, which parallels Alzheimer’s disease mechanism (Charnley et al., 2022)
COVID increases the risk of neurodegenerative disorders- Alzheimer’s disease risk is 3.5x increased; Parkinson’s disease risk is 2.6x increased; ischaemic stroke risk is 2.7x increased and intracerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) risk is 4.8x increased. (Zarifkar et al., 2022)
Risks of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures are increased for at least 2 years following Covid infection. (Taquet et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Kidney Damage
Mild Covid infection is associated with increased risk of kidney damage (Bowe et al., 2021)
Covid infection triples risk of End Stage Kidney Disease, requiring dialysis or kidney transplant (Bowe et al., 2021)
Covid Causes Diabetes
Covid patients have a 40% increased risk of being diagnosed with diabetes after first infection (Xie et al., 2022)
Covid infection is associated with an 81% increase in Diabetes incidence for 12+ weeks following infection (Rezel-Potts et al., 2022)
Mild Covid infections increase risk of Type 2 Diabetes development (Rathmann et al., 2022)
Covid infection leads to an average of 42% increased risk of Type 1 Diabetes across all ages. Risk increases most in pediatric patients- by 584%. (Quedan et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Cardiovascular Illness
Covid infection, even when mild, substantially increases risk of cardiovascular illness up to at least 1 year later (Xie et al., 2022)
Capillary density (how many small blood vessels are present) is reduced by 41% in sufferers of Long Covid 18 months after Covid infection (Osiaevi et al., 2022)
Acute Covid infection results in 6x increase in cardiovascular diagnosis; 11x increase in pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lung); 6x increase in atrial arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat); 5x increase in venous thromboses (blood clot in vein). (Rezel-Potts et al., 2022)
A spike protein found on Covid-19 virus particles uses the body’s immune response to damage and inflame heart muscle cells. (heart.org)
People with Covid exhibited increased risks and 12-month burdens of incident cardiovascular diseases, including cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, inflammatory heart disease, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, thromboembolic disease and other cardiac disorders. Risk were evident even in those without prior cardiovascular disease. (Xie et al., 2022)
Risk of stroke more than doubles even with mild or asymptomatic Covid infection. Median time of stroke is 2 months after Covid diagnosis. (Tu et al., 2021)
Covid infection increases heart attack risk by 3-8x and stroke risk by 3-6x (Katsoularis et al., 2021)
Covid infection increases risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and bleeding in the months following acute illness (Katsoularis et al., 2022)
Long Covid is associated with presence of microclots throughout the body. (Pretorius et al., 2021)
Long Covid patients may face an increased risk of abnormal blood clotting. (uclh.nhs.uk)
Covid Accelerates Biological Ageing
Accelerated biological ageing is seen in Covid infection (Cao et al., 2022)
Covid Damages the Immune System
Covid causes T-cell exhaustion, meaning the immune system is less able to fight off pathogens (Loretelli et al., 2021)
Previous infection with earlier SARS2 strains can lead to impaired immune responses to Omicron (Reynolds et al., 2022)
Covid infects and kills T-lymphocytes (key cells of the immune system), causing low T-lymphocyte counts 1(Guan et al., 2020), 2(Shen et al., 2022)
Long Covid patients show reactivation of latent Epstein-Barr (can cause MS) and Varicella Zoster (can cause shingles and Ramsey Hunt syndrome) viruses (Klein et al., 2022 *preprint)
2.8% of Long Covid patients reported Varicella Zoster Virus reactivation, leading to shingles, following Covid infection. Primary risk factors for VZV reactivation are age and immunodeficiency. (Davis et al., 2021)
Covid infection causes immunodefiency in recovered patients by downregulating a specific protein on B Cells (a type of immune cell). (Jing et al., 2021)
Covid Causes the Body to Attack Itself (Autoimmunity)
Covid causes production of autoantibodies which target the immune system, vascular cells, coagulation factors and platelets, connective tissue, and organ systems, including lung, the central nervous system compartment, skin, gastrointestinal tract and other tissues. (Wang et al., 2021)
Asymptomatic Covid infection can lead to severe Ulcerative Colitis (an inflammatory bowel disease). (Mora et al., 2022)
Mild Covid infection can produce significant levels of autoantibodies for 7+ months. (Bhadelia et al., 2021)
