starmakermachine · 2 years
Girls Against God | In Conversation
Written by Kitty Quinn, Photographed by Milan Lazovski, Makeup by Kitty Quinn, Styled by Mar Alameri, Models: Mimi Chabi, Rhiannon Hubbard, Grace Wang & Vanessa Yousif
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Current trends are seemingly changing within the blink of an eye, so it’s especially fascinating to meet anyone who can stand out against the odds. Solely running I Spy A Find, a primarily online, upcycled and curated vintage shop, Mar Alameri happens to be one of those stand out individuals. Alameri is a 25 year old writer, stylist and connoisseur of several creative ventures with her eye on the prize. Starmaker Machine worked collaboratively with Alameri to showcase just a few of the many unique pieces that are up for sale on her website for a concept titled, “Girls Against God”. 
This is Starmaker’s first ever collaboration, and we could not be more honored that it could be with someone with the artistic caliber of Alameri. 
Whether it be an extravagant plan or a passing whim, every small business has to start somewhere. With her love for fashion and an intense desire for her distinct style to be represented, Alameri recalls when she decided it was time for her to start I Spy A Find.
KITTY QUINN: Could you walk me through the story of how I Spy was founded?
MAR ALAMERI: I walked into this boutique in downtown Ypsilanti, and as I was looking through the clothes I didn’t really see anything that spoke to me. It kind of just came to me. Every store has a certain aesthetic with the type of clothes that they sell. I just never found a vintage store that sells things that make me go, “Oh my gosh, I want all of this”. I realized I could do that on my own, so it was great because I already had a collection to begin with because I had lost a ton of weight and things just outgrew me. Then, I started sourcing clothing and fell in love with it. 
QUINN: What specifically drew you to sourcing and upcycling vintage pieces rather than selling newer ones?
ALAMERI: I think the vintage part came first because I loved how the quality of things before were so much better. I also liked the idea that I was doing a good thing by reusing clothes rather than contributing to fast fashion. I thought it would be a super cool idea to start reworking stuff and it would totally make sense for my shop too. It’s been fun so far. It's great because it contributes to honing my skills, which I'm going to school for now. 
QUINN: When you’re upcycling, are you trying to make stuff you like to see exclusively or do you also try to cater to what you think other people would want to see?
ALAMERI: A little bit of both. I think it’s a bit cocky, to be honest, because I think I’m the moment. Anything that I like I think, “Okay, this is relevant. I can see how people would like this too”. And if I could prove to people that I could make it work, then I think that they would trust me. I like to challenge myself and be really creative with the things I wear and use things in ways that they wouldn’t traditionally be used in.
QUINN: Ooh, I really like that. As a creative person, how important is it for you to be around other creative people?
ALAMERI: It is so important, dude. I am having a La La Land moment right now where I’m having to choose my goals over love, and it’s so fucking hard and it hurts a lot but it’s part of the growing pains. I feel like you have to be around other creative people to inspire you and challenge you and think the way that you do. You’re either being authentic to yourself or trying to follow trends— that’s the difference. I feel like it’s so fucking important to be around people who are trying to make art because they’re trying to think outside of the box.
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Alameri’s out of the box approach makes I Spy stand out not only when it comes to the upcycling and curation of her shop, but also the way that she markets her products as well. It’s always interesting to see what new concepts can be born out of the conjunction of several different passions. Alameri combined her passion for fashion with her desire to write, thus creating an artistic avenue of her own. As an artist, there’s a lot of pressure to be perfect on the first try when in reality there should be no shame in imperfections— they’re what make any form of art personal and unique.No two artists are exactly the same and there will always be new ways to improvise on each individual creative path. Sometimes it’s best to let your creativity lead and your mind will always follow. 
QUINN: I feel like I Spy is very interesting because you don’t typically see businesses that have an editorial writing side as well as the clothing, so what drove you to join your writing and business together into one thing? 
ALAMERI: I just love art and wanted to make something meaningful. If people like what I write, that's cool. if they don’t, that’s cool too. I’m just writing to write, you know what I mean? I just decided on a whim one day that I wanted to try writing, so I did. I had no experience and I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m trying to do the best that I can. 
QUINN: Before you started writing for I Spy, you never wrote before?
