#mythical being
cathlinlaks · 1 year
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I'm sorry 1st rounder but could you please vote again
Today I talked to a girl at my workplace about the little mermaid movie. She told me she always wanted to become a mermaid since she was a child. So I(autistic) might have dumped her too much info about marine lifes and hypothetical mermaid living conditions. As you could have guessed she told me to shut up. But her reason surprised me a lot.
She said: "I want to become a mermaid but I never wanted to know about how mermaids live or about anything else in the sea."
All my life I've always done a lot of research on mythical beings and their living conditions when I liked one before deciding if I want to become one of them.
This girl just saw a cartoon once as a kid and decided she wanted to become a mermaid without any interest in the sea. That's weird for me and I think she's neurotypical if that's relevant.
So my friends please enlighten me: is it common to do research about the mythical beings you wish to be.
And if you could, please reblog for larger sample size.
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frameacloud · 2 years
“Some weres in the recent past have made some ‘rules’ for therianthropy.  Ignore these.  There are no rules that any of these people can place over YOU and your spiritual beliefs.  Some will claim that you must be a predatory animal, or you cannot be a mythical beast.  Please do not fall for this.  These rules may be true for their small groups, or their friends, but they do not govern therianthropy.  Most of these people create rules to limit the number of members in their group, or to exclude people from therianthropy altogether.  These people have no right, and you shouldn’t listen to them.  Once again, find the truth for yourself.  The werecommunity has many members who believe they are mice, deer, rabbits, snakes, dragons, unicorns, and gryphons.  You find out what’s true for yourself, and nothing else matters.”
- Excerpt from “Introduction to the Newbie’s Guide,” by Jakkal, in 2001. You can read the full article here.
Some present-day context: Jakkal is one of the most respected and influential writers of the therianthrope community of the 1990s. She ran one of the main therian sites, which is where this article was. At the time, it was common to call therians “weres,” from the word “werewolf.” Today you can still find some therian groups who have made themselves echo chambers where they try to push misinformation of the very kind that Jakkal warns against in this piece from over two decades ago. Sharing and reading widely from different times and places in our communities-- especially about harmless opinions and experiences that differ from our own-- are important methods for preventing such echo chambers of misinformation.
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weeklythings · 2 months
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seelie. a term for fairies in Scottish folklore appearing in the form of seely wights or The Seelie Court. the seelie folk of the legend could be morally ambivalent and dangerous
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mlekonya · 11 months
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DAY VI - “THE STAG” prompt list
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myths-n-legends · 1 year
The black eyed children.
Hi, umm.. well let's forget about me being inactive and continue as if I didn't vanish for months (^.^;
I'm not a social person and doesn't really go on social media, expect of youtube for funny videos and cartoon episodes that don't air on the t.v as much :p It's a bit childish, yes, but cartoons are much better that the shows that air nowadays ‾\_(ッ)_/‾ anyways enjoy reading about this legend.
Black eyed children or black eyed kids are an American comtemporay legend of parnormal creatures that resemble children between ages 6 and 16 with pales skin and black eyes, who are reportedly seen hichhiking or begging or are encounted on doorsteps of residential homes.
While tabloid coverage of these creatures has claimed that tales of the blackeyed children have existed since the 1980s, most sources indicate that the legend originated from 1996 posting written by taxes reporter Brian Bethel on a ghost-related mailing list, relating two alleged encounters with "black-eyed kids".
Bethel describes encountering two such children in Abilene, Texas in 1996 and claims that a second person had a similar and related encounter in Portland, Oreagon. Bethel's stories have become regarded as classic examples of creepypasta, and gained such the urban legend.
In 2012 Brian Bethel tumhe stories on reality t.v series "Monsters and Mysteries in America". He wrote a fellow-up article for the Abilene Reporter News, describing his experience and maintaining his belief that it was legitimate.
In 2012 the horror film "Black eyed kids" produced with Kickstarter funding, it's director commented that the creepy children were "an urban Legend that's been floating around on the internet for years now, I always thought it was fascinating."
A 2013 episode of MSN's weekly strange that features reports of black eyed children is thought to have helped spread the legends on the internet. During one week in September 2014 the British tabloid daily star Run three sensationalistic front page storees about allege sightings of the Black Eyed children, connected to the sale of a supposed haunted pub in Staffordshire. The paper claimed a "shock rise in sightings around the world".
Alleged sightings are taking seriously by ghost hunters some of whom believe black eyed children to be extraterrestrials, vampires or ghosts.
Science writer Sharon A. Hill was unable to find any documentation of Black Eye child encounters, considering that the tales are passed on as "friend of a friend" ghost stories. Hill consider the legend to resemble "typical spooky forklore stories" but as the Phantom black dog where the subject is not Supernatural and there may never have been an actual original encounter.
Snopes rates Tales of Black Eyed children as a legend and cities and inquisitr article that advice dresses to"(f)ile black eye children under the same heading as "bigfoot".
Believe it if you like but realiz that there is no evidence of these existence, just subjective testimony that ranges from reasonable to suspicious fame-whoring.
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*This is how they should look like (the eyes I mean.)
A/n: Disclamer! picture is from google don't come after me for it, Owner of the picture if you want me to take the picture off just let me know.
And well that all for today, Hope you enjoyed reading it.