Covid infection precedes new appearance of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. (Galleoti and Bayry, 2020)
Covid infection linked to development of vasculitis, arthritis, lupus and sarcoidosis. (Gracia-Ramos et al., 2021)
Autoantibodies linked to Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, immune thrombocytopaenia and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia found in patients following Covid infection. (Moody et al., 2021)
In a group of non-hospitalised healthcare workers with Covid, 54% tested positive for autoantibodies- these targeted skin, smooth muscle, neutrophils (a type of white blood cell of the immune system) and gastric parietal cells (cells in the gut). (Richter et al., 2021)
Covid May Affect Both Male and Female Fertility
COVID-19 virus can be found and continues to replicate in the testes even after death (Costa et al., 2022 *preprint)
COVID-19 infects the testes and damages spermatogenesis (sperm production) (Ma et al., 2020)
Covid virus particles found in penis tissue of men infected 6-8 months earlier, who later experienced erectile dysfunction (Kresch et al., 2021)
Study shows total sperm number lower in men infected with Covid at 3 month follow up (Best et al., 2021)
Testes of Covid patients show significant seminiferous tubular injury and reduced Leydig cells- cells that produce testosterone. (Yang et al., 2020)
11 of 26 (42%) men with mild/moderate Covid infection showed incidental (asymptomatic) epididymitis on Doppler ultrasound - a condition that can cause infertility (Carneiro et al., 2021)
A case of premature ovarian failure due to Covid infection (Madaan et al., 2021)
Another case of premature ovarian insufficiency in a 34-year-old following Covid infection (Wilkins and Al-Inizi, 2021)
Ovarian injury, including declined ovarian reserve and reproductive endocrine disorder, can be observed in a study of women in China infected with Covid. (Ding et al., 2021)
Study finds men who had seemingly fully recovered from Covid infection developed decreased sperm count and motility and abnormally shaped sperm. (Ghosh et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Erectile Dysfunction
Covid virus particles found in penis tissue of men infected 6-8 months earlier, who later experienced erectile dysfunction (Kresch et al., 2021)
A Long Covid survey found 15% of men reported sexual dysfunction and 3% reported a decrease in genital size. (Davis et al., 2021)
Prevalence of erectile dysfunction 3x as common in men after Covid infection (28% vs 9% in controls) (Sansone et al., 2021)
Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Thai men reported as 65% following Covid infection (Harirugsa et al., 2021)
Another study showing risk of erectile dysfunction triples following Covid infection. (Katz et al., 2021)
Study finds that Covid infection leads to 6-fold increased risk of erectile dysfunction, which worsens men’s mental health. (Hsieh et al., 2022)
Covid Causes Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction
30% of 4000 Long Covid patients met the criteria for a diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, a type of dysautonomia (Davis et al., 2021)
Dysautonomia (autonomic nervous system dysfunction) may be responsible for fatigue and hypoxia in Long Covid patients. (Barizien et al., 2021)
Covid infection frequently causes abnormalities in autonomic nervous system tests, as well as worsening pre-existing dysfunction. Abnormalities included orthostatic intolerance, fainting, heachaches, burning pains, excessive sweating and lightheadedness. (Shouman et al., 2021)
67% of Long Covid patients have moderate-to-severe autonomic dysfunction, regardless of severity of initial Covid infection. (Larsen et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid infection could result in gastric dysmotility and paralysis (stomach and intestines become unable to move food through). (Coles et al., 2022)
Covid Can Seriously Harm Children
SARS2 causes increased hospital admissions, mortality rate and absolute numbers of deaths in children, compared to Influenza (Shein et al., 2022)
Asymptomatic infection in children can lead to a serious, multiorgan hyperinflammatory syndrome (Riphagen et al., 2020)
An epidemic of hepatitis in healthy children could be linked to previous COVID-19 infection (science.org)
Pulmonary dysfunction persists even in children considered to be recovered from Covid (Heiss et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid leads to a 3x increased risk of psychotic disorders in children (Taquet et al., 2022)
Children are twice as likely to develop epilepsy or seizures following Covid infection, compared to following other respiratory infections (Taquet et al., 2022)