QUINN: That’s really interesting because I feel like some people have been writing their whole life and gradually ease their way into it. I really appreciate the fact that you dove into it headfirst and included it. It was very fearless. It takes a lot of bravery.
ALAMERI: That is so nice of you to say. I am just trying to live my truth, and I guess in that moment that was my truth. I just put shit out there and if people like it, they like it. If they don’t, I don’t give a shit. That's how I feel. 
QUINN: I feel like that’s a great life philosophy in general for anything people want to do. 
ALAMERI: And I agree, it’s all about a mindset shift. If people don’t like it, they can tell you why and you can do better. And if they do, same thing, they can tell you why and you can have a conversation. You’re never going to know unless you put it out there. I feel like so many people are crippled by fear that they never even give themself a chance. That’s why I feel like it’s so important to actively work on yourself. You need to figure out what is stunting you from your growth.
QUINN: Yeah, exactly. I feel like a lot of people wait until there’s a right moment, but there will never be a moment where everything perfectly falls into place. You just have to start now or you’ll never do it. 
ALAMERI: It’s so funny that you say that because I was thinking about this earlier. I feel like I used to be like that. Actually, when I first started I Spy, I felt like I had to get everything right and then I’d have my moment. You’re never going to get everything perfect— something is bound to fuck up and you just have to learn how to be okay with it and go with the flow. You’re never going to get perfection but you’re going to get progress, you just have to stay consistent. 
QUINN: What would you say your ultimate goal is for the future as both a business owner and a creative person?
ALAMERI: I don’t know where I’m going with I Spy, to be honest. I don’t think I want to do vintage forever because I want to create something more. It’s been a great experience and has taught me a lot though. As a creative person, I just want to live my truth, document it and see what I can make. I just want to make meaningful things. If it could just resonate with one person, then that’s okay with me. That’s all I need; for someone to say, “I get it, I understand”.
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Finding like minded individuals is so crucial to expansion of one’s creative expression and mind, especially for young artists within the creative field. To have the appreciation of an observer is one thing, but to have another artist that you respect appreciating your work can be one of the most gratifying experiences. Something I really appreciate about Alameri is the fact that she makes her art for herself, yet welcomes any type of reaction to it. It’s so interesting to talk to her and hear her take on the creative writing process especially because many of her points really resonated with my own feelings surrounding it. I love that Alameri does what she does just to do it, not to receive approval from others. It feels good to know that there is someone in a similar boat, slowly drifting towards their own creative purpose at the same pace. 
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QUINN: How do you come up with the concepts for your editorials? 
ALAMERI: Things just come to me sometimes in my day to day life. I think it’s because I’ve trained myself to be conscious of it. I told myself, “Okay, whenever you feel something significant, write it down”. Now, something will happen and I will pull out my notes app and write whatever comes to me. Pinterest helps a lot too. I’m very visual. 
QUINN: That’s similar to the Starmaker creative process. We see something that inspires us on social media or Pinterest and go, “Oh, we have to write about this.” or “We have to do a whole photoshoot surrounding this”. You know? 
ALAMERI: Yeah, for sure. I love what you guys are doing, dude. I want to support you forever.
QUINN: Thank you, we also want to support you forever. Are there any side projects that you’re working on alongside the duties of I Spy?
ALAMERI: Well, I want to grow my career but it’s been a bit hard because getting my degree has been taking longer since I'm a late bloomer. I am happy with where I am right now. This summer I modeled for my friend’s book that she’s publishing. It’s coming out next spring. I’m really excited about that. Modeling has always been a guilty pleasure and I don’t really talk about it because I’m 5’1 and a half. I’d love to do more editorials because I think I could totally kill it, but my height makes it really hard.
QUINN: I feel like the modeling atmosphere is becoming more diverse, so I feel like the small girls will have their time to shine soon. I’m excited to see what you did for the book though! What kind of book is it?
ALAMERI: It’s a thriller. It’s great because the two leads are women exploring their sexuality while navigating their muslim faith and that’s not really talked about. She’s really doing the damn thing and I’m so proud of her. And you know what’s so cool? It’s not even self published, she’s publishing it through Penguin.
QUINN: Oh wow, that's super exciting! Big steps! I’m excited to see you modeling for it but also super excited to read it. You don’t see that concept anywhere. 
ALAMERI: Yeah, it’s super cool. I’m very excited.
