#maybe being raised with someone with emotional intelligence would have helped. lmao
llycaons · 2 years
I’m not going to give details but jc’s issues are so exaggerated that they allow me to easily identify similar problems in people I know in my real life
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enevera · 2 months
5, 6, 8, for kehtje, 12, 18, 26 for brighter half, 11, 15, 19 for darker half, 9, 24, 27 for 3ivies and 1, 4, 7 for Tyr <33333 gimme ALL the deets
5. Is your character more of a family or friends person?
kehtje is a family person, mostly by default. i think she's had maybe one friend outside her niece in her entire life lmao. hazards of being raised to die pretending to be someone else lol
she would like to be a friend person though, if she ever had the chance
6. What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
uhh probably her weirdly layered bangs. like a hime cut but a bit more fucked up
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
hm kehtje's character arc is largely based around whether or not she can bring herself to die as her niece or live as her real self. a part of that struggle is trying to decide what she's willing to risk and whether or not her decision is justifiable within her moral code
12. What are some of your character's pet peeves?
brighter half has a pet peeve about people who are indecisive and wishy-washy. she has no fondness for incompetency and hesitations that can jeopardize her plans. it's part of why she dislikes the masked priest (her direct superior) so much bc that bitch is soooo just like completely incoherent at times (on purpose) lolol
18. Who/what comforts your character?
brighter half gets most of her comfort from darker half or, when not eve darker half can rlly help or she's not available, brighter half likes staring at the ocean for hours at a time, especially at night
26. What are the top three most distinguishable personality traits of your character?
probably ambition, her calmness, and her ability to be ruthless when the situation calls for it
11. What events in their past helped shape and influence them into who they are today?
meeting brighter half definitely shaped darker half's life and personality a lot. brighter half gave her both a purpose and opened her up to the idea of having choices and opinions, something she didn't have before. the time an assassin almost got to brighter half also struck darker half very deeply, even though brighter half didn't die, it made darker half much more protective and vigilant
15. What habits does your character have?
darker half reflexively always walks to limit the sound of her footsteps and has to actively remember to walk normally sometimes. she also has a habit of walking very slowly passed the doors of occupied rooms bc the eavesdropping urge never rests lmao
19. Summarize your character's goals in one sentence.
protect brighter half from harm using any means necessary
9. What emotion does your character feel most frequently?
annoyance. three ivies is so annoyed all the time girl is one step off from glaring and yelling at everyone around her and is holding her self control with a white knuckle grip abt it lmao
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
she's become a lot more calculating and far far more bitter. she was already a rather sullen child and a realist at a young age but since making her choice to go for a position of power in the religious org, she's become fairly pessimistic. she carries far more frustration and anger in her which is largely aimed at herself and people who remind her of what she could've been.
27. How does your character view themselves? (Expectations, intelligence, confidence, self-belief, etc.)
three ivies believes herself objective and largely impartial and allows herself to be this way by recognizing her place a purely that of a pawn in a larger game. her family wants her to take a seat of power so that she can further their goals in the political sphere and take advantage of her influence. bc of this, she puts a lot of pressure on herself to be perfect and to adopt whatever mannerisms will get her closer to the goals set for her. any outburst, any mistake, is a failure and another black mark on a personal record she views as being miles long
What motivates your character?
tyr is so so motivated by her favorite thing which is not dying lol. she is fully willing to sacrifice her morals for this, even if she would feel like rllyyyy bad abt it
4. Does your character care about their reputation and/or how others perceive them?
absolutely! tyr is constantly monitoring herself and her behavior in order to gain a level of goodwill and popularity with everyone around her, but not in a way that threatens any existing hierarchies. she doesnt need any more enemies than the ones she already has lmao
7. Is your character good with kids?
yep! lying to kids a large part of being good with them and tyr is very good at lying and happy to say whatever to avoid tears and tantrums. she should NOT be a parent ever tho girl does not deal well with confrontation and would fold like a wet paper towel in the face of any legit resistance from a child skfjdh
oc ask game!
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maschotch · 2 years
No opinion here, I just wanted to tell you I just love your tags😅but I guess I’d like to get your opinion on Hotch and his relationship with JJ throughout the show, like how do you feel about it or what are some of your likes and dislikes about how it was written
i am a known #jjhater but i actually really love her relationship with hotch?? i dont think jj herself is well written, but i like the dynamic between the two.
i like that jj has a very skewed perception of hotch? she definitely takes him at face value in the first 4 seasons. she thinks he’s emotionless and abrasive.. but she respects that? its how she was raised to be. so she admires him for being unaffected by the job, for asserting himself and getting what he wants, not realizing that he’s not really like that at all.
i think foyet was a bit of an awakening for jj. bc now she Knows he must be suffering, even when he’s not showing it. so she learns that “gee maybe he still has emotions even tho he doesnt talk ab them.” but she’s still not at the point where she’s comfortable talking to him. i think she really realizes that how much he cares in season six—both with the way he fought hard to try to keep her in the bau, and with the lengths he was willing to go to save emily. hotch himself has gotten a little less guarded over the seasons, particularly season 7 on, so that also helps. she sees him as a bit more human
but beyond her misjudgment, i find their actual relationship super interesting. i cant remember where but there was one interview back from season one talking ab the chars and someone said jj was like hotch’s intern. which they said mostly as a joke, but its stuck with me bc of how true it actually is? not an actual fucking intern akdhak but like… his mentee almost? reid had gideon and jj had hotch. not as explicitly teacher/student as gideon/reid, but the toned down version (which works better for both of their characters anyway). reid and gideon are more ab the intelligence aspect, while jj and hotch are more on the bureaucratic side. reid/gideon can focus on the profile, while jj/hotch deal with everything behind the scenes: the paperwork, the media, the police, the reports, etc. hotch also obviously works on the profile—especially since thats what we see him do the most—but thats only ab half his job. the rest of it was the stuff gideon hated about being unit chief (which makes me think hotch probably did the paperwork for team even before he became unit chief so gideon wouldnt have to). i mean he’s apparently been handling most of the reports for the rest of the team for fucks sake.
and jj has to do the same thing. i bully her for never doing shit on the show lmao but to be fair thats bc most of her job is when theyre at quantico between cases. and in the brief moments we do see them doing the paperwork, they usually interact. he’s either doing it with her or just checkin in on her since they’re the only ones on the team that are left in the office. they spend the most time together when they’re at the office while the others are working on cases or doing interviews or consultations or whatever else they have to do. she respects and admires him: she’s gonna look up to him. he wants to help her. its an unspoken mentorship that both are too emotionally constipated to acknowledge.
she doesnt always get the point of the lesson (like the birthright episode) but she’s been studying under him for years. and she picks up stuff quick. she’s grown more capable (allegedly) and more confident throughout the seasons. he’s seen her through one job to the next: tbh it would make more sense for her to be unit chief after hotch leaves. she would be taking up the mantle, and this would be the last thing he leaves her with. it would feel full circle. (pretending like she’d actually be good at the job—but it still makes more sense than bringing an extremely overqualified emily back)
anyway i love their relationship. neither of them are the best at communication, so they both interpret each other’s actions/words in a way that makes them hate themselves the most: they’re only hearing what they want to hear. they’re probably the most self loathing on the team, so p much everything they say feels like an emotional blow (i want to be clear: not at each other, eg hotch taking jj’s “youre a bully” comment to heart even tho she was essentially in the middle of a breakdown when she said it). they’re alike in so many ways but the way they view the world couldnt be more different. they’re mirrors, but they’re opposites. they show their love in completely different ways
idk i just think theyre neat
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krysphycookiez · 3 years
bts | you as the female maknae
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synopsis: you’ve become the female maknae of the famous worldwide sensation bts! let’s see how well you get along with these crackhead boys
genre: fluff, platonic, imagines
pairing: bts x maknae!reader
a/n: nothing much to be said except i pulled this out of my ass to make content for all y’all
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the moment seokjin saw you he already claimed you as his child, no questions asked
even though you’re only like- a year younger than jungkook, he babies you WAY more than him, and you don’t mind really
he would take you to do some of his favorite things with him like cook or even clean the dorms
also if anyone hurts you in any way, shape or form they are getting their shit rocked by seokjin’s- rather colorful vocabulary
also nags you a lot, especially during your early debut days when you were still in school
he just doesn’t want you to be lost in life that’s all, and he shows that really well
he raised you very well since your debut with him and the boys and he just wants you to be happy
definitely favors you a lot more than the others and the bias is super obvious. he once bought you a shit ton of snacks for your birthday and the rest of the members were shocked af
this of course means you bicker a lot with him like jungkook, the two of you even sometimes team up to go against your hyung
but he also knows when you’re feeling down because his parent instincts kick in, he knows when you’re feeling down the dumps so he does something to cheer you up
whether it’s make you crack up with a stupid dad joke or buy your favorite drink, he’d do anything for his baby
definitely screams a lot when he’s with you too
like- y’all can’t hide how much of a pissbaby the two of you are, that’s easily demonstrated in that one run bts episode with the zombies
overall he’s like an older brother to you and despite the bickering, he still luvs you so much
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yoongi is soft for you and you only
definitely let’s you sleep with him in his bed when you have a nightmare, because he’s an expert at bedtime cuddles
also let’s you mess around in his production studio, and maybe even lets you help him compose a few tracks
if you aren’t a rapper he probably teaches you some basics about rapping and later on becomes a proud dad when you show off in front of the other members
he also probably makes tae jealous too lmao, give the boy some love
if you’re upset or angry at the other members he’s one of two members that can calm you down, just because he’s really calm and knows how to handle your emotions
also definitely spoils you with snacks and drinks too
and he’s also the reason why you develop led your evil maknae side
back then you were so shy and pure but then he came into your life with his savage ways and sarcastic remarks. he rubbed off of you too much
also if anyone dares to hurt you he’s throwing hands. this bitch is really scary, he will give haters a death glare if they even LOOK at you
you definitely cling onto him like a baby sloth at times when you’re in the clingy mood, and he just kinda lets you hang onto him until you go to another member
and he also teases you at times to when he’s feeling pretty bold
such as your height or your age and this sometimes leads to insult battles, it’s a 50/50 win for the most part
for the most part, yoongi is like your cool uncle and he will cut a bitch if someone even lays a finger on you in a threatening way
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when you and hoseok are put together in the same room, nothing but sunshine and happiness radiates form the two of you
both of you are the residential mood makers of bts, and it really shows
back then when you were really shy, hoseok was the first to approach you and ever since then you’ve become a happy ball of fluff
he definitely hugs you a lot and does a lot of aegyo with you, or even hug you to show that you’re not alone
if you buy him sprite he’ll go nuts
this man loves his energetic drink and he will forever love someone who gets him that monstrous drink
you probably tried to give him monster energy at one point but he complained about the battery acid taste
LOVES spoiling you with gifts, try not to let him spoil you too much or the other members might get jealous
when you’re feeling under the weather he will be there in a flash to make sure you’re well enough and give you some chocolate to make you a bit happier
will shower you with love and affection at all times- especially on vlive cause he wants to make sure you’re loved
and you are trust me
you remind him of a happy little puppy and he just thinks it’s the most adorable thing ever cause he likes animals
and also he definitely will throw hands at haters- this man is scary when he’s mad
he’s like an equivalent to an older brother to you and it’s so endearing
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take namjoon’s being done with the members bullshit 24/7 tendencies and mutiply that by 100 when he’s with you
you always do the most random shit around him its hilarious. whether it’s playing with his hair or just clinging onto him a lot
of course he still loves you he just always looks tired when you start being you
also definitely has helped you with your homework in the past cause he’s too smart for his own good
you once asked him to help you help with a cell mode project cause it was supposed to be big but yours just looked like an oversized bean
he thought it was adorable and funny so he helped you
also you go on beach walks with him when in a country with beaches, prolly looking for crabs too lol
you have definitely crashed one of his studio vlives and did something random, like how tae did
when you’re feeling sick he along with seokjin will nurture you back to health. he gets the medicine and stuff while seokjin makes you a nice warm meal
you have definitely made jokes where you are their child and they are the parents at it always results in a hell from the older male
you have probably given him a few ideas on some of the popular tracks like pied piper and black swan
you have a creative mind so when namjoon is feeling blank he turns to you for help, hell you even helped a lot with the hyyh era
and he’s also at ease when he’s around you because you smell like roses- sounds a little weird but it’s the smell of a lovely flower
namjoon would like to care for you like your a kid or his own little sister and be your guardian angel
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first thoughts when you both saw each other; omg so cute
you and jimin are such sofies for each other it’s so adorable, always clinging onto each other and just being two puppies
of course that can always switch and the two of you can become such a petty and savage duo
the members definitely tease you two the most due to your smaller heights, which the worked the two of you to prank them a lot
never yoongi though, he’s scary asf
you two also have a lot of movie marathons, especially the avengers movies cause they are some of the best
if you’re a main dancer you two probably do a lot of dancing together in your free time, maybe even some crack dances as well
a little bit of playful flirting here and there, he’s so shameless when he’s around you it’s unreal
has also picked you up at one point and threw you over his shoulder just cause he wanted to prove to jk he’s not a weak midget
CUDDLES 24/7! both of you initiate a lot of platonic skinship it’s just become a habit at this point. also you two have definitely slept in the same bed before while cuddling
jimin is very emotionally intelligent, so he automatically knows when you’re in a bad mood or when you just feel sad. he’s the member trusted the most too to take care of you during- uh- your time of the month
he just wants you to be happy so he’ll gladly help you with any of your needs, even if it’s kinda unpleasant
seeing that both of you both had a lot of struggles, you two were very close and i guess that’s what made you guys click
jimin would be the shoulder you can cry on and your lovable squishy best friend
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taehyung would be one of your bestest friends, even during trainee days
expect he was shy to you at first cause you were very young and he didn’t want to give the wrong impression on you
but overtime he grew to be his childish and weird self that we all love, and the two of you always lighten up the mood along with hoseok
definitely takes you on shopping dates when he gets the chance and probably makes you try on 1000 gucci clothes
sometimes you end up buying them but it’s a relatively small amount
also you like going to the food courts with him because you guys just have very light-hearted conversations while enjoying yourselves some delicious food
if he knows something is up with you but the others don’t notice, he would go and tell them to take care of it cause he doesn’t think he can’t comfort you well enough
but in reality he’s really good at talking with you, that 10% of genius shines in him and he manages to figure out what made you upset and help you
yeontan probably likes you a bit more than the other members cause of taehyung, and that’s a feat he’s proud of
both you and him also play a lot of games together with jungkook, and a lot of screaming to
the others think you’re getting murdered at times it’s funny
tae would also initiate skinship with you, though not as much as jimin, he prefers to just hug you and hold your hand
also if you’re a rapper he definitely asks you to teach him how to rap and sometimes it can be so chaotic
taehyung would be a really good friend to you and like a warm older brother
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you and jungkook are the maknaes on top, even though there’s a one year difference
despite your close relationship, you two didn’t get along at first due to different views on certain things
but overtime your relationship mended and now the two of you are the closest friends can get
due to your young ages you use this to your advantage to get anything you want from the members
also, take your pranking with jimin and multiply that by a million cause hoo boy you two cause A LOT of chaos
skinship and platonic kisses for days off camera. he really loves you a lot and just prefers to show it off camera cause he’s a shy baby
you steal his hoodies and shirts a lot cause they are comfy and he either complains or just lets you take them
both of you have friendly competitions whenever you are competing for the members love and affection
which can lead to rather intense insult battles and the others watch in amusement
both of you are so close you two can just tell how you’re feeling with just one look in the eyes, and even communicate through facial expressions
yeah you guys are that close, and the other members haven’t fully accomplished a feat like that yet so they are amazed
jungkook also is pretty possessive of your guy’s friendships and often scares off others, even his fellow 97 liners
but in reality he’s just a soft bunny baby that doesn’t want you to leave him
you two probably had some dating rumors surrounding you, but at the end of the day nothing will change your guy’s amazing friendship
wooooo we got another female maknae au! with bts, sorry i don’t have anything else, i have a one shot idea planned with yeonjun, taehyun and hyuka so please stick around for that!