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kalahs-beautiful-realm · 11 months
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Art by, Sandara. (Lava Mermaid)
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slaughter-books · 2 years
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Day 3: JOMPBPC: Mythical Being
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luna9fanfic · 1 year
First of i wanna say that lm not that good of a artist, but i have been running low on ideas for dragons i want to draw, and i have been wanting to post something on here, so I have decided to ask for inspiration here. So if anyone would like to have a new dragon version, hybrid, design or just a new dragon drawn, please send me an ask whit the following info and i will try to draw it. You dont have to have answer all of the questions. If they dont have any just answer no/none, and if you have any specific details that you want the dragon to have just describe them under Extra. If some important info like legs, wings or eyes are undecided, i will deside them or if they have some at all, you can send in yes or no to all (if you do pls add one or more inspirations) and I draw something whit the fetures whit yes have, or you can send in an request whit more detaild answeres.
Log or short legs?
New version type?
Female/Male difference?
If you want i can add a description of the dragon, and if you want me to add stuff like their behavior or habitat i add that to.
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cat-eye-nebula · 9 months
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bunnymellow-art · 11 months
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Strawberry Orange Griffin {$30}
Strawberry orange Griffin adopt! This little friend was designed by myself and my partner they're $30usd https://toyhou.se/22614998.strawberry-orange-griffin-30 base by huppyleon
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rachaelanra · 1 year
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July 7: Strong Willed Heart Collection Launch - This will be the freebie art print only available for orders containing products from the upcoming summer art collection.
Also, orders containing products from the Strong Willed Heart Collection, that are $35 or over will also receive a blank greetings card featuring this art work too!
Stay tuned to know the time of the collection launch.
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cookinguptales · 3 months
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I MEAN but wouldn't that be an incredible isekai series??
a modern princess whose job is basically just being a beautiful figurehead
grows bored with her vapid role in life and withdraws from society, riddled with ennui
only to fall into a fantasy realm where princesses have real political power
as well as important responsibilities that her subjects depend upon
and at first it's a comedy of errors as she realizes that none of her training prepared her for this
but then she grows as a person and applies herself to learning how to guide and guard this kingdom
and becomes the powerful and just princess she was always meant to be
...so I guess apparently my new favorite conspiracy theory is that kate's shoujo manga just underwent a MASSIVE genre switch.
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jellycatstuffies · 6 months
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Are you ready for the Year Of The Dragon 2024? 🐉
(new Jellycats will be released on January 3rd!)
Ko-fi / Instagram
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weeklythings · 2 months
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fairy, fay, fae, fey, fair folk, faerie. a form of spirit with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities
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emacrow · 25 days
First, It was Barb was doing night checks on wayne manor cameras surveillance pt 2
Previous post pt 1
She was in a bit of awe when she saw the newest very rare exotic flower Alfred got bloom under the light of the full moon, revealing beautiful crystallized like petals blossom, only for her widening eyes to take noticed of a tiny little pixie like child to pop his little head out of the center of the flower.
His hair was unnatural white fluff like a dandelion in her opinion, eyes glowing an otherworldly green, freckles that sparkle like the stars themselves, ears a bit long and pointy, wearing a odd clothing with a needles strapped to his back, that she could barely catch in camera, the static buzzing sound from her cameras was making it a bit difficult to hear what sound the tiny little fairy boy made as he floated above zooming around the garden a bit like he was excited.
It made barb's inner child squeals, screaming, flipping her tiny princess table at the possibly of Nederland being possible.
Curious little bug, floating around like the fairies in Disney like except of the Glow pixie dust like she seen on the movies, he left a trail of blueish green light that faded away rather quickly with the way he was flying into the slightly opened kitchen's window...
Wait a goddamm minutes..
Barb immediately switch cameras to the kitchen, looking around, only to see it went through the hallway already, switching cameras again, checking the living room, the hallways, only to catch a glimpse of trail glow zooming around.
Crap crap. OK, no need to panic Barb. What do curious pixie like fairies out in the human world.. bring the season right?!, play with children like that Bell fairy did? Finds and take lost things and secretly repair lost things?..! Fairies are weak without pixie dust, they don't live long without it, each fairies has a different part of the seasons, and if you don't believe in them then they immediately die and that cause imbalance in the world without their influence unless you truly believe in fairies to bring back one fairy.(she went through a whole fairy obsession phase as a kid, she still mourns the lost of the create your fairy open world game)
The fairy must've Found a new type of pixie dust to fly without wings if she could recall that one sequel with the new pixie dusts colors thing..?
It was like a game of Where Waldo except where the little mythical fairy boy that couldn't possibly- no no barb don't think about the taboo words, if you think about it and this poor mythical being dies due to your words then the guilt will haunt you Forever.
3 hours in the catch the glimpse of the fairy boy, flying back at to his little flower holding a tiny cube of sugar, a shiny tiny object that she can't get a clear of, and a plump blueberry the size of his little hesr as he lands in the petals that were closing around him. Crystallized back close as if to guard this little fairy being with its own life.
Right when the full moon glimpse was gone out of the sight of the garden from the sky when the smog cloud from the city covering once more.. Barb is writing that down in her notes..
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freedomwinner123 · 3 months
I NEED people to know about the Danny Phantom Pitch Bible, which is a collection of ideas that were originally thought of when DP was being pitched to Nickelodeon. Here are some ideas from that:
Jack was a military test pilot who strapped himself to rockets and shot himself across time and space, mainly because he could.
Maddie was a multi Nobel prize winner for her work in metaphysics (so many prizes you could make a wind chime apparently).
Jazz simply wants friends and to fit in, as while she is intelligent, she is rather lonely and doesn’t have friends.
The name “Danny Phantom” was a nickname given to Danny by his best friends, because he was skittish and scared of his own shadow.
The Ghost Zone, or The Unreal, as it was originally called, housed more than just ghosts. It had demons, and other supernatural and mythological creatures!
I need art of these concepts! Please!!!
Here’s the link to the pitch bible!
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