#lord of the flies in a nutshell
spectacularizm · 8 months
wow Okay so in my last bloggy majiggy I talked about how I don't read that much and how I dislike How To Kill A Mockingbird. Well, now, I'm gonna talk about some books I actually DO like!! 1. Stephen King's "The Mist" ----- Okay well if you couldn't tell by some of my posts, I am a huge fan of The Mist, both the Novella and the movie (not so much the show, though.. I'm gonna pretend that doesn't exist..) The book is surprisingly short, but really intriguing and written in a way that doesn't make it feel short. The book IS a "horror/thriller" genre story though, so if you're not down with that, don't read it. Basically it's about a bunch of silly goobers trapped in a grocery store because the dumbass military opened a rift to an another dimension and the creatures of that dimension, which are gross fleshy bug monsters, started pouring into our world along with a thick fog. It's a fun read, and I love Stephen King, and the movie's REALLY good, so what's not to love? 2. All Quiet on the Western Front/Im Westen nicht Neues ----- This one's a give-in. Look at my profile picture, man. Erich Maria Remarque really hit his magnum opus with this one. Not only is this book stellar, but all 3 movies are unique and do the story so much justice. It's a good length, the length it needs to be for a war story written like a journal. It's captivating, a bit scary, disturbing for sure, depressing, and very melancholic- Because that's what WW1 is. In a nutshell, this story was a way for Erich Maria Remarque to dump all his war views and war experiences into a story through the eyes of 17-18 yr old Paul Baumer (I can't do accented A's on my keyboard I apologize in advance fellow AQOTWF enjoyers!!). It's amazing, purely amazing. Changed my perspective on life. On everything. REALLY recommend, even if war stories aren't your thing. 3. Plaguemaker ----- I bet you ain't even heard of this one heehee haahaa. Written by Tim Downs, in a particularly fancy, inviting and calm way, this story is once again not for the light-hearted. It talks about the horrific atrocities the Japanese Empire committed back in WW2 with their infamous Unit 731 project, and it goes into deep details about it, too. Other than that, it's a very wholesome and ambivalent story, and I really felt connected to it the whole time I read it. When I was done, I felt depressed. Literally. I'm even upset there's no movie on it! Good thing I'm going into the film industry! It follows a New Yorker detective, set on a mission to go bust an 80 yr old Japanese guy who wants revenge on America. Little does he know that 80 year old was involved in some batshit insane WW2 crap and is actually a bio-terrorist who wants to spread the plague all across the states and then some. He teams up with his ex-wife and a fellow old Japanese guy and they go on depressingly heartwarming missions to bust this evil Plaguemaker. --- That's it. That's literally it. I don't read much, I don't really like it, if I'm honest. I mean, you could probably tell? but I'm more of a movie person. Now, I have read some other stuff, like Lord of the Flies which I LOVE but don't feel like ranting about, and I've read the entire Wings of Fire and Warrior Cats series', but both of those fandoms I left a long time ago. Thank you so much for reading, I have a fairly big blog coming up full of doodles of lots of different things, so I probably won't post until then. Feel free to tell me if you like any of these books, too. Stay safe everyone, love you guys <3
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docholligay · 2 years
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This is so good. He has this car, and he didn’t drive up in it, we just assumed he did, because we’re so used to the visual shorthand.
And it comes out that this beautiful, powerful car doesn’t run, won’t go. Because he lost the key. And isn’t that Akio in a fucking nutshell? He has this whole veneer of beauty and excellence and power, but all of it useless because he lost is ability to be prince long ago (If he ever was, here. Given the lord of the flies thing I’m a little all over the place, but I'[m riding with it.)
He needs someone else to drive him, to take him where he needs to go, just a passenger in the back of a taxi, who goes where he commands even though it holds the real power, and isn’t that so much of Anthy’s experience? That she has all the power, but Akio calls the location? It’s so neatly done in just a few seconds and I’M NOT FORGIVING YOU FOR THE FIRST TAPE IKUHARA but it’s a good apology.
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faggot-friday · 2 years
We had an assignment in English class. Now, keep in mind that our English teacher is an absolute piece of shit. Half the reviews on our school is just people asking the principal to fire her. She called the queer community the "LBGTs". A kid was struggling with his work and she deleted it. Not in a closed-it-and-didn't-save kind of way, she actually deleted the entire document. (We can't access recycle bin on the school computers so he couldn't get it back.)
Our assignment was, in a nutshell, to write Lord of the Flies fanfic. I fucking hated that book. I'm not a big fan of classics in general (they drag on), but I especially disliked this one (mostly because of the way it was taught, but also a little bit about the ending). Specifically, we had to either rewrite the ending, or write one of the characters 20 years after the ending.
I was already an experienced fanfic writer (this was eight months ago), and so I decided I'd get an easy pass by just giving Ralph trauma, as you do. He'd killed someone, and he'd watched the closest thing he had to a friend die at the hands of his boyfriend. So I figured out what your average response to that kind of trauma is, and I wrote 800 words exactly of that. (I was very proud of having 800 words, actually.)
The day after we had all submitted it, my English teacher read out her favourites. There was three of them. I can't remember the first (sorry to whoever wrote it lol), but I remember the second. It was pretty good, written in a similar style to the actual og book. It got something like 98%, and the marks were lost because of lines like "he ran into the forest, never to be seen again". Which seemed a little harsh, but nothing more than we were used to.
And then she read out mine, and I fucking just. Died. Right there at my desk. I pulled my mask as high as it could go without being over my eyes and I tried to merge with the shitass chairs they have.
She finished reading it, and then the entire class were instructed to analyse it. We're the gifted and talented class, but half of us are neurodivergent and/or wannabe footy boys, so some of us weren't concentrating, but those who were seemed pretty happy to analyse it. This just added to my embarrassment.
So, I kid you not, they started listing all the shit that was wrong with Ralph in this fic. PTSD, survivor's guilt, it was implied he was suicidal, he was technically self-harming, so many other things I can't even remember.
I got 100%, and it was the second 100% that teacher had given out in her entire career (which is a lot of years). Fucking shocked.
TL;DR: I got a 100% on a Lord of the Flies fanfic because I took one look at the assignment and dumped a massive bucket of trauma all over Ralph.
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livinliterary · 1 month
She Started it by Sian Gilbert
It’s Lord of the Flies meets And Then There Were None…but with Instagram and too much prosecco. In a Nutshell Chilling Psychological Shocking For Readers Looking For Caribbean bachelorette party Endlessly Twisty Tale of Revenge Where to Buy Amazon IndieBound Thrifbooks Book Overview The party of a lifetime is nothing like what they expected… Annabel, Esther, Tanya, and Chloe are…
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In A Nutshell
“Once when some Israelites were burying a man, they spied a band of these raiders. So they hastily threw the corpse into the tomb of Elisha and fled. But as soon as the body touched Elisha’s bones, the dead man revived and jumped to his feet!” 2Kings 13:21NLT
Elisha wasn't an exciting prophet like Elijah. He didn’t call fire down from heaven to burn up the sacrifice. Nor did Elisha slay four hundred prophets of Baal. God didn’t send a custom chariot to pick him up and carry him away— alive to heaven. All this notoriety belonged distinctively to Elijah.
Elisha was one who watched and imitated the greater prophet, Elijah. This was a lesson for us all. He wanted his life to count for something besides plowing a field. The day Elijah invited Elisha to join his ministry, Elisha killed his oxen; burned his wooden plow to cook the sacrificed oxen. This was Elisha’s changing careers party. Read 1Kings 19:19-21 and 2Kings 2:1-14.
From the day Elijah was taken to heaven, Elisha purposed for his life to be effective— God’s servant. Elisha performed through God, twice the miracles as those performed by Elijah. Last miracle of all was the resurrected man, who came to life when he was thrown upon Elisha’s bones.
Do we want our lives to be effective, as God’s servants? In these tumultuous days, faith in God is our only option to be effective. Fear comes readily from every direction. Reading Facebook even carries fears to everyone.
Operating outside of fear doesn’t work unless our faith is working. What can stop faith is living outside of love— We must love everyone. “For in Christ Jesus neither… counts for anything, but only faith working through love.” Galatians 5:6KJV. Everyone deserves dignity and love. God doesn’t care what color, nationality, religion or political disposition our enemy is, His rules still stand. No one is better than another. He wants us to walk in love towards everyone. Our ‘life purpose,’ in a nutshell, is acting like God loving people, even those who don’t deserve love.