Children are at an increased risk of epilepsy, encephalitis, nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders up to at least 2 years after Covid infection (Taquet et al., 2022)
Intracranial (brain) bacterial infections have increased during the Covid pandemic, occuring during or just after Covid infection. One Michigan children’s hospital reports a 236% increase. (Khuon et al., 2022)
235,000 children in England have Long Covid symptoms lasting 12+ weeks that affect their daily life (ONS.gov.uk)
21% of Year 13 pupils missed 4+ weeks of school due to Covid for the 21/22 academic year in England (suttontrust.com)
Children and teens who’ve had Covid are at greater risk for blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure, and Type 1 diabetes (Kompaniyets et al., 2022)
5.2 million children have lost a parent or caregiver to Covid infection. (Unwin et al., 2022)
Covid infection leads to an average of 42% increased risk of Type 1 Diabetes across all ages. Risk increases most in pediatric patients- by 584%. (Quedan et al., 2022)
Covid Can Endanger Pregnancy and the Growing Baby
Covid infection during pregnancy increases risk of preterm delivery (Edlow et al., 2022)
Covid infection at delivery increases risk of stillbirth (DeSisto et al., 2021)
Covid infection during pregnancy increases risk of neurodevelopmental disorder diagnosis in babies by 2.17x during first year of life (Edlow et al., 2022)
Risk of severe Covid infection is higher in pregnant women. (Rad et al., 2021)
Newborns born to mothers who had recovered from Covid 10+ weeks prior to birth show viral mRNA and proteins in their stool and signs of intestinal inflammation. (Jin et al., 2022)
Covid infection destroys the placenta, starving the baby of oxygen, resulting in increased risks of stillbirth and neonatal deaths. (Schwartz et al., 2022)
Covid Can Lead to Development of New Allergies
Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) may be triggered by Covid infection, resulting in new allergies and risk of anaphylaxis. (Afrin et al., 2020)
Mast cell activation symptoms are increased in Long Covid (Weinstock et al., 2021)
Covid Worsens Mental and Psychological Health
Covid diagnosis associated with increased risk of mental health diagnosis and neurocognitive decline (Xie et al., 2022)
Risks of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures are increased for at least 2 years following Covid infection. (Taquet et al., 2022)
Covid Reinfection is Common and Increasingly Detrimental to Health
Reinfection with Covid increases risk of hospitalization, death and long covid by more each time 1(Al-Aly et al., 2022 *preprint), 2(World Health Organisation)
Covid reinfections are common. Mean time between 1st and 2nd infection is 79 days, and between 2nd and 3rd infection is 65 days. (Al-Aly et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid reinfection is possible as soon as 19 days after initial infection. (Ren et al., 2022)
Long Covid is Common, Serious and Potentially Disabling
1 in 5 (20-30%) develop a new health condition following Covid infection (Bull-Otterson et al. 2022)
Just below 1 in 10 (9.3%) triple vaccinated people are not recovered 4-8 weeks after Omicron infection in the UK (ONS.gov.uk)
1 in 7 (14%) of 11-18 year olds have symptoms 15 weeks after COVID-19 infection (Stephenson et al., 2021)
Long Covid causes disability and unemployment (theguardian.com)
Two million days of healthcare staff absences were lost to Long Covid during the first 18 months of the pandemic in England (the guardian.com)
On average, healthcare staff absent with Long Covid are off for more than 80 days in England (theguardian.com)
A US Long Covid group reports that 44% of those affected are out of work (longhauler-advocacy.org)
235,000 children in England have Long Covid symptoms lasting 12+ weeks that affect their daily life (ONS.gov.uk)
21% of Year 13 pupils missed 4+ weeks of school due to Covid for the 21/22 academic year in England (suttontrust.com)
The proportion of people unemployed and not seeking work due to Long Covid has doubled in the past year in the UK (theguardian.com)
Long Covid survey of nearly 4000 finds 45% required a reduced work schedule and 22% could not work due to illness (Davis et al., 2021)
88% of Long Covid sufferers experience cognitive dysfunction and memory problems (Davis et al., 2021)
80,000 people estimated to have left employment due to Long Covid by March 2022 in UK (Reuschke and Houston, 2022)
2.9 million people of working age in the UK have had, or currently have, Long Covid (Reuschke and Houston, 2022)
Long Covid has over 200 symptoms spanning 10 organ systems. (Davis et al., 2021)
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Graph via @davidsteadson on Twitter
Vaccination Does Not Fully Prevent Long Covid