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One of the most interesting characteristics of creative people is the fact that there is rarely ever confinement to one artistic path. For Alameri, modeling serves as one of the many facets to her artistry. For others, there is an endless combination of the different kinds of art to be explored as well. The one thing that is universal among artists is inspiration. Not everyone is inspired by the same concepts but every piece of art– no matter the form– starts when inspiration strikes. Alameri’s approach to inspiration is inspiring within itself. It’s great to see someone who wants to focus on uplifting others, especially when it can be so easy to let jealousy cloud your judgment. 
QUINN: Who and what would you say inspires you the most? 
ALAMERI: Everything inspires me— just existing and my life as I continue to understand people. Strong women really inspire me too. I fucking love strong women. Lately, it’s been Beyoncé and Megan Thee Stallion. I just love women who love women because you just don’t see that enough. Honestly, I was late to even acknowledging that art exists. I was a late bloomer, so I have a lot of catching up to do. 
QUINN: Speaking of musicians like Beyoncé and Megan Thee Stallion, is there a specific album, book or movie that you feel really embodies your life or the way you want to live your life? It doesn’t have to be your favorite piece of media of all time, but just what you feel in the current moment.
ALAMERI: In this current moment, the movie La La Land feels so relevant. It ties back into having to choose your career and goals over love, you know? I just don’t feel like that is talked about enough because it’s so easy to fall into gender roles. That has such a huge impact on why women feel like they have to make that decision between love and goals. 
QUINN: The points you’re bringing up are so valid. I also feel like people don’t talk enough about the fact that there is a way to balance love and goals without having to choose one over another. You can have both. 
ALAMERI: Exactly, if people would take a bit more accountability and try to work on themselves, then we could definitely have both. 
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Finding that balance between your goals and love can be one of the biggest challenges as an artist. While living in a society that makes it difficult to solely be an artist, there is a stress to exclusively focus on your goals in order to survive. However, it is so important to challenge this idea and fight for love as well, whether it be platonic or romantic. Believe it or not, the relationships you have are just as important as the goals that you set. It's crucial to invest in your relationships the same way you invest in your art because without others to encourage and enlighten you, reaching your goals will never feel quite as fulfilling. 
Working within fashion can be so challenging, especially when it feels like the trend cycle is constantly changing in ways that have never been seen before. As someone within that industry, and as an artist in general, Alameri shares the advice that she wishes she heard when she began her creative journey.
QUINN: Is there a specific piece of advice that you wish you heard from someone when you were creating your own business and deciding that you wanted to go into a creative field?
ALAMERI: I wish people would really emphasize what trusting the process really means. Trusting the process is more than what it sounds like. It feels cliché because you hear it so much, but it’s really necessary. So much of the time you really want to give up, especially when you have to do so much on your own in the beginning. it’s knowing that things aren't going to always be easy, you just have to keep going. 
QUINN: I totally get that. There’s always that point as an artist where you’re wondering if what you’re doing will ever amount to anything. Then, when you finally put something out that you’re proud of, you’re glad that you stuck it out because it’s everything to you.
ALAMERI: That’s exactly what I was trying to say because I felt that recently when I published the second blog. There’s only two out now, but I was really proud of that second one and it was like, “I don’t even give a shit if anyone reads this, I’m happy with it”. 
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If there’s one thing to take away from my conversation with Alameri, it’s to put yourself out of your comfort zone and continue with your art even when it feels like it’s not going anywhere. It's beneficial to realize that progress is inevitable when you are constantly working on honing a skill. While there are days that the creative process will be more difficult than others, following Alameri’s philosophy of trusting every nuance is especially crucial. Though there is this idea that all artists are open to exploring different approaches, it’s surprising how many confine themselves to one aesthetic. It felt very enlightening to be able to partner with Alameri due to her open mindedness. I admire her perspective on art because it is realistic, yet she is still able to keep a sense of positivity. Balance is the objective but accepting that your art will not always be exactly what you envision is the first step to unlocking your full potential. Let yourself experience those growing pains— it’s not all for nothing. 
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As we hiked through the woods we found this really cool ridge over looking the Au Sable River. This was such a scenic area and I'm glad we got to chill here for a while and enjoy the view :)
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marbellatarot · 5 months
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Detroit, Mich. Exploring the hidden gems of Detroit, Michigan
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veranolibrededrogas · 5 months
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Grand Rapids, Mich. Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of Grand Rapids, Mich. as you explore the English-speaking world of Pinterest for endless inspiration.