With faith and love in control of on our lives become like Elisha’s. We also can count on promises from God coming to pass, in our lives— our own miracles. “…Whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says,” Mark 11:22-23NKJV. We can rest safe away from fear. “…Whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil.” Proverbs 1:33NKJV “Young lions go lacking and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing” Psalm 34:10BSB “Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from deadly pestilence. ..under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday…  You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked… no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.  For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;” Psalm 91:3-6, 8, 10-11NIV. “The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him;”  Psalm 37:23NIV
Standing upon God’s promises will cause us to be recognized by God and others. We’ll also be known as servants of the Most High God. Isn’t being effective and fearless much better than being in fear? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Papa God, we all want to be effective, fearless and recognized by You. Will You please give us Your gift of faith to be more effective for You, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2022 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
It makes me kind of uncomfortable to think about how the six raised JK and now there’s a thing between him and JM. And yes I mean raised bc he was 13/14 when he moved to Seoul all by himself and luckily had people who supported him on his way to idolship). Yes they were both young and yes they were both new but JK was the baby of the group and was treated as such. He was so shy and kind of awkward (bc he was new and young) and clung onto Jimin for support. Jimin reminded him of home, comforted him, and never judged him. JK really relied on Jimin for emotional support and sought him out when he needed someone to talk to. Jimin was his security blanket. It’s no wonder he fell in love. But to me, Jimin’s case is different. Yes they’re not literally brothers but they seemed that way the first few years. We all know about how he said that JK reminds him of his younger brother. Jimin saw all his phases and awkwardness and youth. I guess I’m just wondering how that younger brother dynamic changed and what caused Jimin to see JK in a different light.
I totally disagree with you anon.
Those six didn't raise JK. JK was raised by his parents. He moved in to live with some of the other members when he was 14.
Their age differences ranged between 2 and 5 years.
None of them are blood relations. They are not brothers!!!
Think of it like someone going to boarding school. Yes, there are strong friendships built, the older help the younger adjust and mature, as they themselves are maturing in the process. Doesn't make them brothers!!!
There are still adults around, to support and guide along, it's not Lord of the flies, that they are on a deserted island with only these 6 to, as you put it, raise him.
The age difference between JM and JK is 2 years. JK being 15 and JM 17 when they first met. An age when many experience their first real love and relationships.
JM & JK connected from the get go, becoming pretty close. JM was someone JK talked to, perhaps he found it easy to connect with him feeling JM won't judge him, for not being good enough, for questioning if to actually debut with the group etc. JM, being the caring human being that he is, and having a special place in his heart for JK, supported him and was there for him.
But JM didn't raise JK. JK didn't see JM as his older brother. JK didn't cling onto JM's support, as you put it.
That sounds a bit like JM was grooming JK, that is most definitely not the case here.
Do you act all shy and hot & cold with someone you think as your brother, because you like them too much?
It is very possible that JK had a JM crush from the get go, no fully understanding his feelings, and most definitely also struggling with his sexuality.
As for JM, he made his feelings known from the start.
He liked JK. a lot.
I can't help but remember the video log from 2014 where JM asks, himself maybe, why he likes JK so much. Perhaps that was a manifestation of JM's internal struggle.
Saying the struggle is because he saw JK as his brother is oversimplifying, in my opinion. I don't think he saw JK as his brother at all, but perhaps struggles with what others may think or how others perceive them (just like you, seeing them as brothers). In a nutshell, he most probably was conflicted, having feelings, not friendly or brotherly feelings (what will people say? he's the hyung...), for another boy (this is SK's traditional society), a younger band mate (he's an idol, no relationships are allowed, and with another boy, a younger band mate, he must be a horrible person).
Finally, it is only natural for love stories to bud when you put people together in a relatively closed knit environment. These boys were put together by a company as a band. They are band mates, extremely close friends. They are not brothers.
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casxmorgan · 3 years
Books Books Books
100 Years of Solitude
120 Days of Sodom
A Brief History of Time
A Canticle for Leibowitz
A Child Called It
A Clockwork Orange
A Confederacy of Dunces
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters
A Land Fit for Heroes Trilogy
A Little Life
A Naked Singularity
A People's History of the United States
A Scanner Darkly
A Series of Unfortunate Events
A Short History of Nearly Everything
A Song of Ice and Fire
A Storm of Swords
A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments
A Thousand Splendid Suns
A Walk in the Woods
A World Lit Only by Fire
Accursed Kings
Alice in Wonderland
All Quiet on the Western Front
All the Light We Cannot See
All the Pretty Horses
America, the Book
American Gods
American Psycho
And then There Were None
Angela’s Ashes
Animal Farm
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
Anna Karenina
Anything Terry Pratchett, But, Mort is My Favorite
Anything Written by Robin Hobb
Apt Pupil
Artemis Fowl
Asimov's Guide to the Bible
Atlas Shrugged
Batman: the Long Halloween
Battle Royale
Beat the Turtle Drum
Behind the Beautiful Forevers
Belgariad Series
Black Company
Blind Faith
Blood Meridian
Blood and Guts: a History of Surgery
Bluest Eye
Brandon Sanderson
Brave New World
Breakfast of Champions
Bridge to Terabithia
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: an Indian History of the American West
Calvin and Hobbs
Cat's Cradle
Catch 22
Cats Cradle
Child of God
Chuck Palahniuk
City of Ember
City of Thieves
Come Closer
Confessions of a Mask
Conversation in the Cathedral
Crime and Punishment
Dan Brown
Dead Birds Singing
Dead Mountain: the Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
Delta Venus
Die Räuber (the Robbers)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Don Quixote
Dying of the Light
East of Eden
Empire of Sin: a Story of Sex, Jazz, Murder, and the Battle for Modern New Orleans
Enders Game
Enders Shadow
Escape from Camp 14
Ever Since Darwin
Every Man Dies Alone
Everybody Poops
Everything is Illuminated
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Fahrenheit 451
Far from the Madding Crowd
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson
Feet of Clay
Fight Club
First Law
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers in the Attic
Foundation Series
Foundation Trilogy
Fun Home
Geek Love
Gerald’s Game
Ghost Story
Go Ask Alice
Go Dog Go
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
Gone Girl
Gone with the Wind
Good Omens
Grapes of Wrath
Great Expectations
Greg Egan
Guards! Guards!
Guns Germs and Steel
Guts (short Story)
Half a World
Ham on Rye
Hannibal Rising
Hard Boiled Wonderland
Heart Shaped Box
Heart of Darkness
Hellbound Heart
Hell’s Angels
Helter Skelter
His Dark Materials
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Holocaust by Bullets
House of Leaves
How to Cook for Fourty Humans
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Huckleberry Finn
I Am America, and So Can You
I Am the Messenger
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
I Was Dr. Mengele’s Assistant
In Cold Blood
In Search of Our Mother's Gardens
Independent People
Infinite Jest
Into Thin Air
Into the Wild
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Invisible Monsters
Jacques Le Fataliste
Jane Eyre
Job: a Comedy of Justice
John Dies at the End
John Grisham
Johnathan Livingston Seagull
Johnny Got His Gun
Jon Ronson
Journal of a Novel
Jurassic Park
L'histoire D'o
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Les Miserables
Lies My Teacher Told Me
Life of Pi
Limits and Renewals
Little House in the Big Woods
Lockwood & Co.
