#nial horan fanfic
abundanceofsoph · 1 year
SkyFire 3: Chapter 18
Relationships - Beginnings, Middles, and Ends?
:September - October 2018
Word count: 3.6k
As the end of September began to near, Niall returned to London and he caught up with Aurora for lunch. They sat outside a cafe nearby the studios, enjoying the sunshine. Niall had spent the last half an hour lamenting his dating woes to his happily married friend. 
“It’s not fair,” he sighed. “You and Harry are perfect for each other and Lou and Elanor are back together and happy… I just want that, you know?”
“I do,” Rori agreed. “I’ve never known you to have a hard time meeting women though.”
“It’s not meeting them that’s the problem,” Niall replied. “It’s easy to start dating someone, it’s keeping it going that’s hard.”
“Maybe you just need help picking better options. What are you looking for?”
“Honestly? Someone that I can just be myself around.”
“You didn’t feel that way with the others?”
“It always ends up feeling like they’re dating Niall Horan,” he explained and Rori knew what he meant immediately. Being famous could be really fun and it came with a lot of benefits, but the downside was that it was often hard to know if people genuinely liked you or just liked your name and what it represented.  “I just want to find a normal girl,” Niall continued, “with a normal job that wants to settle down. I want something serious.”
Aurora was quiet for a moment, her thoughts ticking over. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones, or perhaps it was the stability of staying in one place for several months for the first time in years, but Aurora was feeling overwhelmingly content and wanted to ensure those around her were too. “I might know the perfect girl, actually.”
“You do?” 
“Yeah. I’ve actually always thought the two of you would be great together but whenever one of you is single, the other’s been in a relationship or on a dating break.”
“Who is she?”
“Ella,” Rori explained. 
“Ella’s not interested in me,” Niall scoffed. 
“Are you kidding me? She’s always had a bit of a crush but you either weren’t available or she was too intimidated. You should ask her out.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Aurora promised. “Call her and ask to take her to dinner. I promise you won't regret it.” 
The following week, Louis and Rori were talking about the fact that Louis had been speaking with Zayn the previous day. 
“So you’ve fully patched things up now?” Rori asked. 
“I wouldn’t say we’ll ever be like we were in the band,” Louis admitted. “I think too much has happened for us to go back to being brothers like that, but I feel we’ve fixed things enough to be friends.”
“I’m glad,” Rori said. “I mean, I’m not glad you’ll never be like it was in the band, but I’m glad you can be friends again. I was hurt when he cut us all off, but I know it was way worse for you than it was for me.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s a combination of getting out of all of that toxic shit and also just growing up, but I can look at it now and I get that he needed to get out to save himself.”
“I tried to call him so many times afterwards,” Rori admitted. “He probably blocked me because I never heard from him.”
“I think he changed his number.”
“That makes sense,” Rori nodded. Louis watched as she fidgeted with the pen on the table in front of her, her eyes locked on the blue plastic. 
“Do you want his new number?” he asked. “Maybe now’s a good time to heal old wounds.”
She finally looked up to meet his gaze. “Do you think he’d even want to talk to me after all these years?”
“He replied to me when I reached out, and you didn’t drag him online like I did.”
“Maybe you could give him my number and tell him it’s ok if he doesn’t want to talk to me, but I’m here if he does?”
“I can do that,” Louis agreed with a soft smile. 
Zayn texted her 3 days later, asking if she wanted to get a coffee and she quickly accepted. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re doing this?” Harry asked for a third time that morning. 
“Because I have questions,” Rori explained again as she buttoned her jeans up in their walk-in closet. She watched Harry in the reflection of the mirror as he stood in the bedroom behind her. 
“Like what?” Harry scoffed. “Why was he a selfish prick that blew everything up instead of just talking to us?” 
“Harry,” Rori sighed. She was exhausted from having this same argument on repeat for the last several days. “I’ve already explained this so many times. He was my friend, he was in pain and I missed it. I want to know how I missed it. I want to know what I could have done differently so that he could have felt safe talking to me.”
“What he did wasn’t on you,” Harry argued. “The only person responsible for what he did was him.”
“I have to go or I’m going to be late.”
“Yeah, sure. Just dismiss me again.”
“Harry I can’t have this fight with you right now and honestly I don’t want to have any fight with you. I’m going now and I really hope you get this attitude in check by the time I get home.”
Zayn was already waiting for her in a booth when she arrived at the Golden Stag. It was awkward at first, with neither of them knowing what to say or how to start. 
“I read you and Harry bought the place,” Zayn said after several awkward pauses in conversation. 
“We did, yeah,” Rori nodded. “Helen and Greg couldn’t afford to keep it and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye so we bought it and have been updating it a bit.”
“Fresh coat of paint?” Zayn asked. 
“That and the stage,” Rori agreed, gesturing over to the small platform that had been recently built in the far corner of the room near where her piano was set up. “We want to start organising open mic nights. Music, Comedy, and maybe even some pub trivia nights. Just some different ways to get people in and spending their money, you know?”
“Sounds awesome. You guys have really got things sorted by the sounds of things.”
“We’re certainly trying… How about you Zayn? How’s your life been?”
They chatted for a while, updating each other on their lives before finally building up the courage to talk about what had ended their friendship all those years ago. 
“I really am sorry I ghosted you,” Zayn finally admitted. “The guys were just so angry when I told them, I couldn’t imagine you feeling differently. Especially with how angry Harry was.”
“Harry’s temper has always been his downfall,” Rori admitted. “Especially when he uses it to mask when he’s been hurt. I won't lie, you hurt me but I understood you were protecting yourself.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t written a song about it to be honest,” Zayn admitted. “Most of the boys have.”
“I did,” Rori replied, “a few years ago.”
“D’you ever record it?”
“No, I sold it,” Rori replied. “Wanna hear it?”
“Yeah I would,” Zayn agreed, watching quietly as Rori pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened spotify. She queued up the track before handing a headphone to Zayn and placing the other in her own ear. She didn’t miss the slight flinch as his fingers brushed her prosthetic. The opening piano riff of Tell Me How filled their ears, and then Hayley Williams started to sing the words that Aurora had written years ago, only a few months after Zayn had vanished. He refused to meet her eye as the first verse played, and instead stared at his hands, clasped together on the table between them. 
I can't call you a stranger
But I can't call you
I know you think that I erased you
You may hate me, but I can't hate you
And I won't replace you
Tell me how to feel about you now
He didn’t lift his gaze until the bridge, finally looking up at his former friend. 
You keep me up with your silence
Take me down with your quiet
Of all the weapons you fight with
Your silence is the most violent
“I never really thought about the damage I caused when I left,” he finally said when the song ended. “I knew the guys would hate me but beyond that I didn’t stop to consider anyone else.”
“I meant what I said before, I don’t blame you,” Rori replied. “You were fighting for survival. It’s not selfish to save your own life.”
“You make what I did sound noble.”
“Maybe not noble, but definitely necessary,” she elaborated. “I’m just sorry we didn’t see it happening and step in to save you first. We failed you.”
“No,” he replied. “No, I was ashamed so I hid what I was feeling until I couldn't anymore.”
“Can we agree that we both could have done better?” Aurora offered as an olive branch. “I’m pretty sure we could go back and forth over whose fault it was forever and we’d never get anywhere.”
“I think that seems fair,” Zayn agreed with a soft smile. 
Aurora smiled back, turning the conversation to lighter topics and within minutes it felt like they were back on a tour bus all those years ago, sharing quiet conversations on long drives in the middle of the night. Things were going great and flowing easily, but Aurora couldn’t ignore the way Zayn’s eyes would occasionally flick down to where her prosthetic was resting on the table. Everytime it happened it was just for a split second and for a while she tried to convince herself that she was imagining it. Eventually she couldn’t ignore it any longer and certainly couldn’t ignore the way his brows would pinch together slightly. 
“Do you have a problem with my prosthetic?” she finally asked, a little more bluntly than she intended. 
“What?” Zayn gasped. “No, god no.”
“You keep looking at it and frowning and it’s hard to think of another reason,” she explained. “I understand that it makes some people uncomfortable but honestly Zayn…”
“No,” he interrupted.  “No, it’s not that, I promise.”
“Then what is it?”
“When I saw the news about the shooting,” Zayn started. “When I saw that footage of Steve carrying you to the ambulance, it was awful.”
“I hear that a lot,” Rori replied. 
“And I felt so guilty,” he continued. 
“Why would you feel guilty?”
“Because I was a terrible friend to you and I thought you were going to die hating me.”
“But I didn’t die,” she pointed out, “and I never hated you. Why didn’t you reach out then?”
“Because I’m a coward,” Zayn admitted, “and I thought you and the guys hated me for what I did. It would have been selfish of me to show back up then.”
“Zayn there’s nothing I would have loved more than for you to reach out after the shooting.”
“I’m so sorry, Rori. I’m sorry for everything.”
“I know you are,” she offered with a smile, “and I forgive you, just like Louis does. We were all just kids and we fucked up a lot of things back then.”
“Do you think Harry will ever forgive me too?” Zayn asked and in that moment he seemed so small and so young.  “I’ve spoken to Niall and Liam since Louis and I patched things up but it’s been radio silence from Harry. It’s why I was so surprised when Lou gave me your number and said you wanted to reach out.”
“Harry’s stubborn,” Rori sighed. “He’s still holding on to a lot of anger and I don’t know whether he’ll ever let it go.”
“Yeah, I thought as much,” Zayn agreed. “Can’t imagine he was thrilled about today.” 
“He’s not,” Rori agreed. “We’ve kind of been fighting about it for the last couple of days.”
“Don’t be. He’s been a bit of a dick lately, but I guess that’s a part of being married. Sometimes the person you’re married to acts like a dick and you put up with it until they pull their head out of their arse and apologise.”
“Are you happy, Rori?” Zayn asked softly. “I mean apart from the current predicament of your husband being a dickhead?”
“I am,” she replied with a chuckle. “Are you?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“I’m glad. We deserve that.”
It was late afternoon by the time they said their farewells with promises to stay in touch and Aurora made her way home, hoping that Harry would be in a better mood than when she’d left. 
Harry hadn’t continued their argument when she’d returned to their flat, but over the next few weeks his bad mood continued and while Rori was pretty sure she’d caused it, she couldn't for the life of her figure out what she’d done wrong.  
A week before the first live shows were set to begin, and a week after Aurora entered her second trimester,  she was starting to feel exhausted and her feet ached constantly. By the end of each day all she wanted to do was get home as quickly as possible so that she could curl up and fall asleep. It was a Thursday in October and after a long day working with her contestants, Aurora headed straight home, barely making it to the couch before she collapsed in a hump and fell asleep.  When she woke, it was dark and she could hear Harry coming into the apartment, he’d just slammed the door which is what had woken her up. She was groggy and it took her a moment to catch up to what was happening and the fact that he was yelling.
“Where the fuck were you Aurora?” he bellowed. 
“What are you talking about Harry?'' she mumbled as she struggled to catch up with what was happening. .
“I said where were you?”he repeated, looming over her where she was still laying on the sofa. 
“I was right here,” she replied. “Why are you yelling at me?”
“Because you were supposed to meet me in Soho for dinner with the movie execs and you never showed! I thought something happened to you and now I get home to find you asleep on the sofa. What the fuck Rori?”
“No, dinner isn’t till Thursday.” 
“It is Thursday and you weren’t there!”
“Oh god!” Rori gasped, placing a hand over her mouth in dawning realization. “I’m so sorry, Harry.”
“I asked one thing,” Harry continued to shout, his anger not abating as he berated her. “I asked my wife to be supportive of me for one fucking meal and you couldn’t be bothered to show up for me!”
“Harry I’m sorry,” Rori sobbed, “I was exhausted and I genuinely didn’t realize it was tonight. Can we reschedule?” She stood up from the sofa, reaching out for him, but taking a quick step back when he lurched away from her. 
“No, Aurora! Because not everyone on this planet is just going to change their plans to fit around you. My god, when did you become so selfish?”
“That’s not fair, Harry. Please stop yelling at me.”
“No. I'm mad and I have every right to be and if I want to yell in my own home then I’m damn well going to!”
“I'm sorry. How can I fix this? Please, just let me fix this,” she begged. 
“You can start thinking about anyone but yourself for starters.”
“Do you really think that? That I’m selfish? That I don’t think of you?”