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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dirtyrottenraskel · 3 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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raleighjenkins · 3 years
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I saw [RALEIGH JENKINS] at a coffee shop in [QUEENS] today. I forgot how much [HE] looks like [JONATHAN MAJORS]. They are a [THIRTY] year old [MUSICIAN] who’s been in NYC for [THIRTY YEARS] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [RESPECTFUL & FEARLESS] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [ALOOF & MYSTERIOUS]. [ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST BY QUEEN] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio.
trigger warning: death
full name: raleigh jenkins known as: r, lee, raleigh, jenks age: thirty years old birthday: 24th february 1991 zodiac sign: pisces sexuality: heterosexual gender: cis male occupation: musician
dig a little deeper…
hometown: new york city family: mother (deceased), father, three older sisters, aunt & uncle. height: 6′3 appearance: tall, athletic, muscular build, short black hair and brown eyes, a scar on his arm from playing football at school, tattoo on his left pec. personality: + respectful, fearless, loyal, passionate, intelligent - aloof, quiet, mysterious, impulsive, grumpy
his story…
trigger warning: death during pregnancy
new york city has been home for raleigh all his life. his start wasn’t an easy one. after giving birth to three healthy girls, his mother lost her life when giving birth to him. it was a complete shock and came out of nowhere to the family - there were no warning signs that her health could come in to any trouble. there were complications with the labour and raleigh was lucky to survive. 
raleigh’s dad stepped up, with three young daughters to take care of and a newborn baby, he had a lot on his plate. this was where help swooped in. his mother’s sister and her husband were quick to offer help. having no children of their own and knowing they could take some of the strain away from raleigh’s father, they did all they could. being raised by so many amazing people had its perks. despite the fact their childhood was missing their mother, the kids never went without anything.
having three older sisters, however, did not have it’s perks, and while raleigh was a little runt, they would pick on him mercilessly. sometimes things became very nasty and they’d blame him for the fact their mother was no longer there - empty words said by children who don’t understand the deeper meaning, but they hurt him all the same. things didn’t exactly improve into his teenage years, but it was then he learned to just ignore them. that made them angrier than anything else he could do. 
raleigh’s relationship with his dad went from strength to strength as he grew up. they have similar personalities and outlooks on life. music was never really a huge part of growing up for him, but raleigh found that he had a natural talent for it. he liked being good at things, so he picked up the guitar, piano and drums. music made sense to him in a way that other things didn’t, so it was only logical that he began to dedicate more and more time to it. 
by the age of twenty he was gigging, mainly playing covers of old songs he loved in clubs where people his dad’s age would hang out. not exactly cool, but it made him some money. the more he played, the more he was noticed, and he was asked by one bar owner if he wrote any of his own stuff. he’d tried this and that in the past, but hadn’t ever thought seriously about any of it. maybe it was worth a try?
ten years later and he’s performing in bars with a slightly cooler clientele. writing his own stuff was a good idea - people didn’t want to hear the same tired covers over and over again. he’s starting to find his own voice, although he couldn’t tell you what it is yet. the one person he can always count on to be at every gig is his dad. his number one fan through and through, and it means the world to raleigh that he’s always shown up, although he has trouble vocalising such deep emotions. 
wanted connections…
friends - raleigh is definitely the strong, silent type, so he doesn’t have a huge circle of friends. it’d be cool to plot out some childhood friends maybe? he’s lived in nyc all his life so that would be nice. also, anyone who’s pestered their way into his life because he’s a little quiet and grumpy. or maybe just someone who shares similar interests to him? he doesn’t shun friendship, he’s just not very forthcoming about it.
romantic - again, not that he shuns romantic connections, but he’s not very forthcoming about his feelings. v likely that he’ll act nonchalant about it rather than speaking his mind. and he probably is v nonchalant about it because he’s such a laid-back guy. sometimes it’s perceived as him not caring, which might not be that case, but this can obviously rub some people up the wrong way. he’s not very good at reading signals either lmao. you’ve rlly gotta be straight with him.
familial - i’d love to see any of his three sisters, or his dad, aunt or uncle! there’s friction with his siblings, but a lot of love for the rest of his family, so that’d be some interesting dynamics to play with.
other musicians - anyone who plays in the city or has a passion for music, this could definitely be a connection with him. he’s more of a soft, acoustic sort of guy, again v chilled and laid-back lmaooo.
also up for other connections like roommates, anyone who’s hired him to play for any kind of event, neighbours, casual acquaintances, whatever else you can think of! 
feel free to im or msg me if any of these connections sound interesting to you! 🤩
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lvsamine · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Lusamine Aether PRONUNCIATION: Loo-suh-meen Ay-ther MEANING: Derived from ‘balsamine’ plant REASONING: ?? NICKNAME(S): Lusa, Lusy, Madam Prez PREFERRED NAME(S): Lusamine BIRTH DATE: May 28th AGE: 44 ZODIAC: Gemini GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/Her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual NATIONALITY: Kalosian ETHNICITY: White CURRENT LOCATION: Aether Paradise, Alola LIVING CONDITIONS: Great?? TITLE(S): Aether President
BIRTH PLACE: Lumiose City, Kalos HOMETOWN: Lumiose City, Kalos SOCIAL CLASS: She’s In The 1% Babey. EDUCATION LEVEL: Obtained GED. FATHER: Basile Aether MOTHER: Manette Aether (Deceased) SIBLING(S): Cynthia (half-sister) (@/hclloffcme) BIRTH ORDER: Lusamine > Cynthia CHILDREN: Gladion, Lillie PET(S): Clefable, Lilligant, Mismagius, Milotic, Bewear OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: N/A PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: Unnamed fiance, Mohn ARRESTS?: No, should have been though. PRISON TIME?: No.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Aether’s reservation center. SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Stock investments. TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: N/A APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: You Know. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Supposedly PAST JOB(S): N/A SPENDING HABITS: Doesn’t spend much, but can be impulsive when she sees something she wants. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: Family photo of her, Mohn, and the kids.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Very weak. OFFENSE: Poor, unless she uses her heels or teeth. DEFENSE: Also poor! She’s fragile!! SPEED: Walks fast, that’s about it. INTELLIGENCE: Very knowledgeable about Pokemon and manipulation tactics :) ACCURACY: Pretty good, if she’s aiming for you, she’ll probably hit you. AGILITY: Good in small bursts STAMINA: Low in most situations... high in sexual situations TEAMWORK: Doesn’t like it, but can do it. TALENTS: ...Being mean? SHORTCOMINGS: VERY short tempered, quick to go on the offensive, prone to total meltdowns if things go badly. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, French DRIVE?: Nope! JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Absolutely not. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: She wouldn’t even try. RIDE A BICYCLE?: Also no. SWIM?: Yes! Doesn’t do it as often as she’d like. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: Nnnnope. PLAY CHESS?: yes, she loves chess. BRAID HAIR?: yep! TIE A TIE?: Sure can. PICK A LOCK?: LOL NO.
FACE CLAIM: ...Lusamine. EYE COLOR: Green HAIR COLOR: Blonde HAIR TYPE/STYLE: A long, geometric nightmare with a pointless ponytail. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No, but she might need them sometime soon. DOMINANT HAND: Right handed. HEIGHT: 5′9 / 152cm WEIGHT: 120lbs / 54kg BUILD: Ruler-shaped, I guess? EXERCISE HABITS: Stretches in the morning, takes daily walks. SKIN TONE: Pale white. TATTOOS: Never, god. PEIRCINGS: Earrings, though she doesn’t wear them often. MARKS/SCARS: HUGE tendril scars from Nihilego all over her torso and back. NOTABLE FEATURES: The Scars Probably. USUAL EXPRESSION: Neutral positive or completely drained. CLOTHING STYLE: White and brown clothing, usually with leggings and long sleeves. JEWELRY: Earrings and necklaces sometimes, Big Fuckin Chest Gem. What is that. ALLERGIES: None. BODY TEMPERATURE: ...97 F? DIET: Coffee and protein bars, with the occasional salad. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Permanent atrial fibrillation, fibromyalgia, functional dyspepsia.
JUNG TYPE: ESTJ JUNG SUBTYPE: ?? ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 3 (The Achiever) MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Choleric ELEMENT: Fire PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Linguistic-Verbal APPROXIMATE IQ: bro iq is fake I’m not figuring it out LMAO. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Borderline Personality Disorder SOCIABILITY: Very sociable on most days. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Never Heard of Her OBSESSION(S): Love, perfection, the past... COMPULSION(S): Digs nails into hands? PHOBIA(S): Abandonment and jellyfish. ADDICTION(S): :) DRUG USE: :^) ALCOHOL USE: yes, frequent (against doctor’s orders) PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: Not generally, but has been violent in the past.
SPEECH STYLE: Generally elegant and thought out. ACCENT: Alolan, slips into Kalosian when upset. QUIRKS: Drifts off in sentences when thinking? HOBBIES: Chess and various puzzle games. Not much free time. HABITS: Drinks, takes lots of baths, eats a protein bar and coffee every morning at least. NERVOUS TICKS: Avoids eye contact, gets defensive, raises voice. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Helping Pokemon and That’s It. FEARS: Isn’t this phobias again. Anyway. Abandonment and jellyfish. POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, caring to Pokemon, intelligent, good leader. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fucking everything else LMAO. Short tempered, impulsive, manipulative, has a horrible victim complex... SENSE OF HUMOR: Non-existent. What’s a joke. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: VERY rarely, only using ‘damn’ and ‘hell’ when angry. CATCHPHRASE(S): Does she have one? I don’t know.
ACTIVITY: not to be nsfw on main but- ANIMAL: Nihilego Clefable or Bewear. BEVERAGE: Vodka. Bonus points if it’s a citrus drink. BOOK: Doesn’t have one, can’t remember the last time she read for pleasure. CELEBRITY: Well. She’s clearly interested in Lysandre. Otherwise she doesn’t care for celebrities.. COLOR: Mantis green. DESIGNER: Elesa...? She doesn’t have much interest in fashion. FOOD: Water chestnuts. FLOWER: Azaleas! GEM: Polished chrysoprase, maybe? HOLIDAY: no. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Being chauffeured is easiest. MOVIE: Probably something Notebook-adjacent. MUSICAL ARTIST: ...Bach? She likes classical music. QUOTE/SAYING: ““You’re beautiful,” Replied the fly, to the spider.” SCENERY: Green grass, lots of flowers in a garden, early morning sunrise. SCENT: Mohn’s old cologne. SPORT: Literally Who Cares. SPORTS TEAM: Certainly not Lusamine. TELEVISION SHOW: Nothing specific, but she likes dramas and crime shows. WEATHER: Sunny, around 70F. VACATION DESTINATION: She likes Johto.
GREATEST DREAM: ...Seeing Mohn again? Making a difference for Pokemon? GREATEST FEAR: Dying completely and totally alone. MOST AT EASE WHEN: Spending time with a partner. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: Discussing Mohn or Ultra Space. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Being abandoned by someone she trusts when she needs them most. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Creating the largest reservation center in the world. BIGGEST REGRET: Allowing research on Ultra Beasts in the first place. Maybe Mohn would still be here. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Being mocked for Ultra Space wasn’t exactly embarrassing but it was extremely shame-inducing and lowkey traumatizing. BIGGEST SECRET: To people that don’t know about it already, what she did in her past, and how deep that goes. TOP PRIORITIES: Helping and loving Pokemon.
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dragoonaway · 4 years
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Word Count: 1593
Synop: I wanted to kill my WoL off but then I was like nah nvm this is cool so here we are. When I played it out in my head it looked a lot better lmao.
It had been a decade, and she had not died yet.
Eorzea seemed to be okay, in this limbo of primal summoning and peace. There was no imminent war on the horizon, nor were they fighting for sovereignty anymore. Occasionally she would be called upon for an emergency when one of the beast tribes attempted to summon their gods in hopes they would listen to their cries for...whatever. She never bothered to really learn the reasons, they all sound the same after a while. The Scions had disbanded after a time, each going their separate ways and continuing on with whatever their work required. She was someone who was happy to fade into the stone of Ishgard, feeling at home in the snow and mountains. 
Though she was their champion and pioneering light to end the Dragonsong War, they treated her as someone who just wanted to be left alone. That was all she asked for anyway. Her days were filled with training the next league of dragoons and their dravanian mounts, other times she was away for a while with Estinien, finding the last of those affected by his song of vengeance and trying to distinguish the last of that flame. They had not gone through with a ceremony of bonding, they were fine with just the common knowledge that it was them against the world. The last two Azure Dragoons, and the very first Crimson Dragoons. 
Instead of death, she had become sanctified. The warrior who brought peace and unity to a kingdom so strife with division and war. The people knew peace now, knew how it meant to be a nation, and it had been that way for nearly a decade. 
The intelligence was interesting to be briefed on, though. Once again she was called upon, not to get rid of a primal however, but to protect her home. She didn’t call the Scions and requested for them to not bother, usually she had these things all handled. It’s not like they really helped her at all when it came to slaying primals, how would a small insurgence be any different? 
Oh, but it was so different. 
So, so different. 
She found herself restricted by invisible forces, so far greater than that of a god. Most of Ishgard’s army lay dead on the Steps of Faith, dragoons and dragons alike speared with their own lances. A force field stood glittering, separating her from Aymeric and Estinien, who watched with horror as the Warrior of Light was brought to her knees by power never encountered before. Maybe this would be her demise, then. Her blood was roaring in her ears, the steady beat of her heart picking up as she felt fear, truly, for the first time. 
This would be the end.
Estinien was yelling beyond the wall, his voice barely reaching her ears. Her opponent said naught, facing her with his faceless apparition, holding her life in chains. She wished she could reach Estinien, reach him and tell him to let her go. Self-sacrifice was a thing of the past, but they came for her. The fighting had stopped as soon as they got their sightless grip on her. For all that she loved, she was willing to go. Maybe it was time. She felt like it wasn’t, but the taxing title of Warrior of Light had an expiration date that might have been sooner rather than later. 
She watched her lance rise in the air, twirling delicately. The rush of her blood was louder in her ears this time and she could not feel the blessing of Hydaelyn anymore. There were cracks exploding in the air as all those attempted to break through whatever force field began to yield to the force of the Crimson Dragoon. 
But it was too late. 
The lance pierced the air, through her body, breaking her ribs with its force. Her breath was forced out of her, blood making its way up from her stomach, flowing at the corners of her mouth. She accepted her fate in those quick seconds, just as the force field shattered through Estinien’s sheer force of will. 
But in a moment of cruelty, this being sent her body off the Steps and into the Sea of Clouds, tumbling with her own lance piercing through. The last thing she heard before slipping into the cold hands of death was the great roar of Nidhogg as Estinien called upon the wyrm’s power.
Death, however, for the Warrior of Light, wasn’t all that simple.
No, she had been blessed, but not by Hydaelyn. 
“Hello, warrior of warriors.” The draconic words floated into her subconscious, and she found herself among the stars, resting among a seal of draconic magic. Ratatoskr’s celestial form stared into her, the blue fire of her making cradling the warrior in its painless flame.
“Ratatoskr.” She breathed, confused and yet thankful she wasn’t dead just yet. Or maybe she was, and this was some weird allusion to an afterlife for the dragoon that was blessed by Hraesvelgr. 
“I heard mine brother’s cry at thy death. The knight that is thine mate knows naught except pain, akin to Nidhogg. He rages but cannot exact vengeance for thy demise with mine brood-mate’s power threatening to erupt. I fear the Dragonsong will be sung again, but mayhap all of Eorzea rather than thine kingdom alone.”
