#of tears and ashes
amywrites256 · 2 years
WIP Introduction: Of Tears And Ashes
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Seraphina has spent the last few years of her life wishing she could vanish off the face of the earth and no longer have to suffer through her stepmother's constant abuse. But when she stumbles upon a sinister conspiracy to kill the King and is murdered soon after, she learns that death wasn't what she imagined. Standing at the crossroads between life and death, Moros, the lord of the underworld and the personification of doom, gives her another opportunity at life, due to a blessing she was granted at birth from the fire and creation goddess, Fira. The reaper warns her before she leaves the realm of the dead, that she will meet him soon enough, telling her that even though she has been given this second go at life, death will still haunt her wherever she goes. Sera ignores this warning and takes her second chance, hoping to run away into the woods after years of self-loathing and isolation. That full moon, she rises from her grave, like a phoenix, drenched in her own blood and covered in dirt, hoping that she can leave the Kingdom of Aureus before the attempted coup takes place. But fate seems to have other plans because she soon finds herself in the arms of a desperate Prince Alexander, who runs into the blood-drenched girl in a crowded tavern after a deadly curse begins to terrorize the residents of the royal palace. Alex is on his way to find a way to get rid of the spell that has begun to plague the royal palace, causing strange apparitions and hauntings of bleeding walls and wailing ghouls. And once again, Sera is dragged back into the chaos of the planned assassination that she was trying to escape, and while she comes to terms with the fiery rage that dwells inside her she must save her kingdom from a banished prince of hell, who is hellbent on feasting of the fears and bloodshed of innocent mortals.
Main Protagonists (With Descriptions)
After being dedicated to the powerful goddess, Fira, at birth, Sera was gifted with the ability to come back from the dead, when she rises from her grave she discovers new-found powers have awakened inside her, she can now breathe and summon heavenly fire, and is filled with righteous anger, rather than the numbness she was accustomed too. However, there are consequences to coming back to life, each time she does so, Sera loses some of her humanity, she cries tears of blood and has terrifying nightmares of wading through the dark blood-soaked limbo that sits at the crossroads between the realms of the living and the dead. After having spent years being abused, Sera struggles with self-loathing, suicidal ideation, and depression, but is determined to enact her revenge and prove her nemesis--Tobias--wrong.
Alexander is the firstborn son of a King, and heir to the throne, but that doesn’t prevent the nobility and the general public from making rumours about his paternity, due to the disgraceful and treasonous actions of his mother, Gabriella, who was rumoured to have seduced his father through witchcraft and made a deal with the devil. Gabriella died in a house fire when Alex was eight, but he later learns that this was all a lie and that she faked her death after discovering that she was pregnant with an illegitimate child. After her disappearance, Alex endured both emotional and physical abuse from his father and felt like he could never be enough, disdaining the cruelty of the crown, and loathing his birthright. After his lover, Valentina tragically dies in a fire, he is left with nothing but strange haunting visions, the painfulness of grief, the gossiping of the nobility, and the looming expectations of the throne.
Andrea has been working as an indentured servant for Lord Javier Dominus-Lopez for years, having to endure constant verbal abuse and harassment from both Tobias and Javier's three sons. When she witnesses the summoning of the god Deimos, the lord of fear and bloodshed, she is unwilling dragged into a menacing scheme to kill the King and hunt for an enchanted sword. All Andrea desperately wants is her freedom, and to be reunited with her mother, but as the fate of the Kingdom is put at stake she learns to turn her fear into anger and to take agency in the narrative of her life.
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hellish-cruelty · 1 year
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Maggie Cheung on the set of Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love (2000).
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bluestation · 4 months
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i found you in the future
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tidbi-t-art · 9 months
“Thank you”
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Ashe and Dedue have my favourite support conversation, they make me so happy and I will never get over them
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shortnotsweet · 7 months
In a Week by Hozier ft. Karen Cowley
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“The raven is death, obviously. When I die, I want a good tombstone—something right spooky. LT’s got something against the underground, though you’d think that would be just his kind of place. That’s alright. He needs to, he can cremate me. It’s not exactly Catholic, and Mam would turn in her grave, but God is a unicorn and no one is pure anymore, so. What’s all that got to do with me?”