“You’ve made it pretty bloody obvious lately, haven’t you? There’s a reason we're here in London. There’s a reason you’re pregnant with a kid that’s not ours.”
“Both things that you agreed to,” she reminded him. 
“I guess I just didn’t realize I was agreeing to everything being all about you.”
At that, something in her snapped and the anger rose in her to meet her husband's temper. “Is it all about me Harry? or is it that for the first time in our marriage, I don’t revolve around you like you're the sun? Is your little narcissistic ego bruised because I’m doing something for me for once?”
“This isn’t about my ego. This is about yours! This is supposed to be a partnership. We’re supposed to be doing things together. But you seem pretty happy off on your own.”
“We can’t be joined at the hip! That’s not healthy,” Rori yelled. “I’m more than just your wife or the girl who plays piano in your band.”
“You’ve made that painfully clear. Honestly I don’t even know why I’m here.”
Aurora felt like she’d been slapped. She’d known Harry had been angry for weeks. She’d known that something was wrong between them, but she hadn’t realised how much he had grown to resent her. She felt so betrayed by him in that moment that she lashed out, saying the worst thing she could in that moment. “Why are you then?” she screamed. “If you want to be in LA writing your next big hit then just go! Don’t let your selfish wife hold you back. You just go and live your rockstar dreams and surround yourself with people desperate to make it all about you.”
“You know what? I will.” Without another word, Harry turned on his heel and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him, the sound echoing in the dead silence left in his wake. 
The silence that was finally broken by the smashing of the glass fruit bowl as Aurora lashed out at it, causing it to fly off the end of the kitchen counter and shatter against the tile floor. She looked at the broken shards for a moment before turning on her heel and heading to their bedroom, angrily throwing herself onto the bed that smelt of her and Harry. 
She barely slept, unable to stop Harry’s angry words from swirling around her head. She felt so defeated and so incredibly guilty for not seeing how much her actions had been affecting him. Of course she knew that Harry’s feelings were his own responsibility and that he was being unfair to accuse her of being selfish for taking the X Factor job, or for being her parents' surrogate. He should have talked to her about how he felt about the changes they had made recently, but that didn’t stop her feeling guilty for hurting him, whether she’d meant to or not. 
By the time she heard the front door open, she’d decided that the best thing for them would be for Harry to go to LA and write while she stayed and finished the show. She climbed out of bed, still wearing the clothes from the day before, and met him in the living room. He looked awful, his clothes disheveled and his hair a mess. Even from a few feet away, she could smell the bourbon wafting off him and she wondered if he was still drunk. 
“I’m so sorry for last night,” she began, her voice soft in the awkward atmosphere. 
“Rori…” Harry began with a gravely, pleading tone. 
“No, please let me go first,” she interrupted. “I let you down last night and I feel terrible for it.” Harry’s head dropped lower as she spoke, unable to meet her eye and his guilt was painfully clear to see, but she pushed on regardless. “While I think a lot that you said last night was out of line, you were also right about some things too.”
“Rori, please just let me…” Harry tried again. 
“Harry, I think you should go to LA to write,” Rori continued. “You can stay at Dad’s Malibu house and you can work on the next album and I actually think it could be really healthy for us to have some time apart for a few weeks or a couple of months. I mean most couples don’t work together every day and maybe we just need to reestablish ourselves as individuals.”
“Rori I slept with someone,” Harry confessed. She froze, shocked beyond words and unsure what to do. “I was so angry when I left here that I went straight to a club and I got so black out drunk and this girl was all over me and I hate myself.”
“You need to leave,” she finally said. 
“Rori, baby. I’m so sorry. I was so stupid and I don’t…” Harry began. 
“I said you need to leave,” she repeated quietly. “Go to LA, get a hotel, go stay with Anne. I don’t care where you go but I want you out of this house.”
“Baby, please.”
“Harry, I swear to god if you don’t start packing a bag, I will. I love you, but I don’t want to even look at you right now.”
“Let’s just talk about this.”
“GET OUT!” she screamed, finally unleashing the pain that was burning its way through her chest. “Get out and don’t come back until I’m ready. I mean it Harry, if there is any chance for us to save this, then you need to give me space.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond as she headed for the door, grabbing her coat and bag on her way out the door. She didn’t pause to put on shoes, simply scooping them up as she walked out barefoot.
Author's Note: I am so sorry for this one but I had to put them through this to make Fine Line
NEXT CHAPTER - coming soon
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cigsandchampagne · 1 year
I asked chatgpt to tell me how a conversation between Zayn Louis and Niall. Here’s what it came up with:
Louis: Hey Zayn, it's Louis.
Zayn: Hey, what's up man?
Louis: I have a problem. I'm high and I don't know how to ask Harry out.
Zayn: (laughing) Oh man, you're in for a wild ride. Harry's a drama queen, but he's also a sweetheart. Just be straightforward with him. He'll appreciate honesty.
Louis: (giggling) Yeah, but what if he says no?
Zayn: (laughing) Then you'll just have to deal with it, man. You can't force someone to like you.
Niall: (entering the conversation) Hey guys, what's going on?
Louis: (giggling) I'm trying to ask Harry out, but I don't know how.
Niall: (laughing) Just do it, man. You never know until you try.
Louis: (giggling) Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the advice, guys. I'm gonna do it.
Zayn: (laughing) Good luck, man.
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jan-jan-binks · 2 months
Jan Jan Lore: When I was in the 6th grade my friend, my cousin, and my younger sister were super obsessed with One Direction and underneath their pressure and wanting acceptance I pretended to like One Direction too and after my exposure to the concept of fanfiction, I wrote a fanfic where me and the mentioned people got transported into a fantasy world inside of a gem and we met One Direction who were the guardians/protectors of that world and we all became guardians as well and fought against darkness or something. It had nothing explicit, the most hardcore it went was hand holding and hugging. My cousin got together with Zayn Malik and became the guardian of the moon magic, my friend got together with Harry Styles and became the guardian of the sun magic, my sister got together with Nial Horan and became the guardian of wind magic and I became a fucking ice/water dragon because I had no interest in the boys of One Direction. I wrote it on a notebook BY HAND because it never crossed my mind to use Microsoft Word. I burned it when I was in my edgelord phase which is like the burning of the library of Alexandria to me. : (
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takemedancingmaine · 4 years
Movie Night
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An Only Ticket Home blurb about Ruby and Niall having a movie night in.
For Donna. 
The smell was absolutely heavenly. 
It was a mixture of box brownies we had just finished baking in the oven and the popcorn that was being made on the stove. 
Niall was stood at the stove wearing a pair of joggers and an old U Chicago sweatshirt that was absolutely threadbare and manning the popcorn as I scrolled through countless options of movies we could watch, shows we could binge. We’d turned off all the lights but the twinkle lights he kept up around his apartment and the apartment was bathed in their warm glow.
“What should we watch?” He called as I picked my head up off the couch and looked at him, admiring his ruffled hair. It must’ve been a busy Friday for copy-editing or projects if he’d run his hands through his hair that many times. The sounds of the Eagles played softly from the speaker in his kitchen. 
“Movie or show?” I called back, setting my beer back down on the coaster on his coffee table, next to his own glass of Guinness. 
“Movie,” he said loudly as the popcorn started popping and interrupting his words. “We’re already in the middle of that show that you’re obsessed with… Arrow. We can’t have two shows going at once.” 
“Fair point, Horan,” I acknowledged. I paused, and then: “What about-”
“Don’t say it,” he interrupted. 
“Say what?” I asked innocently.
“You know what.” He gave me a look as the popcorn slowed down popping and he pulled it off the burner.
“I really don’t.” I tried and failed to hide my smirk. 
“Moana.” He poured the popcorn from the pot into a large bowl and carried it over to me, sitting down beside me. 
“What? You want to watch Moana?” I asked, innocently. He threw a piece of popcorn at my nose. 
“Ruby!” He laughed as I threw popcorn back at him. I armed myself with more in case he decided it was an all-out war. “We did Moana last weekend,” he pointed out. “How about a Shakespeare play?” he asked, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. 
“A Shakespeare play?” I asked. “You want to watch Henry V or Coriolanus or someone help me, Midsummer Nights Dream? Really?”
He was laughing at me, laughing at my reaction. I was glad that I had stocked up on popcorn. I unleashed my ammo on him. 
“Hey!” He tried to block my assault. “That’s not fair. It was just a suggestion,” he tried defending himself. 
“It was a bad suggestion,” I complained. 
“In your opinion.” He threw another popcorn piece at me. “It’s a wrong opinion, but I like you, so I’ll let you off with a warning this time.” He kissed my cheek before stealing some popcorn from the bowl and throwing the pieces at me before I could even realize what he was doing.
“Niall!” I complained and frowned at him. 
“What?” he asked. “Did I do something?” His innocent face–as fake as it was at the moment–was so inviting, so beautiful and so unbelievably mine to kiss that I couldn’t resist, even though he was so annoying sometimes. I leaned forward and captured his lips with mine, blindly setting the popcorn bowl aside and getting closer, pulling myself flush with him as he returned the kiss, his hands coming up, one settling on my waist, fingers digging in, as the other hand cradled my cheek gently. 
In a flash, I had maneuvered us so that he was leaning against the back of the couch and I was in his lap, the two of us making out as the music he had on shifted from the Eagles to John Mayer. His mouth on mine was a feeling I never grew tired of. Niall and I had been like this from the start, easy-going in banter and conversation and physically compatible as well. Every kiss felt pure and unparalleled, paling everything in the world as I focused in on the man kissing me back. 
When we finally managed to pull away from each other, we were both breathing hard with flushed cheeks, noticeable even in the low glow of twinkle lights.
“Kiss me like that again and I might just consider that Shakespeare you that suggested,” I whispered against his neck as I settled my head on his shoulder. 
“It’s that simple?” he asked, a laugh echoing in his chest and around the room.
“You’re that good,” I confirmed. 
“How about a spy movie?” He asked. “I know you love the Mission Impossible series.”
“You don’t want a comedy?” I asked him. “What about that Spy Who Dumped Me, movie?�� I asked. “It’s a spy movie and a comedy. A compromise,” I suggested.
“I haven’t seen that one yet,” he said, contemplating. I lifted my head and watched his face. I knew from the crinkle of his brow that he was going to say we should watch it. “It’s the one with Kate McKinnon?” 
“And Mila Kunis, yeah.” I nodded, my fingers running through his soft hair, mussing it up more and more. 
“Hmm,” he hummed. “Have you seen it?”
I shook my head. “No. Cleo keeps telling me to watch it though, and if Cleo likes it, it’s practically guaranteed that I’ll enjoy it.” 
I loved the way he absentmindedly trailed his hands up and down my back, whispers of touches floating over my spine as he thought it through. I knew his decision was made already, even before he did. I enjoyed watching his face, thinking about how thankful I was to have found someone willing to get into popcorn fights and movie nights in with me on cold, rainy nights in the middle of winter. 
“I accept your compromise,” he said eventually. 
“Oh thank goodness,” I sighed. “I spent fifteen minutes scrolling through all of our combined streaming services and was running low on options that I felt like indulging in.” 
“I might have had to make more popcorn if we took any longer to decide. Our rations could have rapidly depleted if we entered into another battle.” I giggled as he maneuvered me to sit beside him, my legs across his lap, the popcorn bowl in mine as I found the movie and pressed play. Niall fiddled with the blanket as we settled in and I leaned my head against his chest, finding comfort in the beat of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. 
“You make me really happy, Niall,” I said quietly as the opening scene started to unfold. 
“You make me really happy, Ruby,” he whispered back to me. I felt him kiss the top of my head and rub my back before he squeezed me gently and we settled in for the rest of the movie. 
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you know when they describe in fanfics that your fave has 'calloused hands'?
like, where would logan lerman, born and raised LA fuckboy, get calloused hands? or any of them?
like srsly. i cant believe fanfics as genre had such colossal impact on my life that i am even today thinking about such details.
round of applause ladies and gents for all fanfic writers. you have raised me into who i am today. mentally stuck in daydreams.
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strawnarrries · 4 years
Player - Part 3
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Summary: Y/N can’t resist Niall no matter how hard she tries.
Warning(s): smut city and includes oral sex!
POV: 1st
This was NOT written by me! It was written the insanely talented Anonymous! She did the pleasure of writing a part 3 to this and honestly its better than I could’ve ever done so please please show some love to anon bc this is one of the best frat smuts I’ve ever read!!! 