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heros-shadow · 7 months
Grand Rapids, Mich.
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Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of Grand Rapids, Mich. as you explore the English-speaking world of Pinterest for endless inspiration.
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ladysantebellum · 9 months
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Detroit, Mich. Exploring the hidden gems of Detroit, Michigan
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jonwiz · 1 year
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Some abstractions n photos from the past few months 🎨.
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picturedetroit · 2 years
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“Fall” Did you know that I create mixed media work from my photography? Although this work is way off from the season we’re experiencing, or about to experience, it’s one of my favorite pieces and has been sitting in storage for a while. It was originally shot in 2012 or 2013 (the info is on the back and it’s 2am and not getting out of bed to look) and features @stjosephoratory, founded in 1873. I also do commission work, and can even incorporate text (favorite quotes, poems, etc.) to really personalize my images as a special gift. I keep meaning to dedicate a page on my website just for this work and haven’t figured out exactly how to do it yet. I have something fun coming up, especially for those on my email list, so if you’re not on it, you can register via my website (link in bio). Wishing everyone a happy Thursday! ~ Christina ••••••••••••• 📸🎨x Christina / @picturedetroit • • • • • #PictureDetroit #DequindreCut #StJosephOratory#Fel3000ft @Fel3000ft #OpportunityDetroit @HourDetroit #HourDetroit @BuildInstitute #CrainsDetroit #ThrowbackThursday#MidMichiganNow #DetroitUSA#PureDetroit313#RawDetroit#DocumentingDetroit#WXYZDetroit #MotorCity #DowntownDetroit #NothingStopsDetroit #DocumentingDetroit @puremichigan #MichiganPhotography #VisitDetroit @visitdetroit #PureMichigan #StreetDreamsMag #ActuallyDetroit #I❤️Detroit (at Dequindre Cut) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY8Yx7FLduC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theodoricofyork · 3 years
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Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary 💍🔔🍾🥂🎊 We are keeping things low key this year. We did a little Halloween hunting, grocery shopping for dinner tonight and then decided to drive around to look at all of the spectacular colors that Michigan has to offer this time of year, it truly is breathtaking 📸🎃🍃🍁🍂🌳 #halloween2021 #everydayishalloween #halloweencountdown #halloweenisalifestyle #halloweenie #halloweeneveryday #halloween365 #halloween #ilovehalloween #halloweencolor #leaves #leaveschanging #leavesfalling #autumnvibes #michigantrees #leaveschangingcolors #autumncolors #michiganphotography #michiganfall #halloweendecorations #puremichigan #countdowntohalloween #trickortreat #happyhalloween #michiganhalloween #halloweenobsessed #spookyseason (at Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVoNgBqrP2J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackmodelsunite · 3 years
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@vaguethesage @blue_reflection_ #ypsilanti #ypsilantimodel #michiganmodel #michiganmodels #michiganphotography #michiganphotographer #bluedress #dressup #springshoot #springcolors #springphotosession #springphotoshoot #facetime #facetoface #sundayfunday #sundayvibes #liveingthedream #liveyourbestlife #topmodels #topportraits #greatful #greatdayout #legsfordays #legs #happymoment #liveinginthemoment #dream #dreamon #liveingthedream #beinghuman #detroitmalemodel (at Ypsilanti, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/COv_gADHpsp/?igshid=ajk47ft5iuys
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meganbiasutto · 4 years
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starmakermachine · 2 years
Turn and Face the Strange | Dale Peterson in Conversation
By Kitty Quinn, Photographed by Milan Lazovski, Styled by Kitty Quinn & Milan Lazovski
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It’s about time the world is introduced to Dale Peterson. Or, as the members of Starmaker like to call him, Dolly Brûlée! He is a character who insists on walking barefoot and climbing trees donning drag and a black velvet dress, a child of nature even bespoke in an assortment of artificiality. He is no ingenue, but there’s a quality of child-like innocence and wonder to him that makes him feel familiar, like a hug or a midsummer’s day. Dale is a breath of fresh air, comfortable in his masculinity to an extent where wearing a dress and heels, or even makeup, did not stunt his performance in front of the camera. His demeanor was unmoved, save for an extra kick of cheekiness. He carries himself pleasantly, naturally, and with an integrity that is scarcely seen in others. He has an open mind and welcomes change like a chameleon. Above all else, Dale holds music close to his heart, and his photography closer. Starting out by photographing nature and friends, he has now merged his admiration for music and eye for capturing photos through concert photography. Popularly showcased on his Instagram page are local Detroit acts like Mac Saturn and Lyons, who have both featured his unique photography on numerous occasions. Catch him talk about his life, photography and love for music with Starmaker’s very own, Kitty Quinn. 