Johnny “Soap” McTavish has a journal. Had. It is his no longer.
Simon “Ghost” Riley had dreams—awful ones, the kind that sank claws into his lungs, dragged him into sleep, and then sent him careening out of it. He still has dreams, but they’re different, now. Better. Johnny’s pages have folded themselves under his eyes and gotten into his head, brighter and more infectious than anything else has ever been. It’s more than the past, that rotting carcass behind him, and more than now. Now is nothing. Now is ash. It’s like, it’s like—blinding, is what it is. He’s a blind man.
It is biblical now. Ghost has read it backward and forward and sideways and inside out. When he runs out of things to read, he reads them again, and when that is not enough, he reads between the lines.
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yourlocalabomination · 6 months
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.
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heroinetales · 1 year
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Link is a short king and we love him for that
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leafyagami · 2 years
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The Original Team
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multiplicityofmind · 2 months
"Buddy wouldn't have died if his own grandfather hadn't failed Kristen"
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firefly464 · 8 months
No I’m still not over the epilogue. Ashe came home. Got to spend one last day with her friends doing stupid shit for no reason other than it was fun. She’s finally going to school. For the first time in years she’s going to in person school. She spent a year trapped in her own mind and now she’s more free than she has been in so long.
William was able to fall backwards. And the ground was there beneath him. He felt the dirt under his nails and smiled up at the sky.
Vyncent is going to school as well, trying to figure out who he is. He’s lost everything time and time again, but it’s going to be ok because now his friends are here with him as he walks down that path.
Dakota was able to save the world. Aunt Alaska was able to save herself.
They’re going to be ok. They’ve gone through so much and lost things over and over but it’s going to be ok. Because they were able to save Ashe. Because William is alive.
They won’t forget everything they lost. That pain will stay with them forever.
But it’s going to be ok. It’s going to be ok
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raayllum · 29 days
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So the clue is a creepy ass cover of "Ring around the rosie," a childhood nursery rhyme about the Bubonic Plague / Black Death. Here the lyrics pictured:
"Ring around the rosie Pocket of full of posie Ashes, ashes"
stopping before the infamous "we all fall down." When you lighten the photo, there is also a picture of wilted rose.
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This clue was also released very purposefully and pointedly at midnight, and the release being at midnight was built up. Therefore:
6x08 has to do with Aaravos' history with Elarion
The poem detailing the history of Elarion and his involvement with dark magic is called "The Midnight Star"
Elarion is routinely referred to as a flower/bloom
The Flowers of Elarion is a story in Tales of Xadia shared between Katolis and Moonshadow elves, specifically. It is the only story in TOX to have a dual narrative treatment.
Flowers of Elarion are left as a gift in exchange for stealing by an unfortunate elven thief stranded on the human side after the Exile.
The flowers, unbeknownst to them, turn to ash in the morning. "They never knew their gift was perceived as a curse, not a trade"
Instead, Lasair intended for them to be "a fair exchange of beloved for beloved" whenever they had to take something important/precious from a family
A wilted rose is also a symbol of dead/dying romance
Either all of this symbolism is going to be woven into Aaravos' backstory (dark magic being a gift and a curse, something that takes more than it ultimately gives) quite easily, leading to Elarion's fall as a city and perhaps Aaravos' own fall, too. If it is tied to the present, I expect it to be tied to our respective Katolis mage and Moonshadow elf, for well, reasons I don't think I have to elaborate on. Either way, it's shaping up to be an incredible episode with some very cool symbolism and deep lore, and I am prepared to be emotionally devastated.
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amywrites256 · 10 months
I was scrolling through Pinterest and found a wedding invitation with my OCs names on it. In the exact colour palette of my novel. 😂
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hellish-cruelty · 11 months
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Wong Kar-Wai's In the mood for love deleted scene.
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multicolour-ink · 2 years
Friendly reminder that Luigi was willing to go through moustache tearing torture, just to keep his brother safe ✊💚
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pensbridgertons · 11 months
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6.08 | 7.03
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wikitpowers · 4 months
me when i see anybody mentioning how far away tlkof release date is:
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