A scene in her mind’s eye. The storm of fire racing down the Steps of Faith, burning corpses to ashes and lighting stone to burn. Estinien was barely visible among the power, but he was there. On the brink of losing control, and yet at the same time composed with hurt burning in his eyes. She could see the slight glimmer of wetness on his cheeks and her heart broke. Though her and Estinien were not ones for words of love and affirmation, just subtle shows of their feelings in action and partnership, it was beyond all that was ethereal her love for him. They did not discuss it, but in whatever mystical way the Eye worked and the power of the Azure Dragoon fated them together and forged a bond much deeper than that of every day. It has been that way for ten years, and she’d be damned to let it go now.
“I would give thou mine blessing, if for one condition.”
The great beast was certainly terrifying, but she felt a certain kinship with this great wyrm, dead or alive. “Anything.” She whispered into the void, her voice harsh with emotion. 
“Let me consume thou as Nidhogg consumed thy mate, and for one last time, let us defeat your opponent. Then I will restore thine soul and yet again thou shalt see another dawn.”
At this point, she’d give all her aether away just to kiss that Elezen one last time.
In a sudden rush of life and power far greater than she has ever known, she came crashing down onto the steps beside Estinien. Her corporeal body was nowhere to be seen, just this apparition hemmed in an azure flame. She was not in control here, though. Looking to Estinien, she saw the reflection of Nidhogg mirror Ratatoskr’s shade, and she glimpsed a play of emotion on the dragoon’s face that she had never seen before. He knew what was happening, though, and the subtle bob of his throat told her enough. It was time to swallow hurt, in order to triumph for another day. 
The lance of aether she wielded in this form raised, with Estinien mimicking, and together they summoned the shades of the great wyrms to the Steps. No greater power existed beyond this moment right here, as the strength of eternity barreled its way towards the slaughterers. In a great burst of dragonfire, swirling between red and blue in a show of mystical prowess, her slayer ceased to exist. The cloak it wore lay empty on the stone, the being or whatever it was banished into a realm that would bar it from ever entering again.
And then it was over, the shades disappearing into the mist and her with it.
“Thank you, warrior of warriors.”
Estinien, as strong as he was, could not stand any longer. He sunk to his knees, lance skittering across the stone. He had no voice anymore, nothing left to scream, nothing left to yell. He had destroyed her murderer with the warrior at his side, yet she did not stay. He thought he knew the pain of death when his family was taken from him in such a violent way, and he carried that every day, but this was fresh. He could no longer feel her soul tugging on him, letting him know that she existed in the world. His equal, his partner, a piece of his life force.
All taken away.
“She lives yet, dragoon.” A haunting, familiar rumble that spoke sweet nothings that held no truth.
But then she was there, surrounded in a ring of fire. Her armor untouched, her lance at her side, unconscious on the ground and yet whole once again.
Remaining composed was on the forefront of his mind as he gathered her body in his arms, watching life rattle through her as she took a frail breath. Aymeric had reached him by now but understood that perhaps silence is better than trying to get in his way to make sure the Warrior of Light was still alive. The lord of Ishgard gathered the great relic lances and followed in Estinien’s stead, bringing her home.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Can’t let go of this dream // Joker x Annie // soft comfort.
I keep feeling like I’m not good enough, like I don’t belong with Joker. That I wouldn’t fit into his world, that he deserves better. I keep thinking of a prompt where I’m packing my things to leave while he’s gone because it would just be easier that way...but maybe he happens to cone home early and catches me. Would he be angry? Sad? Relieved? (<lmao probably). You don’t have to write something like that if you don’t want to, that’s just what I’m feeling right now I guess.  @jokers-doll​
Hiiii ~ my love!💜 I’m so sorry that you feel this way. You deserve better and I hope that you feel better soon! I can relate to not feeling good enough for Joker but I just want to say that you are the best for Joker! He loves you so much and he’s so proud of you! I do remember your name, darling, and thank you for including it skskksk I’m so excited to write this for you!💙 I hope you like this; if not please tell me and I’ll redo it!💚
Word count: 1, 690.
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Joker hadn’t been home for hours. He hadn’t been with you this morning when you had woken up, his side of the bed had been cold and it looked like he had barely slept last night, so unwrinkled and even were the sheets. There wasn’t even the faintest scent of cigarette smoke in the air, and that spoke volumes of just how long it had been since he had been home with you. You were used to him coming and going, you were used to Joker not being with you when you woke up and you were used to him being unpredictable, but you were not used to feeling like this.
Like you weren’t good enough. Like you didn’t belong with Joker, with the love of your life. Like you longed for that feeling to not feel at all. Like Joker deserved better than someone like you.
Someone like you.
Someone like you, who worked so hard and did so much. Someone like you, who so selflessly helped other people. Someone like you, who was attending a school which would make helping people your career, devoting your life to others were you. Someone like you, who was beautiful inside and out. Someone like you, who could spin gold when they engaged in her creative hobby. Someone like you, who had such a big heart that if it was quantified would it be the size of one of the world’s largest cities.
Someone like you.
Thoughts of leaving Joker, so plagued were you by your insecurities, were becoming more and more frequent as the day passed, and by the time the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon, almost invisible over the sheer number of high rise buildings and grey blocks of concrete, you had decided to follow your demons. You were going to leave, but you were going to pack up your things before Joker came home; it was just easier that way, though your heart broke at the idea of Joker coming home to an empty apartment just like he always used to when he was still the unknown and unseen Arthur Fleck. oh, how your poor heart ached as you reached underneath your bed and withdrew a small suitcase; it would be enough for a few days in a hotel before you could find a place for you to stay in the meantime.
For every article of clothing which you put into the suitcase, the more certain you became that this was the right thing to do, that you were right to walk away now before Joker would be the one to break your heart, to tell you everything that you most definitely didn’t want to hear. Now, more than ever, did you feel like you weren’t good enough for Joker. What kind of a person were you, to leave him when he wasn’t even home to have his own say, to voice his own opinion and to try to ease your insecurities? Joker deserved someone who would stay with him no matter how dark their thoughts became. Someone who knew with everything that they were that Joker loved them for who they were, that they did fit into his world if only because of that love; for where was Joker without his one and only person who understood him?
You had almost finished packing only the bare essentials when you heard the front door open and shut and then the safety chain was drawn across the door. Your heart dropped into your stomach and your forehead grew hot on the inside. You hurried to shut the suitcase, and your fumbling created a loud noise. As a consequence did Joker hurry up to join you in the bedroom and, oh, if you thought that you were panicking... then Joker made it look like you were perfectly calm and put together. The door slammed shut after Joker and the silence in the room was thunderous. You dared not to turn around, to face the man whose heart you were breaking as surely as you were breaking your own. You knew that Joker had already put together the pieces, so emotionally intelligent and so sharp was he, and he knew that you knew what was happening. Even so, was he the first to break the silence. “Annie...what. The fuck. Are you doing?” There was a very definite tremble in Joker’s voice, though he was more than aware of what anger did to you and so he was making a visible effort to keep himself calm, his chest heaving with the continued effort of taking deep and measured breaths.
“I... I’m leaving.” You had been so sure over the last few hours that you were going to be leaving Joker, but now that Joker was here in front of you, and you were still messing around with the zipper of the suitcase, you were thinking that maybe leaving was the wrong thing to do. Joker’s eyes were sharp and already glassy with tears, his jaw was set and his knees were shaking even though he was stood up and still in the doorway. He was reading you and the situation for exactly what it was, as sharp as his mind was his tongue, and Joker could only think of one thing to say.
You stared at Joker for a few moments, unsure of how to respond to such a blunt and obvious answer, and Joker seized his moment. He stepped forward and put his hands over yours, the one which was still playing with the zipper on the suitcase. His fingers interlocked with yours and Joker pulled your hands away the suitcase. There were some tears on his cheeks, now, and those dark blue triangles you knew and loved so well were smudged now, a single tear running down both of his cheeks as the blue smudged into the white. 
“Stay.” Joker grasped your hands, “Stay, Please, Annie, I - I can’t lose you. You’re the best part of me and I love you. Talk to me, darling. What is it?” Joker brought your joined hands up to his chest and he pressed them down hard over the space where his heart was. You could feel his heart pounding out a wild tattoo against his chest and everything melted away as finally did you lift your eyes to meet his green ones. Oh, how could you leave? Even feeling as you were, you knew that you didn’t really want to leave, but you knew not what else to do. 
“I love you too, Arthur, I - “ Your tears came to your own eyes and Joker cooed, taking one of his hands away from the pile on his chest so that he could dash your tears away with the calloused pads of his thumbs. You reached up to wipe his tears away too and Joker’s thin lips quirked upwards as he saw you beginning to come back to him. “I just...” You took a deep breath and you took courage from the man whose heart you cradled in your hands. Now had you decided that you had been impulsive, though your actions were valid, and already had you decided to stay. But Joker deserved to know why you had packed a suitcase and made to leave him. “I keep feeling like I’m not good enough, like I don’t belong with you. That I don’t fit into your world, that you deserve better. I was going to leave before you came back because I thought it would be easier... so you wouldn’t try to stop me.”
By the time you were halfway through your speech, Joker was already chuckling. It was a strained, high pitched noise which was saturated in tension. He was angry, he was upset, he was scared, but there was nothing that Joker could say, there was nothing he could do. Used and familiar was he to doubt, to insecurity, to fear, and Joker knew that words meant little in this moment. Even so, did he say, “Annie,” He was still holding your face in his hands and his grip tightened on you. “There is no one that I deserve more than you. You are my one and only, you are the love of my life. If you leave... I’ll have nothing left to lose. Please, Annie, I - “ Joker swallowed thickly, trying was he not to choke on his emotions, “You. Are. Enough.” Joker chuckled again. “And I have had enough of you doubting yourself. It’s not right, Annie, how you can say stuff like that about yourself. You are, I - “ Joker closed his eyes and he took a long, slow and deep breath. And when at last did he open his eyes again, they were darkened with his desire to make you see just how much he loved you. 
Before you could prepare yourself, before you could take a deep breath, Joker’s lips were on yours. His lips were cool and sticky against your own, and he kissed you so fiercely and with so much passion that your breath was stolen from your lungs and replaced with all the love that he had for you. As each passing seconds was marked with Joker’s lips on yours, with his hands on your face and his body pressed up against your own, your insecurities, doubts and fears all ticked away and you realised that you were enough. If not for you, then you were enough for your Joker. You were in love with him, just as much as he was in love with you, and there was nothing that he wouldn’t do for you. There was no way that Joker would ever fall out of love with you, either. 
“Please, please, stay, Annie.” Joker whispered against your lips and you nodded, pressing your forehead against his and raising your hands to interlock your fingers with his. You stared into Joker’s eyes and you saw him looking back at you and you then realised that there was nowhere else you would rather be and no one else you would rather be with.
You were home.
AF/J @impulsiveclown   @astheworlddturns @fluffedstar @jokersqueenofchaos @germansarechill @tsukiakarinobara  @lynnesm @sagyunaro  @docsportello  @flowerglitterwoman @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokers-doll @jokershyena @arthurjokersgirl @antonija89 @lilliryth @hotpacino @obsessedandthirsty  @call-me-harley-quinn  @anais-angel
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themountainsays · 4 years
It's clear Anna and Elsa have loved each other since ALWAYS, because they grew up together (partially), and I've seen a lot of fics develop their romantic relationship from that point, their feelings evolving towards that direction.
But i wonder, if they didn't know each other, what would they find attractive about the other? What would first attract them to each other? What would make them love each other? Because non-familial love is always conditional (as all healthy non-familial love is), so there must be a reason for them to love each other. Shared experience and the gradual development of a bond is a great answer but I'm thinking more about the particular personality traits, for lack of a better word, that make them want to spend time together or even like each other at all.
I can very easily see why someone would be attracted to Anna because ngl she's pretty much my type. Funny, energetic, idealistic, a heart full of love and kindness and courage. Not afraid to get dirty or engage in risky physically activity. I think what I admire the most about her was her willingness to do the right thing, no matter how painful. Watching her try to destroy her own home simply because it was the correct thing to do sent chills down my spine because thats exactly what I admire in a comrade. Someone willing to sacrifice individual happiness for the good of the community.
(Oof getting pretty lefty latina on main let's go back to frozen)
But for Elsa? I mean, most of her character development revolves around her powers and the trauma related to them. It's reached a point where it's impossible to tell where the powers end and Elsa begins. I do think this is intentional and it's not a bad writing decision, even I personally would rather explore who she is as a person and a human being in a way that doesn't revolve entirely around her powers and trauma.
I remember making a post about it? You can read it here and it's basically about how Elsa deserves better than becoming a norse godess: she deserves to he a normal woman among normal people. It makes more sense in the post go read it
So that's what i'm gonna try to do! As you can see no structure no essay only unorganized thoughts posted in tumbrl dot com for everyone to disagree with
I mean from canon we Uuuh well this is going to sound like a no brainer but Elsa is a very careful person. With other people not with herself lmao but you can see in every scene with how much care she treats others. This is usually physical care, because she was raised to believe emotions didn't matter and physical safety was the most important thing, and this is why she repeately ends up hurting people's feelings, all in an attempt to keep then physically safe (rejecting Anna at the party TWICE, both events clearly hurting both. Sending Anna away on the canoe (NOT A KAYAK), which again is painful for both sisters). But if you look at the bigger picture you can observe there's much more than that. From the beginning she spoils her little sister and takes care of her as kids, and through Frozen Fever she cranks up the spoiling to eleven, because she actually loves to see Anna happy. It's very painful for Elsa to reject her. You can see it at the party and during the canoe scene. Actually she loves to see EVERYONE happy. At the end of Frozen i, during OFA and at the beginning of frozen ii she spends time with her people literally making toys for children like fucking Santa Claus, creating an ice skating rink in her own backyard and organizing a fest for everyone to eat for fucking free (two fests, actually. maybe three? Can't remember) i mean what kind of queen does this?? She's way too nice. Even when people are trying to kill her her first reaction is to beg them to stay away so she won't hurt them. She makes it clear she's hiding in the mountains not because she's scared of being hurt (WHICH IS WHAT GRAND PABBIE PREDICTED WOULD HAPPEN). She's hiding because she doesn't want to cause harm. She's trying to fucking protect the people who want to kill her. In frozen ii her first reaction to seeing the tiny dragon is trapped is to offer him a hand and play with him because she's just that nice. She later cuddles a baby reindeer. Oh and in FF she's being mom friend on main by mothering kristoff and olaf as well. Remember she bought him a new sledge and invented a whole new job for him when she could do it herself with her magic? Now she's wiping the paint from his face. You know, like a mom. She even does it in thay gross mom way, licking her thumb and smearing the saliva all over ew ew my mom did that every time i got food on my face its gross. I wonder how kristoff didn't get a cold too that shit's contagious. Anyways, conclussion: while i think her desire to protect people was exacerbated by her trauma, i do think she always had it on her. She likes making people happy. She makes fucking toys for children is she a queen or a toy factory. She likes to spoil everyone around her. And I think this is partially because she wants people to like her. You can see how much it hurts her when people think badly of her ("you only know how to shut people out"). Later, seeing her people scared of her is what makes her run away. Hans telling her not to be the monster everyone thinks she is is what stops her and snaps her back into reality. No one likes to be disliked, but I think Elsa is particularly sensitive to this. And you can see her at her happiest in two different situations:
When she's being loved and cherished by her people (with Anna by her side)
And when she's free and in the wild.
