#my little sister has been using mac so she’s probably used to it but look at me now. absolutely STRUGGLING
catastrxblues · 5 months
there’s no way i’m actually watching a youtube video on how to right click with the touchpad like a grandma what
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turquoisenintendo64 · 28 days
Love Comes to Everyone !
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in which: a daughter of aphrodite is camp half-blood’s matchmaker, but can’t seem to find someone for herself.
percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite!reader
part 1
warnings: use of y/n, there is no such thing as forbidden children, percy has a little half-sister, pipabeth implied
a/n: part 2 of love comes to everyone!! this took me less than i thought. i’m so happy the part 1 got so much love <33
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you and percy were watching mary from afar, sitting on a tree branch, as she was playing with two apollo kids.
she hadn’t been claimed yet, what saddened you.
“have you eaten a whole lemon before?” percy asked, gaze fixed in mary.
“too sour,” you answered. “… have you?”
“it’s good,” he chuckled.
one of the apollo kids that were playing with mary approached you.
“i don’t think she’s a daughter of apollo,” she said, showing you four broken bows. “and she sings terrible.”
“well, we’ve tried everything,” he got up. “i surrender.”
you grabbed him by the shirt.
“we’re not leaving her until she gets claimed,” you said. “understood?”
he sighed, then grinned. “yes ma’am.”
you held mary’s hand, and led her to the dining pavilion.
“can i eat with you?” she asked, looking up at you and percy.
you shared a look.
“you have to eat at-“
“sure,” percy cut you off, “we’ll sit at my table, i’m the only one in it anyway.” he said, looking at you.
you explained offerings to mary, and after her many questions of why gods could possibly like the smell of burnt mac and cheese, she decided to give up her strawberries.
mary asked percy about his parents, and you noticed how he talked a lot about his mom and just a bit about his dad, even though mary was asking about poseidon all the time.
you went back to your cabin, finding annabeth and piper cuddling in piper’s bed while they talked in whispers. they told you they were going to have a picnic, if you wanted to go with them.
but you were not in the mood to third wheel your sister and her girlfriend, so you declined the offer. in addition, you had promised percy to accompany him while he showed mary around the beach.
you picked a blue dress and took a shower.
you blow dried your hair and asked one of your sisters to fish-braid your hair, and got frustrated when it didn’t look how you wanted. when it finally looked good for you, she helped you do your make up. natural, you didn’t want to seem desperate.
when you were all done you took a minute to think why were you trying so hard to look really good if you were just going to the beach with a little girl and a friend. right?
and to think that you subconsciously wore blue because you know percy’s favourite colour is blue.
you still denied having feelings for him, though. thinking, or rather, knowing he could have anyone much better than you.
but you couldn't help thinking he meant himself when he told you the one for you was closer than you thought. no, no chance.
you couldn't ask him, obviously not, he would probably laugh in your face and tell you you were deluded.
but everything with him felt so intimate, for some reason. you have been hanging out much more since mary arrived to camp, as she refused to be with anyone else that wasn’t you both. every glance, laugh, hug or smile felt way more intimate than it actually was, and you could not bare it.
so you did the cowardly thing, you avoided him.
you stopped talking to him completely, walking the other way when he was coming in your direction. this led you to not spend time with mary, too, since she was with percy all the time.
you didn’t want to be far from them, though. you felt really close with both of them. and you lost track of the moment when you stopped being with mary because you had to and started being with her because you wanted to.
you loved mary. she was the sweetest girl you have ever met, and you wanted to be around her all the time and be part of her life at camp half-blood. but she reminded you too much of percy.
but your unstoppable feelings went worse when piper told you the three of you looked like a happy family.
so you convinced yourself that’s how it had to be. away from them, so you wouldn’t fall in love with someone who was with you for duty and not want.
“y/n,” piper called, opening the bathroom door, where you were brushing your hair. “mary’s at the door, asking for you.”
you frowned slightly and headed to the door. you haven’t talked to mary in weeks, yet she still smiled at you as bright as ever.
“hi y/n!” she waved effusively, and her poorly done pigtails shook.
“hi mary,” you smiled sweetly at her, guilt consuming your head suddenly.
“i’ve missed you, where have you been?” she asked, and even more guilt flooded in.
she was just a little girl, leaving her without explanation was wrong.
but you still thought it was the best.
“i was busy, sorry. come in.” you stepped aside and she walked in, rather jumping than walking.
“can you do my hair? percy’s terrible at it, he can’t even do pigtails!” she pointed to her head.
“pigtails are the easiest thing ever, but he has short and always-perfect hair, so he doesn’t need to care about hairstyles,” you said.
you entered the bathroom again, and she entered before you.
you sat crisscrossed in the floor and she mirrored your action, sitting in front of you. you undid her pigtails and brushed her hair gently.
“you’re right, he’s just a boy,” she said matter-of-factly. you snorted.
“do you want pigtails or braids?”
“pigtails. percy has missed you too, by the way.”
you paused some seconds to process it, blinked a few times and continued brushing her hair.
“is that so?”
“yes. he was always expecting you to come with us, and was really sad when you never showed up.”
now you felt even more guilty. you knew they would get upset with your sudden disappearance, but hearing it directly was different.
“i’m sorry, i was busy with… things. thoughts,” you explained.
“don’t worry, it was fun with percy. he gave me one of his plushies, a dolphin. he told me dolphins are actually evil, but i think they are cute. he also gave me a magazine about sea animals,” she told you, excited. “i love sea animals, and percy knows a lot about them.”
“did you know percy can talk with them?” you said.
“yes! he told me. i had a fish, his name was robert. he always talked to me about his wife he left in the sea. i felt guilty and took him to the beach and-“
“you understood your fish? like you knew what he was saying?”
“yes. but percy does too, isn’t that normal?”
you did her pigtails quickly and rushed out of your cabin.
even though you were literally ignoring him and have been doing that for weeks, you ran to percy.
“percy,” you called.
he turned around, and his bright smile dropped, turning into a surprised look.
“y/n? where have you been? i haven’t seen you in-“
“mary is your sister,” you blurted out.
“she’s a daughter of poseidon.”
he frowned.
“how do you know that? why do you appear suddenly and say something like that?”
you sighed. “she had a fish. robert. she could understand the fish, percy.”
he seemed too stunned to say anything. you didn’t know if it was for what you just say, or the bottled up anger he had towards you in that very moment.
in your staring-in-silence moment, you heard splashes of water. but it wasn’t until you heard gasps that you went to see what it was.
mary was fighting with a boy, visibly older than her, in the lake. she went to push him, but a wave of water took him down.
percy was going to get her, but you stopped him.
“wait,” you told him, with your hand resting in his chest. he tensed at your touch.
she looked scared, you wanted to go with her too. but you knew what could come next.
and you were right.
a huge, glowing trident appeared on top of her head, and everyone bowed.
mary now looked even more scared, and she ran towards you and percy.
“what is that?” she asked. the symbol faded, and she hugged you two tightly.
“you have been claimed,” percy told her. “by poseidon.” he smiled at her.
she looked up at him, with teary eyes.
“does that mean you are my brother?” she asked, joy suddenly turning her before sad eyes happy.
“yes,” he said, chuckling.
“mary wheeler,” you heard chiron say. he smiled warmly at her. “daughter of poseidon.”
“it fits,” you said, caressing her back.
“now we are going to be roommates, and we can share all of my plushies and magazines.” mary let out a laugh that melted your heart.
percy looked at you, smiling softly. you felt guilty again, for leaving them. but now you were together again.
you thought about your growing feelings, and if it was a good idea to speak about them. not in that moment, definitely.
you felt like you had to tell him whatever was going through your head, and maybe he would understand how stupidly you had acted. so you told him to meet you at the time of the campfire, so no one could bother you.
you found yourself stressing over looking good again, and wearing blue.
you heard piper snorting. she was leaning against the bathroom door as you were doing your makeup.
“what now?” you said.
“nothing,” and she walked away.
you rolled your eyes.
that’s too much blush. now i look like i just died. wrong shade. that was your train of thought as you got ready.
since when was having a crush so difficult?
you walked out the bathroom. everyone was already at the campfire, so your cabin was empty. you saw percy outside of your cabin, and suddenly you had the urge to change the jeans you were wearing, but it was too late.
you opened the door and smiled at percy.
“hey,” you greeted.
“hi,” he said back. he looked a bit sad, yet he was smiling.
you were grinning now, your cheeks almost hurting. gosh, you were absolutely nervous right now.
you closed the door and sat down at the stairs of the porch.
you stayed in silence for what felt like hours, none of you brave enough to break it. you had the feeling that he was just as nervous as you.
“what happened? why did you avoid me?” he asked, looking at you. he looked like a sad puppy.
“nothing. i didn’t mean to upset you, really, i was busy and confused with…” you paused, “something.”
“you could’ve talked to me. we’re friends, you can trust me,” he said, and you gave him a lopsided smile.
“i know, i know. i’m so sorry, i really am,” you said avoiding his gaze. your cheeks started to turn red and your words to trip. “i could not tell you what was happening. it was… it is difficult to say and…” you groaned.
he was still looking at you, patient. waiting for you to come up with something. something that could answer everything he has been questioning.
his green eyes were deep, deeper now than ever. the chill night breeze was brushing through his hair, and yours.
he was looking at your hair, and how beautiful it looked. how beautiful you looked. in the nightlight, you looked like you were glowing, natural spark emanating from you.
your flushed cheeks were even more bright. percy felt the need to hold your face and caress it. to touch you, hold you, kiss you.
he just wanted to be as close as possible to you, and not let you go away ever again.
“i’ve been feeling kind of weird lately,” you started.
he nodded.
“but not in a bad way, i think. i feel weird when i’m around you, i feel so nervous and anxious. i have a strange feeling in my when i think about you, as if someone was holding my heart.”
he suppressed a smile. but to you, it looked like he was disgusted with your words.
“what i mean is… i think i like you, percy. no, not like you. i think i’m falling in love with you, and that’s scary. super scary. i’ve been thinking for so long that maybe you like me too. remember that time when you told me love takes time? and maybe the one for me was closer than i thought? well, i couldn’t stop thinking that maybe you meant the one for me was you, but that doesn’t make sense and… i’m so sorry,” you finished. you hid your face in your knees and heard him laughing.
oh no.
he was laughing.
he was laughing at you.
this was the moment when he tells you ‘you have been being delusional this whole time!’ and leaves you alone. this was it, the end of the world.
oh holy aphrodite, if you are hearing me, please-
“i’m in love with you too.”
“i knew you would say that and- wait,” you looked at him.
his smile was as bright and big as the sun, and his cheeks were flushed, just like yours.
“you are?” you asked.
“i’ve always been. i really thought i was pretty obvious but… apparently everyone knew except you.”
you took a moment to stare at him a little longer. maybe now it was more appropriate, considering he was doing the same thing.
“you are gorgeous. it makes me kind of mad,” you told him. a laugh slipped from his lips, and you felt the need to kiss him until you were out of breath.
“well, you are beautiful,” he responded.
just now you realised how close he was. his eyes darted from your eyes to your lips, and he didn’t let you much time to react when he leaned in to kiss you.
you kissed him back, caressing the back of his neck.
his hands traveled to your hips and he pulled you closer. you felt him smile in the kiss.
the kiss shifted from sweet to more passionate. his hands were all over you, touching you like he feared you would disappear.
you pulled away, he followed your lips as you separated.
“your chapstick tastes good,” he joked. you chuckled softly.
“it’s blueberry,” you told him.
“wear it more, i like it,” he stroked your hand.
you smiled at him lovingly.
you loved him, and he loved you too. finally someone loved you too.
you’ve spent your whole life waiting for your turn to be loved, and now he was in front of you.
you were glad it was percy. it couldn’t be anyone but him.
annabeth and piper were hiding behind a tree, looking at you.
“great,” piper said. “now we owe mary five bucks.”
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traveler-at-heart · 6 months
Summary: You try to keep your relationship a secret!
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
It was fun at first.
The thrill of sneaking around, secret glances, hidden touches. It had been quite a ride to get to where you were with Natasha, and knowing how the team could be, you both wanted to keep your relationship to yourselves, at least for a little while.
One of your secret spots were the stairs. With a building so big, it was natural that everyone took the elevator. It was the perfect place to meet the redhead and more often than not, the conversation progressed into an intense make out session that left you breathless.
“Is the elevator broken?” Steve asks as you come back from one of your little escapades. You jump at his presence, your mind still thinking about the feeling of Natasha’s lips on yours.
“Uh… no. It’s working just fine. I like to take the stairs to… exercise”
“That’s a nice idea. Maybe I’ll try it one of these days” he nods.
Cap and his obliviousness, sweet old man. He has no idea you’re all flushed for reasons that have nothing to do with coming up the steps.
Still, you think nothing of it. He was probably trying to be nice when he said it was a good idea. The next day, when you’re lost in Natasha, intoxicated by her supple lips and the way they move against your own, you miss the sound of heavy footsteps and an off key whistle.
“Crap” Natasha is the first to react, breaking apart. You turn to look down, Steve taking the steps two at a time.
Fit bastard.
“Morning!” he says, too happy for your liking.
“Oh, hi, we were just…”
“We?” he echoes, and you look around. No trace of Natasha.
“I mean, me. I was just taking a break. I think I’ll go back to taking the elevator”
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, just a bit agitated. Nothing to worry, Cap”
Steve nods and smiles.
“I told everyone about your great idea. I think people will start using the stairs more”
“Oh, that’s just peachy”
Once again, he is oblivious to your actual feelings. After he’s gone, Natasha jumps from behind the staircase.
“Jesus, how did you manage to do that so quickly”
“Well, you always have to be ready for a quick escape, detka”
Natasha leans forward and pecks your lips, but before she can do anything else, you drag her back to the hallway.
“You heard Cap. Our secret spot is no longer secret”
So far, you haven’t found a decent replacement for the stairs, except for a supply closet. And by God, you are not that desperate.
As you cook dinner, Natasha comes up behind you, and you relax against her.
“I’ve missed you” she says against your shoulder, placing small kisses that tickle you.
“I missed you too, love”
A hand goes around your middle and she toys with the hem of your shirt, lips kissing your neck, and that sweet spot behind your earlobe that makes you shiver.
“Nat” you moan, and you don’t know if you want her to stop or keep going.
Yelena answers that for you as she steps inside, eyes widening. You draw blank, because honestly, how can you explain this?
Natasha takes matters into her own hands, literally, as she hugs you and pretends to do the Heimlich maneuver.
“She’s choking” Natasha says and Yelena scrambles around.
“Oh, my God, Y/N, please don’t die”
The redhead pretends to help you, squeezing your middle and you cough.
“I think I’m…”
Unfortunately, the blonde is too freaked out and pushes Natasha away, thinking she’s helping you.
As she presses against your sternum, you are suddenly out of breath and you swear you can feel your ribs cracking.
“Ok, I’m fine, Yelena, thanks” you break free of her hold, sure that your sides will be bruised next morning.
Yelena doesn’t let you cook anymore, so you end up with a dinner of mac and cheese, and Natasha’s sister sitting in the middle while you three watch tv.
“I’m sorry” Natasha says when her sister gets up to grab another soda.
“Just for the record, this isn’t the type of choking I had in mind”
“They’re gonna be here any minute” you say against Natasha’s shoulder.
“I know” she bites your neck and you sink further into her lap.
The Quinjet, out of all places is where you find some privacy. The rest of the team will join shortly, as you have a recon mission.
But you can’t keep your hands to yourself and you end up naked, straddling Natasha’s lap as she moves her fingers inside of you.
“God, you look so pretty like this” she says against your chest.
“Nat, more” you plead. It’s too much and too little at the same time. She listens, moving her hand faster and your hips match her pace.
“God. Yes” you collapse in her arms.
“Request to open gate” FRIDAY informs and you curse, because you want more than a second to catch your breath.
Sneaking around is getting old now.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up” Natasha says, helping you up. She looks proud when your legs shake.
“Shut up” you say, which only makes her smile wider.
While the team enters the Quinjet, you go back to the bathroom with Nat as you hurriedly put your suits on.
“Red? Y/N?” Tony calls for you.
“Here” you raise your arm, feeling a bit tense. Maybe you pulled a muscle.
Stark nods your way and starts the Quinjet, while Steve goes over the plan with everyone else. You stay seated, vaguely aware that something feels different but you can’t tell what it is.
“Be careful” Natasha says when you part ways, squeezing your hand.
Your job is to keep an eye on the guards at the south gate and stop them if they are called to attack the intel team.
Which unfortunately does happen, so you run to shoot, kick and punch at every one of them.
There are two guards left, and as you reach for your gun, something incredibly unexpected happens.
Your suit opens right in the front, revealing your red lacy bra.
“What the fuck” you shout, looking down.
The guard in front of you opens his mouth, completely enthranced by your cleavage.
“New strategy?” Tony flies over, knocking him down. He sends the last man standing across the room.
“No! I don’t know what happened!”
You try to cover but the leather is not giving in.
“Ok, well. We’re done here so you can put all that” he gestures to your chest. “Back in the Quinjet”
Rolling your eyes, and with your arms crossed in front of you, you walk back to the jet.
As you lock eyes with Natasha, you finally notice how her own suit is loose on the shoulders.
You switched when you were getting dressed.
“I like this new look” Sam wiggles his eyebrows and Natasha sends a widow bite straight to his ass.
“Oops” she shrugs her shoulders as he glares.
Feeling a little better after that, you go inside and find a t-shirt to cover up.
When you leave the bathroom, everyone is silent.
“Ok, it’s not like you all haven’t seen boobs before. So get over yourselves. Except Steve, he gets a pass” you bark at them.
“I’ve seen boobs before” he tries to say but no one pays attention.
Natasha stays silent and you think she might be upset or reconsidering this whole thing.
You expect the worse as you land and she leads you back to your room.
The redhead holds her finger up, taking your shirt off and sinking her face in your breasts.