Looking for Trouble
Lord Foul’s Bane
Lord of the Flies
Malazan Book of the Fallen
Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media
Man’s Search for Meaning
Mark Twain’s Autobiography
Megamorphs (series)
Mein Kampf
Memnooch the Devil
Metro 2033
Michael Crichton
Moby Dick
Mrs. Dalloway
My Side of the Mountain
My Sweet Audrina
Nacht über Der Prärie (night over the Prairie)
Naked Lunch
Name of the Wind
Never Let Me Go
New York
Night Shift
Norwegian Wood
Notes from Underground
Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea
Of Mice and Men
Of Nightingales That Weep
Old Mans War
Old Mother West Wind
On Heroes and Tombs
On Laughter and Forgetting
On the Road
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
One Hundred Years of Solitude
One of Us
Painted Bird
Patrick Rothfuss
Perfume: the Story of a Murderer
Pet Sematary
Peter Pan
Pillars of the Earth
Poisonwood Bible
Pride and Predjudice
Ready Player One
Red Mars
Red Night (series)
Red Shirts
Red Storm Rising
Requiem for a Dream
Riftwar Saga
Roald Dahl
Rolls of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Round Ireland with a Fridge
Running with Scissors
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Sapiens, a Brief History of Humankind
Scary Stories to Read in the Dark
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Schindler’s List
Sein Und Zeit
Shades of Grey
Sharp Objects
Shattered Dreams
Sherlock Holmes
Skin and Other Stories
Slaughterhouse Five
Smoke & Mirrors
Snow Crash
Soldier Son
Sometimes a Great Notion
Starship Troopers
Stiff, the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Storied Life of A.j. Fikry
Stormlight Archives
Story of the Eye
Stranger in a Strange Land
Surely, You're Joking
Survivor Type (short Story)
Swan Song
Tale of Two Cities
Tales of the South Pacific
The Alchemist
The Altered Carbon Trilogy
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
The Art of Deception
The Art of Fielding
The Art of War
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation
The Autobiography of Henry Viii
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Beach
The Bell Jar
The Bible
The Bloody Chamber
The Book Thief
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
The Brothers Karamazov
The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories
The Cask of Amontillado (short Story)
The Catcher in the Rye
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Clown
The Color out of Space
The Communist Manifesto
The Complete Fiction of H.p. Lovecraft
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night Time
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
The Dagger and the Coin
The Damage Done
The Dark Tower
The Declaration of Independence, the Us Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
The Devil in the White City
The Dharma Bums
The Diamond Age
The Dice Man
The Discworld Series
The Dresden Files
The Elegant Universe
The First Law Trilogy
The Forever War
The Foundation Trilogy
The Gentleman Bastard Sequence
The Geography of Nowhere
The Girl Next Door
The Girl on the Milk Carton
The Giver
The Giving Tree
The God of Small Things
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gilly Hopkins
The Hagakure
The Half a World Trilogy
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Hiding Place
The History of Love
The Hobbit
The Hot Zone
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Hyperion Cantos
The Jaunt
The Jungle
The Key to Midnight
The Killing Star
The Kingkiller Chronicles
The Kite Runner
The Last Question (short Story)
The Lies of Lock Lamora
The Little Prince
The Long Walk
The Lord of the Rings
The Lottery (short Story)
The Lovely Bones
The Magicians
The Magus
The Martian
The Master and Margarita
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
The Monster at the End of This Book
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Music of Eric Zahn (short Story)
The Name of the Wind & the Wise Man's Fear
The Necronomicon
The New Age of Adventure: Ten Years of Great Writing
The Night Circus
The Nightmare Box
The Odyssey
The Omnivore's Dilemma
The Orphan Master’s Son
The Outsiders
The Painted Bird
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Phantom Tollbooth
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Plague
The Prince
The Prince of Tides
The Princess Bride
The Prophet
The Queen’s Gambit
The Rape of Nanking
The Red Dwarf
The Republic
The Rifter Saga
The Road
The Satanic Verses
The Screwtape Letters
The Secret History
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
The Selfish Gene
The Shining
The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer
The Silmarillion
The Sirens of Titan
The Six Wives of Henry the 8th
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
The Speaker of the Dead
The Stars My Destination
The Stormlight Archive
The Story of My Tits
The Stranger
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
The Suspicions of Mr. Witcher
The Tao of Pooh
The Things They Carried
The Time Machine
The Time Traveller’s Wife
The Tin Drum
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green
The Wasp Factory
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
The World According to Garp
The Yellow Wallpaper
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Things Fall Apart
This Blinding Absence of Light
Time Enough for Love
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Toni Morrison
Too Many Magicians
Tuesdays with Morrie
Tuf Voyaging
Under Plum Lake
Universe in a Nutshell
Village Life in Late Tsarist Russia
War & Peace
War and Peace
Warriors: Bluestar’s Prophecy
Water for Elephants
Watership Down
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Wheel of Time
When Rabbit Howls
Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Why I Am Not a Christian
Why People Believe Weird Things
Wizards First Rule
World War Z
Wuthering Heights
You Can Choose to Be Happy
Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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punkremus · 3 years
okay, i have listened to the playlist in full and here are my thoughts (please forgive my rambling; i had so much fun with this and it allowed me to procrastinate the next chapter so truly thank you ❤️):
“go fuck yourself”: as i listened, i tried to categorize them into either din/reader/or reader&din songs and this one felt very din&reader. just this tandem slog through life beside one another without really being together (yet).
“fresh blood”: oh a din song, absolutely. the line “i know you’re probably gettin’ ready for bed” made me think of gorgu too 😩
“help i’m alive”: shit that’s the reader in a nutshell omg. “hard to be tough/tough to be tender” OOF
“i come with knives”: BITCH THE VIBES OF THIS SONG. right off the bat. damn! idk wtf they’re saying in the german section, but i’m fucking here fOR IT!!!!
“angel of small death…”: i am obsessed with the idea of the reader somehow being seen as this tiny, magnificent force. like so much bigger than herself even though she doesn’t realize it quite yet.
“sour times”: ooh, this song. gosh, where to start? it has such a dangerous thread to it. it makes me think of them tiptoeing around one another in this eggshell sort of dance, not knowing who will break first. cHilLS
“broken boy solider”: someone give DIN DJARIN A HUG. this is his inner theme song on a constant loop.
“if you run”: wow—such a change of pace, but i love it. i think NH has such a grungy, metal feel to it (idk what i’m talking about) but also some folksy whimsy and this song fits that perfectly in my head. also: “fading into each other’s arms/he took her down to his hiding place” i don’t think that’s supposed to be romantic, but i’m pretending it is. sue me.
“give up the ghost”: this song makes me kinda emo. a din&reader to be sure. them both just wanting to be loved by each other, too afraid to ask. FUCK.
“black flies”: yES another folksy! the refrain at the end really gets me good. right in the heart.
“gasoline”: aw hell yeah. another reader BOP. she’s got such a bitchy vibe; i love it.
“dark”: shit… “I am the dark one in my bloodline/I fear my shadow like a beast/It's a lingering mellow that won't leave me/I fear one day it'll swallow me whole” is this…. her backstory in a nutshell? idk, you tell me.
“fuel to the fire”: this gives me reader addressing din vibes. like a pained loved letter to him.
“biting down”: to be frank, i don’t know what the fuck this song is talking about. but somehow, in relation to nighthawks, i get it.
“virgin”: the chorus of this song… damn. i don’t know how to describe what it makes me imagine. them, together, still unsure of their future, just… trying?
“bully”: the line “bet you never though that I could be the one to let you down” makes me think of this as another song addressing din. woof.
“toxic”: britney, is that you? almost, but this version is better.
“master’s hands”: i feel like i’m ascribing every song to the reader and not enough to din….. but….. i just love her.
“hearing damage”: ooh! this is an interesting one! “You wish you felt better/In my eyes” feels quite din to me?
“howling”: oh fuuuuuuuuck they’re gonna be so in love one day and this is gonna be IT for them. “You were plush and I laid bare” DAMMIT
“troubled waters”/“patron saint hunter”: i just love the folksy vibe nighthawks can have at the same time as the metal/headbangers. i’m so glad that comes through the fic and i’m not the only one who felt that way.
“easy”: again, lorde with these confusing bangers that somehow just…. are chef’s kiss and fit perfectly to the mood of the fic. at least in my head!
“third eye”: this again feels like a song for the future of the fic, as things begin to unfold for them and they become more comfortable with one another.
“howl”: this definitely feels like a din&reader song! makes me wanna shimmy my shoulders hehe
“clockwork”: how do you find these songs that just fit them both so perfectly? there’s lines that could go for one or the other or for both and just… YOUR BRAIN
i cannot thank you enough for the gift of this playlist. it means more than you know. ❤️
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Whew. Okay.
I am so glad you like this!! Music is how I process things, and it's like the only thing I contribute to fandom. My spotify looks like a crazy person's. Seriously.
I just gahhhhh!! Thank you for taking them time to write all this out. And I have some other Thoughts ✨
1. go fuck yourself: sexy vibes, but like, you hate this person. big vibes for current nighthawks.
2. fresh blood: again, sexy vibes but the line "beautiful woman get out of my head" just reminds me of Din thinking about Reader in the last chapter.
3. help i'm alive: I mean, that's just Reader. But also Din. I feel like they are such good parallels of each other.
4. I come with knives: again, just Reader. I love her, your honor.
5. Angel of small death: reader is a pint sized power house and it breaks Din's brain. That is all.
6. Sour times: I feel like even though they don't get each other yet, Din and Reader are so similar. "Nobody loves me it's true, not like you do"
7. Broken boy soldier: so I was actially thinking of Reader for this, but it totally fits for Din too now that I'm thinking about it. But just the line "I'm throwing the childhood things away" reminds me of Reader and Jeelia.
8. If you run: "if you run, you better have a place to go" that is all.
9. Give up the ghost: they both have so much baggage to work through, it thought it was a good song.
10. Black flies: "I don't want to beg your pardon, I don't want to ask you why, if I was to go my own way, would I have to pass you by"
11. Gasoline: just. Sex with no feelings vibes. (For now 👀)
12. dark: hit the nail on the head. Just tons of past Reader thoughts.
13. Fuel to fire: I mean, that's just their relationship in a title so far.
14. Biting down: this whole song is a drug reference, but the vibe reminds me of just bracing yourself through the pain because it's all you know and it's better than the alternative
15. No one knows: "oh what you do to me, no one knows" fun fact - I like this version better than the original (QOTSA fans, don't come at me)
16. Virgin: this entire song is about how you can devote your life to something (creed/son, or family/sister) and it can still be taken away in an instant
17. Bully: "I like it when you play too rough, so tell me when you've had enough"
18. Toxic: I mean...the ultimate dark sexy vibes
19. Master's Hands: "Pull my strings and cut my rope, rattle my frame and shatter my ghost" works with Din teaching her hunting and also works for sexy times 😏
20. hearing damage: "a tear in my brain allows the voices in" and "they say you're getting better, but you don't feel any better"
21. howling: "Cold I fell into your skin on the night you let me under your sin. You had me howling"
22. troubled waters: big reader and her past vibes. "I must be one of the devil's daughters"
23. patron saint hunter: "keep the family in, keep the family sin" and "evil isn't in your core"...i just love Reader okay
24. Easy: "easy, pull out your heart to make the being alone easy" they're just two lonely people with so much baggage, don't look at me
25. Third eye: "don't make a shadow of yourself, always shutting out the light" and "Cause there's a hole where your heart lies, I see it with my third eye."
26. Howl: "you are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"
27. Clockwork: one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands. "Just like clockwork I react. You wind me up until I crack."