16% of Covid infections lead to Long Covid after 3 vaccinations (Azzolini et al., 2022)
Just below 1 in 10 (9.3%) triple vaccinated people are not recovered 4-8 weeks after Omicron infection in the UK (ONS.gov.uk)
Vaccination only reduces risk of Long Covid by 15%. (Al-Aly et al., 2022)
Covid Persists in the Body after Initial Infection
Covid can persist throughout the body and brain even following mild/asymptomatic infections, for at least 230 days (Chertow et al., 2021 *preprint)
COVID-19 can persist within the gut for at least 7 months after infection 1(Gaebler et al., 2021), 2(Natarajan et al., 2022)
Residual COVID-19 virus has been found in the appendix and breast tissue, 175- and 462-days post-infection, respectively (Goh et al., 2022 *preprint)
COVID-19 virus can persist in the eyes after initial infection (Armstrong et al., 2021)
COVID-19 virus can be found and continues to replicate in the testes even after death (Costa et al., 2022 *preprint)
Covid virus particles found in penis tissue of men infected 6-8 months earlier, who later experienced erectile dysfunction (Kresch et al., 2021)
Viral Persistence Can Cause Serious Illness Many Years Later
We do not know the long term effects of Covid Infection and Persistence.
Persistent Hepatitis C infection increases risk of Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) (Mitchell et al., 2015)
Persistent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection causes cervical cancer (Sudenga et al., 2013)
Persistent HIV infection leads to immunodeficiency and AIDS (Pauza, 1988)
Persistence of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) can cause development of multiple sclerosis (Ruprecht, 2020)
Persistence of varicella zoster virus (VZV), which causes chickenpox, can result in shingles and Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (Gershon et al., 2015)
These effects of Covid are not easy to learn about, but it is essential that people know the risks. This is not fearmongering- it is not “what if”s and “maybe”s- these are events that are happening right now, around the world.
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culturevulturette · 3 months
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It's a mystery!
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mixelation · 3 months
Once again I am Posting to give you all a friendly reminder that most popular Covid-19 posts on this site contain some level of misinfo. Common types of misinfo include:
"heard from a friend of a friend" medical advice, including "twitter thread of things a nurse told me" or "opinion of a random unverified doctor on social media"-- NEVER follow this type of health advice without checking with proper sources first
anecdotal data provided as fact
misunderstandings or misrepresentations of what disease agencies like the CDC are doing, should be doing, or what it would even be possible for them to do
assigning numbers and statistics to things OP just made up. this ranges from saying something like "only 2% of people mask" to mean "anecdotally i see only a very small number of people masking in my community"* but the actual number is misleading to seem to seem like a real statistic.... leading all the way to people just making numbers up
overly dramatic language**
assigning moral values to things which have no moral weight (e.g., "I haven't gotten covid because I'm a good person who....")
misrepresenting the conclusions of current research. this one is tricky because you'd think linking a study in a high-tier medical journal would be a good source, but I frequently see the following mistakes: overly definitive language, including asserting causation when causation has not been established, or claiming a single study definitively has definitely proven something; not understanding appropriate extrapolations from a study's design (something that happens to cell in a petri dish is NOT definitive of what happens in a body); incorrect biological conclusions/assumptions, or else oversimplification that loses nuance; cherrypicking studies. Remember that Covid-19 is still a very new disease and the research is still evolving. A study that seems extremely important in one year might turn out to be bunk later, not because the study was poorly designed, but because we were missing key info. There is a lot we simply do not know and cannot know and we need to careful of our language when reporting on it.
just straight up made-up facts
Please keep this in mind if you choose to interact with a covid-19 post. Remember to click through on any sources to verify them, to be wary of a lack of verifiable information, and that a post making you feel overly emotional is a sign to double-check the facts and message.