“Mine” she grumbles, her hands squeezing possessively.
Well, at least some good came out of it.
The atmosphere is tense.
Clint, Wanda, Peter and you are playing Jenga.
Honestly, you are the one at a disadvantage here. With Clint’s aim and the enhanced individuals, you don’t stand a chance.
The way Natasha looks at you from across the room doesn’t help either.
It’s been a few days since you were together. Fury called her for an urgent mission and you had to resist the urge to sneak into the Quinjet and beg her to fuck you against the console.
And now, she’s back and you can’t wait for the night to wrap up so you can wrap your legs around her while she eats your…
“Gah!” Wanda screeches, knocking over the tower. “My mind, my eyes”
“Wanda, a word?” you plead, dragging her out of the living room while Clint and Peter stare.
“You” she slaps your arm. “And you” she glares at Natasha as she approaches, pushing you both to her room.
“Sorry, we are keeping it a secret for now”
“But your thoughts are so loud” she massages her temples, clearly distraught. “I was so focused on the game and still I could hear everything, see everything”
“Sorry” you grimace. “Do you think you could… not tell anyone? For a bit”
“Oh, trust me, I’m very eager to pretend none of this happened”
“Thanks, Wanda” Natasha says and the girl nods.
“It’s nice to see you both happy. Just try to keep your thoughts to yourselves”
“We’ll try”
Wanda nods, walking out. Natasha’s quick to push you against the wall, eyes darkened by lust.
“Wanna tell me what was on your mind?”
“Can you at least wait for me to leave the hallway?!” Wanda screams from outside.
“You have ten seconds, Maximoff”
“Thanks, I hate you”
You figure a little distance from everyone will do you good.
So, you get tickets to a Yankees game and spend the day in the city with Natasha.
Even if you are only a half hour away from the Compound, among the sea of people, no one looks at you when you hold her hand, or share a kiss in the middle of your walk.
“This is nice” you smile, bringing her hand to your lips.
The first half of the game is slow, but you enjoy the time eating popcorn and making comments with Natasha about the score.
During the break, several people in the audience are featured in the screens. A girl chugs an entire beer while the crowd goes wild.
“Damn” you laugh, but the next image you see is you, next to Natasha.
The kiss cam.
“No, we’re fine” you wave your arms and the crowd boos. “Ok, not nice!”
“Don’t be such a baby” she smiles, pulling you closer.
“Pretty sure Steve and Bucky are watching the game back home”
“You jump, I jump” she leans forward, allowing you to decide if you wanna do this or not. As your lips meet in a short kiss, everyone starts clapping and cheering you on.
“Are you sure about what we just did?”
“Very. I’m tired of hiding. You make me happy. What’s wrong with that?” Natasha says and you smile against her lips.
“You are so getting lucky tonight”
But before you can kiss her again, both of your phones go crazy with texts from everyone on the team.
Tony: Is this why Wanda asked me for a way to erase her memory?
Sam: Now I know why you electrocuted my ass, Red!
“Still think we made the right call?” you roll your eyes as the texts keep coming.
“Absolutely, detka” she says before kissing you softly.
Yeah. It’s gonna be ok.
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claimedcrossbows · 9 months
Served! Sanji x Fem!reader Pt. 2
Slight anime spoilers/foreshadowing.
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Your anxiety was at a full ten as all you could do was listen to pots banging and clattering and Sanji yelling at his makeshift team of chef’s that consisted of a green haired sword fighter, a liar, and a rubber man who wanted to eat everything he saw.
You almost got up from your bed when you heard what sounded a awful lot like a fire extinguisher.
“Oh my God i’m doomed.” You mumbled still clutching your stomach.
You sighed looking over at the orange haired woman occupying your sisters bed and wondered how this woman had managed to make it this far with a crew full of idiots.
If she survived she definitely had your full sympathy.
You sighed looking back over your recipe book that contained numerous healing recipes that you had mastered over the years.
From the looks of the woman it seems she has been bitten by some type of insect, probably from a warm island climate if you had to take a guess.
You skimmed through your book trying to see what recipe would best suit the woman.
Your thoughts were however interrupted by a knock on your door.
You slowly got up and answered the door surprised to see Sanji standing before you.
“How’s Nami?” He immediately asked, looking slightly past you into your room to see his friend still unconscious.
“She’ll get better when I start on the recipe I need to heal her, I already have a few in mind, but that’s not going to happen anyway unless you serve a meal worthy of a outstanding letter of recommendation from the food critic.” You said crossing your arms.
He nods, “That’s why I came up here, come down stairs for a food test.” He said.
You nod your stomach still doing sommersaults but you’d brave anything to make sure your got a good review tonight. So you followed Sanji down stairs and nearly fell out when you saw the state of your kitchen.
It looked like a sea beast had torn apart your kitchen.
“Sweet Jesus…” You said.
“I promise I will clean it thoroughly.” Sanji quickly intercepts seeing you look like you were about to collapse from the sheer shock. “LUFFY I TOLD YOU TO STOP STANDING ON THE TABLES!” Sanji yelled kicking him off.
“Owwww Sanjiii!! I was trying to reach the pots!!” Luffy groaned.
“I Put you on untensil cleaning what could you possibly need a pot for!?” Sanji angrily yelled.
“TO BOIL THE CRAB DUH!” Luffy yelled back.
“WHY ISN’T THE CRAB BOILED!?” Sanji seethed.
“BECAUSE USOPP DIDN’T WANNA TOUCH IT!!” Luffy yells pointing at Usopp.
“IT PINCHED MY NOSE!” Usopp exclaimed.
“I’m lost..” Zoro says holding up two spoons one which was the soup spoon and the other the tea spoon.
“WHEN ARE YOU NOT!?” Sanji hissed throwing a ladle at the mans head.
“WATCH IT CASANOVA!” Zoro seethed.
Sanji sighed turning to you, “Come this way Y/N.” He said directing you out to the dining hall that to your surprise had been miraculously fixed up and in front of you were the main courses and appetizers for the night.
“These are the samples that your sister helped me make, she’s currently looking for some more seasonings for the seafood gumbo.” He paused then continued, “She’s a really fantastic cook, i’m sure she learned from you.” Sanji said giving you a more pollite smile than the flirtatious ones he used earlier.
All you gave was a nod as you began trying some of the lobster mac and jambalaya.
You watched Sanji stare at you with the upmost confidence in his dishes as you chewed and swallowed the rest making sure to have a complete poker face all throughout.
Your little sister enters the room and sees you testing the food.
“Y/N how is it!? I made sure he followed your recipe’s to the highest degree!” She boasted.
You put your fork down and stared at both of them, “The jambalaya could definitely use more kick, the lobster mac a bit more salt, and i’m assuming you prepared the alligator?” You said looking at your little sister.
You take the entire platter of alligator and basically shove it at her.
“Y-yes!” She said shakily.
“It’s too tough, 86 it, and do it over again.” You said flatly.
“R-right!” She said taking the platter and immediately running off her face heavily dissapointed.
You look back over at Sanji who to your surprise had sat down pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and was already mid smoke watching you and your sister interact.
“Ooh your tough, reminds me of Zeff.” He notes blowing out a puff of smoke.
“Who told you you could smoke in my restaurant?” You said plucking the cigarette out of his hand.
He smiles, “My apologies.” He says. “So back to the cutting board?” He asks.
“No. Yours was actually good it can go out.” You said then added, “Guess Zeff instilled some sense in you when it comes to cooking.” You noted.
Sanji laughs, “I can out cook him on my worst day.”
“Hmm, add some more seasonings to those dishes and they’ll be set.” You said. “Just no oregano okay?” You stressed.
Sanji paused and stared at you with a awe struck look followed by a bright smile that nearly blinded you, “I think I just fell for you harder.” He said breathlessly.
“I don’t believe in love at first sight.” You say flatly.
“Then maybe I should walk in again?” He offered a flirty smile gracing his lips once again.
“You are really making me sick.” You sighed feeling the nausea creep back upon you.
“Love sick?” He raised a brow.
“No. Just sick, sick.” You plainly say as his smitten look remained on his face.
You shoot the cook a puzzled look and shake your head, “Okay lover boy, dinners in a few, i’m going back upstairs to look through my healing recipes.” You say turning to leave before the love cook could utter another word.
Before you went upstairs you could hear Luffy screaming, “SANJIII ONE OF THE CRABS ESCAPED!!”
“HOW!?” You could hear sanji angrily yell back.
“IT’S NOT OUR FAULT IT HAD A KNIFE!” Usopp could be heard squealing.
“ZORO FIGHT IT!” Luffy could be heard yelling.
Next thing you heard was “THREE SWORD STYLE!!” Followed be a whole lot of ruckus.
It would be a miracle if you pulled this dinner service off you thought.
It was dinner time and you had succesfully managed to find a recipe you think would work on the bedridden woman now it was just time for Sanji to uphold his end of the deal you. Your stomach was still in knots but you managed to dress yourself up for the dinner service and walk yourself down the stairs to a restaurant full of customers some seated, some waiting to be seated.
Your sister along with Zoro and Usopp seemed to be waiting tables, you laughed just a bit when your sister had to instruct Zoro more than several times where the empty tables were for people to be seated.
Your sight suddenly caught a man to the far right back corner of the restaurant by himself and every chef’s insight when it came to food critics kicked in and you knew this must be the food critic.
You nearly threw up again this time anxiety induced as you quickly ran towards the kitchen and screamed for Sanji.
“Sanji!” You yell out of breath by the time you entered the kitchen.
“Mon cheri is everything okay?” He asks setting the frosting down since he was in the middle of decorating desserts.
“The-The Critic is out there far right back corner table.” You stressed. “ I cannot meet him in the state i’m in.” You explain.
“You look stunning though.” He said admiring your outfit.
“If sweaty, pale, and exasperated is stunning I must be frickin gorgeous then, Sanji go out there and talk to them!” You say grabbing the man by the tie and dragging him towards the door but not before the door opened and your sister stood their smiling.
“I met the food critic!!” She boasted.
Your blood ran cold immediately.
“You what?” You asked.
“I met the food critic!” She repeated, “And guess what since we were running out of appetizers due to the crawfish shipment being delayed I offered him some of the shrimp skewers I made left over from last night, they were such a big hit I thought he’d like them!” She excitedly said.
“There were leftovers…I thought we ate them all-”
“Well yeah but I saved a plate for myself for later, it’s a good thing I didn’t eat them though.” She smiled excitedly.
Your heart rate was in over drive and you had never ran so fast in your entire life.
“Don’t eat that shrimp skewer!!” You yell in a room full of crowded people who all pause and look at you appauled.
Your eyes meet the food critic and his empty appetizer plate and you nearly collapse right there.
Your sister hurries behind you followed by Sanji who looked just as lost as everyone else in the room.
You watch the food critic approach you and you swear the world is spinning at this point.
“Are you the owner of this establishment?” The critic says their eyes boring into you with peak interest.
You couldn’t read his face which only heightened your panic, “Y-yes sir..” You stutter.
“Well Ms, I suggest your get some new wait staff, that gentleman over there ate my appetizer before I could even take a bite!” He angrily says.
Your eyes widen in confusion until the critic points to the back of the restaurant where you could see Luffy laying flat on his back on a table surrounded by gobbled up scraps from desserted plates.
“LUFFY!” Sanji yells.
“Uhhgggg I don’t feel so well.” He groans.
“Ah..I apologize sir, please allow us to get you another appetizer and perhaps a bottle of our fancy wine?” You offer.
The critic contemplates for a minute and then nods, you sigh and relief and Sanji quickly goes to serve the critic his food.
You let out a sigh of relief as your sister still looks at you puzzled by everything that had just occured.
You say nothing as you walk back upstairs suddenly needing to lie down.
The dinner service ended and you were too scared to go back downstairs to see what had happened. It wasn’t until you heard a knock on your door that you got up and answered it. There stood Sanji still wearing his suit and famous smile.
“Come downstairs?” He asked.
You nodded following him downstairs as he lead you past the dining room, past the kitchen, and outside at the back of the restaurant where a nice deck stood over looking the ocean.
“So you found the deck huh?” You quipped as you saw a table and two chairs set up that hadn’t been there before.
“It’s peaceful back here.” He noted.
“It is.” You agree sitting down noticing a lidded tray in the middle of the table.
You shoot him a bewildered look and he just smiles unveiling the plate just like he would any other customer.
There in front of you on a plate layed a single letter, and a drink.
“The drink is a pear ginger smoothie to help settle your stomach, and the letter is from the critic, bon appetite.” He says smiling warmly as he sits across from you.
You give him a short smile and sip the smoothie actually surprised with just how good it is.
“It’s not a healing recipe, but it should still help ease the nausea” He says.
“Thank you.” You say as you focus your attention back onto the letter, “Did you read it?” You ask.
“It’s your restaurant Mi’lady.” He says, “You should do the honors.” He says.
You nod as you pick up the letter and take a deep breath before reading it.
As you read you could feel Sanji’s eyes locked onto you and you weren’t sure if it was due to anticipation or something else as you could feel his inquistive eyes never leave you.
You set the letter down and look at him.
“Well East Blue Boy, you did it!” You smiled watching a wide smile spread upon his face.
“Great review?” He asked happily.
“4 out of 5 stars, mostly because of the poor wait staff-”
“I Apologize for Luffy.” Sanji immediately cuts in.
“Actually I think he saved me.” You sigh putting the letter down as sitting further back in your chair.
“Yeah what was that about earlier?” He asks shooting you that same questioning look as he reached in his pants pocket and pulled out a lighter and another cigarette.
“Geez what are you a chimney?” You quip.
“I’m assuming it’s okay now that we’re outside?” He asks before he lights.
“Eh it’s your lungs.” You shrug.
He gently laughs, “You trying to stall?” He asks.
You sigh frowning a bit, “I know what caused me and my entire staff to contract food poisoning.” You admit.
“Yeah I was wondering about that, how does a chef as talented as you get food poisoning?” He asks.
“It wasn’t me..” You admit. “It was my sisters shrimp skewers.” You explain.
“Wait-the ones she gave the critic!?” Sanji eyes widen. ”Those very ones.” You nod, “Thank God Luffy ate them before he did, ohh wait he’s okay right?” You ask kind of worried about the bouncy kid.
“Luffy’s immune to most poisons, he’s fine just a mild stomach ache I gave him one of the ginger smoothies as well.” Sanji says.
“That’s good.” You say tiredly.
“Your sister though? She’s so talented?” Sanji asks.
You shake your head, “She’s amazing, she’ll probably be better than me at some point..but she’s young, passionate and quite forgetful, always so quick to move from one thing to the other, like leaving those shrimp skewers out for hours and only fridgerating it after it had been out most of the day.” You sigh.
“Ah..so that’s how it happened.” Sanji sort of chuckles. “Zeff would’ve had my head if i had let something like that happen, but you made her my sous chef?” He wonders.
“She’s young, and makes mistakes, but when she’s serious she’s one of the most talented upcomers i’ve ever seen.” You say proudly. “I knew with a critic coming in she was going to give it her all.”
“You trusted her even though it could’ve meant the end of your restaurant?” He states admiration for you ghosting his face.
“Of course, she’s my sister.” You shrug giving a small smile.
He returns the smile as you both fall into silence.
You can’t help but notice his blue eyes and how much they shined looking at you in a way you couldn’t quite place.
You clear your throat and stand up, “Well since you fulfilled your end of the bargain I better start making the recipe to heal your friend.” You say.
He nods and you begin walk to the door turning around as you see him still seated there.
“Aren’t you coming?” You ask.
He raises a brow in confusion.
“Come on your going to help me.” You say watching his eyes light up.
“Yes Chef!” He says smiling as he puts his cigarette out and follows you in.
Hey guys wow this was supposed to be 2 parter at most, but now I'm thinking I might make a 3rd part, let me know if it’s something you want though.
Oh and here's a video of the crab fighting Luffy, Usopp and Zoro!!
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hoony-parker · 2 years
a/n: i want to clarify shortly that reader did survive, just isn't awake in this fic heh. sorry lovelies. lov ya.
request: Steve x reader where reader gets hurt badly by the demobats instead of eddie and Steve is trying to keep her alive. Angst but fluffy end where reader ends up surviving |PART TWO!|
warnings: little women spoilers lol, st vol. 2 spoilers ig, fluff and lil angst
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (established relationship)
w/c: 1.5k
read part one here!
the room was white. too white.
steve had memorized it all by now, anyway. the white walls, white bedsheets, white tiles that built the floor, and the white, blinding, sickening lights.
the cold tones matched your skin, pale and just a tiny hue of pink covering your cheeks, assuring him that yes, you were alive, and yes, you did survive.
the room wasn't by any means homey. it was cold, with no windows except the one that let anyone outside in the hall watch into the intimacy of what was supposed to be a private room for you, where you could heal peacefully and without the eyes of anyone that'd want to look into the vulnerability of either you or steve.
the beeping sound of the machine beside you was far too familiar to steve— a sound he'd hear the entire time he was awake, and in his dreams, too.
he'd be visiting you all day long, everyday. he'd look at you, enjoying the way your features seemed so relax and trying to ignore the reason why this was like that was because you hadn't woken up since that day.
he'd read your favourite book, the same one you'd read to him on his bed, after fighting monsters and getting a new trauma to add to the list, while stroking his head and letting the sweet and steady sound of your heartbeat lull him to sleep.
"beth dies?!", he'd cry. "are you fucking kidding me?! she was my favourite one!" he'd always fall asleep before you got to read the sister's death to him. also, steve would know you'd argue with him about amy being the best character. "and from scarlet fever?! who dies from fucking scarlet fever?!" he'd complain. he'd also know you'd answer him something snarky. "she did, steve. along with thousands of people in fucking 1860s," he'd almost be able hear your voice.
he'd bring his walkman along, making a quick turn to the music store before driving to the hospital to buy the newest fleetwood mac album, then spending those rare nights he'd sleep at his house making you a cassette with all the songs so you'd be able to listen to it through his walkman— he'd put the headphones over yout head and let you listen to the entire album.