Which leads me to my second point: Elsa is a horse girl
Ok but apart from being a horse girl you can see she... really enjoys being outside, and being free, and exploring the unknown. I'm thinking about LIG, SY and in part yeah ITU. She seems to actually enjoy physical activity like running and probably also hiking? Being away from society seems to be very stimulating for her which, first of all same. If i could live in a glacier i would i completely understand her choice because that's every girl's dream: live in the ice AND study history all day. What else could you possibly want? This is actually when she's at her highest energy. Being introverted doesn't mean you have low energy it doesn't mean jack shit which is why I think I can safely say Elsa is a kinda high energy person actually. Particularly when she's happy (hello??? Frozen Fever??), and what seems to bring the most excitement to her is to be outdoors and in nature. You know like a horse girl. She sings and dances and she's a huge dork who likes to play in the snow and ride horses and sleep on moving sledges and cuddle smelly baby reindeer and climb mountains. It does take her a bit to come out of her shell tho. You can see how stiff she is during the charades scene. But by the end of Frozen i she's dancing with her sister in the ice, surrounded by the entire kingdom.
Shes highly sensitive too. Like I mean this is a no brainer. And her lack of emotional intelligence doesn't help. But if you focus more on how strongly she feels and less on how little control she has over her emotions in frozen i at least you can appreciate how kind her heart is. Did i mention she makes toys for random kids like santa claus? But seriously, she doesn't have a mean spirited bone in her body. Apart from making Anna dance with the duke of weaselton (Oooh mischevious little shit). She's ALWAYS feeling things and VERY STRONGLY. ALL THE TIME. Its like she doesn't have a neutral mode. She's either crying of happiness and dancing like a hippie or having a mental breakdown. I can only imagine she experiences love, wonder, tenderness, care, excitement, indignation, surprise, grief... all so intensely. Her view of the world must be through a filter of constant emotion. When everything elicits such a strong reaction in her heart, she must experience the world in a very special way.
She's also an architecture nerd. She made a whole ice castle by herself in like a minute. Which means she's also a math nerd. She likes geography and physics. This is canon. She built a castle by herself.
She also giggles when awkward or nervous or maybe embarassed (but not scared) (sources, FF, that scene when kai startles her and she freezes her own hands).
Now i'm thinking about about a very famous architect visiting Arendelle and the mighty legendary ice queen giggling like a little girl and fiddling with her hands as she's organizing the welcome and making sure everything is PERFECT because she's going to meet someone she admires. See? Can you picture that scene? Yeah that has more personality than some of her scenes in f2
Oh right and she's also a hardcore perfectionist. She has high standards for herself and she gets frustrated and dissapointed if she can't meet them. Observe how she doesn't hold anyone but herself to these standards. Just look at the first scene in FF, how much pressure she puts in herself to make the PERFECT CAKE DECORATION but she's more accepting of Kristoff and Olaf's imperfections.
Kinda delving into headcanon territory but remember that comic with Anna separating all the blue M&Ms bc she knows those are Elsa's favorite so she can eat them all in front of her as revenge for shutting her out, and Elsa is having a philosophical breakdown at 8 in her room and Anna angrily eating all the blue M&Ms snaps her back into reality? Yep that's her. Elsa thinks too much. But she gets stuck in her ideas and doesn't end up doing anything unless she's pushed to it. Compare to Anna, who might be less thoughtful but more active, coming up with plans and solutions on the spot (not all of which are good but at least they're SOMETHING) while Elsa philosophizes too much and ends up doing nothing. But the scene that made me think of this was when, after her parents tell her the story of the magic forest, Anna goes "that was EPIC" while Elsa looks down and very quietly she asks what happened to the forest and Ahtohallan yep that's bc she thinks too much and also she's an enneagram 6
Speaking of which if i had to type i think her tritype would be... 6w7, 1w2, 5w4? In that order. Yep she's a 6w7 like Rapunzel. I thought about typying her as a 6w5 but i think her 5 wing comes out the most when she's repressing herself and hiding and concealing and not feeling and all that shit. When she's free and happy she's acting much more like a 7. Whoever said Anna is a 6 and Elsa is a 4 can get out of my blog bc Anna is clearly a 2. Probably. I think. No 6 would throw a snowball at marshmallow. I do think it's somewhere in her tritype considering frozen ii tho. Too much enneagram bullshit. To the conclussion:
Conclussion: these are some of the reasons why someone (including Anna) could fall in love with Elsa. In the movie Anna loves Elsa bc she's her sister but if her love was conditional, like most healthy love is, i think these could be the reasons why she would love her, platonically or romantically. Basically she's too nice, was probably be the kindest and most sensitive queen ever, and she's a nerd, and she's a horse girl, and she giggles when nervous (v important). And also she's a perfectionist.
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madasthesea · 5 years
what about the remember me one? seen a lot of fics with peter getting amnesia but never one of tony forgetting anything? could be a nice switch to see how peter would deal with that + tony trying to figure out how he went from a wild playboy to a supposed superhero with a teenager. I'm sure I'd cry lmao
Guess what, anon. I already had 2000 words written on this very topic. Hence why this is so very long.
Tony wakes up. He blinks around at the well-lit room around him—softblue walls, clean sheets on his bed. There’s medical equipment around him,beeping steadily with his heartbeat.
He isn’t worried, but he is confused.
He has no idea where he is.
A hospital, he thinks,but he doesn’t know how he knows that.
Actually, the more he thinks, the more he realizes that he doesn’tknow... anything.
His name is Tony. He’s in a hospital room. There’s a dull achebuilding at the back of his head.
That’s it. He closes his eyes and concentrates, tries to rememberhow he got here, but there’s nothing before he opened his eyes.
Tony jerks his eyes open, looks at the dark-haired woman suddenlystanding in front of his bed.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi,” she replies, smiling a little. “I’m Dr. Helen Cho.”
Tony tries to think if the name is familiar. Or if it should befamiliar. It isn’t, so he says, “Nice to meet you.”
Dr. Cho hums. “Yes. About that. I suspected based on the MRIresults from this morning, but this confirms it. Tony, you have full retrogradeamnesia. It is temporary. We’re finding a solution.”
Tony frowns. “How do you already know it’s temporary if I’ve justwoken up?”
Dr. Cho doesn’t seem surprised by his blunt question. In fact, herlittle smile grows just a bit.
“The cause of your amnesia is not from blunt force trauma or a deteriorationin the hippocampus, but another source that I feel is best not to disclose atthis time. I’ve consulted another doctor with your case and he assures me thatthere is a solution that will fully restore your memories, it will just take afew days to take effect.”
“That sounds suspicious as heck, but I guess I’ll take your wordfor it, Doc. You seem like you know what you’re talking about.”
“I do. That’s why you hired me,” Helen says simply. That’s news toTony. He thinks about his response for a moment.
“And the other doctor. I hired them, too?”
“Dr. Strange is a... colleague of yours. He wanted to help.” Tonyraises an eyebrow, a retort on the tip of his tongue, but Cho keeps speaking. “Wouldyou like to see your family now, Tony?”
Tony freezes. He... he has a family? Are they worried about him? Dothey know he has amnesia... that he can’t remember them?
What if they get mad that he can’t remember them?
His mouth is suddenly dry. He swallows hard.
“Do they know?” He whispers.
“I’ll warn them before they come in,” Helen assures him. When Tonycontinues to stare at the door with wide eyes, she adds, “They’re very worriedabout you, Tony. They’d like to see you.”
“Right. Ok. Umm... bring them in, I guess.”
Helen leaves. Tony tugs at the blanket over his lap, his stomachfluttering with nerves as he waits for someone else to show up. He has no ideawho to expect.
Does he have a spouse? Are his parents alive? Siblings, maybe? Noneof those feel right, but does that mean anything?
The door opens again and Tony’s jaw drops a little bit.
The woman walking toward him is easily the most beautiful personhe has ever seen. Her long strawberry blonde hair falls over her shoulders, herblue eyes wide as she hurries over to him.
“Tony,” she murmurs, sitting on the edge of his bed. She puts onehand on the side of his face, worrying at her bottom lip with her teeth.
“Umm,” he breathes intelligently. “Hey.”
The woman smiles a bit, her eyes filling with tears. The sightmakes something in Tony’s gut clench, icy dread shooting through his veins.
He sits up a bit, presses his hand over hers.
“Don’t cry,” he says without thinking. “Please don’t cry.”
Her face softens. She rubs her thumb along Tony’s cheek.
“Hi, Tony,” she whispers. “I’m Pepper.”
“Pepper,” he repeats quietly, hoping that it will feel familiar inhis mouth. It doesn’t. “That’s a nice name,” he offers, smiling a little.
Pepper laughs, a soft exhale of breath. Tony likes the way hernose scrunches up when she does it.
“Thank you.” They sit for another moment, hands still overlapping.Tony looks at her intently, hoping that if he looks hard enough he’ll remember something about her.
Finally, he has to ask. “And you’re my...?”
Her smile is a little sadder this time. “I’m your fiancée.”
Tony gapes at her for a second. “Holy crap.”
Pepper laughs again, an actual laugh that makes Tony smile justfrom hearing it.
His breath catches in his throat when she leans forward and kisseshis cheek. His heartbeat pounds in his ears, his stomach swarming with butterflies.
“Even with amnesia, you’re still my Tony,” Pepper says like it’sthe greatest compliment in the world.
He smiles at her, a dopey grin that makes her laugh again. It’sofficially his new goal in life to make her laugh as much as possible.
Although he wants her to stay, after a few minutes, he can’t helpbut wonder if there’s anyone else out in the hall, anxiously waiting for theirchance to talk to him.
“Is... Dr. Cho said ‘they,’” Tony starts out haltingly. “Arethere... more people?”
“Of course,” Pepper assures him. “I’ll go get him.”
Without any explanation as to who ‘him’ is, Pepper kisses hischeek one more time and leaves. He watches her go, his nerves mounting again. Hehalf hopes she’ll come back with the next person. Her presence is starting tofeel familiar and comforting—like his body is remembering her before his brainis.
 To Tony’s surprise, the next person that walks in is a kid.
He’s scrawny and a little short, and could be anywhere between thirteenand sixteen. His brown hair curls over his ears, his forehead.
When he saw Pepper for the first time, she had felt like a totalstranger. But as soon as he sees the kid, something in him seems to perk up, avoice in his head repeating I know him. Iknow him. How do I know him?
Tony sits up in his bed, watching the boy with furrowed eyebrows.Why does this kid seem so familiar?
And then their eyes meet.
The boy’s eyes are a warm brown. Tony doesn’t know how he knows, butimmediately he thinks ‘just like mine.’
Tony’s heart skips a beat. His breath catches in his lungs.
Oh mygosh.
That’s myson.
The thought comes with the quiet certainty of fact. And then there’sa rush of emotion so intense Tony is dizzy with it. A sense of awe fills him atthe thought that this living, breathing person is Tony’s kid, and with it an innate need to protect him from anythingthat could possibly hurt him.
The boy stops at the foot of the bed. Tony can see now that hiseyes are red from crying, and it feels like being punched in the stomach, animmediate cry of fix it resounding inTony’s mind.
“Come here,” Tony says, numbly patting the bed where Pepper hadsat before. The kid hesitantly settles himself next to Tony, their legsbrushing through the thin blanket.
Tony swallows hard, tries to take in everything about his son’sface. He’s beautiful, really, and he knows most fathers say that about theirnewborns, but this is Tony’s first time meeting his kid and he’s shaking andscared and already so completely in love with this kid that he doesn’t even know.
He raises a hand to the boy’s cheek, just like Pepper had done tohim. His eyebrows beetle as he looks at Tony, an almost pleading expression onhis face.
“What’s your name?” Tony whispers, hating himself for having toask.
Tony can almost hear the sob his son chokes back.
“I’m sorry, Peter.”
“What for?”
“For being such a terrible father that I forgot my own son,” Tonyexplains.
To his surprise, Peter freezes. Maybe he had hoped that Tony hadn’ttruly forgotten him, had still remembered who he was even if he couldn’tremember his name, only to be disappointed.
Tony almost apologizes again, but Peter stops him by slumpingforward and hugging Tony around the middle.
“It’s not your fault,” Peter assures him, his voice breaking.
Tony wraps his arms around Peter’s shoulders, buries his nose inthe kid’s hair. It’s comforting, if not familiar, and Tony is content to sitthere for a long time.
Pepper comes back with Dr. Cho and two other men who introducethemselves as Rhodey and Happy. Tony makes a face at their weird names and theyboth laugh. Peter is still tucked into his side and Tony is happy to keep himthere, combing fingers through his curly hair. He wonders for the first timewho Peter’s mom is. She must have curly hair just like Peter’s, he thinks.
To his surprise, Cho says that he’s free to leave. He’s even moresurprised to learn that this isn’t actually a hospital at all, but a medbay ina tower that he owns and lives in.
“Am I rich?” he asks at that, and everyone laughs so hard theycry, which Tony doesn’t understand at all.  
Pepper and Peter lead him to the elevator after he’s changed outof the hospital gown.
“FRIDAY, take us to the penthouse,” Pepper asks politely.
“Of course, Miss Potts,” a woman’s voice answers. Tony jumps andlooks at the ceiling where the voice came from.
“That’s your AI, FRIDAY. You made her,” Peter explains.
“An AI?” Tony asks, his eyes alight in curiosity. “And she runsthe tower?”
“And a load of other things.”
“That’s amazing,” Tony says, grinning. Peter and Pepper both smileback at him.
“Wait until I show you your lab,” Peter promises.
 The day speeds by to Tony. After Peter shows him around the lab,which had Tony feeling like a kid in a candy store, they mess around for acouple hours, Peter’s jaw drops and his eyes go huge as he realizes something.
“What?” Tony asks, self-conscious. As fun as the day has been, Tony’samnesia is a stumbling block in most of their conversations, a handicap theyhave to work around.
“You’ve never seen Star Wars,”Peter gasps.
“Umm... no,” Tony agrees, because he definitely doesn’t rememberever seeing it.
Peter grabs his wrist and doesn’t even wait for Tony to put histools down before starting to drag him from the room. “Come on. The only thingbetter than watching Star Wars forthe first time is watching someonewatch it for the first time.”
“That good, huh?” Tony asks, laughing, letting his kid tow himalong.
Peter stops dead and stares at him. “They’re the best movies inthe world.” Then he keeps pulling him along.
And so he spends the evening sprawled on the couch with Peter andPepper, eating pizza and watching Star Wars and Tony thinks maybe he doesn’tneed his memories back if this can be his life from now on.
When Darth Vader reveals himself to be Luke’s father, Tony isappropriately shocked.
“He just cut off his son’shand?” Tony asks, outraged. Peter nods against his shoulder, seeming pleasedwith Tony’s reaction. Tony uses a finger to tip Peter’s chin back so they’relooking at each other.
“I promise, even if I go dark side, I will never cut off yourhand, ok, baby?” Tony tells Peter in faux-seriousness.
“Good to know,” Peter laughs, tucking himself closer to Tony’sside. Pepper, on his other side, is watching them, and when Tony looks over ather she doesn’t clear the confusion off her face quite fast enough.  
He wonders if maybe he and Peter don’t usually act like this, ifmaybe Peter is just relieved that he’s ok and is humoring his more tactiletendencies.
He thinks maybe he should be more concerned about the fact that hecan’t remember the previous years of his life, but there’s something... freeingabout it. He can just exist, in this moment, with his fiancée and his son, withno recollection of any past tension or grief or worries.
He isn’t sure why, but he has the terrible suspicion that a lot ofhis memories are not good ones.
That night he dreams of monsters and flying and fathomless spacespread out before him. Someone is screaming, and it’s him and Pepper and Peterall at the same time.
He wakes breathless, the void of his past a welcome reprieve.
 The thing he finds weird, he decides as he wanders around thepenthouse the next day while Peter’s still asleep and Pepper’s at meetings, isthat there are no pictures of Peter as a child.
There are plenty of recent pictures, where Peter looks the same ashe does now, and Tony’s in many of them, but if the kid was his son, wouldn’the have baby pictures around? The kid with a trophy of some kind, a Christmas,a birthday?
Maybe they were estranged for a long time?
The thought that Tony could have had a son and not been allowednear him makes him sick.
There are no pictures of anyone that could be his parents either. Hegets a sinking feeling he knows why.
