#muroi seishin
lusalemaart · 1 year
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dooo tle. scrible.
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milliondollarhoe · 2 years
*contains spoiler*
Shiki might be one of the most terribly underrated anime out there and i have only truly seen people talk about the art style but nothing really more.
I watched shiki way back as a 15 year old and watching it again now it still somehow manages to make my chest tighten up, the only difference is, i seem to understand and look deeper into the anime and the concept of potential "good" and "evil" but how at the end it's just grey. This is something i personally feel AOT tried to achieve but majority of the people couldn't grasp and i also understand why they couldn't. It's because one side is shown/presented more to the audience because of which the audience is more comfortable with the characters portraying that particular side. Introducing the other side of the story later really doesn't come to the favor of the story later. And I don't blame the audience but i don't blame isayama either, the story is complex afterall.
But Shiki on the other hand manages to deliver it so brilliantly within the span of 22 episodes. I feel like for me the breaking point really comes in episode 13 when Dr.Ozaki outright tortures his dead wife now turned shiki, Kyoko only to know the solution about the situation. That's the dividing point of the series. Was ozaki cruel? Definitely. But did he do it to save people? Yes. It's this crucial point where you really don't know if you can justify his actions and the same goes for Muroi especially because he is a saint.
Another thing that i genuinely like about Shiki is that there is no particular "main character" in the series. Everyone is important, somewhere or the other. Take Nao for an example, one of the most insignificant characters initially but god her scenes later on where just— i don't have the words to explain.
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I feel like Shiki is an anime everyone should watch at least once in their life. The art, the story, the characters, the setting and the bgm is just amazing in my opinion. The only drawback i particularly feel is the abrupt editing/cutting between the scenes.
Also Dr Ozaki will truly remain one of my all time favourite characters out there. His sense of humanity leaving to actually save humanity in just one episode will always make him an S tier character for me.
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Finally finished this. Started (n finished) on Raven.. months ago. Only started back up on it last night... so if it looks rushed, thats why hahah
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megane-boys · 1 year
Today's Megane is: Muroi Seishin from Shiki
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eruverse · 2 years
My shoujo core drawing I did probably a year ago.
DoctorXBuddhist monk ship best ship
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knotenvater · 30 days
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so typical of me to make a great big complicated piece like this and immediately change my username... well in any case, I'm so proud to share my piece for the @2000sgothichorrorzine!! it's free to download and full of the work of loads of amazing artists. go give it some love :)
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akolnoix · 7 months
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gay sex wouldn't have fixed seishin and toshio's relationship but i think they should've given it a shot anyway
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williamaltman · 4 months
Every once in a while I think about Shiki. I was lowkey obsessed with it as a teen.
First of all there were so many CUNTY characters. Megumi, Sunako, Chizuru. I was obsessed with their style (especially Megumi's, though Sunako is who I like the most as a character). And some of the male ones ate too like Tatsumi and Seishirou. Even Muroi in a way.
The artstyle is fucking insane with all the bizarre hairstyles, the shikis' eyes, most of the characters have very distinctive features.
And the Natsuno x Tohru ship. Upon rewatch it is not subtle AT ALL. They kinda just straight up show us Natsuno falling in love with him at the beginning of one of the episodes. Plus he gets jealous when Tohru talks about the nurse, and then Megumi asks him "Why do you like him more than me?"!!!
Unfortunately I just hate how it fucking ends. You can't give me a show about vampires and expect me to not root for the vampires, sorry. I think it would've been cool if at least most of the humans died in the fire or something. I don't know, the shikis just being exterminated and that's it (ik it's implied Sunako survived, but still) just felt a bit anti-climatic and didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. I also hate how they made Megumi's death more brutal and humiliating than in the manga and novel for some reason.
I also fucking hate Toshio in general lol.
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giogiostart · 30 days
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I’ve been reading shiki lately
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eggbagelz · 5 months
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Bg3 part two AND nge AND urius meeting my sole survivor ben + nicky v AND shiki sketchbook uglies
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plutojester · 1 year
It kind of sucks that Shiki has fallen out of consciousness so much since its initial bout of popularity. It's not a perfect show, but it's still a pretty nuanced and subversive story criticizing archaic social conventions and community based in hatred for outsiders rather than love for each other
However because it hasn't reached a newer audience in a long time, the only discussions of it available online are posts from a decade ago made by teenagers (or hell, adults for all I know) who missed the point - that the Vampire society is a mirror to the human society. It's not about picking sides, it's about identifying the toxic patterns both of them follow as collectives
I think certain crowds on today's tumblr would find enjoyment in the series. Especially in the character of Seishin who, with his arc of choosing the freedom of monstrosity over the constrictions of traditions which have been forced on him, is prime babygirl material. And what's striking is that his turn is not framed as morally good or bad, but merely as cathartic. He is free of the judgement he had feared his entire life, not only in universe but in the narrative itself
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unholyfangirling · 1 year
A different last meeting between friends turned enemies.