"s'cool, isn't it?" he'd sway his head to the song. "yeah, i listened to it on the radio the other day. figured you'd like this one the most," he'd say. "i'm still unable to understand your obsession with what's-his-name. is it because he has blue eyes? it is, isn't it?"
"does it mean you don't like my eyes, though?" he'd almost pout at the thought. his eyes were your favourite, and he knew it. him doubting it was only part of his dramatic antics. "babe?" he'd call, waiting for a response and sighing sadly when he wouldn't get any.
he'd also bring food for him and eat it next to you, talking about work, about the kids.
"max is doing so much better, too," he'd say, mouth full of chinese food, and he'd chew loudly— something you absolutely hated, but you weren't really awake to scold him, so he'd do it, anyway. either way, he'd try to annoy you even when you were phisically unable to annoy him back (all out of love, though). "her vision is getting better. it's still blurry, though. she complains about it a lot. but, hey, s'better than nothin', right?" he'd continue chewing. "doctors said she was probably never going to be able to see again. so, her actually seeing is huge."
"how's dustin doing?" he'd ask, as if he were repeating whatever you'd asked him. he'd sigh. "not so good. little dude's been in his room a lot. won't let any of us in," with a shake of his head, steve would continue. "i tried talking to him. hoped he'd open up a lil, y'know? and, i don' know. i miss him, too. he's my little brother."
then, at night, he'd bring the little sofa closer to your bed, grab your hand and rest his head on the mattress, so he was still looking at you while playing with your fingers. "i talked to your mom this morning." he'd confess. "she invited me over for breakfast, asked how i was doing."
then, when the hospital was quieter and dark from the lack of light outside, everyone sleeping when he should be, too, he'd let the emotions come in— a few tears falling from his eyes and a few quiet sobs shaking his body. "she's great. she— she misses you so much, baby," steve would wipe a tear away. "i don't think she's given up. i don't think she'll ever give up on you. i won't, either."
"you will wake up, sweetheart. i promise you you'll wake up."
and steve didn't believe in any god. but, that night, and every other night, steve would pray.
he'd pray for your eyes to open, pray to see the life in your eyes again. he'd pray to have those precious moments with you again, with you scolding him for chewing too loudly or talking with a mouthful. he'd pray to hear you comfort dustin and be there for max while she got her vision back. he'd just know dustin would open up as soon as he heard it was you on the other side of his door. because it was you. and you always made everything better.
and later, when the clock almost struck the early hours in the morning, sleep almost consuming his own figure, but his fingers still playing with yours, he'd ever so softly hum to your favourite song. the song you'd both dance to in his kitchen when his parents weren't around, when he'd cook you breakfast and you were fine and beautiful and awake. the song you'd listen to in the car, the windows down and the soft sway of your head to the beat of the music, and steve would have to make himself look forward before he got into a crash because he was too busy staring at you.
in the morning, he'd say good morning and tell you about his dream. his dreams and yours were always so crazy. you'd tell him it probably had to do with what you went through— traumas related to russians, monsters with heads similar to flowers but with teeth, gigantic spiders that controlled minds and a psicopath from another dimension that killed teens.
he'd only say he was glad they, at least, were dreams. it was your routine: you'd wake up next to each other, cuddling for a few minutes and talking about whatever crazy dream you had had while he played with your hair and you laid on his chest, legs interwined and sould that matched.
the mornings at the hospital, he'd quickly tell you his dream while eating the extra pudding the nurse secretly braught him, kiss your head and head off to work, working only one shift so he could make it back to you as quickly as possible.
he also knows you'd probably complain about that, too. something about not having to lose money from quitting a shift only for you. "gotta take care of my girl," he'd probably answer you. "it's not like i'm losing much, either, right? most exciting thing i could be missing out's keith actually getting a date from a costumer."
"robin says hi," he'd tell you as soon as he enters your room, bending down to kiss your head and sit on his usual spot next to your bed. "said she'll probably be joining us later tonight. said somethin' about bringing your favourite movie and some popcorn. what would you think of a movie night, pretty girl?" he'd ask. "like good ol' times, heh?"
at the memory, he'd smile sadly. he couldn't wait to do it again.
later that night, the tv would be closer to the bed, having had been rolled over by both robin and steve, each of them sitting on each side of the bed, back to the future playing on the tv. "d'ya think marty mcfly's hot?" steve would ask robin, who'd be chewing some popcorn while dropping a few more into her mouth. "dude, i'm gay," she'd remind him with a confused face. steve would nod. "yeah— i know, but she—,"he'd accuse you while pointing his thumb to you. "—had a crush on him when the movie came out."
"what year are we talking about?" she'd ask him. "last year."
"didn't you start dating like— days before christmas last year?"
"yeah, but that's not the point—"
robin would groan. "steve, you're, like, the most precious human being to her. seriously. she wouldn't shut the fuck up about you before you two got some ovaries and started fucking dating," she's reassure him, earning a bright smile from him. "she wouldn't?"
"never," robin would nod. "every day?" steve would ask. "every day." she'd confirm.
steve would look back to you, blushing and giving your cheek a kiss, grabbing your hand in his and playing with your fingers, like usual.
god, he couldn't wait to hear from you all you told robin about him.
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@xguardgirlx @stormseyes @xjasam4lifex
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duckit7 · 2 years
Online Dating Can Be Hard 6
It’s always nice where there is a chill weekend to break out more than one chapter! I hope you guys enjoy! 
“Cam, you should come home this weekend. You haven’t seen mom in a while, and she has been asking why you don’t call her more. Plus, Makenzie wants to see her favorite uncle.” My sister said on the other side of the phone.
She was right. I hadn’t been home much since moving to the other side of town. “I call mom once every week… How often does she want me to call? Every day? I swear if it was her way we would all still live at home with her…” I chuckled. “But it would be nice to stop by and see how the little Mac truck is doing!”
“She misses you that’s for sure. We all do… I know you have a way better job on the north side of town, but don’t forget about the rest of us down here on the south side!” she joked.
“I don’t think that is even possible! Well, I should probably get back to said job. Tell mom I’ll stop by for lunch Saturday. How’s that sound?” I said seeing that my break was almost up.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll let her know. Love you Cam.”
“Love you Lauren.” I replied before clicking end.
I leaned back in my chair. It had been over a month or two since I had been home to see my family and friends. Heading to the other side of town was over an hour trip for a parvus and most weekends I was spent from work. Being new meant learning the ropes as well as learning the job. Work was starting to get a little easier, though, so this would be the perfect time to make the trip down.
Saturday rolled around and I boarded the parvus bus south. My backpack strung over my shoulder was filled with gifts from small parvus shops up north as well as my mother’s favorite flower, a daisy, poking proudly out.
The bus was fairly quiet for a Saturday morning as the other patrons kept to themselves. I watched as the streets flew by as each minute passed. Time seemed to drone on. Neighborhoods started to change into a more rural feel as the bus twisted and turned to the outskirts of town. I watched the stops and counted down to Poplar St. Brich St., Oak St., Ceder St., and then finally Poplar.
I slid out as was greeted by the cool autumn breeze. I filled my lungs with the sweet fresh air of home. Kids rode their bikes around the quiet street. Neighbors were cutting up leaves for the trash. People were walking their ladybugs down the sidewalk. It felt like nothing had changed over the past couple of months.
I walked down to my sister’s house. Five down houses on the left, just like I remembered it. I had only been gone a short period of time, but it felt like ages as I stared up at the little blue house that we had grew up in.
I knocked on the door and waited patiently. Footsteps could be heard on the other side. Then lots of childish giggling. The door opened to reveal my sister. She had a baby propped up on a hip as she held back the little Mac truck. I smiled as the little girl darted past her mother into my awaiting arms.
“Uncle Cam!!!” she screamed with joy.
“Little Mac!” I said scooping her up. Her little arms wrapped around my neck in a big hug. “Wow you’ve grown!” I said faking like I was struggling to hold her.
“I have!” The youngster exclaimed with happiness. “A whole millimeter!”
“Dang girl! If you keep growing like that you will be as big as a human!” I teased as I tickled her.
My heart soared at her little giggles. “Silly Uncle Cam. I won’t grow that tall.”
“Not with that attitude you won’t!” I joked before placing the little parvus back on the ground.
“Welcome home! You are looking good! North side hasn’t beat you up too bad from what I can see.” Lauren said as she leaned in with her free arm for a hug.
“Nah it hasn’t been too bad up there.” I said wrapping my arm around her for a side hug.
“You’re getting big too! Aren’t cha little Clay.” I cooed as I pinched the cheeks of the baby in my sister’s arms.
“You could say that again…” My sister snorted a laugh. “I swear I get my daily workout in just picking the hefty dude up and carrying him around!”
I let out a hardy laugh.
“Well come on in stranger and get out of the cold!” She said moving aside. “Mom is already here and we have scrabble already set up and waiting. Lunch should be done in 20 or so mins”
I smiled to myself. Man, it was good to be home.
Hours seemed to flash by in a blink of an eye. My family asked all about my life up North. I told them that I was keeping fairly busy and that my coworkers were pretty cool. I decided to keep out the fact that I had befriended a human and was now pulled into their motley crew of a friend group. I didn’t know how they would take it and preferred not having my mother worrying about me hanging around with humans. My sister knew I was leaving something out, but knew not to press with mom around.
Mom bragged about our oldest sister Sara who was in Iowa as a doctor. Both Lauren and I laughed because it was blatant who the favorite child was. We didn’t mind though. Sara was about 10 years older than us and was out of the house really early in our lives. So it had always just been Lauren and I. With all the shenanigans we got into as children it was no wonder why Sara was the favorite.
Mom asked if I stopped by dad’s grave yet and I told her I was planning to on my way out of town. After a couple games of scrabble where mom kicked both mine and Lauren’s ass every time, I decided it was time to head home.
“Uncle Cam…” Mac said as she pulled at the hem of my shirt. “When are you coming back to visit us?”
I knelt down and pinched her little nose between my fingers. “Well little mac truck, I was thinking about coming back in a couple of weeks if you would allow it.”
The little girl giggled and nodded her head. “I will allow it but only on one condition.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And what would that be?”
“You bring me chocolate!” she said with such excitement.
Man, I loved the innocence of children. “Deal.” I said sticking out my hand to confirm the deal in a handshake.
Standing I turned to my family and waved goodbye.
Wind whistled low through the graveyard as I stood as still as the headstones that surrounded me. The coke can snapped and hissed as I popped it open.
“Hey dad…” I said staring down at the concrete slab that read Harrison Chaudhry. Tears started to well up at the corners of my eyes. Years had passed since the event and yet I still struggled every time I came to visit him. I cursed under my breath as I rubbed my eyes.
“I brought you a coke… I figured they probably don’t have many of these up there…” I said giving a slight pause before pouring out the can on the ground.
“I ah… I’m enjoying my job up north! It pays well too. It’s a little far and sometimes makes it hard to get down here but I’m making do… I ah… Have made some friends and stuff too… I ah… yeah… I miss you dad…” I said. Taking one last deep breath I turned around to leave.  
“Hey Cam! Wait up!” I turned to see a parvus man running towards me. He came to a halt right before me with his hands on his knees as he was trying to catch his breath. “Your sister said you were in town. I knew I would find you here!” He said between breaths.
“Frankie! How you doing man?!” I said grabbing my best friend’s hand as I pulled him in for a hug.
“Good man! Can’t complain. The Mrs. and I are expecting our first. Not a big deal or nothing.” He shrugged with a smirk.
“Wait what?!” I said slugging him in the arm. “Congrats man! That’s huge! You are going to be a father! I can’t believe that!” I said unable to contain my excitement.
“Yeah dude isn’t that crazy! It seems just like yesterday that we were kids ourselves! Now I’m about to be a dad. The world is wild man! But enough about me. How are you doing?” Frank asked.
“Good! Can’t complain. Work keeps me busy but pays well.” I said nonchalantly.
“Probably keeps you out of trouble too I’m guessing.” Frank jested.
“Oh you know.” I tossed back.
“Have you made any friends up there? They probably aren’t as cool as us I know.” Frank joked. “Have you met any girls?”
I couldn’t help as a small smile came to my face thinking about a certain human girl. Unfortunately for me, Frank knew me so well he could pick up on the small facial expression. “Ohhhh…. So there is a girl….” He said raising his eyebrows for effect.
Immediately my face went red. Why was I even thinking about Kate, I mentally cursed myself. She was a friend I guess…
“It’s not like that. She is just a friend.” I immediately regretted opening my big mouth.
Frank narrowed his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “Just a friend you say? How did you guys meet?”
‘Why was this always the first question!’ I groaned internally. “We ahhh… met online…” I said knowing full well there was no way I was going to get out of this situation.
“Online….” Frank drawled. “Like a dating website.”
“Maybe.” I squeaked out. “But it’s not what you think! We are a little too different, so we decided to be just friends.” I blurted.
“How are you guys too different?” Frank continued.
“She is ahhh… too tall for me…” I said trying to brush it off with a shrug.
Frank’s eyes narrowed even more. “Impossible. You dated Mary Sinder for over a year and she was head and shoulders taller than you.”
Dang it. I was caught. I guess they say the truth will set you free. “Well…. she is too tall for me because she is a…. ahh… a human…”
Frank visibly stiffened.
I didn’t know what else to do so I did what I do best when I am nervous. I rambled. “She is really nice though! Her name is Kate and she has been really kind and gentle with me and has other parvus friends that I’ve hung out with and even invited me hiking and-”
Frank put up a hand for me to stop. Silence hung heavy between the two of us for a second before he finally spoke up. “You of all people I thought would understand that it’s not safe to trust humans. That its not safe to even be around humans.” Frank paused to look at my father’s grave. “Your father would be rolling in his grave if he knew this. What has your family said?”
“I haven’t told them…” I said softly.
Frank shook his head.
“Frank!” I pleaded. “Please understand. Kate is different-”
Frank’s hand shot out and pulled my shirt violently up and pointed to my chest. “Cam you know as well as anyone that she isn’t different! She is a fucking human. The same race that did this to you! The same race that stepped on your fucking father like he was a cockroach on the fucking ground. She is not fucking different and you fucking know it!” he roared.
I took in a sharp breath and forcefully yanked my shirt back down, covering all the scars once more.
Frank looked into my eyes. He was searching for something. He took a deep breath and shook his head again. “Cam” he said raising his eyes to meet mine once more. My friend seemed to have aged a decade or two right before my eyes. His voice was sad as he spoke, “You know what your biggest fault is? You are too forgiving… You only see the good in people…” He reached out and patted my shoulder. “That will get you killed one day…” He then turned to leave.
I stood there, still as stone. My head swirled with every emotion as I watched my friend walk away. Maybe he was right.
The bus ride back was quiet. So was my apartment. My mind and body were numb as I slipped into bed.
I willed for sleep to come swiftly, but was instead greeted by nightmares.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And we have some moving out west as well and thinking of building stuff to try and get them to one of the islands in California might be Trump land and it's going on really soon as in pretty much now. This is amazing and he pointed it out and now they're competing and we are now engaging bja that's far too many ships and we'll defeat him but he has plans signed and it's going to hand him over while he's fighting to get here to kidnap their son which means he'll probably be trying to kidnap them and Trump will be there he's like triple A. This is amazing I don't want to tell you how many plans but it's going on now he says he's burping it smells a little like a fart is it normal the answer is no but it happens it might be the trash can he said so we're moving on to another thing no this is amazing
Mac daddy
So there's some things happening here and this is one of them and yeah they're both trying to kidnap my husband there and they don't seem to agree on anything and they're letting a lot of contracts go and they're trying to get their people more housing and more power in each area and it's going on here and it's going on now
It says frankly me sound like a command and writing like one little is not making it work more or less I do understand that but really this is great I'm having a good time right now and it's interesting I can't believe it they're both coming up with a plans like 10 to 20 sets and pet projects they like the terrace tear outs and they really do and there's a reason for it no the reason is the buildings are sick but houses are so they're moving out now and they're going through the math they want more apartments than you can shake a stick at that's what they say but really it's only 10 to 20 each City area and they're pretty big but that's thus far and California is starting to issue permits a whole bunch of them and it's really going to be quite amazing
This is amazing you're not believe how many idiots there are doing this stuff and bja is asking is laughing at us Grand nephew there and he's saying things like he knew the whole time and he didn't and he was making it up and he said not really and he didn't know Trump's area was up there but it certainly seemed like it but who can tell with Tommy f the most oppressive person on the planet Earth and Tommy F might have an area and it might be what fort Myers and that's where they're building it's actually true and when he was Mr Myers I'm sorry not Mrs Myers and my wife's sister was calling me to a window and got me in trouble cuz I threw a rock through my accident and I went up and he had me talk to him he came a little embarrassing and that's what fort Myers is all about and it's not Mac Daddy and it's not been Arnold's it's Tommy f and he keeps saying he's one of the other and screwed up his own cover and yeah he was at his own house with a knife so Lori talked to him I hear and it said look I didn't know it was you and he said he asked me to leave so I did no he had to do it I have to know how so just sitting and threatening me with a knife so I thought you blame him and all the sudden heels so you had him do it and she said maybe and he says no said I had to do it has had a knife near me and everybody saw it and had you kicked out and they're blaming me and I'm blaming her and everybody takes the stupid road and leaves us and the banks have you for quite a while few months if you let it go then just keep doing it you won't know who it is so he looks around he says wow you're all fired and he says you too okay my son says okay Mr electric chair he says that was Trump and he's probably the one d****** with you with the knife and he figured it out and let her off and her son said you better a little boy you're going to dissolvin sorry there's a lot of you. And my son says you better little boy are you going to dissolve an acid and don't forget about it and he's thought about it and he says we're sitting here making fret all the time so then after Trump and I said your s*** is rancid you're stupid and you're an a****** I don't want to hear this s*** and it says he went off on him. And that's a rivalry he said he went down to fort Myers or something but now yeah that's where he went and that's his place and he hurt Arnold's there twice and we need to pay him back for it and we are right now
Thor Freya
It's a huge competition going on now. And yeah the movie Black Tower Garth. Does this movie and he's going after a dark Tower who is wondering why he's so stupid. But really this is intense everybody is trying to get up and just say I swear to get it we're not really competing and our friend says you're not even really here and they say what and it says nothing I'm not here either what so is the guy girl across the street okay it's a boy and a certain amount of talk going on here wants to know if you can turn in used socks to Goodwill and I don't know.