Part 1    Part 2
Just over a month. That’s how long it had been since Niall last used me up like he owned me, since Niall last spoke a word to me. 33 days, to be exact, but who’s counting?
I had decided, after the second time sucking his cock and letting him ruin me, that I absolutely was not going back to him. He gave me the best orgasms I’ve ever had, and to be honest, I loved being used up by him, loved worshiping him. But only in the moment. Afterward, I just felt like shit. Both times.
I’m not sure what I expected after the first encounter. I knew his reputation beforehand. But I believed he must have a heart, that he would at least talk to me after fucking my brains out. So when he completely cut me out, I had to understand why, had to get an answer.
What I got instead was another mouthful of his cock - not that I was complaining at the time.
So when he dropped me off after our second fuck, without so much as a kiss goodbye, and instead a crude comment - “Try to think about something other than my cock” - followed by a typical cocky smirk, I decided there was no way I was going back to him again. If he decided to ignore me like last time, then so be it. I would resist all temptations, no matter how unrelenting, and I would move on with my life.
So that’s how I’ve made it 33 days. A torturous, agonizing month, but at least I was building back my pride.
I know for a fact that pretty much every girl Niall fucks ends up begging him for more. I’ve heard from plenty of girls who can’t seem to shake him from their mind. He gives them the best sex of their life, but then he leaves them in the middle of the ocean without a lifeline in site. It’s not like I felt superior to the other girls in any way; I mean, I was just as hooked as they were; but I did take at least some pride in the fact that I was not feeding his ego.
It was hard, mind you. I saw him on campus a few times per week, and every time, my mind instantly started racing, my face heated up, and my body began to remember what he can do. Now and then, he’d catch me looking, and he’d give a knowing smirk, but he easily resisted approaching me. I was just another conquest, after all, and there were plenty more to come in the parade of women in and out of his bedroom.
No one could make a girl feel like he could, and he knew it. He had nothing to worry about, no one to be jealous of, which made these games easy for him. I was pretty sure that if I crawled back to him, he’d fuck me again. But no way was he was going to come to me.
So, as difficult as it was, I was successful in avoiding him. I sometimes got wet just seeing him in a tank top or flirting shamelessly with some girl; I masturbated to thoughts of him many times; I even stalked his social media in my weakest moments, but I never gave in. I refused to give in.
On A Sunday during spring semester, I was sitting in a comfy chair in one of the little study nooks that are dispersed throughout the college. I enjoy sitting here, as it’s usually pretty quiet and I can concentrate on studying. I had my headphones in and was focused on a video that I was taking notes from.
I dropped my pen, as I’m prone to do, and it fell on the ground in the space between the two chairs and the window behind. I stood up and then bent over the arms of the chairs, trying to reach down for the writing utensil.
I then felt something alarming, but familiar. It was very apparent that a crotch was now pushed up against my ass, but the owner of the crotch was uncertain. I most certainly did not have a boyfriend, as I had yet to meet a guy since Niall who could give me even half the physical pleasure Niall could. I had a few girl friends who might joke around like this, but, as evidenced by the prominent bulge I was feeling against my butt, this was no girl.
“Damn, I almost forgot how nice this ass was. Loved watching it move while I fucked ya from behind those times.”
The culprit was now unmistakable.
“What the hell are you doing Niall?” I snapped, turning around to face him. 
I was quickly overwhelmed with his presence. He was right in my face, and I could feel the heat of his body. He was in a tank top and his biceps were bulging, and his smirk was as bright as ever. It was clear that he instantly recognized his position of power. He was well aware that he could have me in the palm of his hand if he wanted.
“What’s the problem y/n? You weren’t so shy when you were moaning my name a couple weeks ago,” Niall said, his hand resting on my hip.
I was already struggling to speak. I was trying not to make eye contact, but that meant I had to look down, and what I saw when I looked down was Niall in some workout shorts with a very noticeable bulge in the front. I held back a whimper. Honestly, it was something of a heroic act for me to not give into him that second.
“A couple weeks?” I said annoyed. “We haven’t talked in over a month Niall.”
“Oh, is that right? I guess it kind of blends together for me. I don’t always remember which girl was when, although you do stand out, y/n,” he said with that smirk plastered on his face, “And I see you’ve been thinking about me, since you know exactly how long it’s been.”
“Oh please, just because I have simple memory capabilities doesn’t me I actually care what happened between us. It meant nothing,” I said, not certain if I was convincing him or myself.
“Tell me, though,” Niall said, as he brought his body even closer to mine, now pressing against me, “What do you remember?”
He moved his free hand into my hair, and leaned down, kissing under my ear, “Do you remember my dorm room, taking it on my bed, feeling me in you for the first time? Do you remember the back of my car, moaning my name and steaming up my windows?”
The hand that was on my hip has now snaked its way under the waistband of my panties, and he’s moving it very slowly toward my sex.
“Do you remember my cock, y/n? Do you remember it filling up your mouth? Do you remember it in your throat?” he asked, making sure to kiss my throat right at that moment, “Do you remember gagging on it? Choking on it? Remember how big it is?"
I let out the smallest gasp and Niall smiled against my skin, as he continued kissing and dirty talking. His lower hand then finally reached my sex, and he felt the wetness instantly. I had no way to lie; the evidence was right there; he had me yet again.
"Oh, my, y/n, in the middle of the science building, and here you are all wet for me. Wow. You must’ve been thinking about this non-stop for … a month did you say? Musta been tough. Well let me make it a little easier for you tonight, huh?”
A finger entered me and then a second. He continued leaving light kisses on me, as his fingers moved expertly, in and out. His bulge was pressed up against my thigh. My limbs were loose at my side. I had no control; all I could do was take his assault of pleasure.
“Say thank you,” Niall goaded, continuing his actions but now staring into my eyes.
All I could muster was a few heavy breaths until finally I whimpered, “Thank you, Niall.”
He pulled his hand out and stepped away in one motion. He said, “You’re welcome” and then stuck his wet fingers in front of my mouth. I opened in a haze, and he chuckled as he pushed my own wetness into my mouth. I sucked them clean. Niall smiled big and said, “Should be easier now to get to your orgasm tonight,” then winked and turned around.
And all I could do was stare at that perfect body - his muscular back, broad shoulders, firm butt - as he walked away.
Another two days passed, and I heard nothing from Niall. After all those days avoiding him, trying to get him out of my head, he swooped in, teased me to the brink of orgasm, and then just left me high and dry. He clearly refused to even entertain the notion of committing to any kind of relationship with me, and yet he still couldn’t just let me be at peace. It’s like he wants me to suffer.
I tried to return to my previous strategy, avoiding him at all costs, erasing the idea of “us” from my head. But it wasn’t the thoughts of a relationship that I struggled with; it was the thoughts of lust. The way he pushed me to a near orgasm in about 30 seconds in the middle of a school hallway reminded me of the intense pleasure I felt the two times he fucked me.
The last two nights, while in my bed, my attempts to resist thinking about him were embarrassingly short. As I closed my eyes, my brain immediately focused on him. I remembered his touch, his cocky demeanor, his bright eyes, his smirk, his kiss. And then I remembered his cock, the weight of it, the way it filled my throat. I remembered the boastful look on his face every time I peered up at him while he used my mouth. I remembered the sweat that gathered on his built chest as he fucked into me.
As the thoughts raced through my head, my hand made its way back into my panties, and I quickly found myself hitting my high, quietly moaning his name. And both nights, after the climax, an immediate shame washed over me.
How easily he had taken ownership of me again.
On the third day, I had decided that it must stop. I would return to my life, one that does not involve an arrogant asshole like Niall. He could continue his fuckboy destiny, while I would move on to better things. One setback would not be enough to deter me. 
I was mostly successful. Thankfully I didn’t see him around campus that day. Seeing a couple kissing in the hallway or a particularly fit boy in workout clothes triggered an unwelcome thought, now and then, but I would quickly bury it in the back of my mind.
That night, I was feeling good. I had decided I was going to stay up and watch some shows, until I was so tired that I would fall asleep without even thinking. That was the best way to avoid those late night thoughts of the boy I refused to acknowledge. It was 10:30 p.m. and I was into the third episode of one of my go-to lighthearted sitcoms when my phone buzzed. I figured it was one of my friends, asking about plans for tomorrow, so I unlocked the phone while keeping my eyes on the show. I brought the phone to my face, and I almost choked. It had opened to a text message. A text message from Niall. It wasn’t just words; there was a photo, too.
What appeared in front of my eyes was a shirtless and pant less Niall, sitting up in bed. His skin was tanned and so smooth, except around his chest, where the hair was matted down. I could see every defined muscle – the biceps, the chest, abs, shoulders, thighs. And then my eyes were led to his crotch. He was wearing white boxers briefs that might’ve been too small for him, as his cock could clearly be seen bulging through. One of his hands rested right by the bulge, emphasizing it.
The caption wrote: “Figured ya were thinkin about this, so thought I’d just give ya a real picture to replace the mental one. I haven’t fucked since yesterday, so it’s even more ready to go than usual.”
I was appalled by his action, by his lack of manners and by the fact that he readily admitted he’s fucking a different girl almost every day. Does he really think admitting he’s a man whore makes him more appealing? Unfortunately, though, he’s probably right.
Disgusted as I might have been, I was also instantly hot. Seeing him in this primal form is just too much to handle. His aura reeks of sex, and no matter how much I hate him as a person, he’s the best sex I’ve ever had, and I doubt I’ll ever meet another person who can make me feel what he can. He’s perfection in my eyes, and in moments like this, I live to worship him. My mind goes in a thousand directions, all of them leading to his cock. My fingers are already rubbing my clit, and I’m well on my way to an orgasm.
Another text comes in: “Say thank you.” And as I hit my high seconds later, it comes out as the most pathetic of whimpers: “Thank you, Niall.”
Another three days and nothing from Niall. But it’s not like he needs to do anything. He’s already living rent free in my mind. I had decided to let him overwhelm me, because after that photo came in, I had no power to resist. I was not even close to deleting it, instead staring at it, drooling over it, each night I went to bed. I wanted his cock more than anything else in the world. But with some kind of false belief that I still had my dignity, I refused to reach out to him, refused to beg him for sex, like I’m sure so many girls have done before. Instead, I let my thoughts and that photo take care of my desire for him. I would eventually delete the photo, go back to my plan of moving on with life. I just needed a few days of quietly obsessing over him, and then I could work on pushing him out again.
It was a Saturday morning, and I headed to the gym. One way I was trying to maintain my sanity, besides spending a lot of time with friends and studying, was to keep fit. I wasn’t about to be in magazines, but I could be healthy, and I was at least pretty enough for Niall to fuck twice and continue to torture, so I guess that’s pretty good.
I set myself up on the treadmill, where I spent most of my time while in the gym, and I started jogging. I did my best to focus on the workout, drowning out unwanted thoughts with music from my earbuds. I was moving along well, increasing speed, when I made the unfortunate decision to open my eyes.
There are a number of mirrors lining the wall, about 10 feet in front of the treadmills, and in them I could see most of the rest of the gym. And in one mirror, I could see the weight lifting station, and there was Niall. He wore a blue tank top with a gold chain and those same tight workout shorts I saw him in a few days ago. He was lifting what appeared to be a lot of weight, at least to me. And he was making it look easy. His biceps moved with every motion, and my core throbbed instantly. He was just so hot.
After several seconds of my eyes fixated on him through the mirror, he apparently felt the gaze and looked toward the same mirror. We made eye contact through the reflection, and he smirked. I almost tripped but regained my composure and looked straight ahead.
I was completely unable to stay focused. I continually stole glances toward him, as he continued to do more weight training, and he caught me looking multiple times. He even licked his lips on one occasion, which did nothing to help the dampening feeling in my underwear. He hadn’t even approached me yet, and yet he already knew he had me.
After about 15 minutes, I heard his voice behind me, “Hey Y/N, is there something over by the weights I can get ya? I noticed you kept lookin over there.”
I put my feet on either side of the treadmill, pulled my earbuds out and looked his way. Breathing heavily, I said, “Uh, no. I, uh, was just looking around I guess.”
Niall smiled, “Oh, I see. Well do ya wanna turn that machine off? Seems like ya could use a breather.”