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KITTY QUINN: Let’s start off by getting to the root of things, you know what I mean? What would you say is your biggest source of inspiration?
DALE PETERSON: Hm. Probably, I mean, it all started to come together really—I’d say, 7th or 8th grade when I discovered Andy Warhol and then Ansel Adams. I kind of combined my passion for nature, as well as music and art and everything, so I think they were my biggest influences from an early age. Then also people I met growing up who had done a combination of nature photography and bands and obscure, avant-garde kinds of art. People like my friends Robert and Ashley really influenced me in high school. 
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QUINN: So, speaking of people like Robert in your life, who would you say encourages you the most regarding your work?
PETERSON: Definitely Connor, who has been a friend of mine for as long as I can remember. I’d definitely say he’s been there at the root of everything, since the beginning. He’s always had my back, which has been deeply, very inspiring.
QUINN: You kind of mentioned how in 7th grade you got into photography, but what age did you realize that it was really something that you had a passion for?
PETERSON: Probably, as long as I can remember. I think my first word that I ever learned, from what my dad had told me, was “green”. We’d go on hikes together all the time and he would point out different leaves and apparently I’d run up to every single leaf and just say “green”. That was the first word that I knew, so I think that my earliest memory was nature. I’d say I’ve spent around 70% of my life outdoors, so I really picked up a lot of my inspiration there. I wanted to capture the beauty of nature and simple things like that. That’s really what started photography for me— I just wanted to look back at nature, the simplicity and complexity and complete serenity of it all. I didn’t know it could be photography at that point until I finally got a camera and started capturing those moments I was experiencing.
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QUINN: What kind of style of photography do you see yourself continuing to do in the future? Like, do you think that you’re going to continue to do concert photography and also do nature photography, or one or the other? or do you see yourself just going with the flow?
PETERSON: I want to do both. I think deep down my biggest passion will always be nature and going out west, traveling and exploring the national parks. That is really my long term goal, but music is really on par with that. It’s a really deep and meaningful thing in my life that has completely transformed me and really healed me, too. I think they’re both equally important so I’d like to find a balance between both. I couldn’t choose between one or the other.
QUINN: Yeah, that really resonates with me too with music and other passions in my life. Since we’re on the topic of music, do you think you could briefly describe your relationship and history with falling in love with music?
PETERSON: Well, I think it’s all really rooted from my dad. He has a very extensive record collection and I grew up on that. As far as I can remember I was listening to The Beatles and Van Morrison and Joan Baez. Then I discovered Led Zeppelin, and it all really came from that record collection. That’s all I knew growing up, I didn’t really pay attention to modern pop hits or anything. I wouldn’t even know who Kanye was for the longest time, I just knew Paul McCartney and Nick Drake and Rory Gallagher. I really give it all to my dad and friends. 
QUINN: Do you feel like by going to primarily rock shows, you have met people that relate to you on that level with music? You talked about not knowing many mainstream artists, so do you feel like by going to these shows and meeting these people that you’ve found a sense of community?
PETERSON: Oh yeah. 100%. Definitely. It’s been hard because, you know, a lot of people can agree and I’m sure you can too. It’s like, growing up in the generation that we grew up in but having a deep passion for art and history— the music that we love, there’s not a lot of people who understand its significance. When you finally have grasped that for yourself and find people who really relate to that and understand it, it’s one of the most fulfilling things you can experience. At least for me, it’s been deeply rewarding to meet people who feel that same sense of importance in relation to older music and culture.
QUINN: What brought you down the avenue of concert photography to begin with and how did you find the bands that you primarily do photos of?