0 notes
itsallyscorner · 4 years
Could you do something where the reader is a marvel actor but crashes a panel that Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are doing (kinda like Tom Holland did that one time) but the sofa is small so the reader is squished in between them and has to share their mics when asked questions something like that. It can be platonic but they are really close or the reader has a little thing going on with Seb but is really close with Mackie. I hope that made sense!
Oooo this request is so cute! Thank you for the request lovely, hope you like it!💜
a/n: This imagine is HEAVY on the dialogue because I wanted to include some fun questions from the fans and what not, anyway here’s the imagine:) 
Stackie Sandwich
You watched from backstage as Anthony showed off his thighs to the crowd, you know, the usual. You were currently at ACE Comic Con along with Anthony and Sebastian. You always enjoyed going to these kind of things. Meeting and getting to interact with the fans was always fun, it reminded you of why you did these movies and how thankful you were to have such lovely, supportive fans.
Currently you and the crew backstage were trying to find a way to sneak you onto the stage without interrupting a question.
Anthony sat back down on the small couch as Sebastian laughed at his friend’s antics.
“I’m telling y’all, you wanna have thighs like these, you gotta do leg day. Don’t skip leg day.” Anthony tells the crowd as he nudges Sebastian. You chuckle from backstage as Kevin Smith, the monitor of the panel continues.
“So I know we were supposed to be joined by (y/n) (y/l/n), where is she?” He asked the men.
“Probably on a coffee run.” Sebastian answered immediately shaking his head with an eye roll. The crowd reacts with quiet giggles.
“I swear that woman cannot function without her coffee.” Anthony remarked.
“I’ve known her for years and lemme tell you it’s like her body is going through some kind of error. We were on set for a movie we did together and I was talking to her.” Anthony started as he leaned forward.
“Now I didn’t know she didn’t have her coffee yet. I’ve been talking for like 10 minutes and the whole time she was sleeping. And when she began to like wake up and talk, it was like she was a sloth.” Anthony shared as he proceeded to act like a sloth saying “Error 404” really slow.
You turned to the stage hand and said “I’m going now, he just called me a sloth.”
The man laughed and handed you a mic from the side. Before walking out you say into the mic, “I know you ain’t talking about me, Mackie.” You walk out to the stage and the crowd cheers loudly. Mackie throws his head back as he laughs.
“Hey everyone!” You greet the crowd, waving at all of them. You approached the guys with your arms up in a “fight me” manner, it was mostly for Anthony. You greet Kevin and move to Sebastian, purposely skipping Anthony.
“Hey, dragostea.” Seb greeted you as he wraps his arms around your body. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hide your face in between his neck and shoulder.
When you pull away you turn to Anthony who looked offended. You send him a playful smile and smack his arm before jumping on him and wrapping your arms around him. He lets out his boisterous laugh and hugs you back. In the process you drop your mic on the stage causing you to cringe.
You guys settle onto the small couch. You sat in between Anthony and Seb, fairly squished in the middle by the two buff men. Their legs took up too much space on the couch, leaving no room for your own legs. The crowd laughed at your face as you tried to make yourself comfortable in the tight space.
You went to speak into your mic but it didn’t register. Looks like you broke the mic.
“Look at you, haven’t been up here for a minute and you already broke something.” Anthony tisked playfully. Sebastian poked you with his mic and handed it to you. You thanked him with a smile. 
“I’ll pay for that! Just send me the bill.” You yell towards the back. You look at Anthony and raise your brow at him.
“You need to pipe down, son. You’ve been coming at me all morning long.” You acknowledged pointing a finger at him. The crowd laughs along with Seb. Anthony nods as he stifles his laughs to himself.
“(Y/n), thank you for joining us, how are you?” Kevin asks you.
“I’m doing great! I’m so excited to be here and meet all of you! I saw so many of you guys dressed up, and you all look absolutely amazing! I also saw a dog on my way here!” You answered bubbly.
“What kind of dog?” Sebastian asked pulling your hand with the mic towards him.
“A golden retriever and omg he was dressed as Cap!” You squealed.
“I hope that dog is here because I want to meet them and just smother them with hugs.” You add as you motion to the audience.
“Sebastian said you were running late because you were on a coffee run, is that true?” Kevin asks as Sebastian scrunches his nose. 
“I mean he’s not completely wrong. I got coffee before I got here. But the traffic on the way here was really bad.”
“She’s lying, she spent a good half hour at Starbucks sippin’ on her coffee while inhaling the smell of Starbucks like an addict.” Anthony jokingly jabs at her. You were used to the playful jabs from Mackie, it was how you guys were. Knowing each other for years, you guys formed a brother/sister relationship.
“Alright then! So, we’ve got a line forming for the questions! How about we start?” Kevin continued as he motioned to the crowd.
🕓 Time Skip
It’s half an hour into the panel and you guys have been asked so many questions already. Some about your characters, the relationships off screen, and some new projects. Thankfully the crowd was very nice and respectful to you all, no one asked anything rude or made offensive comments.
The laughs were just dying down after Mackie told another one of his jokes. A teenage girl dressed as your character came up to the mic.
“Hi, my name is Maddie and my question is for (y/n)!” She waved at you with a grin.
“Hi, hun! You look beautiful by the way, I love your costume!” You complimented her, taking Anthony’s mic. She thanks you and continues.
“I—, I’m sorry you’re just so small compared to Anthony and Seb on that couch. You’re so cute!” The audience laughs along with the two men next to you.
You huff and squish your way out between Anthony and Sebastian’s bodies, “In my defense it’s a really small couch! And these guys are so beefy they take up all the space on here!”
“It’s a Stackie sandwich with a side of (y/n)!!” Mackie enthusiastically announced making the crowd go crazy.
Sebastian moved further into the corner of the couch making more space for you. He even moved his arm to rest on top of the couch’s backrest. You could hear some fans point it out and squeal. You thank him by patting his leg as his arm lingered behind you.
“So my question is, how is it like to be around such tall people? Because I’m short as well and I have to always look up at everyone.” Maddie says into the mic.
“That’s exactly how it is! Sometimes I get concerned if I’ll mess up my back because I have to look up at everyone!” You say into Sebastian’s mic, which he voluntarily held up for you.
“We carry her around a lot on set.” Seb chimes from beside you.
“Yeah like a sack of potatoes.” Anthony adds.
You pull on Seb’s arm to talk into the mic, “They also tease me a lot, but it’s all in good fun.”
“Hey guys! I’m Jess and my question is for Anthony! So you and (y/n) have worked on multiple projects together. How was it like to be in Marvel with each other and act along side each other?”
You giggled at the question, turning to Anthony, “How’s it like to work with me, huh?”
“I mean, honestly, it’s always an honor to work with (y/n). I’m glad that I know someone like her in this business, she’s one of the most genuinely nice people you’ll ever meet. And I respect her for that because sometimes it’s hard to not get blinded by the fame and just become a dick, or a diva in your case.” Anthony answered as he threw an arm around you.
“Aww thanks, Mac.” You smile and lean on his shoulder.
“And to add onto that. Our characters in the movie are pretty close as well, so when Anthony and I have scenes together, it doesn’t even feel like acting. It’s always a great time on set when he’s around.” You finished off.
“Hi, I’m Elena and my question is for Sebastian!”
“This is our last question for the panel, so make it good!” Kevin interjects.
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” Sebastian says to the fan.
“Bucky and (y/c/n) have really good chemistry with each other in the movies and the relationship doesn’t feel forced onto the fans. I wanted to know if any of the chemistry on screen is real offscreen?” Elena asked with a cheeky grin. You remained quiet as you felt Anthony nudge you with his knee.
Sebastian longingly stared at you for a moment before answering, “Well it’s not hard to act like you’re in love with (y/n), because everyone on set loves her. She unapologetically herself and I think that’s what makes it so easy to have chemistry with her, it just felt natural with her, you know?”
“To answer your question, Elena. They’ve been on a few dates already.” Anthony blurted out causing the audience to erupt. You looked at him with your mouth agape from your position on Sebastian. You were currently leaning into his side while your arm rested on his thigh.
“You weren’t supposed to say that.” Sebastian uttered as he moved his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have feelings for Seb. You guys definitely had chemistry offscreen and everyone knew about it.
“Hey! All I’m implying is that y’all need to both stop beating around the bush and make it official Anthony defended himself.
“(Y/n), how do you feel about dinner tonight?” Sebastian asked you.
“Sounds good.” You smile at him.
“Great, we have some things to discuss.” He playfully teased the crowd.
“FEELINGS!” Anthony yelled over Sebastian.
Kevin laughed as he ended the panel, “On that note! Our panel has come to an end, thank you everyone for showing up and for your questions! Thank you Anthony, (y/n), and Sebastian for coming here we really appreciate it!”
You guys thank the crowd again and take a group picture with the audience. Anthony leaves the stage first followed by you and Seb. Sebastian helps you down the stairs and keeps a hand on your back.
“Wait, are we actually going to dinner?” You asked looking up at him.
“Yeah, I told you, we’ve got some stuff to talk about.” He winks as he leads you guys to the green room.
dragostea - love
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Summary: Harry and Y/n meet again. This time spending more time together and getting to know each other. 
warnings/ disclaimers: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of childbirth. 
Harry was out searching for a book. He had left Loralie with his mother for the day since he had some errands to run and it would be a busy day. He had finished all of his books and he was on the search for another, maybe even some extra ones for his classroom. He had stopped by his favorite coffee shop and ordered his favorite black coffee to start his day of errands, then he went to the market to get everything for dinner tonight- he thought he might as well get it out of the way since he hates grocery shopping.
Now he’s on the way to a bookstore, he didn’t want to order it on Amazon or just go to a big chain store so he did a quick google search and found a small book store a block down the road from the coffee shop he had gone to. He wanted to find the book burning in water, drowning in flame- his sister had recommended it to him and now he was itching to read it.
He made his way to the bookstore, it looked like a homey place just from the outside of the store. It was a rust colored brick with two sconces on either side of the top of the book shop, a rather tall building- possibly a flat at the top. Harry looks at the cacti peeking through the windows, little flower stickers to decorate.
Harry walks into the book shop, opening the door making the golden bell at the top of the door frame sound off. As soon as Harry steps in he notes the warm scent, it smells like the owner had been baking cookies. “Hello!” He hears a cheerful voice sing while he steps toward the poetry aisle in search of the book. “Is there anything I could help you with today?” He hears the voice again making him turn his head. To his surprise it’s Y/n, he’s been thinking about her. “Oh, hi.” He says bashfully, smiling and stepping over to the cashier counter she was behind.
Y/n smiles, continuing to add price tags on the back of her new shipment of books. She had started her little business officially a bit after she had gotten pregnant with Milo. Milo’s dad had left her after she broke the news to him, they were in their early twenty’s (Y/n being twenty one and him being twenty two) so it was understandable that he didn’t want children yet but the way he dealt with the situation was just dramatic and too much on Y/n. So she put everything into her little book shop, she took out a loan and bought this place, starting planning and putting her all into it, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
“Hi Harry.” She says, adding a book to the stack. Harry blushes at her tone again, she’s hard to read. “Um… do you happen to have burning in water, drowning in flame?” He asks, whirling around her display of different styles and colors of bookmarks. He is a twenty six year old man, why is acting like one of his students who thinks he’s handsome? Y/n laughs, nodding while she pulls her mug up to her lips- Harry thinks it’s hot chocolate (and he’s right). “It’s in poetry, first aisle, third shelf, second row.” She says, impressing Harry in how she has memorized every single spot of her book store.
Harry gives her a tight nod, walking over to the poetry section and looking for the book. “Is this your place?” Harry asks, making conversation while the rest of the store is dead silent.
“Yeah, me and Milo live in the flat upstairs.” Y/n admits. Harry’s ears perk up, she didn’t say anything about a partner. He walks back to the counter placing his book down, not handing it over to her yet. “When did you open this place?” He questions, looking around the shop. He sees some crystals, some candles- that both look up for sale and also her personal ones. It’s cute.
“After I got pregnant with Milo. Right after Xavier left me.” She says, leaving Harry wondering. “Xavier is…?” Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. It’s only their second time meeting and she’s already giving him her sob story. “He’s what would be Milo's father.” She says, picking at her bare nails. She doesn’t consider Xavier Milo's father, he’s never been there for him so he’s not a father. Harry’s lips form a tight line, “um, Loralies mum died… so… we’ve all got baggage.” He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
Loralies mum had died, she died during childbirth. She already had a particularly painful and rough pregnancy with Lora and that was just extremely unexpected, Harry just thanks his stars everyday that his little one is safe with him. “That’s awful, Harry. I‘m sorry.” Harry smiles at her, “it’s okay. I’ve got my Lora so I’m okay.” Y/n nods, smiling and grabbing the book from between his fingers. “She’s a sweet girl.” She compliments.
Harry nods, feeling a little cocky over how well he has raised his daughter. “Is this all for you?” She asks, pulling out a small brown bag with the logo and name on it- they are cute. “Yes please.” Harry politely says, making her laugh under her breath. “If this is your first time here? You get a free bookmark with every book you purchase if it is.” She says, nodding over to the bookmarks. Harry nods, looking through the bookmarks and picking a random Fleetwood Mac one- cute, he thinks. Y/n adds the bookmark to the bag, setting it infront of him. “13.22” she says, Harry fishing his wallet out.
“Are you doing a lot today?” He asks, motioning down to all the books stacked around her while he hands her a ten and four singles. She shrugs, “the usual.” Y/n says, handing him back his change. Harry thinks for a second, pausing his response making Y/n a little nervous. “I could help?” Harry offers, setting his coffee on the table. Y/n gives him a questionable look, sharpening one of her eyes at him. “You want to put tags on books and reorganize with me?” She asks, making Harry laugh. He nods, putting a bookmark back in its place “see, I’m already helping.” He says cheekily.
Y/n smiles, shaking her head. “I guess you can help.” She says.
Soon enough they are sat on the brown carpet, mountains of books around them. Y/n has a blanket wrapped around her and Harry has his legs stretched out. Y/n is tagging books while Harry is setting by the book shelf closest to them organizing. “I swear they put something in the water fountain at that school, the kids are always running and screaming around my classroom while I’m trying to talk about how Van Gogh cut off his own ear.” Harry says, making Y/n loudly giggle, thinking about how Milo probably gives him a horrible time on Wednesdays.
“You like working where Loralie is?” She asks, Harry of course nodding. Loralie is his baby, he loves knowing she’s just up the stairs- especially if she were to get sick or hurt he would be right there to take care of her. “Yeah, I wish I could always be with Milo but one of us has to make the money.” She jokes which makes Harry laugh.
“She always comes waddling into my classroom screaming for me- which disrupts the class but I don’t care.” He shrugs, his mind going back to Loralie. “Oh shit, I’ve got to pick her u-“
“Hi! How are you, baby!” Y/n cheers, Milo running toward her then crashing into her in a hug. Y/n’s friend Mikaela had babysat Milo for the day while Y/n tried to get as much work done as she could. Usually on the weekends (like today) Milo will be in the store with her… which tends to distract her. “Um, I’ve got to go but we should do this again? Maybe… over dinner?” Harry asks, Y/n’s face lighting up.
“Are you asking me on a date?” She teases, Harry blushing and nodding. Y/n laughs, slipping her phone from her pocket, “take my number and we can schedule that date you’re begging me for.” She teases.
Harry gets her number, thanking her for the book and letting him stay before he slips out. Now he’s got to get back to Loralie. But he’s got a date!
Later that night when Harry and Loralie are practicing her memorizing her ABCs his phone beeps. He ignores his at first, just expecting it to be a stupid text from his friend Mitch, but once he looks down he sees Y/n’s contact name. “Keep going, bug.” Harry says, grabbing his phone from the carpet while they set on the floor of the living room, unlocking his phone.
Hii, im free next Friday :) let me know if that works with your schedule!
Harry laughs at her cute little smiley faces, trying to think up a response that doesn’t make him sound a thousand years older than her. The tip of his tongue sticks out while he types back his response, his eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Hello! Friday works, how about 5:30? I can pick you up.
He lays his phone back down and helps Loralie with her letters, pulling her onto his lap. “D is for Daddy!” She cheers, making Harry smile, chuckling and kissing her round cheeks while she squeals. Harry hears his phone ding, grabbing it and reading the response, thanking god she answered. He thought his heart would explode out of his chest. It was beating so hard.
That sounds good ☺️ see you then!
Harry got her to say yes, but now he has to deal with the anxiety of actually going on the date. What should he wear, where should they go? Should he be opening the door and pulling out her chair or is that not in-in dating anymore? He hasn’t dated since Loralies mum and his baby is two years old now, it’s been quite a long time since he dipped his toe into trying to charm a woman. He just hopes he’s still got it.
The day is here. Loralie is with her grandma so Harry can get ready for the date. He’s been panicking and running all around his little house. He showered and smothered himself in lotion and his best cologne- he wanted to smell nice for her. He was adding leave in conditioner to his hair (which he hardly remembers to do) to make it more silky and the curls look a bit prettier than they usually do- he doesn’t know much about hair, he just does what his sister tells him what his hairdresser tells him he should do.