Aaaaaanywayyyy I'm just so happy you like it and I absolutely cannot wait for whatever you write next ✨
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battlestory · 4 years
Newsarama’s article on Battle Royale manga and an interview with editor Mark Paniccia and adapter Keith Giffen. Originally published on Newsarama’s website in 2003.
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The five stages of becoming a warrior on The Program.
In May (2003), Tokyopop will shrug off the image of a company that mainly publishes shojo manga with the debut of Battle Royale, the manga based on the highly controversial novel and movie. Newsarama spoke with editor Mark Paniccia and adapter Keith Giffen for more.
First things first, make no mistake. Tokyopop is publishing Battle Royale with its 'Mature Ages 18+' advisory on it. It is not for anyone under 18, and even some readers over that age will find it a tough read.
Combining themes from Lord of the Flies and The Running Man, creator Koushun Takami wrote the novel Battle Royale in 1999. The novel was then adapted into a movie by the late director Kinji Fukasaku and has spawned legions of fans. Takami went on to write the manga of the same name, collaborating with artist Masayuki Taguchi. The series is still being published in Japan.
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The novel, movie, and now manga have polarized readers in Japan, due to the manga's content. In a nutshell, the "Battle Royale" itself is "The Program," a television show in a morally and sociologically bankrupt, Stalinistic future that picks random classes of 9th grade students and puts them on an abandoned island for a televised fight to the death.
The future depicted by Takami resonates with a 1984 (or current-day America, depending on your viewpoint) feel - the students who are enlisted into the game are doing their patriotic duty, and the state is very proud of them and their "willing" sacrifice.
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Mr. Kamon - administrator of The Program
The island is divided into grids, and the students are all given kits, which include one weapon, as well as the basic necessities, such as first aid, a compass, a map, field rations, and water; and explosive collars which detonate if a student tries to escape or goes into a forbidden grid. The beaches of the island are guarded by soldiers, and from time to time, random grid squares are declared danger zones, and after a given time, the explosive collars of any students in the square will detonate. If the students band together, after a period of 24 hours with no kill, all the explosive collars will detonate. Forty-two students begin the game, last student alive at the end of three days wins.
Battle Royale's editor knows what you're thinking. "You're right, that's pretty depressing," Paniccia said. "But the themes that play throughout it - friendship, trust, loyalty, faith - keep you glued to the page because you can truly relate to some of the stuff the teens are experiencing.
"We can all remember having a crush on someone, or wanting to be like the cool guy, or having a friend who stood up for you. Now you're thrown into a situation where you have to kill the girl you like, or the guy who stuck up for you or the kid you admire and that's where you really get drawn into the series."
In the first installment, students who stand up against authority of The Program are killed, alliances are formed, and despite the hopelessness and virtual nilhism of the story, a sense of optimism sneaks in - maybe the story's two protagonists will beat the odds and will both come out the other end alive.
It's a unique story, and that was one of the things that made Tokyopop want to bring it to American audiences. "I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it before," Paniccia said. "It's a really strong story with strong messages and it's not afraid to use really, really strong images. Tokyopop wanted to publish something that would strike a nerve. My nerves are struck."
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Choices, choices...
Tokyopop isn't pushing the project out for its salacious value alone - not by any means. While, as with all product they carry, retailers will be responsible for the location and clientele allowed to purchase Battle Royale, Tokyopop is sensitive to concerns over the content. "My jaw dropped when I flipped through the pages of the first volume," Paniccia said. "I'd have to say I was more than a bit concerned about the extremity of the content. But thanks to Keith's experience and his compulsively creative mind, the adaptation of this book is in good hands."
That's not saying it's cleaned up or sanitized for American audiences by any means, though. If anything, Giffen delighted in aiming the disturbing nature of the story directly between the eyes of an American audience. But more on that in a minute - according to Paniccia, Giffen was a needed ingredient in the Tokyopop version of Battle Royale from the beginning, something that will hopefully allow the publisher to make a strong presence in comic book shops.
"Who else could this? In the beginning, one of the things we thought we needed was a recognizable comic book writer on the series," Paniccia said. "I figured the content would turn off the book retailers and the comic shops would be our best outlet. When I found out from Keith's Dominion partner, Ross Richie, that he was a big fan of the Battle Royale movie, I called him and we talked about it for a while. Keith's reputation for controversy and his enthusiasm for the property were the perfect ingredients. And thus, soon, people will hold in their hands the most infamous manga in history."
For adapting the work, Giffen was given a tight Japanese-to-English translation of the story, but his assignment was by no means just to tweak a translation. "I told him to do what he felt he had to do," Paniccia said. "I told him to Giffenize it."
It was a charge Giffen was more than happy to accept. "It's a good story that Takami is telling," Giffen said. "What I do is go in and make bad scenes that much worse. I loved Battle Royale the movie, and also love the manga. I just wanted to do it right. I wanted to do justice to it, and I knew I couldn't get away with doing a straight translation, because it would be horrifyingly bad.
"A lot of times when you work on Japanese books, you realize that they have a different pacing from us, and they also have different visual and narrative shorthand," Giffen continued. "For example, somebody may be looking at someone else with gossamer eyes and thinking good thoughts about them, and the word balloons will just say the person's name - over and over, or spend two pages trying to get the name out. That wouldn't play with American readers.
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Deceiving a Friend.
"Battle Royale had stuff like, "I have to kill you first, because you would have killed me otherwise." The translation is right on the nose. You can't give that to an American audience. Specifically, in the scene where the wicked girl almost slices her friend's head off with a sickle - in the translation, she said, 'I had to kill you before you killed me.' No way - I changed it to 'Fashion tip, red's not your color,' as the dead girl lies on the floor in a growing pool of blood.
"There was another line, during the orientation where the students want to know what Mr. Kamon did to the lady at the orphanage. The scene of what he did is pretty graphic, and the original translation had him saying, 'Oh, I sexually assaulted her.'
"I wanted to make it worse. I changed it to, 'With the right persuasion, she was more than willing to share it around.' Not quite as literal as the translation, but it clearly, clearly expresses just how sleazy and reprehensible Kamon is. That's the way it is with all the graphic content in the book - it's there, and some of it is even of a sexual nature, but it's not like you're going to enjoy it for its own sake. It's my job to make sure you don't."
It's a tightrope, Giffen explained, that he has to walk in adapting the work for American readers. Go too far, and you can end up writing your own story. Don't go far enough, and you end up with a jumbled mess that halts the story.
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WARNING! VERY GRAPHIC IMAGE - the price of being deceived
"To do this right, you've got to keep the basic flavor of the original work - this is a guy who wrote the original novel who's doing this, so you can't go in and completely rework it and change it around, but you've got to filter it for American audiences," Giffen said. "You've got to massage it a little bit and see if you can move it just to a place where an American audience will appreciate it.
"Being able to go in there and while keeping the tone, tweaking it a little bit, I'm able to put my voice in. Rather than making it 'mine' though I'm doing a lovely two-part harmony with Takami. It's not my story, so I try to remain true to the spirit of the work. Sometimes that means dropping a colloquialism or adding blocks of copy that will allow the American audience to understand it the same way a Japanese audience would. The key rule that I always keep in mind though is: don't violate the story, don't violate the work."
But even for the creator of Lobo, Battle Royale can occasionally offer Giffen some material that is a challenge to take from simply bad to worse. "There are scenes coming up that poleaxed me," Giffen said. "This is intense shit. Brutally intense, and it does freeze me in my tracks sometimes. I'm no stranger to the gutter, but there are two scenes coming up where I had to call Mark and ask if he was sure we wanted to reprint them."
At the same time though, Giffen echoed Panaccia's sentiments on the work and how, while the violence can be frankly, distasteful at points, the emotional connection Takami creates between the readers and characters keeps you hooked.
"It's not just kids slaughtering one another," Giffen said. "It's fascinating because there's all this background there of who these kids are, and why they react the way they do to this horrific situation. For example, when Akamatsu climbs on the roof with the crossbow and becomes the game's first killer, Takami takes the time to show you why the gentlest, nicest kid in the class has become this cold-blooded killer.
"The most reprehensible acts are not by any means excused, and they're not always explained, but you see incidents in the person's past where, because of particular life experiences, characters act in certain ways when confronted with this horrific situation. It's really well thought out."
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While he's able to admire the approach Takami took with the characters, Giffen also reiterates Paniccia's admonition about the series. "This is in no way, shape or form for kids," Giffen said. "This really, really is an adult comic, just due to the intensity of the content, from the ideas behind it, to the graphic depictions of the actions. There's more than just the violence, there's more than just the controversy. There's a lot of stuff going on here. It's not for kids. It's a multi-layered story. It sure as hell ain't your daddy's comics, I'll give you that much.
"But maybe it will open a few doors. My son and his friends are in the 18-19 year old group, and they're dying to see it. There's a real hunger for manga out there, and so far Tokyopop has managed to corner the female market, as well as the manga enthusiast market. Battle Royale can kick open that door even farther - it's much, much more accessible a book to the straight, standard comic book fan than a lot of other manga product out there. It's very linear, very straightforward. The art is obviously manga, but no so far out there that the American sensibility falls apart. It's going to be an interesting project. Even if it's not the most popular book they publish, it's certainly going to be the most infamous. That said though, kudos to Tokyopop for publishing the manga series of a property that the American film companies were terrified to release the movie of. It puts Warners and Sony and Fox to shame."