He almost asks FRIDAY, which is still the coolest thing he’s everheard of, but he doesn’t. He has a hard time admitting to himself it’s becausehe doesn’t want to know.
 When Peter is finally up and dressed, he comes to Tony with a grinon his face.
“I have a surprise for you,” Peter says.
“Kid, I have no memories, everything is a surprise.”
Peter laughs and takes Tony by the wrist, leading him to theelevator. They go down past the labs, but stop before the Medbay. Tony waitsfor the doors to open with baited breath.
The room Peter leads him into covers the entire floor, and islined on every wall with gleaming metal statues in shades of red and gold.
“Woah,” Tony breathes, stepping out and turning slowly so he cansee more. “What are these?”
“These are your babies,” Peter says simply.
Tony arches an eyebrow at him. “You’re my baby. These are...awesome.”
Peter rolls his eyes, but he seems to be blushing a little, whichTony again finds odd. He was just stating a fact, what was there to beembarrassed about?
“You know what I meant,” Peter says.
“I... I made these?” Tonyasks. Peter had told him that he’s a world-class genius and a mechanic, but it’shard to believe when he has no memories of being either of those things.
“Every one.” Peter sounds proud, and Tony preens a little internally.His son is proud of him. It’s a good feeling.
“What are they for?”
“Brace yourself,” Peter warns, smiling. Tony waits. “Along withbeing a genius and a billionaire, you’re also a superhero. Called Iron Man.These are your suits.”
Tony looks again at the suits, walking slowly around the room andtaking in each one.
“I... I’m a superhero?”
“You’ve saved the world a few times,” Peter admits, tipping hishead against Tony’s shoulder as they stand together, looking at a clunkiermodel of the suit. The plaque under it reads “Mark III.”
“Wow,” Tony breathes. And then he notices the one suit differentfrom all the rest—instead of a robotic suit of armor, it’s more form-fitting,metallic red and blue with a spider emblem on its chest. He walks toward it. “Isthis mine, too?” He asks, confused.
“No, that’s actually... that one’s mine,” Peter tells him. “I’m asuperhero, too.”
Tony whips around to look at Peter. “I let you fightsupervillains?” he asks, suddenly appalled at his own parenting.
Peter shrugs. “You tried to stop me. It didn’t work. So now youprotect me, instead. You made this for me.”
“Are you... is it just the suit? Like me? Or do you...?” He doesn’treally know how to ask his kid if he has superpowers, so he trails offawkwardly. Luckily, Peter gets what he was trying to say.
“Want to find out?” he asks, grinning slyly.
 If Pepper were home she definitely would have stopped them. But turnsout Tony’s decision making is very easily swayed when Peter’s enthusiastic andexcitable, and before he knows it, he’s suited up in one of the Iron Man suits,Peter’s in his Spider-Man suit, and they’re both exiting the tower from thebalcony on the 98th floor.
Tony nearly falls to his death the second he takes off, but FRIDAYhelps, and Peter gives him pointers as he swings along next to him, and soon he’sflying like it’s second nature. And maybe it is, to him, buried in his muscles,so deep that even amnesia can’t make him forget it.
He and Peter explore New York from the air, laughing and whoopingas they go, and Peter shows him what he can do: the strength, the wall-climbing,all of it. Finally, breathless, they both sit on the edge of the roof of askyscraper, their feet dangling hundreds of feet above the pavement.
Gosh, how could he ever forget this?This life, this amazing family, this job.
Or maybe his life wasn’t actually like this. Maybe he didn’t spendhis days flying around the greatest city in the world with his son at his side,happy and carefree. But the possibility of it is there now—he’s gotten a tasteof it and wants more. Even when Dr. Cho’s miraculous solution comes through, hecan’t imagine he’ll ever choose to go back to what he was before.
Peter’s rambling next to him, talking about a time when the two ofthem had stopped a bank robbery together. He sounds a little wistful. For thefirst time, Tony feels guilty about not remembering.
“This must be hard for you,” Tony says when Peter pauses.
Peter looks at him. He’s taken off his mask, figuring they’re sohigh up no one can see his face. He shrugs, bouncing his heels against theconcrete below him.
“I... I know I don’t... know you super well right now. I can’tremember when your birthday is, or your favorite food, or what you like to do.”
He stops and takes a breath, before reaching out and turning Peter’sface toward him. The kid’s eyes are wide, and there’s something sad about themthat makes Tony’s heart break.
“But I know I love you. I just look at you and there’s this weightin my chest and I just know that Ilove you so much.”
To his dismay, Peter’s eyes fill with tears.
“Oh, jeez,” Tony says, hastily moving to wipe the tears away asthey fall. “Do I not tell you that enough or something, Pete?”
“No, no, I just... I love you, Dad,” Peter whispers, and there’ssomething in his voice that Tony doesn’t understand, something guilty and sadand afraid.
“I-I’ll get my memories back soon,” he promises, hoping that willfix it.
“I know,” Peter says. He smiles sadly, than yanks on his mask andstands, leaping without hesitation off the building. Confused and a little hurt,Tony follows.
As they make their way home, all Tony can think about is how Peter’svoice broke when he called him Dad.
 In his dream, Tony is holding Peter in his arms, cradled to hischest, looking down at his son’s face.
Peter’s crying. Tony’s crying, too.
He watches his son slowly turn to dust, and at the same rate, hisheart shatters into pieces.
The fragments coat his hands.
 Tony wakes up and can’t breathe.
Whatever sick joke his imagination was playing on him, he wasn’thaving it. He stood from his bed and tiptoed down the hall. With a little helpfrom FRIDAY, he found Peter’s room and slipped inside.
He could hear the kid breathing and was instantly soothed as if itwere a lullaby.
Did Tony sing lullabies to Peter when he was a baby? He wonderswhat his favorites were, which ones Peter would babble to, which would calm himdown when he was crying.
Tony steps forward and crawls into his kid’s bed.
Peter stirs next to him, the shift in the mattress alerting him toTony’s presence. “M—Dad?” Peter asks groggily.
“Hi, baby. Sorry I woke you,” Tony whispers.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Tony assures. The fear of the dream is behind him, the detailsslipping away. It wasn’t real, obviously. Peter’s here, warm and sleepy, andnot ash on his hands. “I had a weird dream, is all.”
Peter blinks himself into alertness. “What happened in it?”
“It doesn’t matter, it was just a dream.”
“Dr. Strange said to tell him if you access your memories in yourdreams. I need to know,” Peter insists, sitting up.
“Well, I know it wasn’t a memory, cause you died in this dream,alright? And clearly, you’re not dead, so not real,” Tony says, propped up onhis elbows.
Peter’s face goes pale, then he sighs. He lays back down, restinghis head on Tony’s chest and getting him to lay down in the process.
“You were holding me,” Peter says quietly. “And I started turningto dust in your arms.”
“How—” Tony starts, butPeter interrupts.
“That really happened. I... I died.”
“Oh my gosh,” Tonybreathes, horrified, wrapping his arms tight around his kid. He remembers thedream more vividly, all of a sudden, remembers the horrible red dirt and thepain in his chest and the absolute, desolate grief. “Oh my gosh.” There are tears in his eyes.
“It’s ok,” Peter whispers. He curls into Tony’s side like he wasmade to fit there. “You saved me.”
“My son. My son.” Tony holds Peter so close he can feel his heartbeating against his own chest. It’s the only thing that lets him sleep againthat night.
If his lifeis anything like his nightmares, he thinks before he falls asleep, he doesn’t want his memories back.
 Apparently, the single memory is all Dr. Strange needs to bringthem all back. He explains, in a rather pompous way, that he’s a sorcerer whois going to retrieve Tony’s memories from where the other sorcerer who did thishid them.
That sounds like the most absurd thing in the world to Tony, buthe thinks about Peter yesterday on the roof, of Pepper that morning when she’dgone to kiss him and he’d stiffened in surprise and she’d turned away, tryingto hide her frown, and forces himself to sit still.
And just like that, his memories are back. It’s overwhelming atfirst, all the information pouring in like a computer rebooting. Then he’sjust... there.
He opens his eyes and sees Peter across the room and thinks, Oh, crap. Amnesia Tony was an idiot.
Now that he has his memories and knows that Peter is not, in fact,his son, he is absolutely mortified. And, judging by how much Peter’s avoidingeye contact, he’s not the only one.
Dr. Strange leaves in a spray of golden light and then Pepperlooks between the two of them and excuses herself and suddenly it’s just Tonyand Peter, not looking at each other.
Tony thinks he should be the adult here and speak first, but Peterbeats him to it.
“So, we’re all good now, right? I should probably go back home,May’s been wondering,” he rambles, already halfway out the door.
“Kid,” Tony calls. “Come on, we should, um... talk? About this?”
Peter’s shoulders slump. He seems to steel himself before he turnsaround and forces a smile. “It’s ok, Mr. Stark. I get it, you don’t need toexplain. Why else would a kid be hanging around, it was natural for you toassume...”
“Pete,” Tony tries to say, but Peter just plows over him.
“—And about what you said, it’s-it’s alright, I know it’s just causeyou thought I was-“
“Peter,” Tony saysloudly. There’s a beat.
“I’m sorry I called you ‘Dad,’” Peter whispers. Tony stopsbreathing for a moment. “It was selfish.”
“What do you mean?” Tony asks, his heart beating loud in his ears.
“I just wanted to see how it felt.” Peter’s voice is small,ashamed.
Oh, kid.
“Come here, Pete.” Peter doesn’t move. “Alright, I’ll come to you,”Tony says, and crosses the room until he can rest both hands on Peter’sshoulders so he can peer into his eyes.
“Kid, you have this all backwards. I didn’t love you because Ithought you were my son,” Tony murmurs. It’s strange how much easier it hadbeen to say when he had no memories of his father telling him he was weak, ofhis team leaving him beaten and bloody, of betrayal after heartbreak afterinjury. He tries to channel that Tony, the one that lived in the moment becausethere was no past to dwell on. He takes a breath and plunges on.
“I thought you were my son because I loved you. Because you walkedinto that room and I knew you, evenif I didn’t remember why.”
Peter’s expression cheers up marginally. “Really?”
“Yeah, buddy. Really. And I,” he hesitates for a second cause it’sfeelings and not necessary, but it’llmake Peter feel better. “I liked you calling me ‘Dad.’”
Peter gives him a watery smile. “I liked having a dad. For alittle while.”
Tony chucks him gently under the chin.
“You’ve always got me, kiddo.”
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stormyreadingsxx · 4 years
The WHO and the WHAT
Giving understanding your chart a chance:
Planetary Alignments
Taurus, Pisces.... Even knowing your sun is a Cancer and your rising in Aries is all good and well. But planets add a whole other layer over the way you may function in a sign (or a house but that’s for another post I guess). It’s easy to remember traits about zodiac signs (like fiery elements and the differences between cardinal and fixed) but do you know what sign a given planet is in? If it is in strength or at a weakness? These observations can turn a non-believer of astrology into an advocate.
My Venus is in Virgo (also my sun and moon sign and of course in fall or working against it’s placement) meaning for ME, finding someone who has the capacity to understand my love language or not take advantage of my mutable big three has been hard. I notice a trend of retreating inward without knowing it (when my emotional needs aren’t met), and others need to see and hear things to know... And there is the disconnect. 
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Mercury: ☿ The Messenger ~ The clear ruler of communication (and why the retrograde is so fantastically catastrophic, but more on that later), how we take in, let out, and process information is important. Your sun, moon, & rising should be taken into account separately from this. A sun in Scorpio may mean you’re mysterious, emotional (even if you hide it), and a bit brooding but a Mercury in Leo could mean you explain and express yourself with unexpected flair. Understanding this aspect in your chart can help you be a better listener, talker, or find out what kind of people you want to interact with in the long run. 
*I used my Leo Mercury as an example. I go through introverted, critical, and anxious bouts as an overthinking earth sign, but I’ve always had a knack for telling stories and only recently have I discovered this connection. Using humor to cope is comforting to most people, I guess. lol
Venus: ♀︎ The Lover ~ I will admit to using Sailor Senshi to remember my planetary themes, but yes this one is known emphatically as The Lover. In addition to your sun, moon, and Mercury this can give you insight to how you love, your own love language, and how best someone might receive you. My Virgo Venus has doubled down on the earthy acts of service as mine. I’ve always wanted to make sure the people I love and care about are fed (finishing my food if I cannot) and their lives easier (tidying a room, folding laundry etc...). Somewhere along the way, this became easier than words. 
That’s nice and all, but my criticalness and Mercury-ruled energy (A sharp Virgo way with words that can be weaponized and unfocused Gemini-ness that at best is spacey) it’s hard for me to get through to people at times. Understanding yours (or someone else’s) Venus is their approach to romance (so how much more emotionally intelligent do you feel understanding how you communicate and how you approach love ?). 
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Mars: ♂︎ The Warrior ~ If Venus is our feminine ~love~ energy, then Mars is obviously the opposite (at least in symbol). What grinds your gears? Turns thoughts and ideas into action? Mars is about expressing (our anger) and how we get what we desire. What is that cost?
Our drives and our passions.... Mine happens to be in Gemini. I love my ability to go with the flow and appeal to all sorts of people, professions, and hobbies. But this energy (even with my earthiness) is unfocused. Lots of thought and brain action (and typing at 3 am asfcgsd) but harnessing it is not always an easy thing for me. If we can be honest here, it never has. 
I can be easily bored (although I will say I’m crushing boredom in quarantine for the most part) and my mercurial ass is actually exhausted and borderline in distress when I’m bored. My mind races and it becomes anxiety. Even hyper-vigilant criticisms of myself. I’ve turned to bottles, pills, and risky behavior to avoid it! Now that I see and understand this cloying longing to feel like I belong everywhere and the way chaos manifests in my space if I’m not well, I begin to understand and fix that. 
I must find balance in the doing and the not doing but I can’t let my mind get bored. I’ve always been a fidgety person and talked with my hands (my massaged cat and friends can attest to both). And I often take on many projects and only the strong survive.... I used to not understand my Gemini rising but the more I talk, the more it make sense (since it is ruled by the Mercury communicator and the area of the hands).
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Jupiter: ♃ The Sage ~ Now here’s something maybe everyone can get into. Luck. Jupiter has to do with a lot of luck in our charts, how we improve our lives and show generosity throughout it. For me, though my Jupiter comes in the same sign as my sun and moon (New Moon babies unite), its is actually at it’s detriment or not working as strongly as it could be (a trend I’m noticing with my Virgo placements lmfao).
Investigation will show that I’ve always been good at being persuasive and using warm graces to win someone over. That’s why from customer service to [REDACTED] (rhymes with.... h*x w*rk), I make a good front of house. My need to see a tangible result of progress (in video games, typing things like this out, or reorganizing all my things, creating art) can be attributed to this. For a day dreamer, I have a very grounded chart. 
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Saturn: ♄ The Taskmaster ~ Saturn, Saturn, Saturn.... Known of course by the infamous return, the one denoting when different clusters of generations ‘grow up’ (and I’m pretty sure I’m about due for AND going right through mine but I deleted co__star lmao), some associate with death. The end. Saturn is associated with restriction and limitation. Boundaries. This all sounds negative, but Saturn brings with it structure and meaning. A good relationship and understanding yields great things for life!
“Saturn is often associated with our fathers or father/authority figures. In childhood, the discipline, rules, and regulations imposed on us by our authority figures–from parents, teachers, and the like–were not always pleasant, but they actually helped us to understand the world around us. Similarly, Saturn’s lessons actually help us to grow.”
I will try to let this speak for itself and not project TOO much of my own chart as if you care, but I’ve only recently seen so deeply into what makes up who I am astrologically. I’ve always had a bit of a struggle with boundaries. Initiating them. Holding my space and comfort over others.
I was born during a New Moon and at LEAST one retrograde. 