I froze for a couple seconds, before listening to him and powering down the treadmill, turning around to look at him, no words forming. At that moment, the only other person in the gym went out the door, and a smirk appeared on Niall’s face.
“Why don’t you come sit?” Niall said, patting his hand on a nearby bench press seat. 
It was phrased as a question, but it was unquestionably a command. He was testing how obedient I would be. I did as he asked, and sat at the edge of the seat. I was feeling vulnerable and powerless, but mostly just aroused.
Niall knelt down on his feet in front of me, staring into my eyes with a mischievous smile on his face. After a few seconds, he grabbed one of my feet, and took off the running shoe and then the sock. He did the same with the other foot. He then started massaging one foot with both hands.
“I saw ya workin hard there, y/n. Tryin to get yourself lookin good?” Niall asked, still rubbing my foot.
“Uh, I guess, yeah,” I meekly responded.
“Hmmm.. who are ya tryin to look good for?”
“I don’t know. I..”
“I think it might be me,” Niall interrupted with an almost aggressive smirk, “Or maybe you’re just tryna distract yourself so you don’t haveta think about me?”
I was speechless. He chuckled, switching to rubbing my other foot and asking, “Did ya like the picture I sent ya the other night? Bet ya didn’t delete it, did ya?”
I was still unable to speak, so I just shook my head, and his smile grew bigger.
“Mmm, good,” Niall said, dropping my foot down and standing up straight, the bulge in his shorts about a foot away from my face, “Why don’t you take those shorts off, y/n? Think ya need to cool off a little.”
I hesitated, but not for long, and I slowly pulled down my running shorts, leaving just my panties, which were obviously wet.
“Why are you soaked?” Niall asked abruptly.
“You,” was all I could manage to get out.
“Of course,” he chuckled, “I guess you weren’t just ‘lookin around’ earlier, huh? You musta liked watchin me work out. Go ahead and take your tank top off now.”
It was actually just a sports bra, but it’s not like Niall was going to care, so I just ignored that and obeyed the command. It was a little tough, having worked up a sweat, but I managed to pull the layer of clothing over my head, leaving my breasts exposed.
“Very good,” Niall smiled, “You listen very well, y/n.”
He then pulled off his own shorts, leaving his socks and shoes on. He was in white underwear again, but this time spandex, which he probably wore for working out. The outline of his cock was so prominent, he might as well have had nothing on. He then peeled off his tank top, leaving only his chain dangling on his hairy chest. His body was glistening.
“Lay back,” Niall said, as he moved forward.
I obeyed. I would do anything he told me to do right now. My head was now rested just short of the bench press par, with my butt still on the edge of the seat. Niall positioned himself above my crotch, one leg on each side of the bench press seat. When I moved my head up a bit to look forward, all I saw was his crotch and the straining bulge in the front of his spandex. I was overwhelmed at this point.
“Want me to make ya feel good, y/n?” he asked, talking to me like I was a child, “Want me to make ya cum?”
I nodded, breathing ragged. He smirked and then lowered himself down, his bulge pressing against my heat. He then leaned his torso forward and put his arms on either side of my head. And he started rocking his hips. The feeling was indescribable. I remembered just how big he is, as his cock pressed against my folds over and over again. I was sopping in my panties, making his underwear wet, too, and his thrusts started making wet noises.
“How does this cock feel, y/n?” he asked.
“So good,” I whimpered, “It’s so big, Niall.”
He chuckled, looking into my eyes, still thrusting, “I know that y/n. You know how many girls have told me how big I am, how I’m the best they’ve ever had. Is it true, y/n? Am I the best?”
“You’re the best, Niall,” I blurted out, “God, you’re incredible.”
“Yeah? Do you think about me when you’re alone at night?”
“Yes, Niall.”
“What do you think about?”
“Your cock, Niall.”
He smiled a huge smile, “Cum in your panties, y/n” he said, as his thrusts got even more forceful. It felt like his cock was actually railing inside me now. 
“Cum jus like ya do when ya think about me in yer little bed at night, pretending like ya hate me, but never gettin me out of yer head.”
“Ohh, Niall,” I panted.
“That’s right, y/n. This is the real thing. Ya got my cock rubbin up against yer pussy. Ya feel that? Ya feel how big it is? Feel how good I fuck ya?’
“Yes, Niall, yes,” I shouted. 
My orgasm came in, and as I hit my climax, there was no stopping my real thoughts from coming out in a flurry of moans and pants, “No one can make me feel like you can. You’re the best. I think about your cock all the time.”
Niall was beaming at this point, staring down at me. He was so masculine, his chest sweating and his biceps flexing as he held himself up above me. His gold chain was bouncing against his chest, as he thrusted hard and fast. The sight was enough to just about kill me, and my final high hit like a ton of bricks. I screamed out his name.
As I came down, Niall stood up and got out of his underwear. His cock jumping out, smacking against his abs and resting in place. He now only had his chain and his shoes and socks on, and as I looked up, I could’ve sworn he was a fitness model. His broad shoulders lead down to a skinny waist. His muscles were so defined all over.
“Now ya have some work to do,” Niall said, as he repositioned himself over me on the bench press. 
This time though, he moved up, so he was sitting on my chest, above my breasts. His cock was is my face. He reached behind my head and grabbed my hair. Pulling my head up a bit, he made a ponytail from my hair. He then grabbed his cock with his other hand. He had to stand up a bit and move back, because his cock was too long, and he needed to adjust to get it in front of my mouth.
“Open up,” he said.
I was totally fucked out at this point, and would only be able to respond to simple commands. I opened wide, and he slowly pushed in. After a few inches, my mouth felt full, but he wasn’t even halfway. He continued to slowly push in, reaching my throat, and pushing down it.
“Oh, that feels good, y/n,” Niall said, tilting his head up and closing his eyes, as he continued pushing in. 
I was gagging a bit, but he continued pushing in further, “Don’t worry. Your throat will get used to it. They always do.”
I couldn’t even think about the arrogance of what he just said, because I was too entranced, too overcome by him. I belonged to him. After pushing all the way in, my nose now in his sweaty pubes, Niall finally pulled all the way out. He looked down, smiling, and used his thumb to wipe the tears that were coming out of my eyes.
“Do ya like sucking on me cock, y/n?” he asked, started to jerk himself off.
I nodded.
“Say it. Tell me how ya feel,” he commanded.
“I.. I love..,” I started, taking a badly needed breath, “I love how big it feels in my mouth … (deep breath) and how it stretches my throat … (deep breath) and I love looking up and seeing you above me.”
Niall put on a more gentle smile. “Good girl,” he said, as he softly caressed my cheek. 
He then stood up, his cock bouncing above me. “Lay your head down,” he ordered. I did as I was told.
“Open up.” I listened again, and Niall knelt a bit, grabbing the back of my head with one hand and directing his cock back into my mouth with the other. 
He then started thrusting his hips. He couldn’t even fit his whole cock with each thrust, hitting the back of my throat over and over.
I gagged and choked, as drool started coming out. He’d give me short breaks to catch my breath before thrusting some more. All I could see when I looked up was his sweaty body and that gold chain bouncing up and down.
“Love this mouth, y/n. Love how ya used to use it to insult me, but now all ya can do is open it up and let me in. Ya can’t get enough, can ya? I could do this anytime I wanted, huh? Ya tried to resist me, but now I own ya. Ya love this cock.”
I was getting wet again just from his words. I was aware that I would feel like shit later, but I was willing to give anything for this pleasure. I just wanted to worship him; to give him everything he wanted.
Niall suddenly pulled his cock out and put his hands behind his back, “Choke on it,” he said. 
I looked confused for a moment. “Push it down yer throat and don’t let go til I say so.”
I had to lean up to get to him. I grabbed it with one hand, but he quickly swatted it away, and I understood. I leaned forward and slowly started pushing his cock in. It hit my throat, and I gagged, but I kept going, pushing and pushing until I finally reached his pubes. I stayed put. It was hard, as I choked, but it felt so good, doing exactly what he said and feeling his power, smelling his sweat. I grabbed onto his ass for good measure, feeling how firm it was.
“Oh, yeah,” Niall said above me. “That’s it, y/n. Such a good girl, doing everything I tell you.”
“Fuck,” he yelled out and he pulled my head off his cock with one hand, jerking off with the other. 
“Look at me,” he said and I looked up into his eyes. 
He kept eye contact as he reached his finish. It came out in ropes, hitting different parts of my face. It was warm and heavy, and I happily swallowed what landed in my mouth. Niall was smiling down at me, his hand still in my hair. He took the hand that was jerking himself off, and collected some of his cum from my face on his finger.
 “Open,” he said, and I stuck my tongue out. He put his cum-filled finger in and I sucked around it.
“Say thank you,” he commanded.
“Thank you, Niall,” I whispered meekly.
He picked up his clothes and walked away, his cum still on my face.
Just over a month. That’s how long it had been since Niall last used me up like he owned me, since Niall last spoke a word to me. 33 days, to be exact, but who’s counting?I had decided, after the second time sucking his cock and letting him ruin me, that I absolutely was not going back to him. He gave me the best orgasms I’ve ever had, and to be honest, I loved being dominated by him, loved worshiping him. But only in the moment. Afterward, I just felt like shit. Both times.I’m not sure what I expected after the first encounter. I knew his reputation beforehand. But I believed he must have a heart, that he would at least talk to me after fucking my brains out. So when he completely cut me out, I had to understand why, had to get an answer.What I got instead was another mouthful of his cock - not that I was complaining at the time.
So when he dropped me off that day without so much as a kiss goodbye, and instead a crude comment - ‘Try to think about something other than my cock’ - followed by a typical cocky smirk, i decided there was no way I was going back to him again. If he decided to ignore me like last time, then so be it. I would resist all temptations, no matter how unrelenting, and I would move on with my life.
So that’s how I’ve made it 33 days. A torturous, agonizing month, but at least I was building back my pride.I know for a fact that pretty much every girl Niall fucks ends up begging him for more. I’ve heard from plenty of girls who can’t seem to shake him from their mind. He gives them the best sex of their life, but then he leaves them in the middle of the ocean without a lifeline in site. It’s not like I felt superior to the other girls in any way; I mean I was just as hooked as they were; but I did take at least some pride in the fact that I was not feeding his ego.It was hard, mind you. I saw him on campus a few times per week, and every time, my mind instantly started racing, my face heated up, and my body began to remember what he can do. Now and then, he’d catch me looking, and he’d give a knowing smirk, but he easily resisted approaching me. I was just another conquest, after all, and there were plenty more to come in the parade of women in and out of his bedroom.No one could make a girl feel like he could, and he knew it. He had nothing to worry about, no one to be jealous of, which made these games easy for him. I was pretty sure that if I crawled back to him, he’d fuck me again. But no way was he was going to come to me.So, as difficult as it was, I was successful in avoiding him. I sometimes got wet just seeing him in a tank top or flirting shamelessly with some girl; I masturbated to thoughts of him many times; I even stalked his social media in my weakest moments, but I never gave in. I refused to give in.
On A Saturday during spring semester, I was sitting in a comfy chair in one of the little study nooks that are dispersed throughout the college. I enjoy sitting here, as it’s usually pretty quiet and I can concentrate on studying. I had my headphones in and was focused on a video that I was taking notes from.I dropped my pen, as I’m prone to do, and it fell on the ground in the space between the two chairs and the window behind. I stood up and then bent over the arms of the chairs, trying to reach down for the writing utensil. I then felt something alarming, but familiar. It was very apparent that a crotch was now pushed up against my ass, but the owner of the crotch was uncertain. I most certainly did not have a boyfriend, as I had yet to meet a guy since Niall who could give me even half the physical pleasure Niall could. I had a few girl friends who might joke around like this, but, as evidenced by the prominent manhood I was feeling against my butt, this was no girl.
"Damn, I almost forgot how nice this ass was. Loved watching it move while I fucked ya from behind those times."The culprit was now unmistakable. 
"What the hell are you doing Niall?” I snapped, turning around to face him. I was quickly overwhelmed with his presence. 
He was right in my face, and I could feel the heat of his body. He was in a tank top and his biceps were bulging, and his smirk was as bright as ever.It was clear that he instantly recognized his position of power. He was well aware that he could have me in the palm of his hand if he wanted.
“What’s the problem y/n? You weren’t so shy when you were moaning my name a couple weeks ago,” Niall said, his hand resting on my hip.