With the first volume due in May, Paniccia said that Tokyopop has the rights to reprint the first eight volumes of the manga, and he's planning in his adapter sticking around for the run.
"Keith seems to be having the time of his life so I hope he sticks with it for the grand finale," Paniccia said. "It wouldn't be the same without him."
And that sounds fine by Giffen. "It's a kick when you get to contribute in some way to something that you originally came upon as a fan, and just love, as I do with Battle Royale," Giffen said. "I was happy to contribute however little I could to Battle Royale, and wouldn't mind give some other manga series a try. I just wish I could get my hands on Love Hina…"
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As a Jonerys fan, one of the reasons S8 was so shitty is it made Dany/Jon's relationship look very ... uneven or one sided. S7 ended very clearly with Dany and Jon, both as equally powerful allies and rulers. Then S8 basically has Daenerys doing all the work while getting shit on by the North and the Stark sisters and Jon is just ... there? He at least upholds his word to go with her and lead Northern forces to KL but that's basically it?
They had some good moments in Episode 1 but then it went down the hill from there. Even then, Dany letting Jon riding Rhaegal was complete nonsense. It was total fanservice and nothing more. Dany had a hard time training her dragons and even flying them (remember Drogon refusing to fly back to Meereen?), but Jon due to his “cock power” not only flies Rhaegal like a pro, he actually goes into battle on dragonback on his second ride. What a bunch of bullshit. Also, the waterfall scene doesn’t make any sense with Season 8 plot: so Dany is this “power-hungry tyrant” but she wouldn’t mind leave everything behind to live with Jon in the wilderness? What? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is why Season 8 failed and the narrative is utter nonsense. They needed Dany and her resources to save the North but they wanted to turn her into a villain, and these two don’t add up. You can’t have a queen honoring her word and doing her part of the bargain and then calling her a tyrant. You can’t have her tolerating the Starks openly disrespecting her in front of her subjects and calling her a tyrant. Whoever wrote or even agrees with this bullshit never pick up a History book. I’m a History major and I had some good laughs at this fandom stupidity when it comes to Medieval History. In real life, people were executed for less than talking shit to a monarch and these kings aren’t even remembered as tyrants. Remember when Grey Wind basically eat Lord Umber’s hand because he disrespected Robb? Yeah, I don’t recall anyone calling Robb a tyrant because he threatened his subjects with his direwolf to assure his leadership over them. You see: when a man does it, it’s cool and awesome but when a woman does it, it’s “madness” and tyrannical.
When we look at the overall story, Jon and Dany relationship leaves a sour taste in my mouth and doesn’t add up with what was previously established in Season 7. In Season 8, Jon never tells others that he willingly bent the knee to Dany because she proved herself worthy by being willing to sacrifice herself for her people (rescue mission beyond the Wall), nor that Dany pledged herself to the Northern cause of defeating the Night King and his army before he bent the knee. Whenever others attack Dany, his only response is “she’s my queen” or whatever: he never reveals the things she did to prove herself worthy of his allegiance and love. By vilifying Dany, Jon was basically turned into a horny buffoon in Season 8: he only wants her because she’s hot, he’s thinking with his dick - that’s basically what the narrative is saying. But we watched Season 7, we know that’s some bullshit right there. Jon and Dany both care deeply about their people and they were chosen as leaders. They were equals: a King and Queen. They also fell in love in the worst of times but their love was supposed to represent a beacon of hope in the darkness to come. And don’t even bring up the incest part when the ultimate love story of this crap was Cersei and Jaime’s. All the talk about Dany and children in Season 7 apparently didn’t mean anything. Also, Jon basically taking credit for Dany’s accomplishments (riding a dragon, facing the Night King on dragonback, etc.) and never praising her is some disgusting whole level of sexism. Dany is never praised for her role in the Battle of Winterfell: her armies were slaughtered, she rode Drogon and faced the Night King, she picked up a dragonglass sword and fought, and she lost Jorah. But her efforts are never acknowledged. Actually, when she was out there fighting and risking her life, the Lady of the House was hiding inside and talking shit about her. 
Dany has every right to be pissed at the feast when Jon is right there being congratulated for doing the same shit as she did. Varys looks at her suspiciously like she’s wrong in reacting this way (and later he tells Tyrion he worries about her state of mind). This bullshit was so obviously written by men: women everywhere know what is like to have a man taking credit for their deeds. After the feast, Jon is drunk and wants to kiss and have sex with Dany but stops himself. She just lost Jorah but he never bothers to ask how she’s doing. She asks him to keep his parentage a secret because hell would break lose. Dany is absolutely right and all her fears come true: people actually go on their way to conspire to kill her and place Jon in the throne instead. You aren’t paranoid or mentally instable if your instincts are right and people are out there to get you. And don’t even get me started about how awful this story is towards mentally ill people by representing them as “evil” and “monsters”. This so wrong and fucked up, I can’t even find the words to express my disgust. Then, Dany loses both Rhaegal and Missandei and she’s mourning them. In some repulsive fashion, they show us Dany with bags under her eyes and her hair unkempt: this was supposed to be an indicator she was mentally instable (yikes). Jon arrives at Dragonstone but does he care in comforting her? No. He shallowly says he loves her and pushes her away. But where the fuck is this love he’s talking about? When I first saw this scene, I immediately recalled this scene from “Closer” (2004):
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This is Jon’s love for Dany in Season 8 in a nutshell. The narrative says Jon does love Dany. But this “love” is shallow and meaningless concerning his actions towards her: he doesn’t support her, he doesn’t stand up for her and he isn’t even there when she needs him the most. She is going through a harsh time and he gives her the side-eye when she rightfully executes Varys for treason (he was trying to kill her): apparently Jon kind of forgot he executed a child who killed him because he befriended the wildings (who, you know, murdered and eaten Olly’s family and forced him to watch). This is emotional abuse in my book. Have you ever watched “Midsommar” (2019)? Season 8 Jon is like the protagonist’s abusive boyfriend, This goes full circle when Jon murders Dany because he wants to protect himself and Arya, Sansa and Bran. But does he try to understand Dany or her motifs? No, she’s a tyrant, period. She wants to kill everyone even tho she never says this. I already talked about how OCC it was for Dany to burn down King’s Landing. She wants to break the wheel and the masters of Westeros are the feudal lords. Of course Dany is threat to every Lord in Westeros because she wants to give power to the people, the smalfolk. The people would then decide who they wanted to rule them. The Northern people might still choose a Stark to lead them… or not. That’s a treat to the Stark dominion over the North.
Either way: all of it was bullshit and offensive and these writers can go fuck themselves for even thinking this was okay.
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amarantine-amirite · 4 years
Life in a Nutshell
“Laurie, how did you get tickets to this thing?” Marty asked. He still couldn’t believe that she got tickets to Worldstock, Miami’s newest and supposedly hottest world music festival. “tickets for this thing usually go for 700 bucks a pop.”
“Easy” Laurie said, “the school gave them to me as compensation for the spring play getting cancelled.”
Marty nodded. “Oh, yeah,” he said, “that crazy, Wild-West version of Cinderella. Why did they cancel it?”
“Well,” Laurie began, “the ‘Cinderella’ (well, Stacy, anyway) was supposed to wear this bright pink saloon girl outfit. I looked terrible in it, it clashed really, really badly with the red hair. As a result, they kicked me out of the play.”
Marty’s eyes widened. “They kicked you out because you didn’t look good in a costume? That’s awful!”
Laurie nodded and smiled deviously. “Oh, it gets better” she said, “I told Prudence about it, and somehow, her parents got wind of it, and they complained to the school. They didn't complain about me getting kicked out of the play for not looking good in the costume.”
“They didn’t?”
“No.” Laurie laughed, “They complained about the fact that the play had saloon girls in it, thus making it somehow inappropriate, since, according to them, saloon girls are basically ‘early American Hooter's girls’ and thus overly sexual. Long story short, the school cancelled the play.”
Meanwhile, Gwen overheard everything Laurie said. “You know,” she chimed in, “none of that would have happened if you could do a chin up.”
Laurie raised an eyebrow. Her jaw dropped slightly. “Are you insinuating this is my fault, Gwen?”
“No” Gwen said in the most monotone voice she could muster, “I’m stressed, what happened to you really upset me, I didn’t know what else to say.”
Marty looked at Gwen. “What are you doing here?” he asked her.
“Strings band,” she said, “we’re opening for Loreena McKennitt.”
The three of them continued to talk. Well, actually, Laurie and Marty talked, Gwen couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Eventually, the bus pulled up to the front gates. The gates to Worldstock opened.
Contrary to what Laurie, Marty, Gwen, and thousands of others had been told; Worldstock actually took place in an abandoned resort development full of roads that led to nowhere. No infrastructure, only half-finished skeletons of actual stages, and no hope.
To make matters worse, Worldstock fell on the same weekend as a major pre-Olympic sailing race series that utilized all of the local hotels, vacation rentals and resources.
“What the fuck?!” someone said.