I can condemn myself for that or I can keep going, deeper and see why and how going forward I don’t fall into the same pitfalls (or maybe give myself a little compassion seeing that others have struggled my struggle). It does kind of feel like the whole world is on it’s Saturn return right now, though. 
Uranus: ⛢ The Revolutionary ~ My Uranus was also in retrograde during my birth. I do feel conflict at this time of riots, protests, and rampant and unrepentant police brutality. People who look just like me die in the streets, in police custody, somewhere in strange circumstances. Vulnerable to covid and staying to help my parents, my place isn't at protests even if it feels like my heart is. I do my part to speak my mind and perspective, donate and raise awareness. Support my allies on the lines in the ways I can. 
I cannot lie and say the present doesn’t scare me. Or being tear-gassed, detained indefinitely, thrown in jail or court, or disappeared. All of it. 
“Uranus is quite at home in the eighth house of resurrections. You are naturally open and support change. “Change is good,” is your constant motto. Re-inventing yourself from time to time sounds like a good idea to you. You couldn’t possibly have it otherwise. Life would be boring without change. Your style and pace of bringing about change though may leave others dazed and breathless. The style of change that you prefer can be destructive to those around you. Your good intentions are never at doubt though. It’s just that you are addicted to your ideas and you sometimes overlook human emotions. Your natural impatience with status quo drives you to move fast leaving the staid behind.”
Maybe I jump ahead getting to houses, but I wanted to switch it up. Though Uranus was essentially moving backwards when I was born (and that seems to not bode well), the house (which can speak to a best way to reach the potential of your placements) seems to have kept me from losing all discernment and ability to adapt. 
On the topic of revolution among other things, I feel conflicted. Helpless. Futile. I’m finding my way through that, but it is almost awe-inspiring to see a struggle mapped out in the charts while I go through it. 
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Neptune: ♆ The Dreamer ~ Didn’t I say earlier I’m a bit grounded for a daydreamer? A lot of my daydreams (and borderline escapism lol) are rooted and threaded in reality (especially since covid and damn near martial law have changed everyone’s perceptions of such). I have some far out dreams, but the content in my head could be shockingly close to reality sometimes. I love playing Animal Crossing and other general life simulations and always have.
Your vision of an ideal world may center around respect for rules, order, responsibility, and morality. You need to believe in the realizability of your dreams, and this means that your fantasies usually have a very realistic thread to them. There is a conservative, possibly somewhat cynical element to your nature. Because general optimism/faith does not typically carry or motivate you, energy levels may not be high when you don’t believe in what you’re doing, and inspiration is not easy to find in the first place. However, you can turn a dream into reality more easily than most. Your vision is practical but also doable.
I really am this optimistic-pragmatic-realistic but hardworking ???? person. My Neptune was also in retrogrograde during my birth. It has not hindered my creativity but even that is met with rigid expectations and an expected method for madness. I could stand to be dreamier and I work to inspire a calming, soothing, dreamy atmosphere (essential oils, Virgo 4th house things). But this may be why I always have my brain never too far in the clouds. Not without stimuli. 
Pluto: ♇ The Transformer ~ Ah, Pluto is the Ruler of Scorpio. A deep cut in my chart but I have always had a bad habit of falling deep, deep into the well of a watery Scorpio even though I should know better. Renew and Rebirth hits my experience with them on the head. At it’s worst, these planetary placements can promote a hedonistic greediness. ‘Everyone is bad so I must be too’ and a real commitment to harming those before you can get smited (because we’ve all been smited). 
I don’t have a lot of water in my chart personally, but this can help account for my intensity in search of connections (and why unlike a lot of my peers I pull away for long periods and go all in again, almost cyclical in a place where everyone’s always booed up).
Pluto in Scorpio may try to remain positive so strongly that they find themselves in denial, finding out when it is too late about all that was happening right under their noses.
Being strong and able to deal comes with a certain detachedness, a wall others cannot or will not try to breach. Understanding this will help me bring some of it down, right?
Are you interested in hunting down your birth time now? Try paring some of these tidbits or do your own planet research and pair it with the rest of your chart. You might start getting answers. 
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youngbloodbuzz · 4 years
Tell me about your characters! Answer 10 of your favorite of those questions!
sagklsdjfsndf bro thank you! i love talking about my kids
23.  If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
venia: she would have run away from her normal life as the royal princess earlier after spending her entire life living in fear as a born fire sorcerer in a kingdom where using magic is punishable by death. instead now she’s on the run from being found out and having to fight her way out the palace. 
andromeda: she would run deeper into the underdark instead of risking the life of the man who died saving her and breaking the heart of his wife, who andy highly admires and respects
theodora: i don’t think she would. she isn’t a believer in fate or destiny but she knows that everything she’s done, she’d do all over again. though i think maybe she’d try to talk to her brother more about what they had been through to get where they are now, as migrants and refugees. 
33. What person does your character admire most?
venia: she had once admired her father as a child, but then she’d witnessed his reign of terror as she got older. then it was her mother, who she emulated to survive the court and life in general, but then her mother turned out to have known about ven’s magic the entire time and never said anything. and then her eldest cousin, the only person she ever willingly told about her magic as a young kid and encouraged it, comes rushing to save her at a moments notice and they escape the kingdom together, and... at this point ven’s trying not to keep her hopes up anymore. 
andromeda: without a doubt hands down it’s professor essaris, a wizard and headmaster/teacher of her own school and the wife of the man, maximus, who died helping to save andy in the underdark. andy wants more than anything to live up to the expectations of max dying for her to octavia but octavia has her own complex issues with andy since she’s the reason her husband is dead even as she’s been trying to help her through her amnesia. it’s....a Lot. 
theodora: it was once her older brother, jaxon. the one person who stood side by side with her in agreement of how to save the group and helped her do the dirty work. but it’s been months and months later now and one day she wakes to find him gone, leaving her a single letter telling her he can’t face what he’s done anymore and he’s off to find his own fortune somewhere far away. she burns the letter. 
36.  What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favorite genre of music?
venia: oh i have playlsits for all of them. she has a few but if i had to choose, ven’s theme song would be it’s a fire by portishead, but also instrumentally it’d be the winds of winter by ramin djawadi. maybe i was inspired by dany. what of it. 
andromeda: televangelist and conversation piece by julien baker; i cannot choose one, my poor girl is so depressed lmao. and dead before the dawn by ramin djawadi which genuinely helped me form the idea of how she saw the sunrise for the first time as an amnesiac when climbing out of the underdark after being trapped there for two years. 
theodora: angel by massive attack and caleb’s seduction by mark koven. her life is lowkey a horror movie. 
41. Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others? How do they change themselves to fit in with other people?
venia: as a born royal first in line to the throne, she sure does. it’s almost an inherent trait from her mother, where she learned to control her emotions, her expressions, how to speak in court. it’s second nature at this point. 
andromeda: being a six foot tall tiefling with grey-purplish skin, she makes an immediate impression but that’s not what worries her. she tries to come off as worldly and normal and not like a person who has amnesia and intelligence of 8 but it’s kind of hard when she assumes/lies in front of other people about knowing something when it’s actually wrong or not true. 
theodora: for the most part, she couldn’t a shit tbh. mostly she wears a mask of whatever she knows will appease others to get her way. 
51. Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
venia: i think at first it’d be ethos because of the way she was raised to respect arguments of such, but over time away from that kind of environment, it’d be in-between pathos and logos but mostly pathos. 
andromeda: pathos undoubtedly. she wears her heart on her sleeve, she’s ruled by it. probably to the detriment of her own health and safety. 
theodora: logos. it’s literally how she rationalized her way into saving herself and the group she was traveling with during a disastrous migration across uncharted territory in the winter (think donner party levels of disaster...)
54. How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the rest of the party?
venia: all day every day she keeps secrets. her entire life and existence is a secret. venia isn’t her real name. zen is in fact her cousin, not her brother. she’s terrified and paranoid, but on the surface she’s reserved sweet charm and smiles.  
andromeda: for someone who’s generally an open book, andy keeps many things to herself, but it’s all always to protect herself and her heart from the shame of the truth. her amnesia and low intelligence and her experiences at the essaris grammar school did a number on her self-esteem and self-worth.
theodora: she has no issues with it at all. she’ll do it for the sake of herself and the group if she believes if it’s for the right reasons. 
59. Does your character value their own best interest more than the party’s?
venia: at a certain point, yes. she grew up a privileged princess, and even though she has a good empathetic and diplomatic heart, she still has a lot to learn. and she’s just been thrust in a world that doesn’t care about her with zero warning or preparation so she’s going in cold turkey.
andromeda: oh andy....my dear sweet depressed andy. if it came down to staying safe or risking her life for someone, or even worse, a child, she would gladly lay down her life. no hesitations, no questions asked.
theodora: she’s alive for a reason and it’s because she made the hard choice, the only logical choice. she likes to think she did it to save the group, and her small family in particular who were a part of this venture, but really, she’d do anything for her own best interest. including cannibalism. no she doesn’t regret it.
73. If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life?
venia: well. if she’s going to die, she’s going to die fighting in a blaze of righteous fury. she’ll find the fastest way home and find some way, any way, to convince her father to stop his tyranny. even if that means starting a revolution and dying a martyr. 
andromeda: god. it would be such a quiet resignation and acceptance. like she knows she’s cheated death. knows it in her very bones, knows she should have died and not maximus. she would go back to those that took care of her in her first few months back into the world and say her goodbyes, but in a way where an unsuspecting person wouldn’t realize it was happening. she’d spend as much time as possible with them, and exploring the city, spending time in the temple of pelor where she felt most at peace. she’d think about trying one last time to find her real family but would consider it a lost cause. and then on the second last day, she would pack her bag with her journal and her favourite books of history and poetry, and quietly walk into the wilderness never to be seen again.
theodora: like hell she’s dying. she’s an undying warlock, she’d sell her soul double time to her patron to prevent it from happening. if that won’t work, she’d look for some other entity. it’s not happening. she will literally do anything to prevent it. 
81. What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
venia: ven’s name i specifically chose for an incredibly niche plot reason. venia means “forgiveness. consent, permission, approval,” and the etymology derives from the name venus, which as a goddess represents “prosperity,” and as a planet is also called the morning star and is one of the brightest objects in the sky. venus also represents lucifer, the light-bringer, a being who fell far from heaven. there is also a long held belief, a prophecy, in venia’s home kingdom for centuries that “the morning star will rise to bring the kingdom to ashes and bring forth a new world aflame.” a prophecy that’s driven the line of king’s mad with paranoia. and guess who was born as a phoenix sorcerer. 
andromeda: honestly? i just really liked the name lmao she’s a haunted one who was born under a dark star, i figured a good astrology name would be fitting. 
theodora: i also thought this was just a really good name but i mean, her full name is theodora cane which means gift of god and warlike respectively and when you put it together....i mean..... not too bad.  
85. What would be your character’s major in college?
venia: political science and law. 
andromeda: english and library sciences.
theodora: theo’s my newest so it’s tough to nail her down but i think she’d try for a medical degree but then drop out to become a private investigator 
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shima-draws · 5 years
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FINALLY I WAS ABLE TO FINISH THIS!! I’ve been working on it for over a week now lol
Anyway, meet Kaz and Ginni!! They’re the OCs I’ve been teasing lately and have been really excited about ^p^
They’re both from the Next Generation—so ~25 years after Shima’s main adventure ends. Ginni is the child of the famous Guildmasters Willow and Charon (previously Wendy and Charlie but I changed their names lol), and Kaz is the captain of the Novune Forces, a sort of re-imagined Dark Army (which I might rename to Maligo Army to make better-sounding lmao). Basically after the Dark Army’s fall, a new one rose in its place to take after its original purpose, and Kaz is part of this!
More details about them under the cut!!
Ginni Teire Age: 17 Hair color: Pink Eye color: Blue Element: Combat
Ginni takes after her mother in that she’s very stubborn, cheerful, sociable and also a combat user! She like to spar with her mother and father sometimes to test her skills ^^ She’s not afraid to fight for what she believes in and take action when nobody else will, making her a truly inspiring person capable of moving others c: Ginni’s nonbinary and uses she/her pronouns! She’s fine with either.
Ginni was actually ordered to be captured by the Novune Forces by Kaz, though he actually had no idea who she was, he was just following orders. After being under Kaz’s supervision for about a month and a half Ginni started to pick up signs that despite being a captain Kaz was not treated very well by his superiors, and would often come back from meetings or battles totally bruised and beaten. While all of the people under Kaz’s jurisdiction highly respected him and were honestly a bit terrified of him, Kaz was labeled as someone who could never be good enough or do good enough, and Ginni was tired of seeing him get hurt without him realizing the people who raised him were just exploiting and abusing him. Slowly during the month they spent together Kaz warmed up to Ginni, and started sharing things with her he never shared with anyone else!
Eventually Kaz started to realize that keeping Ginni captive wasn’t right, and that she was becoming weaker due to not seeing the sun or exercising or eating well during her stay with him, so he decides to set her free. And of course, Ginni convinces Kaz to abandon the Forces and come with her :’) Inspired by the idea that he can actually be free and see the world without any repercussions, Kaz decides to take the risk, so he and Ginni escape together and eventually return back to Ginni’s guild!
Some of Ginni’s weaknesses is how easy she gets riled up by things, and she sometimes doesn’t think things through, so she stumbles into trouble pretty often lol. She’s a type that gets offended quickly and takes action immediately. If she doesn’t get her way she tries to make it so, even if it means disobeying orders or hurting other people without meaning to. She’s very determined in that aspect ^^
She loves being outside and seeing the sun, and walking around town and interacting with her friends! She’s actually really close to Vedia and Kyran, and she become very close friends with Kaz too! She treasures him very much uwu
Kaz (Kazuto) Age: 18 Hair color: Orange Eye color: Gray (with rings of blue) Element: Lightning, Metal, Dragon (?)
Kaz, the incomplete experiment…haha! He was taken into the Novune Forces as a young child and has grown up there, so he doesn’t know anything of the outside world or how to act around others. He was simply raised to follow orders and do everything to perfection—maybe as a way to make up for the fact that the experiments done on him to enhance him for the Forces’ purposes never really worked out.
He started as a dual user of just lightning and metal, but the head of the Forces decided to try to make him into a tri user, so they had experiments performed to see if Kaz could awaken within himself a third elemental power :’0 Note that there’s only ONE other tri user in existence and that’s Astraeus, one of the Grandmasters! Unfortunately, the experiments failed and left Kaz with just remnants of a Dragon user’s power in the form of the marking under his eye and the streak in his hair. Eventually he is able to unlock the Dragon’s power because Ginni’s in danger, but his power is very unstable and defective since it’s not “pure” and was something he was injected with, not born with. So usually after using it he goes out of control and passes out immediately afterwards;; while it is extremely powerful it’s also very dangerous and damaging so he doesn’t use it unless he absolutely has to. When he’s in his “dragon mode” he gets little scales on his cheeks and his teeth become sharper (they’re already p sharp to begin with tho haha), and his eyes change color >:3c Kaz also uses two rapiers in battle that he charges with his elemental magic!! A dual user who uses dual weapons hehe~
Due to having parts of dragon elemental magic, his senses are enhanced, as most dragon elementals are as well! His nose is very keen and he can scent things other people normally can’t lol so it’s really helpful. He finds Ginni’s scent to be the most calming thing, because she smells like water lilies and the ocean back home :’)
Kaz didn’t originally have a name when he was part of the Novune Forces—everybody just referred to him as “Captain”. Obviously this made Ginni super upset since they’re all sorta treated like objects there, so she decided to give Kaz his name (Kazuto is his full name, but Ginni rarely ever calls him that, she prefers Kaz!)