He planned out an outfit, a pair of tan dress pants with a white tank top and a cardigan over it. He had thought over the outfit a bit too much, was it too casual for the date? Was the cardigan too much? He decided against his thoughts and layers some pearls on, sliding his rings on that were in a jewelry dish, placed in there before his shower. He takes a look in the mirror, readjust his cardigan before he gives himself a little nod. He feels good about this.
He makes his way over to Y/n flat, walking up the metal steps to her flat and knocking on the door. When she opens the door he notices just how amazing her home smells, just like her book shop. He needs to remember to ask her where she gets her candles. “Hi,” Harry smiles, looking his date up and down. She was dressed nicely. It was a sage green dress with spaghetti straps, it stopped a couple inches above her knee. Harry thought it was cute.
She paired it with gold jewelry and a black cross body bag. Dirty white vans to go along with it that added a child-like feel to the outfit. Harry thought that was cute too.
“Hi,” she smiles, glancing behind her. “You look nice.” Harry says, suddenly feeling hot. Y/n laughs under her breath, thanking him. “You look nice as well.” Harry smiles bashfully, looking down at his feet. “Thank you”
Y/n says her goodbyes to Milo, hugging and kissing him before thanking her friend again for watching him. It’s the same one from last week, Mikaela. They get into Harry’s car, a bit of awkward silent before Y/n breaks it, Harry stopping the tapping of his fingers along to the low radio once her voice interrupts it. “So, where are we going?” She asks, smoothing her dress out against her thighs.
Harry laughs, he’s not prepared for dates and for some reason he hadn’t thought about the most important part. “I’ll eat anywhere to be honest.” Y/n admits, looking through her window at all the different places.
Harry was looking around in a panic and he finally pulled something out of his ass that sounded good, especially on his teacher salary. “Olive Garden?” Harry says, trying to say it confidently but it definitely comes out as more of a question. Y/n’s eyes light up, she’s in the mood for bottomless salad and breadsticks. “That sounds heavenly.” And Harry is happy to hear that.
They walk into the busy restaurant, instantly getting escorted to a table. Harry is happy they didn’t have to wait- that would have just been embarrassing since he threw this together last minute. They sat in the booth, sliding in and getting comfortable. “So, how’s the bookstore?” Harry asks, pulling apart his breadstick. Y/n knocks her shoe with his under the table, she thinks it’s cute how bashfully he can get when just asking a simple question. “It’s good. How are your little art students?” Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“It’s good. They are doing self portraits.” Y/n laughs, her eyes widening.
“How’s that going?” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “They look like shittier versions of Picasso’s paintings.” Y/n dramatically gasps through her laughs, “aren’t you supposed to worship the ground that man walks on? Why would you say that?” Harry rolls his eyes once again, chuckling at her. “I’m just behind honest!”
Their date goes on the same, they order their food, giggling while they eat and even getting into a little food fight with the leftover breadsticks. (They weren't being humble, they asked for another basket) They finished their food, “That was fun.” Y/n admits smiling. Harry nods, taking the check and opening his wallet. “Here,” y/n holds out her card, Harry shaking his head. “I’ll pay.” Harry shrugs her off, handing his card tucked in the black check book the waiter had brought over back to him before she can further protest.
Y/n scoffs, throwing another breadstick at him that he tried to catch but it’s too greasy. “Hey! I thought we had a truce?!” Harry questions her. She shakes her head, apparently swearing off the truce. Harry shrugs, thanking the waiter when he brings his card back along with their mints. “You better sleep with one eye open then.” Harry says, standing up and waiting for her. She laughs, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder. “I have a three year old, I basically sleep with them both open. You’re nothin’.” She says, Harry nodding his head in agreement. He knows just how she feels.
They drive back to her flat, Harry of course walking her to her door. “I had so much fun tonight.” Harry says, looking down before he looks up at Y/n. She smiles, blushing. She hasn’t dated since Xavier and she admired that to Harry tonight, they both admitted that they haven’t dated since their children’s parents so they felt a lot comfortable knowing they were both rusty.
“Me too, you’re a really sweet guy, Harry.” She says. She needs to remember to thank her forgetful little Milo for leaving his folder in Harry’s classroom. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I was pretty nervous.” Harry admits a bit sheepishly. Harry is a bit giddy on the inside about them hitting it off so well, they were having the best conversation and at times they were getting extremely loud, probably annoying the people around them, but they didn’t care, they had fun. “Yeah, I was nervous as hell but I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Thanks for tonight.” Y/n smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
Harry’s eyes widen, but he still kisses her back. He hasn’t kissed anyone in so long he thought he had forgot how to for a second. His hands come up to cup her jaw, moving his lips with hers. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good night.” Y/n smiles, opening her door with red cheeks. Harry nods, a little flabbergasted. “Have a good night.” He says, trudging down her steps.
And now he’s hooked on her.
Tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
If you liked this please reblog and please tell me what you thought of it ☺️ thank you for reading!! I hope you all like the series so far I’m writing part three right now so it should come out soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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the spins ch. 1
Links to the Ao3 post will be up soon, but lmk what you think! It’s been a hot minute since I wrote fic
“Please - just go with me here,” Lexi whispers as she pulls Fez to her lips. 
Or - Lexi pretends that Fez is her boyfriend when Ethan is a complete asshole tries to push past her boundaries.
Lexi is every shade of vanilla under the sun. Everyone knew it. She knew it. She liked vanilla, though. Vanilla was comforting - the smell of her scented candles as she finished her homework, the smell of cupcakes freshly baked, the slight scent of her clothes as she pulls them from the dryer. 
She could tell you six ways to Sunday about the effects of six different drugs, but she would never take any herself. Everyone knew that the only reason she was here was because she was Cassie Howard’s little sister, like that made anything better. They were indifferent to her presence, felt all the more out of place by her plaid dresses and lace peter pan collars. 
Sometimes she felt like she could melt into the wall, for all the difference she made. In the context of everything that made up this room full of gyrating, drunk, hormonal teenagers, she was a lamp. Not that it mattered to her. An impartial observer, she tells herself. A ghost ship passing in the night. 
She wishes she’d said no when Cassie asked her tonight, bribing her with a braid crown and ownership of a tube of MAC Russian Red that Cassie had bought a month ago and never used. But she had secretly coveted that lipstick, and Cassie knew it. 
“It’s just so not my colour,” Cassie said, gesticulating with the lipstick and she turned to face Lexi. “What a waste,” she jokingly continued, and that’s enough to get Lexi to shut the lid to her laptop and give a huffed ‘fine’ as she gets up to get changed and snatch the lipstick from Cassie’s smug extended fingers. 
And now, instead of yet another episode of Forensic Files, Lexi was at yet another party on yet another Friday night. She thinks wistfully of her bed and the fact that she was oh-so-close to starting a new season that it wasn’t even funny. She pulls out her phone with her free hand, lamenting that fact that it wasn’t even close to midnight. Cassie is in the corner, on the lap of some guy, all teeth and giggles as he whispers something in her ear that undoubtedly isn’t funny. Lexi rolls her eyes. Same fucking Cassie. 
Lexi is broken from her musings by some drunk guy bumping into her, a wall of muscle and Axe body spray and beer. Ironically, she should’ve smelled him coming before he probably broke her fucking toes.
She’s knocked off-balance, prepared to fall, even, because she should not have asked what the fuck could go wrong- a strong pair of hands around her waist manages to save her from mortification and a shower of candy-coloured vodka. 
When she meets his eyes, she’s slightly breathless. They’re gorgeous, cerulean, and kind. And he looks familiar - he might just be a regular fixture at one of these, same as her. 
His eyes crinkle slightly as he pulls her back to standing upright. “You allgood?”
“Yeah,” she says, breathless. “I- Thank you.”
“No sweat. You Rue’s friend, right?” He smiles slightly at her, and she still can’t place him. Except he’s really cute. 
It doesn’t escape her that this has to be the first time that she wasn’t just ‘Cassie’s little sister’. She’d heard that so many times she figured she should have a t-shirt made. 
“Yeah, since like preschool,” Lexi smiles, and then realises what she’s said. Stupid stupid stupid. She rushes to correct herself, to play it off. “Sorry, I don’t know why I said that.”
“You good. You met when you met.” He’s still got that small smile on his face when he looks at her and she realises one of his hands are still on her waist. His eyes are still captivating and oh-so-close.  “Can I get your name?”
“LEXIIIII!!!” Jules runs up to her, shattering the moment. They both take a step back. Mystery guy removes his hand from her waist and she finds herself missing its presence. “Have you seen Rue?” 
“Nope, sorry.” She internally curses Jules for ruining the moment. Mystery guy catches her eye and the corner of his lip upturns as his eyes narrow, like he can somehow guess what she’s thinking. 
“Fez, have you seen her?” Wait, Fez?! Not like- oh no. 
Fez’s voice breaks her out of her internal spiral. “Yeah, I think she’s around here somewhere.” 
“I’ll help you look, if you’d like?” Lexi’s voice doesn’t quite sound like her own - not that anyone would particularly notice.
Jules puts her arm around Lexi’s waist and she laments the fact that it feels nothing like Fez’s. She turns to glance back at him, and in a rare moment of self-confidence, mouths “later?”
His small hopeful smile and nod is all she needs.
Rue is located fifteen minutes later in a small bathroom. She looks slightly out of it, but that is now Jules’ problem to deal with. For now, Lexi can’t wait to get back to Fez. She finds it weird how excited she is to see him again, how she suddenly doesn’t feel so much like a fly on the wall. 
She’s walking through the hallway, almost reaching the room Fez was last in.
Someone catches her arm. “Hey Lexiiiiiiiiii,” Ethan’s voice drawls as he pulls her in close. “How you doinnnnn?”
“Hi, Ethan. Where’s Kat?” She asks, cordial. At the mention of Kat’s name, Ethan’s gaze darkens. 
“She’s not the one for me anymore, Lex. I’ve done some thinking, right-“ he burps, straight into her face, and Lexi thinks oh dear lord this is so not what she fucking needs right now. “I’m in love with you. It’s always been you, Lex - you’re so nice and so kind and you’re really pretty and fuck it-“ he leans into plant one on her mouth and it is by some small miracles that she manages to tilt her head down so that he starts making out with her nose instead. His hands start reaching down her body, grabbing her ass. It takes him about three seconds in his drunk state to realise that her nostrils aren’t her open and willing lips, and when he resurfaces for air, she takes the liberty of shoving him off her. 
“What in the actual FUCK, Ethan?” She demands, putting as much space between her and him as she possibly can. 
She thinks he could do one of two things. Apologise or go home in shame. To her surprise, he does neither. 
“What are you fucking talking about, Lexi? I thought you were interested in me?? You were always asking me how my day was going-“
“Yeah, cause I’m a nice fucking person, Ethan!” She has so much rage and disgust balled up in her fists right now. 
He continues, undeterred. “Plus, you’re damn near unfuckable. When was the last time a guy even looked at you? I figured I was doing you a favour.”
“Yeah? Well, my boyfriend is gonna beat the shit out of you!” the excuse sounds pathetic to her as well, but she’s just so fucking mad that she can’t even think straight. 
“Boyfriend?” Ethan scoffs. “You don’t have a boyfriend. You’re fucking pathetic, that’s what you are.”
Lexi back away from him. “Oh yeah? Watch me.”
Lexi storms away, and suddenly walks into Fez. “Hey, Lex, I was just starting to miss you,” he smiles down at her, before noticing her expression. 
She looks up at him. Her heart starts beating fast. Fuck it. She thinks. She leans up to his ear. “Please - just go with me here,” she asks, and she doesn’t know whether its a prayer or a request. She leans back slightly and meets his eyes. The silent ‘yes’ is everything she needs.
Then she pulls him close and kisses him. 
The kiss is everything to her. At first, it’s slow and tender, like he’s not expecting it.
But his lips push against her with more urgency, and his hands come to rest on her waist and against the back of her neck, pulling her to him. Lexi reciprocates with the same urgency, her hand against his cheek, and she can’t think of anything but the feel of his stubble under her cheek and his lips against hers and how his body feels and fuck she’s not religious but she might convert after this because this is heaven. He moans slightly into her mouth and she could’ve wept on the spot.
The moment is broken when Ethan scoffs. Fez and Lexi gaze into each others eyes with wonderment. 
“Whatever, bitch. You’re still unfuckable and pathetic anyway. I bet you that Fez is only with you cause-“ His words are cut off when Fez slams him against the wall. 
“Leave. Now.” Fez says in a low growl, hands scrunched up in Ethan’s shirt. The intensity in his gaze makes Lexi feel warm.
To his credit, Ethan nods. Fez releases him after a second and he fully scurries off. 
Fez turns back to Lexi, his expression unreadable. Lexi doesn’t know if she wants to kiss him again or run away. 
“What was that?” he asks. 
“Nothing-“ she squeaks out. “I’m sorry, Ethan was being a jerk and started ranting that he was in love with me and pawing at my ass-“
“Isn’t that dickhead Kat’s boyfriend?” Fez glances after where Ethan ran out.
“Yeah. Still is, but after tonight, I don’t know.” Lexi can only look at the ground. She wants the earth to swallow her whole, to go back to being invisible. 
“You allgood?” He returns to stand in front of her, tilting her chin up so her eyes meet his. 
“Yeah. No. I don’t know.” Lexi averts her gaze once again, mortified. “I’m sorry I pounced on you, I told him you were my boyfriend and-“
“Hey look, you don need to be sorry bout nothin.” His gaze is intense but entirely in a different way. “Besides, I liked it. Ion know if you don wanna do that again, but that was some kiss.”
“Really?” she asks, entirely puzzled. 
He breaks out into a small smile. “Yeah.” He looks up at where they are, faceless teenagers piled into the hallway, uninterested now that the fights over. “Wanna get some air?”
“Yes please,” she says, letting him lead her outside onto a wooden swing set away from the crowds and the booze. 
“I didn’t get to tell you before, but thank you.” She leans her head against the rope of the swing, looking over at him. 
“Lexi, you kiss me like that every time, I’ll be your boyfriend any day of the week.” He looks back at her, pulling out a blunt and a lighter, proffering both to her. 
She thinks fuck it. She’s already been fearless tonight. What’s a little more?
She puts the blunt to her lips and lights it. Breathing in, she immediately coughs. 
“Easy, Lex,” Fez says, moving over to her. He takes the blunt from her fingers so she can cough some more. “You don’t smoke much, do you?
“You sure you wanna start now?” She nods in answer, sneaking a glance at him. He looks down back at her with those kind eyes. “Okay,” he says, coming to face her, kneeling in between her legs. “You put it to your lips, breathe into your mouth, and then breathe down into there.” He points at her lungs, never breaking eye contact. 
She does as instructed. She can’t look away from him. He’s looking at her like she’s precious, like she’s there, and it takes everything in her not to kiss him again. She passes the blunt back to him, but he stays there, still kneeling. His hand finds hers around the swing rope and tentatively encloses it. She smiles. 
“You know, this is not how I thought my night would go.”
“Forreal? You doin this every week, Lexi?”
“No, its just, I usually spend these things in the corner, counting down the minutes until Cassie wants to go home. It’s probably been years since I kissed a guy. I’ve been reading Wikipedia articles on my phone for hours before I met you.”
“Anything interesting?” He asks, extinguishing the end of the blunt in the grass next to them. 
“You know the Muppet song? ‘Mahna Mahna’?” she lightly hums a little bit of it to jog his memory. “It actually comes from a softcore Italian porno.”
Fez laughs. Like really laughs. Its unadulterated and she finds herself smiling in turn. “Forreal? Ain that for kids n shit?”
“Yeah, I have no idea how it made it in but there you go.” Lexi smiles sheepishly. 
“Do you have any other interesting facts for me, Lexi Howard?”
“How did you know my last name?” Now it’s Fez’s turn to look sheepish. He rubs the back of his neck slightly, breaking eye contact for a second.
“I asked Rue about you when we were inside.”
“Why?” She tilts her head slightly - no one had ever asked about her. Ever. Usually people were asking her about Cassie, as if being the gatekeeper of her sister was an honour in itself. 
“Why? Cause I thought you were beautiful n shit,” he continues, honesty dripping from every word. Blushing, Lexi looks back at him. “You don’t have to be nice to me. I did just accost you in the hallway,” she says, eyes darting away from his. 
“Why you always be doin that shit?” he asks. 
“Doubting yourself n shit. You gorgeous, Lexi Howard. You gorgeous and smart and a great kisser.”
“Thanks,” Lexi says slowly, as though she’s tasting each syllable on her tongue. 
Cassie suddenly bursts out. “LEXI!!!” She runs out as best she can, considering the grass and the heels. 
Fez ruefully stands up and moves away from her. 
“What’s wrong, Cas?” She asks, noticing the slightly tear tracks that mar her makeup. 
“We gotta go. We gotta go. Please, Lexi, take me home right now.”
“Okay, okay,” Lexi says. “You’re explaining yourself when we get home, okay?” She looks back at Fez with regret in her eyes, scared that the spell will be broken if she leaves now. Lexi turns back to Cassie. “Go get your stuff, okay? Phone, keys, purse, jacket. I’ll meet you outside in five.”
Cassie moans. “Noooo - he’s in there. I can’t go inside. Please, Lexi?”
“Okay,” Lexi fishes her keys out of her pocket. “Can I trust you to operate this?” She’s only half-joking - Cassie once fell asleep on the bonnet of her car. 
“Yes yes yes! You’re the best sister ever!” Cassie is jubilant at the idea of leaving, which concerns Lexi, but only for a minute. Cassie toddles off, all heels and stumbling. 
Lexi turns back to Fez. “Well, I gotta go play ‘I Spy’ with all of Cassie’s shit before she pukes in my car.”
“For sure,” he says, looking unsure. 
“What’s up?” she asks.
“Yo, can I like, get your number or something?” he asks, suddenly shy.
“Yeah, course,” Lexi tries to sound less enthusiastic, but she hates the way it comes out of her mouth. She hands him her phone. “Is it, like, weird that I don’t want to leave?”