“Turn this bus around!” said another.
“Is this supposed to be a music festival?” a third person demanded, “If it is, it’s about as slapped together as what Judy’s currently wearing.”
“Hey, shut up!” Judy barked.
If the Worldstock music festival were a piece of architecture, it would be a flight of stairs consisting of three cement blocks held together by a carpet. On top of the nearly nonexistent infrastructure, staff frequently damaged luggage, drank on the job, and in general, had no clue what the fuck they were doing. When Laurie and Marty went to pick up their bags, Marty caught baggage handlers trying to steal the urn out of his suitcase immediately after they threw it onto the ground and the suitcase split open.
“Hey!“ he barked, “those are my dad’s ashes!” He totally forgot that the ashes were in his suitcase. Three years ago, his family planned to take the ashes to New Orleans and scatter them in the front yard of the house where his dad grew up, but such a trip never materialized.
The baggage handlers continued to play football with the urn, until summer to get through it and it landed on the ground and broke. Almost immediately afterwards, a stray cat walked up to the ashes, dug a hole, and went to the bathroom.
The musicians didn’t have it any easier than the guests. When Gwen (along with the few other musical acts that hadn’t pulled out) attempted to find the artist sign in booth, a disorganized and clueless staff member just handed them a booklet for the event.
On top of problems with the staff, the organizers of the event also forgot something crucial: toilets! Many people who tried to look for the bathrooms only found one port-a-potty, with of course, no toilet paper. Seriously! There wasn’t a square to spare.
It took Gwen way too long to sign in, and even longer to find where her peers in the band were supposed to meet. But once Gwen got there, she would be in for a shock. “Ah, Gwen,” said her band teacher, Mr. Barclay, “glad you could make it. There’s actually something I wanna tell you.”
“Sorry I’m late,” Gwen replied, “couldn’t find the place because these idiots don’t know what they’re doing. I ask for directions, they give me a brochure for the event!”
“It’s OK, Gwen.” said Mr. Barclay, “You weren’t actually supposed to show up.”
Gwen couldn’t believe what she just heard. “What?”
“Didn’t anyone tell you? We kicked you out.”
Gwen’s eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. “Seriously? You kicked me out?” She spoke in a way that her words felt like getting stuck with a long, thick needle, “you mean I memorized the song from Lord of the Rings for nothing?!”
“Well,” Mr. Barclay continued, “we didn’t really have a choice but to get rid of you. You play the violin left-handed.”
“Bullshit!” she shouted.
“It’s a safety issue. All the bows have to go in the same direction, otherwise you risk taking someone’s eye out. Either get with the program and play violin normally, or go play the violin somewhere else.”
Gwen struggled to comprehend the feeling of what had just happened. She was unable to catch her breath. A passerby would have assumed that she was either panting so much from running the New York Marathon or panicking because she was afraid of getting busted for cheating during the New York Marathon by taking the subway. Either way, she stood there, out of breath and visibly sweaty.
What they couldn't see was her numb right arm. They couldn't see the chest pains. They couldn't see her oxygen starved heart cells die off like flies.
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!? CAN'T YOU SEE HOW HURT I AM??!! BAND MEANT THE WORLD TO ME AND NOW YOU'RE KICKING ME OUT FOR BEING LEFT HANDED?!?! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU AND EVERYONE YOU- ", she shouted at her band teacher. Before she could finish, a stream of vomit exited her mouth at a 30 degree angle and landed in the bell of some poor guy's tuba. Despite being at a healthy weight of 113 pounds for her 5'2" frame, she actually had a heart attack. She may have been thin, but she still had a heart attack, as evidenced by the chest pains, racing heart, and second stream of barf that just flew out of her mouth.
Why? Her heart just plain couldn’t cope with the shock of Mr. Barclay ejecting from band the way her body ejected vomit from her mouth as increasing volumes of her heart cells died from lack of oxygen.
Laurie didn't even get the chance to tell Marty that there was no way that their first legit date could go any worse. Before she could even open her mouth, Gwen snuck up behind her. "Laurie, you, 911, now!"
Laurie turned around. She glared at Gwen "I'm on a date," she barked, "so can you leave me alone?"
"No!" Gwen said sharply "this is an emergency!"
Between the festival turning out to be an actual dumpster and all the stuff that happened with the play getting cancelled, Laurie just lost it. "OK, I see, but take your emergency somewhere else." she nearly growled at Gwen "I'm on a date"
Gwen stood there in shock. “Who are you?” she asked.
Laurie shook her head, flabbergasted. “I’m your best friend. We’ve known each other our whole lives!”
Yeah, Gwen thought, if you really were my best friend, you'd call 911. "Can you put the date thing aside and just call 911 before I collapse?"
Laurie started to flare her nostrils and stomp her feet. "What part of I'm on a date do you not understand?! I can't call 911, I'm busy; so, just cheese it!"
Gwen fell to her knees. She dry heaved twice before any actual words came out of her mouth. “You’re not the same." she gasped, "I don’t know who you are anymore.”
"I haven't changed here, but that's beside the issue" bellowed a now fuming and frantically pointing Laurie, "The problem here is that the school cancelled my play because the morons in costume design couldn't be bothered with designing a costume that would go with my red hair, and the consolation the school gave me were these tickets to a dumpster fire of a music festival. I need to be the centre of attention right now, not you; so make like a tree and get out!"
Gwen threw up on Laurie. It was her only defense.
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imtired24-7 · 5 years
Lord of the flies in a nutshell.
Eveybody goes feral. Jack is big feral. Beelzebub is lord of the flies.
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iamjassmine · 4 years
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My 2019, in a nutshell.
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(I'm really a forgetful person. I am so forgetful I needed to check my 2019 timeline on my facebook because it is more updated than my brain cells)
Well, anyway, I miss you my tumblr. Actually, I've been writing random things here recently but I was posting it privately. haha. Here I am again, being random and nonsense as always, not getting straight to the reason why I am here. hahaha.
Heto na talaga, hahaha.
I have never expected 2019 to be this roller coaster of adventures, emotional and spiritual battles, confusions and frustrations and clarity and calmness. It was a combination of all to be exact. These pictures are not enough to describe how blessed my 2019 was (Dang it tumblr, why you need to limit it to 10 photos only? Why?)..
First with the most awaited wedding everyone was anticipating since I came here in Dubai. Was a wonderful and God-centered ceremony. And those faces of God's children who keep on fighting a good fight of faith, yung mga taong umulan, umaraw, maysakit or wala, may personal na problema or wala ay nagpapatuloy sa presensya ng Panginoon. And an amazing answered prayers for both of our Pastors (alam nyu na yun). We serve ONE GOD, and we will always SERVE ONE GOD. I was blessed to see my Ninang Oning (my Nanay's sister) here in Dubai for a vacation. Sad that she experienced the worst Dessert Safari with a sandstorm, and it was really a bummer since it was my first time as well. I need to go back there again soom. And then it was Prime Medical Center Reef Mall's 2nd year anniversary celebrated with all the staff both in Deira and Reef Mall. Time flies so fast. Seems like yesterday. God really is blessing this company I am in now and may God always look for it at all times. And the HIGHLIGHT of my 2019 was my trip to Georgia with Lara and Arlyn. There I got to see and experience snow, extreme cold (maybe it was just extreme for me). It was really an amazing adventure, I couldn't really explain how simple yet elegant and beautiful Georgia is and their people.....I can't... and the food, my gosh guys, the foods there are cheap but soooooo yummy!!! I could live there I may say. hahaha. But God is so good, He protected us, guided us and covered us during that trip until we reached back here in Dubai. I might go back there but not with the snow anymore (Cause winter clothes are soooo freakin' bulky for the luggage, that weighs more than you're required to bring.) So let me experience Spring then. 😊 Then I got to see my cousin from the Philippines, Ate Karen in the house yooowww. hahaha... And on 2019 Nurses' week, eventhough I most dread this day, I was proud of myself that I got to do things I don't usually do, to sing in front of so many people, let alone the owners of the company were watching as well. Well, I would give myself a tap on the back and say "Wag mo na uulitin yun ah" hahahaha... But still it was a good experience... and guys, ipeflex ko talaga tong mga abnormal kong friends. haha. They are the kind of friends na pag masaya ka pag papasok ka ng work kasi sila ang makakasama mu. The kind of friends na nkakalungkot pag wala sila sa clinic. The kaladkarin friends, isang yaya mo lang, gora agad. The kind of crazy friends you would not exchange for anything. Thank you my kabayan Prime Family and the other piling-pili na ibang nationality, you know who you are guys. Thank you.
And lastly is, my encounter with God.. I had a lot of spiritual battles for the year 2019, it may not be obvious but it was quite.....depressing and frustratings and confusing and whole lot more. But MY GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOOOOODDDDDD, He never let me astray. He guided me all throughout the year and at the end of this post I can still call myself, His daughter. Thank You Lord that You're still letting me sing for Your glory. Thank You Lord for every blessings You're pouring down in my life, my family and my friends as well. My gosh God, how will I ever repay Your goodness towards me?? Thank You Lord for a bountiful and blessed 2019. I have questioned you a lot and You answered me, I have learned a lot as well. Salamat Panginoon sa lahat lahat lahat... and sorry for all the mistakes I have done. Sorry might not be enough but I promise to work out more on my relationship to you. To fall in love with you deeper and deeper.. and thank You for not leaving me alone in times when I really needed a hand when no one's offering, Thank You for just being there for me. I love You po Lord.