Kaz is very very quiet most of the time, and his speech is very formal, so it’s rare to see him talking casually with anyone (besides Ginni, but even that takes a while). He doesn’t emote that often and prefers to keep his emotions bottled up, but Ginni slowly teaches him how to express himself better! He’s a pretty stern character, really no-nonsense, but he does loosen up after escaping. He doesn’t have a lot of anxiety over his superiors treatment of him because to him it’s normal, something that everyone in the Forces goes through, so he thinks if he makes mistakes he’s well deserving of punishment for them. He’s completely devoted to the Forces’ cause—until Ginni barrels in and ruins everything he ever worked for lmao
Kaz cares about Ginni a LOT. More than anybody else. He would put his life on the line for her in an instant, and doesn’t care about what happens to him as long as Ginni is safe. She’s pretty much his savior and the reason he’s able to actually live, so he feels like he owes her everything. He isn’t really comfortable around anyone else besides Ginni (and one of his subordinates, but their relationship is a bit rocky and strange). Kaz would rather die than do anything to upset Ginni or threaten their friendship;; Eventually he falls in love with her but it’s very confusing and frustrating because he doesn’t understand his feelings that well, having been taught to ignore his emotions for most of his life, so it’s a rough time lol. But once he realizes it he uses that knowledge to become stronger and protect Ginni with everything he’s got!! He’s really bad with romance tho lmao he gets flustered super easily whenever Ginni does something alluring and trips over himself trying to please her on occasion. He’s very dumb in the romance department but he tries :’D
Since Kaz grew up pretty much ignorant of everything else he can be really insensitive at times and offend others without realizing. He’s also fairly clueless about the world outside, so he finds fascination even in the smallest things! He’s also really really intelligent. Not when it comes to social interaction he fails fantastically at that, he’s really awkward around others lol but anything else goes! He’s very fond of reading and learning new things whenever he can, so being in the outside world is like a treat to him ^^
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SO YEAH THOSE ARE MY TWO NEW KIDS I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH. I’m very weak for their height difference. Ginni’s the first non-binary character I’ve designed and also the first to get super pastel colors so designing her was REALLY fun!! And Kaz too, he’s my baby, I would die for him //shakes fists
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ryouverua · 5 years
One last time
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Fair warning - lots of text below. Like. Lots.
... But first, just before he came to meet with us again -
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So all of his classmates in turn talk about how relieve they are that they can work together without suspecting each other, but something about the way she says it rings............ false. But then again, that might be my own bias colouring things. She outright states it in a way that the others don’t, idk. 8′D
Shuichi, though... he’s realized. Maybe not with an exact name, but he knows that isn’t true. He literally can’t bring himself to pretend that it’s true at all.
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Oh Himiko...
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5 survivors.... or maybe 4, depending on how the mastermind goes out. That’s definitely a new, sad record. :(
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Look who’s back with a brand new ahoge! It’s got that new-hair smell and everything -
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H-He was never going to outright attack any of us though, right??? Even if he was willing to let us become collateral damage (which admittedly is super Not Great either, but -). That’s a really morbid thought Shuichi - where did it come from?
And of course, now that his hairpiece is back, he’s gone back to his more deferential, timid self.
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“I’m telling you, that ahoge was 95% of my impulse control! Literally!”
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But the fact that he’s apologizing now, when he was completely unapologetic before... that has to be that inner voice directing him now, right? But I wonder if it influences his ‘emotions’ (or whatever the equivalent would be for him) as well. Is the voice literally telling him to apologize or does he just ‘feel the urge’ to apologize?
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So it is back.
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Has it always been that tall???
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Maybe if Miu and Kokichi had let him talk before Korekiyo’s trial, we could have followed up on this!!
Honestly though, I’m curious about this too. Is it a literal voice that tells him what to do? Does it appear as a suggestion to him? It sounds like it isn’t ordering him around but more ‘offering suggestions’... something that wouldn’t come across as obtrusive, but welcoming. Something that wouldn’t raise any alarm bells in him. Or maybe he was programmed to accept that just the way things were supposed to be.
.......... Actually the fact that it came up around Korekiyo’s trial, someone else who was revealed to be doing things based on a voice of sorts in his head, is a very strange coincidence? That... may or may not bode well for K1-b0. Is he going to be a foil to Korekiyo, or a parallel?
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The inner voice may be good after all if it helped him realize this. 8′D 
Wait, they said there was an accident when he was first created, right? And he reset? This had to have been a fail-safe because something similar to this happened...
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As much as I want to comment on the fact that he’s said he can’t cry and he literally is sweating and his ‘eyes’ are ready to overflow, but fffff every single time I see this sprite my heart clenches and I kind of want to hug him. >3>
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We’ve officially got everyone on the same side now! ......... well okay there’s technically one specific exception but on the surface we’re all good!
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Look at Maki getting better at shedding her tsundere side! She’s getting better at being outright kind and welcoming to people, yay ~
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oh my god
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This is so..... blatant.... especially with Maki literally saying K1-b0 created this opportunity and Monokuma throwing her under the bus to have another trial. She.... she’s mad at him, isn’t she? And Monokuma too? 
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Oh man anyone who doesn’t realize at this point probably thinks it’s one of her anime-reference non-sequiters! But it’s not! It’s definitely a distraction! And she’s totally established herself as someone whose head is in the clouds so she she says random things like this, no one blinks an eye! What other comments has she covered like this?
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ARE YOU THOUGH.............
Anyway, it’s time for the trial now so - 
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Yeah that’s true - we haven’t actually resolved this clue yet, have we?
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I thought your eyesight wasn’t good? But okay, why not! Have a go at it, K1-b0!
Okay before plot progression though, fluff text time -
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I have so many things to say about this despite the fact that I’ve definitely talked about it before, because I actually relate to the idea of feeling like a different person in cosplay - of, well, letting yourself become the role. And I’ve definitely said that the theme of ‘becoming the role’ is a huge secondary theme of the game, just under ‘truth vs lies’, which is actually why I originally had Tsumugi as my potential mastermind back in Chapter 3. It’s telling that she’s comparing K1-b0 and his ‘personality enhancement’ with her own cosplay though - she’s often said that she only finds herself interesting when she isn’t being herself, so maybe it applies here too. Is this her way of enhancing her own self? Of becoming what she thinks is a ‘better’ self, a more interesting and charismatic person?
With that reveal of ‘Junko’ at the end of the last trial and Tsumugi often comparing cosplay to ‘bringing someone to life’, ‘channeling’ and ‘and being a vessel for the gods’, that means she’s basically resurrecting Junko in a sense... or acting as her vessel? Is that what will happen here? I think it’s possible for her to bring the ‘larger than life’ Junko from history (like the way long-dead historical figures can often become their own entities that walk the line between fiction and reality) as a way to get around the cospox issue unless I’ve really been accusing the wrong person this whole time lmao. It also lines up with all the times resurrection has been brought up in the game which is A LOT - the funeral scene/reviving the Ultimates, Ryoma describing himself as an empty shell walking around (and trying to ‘revive’ himself via a reason to live, killing off the initial protagonist then reviving the role for Shuichi, the Necronomicon, the seance, Korekiyo and his sister, and lastly, Kokichi via Kaito in the exisal. Combine that with my theory of the students just being normal kids who were reborn with the memories of actual Ultimate students who already died... and them even being forced to dress for those roles... this line of hers becomes really important!
Is this going to become a showdown between personalities who died ages ago? But for what purpose? Even though it looks like there’s a decent amount of things that were made up/embellished in those lights, the clip of the funeral, Kaede wearing the helmet and the meteors were shown outside of the flashback light scene - so are we still facing a doomsday scenario?
And back to Tsumugi herself - does she not have enough conviction to follow through with these plans and Monokuma unless she’s in Junko-wear? That would explain why she and Monokuma don’t seem to be on the same page... So which one of them is pulling the strings, exactly?? They’re definitely independent entities!
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Meanwhile Himiko is having a grand old time because she’s finally got a friend in Maki. Aaaaaaw ~
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We’re, uh, going to have problems if that’s true.
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Strength of an old man, average or below-average agility, eyesight and intelligence... what else was there?
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And it wasn’t stripped from you???
But... maybe they didn’t realize you had it. Or don’t care? It’s not a dangerous upgrade, so maybe they didn’t realize it could be used in a way that could possibly hinder them...
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He says he’s accepted it, but I think it was more out of necessity. It’ll take him some time to adjust to this new state of mind... but I’m happy to hear it, tbh. Just like Shuichi, he’s really struggled with his Ultimate identity up until now, you know? And even though it’s on more of an extreme level, these talents created differences in everyone and how they related to the world, not just him. It’s just a bit more... well, obvious in his case.
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It’s all about accepting the good with the bad, K1-b0! And despite some, uh, questionable actions on your part, you really did do so much for us - we never would have gotten to Kokichi’s and Rantaro’s lab, the mastermind’s room, or discovered the flashback light machine without you!
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.... Uh.
Uh. What. What are those. What.... What are those?!?!
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w h a t they’re so stupid and cute
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Tiny.... cameras....??? They look like little camera men?
..... I.... I don’t know... if this rules out VR or not. Because if they need little these little guys with cameras, doesn’t that mean they don’t have the omniscient power of a computer program behind them....????
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Again, why did they not strip you of these new functions along with the weapons???
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First of all, damn, K1-b0! Getting your ahoge back didn’t kill all of that fire in you after all!
Second of all.............. your skin???? Shell??? It’s definitely changed colour? Since when has it been so human-like -
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Looks like K1-b0 can still be tough with his ahoge. :D
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Oh god, there’s a whole swarm of hivemind Camera-kubs all over the campus? And they’re literally everywhere?!?! wtf -
I guess that’s a similar concept to the regular Monokumas??? Sure there’s usually only one operational at a time, but they always seem to pick up where the last left off. kind of like Kyuubey
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First of all, ew.
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but that wouldn’t have made sense because there’s nothing like that outside -
So there’s nanotechnology that exists on such a scale............
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Can we note that once again it is Maki declaring that Kokichi was correct? She is doing her damnedest to check her own prejudices against him this chapter as penance and it’s great.
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It’s not ideal, but I also wonder if some of the things he uncovered were only possible using his methods. not that you probably actually are happy about that
actually I bet you were pissed about the whole chapter 5 thing too
..... I want to go back and see that tbh
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TALK OF REINCARNATION AGAIN.... also lol Himiko that’s kind of mean
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Monokuma thinks he’s going to win... and if I’m reading this correctly, he can still win at the expense of Tsumugi losing....? Is that why? Even if Tsumugi’s plan fails and we see past her trap of ‘Kaede is the mastermind’, identifying Tsumugi will still end up being a victory for him....?
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And your sudden hope!extremism, yeah? Because that really was something. 8′D
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I feel like I ~get~ some stuff but there’s still something just beyond...........
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“M-Maki I know you’re trying to put my mind at ease but can we not bring up dying before we’ve even tried to win -”
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Real talk - I love Himiko’s spell names.
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Y.... Yeah........ but why are you excited about this....?
Then again, I feel like you were actually really attached to Gonta? I mean, you were always defending him, right? Is this your way of giving him some postmortem love? ...... AAAAH I DON’T KNOW -
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aslkdjf I know this was the same amount as last time but this is such a small cast left -
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Man, we’re just... swinging right back to despair and hope again. Look, I know we’re appeasing K1-b0 but -
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Why.... why is it back again. Why is Monokuma back again. Why did the killing game come back at all - what is the point of trying to be Junko? What’s to gain from all of this?
I remember thinking and really liking the idea that this game was completely separate from the last two, so it’s strange to have arrived at this point at the very end, but.... well. Here we go, I suppose.
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Well said, Sweetcheeks.
So.... normally I’d have a drawn out map of the crime scene, but this is a pretty different situation so I made this at the trial save point:
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It’s a bit small, so I’ll recap and expand on that and a few other things:
She set up the document saying Kaede has a twin and is trying to draw parallels to Junko (to trick Shuichi)
She planted the shot-put ball in the mastermind’s lair
She didn’t talk about ‘birthing a Monokuma’ (when everyone else did)
So I went into some detail earlier about Tsumugi herself, and over the last few investigation posts I ended up decided on what I outlined above. On top of everything else, I think we’re going to nail her on the idea that while Kaede’s murder occurred, she went to the library via the mastermind’s lab and stole Rantaro’s Survivor’s Perk. The problem is... then what? What exactly will we do after that? Also I swear Kaede thought of the same thing, with no idea what to do once we confronted the mastermind -
As for the general situation, I’m sticking to my guns about the class not actually being the Ultimates they think they are - I saw the ‘talents’ part of the flashback light setup menu. Actually, the flashback lights themselves.... jeez. Okay. Ironically enough, my thoughts on them are that their execution in the game is similar to Kokichi’s lying style.
First the game has a cutscene that’s completely truthful. Kaede and Shuichi remember being kidnapped at the beginning of the game. The entire prologue scene. The funeral at the beginning of chapter 2. The meteors in chapter 3. Hell, the kid at the beginning of this chapter, who seems to be watching them and getting inspired by them...??? Then... that’s when the flashback light comes in and embellishes that truth with fantasy. That funeral? It was for the entire class, and they all see themselves as being part of it (picturing ‘themselves’ in those photos rather than the students whose memories they all have). The meteors? It gave rise to an entire death cult - the Ultimate Despair, in fact - and they, themselves, were hunted (which plays off of the players’ knowledge of knowing they remember being kidnapped off the streets). Or something like that....
I’m just trying to place a few things, like that picture of Kaito with his grandparents in the motive video and the flashbacks of Shuichi and Kaede in the helmets. Where do they get placed in all of this? Was Shuichi able to project the image of ‘Kaito’ he knew when watching the video, or is that part of the technomagic of the video itself? We did have a whole segment of the VR chapter talking about the mind being able to be fooled into overcoming the reality of the situation (dying via simulation murder) so is it safe to extrapolate from there? And did Shuichi and Kaede remember themselves with those helmets separately from those flashback lights, as a delayed reaction (which as of this chapter is proven to be possible) or is that real?
As for whether this is a simulation, there’s evidence for and against that. The flashbacks with the helmets - pro. The physical presence of cameras - false. Though with that said, I’ve done a bit of work in computer programs where you actually have to set up cameras in-program and when testing the animation, it’ll only capture what’s set up in the frame - so then again, maybe not??? Those computerized cameras can be programmed to move along a certain path and the lens/frame/etc itself can also be altered.... and they did counteract having blind spots by swarming the campus with them so. Hm. Honestly, it could go both ways. I don’t want to dwell too much on this only because I don’t think that’s going to be the ‘big’ reveal anyhow tbh...
Still though; roles, escapism, resurrection. That’s what I picked up on the most through this entire thing. So how does that work together...? The students were told they were replaceable, and the game will never end. Rantaro lived through one but died in the next. Did he live through a game with this same group of classmates or other people? Or, hell, were they ‘other people’ but with the same names/personalities/memories, but different physical people? And if he was willing to repeat the game again, then why? Was it for a chance to break the loop? Or is there a goal to be accomplished if he wins it properly?
Okay, I think I’m starting to go in circles here. What I know: Tsumugi is the mastermind, and she’s not in complete sync with Monokuma. She’s trying to get Kaede(’s twin) framed; Monokuma is perfectly fine with Tsumugi being identified. Tsumugi falls back on the Junko persona when she’s in mastermind mode - when she was alone, she couldn’t help but be that way with Motherkuma. It’s a role she’s able to take - maybe passed down. Anyway, the point is, she uses it to ‘enhance herself’ or maybe to ‘escape her plain self’. Almost like an emotional support thing....? I wonder...
A lot of the truth as we know it is embellished. Only things we can trust from the flashback lights are things we saw independently of them as well, I think? At the bare minimum, pre-Chapter 4. After that point we didn’t have any corresponding prologue clips to match with the lights. With that said, the students were given talents and memories to match them - I think the Ultimate students they belonged to were actually killed... by the Ultimate Hunt, perhaps. Either way, these kids were brought in as ‘replacements’, the same way the Monokids were replaced. Rantaro, at the very least, was not a replacement though - he had a chance to do this again and took it, for whatever reason... Is this a simulation for the Gopher Project? Or something else entirely? Why ‘resurrect’ the Ultimate students at all? And why is there potentially a scenario where Tsumugi loses, but Monokuma still wins? WHY DON’T I HAVE A FULLY CONFIDENT ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING FFS -
Oh, and of course, Kokichi Ouma was 25 steps ahead of everyone and had Rantaro’s figure in his room too, so that’s cool.