PETERSON: My friend Rome from the early stage started playing blues-rock guitar and was very influenced by Stevie Ray Vaughn. I remember him telling me about “Pride and Joy” and playing it for me and blowing me away with it. I went to his shows, and in November of my freshman year I finally got a camera and I decided to start photographing things. I started with nature, but I thought maybe I’d photograph Rome at his shows. I really liked that and thought it was cool. It was different, it was a new experience. It was cool to be part of that energy. Senior year of high school, a band called The Doozers asked me if I could be their photographer and I was with them for about a year. That was really my first exposure to concert photography. 
QUINN: What kind of advice would you give to others seeking to expand their horizons and get into concert photography?
PETERSON: I’d say, in general, whatever your passion is, whatever it is that you’re drawn to— photograph that. Focus on that. If there are local shows coming up or gigs you know of, just go to them and bring a camera or your phone and start taking pictures. Whatever seems right to you. Post it, send it to the band and from there it will go where it goes. That’s what I did and I don’t know where it’s going to go or where it is, but it just is.
QUINN: Did you think you’d be where you are a year ago?
PETERSON: No. [laughs] I don’t even know where I am right now to be honest with you. I’m just here and it’s really good and I’m just trying to do what I can in this moment to make the most of what it is. 
QUINN: What is something that you live by? Like, something that has stuck with you for a long time that you feel like you’ll always live by.
PETERSON: There’s three people I’ve been very influenced by like John Muir, who was a transcendentalist writer from the 1800s. He wrote essays and poems about the wilderness. He would just spend time secluded in nature and write about the beauty of it all and how we’re connected to it. One of the things he said was, “every time we go into nature, it’s a glimpse into one’s self”. Then, there was also Chris McCandless, who the book Into The Wild is about. In the 90s, he left home and gave up his material possessions and hitchhiked out west, planning to make his way to Alaska alone. He ended up lasting for a year. Unfortunately he made a mistake and ate poison berries, which led to an increased rate of starvation and he passed away. Before though, he found this abandoned bus out in the middle of nowhere, it was on an island and he was stranded, so he would carve things like poems and lyrics onto the bus. One of the last things he wrote was, “happiness is only real when shared”. In terms of cinematography and photography, definitely watching David Attenborough documentaries showed me what we could do with a camera to really showcase the beauty of nature.
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 QUINN: Do you have any other thoughts you’d like to share before I let you go? 
PETERSON: I would say, whatever it is that you feel in your heart, go after it. Never doubt yourself. Be honest with yourself. Be open, be present in every situation you’re in; it’s good to be curious and question. Take what you can from life and learn. You’re bound to be led wherever you’re meant to be. Stay true to yourself, as cliché as it sounds. Remember what’s important to you and don’t abandon that.
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chelesterdell · 4 years
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Male Brown-Headed Cowbird #birdphotography #birds #birdlover #inmybackyard #amateurphotography #birdpics #birdsofinstagram #michiganphotography #naturephotography #naturelover #michiganbirds #instanature #birdwatcher #birdwatching #birdsofmichigan #brownheadedcowbird (at DeWitt, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gALU9D52x/?igshid=hn2atbp9iyc6
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cosmicfaeriewitch · 5 years
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Oaks & fresh snowfall ~ 🖤❄ #oaktrees #snow #michigan #nature #naturephotography #november #trees #oak #photography #instaphoto #naturelover #beauty #snow #winter #winterwonderland #michiganphotography #canon #photoset #instadaily #instalove #love (at Lakeville, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48dKC4HqkT/?igshid=fonytdyx80ru
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So many pictures from this weekend but this was one of my favorite places and cruising the Pictured Rocks. It was so beautiful! Fun trip adventuring with @stmcgraw09 #michigander #michiganvacation #upperpeninsula #upmichigan #upperpeninsulamichigan #michiganphotography #picturedrocks (at Miners Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uMiPqluip/?igshid=zuezzhn73jyq
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theoblackphoto-blog · 5 years
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Elywood #bnw #bnwphotography #bnwmood #blackandwhite #bnw_captures #bnw_of_our_world #bnw_greatshots #bnw_society #_life #monochrome #bnw_planet #bnw_creatives #blackandwhitephotography #bnw_addicted #bnw_lightandshadow #bnw_oftheworld #blackandwhitephoto #blacknwhite_perfection #bnw_wonderful#michiganphotography #wood #woods #art #nature #ohio #ohioexplored #cleveland #blackriver #elyira (at Elywood Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Hf0E9g7TK/?igshid=t3xd6bs7338
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