I was already struggling to speak. I was trying not to make eye contact, but that meant I had to look down, and what I saw when I looked down was Niall in some workout shorts with a very noticeable bulge in the stomach. I held back a whimper. Honestly, it was something of a heroic act for me to not give into him that second.
“A couple weeks?” I said, annoyed.
“We haven’t talked in over a month Niall.”
“Oh, is that right? I guess it kind of blends together for me. I don’t always remember which girl was when, although you do stand out, y/n,” he said with that smirk plastered on his face.
“And I see you’ve been thinking about me, since you know exactly how long it’s been.”
“Oh please, just because I have simple memory capabilities doesn’t me I actually care what happened between us. It meant nothing,” I said, not certain if I was convincing him or myself.
“Tell me, though,” Niall said, as he brought his body even closer to mine, now pressing against me. 
“What do you remember?"He moved his free hand into my hair, and leaned down, kissing under my ear. 
"Do you remember my dorm room, taking it on my bed, feeling me in you for the first time? Do you remember the back of my car, moaning my name and steaming up my windows?" 
The hand that was on my hip has now snaked its way under the waistband of my panties, and he’s moving it very slowly toward my sex.
"Do you remember my cock, y/n? Do you remember it filling up your mouth? Do you remember it in your throat?” he asked, making sure to kiss my throat right at that moment. 
“Do you remember gagging on it? Choking on it? Remember how big it is?" 
I let out the smallest gasp and Niall smiled against my skin, as he continued kissing and dirty talking. His lower hand then finally reached my sex, and he felt the wetness instantly. I had no way to lie; the evidence was right there; he had me yet again.
"Oh, my, y/n, in the middle of the science building, and here you are all wet for me. Wow. You must’ve been thinking about this non-stop for … a month did you say? Musta been tough. Well let me make it a little easier for you tonight, huh?"
A finger entered me and then a second. He continued leaving light kisses on me, as his fingers moved expertly, in and out. His bulge was pressed up against my thigh. My limbs were loose at my side. I had no control; all I could do was take his assault of pleasure. 
"Say thank you,” Niall goaded, continuing his actions but now staring into my eyes. 
All I could muster was a few heavy breaths until finally I whimpered, “Thank you, Niall."
He pulled his hand out and stepped away in one motion. He said "You’re welcome” and then stuck his wet fingers in front of my mouth. I opened in a haze, and he chuckled as he pushed my own wetness into my mouth. I sucked them clean. Niall smiled big and said, “Should be easier now to get to your orgasm tonight,” then winked and turned around. And all I could do was stare at that perfect body - his muscular back, broad shoulders, perky butt - as he walked away. 
Another two days passed, and I heard nothing from Niall. After all those days avoiding him, trying to get him out of my head, he swooped in, teased me to the brink of orgasm, and then just left me high and dry. He clearly refused to even entertain the notion of committing to any kind of relationship with me, and yet he still couldn’t just let me be at peace. It’s like he wants me to suffer.I tried to return to my previous strategy, avoiding him at all costs, erasing the idea of “us” from my head. But it wasn’t the thoughts of a relationship that I struggled with; it was the thoughts of lust. The way he pushed me to a near orgasm in about 30 seconds in the middle of a school hallway reminded me of the intense pleasure I felt the two times he fucked me. 
The last two nights, while in my bed, my attempts to resist thinking about him were embarrassingly short. As I closed my eyes, my brain immediately focused on him. I remembered his touch, his cocky demeanor, his bright eyes, his smirk, his kiss. And then I remembered his cock, the weight of it, the way it filled my throat and my sex. I remembered the boastful look on his face every time I peered up at him while he used my mouth. I remembered the sweat that gathered on his built chest as he fucked into me.As the thoughts raced through my head, my hand made its way back into my panties, and I quickly found myself hitting my high, quietly moaning his name. And both nights, after the climax, an immediate shame washed over me. How easily he had taken ownership of me again. 
On the third day, I had decided that it must stop. I would return to my life, one that does not involve an arrogant asshole like Niall. He could continue his fuckboy destiny, while I would move on to better things. One setback would not be enough to deter me.I was mostly successful. Thankfully I didn’t see him around campus that day. Seeing a couple kissing in the hallway or a particularly fit boy in workout clothes triggered an unwelcomed thought, now and then, but I would quickly bury it in the back of my mind.That night, I was feeling good. I had decided I was going to stay up and watch some shows, until I was so tired that I would fall asleep without even thinking. That was the best way to avoid those late night thoughts of the boy I refused to acknowledge. 
It was 10:30 p.m. and I was into the third episode of one of my go-to lighthearted sitcoms when my phone buzzed. I figured it was one of my friends, asking about plans for tomorrow, so I unlocked the phone while keeping my eyes on the show.I brought the phone to my face, and I almost choked. It had opened to a text message. A text message from Niall. It wasn’t just words; there was a photo, too.What appeared in front of my eyes was a shirtless and pantsless Niall, sitting up in bed. His tan skin was glistening and was so smooth, except around his chest, where the hair was matted down. I could see every defined muscle – the biceps, the chest, abs, shoulders, thighs. And then my eyes were led to his crotch. He was wearing white boxers briefs that might’ve been too small for him, as his cock could clearly be seen bulging through. One of his hands rested right by the bulge, emphasizing it. 
The caption wrote: “Figured ya were thinkin about this, so thought I’d just give ya a real picture to replace the mental one  Haven’t fucked since yesterday, so it’s even more ready to go than usual.”I was appalled by his action, by his lack of manners and by the fact that he readily admitted he’s fucking a different girl almost every day. Does he really think admitting he’s a man whore makes him more appealing? Unfortunately, though, he’s probably right. Disgusted as I might have been, I was also instantly hot. Seeing him in this primal form is just too much to handle. His aura reeks of sex, and no matter how much I hate him as a person, he’s the best sex I’ve ever had, and I doubt I’ll ever meet another person who can make me feel what he can. He’s perfection in my eyes, and in moments like this, I live to worship him. My mind goes in a thousand directions, all of them leading to his cock. My fingers are already rubbing my clit, and I’m well on my way to an orgasm. Another text comes in: “Say thank you.” And as I hit my high seconds later, it comes out as the most pathetic of whimpers: Thank you, Niall.”
Another three days and nothing from Niall. But it’s not like he needs to do anything. He’s already living rent free in my mind. I had decided to let him overwhelm me, because after that photo came in, I had no power to resist. I was not even close to deleting it, instead staring at it, drooling over it, each night I went to bed. I wanted his cock more than anything else in the world. But with some kind of false belief that I still had my dignity, I refused to reach out to him, refused to beg him for sex, like I’m sure so many girls have done before. Instead, I let my thoughts and that photo take care of my desire for him.I would eventually delete the photo, go back to my plan of moving on with life. I just needed a few days of quietly obsessing over him, and then I could work on pushing him out again.It was a Saturday morning, and I headed to the gym. One way I was trying to maintain my sanity, besides spending a lot of time with friends and studying, was to keep fit. I wasn’t about to be in magazines, but I could be healthy, and I was at least pretty enough for Niall to fuck twice and continue to torture, so I guess that’s pretty good. 
I set myself up on the treadmill, where I spent most of my time while in the gym, and I started jogging. I did my best to focus on the workout, drowning out unwanted thoughts with music from my earbuds. I was moving along well, increasing speed, when I made the unfortunate decision to open my eyes.There are a number of mirrors lining the wall, about 10 feet in front of the treadmills, and in them I could see most of the rest of the gym. And in one mirror, I could see the weight lifting station, and there was Niall. He wore a blue tank top with a gold chain and those same tight workout shorts I saw him in a few days ago.He was lifting what appeared to be a lot of weight, at least to me. And he was making it look easy. His biceps moved with every motion, and my core throbbed instantly. He was just so hot. After several seconds of my eyes fixated on him through the mirror, he apparently felt the gaze and looked toward the same mirror. We made eye contact through the reflection, and he smirked. I almost tripped but regained my composure and looked straight ahead. I was completely unable to stay focused. 
I continually stole glances toward him, as he continued to do more weight training, and he caught me looking multiple times. He even licked his lips on one occasion, which did nothing to help the dampening feeling in my underwear.He hadn’t even approached me yet, and yet he already knew he had me.After about 15 minutes, I heard his voice behind me. 
“Hey Y/N, is there something over by the weights I can get ya? I noticed you kept lookin over there.” 
I put my feet on either side of the treadmill, pulled my earbuds out and looked his way. Breathing heavily, I said, “Uh, no. I, uh, was just looking around I guess.” 
Niall smiled, “Oh, I see. Well do ya wanna turn that machine off? Seems like ya could use a breather.” 
I froze for a couple seconds, before listening to him and powering down the treadmill, turning around to look at him, no words forming. At that moment, the only other person in the gym went out the door, and a smirk appeared on Niall’s face. 
“Why don’t you come sit?” Niall said, patting his hand on a nearby bench press seat. 
It was phrased as a question, but it was unquestionably a command. He was testing how obedient I would be. I did as he asked, and sat at the edge of the seat. I was feeling vulnerable and powerless, but mostly just aroused. Niall knelt down on his feet in front of me, staring into my eyes with a mischievous smile on his face. After a few seconds, he grabbed one of my feet, and took off the running shoe and then the sock. He did the same with the other foot. He then started massaging one foot with both hands. 
“I saw ya workin hard there, y/n. Tryin to get yourself lookin good?” Niall asked, still rubbing my foot. 
“Uh, I guess, yeah,” I meekly responded.
“Hmmm.. who are ya tryin to look good for?” 
“I don’t know. I..”
“I think it might be me,” Niall interrupted with an almost aggressive smirk. 
“Or maybe you’re just tryna distract yourself so you don’t haveta think about me?” I was speechless. 
He chuckled, switching to rubbing my other foot and asking, “Did ya like the picture I sent ya the other night? Bet ya didn’t delete it, did ya?”I was still unable to speak, so I just shook my head, and his smile grew bigger. 
“Mmm, good,” Niall said, dropping my foot down and standing up straight, the bulge in his shorts about a foot away from my face.
“Why don’t you take those shorts off, y/n? Think ya need to cool off a little.”
I hesitated, but not for long, and I slowly pulled down my running shorts, leaving just my panties, which were obviously wet. 
“Why are you soaked?” Niall asked abruptly. 
“You,” was all I could manage to get out. 
“Of course,” he chuckled. 
“I guess you weren’t just ‘lookin around’ earlier, huh? You musta liked watchin me work out. Go ahead and take your tank top off now.” 
It was actually just a sports bra, but it’s not like Niall was going to care, so I just ignored that and obeyed the command. It was a little tough, having worked up a sweat, but I managed pull the layer of clothing over my head, leaving my breasts exposed. 
“Very good,” Niall smiled. “You listen very well, y/n.” 
He then pulled off his own shorts, leaving his socks and shoes on. He was in white underwear again, but this time spandex, which he probably wore for working out. The outline of his cock was so prominent, he mine as well have had nothing on. He then peeled off his tank top, leaving only his chain dangling on his hairy chest. His body was glistening. 
“Lay back,” Niall said, as he moved forward.
 I obeyed. I would do anything he told me to do right now. My head was now rested just short of the bench press par, with my butt still on the edge of the seat. Niall positioned himself above my crotch, one leg on each side of the bench press seat. When I moved my head up a bit to look forward, all I saw was his crotch and the straining bulge in the front of his spandex. I was overwhelmed at this point. 
“Want me to make ya feel good, y/n?” he asked, talking to me like I was a child. 
“Want me to make ya cum?” I nodded, breathing ragged. 
He smirked and then lowered himself down, his bulge pressing against my heat. He then leaned his torso forward and put his arms on either side of my head. And he started rocking his hips. The feeling was indescribable. I remembered just how big he is, as his cock pressed against my folds over and over again. I was sopping in my panties, making his underwear wet, too, and his thrusts started making wet noises. 
“How does this cock feel, y/n?” he asked. 
“So good,” I whimpered. 
“It’s so big, Niall.”He chuckled, looking into my eyes, still thrusting, “I know that y/n. You know how many girls have told me how big I am, how I’m the best they’ve ever had. Is it true, y/n? Am I the best?” 
“You’re the best, Niall,” I blurted out. 
“God, you’re incredible.” 
“Yeah? Do you think about me when you’re alone at night?” 