*Clarification: assigning an estimated number to things you see is an innocent rhetorical device in terms of informal communication, which is what tumblr is for. I say things like this in casual conversation too. It only becomes an issue when whatever post is mass reblogged. I'm not saying don't post like this..... I'm saying know to recognize this in things you choose to interact with.
**Again, emotive language is fine for blogging. It's a natural part of human communication, and I do it too. I'm not criticizing that. I'm warning you to be aware of it as a potentially misleading rhetorical device before you hit reblog.
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
I kinda miss 2020
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Okay, the entire thing about baking bread has reminded me of one thing. And this one might be kinda controversial but... I kinda miss 2020. I miss the early pandemic. Because... Well, for once the pandemic was being taken somewhat serious back then - and also we had this weird thing going on with "we are all in this together" and all of that.
What I mean is: The pandemic is not over. People are still dying in mass of Covid. But in the end the shitty fucking capitalist sytem decided that productivity and imaginary numbers going up is more important, than the literal lives of people.
Really, it should not be too much to ask that people mask up. Because the masks are useful either way in protecting us from all sorts of infections. So, put on that darn mask. IT DOES IN FACT NOT TAKE YOUR FUCKIGN FREEDOM FROM YOU.
In the early pandemic, too, politicians kinda took the entire thing still serious. Like, people lost their jobs and for once politician were like "Okay, maybe the people should get money from the state to make up for it." And they took it actually serious.
And the pandemic was there, so people were in lockdown and home office. While meanwhile a lot of companies have started to once again go on about how people should work in the office. Something that only has to do with control and with demeaning the worker - not because it needs to happen.
And yeah, I kinda just miss it. The entire thing of the early pandemic, when everyone, freaking EVERYONE was in lockdown. We were making jokes about it. And we were baking bread - and were just trying to get some toilet paper from the store.
And like... It was not great. Of course it wasn't. But... The pandemic is not over. And I really prefer that early pandemic solidarity towards the shit show that is happening right now.
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diablo1776 · 16 days
35-0 on "Conspiracy Theories" 😂
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melaniekarensworld · 5 months
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I DON'T miss lockdown, buuuut I kind of miss some of the online communities that were thriving during it! I have absolutely no trans friends irl, and a lot of the people I do meet can barely wrap their heads around trans people actually being real that trying to explain nonbinary identities or pronouns just isn't an option. A lot of those communities died as everyone returned to school and work, so I lost a lot of my connection to fellow queer and genderqueer people. It's hard not having the space to just connect with people who have similar experiences. That is, actually, why I got Tumblr. I figured I could create a space to do that, to connect with other queer and trans people, anyways.
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sbrown82 · 3 months
Can’t believe the world shut down 4 years ago today! 🦠 💉😷
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major-x-blog · 5 months
Non ho molte cose da dire in particolare di questo 2023, ma forse un paio, a riguardo di questi ultimi 3 anni,
la prima è:Non so quanti si sono accorti che l'Umanità sta scorrendo nella Fogna, oggi più che mai, e che presto si arriverà al culmine dell'intollerabile, quindi credo che sta a noi invertire l'assurda "direzione" che è stata presa.
la seconda è: che tutte le Persone Oneste Intellettualmente e Moralmente, riconoscano la realtà dei fatti, Agendo di conseguenza, anche con piccoli gesti per contrastare la Follia dilagante, ed è a questi Ultimi che Auguro un Buon 2024, Un Ricco, Salubre, Soddisfacente e Quieto Anno Nuovo. ❤️❤️❤️
Con Rispettoso Affetto.
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helalokithor · 3 months
The lockdown was difficult because it did not allow me to grow mentally.
My mind is still stuck at 8th grade where I could get 2nd or 3rd position without trying and putting efforts just by studying the night before. But now I'm giving my final exams at 12th grade my brain doesn't know how to put efforts and just procrastinates and i regret everything and have a panic attack the night before. And it will be disastrous once i get to college.
I think i need professional help because everyday my anxiety is getting worse and my friend had to calm me down from attacks through whatsapp.
Can anyone please give me some advice
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hello!! :D i hope you're doing well
Do you guys have any good recs for fics set in lockdown? I have a preference for fluff and zero smut.