“No,” he smiles back up at her, pausing for a second before he hands her phone back. “Ion really enjoy these things, but if you gonna be here,” he continues, smiling. 
Lexi smiles back. “Thanks, Fez, for everything.”
“Hope to see you soon, Lexi Howard.” Fez’s sincerity is unmissable, and it erases any trace of her anxiety. She heads back inside, glancing back only once to see Fez settling back into the swing, eyes still locked on her. She waves slightly, and he smiles. 
She wants to stay, but she’s gotta be Lexi Howard, sister extraordinaire, keeper of Cassie Howard. And she’ll be damned if she’s never hated that role more. 
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astonmartinii · 3 years
lemonade and star-crossed lovers, p1 (JJ Maybank)
Warnings: none yet, swearing? all core characters are aged up to 18, Rafe is 21. 
JJ Maybank x kook!reader (super super slow burn) (this will hopefully be a series) 
WC: 4.0k 
Growing up, Y/N always heard jokes about how the eldest daughter was just the mum in a different font. She never used to believe it, but that was when she had present and dedicated parents. Now, it just seemed that with every addition to the Miller family, the less interested Kevin and Julie Miller became. 
So here Y/N was, practically a mother to her three younger siblings. 
Dylan is only a year younger than Y/N but is no less of a hassle, especially when his useless friends decide to crash at their place. But considering they had the most hectic house of Dylan’s friendship group, the Miller household was usually the last option. 
Then there’s Anderson, he’s in his rebellious phase currently, getting to that point where he’s figured out that acting out could maybe get the attention of his parents. Though Y/N wasn’t sure how well his plans were working out. 
Peach is the youngest and practically attached to Y/N’s hip. To an untrained eye, Y/N often looked like a teen mum as she took Peach with her to the grocery shopping. In fact, Y/N was sure that if the kooks in Figure Eight didn’t know her family, they’d sneer at her with the same ignorance that clouded their entire lives. 
Y/N woke up glad - it’s the last day of school. Summer break looms. The idea of boneyard keggers and hot (but equally clueless) tourons, excited the girl. But she knew her summer reality would be looking after Peach, bailing Anderson out of jail and swatting away the affections of Dylan’s stupid friends. 
Dylan is already awake when Y/N comes knocking, taking extra close care to his hair. 
“Oh, you’re up,” Y/N said, moving to ruffle his hair and grab the empty plate on his bedside cabinet. 
“Jesus, fuck Y/N, was that really necessary?” 
“Hey maybe if you spent more time on assignments than your hair you wouldn’t have to take so many summer classes - oh yeah, mum might not remember, but I do, and you will be going.” 
“But it’s summer, surely it’s a violation to my human rights to go to school.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive, and maybe when you finally pass this year, you’ll thank me. Breakfast in 10.” 
Dylan just flips his sister off, going back to admiring himself in the mirror. 
Y/N next goes to Peach’s room to find her awake and rummaging through her draws. 
“Hey, princess, what are you thinking for the last day? Third grade finished already, you’ll be my age soon, wheeling me into the retirement home.” 
Peach erupts into giggles, pulling out a little pink summer dress and grabbing her pink sandals to complete the ensemble. 
“All pink, we love. Breakfast in 10, alright, don’t want you to be late for the last day.” 
Anderson’s room is last, Y/N doesn’t bother knocking on her parent’s door. Kevin is probably already down on Judy - his beloved boat. The room is typical of a 14 year old boy, it stunk, his weed paraphernalia was badly hidden and there was a lump of pillows under the cover instead of a boy. 
Shrugging, Y/N picked up the dirty mugs in his room and moved downstairs. She’d been awake nearly an hour now but was still unsure of what to make for breakfast. Opening the fridge gave her the only possible answer, leftover pizza from the previous night and maybe a porridge pot, though considering there were only two siblings to account for, it would do. 
Dylan and Peach joined her in the kitchen shortly after, each taking a slice or two of pizza. 
“No Anderson and pizza for breakfast? Watch out, we'll be calling CPS as soon as we’re outside.“ 
“You don’t know where the bug is? Why does that boy insist on giving me early onset cardiac issues?” 
“Don’t take it too to heart, I’m sure he’ll turn up by the second period.” 
“Okay, go to school now. Dylan, are you okay to drop Peach off, I’ll pick her up.” 
Dylan nods and ushers the youngest out of the door and to his car. Y/N lets out a sigh when she sees them leave the driveway and makes her way to the back door. Through the sliding door she can see her dad, Kevin on Judy instructing John B, the kid who worked on the boat, what to do. Y/N puts two slices of pizza on a plate and grabs an apple and ventures out to the dock. 
“Morning Y/N.” 
“Morning, John B, can I interest you in an apple? It’s all we have I’m afraid.” 
“No worries, any breakfast is breakfast when you’re a pogue.”
“Oh John B, you know I don’t believe in all that sub-par class warfare bullshit.” 
“Of course you don’t, but that’s very easy to say when you’re on the other side.” 
Y/N doesn’t say anymore, but moves to give her dad his breakfast. She liked John B and hoped he didn’t see her like the other kooks. Sure Rafe Cameron frequented her house, but she’s nothing like him. 
“Thanks, squirt.” 
Despite the nickname, Kevin was absent as ever, not moving to look at her. 
“You’re children are off to school, don’t worry.” 
“Oh thank you Y/N, I really don’t know what we’d do without you! You’re such a gem, you’re really unappreciated and we don’t deserve you! Thanks dad, I really needed to hear that. Are you coming later?”
“Where?” Kevin grunted, with pizza in his mouth. 
“My graduation? Did you forget that was today?” 
The awkward silence was enough of an answer for Y/N. 
“Sorry squirt, I promised to go to the mainland to pick something up for your mother.” 
With that, Y/N stormed off Judy, towards the house and into her room. When she sat down on her bed she could think about what just happened. She knew her parents didn’t care about her, but missing their first child’s graduation for a small errand to the mainland? 
Now that the house was quiet again, she could get ready - she was graduating today and as valedictorian she wants to look her best. Julie, her mum, is in Washington on some mysterious job venture, Y/N wasn’t told until she came down in the morning a few days ago and saw Julie with her suitcases. She guessed that one positive of her parents’ absenteeism is her ability to steal Julie’s expensive jewelry to wear. 
Y/N looked in the mirror, she did clean up nice when she wanted to. Her lengthy hair is in a half-up, half-down style, with minimal makeup and a red knee-length dress. The dress hugged her figure and complemented her graduation gown perfectly. Too bad none of her family would be there to see it. She knew deep down that Peach and Dylan would’ve attended if possible, and Anderson would maybe even make an appearance, especially if there was food involved. 
Y/N put her matching red heels on and grabbed her cap from her closet. After one final look in the mirror and putting her printed speech into her bag, the young girl made her way down the stairs. 
To her surprise, none other than John B sat in her kitchen drinking a glass of water. 
“You clean up nice kook,” said John B, a smug smirk on his face. 
“Thank you, John. Don’t you have graduation today?” 
 “Eh, yeah. I’m just going for the food though, school isn’t really my thing…” John B looked closer at her cap. “I’m practically the opposite to you Miss Valedictorian”. 
“Hmm, well at least someone in this house noticed, thank you John B. I’m going now, I didn’t notice your van out front, you need a lift to yours?” 
“Is that really on your way, wouldn’t want Miss Valedictorian to be late to her own event, you got a speech ready?” 
“I do as a matter of fact, but I want to be just on time, minimise the time people have to ask about the whereabouts of my parents. So, do you want a lift or not?” 
“Sure thing, Miss Valedictorian.” 
Y/N doesn’t acknowledge the nickname, but secretly loved it, it was a joke, but at least someone was appreciating her achievements. Peach would, she knows, but she’s not really at the point of understanding what it means and the others really are wildcards.
She led John B out to her small car, a baby blue Beetle. The boy smiled at her choice in car, 
“I’m sure that a kook like you could afford better than this.”
“Don’t insult Shelby in her presence, weren’t you ever taught manners? Now get it and give me directions.” 
The drive was fun, not that John B would tell Y/N that. He enjoyed her music choice, Mac Miller blasting from her speakers and the windows were fully rolled down, damned be her hair. 
Y/N neared the chateau and came to a stop. There were a few people sitting on the porch, looking over in confusion. 
“Yo, what’s with the kook-mobile, John B?” The blonde yelled from his seat on the beaten-up couch. 
When John B only turned to Y/N to say thank you, the interest peaked on the porch. The little gang of pogues moved towards the car. 
“John B, I didn’t realise your job came with a taxi service, why did I have to drop you off this morning?” The blonde, once again. 
“Lay off JJ, this is Y/N Miller, she’s the daughter of Kevin, the guy whose boat I work on. She’s on her way to her graduation and offered me a lift.” 
“Since when are kook graduations on the Cut?” The other boy interjected. 
Y/N decided to speak up, “if I knew an act of kindness would cause so much strife, I’ll just let you walk home next time. Now, I do have somewhere to be, so it was nice to see you, John B. I'm sure I’ll see you again this week.” 
“Bye Miss Valedictorian, good luck with your speech,” John B said, getting out of Shelby. 
“You’re the valedictorian?” Kiara finally spoke, face shocked. 
“Yeah, surprising what happens when you show up for school right?” Y/N snapped, angrier than she intended. 
“Oh yeah, sorry. I guess I thought that maybe Sarah would get it, especially if Ward has anything to do with it.” Kiara grimaced, she didn’t mean to offend the Miller girl. 
“You can’t buy the valedictorian title, well I’m sure you could, but not to flex, but my grades were miles better. If we’re being really ironic though, Ward technically does pay for the valedictorian,” Y/N said with a smile, not meaning to brandish her academic success in their faces. 
A chorus of “huhs?” from the pogues surrounding her car told Y/N that they weren’t catching her drift. 
“I’m Ward Cameron’s assistant. Sorry, I didn’t make that very clear.” 
“You have a job, but you’re a kook?” the blonde, JJ, said. 
“Yes, blondie, some of us do have to look out for ourselves, didn’t your parents tell you not to judge a book by its cover. I’ll see you around. Bye John B.” 
Y/N backed out of the road, heading back to Figure Eight, with her graduation starting in 10 minutes, she had massively overstayed her welcome at John B’s. If she weren’t so busy, Y/N always thought she’d like to be friends with John B and his crew, they had an unmistakable family bond that Y/N craved. She loves her siblings but they are still grappling with the idea of give and take, mainly fixating on the taking aspect. 
Y/N pulled up to school, and took out her phone, dropping a text to Anderson pleading with him to at least make it to two classes today. Even with her phone safely away in her bag, Y/N couldn’t quite bring herself to get out of the car. Happy families surrounded her everywhere she looked, she couldn’t handle the stares when she walks in alone. Well, it’s now or never she says to herself. 
Walking isn’t as bad as she suspects, Mr Morgan, her English teacher, meets her at the door and takes her to her seat, explaining the mechanisms of the ceremony and when she’ll make her speech.  
The hall, however, is the reminder that Y/N was dreading. The two seats she had booked for her parents sat empty, standing out like a sore thumb in the packed hall. She made her way to the student section with her head down. However, before Y/N could sit she was apprehended by an excitable Sarah Cameron. 
“Y/N! Hi! I heard you’re valedictorian, well done! I don’t know how you managed, with all the work and your siblings, you really are amazing.” 
“Thanks, Sarah.” 
The words sting, despite their pure intentions. She’s a kook, she shouldn’t have to work, and she should have parents who care for her and her siblings, but some things just aren’t meant to be, clearly. Y/N sat in her assigned seat and willed the ceremony to go fast, though she wasn’t looking too forward to her speech. The diversion to the chateau meant that Y/N had no time to look over it again. 
The ceremony started and the hall quietened down. Principal Stoney started her opening speech, basking in the spotlight when the hall door bursts open and interrupts. In the doorway stands Anderson. His hair is disheveled and the clothes are torn, probably from the nightly activities with the skateboard he held in his hand. The boy scanned the hall, eyes falling on the empty seats with the name Miller and then Y/N herself. He gives her a small wave and pushes past the Figure Eights families to the seats. 
Principal Stoney just restarts, a slight bewildered look on her face. 
When it was time for her speech, Y/N didn’t even feel real, like she floated to the stage and was possessed. Her speech went well from what she could gather, Mr Morgan gave her a thumbs up and Anderson hollered, much to the dismay of the families around him. But he was even worse when she received her diploma. 
As families spilled onto the field for fancy food and photo opportunities, Y/N wrangled Anderson to the side before he could raid the food stalls. 
“Anderson, what the fuck? First you didn't come home last night and then crash my graduation?” 
“Hey, I’m sorry about last night, me and the boys got carried away skating and I crashed on Oscar’s couch. I’m sorry, I should’ve called. And as for now, you think I’m going to let my smart-ass VALEDICTORIAN sister graduate without anyone being here to holler? You’re dead wrong.” 
The sentiment fills Y/N’s heart with joy and tears threaten to spill. Anderson’s never been good with feelings, it was nice to know that he did care. 
“Mum and dad can go fuck themselves, if they don’t see how great you are then they’re blind.” 
“Thanks, bug. It means a lot. Now don’t eat too much, people are probably already annoyed that you’re here.” 
Anderson shrugs, he couldn’t care less what they thought, he was here to eat and show off his sister. 
“Congratulations Y/N!” 
The voice of Y/N’s boss, Ward Cameron, was easily identifiable. Y/N puts on her confident face and turns to see the whole Cameron brigade, minus Wheezie. 
“Thank you, Mr Cameron.”
“You know, I just don’t know how you get it done, working for us and dealing with your siblings…” Rose says, the last part fading out as she watches Anderson walk back to his sister with his arms piled high with fancy horderves. 
“It’s tough, yeah, but what wouldn’t you do for your family?” 
“Of course, of course, sorry for any implications, where is the old man, I know Julie is off on business, but Kevin has to be proud, I didn’t see him in the hall?” Ward’s voice feigned sincerity, but the Miller siblings saw right through it. Before Anderson could respond, Y/N replied. 
“Dad is also doing business on the mainland, at the last minute. He’s devastated, really,” it's not convincing, even to her. Y/N can tell she hasn’t convinced the Camerons either. Sarah gives her a sad look, Rose attempts to mirror her step-daughter but fails, Ward looks slightly smug, like he’s trying to hide it but Rafe doesn’t even try to hide it like his dad, a massive smirk on his face. 
“What are your plans for the summer Miller?” Y/N is surprised when it’s Rafe who asks the question. 
“Well, I’ll be working for your dad, if he’ll have me, I still have my volleyball coaching in the tourist season and there’s never a dull moment with these around,” Y/N puts her arm around Anderson. 
Looking for a quick exit, she looks at her watch. 
“Oh, if we go now, you can still catch your last two periods. Kids, am I right?” She gestures at Rose and Ward, “we’ll be off now, I’ll see you next week?” 
The Camerons nod as Y/N pulls Anderson away and towards the car park. But before they can fully escape, they’re stopped by Mr Morgan. 
“You think you can leave without a photo and a proper goodbye, I didn’t think you were that kind of girl, Miller.” 
“Of course not, Mr Morgan, here,” she hands Anderson her phone, “take a picture please.” 
Anderson does so, taking about 50 at once. 
“Okay, okay, let's get one of you two, you can’t not have a proper graduation picture, especially not when you’re valedictorian.” 
Mr Morgan takes the phone and smiles at the siblings. When the impromptu photoshoot ends, Y/N is glad, despite it pushing back her escape. 
“Y/N, on a serious note, you are always welcome in my classroom, you’ve been a pleasure, and don’t tell anyone, but you were my favourite. And you, I hope you’ll be just as good next year sir,” he says turning to Anderson, “although considering you’re here and not in class doesn’t bode well.” 
“Thank you, sir, really. But you are completely right, and that’s why we’re bouncing now, so he can get two at least two periods.” 
Mr Morgan smiles at the two when they start to run to the car. He’s always felt sad for the eldest Miller, and her parents absence did not go unnoticed. 
“I’ll see you later, I know you guys will probably crash a kegger, but at least come home before you go?” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay, who knows maybe I’ll see you there?” 
Anderson laughs and gets out of the car, he knows his sister won’t especially when Peach will be home. Y/N watches him go into the building and stays a couple minutes to make sure he doesn’t sneak back out when he thinks she’s gone. 
But Y/N barely gets time to breathe, as she’s down to the elementary school to pick up Peach. The girl in all pink is waiting with a gaggle of friends and shrieks when she sees the blue car. 
“Y/N! Y/N! I got the “most improved” in drama!” 
Y/N opens the door and picks up Peach, spinning her round and congratulating her. 
“Well done, bubs. This calls for a celebration, it’s the first day of summer and the boys won’t be out for another couple of hours - what do you want to do?”
Peach doesn’t even need a second to think. 
“Lemonade stand!” 
Huh? Y/N was prepared for an answer closer to maybe a princess party or surfing lessons, but a lemonade stand? 
“Are you sure?” 
“You said we could do whatever I want!” 
“Okay, okay, let’s go then we’ve got a lot to do.” 
Satisfied with getting her way, Peach got in the car and demanded that the next stop was the craft store. 
The next 90 minutes were gruelling. Peach spared no expense, Y/N was lucky that she still had the credit card Julie gave her. But she knew it would all be worth it. And it was. 
Peach chose a spot right in the middle of the beach and the stall was already making a profit. Y/N knew kooks just couldn’t resist the temptation to look good and what was better than giving a generous tip to a child’s lemonade stand? 
But with a successful kook-trap came the kook assholes. Namely Rafe, Topper and Kelce. 
“Three lemonades please. Apricot, right?” Rafe said with a smirk. 
“You know it’s Peach asshole.” 
“That’s a bad word, Y/N,” Peach mumbled, clearly upset about being called apricot of all things.
“Yeah that’s a bad word, Miller, you should listen to Apricot a little more.” 