“Yes, Niall”“What do you think about?”
“Your cock, Niall.”He smiled a huge smile. 
“Cum in your panties, y/n” he said, as his thrusts got even more forceful. It felt like his cock was actually railing inside me now. 
“Cum jus like ya do when ya think about me in yer little bed at night, pretending like ya hate me, but never gettin me out of yer head.” 
“Ohh, Niall,” I panted. 
“That’s right, y/n. This is the real thing. Ya got my cock rubbin up against yer pussy. Ya feel that? Ya feel how big it is? Feel how good I fuck ya?’ 
“Yes, Niall, yes,” I shouted. 
My orgasm came in, and as I hit my climax, there was no stopping my real thoughts from coming out in a flurry of moans and pants. 
“No one can make me feel like you can. Your the best. I think about your cock all the time.” Niall was beaming at this point, staring down at me. 
He was so masculine, his chest sweating and his biceps flexing as he held himself up above me. His gold chain was bouncing against his chest, as he thrusted hard and fast. The site was enough to just about kill me, and my final high hit like a ton of bricks. I screamed out his name. As I came down, Niall stood up and got out of his underwear. His cock jumping out, smacking against his abs and resting in place. He now only had had his chain and his shoes and socks on, and as I looked up, I could’ve sworn he was a fitness model. His broad shoulders lead down to a skinny waist. His muscles were so defined all over.
“Now ya have some work to do,” Niall said, as he respositioned himself over me on the bench press.
 This time though, he moved up, so he was sitting on my chest, above my breast. His cock was is my face.He reached behind my head and grabbed my hair. Pulling my head up a bit, he made a ponytail from my hair. He then grabbed his cock with his other hand. He had to stand up a bit and move back, because his cock was too long, and he needed to adjust to get it in front of my mouth.
“Open up,” he said.
 I was totally fucked out at this point, and would only be able to respond to simple commands. I opened wide, and he slowly pushed in.After a few inches, my mouth felt full, but he wasn’t even halfway in. He continued to slowly push in reaching my throat, and pushing down it.
“Oh, that feels good, y/n,” Niall said, tilting his head up and closing his eyes, as he continued pushing in. 
I was gagging a bit, but he continued pushing in further.
 “Don’t worry. Your throat will get used to it. They always do.” 
I couldn’t even think about the arrogance of what he just said, because I was too entranced, too overcome by him. I belonged to him.After pushing all the way in, my nose now in his sweaty pubes, Niall finally pulled all the way out, leaving in just the tip. He looked down, smiling, and used his thumb to wipe the tears that were coming out of my eyes. 
“Do ya like sucking on me cock, y/n?” he asked, started to jack himself off. 
I nodded.
“Say it. Tell me how ya feel,” he commanded.
“I.. I love..,” I started, taking a badly needed breath, “I love how big it feels in my mouth … (deep breath) and how it stretches out my throat … (deep breath) and I love looking up and seeing you above me.” 
Niall put on a more gentle smile.
 “Good girl,” he said, as he softly caressed my cheek. He then stood up, his cock bouncing above me. “Lay your head down,” he ordered. I did as I was told.
“Open up.” I listened again, and Niall knelt a bit, grabbing the back of my head with one hand and directing his cock back into my mouth with the other. 
He then started thrusting his hips. He couldn’t even hit his whole cock with each thrust, hitting the back of my throat over and over.I gagged and choked, as drool started coming out. He’d give me short breaks to catch my breath before thrusting some more. All I could see when I looked up was his sweaty body and that gold chain bouncing up and down.
“Love this mouth, y/n. Love how ya used to use it to insult me, but now all ya can do is open it up and let me in. Ya can’t get enough, can ya? I could do this anytime I wanted, huh? Ya tried to resist me, but now ya can’t get enough of me. Ya love this cock.” 
I was getting wet again just from his words. I was aware that I would feel like shit later, but I was willing to give anything for this pleasure. I just wanted to worship him; to give him everything he wanted. Niall suddenly pulled his cock out and put his hands behind his back. 
“Choke on it,” he said. I looked confused for a moment. 
“Push it down yer throat and don’t let go til I say so.”
I had to lean up to get to him. I grabbed it with one hand, but he quickly swatted it away, and I understood. I leaned forward and slowly started pushing his cock in. It hit my throat, and I gagged, but I kept going, pushing and pushing until I finally reached his pubes. I stayed put. It was hard, as I choked, but it felt so good, doing exactly what he said and feeling his power, smelling his sweat. I grabbed onto his ass for good measure, feeling how firm it was. 
“Oh, yeah,” Niall said above me. “That’s it, y/n. Such a good girl, doing everything I tell you.” 
“Fuck,” he yelled out and he pulled my head off his cock with one hand, jerking off with the other. 
“Look at me,” he said and I looked up into his eyes. 
He kept eye contact as he reached his finish. It came out in ropes, hitting different parts of my face. It was warm and heavy, and I happily slowed what landed in my mouth. Niall was smiling down at me, his hand still in my hair. He took the hand that was jerking himself off, and collected some of his cum from my face on his finger. 
“Open,” he said, and I stuck my tongue out. He put his cum-filled finger in and I sucked around it.
“Say thank you, y/n,” he commanded.
“Thank you, Niall,” I whispered meekly. He picked up his clothes and walked away.
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constilationn · 4 years
Legitimate question: is it too late to write a fic about Louis Tomlinson because I’ve decided I’m in love
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I'm doing ships on my blog now!!!!
The fandoms I do ships for are….. Avengers Guardians of the Galaxy Supernatural Sherlock Doctor Who Real life Marvel actors One direction (Request more fandoms!) So just send me some stuff about yourself (appearance,hobbies,sexual preference,types of music/movies you like) literally anything and I’ll give you a ship.
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amirahh1 · 2 years
One direction ff- A Chaotic Adventure
DISCLAIMER: this ff is in the timeline where zayn didnt quit, the boys are still together, but they have had their solo careers aswell
Chapter One: One Morning.....
*the doorbell rings*
Liam: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
*notices that nobody is there*
Liam: ............
*notices a letter*
Liam: A letterrrrrrrrrrrrRrrrrr
Zayn: Shut up will ya?
Liam: But we have a letterrrrrr-
Liam: *in a sad tune* fine..
Zayn: Fine i'll go to another room
*Liam opens the letter*
Niall: its from y/n!
Liam: Must be for harry, where is he tho? haven't seen him since the breakfast
*Louis enters*
Louis: Why was zayn shouting in his pillow?
Niall and Liam: We dont know- that man got anger issues
Zayn: *shouting from his room* SURE WHATEVER SAILS YOUR BOAT
Louis: Huh, doesnt seem like him-
Niall: Hey Lou where is Harry?
Louis: in his room
*Liam and Niall travel to harry's room*
Harry: *sings watermelon sugar* TaStEs LiKe sTrAwBeRrIeS
Niall: noooo he's using my strawberry based shampoo!
Liam: you can get another one-? even tho you have a collecti-
Niall: NO NO NO
Harry: Who's there outside
Niall: *angrily* YOUR MOM!
Liam: Uhhhh no. Harry its us!
Harry: Actually you are not inside the bathroom so how will I know who is *us*
Niall: *still angry* NIALL AND LIAM
Harry: Okay Niall but why are you angry?
Harry: Oh oopsies
Liam: Will you do all this conversation inside the bathroom?
Harry: No no wait the last chorus is left! Im almost done
Liam: .......
Harry: WaTeRmElOn SuGaR HiGh
*random fan throws some tape and bucks inside the bathroom through the window*
Harry: Oh thank you!!! But is there any replacement for the bucks? accidentally they are wet-
*no response*
Harry: Oh well.. thank you anyway!!
*harry is now done and comes out to the room because he forgot his trousers*
Harry: Why are you both here again?
*Niall and Liam throw some clothes at him*
Harry:Oh yes im still naked.. thank you!
*harry dresses up FINALLY and then comes out again*
*Niall and Liam cover their eyes*
Harry: Im wearing clothes-
*Niall and Liam sigh and open their eyes*
Harry: Now what's the matter?
Liam: Your sister y/n sent a letter
*harry snatches the letter*
Harry: Dear Harry and the boys, I got a leave from my job for a few days and surprisingly I have enough time to tour the world, would you all like to come? Anyway I'll reach in an hour or so after you get this letter. Toodles!
Liam: Yessssssssss!
*Zayn enters with his nose red*
Zayn: Harry *sneezes* did you use a strong *sneezes* shampoo again?
Harry: Double oopsies
*Zayn roles his eyes and opens all the windows*
*Suddenly random fruits are thrown through the window, namingly: kiwi, watermelons and cherry*
*Harry gets hold of one of the cherries and eats them*
Harry: Rotten but thank youuuu!
Now all the boys wait for y/n to come over while thinking about what waits ahead for them 👀
Stay tuned for the second chapter and sorry if this is a bit weird because its my first time :]
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basilly · 3 years
damn wanna hear about bad fanfics written on paper?
when i was 11 i wrote a nial horan fanfic where i met him at my local mall and he asked me on a date. then he took me to nandos and on the spot asked me to move in with him. oh and his house was the "one direction mansion" like in those other cringey fanfics jkfdkljfsd
also heyy can i be 🛵 anon (she/they) ??
(and yes!! welcome :DD)
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harrieatthemet · 7 years
guys I’m back!!! It’s been so long since I’ve posted anything but coooooooome to me with some ideas PLEASE. I’m ready to write. 😩😩😩
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ghostly-thorn · 4 years
Behind The Writing - 4 - The Turrfield Gym - Uplifting Roots
🎵 A bit of Ambiance 🎵
Greetings everyone !
Coming faster than expected is this 4th Chapter. Zera takes on her very first Gym battle and I was excited as hell to write it, though I’ve had some difficulty timing everything right... I’ll explain more later on.
I hope this hasn’t decreased in quality since I (kinda) forced myself to write. For those who don’t know, my deployment in an old people’s home is coming to an end. By the 22th of May i’ll have a free week, before returning to the hospital for a 6-week internship. During that “free” week I’ll have to work on an 8-page essay to validate my semester. It’s fine on its own, the issue I have though is that I have to surrender it by June the 12th, right in the middle of my internship. I didn’t want to keep you waiting so long (considering I’ve gained such a fanbase, THANK YOU!) so I figured I should post it this weekend, come what may!!!
And here we are now. Without further do, let’s dive into this 4th BTW. Did you pick on my every references? We’ll see about that!
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Starting off strongly with a hint at Rose’s true nature. I mentioned in the text that he used to be a miner. Bells would rung as he was heading to work to die a little more everyday. They were said to protect their miners, but failed to do so with Rose. I will say nothing else, just know I don’t leave stones unturned. So here’s a commission I’ve ordered from hx.storia. The title of the track that goes with this art is Artorias’ theme from Dark Souls. The rest is up to you my friends...
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Our future Champion, so graceful in her sleep...
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For those who haven’t seen it yet, I’ve made a post about Voice Headcanons for SwSh. In it, Milo is dubbed by Nial Horan, an irish actor. Now I know Isle of Armor is supposed to be Ireland... Or is it Scotland? I don’t remember. Either way! It’s my Fic and I’m free to do whatever I want. No, that sounded awful. Aaaaanyway. Milo is Irish and I tried my best to depict that in this Chapter, though I’m not native so it was hard at times. All of this to say that Hop tried imitating the Gym Leader. “Top of the morning” is even an irish greeting. And believe me, I’ve looked a lot of slang for this Chapter!... *sighs* the things I would do for you...
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I changed a bit the texting format for this chapter as when I’ve re-read Castling I felt like something was off. Now Zera’s texts will be located on the right, whereas any recipient will be on the left. Basically, like a real phone. Also, if there are several ✉ on different lines, it means that the people is spamming. I hope this was clear enough for you on your first read.
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Raihan is such a jerk... But we love him nonetheless. Blackmailing poor Zee like that... unfair. But at the same time, this marks the beginning of their relationship and BOY, do I reserve some fluff for you
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In the meantime, Zera will be flushed at Raihan’s every flirt attempt. Still, she’ll resist... for now
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Zera may have inherited her mother’s purple eyes and white complexion, but she did get her hair from her Father. As mentioned in another BTW, Rose comes from india where most people have straight silky hair.