Thanks in advance :) <3
Hi! We have #good omens lockdown, #awake the snake, and #covid-19 tags, so check those out. Here are more lockdown fics...
starved for (your) company by elloquial (T)
He’s calling Crowley before he can fret about consequences and implications for another moment. The first three rings, which he listens to with dread mounting in his core, are torturous. But then Crowley answers, and his surly (awake!) voice is such a relief that Aziraphale skips hello entirely. “Would you like to do zooms with me?” (in which Aziraphale sets up nightly zoom meetings to keep Crowley from hibernating, and eventually re-evaluates his stance on quarantining together)
May I have your number? by Crowletto (G)
Aziraphale's student job has its perks. He certainly meets interesting people. (This is a Human-AU set in Lockdown, please mind the tags!)
nature is healing (or something like that, anyhow) by nightbloomingcereus (T)
Well. If Aziraphale could be stubborn, so could Crowley. He didn’t need Aziraphale, or his bookshop, dammit. He was going to take a nap, exactly like he’d said he would, and he wasn’t going to get up again until the world, and a certain frustrating angel, stopped being such a downer. It was the perfect plan. Or it would have been, had he still had his bloody bed in his bloody flat in bloody fucking Mayfair. Or, the one where Crowley takes his three-year-long pandemic nap in his plant-filled Bentley.
The Last Four Years by juliet, Laura Shapiro (T)
After the nightingale sang, before a naked archangel arrives in Soho – four years passed. What happened during that time?
Better With You by WordsInTimeAndSpace (M)
Due to a petty feud between their respective department heads, Crowley and Aziraphale have been hiding their friendship for months. When they’re suddenly stuck in lockdown amidst a pandemic, Crowley is not coping well. Thankfully, Aziraphale is there for him - but their changing relationship means that keeping secrets from their bosses only becomes more of a challenge.
Fancy Patter on the Telephone by HotCrossPigeon (G)
A series of telephone conversations between Aziraphale and Crowley during the Lockdown. They get steadily more desperate and ridiculous as the weeks go on. Featuring a moping demon, a teasing angel, a pub quiz, an explosion, extraordinary amounts of alcohol, a bubble bath, awkward flirting, several love confessions... and an ill-conceived bet on who can last the longest without seeing the other. What could possibly go wrong?
- Mod D
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atheostic · 3 months
Religious Privilege
In Italy, during the 2020 spring lockdown many schools provided Catholic teaching among the other remote learning classes, but omitted to do the same with an alternative subject for students who opted out of the Catholics class, despite having an alternative class being a legal right of students.
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
Can't we please go back to masking at least?
I honestly am so frustrated right now. As I said a couple of days ago: I got COVID again and right now Germany seems to be hit hard again, just judging by how many people at university and work are sick with the virus again.
Now, university decided that last week and this week were gonna be remote (with the exception of one workshop two days ago, that was done with some people (who had the virus) participating from home while everyone else was in class). But that is supposed to be over next week. And my workplace also insists we are supposed to be at the office 3 days a week. My manager is not as much of a dick about it as some other managers (so, basically when I said "I am gonna stay home, because I cannot get sick again" he said: "Yeah, that's fine.")
And the people... are all still running around without a mask. Germany did away with the mask mandates more than a year ago, of course. And I guess we just will not go back to them. And right now... Like, I do not have exact numbers, because we also stopped testing.
But at university we are 11 people in class. Out of thos 11 right now 4 people (including me) have the virus right now.
And I need to remind everyone: The virus increases the likelihood of suffering a lot of debilitating deseases later on - or at times immediately.
Right now the guy my roomie does dogsitting for? He is in rehab, because he got the virus a month ago and it put him into ICU. A young, healthy guy. Sure, a smoker. But also someone who does a lot of sports.
And I just... I just cannot deal with this right now. Even if they really just want to keep the economy going, because capitalism has turned them into sociopaths... They have to say that keeping the economy going when people die early and suddenly, when folks are diabled and all that... Will not work out, right?
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voelene · 10 months
How did I miss it, it's so good! Aziraphale tempting Crowley with bad deeds and burglars and cake and Crowley just going for a long nap and thinking humans are miserable enough and not wanting them to die
Sorry, i'm like two years behind apparently, but it's new content for me after rewatching season 2 for the third time, please don't mind me
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