The look on Seishin's face is wide-eyed, shocked. A strange thing to see on his normally neutral visage.
"...Toshio." he says, as if the wind has been knocked out of him.
Toshio takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lights one on the nearby flame covering a wall, "Yeah, did you miss me?" The man puts the cigarette in his mouth and inhales, "I think we've both been up to things since the last time we properly saw each other."
Toshio is doused in blood, just like the night they went their separate ways. Seishin grits his teeth, knowing what the other man is here for.
(A short AU where Toshio decides to join the search party for Seishin and Sunako, can be read as platonic or romantic Toshio/Seishin.)
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Sotoba burns all around Toshio Ozaki. The small, isolated village of barely 1,300 people that had been his home since birth turns to ash before his eyes. Toshio rushes to hide all the Shiki’s bodies he had convinced the other villagers to massacre; before outside authorities see the fire. In an alternate universe, Toshio is asked to hunt down his childhood friend. A monk who had sympathized with the Shiki and was helping their leader escape. He declines. 
In this world, he hesitates. 
He thinks of their little village, overrun with Shiki. People dying or “moving out” every day. A village surrounded by death. Toshio, the village doctor by birthright as the only Ozaki left, has seen so much grief over and over and over again. Grandparents, mothers, sons, fathers, children, infants. Wasting away in merely a couple of days, hypnotized to refuse medical attention. Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone. Gone. Toshio decides he wants to kill the traitorous bastard himself. He finds that he agrees with another Shiki who had tried to kill him a few days ago. Wasn’t it better to be killed by a friend than a stranger?
Toshio goes to hunt down Seishin Muroi with the other men in the forest. He and Ookawa are soon the only ones left as the other men run from the fire. Toshio hears the gasp of a child and the men give chase, losing each other in the dark forest, his only source of light the flames lighting up the night. When the doctor finds the other man again, it's in an old rundown church, already feeding the flames. Arriving in time to see Seishin killing Ookawa to save Sunako Kirishiki. Toshio quickly hides behind the wall. The leader of the Shiki in the body of a child cries and contemplates suicide, ruminates on what she had done to live for so long. Toshio listens in to what he tells Sunako to convince her she was justified in killing humans to survive. His teeth gritted harder with every word, every comforting parole.
But also with the knowledge that Seishin was right.
"Whoever you are hiding behind the door, show yourself or I'll kill you." Seishin says suddenly. He must have waited to finish comforting Sunako before revealing Toshio’s presence.
Toshio tenses up, pressing his back harder against the burning hot wall. He realizes Seishin shouldn't have known he was there. Not within normal human senses anyway. It makes his heart clench with a desperate no not you I can't have lost you to them too- but for only a second. Toshio wasn’t going to stop now. He had killed his own wife after all, and recorded the experiments(torture) he’d preformed on her to prove the existence of the Shiki. He held no regret for it in his heart. Seishin wouldn’t get special treatment.
Toshio realizes he lost Seishin longer ago. Whether the man was turned Shiki or not, the doctor would have lost him anyway. All because of the monk's goddamn bleeding heart.
At the irony, Toshio chokes out a mockery of a laugh as he answers, "Oh yeah? What makes you think you won't kill me anyways?"
There's a pause in the air after Toshio speaks. Seishin would know his voice anywhere, even as the church burns around them. Toshio pushes himself off the wall and puts himself in the doorway.
The look on Seishin's face is wide-eyed, shocked. A strange thing to see on his normally neutral visage.
"...Toshio." he says, as if the wind has been knocked out of him.
Toshio takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lights one on the nearby flame covering a wall, "Yeah, did you miss me?" The man puts the cigarette in his mouth and inhales, "I think we've both been up to things since the last time we properly saw each other."
Toshio is doused in blood, just like the night they went their separate ways. Seishin grits his teeth, knowing what the other man is here for.
"You don't have to do this. I wont hurt you if you leave now, but I will if I have to Toshio."