Looking forward to 2020, may it blessings, challenges, adventures, failures, disappointments, success...WE'LL ALWAYS AND FOREVER THANKFUL for whatever life may bring us.
To God be all the glory.
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slavicviking · 5 years
For the Fanfic Mash Up. 25 & 33 for Hiccstrid!
Fairy Tale AU + Baby Fic
A fairy tale with a hiccup, one might say (*badumtss*)
it’s like we’re in a fairy tale (but slightly to the left)
“I am here, thy princess, to, uh,” a young man slides down the sleeve of his shirt and squints at the smudged letters written over his arm. “Fear no more as I-”
“Laddie, you missed a turn, ” a pulp woman of about forty buts in, hands on her hips, as she opens the door. “Seventh mountain?”
“Um. Yes?”
“That’s the sixth,” she informs him with a small smile tugging at her lips. “You need to go pass the magic forest first, son.”
“Oh. Oh gods. I am so sorry-”
The woman waves her hand, snorting a laugh. “You’re the third one this week, lord…? Prince…?”
“Uh, Haddock. Hiccup. The Third,” He pauses. “Prince.”
“Well, Haddock Hiccup The Third Prince, let me invite you in,” she chuckles when his eyes widen, mouth slightly agape. “I have cookies.”
I am here thy princess as I - no.
I am here to save - ugh. No. All of the no.
Fear no more because - most definitely not.
Hiccup sighs and crosses another phrase out. Mentally. In his head. Because he’s many feet above the ground, hands on the saddle, with the wind slapping his face with the his hair, and that is so not the environment for actually writing out phrases that will get him probably knived by the princess’s father, if not by the princess herself. Hiccup definitely, though, thinks that the “Ten Ways to Charm Your Cursed Beloved” book he got from Snotlout needs a quick swim in the sea below him.  
Instead he slumps his shoulder and concludes, “This is so dumb.”
Toothless, the Night Fury (and also his best friend - Hiccup doesn’t do things halfways), rumbles below in concern - for Hiccup’s sanity, probably.
“Don’t worry, bud,” he reaches forward to pat the dragon’s scaly head. “We’ll get there.”
Which, okay, sounds promising enough, but the last few weeks (years, really) has taught him that there’s the normal way to go around doing stuff, and there’s Hiccup’s way. So when the king, and also his father (not the best combination, but there had been worse - like Snotlout and spiced mutton last Snoggletog and the incident which they do not talk about) told him Hiccup’s time to embark on a journey to save a princess had come, he was, uh, sceptical.
All he had to do was travel through the seven valleys, seven rivers and seven mountain, defeat the dragon, save the princess. It was a nice, simple plan - he even had a bullet point list and all. His distant cousin, Prince Charming did it, so why couldn’t he?
So he got lost, maybe.
He got lost three time, maybe. But who’d keep a record of things like that? Except Snotlout, that is, but Snotlout is approximately seven mountain, seven hills and six rivers away. Unless he’s lurking. Hiccup looks around just in case - Snotlout likes to lurk.
Somewhere between the second and the third hill, though, Hiccup stumbled upon a town. Quite literally, too, because he managed to trip and fall over an old pig that laid itself in the middle of the road. Apparently the town, the name of which he had long forgotten, had a trouble with a pesky dragon and Hiccup, the smart person that he is, decided he could change up the order of his mission a little bit and slay the dragon first.
He befriended him, instead. Yes, him, not it.
Not that Hiccup would want it any other way. Toothless proved to be an amazing companion, a true friend through many trials along the way from there on, and Hiccup’s been… happy, just happy, and that’s something new and quite exciting, really.
So he didn’t find the princess’s home effortlessly, he didn’t slay any dragons. The castle (the right one this time), doesn’t look anything like the brochure either, but he shouldn’t be surprised. It’s a bit old and rusty but it has character, Hiccup can tell. No angry dragon has appeared so far and Hiccup’s glad. However much he thinks dragon training is a good gig, it’s also time-consuming and he’s already weeks behind on his imaginary schedule.
A single tower stands a little off to the side, looking innocent enough, and Hiccup nudges Toothless to bring him closer. He hangs off the saddle and jumps in, cursing at his knees; he could never stick the landing the right way. He dusts off his trousers and straightens up, only to pause.
There’s a baby.
The spacious bed in the middle of the room looks comfortable enough, clean and with colorful cushions thrown casually over the blankets. And on one of the pillows, there sits a baby. To be fair, Hiccup doesn’t know a thing about children - the kid can be six or ten for all he knows. She (he thinks it’s a she?) raises her arms and a smile splits across her pudgy cheeks.
Because what.
Hiccup rubs his jaw. “Uh.”
The baby looks happy to continue their monosyllabic conversation but then there’s an arrow swishing through the air, right above Hiccup’s head, and Hiccup is pretty sure that’s not the baby’s doing. He yelps and brings his hands close to his chest. He’s ducking as another arrow flies in his general direction, and he finds himself awkwardly flailing his arms in the air to shield the baby perched on one of the soft-looking pillows - the baby that is very, very amused by the whole situation. At least they both don’t have much of a self-preservation instinct.
“Touch her and I will gauge your eyes out,” Hiccup stops at the words and briefly looks at the baby as though the baby - she, as he found out - could have said that. He then turns around a little, towards where the arrows came from. It’s not his best idea. Probably.
He can’t decide whether the girl at the doors is more stunning or furious, probably the latter though. She has a crossbow shamelessly aimed his way. There’s a smirk dancing on her lips somewhere there but it’s overshadowed by the furrowed brow and a daring look in her eyes.
“That is,” Hiccup starts, straightening himself, and the crossbow follows his every move. “That is a misunderstanding, ma’am, and I-”
“You broke into our home,” the girl says easily, finger on the trigger. “Tried to abduct my niece.”
Hiccup doesn’t need a lawyer to know this looks bad.
So he quickly shoves out his hands and takes a step back, closer to the window. “No! No, no, definitely not, uh, doing that,” he silently sighs in relief when he notices Toothless waiting for him outside the window. Just a few more steps, and he’s out of here, never coming back, if he’s lucky. “As I said, this is just, heh, a misund-yeuh-!”
There’s a dragon at the window, and it’s most definitely not Toothless. The Deadly Nadder pushes herself inside just as Hiccup stumbles backwards, hands searching for something to protect himself with and coming short.
“Stormfly,” the girls says from behind him. “Stand still, girl.”
That’s enough for Hiccup to whip his head around. He stares at the blonde with the crossbow, and points to the dragon in the room. “She’s yours?”
The girl quirks an unimpressed eyebrow. “She may not be a Night Fury, but she’ll take your head off in two seconds. If you’d like to test that out-”
The Nadder squawks in agreement from the other side of the room.
He has no idea what’s going on. This is so far off the script, he really doesn’t know what he should do at this point. Except for maybe find a rock he can live under for the rest of his miserable life.
This. This, right here, is his life in a nutshell.
“So,” the girl starts, the crossbow twitching in her hand. “Who the hell are you?”
That’s a chance if he’s ever seen one, he decides. He can do this, he practiced this.
“I’m Prince Hiccup from Berk,” Hiccup tries to puff out his chest but that just makes him feel so much more awkward and out of place, so he rubus his shoulder instead. “and I, uh, traveled seven mountains, seven hills and seven rivers to-”
“It’s the eighth river then, dumbass,” the blonde cuts him off with a roll of her eyes. She lowers the crossbow, and prompts it on her shoulder like it’s not one of the deadliest weapons known to men, including the dragon standing across her.
When all he gets in response is a tilt of her head, he swallows. “Lady Oswaldson?” His stomach sinks when she just shakes her head, fighting off an amused grin. He sighs and mumbles under his breath. “You’ve gotta be kidding me…”
“Don’t tell me you got lost,” She’s biting her lower lip now but he can see the corners of her mouth quirked upwards.
“Nu-no!” Hiccup protest immediately, trying to hold onto what is left of his dignity. Apparently not much because the girl doesn’t look like she believes him at all. “Maybe.” He hangs his head. “Yes.”
She snorts. Loudly.
“Bah!” the baby butts in and Hiccup almost has a heart attack.
“Sorry, sweety,” the girl rushes in towards her niece. She unceremoniously slams the crossbow on the bed and kneels down to the baby’s level, leaving Hiccup to his internal life crisis. She coos. “Everything alright?”
“A-t’d,” the baby replies and apparently that’s the right thing to say because the blonde beams up at her and ruffles the baby’s light brown curls. Satisfied, she straightens up and turns back to Hiccup.
“So,” she cocks her hip and places a confident hand on her side. “Do you need directions, or…?”
Hiccup doesn’t reply, eyes on the ground. It’s not that he’s not excited at the prospect of traveling another day or two, and finding a princess that probably doesn’t even want him, and one that he most definitely doesn’t want, and - yeah, maybe that’s exactly it. Huh. Who would’ve thought.