“Maybe, you should listen to your college professors, oh wait, you dropped out, my bad, must be a bit of an open wound judging by the look on your face. I bet daddy wasn’t impressed.” 
“Excuse me, you bitch, how dare you talk to me like that.” 
“Run along, lap dog, we don’t need your money.” 
Rafe goes to say something but Topper and Kelce hold him back. 
“Bro, don’t get it shit with your pops over a fucking lemonade,” Topper warned. 
With a final “fuck off”, Rafe Cameron stalked away to his car, his gang of cowards following, but not without Topper placing a crisp $20 bill in the tip jar. Peach mumbled and thank you and Y/N just nodded to Topper, too tired to say anything more. 
And if her afternoon couldn’t get any worse, the prickly blonde from this morning strolled over to the stand. 
“I’ll have four lemonades please.” 
Peach gasped and accepted his money right away, getting to work on the drinks. 
“I’ve seen many a kook-trap in my time, Miller, but not many operated by Kooks themselves. Impressive ingenuity.” 
“Thanks - JJ, was it? Peach here won “most improved” in her drama class and this is what she wanted to do in celebration” 
“Cute, Miller, didn’t take you as a softy earlier.” 
Peach announces that she’s finished with the pogue’s drinks, he puts another $5 in the tip jar and grabs the drinks. 
“Miller, there’s a kegger at the boneyard tonight, wanna come? I’m sure at least one of your brothers will crash.” 
“Sorry JJ, someone’s gotta look after the little one, maybe another time, if you can stand being around a kook for that long.” 
“I think I can make an exception, especially if they look like you Miller,” he winks, “boneyard tonight, if you change your mind.” 
Y/N blushed, but she knew she couldn’t, she couldn’t leave a nine year old at home, even if Kevin was there, there was no guarantee that Peach would be fed and given adequate attention. 
“He’s pretty, you should go.” 
“Peach, honey, you know I can’t, I can’t leave you at home.” 
“But I could go to Jenny’s, she’s having a sleepover tonight, I forgot to ask earlier, I got too excited about the lemonade stand.” 
“Okay, you can go to Jenny’s, but promise not too much candy?”
“Only if you promise to go with him tonight.” 
Peach was proving to be just as mischievous as her brothers. 
“Okay fine.” 
“Go tell him then.”
“I won’t believe you unless you go tell him now that you'll be there!”
 Y/N groans, but gets up to follow the blonde. As she nears, she shouts, 
“Hey JJ! I’ll be there tonight, at the boneyard, I’ll be there.” 
“Didn’t take too long for you to change your mind then, am I just that irresistible?” 
“No? What? Of course not! It’s just Peach - she’s a master manipulator, and she’s only nine!”
“Sure, Miller, if that’s what you want me to believe, I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”
Y/N turned, she should cringe, but she finds herself blushing as she walks back to Peach. 
“Don’t say anything, missy, you’ve done enough, let’s pack up and get you ready for Jenny’s. You young ones are such troublemakers, damn.”  
A/N: I am not American, so I hope that the graduation stuff makes sense, from someone who has no real clue what happens there lol  
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If u r still taking Zemo x reader ideas could I request a one shot where Zemo and the fem!reader are a couple and they have to babysit a baby (could be Sarah's or smth) and he is SO ADORABLE with the baby (bc he misses his son so much) and the reader tells him that she's ready to have a family with him? All super fluff pls? 🥺
Sorry this took so long and I tried my best to write this. I don’t think I made it fluffy enough.
A Baby
Pairing: Zemo x Reader
Warning: talk of Zemo’s dead son
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You and Zemo had been together for almost two years now. After his assistance in taking down The Flag Smasher America, Germany, the country that took sakovia had pardoned him. He was allowed out of prison as lon as he stayed away from wakonda. Sara and Bucky had had a baby, sam still didn’t like the super soldier and his sister together, And sam was still captain America. He hadn’t had as many issues with it as he thought he would no one bothered him about being a black captain America other than racists.
Currently You and zemo were babysitting for Sara, Sam Wilson’s sister, while her sam and Bucky were preparing for a block party type of event. You were making Sara’s oldest boys sone Kraft Mac n’ Cheese while Zemo was watching the baby. He walked into the kitchen talking to the baby in that weird voice people use with children. You thought the voice was stupid but he looked so cute with the baby.
“Helmut you know he doesn’t understand you, right?” You said and he looked at you.
“I know libeling but it still helps when they learn to talk.”
“Honey you have an accent that sometimes I don’t even understand,” You said as the baby started crying, “I think I made the little guy mad.”
“No you didn’t y/n he’s probably just hungry.” Zemo handed the baby to you and you were a little tense. “Don’t be so tense they can sense fear. Do you know if Sara left-“
“She left his bottles in the fridge. Love? Does this babysitting make you miss Carl?”
“Y/n, I always miss Carl. He had his mother and I wrapped around his finger.. All children remind me of him,” He said heating the bottle as the two older boys ran in.
“Y/n! Zemo!” They shouted, “Is dinner done yet?”
“Almost.” You said as she had the boys sit down. Zemo took the baby and fed him smiling. You smiled and gave the older boys some Mac n’ Cheese. Zemo talked to the baby while feeding him. You looked at Zemo in awe and left the room. After dinner you got the older boys to bed and went to check on Zemo and the baby. He was singing the baby a sakovian lullaby. When he set the baby down in the crib you set your hand on Zemo’s back, “Helmut? Do you ever want to have a child again someday?”
“Yes one day but I’d never would want you t feel pressured int that sort of thing.” He said as the front door opened. You and him went to the living room. “James, Sara, Your children are asleep and the baby was fed and is asleep.”
“Thank You Zemo, Y/n. You two are life savers.”
“Anytime Sara.” You said getting Zemo’s jacket and yours. The two of you walked to his jet so you could go home. You were looking at the ground most of the way to the jet.
“Libeling talk to me. Something is on your mind.”
“What you said about wanting to have another chid someday.”
“meine Geliebte, don’t feel pressured by that-“
“No no Helmut I don’t. I didn’t want to mention it until you brought it up but the idea of starting a family with you has been crossing my mind a lot lately.”
“mein schatz was willst du sagen?” He said in sakovian making you sigh. He often slipped into his native language when he was confused or worried.
“Helmut you know I don’t understand Sakovian.”
“Sorry, My darling what are you trying to say?”
“If you want to have a baby, to start a family, I’m ready to do that with you.” You said and he smiled then hugged you.
The two of you wasted no time about two months later Sara and Bucky got a letter from you telling them that you were pregnant.
Tag list: @sebby-staan
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babygirldennis · 3 years
This shit is fake bby!!!
Here she is.. My masterpost of all the dumb, illogical bits of info contained within these s15 “leaks” that make me fairly confident they are complete bullshit. It also includes my little tinhat theories that have absolutely no evidence.
I will be putting it all under a Readmore in case you don't want to risk it or if you simply Do Not Care
First up, I'd like to point out that these call sheets repeatedly give very detailed backstories to characters that have few lines which conveniently paints a picture of each episode's plot. And I'm not an expert so correct me if I'm wrong, but after looking at other similar casting calls, they only ever include the demographic and necessary skills.
Basically who in their right mind would write up casting calls that give away so many spoilers? Seems like that could cause and issue if they were leaked lol. But anyway that's my 1st point. But onto the actual content
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So the conceit of this episode as a whole is that during the pandemic, the gang "gamed the system" and received three (3!) Loans to start businesses that went bankrupt. One of these businesses is implied to be the one started by dee and charlie who end up selling to Qanon shaman. Already this is so impossible baby.
1. We've already seen the gang try to get a loan and it didn't work. They don't have good ideas. Ur telling me, they managed to finagle 3 separate loans for 3 separate business ideas from an actual bank?
2. Maybe I just have bad reading comprehension but how does one have a business that is both fictitious and bankrupt?
3. If the customer is supposed to be Qanon shaman, an actual real life guy, why are the only descriptors white and male? They say he's shirtless so are they going to paint on all of the tattoos he has? And if so, doesn't that kind of ruin the dramatic reveal when charlie "throws in" the viking helmet? Why would he do that anyways? Sus.
Moving on
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Alright this episode would fucking blow for obvious reasons but im going to refrain from looking at this through my gay dennis thruther lens because im biased.
Purely from a narrative standpoint, a woman hasn't been shown to be interested in dennis in nearly 5 years during the wade boggs episode. Ever since, every single woman he approaches has been actively creeped out by him. And now I'm supposed to believe that 3 "smart, passionate woman" (In Their Twenties!!!!!!) agreed to go on a date with him? And Anna even slept with him! Just because he what? Agreed with her? I'm not buyin it.
Plus the concept of this scenario lacks any potential for comedy. When iasip gets political, they always discuss a very specific topic using hyperbolic situations and flawed metaphors. If this is supposed to be a political episode, what ultimately lukewarm point would rob be trying to make here? So far we know they're ranting about
The patriarchy
No more personal responsibility(?)
The... nature of power in society(??)
How on earth would an episode like get approved? This shit sounds like a Ted talk. It sounds like it was written specifically to sound like a political episode so boring and pointless it would generate outrage and mile long essay posts from Tumblr users and reddit users alike. Almost like this one lol.
On a completely unrelated note, do not try and convince me that Frank "casual cock ring wearer" Reynolds is unable to perform.
Jeez this is getting out of hand fast. Let's move on
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Ok now we're starting to getting into the Ireland of it all. Let me go on a bit of a tangent here about all this.. Now I thinq there are just 3 possibilities. Either this is all a publicity stunt and there is some truth to the Ireland rumors, the entire thing could be bogus from some weirdo fan (ps, if a fan did write this I want you to know I fucking hate you. You did this to me), or it is a publicity stunt but Ireland is just more bullshit.
I am going to assume it was a publicity stunt, otherwise I just wasted my entire evening and I can't have that kind of mentality rn. Additionally, I'm Going to tinhat here for a second and say that the Ireland rumors are true, but the details are different.
I say this because if they were going to do filming in Ireland, they probably figured that that information would be impossible to hide. In essence, my completely unfounded hypothesis is that this leak was their fucked up little way of controlling the situation while simultaneously messing with us.
Ok tangent is over, returning to the casting calls. From the looks of it, dee starts a "scam" acting class and has some very devoted students (Note that Tony was also the name of the porn shop owner. Seems weird!) Presumably after the gang replaces her with a monkey as the title suggests.
Honestly, there isn't too much here that's a red flag to me... seems like a nice little dee-centric episode that is the link to the Dublin angle. Assuming I am At All right, this could be a genuine plotline for Dee. However, the monkey could be a red herring and there could be a whole different side plot with the guys. who's to say. Next one!
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Ah yes this is the dennis we all know and despise.. no red flags for me here really, I'm also running out of steam because idk if it shows, but I am majorly sleep deprived atm. Anyway I'm going to the next one
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Okay this is where things start getting weird again ough a migraine just hit, anyway back to my earlier point about how casting calls would never contains major spoilers bc the people who see these wont be under any kind of NDA..
These ones reveal that bonnie dies. Again, that info wouldn't be in a casting call.
But also they suggest charlie has a irish penpal named Shelley who is his biological father. First off charlie is illiterate, although as pointed out by @undeadbreeze shelley could also be communicating in symbols. However, this scenario is still unbelievable to me for a couple reasons:
1. Bonnie's last name is Kelly obviously, and we know it's her maiden name because Jack's last name is also Kelly. But Shelley's last name is... also Kelly? In the context of this big ol hoax, it feels like it was written to show that look! his last name is the same as charlie's! That's how you know that's his dad! But It would be way too big of a coincidence if charlie's dad happened to have the same last name bonnie.
And 2. There's the whole mystery of charlie's long-lost sister from 'charlie got molested' but never any mention of a brother which according to this, shelley has been pretending to be his brother for years. And we all know how much rcg loves their continuity, it seems uncharacteristically lazy to just tack this on without any prior buildup.
And finally let me talk about mac for a second and specifically the line in gus's summary "both are gay men who are attracted to the priesthood for all the wrong reasons"
Iasip has commented on pedophilia in the priesthood many times in the past which leads me to believe that they are implying that mac is a pedophile? Please let me know if I completely misread the implications of that statement, but if not, then that is completely insane and one of the biggest indictators that this is fake. Mac is awful, just like everyone in the gang but he is definitely not a pedophile.
However even if i did completely misread that, it's still proof this is fake.. For all his faults, Rob put a surprising amount of care and effort into mac's coming-out. It hasn't been perfect, but Mfhp in particular firmly established that mac's faith is integral to his identity so Its unlikely that rob would throw all of that away for a cheap shot at priests.
Ok my brain is irradiated sludge at this point, but in conclusion. I hope that 1. I'm right, at least about it being fake (Otherwise damb that'll be so humiliating for me) And 2. This eases ur fears a bit. I don't want to lose all faith in future seasons bc I love iasip and miss the gang. If you read this far youre insane but I literally love you so goddamn much because I spent so so long tapping this out on my silly little phone
Please feel free to add on or message me your thoughts and opinions I need to know I'm not the only one who uhhh went a bit insane. And finally: whoever made these is a cunt. Mwah.
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natashxromanovf · 3 years
I want to see you smile
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff × fem!Stark! reader
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: swearing (I think that’s it? If not, please let me know)
Type: fluff, friends to lovers
Summary: What happens when one friend falls in love with another? Are feelings mutual?
A/N: If you haven’t already noticed, I’m in love with friends to lovers trope. So yes, that’s what I’m writing. Again. In this fic, Thanos doesn’t exsist and everyone is alive. Just for clarification, Jenna is supossed to be Morgan’s babysitter. Also am I passing my obsession with Soy Luna to Morgan here? Yes, I am. This song is just so beautiful, yet sad at the same time. I don’t really like this, but oh weel, not everything can be amazing. Enjoy <3
Here's the link to the song
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“And don’t forget to turn in your essays tomorrow!” yells the teacher, right before the bell rings, dismissing you from your last class. You pick up your backpack and look at Peter, who just stood up from his chair. “Are we hanging out today?” you ask. “Yes, we have to go to the compound, remember? Everyone will be there, there’s some important meeting, even we have to attend,” he explains. “But Steve said it’s not going to be long, so we can hang out after,” he says and you nod. Peter and you were best friends, ever since junior year of high school. The first time your dad introduced him to you (not knowing you two already know each other), was hilarious.
“Y/N, come in here honey!” yelled Tony from the common area. You were doing your homework, minding your business when you heard your dad calling you. “Coming dad!” you answered back. Once you got to the dining area, your father immediately started to speak “I want you to meet someone.” he said, gesturing to the boy beside him. As your head turns, you recognize this boy as none other than Peter Parker. “Peter?!” 
“Y/N?!” you both scream at the same time. “What are you doing here?” you asked, your eyes wide, surprise lacing your voice. “What am I doing here? The better question is what are you doing here?” he squeaked, his expression matching yours. “Woah, Woah, Woah, you two know each other?” Tony asked, just as confused as you were. “Yes we know each other, he’s basically my best friend,” you explained, Tony’s jaw dropping to the ground. “So that’s why you never let me come to your house,” chuckled Peter, finally putting all the pieces together. “Yea, that’s why.” you gently smiled. “Let’s introduce again, shall we? Hello, I’m Y/N, Y/N Stark.” you introduced yourself, making Peter laugh slightly. “Hey Y/N, I’m Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man.” now it was your turn to be surprised. “You’re Spider-man?!?” you asked. “And you’re a Stark! We’re even.” 
“I guess we are.”
Once you got to the compound, everyone was already there, even Morgan, to your surprise. “Mom, what’s Morgan doing here?” you question. “Wait a second, mom what are you doing here??” you now almost scream. “Didn’t Dad tell you?” she says and you shook your head no. “Oh, well, I told him to tell you, but what can you expect from Tony Stark?” she sighs. “Last mission went wrong and now a HYDRA base knows the addresses of all the Avengers, including ours, that’s why I’m here. And about Morgan... well we couldn’t reach Jenna, so we took her with us.” she frowns. “Oh, okay-” you were cut off, by none other than the famous Captain America. “Okay, so, I know you’re probably asking yourself ´What the hell are we doing here on our free day?´ but I have a good explanation for it. It has come to our attention that while we were on our last mission, fighting off HYDRA agents, some of them snuck into our jet and stole some information, including our home addresses. Now, since more than half of us lives here, or is from another planet,” he says, gesturing to Thor, “it’s not so serious, except for Tony, Pepper, Y/N, Peter, and Bruce. Your addresses have been compromised, so I would suggest for you to stay here for a couple of weeks, just to be safe.” he ends his long explanation, and all of you agree to stay here. “Wow, I need to call Aunt May,” says Peter, and you nod, gesturing for him to go. After you shoo Peter away, to go and talk to May, Pietro appears behind you, his usual smirk printed on his lips “Hey, printsessa.” he greets and you wave. “Hello Pietro, how are you?” you smile, his presence always making you happy, no matter how hard the day was. “I’m good, you?" he questions. “I’m okay, it just sucks a little, all this not-going-home thing. But at least I get the time to hang out with my favorite speedster.” you chuckle, Pietro joining. You make small talk, just usual things. Somehow you end on the couch and the next time you look at the clock, it’s already time for dinner. Today is Wanda’s turn to cook, and to say you are starving is an understatement. You couldn’t wait for her famous paprikash.
It’s been a couple of days since the meeting and you and Peter just came back from school, to a very unusual scene. Before you, there are all the Avengers, looking at something on the big screen. You and Peter look at each other confused, as to what could leave them in such a state. As you get closer, you see what they’re all so interested in. It’s a show called Soy Luna and you burst out laughing, now all the attention focusing on you. “Y-you’re watch-watching Soy Lu-Luna?” you say through giggles, making some of them blush. “Well, as a matter of fact, it really sucks you in.” defends Natasha, receiving hums of agreement. “Sure, whatever you say.”