The doctor only grins, taking out two stakes from his bag, "So? What are you waiting for? Aren't you planning on getting out of here alive?" The doctor pauses in mocking consideration, "Or undead I suppose." His eyes drift to Seishin's hand, protectively holding the girl's, Sunako. The Shiki leader. That's all he needs to know to feel not an ounce of regret as he lunges without warning.
Then Seishin is holding him aloft by the neck in half a second, Toshio chokes.
"Don't touch her." the monk growls, actually growls. Toshio supposes the transformation must have changed his character quite a bit. The doctor is unheeding of the hand at his throat and lack of air in his lungs. Though still struggling quite a bit, he tries to injure Seishin with the stake he had not dropped. The doctor wonders at the speed at which his friend had moved. Almost lightning quick. Even the speed the Shiki ran from the villagers couldn't compare; Seishin had scaled half the church in less than a second. The doctor had barely seen him move.
Seishin wasn't like the other Shiki. Toshio thinks and paws at the man's arm. Feeling the still throbbing, if weak, pulse underneath the flesh; no, his friend had become something quite like what Natsuno had shown him.
"You're-" Toshio chokes out, "Jinrou-"
The monk masks his surprise slower than he normally would, "I suppose I am."
"Heh- guess I wouldn't-" The doctor gasps out, "have wanted to die- by any other- hand-"
Seishin frowns and loosens his hold, "And what makes you think I'll kill you? I’m a Shiki but I still care about you."
"I'm your biggest enemy right now. Sotoba won't survive this, I'll spend the rest of my life hunting you down, wherever you go." says Toshio, breathing a little easier.
"I'm not willing to let you go so easily, you're going to have to kill me, old friend."
Seishi's grip tightens, "No. I've made up my mind, both of us are getting out of this mess alive."
Toshio scoffs, the doctor’s words are harder to get through his captive throat again, "That- wont be possible, I can tell- you've made up your mind- on whose side you're on. Choose- Kill me now- or live to regret it later. It's all about survival- isn't that what you told Sunako?"
"Curse you Toshio, I won't do it!" There's a hardness in Seishin's eyes that had taken hold of him through all this devastation, "I'm not losing you too, not by my own hand."
"It's not that you're afraid to kill- You killed Ookawa like it was nothing," Toshio glances to the body hanging halfway out of a shattered mosaic window, already eaten by the flames, "As I said: Choose."
Seishin raises his voice, "And I said NO!"
Toshio fights Seishin as much as he can, stabbing him with the stake, for all the effect it seems to have on him. Seishin only looks at him though; with things in his stare the doctor doesn't want to decipher. They stay in a momentary stalemate until Sunako urgently tugs at Seishin's robe, "Please we have to leave now. I don't want to die anymore, you've convinced me. Let's go. Please."
"Maybe you'd rather- the both of us burn to death," Toshio grins with cruelly twisted lips, "Choose."
Seishin looks scared of him, as if their positions were switched, eyes wide but calculating. Then after a second's hesitation, resoluteness in his voice, Seishin speaks.
"I won't."
That's the only warning the doctor gets before Seishin drops him. The other man uses Toshio's surprise to execute an upwards strike to his chin. Hard.
It knocks the doctor out cold.
When Toshio wakes up- five minutes later because Seishin's newly enhanced speed and strength- he's in the back of a moving truck. He is shaken awake by the other passengers. They tell him the man carrying him had jumped in front of the truck. Telling them Toshio was injured and that he had to run back and get more people, but not to wait for him to come back.
Now, as Toshio sits in the back of that truck, smoking a cigarette and nursing his jaw as he watches Sotoba burn to the ground, he wonders how long it will be before he meets Seishin again.
And if by then the man will have made his decision.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Me: *staring happily off into the distance*
Another person: What are you thinking about? Aww, is it a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Me: *thinking about how Seishin Muroi and his complicated relationship with religion encapsulates the themes of Shiki and its discussion of the idea of holiness and the concept of monstrosity vs humanity and the value of exercising compassion and sympathy* Uhhh......Yeah, sure.
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detragallery · 2 years
yasuyo hashiguchi in 5C, seishin muroi in 4C, and toshio ozaki in 6A. pretty please.
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the ending of shiki was pretty open ended so let me clear this up: they became instagram models and proceeded to slay cunt while the town burned down. hope this helps
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mogranet · 6 months
Shiki - Seishin Muroi (Junior Monk) Cosplay
Cosplayer Profile & Origin of Photos
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rolandapostatize · 1 year
rest in peace muroi seishin you would have loved mirror image by louise gluck
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