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Here’s another commission from the incredible M0nomercy. This will be Zera’s look for the rest of the Challenge. Make sure you remember it
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I mentioned Tesco in the text. I don’t live in the UK, but apparently it’s like the local groceries store. And since I’m writing a realistic fanfic, well here it is. I’ve been to London quite a few times but I’ve never seen any, I was mostly going to Boots
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I wanted to make Scorbunny evolve before he reached Turrfield. However I wasn’t planning on letting Zera rest on her laurels. Because I hate Mary Sues I try to complicate my OC’s life as much as I can. Therefore I’ve had Raboot flee into the wild.
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That is the reason why I’ve had Raboot behave like an angsty teen. I haven’t watched the new anime yet. At least, like any decent fangirl I just watched the Leon and Gengar Episodes, but from the GIFs I’ve seen Gou’s Raboot is pretty much the same
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The idea for the kick in Hop’s face came from this extract of Bleach, an anime you must watch. The characters are Hiyori Sarugaki (the girl) and Urahara Kisuke.
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Rose came from India at a very young age. Makes sense that he would bring his own values with him, amongst them, karma.
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He played the drama queen by saying he was unable to breathe and needed mouth-to-mouth, but you swiftly put him back in his place with a slap.
-        “Ow!... I'm not sure that's how you treat people, Zee...”
As a Nurse I can certify. That is how we treat people
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Here is best boy’s League card. Must protecc. and also the caption that reads on it
This Pokémon Trainer got endorsed to take part in the Gym Challenge by his brother—the reigning Champion, Leon. Hop claims to have watched all Leon's matches. Commentators speculate that as a result, he might be quite the force to be reckoned with. The Champion himself has said that his brother has potential, but his carefully hoarded knowledge can go to waste as he tends to get easily flustered in battle. It's said that Hop's partner Wooloo is a great help to him both in battle and with chores around the house.
I like to think that the Gym Challenger have specialty on their medias. Like their League Cards are numerically available on their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and so on.
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Here’s Haunter being a good boy and clapping whenever he’s happy.
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All the opponent on Route 3 are the same as in the game. Even the Pokémons Zera encountered.
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-        “I don't care! You hurt my girlfriend and now you're gonna get bruised” (He screamed, trying to sound as menacing as a 5-year-old could be…)
You and Haunter exchanged a shocked look before bursting out in laughter, to the dismay of the boy who just wanted to be respected.
If you guessed this was a reference to the Shrek and Donkey laughing meme, well you guessed right
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It could not resist commenting on all the encounters you had with wild Pokémon. Even to the extent of learning your reactions to evade your hands when it left your pocket. It was learning...
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Rose’s influence throughout the country was compared to a Tentacruel’s arms. A fitting metaphor I believe. The GIF is from James Bond’s Spectre opening that you can find here. Eva Green. Mention of ghosts and unreachable tyrans? Sounds familiar...
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Haunter floated above you and pretended to squint, crossing his hands like Aladdin's genie.
Can you see it? Can you see it?! I CAN! genie!Haunter is canon, fight me
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If Haunter is the genie, then Raboot is Puss in boots
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A woman stopped you on the way, just as massive as the previous one. She reminded you of a character from one of your favourite TV shows... 
Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought of Briene of Tarth when I saw the female!Worker
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Haunter after missing all his attack on Digglet
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-        “I can see how you made it this far” (The beastly woman spoke) “Though I must urge you to leave as soon as you can. This is no place for children”
-        “Ch-Children?” (You blew a fuse and your eyes started twitching)
Brienne!Worker urging Teen!Zera to leave the mines 👀
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As if by magic, the young man sensed your presence, or perhaps that of your ghostly partner, since he was a Psychic-type Trainer: a kind of human Anticipation. 
Anticipation is an ability that senses the foe’s dangerous moves. Here I insinuate that Bede has the same ability since he instantly senses your presence
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Bede has been adopted by the Chairman a few years ago. He would do anything to please his foster father, much like Oleana does. You’ll see that in the next Chapter “Deceiving Waters”. That is the reason why he gets so triggered when Zera mocks Rose.
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I’m sorry. But Gothita looks so fucking silly... Her whole line is fucked
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-        “Don’t grow over your head twat. I’m just giving your Pokémon a little chance to shine, that’s all”
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Then all of a sudden, a wave of calm washed over him, putting out the fire that burned inside him. He looked much more civil now.
-        “Oh dear, what have I been doing? Well, whatever. Let us just get this over with”
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You had totally wrecked him, yet after the utter shock cleared out he still found the courage to sound smug. He seemed to boil from inside, before throwing his head to the side and raising his fist in a clench
-        “I see… Well that’s fine. I wasn’t really trying all that hard anyway”
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I hoped you enjoyed Milo’s first introduction. I sure did. As I’ve mentioned before, he’s irish in here and uses quite a lot of slang (I’ve had to research for your greatest pleasure). I’m going to make a list of all the terms he’s been using and their meanings
Sham ⌦ Friend
Bang on ⌦ Right, accurate, correct
Banjaxed ⌦ to break sth, broken
Culchie ⌦ Person from rural / agricultural area
Away on ⌦ an expression of surprise
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“You know it already, but my name’s Milo”
“Y-yeah…” (You muttered as he kept awkwardly shaking your hand) “You’re quite famous”
“Think so? I do not think much of myself to be honest. I’m good with raising me pokes’ in peace”
“Sounds like the best life”
“It’s a peaceful life” (He retorted in a childish grin)
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Already he was shielding his face from a possible blow, yet you restrained yourself.
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Afterwards you settled down on the terrace of a bar - the only one in town - to enjoy a coffee. As expected, the locals were very friendly with you, even as to serve you a second and third shot on the house.
Them Turrfy people... such good lads...
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Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the most gracious Pokémon Arceus has graced us with. Yamper is a good boy. No... he’s the goodest boy.
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There she was, leaning against one of the railings encircling the platform. Her ginger hair was rippling under the late afternoon summer breeze. Seen like this, she looked frightfully pretty, which could only infuriate you.
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-        “Seems likely. It certainly looks like a gigantic Pokémon” (Sonia confirmed your theory before sighing) “I suppose people 1000 years ago could not just have imagined this, but it looks too similar to Dynamax. It can’t just be coincidence”
So in the game Sonia says 3000 ago, but I reduced it to 1000. Surely you know why...
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She drew a sigh and hopped off the ledge, pacing back and forth while fiddling her hair in a familiar manner.
-        “Guess I’m the lucky lady who’ll be lookin’ into that. Gran sure gives me a lot to do”
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Milo’s League Card and caption
This Trainer was born as the son of farmers. He has honed his strength, stamina, and skill as a Pokémon Trainer from a young age by working together with his Pokémon. Because of his gentle nature, he has trouble going all out on weaker opponents, which is why his Gym is the first one for challengers to attempt during the Gym Challenge. He always wears his boots, as apparently they let him dig in his heels when he needs to.
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As for Mareanie, she could not get a state-of-the-art bathtub this time, so you made do with it and descended to the reception desk to ask for a bucket. Surprisingly, they handed you one quite easily, claiming that during St-Patrick those buckets fulfilled another use… you were now looking at it with disgust. 
Yeah you guessed it right. It’s used to collect people’s vomit.
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You bounced out of bed, crashing to the ground two meters below. “Bunkbeds”, you had forgotten. 
When I was little, I used to spend whole nights playing videogames with my brother. Often, during the morning I would fall off it. So I feel you Zera, me too...
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Of course there would be a reference to Twilight Wings
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✉ Hey-a Champ’ in the making 👑🧗🏻‍♀️
✉ Got Hop on the 🤙🏽📱. He told me you were going to face Milo today 🌿
✉ Good luck! 😁🤞🏽☘️
You sighed amorously and Haunter pulled your cheek until you came out of your trance.
Oh Haunter... you’re such a homie. Protecting your Trainer like this.
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Luckily, the explanations came very quickly in the form of a short blond man with a large moustache and exorbitant eyes. He introduced himself as Dan, the Mission Manager of that first Gym. He must have been in his fifties or so and tried his best to use a bit of millennial humour... with no success.
-        “Your mission... should you choose to accept it...”
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You did not like being filmed however (you would be broadcasted live on Galar1), but you had no choice but to deal with it.
Galar1 is the name of the main channel of the country. As you’ve guessed it, it’s the equivalent of BBC.
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A presenter's voice announced your name and origin as the mission was about to begin.
“Welcome everyone! My name is Caesar and I’ll be your host throughout the whole Gym Challenge. I’m accompanied here by Mr Crane”
“Caesar, it’s a pleasure as always.”
“Dear, the pleasure is all mine. So…” (The blue-haired host said while rubbing his hands) “What do we have here?”
“This is one of the two Champion-endorsed Challenger” (Replied his coworker while reading his sheet) “Her name is Zera”
“Zera what?”
“Just Zera” (He insisted) “We don’t know much about her except that’s she’s from the small village of Postwick”
“Where in the blazes is that?” (Ceasar unnecessarily joked)
“Eh. Somewhere deep in the South I believe”
“Well, Zera-from-somewhere-deep-in-the-south, good luck!”
I bet I made some of you squeal when you read that. To all the Hunger Games fans, *Rue sign*.
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Also, Crane is a reference to Seneca Crane, the useless operator of Katniss’ first games
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You were now free to carry on your way and climbed the stairs leading out of the dome. Once at the top you turned and smiled for the camera, waving to your audience. Then you left the place as they commented on your flawless performance. You were commended for your sharp and calm mind even in stressful situations.
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(Hoh... you’re approaching me?)
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You’ll see throughout the next Chapters, but every Gym Leader will have an “entrance music”. Obviously Milo’s had “Irish Party In Third Class”.
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You backed away until you reached a mark on the second circle of the track. As you stepped on it, a red hexagonal barrier rose up all around you before instantly disappearing. These were the standard protections for Pokémon matches. Some attacks could sometimes have the unfortunate tendency to miss, and since the Trainers were behind... Oof, there had been some terrible accidents. Luckily, your father's company had managed to develop this technology to ensure the safety of any self-respecting Trainer. At least something he had done right… 
Yet another idea coming from Bleach, but not entirely. Obviously I was inspired by Urahara’s Sword’s power, but also from the Pokemon Anime. During that battle with Leon, Ash or Lance (one of them) uses an overpowering Max Move that hit the audience, or would have if there hadn’t been any protections. There was this kind of red barrier that appeared and I figured why not have one for Trainers as well? It’s quite dangerous battling, but we don’t realize it. Remember in Chapter 2 when Rose had to duck to the side to avoid Volcarona’s flamethrower? Here’s a ready why safety matters.
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I have been listening to the track for hours on end, but never grew bored of it. The issue I’ve had though was with the timing in the song. It was a bit wonky and for the sake of realism I had to re-use timings even if you hadn’t finished listening to the track. I’m... not sure I make sense... Usually when I write, I pay attention to the song’s length and try to write so that when you read it at a normal pace you can follow with the music on. BUT I COULDN’T DO THAT HERE. So I tried to patch it up to the best of my ability... I hope this was readable nonetheless
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So here’s Milo’s Team for this first encounter, at least in the game. Here in the Fic I’ve given more attacks to his Pokémon, lest the battle would have ended in two minutes. As you can see, Gossifleur’s movepool is essentially normal-type, hence why Milo tells Zera she had complicated his life. Also, he uses Protect which he can’t learn. Believe me, I’ve checked their movepools and so I had to fiddle a little...
I also gave Effect Spore, a hidden ability, to Gossifleur. We need more drama in those battles
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-        “Simply brilliant” (He started in a quiet voice) “But we’re not going to be done in that easy! We’re tough as weeds!”
-        “Then I’ll weed you out!”
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That is when the moment arrived. Milo threw his arm to the side, a white bracelet sparkling on his wrist. A red glow emanated from it and you knew what was about to happen.
-        “Come on, then! It is Dynamax time! You’re about to be uprooted!”
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A large 831 appeared on the screens as Milo was filmed from behind, then the camera focused on his face more determined than ever. He called his Pokémon back into battle and harnessed the power of his bracelet. His Pokéball turned pink and indented, like the pieces of a puzzle, and then it grew, growing to at least five times its size. You wondered how you could achieve the same feat. Milo had the muscles to hold such a mass, but not you! There ensued an adorable moment when he held his Ball close to him, gently tapping its surface. Then he threw the ball behind him about 20 meters away.