“On which episode are you?” Peter asks. “I think it’s season 3, episode 25,” answers Wanda. “Oh my god, I love this episode, scoot over,” you say to Bucky, gesturing for him to move. He moves a little to the right, making space between him and Wanda. You sit in the middle while Peter sits on the ground, besides Steve. “Morgan wanted to watch it, right?” you ask, a smirk still playing on your lips. “Yea.” Wanda sighs defeated, and your smile widens, just a little. Right as you were about to turn your attention to the screen, Morgan appears in front of your eyes. “Hey bubba, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be watching the series?” you question, your brows furrowed. “Yea, I just wanted to be with you!” she exclaims and turns around, sitting into your lap. “Awwww,” you whisper, overwhelmed with her cuteness. 10 minutes in, Morgan screams that your favorite song is coming. “Look Y/N, Matteo is about to perform your favorite song!”
“You’re right Morgan,” you say, trying to calm her down from her excited state. “Will you sing it? Pleaseee,” she demands, looking at you with puppy eyes. Oh, damn it, not her puppy eyes, you think, agreeing, because c’mon, who can say no to those pretty eyes of hers. “But only because you asked nicely,” you add, making Morgan smile. Soon enough, the first tunes of Quiero verte sonreir start to play. She looks at you expectantly, as do all the others. Right before you start singing you make eye contact with Pietro. 
“No lo puedo evitar,
yo no te dejo de pensar,
y las noches son frías si tú no estás.
No lo puedo entender,
como no te has dado cuenta...”
(I can’t help it, I can’t stop thinking about you, and the nights are cold, if you’re not here. I don’t understand, how you haven’t noticed...)
There’s something in his eyes, that makes you not look away, not wanting to look away. Finally, your stare breaks, as Morgan bumps you, wanting some attention. “...Pero tengo miedo de pensar,
que no te vayas enamorar...”
(...But I'm afraid to think, that you’re not going to fall in love...)
You bump her nose, making your heart feel loved, because you made your little sister happy, even if just for two minutes.
Your eyes are back on Pietro, decided to dedicate the chorus to him, even if he doesn’t understand you.
“... Quiero verte sonreír,
quiero verte junto a mí,
no puedo ya no quiero,
no es fácil ocultar mis miedos...”
(I want to see you smile, I want to see you next to me, I can’t take it anymore, I don’t want to, it's not easy to hide my fears...) 
But you forgot there’s someone else in the room, who speaks Spanish fluently. As the song comes to an end, you know what’s coming, so right when you finish with your singing, you quickly scream: “Someone cover Morgan’s eyes, she’s too innocent to see what’s coming.” as a joke, not expecting for Bucky to actually cover her eyes. “Oi, Barnes, I was kidding!” you say while laughing your ass off. You spend the rest of your afternoon with your team, binge-watching Soy Luna, completely falling into trance. The duty of cooking dinner falls on you and Peter, others still not turning their eyes away from the screen. You decided to cook Mac and cheese, the only thing you both actually know how to cook. “How long have you been into Pietro?” he suddenly asks, making you choke on your water. “Wh- what?” you struggle while coughing, Peter tapping you on your back, helping you to regain your breath again. “C’mon, you don’t have to pretend with me.” he smiles, reminding you just how of an awesome friend he is. “Is it that obvious?” you ask, looking at him like you just swallowed a spider. “No, but I notice these things, the way you look at him, the way your lips always form a smile, the second you lay eyes on him, the way you speak to him like you’re gonna melt any second. Besides, I speak Spanish, so that right there,” he gestures to the living room, “tells me enough.” he finishes with a light chuckle. “Shit, I forgot you understand Spanish,” you exclaim, joining him. “Soo, you like me?” you hear someone say, his thick accent lacing his voice, knowing who he was. “Fuck,” you whisper under your breath, slowly turning around. “How much have you heard?” you carefully ask, scrunching your nose and closing your eyes. “Enough,” he says, that adorably annoying smirk playing on his lips. “I’m gonna just slowly go, because, well, this is awkward.” Peter quickly exits the kitchen, making you angry at him for leaving. “Is it true?” you hear him say, and you focus your attention back on him. Oh, fuck it, you think before speaking “Yes, it is. But I know you don’t feel the same, so can we just pretend this didn’t happen, because I don’t want to make things akw-” he crashes his lips onto yours, guiding them into a sweet yet passionate kiss. His hands are on your waist, yours travelling up his body till you reach his hair, slowly playing with his blond curls. Cheers erupt from the door, making you look at them. And there they are, the whole team clapping and cheering, a “Finally! I couldn’t take the tension anymore!” escaping Wanda, making you chuckle. “I hate all of you, I swear to god,” you say, looking away from them and into those beautiful ocean eyes of his.
Taglist: @voidmalfoy @cunningambitousdetermined @crazy-beautiful @rorybutnotgilmore
Feedback is very much appreciated <3
If you want to be added to my taglist, just send me an ask or message me. And please specify, if you want to be added to my general, HP or Marvel taglist :)
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pennyserenade · 3 years
tags: javier peña x female oc, javier peña, rockstar!au, fluff  rating: t ( teen ) (for now) warnings: language, alcohol  word count: 1.6k+ summary: a band of young men from laredo, texas are on the verge of rock’n’roll stardom and anita rodríguez is the woman who follows them into it. a story of rock’n’roll and all the fluff that follows notes: this is very self indulgent and heavily inspired by the movie almost famous, as well as whatever fleetwood mac had going on, and the book daisy jones & the six. as you can tell, this is a genre of fiction i favor heavily, and i’m more than happy to make this everyone’s problem. thank you for baring with me
Summer time has never tasted so sweet on the tongues of these impassioned young men from Laredo, Texas, she bets. Perspiration covers their foreheads as they stand under the much too bright colored lights, and the crowd before them cheers them on with an eagerness that belongs only to those who really loved music. And they respond like men who really love music—all smiles and grins and heavy panting from giving their young bodies away to it. One might even say their souls.
Even from behind the curtain, she can feel the wave of electricity that rolls off of them. It is a beautiful thing to hear after suffering under the heavy blanket of Texas heat for her own performance.
They had liked her alright, responded about as warmly as they could for an opening act they hadn’t really known, but they turn these young men into Gods. She feels it tight in her stomach, that everlasting and endless excitement reserved for falling in love, not with people, but with moments. Even if it’s all for not, this little musical and spiritual journey she has partaken on, she will at least have been there for the moment these men had exhaled themselves into true and complete stardom.
Not bad for a band called El Fuego, she thinks.
“My God they’re something, aren’t they, Anita?”
Her sister holds aside the curtain to make room for herself. “The one in the really tight jeans was talking to me during your performance. He’s beautiful, I swear it. Just godly.”
Anita smiles. “You can’t fall in love with rockstars, baby sister, it’s unethical and impractical. Have your years with me taught you nothing?”
“Yeah, but those rockstars were a dime of dozen and tight jeans looks like sex out there,” she whines. Anita scans over the men, trying to decipher whom she might mean. That’s when she catches Tight Jeans’ eyes. She gives him a grin and without missing a beat, he gives her a charming wink. A wink reserved for a man on top of the world.
“What’s his name?” Anita asks.
“Javier Peña,” she responds. “He’s just gorgeous isn’t he? They all are.”
All Anita can do is grin as she continues to watch the rest of their performance.
This isn’t her first rodeo. This isn’t even her second or third or fourth. In fact, she’s lost track of the times she’s been led back to hotel rooms with a slew of people she doesn’t know, swept dangerously up in the shared euphoria that is the after show comedown.
In her hand she holds her second drink of the night. It’s a concoction she’d mixed for herself, made up of too much juice and too much alcohol, but she deserves it, she reckons. She’s opened for a damn good band and she’s a pretty damn good singer most of the time, and that Javier guy has been looking at her all night, despite the group of women that surround him. He has a good way of being present with them and present with her, too, genuine grins and attention for all to spare. Like the charming and humble lead guitarist he is, he strums idly at an acoustic guitar while he speaks with the women.
She’s been standing in the same place for too long, drinking the same second drink, listening to the beginning of songs he starts before he falters off into the next one. Even over the light hum of chatter and the radio nearby, she can focus on him. She watches his fingers as they strum—watches the way he doesn’t need to look down at them to keep them steady and trained. He’s a professional musician, through and through, even if he may just be some guy from Laredo to most individuals in the world. His manager had been so brave to wager that they were going to hit nationwide success by next week when one of their songs got radio air. She asked if she could keep opening for them, when they got big. All he did was grin. She likes to think it’s a yes.
Coming back to earth, Anita finds Tight Pants in front of her. Not starling close, but enough to elicit something ghastly in her.
He smells of leather and good cigarettes, and her baby sister was right, he does look like sex. He’s all lean muscle, and though the perspiration has gone from his forehead, she bets if he were to lean in close and press his lips to hers, she might be tempted to taste the residue of it in what would become haste and passionate kissing.
“Hello,” she responds.
“I’m Javi, from Laredo.”
He extends his rather large hand for her to take, and she does. She wonders if this is the approach he uses with a lot of women. He’s good looking enough to be dangerous, but then again, she’s smart enough to understand where the line between fun and serious ends and begins with these men. She’s a rockstar too, privy to sex and drugs just like the lot of them, even if she is just a one man band.
She puts her hand in his and he gives her a firm shake. “Anita,” she says, then inspired by the liquid courage in her, she adds, “From somewhere warm, but hopefully headed some place better.”
He gives her a laugh and she finds that unfortunately, it’s the sort that makes one’s own lips tug upwards.
“You sounded good tonight. Did you write that song?”
“Yeah,” she nods. “You sounded good too. I mean, you probably know that already, but.” She smiles. “Who writes for you?”
“Graham’s the...”
“Lead singer. Dirty blonde over there talking to your—“ He looks at her. “Sister?”
She nods. “Yeah. She said she had talked to you earlier.”
“Yeah. We talked about your someplace warm. California, is it?”
“Cali indeed.”
“I’ve never been.”
“Well, Javi, I’m sure you’re about to.”
His dimple appears for her. He looks at her like she wishes he wouldn’t, because it makes her badly want to stick to his side for the rest of the night. And on his lips.
Even more unfortunate for her, he rummages in his pockets and pulls out a packet of those good cigarettes that make up his aroma. He opens it and takes one out for himself, sticking it between his lips, before offering her one.
“You smoke?”
She takes one. “Sometimes,” she nods. “Are we allowed to, in here?”
Javi shrugs his shoulders as he lights his. “Dunno,” he responds. She leans forward so he can light hers too. “Suppose we should go sit on the balcony on the off chance that this is the one hotel in America that doesn’t allow it?”
“You know Me and Bobby McGee, Laredo?” she nods down to his guitar.
The air outside is just cool enough to be comfortable in, so, despite that their cigarettes have long been stamped out and the party inside awaits them, they stay on the patio, rooted to the furniture. He hasn’t made any moves on her, a fact which takes her by surprise, and so they’ve lulled into a comfortable ebb and flow of natural conversation.
He tweaks his fingers on the neck of the guitar before he begins to strum the strings of it . His hair, overgrown in a way that suits a man of his occupation, cascades over his forehead as his brow becomes pinched from focus. In an instant, from his fingers comes the tune of her desire. He looks up at her, grinning, once he gets into the flow of it.
“¿Hablas español?” he asks, over his guitar.
“Un poquito, but not much,” she tells him. “Why?”
“No reason,” he dismisses, “Can you sing Me and Bobby McGee?”
He laughs. “Well, put on a show then.”
She sobers up halfway between the sun tucking itself into the sky and the sun peeking back out from the horizon, but she can’t remember when. They’d played a lot of songs and her throat feels hoarse, but she can’t recall any one song that had felt particularly clear. It all sort of blended together up until this moment.
Javi lays, back rested against the chair, looking tired. His guitar now rests beside him, quiet, and he stares out at the city below them.
There’s a soft hum of normal people doing normal things below them; the horn of an eager taxi driver, the breaks of a bus, the chatter of patrons going in and out of the hotel.
They sit in the comfort of this city’s morning routine while she smokes his last good cigarette. “I was never much for staying up all night,” she tells him, passing it over to him.
He takes it between his lips and nods. “I was never much for sleeping all night.”
“And why’s that?”
He shrugs, exhaling the smoke. “Don’t know. Sometimes the past haunts me, sometimes it’s just too fuckin’ hot, sometimes it’s the company.”
“Mm,” she hums. “I must admit, I didn't peg you as the get-to-know-me-in-the-early-morning type. Thought you’d be content just charming me with your guitar for the rest of eternity.”
“Well,” he passes the cigarette back to her, pushing his digits against her own in the process. “I’m not, really, but we’ve talked about our favorite songs all night and you’re our opener for the rest of this tour, so why not?”
She takes a drag off the cigarette. “I’m not the opener for the rest of the tour.”
“No?” he asks.
“No,” she shakes her head. “This was a favor, I think. A very kind one.”
He looks out in front of him, falling into silence. Thinking.  Then he says, “I think I’m in the position to call in some favors right now if you’d liked to be. The opener, I mean.”
She lets the smoke out from the side of her mouth, which has risen up into a wide grin. “Javier from Laredo, I think I could kiss you right now.”
He takes the cigarette back from her fingers, offering her his own grin. “I think I’d like that,” Javi says, tone soft. Genuine.
She swings her legs over the side of her lawn chair, and holds herself up just far enough to press a chaste kiss to his cheek. He turns though, not entirely on purpose, she thinks, and their noses brush against one another. She rises from her seat when he leans down and fills the space between them, resting against his own chair as his lips move against her own.
No tongue, though. He pulls back after a few seconds, brown eyes full of warmth. She’s surprised by the amount of control he has over himself. Surprised that he wants to use it, too.
“I better go check on my sister,” she breathes out, resting her hand over his chest.
“Okay,” he nods. “I’ll see you in the next city, Anita.”
“Yeah,” she smiles.
“Look for me?” he asks.
“Yeah,” she promises.
She likes this man and his tight jeans, she’s decided. Likes him a lot.
EVERYTHING : @astroboots , @frannyzooey , @wyn-n-tonic , @rosiefridayrogersunday , @melaniermblt , @theorganasolo​ , @amneris21​ , @honestly-shite , @over300books , @elegantduckturtle, @pbeatriz , @pretty-brown-eyess , @brcwneyes  ,  @chronic-nosebleed
JAVI :  @wyn-n-tonic , @rosiefridayrogersunday , @disgruntledspacedad , @melaniermblt , @walt-breslin , @theorganasolo , @amneris21 , @hb8301 , @penajavier , @darnitdraco , @over300books , @dobbyjen , @paperbag33 , @rebel-fanfare , @p3dr0pasca1lov3r247
TINY DANCER : @itssmashedavo (just because i thought this might interest you)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "The Moody Blues "Nights In White Satin" Live" on YouTube
So I looked at the song and I'm examining this nights in White satin and I'm examining the other one as well Tuesday afternoon. Both of them seem to fit with today's events cuz he sent people to the Midwest and he's singing about the nice white sand for some reason usually when a huge chord attack them or try to attack them they grab tons of you idiots and they go after you and they remove you from wherever you are so we're racing he was a whole bunch of idiotic zombies are probably going to come out of there after they clean you out because you probably cleared out most yourselves anyways. And since he's enamored with it it probably means they can't flowing out the DC and other places and we are going to check it out.
Did you see what it says and what it means back then and now and what it could mean is that they come out and go after DC and other cities including Chicago and Detroit and they cleared it all out and then they go into DC and other areas and they're going after stuff it looks like his people but clones are with him so they don't know what that would be and we hear stories that they go all over the place and they find them in there better than hell most of them and nothing wrong with them except their brains are gone. And usually if the brain goes explodes or something like that other body is fried so people don't understand it and the sun says it sounds like maybe they're juicing with the wrong stuff they just poison the s*** out of themselves and really bugs juice does that and that's what they keep using cuz they're using it. Somebody will say a big bugs could be controlling them or bugs inside their brain case but people don't get it and see big critters walking away that's really gross these people are stupid
Thor Freya
It is my guys doing it and we got the assignment and what he said was clear out the Midwest in the upper Midwest in the least and now we have this humongous army of these idiots for me and the temperature is perfect it's nice and cool and we're getting ready to invade the East Coast and West Coast and as far as we can go and the idiot goes to Italy like it's a blessing because he thinks that everybody's gone and that's what he is he's a bum and he watched his people go and he praised it happening thanks to everybody and then he leaves we have information that says he doesn't come back at all after this incident other people say he comes back but he can't get here and we agree you might come to Florida but not here and all these idiots are cleared out and we're going to help do it
Zig Zag
I think there's a great time to tell my husband to do a good job you should eat more if he's hungry he says he agrees and he thinks me too when is how I'm doing I'm fine and this kid is annoying what he's been saying all the time is you don't think we do anything and don't have respect and all sorts of dumb things and your sister getting mad and horrified and all sorts of s***. He told him what Tommy f was in his clothes and they start getting sick she's not that stupid he just has a few animals inside and it's small and it his body is mutatable all they start getting sick. So they went around telling people and so you probably tell the max and it's going to be the least of time you going through all this so he started laughing and said you're freaking right
And trying to remember this mad cuz he doesn't get respect and all the sudden stupid crap and nobody cares we run them out he's an animal and a loser it would be really easy ride but the dumb f*** can't do it so we're going to have to go after him he's saying is a little idiot.
We have a lot of stuff going on it's a massive amount we have a lot of fun tonight but her son does need some stuff and he ate a lot that's enough but we want it to be healthy tomorrow it's got a decent sized day ahead of him and there's nothing really huge going on but he is going to have to move somewhere to get something and it is a reward for all his activities and help for us and it's not a reward for these idiots. And it is something that he has needed for quite a while and something of his and it's not his bicycle he says thank heavens.. we do know what it is and it was not in Northport or Port Charlotte but one of his friends who knows him from up North found it and grabbed it and took it here. Truly can't afford car insurance that's not what it is so we will get back to you about it and it is something it doesn't have to pay for finally
Thor Freya
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