“You’re not really good at this, are you?” he can hear a soft squeak of the bed as the mattress dips where the girl sits down. “You kind of suck, actually.”
He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting, and pretends he’s not behaving like a child. Or Snotlout on a good day.
“I have to.”
“No, you don’t,” she replies hotly and she’s rolling her eyes pointedly when Hiccup looks up at her. “What kind of bullshittery thinking is that?”
“My father-”
“Will understand?” she supplies with a raised eyebrow. “That maybe this is not what would make you happy? Not that I believe something like this could make anyone happy…”
He doesn’t like how much he likes what she’s saying and that’s, well, confusing for one. But also comforting, in a way he didn’t expect. She makes it seem so easy and effortless and he, well, he wants that - after so many weeks, he just want to not care, for once.
“Why don’t you take a break,” she suggests, nudging his arm with her elbow. Or maybe it’s the crossbow that is back in her hands. He’d like to believe it’s her elbow. “Just for today, and then you can decide whether you want to live in a cage or-”
“I don’t,” he replies quickly, and then immediately flushes because, wow, talk about desperate.
“Good. Then,” she stands up, crossbow indeed in her hands, and a glint of something in her blue eyes. “what about a walk? Get all that stuff in order in that too big head of yours.”
First of all - “Hey-!”
But then he grins because he’s pretty sure he just met the most amazing person in the kingdom, or maybe even the world, and he doesn’t know what else to do. So he grins a little wider.
“And I’d recommend that to be less niece-abduct-ary,” she adds, pulling up the crossbow. “Because, you know.”
“I-uhm, gah-!” is what escapes his mouth, more or less, and the girl laughs.
She shoves out her free hand, easily balancing the crossbow in her other one. He stares, amazed, because all he could ever do with a crossbow is fall over, and not even in an entertaining way. “Astrid.”
He stares at the hand, then at her.
“Hiccup. The Third,” he stammers out, shaking her hand. “Prince. Haddock. I mean-”
“Just go,” and, just like that, she’s pushing him towards the staircase behind the doors. “Take the left turn at the first floor. You think you can do that for me?”
It takes him a second to realize what she’s implying. “Har-har, very funny.”
He’s halfway out the door when he pokes his head out again. “But Toothless-”
“Will stay with me and Stormfly,” Astrid tells him like it’s obvious and they didn’t just meet. Weirdly enough, he trusts her. Sure, a person, or two, or the entirety of Berk, might call Hiccup gullible at times, but this time he really does trust the girl in the tower.
He really hopes Toothless is not a pair of dragon boots by the time he’s back.
He isn’t, thank the gods.
He made quick friends with Stormfly, though, the traitor.
Hiccup huffs, pretend-annoyed, and slides a tentative hand down the Nadder’s baby blue snout. “You know, she really is beautiful.”
Astrid beams.
“So, wait, you tripped-”
“Who leaves a pig, unattended, on a busy street, Astrid?! Who?!”
“Oh my gods,” Astrid’s eyes widen and she stuffs her mouth with another cookie. “Those are amazing!”
Hiccup, with his mouth equally full, nods enthusiastically. “It’sh from a lady f’om the cashtle at sheven hillsh, sheven riv’rsh and shix mountainsh.”
“Ha!” at Hiccup’s wide eyes and astounded expression, Astrid chuckles, cheeks flushed pink just a little. She jabs his arm with a finger. “I knew it! I knew you’ve gotten lost before!”
Hiccup squints, slowly munching on the rest of his cookie. “Shut up, Ashtrid.”
She doesn’t.
He’s really, really glad she doesn’t.
Hope you enjoyed!
You wanna request a drabble thingy? Hit me up and I’ll do my best c:
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thewesterndoor · 5 years
Classroom of the Elite
I started watching this on a Sunday evening and struggled not to finish it in one go
In a nutshell: a school where a class’s value (and how much money each student will get for the month) is determined by their standing and performance; some students in the bottom class want to try to improve their position in a system that is working against them
Pros: unreliable narrator!, snappy pacing, slow burn identity stuff, long game plotting, could get really bleak but the character dynamics keep it relatively positive
Cons: a lot of unnecessary objectification of the female characters, some stuff that is played for laughs but is Not Okay
Good for: when you want to see people scheme their way to success
What is it like: some of the dynamics reminded me a little of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunnygirl Senpai, but mostly this feels like it’s always one or two beats from turning into Lord of the Flies
Would I recommend it?: YES!
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victor-v · 6 years
Tumblr media
Under the cut you will find a complete and updated list of my digital and physical bookshelf. I will try to include a free PDF version (both in Spanish and English if it’s possible), so any of the links are broken, let me know! (★: my favourites, E:PDF in English, S: PDF in Spanish, SS: short story). All links are safe (tried them all) and I’ll keep updating the original post! You can ask me for titles to add here.
★The song of Achilles, Madeline Miller (2011) E / S
★The secret history, Donna Tartt (1992) E / S
★All for the game, Nora Sakavic
The foxhole court (2013) E
The raven king (2013) E
The King’s men (2014) E
★Six of crows, Leigh Bardugo
Six of crows (2015) E / S
Crooked kingdom (2016) E / S
★Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe, Benjamin Alire Sáenz (2012) E / S
★The Iliad, Homer. E / S
★The raven cycle, Maggie Stiefvater
The raven boys (2012) E / S
The dream thieves (2013) E / S
Blue lily, lily blue (2014) E / S
The raven king (2016) E / S
[SS] Opal (2018) E
★Captive prince, CS Pacat
Captive prince (2012) E / S
Prince’s gambit (2012) E / S
Kings rising (2016) E / S
[SS] Green but for a season (2016) E
[SS] The summer palace (2017) E
[SS] The Adventures of Charls (2017) E
[SS] Pet (2018) E
★Vicious, VE Schwab (2013) E / S
★The gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue, Mackenzi Lee (2017) E / S
★The casual vacancy, J.K. Rowling (2012) E / S
★The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, Mark Haddon (2003) E / S
★We are the ants, Shaun David Hutchinson (2016) E
★The hunger games, Suzanne Collins
The hunger games (2008) E / S
Catching fire (2009) E / S
Mockingjay (2010) E / S
★ Circe, Madeline Miller (2018) E
The inexplicable logic of my life, Benjamin Alire Saenz (2017) E / S
The goldfinch, Donna Tartt (2013) E / S
It devours!, Joseph Fink (2017) E
The art of being normal, Lisa Williamson (2015) E / S
The miseducation of Cameron Post, Emily M. Danforth (2012)
The perks of being a wallflower, Stephen Chbosky (1999) E / S
El cuaderno de Maya, Isabel Allende (2011) S
Every heart a doorway, Seanan McGuire (2016) E
All the crooked saints, Maggie Stiefvater (2017) E
The watchmaker of Filigree street, Natasha Pulley (2015) E
Maze runner, James Dashner
The maze runner (2009) E / S
The scorch trials (2010) E / S
The death cure (2011) E / S
The kill order (2012) E / S
The fever code (2016) E / S
Doctor death, Lene Kaaberbøl (2015)
Lord of the flies, William Golding (1954) E / S
The Odyssey, Homer. E / S
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, Edith Hamilton (1942) E
Alexander the Great, Mary Renault
Fire from heaven (1969) E
The persian boy (1972) E
Funeral games (1981) E
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury (1953) E / S
El juego de Ripper, Isabel Allende (2013) E
Matilda, Roald Dahl (1988) E / S
Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A study in scarlet (1887) E / S
The sign of four  (1890) E / S
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892) E / S
The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894) E / S
The hounds of Baskervilles (1902) E / S
The return of Sherlock Holmes (1904) E / S
The valley of fear (1915) E / S
His last bow (1917) E / S
The case-book of Sherlock Holmes (1927) E / S
The girl on the train, Paula Hawkins (2015) E / S
Miss Peregrine’s peculiar children, Ransom Riggs
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children(2011) E / S
Hollow city (2014) E
Library of souls (2015) E
The universe in a nutshell, Stephen Hawking (2001) E / S
Dead poets society, N.H. Kleinbaum (1988) E / S
Robin Hood, E / S
The travelling cat chronicles, Hiro Arikawa (2013)
I am the messenger, Mark Zusak (2002) E
Robert Langdon, Dan Brown
Angels and demons (2000) E / S
The Da Vinci code (2003) E / S
The lost symbol (2009) E / S
Inferno (2013) E / S
By John Green
The fault in our stars (2012) E / S
Looking for Alaska (2005) E / S
Paper towns (2008) E / S
The land of stories, Chris Colfer
The wishing spell (2012) E
The enchantress returns (2013) E
A Grimm warning (2014) E
Beyond the kingdoms (2015)
An author’s odyssey (2016)
Coraline, Neil Gaiman (2002) S
Struck by lightning, Chris Colfer (2012) E / S
We were liars, E. Lockhart (2014) E / S
By William Shakespeare
★Troilus and Cressida (1602) E / S
The merchant of Venice (1596) E / S
A midsummer night’s dream (1595) E / S
★Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett (1952) E / S
The little prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943) E / S
Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte, Horacio Quiroga (1917) S
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