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Then you recalled your Pokémon with a determined face.
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-        “So? How do you like Max Geyser?”
-        “A little cold” (You teased with a smile) “But I'm not done yet!”
-        “Good! That’s the spirit!... That will really leave you in shock and awe. It’s our Dynamax move, Eldegoss, Max Overgrowth!”
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Winning her very first Gym Battle. you can even see the Grassy Terrain effect because of the leaf fluttering. However there was no rain when I fought Milo, which is obvious given the fact Eldegoss doesn’t know any Water-type moves
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For the avid players, surely you’ve noticed the NPC present at every Gym throughout the game. She has no name but I decided to call her Gina in honor of the Character in Brooklyn Nine Nine. I had binge watched the show last year and she had been stuck in my mind for months.
And this my friend marks the end of our very own Behind The Writing. I hope you enjoyed this new post and I invite you to stay tuned for the next Chapter. Unfortunately, It might not release until mid-June, or beginning of July. As I’ve mentionned in another post, I have an essay to surrender + I’m starting a new Internship which means I’ll be real busy. Still, I’m your faithful servant and I’ll try to keep on working the next Chapter
WE’LL HAVE MORE ROSE AND ZERA INTERACTIONS THEN. And considering how much you loved the first one, I’ll be sure to give you what you need on the next Chapter! also, Zera will get to see her stepsister after 7 years, now that’s something i’m looking forward to write...
Take care!
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booksncoffee · 6 years
N I A L for the fanfic ask meme! (or answer L twice if you want.... smh double letters)
hahahahaha imagine if his name is actually nial horan.
anyway i’ve answered N. 
I. Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? 
i love love love love love fake dating - it’s my shit. and enemies to lovers!!! i think a few of my fics revolve around that so it’s pretty obvious i’m a huge fan of those two. 
A. How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]? 
for under my skin, it comes from a song title. i think i saw it while watching teen wolf? you know how they displayed the song title for certain scenes? yeah that’s how i got it. honestly i think almost all of my fics are based on song titles. except for i’ve found a real love, it’s a line in a song. which now i realise is basically the same thing. 
L. What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with? 
i don’t think i’ve come up with a weird au? mine is pretty much very normal lmao
fanfic ask meme
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zayndrivesmeinvain · 6 years
I’ll be posting a new imagine/blurb sometime tonight (: Can’t wait for you all to read!!
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strawnarrries · 7 years
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Summary: You take Niall to go dress shopping with you 
Warning(s): Pure fluff xx
I don’t think I like this one shot so much haha
I stood in the dressing room, a couple of dresses hanging on the hook waiting for me to try them on. I had dragged Niall out to the mall to help me pick out a dress for me to wear to my sister's graduation party. I obviously had dresses I could wear at home, but I wanted something different. 
Niall sat outside of the dressing room on a bench set against the wall, waiting for me. I got undressed and slipped on the first dress. It was a casual, black, fit and flare dress. The straps crossed at the back adding a little bit of detail to the simple dress. 
"How's this one?" I asked him, opening the dressing room door to reveal myself to him.
"'s pretty, babe." he smiled at me. 
"I like it too. It's simple." 
He nodded. 
The next one was an adorable, cream-colored mini dress with black polka dots evenly spread around it. I slipped in on and immediately felt like I couldn't breathe. I definitely had grabbed the wrong size.
I opened the door and stood in front of him.
"This is way too small. I feel like I can't breathe. Like my boobies are just gonna break free any minute." I told him, holding up my chest in my hands.
He laughed, throwing his head back. I smiled to myself. I always loved to hear him laugh. It was the purest and most beautiful sound I've ever heard.  
"You'll just have t' get a bigger size. I like it though." he smiled at me.
"Are you gonna say that every time? Give me your honest opinion!" I whined, knowing he was probably being really biased. 
"I am! You look gorgeous!" he defended. 
"Thanks," I chuckled, "I think it's cute. But I really need to take this off." I turned around and walked back into the dressing room, closing the door behind me.
I reached behind my back and unzipped the zipper, sighing loudly as it released from my body. I stepped out of it and hung it up on the hanger nicely. 
The next one I tried on was another simple one. It was light pink, dolphin hem, mini dress. The downside to it was that it was long sleeve and we're in summer. It was cute though, so I picked it up anyway. 
I walked out to show my boyfriend. As I walked out, he had his elbows resting on his knees and his head rested in his hands. 
"You look bored." I giggled at him. 
"'m not." he sat up and shook his head even though I knew he was lying. 
"I promise there's like two left." 
"Then can we get lunch?" he asked.
"Yes." I giggled at him, "You like this one?" 
"I like that it scoops at the bottom." he pointed out and I nodded in agreement, "But it's long sleeve and it's summer. Sure you want that?"
"I know that's what I was thinking too, but I don't think I like this one as much as the second one though. I think that's my favorite out of them all so far. We'll just have t' get a bigger size." I answered. 
He nodded before I walked back into the dressing room to change into the next one. The next one was absolutely gorgeous. It was so simple yet so cute. The top of the dress was a beautiful black color and the skirt of the dress was a beautiful coral color, cut high low. I was obsessed with it.
"I really like this one." I grinned as I opened the door.
"That one looks really pretty on ya." 
"This might be the one. I'm kinda in love." I giggled. 
He chuckled back at me, "I like it."
"Still got one more t' try though." 
The last one I tried on was a gorgeous light pink dress, it had fake diamonds around the waist acting as a belt. The top of the dress was covered in a beautiful white lace as well. 
"Awh, ya look like a princess, Princess." he grinned at me.
"Seems a bit too fancy for a high school graduation though, ya think?"
"Yeah, but ya still look pretty." 
I blushed at his words, "Thanks, baby.”
I walked into the dressing room and got changed back into my regular clothes, gathering my things. I hooked all the dresses on my arms, ready to hand back the ones I didn't want.
I walked out and Niall stood up with my purse in his hand. I took him from with a smile as a thank you. 
"I'm paying by the way."
"No you're not."
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i-want-the-one-d-blog · 11 years
Awoken: Chapter 2
As the week played on it became more and more obvious that Niall had created the bad boy image upon himself. He had his “clan” and he seemed to be the leader. People froze whenever he walked by, holding their breaths, hoping that he would pass without noticing them. He had this attitude about him that makes everyone feel like he knows exactly what they were thinking, and maybe he did.
I was able to tell who his exes were based on their obvious reactions to him. They would laugh a little louder, maybe flip their hair back, stick out their chests, or pull another guy over to them. He had left his mark.
I had finished prepping myself for a party and glanced in the mirror. My jeans clung tight to my legs, a hoodie covering my torso. I decided on my pair of vans, hoping for a I –don’t-really-care-look. I probably succeeded. Most girls would be wearing skirts barely covering their butts, and shirts they could barely call shirts.
I don’t like parties. Never have, never will. But Caitlyn insisted.
Lights flashed through my windows announcing the arrival of my ride. I popped on my jean jacket vest, and left my room. I quickly hurried to find my parents buried under a pile of cardboard boxes in attempt to unpack the dining room.
“Mom, I’m leaving.” She waved me off. We already had the, don’t stay out too late, and call if you need anything, discussion.
The party was loud, cramped, and hosted by someone I didn’t know. Music filled the home, teenagers pushing their bodies up against each other to the beat. I followed Caitlyn around as she introduced me to 20 plus people. I didn’t have any interest in any of them, not when I knew he would be here.
Of course he was coming. It was Niall Horan. King of the school. Owner of 50% of the girls’ hearts. And almost on cue, he walked in, his friend right beside him, the rest of his clan behind him. Everyone created a path for them as they made their way through the house. It was weird seeing them in normal teenager apparel. His legs covered in flattering jeans, his chest concealed under a concert T-shirt. His stuffy school uniform shoes replaced with a pair of supras. I watched him as he walked through the home, catching the attention of every girl, but he didn’t seem to notice.
I hadn’t noticed I was staring at him, until he found my eyes. I felt my cheeks turn red, and I turn to Caitlyn, trying to hide my embarrassment.
The party continued and Niall and I still hadn’t crossed paths. I was still following Caitlyn around, pretending to listen to her as she introduced people. I wouldn’t remember their names by morning. I barely knew it five seconds after.
While Caitlyn was telling the life long story of another one of her victims, I became aware that I was thirsty. I rudely cut her off, but I probably saved…. Whoever she was talking about, “Hey Cait, I’m really thirsty. I’ll be back in a sec.”
She nodded and I wandered off towards the kitchen before she could say anything. The kitchen, was big, fancy, cold. A door that led into the backyard was open wide, and I could see people out there. Most importantly, I could see Niall. I watched as he stumbled backwards. I wasn’t sure what caused the impact, but I came to the conclusion that he had been hit, as I saw a boy step up to him, taunting him. Niall stood there, not touching him, just looking at him straight in the eyes. I recognized the boy to be another one of his clan members. Niall’s lips moved, and it obviously set the boy off. He stepped back as he was unsure of what to do, but then it all became obvious. Hit him. Duh. Hit him square in nose. Give me a heart attack. Make me do something stupid. Which I did.
I don’t know why. I don’t know what told me to run towards him, and I don’t know how I got the guts to do it.
“Niall!” I shrieked. His eyes widened as he found the owner of the cry. Blood quickly flowed out of his nose as he watched me make my way over to him. He wasn’t aware that his little “friend” was ready to attack. I clutched Niall’s wrist and pulled him out of the boy’s hitting range. I turned to Niall to face the damage. Broken nose, no doubt. His eye was swollen, and turning blue, probably caused by the hit I didn’t see.
“What are you….” Niall started to question me, but I wouldn’t let him finish. I tugged him back into the house, and he obediently followed. People watched us as I led the large figure through the crowded home, their bodies once again creating a path for him.
I led him upstairs, hoping that it would be quieter up there, but I knew what it had looked like the observers, as their eyes trailed us as we walked up the steps. I walked into what I had guessed to be the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised to find that I wouldn’t run around the hallway trying to find the right room.
I hopped up on the counter and waved for him to come closer. I handed him a box of tissues, and he crumpled up a handful and held them up to his nose. He leaned against the counter his hip touching my thigh.
“Let me see.” I instructed. He removed the tissues from his still bleeding nose. A bruise was forming on the bridge of his nose that was already three times the size it should’ve been. His eye was shadowed with a serious mark, that would take a while to completely fade. My fingertips brushed across the tender skin around his eyes and he winced in reaction. I turned to get a wet washcloth, but he stopped me, placing his hand on my arm.
“Michelle. You don’t want to get mixed up with me.”
I drew in a sharp breath. His blue eyes stared back at me, hoping his words would have the effect he wanted. Why was a boy that was supposed to have a heartbreaker image telling me to stay away? Why was he warning me about himself? Why did he care?
I continued to retrieve a washcloth and wetted it under the sink. I turned to him, and softly pressed the cool cloth against his wounded eye. With the other hand, I pulled back the tissues he was holding up to see if the bleeding had slowed down.
“Why didn’t you hit him back?” curiousity got the best of me as my mind was pestered with questions.
He shrugged, “I don’t know. Not really my thing.”
Not really his thing.
So the bad boy didn’t like to hit, and he just warned me moments before to stay away.
I accepted his answer and continued to hold up the cloth to his face.
“Tilt your head forward and pinch your nose.” I instructed. He listened.
I sat there for a while my fingers pressed against his eye, our bodies closely held in the bathroom. I pushed some of his hair back in attempt to get a better look at his darkened skin. The blue slowly faded away before meeting his hairline, his skin puffing up in result of the impact.
I felt his eyes on me, watching me, analyzing me, trying to figure me out. I was still trying to figure me out. Why was I helping him? I would surely regret it when I would lie awake at night replaying all my actions. All my, stupid, stupid actions. But at that moment, it felt right. Like I needed to be there. Like he needed me to be there. And I wanted to be there.
I opened my hands to collect his tissues. He relunctantly dropped them in the palm of my hands, and we discovered that the bleeding had stopped. I hopped off the counter and threw away his bloodied tissues, washing my hands when I was done.
“Might want to get that checked out.” I walked towards the door without another word, but he stopped me dead in my tracks.
“Michelle, I was serious. Stay away from me.”
wassup? ok so I know that this sotry kind of picked up when you guys read the first chapter, but you should go read the intro if you have not already done so:) there's a link on our blog. Check it out yo. xx, Karen
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