36 notes · View notes
captainderyn · 6 years
Emeldir Deryn: A Masterpost
I said all the way back on Rielay’s Masterpost that I was going to do Emeldir to go along with her, so here he is. All the info you could ever want about the other half of the smuggler duo!
Credit to @therron-shan for the character sheet!
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Preliminary Info: Name: Emeldir Deryn Nicknames: Em, Deryn, Captain, Kid (by Rielay only) Alias(es): Captain Emeldir Deryn, the Voidhound (does being future King-consort of Dubrillion count as an alias?) Age: 20 when the class story starts.  Born: I can’t do years lmao so 10 years before the Sacking of Coruscant Gender: male Species: human Affiliations: Technically the Republic, various smuggling circles, eventually the nobility of Dubrillion/Dubrillion itself.  Occupation: Crewmember/co-pilot on Rielay Taqq’s ship the Promise (ages 18-20), captain of the Phoenix/smuggler (ages 20-23), smuggler/republic privateer (ages 23-onwards), king-consort of Dubrillion (unknown)
Physical: General Description: “He’s secretly three jawas in a trench coat and or is a wookie on stilts, the jury is still out on that one. *muffled bickering off the holo feed* consider it revenge for your description of me, kid! No, for the record, he’s an honest kid, probably better than the smuggling lanes deserve. He’s done a lot of good for the Republic and even those outside of it and I am proud to call him my idiot in crime, even if he did lose his ship that I got for him that one time. (”Let it go Taqq, that was years ago!’-Emeldir, off feed)”  --Captain Rielay Taqq Height: 6′4
Weight: I have no idea--maybe somewhere in the 180s range?
Hair: Chestnut brown that pulls auburn, grows straight. For a long time he kept it shaggy but in the latter half of his career (think Hutt Cartel/SoR) he cut it short/er. When he takes back Dubrilion with Risha he may let it grow again a bit, it depends on whether or not Risha will tackle him with a pair of scissors if he does.  Skin/Fur: On the tanner side of being Caucasian.  Scars/Birthmarks/Etc.: 
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Those on his face (Two bold ones vertically and horizontally across the right side of his face (looking at the pic its left but..whatever) with two fainter ones alongside those. Then he has a scar/s on his left leg from an old surgery to his knee he needed to have during the class story line after a job gone wrong. Then there’s a peppering of others across his body from other various mishaps but they aren’t note worthy. 
**EDIT: That old injury to his leg left him with a slight off-ness in his gait. Not quite a full force limp but if you watch him walk/run there’s a hitch and irregularity that sometimes flares up worse than other times. 
Tattoos/Markings: N/A
Cybernetics: N/A Handedness: he’s right handed.  Style: Think classic smuggler, a good pair of trousers and some manner of tucked in, plain shirt under a lightly armored jacket--Not the orange one that he is in all the time. It’s most likely a brown one with blue accents or a black one. Not orange--and a hardy pair of boots. 
If he’s off the job he tends to chill around in regular old space!jeans and a long sleeved shirt or sweatshirt if he won’t die of heatstroke. He loves his sweatshirts (and Risha loves to steal his sweatshirts) and a lot of them come from different locations that they’ve been to. 
Other: He has a very noticeable Coruscanti accent! According to google that means he speaks with a Received Pronunciation (an accent form of British English). So..I guess mix that accent with the cadence/deepness level of the in game voice actor and that’s pretty close. While Rielay talks fairly loud in comparison, Emeldir speaks more softly like the only people who need to hear what he has to say are the one’s who listen, though he will raise his voice if he needs to. 
Thanks to working so much with Rielay (and just in general tbh) Emeldir walks rather slow. Or rather, walks slow for someone with his stride. It drives Risha, who walks fast and on a mission, crazy that her husband ambles along unless it is a matter of great importance. 
Emeldir was born and raised in the upper levels of Republic City on Coruscant. He grew up splitting his formative years between the Senate Tower with his mother Adrianna Deryn--more on her later--and the ship hangars of his father Chridan Deryn’s business. He was a happy kid, had a good life, and was excelling in his academics and friendships. 
Then when he was ten years on the Empire attacked, blockaded, and sacked Coruscant in what became known as the 0 ATC Sacking of Coruscant. His mother--a sitting Senator at the time--was taking hostage alongside the other senators not killed in the initial attack for the two days of Imperial occupation. Emeldir and his father were trapped in the Upper Level near the Senate Tower where they lived, unable to even get cross sector to reach Emeldir’s grandparents’ home. The Sacking affected him deeply and for awhile he faltered in his school work until he was only continuing to do well in his english/reading and history/social studies courses that he found interesting. His group of friends dwindled to a select few and he tended towards stress and nightmares on the regular. 
By the time he hit his secondary education he hit high school he had mostly shed that dark period, though his friend group still remained small and his interest in academics still showed strongly in his English and history courses, with the others kept decent on principal. It was in those four years that he found his interest in Galactic politics and galactic history and started taking more interest in his mother’s work around the Senate and local Coruscant government. After his secondary education he was presented two good paths with an opportunity to pursue an education that could put him on the tracks to get into government himself, or  a track that could land him a spot as an officer in the Republic military. While he didn’t know what he wanted to do he took up helping his father with his business while dabbling in some higher education courses to test the waters. It was in that year that he met Captain Taqq during her trouble with Chixi the Hutt. 
The Captain was faced with a dilemma and where she was quite close to losing her ship and was at the time crew less. As Emeldir was tasked with doing the preliminary work on her ship he offered to help her keep it. That week of helping her with local jobs on the sly earned him her gratitude and she offered him a spot on her ship. Lured by the idea of such great freedom and adventure Emeldir put aside the paths laid in front of him and took up a spot as co-pilot on the Promise. 
After a year and a half of working with Rielay Taqq she helped him get his own ship and he started building his reputation on his own as Captain Deryn. After a few steady months of work where he had built up his name with the help of Rielay he took the faithful job with Rogun the Butcher and the rest is recent history. 
Emeldir is really everything you would not expect from a smuggler. Yes, he’s got a sharp wit and an attitude of snark with a quick draw/reflexes. But he’s soft and kind hearted with a want to help people and do good. He’s got the honor code of a knight in shining armor and is more likely to put helping people above his own credit earnings. 
He’s a Republic patriot with the knowledge that it has it’s flaws and he wants to work to fix them and is fascinated with why things work the way they do. He’s quite intelligent and wants to follow those pursuits of knowledge that come with so much travel, and sometimes that gets in the way of his work because no.
To the people who he chooses to be in his circle he is intensely loyal and lively, but those outside of it get a more reserved individual who is more straight to business and guarded. 
(I still suck at describing personalities. Please just go and read anything under Taqq and Deryn or Questionably Legal and you’ll get it.)
Quirks:  -A lot of the times when he is solo-ing a mission he maintains contact with either someone on the Phoenix or Rielay. 
-Whenever he enters/exits the bridge of the Phoenix he will tap/put his hand on  the frame. What started as making sure he wasn’t going to whack his head on the frame has become an affectionate gesture towards his ship. The door frame into the bridge is the shortest, so that’s where it originates from.
-When flying he has a habit of keeping a bit of a running commentary to himself. Whether that’s commenting on various things that are going on with his ship (like “oh well there goes those maintenance lights I’ll need to check that..) or commentary on the flight/state of the hyper lanes/how other people are flying if they’re in populated space.  Disorders: Uhh...I guess you could point towards some form of PTSD but I haven’t it enough to comfortably go into detail. Addictions: N/A Strengths: He’s quite intelligent and good at talking people down in jobs, he’s got a big, kind heart and an innate sense of good, thanks to Rie’s teaching he’s a good shot.  Weaknesses: Despite the fact that he’s intelligent he is extraordinarily good at charging headlong into situations instead of stopping and thinking, he’s got a big, kind heart and an innate sense of good, he puts the people he cares about above his own self or the state of his job. He tries to help everyone. Sometimes if people don’t understand what he’s saying intellectually he gets frustrated and short.  Likes: Having a strong base of people he can trust, good and honest people and jobs, flying his ship and being with his crew/family.  Dislikes: Working dishonest jobs or jobs that he’s lied to about, awful people as an umbrella term, the Republic v Empire war, most interactions in Hutt Space.  Phobias/Fears: Losing everything he’s worked for including his ship, his family, and his home. A repeat of the Sacking of Coruscant, failing at his work, disappointing the people around him. Hobbies: Making bad puns, playing his space!violin, dancing with Risha around their ship/home, occasionally getting into Huttball, reading when he’s got the time. Interests: Politics, history, music a little bit, learning about his crew and their backstories tbh.  Favorite movies: He usually hands control over to his crew which has let to him  enjoying a wide variety of things.  Favorite music: Space!Lindsey  Stirling type stuff that he doesn’t need to worry about lyrics to and softer alternative rock.  Favorite books: Certain history based books that aren’t overtly biased or filled with needless fluff, fantasy genre books.  Favorite TV shows: Again, a wide variety thanks to tossing the remote to his crewmates, though huttball is his own occasional choice. But that depends on if he’s in the mood for it, usually he just follows the big games.  Skills/Talents: Playing his space violin, he’s a very good pilot as well, I suppose he’s got a talent for talking with people and a knack for thinking through social/political issues the same way Rielay thinks through mechanical ones.  Habits: Going onto the bridge and staring out the viewport when he needs to think, pacing when he’s thinking/stressed, playing space violin when he’s stressed, speaking through problems out loud to himself uhh...that’s all I can think of right now.  Morality/Ethics:
He always helps people before he helps himself. He will put others above his own wants/needs/desires and help the little guy without fail. Even so he draws the line with keeping the people in his inner circle safe--they come above everything. 
He has a strong morale compass that he follows to a t and he doesn’t tend to deviate from it, even if Risha rolls her eyes and complains that he missed out on a great opportunity because of it. 
Google tells me he’s lawful good. 
Goals: Short Term:(through SoR) Keep his team’s moral high, keep the Republic and Empire representatives from killing each other, try to keep from dying and to hopefully defeat the Emperor. 
Long Term: Help Risha take back Durbillion! Then help Risha stabilize Dubrillion! Hopefully work with the Republic Senate to allow Outer Rim words better representation in the Galactic Senate.  Motivations: His morale compass, what he believes is right and the best course of action. In some sense what is the best for the greater good, but also what is best for himself/and his family at the time.  Other: According to google he is an  ENFP-A type personality which makes sense. He’s likable and charming and can get people to rally around him. It’s what makes him so alluring to have in a political position--he’s motivated by the people, people take to him, and he isn’t pushed by greed. 
Relationships: Sexual/Romantic Orientation: He’s bisexual. Relationship History: Not really existent. He had a few “relationships” of the “oh we’re dating”, hand holding type and one in his last year of secondary school that faltered once they went their separate ways. 
Reputation: "Oh he’s Risha Drayen’s guy.” 
Family: Adrianna Deryn: I said we’d get to her! She is a Coruscant political figure. For a long time she worked in the local city council in varying positions until serving on the council itself. From there she was elected to the Deep Core Coalition as one of the Coruscant senator’s Associated Planetary Representative. From there she was elected to a seat on the Senate and served for her two terms of six years, with the second coming to a close during the Sacking of Coruscant. After that she was kept for another 2 years before the Senate finally turned over and reelected almost all seats. She was always very close to Emeldir, as he was her only child, but also because he took after her quite closely, though she was surprised when he went off to become a smuggler. 
Now, however, she sees what good he’s done and would not have had it any other way. Though she does worry for him and cringe at the danger he puts himself in for others, the Republic, and his work. 
Chridan Deryn: The owner of a well known Deep Core ship security and modification business. He’s a first generation Republic citizen, with his father having been from Ziost and his mother from somewhere in the Mid Rim out of Republic territory. While he’s done work for smugglers such as Captain Zavia Torelli and Captain Taqq his work has long since expanded into contracts from the Republic military and other ship companies. He was the one that told Emeldir to follow wherever his path led him, whatever it may be and was the first to come around to that being smuggling. He took an immediate shine to Emeldir’s crew. 
Rielay Taqq: She counts as family tbh. She is 100% family who am I kidding? Emeldir’s best friend, mentor, and family who he met on Coruscant in the way described in his Background section. (Fun fact: they actually met for the first time when Rielay was working with Zav just prior to the Sacking! Rielay was 17 and Emeldir was 10; neither of them really remembered it eight years later). They are essentially grafted at the hip, as is a running joke, would die for each other or do anything for each other and are a well known duo in the smuggling world. 
Esrin, Fashira and Zasharr: All of @delavairesslegacy​‘s kids who are associated with Rielay are also associated with Emeldir because well..see above. He gets along well with them. 
His crew: I won’t go into each and every one of them, but he’s on good terms with all of them (though things are a little tense with Gus), and he’s closest with Corso and Risha out of them all. 
Ugh he needs friends. Huh. There’s probably people I’m forgetting. 
Enemies: Anyone from Skaavak to Rogun the Butcher to Senator Dodonna and uh...Darmas? I guess  Actavarus as well, though they’ve yet to meet face to face. Other than that he doesn’t have a huge list of enemies coming for him. He’s a pretty well liked guy in the smuggling world. 
Love Interest:
Risha, Risha is his love interest, the love of his life if you ask him. He’s head over heels for her and woulnd’t want anyone else to call his wife. They’ve seen each other through thick and thin, through near death scenarios and disasters and been each other’s rock through it all. And they’ll continue to tackle every challenge life sets in their way, from Dubrillion onward. 
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Affiliations: Describe their ship:
The Phoenix: The sister ship to Rielay Taqq’s the Promise (Same  XS Stock Light Freighter model, though a newer year) though it’s heavily modified by the hyperdrive Risha put in, the modded out engine, shielding systems,  and uh...I can’t remember what else she added, it’s been literal years since I played the main story. Google has failed me. While the exterior isn’t as noticeably changed the exterior yellow detail paint has been repainted to blue. The interior however has been personalized with a little of every crew member’s flair and become a home away from home for them all.
Role:Captain Faction Loyalty: He’s smuggled for the Hutts and for the Republic, though his main loyalty is to the Republic.  Famous Jobs:
His work in stopping The Voidwolf over Corellia
Exposing Senator Dodonna’s  and Darmas’ treachery
Finding Nok Drayen’s treasure, making it out of that location, surviving the Voidwolf’s flagship. Aiding in winning Corellia’s independence. 
Helping save lives on Makeb and evacuate civilians, Ziost...defeating the Sith Emperor on Yavin IV and then again a bit later on because wow he can’t stay dead until he’s killed twice, huh. (Organizing the team that helped defeat the emperor a second time, that comprised of both Empire and Republic blood)
Weapons/Specs: Two blaster pistols: A modded up Mk-3 and a standard Yavin Targeter MK-3 that he takes very good care of. He tends to fight more aggressive than not when given no other choice the the situation escalates beyond being able to talk it down. 
Other Biographical Info: Birthworld: Coruscant Homeworld: Republic City, Coruscant and eventually Dubrillion Where is/are their stronghold(s) located?  Where do they consider home?
He owns a small/medium-ish sized apartment in the Senate District of the Mid/Upper levels of Coruscant. That’s where he and Risha call home in the off time between missions. Eventually when he and Risha take back Durbillion it moves to the Palace district of Durbillion I guess--I need to start headcanoning on that! Familial Background: Heh, I already covered this, see above in his Background section :’) Other Info: While not necessarily worked into either of our canons there is an AU sort of situation where Emeldir and Risha meet @spectrum270‘s Prin and Risha in an alternate reality and it’s a fun time. 
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